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Minutes of Regular Meeting of Seward City Counoil, Jan. 2nd, 1922
On aooount of Legal Holiday, the meeting was adjourned
until January 3rd, 1922.
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Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of Seward City Council,
January 3rd, 1922.
The meeting was oalled to order at 8. P.M.. by Mayor Noon,
all members being present exoept Counoilman Orlander. The
minutes of the regular meeting of Dec. 19th, and of Jan. 2nd.,
were read, and at the oall of the roll, all members present
voting -aye-,were approved and adopted.
The olaims and salaries, after being OKed by the Finanoe
Committee, were read as follows: .
F. L. Heastan, Clerk,
F. L. Heastan, Magistrate,
Hugh Dougherty, Treasurer,
Robert Guest, Fire Chief,
Robert Guest, Chief of Pol.
Wm. Fairman, Night Watoh.
Dr. J.A.Baughman. H. Ofo.
L.V.Ray, Legal Adviser,
Robert Ouest. Fire Roll,
Bank of Seward, Rent. $30.00
Dan.J.Corooran, Recorder 2.8
Borgen Grooery (P.T.Shaw) 6.6
Seward Com. Co. 9.0
Seward Drug Co. 2.0
Curtis Morford, 15.0
Seward L. & P.Co. 159.1
_ - - - " 9.5
Gateway Pub. Co. 556.7
Seward Water & Power Co.112.5
City Express 2.0
Curtis Morford, 1.5
Martin Lanning, Watchman, 18.00
Al. Peel, B 18.00
Alex Bolan, B 18.00
Jack Bolan. - 18.00
Counoilman Ellsworth, seconded by Councilman Paulsen, moved
that the olaims be alldwed as read, and the Clerk be instruoted
to draw warrants for the payment of same. At the call of the
roll, all members present voted Baye-, and motion oarried.
A report from the City Treasurer was read, as follows:
-Seward, Alaska, January 2-1922
To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Seward:
The following is a correot statement of the Treasurer's Offioe
tOr the month of December, 1921:
Balanoe Dec. 1, 1921,
Reoeipts for the Month
of Deoember........
Warrants Issued for
Month of December.......
Balanoe on Hand Deo. 31-1921 11,220.68
On Deposit Bank Seward $11,121.64
Cash on Hand 99.04
'11, 220. 68
Respeotfully submitted by
Treasurer, Town of Seward.-
It wa. ~d by Counoilman .ll'.o~th+~ seoonded by Counoil-
man ~~.tttng, that the Treasurer's Report be aooepted as read.
At the oall of the roll, all members present voted -ayeB and
motion oarried.
A communioation, signed by John Book, was read. with
referenoe to his request that he be advised of the amount re-
quired to redeem taxes on Lots 36 and 37, Laubner Addition to
Seward, from the year 1917 to date. Title to these lots
having passed to the Vity of Seward by reason of delinquent tax
sale November 10th, 1921, and Mr. Book so advised, Counoilman
Ellsworth, moved. seoonded by Councilman Krefting, that the
oommunication be plaoed on file.
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Minutes of Adjourned Meeting- Jan. 3rd-l922.
Continued from Page 393
A oommunioation from L. V. Ray was read, referring to the
matter of Tax Deeds whioh should be issued to the City of
Seward and holders of oertifioates of purohase for delinquent
taxes for the year 1918, and reoommending that printed
blanks be had for suoh purpose. Counoilman Ellsworth,
seoonded by Counoilman Krefting, moved that 500 of suoh
blanks be printed and the Clerk instruoted to have same
printed. At the oall of the roll, all members present voted
"aye", and motion oarried.
A oommunioation from L.V.Ray was read, referring to the
faot that he bad aoted for the past two months on behalf of
Mr. H. L. Smith, City Attorney, during the latter's absenoe
Outside on aocount of illness, and suggesting that suoh
arrangment should now terminate. as far as Mr. Smith is oonoerD~,
and offering his servioes for the next three months, until
the next City eleotion. for 150.00 per month, with the under-
standing, however, that should Mr. Smith return and the younoil
so desires, Mr. Smith may resume his duties as City Attoiftey,
and the agreement with Mr. Ray shall terminate. Counoilman
Ellsworth, seoonded by Councilman Paulsen, moved that Mr. L. V.
Ray be appointed City Attorney for the Town of Seward during
Mr. Smith&s absenoe, or to fill out his unexpired term of
three months. At the call ot the roll. all members present
voted "aye" and motion oarried.
A oommunioation was read, signed by L. V. Ray, suggesting
that on aooount of the vast amount of detail work required
in oonneotion with the payment of oertain 1918 delinquent
taxes, the olerioal assistanoe re~uired by the emergenoy be
oompen.ated, and that the sum of 175.00 be paid for suoh
servioes. Counoilman Krefting, seoonded by Councilman
Ellsworth, moved that the stipulated sum be allowed for suoh
servioe. At the oall of the roll, all members present
voted "aye" and motion oarried.
A oommunioation was read, signed by L.V.Ray, oalling
attention to the reoords of delinquent taxes as now kept,
and suggesting the purohase of a suitable delinquent tax
reoord book, same to be properly bound and have printed the
various headings neoessary, and that immediate aotion be taken
in the matter. Counoilman Paulsen, seoonded by Counoilman
Krefting, moved that Mr. Ray. aoting City Attorney. be in-
struoted to seoure the figures upon the oost of an adequate
and proper tax roll, and report baok to the Counoil. At
. the oall of the roll, all members present voted "aye" and
motion oarried.
A oommunioation was read, signed by Chas. A. Teoklenburg,
requesting that he be relieved of the duties of President
Pro Tempore of the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, he
to oontinue. however, as a member of the Counoil for the perioe
for whioh he was eleoted. Counoilman Ellsworth, seoonded by
Counoilman Paulsen, moved that Mr. Teoklenburg's resignation
as President of the Counoil be acoepted, and at the oall of
the roll, all members present voting "aye" motion oarried.
Thereupon, Counoilman Krefting, seoonded by Counoilman Adel-
man, moved t hat Mr. H. E. Ellsworth be nominated as
President pro tem of the Counoil. All members present
voting "aye", the motion oarried, and Councilman Krefting,
seoonded by Counoilman Paulsen, moved that the nomination be
olosed. Counoilman Krefting, seconded by Counoilman Paulsen,
moved that the Clerk cast a unanimous ballot in favor of H. E.
Ellsworth for President Pro Tem of the Counoil, and the ballot
having been duly oast. the Mayor deolared H. E. Ellsworth
President Pro Tempore of the Council
The oommunioation from the San Juan Fishing & Paoking Co., of
Deo. 19th, 1921, was again read, referring to refund of taxes,
and upon motion of Councilman Paulsen, seoonded by Counoilman
Ellsworth, same was ordered to be plaoed on file. At the
call of the roll, all members present voted "aye", and motion
Minutes of Adjourned Meeting- Jan. 3rd-1922
Continued from Page 394.
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The matter of overoharge on Sidewalk Assessment then oame
up for discussion, City Attorney L.V.Ray stating that eaoh
tax payer should pay the full amount assessed and a warrant
i.sued for the balanoe of the exoess charge to eaoh individual.
Counoilman Ellsworth, seoonded by Counoilman Krefting, moved that
the Clerk be instruoted to draw a warrant for the differenoe
between amount assessed and amount which should have been charged
for Sidewalk Assessment on Six lots on Fifth Avenue. At the
call of the roll, all members present voted "aye" and motion
Counoilman Krefting, seoonded by Counoilman Paulsen, moved
that the Town Marshal be instruoted to insert a notioe in the
press oalling attention to the Ordinanoe against driving teams
aoross sidewalks, and warning drivers that suoh Ordinanoe will
be enforoed and drivers fined if violating same. kt the call of
the roll, all members present voted "aye" and motion oarried.
Matters pertaining to the Cemetery reoords, appointment of
Sexton, and care of oemetery, oame up for disoussion, and
Counoilman Paulsen, seoonded by Councilman Ellsworths, moved
that a speoial oommittee of two be appointed to take oharge of
Cemetery matters, inoluding the searoh for missing reoords,
and report baok at the next meeting of the Counoil. At the
call of the roll, all members present voted "aye" and motion
oarried. Thereupon, Mayor Noon appointed Councilmen Paulsen
and Ellsworth, a oommittee of two, to aot in the matter.
A general disoussion followed relative to the matter of
trouble in the Town of Seward with outside shipment of un-
desirable persons, and numerous instanoes of burglaries, eto'J
Qtty Attorney Ray requesting the appointment of a "plaifteolotnes
man to aid in the attempt to bring guilty parties to justioe,
and reoommending that Mr. George DeBelbas be appointed as suoh
detective for the period of one month, at a salary of $200.00
per month. Counoilman Paulsen, seconded by Councilman Ells-
worth, moved that the City employ Mr.DeBelbw.as a "plain-
olothes" man for one month at $200. At the call of the roll, all
members present voted "aye" and motion oarried. Mr. Ray was
instruoted by Mayor Noon to notify Mr. George DeBelbas
of suoh appointment.
The resignation of Mayor John Noon was read, and Counoil-
man Ellsworth took the ohair. Councilman Krefting, seoonded
by Councilman Paulsen, moved that the Mayor's resignation be
aooepted, to take effeot January 6th, 1923, and that it be
spread upon the minutes of the meeting of this Counoil ex-
pressions of best wishes and appreoiation of Mr. Noon's labors
performed while aoting as Mayor of the Town of Seward. At
the oall of the roll, all members present voted "aye" and
motion oarried.
There being no further business, Counoilman Paulsen,
seoonded by Councilman Ellsworth, moved that the meeting
adjourn until the next regular meeting. ~,
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Minutes of Regular Meeting of Seward City Council
held January 16th, 1922
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The meeting was aalled to order at 8 P.M., by Mayor
Ellsworth, all members being present exoept Counoilman Adelman.
The minutes of the adjourned meeting of January 3rd were
read, and at the oall of the roll, all members present voting
"aye", were approved and adopted.
A oommunioation was read, from Brown & Hawkins Corporation,
dated Jan. 13th, 1922, requesting issuanoe of a permit to
install a Sidewalk Gasoline Servioe Tank, the same to be
plaoed underground in front of its hardware store in the town
of Seward, the approximate oapaoity of proposed tank being
250 gallons. Councilman Orlander, seoonded by Counoilman
Paulsen, moved that the oommunioation be referred to the
Street and Fire Committee for further aotion. At the oall
of the roll, all members present voted "aye" and motion
A oommunioation was read, from Andrew J. Balliet, Attorney,
dated Seattle, Washington, Deoember 22nd, 1921, requesting
that the City Counoil take aotion in the matter of re-oonveying
by deed Lots 36 and 37 in Blook 6, Laubnerts Addition to Seward,
to Mrs. Eleanor Book upon the payment by her of amount due for
delinquent taxes, together with costs and interest and expense
of making such deed. Counoilman Orlander, seoonded by
Counoilman Krefting, moved that the oommunioation be referred to
the City Attorney for further advice. At the oall of the
roll, all members present voted "aye" and aotion oarried.
After a general disoussion of the matter of the request
of the San Juan Fishing & Packing Company for refund of taxes,
Councilman Orlander, seoonded by Counoilman Paulsen, moved
that the City Clerk be instruoted to draw a warrant remitting
one-half of the taxes to the San Juan Company as assessed for
1921. At the oall of the roll, all members present voted
"Aye" and motion oarried.
There being no further business before the Counoil, it was
regularly moved by Counoilman Paulsen, and seoonded by Counoil-
man Orlander, that the Counoil adjourn until the next regular
Municipal Clerk.
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Seward City Council,
Held February 6th, 1922.
The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M., by Mayor
Ellsworth, all members being present except Councilman Adel-
The minutes of the meeting of January 16th, 1922, were
read, and, at the call of the roll all members present voting
"aye", were approved and adopted.
Claims and salaries, after being OK'd by the Finance Com-
mittee, were read, as follows:
F.L.Heastan, Clerk,
F.L.Heastan, Magistrate,
Hugh Dougherty, Treasurer,
Robert Guest, Fire Chief,
Robert Guest, Chf. POlioe,
Wm.Fairman, Night Wacth,
Dr.J.A.Baughman, H.O.
L.V.Ray, City Atty.,
George DeBelbras, Detecti.e,
John Johnson, work on walks
Robert Guest, Fire Roll,
Bank of Seward, Rent,
$ 60.00
Curtis Morford, $
Seward L. & P.Co.
" " " ""
Seward Water & P,Co.
City Express
Alaska Transfer
Seward Drug Co.
Martin Lanning
Alex Bolan
112. 50
Counoilman Krefting, seconded by Councilman Paulsen,
moved t hat the bills be allowed as read and warrants drawn
for the payment of same. At the call of the roll, all members
present voted "aye", and motion carried.
The following claims, after being OK'd by the Finanoe
Committee, were also read:
Seward Ga. teway ,
Gus Borgen,
Charles Crawford,
Motion was made by Counoilman Krefting, and seoonded
by Counoilman Paulsen, that these olaims be also allowed as
read, and warrants drawn for payment of same. At the call
of the roll, all members present voting "aye", the motion
A oommunication was read from the Seward School Board,
transmitting check in the amount of $755.00, being amount
overdrawn from City's quota of school expenses. Councilman
Orlander, seconded by Councilman Krefting, moved t hat the
cheok be aocepted and turned over to the City Treasurer.
At the call of the roll, all members v~ting "aye", motion
A further oommunioation from the Seward Sohool Board
was read, requesting an advanoe of $1200., to pay salaries
and expenses, until the reoeipt of the Territorial fund about
the latter par~ of Maroh, or the first of April, at which
time this advance would be returned to the oi ty. Councilman
Orlander, seoonded by Counoilman Krefting, moved that the
request be granted and the Sohool Board loaned $1200. At the
oall of the roll, all members present voted "aye" and motion
A report from the City Treasurer was then read, as follows
"Seward, Alaska, Feb. 1, 1922
To the Mayor and Common Counoil of the town of Seward, Alaska.
The following is a oorreot statement of the Treasurer's
offioe for the month of January, 1922:
Minutes of meeting, Ieb.6-1922
Continued from Page 399
Balanoe in Treasury January 1-192a,
Reoeipts for the month of January
Warrants issued during month of Jan.,
Balance in Treasury Jan. 31-1922
On Deposit in Bank of Seward $9,975.43
Cash on Hand 99.04
Respeotfully submitted by
(Signed) Hugh Dougherty
Treasurer Town le.~J4
Counoilman Orlander, 8eoonded by aeus.~ Paul.tu? mov 4
that the Treasurer's report be aooepted as read and filed.
At the oall of the roll, all members present voted "aye" amd
motion oarried.
A oommunioation from the Se~ard ~olunteer Fire Depart-
ment was read, requesting the city to purohase supplies,
cpnsisting of blacksmith's forge, tools, etc., as per list
attaohed to communioation, these articles being required to
enable the city to make ita own repairs. The oommunioation
was referred to the Fire Committee, Councilman Orlander,
seoonded by Councilman Krefting, making a motion that the
Fire Committee take up the matter and report baok to the Coun
cil at the next meeting. At the call of the roll, all
members present voting "aye", motion oarried.
Counoilman Krefting, seconded by Councilman Orlander,
moved that a permit be granted to Brown & Hawkins for the
installation of a gasoline servioe tank, as requested in
their applioation of January 13th. At the oall of the roll,
all members present voting "aye", motion carried, and the
Mayor instruoted the Clerk to issue suo) permit, with the
speoifio understanding that the same be subjeot to the
supervision of the Street Committee and in aooordance with
the regulations relative to suoh stations as required by the
Board of Fire Underwriters of the Paoific.
A oommunication was read from L. V. Ray, City Attorney
referring to the request of Andrew J. Balliet, Attorney for
Mrs. Eleanor Book, for the conveyanoe by the oity to Mrs.
Bock of Lots 36 and 37, Blook 6, Laubner's Addition, Mr.
Ray advising that the Mayor and Clerk issue a deed to Mrs.
Book for suoh property upon the payment by her of delinquent
taxes, penalties, oosts of sale, and $10. for preparation of
tax deed. Counoilman Orlander, seoonded by Councilman Kreft ng
moved that suoh deed be made, and at the oall of the roll,
all members present voting "aye", motion oarried.
Councilman Paulsen, following a general disoussion
regarding sanitary oonditions of publio plaoes in the town
of Seward, made a motion, seoonded by Councilman Orlander,
that the Health Department be instructed to make an inspeotiol
of the schools, meat marktts, moving pioture shows, restuar-
ants, and other public plaoes, and investigate the 8anitary ~
oonditions of suoh plaoes, reporting back to the Counoil at
its next regular meeting. At t he call of the roll, all
members present voted "aye", and motion oarried.
Counoilman Krefting oa11ed the attention of the
Counoil to the case of a man named Long, an indigent, being
cared for by the Red Cr08s, and suggested that the oity
should look into the matter. Following a general dis-
cussion, Mayor EllsWorth instructed the Health Committee,
to apply to Judge Ritohie for relief for suoh case from
the Territorial Fund available for that purp08e, Judge
Ritchie being expeoted to arrive in Seward within a few days.
Minutes of Meeting "b.6-22
Continued from Page 400
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Mayor Ellsworth stated to the Council that he had ordered
oertain sidewalks oleaned of ioe and snow, the oity paying
for such service, but that bills should be sent to the property
owners, namely, Skagge, Hale and Allen, for labor performed.
