HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918 City Council Minutes r:s .J) r"-'j ij u~ The Minutes of the Re,Q:ul"ir liI~etinG of ,;he Se':mrd City Council held JGnuary 21, 1918. The meeting was called to order at 8pm ""J' Ex-O~(:'icio I\1a:ror Cotter and. 8-11 memners :7ere p~."e::::on"t e:;:c8pting counci1m:c\n Sauers. I The minutes of' tIlt) last meetin,q: '.'Te~'e reild and approved. The Bills '.~ifter beinG lkr eel 1,y the Finance Committee "fere read as follows: The rJiners Store $ 89.00 John Johnson ~ 2.50 Councilm2,n Lechner, ~',nd. 'hy Councilman Sexton moved the above hills he paid no Clerk dr~".7 --,'ar "\ntsc'or s",me '..,nel. <:.t tIle ce,ll of "the roll all co~mcilmen 'Present vot8d ";;.;;'e" "nel was so ordered. The Fire Committee re',jorted ,nil reccomended t1:e [Jurch'i-,-~iQC:: 0:':' a Double Head Sil'on ".<'ire ALrm"nrl 8t.ted 'sha t the Se1'mrd Liccht .",nd, Po";(:r Co, wouleL i'urnis}', elect:'ic cur:cent 01' tl'G oper:l cion of s]TIn, free of ch".rge. CO'Lll1cilm:'n 3e:;:ton moved "shel; the Ci t;;, Clerk request l;he Se'.vard Lir-:ht :\nd Po':'er Co to ,'111(1 out t118 a":iproxime.te cost of a :Dou1jle Head Siren ,.nc:. the inS'tcllluticm of S~1l'10, c,.lso thc:.t the Clerk '(Tould consul i; -c.l,e Steumship Co"p:.nyl S to see L,' tho;\' ',:ould al10;'1 an;;rtnil1Y ::'0:;" t'reir-r.t. Motion ',7,lS 'nd. i-J~.' COlU1cilm':.n Lec'-ner C),nd c.'-1l"ried. On Dotion the Council then acl.jollrned. 1 ~ I T}le l'ili:iTut,:s 0: - t}},e 3peci;J..l TJ:et tlnr' of tl1e 6c., 6 Se"'fm'd Cit;' Council j:eld J2TI. 28th, 1918. The moetin2: ':,'oe: called to oreer a,t Sprn 1)~," Ez-O'."'icio ],ra~;or Catt'Rr 'me' all C01E1CilJYwn "!c;~e Tll'e::1ent. I 'J1IJ8 object 0:1:' ":1'0 mectin~' "":8 to tke u"nd-e mnttcr ot' a tclc,s-ram :cecr. i ved Iror,[ J. J. Finne: c>;8.n, ;;;e"ard' s :coprr sr;ntc:, ti ve at T'.r.J..sl'lnr-toTI, D. C. 11 g'pnp~' 1 r!ic:'cu:::,i()"'; ''-0110'700 'JIV' T]-p r,10mne:C8 ,),,> ~llr. Gl,),cier Stye'l,m ConrJ; it tee ~-rf:I'8 1'J p; "',T rl t'rQ~ IJ r; V:.-~r j. O~1_8 :::u 0'("0. f'j tions 0 f_l""C ~('Q (1. COH"ncilTil'l1 ,:;O::t011,'I'j,yod tl~ ,1; J,IT. ,[i'innep"',n :'c "'ired ',8 :!'ollo'vs: rr Ci t;o C01J.'^,cil n:1 Ci tiZe118 U I;, ,join,'" mer>till<:' ,'Tu::cr- antee eq;I' 1 ..,;nollnt, acr,rreo to '[1;0' AID.::'~:"n En,c'ins'ring Cor,'--,li::;sion, cost cOYlstru,rti,)n \"loo(~en ';."11lrne, l1.I-I:)l1 recei"t of u,ns.Tt~r ~7ill 'Ni ro ~\~O-tl ~L" c:-. ,1'" :'_1:1 ~" b ;)'.l "'.i. '1 '":~ C it:::- . " I~Iotl.JJI -.~.~',:-: :,:nd. :~,~- C()~("'I.cill,-: J1 J ,_:,1101'8 _1.lC~ ','.J ':",}ll~: c:..-.11 0" iJle roll ,11 c:o'~,',cilrir.l1 vot, c1 rr ~i1err ncl .",c~: c;n')c,"_'rrco, en 'i,l:,r: ,:,C 1,;O"Jr instTuct0(1 ~ J~c Cl(;l"l: 'DC "'C11 S i ,~: tnlf' ~'l"'.,rll. all 'rlc)'0ion 't8 Cc)1Jnci, 1 thpn 'J jou:L'Y'eCl. 1 ~ _81']: 'ALiA. .J ~udioat~~.:L I Tl'. e ."",-,: l' -Ll~ 1 -:', r',' ~...., ,~_ _'_:> , n. 1'" ~- ""- '-' ~.) l~" ....~I.~ "ll_...r i:~...',3\~'-'vlil~' ~-. (' ;)8 ..:1_~cl "1 65 Ci t;,' Coune; LJ ,'Old J~',mL:c:,' 7th, 1918. ~11_o 1}1P: C t i n/-" HT( 1,8 C ~~110 (1 Coti;pr ]1('_ 11 UP'1"C:"f "'1",'1', 1 ;'~..,l nut The .~; fj11 e 3e 'Jo:tt ,~I .-'i18(~ . l'(' ~ " '.j'1(-- ';'-,0 ;:).rt ,,- ): -t'} c: 1.' r-.w!- ~ ' [- 010 x';:, :l~)V(cl i-:, '!'~':' Cl('J"~~ -.~-,t.i-.7- mu'-ic 't-Li-n" C~ """L'C~)-~V0(1 :-. ,""1 ~"i 'i_~0 l")~: c r) :l.!l.r,' t -; -;l 11 LJCY':':l-,0!) 1\ :. -: 1 - ','0110'-,-8 : J. L. CT~C'('n O~" 13' 'ie"],' ',J ,:'1; =10~i.t,. '-'. cJOC. 0 I. - - " J l;, "L ~', '.L~ r; :-.~ i -t -, 1 _"'c- ale' ;-, ~-= l;~-' _";, ~ : E~ ro :-> G '. t8'7~~~~ :FDJI. Co J. L. GJ..~,_"cf ,,3C'.lJ J l~J'J C."i'l '-' l..:..'__ "~-l' tlJ C01:1, i C 1_1 -n,-; C ~~.'J l~~(lr;~L .f~ [J>''}Trl ~h? ~-=-;~:::-Of 'i~:i') ~.L':.-C)r !)"i"'0~'~ C'~l t e-:cc t It i-'le C I) ;-'J18 i 1~~; ~~-l Jrunrr'ui 1. ....... r .......~.. i L' . :.c .. ole:1. n'-~ ~-:1 c1 ~"' -: \ :~."0V~ '. r '(:1"(' '...>(~ - C::." ~:n.'1,~""'~~;: ~,.. """1 1 ," J.. _' ,l., "~Te '~: -;-,""\ ':.,' L.:, :)~l_ C }-_ i (' '~ ~.~C'" r' ;'''(\',,0 De,' ,:~ -\~': ~l(l cO-'-;~lcil'T1';n Lechner l'~ .t -':"1~e i;:o ~', i (i :~' :}. e .., ~~,.,-I_ CO':l- ','i:c,' ~na.. ,J.. " :'~~~.r ("'\ . (" .'i(~n. .,~ ,- 'J'in ~il. CO:-.:"'rli ";~ t;- '(. =-~! -" ,., ~ l~ ,,.... ',-. ~,~=t'--l: ,," .,'.'- ,( [;0.00 1::1. c 5 130.00 7r..OO "':i 11 ZC .00 10 .~O CJ 79.00 ;:)7.-;0 1. :~O 'j,1.'~0 20.00 0t'::=tn-r! T <J . T <J n .-. '"'.' 1iC .'(' ~c := "~-,. -'- 'J .'J' 7[.00 " ' 4C.6G 15<':.)5 , .00 100.00 1~- . 75 2.90 1.00 1:2.16 1::-.00 6.00 ~' r" v' o-J. O. .;l'-'^~o,.'-- 0" ~ ' i' u ",,::::d Cvc"C^,'j_ '.;'1) I.JC G")lJ. ,-- -0" Co .t.. :,ii t ,~ 11 Cl_...~_. Lcc}.~neT ',/It. o,:it.t LIil:e Jo~ n:3C>", : i ~': ,~_ ,~:, clo~^:= 'Y'j,7J I , ".,...L c'-I t,~J 'l ~~ C' , G\~;\~:('I '~')-I J ,-~fl li"'; i -I o:rr~J;r I)~~.J'\~'T'" 'l;'~c ",) ) ~,F; 'ilIe d l~ i..1J :.: "{:' .L. I,' .!-.., C !_::' (jJ." 1'1tc '-l";~t, Tr:-;JJ,~ !-~c 1~8'rll2,e:~. "8 Co 1':\:' Ie e}! t l-.~otilJ~OJ . C~'~~S :.,.",c1. alJ c;o~.:-,-:cil_l("'1 ",~\ _'~ f r; r (1 ~-, U}) , i'll:~ c: .....T e L;" t .;~. '.--: i-> J .,_. ef)-','Wj" ,1' ,l L0C" .,. .to "l)~:'C:,; "(: 1;}'8 )'.)11.,11 co 1 ="-' '12,,_>' (: ~'i '-:11(' :11 .l ',.;:"c '1, , 311 Ii' ----" -L,C~l" [;; io-"(;x' r ;.... ~ 'J' ,~ ,>.1"'0 i~~ -'1) "'-'j- ,~,> ;l.1 ',Ill <.11- r1e (;c:.ll o oJ:clel'ccl. -'-} " -i'011 s~. ~.1J ~L-':' Y()"G (1 H. ~~G; n ~jj1 r~~ Cll.ii:-~f ~7c:"r:j t:-'cn t :cn ,- ;~ ,", :tC q " ( ~; .) . .L1 (' J"!1 ~r:'r: n'~"l"'t ';}1rl.. '~";' c:) -:.-ncil':;~ " L,) J<~ si:r rilJ'} '\(~~C ~?il->C CoatE , , , ~ ,-, -CO' ~:_: "':y,~r' tlJ0 or}! " c;~"ll of ,~-:c" P. ro rl. fT ~ ','"7 (J n T1 11il ._H_,: ~ " J 1TJcilmCl'l ')1"(1 . ';:;]'!~, "y-O t;r (1 ~", " :);' ~' ~ 1-1/2 C _yt "'L~)i." ',"'':' ;::!i~~(:ll;:-"::8r1 i 'r;}', ;1(1 roo N 1:'1('[ co iTI_ :'t of 11};8 r~~-L t~~.c_l" ,,? ;)nl"cl1 ~', Ci~I:l[<iJ L8cJ.flr~r :-~ Y"I.:---::C:" tit t. 2-1/~~ i-" at ~~-;"il'>(~ J~ose t I.~Oti~JX1 ,,--, :~no. 0 eel ;'ilC~~ l "00 j~I1'" e..,:tr'~i ;- :) ~.~ e 1-:; 'il~."Cl': ;,sed. all C) ,;-1'(; .:_J_"' ,;--:n : )1'(-. =.'~'~ c ':lr~ IJ oj., r::-c ,) '... i -'1 :~ t _ J ~ i. - . C' 't"J.8 ne1 -}}~ :--hc 1'011 c'.ll ,j "- : 1 .I~ 7::lt - ,",- ;3, UF::CG o .~ --, -rc'p IT , " c'., r' ':-l.<,.) J_ , '0 ' ,JL(; 1i t CT ]"I~i tt'2e ~~'J ';~I rl '';;~ o:"r"';Cl"('cl.. .....i:.'C1-1 ~'i.'C "-"ci +,le .'T~;~ Tr'l>:~.-'J......-a .4." ~ ne:.:t r( ---"~.Jl,..:,r ljl"'C,~~I-!:.r:'. o::.:-t 1) ,c_= OrJ .,-:~: on --j,~'r CO;1~jlC i.""1 ~~J:, ..\ ..-.J: jO~l-=-~nc (1. ~~ I 5J:::. .Jc~ ~I&, '01 ,... ".. ,r l!.=C-O'clClO 1."0,; r "1 .,..... '~', o'l The L=inl~lt'3:7' o~t_. i',~"'8 ?egi,l ~-\r t,=(,('t~"\ -~ <')~; tl~!e Se"i,ro Cit~' C0ll11c~1 !I)lel Yen. ,1" 1918. "'11e mect171'" "T"f,: c~',11( c' t:) Cotter ,~r'i~ ,~ll c),~ncil;"eil '''ere 0,,0' 0r "t 8 p~l rr':"r,nt. =::z-o ~ ~ici<) l,~a;.:or I rbe -iinLl~::;r;~.~ )? -:Lr' J-'~~-~-:Jl '~.Y 1..31')(,;c],<.'.1 :le('-ll~i~~r"' l,r 1'"' J::n. :~8tJi, q, ct,j,"': ..,1ii J"l1. '1::;1., r'T'C' :.-'C _~rl '1 "~~",)V0(1. ,'n -('ce J:.1l~e l:1~',tteI' 0 (' Cl-t~~-.t(;=(' Li "}1~-,2- 1,'(:lo,~I""i;l>~7 t.,) 1~'ecklp111'q]_;."g f:.: Ben.son, Tl:e lJ()rt}l~l'l~, '-,=ij~8 :Sc..,j:~ ", i" .:.e'~::-",l"(L, CU,: .cilF:,"iJ 1eO:.1181' ;.\')~.. ~.c: Li."1.~,t CO'-_:.~. i-l;::.tee st,I.lC,--'CJ -C-}: J '~l e four J.O'.".~or ~l.i -'J JC;.i ","el'e cLo.J:'~C(l to "J-J; cit:.,. ",rlt"' -;}"Ji ~..ln(~.c'l~r::)-llJ l~'.Lf\r-' .Jc.1Ltt ";'~'-(~ L.:-ncnre 11,.~~nea :9roi"iC:C t~/ b 0 1 0.C:T: '" o-'-"]~ 1 c: 1" r; 1. :'1-)":.),:;"" ;:~ e'" L 0 c it:,:' . ~l\}-I r: :." e c'!" r:'i YC 11 .r'i):-C t.. is c:'l':;-- il.:-';....":-Jcnt '.":~S th:..i,-:~ -.~~>( C1 t~-- CO;'.}I ~'(jt~, cJ-,e.~ 1i r :t~_tc en tl"':eso "i i -'J:ts. COlnlcill~L_n LcciJ"D.eI' ~3t:~.t'.'c' ty -'~-. ,;C ;,",:Jllnt ue fT")Ll s-ic1 '~)Ql""ties '.7D..8 ; <1.75 ::;1('1' 'lJnth _Jl;. tl,,-:.- "'('::~ ~-::Y',~ 0',70(1 [Dr ~', {'1"I, O~ !..I!.'e jiluJ.1Ldl U.J.. .i. ~ oi...'HlJ8r, n,-: =:~'D-l..' 'i"~-f.: r.L)'lt;bf~ or .Decelnl)er ~~I,t1\.: Janu:::'.r-:I. Il:he C1QI'~::: '-"laG iL.,.J~ifieQ. i,c; iDSl.l.e "ct.e st0.tr;j'ilen.t.s. COluciLl'~~n LGc}'ner ~ltoved tn:], t tte Cle:d: notiL;; the Seard 1ic:']'t nd l?o',v:er Co tLu.t i~~J 'LJ';C futru:-e 'hen u,n:~ TCj:<)"l::c::; rc Ti13Jle .~,.; 1 "L"'l,tl",lo' ~"-steFs 0" ll'ul"L"" l"'l"+.',llea.' +"1",0' 11',p. e'C""Tl'Ce Ql';~ V 1.-1. ___. ~ _;...1 .)., Ot.. ~ .L __ ,'..,_._ 1--, _ "--' v., ,l .I..' v J__ _' ~ .J... \ I..J.-LJ! 1'1 e 0'1' i e e1 1, -C. r'I'; e l' '1""'0" 1,:0 tl' ')"1 "Ie, c' ')j, a ",'- C ,)'''' (; i l . l' '1 f:~', U ers _ '~.. - '''''''t.:'..L.. ,.I... \... .,-"", ....;....... t .J,..... -~",..---. ....vv - t '~11(1, c~; t.te c::ll aI"}p roll ,,11 COle"cil:'leD yotc'a l!,,~ e" uno '; S S') o:cdered. Jl1i.Jn , Bills:-crc ~U1]i 1i tell ')~' D. C. .,:Sro'7~lell! rrhi t elc;ore Cl1~' I;mr.'"ules :,',DC ":8c,:10)) curl'; & Bonson '0;.' ,',8 l~"'}~t '.001es i)',l tHe corners of Br':l:.c,:l,-,'!S;- ,. nc:. ','.'[1shin."t.Jl1 ;3ts., ,Ill' CJUJlcilrnan Cr'):::ford %)vccl 1'1,,~t ':'i',o" Cler}~ look 1<"" t1'lC recorcls rcc,"'.l'Oi'l0' -D':e ci tv's . . - ~ int(','.~;ior: to !JuTcL:'.l:e t118C:'r) ',olet'o "1 e) remol't :'ck :'t next I'Wt- in>':. Moti:);l '''88 ::'.no. 'c;: cO:lncil,"'n 2e::t,r)D :.nel c:,rried. I The Bil18-,ftrr hpi'I''- ok1ed 1-,'- 1.1" 7in-lnce comr'1ittee "'ere re,-o, "',::; :follo"'s: " l' Se..::".r 6 ~atcr &; lJo.H('r Co 100.00 c< O. Morford , 5.00 Ii' >->. 'IT J. L. Green 60.00 J. H. ---, " 75.00 .:eoTIng Ront. Gue;~t 150.00 O. H. poe}:lrnanJ1 75.00 Jos "\-l- - 50.00 Chrrs . Ems1.'.'i J er 125.00 >:) c' CC C J C U. 3. C:lo1e o L :'ioe 6.95 J. L. Gnlef 1.65 Se'.'Ti3-rd COIivnol'cicl Co 44.00 8e~Na::,,-'d Lt ;:> Co 146.85 - . C'lrl st 'cgneth 5.00 Brown & Ha"Tkins 8.00 Jos Strejc,(Firo ::{oll) 20.00 Se?!rrr6 .Drug Co 8.85 Ga to ':::1 ~. rub. Co .90 Ale.slc8 Trans fer 79.00 CouncilnL,j1 Sauers, 2nd.,~: con'-:cilr:lc.n Car':.":,=ol'd ':loycd above bills be p~,i(1, ,me] Clerk clraw wan'ants for s",me ,md 't the c,,3.11 of the roll all councilmen voted "aye" and was so ordered. On motion the Cour;ci1 then adjourned. -4EMri~~]r> - I T11e :,:inutes cc the Speebl i;1eeting of 6r~ '-,I '-" the SewJ..rl City Council held February 7th, 1218. A The meeting was callel to orier at 8pm oy E;~-Of;"icio :;Iayor Cotter ani ",,11 COU;;~lJ.men,vere preaent excertinc; SO-uers. I The obj cct 0;" 'u:1C 11.:::3tinS ';\'",.3 to k.:{e up the t81egram re- eei ved [:'0(,1 representu.ti ve J. J. Finnes:cn. After c. aiK--t li3e~Jaaion eOtl'lcil:.1Cin Sex:t;;;n ;;;oveJ. a resolution "That th~ Sew~rd City Council reque2t Congres6 throu:h the aid of Delagate Sulzer by cable for rermissicn to beni the City of Sewari for a sum not excee:.linG ~. 50.000, :01' a pedol of t.venty years "'0-' ~'1'1C> r)""t"'~tl' r r 0' "11", r1' t "" j' )'y'" ~C> ""'C 'Y, t"'e r<~.-,.;'i "'r ~t"Q"m ..l.. .L l;. '-' ... .;.\.... v", '...-..i_ ""-'-oJ..J '..Jj _:1,Ll::>"~..... ~_..J,. 'u ';'1 v.J..ct.."....._ It- .'..v,'";I..~;' Floods, __n_l~cr Jt':,er '~ublic i:r,prove:.;ents." The resolution Wd:O 2nd. -':y council!:.:.tIl Cra'Nfor:iml at 'c\:" call 0: t'1e rull elll councilmen present votel "aye" anl the ~~ycr iec1arel the 1'e- s'~.l1ticn alc'!'ted. Co'~,!.c i cr:i:in Sexten t>en ;j;oveJ. t._ t th,,,, committee fro~ the ~ou~ail ~nj membera a- te lr:lft t' 13 c~cble ','n1 et'Jcr C'1.o1e to J. Sulzer i~ les~l fcrm. :1oticn was ani. by ani C'..:~I'rie.J. :.:ayor ap'oint a t~e citizen~ cOD~itt8e J. Finne7an ani Dele~~te .~ w ~ eel) "':Jl-"-(;~t~n L~chner The ::"01:' ur,'ointel "F; .:'ollolVinrr 80m,Tittee. I F. L. Ball:1.ine CeuTlc i Iman Sexton Counciln~~n Crawfori J. Linl18j Green s. a. :,,~orfcr.i H. V. :croban This Co~~ittee to meet ~t 2pm. Friiay Febru~ry 8th, 1918. On ~ction the Council then a~~j ourneci. ~f:e~ · ~.D~ Ex-Of.ti8i::, ;.' y _. I ?CI T~'~e :,~iLLutes GI t.fle T1e'''(llarQ Council he11 Feb. ::ecti':,:: c:f T:1C 18th. FJ":_8. S.e,varJ. C1 ty The reeetinc ~~s c~llei to oriel' at 8 p.m. oy ex-o~ficio ":ayor Cotter anl all councilmen were present ex'e~tiG: fubreuil. The minutes of t:1C n:eetin-s heLl Feb. 10th. anJ. Feb. 7th. 1913 were rC:.J._l u.n.} arllr;.vei. I The bills ~fter acing )Kei by the Finance Committee were real as fmllows:- Brosius ,~ noon Jos. Strejc "l~ "'A 1I ';;). ',:i.;t 15.00 Carl Stangneth .;10.00 Councilr;ju.n Sauers, 2nJ.. by Councilman Sexton, moved. :lbove billa be paid ani at the call of the roll, all councilmen present voted. "aye" an1 was so ordered, and clerk was instructed to issue ':V3.,l"r:l.nt.3 for s~me. The ffi:ltter of the, ci ty -Lakin::; over li!jht pol8:> on the corner cn ErcaJway was discussed ani Councilman Lechner moved that this mu. tter be laid over until t"e ci ty \'I3.S in bet",er financLl.l cir- cumstances. :~otion was 8nJ. by Councilma.n Crawfori ani at t\e cal of the roll all councilmen present voted Aye" exceptin~ Council- man Sexton ',vho voteJ ~ncn, ani the ::ayor lecl",re5, the motion c3.rriel. After :l ahort discus.:lion, Council'Yia'~ Lechner ({lovel to recon- sLier hia above motion resarling the purC;t;J.se cf ,:dorc3aii Light poles anl I:.otion W;l.S 2nd. by Councila!U.n Sexton anil at ttie call of the roll Councilmen Sexton, Lechner ani Cotter votel llayell anl Ccuncil~^,:en Crawford ani Sauers votel "no" ani t::e ::3oyo1' leolared t' e motien carrieJ, anj Councilman Lechner then movaJ an ameniman~ to his first r.lotion, that t:18 clerk notify tr.e property hollers owning statal li~lt poles, that these poles ~oulj Je taken over by the City of Se~~rl as 300n as the City was in better financial conlition and t\~t the price to oe rail woull oe the 3aDe as the cost of the other light polea alon~ the street, which were part of the present lizhtins system. .At the ou.ll of t~le roll all COllnoil,y,en presey;t 'lot e1 "ayell ani 'sa3 so orieeed.. On motion t:18 Ccancil t':en aijourned. ~~ ~.... ~~() ~ u~_ Ex-Cffioi ':ayor, \ N ..