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Matter of establishing a Sinking Fund for the paying of
Interest and the Retiring of the school Bonds, discussed; result-
ing in a motion by Councilman swetmann, Seconded by Councilman
Orlander that the Sllin of $1500.00 be placed in a Savings account
and drawing 4% interest, said amount to be treated as a Sin~ing
fund for the Retirement of said Bonds; and that the sum of $3500.0
be placed in a savings account for the purpose of paying interest
on the Bond issue; $1750.00 of which is payable on April Ist.1929
and whish is to draw 2% interest to that date; the remaining
$1750.00 payable on October,lst.1929, to draw 4% interest to the
later date.
Calling the Roll on the above Motion, the following
Councilmen voted AYE; Badger, McMullen, Orlander, Painter and
Swetmann. AYES 5 Motion Carried.
There being no further business, this meeting, upon
regular motion adjourned.
~ ~ /J
d. lJ.3~us/'h-
MO~DAY, DECilldBER, 17th. 1928.
Regular meeting of the Co~non Council, held this date in
the Council Chambers, Mayor Ray being abs ent, Meeting called to
order by Acting Mayor C.E.Orlander; Calling the Roll, following
councilmen present; Badger, Horner, Orlander and Swetmann.
Contractor Gerhard Johnsen presented a sketch of a propose
change in the outside finish of the front of the New School House
said change being in the nature of an improvemeht in the general
apearance of the Front; It was moved by Councilman Horner, Second
ed by Councilman Swetmann, that this change be accepted and the
Contractpr be instructed to make this change as outlined in his
sketch..Calling the Roll on the Motion all Councilmen Voted in t
the Affirmative. Hotion Carried. *l'nee:r.t; B,ut at tj,o additional
School Co~nittee asker for the sum of ~p2500.00 to defray
current School Expenses. IJoved by Councilman Horner, Seconded by
Councilman Swetmann that a warrant be drawn for this amount in fav r
of the School Treasurer. Calling the Roll all 60uncilmen present
Voted in the Affirmative. Motion Carried.
There being no further business, this meeting, upon regula
motion adjourned.
MONDAY, January, 7th. 1929.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward,
met this date in the Council Chambers; In the absence of Mayor Ray
meeting called to order at 8 P.M. by Acting Mayor C.E.Orlander;
Calling the Roll, following Councilmen present; Badger, Horner.
Orlander, Painter and Swetrnann; Councilman McMullen absent.
( 398
MONDAY, January, 7th. 1929, Cont.
Claims totaling $1192.64
Bank of Seward 25.00
Seward Athelitic Club 25.00
Robert Guest 220.00
H.H.Mitchell 21.75
Alaska Transfer 36.35
Cash 6.65
Seward Lite & P. Co 328.57
presented as follows;
Seward Water Sply.
l'?C . McMullen
Gateway Pub. Co.
Moved by Counoilman Swetman, Seconder by Councilman Horner;
that Claims as read be approved and Warrants be drawn f~r payment
of same. Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present Voted in the Ac
Claims against the Speoial School Fund, totaling $143,75
read as follows.
Bank of Seward 93.75
Bank of Seward 50.00
Moved by Counoilman Badger, Seoonded by Swetmann that Claims as
presented be paid; Calling the Roll All Councilmen present Voted
in the Affirmative.
The departure of Health Offioer Dr. Baughman, was disoussed;
resulting in a Motion By Counoilman Swetmann, seconded by Council
man Badger that owing to the departure of Dr. Baughman the Office
of Health Officer be deolaired vacant: Calling the Roll on the
motion all Councilmen present Voted in the Affirmative, Motion
oarried and office declaired Vacany.
The application of Herbert W Hyatt M.D. for the position of
City Health Officer was read; It was moved by Counoilman Badger
seoonded by Councilman Swetmann. that the application of Herbert
W. Hyatt M.D. be accepted and that he be appointed City Health
officer effective this date and to hold Office until the lOth. daj
of April 1929. Calling the Roll on the Motion, all Councilmen
present Voted in the Affirmative. Clerk was instructed to obtain
Oath of Office from Herbert W. Hyatt, M.D.
Construotion of a road to the Hagen Cold storage Plant,
discussed, Matter referred to Street Cownittee.
Motion by Councilman Badger, seconded by Councilman Orlander
that Tax Deed for Lot 4 Block 13 be issued to Robert Guest.
Calling the Roll all Councilmen present Voted in t e Affirmative.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
it was, upon regular Motion Adjourned.
ACT I ~ G MAY 0 R.
. Cl.ERI:.
MONDAY, JA~UARY, 2lst. 1929.
Regular meeting of the Common Counoil, City of Seward,
not held this date. account of no ~uorum present.
a. M~u.r/~
THURSDAY, JAlJUA~Y, 24th. 1929.
Posponed regular meeting of the Common Council, Town of
Seward met this date in the Council Chambers; Mayor Ray being
absent' Councilman Orlander occupied the Chair.Meeting called to
order at 8 P.U.
Calling the Roll, folluwing Councilmen rresent; McMullen,
Orlander, Painter and Swetmann.
Minutes of the last Regular Meeting, read and approved.
The Chair advised that this meeting was called for the purpose
of discussing a request from the Seward School Board, for an ad-
vance of fundRs to defray current expenses; It was moved by
Councilman McMullen seconded by Counc~lman swetmann, that the
Sum of Thirteen Hundred Dollars, (1300.00)be advanced to the
Seward School Board for this purpose; Calling the Roll; All Coun
cilmen Present voted in the Affirmative; Ayes 4 Hays O. Carried.
There being no further business; this meeting, upon proper
motion adjourned.
g&&/~~ '
Posponed Regular Meeting of the Common Council, City of
seward, held this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to
oredr by Mayor L.V.Ray, at 8. p.m. with the forrowing councilmen
present; Badger, Horner, McMullen, Orlander and swetmann.
Minutes of the last Regular meeting read, and approved.
Petition from E.J.Bath, supt. Seward School, asking fur financial
aid f~r S.A.C. Gym. read; No action taken.
Petition from Chas. Tecklenberg presented, asking for Tax
Deeds for luts 34 and 35 Blk. 9. assed.to Geo. Sexton; Clerk ins
tructed to notify Geo. Sexton that if he has any protest, to p
present it at next regular meeting of the Common Council.
Claims totaling $980.71
Bank of Seward, 25.00
Robt. Guest 220.00
H.~.Hyatt 40.00
Alaska Transfer 9.00
P.C.McMullen 1.70
City & And's Express 6.00
presented as fol10ws;
Chas, E Brown,
Seward ~ater Sply
beward L.& 1:'.Co.
H.H.Mi tchell
Moved by Councilman Orlander, seconded by Councilman Badger
that Claim of P.C.McMullen be paid; calling the roll the follow
ing Councilmen voted ih the affirmative; Badger, Horner, Orlander
Painter & Swetmann, Councilman McMullen not voting.
Moved by Councilman McMullen, seconded by Swetmann, that
the Claim of City & Andy's Express be paid; calling the roll
following Councilmen voted Aye; Badger, Horner, Orlander, McMu
llen, and Swetmann, Councilman Painter not Voting.
Balance of claims were then read; Moved by Councilman
Orlander, seconded by Swetmann that the claims as read be paid.
Calling the Roll all Councilmen voted Aye.
Estimate No.2 Totaling $7935.04 presented by Gerhard
Johnsen, Contractor on Hew School Building. Moved by. Councilman
McMullen, seconded by Horner that the prescribed 80% kH~XIx
amounting to $6348.04 be paid out of the Special School Fund.
Calling the Roll; all Councilmen Present Voted AYE.
Proposal from Capt John G. Green to purchase luts 8 and 9
in block 27 from the City, presented. Moved by Councilman Me
Mullen, seconded by Badger that the price of $25.00 each and an
~-';j - - IT-
an additXonal price of $5.00 each for deeds be named as the
purchase price of the lots in question. Calling the Roll, all
Councilmen present Voted Aye.
Councilman Swetmann brought up the matter of 01Jening up lst.
avenue south. lio Action Taken.
List of Delinquent property, to which the City is entitled
to Tax Deeds presented as follows.
Lots 1 & 2 Blk. 6. Lot 5 Blk. 15. Lots Blk 17.
Lot 27 Blk. 20. LOtH 34.35 Blk.el. Lots 26.27. B~k~ 30i
Lots 17. 18. 23. 24. Blk. 36. Lots 21. 22. Blk. 3~.
Lots 37. 38. 3'9. 40. Blk 4. Laubner 'additIon. 'LotS' 4. 111;- 5. Blk.
5. Laubner Addition" Lots 36. 37. 38. Blk. 6. Laubner ,.Addition.
In all 27 Lote. Delinquent for 1925 Taxes.
Motion made by Councmlman Orlander, seconded by Councilman Bagg
That by virtue of a Court Order of sale, issued on the 13th. da
July 1926, for the sale of d~linquent Real Property, for the ye r
1925.Said Sale being held on the 3rd. day of september, 1926.
the above described property, within the corporate limits of th
City of Seward, was bid in for delinquent taxes by the City of
Seward, and Certificates of Sale issued to the City of Seward f
the same; And whereas the redemption permod as prescribed, havi
expired on the above described propertt, the Mayor of the City
of Seward, is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a Good
and sufficient Deed , to the City of Seward, a Munmcipal Corpor
for each and every parcel of the above described propertt, all
within the Corporate Limits of the City of Seward, Seward Alask .
Calling the Roll on the motion; the following Councilmen
Voted Aye; Badger, Horner, McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swet
Ayes 6 Nays O. Motion Carried.
There being no further business, this meeting, upon proper
motion adjourned.
tt---:Y -0
-1fArt~ Y
MONDAY, FEBRMARY, 18th. 1~29.
Regular meoting of the Common Council, City of Seward,
held this date, in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order,
by Mayor L.V.Hay, at 8 P.M. With the following Councilmen presen
Badger, Horner, McMullen, Orlander and Swetmann; Councilman
Painter absent.
Minuets of the last regular meeting, read and approved.
Communication from nohn a.Green, offering $15.00 each for Lots
8 and 9 Block 27, read. Moved by Councilman McMullen, seconded b
Councilman Swetmann, that offer be rejected; Calling the roll all
Councilmen present voted in the affirmative.
Councilman Badger presented the following Resolution;
WHEREAS;- Chas. A. and May Tecklenberg, Mortgggees, of Lots 34
and 35 Block 9 Townsite of Seward, Alaska, wherein, George
Sexton is the ~wner and mortgagor, present to the Council Certifi
cate 01 sale Numbered 2657 and 2658, both dated April.lOth. 1925,
is~ued to a.H.L.Meyer, wherein it is evidenced The Town of Seward
Alaska, by vertue of an order of sale issued out of the Coutt of
the Territory of Alaska, Third Division, datea the 20th day of
May, 1~25, did ~ondu~t a delinquent Tax sale for the yea~ 19~4 .
for unpaid Taxes levled upon real ana personal property for Iftunlc
_purposes in accordance with the provision of the Laws of The Terr
itory of Alaska ana also in accordance with the Ordinance and
Resolutions of said Town of Seward applicable thereto; and wherea
the said Chas. A. and May Tecklenberg did purchase, from the said
A.H.L.Meyer said Tax Receipts as aforesaid, paying the consider
ation therefor and therein statea;
~OW TH~REFOR Db IT REbOLV~~; by the Common C0uncil of the
Town and/or City of Seward, Alaska; That L.V.Ray, as Mayor thereof
make, for and on behalf of said To,vn and/or City of seward, Alaska
a Tax Deed in proper form for each of said two lots,to-wit Lots
34 and 35 in Block 9 of said Town, to the said Chas. A. and May
Tecklenberg as grantees, and having so ~ade such Tax Deeds, to
Sighn Seal and Acknowledge the same with the Corporate Seal theret
~ttached in regular manner and form.
Moved by Councilman Orlander, secondec by Council~an
Horner, that the rulF's be suspended and the Resolution just read
be immediately considered;
Calling the roll, all Councilmen votea in the affirmative;
Ayes 5 Hays O.
Moved by Councilman !~cMullen, seconded by Councilman
Badger, thet the first reading of the Resolution be considered the
second and third readings and that the Resolution be placed upon
its passage;
Calling the Roll all Councilmen present voted in the
affirmative; ~yes 5 llays O.
The Chair propounded the question " Shall the Resolution
be adopted"? Call ing the Roll all Councilmen voted in the ldfirm
ative; Ayes 5 Hays O.
The Mayor declaired the Resolution duly adopted and signed
same in open session in approval of same.
The question of payment for leg~l services rendered by
L.v.Ray to the City was discussed at length; resulting in a motion
by Councilman Badger, seconded by Councilman Orlander that the
sum of ~508.00 be paid L.V.Ray out of the Specila School Fund for
legal services rendered in connection with the School Bpnd Issue;
and that an additional swn of $500/00 be paid to him for Legal
Services rendered to the City of Seward for the period ending
April 2nd. IV2~, said ~500.00 to be paid out of the General FunQ;
Calling the Roll on the Motion the following Councilmen
voted Aye; Badger, McMullen, Orlander and swetmann; Councilman
Horner voting ~ay. Ayes 4 Hays 1. Motion Carried.
There being no further business; this meeting upon proper
motion adjourned.
M' A YO. 1
a, ~fLt14/Fz-
MOHDAY, MARCH, 41,8.. 1929.
Regular meeting fo the Common Council, City of Seward, met
this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting Called to order by
Counclhlma.n Orlander,(occupying the chairH, in the absence of Mayor
L. V. Ray)at 8 P.M. with the following CRuncilmen Present; Horner,
~ Orlander, Painter & Swetmann, CouncilQen Badger and McMullen
Claims totaling $1050.55 presented as follows ;
Bank of seward, 25.00. Chas.B Brown, 86.00. Robert Guest, 220.0
A.l>.Balderston, 150.00. H.Vi.Hyatt, 50.00. Seward v/ater 0upply,
127.50. Alaska Transfer, 42.00. Seward Machine Shop, 57.80
1'. C. McMullen, 1.25. H.E.Mitchell, 19.50.T.w.Hawkins, 16.00
Seward Light & Powwr Co. 255.50.