Councilman Orlander, seoonded by Councilman Krefting, moved
that the Clerk send statement to such property owners, advising
them to the effeot that if suoh bills are not paid, the amounts
will be assessed against the property. At the oall of the
roll, all members present voted "aye" and motion oarried.
A general disoussion following, regarding the Glaoier
Stream Memorial, which memorial was passed by the Legislature
for government attention in the oontrol of the glazier stream.
Nothing further having been heard in the matter, the Mayor
suggested that communication be had with Delegate Sutherland
urging that the matter be given attention. Counoilman
Krefting, seoonded by CouncilmanOrlander, moved that the
Mayor oable Mr. Sutherland to learn the present status of
the matter. At the call of the roll, all members present
voted "aye" and motion oarried.
Chief Robert Guest reported that he had taken possession
of a horse running loose on the streets and unoared for, and
had notified the owner that unless the animal was claimed and
oosts paid for oare of same, it would be sold in aocordanoe
with the City ordinanoe.
Chief Guest made a report on the water oondition, and
stated that 25 pounds was the lowest pressure at eight
o'clook the previous evening, and on the 17th, five pounds was
the lowest. Counoilman Paulsen, seoonded by Counoilman
Krefting, moved that the report be aocepted and spread upon
the minutes of the meeting. At the oall of the roll, all
members present voted "Aye". Mayor Ellsworth then instruoted
the Water Committee to wait upon the Seward Water & Power Com-
pany and learn the reasons for inwufficient water pressure,
reporting baok at the next meeting of the Counoil.
A general disoussion followed regarding oompensation for
olerk hire for Registration Clerk, and Counoilman Orlander,
seoonded by Councilman Paulsen, moved that the sum of $75.00
be allowed the Registration Clerk for periOd of registration.
At the oall of the roll, all members present voted "aye" and
motion oarried.
There being no further business, upon motion of Counoilman
Orlander, seoonded by Councilman Paulsen, the meeting adjourned.
Ij n "
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held February 20th, 1922.
The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M., by Mayor Ells-
worth, all members being present exoept Counoilman Teoklenberg.
The minutes of the meeting of February 6th, 1922, were
read and approved.
The following cablegram was read:
"Washington, D.C., Feb. 8-
Aoting Mayor. Seward.
Have just introduced Resolution authorizing the Seoretary of War
to expend one hundred thousand dollars on Lowlll Creek based on
report Colonel Steese and Colonel Mears.
Delegate from Alaska."
Counoilman Krefting, seconded by CoUncilman Orlander, move
that the oommunioation be aocepted and plaoed on file. All
members present voting "aye", motion oarried. and it was so
Dr. J. A. Baughman, Health nffioer, reported to the
Council that he had inspected all publio plaoee in the town,
including meat markets, schools, theaters, restuarants, eto.,
and had found sanitary oonditions, in general, to be goodj
that he had issued instruotions regarding a few minor improve-
ments, and made suggestions as to disposition of ashes and
garbage. After a general discussion of the subject, Counoil-
man Krefting, seconded by Councilman Adelman, moved that the
report of the Health Officer be aocepted, and all members pres-
ent voting "aye", the motion oarried.
A olaim of J.B.Slater, for 4 hours work, at 75t an hour,
repairing sidewalk during month of September, 1921, and whioh
claim had been overlooked, was allowed, and Councilman Krefting,
seoonded by Councilman Paulsen, moved that a warrant be issued
in payment of same. At the oall of the roll, all members pres-
ent voted "aye", and motion oarried.
The Clerk asked the Council for instruotions with refer-
ence to incomplete entries on the 1918, 1919 and 1920 Delinquent
Tax Rolls, and after a general discussion of the matter, the
following was ordered:
That Lots 16, 17, 18 and 20, in Block 16, Seward, assessed
in the name of Alaska Northern Railway Company, be marked
"Exempt, United States Property."
Also, that Lots 10 and 11, Blook 8, assessed in name of
U. S. Cable Offioe, and shown on 1920 Roll as deliQuent, be
marked "Exempt, United States Property."
Upon motion of Councilman Orlander, seoonded by Councilman
Krefting, it was moved that personal property taxes for the year
1918, assessed to the following pereons, in the following
amounts, and whioh have become delinsuent, be strioken from the
roll, viz., Charles Johnson, amount $6.52, R. W. Johnston,
$2.87, Henry Schwarzer, et als., $14.68, B. R. Van Deusen, $9.23
F.E.Wooley, $2.87, and Estate of Chas. H.Wiley, $3.80. At the
call of the roll, all members present voting "aye" motion car-
ried, and it was 60 ordered.
After a general discussion of the matter of delinquent
personal property taxes for the year 1920, it was moved by
Councilman Paulsen, and seoonded by Counoilman Orlander, that
the following taxes be stricken from the roll, viz., D.M.Burley,
amount $5.05, L.C.Bates, $5.05, Thos. Bradshaw, '3.53, L. E.
Thompson, $4.28. At the oall of the roll, all members present
voted "aye", and motion oarried; and it was 60 ordered.
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Eontinued from Page ~3
The Clerk was instruoted to send further notioe to suoh peJ-
sons whose names are still on the Delinquent Personal Property
Tax List for 1920.
The Water Committee reported an interview with the Seward
Water & Power Company, regarding the water situation, and that
Mr. Hoben had explained -that low p~ssure was due to freeze-up
in pipes. Report of the Committee was aooepted and plaoed on
A general disoussion followed with referenoe to the re-
quest of February 3rd, 1922, of the Seward Volunteer Fire
Department for oertain tools and supplies needed, and Councilmar
Krefting moved that the Fire Department be allowed the sum of
$150.00 for the purohase of suoh tool.. There being no seoond
to this motion, the Mayor deolared same lost; whereupon Counoil-
man Paulsen, seoonded by Counoilman Orlander, moved that the
matter be laid on the table until the next meeting of the Coun-
cil. At the oall of the roll, all members present voting "aye",
motion oarried.
A general discussion was had with reference to the matter
of pU8~ioity for the Town of Seward and aiding the Chamber of
Comme~ in its work along this line, and in this respeoting ap-
propriating city funds for this purpose. Counoilman Krefting,
seconded by Counoilman Paulsen, moved that the Mayor appoint a
publicity oommittee to attend the meeting of the Chamber of
Commeroe on February 2tst, and that the committee be empowered
to donate $50.00 from the city funds to the Chamber of Commeroe
At the call of the roll, allaembers present voting "aye", the
motion oarried. Thereupon "~I~i~llsworth appointed Council-
men Orlander and Adelman as a Publicity Committe to attend suoh
Mayor Ellsworth requested the Counoil to reoonsider the
matter of supplies needed by the Seward Volunteer Fire Departpert
as shown on list accompanying its oommunication, suggesting the
elimination of the oord oasing~sked for. Counoilman Orlander,
seconded by Counoilman Adelman, moved that the Fire Committee be
instruoted to purchase tools requested by the Fire Depaetment,
as listed, with the exoeption of the oasing. At the call of tle
roll, all members present voted "aye" and motion oarried.
Chief of Polioe Guest stated that the horse whioh he re-
ported having impounded, had been sold for $7.00, to its
former owner. .
There being no further business, on motion of Councilman
Paulsen, seoonded by Councilman Orlander, the Council adjourned
until its next regular meeting.
Munioipal Clerk.
Minutes of Special Meeting of Seward
Council, Held February 27-1922.
. t ~~
The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M., by Mayor
Ellsworth, all members being present.
The meeting was called for the purpose of dis-
cussing the matter of tax on freight ooming over the Seward
dock. Mr. L. V. Ray, City Attorney, presented the matter
to the Council, stating, in substance, that the freight tax
had never been collected on the tonnage over this dock, and
that such taxes, now amounting to a sum sufficient probably
to take care of the maintenance of the Glacier Stream, was
due the city, and an attempt should be made to colleot
Mr. Ray proposed that he make a trip to Washington,
D.C., and present such facts and data relative to the appro-
priation for the Glaoier Stream, and appear before the
proper departments, or bring suit in the Court of Claims,
for the recovery of the amount now due for such tax on
freight. He stated that now is the most favorable time to
present the tax matter while the Glacier Stream Resolution
is being considered in Washington, as a showing that a large
sum of money was due the Town of Seward for tax on tonnage
over the dook might have some effect upon the granting of
an appropriation for the Glacier Stream. He also stated
that Seoretary Fall was anxious to assist in Alaskan
matters, if such matters were presented with construotive
plans for improvement.
Mr. Ray stated to the Council that he would expeot
the city to bear a portion of the expense of such a trip,
and would enter into a contraot for a percentage of the
amount reoovered.
Mr. Ray further stated that he had wired to
Delegate Sutherland, asking him if he thought favorable
results would follow a trip to Washington to present these
matters to the proper departments, and that no action couli
be taken until word was reoeived from Mr. Sutherland. If
his answer were unfavorable, such a trip would not be necess-
Mayor Ellsworth then instructed the Council that
the matter should be considered while waiting Mr. Suther-
land's reply, and taken up at the next regular meeting, or
a speoial meeting oalled for that purpose.
There being
Orlander, seoonded by
meeting adjourn.
no further business, Counoilman
Councilman Paulsen, moved that the
Munioipal Clerk
; 1 ~. .'
~ ~ {
Kinutes of Regular Meeting of Seward City
Counoil. Held March 6th, 1922.
The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M., by
Mayor Ellsworth, all members being present with the ex-
ception of Councilman Tecklenberg.
The minutes of the regular meeting of February 20th,
were read, and at the call of the roll, all members p~es-
ent voting "aye", were approved and adopted. The minutes
of the speoial meeting of February 27th, also, were read,
and at the call of the roll, all members pres~nt. voting'
"aye", and same were approved and adopted.
The claims and salaries, after being OKed by the
Finance Committee, were read as follows:
F.L.Heastan, Clerk $60.00 U.S.Cable Office $
F.L.Heastan, Magistrate, 8.33 J.L.Graef, tools eto
Hugh Dougherty, Treas., 50.00 Robert Guest, Spcl.
Robert Guest, Fire Chief, 100 00 fire roll, 2-17 ,
Robert Guest, Chief of POl. 100'00 M.Lanning, N.Watch.
W F N W t h 150'.00 Alex Bol~n " n
m. airman, . a c . J P 1
D J A B ~-- H Ith 0 50 00 ames au son " "
r. . . aug!~n, ea . . J k B N W
L.V.Ray, City Atty. 50.00 Fac MOlan, . atoh
Robert Ouest, Fire Roll, 20.00 rank ayers, labor
Alaska Transfer, Board 15.00 San Juan Fishing &
City Express, Garbage, F.H 1.00 Paok.Co. Piling
Seward L. & P.Co. Phones 9.50 Seward Daily Gate-
Seward Water & Power Co. Water way, Print., eto.
for Feb., 112.50
Bank of Seward, Rent 30.00
Curtis Morford, Rent entre 5.00
Seward L.&.P.Co. St. lights 141.45
Councilman Paulson, seconded by Councilman Krefting,
moved that the olaims be allowed as read, and the Clerk in-
struoted to draw warrants for the payment of same. At the
oall of the roll, all members present voted "aye", and
motion oarried.
A communication was read from Dan J. Corooran, making
applioation for the appointment of School Tax Collector for
the year 1922. Counoilman Krefting, seconded by Councilman
Adelman, moved that the oommunication be taken up later under
the head of new business. All members present voting "aye"
motion carried.
A report from the City Treasurer was read, as follows:
"Seward, Alaska, Mar. 1st, 1922.
To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council
of the town of Seward, Alaska.
Balance in treasury
Deposited in Bank of Seward, $8290.60
Cash on hand 99.04
. .$10,m74.47
Balanoe from last statement .... '...... ......
Receipts for the month of February
Warrants issued in month of February
Respeotfully submitted by
Yours sincerely,
Treasurer of the Town of
Councilman Orlander, seoonded by Counoilman Krefting,
moved that the Treasurer's report be aooepted as read, and
filed. At the call of the roll, all members present voted
"...,. r-,
A '.\"
. 1i .' "'^,
Minutes of meeting Mar. 6-1922.
Continued from Page 407.
"aye", and motion oarried.
The Sohool Committee, by Councilman Orlander, stated to
the Counoil that one of the teaohers in the Seward Schools,
Mrs. Don Carlos, had reported to him that she had not re-
oeived her February salary oheok; and Mayor Ellsworth instruot- ~
ed the Chairman of the Sohool Committee to suggest to Mrs.
Don Carlos that she make a demand to the Sohool Board for
her sa~ary oheck. and report baok to the Sohool Committee the
result of suoh demand, and further action could then be taken
by the School Committee.
The appointment of Judges
and primary elections oame up
ing nominations were made for
held April 4th, 192a:
and Clerks for the municipal
for attention, and the follow-
the munioipal eleotion ~o be
C 1 e r k .
Counoilman Paulsen, seoonded by Councilman Krefting,
moved that the nominations be olosed and the clerk instruoted
to oast a unanimous ballot for the nominations of the three
judges and two olerks named. All ~embers present voting
"aye", the motion oarried.
Nominations for JUdges and Clerks for Primary Eeotion to
be held April 25th, 1922, were as follows:
C 1 e r k .
~S. A. H. MoNEER
Counoilman Paulsen, seoonded by Counoilman Krefting, movec
that the nominations be closed and the olerk instructed to
oast a unanimous ballot for the three judges and two olerks
named. All members present voting "aye", motion oarried.
The application of Dan J. Corooran for the position of
Sohool Tax Collector for the year 1922, was again taken up.
Counoilman Krefting. seoonded by Counoilman Adelman, moved
that Mr. Corooran's a~~lioation be aooepted, and that he be
appOinted SchODl Tax Collector. Councilman Paulsen,
seoonded by Counoilman Orlander, moved that the aotion ap-
pointing Mr. Corcoran as Sohool Tax Collector be rescinded,
and that his application be placed on file. All ~embers
present voting "aye", motion oarried, and it was so ordered.
There being no further business before the meeting,
Counoilman Paulsen, seconded by Counoilman Krefting, moved
that the meeting adjourn.
?/;fvt.n?1;y ./.~-
MUnioipal Clerk.
/~ '. .") ( .
...;.... '~, "-~
Minutes of Regular meeting of Seward Council,
held Monday, March 20th, 1922.
The meeting was called to order at 8 PM, by Mayor
Ellsworth, all members being present except Councilman
The minutes of the regular meeting of March 6th, 1922,
were read. Councilman Orlander, seconded by Councilman
Krefting, moved that the same be approved and adopted as
read, and all members present voting "aye", motion carried.
Approval of the Council was had for building permit
issued to Wm. Patterson, for the erection of a garage on
the North half of Lot 38, in Block 9, same to comply with
the provisions of Seotion 26, of Ordinance No. 31, of the
Town of Seward.
Ordinance No. 75, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING A
YEAR 1922", was read for its first reading, as follows:
Section 1: That pursuant and in accordance
with the requirements of Chapter 29 of the
Session Laws of the Territory of Alaska for
the year 1919, entitled: "An Ao~ to Impose a
Tax upon lJale Persona in the Territory of
Alaska for Sohool Purposes, Providing Means
for its Collection, and Declaring an Emergency,"
as amended by Act of May 2, 1921, and by virtue
of the prOVisions in said Act contained,
DAN J. CORCORAN, a resident of said Town of
Seward, and a oitizen of the United States,
is hereby appointed and deolared to be
School Tax Colleotor for the Town of Seward,
Alaska; and, upon the qualification of said
person; in accordance with law, all provisions,
oonditions and requirements of said Act
shall be oarried out and enforced as by Law
regulated and required.
Seotion 2: An emergency is hereby declared,
and this Ordinance will take effeot from and
after its passage and approval.
RULES, THIS 20th DAY OF MARCH, A.D., 1922.
F. L. H e a s tan
C 1 e r k
H. E. Ellsworth
Acting Ma y 0 r .
F. L. Heastan
First Reading, 3-20-22
Second reading, 3-30-22
Councilman Paulsen, seoonded by Councilman Adelman,
moved that the rules be suspended, that the first reading og
the Ordinance be oonsidered as a second reading, and that it
be read for its third reading by title only, and placed upon
its passage. At the call of the roll, all members nresent
voted "aye", and motion carried. Ordinanoe No. 75 was then
read for its third reading by title only, and it was moved by
Councilman Krefting, seoonded by Councilman Paulsen, that the
rules be suspended and that the ordinance be adopted as read.
All members present voted "aye", and the Mayor declared the
O~dinanoe adopted as read.
I! " r'
Li,J i;
............. "'-"
Minutes of Meeting of March 20th, 1922.
Continued from Page 409.
The following was then read:
"RES"I.UTIO!J Authorizing Publication of Notice
of PRIMARY ELECTION, to be held APRIL 25th, 1922.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Counoil of the Town
of Seward, Alaska, that the Clerk of the Town of
Seward, Alaska, be, and he is hereby authorized and
directed to prepare, post and cause to be published,
in the form and manner required by law, a Notioe of
a General Primary Eleotion to be held throughout
the Territory of Alaska, on Tuesday, April 25th,
Adopted under suspension of the Rules, this 20th
day of March, 1922.
