HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928 City Council Minutes
The Matter of a Christmas tree to be located ~t the
intersection of :J!'ourth und AdaEls streets, wac discussed by
the council, and left in the hanes of the "olice Committee.
It vms thereafter move(~ b;;' 0wetman seconded 'by 'l'hOd';,:r that
this meeting adjourn.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hegular meeting of the Comnon Council, Ci t;l of 0Gward,
adjourned until tJ PE January 4th., 1Jo quorum pre[ent.
W.L:0Hb6DdY J.~lWt'ltY :;,'oU,:{'rH 1928
Adjourned regular meLting of the COr:1lnon ~ouncil, City
of ~eward, adjourned until Twelve thirty ~1 Thur~day
Janu~ry 5th., 1928 account sickness councilman.
Thursday January 5, 192;.
Regi,Lu cLdjourned r.1eetinf- of t!le Common Council, I~i ty of
0eward, held at twelve thirty PM this date. lieetinp was called
to on Br by I:layor 1. f. Ray. With councilmen ;,[cHullen
Orlander i' intel and 'i'hod.,y present; absent Councilmen
Badger und Swetman.
L:inuteE of' the last l'ei"ular meetini" iJ.ll"roved.
A Communication froD the Lumbelr.1enS 'l.'rust Company of'
Portland, re d for the inform~tion of the Council. The
letter stated the interest of the Trust Co in the
contemplated Bond iS8'J.€ for ,;:)chool purposes.
Claims were read as foll;ws;
.:obert Guest
Hobert Gu st
Ii. ~':. lia tchell
Chas .w. brovm
~ew~rd Machine ~hop
Cal L1. Brosisu
~ew'lrd .urug Co
I}atewuy i'ub G01fi;)iJ.ny
Curtis H. Horford
Ogles Gar,ge
;:)ew~rd Light & Power
;;lewarc ~ater Supply
Sam Johnson
Cal LI Brosisu
J. J.' H:~nnon
200. ;0
23 . 25
1. 75
V. '~---
J. 1;'. Bs.ughman
Seward Athletic Club
Bank of ...eward
Total $1,211.65
It was regularly moved by Councilman OrIander seconded
by LIc1'cullem that claims as re',,,d be allowed and warrants orderod
drawn covering same.
Calling the roll; all councilmen votOG in the affirmative.
Mr. J. L. Graef appeareo bofore the council, requesting a
reb'lte on his taxes for the yeL:.r 1927. he presented certifio "tes
of valuation and reoeipts for taxes.
The council discussed the matter, huvin~ the clerk read from
the minutes of the equilization bOard meeting.
l'hereafter a Illotion v;as mace by McMullen oeconded by Thods.y
ths.t the Council uuthorize u rebate of ~40.00 to ].:1' Graff on
his 1927 taxes.
Calling the 1'11, Councilmen l,lclllullen Painter and Thoday voted
in the affirmative Councilman Orlander Ho. Mayor declared
rn0tion IJst.
The May, l' reportod to the co\mcil particulars on the rebate
due n the CIty ~md Inhabi t'lnts on over charges for light and
power in accordanoe with judgement by appelate oourt in favor
of the city and power consumers. thut some method must be arrived
at for the purpose of ohecking the books of the poer cornpany'in
arder to verify list of persons and amount of rebate furnished
by the Power Com;Jany. Thereafter a motion was made by
lilcI.lullen seconded by 'l'hoday that J.l).Hannon bo appointed
Agent to check power Company's Books. Callinr tho roll all
cJunoilmon voted in Lho affirmative.
~he ~lerk waS instructed to mrite the Lum! ermans trust Company
acknowledginiI nceirt of their cOrIwlUnication and filing the latter.
Mottoncwa The Council, thereafter; upon rgular motion
1'la8 c:eoluTo\ ad,;onrned.
l.:ondav Ju.nuar
The rOcrular rnidmonthly meetinf of the Comnon Council
Ci ty of ~evmrd, was hold at t3 0' clJek ~'l.I this date in
the Council Chambers, LIa~'or Hay prebiding.
The Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved.
Present were Council::1en ],lcEullen OrIc-mder L'ainter
and Thoday, council~en Budger and ~wetman absent.
A Letter from the agent of the surety COElfany
having reference to the ~chool Treasurers bond was
read;' letter requested action on a}plication forwarded
for fulfillment: The Cle.k stated this had been
sent to Juneau when completed by I,ll' l.ie,;cr.
Mayor stated he would so write Mr. 30bertson.
The I,layor read a telegram from Attorney Diamond
of Valdez regarding refunds due T~!n for electric
current. Telegram stated illness of :.:r Gra:f; the
LlanO-f':er of the plant and requested if an ext, nsion
could be fU'lnted on dcete payments to be ,:Jude.
1Jo Claims.
'2he COillmi tt, e on vlharves :md Docks presented a
report coverinf~ the flJatinf! dock; It 1-:-.~' r~ J
thut the Hailroad WO) Id build a new fl~atinr dock,
would be built, to be r:111de of loags, dec]:ed over and
IJcuted outside of present floating doc~, in aCcorG~ncce
wi th I'u.;orn:;;endo..tions of Cc'rtain Johansen. If this
offer 'illS acce.~tec, the Citv wss to tu.l:.e care of thG
nevI float. J'he Co,:lIl1i ttfH; ~ecor:J'TIended the',c ;er'tance
of this of" ere
"d'ter re;;,ar'.b Ly (~ul:ncil.-1e:j, U IJotion at, maCe by
COt,ncilman .,:c:,:ullen seuonc:lec 0;)7 i'.'1i :-;ter th,t the
re]hJYt ..Jf Lh<o com!i1i ttt e be ""uce))tod. ,:otion car:c'ied.
It Via::. t'frcu.ftor :;loved iy Orl.',,:dcr cecondeci b;:,'l;
}:ainter that ~,he ;,:""yor be authorizeci to entcr into
an agreement with '-he ".lacka Ituilro&.d on this subject.
C~lling the roll, 0.11 cOtcncil;;lC ~ voteu in 'cite
.he Council then discussed an old u111)l.1.id bill of
IiLr. lilcConnell for an o.lJOunt betvveen .;?50.00 and $80.00
due for repairs to the old float, appurontcy the
approval of this bill was left in the hands of the
Committee on./harves. and had not yet been reported
on. Councilman J3adfer being absent. '1'1:e Council
discussed tho reason for delay, which was apparently
due to a misunderst'iDding of tho ork to be }Jerfor1od
on the float, the bill being ~ent to the Railroad
for u0proval, and not yet returned. Thereafter a
motion w.s mude by ~c~ullen seconded by Thoday that
the Committoe of dater, lip:hts nd 'dharves be
authorized to make settlement of this bill for an
8.1:lount not to exceed ~65.00. Callinp the roll
all council:rlen IJrcs(:nt voted in the af ir'TIati ve.
Referring to the wire asking for ,ytension of time
on settlement 0:;:' ':':;lectric current claL1s. IIcl.1ullen
rn~ved seconded by painter that Mr. Graff of the
Sevmrd Licht )nC ~)ower Coupany be granted an extension
of tiJe until Garch first, the Gayor to handle
the sub .iect.
:,.ot i on can' ieci.
l,lr. Urbach und !.Ir .r3ttlderston re]JreL,en'catives of the
;:,ewurd Chamber ai' 'CorJ:nerce wen' 'recent and bing called
upon "tC1teu -;"hey hud CO,;1< up to discuss the mattur'
of the float; however the matter being closed they had nothing
to offer. They clled attention to rur.10rs of the possibility
of connecting up the ~eward Kenai-Lake highway with the
Lioose-Pass Sunrise-Hope road by building a road from twenty
three to twentynine mile, and crossing over the lake with
a car ferry. They hoped nothing , ould be left undone
that might assist in the carryinG thru of this plan. The
Mayor thereafter remarked on this, stating nothing could
be done by the council other than individual efforts, and
gave the visitors tlnd council some information on converstations
between himself and Bureau of Public Road officials on the same
The ll~yor thereafter spoke of the wishes of the City to secure
a right of w~y over Rtiilroad Avenue, and a section of waterfron
between the east line of second Avenue and the West line of
first avenue, for mu~icipal purposes; of the offer/last
suwner to least this to the City. made
That he would like to see the pr0per committee have authority
from the council to secure such a tract.
'l'hereafter it was moved by .t':.:inter :c econC; ed by ;,IcI.lullen that
the Committee on .lharves and Docks be authorized to secure ,
a least from the Railroad for the above aescribed plot.
?otion carried.
Thereatter the council u!:on motion diCl ad journ.
Ii1 . Y u r.
Monda Februar 6 1928
'l'he Regular meeting of the common council, City of Je1;vard
was held at 8 O'clock PM this date in vhe council chambers;
meeting called to order by Iiiayor L. '1. Hay, with councilmen
lilcMullen Orlander Painter and 'i'hoday present; Councilmen
Badger and swetmann absent; out of city.
The Minutes of the 18,st regular meetin,,, were XlUl.ocxaiRd ordered
ap~)Yoved .
A Request from Wm Fairman for deeds to lots 7-8-9-10-11
and 12 Block 17 of the Federal addition, was presented.
everything being in order it was moved by Councilman
OrlandoI' seconde6 by l:1cl.iullen that ;,layor Flnd clerk be
authorized to execute deeds. Motion carried.
ClaL1S totalling 1183.13 was read as follows;
Chester Bezusek
Robert Guest
H. E. Hi tcheIl
Ch':18 3. Brown
'Vhorvald usbo
Al.ska ~ransfer Co
Jas l.lcConnell
ChuB Crawi'rd
;:,e.mrd light & I'ower
0eward rlatsl Supply
J. i'. Hunnon
LT. ..;1.. Buughman
0eward Athletic Club
Bank of o.>eward
25 .00
I!loved by 'l'hoday seconded j,y ainter thut
b. al10weu :,,;1(; warrants cirawn COVL rii1t, same.
claims as read
C.'.tlling the roll, all cou.ncilI:Jen present voted; A:'e.
Councilr:li'.n LlcLlullen , reporting for cOG1ll1ittee on
Public Health 2nd protection, called attention to the
saitation question, stating some fundE should be spent on
disVosal of garbage, and recommended rilinf, ',nd pl':mks
'-is a retainelit for refuse, burning infl'umnable rubbish.
a:t'tcr di:::cussion the !.layor [lsked Ur. Ec;;ullen to :obtain
figures showing cost of Luch i .proveraent.
street Cor:Jruitte" Council;m.m 'i'hoday renortec1 on danp;erous
confiition of ~he porch over stroet in "rant of tho Sexton
Hotel. j;he Council ac :t whole discubsed "ehe matter. The
I.layor therafter recommend ing action which was carried out by
Cuuncil!;)'_,:} UcMullen seconde( by url'mder l.:oving that ;,Ir.
Thod,.y aE _.e conLractor be arJpointed a committe 01' one
to ins)Joct thi::;; btn<cture, !:Jake inve::;tig;ltion and with
the as, istance 01" the Hunicipal Clerk raake a written report
to the council, preleminary to court e.ction as abate!:Jent of a
J.1otion CU.rl ied.
J.'hereufter a rnotions'iI S lULW.O _'~:1d c:eonueci that council
. ~~~(
HOlJDA Y i:IARCH 5 1928.
Regular meeting of the 00~JOn 0ouncil, 0ity of ~eward held
at 8JO'Clock PM this date, meeting beinp: called to order by
lviayor L. V. R<:ty, VI i th C (Junu ilmen Badger Llc:,iullen Orlander
P~inter ~wetman and ~hoL~y present. .
~inutes of the lUEt refular meLting approved without readinp:.
Communications read from Mr Jack McCord regarding
lots one to 9 and 33 to 40 inclosive in Block seven
stating deeds for these lots had been received by hLl from
the National City bank of 8eatt1e.
Communication received from Mr H.'J. Balde ston, inclosing
IDax Certificates and Tax receipts for Lots i to 9 inulusive
and 32 to 40 inclusive of block 7 Town of Jeward and asking
deed be issued therefor.
Clai~s as follows read.
P. C. McMullen
3:obert Guest
J. /... Baughman
J. P. HcLnnon
Seward j~thletic Club
Chas D. Brown
;:)fr-,' . .., - - '....,. ....).
...~ . TJ. -.,", '3 1,1
., -; 1 ., -" -; ~ ,. . ~ ~_ 1 'j _))
50. '-10
<.;5 . 00
- '7 ..:; .
":! rt~
J, J-....
, ,
~ 5;)
,;,., . ~ - l '
",.~"':" ,
;; r 4
. .~ .1
r, . _~'.
221.83 ~otal 1084.26
The Claim of .::>eV/',.rcJ tiauhine chop held for investigation
8.nd it Welt' moved by UUi.1ullen secune ad b;y 'l'hoduy that
claLas be allJwed [-,nd warJ'ci,1tE' drawn oi'cerin,.' ~_L1C -,Jind.
Cdllinf the roll, all councilmen voted in the affirmative.
Claii:1 of i'. ....;. Iv1cLlullen 9.00 upoj Ination by Orl~nder
seconded by Painter ordered paid.
all councilmen votin~ in the uf~irmative
Under uommittel. rCj)ort, a written committoe rCL'ort of
n' ~. Thod,y covering Sexton Porch wus read, included were
photographs. It was recommended ~nme be taken down as
ub:=,afe. Clerk vms instructed to forwu.rd copy of n,r;ort to I.Ir
Committee on Public Health repoe'tecl on codition of r'!rbo.fYe ell p.
lcL- :.kLlullen reporting it would uost ~lOO. 10 to !fence S:L1e ir.
digging post holes as relore economiual than usinp: pile driver.
It w~:o t~:f'rcafter moved by B.',dr-er "eoonded by Swetmna tho.t
atreet committee be authorized e~pend not to exceed 100.00
to lance g::irb Ge dump, work to be done when weather suitable.
Badger L:cl.lullen Orl ,neler L'::~inter 0wetman
C:llling the roll/xx:t;:l&.:au:azi3::m.en voted in the af cinlative.
Counuilman Thody in the nep:ative.
ilsyor called attontion to the uoming municipal election;
Council proceeded to nominate Zudges lno clerks.
The names of Lirs Llalloy :ind :,:is:oc ;Sylvia bexton were presented
for clcrLs; Louis ;:)i:;ll!son; J' ". i'lobcrtson and leon Urbach
as Judges, thereafter it was moved by McLlullen seconded by
0rl~nder til"t Lhe urw.nimous vO'Le of l.he coun0il, be cast by
the clerkfor the persons named. Motion carr!ed. Clerk
announced ballot cast.
, I LLlyor uullod attention to the ',:,ri lary election on Anril
24th "wi stated Judges und Clerks shou:.d also be appointed
for that ti,ie. J.!Latter held over until next meeting.
Under new business, comr;mnicu.tions of LIr JicCords 'md
hIr B,.locrstons, l'roufht up.
A Relolution thereafter was introducer', autho.izing the
I.l,-,yor to e)..euute deeds in favor of Llr E. J. Balderston
fo~ Lots l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, and 9 and 33, 34, 35, 36.
37, 3d, 39, 40 in Block seven Townsite of ~eward.
Callinf the roll, all cou~cil~en voted in tho affir:rrative
. .;~
Clerk wa~ instructed to record herein receipt of the
two letters from ~r ~cCord.m dates February 10~h
and 13th respeGtively.
l.1ayor welcomed Councilmen i;.iwetlll!l:l !.nd Badr:or bacl=,after
leuve of absence for t,ips to the states.
Mayor spoke regardinr rebate on lite case adjustment, and
st"ted he h!ld 1Hli:ed Ur. G-raff of the >:leward Light und 20wer
Compi..ny to be PI', l.ent this eveninf: ,na. present matter to
the council.
L,r Graff appeared and referred to meetings betvifeen his
attorney ,no tile attorney :e'or tile City. Ee stated he Wei,S
willing to puy all his buck taxts due the City of ~eward
i .Iaediu.tely provicied the city would gant hi : an extension
of ti;ue within whiuh to make rate refund. Ee asked that
Tirne be grated to make rebates ,~s fo~lows:
20 ~ on April 3rd 30 % on October 3rd and fifty percent
on Fe bruar~j 3rd.
'l'heroafter a motion waf' made by Councilman 1;1c;.~ullen
seconded by Swetman that the special attorney for t1:< City
of Seward enter into a stipulation with ~ J Diamond
attorney for I,ir S. M. Graff agreeing to IJmX extend the
ti:'18 in which to muke refund s in the lir:ht case in
uccordance with un offer of Mr Graff, made in open council
meeting; that 20 percent of rebate would be made on lpril
third 1928; thirty percent o~ October third 1928
and fifty percent on February 1st 1929, Provided that all
back taxes, penalty, interest and costs and back territorial
1'l!lXR license fees be paid, on or before April 20th 1920.
~fter discussion tho nuestion being c~lled for, ull Councilmen
voted in the affirmative, ,nd it wao :;:,0 ordered.
Mayor s~oke to the c0uncil of discussion with Ur Garff rogarolnc
tole hone Ecrriue to the north end of Town. And also
on a reduction in the churges for city lighting.
Lir Ruy further spoke of arrangelJents beinp: made for a leus
to Cl tract of waterfront from the east line of
second avenue 1'0 west line of firot avenue lor a means
of ingress and egress to the town..
Fire cOl;1wittee reported fire hose nee(ieci badly, and they
were awai tinfz a salesmen f"om whom figures would be recieved.
lIlr Urb ,ch wa, present in the cOUllcil chliT:Jbers ;,nd o]Joke of the
proposed Bond i~sue for school purposes, offering his
services as Judge without cost to the City, when a speGial
election vms helo, ,nd further offered to secure services
without cost, for entire election board.
:,,'hereafter it vms moved by l.lcl.iullen seuonded by Baclp,er that
the council adjourn.
Eonday 1.:'arcL
" (
r I' ,
.J.. .. ~... c....; .
Regular meeti~g of the Common Council, City of ~ewarf
held at 8 O'Clock TIJ this date, meetinp-: was called to
order b;y Liuyor 1. ','. R-1Y, with c:)lmci l'lcn D~\c1crcr
;,;c::ullen Orl:lnclcr PLlinter Swetm,m nc 'jlhodo.y
Uinutes of the last refular meetinp-: were decl'lred a')f1roved.
Communic:'ltions were read from Chrcs I,echner rresentinr
certificates of sale for lot 6 block 8 Town of 6evrard
and requestinp deeds therefor.
Com;,1unic'ltions from .ilasl:a ".'ersono.l Service "Fents
on r~tes for City official bonds ~nd from Burroup.hs
(iodin? machine COT:1J,'}n:l!, ordLrea filed.
.i Resolution wu.S thereafter !,reLented, authorizing the
hayor und Clerk to take a deed for Lot 6 in Block 8 Townsite
of Se .urd, and issue a deed tu Charles Lechner for this
proVerty, both deeds to be given lir Lechner for
fil ing.
Moved by Orlande: seconded by ~wetman thut rules be
suspended for adoption of the resolution. Calling th~
roll, all councilmen voteo in the afiirmative. On the
question shall the resolution pass? Callin~ the roll all
councilmen voted in the Rffirm~tive.
The Following Resolution p~ ented.
~LLCTIOlJ TO E:-, H~LD AHIL 24th, 1928.
Be it resolved by the Common Council of tice 'l'own of Sevmrd
Alaska that the Clerk 0 f the 'l'own of Seward, 1\.1:ts1:a
be, Il'1d )le is hereby authorized and directed to rrerare
post and cause to be l:ublished, in the Scvl':lrd Daily r>Jteway
a newsp~ner of Fcner~l cir~ulation, ~u liEhed in thA s~id
Town of' Seward, _::'l8.s1:a, in tIlC form ,-md manner jlrcl:cribed
by law, A notice of a Primary election to be held thruout
the 'J'errl tor;, of ~llaska on Tuesday April 24th, 19:~8 at the
Town Hall of said Town of Seward.
Adopted'undlr a suspension of~the rules this l~th
day of March 1928.
t) .11 ~Ha~non,
LIunicipal Clerk of the
Town of Sew~rd, Alaska.
Aoproved I,larch 19, l'J28
1. v. .i~ay,
;,lu.yor of the 1'own of Seward, Alaska
Council .:>wctrm.Ll moved 0econded by Badger that the rules
be suslJended ~'or the "do tion of the r(~Olut;,)n. Galling
the roll, all councilJ:18n yotea in the uf:f'irmative.
On the "uestion shall the resolution pass, the roll being
ciJ.lled ",11 councilmen voted in the rr:t'finnative.
Dominations for Inspector, Judges und GlerLb of ~ri jury
Election were declared open.
'l'he folluwing names were presented.
For Instlector. lim. H. I/hi t"vlosey,
Judges:' Wm Fairman
George Sexton.
S;llvia .,exto;l,
BesEie ~. llalloy.
'1'he1'e beint< no further :laminations, the clerk was instrncted
to cast the unanimous vote of the council, for the "ersons
named. It was GO aone, the clerk unnouncing the result.
- ~-:-,'-
~ Bill for 025.00 dUG Bmk of ~eward for February 1928
rent w~s pr~zented.
I,loved by lLuver ~;e(:Unl;o(~ oy l.Ic:,:ullen ,~hE1t bill, be r,uid
J.na '/I"rJ'Bnt coverin0~ t:,e amount be ordered drawn.
c8.11in? the roll, all councilmen vo-;;cd in the 8,j'fir;;ntive.
