HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954 City Council Minutes
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Seward, Ala ska
January 11, 1954.
Clm. Rose moved to adopt Ordinance No. 240, AN CRDINANCE E..'3TAHLISHING REGULATIONS
,Seconded by Clm. Blair. All in favor, motion carried.
"Members of the am1:ulance corps were present and presented information for the
purchase of a new ambulance advising that the Corps would need an additioni $2,000
or mone. The subject was discussed but no action taken.
Ordinance No. 241 was read and corrected" an<lb.ccepted as a reading. Clm. J\nthony
moved to suspend, the rules for the adoption of Ordinance No. 241. Seconded by
Clm. Johnson. all in fovor, motion carried.
Clm. Blair moved to adopt Ordinance No. 241, AN ORDINANCE 'ID AMEND Sections 2 and 3
of Article I, Artkie II, sections 1, Z, 3 and 7 of Article III, Sections 1, 5, 11
and 13 of Article IV, Article V, and to Repeal Sections 2 and 4 of Article IV of
Ordinance No. 86, An Ordinance to Provide Rules and Regulations for the Transaction
of Dusi ness by the City of Seward, and for other purposes. Seconded by Clm. Rose.
All in favor, motion carried.
Snow removal was discussed and portions of Ordinance No~ 212 read by Mr. O'Hara,
who requested the Council to direct him to install signs where needed and as needed.
Clm. Rose moved to instruct the City ~nnger to be empowered to have signs erected
in compliance with Section1l4 of Ordinance No. 212. Seconded by Clm. i~thony.
All in favor, motion carried.
Vacating of streets was discussed and Mr. O'H ara advised that an election for such
vacation was not necessary as provided by the 1953 Session Laws which was read
by Mr. O'H ara. The Council would sit as a platting boa d. Clm. Rose moved that
Mr. O'Hara be authorized to file a petition with the City Clerk for the vacation of
property. Seconded by Clm. btockton. All in fovor, motion carried.
Acquiring of land for
read by Mr. O'H ara.
a fire station was discus~ed and the legal description was
Resolution 47 was read. Clm. Johnson moved to pass Resolution
BE IT Rl:SClLVED m THE CQMM)N OOUNCIL of the. ,City o~ Seward, Alaska:
1. That the City of Seward make application to the Bureau of
Land Management for the following descrived land: Beginning
at Corner #2 of U. S. Survey #241, thence ea.t 290.00 feet
to a point of the west right of way of the Seward-Anchorage
Hiway, thence N 3003' E 255.6 feet, thence S 52015' W 20.0
feet, thence S 71050' W 198.0 feet thence S 31027' W 211.2
feet to the point of beginning and contains 1.2 Acres more
or less, for permit to use for a Fire Station and Housing
Civil Defense pumper.
2. That the City Manager be authorized to do all things necessary to acquire
the permit.
Adopted by the Common Council this 11th day of January, 1954.
Russell Painter
Sigrid stearns
City Clerk
Se<Dnded by Clm. Anthony. All in favor, motion carried.
Bundy overtime was discussed and to brought up again at the next meeting.
Motion w~s made and seconded to adjourn at 10:10 o'clock P.~for the purpose of
having an executive session, to meet with Mr. Sol J. Urie.
Motion was llk'lde and seconded to
adjourn at 10: ~OCk p~
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Seward, [llaska
Janua ry 18, 1954.
._-~_. - ~- -----~----
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IA regUlar meet ing of the Council was call ed to order at 8: 04 0' clock P.M., Mayor
Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, Rose, Hodson, Blair. Absent
Clm. Anthony and Johnson. Also present Raymond F. O'Hara, City 11anager.
Minutes of the last regular meetings were read and approved.
Clm. Blair reported on the meeting of the School Board which he attended with Mr.
Officer's Bundy's letter regarding overtime of 40 hours was read and payment of
'overtime was re.comIll!nded by Mr. O'Hara. C).m. Blair moved to pay the additional
40 hours overtime to Mr. Bundy. Seconded by Clm. ~ose. All in favor, motion carri
,League of Alaskan Cities letter was agtn read and a report of dues from the City w
Iread by the Clerk. The population for the City of Seward for 1954 was a0ain set atl
!2490. Clm. Rose moved to pay League of Alaskan Cities dues on a basis of 2490
ipopulation. Seconded by Clm. Stockton. All in favor, motion carried. I
iMr. O'Hara reported on an. ambulance fund and recomrClended payment of $2,000 from ;1
Education, Public Health and Sanitation Fund due to the. reason that fewer activiti~
;are dependent on that fund. If a direct grant is given to the Ambulance Corps it I
is not necessary to put out.a call for bids. A discussion followed bringing out t
jneed for an additional $200. Clm. Rose moved to pay ~fi/appropriation of $2,200 fr
miscellaneous account of the Education, Public Health and Sanitation Fund. Second
,by Clm. stockton. All in favor, motion carried.
, - .
iResolution 48 was read.
Clm. Rose moved to adopt Rasolution No. 48:
~ ii
A Resolution of the Common Councio of the City of Seward, Al,;ska, Authorizing an Ii
;Expenditure of $2,200 from The "Education and Pu')lic Health,and Sanitation. Fund'" !.I
i for the Purpose' of Purchasing an Jl.mhulance. f
iWHEREAS, Section 6 (B) Oriinance No. 19C-A provides that the Common Council of the I
City 0' Sew"d, AI.,.. may make .xp.nditu". "om the,"Educ,tion ,nd Publ'!
Health and Sanitation Fund" by resolution for the purpose of improving l
public health, and, ,I
'Wli8RLAS, the ambulance now owned by the City of Seward, Alaska is in a dil~pidated II
and dangerous condition and beyond the state of repair and there 18 a '
. I
need for adequate ambulance service to preserve the public health and '
welfare and,
the City of Se,..ard Volunteer Ambulance Co~ps has raised by.punlic sub- 'II
scripti~m all but $2,200 needed for the purchase of an ambulance and have'
requested the City of Seward, AID ska for said $2,200 with the stipulat ion:
that title to the ~ehicle shall b, vested in the City of Seward, Alaska.
: T.\1HEREAS ,
Iw'HL~I:AS, the Common Council of the City of Se-.vard, Aii1 ska are desirous of maintain- I
i ing an ambulance service in the inten!st of public health and welfi;ire, il
INOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward~ Alaskj
'that $2,200 be appropriated to the City of Seward VolunteeA. Ambul~nce Corps from "'.1
the "Education and Public Health and Sanitation Fund". ,j,' . . .'
and approved by the Common Council this 18th day of January, 1954.
: Attest
!Sigrid Stearns
,City Clerk
Russell Painter
Seconded by Clm. Blair. All in favor, motion carried.
delayed by mild weQt~ r
second lake. I
Mr. Ro~rts r"ported on the skating rink adyising it had been
,and if something couldn't be done in two weeks they would try
'lIil. O'Hara r,ported on the City l-lanager's dues amounting to $33.50 to ba ;..>aid by t~
City and informed th~ Council of the gains. Clm. Stockton moved to pay $33.50 I
dues of City Hanager to the International City ;:anager's ASf'lociation. Seconded b"[ il
elm. Hodson. All in favor, motion carried. "
Mr. C'Hara also reported on the huge dog pacts running the str~ets and quoted part~1
:_:: :.;i
Seward, Alaska
January 18, 1954.
lof Ordinance No. 127. Me advised that lack of space for kl!!eping the dogs the
., required length of time is t\.e present difficulty. Then followed a discussion.
Letter from Don Hilson of ApI;J regarding the financing of the Hospi td was read
ann di scussed. Clm. Stockton moved to direct Hr. O'Hara answer th,-. letter to Mr.
'Wilson of AP't1 se++:ing forth in detail the st; tus of the financial means of support
of Hospital Project. i''>econded by Clm. Blair; All in fi"'vor, motion Cilrried.
Tax Commissioner Ll!!tter was read advising payment of licenses for vehicles bv
municipalities is to be complied with.
Mr. O'Hara r2ad his work proqress report which was discussed by the Council.
The hourly payroll was read. Clm. Rose moved to i'1 pprove the hourly payroll as
read. f>econded by elm. Stockton. All in fewor, motion carried.
Bills for December \~ere read. Clm. Stockton moved to pay the bills-: Andy's $?20.60,
ATEC, $56.00, Alaska Shop, $~2.15, ~laska Broadcasting Sy~tem, $3.00, Blum~nthal,
$18.36, vr. S. Darley & Co., $36.40, Durant's Hardware, $1.80, Win Ervin Motprs, $30.00,
Marathon Bakery, $4.88, Northern Cilb, $3.75, Northern Commercial Co., $33.94,
Osbo's, $42.35, John Paulsteiner, $17,00, Ray's Oil Service, $260.87, Rutledge,
Johnston 8. Tryck, $2,281.00, f)e1Nard Tdg. Co., $28.50, Seward Seaport Record, $4.50,
Se",urd Elec. System, $621.25, Seward \-later System, $297.50, Seward Builder's Supply,
$46.32, Seward Drug Co., ~90. Seward Hard\~are, $38.23, Seward ~achine Shop, $81.74,
Seward Plumbing & Htg~ $1, 245.86,Standard Oil, $314.51, United Locksmiths, $7.50,
Werner's Market, $43.53, Werner's Furniture, $65.95, Dorothy Tyner, $205.00, Martin
Van Lines, $1,550.47, Petty Cash, $31.33. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor,
motion carried.
Letter from the Mayor of Ketchikan regarding contribution to infantile paralysis
Was read and Mr. Roberts reported on the Ma!ch of Dimes progres~ in Seward.
elm. Kose moved to pay $25 dues to the Chamber of Commerce for the City }~nager.
Seconded by Clm. Blair. All in favor, motion carried.
Mr. Hoffman thanked the Council in behalf of the Ambulance Corps for their donation.
Motion was made and sec:Jnded to adjeurn at 9:20 ~. /J
APpro~/~ ~;~L
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$&ward, Alaska
Febzuary 1, 1954
A. regular IDMting of the Council was called to order at 8.04 P.M., Maypr Painter in
the Chair. Present were Clm. stockton, Rose, Anthony, Hodson and Blair. Absent
elm. Johnson. Alao present Mr. O'Hara, City Manager.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved.
h. O'Hara read a letter he had written to Mr. Wilson of AFW regarding the hospital
ills well as letters to M:188 Burris and Foss, Malcolm. and Olson.
h. Nicholas BPOke about remOTal of telephone poles fro-. the alleys and the inability
of getting the gradu thru the alleys. He also asked about a loader.
~pt. Carlson presented a letter regarding insurance for BaTf'iew School and letters
pre read from Territorial COIlIIIhsioner of Education and Mr. Carlson regarding the
pount of coverage. Mr. O'Hara requested that he be peI1llitted to lIIlll::e a tour of the
.ehool with Mr. Carlson. Clm. Rose lDOYed that Mr. O'Hara be authorised to put
hfficient insurance co.,.rage on the Bayview School. Seconded by Clm. Blair. All
in favor, motion carried.
1Ir. O'Hara read a letter from Attorney Gi'egory regarding Lindsay car damage and re-
'commended that the claim be rejected. He then spoke about insurance coverage on the
"contents of the schools and recaamended that a suney be IIIIlde to determine the
value of the contents and insurance be placed on said contents. Mayor Painter asbd
~the Mr. O'Hara IIIlI.ke the sun.,..
~..I~h) ~
Seward, Alaska
February 1, 1954.
IMayor Pain:~~-=-~noun~- the game ~~tinq to be held Th~r8daY,
; rea.on. for the meetinq were di S<n1l18ed.
February 4th and the
I Mayor Painter and Hz'. O'Hara reported on the Telephone rate oase and advised that
I is at a stal-.te due to the T8IIIpOrary Injunction havinq been deni.d by the JUdge,
'but the City intends to proceed with the ca.e.
!Pat WilUlIIIIs letter was read regarding the renwal of the firemen's policy. "1m.
IAnthony moved to renw the policy cov.ring the Yolunteer Firemen and the Ambulance
:Corp. with Pat WilliaJIIII. Seoonded by Clm. Hodson. All in favor, action oarried.
'fIl. Hickel CcmpaJ\ylett.r reqQ8.tinq the ann.xation of meardw SWxlid.ion w..,
; read' and dbCQII.-d and the Mayor instructed Mr. O'Hara to prooeed with the things'
! nece.sary to the ann.mtion of Cleardw SlIbdiTision property.
~iOatiOn for tran.fer of Be....rage Dispensary licen.e was iliad. by R. Be.UlljJartlll8r.
. Ros. lIIOTed to q rant the tran.f.r of Bev.rage, Dispensary Licen.e No. 5754 from
trioJc W. Boqan and J.... V. Boqan to PatrioJc W. Boc;ran, Jame. V. Bogan and Erne.t
, . Baran. Seconded by Clm~ stooJcton. ,All in favor,- motion oard.d.
!Mr. O'Hara proposed to the Council that oompentlation for the u.. of his priTat. oar
!for oi ty business be paid in the aaount, of $30 per IIlOIlth aDd 8'- per mile for out of
!town u.e. Clm. StooJcton lIlOTed that Mr. O'Hara be paid 130. per month, starting
!February let, for u.ing his autOlllObile on city bl.in.... p:La. 8G per mile for out d
town. . Seconded by Clm. Anthony., All in favor, motion- carried.
Hr. O'Hara ~dvi.ed the Counoil regardinq thct orct*Dbation of a Planning Commil!ll!lion
~nd the dutie. of the Board, and askBd that the members of the Counci" consider
!P8Ople who would be well qualified to s1 t on the board. Then follClllnld a discu..ion
isnd the reoCllllllendations to be pre.ented at the neat regular .eting. I
:RePOrt of the Public Health Nurse for January was read and discu.sed. '
~, ",' :O~lY payroll WIlS read. ClJa. stooJcton IlQved to pay the }lourly payroll a. read
" by C1.m. Blair. All in favor, motion carried.
~h,JIL'le". r.-port was read by Iblf O'Hara.
iMotion was _de and seoo"Dded to adjourn at
~ttest ~ ~et~
ity Clerk
Approy ~
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ~ -- - - - . ~. - -- _. - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
. Seward, Ala.ka
February 15, 19~
I. - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
,A regular meeting of the Counoil was called to order at 8:20 o'clooJc P.M. Mayor
i Painter in the Chair. Pre.ent wre Clm. stockton, Rose, Anthony, Hodson, .Blair an
iJoMson. Also present Raymond,O'Hara, City Manager..
I Minutes of the last regular .eting were read and approved.
i Re.olution 49 was read by the Clerk. ,Clm. Ro.e moved to adopt Resolution 49:
The Common Council of the City of Seward, Al"ska has been petitioned to
vacate a portion of -B- street, all lyinq within the City of Seward, Ala.
for .chool purpo.e., and,
The Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska has caused to be publi
notices of a hearing to be held on this date, all in accordance wi th
Chapter III of Chapter 115, Session Law. of Ala.ka, 1953, and,
Said hearing has b_n h.ld this date and the C01IlIIIon Council of the City
of Seward, Alaska have determined that the vaoating of -13" street for
school purposes is in the intere.t of the public welfare,
-!" I"~. ~.)
Seward, Alaska
February 15, 1954
Be it Resol'led by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska"
that the following de.cribed portion of '"]3- Street be vacated for
school purposes, to-wit:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the west property
line of Second Avenue and the north property line of -B-
Street, thence in a westerly direction a distance of 220.00
feet, thence in a southerly direction a distance of 60.00
feet, thence in an easterly direction a distance of 220.00
feet, thence in a notherly direction a distance of 60.00
feet to point of beqinning, commonly described as that
portion of -B- street lying between First Avenue and Second
Avenue within the City of Seward, Alaska.
Passed and approved by the Common Council this 15th day of February, 1954.
(City Seal)
Approved Russell Painter
Sigrid Stearns
City Clerk
Seconded by ClJ:1. Stockton. All in favor, motion carried.
~e btganbation of a Plannhg and Zoning Commission Was discuseed and Mr. O'Hara
read portions of the ACLA regarding this. Then followed a discussion and Clm.
iStockton and other members of the Council presented names of people to be appointed
to the board. Clm. Johnson moved to approve the appointment of )he following ni~
'persons for the~lanning and,/~oning Conmissign: Gale Shinveton, R. E. Baumgartner,
George Dangler, Claude Berq, David Thompson Sr., Ray James, Father Clapp,vHal
,Gilfilen,vPatri cia Wlllilllll8. Seconded by Clm. Stockton. All in favor, motion
carried. Names of alternates proposed as follows: Dr. Phillips, Jacque Roth, Dr.
Wagner, Jack Jeffrey, C. L. Weber, Frank Roberts, R. stanton.
,Mr. Roberts spoke about the ice Ilkating rink saying with the assistance of Oliver
iAmend there will be a rink.
!Regarding a purchase order system, Mr. O'Hara reCOlllllended that the present purcha_1
'order .ptem and requisitions be continued until he can present one of his own.
elm. Rose moved to approve the present p!rchase order system for the time being
for use by the City Manager. Seconded by Clm. Anthony. All in favor, motion aarrl.d.
!Letter from Earl Gregorv fo;r transfer of a beverage dispensary was read by Mr. O'Hara.
elm. Blair moved to approve the transfer of beverage dispensary license of the Surf
ear ~rODl A. Dusseau and B. Rojcewicz to Howard fhith. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All
iin favor, IDOtion carried.
"etter from the Alaska StealllShip Company for explosives permit was read and discussed.
Clm. Rose moved to issue an explosives permit to the Alaska Steamship Company for &,
'ISh: month period as handled in the past. Seconded by Clm. stockton.
Progress repOrt was read by Mr. 0 'Hara.
iMotion was made and seconded,;to'-adjourn,
Attes~_~~_A"" __
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Sew4rd, Alaua
March 1, 1954
~ ~ -- -
I A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M.
'in the Chair. Present were Clm. stockton, Rose, Anthony, Hodson,
Johnson. Also present Raymond O'Hara, City Manager..
Mayor Painter
Blair and
I Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved.
iCity ~nager O'Hara reported Resolution NO. 49 had been recorded and the closure
! of -B- street was now of ficial.
I A list o"f the January bills were read. Clm. stockton questioned the payment of
ithe ATEC bill in view of the fact that they have not been paying the telephone
'pole rental to the city. City Manager O'Hara stated that in his opinion this I
i I114tter was a violation ,of the franchise. Clm. Stockton then moved the January
I. bills be approved in total. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried, I
i with Clm., Johnson not voting.
I The Iilinutes of a meeting held February 25, 1954 by the Planning and Zoning
: Commission were read. City Manager O'Hara suggested the Counoil act on the
: minutes in liew of an established procedure. Clm. Anthony lIIOVed the minutes of
: the Planning and Zoning COllllllission be accepted. Second by Clm, Johnson. All
, in favor, mot ion ca rried.
I Clm. Stockton cOlllllended Mr. Roberts and Mr. Amend for their effons in oon-
i structing an ice skating r'ink:. Mayor Painter oonmented also that he noticed the
'childND ):lad been using the rink: quite e:rlensi vely and he thought the proj eot a
, very ~ine thing for them.
i A letter from IrTing Ree~, Territorial HighwV Engineer, was read. He. stated
! that the City's .requests regarding the _11 boat harbor were under consideration
! and that as much of the program as P!'ssible, under their present finances,
!would be accomplished.
. A letter from Donald R, Wilson pf :the Alaska Public Works was read, regarding the
: finanoing of the proposed new Hospital. He partioularly requested the source of
! revenue required to payoff the $327,000 bond issue at $20,000 per year (principal
! and interest).
iAletter from Emma Burris, ExeoutiTe Seoretary of the Woman's Division of
I Christian BerTice of the Boa.rd of Missions of the Methodist Churoh wu r..d
! stating their stand regarding the coDllli ttment of fund8 for the COftstruction of &
I new hospital. ,.
.,'< .
I The F!,brua.ry report of the Public Health Nurse was read.
! Mayor painte! read cOllllll11\icati9ns from the following: .
i Artic Club regarding his invitation to attend Alaska Nigh~ program
Prof. Donald R. Moberg regarding information on City government for use in
book he is to compile for the Crowell Publishing CclaIpany.
Coast Guard regarding the handling of llIID1Ionium nitrate.
! Proqress report' was read by Mr. O'Hara.
iClm. Stockton reported briefly on CD test held recently.
!Clm. Hodson suggested the City look into the'possibility of acquiring one of the
i buildings now being sold by the BPR for conversion to a dog kennel.
I City Manager O'Hara reported briefly on the status of City street equipment.
iMeeti1\q adjourned by Mayor Painter at 9:30 P.M.
"",","""" ....
;.,~ ' . '~j
Seward, Alaska
MArch 4* 195tu
., A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 4:00 P.M. for the purpose
of: 1. Decisi on on purchase of new tractor 2. Act upon request by Alaska.
I; steamship Company for a special permit to discharge ammonium nitrate over the
Army dock in excns of the present 100 ton limitation. May Painter in the Chair.
Present were Clm. Stockton, Blair, Anthony, Hodson, Johnson. Also present
Mr. O'Hara, City Manager.
Ci ty Manager O'Hara presented two proposals that had been made to homo The
Northern Commercial Co. quoted a price of $14,730.00 on a D4 and would accept
. either the Scoopnobile, trade in value $1,000.00 or the City's D4, trade in
value $2,000.00, but would not accept both. Accessory equipnent on the D4,
included dirt grouzer's, angle dozer, gas driven sander. Above proposal
, FOB Seward.
Yukon EquiPQ8nt Company quoted a price of $12,945.00 FOB Anchorage for a H05.
Freight Anchorage to Seward $75.00. They would allow a 51. discount based on
no trade-in of presently owned city equipment. Accessory equipment included
semi-grouzer's, rear ripper, angle blade, one yard heavy duty J:ucket.
Both companies would accept one-half payment on delivery and the balance on
July 1st, 1954 with no interest.
A motion was made by Clm. Johnson that the City Manager be authorized to purchase
a H05. Price to be $12,945.00 plus $75.00 freight less 51. discount. No trade in.
One-half payment on delivery and balance on July 1st, 1954 with no interest.
Accessory equipnent to include ripper, standard J:ucket with teeth, angle blade,
and prestone. Seconded by Clm. Anthony. All in favor, motion carried.
A letter WillS read from J. W. Jeffrey, General Agent for Alaska steamship Company
. requesting permission to move 260 tons of aIlIIlonium nitrate over the Seward Army
dock. Clm. Anthony moved to allow Alaska steamship Co. to handle AIImonium
Nitrate in excess of the 100 tons limitation providing they comply with current
Coast Guard J:ulletins. Seconded by Clm. stockton. All in favor, motion carried.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:48 P.M.
Ci Clerk
'Seward, Alaska
March 15, 1954
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:02 P. M. Mayor Painter
in the Chair. Present were Clm. stockton, 20se, Anthony, Hodson and Johnson.
:Absent Clm. Blair. Also present Raymond O'Hara, City Manager.
Minutes of the last regular meeting and a special meeting held March 4, 1954 were
read and approved.
Mr. O'Hara read a letter from Irving Reed, Territorial Highway Engineer, regarding ~
the small boat harbor. O'Hara stated Major Boyles had met with him and a
representative group of small boat owners and that Mr. Southard had prepared a
set of plans for Boyle showing improvements needed to small boat. harbor. A
telegram was sent to Irving Reed, Territorial Hiway Engineer, requesting definite
fiaancial assistance on the small boat harbor. Mr. Reed replied by wire he could
not commit revolving funds.
The signing of an architectural agreement with Foss, Malcom & Olson for the
proposed hospital was then discussed. During a recent visit with Mr. O'Hara,
Mr. Foss stated there would be no architectural fees paid until funds are
appropriated by A.P.W. The plans are based on the Alaska Public Works program.
Clm. Rose moved the Mayor be empowered to sign contract with Foss, Malcolm, &
Olson for architectural work on new hospital. Second by Clm. stockton. Motion
carried by unanimous vote.
The February bills were then read, totalling $2,108.88. Motion was made by Clm.
Anthony to pay bills as read by City Clerk. Second by Clm. Hodson. All in favor,
~tion carried with Clm. Johnson not voting.
t,- ;...' ."-:1
t,.,)' I
Seward, Alaska
March 15, 1954
I A l~tte~ was re~d by'Mr. O'H~ra from Metcalf & Harstad, Associates relative to the
, need for a new generating unit. Mr. O'Hara recomnended he be instructed to proce
on a 1200,000 revenue bond issue for new generator. He stated at the last Utility
Board meeting they had passed unanimously in favor of purchasing a new generator.
! Clm. stockton questioned where or what districts' new power was to service. Clm.
i Johnson adved two new housing areas were already under construction and at present
, the City was operating at maximum power output. Motion was made by Clm. stockton
to give the City Manager authority to go ahead with ground work of drawing up a
bond issue for another generator. Second by Clm. Johnson. Motion passed
, The minutes of the Planning
: were read. Clm. Rose moved
in favor, motion carried.
and Zoning Commission meeting held March 4 and March 81
to accept the minutes. Second by Clm. Anthony. All II
, An Ordinance creating a Planning' Commission, Zoning CoJmnission and Board of
, Adjustment was read for the first time by Mr. O'Hara. He recolllllended regular
procedures be followed on this ordinance with no suspension of the rules.
! A letter fran Rutledge-Johnston & Tryck was read in which they reported on the
!work accomplished on the Control Survey.
'Progress report was made by Mr. O'Hara.
advised 11
I Mayor Painter read the following communications:
i . .
Ann Maxwell, requesting information on form of local government
Northwest Public Power Association, Inc., requesting the Seward Utility become
a member of their organization.
Copy of Permit No.. WF 45-54 issued by the Coast Gl,lard to the Alaska,Railroad
to handle'127,012i lb.. of dynamite over the Army Dock.
Clm. Hodson jnquired as to the status of the paving petitions.
, they are pre~red and ready for distribution.