F. L. Heaetan
Municipal Clerk of the
Town of Seward, Alaska.
Approved: Seward, Alaska, March 20th, 1922.
Aoting 1myor, Town of
Seward, Alaska.
F. L. Heastan
First Reading: 3-20-22. "
Seoond Reading; 3-20-22.
Councilman Paulsen, seoonded by Councilman Adelman, moved that
the rules be suspended, and that the first reading of the
Resolution be considered a seoond reading, and that it be read
for its third reading by title only. At the call of the roll,
all members p resent voted "aye", and motion carried. The
Resolution was again read, for its third reading, by title
only, and Councilman Paulsen, seconded by Councilman Krefting,
moved that the Resolution be adopted as read. At the oall of
the roll, all members present voting "aye", the Mayor declared the
Resolution adopted.
Hugh Dougherty, Treasurer of the Town of Seward, reported
that he had aocepted a personal check of Manuel Oliver, in
~ayment of taxes on Lots 2l and 22, in Block 26, in amount of
$9.10, which check has been declared worthless, and asked the
Council to order the cancellation of Receipt No. 6764 for 1921
taxes, on the grounds of being paid by a worthless oheck.
Councilman Krefting, seconded by Councilman Orlander, moved
that Treasurer Reoeipt No. 6764 be cancelled,as requested by
Mr. Dougherty, and all members present voting "aye", the motio
Councilman Paulsen, for the School Committee, reported
that in the matter of refusal of the School Board to pay the
February salary check to Mrs. Don Carlos, one of the teachers,
Mrs. Perry, Secretary of the Sohool Board, had been interviewe ,
and had stated to I,Trs. Paulsen that there were plenty of funds
on hand but that t he School Board was not ready to pay Mrs.
Don Carlos. Mr. Aaron E. Rucler, attorney for Mrs. Don Carlo,
st~ted to the Council that demani had been made, on March 17th
1922, on the Treasurer of the Sohool Soard for suoh salary
oheck, but that the 'School Board, on ad~ice of its attorney,
absolutely refused to pay same.
Councilman Orlander, seoonded by Councilman Krefting,
Minutea of Meeting of March 20th, 1923,
Continued from Page 4l0.
.... J- _
moved that the report of the 2chool Committee, be accepted,
and, all members present voting "aye", motion carried, and it
was so ordered.
Mayor Ellsworth reported to the Council that conaid~rable
progress had been made with reference to the Lowell Creek
Memorial, now being considered for the granting of an appropria-
tion, stating that the officials at Washington, D.C., asked for
certain data and figures relating to the construction of the
project, which information had been furnished.
The matter of the controversy in the Se~ard schools
again came up for discussion, and Mayor Ellsworth instructed
the Sohool Comreittee to confer with the City Attorney, with
reference to the payment of Mrs. Don Carlos' salary and the
ac~ion of the School Board; and upon receiving advioe from
the City Attorney, the matter oould be disposed of, and, if
necessary, a speoial meeting of the Counoil would be called
for the purpose.
There being no further business, upon motion of
Councilman Paulsen, seoonded by Counoilman Orlander, the
meeting adjourned.
. Municipal Clerk.
Minutes of Special i,leeting of Seward Council,
Held Uarch 24th, 1922.
4",,' ,
~ ~..
l; r .)
...... .....u.
The meeting waS called to order at 8 P.M.. by Acting
i~ayor Ellsworth. all members being rresent with the ex-
ception of Councilman Adelman.
The meeting was called for the purpose of consider-
ing the resignations of members of the Seward School
The resignation of Clara Perry. as Clerk of the School
Board of the Town of Seward, was read. Councilman Teck-
lenberg. seconded by Councilman Krefting. moved that the
resignation of Mrs. Clara Perry be acoepted and placed on
file. At the call of the roll, all members present
voting "aye". the motion oarried. and it was so ordered;
Mrs. Perry to be notified of such acceptance.
The matter of the resignation of Meda H. She~lhorn.as
Treasurer of the Seward School Board, was then taken up, and
after a general disoussion of same. it was moved by Council-
man Paulsen, and seoonded by Counoilman Krefting. that the
resignation of Mrs. Meda H. Shellhorn be accepted to take
effect after the eleotion and qualification of the Chair-
man to be elected at the regular eleotion. April 4th, 1922.
At the call of the roll, all members present voted "aye",
and motion oarried.
Counoilman Krefting was excused at 8.30 P.M.
After a general discussion of matter pertaining to the
oontroversy in connection with the Seward Sohool Board. there
being no further business before the CounCil, Councilman
Paulaen. seconded by Councilman Orlander, moved that the
meeting adjourn.
?f(#d4IaL~ .
Municipal Clerk
)I. 1 r~
rUnutes of Hegl;lar :.reeting of Se'.varl !ji ty Council, ~..... ,;J
April 3rd, 1922.
The meeting was called to order at 8 PM., by Mayor
Ellsworth; all members being p~esent except Councilman
The minutes of the regJlar meeting of ~arch 20th, 1922,
were read; also, the minutes of the special meeting of
March 24th, 1922, and approved and adopted, all members
present voting "aye".
A cemmunioation was read from Lester D. Henderson,
Commissioner of Education for the Territory of Alaska,
referring to the situation in the Seward School, and
upon motion by Councilman Orle.nder, seoonded by Counoilman
Krefting, it was moved that the communication be placed on
file. All members voting "aye", ;~~otion carried.
A communication was read from the District Forester, at
Juneau, Alaska, referring to the petition of residents of
Seward and vicinity asking for the const~Jction of a road
up Resurrection River to KenaiRiver, thenne to Kenai.
Councilman Orlander, seconded by Councilman Paulsen, moved
that the letter be placed on file. All members voting "aye"
motion carried. '
A communioation was read from H.D.:'[artin, Chief Radioman,
USlJ, Seward, Alaska, end-orsing the movement to cut down
the hill on the city road between Seward and Porcupine. On
motion of Councilman Krefting, seconded by Councilman Paulsen,
it was movei that the communication be placed on file, and
all membere voting "aye", motion carried.
A oommunication was rea.i from ;{r. Gaston Hardy, relative
to the Lowell Creek Memorial, . and progres' reported by :~r.
Charles E. Brown. Councilman Paulsen, seco~ded by Council-
man Krefting, moved that the com:::unioation be filed, and
all members voting in the affirmative, it was so ordered.
A comrr.unication was read from ;:lr. F. B. Woods, referring
to the matter of the cemetery records, stating th~t such
reco'de had been turned over to 'Ir. C. A. Estes. Councilman
Paulsen, seconded by Councilman 0rlander, moved that a copy
of Mr. Woods' letter be sent to Mr. Estes, asking him for
information regarding the cemetery plat. All members
voting "aye" motion carried, and it was so ordered.
The Dond of Dan J. Corcoran, School Tax Collector for
the year 1938, was read. Councilman Kreftin~, seconded
by Councilman 0rlander, moved that the bond be accepted
ani 'one copy aen t to the Terri to rial Treas',E'er .i.t J1C: o?--'::'J,
and copy placed in the city's files. At the call of the
roll, all ll'embera present voted "aye", ani motion carried.
Councilman Orlander, seconded ')1r Councilman Paulsen,
moved that the permit issued ~'!arch al~cl, 1922, to C. F.
Shea for the removal of a builiing from Lot 11, Block 9,
to Lot 37 in Block 14, be approved, and all members present
voting "aye", motion carried.
Permit issued to Theodor P. Lorang, March 21~t,~ 1922
was ~lso approved, upon motion by Councilman Krefting,
seconded by Councilm3.n Paulsen,and all members voting "aye".
The matter o~ acceptanoe cf payment by Chas. Christiansen,
of $8.86, delinquent personal property tax for 1920 was
discus8e,1, ;l.nd Councilman Orlander, secon.ied by C01Jncilman
Paulsen, moved that acceptance of such payment be approved.
All members voting "aye", motion carried.
;~l i,.-"
~ ,i
- -
V-inutes of Meeting, April 3rd., 1922
(~ontinued from Page 115)
The claim of L. V. Ray, amount $31.50, for notary
fees on tax deeds to Town of Seward, was discussed, and
Councilman Krefting, seconde.i by Councilma.n Orlander, moved
that the claim be laid on the table until the next meeting.
All members present voting "aye", motion carried.
The following claims, having been OKed by the Finance
Committee, wer~ read:
F. L. Heaatan, Clerk, :060.00
F. L. Heastan, "~a3iatrate, 8.33
qugh Dougherty, Treas., 50.00
Robert Guest, Fire Chmef, 100.00
Robert Guest, Chf.Polioe, 100.00
Wm, Fairman, Hight Watch., 150~00,
Dr.J.A.Baughman, H.O., 50.00
L.V.Ray, City f.tty., 50.00
Robert Guest, Fire Roll
Curtis r:!orford, Rent
City Express,
J.L.Graef, Supplies
Bank of Seward, 30.00
F.L.Heastan 75.00
Ellsworth's, Supples 38.90
C.E.Orlander, Repair 3.00
Seward Gateway 34.50
Sewarl Drug Co. 5.75
Seward Water Co. 112.50
Seward L. & P.Co. 9.50
Sewarl Light ~ P.Co.135.6
Alaska Transfer 23.8
James Paulson 60.0
Jack Bolan 12.0
Harry Yago 20.3
Alex Bolan 18.0
Councilman Orlander, seconded by COllncilman Krefting,
moved that the olaims be allowed a3 read, and warrants drawn
for the paj~ent of same. At the call of the roll, all mem-
bers voting "aye", motion carried.
The question of the reoording of 42 Tax Deeds issued
to Town of SewarJ, came up for disoussion, and Councilman
Orlander, seconded by Councilman Krefting, moved that the
matter be r~ferred to the new counoil. All members voting
"aye", motion carried.
There being no further
Councilman Paulsen, seconde:i
meeting adjourned.
business, uron motion of
by Councilman Orlander, the
, bunicipal Clerk
;:inutes of ~::pecial ;:eeting of Seward Council,
April 5th, 1922.
4 -M &'...-~.~
I -l '/
-..... \.
The meeting was 8alled to order at ~ PI:!., by Mayor
Ellsworth, all merr.b~Ts being present exoept Councilman
The rr.eeting was callel in ac~orlance with Criinance
No. 44 of the To~n of Seward, for the purpose of canvassing
the vote of the :J1unicipal anl ~c1'ocJ "'l:::tic,", ':lell iC' t'\-\e
''':'own 9f Sewari, k: r] if · - -:,"l.f "'~~ ~~ C'~""-"'rl, Alaska, on the
4th lay of April, 1922, and the followin[ Resolution was read
by the Clerk.
"Wl'iEREA8, in accordance wi th')rJinance No. 44, of the
TOn~ of Sewari, Alaska, and notices given, an election was
held in the Town Hall of the said Town of Sewari, on the 4th
lay of April, 1923; and,
WH1i:REAS, in accordance with the certificate filed with
the ~unicipal Clerk by the Election offioers, the following
namei r~r3ons received the exact number of votes plaoed
opposite their names, for the offices as hereinafter stated
to-wi t:
For :i!ayor:
J. L. Graef
Sam N. Graff
For Councilman:
H. E. Ellsworth
Charles C. Cooper
John Helm
Charles Krefting
For :.lunioipal Treasurer:
Grace Corson
Sylvia Sexton
For Municipal Clerk:
Frances Root
Joe Badger
Graoe Brook
Curtis :'crfcri
For :!unicipal Attorney:
L. V. Ray
A. E. Rucker
Curtis )lor fod
Frank :;a.yers
For Chairman o~ School Board:
Hu.rold Painter,
Pete JOhnson
Cu."t't~~ '10rford
P. C. McHullen
vnrREAS, this Council h<;'i3 ::nJ.nvassej tn<.: ,:,~turns of
saLi Election:
NO~, TIffiREFORE, be it resolved by the Commo~ Council
of the TORn of Seward, Alaska, that in accordance with said
:finutes of Special ;':eeting, Apr. 5-193:'
,Continuel from T-'age 417)
El~ctic~, the following named persons having reoeived the
highest number of votes for the respeotive offices, to-wit:
Sam M. Graff
H. F. Ellsworth
Charles C. Cooper
Charles Krefting
Sylvia Sexton
Franoes Root
L. V. Ray
HarOld Pa.inter,
be and are hereby deolared duly elected to the respective
offices; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That L. V. RAy, receiving the
highest number of votes, although not a oandidate, _'is hereb~
electel a3 MUNICIPAL ATTORNEY fen the Town of .eeward, Alask~.
PASSED by the Commo~ Council of the Town of Seward,
Alaska, this 5th day of April, 1922."
Councilman Orlander, seoonded by Councilman Paulsen,
moved the adoption of the Resolution, and at the call of
"h':1e roll, all members present voted "aye", and the Hayor
deolared the Resolution adopted.
Councilman nrlander, seconded by Councilman Paulsen,
moved that the Judges and Clerks of Eleotion held April 4th,
1922, be allowed $10.00 each for their services, ~nd the
Clerk instructed to draw a warrant in payment therefor. At
the call of the roll, all members present voting "aye, moticn
C 1 e r k
Orlander, seconded by
adjourned until Thursday,
T]~o~ :Jl::l+.ion of Counoilman
Councilman Paulsen, the meeting
April 6th, 1922, at 8 PM.
.. ~
} "'~ ,~
~J: --L. \..-.
;~inutes of Adj ourned ]fleeting of SewarJ Council,
April 6th, 1922.
The meeting was called to order at 8 PM, by Mayor
Ellsworth, all members being present, except Councilman
The minutes of the regular meeting of April 3rd, 1922,
were read, and upon motion of Coun~ilman Orlander, seconded
by Councilman Krefting, were approved and adopted.
Council''!lan Adelman arrived at 8:20 _P.~L
The minutes of the special meeting of April 5th, 1932,
were read, and upon motion of Councilman Paulsen, seconded
by Councilman Krefting, were approved and adopted.
The report of the Treasurer was read as follows:
Balance on hanel,
$ 7,388.08
"Balance from last statement, Apr.l,
Collections for A~ril
Warrants issued to date,
Respectfl1l1y submitted,
(Signed) H.Dougherty, Treasurer."
Councilman Adelman, seconded by Councilman Orlander,
moved that the report of the Treasurer be accepted and
filed, and all memoers voting "aye", motion carried.
A Statement of Disbursements of Municipal Clerk's
Office, from April 16th, 1931, to April 5th, 1922, was read.
Councilman Krefting, seconded 0V Councilman Adelman, moved
that the Clerk's report be accepted and filed, and at the
call of the roll, all members voting "aye", motion oarried.
The following claims, having been OKed by the Finance
Committee, were read:
Payroll (To April 10th-192B)
F. L. Heastan, Clerk $20.00
F. L. :Iea.staYl, '1agistrate 2.82
Hugh Dougherty, Trea.s., 16.67
Robert Guest, Cht.Police, 33.33
Robert Guest, Fire Chf., 33.33
Wm.Fairman, Night Watch., 50.00
Dr.J.A.Baughman, H.Ofo. 16.67
L.V.Ray, City Atty., 16.67
Seward Drug Co.
Gus Borgen
L. V. Ray
Election Board
Mrs. Cora ~.Drayton
Urs .A.H .!JcNeer
Curtis :~orford
'-{. L. Sagers
J . S .. Ho fman
31. 50
The claim of L.V.Ray for $31.50, account fees for
acknowledzement o-! 42 Tax Deeds was further discussed, and
motion was made by Councilman Krefting, seconded by Council-
man Adelman that the same be paid. At the call of the roll,
Counoilmen Aielman, Krefting, Orlander and Paulsen voting "aye';
Councilman Tecklebberg voting "No", the :layor declared the
motion carried.
It ~as novel by Councilman Adelman, seconded by
Councilman Krefting, that the olaims be allowed as read and
the Clerk instructed to draw warrants in payment of same.
All members voting "aye", motion oarried.
The matter of ar~ointing Judges and Clerks of Election
for the Special Eleotion of the School Board April- 19th, was
discussed, and the following nominations were made:
A.i 90
Minutes of Adjourned ::eeting, April 6-1922
(Continuel from Page 430}
H. L. Sagers
Frank Mayers
L. A. Peel
Florenoe McNeer
Lula Manthey
Councilman Orlander, seconded by Councilman Krefting,
moved that the nomination~ be closed and that the Clerk be
instructed to cast the ballot for those nominated. All
members present voting "aye", motion carried.
On motion of Councilman Adelman, seconded by Counoilman
Paulsen, the Council then adjourned "Sine Die" and vacated
their offices.
":2 ?
Municipal Clerk
:r.eetj]lg of Se'J\7ari Council , April 6th, 1922.
The meeting came to oriel" i~~eiiately upon the retire-
ment of the former Council. Present were Councilmen Paulsen,
Kreftins, and Adelman, whose terms were unexpired. There
were also presented to the meeting Certifioates of Election
of II. E. Ellsworth, Charles C. Cooper and Charlea Krefting,
having been elected members of the Common Council, together with
~heir respective Oaths of n~~i~A.
The Council then procee1e1 to organize.
}ilr. H. E. EllB\vorth was elected temporary Chairrrlan.
