HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930 City Council Minutes
=.:Jl~.;n.:.."T, J...~::r~'J..l.Y, 6th. lvZO.
::Zegulur me, ting of tile COIlnon Cuuncil, :it;i of ',> ';J~Lrc1. :aet
this date in the Cou~lcil ChnLlbers; Ueotini' cullc,j tu order u.t G d.
by llayor l'.C.Uc;Iullon, with t)~c following Cou~lCiL1C i lrel'cnt;
liE;.c1rer, Horner, Orlunder and ;)vJotman~l.
~inutes of the last rcgular meeting reafi and ap~roved.
Clai:Jls totaling :~a:~72. 77 presonted us follows; DanL of Jeward 25. :)
Robert ~ue8t 220.00. ~.D.3alderstun l~J.JJ. I.V.Ray 51.:)).
H..i.Eyatt 51.10. i,lez Little u'.r)). :~e1lnrd dater ;3fly. 127.5,1.
Ba:'1L of Jew~rd, 250.00. 8ity t,; .d.LctyS ~xlJros~_' C.~~'5. 1!.~.l~ul)cer Co
104 . 2[. 3ror:n (\;.; Ho.vv}. i "i'H3 Cor 1:'. 3. FO . n. J .:~&lT1U;;l 25. J') . ~c\'/.'~i.rd
Lit<:ht :'01'ler Co. 30'.1.::'5. '.:'.Osbo, j:~~i 13.31. ,'.C.l,IcI.luUen ~.5:)
Ogles Garage, U.~J.
l,loved by Cuu:'lcilaan Orlu:1du:c 8000ndou by Council:.lan Badger,
thu'o cluirn8 be lkid; Culli~lg the roll un the motiun, ,.11 Council
men IJresent voteD. in the ufj:'ir:,lative.
~uatterly re~ort of the 0cw~rd ~chool Jourd for ~u~rtcr endi ~
Dec. 31. 1~~'.J lrescntcll; Oruere" filed.
Llayor advised 'o:~c<t nO;;li;lc.tiuns were in order :t'orL;'LC filling
of t;',e v,Lc'ln0Y of U'_e 1,u8itiun of Cou::1CilJ:lU,n, arising :;:'1'01,1 the
dep:..rture of lute Courwiluu,n Sch:~llereI' froIJ (0),8 City, 13;,id nUiain'
tion Lend subeic:uent election to be for the periud ending uljon the
JitilC1.ExraX}LkEXIUIXLXMHRxz::ipai:,,}:xHB:k:i:ril.E. election u.nd qualificution of
a successor at tho next annuul llunicipal Bloction.
Councilman Orlunder nominutod ;~.R.Hoberts to fill UlC above
vacancy; Councilman Eorner 8ccondod the nomination of ._.3.30bcrt8
There 'being no further nominations; '~he llayur declaireu nOL1inutio [;:
closel and instructed the Clerk to l:iJ.st 'u'lC unu.niiilous of 'ullc
Oouncil fdlr "~.H.Hoborts to fill the v'Lcimcy as Cotmcilman for t,:8
Cit,y of Sernrc1 for ~,he above lil'escribcd ter:n.
Ballot h:;.ving be n so CD.i3t; The l,layor c1el:laireu ".].~(obcrts
duly olcctec to the ;)osition of COlncil::lLll1 for ~,\~() '-':it'p: of ;:;c"'I!.rd
'",here beil1f' no further bUGines[ to corno be foro this rilCcLinf!;
iL was, uj-,on l~ro ,or ..lOtio:: 'L1wrourftor ad,]ourneu.
.... C 1 ~~ ~-: l~
tImiD/'. Y ,
J<L;F.UV, 2lth. Ll3J
Regulr;.y :Je,'ting of t: 0 C01:;10n c;uu:1cil, Cit;; of :;)ewu.rd, :lOld
this date in t;',e Cou;wil -:;h'~l:lbers; l,~e, ti:W: l:[ille" to 01'001' at (3. !':J
b~/ ~"Iu;yur .L1.C.;Jc;L:ullen, \.vitr: t~~c full~wi;lg C()u~1c;il lC'l ].;roccll"L;
Earner, OrLm6or, Rol,erts and .:)' ctJllacl:l.
I.Iinutel! vf the lCist rep;ulur JJO. ti niT rea.d uno U!',Jroveu.
CluL1S for elf.i.')) proserlted . s foll,,11S; Chill!. JLi:lner 6. )}. Georve
::;tnmd G. n. '1.~:.;;'eifi'ert ~.OJ"ll being for 1:,'001' 1,er:[or::1e" on
tho City ]<'loat. ],loveu b;" COGYl,;il:;vll1 urluYluer, seuondcti by jIornor
thtct cl')ims uS lresentcu be IJuid; Calling t;_e roll on the ;aotion,
all Council::leYl l!resl.nt v~tec in tLc uffiruative.
1.i",yo1' D.l,{Jointec; GouncilJ:lUn ;:\obcrts tu :".01, on Cu~n,ait~0ees wher
vUl:un0ies oC0urred by rousun oi t~u depurturc of ~x COUI0ilIQU~
'i'here being Ylu furt!:er busi;lest to UOLle before ti:icc ,'lUl:tinr!;
it was, thereufter upon proper ~otiun atijourne~.
~, Yv\~~~
a &3d~-4lF;t;u/
- ' C l .::; :\ 1:
1.~OlJJ.;1i.'!, P=-:j~)=~]j.l.~fI, ~-~',rd. 1~;30.
~ i~w
.... i '9l- \7 1113_ ......""Iij;.JIlI
Regular meeting of t;~e COL1,Jon Cvuncil, (jity of ~o\'iL.rd, ract
t[,i~ oate in tile Counuil Chambers; IleetiDi? callee' to oyc]ur at d.jJL1
b;y :.1syor r.C.;,;clIulle~l, witt t)-~u fOllu\."{i!w Cvu,uiL1en orucent; ;3adg r,
Eorner, !.I cLIcmna, Orlanoor, Hobol't8 anci :3\;et:11811:1.
l.li"iUtes vf ~"e last l'oglll,.r ueetirli' read ,.ncl uJ l)rvve, .
vm';";l\'::;"~;;i The t;,,1<OS on re'll 1,rO)erty ill the City of iJo\Vard, i.lsLa,
for the year l\.l2v bouame delinquent 0"1 l;oveIl1bor 15th. l~::~ ut the
hour of 5 o'cl-Juk p.m. ano,
iv'HB.RbAS 'l'he L1unicipul Clerk of tile City of ;;ioward, lJresentod to
tho Council the oelinquent tax roll of all real ~ro~erty assos~ed
and on which tile tax has not boen jJaid and ie tllcrofore C1ul.inquent
:lUd said roll is in due form, .iO,1 rEL~\;~1'Ol\':"; 13-'; I~' lC;;iOL-r2li BY 'l'E"":
00;;;:,;0;: COU.iCIL, CI'i'Y ul" ;;;l:.,I"~R0, AL\.:3L".
1. That the lIuniuipal Clerk cause said delinquent tax roll 1,
be publishe~ togeathor with notice that Gaid delin~uent tux roll h1S
been completed and is open for public inspoction at the office of ~he
lliu:1icipal Clerk and thllt on tlle l'ith. day of ""J)ril. 1'.33), or as sopn
thereafter, as counsol may be heard, said dolinquent tax roll will be
presente~ to the District Court for the ~hird Division, ~erritory
Of ll&ska, for jUdgement and order of sale.
2. That said delincuent tay roll nnd notice ~foresuid be
published once a week for four consecuitive weeks in the Seward Du ly
Gateway, a newspal!er of p:enoral ciruulation, published in tho Sit;,'
of ::leward, Alaska, which newspal)er is hereby designate, as the
official publication for this purpose.
AdoI,ted uncleI' suspension of rules this 3rd.day of }'obru'lry, 'J20.
Approved this 3rd. day of Fobruary, 1\.130
~; ~~(~
L:oved by Councilclan 3wetrnann, seconder) b:'1 :,IuLunna, til:-"t rulo'
be suspendod for the adoption of the Rosolution; Caliing thc roll
all Councilmen vroscnt voted i~ the affirmative.
On the question "Shall t e Reoolution be 1.1dol)ted?" Jill Coun
c.ilr:len frSbont voted iln till) ui'fir,;pltivo, .i"c \ 'ell.. so J:cue:cec.
Claims totaling )11d2.6d, vrosontcd au foll~wb;
Bank of S8w_Lrd 2E1.00. Hobert Gue8t ;;;;,;:).O'J. ,..Li.15t.tlClo:cston 150.,)0
L. ',f. Ray E<). )0. H.,J.Eyatt 5'0.')). Alu~ Litt18 ~5.)J. 3ewarcl ,iator
0uloply 1::;'/.50. City .L:;':lJrcSS D.52. ;:,ewJ.nl Li"I"1., ~owerCo. 5l0.41'-
Alaska l'ransfer ';).25. M1-1.rt.in l.LU:1iY1f, G.'J). ,i..i.ilard G.D.
Move,_, by C "unuilLJa:l Orlb- ,cier, 8000l1l1eo by Ho:cner that ClaL,"-
11:" l,re. u nte be t.+proveu and wurl'unts c1rawn in .J'_.Y:Jont of sUIno;
Calling the Roll, 1.111 Council::1en ,LJrcsont ",foted in the affil""Jative.
Commmic&tio fro;;] ,,1::'bL," '-l'nmcfer asking for waiver of i'onalt :..md
Interest on d~l.inQuont tU78S read; Clerk instructed to notify The
.ci.laskc1 '~'ru.mj:f()T, in \'lriting, thut Council unable to authorize [m~/
such waivers.
Resignntion of Counuilman iluLan~a road, tendering resignation
of the position of Counoilman owing to departure from CitYl OrdoTo~
There bcin~ no further business to aome before this ueetin~,
is was, theroafter, upon proper Illation ad,joHrned.
~\ ~~"._-
l.I A Y 0 R
L.U~J}J.d..Y, }'L~j~~F~:..~~Y, 1 7t,h. 1 v;.').
~ep:ul[J.r ::lUcti;']f'; of t:-:e Co j-1v:~ CVlc"lCil, ~;i"U;: vf ::'(;\'/drd, :Jct
thib d;~tl i:, tr~c Cotnlcil Cllo.:j~"crb; ::eeti:';p uU1.1c,; to order 1):/
I.:G.\~~or 1'.C .1.1\.:1.1u11(;;1 !l."~, t3 :'.::. \1i th. "lJ~-:'c i'olli....'rJlni'c (~ou"lcll :10'1 1 rL~~C-:"lt;
u .
:SU6081', 1"1" 0 1'..:.18'r-"/' Orlu.;'lder, 110bc:::..tG un(~ ~~\?CtI:ki:1~~l:
L~i:~.ln.-':~e~, ,,-,f "u<8 l~-lot ~_~cVLltJ.r I~leetlnf.: roaO 'l~l(l "1., :iTUVCu.
:'rO[OEO{ Oroinuncc .j l'J~ Yt;tcnted u:1d Toud ~G foll,Jws;
..L. . "
o;-mli.,"I';~ ~04)
iL.! O!tlJI~. .1.:,;C~~ l)J.~0lTIliI~~1l...~"~ ~~J"..L.Jlj'.,-li~I";.L:..l
;JI~T~ :\i:~LI 0 ~./~~~_I':2 I U~;, l~...j}; -' lHO V=lJI~.;~:
~;r~]ISE=.r~,:lr.L' '.r:-r-:r:~Hi~O(.
I i.l '~' ~ ~::~?::_.:.-I.
-, \ '?
- I.. ~...
}3;, l'i' OH.1hI.I.;l~: b~, the COUlJO:l Counuil of tree C it;; of ,JCl,ie,rU. '
i;'] the 'j'erri tor:; of ~,1:,2ku:
,jectio;'] 1. '':hut it 13j,':111 I;e \mlcJ.vif'ul for un;; 1 en::ol1, firu,
uo}urtnerBhi~~~r uorl.orutiun k;']uwi:J~ly ur w_~touly tu o}erute ur
cause to be Ol,erateu, :..ny ';l"ul:i'H) , ciovice, u.1Ja.rutub or instrw,jl),Jt
of ,m;1 Lind w}mtcoevGr w1thin ""ile cvr,'vrute lLlits of '"he Cit;i of
l:\ew,.rd, l'orri tor;1 01' ",Lesk,., tetwec;'] t:J<3 ),OIHb of bi: ( 6 ) 0' u1".ck
1'.1,; una twelve (l:c) o'ul)u,~ ;,;iui;ight, ~i,c ol,eration of \ihil:ll bhull
CE~use ret._~oLCibl~/ l~rcventt:iblc i:'.l."'L.crfe~~QYlua \.,riLjj, r:~G.i0 rCUcl,1ti0Yl
YIi thi:j B',id uUIliui1}:.,1 lir:li tb; 2ru':iCleu, however, th:.L A Ruy 1 iuturo
e)J.i1in:.,tionc ur tl'OCtJJG~1tb de.;} be J.l:",uc <J.t ill;" tilJe ii' '"Le ;,j;u;llne
or Ul,JuratuE U13e" Ll:ceru::'vre eil^(; 1-,rUl!L:Cl.J ell,iJ":J:.el tu uvulde ",i.~
unneUe0GUr;: or ro:,so;']ubly IH'ovent:.bll. intcl':;,'crO:l<JL ','Iit}: r..diu reL:
01 tL:m una CJ.rC,:'llut nc;:ligentl;y. ol'cruteu.
;,tJction 2. '.l'lv.\t thib oniin:mue 3:1:.11 :.10'0 1<:: hold vI' uO:1Gtni.d
to e;:lbruuc or u\)vcr the reguLctiol1i:3 of C;'];l tr:1L:.1ittiog, broaoc!H:::t
i;']g or rceciving instrul:1ent, u1,IJi.\ratuE or device used or u8efu.1 in
i;']tcr8to.tc UO:J';Joruo or tho olceration of \'/)',ieh in:.;tru:Jcnt. a~ j>:;yu.tu'
or devicc iE l:leensed or u.uthorizeu b~' or umll.r tile rrovision of
any "at of the Coni'rcos of the l';']i ted :Jt::ltcs.
Jectiun [;'. 'i1ht.::;.t cror:y'r rersv~-i., fir'.l, UV1)nrt~'lCTL'_il, (J.oE:osi'.
tio~l or uorporntiol1 vio1~ltirw'_n;; UI 1,'..0 :,rovhhnL 0: this
ordi~1~j.-:1CC shLL1: U~;OYl cu:lvictlo:1 tie runishc(" 1~';f~ .i. l"i:1C of :1Ut 1(~2f'
t\^< '0 "'1', (:"0 V') ~'O-ll""" vo." "',,. n -, "i'~ . ("1') .),),
dCi,," IC.,,(,")} .l) C/.:., ell' (Jure "..,.[;']"ne .cu.,la_cCI ..~).' }
Dollcrs, or 1:;y' it:llrico:i:10;']t i;'] tj:e r;it;.' ,~ail 1'0::.- not lesG t}:'Jn
fivc (f',} u';y,,-, ;']or r:lOro thf;;'] fift;y' (5)) da;:s, or by Loth SI,U}, fi~le
a:lci i:Jrri:::o-:--l;ac:~lt, ~:r;.ch (\~i-~l duri"YIV 8u...:h viol:_~ti011 oO:.1tinues Gh'ill
cO:-l~titute u.. GCj)CY[;.,'Lc.: 0ffe~1(;e.
':;oution 4. j,'hh Ordi:'t::'luc sh,.ll tukc cf::"cut Lll.1el i,~tel~i uro J
i tl c,~sE,~~ge u..~Q_ u.~ }Juwvul, :-ind sh ..1.11 bo ~ ublish8~: onuc in L\c
08VHiTU ]~.:.rtcvnJ.:YT.