A Letter froe Mr Horn, stating that B flJuting dock
woulu be built at 0ew~"rd 'ThS read, ::md or, crce filed.
After di:::cus:..ion of the "laciel' str, ,"'u, a motion Vl':J,S
eade by l.1cLlullen seconded by Bcic1p:er thatj7000.0D
additional be placed in tho Glacier streae account
Calling the roll, all councilmen votec! in the affirmative.
It was thereafter moved by ~ctlullen seconded by
Thoduy that council adjourn.
/ .~" /
/:<unici 1i3.1 lerk.
/ '
S,wcial rleetiDf-: of the Common Council,
culled for lit 7;30 O'Clock PI;[ Friday r(-f.;,rch 23,19;,:8 wus
called t,o orc, r by I.layor L. ','. Ray, '..'i th CouClcilmen Ihd[fcr
HC;.lullen Orh,nder tlWet,nln ,no 'J.'hod'iY ';reGe .t; Absent
liuuncilr,1an j"inter.
The ,,:,'1Y0r "tuted thib meeti::lf hud beln called (J.nd o},ened
for ehe l'Ur:Obe of secl.<ring 5 lots in Block 29, namely
1, 2, 3, lO and 12 from Chas Teck1enburf, to be used
for High ciuhool site. Givin~ in return rec~ipts for the
Back taxes owing by Mr Tecklenburg un cert~in Ocher lots
which totalled in the neiehboorhood of $700.00.
The lilayor "tated the matter of the luts :b,xx from LIr E1J.wkins
and Chri~tensen were now ready for t ansfer, thc Brown and
Hawkins CorjJoration taking ouer the l;hristemen lot, and
that a deed would be fortl1cOfrrinp: from Hr '1'. .i. Emil.ins
for lot 13"nd from the Brown and hG.wkins COrljOrat ion
for lot 14 in Black 29 in return for deeds to lots
~3, 34, 35, and 36 across the street in block 28.
After discussion it was moved by Orlander seconded by
Swetman that the I.layor 'tUd clerk b,JI authorized to
execute adeds in favor of Charles x rrec:1:1enburR'
fJr Lotsl, 38, 39, 40 Block 15; 3, 4, Block 16;
11 B~ock 18; 37 38 39 and 40 Block 24; Z7 38 39 40
Block 25; 8, J, lO, IJ, 20, 28, 29, 34 Block 28;
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Block 30.
Calling the roll, all councilmen nresent voted in the
'l'he lil'lyor then j!rcbentec to the Council, a comwunic;1tion
and sketch covering proposed flume for Lowell Creek,
an easment being asked for the flume 40 feet wide over
private property as lhown on the skebch. The council
diE;cussed the ;:llJ,tter, leavirlF Cl.ction in the I,layors Hands
suggesting thut ;,I::i.jor .u11iot of the ,,;.rmy Lnp:ineers be
com:nunicuted with by Cable, explaining i ;possibili ty of gl. vl.ng
right of way asked for without considerable delay, and suggestin,
his coming to ~eward for conference.
The ~pecial meeting was thereafter adjourned.
Monday April 2, 1928.
The regular meeting of the cammon council, City of Seward
was held this date in the Council Cha~nbers;
Ueeting called to order at e O'Clock l'M by llayor :L. V.
Ray, with Cou~cilmen Badger llcllullen Orlander Swetman
and Thoday present; Absent Councilman Painter.
the Uinutes of the last regular meeting were approved.
A Comr:mnication from I.1r. Leon Urbu,ch was read, wherein
he offered the services of himself and others as jusges
and clerks of a special election to he held on the
issU':"nce of School Bonds. 'I'he comrnunicatiocl vms
ordered acknowledged and filed.
The Folluwing resolutiun \'IUS rresented.
-l{.[;SOl UT I OH-
\m.[;],.]:;".J 'l'he tuxes on the real nroperty in the City of
Seward Alaska for the year 1927 becar:Je delinquent on
Hovember 15th 1'.127 at 5 0' clopk 1)11 and,
miEREAS, The municipal clerkw of the City of Jeward
presented to the council the delinquent roll of ';1.11 real
property assessed and on-which the tax has not been paid
and is 'cherefore delinquent, and said roll is in due form
NOW THEREFORE? BE I'l' ~{i~30LVED BY '1'IG cm,]j,;OlJ COlmCn OF
'J'HE CIl'Y OF ~EiiARD AL,~~L~.
1. '1'hat the Municipal Clerk cause said delinouent roll
to be published togouther with a notice that said
delinquent tax roll has been completrd and is Open for
Public Inspection at the office of the LIunicilml Clerk
and that on the lOth day of May 1928 or as soon thereafter
as counsel may be heard, said delinouent tax roll will be
preLe3ted to the ~istrict Court for the Third ~ivision
Territory of Alaska, for ju~~ement and order of ~ale.
2. 'i:hat u:tid (;elinqmmt tax roll ~md notice aforesaid
be nublished once a week for four uonsecutive weeks in
the'Jeward ~aily Gateway, a newspaper of general ciruulati n
publiEhed in the City of Seward, Alaska which said
newspaper is hert by (1 c'siimated f.cO the official !,ublication
for this purrose.
Adjpted unGor ~-" Lllc no sion of the l4ules this second
du-J' of ",-;Jril 1'.JL8.
rJ _ .P. Hannon,
Liunicipal Clerk.
Approved this second day of April l'.J2d.
1. V. Ra;y.
A I,iotion wc,s made by :,lc;:ullen seconded by ::lwet::1an that
the rules be susnended for the adoptio~ of the resolution.
Calling tho roll, all councilmen ]Jl'esent voted in the
Calling the roll on tho adoption of ~hc resolution all
councilmen rese~t voted in the uf;irmative.
The Hayor d ii'e ctod tho clerk to have the roll published
for the first tiLle on Anril ;,enth 1928.
Bills as follows wore read;
~. H. J,litchell 23.25
Freda Romanoff 12.00
1:'. C. LIcl.:ullen 35.60
;:leward Light & Power Company 254.83
.2. ::;. I.lcl.lullen 5.70
AlasL..L '~':a~lsfer CO:rl'any 38.10
5e"lard Druf' Co 1. 35
Seward J ter Supply Co 127.50
Chas ~. Brown 86.00
6eward thletic Club 25. )0
bunL of ;;ieward 25. jO
J. P. Hunnon 200. 0
Robert ~uest 220.00
J' "'. b'J- ughl:1Un 50.00
Fire Roll 32.50
Curtis Morford Agt l5.00 Total 1151.83
Bills of 1.lcI.1ullen adn "eward .urug Co were withdrawn
':md it w,s moved by SwetmclD seconded by Lc:,lullen "chat
bal nce of cluiil8 a8 road be )1G.id. CallinF the roll
all 00:. ,oilmen I.rctent voted in the a::::i'ir ,luti ve.
Bills of L C. EcI.lullen, ,~35. 60 and 5.70 were read ajJd
it was movee by ;;iwetrnan se00nded by Orlandor same be
paid. Calling the roll, Councilmen E,"dp:~r Orl~naer
lI:xi:.n:K 0wet,;)'1,n "~end 1'hod y voted i:1 'vhe affil"mti ve,
Council[!un I).inter abcent, Corncil;;](1', ,:c;:ulle:1 Clot
Bill of :3mvard Drug Co:npany for 1.35 re:1d ant: upon
':lOtion by L:c;,Iullen second e' by Orlc-nder ordered ptLi d
cullin~ the r~ll, COGncilmen B(1d~er ~c~ullen Orl~nder
und ':i'ho lay vut ed in the af:drr,1at i ve. Gounci Iman Swetr:1an
not votinr:, CO\JncilLlan Painter :c.lll3ent.
It vms t:,. raf'"er r:10\'ed by "wet::1an GeGonded by l;c.,:ullen
meetinp G.djourn.
F' .". '!l~.-T
APRIL 4, 1928.
At four O'Clock ~1 this date the Council met in the
Council Chambers of the City of Seward, Alaska. The
meeting was called to order by Mayor L. V. Ray, and
Councilmen Badger, T.icUullen Painter, Swetman and
Thoday were present: Councilman Orlander absent.
The Mayor appointed Councilmen Painter and McMullen
a committee to count and CClnvas the ballott.
They reported the count of the Election Judges as
correct and moved acceptance.
Motion carried.
The following resolution was thereafter presented.
Vv'HbR~AS, in ac<.;ordance with the laws of the 'l'erritory of
Alaska ~nd Ordinance 10. 44 of the Uity of ~eward, alaska
and notices given a municipal election wab held in the
Town Hall of said e~~Y on the third day of ~pril IV28,
iiHEREAS, in accordance with the certificates filed with
the Municipal Clerk of said City, by the Election Officers
of said Electionm the following named persons received
the exact nU;Tlber of votes placed after their respective
names for the offices hereinafter stated to wit:
FOE Lt"YO"~:
1. V. Ray
C. E. Orlander
leon Urbach
J. 3. Hofman
Jennie :L)aulson
B'u~~ COl~l>]II~,~.i;:
C. "1.. Or1ander
:.1. "',. Horner
J. s. Badger
H. J. McKanna
J. S. Hofman
Pete Ogle
1" 0 ~t ....~l.ili .:~:1 OJ?
.:<.:. 1<'. Jessen
'i' . Ii. Hawki ns
Capt Horton
Ers.Chas Sheldon
:2 J,~}.H.u .
WHBHEAS, the returns of s:.J.id election were canvassed by the
Common Council of said city at 4 0' clock I'm April 4th 1928.
I~O',i 'L'Ei::i1.c;]'0~\E BE I'i' l1.:':;SOLV:ED BY '.L'EE COLmOH COUiiCIJJ OP ri'H:':;
Cl'rY OJ!' ;L,iAHD A1.,JL/\.. 'L'hat in accordance with the results of
said election as above determined, the following named persons
having ro<.;ei ved the hif,hest nurnber of votes for the resllecti ve
offices named to wit:
1. l! Hay.
, .
r< ., Orlandcr,
v. l!i.
LI. H.e Horner,
T Bad.Rer.
b. J!'. Jessen.
C OF., J I L,:':,i,
:,~...~.hill"":;H ur ~C~TuOI.
,J.:.u 1.'ILT 'i'H~Y B:;';, und hereby are deelared elected
to Buid resrective o~fices.
I'assed by 'l'he Com::LJll Council, Git:!' of 0eward ;1. 10. Sb"L
this :t'dln:bhhd,lY of li!)ril 1928
/;/ !lunicif)al ,:;lerl:
~.1a:yTor .
It vms moved by Councilman Hcl,lullen seconded by
vouncil:nan ,;oainter that the resolution as road be
passed; C',lling the roll, CouncilL1on ~l,'~d?:er,
!.lc::ullen, Painter, Swetr:18.n '.md Thoc:,y voted Y';:;::;.
i,bsent Councilr,l~-'L OrLLnder.
:11erc2fter it w~s Doved thct this ~eetinr
~. ~ '-'~ ti
Z-~l "1, '-i'
',~unlcllJo. v er:.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'L'uesday "~',ril 10, 1928.
The Com!Jwn 0',mncil, Cit;T of devmrd, flet at 8 O'cluck ~''!.:
this d'.lte in tile con c:il chambers, :;[lyor ftay calling:
the Ineetil1i: "LO Onler 'di Lh --: u:lCil,:Jen 3adfer, :;cl.lullen
Orl::mder Swetman ,end j,'hodIL;Y rrcsent. Council::l'1.n
,[uinter ':ibsent.
Clai is were l'resented as follows:
Robert Guest
J. 1.'. E5.nnon
Besde :,[ lle-lloy
J. 'c. BaughI:J'ln
Sylvia 0exton
Leon ['rbach
Louis ,:iirnlJSon
1'0';,\',,1.. .215.98
doved by Orlandcr seconded by :,:cl,Iullen that the
clai ,'" as read be allowed "nd \"larrJ.nts co':cri;-:p sone
ordered drawn.
C:.tlling the roll, all council:18n prC2ent voted in
the affirmative.
'l'he l.Ia;Tor there',ftel' e:Cl,ressed his t1:ankE to Councilflan
ThoGuy on the services rendered the council, during his
term of office.
~'hereaftcr it was moved by Thoc;a;; seconded by Orlander
that this co ncil adjourn without dute. Motion carried.
o r.
~---- ~
( 346
-- +",."--
Tuesduy eveninv A~ril 10, 192B.
Immediately following the adjournment of the outgoing council,
."u.yor Ruy culled tile.new council to order, Oaths of Office of
Councilillen ~lect; Badger, Horner and Orlander, togeather with
the oath of of'fice of re-electGd :.b;yvr LV. Ray, were.]
A Resolution was presented
BE IT RESOLV~~ by the Common council, City of Jeward Alaska
that pending the appointment and election of their successors,
all City Officers are ellected as acting officers for their
respective positions held.
Passed under " suspe';sion of the rules this tenth day of
April 192d.
It was regularly moved and seconded that the rules
be SUf:.,endec for the ,doption of the resolution; Callinf(
the roll, all councilmen voted in the affirmative.
On the question shall the resolution pass, all
council!nen ':oted in the &ffir::L,tive, it 'In,s so ordered.
Ordinance Jo. 98, was then presented by Councilman
The Ordinance as follows; was read for the first
time. It was theru.fter moved by Orlander seconded
by Badger, thut tho first reading be considered the second
and third readings, and that the ordinance be plGced on its
passage. Culling the roll, all councilillen voted in the
The Ordinance containing an e:ncrgency clause, the
roll was called. All Councilmen present voting in th,
Ordinance ~o. 99 was thereafter presented
and was read for the first time. It was thereafter moved
by Horner :::econded by Swetman that the blanks in Ordinance
~o. 99 be fmlled in as follows.
Inspector, WmH. ~/hittlesey, Judges: leJnUrbach :md
J. H. Flickinger, Clerks: Emilie B 'Je;ybrecht :,:-Id Sylvia Sexton.
Calling the roll, all councilmen voted in the affir~ntive.
It w~~ thereafter move~ by Councilman Orlander ceconded
by llc:.Tullen thflt tho first re .ding of the Orc'iinunce be
uonsidered its ~econd ~nd third roadings. All cou~cil~en
votec in the affirmative.
It wac then movednd seconded that the rules be
suspendeo for:,he i'ldontion of tho Ordinance. :.lotion clirried
On tho question sh~ll the ordinance pass, all council-
:Jen voted in tho af::.'iruuti ve. ITotion carried.
U~on motion duly seconded and carried it was ordered
that notice of U:Cl:Lll election. !.is r,rol'ided in Ordinance
JO. ~g be given by proper officers of the town.
UotionG carried.
Section 1. That pursuant to and in accordance with
the requirements of Chapter 29, of the session laws of the
Territory of Alaska for the year 1919, Entitled ~An Act To
Impose A Tax Upon Male Persons in The Territory of Alaska For
School Purposes, providing means for its Collection and
Declaring an Emergency," ~e amended by the Act of May 2, 1921 of
the Territorial Legislature, and by virtue of the provisions of
said act contained. Jennie Paulson, a resident of said City of
Seward, Alaska, and a citizen of the United States of America;
is hereby appointed and is declared to be the School Tax
Collector for the City of seward, Alaska, for the year 1928, and
upon qualification of said person by furnishing a good and
sufficient bond in accordance with law, all conditions,provisions,
and requirements of said acts, shall be carried out and enforced
as by law regulated and required in the collection of said school
Sec. 2. An Emergency is hereby declared to exist,
and this ordinance shall take effect after its passage and
PASSED under suspension of the rules this lOth day of
April, 1928.
(Signed) J. P. Hannon
MuniCipal Clerk.
APPROVED this lOth day of April, 1928.
(Signed) L. V. Ray
Section 1. That the incorporated Town of Seward,
Alaska, does hereby authorize and direct the construction and
(/ 348
equipment of a public-school building in said Town at a cost not
to exceed a sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00).
Sec. 2. Tha t the estimated cost of construction of
said public-school bUilding, including complete equipment there-
for, is declared to be the sum of fifty thousand dollars (.5~anOO
Sec. 3. That in order to pay for the construction and
equipment of the public-school building, provided for in Section 1
of this ordinance, the Town of Seward, Alaska, shall issue and
negotiate its general bonds in denominations not exceeding one
thousand dollars ($1,000.00) each, for a sum not to exceed fifty
thousand dollars ($50,000.00), which bonds shall bear interest at
a rate not to exceed seven per cent (7%) per annum, payable semi-
annually, and which bonds shall not be sold for less than their
par value with accrued interest; and said bonds shall be payable
and the principal upon same shall become due, in twenty (20) years
from the date thereof, provided, however, the Town of Seward does
hereby reserve the right to pay off such bonds in their numerical
order at the rate of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) annually
from and after the expiration of five (5) years from the date
thereof; provided, further, that each and every bond shall have
the wrItten signature of the Mayor and Clerk of said Town of
Seward, Alaska, and also bear the seal of said town; said bonds
shall have interest coupons attached and such interest coupons
shall also bear the signature of the Mayor and Clerk of said town;
principal and interest upon said bonds shall be payable in lawful
money of the Uni ted States of America, at the office of the town
treasurer or at such bank in the City of New York, in the State of
New York, or such place as may be designated by the Common Council
of the Town of Seward, the place of payment to be mentioned in the
Sec. 4. That no part of the funds arising from the
sale of said bonds shall be used for any purpose other than as
specified in this ordinance; and said bonds shall be sold only in
such amounts as the Common Council shall direct and the proceeds
thereof shall be disbursed for the purpose hereinbefore stated,
and under the order and direction of said Common Council from
time to time aa the same may be required for said purposes.
Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be submitted to the
qualified electors of the Town of Seward, Alaska, whose names
appear upon the 1927 Assessment Roll of said town for municipal
taxation, for adoption or rejection, at an election to be held
therein on Monday, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1928, at the Town
Hall of said town, which election is hereby called and authorized
and shall be conducted as nearly as practicable in accordance with
the requirements of law in respect to general or special elections
in said Seward.
The ballots used at said election shall be in
the usual form of election ballots, in accordance with the
ordinances of said Town of Seward, and shall contain, aside from
the usual inscription upon such ballots, the following words;
"Shall the Town of Seward, Alaska, erect and
equip a public-school building in the Town
of Seward, Alaska, and issue its negotiable
general bonds for the payment thereof in a
sum not to exceed fifty thousand dollars
The voter shall prepare his ballot by placing a
in the square preceding the words "FOR BONDS,. if he desires
to vote for the same, and by placing a cross in the square preced-
ing the words ltAGAINST BONDS," if he desires to vote against same.
Sec. 6. As provided by that certain Act of Congress,
ntitled: "An Act to authorize the incorporated Town of Seward,
laska, to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding $50,000 for the
urpose of constructing and equipping a public-school building in
the Town of Seward, Alaska," thirty (30) days' notice of said
lec tion shall be given by publica tio,n thereof in the SEWARD
ATEWAY, a newspaper printed and published and in general circula-
ion in said town before the day fixed for such election.
The following named persons are designated and
as officers of the said election and to conduct the same,
Inspector: Wm. H. Whittlesey
Leon Urbach
J. H. Flickinger
Sylvia Sexton
Emilie B.Weybraitand
The polls for said election shall be open at the
our of 8 A.M. and close at the hour of 7 o'clock P.M. on said
14th day of May, 1928, and the place of voting shall be at the
Fire Hall, or Town Hall, in said town.
Sec. 7. This Ordinance shall be published in the
SEWARD GATEWAY, a newspaper of general circulation, published and
rinted in said Town of Seward, once a week for a period of four
4) weeks preceding said 14th day of May, 1928.
Sec. 8. The COL1mOn Council of the Town of Seward,
laska, shall meet at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M. on the 15th day
of May, 1928, at the Town Hall of said town, to canvass the
returns of said election, in accordance with the requirements of
the ordinances of said town relative to general or special
elections in said municipality.
Sec. 9. This ordinance shall be valid upon condition
only that a majority of sixty-five (65) per centum of the votes
ast at said special eleetion shall be in favor of the issuing
f the bonds hereinbefore provided for.
PASSED by the Common Council this lOth day of April, 1928.
(Signed) J. P. Hannon
MuniCipal Clerk.
APPROVED this 10th day of April, 1928.
(Signed) L. V. Ray
"'1 ''!i'"'' llOfPi---W
The Mayor thereafter announced the foll:ming committee
appointments for the ensuing council year:
.'i.:J.3B;;)u.,~..:.l:'J.' ,.1:1) eOI,L;e-:.'IOli Q}<' '.1\0.":';;):
.t't'BLIC ;;)CEOOLS:
F:;:.:=-~ =-'RO.L'~';Cl'IOli
II (}":'J.';j ,
Jl~~~.Gli;..~.L ,
"rT;'-;~ , ...
;1.d.l. ......~.. +.....l,Jj
( C)
l:'Fl~l.IC ':." ,~..L
d j) ~'rl:;lIC; _,.'=~U'.~..-.:cri11 Ol~:
FI.L~...LC~ .,.....I...!.J 0J",_l.Iq~:
~'.rn....L.r..:) ..1.l...u 1...LllH.w':'~'.l.1 I~~2-l=-~)I................~J'l.\j:
1'1Ul: l'Il; G.
L....,; .u,~) O~;.uIJ. .:..i;C~:
G I ~ ~C I :~ :-\ ~) ':.C ~'~~:. ~~l.~ :
( C)
'1'11e ],layor discuseed with elie courwilmeVj their res":,ecti ve
duties for the corning season.
