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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Seward
City Counoil. held January 5th, I920.
The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p.m. by Mayor Cham-
berlin, and all members were present except Counoilman S. M. Graf .
The minutes of the meetings of December Ist, I5th, and 26th,
were read and approved. .
A Cummunioation from Mayor Chamberlin to the City Counoil
was read, the same refering to the present inadequate Light and
Water Systems, now being conduoted in Seward, by private owner-
ship, and suggested Municipal oontrOl of these Systems, as the
best method of serving the public.
Counoilman J. L. Graef seconded by Council Horner moved that
the Cummunioation be accepted and filed, and brought to the atten-
tion of the Counoil, under the head of new business. At the call
of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
A Cummunioation from Hugh Dougherty, City Treasurer, was
read, stating in brief, the amount of cash on hand in the City
Banks, and further requesting, that owing to the extra amount of
work he had put in on the City Books, that he be reimbursed in
t~e amount of $ IOO.OO.
Councilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Whittemore moved
that the Cummunioation be refered to the Finance Committee for a
report at the next regular meeting. At the call of the rolJ all
members present voted "aye". And it was so ordered.
The Claims and Salaries after being Oked by the Finanoe
Committee were read as fOllows:
Hugh Dougherty
Robert Guest
Robert Guest
J. M. Sloan
C. A. Estes
C. A. Estes
Peter Johnson
Robert Guest
L. V. Ray
Joseph Strejo
Joseph Strejc
Seward Water & Power CO.
Counoilman Luoas seconded by
the Claims and Sa~aries be allowed
be instructed to draw warrants for
all members present voted "aye".
Alaska Trans. Co. $
Alaska Eleo. Co.
Seward Light & P. Co.
H. E. Ellsworth
Andy Novak
S. O. Morford
Gateway Pub. Co.
Mrs. F. R. McNeer
J. I... Gra.ef
Bank of Seward
Harriman Nat'l. Bk.
CounoilmanHorner moved that J
as read, and that the Clerk
s~e. At the oall of the rol
Motion oarried. I
~ Councilman Lucas seconded by Councilman Horner then moved
that the Clerk be instruoted to draw a warrant in the amount of
$ 100.00 in favor,of Walter W. Lukens, as payment in full for the
work he performed last July in Drafting Plans for the Proposed
Municipal Floating Dook. At the oall of the roll all members
present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
The matter of appointing a. Sexton for The City Cemetary,
went over until the next regula~ meeting.
The Cummunioation from Mayor Chamberlin was again taken up
and discussed, and Counoilman Luoas seconded by Councilman J. L.
Graef moved, that the Mayor apPOint a Committee of (2) to inves-
tigate the Light and Water Systems, and call on the owners of
these plants, and see what could be done, and to further inves-
tigate the advisability of holding a Muntoipal Eleotion some-
time in February, for the purpose of Bonding the City of Seward,
so that its financial baoking would be suff1cent to warrant
Municipal Ownership of Light and Water Systems. At the oall of
the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion carried.
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Mayor Chamberlin then appointed Councilman McNeer and Coun-
cilman Luoas on this Committee.
Upon Motion by Councilman Horner seconded by Councilman
Whittemore, the Council then adjourned until the next regular
meeting, Monday January I9th, I920.
A Y 0 R.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Seward
City Council. held January 19th. I920.
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The meeting was called to order at 8 p.m. by Mayor
Chamberlin, and all members were present except Counoilman S. M.
The minutes of the regular meeting of January 5th, 1920
were then read and approved.
A Cummunioation from the Seward Volunteer Fire Department -
was read, the same requesting that the City Council purchase a
Chemical Hose & Fire Motor Truck. Councilman Lucas seconded by
Councilman J. L. q~aef moved that the Oummunication be accepted
and filed, and it was so ordered. ' -
Cummunications from Walter W. Lukens were read, in whioh
he agreed to furnish the City, ,Location Maps, Profiles, Field
Notes, working a.nd detail Drawings, Specifications and Estimates
of Cost of Proposed Improvments, regarding the diverting and con-
troling the flood waters of Lowell Creek, for the sum of ($I600.00
and to furnish 'Location Maps, Profiles, Field Notes, etc, regard-
ing the ConBtruotion of a Munioipal Hydro Electric Plant, for the
sum of ($I200.00).
Councilman Iucas seconded by Councilman Horner moved that
the Cummunications be accepted and taken up under the head of
New Business., Motion carried.
Hugh 'DoUgherty, City Treasurer, was present, and stated to
the Counoil, that he had in his posession a oheok sent by Robert
Ashland, as payment ot the said Ashlands Taxes, and that the cheok
had been protested, and asked what aotion should be taken.
Councilman Whittemore seoonded by Councilman MoNeer moved
that the matter be refered to the City Attorney. At the call of
the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion carried.
Councilman Luoas then stated that his investigations of the
local Light and Water Systems, had not sufficiently materialized
owing to the absence of the heads of these companies. Councilman
Whittemore se~onded by Councilman Horner moved that the report be
aocepted and filed. At the call of the roll all members present
voted "aye". Motion carried.
Councilman Whittemore seconded by Councilman Hornet. moved
that the Clerk be instruoted to draw a warrant in the amount of
($IOO.OO)'in' favor of Hugh Dougherty, City Treasurer, for extra
work he had performed. At the call of the roll all members pres-
ent voted "aye". Motion carried.
The matter of appointing a Sexton for the City Cemetary
went over until the next regular meeting.
The Cummunications from Walter W. Lukens were again taken
up and disoussed, and Councilman Lucas seconded by Councilman
Whittemore moved that Mr. Lukens Glaoier Stream proposition be
accepted in consideration of the sum of ($1600.00) and that the
payments of same be made as agreed and outlined in his Cummunioat-
ion, ie, February First I920, ($500.00) March First 1920 ($700.00)
and April Firat 1920 ($400.00) and that the last payment of
($400.00) be withheld until the work had been fully completed and
accepted by the Counoil, and further that the Mayor be empowered
to enter into an agreement with Mr. Lukens for the above stated
neeotiationB, and to work in conjunction with the Glacier Stream
Committee, and that the Cummunioation of Mr. Lukens, with refer-
ence to oompiling data for a Munioipal Hydro Electrio plant, be
acoepted a.nd filed.
At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" -
Motion oarried.
The matter of Motor Fire Apparatus for the Seward Volun-
teer Fire Department, was again taken up for disoussion, and Coun-
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oilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman J. L. Graef moved that a
Committee from the Fire Department should meet with the Committee
on Fire Proteotion, and go into the proposition more thorough~1'
At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion
Upon Motion by Councilman Luoasseconded by Councilman
Whittemore, the Council then adjourned until the next regular meet
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Kinutes of the regular meeting of the Seward
City Counoil. held February 3. 1930.
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The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p.m. by Kayor
Chamberlin, and all members were present exoept Counoi~ S. M.
The minutes of the regular meeting of January 19th, were
then read and approved.
A Cummunioation from Peter Johnson, Night Wato~, was
read, in whioh he requested that his resignation take effeot
immediate ly.
Counoi~ Whittemore seoonded by Counoi~ J. L. Graef
moved that Kr. Johnson's Cummunioation be plaoed on file, and tha
his resignation as Night Watohman be accepted as stated. At the
oall of the roll all members present voted Waye.. Motion oarried.
A ~lmmunioat10n from H. E. Ellsworth, Agent for ~KC
Kotor Truoks was read, in whioh he agreed to furnish the City of
Seward, a mo~el 16 - 3/4-1 ton GKC Chassis, for the sum of $1750
and war tax '33.50. "Counoi~ Horner aeoonded by Counoilman
KoNeer moved that theCummunioation be aooepted and plaoed on fil
and taken up later under the head of new business. Kotion oarried.
The Claims and salaries after being Oked by the Finanoe
Committee were read as follows:
Hugh Dougherty t 50.00 Seward Water & P. Co. . 107.50
Robert Guest 50.00 S. O. Korford 5.00
Robert Guest 150.00 Bank of Seward 7.50
J. M. Sloan 50.00 Harriman Na.tl. Bank. 30.00
C. A. Estes 8.33 Seward Drug Co. 3.50
1 C. A. Estes 50.00 Alaska Transfer Co. 16.00
L. V. Ray 50.00 Gateway Pub. Co. 19.00
Robert Guest ZO.OO Brown &"Hawkins .75
Joseph Strejo 30.00 Jane KoNally 6.00
Alaska Eleotr10 Co. 9.50 Walter W. Lukens 500.00
Seward L1ght & P. Co. U1.15 Peter Johnson 135.00
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman LQoaa moved
that the Claims and salaries be allowed as read and that the
Clerk be instruoted to draw warrant. for same. At the oall of
the roll all members present voted .aye.. Kotionoarr1ed.
The matter ofappoint1ng a sexton for the Cemetary was
then taken up and disoussed, and Counoi~ Whittemore seoonded
by COuDOilman Horner moved that Kr. F. B. Wood be appo1nted as
sexton of Woodlawn Cemetary, for the balan~e of the term of the _
present Coun011, and that Kr. Wood install the proper books neoo-
essary, at his own expense, and see that all reoords wer~ kept in
aooordanoe with his duties, and that he make colleotione of any
moneys due the City from previous sale of lots, and retain the
sum of ($50.00) for his servioes. At the oall of the roll all
members present voted Wayew. Mot10n oarried.
Counoilman KoNeerof the Glaoier Stream Committee report
ed pro81'e...
The matter of appointing a Night Watohman to suooeed
Peter Johnson was next in or~, aDd Counoi~ Whittemore nom-
inated Thomas KoConet1 and OOUnoi~ J. L. Graef nominated
Joseph Strejo for the position. Ballots were prepared, with
Counoilmen Horner and KoNeer as tellers, and the vote resulted
as follows: Thomas KoConety (1) Joseph Strejo (4) and the
Kayor then announoed that Kr. Strejo be appointed to the position
as Night Watohman to suooeed Peter Johnson, at a salary of
$135.00 a month.
The proposition of Kotor Fire Apparatus was again taken
up, and after a general disoussion U wae IIOved by Councilman
Luoas and seoonded by Counoilman J. L. Graef that the Fire Comm-
ittee be empowered to asoertain the oompleted oost of the truok,
plus the treight, and that if the said truok oould. be landed in
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Seward, and all neooe.sary attaohments, suoh as the Chemioal Tank
Ladder., Ho.., eto, be in.taIled, and that available .paoe be .rr.
anged 1n the F1re Hall to house the Truok, for the sum of $3300.01 ,
that the Committee enter into the purohase, otherwise to report
baok at the next regular meeting. At the oall ot the roll,
Counoilman J. L. Graet, Counoi~ Horner~ Counoi~ Luoa. and
Couno1~ Whittemore voted Waye-, with Counoi~ MoNeer -Not
Voting-. Kotion oarr1ed.
Mayor Chamberlin then announoed that a membe: oould only
be allowed to pa.s his vote with the sanotion of the other mem-
bers present, and Oounoilman Whittemore seoonded by Counoi~
Luo~ moved that Oounoilsan Koleer be exou.ed trom,voting. At
the oall'of the roll Counoilman J. L. Graet, Counoi~ Horner,
Counoilman Luo~ and Counoilman Whittemore voted -aye-, with
Counoilman Koleer -Not Voting-, and the Mayor deolared the mot-
ion oarded.
Upon 1I0tion by Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoi1man
Luoas, the Counoil then adjourned until the next ,regular meeting.
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Minutes If the regular meeting of the Seward
City Counoil. held February l6th. 19aO.
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The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p.m. by Kayor Cham-
berlin, and all members were present exoept Counoilman S. M. Graff
and Counoi~an Whittemore.
The minutes of the regular meeting held February a, 19ao,
were then read and approved.
The following Claims after being Oke4 by the Finanoe Comm-
ittee were read:
Harriman National Bank..... 3.00
J. L. Graef.....~.....t446.30
Counoilman Luoas seoonded by Counollman McNeer moved that
the Caerk be instruoted to draw a warrant in favor of the Harr-
iman National Bank for their Claim ae read, and that the Claim of
J. L. Graef be held until the same had been properly Oked by one
member of the Fire Committee and the Fire Chief.
At the oall of the roll Counoi~an J. L. Graef, Counoil-
man Luoas and Counoi~ MoNeer voted naye. with Counoilman Horner
voting IIno., and the Kayor deolared the Motion .Not oarried..
Councl~an J. L. Graef then stated that the Fire Truok
had been ordered, and the additional equipment of skid ohains and
eleotrio ~ps added thereto, and that the Seward Volunteer Fire
Department had passed a Resolution providing for all other oost
of equipment in the exoess of (.2200.00).
Mayor Chamberlin announoed that the report of Counoilman
J. L. Graef be aooepted and filed, and that the Clerk duly spread
the same on the minutes of the meeting.
Counoilman Luoas stated that upon advioes from the Clerk,
the Hew Registration Books were reported ready, and owing to a
slight defeot in the printing of the same, the Gateway PUblishing
Co., had offered the books to the City ot Seward for the sum of
<$a5.00). .
After a short discussion it was moved by Counoilman Luoas
and seoonded by Counoilman Horner, that the matter of aooepting
the Registration Books be plaoed in the hands of the Committee on
Taxation, and that the sum of ($50.00) be allowed for a Registra-
tion Clerk, after the Tax Committee had fully asoertained from
the City Attorney if this prooeedure would be legal.
At the oall of the roll Counoilman J. L. Graef, Counoil-
man Horner, Counoilman Luoas and Counci~an 1l0Neer voted lIaye.,
and the Mayor declared the Motion oarried.
Upon Motion by Counoilman Luoas seoonded by COUnoi~an
Horner the Counoil then adjourned until the next regular meeting.
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Jwlioipal Clerk.
M A Y 0 R.
Minutes of the re~~r meeting of the
Sewat4 Oity Oounail. held Maroh 1st. 1930
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The meeting waa oalle4 to or4er at 9 p.m..bylayor Oham-
berl1n and,.al:l,membn,. we;e p1.'....nt exoe:pt Ooume1lman S. M. Graff.
