HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923 City Council Minutes Regular MeEting of the City Council January 2, 1923. A C'. "-+ (-" 1 ....... "-' ......... The meeting was oalled to order at 8 PM by Mayor Graff, the following members being present: Councilman Cooper, Ellsworth, Krefting, Paulson and Teoklenburg. The mtnut8~ of the two last meetings were read and I approved and adopted as read. A commun1eation from the Territorial Treasurer was read regarding the school tax and it was moved by ~ouncilman Ellsworth and seoonded by Councilman Cooper tha.t the same be referred to the City Attorney for his iwnediate attenn~on. Motion carried. A report was read from the City Treasurer wae U!&a and accepted and ordered plaued on file. The following claims and salaries were read: I ~lerk Magistrate Treasurer City Attorney Health Offioer Chf of Polioe Fire Chi Regular Fire Roll J. L. Graef Gateway Sylvia Sexton 72.50 8.33 50.00 50.00 50..00 150.00 HiO.OO 20.-00 18.05 1.25 6.23 Bank of Seward Curtis Morford Light & Power Co. n " School Board Water & Power Co. Alaska Transfer W.E.Root Postmaster Cal M. Brosius Mike Malloy Light & Power Co. 25.00 5.00 197.35 9.50 1000.00 122.50 28.50 10.99 2.50 24.00 475.11 It was moved by Councilman Ellsworth and seconded by Councilman Paulson that the claims and salaries be allowed as read and the Clerk be instru~ted to draw warrants in payment of smae. All members voted "Aye" at the call of the roll. Motion carried. look into the matt r 0 The Fire Committee were instruoted to/buying an inch and a half hose for the Fire Department and to report at the next meeting. Also to see about buying an extra ~aEing for the fire truck. tires. There being no further business hefore the Council , . I the meeting adjourned. 0'.,---e......~., .j0, C L E R X ~'-.. 5i':- \0,.., A / ( MAYOR REG~_ill MEETING O? THE CITY COUNCIL January 15, 1923. 4P;' ....... '-" "-.... I The meeting was called to order at 8:15 by Mayor Pro-tem Ellsworth, all members being present with the exception of Mayor Graff and Councilman Tecklenburg. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 2d wer raad and appro~ved and adopted as read. Two claims were read which were ordered layed over until the next regular meeting. After some discussion the Clerk was ordered to ask the City Attorney to give his immediate attention to the matter of Mr. Smith, and to report on the same at the next regular meeting. It was moved by Councilman Cooper and seconded I by Councilman Krefting that the Chief of Police be instructed to notify the property owners that the sidewalks must be oleared from snow, and if same was not done within twelve ho~s from the some time of notifioation, the Chief of Police ~as to hire/one to do this who would receive his pay from the City but the amount as special levy would be charged to the property owner/a t~A~S4Y All members voted "Aye", motion carried. It was then regulartmoved and seconded that the meeting adjounn, there being no more business before the Council at thU time. -f.--'(L, -<'J I', -. Clerk -. - / , Mayor-Pro-tem I 485 'linutes of the meetin~ of the City Council .B'eb. 5th, 1923 I The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Mayor Graff all members being present with the exception of Councilman Adelma The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved and adopted as read. The following claims and salaries after being OKed by the Finance Committee were read: Clerk 72.50 M. B. Malloy 10.50 Magistrate 8.33 J. L. Greaf lO.95 Tr ea sur er 50.00 Alaska Transfer 60.50 Heal th Officer 50.00 Leon Urbach 81.05 City Attorney 50.00 Jerry Siegman 30,.00 Chf of Police 150.00 Henry Lindquist 30.00 Fire Chf 150.00 Louis Torkelson 6.00 ::tegular 1Hre Roll iO.OO M.E.Holben 6.00 Special " " 22.50 Gus Borgen 2.00 Curtis Morford 5.00 R. Kern 15.00 Bk of Seward 25.00 C.E.Shea 7.50 Seward Light & Power Co. 9.50 H.J~.Ellsworth 48.80 " " " 245.75 B & H Corp 12.50 " " " 116.52 City F..xpress 3.00 " Wa.ter &: " 1~2.60 Gateway 1.25 Walter Holben 2.25 Tom Dyer 20.00- I Councilman Paulson. seconded by Councilman ~l~~ws~th moved that the claims and salaries be allowed as read and the Clerk instructed ~t to draw warrants in payment of same. At the call of the roll all members present voted "Aye", motion carried. After some discussion it was moved by Councilman Ellsworth and seconded by Councilman Paulson that the Light Com- mittee be allowed to expend the sum of $5.00 in experimental work on the series street lights and that a sum not to exceed $85.00 e allowed to complete this work if in the opinion of the Light 1 ommittee the same be justified. All members voted "Aye" at the the roll. motion carried. The Mayor stated that he ha<< a communication from the A.E C. egarding the leasing of a piece of ground at the foot of 4th Ave. ith the view of making it into a small park thereby improving the pearance of the Town. A general discussion took place in which waE asked to thank Mr. Gerig for sending the blue print the proposed strip of ground and it was regularly moved and seeo d- to take the matter up at some future tLne 4 Q r.:~ wI",...: V --~ ,. _ ~_, 1I1. M,I!.! -rl:l " CouncIlman Ell.worth seconded by Councilman Cooper moved that the matter of traveling shows and entertaining oompanies and the licensing thereof should be referred to the City Attorney. -; A motion to adjounn was then regularly moved and seconde . members voted "Aye", motion carried. ~ (?...:t '711<1(7 CLERK G~ .?11. ~ --~ ACd J "u", / -+- ., ..... .. Regul~r meotinR of the City Council Pebruar 19th 1923. 1 The meeting was called to order ~t 8 PM by Mayor Nraff all members being present with the exception of Councilman AClelman. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved and adopted as read. Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by Councilman Cooper, moved that the Clerk be instru0ted to publish the legal notice of election and also the registration notice as provided for in Ordinance No. 44. All 'nembors voted "Aye", motion carried. Councilman Cooper seconded by Councilnan Ellsworth ~oved th~t the Clerk be instructed to send a wire to the Delegate in Congress asking hin to advise us of /;my changesnade in the engineering personel also as to the glacier stream appropriation and control. .ill members voted "Aye", motion carriod. 1 A motion to adjourn was thon regularly made and '" seconded. L.-v ~--~ ij. /J7, 0-,0/-/' -~, 1/ 77 III .l Y 0 R ,--( (,] /~Y/l " 7 / TrG<~_n '-"-{,Si' -1 !!iLLl, LERK t I nC" .!L (-:'i ,~, - '-" '--' l~inutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council March 5th, 1923 The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Mayor Graff all members being present with the exception of Councilman I Tecklenburg. The minutes of the previouS meeting were read and adopted as read. A message from Delegate Sutherland was read and on notion of Council~an Krefting, seconded by Councilman Cooper, the same was ordered to be filed. A letter was read from \;/. G. S,ni th, Territorial Treasure addressed to L. V. Ray, City Attorney, soncerning the matter of school tax from which it appeared that satisfautory settlement had been made. Upon motion of Counilman Cooper, seconded by Councilman Krefting same was ordered to be filed. On motion of Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by Councilma Krefting, the bill of Thos. Dyer was disallowed. The following bills amounting to $1024.08 were read: I Clerk Magistrate Treasurer City Attorney Health Officer Fire Chf Chf of Polioe Regular Fire Roll Seward News Co. Brown & H~wkins Corp. R. Kern 72.50 8.33 50.00 50.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 20.00 .30 4.50 14.25 1.2 4.9 5.0 25.0 40.3 122.5 225.2 9.5 18.0 2.5 Gateway Cal Brosius Curtis Morford Bk of Seward Alaska Transfer Water Co Light Co t1 tf Jerry Seigman Josie Emswiler Upon ~otion of Councilman Ellsworth. seconded by Councilman Cooper, the Clerk was ordered ,to draw warrants in payment of same, all present voting "Aye". I {'2. /!:t '(}1 , {fl J,v-{ The statement of Sylvia Sexton, &S Town Treasurer, balance of ~2306.20, as of March 1st. was read and ouncilman ~llsworth seconded by Councilman Paulson ordered the be filed. It was then regularly moved ~~~_that the~t1ting d%m~#:~~~-- MAYOR 401 _v..;... Regular Meeting of the City Council ',!l'1rch 19th, 1923 The meeting was called to order at 8:30 PI1 by Mayor Graff, the following members being present: Councilman Adelman I Cooper, Krefting, and Paulson. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved and adopted. A communication from the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce asking the City to pay half of a .;;;150.00 ad in the Golden Spike Edition of the Alaskan Dispatch, was read and it ",as moved by Councilman Cooper and seconded by Councilman Krefting that same be tabled and taken up later. All members present voting "Aye", it was so ordered. Under the head of new business the appointing of Judges and Clerks for the Municipal Election to be held April 3d. 1923 was discussed. and the fol~owing nominations were made: JUDGES C L E R K S I George Long H. L. S'Uith ;,1:artin Lanning ~rances Root McNally kITS. Lulu Manthey Councilman Krefting. seconded by Councilman Cooper, movedlthat the nominations be closed ahd that the Clerk be instrucG ed to cast a unanimous ballot for those nominated. All members present voted "Aye", motion carried. ../ 00 The Clerk was also instructed~to order 560 ballots and ...00 3eG sample ballots. It was then regularymoved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. I Councilman Adelman presented a bill from the Seward General Hospital of ~65.56 rent (Oct. Nov~.Dec. 1922) Councilman Cooper seconded by Councilman moved that the Clerk be instructed to draw wa~rant in payment of the bill and at the call of the roll /' all members voting "Aye". motion carried~t7?n ~~~~ 'I ;. MR.yor j' --I L( -'Clerk' THml1tes of the Council Meeting Ii OC..' L:t ~f L..) ,~prn 2, 1923. 'rhe 'Ileetinp: was called to order at el P:,1 by Hnyor Graff all ~l1ernbers being- present with the exception of C'1Une:ilman Adleman ~he minutes of the previous meeting were read and approv d 1 and ad09ted as read. A letter wa~ read from the rerritorial Treasurer advisin that a school tax collector be appointed. It waB regularly moved and seconded that this matter be taken up later. :1- communication was read from ','1. E. Root in which he ask d that a refund be made him of $2.80 because of his fuiling to take the benefit of his exemption of his personal property tax for 19~2 It was moved by Councilman Ellsworth and seconded by Councilman Krefting that this be allowed and at the call of the roll all members voted "ii-ye" and the Clerk was instructed to draw a warrant for the mbove amount in favor of Mr. Root. The Treasurer made the following report: ;,larch 31, 1923. I rotal Warranbs ib~ued ;13 7136. 72 7.25 11250.85 33l7.9G 1858.75 1000.00 430.00 2700.00 147.18 --:J27 848.71 24383.65 3465.06 Balance on H'md ,inril 28, 1922, date of Audit (;88h P8id in by HUP'h ThuC>"herty, previtous 'l'reasurer Received fr1'T! Taxes rm Real Property Received frTTI Taxes on Personal Property Heceived froll Clerk of the C,)urt for :ilunicipal Licenses Loan from Bunk of Seward Rines Seward School Board Side walk tax Reepectfully subi:Ji tted by (Signed) Sylvia Sexton 'l'own Treasurer It was moved by Councilman Ellsworth and seconded by Councilman Coooer that the report of the Treasurer be accepted and filed. All members voted "Aye" motion carried. The following list of deeds was then read: 1 Blook to whom issued 1L'I!ount 25 Chas. I Tecklenburg 18.94 ":'l. . 25 " " " 89.09 25 .. " " 15.97 25 " " " 15.97 25 " If " 15.97 16 " " " 189.17; 18 " " " 43.06 18 " " " 34.19 18 " If If 30.62 18 " " " 87.06 ~J Laubner) Eleanor Bock 20.76 6 " " " ,20.76 Ld:' Ii. ~'I-.,,' ...... ::Ri..LJ _ rl__.J'"- w It wasnoved 1'" Councilman Ellsworth and seconded by Council1wn Cooper that the following lots to which deeds had been executed by the Mayor for delingquent taxes beyond the time of redemption "Aye" :notion carr ied. be made a part of the minutes of this :neeting. All members voted ,,,",",,,\ The following claims were read: Clark Magistra.te Treasurer City Att'y Heal th Officer Fire Chf Chf of Police Regular Fir e Roll Seward Light & Power n n "u Co. n H. E. Ellsworth J. L. Graef Borgen's Bk of Seward 72.50 8.33 50.00 50.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 20.00 171. 75 9.50 1.50 21. 70 3.60 25.00 JJ'. V. Murphy Gateway n 3.00 1.25 120.00 6.00 5.26 2.00 6.00 2.50 122.50 41.50 13.50 1.50 5.00 Jerry Seigman W. R. Matson M. B. Malloy O.C.Shhallerer B & H Copp. Seward Water Co. Alaska Transfer R. Kern Seward Machine Shop C1iI.rt;l;s Morofrd Couneilnan KreftinR' sec'-mded bv Councilman ~)"ulson moved that the claims be ~llowed as re~d and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants in paynent of same. At the call of the roll allne-nbers voted A~e motioncarried. 1'he request of the Chamber of COrTI'!lerce that the City pay- r,',ld half of the ~150.00 bill for udvertisement in the Alaeka Dispatch came up under the head of unfinished business and Councilman 1!;llswoh-th seconded by Councilman Cooper rnovediithat same be turned down. All 'uemb ers voted "Aye" mot i on carr ied. 'rhe matter of deld:.:m.quent taxes on lots 37, 38. 39 and 40 Block 4, Laubner addition was bEought up and the City Attorney re- ported that he had written John Abslag that on the receipt of his ~emittance for $12.63, still due on the property, certificates of ~edemption would be issued him and the 6ertificates of Sale cancele . regularly and seconded \fter some discussian it was/moved/that the report of the City ~ttorney be accepted. Owing to the fact that one of the JUdges of the election oard would be un'llle tl'\ perve it WRS 'lloved by Councilman !Crafting I nd - \ , , econded by Councilllan El18worthi\be apnoi~ted to fill this position It was '!loved by Councilman P2ulson and seconded by ouncilman Krefting that Curtis R. :,[orofrd be a,):)l)inted as school ax collector. Councilman j~llsworth seconded by Councilman Cooper oved that the nominations be closed and that the Clerk be instructEd .". }. 0 f,:; LJ,.., i,' -"-;".,...> "- to cast a unanillJus t'l.llot in favor of the above named canditate. 