'i.'!.e ;\[1.iyor rep01'ted the tJ.E)lication of C. n. Mackie, Jar the
position of City Clerks, Lir l,lad:ie rC<3iding at present in
Anchorage, ,no beinf l'L-LOmmended by III' Jessen 1.1G n e.L:~Jert
accountant. fvTIM..rly er:lllloyed by the .'i. .=\. :..:;. Commission.
:tlher. after it vms moved t:i!.Lt this "jeL~inp: adjourn until
1 .21i1 tomowwor Wednesday "'Iiril 11, 1~2(j. ;Iotion c"rriod, and
council adjourned.
Wednesday April 11, 1928
Adjourned regular meeting of April lOth, c~lled nt 1
?Ll by Hayor L~ 'I. T\!~:7 with ":ow:cil:-uen XXdgHF. T'orner,
t:c::ullen Orltinde" P'1inter and 0wetf1C1n nref,ent. bClei[,Or abcent
Clerk reDorted ~ll n~f1es in Ordin~nce Ho. 99 inserted
to t'C ve~ as Ins ector Jucges',nc, ClcrJ.::s 1'et'rectivelly
offered to so serve.
'j'he Layor ;)resented to the Council, lease to be
e):ec.;uted coviCrin<.J a niece of waterfron t from the
e'12t 'Side of ceconcl ",venue to the .Iest side of
,;'o\11't1'1 aveneu, lease 'beinv for ~,en ye::,rs at an annual
rcntul of twelue dollars.
AfteT oisc:usBion a 'notion by 0rl,nder ceconded by
Badg0r and u~on c~ll of roll carryinp unanimously
authorized 1.,!1e I.l::.yor to exucute the lease pre::::entod
by the ..L.i.i:3La .Railroac.
M:x::c .:J0.:liI :~y. Q;L lliRn:" app:ear:e ri
'-1'11e .:Jtreet committee j'elcO]:ted \'iork W3.t: required
on the north end of fourth aveneu, but would not
recommend other thcm 8!ner(!ency work until ice ,nei
snow had disappeared.
l'he Council thereafter adjourned.
.April 13, 1928.
A 3pec.:ial mel;tinr of the Com;non Council, Gity of ~evrard
was called to order at? O'Clock H'J. by :,~'1:70r I. v. ;\~lY
wi th eouncilr:wn Badr:er, Eorner, :,:cI.:ullen, Orlander,
~;'ainter ',:16 Jwet:ll(l;'; pTtc i ent.
'1."~e l.;U.YUT tt','Led "Lr.it 'necti:lf hud been called with reference
to the control of flood wuters of Lowell creek.
A Letter Welf:' TWiG :rorn :.;!;i.jor ~lliott, i'resiuent of
tLe AluskD, 1'0;,6 comL1isc:ion, and rer,rec'entative ofche
1.../ar (cliUr"l,uc:lt.
j'he lottl,r 1-1'<:' eatcCl l,lan for c0rnr'ol under cO:1sider'tion
to cuntV!:uct a 10\:'1 crib, roc.:Lfilled G,um 3000 feLt u['stre8.m
to IcroT;iue an inta:.e f0r u flwne to be conet ucted of
timber resting on the !-'rou:1u, followin;: the bed of the
stre~m to tide wU"Ler; The abondonment of the rre~ent
!ll8.inline of the A. ~'.. ~\. unCi the lo','ing of o.epot to the
vicinity of the ~re~ent bay track. A ~tatement of
the :J,tti tude of the ci t;l ',,}~lS requested,,) and pecificully
Clny objections that might exist. :b'or:nal aprroval .'.01'
the "se of Jefferson street for the use of the flume
wus .lso requested. A ~ap to be furnished the city
when available with which requests for oi.sements necesulry
would be also be forthcoming.
Major Elliott was present ut the council meeting.
The following resolution was presented:
1 F.__
BE IT IESOIV1c;D by the Common Qouncil of the City of Seward
FIRST. Th~t we do hereby endorse the method outlinod by
I.1t::-~or Llalcolm l:!;lliott, Uni tert states Army, as stated in a
letter d:~ted deward, Alaska April 13, 1928, addressed to the LIa' or
of ~eward,(a copy herewith attached and made a part of this
resolution) for the control 0.' the flood \iaters of Lowell
SECOND. '",'hat a right-of-way and easement in and to any and
all portion of Jefferson Street, in Guid Seward, is hereby
granted to the :lar Department of the Unitod ;;;tates, to be
hereafter eviccnced by proper in8tl'umcnts o:t' conveyance, for
flume or such other structure as muy be constructed by said
JJeljart;aent as a meUlod for tile cO:1trol of the flood waters of
said Lowell Creek;
l'HIRD. Thut the sum of :E'H'1'':';EIJ l'HOU;:,..l1D DOLL~RS, now on
deposit in the Bauk of .::leward, Seward, ""laska, to the credit
of the City of Seward as a spacial Gcposit to be applied on
Lowell Creek projl ct, be paid, on demand, to the Secretary of
liar, or to such agency of the government, or officer, au he
may direct;
FOURTH. That the Hayor of :;;'eward be. and he is hereby
authorized, to make and enter into any and all contracts which
may be required, for and in behalf of the City of :::>eward,
Alaska, with the War Department, Secretary of War, or agency
or officer of the Federal Govermnent, to expedite and to permit
the conscruction of said Lowell Creek project.
ADOPTED this 13th d:lY of A}1ril, 1928
Approved this 12th day of Anril, 192(3.
(signed) L. V. Ray
(signed) J. P. H~nnon,
I\Iunici[.'al Clerk
Doved by Horner seconded by Swetman that the resolution
be {,laceG on its :,a.ssage.
Calling the roll, all counciJ.men voted in the
un the queBtio~ shall the YLsolution pass. All
cauncelrnen voted in the affirlTIu,ti ve.
The Council discussed the subject with 1l~jor
Elliott. 'J'he lila,ior thereafter eJ,...Jressing his thanks 0 the
~ayor und Council for the:r assista~ce und suggestions. and
expressed also, his pleasure in being able to visit the
community and acqualhnt hi:aself with its citizens.
'1'he 0treet Committee asked for ~~2~.OO to ul.lv,ge
certain pla.nking now instctlled in Lowell Creek, s~-,-me to be used
for repair work.
l.Ioveci b;y L:cl.:ullen seoonded by l'rl.inter that :street
Somrnitteo be Illlwved not to exceed ,;~25.00 for purpo(-'e stated.
Cullin,-' the roll, the council were unani:aous in the
aff.1 r'J]',ct i ve.
then 8.d<u
by Bad~er seconded by Horn
If1Olm'l. Y ::.PHIl. 19, 1028.
Hegular ;:leeting of the CO;Jmon council, City of .:leward
called to ordlr at (5 0'CloGk H.t this elate by :.;a~Jor 1. ..
~~l1Y, vii til counGilIl1e"l Horner LIcl.;ullen OrlLmder -1-",inter
and .:lwetman present, a,sent councilman B~di'er account
The ~inutes of the l~st re~ul~r and intervening special
meetings ,'/ere Dfb'uered u:!j;l'oved.
A Bond for the ~chool Tax Collector Das presented tu
the Gouncil for 3.[Jproval, with Jebbie ?a.ulson tiS
Principal amount $600.00 and ~lwyn ~wetman and C. ~.
Orlunder ~ureties..for $60).00 each. Ilovoo by 1.:cLlullen \
seconcieu by .Painter that same be a:J)Jrovel:. all eOI,Hcilmen
voting in the affirmative.
A Petition from residents of Seward living north of
Lowell Creek asking for li~hts nd tele~honc service in
that aistrict was presented containing l' 8i~nntures
signifying their intention oi' taLinr: out l;clenhone ser,'iue
when available; this s turnCQ over to the co~nittee
on :Lip:hts for conference with telenhone cOf:l)I'my.
The School Committee "Jresenteci i detailo report of
School oxnenditures for tho Guarter ending Unrch 31, 1928
ano :::",,:1e VI,S orLlcred ::'iled.
"I.n ordinance 1:1 Blanl=, called the salary OrOlll'.nce
was presented und read for the first ti~, with
the amounts to bo paid the resDectivc appointivo officcrs
of th city also in blank.
It w~e t~ero~ftor ooved and seoonded th~t the Couy,cil
f2'0 into ses:::ion ""Ie 8. uO:JIl1i tteL 0:::' the wjlOle for the
(;J~t;il..'_l' ~tioTI 01' L.r1(: ol'ui .l.YlC:le. .l.lotj.o:1 oil.i"ried.
Councilman ;'~c:,:ullen ,8 Clicir,;mn of the Comr:littee oft,he
vlhole relJvrted to tho C~iuncil tlmt the committee of the
whole uo;eiderin( the ualary Ordi~l1cne (~o.lJOT asked that
t,he urui~~nce go over to its second reading tit the next
regular ,:leeting still in blank.
After discussion it vms rnoveo uy :"cl.:ullen seconded b;y
uwetwun that the clerk C;d,se to be !mblisheo in tho CO-tm',ay
a notice caLling for bids on the ..iudi ting of the 'i'o\'ln :"nd
->chool Board Cl.ccounts, bids to be in by ~l:.1y rth l:J28 at
5 O'Clock I'lL ;,iotion carried.
Clai~s of 48.00 were read C. il. Uordorf 40.00 Freida
Romcmoff ~p8/00 and upon regular motion ),lade "ld seconded
by urlander I.nd Swetrnan ordored paid. C::.llinfl: the roll
,11 COu11Cilmcnl PI" lent voted in "whe af~ir:Jative.
',,'he ;iayor 1:Wdl'CSsed the Council on the ~'orthco;Jini' B011d
issue election, and thel'oafter a L10tion VI ,,8 r,l~'ldo it' d
Eouvnded that the Il1e[tin~ adjourn.
( 364
;,Lond;l:v' l.'<.' 7, J928
Regular meetini' of the GOllulOn Gouncil, City of Je':mrd
cs.lled at 8 O'Clock PM this chte in the council
Oh~'[']bers by Lluyor L. V. Ray, pre Gent were councilmen
licl:lullen E:.Jrner Orhmder l.'ainter :lnd ;:,wet!lw.n absent
Gouncilm&n 3adger~
Dillmutes of the lc.st rep:ular ,,,,,nd specie.l communic'ltions
Oommunic'ltion from I\I1?,'or Slliott, ye deT'osit of Git;,rs
portion of lJwell Creek funds read.
Communication of ~~lrh Guthrie re work on 2vi~tion
field read.
Under clai,Js claims totalling 1600. 0 read:
",lover :::"~\ '. ' 1: seconded by Swetrnun th,1t cl?Li'llS u.s
read be allowed. Culling the roll, all cou~cilmen voted
in the u.:;:'fir:nutive.
Claim of 0eward Drug Co ._read, [']ove(l by
sec:onded by inter th'lt same, be '1,llowed, '1.11
votirw in the Dffir,ll:!tive. CouncilrJun owetm'J,n
~ot yotinv.
Cl&.i~l of J:. C. ,lcl.,iullen rCi~c~, E10VR(~ b:,T ~v!et-.:1,'.in
sec:onded by P'linter S:lr.~C be- 'l11 ,we , 'ill councilmen
vdlti::p: in the affir:ll'ltive. Councilman LIcl'ullen not votinr-
A Bid of o. Uilishagen to uudit Citys books for 65.00 was rea.
and u2,on ~ee:ul'3-r motion accejjted, Clerl: instructed to
notify Mr Ulsharen.
T'nde1" nevI j3usi,"css cor:L;mnication of ..1:1,501" ~lliott V/1l'0
disc:ussocJ b~i :.L<'or :ind l;oU11Cel; l"fter w3.rds a motion
re;'ull,.rly ~:Jude ,nei sec,oJ:1d,d by :.:c.,iulleJ:1:md uwetrnan
directed the ::u.yor to dire ,l:i,lor .Glliott wit!'.. TL'lcn:nce
to his co.J::mnicution of ,",ril (,;4, 19;38 th:ct in 'lCcorcL:.nce
',lith :\esc)lution J,do:ted :,~ril 1::, 1:J2U by the Common
C'Juncil, TOWIl of ;,e\.Jt;.rd, 1',"lYiilO:::tt t:lUSt be so 1;lI.1o.e.
;.1-1 Councilmon .creLe"lt VJtco il"i the affirL][~tive.
l'~,"Or 0';,110(1 'ittention of ,rintinr: 00'~1:"itteo to neef:2f'it~'
of'tl~vin" ball~tts rintod for the sne~iul ~lcetion
tc be held :)n t'18 f01~rteeilth i~:st:int.
Council inn 'leI,lullen c'illaCl councols '~.ttention to need for
worL on tho ce::1et,r;,' tr' et; '2rc :,i~;Ior tll(lrw!ftcr
D.",()intec1 '" 13 '(3;e,;l eO:iuittee eO:1Gi~tirL': 01'
COUYlcil"wi1 ;:cl,Inlj en .:'lcl 'Jrl,:l(ler to'wt i,:". the i.kittcr ' d
G- Elotion \'1':d,' laado LJ'J ';Jrncr :eeonded b~' ilcLDlleYl th,1t
not ~ 'J oxcoLd ~>3'J:). 01 bo ,lloV10ll this commit tee. C'~llLw
t:,l. roll :';'.,1 Gou;!cil'Jec1 "resent yoterl in ;:;he ~L :i:'irr:1tive.
Committee on Lights etc.. rel;;J1'ted ;ro(~ress 011 the
petition ~rcsented for telephone Lervi~e Dort:] of 10well
0'.:1u.ry ordinance probented und uction j10s:!lf,onod until
I,;,..y ;~lst., 1~20 ne:-.t re"ular l:Jeeting.
1.;1'. :;eyer rrre,~suror of the ;;)chool 30urd "resented to the
cuuncil D. rel'ort of .;)chool :B'inD.nces, ,,!:;;roxi::ln.tinp: probable
eXe.enses, until uonclusi on of Jchool YCeiY. 'eLis 1'(; j)Urt
shoV/S :1pproxi::1ately'$1,312.99 due City account 0ver"'.'~Ti:lOnt
thru luans made :':>chool tlJ&ll!l:llX Bourd. Ill' ;.:o:;crs ':ILl,;:: thanLed
for his cooperation Dith councel.
'1';,ere:J.fter rnover1 b;,' Ediul1en seu,m( od by ~.':li nter th'.:t the
::wetin[T adjourn.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
L~~;.:l l,}, 1~l2t3.
Common '~ouncil, .Jwn vi' '-" \'fare] ,dtiSLl met at 2 ,)'C10c1: l'li
this u te '1<: 11 G.Lnvu,ssi"w board, to CallV"lS bc.llutts U[cst
c.t cC ".'eU1"l ;:;'.ection :-ield on _:o:16'J-~! Ii ,y lI~th., l~~;d 'idth
reference to ~chool Bo~~~.
Present were Goutluil:lon ::J''l,(ver Ec!:ullon url',nder ;'dnter and
;>wet"nn ,'lLbcr;t :~0un0iliJan ~,,,r ,or.
Counuilr:len 0weti'l1'~n i~nd B~d'wr Dppointee; :dc a i)".nvassinr:
conLli ttee.
Committee repurtea canvass 8hOW8 fallowing:
13~ Bal10tts e:J.st; 1 being blank; 119 voted for Bonds
Ib Votes ag~inst bonds.
li~yor declared 119 bullotts being more than the 65% of 138
ballotts cast and of tho 137 ballotts yoted Election carried
Fa. the EonCs.
Copy of List of Votors; :lnd certific'Lte of J&:f Election,
wre ordered filed with Poll Book.
.Bids were colled for the elearinp: of ~,chool grounds :','.nd
5. sr'eci~~l meetinr: of the council called for 2;30 PI: Prid'w
~cY 18, 1928, to act upon the bids.
thereafter adjourning.
'j'hurschy :I<J,Y 17. 1 :128.
( 356
Thursd:l,'" l.h~,' 17, 1)2~:j.
::l:',ecial meetinf of the 00mmon Council, Ci t~l of "'0' urd
called for 8 l'I.l this d'1.te o,eneci by Ha;yor L ','. l~ay
with Councilmen Badic:er Ec;.:ullen Orl:mder l'ainter ,'md Swet nan
llo.yor staLed the meeting was culled for the rnrpose of
discussi~g matter of School Bonds, and plans for the
construction of new 3chool buildin~.
Pluns of Dr Helm, as well as copies of the Jesse
Lee ~chool were considered by the council.
..fter discussion no action beinV taken, the meeting
W.l.S adjourned.
May 0 r.
Friday May 18. 1928.
A S!Jecial meeting of the Common Council City of Soward
called for 2;30 PIll this d8.te was opened by ::ayor L ','.
Hay with Councilmen Badger Hor er, MDld::bm Orlander
Xli::iE:tEx and Swetman nresent. li1cI:Tullen ,-.end Pr,inter absen .
Bids fur "u he clearinp: of the Schaal r:rounds Vlere opened
and read as follows:
Alaska 'l'Y'.msfer Company
Lars Odman & Olaf Johnson
Sam Romack
Louis sim})son
1'hereafter u. m0tion \'Ias 1ll1:1lie by Swetman seconded by
Orlander that the bid of the Alaska Transfer Company
being lowest bid received be accepted.
Cal~inB the roll, all councilmen presen~ voted int the
affirmative. 1'he Mayor 1Jta;'ed a quorum being l"rcsent
it was so orGcred.
J.'he Lhyor st..l.teG he would draw up a contract for the
Alaska 'l'l".1nsfer 00urouny to sign.
Upon regular motion the meeting
thereafter adjourned.
Monday May 21, 1928.
'rhe rep.:ular meeting of the Common Couneil, City of ::ievmrd
held this date in the Council Cha':ibers. Heeting W'lS
called to order at 8 0' Clock I'Ll bJ' 11:1yor 1. '1. BU.;)T with
councilmen Badr,er Earner, I.IcI.:ullen, Orle-nder, P'linter e-nd
Swetr:un present.
Einutes of the l[,st rop:ular meetin[y and interveninr:
s' ecio.l and ad j ourned !:18etings .,rdered a:;~'roved.
Two 3.Lplications for building and re[air rer~its
J. ;:,. Hofman to rcr'.1ir found'~tion of buildin{" on
Blok V Lot 28;
Chus l.echner to construct frame store ;,ud 8ho1' building
on Hii c'orner of fourth uno rtJ.ilroad ,-eve., 32' e:cst 66' south; 61'
~est und 60' ~orth.
Regularly moved nd tGconded th:,t . cr.:11 ts be firunted.
.t lon
The following letter was read und ordered included in the
minutet: of the meeting:
1,[8.;7 ;~l, 1928.
1.[o.;)TOr :ind Jommon C0uncil
;;,ew~Lrd, .ll:;.ska.
';e::1 tle::1en:
1'he b:.nk of 0PVl:.irU is desirous of ~ urcr.,1.8inp: the
~roposed bond iEsue for Seward.
de offer rar for the entire sum of 050,000.00 at seven reI'
cent interest. In order to make such sum !J.v:..ilable it ~ill be
necessary for us to t:01nsfer and "ossibly convert into cn~;h 20:;1e f
the prosont securities held by us, a~d, therefore, it is
necess~).r2T th'.:.t \'Ie be '.:dvised of tho 11tti tude of ;:.:our royr;rniD['
body with res[ect to our offer.
Should ~uch sum be ac~evted we offsr in addition:
1. '~'0 UCtv'l!1ce, 'ondinr delivery of bonds, such 8U:.1S s '[,:,'
be ror:uired to e;' :edite tho cOYls"crliction, or to:.irrunpe for
t;w GOYlE.tn,c.:tion of buildin,":.
2. '1'0 of:, er for '.le :',(; liL":"urirmtion fifteen ""housand
to the ci ti ?~eYlS of uewurd, l' Jr '"lil.:ee u:1doubtedly ".ire !.ersons who
Vlould cicsil'S secllrities of the t'" 0 :.,ro"osed.
ot;.! ~ L _
3. DjJvn (;eliver;:/ o i.' the bonds ',Ie vII.ld j;l'H.:e the eGtire
SUf;l to "he credit of a s:euiG.l t:chool fund, or fmch other for::1
[;.s ;a;~;y' lJG required, deducti~jl' ::tich adv::mces as ::w.y have lJeen
made, ':.1.110 ullow 'lno ~. ..y the custo:a:,ry t. io~eruent interest
upon \'he '.iverl'O d'iily bulnnceu until the dSIJosit h".s been
checkeu out for the :.onstruction ',nc e~uirn nt of the school
4. De,on i'unCis set [H:ielo i'or intorcct ;:',:C;7;'.10nt 'J.:1e; lor the
ultimate ret ~rfung of the bonds, we 17L)uld 1'iJ.2T intercct at the
r~1t e of four ',.ercent. ,JOr annUl] in ~lc:cor(i.\nce with our usual
s~~7in~!c rCf~lllfitions.
.Ie beloive that tho offer \'1e now ':late for irnJedirlte
'.cce~,t'ince, if uccepted, will result in 0. r:tVinr- to ;5c"-"'\rci :.ll: :cpa Yl
un ,dvertising or personal solicitation C[l,c]P8.ifn in an ei'fort to
secure a higher offer. 'rhe cost of ~.llch l~ittcr ,.l'1n ':lo11ld, we
slWfest, be Quite cxpensive. '1'hen, again, this b~,nl= has boen
( 358
f"" ?
located in Seward for twenty three years, is a 1'errnanent insti tut ~on,
has always extended it~ banking facilities to the care of
municiral needs. "
and h
,le ths,nk ;'10U for the coni_idcration we feel you will ,~ive
this offer, and ap~in call your attention to tho fact that
the bank must have reasonable notice of your decision, if
favorable, in order to accomodate itself ~o the reruirements
01' the bond issue. "
Yours res:Jectfully,
(sip~ed) ~.~.Ealderston,
'.fiue L'resicent.