The minutes of the regular meeting held February 16th,
were read and approved.
A Oummunioation from L. V. Ray, Sewards Legal Advisor, was
read, the same oalling to the attention of the Members of the Coun
oil, that proper and timely notioe should be given, of the Primary
Eleotion to be held on the last Tuesday of April 1930, and of the
Town Eleotion, to be held on the First Tuesday of April 1930, and
of the appointment of Judges and Clerks for both Eleotions.
Oounoilman Whittemore seoonded by Coun01~n Horner moved
that the Oummunioation be aooepted and plaoed on file, and it was
so ordered.
The Claims and Salaries after being axed by the Finanoe
Committee were read as follows:
Hugh Dougherty
Robert Guest
Robert Guest
J. M. Sloan
O. A. Estes
C. A. Estes
Robert Guest
L. V. Ray
Joseph Strejo
Peter Johnson
J. L. Graef
J. L. Graef
$ 50.00
Seward Light & P. 00.
Alaska Eleotrio Co.
Seward Water & P. Co.
Alaska Transfer Co.
Gateway Publ1shi_ Co.
Brown & Hawkins
Harriman Nat'l. Bank.
Bank of Seward
Walter W. Lukens
Ourtis R. Morford
Ray Man ley
Gus Borgen
$ 168.65
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman J. L. Graef moved
that the Claims and Salar1e. be allowed as read, and that the Cler
be instruoted to draw warrants for earne. At the oall of the roll
all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman KoNeer reported progress on the Glaoier Stream
work, stating that Mr. Luken. would have the plans and speoifioat-
ions oompleted at the time agr..4 upon.
Counoilman Whittemore seoonded by Coun01lman MoNeer moved
that the City Attorney be instruoted to prepare the Eleotion
notioes, for the Munioipal Election, to be held on the First Tues-
day in A~ril, and it waS so ordered.
The following Resolution, was then introduoed by Counoil-
man Whittemore:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Oounoil of the Town of Sew-
ard, Alaska, That thw Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska, be, and
he is hereby, authorized and direoted to prepare, post and cause
to be published, in the form and manner by law required, a due and
suffioient Notioe of the Annual Munioipal Election for said Town
of Seward, to be held on Tuesday April 6th, I920.
Adopted under suspension of the Rulee this 1st, day of
Karoh 1920.
Counoilman Whittemore seoonded by Counoilman MoNeer, moved
that the Rules be suspended, and that the Resolution be adopted
as read. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye__
Motion oarried.
The matter of the Primary Eleotion t. be held April 37th,
was then disoussed, and Counoilman Whittemore inteoduoed the fol-
lowing Resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Counoil of the Town of Sew-
ard, Alaska, that the Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska, be,
and he is hereby, authorized and direoted to prepare, post and
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oause to be published, in the form and manner required by law, a
Notioe of a General'Primary Eleotion to be held throughout the
Territory of Alaska. on Tuesday April 37th, 1920.
Adopted under suspension of the Rule. ,this 1st, day of Karoh
Counoi~n Horner seoonded by Counoilman Whittemore moved
that the Ruee. be suspended, and that the Resolution be adopted
a. read. At the call of the roll all member. present voted
-aye-. Kotion oarried.
Upon Motion byCounol~ Luoas seoonded by Counot~ Horne
the Counoil then adjourned until the next regular meeting.
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Minutes of the regular meeting of the
Seward Citv Counoil. held March I5th. I920
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The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p.m. ~y Mayor
Chamberlin and all members were present exoept Counoilman S. M.
Graff and Counoilman Whittemore.
The minutes of the regular meeting of Maroh Ist, I930
were read, and it was suggested by City Attorney L. V. Ray that
the same should read "Resolution addoptedn instead of "Motion
Carried", and with this oorreotion the minutes were then approved.
A Cummunioation from ~. B. Wood was read, in which he
entered his applioation for the position of Sohool Tax Colleotor
for the year I920.
Counoilman Luoas seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved that
Mr. Wood's Applioation be aooepted and filed, and that Mr. WOOd'S
be nominated for the position. There being no other Applicat-
ions or oanidates for the Offioe, it was regularly moved by Coun-
oilman Luoas and seoonded by Counoilman Horner, that the rules be
suspended, and that the Clerk be instruoted to oast the unanimous
ballot in favor of Mr. F. B. Wood, for the position of Sohool Tax
Col1eotor for the Town of Seward, for the year 1920, and it was
so ordered.
The Claims after being Oked by the Finanoe Committee were
read as fo 110ws : -
H. E. Ellsworth $I88I.5I
&. C. Taylor I.OO
L. V. Ray 25.00
Counoilman Luoas seconded by Councilman J. L. Graef moved
that the Claims be allowed as read, and that the Clerk be instruot
ed to draw warrants for same, and that the Claim in the amount of
$300.00, presented by the City Clerk, for extra oompensation for
servioes rendered in the matter of issueing Redemption Certifi-
oates, be refered to the Finanoe Committee for a report at the
next regular meeting. At the oall of the roll, all members pres-
ent voted "aye". Kotion oarried.
In oonneotion with the Claim of $25,00 df L. V. Ray, the
City Attorney stated to the members present, that his standing
fee for representing any oase in Court, had always been not less
than $100.00, and in this instanoe he felt that he was entitled to
this amount, and respeotfully asked if the Counoil had not made an
error in this regard. Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman
Luoas moved that an amendment be made to the Original Motion to
read nThat the Claim of L. V. Ray be refered to the Finanoe Comm-
ittee for a report at the next regular meeting, and it was so
1920 - was read for its fir4t reading:
Seotion I. That pursuant and in aooordanoe with the requirements
of Chapter 29 of the Session Law. of the Territory of Alaska for
the year I919, Entitled AN ACT to impose a tax upon male persons
in the Territory of Alaska for Sohool purpose4, providing means
for its oolleotion, and deolaring an emergenoy, and by virtue of
the provisions in said Aot oontained - - F. B. Wood - - a resid-
ent of said Town of Seward, and a oitizen of the United States,
is hereby appointed and deolared to be Sohool Tax Colleotor for
the Town of Seward, A~~&j and, upon the Qualifioation of said
person, in aocordanoe with law, all provisions, oonditions and
requirements of said Aot shall be oarried out and enforoed as by
law regulated and required.
Seotion 2. An emergenoy is hereby deolared and this Ordinanoe wil
take effeot from and after its passage and approval.
Passe. under suspension of the rules this I5th, day of
Maroh A. D. 1920.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clekk.
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'})'proved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It . . . M'ayor.
Attest........................... .Clerk.
Counoilman Luoas seoonded-by Counoilman KoNeer moved
that the first reading of the Ordinanoe, be considered as its
. seoond reading, and that it be read for its third reading, by
" Title Only · and plaoed upon its passage. At theoall of the
roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
The said Ordinanoe No. 71, was then read by Title only,
for its third reading, and it was moved by Counoilman Horner and
seoonded by Counoilman Luoas that the Rules be suspended, and tha
the Ordinanoe be addopted as read. At the oall of the roll &11
members present voted "aye". And ~he Mayor dec&ared the Ordinan-
ce addopted.
The following were appointed &8 Judges and Clerks tor
Oi ty Eleotion to be held on the B.b:th day of April 1920.
Thomas !loConety
Frederiok BrOadwell
Mrs. C. A. Estes
Counoilman Luoa8 seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved tha
the nominations be olosed, and that the Clerk be instruoted to
oast the Ballot for those nominated, and it was so ordsred.
Sylvia Sexton
Mrs. A. H.. MoNeer
The matter of the Primary Eleotion of April 27th, 1920
was then disoussed, and the following Judges and Clerks were then
Charles Krefting
Thomas 1l00onety
Charles Crawford
Councilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman J. L. Graef
moved that nominations be closed, and that the Clerk be instruot-
ed to oast the unamious Ballot for those nominated, and it was
so ordered.
Mrs. A. H. MoNeer
Mrs. C. A. Estes
Upon Motion by Counol J:ma.n Luoas seoonded by Counoilman
MoNeer the Counoil then adjourn~d until the next regular meeting.
Minutes Of the Special meeting of
the Seward City Counoil - Held Tuesdav Maroh 23rd. I920.
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The meeting was called for the purpose of considering
approving the Plans and Speoifioations of Walter W. Lukens,
the proposed Flumeing or Tunneling of l-owell Creek. .
The Meeting was called to order at 8 p.m. by Mayor
Chamberlin and all members were present exoept Councilman S. M'
A Cummunioation from Mr. Lukens was then read, in whioh
he stated to the Chairman and Members of the Glaoier Stream Comm-
ittee, that he was enolosing a general report, touching upon the
various systems that could be empaoyed for the permenant control-
ing of the flood waters, of the i1aoter Stream.
The general repo.t together with an estimate of oosts,
covering the different propositions of Fluming or Tunneling, was
then read, at the olose of whioh Mayor Chamberlin announoed that
the matter was then open for disoussion by the members of the Coun
oil, or any oitizens who were present.
A lengthy discussion followed, but no definate action
being taken, it was regularly moved by Councilman J. L. Graef and
seoonded by Counoilman Horner, that the Cummunication and General
Report of Mr. Lukens be aocepted and file'. At the call of the
roll all members present voted "aye", and it was so ordered.
Counoilman Luoas asked to be exoused at 9.I5 p.m. whioh
was granted.
Counoilman J. L. Graef seconded by Counoilman MoNeer
moved that the unpaid balanoe of ($400.00) due Mr. Lukens on
April Ist, be allowed as per oontraot, and that the Clerk be ins-
truoted to draw a warrant for this amount on that date, and that
all Plans, Speoifioations, Profiles, Maps and other Data relative
to the oompleted oontraot of Mr. Lukens, be banded over to the
City Clerk for Filing. At the oall of the roll Counoilman J. L.
Graef, Councilman Horner, Counoilman McNeer and Counoilman Whitte-
more voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Mr. Lukens then stated that any other servioe or infor-
mation, that he oould render the City along the lines above men-
tioned, that he would gladly do so, and further that he would
shortly furnish an Area Map, and in either instance, there would
be no oharge.
There being no further business before the Counoil, it
was moved by Counoilman J. L. Graef and seoonded by Counoilman
Whittemoze, that the Counoil adjourn until the next regular meet-
' "}
pa erk.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Counoil - held A~ril 5th. I920.
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The meeting Was oalle~ to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor Cham-
berlin and all members were present exoept Counoilman S. M. Graff
and Councilman Whittemore.
The minutes of the regular meeting held Maroh I5th, were
read, and it was reguJarly moved and seoonded that the Same be
oorreoted to read, "F. B. Woo~ was duly eleoted as Sohool Tax
Colleotor for the Town of Seward, for the year I930", and with
this oorreotion the minutes were then approve~.
The minutes of the Speoial Me~ting held Maroh 33rd, were
read and approved.
A Cummunioation from Mayor Chamberlin was read, the same
touohing upon a general resume of the years work of the City
Offioials. Counoilman Horner seoonded by COUnoilman J. L.
Graef moved that the same be accepted and fi led, and it was so
A report from Treasurer Hugh Dougherty was read, and upon
Motion by OQunoi1man J. L. Graef seoonded by Councilman Horner,
the same was ordered filed.
A Oummunioation from the Alaska Eleotrio Co., was read, the
same requesting that the Telephone Franohise again be plaoed on
the Offioial Ballot, at the City Eleotion to be held on April
6th, I920. Counoilman J. L. Graef 6eoon~ed by Councilman
Horner moved that the Cummunioation be aocepted an~ filed, and it
was so ordered.
The Claims and Salaries after being Oked by the Finanoe
Committee were read as follows:
Hugh Dougherty
Robe%t Oue8t
Robert Guest.
J. M. Sloan
C. A. Estes
C. A. Estes
Mrs. C. A. Estes
L. V. Ray
~oseph Strej 0
Robert Guest
Seward Light & P. Co.
Alaska Eleotrio Co.
$ 50.00
Seward Water & P. Co.
Harriman National Bk.
Bank of Seward
Curtis R. Morford
Seward Drug Co.
Brosius & Noon
Gateway Pub. Co.
Walter W. Iukens
J. L. Graef
Jas. K. Matatell
Carl Nelson
Martin Lanning
Counoilman Horner secon~ed by Councilman J. L. Graef moved
that the Claims and salaries be allowed as read, and that the
Clerk be instruoted to dr.w warrants for same. At the call of
roll all members present voted "aye". Motion Carried.
Chief Ouest of the Fire Department was present and stated
that the unpaid Claims against the Motor Fire Truok would exoeed
the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, and asked that the Counoil turn
the balanoe of $3I8.49 over to the Fire Department, so that pro-
per disbursment ooul~ be made. Councilman Horner seoonded by
Counoilman Luoas moved that the Clerk be instruoted to draw a
City Warrant in the amount of $3I8.49, in favor of the Seward
Volunteer Fire Department, as requested by the Fire Chief, the
same oompleting the contraot prioe of $2200.00. At the oall of
the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion oarried.
Counoi~ Horner seoonded by Counoilman J. L. Graef moved
that the Claim of L. V. Ray, as favorably reported upon by the
investigating Committee be allowed, and that the Clerk be instr-
uoted to draw a warrant in the amount of $IOO.OO for same.
At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" _
Motion Carried.
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman J. L. Graef moved
that the sum of $I50.00 be allowed the City Clerk as extra oompen
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sation for issuing redemption Certifioates, and that the Clerk be
instruoted to draw a warrant for same. At the call of the roll
all members present voted "aye". MotiO~ oarried.