,,-uosod <..;'](, "~lrorveli thi s ---L.J!--~u.y or cV ~ 7- l;J;:JO
fddd.?' ~,
~f 1 ,~ ' i'i-'
,~ttebt, C 1 ::. ~, L
(l--t 1~'.e I,
(~,' r"vl -.v V(,.--<-<--<. ( .....~
~.... .d. i.. U l~
l.love d b::/ C..J U:'-l(; i l..ldri 0r l~lil(' (;; r, Lll U u~'l(~ 0 (;. l);/ C lHl.: dJ i l:;u...l.;:J. ~)\,~IGtraun
th&t the above re~loing: of .i.'rJ})oOo" unl1;JiHwe 1)S'1)() uon::..iUl;rell i",,2
?irbt ~\e:"ding; C,-,llir,g t:iO :;':011: .,IL, Cuu:wll.lCn l~rel3c;;,t voted x;;
Ul~iUG tu1.,LIJ.inv ~:;IJJ.,)) fOT :;'iru i?::trolJ. ; I'C.:LC:l"LCC. u(~ luilvw-'
,I. iCoJbe'l ;:D.YJ. l.'O;:J.J l'",rri::.h ;5). )(). ,;:.,u1. .:30lc..Li 1U.JO. :;eorl;c
'.l;hur}.8Tcu~'1 l~.J:). 1.:0VCtl 1):)7 C;JU~-i.L;il:.1:n~r1 IJrl:_.nuc:c, ~CC;()n(iCL; 1):/ EOrY18
thut u1:.11l1':: be u. F;rove,- :.L;'](j "-I~;,r','u.nt'" "'-' ,',..-, 'c'" l' ", ,"'" 'o"j~. 0" C". '}("
1..;. '.. \ ~ ...... lJ..... ..... _'.Ll. ~ J.!<.....v.,... .. '-' ...... .....,-~,..~,
~~nllirl{?: the 11011; -11.11 C0UYluilL1cn l'resc;(L voted i:-i t:LC ~;,f~'irj~l;vtive.
Offer by Joh;'] C. Grccn for tile lcurch"8e of lot J Blue1. ;,7
ori~i~~l Townsito of ~e~.rd, AltisLu. fur u vriuo of )~[.)l for the
Lot u.no u;']ladditiu~ul priuo of ~5.)) for e~euutio;'] of dcod, prcsQ;,]
tea: l.lovc{:. b:i' CuunL:ilrrlC1rl :for:1cr, eeeo~~()e(l t:7 ;Y,.!"CtLY.~;.1'1, t!1r~-'G tJI.C
above offor be ucccj"tC(] '";'](] U[~yor be uuthori::;o(: to c:.:cautc (l(;c(: to
TO \, ~l r't ,r., ~. J:! " ..... 1 1 ' '
c.,' ~.l.~ \....i. 'Jracn ..i.U;" lJ!:C Cl )ove (j cserl bed .t..-'Tu_; 8rt~"r;
( 436
l.iOlJJJ"\.Y, }i'LKle:a,:, 17th. l:J;n. Cont.
T .
""'Ii' "P"I. _II T 11._ i __ 11
Cc.llinp the Roll 0::1 "tLle Ll0tio:l ; ~ill ;uu;~lcilii1en -'TO"'cOl~ in tile ~.i'~'i"":J:_~ti"/o.
He s i gnllt i on 0 fQ ounu i 11:1l,~l'l I\. ,T . I.Iell:.; Y)"H" ,"v:,i 11 l're" C 11t cel :
1.10v(O\) 1;;1' COlm(;il,~'_~l 15:;dg01', s CO~l(Jer b;: Orl,ll'lc1cr t};a.ut Cou:'wiLn;,]1
I,Ic;lI~:~l,li:' S rosif'Yl:jtion bq auc;ol;tod ~:11rJ t'lC office ,J ,el')L:8" V'.C;'l'1t;
Cu-lliL[; t'~( l:oll, ,-,11 CJu':'Jc;iL1Cl1 -,rot 0'; 1,1 L',c u.ifir;:J:"tive
There beictf7 ,JO fUl'thcr I'JUG1:wS2 to eO:.le bc:t\)l'c
thereafter u! O~l rrojer Llotio;l :J.d :ou.r~ieu.
.l:.;hls 1.1C( tiYl[, it \7a~
.. .~ 1 J R
~~d bL.;-~~':~
. c' L ~~ ~~ 1..
)elOlJ:iJAY, 11arch, ;51'd. IV;;O
Regular meetim, of tho Com.lon Cou~cil, Cit;T of ;jC1;"'lI'd,;:o"c
this dote in the Council Chaiobers: Meectinf': culler, to order u.t J 2I.'.
py ;,lo.yor P.C .,,;cllullen; Vii th the forrOlWing Cou:1uiLJClli'1";Dent;
Dadger, qorner, Orlandef DnC Swet~inn.
Ei,;utes of tJie ~:Jst rel'\ul'.l.1' Lleetin!' re.'3,(1 IcUld ;J,JiJroved.
FollJwing Resoluti6l'l presented:
RL;501 F'.L'I or:
131:; I'L' lL~OL'F.;:ID, by tile Co,n;odm Counuil, City of 0CW 11'0 ,daeL.:
TEA'I' J.S.Budf'er of saia c;ou:1cil, be u.nd rereby is authorizcc. em b
behslf of the Cit;; of Se\'n;ra, to t:d;u ",Dei/or C;;dlSC to be t1d~el'l ull
nec;essary stOlJ" toict::orce the COllection of ulll1iili ocuujJution
taxes due to suid SCivr"d wld.r both the Federul <.md ~crri toriul
laws a;p1:cuble therato.
; l
.Passeu U;lcer; s0Jspunsio:l of rules this :Jrtl. uuy uf lJa1'uh Iv~O.
(Af, tuQ ~.
d U&fL"//~I'~
C 1.. :~ :\ 1:
MoveCl by CourtUiHlun Swetuun:'l, secol'ldotl by Hornor that the
rules be suspended for the adoption of the l:esolution; Cu.lli:W tr~
r~ll on the motion; All Councilmen prusent voted in the affirmutiv:;
On the question Shall the Resolution be adopted? All Council
men present voted Aye. so Ordere~.
Claims tutalli~g $1085.68 presented us follows;
BDnk of Sewarll, 25.00 Robert 01lest 220.00. A.D.Blildorston l!i').'jO
L V.Ray 0').')) tT.d.Hyatt 50.1)'). Ale:x Little 25. )0. ;)ew"rci ,(ateI'
Sply 1~?5). Osbo's 6.G5. Browl'l F~ 'Tawl:inG 1).65. F.S.:;{ub1:)(;r Co
6f.3~. Sewara Lite & Powor Co. 264.6'). Alaska ~runsfer 63.55
P.C.McMullen 4.2'). O~les 0aruge 23.)j.
LToved b~l Cou:lcilrmm Hornor, seco'lc1ecJ b;T ~)wetr:J.un:-l that the Clubll:'.
us rresented be fliJproveCi lind warnmts drawn i:1 payment of ~)a:ne;
Calli:~f-r the; ~oll all Cou;'lc:il:,lcn ~\ret:cnt vptcej in the uffirL.1u.tive.
l'roposud Hudi-i>. O:b&i:vl'1Ce w'le reae; for the 38co11(1 time;
l,;oved by r':::uunuihlun Orl"ncler ,seconrJee) by 3W9-tul'iYl"l thu.t t1:e rcadi;R
of 8,:lid Ordine.nc;e be cOYlsidcred the Second ~\eading; Cullini' th,'t
Roll; All Counc:il::len voted in the. affirw.tivo.
l'he folluwing 'lJer80ns '.lore nurned to Ccct us ,Tudf':cs, Clerke,
and IY1Spector for .the comcil'li' J.llmiciJ<).l J:;lec;tion to be held on
Tuesday, dpril 1st., 1:J30.
For Incpeetor, George so~tun
l' Judge~, J.C.~ubcrtsQn ti~G JCll"l:C ~~ulsLn.
" CIQrJ~8,: ]Jessie I':.l,lullJY i:, ::Jylvi", ;;;ezton.,
'i'ho ClerL WU8 instruuted to 0u8t 1i.n unanir;iQub bullot in :f:'uvor
of the above n~3e0 per5ons; In the event of fuilure to ~uulify;
Office shall be dcelaired vucunt.
There being no furt.her .l:JllSiness; 11'hie ;Jeetinf.' W,-(; ul'o~" ;;lotiun adjo 11',1 d
. (i) r: v. CL.\ ' '.C
\J < ", ~ 'C v ~~-"-"_". _..'._
-- 77z4-,/o-,:"
a bP&J-d-b1A'~
(} e e k lot,
l.iOllih.Y, L.dCE, 17th. b;;'J.
llo !;ieeting.
l:lOlJl.L..Y, 1.~...i~tGH, ~51st. 1 '.)~)o.
l)oiuoneu regular LJecting of' t:1C COi.LlUY1 CJu;wil,City u1'
~evl:lrl< met~ tl-,is cluie~n 1,);0 Cuu;;uil I~JlU..lberG; 1.leeti:1g uullol. to
order by Ll:J.yor 1..C.LI(;;~ulleH ut d l~.!,l. \vith t:cC fOllv',;illl' Cuul,cil
l'len Jc.resent; Badger, I=orner, Orl'.maer, l\obertL 'cnd Jwet:Je.J.n,l.
il.Ii:'iutos of 1.:10 laot rCBular Llcctinf-: reaD ,~;.;:IC:) ~"- \ rove6.
~PQli(;ntion of Jennie Pu.ulse~ for oositiun of J(;houl
Colloctor for t;,c Cit;/ of ;)cw,:~rl1 for ~'car l~<~O, ",ro[;ente(;.
Clerk instructed to cast 1,110 un:m1n01W fl',ll)t of tLo ,'jouncil
for t"!en~'iic Ilnulce~l for t}.~c ~!ouit1o:1 iJI rr:-L/ r~olleotur fur t:-iC rjit:/
of 00'1".'<'1.1'0, fO~L^ "0' c, year 1J;::.). 13all(;t co u..,~t. u.n(~ ,~e;'l>lic ":;.nl:c.;l1
d c c: 1 n ire C' ..:.'" -J :L ;'1 1, c . .
Ord i;1<'J.Ylce ;:Uinber IDG J:reso11tod U.ie> :'01l,,':[8;
O=1J)I:'.L"_j:~ l~u. lOG.
lLJ 0ltJJIJ_:-"~i;'~;~: 1. '-)~)~.I."2~~"': d. ,;~~~\.~")I '~~i..~. F~l~J2:_.../;r-,-'~~. :l{,
"~~:, (~I'~n.7 l)~~ :)=~,I...~:l-, .1..2_.1.Ur~1, ;O~( '~'~. j ~~ 1,)~_':).
~d~ 1'.1' OJ~.) }.I.i:~'. -'~,-"r ';,,':._~, __ '~d:~",i~Il, CI'_'Ll~: \;l' .~~. Id~-:';)' ..- -'~j. ~.
;.)8 Gt i.Jrl 1. r~'l:(-,.t : C l't.; ua:j'U t 0 :.~n.L(: ::. ~-~ a(3 U CI'u :~~lU u ~.)i t :-. t h.c
rue,uirE: .10~Lts of C}:[j,~_;tcr -'- ~'J of t -~C Le:.:;t;ic)'::l l~..i\/S rJf' ~.l.l:....iJLu. for t!lC
yeu.r }',,;!1.:-', entitle,-,," .i)"Yl ~~_ut to iLlj.'j~";C a t:J..:<: urO:1 :.1..;.lc crS01l8 i:-l
the 'i'erri tory oi' .L'iltJ.~;L.'L for JGhovl ~ Uy L GGO~, j,r0vid ir:..[" ; .l(;li:~8 lOT 1
i tc uo:.Llcctio:1 :.~,:ncl dc.ul,'lirin(~ ~.....:~l C,lHJTtle:lc:llf us eJ.!.lenclCu lJ~! t.!lC aut
of L:u.:;' ~ncJ. l'.i'~l vi' ~Li,ici L.~~t. Uu:T'uaincu.
Je::l;'-lie .ei-u.lsen, ,~;., l"'esictent of' ~ '~C Ci G:,- of 0ewarc1, "'l..1;_:.81=,....,
una u. citizon of' tJ~e United ;.,tu.te:..; of .u,loricu; Is lloreby Cl.Ll,ol:/Ged
una is acoluired to 10 tlle .:)choo.l. '",' c.:'. Colleot01' for .",0 Ci t;1 of
::;evn,rd, iLludeD, 1'",1' t',c ycu.r l'J;;U, ,.nu [;.j:0;1 quulific:u,tioll 0f' su.id
l_,crsJn b:,' fUTlliLhi:'l~~ U. g0Jd r.trlC; ~uf:::.icic:11.. bU-rlO i-;:"l aC00rtlll,IlUe \;l.LtL,
the lu\v, Lill eouditi0~'18, 1)r0ViE,io~1E: ::...:-1(.; rcc;uirCLlentE o~. tit...~id ac"'u~,
sh~ll be cl.rric,: \Jut ,,110 cnf0rsc UL t;; '.1.'"'.'1 l'Ggulutel. und ree uirod
i::1 cO.llect 10n 01' 8,.id ..;uh001 i'~J.xes.
:;;ec;tiou 2. .m euerge:l0;J is hereby dool:Lil'ou to c:dct, f~,ld
thi::; 'Oraiumwe shull taLc effec;t after its 1:'::'88:.i:O Ii:ld',c;.l-:ruv:,l.
l'Jaosed under f.:UslJenoiu:1 of rule~; ~hic 01st. o_L'Llarch, 1'J3'J
,l.pproved this :'Jlst. c1n:i of ;,larch, l'j;~)
1.. .. ,[ '.J R
?l.///1 A/ d~LRkL
'C I 1~ ~'~ 1~
Hoved 1~;i ComlCilrJ'ln Swetmun:1, soc.:ondoo b:7 :=orncr, th':t the
fir~:t rer.dinr: of Orclinllnce ilo. lOG 1)e cO::1siooroc1 its 80concl":1d
third rC~jc1ings and trlf~:t th,-, Ordinance be plfiCct: Ur'O;l its 1"n8S'1>':0;
alli:'!'p: 1,1',(, Roll, all Counciluen voted in t:,e affir:J.'.tive. On tho
c:ucstion, " Shall the OrdilllLnce be a;,'provet1'[" all Cou~lc.:illaeYl vote,
/\'ye. dhereu]1oi'J 1,:10 Us-yor Sip:ne(1 the Ol'di:'!!mce in o:'cn 202sion.
The fo~l)wing Resolution WUG prcEuntoc1;
Hl:-;SOlFrl'IO~J ..~,prjl~~IJnI:~Il:G .)lTBJ__,IC~/L'IulJ u? ~'hYI1ICl~ UlI1
l"lU;.t.RY ::l:::':C'rIO:; j,';J::;':'; ~:""lD _,':"RIL, 2'.Jth. lV3').
1:: 1'.2 :C;jOLI~l/ u;:; Vw eOUT:lOn Cuunc1Ll, (::ity oi' ;3errard, "laGLa,that
he Clerk 01' the City of ~ew~rd,~luskfi, bo und horeby is author
il:;ed und directell to ~'rf;FD.re, lost unli GaUGe to be jJublished, iilt
Lhe ~ew,lrd lJ,"ily, Cf,tm:m-:, Ij, :1ewoJ]utcr of t',oneral c:irc:ulution nub
~ . , L
ishee, i:', t:,e s:.id Cit:; of ;;,ewurd, ;.lust!.:.,!:! 1,.0 for:.l c.nd r:l<.;lnor
rusc.:ribod by 113.17, d notice of 13. ~rim~ry ~lectio:1 to be held thru-
ut tho '~lerritory uf ,duoku 0;'[ 'i'W::S(ic~Y, "llril ;.'Jth. lJ30, u,t the
"own H~ll of buiu City of ~ewurli.