A bill for 2.00 froon ALcsku. transfE;r Coml'any was i\resented
and referred to councilL1an Badf,or, for payment.
5 Contractl from the Alaska R. R. for Lease of a wooden float
attached to the Government docL w'",; preE:ented.
It ','/as tiwreafter moved by Councilu1Lin Swetr&m seconded by
McMullen that ~ayor be aut,orized to sign the lease of
$1.00 per year ~s per contr~ct lio. I-3arr-423
Calling the roll all councilmen votod in ; he aLirra!:lti ve.
Disuussinp: the offer of bank of Je\"lard to lcuruhase the
;jchool Bond s, a mot ion was tIler, after made by Ilcr.:ullen
seuonded by Swetman that;
The Officers of the City of 0eward be authorized
to enter into a contract with the Bank of Soward, as ['or
their offer, a copy of vrhich is included in the minutes
of this meeting, for the nurchese of the 1~28 School Bond
Calling the roll, all councilmen voted in the af:ir~ative.
T e Mayor discussed the subject of Legal fees covering
the work renuired on the bond issLe etc.,
The ~ayor stated the Council would most with him at
his home wednesday evening to discuss this matter.
A Contract was thereafter read by the clerk, betwoen
the AlasLu l'ransfer c:wd the City of ;:,eward for the Glearing
of the School groundss, cwd G. r:lOtion was tllercafter made
und seconael that the O:ficers of the city the authorized to
eXE:Jcute such conLract on behalf of the City. C!:.l,lling the
rOli, all councilmen voted in the 'J.f~'irJJUti ve.
;jJlec, ell cemetar;y commi tt e Te~orted th",t they \'iere awu.i t ~ng
bi~s for the clearing of the citys c~ite.
T,e cJ.mtter of the ::lalury ordin.a;1ce WiiS aRain asked In.id over
until the next l'egu_r meeting.
Thereafter a motion was
by Swetman that [,he Council adjourn.
;,nde by Budper seconlied
~ 1 e r k.
lIond :.\'l
June 4, 1928.
Re~,ulnr ;:lOetinp.: of tho .iOI11!\On Council, City of >:oeward helc1
thi~~ (L,te ill the Council ChilJ1bers; ','he ;,wcti:lf' 'T.eS c:tl~ed
to oTf,er :~t d O'Clock i'l.; by LI,yor 1. '. ~'<'l, \'lith COU'lc;il::wn
B~).dr",cr, l.icllullen, OTlu~~cl(;r =:,.iiY.iter ~".:1d ,j\vet:-.a;J.~ 1 :rer,ant.
1'he :linutes of the l~cGt yerul'lr :1eeti:':r' ,nr] ~: c., LeI interve:l-
ine: speciul ;1eetiyH's were re::.:.d ~,nd ."~)r')ved.
Co~~unicutions were read;
DUf'wm of l~etchikun, ,U ".s1-a
bon6 was refc!yed to Echool
A aO~Junicution froD
desirin;r to ,'urch:l<:,e
C Jo:n i t tee.
"1 "lr')() ''j
a '~t; ,',)... ),
~ aomrnunic~,-t:Lon 'ldcl1'eSoGcl to the ":.cl'rilJi,n i',.ti::>n:_l ",:~,1:
,<.:..t.:1:i~l;~' =_"Jr 21'1 0 "r;ortu-::1ity of ::~ccnri.'~0" ';I:?~.ct'~~.iYJ lots L0J d 1'7)7
t~lClJ in ~,l,uck 29, ~~d ~6d--essed fro~ 1~hD office of city cloy}
.., ~ i"'C;. c~'~~ts< to t:1C ..;chool ,>....jq..-;i ttce. It ',7<' 8 ;...:.[:}~r;d :f"ile:d.
Cl,:'i s tot,'d.linG 1173.75 :.'l'csonted ',s :fo11,\7f:';
~~Jbc:l't '~:uest
~!iutor .LOC;.,_YSOY:
.:~l ':"s~..~ ri~ r __" .;: fe r
)..le}~ little
010 rslh,<:cl1
Dle J"h~1cJn
6:'. iJ
7~-' . 30
27. )J
1. 10
:21. ')0
~e~q~rd ~ 1ht (~ i' Co
IlL. ,j _r:.;e~Jc-n
ic. E. "itC<1Al1
'].80 '~Je ;.resg
....i=-, tsta n:~~ ilruud
3evmrd JJl'uJ': '::0
:.)C'Tl..:;,rd 'ii~'.t9r 8n~.;r~ly
.j ~~Eh
Ogles Gal':lge
l.C;OJ~ U:tb':.c]:
J "','" : 7 j!" ~' f - "
TO r '1;'1' l'
c. ,1. ~~lc~lngel'
d;~l. .'hi ttlc:se~.:
<:..' . .... ~ ~....~ F;~ ::rni....l'1
I; .'" ~-J~ 0 f J c'.~lc...r d
..:. ~'. E:~ :1:"lO~~
," ", ie;,rl)j'echt
:..," C' (; i cl:;.. ~.~o ': i", ;"L 0 ::'f
Cl-' ,.8 .;.~.. .3r'2V1TI
10. Xl
2R. JO
r) r,,, ,'~ '1
0--' ..J\..). '_.' J
1:'). ::>0
5. ()J
'~'bJ] C =-' <, irr1 of
re'_'.G A.ij("; 1~, O~1 Tr
be:i n," c,.11e j 11
:;....,' ~~.. -'=:-c".r~1 ,Jr -~i(.::: ~..)(,;hool rcr:t ~;l'~lS
1:'-, T -L'tio!~ OYc1f~red ""__i.id. Sl;~C 3011
CJ~,:~Lcll:-J,-,,;.;. voted in t:""!.e :lffir J~ tivc.
';.'1:e (~l_..i Li of 0(\','......1""(1 jJrur~ Cor';":~':'"l-l~,r for !J;.1.,~5 \'I,',S rni"j,C] ,;.nd
i t ~..!. ~', L c;.-'ul J1'ly ~11 vod 'v:'.lC t:cl.;onood tl",\,~__"t : '_,,;:lC be '~jd.
C.ll.in, t)',e ~oll., Counuil,:lGn lL(lvel', Li,;llullen '.lrLxJCier
u..',LO ....".. inter yotl_.t.i i~l L,hu '~i'~'i~:'..l :ti ve, ~~Ju' .cil~J:""(l __\j; :-:Ler
~i..t E: c~lt, C ou.~(; i lr~1un d\vet ..i.' :-l:)t v 'Jt i nv.
r~lhe }~ _1 ,.2'.;.ce "It 01-.:.8 ulJ.i ".~ \'/(- :L"C t ::en Ye~;,d u;ld it f!"",c
;1l.J';.~eQ tl~r ,:.; 0 t..lTIG 1 1 .L~n ',..)TJ. ~.-ll:0l" ~ CGO:'lC;t0. l.)~T =):ld~~er t]"E.kt ',Tarr~lnts
be ol'l,c1'ed (<:,',ciwn .:.or i,!la ''',' l()'.t of <:',:1G. Ci~llini" i;',e
~oI1,'.,Jl Cell; :ciL;\Cn ,r( lent vucec1 in '~he.,:f:'fil"1:1tive.
11:~, .,J,;~~"'Jr LLlt::re' f~,Cl" uiscussed - he :iO"\1I, ~ tJ be iEicucd :l,::d
ontlineG to the cou~lOil :j, ,',1cm he hu.d \'Jorkeci lJ1; ::":)1' 't>~G
:L; sv.:~nCG of' 'the bonGS. ::'>[1;1e 'to be ir. three sf,"I'ies Imown
o-s .i. n. ::nd C. the tot'll 'iJ,JounL being ;':,f\O, JJl1.l0. It W".S
thul'c<:fter ::loved b;J' oUl1cilJ(:;1 ;~c;,:ulle'l EGCOYJdccl by ::>\"et:JCln
i.h,t the ,",i.y,-,l' be :'l;thorized to ceDd ont to cU'.i1ified '~)O)YJdini2:
houGe l'inters for ;,foof' of' bonds us ii.dotal; 'b~T the council
so octiJe I,"'"~T be issued by July 1st 192U.
CIl11irL': the all, ',lJ counciL:18:1 "e,':Gnt '":)tH; iYl t1-18 a::,'~'il'T,ti':e
( 360
'i'he ochool CO!'1f:li ttee then rOlJorted ti:ey hue considered the nutter
of jrl"ms for t'le "rol,osed Schoo, ,-.md reGomnended the ['onor['.l
plan of the Josse lee School Building, with certain excentions
G,S to the size of tho rooms, and sr:ecifyinp: the ,-,ddition of
a second stro;y, [l sketch 'N~.,S Jrecentc(, to the council of wh,::;t
the second floor should conuist of.
Councilman Horner entered the Chambers.
Present in tho C0uncil Ghumbors were members of the School
Boad, Messr 's I..leyers :.mc Jest,on, as v/el] as Llr Erwin of the
5t:.mdard Oil COI:nljany u:J.d Ii]: Urb.w!l ~T(,sident of tho '"'award
Chamber of Cor:LlJerce. }'he;y ,'lere i .vi"ed to tlUbr:Jit ilny idoo.s
they might have on the subject of the new school. 'i'he ro:c
Gaatlerne:1 responded.
Referring to the Cemetary :Jite the committee appointed to care
thut VlJrk reported a bid' fror:! l.1r. Hoben 1,0 clear the ground
for approxilutely two hundred dollars.
The ~treet Committee reported usual progress.
Light Committee relJ()Tted only ;;ii..ltiple lights being used durin8'
dark hours.
Fire Committee rc "iorted the '<mrchase of new c,-,sings :t'or the
FIre J:'rnck.
For the purpose of considering the Salary Ordinunce this meetin,
was dec:LHeo adjourned until, until 1 ::':.1 June 6th. 1928.
'1.'he counc:il thcrenfter adjournin,: the '<'<rec;ent rneetinr:.
June 6th, 1928.
~? C 1 e I' k..
'L'he rOtulur adjourned meetinp: of the Com::Jon Council City of
Sewara W'i.S held this du,te in the Council Chambers utl.00:.':.l
Pr, Lent were Gounc:ilmen B"dp;er, Earner :1cMullen Orl::mder dnd
bwetman ab:::ent Councilman :"'Icdnt er.
oN /00
The ..),::ilary "rdil1'lllc:e 1,1 s C:.,lled up, !:lnd after disc:ussion
the ~alary of Municipal Clerks was set at $100.00 per month.
The Salary of kunici~ul ~ugistrate was set at $25. )0
The Salary of fuunicipal Assessor, was set at $25. 0 per
The ~alury of Chief of the Fir, Department was set at $lOO.JO
Fer mo~th- The ~ulary of the Chief of ~olice was ~et at
~100.00 per month.
The Salary of Eeulth Officer was set at 050.00 per month.
'i'he Salary of the Llunic i!)al Attorney Wi_~L sett $50.00 per
The SI"-Liry of the City 'l'reasurer WUS tet at ,)1.00 per annum.
, IO~'
The Ordianc~ was again read in full and it wus ref!ularly
moved and sec:onded that the Ordiance be placed on its
passage. Callin~ the Roiliili, all councilmen voted in the affirm
ative. On the C.uestion sh'111 the Ordinance pass, calling
Lhe roll, all councilmen voted in the affirmative.
The City clerk, ~cting, was th,reufter orderrd to qdvertise
\ in the G'J.teway for the followinll applications:
"1.pplic,~tions for the Combined Offices of City CIerI:,
Ct ty ;,lufistr[lte uno Ci ty A~se~ SOl'.
I!'or the Combined uffices of Chief of the Fire j)e~~[lrtrnent
und Chief of ~01iue.
For the Position of Eealth Officer, City of ~evffird.
Applications to be filed in tho OffiGe of ~he ~unicipal
Clerk, by Five . J' Clock pm ],londuy Jur,e 11th, 1928.
'i'he [:Jeeting being [,her, after upon ra;!uL,.r motion
ad'ourned. until Lionds.y eveninp; June 11, 192tl at
8 111
1.1. ;....... J. .
June 11th., 192d.
A Lieating call~d for the rurpose of actin~ urOD
applicctions for the 'J i'i ,! rs of the city for the
ensuinR year, W2S postponed until 1 PM June 12th.,
l:J 2-3.
/~, ~V'~L
~ ' t' N "1 rk
/ .-cc ". v -Le . .
/ ..
June 12th., 1920.
Adj.ourneli meeting of the ,;ommon Council, called to
[lct unon D.'Jplications for City Offices, '.rrC1S cnlleCi to
oreier- .,t l~OO )' clock 2;.1 this dute by ;,layor 1. V. .rtay
wi th Councilmen 13ad[:er, ::0 ~'ber, :;c:,:ullen, Orl ~nder,
l'aintcrinci ;.,wetLmn !!resent.
'rhe .lcting clerl:s read applic,"tions from ... D. 3aldETston
and L:rs GLece Corson for the !oisitions of Cit',
G~gistrute Clerk and Assesor, und from Hobert ~uest for
the cO::lbincd l,oait:ons of l!'ire Chief ~.L'ld C;:lef of 1:'o1.ice;
from .ur. J. ... Baugh::lICm 1'01' the ~losi tion 'JfCi ty
:.If 0.1 th offic:er:
'i'he L"J,~'or 3ppointed Council':lc:n ;jWet~;l',n 'md Iiu:lullen as
The Clerk upon rei,:ul:.lr motion, i'liLS ordcr, c1 to (; at the
unanimous vote of tho uouncil for Robert Guest as Firo
~hief. Ballot so cast.
'.:.'he "lerl, "".it tilen i ~]SLruc'Ged upon rogultcr notion to
c.: isti;ho unanL:lous vote of tho counci.l for !cobort Guest
as :Jlliof of ~oliue. ~he 3a:lot TIuE co cast.
The Clerks w~s then authorized by HBrul~r m0tion to
cast the uTI'mimous VOtB of ""he council for Dr. ,T. ~".
Baughman ~B Gity ~e .lth officer for tho ensuing year.
'l'he B lllott VJO., so, Cf.Ut. .
Ii/lllots were thon ,rel,ared, for the voto on the
cO;:lbincd office:::, of City Clerk, Oi ty J.iap:istrate
ana City U8se~sor.
The Bullot shows tht following.
Bu.ldcrston 3
( 362
Corso,l 2
Blank 1.
The I,layor declared no ballott, and the second ballot
wus prepared, The result being as foll~ws.
Balderston 4
Corson 2.
The Mayor stated lir Balderston receiving the
required nUl;lber of votes \7aS thereupon elected to the
combined offices of City Clerk, City Llagistrate a,nd City
The Acting wlerk was instructed to notify mr Baldersto,
und huve him and other elected officers trJ.e tileir oaths of
The name of Llr E. 0. Balderston, was pronosed as
City 'l.'reasurer, and upon regular motion the cler],
ca;:,t the unanimous vote: of the council for dr 'l. d.
B~ldstebons Clty Treasurer.
'l'he T"Isyor com:!,lim, nte6 the retirinf( clerk.
The Clerk upon regular motion was inctructed to
inform the officers elected to take their resnective
offices on the fifteenth day of June 192t3.
The Council diccu~sed the complaints of r . it" nts
of 0eward on the poisionin[! of so J:!iiny dogs in 'ehe
community, after discussion a l:lotion wal) ,Hade by Councilman
i.lcLiullen secom,ed by Horner that ~~lOO.i)i) reward be offered
for any infor"Jation le "cjin(: to the arrest ami ljJnviction
ofLhe C-orson )oisioning do[':s in Lhe City of ...,ev;ard.
C'l,lling the roll, all uounuilmen votun in 'Lhe afl'iTI:!ative.
The Clerk was thereafter asl:ed to have notice
of the councils action printed in the ~eward Guteway.
'i'he Council the ria-ftor u;Jon ror:ula:c motion was
~ n T -, ') ...-.~
r \J ~. .,.~ .. -1-..
Juno 18th. 1928
Ref:ulo.r meoting of the Cornmon Council Cit;y of oew'Lrd reeld this
date in the Cou",cil ChaIIlbers; The meetin.~~ vms c'llled to ord (',I'
o.t D(j'clJck 1'1-1. by ~,;&.~'or 1..V.Ja~T,wit)., Cou:r.cilmon 3aoyer
L:c1.:ullcn, Orl~nder s,n6 ;)\V83.tE1C,.TI l~roscnt.
The 1,;'';,/01' st.ctint:, there wo.s [i ,.uoru.'Il rrcsent, the Cour-lcll
would ..recede with regular buslness.
Tho Minuets of the l~st rugu13r meetinp und of Special lnter-
venini' meetini!,s, re,'i,d ,md ,,,r,,roved.
,i Comuunication :from t c Sec .re 'i'reasure, of the SewDrd Volunteer
Fire De[artment, asking for a donation from the City of 0100.0J
for 4th of July publici ty [~ advertising; was reud: .'md ordered
laid aside ,:e Unfinishec Business, to be presentea at next
regulo.r meeting of the Common Council.
Claims, totalling Q968.50 presented as foIl JWs;
D.S.Fidelity & Guaranteo Co.
Uerit Bide
Aluskr '.Pransfer
Gateway Publishing Co.
City & Andy's Express
lOC' 10'1
It wo.s moved b~7 CouncillU'ln OrLmder, seconded by Bc,rf'er thLJt
\'{arrants be drawn for payment of S.'lme. C~J.llinr the }toll all
Councilmen "[resent voted in th8 affirmc.tive.
Ocths of Office and Resignations of Robert ~uest, Fire Chief
and Chief of Police, and of ~.D.Balderston. Uunici~ul Olerk,
:.l,Lgistrs.te and ,,,seessor, and Oath of Office of iJr. cT..... :3:cug-h-
man; City Health Officer; were presented, and a~rovud.
Form of Bond for l:lunici:-'[cl r.rt>_gistrclte vms !)resentednd form
urroved; Magistrate being instructed to have same executed.
The Committee 0'8 Lights, 3ewfJ.r~lge, 'dater rind iiarves, reported
th[ct they were cOf:niz'mt of the f:\ct thcctLir:ht poles Clnd
fixtures were to be t~ken down on Ad~ms street; U'8d also that
certain Boats tiemng to the Flooting Deck, were ~busing their
~rivile8es and causinE d~mu~e to the iJock. No s[ecific ~ction
was taken on those matters.
I{,syor R,-,y com.:lented upon the unsl3.fe condition of the Foot Bridge
crossing the Gl~zier strmmm on Third ~venue.
Cou'8cilmcm Swetm'lD cOr.l::ientod on the dolaridatocl stnte of the
::> id ew::.lk 0'8 Third ,i venue.
There being no further business, the Ueotinf, upon regular
!;]otion Wt'S thereafter adjorned.
. . C L ;~ 'rt E.
Monday July 2nd. 19 S
Regular meeting of the Common Council,City of ::)ewall1d held this
do.te in the Council Chumb,'")rs; '1he r:lOl;tinp: Vias called to order o.t
o OICloct PM by Llc:yor 1. V.Huy, with Councilraen B8.dger, Eorner,
UC!.Iullen, Orl'mder and :sweatm.m present.
Minuets of last regular meeting, read und approved.
dires from und re~lys to, darrack Construction Co. relative to
specifications fal' Hew 0chool read and refer:eed to 3cho-Jl Committe3
Cle.ims totalling 965.56 presented as folL,ws;
~eward Light & P. Co
U.::..Rubeber Co.
Seward .Iater SUl'ply
Gatewuy Publishing Co
Cal I:l Brosius
Victor Pearson
Alaska l'ro'nsfer
Robert Guest
A.J Baughman
.,.1). Balderston
Ch21S 1:; Brown
B!lnk of Sew':rd
:seward Drug Co.
P. C .I,lcliullen
21. 00
220. ')0
The clair'] of the Sevnrd J)rug Co. for 9.05 Vw,s read and it W:lS
regularly moveJ and seconded th'it s:,:,mu be Y'aid; culling the roll
Councilmen BUdger,Horner,licMul1en and Orlunder vote~ in the aff-
irmative, CouncilL1an ,3weatm~~n not votinr>:.
'1'he Claim of P.C.Llc~luL~en for .60 ViI'LS reid and it 'N'LS ref!ul'u1:1
mcvc;cl and secondel', tJiClt S:,~i!le be :uid; calling the L\oll Councilme:1
3~,dger, Eorner, Orlander !1ne ::;we!:.tm:ln voted in the af::.'irmati ve,
Councilman ~cllulJen not voting.
The bc;,l'lnce of the C::t:lL1S were then r8[ld u.nd it VlU S Dovell bJ'
Councilman EcUullen seconded by Counci1uli:.n 3weutmun that d~,rrents
be dru.wn for the ,j'~Y'Jent of SU.1e. Ci:.lliIlf' the j,iolj all Council!:1eCl
present voted in the ~ffir~:tive.
'1'he Clerk W'1;5 i:lstructeu to hewe :- l;otice i,Tinted in the Jc::,l
~'c'l;er, advising Operators of hiotor Vehicles that :., fine of lO:~
would be h11Joseli on elll OjJerutorn not securing a licence by the
lOth. d~y of July.