The Real and Personal De l1nquent Tax Ro 11 for the year 1919
was presented and read by the Clerk, and after some disoussion,
It was regularly moved by Counoilman Horner and seoonded by Cou-
noilman MoNeer, that the same be aooepted and deolared to be the
Delinquent Tax Roll for the year 1919. At the oall of the roll
all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Mr. F. M. Kempfer, Territo~al Representa~ive of the "Path-
finder" Was present, and outlined a general pub11e1ty plan, with
write ups, and views, for the City of Seward. Counoilman luoa.
seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved that the Clerk be instruoted
to draw. a warrant in the amount of $250.00, in favor of the eaid
F. M. Kempfer, Territorial Repre.entative of the .Pathfinder"
for advertising therein, and oopies of the above stated mazagine,
and that the art10les and view. to be published, be plaoed in the
hands of a Committee, the .aid Committee to be appointed by the
Mayor. At the oall of the roll all mem~ers present voted "aye".
Motion Carried.
Mayor Chamberlin then appointed Counoilman Luoa. and Coun-
oilman MoNeer On the Committee.
Upon Motion by Counoilman Horner. seoonded by Coun~i1man
MoNeer, the Counoil then adjourned until Wednesday April 7th,
Minutes of the AdjOUrn~eet1ng of the
Seward City Counoil, held A~ril 7th. 1920.
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The meeting waS oalled to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor
Chamberlin and all..mbers were present exoept Cpunoi~n S. M.
Graff and Counoilman Luoas.
The Keeting was held in aooordanoe with Ordinanoe No. 44
for the purpose of oanvassing the vote of the Munioipal and
Sohool Eleotion. held in the Town of Sewa.rd, A 1aska., on the 6th,
day of April I920, and the following resolution was read by the
" Whereas in Aooordanoe with Ordinanoe No. 44 of the City
of Seward-Alaska, and notioes given, and Eleotion was held in the
City Hall of the said City of Seward on the 6th, day of April 1920.
Whereas in aocordanoe with the Certifioate filed with
the Munioipal C lark by the Election Offioers, the following named
persons reoeived the ~xaot number of votes plaoed opposite their
names, for the Sffioes as hereinafter stated. to-wit:-
For Mayor:
E. E. Chamberlin I5I
J. H. Romig 107
For Councilman:
P. N. Anderson 180
H. E. Ellsworth 131
Charles Krefting I43
D. C. Mathison 118
C. E. Orlander 331
For Munioipal Clerk:
C. A. Estes
For Munioipal Treasurer:
Hugh DOUjherty 152
Jane L. oNally 10I
For Municipal Attorney:
L. v. Ray 57
For Treasurer Sohool Board
H. S. Balderston 95
Meda H. Shellhorn 169
" Whereas this Counoil has oanvassed the ret.rns of
said Eleotion:
II NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Counoil of
the City of Seward-Alaska, that in aooordanoe with said Eleotion,
the following named persons having reoeived the highest number of
votes for the respeotive Offioes, to-wit:-
For Mayor:
E. E. Chamber Un
For Counoilman:
C. E. Orlander
Char les Krefting
H. E. Ellsworth
For MUnioipal Clerk:
C. A. Estes
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For Munioipal Treasurer:
Hugh Dougherty
For Municipal Attorney:
L. V. Ray
For Treasurer Sohool Board:
Meda H. Shellhorn
be and are hereby deolared duly eleoted to the respeotive offioes,
and be it further resolved that the Munioipal Clerk shall issue
a Certifioate or Eleotion to the above named persons, and look
And 8eal the Ballot Box of the said Eleotion.
Councilman Whittemore seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved
the adoption of the "Resolution" and at the oall of the roll all
members present voted "aye", and the Mayor deolared the "Resolut-
ion" addopted.
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Whittemore moved
that the sum of $10.00 be allowed eaoh Judge and Clerk of the
Munioipal Eleotion held the 6th, day of April 19aO, and that the
City Clerk be instruoted to draw warrants for same. At the oall
of the roll all members present voted ~ay~"- Motion oarried. .
Upon Motion by Councilman Horner seoonded by Oounoilman
J. L. Graef, the Counoil then adjourne~ until Saturday April 10th,
1920, at 8 p.m.
Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of the
Seward City Counoil. held April I~th. I920.
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The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor
Chamberlin. and all members were present exoept Counoilman S. M.
The minutes of the meeting held April 5th, I920 and the
Minutes of the Meeting held April 7th, I920, were then read and
A Cummunioation from the Alaska Engineering Commission
waS read, the same requesting that a permit be granted for the
erreoting of three telepho~e poles on the South side of A Street.
Counoilman Whittemore seoonded by Counoilman MoNeer moved
that the Cummunioation be refered to the Street Committee for
investigation, and that a permit be granted in the regular manner,
and it was so ordered.
A Cummunioation from L. V. Ray, Sewards Legal, Advisor was
read, the same stating that under present oonditions, he felt that
the Town did not require a regular City Attorney, but that he
would be plea8ed to aot as Legal Advisor for the ensuing term.
Counoilman Whittemore seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved
that the Cummunioation be aooepted and filed, and it waS so order-
The Claims and salaries after being Oked by the Finance
Committee, were read as follows:
Hugh Doughert,
Robert Guest
Robert Guest
J. M. Sloan
C. A. Estes
$ I6.67
I 6. 67
C. A. Estell
L. V. Ray
Joseph Strejo
C. A. Estes
$ I6.67
4I . 67
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman J. L. Graef moved
that the Claims and Salaries be allowed as r8ad, and that the
Clerk be instruoted to draw warrantll for 8ame. At the oall of
the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
The Real and personal Delinquent Tax Roll for the year I9I
was then disoussed, and the following Resolution was read for its
first reading:
"BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the Town of
Seward-A laska":
That. the Munioipal Clerk of the Town of Seward-Alaska. be,
and he is hereby. authorized and direoted to oause to be published
the Delinquent Tax Roll of the Town of Seward, Alaska, for the
year I9I9, in the manner by law provided;
It is further RESOLVED, that THE SEWARD GATEWAY. a News-
paper of General oiroulation. published in Seward, Alaska. be, and
the same is hereby designated as the Offioa1 Newspaper of said
Town for the purposes stated in this Resolution.
ADDOPTED under suspension of the rules this
April I920.
Counoilman J. L. Graef seoonded by Counoilman Whittemore
moved that the First reading of the Reiolution be oonsidered as
its seoond reading, and that it be read for its third reading
by "Title Only". At the oall of the roll all members present
vtted "aye". Motion oarried.
day of
The said Resolution wae then read fo. its third reading
by "Title Only", and Counoilman Whittemore seoonded by Counoil-
man Luoa8 moved that the rule8 be suspended, and the Resolution
be addopted as read, and that the first publioation appear in the
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Seward Gateway on the I5th, day of April I9aO. At the oall of
th.e ro 11 all members present voted "aye", and the Mayor deo lared
the Resolution addopted.
On :Motion of Counoilman Horner seoonded by Couno1lman
J. L. Graef the Counoil then adjourned "Sine Die" and vaoated
their Offioe..
.~;.: ~~/:.- .
Minutes of the Speoial Meeting of the
Seward Citv Council - Held A~ril IOth. I920.
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The meeting was oalled to order immediately after the
retirement of the Old Council, and the following members answered
the roll oall. Counoilman Ellsworth - Counoilman Graef - Coun-
oilman Horner - Counoilman Krefting - Counci~ McNeer and Coun-
oilman Orlander.
A Cummunioation from Mayor Chamberlin to the Seward Comm-
on Council was read, the same touohing upon the various duties of
City Counoilmen in general. Counoilman Horner seconded by Coun-
oilman Graef moved that the Cummunioation be accepted and plaoed
on file, and it was so ordered.
A Cummunication from H. L. Smith was read, in whioh he
entered his applioation to Audit the City Books.
Councilman Horner seconded by Counoilman McNeer moved tha
the same be aocepted and filed, and that the matter of an Auditor
be taken up under the head of unfinished business. Motion oarried.
An Applioation from Robert Guest for the Offioe of Chief
of Polioe was read, and Councilman Horner seconded by Counoilman
Ellsworth moved that the same be placed on file, and it was so
A Cummunioation from the Seward Volunteer Fire Department
was read, the same requesting that Robert Guest be chosen as the
Fire Chief for the ensuing year. Counoilman Ellsworth seconded
by Counoilman Horner moved that the same be plaoed on file, and it
was so ordered.
An Applioation from Dr. J. M. Sloan for the position of
Health Offioer WaS read. Counoilman Graef seconded by Council-
man McNeer moved that the same be filed, and it was so ordered.
Counoilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved
that all other matters pertaining to Eleotive and Appointive Off-
ioers be taken up at the next regular meeting, and that a Presid-
ent of the Counoil be elleoted in the regular manner.
Counoilman Horner nominated Counoilman Ellsworth for the
Offioe, and Councilman Ellsworth nominated Councilman MoNeer.
There being no other n&minations, and upon Counoilman
MoNeer deolining the Offioe, it ~as moved by Councilman Horner
and seoonded by Councilman Krefting that Nominations be closed,
and it was so ordere4.
Counoilman Horner seconded by Councilman McNeer moved tha
the Clerk be instructed to cast the unamious ballot in favor of
Counoilman Ellsworth, as President of the Counoil for the ensuing
term. Motion carried.
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Orlander then
moved that the Night Watohman continue in his present position,
until further aotion of the Counoil at the next regular meeting,
and it Was so ordered.
The matter of an Auditor was again taken up and discussed,
and Counoilman Gtaef seoonded by Counoilman Krefting moved that
all applioants hand in their applications together with a sealed
bid, and that the Clerk be instruoted~o publish a Notioe to this
effeot in the Seward Daily Gateway. Motion oarried.
Upon Motion by Councilman Graef seoonded by Counoilman
Ellsworth, the Council then adjourned.
)Llriiioipal Clerk.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Seward City Council. held A~ril 19th. I920.
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The Meeting was oalled to order at 8. p.m. by Mayor
Chamberlin. and all members were present.
The minutes of the meeting of April 10th, 1920 were then
read and a~proved.
The minutes of the meeting held April IOth, 1920 by the
New Counoil were read, and it was moved by Counoilman Horner and
seoonded by Counoilman Ellsworth that the same be oorreoted to
read, -That the Oaths of Offioers were properly filed with the
Munioipal Clerk" - and with this oorreotion the minutes were then
An Applioation from H. L. Smith to Audit the City Books,
together with a sealed bid, in the amount of $125.00 for the above
stated work, was read, and it was moved by Councilman Graef and
seoonded by Counoilman Ellsworth, that the same be taken up under
the head of unfinished business, and it was so ordered.
An Applioation from L. B. Spenoer to Audit the City Books
was read, 1nwhioh he entered his bid to do the auditing for the
sum of $100.00. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Counoilman Kre t~
in moved that the same be taken up under the head of unfinished bus-
iness, and it was so-ordered.
A Cummunioation from S. Lunblad of the Seward Fish Co,
was read, the same suggesting that the City Counoil oonsider the
matter of building a slip for the small fishing boats.
, Counoilman El~worth seoonded by Counoilman Orlander move
that the Oummunioatlon be filed for future oonsideration. Motion
The -Bond of the Treasurer of the Seward Sohool Distriot-
was read, and upon Motion by Counoilman Graef seoonded by Counoil-
man Horner, the same was ordered refered to the Finanoe Committee
for investigation and report at the next regular meeting.
A Statement of the disbursments of the Munioipal Clerks
Offioe, from April 10th, 1919 to April 10th, I9aO was read, and
it was moved by Counoi~ Horner and seoonded by Counoilman
Orlander that the same be aooepted and plaoed on file for future
referenoe, and it was so ordered.
The Standing Committees appointed by the Mayor were then
announoed as follows:
(1) Assessment & Taxes,
MoNeer & Ellsworth.
(2) Fire Proteotion & Water Supply,
Horner & Krefting.
(3) Publio SOhools,
Graef & Ellsworth.
(4) Lights, Sewerage & Wharfa.ge,
Graef & Orlander.
(5) Publio Health & Publio Proteotion,
Orlander & Horner.
(6) Finanoe & Claims,
MoNeer & Orlander.
(7) Street & Street Improvments,
Ellsworth & Krefting.
(8) Printing,
Krefting & Graef.
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Continued from Page - 243.
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ORDINANCE .NO.~ ftEntitled";-
ING AND EMERGENCY - - - was read for its flrtt reading.
Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Councilman Graef moved that
the salary of the M,l:oiPal Clerk be plaoed at $600.00 a year, and
paid at the rate of 50.00 monthly. At the oall of the roll all
members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman Graef seoonded by Counoilman Orlander moved that
the salary of the Munioipal Magistrate be $100.00 a year, and paid
monthly. ~t'the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye
Motion oarried.
Counoilman Graef seoonded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved that
the matter 'of arranging for a Citt Attorney, and oompensation
therefor, be laid upon the table until some indefinate time. At
the oall of the roll all members present voted "ayeft. Motion
Counoilman Graef seoonded by Counoi1Man Krefting moved that
the Salary of the Munioipal Hea1th Offioer be plaoed at $600.00 a
year, and paid monthly. At the oall of the roll all members pres-
ent voted "ayeft. Motion oarlied.
Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved that
the sal&~y of the Munioipal Treasurer be $600.00 a year and paid
at the rate of $50.00 monthly. At the oall of the roll all mem-
bers present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved that
the salary of the Chief of Polioe be $100.00 a month. At the oall
of the rqll all members present voted "ayeR. Motion oarried.
Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Counoilman Krefting moved
that the salary of the Chief of the Fire Department be $100.00
a month. At the oall of the roll a!l members present voted RayeR
Motion oarried.
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Orlander moved that
the first reading of said ORDINANCE No. 72, be considered as its
seoond reading, and that it be read for its third reading by title
only, and plaoed upon its passage. At the oall of the roll all
members present voted "aye". ~otion oarried.