Mr. O'Hara
! A copy of;' a financial statement of the City of Seward was distributed to the
i Councilmen.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 P. M.
ity Clerk
A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 5:02 P. M. for the purpose I
of 4lt.oussing police uniforms. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm.
Stoolcton, Blair, Anthony, Hodson, Rose, and Johnson. Also present Mr. O'Hara, i
City Manager.
Seward, Alaska
_ _ ~:c~ ~O! 1954
Mr. O'Hara stated that the uniforms recently acquired by the police department
we.. tailored to fit the individuals then employed and could not be altered for
u.. by the new men. He then stated Chief Burke's proposal to have the. men in
his department buy their own uniforms of a type similar to those used by the
Anohorage police department or the California Patrol-pink pants, khaki shirt
and forest green blouse. Clm. Stockton suggested trying'to sell the old uniforms
to recover as much as possible for the city and Mr. O'Hara advised there were
probably police departments using a uniform similar to ours and they would be
contacted and every effort made to dispose of the .niforms.
,Clm.Hodson suggested a 16.00 per month uniform allowance and, then moved the
lpolicemen purchase their own uniforms and authorized a 16.00 per month uniform
allowance. Second by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried.
5:12 P. U~pprovedr~~ C7, AJi
!MooUnq odJ=med by ,,"yor Peinter ot D ~~.
!AtteS~ty ~~
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. A speoial meetinq of the Counoil was oalled to order at 1 :07 P.M. for the
purpose of: 1. Reading of Bond Ordinanoe for transfer of Sanitary Sewer System.
2. Reading of Resolution authorizing City Man~ger to file application on
. hydro-eleotric site. 3. Transfer of Beverage Dispensary Liquor Lioense from
Howard J. Smith ot Irwin E. Corbin and Ethel O. Corbin (Surf Bar). Mayor Painter
in the Chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, Rose, Anthony, Hodson and Johnson.
Absent Clm. mair. Also present Mr1 O'Hara, City Manager.
Proposed Bond Ordinance #243 was read by the Clerk. Clm. Rose moved to suspend
the rules for the adoption of Ordinanoe No. 243. Seoonded by Clm. JohnBOn.
Clm. Hodson moved to adopt Ordinance No. 243, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE
Seoond by Clm. Anthony. All in favor, motion carried.
Resolution No. 50 was read by.the Clerk~ Clm. Rose moved to adopt Resolution No.50.
Approving the determination of actual oosta of e%tentians, inoluding
outfall sewers, to the .ewerage system of the Town of Seward, (Project
No. Aaa. 50-A-67) by the Direotor, of the Offioe of Territorie., De-
partment of the Interior, and authoriainq the acoeptanoe of a deed,
transferring all right, title and interest of the United states in
the Aid ""erage system to the Town, of Seward and authorizing the
payment of the purohase prioe.
WHEREAS, pursuant to authority contained in the Alaska Publio Work8
Act, approved August 24, 1949, (63 Stat. 627, 48 U.S.C. 486), the United state.
of America, hereinafter called the United stat.., entered into a Projeot Con-
struotion and Sales Agreement with the Town of seward, Alaska, hereinafter
oalled the Town, whereby the United states agreed to oonstruot and provide for
the Town e%tentions, inoluding outfall sewers, of the sewerage system of the
Town of Seward; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to said Agreement the United states has oonstruoted
and oompleted such extent ions to the satisfaotion of the Town and is now pre-
pared to transfer all right, title and interest of the United states in and
to said extentions to the Town, as provided in the Alaska Public Work8 Act
and the aforesaid Project Construction and Sales Agreement, for an agreed purohase
prioe of One Hundred Eight Thousand Six Hundred Eight Dollars and Forty Cents
($108,608.40); and
WHEREAS, the City Counoil of the Town has examined and approved the
determination of aotual oosts and is now prepared to authurize the aoceptanoe of
a deed, transferring Aid sewerage e%tentions to the Town in oonsideration of the
payment to the United states of the purchase prioe;
NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RES:>LVED, by the City Council of the Town that: "
(1) The Aid sewerage extentions, inoluding outfall sewers (Projeot
No. Aaa. 50-A-67), are hereby approved as to oonstruction and satisfaotory
completion and the sum of One Hundred Eight Thousand Six Hundred Eight Dollars
and Forty Cents (1108,608.40) is hereby aoknowledged as the purohas. prioe in
aooordanoe with the provisions of the Projeot Construction and Sales Agreement
oOTering said extentions.
(2) The deed tendered by the United states is acoeptable in form and
is hereby approved for transfer of all right, title and interest of the United
States in and to the said e%tentions, inoluding outfall sewers, to the sewerage
system of the Town of Seward.
(3) The Mayor of the Town is hereby authorized to aooept the deed on
behalf of the Town and to oause payment to be made to the United States by oheck pay_
able to the Treasurer of the United states in the amount of Six Hundred Eight Dollars
and Forty Cents ($608.40) and annual installments thereafter in aooordance with the
provisions of the Single, Temporary Bond representing an issue of One hundred
X-l' " ; ':.)
Seward, A1ukll.
."'--"'--"-,-'--'-'- - -;c-~-::------=------,._-' .._....~-__ _-------=-=_
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Maroh 26, 1954
C1= ~..~~.::~ :~:=~~~fii;:.=~ .;::~~i.~~~~~=ir
the sewe~e syst.m at it. own .xpen.... I
(4) Th. Mayor 18 h.r.by authorized and directed to caus. the .aid d.ed I
to be ,r.corded in the appropriate official land records of the T.rritory of Alaska, I
. and th.reafter to pre.ene the oriqinal thereof amonq the officid r.cords and :1
doouments of the Town, and is hereby directed to transmit certified copi.s of this !I
iResolution and the Extr.ct of the Minut.. of the meetinq of the City Council at II
Iwhich tb18 Resolution is adopted to the .office of the District Director, Aluka ;
!Di.triot Branoh of the Offioe of Territorie. of the Department of the Int.rior, ,
'Juneau, Alaska. :1
PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Counoil of the Town of Seward, this 26th I,
lday of March, 1954. . ,[
Mayor' I,
I ~ ~--- - -
~ C1tyCie-;; ~ -
Seoond by C11I. Anthony. All in fu'or, motion carried.
City Manager O'Hara read a letter from Metcalf & Harstad, Associate. regarding
'plans and methods for filinq on a hydro-electrio site~ He then r.ad Re.olution
,No. 51.
iClm. Anthony moved to adopt Re.olution No. 51.
A Re.olution of the COImIC)I\ C()uncil of the City of Seward, Alaska, Authorizinq the
City Manager to file an application for a preliminary pe~t for a hydro-electric
WHEREAS, The COlIlIIIOn Council of the City of Seward is aware of the inoreasinq cleIlIandl
for electrioal ene~ and, ,
!That the City Manager is hereby in.truoted to file an application for a preliminary!1
tpe~ t for . hydro-.lectric plant on that body of water known as pta~qan Lake. 'I
The Conmon Council of the City of s.ward is of the opinion that to meet
this increasing demand and to provide adequate electrical en.~ at a
r.asonable rate it is nece..ary to develop hydro-electric power, and
The Common Council has studied the f.asibility of said development and
after much deliberation have selected a site, a body of water known as
ptanuiqan Lak., .
~as.ed and approTed by the Common Council this
i ty Clerk
Second by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried.
A request for transfer of liquor u.~:ue from Howard J. S1ii th to Irwin E. Corbin
and Ethel O. Corbin (Su.rf Bar) was read by the Clerk. Clm. Ro... DIOTed to approve
the transfer of beveraqe di spensary license of the Surf Bar from Howard J. S1ii th
to Irwin E. Corbin and Ethel O. Comin. Second by Clm. Johnson. All in favor,
motion earri4d.
Meetinq was adj~2:0S P.M.
Attest ~~ -[lnk n-u ,
Mayor :1
:2 ~.~; ~)
Seward, Alaska
April 5, 1954
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:04 P.M.
in the Chair. Present were elm. stockton, Rose, }~thony, Hodson,
Johnson. Also present Raymond O'Hara, City Manager.
Minutes of the last regular meeting and special meeting held 11arch 20 and March 26,
1954 were read and approved.
Mayor Painter
Blair and
An Ordinance creating a Planning Commission, Zoning Commission and Board of
Adjust~t was read for the second time.
City Manager O'Hara outlined the proeedures to be followed for special elections
and then instructed the Clerk to read Ordinance No. 244- After the reading of
the Ordinance Mr. Frank Roberts stated~hat in his opinion the people want to
know a clearer picture of the Utilities Financial condition. Mr. O'Hara advised
that audit reports are available at the Utilities office for any interested
parties. Clm. Johnson then moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of
Ordinance No. 244. Second by Clm. Rose. Motion carried by unanimous vot..
Clm. Rose moved to adopt Ordinance No. 244, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Sr.wARD,
favor, motion carried. Clm. Stockton requested information as to whether or not
additional employees would be required when and if the new generator is installed.
City Manager O'Hara replied that no additional help would be needed.
Dr. Diesher then appeared before the council, inquiring about the possibilities
of his buying approximately 300' of land next to his present property. After
considerable discussion Mayor Painter advised the City Assessor to set a
minimum value and advertise the land for sale in accordance with past praotices.
R. E. Bal1m;Jartner appeared on behalf of Katherine and Carl Ling regarding their
purchase of Lots 21,22,23 Blk 26 Twn. Baumqartner stated that some time ago
they made a regular bid for these lots, offering $275.00 for the three. If Carl
Ling did certain work with his Cat for the City they could have the lot. for
'35.00 each. For various reasons the work was not done but they now want the
deed to lots 21,22,23 Blk 26 Twn for the $275.00 bid originally offered. Mayor
Painter gave the history of the case to the Clm. Clm. Hodson suggested the
City Manager review minutes of meetings held at the time the transactions took
place and if bid in good faith should issue deed upon payment of S275.00 by Ling.
O'Hara stated if facts presented are correct a deed should be issued for the lots
upon receipt of '275.00. Clm. Anthony then moved to turn the matter of the three
lot: s over to the City Manager for investigation and if found satisfaotory to him
a deed should be issued to Carl and Katherine Ling upon payment of the contraot
price of $275.00. Second by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried.
A motion was then made by Clm. stockton to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk
to sign all necessary papers for Clearview and Brownell annexations. Second by
Clm. Blair. All in favor, motion carried.
City Manager O'Hara then brought up the subject of extending the closing time
one hour for cabaret's. He stated that he had been appr~ched by two oabaret
owners requesting an extension of their closing hour. O'Hara further advised
that he had reviewed the Territorial and City of Anchorage General Code and
r~commedded an additional hour be grantedto Cabarets, extending their closing
time fram one o'clock A.M. to two o'clock A.M. O'Hara defined a cabaret and
advised the Mayor had the power under Ordinance 227 to grant the extension of
till1lt. Mayor Painter then asked O'Hara to read the definition of a cabaret into
the minutes. O'Hara then read the follOWing:
The term "Cabaret.. refers to an establishment:
(a) licensed as a beverage dispensary under the laws of the Territory'
(b) regularly and habitually operating for profit after the hour of '
(c) providing one or more fonns of entertainment and amusement furnished
by professional entertainers;
(d) furnishing live music:
(e) paying the federal tax on cabarets, roof gardens, etc., under the
provision,of Section 1700, Chapter 10, U.S. Internal Revenue Code,
as amended.
'J;, ' '," ,)
.6-. >"', ~
Seward, Alaska
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I~l~~ St~~~-~nn~ge~t~ci $~O~~~Oto--I~OO.~O as ~ fai--~ lic~ll8e ;ee and a~ked Mr. ,,- If- ---
'Giardina for his views on a fair fee for the extended closing. Mr. Giardina advise'
that any reasonable fee agreed upon by the Council would be satisfactory with him. i'
Clm. Rose sugqested '500.00 as a license fee and thereupon Mayor Painter set ii
:1500.00 as the additional fee for the extended closinq tillllt for Cabarets. Clm. II
;Rose moved the above definitions of a Cabaret, extended olosing time to two o'clookll
for same, and the additional license fee of 1500.00 be approved. Second by Clm. I
Blair. Motion carried by unanimous vote and Mayor Painter declared any establish. ii
ment qualifYinq as a Cabaret could remain open the additional hour upon payment
of the $500.00 fee to the City.
Ordinance No. 245- was read by the Clerk. Clm. Johnson moved to suspend the rule.
flor adoption of Ordinance No. 245. Second by Clm. Stockton. Motion carried by
:unanimous vote. Clm. Blair moved to adopt Ordinance No. 245, AN ORDINANCE OF THE
;Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 52 was read by Clerk. Clm. Hodson moved to adopt Resolution No. 52.1
WHEREAS, THE TAXES ON CERtain real property in the City of Seward, Alaska for
the years 1952 and 1953 are delinquent, and,
WHEREAS, the }.Unicipal Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska has presented to the
Council the Del inquent Tax Roll of all the Real Property assessed and on
which the taxes have not been paid, and are therefore delinquent, and said i
Roll is in due form;
_, THEREFORE, BE IT Rf8)LVED, by the Common Council of the City '(it, Seward, Alaska!
(1) The ~nioipal Clerk cause said Delinquent Tax Roll to be published, '
together with. Notice that said Delinquent Tax 8011 has been camplet~
and is open for Public Inspection, at the office of the Municipal Cler ,
and that upon the 4th day of June 1954, or as /SOon thereafter as couns 1
can be heard, said Delinquent Tax Roll will be presented to the Distri,
Court for the Territory of Alaska, Third Divillion, for. juclDent and ord r
of sale.
(2) Said Delinquent Tax Roll and Notice be published once a week for four
consecutive weeks in the SRiARD SEAFORr REXDRD, a newspaper of general!
circulation published at Seward, Alaska, which' newspaper is hereby
designated 4S the official publication for this purpose.
PASSED AND APPROVED by the'Common Council of
April, 1954.
the City of Seward, this 5th day of
-(. ~
· Cit~
l3econd by Clm. Anthony. Motion can'ied by unanimous vote.
A letter was read from the Treasury Department requesting adoption of an ordinance
by the city prohibiting the use of or addiction to narcotics. 9rdinance NQ. 246_
was then read by the Clerk. Clm. Stockton moved to suspend the rul.. for adoption f
pf Ordinance No. 246. Second by elm. Rose. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Plm. Rose IllOved to adopt Ordinance No. 246, AN ORDINANCE PR:>HIBITING THE USE OF OR
~tion carried by unanimous vote.
~ letter was read fran the Territorial Department of Education requesting a token f'
Payment of 11.00 for the Bayview School. Clm. Anthony moved to authorize the token"
~yment of S1.00 for the Bayview School. Clm. Hodson seconded. Motion carried by!
jmanimous voU.
A letter was read from the Alaska Telephone Corporation and the enclosed Balance
Sheet and Profit and Loss statement for the year ended December 31, 1953 were
~t. 1.
Seward, Alaska
April 5, 1954
briefly discussed.
A letter was read from Carl R. Carlson, Superintendent of SChools, requesting for
th Seward School Board that the Council amend the school h1dget for the 1953-54
school year. Clm. Stod:ton moved to amend the school b\1dqet according to Mr.
Carlson's recamnendations. Second by Clm. Rose. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
A bid was read for the purchase of the City's D4 caterpillar by Allen D. Sorague
and Harold G. Hardin for $2,500.00. Mr. O'Hara reconvnended he be instructed to
sell the D4 upon approval of credit arrangement. Clm. Rose moTed to empower the
City Manager to dispose of the D4 for $2500.00 upon approval of credit to Sprague
and Hardin, with the proviso the tractor be restricted to use on the ~enai
Peninsula until final payment made. Second by Clm. Anthony. Motion carried by
unanimous vote.
The Public Health Nurse's report for the month of March was read by the Clerk.
Also a financial statement for the period January 1, 1954 to March 31, 1954 was
read. Clm. Stockton moved to accept the Public Health Nurse's report. Sedond
by Clm. Anthony. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Clm. Stockton inquired as to the status of the parking meter situation. City
Manager O'Hara stated with improving weather conditions a survey could be
started. Considerable discussion followed as to feasibility of meters with
no action taken by the Council.
Meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M.
Attes~X'_.f~:Y"'A ~
ity Clerk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seward, Alaska April 19, 1954
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 7:59 P.M. Mayor Painter
in the Chair. Present were Clm. Anthony, Blair, Rose, Hodson and Johnson. Absent
Clm. Stockton. Also present Raymond O'Hara, City Manager.
Ordinance No. 242 was read a third time. Clm. Rose moved to adopt ordinance
AND rowERS OF SAID COMMISSIONS AND BOARD. Sceond by Clm.r Hodson. Motion
carried by unanimous vote. \
Annexation papers were presented for signature by City Attorney Dorothy Walters,
for the Clearview and Brownell areas.
Resolution 80. 53 was read by the Clerk. Clm. Rose moved to adopt Resolution
No. 53.
WHEREAS, at public auction held on the 12th day of November, 1931, in pursuance
of an order of sale made and entered in the District Court for the Territory
of Alaska, Third Judicial Division on the 1st day of July, 1931, the City of
Seward became the purchaser of Lots Thirty-three (33), Thirty-four (34), and
Thirty-five (35) and Thirty-six (36) in Block Twenty-seven (27) in the Original
Townsite. of Seward, Alaska, accor4ing to the official Plat thereof, having bid
therefor the amount due on said Lots, including the tax, penalty, interest and
cost. due and delinquent thereon for the year 1930, and
WHEREAS, a period long in excess of two years has elapsed since the date of said
sale &nd no redemption has been made therefrom, and the City of Seward has long
been entitled to a tax Deed to said Lots, NGi, THEREFORE,
fi"" -'oil
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. ... .. ~a.!,ci, Al~ska
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That RUSSELL PAINTER, as Mayor, and EUGENE L. MAGERS, as City Clerk, execute a Taxlj
i Deed to said Lots hereinbefore, in this resolution, described, to have and to hold!
the Utle to said Lots unto th.e City of Seward, Aluka, and those holding by, 'i
throu~h or under it, forever.
Dated this 19th day of April, '1954.
. C Clerk
City of Seward, Alaska
City of Seward, Alaska
Second by Clm. Anthony. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mrs. Walters stated there is considerable City Property for which tax deeds
should be issued and suggested 6ne resolution for all such city property. Mayor
Painter advised her to proceed with same.
Mr. Ted Weir appeared before the Council and stated a Youth Club was being formed. 'i
He had discussed it with City Officials and had been granted permission from the '
Fire Department to use the Civic Center. His purpose in appearing before the ,
Council was to ask the backing of the Council in this youth program. Mayor Painte"
advised him he had 100'1. Council approval for such a "project and the Council would'
be glad to help in any way possible.
Mr. Charles Foster presented a petition to the Council requesting an alley be
constructed in Block 6 and that 5th street be constructed along that Block during
1954. Clm. Anthony moved to accept the petition presented by Mr. Foster. Second
by Clm. Rose. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. Oliver Amend requested Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 Block 8 Laubner Addition be
opeHd for bids again. Mayor Painter referred the matter to the City Manag;er.
Minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission meetings held April 12 and 13 were
read. Clm. Rose.moved to accept the minutes. Second by Clm. Anthony. All in
favor, ~tion carried.
City Manager O'Hara advised the Council that in discussing proposed ~railer
Ordinance No. 247 with Clm. stockton he had advised that he was against immediate
compliance with Ordinance No. 247 for Trailers having separate sewer, lights, and
water. He -suggested one Year's time for canpliance. Mr. O'Hara made this
announcement in view of Clm. stockton's absence from the meeting.
Ordinance No. 247 was then read by the Clerk. There was considerable discussion
both by the Councilmen and the visitors present as to certain provisions of the
ordinance, particularly the 60 day time limit set for compliance and the def-
inition of a -Trailer-. Mayor Painter returned the ordinance to the Planning
& Zoning Commission with the SUggested changes of more completely defining a
-Trailer- and extending the time of compliance to the Ordinance.
Mr. O'Hara then asked Council permission to call for bids for painting of the
City Hall Building. Motion was made by Clm. Anthony the 6ity Manager be
authorized to call for bids for painting of the City Hall Building. Second by
Clm. Johnson. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. O'Hara then inquired of Mayor Painter as to the status of the U.S.O. building
and who had control or ownership. Mayor advised the Building was purchased by the
City and after unsuccessfuly attempting to manage it the building was leased to
the firemen.
Clm. Anthony discussed his progress in an attempt to secure a beacon and landinq
lights for the airport. He stated no definit..u collDnittments had been received
but believed it possible in the future to possibly obtain a beacon and landing
lights for the airport. Clm. Anthony then asked if the Council would assume the
power bill if he is successful in securing lighting facilities for the airport.
Clm. Blair stated he thought the Council should assume such costs.
City Manager O'Hara advised that many residents of the City were unaware of the
Building Code, Electrical Code, and Plumbing Code and made a public announcement
to the effect that a Building Code, Electrical Code and Plumbing Coae are in
.r;;;,J: ;~
Seward, Alaska
April 19, 1954
The March bills
bills as read.
voting. Motion
were presented to the Council. Clm. Blair moved to approve the
Clm. Anthony second. All in favor with Clm. Johnson not
Clm. Anthony inquired as to what had been done or was planned regarding the dump,
and asked about the proposed moving of the dump to the gravel pit location.
Mayor Painter advised the gravel pit location was unsatisfactory and the other
alternatives were use of an incinerator or a self dumping barge. Mr. Jeffreys
advised the Council the Alaska-Juneau Gold Corporation was going out of business
and they have three self dumping barges that may be Pllrchased for a reasonable
price. Mayor Painter advised Mr. O'Hara to contact the Alaska-Juneau Gold
Corporation regarding same. '
Clm. Rose then brought up the subject of an increase in salary for the City
Manager. He stated the beginning salary is normally reviewed within 90 days
and in view of the excellent work being done by the City Manager and the extra
work load added by the Council he suggested an increase to the equivalent of
$1,000.00 per month for the balance of the year. Clm. Rose then moved the City
Manager's salary be raised to a basis of $12,000.00 per year effective April 1,
1954. Second by Clm. Johnson. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Letters were read from Alaska Distributors Co. and the Clerk of Court regarding
application by Alaska Distributors for a wholesale Malt Liquor License in the
City of Seward. Clm. Hodson moved to approve the application. Second by Clm.
Rose. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
A letter from Alaska Steamship Co. was read regarding movement of a shipment of
dynamite over the army dock. Mr. Jeffrey asked if letters were needed on such
shirments and Mr. O'Hara advised a telephone call would suffice.
A letter was read from the Alaska Railroad requesting a six months extension of
their Class "A" explosives permit. The present permit expires May 4, 1954. Clm.
Rose moved to extend the Class "A" explosives permit for the Alaska Railroad for
a six months period. Second by Clm. Johnson. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
A letter was read from Frank L. Woods offering to trade some gravel crushing
machinery for the City's Scoopmobile and its parts. Mayor Painter instructed
the City Manager to investigate ~he offer.
Win Ervin appeared before the Council on behalf of the Chamber of Coll'lllerce regard-
ing a proposed paving program. He stated Ray Rogers of Rogers & Babbler Bros.
Const. Co. had been contacted regarding the paving project inasmuch as they have
equipment in the vicinity. The plans are to strip pave third avenue from the end
of the pavement on the Lagoon road to Railroad avenue and fourth avenue to D street
wi th Curb to Curb paving on 4th avenue from Railroad avenue to Church street.
Alternate cross streets would be paved from Railroad avenue to D street. The
estimated total cost would be $100,000.00. Petitions will be circulated by the
Chamber of Commerce for signatures of the property owners. Fifty per cent of the
total value of the property along the proposed paving route is necessary for
approval. The Alaska Road Commission has offered to sell oil to the City for
their cost plus handling charges. To take advantage of this offer it will be
necessary to place the order ill'lllediately. Clm. Rose moved the City Manager be
empowered to order the amount of asphalt necessary for the paving project.
Second by Clm. Blair. Motion carried by unanimous vote. /~~,9e.. )/(.,Jy
Mr. Jacque Roth appeared before the Council requesting they consider sending the
Mayor to Seward, Nebraska as the Official City representative. After considerable
discussion Clm. Hodson moved to pay $150.00 to send the Mayor to Seward, Nebraska.
Second by Clm. Blair. Yes: Rose, Hodson, Blair, Johnson. No: Anthony. Motion
A letter from the Seward Sanatorium was read by Mayor Painter requesting May 9
to May 15 be proclaimed as National Hospital Week in Seward, and inviting the
Mayor, City Council, City Officials and the people of Seward to an open house
planned at .the Sanitorium May 9 from 1:30 to 4:30 P.M. Mayor Painter proclaimed
the Week May 9 to May 15 as National Hospital Week in Seward.
A letter was read by Mr. O'Hara from the Seward Hospital Board regarding the Health
Officer situation.
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Mr. O'Hara reported briefly regarding his proposed trip to Juneau around the first!,!
of May, stating he would look into the status of the proposedsohool, hospital !
and paving projects. ,,' i!
Meeting adjourned at 11:21 P.M.
APProC2f~,+ :1
Mayor ~
City cierlti
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seward, Alaska
April 21, 1954
- - ... -
A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:07 P.M. for the purpose
of 1. Reading of Trailer Ordinance 2. Resolution granting zone permit to the
Legion Cab. Co. 3. Discussion of A:nTI1 lease on Lots 21 thru 38 Block 33 Original
Townsite. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, Rose, Anthony,
Hodson, Blair and Johnson. Also present Raymond O'Hara, City Manager.
Ordinance No. 247 was read by the Clerk. Clm. Blair inquired as to whether or '
not a non-transferable occupancy permit for trailers could be issued. Mr. O'Hara I
advised the police department is going to notify the present trailer owners to comf1Y
with the Ordinance and the occupancy permits could be incorporated in the notice.;
After considerable discussion regarding the compliance of Trailers parked within
Fire Zone 111 it was decided they should be ghen ten days notice to vacate. A
question was raised by Planning ~Jfl,ion Ilember Ray Jallllts regardinq granting the:i
City Manager authority to extend tli~'l'da~~ of trailers for an additional 180 days
beyond the year stated in the ordinance for thoEie trailers having their own water, I
sewer and light connections. Baumgartner expressed confidence in the ability and i
decisions of the City Manager and it 'was generally agreed by the Council that this I
provision in the Ordinance was satisfactory.
