HomeMy WebLinkAbout1914 City Council Minutes
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REGULAR M~J.:;TIl;0: Ol!' rrH~ S.b,;,iAED TO I'';:: COUnCIL IlONDAY t:Vl!,;. JAH 5th., 191.-f
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The Council met at the Toym Hull at 8 PM, with President
Cra'wford in tho Chair. I'resent were Councilmen, 30e, Graef, Noon
Tecklenberg, Tozier and. Crawford. The minutes of t'r1e previous
meeting were read and approved as read.
The Co~~ittee having in charge t'r1e matter of looking into the
feazability of securing a suitable lot for use as a site for a TOWIl
Kall, reported that the;{ had learned that the present site was
owned by the Dickerman estate and that t~e same would be in the
hands of an AQ~inistrator for another year. That F ~ Ballaine had
offered a lot north of the 11ethodist Church for one thousand dollars
but declined to give an option on the same. After some discussion
Noon moved that the report of the committee be adopted and filed.
Second by Boe and carried.
The following bills were read and ordered paid. Seward
Commercial Co. ~7.85, The Gateway Pub. Co. ~389.00, Brosius and
Noon ~3.00, Arctic Brotherhood $7.00, Chas. Crawford ~2.00.
The report of the City Treas. up to December 31st,19l3
was read, by the Clerk and ordered filed, after acceptance.
Ordinance No 15, relating to the payment of a monthly
rental by Corporations using the streets and alleys of the Town of
Seward waD t~1en read in full for the third time and put to a final
vote. Th&se voting in favor were 30e, Graef, Noon, Tecklenberg
Tozier and Craw~ord. The vote being unanimous, the 1iayor declared
the Ordinance passed and on motion of Noon, second by Tozier, the
Clerk was ordered to have the same published in the Seward Gateway
three times on the 7th, 8th, and 9th, of January, 1914 as according
to Law and in conformity with the Ordinances of the Tovm of Seward.
J H Romig, City Physician asked that the Council provide him
wit~ four suitable books to keep track of Births, Deaths, Infectious
diseases etc. and on motion of Noon, second by Boe, he was ordered
to ascertain the costs of t11e same and report back to the Gouncil.
The matter of securing a suitable building for the ~rimary
School was brought up and Noon moved, second by Boe t11at a committee
be ap~ointed to ascertain tho cost of repairing the present
building, or rentimg a building where the schoold childred would
be,:arm and comfortllble. The motion carried and the Chair appointed
C,tJuncilman Boe and lloon.
T1:ere being no further busi:.'JSD to come before the Council
on motion of Noon, sec&nd by Tozier, the Council then adjourned.
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i.lliGULA:1 r.:EETING OF 'I'Hi'; SEWAHD 'r01::N COUlTCIL ],[ONDAY EVE. JAlii 19th., 1914
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The Council met at the Tovrn Hall with President Crawford in the
Chair. Present were Councilmen Boe, Graef, Noon, Tozier and Crawford.
The minutes of the previous meeting ~ere read and approved as read.
The Com,ittee consisting of 30e and Hoon, apl)ointed to investigate
the present quarters of the Primary Schools, and to look into the
mutter of either making any necessary repairs, or securing new quarters
reporteel back that t'ley had made and examination of the building and
t'1at any expenditure in the way of repairs on the present building
would siJlrply be a waste of money as the condition of the bunding did
not v~rrant money spent in repairs. As far as they had been able to
learn, t'1ere is at t'lis time no building in Seward that CGuld be had
t':a t woula. be sui table for a school building. On motion of Tozier, sec
by Noon t'\e report WaS adopted and the Comma discharged.
The ~'own Clerk reported that he had, in accordance 7lith Ord. 14
issued an order to the Tovrn Marshal, authorizing him to sieze and sell
at Public Auction, one Rotary Snow Plow, property of the Alaska North.
Ry. to settle personal taxes due against the said railroad, und that
the Uarshal had sold the same to the higest bidder on Jan. 15th., 1914
in fromt of the Town Ha1}. 8.ncl that the Clerk, acting for the City had
bid tho property in for the amount of taxes, together 'I'd th penalt;)T and
interest amount ion to $ 150.58. 1'he Clerk was instructed to place the
bill oJ:' sale on r ;cord with the U S Commissioner as ac~ ording to law.
A oOJ:1munication from S 1.1 Graff, President and Genl. Mgr. of t'le
Seward Light and Power Co. and Alaska Electric Co.s rofusing to pay
. t'1e tax impose!} on the two corporations by Ordinance No 15, and
asking t'-~tt an action be brought by tha Town of :-:>eward to determine
the rights of both parties in this mat~er. Tozier spoke in favor of
lD.ying t"e matter on t11e tD.ble until the oi t;), Attorney should return
Noon OPl)Osed this and ststecl that hw was in favor of finding out ut
once if the tax could be collected and asked that <.:.ction be taken at
once. The matter was finally turner1 over to t'le l,;ayor to attend to.
Health Officer ..omig submittel some figures for the purchase of a
set of books for re(}orde but te figures were t"ou8ht to be to.' high
and instead of t':; ",056.00 asked for, on l:l(Jtion of _ozmcr, second by
Hoon, t"e Clerk was instructc" to draw a warrant for $10.00 to be used
in purchasin~ a set of record books for t'lis'purpose.
Bills for ~lO.OO for handcuffs and for one day's work on tho sewer
to T Tellefson, ~ere read and ordered paid.
There being no further business to come before the Council
the meGting was then adjourned.
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:,;0liDAY FEBY. 2ND., 1914.
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The Counoil met at the Town Hall at 8 P 11 with President
Crawford in the Chair. Present were Counoilman, Boe, Chamberlin, Graef
:Noon, Tozier and Crawford. The minutes of the last meeting .iore read
and approved as read.
The following list of bills were read and on motion of Boe, second
by Tozter, the olerk was instruoted to draw warrants in payment of tho
same. J L Graef $2.65, Gateway$11.25 , Arotio Brotherhood $7.00.
S 0 Morford appeared before the Council, seeking information, in
the matt ar of delinquent tiixes. He wished to know what action the
Council intended to take regarding the real taxes upon whioh the amount
of tJle tax together with interest had been tendered, and wa.s informed
that the matter would go up to the Judge and that the Council would be
guided by the decision of the Court. He also wanted to know who would
represent the Town of Sewa,rd in the A'pea.le d case against the Seward
Water and Power Co. oharged wit~ violating Ordinanoe No 15 and was told
that lIr Bunnell of Valdez v:ould have the matter in oharge.
City Treas. Romig stated that four parties had paid to him the amt
of their taxes with interest, but had refused to pay t"e advertising
oosts and asked instructions. He was told to deposit tJ]e money awaiting
the deoision of the Court.
The matter of providing suitable reoordt books for the vital
statistios of the Town was brought up by the Health Offioer and the
matter of cost was thoroughly gone over. It was tho opinion of the
Counoil t1Jat it would be well to have these records lbn good shape and
that tho Town should provide the books, but at this time the matter of
expense was too great and the matter was deferred to some later date.
, In t11e matter of an Attorney to repr,)sent the J.'own in the appealed
Vase coming before the Court, Chamberlin moved second by Tozier that
the I'layor communicate with Mr Bunnell of Valdez asking that he ask the
Court for a. continuance of the case until the City Atty returned. :L'he
r:J.otion carried
Fire Chief Horner came before the Council stating that he had tried
out the Pyrene Fire Extinguisher and that he had found the same very
efficient and asking that tile oouncil provide at least a half dozen
in t11e interests of be t': er fire protection. He statod that ho had inade
tasts and that for :..ll1 interior fire test it ,:_8 tl,ei)est extinguisher
that he ha.d seen. Boe ststeCl. that in his opinion, it Vie good for inside
worlr:, but no good in the ",,rind. Chaffiberlim moved second by lIoon t'JElt the
Fire Chief be instructed to purchase six of the ~7.00 variety with ~10
ga.l10ns of solution at once. 1'he motiihn carried and tho ]'ire Chief Vias
so instructed.
There being no further busines',~ to come before the 00uncil, on
I:'.otion of 'Lozier, second by Noon, the Council then adjourned. until tho
noxt ret;ular meeting.
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The :':ouncil met at the Tovm Hall at 8 P I.l \7i th President Crawford
in the Chair. Present \'lere ''';ouncilmen Boe, Ohanberlin, Graef, Hoon,
Tecklenberg, ':Lozier and Crawford. T1.e minutes of tile lHevious meeting
were read and aPI)roved as read.
A bill for ",,2.70, fee for the recording of the Bill of Sale of t'le
Rotary, Snow Plow s~ld to the ~ovm of Seward for the delinquent taxes
against the .'.laska i~orthern Ry, was ordered paid on Elotion or Noon
second by Boe.
City Treas. Romig appeare'~ before the Council u.n11 aske('~ to be
instructe,'! as to ..:that c::urse to pursue when a delinquent tax payer
tenderer t e amount of taxes due, less penalty and advertising fees
and vras referr il to the .)ity ;.ttorny for instructions.
.i letter was r 'ad from John E Ballaine tendering a check for $500.
for taxes and stating t1w.t if t11is amollLnt \"J'c1S not enough would remit
on ro~iept of information statin~ amollLnt due. Atty. Ray asked that the
handin!:; of the delinquent tax list to the Court be delayed, or that
the Court be regueste,l to delay action in this r:latter for at least
t11irty days until Ballaine and others be given time to straighten up
t'hell' taxes, und suggostel1 that the Treasurer be instructed to \7ire to
].Ir Ballaine t1',e amoint of his balance of tax duo. This sug(':ostion met
with t"o approval of the Council, and the Treasurer was so instructed.
Treas. Romip; then stated that hw would like to have ap ear on the
minutes of the Council, the authorization for charging for the advertis-
isg of the delinc.:uent tax list and further stated that t'he amount of
fifty cents per line ':lould a Jproximately cover the sarne, and that he
had been collicting t'hat amount. Chamberlin movee] second by Noon ti'lO,t
t1le action of the Ji ty Treas. in collecting 50 Cente per line on
advertising the delin~uent tax list be ratified by the council, and
the motion was passed unanimously.
Oi ty i.ttorney ~\ay statec1, t'1at as he had no business in the Court
at 'To.ldez and in as much as t~Je cOURsel for the Se\'li),rd bater and rower
Co. Had notified him that he would insist !1m having the case appoale\.l
brought up for tr1aa at that time, it would be necessary for the
Council to ap ropriate monef for the neces2ary filing fees and actual
expenses of the 0ity ..ttlllrney vl'hile absent, an 0, ostimatec1 t'he initial
costs at ~?lOO.OO. On motion of ~ozier, second bysecong by Boe, the
Clerk was instructerl to dra\7 a -;:ar:.'ant for $100.00 in favore of tho
City Attorney, \~lich motion was passed by a unanimous vote.
Eoon move,'] that the Clerk be instructe!' to lo;k up t"'.e ordinance
regarding the coming I,:unicipal elections and see that the necessary
notices were properly advertiseCl and posted and ti},lt t'oe Datter of the
registration of the voters be o.ttended to in due time, .Boe secondecl
t11e motion >'ihich l)revaile a11(l t11G Clerk \'lQS 00 instruct ad.
There being no further busines.:.> to come before tho;ouncil. on
r:lOtion of :Noon, second by Tozier, t'c,e 00uncil t1,en adj ourno(l until the
next reGul~':.r :nootinc.
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I,:R~TIFG 0:8' 'erE SKiil.::::':U TO'm~ COU;rCIL ::Ol;DAY ETG. I,LJ.IWH 2nd~. 1914
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~ho ,:jou.l1cil not o..t t"7~.~ 1\--.:~~ !~~..-'~. L'.~- :. ~ :,~ Y:i'~~~ ..L'~ _' _~,1_~.~t:
'Crav!ford in t",; Chair. Pr.] ~)ent wore Councilmen Doe, ChuDborlin.
Graef TecklenberO' Tozier and Crawford. The minutes of the previous
. o.
meeting were reaQ and approved as read.
A cOW::lUnication from Joh Noon, askiYlg tk,.t tho C01IDcil ta1w some
acjrion in ])rovid.ing 0. restricted district. in oreler that t11e WODen of
t110 underworld be not alloweil to settle in t' 0 heo.rt of tho to,m was
on motion of Chamberlin, second b;y Graef, roferreJ to tho Polico COTIL':'!.
E 1::' l'ludolph ap:peardd before the Council, llrotesting that tho assess-
ment on his hor:lOstead was too high and. ststing that he wa~1 of the
o:>inion that he ';ID.S not liable to ta..xes on prellerty \'There he had not
a complete tHle. T11e Cit~T Atty. took e:{Ception to this at:.'itude amI
after seDO discussion the matter was laid over for adjustment. pendin8
the ar::.'ival of advices fron tIl0 Secy. of the Interior.
Tho following bills:e:r.') read and ordere,l paid. T Tellefson, 04.00
11 A Horner. ~42.50. Seward News Co .35. Arctic Brotherhood, ~7.00t
J L Graef. ~3.75.
The City Attorney reported that his expenses in going to -valdez
to a}Jpear for the Oit;y in the appealed case of Ordinance 15 ano." other
businesB amo1lmtecl to ,;$54.00 and that he had the balance of tho ,;;100.00
advance~l to him on hand, and offerer1 to turn t!Je balance over to t,lO
City. In as much as t:"ere are other expenses to corne out of t11is ar:10Ullt
on motion or 13oe. second by Ohamberlin. the City Atty was instructe,l to
hold tno Dalance UIltil he had made a complete settlement and tnen rOTund
any oalance tnaw mign~ oe leI~ on nand.
Under a suspension of the rules it wa:3 resolved by the:J01U1cil that
due and proper notice of the coming municipal election be given through
t~le press, as by law required and the Clerk was so instructed.
Chamberlin moved that during the absence of I.Ir Cotter, Dr. :::omig
be S'\70rn in as l~egistration officer , and. that the Oouncil authorize
Dr Romig to act in that capacity during the absence of the regular
Clerk. The motion was seconde,l by Boe and carried.
Tho :1ecision of Judge F M Brown in the matter of the Appealer1 case
in which the Seward '(iater and Po'::er Co wa:3 defendant. reversing the
ve rdict of t'"e Hunicipal j'Jagistra te was read o.nd on motion of Tozier.
second by Chamberlin. ord.ered placell on file.
Coincilman Graef brought u11 the matter of the purchase of a
cheDical fire extinguisher and stated that he had some especially low
quotatiom3 on the same and urged t:18.t ti1e Town get what they needed
while these prices obtain. On motion of Tozier, second by Boe, the matter
was referl'e,l to the COillnittee of Fire and 'ifater.
A motion to ad,j ourn by Tozier, second by ChaDberlin VIl.lS carried.
and the C01IDCil t'1en adjemrnod.
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"'/8r(~ =:'''G,jJ~. o..n.'l 0..--1 'l"OVOJ a::1 road.
CJ:u.L~J8rlir:.- r(;'po;~to\~ t~"\L;,t t1:.c iJoEl~:it"Geo lJL:,rl inV0t1tig'CLte<l tl~c; ~.l;.',ttc~:
of tl~o l.j1.1l"c}luse 01 L,t cl:oLiicLl.,l enGine, ~,;.~-Fl t1~u. t i::'1 the Ol;il1io:n, Oj~ .1Cr:.C
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roc:;oLlo.')n(lef1. t~""l:'~,; t-:.,o L1:'J.t-I,:ar be drop,.o;'_ .t thi~; tij^;lC. CC~~G l"CIJOJ.."'t ~,va8
-- rE~})Ort Ira:.: .lu~'0 Doar(l o:f 13choJl DiroctoI'}J \',-LL3 rc,<~(l, ;~hIJ\-;i:nG e~
lY'l,~xlcD 0:[ c;15:c2.1'J on lml1(l. On ;-.1oti,)c] 0:[ T~)zier, secomlo'~ b;TJoo, t"0
r 0 :)() I't c1." ,~r~ _,J] 0 i)''fj C 1 C.11 (1 0:" de TO: ....~) 1 ~~.,C C:: 0:: fi 10 .
.- ~co J)ort frO~lL. t~~,O ~~i tJ ~IG~,-l tJ1 O~.=\ ~~ :':'" -\-Il~~" :::'_' ~~(l, r:~\ l --. (;---c-:;~ni::" O.L~ or..8
of t-:".'-: ::::'OG~~,O:.lCJ,lc1utlorH) _1.(1_8 0~/ t"nat 0~ -1..881"', v:l:'lilbcn::'ll11 ',l)Ve Vl~~t
t;-:o l~',ltl1 of-~"icer be iEstl.l..,lcte 1 to obtair:.. t"hc "bOI)~::~1 Y18~Oi3'~al'=T =COl" t~"',J
:::0~}!ill" Df t",,~ vit~_,l stc,,,tlsticG of the 'Il'J~;-.7n at once ~llJ (luthorizil1~~: -c:".G
Cl',Jl."~: to ll-~.u-.-,~a \-:;j,::.....~.(l,n-c i:L~ )(,.~J:;;l,:;llt of t':o 3u...LlO.
11'10 Cit~- iloal t>: ()~?;"icor rGc'_~o=aOlll.18':- t"hL.t (l,n OI'clil::L~11c;C) ;)0 d.raVlll l=,.~
J oni'O=:"~'ilit;'l~ ',",ri t11 "t'.'c ~lOCi.1Jcll ~'egll1oJtiollG IJf t;'~c~ LJ ;3 Gove:.--rL:~8nt [illlJ Oil
~nQtio11 ()j: C}1J..i;:1)Ol~lill, ~H)concl lJ;)~ IT:JO:1 tTl,t) t~it;~,:' ..t..!CO:;''''lln~l ~,.,;u.; :L"O".11CStO(~_
to Lll--:':"\.7 It'; erne;:_ ':':1 OI'clill.:;..:ilCO L.~11(1 8ul)Llit t1:.o ,-J;'J..L10 to .lch'J ,~')~l:n8il LOI'
<:"1-';'-("0"\;-:-1 --r.L~1110 t"l.4.~- ,-!-../----.. r" '"\1tnc'1 tl"'~'",+: ''''1--1 +",\.-, .1l,: -,',',',L;: 11n;~A0"',r~:- to (10 v~'t';,; to
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COnfOl"" tJ t:1G rI'e:..",.~..itorit11 lleu.lt21 :"2(; ~Or..~IJ=-l(l:..-.tioll~~, 0.TJ.tl tJJi3 ,,'<J.,,:.1
secondorl b~ ~r ::omiG.
L;..i~lOr J:"~?.\-;ford ljllt i~:.} '-_~ !Jill fOl-- '1.)G.2~ IO~C L!. cL~1Jle to JllclL'C
',','ic~::eI""s}~'..,.Ll, :.lI"ul ~J.;"j=~Ot::;_ t"h~J..t ',it 1).') E1.11o:-;lccl. ~r ::OL1iS 8.clcl.ed 0..11 itCL: of
fift;,' c~ont,3 to tho bill for ._L cublo to t1,u ~:it;'l .tt;;i.:I:"':J cL):c'~:
p"'~ l:l'C<+"'l.'ct" tl) (1';"''-' " "roI"'~ll"'l -"'L-O'.L' '~,~ r,':; co"e-"l"'-' '0,+1, l'.'G"C<
,,\,~'-) _...JU~,'--.~. .........,..,.cJ..\.U~l..'V_I_ lrrU,U I<_...J.,_ v .JJ...oJ.
T~;.e ":it'\:'" ~r:)as. ,"'~u.,r"'~>'estecl t"U,it tGl~JGr~':~t-.~8 be Gent to GOWllaIl u:;:'l\l
':"1'''1'-''.L' "'t" tl' ~1'.~ Vi-,.., + tl''-''l;~' ','-,'o""".,..t'r "01.1111 '10 0<"-""-'8 +'01' "', 1," t'J
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~~.~''-'.tii3:f~,T tl-..;:~ ta:-: lien, r:'j"l("'J 0:'1 ';,:T':cio~1 of ~To()n, 300011(1 ~):./" :.L'ozicl: thl)
~:."'ea8~_lJ~O~" -,;(.;"~'-:: iJj.strrtct,-=-~(l to \vire t""1oso l~l.:ctios Lr(~(1" t;l<::: Cler}: i:i.l:JtJ--1.1ctetl
t:) d_rt.J'~:I~ ". -.-,r~::t=:- ":'L:.~-.i.t iil ft-l~-T~ont of t:,~o :J8..b' J 0~",:";.1~,'=J'es.
=,~ l-J ~-~u(lo1:r:l1 ~l) Gd.ror1_ J:)Iore tl1e JOl1l1Cil al1':~_ tD.l==c:- ot" 8c11081
':-';J++',',r:',. ''':'10 '-:'-'"0'" 'uc,,""tol t"',,+ l"-.L' l')1.1.c11'1"]1 t"'.,, t'1,"' 'j't'('~ n,) ,';t11
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ti~e :300:)7' of t:1C I~.1tJrior I)':: 1':3 ou__:.lly , in ,J.:~ :'.~llCI~ _D t~,c l"'Q;-_~ent C01JllCil
would be 0P~ of of;ico ~0forc it ~0uld bo )os~iblD to rocicv0 u reply
~,:::.." ..,~u(lo11)h ;3te..te~l t11,-1.t 1:0 ';,rOl11c1 ',l 0 t~lis.
CJlu~.Qilr:1e.:n .:..:~t),')n :Jt3tn,'1 thG.t ~1C) "';,i..-.l1 [..el 1 1"08:'':8 D. le-t.;to;:' to the
'JOllncil, :"l~1:;,=i::'1~_' thu.t ~J);L~ Ei.Gtio:l -bo tu.}:'~nl in l--c~D2.,r(1;3 to tll(J e8tc~bliGhinc
o:f c:. ='~"--;;3tl~ict; - l)j.o-tric-'J ,],,11,1_ D.~.2:ocl ,,1:t..~t action ~l("ll be-:;n ti..L'l:OlJ. 'J:J t110
l~'l'"tter. l:Le -'-,'C..iJ i:lforL1Qcl t1,l:...:..t t;.,C) .~ :_18 hurl beell I'3fcr~ce(1 to L1 Con1T1.
CO:~1~_10ur;' of JIJnncil~:'t():'l TocJ.:lenbc::;_~' :..:.jl{1 Gl~t1e~f. 110 as:~'::o'l fOl-- t~ l"(]T'ort
=1"01'.: t:'-,Q -";.Jtl,'-:it-~ee ~)j~1(_1 Gracf:: l"'Ororto'l lJI'ogre3:J.
C'r:G illD_,'Gtor ot" fil1in(~: ti ;J ~;IOrr,Ol1 of t':,~ rt:;:Jt:cict:.~l l:'i3trict ~,7u.S
,~'o;.lG ov,'''' ,-11 11 Eoon DOVH1 -;;,,:~t 11:) fur't1,0:c' ~in8S Do collocted. ITo c30C01JCl
~~~1(: Clcr~~ :::~,sJ.:e 1 for inctl"'11ctio:l:J nJ1c:, \7b..~~ instl--ucte - to colloct no Tnore
~~il1eG 1.l111oE ,.:.. -~-,~u..r._'~"1nt h0.41 be'~n ~nlO::"--ll out " ~j in !.~llJ'''' othe:.... 1.30..80 (,i.~..-;d ti"len
t 0 UC1:-~lil1istCl" ~fil10fJ a[~~ D.C l,orclil1.L.' to the ;.;.'O\"lE Ol",lil1;~nco.
=:j,:;ro \"I~tl.;~ c'Jllsic1c:-caiJlc c1iscl13nioIl, but no .:.....ctio1"J -:,- '.~_~ i;~..l:-el~ ill t1~c
rl1r.,t'_o::.~. ~..".ll(~ C)i"! :l,~tioll of' 1~'OZiOl--, DCCOllC1 hz,' Graeff", t'~e C~~)Ll~:.cil t~-If::-:n
~1J,joun":,' urti::l l1oxi.; LJ11 l1::,;,- ove. ~,w,rch 2~)r(t.,
:,:'t; ,~ ,-, ...... , .:J to" "'l=C~) ~~ i 'lont
_ '--' (n":11cil~i~on 2.;00, Cl1uLlbcrlin,
1..li11UtOG 0::: t..,c lJl"GV'.LOUE ~:lcctinp'
j UJJj~~
sr.L.:GI-,~L =,=:~:~~~TI::G O~' TTT.l.~~ 0"1'"'."":)11 nn-r-T7'1" ('<'('lTI:'"(;IIG ">r:1r"2)11Y .~ ,-)n:.r nr~.r'l:1 1914
~.u~."~""':":i...~'u,,, ...:....:..:;: ~.~v'.: '....( _!J ':':.~-':,: -.!,_ ",..~.".~~~,:-:J.."'".t:J:;-:-\.~..J. ~!, ""."
..,:. ,I. ~!, . ....~. ,'. :-1- ~~. :oJ- ..j, 't' ' ...,. '" ' '
~jle Cou.ncil Ttlot at t"'-'lc To\"n1 lic.11 at 3 ~ L: .~7it}~ J:ro ~itlent
Crawford iL tile Cho.ir. Present r:ere COlU1ci1mon :'3oe, Chc.:.:o'3rlin
:~oon, Tecklenbere; and Cravlford. 1';le minutes of tho rreviou:J me,}tinc
rlOre rea,J and a~} ,roved as read.