The Chairman announced that the first husiness to come
before t he Council was the election of the President Pro Tem
of said Council, to serve as Acting Mayor until the person
electe.l ac:l '[a:ror should take the Oath and qualify for said
Whereupon, upon motion by Councilman Krefting, seconded
by Councilman Adelman, the n~e of H. r. Ellsworth, as President
of the Council, was placed in nomination. There being no
further nominations, the nominationa were ie0lared closed,
which motion '.vaa put to vote by Councilman Cooper, ani carrie d
by unanimous vote.
Councilman H. F. Ellsworth was declared the iuly
eleoted President Pro Tem of the Common r,ouncil of the Town or
Seward for the ensuin~ year.
A general discussion of the situation relat've to the
election of aprointive officers was had, and upon motion of
Councilman Adelman, seoonded by Councilman Paulsen, it was
orderei that all aotion be deferred relative to the electinn
of such appointive officers, and the fixing or establishing.'\)y
ordinance, '~q 'cy law required, of the sa18.ries of such elective
or appointive officers of the ensuing year, until the arrival
of :r.ayor Graff; all lll"lr,cters voting in the affirma":ive.
Councilman Paulsen, seconded by COuncilman Cooper,
moved that the meetine ~~jcurn until April 17th, 1922.
/ Aoting ;,fayor '
iUnutes of Regular meeting of Seward City Council,
April 17th 1922.
The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Mayor Ellsworth,
all members being present.
The minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of the Seward Council
of April 6th 1922 were read. Also, the minutes of the meeting
of the new Council which was held immediately upon the retiring
of the former Council. Councilman Adelman, seconded by Council-
man'Krefting, moved that the same be approved and adopted as
read, and all members voting "Aye", motion carried.
Tbe Standing Committees appointed by the Mayor were then
announced as follows:
Assessment & Taxes
Fire Pro. & Water Supply
Public Schools
Light - Sewerage - Wharfage
Public Health & Protection
Finance & Claims
Glacier Stream
Tecklenberg & Ellsworth
Ellsworth & Cooper
Cooper & Krefting
Paulson & Adelman
Cooper & Paulson
Tecklenberg & Adelman
Adelman & Ellsworth
Krefting & Tecklenberg
Krefting & Paulson
A communication was read from J. L. Graef regarding a de-
mand for refund because of his being compelled to make payment
for penalty, interest and costs on Block 7 of Laubner Addition,
Mr. Graef claiming that the City should have delivered to him
Tax Deeds on these lots before they became delinquent for the
year of 1920. Councilman Adelman, seconded by Councilman
Cooper, moved that the same be referred to the Tax Committee
for them "to take up with the City Attorney. At the call of the
roll all members voted "Aye", motion carried.
Councilman Paulson seconded by Councilman Adelman, moved
that the City Clerk's salary be increased $12.50 a month which
would cover the making of the delinquent tax report and the
registration (the same formerly being paid for in l~~p sums at
the time of their completion). At the call of the roll there
being five votes in the affirmative, the mayor declared the
motion carried and it was so ordered.
The question of City Magistrate coming up, Councilman
Adelman, sec)nded by Councilman Paulson, moved that Frances Root
be appointed to this office at the salary of $100.00 a year.
There being five votes in the affirmative when the roll was
called. the motion was declared carried and it was so ordered.
Councilman Krefting, seconded by Councilman Paulson moved
that the tax deeds of the City be placed in the Recorder's
office on record. At the call of the roll there being five
votes in the affirmative the motion was declared carried, and
it was so ordered.
The Street Committee was instructed to place some obstruc-
til)l1 on either end of the Third Avenue Bridge in order to pre-
vent autos and wagons from driving across same, the bridge being
conSidered unsafe for such traffic.
It was moved by Councilman Krefting and seconded by Council
man COJper that the City Clerk put up a security bond of ~500.0
at the expense of the City. All members voting "Aye", motion
carried and it was so ordered.
The mayor stated that he would set May 1st as Clean up Day.
The Commi"ttee on Streets were instructed to put a notice in the
paper that no lllore garbage should be dumped on property in blOCk1
16. Also they were instructed to put up a sign to this effect 0
the above mentioned property.
The motion was made by Councilman Adelman & seconded by I
Councilman Krefting that the Clerk put a notice in the Gateway
asking for bids for the auditing of the. City Tre.a.s.urer's books
for 1921-~~. the bids to be ope~d Apr1~ ~~. ALL members
42 A-
voting "Aye . mo
There being no further business, Councilman Adelman,
seconded by Councilman Paulson, moved that meeting adjour
-antil the next regular meeting.
..... --
HUUTES 0; SPECIAL_ w~E~I~m O~' 33:,....LqD COUNCIL
April ~Oth. 1922.
t, .n f"':
~ "',, y '"
::: (~ c./
The meeting was called to order at 8:15 PM by Mayor
Ellsworth. all members being present except Councilman Adelman.
The meeting was called in accordance with Ordinance No.
44 of the Town of Seward, for the purpose of canvassing the vote
of the special school election. held in the Town of Seward, Alaska
on the 19th day of April. 1922 and the following Resolution was
read by the Mayor:
"Whereas. in accordance with Ordinance No. 44 of the
Town of Seward, Alaska, and notices given, a special School
Election was held in the Town Hall of Seward. Alaska, on the 19tb
day of April 1922; and
~HEREAS. in accordance with the certificates filed with
the Municipal Clerk by the Election Officers, the following named
persons received the exact number of votes placed opposite their
names, for the offices as hereinafter stated, to-wit:
For Clerk of the School Board
J. S. Hofman
Curtis R. Morford
lor Treasurer of the School Board
Ira S. Bailey
F. E. Leslie
Elwyn Swetmann
WH}~~EAS. this Council has canvassed the returns of said
special school election:
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Cornmon Council of
the Town of Seward. AlaLka, th3.t in acccrdance with said election
the following named persons having received the hi~hest number
of votes for the respective offices, to-wit; .
For Clerk of the School Board
Curtis R. ~orford
For Treasurer of the School Board
Ira ::. Bailey
be and hereby are deelared duly elected to the respective offices;
Passed by the Common Council of the Town of Seward Alaska
tho nOth d ~. ~"l 19~9 ~ ·
,. J,1O u ay o~ ""p.J. . ;~.'
It was moved by COlU1cilman Paulson and seconded by Council
an Krefting that the resolution be adopted and at the call of the
011 all members voted "Aye" and the :.i':\Vor decl'lred the Resolution
~dootAd .
~ ~ .
There being no further
as moved by Councilman PaLllson
hat the meeting adjourn.
business before the Council, it
and seconded by Councilman Cooper
~ A" j' AA a tJ-tJ.7-
,;/C~ ~. '!
6, ~~~~
.1inutes of the special meeting of the ceward City Council
April 24th, 192;:;;
The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by 1myor
Ellsworth, but there not being sufficient members present for
a quorum, it was regularly moved and seconded that an adjourn-
ment be made until 8 PM April 25th.
~ '\. ~
~ .~~~r~(
l(C ING MAYOR ~ "">
Municipal lerk
AP3IL 25th, 1922
'":!:..-...J V
The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Mayor
Ellsworth, all members being present except Councilman
The Clerk was ordered to read any bids that had been
received for auditing the City books. The following bids were
read: Mrs Mabel chart, ~69.25: H. E. Wilson, $70.00.
Councilnan Adelman, seconded by Councilman Cooper,
moved that the bids be placed on file.
It was then moved by Councilman Adelman and seconded
by Councilman Paulson that the names of the bidders be balloted
upon. Motion carried. The votes resulted in four votes for E:.
Wilson and the Mayor declared that H. E. Wilson was appointed to
audit the City books in accordance with his bid in the amount
of $70.00.
There being no further business before the Council.
Councilman Paulson, seconded by Councilman Krefting, moved that
the meeting adjourn.
~ (/J~
... U .J-
)"PRIL 26th, 1922
The meeting was called to order at 4 PM by 1myor
Ellsworth and all members answered -to roll call with the
exception of Councilman Cooper.
~he occasion for this meeting was to 'discuss the
acceptance of the bond of the Treasurer of the School board.
Councilman Tecklenberg, seconded by Councilman
Adelman moved that the Treasurer's;bond be approved. At the
c~ll of the roll, there being four votes in the affirmative,
the Mayor declared the motion carried.
There being no further business on hand it was
moved by Councilman Paalson and seconded by Councilman Adelman
that the meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting.
~ U2.n_,"-f4
L{cgul::lr ';;1eetins of t'be Seward Counci 1
T,1'.)-o;'r lEt, 19:22
The meeting was called to order at 8 Pm by :JIaJTor Ellscvorth
all ~embers being present.
The minutes of the l".,~t !'o8'ular 'neeting, .-'ipril 1 '7th~ and
the minutes of the "0geci3.1 meetings held on lipril ~Oth, {~4th,
~5th and 26th, were read and a9proved.
The claims and salaries, after being eKed 1);7 the l!'inance
Commi ttee, VJere read as follows:.
Frances Root. Clerk ~40.00
Frances Root. Magistrate. 5.01
tylvia Sexton, Treasurer 33.33
Robert Guest, Fire Chief 66.67
Robert Guest, Chief of Pol. 66.67
'/illllaffi Fu.LLJud;n. Night 'Nateli
Dr. J. A. Baughman, H. Ofe. 33.33
L. V. Ray. Legal Adviser 33.33
Robert Guest, Fire Roll 20.00
Seward Light & Power Co.
t, " ">> ,.
Seward D~il~y Gateway
Ala~;ka Transfer,
J. L. Graef
Seward "'iater &J?ower
Seward News Co.
Sev:u.rd :.1achine ShOfS
Jack '.'Ialker
Tomlny Gordon
}3;lection Board
Mrs. Louise Manthey
Mrs. A. H. 1.10 NeeI'
?rank M.ayers
H. L. Sae;ers
L. )... Peel
Councilman Krefting. seconded by Councilman Paulson. moved
that the claims be allowed as reud, ~ d the Clerk be inst~ucted
to drccw war""a.nts for the pa~~ent of S'lme. At the call of the
roll, 'lll members present voted "aye", and motion car"ied.
It was moved by Councilman Adelman and seconded by Council-
man Paulson that the Clerk be instructed to put a notice in the
G'J.teway asking for applicationE for the po~i tions of Fire Chief
at ~150.00 a nonth and Chief of Police at ~150.00 a month, the
n'tice reding that the positions were to be separate and held
by two different men both of whom were to reside in the fire
Etation. .:,t the call of the roll all members voted "Aye", motion
Councilman Paulson, seconded by Councilman Cooper '!loved that
the salary of the Health Officer be dicontinued for the month of
~~y. At the call of the roll there were two votes in the affirm-
ative and three in the negative and. the motion wa~c declared lost.
It was then moved by Councilman Pf.cuhon and seconded by
Councilman Cooper that VI'. Baughman be retained as Health Officer
for the month of May at )50.00 for the month and that he bring a
report in at the end of the month. All 'llembors voting ";'~Te",
motion carried.
It was moved by Councilman Krefting and seconded by Council-
man i)'.:mlson that the Mayor be empowered to enter into a new
contract with the Sev,'ard light 8: Power Co. for the summer :lt1d to
instruct them to turn off the street lights May 15th.
The Street Committee reported that work had been bee;un on
cleaning up the streets.
The Glacier stream Co~nittee stated that the situation had
been ~one over and estimates were being made as to what should be
done. Mr. l~efting urged all the members of the Council to go
up and take a look at the condition that things were in.
It was moved by Coun(;ilman ll.delnnn and seconded by COl1rtcilman
P:,1\;, son that all city 'l:ork such as common labor and glacier strem
work sn.0uld be paid at the rate of 75rj an hour, and 90rj an hour
t"or the forman.
The school Co~nittee were order to ask the School Board for
a report of expenditures for the past school year.
It was moved by Councilman Tecklenberg and seconded by
Councilman Krefting that the street Committee be allowed $200.00
on the road west of Purkupine bridge to the crown of Chamberlain's
hill. At the call 0f the roll there being five votes in the af-
firmative the motion was declared carried.
There being no further business before the Council it was
:noved b~' Councilllan -r:'sulson and i3econded by Councilman Cooper that
the meoting adjourn.
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1'1:;] 1 "Il1cle t1:f ..f,~nr' ....:.~-'.~.::.C:..l)Lll r}"'c'i..y:~'L;.rc"r ~~-d '::l.f~rl~ ffi.~~ .!.,1'11-!
;(~o.r 1 S~S .. :r'C' 11 iscusce::-:.. ,-,:'"](1 it .:L18 '10Vf>1 l'~, CO~lC '~_l~".2c..n .ci.dclma.n
<..kfHl SOCGllded b~T ::;,')u.LG~,lL1o.11 C)n ier th~t the TO\~::l :)f ~e'/'......rd ra~l ~J:f!
f):re:nilllU oc- these tViO 18nds : the I)!, eT,1i u:n of the former !if-).; ng ,;;;:'5.0
:o::,d thr~ L"tt0!' ~;a.(0) u.nrl that th~ ';lE:l'k 1)(,< indrncted tel C\ru.v!
""r""]lt~' l'y f'"o'" ---" ""q -"""""n~e" ," ' c>,,'t rf t'lr T'')11'''ng
~i~._~. ..:. J..J.. ~'..,.... .J.L .f.I..u.. 1..1.. .~r,~!.'.J..IJ:.J..._.~.t1 -_,~' ...'i.Gt,l.... ,I 1l.,] .Li(._ ,'.:-.
CO::llJU.t\y, for. the u.b(wQ vt"te8 ~!mJlmts. i..t tYn ~3.Jl of t},e roll ~,l
;;v:lInb0rs vot.ed "Aye", ,:,,:!t~,,):n c:lrriod.
III roe::J.rd tc'l tl~c c~,'~Tnl.1-J1~C't..:,t-i_')n fT,:):!l J. L. Graef c0.ncernj.g
a. .~ cn:ano_ -f' j" =,",:fI1LO. 1:)E'c~:u3e of bbins G ()r.l~~;clled to m:__ke l"c.:.Y',1C:'1tf:>r
LJcl:..;,l ty interest '.lid C'''2tS :m Elock 7 of the 1u.u.hner Addi tion, ~,lr.
:W. V. l{i;i,Y, City .i-tt-rney, stuted the,t th2; l'crnl~~~r un<1 interest
'--,n +,1'('8e lots 8110n1o., lie r081ttoo.. to j,lr. Gra.ef, C!18.riS'll1g 11im only
for the ~c,:vorti2ing unO. the t~xos. It \,,'U.;I d.e:::id.ed to h,"\lcl the
w ttc'r o,'er 1l.r1til ths n~::::-{t r~'lcet~_ng of t};lC GO:i-='ln.il.
It ;~.';J.;_-' mOired b~ Con:'1cilmc.n ~\;'j_:J..:.>)n Ul1d. Bec(1:neJ:~d 'b.?
C:mllci1:nu.n ;idelma.n +;}:a.t the m'lttpT" of the; c1c:::icit of ~':J5.00. in tho
':lcrk's Cffice 1)() tu.rlli"IIJver to th'J Ci ";y ';.ttorney for uClvi r>e "in0
~uJ.d rpn~er 13. .l0cisi,')n In tJ-,r 2u11 j0Ct Jot th8 noxt rOfulL--r meeti~
Tho ':ai.i.cier ctream CO::lrni ttp.e rno-,rte:'l t'r" t v':1rk ,')u th" 3t"cam
',"'-"110 [0 cornnletp,d t}-is "'eek. The TO'IV)rt of th"';ommittee \1'.10,8
coepted. -
-rhe 2.treet C)L'llilitte stCl+,.:,Q -'-,Ie"t tl'r) ',',.Jrk t)n the r:-treets
1UtJ.incd b~r triP, Council h....<1 been c:o;'n,;letccl. '~'h.i: """,-,ort '::UF <11GO
"IT. A. ~. liLlc];cr stiJ.tcf1 thc,t; the fJe,L:n',jhlet \,;,ich the
~ ~ .,
"11aIYlbc!' Qf ;Jf..},~tnerce v/ere cericl'ing tJ tt(: l.Jt:.;.tGc l.l.L1.d <:;:)~ t ~1':.8.50.