1 :ill me:nbcrs voted "Aye" l1otion carried. The Delin~uent T~x Roll for 1922 was preseDted and it was moved by-':ollnc;ilman Paulson and seconded by Councilman Ells- worth that same be canried forward under the head of unfinished : L business. '.rhe M,"yor stated that the Council would ::lOet on "\pril 4th to sit as a canvassing board for the election which was to held on April 3d, and as there was no :f'urther business to come bemore the Council it was regular moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. ._~--cc~ /7 { " .,: ~ih> -::'''1", , ~1 "," . - <_1.i 'j ,;f :1 :, Y 0 R C T, F R K I I '.1inutes of Special meeting' of Se'.vard Council ~ 1'"")1",' /~ \,.",' l *-::: r.;.."..:.... ~ .\.pril 4th, 1923 Tho meeting the following 'Tlernbers I and PanlE'on. The meeting' was called to order at 8 PM by Mayor Graff being present, Councilman Cooper, Krofting was c':l.lled in accordance with Ordinance Nol 44 of the Town of Seward, for the puroose of cunvassing the votes of the :,lunicipal ,1nd School Baectio~ held in the Town of Seward, Ala~ka, on the 3d day of April 1923, and the following Resulution was read by the Clerk: "\Vhereas, in accordance wi th Ordinance 44 of the Town of Seward, Alaska, and notices given, an election was held in the Town Hall of the said 'l'own at Seward, on the 3rd d'-t~T of April, 19' 3 and, ':fuereas, in accordance with the certificate filed with the IJunicipal Clerk,by the Election officers, the following named persons received the exact number of votes placed o}Jposite their names, far the offices as hereinafter stated, to-wit: B'or L1:ayor: 8. M. Graff L. V. Ray 129 149 I For Councilman: Stephen Adelman P. C. UcMullen C .ir~. Or b.nd er Peter H. Peterson "'. I. :!lhi ting Jennie Paulson 176 173 167 l46 88 1 '!'or 'Iuniciual Treasurer: ----- --nf'vF~ia-Sexton Peter Op-'le L1artin Lanning 242 1 1 j.'or ;,lunicipal Clerk: ':Jm. H. ',7hi ttlesey Jos. Hofman 235 1 jj'or City .l-ttorneJ;t: Aaron 1!;. Rucker H. L. Smith L. V. Ray 109 146 1 For Treasurer of School Board: Ira S. Bailey Donald H. Tyer 156 98 Election: Whereas, this Council has canvassed the returns of said 1 lJow, Therefore, be it resolved by the CO'lmon CJuncil of the Town of Seward, Alaska, that in accordance with said Election the following nar:!ed persons having received the hir:hest nu'nber of VJtes for the respective offices, to-wit: For 11ayor: L. V. Ray b'or Councilman: ~,tophen Adelman P: C. I.1cLlullen C. E. Orlander Oc' 4. . ".",,,, vU . , For L1unicipal 'l'roasurer: Sylvia Sexton ]'01' i.1:unicipal Clerk: ~m. H. Whittlesey Ii , I I i For Municipal Attorney: H. L. Smith For Treasurer of School Board: Ira S. Bailey be and are hereby duly elected to the respective offices. PA2Slill by the COiClmon CouncHloof the Town of Seward, Alaska, this 4th dny of April, 1923." C01Jflcilman Coon fT seconded )JY Councilman })aulson moved the adoption of the Resolution and at the call of the roll all menebers preBent voted "Aye" and the ~!Ryor declared the Resolution adop~ed. It was then regular moved and seconded that the meeting ad j ourn. \1;,+, '"I /~ ~ ~ ~;; .,.t,,~.~--,- ~-~ /,//",,1'/1. /.~ MAYOR """I C L 1': R K l I :.1inutes of Special meeting of City Council .4. q c; .,.\;..,. ~- April 10th, 1923. The meeting was called to order at ~ PM by Mayor I Graff, the following memebers being present: COlillcilman Cooper, 1<alsworth, Y..refting and Paulson. The minutes of the last regular meeting held on April 2d and the minutes of the snecial meeting held on 1pril 4th, were read and u0uroved and adopted as read. A petition from Chas Lechner asking for permission to buyr a gasoline tank in front of his shop on Railroad Avenue was read. Counci~man Cooper seconded by Councilman Ellsworth moved that same be referred to the new Council with the request that the~tgive it their immediate attention. The following claims and salaries were read: I Clerk Magistrate Treasurer City At't't Health Officer Chf of Police Rire Chf. W. B. Root Seward News Co. City Express Walter Holben Nick Hodak 24.16 2.77 16.66 16.66 16.66 50.00 50.00 2.80 1.35 3.00 6.00 6.00 Election Board Frances Root McNally 1tts. Lulu Manthey Geo. C. Long L. A. Peal Martin Lanning 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 .~~ ') Councilman Ellsworth aeconded by Councilman Cooper moved thRt the claims be allowed as read and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for same. At the call of the roll all members votpd "Aye, motion carried. _lfter 8. short speech by ~.layor Graff in which he con- gratulated the town on their choice of new city officials, the Counc:il then adjourned "Sine Die" and vacated their chairs. ::t,.~ rt ~ It{ tlu14 I C L B It: Ie i.1 .:c Y 0 R 1 ~' I JilltiUTJiJS OF ::;P&;CIAL M.l!:ETI~G OF THE CO~MON COUl~CU OF THl!: TOWN 0.11' 13J!:'NARD? ALASKA':' APRIL lOth. 1923. . " 'l'ne meeting w&e called to oraer ilIul1ediRtely upon the aojol.lrnment., l"ine oie, ot tne preceding !;ommon (;ouncil. There were preeent ~ouncilmen ~ooper, .l!:lleworth and Krefting whoee terme were unexpIred. Tne \;ertl1icatee of election and the oaths ot 011ice of ljouncilmen-elect l'.(;.AicNUllen and c.E.Orlander were l'rel"ented and e<dd "ounciluien too1r their "e~tE'. The ,::ertit icate 01 electJ-on and tne oath of' oIfiee of r.;ouncillT,1".n-elect f).Adelman 'Il'ere~ pre"'ented. l:ouncillllan Adelman wal!' nat prel!lent. ~. '~ ~ TIle "el.t.IlIUat.e 01 el ectioIl and oatn 01 otl ice .I!' A,ayor 01 tne Town u1 Sewl'I.ra 01 I. V.Ray were p.['el:'entea ana lire Ray took ~ne unaie al!' .ayor. I. A1 !.el" re1Yartt; I!' fJY A',""'yor Ray and retiring l.'ayor Graff, the Rayor announuea that ~he liret bueIneee to De con~idered would be !.ne eleCt&uu OJ- a ~reeIaent pro Tem.o! the counUl& to act in ttJe abl'!ence or inaDll i ty to act ot the 1, ayor. The loll owing Councilmen were nominated for the office 01 Preeiaent Pro Te~. Orlanaer by vrefting, kc~ullen by Orlander "<.reIting IJy l'.c!iullen. The Clerk wa!! appointed teller and ~ ba1lo wa~ !.aKen resulting as 10110w!!; Orlander, two; Uc~ullen, one; .Kreft!ng, twO; A eecono ballot waf' then taken !'e!"\.\lting ae 1'01- lUWf';,01'lanoer, three; A'.cMullell,one; Yre:f'ting, one. The Layor havlng announced tnat tour votef' were necessary for election a ~niro Dallot WBe taken re~ulting in Orlander receiving four vote and ~reI~ing one. Council~an C. E. Orlander was then declared du 1) eleC!.t!O Sf' l-'ref'idellt Pro Tem.ot this Council. at' Seward.. Alask lor ~ne eneuIng ~ear. ~ . :..,.. ~;i .f , dl .~ ~,' Tne Nayor l'tated that the C olnmi ttee aseignmentl!! woul d ue "l.nnounced at the tirat regular JT:ee~ing ot ~he Council. 1 , , , On motion at Councilman Ellsworth, f'econded by Council m"l.n 01Janoer, It wae ordered that the ~ank of Seward be d.el!!igna- ~eo 81" !.ne l'3.WIul ae-pof'itory 01 ~he funal!! ot t.1'1e 'I'own ot!. Seward. The Clerk Wl'le Inf'truc'teo tl'J T'otilY tne eaid. oanl< au... request due ouna t.nere10r. The Clerk WI'l.5 aleo inetructed to notify the Ter- ritorIal Treaeurer of f'uch f'election. On ~o~ioT' or Councilman Elleworth, eeconded by Coun- cilman Orlanoer it wal!' ordered that due advertisement be publish ea In ~ne ::;ewara, \rateway lor sealed oiaf' Ior the auditing of tne aCe; OUnt Duok i!'I 01 the Town 01 Seward. lJouncilu:an Elleworth mOTed, seconded Oy councilman Urlanoer, tnat the reelgnatione 01 ~he Chie' 01 the Fire Depart- men~ aua 01 tne Chiet 01 Pollee be accepted. (Carried) Councilman Ellswortn lr,ovea, l!!econoed by Councilman ljOOper, that the pre~ent ~ire Chief be retained in otlice until ,ana Incluoi,ng ~ne 16th. 01 Apr-ll, 1923. (Ca.rried unanimoul"ly). Councilman Orlander moved, ~econd~d by Councilman I<refting tnat ~ne Clerk have pu'blil!!hea in the Seward Gateway a NotIce that applICation!' lor the po!'ition of Chief of the ~ire D Department and Uhier 01 Police combinea would be received, the I"a.e to De In the hande 01 the Nunicipal ~lerk by 5 o'clock P.M. 01 Saturosy. April 14th. 1923. Tne Mayor announced the appointment ~ Councilmen "ooper and Ell!'wortn QI!! a ::;pecial Fire and Police Comrr.ittee to act ~ntil tne next meetIng 01 tne lJouncil. buggeetion WQ" m'lne b'y tne Nayor 01 nil'! ael!'ire to pe the proTu1ion 01 a gymnaeiuJll lor thipo town, fll"pecially t or the un.daren, Ill.no ~o conl"iaer the p;ubjec~ witn the Chamber ot Com- merce. \;ouncilman EIll!lwortn moved, eeconded bJ' COUnCill1ian .l\.rel "lng tnat t.ne kayO!' be autnorized to appoint ywo mSlIioere 01 t.hIf! \;oUuu!l to conler with a lJODiJ.hlttee I roll'. tne f;nam...er of Com weree on civic ellRlrl". ( Carried ) -~ "i 4. ~ '4 ,~ , ,~.f , , ..." .~~ .. '1 , . ."1 " ~ I ~ -.1 ~'1! ~, '" if. .~ ,~ ~A ,( ~.~. ._-----~"------~..........,..- 2 I,,;ouncilman .Ilt.c.Mullen moved, tleconded by (~ouncilman uooper tnat tne cOD1penl!'::nion 01 the Jt'ire C.hiet until April 16th. next De at tohe !lame rate all now paid. ( Carried ). The loll wat! .;'111eo ana t.ne 10110wing I,,;ouneilmen Toted "Aye"' Uooper, Bll!!wortn, Krefting, Ne_ullen, Orlander. ' Un motion c i1 man JicMull en t.he at e o'clock .l:'t X. 01 ~ouncilD1an Elleworth, $8conded oy Uoun- meeting adjourned until April 16th. 1923 l 1 \jyt~,~~ J.\un1cipal ~:z- )LA I,,;lerk. MllUTES OF REGULAR MlSETING Ob' Tl:iJ:!' COMMON CUU1'lCIL OF TID!: TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA. APRIL 16. 1923. THE meeting was oalled to order at 8 o'eloek P.M~ by Mayor rlay. all members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were r.d and there being no eorrections. were. on motion. approved. The Mayor announced the Committee assignments for the ensuing year as follows: 1. AS8essment and Taxes--Councilmen Krefting & Adelman 2. ~ire ~roteot1on ann water Supply--Councilmen ~118wort~ and. Cooper 3. Publio 8ehoo18--~ouncilmen Cooper and Mo~ullen 4. Light, ~ewers ana *harfage--Councilmen Adelman and Orlander D. ~ublic health and ~ubllc ~rotectlon--Councilmen _o.ullen and Cooper 6. .Ifinance and Clalms--Counoilmen Orlander and l(reftlng 7. Streets-------------Counoilmen ~118worth and OrlandeI 8. rrinting------------Aouncl1men Adelman and McMullen ~. Glacier 8tream------~ounoilmen Krefting and Adelman lU. Civio Affairs-------Counoilmen McMullen ana urlander --, ,~ J No Committee reports were presented. Councilman Otlander. Chairma~ of Committee on ~inanoe and Claims introduced anlUrdinanoe as follows: Ordinanoe ]\(0. 76 "entitled" An Ordinance ffixing .nd ~8tab11shing the .liate Of Compen- sation To Be ~aid By The Town Uf Seward To Various EleottTe And Appointive Offioers For The Year Beginning April luth. 1923. And Deolaring An ~~ergency-----was rean for the first reading. Counoilman ~118worth. _econded by Councilman Urlander moved that the first reading of the urdinance be oonsidered as its eecond reading; that it be read for its third reading~by title only" ana under suspension of' the rules. placed upon its passage. .lioll was called. ana all members voted "Aye" a.nd the motion was declared. carried. ~ I ~--=-.J It was moved. and seconded. that the ~mergency Clause to said Urdinance be adopted. ~oll was called and. all members voted "Aye". :tbe ji.l!lergenoy I,,;la.u8e was l1ec.l.areCi adopted. \ jl i I 3~ Urdinance ~o. 76 is as follows: U H b r BAN C ~ No.?6 I All UJiDl1lAllC.r. lfUING AND ESTABLISHING Tlfr.: riATE OF COM- PENSATION TO BE PAID BY THE TOWN O~ SEWArlD TO VAHIOUS ELECTIVE AND APPOIBTIV~ OFFIC8JiS EOrl Tll~ YEAji B~GINNING APJilLl 10TH, 1~21 AND DECLAJiING AN ~JiG~NCY. BE IT OJiDAIBElI BY ;i'H~ l,;OMMON COUNCIL OF TIll!; TOiN OF SEWARD', ALA13KA That for the year beginning April 10th, 192~ tbe oompen- sation to be paid the wunicipal uffioers of the Town of 8eward. AlaSka~ is hereby fixed and established by the terms and condi- tione hereinafter oontained in this Ordim nee. which compensatio shall be neither increased nor aiminished during said term, nor shall said Officers be entitled to rece1~ in any form or shape. any other or additional oompensation tram sai~ Town. ~eo. 2. fhe ~unlc1pal Clerk shall receive a monthly I salary at the rate or .72.5u. Sec. 3. The ~unicipal Magistrate shall receive an annual 8alary at the rate of .100.0U paiu in monthly installments. ~ec. 4. The '~unicipal Attorney shall receive an annual salary at the rate of 9100.00 paid in monthly installments. ~.c. D. The _uniaipal rlealth uffieer shall reoeive a monthly salary at the rate of f60.00. >>.0. 6. The Munioipal ~'reaBurer shall reoeive a monthly salary at the rate of f60.uu. See. 7. ~he ~hief of the Fire uepartment shall receive a monthly salary at the rate of f200JuU and in connection with the uuties of ~h1ef of the ~ire uepartment such officer shall act as a special rolice Officer of the Town of Seward with the I authority, rights and duties of such office. ~ec.~. ~ach of the salaries hermn nrovided for shall b out or the general fund of the Pown of ~eward ana shall be paid monthly. ~he Common Council shall at its first meeting in each month approve and orner pain the saiaries of all of the above named offioers for the preceding month ana the proper warrant shall be drawn on the ireasurer for the payment of each offioer. 4 ~ec.~. An Amergency i8 hereby declared to exist anu this vrdinance shall taKe effect immediately upon its passage and approval. ......, Passed and approved by t~e ~ommon ~ouncil of the To.n or J Seward, Alaska, tb1s____day of April, 1~23. APPHOVED by.t~e ~yor this___aay April, 19~3 . Mayor of the Town of Seward, Alae a ATTEST: Munioipal Clerk for the Town of a..ard, AlaSka. The ~eport of the Municipal Clerk for the Town of Seward of Disbursements for the year April lU, 1~22 to April 10, 1~23 was read antt ordered to be filed. ~he report is as rOllOWa: Ri~OHT OF TH~ MUNrCIPA~ C~RK OF T~ TOWN OF SEWARD? ALASKA OF Di~BU~ti~~NTb FOn THb i~H APRlL IUTH, 1922 TO APrlIL 10TH, 1923. ~ Clerk's ana Magistrate's Salary << n U Supplies City Attorney--Salary Treaeurer's and ~ealth Ufficer's Salary Health Officer's ~upp11es POlioe Officer's Salary Police ~ept. ~upp1ies Fire Department Salary Fire DeJB rtment Supplies Water Street Lights Street' Supplies Labor Department Schoole Printing and Eublishing Glacier Stream Labor Glacier 5tream Supplies Miscellaneous f984.n 387.34 616.66 1233.32 44.~:6 202'1.67 45.16 2142.85 866.60 1288.76 2770.68 688.37 H16.92 7:3~~2. 