HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921 City Council Minutes Minutes of the regular meeting of the Seward City Council. held Janua.ry 3rd 1921. C)O~:: ~u'0 The meeting was called to order at 8 p, m, by Mayor Chamberlin and all members were present except Councilman J L Graef. I The minutes of the maetine of December 20th 1920 were read and approved. The Claims and Salaries after being Oked by the Finanoe Committee were read as follows: Seward Light & P Co Alaska Eleotrio Co C A Estes C A Estes Hugh Dougherty J M Sloan Robert Guest Robert Guest Robert McIntosh L V Ray $ 136.70 Robert Guest 9.50 Robert Guest 50.00 Gus Fridell 8.33 W H Hienes 50.00 Seward Water & P Co 50.00 Curtis R ~orford 100.00 Bank of Seward 100.00 Bank of Seward 150.00 J L Graef 50.00 $ 20.00 20.00 5.25 5.25 112. 50 5.00 20.00 7.50 8.65 Councilman Krefting seconded by Councilman Horner moved that the Claims and Salaries be allowed as read and that the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried. Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Councilman Horner moved that the Clerk be instruoted to present a Claim in the amount of $20.00 to the Alaskan Engineering Commission, covering the Seward Dock Fire on Sunday Deoember 26th. At the call of the rol all members present voted "aye". Motion carried. I It WaS then moved by Councilman Horner and seconded by Councilman Orlander that the Council adjourn until Monday January 10th at 8 p, m, and it/was so ordered. h~ K \ ';; lUx j)~ M~iPal Clerk. ,~~~rj/;' .. MAY 0 R. I :.rinutes of the Adjourned meeting of the Seward City Council held January 10th 1921. ~al"; GJ>C - The meeting was called to order at 8 p, m, by Mayor Chamberlin and all members were present except Councilman J L Graef. I The minutes of the regular meeting of January 3rd were read and approved. A Fiancial re~ort from the Treasurer was read, the same showing a balanoe of ($10.823.25) for the month ending December 31st 1920. Councilman Orlander seoonded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the report be aocepted and plaoed on file, and it was so ordered. I Counoilman McNeer seoonded by Counoilman Orlander moved that the Street Committee be empowered to construot the neocess- ary trails whereever the snow was to deep for sohool ohildren to travel, during the prevailing bliZzard weather, and to use their best judgement at anytime du~ing a like ooourenoe. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was presented by Counoilman Horner, and read for its first reading: WHEREAS, The Women's Club of Seward, Alaska, has Established and is maintai>>inga Public Library for the Benefit and use of the oitizens of Seward, and, WHEREAS, until suoh time as the Town of Seward, as such, oan afford to equip and maintain a Publio Library, the above-named Club is entitled to reoognition and assistanoe in its oommendable efforts in suoh regard made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, That for the purpose of promoting the well-being and Publio welfare of the citizens of the Town of Seward, the Sum of Five Hundred Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of said Town of Seward, to be paid over to the proper Off- icers of the Women's Club of Seward, and to be expended under the supervision of said Club in the purohase of books in addition to the Library now conduoted by said Club. Passed under suspension of the rules this January, A D 1921 day of Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska. Approved this day of January 1921 ~~--../.. ~~. Mayor. ATTEST; Clerk. I Mayor C~amberlin then announced that the Resolution wou~d be taken up again at the next regular meeting. The MuniCipal Clerk reported the return of the ($800.00) Loan from the Seward Sohool Board, and the Council requested that due note of same be spread upon the minutes of the meeting. I Counoilman Horner seconded by Councilman MoNeer moved thatl the Printing Committee look over the old Registration Books and J see if new ones were needed, and report baok at the next regular meeting. Counoilman McNeer seconded ~y Counoilman Horner moved hat the CO~l then adjourn until the next regular meetin . to' //' ,t /' I j; ~., o l ' : ~ I ...J ~.~ . -or 6 "fl.-A, _ , oipal Clerk. M Y 0 R. I Minutes of the regular meeting Of the Seward City Council - held January 17th 1921. 90". , ..,J~'\...." '1 h.)c.).....; I The meeting was oalled to order at 8 p m, by Mayor Chamberlin, but there not being suffioient members present for a Quorum, it was regularly moved by Counoilman Ellsworth and seoonded by Councilman Krefting, that an Ad.journment be made until Tuesday Evening January 18th at 8 p m. lerk. ~~~, MAY 0 R. I I Minutes of the Adjourned meeting of the Seward City Council - held January 18th 1921. (', ,r) -: j, \ l ~ G.".,;, -- The meeting waS called to order at 8 p m by Mayor Chamherl1n and all members were present. I The minutes of the Adjourned meeting of January 10th, and the minutes of the regular meeting of January 17th, were read a.nd approved. Counoilman Ellsworth tendered his written resignation, as President Pro-Tem of the Counoil, and it was moved by Counoil- man Horner and seoonded by Councilman Orlander that the same be accepted and filed. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried. A Communioation furnishing a report of the Seward Publio Library was read, and upon Motion by Counoilman Horner seconded by Councilman Graef, the same was ordered filed. A Communication touohing upon the merits of the Seward Publio Library, signed by Jessica Don Carlos, was read, and upon Motion by Councilman Orlander seoonded by Councilman Graef the same was ordered filed. i I Councilman MoNeer seoonded by Councilman Ellsworth moved 'I that extra night watohman be paid the sum of ($6.00) a night, and that the Clerk be instruoted to draw City Warrants for John A Johnson and D C Brownell who had performed such servioes during the month of January. At the call of the roll all members pres- ent voted "aye". Motion Carried. The other Claims after being Oked by the Finance Comm- ittee were read as follows: I Ellsworth's Louis Shell $ 7.50 3.00 City Express Seward Drug Co $ 1. 50 3.95 Councilman Horner seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the Claims be allowed as read, and the Cler~ oe instructed to draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion carried. Nominations being in order for a new President Pro-Tem of the Seward Common Council, it was regularly moved by Council- man Horner and seconded by Councilman Graef that Councilman MoNeer be Nominated for the Offioe. Councilman McNeer thereupon nominated Councilman Orlander, and Councilman Krefting seconded by Counoilman Horner moved that nominations be closed. The Mayor appointed Counoilmen Ellsworth and Krefting as tellers and the vote resulted as follows: Councilman MoNeer (5) Counoilman Orlander (1) I and the Mayor deolared Counoilman McNeer duly Elected as President Pro-Tem to the above Entitled Offioe. The ReSOlution; for the appropriation of a sum of money for the Women's Club of Seward Was read for its seoond read- ing, and Councilman McNeer seconded by C01J.noilman Horner moved that the same be amended to read " Three Hundred Dollars" instead of "Five Hundred Dollars". At the oall of the roll Councilmen Graef, Horner, Krefting and McNeer voted "aye" with Councilmen Ellsworth and Orlander voting "No", and the Maymr declared the motion oarried. Councilman Horner seoonded by Councilman McNeer moved that the Resolution beread for its third reading 'by title only' and under suspension of the rules, placed upon its passage. At the cal~ of the roll Counoilmen Graef, Horner, Krefting and Mc- Neer voted "aye" with Councilmen Ellsworth and Orlander Voting "No", an~ the Mayor declared the Motion oarried. 30<) _ t-..) Continued from page 301. - ~- JIL The Resolution waS then read fer its third reading 'By Title Only', and upon Motion by Councilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Krefting the Mayor deolared the Resolution duly addopted. Councilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman McNeer moved that the Council then adjourn until the next regular meeting. \ \ 1 , '~ , .' lerk. '~'R".<-:/--~ -, Minutes of the Speoial l.!eeting of the Seward City Council - held February 3rd 1921. 3nr::) . .....' .c.) I , The Meeting was called for the purpose of presenting a Memorial to Congress relative to the Glaoier Stream, and to disouss matters pertaining to an increase of rental for the property upon which the Town Hall in looated. And also for the purpose of granting leave of absenoe to Councilman Ellsworth, and accept- ing the Resignation of Mayor E E Chamberlin' The Meeting was called to order at 8 p m by Mayor Chamber- lin and all members were present. The Resignation of the Mayor was read, and upon Motion by Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Graef the same was ordered filed, and be taken up later under the head of unfinished business, and it was so ordered. Councilmans Ellsworth's request for a sixty day leave of absence waS read, and upon motion by Councilman Krefting seconded by Councilman Orlander, the request was ordered filed and to be taken up later under the head of unfinished business. I I A Communioation from the Mayor was then read to the members of the Counoil, and at the close of same, Counoilman Ellsworth ' seoonded by Councilman Krefting moved that' the Communication be I placed on file. Motion carried. A Communication from the Federal Power Commission at Wash- I I ington was read, calling to the attention of the Mayor, that, , Mr Frank L Ballaine had applied for a. preliminary permit for power I development involving upper Kenai Lake, Alaska, and that any ob- Ii jections or comments on the proposed projeot should be addressed to the Commission not later than March 8th 1921. Councilman I Graef seconded by Councilman Orlander moved that the Same be acc- epted and plaoed on file. Motion oarried. A Communication was read signed by Curtis R Morford as agent, for Peter iJ Ogle, giving the Town Council Notice that be- gining February 1st 1921, the Monthly rental of the property upon whioh the Town Hall is located, would be the sum of ($50.00). Councilman Ellsworth seoonded by Councilman Orlander moved that the Communication be handed over to the City Attorney with instr- uotions to furnish his report on same at tne next regula.r meeting. I Motion oarried, I The Claim of the Seward Light & Power Co, in the amount of I ($158.05) for January street lights and servioes was read, and I after a general disoussion Councilman McNeer seoonded by Council- man Graef moved that the Clerk be instruoted to draw a City War- rant for same, and that the proper com~:ittee confer with the Light Company with reference to a reasonable rebate on the claim for the period of time that the lights were shut off during the above named month. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion carried. I The Following Memorial was then read: THE HONORABLE, THE LEGISLATURE OF THE TERKITORY OF ALASKA: I Your Memoralists, The Mayor and Common Counoil of the Towu of Seward, Alaska, respeotfully represent: That flowing out of a deep box-canyon, running due East across the Town of Seward, Alaska, a distanoe of approximately 1600 feet, is a oharaoteristio mounta.in glaCial stream, designated as Lowell Creek; That sinoe the year 1903, The Alaska Central Railway, its suc~essors in interest, now the goverment railway projeot, have maintained near the mouth and out-let of said stream into the tidal waters of Resurrection Bay, a short pile tresle, thereby obstruoting the free flow of the waters of said Lowell Creek in times of ordinary water; ----- 30. It >Ji .... That during the last seventeen years, since the obstruotion of the mouth Of said stream, as aforesaid, in times of flood water the silt, gravel, debris and water oarried in volume by said stream 'Baoks Up', has no out-let, fills old ohannels, over- flows, and oauses great damage to the property of the residents of said Town of Seward; and, in time of extraordinary water, threatens} the lives of said residents; That by reason of said continued obstruotion of the mouth of said stream, the Town of Seward, before incorporation in the year 1912, and sinoe that date of incorporation, has been compelled to and has expended a sum approximating Fifty Thousand Dollars, in an effort to oonfine said stream in proper ohannels, and prevent losa and destruotion; That under a plan now add~pted b~ said Town of Seward, it is beleived by an expenditure of One Hundred Thousand Dollar., ade- quate proteotion will be afforded' to the Town, its people and the property contained therein WHEREFORE, your memorialists pray that your honorable legis- lature will petition that Federal Aid be given said Town of Sew- ard, Alaska, to the extent of the sum of ($100.000) to be expend- ed i,n publio'works seeking to proteot the lives, property, and rail~oad property, from the ravages of Lowell Creek; the same to be expended under and by direction of some engineer officer of the United States Army. Dated Seward, Alaska, Addopted by unanimous of Seward, Alaska. APPROVED: February 3rd, 1921. vote of the C~mqn Counoil : r , ! ~ . I III" ;/ III . ,; '. /, . ""d!t~'r~: of the Town " , Mayor. / Councilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved that the Memorial be aocepted and addopted and handed to Senator Chamberlin for its proper presentation to congress. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried. Upon Motion by ~ouncilman McNeer seoonded by Councilman Orlal1der, the Resignation of !Jtayor Chamberl1R was accepted in the re~lar manner, and it waS so ordered. Counoilman Horner seooRded by Counoilman Orlander moved that the sixty day leave of absenoe be granted Councilman Ellsworth, and at the call of the roll Councilmen Ellsworth, Horner, Kreft- ing, MoNeer and Orlander voted "aye" with Councilman Graef vot- ing "No" and the Mayor declared the Motion carried. With President Pro-Tem McNeer in the Chair, the departing Mayor was extended a vote of thaaks by all members present. Mayor Chamberlin then addressed the Counoil, thanking them for their faithfull attendanoe and untireing efforts in their respective offioes. Councilman Orlaader seconded by Counoilman MoNeer moved that the Council then Adjourn until the next reguLar meeting. '[ '. :. ., ",lI' ~, ','I' . l t: .,,,,- ~. Municipal ~lerk. 4~~?;(Y-~ Ex-Off1010 JI( A "Y 0 R. \" Minute. of the reGUlar meeting of the Seward City Council - held February 7th 1921. 30 ,.. I r~' ,Ju I The ;Jeeting waa called to order at 8 p m by Councilman Krefting, but there not being auffioent Membera preaent for a Quorum, it waa regularly moved and .eoonded, that an Adjourment be made until Counoilman MoUeer arrived from the Westward on the S S Wataon9 February loth - 1921. 'I ~r 'ill; , 1\ \ I, 4'\}/ i' '1;'\,...: \. ~ ~" :ltI'" ~ H1?)licipal Clerk. ~ ,~-r-,/~. <' ",-_" ,f ---;/ '.-, " j// ,~/ AI ", \~, " ,'.J' I I . - ? ;;f' ... ,.- ~--',,-- _') Ex-Offioio Mayo-r-...-_ I I ;.Iinutea of the Aijourned meeting of the Sewari City Council - held February loth, 1921 The meeting w~a called to order at 9 p In by Preaident Pro-Tem HcNeer, and the following membera were pre3ent. Council- men Graef, Horner, Krefting and Orlander. A Communication from the Seward School Board waa read, the aame requeating that the Town of Seward extend a Loan of One Thouaani Dollara to the Board, until the April Territorial refund wali received. I Councilman Orlander aeconded by Councilman Horner moved that the requeat be granted, anl that the Town Clerk be inatructed to draw a city warrant in favor of the Seward School Board in the amount of (~lOOO.OO). At the call of the roll all membera pre.- ent voted "aye". Motion carried. The monthly Clalm:a and =~lariea after being OkeJ. by the Finance Committee were read aa followa: C A Eatea C A Eliteli Hugh Dougherty Robert Guelit Robert Gueat Robert McIntoah L V Ray Robert Gueat Curtia R 'f.orford Sew~rd W~ter & p Co Bank of Seward $ 50.00 8.33 50.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 50.00 20.00 5.00 112.50 20.00 Bank of Seward Alaaka Electric Co Charlea Crawford Seward Drug Co Seward Newa Co Alaaka Tranafer Co Brown & Hawkin. Corp Brown & Hawkina Corp J L Graef Ci ty Expreas $ 7 . 50 9.50 3.00 4.65 1.50 24.00 :31 . 00 19.50 14.90 1.00 I CouncilmaJl. Horner secollded by Councilman Krefting moved that the Claima and aalariea be ~llowed aa read, and that the Clerk be inatruoted to draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all membera preaent voted "aye". Hotion carried. The following ReaolutioB, entitled a "RESOLUTION AS TO FEBRUARY 1921 - CLAIMS AND SALARIES" IVaa read for ita firat reading: BE IT RESOLVED: By the CommoB Council of the Towu of Seward, Alaaka, in Adjour.ed Regular Meeting aa.embled, That the Municipal Clerk be and he ia hereby authorized to draw warranta upon the Treaaurer of the Town of Seward, Alaaka, for the payment of all regular monthly billa, .uch aa water rent- als, light aervioe, and aalariea to city officiala, aa the aame ahall accrue for the month of February 1921, on or before Maroh 5th, 1921; all auoh warranta IiO to be drawa aa aforeaaid to be counteraigned by the Preaident of the Commo~ Counoil of aaid Sew- ard aa Aoting Mayor of aaid Town; That by reaaon of the reaignation of the duly elected Mayor and the leave of abaence granted Councilman Ellaworth, Councilm~n Horner being compelled to abaent himaelf to viait hia father in California, the father of ;aid Oouncilman Horner being ;erioualy ill, an emergenoy exiata in that no quorum of aaid Council Can be preaent at the regular firat meeting :night of the Counoil in the Month of I,iarch 1921, at whioh time it ia neocella- ary to paall upon and approve ourrent monthly billa for the preoed iBg month of February 1921, THEREFORE, the authority hereby con- ferred upon the Offioera of aaid Town to ao draw warrant; for the payment of aaid February ourrent monthly billa ill to meet the emergenoy ariaing by reaaoll. of the probable abaenoe of a quorum of aaid Counoil. . Addopted under aUQlP~nlili6n of the rl'f.".' thia. loth day of February, 1921. lu df .1', ~ ,a 'f ,\\) .u APPROVED: Municipal ~erk-Seward-Alaaka. ~Jifv" l:'t;::?