Mr. O'Hara then read the portion of Ordinance .o~ 247 relating to compliance with
the Ordinance inoorporating the 10 day complianoe time for trailers within Fire
Zone No.1. Thereupon C1m. Johnson moved to suspend the rules for adoption of
Ordinance No. 247. Second by C1.. Stockton. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Motion wa.. made by C1m. Anthony to adopt Ordinance No. 247 as corrected, AN
MENTS FOR TRAILER OOURTS. Second by C1m. Rose. Motion carried by unanimous vote. i
Resolution No. 54 was read by the Clerk. C1in. Rose moved to adopt Resolution No. 54:1
WHEREAS, The granting of a zone permit requires dtsignation by the City Manager
and a resolution of the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska
under Ordinance No. 240, and
\'lHEREAB, The City Manager of the City of Seward has investigated the request of
,the Legion Cab. Co. and found they have complied with Ordinance No~ 24(), ,I
Alaska I
for :
THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by the Common Council of the City of Seward,
that the Legion Cab Co. be granted a zone permit at 225-4th avenue
one cab. This permit to expire June 30, 1954.
Passed and approved by the Common Council this 21st da~i1' 1~,
Approve A.AOI ~
,,,, ,-" ",*
~~ ~j 1{_1
Sewarct, Alaska
April 2.1.,19S4
Second by Clm. Anthony. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mayor Painter then explained the purpose for discussing the army lease on Lots
21 thru 38 B&ock 33 Town. Rogers & Babbler Bros. Const. Co. are looking for
property to establish a tank farm for asphalt storage. This land is best
located as regards docking of barges and pumping of oil if it can be made avail-
able. The Alaska Railroad, Anchorage is contacting the army in an attempt to
cancel the lease. Mayor Painter then stated he did not desire any Council action
at this time but just an opin~on from the Council regarding leasing to Rogers
& Babbler Bros. if the army lease can be terminated. It was the general consensus
of opinion of the Council they would be willing to negotiate with Rogers & Babbler
Bros. on any reasonable basis for lease to them.
Mayor Painter then mentioned the Brady Housing Project and instructed City Manager
O'Hara to inquire as to the intended activity this summer. He also requested
Mr. O'Hara correspond with the Alaska Housing Authority regarding the Brady project
and the money in the Seward Veteran's Housing Fund, which can be converted to the
City's general fund.
Mr. O'Hara reported he had contacted C.C.Foster regarding cleaning up the dump and
filling in of sections along the west side of the dump to present a better view
for persons entering the city.
Meeting adjourned at 9:21 P.M.
~ '..~~~ ~
City Clerk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seward, Alaska
May 3, 1954
- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:01 P.M. Mayor Painter in
the Chair. Present were Clm. stockton, Rose, Hodson, Blair and Johnson. Absent
Clm. Anthony. Also present Mr. O'Hara, City Manager and Mrs. Walters, City Attorney.
!of.inutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved.
The Mayor asked that the sealed property bids on property next to Deisher property
be opened at this time, but no bids had been received. Dr. Deisher would like to
'review with thll Council regarding the present assessed valuation due to the mineral
rights on this property being held out.
Mr. Nicholas spoke regarding re-imbursement for use py the City of his welder and the
matter was referred to Mr. O'.Hara. ,
Hinutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission were read and accepted.
Mr. O'Hara,reported on a proposed program for making the Lagoon Road more attractive
on entering the city by filling, planting trees that will survive during cold weather
to serve. not only as an improvement but as a .guide along the Lagoon road,. and putting
in barbecue pits, swings etc'~ at the North end of the Llli!Joon.
Permission was requested py Mr. O'Hara to call for bids on the garbage contract that
will expire July 12, 1954 and to draw up specifications and methods of dilrposal.
A letter from the Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Co. regarding the rental of self dumping
barges was read at this time. Clm. stockton moved to authorize Mr. O'Hara to draw
up specifications for calling for bids for garbage contract. Seconded py Clm. Rose.
All in favor, motion carried.
Letter from the U. S. Army was read requesting a joint use }l!rmit for the small boat
float in return for materials and repair worle to the float. There was no objection
py the Council and Mr. O'Hara was inst.ructed to draw up a joint use permit with the
Army and get the repairs made.
Southard spoke regarding the placing of '"No Trespassing" signs in Lowell Canyon
advising that they would be necessary to avoid any obstruction of the tunnel. Mr.
O'Hara and Southard were instructed to get the necessary signs.
'J. o. /.
"'_ ":' \.l
Seward, Alaska
May 3, 1954.
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Resolution No. 55 was presented by Mrs. Wal brs ani read by the City Clerk. Clm. ~I
Rose moved to adopt Resolution No. 55.
WHEREAS, at public aution held on the 12th day of November, 1931, in pursuance of I_I
an order of sale made and El\tered in the DJ,strict Court for the Terri tory of Alaska,' ' I
Third Judicial Division on the 1st day of July, 1931, the city of Seward became thei
purchaser of Lots Twenty~e (21), Twenty-Two (22) and Twenty-three (23) of Block
Thirty-eiqht (38) of the Original Townsite of Seward, Alaska, accordinq to the
official Plat thereof, havinq bid therefor the amount due on said Lots, including ;
the tax, penalty, interest and costs due and delinquent thereon for the year 1930,/lnd
WHEREAS, a period long in excess of two years has elapsed since the date of sa!. d ,
sale and no redemption has been made therefrom, and the City of Seward has lonq beelj\
entitled to a tax Deed to said Lots, NOW, THEREFORE,
That IaJSSELL PAINTER, as Mayor and SIGRID STEARNS, as City Clerk, execute a Tax Dee/:i
to said Lots hereinbefore, in this resolution, described, to have and to hold the '
title to said Lots unto the City of Seward, Alaska, and those holding by, through
or under it, forever.
DATED this 3rd day of May, 1954.
Siqrid stearns
City Clerk
City of Seward, Alaska
Russell Painter
Ci ty of Seward, Ala aka
Seconded by Clm. Hodson. All in favor, motion carried.
,The City Attorney recOllllllended the adoption of an ordinance providing for the fi]..i~
of suit for damage claims against the city within a certain time or bar action and
was asked to prepare an ordinance. Ii
Mr. O'R ara spoke of the availability of use of the new sewer and asked that an
H'~.tion be adopted requiring all person. to connect to the l18Wer for sanitary :1
reasons as well as to have more fluid going thru tlt flush itself out. Mr. O'Hara If
was a eked to prepare a resolution with a mini.mum. of six months for connectinq to I!
the sewer.
March report of
report as read.
the Public Health Nurse was read. - Clm. stockton moved to accept tHj.
Second by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried.
D. 1::. LeVan letter for exchange of Lot 29 for Lot 20, Marathon Addition was read
and Southard recommended tlBt Lot 20 Marathon Addition be put up for bid. elm. -
Hodson moved that Mr. LeVan be notified that Lot 20 Marathon Addition will be put
up for bid. Seconded by Clm. Stockton. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Ii
stockton moved that Lot 20 Marathon Addition be put up -for bid at a minimum of $50d~
the City holding the right to a ccept or reject any or all bids. Seconded by Clm.
Rose. All in favor, motion carried.
, II
Clm. Stockton spoke about paving and street surveys and the matter was discussed byil
all present. He also spoke about the telephone light a-t the police station which II
had been reported to him by the telephone company regarding over due answerinq of II
the telephone O'ill s. Ij
Mr. Viale asked for a Quit Claim deed to Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 17" Townsite as .I
these lots are still being carried on the official records in the name of the City :1
al thouqh they had been purchased by Mr. Viale. Clm. Hodson moved to issue a Quit
Claim Deed to Lots 1, 2 and 3 Bloet 17, Original Townsite to Marvin Viale. Second Ii
by Clm. Stockton. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. Midl:>y spoke about the use of concrete for the proposedl instead of asphalt and I:
there was considerable discusion with the decision to qo ahead with the asphalt.
Meeting ~djOU~ed 9:25 o'clock P.M.
City Clerk
,....-~ . ----/ ~
Ai>Provk /~d;;L
oJ -~.,'
':~;') .,
Seward, Alaska
May 6, 1954
:rhe fol1owinq.membei's~,of theCoimail wets present 'at 4:00 o'clock P.M.: stockton,
Hodson Blair and .lamson. Due to lack of a quorum the Special meeting of the
Councii called for the purpose of canvassing the ballots and accepting the Judges
report ~f the Special Election held May 5. 1954, did not convene until 4:34 o'clock
P.M. with the arrival of Mayor Painter. Absent Clm. Rose and Anthony.
Canvass of the ballots of the Election Board was read by the City Clerk. Clm. Johnson
moved to accept the canvass of the balloh of the Special May 5, 1954 Election by the
Election Board as follows:
Bonds yes
118 (One hundred eighteen)
Bonds no 30 (Thirty)
Second by Clm. stockton. Motion carried by unanimous vote. -)
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:40 O~.elO2M. k //, ~
APpro~' ~/ J tl.;u ./
City C erk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seward, Alaska
May J,3, 1954
A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:04 P.M. for the purp6se of
meeting with Mr. Gagnon of the Alaska Housing Authority to discuss the Housing Are'!.
Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, Rose, Blair and Johnson,
Absent Clm. Anthony and Hodson. Also present City ~'~nager, O'Hara.
Mr. Gagnon spoke regarding the discontinuance of the Seward Housing Area as provided
Or the Council in Resolution 41 dated Sept. 21, 1953, and advised that the tenants
must be given 90 days notice of eviction, therefore e~~fIH!ll!Jst be officially
notified as of June 1st. When the housing units are/vacaf&a all utilities must
be disconnected and discontinued. Then followed a discus.ion regarding adequate
housing for evicted tenants.
Clm. Blair moved to extend the eviction date for tenants of the Housing area thir~
days with reference to Resolution 41, dated September 21, 1953. Seconded by C1m.
Stockton. Carried by unanimous vote.
Motion waa _de and aa~nded to a~ou:~~:o t~ ? ~
AttestJ.....;.._:/~/2I~ Mayor
Seward, Alaska
May 17, 1954
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:07 o'clock P.M. Mayor
Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. Rose, Anthony, Hodson, Blair and Johnson.
Also prese~t City Manager O'Hara. Absent Clm. Stockton.
Minutes of the, last regular and special meetings were read and approved.
Mr~ O'Hara recomnended that the ~ti tions on paving be read but I:lot acted upon
until his return from Juneau, hlt suggested that if the ClOst would run over $5.00
per foot that the paving would not be started. Clm. Rose moved to limit the eXpendi-
ture to $5.00 per f09t on 22' width of bituminous paving on the present proposed
pa:ring p:ogram. Seconded t::4t Clm. Anthony. Carried by unanimous vote. Loan and
12"1. interest. rate were then discussed.
Bids Lots 13,14,15,16, Block 8, Laubner Addition were opened and read. C1m. Rose
moved to accept the bid of Leroy and Charles Foster for Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16,
Block 8, Laubner Addition for $111.00 each lot. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. All
in favor, motion carried.
Mr. O'Hara announced that the Seward Rifle and Sportsman's Club had issued a Quit
Claim Deed returning Lots 27, 28, 21 and 30, Blo~ 30, Original Townsite to the City.
The City Attorney spoke regarding an ordinance on notification of accidents and
advised tha t the Ci ty does not have the power to adopt such an ordinance and such
~.T': J
Seward, Alaska
May 17, 1954
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action must be taken by the legislatur e, recommendin~t~~ t~e-C~t;--contact the --'Ii
League of Alaskan Cities for such legislation. ,
A petition for installation of water on Ravina Street was read requesting that sai~!
water be installed with funds from the General Fund and Mr. O'Hara advised that t:
money from the General Fund is riot available 'at the present time and the money migh
be loaned from the Electric Utility, otherwise there would be no illllllediate relief '
unless' the Utility Board could release funds from the electric utili t~ and recommen' ed
that action be taken at the next meetinn of the Utility Board. Clm. edson. Moved II
that the petition be accepted and referred to the City Manager for consideration I!
by the tility Board. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. I
Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission were read. Clm. Rose moved to accept
the minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission as read. Seconded by Clm. Johnson"i
All in favor, motion carded. Mayor Painter appointed Ja~e Roth to fill the ';
vacancy created on the Planning and Zoning COIItIlission created by the resignation Ii
of Ray James. Clm. Anthony moved to appl'cbY. the appoint of Mr. Roth. Seconded
by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried.
The Mayor presented an anonymous cartoon that had been sent to the Council in regards
City clean up. I
City Manager O'Hara read the bond proposal of the $200,000 Electric Utility Bonds ;
and clarified the same. He recommended that Grande & Co. be authorized to purchas~
bonds. Clm. Rose mOTed to accept the 1$200,000 bond proposal as presented by Grande i
& Compa~y. Seconded by Clm. Blair. Carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. O'Hara advised the Council that the Utility Board had recommended that the
. I
Cooper Bessemer proposal be presented to the Council' as the best and the 'lowest off.r.
,Clm. Rose moved that the City cf Seward enter into a proposed agreement with the '
Cooper-Bessemer Corporation. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Carried by unanimous vote.
The Ci ty Manager requested permission for a trip to Juneau and listed the various
items of business he would attend to there. Clm. Rose moved that the City Manager',
expenses be granted for a trip to Juneau this week 'authorizing him to look into thei
things as named. Seconded by Clm. Blair. All in favor; motion carried.
The matter of the sewer connection behind the Trevethan house and inability to
connect was discussed with the statement made that ~. Trevethan had not checked
the depth of the sewer before trying to connect. .
Req)Tal of ~.fU"'l from the garbage area was discussed with the decision that signs:
be post13ctegarding the removal of refuse.
Mr. O'Hara recommended that he and Mr. Southard go through the 1952 Building Code
for parts that may be rejected and have the code ready for adoption at the next
Recreation facilities were set forth ~ Mr. O'Hara, under control by the City, and
he recommended that the Council select nine persons for a recreational commission.
The Mayor asked that council have names for the next special meeting.
The bills were read. Clm. Blair moved to pay the bills as read:ATEC, $32.50, ACB, :
$22.91, Alaska stationers, $75.80, A & B Service, $2.50, Alaska Shop, $1.00, Andy's,Oil
Delivery, $475.9., Bay City Motors, $2.70, Blumenthal Unifonn Co., $47.72, U.S.
Commissioner, $8.50, Durant's Hardware, $13.40, A. Ericson, $18.14, Everson-Ross
Co., Inc., $22.07, Win Ervin Motors, $101.07, Halprin Supply Co., $93.65, Lowman-
& Hanford Co., $48.03, Wm. Machado, $5.95, Marathon Bakery, $10.60, Hiro-Flex Co.
$3.99, Modern Motors, $18.76, Northern Llectric, $38.48, Northern Neon Corp. $200.0~,
N.C. Co., $7l.02, Paulsteiner's, $16.00, Seward Builder's Supply,$101.73, J. B. '
Deisher, '82.00, Seward Drug, '19.62, Seward Trading Co., $113.65, Seward Electric
System, $!95.05, Seward Nater System, $315.00, Seward General HospitAl, $7.00, W.H.'
Stewart, Inc., $5.37, Snyder Office Supply $7.67, Seward Hardware, $25.90, Seward :
Plbg. & Htg. $74.00, Seward Machine Shop, $32.62, Seward S aport Record, $395.50,
std. Oil Co., $312.95, Felix Toner, $9.00, Totem Truck Lines(Sam,McDowell), $25.00
Patrlcia Williams, $917.75, Yukon Equipment, $139.68, Petty Cash, $27.70. Second
by Clm. R~se. All in favor, motio~ carried.
Letter from Mr. Kalbaugh of the Alaska Railroad regarding the removal of gravel
was read and discussed, and a new garbage dump area was discussed.
Notion was made and seconded to adjourn
at 9~:r:~~
. -' ~ity Clerk
(,-;.. '~()'
{.;~ -- ".
Seward, Alaska
May 24, 1954
A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:05 o'clock P.M. for
the 'purpose of hearing Mr. O'H ara's report of trip to Juneau and havinga joint
meeting with the police department. Mayor Painter in the chair. Present were
C1m. Stockton, R?se, Anthony, Hodson, B1a~r and Johnson. Also present City Manager
O'H ara.
11r. O'H ara reported on the Juneau trip spoke about paving advised that A. R. C.
would take the asphalt; construction on the new school would start about mid-July;
he reported on the hospital and read a letter regarding financing etc. he also
advised that the center line would be painted on the highway, work would be done
on th~ S~hooner Bend road and the City purchase of asphalt was clarified by O'Hara
and S1:OCi:ton.
'Petitions were presented to the Mayor regarding the tactics of the City Police
regarding unwarranted indignities. Martin Goresen was elected to be speaker for
the persons presenting the petitions and spoke about the beating of two men of the
age of 65 years. "Scotty" McCleary spoke ahout the Sharpe case and Mr. Reynolds
asked why foreigners were imported to serve on the police force. The ~~yor spoke
then various persons present, Mr. Eddy, Goresen, George Werner, Joe and Phil Hardy,
Black and several others. Mayor Painter said if there had been any ill treatment
by the police officers it had not been sanctioned by the Council, City Manager or
the Mayor and if there has been' any Such thing the matter will be cleared up.
At 9:00 P.M. the police officers entered the Council Chambers to give details of
arrests and answer various questions that were asked by the persons present.
'C1m. Johnson moved to accept the petitions of the
minutes and action to be taken on the complaints.
in fnvor, motion carried.
citizens to be entered in the
Seconded by Clm. Blair. All
Meeting adjourned at 9:57 o'clock P.M.
Attest ..R c..1-<eI~ - ~..
Ci y Clerk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seward, Alaska
June 7, 1954
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:15 o'clock P.M., Present
C1m. stockton, Rose, Anthony, Hodson, Blair and Johnson. Absent Mayor Painter.
Clm. Johnson, seconded by C1m. Hodson moved that John Rose be appointed as Acting
Mayor. Motion carried.
Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved.
Two bids were read for the
moved to a ccept the bid of
8831.50, the highest bid.
Anthony, Hodson, Blair and
purchase of Lot 20 Marathon Addition. Clm. Hodson
Claire Rose for Lot 20 Marathon Adiition for the sum of
Seconded by C1m. Blair. Clm. Stockton yes, Rose, no vote,
Johnson, yes. Motion carried.
The bids for the painting of the Civic Center were opened and the three bids were.
read and discussed, reganiing failure to enclose required deposit. C1m. Stockton
moved to reject all bids for re-submission at the next Council meeting on June 21st.
Seconded by C1m. Hodson. -All fn favor, motion carried.
Appointment of members to the Recreation Commission was discussed with the recommenda-
tion that Ted Weir be appointed temporary chairman and he to offer names of interested
persons for appointment to the Recreation Committee. C1m. Johnson moved to appoint
Ted Weir as temporary chairman of the Recreation Commission. Seconded by Clm.
Stockton. All in favor, motion carried. Mrs. Schaeferme~ who was present in behalf
of the PTA spoke about the proposed tennis court approximate cost of which will be
$6,800 and for which $1,157 has been raised with pledges for about $500 more. Mr.
O'Hara recommended that it would be a good project for the new recreation committe~
to handle, although the PTA would still like to participate in it according to Mrs.
SchaefeIlll!yer.Clm. Anthony moved that the Council participate to the extent of up
to $2,500 on the tennis court project and the City will furnish available city
equiJ:tllent. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Carried by unanimous vote.
The paving petitions were again presented signed by 47.7~ of required signatures. :
elm. Anthony moved that as insufficient signatures were presented on the paving '\
project that the City Mannger be authorized to dispose of the asphalt. Sedonded,
by C1m. Johnson. All in favor, motion carried.
Letter of resignation from George Dangler from the Planning and Zoning Comrdssion
was read. Clm. Stockton moved to accept the resignation of George Dangler from said
~'~~ -
Seward, Alnska
June 7, 1954
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commission with regret. Second by Clm. Anthony. All in favor, motion carried.
Clm. StoCkton moved that Bob Stanton be appointed to the Planning and Zoning
Commission in vacahcy created by Dangler. Seconded by Clm. Blair. Carried by
unanimous vote.
Mr: Baumgartner representing Mr. Faulkner spoke about property in the Laubner
Addition purchased by Faulkner requesting that the city issue a Quit Claim Deed to
Mr. Faulkner"who in turn would dig and backfill a water ditch the pipe to be fur-
nished by the water system. Clm. Johnson moved to authorize the City Manager and I
I Mr. Faulkner to enter into a contract satisfactory to all concerned whereby the Cit~
~e Et of lot 27, Lots 30, 31, 32 and 33 BloCk 7, Laubner Addition in exchange 'i
for excavation and backfill for water ditch. Secmded by Clm. Anthony. Carried
by unanimous vote.
Fred Vaughn was present in behalf of the American Legion and requested that they
wished to go on record as being in favor of any juvenile project that would be
started il}. Seward.
The 1954-55 School Budget letter was read and a special meeting was set for 8:00
P.M. of June lOth for the rea~ing of the budget.
Resolution was read. Clm. Stockton moved to adopt Resolution No. 56.
, "
No. SQ
Council of the City of
Seward, Alaska:
BE 11 RESQLVED by the Common
1. Thl!.t the Board of Eqtl alization will meet.in the Council 'Chambers on July'12th;1
14th and 16th, 195.1, from 7:00 o'cleck. P.B. t:> 9:00 o'clock P.M. and on July 13th .,
and 15th, 1~54 from 2:00 o'clock P.M. until 4:00 o'clock P.M.
ADOPTED B'l 'mE OOMM:>N COUNCIL this 7th day of June 1954.
John Rose
Mayor Pro-t'eIJl --:----.. . -
Sigrid stearns
City Clerk
Second by elm. Anthony. All in favor, motion carried.
Resolution No. 57 was read. Clm. Hodson moved to adopt Resolution No. 51.
No. 57
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Ala ska :
1. That the City of Seward make applicat ion to the Buroau of Land Management for
the following described land: '
The Northeast quarter of Section 28 - Township One
North, Range One West, Seward Meridian, containing"
160 Acres. To be used for a sanitary land fill garbage
2. That the City Manager be authorized to do all things necessary to acquire the
AlXlPTED by the COllU'!lon Council this 7th day of June 1954.
, i
. .
Seward, Alii ska
June 7, 1954
Sigrid Steams
~ity Clerk
John Rose
Mayor Pro-tem
Second by Clm. Blair.
All in favor, motion carried.
Mr. O'Hara advised the Council that the Bonds and the bond ordinance will be ready
for the next regular meeting and requested permission to take the bonds to Seattle
after July 1st. Clm. Stockton moved that Hr. O'Hara be authorized to carry the
Electric Utility Bonds to Seattle. Second by Clm. Anth~ny. All in favor,motion
'carried. Hr. O'Hara advised the cost of transportation of bonds to be $50C.
Letter from Alaska Department of Health regarding water sample heing free of con-
tarnina ti on was read.
Report of the Pu~ lie Health Nurse for the month of May was read.
Mr. O'Hara reported that the former Chief of Police was no longer here and Mr.
Jackson as acting Chief of Police and Edward Robinson hired on a 90 day trial. He
also advised the Council that the parking meter survey would start July 7th and
parallel and horizontal parking was discussed., said parking to be settled after
the surve;' has been made.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:05 o'clock P.H.
~!) ~..~,-p; ~--_~ .1
C!i ty C erk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seward, Alaska
June 11, 1954
A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:45 o'clock P.M. for the
purpose of reviewing the 1954-55 School Budget, the Electric Utility Contract for
Co-op 17, and, Housing Area Discussion. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present were
Clm. Stockton, Anthony, Hodson and Blair. Also present City Manager O'Hara and
Carlson, Lewis and Kirkp;.trick of the School Board. .lllisent elm. Rose and Johnson.
Mr. O'Hara read the letter from Mr. Carlson regarding the School Budget for 1954-55
and portions of a fanner audit. Then followed a review of the budget by Mr. Carlson
in explanation of various expenditures. Clm. Anthony moved to accept the budget of
proposed expenditures of Superintendent Carlson for 1954-55. Second by Clm. Blair.
All in favor, motion carried.
The cont!act for electricity for Kenai Lake Electric Association Inc, known as Co-op
l7"was read and explained by l1r. O'Hara. then discussion followed. Clm. Stockton
moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the c',ntract for Kenai Lake
Elec~ric Association Ind. Second by elm.. Hodson. All in f3vor4 motion carried.
Mr. O'Hara'informed the Council he had a telephone call from Mr. Master~ of Seward
Investment Co. regarding the housing installation in Seward and he was advised that
the majority of houses would be ready fpr occupancy by September 1st.
Mayor .
Motion'.s.s !lade. and econded to adjourn at ID:l5
~ '~~:fl .1J::o ..-=.
City C rk
.<. ( l--w
....rSi. Alaska
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A regular .eUnq of the Counoil was called to order at 8:02 o'o1ock P.M.
Painter in the Chair. Prellent were Clm. Stookton, Roe., Anthony, Hodllon,
and Johnson. . Also present Mr. O'Hara. City Manaqer.
Two bids for the paintinq of the CiTio Center alildinq were opeed and read. Lesko:1
Bros. in lUIOUnt $2,600 and Co-op Paint Co. in Gaunt $1,700. C1m. Ro.. moved to . :1
~ocept the bid of $1,700 'by the Co-op Paint Company. Second by C1m. Anthony. Carfed.
. .':t.
Date for olosiDll the Hou,ing Area was discussed w~th the deoision by the Counoil t
the definite closiDll date for the Seward Housinq Area would r_in a.Octobe:{ 1.19 .