74 1618,46 814.00 47.80 1201.69 26017.53 The claim of Harry Dedoyard for '30.00 for services as Chief 01' !i'ire Department from April 10 to 16 inclusi va was read. Councilman Adelman,moved, seconded by Councilman ~llsworth that the claim be allowed and a warrant be drawn therefor. On roll oall all members voted "Aye". Motion earriea. The claim of the ::leward Gateway for f34.()U for publiah- ~ng ~otices of ~cbool Tax, of bida for Auditing and others was read. --, I _..J \ COunoilman Orlander moved, aeconaed by Councilman ~c Mullen that the claim be laid on tne table until. the next reg- ular meeting. Carried. The olaim was referred by the Mayor to the ff1nance Committee for report. 5 I The bond of Curtis ~. morford as ~ohool Tax Colleotor, in nuplicate, was presented ana on motion, n~y seoonded, the Clerk was instructed to forward one copy to the Territorial i'reaBurer. On motion of Councilman urlander seoonded by Counoilma , wm. tie *bittlesey was nominated for City Magistrat Councilman ~118worth moved, duly seoonded, tbat the Clerk be in- structed to cast a unanimous ballot of this ~unoil for 1m. ti. Whittlesey for City Magistrate. Suoh ballot was cast and the 8ai nominee declared duly elected. Councilman McMullen moved. seconded by Councilman ~reft1ng, that ~~. J. A. Baughman be elected as aunicipal Health offioer. I On motion of Counoilman urlander, seoonded by Council- man ~llBworth, the nominations were ordered closed. un the call of the roll all members vote<i "Aye" and lir. Baughman was deolared elected as Municipal Health Uffioer. The Counoil then proceeded to the eleotion of a Chief of the J!'1re lJepartment and .,pec1al 1'olice Uft'ioer after the Clerk had read the applioations of rive persons as follows: ~obert Gues , ~rie ~elson, J. H. walker. walter ~olbeD, ana Harry u. Dedoyard and a recommendation by citizens of the last named appll.oant. The Mayor appointed Counei lman Kreft i.ng as 1'eller. ~allot was taken resulting in AOlben receiving one vote, Guest, two votes, ~edoyard, one vote, walker, two votes. Ballot ~o. 2 resulted in Holben receiving two votes, ~uest, two votes, *alKer, two votes. Ballots numbers ~, 4, b, 6, 7, ~, ~, were then had, no applicant receiving more than three votes. Ballot ~o. 1U resulted in J. H. .alker receiving four votes and ~. ~uest, two votes. _hereupon the Mayor declared J. tie walker d.uly elected. as \thief 01' tntl .!lire .iJepartment ano. Special ~olice Ofl'ioer for the ensuing year. There were no Itanding Committees to report. There were no reports of ~pecial Committees. 'i'hera was no unfinished business. un motion of Uouncilman bllsworth, seoonded by Council man Cooper, it was ornereo. that the "ommittee on ~r1nting be in- structed to procure the necessary printing for the town. Un motion of "ounoilman orlander, seoonded by "ouncll- man MoMullen, it was oruereo. tnat the committee on assessment and Taxes be instructed to procure Assessment ~o!d8 for 192~. CounCilman Cooper moved, seoonded by councilman Adel- man, tbat the Committee on Civio A~fairs be E structed to extend written invitations to the personnel of the Congressional party acoompanying deeretary of war Weeks to visit Alaska and Seward. ICarriedt I Councilman Krefting moved, seoonded by Councilman .Il4cMullen, that the Committee on i'rinting be inst!'l1oted to have a supply of warrants printed. \Carriedl Councilman Cooper moved, seconded by Councilman ~c Mullen, that all elective offioers other than I.:ouncilmenbe re- quired to present to the Council at the next regular meeting de- tailed inventoriea of all town property in their respective 4epartmentB. \ Carried) The Mayor having suggested a "Clean Up JJ8.y' as desirab e Councilman Cooper moved, seconded by Counoilman Adelman, that the Committee on Streets be given authority to designate a day as "Clean Up Day". I Carried' 6 After suggestion by the .Mayor of some plan ot' Q) -operat1cn with Mr. Hoben in the matter of the parking strip between the Arcade and the beaoh Councilman Krefting moved, seoonded by Counoilman McMullen, that a Co~~1ttee be appointed by the Mayor to con:fer with Mr. Hoben in tnis matter. (Carried; The .ayor appointed Councilmen ~refting and McMullen as Buoh Committee. Councilman MoMullen moved, seconded by Councilman ~lls- worth, that the Delinquent Tax List for 1922 be given to the printers to be set up and proof read before publication to save errors. (Carried) ~ J After consideration of the subjects of a plan to offer to Col. Steese and of the proposed oil tanks and the wharf tax due tbe town It was suggested by the Mayor that a proposition be I\) "\I':;-,{,, from R. L. 3mi th to co llect the wbarf tax on a oontingent baaia. The matter was referred to the Committee on ~igbt, water and Wharfage ICounoilmen Adelman and urlanderl for aotion. Disoussion was also had conoerning the Glaoier ~tream; but no aotion ta~en. Councilman Orlander moved, seconded by Councilman Cooper, that the Cle~rk.be instructed to notify the Light Company that thE Town of Seward desires to enter into a ~ummer Oontract for light from May 1st, next. The matter of bids for auditing oity accounts came up. Counoilman Adelman moved, seoonded by Councilman Cooper, that the bid of H. L. ~mith for 4100.00 be aooepted. (Carriedl Councilman Orlander moved, seconded by Councilman McMnllen, that the Clerk oe instruoted to prepare a carbon copy of the minntes of the meetinge of the ~onncll ror the ~ress. (Carried) On motion of Councilman ~cMnllen, seconded by ~ouncilman Cooper, the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting. . , X;.,.. ~v \ ' 't-"" , }0-.J " -<~, , .-I / ):...)....J y.... '''-~_\1'Ut'-<'_--r,' r \1 ,-. \ " \ 7 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR OF TIlE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TO~N OF SE~ARD,ALSAKA.~AY'TH.I923. I The meeting was called to order at 8 O'Clock P.M. by Mayor Ray,ell members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read,ond there being no corrections, were, on ototion approved. A letter from A.C.Fuller,of Floriston,Callf. in-re- mntter of the pulp mill was read alld refered to the Civic Committee. The bJnd of Wm.H.Whittlesey as ~unicipal Clerk,was pre- Rented, and on motionof Councilman FlIRworth, s..~orlded by cour.cil- mhU Cooper,it v.aH ordered thr-t the bond of the Municip9-l clerk be approved as to form and as to surety,ancl Ulot thG same be fllf.;d. The followinG claims .vere read,heving been O.K'd by the I Finance Committee. Ellsworth-Buik Sales- $ 6.00Seward Express Seward News Co. 3.30 Cal.M.Brosius Seward Weter & PoweL' Co. 122.50 nty Express Alaska Transfer 8.00 Pet:l Peterson Harry Dedoyard 6.00 Anton~ La Clere MarLln Lanning 5.25 H.L.~mith L.A.Peel 5.25 J.L.nraef Wm.H.Whittlesey,Agt. 30.00 Brown & Hawkins Corp. Se\l/af'Cl Light & Power Co. 169.10 Seward Light & .i'o\l/er Councilman Adleman seconded by Councilman Mc.Mullen $ 2.00 .90 10.00 6.00 6.00 ICO.CO 4.65 4.50 9.60 moved that billE be allowed as read End the clerk be instruct- ed to oraw warj'ants for the sa IDe , ane: at the call of the roll all members votcC "Aye"-illotion carried. The claim of R? Kern for $rO.60 for street work WBS read tut was objected to by Orlander and after dlscusston,Col.ncl1- man Me.Mullen moved,secondei ty Krefting,that the claim be al- lowed RS read and warrant be drawn therefore by tile Clerk.On call of the roll councilmen Conper,Elwworth,Kreftlng and Mc. mUllen,vot ed "Aye" and Councilmen Adleman and Orlander"No" I The motion flas declared carried. The cla im of the Se ...ard Ga tewa y Publ i shing Co. for $82.60 for printing and publishin_,was read- Councilman Cooper,seconc1ed by /.ftc.Mullen,moved the claim be alloY/ed in the sum of $77.00 after striking the item of $5.60 for second school t~x notice snd that a wprrant be drawn "or said sum of t77.00 .On call of rollall members voted "Aye"-motion carried. ( 8 Councilmen Krefting of the Glaei",l' str'eam commi tteemade a ve- L~l ~t of the condition [lnd needs of the stream and asked permission th expend not to exceed t400.00 in repairs '.lereof. '"'"""'\ On motionof Councilulan OrlDnuer seconded by Cooper, it was order.xl thet the report of the glacier St.ni-am Comllli ttee be laid J over till the next meeting.(Carried) Councilman Adlfln!an of the Comrnottee on printing, reported tkat all l1\ett~rs before the commott.<i 'IF(: teen attended to. Councilluiln Me .Mull;< "" 61ill Kreft.ing-special emend ttee Lo consul t with Hobcn in the ma tter' of the Parldng Strip on t.he -beach, reported pro~ress. THe Committee on Light,etc."mbmitted a conLi'c,ct f01' F.l.UIl- ,081' lights for t:le Town of Seward with the Seward Light & Power Co.at the rete of $20.25 per month. Councilman Ellsvlorth seconded by Mc.Mullen moved that the said acti n of the Light Committee be ratified and approved.- On the call of the roll,all lllemb9Y'i" votf'O "Ay~"- Motion carriad On inquiry the Clerk report ed-that he ad issued a permit to <'has.Lechner to .in1t1'l11 [ gfuwline t.8nk ill fl'on of fr"c":i()"'- 01 lot 7 ,B1 J.:. ~ of +):'" Tovm of Seward, Of! Railroad Ave .-on mo- tion of Counc11 Adleulan,seconded by Krefting it Nfli' order' that the action of the Clerk aforesaid be approved and ratified. Aletter ~DS read fro~ John A.Abslag in the matter nf the redemption of certain lots in Laubner's Add.to Seward, from sales for which certificates have iR8ued.Councilman Mc.Mullen moved, seconded by Cooper,that the Clerk be instructed to pay to the holders of said tax certificates of sale on the Abslag lots in- volved"the amounts due them.-On call of the roll five members voted 'Aye"-Ellsworth not voting-motion car~ied. Report of the Auditor;H.L.Smith,of the Twon Books was sub- mittedand on motion of Councilman Me.Mullen,seconded my Elllls- worth,1t was ordered that the report be accepted and filed. -On Motion of Councilman Adleman,seconded by Orlander,it was ordered that the cheeh from H.L.Smith for $25.00 to the Town of seward be turned overeto the Town Treasurer. The Clerk reported the fines collected for monthof April ~m May 7th.,as $76.70 'l'he report of the Twon Treasurer was read Hnd a motion carrie::'! ord~rlng it filed.Said report showing balance May7,$2I55.7I Correspondence of Ex-Mayor Graff and Col.J~s.Stees,chairman of the Alaska Engineering Commission in the matter of the Ie:>:;; to'the City of two parking Htrips at head nf Dock with tripli- c te lease was presented.After discussion,on motion of Council- man Orlander,seconded by Krefting,it was ordered that the Mayor be auUlorized to execute said lease with the Al aRka E~61neer- ing Commission. --- I I Councilman Ellsworth moved,seconded by Cooper.that the Treasurer by authorized to pay to t}~ Al'ska Engineering Com- mi:'3'don,cccording to the terms of the lease,$I.OO for each year thereof, for which warrant shall be Cra~n by Lhe Clerk.On 9 -- call of Lhe roll all membe!'!'; voted "Aye" ,-wotlon cbY>ried. I The M yor suge:;e3ted the removal Gf the thich grc3~ c,:::o,--:t lots 38 Bnd40,Block 13,and the use of e portion of the street above Blk.I3 for a tennis court for children.Permission of the Co~ncil ~es given for carrying out said suggestions. After soma Ciscussion hy C o~ncil - A~12~~~ &nJ others of ordinance No.68(Telephone FranChise) of OcT.7,I918,Llte matter wa s 113 id over. The resignation of Ire 8.B:;i1ey,a8 school treasurer was read-on motion of CounClillman Orla odeI' seconded by Me .Mullen it was ordered that action on the said resignation be de:ferI'l:Hl to the regular meeting May 2Ist,next. T~- C~icf or Lh2 Fire Department made B report of the con- dition of tl~ Fire truck.-Councilman Cooper,8Bcondsd ty Me. Mullan,that the Fire Chief be instructed to purchase of Brown & Hawkins Corporation,a book of gasoline tickets for 50 gals. for $2I.50-on c&ll of the roll, all members votd1 "Aye" and motion carried. On motion of Com-.ciLnaLJ Orlandel' seconded by Orlander, the Council ad~unned untilx the next regular meeting. I -' " - J h Clerk . ~ ~.~ p'~/{dJ.L" , /, MaJbr. Mnicipel Regular Meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward. Alaska, May 21st, 1923. The meeting was called to order at 8 P. M. bV Mayor Ray, all members being present. The minutes of the last regular ~eeting, held ~ay 7th were read and approved. A petition from citizens of Seward was presented asking for an appropriation of funds for the entertainMent and reception of President Harding and other notables, passed to New Bumness. A claim from the Bank of ~eward for 125.00 for rent was pre- sen ted. Councilman ~llsworth, seconded by Councilman Cooper moved that the olaim be allowed and that a warrant be drawn therefor. On roll call all members voted "Aye". Motion oarried. I On call for report of Standing Committee the following res- olution was presented: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska: That the Munioipal Clerk of the Town of ~eward, Alaska be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to oause to be published the Delinquent Tax doll of the Town of ~eward, Alaska for the year 1922, in the SEWAdD GATEWAY, a Bewspaper of general oircula- tion, published in Seward, Alaska, which said ~ewspap.. is hereby designated as the Official Newspaper of said Town, for the pur- poses stated in this Resolution. ~- '10 AND IT IS FU.