~ _~-'':>> Preaident /~f the Common Council and Acting Maytn.'o ---, -. .- I nno U .,.J U Continued from page 307. T ..~ ""- " ---", Counoilman Krefting seoonded by Councilman Horner moved that the 'firat reading of the Resolution be COJl.aidered aa ita aecoJl.d reading, That it be read for its third reading by 'Title Only' and under auspension of the rules, placed upon ita passage. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motiom oarried. - The above stated Reaolution waa then read for 1ta third reading by 'Title Only' and Counoilman Horner seoonded by Council- man Orlander moved that it be paased for its third and final read- ing. At the oall of the roll all membera present voted "aye", Motion carried. Counoilmaa Kreftiag seooaded by Councilman Graef then moved that under suspena10n of the rulea the Resolution be addopted as read. At the ca.ll of the roll all memberii present voted "aye". Motion carried. Councilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Krefting moved that the Town Clerk be allowed the sum of ($100.00) to be expended as Clerk Hire, for the Registration Offioe, during the period of Registration for the year 1921. At the call of the roll Council- men Horner and Kref'tiag and President Pro-tem MoNeer voted "aye" withCounoilmem. Graff and Orla>>der voting "No", and the Chair de- clared the Motion "Lost". City Attorney Ray fur.ished hi. report regardin~ the demand by Peter Ogle, for aa iaoreased rental in the sum of ,$50.00) for the property upo. whicli the City Hall is looated, stati>>g that nothing further could be done until the Town of Seward reoeived a more explicit CommunioatioR along thia liRe from r,!r Ogle. Counoilman Horner seoonded by Counoilman Krefting moved that the report be accepted, and that the Clerk re~ord due note of aame in the minutes of the meeting, and it was so ordered. The matter of a Registration Clerk Was again oonsidered and Councilman Horner seoonded by Councilman Graef moved that the sum of ($75.00) be allowed the Town Clerk for this servioe. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion carried. A Written Request from Councilman Horner asking that a thir- ty-five or forty day leave of absenoe be granted him, Was read. Councilman Graef seconded by Councilman Orlander moved that the requeat be granted, and at the call of the roll, Councilmen Graef, Krefting and Orlander aJ'J.d Pre'3ident Pro-tem McNeer voted "aye", with COUJ'J.oilmaa Horner votiRg "No", and the Chair declared the Motion oarried. Upon motion by Councilman Horner seconded by Councilma. Orlander the Counoil then adjour.ed until the next regular meet- ing. Ii, ,!,:, ~,! II! ( :~!- ; 'I i, ~; ( I M~~i~ipal Clerk. c? "l-;" /'l~ Ex-Offioio J,t. a y 0 P.::p - \ ',,--- Minutes of the Re~lar Meetin~ of the Seward City Council - h~~~ February 21st, 1921. 30S) I The meeting was called to order at 8 p m, by President Pro-tem MoNeer, but there not being the required number of Members present for a Quorum, It was regularly moved and seoonded that an Adjournment be made until the next regular meeting. m. \,i". :- I. 'l ~ r. '\ ' , . . , '. ,,~ , Munioipal Clerk. ,/7 --:;10 / ~ q-Jf u;: v I; / / L./ /'L...:i!__-L4/ Ex-Offioioc,M- A-Y-.O---R-'. I I) ,; Minutes of the regul~r meeting of the Seward City Council - held :"aroh 7th 1921. n":! .~ p~ ~ 1 v......-- I The meeting was called to order at 8 p m, by Councilman Krefting, but there not being sufficent members present for a Quorum, It was regularly moved by Councilman Graef and seconded by Councilman Krefting that an Adjournment be made until the next regular meeting. q,,/;~ 2/t9-;fz-R___ r~' /- v~ Ex-Offioio M A Y 0' tt. I 1 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Seward City Counoil - held March 21st 1921. .-"1 c:) ~ ',~J (.) J..Ci I The Meeting WaS called to order at 8 p m, by Counoilman Horner, but there not being suffioient members present for a Quorum, it was regularly moved by Councilman Krefting and seoonded by Counoilman Horner that an adjournment be made until the next Regular ;,Ieeting. t,l"" , '" , " ',',';( : I, ~ 'I <' ,: l. 01: :J',''^~-~l~~~ U J \ Mun;Pipal Clerk, / , /./J 7' /Vi .!'----/)" ~ :0.)' '--I / I' ~ ", ,J , .' J j/ _/' ~?~iJ') 'Ex-Offioi.9- M A-. 0 R../ I I Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Seward Ci ty Council - held l'fiaroh 28th, 1931. n -1 ~:"1 ....{. " Y "\~ U .;.. ~j ~1 I " The Meeting waS called for the pur~ose of Ratifying the Action of the Council in accor- danoe with a duly adopted Resolution under date of February loth, whereby the Municipal Clerk was instruoted to make disbursements of regular Claims and Salaries, during the absence of a Quorum) and also for the purpose of confirming the Action of the Ex-Officio Mayor in arranging for the requirements of a Health Officer for the balanoe of the present Council term, and for the purpose of approving, and ordering paid, certain Claims n The Meeting was called to Order at 8.30 p m, by President Pro-tem McNeer, and the following members answered the roll oall. Counoilmen Ellsworth, Graef, Horner, Krefting and Orlander. Upon advice of Munioipal Attorney L V Ray. it was moved by Councilman Horner and seconded by Councilman Ellsworth that the minutes of the meetings of February 2nd, February 7th, Feb- ruary 10th, February 21st, Maroh 7tfi, and March 21st, be approved and adopted. At the c~ll of the roll all members present voted "Aye" - Motion carried. The Vouohers covering the disbursements of Claims and salaries of Uarch 1st, 1921, were read as follows: C A Estes $ 50.00 Curtis R Morford $ 5.00 C A Estes 8.33 Bank of Seward 7.50 Hugh Dougherty 50.00 Bank of Seward 20.00 Robert Guest 100.00 Seward Water & P Co. lla. 50 I Robert Guest 100.00 Alaska Electrio Co. 9.50 Robert MoIntosh 150.00 Seward Light & P Co. 208.37 L V Ray 50.00 Robert Guest 20.00 Councilman Horner seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that ratification of the above disbursements be approved by the Council in aocordanoe with the Resolution adopted February 10th, 1921. At the call of the roll all members present voted "Aye", Motion carried. The following Claims after being Oked by the Finance Committee, were then read: Robert Guest $ 37.50 Seward Drug Co. $ 4.25 Brown & Hawkins Corp. 9.75 J McCleary 3.00 Brown & Hawkins Corp. 24.00 City Express 1.00 Brown & Hawkins Corp. 3.80 Alaska Transfer Co. 3.00 Wallaoe Daykin 6.00 Brosius & Noon 1.40 B V High 6.00 The Seward Daily Gtwy. 25.50 Lewis Shell 9.00 Councilman Krefting seconded by Councilman Horner moved that the Claims be allowed as read, and that the Municipal Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "Aye" - Motion carried. I A copy of a Memorial by Senator Chamberlin was read, and upon motion by Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Graef, the same was ordered filed. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Horner moved to Ratify the Action of President Pro-tem McNeer in securing the services of Dr J H Romig as Health Officer for the balance of the present Council term. At the call of the roll all members presen voted "Aye" - lJotion carried. Upon Motion by Councilman Graef secon~ed,b, y Councilman Orlander the Council then adjourned until the n~r,:!'egu:ar meeting. \~ I'" ' ,," 'V ill", ' " ~\i~ ".' Muo..toipal Clerk. Minutes of the re~llar meeting of the Seward City Counoil - held April 4th, 1921. 31li I The Meeting was called to order at 8 p m, by President Pro-tem MoNeer, and the following members answered the roll 00.11. Councilmen Ells~orth, Graef, Horner, Krefting and Orlander. The lUnutes of the meeting of i,la.roh 28th, were then read and approved. A Communication from the Seward School Board was read, the same requesting that the Town of Seward order an Election of a Director of the Sohool Board. Councilman Horner seconded by Councilman Gra~f moved that the Communication be accepted and filed, and that the Municipal Clerk be instructed to write the Seward School Board, stating that the City Council was without power to act at this time. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - IJotion carried. A Communication from Senator Chamberlin was read, the same requesting that the City Council prepare a Resolution with reference to a WQter Front Site for ~unicipal purposes. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Horner moved that the subject be taken up later, unler the head of new business. Hotion carried. Councilman Graef seconded by Councilman Horner moved that the Municipal Clerk be instruoted to send a Telegram to Dr J M Sloan in California, in order to asoertain his intentions of re- turing to Seward, as Direotor of the Seward Sohool Board. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye", Motion oarried. I A Communication from William Patterson was read, the same requesting that a permit be granted for the moving of a corrugated iron warehouse to a oertain lot on the East side of Fourth Avenue, in Block Nine for Stable purposes. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Counoilman Krefting moved that the City Clerk be instruoted to write Mr Patterson a letter, refering him to Seotion No. 74 of the Town's Building Ordinanoe~ and it was so ordered. A Cummunication from Peter Ogle, with reference to Rent for the months of ~arch and April 1921, in the amount of ~lOO.OO, and ",igned by Curtis R :,;orford, as his Agent, was read. Council- man Krefting second~d by Councilman Orlander moved that the same be taken up later under the head of new business, Motion carried, The report of the Munioipal Treasurer for the If:onth of l,:arch 1921, was read, the same showing a balance of ~8286.09 up to April 1st, 1921. Councilman Orlander seoonded by Council- ~an Horner moved that the report be accepted and filed, and it was so ordered. 1 A 'STATEi1ENT OF DI:3BURSEfrENTS' from April loth 1920 to April 1st 1931, from the Municipal Clerk's Office was read, the same showing vouchers in the amount of $20.405.40 drawn on the Treasurer of the Town during the above stated period. Council- man Ellsworth seconded by Councilman lfurner moved that the State- ment be aocepted and filed. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion Carried. A Cheok in the amount of ~1000.00 from the Seward School Board was read, and Councilman Horner seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that due note of same be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion carried. The :!onthly C,laims and Salaries after being Oked by the Finance Committee were read as follows: C A Estes C A Estes Hugh Dougherty Robert Guest "" if 50.00 8.33 50.00 100.00 Robert Guest Robert MoIntosh L V Ray Robert Guest $ 100.00 150.00 50.00 20.00 31~) i ...La Continued from Page No.317 .Atll!,"L l!IX-,-' ~_~ J ~ '-<!" Hi.! '---~--f1 u:.,.----- lX.., -4~ li"1TbI!!!.__lllidlll ., Mrs C A Estes $ 75.00 Brown & Hawkins Corp. <\!> 6.50 'Ii' Robert McIntosh 12 . 00 Seward Water & P Co. 112.50 Wallaoe Daykin 6.00 Alaska Eleotrio Co. 9.50 Lewis Shell 4.50 Seward Light & P Co. 138.40 T P Murphy 1.50 Ala.ska Transfer Co. 8.00 Curtis R Morford 5.00 Charles Crawford 6.00 Bank of Seward 7.50 J L Graef 24.00 Bank of Seward 20.00 Seward Daily Gateway 21. 50 Councilman Krefting seconded by Counoilman Horner moved that the Claims and salaries be allowed as read, and that the Municipal Clerk be instruoted to draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" 0 Motion Carried. Councilam Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Horner moved that the following names be stricken from the personal Tax Roll for the year 1920: E A Crawford, Elmer a Friend, J L Green, H Naro, Peter Peterson, Teoklenberg & Benson and F B Wood. At the call of the roll all members present voted "ayer Motion carr- ied. The 1920 Delinquent Tax Roll of Real and Personal Property, was then presented bef~re the Council, and the following Resol- ution Was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Comm~n Council of the Town of Seward, Ala.skljl.. . . That the original and duplicate Delinquent Tax Roll of the Town of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1920, as prepared and cer- tified to by the Clerk of this Town, showing Taxes upon real property to be Delinquent in the sum of $ 2. 8' ~O 9<7 , and upon Personal Property in the sum of :=l 7~.20 , be, and the same hereby is in all respects approved, and is deolared to be the Delinquent Tax Roll of Real and Personal Property of the Town of Seward, Alaska, for t he year 1920. /. Adopted under suspension of the rules./this :;L .1'( da.y of April 1921. ' AP~~ / "77J Jv . Mun1e!U{i~;:k fer the Tewn ef V(.. J ~ / F 'L---" ~ Seward, Alaska. H.AYOR / ATTE1iw. ' .' , 1)~ Councilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved that the first reading of the Resolution be considered as its second reading, that it be read for its third reading by 'Title' only, and under suspension of the rules, placed upon ita passage. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye", Motion carried. The Resolution was then read by 'Title' only, and Coun- cilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the same be accepted, and under suspension of the rules, placed upon its passage. At the call of the roll all members pre3ent voted "aye". Motion oarried. and the President Pro-tem duly de- olared the Re301ution adopted. Councilman Horner seconded by Ccunoilman Graef moved that a letter be sent to Senator Chamberlin, and signed by the Ex- Officio Mayor and the Municipal Clerk, requesting that he confer with Mr Parks, Assistant Secretary of the Interior Department of Alaska, with reference to a water front site for Municipal pur- poses. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye", Motion oarl'ied. .. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Horner moved that the Claim in the amount of $100.00 for Fire Hall rent. from ~1 c\ c5..... ...j Continued from Page No.318 Peter Ogle, be refered to the Incoming Council, and it was so Ordered. I President Pro-tem McNeer called to the attention of the Council, that the Town of Seward had borrowed from the San Jaun Fishing & Paoking Co, (5) piling, 50 feet in length, and that the said Piling were either to be returned, or paid for, at the option of the said San Jaun Fishing & Packing Co. The following were then appointed as Judges and Clerks for the City Election to be held on the 5th day of April 1921. JUDGES C L E R K S Mrs Thomas Drayton Mrs C A Estes T W Haines Councilman Horner seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that nominations be closed, and that the Clerk be instructed to cast the ballot for those nominated. At t~e call of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried. D E Carter Joseph S Badger Councilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Krefting moved that a oommittee be apPointed to call on Mr William Bazant, with reference to a letter addressed to the City Council regarding Municipal Oil Tanks, and published in the Seward Gateway under date of Saturday April 2nd, 1921, and it was so ordered. The Chair then appointed Councilman Ellsworth to serve as a Comd ttee of tl). I Councilman Horner,.seconded by Councilman Orlander moved that the Council then ~~journ until the next regular meeting. d ,,r'. '~. \\\. ~.'-'., "'-'-"". , '. ~'t/' /" (', /J __.: " ) I' ~ - . I #.' ,." 'Il........-~ ./ (_.,~__ ''---_q, Ex-Officio Mayory-- ~ / 1 Minutes of the Special ~eeting of the Seward City Council - held April 6th 1921. r.} '9 -~ c.) r-...; 1. I "The Meeting was held in AOJordance with Ordinanoe #44, for the purpOse of canvassing the vote of the Munioipal and Sohool Eleotion, held in the Town of Seward, Alaska, on the 5th day of April 1921". The Meeting was oalled to order at 8 p m, by President Pro-tem MoNeer, and the following members were present, Council- men Graef, Horner, Krefting and Orlander. A Petition was read, signed by Joseph S Hoffman, as Canidate for the Office of Councilman, Town of Seward, Alaska, wherein the same stated that a re-count of the returns of the above entitled Municipal Eleotion, would materially change the result of said Election, and in his opinon, would elect him over his nearest suocessfull oanidate. After a general discussion it was regularly moved by Counoilman Orlander and seconded by Councilman Krefting, that owing to a full quorum not being present, due to the absenoe of Counoilman Ellsworth, that the matter be defered until Friday the 8th, at whioh time a complete quorum would likely exist. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye", Motion Carried. Councilman Orlander seoonded by Counoilman Krefting then w~ved that a re-count of the returns of the Munioipal and Sohool Election, be held on Friday Evening April 8th, 1921 at 7 p m, . At t~le call of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion carried. I Councilman Horner seconJ.ecl by Councilman Orlander moved that an Adjourment be made until Thursday Evening, April 7th, 1921. at 8 p m, and it was so ordered. " ~E ~" 1:0 i 1! i 1 -.Jj ~rt 1 / !4Unicipal Clerk. r. 1 Minutes of the Adjourned ;.