The Mayor sug,ested that monies derived from the sale of ~riverc
liceClces be usee' in i ,provin!,: the rO:cd from the BLLn}: of .:iew:lrd
corner north to the fOJt of the Ckpist8R~QR ~ill.
Ul~on '.'resent:',tion of Financial st.ment showinr: :1 shortage of
funds in the b:mk, the Committee on l'ini.cnces vms instructed to
negotiate J. lone fr"ill '1'he 32n}: of ,;ew:,rcl of ~)5;}}.O} dollars for u
reriod of ~o days.
'1'he Committee on lights. rel'orted; th'lt the 1 ight fixtures on
:,dc~l:1c ,jtreet were beint" re: o.ired b:,' :::'he 3ew'cr(1 li,"ht ,\; i'ower (ja.
this being, in their 0 'inion tho most econinic~l wuy to h'vo
repairs effecte!).
,indrew IversoCl apeared before ti,e Council 'md stated 'hG,t tree
lir:ht elno "ower Co. h:>,d erected J. lirht r'ole '1nd stre~ch8d'" ,,,ye
wire fror:l sL.id ,rols to [l Joint O;'J t}:eground mmediatoly in front
of his ~remise~'in bl )ch 1 lots ~3 and 24. s~id rye wire obstructi.r
the enteru'TIce to his ;:ro"ert;y. "~e o.skel' th:,lt s:.iid GJ7e ,lire be
removed. ::::.;tL'~r \'1,,8 refer-coG to Ii?ht Com,Jittee vlith i:1structiJ1Js
to give hLieoL_te relief to ::1'. Iverson in thi S ;.utter.
'i']-,e co;:uunic'tiJ" fro:; the Jew;,YCi ~lo1unteGr ~cire ~)c~,rt;:wnt. c'r
riec1 over frOL1 the l:Jst E18L t inv 1 xx.s:xx^xiJlXrR2:B:~ ~.lsLi:l;1" fur :.
don~~tion 0= ,1'1:)).::)') l~'Jr 4th. uf ~Tnl",::r 9.,dVeTti8in~'" ~;,:Jd ,l.lJli,cit"'J
,- . . ~
','l__ S ~ ~_r::... i~-'l re0.d; :.:o'/c ( b,T:'; IJ unc i 1I21 -' n ~,Ic~..~ullcn 1 cu C 0l1c18d b;7 ,~vvo,-..t :~Li
thut the oU::1 Jf :'/1)).1)) '[:e C:;on~teu to the !..l;uve dc!, c,rt!::'?c'lt; C-' ',li'^,
t!_l:] rJll r;ouY1cil~f:en ..c=.:ul.len, uri'..,:r:'cler 2no :j'.',Te:.-:~tr.l"Ln vot(]( i',l t\i~
Ciffirrm"tive. CJunciL.1en }:.,Q"Gi:' .,,:l(, ::corner vJte', i~l "0,)(; ^ SF;,tive.
l.lotiun I~-)st- .:..t t::l.s ~:Ji_11t ~_r -=---.1"'1 it) ~~1 tj. ro,: befoTfj t>:t; :_~ ":ll.",'1eil
cJ. ":1,3 ;L~..d e '..1 1-,1 e:..; i'1 be h._.l f of ..J~ hl"~ 10l U..71t e e r ~' i re .:..Je" ..rt,leYlt, ~-",sLi :-1[:
the Council to recoclsirJer t"eir d':r:io~lv~1 ,,:c j:'11"lils ccllecter, fJ"
t~1(; '*t::. of jul~,7 8e:";..(;oT' "tiJn ',/(Jr'?; _i.bJut ,j15- C:~.\.,=---t )-i" the
,....':lJU':(.t:; nt~eiJ~3S r~,T t...) C.....T'} 2 ti".Lr~) ,: !'~-::. 'V:1U r0~~:L" ~'Cl.
G June il:.L.n }~, .--.d '':(]Y :JOV'8' tore cons i d er ~:ecU~l(~ c\, '):/ ~j 'JUll (~i 1!:1':..n liJr;'18
c '.",11 ill:"-~ t r1G YO 11 ,.ll.L C oune 11 :1f~~v"1 'ru 8 (~:Jt vot eo iYl t 1~..t' "},f ~'i Y~~l:_ t ive
~"~ ot iv~'-l e --i.rr i 8 d.
L~'Jvem- l~/ CJu-~1cil:'l:.l.1. "~0r"'ler t:-;.~i.t the; SlLJ of :']:-:5.}) 1':8 OO~1,.:tCC_ to
t"!1e ~e;>r__J.,yd 101unteer ="i:-tec1e~ '.irt:!le-ct . Scco:1ted :\..: j')u__:-,;,cil;.L ~l "';:..c1r.'e
,~~-~..Llin!! the roll i..lll ~~ui1cil':le!l . reoent ...,.~ted i~ t1 ~-> J.f.:.'irrn...~t:~}'~
:'.=Jt 1 J~i 'j-<,-rried.
~~~,~"J~" -r.. T7.~:~_~- s\ ~t;,'') t~l~';,t 80::18 '~l1J.estio~ ',S to t~1J ....r 2,ic1.it~~ Ji' ti-~Q
J.;e~,,+l ...;eho,_l 1)',Y:.1~1 13~:l1..e !l_vO '_lri::J~:1 f1"O':: t',.c t.-Jffj.c(~; i,-!f tr:.e ...:..t~.:."Drnc~.:
')Ci-.:crL'.::_ -TI-: ',,7.)..~:: l(>~)~=i::~ tnto t}'.:..". :;~,-~tter .}jf ':/'~~:'"'~t'j,~ tn.ie '~;Cl1hc-~J
~~108ti ::01(1 J C~ til"! =_>)~1d<~:," ~iuly 5: '~lt1:.
C~lhere beinr~ no ot!ler busine~:-' t,;) Q'JUC tCf'J::'''i:' th---' ::loe;ti:10' "it \-\'~;.8
Uj.,;'J:1 T8CLl"Y l-=,ti);1 os' .)~;co, 8ub.~pct tel _~ ~-c~l frJ:-,~ trJ~ '.;~"'t_i}~
a:^:J/3~~~~.r~ _
., ~, . -, "':) ~
J -'-- ~.:.'. _ .
( 366
Monday July L6th. 1928
Regular meuting of the Corumon Council 6ity of Seward held this
date'in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8.PM
by Mayor L.V.Ray, with Councilmen Horner, McMullen, Orlander &
Sweatman present. '
Minuets of last regular meeting read, error noted in Minutes as
follows, "Christensen Hil12 should read "Chamberlain Hill#.
Error oorreected and Minuets approved.
Claims totalling 227.00 presented as follows.
Seward Volunteer Fire Dept,
Robert Guest.
Moved by Councilman McMullen, seconded by Councilman Orlander
that warrents be drawn fur payment of same. Calling the Roll
all Counctlmen present voted in the affirmative.
Mayor Ray advised the Council that The Alaska Road Commission
wanted to remove the Brid~e on 3rd Ave. to facilitate oonstruc-
tion Of the Glazier Streem Flume . Matter was referred to the
street Commitee.
CommitteeQ-n Lights, reported , they had investigateo the COm-
plaint of Andrew Iverso~ relative to obstruction of his properw
by Gye Wire and found that Mr. Iverson was mistaken. Mr. Iverso
withdraws complaint.
Communication from Leon Urbach, tendering Ckeck for $10.00
paid to hi~ by The gity for servises as Judge at Special elect-
ion read, Cheok ordered held, pending further discussion.
Mayor Ray suggested that Property owners on Third Ave. be usked
to Petition for'Sidewalk. Matter reffered to Street Committee.
Mayor Ray called for a speoial meeting of the Council for next
Saturday July the 21st Hour of meeting to be determined later.
This meeting thereafter adjorned.
Monday July 30th. 1928
Speoial Meeting of the Common Council, Town of Seward, Seward.
Alaska, held this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting opened
by Mayor L.V.Ray at 8 PM. with Following Councilmen present:
BaRger, Horner, MoMullen, Orlander, Painter and sweatman.
Mayor Ray informea the Counoil that the purpose of this Speoial
Meeting was to place before them the Objection raised by the
Attorneys for the First National Bank of Seattle as to the val-
idity of the Bond Issue for the New S~hool House as voted upon
by the Taxpayers of The Town of Seward at the Speoial Eleotion
held for that purpose on May 14th. 1928. the summary of their
contention being that the Balot as presented to the Voters was
INCOMPLETE and should have stated the RATE OF INTEREST and THE
that in his opinion: Taking into consideration that the Bonds
in question were to be Marketed by The Bamk of Seward and thru
their Corespondents The First National Bank of Seattle; The
stand taken by the aforesaid Attorneys was justifiable; Regard-
less of the fact that the Act vf Congress ~uthori~ing thE Bond
iosus; specifica.ly sk,tcs t,,_.t t:,( Co,a .\),1 Council liciS the
authority after election to designate the Rate of Interest and
decide on the date of Maturity and Retirement of Municipal Bonds.
4 ..~~.
Minutes uf Special Meeting of July 30th, 1928 (Continued)
They the Attorneys for the First ilational Bank of Seattle having
presented parallel cases in the State of Washington where their
contentions were upheld; It would, in the opinion of Mayor R~y.
be necessary to hold another Special Eleotion; which Resolution.
however, would have to be presented at a regular meeting of the
COill.,lon council. It was so agreed to present such Resolution at
the next Regular Meeting on August 6th, 1928.
A complete set of Plans and Specifications for the New School
Building, drawn up by The Warrack Construction Co. of seattle,
were presented to the Oouncil, the Clerk was instructed to place
copies in the hands of local contractors, with a view to ohtain-
their opinions of said plans.
Thereafter this meeting adjourned.
MAY 0 Rr
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Sewa.rd, held this
date in the Council Chambers; meeting called to order at B. P. M.
by Mayor L. V. Ray, with Councilmen Badger, Horner. McMullen,
Urlunder, Painter and Swetmann present.
~inutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved.
illre from Robson Construction Company making bid for construction
of new school, read and turned over to ~chool Committee.
The Tax Roll for 1928 was presented by the Assessor and delivered
to the Council, and report made of notices given., It was moved
by Councilman Badger, seconded by Councilman Painter that roll
be accepted and turneQ over to Equalization Board. Motion
The following resolution was read:
ALASKA, that a Board of Equalization for said town shall be and
is hereby created to convene at the Town Hall on Tuesday, August
14, 1928, at 2 o'clock r. M. for the purpose of equalizing the
assessments of real and personal property in ~aid Town of Seward
for the year 1~2B and shall remain in session said day between
the hours of two o'clock and four o'clock P. M. and between said
hours daily for the succeeding four days of said week and lunger
if deemed necessary for adjournment as provided uy Ordinance
ND. 14 and amend:nents thereto.
~nd Be It Further Resolved, That the City Clerk shall have
published in the Seward Gateway ilotice of the same as provided
by Ordinance.
~ated at Seward, Alaska, Aug. 6, 1~28.
~.~/q /
, /' </,/-:'('\,1
tl..4//5 ~~/;....
Moved by CounCilman Orlander. sec0nded by Councilman Horner, that
the rules be suspended and the resolution just read be immediate-
ly considered:
Carried by the following vote: those voting Aye were, Council-
men Badger, Horner, McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann - 6;
l~ays O.
Councilman Orlander moved. seconded by Councilman McMullen tha~
the first reading of the Resolution be considered the seco:b.d and
third reading and that the resolution be plaoed upon its passage.
Carried by following vote: those voting Aye were Councilman
Badger. Horner, McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann;
Yeas 6; Nays O.
~he Chair propounded the question "Shall the resolution be ad-
op ted?" Upon the call of the roll Councilmen Badger, Horner
MCl-lullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann voted Aye, 6; Nays, O.
The Mayor de'<l;ared the resolution duly adopted and signed same
in open session in approval thereof.
Upon motion duly made and carried~the Clerk was direoted to
cause to be publiahetl in Seward Daily Gateway the usual notice
of meetings of The Board of Equalization for the year 1928 in
the following forml
Notice is hereby given, That the Board of Equalization for the
City of Seward, Alaska, will meet on the 14th day of August,
1~28, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. and continue in session
until 4 o'clock P. M. of said day in the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Council for the City of Seward, Alaska, and said Board
of Equalization shall continue in session each day thereafter
between the hours of 2 o'clock P. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. until
and including Saturday, AUgust 18, 1928.
That all persons objeoting to the assessed valuation of any
property, or the assessment of the same for the year 1928, shall
reduce such objections to writing and file the same with the
Board on or before the hour of 4 o'clock P. M. August 18. 1928,
and.all persons failing to file their written objeotions shall
be deemed t.o have consented to said assessment for the year 1928.
and the action of the Board of Equalization, and shall be forever
barred from thereafter making such objeotions.
Dated at Sew~rd, Alaska, August ___' 1928.
C L E R K.
Claims totalling $1041.40 were presented. Claim of the Seward
Drug Company was read. Moved by Councilman MoMullen, seconded
by Councilman Horner that claim be paid.
~l\ 1',\
" :~\.)
Calling the roll the following Counoilmen voted in the
tive: Badger, Horner. McMullen. Orlander and Painter.
man Swetmann not voting.
Claim of City and Andy's Express was read. Moved by Councilman
McMullen, seoonded by Councilman Swetmann, that the olaim be paid
calling roll the following Oouncilmen voted in the affirmative:
Badger, Horner, McMullen. Orlander and Swetmann. Counoilman
Painter not voting.
Balance of the claims were then read. Moved by Councilman
McMullen, seconded by Councilman Horner that claims as read be
pai d.
Calling roll all Councilmen present voted in the a.ffirmative.
J. L. Graef
H. H. Mitchell
Light and Telephone
6eward Water Supply
Aluska Transfer
City and Andy's Kxpress
Churles B. Brown
Brown and Hawkins
Bank of Seward
Robert Guest
J. A. Baughm!ll
A. D. Balderston
Marit Eide
Seward Drug CompR.IlY
$ 4.45
20. 28
Proposed Ordinance No. 101 was then presented to the meeting
by the Committee on Schools as follows:-
An Ordinance of the Town of Seward. Alaskn, providing for
the constructing and equipping of a public school building in
said town, providing for the issuance of general bonds in the
sum of $50,000 to pay the cost thereof. and calling a special
election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors
of said town the question of the issuance of said bonds. and
repealing all Ordinances in conflict herewith.
Section 1. That the Town of Seward does hereby authorize
and direct the construction and equipment of a public: school
building in said town at a cost not exceeding $50,000. which
amount is hereby found and declared to be the estiwated cost of
said schoul building, including the equipment thereof.
Sec. 2. That in order to pay for the conetrmtiun and equip-
ment of said johool building, said Town of Seward shall issue
and sell its general bonds in the principal sum of $50.000, said
bonds to be in denominations not exceeuing $1,000, each and bear
interest at a rate not exceeding seven ~r oent per annum, pay-
able semi-annually and maturing in annual installments of princi-
pal of $2500.00 each, the first installment to mature five years
from date of bonds, and the last installment to mature, twenty
four years from date of bonds, the Town of Seward reserving the
right to pay all such bonds in their numerical order upon any
interest payment date, at the rate of $4,000 of the principal
each year from and after the expiration of five years from date
of issue.
Sec. 3. That a speoial election is hereby oalled to be held
in said Town of Seward on Monday, the 10th day of September,
1928, between the hours of eight o'clock A. M.. and seven O'clock
P. M., the polling place to be the Town Hall of said town, for
the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said town
of Seward, whuse names appear on taelast assessment roll of said
town for municipal taxation, the question of the issuance of said
general bonds; that said election shall be conducted in acoord-
ance with the requirements of the laws governing elections in
said Town of Seward.
Sec. 4. The ballot used at said election shall contain
the following statement of the proposition to be submitted to
the voters;
Shall the Town of Seward, Alaska, erect and equip a public
schaal building in said town and in payment thereof issue and
sell its general bunds in a sum not exoeeding $50,000 bearing
intereEt at a rate not exceeding seven percent per annum, payable
semi-annually and maturing in equal annual installments of
$2500.00 each, the first installment to mature five years from
the date of said bonds and the last installment twenty-four years
from date thereof, all as more fully set forth in Ordinance No.
101 of said Town of Seward.
For bonds
Against bondS
Sec. 5. That the following name~ persons are hereby designated
and appointed as offioers of said eleotion to conduot the same.
INSPECTOR: Wm. H. Whittlesey.
J. H. Flickinger, Leon Urbaoh.
Emilie B. Weybreoht, Sylvia Sexton.
sec. 6. That the municipal clerk be and he is hereby authorized
and direoted to publish notice of such speoial election in the
Seward Gateway, a newspaper of anera+ circulation published and
printed in said Town of Seward, once a week for a period of five
weeks immediately preceding the date of said eleotion.
Seo. 7. That all Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
The above proposed Ordinanoe was read the first time.
Councilman Urlander moved, seconded by Councilman McMullen the
suspension of the rules for the immediate consideration of
proposed Ordinance No. 101.
~otion carried by the following vote: Yeas, 6; Hays, 0;
Those voting Yea were Councilmen Badger, Horner, MoMullen, Painter
Orlander and Swetmann.' .
Councilman Badger, seconded by Councillnan Orlander, moved the
second reading of proposed Ordinanoe No. 101.
LJotion carried by the following vote; Yeas, 6; Nays, 0;
Those voting Yea. were Councilmen Badger, Horner, McMullen. Orlan-
der, Painter and Swetmann.
_ ~(Ordin(;l.nce gJ ven second re,~ding;
Counoilman Horner, moved. seconded by Councilman swetm~nn that
proposed Ordinance No. 101 be passed to third reading.
Motion oarried by the following vote: Yeas, 6. Nays, 0;
Those voting Yea were Councilmen Badger, Horner, MoMullen, O~lande ,
Painter and Swetmann.
Said Ordinance No. 101 was read the third time and the clerk callel
the roll upon the final passage of said Ordinanoe and it passed
the Council by the following vote: Yeas, 6. Nays, 0; ~
Thuse voting Yea were Councilmen Badger. Borner, McMullen, Orlande',
Painter and Swetmann.
Upon motion of Councilman Swetman,l, seoonded by Councilman Orlande
the title of the proposed Ordinance was agreed to stand as the
title of the Ordinance ny the following vote; Yeas, 6; liays, 0;
Those voting Yea were Councilmen Badger, Horner, ,~lcMullen. Orlande ,
Painter and Swetmann.
The Mayor thereupon ann0unced his approval of Ordimmce Ho. 101.
and signed the Same in open sessivn of the Council on this date.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the Council instruct-
ed the Clerk to cause to be published in the Seward Daily Gate-
way the following notice and call for a s~ cial Election to be
held September 10th, l'i)~8, pursuant to provisions of Ordinance
Uo. 101.
To the Blectors of the Town of Seward, Alaska:
Ordinance No. 101 duly enacted by the Common Council of the Town
of Seward and approved by the Mayor on the 6th day of August,
1928, a special election has been called and will be held in
said town of Seward on Monday, the lOth day of September. 19ffi,
for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said
town the folluwing proposition:
Shall the Town of Seward, Alaska, erect and Ejlquip a public
Echool building in said town and in payment tha~of issue and
sell its general bonds in a sum not exceeding j50,OpO, bearing
interest at a rate not exceed ing seven per ce,lit Pf;l.l' annum, pay-
able semi-annually and ma~uring in equal an~~~~.~nstallments of
$2500.00 each. the first Lnstallment to ~urf. f~~e years from .
the date of said bondS, and the last ine~allment twen~~four I
years from date thereof, all as more fully set for~~;1n Ordinance
~o. 101 of said Town of Seward. .
. . . . .
. . . . . For bonds
I .....
. . . . .
. . . . . Against bonds.
. . . . .
The Qualifications of voters of said eleotion are as follows:
He or she shall be a qualified elector of the Town of seward,
Alaska. whose na~e appears upon the last assessment roll of said
town for municipal taxation. The voters desiring to vote in
favor of said propositivn shall p1ace a oross in the square pre-
ceaing the words "For bonds". and those desiring to vote against
said proposition shall place a cross in the square preoeding the
words, "Against bonds". The polling place is hereby fixed as
the Town Hall in said Town of Seward, and the polls shall be
open at the hour of 8:00 o'clock A. M.. and close at the hour
of 7:00 o'clock p. M. on suid 10th day of September, 1928.
Dated this 7th day of August, 1~28.
A'l'TEST :
l~ayor L. V. Ray invited a discussion of the school plans,
there beiUg present in the Council Chambers Messrs Urbach.
Jesson. Lechner, Thoady, Helm, Semf and Warrack.
Mr. Helm responded in length and recommended certain changes
in the plans and specifications as drawn by the Wurruck Construc-
tion Company.
Mr. Lechner responded giving his views as to the proposed heating
Upon further disoussion Mayor L. V. Ray asked that this meeting
be held open until Thursday, August 9, 1928, as a regular meeting
for the further discussion and aoceptance of plans. This
meeting t eafter adjourned to meet August 9th.
a ~(fdU$;r~
a E R K
THURSDAY, August 9, 1928.
Open Adjourned Meeting from August 6, 1928, held this date in
the Council Chambers.
Meeting opened by Mayor L. V. Ray at B:O) P. M., with Councilmen
Badger, Horner. McMullen. Orlander and Swetmann present.