The said ORDINANCE No. 72, was then read for its third read-
ing by Title Only, and it was moved by Counoilman Horner and seo-
onded by Counoilman Graef, that the rules be suspended, and the
Ordinanoe be addopted as read. At the'oall of the roll all mem-
bers present voted "aye., and the Mayor deolared the Ordinanoe
The Following Resolution, 'presented by Councilman Ellsworth,
waS read for i tis first reading: -
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Counoil, Town Of Seward;
That the Town ~ds coming into the possession of the
Town Treasurer, as provided for by Ordinanoe, be divided equally
between the Bank of Seward, and the Harr1nan National Bank; and
that said Banks be designated as De~ositories for the safe keeping
of Money, or Moneys, belonging to the ~own; and said Banks shall
furnish a bond for the safe keeping of moneys in their posession,
in the sum of dollars. 1
And be it further resolved that the Town Treasurer1Sha II-
at the first meeting in eaoh month, submit to the Town Couno1 a
statement of the amount on deposit in s~1d Banks.
Passed under suspension of the rules, this day
of April 1930.
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Continued from Page - 244.
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Councilman Horner seconded by Counoilman MoNeer moved that
the Resolution be filed. and taken up again at the next regular
meeting, to be disposed of at the action 6f the Counoil. At the
&all of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Councilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved that
the depository bonds of the Banks, be refered to the Finanoe Com-
mittee. for a report at the next regular meeting. At the oall of
the roll all members present voted "aye". Jetion oarried.
A Resolution by Councilman MoNeer, was read for its first
reading as fo llows:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Counoil of Seward;
That all ~l~i)i'';~~'b~iro~~~:'l~efore being administered the
Oath of Of~ioe, file with the City Clerk written resignations to
take effeot whenever the Town Counoil shall deem it to be for the
best interests of the Munioipality; and be it further resolved
that salaries. as fixed by Ordinanoe, shall be full compensation
for all duties as provided for by the Ordinanoes.
Paseed~nder suspensiori of the rules. this day of
April Ie20.
Counoilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Graef moved that the
Resolution be read for its secorred reading by Title Only. and that
the rules be suspended. and that the laid Resolution be plaoed
upon its passage. 'At the caE of the roll all members present
voted "aye". Motion oarried.
The said Resolution was then read at its seoon4~ reading by
title only. and it was moved by Counoilman Horner and seoonded by
Counoilman Ellsworth. that the same be addopted as read. At the
oall of the roll all members present voted "aye", and the Mayor
deolared the Resolution addopted.
There being no Applioations for the Offioe of Mag1strate.
Counoilman Ellsworth nominated C. A. Estes for the Offioe, and it
was regularly moved by Counoilman Horner and seoonded by Counoil-
man Ellsworth that nominations be olosed, and it was so ordered.
Councilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Krefting moved that
the Mayor be instruoted to oast the unamious ballot in favor of
C. A. Estes. for the Offioe of Munioipal Magistrate for the ensu-
ing term. At the oall of the roll all members 'Present voted "aye".
Motion oarried.
Dr. J. M. Sloan being the only applicant for the Offioe of
Health Offioer. It was moved by Counoilman Horner and seoonded by
Counoilman Graef. that the Clerk be 1nstruoted to oast the unam-
ious ballot in favor of Dr. Sloan as Health Offioer for the ensu-
ing term. At the oall of the roll all members present voted
"aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Krefting then moved
that the Clerk be instruoted to oast the unamious ballot in favor
of Robert Guest for the Offioe of Chief of Polioe for the ensuing
term. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" _
Motion oarried.
Oounoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Counoilman Orlander moved
that the Clerk be instruoted to oast the unamious ballot in favor
of Robert Guest for the Offioe of Fire Chief for the ensuing term.
At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Krefting moved that
the matter of the Bond of the City Treasurer be left up to the
Finanoe Committee, for a report at the next regular meeting, and
it was so ordered.
Continued from Page ~ 245.
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Counoilman Krefting seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved
that the matter of Bonding the City Clerk be refered to the Fin-
anoe Comm~ttee, for a report at the next regular meeting, and it
was eo ordered.
Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Counoi~n Orlander moved
that the servioes of the night watohman be disoontinued at onoe,
and that if a night watohman was needed at any time during the
remainde~ of the month, that the Mayor be empowered to arrange for
this servioe. At the oall of the roll all members present voted
"aye". Motion oarried.
Counei~n Horner seoonded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved
that the present Contraot for Street Lights and Servioes, with
the Seward Light & Power Co, be disoontinued on May Ist, I920, and
that the Mayor be empowered to enter into a new oontraot for light
for the City Hall, during the Summer montha. At the oall of the ' '
roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
The matter of an Auditor was then taken up, and it was
moved by Counoilman Horner and seoonded by Counoilman Moleer that
the two applioanfs, H. L. Smith and L. B. Spenoer, be balloted
upon, and it was so ordered. Ballots were prepared, and the
Mayor appointed Counoilman Horner and Counoilman Ellsworth as
Tellers, and the vote t:esulted as tollows:
H. L. Smith (I) L. B. Spenoer (5)
and the Mayor deolared L. B. Spenoer duly appointed to Audit the
City Books at a stated oompensation of $IOO.OO.
There being no further business before the Counoil, it was
moved by Counoilman Horner and seoonded by Counoi~n Kretting,
that the Counoil adjourn until the next regular meeting.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Counoil. held May 3rd. I920.
- . ,"--
"- , I~ 'I
/", ,;......\-. jl'
i-.....,) ~ '4,..
The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p.m, by Mayor "
Chamberlin and all members were present exoept Counoilman Krefting
The 'minutes of the regular meeting held April I9th, were -
read, and it was moved by Councilman Horner and seoonded by Coun-
cilman Ellsworth, that the resQlution contained therein, with ref-
erenoe to the filing of Oaths of Offioers, should read Appoint-
ive Offioers, instead of Eleotive Offioer., and with this oorreot-
ion, the minutes were then approved.
A Cummunioation from the Board of Eduoation, Seward Sohool
Distriot was read, the same requesting that the Town of Seward
loan the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) to the Sohool
Board, whioh would be refunded just as soon as available funds
were reoeived from the Territory sometime during the month of june
Counoilman Graef seoonded by Councilman MoNeer moved that
the Cummunioation be refered to the Sohool Committee, for a report
at the next regular meeting of the Council. At the oall.of the
roll Counoilman Graef and Councilman MoNeer voted "aye" - with
Counoilman Ellsworth, Counoilman Horner and Councilman Orlander
voting "No", and the Mayor deolared the motion lost.
A general disoussion followed, after whioh it was regularly
moved by Counoilman Ellsworth and seoonded by Counci~ Orlander,
That the Cummunioation of the looal Board of Eduoation be aocepted
and filed, and that the Town of Seward oomply with the re.uest of
a One Thousand Dollar Loan to the Sohool Board until Territorial
funds were reoeived, and that the City Clerk be instruoted to draw
a warrant in this amount in favor of the said Sohool Board. At the
oall of the roll all members present voted "aye", and the Mayor
deolared the Motion oarried.
A Cummunioation from the Bank of Seward was read, in whioh
they offered to the City of Seward, the Offioe rooms looated in
the rear of their Bank Bui~ding, as Offioes for the City Clerk,
including Water, Light, Heat and Vault Aooomodations, at a monthly
rental of ($20.00). Some disoussion followed, and it waS moved
by Counoilman Ellsworth and seoonded by Counoilman Horner, that th
proposition as outlined by the Bank of Seward, with referenoe to
the City Clerks Offioe., Vault spaoe, eto., be aooepted at the
stated rental of ($20.00) monthly, and that the City Clerk arrange
for the moving of the Otfioe Fixture., and other reoords at an
early date. At the oall of the roll, Councilman Ellsworth,
Counoilman Graef, Counoilman Horner, Counoilman MoNeer and'Coun-
cilmau Orlander voted "aye" - and the Mayor deolared the Motion
A Cummunioation from Attorney L. V. Ray WaS read, in whioh
he entered a olaim for($50.00)00vering matters of adviae given
the City Clerk and Chief of Polioe, relative to their duties, and
also a Claim in the amount of ($IOO.OO) as agreed retainer, for
p~esentation of the 1919 Delinquent Tax Roll to the Distriot Court
for adjustment and Order of Sale. The Mayor then stated to the
members present, that Attorney Ray was wi11ing to aot a. Legal
Advisor for the ~wn of Seward, on the same salary basis as last
year, if the Counoil so desired to appoint him to this Offioe.
Counoilman Ellsworth seconded by Counoilman MoNeer moved
that Mr. Ray be appointed as Legal Advisor for the Town of Seward,
at a Salary of $50.00 a month, begining the IIth, day of April
1920, and that the Clerk be instruoted to draw a warrant for the
salary forthcoming from this date to May Ist, I920, and also draw
another warrant in the amount of ($IOO.OO) in favor of Mr. Ray,
as agreed retainer for presentation of the I9I9 Delinquent Tax
Roll to the Distriot Court. At the oall of the roll all members
present voted Raye". Motion oarried.
The Monthly Claim. and Salaries after being Oked by the
Finanoe.Committee, were read as follOWS:
n lif"
"",#~ L.J,:- 1"'- }
~......, -'- t_
Continued from PaB$ No. 247.
.._'L",,"Ir-- L-- T ~jf " i!i!!!i, -_~,J:.i'!_~_ -- - jjj~ ~ l' 8i.!i -"'"
f -'I "i" 1 iii
C. A. Estes t 33.33 Bank of Seward $ 7.50
C. A. Sstos 5.55 Curtis R. Morford 5.00
Hugh Dougherty 33.33 Gateway Publishing Co. 54.35
J. M. Sloan 33.33 Harriman National Bank. 30.00
Robert Guest 66.67 Seward Light & P. Co. 128.45
Robert Guest 66.67 Alaska Eleotrio Co. 9.50
Joeoph Strejo 37.50 Seward Water & P. Co. 107.50
Joseph Strejo 15.00 Alaska Transfer Co. 25.60
Robert Guest 20.00
.--- T'IIL
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Graef moved that
the Claims and Salariu be allowed as read, and that the Clerk
be instruoted to draw warraats for same. At the call of the roll
all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved
that the Munioipal Treasurers Bond be arranged in the sum of Five
Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) to be approved by the Seward City
Counoil. at the oall of the roll all members present votsd "aye"
Motion oarried. '
Counoilman MoNeer seoonded by Councilman Horner moved that
the Munioipal"Clerk be req~ired to give a Bond in the sum of One
Thousand Bollars ($1000.00) the same to be approved by the City
Council. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye"
Motion oarried.
Councilman Ellsworth seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved
that the Bank of Seward and the Harriman National Bank be required
tq give Bond in the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
(i7.5oo.00) for the safe keeping of meneys deposited in their
vaults, by the Munioipal Treasurer. At the oall of the roll all
members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman Ellsworth of the Street Committee then reported
that an examination of the 3rd, Avenue bridge, bad disclosed sev-
eral needed repairs, and after some disoussion on the subjeot, it
was moved by Counoilman Horner and seoonded by CounoiJman Moleer,
that Counoilman Ellsworths report be aocepted, "and that the Stre~
Committee be empowered to make suoh repairs on the Third Avenue
Bridge as were neocessary, and that the Street Committee be instr-
uoted to designate May 17th, as a general oleanup day for the Cit-
izens of Seward to remove all garbage and other rubbish from their
lots or property, and that an advertisment to this effeot be pub-
lished in the Seward Daily Gateway. At the oall of the roll all
members present voted "aye", and it was so ordered.
The Resolution regarding "The town funds coming into the
possession of the Town Treasurer" was read for its seoond reading,
and CounoiJman Horner seoonded by Counoilman MoNeer moved that
the paragraph whioh stated "Passed under suspension of the Ru~es"
be strioken out. At the oall of the roll all members presen*
voted "aye". Motion carried."
It was then moved by Counc"ilman Horner and seoonded by Cou-
noilman Graef, that the following Amendment be made to the Resol-
ution, ie, that the part that stated, "Be divided equally between
the Bank of Seward and the Harriman National Bank" - that the
words be inserted therein to read, "Equally as Po.sible", and all
members voting "aye" at the oall of the roll, it .a. so ordered.
Councilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Ell.worth moved
that the Resolution passed April 10th, 1920, designating April
I5th, 1920, as the date for the first publioation of the 1919
Delinquent Tax Roll, in the Seward Daily Gat.way, be reoonsidered.
At the oall of the roll all members present voted "ayen. Motion
After some oonsideration and a general disoussion it was
regularly moved by Counoilman Ellsworth and seoonded by Counoi1-
man Graef, that the above stated Resolution be set aside. At the
oall of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion carried
;{~ -"'-"'
Continued from Page No. 248.
A New Resolution was drawn and read for its first reading
as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the Town of
Seward - Alaska.
That, the Munioipal Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska, be,
and he is hereby, authorized and direoted to oause to be publish-
ed the Delinquent Tax Roll of the Town of Seward, Alaska, for the
year I9I9, in the manner by Law provided.
It is further RESOLVED, that the SEWARD GATEWAY, a Newspaper
of general oiroulation, published in Seward, Alaska, be, and the
same is hereby designated as the Offioial Newspaper of said Town
for the purposes stated in this Resolution.
ADDOPTED under suspension of the rules this -----day of Jay
Counoilman Ho.ner seconded by Counci~ MoNeer moved that
May 5th, I920 be the date set for the first publication of the
I9I9 Delinquent Tax Roll, and May 26th, I920 for the last publicat
ion, and all members present voting "aye" at the oall of the roll.
Motion oarried.
Councilman Horner seconded by Councilman Graef moved that
the first reading of the Resolution be considered as its seoond
reading, and that it be read for its third reading by "Title Only"
and plaoed upon its passage. At the call of the roll all members
present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
The said Resolution was then read for its third reading by
"Title Only", and Councilman Ellsworth seoonded by Counoilman
Horner moved that the rules be suspended, and that the Resolution
be addopted as read. At the oall of the roll all members present
voted "aye". And the Mayor deolared the Resolution addopted.
Upon motion by Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Counci~
Horner the Council then adjourned until the next regular meeting.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Counoil. held Mav I7th. 1920.
c-}~, ~~
The meeting wal oalled to order at 8 p. m. by Kayor
Chamberlin and all members were present.
The minutes of the regular meeting peld May 3rd, I920,
were read and approved.