A lotter from :C:obert ..~shland reGarding tho ~;10unt of certain
]Jr01Jerty as,seosed b~T t',e ';OW11 AO:JesEor. and held b;jr the so.icl
Ashland rmr:: realI, and on motion of Chru:lberliL, soc;:1l1d by :Doe was
ordereD filed.
Tile roport of J H Romig, City Troasurer, for the year o:f
1913-14 I'me! reL'.,l and on motion of Cho.mbel'lin, second by Eoan
YlaD rofo?l'o,' to t- e Finance Committee and tho Clerk instructed to
ElakG 0. cop;y for eo.ch member of t'1e Council. The motion cGly.'ied
80m! th'} Clerk WeLl so instructe,l.
'rho report of Fran2: J Cotter a" City Clerl: for tile current
:'t'eo.r wo.:J roo.c! 0.11,1 on motion of Chamberlin, secoll,l b;:t noon waG
ordero,l l'ofer:.'el! to ti10 7iYll.1nce ~;om;littoe and t'l,e Clerl: orllored
to furnish 00.c1, Dorabel' of t:1.0 TO'.'il1 Council ':iith a copy. The
I'lotiJ,: l'revaile 1 and. tho Clerl: ',,-as so ordered.
In tho :"1[l,t~;or of t"L8 clrm-rillS of D. ni}':: i1e:;.1 th ordiYll.1l1C:o, t',e
Cit:\:- .:;:-tt<Jrlle~I rc~porte.1 t~:.o..t 11e 11ucl }1o.d t~!o r~1atJc.Jl1 U-:~I 'f....~it}!_ t:-;,8
Cit;r l'hysioic.n ~].nll t~;o.t in 0.;:1 flUC11 0,8 tl'o l)l'osont council \>rill
800n '00 OU~; of of"ic8, it rm:i thousht bc"t u/c ti'is ti:E,1 to postpone
t':o <lro.nin[-; of an ordins.nc e, until 0. new Couj'lcil is clecto,l.
HO:'l1. ~~slre,l :for c. :ceport frot1 the COfu:.:ittee to -.7"!lolne tliG li~~:.tter
of grovirlinf 0. restrict'3" c1istrict"l'- l'o:f'er...'o' to, o.nct Tecklenbere;
s8.id t~lo.t he thOllc;ilt tint the metJcel' ho.cl bost bo left U) to t',e
110 -+ 1'01lilC1 I r"l,,~ ~.",_.uco" ,.,,<'te 1 tile""'"
~ v '-' _..J.. ... '--, :. !'-'~ <J... ..L ......'~ '--' \, ..... '....
r~lT1Cl"0 hCill{:; 110 fllrt~10:' b"'.}_Si118f3:3 toaOf.1e 1:H}fo::..--,:: t"':G C011=1c1hl,
on ;lotion ():l~ :300, socond oJ _:0 en, 8.11 adjourmlGnt ';; ",,: ta'.:o~l lmtil
t"Q nezt l~:::;nl::'.T ::18etinG.
AJ,IN. ~/lT4_-
1 B~'!Fe
~:~~G1JL..:..3. I.~.} '}:~I~!G
TO",,"l' COUl;-ClliL j,:OlTD.j.Y
.:........ ...~.
,'. "
G1'H., 1014
,'- .' "
'J""'; ._.j.~{~)
~},la C01J.J.lcil ~";lot~ ~.t t'~o S=O\-,l.l =-~:';Jll :...t t"',,-u }lOl,lr of J l! m
~T--;i "1::;;"_ ~l"G;Jiclo11Jl~ Gravlford i:;'l t'10 ':Jll~_"ir. ~II'e8 :Jnt ~\-:c'~_~e ~OUllCi11~leu1.
'00 1~"""."')e.L.(1' -';')'~'~1 1:-"ozl'e"''''' "l'~ 0-.c'u",>:?.ftoed ::~~;) r'l'll'lt,~Cj of +;.L~:~
~. -, 'vI._....... t....' \.... \. .L ',..... ...L. .....~~-+.\_ oJ ~4 Ul . __.' u I.- '- "- ... v -
~roviOll:J file .;tiI1.c: ":.~el"'~' l"'OL~ll [':;.,n~~'<..)~_:Yoved <':,,8 :l."c:J..(l.
j;;~c fol":.o\7in, liot of iJilTs VTOI'C reac1 ~:11~1 0.ftc:"" 1]millG
a"' ':1"ovo:3~ -...~el~3 orclorn" ~_:(),i(l, LLll11 .lcl:.o Jlel"l: ij1stucte(1 t'J 1..11\..1'.7
V.'~1,:c'ant:3 1:1 :_]o,;:;-nOll~; of t'.() :3u,t1e. Arctic Brotherhood ~~7.00"
L~; Q8~:~~ ~:'dnsfe _ Co ~ 50 ~!, ;.- .. BUtts .50, ,:, JeY;c~rd lTeviS COlllpG.ny
:)2.25, ,Ill() G~;,tevld.Y .J 18.20, :.- G Weav8:C' i;.o:.JO, Iet8r Hohnston .';8.00
Un motion of :: )on socond by :Joe t'~o Cler:: \'n;.s illst:cuctell
to cL:o::,' ',:o.r-..'o.nt8 coverinr:; t'1':) curront bills, u~ to t' ;::~ t,,,nt;, of
t'-:'I] L:Jl:t~~ ~_~,n"l llG.V':) t'-:.ev_ ~te~{l~l :COl''' signillg Y/;"1.CJ1 t~l'J in:Jo~~1illC
c01ll1cil -'ca~:::QS Cll2..rSO. J."h..G Llotion c~l":"'icd..
1'11e follovrinc ::osolutio:l
t..,(? ~OlUlcili.~ell ~;r:}8el1.t.
" 'T. ~ ,...,
\. -",....-,
l;C. 0:1 0 ,1
L1XJ.:'.~11ir l Oll_C:
~ ~ SOL UTI 0 N
:J~ I~l ~:~30JJV2~ D~{ ~'_~=...:. C;Ol.: .;Jl~ CC:...~TCIL
o:? r.;:;:~ ~o "l~ C? ;j~'.,A3.2.) .L.l..L.t...Sl:A.: Thu t }!Ul"SlUll""c to
t'leCompilo(l Laws of tho S:e:':'itor;',T, 0:" Ala3~:a
~i tle XII, Cl~o.pt er XAl, rel:.,~t in>:; tD :,:rmi c i~'cj.l
-i ties inc orpor i.1te (1 t~:oreUll(lor, ;:~llll t11?
ol'3ctio:.J. to ~")o 1101(1.. -\-.r:L.lvl~i:l t:1:: I:~lCOl"~)Ol"~1tcd
70';.'2.1 of ~G:.D.::'d, ,i~lwc~;:o, 011 AlJl'il 7t):., 1914.
A P B::10 ,.1r and
I.IR3. C E I.Ii3TIN o,nd
'~T; G -l'/E.A 11:8::'
o,_::'ointo' t<.3 Judgos
all. (1
of 3uid
I.US JES:: E ELLS':rol~TH a.nd
0.1'0 hGreb::,~ a,Joh1te' as :;lerks 0[' saicl election.
I'assoJ b:l t;~e ':OVJl1 ~o1U1cil this Gt11. t
do,;r of April, 1914.
A;J;Jrove c1 b;y tho Pre [l iclellt D f the ::; orJ,'.lon
:>OlU1Cil t1'LS _th., d8.;,~ of "~pril , 1914
Frank J. Cotter
C11us GraYlford
Prosill.ont of the Uom:-:on
Council, and Ex~'Off'iciao
liayor Ol th",:::o'::n of
3C:\7~~rcl, .t~l~J.:J~~:a
~ '-0 t i O~l
-'0'0 ,1>1 r<.l(~ 1:",1., l),.F ~L:")"-1 '>..,,, ~,:'~,!,' nO",l'l-. ',l
a-~~~" Q€.L;.j<:~~-
..o:~~, . )-..,
~,.(l~j ()Url18Cl.
~ .),
~ ~
11 HfT'
)., I' ('
.::..::..". "."--':. ;:<--::- ::.::. ::..;:.-::. "_.::~.::..:~::..::- '-::.-::..::.::-
"" "., '
_.. _ h...
~~J'~GULAH ~.'~:~"'~TlI1G OI;~ ~:IE SE'l}.:\~~D TQ'.,~}r COUFCIL? ":.-rOlr:)AY APEIL 10,1914
,-," ,""" ',' "
'. - -".
.:~ : .::. .:. :. ". -::--:: ~:- . .;'. ~:~ ::-" ". ':-
The Council met in regular session at 3 o'clock, p, m. with Presi-
dent Crawford in the chair. Present were Councilmen Hoon, Boe, Cham-
berlain, Tozier, Graef and Crawford.
Certificates of election of the newly elected councilmen vlere read by
tte Clerk and the oaths of the newly elected members were also read.
There beinc no further business the old council adjourned sine die.
On conveneinc the new council Chamberlain moved that Crawford act as
temporary chairman while the new cmmcil was beinG orc;anized. earried.
Chamberlain moved and Noon seconded that iiII'. Cotter act as ter:1porary
Clerl;: in the orGanization of the new council. Carried.
The emmcil then proceeded to elect a president for the comine; year.
Cham1Jerlain moved that as G. G. Boe had received the lar[jest mmeer of
votes cast at the recent election, he should be named as President of the
new cowlcil. This motion was seconded by Noon and the Clerk was instructed
to cast a ballot for G. G. Boe for President, which he did and Boe was
declared elected. On taldne the chair President Boe thanl:ed the mej71bers
of the COlUlCil for the honor conferred and proceeded to act in his new
Chamberlain moved a vote of thanks to ex-Coun.cilman Tozier as he retired
for the interest he had taken in the affairs of the town durinG the
past year. Graef seconded this motion and it was carried by a unanimous
vote of the council.
The next or(ler of business was the election of a Clerl: and Nlagistrate.
Applications for the position were read from Carl Almy and T. R. Needham.
A vote beine; taken Needham was elected by a vote of 5 to 2. There Vias
a question as to the application of Needham for the clerkship alone,
he not havinG included the office of ~agistrate in his application, but
a motion by Crawford, seconded by Noon, that Needham be elected to act
a,,: ?.1agistrate, was carried and Needhanm was declared elected. Amotion
by Chamberlain, seconded by Graef, that Mr. Cotter be given a vote of
tl1anlw for the careful an(l efficient manner in which he had conducted
the duties of his office durinG his incumbency, was carried wmnimously.
Chamberlain moved and Noon seconded that Robert Guest, the present Town
~arshal, be reappointed to the position for the coming year. Crawford
moved that nominations close and that the clerk be instructe~ to cast
the vote for Gue st for the office of Town 'tarshal. Carried. The Clerk
cast the ballot for Guest and he was declaired elected.
Crawford moved and Noon secondeu, that r.'lel I-IOImer be continued as FLee
Chie~, but as the recommendation had to come from the fire department,
the matter was passed to be acteu upon later.
Chamberlain moved, and Hewitt seconded, that all rules governinG the
Council dl~inc the past year and that the election of all officers be
ratified, Carried.
Crawforu moved and Hewitt seconded that Patton be elected as Vice-
President of the council. Carried.
L'otion by Crawford, seconded by Chamberlain, that warrants be drawn to
pay the Judges and Clerks of election held on April 7th was carried.
L~otion by TIoon, seconded by Patton, that further election of officers
be postponed until the next regular meetinG. Carried.
A motion by Patton to adjourn prevailed.
"'--J" If..)(\ /7 ~
J~ V r, r ( tJ.
~ T'~-,.~ ....:
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"1:1.C: r"'o''.~in ~ OU'-"C i 1 in.::; t i r rc;':l~l::;'l'} s.? ~ si .')11 '..Ii t 1., :-'re::.~ i':' (~~ n'~. ;""CI(: i:'1 : ~'l.e (
,.1')...~ '-Lr fj1l10 -, {' :)Y"(~ ~(;'1 + ~'r0 t"t~ 8 ounc i lmcn Cll2.rnbljl'lCli n, Cro. V! .'~ ,Jrr 1, (1ro..8 J ,
'__._ _l,..-_ . . .. '.. '- _. J. ~ ->....... l_" ,. -, -~ - ~
"' " ,,' tt -l~t. OJ~ "nr' +11" -'I"" I" "("]+
Don _C.Il , LC-'- lJ ... U".I...... '-'_\...,.... ~..~ U_'-'-.J.
, t" d" " ."
?'10 Jin',.:~:__ ~_' '-jf t~.~ .1....1. -."'1---,,;:..... mee lnc V;Cl"le rea o.nu t.JeIOl'l:-~ C:.l'IIJl'OV8.1
Ch:J.m1Y l"'lain cL::l.tc;\f'l tIL::1t he \'fishc'.l to tncollpOl'CLt(~ the nOJnc: or :-'~::-c
Council:TJ.an rro.cklnnb"LlP~ vIi th tho.t 0:-' ": :::-C;ODYtc:..l:1l8.n To",icp 'in the vet
of ~}~,::::~.n~:::2 r'ivcn for' +,hc~ fO.it'lPllJ lJ(~r":oprJ~)n.c(' ()f Ilj:: r;ut~! ~1.'1!.ilc 2cn'J-
in.' in ~J'lC' 01(! counctl. --'h(]~'c br;in:~, no ft.lpt~:cr' o~~jcc~iol'i~ t..~, t:l.(_;
r:1ir.lu",',(;~' ~,hC::I WCP(.::; al)l]l-')oved.
It WL.-!.:: r:10VC'"i by ~"::::'.tton, ~~ccon(18(J. Ly rr:;~=n:", th;;.t the 7J.:)iJoint.rncnt of
O'+--,~l(:r' o~~'::(i(>,.~p:::.: :)(? dcfcI'pcd u.nt.il the next rp~'~ulc).r lJectj.r.)~.;. Co.rrie\..
r00:1 ~lsl-;:cl1 for t.hr.: bone"'. of' the [1 C: v.' cl(~l'k of ~~~).c..; bocu:,d, r{~licL wed3
P2uJl ;::.1.~~.(J 02}iJrC 1 i)lcl.cG\l Ull f i 10.
~~l".lr.3 i'ollo'Nin'-.-: Lil1;'~ l,',/f;PU pPf;scn Led D.n~,l ~'.11owl;J; -"cl ~lOl'neJ:', for act-
. ~. - -. .j r-'~'l.....",--,J-C"" ,-y; -["I' ",r,T() -'-'I' "'~;""l c'! I ('1 (If) 1,] ('~l";C n fOl" .ci 1'"
In, j ,.I.b n.L,"-,L_ L.. 'I/v ~J _: ldlJ.. ,. ()~ t, .', .1, ,-_,,':' "'~-;" n ,~). __ \.~. 'J,~. ";,; ';,-','; ',~., ., ~ ~,~ '- . ~:',-
'~~~~ nl,r:ll'~,v1::.LtcllQD.n fo.!:' fOlU" ni,~)lt::.\, 1',,'lC:.i .on.
_ tc:n'lin'" co'wni ttC()~~ f()l' '~J;ll"l 8n::u.in-' ~rrJ~J.Y' Vl8i.")C tJ.l::3n [l..nn01lnCE"'] r~' t,;'le
'~"l-' ".,' 1"""-'+ .,.... p 11 ,,,,,, r.' :'I,....("'.,,-.,..,!- "q ".1 tq-",'.>' ~To 1'1 .,]...,..~ --:,~",j.+O;l. ~
L '",.l. ,',,11'J, '- >- 1 O..--,--Oh.., , ~..,,.j,_,O,--._J';vll.V L.-\.n, 1. Iv_.....l,'-', _ 0"_ L~ 1,._. ":"'."uu .:.., ilL
,;)Potf~~cticn ClD,l riatO.C' SUP1)1~', ~r~nwfoP(l ar~;l ~"}r;".c;'; Li-=~Lt..f'::', EC1.riera[.:,
un'~ whD.rfa:~o, Cro.wf01'cl 2.n,~ T:p'xitt; ~~e:...~ltl, :::]'1"; ~;olie' j.JI~,,-~tc;ctiol1,
~pau l' ::.\!J.I J 'T.C l,';i t t; ~~ .t..r'c c: t, c ,:.n _L 2.118 ~rs, C:llarnbt~p lLin and r;r[,~ rlf~oP(~;
'''i~''J2tnc~'~;: ".E,1 clo.iGlf.:J, ?oon D.nl":: Fo..ttol!; I ',cllooJ.::-.3, ,~llcltnbc;plfJ.in f-1.rcl OOYl;
L' C:'\~.j~'.
:r".l,\ffor,l, r:~.1i:.\r~'lbcrl~~~irl, 'rro...ef, -c:ev1itt, HOO}l, ~\9.ttOl.l 8.Del t}.-H3 ?rc:'idcnt.
;'.'IOf)j:l ;11~n(l'!Tn.C(~(1. that ;l(3 hD.:1 not bocn o.b1(: to rllhli t tJ1C D.CCOlWt::: to
date, but t.~.l::l.t he .,701.J..l,j ;J ttcn(j t.o tll(~ Inatter CLnd report ,:3.t the nf~xt
mc~~ttn:'<: of:' thn council. C
Cl1ambcl'lain ~lr;J,:ccl fop 0. roport J'r'Ofrl the rir~~ rlepart~Jent :Ln p(,;cc-:rd to
the; P(;CO"--iT1Cnc1o.tioL for fire c:hief fOYI the comi~,~~ :/l~C).r. .I---'-~:: no rCl)OP L
;.,q' h(:nn f'BceivHd t~,' L11..C~ clerIc in rf.;~u,rd to tIle mo.ttG:c (~t:.ambGrlaill
move I :~IJO"t "eJ "Ol'llC" 1)6 ~'1l1)oin~8d to thi) po:,;i tion. lioon f:ccon(le,] the
motion Clnd TIorncr was a)l)ointc( oy Cl unanimous vote of the cmmci].
~Jnuer the he ~~l\1. of nf~l'! bl1S in~~~ G s, '~l1o..:nl>JrJ o.i 11 .] ta to, 1 t liD. t thcrt~ ShOlllrl
bo :::;trnet 0rac1es ~.:::~,tnblished for the town 0: :_,ew9rd.. :Ie ppu~~enter,',:. a
plat submi ttcil by L'r. Tozier showin2; trw clifffll'l'nlt sradefo to be 8S-
tabllshu(J, awl moved that tllC) matter be referrecJ to tlw commi ttue on
str'Jcts ~~n:} J_118~'s. 'i'he motion prevailed.
:.001'1 ~:::to.tn~-::' tl1at D.i.~. "JD.3Cett ''lesirecl to cli[~ out, t~;C' ;JCl.scmcnt ~l.t his
resi,lencc {'n,] asked [Je:;"miscion to dum".) UlG cHrt Oll tLo street. eraw-
fori} s tD" te cl t118. t thepc~ VlCl'C sev.er2..1 plac e s nhel"8 t!'le c] irt COllllJ be
u8c;(1 Or1 the ::::-trocts and pC-::-'n1.issio"] \,lr:;r~ ,:.::roo.ntc 1 Dr. Do.:~.:.:c;tt t.o 1)]10-
C c) ~"; rl .
Ch:.J..mLel'J.o.ir d,:.:; sil"ecl to ].:1101,-'1 V,lh~~theI' the town of ,=:ev:ctrd or..-ned D. Illat.
0" -::':1(; tovm C:d~(l as i;~ VIQS found that the town owned no SUCl! plat,
tho I."resident 8.~)..:)oin~e( Chumberlc.iiJ e~nJ =,l,~ttton La louh U) thn Ll2.ttep
~lnd ::-lcpcn'/... Lack.
:.":~ mo~)ion b~' Chamberlain, seccYlc,lccl by ?a~.ton, t:j8.t t~}(; '~18r]c he in-
structed to att::lC]: tlle town soO-l to tlJ.c lJrocr,crli ^'s of' tho council
in tlle minute book, W38 carried.
Thepe beii1,': no fuptl1CP bucinc~:=:,[j the cOUll.cil n.c:1jollrr1ed to :n.oct ~~on8
(lay, ~~~~)pil 27 L~!..
~ D J( I ~ ;;Iayop.
11~ '1 r.! ·
,. ,--..........,.
"'< i
~::~_):::CIii:.J l',,:=:~i;TI1-J- '0:-' ~=I~ -_'>~"L,-~:J ~O':\;7J COlJl':CIL, \:OlTDJ~~l, ~'I.P~~I~ 27, 1914.
:. ::. .;. ,:. .,- ,;- ,:--:~ ;;- ~:-',:- ':- . ::- ; ~ ',,'
. .
"" .\",
." ;.;
The town council:n,~t in special session wi t~1 President Boe in the c,"~1.ir.
]'resent were Council"len Crawford, Cl1amberlo.in, C:raef, [\el"li tt, Noon, l"c.t-
t.on o.ncl the 'resident.
The first order of business was t~e calling for 0. report from the ctreet.
commi ttee, and ChambGrlain, as C110.L~f!1an of that cO!l1mittee, stated tho. l tne
cOf'lmittee had talccn up t:'18 matter with ['r. Tozier concerninG the, estab-
lishinG of t:le corners of the boundary lines of Uw town and t:1at Ill'.
Tozier had stated that he couli not do this work for the price name~ far
establishine; the street grades.
C11amberlain moved tl1o.t t:18 bid of "1'. To:~ier for establishinc street
(""rauas 011 3d, ~th, 5tJl, Ct"l o..n:.1 7th streets, be accepted.
U This motion caused some discussion and Chamberlain asked the chair to
send the ;:arshal to invite ;'i,r. Tozier to ap)ear before the council.
",'hiln awai tine the o.rriv:.~l of >~r. 'Tozier t:le council referred b3.ck to
unfinished businesG.
~hamborlain stated that his attention haJ been called to the fact tilat
at present it was impossible to Cet a team throuch the alley betweon
Ist and 2Jd streots near the Frank Youncs pro;:)erty. ;;e stated that it
could be ~ade possible with the work of two men in two days. He alse
stated that the roads lcadiClg to the Garbace clump wepe impasso.ole.
")atton moved that the stpcet co'nmittee be impoVlered to e~nJ:lloy men to
r~o alwo.J and clear up the streets from 4t:1 i'.ve. to '::'ailroacl Ave. ::md
t'rom j,clams street to the glacier strea:n, t'1e COe:'.:, not to exceed "'250.00.
This motion was seconded by !:ewitt, and on the motion hein: put it waG
J\t th!.s lJoint ;:1'. Toziec o.rrived and on beine aslwd whetler the; railroa':J.
company would furnish tho material fop puttinc in a crossin:::; at tile :co.il-
road, ans'Neeed in the affir:nati ve.
Tho council then referred to the street crade matter. ~r. Tozier Wo.s
concerninc; the surveyin,= and e:::t'J.blishin:::; :nonurncnts clone the ';msterly
bOclndary of the town. Noon desired to Imow what it wOLlll cost to mal;:e 8.
SUl'V8Y an;] c'stJ.blish a perc!lanent hub to tie to. ;Te 'No.S informed by
:,':1'. 'rozier tho.t there wouLl be no use to survey and establish a hub
unloss the townsi te oV/ners would furnish an encine;er to assist the en-
e;ineer employed by the to'!ln , so t;.Jat an aGreement could be reache:l 'Nhen
0hsrrlbau 1 &:kn i lIUitilai,:wN:IXMtUHUI:'IU1MMM)jifjill! wmlQlltlMJ\IlMMMMMJ\IlMMMMMM~r
thore was o.ny vario.nce with the former survey.
Chamborlo.in then withdrew his motion tho.t the bid of Mr. Tozier be o.ccept-
ed, and asked that the matter be taken up at the noxt recular meetine
of the council.
Cho.mberlain aslwd
CivinS it the pOVler
dirt, etc., without
be callod.
:'otton 11Ovell, and T!ewi tt seconded, that such clanks be furnished the
street CO;;1..1i ttee and that the power be cro.nted them. Carried.
.'l pepor l fro,;] the fire depart:Tlont wo.::; then r'ead o.nl on :no tion was referred
to tho committeeon fire protection.
1'11" report of the finance VJUS called fop 'J~T the -:'rusiclent and it was
read . Crawford moved that the report of tho finance co~mittee be ac-
CCiJtcd, an<l ~\vas seconded b:y Ee~,',Ji t.t. Thc~ :notion l.Jrevailed.
Chamborlain stated that Gome action should be taken to prevent persons
from comine; into :ewo.rd and buildins fire traps ill the fire limits of the
town. }:1attor:i ~rrio:\ted::tli~t :a:cdlnmittee.:15e.:al:\poLntzhLtd: and su::;r;ested1:that
an orllinancc shoul(l be drawn te) Cover tho same.
Patton moved that a co:;]:;]i ttee be apllointerl to tal\:e
drawinc up such an ordine.nce. The president the fire
to a ttenrl to lrawinG up the ol'dL'1o.nce and instructed
to the council.
that printed blanl:s be
to grant pormi0sion to
havinr:; to vlai t until a
furnished t:w st!'eet co;nlni ttee
any one desir1~s to remove
meetin:::; of L'18 council could
up the matt(~r of
and water co~nittee
it to report b~ck
1 IV, P;e
..,.... ......
80ntinued from pace 187.
::Jr. Dac'~ett appeared before the council and suc;.::;ested that it would tc
Q cood plan to put out ,::'c pamiJ111et settin::; forth the advanta::;es offerecl
b~r :~eward , and on ;noti)J1 of' Cl'lamberlain the chair appointed ChambeJelain
Ilewitt and Noon to formulqte some plan as su;::;ested by Dr. Dag~ett and
repoet back at the next meetinG of the cfuuncil.