~eeting of the Seward City Council - h~ld_April 7th. 1921. Being a continuation of the Ueeting of April 6th, 1921. C') C) ~ <., .... .- " "-" 1"'-' \.-/ :JiiIod The Meeting was oalled to order at 8 p m, by President I Pro-tem McNeer, and the following Members were present, Council- men Graef, Horner, Krefting and Orlander. Owing to the absence of Councilman Ellsworth, It was regularly moved by Councilman Horner and seconded by Councilman Orlander, that an Adjourment be made until Friday Evening April 8th, at 7 p m. /? ~ /.z--nlJ ~~ 0~ J':V; J~'.~~ Aj(/L" EX-OffiOio~-. ----?-/ .r I I Minutes of the Adjourned ::1eeting of the SeNard City Council - held April 8th 1921. Being a Continuation of the :.;eeting of April 6th, 1921. ~ r'l ,=1 .J: - ." "'. .. ,,,, ;. l '-" ~ ~ The Meeting was called to order at 8 p m, by President Pro-tern McNeer, and the following members were present, Council- I men Graef, Horner, Krefting and Orlander. There not being suffioient members present for a quorum it waS regularly moved by Councilman Horner and seconded by Councilman Krefting that an Adjournment be made until Saturday Evening, April 9th, ~l, at 8 p m. d~ /.,1 ~'/"'), =-- #y ~\,/ ",/ /!,~ /A~" '. ( ,_c .1. ./ k ~, Q'._ 1// L "/ Ex-Officio M€yor., / I I IHnutea of the Adjourned ;.,;eeting of 'the Seward City Council - held April 9th, 1921. Being a continuation of the 1,1eeting of April 6th 1921. ~C.~l'~ ". ( ,..' c...,..,l~ .. The meeting was called to order at 8 p m by President I Pro-tem MoNeer) but there not being suf:icent members present for a quorum, it was moved by Councilman lfurner and seconded by Councilman Orlander, that an Adjournment be made until Monday April lith, 1921, at 8 F m, or ~t an earlier hour on this same date, providing that a,full quorum existed. ~/..7 "__<)' ,J ->-;;--:-,.. >~, ..;/ ,.' / \' ~., \......______// . ,J ;/~- ~V' ~ ~- v / <> ,,-_/~-c) tx-Offioio-1[o,yo-r-. ..,.- I, I Minutes of the Adjourned :i:eeting of the Seward City Council - held April 11th 1921. Being a continuation of the ;reeting of April 6th 1921. ~0~ ...../' ....H c.... r...> J I The meeting was called to order at 8 p m, by President Pro-tern McNeer, but there not being suffioent members present for a quorum, it was regularly moved that an Adjournment be made until Wednesday Evening Ap~l 13th, at 8 p m, or at an earlier hour on that same date~ providing a full quorum existed. / /'i -A\ / -:/y,,",---;, i~/ \J' '/ / II J /t-~-'6) tx-Off'i~O ~.!u.~ - / - <.:. I 1 "1 Minutes of the Adjourned I:Ieetine; of the Seward City Council - Held April 13th 1921. Being a Continuation of the ;!ceeting of April 6th 1921. 30-. u_ The iieeting waS called to orde:r at 8 p m, by P:resident I Pro-tem McNeer, but there not being sufficent members present for a quorum it waS moved by Councilman Orlander and seconded by Councilman Krefting that the meeting Adjourn until Thursday Evening, April 14th, ~'B p. m, and it was so ordered. ;' ,. I I Minutes of the Adjourned :fJeeting of the Seward Ci ty Council - Held April 14th 1921. Bein5 a continuation of the meeting of April 6th 1921. ~ 30 ( , c.. LJU The i.leetinr; was oalled to order at 8 p m, by President Pro-tem ;\{oNeer, and the following members were present. Council- men Ellsworth, Grae1, Horner, Krefting and Orlander. I The Meeting was held in accordance with Ordinance No.44, for the purpose of canvassing the vote of the iJunioipal and School Election, held in the Town of Seward, Alaska, on the 5th day of April 1921. A Communication signed by John lJoon, waS read, in which he stated that he had been duly declared eleoted as Mayor of the To\vn of Seward, by the judges of the Eleotion Board, at the above entitled Election, and respectfully requested that the Offices be turned over to the new Officials. Councilman Ellsworth sec- onded by Councilman Horner moved that the Communication be filed, and at the oall of the roll all members present voted lIaye", Motion carried. Councilman Graef stated that the Petition for are-count of the returns of the Election of April 5th, as filed by Joseph S Hoffman, be withdrawn, further stating that Mr ~Ioffman had declared his willingness to have the said petition withdrawn. Councilman Graef thereupon entered this statement as a ::lotion, same was seconded by Councilman Horner, and at the call of the roll all members present voted II aye " . i,lotion carried. I A Petition signed by J L Graef. as oanidate for the Office of I!ayor of the Town of Seward, Alaska, was read. the same requesting that a re-count of the returns of the :.lunicipal Election of April 5th be granted him. Counci~man Horner sec- onded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that Mr Graef's Petition be filed, and that Mr Graef have no voioe in the matter at the roll 00.11. Councilman Ellsworth, Horner, Krefting, Orlander and President Pro-te~ MoNeer, voted lIaye" at the oall of the roll. Motion carried. Councilman Horner seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the Council issue Certificates of Election to these de- Clared eleoted at the Municipal and School Election on the 5th day of April 1931. At the call of the roll Councilman Ells- worth. Horner, Krefting, Orlander and President Pro-tem MoNeer voted lIi1yell wi th Co"~ncilman Graef not voting, Irotion carried. Councilman Ells\vorth seconded by Councilman Horner then moved that the Municipal Clerk be instruoted to ~3aue Certifi- cates of Election to the following named persons To-Wit: For Mayor 1 John Noon For C o u n oil men S F Adelman Jennie Paulson Chas A Tecklenberg For M u n i 0 1 pal C 1 e r k C A Estes For M u n i c i pal T rea sur e r Hugh Dougherty For M u n i c i pal A t tor n e y Harry L Smi th For C 1 e r k o f The S c h 0 0 1 Clara G Perry Board 3,::-,\(: :T" ' .c) LJ: .dlO. ;-:n fj .hoii'i ,r At the ,oall of the roll Councilman Ellsworth, Horner, Krefting, Orlander and President Pro-tem McNeer voted "aye". Motion carried. Councilman Graef then stated that he desired to with- draw his Petition for a recount of the returns of the Munioipal and School Election, held on the 5th day of April 1921. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Counoi~an Horner moved that Ur Graef's request be granted, and at the 'oall of the roll Councilmen, Ellsworth. Horner, Krefting and Orlander, and Pr!9sident Pro-tem MoNeer, voted "aye". Motion carried. Councilman Horner seconded by Counoilman Krefting moved that the Municipal Clerk be instructed to draw city warrants in ,the sum of $10.00 each, in favor of the Judges and Clerks of the Municipal and Sohool Eleotion held April 5th 1921. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion carried. ---, The following Claims and Salaries after being Oked by the Finanoe Commitee, were then read: C A Estes C A Estes Hugh Dougherty Robert Guest Robert Guest "" 4;> 16.67 2.82 16.67 33.33 33.33 L V Ray Ga teway Pub Co C A Estes Dr J H Romig $ 16.67 36 . 25 2.32 25.85 Councilman Horner seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that t~e Claims and Salaries be allowed as read, and that the Municipal Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for same. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye". Motion oarried. On Motion of Coun<l11man Horner seconded by Councilman Ellsworth the Counoil th~n Adjourned "Sine Die" and vacated their Offioes. / uunilW.~ /' , ~~~ \ \ Minutes of the regular meeting of the Seward City Counoil - held April 18th 1921. 3.--,. ... ... , k-. c) <.) The meeting was called to order at 8 p m by :.rayor Noon, and all members were present. I Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the r.iinutes under dates of April 4th - 6th - 7th - 8th - 9th - 11th - 13th and 14th be approved as a whole. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye", ;,rotion oarried. Councilman Orlander seoonded by Councilman Krefting moved that the Clerk be instructed to have published in the reg- ular manner, the notioe oalling for bids for the annual audit of the City Books, and it was so ordered. A Communication from the Women's Club of Seward was read, the same entering a protest against the proposed erection of a stable by William Patterson, in the neighborhood of Broad- way and Adams Street. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Counoil- man Orlander moved that the Comaunioation be filed, and it was so ordered. An Application from Dr J A Baughman for the position of Health Officer for the ensuing year, Was read and ordered .filed. I A Communioation from the Seward Volunteer Fire Depart- ment requesting the re-appointment of Robert Guest as Fire Chief for the ensuing year was read, and ordered to be plaoed on file. Applioations from Robert Guest for the appointment of Chief of Police and Fire Chief for the ensuing year, were read and ordered filed by the ::ayor. A financial statement from the Municipal Treasurers Offioe Was read, the same showing up to and including April 18th 1921, a balance in the sum of $8409.81. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Counoilman Orlander moved that the Statement be aoc- epted and filed, and it was sO ordered. Before closing, I.[ayor Noon stated to those present that he was willing to go the limit in the interests of Seward, and would at all times baok to the limit any good proposition for the advanoement of the to~vn and the oommunity in general. Counoilman Krefting seoonded by Councilman Adelman moved that the Council then adjourn until Monday Even1ng April 25th, at 8 p m. ~A{~ 1 Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of the Seward City Council - heli April 25th 1921. 3.CH.,. . 0;. The meetin~ was oalled to order at 8 p m, by Mayor Noon and all members~were present. I The minutea of the regular meeting of April 18th, were read and approved. A Communication from the Seward School Board was read, the same requesting that the City advance to the Board the sum of $1500.00. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the Communioation be taken up later under the head of new business, and it Was so ordered. I Applications from Henry Riohard and H L Sagers for the appointment of Chief of Polioe and Fire Chief were read and Ot~er- ed to be taken up later under the head of apPointments. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Orlander moved that Charles A Tecklenberg be nominated for the Office of President Pro-tem of The Seward City Council for the ensuing term. Counoilman Kreftin~ seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that nominations be closed. and it was so ordered. Councilman Orlan- der seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the Clerk be in- struoted to cast the unanimous ballot for l,:r Teoklenberg, and upon the Clerk announcing the ballot cast, the i,fayor duly deolar- ed Mr Tecklenberg eleoted as President Pro-tem and Ex-officio Mayor of the Seward Common Council for the ensuing year. The question of salaries for Elective and appointive Officers for the ensuing year Was then taken up, and Councilman Paulson seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the :funioipal Clerk receive the s'~ of $60,00 a month. At the call of the roll Councilmen Adelman, Ellsworth, Krefting, Paulson and Tecklenberg voted "aye" \vi th Councilman Orla.nder voting "No", and the mayor declared the l,~otion carried. Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the City Attorney be paid the sum of $50,00 a month. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye", Uotion carried. Councilman Ellsworth seoonded by Counoilman Orlander moved that the Health Officer reoeive the sum of $50.00 a month. At the call of the roll COuncilmen Adelman, Ellsworth, Orlander and Tecklenberg voted "aye" with Councilmen Krefting and Paulson voting "NOll, and the Hayor deolared the Motion carried.. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the ilunicipal Treasurer be paid the sum of $50.00 a month. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" Motion carried. Councilman Paulson seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the Chief of Police receive the sum of $100.00 a month. At the oall of ,the roll Councilmen Ellsworth, Krefting, Orlander, Paulson and Tecklenberg voted "aye" with Councilman Adelman vot- ing "No", and the Mayor declared the I.iotion oarried. I Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Orlander moved that the Fire Chief receive the sum of ~100.00 a month. At the call of the roll Councilmen Adelman, Ellsworth, Krefting, Orlander and Tecklenberg voted "aye" with Councilman Paulson ' voting "No", and the :,;ayor declared the lCotion oarried. Councilman Ellsworth seoonded by Councilman Paulson moved that the Municipal Magistrate receive a salary of $100.00 a year, paid in monthly installments. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Ilotion carried. OHDIiJANC:S No. 73 "entitled"j- AU ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING TH~ RATE OF CO~ /' 3nr., .- _~~ ";""~"i '.....; ....., ,"'- J (. ~ ~) ,J '\ . ., . l ' ~ Continued from Page #337 fti:! PENSATION TO BE PAID BY THE TOWN OF SEWARD TO VARIOUS ELECTIVE AnD APPOINTIVE OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR BEGINING APRIL 11TH 1921 _ AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY - -- was read for its first reading. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Orlander moved that the first reading of the Ordinance be considered as its second reading, that it be read for its third reading "By Title Only", and under suspension of the rules, plaoed upon its ,passage. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion oarried. The said ORDINANCE No. 73, was then read for ita third reading "By Title Only", and Councilman Ellsworth seoonded by Councilman Orlander moved that the Ordinance be addopted as read. At the ca~l of the roll all members present voted "aye", and the Uayor duly deolared the Ordinanoe Adopted. Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Counoilman Krefting moved that the Canidates for the Offioe of Chief of Police be balloted upon. Motion carried, and the Mayor appointed Council- men Adelman and Paulson as tellers, and the vote resulted as ~ollows: Robert Guest (4) Henry Riohard (1) Ii L Sagers (1) T W Haines (none) and the Mayor deolared Robert Guest Eleoted to the Offioe of Chief of Police for the ensuing term. ,Dr J A Baughman being the only Canidate for the Offioe of Health Officer, it was moved by Councilman Ellsworth and seoonded bj Councilman Adelman that the Clerk be instruoted to cast the ballot in favor of Dr Baughman for the above entitled Offioe, and upon the Clerk announcing the ballot oast, the Mayor duly declared Dr J A Baughman eleoted to the Offioe of Municipal Health Officer for the ensuing year~ Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that Councilman Orlander cast the unanimous ballot in favor of C A Estes for the Offioe of Hunicipal Magistrate for t~e ensuing year, and the ballot having been duly cast, the Mayor deolared C A Estes elected to the Office of Municipal Magistrate. Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Counoilman Adelman moved that the Offioe of Fire Chief be balloted upon. Motion carried, and the Mayor appointed Counoilman Adelman and Paulson as tellers, and the vote resulted as follows: Robert Guest (5) Henry Richard (1) H L Sagers (none) T W Haines (none) and the Mayor declared Robert Guest duly elected as Fire Chief for the ensuing term. Councilman Orlander seoonded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the 1hlnicipal Clerk be empowered to purchase a new assessment and tax roll for immediate delivery. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion oarried. Counoilman Ellsworth seoonded by Councilman Orlander moved that the Munioipal Clerk be empowered to draw the proper \'1arrant in payment of City Lights in order to secure the usual discount, whenever neccessary, and. the vouoher for same t,o be Oked by the Finanoe Committee and approved at the next regular me~ting thereafter. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion carried. The Standing Committees a.ppointed by the Hayor were then anno'unoed as follows: \ 1. Assessment & Taxes 2. Fire Protection & Water Supply 3. Public Sohools 4. Light-Sewerage & Wharfage 5. Public Health & Proteotion 6. Finance & Claims 7. Streets 8. Printing 9. Glacier Stream Teoklenberg & Orlander Paulson & Adelman Paulson & Orlander Adelman & Ellsworth Krefting & Adelman Paulson & Ellsworth Krefting & Tecklenberg Orlander & Ellsworth Krefting & Tecklenberg ~n. - -<. ..'" L,., uu,--, Continued from Pa~e #338 With referenoe to Auditing the City Books, the following Bids were then read. A II L Meyer CIOO.OO - L B Spenoer $75.00 - H Painter, com~lete Audit with bal~noe $100.00 and oomplete Audit with analysis ~125.00. I Councilman Krefting seconded by Counoilman Orlander moved that the names of the Bidders be balloted upon. Motion carried, and the Mayor appointed Councilmen M.elman and Paulson as tellers, and the vote resulted as follows: A H L Meyer (1) H Painter (1) L B Spencer (4) and the Mayor declared L B Spenoer appointed to Audit the City Books in accord~nce with his bid in the amount of $75.00. The roll was called, and all members present voting "aye" - Motion carried. The request from the Seward School Board came up for a general disoussion. and Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Council- man Krefting moved that the Committee on Schools be instructed to confer with the Seward School Board with referenoe to the $i500 asked for, and to report back at the next regular meeting. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion carried. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the Mayor be empowered to discontinue the present contraot for City Lights on 1,~ay 1st, and to enter into a new contract with the Seward Light & Power Co oovering the summer months. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - :!.otion carried. Councilman Orland~ seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the Council then.~journ until the next regular meeting. I ~R/~ ....1 . ./ I l-!inutes of the regular reeeting of the Se'vard City _Cgunc:ll - held :,:~2nd, 1921. 341 I The ;;eeting Was called to order at 3 p m, by I.1ayor Noon and all members were present. The :.\inutes of the Adjourned meeting held April 25th, were read and approved. A ,Com{"unioation from J S Hofman Proprietor of the Belmont Hotel, was read, wherein a request was made for a new plank walk in front of the above stated hotel. Councilman Orlan- der seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moveJ that the matter be refered to the Street Committee with power to act, and it was so ordered. An Application from D E Carter requesting the appoint- ment of School Tax Collector, was read and ordered filed. The monthly Claims and Salaries after being Oked by the Finance Committee were read as follows: C A Estes C A Estes Hugh Dougherty H L Smith J A Baughman Robert Guest Robert Guest Robert Guest Robert Guest ~~, " 40.00 5.55 33.33 33.33 33.33 66.67 6G.67 20.00 23.50 Bank of 2e'.vard Bank of Seward Seward Water & P Co. Brown & ~awkins Corp. City Express Seward Light & p Co. Alaska Eleotrio Co. Curtis R Morford ~ 30.00 7.50 118.50 7.75 7.50 127.60 9.50 5.00 I Councilman Krefting seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the Claims and salaries be allowed as read, and that the Clerk be instruoted to draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - I1otion carried. ormIHAHCE No. 74. "Entitled" AN ORDIIrANCE APPOINTING A SIICOOL TAX COLLECTOR FOR THE TOWN OF SEWARD-ALASKA, FOR THE YEAR 1921. was read for its first reading, as follows: Seotion 1. That pursuant and in aocordance with the require- ments of Chapter 29 of the Session Law~ of the Territory of Alaska for the year 1919, Entitled, an act to impose a tax upon male persons in the Territory of Alask& for School purposes, providing means for its colleotion, and declaring an emergenoyj and by virtue of the provisions in said act contained, D E CARTER, a resident of said Town of Seward, and a citizen of the United States, is hereby appointed and declared to be School Tax Colleotor for the To.vn of Seward, Alaskaj and, upon the qualification of said person, in aocordanoe with Law, all provis- ions, conditions and requirements of said Act shall be carrmed out and enforced as by Law regulated and required. Section 2. An Emergenoy is hereby declared and this Ordinanoe will take effect from and after its passage and approv~. / THIS 2ND DAY 0F I Approved PASSED UIrDEH SUSPEnSION 07 THE 1921. ~/r~ 1hyor. Pf1.LTC.".O~., ,~ Lit' " : I ".', " 1'~ " , }l,' J Clerk. HAY A D Attest ~ 'I ,- . II ;,' 'I , i, I, ; i , ~ ' " " ' Clerk. Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the first reading of the Ordinance be considered as its second reading, that it be read for its third readin~ "By Title Only", and under suspension of the rules. plaoed upon its passage. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - 'lotion carried. 342 The said Ordinance was then read for its third reading by "Title Only", and Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the Ordinance be adlopted as read. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye", ani the llayor declared the Ordinanoe Adopted. Upon a. favorable report being received from the School Committee, Counoilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Tecklenber moved that the clunicipal Clerk be instruoted to draw a City Warrant in favor of the Seward School Board in the sum of ~1500, and that this amount apply on the yearly appropriation. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - illotion carrie . ---, that Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Ellsworth move the Council the~djOUrn until the next regula.r meeting. u~ ' t1 -' \ /( \ .,"~" " ~ .~ . iJU~~ Mun Q!pa? Clerk. / / -~oJr~ "l Minutes of the regular meeting of the Seward City Council - held May 16th 1921. l""\4C --< j . r' '."-"1 ....., ......~ The meeting was called to order at 8 p m, by Mayor noon and all members were present except Councilman Tecklenberg. I The minutes of the regular me3ting held :1ay 2nd were read and approved. A Communication from the Seward School Board was read, the same requesting th:l t the Town of Seward pay the premiUm on one of the Fire Insuranoe Polioies covering the local School Building, in the amount of ~72.00. Councilman Ellsworth second- ed by Councilman Paulson moved that the Municipal Clerk be in- structed to draw a city warrant in the above stated amount now due, and at the call of the roll all members present voting "aye" Motion carried. A Communication from Stephen Adelman was read, the same requesting that the City repair street to Bay View Adlition. Councilman Krefting seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the matter be refered to the Street Com~ittee for investigation and report at the next regular meeting, and it was so ordered. A Claim in the amo'mt of 4~150.00 signed by Peter Oe;le was read, in which a demand waS made for three months rent on the Fire Hall Property. Councilma.n Krefting seconded by Coun- cilman Paulson moved that same be filed, Motion carried. I An Application by the Brown and Haw1cins Corporation with reference to storing ~asoline and distilate on the vacant lots on 4th Avenue north of the Glaoier Stream, was read, and refered to the Fire Com~ittee for a report at the next regular meeting. A Statement from the Treasurers Offioe showing a bal- ance of $8461.26 was read and ordered filed. The proposed budget of expenditures from the Seward School Board covering the ensuing year was read, ani Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the same be accepted and filed, ani it waS so ordered. The report of L B Spencer with reference to the annual audit from April 16th 1930 to A~ril 16th 1921 was read, and upon motion by Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Ellsworth was ordered accepted and filed. l.!otion oarried. Councilman Adelman seconded by Councilman Kreftin~ moved that the Clerk be instructed to draw a Ci ty IYal'rant in the sum of $75.00 in favor of L B Spencer for his services as auditor. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye"-Uotion carried. The Claims after being Oked by the Finance Committee were read as follows: 1 Robert Guest C A Estes Robert 1,10Intosh Harry Ellsworth Mike Johnson $ 42.50 1.90 12.00 1.50 180.00 A l!cIver Peter Johnson liIatt Schlosser Brown & Hawkins ,j1> 'I} 64.80 52.50 78.00 46.20 Corp Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Couhcilman Adelman moved that the Claims be allowed as read, and that the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - 'lotion carried. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Orlander ~moved that a duplicate copy of the 1920 real and personal del- inquent tax roll be furnished the Gatew~y Publishing Company so that the same could be set into type at an early date, and that the dates covering publishing of the roll, be designated later. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye"-Motion Carried. ,~ 344 """ " The :.runicipal Attorney was instruoted to asoertain the amount of Fish Tax due the Town of Seward and report his findings at a later meeting. Councilman Adelman seconded by Councilman Orlander moved that the City Attorney and Street Committee be instruoted to confer with the Alaskan Engineering Commission with referenoe to the balance of the appropriation to be expended on city streets in the federal and cliff additions. ~otion carried. -1 Councilman Adelman seconded by Counoilman Krefting moved that the I,lunicipal Clerk be instruoted to have published in the Seward Gateway, a notice designating Saturday !f1ay 21st as 'Clean up day'- Motion oarried. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Adelman moved that the Municipal Attorney be instruoted to enter a protest to the Deputy United States Marshall at Anchorage and to the United States ~"arshall at Valdez, with reference to the many recent instanoes whereby Anchorage discharged undesirables' in the dir- eotion of Seward, and if neccessary that the matter be taken up with the Department of Justice at Washington. Motion carried. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Counc~lman Krefting moved that the !i1unioipal Treasurer's present bond be released, and that a new bond be accepted in ,the amount of ~5000.00. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" - \lotion carried. Councilman Krefting seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the Municipal Clerk's present bond also be released, and that a new bond be accepted in the sum of $1000.00. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - ;"lotion carried. !~ Councilman Orlander seoonded by Counoilman Paulson moved that the Street Committee be empowered to repair the board walk in the necoessary places, from Fifth Avenue to the Cable Offioe. At the call of the roll all members present voteJ "aye"-Motion carried. Councilman Krefting seconded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved that the Finance Committee be instructed to oonfer with the Bank of Seward with reference to the proper bond from that Institution as a City Depository, and pending the arrangement of same that the !,Iunicipal Treasurer be instruoted to enter his deposits with the above stated bank. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion oarried. Councilman orl~~d~seoonded by Councilman Krefting then moved that the counc~ journ until the next regular meeting. d1P~A/~ -, I \ ~anutes of the ~peoial :'ec'lting of the Seward City Council held relay 26th 1981. C'::) ,y .... ., . .. ~" "'-'r r )'-'-. I ....." ..l:...~........-' The meeting waS called to order at 8 p m by llayor Noon and all members were present. I The Meeting was oalled for the purpose of considering neocessary immediate repairs to the Glacier Stream, and for the purpose of improving the road over the Low Property. Counoilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Adelman moved that the Glaoier Stream Committee be empowered to expend the sum of $420.00 on foroe account, for the necceasary repairs as outlined by the Glacier Stream Committee. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion carried. A Communication signed by Curtis R Morford as Agent for the Low Property was read, the same granting to the Town of Seward the right to make improvments on the road running through the Low Property. Councilman Kreftinr:; seconded by Councilman Tecklenberg moved that the Street Committee be empowered to expend a sum of mo~ey not to exceed $150.00 for the neocessary repairs on the road over the Low Property, located in the Bay View Addition. At the call of the roll all c;embers present voted "aye" - l~otion carried. Councilman Or ander seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the Council ,en Adjourn until the next regular meet- ing. M.R /\~ I -J. 1 ilinutes of the S'~ecial 'TeetinC! of the Seward CLtJ COlgl.91.L - held_..~.Tune 2nd 1921. 3/'1 y, * ,I ,. -'t-': - .. The seetinG was called to order at 8 p m by ;"layor IJoon and all members were present except Co~ncilman Grlander. I The ~eeting was called for the rurpose of Approving the work performed on the Glacier Stream by Robert ::!cIntosh, as ordered by the Sew'ard Common Co',mcil at a Special ',leeting on the 26th day of May 1921. Councilman Krefting stated to the members present that the work as completed on the Glacier Stream by Robert ;lcIntosh, on 'Force Account' was found satisfactory and acoeptable to the Committee. Councilman Adelman secondei by Councilman Xrefting then moved that the City Clerk be empowered to draw a warrant in favor of Fobert ;,:cIntosh for the above stated services, and that ;,lr :ScIntosh hand over to the City Clerk the statements for Labor and materials duly signed, at the time of receivine his warrant, The said City Warrant to be in the amount of (C420.00) the sum I agreed upon. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" - ~otion carried. Councilman ?aulson seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved then kijourn / until the next regular meeting. that the Council Jtf~R /~ 1 l<Iinutes of the re[;Ular meeting of the Se',mrcl City Council - hel.i June 6, 1931. C) ~ /' . ". l~, '\..... i U J:.,..:': ,-,,; The meeting waS called to order at 8 P m, by :hyor Noon und all members ',vere rresent except Councilman Tecklenberg. I The minutes of the meetings of i,ray l6th, :,1a.y 36th, and June 3nd, 1921, were rea.d, and all members present voting "aye", at the call of the roll, were declared approved a.nd adopted. A Report from the ;,Iunicipal Treasurer's Office was read, the same showing up to ;,ray 3lst, 19;31, a balance of ~5776.13 Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the rerort be acse,ted and. filed. and it waS so ordered. A Comr.lunication from C W I,lossman, Deputy United States ;,!arshall at Anchorage, to the Municipal Attorney was read, with reference to the ~lunicipality of Anchorage discharging insane persons and undesirables in the direction of Seward. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Adelman moved that the Commun- ica.tion be aocepted an1 filed, and it was so ordered. An Application from \''alliarf, II \'ihi ttlesey seeking the appointment of Assessor for the year 1921 was read, ani Council- man Orlander seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the same be taken up later under the head of :;ew Business. :lotion carried. I An ApTllication from L B Spencer i"or the Appointment of Assessor for the year 1921 waS also read, the same stating that :Ir Spencer desired to make up the Assessment roll for the ensuing year for the sum of C250.00. ;,Iayor Hoon suggested. th'J.t the Application be taken up later in accorlance with the rules of the meeting. The monthly Claims and salaries after being Oked by the Finance Committee were read as follows: Seward Light & C A Estes C A Estes Hugh Dougherty 11 L Smith J A Baughman Robert Guest Robert Guest Robert Guest A l.'IcIver Peter Johnson :latt Schlosser M B Lanning Patriok Shaw Power Co. ~ 18.75 60.00 8.33 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 20.00 28.80 36.00 15.00 l1. 25 54.00 Bank of Seward Bank of Seward Alaska Elec. Co. Seward Water & P Ala.ska Trans Co. Soward ~~e\vs Co. Seward Ga.teway S:;ward [rug Co. City Express Resurrection B L Co Curtis R ~orford Hobert :IcIntosh J L Graef ... '..;- 7.50 20.00 9.50 112 . 50 86.00 7.00 25.25 .26 39.00 l30.56 5.00 6.50 9.00 Co. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the Claims ani Salaries be allowed as read a.nd that the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted. llayell-IIotion carried. I Councilman Adelman seconied 1)y CO'.1Dci Iman Paulson moved that the Town of Seward pa.y the premium on the ::'unicipal Clerk's Bond for the year 1921 in the amount of J5.00, and also the premium on the :bnicipal Treasurer' e Bond in the amount of )~ ~,25.oo for the year 1921, and that the Cle:r-k be ins":ructed to draW' City Warrants in favor of Wm H Whi ttlesey as Ac;ent for the Bonding Company. for the above stated amounts. At the call of the roll all members present voted "ayell - ;{otion carried. A Petition to the 8~ward School 30ard requesting a "Special Electio:t1" for the 0ffice of Chairman of the Board was read, and after a general discussion, Councilman nrlander sec- onded by Counoilman Ellsworth moved that the City Attorney be instruoted to ascertain the neccessity of such an Election, and report his findinGS at the next regular {Geeting. ;;Iotion carried. Councilman Ellsworth stated that the B~nk of Seward had agreed to furnish a bond as City Depository for the ensuing 3,.....1'" . ,.-., , \ (J l,......,/ " L _ year in the sum of $14.000.00, and that due note of same be re- corded in the minutes of the meeting. Councilman Paulson seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the Printing Committee be instructed to oonfer with the Seward Daily Gateway with reference to publishing the Annual Audit of the past year. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion carried. - , The matter of Assessor for the year 1921 WdS then taken up. and William H Whittlesey apreared before the Council and stated that he would make up the Assessment Rolls for the year for the sum of $300.00 with an additional allowanoeof ~50.00 adied thereto, as a revolving fund for Clerioal assistance. Co''-ncilman Orlander secon::led by COuncilman Ellsworth moved that the Canidates for the Office of Assessor be balloted upon. :!.otion carried, ani the i,1ayor appointed Councilmen A,lelman and Paulson as tellers, and the vote resulted as follows: Wm IT Vi~ittlesey (4) L B Spencer (1) and the l.~ayor declared William II 10111i ttlesey duly appointed to ,the Office of Assessor for the ensuing year. Councilman Ellsworth secon::led by Counoilman r:refting moved that the City Clerk be empowered to draw City Warrants in favor of the men who had repaired the road over the Low ?roperty in ar.;ounte as follows: Ed Vlagner ~48.00 Victor Frantzen $48.00 John Olson C18.00 At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye", If.otion carried. Councilman Ell~worth seconded by Councilman Paulaon moved that Adjourn until the next regular meeting. -; \~ iUnutes of the regular meetinz of the Seward City Council - held June 20th 1921. - ,..