{THErl dESOLVED, that said Delinquen t Tax Roll be published once a week for four weeks, the date of the first pub lication to be on 1923, and that notice be given that said Delinquent Tax rioll will be presented for adjustment and orde of sale to the District iourt of the Territory of Alaska, Third Division, on the 1923, if the said day shall be a day 0 jurisdiction, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard. ADOPTED under suspension of the rules this 1. \ -0 day of --', 1923. Approved: e Town Mayor Attest: " / J ,,- ," ," 9 0 -',' J , ~- . -', -, '-"';V,J1"_~/- Clerk - ., b Councilman ~llsworth moved, seconded by Councilman Cooper that the said resolution be adopted. On call of the roll all members voted "Aye". Carried. The subject of an Assessor for the town for 1923 coming up, Councilman Orlander, seconded by Councilman Ellsworth, moved that the matter be left to the Committee on Assessments and Taxes to procure bids for assessing the town. All voting "Aye", motion carried. From the Committee on Light, etc., Councilman Adelman re- ported that early in 1915 a refund was made to Dr. Daggett. The clerk was instructed to look up and report the amount so paid, at the next meeting. ' The Committee reported no progress in the matter of a contra t with Attorney H. ~. ~mith on wharfage dues. On motion of €ouncilman Orlander, seconded by Councilman 15cMullen it was ordered that the Clerk be instructed to write to the Secretary of the Territory for several copies of the new Municillal L!!.w. , From the Committee on Finance and Claims, Councilman Orlande renorted progress. The Committee on Streets reported the condition of the side- walks and grass on ~ifth Ave. between Washington an~ Adams streets After some discussion Councilman Krefting moved, seconded by Coun- cilman Cooper that a new sidewal~ be laid on ~ifth Ave. from the Seward Hotel to Adams st. On call ~f the roll Councilmen Adelman, Cooper and Krefting voted "Aye", Councilmen l!illsworth, McMullen and Orlander, "No". The motion was declared lost. Councilman Ellsworth moved, seconded by Councilman ~ooper that the City Attorney advise the ~ouncil what to do in the matter of a sidewall on ll'ifth Ave. Councilman Orlander moved, seconded by Councilman Cooper that the Town purchase 500 feet of planking for repairs to side- walks. On call of the roll all members voted "Aye". Carried. The Committee on Printing reported everything satisfactory. 11~ "r--- .~.~ I Counoilman Krefting of the Committee on Glacier stream re- ported that it would require about ~400.00 to fix the sa~e and suggested that all members of the Council exa~ine same. Counoilman Ellsworth moved, seconded by Councilman McMullen that ~400.00 be allowed to the Committee fnr use in repairs to Glaoier stream. On call of the roll all members voted "Aye" except Orlander, "No". Motion was carried. Committee on Civic Affairs reported that a wire had been sent and reply received and 'Published as to the personnel of the Con- gressional party coming to AlaAka. I S-pecia.l Committee on tractR at hea:'! Of' dock renorted an:'! letter was read from Alaska Transfer offering to nut in sh~-Pe the traot south of the dock for $1500.00. Passed to next meeting. Chief of Fire Department Walker reuorted in writing on the condition of the fire truck and separately on the matter of Hy- drants and Hose Houses and also filed an Inventory of property of the City in his Department. After consideration and discuasio reports and inventory were referred to the Committee on Fire Pro- tection at next regular meeting on motion by Councilman McUullen, seconded by Councilman Orlander. Duly carried. Under aew Business the petition for an appropriation for the entertainment of visitors this summer came up. Councilman Cooper moved, seconded b7 Councilman 2cmullen that there be appropriated not to exceed i500.00 for the entertainment of th~ President, the Congressional party and others. On call of the roll, five members voted "Aye". Motion carrie Councilman ~cMullen moved, seconded by Councilman Ellsworth that the fund for entertainment above provided for be subject to check by the Municipal Clerk, on proper voucher, when O.K.'d by the Mavor and Clerk. On roll call all members voted "Aye". ::'otion carried. On motion duly seconded, m~eting adjourned until next regular meeting. Clerk ~~ ff'8yo r I - , ( 12 I Regular Meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, June 4, 1923. Mayor rlay oalled the Meeting to order at 8 o'clock P. M. Present all members except Councilman Adelman. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. J. H. Walker, Chief of Fire Department submitted a written report on the condition of the sidewalks and bridges whioh waa read and referred to the 60mmittee on jtreets for action. I .J Communication was read from H. L. Smith-__bidding for ser- vioes to collect the wharfage tax due the town and was referred to the Committee on Lights, Sewers and Wharfage for further in- vestigation and report. Communication was read from H. L. Smith bidding on asses- sorship. Passed to New Business. Councilman Ellsworth offered an Ordinance from the Standarc Oil Comnany in the matter of the establishment of oil tanks in Seward which was rean in full. Councilman Ellsworth moved, seoonded by Councilman Orla~de' that the rules be suspended, the first reading be considered as the second and third readings and that the Ordinance be placed upon its passage. On the call of the roll, the five members present all voted "Aye", the motion being carried. -, The :Mayor then declared the question to be upon the adopticn of the Ordinanoe. Upon the call of the roll the five members present all voted "Aye" and the Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted as fol- lows: ORDINANCE NO. 77 AN OrlDINANCE granting to the STANDArlD OIL COMPANY, a Cal- ifornia Corporation, permission and authority to looate, erect, maintain and operate warehouse or warehouses, storage tanks and other necessary buildings and appurtenances, to~ether with all necessary pipe lines and conduits on that certa1n tract of land in the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska, descri~ed as follows: Beginning at a point. which bears South 60 degrees :a~)' East 40 ft. from Station 11 plus 89.6 on the ~eliter line of the Alaskan (Government) Railway, running thence North 29 degrees 37' East on a line paralleling said cen- ter line between Station II plus 89.6 and 16 plus 24.7, 930 ft. more or less to the West boundary of the Naval Reserve, executive Order No. 3149; running thence South along said westerly boundary 132 ft. more or less to a point~ thence rontinuing in a Southerly direction along said westerly boundary on a curve having a radius of 773.7 ft. a distance of395 ft. more or less to a point; thence along'said Westerly boundary South 29 degrees 37' West 357 ft. more or less to the Southwesterly corner of said ~aval ~eserve; thence in a Westerly direction 182 ft. more or less to the point of beginning; all being located in the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska, as shown in that map of ~eward, Alaska, compiled by the Department of the Interior, Alaska ~ngineering Commis- sion, dated 1917; also that portion of the Naval Reserve described as follows: The southerly 500 ft. of the Naval Heserve Order No. 3149, more particularly describ- ed as being bounded on the South by the ~outherly line of Washington street produced, and on the West by the Westerly boundary of said Naval Heserve, and on the --; .J , , \ '. I 13 North by a radial line produced Southeasterly from a pOint on the West boundary of said Naval jeserve 500 ft. distant Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof, all lying in front of the Town of Seward, Terri tory 0 f Alaska. for the storage and distribution of petroleum and its products, and all other kinds of merchandise produced by said Company. of the f ~,~S:w..~""'. e~..J., SECTION 1. That the Standard Oil Company, a California Corporation, organized and existing under the ]aws of the State of California, and licensed to do business in the Territory of Alaska, be and it is hereby granted permission and authority to locate, erect, manitain and operate a warehouse or warehouses, storage tanks and all other necessary buildin~s and annurtenances together with pipe lines and conduits on and over that certain tract of land in the Town of ~e~ard, Territory of Alaska, describ as follows: I f Beginning at a PQint, which bears South 60 degrees 23' East 40 ft. from Station 11 plus 89.6 on the center line of the Alaskan (Governmentl rlailway. running thence North 29 degrees 37' ~ast on a line paralleling said center line between ~tation 11 plus 89.6 and 16 plus 24.7, 930 ft. more or less to the West boundary of the Naval neserve, ~xecutive Order No. 3149; running thence ~outh alonf said Westerly boundary 132 ft. more or less to a point, thence continuing in a Southerly direction along ~aid Westerly boundary on a curve having a radius of 773.7 ft. a distance of 395 ft. more or less to a point; thence along said westerly boundary South 29 degrees 37' West 357 ft. more or less to th. Southwesterly corner of said Naval deserve; thence in a Westerly direction 182 tt. more or less to the point of beginning; all being located in the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska. as shown in that map of Seward, Alaska. compiled by the vepartment of the Interior, Alaska ~ngineering Commission, dated 1917; also that portion of the Naval ~eserve described as follows: The Southerly 500 ft. of the Naval ~eserve ~xecutive Order No. 3149, more particularly described as being bounded on the South by the Southerly line of Washington Street nroduced, and on the west by the westerly boundary of said Naval deserve. and on the North by a radial line prOduced Southeasterly from a point on the West boundary of said lraval .ieserve 500 ft. distqnt Northerly from the Southwest corner thereof, all lying in front of the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska. for the storage and distribution of petroleum and its nroducts and all other kinds of merchandise produced bv said company. SECTION 2. That said proposed structures and improve- ments shall be erected and maintained with all proper safeguards and in conformity to the practices followed.by said Company at its various stations, and said improvements shall be maintained and conducted under the ordinances now existing. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon the expiration of thirty days after its passage and publication or posting according to law. S~CTION 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed by the ~-uu~-""'\ ~"-~, of the i ~ ~~~ Qt~,,- this ~ ~ 1923. I r' 14 i I I l- I Attest: t\~~ ,~ . un oipa C er {.{,R~ Mayor Town of Seward,Alask ----< The Clerk was instruoted to ha1'e the Ordinanoe published in the Seward Gateway once a week for three weeks. The following claims were presented and read: Seward Light & Power Co. - - - - - - - - '20.25 Wm. H. Whittlesey, Clerk - - - - - - - - - - --- 72.50 lVm. H. Whittlesey, Mag. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.33 Sylvia Sexton, Treas. - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 50.00 H. L. Smith,Atty. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 8.33 J. A. Baughman, Health Officer - - - - - - - - - 50.00 d. H. Walker, Chief F. D. - - - - - - - - - --- 200.00 J. H. Walker, Fire Holl - - - - - - - - - - - - 20.00 J. H. walker, Spl. Fire ~ll - - - - - - - - 55.00 Seward Gateway - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.50 J. L. Graef,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13.05 Martin Lanning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.eO Seward ~xpres8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9.75 Seward Lt. & Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - 9.50 Brown & Hawkins Corp. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29.25 Wm. H. ~hittlesey, Municipal Clerk - - - - - - - -31.16 Seward Machine ~hop - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10.10 The Alaska Cafe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.60 Gus Borgen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.CO Martin L~ning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -52.50 n. Kern - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12.00 Frank Murphy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.50 Lars ~arsen - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -46.20 Matt 8chlosser - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36.00 Seward Water & Power Co~pany - - - - - - - - - - 122.50 Alaska Transfer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12.00 Total 891.02 Councilman Krefting moved, seconded by Councilman ~cMullen, that all said bills be paid and warrants be drawn therefor. On oall of the roll all five members present voted "Aye". Motion carried. The Treasurer submitted a report as follows: June 4, 1923 Balance on hand April 10, 1923 Cash received April lOth to June 4th Warrants issued April 10 to June 4. '214~.55 4~4.68 2578.23 943.67 ~1634.56 Council~an Orlander ~oved. seconded by Councilman ~llsworth that the report of the Tre~surer be accepted and placed on file. Carried. -- Under reports of ~tanding Committees. Councilman Krefting from the Vommittee on Glaoier stream reported progress. Co~mittee on ~ight, Sewers and Nbarfage submitted a written report on light poles, etc., which was read and ordered to be filed. The Mayor oalled the attention of the Council to the bad C01:- dition of the sidewalks on Third Avenue, especially on the ~a8t side, and of Fifth Avenue. After discussion, the Co~ittee on streets was reques.a to make a report as to the ~ifth Avenue side- \. walks at the next meeting. 15 -......,. - - ,"'wT~- -" .....,....... I Councilman ~c~ullen moved, seconded by ~ouncilman Krefting, that the Committee on streets. be allowed a sum not to exoeed ~400.00 for repairs of streets ani sidewalks. On the call of the roll, all five members present voted "Aye" Carried. A report of the Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Civio Committee was read and ordered to be made a part of these minutes MINUT~~ OF MEETING JOINT CIVIC C01mITTEE - ~----_._-- In response to request ot ~ayor L. V. l~y the Joint Civic Committee met at Town Hall at 8:00 P. M. May 29th. ~r.~cMullen acted as Chairman of meeting with the following citizens repf8~ senting the various organizations of the city being present: Ron. L. V. nay Mr. P. C. McMullen Mr. H. E. Ellsworth ~r. Chas. C. Cooper Mr. Wm. H. Whittlesey Mr. Cal M. Brosius lIr. Leon Urbach Mr. ~lwyn ~wetman lIlrs. ~~alph .deed Ura. Geo. :>exton Mrs. W. O. Perry Mrs. rlhoda Cooper Mr. W. O. Perry Mr. Frank Laugerquist Mr. Peter N. Anderson Prof. A. J. Goodskey I Mayor City of ~eward Civic Committee City Council City Council City Council Chamber of Commerce Civic Committee Chamber Civic Committee Chamber Civic Committee f' Womans Club American Legion Auxiliary Order of ~astern star Order of .rlebekahs F. & A. M. Pioneers of Alaska I. O. O. F. Seward ::ichools of Commarc of Commerc Of "& A. ~ayor Ray read telegrams and gave syno~sis of what has been done toward at-ranging for reception of dist1nguished visitors to ~eward this summer, and of donation amounting to not over $500.0U by the City and '200.00 by t~le Territory of Alaska toward enter- taining the visitors. The Chairman then appointed the folleW ing committees: I'1'INErlArlY OF CONGrlESSIOIUL PArlTY: Mayor L. V. 1-tay DECORATION: TRANs:eO.dTATION : ~NTERTAINIvIENT : I Mr. Leon Urbach, Chairman Mrs. W. O. Perry Mrs. ltalph rleed Harry E/Ellsworth, Chairman Cal. M. Brosius W. O. Perry Wm. H. Whittlesey, Chairman Chas. C, Cooper Frank Laugerquist Urs. Geo. Sexton, Chairman Mrs. 1-~alph .deed Mrs. W. O. Perry ~rs. rlhoda Cooper PrlINTING: Peter N. Anderson, Chairman ~lwyn Swetman A. J. Goodskey President ~hittlesey of Chamber of Commerce spoke on building of welcome arch at dock approach. advertising in Fairbanks News Miner and selection of photographs requested by Sedretary of In- terior. (Signedl Elwyn ::iwetman Acting Secretary 16 i ~ 1m .