A Petition signed by L. V. Ray was read, the same request-
ing that the Town Authoritiee install a sidewalk on the North 114.
of Adami Street, between Third Avenue and the alley west thereof.
Counci~n' Horner seoonded by Counoi~ Kr.ft1ng moved
that the CUmmunioatloa be refered to the Street Committe. for a
report at the next regular meeting, and it was so ordered.
The Annual Audit was then read, and it was moved by Coun-
oilman Horner and seotnded by Counoi~n Krefti~g, that the same
be refered to the Finanoe Committee for a report at the next reg-
ular meeting. MotiOn oarried.
The Depository Bond of the Bank of Seward was read, and
it was moved by Counci~n Graef and seoonded by Counoilman
Horner, that the seme be refered to the Finanoe Committee for a
report at the next regular meeting, and it was so orderea.
The Claims after being Oked by the Finance Committee were
read as follows:
Joseph Strejo $ 2.50 George Guest $ 2.50
Martin Lanning 2.50 C. A. Estes 2.50
Wallaoe Dakin 2.50 Martin Lanning 6.00
G. C. Hanneman 2.50 V. J. Anderson 3.75
I H. E. Ellsworth 2.50 J. L. Graef 6.00
George Cotter 2.50 Alaska Transfer Co. 2.00
Frederick Broadwell 2.50 Chas. Leohner 4.00
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Krefting moved
that the Claims be allowed as read, and that the Clerk be instr-
uoted to draw warrants for same. At the oall of the roll all
members present voted "aye. - Motion oarried.
The Resolution regarding" The Town funds ooming into
the posseslion of the Town Treasurer" was read for its third
reading, and it was moved by Councilman Horner and seoonded by
Councilman Ellsworth that the said Resolution be addopted as read
At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and the
Mayor deolared the Resolution addopted.
The matter of the I9I9 Delinquent Tax Roll was taken up
and disoussed, and it was moved by Counoilman Graef and second-
ed by Counoilman MoNeer, that th~ Mayor be empowered to oable
Attorney Ray at Valdez for advioe, relative to continuing or
discontinuing the present publications of said roll. At the
oall of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Councilman El~sworth seconded by Counoilman Graef moved
that a Committee be appointed and placed in oharge of the Glao-
ier Stream work for the ooming season. At the oall of the roll
all members present voted "aye". Motion carried, and the Mayor
aPPOinted Counoilman MoNeer as Chairman of the Committee, with
Counoilman Ellsworth as assooiate member.
The Bond of the Treasurer of the Seward School Distriot,
was again read, and Counoilman Horner seconded by Councilman
Krefting moved that the same be aooepted. At the oall of the
roll all members present voted naye". Motion carried.
Counoilman Horner seconded by Councilman Krefting moved
that a IOO feet of ohemioal hose and I inner tube be ordered for
the Fire Department. At the oall of the roll all members pres-
ent voted naye". Motion oarried.
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Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoi~ Ellsworth moved
that the Clerk be empowered to order a new ledger for the Muni-
cipal Magietrates Court, and at the oall of the roll all members
present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman Graef seoonded by Councilman Ellsworth moved
that the Committee on Fire proteotion be instruoted to inve.ti-
~ate the reported need of a Fire Hydrant near the foot of .Aw
t:ltreet', and report at the next regular meeting, a.nd it wal 80
Upon motion by Councilman Graef seoonded by Counoi~
Ellsworth, the Council then adjourned until the next regular
MAY 0 R.
Minutes of the Special meeting of the
Seward City Council - - - - - - held May 29, 1920.
,....-.. -.r- ."-
,.,." .-.... -......
The mee~ing was called for the purpose of granting a
permit to Wayne Blue, Agent for Dr. Andrew C. Smith, of Portland,
Oregon, to store fuel oil somewhere outside the fire limits of
the town of Seward.
The meeting was oalled to order at 7 p. m. by Mayor
Chamberlin, and all members were present.
Mayor Chamberlin then announoed that it was a good time
also to take up the matter of City Dooks and Wharfage, with the
proper Goverment Offioials. '
Councilman MoNeer seoonded by Councilman Ellsworth moved I
that the City Attorney be instruoted to send a letter to the
proper Offioials at Washington, requesting the granting of a
Municipal right-of-way with frontage on the beaoh, for the use of
the small fishing fleet, with either Seoond or Third Avenue as
the approaoh, so that the Town of Seward, could go further into
the matter of dooks and wharfage. At the call of the roll
all members present voted "aye" - Motion carried.
Councilman MoNeer seconded by Councilman Graef moved tha
the City Clerk be instruoted to issue a permit to Wayne Blue as
Agent for Dr. Andrew C. Smith, for the purpfee of Storeing Disti-
late or Gasoline on the vaoant lots between Jefferson St, north
of the Glaoier Stream, and East of Broadway, and that the said
permit be in full foroe and effeot until further aotion ~f the
Counoil. At the oall of the roll all members present voted
"aye" - Motion oarried.
Councilman MoNeer seconded by Councilman Horner moved
that the Mayor be empowered to reoeive the present number of the
"Pathfinder" from the express offioe, and that the store of Coun-
cilman Graef be designated as the distributing point. At the oal
of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion oarried.
Upon Motion by Counoilman Horner seconded by Counoilman
Ellsworth the Counoil then adjourned.
. ~
~rpal ~rk.
~ ~
,-- ,....-:).o.~-c::_/--~
MAY 0 R.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Counoil, held June 7th, 1920.
- r-- 1',,/
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<.-' j
i---J '-' '-""
The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor
Chamberlin and all members were present.
The minutes of the regular meeting held May 17th, and the
iM1nutes of the Speoial Meeting held May 29th, were then read ,and
A Communioation from L. V. Ray relative to Municipal Docks
and Wharfage waS read, and it was moved by Councilman Graef and
seoonded by Councilman Horner that the same be placed on file, and
it waS so ordered.
A Communioation from L. V. Ray was read, the same calling
to the attention of the Common Counoil, the early appointment of
an Assessor for the year 1920. Councilman Horner seconded by
Counoilman MoNeer moved that the matter be taken up under the
head of new business, and it waS so ordered.
Another Communioation,from L. V. Ray refering to the 1919
Delinquent Tax Roll, and publications thereof was read, and it waS
moved by Councilman MoNeer and seoonded by Councilman Ellsworth
that this also be taken up under the head of New business. Motion
An Applioation from Wm. W. Whittlesey for the appointment
of Assessor for the Town of Seward for the year 1920, was read,
and it was moved by Counoilman Ellsworth and seconded by Counoil-
man Orlander that the same be filed and taken up later under the
head of new'business, and it was so ordered.
A Communioation from Mr. Gerhard Johnsen together with an
attaohed Claim in the amount of $240.75 for lime, oement and empty
bags, said,to have been destroyed in the fire of May 5th, 1930,
was read, and it was moved by Councilman MoNeer and seoonded by
Counoilman Horner that the same be filed and taken up later under
the head of New business. Motion oarried.
A report of the towns finanoes from the Munioipal Treas-
urers Offioe was read, the same showing up to June Ist, 1930, a
balanoe of.$5.783.38. Counoilman Orlander seoonded by Council-
man Horner moved that the report be aocepted and filed, and it was
so ordered.
The Mayor then stated that the Building oooupied by the
Key was in need of repairs, and requested that the Counoil oon-
sider the matter. Councilman McNeer seoonded by Counoilman
Ellsworth moved that the .ame,be taken up under the head of new
business, and it was so ordered.
The Claims and salaries after being Oked by the Finance
Committe were read as follows:
Abraham Kitti
Joe Sarvo
Ed. Oinas
Henry Paeben
Aleo Little
Thos. MoConety
C. A. Estes
C. A. Estes
Hugh Dougherty
J. M. Sloan
Robert Guest
Robert Guest
L. V. Ray
Robert Guest
Robert Guest
E. S., Hewitt
J. P. Stotko
$ 93.60
42.00 _
Brown & Hawkins
Seward Drug Co.
William Patterson
Andy's Expreea
Seward Saw Mill Co.
Seward water & P. Co.
Alaska Transfer Co.
Curtis R. Morford.
Bank of Seward
W. E. Root
J. L. Graef
H. E. Ellsworth
J. L. Graef
H. E. Ellsworth
Seward Light & P. Co.
Alaska Electrio Co.
Gus Borgen
$ 7.50
107 . 50
Councilman Horner seoonded by Councilaan MoNeer moved that
the Claims and Salaries be allowed as read, and that the Clerk be
C"l 'f:; 1:-:,.
Continued from,: Pa.ge No. 255.
-~~Il ~_Ilflij~'" IT!!iiM!!!"T ~OO! 'lI!i~_il - - ~~
'I!If!iIf!:l!I:ttiii.i _ !i-~--.jf -16
instruoted to draw wanrants for same. At the call of the roll
all members present voted,"ayeR. Motion oa.rried.
A Claim from the Gateway Publishing Co, in the amount of
$173.70 was read, and after some oonsideration of the same, it was
moved by Counoilman Krefting and seoonded by Councilman Ellsworth
that the Claim be allowed, and that the Clerk be instruoted to
draw a warrant in the amount as .stated. At the oall of the roll
Counoilmen Ellsworth, Horner, Krefting, McNeer and Orlander voted
"aye" with Counoilman Graef voteing RNo", and the Mayor deolared
the Motion Oarried.
The Claim of the Harriman National Bank in the amount of
$30.00 for City Offioe Rent for the month of May 1920, having not
been Oked by the Finanoe Committee, for the reason that the Oity
Olerk moved the Office early in May, Was taken up, and after some
discussion it was moved by Counoilman Horner and seoonded by Cou-
ncilman Krefting that the Claim be refered to the Finanoe Committ-
ee far a report at the next meeting, and it was so ordered.
The Bond of Municipal Treasurer Dougherty was read, and it
was moved by Councilman Horner and seconded by Councilman Ells-
worth that the said Bond be aocepted and tiled. At the oall of
the roll all members present voted "ayeR. Motion oarried.
The Depository Bond of the Harriman National Bank was read,
and it was moved by Councilman Horner and seoonded by Counoilman
Orlander that tje same be aocepted as read. At the call of the
roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman Horner of the Fire Committee reported on the
needed hydrant near the foot of "A" Str8et, and asked for more
time to oomplete his investigations, whioh waS granted.
Counoilman Ellsworth of the Street Committee reported on t~,
proposed sidewalk on Adams Street, and stated that it wauld take
about 2000 feet of Lumber and a labor expenoe of $40.00 to oom-
plete the work. Counoilman MoNeer seoonded by Counoilman Horner
moved that the Street Committee be empowered to oonstruot the
said sidewalk in accordanoe with the Towns Ordinances., At the
oall of the roll all members present voted "ayew. Kotion Carried.
Upon a favorable report from the Finance Committee regard-
ingthe depository bond of the Bank of Seward, it was moved by
Councilman Ellsworth and seoonded by Counoilman Horner that the
same be aocepted as read. At the oall of the roll all members
present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Councilman Ellsworth seoonded by Councilman Orlander moved
that the report of L. B. Spenoer covering the Annual Audit be
aooepted. At the oall of the roll'all members present voted
"aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilm&nHorner seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved
that the Clerk be instruoted to draw a warrant in the amount of
$100.00 in favor of L. B. Spenoer, the agreed contraot pribe for
the completed Audit. At the call of the roll all members pres-
ent voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Krefting moved
that the Tax Committee be empowered to take up the matter of an
Assessor for the Year 1920,. and report baok at the adjourned
meeting to be held Saturday, June 12th. At the oall of the roll
all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
The Claim of Gerhard Johnsen was taken up, and after a ge~
eral discussion, it waS moved by Counoilman MoNeer and seoonded by
Counoilman Horner, that the Olerk be instruoted to write Mr. John-
sen a letter stating that the Town o~ Seward denied any responsi-
bility of the loss he sustained in the Fire of May 5th. At the
,-.. ,..... r" 1
......1 t-...." I'
Continued from Page No. 256.
oall of the roll Councilmen Ellsworth, Horner, Krefting, MoNeer
and Orlander vote~ "aye" with Counoilman Graef not voting, and
the Mayor deolared the Motion Carried.
Councilman MoNeer seconded by Councilman Horner moved
that the Clerk be lnstruote~ to send a letter to Mr. Mathison,
proprietor of the Key, stating thnt the Town of Seward was with-
out jurisdiotion to settle any controversy arising between that
gentleman and his landlord, and that the building in which his
place of business wns conduoted, oould not be oondemned and des-
troyed, so long as the same WaS or 1s inhabitable. Motion
Counoilman Graef seoonded by Councilman McNeer moved that
the City Clerk be instruoted and empowered to Auction off the
"Town Rug" to the highest bidder, and it waS so ordered.
Upo~ Motion by Councilman Horner seoonded by Councilman
Ellsworth the Councilman then adjourned until Saturday June 12th,
1920, at 8 p. m.
f\ ,; ~r. / .
II f;? ,.
I 'l. .
TV I,i' :' j ,
Ll.\{- t, LL/..,i
M~1cipal Clerk.
~~. ~1~~'
A Y 0 R.
Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of the Seward <) r-) C)
Counoil, held June 12th, 1920, the same being a continuation of ?.) U J
the meetin~ of June 7th. 1920.
The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p.m. by Mayor Chamberlin
and all members were present except Councilman Graef.
The minutes of the regular meeting held June 7th, 1920 were
read and approved.
A Telegram from the Anohorage Chamber of Commeroe, addressed
to Mayor Chamberlin, was read, the same extending to the oitizens
of Seward an invitation to spend the fourth of July at Anohorage.
Counoilman Horner seconded by Counoilman MoNeer moved that a
Committee of two be appointed to Co-operate with the Anchroage
Chamber of Commeroe, and that the Mayor be empowered to send a
telegram thanking them for the invitation. At the oall of the
roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Mayor Chamberlin then appointed Counoilmen Horner and Orlan-
der on the Committee.