- .." ~ -<:" . u0~ The meeting was called to order at 8 p m, and all members were present except Councilwan Tecklenberg. I The :l1nutes of the re,:ular meetin[j 0: June 6th 1921 were read, and at the call of the roll all members rresent voting "aye" - were approved an:i adopted.. A Claim from Peter Ogle in the amount of ~200.00 covering alleged Fire Hall Rent for the :i!onths of i!arch, April, :,;ay and June 1921 at the rate of ~50.00 a month was read. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Orlander moved that the Claim be filed, and it was 80 ordered. A Claim in the amount of $203.50 from the Seward Saw :all Co, was read, and Oked by the Finance Committee. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Xrefting moved that the Claim be allowed ani that the ;,lunicipal Clerk be instructed to draw a City Warrant f&r same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - ~otion carried. With reference to a Special Election for the Chairman of the Seward School Board, the ma~~~came up for a general dis- cussion, but no definate aotion ~ taken, was defered until the next regular meeting. Councilman Ells that the Council Ad' rth seconded by Councilman Paulson moved rn until the next regular meeting. I I 1!inutes of the regula.r meeting of the Seward City Council - held July 4th 1921. ,_r-r <0' '.,., ~- . I" " t" v"-,,,' I On account of Legal Holiday the Yleet1ng was adjourned until Wednesday July 6th, at 8 p m. / / ~- / i6 MAY 0 R. I I Minutes of the Adjourned 'Ie'3ting of the Seward City Council - held July 6th, 1921. (""";,... f'. ." ,,' '. .~,.... 00~" I The meeting waS oalled to order by Mayor Noon at 8 p. m. but there not being suffioent members present for a quorum, it waS regularly moved and seconded that an adjourn- ment be made until Friday July 8th, 1921, at 8 p. m. / / / / J~,~ MAY 0 R. I I Minutes of the Adjourned 8eeting of the Seward City Co~ncil - hel~ July 8th 1$21. ~ :t::r) OJ" The meeting was called to order at 8 p m by ~,!ayor Noon and a.ll members were present except Councilman Orlander. I The ::inutes of the meetin:;s of June 20th, July 4th, and July 6th were read, and at the call of the roll. all members present voting "aye"-'.vere approved an~ adopted. A report from the :bnicipal Treaaurers Office was read, the same showinS up to July 1st, 1921, a balance on hand in the sum of $4258.33. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Krefting moved tha.t the rerort be accepted and filed, and it was so ordered. A Com.:'unication from the 2el'lard School Board was read, the same requesting that a "Special El~ction" be called for the purpose of Eleoting a "Chairman of the School Board". CouncilmFLn Ellsworth seconded by Co'mcilman Adelman moved that the request be granted, and that the Ii!unioipal Clerk and Attorney procure the neccessary books and ballots, and take care of the requirements foX' this "Special Election" - same to be held FLS soon as possible. At the call of the roll all members present voted. "aye". Motion carried. A Claim in the amount of $250.00 from Peter Ogle was read. The same allegins rent due for the Fire Hall Building for the :.!onths of ';!arch, April, :\(;..y, June and July 1931 at the rate of $.50.00 a month. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the same be filed, and it was so ordered. I A Petition for an eight foot sidewalk extending from the south line of Adams Street to the south line of Lot 35 in Block 8 on the easterly side of Fifth Avenue, together with a crossing walk, extending from said sidewalk on easterly side of fifth Ave- nue, on the south line of said lot 35, to the sidewalk on the easterly side of fifth avenue, was read. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the Petition be granted At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" 1'!otion carried. A Petition for an eight foot sidewalk extending from the point where the east corner of Lot 20 Block 14 intersects the northerly line of Adams Street, thence in a northerly direction to the North line of Lot 5 in sa1.i Blook 14, was read. Council- man Ellsworth seconded. by Councilman Krefting moved that the Petition be granted. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion carried. The Claims and Salaries after bein~ Oked by the Finance Committee were read as follows: - I Power Co $ 18.75 Bank of Seward ~ 20.00 60.00 Dank of Seward 7.50 8.33 Curti s R Morford 5.00 50.00 Pioneer B & P Co. 72.00 50.00 Alaska Transfer Co. 50.00 50.00 City Express 7.00 100.00 Seward Drug Co. 1.00 100.00 Seward r,~ily Gateway 11.00 20.00 Sew~rd Wuter & P Co. 1l3.50 18.00 Brown & :iawl:ins Corp. 3.05 Alaska Eleotric Co. 9.50 Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the Claims and salaries be ullowed as read, and that the Clerk be instruoted to draw warrants for the same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - :fiotion carried. Sew~rd Light & C A Estes C A Estes Hugh Dougherty It L Smith J A Baughman Robert Guest Robert :}uest Robert Guest Alex Little A Resolution setting forth the dates for publication of the 1920 Delinquent Tax Roll of real and personal property WaS read for its first reading as follows: /' ~ 3,-,- . ~Y\'.>.' UU " [1 r.__,~ iI'I..._ BE IT RESOLVED. By the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska. That the Municipal Clerk of the Town of Seward. Alaska. be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be published the Delinquent Tax Roll of the Town of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1920, in the SEWARD GATEWAY. a Newspaper of General Circul- ation, published in Seward, Alaska, i'V'hich said ;Jewspaper is hereby designated as the Of:'icial Hewsl'aper of said To\m, for the purpose stated in this Resolution. AND IT IS FURTHER F.ESOLVED, tha.t sa1d Delinquent Tax Roll be published once a week fer four weeks, the date of the first pub- lication to be on July 16th 1921, and that notice be given ~hat said Delinquent Tax Roll will be presented for adjustment and order of sale to the District Court of the Territory of Alaska, Third Division, on the 2nd Tuesday in September 1921, if the said day shall be a day of jurisdiction, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard. ADOPTED under suspension of the 1921. IlIA YOR. CLERK. cilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Krefting moved that the rules be suspended, and that the first reading of the Resolution be considered as its second reading, that it be read for its third reading by "Title Only", and plaoed upon ita pass- age. At the call of the roll all members present "voted" "aye" - Motion Carried. The said Resolution was then read fer its Third Reading by "Ti tle Only", and Councilma" Ellswcrth seconded by Councilman Kreftine moved that same be adopted as read. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" and the if.ayor duly declared the Resolution adopted. Councilman Adelman secondeJ ~ Councilman Krefting moved that ah Emergenoy Donation in the sum of $82.40 be allowed the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, for the Seward General Hospital, and that the ;f.unicip~l Clerk be instruoted to draw a city warrant in this amount. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye." - Motion carried. It was then regularly onded by Councilman Paulso next regular meeting. moved by Councilman Ellsworth and sec- that the Council adjourn until the k~o!~ \--- lanutea of the Regular ;:eetilng of the Seward Ci tr CO~Il:c.il - hell July 18th 1981. _r-r ~ ..l ~"^'.., ~c .~ c.) 0 c. The Meeting was called to order at 8 p m, by :;:::.yor Noon and all members were present except Councilman Orlander. I The lUnutes of the adjourned meetinr.; held July 8th ',vere read, tmJ at t1,e call of the roll 3.11 members present votinG "aye" - were approved ani adopted. The following Claims after being Oked by the Finance Commi ttee 'vere read= George Cotter ~ 3.00 Alex Little ~ 6.00 Councilman Krefting seconded by Counoilman Paulson moved that the Claims be allowed. as read, and. that the :.!unicipal Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - :lotion carried. There being no further business before the Council it wa moved by Councilman Pa\llson and seconded by Councilman Ellsworth that an Adjourment be,~ade until the next regular meeting. I I Minutes of the Special Meeting of The Seward City Cmuncil - held July 28th-1921. ( . , (~1 \,._ _ I The :.!eeting '.'{as called for the purpose of determining an approximate Budget for the Disburament of a balance of moneys in the sum of $2352.34, to be expended by The Alaskan Engineering Commission, for St~eet Improvmenta in the Federal Adjition. The meeting was called to order at 8 p m, by Mayor Noon an~ all members were present with the exception of Councilman Adelman. The following Budget was outlined by Councilman Ellswort and being aooeptable to the Members present, was so ordered to be entered into the 'Unutes of the ;!eeting: Moving sidewalk and graveling and grading Fourth Avenue from Ballaine Addition to Laubner Addition - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 950.00 Gravel between Third and Fourth Avenue on "Aft Street - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 150.00 Gravel "C" Street - Fourth Avenue to Seventh Avenue - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Gravel from B~llaine Addition Third Avenue to Laubner Addition - - - - - - - - - - - 400.00 I Gravel and Grading Ball Grounds and Back Stop and Third Avenue to Ball Grounds - - - - - - - - 552.34 $ 2352.34 Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Counoilman Paulson moved that M B Lanning be employed as Foreman to oversee the above stated work, and it waS so ordered. It was then regu arly moved by Counoilman Ellsworth and seconded by Councilman P leon that the Counoil Adiourn. . '., N~R~~ 1 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Seward City Council - held Aug. 1, 1921. 36C" . ,-'-) ',-" The meeting was called to order at 8 p m, by :hyor Noon and all members were present except Councilman Tecklenberg. I The Uinutes of the regular meeting of July 18th were read, and upon motion by Councilman Ellsworth secobded by Council- man Orlander. the Roll w~s called. and all members present vot- ing "aye" - were a,:)proved anJ. adopted. The IHnutes of the Special ::eeting held July 38th were read, and upon Uotion by Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Counoil- man Paulson, the roll was called, and all members present voting "aye" - were approved and adopted. The De~ository Bond of the Bank of Seward was read, and Councilman Krefting seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the same be accepted and filed. At the call of the roll all mem- bera present voted "aye" - Motion oarried. I Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the Municipal Clerk be instructed to notify, by letter, The Bank of Seward and its Bondsmen, that the Depository Bond of The Bank 01' Seward had been aocepted by the Town of Se''lard, and that the Town had on deposit at this time in the AbCve stated Bank, the sum of $4990.48. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - Motion carried. Municipal Clerk Estes presented his written resignation for the Offices of Clerk and MaESistrate, and respeotfully reques- ted that the same be aocepted, to take effeot on August 31, 1921. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the Resignation be aocepted as stated, and at the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" - ~'!otion carried. An Application from Curtis R :'!orford seeking the App- ointment of the unexpired term of Clerk and Uagistrate was then read, and Councilman Ellsworth seoonded By Councilman Orlander moved that :ir l!lorford's Application be placed on file, and that he be nominated as a candidate for the above entitled offices, and it was so ordered. Councilman Adelman seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that the name of H L Smith be also voted upon for the Off- ices of Municipal Clerk and ;iJagistrate, and it was so ordeud. Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Orlander then moved that nominations be closed, it was so ordered, and the Mayor Appointed Councilmen Adelman and Paulson as Tellers, and th vote resulted as follows: Curtis R ;Jorford (none) H L Smith (5) and the l:ayor deClared H L Smith duly elected to the Offioes of Hunicipal Clerk and Hagistrate, that his appointment take effeot on the First Day of September 1921, to fill out the un-expired term of said Offioes until the next regular :\unicipal Election in April 1932. 1 Mayor Noon then instruoted the Finance Committee to oheok up the present Clerk's recorda, so that his Bond could be released not later than August 31, 1931. The Claims and salaries after being Oked by the Finance Committee were read as follows: C A Estes C A Estes Hugh Dougherty H L Smith J A Baughman Robert Guest Robert Guest Robert Guest ,!I. 'lI' 60.00 8.33 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 30.00 S S Johnson ib.rtin Lanning George Cotter II lIetzger ;,iatt Schlosser Frank Lagerquist Henry paeben Ilatt Schlosser ~ ~r 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 124.00 93.00 33.00 3..r:' .. h \..l _ "" i Brown & Hawkins Corp Brosius &, Noon Bank 0 f Seward Bank of Seward Seward Daily Gateway $ 7.65 32 . 72 20.00 7.50 8.00 Curtis R Morford Seward Water & P Co. Alaska Eleotrio Co. Seward Light & P Co. City Express ~ 5.00 112. 50 9.50 35.90 1.00 ---, Counoilman Paulson 'seoonded by Councilman Krefting moved that the Claims and Salaries be allowed as read, and that the Munioipal Clerk be instruoted to dra.w warrants for same. At the oall of the roll all members present voted "aye" Hotion oarried. There being no further business before the Council it was regularly moved by Councilman Orlander and seconded by COuncilman Paulson that the Council Adjourn until the next regular meeting. ....., lanutes of the Re[1Ular ':eeting of the Seward Ci ty Counop - helll August 15th 1921. n~ r~. U~~":..-' , The ~eeting Was oalled to order at 8 P m by Uayor Noon and all members were present exoept Counoilmen Ellsworth and Teck- lenberg. I The ::inutes of the regular meeting held August 1, 1921 were read, and at the call of the roll, all members present vot- ing "aye" - were ay-proved and adopted. A Communication from Peter M Ogle was read, the same stat ing that there was now six months rent due from The Town of Seward for the Fire Hall Building, in the total amount of $300.00. Councilman Orlander seoon:led by Counoilman Adelman moved that the Communication be filed, and it was so ordered. A Communication from Hugh Dougherty City Treasurer was read, the same requesting that City Warrants be turned over to his wife to sign during his absence. Councilman Orlander seconded by Councilman Adelman moved that the ::unicipal Clerk be instruotedto make disburament of City Warrants in the regular manner, and that they oould be signed by Treasurer Dougherty upon his return, and i was so ordered. I Four Petitions requesting that Street Lights be turned on immediately, were read, and Councilman Krefting seconded by Coun- cilman ?aulson moved that the ;';3.yor be empo;vered to instruct the 'Seward Light and Power Company to turn on the City lights for the night of August l6th, or as soon thereafter as possible. At the 00.11 of the roll all members present voted "aye"-::otion carried. A Petition was read asking that repairs be made on the Street between north side of Cliff Addition and the South End of Roaill. Comrdssion Road at ;ale 2. Councilman Orlander seconded by Counoilman Paulson moved that the matter be refered to the Gtreet Com::-iittee with T;ower to act, and that the needed repairs be made, providing same not cost over ~150.00. At the oall of the roll all members preaent voted "aye" - L:otion carried. Councilman Adelman seconded. by Ccuncilman Krefting moved that the wage for Street Department Labor be placed at 68i~ an hour. At the call of the roll all members present voted "aye" ::otion curried. The Following Claims after being Oked by the Finance Com- mittee, were read: Frank Lagerquist -Henry Paeben llatt Schlosser "" ~y 21. 00 15.75 57 . 00 Resurrection Bay Company Gateway Pub Co. Lumber ~ 428.78 615. 75 Councilman paulson seconded by Councilman l~refting moved that the Cla.ims be allowei GoB read, and that the Clerk be instru- cted to draw City Warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members YJresent voted "aye" - :Jotion carried. 1 ;.;r A HoIver apreared before the COlmoil and called attent ion to "C" Street in the Federal AiJition beinrr overlooked in the matter of the Alaskan Engineering Appropriation for 8treet Repairs in that District. Councilman Adelman seconded by Councilman Paulson moved that the Street Committee oonfer with Geo Colwell of the Alaskan Enginee~ing Commiosion regarding said repairs. At the call of the roll all mer:.:bera rre"lent voted Ile,yell -Illotion carried. Counoilman Kre ing seoonded. by Counoilman ?aulson moved that the Tax Levy for he Current Year be plaoed at 14 rUlla, on the Assessed Valua n as made by the returns of the Assessor. At the call of the 1 all members present voted Ilaye"-:'otion carrie COll ilzr.an Paulson seconded by A ourn until the next Adelman then ~inut~s of the Se~ard City Counc.l Held Se'"Ot.'5th.,192I .(') C r:~ Vue I The meetin~ Wa,S called to orler by I.l(l,yor John IToon. ;lembera present Y.:refting.Orlander ani Paulson. The ,jay being (l, legal Holiday on !!lotion of Councilman OrlanJer ani seconded by Y.:refting the Council then (l,jjourn~d ill Tuesday evening at Eight O'Clock. IIunicioal Clerk. ~.