Mayor Ray advised meetin~ was for the purpose of further discus-
sion of plans and specifications for the new sohool with a view
of making an early acceptanoe of same.
After lengthy discussion of plans, the following Addenda to
specifications was recomnended.
1. Omit the 12" X 26" beams as shown on sheet 12 for the base-
ment ceiling supporting partitions above, also omit all columns
in basement (I 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8- 9 and 10) together
with their concrete footings and steel post caps and the tie
In the place of the above oonstruction build a sold 2X 6 lani-
mated wall, one wall on eaoh side of hallway in basement, and ex-
tending from the north to south walls of building (the boiler
room wall already has a 2" X 6" solid lanimated partition on
the oorridor side). .
These partition walls will start from a 7" think concrete dwarf
wall 6" high above the finish basement slab and resting on a
footing below the slab 12" wide and 6" deep.
The 2 X 6 lanimations will extend up to a plate at the bottom
of joists in 1st floor.
Euch 2" X 6" as it is layed up will be spiked with a 20d spike
about 18" centers.
2. The exterior wall studding shall be braced at corners at
both directions with braoes cut in between studs on an angle of
45 degrees.
The roof joists shall have 2 X 10 spiked to the underside of
every joist, 20 feet long, in each corner of the building for
sway bracing.
3. Change the specifioations for exterior stucco on page 15 as
follows: Use ingot iron, metal lath dipped in asphalt paint,
weighing 3.4 Ibs. per yard in plaoe of the metal mesh specified.
Place wood strips 3/4" X 1" net measurement, 10" on centers
vertically instead of the 3/8" X 1" strip 18" on centers specifie .
4. Add two "0" doors in basement oorridQr, complete with frames
trim and hardware.
There being~ further business the Mayor requested that this
Meeting be held open unti~ Monday, the 13th, at 8:00 P. M.
MONDAY. AUGUST 13. 1~28.
Adjourned Meeting from August ~, of the Common Council, held
in the Council Chambers, with the following Councilmen present:
Badger, Horner, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann.
The plans and specifications for the new school with addenda at-
tacjed were presented to the Council, and "after discussion, it
was moved by Councilman Badger, seconded by Councilman Orlander
that the plans and specifications as drawn up by the Warrack
Cvnstructions Company with Addenda attached be accepted.
Calling the roll the following Councilmen voted in the affirma-
tive: Badger, Horner, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann.
The Clerk was instructed to place on file in his offioe one oopy
of the plans and specifications with Addenda attached for the
perusal of prospective bidders, and to attach one copy of
Addenda to eaoh set of specifications.
The questivn of calling for Bids for the construotion of the new
school was then discussed, resulting in a motion by Councilman
Orlander, seconded by Councilman Swetmann, that a call be issued
for bids to be opened in the Council Chamber, The Town of Seward,
at 5:00 P. M., August 30, 1~28.
Calling the roll Councilmen Badger, Horner, Orlander, Painter am
Swetmann voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids in the local paper .
Sealed proposals shall be received by the Town of Seward, ~eward,
Alaska, not later than five o'clock P. M. (5 P. M.) August 30th,
1~28, for the construction of a sohool building at ~eward,
alaska, in accordanoe with plans ,nd specifications, approved by
the Common Council of the 1'own of Seward and on file at the
office of the Municipal Clerk.
Proposals shall be addressed to A. D. Balderstvn. Municipal Clerk,
seward, Alaska.
The Town of Seward reserves the right to reject any. or, all bids.
Dated : August 14, 1928, Seward, Alaska.
I4-r. Boudreau, a member of the U. S. Signal Corps appeared
before the Council and voiced a protest against the payment of
fee prescribed by Ordinance #84, relating to the licensing of
operators of Motor Vehicles in the Town of Seward. Mr. Boudreau
contending that his residence being on the reservation outside
of the city li!fli ts of the Town of Sewf!,rd. he should be exempt
from payment of Motvr Vehicle Operators' License as prescribed
in said Ordinance 84. Upon discussion, Mayor nay voiced the
opinivn that operators of Motor Vehicles that were no-residents
of the Town vf ~eward should be exempted from the payment of the
fee of $2.50, prescribed by Section 4 of Ordinance 84, notwith-
stand ing the fact that ,c)rdinance 84 wade no provision for such
a contingency. Section 3 of Ordinance 84 was read and after
further discussion, the matter was referred to Committee on
aSsessment and Taxes.
Mr. Boudreau was granted permission to operate a Motor Vehicle in
the Town of Seward free of operators' license, pending a decisioIi
of the matter.
There being no further business,
Urlander, seconded by Councilman
Motion oarIJed.
it was moved by Counoilman
Horner that the meeting adjourn.
a b-.L3cxed uS ;;~
e L E R K.
to be opened in the Council Cha~b~r. the;1own of Seward,
a 5: 0 P. M., August 30, 1928. /
c~r ing the roll Councilmen ~adger, Horner, O;iander. Painter
Swe ann voted in the affirmative.Motion cayfied.
advertise for bidl in
Sealed pr~psa shall be received b1 the Town of sew. rd. Seward,
Alaska, nolat than five o'clock/po m. (5 p.m.) gust 30th.
1~28 for th con ruction of a S~h ~l building at ' ward; Alaska
in accordanc~ wit plans and spec'fications. appr ed by the
COllllllon Counci~ of e Town of Se arn and on file at the office of
the Municipal '91erk.'
Proposals shall~e ad A. D. Clerk,
Seward, Alaska. \
Dated: August 14,
\, ,:
19~ /Se
/- \
, \
any. or, all bids.
The Town of Seward
. t
Mr. Boudreau, la member o't: Corps appeared
before the Council/and voiced . pr test against the paynE nt of
fee prescribed by' Ordinance 84,\ re ating to the licensing of
oper~tors of Mot~r Vehicle in the '1.' wn of Seward. Mr. Boudreau
contending that his resid nce bein~ 0 the reservation outside
of the city li~its of t Town of S,wa d, he should be exempt
from payment o.f Motor hicle Operata,;rs License as prescribed
in said Ordin~nce 84. Upon discussio~~ yor Ray voiced the
opinion that/operato s of M.otor Vehiclet;: at were non-residents
oi' the Town ,of Sew d should be exempted.f m t he payment of t he
fee of $2it5 . pre riood by Section 4 of Qr nance 84, notwith-
standing t e fac that Ordinance ff84 made ho rovision for such
conting .cy. Section3 of Ordinance 84 wa~ ad and ~fter
further ~scu ion, the matter wqs referred b.p COillmittee'J'~
,ir. Boud,t'eau as granted permission to operats\ Motor Vehicle
'n the ~own of Seward free of operatorsl iliicens~, pending a
eclsipn 0 the matter. \,
it was moved by c~u cilman
by Councilman Horner that meetin~ djo1jrn.
A. D. Balderston,
Municipal Clerk.
e ard, Alaska.
. 374,i3
, " .~ ,
!,-qr, .n"
-:;;; 'lV;;.ifi
AUGUST 14th. 1928
Board called toder at 2 o'olock PM. wtth Councillmen Badger.
Horner, Orlander and Swetmann present, Counoillman Badger act-
ing as Chairman.
Protest of Dr.I.J.Alcorn read, asking for exemption of taxes on
S&ward General Hospital- Protest not sustained- Taxes toremain
as assessed.
No further protests, Meeting adjourned, at 4 o'olook PM.
August 15th. 1928
Board called to order at 2 o'olock PM. wi~h Councillmen Badger.
Horner, McMullen and Orlander present;
110 protests- Meeting adjourned, at'14 0' Clock PM. 'Counoillman B dger
August 16th. 1928.
Board cal~ed to order at 2 o'olook PM. with Councillmen Badger.
MoMullen, Orlander and Swetmann present.
Protest of Mrs Raohael Crawford presented.asking for a reduotio
of taxes on property as follows; Bay View Addition, Blook 4 lot
5 ~nd 20 assessed at $115.00 each; Asks that assessed value be
reduoed to $70.00 eaoh; Assessor instruoted to assertain if the e
lots had been withdrawn from Cit~ Limits; If not so withdrawn,
assessed valuation to remain at '115.00 eaoh. Property in Ques-
tion not withdrawn, see Vol 3 Page 192 of Minuets.
NO further protests; Meeting adjourned, at 4 o'olook PM. Councillman
Badger Chairman.
August 17th. 1928
Board called to order at 2 0'c10ck PM. with Councillmen Badger.
Horner, McMullen, orlander, Painter and Swetmann present.
Protest of Gust. A.Peterson read asking for a reduotion of
$500.00 on the assessed valuation of improvements on Lot 12
Block 25. After discussion. it was moved by Counoillman
Swetmann seoonded by Counoillman Painter that Protest be oon-
sidered and Mr Petersons assessment be reduced by $5~O.00.
Calling the roll all Councillmen present voted in the affirmati e.
Appeared J.C.White, agent for Leo Margules, presenting written
protest by Leo Margules against a raise of $1300.00 in the
assessed valuation of the improvements of his property on lots
24 and 25 in Blook9. Claiming that the improvements were in the
nature of necessary repairs. After disoussion. it was moved by
Councillman Swetmann seoondea by Councillman MoMullen that the
protest of Leo Margules be sustained and his assessed valuation
be reduoed the $1300.00 in Question. Calling the roll all
Counoillmen present voted in the affirmative.
NO further protests Meeting adjourned, at 4 o'clock PM. Counci
Badger Chairman.
August 18th. 1928
Meeting called to order with following Counoillmen present;
Horner, MoMullen, Orlander and Swetmanni Counoillman McMullen
aoting as Chairman.
NO Protests- All business of this board being completed, it was
moved by Councillman McMullen.,seoonded by Councillman Swetmann
that meeting adjourn, at 4 o'cluck PM.
ca:t:::''1 : r..;;;.rcm0;
AUGUST 20th. 1928
The regular meeting of the Co~non Council. City of Seward held this
date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8 PM. by
Mayor L.V.Ray. with following Councillmen present- Bad~er. McMulle
Orlander and Painter; Councilmen Horner and Swetmann absent.
Minutes of the last regular meeting and intervening special and
adjourned meetings read and approved with corrections.
Minutes of The Board of ~oualization meetings were read and anprov d
The following Resolution was presented and read accepting the
Assessment Roll for 1928. setting the rate of levy at 20 mills
and establishing date of delinouency of taxes.,
That the Assessment Roll of the real und personal property
in the Town of Seward. alaska for the yeur 1928 as deliveres to
the Town Council August 6th1928 by the Assessor and as eoualized
by the Board of ~oualizution of said Council be accepted. and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this being the first regular
meeting of the Common Council since the eaualization of said
, Assessment Roll. the levy for the year 1928 is hereby placed at
20 mills. and l
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE~ that the time when the taxes for the
year 1928 of the real and personal property of said ~own of Seward
as assessed. shall become delinauent for non-payment shall be 5
o'clock P.M. of the 15th day of :November 1928. and that the Clerk
give due nctice as reouired by provision of Section 20 of
prdinance :No. 14 as amended by Section 7 of Ordinance :No. 27 of
the Ordinances of said Town of Seward. Alaska
Passed under suspension of rules, August 20th 1928.
a,Ct;(5 aL/Y M- J'~
Movea by Councilman McMullen. second~d by Councilman Badger.
that rules be suspended and the resolution just read be immediatel
considered; Carriea by the fol~owing Vote; those voting AYE were.
Councilmen Badger. McMullen. Orlander and Painter; Ayes 4 Nays 0
Moved by Councilman Orlander. seconded by Councilman McMullen.
that the first reading of the Resolution be considered the second
and third reading and that the Resolution be placed upon its passa e
Carried by the following vote; th~se voting AYE were Councilm n
Badger. McMullen. Orladder and Painter ; Yeas 4. Nays O.
The Chair propounded the Quesfion " Shall the Resolution be
adopted?" Upon oalling the roll Councilmen Badger, McMullen,
Orlander and Painter voted AYE 4 Nays 0
The Mayor declaired the Resolution duly adopted and signee th
same in open session in approval thereof.
Councilman McMullen opened a discussion as tb the legality
of collecting a fee from Operators of Motor Vehicles. within the
City Limits, who were not residents within the City Limits?
Af~er discussion, and based upon the opinion of Mayor L.V.Ray,
that the collection of such fee would be illegal; it was moved by
Councilman McMullen, seoonded by Counoilman Badger, that any fe es
so oollected be refunded. Calling the roll all Councilmen present
/ 376
voted AYE 4 Nays O. Motion Carried and Clerk instructed accordin~ly.
There being no further business, upon regular motion thie meetin~
thereafter a~journed.
./ ~ //
, '/
Re~ular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held this date
in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by Mayor L.V.Ray
at 8 PM. with the following Councilmen present- Horner McMullen
Painter and Swetmann, Councilmen Badger and Oriamder absent; ,
Minutes of the, last regular meeting read and approved.
Claims totaling $3201.58 presented as
Warraok Const. Co.
Seward Water S>>ly.
standard Oil Co
Brown & Hawkins Corp.
Alaska Tra.nsfer
Robert Guest
Chas. E Brown
Bank of Seward
Seward Li~ht & Power Co
Ca.l M. Brosius
seward Drug Co.
203. 60
41. 60
191. 85
Clerk was instructed to withold the amount of $98.90 from the
claim of the Seward Light & Power Co, pending report from the
Commitee on Lighting.
Claim of the Seward Drug Co. ordered held over till next Re~ular neeting
Moved by Counoilman MoMullen , Seconded by Councilman Painter
that the balance of the Claims as read be aproved and l'iarrants
drawn in payment of same; Calling the Roll all Councilmen presen
voted in the Affirmative.
Tax Deeds in Favor of Charles Lechner, Holben & Davis, and J.S.
sohantz. were presented. Moved by Counoilman Swetmann, Seoonded
by Counoilman MoMullen that Deeds be delivered; Calling the Roll
all Councilmen present Voted ~n the Affirmative.
Communioation from Peter Anderson presented"wanting to exohange
Lot 9 Block 30 for Lot 3 Blook 30
Comminication from ,H.C.Taylor presented wanting to purchase Lot
32 Blook 6 ; These matters referred to Commitee on Assessment and
Raising Grade of 4th Ave. Bridge oame under disoussion. Mayor Ray
invited Counoilmen to make an inspeotion with him to determine
best method of prooedure.
Councilman Swetmann called attention to Fire Hazzard resulting
from Safety Flues on 4th. Ave. and threa~ened cancellation of
Fire insurance on this account. Commltee on Fire Proteotion
instructed to inspeot and reoort.
september 4t. Cont.
Mr. Bath. Prinoipal of Seward Publio Sohool apeared before the
Counoil and asked for Financiaa assistance in providing Gym-
nasium facilities for School Children. After discussion it was
Moved by Counoilman McMullen, Seconded by Councilman Horner
that the sum of $25.00 per month for a period of four months be
paid to the Seward Athelitic Ass~. as rental to provide faciliti
For the Physioal training of Sohool Children. Calling the Ro~l
all Councilmen present voted Aye. Ayes 4 NaysO)
The matter of Polioing Public Dances was disuussed: It was
suggested by Mayor Ray that , if necessary, a Speoial officer be
sworn in for this purpose but, at no additional Police cost to
the City. Matter was referred to Law and Ordinance Commitee.
The Mayor reminded the Meabers of the Council that they should
meet as a Canvasing Board to Canvas Ballots cast at the Special
Eleotion, said Board to meet at the hour of 4.PM. September 11th
Mayor Ray complimented Chairman Swetmann of the Glacier Stream
Commitee on the effioient and economical handling by him of the
Flood Condition of the Glacier Stream.
There being.. further business Mayor Ray asked that this meetin
be hfl~gno~~1fi~ul~ m~at ~~c~n~~a ~gHt~~~~1ealHhs meeting
did adjoUfR' ~,i&d,'qrs~~l,._p~i>~~mR~l'ottr~ft/ at 8 o'clock !'.M.
il~L>ffA<Mt~ ~
. 'C E R =
Co~non Council Town of Seward ~eward, Alaska, met at 40'clock PM.
this date as a Canvassing Board, to canvas Ballots cats at a
Special Eleotion held on Monday september lOth. 1928 with re~erenc
to School Bonds.
Present were Councilmen, Badger. Horner, McMullen, Orlander,
Painter and Swetmann.
Councilmen swetmann and Painter appointed as a canv8.ssing
Co~~ittee reports Canvas shows as folluws;
126 Ballots cast. 120 Voted for Bonds. 6 Voted-against Bonds.
The Mayor deolaired, 120 Ballots being more than 68% of the
Copy of list of Voters and certificate if Election was
ordered filed with Poll Book. and in custody of MuniCipal Clerk.
;,spec ial
This,meeting thereafter adjorned.
- AY 1t
1" 1"-"- ~..', ",.M
The regula:& adjourned meeting Q.>f the Common Council, City af
Seward, adjourned from Sept. 4, 1928, was held Tue.day, Sept.
11, 1928, in the Council Chamber. Meeting was called to order
at 8 P. M. by Mayor L. V. Ray" with Councilmen Badger, Horner,
McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann pre,sent.'
The chair stated this meeting was held open from
Sept. 4th for the purpose of c.onsidering the school) bond issue
as authorized by special election held on Sept. 10, 1928.
Proposed Ordinance No. 102 was then presented to the
meeting by the committee on school, as follows:
AN ORDINANCE of the Town of Seward, Alaska, provid.ing
for the issuance and sale of general bonds in the sum ~
'50,000.00 for the purpose of construction and equip-ing a public
school building, as authorized by the voters of said Town of
Seward, at an election held therein on September 10, 1928, and
providing for the form and terms of such bonds and the establish-
ment of the proper funds for the payment of the principal and
interest thereof.
WHEREAS, at So special election held in the Town of
Seward, Alaska, on September 10, 1928, pursuant to Ordinance
No. 101, passed and approved August 6, 1928, more than 65%
of the votes cast at such election were in favor of the issuance
of general bonds in the principal sum of $50,000.00, to pay the
costs of constructing and equiping a public school building in
said Town of Seward; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. That in accordance with said special
election and for the purpose of raising funds to pay for the
cost of constructing and equiping a public school building in
the Town of Seward, the Mayor and Town Clerk of said Town be
and they are hereby authorized and direated to execute and
issue the general negotiable coupon bonds of said Town in the
principal sum of $50,000.00, to be dated October 1st, 1928,
and bear interest at the rate of 7% per annum, payable semi-
nnually on the first days of April and October of each year,
said bonds to be in denominations of $500.00 each, numbered from
to 100, inclusive, and mature serially in the order of their
umbers as follows:
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1933,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1934,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1935,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1936,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1937,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1938~
$2,500.06 on October 1, 1939,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1940,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1941,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1942,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1943,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1944,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1945,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1946,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1947~
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1948,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1949,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1950,
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1951:
$2,500.00 on October 1, 1952.
The Town of Seward reserving the right to pay all
such bonds in their numberical order on any
interest payment date on and after the expiration
of five years from date of issue, at the rate of
$4,000.00 on principal each year.
I -
SECTION 2. That said
authorized to be issued shall be
in the following form, except as
bonds herein
to the date of
Territory of Alaska,
Town of Seward,
the Town of Seward, a municipal corporation duly
organized and existing within the Territory of
Alaska, acknowledged itself to owe and for value
received promises to ~y to bearer the sum of
Five Hundred Dollars l$500.00) on the 1st day of
, 19 __' together with interest
thereon from date hereof until paid, at the rate
of 7% per annum, payable semi-annually on the
first days of April and October in each year, as
evidenced by and upon presentation and surrender
of the annexed interest coupons as they severally
become due, both principal and interest payable
in gold coin of the United States of America of
the present standard of weight and fineness, at
the Chase National Bank, in the City of New York.
For the prompt payment of this bond, both
principal and interest, the full faith, credit, and
resources of said Town of Seward are hereby irrevocably
pledged: Provided, that said Town of Seward hereby
reserves the right on interest payment dates to payoff
and retire such bonds in their numerical order, at the
rate of $4,000.00 in principal each year, from amd after
the expiration of five years from date hereof.
This bond is part of an issue of general
bonds in the principal sum of $50,000.00, all of like
date, which said bonds are to be used for strictly
municipal purposes, to-wit, the construction and
equipment of a
_llRf'iPlii:::-iiiiiii.I!lii' _
-W- Ti"Ii'" U
public school building suitable to the needs and requirements
of said Town of Seward, all as provided by Act of Congress
approved March 28, 1928, anci all provided by Ordinance No. 101
of said Town, passed and approved August 6, 1928, and this
bond is issued pursuant to and in full compliance with the laws
of the United States and the Territory of Alaska, and of the'
ordinances of said Town of Seward.
It is hereby recited, certified and declared that
all acts, conditions and things required by the laws of the
United States and of the Territ.ory of Alaska and of the
ordinances of said Town of Seward to exist and be done
precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed and
been done in due and regular form, time and manner as required
by law and that the entire indebtedness of said Town,
including this bond, does not exceed any limitation .tJrese;t'ibed
by the laws of the United States or the Territory of Alaska.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Seward, Alaska" has
caused this bond to be signed by~ts Mayor and attested by its
Clerk, and has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed,
and the interest coupons attached to be signed and sealed with
the facsimile signatures of said officers, and the seal of said
Town, t,his 1st day of October, 1928.