Mr. O'Hara read the recoaDltndations of the Seward Utility Board for charqe of $1.5~
per foot for the digging of water line from the main to property line instead of Ii
the flat rate already in effect. The second i t_ was for an amendIMnt to the wate~
ordinance to be PIlt into effect raising utilities 10 to 151 for the users outside
the City Limits, the Mayor advising the City Manaqer to proceed with the .enciment..:
The percentaqe of rdse was disouIISed with the ..tter resting at a probable lO'J..imireue.
Minutes of the last regular and special meeUDIlS were read and approved.
Resolution 58 was read. Clm. Rose lIIOYed to adopt Resolution Ho. 58:
WHEREAS, The grant~nq of a zone permit requires designation by the City Manaqer an4
a resolution of the COllIDOn Council of the City of Seward, Alaska UDder Ordinance Nd.
240, and
WHEREAS, The City Manager of the City of Seward ltas investiqated the request of ,
Fred lAquier of the Northern Cab Co. and found they have complied with Ordinance N~. 240,
- ,j
NeW, T~RE, Be it Resolved by the CCII\lIIlII$\ Council of the City of Seward, !U.ska~
that the Northern Cab Co. be qranted a zone permit in space directly in front .of, ~e
entranoe to Northern Cab Co. on Fourth Avenue, for one oab. This permit to expire '
June 30, 1.955.
Passed and apprond by the COIIIllOn Council thb 21st day of June, 1954.
Russell Painter
Sig-rid stearns
. City Clerk
Second . by Clm. stockton.
All in favor, motion carried.
The bills were read. Clm. stockton moved to approve the bills as read with the
exception of the bill presented by Rutle., Johnston & Tryclc in amount $4,664.45.;!
ACS, 114.95, ATEC, $30.00, Alaska Shop, $1.00, AndJ"s Oil D.livery, $10489, U.S. .
Call1mhsioner, $6.00, Durant'. Hardware, $10.65, Win Ervin Moten, '59.56~ Elkhart .!
Bra.. Mfq. Co., In.11, Halprin Supply Co., 1186.30, HerMR H. Heiser Co., $19.50,'
~nd Co-op, 112.98, Miro-Flex, $66.50, Modern Motors, $54.57, N. C. Co., $221.62, ,
Oshe'., $2.75, Moore e.sin..s F01"lU, 11.14, Paulsteiner's, $16.00, Ray's Oil Serd~e,
$84.53, Rutled;e, Johnston & Tryclc, $621.15, Marathon Bakery, $6.aO, Seward Water ;
DePt. IU5, Seward Electric Byst.., 1600.90, Seward Drug, $1.35, Seward Hardware, i'
$20.36, Seward Machine Shop, $48.98, Seward a&ilder's Supply, fl.65, Seward Genera~
Hpottal, '81,.,15. stancJ,.rd. Oil Co., 1116.67, United states Penoil Co., $19.22,;
Patrioia Willi..., $405. 60, Pacific Coast stUlP Works, $14.74, Alaskan Stationers~
1101.51, Rutledge, Johnston & Tryek. $4,664.45. Petty Cash, $15.41. Second by Clm~
Rose. Carried unanimously.
Mr. O'Hara read a rouQh draft of the budget and proposed expenditures for fhoal
year 1954-55, the final draft to be presented Friday, June 25th.
Minute. of the Planninq and ZoniDll Coamission were read. Clm. Blair IIIOVed to
accept the minutes into the reoord. Second by Clm. Johnson. Carried unanimoWlly.
, D18ou8s10n of qarbt.qe contuet was brouqht up by Clm. stockton and disoussion of
street oiling was brouqht up by Clm. Anthony. Breaking of bottles in the swilllllinq
pool was brouqht .up and the police to keep a oheck on the lake.
Phil Nioholas present.<! a letter of resignation to the Mayor which was turned over
~,".' 4
'<,j { " ;
Seward, Alaska
June 21, 1954
Ii to Mr. O'Hara for proper action.
Mr. O'Hara addsed the Counoil that the bo~dinq crdimmce had not been reoehed
but 1ft:lu1d be presented June 25th, 1954.
Mayo~ Painter adjourned the regular lIIItetinq of the Council until 8:00 o'c1eok P.N.
.f Fridoy, Jun. 25, ,.5<.. A-""a4(.F~
Attest J ~.~. ;O~ ..(.~-.......- yor
Seward, Alaska
June 25, 1954
- - - - - - - - -
adjourned from Juno 21, 1954,
A r~.J: meeting of the Council/was called to order at 8:08 o'clook P.M. for the
purpose of revillWinq the bill of Rut1edqe, JohnstOft & Tryok, adoP1:!nq Ordinaac e .
248 and presentation of the 1954-55 budget.
Bill from Rutledge" Johnston & Tryck was read by Mr. O'Hara with a breakdown of
the work perf~. Clm. Anthony lIlOYed to pay the bill but to wi thhold 201. pendinq
the deli.,ery of dr_inqs. Second by elm. Johnsen. All in favor, motion C&rried.
Ordinance Ho. 248 was read by the Clerk, followed by disCllssion. Clm. Rose mo.,ed
tG supenCl-filt'nlej-fot-'the adoption of Ordinance Ho. 248. Sec. by C1m. Anthony.
Motion c&rried unanimously .
Clm. Hod.n lIIOYed to adopt Ordinance Ho. 248, AN ORDDlAJlCE of the City of Seward,
Alaska, oonfirBdnq the result of a ~eoia1 eleotion held therein on May 5, 1954
for the adoption of a plan lluthorbinq the city to acquire and install certain
addi tions and improvements to its electric utility system and to issue its electria
revenue bonds in the prinoipa1 sum of not to exceed 1200,000 to pay the cost thereof,
authorizing the issuance of Hid bonds, fixinq the date, form, tenu and maturities
thereof, creatinq a fund for the p&yment of the principal thereof and interest
thereon and a Resene Account, providinq certain other covenants safequardinq the
p&yment thereof, confirming their sale, and. dec1arinq an euerqency. Second by
. Clm. RGse. Carried unanimously.
The budqet messaqe hadnc;r been previously read, Mr. O'Hara presented the budqet
which wa fJt~'fl'I.8ft Mtfe"""in<t1a-l~"JIi~d ~ adopt the 1954-55 buclqet with
chanqe~ ,I tJecond OJ CI.. An"l'1i..-y. Al'"t"ln-favor, moti on carried..
Purchase of ~dern Motors buildinq and equipllllent for $55,000 was presented by Mr.
O'Hara and discussed. Reoo11lllendation by Mr. Southard and letter fro. Bill Muir with
costs were road by Mr. O'Hara and the Council to meet at 7:00 P.M. Monday, June 28,
to qo thru the building.
Mr. O,Hara asked the Counoil for approval of 18 days le..,.. . lilich was also discussed.
ClIil. Rose DIOved to approve 0'Hara' s 18 days 'le.ve. ... Seoond by Clm. Stockton. All
in faver, IIDt ion carr!_.
The manaqer of TV Channel H.. 2 wa. present reqardinq the installation of a relay
.tation in seward.
Moti on was IIIllde and
seconded to .djourn at 12:20 o'c1ook.P.M.
Attest ~-""'~tf MA~
City Clerk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0''''''' .
:.:,. ( "::.
Seward, Al..ka
July 6, 1954
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and Johnson. Aln absent Manaqer O'Hara. ' .j
The bill for }'>>.intinq the Cido Center F3uild~nq wa~ reviewed, in am::>unt $1,835.00. 'I
Clm~ mair mOTed that bill to Co-op Paint Company be paid. Second by ClIIl. Rose. i
All in favor, motion carried. 'j
Fire Chief J::ielcheski inforl*i the Co !ncil that the 1S&1t water main _s of no furth~r
use as ft... fiqhtinq equipuent, need.inq a lot of repair work and wanted to knCllf who II
is responeible for the repair. He also spoke about the pl\lgginq .f the roof drain i
which nee<Md repairinq. Mr. J::ielcheski requested information reqardinq the Ulount 'I
of his vacation time, which wu diecussed with the amount of time unknown to the ,
Council, and t~ed until the return of Mr. O'Hara. I
Mr. Borden was present and. spote,~ut the installation of his 011 tanks, sa.yinq
there would be too IlUch water for l:urial and they could not be J;Ut OTer 8i feet
'from the dwelling, the matter to be referred to the Planning and Zoning CClIIIIIli Aion
for their July 12th meet1nq.
Re~lution 59 was read. Clm. R... IllOved to adopt Resolution 59.
C~ADI RE!\L pR)m~ IN. 'lHE 9I'lY OF Sf.WARD.
. ri
WHEREAS, at J;Ublic auction held on the l'Sth day of February, 1935, in J;Urauance'!
of an order of sale ..de and entered in the District Court for the Territory of '
Aluka, Third Judicial Didsion on the 10th day of Dec..mer, 1934, the City of sewar~
became the J;Urcmaser of Lot: Four (4) of m~k One (1) of the Original TCM\sit. of ,
Seward, Alaska, accordinq to the official Plat thereof. havinq bid therefor the i
Glount elle on said Lot, includinq the tax. penalty, interest and costs due and dalO'i
inquent thereon for the year 1933 and '
WHEREAS, a perie<! long in excess of two years has elapsed since the date of'said ,
Sale and no re~ion has been made therefr~, and the City of Sew~rd has lODq beer
entitled to a tax Deed to said Lot, NOW, THEREFORE" ' , i
. ., i
That RUSSELL PAINTER, as Mayor and SIGRm.STEARNS,.as City Clerk, e;c:eaut~
Tax Deed to said Lot hereinbefore, in this resolution, de1Icribed,' to have and to h . d
the title to said Lot unto, the City of Seward, Aluka, and tho.e holdinq by, thro .
or UDder it, foreyer. . '
DATED this 6 day of July, 1954.
( $AL)
Siqrid 5+Hrns
City of f!Jeward,
Russell Painter
City of Seward, Alaska
Second by Clm. Anthony.
All in favor, motion carried.
Resolution 60 wu read. ~lm. Ron 1IIO\'4Id to adopt tf.solution No. 60.
. WHEREAS, at public au:tion held __ the 14th day of October, 1939,. in pursuance
of an order of sale made and entered in the District Court for the Terri tory of
Alaska, Third Judicial Dhhion on the 8th day of August, 1939, the City of Seward
became the purchuer .f Lots Ten (lO) and Eleyen (11) of Bleck Seventeen (17) in
the F"ral Addition to the Original Townsite of Seward, Alaska, acoordinq to tile
officid Plat thereof, having bid therefor the _ount due on said LcJI:s, including
!the tax, penalty, interest and coets due and delinquent thereon for the year 1938, ..
WlmREAS. a "riod. long in exceS8 of two years has elapsed since the date of
said sale and no redemption has been made therefrcm, and the City of Seward hillS
long been entitled to a TilX Deed to sdd Lots, HCM, THEREFORE,
.' , . n' ,. ~
!':';l ~)
Seward, Ala ska
July 6, 195.
That RUSSELL PAINTER, as Mayor, and SIGRID srEARNS, .. City Clerk, execute
a Tax Deed to said Lots hereinbefore, in this resolution, described, to haTe and to
hold,the title to said Lots unto the City of Seward, Alaska, and those holding by,
through or under it, foreTer.
DATED this 6 day of July, 195..
Sigrid stearns
City of Seward, Alaska
Russell Painter
City of Seward, Alasa.
Second by Clm. Blair. All in favor, motion ClIlrri.d.
'" 1
The Grant Lake Agreement and City Business Licenses were tabled until a later meeting.
Police report for the month of May was read and. ccepted.
Clm. Rose _ed to apprClY4t and expendi ture of not to exceed 8250 for repair of the
roof drain in City Hall Building. Second by Clm. Blair~. All in f a~~r, JIIQ~ carried.
lIot,,," ... ..... and .~ond to adjourn at ,,,. 0'010""/"2. Jtf~.' .'
APProT.i - / f/ /~
Attest ~ ~ j,"~R )..A.~ ..,~
. Ci y lerk
- - ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seward, Alaska
July 19, 1954
,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:15 o'clock: P.M. Mayor
Painter in the Chair. Present Clm. stockton, Rose, Anthony, Hodson and Johnson.
Absent elm. Blair. Also present City Manager O'Hara.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved.
Letter was read from the Woman's Society d Christian Sertice regarding tax.s, on
',the hospital and Nurse's Home and the IIIB.tter discussed with Clm. Rose disapproving
of the tax, the other members of the Council agreeing to leave the assessment a s is,
;and notify the Hospital Board that the hospital is not included in the assessment.
Petitition was presented from the Moose Bar for the addition of the name of Virginia
.Kopcha to the license. Clm. Rose moved to add the name of Virginia l<pha to the
'license for 'the Moose Bar. Second by Clm. Axlthony. All in fflvor, motion Ollrried.
The millage rate was discussed. Clm. Anthony moved to a ccept the tax roll as present-
ed and set the millage rate at 14 mills on real property and 24 mills on personal
props rty. Second by Clm. Stockton. All in favor, motion car-ded.
The telephon\! proposition was discussed by Mr. O'Hara who advised that the brokers
in Seattle are favorable. Proposal of Metcalf and Harstad was read. elm. Rose
moved that the proposal of Metcalf and Hardstad be turned over to the Utility
Board. Second by Glm. Hodson. All in favor, motion Ollrried. There was also
discussion on Ptarmigan Lake proposition but no action taken.
Mr. Howard of Seward Community TV, Inc. was present to discuss piped in service to
residents of Seward and the corporation is anxious to get started. J:h'i'tlgreement
was presented and the Council agreed to consider the proposition after the City Manager
and Ci tyAttorney had studied it with another meeting later in the week for further dis-
cussion with the Television Corporation.
Mayor Painter advised the Council that M.1ir should be notified regarding accepting
or rejecting the garage building. Clm. Hodson moved to reject the Muir building.
Second by Clm. Anthony. Clm. Stockton, Anthony, Hodson and Johnson ye". Clm. Rose,
no. Motion Ollrried. -
The Bills were'read. Clm. Rose moved to approve payment of bills with the exception
of the 1100 bill for water for the streets. ACS 125.66, Andy's 1311fJ.41, Alaska
Shop, $1.00, ATEC, 130.00, Alaskan Stationers, $35.71, James Cameron, 1576.86,
Blumenthal, $56.09, Aron Ericson, $12.60, Win Ertin M:>tcr s, $57.40, Mitchell Faulkner,
6~ "~f ~- ~
c:.. ; ",-, ,
Seward. Alaska
July 19, 1954
---- - -- -...--- ...-
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.52.28, Mac's Photo Serlice, $14~78, Marathon Bakery, 85.28, Modern Motors, 832.11, II
Northern Electric, $62.74, N.C. 0., $21.63, Osbo's, $11.20, Seward Plbg. & Htg. , !L
$6.09, Sewll,-d, Druq, 12.25, Sewllrd Elec. Systea, $597.50, Sewanl Wllter 6Y.st;.., $330.Cl~,
Sewllrd Wllter System, 1100, ~yder Office Supply, 1168.30, Sewud Builder'. &pply,j
$136.03, Sewud Hardware, 1256.87, std. Oil, 1360.91, Seward Machine Shop, tl5'.S8~
TYner, $172.80, Wlltsjold Grocery, $140.85, Petty Cash, $20.34. Second by Clm. st~~on.
All in favor. motion carried. I
City Attorney Walters presented proposed Ordinance No. 2t9. which was relld and dis-
cussed. Clm. Rose moved to 8Wlpend the rules for the adoption of Ordinance No. 249';1
Second by Clm. Anthony. All in favor, motion carried.
Clm. Anthony moved to adopt Ordinance No. 249, AN ORDINANCE TO OONFER UPON THE ::
Second by Clm. Hodson. All in favor. 1'lIOtion carried. i
Ibti= wa. ..d< and ..ooodad to adjourn at 10 ,20 r'.~ ;:;J'- 2 j} ~
~ ~e~-Jr -
- - - - - - - - - - - -I'
SeWard, Al aska
July 21, 1954
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and Utility Board
A special meetinq of the COlIllllOn Council/was called to order at 8:10 o'clook P.M. I
for the purpose of: 1. Grant Lake Aqreement; 2. Telephone Proposition; 3. Dispo..l
of Housinq Area. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, ROI!Ie, "
Hodson, Blair and JohnllOn. Absent Clm. Anthony. Also present City Attorney and
City Manaqer. Members of the Utility Board, Trev.than, Durant, Rosn.... Myers and
s,pt. Judan were also present. Utility..Board Member Stanton, absent.
Trevethan aciTised the Council that the Grant Lake Agreement had been brought befor.,
the 'Utility Board on two occa.ions and proceeded to read the minutes pertaining
to the Grant Lake Electrical P~oj.ct. Mr. O'Hara pointed out and' rec_nded chanqes
in the Aqreement as well as the advantages and disadYantaQ'es. Th. Ptarmigan Late '
Project was discussed and Mr. O'Hara said he had talked with Mr. Harstad while in
Seattl.. Mr. Graves spoke in behalf of the '4rant Lake Projeot stating that a
throrouqh pr.limina17 sttrly of the site had been made as well as an estimate of the,
,probable cost of developnent. He read portions of a prel iminary report on the '
'propo.ed hydro developll8nt at Grant Lake. Mr. Arnell and another member of the Graii-t
Lake Project arrived and Jack Werner another member, was al" pres.nt. There 'oilS '
considerable disClUssion with recOllllllendation that no action be taken until after
contact with the Bur.au of Reclamation.
Mr. O'Hara told the Council the Manager of the Housing Area had recommended that a
:price be put on .ach hut and the buildinq and contents be sold as a compl.te unit
and ~ed out of the City Limits.
There was no time for the discussion of the telephone proposition at this meeting.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at lO:~ p.r-), ' /
Attest L:"1-,'f~~.(-. yor
~ Clerk
- - - - - - - - .-. -
Seward, Alaska
July 22, 19541
A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:12 o'clook P.M. for the
purpose of: 1. Aqreement Seward Community TV, Inc.; 2. Adoption Resolution. 61
and 62; 3. Encroachments on First Avenue. Clm. Stockton Acting Mayor. Also
'pr.sent Clm; Rose, Anthony. Blair and Johnson. Absent Clm. Hod~on and Mayor Painter.
Mr. O'Hara read the proposed Aqreement with Seward Community TV. Inc. which was
followed by,a discussion. The City A+torney raised the question of a franchise
and Mr. Howard; 'representing the company said he would look into it further.
Clm. Johnson moved ~o approve the Agreement ~th Seward CommUnity TV, Inc., and if '
'I, .
~ .
(..v'; ..
Seward, Ala ska
July 22, 1954
.. "
it should be subj ect to the approval by the electon.te, shall be put on the ballot
'for special election on August 24, 1954. $edond by Clm. Blair. All in favor,
motion carried.
.Reso1ution No. 61 was read by the City Attorney. C1m. Rose moved to adopt
Resolution No. 61.
WHEREAS pursuant to a petition filed in the District Court of Alaska, Third
Division, the District Judge ordered that an election be held by the city of Seward
on the 24th day of August, 1954 upon the question as to whether or not the territory
known as CLFARVIEW SUBDIVISION should be annexed to the city of Seward and furthe r
ordered that notioe of such election shall be given for a period of four weeks pr i08
to said election, NaN THEREFORE,
That the question of whether or not the territory known as CLEARVIEW' SUBDIVISION
should be annexed to the oity of Seward, Alaska shall be submitted to the electors
of Seward, Alaska at a special e1ea1:ion on ,the 24th day of August, 1954 and the
,Municipal Clerk is hereby author !zed and instructed t 0 post a notice of said special
election in three .public places wi thin the city of Seward in a ccordance with the
provisions of the ordinances of the city and in addition thereto specifying the
names of the judges and c~s of said election as follows:
Judges of Election:
L. Runell Clapp (Inspea1:or)
Mildred E. Kirkpatridk
Eela Myers
Bonnylin Southard
Lenore Robbins
i!DATED this 22nd day of July, 1954
Perry stockton, Jr.
Acti ng Mayor
:Sigrid stearns
City Clerk
Second by Clm. Anthony. All in favor, motion carried.
Resolution No. 62 was read by the City Attorney. Clm. Johnson moved to adopt
Resolution No. 62.
WHEREAS the CODmIon Council ha s approved an Agreement between the Ci ty of Seward
and Seward Community W, Inc., that the City of Seward should give a franchise to the
said Seward COlll1lUI\ity TV" Il\c~;; 'for the purpose of installation of equipment or the
furnishing of television reception to the residents of the Seward area, NOW THEREFORE,
That the question of whether or not the City of Seward should enter into an
Agreement with the Seward COIIIl\UI\ity TV, Inc., whereby said Seward Community 'lV, Inc.,
is extended a franchise for a period of ten (10) years with the option of renewal for
a like period to use the utility poles owned or controlled by the City of Seward
for the purpose of inst&lation of equipment or the furnishing of television reoep-
tion to the residents of the Seward area upon terms and condi tions according to the
Agreement on file in the office of the City Cle rk, shall be submitted to the electors
of Seward,Alaska at a speoial election on the 24th day of August, 1954 and the City
Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to post a notice of said special election
in three public places within the City of Seward in acco~nce with the provisions
of the ordinances of the City and in addition thereto specifying the names of the
r~ , \\,:
Seward, Ai-aska
July 22, 1954
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jud;Jes and clerks of said election as follows:
Judges of Election:
L. Russell Clapp (Inspector)
Mildred E. ~irkpatrick
Bonnylin Southard
Lenore Robbins
Dated this 22nd day of July, 1954.
Perry stockton Jr
Act i ng Mayor
Sigrid Stearns
Ci ty Clerk
Second by Clm. Blair. All in favor, motion carried.
The houses in First Avenue was discussed. Clm. Blair lIIOVed that the City Attorney
prooeed with the neoessary legal action to relllOYe the enoroaabments. Seoond by
Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion oarried.
Motion was made ard seconded to adjourn at
jJ~;; .~~ ~
'~ -..-...
Ci y ert
9:10 o'alock P.~
A~roveG~ p~~
A ng Mayor
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '
Seward, Alaska
August 2, 1954
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A regular lIlIIleting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:07 o'clock P.M.
Mayor Painter in the chair. Present were Clm. Rose, Anthony, Hodson, Blair and
Johnson. Absent Clm. stookton. Also present City Manager O'Hara.
Minute. of the last regular and special meti~were read and approved.
Mr. O'Hara advised the Counail regarding the Suddath property, that it should be .
maintained on the tax rolls as at present.
Mrs. Schaefermeyer spote in behalf of the PTA for the organization of an aotive
Health Counoil. Mr. O'Hara ilJ.formed tho.e present that we already have a health
Council and read portions of Ordinance No. 192. This was disaussed as well as the
hiring of a part time sanitarian with the City to pay approximately $600 towards
the salary. There was further disaussion by the PTA members presltnt and they are
to oontact Mr. O'Hara with their plans for organization of a Health Counail.
Mary Anne Balmat spoke regarding the enaroachment onto the alley of a house located;1
on Lob 9 and 10 of Block 4, Laubner Addition. Clm. Johnson moftd that the City ,1
Manager draw up an easement for a two year period for house lOCl!lted on Lots 9 and I;
10, Block 4, Laubner Addi tion. Seaond by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried,,:
. Letter of appreaiation from the Ambulanoe Corps was reqd.
organization and inspection of the ambulanoe.
~. Kelly spote about tit
'Resolution No. 63 was read. Clm. Rose moved to adopt Resolution No. 63.
WHEREAS, at publio ald:ion held on the 14th day of October, 1939 in pursuanoe
of an order of sale made and entered in the Distriot Court for the Territory of
Ala ska, Third Judicial Division on the 8th day of August, 1939, the city of Seward
beaame the purahaser of Lot '!Welve (12) of Block Seventeen (17) of the Original
Townsite of Seward, Alaska, aacording to the offiaia1 Plat thereof, having bid i'
therefor the amount due on said Lot, inoluding the tax, penalty, interest and aost.!:
due and delinquent thereon for the years 1937 ahd 1938.
WHEREAS, a period long in excess of two years has elapsed 5i nee the Jate of said
:..~; ~J
Seward, Alaska
August 2, 1954
,sale and no redenq:>tion has been made therefrom, and the City of Seward has long
been entitled to a tax Deed to said Lot, NOW, THEREFORE,
That RUSSELL PAINTER, as Mayor, and SIGRID STEARNS, as City Clerk, execute a
Tax Deed to said Lot hereinbefore, in this resolution described, to have and to hold
the title to said Lot unto the City of Seward, Alaska, and those holding, by,
through, or under it, forever.
DATED this 2nd day of Aug~t, 1954.
Sigrid Stearns
City of Seward, Alaska
, Russell' Painter
MIl. Y(R
" City of Seward, Alaska
Second by Clm. Hodson. All in favor, motion carried.
Resolution No. 64 was read.
WHEREAS it has been determined that the Agreelllltnt with the Seward Conmnmity
'J.'V', Inc., need not be sul:mitted to the electoAte of the City of Seward, NCW THEREFORE,
That Resolution No. 62 be hereby rescinded.
Dated this 2nd day of Augst, 1954.
Russell Painter
Sigrid stearns
City Clerk
Clm. Johnson moved to adopt Resolution No. 64. Second by Clm. Anthony. All in
, favor, mot ion carried .
The official budqet was read by Mr.
moved to adopt the' official budget.
O'Hara, followed by a discussion. Clm. Rose
Second by Clm. Hodson. All in favor, motion
The City Manager was advised to go ahead and present a definite proposal to the
Department of Health regarding a part time A;nitarian, for Seward.
Bills for Fourth of July decorations were read, Puqet Sound Ten t Co., $470.85,
Anchorage Elks, $27.60, Seward Electric System $26.50. Clm. Rose moved to approve
the bil" s as read. Second by Clm. Hodson. All in favor, motion carried.
Letter regarding rentals of Bay View Court was read.