,U..clolJted under LUL(C~lci0:'1 uf rulc.;t; "'utili ~l. [t 6~.,:y' of ~~u.r(;l'
-ti..u..15L".1(tor~ton, 1,1L.~liuli',;..1 (;larL
Cit:/ vi ;jc\v(').rl1.
1.IOl:D.::..Y, I.L'~].Cs.l, 01lit. l~;)). Cunt.
II~.. V."I
Bici of HClrgu.ret iechnor, i'or Vie u.uuitinlc of 'u;~( Cit'.' emu 0U 001
books, 0,1'esentoG: Ordoro( reforred to ri,l~nce COd;,littee.. with 1ow'hority
to e~pend not to cycode 0G~.JJ for Audit.
~jominu.tion for Ins;ector, JudGe::: U:lC~ ClerL" fOl' 'uLe l'ri:Iltlry
Election vrere clec:luireCi open; 'i'ho following nU,J:lOc were l;rlcentecl
Inspector, Ceorge ::>e),ton. Judges, .ira. J<l",irr,mn aild louis ::>irnrson.
Clerks, Bessie ll.tialloy and Sylvia ::;exton.
There being no further nominations; Clerk wac instructed to
cast tbo un'~nir.lous vote of the Council ::'01' tllo Ij()1'13011S :wnee.
It was so done. ~he liuyor decluired the ubove Deroons u ,Dointed.
adio Ordinance was ~resenteu for its Third reu~ing. ilov~~ by
'ounc:ilman Orlunder, Seconded by 3udgor, thut thc Urdinunce be road
y 'l'itle only; Cluai:1p: t)iL Roll all CounuilElCn 'rated ",,;ye. Ordincnce
vas EO read.
J,:ovcd b:7 CouncilrJun ;)l'/etra~m" Gcconded by Eorner thD,t Hadio
rdirwnce l:o. lOr; be'Ul)prOve,j; Calling tIle noll, all Cowlcil::lOn
JreEent voter' i"l tLe LO,f,2ir::l!itive.
'~he tILlyor trcreul_'Q1'l 0if~e(~ the Ordin~llluc 1:0. 1')5 i;} 018;1 :..)08 ..,iu....'"l.
'.C.MuLluJlen, l.lo.yor.
Sisncr A.D.J3tllderston,
I.:uniciL ,,-,1 ClerLo
The ;,;ayor called Ul'Ol-j 1.l:e Council to Ij.i);,ear as .:), Canvasing
ouro at the hour 0f 4 0 I clouL i;.'Il. ,/ednesd:;;;, "q)ril, 2:10. l'J30.
ut..nVl.:SE votes C::.8t fOT t)~c l.Iunici,'"i.l j;lection.
There boing no further l!Uclnesl. -;'0 UlJiJe bllforo this ,:18etinr;
was, thereafter u1,on i.rojor ra0tioH flei journed.
vu.~ ~
ii. Y J R
d ~ A/d/A.r.--Z;;:;
C 1 ~~ :~ ~~.
CA1J 'r.~JSI1:(~ bU"l.iW. ..~lJril 2ntl. 1~:30.
Council met at 4 o"cJ.uuL i,.la. this clu.te, in t,.e Counuil Chr.,rabers
City of ::,ev/.'u0, ">.1:.8LI". l.leoting uulJ.8l, tu onkr b; I.l,"yor ~'.C.j.(uLlUL_en
wi th t 0 follvwint, C0u~~uiL;w:" i rCL:cnr; jUUr:ll.c, 1:-)1':1(;1', url;cl1ucT,
Roberts ~nd 3wetu~nn.
'l'h€ I.;uyor U; :)0iiltOl< Cuu:wiL,wl1 1:::_di,lll' t..:'lU .3riC1., ua:'l:! u'o a
CO,Jui tteo to UlcL:lVL08 1.,',( bull Jts.
'l'hey rq;ort
:.love ac.;...:eL'tuncc,
"L}".lC count 0f t!.8 ~locti0n tTud~~'OG <.18 QOi"l'cct
I.Iotlon C[urie,.
The following Hesplution was thoreu~tor 11" s~nted;
"Ej~~~L,-lS, in Lccord:i.Ucc rii th tr.c 111\YS of t "10 ',,'el'ri tor;;, 0: ,Uu<JL..i,
and Ordina;lcc 41, of t:~G Cit:/ 0::" ;~ew"rc] ,,,lack::.; and :loticc f'ivc:1,
1'.1 ;1ltl'1iciJ.-.<J.l elcct.i.JrL iVtlS held in ~LJL_e ~'u'Nl1 ~!a.ll, i:1 ~.:ui(:: (~ity on
the First day of ~ptil, lU~0, und,
,ihen;u.:::, iil o.cuord'l,'luc 17ith tIlo ccrtificatc:;.; fi:cll' ','fit' t C :.:1l:1iui,al
Clert of SaicJ City, t;.' the election of::'iceTc of said cloutior! t>_c
follQv,rini: ~larne(l f)CrSOY1E reueivcl: Lhr: oxact nuulJer of 'f....tcc 1'1 tue;d
::lfter their rcsreutive r!',;Jes 1'01' 0ffiueG ;:loTcin:,fte1' st"tceJ to VIi t:
J.J . Graef
SaL1 Gr::;,ff
2.C .EcUullen
;101 J: olb en
J .HofL1<'.l.TI
~~. '1 . HL1~i
T. i.~' . }Iu.\'lLi-as
Oscur JJo.hl
d .ColJ)Jernol:C
Jen:lie .'au1sen
I..T ...1.. ji,Lll.L10n
C..t~l' ~!.,("i..)~~I~;'~ .;.jO..~~\IJ, J'1._)~II, (~"l(l.. Cant.
C .l~. 'Jr11.,.~'ld l;l"'
:E'OI~ GOtTl~CIJJ.L::~.l; :es~ l~noer
D. 'f~~li,de
~ii ;JU Y~.c1.l~ 'll~;U.l. E. jJ. J ull i v an
t: _ 0 . H 0 f~:1.' i-n
~. :ciWetldbnn
FOR CO"Ul,CIEi.u. L.HolJkins
;; . ~ . Ii 0 fj:mn
0~~E Y.i~,..~:2 fi::bPJ.'1.. J.;.:).B~:..df'er
:"\.lJ. :Julli v",u
Eu.rry l.yons
FOi\ ;':~J..illl:a 0:P
~CH001 B01~l\D
;,i. J.Bcmbury
Ii .1.i.Abbott
J .Eaf'ralln
,7011:1 ;;util:h 1
I.iI's :'. i~icnstro:J 1
l.. Ea~,:dus 1
~.~.le~lie 45
rrod ;':i11er 1
J.~.~ad80r l2
J.. "Urb,"ch 1
,To 13< Lundor
t-~ .1:.3'licLinFer
:jt..rl :.'~01.G'1t
\n!EH~A3, the returns 01 suid ~lectioL wero cunvasseJ by the
Corn~on Council ~f said City lit 4 o'clock ~pril 2nd,l930.
:~O'" r.r:1Ll~1~~POTI:: :3j;; I~2 :~l:00J.,~n.:iJ 1~,Y ~:~-:~:~~ CO~.~=:02.r COU~JCII. CI'l~[ OF
QDd\~riJ, Al.1SI:A-....'l'1iat. in acuordancc \vith thc; results of suicl elccti n
1.S above dotermineej, the folloc';ing narnel jJersons )lIlVinr rCGoiveli
the hishest l1lU:lbor of votes for the respective officcs Ulmcr: to lvi' ;
COlTi,CIlUEL }:'\);\
'.i.' 'd () Y ~,;A~~ r~l=~~::I.1
cor~:c Il~:ILi; ~10i.~
O~:~ Yl~)L~ T~:\l.~
~)CEuuL BJ.l~=:lJ
:::'.C .Llc1.lullen.
ChurlcB C.C oU~Jer
11~uILl.~~.l-) 11:U -,-'~~IIJ ~
~} . :; . :rup~ L:..lJ
,j .ll.l"bbott.
iuiy '.2L,,';; '1'El~Y J':';, ,mti hereby ure ueGlairea clectec to i3~lid
rBs~ectivc offiuBi3.
llao~;ed by the CU4J\:0~J CueJ.~CIIJ, Cit:v'" ui ;jewarci, ~l.l~.Gk<.~,
this ~econd day of d~ril. l~~O.
Ll .... Y () R
t:Z 17 ~ ~dcvtr/~
. C L l4 ~~ l~.
It Vli;.S l;1ove" b:,' Coullcilua:l ~::MBtLJ'_n;l, ..leconacl- 1);/ l{aborts
thLct the ~ebolution us rc~d be l":cSGO,,; (;",liin;, t),c roLi. all c
Counci1::flon jJrcsent 'fot06 d,;:"'O.
COln~i1Cnt Vl,'l.c I:l;;.OC b~y ~.leJ;lt,cr8 of "Ltc C:.;.nv;_8~inr: l)uL,rd relative
to thc Iaa:l::-ler i::-l whiuh Officers of thiE, election h~ltl 11:"r1d10d certuir,
uutihtteC: b,"llots; ClerL \"I'.S instruutE(; tu co;a::lUl1ic;ito with ttlO
Officer5 uf 1hi8 ~loction o~foring uriticisu, \"Iit~ ~view to
eliainatinr' errur in futuro olectio::-1S.
f.{11C C;":11V:..:.GLi:1f! 13ou..rd h:~vinf!: l)crforruccl it~; liL~-:"icb; r~lhi;':1
!:lC C t i :-1~:, \'nl S Uj.'Ui1 i_iTol",;or mut i un (.1C~.j 0urnc (; .
O\{, Vvl~~
T "1.7, 1:-
... ~~ '.
~ -\.... 1. "' "-: i.
liOi:D,U, "11'l(Il, ?tho 1,)20.
, ~egular i<Jetting of "v!,e CULli,iUn C:om'luil, C1"0;'; lJf ;,)ovlu,rd, ;Jet this
QtJ.te In the Council C]w.;11berc; ;,;o"tiUtZ Gu.lle(, to onior :11, 8 IdlIl. by
j,;ayor l).C.;,icI1ulien;ditll the folLmint( C0u:wil;:1O;1,'rescnt. Badger
IT 0 l' <' "', ,
-:orner, l' una er :20 be l' v S 1.,:'"1(1 .)':Iet.;;ll.~l;'"l.
],;inutes of t"c 1'"01, regulu.r UllU, intC1'voillil1t, LlOe tinr,s ro8.u;
~tipulated price of ~G5.00 for audit, ordered insorte0; ~o done un'
~inutes uvp1'ove6.
Report of City ~ttorney ~resonted; Orde~o, filod.
Report of Clerk of (,he 0chool Boaru, presented; ~Zeferre(, to ::>ch001
Claims totalinf ~l651.G7 prescnteG ao fo1luws:
Bank of Sewurd, 025.00. Rober"v Guest, 0~20.00. A.~.Baldorston, 15 .10
L'v.RfJ.;;,50.10. )i..{.Eyutt,50.n. .,lu:" Little, 32.50.,I.;;ul'ueYi, G.O<)
T.Purish,6.,)'). ,';utCl'J:ly l'ub. Co. 21~5.7f). JjE;\V~:~tru juter ;jl.~l~l. 1~7. '8.
L.C.T\l(J:;Tul.le~, ;'22.5'). ~)ov/ard Lite p", i.o\ver Go. 25?OfJ. ~'iln,f::l=~). 'l.'TL.l1'fcT
:.::'.C5.'.;eo. Sexton, 10.0). ,:'.C.Eo1Jertson,l).l'.). ,]"e;',:-110 }'uuluon
IJ.)O. Bescio I;. Llall,JY, 1).10. :~ylvia :~0:xtO;1, 1').00. .L;mpreGc Cir'uit,
S5B.7S. Alu~k& r~ilr0ndt 46.22.
I,loved 0;' Council::ltm Orlll;1ocr, scco;1ded o:!
allowed ,~~n(] \^lal."rants dr~.<,\v~] in l_'uY'.lent. of s:1.rne;
0..11 r:;\)u~lcill;le;~l fTcsei1tj vute(~ .iiye.
T~orner, t:J.J:t
c u.ll i ~-1~~ -L he
claius 1;c
DODd of :ennic ~:~ulse~, 3uhool ~~7 '~olleut0r 1.rcsc~ted; I,lovo~
l:y Cou:H:;il:~lU.:i '~,_...C1 r:cl" t L:ccond (](l 1<7 ROl)crts t}l{~'~ I3und l)(] :.tc..:ue~;tf;d;
Cz...lliY1F.: t;'~e roll ull ,'j0u-:Jcil:Jel'l i.:1'f CC:lt votei:J t~HJ :).,l'iirr.1~.ti\lG.
,J. leo-~l Prb(:-,0;~ UUGi'eL.fed t:1C L1cu-Linp', (~\Je.Lli~JF~ v:.~ ~ric ul;vii.:..,z-"bili :l
r of c;orf"..~ertln~~ tLG vIe. t;uhu'jl !1..vtn.:::e i:1tu ~;, il.\..HJ...)i ual; l\luyor uti\? .1.20d l-",:A:t
this tlE.:.i,ter \V~.:.::' tt'tlnc.C u0r.i.~:i,ucyu.tiuYl. 'I.l1~ Ul.-'1J(_~u;,:, u.lt3u SUt~1 cGted tlle
settin8 choadof lucal tirao (,\10 hOllre:, lJ0tl~tioll taLon or; ~J;ic f7H.tte
Th.8re bci:iG xn further but:i:-.iCSE, tL.o I.~J.~"ur 0.c(;.l.u.ircd thi8 LJGc tn~~
adjourneo t~ moot at J jJ.iil. or: '.i-'hursuu.y, .l,t!l"il, 10th. 1;;;50.
~ )~ ~_ltt,-~lL.--
11 .. 1 U il '
tt-A9if a/ d ~.r/.,;;.
~ "C 1. ~ 2: L
'llHURSDAY " II-PRIl" lOtl-,. 1'.150
Adjourned rogulllr rael tinp: vf t:;e :;Or:lL10n Cou:wil, held this
date in the Council Chaulbers; I.Ieet ing called to order by l.layo1'
P.C.l.lcUullen, with the folLwinS Counci~,;1en J)rescnt; Badger, Hornilr,
Orlando1', Roberts unO. Swetuulun.
Minutes of Lhe last raeetinR read and a~prove{.
Comnunication froQ School Board in reference to Ueulth Cortificate'
for teachers; presented' I.:oved b'! ;~ouncil;,1a~1 Swetraan:'"l, seoo;1u0,: fj..
Orl'.:mcler tj-,r;t raatter bo' referred to the lJow Council; Calli:;!': t:w oll
all ~ounc~l~en present voted in t e Affirralltive.
Claims totaling) 38l.3G presented as follJws;
Robert Guest, 73.33. A.D.Balderston, 5J.lO.L.V.Ray, IG.66.
E.W.Hyatt, 16.6G. Alex Little, 8.33. O.Ulshapen, 65.00; Ogles
Garage 89.18. Seward 0rill, 48.00. Calf U.Brosius, 1~.20.
- ,
Moved by Cou"'cill:la~j Drl,muer, s' conded by 3wetmu.nn, that Cl(1i:ls
as Vresente0 be paid. cullinp the roll; all Council~en vrsent votel aye.
I.lotion made by Council];HJ.n .l5uu!-"er, "'secondoli oy Horner, thtit wh 1'el"S
the Bill of O.Ulshugen for ~uditing Citys Bo~ks Wus e70.00 und whe "cas
the swn of ,:;65.}J only hus oeen tJ.l,proveu, 'vhe:! hereby LIove ,md 3ec nd
that the adnitional sum of ~5.00 ~e alloweu und ~uid.