The cow1cil then adjourned.
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The council met in rec;ular session with l'resident E30e in the c11o.ir.
Those present were C01.lilcilmen Cro.wforcl, Cl1c,;;)berl2-in'.' Graef, He wi tt, Eoon,
:.'atton anJ. the President.
Chamberlain made a report from the stroet committee, sayin~ that tho cost
of the work of cleariq:; out the alley between 1st and 2d o.venueswas ;:'15.00
.Te reporterl pro"'ress on otr.or \'Iorl~ being done on the str()ets, the expense
" u
to date beins GIOa.OO.
Crc1.wford stated that ;:1'. Tozier ho.e1 offered to donc1.te tho lumber if the
town would pay the cost of layinG 0. sidewalk from the railroad office
building to the railroad track on Adams street.
The street committee recommended the layinG of two cross walks on Adams
street from Fourth to Ilifth X.~FiFi~_ avenues. The mo.tter waf: lD.i~l over
until the next mcctir['; of the uouncil.
T'oon made a motion that the fire ordinance be cho.nced by resol~tion tfu
reo.d that each fireman be paid the sum of one dollar a montll vll18thi3r they
answered a call or not. The motion was seconded by Patton and was carried.
'~rc,cf vms instl'uctecl b~T tl:o ,'resident to cet prices on a chemical encine
the tanl~ to hold not less tllo.n fifty [';c1.l10nsanel to be deli vere,; :IDi on or
before Oct. 1st, 1914.
Graef suggested that a fire hydrant be placed in the neighborhood where
t;'le Plue rosidence burned. The President ap;Jointed the fire and water
committee to look after this matter.
Chamberlain asked for further time rec;ardin::: the :::;ettin[ out of a pamphlet
o.dvcrtisin.:.; ~:ewurd, and it ViaS granted.
LIoon moved that the health officer be inf',truct2u to 3et out 200 placards
notifyinC occupo.nts of property liln tOVln to clean up their preoises. I'atton
seconllecl the motion. ::otion carried.
Chambe11~:tin moved that the Clerk be instructed to dravl warrants to meet
current oxpenses each and every month. 3econd by Noon. The motion pre-
;, number of bills Vlere read an:] on motion of Cho.mberlain, Soconded by
Foon, they Vlere ordered paid.
A communication ';'lac read Siened b~' L. V. ~~ay. ?atton moved that the
Prc:sic1ent be instructed to see Hay anL1. apran:jo matters wi tll him. Crawford
seconded t~o motion. The motion wo.s carried.
:, motion by l:oon, seconclecl by ~'atton, that ;';1', Tozicr IS proposi tion to
establillsh street srades in the town of Seward be accepted W[cS carried.
(,raef presented a petition siGned by :J. number of property o\'lne;rs as:dnc
that tho sewers be extended. The matter was rcferred to the health officer
to investiGate anel report bacl, to tIle COlillCil.
A 18ttcr vms read from I.:r. ::"uco.[;, statin:::; tho.t he waule. audit the bool~s
of the tOt"m treo.::;urer coverin::; a perio:1 of two years, for the sum of
On motion of Po,tton, second,]!) bj ~:oon, :.'r, LucetS ViaS instructed to so Queli t
the boo]:s.
r'he election of a town treasurer and heal tj~ officer was next i[1 order.
Chamberlain move d tila t Dr. :-:'omiC, tl10 pre sent incumbent, be 1'8 to.inad
'ill.ler t'}n rmr- co "t' . t. ,q t t "
i.. C_'.- ...~, 8(...Ll~ v nU.l Ions O;~lS l.n[; u.10 pac year 0. a s8.1o.r~r of :,; 50.00
1")8r )TIont,h. "o.tton seconcled the motion ancI it was carrior1 unanirilously.
:'0. tton offered an amendment to section 9 of ordinance 7 and it mmt to
it~ first roadin~.
T;lO council then o.djournecl.
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T:LI;G 01 ",II:; J'O':'J]: COUI'CE"
;,'.AY I r/14
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"he council met in special session Vlitil llayor Doe in the chair.
Those present were Council(,len Crawford, Chamberlain, 1,}rc1ef, J!ewitt, 180.1
"atton 2.ml the President.
The minutes: of the previous rneetin[': were read and approveri.
Chamberlain, as chairmo.Yl of the ::;tI'oet co"oi ttoc I'eported that the worl,
clearin~ the streets WEIRS IJY'o0"ressing o.nJ. that to do.te "183.50 had been
used out of the .:'250.00 appr~priat8d for the work., 'Ie" stated, also thsct
all of the money appropriated would probably not be used.
The bridce near the ,Kill residence wo.s reported as beinG in bad condition
and Cho.mberlain stated that Mr. Rasmusson had agreed to put it in cood
order for ~25.00.
Noon moved that his proposition be accepted. ~atton seconds, and the motion
prevailed, it beinG understood tho.t the work y;as to be done under the
supervision 0: the street committee.
"'0011 moved th:lt 'I'. To~ior,~ offel" to furnish the lumber to lo.y a walk on
~dams street from the office buildins to the railroad track, QII)) feet)
b,; o.cceptec,. :,nd that the wor:, be done under c~,irectdlon of tho street COin-
mi ttee. :..;ho.mberlain seconded the motion and a::;l{ed ~"hat it be noted that
tho walic VlO,,:; only to be 0. temporary affo.ir. ,:otion co.rr1el1.
The l'rosidc:,vlt notified the marshal to instruct all property ovrcmrs ho.vin[;
defective walko to repair them o.t onco.
::oon movu'l t.l1at the fire and wClter cor]r;Iittee be in~3tr,lC~oecl to (lraw up a
short orGinanco prohibitinc the builJin~ of tent houses within the fire
lil"ni t8 of :_',c\"lard. ?o. tton cc;con'.ls and the motion prcv~-~ilcd_.
'1'h8 ,'resident statedto ~~he council that he hac. tallwd wi tl1 ;,ttorncy ;:0.:;
concor~1in: the r:1.ilroad to..::: matter and that ;1:\:/ 118.,,1 in~'ormecl 111:] that
it VJoulc'! be nncessc..r~T to file 2. breif 111 t~hG case t:lTI(l pre~Jent it to the
court before a decision coulJ br] rendered in the c:\se. ~:e instl"ucted
T~aJT to vroc;cec1 to c1ra\v up the: bpicf and present it to t11c COUT't.
;l1amb0rlui~ move,l to procoed to elect a city attorney. Beforo this motion
11:J.,1 poccived :J. socot1l1 Noon !Ilovc(l thClt the mattep be postponed for a pepiod
of one month. The ,notion \'i:l2 put aml the i'rc:::i,lent c;eclo.ped t:'w motion
co.rriE)(l. Cho.mberlain cD.llel for Cl ballot omrl it waf; ordered.
'-he b'111o+ ",n~ c"~t "1'1"1' re~'ul.t""'l ~0 ,pollo"I~' r'rn'''for' 'TO 'q, b 'J' '0
.:.1 ~ c U \l....l~.' .......u '-^- \ oJ l5..... L......).l v ~. J cU~, 0-,.1.' . i_,n2un er _o.ln, L .
("r~Gf "e',' 'Te'''ll'++ Ve0 ]TC)011 Yo" Clnttorl ,,,TO ""IE' nI,p~i"~'" YT
.... v. ,1. .~. .'..... LJvJ ..1. oJ. ._. _,...... -..;. ..:. c.. , l'J. l~... L ,-',.j '_'_l.;nl>, es.
The motioY',- WO_~~ c~11'riclJ b~T ~-'. vote of 4 to 3.
-' Hti.ral_'Cc of T:ill;:: '/'f()rn pl"lf]sc::n~)o(l o.n;J read. ~'~oon mrbvccl tl1at wanlJS:rif,8~1jt1.~lU~awri
tile bi llc !1i-; ~lllow(;d 8..n(} ti.Lat ~::,r::'lPrc..nts be f,LPQWn for the CU1l01111tS. ~'at,ton
~0 c and::: C-11 rJ t1-1(~ mo-t,i 0 n '.',rD.::: carp i 'j '.L.
''''''~') """1'1" !'11-'~1~- -1-..... or"l"'l'"Yl"'\'}.;io 7 (;""'11(' "l'J f' '"CO, t.
1.1.(' <.._.1 _._,(,-;I.,_,~ V UI...' ,t..r --':"Hl.:C-, n. JL.'.lil"' l,...l ~O!1 c.. secon{j reQ(lln~, .:J.D(l on mOl.JIOn
t:lC pul,')~ '-.'lere SUCPC111 ~ed o.:r.d the Cll1.lCncJmcnt \.'IT3.8 rea."] f02 the third ti~l1e.
_'a tJ ton \Vt.A.S il1s~ruc ~-,~"'~ ~ to PPc iJuro the CD an1CnC1Iih-)Yl ~ c;.[l(l :1:"::. V(; it pc-;ad,\r 80 t
.' Lt. ..-, .:..' . 1 oJ
vnc': llJ::::'l! [jet) In,; 01: ~nu CO'Ll!'lCl .
()() ~ rJIOV('" th:":.t tilt; ~]trr:ot. CO~1.1i ~,tc'; be? in,str'uct(~I.i, to 11cl."irr~'; ~5!1 a"-'lcnuc, ;:J(~t.
~."...d.:::~Jn~j ~;.'ld "'J' ~.shinc=~tol-: clcL1l:'{~>1. of 0.11 ~:,tU:ilP2, a~'H.l oJ;:.,l:. r1o;)pi~. (::;p:::v,'.:for,1l'.~ov8r1
2iPJtB,11 t.:"lL~t~~()O{l br;; Ll~,J1(\ ~'. c;o":'!':;i t.tr;(--: o-:'~' one ~,() :~('C~~:.r{_; bi ':LJ und learn i.Vllat
~_,i~') coct ':,,~oul,~ be. l-"atton ~~ocon(.lu-:.l thi~: motion CLn( i L 1,V:"".2 ::0 :)rd,E~rAd. )
:~;l1~rnbcpJ~_~i~} :~IOV.~:'; J.JllC<.t thc-: clcPl':: bfo in~:,:tru,'2t~;~: to coppnspond \71 t11 some
ant) COfE2.CCt::..'''L \~}i tll tilG Ji8k'':;Pl~10..n l),~.t::)..t2 ;}..nJ lC:"lrrl '..r:~Elt 1 ot ~:T i_'rl 1'1or;1:- 15
(j(1UJ!j 1.';'-' )UT'C:l:"~2CrJ t'or'. ,L~lso to IGc:,}~'1l if LJos:.=i hIe ('oncc~nin ,,,-' 0 t~hOL~ 'l~ts
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1 P',J F (Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Seward, May 18/14
The oouUcil met in regular session with Mayor Boe in the chair. Present
were counoilmen Crawford, Chamberlain, Graef, Hewitt, Noon, Patton and
the President.
Chamberlain of the street committee, reported that the street work on
Adams street an.~ other streets adjacent was completed and that the cost
would be about $300.00.
Concerning the work on Third Ave. Noon reported that he had instructed
those desiring to clear said street to send in a bid to the council.
Several communications were read and ordered placed on file. Mr. Lucas,
who was instructed to audit the books of the town treasurerfiled his
report and on motion of Chamberlain the report was referred to the fi-
nance committee,
Several bills were presented and read and on motion of Chamberlain, seco
onded by ~r&.f0zaz Patton, were ordered paid.
Several bids were received for clearing Third Avwenue from washingtorr to
Adams streets, They were as follows: W. G. Weaver, $I75.00; W. S. Per-
kins, $I75.00i Harvey and Company, i200.0Cj Alaska Transfer Co., ~185.00j
Uels Jensen, :jI275.00; G. Williams, :jp250.00.
Weaver and Perkins bids being the same, and as they were present at the
meeting and agreed to take the contract together, Hewitt moved that the
contract be awarded to these gentlemen. Noon seconded this motion and
it prevailed. The street committee were instructed to draw up a con-
tract for the successful bidders to sign, as the work was to be done
under the supervision of the street committee.
Mr. Tozier appeared before the counoil and presented an incomplete
profile of the street grades on whioh he is working.
Chamberlain moved that Mr. Tozier complete the profile and when ready
to notify the Mayor, who would call a special meeting of the council in~i
viting the property owners of the town to be present and discuss the
street grade. This motion prevailed.
Chamberlain moved that ordinance No. 7 be so amended as to take in
everything south of Jefferson street to the bay. Noon seconded the mo-
tion and it was carried.
Chamberlain then moved that the matter be laid over until the next meet-
ing . Crawford seconds and the motion prevailed.
Chamberlain moved and Crawford seconded that the Clerk be instructed
to write to the Clerk of the District Court at Valdez and ask him
to make a copy of the oZZZH~Z~oundary lines of the town as described in
the recorded plat of the town, said copy to be certified. Carried.
There being no further business to come before the council) a motion
to adjourn prevailed.
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Special Session of the Town Council. May 26/14
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The council reet in special session with President Boe in the
chair. Those present were Crawford. Chamberlain. Graef. Hewitt.
Noon. Patton and the President .
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Chamberlain moved that as the council had met for a specific purpose
that no other business be transacted. Noon seconded t11is lllotion and
it prevailed,
8everal property owners being present at the meeting, they were invited
to ask any questions they desired concerning the street grade and that
~r. Tozier. the engineer would explain same.
As nothing of importance caree up for disoussion Crawford moved that the
matter go over until the next regular meetins. No secon;i.
Chamberlain moved that the ene;inecr be instructed to make a cut of
three feet on the hill between Adams and Jefferson streets. Patton second
I and the motion carried'
Noon moved that the matter be postponed until the engineer could give
more data on the Fifth street gra.de. The council then adjourned.
---- ----J+-I-L.:.<--LL_~~._~
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1 I)" r""'. n.::CULrr; """'7':-'~Ir(:l C,"'-' n,!.::-r 70':T:'~ cr:'[~:rCIL c::; 2~::.~.l..0'"S. rJt....:.Jyr.? 1914.
.: ".., l' ( .
T}le Council wet in re[;u:.(;.,r sessioD with ',,;.,yer B(12 in the; chair. Preserr'c
Vier'e CouDcilmen:::rawforc1, ChiJ,n,'b'2rlain, rraef, Hewitt, lJoon, Patton an 1 tre
On motioL of Chan~erlain the reg~lar order of business ~as dispensed with
and the street grade laattel' was ta.kerl ur.
IJoon moved and Graef seconded that the gra.cle of Fourth Ava. from Jef-
ferson street to nailroad Ave, be accepted as est<;;.blif-Jhed and that thn
enGineer be ibstruceed to prepare m:.l..l:s of the sabe. Carried.
Crawford stated that the work of layinG sidewalk on 2ailroad Ave, from
Fifth street to Adan,s street was goine on, Chamberlain stated that as a
member of the street committee he had objected to this work beine; start-
ed without first bringinc it before the council and refused to concur,
Crawford said that he had consulted different members of the council and
was instructed to proceed with the work.
Noon moved that work proceed on 2d and 3d Aves, and that the sum of
~I50.0C be appropriated for same Patton seconded and the motion prevailed.
Chamberlai' moved that two crosswalks be laid at 4th tiel Adams street and
that the same be let 'by tide and that the same be advertised for. Carried
Chamberlain r:ioved that a walk be laid from the approaoh of the wharf
to the Cummine;s lot acrOSf; nailroad Ave. and that the work be done
uncle!' the surervision of the street cOr.lmittee. fecond by Patton, Cae'ried.
Feveral coru;:uniua tions Vlere read and the clerk VIas instruoted to answer
A cornmunicc:, tior, froJ'j~ 'f:,r. nonline; was read and or, ir.otion of ~:oon, secon-
ded bv Hewitt the Da~ter was laid over.
1\ rer;ort from f1r, Bomie; , submi ttine; bills for cleanins ur the tOVvn
was read and chamberlain moved that the several amounts be assessed
against the property benefitted by this work. Noon seconded this motion
and it was carried.
Graef stated that he thou[htlthat all opinions rendered to the council
by the city attorney should be presented in tn'ewri tter. form, and the
Itayor arpointed :tJoon and Graef to draw u:p aletter and f,reflent san.e to
applicants for the city attorneyship, advising them of this sug:estion,
The bond of the Bzmmmix treasurer of the school board was read and acee
pted and on motion of Hewitt was ordered placed on file.
The bon~ of the Town Treasurer was read and on motion of Crawford
was accepted and the clerk was notified to so inform the Clerk of the
ristrict court at Valdez.
A corltt,unication was read froTu Fred Laubner as kine. that the plat of
;-ihe Freel Lu,ubner addi tion be accepted and on tLotion of Chamberlain the
request was granted and the same made a record in the minutes of the meet-
Chamberlain moved and rJoon secobded that the clerk be instructed to
correspond with the Clerk of the District Court and ask for the correct
f~line; of the boundary lines of the town of seward. Carried.
The matter of the petition for the exter.sion of the sewer from Ade.n:s
and Y;a.shine:ton streets came up and Noon moved the- t Graef be appointed a
committee of one to make up a new petition and Get the sisners and to
state in the ~etition just where the sewer begins and "here it will end.
Hewi tt seconds and the rwtion prevailed.
Chamberlain moved that the new nozzle beine tried out by the fire
vhief be purchased and that a warrant for t22.50 be drawn for that pur-
pose, Noon seconds and it was carried,
A number of bills were presented for ;pa.Yliient and on !liotior. of Chamberlain
the same were allowed and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants for
Dr. Daggett asked permission to maintain a three-foot strip alone;side
his building on ~ash~ngton street to be used as an entrance to the base-
ment of said building, the same to be protected by a railing . Motion by
Noon seconded by Crawford the request was granted.
Dr. Dagcett asked permission to address the council briefly to say that he
wished to thank the council for the
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Manner in which this ~ouncil had conducted the affairs of the town
and for the sood work it had done and was still doing. The mayor thanked
the Dr. for hiH kind words, and the council adjourned.
____'____~4@!.~__ _ ________
1 P ',F: ( ·
A special meeting of the council was called. by Mayor Boe for the con-
sideration of the profiles of the street grades now beinc made b~r Mr,
Tozier, Mayor Boe was in the chair and all melD.bers of the council were
As the meeting was called for a specific purpose the regular busi~ess
of the council was dispensed with and the council proceeded to inspect
the profoles as explained by Mr. Tozier.
After the grades had been explained by Mr. Toaier and there being no
objections made, Chawberlain moved that the plane as shown by Mr. Tozier
be accepted and that the engineer be instructed to prepare maps of same.
Noon seconded this motion and it prevailed.
The council then adjourned.
A_~~vJZ .
1 Jl\!"
"~ 'I ~ ('
I '.
"l.~T'T"'TIY~C" ~~ T1T:' T8r.~~ CC:3~,TrIT, OF THT' Tcr;::~ or P.'-;:1~~1Ar;r,JT:rE I5)I914.
'Ihe council r~et in regular ~eElBior. 'Ni th ::a~r()r TJoe in the chair ar.d aI',
excepting Councilman CrawforJ.
member.. l)reBerit. The liiinutee of the last n!eetin;;' v.ere rea.cl and ar/rrc>v':ld,
~ ^ ~..
Chan.berlu.in of the ",trs8t cOI"L.i ttee i>tatel that the wprk on the si::,E'v,alk
frOlli th!3 "'-llroaeh of the wharf to the CuriilLinC;a let had been eon~:,lete(;.
A conili~nieation from L. V. nay was read and ordered fl~ced on file,
fA ulotion b:r Chu.mberlain, second.ed by l:oon. tl1....t all COlal'!,unicct.tior,&
exeerting a1'l,lica tion.. for the ei ty attol'neyshir: be r,la.cecl or. file wa.:;
A motior. by Chamberlain, ..econded by };ewi tt, that afeti tion for a ;;1de-
walk to be laid frol'< the a1=l:roach of the V;h3.1'f to the f.shlar"j lot on
Fourth avenue be grar.ted was unu.niuioUlilly carried.
The next order of bUBinebc was the eleetior; of u. c1ty attorney. There
v,ere two a];:l.licl:l.tior,s for the 1.oEiition, Vi:;:: J. Lind.ley C're2n ard Carl
Almy. A vote teinE takanCre~n received four votes ~nd AlffiY received
two votes, Cre-n was declared elected,
roon Yt,oved and .?~tton ..econdej, that a warrant for ~'I.6C be draviTl
in favor of the Clerk of the District Court for transcript of the boun-
dary lines of feward, Carried,
:!oon moved that th3 city attorney be instrc;cted to ::lraw uf an ar;,en:i-
~ent to o~dinance ro, 7, extending the fire li~it~ to Jeffer~on street
and frolli the water~ of Re~surrection bay to the llil1. Hewitt ~eoonJeJ
this ~otion dnl it wae carried.
There bein5 no further buaine~~ before the council a ~otion to adjourn
1/1' '<-~-
~J \:'.-,,_co-L\'_.. rj' J' ~--':-/ -' j--,
('-' /-"
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rr;:CT!LA:~: ~::::-"~TIrC OF ':r:=~~ c.r't"A~D TC~.~~~ C8IHTCIL, JULY 6, 1914.
mIL ,:;ouncil l..et irc regular <l3$sion with :.;",yor ]';08 in tb; cho..ir a.ni C'.ll
rrleri.lber~ llreacnt.. Th!:.~ lr.inute~ of the r...I'cvicua l~~eeting were l'e,s.,;i d.nd. on
motion were ordere~ rlaccd on file.
Chamberlain relJOrtcd th:::.. t t:::.c Gidewulk frorr, the ap:;;roach of the wharf
to the Aehl""nd lot on Fourth 2tract had be~m comi:letedat a coat of ~:'6C ,~C
"~ bc"hnce of ~I7 rer:,uined out of the :::"Hro~~riatio!l of ~I5C.CC'JiP:1.v,'I+ .:,.,....~~'~
Patton l;.oved that the otreet comr.~i ttae be instructed to l,c;,t in a :'V'-'
croo3-vm,lt at the aIle'; on ';'u.shin~ton ..trc3t between Fourth and Fifth atre
Hewitt seconded this m;tion and i~ was ~o ordered.
~Toon, a lllCL;bol' of tl-.c: Glchoo~ COllli:i tt.ec, 5t:.:. tel tb2. t the scheol eer"j,,: tte:'
[.:::"'.:, locked over the lotli> at t:r.:; gl:::..ciel' stre:::"l" and it had lec1deil thu.t
thert'; 'IV So 10: no use to thin" of buyinc; tile,. for <;chocl r'u:r,:.Oi:JBB, iTe t;tu.te:l
tlli;;.t the rlar,(Jen lots cculcl lJ0 obtuireJ , 'cut 'ii,,] not 1,r,ov; v;hat i-1'ice v,;;;.s
being aBked for the~.
I'u.ttor: );oved, thu.t [;1'. TlollliC I)e ini:ltrl~cteJ to wire "r. w,;:.:rcsen and,
;:;et rrioe!;; on theEH~ lots, Crawford &:,econde-i -;;is r:.ctior and it '.vas c~r-
A cOlJlwunicatior: fr'o:" tllt>. :"',evw,l'ol ';'..teI' ,:;" Power Go. was l'el;l.d a.,kinc;
permission to lay a rire on the pilinG of the bridc~ on third stree t
Chariiberlain i;;oved that the request 'be srar.tec1, Dr. Daccett a"ke.::l j,: e1"-
l:.isBicn to e:cea: on thi.; Tceation an.:! stated. thut :;. suit w::..s about to be
broucht to test tl"Je ri:::lltri tc the stl'l::ets, etc" and the Cl1ai:,berl...L,
l;~otior. waG withdrawn, and a subetitute n,oti(m lao.6 that the r:latte:r: 1:2
referred to th~ city attorney. This motion prevailed.
Jj cormlunice.tiorfl'ol! C" ::rs. ?erkins w&zzzeedz throueh her attorney
vias real statins th:.:.t this WOl[.an had been injt;,red by steppinG throueh a
hole in the sidewalk ",ncl u'lilked for damat;elO, llllt fPtated no .,um.
l;oon moved that the matter be referred. to the city 0,ttOl'r,ey. The niotion re
j c0iviE" 2. secord wascarried.
' J, new un-naLed street h(;l.vi11C beer, discovered Vii th1r1 the ci ty liiui tlil
roon r;,ovecl that it be nan;ed Church :iltreet. Patton second" :::..nd it wa., <;0
Crawford woved that the C:l(,n:l~ be instructed to furche.sG 4CCG letter hee.ds
for t]H~ town cf 8eward. ThiEl il otic,n ~yas secor.ded bv 7Ja"'ton and it <:o:cevu.ile
. ~ .
Hoon Loved that the Clerk be instl'uote:l to lJUrohase c.. b00t and h(;l.ve the
town ordinances placed the:rcin. I'a tton secondE; ano, the Il.otion via" ci."1'risd,
rr, nomic; rer-orted that he had. recei veS '~'5, 882.42 frOII' the diztrict
Clerk , same baiDS license money ,
A relort waG received frou, the schorJl bo,::,:,:d ar,.j or: r.,otj,or of Crawfo:rrl Y'ia\:.
ordered placed om file.