- 'J~ I 1 :.:inutes of the :l.ij ourned resular meeting of the Se'lari City Council,held '2ept.6th,I92I. ." The rr.eetinO' was called to or ler by ~:3.yor John lToon, .embers present wer~,Ccuncilrr.en Adleman,Krefting,FllswOEih and aulson. read The minutea of the regular meeting of Aug.I5th,ani at call of the roll,all members present votiog"aye"-were appro- ani adopted. A communicat:on from the Sew~rd Woman's Club to th3 ef- account of the use of the room formerly used for the pur- library room in the School builiing,having been appro- riateJ. for achool purposes, the Club had voted to present the ooks of the library to the Town of Seward,conJ.itionei that Town of Seward furnish quarters where library be maintained for ublic use.Dy vote of Council the matter was referei to School committe to investisate ani rerort bacb at neAt recular meeting. The following Claims anJ salaries after being Oked oy th'! Fin3.nce Com:~i ttee were read, ~*a.Eaeeight & ~ower Co. ~I3I.90 C.A~Eatee8 60.00 " 8.33 I.D3.u3herty 50.00 ~.L.Smith 50.00 .H.Daughman 50.00 obIt Guest IOO.OO G.Nelson 40.00 L' .Shallman 40.00 City Express 40.00 at Schlosser 36.00 obIt Guest 30.00 2ewarJ. Water & P.CO II2.50 Seward Electric Co. 9.50 Bank of Seward 2~.OO ank of Seward 7.50 Councilman Krefting seconded by Adleman moved th3.t the claims ani salariee be allo'ved as read ani t'lat the Clerk be i structei to draw warrants for the 83.me ani deliver s:.:cme to 1 respective olaimanta.At the call of t'le roll all members pre- oted "aya"-motion c~rriei. The Claim of C. A. Benson for mon,~y p.:li,l City unJ.er certi fi- ' cates of aale Nos.20 and 2I,with interest,amounting to~33.09 waa presented :.\.nl it wa::> moved byKrefting and seconded by Ellsworth that Clerk [raw w~rrant for the amount of claim and updm receiv- recipt therefore to deliver 3<.1d \'varrant to Claimant,on call of the roll ,;,ll members present votedl1ayel1 ,motion carried. ~ The Bill of the Seward Lisht & P.Co. to the Sew3rd School bO::1.rd. was read an'l by order of the Council w s refered to the S '\, School Commi tt 'e for investigution ani to report back at the I next regular meeting, in:luiring also un,ier what authority School. I Board inclEred such expendi ture. I The Light Committe were instructed to order eiGht atreet Globes throuc;h the Seward Light & P Co. fOT use on the Cluster light poles. The City ;Iarshall was instructed to interview parties ~ interested -in-re- breakage of stre~t globes by boya of the Town, arragging l-r payment of samejalso to investi~::1.te breakage of street globe near Sexton ;10tel. The ihrshall lias further in- ~ structeJ. to continue ,as hereto fore,to look after the ateaat li:hts,on the streets other than ~th.ave. ani Alams Street. .~ The Light Committee was instructed to lo~k into the con- ~ dition of the metal light poles ani Cluster Globes ,reporting back at next meeting the condition of same L\.lli means for pre- '~ serving S'lme. The Street Commi ttee were empo'lvered. to expend a 8um not exceeding ;50700 on the road extending from A~ams Street to the Electric Licht Plant.Councilman Krefting oft the 2treet Committee 'nstructed to obkLin from :'I.V.Hoben ea timate of an:1 plan for a rartial imrrovement of 3tnd Ave. from Alams Street ITorth one Block ani rerort same back to council at next meetin~. '" There being no ~lrt er business on motion of Council Paulson seconded by Ellsworth the Council adjourned till its n;>>~.r"2'Ul3.r m:~tin~. . l//l ;J A l]i; :,.:'unic'. ~ ~,'-, ~ l~' .'" ~.f/' -:'.L Clerk. .,aYor ~IOO.OO 5.00 3.rO 331. 7 5 94.50 5.00 !I .20 4.65 3.00 Rob't Guest Curtis lIorford Seward Drug W.H.Whitteleey Alaska Tra.n3f~r And.y's Expreas Brown & Hawkins Brdlsius S: Hoon Eeward. ~ch.Shop6 I L. I -,..-.( -..?)\"......, ., c....U'::"" " N. ~ l I I I '!inutes of t',e Seward City Council, heljSeptember I9th.,I92I. The meeting was cal~ed to order by T;;ayor John iJoon,mem'oers p ~esent .vere Councilmen Adler::an, Ellsv'lorth, Kreftine;, Orlanje,~ :md P:.l.Ulson. The meeting of regulur meeting of September fifth and the p..:ljourneJ. meeting of Septen:'be:t' 6th. were read ani at the call _111 members present voting"Aye" were approvel and a.:loptel. The street committee reported that S.;~:.Gru.ff hu.d,unler the ;;lUperKrision of the f,creet commi ttee completel the repair on the r:ad. Ifrom Adams street to the po',ver hCClse at the expense of ~5C. 00 nj that the bill therefore would. br presented at the next reg- lIar meetin~ of the Ccuncil. ~Ir. Counoilman Krefting reported th t II. V .Hoben had submi tted bid or verbal agreement to put Second- avenue in auch condi- tion from Adama Street 3.8 would. give the residents on the south aile f the Glazier streem a gool and substantial read forty feet wile, he council thereupon orier aatd Street commit:ee to engage sai ~ Joben to perform such improvements,under t"1' supervision of the treet Committee,tc :he extent of cost to the City of not more than One TIul)irel ani Thirty six "Collars. :Jpon motion of Ellsworth ni aecon::1 by Pu.u130n, the abo'!e matter ',va put to vote ani at tthe all rf the roll all members present voted wAYE"-mction carried. The matter of painting the 1'03 s of the Street lights and leaning the globes WJ.S referei to the LL;ht committee, ',vi th in- tructions to investi~ate ani report 'back at next m~ting of the ouncil. The ':ayor stated that in the emergency of reT"airing the .iamage to the concrete wing 'lam in the sln,zier Str'lem, h"" had uthormzeJ the hir~ins of ~en at t~e rate of 75.centn per hour en for less wage being unavailable at thin time, ani the emer- gency of ~nother flood being imenent. The :rayor reporte.i that some time d'.rrinh the past.'leek he o..d b~en 3er...r;:~: .~1i'~i1 ~ ~:o.ti'~-:.i ~,:./ _.1 "'~'.' '.\:'J.....;..:.~... ~:,'" '_'1~..~.::; ~.. ~;;.,-.'.' l~L"- ,_ "'.:,~.J" . '... ", :)remis~s occupieJ by the City,with h~ll.::...L1 "'otice W 3.S si;;ne by one :r.::.Ogle, La:-l'i1ord. he City Attorney waa inBtructeJ to cOTreaponi with the sail P? :.Ogle an.l ;;..scertain the nature ani ,::b.im of sail Qbl~ an1 re- Jort "back to the coun~il ;.;..t next meeting, the reaul t of his iv- estigation. T~.1er beinG no furt11er busines3 to oor.le befor,:: the Council, n motion of Councihi;c:.n E11sivorth ani 2nl. by 0rh'..nl~r, the ounoil adj ourned till its ne.d reSrul.u meeting-neT. 3r5., 1931. ... '"':.. ". -----'-::unicTo=-l Clerk. r:"r '"!; Z " ; (.J(...J.. :,:inutca ,,-'" v.L the rr.cC'tini3 (':- Oot.3rd.,I93I th~ Pe~arl ~ity Coune 11 ~.,....., , '.. .. '~" - "'\ I'" , .".."... -..... I ':'he meeting was called to orler by ::ayor, John :Joon a.t 8 ?". all members of the council were rrC3ent. The minutes of the regulcLr ncetine; of S,:ptember I9th,were ead and were by the Council arrrovel. A com'unication ~rom the City School ~oard statin~ th~t it ... ~ voul:i be neceasQ.ry for the C' ty to advance,Z,250.00 for salarica nd expenses 'Vaa read ani the I:Jatter was laLi on the table to be aken up at the regular rr:~eting of the Cou"cil to be held iTov. 7th, 1921. A furth=r communication from the (3;1:':e source IV s read.aaking vhe City Council to advance the balance of the School bui~et 'eaignated (l,S ~:iao..There bein~ found t'le sure of One IIunlred and Jinety five and 95/100 dollars reDainin~ of saii fund,the City lerk was instructed to iraw a warrant in favor of the ':'reasurer f the 2-.::hool Board for sa.Ll amount. The f3 "r~et com .i ttee reportel t:lat the improven:ents to the oad to the light plant had be~n comrleted :.:l.t an eX'E'tms~ of Fifty ollars,..l,nd that the improvecent vf 2nd.Ave ;:orth of Alams street o the Glazier stream was a.l30 coml'leted by ::r, Hoben in aver',' A ' reditable Danner,at an exrenae of d136.00.The rer-orts were ac- 'epted by the Council. ^ petition from the reaidents of 2nd.ave.south o~ ~aahington treet,aaking that street lights be rlace~by the City so as to uake the use of daid. atreet safe c..fter darmess, was read. and by he Council w~s refered to the Light Committee with power to act A petition from each of the following gentlemen ~or the rosi- v',on of jflbs-ht watch'.an, ',vas re3.d., t'-:at"i3 to say fror:1,lr. A. eamon, :ml :ianish,Ira 13aihley,3ill '1ai~y'-,cm,ani Sob -:c,Intosch.T~ereuI'on he Council went into the r.:at' er of such appointment and '-1}Jcn the vill of the COUl-:cil ::l. secret ballot was taken trpon t'1e n<:1.mes as re3ented.,ani upon ::111 the memb~ri3 of the Council voting. the ote ',vas faunl to stand as follows;""m. F'<.J..irl:'i:m received five otes anl Ira Eai~ley rec~'''ei 'ne vote.none c: th~ other nalCes ,re3entel ~aving received a vote.':::he ':ayor then declarel 1"rr:.I'air- ..a,n elect~i r1S :Ti~ht ~'7'atah.;Tlan for .':'I-:.~ Ci tv. :Jpon mot'..on of I'll3worth c..nj secbnJ by Pcmlson t'hep'~Btion : saL1ry of ::i:Tht watchman.'oy vot~ p: all the memb=rs .....aa fixed t (~150.00 peT l~onth.The cOuncil then desif';'cl ei t'le ':aycr as the .,e'80n to desir::~ate ,vhen t)1e services of a'lid nil!ht-,vatchman ~loull e re1uire.l :.:l.nI:I';,en the 35.1ary t"e,-efore shou11 begin. The City Treasurer reportel that there was in the rank,to t'he relit of the City,th' sum of~3442.?O The mutter of the rent bill of Peter ::.Ogle ,vU-6 brought up "'or discussion,and after listening with marked cur.tsy ani patience o tile loquacious liatribe of counedllfor 3ail P.::.OCle.uI)On ~otion of Ellsworth~ in second by Techlenberg,the council went nto executice session. T':le cour.cil a~ter lue d.i3cu.:Jsion,upon motion of Orlan:ier a.nl econi by ~a.u130n,upon the call of theroll ar.l ~ll ffiembera votin~ "aye" refered to ',vhole r!let tter to a com~..i ttee to be appointed by he ::ayor with pO',.er to offer :;r.'Jc:;le the sum of from ten to cift~en dollar:.> per r.ionth fo:..- the lDe (fJdi' the lots where frie hall O'.v stands; saii cOl:l::.i ttee having full power to settle all Uf:er- nces ani "clean the whole r.latter from further misunier3tanJinp"". Th(~re tein:; lllo .furt1ler business to corr.c befor~ the Council pon motion of Paulsen and seoonl by Fllsw~rth,all votin~ "aye" "he Council o..djourneJ to its next re:;ular m"eting. - I I ':Un i 0 f:~al-C~;'rk-:-H--------- h~J lth --r~1!;,.Y0R. --- I I I :.:in'.lte3 (if Lh~ !'e~l,.:.,r n:(~~,~tin= c~ hell rctober ~3rJ.,I22T. [:~.~.~ ;r..:l r'. J... I~ . , '.lI,)Y \.CUll01... ~r-, \.... .)' ~ ...' . ,~ "~ ,.. . ",...,. f.I ,,_' ~::.~ The m~etinf3 ''1(1:3 o'.,lle.l to crJer by'::.yor -Tohn ':con,,,,t 8, :>.-'. . eWI),re r:c'ed~r..t1Tere Councilr.:en f.dl,~r;:::.n, "113 vorth, ~~reftinc;. JrL.:.nJer :wd =='auldon. 'I'he :;;inut~a of t:H' previo'.ls r'~c;uLlr rr:e,~tinc; ''I 're r,~n.d, a:', ,1 th"re beinG no ....l t<::ra tiona or :1rr;end.nlent:'J t'iereto th"3 :t!:le \V.~ re :1Pl'lro'r"!:l '.in i :;.;.J.Pf te;i. A co~;:',unitJ;.'... tion froIr. "the ;3 ~'x-:i1"l Ch3,rt~r c [' the n~.j Crcas, ::1ak- th;>, c i t Y fOl" an u.rr rrrio. t i cn 0 f Fi'Te ::un i Tel T:o Ib,re tc sarda the c"enin.t of t:l.:e:e''{::.rl Censr::.l :To';;I1'i t::..l, 'va3 r~:;:,i~n I by the Counoil re~errei to the City Attorney" for :;:,n opinion aa to the .o'.,~r of :-:ouncil to Llke UJe of th' "ity fun.:la. The ;:;:3r}\ was inatructel to for'\,v~Ly..l u. bill to ~7r. """0. :Teer f81'" th'~ oo.~t of t~e str~~et 'TJ.obe broken thr01J~h the in~.trur:ent- 'lity of his don. ~ - The Council in.'3tructe;i the :'l:;:.cLor streerL coC':",ottj.~ to 'Jon- tinue its work on the stream :.:or five or six lays lon.::;er,if uch continuance be deemed neoe2a~ry. m,_~ -l'~.'nt co~.';-"-'-"" r~l-O'"-"~' r-"o0'r~~~ l'n th~ """~~"r eft ... ;.1. "-' J.. 6 ....d~... \J lJ '0.1 .., "-"..L II \../;.A. .- 1. u' t.. ;;,;, .;;) .I...... ...,.... L ......., J. the inst:l.ll:::.tion of atr",et U"hta on tho South enJ. of 3nJ..Ave. The S-::;::~,~t cOlXiI..i ttee 6ubmi tteJ aa tis:actory report as re- ~~rla repair of sidewalks in the city. The con'ldottee ar;-ointel t:: in ~ervie'N -;r .Ogle re;:;arding ill of rent of fire hall oite,rerorted thdt th~y had offerel towlke 0. o.n agreement to pay the sum of ,;1:3.50 lJer menth, but ',h2lt s,,,i:lJgle refusel to entertain any duch offer.The council then continued sai::' Committee in a-rvice fo::.' the r,urrose of btainin2;:rom:r .Jgle 0. I_rioe ::or which he woul'l be willing ~o sell to the City,whatever right :::.nl titleJ. ;,e fJ'-'LY re3ses6in ail premises :;.;.n:I to rerol"t back at the nex.t regular meeting. Tlle ;:o.yo:r infornH~.1 the Council th ct the ";ignt ~":::.tehm::.n went n luty,'ict.I5th. There being no further Quaines'3 to co:r.e before th~ Council, n motion of 'JrL,nJer an:I seconJ by 7a.ulson, the council o.d- j ourne:: ti 11 ita nex.t re SU1ar m ~ e ti ng, ~TOV . 7 th. ::unrcI-:::'a 1 --Clei'k---: ---- ~-IYF~- -~i~utes +.....,~ iJ . ~<.;;;; ~e'3't1,1':' 0: :~c"'.re.,~":"'!el" 7, 1331. of t~:.e 2e~,7~.L:;J. City l? ")11'" U l. L Coun:::il Th2 ~eeti~~ wa3 cal:~l tc crier ~t 8 by -~3.yor ~Toon, anJ. 3..11 r..,3flbers wct'~ rre.3ent excer,t :~o'J_nci:~~" in rre0kleblJ.~c:e . I 23r...l weT3 rrhe~ ~~inut~s of t~(:~ re,.,.i,j, :In.1 :IT;-;. rove.i. l"eG'..~l~l" ',~" .:l ~ ~.....J,..-..l.. ~ 8to":Jt?,r A oorH~~'.uni0u..tion fro:.:. tha .~~ar ~arJ.,rtr.'~cnt, w. '''',. er::y, '"'i(~/':r~~c~ in :'hdr2e, rG:{ue~tin,':!.~ .Iche :Ji tv fer c.. ric:ht-of- '"'''' "'n; "ro'utl'n" 0""'" r";;::'" t"'r~'11~" t;::"' "t-".+'- "n" ""'7-~ Pro'.-- I,~"""'J ""'~, J.w....~ """ ~~.;.l,............--: ___...... i_'""-'- L......... <:) ; '-'... ~,o ..... J." -...<.........." ,;;). ~.. .Jj, t:iG 01..1 ed,l)ld Of!lCe 0::1 ~lxt:~ .Avenue GC tl1c '~ovcrLn:el"lt O~ll1.,l- in-:~:, on tl:~ COl'r:er of ';-'ift:'1 ani 7":;ws'1in~ton :;.;t!'c~t. .=r()'J.~:il'c~i...1..n "rl":""..:.:ei'" ~<::>""Ion'e'~ ~"\r ~:O""""""Il.'NI"n .....irc'~-L.?:n-. ,,,.(.,,..,r-,: 1_',..".L. .I-"--e ,'...(.;;,.,1..... ...., ovV ............ '..IJ ,~ ..-..~...\.~ ..Ll..._40J. I... ~........L...l. ::." ..../Vv. v.c-'~\J v_...- oomr:lunic:ltion be filel, ~Y;.:: it ,va:; ,ool"ierei. ceetinC' A:'t3r d ~3nera~ ii3o~33ion in ~'~ich t~le 2~~~lrj c. , ....01 ~ . .,,,,~ ,..... -. '.,...~ . .. " ~..... ,~~+- .poo~" '''l 001"\ ,~'" .~. r,''"'"'e ,.an<... 1_'Od._...... .'~......o I,....e:..3er...., ...... rvl.lu";",,,;;)v .'_ ~ , , ,1'....,.\..)...... '\1:1-.3 ,..~d...t. to I',ay the 0UT~ent bills ~nj 6ulariea, an.: ot~er 3:c~~n3~3, pertai['linr.:, tc ~G;-L; S'~~~:ar.i :3chocl. It '~va~' A',eve ~ ~.)~," ""c'::~:Ji lr:j[i:l "'" " "ort''1- 'n: s,~~"",-1r->' "-r ~Oll"'~i":n~n PAulson t;:'",,- ""'e ,.J.....'J, " _......L .....,V'-'fl_v_.~ ~/. '. U.v......L.l.l~.L J.A "._v v._ Clerk be in~"3tructeJ tc lra:~v a 1;lr(l-l"'rant in favor of t'1e ~:e'vvar.:i S~hoGl =oarJ, elu:. ~~~el:horn, Trcaa., At t~e call of ~he roll, ,~~o~.;.rlcilr(;e'l .l\.llen'l:in, rl13'.11crt~:.., ,;r:lf-:in:, r-rlanJer, '":'au1son, a.ll vOt31 ":lye", :::':1~l so or.:ler'3::. 7h~ olaims ani s:~1~rie3, ~fte-'" l~ei~- ~:~el ~~ t~e finan:G 80nci t-tea, vere r'~a..:l 0,3 cOlloT,VB = ., U, sa. OC 8.33 50.00 50.00 lCO.CC lO~: . CC "'11"\ ("'1.("1 ',lV.\.. _ 1,J ::''iiJi th > i.J. r(r..~ i th , .- . TT F;;:i t'l I "~l ,'1 "aU'Inerty =0:: ~'}J.~jS t > :? c. , =0: ~~ue3t, C.? :"O~ J~3~t, ~ire ~cl:, ~,~t-~. "':{J.,iTY,"ltLT:., H. ;~~::'Ltc~. f'0~ocl ""carj, (\1.1' t.T 0 'mJCJl') ~ e \.7:l.r~1 -.~,(j,nk Bro:vn :~ Ea'.vkins 2e'Y:lr~ ~ank ('~ent) :::'36.50 30.00 75.0C 1,002.00 58.5C lC)~Z5 ':a t-t ,~:l- 3:~er ~; -L~~: '~a -'c'1isoYJ :=ro3iU3 ,~, "'''een Se'va.~j ~'ater ~.C. Alrt ~}~u. 1;'I~::-:."n3 fe r '~l:;''':':.J,:'.l TJ. ~. ~;.~o. ~"';i t~.r :~:;,c''''l''a 3~3 ::::l"O"\"/n ", ~-~,t''''rkin3 ~~~~?l ~. ~. ~.Co. ""; T ~"~-l' .L~... (T ',~"~ ~~ ~.'" 0. ~... LJ. '. ..> 101, . ....."".....I;Ov -'--'l't' '"., '1e'7.' " loll. .' ;' ct.J....... {..,I), J. L. ~.>tacf 13.00 12.0r 13.50 l:~.JC 24.C'~ r""\ r-I"'o '::;i..::J1.) 1.Dr LOS 190.1C 100.00 16.40 CC'J.n.~ilLLtr; "'l"lrt,nJ..~-c', 3'3-CCn.:.l3J ~-:,~r 2c'J.r:.~il:::c.tn :'c-t.....113on, f evel thd"t t;18 oi1:3 be 3.11o~'.J2J ~3 re;:.i,1, :':;"YLl t:1e :,'le=c~_ be i~13tl"UGt2:i tel lra~'\i '.varr:;..ntc fer -3an:e. t\t the ca,ll o.f t. ~ ~ J~O 11, r< (;-1 J.Y:,,; i:~ ,:-;!l J; ,,1:. e-i~'l;:-l ~1, ~ 1 i ,3 ,.v(.J-I~.J.vr, ,-'I'~ ("'+-1" -r~' '.... ,..... -,"'1'~ YI'~ ,:::0-1" V _..... _ . ,..,).. , u. .J.:.:.:, . --'- ___....j _ , :':':1..:'.lacL, -:-ot:;,,~i tlt:lyefl; so ol"'~Lere.i. /', rercrt fror,'~ th~; ,~i t '," ION" : M' ~ r a :;t..3Ul'" 3 1" 'V~t8 1"'3:-1.1 :1.3 fr..]- Il~o -'~~j~~ ~l.1"',"or :iY'~d ::OF::' on ~8"~":0il, Tovn of Sea~ri, ^l~La}:~. The fcl~o~"~'in~ i6 ~ qtute,'A,elJt of t:1e r~'reaaul"er':3 o:,':':Lce fell" th;~ ~~Gnt;-. cf '~rJti)~I(~j~, l~:l: 2d:~lnca i~ Trea3u~y, ~0t~~2r 1st, 1081, :'eceiT;t3 fer t:1A '~cnth of -otc~)eT' '1."~~,1-J.3. ? 3 _lS37_.JI I IT'n +.~ 1 .1.__ :..J...."'..... T.";arT'anta ~d8ue"1, 3:ll:1ncc~. . . , . . 7050.14 ::'504.08 554(\'-'(;-13 T' ,~:-().:-o,i ts;. ir >~~-:~~.:' ()f ~:'c~~.:,J.,l"~:, '1;5416. ':"G C:;_~:: on ::a,nl ~_qO.Q}J_ 531G.Ch -:-- ,_ d"~-.e0tf;:_1:~,,~ ,:';~l~~!j',i t )~e.i by (Sj ;I'Yi t~,';) ~~rT ~-: ~';-" '~~:---FTY, ~re~~urer, ~o~n of SeNayJ,11 ------------ ~ -,._-~-_._-_.~ -1"":1 \~ 2)'0 T"T--~ ::t\"fas """l"lanier, ij'-:'3,.t reb,J.. At t~l.'-~ Hayeli. ~otioYl "'o"e !""\,,.' r"'!o..n......:., I)"'"' r"'ro:::! .~-1.1. V"\ ~(' 3 C ~ ~ , (;, \: .,J. :'.1 \..I U. .......J....L. .t;11! ......' ""'.J. I", t;:"", ~ e ...on leJ ~JY the 2itv Treasurer'a r~rort be ~cceTte4 ~s em" nD t~p ~o" ~ll r~.r.b"rs ~-~aen.t 'lClt : _..1....-. ..... '. ,:.,J. J .L. ....1,........ _ ....~I J.. c:;: ,;"..L l::;; _ e'_i ~arrie:l. ---; ~~attr3rs f_art8.1nin7 tc t''18 ~,p'lp 1""ro't'iertv IJlJere :")l'"OU~.