Calling the roll all Councillaeu l)reSo;yl. vote,l in V,a affir;au-ti ve.
rTfTT"''''~ C' ,. \ ~1
.L _.: 1. .:.~.J .J~.1. L ,
'1. ; l=~ ::::., 1 J t h . 1 '):50. (; 0 n t .
'rhe Uayor r:)lH10 a fOri a rrol1rillto re;:1ar}~s, t. a:lJ:inp: t}lO
out[':oinp: Iilembers of tho Council for thoir Su;',jort during their ten 1'0
01' office,' Council:nanliu.civer l'eS1JOncle(i", wishing the :i.'1yor und
:nembors of t:-e ~;erJ Cou:wil govel luc1:.
'l'his Lleeting thereafter acjvurne\l,
.:jine Die.
CY:f lY1L~
~ ~ ,,. '". 1
l.1 ..:.i. .L U ~.
t2 ~P-LdM.!.~/
8 .. J.. ....I ~.~ :~ .
rrn;nediatel;y following "CllO adjournLlont '-.Jf tho outgoing
Council, I,i:..yor :.lcI.lullen callee tllo .ie..', Council to oruer; Calling
t!-Ie roll the fvll;wing CuuYlciluen were lresent; Couper, Eoflilun.
EOl)~;ln8, Orlanacr, .:\oborts Ul1l1 ,jwetuu.n:J. Cit:, ..tto1';;oy uduL1L3ter
ecJ the Oath of Office to '~'118 ;i:.~'ol' UllU lll)'.j ue,u'LJcre uf tiel; incoGlG
ing Council. .
CO"Ull;'lic~"tiu;l f1'oLl .tJ,c uCllO"l Jou.rd, l^,:,lative tv EeU.ltL
Uertifiuutes for all teuc:L8=c~; rl'"L ::CC::;:C'l"J.'C(1 ~GO L:.\.; ~chouJ.. C01;t;Ji tte
The WJ.yor thereufter unOUlluel:. ;, ':c iOllo,lill,: COLl.li tcoe
ar~ointments for t~e ensuing Cuuncil Yeur;
+1~~=:.~;)~.>1.1L~;r..~, I~'~ c~ 02-J...l~cr.Ll I ulJ OP J.'.tU~~;j
C ;;)WetLlunn
Pire l)ROr.2i~CfllIO:;
C i~obert8
(~o'..) r'er.
I I'j}~J\j .s...~,j=S~~.t~I:}~~ .i....~r:.:.:">. '... .1~:..:Lt'lE0
C lIofuen
:PP~,l.IC ;....,J..il.L'~~ " J:!rJ)2~I(; .:)]or.l'...~C'i.'IlhJ.
C Orl:~;'lclGr
=:"Ilj~L~Cl~ (".: CI~:1.ILIS.
C Orlt."nd u r
::itrects ,;:: ::>tree- t II;ll-rove:;le::,ts
C rtOC,Gl't, c;
ljHIJ.jl":" 1...~I;
C HOlJLins
Ci viu "l.L.t.lin;
C !: (.) fLlu:rl
Ll..i 'Oc O~ruL;.I.~JC"';::>
C HOIJki"ls
GLl.Cr:.::: 0'.c'1~r;..Li.
C COJper
Motion rn~de by Councilman, Orlander, seconded by ~ofmun,
hl.lt, the Eayor be authorizec to fill vucancies of City Officers
)ending their uJPointuont by the Council and the ~asfing of tho
'ulGry Ordinance; C~lling the roll, all Council~on voter Aye.
;.1:~Y0r u;'pointed Councill:!:m c:obcrts to ["ct, S :l :;eElber for
:,e I"i brary CO[:1:.Ii ttee.
~r. C.=.Shea addressed tho Council relative to svrae aution
e ing takon in t},o Llatter of deterl:J1ning the cause of death of !:upy
ags i;-; the City, reconendine tiu"t an analp:sisH shonlc1 be uude of
tou:lch of S01:1e decet.lsc(l dop:; The flutter wae referl'c\ to tile COYal:l
t"cee on l:'ublic ~:ealth :~nd ,,'ublic l'Totection, and ~ IJotion vms ',noe
'Y Cou:wilm,'.lJ1 :)wet':]an~'j, seconded by Council:nt,n :Iofa',n tlw.t XME:: i~
wa of not to excedc 1,;50.00 be rl[lOeO at tho dislJosal of su,id conn
ttc:e fOT Lhic Ilurl)-.J(-~e.
...;. ..C"..~ ,
/-------.- -
~hursd:':l, AjJril. lr)th. 1';)3). (~ont.
~ liK"'iP'If
Callinr t!l8 roll on V,e Llotion;
in the affirmative.
There being no further businesE
it was thareafter, u~on proper motion
iill Councilnen ore sent voted
to come before this meeting,
ad j OUTner: .
Gf YvL<!.~
..1 A Y 0 R
TUESDAY, APRIl, 15th. 1~30.
Special meetinp: of the Com.lOn Council Cit'l of :3 e1Jo.rd, held
this do.te in the Cou;1Cil< Chanbers; Ueetinp- ;alleJ to order ut 7 IJ.d.
by iIlayor P.G".l.Ic!.lullen; ~ii~h the following - Councilr:len pro sent:
Cooper, Hofman, Hopkins, Orlander, Roberts and :3wetm:.:mn.
Mayor advised that this mectinp: \hiS called for tIle IJurpo::>e 0
discussing plans and s;lecifications ami tho cullinf, for uf bid::> in
regard to the remodeling of the old School House, situateu on 2nd.
Avenue, for Hospital purposes.
WHEREAS it is apparent that the Common Council of the City of
Seward, Alaska, has the authority and it is the duty of such body
to take such action as may be necessary to protect and preserve
the lives, the health, the safety and the well-being of the people
of the City of Seward, and
WHEREAS, it is self-evident the greatest need of this
community at the present time is proper hospital facilities, and
WHEREAS, the former'school building, owned by this municipali-
ty, has been untenanted for nearly one year, and that such build-
ing can be made available for hospital purposes, and
VmEREAS, should such school building be remodeled so that the
same may be available as a hospital and such hospital, if created,
may be rented and/or operated under such restrictions and upon sue
plans as the Common Council of Seward may hereafter determine,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That plans and specifications
with reference to the remodeling of the building formerly used
for public school )urposes be presented to this council for con-
sideration and that if such plans and specifications shall be
adopted by this Council, that a call for bids for the material and
labor necessary to remodel said building and such other action as
may be necessary relative to the establishment of a city hospital
be, and the same is hereby authorized, all, however, subject to
such further action as this Council may take by Ordinance,
Resolution or otherwise in the premises.
Upon suspension of the rules, every Councilman voted in the
affirmative for the adoption of such resolution. Those voting the
affirmative were: Cooper, Hofman, Hopkins, Orlander, Roberts and
Swe tmann' unanimous) .
Counci 1man Swetmann the reupon presented to the meeting plans
and speci fications relative to the proposed remodeling of the
building formerly occupied by the City for public school purposes
and st tua ted on Seco'nd Avenue.
After a general di scussio,n, in which participated a11 members
of the Council, upon motion made by Councilman HOfman, seconded
by Councilman Orlander, such plans and specifications were adopte
as the plans and specifications for the remodeling of said former
school building for hQspJtal purposes.
Upon the motion being put to vote, all Councilmen voted in
the affirmative, and the Mayor declared the motion carried with
the vote of the entire Council.
~ The matter of calling for bids for the material and work
detailed with the plans and specifications adopted was then dis-
cussed, resulting in an agreement upon the part of the Council
that the call for bids should require three specific bids, to-wit:
Bid for la bo rand ma terial fo r all carpenter wo rk.
Bid for Plaster and stucco, labor and material.
Bid for Plumbing, labor and material.
A motion was made by Councilman Hofman, seconded by Council-
man Cooper, that the Municipal Clerk be instructed to advertise
for bids along the lines as stated abovet Bids to be published in
the Seward Dilay ~ateway, for three issues, commencing on Wednes-
day April 16th, and ending on Friday, April 18th, 1930. Bids to
be accepted at the Office of the Municipal Clerk up to the hour of
5 P.M. April, 18th, 1930.
Calling the roll on the motion, all Councilmen voted Aye.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
it being deemed advisable to hold the same open, upon motion made
and duly seconded, this meeting did adjour~ to meet at 6 o'clock
P.M. on Friday, the 18th day of April, 1930.
(J;-t /11 ~ 7J,t,-~~
FRIDAY. APRIL, IGth. 1~30.
Adjourned Special ueeting of the Com~on Council, city of
Seward, held this dc,te in (Le Council Chambers; ;Ieeting c'1110d to
order dt 6 p.m. b;y Hasor P.C.I:lcIlullen, v/ith the followinp: Council
,nee; 'present; Cooper, EofeF.m, nopLi ns, Orlu.nder, Hoberto, ~Vletm;,n:1.
Mayor advisea thut the lilec ticl?: Vias for the jlUr(Jose of open
ing I:md considcri:lg bielcis tendered fof '"he remodeli:lp: of '"he old
School House for Hospit~l pur~oseB.
Clerk presented seL>.leu bids u.mi wu.s instructed to oj,en SUI:lC
Following bids were submitted:
For Cu.rpenter worl; H....~hoduy tiel ~560.0a. Frank Lugerqui~t
una Gust u Peterson joint bid ~~lG.OO.
For stucco und ?llJ.stering; Gerhard Johnson bid $1500.00.
Jalter Drewitt bid ~1750.00
}'or Plumbing: Chi..s Lechner bid vll::O:J.OO. H.H.Len'lurd bid
A motion was made b;y' c;ouncilu,-m bwetlilunn, seconded by Coun
cilman Hofman that. tho .plumbing bid of Ch,-"o Lechner for Ol20').)0
be accepted and contract awardel. Calling Lhe roll ull council;nen
present voted Aye. ~yes 6.
A motion was made by Councilt11.ln Orlander, seconded by Coun
cil:J1an Hofman that the Carpentering bid of E.A.Thoday for ,~560. ')0
be accepted and contruct awarded; Culling the l~oll; all cQuncili1e
voted in tne affirmative; Ayes 6.
A Motion was made by Councihlan SwetiJan:l. seconded by Coun
cilman Cooper , that the stucco and plastering bid of Gerhard
Johnsen for ,;;15')0. ')i) be accepted and contractawardel., ':al1inr: the
Holl all Cou~lc1il.Lnen voted in the affir!l1ati vo. Ayes 6.
City attorney wu.s instructed to draw up Contracts ~nd form
of Surety bond( in amount of Bid~ to be entored into 'md sif?nel b7
the respective successful bidders. .
Claim of Cit~ ~ Andy's ~xprusD covering Freight & ~rawage
on School Eouse shadeo, pre::oented; I.lotion by Cou:,will..n Hopkins,
seconder by Hofm,n thut this cl,',irn of ;1;)~7.~6 be paid; lj;illinp; the
Roll; All COlmcilme:l present 'voted ,c,ye.
COLlillunication frolil l'resident li;rwin of the ::>eward ;)ch001 DO,,,- d
presented: ashing for an advance of $dl0. )) to ~ee current e~ven~
j,:OVOu lJ~ Councilllla:'l ;)wet,,!c.n:1, seconueu b;/ COOljer that the sum of
~;t30). JJ 'ue i...dvanced frolll the general fund :::'0,,-' chis i,uTI.ose; Ccillirg
the roll; ..iJ...l C
/ 444
FRIDAY, April, ldth. Cont.
p-v --. ~ _ -;:r~ ,-' "T 'Hi 1
ulilling the roll on the Motion; All Counuilmen pr08cnt 'Toted in th
ffirmative. so ordered.
There being no further business to come before this meeting.
was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
d ~'IJ/?A f d';A.f ~
~ ,
MONDAY, APRIL, 21st. 1~50.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, Cit~ of ~ewurd, held
this date in the Council Chulllbers; LIeeting calleu to ordor ut [3 p m.
by Mayor P.C.McMullen; with the folluwing Councilmen present;
Cooper, Hofman, Hopkins, Orlander, Roberts und swetmunn.
Com'llinication from '1'. il.Huwkins, asking to purchase lot 1 BH:
~. referre, to Comui ttee on Assessment :"nd Tax8ation.
Chairman Hofmun of the Light CO~llmittec sugf-ested that thre(;
stref't lights on Adu,ms sterr be despensed with. ],latter referred t
Light Committee.
Chairman Hopkins of the Printing Cora;.1i ttee presented proof
of City letter heads; His COill::littee WL,S authorized to order 200
of these Letter Heads at a price of ~3.50.
Chairman swttal'mn, of the Hospital cOJ:lmittee presented list
of ecuipment deemed necessary for the eouip!Jent of the prolJosel
hospital; After a lenghthy discussion enteref into by members of
the Common Council and members o'f the Citizens Hospital Committee
it was decided to pospone the ordering, of this eouipment pending
an interview with Dr. Haverstock :md hie al,proval of eLLine.
It wus suggested that the Hospi tal Comr~i ttoe comu:1icute with
officials of The v{omuns Home Mi8l:;iont~ry Society reL~tive to the
operation of the ~roposed hospit~l..
By an unaniirlOuse vote of the COUywil; the Hayor and Clerk we c
instructed to have prevaired by tho City ~ttorney, und issue to
the Masons, The Odd FellJw8, Tho Pio:1eers and the Jessee Lee Horne
good und suffiuient deLus for One acre lute in the City Ce~etery,
free of charge.
There being further business to c~rne before this meeti:1B. it
was, upon proper motion adjourneu subject to call of the Mayor.
~ 0o(R~
FRIDAY, I.IAY, 2nd. 1~30.
Adjournec! regulal' "JC;etiylP: of tho COJJl:aam Council, City of
Seward, met this date in t:1C ,~ouncil Churabers; LIeeting uul.Leu to
order at S p. ;a. by l';ayor P.C .l1cl.1: llen, with the folluwing CQUY'lciLl 'n
present; CU))Jur. Hof':Jun, Hopkins, Orl,mder. Roberts d,nd Swetrllann.
Llayor iidvised that meeting wus for the jJuri;ose of further ui.uus8-
ing pluns for the conversion of tl:e ole. Gci:oul house into 11 city
hospi tal.
Councilman Swetmanr'l IJreLented udc1itionul plans, specificutio S
and lists of eeuilJuent cousidered necessary for ehe completion und
ecuipment of the Hospital, said necessary remodeling und eouipment
agregating an estimated cost of e57JO.OO. ~nQ necissitating the
addi tional calling for bids for Carpenter \{urk. Plumbing. \lireing
Plastering, Painting & Calciumining, a180 the ordering of enuipmen
as passed upon by Dr. Haverstock.
The matter of calling for bids and ordering eQuipment was pl ced
in the hands of the Hospi tul COlllmittee.
A lllotion was made by Councilman Hofman, seconded by Councill<l
Cooper, that the Public Health and Public Protection COI1lraittee be
authorized to expend a sum of not to excede $6000.00 (Six Thousend
Dollars~ to be used for the completion of and the eouipting of the
Hospital. Clllling the roll on the motion, following Councilmen
voted Aye: Cooper, Hofman. Hopkins, Orlander, Roberts. ::>wetmann.
Ayes 6. Motion carried and so ordered.
~ -_..~
.. ~ i,-,,/,','. ;., ,-,'
FRluAY, 1L~Y, G~ti. IJ30. Cont.
The I,layor suggesten that t ite Council procede in u. body to the
to the site of the proposeu hospital ~nd review in person the
remodeling already done and which is contemplated; This suggestio
met with unanimous favor and was so acted upon.
This meeting, thereafter,'1Upon proper motion ad.iourned.
P)1 .,
~, "r lit, r .~,~
l \ r .'t 'I ./t,A.,:L.f.-..- --
I. A Y 0 R
,4 ~/'d/~.~/
.C I, L R K
MOHDAY. IiLl.Y, 5th. b30.