The ::ayor a;rointe.cl the finu.nce corlllli ttee ~;o <l.tter::;l to the J.~.urclJalile of.J",
a safd for the city.
i nw'~er of billa were rrese~ted and on motion were ordered ~aij,\~
Graef ll,CJvecl tllat tllc' Iilt;'ect conl)"i tt,:;e cal:! for l,irls for the buil;lin,' ofl
a seVier frolll V:aohincton street in the alley runrlirl[, thl'oue;h bloc1 Io-<'\6"
Church atreet, irecifying the stylH of conatructioD, size, of f1ank~o
be '0.6e", for zal:lC, :iel-,th, etc., :;;.160 thattlle c:i ty an:.:;i!je,:r 0a;tablj",h
the: Gra.ies 1,y 1'lacins state.; ii:,howins the exact crude, etc. Eewitt secon':l-
ed thia ffioti0L ~nJ it ~~~6 carried.
The ar.:encll1:ent to ordinance No, 7 cC'.me uI' for firlilt readinc 8Xi':: on liiotion
of P:::..tton tha rules v!er~! Iilubl:,er.a.ed and and it cunce u1' for i ti:l aecond read-
There being no further business the council adjourned.
7 ,~-- , - " _,.L,o.'
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~"'-)rCIA~') '"~"'~I"~~ e:f T:""'- ~~~'''''j.''-''.. r:-:'~,"~~ cC''!">r~('':-:"JJ w C;~'-r:L"'-'~~J JT:~./'.7' 13, ISIJ~~.
,.:.-'L' ~
~he COl.i.n i1 {(':'-~~~, ir~ :;'.' :;",:'l:.l ,.I'::";" :i\'l .,i'cl: ":-"yoJ' :=00' in -L,LG cl',~~:i.r ~nc}
,".,'"\ ".. ...... ~..... ,-(,.....-':-v-;... ",-'~{'1'.;-' .l..ir -'r'l~-]'I-'.J", ,'- (~'rq.....r"
...;."J...L ~_\jli!j,:~'l..., ..._...I~i;>,,;.....l.i ::-...\,vo.::'..... ~_~. \.....1..1. vJ,...l.~.l."......J. .~ "" !.
.L l'0dOlutj.QL r.:"Oi' ~ld:-: i>:_'~l;_)(): (;()~~,.i,itt.;}~-;, '1~~::3 r~::.::....-~, ~rl,d i;;l ~s J'ol:,~(.'\,b:
~c th(3 l:Qn()rata~~ :;o"Llr'.l_~11 of c,h,~ :-:i ty cf ~. .:.WiJ..l"'TL)
"':'e, yo "C.::''' cOltl!',.itt..:::e, t'r: ~c1J.o()ls; r(~'::ol~!l.'.;(~r:.: -Lhc.t t.ht~ cit":l of f~eward r,ur
, . ~../ ... t ' " J"""" . T 1.-"" J. - ..,. .:!
C!lu.lile '=lS!>~ .;.0 Ii.l ln lU.OC ,\. ~",:;, V12: "O.C,"' J. ou;c ,.l) ueVtlr" lrlCJ.USl ve, an",
lots thirty-four to thirty-sever: i!',':::'l.,,,ive, fcc' bchoc.ll"ul.~()..e<l ...no. that
the ,;i ty Q.f r"oi-:\?a::c:l :_,~u_il::~ tht=;l'eoT.. w. ~;~).i table tru.:i. 1(line; fOI' l.,reser,t r.:.eedG.
~,~~ef1.1:r-tlJr::'r recoEJj:,:er..:i t:1.Ut t,:lG buil:lir,c' lli3ed :::...t 1 Teeer:.'~ for tb..:~ llrim~ry
[;l':lc1r:;s be of~el'ed for ~u.l,~ t.o ~_l:(~ hi::;l,~s;, 'bicl:l""l' an,) thb f,melEO\ l'eceivec1
ZZilZI!lZZ0Z.:: from th,:. sa1" thereof lh'l 1.hoed for school r:urr,(jl;jerJ,
':"(li3r"ectfnlJ y ~ubL"i tted,
E. I~. C}IA:.~EEET.J.AIr?
tJOr~; ~~CO:~l",
8cbool COllJ;'li ttec.
After the re~Jin~ of the resolution ?u.tton moved that a vote bp taken
to r,ul'chase the lote r.::cOl!'j"erlJeJ by thl:: conad ttee, :'oon seconclee the !T,otic
ancl it wa.s carried. The ':1'i(;e stil)ulate<l beiTS :~3Z5,CC 1"81' lot.
Chamcer1l::.in moved tha.t bLIs l)e cal1e3 for clearing thefoOc loti; and tha.t
archi tecttl be aiil~ed to &ubr;:i t rJl...ns for a 6chool buildinc Sar(le not to
coat ~ore than e5COe.eO Eewitt seconds and the motion prevailed.
Clu,\J::berlain thu. t the It,uccBs>uful architect be allowed 5 f 81' cent of the co;,
9,(l'st of the buildinG. Fatton seconded this r.lo'.;ion an:"l it I.'1'evailed.
'Crawford moved that the :finance corr,mi ttee proceed with a de...1 for the lot~
1'1'or.l06ed :il.nd r<~l)Ol't back at the next meetine of the council, r,eceivin[;
a second the l:1otion Vias carried,
There being no furt;ller bU<Jine"c conce:r:nins tbe school c;,ueiiltior" a com-
l:,unica tion siu,ed b:' robt, Ashl::md and J. Denj. Poindexter, askinc for a
franchise for an electric light ~ power con~!any was read and ordered
l)laced on file.
Council then adjourned,
_2q.. -:yz~(-_::__~
{ , ,</ ,I
y / -
l:ayor .
: ) ,"" ,
-",-, :'""'\-
r,pr;CIAL XUYEIR l...!EI'TI:'JG T(r~~;:: ~:~)U:'TCIL, JULY 20, !9I4.
Council l[,zt in rei:ml""r <:e..&;ion "" t 8 l~. lJl. All !, en;berii r.'re:ilent.
;~inute... 0: the two 1"revicuiP meetinE;" reu.d ::.n,l a.d,roved wi th the follcw-
inC cor:ection..: Line 6, minute.. of July 6 to reu.d, ~a balanoe of ~I7
reb~iTIedout of the arrro[ridtion of :I5C.0~ for Fir...t and 8eoon~ ave&,
l<nd line 9 from the gottom 01 lIa.me I,age , "a ..ewer frortl '::a..hington ~tref,t
in the a.lly runninc thro'C..gh block 10 ar,,".. thro'C..[h blooK 15 to Church f.tr,'ct
:,TnaniYi,ou..ly re..olved that hereafteroorrectionll to minuteil 'LUiilt ar,,!!ear
ail corrected in the minutes of the next meeting and not be inter-lined.
;,'otion by Chamberlain and i.l0conded by (;raef that Dr. HomiC aot 0l.0l cl"r1;
1:1'0 ter,; as ;'1'. ::Te:::dh0l.1J Vio.S ..ick. Carried..
2c11oel oOiilld ttee l;ade i to! rerort and"" 13eneral dificu;;.;::ion followed iI,
which C. ;~ol~fol'd , l~re..ident of the :o;ohoo1 boa.rd, addresGed the Coundl
to the effect that the lii\elected ~choc1-aite would be J(lrk ~~ it wa~ ne~r
th,; Idll ""n;:) for thi<; rea.on l;autioneJ. ""e;ainiit exrensive buildings until
lii\ame be tried,
J li,otion wail thor, n,a,J.e by ':1'. Ch""mberlain a.n,l ~ecor,'::ei by ::1'. Hoon th~t
a w~rrantfor one-third of the fayment on the said lot~ be drawn in oa.rs
of the finance cm,~ittde to allow of f~yment and tran~fer of the sai~
prOl'erty. Ca.rried.
Plan~ for the echoo1 buildinG were then ..hown and diiilcuiiced ~nd a. motion
1:;y ';1'. Crawford un,] .,econde,1 by ::1'. 20. tton llrevai1ed: ~ha tall bidil anJ
rlan.. "Je preI,ared and eubwitteJ. to the ec1",ool con,lilittee ~ncl that the
:;,atter reat for one wec:k--that the filchool oor;;;'"i tt.ee be enldr,:'ed to in-
clude onc mOl'S n:Br"ber and the '.:ayor a.n.:1 that the l_lanlil b(, filubl{,i ttBd at
the nextrJiBetinp'. Carried.
The Iiltrc2t cor,,~i ttec rei,ortad the oomf,letion of two c:rolii'.-wu.lkiJ on the
o.lley below fourth ~venue and that there i~ lumber rep~ininE.
The g,uewtion of GC:<Jurinc the n,aterial for the :a.ewer Vla.a theE ~U.cuc cd
ar,d on rnttion of Ch,,-mberla.in and .econded by Cravlford, "" wa.rra.nt wa..
ordered drawE ooverinE ~ctuo.l co~t of n~terial u.nd freisht a~ ~oon a8
came ~ay ""rrive. Carried.
A motion wa~ then introduced by p~ tton and ",Goon~lGd by Hoon that the
~ir1aoh ~afe be purcha..ed for the city at the a.cr~cd ~rice of ~I50.CO. C~
~ove~ by ~oon and secondee by Chamberla.in that the bida for letter heaJ~
be rejected and reopened for bid~. Carrie~.
The fin~nce committee waG then in~tructed to look into the stipulationB
""ni rrices for re~ular r=intin~ for the city and re:ort ba.ck ""t the next
A corm',unica.tion fron, the Governor'ill of;'ioe was then read a.nd the clerk
inntl'ucted to refly as rromr,tly a.n,l 8,,, fully a.. l)olt."ible thereto.
,'. C011;J,;unicat1cn frot,: the 01 ty trea.surer was then read ""TId wi th it 0. new
bon,} in substitution for the old bond oLoer~~d. lefter the readinc oftha ne,
neVi bond on );;oticn of Cra\\forc1 an,l ;;;eoonled by Craef the new bond wa<;J
::"OcCl:,t,ed c.nd th2 cl;::;rt 1;';;"<1 inztr1:cted to inforn, the clerk of the court
th~t the saicl bon:l wa.s accepted and the tre~sul'er i.. ~u2,.lifi cd to con-
tin"l;,8 llundlinc tile :ur..d;1 of the 0i ty. C~rri8:l..
Th2 ;;;..,o. lication of ":1'. IllllY W""f; then :ceu.,l axm::WlI'tft.:T'tf;'tJHf15can:I13;n::;;,:tif'
mltm~JJiu,llkBlllll'.illl(lIr for' the r;o...i ti()n of Ci ty a.iillile~,:or. On lllotion by Pel,tion :...rd ~
oeoonded by Trawi tt, ;,;1'. .P.ll1lY wa.sluly elected to l:JaiJ office at :... 001.;-
fcnsa.tion of ~ZOC.CO for the entire work of the year 1914.
f. COIJ.clunictt tion 1;,;a:::- th(~n I'sad wherein l;::r. 0aykir:, deceaaed, 'j\"as ahown
to have clue 1', i 1':, th2 SUl;-, of~II.2G, an;l on Illotion of Cha.lllo3rlain an-' Beo-
onied by Pattor, the aallie '::",,8 o1',,1<:.re.:1 1.,'o.id in re,:'ular forI:, .
~leven biJs ~ere then read for the con~truction-of the Hewer a.6 adverti~ed
.;;:.nd afore lllilmtiomed, and on rwtion of Cha.mberl""in i;:vnd second by Noon the
Ga.II': ~~:X'e ref:rred to the ..trect comllli tt0C that they w~y examine into the
relJ.aDJ.lity 01. the bi,1:1e1'i. a.nJ. the" s",re b~ ""fe '
. ...... ~ 1. ~ ,1'reo. b""c}; to the cclluncil
1 B:l Fe
--- .' ....,
for awar1in~ of ~ co~tract at the next mc:tir~.
~ ~
T1'iG bills were then read =:"ll:l or.. iJiotion af :::r~v~fol'd a.r.:.l secor~j "by Srt.;..i.~_~)
the 2,u'lJ,e v,ere ordered laid in f~ll excel,t th,,: c.d,ool boar(] I" alllicL.t:'..on
L~ ,'lication [0:' vcc.rlv fun::J.&, the ",Ghoul fund" 'Ner,'3 ;;:.llowed in One-hu.;,f
... J.~ . oJ ..
~t thiki'i ti:c:e an,-:-l v.nother layrj"lcnt to be lUJ..Je later. C~arried..
':'he amended fire ord.in<.,<,nce wa., then :cc2..d for the third tiwe and on .J)tion
'Jf Patton ani second. bv ;Iewitt, th0 bi;;dl;e wa" c",rried bv unanimoulil vote.
,:,hen the !'chlaY',d- Poin~'lexter an,lication for a franchi&e for electric
li;:;ht urd l"ower Wi::.i:i re",i, o.nll or: ll,oticr. of Putton, ani 6ecor,J by c:'r:;;',3:,
'~h:.:.t the ":ayor an:oint two lli0llibers of the council with the l.layor s,s a
third llieililier to examine the &aiJ franchi~e and rerort back at the n0xt
j,il~etinc:, CarrieJ.
':'he lj,ayor tllen ...nointed on the baid 001u;;i ttec ~'r. John noon and ~~r.
J. O. :?at~on.
The ol-,inion of the city :.:.ttorney Vl2..~ then read or, crLlelilticns ..ubr,.i ttei to
hlbra fOI' his consideration and ~dvioe. The iJan.e waD then dillcuo;sed an,l
:.i1ed for further reference.
The oity o..l.ttorn"y then rel,orted the cl:.:.im of ::r... ;:erkin:i> for danz..ce:::,
2.<l referred to Liit, ~t the 1aiilt illGcting, that the c1ty wa.. not 11<:.b10.
:;oti()D to adjourn by Chall;berh:.in, second by l:ehi tt, to !i.cet :.:.sair. on
July 27, 1914, Vias carriej.
C (/
~ '~r l::c- - -
-"- - r' 4
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,.- ... .<--.
'~""r""'lT"r"'1 "''-' f"'l"n'-' ,1".....,....~.,..,. ."'l......p..,,."T'1'" ("~.....':~Jlr-. I.T t'~("~"r. .:IT:""'J ':.:7 TOI4
'~ ~' ~ ~~ : ::~: ~: .~ \: ~ * ~; ~~_I ~~ ~:: :,', ';: :~ :'1_ ~:~ ~~: ;.,1 ;~.) ;,>1 ~;.j : ;~,: :~ ~~ ~. ~: ;:. .: '~.!, ~;:' ; ~~ ::. ;.(..J~:~, _!: :,;: :t +~. ,~.~__ >. ~'c 7 .y t .~. ~ ~ :'_ .'. ;:.
".', _... \_'~
Th~ (,'oun,lil r.,et in :r'=S1:1,,-I' liletJ()ioT; 'Iii th ~'~yor EOe in :;:-1;0 ch,,-ir ...nl :.;.1 L
n.en:ocrGrl f,re.ent. 7h~ HJinuti'~a of the rreviCiul~ j;.-::::tin: \\ere l'3Q..d ~rJ.i ~.'.;-
~~oonJ of the achool ::::orrm:i ttec) ;.;tate~l tl1~t t.!l~~ ~N&l'l'ant l-.L~i be:~n 51'~',"!rJ
f(.)1' thf' firlfJt ;~yr(~ent or.. ~:j~~~ lct~ ~~\urGhs;Jse.i for ichool furr. UllDe~ ..:..r..d t:l:-t
" .' ~ " b - '1 0 ,t 0 "r "';, l' t ~', ." ,,1 ., ~ ,.,' " ') 'C ~" 1 " l' + ' .~ C l'
vfH~a:;l"l{ie.r..:...:wll eenl":'~l' ,vex" .",. ~..~ .....1..~....\.4. ......__..!..IA';. ,......-.. -, ~..I.JV\.....5u'--t;~..
fro;,::; the 7t. I'lal:el~y ~'ill. :"'0. 'Nhicll st~te1 :':1\.;i..t 'C:l8 lWI.ber for t~j,e ~
hcr:d' 1 hts h::l,l be :-~n shi.:.~:: e~l or:. "Lhr:~ l.i t e~fHal.' El~rth.
C'b;;',illberlain ..tate.i t:i.l...t bid... haJ. b0,~n o;.;.lled for .for th0 cle""rin;,,:
of the echool lot~. l:e ~l~o ~.tut~j t:lat 'bl~~ city ~ttorney ~hould be
ini3tructed to Jr:~:,N ul ;&,.Tl orllin~ncc vt:~ca tinz:; the ~ll~~y ~\hich eal:a.I'at;~.i
the ~0hocl lot~,
Furth~r til;~e W'J".~ grL1.ntell for WUbil.i tti nc; .i.:l~Ln~ for tL:~ ne'i'\' echocJ
bui Lli n::.; .
0],:.:.:r.berl:.:.in of tLe ..tra:::t COl" i tte:::, iilt,.ttel that t]l~ COfi,(ui tt3:, lb,l
leokeJ. into tlw reliabili ty of tlle lowelilt 'bLider OT, tht~ seweI':.:.r,J mov~J.
th:.:. t ;;1', J...r.,li en be accor,le,l t:1C contl';Lct ard th:.. t the til:,e of cOilil>le-
tior b", ext,~n.le:i ; c :.ertember 15, The ~~rice to ce 65 cent~ l-er I'unr,ine,
foot, to 'be built accor:1ins tu >>lJc0ification.. ....nJ i;;hat he be re:).uir:::l
to gi vo ... Don.l ir. th::: >i:UJ.. of :~50C. CO to be ....~:;provej br t:l~~ 8ouncil, the
city :.:.ttorney to draw u~_ th; ljro,!.~er contr;.o..;t. ~:eceivinc... ..econJ. th,,;
:l,otion J,:.Tev:::.ilel. ;4r
::oon ll;OV~j :.:on ~;:.en,kent tr) tll ~ 8{1C1...::ti nG cl:i.,uiOe of tile lUlhlanl- :?oin-
Jext3I' fran..:11iIiH:: ;;.... follow..: III ll.....ke ... {[lotion to u'l1,enJ. tile l:r('lJOiied.
franchi..e .l'uDlIiitted by flobert Al3hlanJ anI ,J. Benj. Poin,lext,'jl' for:ion
electric franchi..e in the town of Seward, by ~trikin~ out ...11 of ~...iJ
franchi..e after th~ worl Pfollow~n in the 9n:ioctinY cl:.:ouae thereof ~nj
Jllilaro:UX IOUbiilti tuUnc; in the ,;;;lace thereof the followine: (-.vor:iin::
of franchi..e follow..) T'""tton seconJed till.:; l::otion ...r..1 it W",,-ii c'-i.rriel.
.?~ttom then lY:ovel th~t the fr:~nchise be uc,.;efte:l ~13 re~j .for ~ ~~~on.l
tin,e and that the rule.;! be >JU>ll- erded ancl t::1at it jiali:s to ita third rea,j-
inG. Crawford objected, ~tatinc that there wa~ no occasion for rushinc
the ,r..:.tter t[-.roush. Ch...ll.berl...in ...liilo o'bjected and llloved ...n ~!l'ienJ.rtlent
~o the ll'lotioL t~t it GO over until the next regula-I' ll:c<:ltinS. Cr:.:.wford
tleconded thi~ amendment and a ballot W;;'i; o:t'dereJ, which I'e;.;ul ted :il... follOllJ
Criil.wford. ~e... \'hawberl~in, Yes, Gr...er, '{eil:. ITewi tt, Yeil, !;oon, !;o.
?:.:.tton, ;':0,
The amenJrid3nt waii ca.rrie.1 ;;;"nJ the ~l.atter l~ij over until the next
resul~r meetins.
Whe city attorney renJ.ereJ ~n o~inion in the Perkin~ ~atter and on ~o-
tion of Chamberlain, ~econled by ~oor.., it waa ordered filed.
Chail:bel'l:::.in ri:oveJ th:::.t the '0i,l", fOl' ..;i t)' rI'intin::; oe referred tQ ...
comnlittee. l:oon GeconJ.. 6l.nJ it '.'1~6 S0 ordered, The :,2::l.yor l'eferred the
l~~tt~r tu t;~.1~~ fin~nce conuiJ.itt,::h~.
Charnberh..in aake,1 tl1at tllc city :...ttorney be in>>tn,wteJ to look UI) thc1 till.G
that all le.;~l notioeiJ ~h~l1. J:un ir~ t~-H:: 4.L:"'i. cri:>>.
:oon moved th~t all ~lana :...nJ ~~ecifio~tiona for the echool bui11in
~",'~ "r~-"::.r:"---l to J.....~.~ 'ouY'''.''' .-.', .:_,\.~- 1: 3""
'-'.,.1 J;' Ij~,..... llJe" 1",1..L~ \... ucl.l. on ,Qn....ta~r TIl.t,.J.j,'J) ~U~'. u.. ~~.:jwitt fi.;econds
...r,J it walO o...1'1'i ed.
~ J) II r<
, .....1.. '..~ { ~
, }
~, ;J
:;n,ler the hea,.l of new bu.ine.." ::1'. ;;:, L. \"hi tten,ore ~6ke.i to CJe ~llcii:,::l
to ad,lreGCl th,,' council ir: regard to th...t body voting u. aut. of money
to l;" u.;;e:l for r~,ubJ.ici ty r~Ul'~,Oild", 1 t th,) ..::on(:lu.,10n of hiil l'el"u.rkb C'L :,;f
li..oved tlJ.~t the ~,:~yo!.' :l.i.~.:~~oint a COh-.1Li t tt~e of tv/o to work in c:::r.juL0tior:
wtill the 2ewu.rd C0l1ill,eroiu.1 c:lub to l'u.ilile fun:liJ fOl'-:ettin;-" out a ::cook1et
Chamberlain ..econ:led thi3 "oti0L ::..n.1 it 'iVai:> o;;;;'l'ricJj~ The~":;.yor ;;"l~foir,t-
::1 :::r3.ef ....nd ;"ewitt on the COll.lr.itt,,:e,
11. ll.otion tQ .djoul'n WU.1ii then I!....de an:! c...rried.
,-' (/ /
- ,J. ~ '
t \.
h ) .
_~/"- ,..___l i'I--'-': ~J_ _ __.:.:.~...___~_:.:_::.'._.. ---_..:.-
. ",.~.,...,.,.. -ro ,...",..., ...y....-/l~'r\ .......r",...,.~.,. ,....,....;...'1',.,.......T- 'l'-'.....,.,.7I"\~.H. ~\Ti.rr "'1. T9I4
T"''r''I'ITTT A! "fT'1.1..l" ;' ",-" \'J.'.~ '--' .L\)~',' ',- ",\;v.i-.d, .,,,~....J..L, .t.v.... .;;, - "
,-....~ ~
"'- -- /
:h,~~ounl)il :.,et in ,,',"cu1<u ,,-Olc..ion with ':J..yor ;;o,~ ,;?r~",iJ.inE:' .till
'.:.0lil-,eT:i: oJ' th," coun..dl :;;er'3 ~~I'e;;,3n t, The n.inutei> of the ...reviow; Ir,,':8~'.
l'n~'. ""ere 'rpr,'l "':r:"l "'-'ue'"t,ao1 with cne excs",tion, vi:::: P. cl....u6e in the
'" '.' d.. .. ....._.... _ ~'., _'-..' ...' ..'-- r. .
_Il,en:'JJ::ent of th2 }..::hL:.nd- 'C'oin,.lexter frz..nchiae w:.::... ord tted ir, tae mirnge;-
',:hio1. ;:!houl:':. h....ve 1'-3..:.d:!! I 140Vc tc ;;:.m:mj the: enacttns CLl.U..\0 of the p'o-
oBel franchise of TIobert A~hl~nl ~nl J? nenj. ?cinJexter for frivilec=
~f con8tructin~~ ~n electric lisht ~l~n'~ in Pew~rj, Al~~k~) by ~ddins t~i6
~. 't " ti" ""
~.ordB tlO~ TOW:rf' ~fter the word oity 80 tn~ e~lCl ~n~c TIC :~~U~2 ~;1~.
l:e~J :-i.I follows: n~r IT ~l"ACT~I' r:Y T:'Ir"' CITY ,:)~ ~sr:'"::~ :I~-' r'~'~'.!i'AI::C? .l~LAC:":J.\?";";;;
?~tton re~orted on the bid~ for oity ~rinting ~~ followa: The c~teway
"oi;:1. for legc:.l r:rinting bein:; 10vIer than th.::.t of the Tribune, I l'eOOlli-
;:.end thz..t iP:il.id legz:..l frintinc bo given 'GO the 8ewi;l.rd ~c:.t~\'V:.::.y. ':'h<:1 bid
of th,~ ~;ri bune for job work beins lower thi.ii.r, tita tef tl", ~;,:. tew:::.y, I
recol,.r,enJ. th:;:.t the ::;;;.id job '."101'1.. b~ given tc tll," :',eward 'I'ribune," Cn
l.:otion ';1'. P::..tton' z: l'ecOUinenill:.tiona were ::..ccel;,ted.
Ch;.:.n-.b<;rl;;;.in re~'ortell. that
for clei.ii.rins ~tr~et~, etc.,
of thi.. ::'ll:ount for burning
C0 ~hit;; rerort.
:'::'6 there w;;;.s :;.. bz:..l....nce ef ~I7 in the funJ
tll~ CO' i tt~.. 1'" 1 "".1.10"'1"''' ',T.. 1":1:"'''''-'''''' AlTC
.:. ll'j,,' v ~ '''''-' _ ,Cel ,,e. _ _'l''''_.1 " "-
the ..turq.';;,,,tc, ::0 obj e..::tion.. '!lere llladn
Ch;;;.mbc:rl""in I:JtCi. ti;,i t11,"- t t11t'! bond of 1::l.', !...r,Uen had not belcn obt;;:.in,~cl
~nd. that ella city ...tto!.'ney h::.ct not cl,c:;..wn the Gont:c;;-.ot, :'1'. ::'rc8n ..t..;. t~d
th....t he l"""d be,;n ver~T "busy but would ....ttend to th<:: ll.~tter ~t once.