~- The bid of H. L. Smith for assessorship at $300.00 flat was read. The Clerk was requested to make a bid which was submitted orally at $300.00 flat. Ballots being called for five votes were cast of which Wm. H. Whittlesey received four and H. L. Smith one whereupon the Mayor declared the former elected as Assessor of the Town of ~eward, Alaska for the year 1923. Discussion of the question of having the street lights turne on while the transport carrying the Congressional party is in por was had. - On call of the roll all five members voted "Aye". So ordere . Councilman fucMullen moved, seconded by Councilman Cooper tha the street lights be .turned on for one week :t>eginning wi th Tuesda night, June 9th. The Clerk reported that he found in the minutes of November 1915 that a resolution was adopted that the city buy from C. T. Daggett and others at the rate of $136.60 each the lamp posts paid for by them" at such time as it shall buy any lamp posts", but that no record could be found of any such payments being made. The Clerk was instructed to investigate further and report. The matter of the removal of the gas tanks now lying about, ~ the town was discussed and was referred to the Fire Committe for action. On motion duly made and seconded, until the n t regul~ meeting. ~'/ the meeting was adjourned ~.// L-::!- ~~ . fyor rlegular Meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, June 18, 1923. The meeting was ca:led to order by Mayor day at 8 o'clock P. M. Present all members except Oouncilman ~llsworth. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The following claims were presented and read: P. C. McMullen - - - - - - - -~50.40 L. V. nay - - - - - - - - - - 18.88 ~esurrection Bay Lbr. Co. - - 38.88 Gateway Publishing Co. - - - 493.0C Councilman Orlander moved, seconded by Council~an Kreftin that all of said bills be paid and warrant be drawn therefor. On call of the roll all five members present voted "Aye". Motion carried. ,~ A new summer contract with the Seward ~ight & rower Compa y was presented and ordered to be filed., Some discussion of the subject of sidewalks was had but no action taken. Councilman Krefting from the Committee on Glacier stream reported progress. 17" r .~._!'N ..---_ Councilman :,Icllullen from Committee on ?ublic Health reporte as to the condition of garbage cans and the butcher shop. I The ~ayor renorted a consultation with the U. S. Secret Service representatives in the matter of the visit of the Pres- ident and that a special progra~ fer his reception ~ill be ar- ranged. The matter was referred to the Committee on Civic Affair On motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned until the next regular meeti~g, July 2d. Cl erk /JC:.<? ~ ,/ c:/ ;...~ / '/':-~/' 1!avor .I " ',-, 1 Special Meeting of the Common Council of the Town of ~eward. Alaska. July 9, 1923. Meeting was called to order by the Mayor who stated that it was called for the purpose of oonsidering the preparations fo r the entertainment of the 1'resident. All members were present except ~ouncilman Adelman. The Ma;vo r reported the receipt 0 f a Terri tor1al iarrant far .~OO.OO from Gafernor Bone of the Terr1tcry, being the amount from the Terri tortal J!'und for the entertainment of the President allotted to Seward. I on motion of Councilman Rllsworth. ..conded by Counoilman Orlander, the Clerk was instructed to aOknowledge the reoeipt of said warrant. After discussion of plans, the Mayor appointed as a Com- mittee of rleception to the President as follows: Ma;vor L. V. Hay, Chairman 1m. H. Ihittlesey as President of the Chamber of Com- Hal 8e1by representing the Press merce P. C. McMullen, Chairman Civic Committee ~. ~. Hitchie, Judge of District Court. It was decided ~ thout a formal vote to instal the siren on the dock. On motion of Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by councilman Cooper it was ordered that the Mayor be given authority to em- ploy four (4) men to maintain order and for protection of the President. Councilman McMullen moved, seconded by Councilman Orlander that the J!'ire Chief be authorized to employ a man as assistant for one week after tonight at f6.00 per shift. On call of the roll all five members voted "Aye" and the motion oarried. I On motion nuly seconded the Council adjourned to meet at regular meeting. /.1 ~1 ~,^Jt~ 1erk Ir ~) , / /0(/l I ay r . .~ ..-- . oJ _ .---- ( 18 I ~ --.....~., I Regular Meeting of the Common Council of the Town o~ Seward, Al5 ska. July 16, 1923. Meeting was called to order at 8 o'olook P. M. by Mayor nay. - On oall of the roll Counoilman Krefting only responded. Bo quorum being present, the meeting was deolared ad- journed until the next regular meeting. ~~.~~ ar ) ,~ ayo Min~tes of a jpeoial Meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, August 3, 1923. The meeting was called to order by Mayor rlay. Present were Counoilmen Adelman, Ellsworth, Kretting, McMullen and Orlander, Counoilman Cooper being absent trom the city. The Mayor stated that the meeting hatt beenoalled for thl purpose of con81dering the adoption'; ot .Resolutions of Condoleno on the death ot our President, 'arren G. Harding. The following reeol~tions were submitted by the Mayor: WHE~S, our oommunity has recently been eo graoiously honored by the visit of Our Chief Exeoutive, who, without fo~ mality conversed with our oitizens, ~indly placing them at their ease, when walking our streets. and W~~~, the kindly attitude of our Chief ~xecutive made us all feel as if the President had a personal interest in us, our families and our town BE IT RE~OLVED, That it ie with a profound sense of per- sonal loss, we, on behalf of the Town of Seward, Alaska, extend to Mrs. Harding a sincere condolence by reason of the passing beyond this sphere of life of President warren G. Harding. fURT~R. That the Clerk of this Town is instructed to for ward a certified co-py of thtte resolution", with the earnest desire that we may help share tile burden of sorrow. On motion of Councilman Orlander, seconded by Councilman ~llsworth it was ordered that said resolutions be adopted and that the ~lerk be instruoted to send a copy of the same to Mrs. warren G. Harding, Marion, Ohio, and to Hon. Calvin Coolinge, President of the United ~tates. ,--. Meeting adjourned to meet at ~.ti.g. M or ~~~~~~ , \ 19 - ~inutes c:" ~i.egul3.r 1Ieeting of the Common Counm 1 of' the To'.m of 8eward, AlasKa, August 6, 1923. J:.Ieeting \vas called to order ~3.t 8 0 I clock r. r::. by l1ayor ltay. I Present ~ll ~~~bers of the Council exce?t Councilman Cooper. I,:inutes of previous regular ::1eeting ani of the tIIO sp-ecial me",t ing s were rea5 an" approved. CO"1"1unic'1tion to the ;,'qyor :roY1 Gov. Scott C. -S01'1"! of' Al8.R'.-Q . thanj;:in'" the t07m ::mthoritieG :or their receDtion to rr.~~iirmt ~ . Harli~g was read an4 or~Are'i to be fil~d. CO"1munication fro'1 U. L. c"1ith in tlJ" !'latt'~r o~.., t':.o .vharf Ton'lage Tax '.'1''3.8 re 'ld ~'t 11'1 r" fe rre a. to: ;""1 Bus ine s s . J.'Jle follO'.';ing claims ',';er-) present~'d an 1 re:.li: I i:ieVlard .Light 0- .::ower-------il5? .56 u.cOUe;ilt iOTmud-------.c(3864.98 BanK of ~eward------------2575.CO ~llsworth Buick---------104.95 lim. H. .ihittlesey,Clerk-----72,.50 ill. A. Horner-------------lO.50 wm. H. nhittlesey, ~ag. -----8.~4 Alec. ~01air-------------66.CO Sylvia ~exton, Treas.-------5C.CO Beward Lt. & rower Co.----9.G0 H. ~. ~mith, Atty.-----------8.33 de~ard ~ews Co.-----------l.75 J. i~. Baugh!'lan, ~e~lth Off.-5U.CC Charles ~echner-----------4.l0 J. H. Wal-,,:er, Eire Chief---200.00 City ~xpress--------------7 .50 J. H. Jalxer, Fire ~oll-----20.0C cieward ~ater & ~o~er Co.122.5C J. H..vaL,er, ::5':)1.' " ------92.50 je';mr:i Gate'l7ay------------2.5U Gus. Borgen---------------~-5C.25 ~ndy's ~xpress-----------46.5C J. 1. Graef-----------------67.95 cieward ~xpress-----~-----12.25 Bank of jeward--------------5U.CO ~artin Lanning-----------12.UC H. 1. dmith----------------lLO.CC Seward Drug Company------36.UG :im. H. ..hitt1esey----------232.4!J .Vm. L:anthy----------------6.CC Bro':m oc lia'.-u~ins Gorp. ------l77. CC J. li.;'al.;er--------------:5. CO ~esurrection Bay L~ber Co.-42.96 Councilman Kreft ing "'loved, seconded "by COUDC:; l':n.n i..cl.:ullen that all of tile claims as read oe allovled an:! warrants bo drawn therefor. The roll was called .:111:1 ..-,11 five "1er:lbers ',)resent voted "Aye". i.lotion was declared ca:cried. Unon sruS'gestion of th"! :.:':r-or, Councilm.an -",lIST' rth moved, 8~cond~d b- Counci l"1an ~c~ullen th~t ~ new ~t.tndin~ CO!'l~ittee to consist of t'"JO "'Jernbers an;! to b~ l:no"m '18 th"! Civic CO~.'nitte~ b~ cre'lte'l. :,:ot ion c'3rriei, "1'1-'1 th~ _.:'lyor T~Jnointe1 Co'"ncil",~" :.:c:,:ulll"n !JuG Orlrcmiler '1.~ the up'"!ly cr"!ateil Civic Co,,,,"j tt"l". The A~8e~~or r~"crt~i th'lt t~~ co':;gleted. _:J..8se~~'~lent ..\011 :'u-r 19.:2:: '~.oa r... ,,'.:;1. .c'ro!Y; tile "treet Committee Councilman -611s'!Jorth r ,orteu t:le nl~ed for fillinG ::In:.< grading .,ailroad iive. torr cOL1Veni'>Cit reach of the jtandard Gil CO'DJ!an;, I S tanks Clnd the depot, :11so tild. t i.~r. F1~ser of tne ~tanC'.ard vil CO'-f1V.my had valunte "red to get the grade. I Discussion was had as to sidewalks on Fifth ~v~nue. From th~ ::ill ec ial Com!'li tt~e on i)ar~:ing ::itrip t,;ounci bl.'l,n .,.c l.!ullen re,1orted th'1t I,'r. C. I,:. Brosius '.vas nOir excaviting a cellur under his shop~ on dailroa~ ave. and was ready to put the dirt in the strip on the south side of Fourth Ave. at ~ead of dock, sug- gesti:lg t,nt a C'cl1crete crib be placed ~iround tilG strip. .:v :J.ct ion taken. Councilman Krefting moved, seconded 07 Com:cil::11.'l Urlander th1 t the School Committee be allowed n~t to exce')d ~50. CC for repairs to the school buiolding. / 20 i ~_m "..'::~'ir' -.- ~. 'n. -.....r .. - -v- ~. "'-VI' ;!t', '-oiiiiii iW' ".--- '111i. ...".- On call of the roll all five m~mbers present vot'~d "Aye". Carried. On ~otion of Councilman ~llsworth, seconded by Counm lm~n ~cMullen it was ordered that the Li~ht Committee be authorized to 'HOC ure thl'! necessary globes for f'tre"!t lights. i Under iTe71 Busi ness, Councilman ;.:cI.lulltm '!loved, f'.~concieri bv Councilman Ellsworth th'3.t thl'. City Attorney be '1 1 lo','Ven ;,'150.'.0 for e:C~Jenses in :>r~D3.ring d'J.tg, in the m,o.tt,"l- oi' .'.'harf Ton"19-"::"! ~ax. On roll call 0.11 five r:lembers 'oTe~~ent voted "Aye". ."otion carried. After discussion of the ~inunci~l conditions of tne ~oun, Councilman ".:c..lullen [!loved, seconded OJ t:ouncilmun ~lls\'lortn thut the Iown of ;jeward borrow from tf"e Ban~ of ;je';;~rd, .,,:25Cl:.lU for 90 days. On call of the roll all five mefJoers present voted "AiI'e". Carried. T~ re?ort of J. H. Walker, Fire Chief, on the gras~3 fire of July 1st and. following was read and referred to the Fire Committee On motion, duly seen nded, the meeting adjourned until next regular meeting. rl .' i' c, \/ {..,.}..... ,;/.../ } ".", '\ ~, Jt .L.:unicipal Clerk / / :;- , /./", 1,:'_/' ',~ l.:O::j~ c r - Minutes of rlegular Meeting of the Common Council of the ~own of Seward, Alaska, August 20, 1923. Meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. by Mayor Ray. There were nrc~ent Councilmen Ellsworth, Krefting, McMullen and Orlander. Minutes of ~revious.meeting were read and approved. A petition was read signed by thirty-five residents of Seward asking the Counci 1 " to aall a SJe cial ele,cti on for the pur pose of deciding whether the T~n of ~eward. Alaska shall acquire or build a municipal light and power plant and telephone system and for that pur~ose to issue bonds. On motion of Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by Council- man Orlander the petition was ordered filed and to be taken up under order of New Business. Pursuant to a former request of the council a report was submitted by Curtis rt. Morford, secretary of Seward School Board with a proposed budget for the ensuing year of ~l5,904.0U and the same was ordered filed. T1:e following bills were presented and read: Gus Borgen, ~9.50 for supplies for Fire Department C. T. Daggett, $100.00 part of amount due for cluster light atS.E.Cor. 4th Ave. & wash ington st. Chamber of Commerce, ~15.00 Bal. due to C. T. Daggett as above. I . Councilman Ellsworth moved, seconded by Councilman Mc Mullen that all of said claims be allowed and warrants be dra~n therefor. 21 r l -,.,. ~ The roll being called all four Councilmen nresent voted "Aye' Motion carried. . I Councilman Orlander presented the ne~ winter contr.act for TO'mJ lights for coming winter at ~l67.55 less 10%. Councilman McMullen moved, seconded by Councilman Kr.efting that the action af the ~ight Committee in entering i~to a winter contract far lighting service at ,p150.80 net be ratified. All voting "Aye" the motion carried, and the contract was ordered to be filed. Counoilman Ellsworth from the street Committee reported that it would'be necessary to repair the sidewalk on the west side of Fifth Ave. north to Adame street with five orosswalks and that it would require 13,058 feet of lumber at a oost of '351.60 to rebuild the sidewalk along Railroad Ave. Counoilman Krefting moved, seconded by Councilman MoMullen that the street Committee be authorized to purchase from the Standard Oil Company such portion of said amount of lumber as could be obtained fro~ it. Cn the call of the roll all four counoilmen present voted "Aye". Motion carried. Counci~an McMullen reported prcgress on the minor re~airs to the School House. I Councilman Orlander from the Finance Committee submitted a report of the. anproximate expenditures for the ensuing year end- ing on Anril next at $22,557.20 ~bich was ordered filed. Under New Business Councilm~n Cooper presented the follo~ing Resolution, seconded by Councilman McMullen. "Be it J.