Regular meeting of the COllh':lOn Council, Cit;J' of Sew;,rd. held
this date in the Council Ch'.imbers; lIe-eting culled to order ut d p"
by lilayor P.C.McJ.'[ullen, with the foll0wing CouYlciluen pre8ent;
Cooper, Hofman, Hopkins. Orlunder, Roberts and SVletl!la;:m.
Minutes of the last regular und intervoining special meetings
read and aporived.
Claims totaling ~~846.15 presented 11:3 follJv,rs; Guest 146.G7
Balderston 100.00. Ray 33.34. Hyatt 3~.34. Little G4.G7.
Al",sL, R'.;ilroad 12.)). Sew'trd Lite f,; l'. Co.l77.55. C.R.::lorford
2.55. J.C.Robertson 33.00 Sewu.td Water Sply. 127.50. ~lusLu
'l'runsfer 2.00. Ogle'S Ge.r,..ge 1.90. ::>ewllrd J.1chn. Shop ::::'25.
P.C.I.1cMullen 3.J0. A.Bricson 91.50. G~lteW1J.Y })ub. Co. 13.98.
Hoved b:i Council:nan Hofmun. seconded by Roberts thi.t cluirns be
allowef and warrants drawn in pay~ent thereof; culling the roll al
Cou:lcilr:len present voted in the affir::lative.
Contractor Thoduy recuested un udvance of O~ao.oo on his Hos-
pi t",l Curpenter Contruct 1i.l; ;,Ioved b;;,' COU:lCilL1~m OrL.nder, secon-
ded by Hof::1:.n th,." the Sl,la uf ::;20'J.rJO b'J tJ.dv~.uced to Il1r. 'l'hod,.y.
Gulling tte roll on ti.,c ;:.v"iuL, ull Guullcili:1011 vote, "",;;e.
Upon a rel-,ort ::t'rol:J "he Liidl~ Go..l:littee tr.,.t ull ,,110 street
lights could be cleanod ,,,,t :i c;ost of $1).00; It W;lS moved by Coun-
cilmun Swetmtinn, seconded by Eopkins t~lt the Light GO::JJittce be
authorized to ex~end the su~ of 010.00 for this purpose; Galling
the roll on the laotio:,; tlll Courwml:.1en )resent voteu ."ye.
CouncihlUn Hufw"D udvh:oQ .eh;.t tiw ;)erJaIrcl J,il,ht :;; l'o\'ler Co.
der;H..mded 26 subscribers t.J 'l'elelJhunes before such servise \"loulej be
exterlded north of GL~zier ::>tree,J; LluLter \/i.b refmJf!red to Light :;; .2
~owtird ./ater Co's C.)r~ortitiorl Report rresented; Ordered Filed.
1'.C.UcI.lullen, tlwnkeu the Council for t:'le use of the City DU::ll
Truck for hauling exci vuted 1:1;.terinl fril>iJ his b',se:,lOnt; It w;-,s the
ununLlOuse opinion of the council, thu.t the muteriul hu.uled had
been durnlJec on the 3rd. Ave. Bridr,e fill, it nas :,L deciued udv:.mt-
to the City.
The ;;Iuyor advised that he haG f:Jc,de .'J.rrangeJJent::: with LIr. Spuch
to survey the City Ce;aetery.
Petition 0:;: T.\I.H~wlkins for the IJurch'ise of lot 1 Blk. 'J ',,':is
aguin presentee; resulting in '1 r:lOtion b:l Councilr.mD Sr'etmui1D, sec
onded by Hopkins, thu.t the clerl be instructed to iSbue u certifi-
cate of sule to :.1r. Hawkins for the ubove describeuiJru,'ert7 uron
full I'u.Yl:Jent uf ull accrue( ti'xes, ].>erle.lt;7, interost' '.net cost due.
C,:,llin~ tho roll on the ;:lotion; j~ll Cou"luiL1o:l )Jrosent voted Aye.
Followinp: Resolution WU8 presented;
,/H-':;'=\bl'S, not ice of delil1c uerlt taJ"es :J.rld al:38eSf:'ments for tlle YOiU
l~SJ has been duly publisheG in the Sew~rd Duily Gutowuy, u ne~s-
pUlocr of p:oner'.l circccl'ition, J:llblished i:l Sewn'd, ",1..8L.,. und the
publicution of caid nutiue hus been co~;loted, lJow thereforo;
B~ IJ.1 ~~l~SOJ..i~r~.u BY ,-l}-I~ UO:G-I01J CulT.JeIL, Cllj.1Y OF ~1~~',J1U1lJ,~j.J.t.'i.;:;1._..1.
1. Tho.t "".lJ.Bi~lderston of tllC Ci t;:7 .J:;: ::;ewi.;;.rd be unci heroby is
authorized und directed to verif;;,' emu file i~ tli~ District Court
for the ~erritor~ .Jf Al~skd, ~)iird Div~siun U Vro~er av~licatiun
for :in Order of ::.>ale of ul1 ,Jroi,erty liste. 1;1 the delinquent tu:.~
roll of the City of Sewurd, ~lusku, for the yo.r 1~29.
Adopteu under sus~ension of rules this 5th. duy of Uuy, 19~0
Approvea llay, 5th. IJ30
?C.IJcllullon, Iduyor.
Lioved by Cou:1cil;:Jun ~we'n:lunn, scco:ldeci b: Eofr:u;,;:l th,~t tllO rule
I.lONDAY, J,ul.:Y, fit,h. l\J30Cont.
Fh .-_
be suspended for the udo~tion of the Resolution: all Councilmen
voted in 'the. fHf~rmutive:, On the question shull t,er Resoluti.on be udopted'?
all Councilmen voted Aye. So Oidere.d.. ,
Councilman Roberts reouest'od u. leave of absencofor about two no
months from Cdunci.lmanic dtiti<ls cCJmeno.ing Muy, lOth. l~30. This "
request- was unanirnousle granted by th.e Council. -.
The Mayor designuteu the week comoncing Llay, 18th. to 14ay; '17th.
as Clean Up viee'k, 'and askod all 11013siblo coordination of"themcrnb
ers of the Councrl.
There being further business to come before this laeating ; ,it ,w
was thereafter adjourneu, to moet at the cu.ll vf the Chu.ir~" ' .
~ '/\l~"" ..
.,,-,11/\., ;j~--
,. ,
'l'UE3D-,\Y, JiLl.Y: 6th~ ,1950
AdJourned regulur,meeting of tho COmfaon Council;'held tI11$'da;te
in the Council Chambers; Meeting called .'to 'order at 6 :p.rn. by. Mayo
P.C.McMullen, with the f6l1)wing Counc11men pr~sent: ~,.
C09per. Hofman, Hopkins,' Orlander, Rm~llX 'll.nd Swetulann.
Mayor advised meeting was fot the purpose of'thking up~the'
Salary O~dirtance. ' ' .
. Separate mo1{ions \,ere duly made, seconded and unanimously'
carried establishing the following rates ofoompensation to'be paid
to the several officers of the City of Sewt\rd, for the ensuihr: to
The Municipal Clar]: shall recei vo a Monthl;y:sI.11ary at' the rata
of $100.00 per ,m6nth. .' " .
The Munici]All Magistrate ohall receive a mOhthly s!ilary at the
rate of $25.00 p~r month. " , ,
The Municipal ~sQesso~ shall reueive a mOhthly sa~aTY at the,
rate of $25.00 ',per month~ ' ..-,
"The Municipa:I' Attorney sh""ll' recei ve;Q Monthly su-lary at. the,
rate bf $25tOO p~r ~ohth. . b'~'
The Municipal H-ealth Officer' shull receive ,... momthly s,-,lary
bt the rl:J.te of ~~75 .O~ IJer month.
The Municipal Treasur~r shall receive a yeatly salary. at the
rate of $1.00 per annum. .
The Chief of the ]j'lre Departl.1ent shall receive H: monthl'it
salary at tee rate of $1')').)0 per rnonth.
The Chief of Po1ice shu.ll' receive a monthly salar;y ut.:, the
rate of $100.00 per month.
The above rates wf cwmpensution were there-in-upon trunscri~ed
and made a puI't Of~' salary Ordinance :/fl07. ; I'thich Wus Ml.eroafte
read for the first time. '. .'. '" .
1',lovea by Councilmun Hofman, S'Oconded by Swetmann that, :the firs
reuding of Ordinance 'ifl07 be cons'ldered its secd'nd and Third-l'eudi g
Calling the roLL, ~'ll Councilmen voted in the affirrnat i ve~
Ordinance #107 wus tha'nread b;y rritle' Only, and on the questio
Shall the Orcfinance Pass? All C'ouncilmen prcsent'Voted Aye\ '
The Clerk was instructed to' 'have nOti'Ce pub'lishe'd'in the ii-eWhr
Daily Gateway for three issues asking for applications for the
respective City Officers. . ,~' 1
, Claim of The Bunk of Seward in the amount of $25.00 ~or ~ffice
rent, was pre8ented. Hoved by Councilrnun Hofm:~n, secoYlc;c.d ,b;y Oou-
niclrnan Cooper, th:lt cl..,iLl 1lt' (~llmved and warr'Lnt drawn in I"<;,:lc.:lt
Culli:lp V:e roll, all Cou:wibie.n Voted A,ye.
This meeting \'las thereuftc~' ~Hi.iol"r:'lGu to i;wct t3 p.lil. I.1ay. Yth.1Yi30
/ i~ ..'
,.~~3,", i
?;. ~.
YBlnlY. KAY. 9th. 1930.
~---~------~--~~-~ ---~--~---- -
."-----.- _.._----~--_. ~--_.-.,--_..~---- -- -----.---.-- --------.----- ----~----- - .~--------,-------
.43011!'11.(I 'res-lar liee'U'Bg *' the oComlllOn C.uM1l. ()11ltef Sewara
hld ~hh tate i!'l the OfttlOil OIlam~.'l"8:' ..eU_ ..1'l.~ ,.. IM'7 at
8.J).... 17 ""1' p.e~.oJI1ll1n; wifttbe "11~iD8'e.utIC1~ pruent
Clope!'". ~fIIaan.. ~epll-tf!.. or1....r. tN'IHrJILts ad s....~.
~ .....tNf''tba, "IU.~ .... t.r the PU7P". 'elf ~..1"7ing
aJ)p118aU"- f'I"Olty 'Mf1oe.. ... ; .'d' "
.' ".n_tJtg 'appliO'&'tl-. "I" tM'tlupctD p:re..nMt ' .,. 1tbe '.....
blned Iffioe If Chllf of Polioe and Pire Chi.f. applioatlons from
It'-'n G...t. .... BU...l. BQ8Il CJdlWli@fe. :,.. 'E....Ut.and
S.C.t.e..~. jer "1l1JtB'd 8'f:fl.. ,wt aUrk.".l.....':...'.......r
4Ppl1oaU.n from A.D.Balet........ Por O:lfl",.f ........ Offt<ier.
. "An11.atJ.e..1 In....>>....,.rneok.... '''',',
~..C....U .s"...... a ...I:t. af eel., 1JIt.......l~. ....l.n
..lNr...,. .......otl 4Mm~eN' wer. 41.a'" .f aU pene_ .....pt
the ____"."'8 ,a:l "h. onsoU.,
lS.outl.,. ....1.. haying t.rminat.d. Applioatl.n of A.D.Baver
...8 't_~t..~ .. ~.. uP. :~.l$lllg .. ttu' :Qlftk b.ing
.1'4.... '...(~ ,,'..q.........ltal141 .., '1M Cnn~l f'r .J..>>......r
....k i .... :'MHic,4'. .,.....:1 :d..1&1....' A....>>tiJlay'.....ca.1tl:7 a1eo
,.. W 1h., ;..... af o.s.,..~... Of :lie. ' ; ,"
Appl1oaU.n If A.,...*'Ht.''fn o~l'" .ft1.. .t OJ_k. al
Kagl.twet. and A....B.r wa. tak.n up, r..ulting In the K~.r b.ing,
br.''''''' '-oMi t... .....lMU .,... at tile' 'OnnlU 1..lt>>J).Bald
...Irt.......Mftl ..., '..,. 4..1&l... A.JI_..He....n~u.l' .al.ot,4
,. j"~ ..al... eHtoR fit M.-Hfpal ()1..ftj -e11t.aU ",___..et.
Cl'rk '.. l1MJtNOt.. ,. ..at 'M d..i._ 1>>&11.-t.f 'tAt Olan .
011 f.r H.S.B&1~a"'\f.r the p.."1'..f K"lclja1'~~""',
.ame b.lng 4.... K&T.r d..lalr.d H.S.Bald.ret.n duly .l.ot.d to t
tb. ,...1 ti.. .f "!'ll.ipal !lrea.urn.
,.. ...itl.. .f 01'7 4't.ra'7 . th.r. b.ln~ n. applloatl.n..
waB .rd.r.d Ill-It ~-*. " '"
,ft. a,.li"Una -.f ltft.n ('Iu.'"'' Pr.... X.lla~.alr.t. 'JtqIl G.
S~.,~. 'a" .ub.~~'t ... S.~.L..dtit.~,~. ..~t... .lft....f
~1'fc.f.,.11..'... '17e~~1.f'..J'I 'tb.ntakeft up:Ql...wa. 'f..'
rueta' .... ph,.lr ''hl1ri... *J'81' .appe1nh' e.eudill&1! .....rt. t.;
act a. ~.ll.r; ~.ll..lng wae r..ult .f canya. .f ball.t. ca.t;
"I&! J'I'."~ lMt.:J,.lieftl,5. ' B"_" ~.t 1. .-ler '.elal.d,'n.. X.Uch..
:lU la'ft1lc t..ttyt. ~ gre.n.r .ub.r ." .,.,.. .i"a. "dai-Hf d" '
ted ,. 'the p..1U... .'1 Chi.f .f Pelic. aDct "t.. 'hSaf fe,. .h.,
Clt.y if S..ar4.
It .... 'MautMwMf17 'Ap'B.' ~Mt .n :1l..~M .'f:U.... H' appe1n
,.. ,.."~i~'retpeo~'" p..l~l~. lma.'iafel~:.". th..~ ,..alft-
oa'l... . ).: I
I A Ketl.n .a. mad. by C.uncilmaa OrlaDd.r. ..o.nd.d by H.pkin.
"M't tha..Urill8 .:lflcaH. 'B.'.n~.."&"B...""", :MljJald
.t~t."aal_'.. a,p.w sa &ncl hl.l_lIIg 1Ia7, l,"h.:lIteO ,&a. tha'-
WU~.... 'M ..... 1& papl1lt.t ".... "
'j" O.II_lIUMU...c"" ".0.0.1"" HlaU..t......... d the
'ii' 'C.., "'#1_1 ...... j.t.rHd! ,. ...p1:t&l 0,,'''1;... "
1'1:1.81';':= ~e furth.r bu.d..... te ..me be fer. th1a .aU.s. it
,'....... t ..,.. pr.per ~l..;a4.Sl1lned. < ' "
, '. t" \.' ~. .. . .. .-) c.; . }
~~'~~ ~ ~<<l<<t'.~;r:
. . ~ .
>>OIDAY. KAY. 19th. 1~50:
, p.-'U...-
1l000DAY, JUliE 2nd. 1930.
B.guler m.etiag of the Com mon Counol1, City of Seward,held
thla date ln the Counoil Chamber.; Meeting called to order at a.pm
by .a70r P.C.Ko.ulleni with the following Counoilmen pres.n't;
Cooptr. Hotman, Hopkins. Orland.r and Sw.tmann.
.un1t.. of la.t regular and int.rveln1ng .peo1al meet1ng. reaa
and appro.,.,.
~ I..' f"l,
::-~!rl, /
Mond.y. 'June.' 2n.: 19~O'. Cont.