IC;I;':ati oned t1ut t.he C~",illcjl hi;i,d ,)fferea~;,O.OO to'lc.rd ~',11iE 'j,')ve-
[;1f;nt. 'i'h0rellpon, GouYlCilman ...delmc:.n, f ec rndpd 1-;,' =f)lUF~i 1~_1L;.n
~')(i:cr, ,,')veu tr",t c;. V':;.rr~,-l1t be druwn for tllO :":';,lolmt of ./:'0.('0
in L,vor (if tho ~e\ "rd Cilc,'lj,)r of CO:Ill!F::1"ce. There [..Cillg .rive
votc's i.n th0 ~lff.i.rl'l0-tjxe, tho ;,,~tic.'l \'!C;.," declarod c~,rriod, 0.:;,1 it
',,"~:---: S -, order0d.
r;';lUli:ilm8.n ";'dolmiJ.n, ~,'ec')naed ":J; ;}:'l1i1ci.lnr.:.n '::":'''~.f~on, (aoved
t i,-=.. t :..:,. ~,:. Gru..ff t,t" "t-j omi.:e.,:::.t.eo fer tt.8 Cffice of :..i.~:uor !if the I'ovm
err ~(,"'.".T:J.l"'d -rOT +;18 ~~'11.~-t~1_1L tern,'.. c; -~'('::.,J:d1.rrlD/n l~rnftil:1€5 :,I.')"\"'ud th.=..t tf1E
i: ""\U1 Lc.~" .1: i rr!:s l~, e .-'ll};~~ {~cl-il ~ ,-':.:n(~ i.1 ,,;'..101!-1D.TI ;" C;:) ;~dcd. t~._ t '~'l ~t. i 0n. 1 t
tI'~'f..k~ 1-1~, c,n 1,~"I:"(~:(1 l'~T .'~ "',:"t i'l~ i J PL:..n _';..n c'l'-l:..l~n l1rl ,-' (~:'3 CJnd (: J. i :~... C~YJ ~ (? i Im~n
~",,~('(_,.~.1_,'~Y10" +~ ,{" ~...l~J , "r:' l~ 'li- ~ ,c't 7('+io"'" ,"";rr' ~d ~~'l'1~ "'l"'Ii+:(')'~
;'.' . .,J.1-u "J .........!J ,t,lll!' U"'n-'..._,'~;.J .....-,_ . ~_ I ._,....... .......~..<. ~,v. ......1;;; . w'~'U
:"~Ll ~;erl LIl f".'v~e 'TTotes fn-r ~. ~.:. Graff ~-..rc1 tr.,r .t~J;tillG ..,~.....~~;or de-
J 18.r c~d th~: t ...~r. }r:.::..ff \,,'~f' :; 1 s.c:~ cd to th,r; .:.\ffi,~ c c.f ~,~U,,~Tor.
~C1:r._\ In...i.tt(~r (Jf :.:.:..r~ .:.... '; C2'.:.--::::-~r 0,\1 Ji:"'_.~" r:) , t}~.8 :-_ '~rk \'.'CN::' instr~l teet
~,(i l~ll')t ,- :~iC0 in t"'1() }~ te'./J~~:,-r t') tt('> effeet t1-::.:.t tJ1(; -:78lli~eil
....nlC, :'nce~v8 <8~_180_ 1-.ids ('(Ii' ~;]y; 'O,:~tillO~:. 't1'(: rids t,j h:; ) (:'1Cd
--r;,v~~~ ., . tIle
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a.-rro';,' i'_<~r1 lJ'p[' "broken in tl~l - Jt.r'~ :":t ~~ (jl"'i:, it ~'-",~ ~1~VP:a 1'1;:: 'j '":,'.~ncil
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:linutes of R08uL1r Hooting of City Council
July 3. 1922
Tho mooting vms called to order by Ua;jTor Graff at 8 '::';,1.
all members being 1,r'JSent with the exception of Councilman
Tecklenberg. The minutes of the rei;:ular moeting of J~e l?,th "
wore read. and at the ceLll of the roll [,,11 membors votlng Aye
were apj)rbved and adopted.
A communication wa~1 road from i.Irf;. 1. L. Bosworth. of
Nashua. IJ .H.. inr!uiring for her brothor. one. .\llfton Vinal
Collier. All members of the Council st2teo th't they hao never
heard of the man.
:, comnUniC!ltion VI'll:: recld from c'mdrew B:illiet on behalf
of his client. DIrs. bleanor Bock. lire B:llliet 8t:,ted that he vms
enclosing a check for the payment of taxes on lots 37 & 36 in
block G. Laubner Addition and asked for tax deeds to the s,.'"ne.
It was moved by Councilman L;lls\Vorth dnd seconded by Councilman
Coooer that Sd-me be turned over to the City .~ttorney for advice.
A conwunication WtiS read from John Abslag re;:\rding
lots 37.38. :39. and 40. block 4. Laubner "cddition. It V;8-3
L10ved by Councilman j~llsworth and seconded l'~T COlillcilman Coo)er
that same be handed to the City .~ttorney for advice.
The :B'ire Chief. are Herbert H. Smith. h,.mded in his
rcsi1';neotion and Councilman Adelman. seconded t;J C01illcilm::m
Y.refting inoved that same be balloted upon. COlillcilman ICrefting
and Councilman ,idelman \Vere [L ,yp.Jinted tellers. The ballot re-
sulted in one vote for the refusal and four votes for the ac-
ceiltance of :.lr. Smith's resignn,tion. :.L~yor Graff th0refore 'In-
nouced thLtt the offL;e of .Pire Chief was vacimt". instructed 01 cr,
to "ut a no",ice in Gd.tevn.IY calltng for ,-l~)_,licD.tions for the dOl'it'i on.
Tho follovling claims after being oked b~T the .i!'inance
Co ami ttee vlere read:
ClE~ rk.
City Treasurer
City -ittornoy
HOed th Officer
.Pire De',art:'lont
Chief of Police
Regular }iro Roll
"UaEka 'rransfer
Seward Light & Power
n H n
G:c',tec';i.iy l'ubliFl1ing Co.
~cv':LLrd -,'o'c.:,ter ~'. l.)o...er Co.
Ci ty ,'';x;)ress
Bank of Sevl~,rd
SO'>'lrd _ Ii ~VlS ? O"ll)~ny ,
BroV'ln ,:':; h~;,,'"l:::lns 0or',,)~.'atlon
~llsworth' s -
Curtis :lor~ford
J. B. Sl',ter
:';d. '[almer
.:'md y LJ ovak
Gus Borgen
H. H. Smith
G8.teway 1)ubl. Co.
. ;35
Courwilnan ':::11s orth, cceconood b;y COllncill1:ln Lrefting
:noved the cli.iirns be allowed as rCc~d, :~nd t1k~t the Clerk bE in-
structed to draw warrants for the paYlent of same. ~t tho cull
of the roll, al~ members voted "Aye"~ motion curriod.
_a. ~orford, Clerk of the School Board. aypeared be-
fore the Council and stated tlEt the Sch.Jol Board ewlorsed the
:fo11,)"Ning: the increc~se in the Jani tOIl'::> sc"lary, the fitting up
of docent Iluarters for the Junitor, fitting up ,cn extra recit>ctlon
room, and liO'hting and heating of s'"lae.
'1'ho f0110'Ning est:l.mu.te was submitted by lIr. Leo'or nist
for the repairing of the School nouGe:
I'o )c',inting
'1'0 l1L,-stering
c~c;)airing roof, iron:'; tin
labor of tinsmith
i'i::le for CC1r}H;nter \'.'ark on roof
:~ci.teriul tor recitation room &;
IG8 00
.. .
lour ;~wings in lot
Carpmter's time, u10ut
;"ir. Lagerquist al<;o handed in tho f'Jllowin[': e2timate f
from Chas. Lechner:
'''rhe undersigned agrees to furnish all material u.nd
labo:r necessary for heating the north ectst room in
basement floor of School building radiation confisting
of 72 ?t. direct steam radiation.
i'he a],ovo for the sum of ,~a30.00
~es~octfully submitted,
( Sig-ned) Oh:;,s. IJechner
It Via:':' moved ~'l (~ouncil,n,-,n i::llsv,'orth and seconded 1):1
Council,nan Adelman that ,;',1000.00 be aFI.!ropriated for the repairin
of tho School, fitting up the extra room, also fitting up the
Ja.ni tor's quarters, and any other neC8fl::::e,ry rop2,irs 1,0 bo made
on the building.
The ~;treet Committee Eubmi tted the suggestion that the
sido walk on ''J:lshington :3treet from Brown and Ha'Nkins towards
Third Avenue should be reoaired, that the crossing between l<'ourth
and l!'ith streets on ','!clshington on the alley should be rel)aired,
and that the rocks fhould be cleared out of the street on Sixth
street botween Adams and ''vp,shington ~'treets. It was moved by
Councilman;':l18'vorth and seconded by C01illcil;nun }frefting that
these three mattors be taken cc..re of at once. ,~ll membors voted
"ciye", motion cLirried.
'Oho 'luo:::;tion C,-,Lle up of not ha1:ing u J.!'ire Chief over
the ~ourth and it w~s decided to ask 1~. Merlert H. J~ith to serv
in that capacity for the day.
;,Iuyor Graff stated th..t ho h:.;,(; bi;en "oJllrnmJic,-..~ion.'iith
somo of the officers on the ~ohave and that ho had, in the nume
of the Tovm, invited them to breakfast on the Inorning of the
C Juncilman Erefting seconded 1:7 Councilman inlEworth mov d
that the meeting adjourn.
~ /-1 (It? o-+T
C.u: iliK
..i. Y 0
Sp8cic.\,1 ;18cting of tho City COLillcil
July (), lJ:~2
,'h8 me8tinr I'/'J.[' c,-,lloo to 0::'(18r at 8:10 l1Y "Tor
Graff, '111 rnc)ilb rs being !lro2ont exce'Jt C>:mnciLn:ln El12\'.'orth.
1'he I,I'cyor a,nnounced tl:c'lt tl18 )Ur,108e of this meeting
was to elect a ~ire Chief and ordered the Clerk to read any
upJlications 0hieh had been received for this pOLition.
Applications were rei,cd from H~lrr~T _c. 1edoy,-',rd and
l~arl G. Heed. After a lengthy disCllu,ion it \'/Uic :Joved by
Councilman .1-del:nan and seconded O;,T COlU1Ci,L:JE,-n Krfdting th,-,t the
[l,IJ",liCc\ ':;ions be balloted upon. 'i'hese tVIO CrnmciLlCn v\'ccre
qJ,.ointed tellers. 1'he bullot resulted in five votes for j<;L~rl
G. Reed, \:vhereupon llayor Graff <lnnounced that :Ir. Reed W:'-S duly
elected to the l)osition of 1"iro Chief for the unex,1ired term of
the eneuing Y8ar at th8 salary of ~150.00 a ~onth, hip residence
to be in th8 Fire naIl, according to the sIJecifications S8t fort
in the notice in the Gateway.
It v/a::' 1l0vpd by r,:ouncil::nn Coo,per and sec:onded by
Councilnan!-'",ulson thc,t the meeting ac1,journ.
' 11<' ~'---~-~
: ' v " R \
..I.. ~ _ u .....
c 1. l~ ~,~ .K
::i1mGet of the Rer~uLlr raeotinij of the City C::l1mcil
July 17, 1'.)r;2
'rho meoLine: \.':..L~ called to orcLor by I,Ia:,cor Graff at, 8 1'1.1,
",II Iacmbcrs boing procent. Tho ,ninutos of the rO;";llL"r meet~ng
of July 3e ana. of th s~)ecial l:looting of Jdy 6th were read, '_md
gpproved and ado~ted as road.
A COT:ll:l\mic:':ction \'1:1,,; 1'0",0. from 3:,,1'1 G. Head" in Vih,ich 1:e
endored his resivnation ab illire Chief. It \1'.'1.15 i;10VOU I)Y Uouncnl-
an;lls\Vorth ancl' seconded beT Counc,ilnrlll ,idelm~:r: t~(lt 8~"::1e be ac:,
e'pted C111(1 'l:wod on file. 'ell mOf:\l)Ors voted A;JO , :no "HJl1 c'1rrled
" cO'llllunicE'.tion was 1'0:10. from Harry V. Hoben askinp: ",'or
1)1Ji1c'.inf':oer:nit. Councilman :~llS\':orth, 80conded 'by Cmmcil.nan
Pnulson mov:'1i that a :JPrmi t bo o:r,',mtod 11:3.rry V. Hoben to construct
is b'~lilu ing 0.2 an drc:~ode into Tt:1ilroad ,ivr:nue f?r it, ~ie:t:!nce, of
(;n foet that the Clerk notify hil'TI 'end ie'tlue a "u,lulng [)crn~t
" . ',,, t '11 1 to. n' If ",n c'lr"'ec' '11C"\ ~t ".,,0
o Gh,lE: el.i CC. _.\. nern Jcrs '70 e ~-1.:7e, JIJ, 1... ',...., _r 1 . .t ,~ .J.. 'I~':...U
'0 orcLOred.
j, CO:lliIlUnicatlon Vi:"o rC,Ld irom J. ,,'O-tEon on behalf of 30:Ja
1c Lean, '.o'ho i,L~hed to be informed 1.\2 to the taxns on c.;ert:lin
ro~)o:rty. GOlillcilman il15\,orth, 5cconcled l!y GOLlc'c;il n~m Gooller,
lOvod that the sa,:!e be reforred to the Gity .ittorn(,y .Lor aCLvice.
.11 ;neinlicrs vot ad ".:.;70", ,[lOtion carried.
.i claim was read from ChL.cS Krefting for;;,:~.GO to ti.',l;:e ti1f.'
'!)Lwe of vmrr".nt 1t4~~10, which WC\B lost. It VV,i::i10vocl ~);,- '~ouncilno.n
;~ll[worth "md seconded by Cou-"Ylci1,[lLm ;"dolman tJLi,t the cl'cim be
'2,110wed CeS rer1d and tl18 Clerk be instructed to dre.w wr'"rrant in l)C'Y-
w)nt of [iLl.ne. At tho c:Jll of the roll all members votod ".'eye" ,
10tion c~1'ricd unC it was 80 ordered.
Under tho he;"d of chooEing City Officers, it W:i,C moved by
;o:,ncilman .:llsworth 'ind seconded b~T Councilr:w.n,idelman thc"t HeTry
i.liodoycu.rd bo :J.:,~ointed i!'ire Chief at a salary of;150.00per
lOnth for an inclefinite period ,L,ne] th"t 110 be recalled at tho
,10",8u1'o of the :.luyor. All !.1embcrs voted ""'<TO", 'notion c'.1rriod.
'1:ho street '~o'''j;:littee rie"S un,:Lle to wako a rouort in full
wing to the fact t~~t all of the lruJher bills had not-boen handed
The 2cho01 Committeo reported that tho rep: irs and im-
.rove"lents 0:-1 the :30hool '{ouse were prop;ressing.
Unrj er the h8ad of unfinished 1m2 inesE thE Ci tv Attarnev'
e;.)rt on th . m:1tter of refund to J. ]',. Grewf on cortain~ loti:-' in th
',.ubn8r "ddition, Vlfj,S hcard. :.Ir. n!'-y f'LJ.ted th ,t his ol:,inion W'l.S
hat :~. Graef should be allowed the )ennlty 2nU intrest on these
lots, 1ut "hould 1Jay the cost of the aCLTcrtising ~'nd tho taxes.
CounGil nie"n .,~llsVi'Jrth seconded lJJ~Jun("ilnnn _dr:lms.n noved t}k.t the
;'JenHlty!"ncl interest wnoullting to ';;3.49 bo r",rritted to ;:1'. Gr~wf
,mL tho Clerk be instructed ',0 cir,lW vmrr,::mt in lk-;':ncnt of ~'ame.
_ct the c:',11 of thu roll all members voted lIj,~Te", 'llotion c",rried.
Ul1l,er tho head of ne"llcuc\ineBS COlITlciL:10,n :.llc:worth
brought up the fub ject tLL,.t t.ile Chamber of COl1merce H'lei Jude a 1'0-
!~ue"t for help from the Town on tho 1)1'0,,0800. lmiluiu::.: of .. road to
pruce Creok, thh: road oventud.Lly t, lC;,ld to n':,rc,in;" Glcccier
/lllich \':ould 'U'J.ice ,-, 5,lendid sizht soeing trip for to~{rh,ts. L~oo
'"oet of thif l)}:'oJosed road is '"itl;in tho City li"lits. GOlUlcilman
'ooper, sccol1l10d by Counoil,mnl "l:",li.1an ,JOYod. thc':,t .,:1')0.00 be civen
oV.',21'<1 thL. JToject. .tt tho 0".11 of 'Lll'] Toll ,,-11 ~1Cj''luOrS voted ",',,, ,1I
,o',;ion c',rried. '
"notion to J,C:j,lurn r::l~: :11 de : y
Coulloilm:~n Coopor.
~~ Cr v-v-r
UliI';lF,.L CL :HK .
JP::- r,
~:)' JT.J';.~1 ::~'~~"( ~,fG ',J) '.' "Glory C'Jl.'HCIL
,1-ugust 8th, 1922
'l.'he meeting W["~; ceJ.11ed to order ut 8: 30 1'1,1 by 1,[2-yor Gruff
:lll 'I10mbers being present '.'Iith the exception of l),auncilm:.m Teck-
The minutes of the reguliw 'neeting of July 17th wore r()c~d
and ~~proved as road.
,', comr:mnic.1tion was re,-,d fro,] Cell,,, J3roc:ius ro< uOGting
on beho,lf of }lo'oon . :;Jc~vis, I:;;diu]riffi tees met Chl.18. H' l'ecklon-
burg tha,t tho tOVIn inst'oll :1 hydn.:.nt at the junction of J'hird .',ve.
and Hailroad ,"venue on the wost side of Third .~v(;nue. It \'Ias
,:lOved. by Councilman l~llsworth and coeonded by UounciLnan Lrefting
thu.t sreme bo,L,ced on tallle and brought up under the heLtd of new
'ell membors voted ".\.ye", motion cClrried.
communic.~tion 'Nas read from John D. ;:ullivan 'ciskinp: I'or
permission to build a snall chicken house on lot 3, block 9. It
Vias moved by Uouncilmun l:.rofting ,-"nd seconded by Councilman Coor-er
thclt permission be given for so.me and clerk VlilS ordored to notify
:-1r. 2ulli van to this effeet ~tnd [2:i ve him a build ing r,or,ni t.