~~ '.l r:"1nc 1 .1,.<,..: ':inut23 cf t'le ::c :;tin::; of t,,-e hell 4th. 1915.... 2- e'Nu.l~ i '1 (jWr. "'; ..., ~_C'!Jr:Cl.l.. T~e meeting wa3 c~ll~~ to crisr ~t 8 p.m. by Ex-0fZicic :,::..tycr Co<=ter an-l d..ll ;iJci~lJer.3 ,;ve~e rreaeY1t eX0e~~,ti(}g CO:1ncil,..:ln 2,~uera . 1 Tn3 {l.inutea or t:le ru:.;etirl"" ;'lt~l.i ?eb. 1,3th. 181 =, vver-2 reu..j :J.D -'- u..:-"rrove J.. T~-le C)r..iin~Il~e reGulating tile Pe,lllars Lisenal~ ~vo..a i::1troJ.u~ei by ::1yor Cotter ;:..nJ. ','1:-,3 1'eu.1 for its 1st. re~iing. Councilman Cru.wfori, 2n1. by Council~an Sexton movei thu.t same ra3a its lat. rsalins- :::.n" 2..t the cdll of the roll elll coun:::iL::en "TeS<::Clt voted "aye" e.. :e;tinc; Counciln.;::l.n Iuireuil, Nho voteJ "no", u.~,j t'lS :,:u.yor ieclareJ '~A Jrlinance pasaei Ita 1st. redling: T113 bill for t~l:.Jdn3 hyJru.nts anlvu.ter bill were referrel to the '17ater Cor:.l:i ttee to "8e reported on at next rnestinG' The City ~re~au~er reI~orted t~~ ~ity C'lt of ,iebt a11,1 3uggeat- ei t':at eLl1 lelin1uent taxes be br01.L~ht f'orvu.ri on CDe roll, ::11so thu.t thd :::ity books ~e au1itei tc'~rch 1st. 1918. Councilmu.n 2exton movel thu.t the tax roll be :JrC~l'~':t fcr'.vc..r'I ;,L3 ,3u~:"~3tei "YJ' t"l"t ,1-1,,,, rol"'l"'" ;3 '~u"'-' ro"D''''~tent ~1' -1 1'''1 t'""' '''orlr '0- 30' t"l~+ '__1".'" :.~(..... 1.I~1,-, '-' _..... t....'-' ~c ...........~.Jl:-'-' ~ ___ '_ ~.. ;...... ~v .....} ......_;.~ '."""".... .30r.eOYle b= se8arei to :l,ujit t1:~ 8ity bnc~s. ~~oticn 0.:..Triei. Tie bil "-.a after bein::: (V-ei. by tc,';: Finu.n:::e::-o:i,,~;i ttee, we"e redd u.s follo~a:- 1 J. L. J'~~c3n T".obert::>Jcst .J03. ,~trej c 2. r:'.. :~crfor~ B:tc wn ['J.: :1:3.. ",v}.., in3 Jos. Strejc (FireR) G~te~u.y Pub. Co. "30.00 150.00 50.00 5.00 1.05 ::;0.00 13.00 J. T,~. Po~i CI :-il~.S. r....L3'/viler ='. d, Tloehlc;l,nn Se~~rl Lt. & Pewer ~e~.v3..rj rr~JG Co. Al J..3k:-1. lI'ana fer >>75.00 135.00 75.00 C 141. 50 1.l0 17.50 CounciL"""n Se.dcn, 2nJ. by Coun:::ilc:J.n Lechner n;ovej Lm t the ~;JOV8 bi~:3 b2 l-~il ~nl cJ.orl. jr~w w~r~~ntd for 3~me> an~ ~t the co.l1 of t}'lC l~Ol..:: C;,.l: C~c';_n0il!~".2n present '.l"otei "a,i8tt a[lJ. '"VCl..3 30 Oriel'dd.. On ~ction the Council then ~ijournei. (j$J f~.--// Clerk.. . ~~~Qc.~ Ex of icio ':ayor 1 73 The ~,':inutc3 GI t~12 :=;e,'ul",r ::c'oti:. of tl,<3 2e,'I~,r::l Ci ty Ccun:)il .- ~ - heLl March l8th. 1915.. rr1"L~ Y':~eeti'""'= N:::..a c~llel to cr.ler :.it 8 P.C"I. by r:~-:;'~=i8ic ~..;.yc~" Cotter an.l ~ll COllncil;:~an we~e present ex~e~-ting SaueT3. 1 The :Iinut6s of t:!e ?=[;'JLl,l' :::ceting he'l ~V'ere 1"\3u.,.l an~~ ,:lPT")1"C~Ji3.l. ::arch 4th. 1 :;1 ~ ""'-'-- "' T~'l'3 re8i'""Yl:J.tiOT: 0.: C:o;1ncil!",.3.n LeC:~lner ',V:i-3 reu,...'i 3,.~-:1 CO:lt1('Jil- s~n e~cton, 8n~. by CODncil~~n ~~~w~orj i~oveJ tl1~t sa~:e ~e ac~ert- e1 on J: ~ril ~_.3t. l'.~l~:" at t'.le clc38 O~: t:le cOllneil rreeti!lS. -:otion carr~e:i. . Th'3 reiJl3.r IS C1rji:3.n::e '.vas real for its 3nl. ti tle only ar:,l c.t the :)al1 of. the roll ::111 voteJ i :xce' tir:::; Co')n:::~~r,,~m I:ubr2ui~,. who v~tei t1'2?t1, :_ml J9c12~re~ the ~~~lnance paS3e~ It; 3n~. re_:~ln=.. r 3J..L1n.~' by :"'~,,"'.ior C = .3'3..tlle t'~:3 :::,yor m1"he "1"1 0'" n,1~ 7'"" "y C'" T~~"nnI' -"or t""""i''1- '~"-'l"'-'n1-s ". s .I.. I) _:..._ -L I '--:i"\.'. "--... "",tv. .J.."......i......... J.. .:..A.od ,..,.: _!.} .1_ .,"~ -.." "~.t, mC.\Te.j ~JY COUfj:Jil 'an Cra:,vfcri, 8nl. by CcunGil~.,lln Se.~tcn to l)e r~~i,.: and t:1i3 2..::lount, 3.S well aa ::J.,not~,er bill for t>:""'.'ri:.:; 2 ,,,Ol',, :lylr,,,n N~ich '.Vou.l.i :.~e in :-1, ne:{t ~!.~3etinc, to be ,leiu0~>::,,5_ '~rc<; t~:e water rent for ':-~rch. f~t the call :: f t'le roll (~ll \Jo~Jflcil':"i3n Tl"::3ent votel "aye" ~nj ~~~3 ao Grl~rel. T:le bi 11 d ~fter bein~ JZs.i by t~le ~. i'll'l.J..I1Je Cc "',i ttee "~"y81"e r ~~9.. -, a.,s .[(,110'.";3:- JC3. f.~tl"::;j.;J Jes. ::.tr8j c :~15. ~::) 13.:)0 C,,-l'l ['C::in lath John John,son ~15.00 2.50 1 CouIl:Jilt.:u.n Ge.xton, 3n,i. by CCJuncillL:lin Lech;1er moveJ. '"c~'-.!.L.:..t t;~e ~1.bo"t~ 'ci:1s oe .Eti:'t ""ni clerk Jraw Nc:.rrants for S3.",e ::en', lit the 02...11 of t>!;3 l"oll :_,11 'Jc!;Y1cili'!~8n :-';."23ent "'J'ote..:L l1[1ye" :ln~~. 1,~}2..3 30 or ~ls}~ei. . Councilrr,'J,n Lec'l:ler reporte:l t'lc:.t roof on t'1e 'Tire Ball '_V:::'O i~ tal ccnliticn ~n.: n.~eied rer~irin~ ani t~e~e ~ei~~: nc ob1ecticn the ::ayor instruceti t'le Fire Chief tc ',('.v8 S::1r:le re'Paire:l.." T11e Fire C11ir3: -~"'3T)Ort..~_: e..ll c:--,in.neY3 in ggod or:ier, o..lso <3,1J. hy:lrants e~:~"':~?1-.tirL~; o;-:.e e..nl thu.t ','i~S ".:einc: th:.l'..veJ. O~lt.. CC~Jncil: ~n 2~xtc~ ~cvei t~~t t~e LiG~t Co. ~~l [:YOTsrty hcl~:.ers o...fl'>~cte_: 1:>3 r:c.tifiel t~~::1t the c:..ty :NCU~.:. cnJ.y ~~.:y fer t1:.s tdlp :LiCht2- on t'.c; li'.:;';'o y:ole3 in t".e Li:~hti'-= ;=YS'::2Y;1. -:C'ticn 'V,',S 2ni. by Coun~il''-,:,ln ,~f:~;_c,'vfcl"J. :'..n~l ~a~-'T~ ei.. T11""~ :c." ls'vi 1'1' ':rel"e 'co: -_i::.~,tei fer .J11J =>;g :J..r.:i C~ s:"ks fo::' t1.:e cominG e: ~aticn:- Jucl'~'~a: - Clerks:- ..Tee Ca:~lr::~eJ.1, A. >.' :_l"cwn, Sylvi~ 2~xton ~nJ Florence A. '": ~ 3r~ru.,n t . " 'T Cl. :er. . Councill.;an Se~ton love~ thc_t the nODin~tic~3 ce clc3el ~ni th~t ,:;, u ':.:,nL_CUG b::.llot be c::.at fer the l.cbo','en::1r:;ed, <.:.lso tha,t s~~e juJ~e3 ~nl clerka serve at t~e ~ri~ary Territcri~l ::action 01" l\pril 30th. 1315, 3.ni t:"l~t they oe so DGtifiei. ::cticn ;V~2 2n_L. O:l CC:;.J.DC i 1 [;,....,1: :eu Qre,--~_ll ~,nl c:,~rr i~ ei. 1 Qn s0tion t~e :0":00i1 t~:en ~~jourv'ei.. 75 '::']e ,:inu ,;3;'; Ci. tLc Regular :,:rrting of t~e Sew:lrl C'1 ty .ccunc~l hell Arrillst. 1818... ?:"H; ~>:;_~,tiNU,S 'J~...:lej to crier u.t 8 p. m. by ~~'c-officio :,>:lYo~" Co ':' t e r ::. n~: ~ll Coune i l~~' en \ve"'e PI' c.3 ,2'.-~ t e:.:::' 8r1t in:; 2 ~~l e rs . 1 T;le r;.inut,eG 0: t~:2 ~:~_ :~tir..= ~-~~11 ::s..:.."'. 13th.. 1218 \vere re:-:..::l c.nl eorl"'ection L.:..tje in l"e'....:::l.,TJ to t~>2 ~esi=;~J.,ticn of Cour~~il':Y.:l.n IJec:lllcr, rlhich 'V~S 2orrect'3J. so"t;~2..t his re3i("~nJ.,ticn tJ..l~e ef:ect and t~1S enl of t~le [resent =:etin: ina'el c~ ~:~~il lCt~. ~~9 fi~st cC\red. The r.~iElj.-:es '.-..reI'e t~!e:1 ':v~ ::rl~v i. A t el e~l'~L~ frOr'l :-, e l::::.. ':0:";" t 2. ~'1.ll"3 er ~.v:....a r 2:"':" j ~~--:.: : 1 e -1_.. ':~;.yor Co~te1' o"~,Ltel t;,i;;.t ::1'. ~. J. ":ell' ',a.l a.rrointc:1 a CO:Lrji ttee of his er~p~.oyess to confer wi ~h t~_:e ~i":r'2 :Ihic: .:tnl in3r'ect (;ill the J\lJ..s:.a..n ~nGineerin= COl:~;ui :sion y:ropel"ty.. The pei12ar'D Jrli~~n8a ~uo real fer iLa 3rl, r3alin3 ani Con~~ c i 1 ,o..n t: e~~ ten, 8n_i.. oy ~icur;,c i l'c::an Cr;j.~.vfc ri r.~oveJ t ha t 3Q,L8 r:..;~,s its 3rl. uni fi~al r2~li~~ anl ~t tte c~ll cf the ~cll ~ll Cc~;_rJ~il~:',er: I;r!,~.3ent votel "3vyen e~::.c:<: ti:-:c; Counoili7.c.l!l l~uol~el1il, ~,v~o vc'te.i nn~" J an~L the ~:a.~ror i2cla,:~eJ t:~e Orlilj::...nce a1l,cted.. The oilla 2.fter ~_"ein= 'JZej by t~~e ?ir:~n2e COUl.:! ttee were re:1J. :..1.3 _~(;:JCt{d=- 1 J. L. Gr~cn ~50.CO hoot. :ucat l5C.DO J08. Str~jc GO.OO S. O. "erfo1'", 5.00 :.!ike Johnaon 30.00 Al~8ka. Tr~nsfer 75.73 8e~al'l ~. ~ P. Co 41.35 Gateway ~ub. roo 29.35 Se~ikrl J~i~ht & Power Cc. J. ~1. ?Or:1iS' Ch~s. Ln,s'.vilel' J. ~I. :)ceh1.rlann r,~ x'l C'.' '1 n ~n"'t'} ~.;..,. u ~ __'"'__:':' ......1 ,:H' C, wn '_, ,Jt.V k 1 n a Cha.s Lecl1ner SG\vard :1"u[; Co.. J03. Strejc (Fire) 130.25 ::75.00 125.00 75.00 18.50 12.55 17.85 23.65 :l0.00 CounGiL,lan Dubreuil, 2nc.L by Ccuncilnlan '=:extcn L1cvel T~ai~ ~:ll c~erk jra~ xar~~nt~ ~:r 3ciue anl at t~1e call a~ i'11l oC'lrlcil",en :-1'cscnt vote,: Aye" an:ivas so o1'.le1'e1.. bille be t'!1c rcJl Counci18~n Scxtcn, 8nJ. ,services of a nic~::twatchman ,.. -... '-'. - 191b. _ctlon carrle~.. b'T , J :e ':;0'J:1 -'il..~u..~ T,eehner r:~cveJ t~~t the ~isrenaej wit~ be3i~~inc A~l'il lat. Cn [{.ction the CG11,ncil then Aljoc:rnel.. ~..J~~ Ex-off d 0 ':ayor. 1 ~ ~V' "/ / .. .. The :~inutea :f t:1'2 2r'ecial ::eetin:; of Ccunoil. heLl Arril 31'2. 1918.. t',-,,,. .j,"", :2 e'T1T:l C'i t Y The C1eetin:; wc:,s ca11ej, to or:1er u.t1 ::;;.r::. by ::;,;"of,'"ieio 'I'""yor Cotter anJ 2.11 eounciLen were r>rc'Jent.. 1 Tl1e D!setins W~8 hell in ucccriune with ~rjinan~e ~~!4,~, for the pUr~-Q3e of ct1nvC1:si:-,:;' the vote of the ::unioiral ::ml ::'cheol I:lect- ion. hell in the City of ::e'N2.ri. Alaska., on the 2ncl. :lay of April 1912, an~ the 10110win: resolution ~~s real by the clerk:- "1\'here3.>3 in aecor :::lnce wi th::::rlinanc~___f44 of the C1 ty of 02','1- ard. Ala.ska, an1 notices given. an-election ;as hell in the City Hall of th~ saii City of 20 ard on the 2nl. :lay 0f Arril 1318. ~herdas in accor1_nod to tl~ certificate filei with the ~,:unicir:u.l Clerk ay t~'l~ Electio~-~ officers, th0 follo:/'lin~ D.J.-cle-i y.ersons rcoeive~ t~le ~:L(8.,:::t nl)3;:--~)er of votes pl.:i.ce~ OfljOaite their na~:e8J for the o~ficea ~,3 her3inafter 6t~tei, to-Nit:- For Ccuncil."c'n.. J . L. G.ri3,ef, S. G.raff . Erich Lucas E. L. Whittemore Gus 5or....en Dee Eine; VI. L. L yo 1 Cc:.1 Suttcn }:w}'; Dcw1in-: Leon TJrb::.ch~ r.:2Y~. TI8~ker "f71 T .1:'. ".J. 3:.11~:.line I, For ~:~'..yor.. E. V. I:oLJen A. F. D:.;..vi3 ?. J. ~\'ITr:ir T "tT Dn V "..1 . .. ... ....,.." ree Sine F. J. C'ctter Eu:-:ene ,J~cc::"'...r::.l Leo ;:o.r'1llcs El. Cr.~~~l.viord Joe Co..r::lpoe11 ~. J. ?ial'l3r steve ::elol1cir Fer City Clerk.. 212 le":' ~.., 205 19,1 :3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 189 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ''J. ::. Poe~.lrl~LiYln 2:;3 3~njc Bill 1 City Tr::.eurer... e..Tuliun :-1. TL:;ed 122 J. :1. HomiC 143 lor City Attorney I L. L. J?r:1SZ Jr. Ccltria ::01'':01'1 C). J. I: eo.. tin,,: Groen '-' For Clerk of Echool 30o..rJ;. 217 0:> .., 1 1 Cenevieve K. 3al~~ine 186 8eor=e P~e1rs 149 For C~::.ir~Q..n School 3card.. J. I:. G10an r"u 3 --,~ r""'en :. ~-;~. -./ ~2e SlnG :'203 3 1 78 ':i::1'-1".;oo of Apr, 3r:i. 191::~, Gont.. "Whereas this Council has canvassed the returns o~ sail election "fJO:>! TH.."SREJi'.::mJ\, be it resolved by the Co,;;mon Council of the City of Seward, Alaska., that in accordance with said election t'le fol- lowing na,":ed persons having received the hi,~~hest number aT votes for tile respecti veJffices, to-wit:- For Councilmen, J. L. S. :1. Erich "' T ....,. .i-l. Graef Graff Lucas 1'.'hi ttemore For :,':ayor. . H. V. noben 1"02.' City Clerk.. O. :1:. :?cehlmecnn For City ~reasurer. J. ::. Romig For City Attorney, L. L. Jew,es ,Ir. 'oe ani are hereby declared July elected to the res~ective o:fices, and be it furthur resolved t':o.t George :?helps fer Clerk of the 2,oh(;01 :Oo:~rd, :w.:l J .:1. Slci1n as Chairn:Cln of the School 30ard, be ani _re hereby July electel to t~e respective ef?ices." Councilmu.n Ss"ton, :3 J. by C6~lnoilr:lctn Dubreuil moved tLe ad- option of the resobltion un~ dt the o~ll of the roll all Council- ffi8n voted "uye" anl was se ordered.. On mctiocl tile CO'Jn2i1 Hlen :1j~curne..l to m,'et ucuin April 10th 1918, at 8 l).TJ. (jJ;~re~hq ~<~~or \ 79"1 The -'~in1..1.te3 of t,.,.~ -"~ [;pecial :3etin:: of t:"8 ~~e-.v~rj hell Ar.ril lCth. 1912. C i t~,.. C~c u nc i 1 The fi1;3etir:J" ',vc.;,.e :~11<Jj. tc crc~lr a/v (3 ~~I.(:L ~)y I~~-c::i,Jio ,'::.1.Y01" Cc,t!..;er a12J.. ~ll cO~1n:;il~':.8n were rrC3ent. 1 The ::;inute3 c~~ t:-~e re=u.....u.rlY.e~3tin.: ' ,=1'::" lJ:ril 13t. :912, :.1YL: t~e L1irrutea of the 3~e~ial ~e0tin.' ~ell ATril 3rl. lS:S were re~l dIL.i o..rrroveJ.. T~~e rd:~'0rt c: t::d :"=.erk ~::---<. '~.;,;,. ~3t___".;i,t8 ':/1.:3 r'~...4.,i :..i,...J. C~llncil- lLU,n So..ue~'3, 8r~j., by -=-c-J.ncil~~.~tn L'uore'J.il ~~;cve: -3.~.;'3 '-~? ~:"8J=rte.:l, .....:1 ""t the c~ll of 'o~_e roll, all council",::n vote.i "2./3" anJ..v:J.J 30 :...r~~c.erei. ~>...:; bil13 ,-,-ft C 1"' :ei:1:= ':Il:cl by t:-'le .Fi "tj>n::3 CorJo:':~i tt'32, wel"'e re~~ ~3 ?cllc~a:- 2rCLnt ,;s.rlson J. :1. T'ocli..:; Jcs.. 2"t:l:'ej c Joe Ca.mpbell A. :-:. 13rYJ.njr Sylvia. Se,{ton ::50.00 25.00 16:(35 lO.OO 10.00 lC.OO J.. L.. '~~:cGen :looert @'~.e3t C. E.. :-:)cehl~~'.,":tnn 11,; r hr: li -.).. ~ ,) ~:1 (...,'1 .:)""".Vy A.. TJ. 31"c ',vn Florenc.3 ~~8'"'Teer 25.00 lO.JO 10.CO CcuncilLiln 28.don, :Jnl. by Ccunc1ilC::ln S'J.U(H3 movei th3.t thA Ci.bcve billa oe pai:l 2.,-1,1 th.3 'J'J.erl{ -lrr:..w ',ya!"l"';;.nts f'",...,.,.. J .t~'i.:; 2.."1:1 :It t~3 :a.ll c:: t~H~ roll all 'Joun~;ilY?:An. 'V"oteJ. "~:..ye" 3..11-.L 1V8..S so o"!::.:ere::2. 1 Coune i l.::::..n C:.:.;;. er3.) 3n.::. "by CO~.lno i l(:lo..:~ 2 e.": tc ~ 1 Leite '5. t 1-:.:::.. t th 8 rr:~r'G}~t of t:le City C~er!.: 3,r,] T:!."e~surer, 'S;-~;3r:. :..1:1J.it2~l, l:e r:ucJis~ej. in t~,"le ::er,v2.rl =::..1tel.\Jc.y J..~,"-~_ a.t t'..,:; cal] c:- t~-:8 1"c11, CCl.:ncil:~le!;. Cctter and ~7~vfc=1 vote.~ "no" ~nl COlJDcil"en tubreuil, ?~uer3 ~nl ~e::tcn Vctei flayeK~ anl t~e Thayor ~8c~~reJ t~e cction Joat. ';n !:lotion ti"le CC1Jncil tl:en ::..i~8:')1";}el t13~{}e ei:3" 2..r~--=- '\;.T:":':':.t~i t-::eir cf~ices. } .0-_ .L".. A ~.- ---k5i~ ~:~~-c --. .'1 ,T(, 1" '-.J .... -. I ~ D-'l 1"';' , " , -,- M" I 'inl1~G 8 ,~ t: 3 ;1' .'= c i :.\.1 > e J. _t A~~ T r i 1 ~ ~ e e tiT;' ~,:;: t ~, e i "-,..l- ~., 1 ......., ;: ...;...",,' '" '.. ~'--'_. . ~ . ~:' P T:':... r J.. Ci ty C'oun::iI T~-:e [.;f~.:;ti~<= ."