Public Health Nurse report for the month of July was read.
Clm. Rose spoke regarding investigating REA for telephone service, use of the lot
behind the hospital for parking of employees cars and the digging of 139' of sewer
and unable to connect his s_.r thereto, which were all discussed.
Motion was made andl'lecond to adjourn at 10~/""':J.M. ~
J ~~it;fc~
o-} .,.-.
.;;., "j';!
Seward, Alaska
August 16, 1954
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A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:0~ o'cloc;'P.M. "~m':o'tl -,-
Perry stockton, Acting Mayor. Also present Clm. Anthony. Hodson, Blair and Johnso,'
Ab3ent Mayor Painter and Clm. Rose. Also present City Manager, O'Hara.,
Mr. O'Hara reported regarding the easement of the house located on Lots 9 and 10, I
Block 4, Laubner Addition and,that the city is not qualified for REA for telephone
____ .._______,._______ __u_.________
-----~~ -
__..0__..... __ _ . ....__________..... .__
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected.
Mr. Hoogland present, requested pennission to move a butler hut to a lot on Fourth
Avenue and the IIl!ltter was discussed. Mr. O'Hara said it should not be referred to:.
the Planning and Zoning Comnissl on due to and ordinance regarding huts now in effe#t.
Clm. Hodron moved to rejeot Mr. Hoogland's proposal to IIIOve a butler hut onto Fourth
Avenue lot. Second by Clm. Anthony. All in favor, motion oard ed. '
Southar presented the sewer assessment list, the City's portion to be #108, 608.40~
two thirds to be by a ssessment of property owners abutting said sewer, one third I
from general taxes. The assessment roll will be open to inspeotion before the carAs
are lI\ailed out. Resolution No. 65 was read, by the City Clerk.' T
I:! I
WHEREAS, the oi ty counoil of the city of Seward, Alaska, hav ing heretofore detenniljled
to !lake the improvement known as the Seward Sewer Project, and having
detennined to assess the,real property benefited by suoh improvement to a~
amount equal to two-thirds of the cost thereof, and
WHEREAS, said improvement has now been oompleted and a correot account has been
kept of all the expenses of such improvement, and
WHEREAS, said city council has examined the assessment roll, containing a brief
desoription or designation of each.traot,of property benefited by said
improvement, the name of the owner or rp.puted owner thereof, and the
amount of the assessment, assessed against the various traots of real
estate in p>>Qportion to the benefit received by eaoh in an amount equal
to tw-thirds of the cost thereof,
NCM, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESJLVED, by the COlllll1On Counoil of the City of Se\.ard, Alaskt,
(1) Two-thirds of the cost of said improvement be: and hereby is, assess~d
aga~nst the various tracts of real estate in proportion to the benefit i
, received by each, as set forth in the: assessment roll. !
(2) The said counil will hear obJeotions to such assessments on the 7th
day of September, 1954, in the Council chambers of the City H all, at theil
hour of 8:00 o'olock, P.~, at whioh time all persons concerned shall ha~
a right to present their objeotions if any they have to the assessment orll
any part thereof and to point out errors and inequalities if any exist a~
sul:mit such reasons. for amendments and corrections as they may have.
(3) The munioipal clerk shall send a written notice by IIl!lil to eaoh
owner of a tract against whioh an assessment is made, whioh netiC<! shall !i
state the amount of the assessment agc!nst suoh particular tract andltml '
time fixed by the council for hearing objections. Such notioe shall be
lI\ailed at least fifteen days before the time of suoh hearing.
PASSED, ADOPTED lIND AFPOOVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska~
this 19 day of August, 1954.
Perry R. Stoci:ton, Jr.
Acting Mayor
Attest: Siqrid stearns
Municipal Clerk
Clm. Anthony moved to adopt Resolution No. 65 as read. Second by Clm. Johnson.
All in favor, motion carried.
Mr. O'Hara presented information for a National Guard Armory at Seward, the
Gov'3rnment to put up '75,000, the City '25,000 which would be put up by the Sohool,
Board from Tobacoo Tax funds and the Annory to be used by the school for a gymnas:L'lun.
It would also be neoessary that the city put ~p $3000 for plans. Clm. Anthbny
moved that Mr. O'Hara advise General Noyes that the Counoil will advance $3000 for
plans and would like to participate in an AnJfQry in Seward. Second by Clm. Blair.
All in favor, motion carried.
I}C; -~
..... ) 1
Seward, Alaska
August ltp, 1954
The ptarmigan Lake Project was discussed and Mr. O'Hara advised that the project hae;
been approved by the Utility Board for Mr. Harstad to proceed with the engineering
for the Ptarmigan Lake Project. Clm. Hodson moved to authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to sign the necessary pipers to proceed with the Ptarmigan Lake Project.
Second by Clm. Johnson. All in favor, motion carried.
Mr. O'Hara informed the council of his talk with Mr. Gagnon of Alaska Housing
:Authority regarding two proposals for housing in blighted areas. Clm. ~thony
~oved that Mr. O'Hara request a survey from Alaska HousiJYl Authority for a: ldw rent
housing proiect' toiraplace en, of our blight~d areas.' Sebond by Clm. Hodson. All in
l'avor~ mOt:l0n carr eel. ' '
Telephone proposal from Alaska Engineering Assooiation was read by Mr. O'Hara. Clm.
Johnson moved to enter into a proposal in amount of $2,575.00 with Alaska Engineering
Association. Second by Clm. Blair. Motion carried u~nimously.
:The bills were read. ACS. $17.52, Andy's Oil Delivery, $276.19, ATEC, $30.00"
Alaskan Stationers, $29.18, from Sales Tax $40.50, Automotive Parts, $226.39, Civil
Defense, $82.49, U.S. Commissioner, $31.00, CO2 Fire Equipment Sales, $51.48. 8eo.
F. Cake, Co., $65.66, Durant's, $23.27, Aron Erioson, $54.60, Kenai Lumber Co., $13.60,
Win Ervin Motors, $71.63, Midwestern Mfg~ Co., $283.00, Moore Business Forms, $52.50,
N. C. Co., $1,143.00, Osbo's, $6.00, Paulsteiner's, $16.00, Faulkner, Banfield &
,Boochever, $151.50, Seward Electric System, $554.60, Seward W~ter Dept., $330.00,
Herman Sontag, $120~0, Seward Fish & Cold storage, $141.90, Seward Trading Co.,
.$107.02, Seward Builder's Supply, $122.02, Seward Machine Shop, $146.16, standard
Oil Co., $321.56, S~~ard Hardware $1,920.06, Dorothy Tyner $110.00, Patricia Williams,
$1,066.85, Petty Cash, $26.98.Clm. Blair moved that the bills be Paid as read. Second
by Clm. Anthony. Clm. stockton, Anthony, Hodson and Blair, yes. Clm. Johnson,
no vote. Motion carried .
Letter of appreciation from the Seward Chamber of Commerce for the reduced tax rate
was read.
,M:. O'Hara read a, letfer'he had sent to Mr.'Pe~~i~~Qvie1Rg him that ail utilitl..
to the HQusingArea would be disconnected starHha,~a~ .!i letter be written to the
loth Air Rescue Squadron for assistance with polio cases and Mr. O'Hara also ad-
vised that the ambulance had taken 15 W"patients from the airport to the San.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 9:30 o'clock P.M.
''Attest ~~
Cit Clerk ----~
Q~ a~~_.i.__
ing Mayor 7-
Seward, Alaska
August 30, 1954
A special meeting of the CouncU: was called to order at 1:00 o'clock P.M. for the
purpose of canvaw8ing the ballots and accepting the Judges report of the Special
Election held August 24, 1954. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm.
Rose, Hodson, Blair and Jo~son. Absent Clm. stockton and Anthony.,
Canvass of the ballots of the Election Board was read by the City Clerk. Clm.
Blair moved to accept the canvass of the ballots of the Special August 24, 1954
Election by the Election Board as follows:
One Hundred Five (105) votes cast
In Favor, Annexation
Against, Annexation
(101 )
One Hundred One
Second by Clm. Rose.
Carried by unanimous vote.
Attest .
Oi ty 1 ed:
. ~-tl
(/, ~1:>L0
,otion was made and second tolrljourn at
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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~ regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:08 o'clock P.M. Mayor
, ainter in the chair. Present were elm. Rose, Anthonv, Hodson and Johnson. Absent
Clm. Stockton and Blair. Also present City Manager O~Hara.
Minute's of the last regular and special meeting were read and approved.
The Hayor asked if most of the persons present were interested in the hearing on th
Sewer Assessments and was advised they were. Martin Garesen present spoke aboutMr .
Coulft:er's personal property said she has under $250.00. The matter was discussed :
and the Mayor assured Mr. Goresen the matter would be taken care of.
A number of people were present with questions regarding the sewer assessments,
'complaints on the sewer and the leDgthfof time for payment 'of assessments. Mr. 0' ra
spoke about the bonds betng callable and therefore if paid sooner interest would be
smaller. Complaints were registered by Goresen, .f.mpey, Witherup and Frampton sayi
the sewer was not deep enough on that portion of Second Avenue to be able to use t
sewer. Mr. Mattson and Myers spoke of payments being _over.a 20 -year periffie ~I d f
O'Hara and the Mayor spoke about the 'city absorbing the cost of the sewer on/~co n 0
Avenue 'until such time as the sewer may be placed deep enough. The .Mayor asked ther
'council about the city assuming the assessment for those unable to usethe sewer. r
. ~lm. Anthony, moved that property owners with residences abutting the new sewer lin
and unable to use the installation because of existing elevation be excused from
asses:ment urttil such time as they -are able to use the sewer. Second by Clm. Johns n.
All in favor, motion carried. !he Mayor recommended postponement of the hearing,
,after a reading of the proposed sewer Resolution No. 67, until the regular meeting
of September 20th. .
One garbage contract bid was received and read and Mr. O'Hara 'asked ,that a special
meeting be held to give time to check the rates with otheI' rates.
Mr. O'Hara spoke about the property belongitrto Alaska Broadcasting Company regardin
opening of street: and the deeding of street and alley to Alaska BroadcastiRg Compan .
Mr. O'Hara read a letter from their attorneys regarding the matter. It was recomme
ithat the letter and pl~t be turned over to the City Attorney and to keep on a frien
Public Health Nurse for the month of August was read.
P~oject ~onstruction and Sales Agreement for project Aaa. 50-A-160, Seward High
School was read with R solution 68 attached thereto. Clm. Rose moved to adopt
Resolution No. 68. Second by Clm. Johnson.
Authorizing the Execution of an A~reement for construction of a high school ,I,
. b.1ilding with equirment.
WHEREAS, under the terms of the Alaska Public Wor ks Act, approved August 24,
1949 (63 Stat. 627, 48 U.S.C. Sec. 486-486j), the City of Seward, hereinafter call
the Purchaser, has heretofore applied to the United states of America for a publ ic I
work proj ect consisting of: ' '
A high school building of reinforced concrete, steel and II
wood frame construction, including equipment; consisting I
of three standard classrooms, a bookkeeping, typing and
journalism room, a library, a Shop, an administrative suite,
a heating plant, a cafeteria and kitchen, domestic science
area, a laboratory, a study hall and miscellaneous and
incidental space for the proper functioning of the facility,
WHEREAS, the United States has allotted the sum of Six Hundred and Sixty
Thousand Dollars ($660,000l for the construction of a high school with equipment;
under the terms of the said Alaska Public Works Act; ,I
WHEREAS, the City Council of the Purchaser has received from the United States Ipf
America a proposed Project Construction and Sale. Agreement under and by virtue of i
the terms of which the United States of America undertakes to provide the public wo~
project above described, and to transfer said public work project to the Purchaser ~~
consideration of the Purchaser's agreement to operate and maintain the publ ic work .I
project at its own expense and to pay to the United states of America for such publ~~
work project the sum of Three Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($330,000) with Simpl~1
interest at two per cent (21.) as specified in said Project Construction and Sales :1
Agreement; and!
\o/HEREAS, the Purchaser considers it to be in the public interest and to its "
benefit to execute such Project Construction and Sales Agreement.
,r,-- .-~ ,_',
..' .. ~ -;
Seward, Alaska
September 7, 1954
NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT R EIDLVED by the Purchaser as follows:
(1) That the Purchaser hereby approves, accepts, adopts and agrees to the terms
of the Project Construction and Sales Agreement proposed by the United States of
'America under Project No. Ma. 50-A-160 which Agreement reads as follows:
Project No. Aaa. 50-A-l60
Seward High School
This Agreement, dated as of Sept. 7, 1954, bv and between the UNITED STATES
OF AM3RICA, hereinafter called the United States, acting by and through the Director
,Office of Territories, her,dnafter called the Director, and the CITY OF SfMARD,Alask:a,
hereinafter called the Purchaser;
WHEREAS, the Purchaser has requested the United States to provide for it, under
'the Alaska Public'Works Act, approved August 24, 1939 (63 stat. 627, 48 U.S.C. 486-
486j), certain facilities described as follows:
A high school buildin;r of reinforced concrete, steel and wood
frame conatruction, including equipment; consisting of three
standard classrooms, a bookkeeping, typeing and journalism
room, a library, a shop, an admdnistrative suite, a heating plant,
a cafet~ria and kitchen, domestic science area, a laboratory, a
study hall and miscellaneous and incidental space for the proper
functioning of the facility,
herinafter called the Project; and
WHEREAS, said Project has been included in the program of public works for the
Territory of Alaska authorized by said Act, and the United States will undertake
to provide said Project for the Purchaser based upon the plans and specifications for
such Project as prepared by Thomas B. Bourne Associates of Alaska, Inc., Registered
Engineers of Anchorage, llBska.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration' of the mutual agreements and covenants herein
~xpressed, it is agreed by and between the United States and the Purchaser as follows:
1. The United States shall provide the Project for t he Purchaser on or about
December 31, 1955, at an estimated cost to the United states of Six Hundred Sixty-
thousand Dollars ($660,000). No change involving an increase or decrease in the scope
of the Project as contemplated by the said plans and specifications of Thomas B.
Bourne Associates of Alaska, Inc., shall be effected without the mutual consent of
the Purchaser and the Director.
2. In consideration of the provision of said Project by the United Stetes, the
Purchaser shall operate and maintain the Project at its 'Glfn expense and shall pay to
the United States a purchase price of Three Hundred Thirty Thouwant Dollars (330,000)
,which constitutes fifty per cent (5~) of the estimated cost to the Unites States of
said Project. Said purchase price shall be paid as fo1lcws: An amount not,less than
Eighty Two Thousand Dollars ($82,000) atthe time of the transfer of the Project and
Iil:he remainder in annual installments within a period of twnety (20) years with
'approximately level debt service as mutally agreeable to the parties and evidenceli
by the terms of the bonds which will be issued, with simple interest at the rate
of two per cent (2'1.) payable semiannually, on the unpaid balances. The Purchaser's
promise to pay said purchase price shall be secured by general obligation bonds
.delivered to the United States lit the time of the transfer of the Project in an
aggregate amount which equals the unpaid ba1 ance of the purcahse price.
Said bonds shall be payable fran the levy of ad valorem taxes levied on all
taxable property in the City of Seward without limitation as to rate or amount. If
the United States shall consent thereto, a single temporary bond payable to the United
States of America as registered owner, and numbered 1 to 248 inclusive, reciting the
numbers and aI\t)unts of the bonds to mature in each year, may be issued as security
for the entire indebtedness of the Purchaser and the annual payments shall be crdted
against maturities of individual bonds as though said bonds had actually been issued.
'the definitive bonds shall be substituted for the temporary bond at any time on
demand of the re<qistered owner. Accelerated payments may he made and shall be credit-
ed as retirement of bonds of latest maturity.
In addition to the foregoing, the Purchaser !iedges so much of its income from
the Territorial Tobacco Tax Revenue as is necessary to provide for the ann~l in-
stallments of principal and interest on this indebtedness.
3. Upon completion of the Project, the Director shall determine the total cost
thereof and notify the Purchaser of such detennination and of such cost in reasonable
detail. In the event that the actual cost of the Project to the United States is less
than the estimated cost, the said purchase price shall be reduced to an amount equal
to fifty per aent (5~) of the actual cost of said Project.
t;, /"}
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4. When the Project is completed, the United States shall transfer to the Pu chaser, by
I quitclaim deed or other appropriate conveyance, all right, title and interest of t
United States in and to the Project, subject to such liens to insure payment of th
purchase price as the United States may deem appropriate and, insofar as public la cis
are included in the conveyance, subject to a limitation of continued use for the
purpose for which: the Project is constructed.
When the construction of said Project has advanced to a stage that will permd
substantial occupancy and use by the Purchaser, the United states shall at the re est
of the Purchaser permit such occupancy and use and, concurrently with the commence nt
of BIlbstantial occupancy and use, shall "transfer the Project to the Purchaser, sub ect
to the limitations- described above and also subject to the continued right in the'
United States to occupy and use the premise. for the purpo.e of canpleting the Pro ect.
In the e vent of transfer before completion of the Project, the Purcha.er shal
save the United States harmless from any 1088 or damage to the Project arising out,
of or caused by the Purchaser's occu pancy and use and frcm any claim by any perso
for injuries sustained during such occupancy and use.
In the event that the ~ctual cost of the Project is less than the estimated
cost, the Purchaser shall be ent i tled to a credit on a caned interest a nd the pri ci-
, pal of the bonds in the amount of the difference'between thee estimated cost set 0 t
'in this Agreement and theactual cost as determined bY the Director. :1
5.' The Purchaser hereby pledges its full faith and credit to the payment of i
the aforesaid purchase price.,
6. In the event that the Purchaser defaults in the performance of any of thei
payment provisions of this Agteement, and if such default exists or continues for ai
period of thirty (30) days, the United States may, at the option of the Director, i
. I
declare the unpaid balance of the said purchase price of the Proj ect as set forth i
in Article 2 hereof, due and payable, without in any way limiting or restricting .
the rights and remedies of the United states otherwise available in law or equity.
Any sums due the United States under this Agreement and not paid when dues, shall
bear simple interest at the rate of four per cent (4~) J:er annum from tho e due date 1.1
to the date of payment; and the action of the United states in accepting any payme~t
reoeived from or tendered by the Purchaser shall not constitute a waiver of any ~I
rights of the United States in connection with such payment or with any further'
payment. "
7. WlU,rever the title Director is sued in this !\qreement it shall also mean ,1
any authorized representative of the Director. I
8. No member of or Delegate to the Congress of the United States shall be ad'
mitted to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit arising ther~from.
9. The Purchaser warrants that a portion of the property upon which the Proj ct
is to be constructed is a ccurately described in Schedule, A hereto, and further war, ants
tha~ all its right, title and interest in and to said property is in fee simple; ,
that the remainor of the property upon which the Proj ect will be constructed is I
co~tained in a .Park Reserve Patent. issued by the Un~ted states of America to the
City of Seward and to be re"iised to permdt school use of the "'Park Rese"e. !is a
site for a school building; the Purchaser further warrants that it will have title i
to all land needed for construction of the Project prior to commencement of I
10. The Purchaser grants to the Uni ted States the right and license to enter i
and construct the Project upon the lanqB described in Schedule A hereto, which are i
owned by the Purchaser and further grants to the United states the right and Hcen e,
in the course of constructing the Project, to enter upon and make any reasonable u e
of all lands owned or controlled by the Purchaser, including lands covered by
easements running to the Purchaser for the construction of and maintenance of this
Project, immediately adjoining those described in Schedula A including all streets
and access avenues.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed and delivered by and on
behalf of the parties hereto as of the date above written.
By -,--
Office of Territories
By Russell Painter
Sigrid Stearns
City Clerk
Prepared by: ~_
Financial conditions reviewed by:
Finance Analyst
Project description reviewed by:
Supervising Aychitect
(,-'> , f""
,;_1 I~)
Seward, Alaska
September 7, 1954
(2) That the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said
~roject Construction and Sales Agreement in quadruplicate on behalf of the Pur-
,chaser and to affix thereto the seal of said Purchaser.
(3) That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to transmit said executed agree-
ment and certified copies of this resolution and of the minutes of the meeting of
the City Council of the Purchaser at which this resolution is adopted to the Office
of the Director, Alaska Public Works, Office of Territories, Juneau, Alaska, and to
take such other action as may be necessary to enable the Purchaser to oooperate
'to the fullest extent with the United states of America in the construction of said
, ~
Passed and approved this 7th day of Sept., 1954.
Sigrid Stearns
Russell Painter
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. O'Hara told about the meeti ng of the Health Council and a letter regarding the
accomplislunentlll of Health Council was read.
Letter from LeagUe of Alaskan Cities was read stating the con"ention this year would
be in Fairbanks in November with a discussion of Council Members to attend.
Letter from General Noves was read about the building of an amory in Seward. The
matter was turned over to the City Attorney to approve as to form and to be brought
up aqain at the next meeting.
'Letter from J., Bauler of Alaska Engineering Associates about the telephone survey
'was read.
Correspondence fran the Juneau Chamber of Commerce on appropriations for rivers and
harbors was read and discussed.
The Hospital Board, throuqh Mr. O'Hara made a request for the appointment
additional members to the board, two by the board and two by the Council.
Anthony moved that four new members be appointed to the Hospital Board as
;;request. Second by Clm. Rose. All in Fnvor, motion carried.
of four
per their
Resolution No. 67 was read.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, that the follow_
,ing named persons shall a at as Judges, Clerks and as Inspector of Llection at the
General Territorial Election on October 12, 1954, and at the Regular Municipal
Elect ion to be held Tuesday, October 5, 1954, at Seward, Al;;ska. Said Municipal
Election to be held for the purpose of voting for three (3) Councilmen for two year
terms, one (1) Utility JJoard Member for five (5) year term, one Utility Board
Member for four (4) year term, one Utility Board Member for two (2) year term and
one member of the School Board for five (5) year term.
Judges: L. Russell Clapp (Inspector)
Mildred E. Kirkpatrick
Eda Myers
Clerks: Lenore Robbins
Wilma Lind
The rules governing the passage and
this Resolution shall be effective
t'-is 7th day of September, 1954.
approval of resolutions are hereby suspended and
immediately upon its introduction and passage
Sigrid Stearns
City Clerk
Russell Painter
Clm. Rose moved to adopt Resolution No. 67. Second by Clm. Johnson. All in fRvor,
motion carried.
" ,...... r)
~:.' '\ ~ )
Seward, Ala s1::a
September 7, 1954
-.....- -----,.- --_._---~._~---_.
- - ------
--- --~-- ~-----_._- ._~_. - -
.. - ...---------.
-- - -- -- --~-
-.-..----------- ---
---~ -----
------ -
Motion was made and second to
Attest ~~{~
ity eri:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -:
,Seward, Alaska
September 14, 1954 i
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 4:04 o'alock P.M. for the
purpose of reviewing the garbage contract. Mayor Painter in the chair. Present
were Clm. Stockton, ~thony, Hodson, Blair and Johnson. Also present City Manager.!
Mr. O'Hara informed the Council of his meetings with Mr. Galloway, read the propos
rated of the new contract and compared with the rates by Bay Service, then read the
proposed contract, which was discussed. I
Clm. Johnson moved that the contract with Seward Service 'be signed with the proviso:
that the bond and insurance be furnished as stated. Second by Clm. S1:ocl:ton. All
in fnvor, motion carried.
Motion was made and second to
a~ourn at '~:r;bQ~
Attest ~ ~
Ci ty er
Set-lard, Ala ska
September 20, 1 54
A regular me~ting of the Council was called to order at 8:07 o'clock P.M. Mayor
Painter absenn. Clm. stockton was appointed by the members of the Council as Actin
Mayor. Present were Clm. stockton, Rose, Anthony, H(1:!son, Blair and Johnson. Alsol
present City Manager, O'Hara. :
Minutes of the last regular and special, meetings were Tead and approved. II
Continuation of the sewer assessments hearing was fir,st on the agenda and Mr. Ogle Ii
who was present informed the Council that his property does not abut the sewer and ~e
is unable to connect to the sewer as he would have to cross other property to reach:1
the sewer. Mr. Southard to contact Mr. McMillan regarding a mutual connection for ~'
Mr. Ogle, with a 'split of the assessment. Mr. O'Hara recommended that the assesemen
roll be held up for another meeting. Mrs. Bogard' spoke about the extra 40 feet on ,
Third Avenue which was discussed. and transferred to new business.
Mrs. Bogard spoke about the sewer connections on Fourth Avenue and Clm. Rose also
spoke about the sewer connections on Third. Mr. O'Hara Recommended and Clm, Rose
moved that the entire assessment roll be prepared and thES!Bewer connections be
considered as part of the sewer assessment cost, interest be figured and included
in the sewer assessment. Second by Clm. Anthony.
Ptarmigan Lake Project was presented to the Council by Mr. Harstad of Metcalf &
Harstad, Enginsrs , and he advised that there were two different sites for hydro-
electric projects and costs were discussed. Mr. O'Hara Read Resolution No. 69.
Resolution No. 69
A Resolution of the COlllllon Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, authorizing the
City Manager to file an application for a preliminary permit for a hydro-electric
\iHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Seward is aware of the increasing demancJ;i
for electrical energy, and, II
WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Seward is of the opinion that to meet t~
increasing demand and to provide adequate electtrical energy at a reasonable rate
i* is necessary to develop hydro-electric' power, and,
WHEREAS, the Conmon Council has studied the feasibility of said develop:nent and afti~r
f;'-(:l,. '?
tV !I
Seward, Alaska
September 20, 1954
:much deliberation have selected a second hydro-electric site for additional power
development, the order of development to be determined by additional engineering studi
,NOW, THEREFORE Be it Resolved by the Comrnmn Council of the City of Seward, Alaska,
;:that the City Manager is hereby instructed to file an application for a prelim~nary
permit for a hydro-electric plant on that body of water known as Crescent Lake.
Passed and approved by the Common Council this 20th day of September, 1954.