Moved by Swetmann, 0econded by Eorner, that Claims as pre
sented be paid; Calling the Roll, all Councilmen presont voted
Aye. Ayes 4. nays O.
Monday, March,4th. l\:l2\:) , Continued.
IE'" . --...."
Estimate # 3 of ~chool Contract. presented by Gerhard Johnsel
M~ved by Councilman .Orlander, secmnded by Horner that 80% as
prescrlbed be paid on the above estimate, said 80% being $2185.88
Calling the Roll on the Motion all councilmen present voted in
the affirmative; Ayes 4. Nays 6.
There being further business to BDmax>>IfBxe transact; this
meeting was, upon proper motion, declairea, Held Open, to meet at
8 o'clock p.m. Thursday, llarch,7th. 1929.
~:tdtl~k. '
A.C.T I il G MAY 0 R
Adjourned regular meeting of the Common Council, City of
Seward, met this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting callea t
order by Mayor L. V. Ray, at (3 l)M. with the following Councilmen
present; Badger, Hlhrner, McMullen, Orlander, l)ainter and Swetman
Minutes of the l~st Regular meeting approved.
Rev. Hatton of the Jessee Lee Rome. apeared before the Counoil
ana presentea a comunication asking for deeds to certain lots
situated in the Bay View Addition, su.id detids hu.ving been
promised by the City of Seward to the Jessee Lee Home; After a
lenghthy discussion, t.he matter w,...s referred to the Committee on
Assessment and Taxation, with full authority to aot in the premi es.
The following persons were name6 to act as Judges, Clerks
and Inspector for the comeing Munioipal Election to be held on
Tuesday. April 2nd. 1929.
FOr Inspector, Wm.R.WHittlesey,
" Judge J.C.Robertson.
" Judge Jennie Paulson
For Clerk Bessie H. Malloy
" Clerk Sylvia Sexton.
The Clerk wu.s instructeu to cast an unanimous bdllot in favor 0
the above named persons. In the event of failure to qualify;
Office shall be declaired Vacant.
A communication from :>uperintendent Bath. asking for
a donution of funds for the use of Gynmasium, again presented,
resultimg in a Motion by Councilman Orlander, Seconded by IJcMullen
that the sum of ;;;;50.00 be allowed for thir:> purpose; Calling the
Roll the FollJwing Councilmen voted ~ye; Horner. McMullen,
Orlander, Painter and Swetmann; Councilman Badger voting HAY.
Ayes 5 liays 1 Motion Carried.
There being no further business
it was upon regular motion adjourned.
4;)t'0 .
to COme before this meeting
'. C L E R K.
Monday, March l(3th. 192~.
Ho Meeting.
MOlIDAY, APRIL, 1st. 1929.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward.met
this date in the Council Chambers; Meetinp, called to order at
e.p.L1. by Uayor L. V.Ray, with the following Council:nen present:
Badger, Horner, McMullen. Orlander, Painter and oweto,mn.
Minutes of t~e last Regular meeting, read and approved.
Co~nunication from Maj. Malcolm Blliott, ~resident of the A.R.C.
relating to protection of the Lowell Creek Flume, read: Ordered
held for presentation to the incomeing Council.
APplication of Jennie Paulson, for position of ::lchool Tax
Collector, lJresented: Clerk instructed to cast unanimous ball,Jt
in favor of Jennie Paulson, who was declairet!. a.ppointed to the
position of School Tax Collector for the year 1929.
Ordinance Ho. l03 was then presented by Councilman l.IcMullen
The Ordinance as follJws; was read for the first time. It was
thereafter movea by Orlander, seconded by Badger, that the first
reading be considered the second and third readings, and that the
Ordinance be placed upon its passage. Calling the Roll all Coun-
cilmen presont voted in the affirmative.
ORDIlHIlJCB 110. 103.
Section 1. That pursuant to arid in accordance with the
requirements of Chapter 29. of the session ~aws of the Territory
of Alaska for the year 1919, Entitler " An act to impose a Tax
upon male persons in the Territory of AlaSka for School purposes,
providing means for its collection and Declairinp, An Emergency."
as amended by the Act of May, 2nd. 1921 of said "~ct contained.
Jennie Paulson, a resident of the said City of Soward,
Alaska, and a. citizen of the United otates ad America; is hereby
appointed and is declaired to be The School Tax Collector for the
City of ::leward, Alaska, for the year 1929, and upon qualification
of said person by furnishing a good and sumficient bond in accor-
dance with law, all conditions, provisions,and requirements of sai
acts, shall be carried out and enforced as by law regulated and re"
required in the collection of said School crax.
Section 2. An Emergency is hereby declaired to exist, and
thie Ordinance shall take effect after its passage and Approval.
l'aesed under suspension of rules this 1st. day of ilpril,
(Signed) A.D.Balderston
M.unicipal Clerk.
APPROVED this 1st. day of April, 1929.
Signed) L.V.Ray
Claims totaling ;~ll77. 95. presented as foll"ns;
Bank of Seward, 25.00.
A.D.Balderston, l50.00
Alaska Transfer, 35.60
Gateway Pub. Co. 46.00
Cash, 2.95.
C.H.Brown, 86.00. Robert Guest, 220.00
H.W.Hyatt, 50.00 Seward Water Sply. 127.5
Seward L.& P Co. 249.60 H.H.Mitchell 21.00
P.C.McMullen 2.15 Pioneer Inc. 162.15
MOlIDAY, APRIL, 1st. 1929. Cont.
Moved by Councilman Orlander, seconded by Painter, that the XiBX
Claim of P.C .McMullen be paid; Calling the roll following voted
in th~ affirmative; Badger, Horner, Orlander, Painter and 0wetman!
Counc~lman McMullen not voting.
Balance of the Claims were then read; Moved by Orlander,
.seconded by swetmann, that the claims as read be paid. Calling
the roll all Councilmen Voted in the affirmative.
Certificate of ~ale f2672 was presented by dm. H.Whittlesey,
in behalf of Leo Matgules, asking for deed to certain interests
in the ~orthern Light Claims, Clerk instructed to ask Mr. ~hittl(sey
to prepair a deed and present it to the Council for action.
Clerk instructed to call for bids for the Auditing of the
City's and School's books; Bids to be opened at 4.15 PM.11 April3r(.
Clerk instructed to give notice to Chas. B.Brown, Agent,
that the portion of the Harriman Building, now occupied as a High
School will be vacated on May 31st. 1929.
Cltrk instructed to order The Seward Light & Power Co. to
file their annual Return and statement as provided for by Chapter
97, Section 45, of the Compiled Laws of Alaska of 1923.
Mayor instructed the Council that they would meet as a
Canvassing Board, in the Council Chambers, at 4.15 P.M. Wednesday
April 3rd. 1929. for the purpose of Canvassing Votes cast at the
Municipal Blection, to be held April 2nd. 1929.
There being further business to come before this meeting
it was thereafter adjourned to meet at 4.15 P.ll. Wednesday, ~~II
April 3rd. 1929.
..... ..1:'\..-,. .,
r ./ J 7:'rL ,I ._,,~ .r~
APRIL? 3rd. 1929
Council met at four o'clook PM. this date, in the Council Chambers
City of Seward, AlaSka. Meeting called to order by I.1ayor L. V.Ra;y
with the following Councilmen present; Badger. Horner. McMullen.
Orlander, Painter, Swetmann;
The Mayor appointed Councilmen Badger and Horner as a
committee to canvas the ballott.
'l'hey report tho count of the Llection Judp;es as cbrrect
and move acceptance.
Motion Carried.
The following resolution was thereafter presented;
l'/Ili.:IlliAS, in accordance with the laws of the ~erritory of i~luska.
and Ordinance 44 of the Ciy~ of ~eward. Alaska, and nmtic~ giver,
a municipal election was held in the Towm Hall, in said c~ty on
the 2nd. day of April, 1929, and,
liH.Blilin.i:> in accordarwe witi: the certificates filed with the
Municip~l Clerk of suid City, by the Blection Officers of said
lUection the follvwing namea persons received the exact nWJlber
of votes plaoed after their respective names for tho offices
hereinafter state.d to wit:
Canvassing Board, ~~ril, Z rd. Cant.
J.Hofmun 8\J
p.e .I.lcMullen, 138
Capt. Johansen, 1
I Harry l:mvubu 1
R .1:.1.1 cKannu
T.Osbo 103
}'OR C OU IJ C ILlllili O.C.Schallerer 157
Louis Simpson 9\J
Elwpn Swetman~ 179
Harold Painter 1
l!'OR SCHOOL BOARD \l.C.Erwi~ 127
l!'.b.Lesldle 104
iJHElwl.S. the returnus of suid election were ctJ.nvussed by the
Common Council of said City ut 4 O'Clock PM April 3rd. l\J29.
HOwl TllliRM'ORE Bi;; IT RESOL'rt;..; BY TilL COM11011 COUl/CIL OF Tllli
CITY OF S~IJil.llli, AkSKA. That in accordance with the rel:lJ,lLtb of
said election as ubove determined, the following numeu persons
having received the highest number of votes for the resl)ective
offices named to wit:
P.C .McMullen.
ELwyn Swetmunn.
Otto C. Schallerer.,
R. J .McKanna.
AND THAT TllliY BE, and hereby ure declaired elected tm said
respective offices.
Pal:lsed by the Co~non Council, City of seward, Alaska,
this Third duy of April, 1929.
Llunicipal Clerk.
It was moved by Couhcilma~ Orlander, secondeo by Budger,
thtJ.t th~ resolution us read be pussed; Calling the roll.
Councilmen Bad8er, Horner, McMullen, Orlander, l)ainter und
Swetmann, Voted AYE.
The Canvassing Board having IJorformed its duties; this
meeting wus, u~on proper illotion adjourned.
~ ~il'Ul{ /
C IJ:;'; it Ie
4.15 I'Ll "~pril 3rd. 1'J~'J.
i'ersuunt to ad journulOnt 0':' bUbinuob of -;;he Common Cou;wil
i.~t it" ,_ujuurnou regul,.r rnecting,iJ-gjvUl':"'-)(' to this Hour ,',.:ejl[ 1) ,te
frum April 1st. 1929.
Bid for the auditing of the City und School Books. ope~ed
One Bid only being offered for the sum of seventy Dollars, by
O.Ulshagen; It WIlS moved by Councilman Orlander. seconded by
Swetman~, that the bid be accepted und award made to O.Ulshll{;e~,
Calling the roll. All Councilmen present voted AYE.
4.15, ~J April 3rd. 1929, Cont.
~ '9'11IIFI'7
Bond of Jennie P~ulson, for ~chool Tux Collector, presented.
Ordered accepted.
Councilman Orlander called attention to the lack of w'iater
to fight brush fire that occured at 6.45 ALl this date. on account
of low pressure, this condition continued till 3 Rl of ~his dute.
,Numerous complaints were voiced by residents. Councilman Horner,
reporteo. that he made an inspection of the resevoir on the hill
west of Madison st. and found no water in the Supply resevoir, bti.t
a fairly good head of water at the intaken however waten not flowi
into the supply resevoir owing to clogging of screen by leaves and
debris. Fire Chief Guest reports that he call.er up Hoben and Nelon
at the hour of 4.30 AM this date, unO. notifyed them of the fact thft
there was verry little water in the Mains and practically no press reo
Orlander reports that the Superintendent of the Jessee Lee orne
reported no waten at their institution owing to the bad condition
at the North supply resevoir, screen beinf, clogged and litt Ie if
any water flowing into main supply pipe.
Mayor Ray suggested that a watchman should be placed at the
new School Building dtring the existing fire hazard period. it was s
further suggested that the Fire Co~nittec confer with Contractor
Johnsen as to paying one half of the expense of such watchman.
-loved by Councilman Badger, seconded by Swetmann that the Fire
Commi ttee be instructed to so confer and arrange for wlatchman;
Calling the roll. all councilmen present voted in the affirmative.
Thereafer upon proper motion, this meeting was adjournea
to meet at e PM April lOth. 1929.
. . C L 1l: R L
W1l:DNESDAY, APRIL,lOth. 1929.
Adjourned regular meeting of the Common Council, held this
uate in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by Hayor Ray
at 8, PM. with the following Councilmen present; Badger, Horner,
McMullen, Orlander, Painter and Swetmann.
Minutes of the last meoting read and upproveu.
Claims totaling $276.82 presented us follows; dm. H.~hittlosey,lO.O
J.e.Robertson, 10.00. Jennie Puulson, 10.00. B.l.l.I.ialluy, 10.00.
Sylvia sexton, IJ.OO. Robert Guest, 66.66. A.~.Balderston, 10.00.
H.'d.Hyatt, 16.66. Robert Guest, for '/.l!'.};. 93.50.
Movea by Councilman Orlander, seconded by Swetlll1:m, 'that cluiI s
as presentea by approved and warrants be drawn in payment of same;
Calling the roll, all Councilmen present voted Aye. Ayes6.
CHam of O.Ulshagen for $70.00 for auditing ::>choo1 and City
books, lJresented. Moved by C0uncilman Swetmunn secondeu by Painter
cli;;i.im be paid; Calling the roll all Councilmen voted Aye, Ayes 6
Minutes Jf this meeting ordered held open pending Reports
from Clerk, Assessor, Magistrate, Treasurer, Fire ChieffChief of
Police and Health Officer.
Mayor Ray made a few remarks apprapo to his retirement as
\iayor and thanked the Members of the Council for the support given
him during the tenure of his office.
This meeting thereafter ajjourned, Sine Die.
t:, { ~ 1o:r
L B H 1:
Wednesday Evenin~, April, lOth. l~~~.
Immediately following the adjournment of the outgoing
Council, Hayor Mcl.iullen uullen the new Council to order. Calling
the roll. follJwing Councilmen present; Badger Horner. McKannu,
Orhmder, ;)challerer and Swetmann. Oaths of Office of Councilmen
elect; McKann~, Schallerer, and swetmunn, togeuther ~ with the
oath of Office of mayor elect; ~.C.1IcMulleh, were presented.
n Resolution was presented;
fu;;jOLU'l'I Oll-
BE IT RL0uLVED by the co~~on counuil city of seward, rllusku,
thut pending the uppointment unu election of their successors,
all City Officers ure elected us ucting Officers for their res-
pective positions held.