\"_,<.3 ~.;~,,]~e::' t!., Or:'3r ty '~:::vyc;r =10~~en, iG.l".,c.i:at:;ly a.:"'ter t:'~e reti!'e::'ent Or the c~.,i C':J1jncil :'1.;}.. all r:.erLc,,::,!,s ':JeTe rr33- e:l t e:r..-JeH tiES Cour:ci ll:.~n l,.;.-hi t ter.:ore. I ~~~ 21~rk ~~3 i~strucBtj tc rrBr~rB ~~llotJ fer C~B ~nl txc y~_r t~7..3 tc be lrawn ~y the newly slectei ccuncil~~,an. CouDc:il en G:!:acf .ire.,.; the one: ye.J..J: ten.: N:liL:: Council,:.en ~r",:f, I~uc~3 ~111 1.'hitte[iCr8 .~rew t~o year terJjd, ~n~ t1:e clerk ~~3 30 ir3t~)cetj tc oa~t t"~ t~llct. L ':;O'(:.Luni~:}"ticn :"rCL COt~n;~il, -.1.D ~~'llitt2J.cre a~Ll-rc fCT 3i:~ty _L..:..~r.J 1 eu~ve c -: ~ Od ence ',V;J,:3 reo,0. D.,ni CCUY>~ i l~T.;J.D :c t t e r, :;:r~..i. by :c\ln,~il-~~n Gruf~ movel 3~~'e ~e ~r~ntei an.l ~t t~e c~ll of the roll c~ll :::C'unc~iln"en present vCt'3.i n~ye1f u.ni !;:~.': so CTJ.er:~'i. 'I[l'~ r:~:~,tter 0: I;urc'.~.JiYl~.r Fire hcse ~Q.;~~e ur :..o..r...i C:G1J.n~iJq::n .~Il""~':,r.::c~~_j.) Jn~. by Co~~ncil .tn ~<"~.'..:f, ":--::ove--. 3c..'~.~e b\~ :referred. to t>e Fire CC:;j~-,~i t t ee ',vhen ).pr;o: r~ t ei. :~c t i en ;~J:.1rri e1. "~)Yl t:-~ tier.. tre. ~olJ_n:il t>en :.;...ijclJ.Ti~el 7C ~"-:;3t a-'!'~-l.ir_ mc:nlay evenin'~.~ Ar;l""il 15t:l. 1:;~2" J.t 8 r.c;. .fA.A..-J /I .0 #/CVI/ ::~ycr. I 1 6 c::~) lC- f"""l' ',.. .... 1 ,e .lnUu''03 ;, .;- v_ t1-:0 ?2-'.;u.121r "=e~tin-, C1 t1:;3 Lel:t Arril 15th. 1;'13. :: ::;!"j. ,'... ..... ."i............- City Ccuno_:~l . i'he ,~l()etin::: c,v:,:"s'J'.J.:1c;1 to ()Tler at 8 :'":,, by -:'lyor ::ol')en cm] ~ll ~e~~ers were I)r23e~t exoel~tinc CCll'~~il~lan .7hi.t~eco~~e. 1 The !Jinute3 of t',e w3:;tin2:s ',le1:\ A-_'ril lOth. 1918.ve::e 1'e:1.1 an '- ...i.~'Trove.i. A:-l;li'c~tion3 fer ar.rointive 0 ffi~e3 were rea::l ani C'ouncilf.1an Cotter, 2nJ.. by Council-:n::tn 8T:=.Lf: rr~ove::l that 3Q.::e '~'e ~elj o~Ter until t~e ne~ct ~eetin3 ~!lJ motion carril3i. T~'le re:iort c f t~1e Fi re Cti e f was re~j s...n1 Ccun':Ji Iman ~rJ..ff J 2nJ. by CO'JDcilr:i3..TI C;I'~ef L~oveJ s~n;e '08 Ye~~-"Te:l tc the Fire Cccc:.ittee '.v~12n arl:clntei::tnl t e mction caTJ."iei. A COi7,~:lunic.J.,tion from the rro}:3rty ~l:l.iers c,vnin~ li=~it 1:0103 on t~'le corn~r3 of BrQai~ay and 7.~s11instcn St. ~as re~~ ~nj Couneil:-r,c:"I': ~-T:.1ff, 2ni. by Council~~u.n Lucaa lrjoved ac..ii OOl':'Ji:JJni''Jatis :_'IC r;:;ferrcll to the Finz:ln~:e 80(ri(:,it:ee '.V~1en arr'ointel. ~~I,>t~ion c:..trri',,; Att.rney S. 'I. ::orfori 'r.rou:;ht u:' the :::..:l.tter of t'-:2 ::i~e:N...lk .:ii.ff~..culty in fL"cnt l,f t-1G prorerty cf .:r. ~. A. Trleie u,ni Ccuncil :'::~:..n G-:~ff, :JnJ.. by C'c'~n8ilc~;.J..n Cotter ~~'.oveJ 3.1L)e ~ '3 l"eferl"ej tc -:hc 2,tre(~t CCr~.i~ji ttee ~vhen u.!-"f ointe-..i. c).n-.l the ~'HctiC)n c3..l"rie-i.. '2-\0 i'olloNin:; C:v,::Yli tt:;es were il.rrointei ~JY t"f-:J. d~ -::.....ycr:- I AG3833::.'3nts :;;"'..l i~~/~':;3~_ IT. L. V:hit.1~crlcre ::tni? J. Cottar.. Fi~"'e ~::''''otecjcion ,-, ',"-::tter :';urrly~- S. -:. G:'''aff ....ni. J. L. Gl"..lef. ;lubli8 S8hcc13:- f.. J.. Cctt2r w..ni E. L. ~"~~li'ute(;lOre Li,=:.1t3, ~':~~"vd.:e u.ni .,"'har_=:1~;~~- J. .:... :;-",iei" d,!lj T:rioh LU::.i3. rublic ":0:.:~~t~ :..1:~j ~clic':=~- ? J. :1Gt~el" :;.nl S. ::" Gr..'.ff. Finu.no:3 ~l.rl-..l ::1=~.ic.,3:- ~ri2~J. Lu()~s c.QJ. 2. '=. :=:I':J..ff. ~~t::"";.;et3~- Ch3.3. C'l"'.lwforl an~ -;-. L. -:"1-'itt-3'li,ore. -Printin3~- Erich T~ ;.JiJ.,3 u.,pl 0>1(.],;3. i~';"'.','I:forj. ~~ecial ~oni~ittee en ~rii:es ~n: ~~~.:i~~ ~t~3aQ:- s. ani 7. L. 7hittemore.. ~, ,.of ~-r=l.L Councill.,G.. ;_ 1':;::15 '[[level th~i.t '~~le 2},'l8i:::T C.tr-=r.l::; "'c-:' iy.i t,ts~~ in"Jeati-';j,te ani ::.i3ce:..t'i~n t~"te :.Ll-'TrOxi ;J"te ,JC<3t of t'-':=; ne'Je33ary l'j'Y11i1""r'''',T;::t.,'' ,":'lD+"" a" -"\ -!-;1'~ (:,,'" ""'Cl' "r t~.. -~') ,... l-t" ~ ""~l- 0'''''+ ~-;~ ""'1<'.~ ,- () ~- ') .~l'--' '-", '.... <J.;:;J .. vf...... v"...k '-" S ~ .,.'-1.0." _II,).. _.....:' _;.I '-___'-'~~ ",...3 d........'Yl """,3 I 8 2> ,::; i' 1 e. - ~ c t ion ':J l;L a ~;, "['~ _~_. Q Y Co: 0 '.J.n C i: - .J.:!l ~- r :.:J.. e ~~ 3."1 3.. ~ 2v :.. ~.. 1 e :~ . :"G([iic.atioYlawere Cr3~31 ~~;-'l" t--1'3 election 0: :J.. ~r~3i.:Gnt of t'-;,'.; :: :,,'_"[1 C i 1 (.:.11-.1 ':'c",)n,J i l::-'l.ln ':' 0 t t '2T nc .-::i n:.i t 13.l. ;. ~: 4 :;-:''',:J... .:,~ . Council an O~Q,wforj, a-j. ~y Council~an :raef mOV2~ the nct:.inatio'~8 ~)rJ C~.033J ..in::' ~:'.:tic~l c~i.r-::~ ~~J..,t ;.v:':ere~l:'on :~ou'l-:.cil~:~,J.n Clo~ter Iove~ th~t th2 clcr~ ~a in3truc.tel to ~:~3t ~ u~~n~~ouJ bullet ~cr s. ":. ~~"aff ~3 pre3i~snt c~ the rC)llDJiJ,. T~'le l:lcticn ':;::':"3 ZnJ.. ~oy ;'-CU'j ,; ilL: ~Jl !.'J.=::.:..a 3,"-'1 2:j,::.~rie,.~ 30 t" I~ '".L1Cr :i.c.:1aT~=:,. E. ~. G-"af ~ ac 2~. ::>~ t. ~';J.. r'J.'n.;,; L...J.. t t e r C' ~ ~: ''";LY':~l'' in30r1.1.:?~t_: t~10 t' t'" ~8. repreJd~~ lva GI n~~~\.t n.G,JtiL~. "r2~-.~ai:'IC ~"il"e 'hC3e 'N3.3 b:r=,U~:-~1t u;; :J.r1i t"-'3 ?ir2 ':G".;~LiJ,:t'2e to 'Jonfer 'Nit}) or. C!~.lj,~\'i0k, t'_8 t;. S,. !",1J.'J':'er Co. a..n': :.....e:.crt t:j,C~~ ,J.t the I CC~lncil,..;~n ,'":c _ t,::::," 1"3.'crt~":' tlL~t t~:3 :J..'_L.ii tors ',...8r3 '.vcrLin~ on t~le 8ity ~'cc~=.3 d,,".l ,.>'(LI,1..1 ':.,l.ve :i, C(:'ur:"ct..:: re:,,~'l"t ~,j~,lY _t t~12 [l,2:.{t re ~~u: ~}.r ~~.2:=. tin~'. ;n ::~,-~ -,,:Ofl t>~= 2~un8il t:1~n :;.l~o;J.l"nei. (jffi II ' ,r ."!f / (I /' . (! /..A..A_-6L_A.J"_' . --... , CJ.erk. . If ,th NuI~ -:,"-YOT. 8"F~ '-" ~. ',~ ... i r)') ..L~ ,3,) (; _~ t ~1 e ~'~"" e .: .~ _~ ~ . - ~ .~ t i r: c -;: t "', e ~ e ',V ..::"::,~'i '~!i. t Y C':= U L ~ i 1 he;:~ i'.-~l"'il '13t~. 191,;. ., ., ~'.ce (L~::ltin" .<.-:..L':'; c:.11J.:=.l t(: rJJ~ler u.t ~ T. .~.. "':y J..:.ror ~"'c.'-~n '..ln5 ,cr'-'.:? "'-:e ~(~.3 we 1"',3 ~., r:;:3 e~ +~ e .:::C 3-'- t i ", ~~' ~ C 1 ~ ~ L 1- -, '~. -, ~.~':" i ' : e ,'tC':.",':. 1 ~h-3 o"J~ect of t~>:; ~~, =. .:tin" .~w.....3 t~ t.l~>3 reL<"ort 0': t.~ ~ GJ a8ie~ ~?t::8~E C'c~~l.i', t'~:J. " ',' '-.. ~ t:1 ;.:' j. t t ~ r 0 f t'" 3 J.,f-~er ;l2'.lri:',-' tl-18 r'i:C'!"t c:: th,?' :C"L:lli tt22, CC"".;i::;ll:--~;-.in ~..C't ~'3r i:~tro~~l;e': ::.-::1 T.';cHe~ t1-:; 1":)"3,3,3.. ':~ cf -'cL,~ ~01:c'.vir~' :'.>:::3-J,;j~in~"l:- "~~,3 ~ t l"e~jol "Ie, by t~-<'2 i~O~:1' Q;~ ,~'c'~; ~i 1 : f t:1'? :-i -:::y ,~:- :- -)" .....j, /"""'k", tll.'.~.v' tr,'.co 31l',1'1 _J:' 0'-''';00 0'0 'o~ """I'I"'."l'~+,,"i '." 3"'t "~l' '" ......J.___ .- - .... _. ~_'.. ,.)<~....,.. c; ~.._,] ....~ -'- _I,oV_',-, -" ,.J.. ,C:; c;;<..Q '-"-'-' by t":le sai-.L l~onnQil, 3:..t:~:';3 to ~-'e eX';iGnie~i fC'2-" t" e P2:'OI:C Je ~ S" :..:.~;ier :.t~"c;:t:~': cut .J,.~:~ t'-+c ".;rc:Jtion at 2.. 30 feet 3-..:,r: ~'!rij ~..e on E:"c~t.lv'J..Y, and ~~e it .furth"r r::;3cl"~eJ t:1:it t1e G-'3..ci;.~-~" Str,~::',,:~, ~c;:Yi'_~'itti3e be ;lnJ. ~rE >ere~y ._:.;;:.t>~:>::::'2el to :)lC33 :..: ccntl":'~ct 'lith t:18 f..l:':'3~:~n VV'I -""i Y\ ,o.p..""'i r, n' :on"r,"; ~ .p('~" +r{.~ parfr- ,....,...'~ r' ,'~ (.....:0 ..... -1 '; ,".r ")...1,. n .__J.J.Q....__.........~ +.1..;. - ~.~'-~~ ....~.J. 1.1-_.... ... ...._..._........... __... ...)V"4~' .~..J...A. :oticr.v~J 2_ j. ~)y :"::1Jncil;~.;j,n LU~:':;"3 _Lt:,-.L :..kt t-li.~ ~~.l.l..~:: l"()} J :1:.1 mCluccra pr~.:~aent vc-te,i 11.:...:r8" ::1n.l t'12 .J..y(;~.~ ,".CoJl._~l"e_i 1'0 J C 1 u. t i cn :..L.10';' t ~,:1 :~ -,..: .,\':i.0 GC (> r _-;..;~":3 _'..'I t' ,:; + '''0:;) 1.1 _'. ::'Yl ;~'~uticr.l. t~:~ ':c"'l~i.~il t~"l:?n f~..:..jC').:""'lit;:~. F _. -~('" ~- c",L--::'_ # //1, _1I4:t..____ '::::,yo?" . 1 1 The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Seward City Council held May, 6th., 1918. 87" , ' The meeting was oalled to,order by Mayor Hoben at 8 P. M., and all members were present,exoept Counoi~n Whittemore. 1 The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 15th day of April, 1918, w~e read and approved. The minutes of the speoial meeting held on the 19th. day of April, 1918, were read,and approved. 1 A oommunioation from R. J. Weir, Engineer in oharge. Alaskan Engineering Commission, was read, wherein . appreoiation was expressed for aooomodation of fire hose loaned said Commission by the City of Seward. On motion of.Counoil- S. M. Graff, seoonded by Counoilman Cotter. whichsa1dmotioni was unanimously carried, said oommunioation was ordered filed. communioation from H. S. Balderston, treasurer Seward Sohool Board, was read. weerein reque$t was made that the sum of Eight hundred and fifty ($850.00) dollars be ad- vanoed to said Sohool Board to meet necessary expenses of said Board for the year ending May, 31. 1918. After disoussion it was moved by Counoilman S. M. Graff, seconded by Counoilman Cotter. that the clerk be instructed to draw a oity warrant in favor of the Seward Sohool Board in the sum of Eight hundred and fifty ($850.00) dollars to meet the expenditures of said Sohool Board for the 1ear ending May. 31. 1918. Upon call ot the roll all members voted "aye", and it was 80 ordered. Communication from City Clerk O. H. Poehlmann was read, wherein 8aid City Clerk presented his resignation from offioe.It was moved: by Counoilman Cotter, seoonded by , Councilman S. 11. Grafl:. that the r..1&n&t1.. of lIr. Poehlmann be aooepted, with reluctance.howe7er. and with a memorial spread on the minutes expressing the appreciation of the Mayor a~d Co_ncil ot hie past ser~ices to the City of Seward, al-. ways willing, efficient and courteous, ~nd that avote of thanks' be extended thereotr, and that the best wishes ot the Mayor and Counoil accompany Mr. Poehlmann in his service in the forces of the United stat.. Army. into whioh he is about to , enter. Said motion was unanimously carried. Th~ finance committee repprted on the question of light poles. Councilman S. M. Graft, member of said co~ lttee, reported that he had interviewed the respective owners of s~id light poles, and had effected a settlement in each case by payment to each of said owners of the sum of One hun- dred and fifteen ($lle.OO) dollars. 1 Ordinance No. __.providing tor the salaries of the respective oity officers for the ensuing year. was in- troduced by Councilman S. Y. Graft. t1tle of said Ordinance reading as follows: "An Ordinance fixing the salaries of the Offioers of the City ot Seward. Alaska. for the fiscal year ending April, lOth.. 1919. Clerk was instructed to read said Ordinance. After said first reading Councilman Cotter moved that said reading be considered the first reading thereot. and that said Ordinance pas. its first reading, and pass to regular order to come up for second reading at the next reg- ular meeting ot said Council. Upon roll call all members ot said Council voted "aye". with exception of Councilman Lucas who voted "no". Carried. ' Bills, after being O. X.ted by the Finance Commdttee, were read as tolloW8: Seward Grill . 10.85 Seward Light & P. Co. . Chas Lechner 1.50 J. L. Graef Brown & Hawkins 5.45, Alaska Transter Co. Seward Drug Co. 1.50 Seward Water &Power Co A. P. Brown 10.00 Joe Campbell A. H. Bryant 10.00 Sylvia Sext9n Florence McNear 10.00 Joe. strejc ~Fire Roll) 121.30 3.10 8.50 102.50 10.00 ~8:88 ~- 88 v J. 11. Romig Robert Guest O.H.Poehlmann $50.00 100.00 50.00 L.L.Jamee ,Jr. , Joe strejc George Stanley $33.35 33.35 7.00 Counoilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman cotter, moved that said bills be allowed, and that the olerk draw warrant. for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted -aye-, and it was so ordered. / Whi ttemore and Margulee . 115.00 Bank of Sewar4 $1l5j'0 Chas.A. Benson & Co. 115.QO ---, . . Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman Cotter, moved that said bills be allowed, and that the clerk draw warrants dated August, 1st., 1918, for th....... At the call of thr roll all members present voted ~aye-, and it was so ordered. The application of Robert Guest for appoint- ment ot Chiet ot POlioe of. the City ot Seward, was read in regulaJ order. Councilman S. M. Graff, seconded by Councilman cotter, moved that Robert Guest be appointed to the office of Chief of P c lice of the ~.ty of Seward for the year ending April, loth.. 1918.~ All members present voted.