.1 co,llmuniciition W;:J.E reud from J. L. Graef in ','ihich permis-
E'ion waE :lsked to erect ci wu.rehouse, ;~4 x 60 feet in '.',hich to
store gasoline and othor :nerchandise, lot 13 in block 7, Laubner
,'1.ddition. Councilman :;nlsworth, seconded 'b;v Councilman Kro.c'ting
novod t11t Siline be p;r'3.nted and building permit bo if'c:ued to LIr.
1.'he ~,sesLor, ,fl;}. H.ihittlesey, reported tn".t the a::;SOE:S-
ent for the year of 1922 w~s as follows:
Real......... . ............ .;,,753,735.00
Personal................... ~43 375.00
1'otal.............. ..... 997,110.00
It \T'a::~ 'floved by CouncilmQn l,alnvorth, seconded b~; Council:;}' n
'=refting, th'lt the Acsessor' S rO[Jort be mt on the t'lble until tho
'lext meoting of the Council.
lhe followIng reEolution was then read:
"Bi:; II' R.h;;::OLV:iTI, By the woward l'ovm COlmcil, in regular
this 7th day of August, 192,", for the Gonsidoration of 112-
'essment :lnd taxation, that a BOurd of .c::.u:llization f:hJ.ll cO.n;nence
n Tuesday, August IGth at ~ o'clock and shall remain in session 5
ays or longer if necessary, betv:een the hourse of ;.0 I clock c: 4 or c
s provided by Ordinance Ho. 14.
")J:m BB Ir1' .J:i'UR'1'riBR RBSOLViJD, '1'hat the Gi ty Clerk shall h:we
have published in the Seward G~teway, notice of sa~e us ~rovided by
by Ordinnnce No. 14 on Assess;nent and laxation."
Councilman ~llsworth, seconded ty Oovn0ilman E~lllson
moved thut the resolution be adopted us read. All nembers voted
"Aye", motion carried.
The following claims and bills after being OKed by the
il'inance Committee were read.
,I'.F 501
'~JD .
J. L. Graef
J. IJ. Graef
Curtis Horford
Bank of Seward
00ward Sav\'1llill
Resurrection Bay Lbr.
J. B. ;:3later
'Alaska rrransfer
Peter JohnE'on
Bro,vn & H~wkins Corp.
Sewu,rd 'dater r ,,'o'ner Co.
:Nrown 8: H:'H'ikins Corp.
Soward News Co.
Gateway ?ublishing Co.
;:il~w':1rd Light 8: Vov'er Col
RelZ:. J<'ir e Roll
Se~~rd Light L Power Co.23.65
Cal J. Brosius 5.00
Ci tyt;x-press 8.75
Ch.!s. Krefting ~~.50
Chamber of Commerce 100.00
J. L. Graef 3.49
Frances Root, Clerk 72.50
Frances Root, Magistrate e.33
~ylviD. ::oxton, 'l'ro'wuror50.00
J .,"". BEmp:hman, Health 50.00
L. V. Ray, Attorney 50.00
~. G. Roed, Fire Chf. 20.00
ii. A. lJedoyard."" 105.00
11'3,s. })'m180n Chf. ro1. 150.00
Special Fire Roll 33.50
Coun(;ilman j.ah:worth, seconded b~T Councilman Cooper,
moved th:.1t SEJ.lne be allowed 0.8 read,:i th the exceDtion of the
first two claims und the clerk be instructed to draw warrants
om pELJ7ffient of all the others. All voted "Aye", inotion c,urried.
Undor the head of choosing Ui ty Officers, l,luyor Graff
mentioned th:it the 'luestion hold 001118 up about U,ilioint ing a ,l~olice
Co:nmi ttee, Lmd th:l t he thought the Committee on i"ire l'rotcction
Ilouncilman Ellsworth and Councilman Cooper would 00ntinue in the
dU,ll capacity.
The Street Committee reoorted that ~n expenditure of
,:;474.90 had been mt",de in putting into sh::tpe the v i:tious ctreet
cr082ings. It was moved by Councilman Krefting und seconded by
Councilman i.;llsv,orth thut the report of the street Committee be
:lcce})ted. All members voted "Awe", motion cu.rried.
Under the heud of unfinished bufliness the Ijuc8tion of
the tax to be collected for the 5th ;venue sidewalk was referred
to the City Attorney.
Under the head of nO\\t:usiness the clutter of the ,Jeti tion
for the hydrant at 3rd dnd Railroad ,',venues \'ns discu~',sed'nd it
vr:~l8 decided to refer the ':uestion to the,hter COlilini ttee.
Councibu,n in18v'orth, se00nded b;! Co,n0il;n:"n Cooper move~
that the street liRhts be turned on August 8th, or is 800n after
c1S ot:sible. ,ell members voted .,'"yenotion,c:),rried.
1'he condition of the stretch of rOid between'orkulJine
Ci ty and wh ere the road crosses the railroad track W'iS discuased
and it \',',"S moved b7' Councilman Ellsworth and 8econded by COllncilma
Puul~'on th:lt the street Committee c Jntr:.'>ct with the Alaska 'rransfe
to use a scraper on the road, u sum to be ullowed not to exceed
,,;:300.00, iJll members vi ted "aye", :notion c"rried.
1he Oity ~ttorney being }resent suggested that the idea
of using Tarvia on the roads be lloked into. d'hereUl)On ;,Ltyor Graf
announced that several weeks ago he had scwked Lilld Gent to the 'rar'ia
pe01Jle a sample of our road making rnaterial,}$king thuir advice aE
to how it Vlould 110 rk on the r cads in tl,is loculi ty.
'rl;ore belng no furt","r ,',oineso bei~.l"S,( '~r~~~~,l~ t
'::'L12 :rwved to ,,,dourn. ~fI!': /I .'_
'k~-o } ~r ,!,.-1......,!
--~ .~-
:.:inutes of the ~togul,lr mooting of the
Ci t~T Council, ~'mrust 21st, 19:::::
I'he meoting w~.s ccillod to order at 8 1'.; by '.;~~yor
Graff and tho following COlillcilmLm \'Iere preEont: Councilman
Paulson, Cooper and Krefting, emd 'is there VluS l1:)t a (~UOrUlll
:;resent it waF rfwul'3-rly moved and seconded that an Ad,iourn-
':lent l)e made until the next regular
-1 /,
Y'l_ f.../ .
I I y"-IJ,..1 A /,' , ""u
.;unicipul Clerk
it. r; Y;.:.
....<-1 _
L1I1TL"fT::2 OJ?
:3 -c;CL'.L :.::::'nlTG 0:2
,~u"ust ~5th, 1922.
The meetinft was c'lllod to order by E;c:lor Graff, all
members b0inft present '.\'i th the exception of Oouncilman 'Eecklenburg
and CouncilmEm ,',-delman.
Counci1mnn .'<.:lls\'iorth, E'econded by U'Juncilm~Ln P,lulson
moved th~lt the Tax Levy for the current Y'e'C1r be pLtCed at 14 mills
on the assessed valuation as made b~T the returns of the ,~ssessor.
.Ul IJembers voted ";iyell, ,notion carried.
On 'notion the Oouncil then ccdjourned.
" /
/; --::/
// / (/~/ "
/" L-/
CIUm U IF ,.L C L:~mC
~i nlJt r: S D J~' -l~J}8 :\ 0. .-::-, l_~r "-r1(; !;.t in:::: (~;f thc'! :>,:Y// '.rd
-"-'" ...;>-
,:yuncil, .,i;(1t(LI11~or 5th, l;J:~L
'l.'he .neeting: V:c1:. ced,lt,d to order at 0: :30 .2,~ by ,[;<701'
. f" 11 b rs b-1110' rr"~nt \'ltl' '1'" e:rpc,',."t'Lon 01' 'v"".)1.1Illnl.'lm.n,n
....ra :[. [:, :.. .aef:! e ",' t' J1 "'~v ',' -'. "c'.", _~v '. __ "' v_ ,.
Coo ->.--1 or .
'L'he .:'linlltes oi~ tho mO'Jtlng~') 01 ~~ll:-:"IJL:t luth, :..;1. -"U~- t :~l~:t
rL11 ,
,clFUbt :~5tr.,
\':eTr) :fe:.:~c1 2nd ~t1),lrOved
:-~.nd J"doJ)tcd L'.f.:: rr~~ cl
." -l-'
','l \)11
i::m of
.<'lr,J.i':Y _"h in the
li1(; et in c)' ai' ~\.n --:ll_t, t ,:)th
rcllJrroc1 t.o tho .::18ti tion for 11;!dr::~.nts ,-it tho j11I!Cction of ~l'J,lil"d
~:nc1 ~LilYoad :~vr:uues :..nd. on ~'iUrth .'iVerme oJ:JoFite "chc ,:,x:"ital
\.'.'hj_(;11 8t,--.tcs tL~.t the \'jllos'tion W::.<C' to lJe rcf(;rred to the ;utor
CO':11j_ttoe. '~'1O CI01'k w.r,' inFtructod to correct thh; to ro',cd -oJnt
t}li"J '";')1'llCil oTderoo. tho j'ire D.nd ",'Liter CO.nittee to h:.\ve the'iu,ter
(;o':J.pany to instn.ll tile h~ToY'3,nts.
CO"!lrcJlll1ic.!.tion \Va:., 1'0),d .L'rom :11'. :o1'[o1'd onclofing a
letter i>co:n _.n~. ':'~(;~lCer~on, r~'YTJ.is2:.~ion('.:r 1)1' '>lnc:J.ti,Jn. _lr. ~-~()ncler-
on f:',-V..tE'c'1 tl1:t hu thou~"':ht the ~cllool -~~o2.rd :."llonlc1 lO'Jk iYlto t}"e
''l''ttry of the biIlo i'or Ii '.Ilt and v.'1-tor c}urp;,;d tho sC}1001s. '-:iter
L)~U diLCULdion it
" ,::L,..J
]Dved 1J:'1 Goun-...:ilm'..tn L.l._~.f:.~ ')I'th ,::.n,,-;
Ef;,;OU(1 ad i I
\,~Cll.Lfl(.:ilr::L.~n _i.delu1.:..tD th,;.t the Clerk 1,.:,'rite _,Ir. ..lL:-lC';:)rL~r')n i.nl_)TLninR: J11m
tlLl.t toth cO;~1:.J..:..nics I,C/UI'e 0..!ur:j..ting under fr.;.LllChise LJrdin'c:.nee '-:nd
send 11i.J .~ cO,JY of t~o ordin2TICe.
"e"11,(''''O' ""Jteo II, -.(,.j
, ~" '............, ~ _. . . I ,
l' ion
-'... ''Jcti tion l,N:~'.S read fy,'-) .'1 J')ro ,ort;l r)\':,'-'~':.:rs on ~..ccol1d .l'iVCn~lc
DC i,.'~":ccn _'l.c1d.TIS ::.~nd Jet"fore'on :Jtr8ct~~' t-J....:ting tl':'cJt tl-~C ~ trJTI08 >bo Te-
Loyed. 1-'00:.1 the [:trr ct
.ct tJl ."t tIle ,~Yi',nue 1;e clo'.crcd and ']i',1:8 ~l,or
resenta11~ B')Crance.
j,J1mcill:tc",n ocdolrcJ'.m, ceconded t;T Cormci.!.cnan
P,,',l,On,lOyodULt ti,o .3treet Co,nmittee be :.cnt,);)rized to c.lrry out
"ho 1'8 nost )f the ~)ctitioners for the clo:.3-ring of 0cc,md ).venue
:trcet "orth to th,; 1) ink of the u1:'ci8r stre"m.,ll
],)'nber, v0teo,-":. 'l(,tion c,,'rried.
. wD,rr~nt L'')r ::3.49 0':' WTI i"^ Lc,'or of J. 1.. C}!'ilOf in ilily-
l'nt of rn.L11nd on t~LXCS 'N,-li: r,turncd.
It ".:S re::';I'_rly ',!Dyecl <lnd
-~cconti0d thu.t s~...(le be J-L,.!,cod on l'ile.
Ulluer the head of ncv! Ll(~J.nC":L L.he ,ue: tion W,L. br 'H".'ht u;
f ch:3.nuing [0'18 of the li,"Ilts u.long .0'ourth "venue.
It \','C:,t:' ''lovnd
':oiJ.ncilmun ;,delman ,-end seconded b:/ C',jilllcilman j~llsv:orth that
~ ~
if.. ,_ J""" _ l:! - ~-'iiii
rep:ular mC3eting.
t1-Jl' ':,ip:ht Committee look into the :n'ittor and rOllort at the next
rhe following salaries and clai~s ~ero read after
being- aVIJroved b;:1 the l!'inanco Comrni ttee:
J. -". Graef
It,, n
"" n
Co,nmerce Cafe
Seward Light L Power
" ft " It
" '.vater "
Gateway Publ. Co.
Seward News Co.
Borgen's Grocery
Br 0\'1ll <':; H.~,wkins Corp.
'fim. E. '::hi ttlesey
B. P:!,rker
Carl Peterson
F. D. Caraway
Soward Drug Company
Co. 9.50
Yrances ~oot, Clerk
J!'rances Root. __lu.gistr8.te
Sylvia Qoxton, rreasurer
Dr. B:lUIO'hman, Health Off.
L. V. Ruy, City Attornoy
Yire Chf.Harry Dodoyard
Uhf. Pol. P,lUlson
.l!'ire Roll
Lars Larson, Niphtwatchman
Curtis _Jorford
Bank of Soward
Gerh:"lrd Johnson
Chas. J.Jechner
Frank Lagerquist
Ira B~',ilCJY
Counc ilmL~n"'mlson seconded L' Councilman!~llsworth move
tho.t the claims :md salaries be allo\vod LeS road nncl the clerk bo i
ins:cucted to draw weE'rant::: in jJLl;J!llCnt of sa,:1e. At the c:ll of tho
roll all me'nbers voted ").;,7e", :lotion c','rried.
'i'hcrc bc-,in.'"!: n,) furtjwr business belore tho ',;oun"il , it
\'I.).C ,loved to '1,cl journ.
~~-~ I~ ~,~y-
"iU:,ICIP.iL i,;I,,::..qK
/ "",~' ",',' ,1/
, , ,"f J .
,1 ,. Y 0 R
_:inuto~ of :\c"ul3.r ,;ootinp: of City CO"~lCil.
46 C)
_ c)
CjJto..10cr lbth, 10>.1:"'.
c..1Ieu to
t <:
. ':~ by .:a ;.cor
Gr.:ff,ll ;aoElI:Isrs bcinF, re, cnt ':'ith t1!e exeo '_~ion of :",olmcilllii.i.n
L'ho :limltcLi of tho meeting of ,)o)tern1er 5th \:ore ro:d
androvod and ldo ,ted as road.
rho :ULliltOS .of tl!Q .joard of i~(:ul.1i;', "tion \'101'(' reed,
:'~.nd :i i~
" moved l,' :jol111cilm.n "-,.u1"on .Jill ueconded by C,)Il11ciLn.:tn
Co,).pe1' th~t the 1'o~'o1't of tho BOcird of ;:cpu1iz2ti.on for the ;10:,:1'
of 19..::' 1):" :J.cce,Jtod ..11Cl "Liced 011 file.
:Lll .1C~11b';rs voted H_.~..~7elf,
a,o"cion c.crried.
1'he .:itreot COd.llitteo r po1"Jod t11.t "bO.UV h,d b,:;on
e~{l)ondod on '1 th "venue.
It WUL rO,':'l<.l ..r1y ,il.Jved .end socondod tJ1 t
t110 1'o),)rt of the ;:,t1'eot Co:nmi ttee bo aceegtcd.
The .Lif';ilt CO':Eli ttoo gave un 8sthlU.to us to the prob'J.b1 e
cout of Ciull,'dng tho li:::hts"nd inst:..llnbf; ;.'OlliO no" ones long 4th v'
It .~,s ::lOvod b;1 Coul1<;i1rnan l:rofting .md s"c0ndcd llY
CJnnc;iliil'm:~lls\'.'')rth that the lip-ht -':o,Juittoe and tho ::l70r be
uuthDri,ed to "'-pond '" ; urn not to exc<:E)d ~5(jO. IJ in mkinp: those
ch:mg;:es und inst'.lling tho li=},tS. ~,11 :nomoc1', yoted "";.ce",
lOtion C .1' 'ied.
nelor thr' llL d 0f no" !,l~,ines,- 'c1l;:; ..1 ttor 0f IiL,inp:
iYi t>~(; :-~L11C~k }~,t)108 on } OL,_rti-: ..v:,~;nue bct~..'ocn :Jhllrch ,..:,trl.:ct ~~.llci the
'_ ..\.\' Lill ....,r.' di -cu~~~'od ",in., tt
~} }vud Ly <OLll'l(_'.i.L.l:-_'.l1 ''':0) C}" nd
1,.JC Jndocl ~'.r . )',;nc;i ','11 en c'LLL' 011 th.;.t th", trr'nt Co',l.'littee be
.lr:Jhorizcd to eXn.:nd ..J. sum not to GxcGed i~151J. ,0 in C! Jin,< tnis
:/ork. ~~LL :ilo,:lbGr,. vat ed "._;'0", .lJtj.on cIlrl'ied.