Approved Perry Q. Stockton
Acti ng"'Mayor
i~ttcst: _
,~igrid S~earns
'Ci ty C1e rk
'elm. Anthony moved to adopt Resolution No. 69 as read. Seconded by C1m. Johnson.
~.A11 in favor motion carried. The proposal regarding Crescent Lake"was read and
, ,
discussed and a trip to Juneau by Mr. O'Hara to contact Governor Heintzleman was,
brought up. Clm. Blair moved to authorize ~. O'Hara to go to Juneau to see Gov.
Heintzelman on Sept. 28 and 29. Second by, Clm. Rose. Carried unanimously.
Minutes of four meetings of the Planning and Zon~ng Corror,hsion were read. Clm. Rose
,~~sadtB aminft ~~M Petrovich and Vance Hitt to the Planning and Zoning COlllllisdon.
t!arrted ~ unanigous vote. C1m. Rose moved that the minu"es of the Hanning and,
Zoning Commission be approved. Second by C1m. Johnson. Carried unanimously.
:Mr. O'Hara gave a report from the Utility Board regarding their ]:8rticipation in a
'new City Hall building. Clm. Johnson moved that Mr. O'Hara continue with further
investigation of the new City Hall and present to the Council. Second by Clm.
,Blair. All in favor, motion carried.
The City Attorney informed the Council that the Telephone Hearing is not on the
'agenda of the Seward Court Session as the attorney's were not ready at a previous
session oc Court and the case is now set at the bottom of the Anchorage Calendar.
'iClm. Blair moved to pay the bills as read. ACS, $29,25, Alaska Broadcasting System,
,,$107.90, Andy's, $154.36, ATEC, $30.00, Alaska Shop, $24.70, 'Automotive Parts,$244.39,
,Bay City Motors, $106.21, Blumenthal Uniform Co., $37.70, Art Burnside Co., $92.49,
,Burroughs, $21.80, James Cameron, $991.80, Win Ervin V~tors, $46.30, Moore Business
:Forms, $77.94, National Institute of 11unici]:81 Clerks, $10.00, N.C. Co., $353.86,
,Northern Electric, $42.00, Chris Sorenson, $38.62, Superior Concrete Products,
1$1351.40, Seward Fish & Cold Storage, $81.70, Seward Drug, $14.70, Frank Spadaro,
:$12.20, Seward Trrding Co., $26.91, Seward Water System, $350.00, Seward E1ec. System,
,$614.25, Seward P1bg. & Htg. $621.83, Seward BuUder's Supply, $16.45, Seward Machine
Shop, $68.52, Seward Hardware, $46.84, Standard Oil Co., $249.83, Watsjo1d Grocery,
$111.21, Petty Cash. $32.53. Second by C1m. Hodson. All in favor, motion carried.
'Letter from Attorney Mclaughlin regarding Gilfi1en vs City of Seward was read and Mr.
O'Hara recommended to the Council that the City of Seward does not recognize the
claim. C1m. Anthony moved to instruct the City Manager to inform the insurance
company that the City does not recognize the claim. Second by C1m. Hodson. All
in favor, motion carried.
'Letter from the Alaska Railroad for permit for shipment of ammonium nitrate fertilizer
'was read and discussed. C1m. Rose moved that the Alaska Reilroad be given permission
to harw:Ue 500 tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. Second by C1m. Hodson. Carried
'by unanimous vote.
:iLetter fram Hickel Construction Co. requesting street lights at the C1earview Sub-
:division was read and discussed, Mr. Hickel to be advised that street lighting has beer
included in our improvement progr~m'
Motion was made and 5 ecanded to adjourn at 10:45 o'clock P.M.
' 4., '4<1
Ci C erk ~
APprove-1( ~ - ~ . .(7~'L,i"
~'MaYor !-
Seward, Alaska
October 4, 1954
-~~..::::.;.::;;;.--~.,--=-=-=~,,--=-~-=::::.=~-=---=--;;:.- ~ -~ - --~-- ---~ ~-- -----
-- . - - ---------- - --.-- ~-----_. -~ -" ~ --.-- - ...-.
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:02 o'clock P.M. Mayor pafter
in the Cha ir . p;esent were Clm -," ~ockt=, Ros. : Anth=y ,~= snd JOhnson.- Ahssn ,_u_ --
elm. Blait. Also present City Manager O'Hara. ,
Minutes of the last. regular meeting were read and approved as corrected. II
The Alaska Railroad Sewer Agreement was read and Mr. O'Hara advised the Agreement ~,I
is in order. Clm. Rose moved to aaoept the A reement between the Alaska Railroad a d
the City of Seward for cost of the sanitary s';wer. Second by Clm. Hodson. All in
favor, motion carried.
The sewer assessment was discussed and presented by Mr. O'Hara, with 2~ interest an
spread over a 20 year period. Clm. Stockton moved that the Sewer assessment be spr
over a 20 year period; that interest on the bonds be included in the assessments;
deferred payments bear interest at 2'7. per annum; delinquent payments to carry l2"k
interest and penelty be.sed on a 360 day year, 6 day period. Second by Clm. Rose.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. O'Hara presented the policy on collection of taxes recommended bv the auditors '
for establishment by the City that payments b~ first applied to pena~ and interesi
, second ~o personal, last to real, with .002 interest on 6 day basis. Clm. Anthony!1
moved to accept the auditors and Cit~ Manager's recommendation for collection of ;
, "
'taxes. Second bv Glm. Stockton. All in frvor, motion carried. "
, I[
Mr. Elbe was present and spoke about preparation for SlOW removal during the caning I
. winter and the removal of rocks fran the street before the snowfall.'
Mr. Southard prese~ted a list of names for striking from the tax rolls due to the ,f~ct
that they are not residents or have gone. The list was read 'and discussed. Clm. 'I
Rose mOved that the names of the tax payers whose accounts are uncollectible be drOPf' d
from the tax roll. Mayor Painter recom:nended tnat the list be held in abeyance unt I
the people can be traced and there was further discussion. Clm. Rose' motion diedl
for want of a second and the Council was in agreement that the list b ehld up. i
, ,
was read. Clm. Jl
Steamship Companf
Alaska Steamship Company letter fDr a six month's explosive permit
P.ose moved to approve a six months explosive permit for the Alaska
~econd By Clm. Johnsen. Motion carried unanimously.
It letter from the U.S. ArmY for easements to cover antenna wires from the Federal ,I
Building \iaS read wi th Ii request to execute a: license. Clm. Rose moved to grant ii
the easement covering 'exfsting antenna wires and,to complete ~he license as requesttd
bv the U.S. Army. Second by Clm.Anthony. All ln favor, motion carried.,
. " ,." . ~ ii
Letter from R. E. Baunigartner was re~d requesting transfer of liquor licenses Nos. :1
5863 and 5864 from Bill and Mac Jones to Ernest W: and itdelaide L. Hull. Clm.. :",'11
Stockton moved to approve the' transfer of the two liqUor licenses pending payment ,
of personal tax and sales tax. Second by Clm. Rose. }~tion carried. 'I
. Antoher lett",r from Bat1lnJartner requesting transfer of retail' iquar license from :1
Howard J. Emdith to J. H. Herner, Esther 'Nerner and Chas. Flynn~ elm. Rose moved :1
to aoprave the transfer of the retail liquor license pending payment of 'any persona~
or sales "tax due. Second by Clm.' Johnson. Motion carried. .i
. .
Alaska Departlnent of Health letter was read requesting that an Agr"ement be signed i'I'
'f~r transfer of ti~le of car furnished the Public Health Nurse, to the City.. The '
Agreement was read and discussed and Clm. Stockton recommended that the City l'lanaget
wri te to the Department of neal th advising them that the City turn,. down the transfe~
of title to the car. i
. ,t
Bill,. from Dorothy Tyner, City Attorney for $571 was read. Clm. RoS, e moved that thet!, hill
be paid. Second by Clm. Stockton. Motion carri~d. Clm. Anthony discussed legal f eB
of the City Attorney, with discussion by the other members of the Council. The Cit'
Manw~r and the City Attorney to r"ach an agrF.eIIl!nt 12\ the presentat ion of billinq~ I
Cl~.lJtockton moved that the City ~~ager have a meeting with the City AttQ~eyto .
work out financial arrangeIIl!nts and the results to be brought to the attention of
the Council for their consideration. Scond by Clm. Anthony. All in fivor, motion ~rri..
: PilbHc He-,"-l th Nurse report for the month of September was read. '
. i
Letter from'~~he Electrical Superintendent advising of the installation of 25 streetl
lights was read and discussed. Clm. Hodson moved to adopt the recornnendation of '
the Electrical Superintendent for the placing of the street lights. Second by Clm
Stockton. All in f,,:vor, motion carried.
("..'" ,~ {.,
,.' ,'..>
._'" _.IV"
f:>eward, Alaska
October 4, 1954
" Th" Mayor read variO!ls correspo"'dence.
! -
Motion was made and second to
Attes J..?,":" -<-~~~
C y Clerk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seuard Alaska
October 6, 1954
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 4:00 o'cloc~ P.M. for the
purpose of canvassing the hallots and accepting the Judge's report of the regular
Municipal Election of October 5, 1954 and to set a date for a special Council
meeting. Due to the absence of <'layor Painter Clm. Stockton was appointed as Actin<!l'
Mayor. Also present Clm. Rose, Hodson, Blair and Johnson. Absent Clm. fl~thony.
Canvass of the ballots of the ~lection Board was read by tDe City Clerk. Clm. Rose
moved to accept the canvass of the brlllots of the October"5th, 1954 Election, by
the election board as follows:
Total votes cast - 282
Council, 2 year term:
O. T. Blair,
Raymond C. Lee
John V.Ma tt son
Alex Petrovich
John Rose
Harry L. West
Harold Campen
Oscar Watsj old
140 ----
126 ----
School Board -& year term:
J. B. Deisher
Thos. E. Howell
Utility Board - 5 year term:
Phil Durant 257
Utility Board - 4 year term:
Clarence T. Larsen
Wri te Ill:
OSear Watsjold 1; Arlee Haynes 1;
'Ray James 2.
Utility Board - 2 year term:
Robert A. Stearne
Write in: Bill Baker, 1;
Alex Petrovich'1; George Herner 1.
Second by Clm. Johnson. -Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Clm. Hodson moved that a special/meeting of the Council be held at 8 P.M. on October
8th. Second by Clm. Blair. Motion carried.
"Motion was m.nde and second at 4:15 to
Attl!st:~A'" ~
ity '-'ler k
adj oum. Q
Approve ( ~ Q --1t-1J;v; I>
A . Mayor ; ,I
Seward, AlaSka
October 18; 1954
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:05 o'clock P.M. Mayor
Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, Rose, Anthony, Hodson, Blair and
City':Manager, O',Har.. Absent Clm. Johnson.
Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved.
Councilmen Blair, Petrovich and West took the Oath of Office. Mayor Painter officiall:
',releorned the new members of the Council and cornnended the outgoing members.
Vtr. lOlbe was present and spoke ahout the City equipment and street lliiintenanoe.
Eads Bros. '.'lere present regarding assessment for personal t axes, asked that the Counci:
re-consider the personal assessment due to the fact that they were not in town to
protest at the Board of Equalizaticn. Southard advised that forms had be~n sent but
,-;--,. \ '''.
;:,,~) ',I
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--,--_._-~._--- ~-_._--------
-. . -.' . ---- ..-. ......- . -- . ------. --.----
Se'..rard, Alaska
October 18, 1954
-..- .--.-- -..--- ----.- -,,--.- -~-,--- ----- .,---
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~:~~;~~~.:~."r~;':. f~':t ':c=~ :~::'::n~i:~ ";:;:~;':~~~::~ t;:.:~t. .
Mr. Gr~ry spoke about a water connection and hook up for Ray James at cost of $95
Mr. Gregory said the ordinance had not been tliQ.fo~y.&a~4.l1;st!!dtlit~~dtiw@ aPfhfWR~d s been enforc
continue the same until a new ordinance was lIi'effeaf:1 fhe matter was discusseC1~b ec
the members of the Council, the City Attorney advised that the ordinance cculd not I
be suspended except by another ordinance, and it was recomnended that the money be '
paid by James and held in trust, with recommendations to the Utility Board request' i~
this be taken under advisement and that an ordinance be prepared and ready at thei I: J
meeting to be hel d the second Tuesday in November. Clm. Anthony moved that recomm
tions be made to the Utility Board by the City l~ager that the $60 fee assessed
held in trust pending the final drawing of a new ordinance. Second by Clm. West.
Clm. West, yes, Petrovich no, Anthony yes, Hodson no, Blair yes, Stockton yes.
Motion carried.
Mr. O'Hara advised the Council that he and Mr. Ross had made a trip to Anchorage f~
the inspection of three pieces of equipment and recommended the purchase of a Quic~-
Way Crane for $7,325, that is in very good condition. A compressor was also'avail~
able at $1,500 and the use of these pieces of equipment dUring. the winter months wd
discussed. . Clm. West moved to buy hoth pieces of equipment, Crane in amount $7 ,32~
Compressor in amount $1,500. Second by elm. Blair. Clm. 1'lest, Anthony, Hodson, ,
Blair and Stockton, yes. Clm. Petrovich no. Motion carried.
.P,greement for the handling of Federal prisoners by the City was read by Mr. O'~ra'!1
Clm. Anthony moved to a ccept the Aqre"ment dated October 13, 1954 for the handl1ng II
of Federal Prisoners presented by the Alaskan Jail System. Second by Clm. Stockto~.'.r
.1\11 in favor, motion carried. .
The purchase of quonset huts from the Housing Area by City employees was presented l\
by Mr. O'Hara, and he also advised that one KD unit is available. Cl111. Petrovich !i
moved to allow city employees to purchase quonset huts after advertising by radio '\'
and newspaper for 10 days, at a proximately 1/3 off. Second by Clm. Anthony. 11oti?n
carried unanimously.:
Bills for September were read: liCS, $95.85, ATEC, $42.00, Andy's Oil Delivery, S450It41,
Automotive Parts & Equip. $204.10, A & B Service, $3.00, Alaska Railroad, $1.00, .
Bay City Motors, $13.05, Ballou & Wright, $512.39, City Express, $3.15, James Camer n,
$2,948.38, Hin Ervin Motors, $18.85, Municipal Year Book, $10.00, Hart Variety, $.9. ,
Osho's, $23.00. Odom Co., $39.13, Rutledge. Johnston & Tryck. $932.86, Seward Build r's
. Supply, $110.38~ Standard Oil Co., $295.70, Seward Water System, $350.00, Seward
Trading Co., $157.26~ Seward General Hospital. $15.00, Seward Elec. Sys. $587.95, ~.
Seward S~aport Record, $46.75, Se',ard Hardware, $145.14, Seward Machine Shop, $297.~3,
Pat WillIams, $25.00, Yukon Equipment, $282.15, Petty Cash, $12.38. Due to the fact
that the heater had not be sent with the order for cab for street equipment it was :!
recommended that the Yukon Equipment bill be held up. Clm. ~tockton moved that theil
bills be paid as read wi th the exception of Yukon Equipment. Second by Clm. Petrov~ch.
All :in favor, motion carried. ::
Resolution 70 was read, and date for sale of property was set forNovember 30th.
Sigrid Stearns
Ci ty of seward, Ala ska
Russell Painter
City of Seward, Alaska
(SEiIL )
-'-::; ;-}
Seward, Alaska
October 18, 1954
C1m. West moved to adopt Resolution No. 70 and set the date of sale at November
i: 30, 1954. Second by C1m. Hodson.
, Letter from the Chief of Police was read recommending the rescinding of the ordin-
: ance licensing card games. The City Attornev prepared an ordinance and ordinance
. No. 250 was read.
BE IT ORDJlI NED by the Common Council of the City of Seward:
.' That the provisions of Ordinance No. 237 be, and they are hereby repealed.
The rules governing the introduction, posting, passage end a~prova1 of ordinances
a.re herern suspended am an emergency is declared, and this Ordinance shall be
. effective irrmediatA1y upon its introduction and passage on this 18th day of
October, 1954.
Attest: (SE.IIL)
Sigrid Stearns
City Clerk
Russell Painter
C1m. Anthony moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Ordinance No. 250.
Second by C1m. Hodson. Motion carried.
C1m. Blair moved to adopt Ordinance No. 250. Second by C1m. Petrovich. Motion
carried unanimously.
,Mr. O'Hara was asked about a raise in water rates and he advised the members of the
, Council that the rates would not be raised but that there will be an adjustment
of said water rates.
F.ttest ~{~
City lark
at 10,30 PoCZ ~:;z
App roved 'At.dL Z /
i Motion was made and seconded t,o adjourn
SeNard, Ale ska
November 1, 1954
- ...
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:01 P.M., Hayor Painter in
,'the Chair. Present were Clm. T;lest, Petrovich, Anthony, Hodson, Blair, Stockton
,and City V~nager O'Hara.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved.
'The first matter of husiness on t he agenda was the continuation of the hearing on
the sewer assessments. Mr. Rose was present to protest regarding his assessments
and referred to m:nutes of the two previous hearings which were read by the Clerk.
,The manner of assessment was discussed by various members of the Council and Mr.
:Murphy who was present read figures he worked up for the sewer, said the figures by
the City for the aSflessment were too high and there was further discussion regarding
these figures. Mr. Ferguson spoke about the 2% interest tp~t was included in the
'v;sessment and this was clarified by Southard. Several other persons present proteste,
,that the sewer assessments were excessive. Mr. O'Hara recommended reco~~ended to
!:go ahead with the asses~ments as levied with the exception of those with valid
reasons for adjustment, the city to absorb 100''/. said udjustments or mistakes and
also recommended that the people first check the depths of the sewer at the City
,Hall before making any sewer connections.
],Resolution No. 66 was read by the City Clerk and was discussed, and re-read. Clm.
: Petrovich moved to postpone ~esolution No. 66 until the next meeting. Second by
Clm. West. Clm. West and Petrovich, yes. Clm. Anthony, Hodson, Blair and Stockton
..no. Motion failed. Clm. Blair moved to adopt Resolution 66 as revised.
WHERL:AS, a hearing was held on the 7th day of Septemner, 1954, and continued from
time to time to and including November 1, 1954, at which times the Co'~on Council
qf the City of Seward, Alaska heard such objections as were presented to the
assessmente for t he improvement known as the Seward Sewer Project, and such errors
as were found in the assessment roll as originally made were corr8cted to provide,
t:)C"l ':'
f<"';o'':1 .~
Seward, AliOska
November 1, 1954
---- ~...--
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among other things, that property abutting the new sewer line which cannot be conn cted
to t he said setlTer line due to existing elevation shall be excused from assessment :
until such time as the sewer can be used, and that in all such cases occurring in I
the future, said properties shall likewise be excused from the assessment upon app i~
cation, and approval by the Council, and the City shall assume the cost thereof.
WHEREAS, the assessment for the imrpovement known as the Seward Sewer Project
been completed.
NCM, THEiEPORE, BE IT RBSJLVED. by the Cormnon Council of the City of Seward,
(1) The Municipal Clerk is ordered, directed and empowered to collect all
assessments of the Seward Sewer Project for and on behalf of the city
of Seward, and to do and perform every act and thing necessary and re-
quisite in the collection of said assessments, and to give receipts
th__refor, and to keep the necessary records of the payment of such
All assessments shall be due and payable on the 31st day of December,
1954 at the hour of Five (5) o'clock P.M., and all unpaid asseB~ents sh 1
become del inquent at said hour on said, date, provided however, that sa is
assessments may be paid in Forty f40) semi-annual equal installments.
first installment shall become delinquent on the 31st day of December, 1
at the hour of Five (5) o'clock P.M., and subsequent installments, toget
with interest therRon at the rete of Twp per cent (21.) per annum on the '
unpaid bJlance, shall become delinquent on the 30th day of June and on t
31st day of December at the hour of Five (5) o'clock P.M., in each and i
every year thereafter, r~spectively, until the total amount of said asse~
ment shall have been fully paid. . :1
All delinquent assessments or installments thereof shall draw interest a~
the rate of T\Telve per cent (l2~) per annum from and after the date of I
"said delinquency.
(4) The assessments herein provided for shall be a first, prior and paramounti!
lien upon the property assessed and, when delinquent, may be enforced in i
the same manner as is provided by "law for the collection and enforcement II
of general taxes. 'I
(5) Within ten days after the date hereof, the Nunicipal Clerk shall mail wi
po.tag. pr.paid a notic. to the ~~r of each pr_rty ."e..ed, which noti~ ch.ll
designate the property, the amount of the assessment, the time cif delinqu cy
a.nd the amount of penalt:r and interest... II
D.l\TED this 1st of November, 1954, at Seward, Alaska. !,
The tax roll abatement list was read and Mr. G'Hara recormnended that the names be :i
held on the tax roll. Glm. stockton moved that ~~. O'Hara'a recommendation be accep~ed.
Second by Clm. Anthony. Carried by unanimous vote. :
Mr. O'H ara advised the Council that ~~. Bouler had completed the preliminary enginter-
'ing for the telephone survey and he will present the r<~port at the next meeting of,
the Utility Board. ,I
The BAds Brothers were present with their completed personal ds,'essment as had beenl
rec.uested at the last meeting. Clm. Petrovich moved to accept the personal assess4
w~nt of the Eads ~rothers at $6,450. Second by elm. Stockton. Carried by unanimoui
vote. The Eads Bros. also made a preliminary request to build a dock in the small
boat harbor dnd ChI. stockton suggested the matter be turned over to Ur. O'Hara
for further study.
Russell Painter
Sigrid Stearns
'City Clerk
Second by Clm. Stockton.
,:All in f,; vor, mot ion carried.
y~. Kibsqard who was present spoke about the changing of oil drums as garbage Cfins.
Nr. Mortensen md Mr. Murra!f wer~ present regarding a cab zone on Fourth Avenue and I
informed the Council it costs them $210 to operate their business according to the:
ordinance. The matter was discussed and Clm. West recommended to postpone until th~
"> ';
:.s.,,' ",1
Seward, 1'.1'" pka
November 1, 1954
inext regular meeting but the other members of the Council were not in favor of
oontinuing the matter.
Mr. Foster asked for a ~osition on the sewe~ agenda for the next meeting.
Ordinance No. 251 was
of Ordinance No. 251.
Anthony, Hodson, glair
read. Clm. Hodson moved to stispendtheru~ sfor the adoPtion
Second by Clm. Blair. Clm. Hest and Petrovich, no. Clm.
and Stockton, yes. Motion carried.
Clm. F.nthony moved to adopt Ordinance No. 251, AN 011)1 NANCE REQUIRING A BUSINESS
by Clm. Hodson. Clm. West and Petrovich, no. ~otion carried.
Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission were read and accepted with the reco~~nd
ation that John McAnerney be appointed to the Commission. Mr. O'Hara displayed the
zoning map and explained the various areas as marked thereon.
The Pub! ic Health Nurse Report for the month of October was read.
Letter requesting a six month explosive pennit from the Alaska Railroad. Clm.
~toc~ton.moved to approve the request of the Alaska Railroad for a six months ex-
Plosive permit. Second by Clm. '3lair. Carried unanimously.
Letter from the SIIFD was read wi th the request for new fire hydrants.
JIr.oved that the City Water Department be instructc,d to buy and install
~ydrants. Second by Clm. Petrovich. All in fAvor, motion carried.
Clm. Hest
said fire
Rutledge, Johnston & Tryck letter was read in regards to the paving project advising
they would do all they could to get the project underway_ with explanation by Mr.O)'
the Auditor's report, General comments was read by the Clerk.
Mr. O'Hara explained the meetings with the Grant Lake people and letter from Metcalf
and Harstad was read regarding the Grant Lake proposition and rate discussion.
Letter from Harstad Associates was read in regards the meeting with Governor
Henitzleman an the Seward Hydro Project.
Letters and photostat copies from the Federal Power Commission re the Ptarmigan Lake
Project were read by ~tr. O'Hara.
~yor Painter spoke about the Leaque of Alaskan Cities convention at Fairbanks, asked
if any of the members of the Council would attend and that he and Mr. O'Hara would go.
V~yor Painter also brought up the matter of a contract with the City ~~nager and asked
the City Attorney to draw u~ something.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at
12,,, O'O]~~~ -:;2
Approve~ -:5/1AJ.//A/~ ' -~)
Attest~ m..~
C y lerk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. Seward, Ala ska
NOV0mber 9, 1954
A special rneeting of the COllnc.il was C51led to order C1t 7:05 o'clock P.N. for the
purpose of hearing the various comp-laints or me:w..ers QC tll'" Council and u rl'!port
on the Lea~e of ~laskan Cities Conv~ntion. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present
,.,ere Clm. Hest, Petrovich, Anthony, Hodson, Rlair, S:t:odkton and City l-lanager O'Hara.
Mayor Painter said the meeting was held because of the &;:parent complaints of
Clm. Pet~ovich about the Street department and Clm. Anthony about the purchase of
the Quick-way crane, and re'1uested thet all councilmen lay everything on the ta;le
tonite for discussion.
elm. Petrovich said he had listened to genuine grievances by persons on the street
department and on the oon,-lition of the Quick-w&y crane, also spoke of the "Hitler-
like" attitude of Mr. Ross the street foreman. At this time Bayor Painter asked
Clm. Petrovich to explain the street depart~nt workers attitude which he did by
listing a muaber of ,complaints. 1. The "Hitler-like" nttitude of ~tr. Ross. 2.