\esolved, By the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska that a special election be held in the said TOVl of ~eward on the ~d day of Ootober, 1923, between the hours of nine o'clook in the forenoon and seven o'clock in the afternoon of said day, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voter of said Town of Seward the following: "Shall the Town of ::leward, AlB: ska purchase. acquire, construot or establish and maintain public service plants for the distribution and usein the ~own 0 f Seward of light, heat and power and telephone service and water service for the purpose of serving said,Town of ~eward and the public, and bond the said TOR'n of Seward fo r such purposes..r Dated Seward, Alaska, ~ept. 5, 1923. On motion duly seconded, said rlesolution was unanimously adopted. I Councilman McMullen moved seconded by Councilman Krefting that the City Attorney be instruoted to prepare a call for specia election under the petition presented on the question of bonding the town according to law to build or acquire a mun1cipal light plant and telephone system. Carried unanimously. Councilman McMullen moved. seconded by Councilman ~119worth that the tax levy for the year 1923 for the Town of 8eward, Alask be seventeen (17) mills. On the call of the roll all four councilmen nresent voted "Aye". Motion carried. Councilman Mc~ullen moved, seconded by Councilman ~118worth that the ~ire Committee be instructed to have repaired the runway to the ~ire Hall. ---- -- 22 "iiioi'lii!"!'ii"..._m;:_. _ -";i!,!, T liii -, Iii'" .-~_.. .m;- "ii'ii'T : .,-- Ii!I - On call of the roll all four members present voted "Aye". Motion carried. On motion duly seconded Council adjourned to next regular meeting. ~:I. _....~ 11 _ .:) "" '" -" \ \ -\ ~ .. <r ;.) ~ -lL',. 'v,"," .v\.J-I. C!erk ~ '""""'"( (f /~ ~-1 ~-c!J'1 ~ '\.' \ May~-- Minutes of the regular meeting of the Common Council of the Town of ~eward, Alaska, september 4, 192~. Meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. by Act- ing Mayor Orlander. Present were Councilmen Adelman, ~llsworth, Krefting, McMullen and Orlander. approved. Minutes of the last meeting were read, corrected and Communication was read from Mayor Aay advising of his necessary absence frcm Seward and suggesting his resignation, if desired. On motion of Councilman b:llsVlO rth, seconded by Counc llmap McMullen it was ordered that said communication be filed. The report of the Treasurer as follows was presented: Balance April 10 Received April 10 to Se~ . 4 $2143.50 4299.37 6442.87 Warrants issued Apr.10 to Sept.4 ~8454.1C Less Warrant to Bank 2575 5879.10 Balance ;;."563.77 The follwoing claims were nresented and read: Seward Lt. & rower Co. $119.65 II " "" " 117.25 Wm. H. Whittlesey,Clerk 72.50 Wm. H. Whittlesey, Mag. 8.3~ Sylvia ~exton, Treas. 50.00 H. L. Smith Atty. 8.34 J. A. Baughman,Hea1thOf. 50.00 J.H.Wa1ker, J.1'ire q).ief 200.00 J. H. Walker" holl 20.00 J. H. Walker Sp. Fire ~ 22.50 Seward Lt & Power Co. 9.50 Aron ~ricson 15.00 Cal. ~. Brosius 5.75 Wm. H'. Whittlesey 108.00' Wm. H.Whittlesey Bank of ~eward Seward ~xpress J. 1. Graef Gateway Pub. Co. ~eward Water & Power Alaska Transfer Ellsworth-Buick Wm. Patterson F. Lagerquist John Johnson J. B. Slater Bank of ijeward Total $303.0C 25. CC 27. CC 44.7E 40.5f Col22.5C 22.5C 1.5C 23.2C 13.8t 16.5C 12.0C 1030.0( 2489. H ---; Councilman McMullen moved, seconded by Councilman ~118w worth that the claims be allowed as read and that warrants be drawn for the same. On the call of the roll all five councilmen present voted "Aye". Motion carried. Councilman ~llsworth reported on sidewalk and grading on Railroad Avenue. Councilman Krefting reported that ~r. Gagnon offered to patch sidewalk in front of his lot on Fifth Ave. and suggested ." ,q "~,., ,..',.,' 2~ '-"irr 'I" . -- ,vaiting for laying new sidewalk ther.on',untUspring. I Councilman 11cMullen from the ::;0 bool Comed ttee reported tbat the basement room of the scbool building should be fixed and to make the room secure ~ould require ~200.00. No Action taken. Councilman ~.:c~,!ullen nomin'lted I.:isf1 Inez waugh for the vacancy on the ::;cbool Board and as Treasurer tbereof. On motion of Counc ilman i,1c11ullen see o;:1ded by Councilman ~llsworth the no~inations were closed and the unanimous vote of the councilmen present were cast in the affirmative. Councilman 2cMullen ~oved, seconded b~ Councilman Ells- worth that a snecial electicn be call~d for uct. 2 next to vote u-pon the question of bonding the 'l'o'm of ~'eward. for tl1e nurn08e of acquiring, con~ucting etc.,a municipal electric light and power plant. telephone service and water service. On the call of the roll all five counclimen nresent votel "Aye". Motion carried. Councilman kcMullen moved. seconded by Councilman Ells- worth hat the To~ of ~eward borrow ~lOOO.OO from the Bank of ~eward for 90 days ana that the C~rk draw a proper therefor. On the call of the roll all five councilmen present voted "Aye". Motion oarried. I On motion duly seconded the ~ouncil .djourned to next regular meeting. ..II' .... ..... / Clerk - ,::? / - - Mayor Minute8 of rte8ular Meeting of the Co~~on Council of the Town of Seward, Alas~a, October 1, 1923. Meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock ~. W. by Acting Mayor llrlander. ~resent were Councilmen Adelman, cooper, ~llsworth, Krefting UcMullen and Orlander. Minutes of the previous meetine were read and approved. Communication was re~d from Brown & Hawkins Corporation asking permission to erect and inst'll '3. public wagon, scale at the foot of ~ifth and Hailroad Avenues in ~eward in front of the ware house. I Councilman Ellsworth moved. seconded by Councilman ~cMullen that such permission be granted. Carried. Communication received and read from ~rs. Harding, widow of our late President aoknowledging receipt and appreciation of Hes- olutions of this Counoil on death of the President. On motion of Councilman ~llsworth, seconded by CounCilman Cooner the sa~e was ordered to be filed. Annlication for position of niBnt watchman were read from H. L. Sagers and from. Henry Lind~ui8t, Councilman ~llsworth moved, ser>onrje'l by Council"1an "reftin~ ---- ( 24 i L_ I I ~.t"hat tn; sai~ a~yiications b"J \~ir1 on t"hP. table ~?/c'or.Je un under ,Tew BU!"lne!"R... ,/ . J '-,/ "' '\ ."\ Thp. fOl~~ing bills 1.'1er/'nrAs0nted a'1'l rp.~'r1:\ ,I ! - Minutes of negular Meeting of the Common ~ouncil of the Town of Seward, Alaska, September 17, 1923. Mee~ng was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. by Acting Mayor Orlander. Present were Councilmen Cooper, EllsWDrth, Kreft ing , i~c Mullen and urlander. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. There were no written communications. the matter of the installation of scales by poration. No action taken. The following bills were presented and read: The Mayor presented Brown & Hawkins Cor- Standard Oil Company H. E. Ells\\O rth ,382.16 5.00 Councilman McMullen moved, seconded by Councilman Krefting that the bills be allowed as read and that warrants be drawn therefor;;!. On the call of the roll all five Councilmen present voted "Aye". So carried. --.. Councilman Ellsworth from street Committee reported that arrangements had meen made with the Bureau of ?ublic Roads to gravel the road from the City limits to Porcupine City, at the cost of the labor and gas. To provide for Board of ~lection for Special ~lection to be held (;ctobe:' 2, next, Councilman ;.1cil1ullen, seconded by Coumilman Cooper, nominated Chas. Crawford and Geo. Sexton for Judges and J. P. Hannon for Cle rk of said ~lect ion . On motion of Councilman Krefting, seconded by Councilman Mcl1ullen the Clerk was instructed to cast t'le unanimous ballot of the Council for said ~ominees which wa? so done. Councilman ::cr.Iullen moved, seconded by l:ouncilman Ellsworth that the following be the ballot for said Special Election, October 2::1: OFFICIAL BALLOT, Special ~lection, Town of ~eward. Alaska Ootober 2, 1923. Shall the Town of Seward, Alaska, purchase. acquire oonstruct, establish, and maintain, public service plants for the distribution and use in the Tarn of Seward, of Light, Heat, Power, Telephone 0ervice and Water ~ervice, for the purpose of serving the Town of ~eward and the Public, and Bond the said Town of Seward for such purposes. ~ I INSTRUCTIONS Mark "X" in the Square opposite the word "FOH" or "AGAINST" showing your intent ion. ._~ FOR AGA nST 25"""'l and that the Clerk have 300 oaJlots and 150 sample ballots printe On call of the Holl all five councilmen present voted "Aye" I,!otion Carried. I ~n motion duly se~onded, the Council adjournnd until the next regular 'neeting. L \J.N0\ ~., 0"'-;-1\- '\}j ~-l~~ u "'( ~eliJ~~~~~ Acting I,:3.70r I.:inutes of ~\egular l.1eeting of the CO"1':1on Council of the Tawn of Seward, Alaska, October l, 1923. ~eeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P. w. by Acting Mayor Urlander. Present were Councilmen Adelman, Cooper, ~lls,mrth, Krefting, Mcmullen and Orlander. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Communication was re~d from Bro.v.n & Hawkins Corporation asking permission to erect and instal a public wagon scale at the foot of 5th an'l .dailroad Avenues in Seward in front of the ware- house. Councilman Ellsworth "3oved, seconded by Councilman McMullen that such permission be granted. Carried. I Communication received anl read from furs. Harding, widow of our late President acknowledging rece'pt and appreciation of Hes- olutions of this Council on death of the President. On motion of Councilman Sllsworth. seconded oy Councilman Cooper the same was ordered to be filed. k,nlicfltions for -rlJsi tioD 0" nignt ':'78.tchman were read from H. 1. ~agers an~ from Henry Lindquist. Councilman Sllswortb moved. seconded by CounJ11~Qn Krefting tbat the said applications be laid on the table to ~O~A un under 1Jew Business. The following bills ~ere ~re2ented ani read: I Wm. H. whittlesey, Cler~ .~r:l. H. Iwhit t le sey, 1.:ag. Sylvia ~exton, Treas. H. L. Smith, Atty. J. A. Baughman. H. Off. J. H. Walker. Fire ~hief J. H. Walker, Fire .doll E. L. Whittemore Alex. Little N. Nekeferoff J. 1. Gra.ef Gateway Pub. Co. Gateway Pub. Co. C. A. Hagen G. Ericks on .;?72.50 8.33 50.UO 8.33 50.00 200.00 20.00 35.00 22.00 17.50 21.30 95.00 2.50 44.00 44.00 Thomas Imll C. E. Orla.nder Seward News Co. Gus Bo rgen 11. F. ;,rick H. L. Sagers J. H. Walker Seward Lt. & P. Co. Seward Lt. & P. Co. H. E. Ellsworth City Express Ellsworth-Buick Christ 1arsen Total ,; ," 4(~ .;,;44.LO 6.00 1.50 1. (JO 36.00 42.l'C 6.00 9.50 166.15 4.65 3.CO 5.20 15.00 {pl030.46 Councilman McMullen moved. seconded by Councilman Ellsworth that the Dills be allowed as read and that warrants be drawn for the sarne. On the c~ll of the roll all six Councilmen nresent voted "Aye" . Ctl.rr1Efld. ~ III -ilili 26 - ... .- ,.- ~rs. J. H. Perry appeared and against Fire Chief J. H. Walker. complaint in writing. in person made a complaint She was notified to file her Councilman McMullen from the School Committee reported that repairs were necessary to the basement room of the school to be concreted against da~pness and for storm windows. j"""I , ' Councilman Ellsworth moved, seconded by Councilman Cooper that thp School (Committee) be instructed to have such repairs made to the school building not to exceed 1200.00. On the call of the roll all six Counci lmen voted "Aye". Carried. Councilman Ellsworth from the Committee on streets renorted on the work on Railroad Avenue and the Porcupine doad. Being advised that Chas. Crawford could not act as Judge of Election on October 2nd; Councilman Ellsworth moved, seconded by Councilman Coop0r that Goo. Long be appointed as Judge for said election to take thb place of Chas. Crawford--resigned. Carried. Councilman Adelman presented the Tax ::;tate'!lent on property 0 Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace amounting to ~48.28 for 1~23 on Lot Nos. 17 and 18, Block 23, Town of Seward and asked remission of said taxes. Councilman l!illsworth moved, seconded by Councilman uoo-per that this matter be referred as Unfinished Business to the next m~eting of the ~ounGil. Carried. --"I Councilman Krefting moved, seconded Councilman McMullen that the Clerk be instructed to write to F. Farrell, Master Mechanic of the Alaska ~ailroad requesting him to have repaired the hydrant in the rlailroad yards at the Carpenter ~hop; that the matter should have immediate attentionand to ask to have 600 feet of hose placed there. Carried. Cn motion of Councilman ~c~ullen, seconded by Councilman Cooper, Council a~journed to next regular ~~eting. ; . ,,'\-\JV .-,)> ,'-- Clerk /J } "'. " 7 . "'~) , ~ /< U:;_,f ~(, v'-. Acting Ma:lor (I' ~ I -'" J 27 - Minutes of rlegular m~ting of the ~ommon ~ouncil of the Town of deward, Alaska. october 15. 1923. I Meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Orlander at 8 0' clock P. ill. Present were Councilmen Adleman. Cooper, ~l~worth. Lreftin Orlander and ~cUullen. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The following claims were presented and read: Seward Vrug Company Geo. Long Geo. Sexton J. p. Hannon Alaska Transfer :;p4.00 10.00 lO.CO 10.00 112.00 Brown & Hawkins Corp. Gus l1anthy D. J. Mc~achen Paul Novak ~9.88 6.00 11.25 5.25 Councilman Adleman moved. seconded by Councilman Krefting that the sal (\ claims be allowed "" read and that '''Ja'''rants be dr'lwn tl1erf'for. On the cq~l of the roll a}l five ~ouncilmen nre8e~t voted "Aye". carried. The followi~g applications for appointment as night watch- man were read. viz: from~'. V. L.urphy, H. l'aeben. 