~-:..fter ~,Oj~lU (li~uU.b~_ i In tl...c ~\ire CO.n..littoe V~I;_l.:""J inc:tructo
"0 notify the .l!'ire ~lliof to cla:in tho c.l,.:otric . i.llt r'lobes on tl;e
l'ho .:ju02tion of 1i,":hLing the ~110utin,'?: DOGk c;u;ue Ui)
1nc;. ',;o"ncil iUun :~1~" orth, 2euondod. '0;: GouY1Gil,a~nG')u ,or :lOvod th t
G110 'si"':'lt CO,ll:l1ittee 1:,c;e two 'iO w,tt Ii -ilLs on ';'lh "ock. ,ill
10,'lr:ors voted "",)1,;". lr)'"ion c:1rried.
~'ne J ttor of tho tu.x on tho 1t11 .': ~5d /,vonue cido
\'.'u1L~) h.vinp; CDiJe up, it ",e rec'nl,.r1y ,~lOvod ccnct :econdod th:Lt tho
Clerk be instructod to confer ith tho City "ttorney as to how
to collect this tax and rebate/any ~erEons who had been over-
'i'he i!'ire Chief re:jorted that a Groat mill;'! .:Ju'ple wore
dmu[Jing ashod in the alleys nd streets. Councilman Cooper'
seconded by Co ,ncilman l'~oD~GOn i.1oved that the i<'ire Chief be
im:tructed to notify every-me thcl t the ,mttJ ng of ashes in the
streets or :Llleys was )rohibi ted by ordinance and thut action
would bo brought against anYflor~on doing so. ",,-lLaornbers voted
";"::Ie" , JJtion carried.
I'h re being no further
blH~iness, ~;'~?-e~_ udjourn
A~'" ~-
, / :7"~,,-::: ,p/" '~---..,
/ l Y' " /' 'Ii
,V'YOR "
/c "'
C -LJ ~ R K
") ,,~v ''")
':';: J =; --; ~.'
;I:Y "
- '-" "--'
Oc+,ol-!er "', l():~,;~.
The m, ot ing \"
c '.118[1 t'"">,,tJ;=r b;' II -;- or Gr ,ff ,;,t 8 Pm
~ 'b' '.I''',,0e~t '.'.',l'~h ~},a, e-.,rcr.,,1J'i".D of ~0unci]maD
3.11 :nomu,-'rc', lDf" _, H ~" , -, ,'j
]'110 minutes O.L' tLc 1cl:c:t Tt?LL' I:U, ,,:.inp: 'i'j' C TiC ,dnd
:J.()' ,rovod anu ad OLJtcd ~,b T";8.o':i t11 1,
(~~'=C:j,) t i on 01' t.he P j,I'J,-
ccrCif1h re,ferrinp, to the 'Jinntec3 ,ll' tllc; >curc 01',:,',;,110: ,1;ion.
'.r:he "~18rk ,,:..1.~.~, inFtr11ctod to correct thi~: to T(; c1 r"~1h 't the
~,')I.lncil '.Lcce)-':tcd the ~~linlltcs of tn.o ~[,~10 .Lrd of
u~;.ll;; tion
~ 1-'~ 19'" ne' tne r=)ort 11 (C(1',U1c.','l,"'l,'_".n .'..c'".,","J_m,'..'n ,'.ll"'.~,.l",rtd
0:1: CJ1C -;,rO:,j.,.l. :~.:.. ,--",t... ~: - ~:.;;. . - ~-- -- - - .~.... -
c:.t i;: 15. )
.'" C'J;:U'1unic-,t.i.on\',-C~' :reci.d IY'om the 'i'erritorial 'i'rf):~"fJUrc1'
rl)~~-.~r(,inr! the ,:School rJ:,::-i.X '-;,TIc:i. it ~.vo.~, 1i)Vnd b:.r C0i1Dcilm,'0..n .::;118-
viorth c1J1c1 scconc~ed 1,;t :]oii.Ilcil!:r.:.n C0,) 181' thc~t tho s ':10 'be jlu.cecl
on file fol' l",t(,r ,;on;illo1",tion. ,'clj, 1.1C'11]C;:'" voted "_t:,~o"
motion c.rried.
'1'ho bonds of Clerk1fl(1 '1'rnl8u1'or Invi.nr: boon rccc)ivod it
VitlS rpcru1'1,1'1;r 'uovnd ",nd spcondocl tint 1;}lI' 8"J'1e 1)(; "lCc(,:,ted Inc1
the Clerk's tond bo filed ri.th tho Trna2urer ~nc1 tho rrp~surer's
bond bo iiled 'rith thc Clark. :~otion c r:'icd.
'l'hc follov,'inC 'B:a-!'F=!~ .nc c;Llims 'dt,)r teinr: liked b;' tho
Finunce CO~Dittee were read:
L; . ~34
Curtis :lortord
E 6; H Corp.
SO'lhlrd Li:- ht :.
" n n
PO".or Co.
lt 11
;~. 50
'rr eel:,'U1'er
City AttOrlley
Io '1 th Officer
}lief of Police
I,' iro !jhief
oc i ".1 l!'ir 0 Roll
0"1] 13.1' " "
:; nl: of 0()w::rd
m.I~.1-J.;md L,wndry
7 ~~ . 50
1. :25
"',1', e k'1 Tr C'.Yl G fer
'.'/u. l-I.. 'Hhi t tl es oy
W. E. Root, P._<~.
J. I,. Graef
Ch s. Cr,lYiford
:~e''',ard '"j,tcr :'. :::'0','/01' Co.
",'p'''ilm':lD ;';LLf'.:orth, c()c;ondoil 'i>;' Co:mcilman ~):~;.ulGon. :novtld
thLit tho S,-1Y:10 be a))royod :-:nd tho Clerk lJO inctnwtcd to Braw
wrn'T:c.nts in y'}rncm-~ tfiiireof. "',l;thc cD_II of tCIl; roll c~ll memocrs
vot.)(l ",'c;,'c", '1'Jtion c::.rried.
it ," :)';1'; ,:i;'CHf':'inJ1 it r!,'l.,," }'JVCC! ; C' (]Jllywil'D'm ~)'m1son
an(; f'( c :)y](: ;)6 b:7 /'~ouncllman l~rnfting t}l~t thf:' :~'iyr~ COffi:ni tt8e tIC
',uthorized to buy Go cO:ll turning stove .Lor tl1n ,,'ire ;J,all.TotiDn
f.h (-~,
L:Xu v'
Fj(!.l.. ,-\ I'~
"'..!!JJ-j .d.
1 - ,K 1! j ~ I _ 1
Co:mcil'Cl!1n ,'alf"orth seconded 1';1 CrlUYlcilman IJ'cfting
,novod th:3.t the ClArk 1)0 instructed to ~1U1)lish or canEe to be ~lUb-
lished, clue and sufficient notices of the Genoral :Sledtion to be
hold in ,~eJ'!',rd on IJovAmber 7th, in'1.Ccord'lnco v1ith the territorial
laws. :-1otion C~"1rried.
rhe queetion of the Dclin,~uent T:1X ::toll of 1921 vrls
noxt brou[\ht up 'lDd it Vi!),;:: moved by Cocmcilm:clTI '~lls",;)rth rmd secon(-
cd by COllncilmCin Cooper thl t the City .~ttorney be imtructed to
prOlHre the papers and to ~)roceed with tho sale of proIlerty.'nd
to set dated for the same. ilotion carried.
C,)nncilrrnn Coo'ocr r""orted thu,t the school hour' e needed
two more electric liq:hts and it was rop-ularly moved and s.]conded
that the School Corrunittee be [\Uthorized to purchaf:e and install
those liphts and suitable fixtures. ;Iotion ce-rried.
1'ho Clerk ro ,)orted that the Third "iv,'nue 'rax l:JiJ;'TerS
botwoon c~cl;J.,ns ullc1 Jefferson ;3treots hu.d Cl rebr'lte on the sid ewalk
, '
tax. Conncilman "~lle,worth soconded 0,') ConneilmD,n }?'culson moved
that this refund bo made. ;,lot ion carried.
Thsre being no further
bm,iness to.o. uneil o.djourned.
. ':-;:::> .,. :---~---
/' /{l, ?;~', <, ./~' "/" -'~"'.
V':..Y ;""'1 R
~ c/?~
',I U IJ I " L : ) ,~ T
v -':J .~ ..:.\ .L
4. r> r.J
" r\ .I
"l~~'~l;~..J\j~~~ J_L :i..J'~J~, '''''; ~:.'-~l(5il
U~Jt8ter l,~,' L,j~, 1J:-,~"~.
l~i ' ,.1';f)ti~1r'" \
,-' .~: .ll ( ~,") 1)2.." c!' I~;.,t f3: :'{)
1). .
.:11: ,
I.) 1"'. ~ '
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,}' ,-
C~~~ t ,
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; il;J ,n :~()() 'eT,
.l-. I. '- \.' ;!--o-'...::11,
.j..'t.i.::'1g ~-l('
lc ')2.1.
.jinl1_te:::~ )~L
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. ~l (;8 t~: i-I."':
l(;t;o"i.-,(,y ,(
rc Ii ,',(1 'P:L^OVOU ','.liO
0:Jtr':)ri ";.U re:...:,cl.
'-'.j 'Y"" C' 1~
, 1 d l^On're<-'"c' ',','i- el' nC1~ t~, ,t
(~-; 1;1i t"000 r(~ ".'T ~8'- _)..... ;;".' .....>-.J I .'-J _d. -'-' ---"
. (",'Cl-.i_i.',l,'_--:n_.l 'J:Z'i"!'.n((itllreS.
t~- c' ~'-, 1 ~ ~ :~. i.'7un . ~~ D. JJO ~:lor -=: "t iJ C o"/c'Y -
',- t t 11 ~ C J 1 1 f -to, -'" r -yo () 11
~.1 ";1(,,;}Jlf.Tf .)1',....., !~'nt Y"I;t,~d H~i~'cn ~nd it
r-,) ')1"( nYQd.
_EC ",'ire .0ar:li'Gt,~c l"")rt"c.,
,t '.}' c"'-r 11.( 0}'f'~cyr)(1 a
~,to'Ve l',')T'
j." -
l" '
........._.........L {'I:r
.. ire.
~~ (;D l:lLLni,,-~~,tio1"i, ~.C-t,')_n vit::" ~-....t~~oJ..~J~C;l
.,T . :_~, ;,'" ; ul: .:Ii t t tug
l""O>-.i)lll'tion :.J.l1-\/:l.c)~'l~~in8 t.he 0~1~")l t~rif; 19_~1 d,'1in; Gent tc.::': s"
( rO,~0 _.0 fol~~vs:
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i"j'\U::..t, ~Jr
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",;-~Lrtn8 ,')1' 'nCt Hlri-:it, '.Lt -'l~() ':~ly C:trtt" "!>,"d 1"',-; !'~r I)f
; ',(ul)er, 1'J~;" i] '".e ',. i,;::'; ,."'i. t~'iut
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.J~ j'l~; 1'.)"0 h d
I~l .:~1~(; :1att.cI' of tliF' ..1.,""Y1-l1-i(~-,,-'~,ion Ill' ~,~:'( '.10' n :)~l.-' ,,_C:~"..rd,
,.1_1:a, a llunici}J--,l Cor'0'Jrc;~,:i.)n, fOT3.n ',:r(sr 0'-- ";",10 ol' !,;(rt ,in
110,;,1 JOJ.'!) !]rty, to cn;orce till; lien 01' cort :in lF1in [1.lcnt :".i!ici
J.: .'~(;t., ~:YC t;:c; ;,~c l.r 1<J;..Il, ~,,~) "i:t.rler L--t,J' I(;rl,_"lty, i..:'ltt;l~("';'t '~nd
~oC'-j~s!. ~Ji(- .]lcrk 01.' "~,'}J3 'L10\':n o~ >.~(;" ..1"<1, _:..1 :,-c., "~n'..cr 1~hc ;,ll';.i:jor-
l t:.r 01, l. rll I il" C'ct i on 0 f t; ~ c Cj OJ.1::1. ~~1 \~ ')n~1~ ;.1 O:i..' t.; ~(.~ 11o'.:Yl of
":;,' re, ;,'., >~_ i: -::irccted to : 011 t:UCT,) .rt;,' lei c;J.'ibod in 8 id
C)l"der c)l ~ ~i n, 01" ) .l;]ch .!J-~:-.r(:')t ,...., In t" _\. {l,-,,~~-,f." '~Il ~'_..le \}, Y'(~in-
J..ftc'r ~Te~ ~;rib(;d, [:JI ~.l~L, 1-),;] ~81U1cl 1-1.11) .id :..~~ C') tdX, -')(Y"J_,.lt;7", ,intc:r
'cst .',.]'1(; COcts. ll.ion <,UCl' ,.cific tr,~t. in til'i l,,'IYlCr ,,:'ovf\licJed
by 1'1':,'.
~-.. _"hat the Clerk {')f tl}J' c~o1xn of ,~c""~_rcl,
"be: ITl;LOe (~:IC ,:LJ S::\lfljei!:nt D()tj.,-.e o-f: ;1;::,
t,,(:'(' ('01.' ':lnae e ell \"eok -,-'or r.,)UT c:ncce,:,;i,Te
" -+r:"~' ,-',: '")""c -'". " '1 . ,-, -, q~ i
"'0 ",..:\,_y, :c Ilc;",-.' ,cr 0-,- ,;l.T_,. ClrCll_L., "..on,
at 8V': ,:"rd~ iC:rl E:~i.d n;.;v"~,:~ ;'L'lcr is 1'1 ~"t;t~T (i~~',
:iD~e !', 0!Jii L)o:J.;n.Oll ~o:J"nGil;
ll'.i~'ta" c:1~~.1~l. c n:(; to
it', ';} ,':ul,lie,.tion
~':eoks, in the '~e".' __rd
u~irhcd in G~id ?o~
i-"n-.tl)d j....Jr t:.;11Ch ,Iur-
~5. _Ch,:3~t tile :su.le of reul Jrp .(;rty l.if ted u .,)n ~;l(] -l..,'r'J in ,lllcnt
'1'.1..:'.; l\oll l)I' LllE; 'ro~vn. ,J:f 0e'vv~~ro, ,il::.ist..a, :{,)r~j.:.::-~ ;'o:1.r 19:-.11, to s~'"l,ti -
f-y and discharge the lien 01: the unpaid t:"A; !: Xl t,~,- ::!Hvcr::.l.!d
cget;ific tr':.1.cts deLc."it)ed, tt(),:~<tLur ':,l..ii..rh ,.1 l-:.;;T, lLt, rCEt ~dd
cO>-..ts" "'ue h21d ~l.t .~jutJ.ic :~nuti.'Jn. i:d rJit'ic.;e ,:):J.... j...;,(; _~,t~'~j~ci 1_;,1 C":"i;rk
<:.~1..t ;~c~r'[lrd, j,-,-d ;...a on the :...Gtil Q'._"-' \J:1" ;')t~L:C>1i (11'" 1 i' (,::-d.' (-,""'In ~ ~I_e
houne of ten 0 r el Jck in th() for~n();)n- ';Li"-LC;;l~ o~ :i~e}:- i;L1-:i~0 ,'..
, i'tc.:rnf)()TI 01' f:'__'..Ld dn;.!, (; '=J~1:J811(;inr" 1t c. id ~l;,,;_jT 0~t' -:"01"1 0' :.~lock in t)J (;
foru:'l'JOn, ,"nd it ::c' "id t,c:( Sir.le if n(Jt neluded o,e ~~".id :>(;th (L~" 0
'Ir,,,.o'nbor 1'). .,,', '1,(,., '0 ,,', "l'l ~ ". " I '" .'
.L~vIJ._l , ....~.--', ',JJ!.J :, (,1~' ...::;ll~_L _ ,.~)n l11Ue ..Lr()fQ C;~': !~O O.~"j,~T --:--,tlcre,9.ftcr
over .,~lJ21r1a~ys ,.-,rll. }-l~Jlid.':l;."'S, (lritil th<: :,ro, crt;! Sl..lli jcct to t:;"x D_-":,l c
~n(' in s_:.id n,~)tic;e :jf ;:; ,1e c.: )nt~'..il1od, ifJ (ii}. :)f'cd of;
',.. l'lL,t e:.:ch tract, '1. ,un r: .id Dolinru8nt 'L',c~: l{oll ,1' tile J.o':m
0_ "":";1'c1" ,l; ':3., l'Jr [;h; :C8',r 1J9:~l, bo ~ old se;):"r'.tel~T, be
L i
offered for the amount of tho tax, penalty, intcrestm6 l:O['.ts
cIue t}v;reon; ,-',nd, if sufficient is not bid to diDch",rp;e 11ho ,,,mount
duo on the s2.'1e, sueh ~~~)oeific tr"ct 2hall be bid in 11',T 81.id Clork
of sa,ici rmvn of Jf:'".rd, ,t')1' anli on llCh'J,lf of ['aid :,unlcip[~lity, fel-
tJ'cC) cf.1ount of tho taJ&:,peTulty, interest '",no. costs, '1'Ling- ,)ro:',er
not~tion u on said DDlincuent tax roll.
PASS::-:D .UJD ADOPT.:r<:D l.mdor E'us,lOnsion of tho 1'nls, thif; 16th d2.y
of October, 192~.
("ip;ned) b'r:mces Root.
Clerk of tho Town of Soward, Ale.:;" ka.