Its Mayor
Its Municipal Clerk
;~l 7 . 50
On the first day of April, 192_, The Town of
Seward, Alaska, will pay to bearer, at the Chase National
'Bank, in the City of New York, the sum CJf Seventeen Dollars
and Fifty Cents ($17.50) in gold coin of the United States'
of America, such sum being the semi-annual interest due that
date on i.ts general school building bond, dated October 1st,
1928, No.
By ,
Its Mayor
Its Municipal Clerk.
SECTION 3: Said bonds ahall be signed by the
Mayor and attested by the Town Clerk under the seal of said
Town and each of said interest aoupons shall be signed with
the facsimile signature of said officers, and suah facsimile
signatures shall be' b:i:nding to all intents and purposes upon
said Town of Seward.
SEOTION 4: There shall be included in the annu~l tax
levy of said Town of Seward a tax upon all of the property in
said Town, subject to taxation, sufficient in amount to pay the
interest on said issue of general bonds as the same may become
due, and slilfficient ,to pr'ovide a fund for the payment of the
principal of'saEd bonds as the same mature~ and there is hereby
created amd established a special fund to be called "Seward
I1eneral School Bond 1928 Fund," into which
suoh fund said taxes shall be paid, and no part of said
taxes so levied and paid into the said fun4 shall be used
for any other purpose than the payment of ~incipal and
interest of said general bonds; and the f~ll faith,
. property and credit of said Town are hereby irrevocably
pledged for the collection and levy of such taxes and the
payment of principal and interest of said bonds as the
same mature.
SECTION 5; That said issue of bonds shall be
sold by said Town of Seward through its Common Council
at a price of not less than par and accrued interest, and
the Mayor and Town Clerk; after the execution of said
bonds, are hereby authorized and directed to deliver the
same to the purchaser thereof as fixed by resolution price
of said bonds.
SECTION 6: That. no part of the funds arising
from the sale of said bonds shall be used for any pur.t>ose
other than the construction and equipment of said public
school building and the proceeds of sale of said bonds shall
be disbursed for such purposes under the order and direction
of the Common Council."
The above proposed Ordinance was read the first time,
Councilman Orlander moved, seconded by Councilman ~Mullen,
the ~uspension of the rules for the immediate consideration
of proposed Ordinance No. 102.
Motion carried by the following vote: Yeas 6; nays 0;
Those voting Yea were: Councilmen Badger, Horner,
McMullen, Painter, Orlander and Swetmann.
Councilman McMUllen, seconded by Councilman Swetmann
the second reading of proposed Ordinance No. 102.
Motion carried by the following vote: Yeas 6; Nays O.
Those voting Yea were Councilmen Badger, Horner,
McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann.
Said Ordinance No. l02 was read the second time.
Councilman Orlander moved, seconded by Councilman
Badger, that proposed Ordinance No. 102 be passed to third
Motion carried by the following vote: Yeas 6, Nays 0;
Those voting Yea were Councilmen Badger, Horner,
Orlander, McMullen, Painter and Swetmann.
Said Ordinance No. 102 was read the third time amd
.the clerk called the roll upon the final passage of said
ordinance and it passed the Council by the fOllowing vote:
Yeas 6; Nays O. Those votin~Yea were Councilman
Badger, Horner, MCMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann.
Upon motion of Councilman Painter, seconded by
Councilman Horner, the title of the ~roposed ordinance was
agreed to stand as the title of the Ordinance by the following
vote: Yeas 6: Nays O.
Those voting Yea were Councilmen: Badger, Horner,
McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetman.
/ 382
~,' The u 1 f 0 d'
mayor thereupon announced his approva 0 r ~nance
No. 102 and signed the same in open session of the Council
on this date.
The following communication from the Bank of
Seward. Seward, Alaska. pro~osing to purchase bond issue waa
presented to the meeting and ordered inserted in the minutes
and is as follows:
Seward, Alaska. Sept. 10, 1928.
Mayor and Common Council,
Seward, Alaska.
The Bank of Seward is desirous of )urchasing the
proposed bond issue for Seward.
We offer par for the entire sum of $50,000.00 at
seven per cent interest. In order to make amch sum
available it will be necessary for us to transfer and
possibly convert into cash some of the present securities
held by us and, therefore, it is necessary that we be advised
of the atti tude of your governing body wi th respect to our
Should such offer be accepted we offer in addition:
1. To advance, pending delivery of bonds, such sums
as may be required to expedite the construction,
or to arrange for the construction of the
2. To offer for sale and distribution fifteen
thousand to the citizens of Seward, for there,
undoubtedly, are persons who would desire
securities of the type proposed.
3. Upon delivery of bonds we would place the sum
of $50.000.00 to the credit of a special school
fund, or such other form of deposit as may be
4. Upon funds set aside for interest payment and
for the ultimate retiring of the bonds, we will
pay interest at the rate of four per cent per
annum. in accordance with mur usual savings
We believe that the offer we now make for immediate
acceptance. if accepted, will result in a savings to Seward
as against an advertiSing or personal solicitation campaign
in a.n effort to secure a higher offer. The cost of Buch latter
plan would, we suggest, be quite expensive. Then, again,
this bank has been located in Seward for twenty-three years,
is a permananent institution, and has always expended its
banking facilities to take care of municipal needs.
. "
We thank, you for the consideration we feel you will
give this offer, and again call your attention to the fact
that the tiank must have reasonable notice of your decision, if
favorable, in order to accommodate itself to the requirements
of the bond issue.
Yours respectfully,
Vice President.
WHEREUPON the committee on schools presented
the following resolution:
RES 0 L UTI. 0 n.
WHEREAS, The Bank of Seward, Seward, Alaska,
has offered to purchase from the Town of Seward, Alaska,
the entire proposed bond issue in the sum of Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($50,OOO.00) for the purpose of constructing and
equiping a public school building in said Seward, at a price
of not less than par and accrued interest, now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Town
of Seward, Alaska, that the Mayor and Municipal or Town
Clerk, a!f'ten,the execution of the general bonds of the Town
of Seward, in the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00)
are hereby authorized and directed to deliver the same to
the Bank of Seward, Seward, Alaska, upon payment of the
purchase price of said bonds, which purchase price shall not
be less than par and accrued interest.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ltayor of the said
Town of Seward is hereby authorized and directed to deposit
in the Bank of Seward, at Seward, Alaska, all moneys received
as the purchase price of the school bonds, in the sum of
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) in an account to be
designated as "Seward School JUnd," to be disbursed for no
other purpose than for the construction and equipment of a
public school building, under the order and direction of the
Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska.
It was moved by Councilman McMullen and seconded by
Councilman Swetmann that the rules be suspended and that the
resolution, as read, be placed upon its in~ediate adoption.
Motion carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas 6: nays 0;
Those voting Yea were Badger, Horner, McMullen, Orlander,
Painter and Swetmann.
WHEREUPON the chair propounded the question "Shall
the Resolution be adopted?" Same was adopted bYithe
following vote: Badger, Horner, lfuMullen, Orlander, Painter
and Swetmann all voting Yea; Nay 0;
The Mayor thereupon announced his approval of the
foregoing resolution and signed the same in open session of
the Courtcil on this date.
The Council directed Publication of Ordinance
No. 102 in the "Seward Daily Gateway" three times, on the
dates of September 12~ 13 and 14.
The Clerk reported receipt of bids for the Constructio
of the proposed school house. Upon motion duly made, seconde
and carried, the clerk was directed to open such bids in open
meeting, and they were as follows:
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 3, 1928.
City of Seward,
We propose to construct the new Seward school
according to plans and specifications for the sum of fifty
one thousand dollars stop for gymnasium addition add seven
thousand dollars.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 29, 1928.
City of Seward,
Add fifteen hundred dollars to our proposal as we did
not include excavation in original tender also add eight hun~
dred dollars for changes listed in addenda our offer good for
ten days only.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
August 30, 1928.
Seward, Alaska.
We have carefully examined the plans and specification
for the new school Building, and have read the Instructions to
Bidders and the General Conditions attached t~ said specifica-
tions, and in accordance ~herewith we submit our proposal as
For the Main Building, excluding Gymnasium,
Disposal Tank and Walks, as described in
~Instructions to Bidders. the Bum of:
Fo~ty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred ($47,800.}Dollars.
For Gymnasium only, including such work as was
elimina ted from the Main Building portion of
work, as described in the "Instructions to
Bidders,. the sum of:
($ Dollars.
For Disposal Tank, as mentioned in the
"Instructions to Bidders" and according
to plans and details, the sum of:
Included in bid ($) DQllars.
For each square foot of concrete walk
as mentioned in the "Instructions to
Bidders,. the sum of: ( ) per sq. ft.
Respectfully submitted,
Garhard Johnsen
Gust A. Peterson
All windows sills t~ be concrete.
All ceilings to be lathed with metal lath.
Seward, Alaska,
August 30th, 1928.
Seward, Alaska.
We have carefully examined the plans and specifica-
tions for the new School Building, and have read the Instruc-
tions to Bidders and the General Conditions attached to said
specifications, and in accordance therewith we submit our
proposal as follows:
For the Main Building, excluding Gymnasium,
Disposal Tank and Walks, as described in
ttInstrliLctions to Bidders. the sum of:
- $48,700.00
For Gymnasium only, including such work as was
eliminated from the Main Building portion of
work, as described in the "Instructions to
Bidders,. the sum of:
SEVEN THOUSAND and No/IOO $7,000.00
For disposal Tank, as mentioned in the
"Instructions to Bidders,. and according
to plans and details, the sum of:
For each square foot of concrete walk,
as mentioned in the "Instructions to
Bidders,. the sum of 29~ per sq. ft.
Respectfully submitted,
By J. B. Warrack.
Address: Van Gilder Hotel,
Seward, Alaska.
. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Seward, Alaska, Aug. 30, 1928.
To the Mayor a~d Common Council,
of the Town of Seward, Alaska.
I hereby offer to excavate the basement of the new
school building at the rate of One Dollar and a quarter ($1.25)
per cu. yd.
Respectfully submitted,
/ 386
After general discussion, ~ which citizens of the
Town were present and participated, the council voted to
tri'thlloCbi ac::tion upon the bids received, until Thursday
evening, 8 o'clock P. M., September 13, 1928.
THEREUPON, motion was made, seconded and carried
that the meeting is adjourned to meet on Thursday evening,
September 13th, 1928, at 8 ' o'clock P. M.
;;-L t;:&Plkk-'44-.f /~
There being no ~~1 present meeting adjourned to meet at 8
O'Clook PM. Friday, September, 14th. 1928.
124 'kl t') d<tC'/;'_'
.. E R
" " . . . . . " " . " . " " . . "
The regular meeting of Sept. 4, 1928, was called ~o
order by L. V. Ray, at 8 P. M. to consider changes, revisions
and lnofifications for the new school building,- the meeting
lhaving been hold to this time by successive adjournments.
Councilmen anawered to roll-call, all present but counoilman
Painter. Those answer~ng were ,Badger, Horner, McMullen,
Orlander and Swetmann. Ir~cHrbaeh~emhoday, Gerhart Johnson,
Mr. Lechner and other citizens were present.
WHEREUPON, after general discussion by councilmen,
~ontractors and bidders present, it was moved to change the
plans and specifications in the follawing form, to-wit:
Replace B."8j1fi~h 12 x 16'8 instead of laminate.
All Ceilings to be Metal Lath,
Drains reduced from 4 to 2 in center,
Window sills to be concrete instead of wood,
Forty Gallon tank instead of 250 Gal. for hot water,
Change Closet combiaatmon,as specified, to Illinie,
Wash down combination,
Change location of girls' toilet to principal's room,
Eliminate cold water paint on pipe covering of ~eating
Change painting of radiators to bronzing same,
Change Air valves of radiators, as specified, to
Airied Air Valves.
Wire - Panel Box - To replace at the most convenient
place on each floor. Main switch in basement.
WHEREUPON, it Was moved by Councilman Orlander that,
bids be published with above ch~nges and that same be in the
City Clerk's office on Monday, September 17, 1928, at
FRIDAY, SE?TE1~R 15, 1928.
5 P. M. and in accordance with such mo~ified plans. That
the said Clerk give notice in the "Seward Gateway" on
Saturday, September 15, 1928,. This motion was seconded
by Councilman Badger. Motion carried.
WHEREUPON the meeting adjourned.
a A9"t]aLd.?-i-t'/;""
. . " " " It " " " " .
Regular meeting of the Common Council Town of Seward, held this
date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by Mayor
L.V.Rayat 8 P... with follrwing Councilmen present; Badger, Horn r
McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann.
Minutes of last regular and Special interviening meetings
read and approved.
Claims totaling $508.75 presented as follows
Seward Drug Co. 4.05
Gateway Pub. Co 76.30
Seward L.& P. Co. 98.90
City & Andys Express 20.00
A.D.Balderston 122.25
Cash !1.25
Frank Goyne 116.00
Claim of Seward Drug Co read Moved by Councilman Orlander seconde
by Painter that claim be paid; Calling the roll following voted
in the affirmative Badger, Horner, McMullen, Orlander, Painter.
Councilman Swetmann not voting.
Claim of City and Andys Express read; Moved by Councilman Swetman
seconded by Horner that claim be paid; Calling roll following
voted in the affirmative; Badger, Horner, McMullen, Orlander and
Swetmann. Councilman Painter not voting.
Claim of the Seward Light & Power Co. ordered held.
Balance of the claims then read; Moved by Councilman Badger secon
ded by Councilman McMullen that the Claims as read be approved an
warrants be dxawn in payment of same; Calling the roll all Counci
men present voted in the affirmative.
Clerk reported receipt of Bids for construction of propo
sed School House according to changes and modifications of plans
submitted; Upon motion duly made and seconded , Clerk was inst
ructed to open such bids in open meeting, and they were as follow
Seward, Alaska.
September 17th. 1928
City of Seward, Seward, Alaska.
We have carefully examined the plans and specefication
for the New School Building, and have read the instructions to
Bidders and the general cohditions attached to said specification
and in accordance therowith we submit our proposal as follows:
( 388
For the Main Building, excluding gymnasium, Disposal Tank and Wal s
as discribed in "Instructions to Bidders" the sum of:
Forty six thousand two hundred- (.46200.00) Dollars
For Gymnasium only, including such work as was eliminated from th
main Building portion of work, as described in the "Instruction t
Bidders", the sum of ( $ 0)
For Disposal Tank as mentioned in the " Instruction to Bidders"
and according to plans and details, the sum of:
Included in bid for main Building ) Dollars.
For each square foot of Concrete Walk as mentioned mn the It Inst-
ructionf to Bidders", the Sum of: ()per Sq. Ft
Cement Walk from main building to Sidewalk included.
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) Gerhard JOhnsen)
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hon. City Council, Seward, Alaaka.
Gentlemen: We propose to build School House in accord-
ance with plans and specifications and as modified by the City Co.n
cil by their Typewritten list under date of Sept. 14th 1928, for
Jbe sum of FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND & NoI100 Dollars ( $47.000.00)
No surety Bond Premium Respectfully submitted,
Included. Warrack Construction Co, By J.B.Warrack.
* * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * *
City of Seward, Seward, Alaska.
Gentlemen:- As an alternate proposition, accompanying
our bid on the School House construction, we hereby offer to
build same in accordance with approved plans ans specifications
as modified by the Council under date of Sept. 14th. for the sum f
FORTY SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS ( $46.000.00) No surety premium includ d;
Provided that, the agreed time of completion be July, 15th. 1929.
Respectfully submitted,
Warrack Construction Co. By J.B.Warrack.
This offer good for thirty days.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
City of Seward, Seward , Alaska.
Gentlemen:- Re. proposal on New School House. As an
alternate proposition we propose to build the job complete for th
sum of FORTY THREL THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED & NO/100 Dollars ($43.50 .00
Providing the following ehanges are made;
1. All changes as per Oity's list ( Sept. 14th.)
2. Omit concrete floors in playrooms, hall, store room and girls
shower, in basement.
3. Reduoe building height two feet.
4. Omit drain and waterproofing around outside walls.
5. Change to Hylo Plate Black boards.
6. Omit all deadning.
7. One ooat Stain, One coat She lac on interior woodwork.
8. Omit electric fixtures.
9. Leave Room # 3 entirely unfinished.
10.Leave assembly room entirely unfinished.
We also will take City Warrants ,up to $4000.00 for any
cost in excess of the Bond Issue.
We will furnish itemized cost of the above changes and
allow them to be put bach in contract if desirable.
Respectfully submitted.
Warraok Construotion Co. By J.B.Warraok.
-" !
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
," ,"'''' '" ',.~ '., ~ .". '.'
After a lenghty discussion by Councilmen, contractor, and Citize
present, it was moved by Councilman McMullen, seconded by Counci
Orlandr, that the Bid of Gerhard Johnson BE ACCEPTE~, with the
Proviso, that building be cpmpleted by August 1st. 1929. upon
disc\Jssion, Councilman Orlander amended the motion to read" The
Building to be completed by Ju1t 1st. 1929. The successful bidde
Gerhard Johnson being present in person accepted the Proviso.
The Mayor then asked for Votes upon the amended motion as read,
which resulted as follows; Councilmen voting Yea were Badger,
Horner, McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann, YEAS 6 Nays )0
Motion carried and Bid awarded to Gerhard Johnson.
The question of the nature of the Bond to be furnihhed
by the successful bidder was the discussed;
It was moved by Councilman Badger, Seconded by Council-
man Orlander that the Bidder could furnish either A Surety Co.
.Bond or A Personal surety Bond, in the amount of 100% of the
contract price. Calling the Roll all Councilmen present Voted
Yea; Yeas 6 Nays O. Motion Carried.
Mayor L.V.Ray, then instructed Members of the School
Committee to draw up a Contract, to be signed by Gerhard Johnson,
binding him to a faithful performanance and compliance with
plans and specifications as accepted by the Common Council for t e
construction of the Proposed New School Building.
Councilman Orlander, as Chairman of the School Committee
asked that this meeting be held open to meet at 8 P.M. Monday
September 24th. 1928. It was so ordered. .
Upon motion being duly made, seconded and carried, this
meeting thereafter adjourned.
/il:,' /'
/ ~'/
4~~1' (11~
tY . A Y 'R
a. &./3aLdu.1'/~
MONDAY- SEPTEMBER, 24th. 1928 -
There being no Quouram present , meeting adjourned.
WEDNESDAY- September, 26th. 1928-
Call sent out bybMayor Ray for a Special Meeting of the Common
Council to be held at one:fifteen o'clock P.M. this date.
Special meeting of the Common Council, Town of Seward,
held this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order
by Mayor Ray at one; fifteen P.M. with following Councilmen
present; Badger, McMullen, Orlamder and Swetmann. Councilmen
Horner and Painter absent; (iuollrum being present, meeting dec1ai
red opened;
Mayor Ray stated that this meeting was called for the
fol10wing purpose;
1. To see what action the Council will take relative
to the apointment and selection of an Inspector to act on behalf
of the City of Seward in referenoe to the oonstruotion of the
new School House, now in proses of building?
2. To adopt a form of contract to be entered into bet-
ween said City of Seward and the Contractor for the building of
said School Building, who was awarded the contruct therefor.
3. ~o determine whether such work as is now being
accomplished in the way of excavation for basement shall be fur~
ther prosecuted without the contractor furnishing an idemnity
b~nd to proteot the City of Seward against actions and claims
arising by reason of injuries sustained by workmen employed.
It was moved by Counoilman McMullen, Seconded by Counoilm n
Orlander that A.D.Balderston be appointed to act as Inspector.
After discussion the motion was put to a vote, with the
following result; Councilmen, McMullen, Orlander and Swetmann voti g
AYE, Councilman Badger Voting NAY; Ayes 3 NAYS 1. Motton LOST.
Mayor Ray then presented a Form of Contract as approved b
The American Institute of ABtitects; After disoussion it was Moved
by Councilman McMullen, Seconded by Councilman Orlander, That the
Form of Contract as presented be adopted and the Signatures of the
Cont.actor, Mayor and City Clerk be afixed thereto.
Calling the roll all Councilmen Present voted AYE; Ayes 4
Nays O. Motion Carried.
The apointment of an Inspector was then again discussed;
Upon amotion made by Councilman Orlander, Seconded by Councilman
MoMullen, that A.D. Balderston be appointed to act as Inspeotor, th
Mayor oalled for a vote, which resulted as follows; Councilmen
Badger, McMullen, Orlander and swetmann, voting AYE. AYBS 4 NAYS
Motion Carried and A.D.Balderston appointed to aot as
Inspector for the Town of seward in oonnection with the building
of the New school House.
Clerk was instruoted to have Contract drawn and duly sign d.
There being further business this meeting was held open
to meet at the Gall of The Chair.
~ y; /;?tf
MAY 'o/~
The regular meeting of the Common Council, Town of Sewa
held this date in the Council Chambers;
Mayor L.V.Ray, being out of town, Councillman Orlander
occupied the Chair and called the meeting to order at 8 o'clock P.M.
with the following Councilmen present: MoMullen, Painter and Swet ann.
Minutes of last Regular meeting and Special interviening
meetings, orQered approved, without reading.
presented as follows;
25 . 00
25 . 00
by Councilman Bainter Seconded by McMullen, Claims
Calling Roll all Councilmen present voted Aye.
Claims totaling $1046~lO
sylvia Sexton
Leon Urbach
J .H.Flichinger
Robert Guest
seward Light & Power Co
Seward Water Sply.
Henry paeben
Bess C. Max Nash.