He was told thRt any street department employee who complained.to any of the
~ '-;'.'~
".>,J ~
Seward, Alawka
November 9, 1954
-'''-'---::-.,..-''-:::::-':=~-=-:--==:=:-:-,-:: "='~"'~~--==-'::'-':::::-::----::"_:_:~~:-:--~=- . ~.:...~=-~=-=:-:=----=--~:.::::-- ---
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_no _ ._
Councilmen t' "would be fired from the job, to which Mr. O'Hara said he had ne er
made such a statement, that if there was any grievance to come to him first then
to the Councilmen if a decision had not been ~e~ched. The City l~nager had the Cl'rk
read the Budget working conditions. 3. The non payment of ovartime on Alaska Dayl
when Mr. O'Hara had advised the Council the men had been paid for that day, and t 't
Mr.Pelch said he had been hired at the rate of $3.00 pel' hour but later paid a
monthly salary. The Council and Mr. O'Hara discussed payment of overtime and the
City's policy of compensatory time as well. as the rate per hour paid for any extr
work. 4. That the men were not paid for full time but were docked. 5. The in- !
efficient purchase order system and continued with the procedure on usage and the
number of t~~ps necessary for a purchase, said it c'hould ba discontinued as
ineffieientTfie two barrels of anti-freeze purchased and one returned to Anchorage
later having to buy anti-freeze for the fire department at a much higher price and
he asked Mr. O'Hara to comment on the purchase. At tnis time Clm. Petrovich objec ed
, to all the interrogation by the Mayor advising that he was one of their body, and .
Robert's Rules of Order was -iiscussed. 7. The use of an unskilled operator in 1'1
the place of a skilled. operator and the overloading of the trucks by the operator, I
and said to have been overloaded by the di rection of Mr. Ross. The employees also:r
Leing told they would be fired if they broke a truck spring. 8. Prejudice in I!
superivsory capacity should not be allowed and lack of judgment used by emp16y~elll.'\
h!ving to wait for a 7:00 A.M. call and laying off at 3 P.M. That the renular
employees has been laid off at noon and two new men hired in the afternoon. 9. e
City Manager accountable. to the Council and not visa versa and all th~se matters I
could be handled thru him.
- I
Clm. Stockton spoke anout the informal meeting and listening to the complaints of I
the employees of.the street department and Clm.Petrovich was relating the-same tol
the City Manager and the Mayor in nehalf of the employees. J:
Cl~. Anthony spoke aJout the purchase of the Quickway crane listing a number of I
things he felt was wrong with the machine including the size of the back hoe. Mr.
Thayer. the oit, ,"ohdnio. wa, oal'ed nn to comment on the fed,ibilit, of the pur :a,e
of the crane , said the crane was woth the purchase price. however the back noe was 'I
not in effect and minor parts had to be purchased and labor had amounted to three II
2 man.days but thought it would prove to be a good machine. Clm. Anthony said I
the crane 1'laS probably worth the price alright, but he felt that it had been mis-'
represented. il
. I
Clm. Hodson asked a'::>out a call for bids on 40 tires sometime durin;)" the summer and'i
I Mr. O'Hara said he had called for informal bids on tires and explained. He looked II
up the bids on said tires and presented them to the. Council and the Clerk presente~
the bill and voucher in payment of the tires purchased. 11r. O'F~ra advised the J
: Council that the tires had been purchased before any quotations bad been received. '.
., More questions were asked by the Mayor and he advised tbat he had the right to ask!
.. questions as Mayor also advised that when a city employee has a complaint he has a I
voice. Clm. Anthony said he had been given the impreFsion that if a complaint wer
made to the city Manager the employee woul-i be fired. Clm. Anthony reouested a '
meeting of the Council to be set by the Mayor regarding the purchase of the crane
and now that these defects had b,en called to the attention of the Mayor and City
Manager what would be done about them. Clm. Petrovich said he wants to see the
series of complaints cleared up by Mr. O'Hara. Mr. O'hara told the Council he is
satisfied "'lith Mr. Ross who is under his direction and had also recommended the
purchase of the Quick way crane and otill f0lt it to be a good buy.
Clm. West askedwro gives the inshu:ctions to the grader man day to day and felt it'r
was a detriment to the equipment using them on the dry, streets as well as not do~ng
the streets any good. Mr. Chaney..lhen asked by the Mayor said it might be haI"d on!
equipment to work on dry streets but wouldn't be too bad and even if the streets
were dry while being worked on it would do some good.
Clm. Petrovich spoke about the re-production of KWH saying he had asked the cost
from the City Manager and had been given mis-leading information. The cost of
production of rwH was discussed and it was decided that both Clm. Petrovich and
Mr. O'Hara had mis-understood the question and answer.
~J. O'Hara passed a note to the Mayor requesting that h.3 read it to the members of
the Council which he did. The note being a letter of resignation with certain
prOV1Slons. Clm. Stockton said they were not meeting to receive any resignations or
to fire anyone only to hear complaints.
Clm. Stockton moved that Mr. O'H ara pe' instructed to investigate the dis-gruntlement
in the street departrrent and if necessary tfike steps to take corrective action ..to
remedy ,the situation and report to the Council. Second by Clm. vlest. 11otion
carried unanimously. ~~. O'Hara was nsked to present information to the Council
before anyone was let go.
Seward, Ahi ska
November 9, 1954
l~yor Painter spo~e,ahout the duties of Mayor and asked to dispense with any more
meetings of dis-unity such as this that basically all complaints should be
hrought before the City ~Enager for airing and if that failed notify the~myor to
call a special meeting to hear the cOIlq:>laint.
~djournment at 9;20 with i~diate re-convenement.
Cim. Hodson spoke about the pUrchase of tires and of putting the city in jeopardy
by buying tires from Seward Hardware at a price pigher tllan other bids, and the
purchase of tires was discussed. The l~nager's power to make purchases was discusped
by the Council and Mayo~and Clm. fetrovich asked what other.cities do about limit-
ing the! amount of expenditures of the City Hanager, and felt that there should be
a curb on the expenditures of the Ci t:r l'"anager. Mr. O'Hara asked Clm. Petrovich
to read a letter of recommendation from George Hobson, cPA from Delano, california
citing in part that he had authority to spend up to $1,000 on any expenditure
without first consulting the Council.
l'"Jayor Painter recommended that the Cnuncil could meet at any time they wanted to
be informed on all things in the city but they ~lould meet at the City Hall. Clm.
Stockton said he was not f'shamed to attend any me..tinC)'s and felt he has a right to
sp~3k his piece but also felt that all business should be tyansacted at the Council
Adjourn.-nent at 9:45 witl:l re-convenemcnt at 9:48.
~r. O'Hara said he would like to have a contract as ~e felt this meeting would
reflect on the attitude of the people and on future actions also he said he would
like to maintain the confidence of the Council and would like to have a vote of
confidence. Clm. Petrovich said he felt there should be a vote of the people in
. regards a contract for the City Manager rather than a vote of the Council and Mr.
. O'Hara said he did not think that would be fair. Clm. Stockton advi sed Clm.
Petrovich that he had been given such responsihilities by the election of the people,
and when other councilmen 1.ere asked about a contract said no but did feel that'the
City ~Bnager form of government should be continued.
}~yor Fainter asked for a vote of confidence for the City }mnager and Clm. Stockton
said he thought it was improper at this time due to having two n~w councilmen.
The conversation crenCJ",d to discussion of a contract for the City }:'-mager and Clm.
Stockton spoke about his own job with no contract, Clm. Blair s",id he felt a
contract for city employees was not in order. Clm. Hodson said he was not infuvor
of a contri'tct and Clm. Anthony said h8 L,~d not made up hi s mind. }fJayor Painter said
he felt it was advantageous to the City to have a contract with the City }anager.
Hr. O'Hara asked that a vot~ :,e"hken to continue his services for one more year
, with salary to be deteITuineJ by the Council and the prorosed agreement could be
i terminated by ai ther party.
:' At thi s time Clm. stockton moved to give the Ci ty I'Bnager a vot.. of confidence.
Second by Clm. Blair. Clm. ~est Petrovich, Podson, Blair, Stockton, yes. Clm.
Anthony, no. Clm. i.-Test asked for a re-consideration of his vote which was discussed
and sf',id procedure che(:b~j in Robert's :111",,1' of Order 1''1' the City Attorney. Clm.
West withdr~, his motion to re-consider his vote. ~~tion carried. C]~~ West
said alphabetical roll Cn.ll was proper in most places.
!hyor Painter and City i'~ncger gave reports on their att ~n'i'ince at the League of
Al"skan Cities convention at Fairbnnks and spoke ahout the attendAnce of .the City
Hand.ger 'it t'''.'~' P~ll ';~l.:~, sk:;. r;-:-l..:...:rLj::r ,~.':: ~:::. :1":1.":: ---:::: conv'3:nt -inn at i\~ll;~l'....:rage. elm. ~Ictrovicr
mov..d tDFd the City Manager's expenses be paid and the registrr.tion fee of $15 to
the :',11 1U dska Chamber of Cor.merce convent ion at ,',nchorage. Second by Clm. \Jest.
motion carried unanimously.
Rev. Halin reported on the Cham::-,er of Co=erce h-mquet to },e held at the Elks on
Sunday, Clm. Hodson said congratulations uer<' in order for the election of the
}~yor to the presidency of the Leasrue of A12skan Cities.
Hr. Durant of'tbe Utility Doard entered the Council Chambers and reported on the
proposed telephone Eystem bv Mr. Bauier and spoke of a Duilning site and rates.
An informal discussicm \;'dS held on the prop()sed rates.
Hotion wa, ~d. to adjourn at 10,55 o'dock ~ ~ "
Attest f . '- . o.MJt;~ _ Me,yor
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
~....... {......
,{,,) ,
Seward, Ala sta
November IS, 1954
-._- - -- --~~-::-~-: -~~....:::--_~~- ~- -:-~~-~:-~~-=-:::=-:-----
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iA reQUlar ..eting of the CounCil _. called to order at 8:0' P.M. Mayor Painter in
the Chat r. Pre.ent were Clm. We.t, Petro.-ieh, Anthony, Hod.on, Blair and Stockton.
Al.o Pre.ent City Manager O'Hara.
Minute. of the preTiou. lD!et1ng. were read, corrected, and approyed a. aorrected.
ADDENDA - NdTellber 9, 1954 ..etinq - Correction. u foHcws: Clm. PetrOYich adv1s
t!l4t the aomplaints pre.ented were not h18 blat wer6 in he!l4lf of the ellployee. of
the street depart_nt. He wa. told that a vote of confidenee wa. declared out of
'order and if it 18 out of order" that it be stJI.cken frOll' the minute., and change in
the .inute. wu dhC118sed. Cla. stockton said he did not want to chulge his mot ionl
and CIa. Blair asked to leaTe the motion a. read. '
Clm. Blair regarding the purchase of tire. Aid the word "tJurchuecr before quotatio~
.hould be chanqed to '"Ordered-. Minutes to ~ correeted that anti freeze wu pur-I
cha.ed at a later date at a higher ClOst, blt"ie...sarily for the fire dpeartJlIlnt. i
End of' corrections for meeting of HOTellber 9, 1954. '
'The Foster Brothers were present in protestation of their .eWer asse....nt of 1955. 0
on three 30'%100' lot. and said they were as.essed on lenqth rather than on the 30
feet width of the lots such as the rest of the a.se..m.nb. and Aid they tel t an
a-dj..tment .hould be made bued on . total of 90 feet. After a dhcu..ion, Cla.
We.t IIOTed that a proper adjun-nt of ....ssDnte to 90 f.et be _de for the Post
Brothers and filr Gu. JohNlon if h. asked for it. Second by Clm. PetrcTich.
Motion carried unanillOuly.
J::enneth Sheldon was not pre.ent for hi. prote.tation of a.se.sment and wa. put OT.~i
until the next regular ...ting.
: Mr. O'Hara reported on the teuibil1ty report by Mr. Bauler on the telephone .1lneytll'
'which was dhcuu.d by the ..-hers of the Counoil with no action taken.,
. '
_ Vic Mahan was pr..ent in b.half of the Hospi tal Board reque.tinq that two IIOre .~rs
be put on the ho.pital board llaking a total nUllberof 8, The City to put two perso~~
on the board, the n.... of Roth, Milroy, Mel Deck, FrllW\)Roberts and Jo~Rose, "
sugge.ted. Mr. Mahan spoke about the tax assesaent orth. Methodi~ wClIilitn on the _,
old nane'. hOlle, the garage and'the nl!lW nurse's hOllle. Mr. Southard stated lohat ~..
i building. had been taxed and Mr~ O'Hata Aid the City Attorney is _king a .ear~ .
'to detennine w!l4t can be taxed and reque.ted Mr. Mahan to turn the tax state.-ntH
Mr. Southard .0 h. could ..rk the exact UIOURt of buildinq. beinq taxed. Mr. 0' a
....'h. Hew Kurse'. home .ee_ to be the only one in ClontroT.r..y. ' ;,
PraM Wo04. spoke about the furnishing of part. for the" Quiek Way cran. Mid he WO,!d
like to p. paid. He aho .aid h. couldn't ... the paras. of the lIaehine for t!l4~
priCe, that it is old and in very poor condition, n..dinq to be oOmpl.tely onrha ed
&JUl' had been gro.sly .is r.pre.ented at the meetinq. He also' .aid he had lo.t 12
jObe in. town .inee the charqe on digging and it looks Uke the prev.nting of buildi
ing in town~ Mr! O'Hara reco-.nded that a c01llmittee of not 1... than fhe quali- i~
fied _n be appointed to inspefl1: the aran. and report to the Council. Tho.e r
appointed .rtr Carl :&ntz, Delbert Robbin., Jill Purrington, WII. Muir who declined. I
Mao Ead8 and Harry :mahen. Alternat.. appointed were Frank Wilson and Juk J::],iPP'l '
with reports to be ..de rather tho nece..itatinq a personal appeall~... Ii
Mr. O'Hara read frea the minute. his r.co1llll\endation for the purcha.e of the Qui"-II
~~M. ~
, , I
, , ~
A .ewer IM.nhole that o...erflowed .t high tide was brought up with reco_ndation th,t
coneethe measure. be taken. il
Th. Clerk read the letter to Mr. Meek about tll. wi theirawal of land frClll the AD:
and Mr. O'Hara said he had- ree.hed a teleph..e call frClll Mr. ~lbauqh who .aid th~
railroad had withdrawn ih reque.t a. they did not need the property. The Ma"r II
said he had wired Bartlett and read the reply. -
Mr. O'Hara .aid the Health Council .hould haTe recognitim either by a resol.tion
or ordina..e e.tabli.hing it a. an adTi.ory ag.ney to the Council, disou.sed, and
to be turned oyer to the City Attorney.
Mr. O'Hara asbtd that the Counail .onsider the re-lIlOdelinq of this chulbers fori
ClonsoUelation of .it,. aotiTitie. instead of a n_ city hall. with total expenditv.r.,
of about 11,500. ela. P.tro.-ioh spoke about bids for the re.aodeUnq and Mr. C)'Hata
.aid bid8 could be recehed aho .aid he would lib to haTe a plan before the Coun~ll
for apprOTu but thought it would be better on a cost ph. ba.i.. Th. Etter wa. J
dl.c:u..ed furth.r and Mr. O'Hara to _ke a further .tudy and get ready for propos.~
t"~l!"' ;' .~
;...., ,-,' .
Seward, Alaska
NOYeaber 15, 1954
: for bids.
previously to Mr. O'Hara
J..k Werner spoke/about the Grant Lab Projeat askinq for a joint aeetinq on the
project said he thought he had a proposal he felt the City would be interested in.
A _eting was set fac Wednesday~ Noftllber 17, 1954.
Paving a..ess_nt. was brouqht up by Mr. O'Hara who.id quite a nWlber of people
want paYinq and paving could be accomplished by doing the areas that want it. This
Willi d18c::ussed as well as the establishinq of qrades and curbs and qutters. Mr.
~erney spoke about street qrades and pavinq, and the detailed work in a qood
, sensible paving proqr...
The Bureau of Public Roadll Sewer Agree_nt was
the Aqreeaent with the Blilre.. of Public Roads.
favor, motion carried,
read. Clm. Blair moved to accept
Second by Clm. Hodson. All in
The Poli.. Report for the month of October was read.
The Bills for October were read. C11I. West said he would not receive any business X
in in.urance as long as he 18 on the Council bitt asked that ~~~ be
checked. The bill for audit AS discussed with the request(t'or-.aoreucioap1ete
breakdown on the travel eJPen.e. Bill. as follows: Arm.o Drainaqe, $1,022.00, Anc!3r'.
<'Oil Delivery, $175.95, A & B Service, $20.00, Alaska BrOll.doasting Systea, $18.20,
Anchorage Daily Hews, $10.00, Alaska Engineering Associates, $941.54, Anchorage Times,
'i$15.00, ATEC, $30.00, AutOlllOtive Parts, $20.15, U.S. Comnissioner'iJ6.50, Ballou &
'Wriqht, $119.92, Win Ervin Motors, $13.95, Insturction for Training'lHunicipal Adminis-
tration, $7.50, Lesko Bros. 121.00, Monroe Calc. Machine, 1350.00, N.C. Co., 1205.56,
Paulsteiner'., S16~OO, Ray's Oil Service, $213.75, Seward E1ec. Systea, 1654.20,
Seward Hardware, $41.47, Seward Water System, $400.00, standard Oil Co., 1486.10,
Seward Tradinq Co., 120.65, Seward Drug, $8.75, Snyder Offi.e Supply, $109.06,
"Superior Conerete Produots, 127.00, The Bonser Company, Inc. $96.35, J. B. De18her,
M.D., 110.00, Seward Builder's Supply, 110.00, 'Seward Machine Shop, $206.95, Frank
L. Woods, 160.0a, Petty Cuh 150.70, Seward Plbq. & Htg. 115.78, Watsjold Grocery,
,:185.03, Water Works Supplies, 1147.40, Yukon Equipment $365.02, Pete's Print Shop,
$12.25, Arvid A. Younqquist, $173.83, Totem Truck Lines, $4.03, Durant's Hardware,
$6.33, Midwestern Hiq. Co., 184.38, Chas. R. Griffin 00., 158.33, Halprin Supply'
Cp., 1319.50, ACS, $27.50, Patricia R. Willi..., $4,417.28, Beaver and van Seventer,
'$1,470.09. Clll. Hodson moved to approve the bills as read with the stipulation of
Clm. Anthony that travel expense. on audit bill be itemized and reque.t that future
audits be ..de in one time. Second by -elm. Anthony. Motion earried unanimously.
Minutes of the Planninq and Zoning Commission were read and t he Wllsgard blti1dinc;j
in fire zone one clarified by Mr. O'Hara who alBo read froa the 'building code.
'Letter fJ:CII\ Clarence Caldwell was read requesting abatement of personal taxfor
1953 which was discussed. C11l. stockton moved that Claren.. Caldwell be IeW>"t'ed
from the per.onal tax roll for 1953. Second by C1m. PetrOYich. Carried unanimously.
Mr. O'Hara advised the Council that each elllployee froa the street dtpilrtllent had
been OIllled in and interviewed and Mr. O'Hara asked the Clerk if he had pit any
pressure to bear on any eJIPloyee and she said he had not. The statements of the
,employee. was read by Mr. O'Hara who then asked for the termination of Mr. Pelch's
_rviee..Clm. PetrOYich reeo_nded tlut-t he be qi Ten another chu.. and Cla.
Blair anq. Clm. Anthony lIUCNe.ted that he be put on pro~ion. Mr. O'K ara quoted
the City-Manaqer Ordinuce and-Clm. Anthony recen_ended that the Counotl back Mr. O'HaJ
on the disoharqe of Mr. Peleh that Mr. Pe1ch be qiven 2 weeks notification of die-
charqe with the r1qht of appeal to the Council.
Approyed \,
. )
) . . ~
" yor
Motion ..de.and seccmd to adjourn at 11:40 o'.lou r.M.
Attest ,J ~/)f' j ~
City en~r'
-~_.-.-._.._~-_._._-~-~ .._~ ---- ---~---- ~--'~ ------------~._- - -..-' -- ----- - ...._--~.._~-_..-
.~--_.. -----~~- .
__.a_~_..__._ _.__ ..___ ~__._.~. __________ .____.,_ _'" __ ~ _.___. .~. . .--.- -- --... __.____H. -'-~
Seward, Ala ska
Novaber 17, 1954
...."- . ---.---- - ----. --
A .pecial .eting of the Council wa. called to om.r at 8:10 0' clock P.Me' tor the
pu~e of readinq the report. on the Quiek.way crane'and a joint .eUno with the :
Utility Board for dbcll8aion with the people of the Grant Lab pzojeet. Mayor
.k" alater in the em lr. Present were Clm. PetroTich, Anthony, Hodson, Blair and
Stockton. Al.o present City MaJ\aoer O'Hara and all IIIIllllbers of the Utility Board.
Six letters were read, frQ'll P\\rinqt:on, Knutson, Robbin., Bllnts, 1:.1"- \ BaeD, and
'Kli~l , the committee appointed to JUke an inspection of the Quillk-way crane and
the dpinic:m was unanimou. that the City had _de a good my. O1m. Anthony aoTed
to <;JiTe the coJllllittee a Tote of thatrk8 for putting their effort. into the inTesti.
gation of the .rane. Seoond by Clm. Hodson. All in favor; aion carried.
Mr. Werner pre.ented the mellberli of the Grant Lake Projellt who were present. Clm. I
PetroTieh u~ed that Mr. West be present at this _etiIW;J .0 a .hort recess was :
declared tor the poUee car to go out to his hPeand they rePorted t1l.at he Wlis ill i
and unable to attend the meeUIW;J. :
The _eUno resumed and Mr. stearn. of the Utility Board .aid that unle.s the Grantl
'Lake Pzoject had .oae new hnu to present it had already been turned down as it :1
had been II' e..nted in substantially the slillle form to the Utility Board. . :,
I, Hr. Sra"es _aid' it had been presented at the meeting of the Utility Board on June ~.~h,
and Mr. O'Hara gaye a report on the meet1hq also Sllytllg this is the toUrth meetine; ,I
I wi th the Grant' Late people. ' . . I
, . ~" , . . . \ . I
I Mr. stearn. Hid unle.. the new proposal is lNbstantiany different he could .e. i
, no re..on to hear'this. Clm. Hodson .aid he tel t ~: ~.,.(~ that we I
.haald"hear it bat it i. not neoeBsaty to reaoh a de.i.ion tonite. '
Mr. Sray.. pr..ented the tenu of the Grant Lake Projeet. and ..ld.' th.y .auld prod.
all the pQw'et tile City could use at .016 per IWH. Hr. Wilson, a .....r of tM ...
'projeet, ~ke about co.ts and nailed . tiqure of .023i per J:WH. Mr. l;lIirant .pOb, I
iabout a GOIlIIIit.-nt _ fira Power in,. previous aqre_nt. Mr. GraT.' al.o add,ed I
!tbat Beek & Assodates }\ad spent San days em. the .ite for engtneerinq .err~ce,. . I
(Mr. stearns .poke about 'the'f'inallGinq and the lnt.... interest of the people. ,I
t1lr. '1'renthan .aid 't': Cft~:i' Jiakiriq its . II' SUfty and ~oui~ not lib tq .ke ',xiJ
CODIIIitlleats until they coU;l.d h.ar tla re.w.ts of tJwj.:r ClIIIB _iMerinq 8\1""', th.~
aoDIP&re the. ad ake the be.t de&!. ....~b1... Hr.,.Wez.x: Hid .fter the City bad I
r._l'Hd its Cllfn r.port he would like that it ClOft.ider the Grant Lak. propo.ition. I
Mr. GHTe. .ddMd'that . project 18 not depeJdeat 4D . fira ..utJlellt trom the.
'City of Seward., bltcalli. '&rward',WOl1ld:,\ftDdttiUltt'G~t ..LQe ,~1l:'npplt poWer -..
,aao-ilqli,;.o. ,SWUd .odd; "iltl:Jll&tTie.ll~'ta):",eac.gh.: 0 Mr. ,.8tiNrd<:'i'itc~nded thia _ inq
be r....8ed until the ..eUnq with Mr. Har.tad approxillately lonllber 29t1l.
""'.... _...4 __ t. o4loua at .... .'al.... ~:~ c) >
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - -j
,~.:d~ ~s~._ _ . . . . _ . _ . . . _ . _ . _ _ _ . . . _ . _N~v~~ ~9: ~9~4_ ~
A special joint aeetinq ot the Council and Utility Board was oalled to order at II
2:10 o'oloek P.Me for the purpose of hearing a review of the Enqineer's report onl
Cresoent Lak. Hydro project l;Jy Mr. Harstad. Mayor P.inter in the Chair. Present II !-
Were Clm. West, PetroTich, Hodson and stockton. Absent Clm. Anthony and Blair.!
Utili tv Board aeaher. present Durant, Myers, Trevethan and Stearns. Ab.ent Scluaoyelr.
Also present City Mtmager, O'Hara. !I
Mr. Harstad gave explanations of his report with the beqinninq at . plant to put I
01lt 3500 J::WH, to serTe about 200 residenoes out of Seward at a cost of $2,2QO,OOO I
tor the first unit, $2,900,000 for the sr~~AnJ.1:--~nd.J:p!::).__COPfnjft~_5~f~Jh...titn.
when the third unit would be installedJ '!t"'ifb'Ul'ii VM~ Y1l~:ts 1:0 q~t~l\e p'fanl:- .
on the line whioh would make it late in 1956, and rate. could be cut when up to :
25'1. of loaded capacity. Mr. Harstad proceeded with explanation. ot his report, i
answering question. and alking for authorization of a rate study and the cost of
preparing 100 reports.
::: ~j~t. adjoom at~:::el:M~~~Z:)
Ci ty Clerk Mayor
}:~: ~
;-~, ....' "
Seward, Ala ska
November 29. 1954
- . .. .
__~._~,_~,__~ ~_ __on_
- - -_.- ..._-_...._-_.~.~ -.
_~__._.._____. _ _ _" ,;-"":---~-..::=-::.,,....-:-c.:~'~:"'.__.,....- ------'-:::--':.c-:"~.."'_._:::___,=~_.~ ..
i~~'c~c;al~~~~~:;~-o;-t~e ~uncil and the Utility Board to meet with Grant Lake
:!Hydro people, to qrci!JD~1.aQ\l8ro~ai,nft' l!!"l.8 and a report fran the Seward
Recreation Counci~rR&yor Painter in Hie Chi11:. Present were Clm. Petrovich,
Anthony, Hodson, Blair and Stockton.' Absent Clm. West. Utility Board members
"present were Durant, Myers, Trevethan and stearns. Absent Schmoyer. Grant Lake
was prepresented by Mr. Graves, Werner and Reilly. Also present City Manaqer O'Hara
,and Mr. Harstad.