~assed under u suspension of the rules, this lOth. day of
April, 192';i.
signed. A.D.Balderston
signed, P.C.MCMULLE~
It was regularly moved that the rules be suspended for the
adoption of the resolution; Calling the roll all oouncilmen voted
iU the affirmative.
On the question shall the resolution pass? all oouncilmen
voted in the affirmative, it was so ordered.
~al~ry Ordinanue #104 was calleu UP, resulting in the seting
of salary rates as follows;
Salary of Munioipal Clerk was set at 0100.00 per month.
Sulo.ry of 11unicipal l1agistrate was set ut $25.00 per month
Balury of J.Iunicipal ~-'ssessor was set at $25.00 per month.
.::iallury of 1.1uniciyal Attorney was tlet ut 050.00 per month
Sulu.ry of r.lunivipal Heulth Offioer was set at $50.00 IJer month.
salury of I.1unicipul 'freasurer W'CkS set ut $1.00 per annum.
salary of Chief of Fire Dpt. wus set at $100.00. per month.
Salury of Chief of 201ice wus set at ~lOO.OO per month.
Ordinunoe ffl04 was ugain reud i:1 fullund it was regularly
moved und se<<ondea. that thL Ordinance be pluced on its passage.
Calling the Roll, b.ll Councilmen l!reeent voted dm the affirmative
On the queetion Shall the Irdinance pUos, calling the roll
all Councilmen lJresent voted in the "~ffirH1ati ve.
The City Clerk, acting, wus thereufter ordered to advertise
in the Gateway for the following upplicutions;
AJ-Iplicution for the combined position of City Clerk, City I.Iagistr
ate and City Assessor.
For the cOI:lbine<i 1)osi tion of Chief of the Pire Depu.rt[~ent tind
Chief of Eolice.
For the vosition of Health Officer, City of Seward.
For tho position of City Treasurer.
APplications to be filed in the office of the City Clerk,
by 5.0'cluck PI:l. Monday, April, 15th. 1929.
The Uayor thereafter announced the following Committee
appointments for the ensuing Council Yea7;
C Swetmann
Public Schools.
C Orlander
}'IRB PRO'.i'J:;C'i'IOii.
C Horner
C Budger
,lednesduy, ::'.}Jril, lOyh. 1929. Cont.
xxy&nJq ilKitlli'X ~1L~ )'llll'I'X1i')' &x}(j}noi'~
FINaHCE & CL1~n10.
C Badger
C Horner
C McKanna
C Scha.llerer
C Swetmann
The Muyor discussed with the Councilmen their respective
duties for the corning season.
Councilman Swetmann callea attention to the dumping of ashe
and refuse at the foot of First Avenue.
Councilman Horner called uttention to the flouded condition
of a cess pool on the corner of 3rd. ",nd Adams, seepage running
over streets;
These matters referred to the COlllflli ttee on Public Health an
l'ublic Protection.
Clerk was instructed to ask School a~wro~~ Board to render
a statement of their Budget of expenditures for the School Term
1~29 ~ 1930, to be presented at the meeting of April, 15th.1929.
The discontinuing of lights in the Out-laying districts was
left to the discression of the Light Committee.
T~ Clerk was instructed to prepair t _0 folluwingi
As a mark of appreciation for the Loyal ~ervices rendered to the
City of lieward, by retiring Mayor L.V.Ray during his tenure of
Office as Mayor of the City of seward, Alasku, We. the undersigne ,
Members of the Common council, City of Seward, do express to The
Honorable L.V.Ray our sincere thunks for the aid given us in the
performance of our duties as Councilmen and extend to him our bes
wishes for his future.
The Honorable L.V.Ray has faithfully served the city of
Seward as Mayor for six consecutive years.
Through his untiring efforts many bebeficial Projects huve
been carried through to completion.
He has zealously guarded the Rights of the City of Seward
and its comunity, giving his best unselfishly, at all times for
the City's welfare.
J.S.Badger Councilman,
R.J.McKann~ Councilman
otto Scha.llerer Councilmun
Elwyn i:lwetlllann.
dednesday, April lOth. 1929. Cont.
Unanimously voted that the ubove Testimonial be spread
upon the
, 1
Dated at Seward, Alaska. this lOth. day of april, 1929.
Signed P.C.McMullen, Mayor.
Signed, A.D.Balderston. 6lerk
This meeting was thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
~ ~,tl-<-~
Monday. .ti-pril, 15th. 1929. Ho j.leeting, l)osponeu to
meet Vlednel:luay, i.pril, 17th. 1';)29 ut d PM.
viednel:lduy, ..p.ril, l7th. 192'J.
Posponed, Regular Meeting of the ComrJon Council , City of
Seward, met thms date in the Council Chambers, I.reeting called to
order by Mayor P.C.1ilclvlullen, at B.PM. with the following Councilme
present: Badger, Horner, LlcKanna, Orlander, Schallerer und Swetman..
Minutes of the lust regular meeting read, approved, with
Following Resolution presented;
iffiEREAS The taxes on real property in the City of ;:,eward, Alaskc
for the yeu.r 192d became delinquent on lIovember 15th. 1928, ut
5 o'clock PM. and,
~hereas The Municipla Clerk of the City of Seward, presented to
the Council the delinouent roll of all real property assessed and
on which the tax has not been paid and is therefore delin~uent, an
said roll is in due forul, HOli ri'HBHBFORB .131.<; IT RESOLY.L:D BY T1lli
COMMOll COUlJCIl, CI':..'Y 01<' SElli.RD, ll.LASKA.
1. That the Municipal Clerk cause said delinquent Roll to be
published togeuther with u notice that s~id delinquent tax roll
h,j.s been coml,leted und is open for public inspection at the office
of the Municipul Clerk una thut on the 20th. day of June, 1929.
or as soon thereu.fter tl.S counsel muy be heard, said delinquent tax
roll will be presented to the District Court for the Third vivisio ,
Territory of ll.laska, for judgement una order of sale.
2. That said delinquent Tax noll una notice aforesaid be pub-
lished once a week for four consequitive weeks in the ;:,eward Daily
Gateway, u newspa}Jer 01' general circulation, published in the City
of i:leward, Alaska, which newspaper is hereby designated uS the alt
officila ~ublication for this purpose.
Adopted under suspension of rules this l7th. day of April, lV8V
~pproved this 17th. day of April, 1~2'J.
,i milition WaS made by Councilman Badger, seconded by Councilman
~wetmann, that the rules be suspende0 for the adoption of the
Resolution; Calling the roll all Councilmen present voted in the
affirma t i ve.
Calling the roll on the adoption of the Resolution, all Council
men 'present votel1 in the affirmative.
'l'he liluyor directea the Clerk to have the roll publifJheu for the
first tim~ on April 82nd. IV2U.
Claim totaling $60.68 of Postmaster Sheldon presented;
Moved by Councilman Orl~nder seconded by Councilman Horner, thut
Claim be paid; Calling the Roll all Councilmen present voted in he
in the affirmative.
Folluwing dvplications read;
Application of Robert Guast for position of Chief of ~olice and
:F'ire Chief:
Application of "l.~.Balderston ~or position of Municipal Clerk,
Magistrate1:J.nd .'l.ssessor.
Application of H.~.Hy~tt for position of He1:J.lth Officer.
APplication of ~m.H.Whittlesey for position of City httorney.
APplication of ~m. ~.Coppernoll for position of City Attorney.
Moved by Councilman Orlander. seconded by councilman Badger
that action on applications be held over till next meeting.
Calling the Roll all Councilmen present voted in the Affirmative.
Following Petition Presented;
PETITIOli: We the undersigned Property owners petition that a
::iewer be installed in the alley between FIRS'!: AIW SBCOIJD A V~HUES
commencing at WASHIlJGTOlJ STERR'l' and running South to the Beach.
We are willing to defray our part of the expense of same as provided
by law.
Petition refered to Committee on Lights. sewerage, Water and
{iharve s.
Councilman Orlander reported that the matter of the overflowi2g
cess pool at the corner of 3rd. and Adams had been taken up with
Norman NcKay the owner of the property, who advised that the matter
would be remidied at once.
Mayor advised. thut he had authorized Mr Frost, Supt B.P.R.
to hire one man at the expense of the City to assist him while
scraping 4th. Ave.
'rhe question of purchase of a Dump Truck for the City was
discussed at length, resulttng in the rofering of the matter to the
street Committee.
Communication relative to the epidemic of l;lpinal Mengetis
threatening Alaska Ports was presented. This matter was refered to
the Committee on Public Health and Public Protection, with full
power to act.
The Mayor called attention of the Committee on Civic Affairs
to the naming of a Clean Up Duy, in the near future.
Letter from Malcom Elliott, Pres. A.R.C. beuring on the necess
ary protection of the Lowell Creek Flume, read, Hefered to the
Glacier ~treem Co~aittee.
Thereafter this meeting, upon proper motion adjourned.
tJ;-(: m---M...-. . ~ ~
MONDAY, APRIL. 2~th. IV2~.
Special meeting of the Common Coumcil, City of Soward, lllet
this date in the Council Chambers: Meeting callectto order by Mayo'
P.C.McMullen, at 8 PM. with folluwing Councilmen present; Badger,
Horner, IdcLunna, Orhmder, and ::>chullerer.
,'~-"'. ",'!, ~,~.~ '.~"'"
M01JDAY, A PIi. 11 , 2~th. 1'J2'J. Cont.
Mayor uciv~seu thCl.1, the purpose of this meeting \Vus to con-
sider the jJCl.ywent of clair:! of Gerhard Johnsen, Contrti.ctor, for
estilllCl.te submittea.
Movea by Councilr~n Orlander. seconded by Councilman Schall
erer. that the sum of $5000.00 be ~aid Gerhard Johnson; calling
the roll, Follvwing Councilmen Voteu in the affirmative; Btidger,
Horner, McZanna. Orlander and ~challerer; hyes five. Days O.
~otion currieu, so ordered.
Councilman ~wetmann entered the Council Chambers.
Councilr.1un Orlunder brought UjJ for discussion the mutter of prov-
iding for Telephone, Fire alarm and fire protection in the Dew
bchool; after discussion the matter was refored to the School
CO~Dittee for action.
Chairman Orlander of the School Committee adviseu, that if
no objections fror:l Lhe Mayor or Members of the Common Council;
his committee had decided that vHLLliJ,l H. SEiiARD SCHOOL. was a
fitting name for the !Jew School; Do objection.
Mayor aske, the Comrni ttee on Sewrage to pros(mt their repor
on the Sewer petition for First Ave. at the noxt regular meetinr,
if feas/:;l.ble.
'1'his meeting thereafter adjourned to L1eot Honday. l.1ay, 6th.
~ /Jf~<-, ~~~.-
MONDAY, H~Y.A 6th. 1'J29.
Regular meeting of the COlmnon Council, City of Seward, held
this date; Meeting Calleu to order by l.1ayor Mcl/lullen at 8.PM.
with the folluwing Councilmen present: Badger, Horner. 1.lcKanna.
Orlander and swetrnunn. Councilman ;;)chullerer absent.
Minutes of tl:18 last regular and intorveining special rneeting.."
read and appoved.
Claims totaling $\)31.34 presented as follows;
Chas. E.Brown, 86.00. Bank of SewLrd, 25.00. Robert Guest
~?153.34. A.D.Balderston, lOO.JO. H..I.Hyutt, 33.M. Hick
Hilmma, 15.00. Martin Lanning, 33.75. IJ.vlard. 4.12
H.R.Mitchell. 24.12. Andy Rnsmussen, 6.00. R.E.Robertson 100.0
City & Andy's Express. 5.15. Standard Oil Co. 6.90. Seward Lit
and l'ower Co. 152.22. Seward vlater Sply. l27.50. Gateway Pub. Co.
15.00. Seward Trading Co. 2/40. Cal M. Brosius, 4.00.
George strand, 21.00. J.Downey, 16.50.
Moved by Councilmun swetmann, seconded by Council,Jan Orlunder
that Claims as read be paid; Calling the Roll. all Councilmen
present voted in the affirmative, So Orderea.
Councilman Schallerer entered the Council Chambers:
Anplications for the follvwing positions were presenteo;
Avplication from Robert Guest for reappointment to the posit-
ion of Fire Chief und Chief of Police. Application from A.D.
Balderston for reappointment to the positions of Municipal Clerk
j,lagis:trute und ",-ssessor. .>.pplication from E." .Hyatt fur the
vosition of Health Officer. APplication frOGI ,1m. H.\/hittlesey for
~osition of City Attorney. ~0plication from ~m. D Coppernoll for
position of City attoruey.
lluyor appointed Councilmen swetmunn and McKanna us tellers.
( 412
UOlJDAY, MAY, 6th. 19G~. Cont.
1'he Clerk upon regular lllotion Vi/UB ordered to cust the ununi llouS
Vote of the Council for Robert Gueet as Fire Chief and Chief of
POlice. Ballot so Cust.
The Clerk wus then instructed to cast the unanimous vote of
of tho Council for H.II.Hyatt. as City Health Officer. Ballut so Cst. --.
The Clerk wus then orderde to cast the unanimous vote of th
Council for H.~.Balderston as City Treasurer. Ballut so caBt.
The Mayor was then requested to cast the unanimous vote of
the Council for A.D. Balderston as Municipul Clerk, Magistrate and
Assessor. Ballot so cast.
Ballots were then prepared, for the vote on the office of
City Attorney;
Ballot shows as follJws;
C oopernoll, 1.
Whittlesey, ti.2. Ray, 3.
The Mayor declaired NO Ballut und the second ballot was
prepuired, resulting as follows;
Coppernoll. 1. Whittlesey, 2. Ray. 3.
The Ma;yor decluired NO.Ballot and the third ballot was prepaired,
rOBuiting as follows;
Coppernoll, l\lhi ttlesey, 3. Ray, 2.