1.. J. Arntsen. H. L Bagers. Henry l.indquist, Gu s ~anthy, 1.. H. Parker and J. vi. bord. . On motion of ~ouncilman Adleman, seconded by ~ouncilman Krefting said applications were referred for consideration to Order of Business No. 6--Choosing of ~ity Officers. ~ommunication was rea1 from the 0chool Board of Seward 0cho 1 District askin~ for certain funds. On motion of ~ouncilman ~llsworth, seconded by ~ouncilman llic~ullen the same was referred to New Business. The bond ana oath of Inez waugh as Treasurer of ~eward School ~istrict wore presented. On motion of ~ouncilman ~llsworth. seconded by Counm ImBn Cooper it 'Nas ordered th'lt said bond an::! a:th if 1. waugh be accepted and placed on fi10 in th"' ~lerk I s Office. The elections returns of the ~~cial ~lection held on uct. 2d on th8 qunstion of bond issue for ~lectric Light Plant and other utilities were pre~Anted 8howin~ 1~7 votes for and 52 against thernon ~ith 2 votes void. Un ~otion of Councilman Krefting, seconded ~v Council~an 2c Wullen it was ordered th'lt sa::'" returnp bA acce"lted Iln" "ilF'd. I fhe following ~e801ution was introduced by councilman urlander: ~HE~iAj The Common Council of the Town of ceward, Alas~a after canvassing the vote of tho i;)pe c ial -ulection in ro bond issue. finds an overwhelming majority in favor of the oond issue for a municipal light plant an~ telephone system; AND WH~~~ the Common Bouncil believes the reason for this large vote is a general dissatisfaction with the present franchise under which the ~eward Light & ~ower ~ompany operates; AND WH~d~AS we believe a new franchise could be arranged which would be satisfactory to the peoule of ~eward and just and .---- 28 'i<i...~ -". fair to the ~eward ~ight & rower vompany; TH~rlEFOrlE B~ IT rlESOLVED, That the ~ity Llerk be and hereby is instructed to forward a copy of this riesolution to the Seward Light & ~ower ~ompany and to invite the same to meet or communi- cate with the ~ommon ~ouncil for the purpose of trying to reach an amicable and satisfactory settlement of this issue. \ J On motion of vouncilman Cooper, seconded by Councilman . McMullen it was ordered that the rlesolution be adopted and a copy of sa!!le sent by rlegistered Mail to the ~eward ~ight & i'ower Compan" councilman Adleman moved, seconded by councilman Krefting that the councllnow proceed to ballot for a night watchman. Carrie . Thirteen ballots were then taken in none ot''1hich did any applicant receive more than tmree vote~. ~ouncilman Mc~ullen moved, seconded by ~ouncilman Ell8~ worth that the election of a night watchman be pOSponed to the next regular meeting. carried. councilman ~llsworth from the ~treet committee reported the necessity of repairs to the road to the ;jan Juan .lfishin!" ;, Packing Company's plant which was ~Ashed out and to the oaiieft near the rlasmussen sawmill. Councilman McMullen move:, seconded by Councilman Adleman that the otreet CO".lmittee be allowed ~l50.00 toward necessary re- pairs to streets. ---I On the call of the rioll all of the councilmen p~esent vote "Aye". Carried. Councilman Krefting reported the condition of th0 Glacier ~tream to be bad. Councilman Lrefting moved, seconded by councilman cooper that the clerk be instructed to draw a warrant of date of uct.3U 192~ for ~1500.00 in favor of the ~eward uchool District. Un the call of the roll all Counc ilmen present voted "Aye" Carried. Fire Chief walker presented an ~stimate of the Cost of ~mergency work on the Glacier stream at ~327.75. Councilman l~cMullen moved, seconded b;T Councilrjlan ~llswort th~t the Cl~rk be allowed ~250.00 to pay ~mergency time checks for work on the Glacier stream and that~l warrant be drawn therefor. Un the call of the roll all the Councilmen voted "Aye" Carried. Councilman ~llsworth moved, seconded by ~ouncilman Cooper that the President of the Council be allowed not to exceed ~l5.00 to procure certain photographs of the Glacier ~tream. Cn call of the roll all the Counc ilmcn voted "Aye". Carriei Cn motion of councilmfin i.:ci,;ullAn, seconded by Councilman Cooper, ~ouncil adjourned to next !Dneting. ~~\,~\6:.J~~__ ~unic ipal <;le rk. / f?~ )p / -- Acting IJayor - '. \,,- :;"'..... 29"1 ~inutes of Special Meetin8 of the Common Council of the town of 8eward, Alaska, uctober 2~, 1~23.. I Meeting called to order at 8 o'clock ~. M. by Acting lliayor Crlander. Acting ~ayor Crlander stated th0 object of the meeting to be tG consider the telegram submitted from ... T. Stuart of Valdez in the ~atter o~ making an 0stimate for building an electric light plant in iJeward. After RiscusRion, councilman ~llsworth moved, seconded b.y councilman cooner th~t w15U.OO be allowed for the matter and that the clerk be instructed to wtre to ~r. stuart to thQt effect, Un the call of the roll all four coun(>,ilmen voted "Aye" Carried. 'l'he Idayor also stated till t ",.r. Landis th8 n8V1 :';anager of the Alaska rlailroad was expected to be on the next sailing of the S.S. Alaska ann that councilman ~cMullen ~ould be on the same ves:'el an:l suggested that '1 cablegram be sent to ~;:r. l'.1c:,lullen authorizing him to represent this Common ~ouncil in interviewing Mr. Landis on civic matters. Councilmun LCO"ler, moved, :"econded tW Councilm',n ",refting that the Clerk be instructed to send a message to that e~fect to councilman ~c~ullen at ~eattle, in care of the Alaska ~teamsbip Company. ~I Un the call of the roll all the councilmen voted "Aye" Carried. Cn motion ~ouncil ~\'\:,-". ~,! !'{I"(( t', -uv ./ J-\ . A~,J /'lllL~~r.-U<,( iI-!uni ci pal Cl erk adjourned to next meetin~. ,>.... . ,,/ ~ " /' I" ~<- Acting lliayor .ieguIar l\~eeting of the GO':lmon council of the Town of ;:;eward, Alaska, ~ove':lber 5th, 1923: Keeting called to order at 8 o'clock P.~. DY Actin~ Mayor Urlander. ~resent were councilmen Adelman, cooper, ~llsworth, ~refting and urlander. The following communications were read: lnvi tation from thE) ueward volunteer Jfire .uenBrtment to atten a bean feed on the evening of ~riday. Uovember 9th. Accented and ordered filed. I rteport from J:! ire Chief on the breaking of' certain electri c light globes by children. Un motion of councilman ~llsworth, seconded bY councilman cooper tbe vlerk was instructed to send bill to the parents of tne chila named for the cost of the globe. Circular announcin~' driye of the rted Gross and soliciting contribution. Un motion duly seconded, the same was ordered to oe placed on file. ~etter from Bishop Crimont in reference to taxes on Seward General Hospital. Un motion of ~ounc:llman Adelman, seconded by councilman Krefting the same was ~dered nlaced on file to he taken up under New Business. .------- 30 ::::17 -ill --"'1'1 The follwoing claims were presented and read: ~eward Light & ~ower Go. \\1m. H. whittlesey.C]erk Wm. H. whittlesey, Mag. ~Ylvia bexton Treas. HiL. >:smi th,A tty. J.A.Baughman, H. Off. J.~.walker, ~ire Chief J. H. walker, b'ire nolI Ch rist .Larson T-C Benson & whitte~ore T-C Bro,m & Hawkins, corp. T-C H. ~. ~llsworth. T-C Ellsworth-Buick Bro1w & Hawkins Corp. J. .L. Graef L. H. ~arker w~. H. whittlesey, clerk ~157.2U 72.50 8.33 50.00 8.33 50.00 200.00 20.00 33.00 129.CO 14.15 42.75 8.70 57.75 26.27 84 . cO 2.80 ::ieward lJrug Co. Gateway Pub.Co. J. H. walker, F.e. .lfrank Murphy F . V . Murphy C.iV.Hall Wm. li:imith J. A. weir Henry .Lindquist H. 1.. ::,agf'l'"s be ward water & ~ower Bank of Seward Alaska 'l'ransfer J. lJ. 81a t e r r.ratt ;:5eperovich John lJubre uil ~13.50 4.05 48.UO 30.00 68.25 54.00 61.5C 2.65 24.00 3.l'O Co122.50 25.uO 127.50 7.50 51.CC 60.00 - Councilm~n Xrefting moved, seconded by Councilman Adelman that the above bills be allowed as read and that warrants be drawn therefor. Un the call of the roll all five council~en present voted "Aye /I. Carried. Bill of Calf M. Brosius for *112.UO was feferred to the Glaci3r btream committee and laid over to next meeting. Councilman Adelman moved, seconded by councilman cooper that the Clerk be instructed to notif:,- the i:leward .Light and l'ower Compa lY that hereafter the b'ire Chief will attend to putting in lights when broken so that he may place necessary danger signal. carried. Bill of John Dubreuil for w93.UO for work on Galcier ~tre.m and certain time checks were discussed. un motion. duly seconded tInt the bill be allowed for ~60.00 the amount of the time checks. Uall of the roll was had and all five uouncilmen prpsent voting "Aye" the same was carried. .Letter of J. V. Gotwals, Chief ~ngineer Alaska ~ailroad as to hydrant at uarpenter bhop was read and ordered filed. The next businesp being the choosin) of Uity ufficer, ap- plications for apnointeMnt as night watchman were read from Thos. P. Johnston anrl Henry V. Henriksen. Ballotine was tben had an~ on the second ballot .L.H.Earker having rec~ived four of the five votes Cqst he was declared elect- ed ap night watchman. Councilman ~llsworth from Vo~mittee on ~treets rP,TIorted the l:'orc upine .rloas fi lled and the road to ~an Juan- ~'i shing & .Packing Company's flant completed. \Jouncilman urlander reported that ,;:,unerintendent of l!/lucation Henderson suggests the Durchase of fifteen adjustable seats for the school. - , ~he Clerk was instructed to w~ite to thp Alaska rlailroad to ask for conies of the photographs taken for the dailroad of the conditions of the ~lacier ~tream. Discussion was had as to the regulations and custom of issu- ing permits for buildings by the clerk--with reference to the building of a stable near the rear of the catholic ~hurch. Under New Business --- Councilman Adelman moved, oeconded by councilman Krefting I that the 1923 taxes on the ~ots of the ~isters of ~t. Joseph, fhe ~eward ~eneral Hospital property be stricken un the call of the roll three (;ouncilmen voted "aye", two, (;ouncilmen adelman and Krefting voted "Ho". motion lost. On motion duly eeconded (;ouncil adjourned until next regular meeting'. , !.'l".,X'~' 0' ",," 1 , ,~ \ 'j ~ 1\ \rJ .: "- ,}'JV'-iJ\}:..;l~;~...l r, At ? ~i!unicj nal (;lerk ~ 6//:-)) ! ,".. / , "/ ' / r; . ~ ' " , "{':" ,,/ "----,,--~- Acting Mayor rlegular iileeting of the Common (;ounci 1 of the Town of ;:;e"'ard, Alaska, ~ovember l~th, lU2~. ~eeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. hy Mayor day. l'resentNere \,;ouncilmen adelman, Gooper, .:-..llsro rth, Krefting, IJclllullen and urlander. !>:inutes of previous m0eting were reali. corrected and apnroved ;;ew Business I ~ette rs Vlere read fror.l Vi. T. i.:ituart. ~lectric -Light .t.ngincer employed by the Gouncil submitting his estimates for the instal- lation of an electric light plant with .~iesel ~ngine power, in oeward at w49,uuO.uu ana of distribution system at ~2U,335.uO a total of 969,335.uO. together with certain telegrams from outside/ dealers as to costs of engines, etc. On motion of Gouncilman ~llBworth, duly seconded b: Gouncil- man 1.:cJ:.lullen the same were accepted and ordered filed. >" ~etter fror.l J. ~. Hofmann, calling attention to the dangerous condition of the building at the iL w. corner of' .lfifth Ave. & washington i.:it. wa~ read and the s~me was passed to ~ew Business. The following claims were presented and read: And re'') ~rickson A. .:!irickson ;:;tandard oil Gomn~ny Gerhard Johnf'on ;::54.l'U 6.l'O 13.50 124.00 Brown & Hawkins Corp. UQl. l.~. Brosius IV. T. ::>tuart :SlOS.OO 112. CO l50.20 Gouncilman adelman moved, seconded by Gouncilman urlander til"tt said claim!> be allowed nnd that waY'rants be drawn for the same. Ln the c911 of the roll a1.1 six Gouncilmp.n voted "Aye". Motion cr!rried. Gomr.lunication was read calling attention to conaition of sidewalk on ~ifth Ave. from ;:;e;vard note 1 to the Gove rn"1ent Huildin fhe same was ordered repairea. I a letter was read from the ~eward ~chools inviting the (;ounci to visit the schools during this ~ducational week. ~iled. verbal reports were made from various Gommittees. Gouncilman ~cWullen reported from the Bchoo1 ~ommittee the receipt of a request for ~?~UUU. UU for l~ovember expenses. Moved by Gouncilman Urlander, seconded by ~ouncilman Krefting that the vlerk be instructed to draw a warrant ~ov. 3uth to the ~eward ~chool ~oard for said amount. un the call of the roll all six Uouncilmen voted "aye". (;urri Under unfinished business the bill ~ val. M. Drosius for ~ /32 . v - ~j7 ~112.00 was taken up and letter read from Mr. Brosius explaining same. Councilman MCMullen moved, seconded by ~ouncilman ~llsworth that the claim be allowed and a warrant drawn therefor. Un the call of the roll five Oouncilr:len voted "Aye", one, Cooper, "No". Motion carried. ---r i ~ New Business .,--- ~etters were read from w. ~. ~tuart, ~lectric ~ight ~ngineer employed be' the ~ouncil submitting his estimates for the instal- lation of an electric light plant with viesel ~ngine power, in ~eward at ~49,uUU.uu ana of distribution system at ~2u,~35.LU a total of ~69,3~5.uU, together with certain telegrams from outside dealers as to costs of engines, etc. un motion of ~ouncilman ~llsworth duly seconded by ~ouncilman lliCMullen the same were accepted ana ordered filed. ~oncilman Adelman submitted note8 of the ~onference between the ~ommittee on ~ights and ~r. ~. M. ~raff of the ~eward Light and ~ower ~ompany which were read. ~ouncilman Krefting, moved seconaed by Councilman ~llsworth that the report on the uonference be accepted and placea on file. Oarried. Councilman MCMullen moved, seconaed b,' 00uncilman Cooper that the ~Ommlttee on ~ights be empowered to employ an expert asistant in the matter of dealing with the ~eward lJight and rower uompany as to a new light franchise. un the ca~l of' the roll all six uouncilrrien voted "Aye". Carried. ~ouncilrnan ~llsworth reported that the ldre uhief was in need of a supply of coal. uouncilman MCMUllen moved, seconded by uouncilman urlander that the lfire ~omm1ttee be instructed to buy l/2 carload of coal for the ~'ire vepartment. Un the call of the roll all six uouncilmen voted "Aye". Carried. -, j Un the motion of ~ounctlman ~llsworth, seconded by uouncil- man uooper the "ouncil adjourned. /' ,// :'/- ~~)..AM_':::H )\jJ~..J0j4'" 07J)_ Muni cipal ulerk \., mayor --j ~pecial Meeting of the Common uouncil of the ~cmn of beward, Alaska, ~ovember ~uth, l~~3. Meeting called to order at 1~:~U ~.M. by Mayor day ~resent ~ouncilmen Adelman, uooper, ~llsworth, ~cMullen and urlana.er. 1'he Mayor stated that the 1'leeting was called for the purpose of providing for the appointment of an agent or this uouncil and for the authority to him to examine the books ana accounts of the public utility uorpoBtaon operating in ~ewara., Alaska, viz: 'l'he ~eward lJight and ~owe r vompany and the Alaska ~lectric vompan". ~he following aesolution was submitted by vouncilman urlander: - _ J ~e lt neBolved by the ~ommon vouncil of the Town of ~eward, .alaska ~'1rst; :i'hat this vommon ",ouncil do appoint unaer the pro- visions of' bec. 45, uhapter 'j7, ,iiiession ~aws 'I I I , i 33 I or the ~erritory of Alaska, l~G~ an accredited agent who shall make an inspection or the books ana accounts or the Alaska ~lec- tric vO$pany, a ~orporation, or unQettwhatever name or(iesigna- tion ~. M. ~rarr anQ associates act in maintaining,operating anQ supplying the inhabitants ot' the 'town o:tf i:ieward, AD ska wi th telephone servi~e. Second: That this Co~mon vouncil do appoint under the pro- visions of ~ec. 45, Chapter 97, ~ession ~aws of the Territory of Alaska, 1923, an accredited agent who shall make an inspection of the books and accounts of the ~~_~~~d,~ighj;,_~J1C1_i.QJ_~;C_~Qr:U).any. a corpora- tion maintaining, operating and supplying the in- habitants of the Town of ~eward. Alaska with elec- tric light and Dower service. Third: That walter T. stuart be and he is here'lY appointed the accredited agent of the Common Council of the Town of ~eward. Alaska, with authority to ~arry out the purposes and provisions of this .desolution. it was moved by councilman urlander, seconded by Councilman McMullen that the nesolution as submitted be adopted. un the call of the roll all five Councilmen nresent voted "Aye". The vote being unanimous, the 1\'18.;'01" declared the 11e80111+- tion adopted. On motion duly seconded, the meeting adjourned. I lU--W-~~'~~{j Municipal Clerk \ lIlayor ~egu1qr ~petin~ of tte Co~~on Council of the rown of ~e~ard Als.sk'l, lJece"'loer ;<,-1923. :,>-:AtiY'j'''''' C'l-~1~1 tc CT'Jer qt f; olclock (.I. ~.