'Q,l~_ 3~~,~.4r.9 'PWE"~. ~.' .-1.'-',....:
'i6.~(; "'4J...w.e...i.:;'>>~~, A.D " '-~O"~~
6.0Q. 1~!.;;~.i~"''''''1~''; ... :"'__ o~u
Pr.d Sp...., N.QQ. cu.v tNJV8 .~:~~....~~, .
i::~JI:;:;'~:tt'~~7~.l;: ~.::::t ~~i~~n;~
-aMp ...o~. p...._.~~"A1U111 ...... tl~Cl 4..
. .' 'J ,...1. 1<< .1:"rl~~ ~~111"~' ~J~ti~,~,- j : l'lf"~: 1,0. ""~Jlt'~tb '-is 'i,
, ......<C.ut~. . ~_.' '."'f1lt 1. 1I4"l D..1\IMA .\4.. 111I. e
-~.,.......ft1lUl"1fW'1 . """'t~ lUll" c4&~g .*.~ ,. 1
COqJt~." '"MIlt}...,. ,be. a~M..,~.,... V,!':. ;r"U..lll,
Ol.lm of .....1'4 D!1I4 Co. t<a.oi4Mtlalllla'iec.tJ..ttQJiQ
Oalt4.lr.,l".l .-_. ......l\baJeM1. _..1'Uk.c~}Al'~:C"'lBo
__U....".,.otbr.",.....oe."IMO.._r~...j..._. i'~1.1_.
Couo1l1u&Jl S..'tmaan not 1'0t1...t~1o.j..n1....."..i_.l>\I'ftl It;);
. . ,...:.. ...tJ"':'d~,' ~ ..i~$..d~;.'.'t~" ",id':...ri l1t.l,,,.. .vj'uoltl[jI
. .ut... .ota,Qa1Il1I...q...s......'r'Dt... ........,r.L-..tIr1..'1t.lM
........ .-'1'__..:hM :H_h&1.---.. ~_-*'....._...b'TC
1'IMem................ .... *1"1:.lt.~4t\1~~.._.........
Cooper 'hat the .am ot ~dO _fit..... t' _ti\h.aou _J
th~ .....10." ..al.O-..~llfl.QP.....J'Itlll.__. 1(; nolhoii.i"j.,
: I 1<,,','" fli ;; J ',.,; J i,./ ; '!'.\ . 1;' i" ",.tJ liSM$; 'H)., ;"'l),.lfi:l; .'lM'J'MtIlJ'~ .;
; ...U'*i..,...... ,...,.. ...M..... ...-Madw ~oWtAf
1Ma.~ut.a.,M1...U...D\...t.MtC...'.&M ~....._*
ra.....'''' \"I.AM .-11'\ ..1.~_,\ft.:)l.\1..(,... uIItM I..uiO..l;wa
B~tJIa..:r...o........v.AeM_ut_ __..t~"''''AIt J..u....,.lM ~..... i
C.l,l_ill*~1'~I~.W,;<~..n.UrIt.c.r....\.~'"~(.. .i..' .~ 1lI~ '1 (:J
.' 1lJ..!}..L~ .,!d'; ,:v:j.~-,,;, 1"'.,.,......" ~'I...~f~J:~.~n 't,fV'\"..,: .!'h'!~~h ::..li.;l'~d ~Jjf"
1'1..... d.omml'\t.e reCOIn. .1fIt4~. ~&a\l'~~M .t *I.i~"!}~r~j
t9e..i'~"QfS'w~ ..~lJ",'h.~ ~f <(.,QO..",. .hJlM~"~ MIP mont 8
.dinS D...mb.r let. 1950 .t · r e ot-r&,C ijJ 'lit."ilY ,,".
. ...... .U.....9~lr'...~.,,.e'"". g . 1...1- ~....
.4q."1~".(."\e"Ma. .-.""Au.."rwe. JIt...J ";J~ l.~..l""T.~,r h
.-".,,4&UMc ~"~.,o.(J)" ~"J4W- .4t 11~~t'~lCP'"
i. ttlt..~~t1ti,....d .."ItQ. ~'fAMt 'I tl4t~"'..:t.. :n
; ,.' ,.) .,l.;f1 ;f; 'i}"';,'.> ',. iLra",; ,.'1'/ '<\;tW41. 1.,..."J~...J Jll! JJA
i _L~:::t=::=:~=-1t::~.:.:::~..,~I~i~ .u
B....4".rw.. .It*.:':l() i~, ':,/(tI. ,-.t:,' .. (. jl~,' i.t h(" ? J .~ Ad
. ;o...tM"" .......... hMo~u..._,.;....._.l~.;~iim roU8
~....t.'l..Jr....l'ft!)"l\H .elln"~ 'iI....,_.....r'.~..,.....i
ret.rr.' '\0 'the Sehool comm.l 'tt... . OJ,,, 1'; ..."
': 'o~*=~:wi__...~.~"~.c.c~~:~:... '.~i:;;".ri...
191..,:, ,,:\11 . rid a),.... ..........461.~~.[='..I~....to
for the b..ltlt ot the 8e..r4 11'....hl ....'\..a: .. :.,._ c1
to .o1lao.........tt.......,.. ft.un......Itdtz'a.'..l.....\he;v , ould
be notitied 1.'...": tll..t.....ilff.. ....l~r..... ...~ "':..11 t.
, ,. ~.r ")o,J ~ i ; ~.ftw'1::;)~,'~ ')10 \{JU ;".: ,.t'$~:: ;.J ~'v~i.:t,fl ~~'.ftrl9,j ."'t...,i'~
!h. Oouaell uaa..".auA...."'t~''IV....l'U........
pole .r..t.. '7 Th. ~rl... L..ioa po.t , 5 8"'1'4. A1aata. upoa
th. S.hool Bou.. Grouac18. ..4 la.true't.d the Cl.1'k to .1pr... a
ua.aimou.. yot. ot thallks tor sam..
R ,.. ,--". -~....--'~""~';t.... --- 1: ..~- ~.. 7-
Th.r. being no turther busln..s to oome '.tor. this mee'\ing;
It w.s. therean.r,. ~~Jl .p.~~,.~, moU~~, ~'~'~iurD.04.
~ it.\ y~ 0 11
". ,.' A~ ... _
'."" . "j)
'. .'
" '\ '\ll
t ';
'Ji/!i .' "',
, 'l:',
; ; ~,.,..,'
.-:i .
~ ,S -; , :J> J.
. .
,. :" .L J."
. j'. . "'1('';,
.. .."
. "- ....
"1". , ';. .
,. ,
't, ,.", j .
. I ,~' J.', "\, , .. '"'"
4 /~ ("
.~"!...',' ,J
MO~", ;uae~ ~th. li~O.
lJ>e~al ...Uac of the C.o.',Co",i1~Ol.7 oJ: aenf'l . held
thiB.aaie in the. coun...ll e~.. .~.r.; ".d1iaa .~.a'b. o't,o."t it" 8.pm
~. ',;,_7~r. ~. .Q,>>"~l::a ,...1~.l:l'.. ~ '.. fol1~.lng .0.0. \aU. - U",.., .piil..., ,.t;
COQIl.~. .ol_~t ~1 '1' a." .w.,......, . .', ~
". lIa70t' all~..4 : ..e',* .~ba tor pid'po..qf' U.-...t~ a,
Wi. re. !".d'''4.'. b'O~80.- '. .~. .~. fi 1"'.......,..' E. na. 1.1.~~ ...OlJ.fHD&,' ~~. t. '!- '
__ t "4iui1 or ,lQOQ:oo" ....~'.e..ar ..' the Cl ~ . l"o 01'\",.
Of~ gp:~ .....au for \.be .omple'l()~ of the 4.vs,', ~1~"ldl'~ . ,
, . ""UQ1l....... _r.' ~.1 OouD,.l1~. liofJaa>a. .,..o..t..~. '\, ".-
tut tJ1i. "otUOoo.OO b.' lII&Ie .T'l abl.' 01" t~1t' 'po.'~' ~ :
that, '9~: __ ~,~..f. ~e. ~b.7 w.lioe \,9ttU.J..,;. '. ca.' ,.l~ 'tit. roll:
on'the motto.. All C~C)Ullle. prUeh't Voted ATe. .-, ~. Jab O. I
1'011"1118 clIt.Uie "I'. p:l'..e.ted; a....tilt ...hUllt Shop. f1t)OO.OO
, .dy.... o. Bo.pl'-l Co.tr.ot. O.bo'. Electrio.l SuPp17. 110.00
Shaw Sapp17 Co. 469.&0. KOy.a b1 cou.cilman Hofmaa. ...oad.4 b7
oOj)eJ:" "... -.lei.. be allow.. &ad warrut. be ...... - J.a. P....at~ I
.am.~ Call1.. tb. roll all C0U11G11men pr....t yot.d 1. the 'fflrm
atl... Kotlo. tarrled a.4 '0 ordered.
Bo.pl'al .o~. .~~,~ \ha. . ~a..e of yoltal. was I
.......rJ tor opp.ra.io. of .terlli.er; It was moyed b7 Counollmaa!
HOIIIla_. an..a.d.lIi '8_11. II'" ...age .... 4l.MHlIl......... .. .o.t
of 'IIDt "w' 18". ~.,-OIQ'1!tas :t.1W ..1.laJ.,1 e....j,'l...,.... 'qtl
!h.re be_...~'__1a... tel ;~_...~ ;laJ,.'......lQ. !
. .1.* w...~. 'spO.,..,.II;....~ uj.....j, " i
. . . ~
, ~., : . ,.' ~~
~?J i)',c-'" 'j . " '
,,('/II~- '
A If o.zr .'
, ,.
; .
, .o~.,'''''. 16'b. 1980.110 K"t.1we':
, , ^: (.: '. ..,..
'~,j '\' l, .-...... JULT 7th 1 ~
~.II&.I.. " r ",
.. .~'~~ dt1b"~" C'Oa.B.ll.Cltt':~ aA,..'1IlI. liftI'thl.:
1 ad., "1..<,.-. ' ~"t1h."~:_)'t~ ".l'llrd.".'.O' 'or~ .bf. II&~ .?Ct.
IUhtlft .~. S.p.m~ .fth t1'18 'H110~1t!: Cov.na:1~ J)l'W"j~q.r I
, J!O!llla~ HOpU~, orl~1l4..,r_ ,Rob.r~':C4 ~tll**. ~J ~ :;'" .
, ~.' crt ';tttw 1_;t~.Mtl1ar .11d Inter'Y.t;nf1tl ~ot.11. '.cUBS' .
~::~~:f~';.i~~ ~.k.cr 'P.,..1.8~thi'~b ~"~f "G~'.' Pump 011
4"" ~~. '~d .~ U,OU'ltllr4a.)tbtm~. ..o~. .bf"CO.o~th.t
p~ft hi 1~qw toT abOTe 1l,t) .01tf'dt'm'o~l~ .pttlf1ft'ti;Cft\8
p;tenrbl .....' 'Oc'l'liq t1'r. ~ll all q.oUJl.f,~ 'J'n'ent't'b.t..d J.7e.'
~.rter:U, ,r..R~rt of, ~,hoolBoard, lta:~i t'tW.: 02'd.TWd' ~'1..'
,J ",lftaftl. fi'hn_l&.M.~Opft.1rhd a tc7'1'XOft .t.n.~igt 220.00
,'f... Bald.r.to. 160.00. "Me;tI\Oek te.OO'. B.d: tft .s"l'd"'!-f\5'.OO'~
A.Littl. 25.00. J.e.Robert.on 118.60. L.C.B.t.. 4.50. S.w.rd
I...r sapp17 127.50. R.E.Rob.rt.o.50.00. s.ward L.a: P.Co.66.65.:
",~,-",-"".1l.78. C..h 21.70. )la. Pr.tba&!--fi.oU. leoal..
sear. 18.00 l(a".l B..d.r 24.00. J.....-L.. Home 99.80. S..ard
1I..h1.. Shop 945.00. Sew.rd Ma.hl.. Shop 1'4.40. H.Thod.7 136~.8~
A.Erie.o. '14.40. O.bo.. 3&~.6T. Bro.luB 63.85. Seward Dalr.7
5.2&. S.ward ste_ -:iJa.ll.c117 13.,85. A1..ta 'l'r...f.r 1.75. '1'7.-
Br",h~ C9~8.85t S%4y1. Sexton 1.00. I'~,C.1iel(ulJ,.. 77.65~. BrowD ;
a:'l!"U*~'.f."(J. '{Jr.aall '8: Y.l~t!. 24.95. 1$1de ShIp 5.'81; l~..see_ .
L..'S".IOJ80. ,_oy'4., eOUa.flmaa,go~.. .......<< )1 $rl..d.r!
th.t ela1m. be all....' '..4 'wan..,. 41'''' It p~.'tft ...:' :
hUlas "till, ..11 ; 411 eoil.tflrati pte.'at ,.ot.d~. tile atf!rmaU n t'.
cJlal.'M'aewarfl>l'q .e,. &49;96 '. l'r...ated. KI,",lt,'1J'od.f1...
HOpU... 5....... 'lt~ Sota. . tha1J.i.lm be p.U j oal1t'Q the' [!IOU '
:ra1l:OW'l&8 o.lt..ll.....t~' 4'.; co.pu. It~. lI.p):!d. Relt.t18
..d. Orl.acl.rj CO\l.o~J.m.ail"s..AIdb .ot 'Yeti.... .aU" ...-,1"'.' !
i~ a4y!rad t~t 'nl1i.tloa. were 1a order 'ta flll ".ht .....ct
.f t~..ftl.~ of Oitl Att.ra.,i CO\lDoi1~ H.f~ _omi..tea.'.D. .
ao.,t. ..~n,...l..l ~f.. r thl. PO'i". ft: 'lb..r.. b.lq ..111... rtlNr ....l~t1o.. i
.~t.i' 4~1_~ .... .10.... ..d blrtrtt,tl4 ,tit,. ..btk ~. ",..t 'thl
.... tt!l~'=-~l~'- ..I....h:.. e.... .n. .tot I.D.C.ppffl'1~ _. ;ttte po~lUo.
~f ~tt~ A't.....,. e11..t'1Y. lull. 8't1J;.' 193cf~ I" . '
. !'Ii., _tfh' fttearl118 .... .1<< hl:l11J18' .. 'Lo1J.:l Bt.-a '9w._
di....tJd. '... .\ol~ 1. . y.r7 delapi'd.t.a .odind. &l1d elt..tl-
!a fir. h.ls.rd. Matt.r wat ref.rred to n
. .Ubllc
4~ ~:~~ \ ;1
llOHDAY, :mI.!', ,tho l~. e.""
.;. ~
. ; . (,. t: a. (; '1,'
. '", .' ".lIl,,*OK'I"."
.""\ f.." b~'.u'J"~<
_"1. ,.' ': . .~;t . 1.
... '
. "'1
KONDaY, July. 218t. c..t.
... __ ~~_____--..__~_______._~_______. ___________.u_.._
...~t.I..~-..~.x Up'. Keti.. aad. b, C.uaoilmaa H.f..-, ..oo.J.,
b, a..p.r ..d uaaal.....1' .arri.d b, C....il Chairma. R.b.rt's 1
r......dati.. was "ept.d. i
'h.re B.i.S further busi.... to .... b.f.ro this m..tlag, i
was th.r.aft.r up.n pr.p.r motio. adj..ra.', te ..et at tho oall f
tho Chalr. !