Gr;;:.ef.,ona of tl'H'l co",,,,1 ttec to confer "vi th ... cOlu,d tte8 froE the ,:;OW-
't,'_'l'oL,]. oh'b to r;;;.i..e funcI" for .._ ublici ty -s;ur,l."c...e.;;, h:;;.n;1.o,l in ;... GOI{;Ll,U-
nication rCCO!lUilenJinz tll~t the city l:ut u.P .3CiC.CC for L.ublici ty :;':'L.1'.. os~'"
P....tton, objected, btatin: th~t thera woulJ not be bufficient fund~ in
the trei:i.iilury ::..fter tll.e ",chool !lou..e ~nd other ri8eJ.eJ. loIur:flie.u wel'e l:.i.ii.id
for. Ch;';'lilberl.:.;.in stated that there wa.. now wore th""n ,:IC.CCO una1=>-
l:rol.'riatel ;lnd w;.;..s in f""V01' of tlh~ counoil iiub,:cribin,Z" to this fund anl
l;{,;vle 0. lLOtiofi that ~,,:5C.(;C. be ....:;l:'roi,riu.ted. P...tton nloved .:.;.n ..menJlllent
tlJ.::t t tI-.I.C li.~tter go over lA.ntil ~uGh tin,8 ad they l.J~n fin.] out the ~t;a..tUi-j
of fund;.;j ) etc:.) J vot~ lH~iuC taken or... the a.rr..e~ndr:I,~nt I'ceUl t~d u"9 foll
ow;o: ~:l:':"'l~.bdTl~ir.l., ~:~Q; C'raef., ::0; :-T.ewitt, Ye;;;.; :::oQn, Yer:,j 8rawfordJ
"J"e~; ~.:.ltton, Ye::3. 'Th~ ~rl1~nd.1.i.ent W3,.b cal"r1(~d> ,*nJ the It~~ttel' v;~~ dro(,-
, .
,[ ;: (1.
Ci.l.l'l JUlilY r:rerper,ti),i hi.. ,,;,::..t:b of oifica ..... .......:ve.Hlo.r, ;'oon nloved th,,-t it
be reueiveJ ~nJ ~l~cei on file. 7..tton 3d the wotion ~ni it ~...o 0~rricl.
2evcra.l 01.1,; '"ere I'eoei ved. for cleC:?.rins ';~i3 ,"",Cilool lot.. ...n.i it VI'.....
fourl t'c',e t'r~ "i:1 0'" ,~ ~ ""n't"'>" ",' t"-", 1 ' -.t b i - ItI'"C ~'"
",1\. l,j,~'" ...J.~ U \,. ..l '\'. ..,. ~J4ilII. ..I.."..lJ.. 1,;wo... u..... O\,'lled J e n~ ~, ~ '.I,~v.
Challiberl~in woved th~t thf~ c(Jntr~ot be ~warled. to ~,:r. C~ntr':jll ~t ~lIZC.CC.,
::eviitt bleconJed ttH: lilotion an.l it }l'eva.iled u.nd :'1'. C..ntrell ..w....l'iej tlle
(~ontr",-cy. The :c.;:.yor Vias ~ll.~ OW'~ c~d tr) Gi::;n the contr""ct on the .~~rt of
t~e town of rewarJ.
1'.. numb'-:lr of bill>; '.~er3 l.re",dnteJ i.ii.rll or, lilQtion of rOOD, dcoonJed. by
P..tton, they were ordered ~~id.
The l.i::>hl:;ml- :?oiniext~r eleotric light ...n;1 l.ov{er fn"nchi.." wo... then
t",ken u[" Defore rao.i>in::; to .... .third l'ea.din;:, ("h:.l.".l)~I'li;l.in ..tated that he;
had a number cf an:enclL;,mt" to offer. Thd ...lnenlln.entz ...1'3 a. follow..,
ooniin~ iTJ. ree:ular o:l.'der:
A. =,~J:~:D:\n:~';T
, -'a
.. I r.;ov:; to :;'l'18nd. ::>e0tion two of tli\3 J..rOl)Oile~l ';,:10,.)tric li::;ht :;..n.i
1 F\IF(~
&nd power franchi~e, to ~jd, after the word n~rovij0dn in the 1~~1
line thereoft::-Lr 'Nord. "1QQI\lXlIllX&Xx "anJ. Ol.p:c:rove.:i by the council."
Ohamberlain i.;oved the ...do,(:tion of I:;hi.. ....rl:endlllent. Crawford .,eoon,1(,,:<
tl1e motion, Gome ;;:.rgument followed ;;..n& t::1<! luO tion wa", wi thJ.rawn.
:;:>;;.tton l.:oved that ...11 the ;.;;..mendnlent. be reu.d by tlhJ clark before vot-
inS on t1-.el,;, ~~oon 8econ,1., t11i., nloticn ...n1 it W:J..J c:.'..rrieJ.
Aft~r the ...l:lendmentli> had boen reaJ, Ch~luberlain !:loved the adoption of
the iil.mendment to Gection two. Crawford ..econded the lwtion ..nd it ~v;;",i
carried. The vote by roll call l'e..",l ted u.a followa: Ch...mbarlain, Ye",.i
" . f d '" '''00 no' n" t ton ,ro' 1-'e,,,4 tt no 1"'1".' ef yrelil' """0 t"' I' ,r_
vraw or , lesJ.i~ n, J" J .... "" ,J" 1 .l. H.... J J- . .~,' "", )......... ....' "-'';:;
ident, ITo. The amen;iment wa.. decL.red 10...t.
A~tLrr~!"r71:';T r:EC~IO}J Faun..
re..d~ alii follow~: "I move to amend ieotion four of th~ ~ro~oBed elec-
tric li::;ht ..nd j,~o.,ver frar,chiae b~- otltrikint; out ;;:.11 of the l,;.,&t cb,u.,,,
0cP'inniEi' with the word "...11" ...n,l endi1.;' with 'cl1e vlord "city" :...nd ..ub-
i",) I,.,.i I,.J
lOti tute therefor the follow inC. "The hoLler.. of thi.. fr:;;.nohiae for thtYl,-
~elve~, their bucce~~ora or aQai~n, coven~nta ...nu ...gre3~ to indemni~y
th~ town of Seward f01' :...n] J:...lll~c;e.. it l.1:lJ' oe held to J.~;:;'Y or ~ny ex..,ar,;:;"
it may be Clubj eot to by re....aon of ;;..ny c""su::..l ty to l~er.on or J.- r'o~.arty
throush nt'lgligenoe or OliM,izsion on the f"-1't of the fl'J.nchi.e holder, to
n.aintain the pole.1, wire~, machinery 01' bLiLUne;s, uiiled un:ier th1.. frar.-
ohi$e, in a iIlafa condition, ~nd to ~ay ...11 valid claim~ aGain~t ~:...id
franchi;;e holder~ or holderlil for Jarr.a.geiO cauo;ed by o~','_nation.. under this
Ch:;;.mberlain rr:ovei the adof,tion of the ....l1L3nJ.ment Iro, fcur. Crawford
~econjed the motion ..lNXX:.t:tXWZ;&X~&xx:i:1!x:;,;: The vote by roll 0...11 re3ult-
eO. .... folJ.ows: ChaYl,b3rl;J.in, Ye;;;; Crawfo;:-d, Yes; lioon, r;o; P",tton,
;;0; :Tewitt, ~TO.i Sraef, ;;0. The amendment Y/;,),.IO Jecl;,),.r'3d lo.t.
A.~.:r:~D:'.~E=:T 8ECTIO]:J Fr-r1rr:.
nead" al~ follow.: It I move to ail:encl ~ection five Glti the' .,:rol_06ed elec-
tric lisht ...nci ,;,o\^Jer' fr;;:.nchiGc COliilj,en,;ing after the word I1licen..e" in
line one ~~ge thre3 of i~id ordinance and ...Jding the warde "exce~t writ-
ten r errdsliOionof the J,:resiient or ;l.Otin[.. ....re.lident of tld council,l1
Chmmberlain moved the ...dOI)tion of thi.. anlendment. Cra,vfor:l aeconda;1. tl1,'
r;;otion. The vot~ by roll 0",11 re..",lted a,,; follows: Chan:b0rlain, Yes'
~ "",~ f d ''[ -. ",.T 'IT. '1"') ", .,'1' . TT .',,, .,,.. ~ ~. .t:' "'lr, ~ ,)
vr...\1 or, e..; ."oon, ",01 ditton, ",0; .:e..itt, .,01 ",r""el., .c..; T!l,e 1-1'e;:;-
Llent, lTo. The alllenlraent '.vai, ::lecl"",red lOilt.
.A~,~E~JD?:~E~':T fEGtTI8:! :rIC'I-I~.
Thiii; ...rr.'om::lli:ent, con..i;;;ting of tin:;e j,-;,:;.r.;:.gr:;).j,:.ha, wail votod on by ~ara-
gri:l.vh. Chamberlain l';IOvej that ;paragraj,JL one of ;;:.mendr':t3r"t be ajpI-,ted,
Crawford seconded the ~otion, ~Ld a vote by roll c~ll re&u1ted :"'6 fo1law~
Ch:J.!~be:rla.in, '~re8; Cr~wfQrJ, Ye...;; l;oon, Ye~; Patton, Yea-; He~~fitt, Yellij
~raef, Yea. The motion ~aQ c~r1'ied.
(... conected)
Chal.uberlc..in L~QV8j th..:.. t l-a.r~~r~~.,t -tv~'G of the: a.mendll'ient b~/~d.ol:..teJ.. Cri..:"'l'~.-
ror~ ~e0onde~ t~~ ~otion :...nj th~ vota by l'c1l 0"",11 r0~ulted a~ follow~:
~;h4h.b,,:t'lain. Y"f;;' .~l'" "."or--1 'r,~ . "'0 n Ve..' , D tt V TT it
' .1;;.1 Jm]".J ,"",';,.1 i"" .:.--;,.,;.; J.'I U ;, l i.:iJ ..:.~ -on" .i.e;;; ...-.iev,l~ t" Ye~;
Cr~a'f: Y~z. 118 mot on ~~~ carriad.
:;harr.barlain move,-I t11",t ~;ar.::.e;r<:.l:;h thl':::a, ...Iii corre0ted be ;;.d.ol)ted. CI'a\',-
" ~
~- "- ..-
ford secondej the motion ~n~ ~ vot3 by roll ccll~_ r2~ultej ~B fol10;
Jhufnberlain, Yeu'; Sr~vvfor:l, Yes; "'~oon, Ye3j ?i,.;.,ttOT~, ye.; -~~ewitt, :re~:_,
~rt.otef, ro.
The an:en.lment to "ection eight ;"1> corrected now re",,;1.. ;;j.Ol follow..;
I move the.. t i.lection eL~ht of th3 L;,r01/000d. electric light ar,J power
chioile be amended. ...:i followliI: "Thdt th(;re zhall be ~jl'efixe.:i to thd
~inninE of ~aid eectior the wor.:is, "The voltage delivered to all
tomer., iilhal::' :mllllX be not Ie... than one hun~lred ....nd ten (110).
That line. five and .ix on p~ge four be .tricken out ~nd in flace
thereof iniiert the word.. !Ian eleotric iron .:.;h~Lll be fifty oentil r~er li,onth
extra lllIX ...nJ th...t no h;,undry, boar,iin2: 110Uil8 or roolllinc; houilB ii>hall
be entitlei to thig rate."
ThEct on f",(:;3 thr2'-" l.ine one, to rec..cl: flAIl. G(luiv::.Lmt ...n:ount of cur-
l"3nt to run one I6-ca.ndl,:; ...ower c;;i.rbon fiLii.ent lan;p; or one lal"l~ of :...n:r
kind. or ~ize that UDes th,o b;;i.l!i,3 ':o,w;.:.ntity (or lei<.ia) of el=ctrioity or
current that a carbon filament lah~ of 16 candle ~ower uee...
Then after the la~t worJ~ in the l~et line of ~eotion eisht the folloiV-
in." shall be adeled, flIt i" hereby eXI:re;;aly under..tood th:..t no cUiilt::;:.3r..
~hill ba ~ivrn ~ny other or Jiff;rent rate than th~ rate fixed in thi~
franchiilo wi thout firzt iilu~rd ttin[ ..uch r<:.te tc) tr,e COi':;l:,cn council of tht,
tow,. of f:eward. and l~l'oGut'ing the Ool;:i,>rov.il.l of i:lUC1: 1';';" to by ",..dd oJouncil.
ar.d a.ny viol"" tion of thiii ~~roviGion fihall be a illi..derueanor ~n,j eubj <3;:;t
the owner or owner. of ti1i[~ franchi..e to a j,~ena.lty of :"100.00 for the v/
fir~t offenae, and. a ~enalty of ~500.CO for a ~eoonJ offen~e
,A"/B:t[~j...~r::T EI~CTIO}; FQlTT:T~~;.
~eaJs as followa: "I ffiove to amenJ .action fourteen of the frofoeed
electric liCht an'l l::OVi6l' fr'"-nchh;e l.lY adUne after the v;or~lf' namedfl i::1
lime thirteen on 1~ge .ix of said franchi~e the followin; words: !land in
calle the aPl:raililer a,;:.r(;int~:1 by the holderlil of the franchi.,e i::l.n~l the
one allointed b;' the town of feward shall fail to ::"2;1':;: '(;.lon :the third
ai:~raiaer wi thin thirty d:.cys after their ...r:J!ointl:1ent either i-arty [j,;;"y
a~;.:ly to the JUdC0 of the Dhtriot Court to :.\.r.;L,oint ..aid thir:l ::"L r<.d<icr
an,l he ,~hall h""ve tilJ lJower to ~Loint 'o~il t11irJ aU,L;l.hiar, ...nd in
C""..3 the owners of this franchi:ie shall Ldl or rofulle to al;,oint ar.
...~~j;;r""iser ...lil her;3in ~rovi::lG,l the Ju,-le;e cf the i:::idtrict i=~ourt L.ay ;;"1;-
r:oi:o.t such ;;"l..~)ra.iaer ul,on ...~:.._,liG:;:.tion therefor by the town of Seward."
That the feriod after the word "n""medfl ~h~ll be ~l""ceJ :.cfter the word
"~eward" in the ,-menclment anJ .;.. OOW1l;;" ..h""l1. be fl::..oe;1 ...fter the word
Chcu:,"berlain moved tho ad.o,i::tion of an:emJment to section fourteen ..."
corrected. Hewitt seconJeJ the motion ;;..nJ ::.. vote "by roll call reBulte~
_'" follows: Chalilberlain, Ye,,; Crawfor,l, Ye,,; ::con, Yez;; ?:;.tton, YeJ;
Hewitt, y~~; Cr~ef) Ye~. ~ha wotio~ ~~s c~rriad.
Cl1arLt,3rla1n r::ovel th",.t the o.llleml.lli3ntc be aI'r""ne;e1 ir.t;heir order by
the city attorney anl ~re3ente~1 to the council ~t ~ 1~8~tin~ to 13 ll\~lj
en Tuo..~y niCht, Auc.;u..t 4th. n,:'[-,1", r:.oticnw;;;..z seconde,'l ::..nd l.revailel.
The Go'(;.ncil then ;;djourn0d. to l,:3et <:'E;i::.in on '::'u~,,,day, J1UCUiOt 4.
, /
/ /J.J , 1 0 '.'
/, J jl,/.>-//o/
-----__ ....1__ _ '-_........,.:_-J._ __ _ ,_ ~ _-_ .::.__ ___
(, {; !,
L', r. ' "-- ~ ~ ~
1 H'lFe
("'!-'-""'~'r"T ~T ..~-.-.'-1f.'-1.,.'7,.... ,..."r. m~.:r~ m('\......-r... r,r'Tn""'TL (~r.''''''^Dr; I"'TT~TT"'fT1 41T4
J ,'.;..~J~~.J _ "~ ~ 'I ';.' )..,,':'''.' J.".., \.'I.J,-,.i,'''''..J. ~ .. .....'~..l~l\I,.. .....,...........,.L I....
ih:'! COUEGil ".~t in "'l.eci...l .a...ion with q_/ll' "03 in tlji,~ cll;;:.ir ;.l,n\.L ;;:.11 \.,:';(;.-
l_reltier.t. r~h~~ l.uinutew of thd ....Telviouli\ b0etir:~ were rc:~\'l r.Tl,J ~l:rrovad.
Ch..l!lb0r:~cijl UA~le .... ti;otioL th;;:.L '01'.:) cL)rk (;C :l11..truct.;d tQ ..end ;;:.n
irJvit...tion to =,~r. Johr.
::J6;\.ll.;...iri(~ ttJ w.....lJ.re;..~ the oouncil ;.... t the
next re[;;ul:J..r llieetinc;,
c;rl:..ef ;;a,~ondeJ th\3 l,.otion ;;:.nJ it ~r,.,v...iled.
oon moved thl:..t the clerk 1'3;;:'.1 the electric fr~nchi~e for .... t~irll
tin,e. -:>...tt,or, :r.ecor,d.. ..Ll the fn:,r,ohiiie v,;\,s reo'd.. "If tel' tl10 re....1-
ir,c oi' the fr...nchi":~, ?...ttOf" moved, ...nd ;"('(ift seccrd~:l, th""t tJ1e co un
cil [roceel to vote on th8 franchiae,
The ballot being taken by
roll call re~ulted ""~ followi:
Cr...wfor,-I, ::::0.
:h...~berlain, Ye~.
Cr;J,ef, Yes.
::ewitt.. Ye~.
::::oon, Ye..,
.:'....'ttc.'ln, Yea.
Th::-: r~tiult of tll<=: vv...>d Five ror tb0 franchiiile, ...r,5 ...Sccir,..t the fr...n-
Ch....iI.bzrl...in loved th...t the a..,&;,'~....or be ~. err"i ttel to oriel' .uch
",t...tionery ....'" he n:ight n"ed ...nJ ""l,,() ~.uGh "_,; thJ tre;;;'iiurer ViouL'!
r,,:,'l. :'oon lOecorded the lLoticn ...nel it 1.r'ev...ile,'1.
0rlinl:..DCe for vacbtir~ ....lley ~e~eratin~ the ~chool lot~ W~D read
fe'I' thi" iiiecond tin.e,
Th(~ orJ.ir.ar.c,::, for lel0iOi tinL 0i ty fun.I.. in oa["h, ete., w.... re....d
for the weooLJ till;e.
Pi.:. tton ll.ove:: t:1:0;. t.~ I.)ol,,:;'"i ttee be a~;10iIlted to wait ul=,on B...lh..ine
and a~k for a reduction of ~....ter rent
fo:r t1":e
The H ;tY(Jl'
rointe1 P....tton a~ auch cOD~ittee.
:';hu.l','x;I'hdr, kovec1, th;-;t the '~;,;,~ror 1:;e in..tru.ctc,1. to ..i::;n the ..eV\er
bond .f('1' th2 city. ::o(}n ..eeond.. ....r.;1 the r;;oti.or: c::..rl'i",1..
?..t.LOTJ. lLOV..:~d t:~~-.t th: 01,~;r'- ....3 inMtr1~cteJ to fill in 0..9.-te irL
fr.,;;..nt-;l.l.i~e ~~ to when tho in,-tTwl1cnt Ghoul.} .....h:: ~ ut,li..be..1. :~ewi tt
~eQonded ...rJ.J ttl.3 ll;()ti.:n ..r~.~v(...ile....l.
r:'L.e C014rl(;j] then w..J.-~ourrL:;..:l.
"/ /,'--_ ~, ,____. . .J
. ".~ ~ '\. ., " -.-. ----
--~_Ju...~_ _' ..b'-_ j.-..."--2i~_":"",,.:-",'E-! .:...~...._
r;- "~yor
1 n \;P:e
, ,..--...,
,...~)"'.(":"'T" 1\'" 1~~"'" f"\.'\.l 0'"'1"'-,....~,.!',.... c""~T':".,.~TT ..,~r-..'P.TT',~ "t...'" l''T'iI'''iTlr:-.r!'':l' TO 1nI4
I" ..,,'......l1L ...J.. >':1" _',I.' \, " .lJ...,.L.,o ....' ,..1..J~,:) ....1..'.1.,,(,..:., .....,'.11.... .L, v' .
::h ~~
'1 .1'!. .., "i" --.,~'!, .~I._~ "l''''J..'''l,~ 1 ,.,~'i."~l-'.
';,OUr.<_:l~_ !..::C ,.LI.;. ,~~.J(~ '-.1..J.. 1:>,~lJoi......L'Jr.. \ ,ll).. v ......;.I'-J,:t..;.vlW ,i.:"'.V
.~h~il" ~T.;.J ;.;:..1: ll:e!!ibcr~ ..r,,:;.;..;~"c .;xl~el' tirlZ '~~YOJ: :;02.
;c;;etton in
I Th", i;linut;~8 vf tho .i.J1.'6viou.. ;,,0~ti ".; V!<;l'd 1',3;;",.1 ;;el, l ';:'l.~ rovecl.
CLaLberl~in of the ,~tredt cOi[J!.ittee;, rei.ort~~~l &rOCI'~.,i; on tl-J.~ ~eVJ31"
1 t. , . -" t. 't t' . 1 0' -- - '~ n n 'C k ~ -1 ~ ,+ "''''>
~n_ .:1e GJ..e~rln~ Q.t -J.13 ..LO Ii on ,:le:r;lU 1 {; I. Sl"l...h.J..~.,.;"y. ~-~..;., ':'oJ ..~\,.. ulj,~t,J !,.rUl.
..c .1...-......... rc b" .'1 J I' ort." ~.LO' (""lOr .J-~'~..';:aV\1~1' .'(' J...'<jq.L. 'UP
::<)U:;; OJ. ...::,,\..I\....,.~' e .."tv~~lJnll Ct') c;.l>(~ C .! .L:;"1.;l.i 1. ..IH t.ll..:.:.....- ~...., v ~J vlJ,_v "'"
: i~"'ht b(~ ~cl~ to '~1T J__d ~ Len ~nj :.i.lIiJ h~ cor:.:Jider~.1 th:..:..t tl:er.e h~,i
" ....... - - ... J
beJl1 ;Lc,r::: thuh th:.:.t :::'H!ount of work dor,e h~ move:} th;;.. t the hiCE::::' 'be
...dv...r:::d, Cr...wfor,1 (>econJe,l "ci1~~ l,;oti()!' ;;;.nJ it 'I:;;;'.; c:.:..rrieJ :lobI thtl ,;:ler.
w~a iniitl"l~ute.:1 to d.r:::..w ~ Yl61.rru.nt .fOI' that ~Lount.
A number of oi11.3 ~flere re~d. ~111 on n~cticn of :::ravvford \\'er::: ordered
The ~OL. John ~. ~~ll~in~> who h~\l b er: i~vit~l to ~J~xei~ the
council, bein;:;; 1,'r<'lr.;~nt, ;.,.J:1rt:l.;iQ th::..t body in ... very int<::r~oiItins lJ.U.n-
nel', e;i vine u. "hort hi..t'JL'Y of ti,e Ah..dk;;.. railro:;..J 1.>i11 frail; tht>
lit""rt and tellir:.t; how ili4i.ny n_.rl'OW e~c~.l.~e,j t;JC 'bill h;;.l.d before b3in::;
fin~lly l:!~o.~.ed. l:e 3l:oke of the W~fiY tllin~~ tl.L,".~;_ f~vcI'e~l til'=- buil...l-
in~ of the 1'0::"'.:1 fro!!, Pew;;..rd ~nd tho, t;l'e;;;.t ..;ood tll~t YJQulJ COlll;~ to
our beaut.iful. city, ;:-= .....id th...t he ",,,,:= iJed'tiJ.y in f;"'VU1' of th,,~
;i tr c\vnir:~ ;.;..l~" o.r~ the l,;ubli:J utili tie~i ..:.rlJ thevt ",v~en tL::~ tiL~~3
~rl'ive\.l for tiJ.l~ .~ity to O\Ylj it~ Gwvn ,;,/c..ter wcr~':~3 L;,~ w0ul,~ Sl~3.Jy Liv.:.
;i'J:"i~t int0~rablt fie o"Vvned- in'vh:..:; 2ev'~-ard ~h;.::,.ta..c ~ Pewer Co. to t:'-l(~ :::i ty.
TIe 'i\'oul,J \10 n.()r'~; If ~t "the: ~:r:o~.er tilLe tJ.J.l; ~ity. WiiJ..:i not irJ ;..;.., ,r;o-
sitior. tc, ~.)urchaae ;;" tro..ct fCJI' l:"z'..rL ~u.r',.()iO:le~ h~ '.;Q1).}:'l ~:urch~14i~ ;..:-..
dte (li:entioniI1S the ::ro\lnall ho!!:e..t~;;ed) ;;..r,d ~:1'3dJnt it to tl13 -:i ty.
::ii:3 ..:..,1.1l"e~Z\ij Vj~~~, received. wit:~ llcu.rt:r ~r.(lau~l~ ::..r~.d ~t it.:) clo.;e Cl~.....t~-
'b,~:r:l::...ir, moved tJ.i~ t Pr. 2;.,.11...ino 'be e:xt,mlh~,l .... vote of tl1...nks from the
~ew...rd council for hi" kin'.l ;:.nd en-:ouragi,.E.: worel,..