~. r,..-r l:>l~.ror ...tflY. ~r00pnt, ~ll ~e~bnr8 of tll~ LOllncil. ing .....i nutes C~. the-: ,irev:o~l? ...\8:;111'1 r- Of' .'ovP'Clber ;<l]th re-:, co ,'rsctsd mAetins '1l" r,~' ::5118Ci'lJ. l.'~qet- 8..'11 QT)Y'\Y'CV0r1. t8. i;( A cO'f'l"';"....,untc'ltio~ ~""l~.l~:O re';1 ::~ro"'":: _~AV. _.:r. LJunl~n '1s;:i:'J"j th;l.j cer"' r~n']ir8 oe ~'li8 to t"", '-':;''''')''-''114 on L11urch ;jtre"'t ir; ~'ro:",t dJf .,etk:oCl'1.st LC:'lrch. .:leferr~{"j to .jtr'~et Co'C,,:ittee. tt-l("\ }\ 'eti ti on 8 i::;necl. 0" 'l n1J'">bpr 0:::' (Oi t' zens ot' ,jF) .'ard J'."in,,; tlY1.t thp 8U"'I) o-.f' t:":.75.;~\t' ner ~onth bA .'1ai:l D7 tl.~~ rO'..7n for ')nr)J,ici.t~y.,. 'Jllrnoses. .ieferreri to ~;8'," 3nsi 'Jess. .ie ;10 rt 0 t' rrplsurer ~~p presented ~3.n1 rp-:.ui. r... ;,,..,, ~1" ""' ("yo ."' .1",) --L... -,~: ['0 11. O'.~I;' I Cash .v;cn i ved l'i:lrr3.nts lc;su.ed l:3"ll:ince ,:;2"2, ,11~. 4~ l':,f'39.lG ? , rf:~~-.~6- f....,'n Y~ot5.on c ;.' L.;oU11cil"'~.~l:n url'~ncLer, ~"p~on'~~~j Coo:Jer jt ''''''le. cr,';"eri~rj t:'.1.t tnr. rAl-rt b~~ E'j18d. u :: v 0 Ll r; e i 1"" "1;:) Tte ..:'ol.lc"lI7ir;~ c.1..'li"!'ls wer~ )r0'~+?'lt~(i q". r8;'1: ,v. 'j'. dtu'lrt deward Lt. ~ ~c~er Do. ;jW,lurj .vater " " Al~ska 'l'r'lnsfec 1,:3.rt in La'1ning (216.ll 25u .3l' 12:~ .5l' 281. 15 '1.5u Cuteway ~uo. co. j3'J.nl~ 01" ue'.~l'3.rd 0, 0exton ii't'[~, u'!li th .;;; 5. OL' 25.lU 14. uC 4.lU 93. lU ...:~'~~. ....... ~. ..._<:l.~loy /--- ---- 34 I~- ,~illis !'eTry f:llsw orth - B~l i CL ::iewaT,-j Dru,," VO. I.'J r:} . .d. ,"r h ,~_ 't t 1 ~; s e.;1 , ~. L. ~~ith, ~tty. J. ~. wali~er, bire ~. il. ~ar~er, ~i;ht ~.-;. L'U 4.5u :l,7.lLJ Li;.ag S . ~-54 f3.34 Cll.GLU.LU .1. l5u . co Her:son ;;lli tto':1ore <:' .lO John .) 0 hn son 25 . f. U 0~. tl. nhjttlesev ClerK 7~.5u ~ylvi3. 0exton, T~e2S. 5U. U J. 11. d:lugh~~~ln l;"C'lltl1 of.5u.LC J. tl. n~l~er, ~iro ~oll 2U.LU - council~~n urlander moved, seconded by Uouncil~~n ~refting that the claims be allowed ana warrants be drawn for tbo sa':1e. Cn the call of tho roll all council':1on oresent, five voted "Aye". Carrieel. Uouncil'!1'ln reported t'}f'1t the -LOn'ire buil'1ing at ~. N. c~rn~r of ~'ifth Ave. q~~ w~9hin~ton ~treet is in dqngATous CO!1dition. Coun?il'!19!1 ~c~ulle!1 moved, seconded by councilm~~ Krefti~s t]~t the vity nttornery be instructed to ta~e ~roner ste~s to ~on- dO'!1n and de?troy 8'11j hui11ing. Carried. under ~ew Business tile r.latter of' 'in '1~lnropri!ltion for Club- licity was taken un. Gouncilmail GOO',ler "'loved, secoJ'1c1ed by Council"'!'i!1 i,~c.,lullen that the sum of ~75.LU ner month bo acoropriaten for ~our ~onths to be mid to t~e oeward Gha~ber of uo~~erce for ~uhJicit7 purposes. Un c'111 of tl1e roll all ",ix council~en voti),j'A~le", carried. rhe rlenort of w. T. ~tuart, Agent of the council on the val- uation of the ~eward Li~ht ani ~ower Go~nanY'8 an~ thp Alaska ~l- Rctrie ~o~~any's olants W32 Rub~itted an0 rpqd. ~T. ndle~an inauired whether '~yt~jn~ h~d bepn 00n8 ~owards 'lT1''>r'3.i ~ing thp value 0'+.' the O\)j 1'1 in",~~ or sairi tlo"1T1anies. ,i,T. Adle~"m ",a~A ve 'b'!.1 rAnort oi' cost 0 f' tA1ephoYlAs north of Lowell Greek. t;ouncil~'l.n ,,1CliJullen '~ovo', "econded by ~ouncil~nn -C.J lsworth tCl'Jt th~ ~"i:;ht \"o'~mittee causo tic" .{eport of w. ~'. i::ituart to be condensed ani publiShed. un the c'1.1 or tilfJ roll all six \"ouncilr:::en voted "Aye". \"arried. .,ir. i::ituart -v7BS ass:ed to suor1it a re)lort on a counter f'rollosal sussested by ~r. ~raff, wnich ho agreed to do. - I Un motion, mAetin~ adjourned. 1J~ .,~./ ~ \' ',', ,"-:'l 5, ,,\J'.J ~uJJ~~_ _ __ lJIArk ~ ~~"7 CL.. . .~ ". (,:,~~, ",,' , - ,Mayo J1-- ~egular ~eetin~ of +ho Cc~~on Council of the Town of ~eward, Ala8~:'i, Decp"'!bpr 17, 1(~2f't. r.;eeti'l?; "."1~ Cl',110a to oripr at ei";~lt o'cloc-;-:, ~'.,:;. b~l I\:8.;-lOr J.8;,T. :'r0~ent l'lnder. "~'('l.r0 Cou.r:r-:l....,C\:1 I~OO'l('\-r, .::!..J.J~~..,lortl}, ::c:',:1.lilen ~:,!r! C:r- ,....-- ;,:inutoB ,. 'lr8Vio)~~~ '"::~0tiv:c; '''P('~ r"'t".''l',-l ':1-,l',l('ovod. The fa ~.la.,~}ins ....{e~olGtion "'7r:,r< ;!Y':"r<'~nt01 '1';; r0<l~: Be It .io"olved ber th" Co'~or:o'1 Co',neil c,r tlj" ';'0'7]'1 r'= ,'p'':''l.rd, Alaska: FLiST: i'b,'1t o~/ virtue 0:' c:m' "!:rsn'lnt to '1:\117 nntC'rrd "r'o'" cf' '-"-I" '1'1+'-"1 +'",-, lC.'tb 'i"'" 'lio :'''''It'''''bor l?:';z,. 'T1.::ie i)v ti]o ...... ''''\'..l.. -L~):L." '- vl.." ,_ j , ~ " ~,_. ,~_ ,_" '. -', . '-' . ~. Di8iric;t Co::yt 0/ t\JC~ Ilerritor~;r :>f il.l~;~~I:.'1., '~1iJjrd .L~vi8ion :"'1 caU:1e lio. 181-8, ontitled, "In t,}C: matte.:" of t:1G ;\.,'Jlication cf tho TO-;i~ \ I : 35~ ---- I of ~~e7'1r5, :\lfls~:a, n ..'1n:ci"'1~ '~orporation, for,n Crder cf dale 01' ceri'--:.in rCJ'.ll ')T'o'~'rt:..., tc r;r"':C~"~0 ~~.:'1 1";,'n :::-,2 ce_l~t']in ,],"'li,n- quent tD.}';::08, for t!l'; :,rn'-1'{" l'?:~:~. 01 to';8t:}r:r '~:it1 :~r;n'll t\l_ ~nt0Y.8;Jt r.lJl(1 cor:ts, t!-~'? ...;.nnir:iij'lT Cl,?"('t... c-:' t-Il~~ ~'._"':l cf' )"~~'~''JJ','l. r\~'ir;"'1 llrJ.l,,"!.'O tl10 '?l]tlJO ~'it~... cf '- I T-,~'" ,i-':"('lctior~ (; ~ t:l(; Cc '.';on l-":onq~11 r,r> t':,~ rl'o~.7n of ,)e'-r-J~'i, ...s.l~~'~"'L~ i8 iir08L0j ~,o ~cll t;~n '("Opr;rt::,T :l0:i(_~r~br..:j .i!: 8'1:'~ L\yr10Y of :-~,'118, cr r;c '~nch t1j']-'~""~>f '1.8, on ti-I~ ~ :tC' c ~ t~i~ s,':l~r; :ll'"'r""'\irl~rt?'3r ;1_']0" .~'_J'ltr;-l ;JIL3..Jl b~ i"O((I'l'~ nn')'iii '~.r< te' t'J.X. ,t;1~- n::t;y., ~_lt8~S~~t <.:..~li C~C,~"Ji..3, :)~')O:L e'-_~~:-: 0,)ec.:~'ic tl"'}ct, t".0(',-;i:j i..-:;- scriocJ i!:l t;;,.:; ~d,l~'l>?l ITovi,:ieJ '0;'; l.1';;. :j':CC..::D: That the ...."'uDi,:i,~):11 Cl().L~: C'1' t~'lr: ~O~JY' c: ,jC-,'7:1r;'_t, A:~8~~. Sll~:l c~use to be ~~de a:11 ~iv8n ~ue 1~~ sui'~icient '~ctic of sale, by Dujlic3tio~ t~ereo~ OJce 0 ~7ns~~, ~Oy fO~i: ~~ucces3ive vleel-;::s, in tLc~ ;:,e',,-:ari Da:l:;r G-2te,,','ay, a t1e'as~~ape:c:!: ..;ener8.1 circu- latJ.o~l, :J~1")lishej in suij 'l.'C,~:n. of 0e';larJ., l~:'-lSi....J" ~.'7}:l.i'.~:i s:.li~ llC,'~) -pa)er :r-':...Ar<:?[):;r des"~':lated fc,r "uch. )urIOSP;~ 0:,7 t(li~j v(;"'il!lCll COLLO- ail. I T~Ln): T1nt t',c; s'110 Oc~ r0').1>(o:~;;rt'l :::r1t81 U i:n t',e Je:'in . t f'l....,... )01' .~ r:> t"n i""'o---'n ~f -":'P--lr.l't',~ I "'1"""~'':J -Por 4-' CI ~"':':l" ,. 1:;>") qURn_ l.a,,>- -'-I. ..L \.,.'.l rl~.L ,'.1 '"-' i.J.....;.....(., u, ~l__, 'I.>.."-,.-L l.. .-, ~'Iv 1,..... "-J--J, to S&ltiS:'~7 '1,"lj '~j~~~lLr"~8 tc;" Ij_e~1 cf' U~Y'.)'=1i1 t'1.'~':-, penalt")", interes 'l,;: ~l C est ''''.. n) 8 ~l t ..:...... ~ eve r ~ll '1 '1'--:' 8 '10 r: if 1. C t r'l c t sip, ~i c }~:. (1 ~ rl., 1-) p: ~'l &1 i .~ t 11~ ~) :_ i C '1. '1 C t i J l1 'J. t t ' ,") r 0 'i n 2 '1 ~ 1 '} t .'::; n~"'" '1 ~.. j, A:, '1~ ~'~:l O:} t 1-:: () d J-,- ;: f> ,T>L1:1'lt"~T, 2.~l'~>~, ~,.)......t'.78~;l t~,") 1_1;-~"-r('~ -:.' ;', t'~~l J I '>lo:"~,: ~'1 t~.10 P2<Y'- '::'100n '1:-: -J j C,~;:'" 01 :....:~_O~: ~1-: t>-" ,:01.'-" '::C'on Cr' ;-"l~ 'I ~'l~.~, ':'~'~ -:"j :''-1~8 ? ') .: 4 t '1;T r:"Hl: f~ i ~ :J C ~- ---, 0 '1 .-, J 1j -1 2 d c ~~ S '":'L ~ -i ~l €1.. 7 t :.~ 8 ~ ~., -: ("l ~ ~l '" '": :' ~1 '1. ~ 1. .~C(2~.'.l~i]("\ =::"'0""" --:';~? ic _:'_;H t~.C':.:..,');t0.r, o",r0T ~'~l_.-:..n"i~.T;-' ~.'-: "jCl~.--i~l"T:' bet'~'(H;~:; t-: ,-' 1,_-.1; ,.'~ q r>C"-~..~S'l~ ;, :;'""'Lt ~ 1 t'~0 rp'l} --,-"'c1lr-rt-... sD1),~nct tc t2~-: ~'lle <.1,'11 ~ ~ P'-l~"'" _'otl'2P :::L' ~'):i-:"l 00!'lt&"),inAd. .::=; rli~nosp.i of. FlU..(In: s..'~l:-1t .,;~ :~'l tr'J.et : r ""l'''C'~=_ :f r(":'l-l -'rolv'"1rt~; 1~ 1e- scribed U--IO~'1 th0 Llcli.n:;118nt !i.''}..,.... ~~cJ,l .J~ "l-l-:..c io.~Jn 0:" ~.;e'.~,'!lrd, _~las~' fay ti,(1 yr;'lr 1\1:';'~, be "01'1 8epar'ltel:l: IlP cff8rp.G for t;:e 2r'OlJnt of the tax, penalty, interest anu costs Que thArAon qn1 if ~uf- ficient is not bid to satisfy t::"c ;l:ilUUdt aue on the S'l"'e, as afar _ ~aid, such specific tract shall be bid in by the saili ..,unicir>al Clerk 01" saia 'to'i'm of ueward, for nj on behall of said .,.unicipal ity, for the amount of ton tqX, penalty, int0r8pt ~~1 ~08t8 jue t;,er"Oon, '::a~in0 ,leaner notation U"C~; S'l::: IJelin'jL<.ent i\lX .\011. "",'proved: L. V. ~iay ~ayor of ueward, AlaSKa C 1 e r .:~ 1~'Y:1. ll. "1 oI:U~ t~1:,:::.~C~~-;,_,_.~ of tLe -'- 0,'1::1 C 1 :.:e.7flL" ~l:AshJ ,d'icst , e . j ,; -1 ~ i,:" j) e a .::l jYj u'. B r 1 ~I -. C)' , .. L ..... -""""~-L10 ..... . _____:.--...1__.::!:..:::...::: Second .1eading ..JBcer:;oer 12.1_J 92:' .~ Passed and adonted this 17tbday of ~eca~ber, 19~3. I :a ',':8=' '~ov8d b:.T Councilman l,~cI.:ulJen, 8econ~e:1 b" Counail- P"'?.r: ~llswoYt:l t'~'lt t~"}~ yule? b~ ;"uspt?njed. t;.~: tl-:e first re8.Ct ins 00 ','C;i(:".i,iArCl::: t:!0 ~eC:G::srl rAJiir:r: >," t:;'1t ~~>.., t1J,icG 1'O"?l.i.n:? 1H1 (.J ~,'" t j. t 1 ~ '~- ~ ~'l t -',: '--j t t ~'J n r:'< "1 no; 0 1-: (i II "l ':. C~ r; ~ !1 ,', 0 ": ~ t ~ 'l,'; C -'1 t :: 0 iJ 'l t t i ~ :1. 8 r;l00ti:<!, i';'~Jnt"",;D,)nll. n ,on t':" cc,l I r~' t'~n yell tt ',~.'':;(~ nnl...1.iY"}cu~l~;' vot~,j :.C SU~i';0l'-: t-:r r1;1p.;" ~cr th~~ i!J'(o'"osef' st<JtAG. I t .~:;~j. n-' OT.l n -1 (J n C 01_'1. :.C j l'""i r, ,.".....1111~:J, :"("'nCl",,r;"':; 'U..... f'Ol)..nni.l.,,:'1.'G ~1 1."" ~-.'crtb t~ "t t'~~ .lpr:olr:t'iorr FIP '>11~fl~; nd'--,Y' 4'i --- _! io,~;tion. (':1 +.1, .-:- ... 'I' c 'j~ J '~ n t': r- ro ~ J '"'1 ' ...., 1;"" I,;;]'~ 'l '0 --i J yY'r OJ . i (' L""' ('". (i '--. t ~; I, ~'- .-., .::l " .\ ~Tn PI C';..rripl.. '---. -. .... ,~ . J Col.lc"-;~~ ',:,?, 1n i....~..-" 'r:r:~-' --, ,'-'''''' r, ,-.;~ -i-- n : , , , ~i .~' "/ :..---: C) Ii : i3ro . ., -'"'c':',~llH' ~~, 'C' J' .J t ion , ,.. () ".~, .L t. ;. . t. \ .~ ' _: :"c, u,...~ 1.':" ~.-,:~'-i.rJ.G l:;:,', r) '~"'-ltion C. l C ~J. .l". Gr"-l e f '~~ . ~!f --- / I 36 .......~ ~~ .-. ij;;W-- IT ~.:.- --q-_- GJ.l. .i..... Ero si us G0te~u7 ~ublishin~ Co i_.~!ir.l'.f"""l- "' r.:. ., r t.t. ...LI... ~.50 Co un ui lut.::.:: L rIa.nJ e l'" \-;1oved, s e ~ Oll:} ed U.~I-; ~v 0 ~1l1~: i li:~:'1lJ tLat the bills oe allo'::ed 'lS re'ld and th'"t.73,rrants be therefor. o~ the c~~l of the roll all four Council~8n voteo "A;'le". Carried. '.. .~., "J~".,U." -,-en drav:n .11:'J:: eilt Cn :JotioJ.: of Go ul1cilr:1J.n (..rl~il1cier, ...,~c...,:u:len, td8 LOwnc.il ,9.crjourne:t to tJls ~~ .l~:~-,,, C l~k-""-'--=-\--- seconded by Council~an n0~t re~ulai' s0ctinj_ c?'<~i -'-:-' ~-_._-- I.:ayor t' ~\egular 1,1e:eti'1: o~' the: ',:O"O,icn Loun(~il of the 'l'O".'D C co ,~f?""lrri, A 1 9.~ ka, J ~ln 11 "1,. r;l ?, 1 ~ i ~.~ L~ . ~0eti~: c~llnd to order ..,"" " c 0i'i"t o'clcc~ ~. :~. by ~8.yor ..:{a~T. _r,;("'nr~t '7!er---, COl~:-JI~.JI"'10;:-~ :i:}r;:v:_n.n, COO-~'lr>r, ~lls\jortl1, ~;,rAftjnz, ... c....-u II C\:1 ~ '; -, l1~1 ~LndAr. .,':inuto:, ,...,,':1 v~ lrevic'~s w~.~~tin~ ~e'~o rc~rt ~~1 ';..-:'~-yt"'ovn-J . f.2:j8 fcl101:...i"}~ Cl8.i'T:s ....,0 rp, de~ard lis~t : ?O~f?~ Co. ~155.~5 ~e~aru l~ight ower Co. 9.5C 'I;i'~. li. ~i hit t~, (3 r' e 7 , c 1 e.r ~-: 7 ~~ . 5C W~. H. ~hittlesey, ~.~as. 2.3~ b:'lvin'~exton, Tre~:'. 5e.CO n. 1. S~1th, Atty. 8.~3 J. A. 3'lu:h':1an. ."w'llth l'.:2. 50.CC: u. H. \iO.l~e.". ..;)'i1'e Lhief 2CO.',C J. H.dClL~er 00}" .doll7 7:2.50 J. .i.1.,;aL:e r .'6S. Fire ..\0 11 ~C. CO L. H. P2r~er ~igbt "atch 150.CC A. :~ov~k 28.50 Se'-:a r'j ..,';e~,"'.'S cO":-,)8~1:.r ~. (U l~t.r<) l;<.;:C HGC.?~ G'ltO',7'1V _'ub. (;0. c~,t.,.,.. ':"':Ci)r08S Jy"'snnted, ro"d '1'1,1 <:t \nrovn]: Brot Bori 86(.76 i.,:,'~':;~:in~ Corp .~ .15 1 '0; .1.. .;v '7. r="r ,~ . t../ \.... 31'0': n J. ~. Graef :. C. l.:c,:ullen ", AlasKa TrnnGfer .:ie,7'H'd "ato,' 'o':mr .. m. .'l... ,1 i t t l e s e y 0e':,'a-.rd l../rug CO!:1')''ln~l" .;) r'lJ1r: ..~ur :lhy Ja~.l{ ~'0_cd Go 8.CO IG:~ . Eil' ~1. 59 1~.5l [) i"\ v. \..u ~I . Cc C.~11. l,i. :?rosius C. ~. ~orford, Agent ~~e"'i7,).T~ (,:il:--l:~il)8 ~c cf Co~Y}. .4C 45 . C 0 75.CC 2'::Jn~~ 0:> .:>8'".1'l-rd 25. '- C ~; 11 n? . 25 C COU DC i lrnan :,' (~;,=ullen ~,cve:", s 8 ~ on 1e do" C; O\W!J i l~'L'1 :, re.:>t j" S' t-:-j'1t t1J,i bi~ls 'lC~ rpqc~ rli1: '~I~ -IYOve:i 1.)0 '111o~-}ed ,_:.-~,r-1 t'''~'l.t ''''8.,('r'~nt8' bn jrs~n for tho {'q~e. Cn t11s c';"~l c.~" t~1~ roll <:~11 8.i~<:" CO'J.TInJ. 1:''''l0n I;"r:~:"nnt votprl l'Aye" Carrie,; . C;'ft~L 'l~sl~nr'sion ",,-,-, tL-' ~~1)bjp.ct of' li:llts ,'In"i cr' t"}~: G0l11"ition cf the fire truck Ccun~~il"-";'--l~l l.:cl,'Jn~lcr Y.'"love:l, S(;(~O;l ;n.H >;~,'" C('n~cil~":'1.n ~,,(L._uJ.lf: n t'-l'~t t~:}c; Liirr~ Co--::'":':~t..ll~0r.; }oo:"~ ~ntc tfJ'-~ 2on'Jitiol1 c:' t'.": l1j-rF; T.r1Je~ ";:--:-: Y0 "crt '1C~ to t:~>-::J YJ.r'>CfJ~"'~it~7 f' ("~--I'lirs thnr.:to '1t tl-::r> il0.Xt m8etin~ o~ tl:ln courcil. - :;n-1AY :~eT~-l 3u~1inAss 'cl~11cil'--i'-'_.~ .'~(18J.:'1::1 {O";,, rltr;r! '::.--:-~ ~"1-1 rr> ~ ...i.g('~oll:it~o"IJ. 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