The Claims after being Oked by the Finanoe Committee were
read as follows:
Harriman National Bank
Brown & Hawkins
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved that
the Claims be allowed as read, and that the Clerk be instruoted
to draw warrants for same. At the oall of the roll all members
present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman MoNeer reported that William H. Whittlesey had
agreed to aot as Assessor for the year 1920 and 1921, for the sum
of $300.00, with a revolving fund added thereto in the amount of
$50.00 for Clerioal assistanoe.
Councilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Orlander moved that
the rules be suspended and that the clerk be instruoted to oas~
the unanimous ballot in favor of William H. Whittlesey, as Assess-
or of the Town Of Seward, for the year 1920 and 1921. At the
call of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Upon Motion by Counoilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Ells-
worth the Counoil then Adjourned until the next regular meeting.
Minutes of the Regular meeting of the
Seward City Counoil, held June 21, 1920.
_.r, _'
""" ., 1,,,"~ 1l
The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor Cham-
berlin and all members were present exoept Counoilman Graef.
The minutes of the adjourned meeting held June 7th, were
read and it was moved by Councilman Horner and seoonded by Coun-
oilman Ellsworth, that the same read Seward Chamber of Commeroe,
instead of Anohorage Chamber of Commeroe, and with this oorreot-
ion, the minutes were then approved as read.
The surety bond of the City Clerk in the amount of One
Thousand Dollars was read, and Councilman Horner seconded by Coun-
oilman Ellsworth moved that the same be refered to the Finance
Committee for a report at the next meeting, and it was so ordered.
A Communioation from the Alaskan Engineering Commission,
giving notioe of the sohedule of the trains to be operated be-
tween Seward and Anohorage for the Fourth of July Celebration, was
read. Counoilman McNeer seoonded by Counoilman Krefting moved
that the Seward Committee in oharge Of the affair, confer with the
Anohorage Chamber of Commeroe, and try and arrange the departure
for Sunday July 4th, instead of Saturday the 3rd, as stated in the
Communioation. Motion oarried.
The Claims after being Oked by the Finanoe Committee were
read as follows:
Brown & llawkins
Brown & Hawkins
$ 6.75
Brown & Hawkins
Seward Maohine Shop
$ 94.50
Councilman Horner seconded by Qounoilman Ellsworth moved
that the Claims be allowed as read, and that the Clerk be instru-
oted to draw warrants for the same. At the oall of the roll
all members present voted "aye" - Motion oarried.
The 1919 Delinquent Real and Personal Tax roll for the
Town of Seward, was presented to the Counoil, and the following
Resolution was read:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Town of
Seward - Alaska.
That the Original and Duplioate Delinquent Tax Roll of the
Town of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1919, as prepared and oerti-
fied to by the Clerk of this Town, showing taxes upon real proper-
ty to be delinquent in the sum Of $ /.h 7/,Jb ,and upon per-
sonal property in the sum of $ 7-foo ' , be, and the sam
hereby is in all respeots approv~d, and is deolared to be the
delinquent tax roll of real and personal property of the Town of
Seward, Alaska, for the year 1919.
/1./ Addopted under suspension of the rules, th1B r/ dd.ay
of ~~ 1920.
~ Councilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Krefting moved
that the names of A. W. Frazer and J. C. Robertson be strioken
from the 1919 delinquent personal tax roll. At the call of the
roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion oarried.
Councilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved
that the first reading of the Resolution be oonsidered as its
seoond reading, and that it be read for its third reading by title
onLy, and under suspension of the rules, plaoed upon its passage.
At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion
The said Resolution Was then read by Title only, and all
members present voting "aye" - at the oall of the roll, the Mayor
declared the Resolution addopted.
Whereupon the following Resolution Was then read:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the Town of
Seward, Alaska.
" ) i"", '~.;.
"" '1 ':' r'
l'~ __,I ~'"..>
1 nl'l"lIllUMlIlIiII1
.. .IIi. .iJ1ii!Hl
That, The Municipal Clerk Of the Town of Seward, Alaska, be,
and he is hereb1 authGrized and direoted to oause to be published
the Delinquent Tax Roll of the Town of Seward, Alaska, for the
year 1919, in the SEWARD GATEWAY, a Newspaper of general circul-
ation, published in Seward, Alalka, whioh said Newspaper is here-
by designated as the Offioial Newspaper of said Town for the pur-
poses stated in this Resolution.
AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Delinquent Tax roll
be published onoe a week for four weeks, the date of first pub-
lication to be on June 30th. 1920; and that notioe be given
that said delinquent tax roll will be presented for adjustment
and order of sale to the Distriot Court of the Territory of Al&-
'ska, Third Division, on September 13th. 1920, at Seward, Alaska,
If the said day shall be a day of jurisdiotion, or as soon there-
after as oounsel may be heard,
ADD OPTED under suspension of the rules this
, 1920.
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved
that the first reading of the Re~olution be oonside~ed as its
secOnd reading, that it be read for its third reading by Title
only, and under suspension of the rules, plaoed upon its passage.
At the oall of the roll all members present voted, "aye". Motion
day, of
The said Resolution was then read for its third reading by
title only, and all members present voting in favor of same, was
deolared a4dcpted by the Mayor.
The Fire Committee asked for more time to oomplete inves-
tigations regarding the "A" Street Hydrant, and the same was
Upon Motion by Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Councilman
Horner the Council then adjourned until the n~xt regular meeting.
\Ii 1\'< /
'~ / .
.:' {. , t'l
~"'"' ,.AJ. J,>..~
MuM.o pal Clerk,
C'" "
Minutes of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Council. held JulY 5th - 1920.
.,,-....;. '-< "'-/
,,4~' ,
In the absenoe of Mayor Chamberlin and President Pro-Tem
Ellsworth. the Counoil was called to order at 8 p. m. by Counoil-
man MoNeer, and there not being suffioent members present for a
quorum. it was moved by Councilman MoNeer and seconded by Council-
man Graef, that the Counoil adjourn until Wednesday July 7th, 1920
~ /
~ f/.
lIuii c~pal 1l1erk
MAY 0 R.
Minutes of the adjourned meeting of the
Seward City Counoil - held July 7th - 1920.
.-.. ...-,. ,.
;J... .. .:: >.'_~' ,..,
;:::"'___ c)
The meeting was called to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor Cham-
berlin and all members were present exoept Counoilman Graef.
The minutes of the regular meeting of June 31st, were read,
and it was moved by Councilman Horner and seoonded by Counoilman
Orlander, that the amounts of real and personal taxes together
with the dates be inserted in the resolution contained therein,
and with this correction the minutes were then approved.
The minutes of the regular meeting of July 5th, were then
read and approved.
A report of the towns finanoes from the Munioipal Treasur-
ers Offioe was read, the same showing up to July 1st, 1920, a
balanoe of $ 4.044.89. Counoilman Horner seconded by Counoil-
man Ellsworth moved that the report be aocepted and filed, and it
was so ordered.
The Claims and salaries after being Oked by the Finanoe
Committee were read as follows:
C. A. Estes
C. A. Estes
Hugh Dougherty
J. M' Sloan
Robert Guest
Robert Guest
Robert Guest
E. Mansika
Thomas 1fcConety
Aleo Little
Brown & Hawkins
Brown & Hawkins
Brown & Hawkins
L. V. Ray
$ 50.00
161. 05
7Z . 80
Seward Water & Power Co.
Brown & Hawkins
Alaska Eleotric Co.
Seward Light & Power Co.
Gateway Publishing Co.
Alaska Transfer Co.
H. E. Ellsworth
J. L. Graef
Seward Saw Mill Co.
William Patterson
Bank of Seward
Bank of Seward
Curtis R. Morford
E. E. Chamberlin
$ 107.50
18 . 30
21. 00
Councilman Orlander seoonded by Councilman Horner moved
that the Claims and Salaries be allowed as read, and that the
Clerk be instruoted to draw warrants for same. At the oall of
the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion carried.
The Surety Bond of the City Clerk was reported favorably
upon by Counoilman MoNeer, and it was ~oved by Councilman Horner
and seconded by Counoilman Ellsworth that the same be aocepted
and filed. At the call of the roll all members present voted
"aye" - Motion oarried.
, Plans for entertaining Seoretary of the Navy Daniels and
Offioers and orew of the Fleet, upon their arrival at Seward was
taken up, and after a general disoussion, it waS moved by Council-
man Horner and seconded by Counoilman Ellsworth that the Mayor
be empowered to appoint the different Committees and arrange all
necce.sary matters in conneotion with the affair, and it was so
Councilman Krefting seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved
that a sum of money not exoeeding Five Hundred Dollars be plaoed
at the disposal of the Finanoe Committee, to be used for publioity
during the stay of the above stated Naval Offioers and Fleet.
At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" _
Motion oarried.
Upon Motion by Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman
Orlander, the Counoil adjourned until the next regular meeting.
I"~ t,
MAY 0 R.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Counoil - held July 19th, 1920.
~c;.0' ..,
In the absenoe of Mayer Chamberlin, the meeting was oalled
to order at 8 p. m. by President pro-tem Ellsworth, and the
following answered the roll oall. Councilmen Horner, Krefting
MoNeer and Orlander.
The minutes of the adjourned meeting of July 7th, were then
read and approve~.
The Claims after being Oked by the Finance Committee were
rea.d as follows:
Brown & Hawkins
Brown & Hawkins
Brown & Hawkins
$ 45.90
E. Mansika
Ga.teway Pub. Co.
$ 98.60
Counoilman Horner seconded by Councilman Krefting moved
that the Claims be allowed as read, and that the Clerk be instr-
ucted to draw warrants for same. At the oall of the roll all
members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
No further bmsine.. being before the Counoil, it was reg-
ularly moved by Councilman Horner and seoonded by Counoilman
Orlander, that the Counoil adjourn until the next regular meeting.
rl r
~l~., ,
Munioipal Clerk.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Council - held Au~st and, 1920.
Th. meeting was called to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor
Chamb.rlin and all members were pr.sent.
The minutes of the regular ~e~ting of July 19th, were
r.ad and approved.
A Communioation iro. M.sers Whitt.more and Noon, out-
lining their reoent trip to the coal fi.lds with S.cr.taries
Payne and Daniels, wae read and ordered filed.
The regular monthly fianoial report from the City Treas
urers offioe was read, the same showing on hand to July 31st, a
balanoe of ($3547.34). Councilman Horner seoonded by Counoil-
man Krefting moved that the report be aocepted and plaoed on file
and it was so ordered.
The Claims and salaries after being Oked by the Finance
Committ.e were r.ad as follows:
C. A. Estes
C. A. Estes
Hugh Dougherty
J. M. Sloan
Robert Guest
Robert Guest
L. V. Ray
Robert Guest
E. Mansika
A. MoNaughton
P. Tusan
Niok Peterson
W. St1erna
$ 50. 00
Chas Emsweiler $
Peter Johnson
Curtis R. Morford
E. L. Whittemore
Bank 0 f S.ward
Bank of Seward
H. E. Ellsworth
Seward Water & P. Co.
Brown & Hawkins
City Express
Alaska Eleotric Co.
J. L.Gra.f
Counoilman Horner second.d by Counoilman Ellsworth
moved that the Claims and Salari.s be allowed as read, and that
the Clerk be instruoted to draw warrants for sam.. At the oall
of the roll all members present vo~ed "aye". Motion oarried.
A Claim in the amount of $50.00 from the Seward Light
& Power Co, Was read. Counoilman Horner seoonded by Councilman
McNeer moved that the Clerk be instruoted to draw a warrant in
the sum of $18.30 fnpayment of July street lights, and that the
balanoe of the alaim be placed in the hands of the Financ. Com-
mitt.e for investigation and report at the next r.gular m.eting.
At the call of the roll all members present vo~ed "aye". Motion
Counoilman Horner aeoomd.d by Counoilman Krefting moved
that the Chief of Polio. be instruot.d to allow no more garbage
to b. dumped on the b.aoh, north of the railroad crossing n.ar
the San Jaun Fish Plant, below high ti4., and it was so ord.r.d.
The Fir. Committee ask.d for further time to compl.t.
investigations of the proposed "A" Str.et hydrant, whioh was
In Conneotion with the matter of the "A" Street hydrant
Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded b~ Councilman Orland.r mov.d that
the Water Committ.. be instruoted to confer with the Seward
Water & Pow.r Co, as to the most praotioal plan for furnishing
permenant fire protection for the San Jaun Fish Co, At the oall
of the roll all m.mbers pr.sent vot.d nay." - Motion carried.
Counoilman Krefting seoond.d by Councilman Horner moved
that the Council then adjourn until the n.xt r.gular meeting.
f ..
i '
~\....) ''&..} ~ ,',
1!un cipal ~t.rk,
A Y 0 R.
Minute. of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Counoil-held Au~st 16th, 1920.
<) r; -~
The Meeting was oalled to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor Cham-
berlin and all members were present exoept Counoilman Graef.
The minutes of the regular me.ting of August 2nd, were
read and approved.
A Communioation from the Seward Water & Power Co, with
referenoe to the installation of the proposed "A" Street Fire
Hydrant, was read. Counoilman Horner seoonded by Councilman
Krefting moved that the Cummunioation be refered to the City
Attorney for Advise. Motion carried.
A Communioation from the Seward Light & Power Co, with
referenoe to their claim for a light standard in the amount of
$31.70, was read. Councilman Horner aeoonded by Counoilman
Krefting moved that the same be handed to the Light Committee
with instfUotions to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and the
Alaska Transfer Co. and report at the next regular meeting.
Motion oarried.
The Claims alter being Oked by the Finance Committee were
read as follows:
E. Mansika
Niok Peterson
P. Tusa.n
111. 35
A. MoNaughton
W. Stierna
Andy Novak
Councilman Krefting seoonded by Councilman Orlander moved
that the Claims be allowed as read, and that the Clerk be instruot
ed to draw warrants for same. At the oall of the roll all mem-
bers present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Counoilman I~rner seconded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved
that the members then go into "Committee of Hall". Motion oarried,
and all left the Council Chambers except the Mayor and ~.mbers of
the Counoil.