Cl1:"'ll:borl;j\,in "1-,ok6 of the de;;.l.t:: of ;;r... '::oo,lrow ',':ilo;or., ;;;.n-1 ll:ove,l that
.:.. GOlu,',itta'3 be l;l.H-,ointe::l to In,.It ;;.l. me~,..i;l.ge of ..yn!.i.l;;..tliy ;;..r.J wire it
to ?HlOli,:lent j'il..on i" thi... hi.. l,ou:r: of ;';l'ief. :'lL:) '..:h,,-ir ;;e~"l.ointed
::'TC0D ~n,~ 0h~r.ul.)erl~i!l ~G.I "th~ t C01Uii,i tt0e.
Orlin;;ehce :'0. IE carae u.. for;;.. third readinG an,l fin:::.l vote. en lhO-
tion of ClU,:'lllberlain :... vota w;.;... t~ken b~' roll c;.;.ll :....n:l re.ml tel ,,0
followa: Cr;;:"\'1i"or:l, Ye:::.) Ch::..rr~berl~in, ~:I~ri; ~..oon, Y~G; ~;e.wi tt, Y~b;
::'r;.;.ef, 7',~"',; 7'..tton, ':"(~". The orc1in""nce ':'::;';;; l.;.;.ssi;e- un....nil!;our"ly.
O1':1.in;.;.nco :'0. 19 was re:::.'~. for:.;. thir::1 tirr.e ;;..nd on motion of Crawford
went to :.;. vatil, rClilultinc, ~h:;;.mberLdn; Yeil; Crawford, Yes; ';oon, yeiil
':ewitt. Yo..; C:r:l.ef, Ye:;;; P;;..tton, Ye,.. CiO.l'ried by un...nL.ouiAi vote.
Chamberl:l.in moved that the TIank of Cew...rd be n::..med ;;eij the lero~i-
tory fo.1:' Llll='; city funlQ, provi:li!:[' ~aid "o.-Lnk. (;Otdl:..lia.i wi th the ol'di-
nano~ l'er;ulat,in~ th.:~ f,J~rr~e. Cra.wford secon..le;1 t:1i~ IHotiun ;.,n~l i t \".T~~
The pl~n~ for ~he new ~0hool bui1din: wera then ~reaented dn~ o~
r~otion of l~oon t;-,e Gour,cil ~,I'o0ecled tc, vote OLche),.. :?l",-Yl.o h;;e,l b,:,en
~'lll)!lli tted by ~~e..H3r.a. :=~l've~r, ~~r~idler ~nd ~rI'cftinc. 2ever~1 b~lloti'li
~.'ere "taker~ 'before -there \~w..b ~ c11oi,~a, but :fin..i..lly .. n~jori ty voted
iL f:.:.vcn' of tl"" 7~r~ldl,H' r:1::..m. a:r:,l tli\~Y were: ..dol;ted.
Th~ dohool cOlJ.~.i.L.te3 \va~ ~uthorized to Gall in ~!: efficient
..ssi.::;t it! fi6\.Lt~ir:--.: or::. tf.l..':; ~~l'-\.n~; for t11e 1.iQ~J.ool build.iT'..::.~.
,"he counJiJ. -elle",. :;;.,.ljoul'necl. .7((,)1L{~Ch_:/(/
L:J.TI .~o
v ' fr / ,~
.i ~p----TJ
1 B~;lFe
1'i"'I""'lTTT11~ ~""""-''T''''''''''T(''f ""'7'" ~''''''''''''''~~,~'1'''''1 r"f,TT~~T Cr.TPT,f""!TT '~r"""':-'l'''''' ATT"'f T7
,). .,,,;.l.,.;...J \,i.. ....'.(..;. .!..l~ \. ....... ~ "- 11,..~J...' ..I ...1... ,../,-".,-,.LJJ, I ,J~.- \...) r-&\~,-,. .L .
.'~,,-, :...
CC1l:CC.i 1
'3.' 0"""" -I. . ". ~ -.,-,":, \~..:. t",..., 'r ":''''0'''' ~~ ", ,~.
!H.....l.I lTI r.....L.u -.;....1 ~~v...,;~.LOr: j...l ..l.J. ""'~J J.. ,"~c.J,"",
i r... tl13 (;:lu,i r
" 1
.J..ll ll.erLber~ l_.rJ~2r:.t.
'Th~ L;i::"J.to~ of t~13 J._I'e~liouz lL';8tinc 'l'ere rel...d
.nd "'-:;:rTovel,
Po on 0~.' ..~ C01'1",',',itte~ 0" ~-~1'~-' ~--~-Q o~ C0I-'lo'.n~. t~ ~r.~iien+
_ _ ....~"? .. _ J.~ ;,,::,.....J,.J..'-" .,l.J.l J..i.I~iU~_:":''''''.L. .l.... -'-..... J......"W ....1.. ...0fI' .I....
~il~on, re~ortej th~t .La h~j ~e~t ths fol1o~inc ~e2~age:
To ?re~ijent ~oodTow ~i180n,
't;;,",-_hi ne:;'torJ., f'.
\,.,. ,
Th-:: ~.aoit1e of f,ew",r1 ext;md to yo-u. their lh~""rtf31t IolYii,:p...thi',;z in
thi~ your hour of Gre~te~t Grief.
(rigned' ~eward City Council.
Ch~\lY"ber1ain r::::rorteJ proE;re.;;;:: on work 0:;:-, tlH3 I>chool ~ro"C.nJ;;; ~nJ
seVier. I~e st~ted that t::8 blue l.ri~ti;) we::~s not l'e0.dy but eX.f:e.::teJ
they wou11 be by
~2.. turiu,y
. 1-+
r.l.l,"':...:. v .
Accor:lir..:-: to
th ~ 1- ldr,-fi
he E,t[;l.teJ
that tha Bchoo1 bui1jin~ wou1i co~~ ~bout :4,OCC witho-u.t including
~ t ::.~~L he..;'" t ...nd bi.~. er,,~en t .
J bond frolli th3 ~ank of rBwari wa~ fra~entel and read, and on ~otion
0rZ~&z:tl<ln Ck,({,berLdn, ;';;20n:1;::,1 by 1'... tton the bon,1 wa::: a::ce1)ted ",nd
the Dank of reward Je~i~n~te1 a~ the Jepo~itory for the city f-u.nd~.
A namb:::r of bill~ were rea1 and ordered faij,
Srawfor::l i:;ovej that the cOi[.i..~i tte2 be continua.} ..r~\.l thc..t it ::"Gt ~~
incl~ector~ durinc t~c ~uilJiLC of the ~ichGoi buildi~~. ~h~t th~ ~ucce
ful bid.::er bo corill"elled to ~1 ve ~ good ~n,:l ituffici3nt OOn(l irl t~...:; ~llni
+' "'r "'0" ::l t'h t · "" '~1 ' .. -". "0 "" ' i i
OJ. '" . ~ ,,~~n.. Hi;.. ~ ;.:OO\.A. .(;.:::.1 u.l cneCA OJ. .,0 . vv ~CCOl.l.lL~nV eacn 1J ,~.
- "..~ -
1'l1;."t iot. cert...ir.. :il.n.ount of L.cr."y te ~,lvif,nc3,:l to the contra-:::tor :;:... ~h:J
work a~v~nc=don th3 bui1dins, ~nl th~t th3 cOili~itte8 be in~tructej
to .J..dverti.e
for bid...
The c01.A.nG11 to lH;"ve th3 r'icht tc r~ject
~; r.""
I or ....11 bid... ?;;;. tton i>cconde,1 thi., motion ...nd it We;,;;' c>cn"ie;l.
?;.l.tton move::l th~t "~. Ch~llib8rlclin be civen charge of tha ex-:::~vatinc
of th3 'J",-Oercent, l",yinC of ':rater n;aine, :li:=~'in3' ce:':iipoolil :;.nd frarair:C
same in, y~,i~~~t'l,~:~:nnHt~t:.
L.....'11:~IWll"''''rl ':.1.,.... to :JC "(.ai.i for such i1 orvices
'.. ....dIV..... ..._ ..... ...
-' -' I~ J,fw
'1Il 4a.- .......
Hewett seconded t~i8 Lotion .nJ it ~rev~ilel,
j,eferrin::; 0",,01: to '0ill;;, XG0J!l l!;oved th,,-t the bill of the C~.teway
b: p~id.Noon eecondei and the oill~ wa~ ordered vaid.
Cra.wford moved to adjourn until "onday niGht, Au::. 24. C::;,rried.
J ,/(-flLA ~~
~,~Vc)a-( ,
1 n 'J 1;('
r.T}~-'~~II.~".\ -"~"~"TI:"'~ ::::-- :"..i...J:........... -',-....~...r-jT, l~~~:"!..-~~'i 24-; I9I4.
* * -Ie :" ~\~ ~1~ ). :f"' ;~. :;;: ~i' :;~ *- ~~ ~. * :+: * ,\,. * >:~ ~;' ;'~ :!. * ;~ ;" ;~' ~~: ::. ;~. ;~-- ~!, :;. ~)~ ~.. * ~L. ~: :~~ :~. .j, ~, * '* * * * * * ,~;
,..", QUI'. i1 "0" i7' ,. '~1'. '.1 . .'C, .1' OT' \ l' +1, '., VC." "-'Q~ ir, t'.0,';: 0h",.ir .;,;.n:1.
......... U - j,C .~~;.,.. u .' '''';'1.. C;v _. ..:.....'.....l.u ',j '. '.)..l., -", ,,'J_ .'J '.,. -
....11 ll.~lj.ber. l~re:c.cnt v~i th tl~.:' :'X(;;~l ~,i(;r: of :. :J. ~r;;;..ef.
::.. ~:, !l: i r~ w. t. e. lit
Gf t~-~2 l.l'~vi(..t:.z, r{~c.:tir:::.: ,,;,ere rea.d _;,f"l _~~ l rcvt?,d \'fj, t:L tL~,? '::.Xl.;:~l- tioy,
th~.t th,e, Lir,vt.~I~ of l-reviol-u h,,:.;tir;,::- ",;.Q1;l:1 rc3""~l"t1J.",t ;::;,..Lb;;;rl;;.iJ;
-t:::c il~_il;.Itrl)ctc~l to t;:-",t~; Cll~rCG cf tl1,; axc~..v<-"ti or. 0: tL..: ll;";""h~lLorJt,
electric ,,'ir:iT,S, fete., t.
~."tJ.~lL..bc:rl;.....iL 1"="" Ol'ti::...: ~~r'o~'l'c: CT~ t~~,~ ~,ev~er ..;..rl.J. ~t_.,t\:J tllO.t :L t \tv......
i~~o~~ibl~ to ~e~ir work OL ti.z ~xc~v4tiGr for tha wehoel hOh~e ~~
t:n", WP],"; of cle...rinf,: tLe lot.. ;;..r.:1 the l..~yinc of .. ",1 J~"...l}; .l rev,:;nt,;;J.
'::'hur.berL;.ir: [;ov,~::l th<,.t tho tin,,,; be e:xtenJe.:1 tot,icL}erii or. th:: s.choc,l
nCUi>e (,.,Ii the b1uerl'ir,t.. w~re not y,;t r::",:l.y, :'co'[ ..ecor;JdJ tl-.:iiil n,oti0Y
c~rl,J i t ~''':'';''~ '':;~;:'''':. ':',:1.
P"..ttor~ re.ol>t~~l th~t ~J:' L~..l not ret :-,:,-~\.\r, ':.J::,J.~ tc. >>~~ TI...ll~inc cor.L-
c ,:~l"r,:i r.~ tl.le
redhctior, of Wo.:..t.:!I' l'er:t.. fer tlls eocir,c Y2~'.l'.
r" 1 1 i
\....:.::..""i.;; H:,~r.~ 11
I.,<JveJ. th~t t,jl.;; &tr:.::~~t ...r.J li=.:L:. COLlLlittJ~ b0 iy!.truct,~-1
to r;;..;,~:' "Nl-J,;.:..t ~l'r~rcer..er:.tjf; (:.:w"(J, t(~ H.~...i.G f01' ,.:it:,~ li~)_~;i., th3 cOJr~lnS
v':intc:r. ?;;;.ttor, ",eCGnJii and the wOtiv1i :.:;rt:v.,iJ.ed.
P CC'i,!'iljni,,)~! tion frQl,
feiO'j...:rdirJ, Ek Ii!:!W<:'l' ~'CJ;tT_Cttll', iniOtn),:tinS
t:.C:' ci t:' eOhLeil 1:0 ~,;..y ::o~.:tin~
,~.. "~.,"eil!\i:3r :'3CC1.(,: :,.;,.. ~eGorJ.S .~~,,{"'i~:8r:.t
" . 'II
~: ewer contract. ~'.l;:". r"~(;\~i v~d. ;.;..nc1 the: ~ler1~ Vit;..w.- in.tl'Ul~t.:~:l tG dr;;:..vv ~
\:,'~rl'ant for the ..t~OUr.Lt iT: f~vor of POi~,kinllb .0: 7:"ci!Lel') ~~"",lLe to ~l"l.>ly on
... ;';"Y!~l~'::rl t fOl' con~~ t rUGt i}1 ~ C 6W eX' .
C'll';"II.Oerliil.ir: ;, ave.]" tL", t t,,~: (:1:,1'1<. b.; in"tr1.H:tcl1 tv ...n:", 01' COJi,~:.ur:ic:.-
f1'(ll[, ~;;"'C0r!!~.
.. , ~ ..
~ ~cOr.L,~'d'~v.. ~n,.4.
it w""~ c~:rriCtj.
:'C011 L,()v;.';:I tl'dt the eotlDcil ...;.J.journ ",vbjc-:t to t1".2 c..tlJ of t:,
~~hocl C01:i,:;itt2S. ~~rriej.
,I ~
:~~~,~ror .
, "~, , I ( (, '\....._
_____ _'8. .__ __.... _. _.__'-..__... _ _._. ~ ~ __._. .... ~. ..
1 B' P:e
C\," 1
.~ .' -~ .
("I!)~""'/~"':"'{I'1" ~...T"'-'rr'T-.'.."'" """":" ('~"~'-t~...-., "~r-T""T'":":"'T't i,T","" '::7'T4
,. , ,,\, .J.."'..' . .I..L \ '..,J.J. ~ ,..-.. I ,. \. '.' ,-" l. \-.... '_!, ~...... '-', t.o; I,J.. .
'The coun~: i 1 1.:.t3t i rl :-;:" e.c i ~t: be:::.a i on 'v'" i th H.;:..yor ':0 ~ i n th,~ 1-=1'1':1 i r
",' , , ' 1 ~'l"''"'~r~ , rc.c:i'''IIort r1"l1"',~ \!.i1"',,":lt,"'.',,';;' l'f' +~,,-- '~.I"~V':. {,-C.''." '1,,'''~2..l-l,i--:r_' ',",'~r,'!
:;:"'.l.l'~t;;),:':-"'-'1:!V;...,iIt~'....~vJ.. ~.._ ........'"'' _'-'_.........___..., _,___.I.... --
re~J ~ni ~:[rov~i.
Ch;;;,mberhdn ..t~, teJ. that tiiE: work on the "c:1001 l"ou..e ~rounj.. M.lli
.l-',r{)~re~:zi'nL ..nJ tb,at he tr.Loucht it would oe conJj.lete.:1 by ;~t1.~rcl8..Y
} report from th~ lisht co~~1ttce W~~ to ~ha eff~ct th~t tho
licht~ woulj co~t the ~~~e ~~ l~.t ye~r--~J.6Q for 16-c~nJle ~ower
lan~l ~~. ~Il,i ~"3. ;:,C for 3:- -c,;;,,::( .lle 1- 0'VJ er 1 i,::-1: t ~ .
~TOCr: n'~()vej. th;.:..., t th0 liCht ccr;i~<~~i tt~3 Oe iU;)tru.2te,j to :.I.~~VC t:;.s
li::..t~ cut in or: ;-'~.fteh.bcr T~jt;. ::ev;ett ""i;.~cor..~led. t:1: l.Avticm anJ it
\i\';;';;"~) c::...rr i ~~.:1.
:~oon ~ rdi.>er.te:l a~z:iiiz ~r, i tel;,ized. bill fo;:' til: lw,o.;;r u...ed. in
t~l.:; ..,.tVver ~r.l.l ",te;.ted th",t h~ ,Je.ir~c~ to l.i.i;.t.V~l it L;,;;..de ~ ~,.;;..tter of
l"eoord on th~ J~lir.t;.te bech..
A l'e1ort 'vv~1iI r~ad fron. tIle treO;t...ur~r ~h1 en iwticn of ;;Ge;D, w;;c..
r~o8ivcj ~n,1 hlade of recorJ.
Sij~ for builJinr th8
r ' ,.,',' ,; I 1/, Ji~,' .:-~
tlJr e~ bi:la c t f er ;:;;:1. J~' Yl
bchocl ho~~e were th~n rec~ive~. ~heTs ~~ere
., ,1'< \J A.,. ;,.< ~ . .,// / if,"'-" ,
0""' -"~+l' ",., w' ..: ..,,~ "l~ to' . "1' 'rr'~fti!';" r "t"-l' ,.,.,
.... J ........... v . ~~ J. I ,~i..t It:I 1lIol....1.,......' ;. _ ~.... l. i ... LI. V J..l.- t.
ir. ~ biJ ~fter one bid h~l bear: o~encJ ~nj read ~nJ ~fter u0n~id3r-
~bl~ li~cu~~ion tb0 chair lecidad th~t the biJ ihouli be rdcaivcd
..r..1 r ~...d .
'~OuL moved. th""t ~ll biclr.. '03 t",ker, unJ.er ~:oEzider.;:.ticn until ':on-
day nic:r.t, AUG. 31, 7""ttOIll ~econ,lecl tl',e lwti:;.r, ""rd. it wO;t... c~rri;;;j,
,:;;;.tton l:.ov,~,:l th""t tt2 ,1Brl~ l;e in..tru,cted to t,0VC tl1C .:-1 ty we,fa te,
hi,;.j. of:ic:!. ;;z.w"~'i tt 2-~3ccnd.~d. ..r::l tl',j.\; l:..oti(jrl W-.j~ (?-!o.~..rrl sd.
I 'O;;;.tton I;lOV0J th~t the council ...,l~ourr. until "onJ.:3.Y ni;::l1t, Lu::,. 31,
_,:,,:::"'_IJ~_Ll-LL}k~ ~--
---V,V /; tIV\
1 g~!Fe
::::1>4 71...~ :~:~.:-...-." :- =-~"~',,..'-_- :~,~-" I. ') tor;"" ~:/:4
':..-':"'- --'
i'~12 vour~I..:iJ i;'.::t i:r- ~i 'eci~~.l ~~2j;)zi(,Y'~ \\i t~.~ .. :..:"rcl' ~o:: in
" 'h ''''';"n+ '"'1-" .1'"" "".'- ()f +".~ r~"l'c'-a
~n:::l ;.;..~.J....... i.j~r':l--er~ ~-r~.;..:. 1I. .1...01-.... L!. ....I.u.l.J.....~ ,..J.J.v"" ,-,II u._
re;;;;"l ~nd ~l.~. roved.
the c:~(.,ir
'~I c. 'Y' $:0.
'u '__..L. \..-
Chs~~~~rl~i~ ctbte~ t~ t the work of dx~~,v~ti~~ ~t th~ lct:Gl
,--', ~ '-'-1'" '1"-".--'- ,,,t.~., , ",. ~",--",.,t:;;.",. 1, ",.,~ '-'()'"
rol.j_.1J.~U" \'.~~t;\ .L'~.Cv ~'l'..L I \....'vI....".....I..", ""1,,.,1. ) C...l.ld. ...'..L.V.':'.'!' ~,,1 _ ..I..-.......l.'V..l. _ -.........
.. .. ,t T 7 5 6 r-- : 1-. ......1- .'.- . 'u.... ..... . - .CO 1.,..l- \ . - ~, ... I TOT to
,~:~'()l~.r:tin=. to ,.... .J....." t'...ull..iJ.... 11.1I ;._'-.~rJ.c;n\.) 11J J..u....:..- vO .LL.l.~. ::>,~ ..l_,J~:t.
~'L3 i;tre;;t cGmn}.i ttec
:r'di 0rt ed th.:" t tr..3 worl~. on tl: c ot> evv 8r 1;.C;. :~, ~):; en
tt~t .the r~~ort be ~ccepte~ ~md fiJ.2d.
lI"rocn j,~~ov~,.:
:T~\vi t~ ;.ic:Jonded the i:.oticr.L ~E,_: i t .,r3v2.:.il:;:~1.
Ch,Yl.berh:.in r;,ovel th",.t th,~ clerk '-'<; in';;'0n:cted to .ror""te tho
:.:.r:;ount -."seziiiable :':'C2..in;;t the l.rol,erty ""b1ittin[ on th(; ile-,ier from
~.~~1~i~E'tcn ~tr~et to ~:l~rch ~tr~et ~nj turn ~~D:e cv~r to the ~8~e~~or
Cr~wf01.t ~econded the h.otio~ ~rt it ~~~G ~"~rriej.
rrawforJ re~Grtej t~~t the li-ht~ WOLll 1)2 t~=ned O~ ~e~t.
)......1.0 .
A nUDlber o~ biJ.l~ were ~r~3enteJ ~n(l real ~~d en motion of ~r~~-
for,l the &ume Nera -.llowel ~~d the clerk in~tructed to jr~~ w~rr~rt~
for iJ~me.
~nder the hd~i of uLfiLi~hej bu~ine~c the qu~~ticn of builji~;~
..... ~chool buildirJ.,: 'h~iso l)1'Cl.iC;lt ul"). Tl...0re .ecr.-.eJ to 1): ~ feelin~' tl.l~t
there wo~:~ not b~ ~ufficient f~nd~ ~v~ilabla ~t thi~ ti~e to :0
~he~j with th~ buildinG ~nd "" di~cu~~io~ followed c0n;u~inE the
[reater ~ortion of the dvenins 01it ~~. fin~lly aettleJ by ~ vote
b,'~i:1hil' taken OD ,;h..Tlbarh"in;; rl1ction th"", t th::: "ol""ool "tuildin~,: 0:3 o1iil t
ini~cjiately. ~ha vote w~~ ty roll G~ll and rJ~ultej ~a follow~:
Cr~wford., ~'.eiJ; rh:;l?Lberl~i~~" "~"-0;D; ::ri..1.af, "t:e:; ;~ocln, :~o; ::.,;v;ett, :'~Oj
:~)~tton, l~'o; ~hc Preildli:1e.nt, :~c. Th~ lLoticn \";T~S lo~t.
~'-" ttor: ther. i"ovej ths. t the ;:ciyor ;;.rr)oint a cor..i:"i ttee "v0 find 01it
'vvllethoI' ':;"l'ran=en~~r:tGl coul,1 bG !lJ;..-:~I~ to .;~t ~juffici3nt l1:oney to most
~i,TJ~r l..lefic1enc~r lu:til ~u0h ti::-..e ~.oi 'the 0ity l1iOncy 'I~~culd b: :";,,vc.ilc..ble.
C1.':"i.ef li1eocr.d.ei the l!~oticr.l. ~nj it 1.rrev..').ill3d. ~'h~ ~:w..yOl' ~~ ~:,()inte.:.l tlJ.'::
:-in~n(~e 8or~r,:i ttee \iv'j.tb. in,ztructic:n~z t:~ rCi,c.rt 'back to :.- :;.~~tin~ to
'be ~delJ.. cr 7uG~do..Y r..iCht, r:e;.,t. l.t.-
ThJ ~clln0iJ. then ~c1jo11rn~j. until :\..l8..:L.~~r ;'.e.t.<V. Ibt.
~/ !.'
;"- / "I \.
, \'. . u', " . ,'.r
-------. _. -~----~~.:;.-~'.._.- -, ---~-------
;::.;.~tor ,
1 H'lI:e
;:'~-,i~~':~~Ii~"l"J "~T"---'~I~Tr' '~!r C"'-'.,"-AT~r: 0~:~~'~C;TL, r:'p:::~rA~"'" rrrr:'. I/14.
Th:; ,-;c.;>L:.r:~;il L~,;t i.r~ l'';,.....'L:.l\~-:l. ":c~~',~ion \;,.i th ~:~."yc:!:' ~c::
;,.~11. JL2t'J';8rz ,;,,"t.:::.:cnt. '~he 111irJ.ut~_~~ vf Lhc ~~revic.u~
~r,j "';_,L.'rroV"c:J..
ir. i~~l::: ~h~ir
l~J.:;:.::tin;'" \:ere
. 'Y'_~
::0crJ., Cl.~ i.4 i.,en.Der of th~ fir:~;.no(; ,:c:i.~>-i ttee, 1'8I'Ol'teJ th.::,.: 1'.1.= l-..~:i
cor..f~rrej \'1J'ith "~l'w Anj.:;r;or: of tl-~~ ~~~i.rl1: of f'eVii..,l:d. (jonGerrJ.irl'~' a lG~n
to th:::: ci tv ~nd 'Na,f; infor:'~.~i b~." .'1". ":~YiC:~l'~Or: t~~..",t t~>::- b....n}: v~oul~:
. ''Ii" r,~' ' r:" 'r?,unt '.'.'. t- "r r:~r ''''1' t" l'nt"'r~..t Q'r~" ,,~, "'nt .f'o~ or:.~
~t...l ~~'JJ.\..":' c...L ~.. ta.." .. LA"i.... V '" , ~I".,,,,,, v~..... ~.....w ...l...... ..._......... v.....,l. J... J.. JV
r;.cnth) one-l1i:..lf l:er cer~t for t\.j'() w3ek~ ur one-tr_ir:l of one ..,;'~l' cent
for Qhcrt~r time,
~.~o..yor ~02
:.irLOUTI t ui-
~t&te1 that a citizec had acr821 to loan the city
..L.. . Jj-'T ~r-("\
1..1 (j ,~', .J '.i \ , .