The Mayor declaired No Bullot and the fourth ballut vms prepuiroCi,
resulting as foll~wi;
Coppernoll, l. Jhittlosey, 2. Ray, 3.
'l'he Mayor decluired No Bull~t and tho fifth ballut was prepaired.
resulting us follows;
Coppernoll, 2. Jhittlesey, 2. Ray. 2.
The !.layor declaired lio Ballot und the sixth bull0t Vias !,repaired.
resulting as folluws;
Coppernoll. 1. Whittlesey. 2. ~ay. 2. Une bulot rejectea.
The Mayor declaired lio Ballot and the seventh ballut VlUS prepaired.
resulting aB follows;
vlhittlesey, 2. Hay. 3. One ballut blank.
The Mayor declaired 110 Ballot una the eighth ballut wus prepaired.
resulting as folluws;
vihi ttlesey, 3. Ray, 3. ',L'he Hayor declaired a tie vote and ~R
thereupon cast the deciding bullot in f~vor of Ray.
The Mayor stated that Mr. Ray receiving the required number
of votes was thereupon elected to the Office of City Attorney.
The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Ray and to have him
and tne other elected officers take their Oaths of Office and
submit their resignations.
Councilman Orlander advised that the School Co~~ittee Vias
proceding with the wireing of the School building for Telephone
and alurm wireing at u cost of not to excede $39.00.
He also reported that the inst~lation of Fire proteotion stand pipes
throught the building could be installed at u cost of about $60.0C
Moved by Councilman Horner. seconded by Councilman McKunnu
thut the School Committee be instructed to procede with the insta]-
ation of fire protection stand pipes at the stated cost of not
to excede $60.00.. to be p:~id out of the ::lpecial School Fund.
Calling the Roll on the motion ~ll Councilmen voted in the
affirmative. ~o Ordered.
Councilman Horner prescntea specifications of l!'ord und
Chevolet Dump Trucks; After discussing the cost and merits of the
above named trucks; it was moved by Councilman Orlu.nder, seconded
by COllDcilmun McKanna, that the street committee be ~uthorized
to place order for ~ dump truck with Mr Ogle, dealer, Truck to be
u. Chevolet and ",t a quoted .urice of ~?900.00 delivery to be mu.de
at once.
licf.duy, I,luy, 6th. 1'J2'.>. Cont.
Calling the roll on the motion; Following Councilmen
voted ""ye.Badger, Horner, 1\J.cKanna, Orltmder, 0challerer and
;;,wetmann; "~yes 6. H,~yo O. LIotion CarrieG and BO ordered.
. ,
Councilrmm Badger, ChairmCJ.n of the }<'inunce Comrai ttee, cal au
attention to Citys financial oondition und outlook for the ensuing
year und urged the Btrictest economy in eXllenditures.
Councilman Orlander advised , that the ;johool Board were
retaining ~chool Janitor fdlr one raonth after expiration of present
sch6~~ term for the purpose of renovating school desks, which in
their :~pinion was un economic procedure.
~ ' r
J;'l street Committee reported dangerous condition of sidewalk
on secoad avenue und proposeu removal of same.
; Mayor reported the dumpdlng of garbage and refuse in the
bed of the Glaoier streem, creating an unhealthy condition. ~he
Chief of ?olice was instructed to call on parties so doing and
order a discontinuance of this practice.
The matter of the First Ave. Sewer was again discussed,
all Councilmen expressed their opinion of the necessity of the
sewee anti the matter w~,s held over pending the appointment and
qualification of ~ City ~ttorney, when consice action woyld be
There being no further business to corne before this meetin
it was thereafter upon proper motion adjourned.
0-(: ?7t~~~d..-
l.i "l. Y u R
THURSDAY. I.1AY, 16th. 1\129.
;3peciCJ.l Lleeting of the Commola Council, City of Seward, held
this date in tr.e Council Chambers; j,Iecting cul.Led to order by ;,;ay
McMullen at 3.30 PM.; ,ii th thl!! following Councilmen present:
Badger, Horner, LlcKanna, Orlander, 8challerer and ;:)wetmu.nn.
l,layor advised thut the Purl'vse of this meeting was to tu.ke
action upon the folLJ','finr: .lire. received from President .r;lliott
of The .Alaska Road COI:1::lission; Relative to Aviation 1<'ield.
''.i ire"
Juneau, Alusku. May,15th.2
~ayor McMullen, seward.
Am informeu by Territorial Highway Board an allJtment can
probu.bly be made for construction of ",viation :Picld if your comra-
unity will contribute the land and twenty five per cent of the
cost; This conforms with the law ,mo the procedure aooptee in
other Cities ~top. It i~ estimated that field will require ~welve
Acres for the present, but sufficient land should be CJ.quired to
provide for future enlargement to about thirty Acres.stop.
~stimated total cost to prepaire first twelve acres ~ix Thousand
~ollars. stop. Suggest you take t~is matter under consideration
and advise sommers your intentions.
(Signed) Blliott.
After discussion of the above matter; The following Resolu-
tion was presented;
R B .5 0 L U l' I 0 H.
il1lliIlliaS, the City of seward. ".laska, is in actual need of
an Aviation Field adjacent to the City.
n.lllJ. imbilli.l.S, the Territory of Alaska has by legislative
enactment, Chapter 110 Lawl:i of 1~2~ made provision lfior the cons-
truction, maintainanee and illurninCJ.tion of CJ.eroplane landing
" \
! 414
Thursday, Muy. 16th. 1~2~. Cont.
fields und hydroplane mourings and ports, provideu that the cities
or settlements within five miles and / or within one mile of such
landing fie~ds contribute a designateu percentage of the cost of s
construction. maintainance and illumination,
NOB. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL~~~,That the City of seward. Alas
does hereby obligate itself to pay. upon demand. to the Territory
of Alaska. such sum as shall be and is prescribed by law, as its
proportionate part of the cost of the oonstruction, maintainance a d
illumination of an aeroplane landing field, as proposed to be estab-
lished on a portion of the Revelle Homestead. within one mile of t e
incorporated limits of the City of Seward. Alaska.
Al~D. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Mayor of the City of
Seward Alaska, is hereby authorized to enter into couuuunioation
with the proper Territorial official and advise such official of
the action hereby taken.
Adopted this l6th. day of May. 1929. At a speoial Meeting of
the Common Council, called for the purpose of considering the matter
as presented by the resolution.
Mun cipal C erk.
APproved this 16th. day of May. 192~.
(fJ.J:A ~ ~ ~..e.
'- :'/ r I~YbR--
.~ motion waf;; made by Councilman Orlander. seoonded by Coun-
cilman McKanna that the rules be suspended for the adoption of the
Calling tho Roll. all Councilmen ]Jresent Voted in the affirm ive.
Calling the roll on the adoption of the resolution, all
Councilmen present voted in the affirmative.
The clerk was instructed to acknowlege Ma,ior Elliotts wire
and also to wire A.J.Sommers notifying him of the aotion taken by
the Co~~on Council.
This meeting thereafter, upon proper motion ad~ourned to meet
in regular session on Monday, May, 20t:c. 1~2~.
1lF: ~~- ,,~
MOIHiAY, MAY, 20th. 1~29.
Regular meeting of "he Common Council, City of Seward,
met this date in the Counoil Chambers, Meeting Called to order by cl
Mayor McMullen, at a.PM. with the following Councilmen present;
Badger. Horner, McKanna, Orlander, Schallerer and Swetmann.
Minutes of tl;1e last Regular and interveining special
meetings, read and approped.
Following Resolution presented;
WHEREAS, P.C.J.1ClilULI.ELJ.. Mayor of the City of Seward. .Alask ,
is required to be tempora~ily ~bsent from Seward for a period of
approximately six weeks thereby leaving said City without a proper
official with ]Jower to sign warrents, as Mayor. in payment of the
usual and incidenta~ expenses of the city.
... }.......;. ~, .. '"'.~''' .".,;
T'10"1d"y "'1'1 (l."t. h l"':)() "ont
,l.1. *.. c..t. '.' 1,.1.( t', l-.J:.J . "JI-..J-.J. V .
110.1. :rH~1U;1!'01h" BE IT LLSOL7.EIJ BY 'l'H., co;,rr,lOlJ COUlICU OJ!' 'i'Hl
CI'i'Y OF ::'.E,IA.RlJ, AL;"S1::.\;
'l'hat such Councilman who shall be elected to ]lreside over
any regular meeting of the COI~non Council of 0eward, by reason of
the ubsence of suid j,[uyor, shull be "md he is hereby authorb:ed to
sign as I'resident Pro tem of the COlU,JOn Council, all necessary una
required vmrrents drawn upon the 'l'reasurer of 'vhe City for the
payment of the usuul and necessary exVenses of suid City; and,
that the a~thorization by duly recordeu affirm~tive votes of four
councilmen, five councilmen being llresent, at uny regular meeting
of su.id Common Council of i:jeward, shall authorize the councilrJan
presiding at said meeting, in absence of the I.luyor, to sign warren s
as hereintofore set forth.
AlJ1)roved r.C.McMullen, I,layor
A.D.Balderston, Municipal Ql
ADOPTED under suspension of the rules this 20th. day of rIa
Hoved b;y Councilrucm i:jwetmann, secoYlded by ,:)chullerer; that
the rules be suspended fot the adoption of t~e 3esolution; callin~
the roll all councilmen voted in the affirmative.
On the question ::)hall the Resolution Pass; All Conncilmen
Voted in the affirmative.
The Clerk was thereupon instructed to cast tho unanmmouse
vote of tho Council in ft,vor of Councilman C..E.Orlander, as
President Pro tern of the of the Cornmon Council,City of ~eward,
during tho absence of Mayor McMullen; Ballot so cast.
Councilman Orlander presented u verbal petition from Cont-
ractor Gerhurd Johnson; asking for un extention of time for the
cornfletion of the l~ew School Eouse, und as Chairman of tl:e iichool
Committee, recomended thut this extension be allowed, in as much a
the Contractor was doing certain necessary work, gratis, said work
not being specified in the contract.
It wus Moved by Councilman Bu.dger secondou by Councilman
~wetmann that u.n extent ion in time of fifteen days be al10wea tho
Contractor; Calling the roll; all Councilmen ~rosent voted in tho
affirmative: so Ordered.
i:jtreet CorUIui ttee udvised that certuin IJEJrtion of the defec
tive side walk on i:jecond avenue had been removed.
Com~ittee on sewers advised that the City Attorney was a-
waiting receipt of the Last Laws of the Territory in the matter of
proceding with the First Ave, Sewer petition.
There being no further business, This meoting thereafter,
upon proper motion adjourned.
~ 'VlA~~~
MOiiDAY, JU1L;;. 3rd. 1929.
Regular meeting of the COrmnon Cou;Joil, City of Seward, met
this date in the Council ahambers; Meeting calleu to order at B.~l
My President Pro tern C.i!..Orlander, with t,le following' Cou:1Cilmen
present; Badger, Horner, McLanna, Orlandor, ~challerer, Swetmann.
Minutes of the last regular and interveining special meltin
gs read and approved.' '
Comunication from the Seward Volunteer Pire Dept. asking
Pourth of July donation of 0100.00 for publicity, read, ordered
heald over till next regular meeting.
~~--- .-
Monday, June, 3rd. l~2~. Cont.
Comunication from B.R.Tarwarter, member of the Alaska
Legislature, relative to insurance for Folnnteer Firemen, read,
referred to Fire Committee.
Claims totaling $1279.53 presented as folluws; ---
Bank of Seward, 25.00. Robert Guest, 220.00. A.D.Balderston, 15 .00
R.W.Hyatt, 50.00. L.V.Ray, 41.67. Alax Little, 15.00. Sandy Lea h,
30.00. A.:!<'.RasmusEen,2.25. Seward 'dater Supplj1, 127.50. Seward
Light & Power Co., 68.70. City and Andy's Express, 10~00.
Ogles Garage, 13.71. Alaska Transfer, 2.00. Trick $ Murray,76.75
Gateway Pub. Co. 220.50. E.L.Senft, 65.00. T. Osbo, 4.50.
Anderson & Hannum, 1.75. R.J.Hann~, 30.00. Ike Heargard, 42.00
Cash 83.20.
Moved by Councilman Badger secondeed by Horner, that ms
as presented be paid; Calling the roll all Councilmen present
Voted in the affirmative; Ayes 6.
Following Claims against the Special School fund present d
as follows; T.Osbo. 38.00. Seward Machine Shop, 64.75.
Moved by Councilman LIcl:anna, seconded by Schallerer, tha
claims as presented be paid out of the SpeCial School Fund; Calli g
the roll, all Councilmen present voted wn the Affirmative, Ayes
Estimate of Contractor Johnsen for work performed on th
New School House presented, to~aling 10.000.00. Moved by Council-
man Badger seconded by Swetmsnn that the prescribed 8~~ of the
estimate be allowed and Voucher for same, namely.8000.00 be drawn
on the Special School Fund in payment of same; Calling the roll
all Councilmen present voteu Aye. Ayes 6.
City Attorney called attention to the suit pending,
City of Seward, vs. Seward Light & Power 00. for collection of
certain taxes due the City, advising that in so far as said Taxes
had been paid, authority should be granted to have said suit dis
missed; Authority was so given.
There being no further business to come before this
meeting, it was, thereafter, upon regular motion adjourned.
"' .C 1. .~ ~ l~~ L.
Mall DAY , JUlIE, 17th. lSJ2V.
Regular meeting of the Common Council. City of Seward, met
this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8. PI.
by President Pro tem. C.E.Orlander, with the following Councilmen
present; Badger, McKanna, Orlander and Swetmann.
Minutes of the last regular meeting read and aproved.
Following Resolution presented;
Whereas, Notice of delinquent taxes and assessments for the
year 1928 has been duly published in the Seward Daily Gateway, a
n~vspaper of general circulation, published in Seward, alaska and
the publication of said notice has been completed, lIow therefore,
1. That A.D.Balderston, as Municipal Clerk of the City of Seward,
be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to veryfy and file in
the ~istrict Court for the Territory of Alaska, Third Division a
proper application for an order of sale of all property listed in
the delinquent tax ro~l of the City of Seward, Alaska, for the
year 1928. .