Alter the Speoial Session of the Committee of Hall, the
matter of oareless garbage dumping was taken up.
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Orlander moved
that the Street Committ.. be empowered to repair the road to the
regular Beach Dumping Grounds. Motion oarried.
Upon motion by Councilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman
Orlander the Council the adjourned until the next regular meeting.
Minut.a of th. r.gular m.eting of the
S.ward City Counoil - h.ld S.pt.mb.r 7th 1920.
C": 'Ii C '.
~ (C)
Th. m..ting was oall.d to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor
Chamb.rlin and all memb.ra w.r. pr.a.nt.
The minut.s of the regular m.eting h.ld Auguat 16th
w.r. r.ad and approv.d.
A Communication from Attorn.y L V Ray, r.garding the
propos.d Fir. Hydrant at the Junotion of 4th Ave, and B Str.et,
waa r.ad, and upon Motion by Councilman Horn.r a.cond.d by Coun-
cilman Orland.r, wag order.d filed.
Another Communioation from Attorney L V Ray, r.garding
the Claim of the S.ward Light & Pow.r Co, for a Str.et Light Bas.,
waa r.ad. Counoilman Horn.r aeoond.d by Councilman Kr.fting move
that the Communioation b. plac.d on fil., and that the matt.r of
the Claim b. tak.n up under the h.ad of unfinish.d busin.aa, and i
waa so ord.r.d.
A Claim from Jos.ph Str.j~ againat the Seward Volun-
t.er Fir. Department in the amount of $113.05 wag r.ad. Councilman
Ellaworth s.cond.d by Councilman Orland.r moved that the aam. be
taken up lat.r und.r the h.ad of unfiniah.d busin.sa. Motion carr-
A Communioation signed by the Wat.r Committ.., grant-
ing the Seward Wat.r & Pow.r Co, permission to inatall the Hydrant
at the Junotion of 4th Av., and B Str.et, waa r.ad. Counoilman
Ellsworth s.cond.d by Counoilman McN..r mov.d that the Aotion of
the Wat.r Committ.. aa atat.d b. ratifi.d. Motion oarri.d.
. Th. Claims and Salari.. aft.r b.ing Ok.d by the Fin-
ane. Committ.. w.re r.ad as follows:
S.ward Light & Pow.r Co.
C A Eates
C A Est..
Hugh Dougherty
J M Sloan
Rob.rt Guest
Robert Guest
Rob.rt Guut
L V Ray
E Manaika
A MoNaughton
S.ward Saw Mill Co.
Alaaka El.otrio Co.
Seward Water & Pow.r Co.
$ 18.30 S.ward Drug Co.
50.00 Gat.way Pub Co.
8.33 Brown & Hawkina
50.00 Brown & Hawkina
50.00 Brown & Hawkins
100.00 Bank of S.ward
100.00 Bank of S.ward
20.00 Curtis R Morford
50.00 Brosius & ~oon
107.10 Fr.d Cbalman
86.55 A F Raaamuaaen
30.70 Alaaka Transfer Co.
9.50 Mike Johnson
107.50 J L Gra.f
J L Graef
$ 1.00
111. 35
38. 50
Counoilman Krefting s.oonded by Councilman Ell.worth
mov.d that the Claima and Salariea b. allow.d aa r.ad, and that
the Clerk be authoriz.d to draw warrants for the sam.. At the
oall of the roll all m.mb.r. pr..ent vot.d "ay.". Motion oarri.d.
Counoilman Horn.r s.cond.d by Councilman Kr.fting
mov.d that the Mayor b. empow.r.d to .nt.r into a n.w oontraot
with the S.ward Light & Pow.r Company for winter light., and that
the light Committ.. d.termine the aiz. of the varioua light. n.ed-
.d, and in the future that the Chief of Polio. b. inatruct.d to
ohang. the burnt out glob.., with the .xo.ption of the Conduit
ayat.m on Broadway. At the call of the roll all m.mb.r. pr.a.nt
vot.d nay.lI. Motion carri.d.
Counoilman Ellaworth s.oond.d by Counoilman Kr.fting
mov.d that the Claim of the S.ward Light & Power Co, in the amount
of $31.70 be allow.d, and that the Clerk b. instruct.d to draw a
City Warrant for aam., and that the Light Committe. b. inatruoted
to pr.s.nt a Claim to the Alaska Transf.r Co, in thia amount for
the damag.d Light Base. At the call of the roll all members
pr.s.nt vot.d nay.". Motion oarri.d.
Th. Claim of Jos.ph Str.jo againat the S.ward Volun-
~".r; ,,'~
/, I'
f~ '~ .:..::.:
t..r Fire D.partment wa~ taken up and lome diacuaaiom followed,
but no Aotion W&a taken regarding lam..
The r.port of the City Trealur.r for the month ~ Auguat
1920 waa read, the sam. ahowing to S.pt.mb.r lat, a balanoe of
($1980.44) Counoilman Orland.r a.cond.d by Counoilman Horn.r
mov.d that the sam. b. aoc.pt.d and plao.d on fil., and it wa.
ao ord.red.
Th. C.rtifioat.a of the City Cl.rk and A....sor p.rtaining
to the 1980 Aaa..sm.nt and Tax Roll w.r. read. Counoilman MoN..r
a.cond.d by Councilman Ellaworth mov.d that the .ame b. acc.pt.d
a. read by the Cl.rk. At the oall of the roll all memb.r.
pr.s.nt vot.d "aye". Motion oarried.
Oounoilman MoN..r aecond.d by Counoilman Gra.f moved that
the Tax L.vy for the curr.nt y.ar b. placed at 14 mill., on the
a....a.d valuation a. mad. by the returna of the '.w.aaor, and a.
o.rtifi.d to by the City Cl.rk. At the oall of the roll all
member. pre.ent vot.d "ay.". Motion carri.d.
Counoilman Gra.f a.oond.d by Counoilman MoN.-.r mov.d that
the City Cl.rk b. .mpow.r.d to purcha'. from the Alaskan Engin-
..ring Commiaaion, a Car load of lump ooal'for Town ua., and have
th. .am. d.liv.r.d into the Fir. Hall. At the call of the roll
all m.mb.r. pr.s.nt voted "ay.n. Motion oarried.
Councilman Horn.r a.cond.d by Councilman Ell.worth mov.d
that th. Str.et Committ.. b. .mpow.r.d to r.pair a part of 4th
Avenu., North of the Glaoi.r Stream, and to ua. th.ir own judg.-
m.nt on any other r.pairs n..ded on the atr..ta in that Diatriot.
Xotion carr1.d. '
Upon Motion by Councilman MoNeer a.cond.d by Oouncilman
Orland.r the Council th.n adjourn.d until the next r.gular m..ting.
~ /
, . ~
, lli~
Mun1-O pal Clerk.
Y 0 R.
Minutea of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Council, held September 20th, 1920.
C"')",":-; '-
~! '
,f^...:J . '-'
The meeting waa called to order at 8 p. m. by President
Pro-Tem Ellsworth, in the abaenee of Mayor Chamberlin, and all
member. were present.
The minutes of the regular meeting held September 7th,
were read and approved.
An Applioation from Charles Johnson for the poaition of
Night Watchman waa read. Councilman Graef entered the name of
William Fairman for the poaition aa Night watohman.
Counoilman MoNeer seoonded by Counoilman Orlander moved
that the two Application. be plaoed on file for future reference.
Motion oarried.
The Claim. after being Ok.d by the Finanoe Committee were
read a. followa:
E. Mal'lsika
A. MoUaughton
A. Znaniok
Wm. H. Whittlesey
Hugh Dougherty
Claud Mathiaon
$ 321. 75
Councilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Graef moved that
the Claima be allowed as read, and that the Clerk b. instructed
to draw warrant. for aame. At the call of the roll all members
present voted "aye". Motion carried.
Counoilman Graef .eoOnded by Counoilman MoNeer moved that
the Light Committee and City Attorney confer with the Seward
Light & Power Co, regarding lights for "C" Street, with power to
aot, and it waa ao ordered.
Counoilman Horner aeconded by Counoilman McNeer moved that
the Light Committee be authorized to in.truot the Seward Light &
Power Co, to order (8) ileotrio Light Globe. for the City, and it
was .0 ordered.
Upon Motion by Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman
Horner the Counoil then adjourned until the next regular meeting.
~. /
, ,'!<
r-, W'
v v
Mun a CleYK.
MAY 0 R.
Minutea of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Council - held Oct~ber 4th, 1920.
C'; r;
;,>.....;; 't.., ....
The meeting waa called to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor
Chamberlin, and all membera ~ere present.
The minutea of the regular meeting held September 20th,
were read, and Councilman Horner eeconded by Counoilman Ellaworth
moved that the aame should read "A" Street instead of "C" Street,
and with this correction the minutes were then approved.
A Comrr.unication from the Seward School Board in whioh
~ request was entered for ~500.00, was read. Councilman Horner
seconded by Councilman Ellaworth moved that the same be taken up
later under the head of unfinished business. Motion carried.
A Communioation from the City Attorney was read, the same
oalling to the attention of the Council matters pertaining to the
publiahing of the 1919 Delinquent Tax Roll. Councilman Horner
seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the Co~nioation be
filed, and the itema refered to in the said Communioation be taken
up later under the head of unfinished buaineaa. Motion carried.
The Claima and Salariea after being Oked by the Finance
Committee were read as follows:
Seward Light & Power Co.
C A Eatea
C A Estea
Hugh Dougherty
J M Sloan
Robert Guest
Robert Gueat
L V Ray
Robert Gueat
John Johnson
A Mcnaughton
A ZJ'laniok
E Mandka
$94.35 Alaaka Eleotrio Co.
50.00 Seward Light & P Co.
8.33 Alaika Eng. Comm.
50.00 Seward Drug Co.
50.00 Jaok Mathiion
100.00 Bank of Seward
100.00 Bank of Seward
50.00 Curtis R Morford
20.00 Seward Water & P Co.
7.00 Seward Saw Mill Co.
107.10 Gateway Pub. Co.
90.95 City Exprese
112.20 Brown & Hawkini
Brown & Hawkins
$ 9.50
Councilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Krefting moved
that the Claima and Salariea be allowed as read, and that the
Clerk be instruoted to draw warrants for the .&me, and with the
exoeption of the Seward Light & Power Compa.y Claim for Street
Lights, the balanoe should be held up for a few dayi. At the call
of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Councilman Horner seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved
that the Clerk be inst~cted to draw a warrant in favor of the
Seward School Board in the amount of $500~00, with the under-
standing that the same be considered aa a loan, and to be retur-
ned by the Board just as soon ai Territorial Funds were available.
At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motio.
oarried. -
A general diaoussion followed regarding the publiahing
of the 1919 Delinquent Tax List, and the Following Resolution waa
1. That by virtue-of and pursuant to a duly entered Order
of Sale, dated the 25th day of September, 1920, made by the Dia-
triot Court for the Territory of Alaska, Third Diviiion, in oauae
No. 8,-164. In. the matter of the Application of the Town of
Seward, Alaska, a Munioipal Corporation, for an order of Sale of
Certain Real Property, to'enforoe the lien of oertain Delinquent
Municipal Taxes, for the year 1919, to-gether with penalty, int-
ereat and oosts, the Clerk of the ToWR of Seward, Alaska, under th
authority of, and by direction of the Common Council of the Town
of Seward, Alaska, is direoted to sell the property described in
iaid Order of Sale, or so much thereof ai on the date of Sale here
in-after preioribed ihall be found unpaid ai to Tax, penalty, in-
terest and OOiti, upon eaoh apeoifio traot, in the ma~ner pro-
C) :r;J (~
..0'" i' : \
! f..) \. '"-'
Continued from Page No. 277
vided by Law.
2. That the Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska, shall oause
to be made due and auffioient notioe of suoh aale, by publioation
thereof, once eaoh week for four auocesaive weeka, in the Seward
Gateway, a Newspaper of general ciroulation, publiahed in said
Town of Seward, whioh said Newspaper is hereby deaignated for such
purpose by this Common Council;
3. That the Sale of Real Property listed upon the Delinquent
Tax Roll of the Town of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1919, to
aatisfy and disoharge the lien of the unpaid Tax upon the several
and speoific traots desoribed, together with penalty, interest
and costs, be had at publio auction, in the Town Hall of Seward,
Alaaka on the 9th day'of November, 1920, between the h9ars of
ten O'clook in the forenoon and four O'clook in the afternoon of
said day, commenoing at said @Our of ten O'clock in the forenoon,
and, if said Tax Sale is not concluded on said 9th day of Novem-
ber , 1920, the same shall continue from day to day thereafter,
over Sundays and Holidays, until the property subjeot to Tax Sale,
and in said notice of Sale oontained, is disposed of;
4; . That eaoh tract, upon said Delinquent Tax Roll of the Town
of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1919, be sold seperately, be off-
ered for the amoUnt of the Tax, Pe~alty, Interests and Costs due
thereon; and, if suffioient is not bid to disoharge the amount
due on the same, suoh apeoifio tract shall be bid in by said Clerk
of said Town of Seward, for and on behalf of said Municipality,
for the amount of the Tax, Penaltt, Interest and Costs, making
proper notation upo. said Delinquent Tax Roll.
First Reading
SecoJld Reading
4th day of
October /
, 1920.
Clerk of t
Seward-Alas a.
of t~~~'. Mayor
Counoilman Horner seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved
that and Emergenoy be deolared, and that the rules be suspended,
thereby permitting th$ Passage of the Resolution on the above
named date. At the call of the roll all members present voted
"aye". Motion carried.
Councilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Ellsworth mQved
that the first reading of the above Resolution be considered as
its seoond reading, that it be read for its third reading by
title only, and plaoed upon its passage. At the oall of the rol
all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried.
The Resolution was then read for its third reading by Title
Only, and the Mayor declared the same duly Addopted.