(~~iFmedl!. Graff.
of the 'VOwnof:10w"ird,
',:onncilman :l:t!w()rth. Sr:c ,ndod [;" ,~o'm(~ilman ;) ,1.1Fon,
moved thst tho ruleE be :'':LULcnded, th'lt the first "-'C"din? of the
rccolutlon be Gonc;idored UE U sOl:ond rO,(ling; 1,Jl..t it 'be rf)Ci,d for
a third ro. ding by title only, uno under the sus'lension of the rl11 s
that the Ro:,olution be 'Jlaced u:,on its ::n..coiJ.i','e und :l(]Outod. ,..t th
c,',dl of the roll, ullnombers p1'ocent voted ""~~7e". :,l)tion cJ1'1'ied.
UnGer th;:) he~ld ()f n8\Y tusine8~~ tbc lJl.(;~:tion of "_L
nC\,,1 e id
\'-,~lk on the \ICf't side of 5tJ1 :we. ,/"1 [ cU"cussod '.,.rcej it Vi'"
loved 1:,
\;ollncilrnL1l1 l~lO <::r (1,nc1 f!cconded b'T COlmej Iman :-:ll,''''()1'th th",t the Ci' ~T
.\ttorney bf; inrtructed to)reDe.re, .lleti tion for tho 1 Lcilciing of
speh '., side vi"elk for tho Fir;n.).tL1.reS of tho Iro .iorty ownors int()1'es' od.
l;r:mnci Iman p.:, ,;l,'on, :::: eC'Jndod 1):T C ou:rlC ilmo.n Ii'tJi'ting 'Qovce
the::. t tho ,3tr 'lOt Co:nmi ttOF: be in; truetod to rey),ir l.md nW.ko safe the
E:ide 1!Jalk on the \!est 2ieie of :~d.~ve. n,)rt11. of ,~dams ~t. to lot 4,
block 13.
.\11 me'Ullcrs voted ","'YO" :ntion (;:,r1'iod.
c' ,unr~ i Im'3-n ]) '11 f' on, :. fOe nncl eel ny';oilJ1e j Im:?n :.'LLc"." i)rth
moved tn,o,t t'nf" ::tr00t ',;o::lmi t1;eo br, in,+,rnctod to 11".ko ''.YJ;' neces::":;.r;y
reodirs on the to':/n sici'I,"ilts. foti .,n c'lrriod.
',<'or Grc:.ff :::tj.ted tInt .1JOO.'JO h d beon l:orrmved to 10:~Cl
to the ,:;c[1001 30.ird.Conneilmcln l' i, 1:, on '('(;',1n<1oc1 l,y Cr)ul1cilm::m ';lh'.) '.yth
novod that tho letion of tho Ilj~7or bo r'...tified. ~oll 'I,' L GJ,lled i.lnd
'111 :nc:nlJ8rs ~ilr1~ voted A~,7e ,lo'.ion e[crried.
11110 :.:.<'7or f:-~id tj-L':lt ho ,'/()ulci c'~lll :~l, ~-_ Jcci:.~l d1nct~in,0:' on
(,jet. ,',,3, for..;u:' [)OSID of choosing Clorl:.s (' JUU?'8S for rcr'~nl:.;,r ()lOcti n.
'.i:hcre bc:Lng no fu1'therbuLiiness to tr:"l}8'U"~t th~;::' ." :)
~<i i ournod.
~ (/t;,-<-</~
/ /' ~/
" I. It
u _.~ _~..1 ..-.< II
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, J ~'- U 'lC.J :J 1 t:,.. C; l ~ ,,' i 1
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'1}~" :l-,'"'r irl "nt. ')-''''o-~~,c,rn c...llod ,"ltt:;~-Itj 'In ~.>J
J ,~- 1.. _ c t '~~ J ~ . t
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-:- 11 (1 p" '-:; s
- ~.. 1,.. C'
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(th ~...\.r' l"lue.
, . illlnc -i l:J::.J.,n l~~"
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. .L J-'
'1 l.:l:rt'
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)'_YC_~iJ;il 1. _'~;n
, , '
.:,It:j 'JHTTIed.
~.:,cYOR )~t'
~---" -~-
" Ie: I
~..i ~
& r-; '!
.... {. -
'~I~' ~11I~~ ~~":~L"=-J~~~ :I'~_:~'~Ii;G :=~1 '~~=.2
';I_~~~{ >.'ULYCIL ~1".r',~~'.:J ~3 Gt:-rl, IlJ;_~2.
'~hc ucc-ti.n -"" \'~_~,_ C .J.1 ,:'J't t'J ,::>rc' or ..~t E3: 15!)-'~ by I" ~I""'or
lir,lff, ,11 memlJors lJ,;irw )Tfj: (';nt '. i",~h the axcl' ,tioY', of i;oclncil-
']'OC l~l()nbur g.
nf the rOfCillar mootinp: of Octobor 16th,
',nd tho l1irmtos of the s')8cL,1 mcoti,n[': of Uctol\0I' ;;~-)d '. ,ro YWld
11nd .lY0V0d :J,nd a00:'ted'cs rOi'.d.
neti tinn W3.F I' (;',;,d {rl)!ll "y> . ,'7 '~001r'nlnlrrc ",l "',inrc
tho ':;OlUlCi1 to ',l1L"ori;;o the s:.le of :L0t :04 in :'!10Ck 16 to "oti-
t.ianeI' {or the SUHl of <17 .1,J (thE: ,Uln,o::
".iC!l it ""~lC rlc;edc;C to
i-~,~:'l i-0Hrn) ~{\-;,(,t;-l(\r ',.,']',1:1:. ~~11 t,.;..,:es, it"J1__1tjes, intC'T~~_t .lno co~'ts
v ; '-' v ,. V -.J,' _':..J~ ,"
i'1.'~il~ jl,'-1~ ,_(,~l:.ed 1Jea~~,uf e peti t11)ner h,'.::.d 10 -ned_ '-.1r)"(l8~r on his
lot ,,,nd on ~DrelJi.1iri~p; to forcL:1ose found Ll!:~t 0_"10 he:cl biJon
dooded to city for taxes.
It ~ll[ rQ;~Lll~rl~T ~ovou
d ....:nconcl(:;d
th..t this C::)'.1..1nnj.c~.tti'Jn 1,.0 ,l_'.ced on ii,le.
~''J.. U 0 l,l~l iJl i C;.L ti on \./ ~~-
l' 0 ; d ir n:n J-'cl' on
:-hchJr 'cL"ti~g
t?l::1t tj-l'3 i:'JC1t-~\=-{ 0.1.' the ]~ov','n lot~: of ~e\.'l.rcl \\ 1-!0\,~.f cO:1-l1(;ted ~nd
1 :";W1l7h i,. J:uCif;ri',l I.' 'ok v,'ould Lc' 0ITfi ct :if e c;o ",]1" 1'0 "rt~T
o Tler.
Ir. :'tlJG~=-cr theroforo L-~:..k8d .J~I.~::t he 1JO :::iven the ::'''11m of
::,'lUO.OO to JJcl~) 08:LI'L.y tiF' OXiicnu's of :J1'e:)';rinfC ':,i;
'Jok, ~~Ji.is
l""i::1F the "Q011nt of tllC Cl('>rk i"ire. I, ,','ii,' "_';''111 .rl;,' 'noYOd,c;ld
::c;:;'ndecl ti 'i; t"'L'; '111mic" ir)n 1.)(' "Lcuocl on iile.
C'JTQir,,-,iC',i,ioY1 V,'i-'.': re'cd from '. '<. CUOd:7 in ',n: "cr to
'1, 1(,ttpy L"Tom Cl,:1U(l~t~thif'ont t-,hE' 1,'.J.tt('\r h 1"\7'5.nr- rc"!ur< tea a re-
~'l1nd on hi2 three nnwe:,ir0d 'llirc'c!!ti1e J.ic0ncDs. ::r. r;wld:,T :u"'-
C:f)i ted th',t :,:r. ::,,";' icon 011t~in thi:- {':O'll the ::;it~r ,'.nc tLat "'hen
the rn:t'mld \'1,..' C'Tented from' "', ~;in:"t')n the :n tTii;t Clc,rk's :Jc:':ice
\',-::)C11d be ,)r,lCreCl to cioc:uct it J:Tom tho to\"n'::; 1icf){Ic.:e 1,::mcy.
i'hi2: comnnnication Vi~i.: LtLo orderedL__,--,od on l'i-Le.
'.ch(:) ;c'ollo,.in.'" c1",L.1s ,,,-",U sL,L"I'ies ',,[,:Co cLcn ]"(' d:
'~.J .-Tk
~,=~~ '''i ~-'tr' to
Tr C:~,. sur er
City' ~'l.t~~Ol""~-_8~T
~l() 1 th Of-Ii (; or
,j','def of ')'-'lice
-21iro Chief
~:k "'Ll1c.r j'ir 0 ~1011
'?:.J. SO
'~(_:" -,.rd I.Ji j:t 1)0,
It fI n
cr C {).
E:7. ,5
9. 0
8. 5
36. 5
12::';. 0
;) I) . 00
Gi~,t c\'ia:l
0C\.:_vrd '::i.tcr Co.
.d.l_~_.D1:.a :~l~ ,n~ f,:r
1'09. 0
(.T. I.. Gre.cf
{.,6. 5
..N'V\.;tA-1; ~'~ \..!.
,"._ \';;0 '\
r .('
~. \_ f'
}..~. .> {
... ~
:.I .-T.
_.lr(y,~ln (~: l-:l.n,v.rkins Corp.
?OE lE'rpction P'.l;',' I,nnoer Co.
G. '. ,~;nith
j.'oto Johnson
~.. ::. 0[','10
"o':,'lrd ;3chool Y)o:~rd
Ci ty I~xpros8
jJ1d;jT IT ovuk
;Ii to :.hJ loy
..:llex I.i ttle
:::lovi'.rd Drug
It \,,':1.[ !Joyed b~T Cl:.mcilnun ~')ll:::'::orth ,me, [3oconded by
;';ouncilman l'.:rofting that \"ith the excontion of the bill for the
paper delivered to the Fire Hall amounting to ~7.50, that the
claims and salaries be allowed as re~d und the clerk bo inctructod
to oraw v:arrants in 'Y'.'.''lwnt of same. .'ct tho call of the roll?ll
'nembers pre::ent voted. "'eye", ';~oti'-)n co.rried.
.i'he l'OllrY"ing 1'e:;ort
from the 'l'rulsuror
" .~......
E,.L,.nce ;JO:1t 18
Ccish received Jept 18
to li 0'1 . 6
" ,:07.%
':ctrr:1nts issued Sopt 18
to Hov 6,
:;,;3297 .44
ReE]! octflllly
su1J"Ji ttod b;jT
(Si(med) Sylvia SextoI!._,__
Town 'Treasurer
::ounciJlInan :.:als\'!orth, :::;econded 1,:T Ci)uncilrnan l:ro.ctin[':
Joved t1nt fmme be acce,;,ted and ;11aced on file.
The School Crnnmittoe 1'0 lorted that the floor in the SE
roarl\ in tho 8c1',001 llouse ViaF ,o:rertly in nood of rO}JD.ir. COll.ncil-
Bl18'."!orth f"oconded by C011llcih'l2n Pc'Ilr,on moved that the ~3chool
Commi ttoe be in::trllcted to rOlH1ir i.md !:k-lK..e safe tho .Iloor in tIlis
room. ]Io! ion curried.
Covncilll"n CO"1or Foconded 1,;,; COtlDcilman Zrc:t"ting novod
tho.t roof to the .cire Hall be 'reno-ired and tho Conncilroom bo
11 i."ne'T
\11 ne nb0rs "Toted/in anf'''er to tho roll c,-,,11,1)'Lion
1'he m:.Lttor of .1rE'. l'eci:lenburg':o TJotition '!:J,~ next r'is-
cu:~ God. 'l'ho follmd.ng Hel olut ion Vlai3 meld 0 by C"llnci l'nan P.J,r:ls on:
"B~~ IT RB,:>JLVi::D That the :,LL;'or imd the CLerk bo 'mtilOri;;e
::md instructed to issue to :.:o.y Tecklenburg :1 d.eed to lot
~4 l,lock 16 in the 1'ovvn of ;)evwrd, ).luGka, ,It t;no cost
of "aid ILl;',! Teckle:r:burg Emd u,an P'l;Tlllont by hor to the
'rown of :3e\',ard of ",;47.40 and cLll accrued L',x'~G, !Hml,ltie
interest and costs to date."
COlmd l'Il8.n ~~lh;\'!orth seconde(l b'T COlU1CilEl:ln r;()1J1)er
that tho ref'olution as !T3,dei,;T COllncilnmn P",l'lfon bo adopted emd i
was f, 0 ordored.
~lftcr (-li~C:if";,inp" the r()f1Jx~d of '5:..50 <lne :~r. ':~\thi;,,')
on hi" l1TlC::.,ired licences, it v.
rt 0':lJ_' rl;;:- 'loved
.(1 :::r:coY1don ~~~L.~
t';]J~ Clr:rk be inrtr."nctoQ to (lr_:,'.'
(.;. ':' "'l"'r _l,llt i:or .J~~his 1.J -'unt in
~ ,....
~ -..... .
~L;'t.~:~L. on" i>~"tlor.
,t ":.1'" c .] 1
:,1' "t}~c roll D.,ll '.181"rJcrf: "":,Toted
'D0tiJl1 c ""iod.
~; 1")1"'1 C i 1 '11:~,n CO L") . . nr f'~ n C~ DDd nd 1:1 ~-' (j ')-i~ I1.(: i l',"J.,c-.:,TI
c,: .on !lOVO
t""l.t D. w".rr'.mt b,") c1r',wn f''lr'l'~)O.()O in i~~".'()r O:!"i',Y'ln ':. ~~l1c;'.or to
':(11) c1('lr:;J~T thr; e:~ Jon::'8 of 1::8 ..:.:rin? the:: "'\01: f)T' i"~ld'~'_~=iru-~ th8
.t GC
c 110;
" ,'l.L
vll ~l:J}l '--'I':.
\~I)t cel If
~" .or' ,
c.rr :Lod.
Cr)unuill._'Xl ~-l.(i(~liIL n ~- '.~c~\)f}c1 ::;6 1-'7 C ):'2_ il.m:..;.n l~'r(~J_.tj ng
lO'1,'od th:lt :m er:,10r("i?nC;-T :Llmd in tho i'lL':l oi,.53.U(jIr) .'.:co',:ud tho
,.i~ teTf.'; .J1' .3"1.",. J'Jf:C ;11 of l?t ,~uo I'or t! c ,i.Q>~ it;~~~l _:,n(~ tlH3 I~lcyk be
in: +,:nwted to c1.ri..\',' G ;:,':.'rT:~llt fOT ,.'18.
.c....t l~: C l.~ _ .:.1 ()J.: i~~.c roll
.: ~Il.~nl~: i l;~'lu.n C J ',-),.) er :~nd C(y:.:tnlJ tl.1:-?'1l :211::.: ':,_,rth ~Tot cd HIT O~' . ~n(l :; .'YiLDC; =Llr.:.1:'J..
,',ri,.-;J..'rrm, __
~.tj.nr~ ~lnCL .~ "'l:.:'on i,T')tcd Tf~1.~,-"e" :~-,J1(1 tJ-l0 :~lDt1()n r.':~~~-
~',' TO l' :inp' no i:'~i_?t~.i-;r "i~lCG~-' '0 ~.()}~C t '10 (._:~)nneil
ct,:i.l1P' _..(~ ,i()1lY'nod.
7/J"'7c Yj ',I?
, ,{ ( / (cLc'-___L'
/ I
G/ .:.~{:.'R
C J~ . ::.-:1:
~.~ ~T';. .' ,.~,
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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
City Council, Dec. 4th, 1922.
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 PM by Mayor
Graff, the following members answering to the call of the roll:
Councilman Ellsworth, Krefting, Paulson and Tecklenburg.
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and
approved and adopted as read.
The following claims and salaries were read:!ir,a
Hea.lth Officer
City Attorney
Fir,e Chief
Chief of Police
Regular Fire Roll
Light & Power Co.
n " " "
Seward Drug Co
Bank of Seward
Eric Nelson
Lloyd Hardy
Bailey & Moore
Curtis Mroford
H. E. Ellsowrth
J. L. Graef
Jack Bolam
Seward Machine Shop
B & H Corp
Alaska Transfer
Frank Lagerquist
Water & Power Co.
M. E. Holben
John Gagnon
School Board
It was moved by Councilman Ellsworth and seconded by
Councilman Krefting that the 81a~aBtbe allowed as read and the
lerk instructed to draw warrants in payment of same. All members
.,1~'/l~r~~ ".ye" in answer to the roll call. Motion carried.
The following report was read from the City Treasurer:
Statement Dec. 4th, 1922
Cash on Hand Nov. 6th
Received Nov. 6th ~o
Receipt 7420 ino.
Warrants issued Nov. 6th
to Nov. 22d inc.
(Signed) Sylvia Sexton
Town Treasurer
It was regularly moved and seconded that the Treasurer's
eport be aocepted.
There being no further business before the Council the
meeting adjourned.
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Meeting of the City Council
December 18th, 1922
The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Mayor
Graff but as there was no business to take up at this time
motion to adjourn was made and seconded. All members voted
"Aye". Motion carried.
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