Adopted under suspension of rules this 17th day of June, 1~2V
Approved C.E.Orlander, Pres. Pro tem. this 17th of June lV291
, ,,"'_.......~." ...."".
Moved by Councilman swetmann, seconded by McI:anna, that the
rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution;
Calling tbe Roll all Cou~cilmen voted in the affirmative.
!lloved by Councilman 1.IcKanna, Seconded by Swetmann, that te Resolu
tion be adopted; Calling the roll all Councilmen present voted Aye
Claim of the Bunk of Seward for 375.00 covering premium on
Fire insurance of 015,000.00 on New School presented for payment
out of the Special school Fund.
Moved by Councilman l:1cI:anna, Seconded by Swetmann that claim
be paid; Calling the Roll all Councilmen present Voted 1~ye.
retition from the Seward volunteer Firemen asking for $100.0
donation for tt the 4th. of July program presented.
Moved by Councilman McKanna, seconded by swetmann, that the
sum of $100.10 be donated as requested.
Calling the Roll the following vote resulte~; Badger, Hay
McKanna, Aye. Orlander, Nay. swetmann, Nay. AYES 1 NAYS 3.
Motion Lost.
A discussion of shortage of-funds, resulted in a motion by
Councilman Badger, Seconded by Swetmann, that tho sum of $2500.00
be borrowed from the Bank of soward for a period of Five Months
to defray current expecses; Calling the Roll all Councilmen pres-
ent voted in the Affirmative, Ayes 4 Nays O.
Matter relating to the proposed Aviation Field was discussoa
Councilman McKanna volunteored to see 1.1r. Hoben relative to tg.e
deed for the land promised by Mr. Hoben.
Clerk was instructed to assertain from the City Attorney
what progress was being made relative to the First Avenue Sewer.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
it was taereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
MONDAY, JULY, 1st. 1929.
Regular meeting of tho Common Council. City of Seward, met
this date in the Council Chambers; Ueoting Called to order at 8.2M
by President Pro tem. C.B.Orlander, with the following Councilmen
present: Badgor, Horner, I,IcI:p.nna, Orlander, Swetmann.
Minutes of the last regular meeting read and avproved.
Claims totaling $897.05 presented as follows; Bank of Seward 25.00
Robert Guest, 220.00 A.D.Balderston, 150.00. H.d.Hyatt 50.00.
L.V.Ray, 5).')0. Alax Little, 25.00. Seward,{ater Supply, 12'1.50.
Ike Heargard, 78.00. Alaska 'i'ransfer, 13.00. Alasl:a R.R. 2.00.
J.L.Graef, 3.05. C.R.Morford, 30.JO. C.M.Brosius, 1'1.40.
Seward Light & Power co. ~7.l0. Ogles Garage, 31.75. Anderson &
Hannwn. 6.25. J.s.Badger, 2l.00.
Moved by Councilman swetmann, seconded by UcLanna, that th,
Claim of J.B.Badger be paid; Calling the Roll foll~wing voted in
the , affirmative. Horner, lilcI:anna, Orlander & 1:lwetmann; Badger not
Moved by Councilcan swetmann, seconded by Horner that the
balance of the claims as presented be paid; Calling the roll all
Councilmen present 'voted in the af'firmati ve; Ayes 5 lJays O.
Estimate # 6 of Gerhard Johnsen for 6250.00 pr@sented;
110ved by councilman swetmann, seconded by Horner tha~he prescrib
80% of estimate be allowed and payment made out of the Special
Mondey, July, 1st. 1929. Cont.
r- -----
School Fund; Calling the roll ail Councilmen present Voted in tho
Afiirmative; Ayes 5. Nays, O.
Claim of City Attorney, L.V.Ray for 13,00 presented; same being
reimbursement of this amount paid by him to the District Court
charges in connection with the presentation of the 1928 Delinq ent
roll, asking for an Order of Sale.
Moved by Councilman Orlander, seconded by
be allowed and voucher drawn in payment of same:
all Councilmen present Voted in the affirmative;
McKanna, that clai
Calling the roll
Ayes 5. Hays O.
Resolution with copy of the 1928 Delinquent l'ux Roll presented
and Resolution read as follows;
1. Taht by vertue of and persuant of a duly entered Order of
Sale dated the 22nd. day of June, 1929. made and entered by the
District Court of the Territory of Alaska, Third Division in the
matter of the application of the City of Seward, Alaska, a municip' 1
corporation, for an order of sal'e of certain Uunicipal Delinquent
Taxes for the year 1928, togeather with penalty, Interest and cost,
the clerk of the City of ~eward, is hereby directed to sell the
property describeu in the order of sale and the delinquent tax roll
or so much thereof as on the date of sale hereinafter prescribed
shall be found unpaid as to Tax, Penalty aBI~0 Interest and cost
upon each specific tract,in the manner provided by Law.
2. That the Clerk of the City of Seward, shall cause to be made
due and sufficient notice of sa~d dale, by publication thereof,
once a week for four consequitive week~, in the Seward Daily Gatew
a newspaper of general circulation, published in said City of Sewa
Alaska, which newspaper is hereby designated for such purpose by
the Co~non Council.
3. That the sale of Real Property listed upon the Delinquent
Tax Roll of the City of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1928, to sati
fy and discharge the lien of the unpaid tax upon tho several and
specific tracts described, togeather with penalty, interest and co
be had at publiv auction of the Uunicipal Clerk, at Seward, Alaska.
upon the seventh day of August, 1929, between the hours of ten
O'Clock in the forenoon, and Four O'Cl~ch in the Afternoon,
and if said tax sale is not concluded on said day the same shall
continue 'from day to day thereafter, over Sundays and Holidays
until the property subject to Tax Sale, and in said notice, is
disposed of.
4. That each tract, upon said delinquent tax roll of the City
of Seward, Alaska for the year 1928, be sold seperatly and offered
for the amount of tax, penalty, interest und cost due thereon,
and if sufficient is not bid to discharfe the amount thereon
said specific tract shall be bid in by the clerk of the City of
Seward, for and in behalf of said Municipality for the amount of
the Tax, Penalty, Interest and Cost, making proper notation on
said Delinquent Tax Roll.
Passed under suspension of rules this 1st. day of
July, 1929.
A.D.Balderston, Municipal Cler
C.E.Orlander, President, Pro tern.
Moved by Councilma.n Swetma.nn, Seconded by Horner, that the
rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution; Culling the
Roll all Councilmen Voted in the Affirma.ti ye.
On the question Shall the Resolution Pu~s? All Councilmen
present voted in the a.ffi~mative.
Clerk was instructed to call for bids for the constructio
a. Sewe~ on Alley between 1st und 2nd avenues.
There being no further business to corne before this meeti
it was th({;fea.fter upon proper motion adjou~ned.
/ ~
"~~ a~~ 7... 06
LlOlWAY. .mL':, 15th. 1929.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Joward, cet
this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting calle<i to order at d n.:.
by Eresident rro tem. C.~.Orlander, witt the following Councilmen
present; . Badger, Horner, McLanna, Orlander and S1!letmann.
1iinuets of the last regular meeting read and approved.
Report of Health officer read; Orderea referred to Com:nittee on
Public Health and Public Protection.
Bid of M.B.ilalloy for construction of Lst. Ave. Sewer, at
$2.25 per Lineal Fott rejected: Clerk ordereu to call for re-bids
and work to include Cribb at beach outlet to sewer, same to con-
form with other city sewer outlet cribs. Bids to d10se at 3 ~m.
Monday, July, 22nd. 1929.
Third Avenue Bridge appr0Bches discussed, resulting in a
motion by Councilman Orlander, seconded by Swetmann , that the Jtr
street Committee be authorized to expend not o'fer ~~50.00 for imp-
rovement on same; Calling the roll all Councilmen present voted i
the affirmative- ..tyes 5 Hays O.
City Attorney instructed to"draw up fOrm of Bid to be inser
ted in Local Newspaper calling for Bids on the ?urchase of the
Grade School Building, lots and appertainances. Bids to be submite
on Full Cash Payment Plan , and/or Part Payment Plan. Bids to clos
August 3rd. 1929.
There bSing no further business to come before
it was, thereafter upon proper motion adjourned.
,/" .);
this meeting,
FRIDAY, July, 26th. 1929.
Special meeting of the Co~non Council, City of Seward, met
th s date in the Council Chambers; Metting called to order at 7.'15 2M
by Mayor P.C.llc~ullen, with the following Councilmen present;
Badger, Horner, UeLanna, Orlander and S eLmann.
Me$ting called fort he purpose of considering Claim of Siem
Helmers &; Schaffner in the sum of $120.00 for fill on Lst Ave.
Hoved by Councilman Horner, seconded by Councilman Swetman
that claim be allowed and payment be made as follows; Voucher for
$60.0Jbe drawn against t!":e General. fund and the balance of ~60.00
be paid out of monies in the hands of the Street Oiling Cownitteo;
Calling the roll on the motion ; all Councilmen present v
voted in the affirmative. ""yes 5. lJays O.
Clerk presented Bids for the constructi0n of tj,e 1st. ""ve
Sewer; same ordered opened ; Resulting as follows;
Bid ofdm. J!'airman ;$2.25. per Lineal fout. Coml)leted.
Bid of Peterson &; dal lin ~2.10 per Lineal foot completed
Bid of M.B.Malloy $2.10 per lineal foot, com~leted
Bid of Peterson and .wallin. $2.00 per Lineal foot, filed
three days after bids were advertised as clGsed; Rejected.
I.loved by Councilman ;Jwetman:1, ~econder by Earner that the
Bid of l.l.B.I"alloy of $2.10 be accol~"Ce("1nd CO:lt:'~Ct avmrded;
Calling the roll; the votinl' l"Ul;(ll to! ,.L follv','lG; Council,aen Badge
Horner, HcLan;!a, .-.end u'.Je"0jjju,.n vutid "yo. Councilman arlander 'loti g
Nay. Ayes 4 ~ays l. Mayor declaired Motion Carriea and Contract
awarded to M.B.l,talloy. Clerk was instructed tv notify I.lr. ];lall.y
to call at the office of the City Attorney to sighn up necessary
Clerk instructeu to present Mr. V.K.~oods, supt, for
::iiems. Helr:18rs ,';: Schaffner Vii th a testimonial as a mark of appre-
ciation for worle iJerformed.
There being further business this meeting adjourned to ill e
at 8 1'11. Monday July 29th 192.;.
f?7~' ~~~
LiOlm..-S, JULY, 29th. b;;;9.
_ _. "'If w-
Special meeting of the Common Council, City of Soward, met
this date in t"e Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8 1)1.1
by M.ayor p.a McMullen, with the following Councilmen present:
Badger, Horner, Orlander and Swetmann.
Mayor advised that meeting calleJ for the purpose of discus'
contract to be entered into with successful bidder for Sewer cont-
ract. Whereupon tho City Attorney presented a form of Contract;
resulting in a motion by Councilman Orlander Seconded by Swetmann
that the Form of Contract as submitted be accepted; Calling t 0
Roll all councilmen present Voted in the affirmative.
The Contract then entered into by M.B.Malloy as Contractor
and the Mayor and Municipal Clerk for the City of Seward, was
thereafter duly signed by all contracting parties.
A motion was made by Councilman Badger, Seconded by Councmlnan
Orlander that the Contract as Signed be accepted; Calling the Rol
all Councilmen present voted in the affirmative. Ayes 4 Nays O.
This meeting was thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
c?-F /I1?J(vt.-d ~ I Jot: h:,
Posponed Regular meeting of the Cownon Council, City of Sewa d
met this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting Callec to order at
8.PM. by Mayor P.C.McMullen; with the folluwing Councilmen present
Badger, McKanna, Orlander and Swetmann.
Minuets of the last Regular and interveining special Meeting
read and approveu.
Following Resolution presented and read as follows:
that a Board of Equalization of said City shall be and hereby is
created, to convene at the City Hall, on Tuesday, August, 13th.1V2
at 2 O'clock 31. for the purpose of equalizing the assessments of
real and personal property in said City of Seward for the year 192 .
and shall remain in session said day between the hours of 2 O'cluc
PM. and 4 O'cl~ck ~d. and between said hours daily for the succeed ng
four days of said week and Lnger if deemed necessary for adjournm nt
as provided by Ordinance NO. 14 and admendments trereto.
And it is further reseolved that the City Clerk shall have
published in the Daily Gateway, notice of the same as provided
by the Ordinance.
Dated at Seward,
s1f: ht~~...
Alaska.~ugust 6th. 1929.
Moved by Councilman Badger, Seconded by Orlander, that the
rules be suspended for the adoption of t e Resolution; Calling the
Roll all Councilmen present 'Voted in the affirmative.
On the question; Shall The Ordinance Pass? All Councilmen
presenta Voted in the affirmative. Resolution Adopted.
Claims totaling $1162.04 presentod as folluws;
Bank of Seward 25.00. Robert Guest, 220.00. A.D.Balderston, 150 00
L. V.Ray, 50.0J. H..,.Hyatt, 50.00. Alax Little, 37.00. Seward .iat r
supply, 127.50. Alaska Transfer, 4.00. Bank of Soward, 108.00.
Brown & Hawkins Corp. 17.08. City & Andy's Express, 5.35. Seward
Machine Shop, 2.00. Seward Light & POwer Co. 47.05. 1'.C.McI:iullen
2.25. Ogles Garage, 6.46. R.J.Hannurn, 21.00. Ike Heregard, 48.00
Gateway Publishing Co. 241.35.
Moved by Co.~ncilman Orlander 3econded by ],lcKanna, that Clai s
as presented be p~~; Calling the Roll . all Councilmen presont
Voted in the affirmative.
TUBSD~Y, AUGrS~, 6th. l~2~. Cont.