~~+' _ ..... ~ ..... _ v up for JiScu3s10n, Councilman fllsworth re~ortin~ a personal intervie'.v'li t:, ::r. ::,'>'le, in "';:1ic:, ':r. :'71e ~t;ite.:l--ne we'Jll ~ ...... c;:;, ~ . - a::;~er-t ;i:1,OOO.OO for t',e rrer-erty 'J.pon w'1ich the nre etation is locate::l, to-wit: Pnv pay~ent over :~10C.OO Jo'vn, an,l the ba!ance to suit the pleasure of t~e Council, at the rate of 10',' interest on all ieferre:: [-dvwents until ,.:1uoh time as " . the balance of F,e .1,000.00 i3 raLl in full. Aft-::l" more or less liscussion, upon cation by '!rlan~er, an::l seconJe::l by Craftine;, t:l{~t t'~e ':~fOT ~rl'oint :.:. COni,.i ttee to see what it ''"~o~11J. cost tc rei:jO"le t~J.e fire ~lu..l'J.. .~c the City' 3 pror)erty. At t~e call of the roll all ~embera ~regent voted 'I~yelt; cotion carriei.:ayor ':oon u.rpointe-l Councilmen :Jrlan.ier ;;j,n.:l Craftin::; 'Go ::athciate '~:1: cost of :-:;ovin San!8, ani report b:_:tck at the next re.';1J.lo.,l" l!:eeting. "~vor "'Joan bl"OilC'ht to t~e ;J. ,,:tentioll of t~je C.'ouncil t~? pr~poa~tion of a Ci~y ~~erk, -leclaring tha~ u.n emergency eX1steu. :.Ln. t'1at t'1e CO'.lTICli- 3hc'J.1.:1 take irn:,',ellate steps tc have t'1e Clerk an:ointel te!;\torari ly in the rlace of Ci tv 21erk 3. L. E~ith, who is ~an~erou31v ill ani confinei to his 1Jed, ani t'1at t'1e ci t:'l' s rayroll is ,Jae ani other imrortar,t ,:u.tters r::'J,-~t be taken c:;cre of. TIr_On l'Jotion of 8rlan,ler, seconled tv C'raftin,7, t1,at ~;. r. T'lJ.aworth be arroi'nte::l to +"8 0 P"'l' ce' 0'" "'1' "-" r.ler'. '''1' "-1-- 'Pu" "'c"'er to 61' ~,~ seal "n-O .; 11, ...... .J.. J.. V ~ v ~r I\. , ','V V .1. ... ..L. J.... ~v ~ ~. ~ , \o?ioo .:...1. t"anaact u.ll busin,~ss rertainin,; to the o:"'ice of City C113rk for t ~e City of :~:eward. 'l'J!'lon rol:. oal1, ,Adell"ilan, 0rle..njer, Crdftinc, ?~llBon, uoting "aye." Fl1s~orth "non. ~tion IJaT1'"le_l. -I A communication fU/i" Ci ty At~orney -:L L. :=:F:i th, 3'1'0- :::i ttin::; u. resolution :J..uthorizin: .the 3;1.113 of the 19::;O :lelin- ~11J.8nt taxes, w:--.ic11 reads u.::J tollo'vs: TtD7 ~rr ~~':"-!L\r::D ~y r2~::: C:~'-'''C,''T ~"~TrJCIT..., 0? nn, r:;:("';~.'-': "--'F :~r':~~'AT"":;:, AT~AS~;=A= \ \ Ii'irst-- that by vittue of u,nl }'llrsuant to a .1uly entered order of su,le lu.te-::' t'l-.e l7th jay of '~lctober, E'3l, made by the District Court of the Territory of Alaska, third,'u~licial [i vision, in cause ~Jo. S-l67, In the mu.tter of the u.pplicacion of the Town of 2ewar.i, Alaak2, a ':unicir,al Corporation, for i:'.n orier 0-;' 80.::'e of cer- tain real property, to enforce the lien of certain ~elinquent ta.{es, for tl1e yeal' lS:;O, toe:ether with penalty, interest and costa, the clerk of ~he Town of CeNar~l, ,Ala3ka, un:'er t1:e aut'lori ty of, .;.nJ by lirec- tion of the COnic,on CO'.lncil of the Town of Ge'Nu.rl, Alasku., is lirected to sell the property described in said order of sale, or 80 much thereof. aa on the date of sale hereina'fter ~escribeJ shall be found unpail aa to tax, penalty, interest ~nl costs, upon each snecific tract, in the manner proviied by law. - 8econd-- Th':i t t'1e Clerk 0 f the To"m of Sel'lari, Alaska, s11all cauae te be maJe an:l given 1ue ani suf- ficient notice of sale, by publication thereo:, once a wee1l:. for :01J,r consecutiv8o'leeks, in the Sewar::l Gateway, u. neNspaper of ceneral oirculation, published in t ',e said TO"ffi of Se"'1i1rd, Alaska. 'which '3ail 1Tews- r'aper i3 hereby Jesic;natel:ol' SHCr., r'.lrrose by this Con1cr.'lon C011ncll. Thiri-- Th~t t~e 3a16 o~ real property listei ur,on the felinollen"v Ta:>c ~oll 0 f t11e -:'o''JYl of Seward, Al 8,~k't, TOr' t':1R .;e8,r 1.020, to satiafv a.n.i JiHch~!'p;e the 13in of unnaij tax, penalty, interest i:l.nl aosta, upon the severai and speoi~ic t~a:ta lesaribej, be ha1 at Flblic auction at t:1.e TO'NT: T:all at ;e7"11"1, Alaska, on 3r;,'.. I' .......... .;.. ~ I the ~enth l~y of ~ece~bcr, 1921, ~ctlve3n the ~O')r3 cf Tan o'clook in the Forenoon ~nJ ~our o'clock in th? lFternoon of aaLl .lay, :::..nci in Cij,:3e 21u.1-:1 tax a::l.le is no~~ con81uJdJ. on ':;L1~i -1 _In,:,'' 3.fO~C33e..i i, t~en ~;~e S,'_l=:..~ 3~r~11 continue froili :1."lY to jav there,"~,fte:,', ov"r Sundays :,n:l T:oli,lays, until the r-rol'erty subject tc ,"<Lx sale, ~nl in 3~ii notice of ~~le centainel, is iisuoaeJ of. ~ou:"Ot~-- r:l1at eao':: t:.:'act, upon t:'-;.e _~clinqu.ent ~ux nell of the To''!D of ?eward, L1aaka, for 1. '18 ycecr 1980, QI'l soli 3erar~tely, be ofPerel for t~e ~~ount of t~e tax, penalty, i~tere3t 3-nl costa :iue t~1ereon, 3.nd if suf- ."icient is not 'jil to satiafy the :if~.cunt1ue on t'1e :3[Wle, as aforasaii, SUC~1 srecifiJ t~~ct ahall be bil in by the GlliJ "unicinlll Clerk of 3:11i ",o"n of PA'.'l3.r2, for :,n.1 cn b3h~1= o~ a~i:.i \lnitJipali ty, for t~e ~rriOunt of -:~:e Tax:, Denalty, Interest an.i Costa, ::m:Lkin~: l"roper notation upon aa.il ,ielin;lU2i1t ':::'~,"; SolI. A?"r)n~;v~:,r : (Signei) JohnNoon ( c: l' ,-~ ~., ) t..... ~J.J.V""" "CTa rr-o f Alb,d1:a. . ~7. 1-11sNort11 t rle"''r6~~~r:' c -: ~: e '.fal~T;- ~:b.,yor, of 8c'1:'J.a.ri, l..laaka. Fir.Jt ::'e::1~inu C2ccn3.. ~saJ.ing ~AG~:Fr A:J",=, AT ''"'\"'lTEI , t~:ia lay of. , 1881." I 20'.lncilman "rhmler, se,Jon::le~l by ~'o1J.n~i1man "'",ulaon, Y:107ej that t1:3 r~lle:) ;1r, (rJ..31~en:1.e:l, t~:~lJ: t 1-~f~ :=irat rsaJ_in~~' o! ~he resolution ~)e ,:':on~iderei as a Beconl r'?a,iin'''; t':at it be r,"ecl for u, t'1iri l'e:"lir:{j by title only, and under the aU.3r3Yl3:on of :',e r:lle,3, and. that the '2eoolution be f,13.ced upon its ra3G ~e. A~ t~e c~ll of the roll, all ~~1~~er3 r,reaent voted "ay:::". :otio"1 carr:ed. Cm;.n.)ilman Craft in::'.', secon.iel by 1)<':'1.11130"1, :^:OV2' t'1i'.t t"e T')'3301ution 1)e 3.gain read for ita final y:asaaSe, ",'he 7~3clut',0r, ",'aa 'o'-'e:,. r,:Jad '0" title, (TdX 2u,1':; 0i3801ution), !:.Lll ::>::r::"bers r,re3e~t votin; 11ayen. "'otion cs.rriei. :'C'J~:::i:r,;2,n ^'rlanler, ",seoniel by iU,3:Lan, Yojovel t"1.i.i.t th.~ ;,~301u-:icr: ~3 real "be aicpte.l, a.nl 3.t the 09..11 of 'o2e rell, ""l: ~eniber3 rressnt votel "aye". "otion cs.rriel. 7here bein:.- no ~urt'.lcr C'11sinea-: -::c trelnsaot, it Wa..3 r:J.o'rei '::y "rl~.:Lnjer, 3eccn;lei by "'aulson, that t29 rr;eetinc:- :;.jjc~lrn until t~1e next regul[;'T meeting. h I ~ ~ 1~~-':=7'___"_"_ I I VlMYL.Jm . y p {/ Y'---. I 1 "irJ1.tf3S cf t::'h; ~,~e~~i:irl-- C,~ t>C ~e~\':..tr.l ;! i t y C' C" In 0 i 1 , , 0 '7 : :.:; 1 , 1 ~:;:: 1 . C)r' F" \ C I '~''-'''- ~"?~~tin;, called to or 1. '1'" ;;~l "':~yor r,,~""e.3e':lt e:<;ert ;:c'.ln~i lr:-Lu.:l lLle:c.J.r:. rjet1tin'~ ;'1e:ll 'r'~o,rer;I~Jer 7t1 l','ere l"'e~J }ohr~ ~"OOYl, all ::~t~nloera "i:1'.lt::;2l of JC'-l:3 re'-:.:lu.,r :tn.:1 8..~:-r('''iT~?-:. I A D~:3Cll..1.tion 1"8.1..l ~)"I t":c '.~1:~:r1: rG.JJin liD:: the D..,-:tion cf t'\18 :::it~.r i'~'o',~r,'Jll 0; "~o~r. 77;h. =-~' I'7 J;-:T '::''''' L i;~"?I "':''''' ........ .....~... ,- ..,.. T I L.. r'-""-'''' .....'P '-.~ l'''''' f, -, ,. ,. ,~I (, T r, -:-.~-rr (\ . J, <..11 \ .l...],.. That, ~.~~;1e:'e2..~-), t~e leliil:1'1~nt :a:~ r0J'. :01:' tl1~ :rear 1:J20 0 f t}le To~,vn 0: ,-:::'~',vcl..r.l, 1~1c..,3ka, :1.S a.;rrears 'J.r 0 11, the _l..elinquent t:::L{ -rol: ~or t'lc; yc::..r l'~30 of 81;_',1.1 S';~'L~.r:l.r.1 o..nJ. ~__lr011 \'/hi:-h ~:.elin'luent ta:,,: l"cJl the Di'3t~ti'Jt Cou-::."t :OT t;l~ Te~Titory of Ala3ka, 7hirl T~ivi6io~, h~~ ~~le ~nl entereJ its Jert~in orla~ Jirectin= t~~ aT~cific and several tracts 0~ l~nj un~ rroperty c~ saiJ ~e~in~uent reI: set f01'''ch soLi .~o s::ltisfy the lien 0: 3c:.i" .ieliwp.ent t3.X, f'en~lty ::in .'~ (~OB ta, ~r~:l, vn1erea3, by rG3clution c: t"':.i;; CO",Jn:Jil, ,-'t;i..te:~ t:~~e 7th ~~y of October, 19:1, the Olerk of this Council ~aB iirectei ~nl orierei to procee~ to ~lvertise uni sell s~:.:;c on the lOt~ ..iLly' of I::eCa(:l~J2r, 19::;1, o~i J tT~cta so in BelLi lelirquent Toll oontiinel, ::l.n:l tha~ a:::'veTtisec.ent of such aale sheull com~cnce by publioation of 3~i~ Toll on or 3..oou': t::,a 10th ~c..y of '~ctcb~3r, 1921, tc e:<:ten:l for the rerio.l o~ fOlJr 'veeks, ~nj, I IThereas, the G::l.teNay ?ubliBhin~ Co~p::l.ny, rublis~eTs of '';'18 C:e',V'lr~. :~"'te\V::l.Y, ::l. ne.,vsp'iper pu~:lishej at Sewa1'l, '~0nai ?:::-ccin t, Te::,"ritory of Al:.1ska, V?1'd una~:)le to sts.rt "''h~ "'l",;~.'tl'on 0"" +\-'ro 3"1'"' ln1ir.""11en+ +a'~ roll. "l~o ~'he l..I...X., ,j,. 1.. ;..;.1......,;'.... _ ~ <)~... a '- __.... -'l, . LJ V':;W,.. +-oja)";;" v J .,J illnas~ of t:'lG City At~c;:-nc".r ~nj Cl?l""k E. I-l. ("~y>:t~:h, b,S ::l. nri~~. 1-, . , ^(~':3.. .~_ t e r T:~n~~n~~J for the rea30na 2t~tei herein, ~~i 0';" :::voi ;n,nce 0 f '~Cn3e(lUent ::l:Ui tiona1 ("ost, 31\ !~ -:~C:(~,;T.//'--~, Thu.t s,.ti .~. l'"CSOllltion .1ira,Jtinc +'"le aiver~i3effiant on lctc~ar lCth ~J ~foresaij, be rereileJ :tnJ hel..1 for na'~F"ht, :.1TI,l t'l::lt the s[111 Clerk of t~}e 'l'own of 2ew::l.rJ, Ala.ska, a'fait tho; furt'13:,' o1'Je";l 0: t'li3 Council rel:l.ti',':; to t~le a.lvertise,:.,ent :!,n 1 9C\.le of ~"le tracts liste:i in ~3 "i-i le1inquent ta:, 1'ol:!. for t'1,~ y:~:.1I' 1930. P.E,roveJ unleI' ,rClspen3icn of t~le ru13s t:':i3 :lo3t .::.:..y of ~Toi!er:."'.Jer, ,/1..r., 1931. Co,"mcilm..m r:lls;vo:,t~l, 33coniei by Council;:::'ln')rlan,ler, th::l.t the T1l1c.3 '0" :;,usI"en.lei, ::lnJ t':1.u.t t'1e "e"cl'1tion be ::lcl'teJ. as reai. At t'l'~ !J~llJ_ of t~e rol:, Council~en tlla~ortl1J Crl~nJer, T::.~cl:1enbur~, ~~l"aftin:2: ~n 3. P~1J.lson ~1'ote1 "Ayell J 2...TI,i, the:::l.Yo::, Jecl:tTei the -::-:;301ution ::l.l.optei. 1 711f~ City ClCl""k [11;3.'1ort~, rro terr., ~3tute: t~~:..lt it ~V;j.8 n ~Ce3a:.lry that the CC1J.Ylcil eLl/point 3.. 2i ty Clerk iurin"'" the . c ".' , 1 f "," , ., , ~. ~h " " , . CLosen e .:1I1J, ll.....nea3 0 l'J.8TK ..::. J. ~~'!_~l v , uGLore procee.J..lns le)=~.:..l:Y'lJi th the _ielirr'luent tU.K roll. ~Jpon n:otion of COl)_n~illnu.r~ ~)~ulaon, M,.:;con,leJ. r)~r ~~rd:tin[:.', th~t ~rB. v. 7..1. I1eo.atan 03 D".}ly::ointe..l .~o the c=.:'i'Jt~ 0: City Clerk, :lnl that the salal",' ahall be :::ixty follaro3 raT r;;onth, :J.n.J ::i ty ::a.-'istTate ,-iYl: +'-"" -l.- +ho a:"l.' ''''''r s1."" 11 .......~ H'G 3'7. .......:~-.. ........on.l-'l.-. ";-Ion "01""1 ;:':'lJ." 1 .....'..... U.l.J.r.,.4"v uJ..'.... ..... ..........J Lu_.l.. ,,",v 'i"". ..., ."'1. ..... **01..1, '~'-l. l .. J........~ J.. :;0.11 r.1t:woel'S rreaent votel 11 [,ye 11 , :...r::: :::otion ;Jarrie.l. Ci ty ("lc"""" "'",."t."n ;"'.,c"l.".t"ly 31' 'r:"" ....1.~ ^",:.\-, .;0 "....'" '. ' "')..__"" .,_d_\;,;:)....... ~ _.J.. ~--4. ,,1. c; ; S. .1......... 011... \",01.....'.1"'. OJ.. 0 J. l....,e ~n,_L aa3l)~el 't~2 c~~i~iul iutie~ of ~he ~le~l: cf thd City of ?'c-:\t~l:~l. -~~ - ~ ~ " 3 ';~', ,-'\ . >~.;~, "./: 04'......; e'en ~ir~ue..}. :.~rc.~: ~:.....=e 38~ A "eneral ..ii sous a ion fo 110'.','e:l 1:egarJ i n:::: I'll1:llshing of th c 1930 delinquent tax roll ~nj the'') follo~vin::r T\esolu- tion 'vas reo..d: - 13T~ tT nrG;T}~YD .~'~: T~:T~ C';.~ 'r-,"Y C'",)T_r~CIL O~ T"'~:- r:'8~"'~'''': :}i;' '?T'1~1 J\ nr, ALJt8r~,,'" ~ ---, First- That 'JY virtue of anj rursuu.nt to a. :luly entere:l order of sale Jatei the 17th jo,y of 00tob3r, 18:31, ma.le by the tistriot Court oP the Ter1:itory of Ll~Bku, Thiri Ju~ioial J:)iviaion, in oauae ;TO. S-l67, In the matter of t:1e applicatio~ of the Town of Se~a.ri, Alask~, u. :~nicipal Corror~- tion, for ~n order of sale of oert~in real prorerty, to en- "o"oe t"" "~"n 0'" "" t' '" ' .. + '" t' 1 _ ,gO .1...,_ ~ 'J",r a1n "e...1n'1'],en U o "l.'{CS , "Ot' . ne ye~r 1980, tOGether with I'enal~y, interest ~nd costs, the Clerk of the ':'o",'n of Se..val'l, Alaska, under t':~e aut':lol'ity of, anJ 8Y Jirectioh of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, is JiractaJ to sell the property ie3~~ibel in sail ord,er of aale, or 80 flluch thereof, as on the _h.te of sale hereinafter ledcribad shall be found unpail u.s to tax, r:m:l1ty, intereJt ;end costs, upon each Gpecifi,::: truct, in the ffianncr provileQ by la~. Second- Thdt the clerk cf the To~n of Seward, Alaska, shall cause to be mu,le ~nd ci,cen due anJ suf:'ioien': notice of sale, by puolication thereof, once a ~veek, for four successive weeks, in the 2ewarJ Gatewu,y, ~ nc~apaper of ::"enera1 circulation, l')ublishel in a:U:l To.m of Sewarl, Alaska, '.'Thich S(1iJ n. IV,Jparer is here'oy le3iV1ute.1 for such plrpose by this Com on Council. Thirl- That the sale of real property listed upon the relin1uent Ta" Boll fo:' t.he '['own of Se':l'lr:i, A1as- k:l, ror the year l~20, to satisfy ~J :lischarce the lien of unp:liJ teA, f,enal ty, interest ani costs, 'Ipon the several 3.n1 s'tJ":cific: t:"act,'l jeacribci, be had. at rub1ic aut ion a.t t 'he To'~'n :Ia.ll a.t' 30','1ar1, Alaekg" on the 89th :lay of rcocro,ber, 1921, bet'c'\'ccD the :10nr'3 0:' ten o'clock in t1!le Forenoon a.nl :our 0' clock in the aftcl"noon c:- s:li 3. lay an.l in caGe s:.:..ii tax: d3-1e i3 not 'Jonclu::ed. 0" 3:1i:2.1:"y ceforcsilil, ,then the dc'Lir,s shall C'o'1:inue from i~lY to 1ay there:lfter, over r::un.bys ani ::oli.:iays, until +;he p,,"Ol,erty su~je?t ~c t~x sale, cenl in ~~ij notice of sale oon- talne~, l3 ~il~posej o~. FOU1"th- That 0i1Ch t:::-aot, upon fu.3 :lelin1uent t~x roll of t~e Toxn of S8~~rl, Alisk~, for t~c year l~:O, be iloli ,3(oTaretly, i)3 o:1'ero.; fOT the c!.n1o'mt c: the ta:{, :penalty, interest .~ni 003tS Jlle thereon, :::.n:l if ,'mfficicnt is not 'oLl to s(1tiafv the u.mc'}nt 'ue on t"c same, :.loS :lfore- saii, 3'.10;1 specifi 8 h"aot3h:oill 1:)e 'oil in by the 3::.Ll ',' i '"" " "'1. -"k 0'" , 1'" ,.oo'''n 0" 0""",,1" for "n'; cn b~hal+' ..un Oll:"aJ. '..... 3.L J.::.:ICi ",4 .." ..I. ....-,........'...t, ...A, -"'.......J. '0 .L of '3,.Li:l:.:unicipal i ty, for t;l0 :llllC'_'nt of ':11e tax., f':cnal ty, l',.""~-"[,,,./- '1'; "~"t,, '''''k1'n~ p"'op-'r Ylo"o.tion upon saii .... u \......l. .... ~ 1,.1 "..l-\.A. '"-" v.;:)., ii;J ,.....J.A. f,;J' -'- _... ...~ ... ,-~01inqUGnt T~~\: ~:oll, ;\"};' J.O\~;.",: : (Signed) F.L.Heastan Cl~rk of t~le ~o~n o~ Al\-:'31~a.. 2awu,rj, (Signed) ;i9FP- Noon .layor 0 -: Ec'.v:~~"l, Al,1.aka. --. ?ir3t FL3:LJiW;, 11/21/21 """;,-'.,''',c,~..: T:,~,,:'! 1',..."..,., "11/"1/":'" _ ~ .. _ .....ct....i.. l.l..:" __ :...' I..)..... ?i'.?~~r f~~~l. l'.-r:r-I~-:-rr-r-:; mTT~\: 813~ ).ay o_~ "":-O\,"sDcer, 1921. n 1'-" -~~'"-. ..( \,.,,' , " ,. '-. .......' "--, ........... ::.~ ent i::.:.u ':; ~ ~ .J~n-:d ....\~.'~:; 71"'\."",: ") .' I ~c~;n'.~i=-r~~Ll.T: T'"l:_-;l'.".rcrt"'l, '32CCIT1";':j,:: ")~,r C'cun.:Ji l~~':,;.t~} :~l::.1-.ftin:, r.:o-,;,rel '~~~l'~..t :- ".....~. r~J_l:3 ..}c :::rL2;3'L,enlel, :'-::1t ~"-:8 ~irst rC:.J.Jlr.'_'" o:~ '~~'>~ T~:;'::Gl'J_J.::ion ~J: .:cn311ere~ a..s ~ secC'~.l -r:"'~ :A.l.n:, t'~::.t il~: ~jC TOd:i _=C'L" ~ t':ir,l teu.,linr:- "."")"'l ti-:;l,; or~ly, ~~n::, 1J.n:1e:" t~>:~ "1'3"'1''"''n''''''!/"'-]~ ,...-P ':"~r"') ~"'~"'e '-''''"1:) .J.;::::.-4-' ~,.,-:'l --,-:l~,.."",,,J..l'CY" R("'...,~~ T;,~~~,i ;.)....:: 11,., .:>-,-,-,1 ....;.:.. '-' ~'-'" ..L,-,.~ " .....l.L.J. 'y'.~'1..-.,; C) .'.. ..0'_,.....,..." .J,~ -" _ .....~-~...... ~J.r)on it:3 r~J.8.~,.,;.,.,e. /".l~ ':he CCi,ll of t'le 1"0:':"', :.:.l: ~?r!;'Jer3 pre.3ent vcto;.l Ill.yet!. ."otio-:l c..i!'riel. 8C'lr.l.:;ilClo..r, T::.:,3-.:or~~_, 010v81 th~t t~c ~:30111ticn 1,..t.,Jaa.,..:,'J. :-h;: :--l2301uticr1 ,-.;.u.ent r:,:..l\.. ::....l,.:...3 ~-:<33c,11lticn '1~ye'1. ~otio~ ~arrie,3. :; '~': 0:::: e ~l (I ~/ ;:' c ~,"7,-:vi:-: r 3:.l.l ~c1.tncilI~I2..n '"""'J."1:..t:11cr, f 0 1" i.1.:.3 ~ i n~ J~ '~!:;:.,3 t~en :::'~;J..l bjr ~i..l..:le, nI21in- 13;:;'2'1, ~~=- r~Gl~j2Cr8 =--':"'~33nt ~rc,tin:..... Counoil!1Lu..n .,....11~3.,~:ort~.:, ~3JCOn13 i. by ~lour:~]i:E..lYJ r,rl:'J.,rJ...:e:;:, ~::()",_r2": )C:'l::':".J~ ~ 1l~ ';'"\~sol'J.J~i8~ :l.3 !' 3..1 ~.:;c .;..,iorteJ. {<,.Ie t~10 '~J"ll o.t .I.:ho :'-'"'0:':, ~ll rr.,,3m'b(;rJ * T23C::i-:; irotcJ I1Ayen. ";-otior.l. J8.~'l"ieJ.. ~h8 Corj:.~i t"CCf~ ~ 8"-::0 :...1.:; 1~riJ..,:~ :.1::.:J 8:- tel ny, _-....L t,.o'iin'" .. -,","\ .i. ..L. _ ,... ::3.,1:' 1" 3iC rt el, ~ ".11 '," J.i.3 :::a...r:;e:3... "~ 'ie :..~n.:l CO~J.L:_i :t22 I .~O~"3 cr 1:32 ,~_iJC;.133io~-: o:;:";')..rC,t in re:?;Ci.rl tc t>lC ....'=le T!'O},,):::l:'t'\t :::_-::O~ -':1':i:~~1 ~~;.~ ~i~:r 'Li:":~ ~1"'_111 iJ lOJci.t(.~l; .v1:.-;-:':er CI' !let .~~::> ~i t~r ,;~lo:~.l,l .~cntinu3 -to .r"2nt 01" ru:'''C'-:'_..3C t'ie pro~art~r. ':.~l~ro:" :;oon -!."3r:Ol""t:;1 tc t~18 ~oun;il that 118 haJ 3.. p8raon,~.:il inter-,t 3'S 1,,ri t~ -=r. r:,,,:,le, iYl "\T~;.i8:l ~1:; i~td, te.i ":r. ",:.-;: ','.. ".,o,.:.,~.'. ,""......-..-:lV<..... .u'1('1,"\ 1'\(" ..:J.].....'.. .;:.!.~'q,....'!'")l ...1,.... -; fl'1 0(',("'\ 'in ~CI"~ .1.-.,1:.~ ___' ._.- c"''-'_.....~- v '-)....v'-' ;.._,-,J.I. _"-' .\.1......" _..1_~ ,.'.'- _ J... _."-' P:""O}"i3;:ty, ter'l~:,~ to :'3'.1.it t"i.2 rOlln~il, ten per ~ent,,()n .1eferl'":;': f'c:lY1lJ2nts. :Tr1on :~:otion ~:/' C~o~n~ilm:~.r.i. ~llJ~~..crth, S" .-::cn:1C~. ~',;:,r CO~lnci::'.tt1.q,;; 7'1.~_1130n, "t'l:.1.t in o-_"':'el" to e-~r :;::i t,-; t;_13 cu,t-:er, t'le ;i:"IT i:'c"n~il 9:1C~.111 ;-:-'~=j,l:ot to ::.tee '.,.r:;,3t'j_er the l""':o:JrJ.0i:' I1~Ju~v"" 0:'" ":.....ent" t~c : ....orc1"ty ur"on ~~;hi(:h 1.~~-= :-- i X" p .:- J: J., -~! .~~ n pi.::; 10 .:J ate 1. , .:l"~ t 11 <~ J -i 1::' eft 11 8 """C' 11 :;,,~.. ~_ y,:-: c r:~ I) e r ;~ :~TP,83nt .roteJ 11!~Yt~n. (I'~iorl :J::ll~~"i;?_l. ~h:~ 1"" 3UrJOY~ , ';]..''.lO:~~; C' or:, aliT"o i Y'.c"t; :;. 1 C C' rnc i. lr:'!~~!'1 ...r- ~~" ,-~, tt i .;~ .~~ l",~r:.,l "-::::'I::.l,~e~ ~;::; T.~lleT3 ~o rJ'.'.nV'J.:3 ~ t;-le C0'l"i:;j 1, a:1.~~". one 1:c:.llo t i n~. -:-; ;~[YLJ.l :-, 3 .:l '3 to ::"O'V:3 : r-':'ire:~ ~;-o t.~ ,1 ::~j_8 t iTO t i r:C' 11'.