,It "
,r " "' 1
'...... '~,. '. -, ;., ,1 .I..,Q.,. "--
........ A Y 0 B
a 1t1~1~~I,
sp..lal ..eti.s .f tho C.mm.. Cou..i1, Cltl .f s.ward, held !
this dat. i. tho Coun.il Chambers; Meetias 8a11., t. .rd.r at 7.301
P.K. b1 Ka7.r P.C.K8Kull.n, with all CO.D.i1me. pr....t. 'I
Ka,.r .ayi..d that ..(ti.g was f.r tho purpo., .f again ...-
.id.r!as Bil. t..dor.d for tho o..yer.ioa of the Hoati.s Plaat at I
the S.h.el Hou.,. I
Chas. L.ch..r aad H.H.L.onard ware presoat at the .e.tlag at'
.xplai..' 1. ,.tail what th., .xpo.t.d t. do u.d.r th.ir rosp.otiy
pr.p..ale; Aftor a leaghthl di....81..; It wal moy.d bl C....l1-
.a. Orl..4er, .....d.d b, C.un.ilma. H.tma. that all bld. ae t.nder
.d f.t the ...y.rei.. .f tho H.atias Plaat b. roj..ted; 'h. Ka7.rsl
0.11 f.r a y.t. .. the motl.. r.sult.d .. follow.; C..n.l1... i
H.fma., H.pkin., Orl...dor R.b.rts and s..taaan V.t.d AD; C.uadl-I
man C..p.r y.t.d BAY. R.sult A,. 5 n.,B 1. K.tl.. .arri.d and ..
Ther. b.lng a. furth.r busl.ess t. .... bof.r. this
it was, ther.after, up'. pr.p.r m.ti.n adJ.ur..d.
'lUKSDAY. JULY. 221ld. 1~30.
Ui'~~' 'f'o~--'- t> A~L~~i-i'" '.1
K(m>>AY t AUGUST, "th. H30 lIO Q.orwa, Poaponed
f.BDBKSDAY, A.UGUST,6th. 1930- po.poaedR,s.lar Ke.tins. ,
Hel. thl. ..~. ia the Coanoll Chamber., K.eting .a11ed to or'e~
at 8 pa. with f.llowl.g CORnella.a pre.eat; c..p.r, H.t.aa, H.pkia~
Orl....r and S..t..... .iaute. of la.t m.etins rea' .... approy.d. :
~ll ~r"_l"i.~ ,p.)I.Osle, read and ref.rred to Pollee COWAittei
peli.. C.~itt.e sra.t. P...OI1. to inatall Trafi. Batt.na, r...ye
..4 pre..rYe pre...t K.nument at int.rse.tl.n .f Wa.hiaston street i
aD4 ~ourth Ay.....
... ' ... ._.-.. ,~. .- .--.-
',Foil.l,ow;l,ng Resalut ion read ,as follow,,; "'fL , :
t ' ., ,. -"it ". ~', !
','. (H U -If' RESOLVED B\(<rHE COMMON C;OUliCIL.. CIT~~A)\pEW~, AJ.~sJa
that a board of EquaJ.izati,.on -of. aai,d Cit.,. ,ahall,be ~d h~~"ia
. orea.,'tieli.." t.PLP'>PTe;n!!l at the. City Hall. o.n; ,Tuesdq'l, A~t. Jl~'.U3
.,At 2-Q'.-.loc]c. li'M,..' for th;e pu,;rpope; o.f equali,zing ,the. a.~e,s~,~atl3 ~Qf I
, .a.a;J;.. aDA.. f.,e;oesopwl" propert3 1.11 sai,dC.it;v ,of Sewa.rQ. ~:r, .t,h~ 1',e;f!o.-r 19~O
a~;,.,,~lJ..:r:~I,lla.in iJl se.asi,otl a{~i' daf' .be;w~en t,he .ho_., '. ,Q.f 2 .o~ c.loqk
a\.._d .~ .0' ol,oWc. Pl6.. and, bet,yee,n said ,hou,rs daily fo~.,,'/:l,~ su.oQe.ed~ng
:t0ur ,dj!;7''-' w.krfUlek:, aJ].d l,o:ng~r, if dee.ed.; nec,ess,ar~ ~l', ao.Jour~en~
, M, prreYidad.- by O,rdi)mllc,e lTO. 14 .au"d am..e.tlJnlmt,s ~herei1(1Ik J ,I
. .. ..... '''' t _..; ; .\r"" ..!
~ ,Nid :it \lis furtheitc resol.Tf)d. that th.4 C;L.;&yCler) _J.;I.' fJ.a'r:e !
pl1b~l3lheli :I.t\ 'the Da.i1,y GJi'te1f,ay I D,oU'oe ef .8apa.e afJ. ~.~l\..d b1'. the i
O,JrdiJ'l-.ot!t.- _, , .. , , ,.)
D~t~d. at ~eward. Alaska, ~uguptl ~~~. 19~~.
, /' ,::::., ,(i _ C }.j . tlL:tLZaL.::LeA..f J::...
I Jl A l QR . " . {( t :b; 11; K.
I. " ' :
. ....... n a....u.... ~l"H.r" ~....ep. l:>.1 ~... tAl.~ .a.... be i
...p..... f.r t.he a"pU.. .f the a.,.lUs...;. C..W... *,h. jeil.l, al~
,,_.rl,... .........t V.t.d .,.; ,OIl ~be fl..ft!'.. ~.U ~ba. a...J,1ilthri
be, .....t &lJ.,. C,,.Nl... PJ'....," V'"d ~.' " . . . ;
ftle :fill"i'. i...laU.a ... tu. pre...'...... ,...;.
.' ......
."; 1G' j;l,', It,,{,.fv: ',' ",v,.: ;',',~;';('L, .ll,," ," l.&:Il'l,.t""..t...Ul
I., '__1Jlt,*. i;,M-, "fiJi.....~ 11". \1(.,: r 'i.~lL"j ~) ,....l,Hil.Jt:.ftl;.....i;",_f :~.~~ 't$"~C1e,~' \:0
RESOLUTION . i:f:'!l.t (.ll" "..W .~I:-~ J.tt."ll~.I' ~O."1
. . : JliI9,):T... RUOir~.ey~ .cj~l ~..C'~ J~Y1iljj:r.~Eft&U; il.LASK.ll.
j 1. I'.A,td.RY.tTRW 9lt'.",^,P';SNIU",.f.: -:o--+y,,_en.\jlri.ttt061ia e
dated the 1st. day ef August. 1930. made and entered by.t~rfDiMri t
Court of the Territory of Alaska. Third Division. i_ the matter ef
the applieatioJl of the C1 ty of Seward, Alaska. a Mlmioipal oerp.ra ion
fer an Qrder of sale of oertain Municipal Delinquent Taxes for the
year1~,29'.!hgeKther with penalty. interest and OOSti .}"l't6ey~IeWk "of
the City ef Seward is hereby direoted to sell the prepertydesorib d
1D the Order of Sale allld ':tJle Ml~q,...t T;~~~jl;'. or 80 muoh the're f
as on the date of sale herein-afer presoribed shall be found unpai
as :to .~~ew.~~oi I~\~~:'a..,:~t ~~'''~Jll!Mc~~ot. in
tAs, 1I~"''''''...n.",,,''ld&A ,~,,; 1:.A--'>'i*' "" '''',' ,,"" r I'. ,'f,,' " ,". . J' .,>".. ~'l'"
~ " .,...,.".~ ,~ ....,. "..W'. ~'f~ ,," . ,.<11" ,I,. '/L. . _ .,.,._ w~ I,. ,,1. ..+ ,I lit >..1 .;;I ~. I
2. That. .fl.M~e:Mi, q~ t)~lHt .Cj(b,;>>, , ~ . ~tl~~~aLi.4MiU; .8!1~, . . APi\ci.. .e
Q.~ ~4 ,J:IP~~~At:,.o~~ -Ai( WiJ,id ~.il>Jh.P'ltb~~ ot,
~.('. -'Jwe"'j~ ~~ qqp.~~,~~,t~ ~~~~ ~
a newspaper of general oirculation, pnblished in .wA, C:lt:>>:ibf ~ d,
.4la.~k...,,,.,hi4h ~~p.~irl i""~&a.JL 4~Mllat~:~t.Xt._~ A~S by t e
C~f'!"'l.Y1I.4.'~.. .~' " . 'I ..', '. ".'~" ' ,~ . .~" ,,' 'Al'.' .,VA
'. ~..,...'1~"" .'r1'i'. f.., '\ !>. ~ I ~-",,,....tc>' ".;:,J "'i<l'.., ". OF' .' ...~.,_. 'w .,. ",r1I~,. j. ..,'.cA'''''
"3,, J~)1a~~,:tq~~.o...t ~e~~H;~~ \l-.4-44PCfI1 1~ J>e~_~~~~p.
a.~, ~;t 'tt.n,I!t;Pi.~. 04~1fMi\.t>Itl.'\MRI~,'~ ~~;:W9.",_:~)iQ_'
litd Ai~az;&~~ Mi~ ~.~he ~.~ ~ 'l\llO.l.1i~~;:-llIIo1.j Jl._1 ".
epecWf4 :~if~:b8 ;W~4we. ~~ ,ft.i:~ Pllmlll~~li"~'Jlllq;AP t
~~ h-.Q,at: .~b~ ~1Il.:i-~ M ~h~ .t~ oll...t4_ :)4\Uli,.A-Wj -Aae,-';'*w rd
Ala~k.JlURM':ttb.~ lHt4Qt..Q"7. Jo:fJ ~AP~~r..; ~~'iQ~ .b:~:1iP~JA~~~lW3l-at 0
O'slook in the fete.oon, and Four 0 olook in the aftermgO~~l~
S:-.:id, t~ Q1ll.l#t~ ~,j1(lihAP~Qllllll~4,..~~,,~a;lllfi1:i ~ 4b~ .<ilt~ ~ll, oontinue
fr.m day to day t..Q..if1!,tW.. .._;yz~, S~~ ~d,Jl..~~l, .:~t 1
property subject to Tax Sale. and in said notioe I is diGpooed of.
4. That s~oh traot, upon said Delinquent Tax Roll of the City 0
Seward. Alaska,for the year 1929.be Bold seperatly and offered for
the" aiaT1iht, n-Tix. Penalty, Interest and Cost durt1i~'*_~.~ ft;tlq.t l~
sufficient is ~'....::. tjSr.JH-,~~a:,'~ ~nJi';~1MI_oJiY"'~C4 sped!!
traot -llIa1:!~1ie'tltH3fi 'W1"1lh.vOleri,,;ltf .tlf; ,atitl'frY.f ,l.waD6\,."<.llaska.
f""a.' l~J.',,)ja:Bft':!"8ai.'tJH"Hrip':l1~o' ~fh8 tall'. a;;tJt-'ftl\
'1'&:x,' (Pen.l1.tt,' 'In_ftHf. a......"-. ';Jldb~u1i'.1Hf:lP<tt.idi"lWn .fti" ffc
Dt!2'nQtte,.-t ~:;'MIlll:~lt;di'.i' .ta.4I:l ':1.. :t~t ,,'L": .,"4..'~Jin,,;, ')!1J .,>"..11.....(,
'1.,.1: Pas..jlddd h.'...Jcnl.~ftWIe8.,1.h.~ ~"IJ, 1. 19 .
"', l~; ,L"d,LI' ~,';l",,"[..:..tar:l 'J; lL"",.". \,tl1>1l'1:4 "."'Lil''':' .DU..
,A)'~ \ ","tI,"lr>11~",', ,() '01 ~')"".t'~~.t:! ,!-" Je;'), ,;.c. J"i~' "'1" 'I ""ilI!!1'. .Jr,'''
'. ,t~ 'k ..:~,; ~~,~ij. - M ~
....... b7 a.noll.... H.taa., ..uncled b1 S".t..n, that the r ..
. ...p..... f.r 'b. .'.pti.. .f the B...1.ti..; C.111., the B.ll, 11
...oU... pr....t V.ted A~; 0. the qll..t1.n Sh.ll the lle..laU..
. a'.pt.., 411 a.nn01laen pr....t ,.t.. .,e.
Clai.. t.talias 26'9.17 pre8ented a. tello..; X.l1.b..k1t 210.
al.er.t.., 150.00. Hayer.teok, 1&.00. L1ttl. 26.00. S..are ..te
Sapp17, 137.60. 8e..~4 L.& P.C.. 112.75. LaUChll.. 12.10., B.'-rt
7..21. ..1b.. 6.00. J....e.Le. He.. 23.11. City" .A.U7 tip"..
.J 20..6. .Ala" !r...t.r8.00. Gatewa7 I'8b. tie. 6.76. P.JI.OCle. 7.65
',.. .& H.Cerp. 178.65. tJrb.oh &t '.3......,lO<l.91. I ..........
l.rk Vi.tr1e' aentt. 13.00. P.C.JI.-uale., 271.11. S..ar. 71.ber1.
1.30. ....~. D&lrJ.36..e. ~r7..Braba.20.80. car.t.ra., 21.80.
ylYia'. 1.00. S.ward Jak..r7, 8.05. S.1IIII1'4 LaIl_It, 169.90. Gerd. 8
.75~. C.JI.I".1.. 1.90. .a. Prather,12l.00. L..U. Sear. lU.oo
ab.l B....r 1U.00. '10la Pr....r,l.OO. J....e-L.. H... 16.00.
.b. Kl..t. 8p17. 262.21. Seward ...hin. Sh.p, 109.90.
..T.d b7 Co...ll... H.t..aa, .....ded b1 H.pkin. that 01.1.. be
...d and warra.h be 'r&wa b p.7J8..t ot .ue; 0&l1i1l8 the R.ll all
....11... pr....t ,.teel .A.7..
t Clai. lewart Dr.. c.. 187.32. pr....t.d; Kov.' b1 C.anoilaaa
.pki.., .......'=:b 9rl&...r.. Clal. b. paii; Calli88 the B,.l! f.ll
wt..........'1#ae1ft ...."'......,.-.0 ,,{{,'BI}."'..'" .111__lJI.
_nei~MA" .._.'.....~ ,,'I "it; :,~"Jj ,(H",. . "!(), hb'''.'VW'1
ea.. e'F'~""". ........,.'. iU.58i'pr.....(, ;".111& .,.Cl c.aLl). n
+ wet_.n. ..o....d by ~i"_~'''''''' I*N'~ CaU4......1tIJ
followi1a!; ..........:\l "...141....,..", ,tN.... ~'h: Mt.un
ounoU_n CeOJet' Dot V.tin!.
~Jii>>Al, .UG~, 6th~ 1930. Cont.
---.~-;~~~:~~::.::t b: -~::::;. t~~'~'g~a~';:.:;~~ ~il~~:t~}~ Qtlti;~.1
...1 Co.n.~lIJ,tln'p,,_...t 'ot" ;,,;re. , , '..' , I
. .ajor ....het that L.V.Ra7 w.uld actoopt ~le ~,s1t-l~,~ Of:U
, ..tt.,~ .~ ":f&l.V ,et 26.qO per ...ta., .. ft........ \~1 the
',\.ff~" ,., tl~'" .' M.U....e II&do b7 C.u.1~. ,,'aa~. ,"'0.
".d. b7 '.c..pet t!J.*t 10. 4i '\~ be app.l.t..... t.o the ~o,ld'Jl '0. t, CU, I
d .",\o.aQ,'to,,, .,1&:q ,_I' ~5~QO p." ...,,~ .tf..tJt"'Uo..~.,..Uon
.1,," ~....v"''''''".'''. ;Ca111>>.& ~r.e i,Ui ,.Ul C'M'~~. Jr'o
, ".~'1~.;.... .~r',C.~ltt.. ~. i....t.ta.j. &I4,i~p.rt 'on t~e
.t..t.. .t the )lire Hazard on Lot 1 Blook 9. .,' . i. " ,,' I
I q....1~ B.~ l.g...tO_ t_1 ~h..iq'i.f tll. P:\~t and i
...kod adhotUJ: fn .. .xpe.Ut.q. t.. ,t.hili 'PUI.", .,"'4;8', ~
C....i1... swot.a.n, .......d by Cooper that the c..ltt.e .n Whar e~
be all*berlz.d to 8xp..4 a .u. ..t .. ....d .5.00 f.r thi. purposo
0&111.,- "tlIlf1rl1'l; All c.un.11I1.n preae.t V.ted 47.. ,..- '
Kay.r &4..i.e' that the H7ir..nt on 2... A..e. n.ar Jeffor.o. str~et
h... boen p.t i... ,'_rTi..~l~....1t~.. by the oo.neotillg .p .f. :
.1% i..h w..ter ..i. to s....