Claims against the ~pecial 0chool Fund, presented as foll
ows; Fobes supply Co. 58~.32. ~eward BxpresE, 2.50. Gerhard Johnse
for Estimate ~ 7 200J.00 net.
r:loved by Councilman Orlander, ;ieconded by Councilman .::lwet-
~ann that Claims as presente~ be paid; Callinp the roll, all
Councilmen present Voted in the affirmative.
VolunteeFi: Fire Roll for ~~30.00 presented; reffered to }t'ire Gom;ni te
for recomendation.
The Tax Roll for the year 1'J2'J, was presented by the ,I.sses or
and delivered to the Council, and report made of Notices given;
I.loved by Councilman swetmann, seconded by Badger , that
Roll be accepted and turned over to Board of ~qualization; Calling
the ~oll all COl,,'cilmen "foted in the affirmative.
Councilman .Orlander suggested the advisability of renewing
light posts in the outlaying distrmcts; aatter was referred to
light Co.mmittee.
After a discussion as to the advisability of removing the
Black Boards from the Grade school to the new School House, a
motion wus made by Councilman llcKanna, seconded by Councilman Jwet an
that the SchOOl Committee be authorized to carry out the sug~estio
at a cost of not to excede 0400.00. Calling t e Hollon the motio
all Counc.ilmen present 'foted in t ;ie "~ffirmati ve.
The llayor calleu attention to the necesGity of furnishing
a sidewalk to the ilew 3chool; llatter was referrod to thu streot
Request of the City Clerk for two weeks '1acation, without ay
was, roffered to the Finance Comrilittee.
Mayor advised that a deed had been given by H.V.Hoben tm
the City for a tract of land comprising approximately 30 acres
to be used as an ~viation Field. and that Major Blliott, ~resident
of the Alaska Road Comr.1ission, had been adviseu of the fact.
'l'here being no further business t:l cOlHe before this muetin
It was thereafter upon I,roper L10tion ad journec.
at h1 ~({~-
M A. Y 0 R
afZ& ,-~
, a.L-d~i.J',,'
, C L ...; R L
***, 1929 ***
AUGUST, 13TH. 1929.
Board called to order at 2. P.I.i. with the fOllu,,";ing Oouncil
men present; Horner, McKanna, Orlander and Swetmann. Councilman
Swetmann acting as Chairman.
lW PROTSSTS- J.1ee~ing ad journed at 4 .2.1,l.
AUGUST, l4TH. 1~2~.
Board Callea to order at 2 O'clJck ~.M. with the folluwing
Councilmen present: Badger, Horner, 11cKanna, Orlander &; 0wetmann
Councilma.n Swetmann acting as Chairman;
HO PROTESTS- Ifleetine; ad journeu at 4 0' cl.Jck L'.i;i.
AUGUST, 15TH. 1~2~.
Board calleu to order at 2 U'clock P.~. with the folluwing
Councilraen prc:sent: Badger, Eorner, 1.1cKanna.Orlander ," ~wetml:J.nn.
Councilman Swetmann acting al::: Chairraan;
liO PROT~STS- Meeting adjourned at 4 O'clJck P.M.
AUGUST, 16TH. 1~2g.
Board calleu to order at 2 O'cl)ck P.ll. with the following
Councilmen present; Badger, Horner, LICKamm, Orlander i~ Swegmann.
Councilman Swetmann acting as Chairma};l.
1I0 PROTl:;S~'S- Meeting ad journcu at 4 0' clock 1:'.Ll.
( 422
AUGUST, l'1'I'II. 1929.
Board called to order at 20'clock P.ll. with the following
Councilmen present; Badger, Horner, McKanna. Orlander &0 Swwtmann.
Councilman Badger acting as Chairman;
HO PROTESTS- All business of thdls board being completed, it
was moved by Councilman Orlander, Seconded Councilman Horner; that
meeting adjourn: Calling the roll all Councilmen present voted Aye
Meet'ng a~journed at 4 O'clock E.U.
~KA-0r Cd ~ -' 7 *-<----
e.L E H L
MONDAY AUGUST 19th. 1929.
The regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, met
this day in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at
8 P.M. by Mayor P. C. McMullen, with the following Councilmen
present-Horner, McKenna, Orlander, and Swetmann.
Minutes of the last regular meeting, and minutes of the Board of
Equalization meeting read and approved.
The fol10wing Resolution was presented and read accepting the
Asse::;sment Roll for 1929, setting the rate of levy at 20 mills,
and establishing date of delinquency of taxes.
That the Assessment Roll of the Real and Per::;onal Property
in the City of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1929 as delivered to
the City Council August 6th. 1929 by the Assessor and as equaliz-
ed by the Board of Equalization of the said Council, be accepteu,
BE IT FURTHER llliSOLVlc;.J that this being the first regular
meeting of the Common Council since the equalization of said
Assessment Roll, tho Levy for the year 1929 is hereby placed at
20 Mills, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLV~li that the tirae when the Taxes for the
y?ar 1929 of the real and personal property.~f said City of Seward
as assessed, shall beco:ne dolinquentfor non-payment shall be
5 O'clock P. M. of the 15th day of November 1929, and that the
Clerk give due notice as required by provision of Section 20 of
Ordinances of said City of 5eward, Alas~a.
Passes under suspension of
Approved ~, ~~~
August 19th, 1929.
a ~aL~Lu,f
. ~~ 7",-
Motion ;nade by Councilman Swetrnann, secondnd by Councilmun Orland-
er that rules be suspended for the adoptiojof the Resolution.
Calling the roll, all Councilmen present voted in the affirmative.
On the question should the Resolution be adopted, all Councilmen
present voted in the affirmative; .ihereupon the Mayor signed the
Resolution in open ,session.
CounciL1L.n Orlander opeCled a discussion relative to tile installa.-
tion of li;:rht poles in the outlyin(( di::;tricts which reQulted in
a motion by Councilman Swetmann , seconded b~7 Councilmafi ::cl:enna
4') I;)
that the Light COIi1IUi ttee be er.ljJovlereLi to uct in this matter,
arranging for the furnishing of poles und other nececsities in
this connection.
Calling the roll on the motio:l. all Conncil ;len present voted in
the affirmative. .
Councilman Swetmann brought up the matter of telephone c;ervice
to be furnished to the new school house, and to residents in
the Horth Section of the City, which resulted in a motion by
Council OrJ'mc.cr, seconded by Councilman Horner, that the Light
Conuni ttee be given full authority to act in this matter, and to
take any steps neCeBB!uy to force the light company to make such
telephone connection as here deemed necessury.
Calling the roll on the motion, all Councilmen voted in the affir
The Clerk waL inLtructed to write to H. lie McCutcheon at
Anchorage, relative to the school-house plans delivered to him
for presentation to the City of Anchorage.
There being no further business to COi:le before this meeting,
it was upon proper motion thereafter adjourned.
OJ: /r(~~v_
t2 Lb34Ld-u..r~
aUGU0~, 26th. 1~2~
Special Meeting of the Common Council, City of ~eward, met
this date in the Council Chambers. Beeting Called to order by l.1ayo
McMullen at i:3. l'.:,i. with tr18 !following Councilmen present: Budgef,
Horner Orlander and :3wetmann.
I/layor advised that the meeting was calleu rfor the purpose
presenting Clair;] of Gerhard .JohnBon, cor.tractor, for the rayment
of estimate for 6000.00
Moved by Councilman urlander, seconded by Horner , that th
sum of $60)0.00 be paid to Mr. Johnson, and voucher be drawn on th
::>pecial ::;choo1 Fund for same; calling the roll on the ,.lotion, all
Councilmen present voted in the affirmative. Ayes 4 lrays O.
Councilman Badger called attention to the poor grtidc of
lumber furnished for the FirBt ave 3ewer.
Hayor I.lcLlullen brought up the sub ject 01' a foot lJath over
the Glucier stream on Forth .l.ve. It was deemea feasuble, but no
decisive action taken. Councilman ;jwetrmmn suggeBteL thut pending
the erection of such walk the boardB on the Bide of the present
bridge be raised to prevent School children from falling over, all
present were in favor of thiB move.
There being no further business to voue before this meetin
it was thereafter upon proper motion adjourned.
err: ~17V~~
a b73aLdu.J.~=-
c ]~ i~ l\ L
I\IOHDAY, ;)b;l'ri'l:;IX3K:~, ~th. In';).
POsponea regular meeting of the Common Council, City of
Seward, met this date in the Council Chambers; I.leeting called to
order at i:3 P.d. by Mayor P.C.llcliullen, with the folluwing Council
men present; Badger, Horner, Orlander and ::;wetmann. ~
I~inutes of the last regular and interveining special mestin s
read and approved.
Communication from John ~aulsteiner, relative to constructi n
by him of a Cement sidewalk on Fxxxt: Second Avenue, read, Refered
to City attorney.
I.1OLJlu\.Y, SEPTEMB~R, 9th. l~ 29. Cont.
jr~ -.T.T~,' 1I'lI'
Communication from Leon Urbach, asking for relief from
high rate ch~rged for elevtric energy, read; referred to
Light Committee.
Claams totaling $1029.13 presented as follows;
Bank of Seward, 25.00. Robert Guest, 220.00. A.D.Balderston, 15
L. V.Ray, :2& 50.00. H..I.HYatt 50.00. Alex Little 25.00. Seward
.later Supply l27.50. Seward. L.& P.Co. 77.00. AlaBka Hailroad
21.38. A.F.Rasmussen 42.75. L.C.Bates 6.00. Charles Clague 4.5
Alaska Transfer 230.00.....
, '
Moved by Councilman Badger, seconded by Councilman ;:)wetrna
that claims as presented be paid; Calling the Roll, all Cou~cilme
present voted in the affirmative. Ayes 4. Nays O.
Claim of Gerhard Johnsen ~448.85 presented for work done
on School Equipment. Moved by Councilman Orlander. seconded by
Horner, that claim allowed and voucher drawn against 3pecial school
fund in payment of same; Calling the Roll all Councilmen present
voted ~n the affirmative. Ayes 4 Nays O.
, The matter of neseessary equipment for the New School was
discussed, resulting in a motion by Councilman 3wetmann, seconded
by Horner that the School Committee be authorized to expend a sum
of not to excede $600.00 for said equipment; Calling the roll all
Councilmen present voted in the affirwative. Ayes -1. lJays O.
'fhe question cf l1'ire Hose and Mats for the llew :::>chool was
discussed; Resulting i:1 a motion by Councilman Eorner, seconded b'
Badger, that the SehOul Com,1itteo be authorizecc to eXIJGna a sun 0
not to excede $l50.00 for this purpo~e; Calling the roll all
Councilmen present voted in the affirmutive; ,,-yes /1 ~;ays ,0.
A Motion was ;nude by Councillman Jwetmann, seconded by
Horner, that the Light CO.runittee be authorized to expend a sum of
not to excede ~lOO.OO for the purch~se and preperation of light
[Joles to ()O instc"llec in outlayinp.: districts; Calling the rollo,
the :;lotio;c: ; .ill Couewilrnen present voteCi ih tlw ,~:::~'il'l,l,Live.
The street Committee was askec to present an estimate of the
cost of repairing the sidewalk on 3rd. Ave. between ],ladison !!nd
Munroe streets.
The matter of additional Policing of City, as sugr.ested b
Probition Officer Boyce, was referred to Police Co~nittee.
school superintendent Rooney was present at the Meeting
and upon request of Mayor Mcl~ullen, addressed the Council, Compli
menting them on the ~ew School Building, laying special stress
upon the construction of such u find building for the amount expe
ded, as compareci with similar buildings elseware.
The matter of a Flag Pole for the New School was discussed
resulting in the matter being turned over to t he Sehoul Com:Jittee.
In the matter of three claims totaling e3.70, the Clerk
was instructed to pay same out of Cash and draw voucher to Cash
covering same.
0:(. M<L-~
There being no further business to COllO before
it was thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
:.:Olru..:~Y, S~.P'J.1~IJJ3"":::, 16tp. 1~j2~.
Regular meeting of the 'COl,lraon Council, Cit:l of ::>ewurd, mot
this duto in tl:o Council ChaJ:lbers; 1.:eet ing Callo( to ordflfl 0.1, 8 11:
by l.layor McMullen, \1i th tho foL Jwing Councilraen .i..'resent; jadger,
Horner, McKanna, and Uwetm3nn.
Minutes of the la.st regulo.r meeting read und upprove~.
Clerk presented a list of lJts for which tho City was entitled to
a Tax Deed for delinquent taxes for 1926; Moved by Councilman
Swetrnann, secondeo by Horner that Tax Deeds be issued to the City
for the said luts; calling the roll all Councilmen present voted
in the affirmative; Ayes 4 Jays O.
Final paYJ:lent to ,Gerhard Johnsen for ;3chool Contr/ict was
discussed; Clerk instrticted to notify City ~ttorney to be uresent
at no}:t regular meeting to advise on thiG matter.
Councilman Orlander enterea the Council Chambers.
Tax Deeds in favor of Blwyn 3wetrnann for lots 18. 19. and 20 in
Block 17 J:'oVln of ;jeward, were presenteo, sumo having been purch1ts
by Blwyn Swetrnan:1 at sale held on :3eptember, ti 12th. 1927, for
delinquent taxes of year 1926. lio re~emption having been made of t'
these luts; it was moved by Councilman Orlander, seconded by norne
that Tax Deeds be executed for luts 18. 19. and 20. Block l7 in tp c
Town of Seward and delivered to Blwyn swetmann; Calling the roll 0
the motion the following Councilmen voted Aye; Badger, Horner,
McKanna and Orlander; Councilman Jwetrnann not voting. l.1u.yor ucclai
reo 4 Ayes and motion carried, thereupon sighning 1ax Leeds in
open session.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
it was thereafter upon proper motion adjourned.
07r m~~~
. -C1 " 1~ '
......,I ... ~ .l....
FRIDAY, SBE~ill.iBER, 27th. 1929.