Bank of Seward
Chas, E. Brown
Athel1 tic Club
Alaska Transfer
as fear be
A Resolution was presented for passage, in accordance with the law
covering the General Election to be held November 6th. 1928, and
to appoint Judgers and Clerks therefor.
Resolution was read designating the City Hall, as the
voting place and naming the following persons to act as Judges and
Judges, Louis Simpson, J.C.Robertson and George Sexton.
Clerks, Bessie M. Malloy and Jennie Paulson.
It was moved by Councilman McMullen, seconded by Councilman Orland r
That rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution;
Calling the Roll, all Councilmen voted Aye.
Roll was then called on the passage of the Resolution
and all Councilmen present voted in the affirmative. Motion carrie
and Resolution adopted.
Personal surety Bond of Gerhard Johnsen in connection
with the erection of the New S,'chool was then presented for
approval and acceptance; Moved by Councilman Swetmann, seconded
by Councilman Orlander that Bomd as presented be accepted, Calling
the R~ll all Councilmen present voted, AYE. Ayes 4 Nays. 0
There being no further business to COme before this
meeting, it was, upon regular motion, Adjourned.
Acting Mayor
MONDAY, OCTOBER, 15th. 1928
.:.: ~';~
Regular meeting of The Common Council, City of Seward,
held this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by
Mayor L.V.Ray, at 8 P.M. with the following Councilmen present:
Badger, Horner, McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann.
Minutes of the last regular meeting approved, not read.
Mayor Ray advised that the cost of presenting the 1927 delinquent
tax roll to the Court to obtain Order of Sale; would be $116.70
Moved by Councilman Badger, Seconded by Cou~cilman McMullen, that
payment of this sum be authorizwd, Calling the Roll, all Councilme
Voted in the affirmative; Motion Carried.
Communication from S.M.Graff, read, asking for reliefH
account of gravel being piled in the vacinity of the Power Plant;
Matter refered to the Glacier Stream Committee.
J~ayor advised that the Bank of Seward was furnishing a
Bond in the sum of $100.000.00 in connection of handling the funds
derived from the sale of the School Bond issue.
After discussion, it was deemed necessary to do some
grading on Madison street, between 3rd. and 4th. avenues, to handl
trafic during the construction of bridges, and as a perminant imp
rovement; Moved by Councilman McMullen, seconded by Swetmann, that
the sum of $200.00 be authorized expended by the street Committee
for this purpose; Calling the Roll, all Councilmen present voted
in the affirmative. Ayes 6 Nays O. Motion Carried.
Reconstruction of Bridges on 3rd. and 4th. avenues,discu
saed; No specific action taken.
Clerk was instructed to comunicate with The Daggett Estate
regarding the condition of the Sidewalk in front of their property
on 4th. Avenue, with a view to having same repaired and also to
collect for repairs made by The City.
Moved by Councilman McMullen, Seconded by Councilman
Horner that the Clerk be authorized to have printed, 260 Special
Sohool Fund Vouchers to be used in conneotion with the erection 0
the New SchQol House; Calling the Roll, All Counoilmen present
Voted in the affirmative. Motion Carried.
Duplicate deposit slips from the Bank of Seward were prese
ted as follows;
$30.000.00 deposited in Savings aocount, dated Ootober 1st.
1928 and bearing 4% interest.
$20.000.00 deposited in Cheoking a9count, dated October 1
1928 and bearing 2% interest.
The Mayor requested that this meeting be held open, subject
to the call of any Two Councilmen.
Upon regular motion, this meeting thereafter adjourned.
Friday, Ootober, 26th. 1928
Special meeting of the Common Council held this date in
the Council Chambers, Meeting calle6 to order at 2 P.M. by Mayor
L.V.Ray, with following Councilmen present; Badger, Horner, Orland r
Painter and Swetmann, Councilman McMullen absent.
Mayor advised that purpose of me0ting was to diseUSE the
erection of Third Avenue Bridge;
Councilman Swetmann presented sketches and specification
as submitted by The Warrack Construction Co. covering 4 and 5 Bent
structures; After discussion it was decided to adopt the 4 Bent
structure plan at an aproximate cost of 1490.00.
Moved by Councilman Badger, Seconded by Councilman Horne
that the City, thru its Mayor and lA:uniqipal Clerk, enter into a
Contract with The Warrack Construction Co.for the construction of
Bridge and its aproaches, over Jefferson street on Third Avenue,
along the lines of sketch submitted, and at a cost not to excede
$1500.00. including fills of not less than 700 cubio yards, and
aproaches of not toexcede 12% grade; payment to be made by
Karrant, drawing 8.% interest.
Calling the Roll on the above motion, the following vote
in the affirmative; Badger, Horner, Orlander, Painter and swetma~
Ayes 6 Nays 0 Motion carried.
The Mayor then designa.ted Councilman Swetmann to act as
Inspector of the construction of the Third Avenue Bridge, over
Jefferson Street on Third Avenue.
being no further business, this meeting, upon
thereafter adjourned.
MONDAY, NOr~1BER, 5th. 1928.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward held
his date in the Council Chambers, Meeting called to order by Mayor
.V.Rayat 8.P.M. with the following Councilmen Present; Badger,
orner, McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann.
presented as follows;
Robert Guest
Bank of Seward
Seward Athelitic Club
Trick and Murray
Cal l\I.Brosius
L. V. Ray,
Oabos Electric Shop
Seward L.& P. Co.
Andrew Iverson
Geo. strand,
Minutes of last regular and interveining meetings, aproved.
ithour reading.
28. 25
Co. 149.32
Claims totaling
'eward Drug Co.
has. E Brown
seward iiater sply.
laska Railroad
laska Transfer,
ity & Andys Exp.
esurrection Bay Lbr.
Brown & Hawkins Corp.
.R.Morford, Agent,
Claim of Alaska Transfer ordered held pending report from
emetary Committee.
Claim of Resurrection Bay Lumber Co. ordered held pending
investigation as t~ monies due from them.
IJoved by Councilman Orlander, Seconded by Horner, that the
Claim of The Seward Drug Co. be paid; Calling the Roll, following
Councilmen voted ~ye. Badger, Horner, MCMullen, Orlander and P
Painter. Councilman Swetmann not Voting.
Moved by Councilman Horner, Seconder by McMullen that the
Claim of City & Andy's Express be paid; Calling the Roll, followin
Councilmen Voted AYE. Badger, Horner, McMullen, Orlander and Swet-
mann. Councilman Painter not Voting.
Moved by Councilman Badger, Seconded by Swetmann that the
Claim of P.C.McMullen be paid; Calling the Roll the following
Councilmen Voted AYE. Badger, Horner, Orlander. Painter and
Swetmann. Councilman McMullen not Voting.
Balance of Claims were then read and it was Moved by
Councilman Painter Seconded by Horner that Claims as presented be
Paid. Calling the Roll all 'Councilmen Voted AYE, AYES 6. Bays O.
Contractor Johnsen presented October estimate under New
School House contract; Estimate included all material on hand at
the end of October, this not being in accordance with the signed
Contract, estimate was rejected, and Contractor Johnson instructed
to present an estimate covering Labor and Material actualy wrought
into building, as of October 31st.1928.
A motion was made by Councilman McMullen, secondet by Horn
that monies paid out of the General Fund for and in behalf of the
construction of the New School House, be withdrawn from the School
bond fund, now availabae, and returned to the General Fund; Callin
the Roll on the Motion all Councilmen present Voted in the affirma
tive. Ays 6 Nays O. Motion Carried.
Glacier Streem Co~nittee reported that No immediate action
be taken relative to protest of The Seward Light & Power Co. with
referance to the piling of gravel from the Flume excivation. in th
vacinity of Power Co's. plant. Upon regular motion. Made, Seconded
and Carried, a vote of Thanks was extended to the Glacier Streem
Committee for their report.
Monday, November 5th. 1928. Cont.
Mayor Ray called attentimn to the flimsey construction of the hand
rail on 4th. Avenue bridge, as constructed by the Alaska Road
Commission. street Committee was instructed to take this matter
up with the Engineer in charge, with u view to having the matter
School Committee was instructed to look into the matter
of Insurance on the New School Building, while in the process of
Mr. Gage apeared before the Council, with the suggestio
that the reward monies subscribed by Citezens for the conviction
of Dog Poisoners, be refunded to the persons having subscribed,
as, in his opinion, suficient time had elapsed, without any result
being attained. Mayor Ray explained to Mr. Gage that the Monej.
so subscribed had been deposited in A Special Dog Fund for a sta
'ted period of Six Months, and if no results were obtained in that
length of time, Money was then to be refupded to the Subscribori.
Councilmen Swetmann and McMullen volunteered to advance money to
any subscriber that presented a receipt, pending the refunding of
of the SpeciaaDog Fund.
Mayor Ray asked that this meeting be held open to meet
at 8.P.M. Friday November 9th. 1928. for the purpose of adjusting
the Estimate Claim of Contractor JOhnsen.
There being further business, this meeting upon regular
motion adjourned.
/.. /'
w ".
MONDAY, NOVE1ffiER, 19th. 1928.
Regular meeting of the Common Counoil, Town of Seward,
was not held this date, acoount of no Quorum present.
a. L;L3.a-tdU.f'7~
Municipal Clerk
WEDNESDAY, NOVE1ffiER, 21st. 1928.
Posponed regular meeting of the Common Council, City of
Seward, held this date in the Council Chambers; Mayor Ray being
absent, Councilman Orlander occupied the Chair.
Meeting called to order at8 P.U. with the following Coun
cilmen present; Badger, McMullen. Orlander, Painter and Swetmann,
Councilman Horner absent. .
Present at the meeting were Capt. Woolverton and Capt. Gre n
of the U.S.Sigmal Corps.
street Comrnitteo brought up for disoussion the erection of
a pole line in the Alley between 4th. and 5th. Avenues, which line is
now in process of construction by the U.S.Signal Corps, by vertue
of a Verbal Authority, granted by Mayor Ray to Capt. Green at the
hour of 3 P.M. on November 7th. 1928.
Objections having arisen from property owners effected by
the erection of said line, it is deemed advisable to discuss this
matter with a view to an adjustment whiuh will be satisfactory to
the D.S.Signal Corps and to the Common Council;
After a lengthy discussion of the above matter, in which
Captains Woolverton and Green took part, it was mover by Councilma
Swetman, Seconded by Councilman McMullen, that the
dEDNESDAY, liOVE1ffiER, 2ist. 1928.COnT.
.S.Signal Corps be granted permission to continue the construction
f the Pole Line as started; Calling the Roll on this Motion the
ollowing Councilmen voted in the affirmative; Ba~ger, Mc~ullen,
rlander, Painter and swetmann; Ayes 5 nays 0 Mot~on Carr~ed.
Councilman Horner HXe% entered the Chambers.
Communication from the Seward School Board read; Asking
or a portion of the City's quota to defray expenses of the Public
chool, for the period ending November 30th. 1928.
Moved by Councilman Orlander, Seconded by Councilman
[cMullen that a warrant be drawn for the sum of ~2100.00 for this
urpose; Calling the Roll the following Councilmen Voted in the
ffirmative; Badger, Horner, McMullen, Orlander, Painter and
'wetmann, AYES 6 NAYS O. Motion carried, and Clerk so instructed.
There being no further business, this Meeting, upon prop-
er Motion Adjourned. .
.. Insert. before Ad). o unnme nt " Browm & Hawkins iiarehouse project
on 0 S ee ; Referred to street Committee.
MONDAY, DECE1ffiER,3rd. 1928.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, met
this date in the Council Chambers; Mayor Ray being absent, Counci-
man Orlander occupied the Chair.
Minutes of the last Regular Meeting read; Fol10wing insett
ordered written into Hinuets;" Capt. Woolverton, stated that an
effort would be made to secure sufficient funds from the U.S.
Signal Corps at an early a date as possible to remove Pole Line
in the Ally between 3rd. and 4th. Avenues and place the Wires in
an underground conduit"
Minutes of tIle last Regular meeting were then approved as
Calling the Roll; Following Councilmen were present;
Badger, McMullen, Orlander, Painter and swetmann; Councilman Hor
ner absent.
Resolution with copy of Delinquent Roll for 1927 presented
and Resolution read as Follows; .
1. That by virtue of and persuant of a duly entered Order of
Sale dated the 12th day of November, 1~28, made and entered by the
District Court of the Territory of Alaska, Third Division in the
matter of the application of the City of Seward , Alaska, a Muni-
cipal Corporation, for an order of Sale of certain Municipal Del
in quent Taxes fdlr t,e Year 1927, togeather with Penalty, Interest
and Cost, the Clerk of the City of Seward, is hereby directed to
sell the property described in said order of sale and the Delinq
uent Roll, or so much thereof as on the date of Sale ~HBX herein
after prescribed, shall be found unpaid as to Taxes, Penalty,
Interest and Cost, upon each specific tract, in the manner provi
ded by Law.
2 That the Clerk of the City of Seward, shall cause to be made
due and sufficient Notice of said Sale, by publication thereof,
Onee a week for Four consecutive weeks in the Seward Daily Gateway
a newspaper of General Circulation, published in said City of
Seward, Alaska, which Newspaper is hereby designated for such
purpose by the Common Council.
3 That the sale of Real Property listed upon the Delinquent
Tax Roll of the City of Seward, Alaska,for the year 1927, to satis
fy and discharge t&e lien of the unpaid tax upon the several and
specific tracts described, togeather with penalty, interest and
costs, be had at Public Auction of the Municipal Clerk, at Seward
Alaska, on the Tenth day of January, 1929, between the hours of
Ten O'clock in the Forenoon, and Four O'clock in the Afternoon
and if said Tax Sale in not concluded on said day the same shall
cmntinue from day to day thereafter, over Sundays and Holidays
'<'1:- ~'lH'
I r" Fl'.
...."Ill.Ii!i,:...,! "_'I!;!II
until the property subject to Tax sale, and in said Notice, is
disposed of.
4. That each tract, upon said Delinquent Tax Roll of the City
of Seward, Alaakafor the year 1927, be sold seperatly, and offered
for the amount of the Tax, Penalty, Interest and Cost due thereon
and, if sufficient is not bid to discharge the amount due thereon,
said specific tract shall be bid in by the Clerk of the City of
seward, for and in behalf of the said Municipality for the amount
of the Tax, Penalty, Interest and Cost, making proper notation on
said Delinquent Tax Roll.
Passed under ~uspension of rules this 3rd. day of
December, 1928.
C.E.Orlander, Acting Mayor.
A.D.Balderston, Municipal Clerk.
It was moved by Councilman McMullen, seconded by Painter
that the rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution,
Calling the Roll all Councilmen Voted in the Affirmative.
On the Question, Shall the Resolution pass? all Councilme
voted in the Affirmative.
Claims as
Robert Guest
.A.D. Balderston
George Strand
City & .Andy's Exp.
Cal M. Brosius
P. C .MoMull en
Gateway publg. Co.
.Alaska Transfer Co.(
follows read;
23. 25
Held over
Totaling $1256.88.
Bank of Seward
Seward Water Sply.
Seward Machine Shop
Seward .Athelitic Club
Seward Light & P. Co.
B.& H. Corp/
AlaSka Transfer
from last monta) 377.50
Moved by swetman seconded by Badger that Claim of City &
.Andt's Express be paid; Calling Roll following Counoilmen voted
.AYE Badger, McMullen, Orlander and swetmann; Councilman Painter
not voting. Motion Carried.
Moved by Councilman Painter ,seconaed by Orlander that
Claim of P.C.McMullen be paid; Calling the Roll; following Council
men voted AYE; Badger, Orlander, Painter and swetmann; Councilman
McMullen not voting. Motion Carried.
Moved by Councilman Badger, seconded by McMullen, that th
balance of the Claims, as read, be paid. Calling the Roll all
Councilmen voted in the Affirmative. So Ordered.
Claims against the Special School Fund read as follows;
Bank of Seward 50.00 Gateway Publishing Co. 6.00
Claim of Bank of Seward, ordered held. Moved by Council-
man McMullen, seconded by Swetmann that the Claim of ~ax Gateway
Publishing Co. be paid; Calling the Roll, All Counoilmen present
Voted in tile Affirmative, So Ordered.
Claim of Gerhard Johnsen, Contractor, covering estimate
of work perfromed up to November 30th. 1928. and totaling, $6172.0
presented. Moved by Councilman Swetmann , seoonded by McMullen tha
the agreed 80% of this claim be paid, amounting to $4937.60 (60)
Calling the Roll; follvwing Councilmen voted AYE, Bagger, McMullen
Orlander, Painter and Swetmann, Ayes 5. Motion Carried.
Moved by Councilman swetmann, seconded by Orlander, that
the 8fo warrant issued to the Warrack Construction Co for $1490.00
be taken up and acrued interest to date be paid. Calling the Roll
all Councilmen present Voted in the Affirmative. AYES 5.
Committee on Lights instructed to look into the matter of
placing lights on 3rd. and 4th. Avenue Bridges.
Matter of establishing a Sinking Fund for the paying of
Interest and the Retiring of the school Bonds, discussed; result-
ing in a motion by Councilman swetmann, Seconded by Councilman
Orlander that the sum of $1500.00 be placed in a Savings account
and drawing 4% interest, said amount to be treated as a Sinking
fund for the Retirement of said Bonds; and that the sum of $3500.0
be placed in a savings account for the purpose of paying interest
on the Bond issue; $1750.00 of which is payable on April Ist.1929
and whieh is to draw 210 interest to that date; the remaining
$1750.00 payable on October,lst.1929, to draw 4% interest to the
later date.
Calling the Roll on the above Motion, the following
Councilmen voted AYE; Badger, McMullen, Orlander, I'ainter and
Swetmann. AYES 5 Motion Carried.
There being no further business, this meeting, upon
regular motion adjourned.
d. lJ.g~u.i/Ph-
MO~DAY, DECIDiBER, 17th. 1928.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, held this date in
the Council Chambers, Mayor Ray being abs ent, I~eeting called to
order by Acting Mayor C.E.Orlander; Calling the Roll, following
councilmen present; Badger, Horner, Orlander and Swetmann.
Contractor Gerhard Johnsen presented a sketch of a propose
change in the outside finish of the front of the New School House
said change being in the nature of an improvemeht in the general
apearance of the Front; It was moved by Councilman Horner, Second
ed by Councilman Swetmann, that this change be accepted and the
Contractpr be instructed to make this change as outlined in his
sketch. . Calling the Roll on the I,lotion all Councilmen Voted in t
the Affirmative. Llotion Carried. *l'nf\ert; B,ut at no additional
School Corruni ttee asker for the sum of .;1;2500.00 to defray
current School Expenses. IJoved by Councilman Horner, Seconded by
Councilman Swetmann that Ii warrant be drawn for this amount in fav r
of the School Treasurer. Calling the Holl all 60uncilmen present
Voted in the Affirmative. Motion Carried.
There being no further business, this meeting, upon regula
motion adjourned.
MONDAY, January, 7th. 1929.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward,
met this date in the Council Chambers; In the absence of Mayor Ray
meeting called to order at 8 P.M. by Acting I.layor C.E.Orlander;
Calling the Roll, following Councilmen present; Badger, Horner,
Orlander, Painter and Swetmann; Councilman McMullen absent.
( 398
MONDAY, January, 7th. 1929, Cont.
Claims totaling $1192.64
Bank of Seward 25.00
Seward Athelitic Club 25.00
Robert Guest 220.00
H.H.Mitchell 21.75
Alaska Transfer 36.35
Cash 6.65
Seward Lite & P. Co 328.57
presented as follows;
Seward Water Sply.
1'?C . McMullen
Gateway Pub. Co.
Moved by Counoilman Swetman, Seconder by Counoilman Horner;
that Claims as read be approved and Warrants be drawn f~r payment
of same. Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present Voted in the Au
Claims against the Special School Fund. totaling $143,75
read as follows.
Bank of Seward 93.75
Bank of Seward 50.00
Moved by Counoilman Badger, Seoonded by Swetmann that Claims as
presented be paid; Calling the Roll All Counoilmen present Voted
in the Affirmative.
The departure of Health Officer Dr. Baughman, was discussed;
resulting in a Motion By Councilman Swetmann, seoonded by Council
man Badger that owing to the departure of Dr. Baughman the Office
of Health Officer be deolaired vacant: Calling the Roll on the
motion all Councilmen present Voted in the Affirmative, Motion
carried and office declaired Vacanj.
The application of Herbert W Hyatt M.D. for the position of
City Health Officer was read; It was moved by Counoilman Badger
seconded by Counoilman Swetmann, that the application of Herbert
w. Hyatt M.D. be accepted and that he be appointed City Health
officer effective this date and to hold Office until the lOth. daJ
of April 1929. Calling the Roll on the Motion, all Counoilmen
present Voted in the Affirmative. Clerk was instructed to obtain
Oath of Offioe from Herbert W. Hyatt, M.D.
Construotion of a road to the Hagen Cold Storage Plant,
discussed, Matter referred to street Committee.
Motion by Counoilman Badger, seoonded by Councilman Orlander
that Tax Deed for Lot 4 Blook 13 be issued to Robert Guest.
Calling the Roll all Councilmen present Voted in t e Affirmative.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
it was, upon regular Motion Adjourned.
ACT I ~ G MAY 0 R.
a LJ-..L3 A ~ ~ -'A IV /~
. CL11:31:.
MOlWAY, JAliUARY, 2lst. 1929.
Regular metting of the Common Council, City of Seward,
not held this date, account of no ~uorurn pre~ent.
a. M~u.r/~