~~tton ~t :tsj th~t 11~
h,;. ~~ ...;.. CCr1V(~r~0~ticr.:. wi th r;~11~irje (:o::c~rni!"J:~
r~,.te;l .~r::: trol.(;tt ~?~j,lli.;:.,iLe h~\.d. r~fu~aJ to ~]tcr
~,i- ~
lu".verin:': C"Jf \,i'Iat2r
the r1.i t e fro!:: tl1~.. t 0 f :",,,~ t ~; .3~j,r .
Cll;=driborl~ir~ LLoveJ tt.~ t th3 '.:i ty ,-,.ttorn~y C? ini:itruct~j tc t,-=. k: 'G.,rl
~l~c :;':,:t,tter ,,j.nl .~,.J.Vit..8 th~ l..:c1J.ncil t}~3 cour~e to l~ urcuc to con~~)cl
t!.L';~ Vi.::\..t.3l" eOj,~:l-,~ny t(j .;~xt3nd th~ .,:...ter !!~~in. tc ~~c0on'.odi.;.it;,.:: l;;;..tron..
y;ho wi zl.i.ed to b eC1..:.r e v\I:;''i.. t er frou: the 0ori:r~r:y .::;ho1..~l G. ~,",..i j c()n..:~ i..l~ny
refu~ed. tiel \:;xt~r:i i to 'll~)inc if !.::...l:ed. tG ,:iG ~o. C'l'cl.;v\f0rd ;;.;eucr:i~~~
t:./.~; H:.0tion :.ll:i it... rcv~ilc;:d..
f ~u~ber of bil1~ ~ere ~.resc~tei ~.~d on li.ction of :h~n~berlin ~ere
oriered lhii,
17n~er the he~j of 01j ~uzinei: ~~~tton lLovej th~t ~11 ~iJ.~ rcc2ive1
+"0:::0 rJuil~linc- t~:e ~)~hccl :1GUZC be rej~cted. ::-..i~ j",.(;tior: crec...te:l ;.';'
.iiacu~aio~ ~~1 l~O~ 1:8~~~Zt City Attorney ~r8~n ~t2te~ t1~~t ~e tho~~ht
th.~tt lln:ler 'c11:~ .Jircu;'~ctr~_nc~c ;111 :)id.:; a:hot:.l:: b~ r~j;:)cted.
Cr"..'for-'l 1.'OV"c' ""'o,t "r :'~"'ft1'n~'~ 'oi" b'" "c"~r.t"'j . ~'i -'-".,,,, '~ontr","t
,C...'N . .......,~. .-"~l., v.l.......... ,.. :iJ....... ..~_ 0.,; I".'l.,"'''''' .'""'-:--........ ~.......... \.,I............ _. .... _......
for lJl..l1:~ln-,:: w~'i: c.~chovl 1.lOU6C l)e i.l\"/~l'de.J. to ."~lrt. Ch~ .lJ'.:b:~rl..;~lrl iiAec-
on..-Ied th~ lLJvticn ~nj ~ vote bv roll 01.111 1'3;::1...;,1 ted ~,~ follor;.:
"r' \'..""or~' '""",. """.r. bnrlir v;'c" "r' ef '" -. 'Tron " . ""-'--i+.+ n.
1....' ~J.,.'~ 1. J U. J .~ r;;; >.,} ) '...1 .Io./.";',!j v ,1.1 ) 1 .... o.iri.: ' ~ .... , ;. e:,.) ~., v ,.l, 0) ... J. C. .. v 1.,1 , .. 0 '"
~::.ttor., :""0; ~~h:; ?r:ziJ~r...tJ :"0. Th:~ r~'.oticr. h~~ lozt.
::.~ttC};, l':;r:ev~reJ. :.l.i~~ 'J.Gticr: th,-~t ~:.ll ui~~:; 08 l';::j2:.:t:;:l ~n:i tt,,,t EeV~
~iJ~ b: oGlleJ. fer, ~z 'follo'v~: ~L3 biJ fo= b~ilj.in~ tt~ 8oncrct2
b"zerr,(!nt ,Ltnj ar...otheT c,id fo~~ buil5..ir~= th3 :::.c};tool bui13.in:'. :....:::\~,~eyt
~econJej thi~ r::otion ~~j ~ vats tlY roll 0~~1! r~:~lt2j ~~~ follo~z:
"r,n:-f"o.,...:1 ~"o' .-.,"1,.." :.......r'\.,..'l'n ~,"!"o. nr '''f "'c' .......o.~. ...,,"~~.. T: ~':Ott ~."'.~~.,
,"" u h..... ......1..;. . ; \~' .I......". ", U ...l. .J., ...) ..) _..~.,.;.)" V ...I.) ... :.......;.) l J l~V. \;; , .l ......" )
rQtto~J ~3~; ~lle President, ~:3~. ~h~ L~otio~ Das c~rrie1.
:'~~:~ttorJ. ,. cve;: '0h.~,~t zzz
m}.n -~1' t"lr ';~+""oyt.,-,.~~.. .1.- ....1.. n"t......'~ntr.:'>r~ to 'r~l.' ,...... 'Y'..'v't1. '.:~~[.: ...c.1rJ"!", .:.:..'~'.. 701'"
.;....l..... I"j :.....l.I.. .......'...; .~t. ~'''; l......v.:....,L ~./ ......'.~....'-' " ... ~__ '_ ~_,~~_ ... ...
"i.l~" tt." ~," ", fo~ thc,O"'~~'''''''' wer" t" c' o~~ on ~1 "r~d' ., I1' ~.,.t. " --t
.... "oW) .... '_)J....L J.. ........ v.JJ,...~-".>............. .,l _. UI.... .J.,.;.;,,-..; 1. ......u.... ..~~' J '.1....1.1 .e~' .
2,..1, ~.~.~ tb~ ~i(L:~ fo:, t:~c: 6chr;cl buiIJir:.;to \.::loz8 on ~"onj.:~",r ni--ht
;'.'\."+ 7t'-1 ..J..' '1 ....,. ^ '+-... -/"1.,,' ,~J.'~".--:" "'~Y''''''''''''''''''' +.:-.....- ,
1.;:;._1.1) u.....l.o 0 C Ov.K. &1 VOIJ.., :....,:::lrJ. l1'....l\...;!: ....l...... Lr,,:,;~H"-''-'..... vo........... :r:.::: ..~;\._
~~.tin~ ""'r'b~r1i~ ""c vo+~~ ~o '
I"..'\"'.l;' ...:~ '".......~~, A' ...., ... ....., ,'..... v":''';' .I.... .
Tl1~ L~'tin.:- th~r: ~.ljourr...oj t(j ~"l11Ar~i~4,Y ni:<bt ~t t3 cJ',:;lc\Jl..
/' )...J .... .
___L__l_~ _ -,,_LL__i~~_L=:L~_
<... { ,~
- .. ,/ / '
---------.-----.-----..--- - -----
.;.;...jTOI' .
1 J q 1 r-
~ _ 4
"".........r,.,. ~ -r ";;~T".T"""~...,T..'l"~ r"-'''-~:~"" "":r-T'l"~i"lT' T7'''''TT:.(",<T''''I~ "IIi'" '''''''T''lrTI 3;'T'
. \ ,,';'j-\J.l '. __ .~J..~,.. . I J.... '. ,.",,,,.. -.-'..1.-...1; ,;., v...~ ,.1~",") '" I.... ,,1,.'"%
+~.~~~*.***~~**~~,~:~'~~~'*=~::*'~~'*~'~'*~"'~:;':~:~~0~'~*;':~~~:'~ ';'L~
,j,J:l~;; ~~~~,.~tin..;.: ~\I"~ c~lle,l -to orller -by :~:"""YOJ: 'I-:'O~ :...n.i ~ll !l1~lijb0r.. wer'3 .t
~,re.ent ,
Th~ winute~ of th~ ~e=tin~ of '0nJ~y ni~ht were ra~j ~nj
..r;~- rove ~ \z:t"X~~~~x~1t~U~M~~Z~fj{XJq$Y4~;;
~~xbK~~~~ ~~oaIDerli;z.~~aOOxz.~Z3oeci~x
:118 obj~ct of thi. ~~:tiL~ W~~ th~t of rB0eivin~ bid~ OD the COD-
crete Viork of the ,.chool hou..e, jour bid. '^cr.~ -;L',~..ujt,~,i..... followii;
;eo. ::. Con}lin, "973.CC.
-. ~~ih~rt ~nJ Ch~~, ~old, "1,345.0C.
.,~. A. :~Ol'r:eT ;..nJ. tJoll1": Le...n,
~, A. (:uir,n,
JJr:-""''' rr-
,,;,)\"'\J. \..\...
?- t ton ~l~OV c,l t~j,:';" t th3 C (.in trc~c t b;:; ..:.V:;,;o.r je,'~ t; 0 ".' r. ,'""'.. ui nn, ~li,. b1 J_~
b~in~ thd lowest bi~ ~ubffiit~eJ. ~oon ~~conj!j tild illoti0D _ud _ vot~
b~i roll fJ_ll I'~.'~i.t;.:;\j ;..l.w fQl:ow..: C:t:ti.o.W[Cl'\:, :t~;...,; C:il~n~b~r:lM.in, ::"v.
:-;l';..~f. "Ire:.:). T~'e'fl:~ttfl .{e~.
.,.... "to'
"oon, .~~~.
P ...... t to Y.l ~ "(!.. e Q .
~~cl ~l~0tion ~~~ ~
~~L~ [,'i l~,i ~n..1 tll.~; contr~c't /\~.~ -...w_r,j0,,': 'tQ 1'. ....>~lir...r....
'~....tt()n r.:cv'!J tG ...djoul'n tQ r:.,~2t ....c;...in ':ord~:r nii:,.::1t, r:e,rt. 7, '-OOy,
,=econ.j,1iL\ ~n -1 tb.8 council ...,Jjournr~J.
:<!~/ ,;{ /
.,' / , .
~-T /. . ,,/
_tL:.____ .{,L{:-~ '_[._~_,?:,_~~_,_ 2__
C""l-,;r}:. .
1 n~!Fr'
,.....- - i-""'
,-, '-'r!T:~,/.~' -~"-'''''''r;'I~-C ~.~ :'-:-~"I.~" n F;:"7~ ('~IT!)
.'. .t. ~, ..... :7' 0.1, ~ * *" -7' ,~ ';~ ;1: _I. ;" :~. .'. .L ,'. ,', .'. .~; ::- ;': '. .:.., ..~ ~', ;"'~ :. -: ;"
7 IT'
l . (~
. '":' ~,--r:-..J. ~." )
'.,',' .'0. . .'.
, '.
Th:~ '_'()ur.~'.'iJ [I ~~t., iYi l",~;:-:~(~J::._r ';i~.?:.~...)i(\r' ',i tl'l "";...~r(r "''10,- J.T' t~'i::~ '_'.;.J: lj:'. /:11
,'::1; b.:.:~rs;. ~', rei. t;rlt.
TL~:: L~in1.:.t.:~u, cf
'./.'::1' ~ r,-::~"\.,-l.
t}"! ~
l. 0:': ~vi ()1..;..
I~.2.:: t 1 r:::;
~l~l rov ~~ ~~..
~"rvQr,; :..-t:....tj..:. C:;..;..G ';.;.'; ~rct 111) C;Clrltr~ct :J~;'l l1~~;rj _tl'~.\r:r:. V.it'l-~ "'1'. ;"'uir,r.
J. C'~' L'
L. C.. v.ilI' d.
-'r ,~u.im~
COTlI..-:r.et(: \\orl~_ I_,r. La
J_'. .
',,' r" " ., ~' ",c ,'.",. .', , . - r i "t i ' J' 'r
:.":'::J.'~ .1.....,l,:':-,eLL> .l.J_\...i".,d _ LUI>!~L.i.c c_, .....'.: __
tL.::. ll.;....1~1\1;;. of t,L:::, cl'~~rk; ~,~t.;:.;,.t-
in;.,.' tb.:.;..t :ne vv0111.1 tlLt'o\l; u~ t:..,:: cor(~l'~ct ~L..'l forf,",;it J..illb 'u'2,5.C.( to
th.:~ .:~ity.
.:;i.l....;.l~:b~3r1:.....iL tl.,l,~r.:. L.ov~d t~u~t t'lJ\~ .forf:\'~i t .lJOr~~3Y 1J~; I',~tt~:rriecl
to Hr. '~,'Llinr', cJ'ut;;"iil t:~,o .Lutior. rec,;;iv<::",.l. [,0 ;",:,,,0r.,1 tL'.~ .;ll:.:.ir :J,J-
cl...r~~:~ tl-_,:: Lotie-r: lo~t.
;~ L1..di.bc;r of 'hi::l:;.; '-l:,ro;r,~ ll'~:;~:n]r,t.,::::-] ;.;"r...-1 r~::~IJ ~n,j C'E !~~ctiuL of ~~.;I':';:'v'.'f(,)r"J
';'1i ~re or.1;.; l' ::. 3.. 1-.:.;,.i..1.
.J.\~ "1'. :'""'.Linr. :i~,I tLl'(.'v,rr~ 'u.' tl..-.:: C()r,..bl>~,:t. t.u ...1(~, t'.-.":: COTle:I':3t,.= '..'Jerk C-T
~~ll,-~' ",cbocl l:.cu.~; '?~t Lur: !:i(;V,;;~, t:.l~t L~lv '~(jntr..:;~ct b,:; ..i Vcr: to t:~c rJ.\~;xt
J.OV~de.>t bi..1Ser,~; or< tt.i~ \,":"vrk. :-,J.:~,~tt ...~~~0r,.l,:::. tLI~. Id.;tior: ~r.:: it IN;;".....
8.;:..l'ri~:L1 ~rl j the corjtr \,-..:~ .~ ~~z, _Xvw:....rJ\~d to ~:-c;::~.;'::"r..,. =-orn!'~I' _nJ L!.~:-.r. .f.a!:"t
ir! t~.l.';) ~~vent tb~t trl':~:c1r:" L.~=1J JiJ riot ~o t:lr'o1.J..~L t'>I"--~ "r;""'YOT \V...;.;~ ili-
8truct(::<~ to "/;'ir~ for tl1'.: c'~r.c~ent ~n ~ tl1;:-:: oi t~T V'i'CU} 1 l~'l'O~::: ";J. tc .-1 f.) t,:'~Ai.-.
r~~lL..:: tli;~L,~ fc<c l)l:il~~ir:~ t:-j.~~ ~Cl'j.0(;1. 110u~d~ \';:"jI'~
ti(,1.'J ~..;;a fcllo\i\..~::'. :~. '~~L~~..n, ~~'3)57I.CC.
tlJ~~E r.J,,:.~d. -;~'li..~~r~ ~~f;:r~~ t'~~()
~30. 2onklin; ~3JZ9C
Cr~wf(}r\",l l~~OV~J tl-.....,t _i.) t:j~ 1;iJ o~. Hi'. CorlJ\lirJ 'J',':.ioi;, t1.1~ lo"~v jo;:,t; tlJL..t l-_~.-:
b::~ ~w~r,L~,J t~J..~ cor:tr:..:..ct. "~oon ~eeor!cl~...: ;";"Yi i tl-le L~oticlr: ~zzZ"zzlZlz u7
1'011 ~...;.lJ, 1'~;;,uJt:;:';!,l, Cr~'~"::'o-c~1) ","~,e,;; ~tl:"""I~.b:_~:r]i,r; "'."~'~;; ....'1._:::, ~1",;;;~;
:~ '.;",," J :" J", "'r ~l~ j ~'-:-Ol,,'LJ ~;~'e~, j ~='_ t tOT.;., -:....:: .;, . :'l.:.,; .;.Q~ i or, ..., ....L I,';",'.rr i ~ ~L.
~-(Ori 17"::~'.,1 tili~~ f'olJ_v~:1jin~ r'~.ulo:utior: 1:~:~ it r~;.oclv(=J ~_I:i tiL~.. ~.~C)J,"i.~'n
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t'.d..1 -(...r...JciJ. r(>l"'~' c'c:'()l",lk l~. L., .....T,,1 2ontirn,<.I:' iL ,,~~;;wi0r LtLt.il tl'I,,;" .-'..;..tU.l'-
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~:....,:::~-, J;';';"J'.
~,~ it fLrtt~~~ r3~olv2~ tll~t n0tic~ Gf~~uch ~1~0:tin_ b3 ~ublii,h3J in
tl...,.,::, :-'..;vJ;;,~:.r:i =';....tev~ay fO,L' t~J.J:':~ i.:,y~ .i,ricjl.' to ":..d..iG:l 1. ,~.;.::tir::~... fI
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...~ t ~~ 0 t (' 1 ('I ~ }: ;._. .l~.. A t1. jour r, ,~,,} .
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Cul~.:G.0ill;~".:r... :~~":t.~,(!;Cr~rlir.l. :..~.,.,I::tt ~~;(:o::J~, ;.;..r:.J tl"..:'; c.c..ticy... .,i'l......
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:it ~~\;.; r::f;:-rr,.=.~1 .JC0 t~..:. ;.5\";.~1~.J. ''''orl..~..;rci.,:,:. c.lljt "r - .'":;: ...,~0or:l:.j t;-..:-~ i: c-
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1'ic.c!'J. Ll,OV~::.:l t:.'~ t t:-:: bcr,~1 of rl ~C" ~'t. Cor...}:l'ir,
"T:;",~....;:.tt ~.(~cor:\l~, ;.,I".T1,-l t::.oti.cr :;r.~\t-IY.il\;J.
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,.,:;-oo::l~'~J ~),'r ~"!"~w.::tt, ~.wt:,:: ,\..;IO;t, '..Jr:~drcJ. .......iJ.
~:l: ":.tt::r (,f ::~t;;zr~ir,"4 tl-...: til~-~.':; fur t~x~u ~ciY~=; ..:i.elir:t~I..l.';~r:,t '~n,'1iI
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T:~ ~~ r,~I;.,clu.tiorj '~\...6 ... .Joi",t...,l.
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VI.;..r.t(~,,:: ......:yi'.,it tv .li~~. lit.J_..~....f(j,r '.1~,t.::.r ..,I.....lr..iI.i. :i..u; 11~~YV1"
..ut\:!;d tlC:l..: ,;omititt-=,;: Oli firf.."! .vrot:::.Jtior.. 'Co :il' '~. l,... .;...,. .:.~or:tr;.....l.o>t fvr .
C .;l't;.;..iL ~ -;ri0..}. (jf ti~i.~;: ~O'ii t~... t:~',. ...\u;.,.t~~::&:.. 0VL~ ~ ";.'~y. /.1';"0 tv ~.:~':':r',",.r~"-'c: fo::'
"-I".t.=r for t::~; :,.,.:;1:0(:,1 ~-...cu~~,
T1J..,:,re 1J.::ir~:..: 'LO f1..l.rt:.43T l)u...ir.~:..;;:' b.;.;fcr~t:
W~.~.J t.ik~::r "co t}:'; ~-:,.ll of "tl.l:: ~",'.yvl'.
L,;:; ;::<jurcil
;..Ii _J~, Cl:crr:lj,;;;r:t
1'-/ /,' - <J-_/"
,,;/1' .~;. 7r ,; / A__
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(""0"'-1'7"1"'1:. T ,... ...-........,....mT'l'.T/"l -- .....,-,..t"~1..,..~'.,.- p-,,.'!<--- .-'~T-:,-,"'lTT "~~prr-"# T~':.T4
.r.l.,'\'!..L.J'J.l~ '.;,l....L.~'J\, .'). '0'" ~jl' J-.)\ \....,)....J,I..'.L.....), 1.,/ J.. I.L......,I.' '.
, . :... c.)
~iL~ ,.;Gunc;il rc;;t in r;e:~;ul:..r ..e..:::iol' ",it:-. --...yor =O~ ir,Li: '::-".i1'.
ftll ll.3~~b3ri ~:re }r~~~~t .
:~oon lr;ov~j th....t ,,;.,11 r~rr;:it. tl-.l.~.t :J.d.:l bc~'r ;iv~r: out :):2 ~.:i-lrov:=J by
t~r,.~ 0o"L:r.c:il
2~tton ~~corl;. ~_rri~~,
("Ir.,.,,~v~f() r-:1 1!.OV3J. t:~>;;..,t th:; ~\Jl::.ccl C(':1LjrLitt~,~ l~~r .... Ie or ~ ir~c;. \,VM,tif;r
rl\~ir, fron' 1\,l~~LL~ ;;.tI.:~t tej tr...; ..,c::bccl U(;l.Ua.C:. :>:.lttorJ. ';;.;...~vor.,l.:,J t.t~~..: i..Cti.O""
~rl it ~~~ c~.rrial.
:-cC,;r" L.i.l;V::l th"t t:-.l,~ \/V:'wt61' L:on!:::itt::::c b~ ir:..,.tr~at~:l to .~.....v!.: tH': 'r~t~r
:'c.:". ,.ry ~ ut _ :::':'t1'...r,t .,t ~ecc'I)J ,.tr..;,;;t ;~,J....l' ,;~ff::r..v~. l-l..o 0.; lr.-
....tru0t.~5 to ~ut ~. ::y,~lr'J-r~t ,..t t..~~~ L....ubn~r Cc.<t'r:::r, .....j',]. if Lvt tll.~r:;
.1aC! it ~t th~ ~~11~i~e COYLer 3d ~~l ~~~~i~ltoL ..tr..;~t' without
~x t ;Hi.1i n'~' [;,,,,i r.. .
C:.l~.i:_ib~rl ~\ i r~ ...;;. cor:.d~ ,-1
....'. .,
_T ;.~ it .i"J..... 0;
l~ ..1':;" i ",; j .
J..tty ""r~J:::r:, ..it t~-l t.... t ~rr~"rl~'::;JlGr~tiljt ~~c.uulj be l~.i&"j,.=: for t;~: \Jomi~
.;;l..:;cti.(JYl .....r.lJ t..1.;...t Loti..:::: CJ: ~l..i;c:tior... ~[.lGu.l,l 8-.; ._o,,-t-,,-l 3C \l....~T. b.:;-
for.;; "t:.t~ jl(::;:;tiG~:.
'21..-:..lLb::rlin l.L~{;ve\1 tl:.;.....t jUJ;;':~ii .$,.T:.1 cl:~r}:.. vf ,;l~cti(;rl b,,~ r~.;.l..,:;~~ for tL.:
.;-"l. ':'l;ticrj
~[..\>,t t~.t;~: fir~ .L.L"l',11 b~. ttJ.~ ...l.....c;; fer holJin:;.' Li....~:
Qi ty 4...J~tcrr.L~Y, ~r".Y0:: .,.,LJ :':le:rL l r;"~l~r,; t:-..c"r:;;0-
, ti
C:l..;:C cr.l
,:.rj tli.~,t
J~ 1 ~ .~
.;~ s ,:' ~:.r'v fer :lGJ. ~J i r." oW l";.C~-. ~l.~~ t i (',rl .
~;.ttuY: ..,Gccl!:1e 1 th::: !Loticr~ ~n.1 it
"_" c"'.rri~i.
Tt.e nl~yor ~...l vir~t,~.l t~~.~ follov;ir:.-' """~ .:::l~r1:~ .i.Y..J j1J..d.::.:~.;:.: =-l~I'k., C..r1
f,ltf,y ...r: 1 /" ... -;1' own .
L71;.J~::~Q, ~". ;. ?;....tt()r~, '~u,l --.....rL.or:. ....r..j ~.
JUCt.;...J!, .
CL._dj"~b.:rlir, l";OV;~j tll.....t tL.-.; ~i11 of '~"~l'l .J\lt[~y;, ~\,,ii ... '~~'"'.~tJr fur :~iZCC
b~ ~llcw~j ~~tto~ ~~COLJ0J tl~~ u.0tioL ~nJ
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....J.J.2 OOUr:Cl ,('.i.~r:.
_.4.j c ~rn ,::::.
< y' ~ I' / ,f- (
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',I' '.,;' . / /,' ,
Tht: CO'.lTlcil'wt in "~gulGr Rl"ssLon wL tj. all Y!lCmbITS
pre8en~ exc~pting Gra~f.
Noon corrf!cted tILl" r..,.adin~: of trlt mi'~ut"fl by ir.sl"rting
tIJat 'ill gr,ldir:g pl,rmi ts now isru('~ by Btrn~t an'l All!";;,' ('o'l1mi tt~l!'
be uIJpr aye rL
Crawford report.." tL:t U,c lL!ht had been placed at
Adams and First street, also XX that the committe had given tI;1'!
Water Company" p!'rmi t to put in hydrante al'"l directed wLI,re they
should be nlaced.
Noon reported that the echool building is progressing
in a f'latisfactory mann~r, water pip~s were being In-id and almoet
ready for connection to be made.
In the matter of the taxee on tj,e propertyr now owned
by the government where the cable office is now ~2. ,L, L,e1., Noon
moved that lote 10 and 11 ir. Block 8 be: stricken from tIll:' tax roll,
Crawford sl!condt,d and tLe motion prevailed.