-aye-,and it was so ordered. \ The application ot'Joe strejc for appointment as :Fire Chief of the City of Seward, was read in regular order. Councilman Cotter, seconded by Councilman S. M. Graft, moved that Joe StreJc be appointed Fire Chief of the City of Seward for the year ending April, 10th., 1918~ All members present v~ted -aye! and it was so ordered. The application of Julian Ht Reed for appoint- ment to the office, of Clerk of the Town of Sew~ was. read. Coun- cilman S. M. Graft, seconded by Councilman Crawtord,moved that JUlian H. Reed be appointed City Clerk ot the Town of. Seward for the balance ot the unexpired term. All members present voted "aye- ,- and it was so ordered. . , The application of JulianH. Reed for appoint- ment to the office ot City Magistrate o~ the Town fa ~eward was read. Counoilman S. V. Graff, seconded by Councilman Crawford, moved that Julian H., Reed be appointed city Magistrate of the Town 18 Seward for the balance of the une~ired term. All mem. bel'S present voted -aye-, and it was so ordered. Councilman S. M. Gratf of the Glacier stream Committee reported tavorable progress on the work being done." C<mun1ttee. on streets and Alleys reported On 1he petition of Mr. E. A. Thede, presented to the Council at the meet. ing held April, 15th., 1918, recommending that the City at Seward take no action thereon. Councilman S. V. Gratf, seconded by Councilman Lucas, moved that t~e report Df the co~te. be acc- epted. All members present voted "aye-, and it was 80 ordered. The matter of Cleaning up. the C.ity was pre- sented to the Council by Councilman Cotter."""'" tuJ.l dis- cussion ot the subject,Counc11man S. M. Graff, seoonded by Counci]. man Lucas, moved that the Street Commdttee be instructed to clean. up and repair the graded streets of the City of Seward; that said work be done under the supervision of Councilman Charles Crawford: that Councilman Crawtord be given a sal~ry for his services at tht rate of :Five ($5.00) doUa.rs per day: that Notice ot Vlean-Up Day as occuring on the 15th day of May, 1918, be publiShed in the Seward Gateway, and that all refuse of the streets and alleys wou]d be taken aw~ by the City ot Seward, without cost to property owners: and that the said property owners should assist in the loading of said refuse. Upon the call of the. roll, all member a present voted. "aye", and it was so ordered. . The question of a road to San Juan Dock, and fir~ protection for the San Juan FiSh Co. was. presented to the Council by Councilman Cotter. The Mayor instructed the :Fire and {'""' {\ U.'l".; '-" street Committee to investigate the matter, and report at the next regular meeting. Mr. I. Evans addressed the Council on this subject. 1 Councilman Cotter, seconded by Councilman S. M. Graff. moved that Councilman Crawford be instrueted to repai~ the "Dump Road" from Broadway street to the San Juan Doek. Aml members present voted "aye". and it was so ordered. Councilmen J. L. Graef and S. M. Graft pre- sented the matter of eonstructing and ereeting a "stand-pipe" on the premises of the Seward Light and Power Company, in order to afford the City of Seward better fire proteetion. The mayor referred the matter to the eommittee for further investigation and subsequebt report. On Motion the Couneil then adjourned. c~~ ~- _. ~. , -J'_ /" a:r C er . W C}(II1-~ . Mayor. 1 1 a ..1J..: t.,..l !he :M1Imtes of the Regular meeting of the Seward City C01mCil held )lay 20th., 1918 1 The meeting of the Seward City Council was called to order at 8 pm with J4ayor H V Hoben in the Ohair. In the absence of City Clerk Reed, Counoilman Cotter asoet as City Clerk. All Counoilmen with the exoeption of Whittemore were present and answered the roll call. . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and after the correction of two typographioal errors were approved as correoted. The resignation of Kr Joseph Stre3h as Fire Chief of Seward was read aupon motion of Graff, seoonded by Crawforl was accepted to take effeot ODmJune lst,all oounoilmen voting to aocept the same. A message signed by Drs, Baughman, Slaon,and Romig, protesting against any reduotion in the salary of City physioian was read by the Clerk and on motion of Graff, seconded by Crawford referred to the Health Committee. A :Message to the Council from J4ayor Hoben t asking that the 80UDOil reoonsider the vote by whioh it ordered warrants Ko 2678,2579,and 2682 paid ,as there was no authority to pay same until the Salary Ordinanoe had been passed. City Atty Jame. stated that in his opinion the Jalar,v Or4iaaaoe was not l.gal and that the Counoil had no right to withold salary warrants pending the passqge of an ordinacu. On motion of Graff, seoond by Crawfore the Message of the Mayor was ordered filed. The report and audit of the Books of the City of Seward Compiled by :M.ssrs !arwater and Ryan was presented together with the bill for the same and was referred by the J4ayor to the FiB8Bo. Committee with orders to examine and report baok. !!!he Salary Ord1D8.1loe then oame up for its second reading was read for the seoond time. C11;y Atty. L L James the. presentea a message to the Kayor and Common Counoil protesting against any reduotion in the salary of the City Attorney,and stating that it waould be illegal for the Council at any time to pay to any offioial, more or less than the salary fized by ordinanoe at the beginning of any term. l4r James read the message to the Council. Counoilman Lucas seoonded my Counoilman Graef'moved that the ssme be filed, all voting aye. It as then moved by Councilman Graff,seoonded by Coun. Crawford thatthe salary Ordinanoe be read for the third time that the Rules be suspendedtand the ordin~~ce be plaoed on its final passage atd further moved the passage of the Ordinanoe. Before the final vote was taken,Councilman Graff spoke in 'laver of enonemy in all matters,and stated that the salary of both the Health Officer and the City Attorney was considered merely as an honorarium , and that if oocas8ion should arrise it was well within the rights of the City Council to rend.ar adequate payment to these officers for services rendered. e stated that he wished to go on record as being in favor of' a reduction in all expenses that might be ourtailed without impairing the efioienor of the Kunioipal Government. Counoilamn Graef then stated that the Fire Chief wanted a sala17 of $100.00 per month, and that he was unable to perform the duties of Fire Chief for a less amount. On motion of Councilman Crawford,seoond by Cotter the matter was referred to the Fire Committee. Without further disoussion the Salary ordinanoe then was read for the third time,roll oalled at which Counoilmen Cotter Crawford,Graff and Mayor Heben voted in favor of the passage and CouncilmeJl.,G:r:aef and Luas voted against it, and Mayor Hobe. declared the ordinanae passed. City Attorney James inform.d the Ka70r that he had no right to vote save in a tie, but ~or Hoben produced a letter from Attorner General Gr1gsb7 stating that under the present law, the Mayor i8 a member of the Counoil and entitled to a Tote. Councilman Crawfprt, of the Street Committee reported that he had repaired the Dump road, graveling the same,but recoomending that more gravel be placed thereon,and that he bad also oleaned off some of the streets and leveled up many plaoes that he had also repaired the saw mill road and general progress Regarding the building of a board walk to the SanJ'1U1& Dook he stated that in his opinion it would be unaaoess&r7 if the road was properly graveled as then the road would form a good walk. 1 1 QC'} / V i;,.) , . In the matter .f building aboard walk to the San Juan Dook, o.e e.timated that it would oost rough11 .1600.00 to oomplete the IE same. Oounollaa Lucas .tated th.t he u. in favor of not on11 build1Dg a walk to the San Juan Dook, but of opeJl1ng up and grading the street as well. Counoilman Cotter objeoted to the Oit7 establishing a preoe4ent b7 opening up a street aD7 place without having a petition from the propert7 holders adJaoent to the street aCre. to pa7 their just proportion. ~e street COBB. was asked to asoertain the probable cost of labor and material for the oonstruotion of a board walk from Church street to ne railr'ad tra.ok,going out 1l'ourth Ave to I[onroa, thellCe doft 1[0lU'oe Street to the Traok, &J1d be prepared tp report baok at the next meeting. . CounCJ1lman Graff brot up the matter of oonneotias up the CU7 water mains with the power mains to be used in case of a fire. The oost of mak~ the said oonneotion was rough17 esti- mated bl' Oouno1lmaa Graff at approxlmat17 $360.0ot ' J[a70r Hoben oalled the attant10n of the COU11ot.l to the faot that at this time the regular water pressua is so low that the tire proteotion fttrnished is praotioalll' nil. The pressure on the Fire'Dept Faucet showiag 0.17 a pressure of 66 lb8. ~e a180 asked for'immediate action. Councilman Cottar the. moved that the l!'lre CoDlDl1ttee 1mmediatell' beg1Jl the work of oonneot1q up the Power mala with the Oi t7 kiD, &J1d author:Ls ,:Lag them to wire outside for the neoes8&1'7 pipe and coapletethe job at the earliest pOSSible time. Co~oilmaa.Graef seoonded the motion aDd on roll call, all oounol1.a....d the )fa70r voted in favor of the motion , and the llator order'" 'the Fir. Committee to take immediate action. Oouncilman.Cotter reported that he had written to the Agt of the Alaska S S Co, requestiag &II. inves1i1ga.tion of the rates betyee. Seward &Ild LaTouohe,aud had been promised aotion. Oit7 Attl'. L L James stated that the Seward Chamber of Oommeroe had taken a like aotion aad that they had been assured that the matter would be taken up in the immediate futUX'8. . Chairman Graff of the Glacier Stream Committee reported progress in the matter of ourbing the Glaoier stres.m. and explaine~ What steps ..ere being taken to OurD the same, including the plan of a double wing dam at the head of the to"'1te to make a possible overflow doubly safe,explaining that the first w1ngdam would probab17 be located approx1mat17 2600 feet from the R R Traok. Oounoilman Lucas oalled the attention to the old Oommun- it7 Ohurch building now standing in the middle of the glao1er stream and stated that in his opinion the same oonstituted a lIlenaoe and &J1 '7e sor. and asked that some aotion be taken to have the same removed. ~e lla70r then appointed Councilman Luoas as a committee af one to investigate and report baok at the next meetiD8. ~here being no gurther business to oome betore the Council, on motion of Graef, seoona b~ Crawford,the Counoil adjourned until the next regular meeting. /!' -~~~~.~ . -""'I M~~ 70r -I " \ r'\ ('on. ,-~,., ~\. t.../(....' Minuets of the Regular Meeting of the Seward City Counoil held June 3rd.1918. 1 The meeting was called to order at 8.15 P.M.by Mayor Hoben and all members were present except Counoilman Whittemore. The minutes of the meeting held May 29th,1918 were read and approved. A oommunication was read from the Seward Volunteer Fire Dep't stating that at a meeting held by said Dep't on May 30th 1918,Robert Guest had been unanimously appointed Fire Chief to succeed Joe Strejo,whose resignation had been accepted bV the Counoil. The applioation of Robert Guest for appointment to the office as Fire Chief was read. Councilman Cotter seoonded by Councilman Graff moved that Robert Guest be appointed Fire Chief for the ensuing year.All members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. 1 A oommunication was read from Mr.R.J.Wier of the Alaska Engineering Commission in regard to a permit for the Pole Line, from the Seward Depot to the Warehouse. His letter stating he had been advised that the matter would be brought up at the regular meeting of the Counoil on March 18th.191a.No record of this matter oould be found an~ Mayor Hoben referred same to the Light Committee, with authority to have the City Clerk issue a permit. A letter from the Womens Club of Sewar~ was read, same referring to the Horse and Dog Ordinance,asking that some aotion be taken toward keeping loose Horses and Dogs of the streets. Counoilman Graff seconded by Councilman Cotter moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee. The motion carried. Communications we~e read from William B.Dana Company and Taylor Ewart and Company,in regard to Flood Protecting Bonds. Counoilman Graff seoonded by Counoilman Cotter moved that the City Clerk answer these communications advising the none issue of such bonds.Motion carried. A oommunication was read from Miss Doris Davis in regard to the deliquent taxes on lot',.' bloch 1 . Counoilman Crawford seconded by Counoilman Cotter moved same be referred to the Committee on taxes. The motion carried. A communication from R.E.Robertson of Juneau,Alaska,was read,in regard to labor situation.Councilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Lucas moved that the City Clerk answer the oommunnication.Motion oarried. A bill amounting to $ 115.00 from D.C.Brownell for one(l) Street Light Standard was read. Councilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Graef moved. bill be paid in same manner.as had others for street light standards.warrent to be dated August lst.1918. At the call of the roll all members voted W ayeW and it was so ordered. 1 Counoilman Cotter requested permission for Leo Margules to light Street Standard in front of the Northern.Counoilman Graef seconded by Councilman Cotter moved that all individuals of the town,be granted the same privilege,provlding they pay all oosts of wiring, lighting an~ replaoing wiring as was originaly. The motion carried. The bills after being Oked by the Finanoe Committee were read as follows:- B.O.Morford $ C.E.Burr Jim Clinton H.L.Smith Chas.Crawford Joe Strejc(Fire Roll) 5.00 21.00 76.20 4.80 50.00 20.00 Alaska Transfer Co.$ 208.50 Seward Dook 1.83 Seward Light & P.Co. 103.20 Alaska Electrio Co. 6.00 Seward Water & P.Co. 102.50 L.L.James Jr. 8.33 94 Minuets of Meeting of June 3rd,1918,Continued. Robert Guest J.H.Romig J.H.Romig Joe Strejo U.S.Rubber Co. $ 150.00 50.00 8.33 50.00 2.68 Otto Poehlmann Otto Poehlmann Julian H. Reed Julian H. Reed U.S.Rubber Co. $ 1.62 9.66 40.34 6.71 40.25 ,~ I I I Counoilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Graff moved that the said bills be paid. and at the roll oall all members present voted naye" and it was so ordered. Councilman Graff reported that nothing but~progress was being made on the Glaoier Stream.He also reported that the bridge on Fourth Avenue had been oompleted and that before long a suitable passage way would acoross the st~eam on third Avenue. Councilman Luoas reported in regard to the structure of the Community Churoh now standing in the stream bed.He stated that he had written Rev.Munro regarding the matter. Counoilman Crawford of the Street Committee reported that the approximate oost of a sidewalk of 2 inoh boards from the lower foot of Munroe Street to Churoh Avenue would oost about $ 1200.00.The expense of blowing out stumps was not inoluded in his estimate. Counoilman Graef reported that he and Counoilman Graff had thoroughly investigated the matter of a pipe line connectio with the Seward Water and Power Company and the Seward Light and Power Company and that they had ordered all necessary pipe and fittings by mail.He ~eported that it was impraotile to wire for material,as there were many details whioh oould not be satisfaotorly explained in a wire. There being no futher business to oome before the Counoil,on motion of Councilman Graff seoonded by Counoilman Cotter the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting. ~'t;-;~'.;k.