>J..yH, 0)"1\; rr~:;:')~<~" .\(o'~i'''-~:-''-' lIjlankll, J.n~. C~:~ r:3....j..,:,e:~ 'fTotin:';> ll:-:ent.'! _::J.YOJ~ .....ocri :'::,:~,3~inr:' the :iAOiJi!l: <(rote to t1~uyf!~ . .. c tic, n ~ ~l.. ~(~ r 1 e J. . COi,lnJ:_ ~"'~~:.l"r.:. ':-':C.U130E, 9.~'~(.!~_:c~~j r)j" i~raftin':T, r:;.o1zjel thc.~': t'-:~ ~~L'"jOr ',Jo::.pl~tG ~~lle ~t~::"l cc.t t~13 ,Jont:':.~J:S of t~e ~~il:. :.."C!1i'i3 e eft ~13 7 i r 3 :! ~..ll r:~ ::.1 l~ ~LO ~l!--~ 'l'..t Y , :":"!1.L :',:L 7~:- CTi. t 2 t.e, b l.~ i:L.':.._~e J,"~ t:-::; r~te cf !:'50.nO r'2r r.:onth an,! 11'100.0(; 0~,,\;}~ rcnt:.i.l ~n.: 'sen 1 'J.t ~~l~t. intereat, or lG3<J, i:"" :J..~tl"J.:j,~e~>ent;3 CJ:\J be c~::..lel :J..!Ll 1."f31-:iOri:; c:..t :~:1~ next ~te.:?;ul8..l" c~eetiE.- to ~~~'1e :()~:ncil 1'(:1" ~~on.:il"f.l~t:on cf th~ City "'cL1D8il. .TlI0n'-'Toll c::..t.ll, D..11 r';,::;n-~r.)era pr -.; ~1 ;~n "G ;,"0 t ~.:,: "1-..:T:~ n . ,o'~ i 011 ~ .;.'~l"1" i \.~ _1. t"-l'J. ~ 8cu.n::;il~~~n ~;113"vcY'th, 3~ -CjL_~.~.. t::Y 11'100; 00 ~':':I .-1"0,.......' .l.'!-..... '::: ..., (.,' , ,,_._'__''-. .....r_, d..L 1I,;...t L,'l:"" _C,J,C_'.L ~OCl..J:'~..., ':::"J 130D, :.:n:l t'-:d" J: ~~'10,re .1 J,:;he 1 ~-i.-t? Cl;j."i: c:'.: in8tT11ct8.~ tc ,..!...:~.I "r2.~-,"r;J,{I:~ ~=,r A~t~::e ".'~~'C~V'i t '"}e :~er:t::rn,l 7~)n.l3 c: '~:i~ ~ity, J..;3 J..}1 s., l-i":,''":G'~ ~~\-: "t,'-:e r',:);......co: ~"\oaI...l ir o"!".~3r~; h:.l.~~ ::0:r 'J~\n =.eet :iJ.j~l"e-r-d~ 1)il13 .vhil,:; VL'..iti:1~ in ~;"'()GY:-i:10(; cell" ~il~1,-~3 :1"0.. .s.. .t.~ r'"'t~l.""" +"""] ," n'T"P I 3' ":':IT ,1-,;~"'" ... . ..~~.~ ..,- ~..i'),~~'.~:.,:~L;~,;A.~:'~~~ !. ~'1'-"~~ l., ,,:..1.l.8 J..l"'\O-'j,~ .",,:;.:l~).:Ja.ry 13t, ..L'J.:~. A tll~., >R-'.....L_ ....,r U ..',' 0-1...J.., ~:("']r:""i3..r.'len T:ll~lfO=~"t;l, i-r"'l~t!l,.t!'~r, ~;:~.:;~~IJ":.'.;~J.''':: TJ.:1,111aon, ...lY1~~ -,. ~~ t i ," +~. ',r 0 t 1"; _\ ~l /, Y 2. fT - ~ () t i 0 ~-" ~ -L ~~"'r i e ,j . :"" i t jT ":'.:.::~ k a 3 i '(I .:; t ~~~...:" c -: e j :: c i.3 "':11 3 ...... ('1) 11 i'j Yj..,. Y'" ,"- '~:,J.~ ~c:r o"'~c -'.:ter30n, .'c": ~ ;,:.,''1 ,'ci,:n c f "'~::'J..::'l::' :"':- ,,' c. ':':J.,;T'c 1Jein -, .y;,c :ll:"t':'~T ;-:u 3i~1,?:::;..; :,r'i~~r:,~"il;"::(1 ""-;":"_l,Y"', tr~," 3(~CCl..~~<3". ";""'"'i'O" -::"..,...( ~~ y.,.'....r.)~ ~'1.;.."J~ -.!-~"=:. .,'::".....-:-.......!......-.. .,.1.~,......~,-"r: ,1n.L..i" .-L1.P "':'] li1;;;~:;-' '~--~ ~i~ &:-~~ --+---. ---_. ' " ' . , . . ,unicil.>:..l Cl"~rk. n ,"-' ,,' ...i.; - i ~~- '- Minutes of the Meeting of the Seward City Council December 5th, 1921. I The meeting was called to order by Mayor Noon, all members being present except Councilman TeCklenburg. ~e minutes of the regular meeting of November 21st, 1921, were read, and, at the call of the roll, all members present voting "aYEl" , were approved and adopted. ThE'\claims and salaries. after being OKd by the ~inance Committee, were read as follows: "'. I,. Heastan, Clerk, F. L. Heastan, Magistrate HUllh Tlougherty, Treas., Robert r.uest, Fire Chf. RobF'rt Guest. Chf. 0 f P. 'Hm. ~airman, Night Watch. nr.J.A.BRughme,n, H.O., (Oct. & NOv.) L. V. ~ay. Legal Adviser, T. P . Hnrphy, $60.00 8.33 50.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 6.'75 Harry Yago, 6.'75 Seward Light & P.Co. 9.50 Seward W.& P.Co. 112.50 Gateway Pub.Co. 48.00 SElward Drug Co. 2.80 Alaska Transfer 46.50 Seward L.& P.Co. 28'7.86 Robert Guest, Spl. ?ire Roll, Robt. Guest, F.R. 2'7.50 20.00 Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by Councilman Palllson, voted that the claims be allowed as read, and that the City Clerk be instructed to draw ~i ty Warrants for the pay- ment of same. At the call of the roll, all members pres- ,ent vot ed "aye." Moti on carried. I A communication was read from Dr. J. H. Romig, trans- mitting a letter from Bishop Cremont, referring to the matter of opening of the Seward Gen~ral Hospital, Dr.Romig requesting that thEl City pay for R bed in the hospital for fifteen or twenty days a month, at a fixed compensation of ~4.00 per day, and later the gruding of the street in front of the hosI,!tal, to help cover overhead of hospital. Councilman ~llsworth, seconded by Councilman Paulsen, voted that the communication be tRkE'n up under the head of "New Pusiness." At the call of the roll, all members present voted "Aye" and motion carried. The matter of the purchase of the Ogle proI'erty, on which the "'own Hall is situated, was then tl'lken up. and Bfter p gener~l di~cussion, Councilman Krefting, seconded hy COllnc:llmnn ~llsworth, moved thRt the purchase be completed and a warrant drawn in favor of P.M.Ogle for $1100.00, pur- chase price and back rent. Upon further discussion of thSl matter, motion was made by Councilman Ellsworth, and seconded by Councilman Paulsen, that a ballot be taken on the nuest1 on of whetber the ('1 ty should pay cash or instal- ments o~ ~50.00 per month, with lof, interest on deferred payments. At the call of the roll, all members present voted "Aye" and motion carried. I Thereupon, Mayor Noon appointed Councilman Ellsworth and fidelman as Tellers to canvaps the Council, each one balloting; the result beinr [dl members voting to"pay cash." Moti on CR :Tied. Counci lman ;~llsworth, seconded b~r Council- m~n Krefting, moved that the City Clerk be instnlcted to draw a warrant for1!;llOO.OO in favor of P .1,~.Ogle for the payment of the purchBse price of $1,000.00 and '100.00 back rent, and to take up the deed for said property. At the call of the roll, all members present voted ".Aye", !md motion carried. City Treasurer reported cash on hand, $10,791. A Resolution was read by the City Clerk rescinding the action of the Council of November 21st, 1921, in the matter of the publication of the delinquent tax list for the year 1920, as follows: ' ~----- 386 Minut e s of ME' et ing, Dec . 5th- Dop.Unu ed from Page 385. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CmmON COUNCIL OF 'f'HE TOWN OF SEWARD. ALASKA: THAT. WHERF~S, the delinquent tax roll for the year 1920 of the Town of Seward. Alaska. as appears upon the de;: 1inquent tax roll for the year 1920 of said Seward. and upon which the delin0uent tax roll the District Court for the Territory of Alaska. Third Division. has made and entered its certAin order dir€'cting the specific and several tracts of land and property of said delinquent roll set forth sold to satisfy the lien of said delinquent tax. penalty and costs. and, WHERF~S. by Resolution of this Council dated the 21st nay of November. 1921. the Clerk of this Council was directed and ordered to proceed to advertise and to sell on the 29th day of DE'cember. 1921. said tract 80 in said delin~uent roll contained. and that advf!rtisement of such sale should commence by publication of said roll on or about the 3rd day of December. 1921. to extend for a period of four weeks. and. -, WHEREAS. the Gateway Publishing Company. publishers of the Seward Gateway. a newspaper published at Seward. Kenai Precinct, Territory of Alaska. were unable to start the publica- tion of the said delinruent tax roll on said date. NOW. THEREFORE. for the reasons stated herein. BE IT RESOLVED, That said Resolution directing the advertisemen1 on said date aforesaid. be repealed und held for naught. and that the said Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska. wait the further orders of this Council relative to tho advertisement and sale of the t~Kcts listed in the said delinquent tax roll for the year 1920. Adopted under suspension of the rules this 5th day of December. 1921. Councilman Ellsworth. seconded by Councilman Adelman. moved that the rules be suspended. and that the Resolu- tion be adopted as read. At the call of the roll. Councilman Ellsworth. Orlander. Krefting. Paulsen and Adelman voted "Aye" and the Mayor declared the Resolution adopted. The following Resolution was then read: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TO'ti'N OF SEWARD. ALASKA. First: That by vittue of and pursuant to a duly entered Order of Sale d~ted the 17th day of October. 1921. made by the District Court of the Territory of Alaska. Third Judicjal Division. in Cause No. S-167. in the Matter of the Application of the Town of Seward. Alaska. a municipal corpora- tion. for an Order of Sale of certain real property. to en- force the lien of certain delinquent taxes for the year 1920. together with nenalty. interest and costs. the Clerk of the Town of Seward. Alaska. under the authority of and by directio~ of the Common Council of .the Town of Seward, Alaska. i3 directed to sell the property described in said Order of Sale. or su much thereof as on the date of the sale hereinafter described shall be found unpaid as to tax. penalty. interest and costs on each specific tract in the manner provided by law. Second: That the Clerk of the Town of Seward. Alaska. shall cause to be ~lle and gi ven due and eufficient notice of sale by publication thereof one e H week. for four successive weeks in the Seward Gateway. a newspaper of general circulation published in said Town of Seward. A~aska. which said newspaper 1s hereby designated for such purposer by this Common Council. -! I I J \ \ MinutE's of Meeting lJee-ember' 5th, Continued from Page 386. 38? I. Third: That the sale of the real property listed upon the del inouent Tax Roll 0 f the TOWIl_ of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1920, to satisfy and discharge the lien of unpaid tax penalty, interest and costs upon the several and spe~ific tracts described, be had at public auction at the Town Hall at Seward, Alaska, on the 12th day of January, 1922, betwef'n the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and ~our o'c10ck in the afternoon of said day, and in case said tax sale is not concluded on said day aforesaid, then the same shall continue from day to day thereafter, over Sundays and Holidays, until the property subject to tax sale and in said notice of sale contained, is disposed of. ~ourth: That each tract upon the delinquent tax roll of the Town of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1920, be sold separately, be offered for the amount of the tax, penalty. interest and costs due thereon, and if sufficient is not bid to satisfy the amount due on the same, as aforesaid, suon specific tr~ct shall be bid in by the said Municipal Clerk of the Town of Seward. for and on behalf of said Municipality, for the amount of the tax, penalty, interest and costs, making proper notation upon said delinquent tax roll. (Signed) F.L.Heastan IlTlerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska. APPROVED: (Signed) John Noon Mayor of Seward, Aleska. I First Reading: Dec. 5th, 1921. Second Reading. Dec. 5th, 1921. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 5th day of December, 1921. Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by Councilman Adelman, moved that the rules be suspended, that the first reading of the Resolution be considered as the second reading, and that it be read for a third reading by title only, and under the suspension of the rules, and that the Resolution be placed upon its passage. At the call of the roll, all members present voted "Aye". Motion carried. Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by Councilman Paulsen, moved .that the Resolution be again read for its final passage. The Resolution was then read by ti tIe, "Delinquent Tax Sale Resolu- tion- 1920". All members present voted "Aye" and motion carried. Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by Councilman Krefting, moved that the Resolution be adopted as read, and at the call of the roll, all members present voted "Aye." Motion carried. I The matter of the Seward General Hospital again came up for attention, Dr. Romig requesting that the matter be determined at an early date. After a general discussion, Councilman Krefting, seconded by Councilman Ellsworth, moved that the Mayor be ap- pointed a Committee of One to take up the matter with the City At#orney, requesting him to draft an amendment to the Health Ordinance empowering the Health Officers to accept Dr. Romig's proposition, and present such acceptance at the next regular meeting of the Council. At the call of the roll, all members present voted "Aye" and the motion carried. The question of the purchase of a stove for use in the Fire Hall came up for diLcussion. Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by Councilman Paulsen, moved that the Mayor appoint a Committee of Two to purchase a coal stove for the city of Seward; whereupon the Mayor appointed the ?inance Committee -to make such purchase. t:) ,- " ---.; --.. "-<' , , ' Minutes of meeting. Dec.5th. Continued from Page 387 ____I There being no further business, upon motion of Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by Councilman Adelman, the Council adjourned until the next regul~r' meeting. ;~~otVhry~ ., ~ /, . . ~ Mun cipa er. --. \ c-,0< C"\C'J ,- Minutes of Meeting of the Seward City Counoil, Deoember 19th, 1921 I The meeting was oalled to order by Mayor Noon, all members being present exoept Councilmen Orlander and Teoklenburg. The minutes of the regular meeting of Deoember 5th were read. At the oall of the roll, all members present voted "ayeW and minutes were approved and adopted. The olaim of the Bank of Seward, for .30.00, rent for month of November, 1921, after being OKd by the Finanoe Committee, was read. Counoilman Krefting, seoonded by Counoilman Adelman, moved that the bill be allowed and a warrant drawn for the payment of same. At the call of the roll, all members present voted "ayeW and motion oarried., A oommunioation was read, from the San Juan Fishing & Packing Co., requesting that the matter of refund of personal property taxes be aoted upon, and upon motion of Counoilman Ellsworth, seoonded by Counoilman Adelman, the ...ttel' .... 1'IIte:red::1II0 under the head of wNew Business. W The matter of overcharge on Sidewalk Assessment was submitted by Counoilman Krefting. Counoilman Ellsworth, seconded by Counoilman Adelman, moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to learn what could be done regarding refunding overcharge on suoh assessment. At the oall of the roll, all-members present., voted Wayew. Motion oarri ed. I The City Treasurer submitted the following detail supporting figures furnished at the meeting of the City Counoil Deoember 5th, 1921: WBalance in Treasury, Nov. Ist............5546.06 Reoeipts for month of November.......... 8810.76 Total...,. ....... ..., ..14356.83 Warrants issued for month of Nov........3566. 63 10,790. 19 Seward $10691.65 98.54 10790.19 Respeotfully submitted b~ (Signed) Hugh Dougherty." Deposited Bank of Cash on Hand 1 A R~solution was read b3. the City Clerk as follows: Resolution~mpowering Health Orfioers to enter \nto Contracts, "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA: That, pursuant to the authority vested in the Common Counoil by Congressional enaotment, to provide for the health, lives and well-being of the oitizens of the community, the Board of Health of Seward, Alaska, oonsisting o~ the Mayor, Chief of Police and Health Offioer, is hereby authorized in the disoretion of said Board of Health to enter into, for and on behalf of the Town of Seward, and in its name, any oontraot or agreement with any hospi~al looated or conduoted in said town, to oare for the sick inheedy oiroumstanoes of the oommunity, upon suoh terms and oonditions as to said Board of Health shall seem most suitable and neoessary. Passed under suspension of the rules this 19th day of Deoember, 1921. {Signed) F.L.Heastan Munioipal Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska. APPROVED; Dated, Seward, Alaska, Deoember 19th, 1921. (Signed) John Noon ~AYOR. ofSen.rd~,.U...ska. First reading, 12-19-21 Seoond reading, 12-19-21. ~_.- ~r':1 , ... -, .>' ~f I. j .........,......,., ......." Minutes of Meeting, Deo. 19th, 1921, Continued from Page 388. Counoilman Ellsworth, seoonded by Counoilman Adelman, moved that the rules be suspended, that the first reading of the Resolution be oonsidered as the seoojd reading, and that it be r.ad for a third time by title only, and, under the euspension of the rules, and that the Resolution be plaoed upon its passage. At the call of the roll, all members present, .oted WAye", and motion oarried. Counoilman Ellsworth, seoonded by Counoilman Adelman, moved that the Resolution be again r8~ for its final passage. The Resolution was then read by title: -Resolution Empowering the Health Offioers to Enter into Contraots-. At the oall of the roll, all members present voted WAye. and motion oarried. J I I Counoilman Ellsworth, seoonded by Councilman Adel- man, moved that the Resolution be adopted as read, and at the call of the roll, all members present voted -Aye." Motion oarried. The Committee appointed to purohase a stove for the Fire Hall. reported that suoh purohase bad been made, and were duly disoharged. The request of the San JUan Fishing and Paoking Co. then oame up for discussion, regarding refunding of personal property taxes as agreed upon by the Board of Equalization whioh sat during August, 1921. Counoilman Ellsworth, seoonded by Counoilman Paulsen, moved that the oommunioation from the San Juan Company be held over until the next regular meeting. At the oall of the roll, all members present voted -aye". and motion oarried. .If lp.provaJ,. was ~ tor permit; dated..'Deo.,1f)-1931, isst.4 &1~I>to Harry Yago for exoavation of oellar. J i " There being no further business. upon motion of Counoilman Ellsworth, seoonded by Counoilman Paulson, the Counoil adjourned until the next regular meeting. /H;~ ~~ o ~kd'''-'1 Kunioipal Clerk. -I \ \,