Patton moved that tIll!! warrant drawn in favor of otto
R. Haneen ae a part payment on the echool lot be aancelled and a
new warrant drawn ir. favor of ti,e Whi teLead Real ty arid Investment
Company, Gra,.f sl"cond, ar:d thr< Y:10tion was carrifd.
Noon Dov,.d that the report made by tht tr",uBurpr be
ac~epted and placed on file, Crawford M~conds and motion prevailed.
A communicatior: waf' l'eceivl'd fro.':! tlH~ fir~ dl"partmt'y!t,
cH~r1 Cra",fol',1 ~1ov("d that l.t u!" plaCl"d 01" file, Graef seconds and
motior carried.
A pet: tion from "cLe ci tiz~n!'l r"co~J,..ndil"C 1!:el HOl'ne;v
as night watc1,::'Otn waf' receL"ed, Crawford moved tlwt tlle ,'ame bt,
placed or; ::ilE', Patton f'1-cor,r18 arcl the f1ar:lr p1'l"vailed.
A "umb!'l' of ()ills \Vt'rl' r~"cei'!('tl ar..i1 l'ead cjf'cl on motion
of Crawfurd 1'1"1'1" o1'dercrl l,aid.
Crawfurc1 (;1ovt"c1 tlJut notic,,- of t:-~~ctior\ iI', ~"hr; r.tWsl',o'IH-r!'l
U!3 l-~quirl"d 'u:,' law, Noon second ar,Q ;00ti.C'y] f'r.,v,,l::.JecJ.
Attornt;.J~ (}r(-:~r: re~u(trt~'\1 t}-lat tLe Cit~r ta:'\ Cr'1,~f!S acain~t
tlH'~ Alae}:;i rorth,.rr, Railroad Comp8.ry 1.8r1 -bef r. ul,L"ld by tiLf' court
At1'J()l'j~r Green stated tLat l}~, wi~~l~ed all c;,:'Enit ir: t1:.if' cnre to be
given to Attorney Ray ~JO co~rluct..~ these cases.
Noon :i1ove-d ~_Lat tLe Clerk be ir;stluctecl to ;'12ke it cOP:"
of the CCI\u't'e (;I'cisiolc for ':,ri.. City Attorney, ~JLC original to -be
fiJ"..,-l '.,i,,;i~-,}L '''}If'. Cl~rkJ S~c()nc1 .cy Crawfo}'clJ '.~r;()tic:; earriec:.
Pattorl :"'}o"l,Tt":d tllSt tl-L~ aSF~SSOl' 1)~, i.ir,r::..j':'l'U.C"',t'l~ to ~i'1:d~e
COl'rl"C tior;1'> o)~ c~rtain lot , C;':twfol'r; 1'\" co:.r: dY',l tL"
mot i(;n pr.-vailed.
U1Jd~-:::' L.t"~'(ft~ ,of tlt-;',',; "bur: ird~BE }Toon 8.Ek...d "~Jla.t. u, l)t'rmi t be
giv~n to tL~ f)""(laro. I.;i;:;Lt &. rGV;("l' 80t'j_I~':'L:..r to C}-l.'lL~t. d 'virfl': il~ fl',ol'lt
of tilf: J3rof~il..f; 6:. IJoor. td:Ul', ~llfl() t:lat t~ f'trf'l'f'-t l.;o~!Jmi.ly:e~ 1 t'"
a1J:lior~:"7,~ll to ;ivt' tl,t" Lic;Lt &. rOW~I' Co. pt.a:r:1it~~ ~:o ).t'-.l"l(Y.V~ I r)J~f'
~.".t,_. 1.~l':l~t'L ~~"( directi()l': (J:r' t}~t" I.ig}lt l;O.ll:l.i t,~_,ee ;u d. at tht ();'l t"nf.::;~
(): ,l"l..t: I~iCJL"v ?: PC;V.'Ll' Cc., P(l.t~(;rJ f',t<,_'crJ(:, r:~,rr; ..:~,1.
Pat ''-OJ' ;;,c'~~cl ~~ (~-:: t}j(-'; Sl-'11(;()1 l~o'.,J.dJi ttet.. 1:c inz-::.ruc:;I..t'",:: to
ll':ok aft~r tJl{ --""'1...ll'LisJ,.i"'I:S elf t}:ct~ r:f"'; ~;~,'Lou;. l,cu~~ -/.1:r1 t'~~:l-JU\V~~'~{l ~.o
(,'~~J' Gll :')1'r i tl.U'r~ r:t:,~(l,,\-l t,() fU.l'!JiFli tLt: r:~h' sellon] rOODi CrHwforCl
fq\ (' Otl l; f~ ,!y' d :,~ ,t~ :"G 0 t i or, lJl'ev, ~J J t< I.-~ .
r::'Le' C;'J').rj(~:l ::.~Y- (,.(1,j()uJ'r ed
:/,1 rt( (C}l:~~.
'-j ,
HEGTTLAR ~.ry;1'~':' Ira SEWARD COUNt'll]" nC'l'OJ3ER ~, 1914.
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Sh,Cli.:I, ;:..L:;';'nM~ C~t Tl,-", ';.'Ow1, COm,Cll., SrWARD? AI.Am:A
OCTo13Jm 1~;th,1914.
The CoulIcil :net i~-1 ~~Jcci2.,l f;eesion at "the To\\rr~ Hall t.lt b
I"). :'.. Oc":.. 1:2,J014, wi.th ~~RJ'Ol' Boc in the ~hail'. prcccnt \,'(Jl
Ca'vincil:ne:. CJl?,l'll,C:: Cr~'''ifol.'C:, John NODll, C. F, Hewet.t, I;. ::. CL;";.lbu'lir,
~~~ J. O. Patton.
The ~~lir:utcs of tIle pr'cviu,cf..: meetir~~ were rt~ci.,(l aLrl appl'~ved
~s rC'~d.
Nr. T, R. Nc((lh;'1:n'rc r, ple;cltlor, Gr. .nvtl.:;r; 'r;:; })att.oL
[~(;tJor,df.{: 1.<,1' HCiNf.tt ",,:J,d..! ~(;~LJJ:t;;d ard (l.. vote of t};ankf tl:-'uerpd !~r.
~T e c rihc:J.::. .
I'!'hc ~.p,,:lic'lt:"oLE oi' W. "'. J,ucrw ar'l C",rl Al~!J:; f:',r nl'J,oir't-
:~If~r~t ['Jf: ':'ov:n C1eJ:'}~ ;:lr:(~ 1"r~.lni'.::;i~)ull"a~iLtrcatt~ '.vere !~crt.d. TLc CO:lTlciJ
'tJ,pn 1j'lllntt'tJ 0n t, (' :':'"I;licutionF wit), tJ,~~ ',;ollnwint: rf"Fultp,,-_
w. T. LucL.c. I,
Ca.!": l.l.l.i,.y ~.
"'~r. t~l..('.( (ilcJ..~.t.rL{: t;lcctpc, ;U",(i ~,[,.(rc1.~1 ()r took JtdJt };lacp nf
),~:'. }JcHli"t:., as cIE'r}: of t llf C01HW il.
13:/ 8L:':':Jl0Ll'lir:, ~lOVf'c1 :~at [j votE' of th~lnl:F bf' E'xt~'r:d~'c1 PI'.
J"C'coham fo" hie pervice~ ac "'own C1Lrk :,r'r1 !'u::i:i~),ll ~l8,.::i[,tl':.ic.
8C""l,'; by Cri-twf"rd - Cal'l'l.:;d.
By ,.UUII, llJuVt,d 1-..at t..c Couneil adjoul'n Lu,til -:"lll; r,,:xt reg-
ulal' ,oe(,ting. - ~:;eeolHl IJY })u1.'ton, CulTied.
1'1.( Council 'tIlelJ "lll,;lJlu'/I('dur,til 1!onday Oct. 1(1 <.11. L I'.lv'.
, )
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Clerk )
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HELD OCT. 19,1914.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Council met in regular session with Mayor Boe in the
chair and the following councilmen present, Crawford, Chamberlin,
Hewett, Patton and the Uayor. .
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved ae
read. . . .
Mr. Chamberlin for the School Committee reported that the
work on the SchoolHouse was at a standstill pending the arrival
of lumber and metal. That the water pipes were all laid and
connected. That the workmen 'vere having considerable difficulty
excavating on account of the nature of the soil.
The street Committee by Mr. Crawford reported that two
hydrants weee installed on Oct.15th, one at 3rd. Ave. ar.d Wash-
in ton and one on 2nd. Ave. between Adams and Jefferson, and that
the Fire Chief had reported them both to be in good order. That
the Electric Light Company had changed the wire by John Noon's
and taken up the guy wire on Railroad Ave. between 4th and 5th
Ave. The committe recomended that the rent for the two new hyd-
rants be paid on Nov. let.
By Chamberlin, moved that the warrant drawn on Nov. lflt. for
rent of hydrants include the rent of the two new hydrante as
recomended by the Street and Water Committee. Second by Patton
The Clerk read a communication from Mr. George Phelps, Secy.
of the Democratic Divisional Committee and Secy. of the Seward
Democratic Club, stating that the Democrate were not represented
on the Election Board and requesting that one Judge of Election
be a supporter of Charles E. Bunnell.
By Chamberlin, moved that the communication be received and
ordered filed. Second by Patton-- Carried.
Mr. Chamberlin reported that Mr. C. C. Harmon, one of the
Judges of Election, had declined to act on the Election Board
and moved that Mr. George Phelps be appointed a Judge of Ecletion
In the place of Mr. C. C. Harmon. Second by Patton--Carried.
City Attorney Green was instructed to ascertain if the
Notice of Election had been properly published in the Seward
Gateway or the Seward Weekly Gateway.
The fOllowing bills were presented;
L.V.Ray-- In Re Tax Ca~e8 - - - - -42.00
Albert Rosness-- Account of School Bldg.- - 30.60
Jim Nickolson-- " " " "- - -10.80
S. Lundblad -- " " " " _ - - 20.20
By Chamberlin, moved that the bills presented be paid and
warrants d1:awn for the same. Second by Hewett- Carried.
Mr. Chamberlin reported that there was about one daye work
for two men and a team remaining to finishing leveling up the
school grounds.
By Patton, moved that the School Committee be in~tructed
and authorized to finish the work of levelin~ the school ~round~
Second by Crawford--Carried. - -~.
Attorney Green Reported that in order to comply with the
order of the Court in the Tax Cases it would be necessary to
have a certified copy of the delinquent tax roll.
By Chamberlin, moved that the City Assessor be instructed
Yo ~ l-.~
;"-<.i t._~.-.I
to prepare a delinquent tax roll in accordance with the order
of the Court in connection with the JXXKXXKXX~
eale of property for delinquent taxes.
Second by Hewett -- Carried.
By Patton, moved that the Council adjourn until the first
Monday in November. Second by Crawford --Carried.
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. * . * . . * . . . . . . . .
The To\m Council of the Town of Seward met in special sessie
wi th Mayor Boe in the chair and the following councilmen present,
Crawford,Chambf'rlin,Noon, Pa.tton and the Ma.yor.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
as read.
By Cha~berlin, moved that a warrant be drawn in favor of
~eorge Cohkling for $1850.00 and that the Mayor see that Brown &
Hawkins and others having bills on account Df the SChODl HDuse
are paid.
Second by Noon - Carried.
The bill of Melvin Horner and John Lean for $575.00 balance
due Dn contract fDr cDncrete for floDr and base'l1ent walls and
O. K. by Chamberlin, Noon and the Mayor was presented.
By PattDn, moved that a warrant in favor of Melvin Horner ad
JDhn Lean be drawn for $575.00 balance due on concrete cDntract.
Sec'ond by Noon -- Carried.
The SChODl Committee by Chamberlin repDrted to eqUip tne
two school rDoms would take 51 seats; that the teachers desired to
have two 8 foot recitation seats and new blackboard finish. That
the tDtal cost would be about $200.00 including freight.
By Patton, Moved the School Committe be authDrized to order
what seats were necessary to equip the schoDl house; two ~alons
of blackboard finish and tWD recitation seats.
SecDnd by Crawford - - Carried.
By Noon Moved that the Council adjourn untill the next regula.
meeting. SecDnd by Crawford - - Carried.
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HELD NOV. 2nd,19l4.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Council met in regular session with Mayor Boe in the
chair and the following councilmen present, Crawford, aewett,
Graef, Patton and the Mayor.
The minutes ,of the previous meetin wi!lre read and on motion
by Pa:tton seconded by Hewett were a.pproved as read.
Town Treasurer submitted a report which was laid on the table
and action on the same defered until the next regular meeting.
Report of Fire Chief Melvin liorner submitted to the Council
and on motion by Greaf seconded by Patton the report was refered
to the Fire and Water Committee.
A communication from Geo. Phelps resigning as Judge of Elect
ion read and ordered filed.
By Patton, moved that the resignation of Geo. Phelps be
accepted and that W.E.Root a~ Judge of Election on Nov. 3rd,19l4.
Second by Hewett - Carried.
A communication from the North IJacific Bank Note Co. was
read and on motion by Patton second by Graef the communication
was ord~red filed for further reference.
A communication fromtthe Engineering and Mining Journal of
New York City read and on motion by Patton seconded by Hewett
the Clerk was instructed to anl!lwer the flame.
The following bills were presented --
Pete Johnson - - - - - -24 Rre.-labor $9.60
F. J. Bradshaw - - - - - - -16 hrs. team 16.00
Albert Rosneee - - - - - - - 12.80
M. Horner, Oct. Fire Roll - - - - - 14.00
Seward Saw Mill Co. - - - - - - - - - - 29.00
Seward Light & Power Co. 37.35
Seward Water and Power Co. - - - u7.50
J. L. Graef - - - - - - 28.80
Alaska Transfer - - - - - - - 20.00
By Crawford moved that the bills presented be a.llowed and
warrants drawn for the same. Second by Patton - - Carried.
The Mayor presented a wire from the Mayor of Iditarod in
rega.rd to the Seward- Iditarod trail and travel to the interior.
By Patton moved that the wire from Iditarod be filed and that
the Mayor acknowledge the receipt of the same.. Second by Graef
By Patton, Moved that the Council adjourn, Second by Graef
//(/ /
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SEll/ARD', ALASKA, P..EIJD NOV. 16,1914.
The ~own Council m~t in regular session with Mayor Boe in the
chair and the following councilmen present, Crawford, Noon, Graef,
Patton ann the Fayor.
The minutes of tIle previoue meeting were read and approved as
The School Committee by Noon reported that the work on the School
building was progressing in good shape and according to contract.
A communication '''as read from Ethel ]'orgy, })rincipal of Schoole
in regard to additional claes roome and an extra teacher. Curtis R.
Morford addreeed the Council along the same lines. A communication
from Curtie R. Morford read indorsing the r~ccomendation of Mts. Forgy.
By Crawford, moved that the communication from C.R.Morford and
from lIre. Forgy be received and placed on file. [',econd,Patton,carried.
By Crawford, moved that the School Committee be instructed to
cut the neceesary openings for the door!! in the baflcment of the School
House. Second by Patton, Carried. _
Communication read from Geo. eonklin aeking for $750.00 on account
of School contarct, Communication ordered filed.
By Noon, moved that Mr. Conklin be al~owed 8750.00 on account of
School House contract. Second Patton, Carried.
By Noon, moved that the Mayor be inetructed to hand the warrant
to Mr. Conklin and !'lee that tJle bills for materiale and labor are
receipted. Second by Fatton. Carried.
The following bille w~re presented.
Seward Gateway PUblishing Co. - - - - - - - - - -
Troy Laundry - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
K.E.McKean - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Judges and Clerks of Election on Nov.3d -
Seward Commercial Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
H.J.Vaughan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
By Crawford, moved that a warrant be drawn in
and Clerks of Election. Second by Noon. Carried.
By Noon, moved that the bills presented be allowed and warrante
drawn for the same and that the Clerk obtain a copy of the affidavit
of publication of the election notice from the Seward Gateway Co.
to be placed on file. Xecond by Patton. Carri~d.
By ,L-atton moved that tJle School Corami ttee use i te own judgment
in regard to placing stovee in the School House and that the stoves
be installed at once . Second By Crawford. Carried.
Dr. Romig reported that the taxes were coming in quite well
and that the outside tax payers were responding. Dr. Romig reccomended
that a little extra time be allowed parties owing taxee and that
a notice be published in the paper that after Nov. 2i taxel'l woi!J.ld
b~ delinquent.
By ,L'oen moved that the tax collector be inntructed to collect
taxee along the same lines as last year giving tax payers an opport-
unity to pay without taxing fines or interest if paid before Dec.24 th
and that the tax collector ne instructed to advertise in the paperi
that taxes will be delinquent on and after Nov.24th.19l4. Second
by rattan. Carried.
The City Attorney was instructed to ascertain whether the city
had the power to enforce the collection of chargee for Cleaning up
the garbage on vacant lots, and to draft new health ordinances.
By "'oon moved that the COuncil adjourn until December '7th,191~.
Second by Graef. Carried.
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favor of Judges
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. * . * * * . * * . . . . * * .
The Council met in regular eleesion with Mayor Boe in the
chair and the fOllowing councilmen present, Crawford, Eoon, Hewett,
Chamberlin, Patton and the Mayor.
The minutes of the previoul'J meeting were read and approved
as read.
The street Committee by Crawford reported that the mouth of
the eewer between 4th and pth Ave. had been repaired and wae now
in good condition. .
The School Committee by Noon repo:l'ted that that the building
was about completed awaiting the arrival of Deaver Board so that new
black boards could be put in place.
Crawford reported that the old blackboarde were worn out and
reccomended that new Deaver Board be ueed in making the blackboards
and that railinge should be placed on the front and back stairwaye.
A communication from the Libarian of Congrees wae read by
the Clerk and ordered filed.
By Patton moved that the city clerk be instructed to mail
any publication of city documente to the Libarian of Congress.
Second by Hewett Carried .
The following bille were presented
H. J. Vaughan - - - - - - - - - - -168.80
J. L. Green - - - - - - - - - - - 9.05
M. A. Horner - - - - - - - - - - 15.00
Geo. n. Conklin - - - - - - 7.15
Fater Johneon - - - - - - - - - - 4.00
James Clinton - - - - 4.00
T. Tallaeon - - - 43.29
Seward Iron Worke - - - - - - - - 27.02
Seward Commercial Company .75
Charles Crawford - - - - - - 5.00
Seward Saw Mill Company - - - - - - - 3.60
Alaeka Transfer Company - - - - - - - 5.00
Gue Petereon - - - - - - - - 5.60
John Thomae - - - - - - - - -.- - - - 5.60
W. A. ,McNeiley - - - - - - - - - - - 48.00
George H. Conklin - - - - - - ~ - - - 657.50
J. E. Chovin - - - - - - - - - - - 90.40
By Chamberlin rr.oved that a warrant be drawn for the amoUnt
due J. E. Chovin for wiring and electrical l'Juppliee put in the School
Houee after eettlement with the School Committee. Second by Noon.Carr-
Dy Crawford moved that the bille presented be paid and warr-
ante drawn for the same. Second by Patton--Carried.
By Patton moved that ordinance No. 17 granting to G. Benj~~in
Poindexter and Hobert Aehland a franchhe for an lilectric JJight
Company be declared forfieted for the reason that they have not com-
plied with the terms and conditions of the franchiee. Second
by Chamberlin. Carried.
Mr. Geo. H. Conklin asked for the balance of $690.00 due
on the school contract. The Council had a general discueeion as to the
meaning of the contract and who waE' liable thereunder for the bUilding
of the flue.
By Chamberlin movedthat the balance of $690.00 due on the
school contract to Geo. H. Conklin be paid. Second by Crawford and
a roll call wae ordered.
On tne roll call the vote etood in favor of the motion;
against the motion
The vote wae'declared a tie.
By Fatton moved that tlLe Council pay Geo. H. Conklin for
school House contract in full less f~32.50a15 per compromise which
is agreed to ty Geo. H. Conklin. Second by hewett and a roll call
was ordered.
On the roll call the vote stood in favor of the motion
against the motion
The motion was declared carried.
By Chamberlin moved that the c.ontract of Geo. H. Conklin
for a ~chool building in the City of Seward be accepted and that
the bondsmen be releae~d and a warrant drawn in payment of the
balance found due to b.e delivered to Mr. Contlin on tbe appr'ova'1
of the 1:iayor. Second by Crawford. Carried. .
Treasurer Romig reported that Jogh E. Ballaine had .
a.cknowledged receipt of the notice of the amount of his taxes and
stated that the same would be paid. That he would accept s('rvice
and do away with the advertisement.
By Chamberlin moved that the clerk proceed to make up
the delinquent tax roll under the law on Dec.24,19l4, and that
all taxes not paid by~ec.24th be delinquent and the penalty attach.
Second by Foon. Carried.
By Noon!l}oved that the Fire Committee be instructed to pro~
vide two dozen tfte creepers for the Seward Fire Department.
Second by Chamberlin~'- - Carried.
By ~oon moved that the Council adjourn until Dec. 21~t at
8 P. M. Second by Hewett, Carried.
-e 1
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The Council met in regular sessionnwith Mayor Boe in the
chair and the followin~ Councilmen present, Crawford, Hewett, Graef
Chaml,)erlin , Patton and the 1,~ayor.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
as read.
Chamberlin asked that the city Council turn over to the
Schbol Board the arrangement of the seats and blackboards in the new
school house.
By Chamberlin, moved that t};e school board be instructed
to arrange the seats and blackboards in tLc new schaal house to suit
their convenience ,Lnd that ""he bills for the rearranging u.nd fixing
over tIle old seats and blackboards be iaid by thE Council.
Second by Crawford - Carried.
Curtis Morford stated that the curtains, if no~ ordered,
would be considered as a part of fittin~ out the school an~ that
he knew of nothing further to be done.
By C1 r,r:",,_" 'L, moved that the C - ..;11 1nstruc't 'n-. Morford
to sake. the matter of installing a .meter in the schOOl houae up
with Mr. Graef and endeavor to secure a meter. Second by Patton-
The Mayor reported that $4.00 had been deducted from the
Bill of J. E. Chovin and that the bill as corrected had been paid.
The Clerk read a communi..;a~~on from Francis Rotch
in reagrd to the construction of a wharf at Seward.
City Attorney Green stated that if the government took over
the Alaska Northern Eailroad that the.re would }:ardly be time
to complete condemnatiqn proceedings Bnrl th~t ~uch ~ction might
bl~ against the interest of the city. That in any event the Secretary
of Interior would see that the streets were extended to the water
line. ':'hat the COf't of starting condemnation proceedings would r:ot
amount to very much.
:By Cha[_1berlir~ moved that the ci ty attorney draft a peti tion
to the Secretary of the Interior signed by the :M.~yor and City Clerk
asking and praying for W& a w~arf site leading from some main street
to the shore of hessurection nay and that upon his reply and grant.
ing UB such a wharf site that the city of Seward take stepE to
condemn a rip,ht of way over the rail way property leading to such
wharf siteon tide water if it is necessary a.t that time so to do.
i:lecond by Crawford --- Carried,
:By Chsmberlirl moved that thf' communication from Frar.cis
Rotch be placed on filp until Wf' hear from the Secretary of Interior
SEcon~ by Hewett .. Carried
The Clerk read a communication from F. S. Black in regard
to fire insurance and the same was ordered filed.
By .catton moved that the School Board be instructed to look
into the matter of fir~ insurance on the new school buildirtg and
to report back to the Council. Second by Hewett -- Carriec~_.
1,:1'. and l~rs. W. B. Mackay filed charges against Hobert Guest
the ':.owr: Marshall. The Marshal declared that the char/ws were r:ot
true. -
the Police
Ma.rshal be
ratton moved that the Tow!: !Larenal be suspended and that
Committee investigate the charges and that a temporary
Chamberlin, moved that the motior: of Mr. Patton be amenddi
to provide that the Police Committee make an investigation of the
Charges prefered by Mr. and Mrs;, W. B. Mackay and that the
rest of tile motion be tabled. uecond by Crawford--Carried.
The following bills were then presented-
Brown &: Hawkins - - - - - - - 11.00
J. L. Graef - - - - - - - - - 66.80
T. Tallason - - - - - - - - - 33.30
By Crawford, moved that the bill~ be accepted as read and
warrants drawn for the same. Second by hewett -- Carried.
The City Attorney reported that after the first of the
year he would take up the matter of drafting the new city health
By Chamberlin moved that the City Clerk be instructed to
write Mr. Francis Rotch informing him of the action taken by the
Counciland that upon a receipt of a reply from the Secretary of
Interior he would be further informed as to the actiotJ to be taken
by the city. Second bJT Hewett -- Carried.
Town ""'arshal Robert Guest asked for a vacation to take effec t
Dec.30,1914 until he returned from Seattle, and reccomended
Mike Johnson as an exper~enced man for the position during his
By Crawford ~oved that Ur. ~ike Johnson be appointed Marshal
during the abser.ce of !~arshal Guest. A roll call was ordered and
on such roll cale the fol~wwing voted yes
Crawford - yes
Hewett - - yes
Graef - - yes
Cha."llberlin yes
Boe yes
Patton not voting.
The motion was declared carried.
By Ch~nberlin moved that the city attorney be instructed to
draft an ordinance providing for the appointment or election of
a city nightwatchman and such other nightwatchmen,t' afl mav'be needed.
Second by Patton - - Carried. ' .
By Crawford moved that :j:"h'€ Crmncil adjourn until the next
regular meeting. Becond by Hewett Carried.
-twJ ~.