=:r/ ./. r!Y~~ / . r'.... ....,~ r>. t:.-i t:.- J Minuets of the Regular Meeting of the Seward City Counoil held June 17th,1918. I The meeting was oalled to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Hoben and all members were present exoept Counoilman Whittemore. The minuets of the meeting held June 3rd,1918 were read and approved. The Bond of City Treasurer J.H.Romig was read.Councilman Graff seoonded by Councilman Cotter moved that same be aooepted and the Clerk be instruoted to advise the Treasurer that the audit of the City's Books had been aooepted and that all books of the Treasurers were found to be oorreot. Motion oarried. I The applioation of Wm.H.Whittlesey for appointment to the offioe as aseessor of the Town of Seward was read. Councilman Cotter seconded by Counoilman Luoas moved that the matter be referred to a joint Committee,on Taxes and and Aocessments and the Finance Committee, with power vested in these committies to seoure the servioes of Wm.H.Whittlesey as aocessor,providing a satisfaotory agreement could be made in regard to salary.At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered.Counoilman Cotter stated that he thought the aocessment roll should be in by August Ist,1918. The Finanoe Committee reported that that auditors report had been examined and found to be correct.Counoilman Lucas seoonded by Councilman Graff moved that the Clerk draw Warrants in payment of the audit, which was $ lOO.OO.At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. The bills after being Oked by the Finanoe Committee were read as follows:- Wm.Pendergast $ 19.20 '10m Jepson $ 21. 60 Counoilman Graff seoonded by Counoilman Graef moved that the said bills be paid and the Clerk draw Warrants for same.At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. Counoilman Crawford of the Street Committee reported that the apporaoh to the fourth avenue bridge was in good shape, also that he had hawled several loads of gravel on the Dump road, filling up holes and reported the lower end of said road, now in good oondition.Councilman Cotter seconded by Counoilman Graef moved that the report be adopted and the good work go on. Motion oarried. Councilman Cotter reported in regard to communioation reoeived from Miss Doris Davis regarding deliquent taxes on lot 33 blook 7.He stated that after investigating the matter he found that Chas.A.Teoklengberg was also interested in said property, and that in his opinion the property had been properly aooessed and any adjustments would have to be made by the parties interes- ted, otherwise the lot would be sold for taxes. Councilman Graff seconded by counoilman Crawford moved report be adopted.Motion carried. I Councilman Cotter reported that the Sohool Committee had investigated the oondiotion of the Sohool Building and found that repairs were needed. Some of the windows were broken and also some needed repairs as they were leaking, also that storm windows were needed on the North side. The furnaoe was found to be in good condi~ion.The roof was also reported to be leaking and in bad shape.Counoilman Cotter stated that a concrete cement properly applied would permanently stop this leakage.He reported that the Sohool Committee had requested Brosius & Noon to give an estimate,as to the oost of putting the building in good shape before school is called. Councilman Graff seconded by Councilman Lucas moved that the report be accepted. Motion carried. Counoilman Graef pfesented a request for Dr. Romig asking that the grade from Brodway to the Hospital be put in better. 96 Minuets of Meeting of June 17th,1918,Continued. shape.Counoilman Lucas seconded by Counoilman Graef moved that matter be put in the hands of the Street Committee and the needed grading done.At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. There being no futher business to oome before the Counoil on motion of Counoilman C~t,ter seoonded by'~Counollman Graff the Counoil adjourned until the next regular meeting. I, I Yf! q;; Mr'ALvt , Mayor. ---, '" \, Minuets of the Regular Meeting of the Seward City Council held July lst,1918. JI"~ i.'>" ~.../~ t' t./ . The meeting wa.s oalled to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Hoben and all membera were present except Councilman Whittemore. The minuets of the meeting held June 17th,1918 were read and approved. The bills after being Oked by the Finanoe Committee were read as follows:- I J.H.Romig $ 50.00 J.D.Vicquery $ Robert Guest 150.00 Nels Winters Robert Guest 45.00 H.N.Tavitoff L.L.James,Jr. 8.33 B.N.Dziekorff J.H.Romig 8.33 Nick Sacoff Julian H.Reed 50.00 Chas. Crawford Julian H.Reed 8.33 Tom MoConety Robert Guest 5.00 Jas.Robinson Robert Guest(Fire Rl)aO.OO Tom.McConety Alaska Electric Co. 6.00 J.C.Pollook Seward Lgt.& Pow.Co. 16.60 Ole Moe Alaska Transfer Co. 776.85 L.Shorter Seward Water & P.Co.102.50 Paul Beron So.Morford 5.00 Wm.Willingham Andy Novak 3.50 Ingwald Jacobsen Joe Bradshaw 5.00 J.Everhardy J.L.Graef 18.80 Jno.Kaum 1. F. Parker 5 .00 115.20 91.20 91.20 91.20 100.00 204.30 137.15 15.60 52.70 18.20 l3.00 57.85 81. 25 71.50 85.85 68.25 9.75 Counoilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Graff moved that the said bills be paid and the Clerk draw warrants for same. At the oal1 of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. I Councilman Cotter suggested that the deliquent tax roll should be published. Mayor Hoben ordered the Clerk to prepair roll and publiSh same as soon as pOSSible. Councilman Cotter of the School Committee,spoke of general repairs needed on the School Building,stating that the cost of the roof had not,as yet been ascertained. A general dis- cussion followed in regard to the best and most eoonomical cource to follow to secure a substantial roof. After the matter had been thoroughly discissed,Counoilman Graff seoonded by Councilman Luoas moved that the School Committee be authorized and instruoted to ascertain what material would make the best roof and proceed with the work.At the call of the roll all memb.rs present voted "aye" and it was so ordeTed. . Mayor Hoben instruoted Councilman Cotter to proceed alone with the work,as the other member of the Sohool Committee was absent from the City. Counoilman Crawford of the Street Committee reported that the grade on 4th,Avenue had been completed. Councilman Cotter seoonded by Counoilman Graff moved that the report be aocepted Motion carried. I City Treasurer J.H.Romig spOke in regard to de1iquent tax roll,stating it was the Councils duity to authorize the clerk to publish the deliquent roll and lenght of time to be pub- lished. Counoilman Graff seconded by Counoilman Cotter,moved that the publication of the deliquent roll be placed in the hands of the Finanoe Committee.Motio carried. City Treasurer J.H.Romig called attention to the auditors request in regard to new receipt forms for the Treasurers Office.He also stated that the deliquent taxes should be brought down by the assessor.A general discussion followed 9,-. .... ) C) 0: Minuets of the meeting of July Ist,1918,continued. on this topic.Counoilman Cotter seoonded by Counoilman Graff moved that the assessor be instructed to bring forward all deliquent taxes,up to the present assessment.Motion oarried. Councilman Luoas seconded by Councilman Cotter,moved that the Finance Committee be authorized to have new receipts printed.At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye- and it was so ordered. - . Councilman Lucas seconded by Councilman Graff moved that the Clerk be authorized to purchase letter heads,Envelopes stamps,also notices to be used by the assessor and City Treasure for the oomming assessment.At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. Counoilman Lucas proposed that a walk be built from 3rd,Avenue on the South side of the Stewart House,said walk to approximately 286 ft.in lenght,and to be oonstruoted of old 2 inch planking, same to belong to City.He stated that since ,he Glaoier Stream rampage the people in that neighborhood, had been without a suitable passage way.After muoh disoussion on this topic Councalwan Lucas withdrew his motion. Councilman Graef reported that the G~Qbes on the. St. Light Standards in front of Frye Bruhns and at the Harriman Bank corner were off,and that they should be replaced.Mayor HOGen stated that this matter could be adjusted through the light Cornmi ttee. Dr.Romig brought up the matter of the Wm.Griffiths bill due the Seward General Hospital,for services during said Griffiths illness. This had been previously presented to the ~ Council and turned over to the Finance Committee for investigat- I ion. Councilman Graff stated that as a member of the Finance Comm ttee I he was opposed to having the City pay this bill,as the said Mr. Griffith was not a resident of Seward.He said the matter was a Territorial obligation and in his opin~on if put through the proper channels the Terriotial funds set aside for this purpose would take care of it. Councilman Crawford seconded by Counoil- man Cotter moved that this action be aocepted'Motion carried. There being no futher business to come before the Counoil,on motion of Counoilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Lucas the Counoil adjourned until the next regular meeting. City 70/ cr. ~ Mayor. RE SO_L!1Jl QIL That the delinquent tax roll of the 1hmicipali ty of Seward for the year 1917, as prepared by the Municipal Clerk, be approved, and the City Clerk is ordered and directed to publish in the SewCird Daily Gateway, a news paper of general oiroulation, onoe eaoh week for four oonseoutive weeks, a no- tioe under his hand eetting forth that the delinquent tax roll of the real property for the year 1917 is completed and is open for publio inspeotion, at the offioe of the Clerk in the base- ment of the Bank of Seward, and that on the lOth day of Sep- tember, 1918, the said roll will be presented to the Distric~ Court, Division No. :5 at Seward therein for adjustment and order of sale. ..-. " i~.,...,.:; \... ~ I v'G" Minuets of the Regular Meeting of the Seward City Counoil held July, 15th, 1918. 1 The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M.by Mayor Hoben and all members were present. The minuets of the meeting held July lst.1918,were read and approved. The bills after being Oked by the Finance Committee were read as follows:- Brosius and Noon $ 6.62 John Kaum $ 18.20 J.H.Young 5.00 L.Shorter 4.55 Jos.Strejc 4.00 Tom MoConety 18.85 Andy novak 3.00 Tom McConety 5.85 S.M. Graff 24.10 S.O.Morford 5.00 Gateway Pub. Co. 10.50 Counoilman Cotter seconded by Counoilman Crawford, moved that the said bills be pai~and the Clerk draw warrants for same.At the call of the roll all members voted "aye" and it was so ordere Councilman Cotter of the Sohool Committee reported in regard to the sohool roof.He stated that after making a thorough in- vestigation,it was decided to tear off the present Tin Roof and put on a Cedar Shingle roof. The cost of said roof,as near as oould be estimated would be between $ 500.00 and $ 600.00.He also stated that the shingles had been wired for.Counoilman Graff seoonded by Councilman Whittemore,moved that the aotion be aocept~d and adopted.At the call of the roll all members voted "aye" and it was so ordered. 1 Counoilman Graff inquired,as to what port ton of the expenses on the School Building,would be paid by the Territorial fund. Councilman Whittemore stated that 75% per.oent would be paid by the Territorial fund,payable at the end of the quarter. The City Clerk reported that the deliquent Tax Roll was ready for publioation. Mayor Hoben asked about progress in regard to the Water oonneotion between the Seward Light and Power Company and the Seward Water and Power Company. Councilman Graef ~IForted that nothing had been heard since thetmaterial had been wired for.He also stated that he had written and requested that all material be sent at once. Counoilman Graff of the Finanoe Committee reported that the City's Bank aooount had been overdrawn about $400.00.He moved that a Loan be madeand the Clerk be instructed to draw a warrant in favor of the Bank of Seward,in the amount of Three Thousand and Seventy Five ($ 3,075.00)Dollars,said Warrant to be dated three months ahead ftom date and that said Warrant be turned over to the City Treasurer for deposit.Motion was seconded by Council- man Cotter.At the oall of the roll all members voted "aye" and it was so ordered. I Counoilman Graef of the Water Committee reported that the Hydrant at the northern Corner, was not in the proper oondiction and that same should be out off and repaired by the Water Co~a~y After a general disoussion on this topic,Mayor Hoben instruoted the Committee on Fire Proteotion to oonfer with the Water Company and order suoh needed repairs done. Counoilman Whittemore spoke of the Five Thousand ($ 5,000.00) Dollars,to be set aside by the Government for the purpose of improving and grading streets in the Federal Addition.Mayor Hoben appointed a Committee, consisting of Counoilman Graff to confer with Mr.R.J.Weir of the Alaskan Engineering Commission in regard to the matter,and to report back at the next regular meeting. 