A special meet-in,;; of the COli1JIOn Cou!!cil Vias held fj t 12 :30 PM
on September 27,1929 pursuant to the call issued therefore by
Mayor McMullen, ae follows:
"You are hereby directed and [luthorized to call a special
meeting of the Comlllon Counci 1 of the Ci ty of Seward, Alaska,
to be held at the hour of 12:30 P. M. on SeJteLber 27th, 1929,
C3t the Fire Hall, for the )urpose of deterr;,inin..:; '1lhat action,
if any, shall be t:::.ken relative to ,:siving authorization to th
~ayor of Seward to proceed to take such action, in the name 0
said City, as may be required to Dcquire the provosed cemeter
site of Forty acres from the United St~tes under the Act of
Cone;ress of Sept. 30, 1890 and the .?rer:,identi81 Proclrunation
No. 4394, dated at the White House Warch 15, 1926.M
:Jouncilmen present were as follows: Badger, McKanna, Orlande ,
and 2wetmarm.
Councilman Or1ander ~resented to the meeting and moved the
:1dopti.,n 'lTId sus:)ension of rule, the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of Seward,
Alaska, That P. C. WclruLIEN, as Payor of the said City of
Seward, Ala~ka, be Dnd he is hereby directed ~nd ~uthorized,
in beh"31f of said munici)ali ty, to make ~PJlic8tion in the
United States Land Of'fice ~,t Anchorc,ge, Alaska, under the
Jrovisions of the ~ct of Con~ress 8pJroved September 30, 1890,
and the 2re8ident1ol1 l'roclamtion No. 4394, dated The White
House, Uarch 15, 1926, to be used a:3 a cemetery that certain
tract of land containing forty acres, U. S. Survey No. 1759,
------------ ------- ---
-=:." .J!!I'!W-U"
Serial 06633, situate 'within U. S. Survey No. 242, ond within sur-
veyed Sec. 34, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., Seward Me~idian, and to that
end said P. C. },!c MULLEN , as ~Jayor, is further authorized ond
directed to make, execute, aCknowledge and file, any and all
certificate::; i'md documents necessary and recjuifite in the
premises. Adovted at a special meeting of the Con~Jon Council
of the said City of Seward, Alaska, culled for the lJur.<lo,se of
considerin~ such Resulution, the 27th day of Sept., 1929.
Councilman Badger seconded the adoption of the resolution and
upon a call of the roll the Council voted to suspend the rules and
present the resolution upon its }'ldolJtion. Councilman Badger,
Y:cKanna, Orlander and Swetmann voted in the sffirmative, absent,
Councilman Horner and Schallerer. The ]Jayor prolJounded the
question that the resolution as rend be ado)ted, and it was adopte'
by the fOllowing :vote: Those voting the affirmative, Councilmen
l'cKanna, Badger, Orlander and Swetmann, absent Councilmen Horner
and Schallerer. The Hayor announced his 8pprovnl of the rt'sol-
ution and signed the S8rne in oJen session.
Councilman Badger seconded by Councilman McKenna moved that
the sum of $10.10 be appro)riated for ,the purpose of .<laying filing
fees in the land office relative to the prodosed cemetary tract.
Ullon call of the roll all Councilmen present voted in the af:ir-
mative and it was so ordered.
There being no further business to come before this special
meetinG. it did u90n motion made. seconded and carried, adjourn.
Qf YttCL.~
a f1YP-LdU.f"
FRIDAY, OCTOBBR, 4th. 1929.
SpeCial meeting of the Common Council, City of seward, met
this date in the Council Chambers; l\leeting called to order by
Mayor P.C.McMullen, with the following Councilmen present; Badger,
Horner, Orlander and Swetmann.
Mayor advised, meeting was for the purpose of presenting clai
of Contractor Johnsen for final payment under SchOOl Contract.
All necessary receipts of payments in full to Sub-contractors
togeather with Certificate from Contractor Gerhard Johnsen, oerti-
fying to full payment of all claims and indebetiness against said
contract, having been presented, it was moved by Counoilman Swet-
mann, seconded by Councilman Badger, that Claim of Gerhard Johnsen
for the sum of $6.478.48, same being full and final payment on the
said contract, be allowed and Warrant on the Special School Fund
be drawn in payment of same;
Calling the Roll on the motion all Councilmen present voted i
the affirrnati ve; Ayes. 4 HaysO.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
it was, thereafter, upon prmper motion adjournrd.
~ "IA\~~J<-
j,lQllD.:'Y, OCTOB;~~~, 7th. 19:~9.
Regular meetinR of the CO~Jon Council, City of Seward, h~ld
this date in the Council Chu.lllbers, Lleeting Called to order at (3 1'1.1
by Mayor ~.C.Mc~ullen, with the folluwing Councilmen present;
Badger, Horner, l.lcl:anntJ., Orl;~nder 6: ::lwetmu.nn.
~inutes of the last ]egular and interveining Special ~eeting'
read and a~proved.
Claims totaling 1256.80 presented as fo11Jws;
Bank of ;:;eward, 25.00. R.Guest, 220.00. A.D.Balderston, l50.00
1.'T.Ray, 50.00. H.d.Hy~tt, 50.,00. .ilex Little, 31.00. 'l'.Osbo
12.85. ogle's Garuge, 12.69. Brown &: Hawkins 36.'Y). Seward L u
231.35. standard Oil CO. 1.00. ;Sewurn .later 3ply, 127.50.
Blake I.loffitt &: Town 134.31. Cash 6.7'J. Tony l:'arish 18.00.
Ike Heregard, 54.00. A. Iverson 38.50. A.F.Rasmussen 45.00.
Thomas Earl l2.00.
Movec[ by Councih1an Swetmann, seconded by l:lcD.mna, that clai
ms as presented be paid~ Calling the roll all Councilmen present
Voted in the Affirmative; Ayes 5 ilays O.
Claim of City &: Andy's ~xpresB for 50.00 against the s~ecial
School Fund precented; Lloved by Councilr:mn J3adger, Jeconded by
Or1ander that claim be paid; Calling the roll all CounciliJen
present Voted in t'~e dffirmati ve. <I.yes 5. lluys O.
Claim of Hugh Dougherty for refund of 150.0J lJuid for delin
quent taxes presented; same not being sufficieht to fully redeelfi
said property und upon the refusal of Hugh Dougherty to pay full
amount due thc Il1L-tter of refund was referred to the City ,I.tt,orney
for a written opinion on the !.latter.
Tho foor condition of street and sidewalk on 2rd .lvenuc,
was discussed; Resulting in 1-'- rllation b;i Council.;lUn ,jwetr.:lb.nn, secon
ded by Horner that tJ:e I.layor be authorized to eXIJend iJ. SUr.1 of not
to excede ,,;~OJ.OO fo~" b1lJroVeLlent of "hut sectivn of' 0rd "I.vcnue
between i,~acli",on _'-:1d "I. "tree ts aNd on tLc Lust slue of ;':l'Ct ,.vu:mc.
C<.l.llin[) t)-;o roll In the 11bove motion; ,1.11 CULl:,,~i~ ,lUe; ll",l:;,t
VotCG 1n ~ e ~ffirwative.
J'he folluwing matters were cl~lled to the <.l.ttention of tlie
Chief of rolice; Riding Bioycles on ~ide Walks, Children pluying
in streets :lnd other minor infractions of Safety Ordinances.
Folluwing petitions fur ~ax Deeds presented; ~eter swanson,
for Lots 30 & 31 Block 6. L.A. Peel for Lot 3 Block 3 Cliff Additi
Moved by Councilman Horner, seconded by Swetmann that deeds be
granteu as requested; Claaing t'le roll, All Councilmen present
Voted in the Affirmative. Ayes 5 EUysO.
Communication from John Duberille read, Offering to purchasc
from the City Lot 26 in Block 23 for the sum of ~~50.0':), ll.fter a
discussion of t _is matter in which it was pointed out that the lot
in question was so situated as to give tho only ingress and egress
to tho adjoining Hospital property being operated by the proposed
purchaser John Duberille, a motion was luade by Councilman Swetmann
seconded by Horner that under the above conditions tho price of
$50.00 be accepted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorizeu to issue
a good and sufficient deed to John Duberille for 1ut 26 in Block 2
upon the payment from him of $50.00. Calling the Roll on the motio
all Councilmen present 'Toted in the "-dfirmati ve; "'-yes 5 llays O.
Communication from Brik J;.;ckrnan re purchl1se of Lots 18.19.20.
in Block 18. orderec Filed.
Claim of Volunteer Fire Depattmont of ~30.00 for servises at
fire on June 14th. 192'.), presented. After discu::lsion, Uotion made
by Councilman Horner, Seconded by McKanna, that Claim be paid.
Calling the Roll; following Vote resulted; Councilmen Horner, tIcKa
nna, Orlander & Swetmann voting Aye, Councilman Badger Voting lIay.
Ayes 4 Hays 1. Motion Carried. So ordered.
HOLWAY, OCTOBEH, 7th. 1~2\). Cont.
There being no further business to como before this meeting,
it was thereafter; Upon proper motion adjonrned.
Tl~SDAY, OCTOBER, 8th. 1929.
Special meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held
this date in t e Council Chambers; Meeting caller to order at 8 PM.
byMayor F.C.McMullen; With the following Councilmen present; Badger,
orner, Orlander fA: SwetlJlann.
Mayor advised the meeting was called for the purpose of con
sidering claim of Sewer Contractor 11.B.11alloy for payment of the
completed Sewer Contract, Upon the advise of The City Attorney it
was recomended that 2/3 the price of the Contract be paid at this
time and the balance of 1/3 be withheld for a period of thirty days.
A Motion was made by Councilman Orlander, Seconded by Swetma
that the sum of $1225.00 being a 2/3 payment of the full contract
be paid M.B.Malloy; Calling the roll all Councilmen present voted i
the Affirmative, Ayes 4 Hays O. Uotion carried and so ordered.
There being no further business, this meeting upon proper
otion adjourned.
d. .l;J~./-?/7/d/A~
C 1 E R K
MO~DAY, OCTOBER, 21st. 192\).
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of dowurd, met
this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at B.p. .
by l.layor P.C .Mc11ullen ; with the folluwing Councilmen present: Badger,
Horner, llcKanna, Orlunder bnd Swetmann.
Uinutes of the last regular and interveining special meetit ,s
read and approved.
lilayor advisod that work had progressod on improvoment of
Third Ave. between Madison an d streets as far as practical for this
season and at an approximate cost of ~lOO.OO.
The attention of the Council was called to the poor conditio
of 3rd Ave. betwwe Jefferson und M~dison dtreets; After discussion
it was moved by Councilman Horner, seconded by ~wetmunn, that the
Mayor be authorized to expend a sum of not to excedo $40.0:) for the
necessary improvement of this section of 3rd. Ave.; Calling the roll
On the Motion, all Councilmen present voted in the affirma~ive.
The Com:aittee on Assessment und Taxaation, asked for furthe tiIrle
to consider the proposal of Erick Eckman to purchase lots 18.10 &20
in block 18; vihich extensiun of time was granted.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
FRID~Y, lW'v21.lI,:":-:, lot. 1'J~;\J.
Special me8ting of t,"o CO.,II!lOn Council, Ci t;y' of ;jermrd, r.let
this date in the Council Char:lbers; Heeting calleu to order by ].:ayo
I'.C.McI;Iullen at l2.30 p.n. with the following CouncilI:Jen .tJreoent;
Badger, Horner, McKanna, Orlander and Swetmann.
Mayor advised that the meeting culler for the purpose of con
sidering petition of Elwyn 3wetm',nn asking for deeds to Fraction
of Lots 21, 22, & 23, in Block l7, j;own of seward, purchased bJ' hi
at Ta:z Sale held depternber, 12th. l'J27, for delinquent 1'J2G taxes.
Uotion made by Councilman Orlander, oeconded by Eorner, that
Tax Deeds be granted to ~hvyn 0wetmann for the propert;l in quescio.
and that Mayor and Clerk be instructed to execute and delivor to
Elwyn 3wetmann good and sufficient Tax ~eeds for same; Culling th
Roll on the IJlotion, ~he follul/ing Councilr:l8n 70ted ",Y~; Badger',
Horner, McKanna, and Orlander; Councilnmn Swetmunn not 10ting;
Ayes ~ liays O. l.lotion Carried, and so ordere~.
'l'here being no further business to come before this I!leotin!;;
It WeIS, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourneu.
~,. Ivt ~'h1~____~~
tb f4BaLdM.('~
1; 0 '/~~1:1i31~=~ , <1: t b. 1';) 2V .
Regular meeting of the CO,.Lion Cou:1Cil, City 0:: J<.wunl, ;not
this date in t!:le Cvuncil Ch:unbers; I.ieet ing callec to order by
l.1ayor P.C.I.IcLlullen, at iJ.P.l:l. with the fol.1owing Cou:1ciLlen prosen.
Badger, J.1cE:u:mB, Orlunder tc Swetman:1.
l.1inutes of the lust regular and interveining s:)ecial [lloet
ings read and a;h)roved.
Claims totalling l311.95 presented as follJws;
Gateway Publishing Co. 27.35. Bank of oewo.rd, ::5.00. Robert Gues'
220.00. ~l.D.Bulderston, 150.0'). 1. V.Ii-ay 1)).0). H." Eyatt, 5).:]0/
Alax little ::7.00. ::leward ,later ~)pl~'. 127.50. Je1!mrd L.cCd.CO.
260.65. C.R.Gerford 30.00. City ~ Andy's ~x~res~ 31.06.
":".F.ItasmusGen 16.5). ~\.las1:a 'i'ransfer, It3/~.5(). ;;,evmrd Huchine ;.>110'
3.11. Ogles Garage 14.81 Robert Guest A/c ::l.7.F.D. ~O.OJ
n.J.Ea:'-lrlu~11 11.5'). P.G.l:lci.:ullcn .75. B...,~' E. Corp. .15.
Eoved by Cou:,wilrnan :;)udger, secondcu by ,~I-;etman:], t;lb,t t'.(;
cluims as preeentod be jJaid; Ct:lli::i!{ the roll dm tho iJotio:l; all
Cou;:'icillIlen l)roscnt voted in t;:e affiruat i ve; 'tyeE: I. .;ay::c O.
Fire Chief Juest, condeillDed fire hydrant on the corner of
2nd. ;lve. und Glacier streeD; I,Iatter was referred to 1'ire COlll.,litte
and a report askeo for at the next regular meeting.