,Mayor Painter asked Mr. Harstad to present his report and he advised that this is a
first draft then qave a report to those present regarding costs, sites, cost of
distribution line etc. Utility .Board members and Council members asked Mr. Harstad
'various questions which were explained by him.
Mr. Graves spoke about the low develoJDent cost. of Grant Lake .ayinq the Grant Lake
proposal was practically identical to that presented by Mr. Harstad, and he collllllented
on the presentation of the report by Mr. Harstad, also advising those present that
there is no chanqe in the present proposal of the Grant Lake project.
Mayor Painter reco_neled that the Grant Lake proposal be referred to the Utility
~ard for their recommendation to the Council and the Council could continue with
other business. The members of the Utility Board adjourned to the fire hall to
continue with their discussion of the Grant Lake proposal and their recommendation
to the Council.
Mr. O'Hara advised that the Seward Recreation Council ha, a proqrllll outlined to
present to the Council and Gene Breitenbaok qave a full report, saying they want
recoqnition by the Council,llskihq for three niqhts use of the qym and a request for
funds in the amount of approxilll!l.tely $1,200. The Etter of liability was discussed
:.nd Mr. Breitenbaok said they would have their awn liability policy and a rel_..
,from each parent pendinq said polioy so the city would not be liable 'or any accident.
~lm. stoekton lIIOYed that the COIlll\On Counail recoqnize the officers and the Seward
Recreation Council as a body. Second by Clm. Anthony. All in faTor, motion carried.
Clm. Petrovich moved to approve $1,200 as payment in full for equipment for the
Seward Recreation Council to be paid from Gener&! Fund. Seeond by Clm. stockton.
All in favor, !lOtion carried.' Mr. O'Hara rec011lllended thAt onc:e a year they aul:ait
an audit of expenditures.
Request for "the re-1ssuan.e of liquor licenses for fix establishments wall prellented
,by Mr. Greqory. Clm. Stocktoa IIIOved for the renewal to December 31, 1955, liquor
Hcenses as follClils: Tonay Parich Estate for Beveraqe Dispensary for Seward and
Tony's Bar; Flllll1inqo Club, Beveraqe Dispensa.ry; Yukon Bar, BeTeraqe Dispenaary;
Gil's Cocktail Lounge and Gil'. Liquor Store; BRhteet to the exilltinq ordinance
';regarding the Payment of taxes. Second by Clm. Petrovich. Cartied una.nilllOusly.
~yor Painter spoke about Mr. O'Hara stopping over in Washing1:on, D. C. to investiqate
the report of the Anchoraqe Port Conmission' and Win Ervin of the Chamber of Commer04
spoke about Mr. O'Hara stopping over and also investiqating the matter of sea trains
and the proposed dock for Sew!lrd, aayinq the ChAmber could handle $100 of the expense.
Mr. O'Hara also to stop in Seattle to contact Mr. ThorqriIll8on regarding the bondinq
for the hydro projeat and in P!'rtland to contact Mr. Roqers t)f Babler and Rogers.
Piscussion of expenses continued and Mr. O'Hara said he did not like to use his own
iBoney for Tarioos reasons. Clm. PetroTich !lOved to approve the expenditure of $100
to match the 8hamber of Com.rce for expense money for the City Manaqer stop over
lilt Washinqton, D. C. Seoond by Clm. Stockton. Motiotl carried. Mr. O'Hara to
present an expense account of stop ?vers. It was requested that in inforll&l meetinq
of the Counoil and Chamber of Commerce be held so Mr. O'Hara could be briefed on
the triP.
At this time Mr. Durant presented the recol1lllltndation of the Utility Board in reqe-rds
the Grant Lake Electric proposal which was read by the Mayor as follows:
"Noveaber 29, 1954
9:.5 P.N.
Motion by ~earns that the Seward Publio Utility Board after fully and carefully
examining the offer of hydro Eleo. power by the Grant Lake Elec. Power Co., Inc.,
recOllllllend rej eotion of the offer of said Grant Lake Power Co. on the qrounds that
,aid offer is not to the best interests of the City of Seward. Second by Myen.
Vote - ~earns, yes, Myers ye8, Durant yes, Trevethan yes, (Schmoyer absent).
. By Murl Trevethan. Secretary."
Mr. O'Hara was requested to write to Mr. ThorqrilllBon ask1nq him to draw up a bond
or~inance for the Crescent Lake Hydro project.
elm. Anthony moved to accept the reoo_ndation of the Utility Board for the rejection
Gf the Grant Lake Pewer Co., Ina. aqreement. Second by Blair. Carried unanimously.
.)'_H l
November 29, 1954
Seward, Alaska
--_.~- _._--_._._.._~._---~ - "---~~----"----~-~--'--'----'------~-'~------"'--'--~'-~-~~--~
-----~_._._--~--~-- - - ---~---
-....-..--- -----------~-_.,_. - .-.--.--.-- ---.-..-- ------~_.- - --_._.~- --. - .__.__.~._------.,~.
---- ------~--
- . -
Mayor Painter spoke about repairs to the fire pumper at an approximate coat of $80
and Mr. w.nen .pok. about the n.ed for a new Postoffi.. and recolDlllended tMt Mr.
O'Hara' write a letter to the postal deputment. Repair. to the lire puaper at a co t
of approximately 8800 was discussed.", '
Motion was made" and s.cond to adJoum at 10:550'cl
Approve '
~ A-:;- ~ _) :1
Attest .2~ ~ I'
C~ ty Cle It: I
;'~a;d~ Alas;a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N~e~r-3~, -1;54 1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An lafiD_l .eet inq of the Counoil I8eJ1ben and IIleJi1bers of the Chaaber of ColDllleroe ,
convened at 1:00 P.Me for the purpOse of bri.fing Mr. O'Hara on his trip to Washi on
D.C. Adjournment at 2:45 o'clock P.M.
Seward, Ala ska
December 6, 1954
- - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - -
No quorum beinq present, the
Thur4day, DeoeBber 9, 1954.
Ci y Cl'rt -
regular meetinq of the Council was postponed until
" Mayor
- - - - - - - - - - - ~
8:02 o'oloClk P.M. Mayor' Ii
Hodson,&Blair. Absent Clm'!1
December 9, 1954
I. - _ _
- - - - -
Seward, Ala ska
- - - - - - - -
- - ..
.. .. - -
A regular meeting of the Council was call.d to order at
Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. West, Anthony,
Petrovich and .~nU.. ~. ~.
,Minutes of the last regular and special ..tinqs were read and approved. il
Letter frqa the -Alasta Public Works regarding the finanainq of -th. ~.pital projectll
was read and disCNslled. Mayor Painter, with the approYlll of the Council, appointe~
Mel Deek: and John to the Hospital 8o&rd. ClII. Hodson !DOved to approve the appoint-'
Illent of Deck and Ros. to the Hoepital Board. Seoond by Clm. Anthony. All in favor
IIIOtion carried. Mr. stea:r;n. who was present asked it the Methodist Women would hav
a firm oonuni tment to the City and Mayor Painter advised that they do not have 8100,' 00
,but the Territor.y llliqht apprepriate 8100,000 and the financinq of the hoapital is
istill not definite.
Letter of .xplanation of travel expen.e in _ount 8:171.69 by Mr. van Seventer was
r.ad and disClUSs.d. Clm. Blair lII09'ed for acceptance and payment of the audit bill'.
,Beoond by Clm. Anthony. All in .favor, DIOtion ouried.
Rcty W. Johnson letter was readabout .ale of di..el and hydro equi~nt, at pr...nt
'owa.d by AT~, to the City of Seward and the letter referred to the Chairman of the
Utill~ Board for th.ir ution. The C4. ty Attorney add sed that the tele}:hone hear-
lillq 18 .et for hN.ring in Seward on JlU\uary-10th.
!Mr. Pelch was present and spoke to the Council for re-instatement, saying he had
never entertained the idea of being superintendent, al.o said everyone at the
!l8etinq at his hou.. kn_ what the qrievance. WlItre. He said he is here to aPPN.l
and has done his job to the best of his ability and presented a letter from Mr.
Alewin. which was read. Letter from Clm. Petrovich regardinq Mr. Pelch was .1.0
read. Clm. Anthony reoo_nded that final action be held up until Mr. O'H ara i
r<!tums and the other two. council Illelllbers are present. Mr. Pelch said h. would get il
an !It:torn.y if nea.ssary or forced but would qo b&c~ to 'IiOrk for the City. i
Lett~n f~;' the Alaska "stelllllllhip Colllpllny and the Alaska Railroad reqardinq di~chaJ_
inq ,of sll&l1 shipments.of explosive. over the Railroad Doak w.re read. Clm. West ~Ved
to all_ the dischaxve of _11 LCL shiJDenb of Cla.. A .xplosive. at the Alaska I
Railroaq Dock. Second by' Clm. Hodson. Carried unanill1Ously.
, 'I
Renewal. of liquor licens .s for the year ending December 31, 1955 were presented. I
Clm. West moved to aR'rcwe the following .ubject to the .xisting ordinanft reqardi11l{
the is 1"UlUlCe of liquor lio.n.... Elk. ~ub, Allleri~n ~~on Club, Club Liquor a.e,..,
" .
v\., ,j"
Seward, Alaska
December 9, 1954
J.. H. and Esther W,rner DBA Wber's Market, Retail, Surf Bar, Nugget Bar, Moose
Ber, Beverage Dispensary,Brown Bear, Yukon Liquor store, Solly's, Retail, Nobby
Club, Pala.e Bar, Northern Bar, Solly'., Beverage Dispensary License. Second by
"Clm. Hodtion. Carried unanimously.
Resolution 71 was read but no action taken due to only four members of the Council
being present.
The City Attorney presented to correction of Quit Claim Deeds. Clm. Anthony
moved to authorize the signature of the Mayor and City Clerk on the two Correction
of Quit Claim Deeds presented. Second by Clm. Bldr. Motion carried.
Telegram from Lt. Eru" about the arehitect for the armory was read. Clm. Hodson
moved to i'Jend a telegram for acceptanGe of Linn A. Forrest as architect on the
A%1IIory. Second by elm. Anthony. Motion carried.
I Request was read from the Chief of Polioe for a pounclllaster. Clm. Hodson moved to
apprepriate S200 to the police departmentfor a poundll\aster with report of exptnditure
to the Council. Second by Clm. \-lest. Motion carried.
Letter from lirs. Ray wil.on was read for the extension of tilM for the removal of
quonsets from the Ho.sing Area. Clm. Anthony IIIOVed to extend the tiJlllt limit to
June 1st, 1955 for the removal of any quonsets from the area. Second by Clm. Blair.
Motion carried.
Mr. Southard spoke about the Delaney sewer and Clm. Anthony reported on the trip
with Mr. Harstad to Anchorage on the hydro project.
Motion was made and eecond to adjourn at 9:,25~:~ P.r-"-1-'-; 12 .
Approve~ ,/ ~ ~
~ L.4- '----" Msyor
,Attest ~
ity Clerk
- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seward, Alaska
December 20, 19~
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'~- - -
A regular meeting of the Council' was called to order at 8:04 o'clock P.M., Mayor~'~-
Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. West, Petrovich, Anthony, Hodson, and
Stockton. Absent Clm. Blair. Also present City Manager O'Hara.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approyed. as corrected.
Mr. Heinbaugh presented a bill from Brady Co. in wh1.ch he was billed for two extra
wyes and he asked if the City would do anything about it in regards the sewer al'llless-
IlI!!nt. Mr. Southard said the sewer belonged to Brady until it was turned over tee
the City by the Territory and he aho said the plan. .how 2 wye. for three loh.
Mr. O'Hara to check into the matter and report back to the Council at the next
Recommendation by the Seward Health Council was pre.ented by Mrs. full fer the
appointment of a Health Officer and part time services of . sanitarian. Mr. O'H are.
. said a part time sanitarian could be hired cheaper than a health officer and the
'wnitarian would work under Dr. Eason. There was dis'cussion on the' matter and the
apPOutmtnt of Dr. Staff as heaJth officer was brought up. Clm. Petrovich moved
'that the City Manager contact' Dr~ staff for health officer with salary up to SlOO
per .oDth if not acceptable to him Mr. O'Hara to cOntact Dr. EaBon. Second by Clm.
Stockton. ~tion carried. '
Public Ifealth Nurse report, for the month of November w~s read.
Mr. O'Hara rePorted to the Council what had been done in Washington, D. C. for the
'emall boat harbor project, hydro project~ seward dock, Army dock Anchorage Port and
the sea"train operation. There was dis'cussion on the various projects with questions
answered by Mr. O'IIara. Mr. O'Hara to write a letter that the City might have control
of ~he Army dock with further discussion and the decision to let< the s1 tuation go
as is for a month or so. Freight rates were discussed and Mr. O'Hara was asked to
write a letter on sea train. using Seward for their port. elm. Petrovich asked that
Jay Carroll br~ng the kilowatt usage to the next m_ting.
Alaska Housing Authority letter was read on developing housing in blight areas, and
Mr. Gagnon to be requested to come to the Council to explain the development.
or.::1' (~' ';)
ll!....~ ,'-""""
Seward, Alaska
December 20, 19M
:=:...~~-:-:::-:-:--_._~ ~-::=-==-~~~=:-:=;--=--.:~-==~-=::-- -=:'-:-=-~-.:-=--:-~---------::.-_---:..---=-~~:-=--=~:--:-:~--""--- -=-~ _.=c--- -.----~-----
~------- -
- ------~-- ----
---- -.
. Letter from the Bureau of Land M&nagement for the City to lllAke application for a
land use J?l!rm1t f!,r the lllc;Joon area was read a~ recommended by Mr. O'Hara. elm.
Stockton moves{ that the necessary steps be taken for execlition of the application
for land use permit for the Lagoon Area. Second by Clm. 9t!8.ktea. Motion carded I
. ~-~X!>.'
Letter from Foss & Olson architects, WilS read and financing of the new hospital
discussed with recClllllendation to wait until the appropriation by the AFW before th
starting of the plans. Clm. Anthony moved that the architect be reqUested to with
hold further pl,anninq until the appropriation is made. Second by Clm. Petrovich. '
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No: 252 was rsad for the first time and discussed. Clm. Petrovich reco
that par!lqraph,a Section 4, be referred back to the Utility ~r~
Resolution 71 directing a tax dee~ to be issued was read. Clm. Anthony mov~d to
adopt Resolution' 71:
WHEREAS, at public auction held on the 12th day of November, 1931, in pursuan '
of an order of sale made and entered in the District Court for the Terri tory of Al
Third J.dicial Division on the 1st day of JUly, 1931, the City of Seward became th
purchaser of Lots Four (4), Five (5), and Six (6 J in Block Twenty-seven (27) in th
- .
Original Townsite of Seward, Alaska, according to the official Plat thereof, havi
bid therefor the amount due on said Lots, including the tax, penalty, interest andi
costs due and delinquent thereon for the year 1930, and
WHEREAS, a period long
said sale and no redemption
long been entitled to a tax
in excess of two years has elapsed since
has been made therefran, and the City of
Deed to said Lots, NO-!, T: EREroRE,
the date of
Seward has
That RUSSELL PAINTER, as M&yor and SIGRID srEARNS, as City Clerk, execute a T~1x
t-o sald Letshe-reinbefore, in thisresolu1:i-ori, described, to have and to hold the ;
title to said L.ts unto the City of Seward, Alaska, and tho.e holding by, through
or under it, forever.
DATED this 20th day of December, 1954.
Sigrid stearns
City Clerk
City of Seward,
Ci ty of
Seward, Alaska
Second by Clm. Hodson. Motion carried unanimously. l
Lettor fr~ League of Al....n Citi.. for JIdvs.... Planning Funda _. r..d .,;. di'~11 ad.
I Bills f"or the month of NOYember were read. Andy's Oil Delivery, $291.40, Aut011lOti+
Part. , 1131.33, ATEC, 130.00, Alaska Railroad, 15.50, A.C.S., 126.51, A & B Servi9r,
137.11, Blumenthal Uniform Co., $96.24, Bay City Mot.n, 874.40, City Express"
$3.15, Jim Cameron, 1553.88, Win Ervin Motors, $87.65, Carl Entenman & Sons, 193.2~~
Gateway Drugs, 12.25, Osbo'., 15.00, National Institute of Munic. Clerk's, 110.00, ..
Ray's Oil Servic", 185.40, Rutledge, J ohnst on- & Tryck, 1398.89, N.C. Co., 1123.55, !i
Seward Drug, $14.50, Seward Trading Co., 159.45, SewarcLBullder'., 1212.85,' Seward I!
Hardware, $98.93, Seward Machin~ Shop, $45.32, Seward A aport R..cor9., $397.14, '!
Seward Electric System, 1685.04, Seward \-later Dl'!pt. $380.00, standard Oil, 1300.25,li
Frank Spadaro, $17.70, Seward Plbq & Htg. $34.00, Frank Woods, $45.40, Chamber of ':
Cemmerce,' $?,5.00, Yukon Equipment, $232.45, Petty Caso, '29.10. Clm. West moved t~~
the bills be pdd. Second by Clm. Stockton. Motion Ollrried .
R qUest of Seward Trading Co. for :renewal of Retail liquor license was read. Clm.
West moved to approve the renewal of Retail Liquor License of Seward Trading Co.
Seeond by Clm. Stoekton. Motion carried.
Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission were read and accepted.
Motion was III!lde and seconded to adjourn at 11:50 O'CIOCk~.,. . /< -4 :.:1..
Attest.~tlr f.Jl . ~~. Appraved~---,--,-,-,-~
~ yor.::
Seward, Alaska
December 28, 1954
i: A special meeting of the Council convened at 9:55 o'clock P.M. for the purpose
bf acting on the recommendation of the Seward Utility Board in regards our Crescent
. Lake Hydro Project. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present Clm. We~t, Petrovich,
.Anthony, Hodson, Blair and Stockton. Also present City ~Mger, 0 H ara.
Clm. Anthony moved to approve the recommendation of the Seward Utility Board, motion
by Trevethan that the Seward Utility ~rd recommends to the Seward CiLLY. ,; Council
.,the exclusion of constructing a distribltion line from Crescent Lake t~ the City
Limits of Seward as a part of the City's proposed Crescent Lake Hydro Electrio
i.Project. Second by stearns. Vote, Trevethan yes, stearns, yes, Durant, yes.
::Motion carried. Second by Clm. Blair. !btion carried unanimously.
Attest ~ ~.,~
City C1e
10:10 o'clock P.~
ApprovecL J ~ i2f2
;j (L~
, Motion I1Bde and second to adj ourn at
Seward, Alaska January 3, 1955
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock; P.M., Mayor
.Painter in the chair. Present were Clm. West, Petrovich, AnthC8Y, Hodson and
:Stockton. Also present City Manager O'Hara.
!Minutes of the last reqular and special meetings wer" read and approved as corrected.
Mrs. Anthon(who was present asked if traffic signs could be placed by the kindergarten
and the council asked that Mr. O'Hara ask the police department to put up signs~
John Disney, poundmaster, gave a ~port of dogs running in packs and attacking snall
children, also advising that there sbould be a new and ~ rger dog pound and gave.
izl"thods for destroying dogs. His report was read by the clerk and questions were
Iasked by members of the council regarding salary and the l!'!nqth of time 8. poundmashr
~hould be hired. Mr. Disney said a poundmaster should be hired in the winter "and
li:he spring when the dogs would be running at large and looking for food. Clm.
Stockton moved to appropriate $75 and the use of a quonset until April 1st for a
~og pound. Second by Clm. Hodson. Motion carried. Innoculations for dogs was dis-
eussed, and Mr. O'Hara to write a veterinarian about innoculations.
~en Sheldon was present about the sewer asses_nt for the portion of his property
that he said cannot be connected to the s ewer. The situation was dl scu5sed by the
<;:ouncil with the deci sion that when Mr. Sheldon wants to hookup to the sewer, the
City will stand the expense of moviuq the clean out.
Petitions for the reduction of the City Man ager'a salary to $7.000 were presented
to th@' Council by Clm. Petrovich who advised that they had been given to him for
presentation to the Council. A letter written by ~.r. Jackson was read by Mayor
Painter. There was considerable discussion by a number of persons who were present
and Clarence Larsen spoke in behalf of Mr. O'H ara. There was further discussion
and reading of 1953.54 audit and budget for 1954-1955. Mr. Durant spoke in behalf
of the Utility Roard regarding Mr. O'Hara. Clm. Anthony moved that the letter from
-Jackson be given no consideration a l!l part of the minutes. Second by Clm. Hodson.
Motion carried unanimouBly. Clm. Hodson moved to t able the petitions until a further
meeting and for investigation of the signatures. Second by Clm. Anthony. Motion c i!Irrif
Mr. Ground asked about the interest on the sewer bonds, and the amount that was
added du e to the interest pilyment by the City of $1.000 on October 1st. with dis.
cu5sion by several persons regarding the payment of interest on the sewer assessments.
elm. Stockton asked that Mr. O'Hara and the City Attorney cheCk and make a report to
the Council about interest and if the bonds are callable or not. Mrs. Petrie spoke
about her property on Seventh Avenue not ~eing accessi~e to the 8ewer and .sked for
.absorption of part of the cost of the sewer assessment by the City. Clm. Petrovich
.moved that the sewer dssessment on lots 32 to 36 Block 19, Townsite owned by Mrl!l. Petri
be waived for inability to ..e the sewer. Second by Clm. Anthony. ~tion carried.
Resolution No. 72 presented by the City Attorney was read by the Clerk.
WHEREAS. at public autio~ held on the 12th day of November, 1931, in pursuance
~) (~, /]:
Seward, Ala ska
January 3, 1955.
-_.- .~._._. ---.-- ---_.._-,----- _.._------_..~_._--
-_._----~-'"., --...------- - - . --. .- ~
~,_._---.._~---.__..._..- -- _.._...--.~-- ----_.._._-~ - -----"~--------~ _.~----
"----- -----,----~_._- .------- --~~_._----
_ .____u___.___._.__._ _ .....__________... __ __...._~__~._. ___.__._ __ _
of an order of sale made and entered in the District Court for the Territory of
Alaska, Third Judicial Division on the 1st day o~ July, 1931, the city of seward
be dame the purchaser of Lot TWenty-six in Block Ten (10) of the 'Original Townsite f
Seward, Alaska, according to the official Plat thereof, having bid therefor the 8DlO nt
due on said Lot, incl udi ng the tax, plmal ty, in terest a nd cost s due and delinquent
I .
! thereon for the year 1930, and
WHEREAS, a period long
said sale and no redemption
long "been 'entitled to a tax
in exceas of two yeara haa elapsed since the date of
has been made therefrom, and the City of Seward has
Deed to said Lot s, Nal, 'IHEREFORE, "
. .
That RUSSaL PAINTER; as Mayor, and SIGRID STEARNS, as City Clerk, execute a
Tax Deed to said Lots hereinbefore, in this resolution, described, to have and to
hold the title to said Lob unto the City of Seward, Alaska, and those holdinq,
by and through or under it forever.
DATED this 3rd day of January, 1955.
Sigrid Stearns
Ci ty Cl erk
City of Seward, Ala8ka
Russell Painter
City of Seward, Alaska
, ! Clm. Anthony moved to adopt RellOlution No. 72.
favor, motion carried.
Second by Clm. stockton.
All in
Clm~ Petrovich moved that a Quit Claim deed on the same property Lot 26, Block 10, .
TOM\8!te be made to F. E. Leslie. Second by Clm. Anthony. Motion carried. ~'
Mr. O'Hara made a report on the proposed Armory and a report on the League of Ala n
,Cities dues at l3~ per capih. The population was discUssed and the figure set at
'2500. I
Alaska TeleJ:Shone Corporation letter with .tatement of fmnces was read and discuss
and the City Manager recolllllended that it be turned over to the City Attorney for
-discussion of the matter with Henenth&l, Hellenthal & Cottis.
. ,
Letter written by Mr. O'Hara to Orme Lewis and mailed to Vllrious other persons a11'~
was read ahd discussed.
Resignation of Jack Kelly was read. Rat control in the city was discussed and ra~
poison to be used on the ch1mp. Mr. O'Hara requested the taking of 4~ days vacatio
this week. Clm. Petrovich moved tlvit Mr. O'Hara'. vacation time be qranted. Sec
by Clm. vlest. All in favor, motion carried. I
Motion was made and second to adjourn at 11:10 o'clock P:M. II .
yor Ii
----------- L
January 17, 1955
Attest ~ ~
"City!'k .
- - - - - - - ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
i Seward, Alaska
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A requl~r meeting of the Coundil was called to order at 8:00 o'clock F.M., Ma~r
i Painter in the chair. Presl!nt were Clm. West, Petrovich, Anthony, Hodson and Bl.air~!
Absent Clm. Stocktoh. . i:
! Minutes of the last reqular meetinq were read and approved~ Ii
! The City attorne~ had pro!l'&red a review of the Council action on the sewer asses~nts
and the reason for"addinq the 2~ interest, .as well as reporting on payments for'
sewer as:sessments over a 20 year period and necessary to add the telal interest as ~'
a cost of the improvement. If it would be possible to retire future Ponds it woul
naturally save mone, and the City as a whole is benefited by the installation of t e
sewer system.Any extra monev will be used to Pick up all bonds possible at the semf-
interest date. The liability to the City to be figures if those paying in full wee
discounted 2~. A further Sbliy to be prepared and the recolHt,enaeticll b be brough
, \
to the Council for the disCQunt of 21. for those paying in full. This perhaps to '
be discussed further at the special meeting January 19th.