6Il~t~t~ell then adjourned. 1'/ /Y\ ~<-L ~~ r . - _Mayor. p Minuets of the Special Meeting of the Seward City Counoil held July.29th,1918. 1 n~i ..... .~. .... JjJ 1 The meeting was oalled to order at 8 P.M.by Mayor Hoben and all members were present except Counoilman Luoas. The object of the meeting was to pay for labor on the Glaoier Stream work and also the regular monthly salaries. The bills after being Oked by the Finance Committee were read as follows:- S.M. Graff $ 272.35 Robert Guest 20.00 City Express 1.50 W.E.Root,P.M. 10.38 J.H.Romig 50.00 J.H.Romig 8.33 Robert Guest 150.00 Robert Guest(F):-:50.00 Julian H.Reed 50.00 Julian H.Reed 8.33 n.L.James Jr. $ Carl Huff Ellis Julian Wm.H.W111ingham S.F.Parker Jas.Robinson J /Everhardy Tom MoConety Chas.Crawford 8.33 13.65 93.60 15.60 8.45 122.20 179.36 178.20 46.85 !DO'WloiJJl1an:.:..C:b&..:t'o~d;lieaondeaYb1:l00Wilc11m&n Graef moved that the said bills be paid and the Clerk draw warrants for same At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so:r,ordered. I Mr.S.O.Morford presented to the Counoil an Ord1nance, "Granting to S.M. Graff the right to establish and maintain a Telephone System in the Town of Seward~. Mayor Hoben ordered that same be left over until the next regular meeting of the Council. On motion of Counoilman Cotter seoonded by Counoilman Whittemore the Counoil then adjourned. ~.- fl. rr Ir,)/~' Mayor. I Minuets of the Regular Meeting of the Seward City Counoil held August,5th,1918. nc, 1 ' II' ) ..... ~.,;:"~ ........../ The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M.by Mayor Hoben and all members were present except Counoilman Graff. 1 The minuets of the regular meeting held July 15th,1918,and the minuets of t~e special meeting held July 29th,1918,were read and approved. A communication was read from :Mr.J.P.Murphy,wherein he stated that the City owed him $ 150.00 for the use of his piledriver, for a period of two months. Councilman Cotter seoonded by Counoilman Whittemore moved that same be referred to the Glacier stream Comm- itte for approval. Motion oarried. A communioation from Dr.Romig was read,whioh contained a statement for the oare of Mrs.C.Vital amounting to $ 148.Z5.The communication futher stated that Mrs.Vital was in poor financial ciroumstances and urged that the City assist her under these conditions, also that she was anxious to return to the states to har son.After much discussion Counoilman Cotter seconded by Counc- ilman Whittemore moved that tha matter be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion oarried. Counoilman Lucas suggested that in any future oases of this kind the Health Office should confer with the ]layor in regard to to the expense and the disposition of the expense. A communication was read from Mr.S.Lundblad asking that his name be cut from the deliquent tax list,statin[ that there had been an error made in the taxation.After-discussing this matter it was deoided that no error had been made. Councilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Whittemore moved that the matter be layed on the table and should Mr.Lundblad desire any futher action, it oould come before the Board of Equalization. Motion oarried. The Bond of City Treasurer Romig was presented to the Counoil for approval. Councilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Whittemore moved that same be referred to the Finance Committee for verifi- oation and filed. Motion carried. I An Ordinance entitled" An Ordinance granting to S.M. Graff the right to establish and maintain a Telephone System in the Town of Seward" was read for its first reading. After a general discuss- ion on this matter Counoilman Whittemore seoonded by Councilman Cotter,moved that the Ordinanoe pass its first reading,and that said Ordinance be referred to the Street Committee and for said Committee to bring in any recomondations neoessary.At the oall of the roll all members present voter" aye" and it was so ordered. Counoilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Whittemore moved that the Health Office be instructed to oonfer with Mrs.C.Vital and offer her suffioient transportation to reaoh her son in the States,and the Clerk be instructed to draw Warrant for such amount needed.At the caJl of the roll all members present voted II aye" and it was so ordered. The bills after being Oked by the Finanoe Committee were read as follows:- I Brown & Hawkins $ 4.80 Gateway Pub.Co. 108.40 Seward Drug.Co. 2.25 J.H.Romig,M.D. 76.00 S.O.Morford 5.00 Gateway Pub.Co. 3.00 Seward Steam Laundry2.50 Alfred Madson 2.40 Seward General Hospital $ J.L.Graef Alaska.Transfer Company Seward Water & Power Co. Seward Light & Power Co. Alaska Electric Company Nels Winters Chas. Crawford 70.00 9.61 1,034.85 102.50 35.60 6.00 72.00 20.00 Councilman Cotter seconded by Counoilman Whittemore moved that said billa be paid and warrants be drawn for same.At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. Councilman Cotter of the School Committee reported that the 104 Minuets of meeting of August 5th.oontinued. shingles for the Sohool House Roof had arrived. Councilman Lucas seoonded by Councilman Whittemore moved that the r~port be aocep ted. Motion carried. Mayor Hoben stated that the lumber to board up the Wing Dams would be available in two days. Counoilman Crawford of the Street Committe~ireported that he had been working on the Glaoier Stream above the Brownell Hom and had suoceeded in turming the stream.Counoilman Cotter second ed by Councilman ~~ittemore moved that the report be accepted. Motion oarried. Councilman Graef reported that the material for the water conneotion between the Seward Water and Power Company and the Seward Light and Power Company had arrived and work would start just as soon as the Glacier Stream would permit.Counoilman Cotte seconded by Counoilman Whittemo~e moved the report be aooepted. Motion carried. Councilman Whittemore seconded by Councilman Cotter moved that the Clerk be instructed to write Dr.Daggett in regard to the guard ralling:,around his property on Broadway and WaShington Streets, advising the bad oondition same is in. Motion carried. There being no futher business to come before ;he Counoil on motion of Councilman Cotter aeconded by Councilman Whittemore the Counoil adjourned until the next regular meeting. --, , I - " 1 '1,-.,. .! ~"" 'i ~..\ .... '-..; (....;t 1 Minutes of the Reeular Meeting of the Se~ard City COemcil held August 19, 1918. The meetine; '.~..>s caEed to order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Hoben and all members were present. The minubs of the regular meeting held August 5, 1918, were read and approved. The minl-ltea of the Board of Equalization of tJle Town of Seward '!Iere read and correction made in ree;ard to Mr. Lundblad, being personal1y before the Board of Equalization, 1'1hich cor- rection \'Ias made. Co,-mcilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman Graef, moved the minutes be approved as corrected. At the call of the roll all members voted "aye" and it '.'Ia>3 so ordered. The Ordinanoe, grantine; to S. M. Graff, his heirs or as- signs, the right to establish and rtJair.tair. a te]epLone system in the Town of Se'.''lard then came up for diacussion. 1 Counci lman Whittemore on the Comrr,i ttee to bring in recom- mendations upon said Ordinance, stated tha.t a few chane-es in the Ordiance were necessary, calling attention to the life of the Ordinance which cOoJ,ld on~ y be for a period of t''lenty years in acoordance with the Territorial laws of Al:iska instead of t\'lenty-five years, as sti:ited in the preHent Crdinance. He also stated th3t there should be no poles on Broad'Nay and that the passing of the ordinanoe at this time 'Nol~id only Bue;gest to the peop] e the City CO;1no i l' a view on the matter, the Bcure would neoessarily have to be presented to the people at some future election. After a generCl.I discussion as to the best method of p,)t,tine; the ordina.noe before the Council, Counci Iman Whi t: emore, seconded by Coemci J !Ian Lucas, moved th".t said ordinance be plac- ed on its second reading, seotion by section. At the call of the roll all memben\ present voted "aye" except CounoUman Graff, who was not voting, and it was so ordered. After reading Section 1 Co'_mc1;man Cotter, seconded by Counoilman Whittemore, moved thbt the life of the ordinanoe, as read, t''1enty-five years be c.J.t and in8ert the term "t""ent.y years" in lieu thereof, to conform with the territorial laws of Alaska, and also that the followin~ clause be in~erted in said section "save and except that no pole-lines shall be estal)] ished for telephone service over Broadway (formerly Fourth Avenue) of said Town of Se,vard between Jefferson Street and Railvlay Avenue as now established, other than what are necessary and required for the orossin~: of Broad~'ay on the lines of the strf,eta of oaid Town of Seward". At the call of the roll a11 fi,embers present voted "aye" except COUnOilllian Graff,','lho was not voting, and it was so ordered. Section 2 was read and Councilman Whittemore, seconded by C'')lmci~:[an Cotter, moved that said seotion be adopted as read. At the call of the roll all members voted "aye" excevt Counoil- man Graff, who was not voting, and it \'las 60 ordered. 1 Seotion 3 was read and after sowe discLldsion, as to ',',hat the term of "reasonable direction" included, Counoilman Cotter moved the adoption of Seotion 3 as read. Motion'las seconded I)Y Councilman ',Bli ttefliore. At the cal i 0 f the roll all members vot- ed "aye" except Councilman Graff, ~ho was not voting, and it was so ordered. Section 4 was read. Councilman Cotter moved the adoption of Section 4 1:1S read. Motion 'Has seconded by Councilman Lucas. At the oall of the roll all members voted "aye" exoept Counci1man Graff, who was not voting, and it was so ordered. 106 SecU.on 5 was read. Councilmon Lucas moved that the fol- 101'lTin~ clal~8e be inserted in said section to read as follows: "Provided that reasonable di1.i~ence shall be required in the moving of such building or buildings under said 'Nires." Motion was seconded by Councilman Cotter. At the call of the roll all memberi:l voted "aye" excepted Councilma.n Graff, who was not vot- ing, and it '".as so ordered. ........, Section 6 "Tas read. Councilman Co~ter, seconded by Coun- cilman Whittemore, moved that Section 6 be adopted as read. At the call of the roll all members voted "aye" except Councilman Craff, who was not voting, and it was so ordered. Sect i on 7 'ns then read. Co,mcil'ian Lucas stated that the rates to be charged should be definitely stated in this section. A general discussion folloNed on this topic. Council~an Cotter then stated that the ordi nance cO'l:.d not be in full force from date of final p3.S8aC;e by the City Counci 1, and same could not be in full force until the ordinance had been adopted by the people at a re~ular eJ ection. An a:nended section to said or- dinance was read. r.ouncilman Cotter, seconded by Councilman Whittemore, moved that the new section (7) as read, be adopted, and that the old section be cut. At the call of the roll all members preaent voted "aye" except CounciJmanGraff, who was not voting, and i.t "laB so ordered. Councilman Cotter, of the School Committee, reported that the schoolhouse roof had been completedi also that some old tin had be~n sold to B. Story amounting to ~lO.OO. He also stated that the balance of the tin was not s'-lit.able for the roof on the fire hall and that the AlaBka Transfer Company ,....ould pur- chase the balance a.nd make settlement at some futllre date. Council man Lucas, seconded by Councilman Graff, moved that the report be adopted. Motion ca.rried. Councilman Graff moved that the bill paid Brosius & Noon in the amolmt of $488.10 be accepted, same was paid by the Clerk on verbal notice. At the call of the roll a.ll members voted "aye" and it was so ordered. Counei Ima.n Whittemore spoke in re~ard to '.'later protection hydrants, stating that the hydrants had been given no attention to date and that same should have immediate attention. Mayor Hoben also spoke in regard to the hydrant in the Cliff Addition, stating that same should be removed closer to to\'ln. Councilman Cotter, seconded by Counci1man Whittemore, moved t.hat the Water Committee be instructed to confer with the Water Company and insist that suoh needed work, or repairs, be done at once and, if same shou'd not receive attention, the Committee to have pow- er to prooeed with the work and tbe cost of said work '.'/ou'd be deducted from the re(';ular monthlY'Hter bill. At the eall of the roll all members voted "aye" and it was so ordered. ---, I I The bills, after being a.K.'d by the Finance Committee, were read as follows: J. L. Graef..............