Mayor reported that the 40.0) e~penditure authorized on
3rd. .,,'enuo hud not been used owing to t;:e latencsG of tile se,lson.
for the prosicutiol1 of the worl: conte;;rpluteu.
UOffillittce 0:1 ..ssessment anci 'c',n:nsiol1 /.isLer fol' further tiu
on the mutter of Jules of City ~rorerties to private indeviduals.
;;jewel' Com,Jli ttee instructeD to take uj:; raatter of repairs to
;;jewer outlet on first avenue with contractor Ealluy.
'l'here being further business to CO;lle before this [aeeting,
is was uon pro!)er motion adjourned to meet ut 6.HI. Tuesday,
UovGrabel', 5th. 1\)2';).
(f\~r ~~~
t2 ~ALd~.L~Z;::
.. "0 I, :.: :1 1:
TUESDAY, lJ01TJ.:;1.illIG, 5th. IJ2~.
t:!>""II!iI 1i ,~ -. 'I
Adjourned Regular LIeeting of the Common Council, City of Sew rd
met this date in the Council Chambors; Ueoting CalleJ to order at
G.i'.M. by I,iayor r.C.LlcLlullen, with the fol10wing :jou:}cilr:w:^l })rosen
Badger, Horner, Mcl:anna, Orlander .\: swetm1.mn.
ILyor advised that thic l:1eeting was for the purpose of deedi g
to the City of sewurd Lots 18, l~, 20 and the Eust 2/3rds. of lots
21, 22, & 23 all in Block Id 'l'own of Seward; same having been bid
in by the City of Seward at 'l'ax Sale he~d ~eptember, l2ih. IV27
for delinquent 1926 taxes.
It was moved by Councilman Orlander, seconded by L1cKanna, tht
the uayor and Clerk be authorized to Issue ~ax Deeus to the City 0
Seward for tho above descriued property; .Culling the roll on the
motion all Councill:Jen present voteu in the uffirrnati ve; Ayes 5 IJay 0
The follvwing comunication from ~lwyn b:etrnann, was read
n It
Seward, 11/5/29
To City of ~e,.mrd; I hereby offer the City of rli
a.ll accruec taxes, penalty hnd interest thereon iYJl;luding 1<J2J
accrued tuxes upon lots l8, l~, 2() e,.cst 2/:5rcis 21, ::;2, 23, ull in
bluck 18 Town of Sew~rd; Title to be conveyeu by S~eci~l darrunty eed
(;;;;igneu) Elwyn Jwetmann.
City Attorney, L.V.Ray being present; ~uyot McMullen asked
for his opinion as tJ the legulity of this procedure; The City
Attorney voieea un opinion that the procedure WaS legal. whereupon
a motion was made by Councih1an Horner, seconded by Councilman
McKanna, that the offer of Elwyn Swetmann be a ccopted for the abdl e
described property, to wit, Lots 18, l~, 20 eust ::;/3rasof IJts 21,
22, & 23 all in Block 18 Town of Seward~ Culling the roll on the
motion; following ballut resulteu; Councilmen Badger, Horner, HcLu1nu
and Orlcmder voting ~~ye. Councilman swetr:mnn ,Jot 'loting. ,iyes 1.
Nays O. Hotion Carried.
A motion was wade by Councilman Orlandcr, seconder by Badger
that the Mayor be authorizer; to executed special warr!mty deed in
favor of Elwyn swetmann for lutb lU, l'J, 20, and east 2/3rds of 10 S
21, 22, I 23. ull in block 18 Town of seward; Calling the Roll on
the I.iotion, following ball.ut reseute(; Councilmen Badger, Eorner,
J.ilcLanm, and Or1ander vot ing Aye, Counc ilrnun ;;;;wetmann not vot ing.
Result Ayes 4 uaysD ~otion Carrier and so ordered.
There being no further business to corne before this meeting,
it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
1.1OHDAY, iJO\TEl.lBl:.;R, 18th. 1:;2:;.
Ho ,-<uorum present, r,leetinf: posponed.
rrEUR0Di~Y, 1I0'TE1.IBEit, 21st. In9.
Posponed regular IJleetinr, of the Com:non Council, City of SeWl, d,
met this date in the' Council ChumberL; Meeting culle(, to order at
1 Pl.i. by L![J,yor ?O' .HcMullen. with t;:e folluwing Councilmen 11rcsent;
Badger, Horner, Orlunder and 8wetmunn.
Petition from Sec. seward sehoul Board. presented. asking fo
advance of funds to lileet curren~ 30h00l e:.lJenses:
MoveG by Councilman nIl Orlunder, BGcondeu by Budger, that t10
Bum of ~250a.OO be advanced for the above purpose; Sulling the rol
on the inotion, ..1.11 Councilmen lJresent "loted in t;1C rlffirrnutive.
I.lotion made by CoU:-wd:llllUn Hadger, Seconded by vrLmdcr tlwt
the sum of $60)0. ,)0 be wi thdruwn fro8 the General }<'und and 1)lace(1
to the creoit of the City of sev/urd Bond Hetirement Fund for the
\ purpose of paying Interest und Retirement of School Bond, said
, ~............."
'.i:HDRS:Lhi.Y, .c;O'l"",I.:l);;~(, 21st. ::'~2~. Cont.
060JO.O) to be rIG-ceO. in 0~vings account'it 1171, und to dru.w 45b
Calling Lhe Roll on the motion, all Councilmen vrCBent
'roted in the ."ffirJJutive; llYOB 4 ;.Jays O. Llotion carried an t;O oreie eu
rrhere being no further business to co[~e before thiu j,1eetill3
it vms, thereafter, upon proper ;:lotion ad journec.
Jk(( rn~,-~~,
." CLL]1:
J.I:OILDAY, .1J~CEl,iBE.:-\,
2nci. llJ 2.:J .
Regular meetinv, of ""he Common Council, City of ;~eward ,mot
this date in tLe Cou;lcil ChG.;nbers; :,lectilw cG.llcQ to oruer by l.luyo
l'.C.Hcl.1ullen u.t d. r.U. witr, the foll,winp: Councilmen present;
Badger, Horner, Orlander and ~wetmann.
Hinutes of the last meeting read and avnrovec.
Claims totaling ItllS.19 presented as foll .ws; Bank of Sew~rd, 25.0
Robert Guest, 220.00 A.v.Balderston !E.).)j L. V.Hay 50.:J). H.II.
Hyatt 50. jC) Alex Little 25.00 :.lewurd dater Sply 127.50 L.b.Hall ~1
612.50 JLn Robinson 87.0) General :;;lectric Co l.'lj l'\egister D.::>
Land Office 50.00 Alaska Transfer 8.75 ogleu Garuge 16.74 3ewar
Machine Shop 3V.20 r.C.Ucilullen 2.85 seward Lite ~ P. Co. 323.75
C.R.Horford 2~.50.
Moved by Councilmun Swet~ann, Seconded by Orlander, that
Claims as presented be paid; Culling tilL Hollon the ~otion, all
Councilmen present voted 1:1 t e affirlJative. li.yes 4.
Following Resolution Presented;
BE 1'.2 HES0L'Jljj BY'.:"::: COIEIOll COnlCII" City of :::leV/arC!, ",1'i.8 ~~
That Joseph J..BadE,er, U L1ember of s~id Council, be, and he hereby
is, authorized lind directed to 1131:.e and/or cause to be I;]1ide an in
vestig~tion and seurch of tho records of the Collector of Internal
Revenue for the Territory of ~lusk~, at the office of said collect r
in the City of Tacoma, Washington, for income tax returns of citiz
ens of scid ~)ewQ.rd .!-laska, as a matter of veryfying tho accurac;y
of returns filec by such citizens i::1 ti'~e u'lttel' of aSbessl:!ont and
t~l:Xl1tLm by auid L1uniciliuli t;j' of ::'>erruru, Li.l.'.SktJ.
AddJrted under BULllonsion of rules, tl'i.l.s Snd. duy of vec. 1<Jc2V
l'.C. l.IClidullen, !.layor.
Motion b;:,' Council:,1an Orlander, secondeo by ;Sv/etmclnn, thut
that tho rules be suspended for t~c adoption of the Resolution;
Calling tltO roll all Coun0ilrnen pres(,nt JoteQ hye.
Calling the roll on tIlE) adoption of t:e Eesolution; ull
Councillllen rrosent voteD i~ye.
Following Resolution ~reBcnted;
BE I'l' ~.ESOL'r~~" T!1CLt tho torm of Office as C0unciluf1tl of t':e City
os seward, Alaska of otto C.Schallerer bo declaired ended and the
Office vacant by reason of the fact that said otto C.SChullerer hu'
has dcpa:ttod from the City of Seward, iilaslea, with the intention 0
remaining absent from the said City for a period of more than lline y
l:ays and has not been present at any L1eeting of t)',e Common Cou~1Cil
City of sewaru, since tho Third day of June, IV2~.
Adopted under suspension of the ru~es this 2nd. duy of ~ocember,l~'~
F.e.McMullen, ~uyor.
Moved by Coulcilman Orlander seconded by Earner thut the
rules be suspendell for thl i1dOl)tion of t::e lteaolution; ']ulllng the
Eoll; All Councilmen present 70ted Aye.
Calling the roll on thl adoption of the Resolution; dll
COunCilmen present Voted Aye.
l.iOllDAY, Declcrnber, 2nd. 1:J2Si. Cont.
~ "1I'~:1i-.. 111""'"11'
Fire insurance policy for 7BOJ.OJ on the lIew ochool House
having expired; Motion was made by COllncilL1un Badger, .3econded by ',orner
that Councilrnan Orlander be impowerec: to huve e::ecuted a Fire insu ance
policy i::-l the sum of ~~lO.O'JO.O'J for a IH3riod of three years und at
a premlum of 250.00 for the entire l,eriod; ;:;aid :jlO.O:n.oo insuran 0
making a total of $25.000.00 Fire insurance on new school buildinB
Calling the roll om tho mation; All councilmen voted Aye.
CommunicDtion from Peter lIichelson L'resenteu, offerinr, to purchu.se
Lot 2 Block \3 Cliff addition from the City for a swu of 16.60;
Motion made by Councilman Orlunder, seconded by }lorner, tha
the swn of l6.60 be accepted from I'eter I.1ichelson for lot 2 Elk.:J
Cliff Addition, and upon payment of same Mayor be authorized to
have a good and sufficient decu executeu in favor of ~eter ~ichels n
for the above described property;
Calling the roll on the r.lOtion; ..11 Councilmen 'foted Aye.
Petition from Chas ?ecklenberg presented, asking for T~x Deeds for
the following described properties, vurchusod by him at De~inquent
Tax sa~ on 3eptember IGth. 1927 forlV26 delinquent tuxes, to wit
10t 32 blk. 9. LotVZ2 blk. 13. Lots 37,38,Zv 40 blk. 24. lots l~.l
blk. 25. . Lot 3~ blL 28. and in the lJ'ederal addition 10;;7 blL. 7 -
Lot 4 blk. 8. Lots 8. l2 blk.10. Lot 12. blk.12. Lot 4 blk. 18.
I.1oved by Cuuncilrnan Swetrau.wl, seconclecby Orlander that
11ayor and Clerk be autho~ized to issue 7ax Deees to Chus, Tecl~enb rg
for the above described properties; Calling t e roll all Councilme
Voted j.ye.
Petition from Albert sundberg presented, asking for Tux D cd
for Lot 4 Bll. l~ City of Seward, Vurchased ut delinquent ~ax Sale
Sept. l2th. 1\)27 for 1~26 delinquent taxes. ;~ion by CouncilrnaC:j
Badger, seconde by 0wetw~n:1, that I,Iayor. anll~Clerl~ be authoriz;eu t
iSElle Tax Deed to Albert Sundberg for above described prujJOrt;y;
Calling t'1O roll 0:'[ the :notion, All councilmen IJresent voted 1'.ye.
There being no further business till corne before this rneeti g,
it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
c1i:, 'M.~ ~~
'. ' v 0 ~
1.1 "". li
- . C L .-' 11 ".
MOIIDil.Y, DLC1!;M13ZR, l6th.
~o ~uorum present; Meeting ?ospomed.
Monday, D~CElj3~~{, 30th. lj~J.
rosponed regulJr meeting of the C~xnon Council, City of Sew rd
J:1et this datei:1 the Cou:1cil Chambers; :.leeting 0alle, to order by
i,:ay 0 r i'. Cl.i.lclllullen at 1. 3:) 1'. Iii. with t he foIl JI":ing C ounc ilrnen pre s 'nt
Badger, Eorner, LlcKanna, OrlandeI' L.nd Jwefmann.
Corr~unication from ~ecrutury of Schaul Hoard presenteu, asl'ng
for an advance of fU::-Jds to defray c;u:rrent ::ochool e]:,Jenses.
hloved by Council.Hu.n Huc1(":er, S(;(;O~:-ldcd bJ ~.)\'fet:no.l1:1; t~j.t-lt -'vIle r
sum of ;(t;2600.0') be ivi t;lIIhw,wn frOCtl tile gener1>.l fund und l,luc;cc to t;c 1
cree it of the 'l'heusurer of .ul~e ::lewura JC!loul 130ura j:'v:': ~,,);e ubove ...
purpolOe; Calling t:,e r0J.l 0:.'1 t:,c J;lut iO:l ~,,~l Cuu:,cilll1er, lCrCSl.ny
voted in the affiruutive; "~yes 5. ;,IotivD C,,-n^ie<, und 130 ordered.
I,rayorcl.dvisod thut 61:1:380S h~.n to pc teL11Joru.lly sus}Je:;deu i 1
two 1'00':18 on tLt; IVobt side of t),c scb,ool owing to insufficient heu
;;iuhool COlll;;ri ttee wus instructeo to take the filu.tter U1J ,-;i th the ;jch 01
Board with a view to relieving this cO::-Jdition.
'l'here bein?
it was thereafter
no further business to c;oue before this meeting,
ujJon plPoper motion ad jourrled.
C t2:~aLLa,~;#~