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Councilman McNeer moved that
the Clerk be instruoted to publish or cause to be published, due
and suffioient notices of the General Election to be held in Sew-
ard on November 2nd, in aooordaaoe with the territorial. laws, and
that the Council prooeed tp apPOint the neocessary Judges and
Clerks to precide at the said Eleotion. At the call of the roll
all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried,
The following were then appointed:
George Sexton
Joseph Badger
Claud Mathison
Curtis R Morford
Mra F B Wood
("- ,"'''',
i:"~ ....
Continued from Page # 278.
CouncilmaB ~llaworth aeoonded by Councilman Krefting moved
that the Clerk be inatruoted to aend a letter to J C Carlaon,
notifying him that hia building on Fifth Avenue needed repa1ra,
owing to the aheet iron aide. of aame becoming looae, and if the
repaira were not made, the building would have to be condemed.
Motion oarried.
Upon Motion by CouncilmaR MoNeer secoJll.ded by Councilman
Ell.worth the Counoil the~Adjourned uJll.til the next regular
meeting. /"/"
~ .
Muni~al -CLerk.
;;: A Y 0 R.
Minute. of the regular meeting of the
Seward City COUJloil held Ootober 19th, 1920.
C\ .~
., v
~.......; '-"
The meeting waa oalled to order at 8 p. m. and all
membera were preaent.
The minutea of the regular meetine held October 4th,
were read and approved.
AJl Applioation for the poaition for night watohman from
Robert MoIntoah wag read, ani Councilman Ellaworth aecoDded by
Councilman Krefting moved that the game be plaoed on file and
taken up later under the head of un:iniahed buainega. Motion oarr-
An Applioation from Ira S Bailey for the poaition of
night watohman Wag read. Counoilman Horner aeconded by Council-
man Graef moved that the aame be placed on file and taken up later
under the head of unfiniahed buainess. Motion carried.
A Communioation from the Seward Sohool Board waa read,
the aame entering a requeat for the aum of $1090.00, to pay the
aalariea and expenaea of the School for the month endtllg Ootober
31at. Counoilman Ellaworth aeoonded by Councilman Horner moved
that the aame be acoepted and filed, and the requeat mentioned
therein be diaouaaed later under the head of unfiniahed buainega.
MotioJl oarried.
The Claima and aalariea after beiJlg Oked by the FinaJloe
Committee were read aa followa:
E Manaika $ 79.05 Alleo Little $ 42.00
A MoNaughton 75.'5 Harry Ellaworth 4.00
N llaemo 27.20 H S Smith 5.00
A Znaltiok 6.80 Mike Joh:uon 2 5 . 00
Mike JO!lllao n 28.50 The Miner'a Store 15.00
Counoilman Ellaworth aeconded by CouncilmaJl Graef moved
that the Claima and Salariea be allowed aa read and that the Cler
be inatruoted to draw war rant a for the aame. At the oall of the
roll all membere preaent voted "aye". Motion carried.
Councilman Graef aeoonded by Counoilmaa Horner moved that
the Council then prooeed to Appoint one of the Applioaata to the
poaiton of night watohman. Ballota were prepared, and the mayor
appointed Counoilmen Ellaworth and Horner as tellera, and the vote
reaulted aa followa:
and the Mayor deolared Mr MoIJltoah duly eleoted to the poaition
of Night Watchman for the enauing term.
Counoilm81 McNeer aeconded by Councilman Horner moved
that the Salary of the Night Watohman be plaoed at $150.00 a
month. At the call of the roll all membera pre~ent voted "aye",
MotioJl oarried.
Councilman Horner ieoonded b) Councilman Krefting moved
that the Communication from the Seward School Board be laid upon
the table until the next regular meeting of the Counoil. Motion
Upon Motion by Councilm81 MoNeer aeconded by Counoilman
Graef the Council then ~~journed until the next regular meeting.
Mun1oi~a.i Clerk.
Mi.uteg of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Council, held November l.t, 1920.
.,/~ ,"-'., "'.
~~'- '_..
The meetbg wag oalled to order at 8 p m by Mayor
Chamberlin, but there not being .uffioie.t membera pre~ent for
a quorum, it was regularly moved by Cou.cilma. Ell.worth aad
geooaded by CouncilmaI Krefti.g, that the Council Adjoura until
Monday November 8th, at 8 p. m.
Motio. carried, aId was gO
MAY 0 R.
Millutea of the Adjourned meeting of
The Seward City Council, held Uovember 8th, 1920.
- .,.-, .."
'/.. ,
The meeting waa oalled to order at 8 p m by Mayor
Chamberlin, and all membera were preaent.
The minute~ of the meeting of Oot 19th, and the min-
ute a of the meeting of Nov l.t, were read and approved.
The Ootober report of the Town Treaaurer waa read the
aame .howing a balance of ($3977.82). Councilman Horner aec-
onded by Councilman Graef moved that the aame be accepted and
filed and it waa ;0 ordered.
A Communioation from Councilman Ellaworth waa read,
requeating that the Council take aome action regarding the i.-
juriea received by (one Patriok Shaw) while employed by the Ala-
akan Ellgineering Commiaaton. Couucilman Horner aeconded by
Councilman Ellaworth moved that the Communioation be taken up
later under the head of unfiuiahed buaineaa. Motion oarried.
The Claim. and Salariea after being Oked by the FillallC
e Committee were read aa followa:
Seward Light & Eower Co.
C A Eatea
C A Eatea
Hugh Dougherty
J M Sloall
Robert Gueat
Robert Gueat
Robe:tt Gueat
L V Ray
A ZnaJii01l.
Alldy Allderaoll
Ballk of Seward
$ 152.50 Ballk of Seward
50.00 Brown & Hawkina
8.33 Curtia R Morford
50.00 Broaiua & NOOll
50.00 Seward W & P Co.
100.00 Alaaka Eleo. Co.
100.00 J L Graef
20.00 Seward Drug Co.
50.00 Seward Newa Co.
11.05 Alaaka Tralla, Co.
6.80 Gateway Pub, Co.
7.50 Gua Borge.
$ 20.00
CouJicilman Horner aeoollded by Councilman Graef moved
that the Claima and Salariea be allowed aa read alld that the
Clerk be inatructed to draw warrant. for aame. At the call of
the roll all membera preaent voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Mattera pertaining to Taxation of Churoh propertiea
and Paraollagea were diaouaaed, and Counoilman Graef aeconded by
Counoilman MoNeer moved that owing to the heavy expeniturea im-
poaed UpOll the City i. taking care of the Glacier Stream, all
par~ollagea ahould be taxed, and that the Clerk be inatruoted to
reply to the COmIDuaicatioll of M H Gray, Kanaaa City MO, p~eaent-
ed by Councilma. Krefting, to thia effeot. At the oall of the
roll Councilmen Ell.worth, Graef and 1icNeer voted "aye" with
Councilmen Horner, Krefting and Orlander vOtillg "No". Aa the
vote reaulted in a tie, Mayor Chamberlin then voted in the Affir-
mative, and deolared the Motion oarried.
After a gelleral di.oua.ion regarding the written re-
queat of the Seward Sohool Board, for ($1090.00), it waa moved
by Councilmall Horner and aeconded by Councilman Ellaworth that
the Clerk be inatruoted to draw a city warra.t in favor of the
above atated Seward Sohool Board in thia amount aa an Advance
from the Town. At the oall of the roll all membera pre.ellt
voted "aye". Motion oarried.
Under the head of unfilli.hed buailleaa, Councilman
Horner aeoonded by Councilman Graef moved that the Mayor appoillt
a Comre1ttee to 111veatigate the oa.e of Patriok Shaw, and with-
out further actioll of the Coullcil, to preaent the filldillga to
the Delegate at COllgre.a, to be refered to the Natiollal Compen-
aatioll Committee, and it Waa aO ordered. Mayor Chamberlill then
appointed Councilmen Ellaworth and Kreftillg to aerve on the Comm-
i ttee.
Councilmall Ellaworth ~eoollded by Councilman Horner
moved that the Mayor apPOint a Committee of three members to
cOllfer with the City Attorney and work out a aet of plana relat-
ive to the perme.ant oOlltrol of Lowell Creek, alld that the aame
'" t "I r~ OJ
,-..) '--- "-'
. ~ ---
be preaented to the Delegate at Coagrea' for proper aotio.. At
teh saIl of the roll all membera preaent voted "aye". Motio.
Councilmaa MoNeer aeoo.ded by Coumcilma. Kreftiag moved
that the City Attorney be iaatruoted to prepare a commuaicatioa
and pre.eat the .ame to the Secretary of the Interior, a;king
that Secoad Avenue be opened up to the Beaoh, aad that thia
tho~oughfare be retained by the Tow. of Seward for Municipal
purpoae;. At the oall of the roll all member, pre;ent voted
"aye". Motion oarried.
Upon Motion by Couacilmaa Horner aeconded by Counoilman
Graef the Counoil tg~.-AdjOurned until the next regular meeting.
~lr: ,--
1 :(_ ,~, r
'\: - ~ \ \ '
_i_~.:.: -.-.jj
~ai6iPal Clerk.
MAY 0 R.
Minutea of the regular meeting of the
Seward City CCuacil, held November 15th, 1920.
In the abaeaoe of Mayor Cham'berl1a, the Meethg waa call-
ed to order at 8 p, m, by Preaident Pro-tern Ellaworth, and all
membera anawered the Roll Call exoept Councilma~ Krefting.
The fuiautea of the Adjourned Meeting held November 8th,
were read and approved.
Preaideat Ellaworth thereupoa annouaoed that the membera
appointed oa the Glaoier Stream Committee, ia aocordanoe with
a Motioa duly enaoted at the previoua meeting, were Couaoilmen
MoNeer, Graef and Ellaworth.
Councilman Horner ~eoonded by Counoilman Orlander moved
that the Printiag and Finanoe Commlttiea confer with the Tow.
Clerk with referenoe to the inatallation of aome permaneat ayatem
for taking oare of the Certifioate8 of Sale and Redemptioa Cer-
tificatea, iaaued agaiaat Delinqueat Property, aad report baok
at the next regular meeting. At the oall of the roll all mem-
bers pre.ent voted "aye". Motion carried.
There being no further bualneaa before the Council it waa
regularly moved by Councilman Graef and aeoonded by Counoilman
Horner that the Counoil adjourn until the next regular meeting.
~ I',;, ,
Ii.. I ' , " "
MUll ~'i~il' Ci~rk.
Mi.utea of the Special Me-tiJlg of the
Seward City Council, held November 29th 1920.
The Me~ting waa held for the purpoae of coaaideriJlg
~atter. pertai.i.g to School Affaira.
The Meetimg waa oalled to order at 8 p, m, by Mayor
Chamberli. and all membera were preaeat.
Mra Shellhor., Treaaurer of the Seward School Board,
atated to the Cou.cil that the aum of ($800.00) waa .eeded by
the Board to take care of the local School expem.e. for the mo.th
of November.
CouRcilmaa Ellaworth aeco.ded by Cou.cilmam Krefti.g
moved that the City Clerk be i.atructed to draw a warra.t i.
favor of the Seward School Board i. the amoumt of ($800.00) aa
requeated by the School Treaaurer, with the u.derata.dimg that
the game be paid back to the City aa goo. aa poaaible. At the
oall of the roll all membera preae.t voted "aye". Mot1.oJl oarried.
Cou.cilmaJl Horner aeco.ded by Co~.cilma. Ell.worth moved
that the Counoil the. adjour. u.til the .ext regular meeti.g, a.d
it waa .0 ordered.
Ii I,'
. I" ~'.'
y \' '. I
/).fu;~cipai' ~lerk.
MAY 0 R.
Minutes of the regular meeting ot the
Seward City Counoil, held December 6th 1920
C'\Q 1
The meeting waS oalled to order at 8 p, m, by Mayor
Chamberlin, and all members were present.
The minutes of the regular meeting of November 15th,
and the minutes of the speoial meeting of November 29th were read
and approved.
The Monthly Claims and Salaries after being Oked by
the Finanoe Committee were read as follows:
Seward Light & P Co
C A Estes
C A Estes
Hugh Dougherty
J M Sloan
Robert Guest
Robert Guest
Robert Guest
L V Ray
Robert McIntosh
A McNaughton
J B Slater
P A Shaw
$ 144.90 Brown & Hawkins Corp
50.00 Brown & Hawkins Corp
8.33 Alaska Trans Co
50.00 Mrs A H MoNeer
50.00 C R Morford
100.00 City Express
100.00 J L Graef
20.00 Leon Urbaoh
50.00 Alaska Eleotrio Co
150.00 Seward W & P Co
19.55 Gateway Pub Co
12.00 Bank of Seward
1.00 Bank 0 f Seward
:$ 3.30
Councilman Krefting seconded by Counoilman Graef moved
that the Claims and Salaries be allowed as read, and that the
Clerk be instruoted to draw warrants for same. At the oall of
the roll all members present voted "ayen, Motion carried.
Counoilman MoNeer seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved
that the City Clerk be empowered to write to some Publishing
House and secure prices on a new Ordinanoe Record. Motion oarried
Councilman Horner seoo.ded
that the City Clerk be instruoted to
endar reoord for the Clerks Offioe.
members present voted "aye", Motion
by Councilman McNeer moved
purohase a 1921 daily oal-
At the oall of the roll all
Councilman Graef seoonded by Counoilman Horner moved
that the Council then adjourn until the next regular meeting.
" unicipal Clerk
~o~~~~~ .
Minutes of the regular meeting of the
Seward City Council. held December 20th 1920.
The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p, m, by Mayor
Chamberlin and all members were present exoept Councilman
The minutes of the regular meeting held December 6th,
were read and approved.
A Fianoial Statement from the Treasurer's Offioe was
read, the same showing a balanoe of ($11.458.56).
Counoilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Krefting moved
that the report be aooepted and filed, and it waS so ordered.
There being no further business, it was regularly moved
by Counoilman Horner and seconded by Councilman Ellsworth that
the Council adjourn until the next regular meeting.
:'~ 1