$112.05 Brosius & Noon........... 3.67 COtfficilman Whit.temore, seconded by Councilman Cotter, mov- ed th:it said billsbe paid and the Clerk instructed to draw war- rants for 8~ne. At the call of the roll all members voted "aye" and it was so ordered. A communication from the Fi.re Department was read, request- ing th3t the city purchase a Sirene whistle, new hose cart and to have the old hose sled repaired for '.'linter use. A general discllssion follovl'ed. on this matter. Councilman Cotter, seconded 1 () tt' .... ."" ( Minutes of the Meet.ing; of AugufJt 19, 1918, continued. '. by Counci Iman Whi tternore, waved that the matter be referred to the Fire COllilni ttee ,."ii th pO,~e r to act. At tile call of the roll all members l1resent voted "i:l.ye" and it 'Nas so ordered. 1 CO'.illci 1man Whittemore introd!lced a Resolution to be made rart of the minutes of the regular meeting held .Td y 1, 1918, same to be added to the minutes of said m~eting. Motion was seconded by COcillci 1man Graff. At the call of the roll all mem- bers voted "aye" and it WELt:! so ordered. Councilman Graef, of the Fire Committee, reported that the pipes at the "Key" were in very bad condi tion and th::1.t the same ws.s trlle at various other places. Ylayor Hoben advised that this matter 'Nas up to the Fire Committee and the Fire Chief. Fire Chief Guest then reported that he would start im'esti- gating all pipes and flues on the fir8t of 8e[.'tember, 1918. Councilman Graef suggested that more fire protection be given the San Juan Fishing and Packing Company. He stated that a pipe cOllld be laid on the surface from the new machine shops to the San Juan plant and same would have sufficient grade to prove successful. Much di6cussion fa] lowed on this matter but no action was taken. 1 Councilman Graef asked for a permit to do some excavating in the alJey in the rear of his building on Fourth AVentle. Coun- cilman Cotter, seconded by Counci Iman Whi ttemore, moved that l'er- mission be granted for such work. At the call of the roll all members voted "aye" and it NaB 80 ordered. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Cotter, eeconded by Councilman Graff, the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting. fl. 1-'1 /f;r?~L:'::3:_ :,rayor. 1 Minuets of the Special MeetinB of the Seward City Council held August 20th.1918 ~ 1 0(--1 _ v The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M.by Mayor Hoben and all members were present except Councilman Graef and Counci1- Luoas. 1 The object of the meeting was to establish the Levy for the Year 1918. After the Counoil had thoroughly diHcus~ed all matters in this regard,Councllman Cotter moved a resolution" That the levy for the year 19l8 be placed at 16 mills on the dollar" Motion was seconded by Councilman Graff.At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it ''\las 60 ordered. On motion the Counoil then adjourned. ~ Clerk.~ /7'. r ~'V\ - ----Mayor:--'---- I 1 Minuets of the regular meeting of the Seward City Council held September,2nd.1918 1 ~ "l 1~ The meeting was oalled to order at 8 P.M.by Mayor Hoben and all members were present exoept Councilman Graff. The minuets of the regular meeting held August 19th.1918 1 were read and approved. The minuets of the Speoial Meeting held. Augus t 20th.1918 were also read and. approved. The bills after being O'Ked by the Finanoe Committee were read as follows:- Seward Light and Power Co. J.H.Romig,M.D. Nels Winters J.J.Patton Chas. Ems wiler Chas.Crawford Chas. Crawford Chas.Crawford Chas.Crawford Robert Guest ( Fire Roll) Seward Water and Power Co. Alaska Eleotric Company Bank of Seward Seward Sawmill Company S.O.Morford 39.70 Gateway Pub.Co. 80.00 Alaska Transfer 87.60 Brown & Hawkins 94.20 Seward Drug Co. 31.20 J.D.Vicquery 31.20 J.L.Graef 31.20 Julian H.Reed 21. 60 J .H.Romig 100.00 J.B.Romig 20.00 L.L.James Jr. 102.50 Robert Guest 6.00 Robert Guest 10.00 Julian H.Reed 73.80 Julian H.Reed 5.00 586.60 Co.248.20 7.00 1.00 9.00 45.52 25.00 50.00 8.33 8.33 50.00 150.00 50.00 8.33 Counoilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Whittemore moved that the said bills be paLl and the Clerk be instructed to draw Warrants for same.At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. 1 Counoilman Cotter stated that he desired to go on record as stating that he was not in favor of having the City pay any more of Mrs.C.Vitals DR.Bills,as the City health Officer had been instruoted to offer Mrs.Vital transportation to the States. Councilman Cotter futher stated that he thought the City had done all that was possible to be done. Counoilman Whittemore also expressed his opinion as above stated. Counoilman Lucas stated Mrs.Vital's oase to the Counoil ani futher stated that it was the City's duty to care for Mrs. Vital,while in this oondition.He also said it would be possible to secure aid from the Territorial Funds set aside for this purpose. Mayor Hoben then appointed a Special Committee, consisting of Counoilman Whittemore to oonfer with the United States Marshal to take the matter up with the Terr~tory and try in some manner to despose of the oase. Councilman Graef of the Fire Committee reported that he had oonferred with Mr.Ballaine of the Water Company ani was advis d that a hydrant would be removed from the Luoas residenoe and re- placed at Broadway and Washington Streets.A general discussion followed on the matter. I Counoilman Whittemore moved that the Chief of Police be instructed to confer with the Water Companyand to have the hyd- rant at the Northern corner and the one at the foot of Adams Street, replaced. At the Call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. The matter of the guard railing around Dr.Daggett's porp- erty OJ:l Broadway an.i Washington..:Streets came up for disoussion. Councilman Whittemore seconded by Counoilman Lucas moved that the Street Committee be instructed to remove and repair said Guard Railing an.i at the oall of the roll all members present voted" aye" and it was so ordered. J! A C', , i .,/ ...:.. ..;...1-..) Minuets of the meeting of September 2nd.1918,contlnued. The matter of Water Hydrants again came up for disoussion, but no more aotion was taken than before stated. Attorney Morford stated that he would also see the Water Co. on the matter of hydrants and urge that immediate aotion be taken in putting in new hydrants. Councilman Whittemore then moved that the meeting be posponed until 8 o'clook P.M. on September 3rd.1918.Motion was seconded by Councilman Luoas and carried. ,- ,i I Minuets of the meeting of the Seward City Council held on the 1 1 ;.~ 3rd.day of September 1918,which was a continunation of the regularL ~ ~ meetin5 held September 2nd,1918. 'I The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Hoben and all members were present except Councilman Graff. The Minuets of the meeting held September 2nd.1918 were read and approved. Councilman Whittemore spoke in regard to payments of taxes for the year 1918,stating that the notice published to the affeot that the taxes would be due in two,payments,was published in erro . He also stated that the taxes should become due in one payment fo the our rant year,as the City at this time was in debt.A general discussion then followed. Councilman Lucas then introduced and moved the passage of th following resolution " Be It RESOLVED by the common council of the City of Seward,Alaska,that the taxes for the year 1918,shall be made in one payment and that said taxes shall beoome due and payable on the 15th. day of November 1918 and that the Clerk be instruoted to prepare and publish a NOTICE to this effect "Motion was seoonded by Councilman Whittemore and at the Call of the roll a~l members present voted "aye" and the Mayor declared the res- olution adopted. Counoilman Whi.ttemore was excused at 8.20 P.M. for a short period. 1 Mayor Hoben then spoke in regard to the deliquent tax roll for the year 1917,stating that same,as had been publiShed was incorreot and it would be necessary in his opinion to republish same, before presenting to the District Court for order of sale. City Attorney James also spoke on the matter and advised tho. same be republished. Councilman Graef then introduced and moved the passage of th following resolution " BE IT RESOLVED by the common oounoil of the City of Seward,Alaska,that the Municipal Clerk publish the deliquent tax roll for the year 1917,and a notice in the Seward Gateway,(a newspaper of general oiroulation in the Town of Seward bnceaiweek'fortfour 00tisec1.ltive weeke~begiIln1hg the 5th.day of September. 1918, that the deliquent tax roll of real.personal and special assessments,for the year 1917,of the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska,has been oompleted and is open for publio inspection at the office of the Municipal Clerk in the basement of the Bank of Seward, on: the oo:rner'~of Broadway and Adams Streets in the said ~own of Seward,and that on the 5th. day of November 1918, the said deliquent tax roll will be presented to the Distric Court for the Third Judicial Division of the Territory of A&aska at Valdez therein, for adjustment and order of sale"motion wa~ seconded by Councilman Cotter and at the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and the Mayor declared the rssolutio adopted. The Telephone Ordinance oame up for its thir:i reading anJ was rec:.d by the Clerk. 1 Councilman Graef then stated that he did not care to app- rove the said ordinance, as no. established rates were stated the - ein.He also stated that the Electric Light Ordinance was present to the Counoil with stated rates. thus allowing the Council to vote intellingenly. Councilman Whittemore spOke in regard to the ordinance stat ing that he looked at the matter different ffom that of the Elec - ric Light Franchise as this Ordinanoe would be presented to the people,whereas the Electrio Light Franchise was not. The matter of reasonable rates came up for discussion and City Attorney James stated that the term reasonable rates grante to the applicant power to raise the Telephone rates at his dis- cresaion.He futher stated that it would be equitable and just to h",ve the Telephone rates inserted in said orJ.inance. /~ .it l' L' 1 J.. J_ After much discussion councilman Lucas moved that the conside _ ation.adoption or rejection of sail ordinance,be put over until the next regular meeting of the Councilat which time the applican will be requested to submit rates to be incorporated in sai~ ordinanoe.Motion was seconded by Councilman Whittemore and at the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. Attorney Morford stated that he had seen Mr.Ba~laine of the Water Company in regard to the hydrants.Mr.Ballaine stating that the hydrant at the foot of Adams Street was in good condition and that they would arrange to put in a hydrant at the Northern Corne . Mayor Hoben stated that the Water Main on 3rd.avenue had been disoonneoted for the past 50 days and no effort was being made to repair same.He futher stated that with this main disconnected onl left one line of pipe running into town. Councilman Graef of the Fire Committee then stated that he would take the matter up with the Water Company. Counoilman Graef reported the hydrant at the foot of Adams Srteet in good condition. The Bills after being Oked by the Finance Com!i:',ittee were read' as follows. Chas.Leohner Tom McConety Tom McConety $ 5.00 21.60 141.90 Seward Light and Power Co.$ 45 41 Jas.Robinson $15.60 Jas.Robmnson 99.45 Councilman Cotter seconded by Counoilman Graef moved that the saij bills be paid and that the clerk draw warrants for same.At the call of the roll all members present voted"'ye" and it was so ordered. On motion the Council then adjourned. Ilt10~4 . Mayor. Minuets of the meeting of the Seward City Counoil held September 16th.1918. .,It .,AI f~... ! \. i \ ........\-1 The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M.by Mayor Hoben and all members were present exoept Councilman Graff and Whitte- more. 1 The minuets of the previous meeting were read and approved. A communication was read from Mr.Robert Ashland,wherein he protested on the taxes assessed against his Laubner Addition property, also against his personal Tax.After a discussion on the matter Counoilman Cotter seconded by Counoilman Crawford moved that the oommunioation befiled and no action taken. Motion carrie A communication was read from Mr.Elmer Safe,wl:l.el'e1n he asked about the old machinery on Railroad Avenue,also aSKing that same be shipped to him at Seattle. Councilman Crawford stated that said machinery was sold at public auotion last year,as it had been declared a public nuisance and an obstruction ~o traffic. Councilman Cotter seconded by Councilman' Lucas moved that the Clerk be instructed to write Mr.Safe full details on the matter, and to obtain a Clipping of the notioe published in the Gateway with regard to said machinery. Motion oarried. The Telephone Ordinance then cane up for discussion. Councilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Luoas moved to defer any aotion until the next regular meeting of the Council,as Mr. Graff was unable owing to the f~ood. At the oall of the roll all mem- bers present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. The bills after being Oked by the Finance Committee were read as follows:- 1 Chas.Crawford $' Councilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Graef moved that the said bill be paid and the Clerk draw Warrant for same. At the oall of the roll all members present "vote "aye" and it was so ordered. Councilman Graef presented a request for a light in the the alley way between the Branch Building and the key. After a general discussion Councilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Lucas moved that the report of the Corr.mittee be aocepted. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered Counoilman Lucas requested that a light be placed inthe oenter of t':e Third Avenue Bridge,and after diso1i.ssion he was oonvinoed that a light had been installed at this point. The matter of Mrs.C.Vital again came up for disoussion. Councilman Lucas seconded by Councilman Cotter moved that the ole k confer with Dr.Romig and U.S.~arshall Evans,also to get a written statement from Dr. Romig regarding the case and then take up the matter with Judge Brown of this Division. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was 60 ordered. I The matter of S.Lundblad's deliquent tax was called to the Council's attention by Councilman Graef.A discussion fOllowed,but no aotion was taken. On motion the Council then adjourned, c N{rn~1 l.fa.yor. ~ilin~l:te8 ()f the :\:e,:~til c; cof 'tLe S~~-il::.?.rL1 City CO;_lnciJ heJd October 7, IS18. JI ..,If 1". i i ,- .....i.t. The rneetin~ w~s ca:;ed to order at 8:00 P.~. by Ex-Officio Mayor Graff and'""alJ ce'.mcilrr1en were f)rese:1t excer.t Conncilrnan Lucas. 1 The illin;-ltes of the previo_,s meetiy g i,vere rehd and sl'l'rnved. A communic ,tion 'N~S read from ~.)I-lncilman Lucas, 'NL1erein he asked for leave of absence for a period of three months. Coun- cilman Co~ter, secon~ed by Co~ncilman Graef, moved th~t the re- quest be gr~nted. Motion c~rried. A comn'l-lnication '.vas read frorr the Burroughs Addine; Machine Co., Juneau Eranch, sti:lting tIn.t ~6.40 interest 'IVdS stil:i. due from the City of Se\v':trd on their addinc; !r,achine contract. A dis- cusBion follo'ved on the :natter to the effect thf:1t thei l' repre- sentative, E. S. He'.vitt, agreed to sell s'iid adcHIIe; ,r;achine and accept a future paYl11ent for s::uoe. Said ae;r,c;e,nent "Ias made '!lith fornler City Clerk Poehlman. Councilman Cotter, seconded by Councilman 1~hitterDore, moved tlia.t the Clerk be instructed to an- swer said corn!l!Lmic3tion stating detailB of purchase of machine. :,:oti~n c'irried. ~ The te::.eohone ordinance then came Ul) for its third and final . - reading and "l:id read by the Clerk by title only. CounciJman Cot- t.er, seconded by Councilman Whi'"temore, moved that said ordi- n&noe come up for f1na1 [lassage. At tJie call of the roll all mem:')ers present voted "aye" and the i.layor declared tile ordirlance adopt ed. 1 COlmci [me.n T!:.'hi t'.e.nore, secoD,led by Councilman Cotter, mO'Tcd the .:)ases2;e of the fOI- o'.';ing resolt;,tion: "BE IT HESOLVED by the CO~ll:non COI.mcil of tile T _,wn o.f Se'.'l5-rd, Alaska, that tIle terri tOl'ial election, to be held Tuesday, lJovember 5, :1.918, be held at the City Hal}, and also th3t the Clerk be aclthorized to l:,ubliHh the necessary notice in connection with said elec~ion." At the call of the roll 0.1: members present voted "aye" and it was so order- ed. COLillcil:nan Cot~er, seconded by COl1Dcilman v.rhi',~;emore, moved th3t the fol1oN1ng be ljj,3.ced on the Election Bo:,rd: (1111'8. Ellsworth JUDGES----,-------- (Dr. Sloan (George Phelps CLERKS------------(Mrs. A. H. McNeer (Mios Sylvia Sexton Motion c:uried. The bill,. after being OK'd by the Finance Committee, were read as follows: 1 M. A. Horner-----------------$ 5.00 Charles Emswiler-------------$ 30.00 Gatew:..y Pllolishing Co.-------$496.10 W: E: Root, P08tmaster----- --j 13.66 A~ab~a Transfer CO.----------1297.50 J. H. Romig, 2. D.-----------0108.00 Brosius & Noon---------------~ l~ .35 Robert Gueat, Fire Chief-----~ 20.00 Alaska Electrio Co.----------~ 6.00 C')""-rd C' -~l"o Co "" 13 80 ' ~.. ,c:1 U..:1'iYHJ. -' -< .-----------~1.' t J. L. Graef------------------! 13.35 8e'HE>rd w::;,ter & Power Co.----.-..;,102.50 r","" rd Dr'-::r Co .... 3]- ~:)'....'.':::"... '~Q .-------~-_._-'--_.\.,..~ .;:) Sew~rd Li~ht & Power CO.-----~152.~7 Charles Cr~~ford-------------~ 23.40 Charles Cr~~ford-------------~ 40.80 Ch~r~es Emswiier-------------$ 9.60 118 Minutes of the ~e~tiDg of October 7, 1918, c,:;nt inl-1ed. Nels Winters--------------$l26.00 Char1e 8 Crawfo rd---- -,---- --g120. 00 Robert Guest--------------'ii'15C.00 Robert Guest--------------$ 50.00 J. H. Romig---------------$ 50.00 J. H. Romig---------------$ 8.33 J. H. Reed----------------~ 50.00 J. H. Reed----------------~i. 8.33 L. L. James, Jr.---------- 8.33 Wm. H. Whitt1esey--------- 500.00 Councilman Cotter, seconded by Counci.1man Gra.ef, moved that said bills be paid and the Clerk draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. Councilman ~~ittemore then spoke in regard to the Mrs. C. Vital case. He stated that the case had been personally pre- sented to the Covernor and that the expenses incurred could probably be paid by the Territorial Indigent Fund. He also moved thbt the Clerk prel:,are a st:ttement of bills paid and for- ward same to the Governor, also to ascertain if a ILlture allow- ance could be arranSed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Cot- ter and carried. Councilman Graef presented a re'1uest for lights to be placed along the walkway North of the Governlnent cottages. Af- ter a discussion on this matter Councilman Cotter, seconded by Councilman Whittemore, moved that the matter be placed in the hands of the Light Committee with power to act. At the call of the rol) all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. On motion of Councilman Cotter, seconded by Councilman Whittemore, the COlillcil adjourned until the next regular meeting ...,~ //)~ Cler~.'-"- -: ~rcro~'fati: \ --- -~._- t' rUnuet ~ of the Adj ot:.rned 1:eeting of the 2,e'.'Vird C01lil,on GounciJ h::ld October 21st.J.918. A J* ,:"'" ll~) As the ~..L.iyor d.nd 'eha President vf tLc Council ',"/ere both absent the Council o::.J.j oUlT,ed unt il the next regular mC8ting be held November 4th.lS18. to 1 Councilm:m Cot~G6r, Crawford. Gra.ef ;in,i Whi ttcn;ore ':;ere I.:re2ento. c fr /<Y; ~ ;[;'yo-1' ~.. - - .. .. -_._- I 1 Minuets of the meeting of the Seward City Counoil held November,4th.1918. ~ r:, ~ i ' --i- .;j-_l The meeting was oalled to order at 8P'M.by Mayor Hoben and all members were present except Councilman Lucas, 1 The minuets of the meeting held October 7th.1918 were read and approved. also the minuets of the adjour~ed meeting held Oot. 21st.1918,wre read and approved. A comsunication was read from the Luthern Aid Sooiety of Seward, requesting that the lots belonging to the Luthern Church be exempted from taxation. Councilman Cotter seoonded by Counoil- man Graff moved that inasmuoh as this question had been deoided in other caae8,that the Clerk be in8tructed to advise said Sooiet by letter that the taxation on said lots would not be waived. Motion carried. The Clerk presented a request for Mrs.Ellsworth and George Phelps asking thatthey be disoharged from the Election Board. Councilman Whittemore seconded b~ Councilman Cotter moved that same be granted. Motion oarried. Councilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Graff moved that Mr.Almy be appointed to fill the vaoancy caused by 'Mrs.Ellsworth's resignation and that Mr.J.O.Patton be appointed to fill the vao- anoy caused by George Phelps resignation. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. 1 T:le City Clerk by request of L.L.Tames.Jr.City Attorney presented Mr. James's resignation as City Attorney. Councilman Graff seconded~by Counoilman Whittemure moved that the City Attorneys resignation be aoc,pted. Motion carried. The bills after being Oked by the finance Committee we~e read as follows: J.H.Romig $ 50.00 J.H.Romig $ 8.33 Robert Guest 150.00 Robert Guest 150.00 J.H.Reed 50.00 J.H.Reed 8.33 L.L.James 8.33 Nels Winters 62.40 Jas.Robinson 19.20 Jack Stotko 24.00 Tom Murphy 4.20 Chas.Crawford 4Q.00 Brosioun Noon 100.88 J.A.Nelson 18.75 F.J.Cotter 171.50 Seward Light & P.Co 248.33 Seward Drug Co. 3.35 J.H.RomigM.D. 86.00 Seward Light & P.C141.55 J.H.Romig 1.61 W.E.ROOT 2.00 Seward Sawmill Co. 12.35 Gateway Pub.Co 14.70 J.L.Greaf 148.33 M.A.Horner 5.00 Chas.Emswiler 35.00 Alaska Tr.Co. 32.40 Seward Water & P.Co 102.50 SO Morford 10.00 Alaska Electric Co 9.00 Bank of Seward 20.00 Robert Guest(fire roll 20.00 Seward Sohool Board..... ...... .......... ........500.00 " " ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500. 00 " " ". . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,700.00 Counoilman Graff seconded by Counoilman Cotter moved that the said bill be paid anu the clerk be instruoted to draw warrant for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. 1 Counoilman Graef reported that the water connection between the Seward Water and Power Company and the Seward Light and Power Companyhad been completed and that same should prove very val- uable in case of fires. Counoilman Graff seconded by Councilman Cotter moved that the report just made by the Speoial Oommittee be accepted and tha the Oommittee also be disoharged. Motion oarried. Councilman Graef also reported the the Water Pipe Line on Third Avenue was still olosed. A ~isoussion then followed on this matter and Counoilman Graef stated that he would see the Water Company again on the matter. ..,. .r--- C:;-... .:. j~ /:> Minuets of meeting held November 4th. continued. Councilman Graff reported that the Syrene (fire) had been ordered by wire on Ootober 16th.IS1B and that same should soon arrive. He futher stated that the tower was ready to be placed. The matter of a nightwatchman then came up and a disoussion followed on the matter. Councilman Graff seoonded by Councilman W hittemore moved that Mr.Nels Winters be appointed as nightwatohma at;asalary of $ 125.00 per.month,salary to begin not later than December Ist.1918 or before if the Fire Chief deemed it neccessar to have his services.At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. ---, Counoilman Graff introduoed and moved the passage of the following resolution; "BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward that the Clerk be instruoted to draw three warrants in favor of the Seward Sohool Board,two in the amount of t 500.00 each and one for $ 700.00 thus completing the Sohool Board allotment for the year~ Councilman Whittemore seconded the above resolution. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and it was so ordered. On' motion of Counoilman Graff seconded by Councilman Cotter the Council then adjourned. .# if'~ . MAYOR. ---, 1 1 1 ~inuete of the regular meeting of the Seward City Counoil held Deoember 2nd. ISla. "'" C-';., (' .1. ~~',"j ,~j The meeting was oalled to order at a P.M.by Mayor Hoben and all members were present exoept Counoilman Luoas. The minuets of the regular meeting held November 4th.1918 were read and approved. The Bills after being Oked by the Finanoe Committee were read as follows:- Julian H.Reed $ 50.00 Robert Guest 50.00 J.H.Romig 50.00 Brosious & Noon 51.04 Robert Guest(F.Roll20.00 J.M.Solan,M.D. 5.00 Bank of Seward 10.00 J.L.Greaf 9.75 S.O.Morford 5.00 Robert Guest,Fire Chief(Dep't salary for servioes the Broaious and Noon fi re ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julian H. Reed Robe rt Gueat Nela Winters Seward L.& P.Co. Seward W.&.P.Co. Alaska Tr.Co. Chas.Crawford Alaska ~leotrio Co. $ 8.33i 150.00 66.6 147.45 l02.5 39.9 79.25 6.00 at 40.00 Counoilman Crawford seoonded by Counoilman Graef moved th the said bills be paid and that the Clerk be inatruoted to draw warrants for aame and at the call of the roll all members present voted W aye wand it was so ordered. Counoilman Graff of the Fire Committee then reported that Fire Syrene had arrived and that .ame was in good oondition,he also .tated that very probably it would be within the next ten days. A general diaoussion then followed on the Influenza Epedimio and the good work being performed by the Seward Board of Health. On motion of Counoilman Graff seoonded by Councilman Cotter the Counoil then adjourned until the next regular meeting. (I- 1) ~ Mayor. Minuets of the regular meeting of the Seward city Counoil held Deoember 16th 1918. 1 c. -' L_. ~L) The meeting was called to orJer at 8 P.M.by Mayor Hoben and all members were present except Councilman Graff and Lucas. 1 The minuets of the meeting held December 2nd 1918 were read anJ approved. The bills were read as follows anJ OkeJ by the Finance Committee. H. E. Carleton Joseph Wilson Seward Drug Co. Martin Lanning $ 52.00 Seward Board of Health $166.7 60.00 Jim Clinton.............. 7.5 1.20 Andrew Beck............. 35.0 35.00 Seward Drug Company.....llO.7 Counoilman Crawford seconded by Councilman Whittemore moved that the said billa be paid and the Clerk be instructed to draw Warrants for same anJ at the call of the roll all members present voted" aye" and it was so ordered. Councilman Graef reported that the Water Pipe Line on 3rd avenue had been connected. Fire Chief Guest reported that 4 hydrants had been frozen and the he had succeeded in thawing out all but one,whioh would also soon be thawed. 1 The Fire Committee reported that the Syrene would be in working order in the next few days. The Clerk presented the question as to the Judges and 21erks of the election board being paid an &4dittonal fee of ~ 5.00 for services rendered during the last eleotion. A dis- cussion followed on the matter and it was decided that the partie should present individual billsfor the amount in question. A suggestion was presented from Councilman Graff that the street lights should be ol,.ned and by Joing so same would prove to make a better light. The matter 'was referred to the Light Committee. On motion of Councilman Cotter seconded by Councilman Whi ttemore the Council then adjourned until t'-e next regular m<;eting. B" #/l/.~~ Mayor. 1