K.... '..~~4.. ~b. Oo~~eil ,....t,.. ,.Il 1.~lz.\i'. B.ar' at j
a M",~. ~'_I'.;.\1."',",12~b.J,~~. j' , ., '.. I
; fMfo,)'la... '1II't1\., b~i..... t~ ..mlt Q'f.... ~bi,a '."U.".. 1~
w.'.,,,,'.. p:r!ilJl'1' '....~.n ...~.~..d~ . . ' , ' I
ar,{~~p~ . 'd~~1
':' . :,"" , , ':' :.4~~ ,l,~th. ' lilSO:. '. ,! i
'''Bo~ cril11.,,1 to'" Wlw a1;"2 pa-.' w1''tb th., :Nllow111S 00upo11.n I
pn...t:;eowp."t;', !NT"', '1Iojtklriti, '01'lllr1der ad ewe1i1u'IIh', C~l..n
Jlo~aan ..otinS. aa, .Chalra&Jl,. Oo-.u,io~ti!'ln ~f. P.P.H...l~J".t. _.tIlS 1
"MO' ~..'UtNlon' 'oti' 'Yli\uattott~ o'fllote '&'2'.88, 1100)[ 23 an4 lot. 28" 2~
, M.ot 80, ph..Mi't4. o.rde-rft ~l.a. ,.tl-tlJotl ihi:.' .o1ied.' ....t1.. II'
ad)OI1~.a wt: 4" )1Il. ."..,. , .. ':
; .. .,. , 4U,1Ust, 13th lno.
.'B~-* e. lei. 'to e2'der' .t,!! pDl~ ,.1rlth fOl.10Wf"l11 counoi. ,1Dlen 1?re-aeh. t
~oop"~" J'O . ,'!IopkltCIJ.Orlander'ai1d' S"'et'~. Oouhollaiift 9Wet1aapf
.oti1'1&. a, lnDtl,. 10 proteata" Jleet1.-sldijout'1d-d a't 4.~. pm., I
: . , " ' A1lS'\i1lt, llith. li30. . I
>>-aft O.llWG to vrcl.r'd 12 pm. with the !o 11 bwiq CftJnt1])Mn' I
pre,.atj Q'operHo~n Hop~ins Orl~DI.~ ~d'RObe~te, C-..oi~m8B I
!Io.ftdm\ aod1:l8'1CiI Clha1rraan; n. prote8ta, Meeting al!,ouhuJl' ~ 4:. pm~
AUgust, 16th. 1~30. '
!oard oalledto order at 2 pm. with following Counoilmen prese*t
Q..p.~...a.f.....,Hopkina Orlander and S ..otu.an. Cewa.o.1la1&I1' 8Wotman't1
aotill<< as'Chlirman. BO Prot.sts, M.eting adjournod at 4: p.. '
, . A.U!uet, 16th. H30.
~a:rJO.11trd' ;1:,. ,ord.r .t 2 pll. with the ~oUowln~ doUtlon.en
pt"e..1'tt'r Oftp\I'JI'~ H'epkiDB,Or1allder. Robe~. ani swtlunln. 1
CO,.noi~ '!t~ ~1!laJ..e. Ch*inall. Apoarel! WIt. H.WhUn....)' in:
~~f- o~ _" ~ ' e. Teok!l:wbe1'!.. .~i1il forr rriu,otiop 111 tho
fII!i.atio1'1 .t -tot~ 29. 30 0(153 il1' Blook 2'. Petition .ea1... tand i
Val~t1.n :to r..,.tn, as .......d. Comuni,oation from J.W.Who.l.r,
..~' !vt-r.h"'l~ in .....8eed ..al~Uo!f ~~ lot. l~ &' 10 !lk. 21'
pre8dte4. ftt1tr-'JI'I..1ed. ,,', I
All, bU.b,.,__.f thU B...r' boi~ oOIJlPlotocl. it wa..mond b~
COUllC'1l*n Wl.IIIft', lIecdl" by 81NtllaJln, that ...t1:q .lcl:o~n;
Calliq tho Bell: 411' CCtuncUmen present' M.d A:II.'" ".
Kooti~ adjournod at 4:. o'olook P.M.
Cha1raa. Board of Equalization
, , I
Cha1raan Bo..rd of Equa11..tl...
I(()BDA:Y; A'oOOl1lf:; I.tll;', l..... '
. I t'ltbl....'1..'H;1......_._~o...n: ~ltl"".t..5.....f.l....U
hU"H'71'~ih"'haaftl :a~ft~ II~ ~.11" ...ntNfl- ..'>.~
....,.H1t" . .. l . .lJ.1],Ja.,..ifIt..1..r..... .1""'"
.1H=..r.ti,E~t:t2':.."~~=~..~~~_ h
1!" tjl.~:61,Z'''''a;e L~.:l""''''''~ ":SWIll'.
US1l:et 20th. CalUq .t.h,e Relh. A,l1; qOun91.la'~ ~e"'. V~" '!II
.' ''''llMIt ....."..fj.~ ft~f "M,"~t. ~. t .p t
O.~~~;j,:~~~~...l~ll... ~~.~-~.~;..;;~~l~~'~~r l;~
h.r~~,!;"~:~~~ tl!.~"~~~,,~ .~~ l~n~~~~.~'~~:~e:~:':~ l ;~.~~:~
,.Jmr~ ...,..:t ,,' Jtl~ 6!.1~ .t.. tlC:'l ;~ft '" '
~ J ' , :: c ., , . .-~. 1 . $.. ~. t ~ r:;: ....; ~ ~: ... .... ,
"Q.~,""l~;I\I' 'j' .'~Y, .I'lI' il" ~:H$1'tl'..,;H'\:': '..J~ :1f)~17D4> "l"~_:.
IJ I '~,j,~~'"'.,.tl'm81>ft~J,....1.lHiM'f.I"H.:'d Jil, ;"'~d I)M\:!
· :.ilJ6:J (.J ~11~" -t:tj.w;,.. vfti :.t'l~
d ..IHM'''....-.r. ..."1.,~Yfh41..... ~4~*U....1tt...16ew. 4
elt thi. .a~. 1a thf e....u (J , '..,.; 3je.f.;,1M lllt' .....~la. ·
'p,allihtti'Hi ".'....r.rBlI.r~1wlftJ'11 .11.....:..Ifto:ll .
r....~; C..p.r. ..:taaa. ..pkia." If. --:.......tt...4.8i__..,""
'h. t.ll..i.. ....1.U.. ... pr....tet ..t r." a...pt1:aa tb
........~ ..11 ter li80. ..t~l.. the rat. .t l'Y1 at 20 al11. ...
t:."'1""1~ ..f..bA-uh .t "U.q.'..1 .t tax..; _____.."._ ,. q
. ". ]I B 8 0 1. U l' I 0 . ,,: .."
.. I! U8OJ.VIIIl: -..\IlIII!lllIl q_~"'"lIlW~D' ".811:0.
hat tb. -'........, tt.l~l'.t'.~ jliI!,:fifd., ", 'Pi'.p.n7 1a tbe C t7
f .MW'J t~""" t~ "", ..,.,1. '~~J. J tA~) ~~'UJlO 1
J6.'IlI!l A:r8~1~' .. ~ J MH.I.. ,~.." 1,~_.,b;4ti.MJI! !
~ ~ bVII> ;;W~~~~.',1~ J....\:11;J=;~ "~'1J ~
h. I.e,,1' .r t. ar if 18 be'r. l' .p ao. al ~ '~:"':"""
BE I'l J'URTDR RE801.VBD tlooat t:Joua ~l--,W.P t1i. aX,-, r 'In
'N', 19M~"~1~ ~ ~~l72P!11W'v.;D~' WlIiM' ~.;4
'O=' ~~RW~'liW~~)L"~'.~l . I . " '~,' ~*
iT. tu" . lee a. r.qU'tre . '..'Y Il's l~jJii .\s: 11 '.:t''bIt :aUa
.." ~ ....:r~' 9i, IfIQ~~l i _'1'. .W" WIf', ~ ;.1/ tI \1M ~.no.
f ~".L::! _ '!' ....~"C~; ',ji:t~{ ~i.,.. 'tli1. ~~~_ ..1.l!. ,.:.:# ...i)~~ ~,l -1 30.
. ~ I ""'"_~ ,,~ .~~ ,.,..~. .' , d~ ~,,!!nflfl' ..,
. "
. ,
. '
':1 ',oj ..~
, '; ti .;l.}.. ~.. ,!-r
~. .j, .J~c~
.. ,.,,~.~~...:~a. .~.~~._.'~_~~~'..'~"
bra '~~'i-E' .. '. ,~_il, .
,,' ,It .... 1<<' '. . ~
r...~ I : ;., . .'." ,ft., .' -:'f '. ~', a~ ,~
" ~1~...J l.......'~~i;'L 'J=. 10', ''''.. i". 'La'!-." , jl,t.....~~~'t.\(.l~.I.1 :'''.. i
. . l'~n ~O;~ ~ "" ~ "I'!"It~9 ....,..I'JI'fIII t!'II'II"-!-~"
a.. r.. .r...,~':J.'~..o ~.j1~._..o :...V!'l .,: ,,) .;0;
It. :; 0.. f." ' "'~ ..,. '.or ;. "l) '......_ .,' l... '. ') '1 "'to... t{\
'-,.- ---- -..,.. -.- . '''-v '.., ._r-"'ftI'
' 'j,,' I. -~L J.iTJitL...... [f.,;.tlf!' J. ...,~,""~;
. I
". _"l~';;: ~- t " ::-:1 !.. fY
THURSDAY, SEPT_BER, 4th. 1930.
-~.- --~._._-- --_.._------~---- ~-_._~----~------~._------_._-~------~._----_._------'-.--
----- ~-_._-'-" ..---..------------.---------------..-
--_.'---------- ._~-,_..-- --- -- --- -- -- ----- - - -- -
----'--------;;~;.~~ ~-~;u~~; ,~.e~~ns of the ONn_ a.unoU, City af I
. le.ard, hel' 'lobi. 4at. 1n "t . o~unoll Chuab.r.; lI.eUns called t. i
ar"r at 8 pi.. la7 -*'7er p.e.llaKull.... wlthth.e fellowlma Counolll1le~
prtl.e.t: a.oper R~, ~.pk1"8 qrlaa4.r, .Del sw.~nn. !
lUnute' or tlLe :&ou-a of Equalization aneI .ub.1quent _eUng l
1''' &ail ..ppro.,.4. . . :
, . Olaill8 t.talua $26.73.,~9 pre.eat.A .... :f.ollQW8.; BaDk of sewar~
26.00. Kdl.he,.k1 880.00., ,Bald,er_ten 160.00. HanI:.to,ok 76.00.. '
Ba7 12.~0. Littl. 38.60~ taush11n 13.60. JOAnaon l.oq.. Seward I
.\laWl;' S~P17 .187.60.. 5e..ri Lit. ... p.. CQ. 26~..15., Sh... 5UPp17 I
34.56_ .trr'baQh Ir VaJ.., ~.OO. Gerd,.~ 6..00.. S.~arcJ. 5~'" L&unclry,
-.J,.., 172..90. . B.C. ,'lQlor J.6.9&. Leu1.. SeaI:8. .4.00. Kabel B.nd.r i
124..00, 1'2:.4. a.llnj"as ".OQ. .Ophelia sesa 2O.0Q. ,11&. Prather. . i
lU..OO. Viol.. ;p"..~ "1.00. .r.a.....},ee HO. 76.,00.. OS18 Garage I
6.a7. Al..k. ~~.t.r 36.25. Ala8ka Mat. Coal Ce. 262.00. P.O. .
".U.. l61.20.Q,&r.terna 22.66. 11'78 Bruba 30.90. . Seward. J;I:rulii
127.06. . &.ewar' >>11'7 36.'16.. S.W41'4 Bak8rl 10.70. rtlIt.G>Htli 4.40;
$"N" ISoeherl.' 2.00. :8.& H.Oorp. 163.77. ;r..J, qJ'J\~ \~O.
C.QJ>e~' Ca.h &. Carl'J' 133.10, A.H.Tao4a7. 36.60., lI.ved b;y Oouno1l1
a&D H~traa, ..0..... b7,OrJi.u.r tbat all C1.a1.. ex~p" ~4 Dru~
and Cooper. b7 all..." ~4 warrant. ,~ 1n paJ'llMllt 0'1 ....; Call:
1.. tile &eU; .\11 C-eUJ1.U.... pr..eIl-t V.t., 1. -th. af:ti;rru.-t1Te. ,
. ..... b7 oo...n_a OrlM'er. .$eO'MOel 'by Ho:fllu that tM Cla1..of!
The .....1'4 1>1'111 0.. -"e paUi CalliB8 the roll C.1IMU..n ~QOp.r, i
Hof.... Jiopki;a. eM orlaa4or ,vote' 4;1.. Counollraan s..-t"1l& not :
...111..,. ""'M b7 Cn,..1~ Hopkin., S...o".1' by Hefm.. t<het the
claim of .CoO-p.r a... and, Oar17 'b. ~14. C.Uln, tbe Roll Counoil r
..... aetaa... 1Io))k1.... Orl..er aM S..tmann "'010.. 4;1.; COl,Wollman
Coop.r Bot ,.t1na.
. II.Ulplo 11,.t Oentraot preM.~8ci; Ora.reel filei. '
lI.tien .... b70.u..1~n s.otmenn. Saoondoo by Hofmantb&t the ref~
. at of j)naiwa en IiI'. IJlWD&De. .f III.H.s..ar4 SobcloJ. Ho...e b. I
app110d ...~. .441t1...1 5000.00 l1re 1n.uraaoe at t-. r.ate of !
1.iO for term of thr.e Year.. u~ aalel Sohoo;]. Ho~. CopolJJ1an i
leb.rt. ba"'1ali &1'1'1 Tet 1D.tbe O.nnoll C...~. aDd R.ll N1.. oall~
ca. tr" ..'bo",. .f'U..; All CouoilJaea pr....t Vo~., AT.. ~a 6. i
1'h.r.n1~1 futher DU8ine.. to OOM b.for. th1a me.Una; it wa8~
thereafter aiJ.ou-n.d t.o .e.t at the c.ll pi the Cbalr. '
Iff) / ul
. -7,""lL,~t'/~r/IL
c , R K
Sp.oial raeeting of the Common Couneil, City of Seward, held
this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting calleu to order by Mayo~
P.C.McMullen. at 3 p.m. with the folluwing Councilmen present; .
Cooper, HOfmatl, Orlgnder sud Swetmsnn. I
Resolution was presented for passage. in acaordance with the 1
la~ oavering t)e General Election to be held November.4th. 1~30.
and to appoint Judges and Clerks therefore. .
Resolution was read designating the City Hall, as 'the Voting !
place and naming the following 'persons to act as Judges and Clerksj
JU'UGES \f.R.Whittlesey. George Sexton and J.C.Robertson. '
CLERKS, B.ssie M.Malloy and Jennie Paulsen.
. ' '
It was moved by "C.ounoilman Ho:f'rnan, Seoonded b~? Swetmann, t'hat
tte rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution; Carling
the Roll all Councilmen Voted in the affirmative.
Roll was then oalled on the passage of the Resolution, and all
Counoilmen present 70ted in the affirmative, Resolution adopted.
There being no further business to ()Ome before this meeting i tj
Iwas. t.hereafter, upon proper motion ad.fourned. . n',
I CJ;/{ h~'
) I';
~c 1 if R K
~~ ~
41""" ."~
.){W1D~Y. 0O'.t'O$R,,~th. 19Z0.
bgu.18r iJieieUng J!t the COmmon ()ounet'l, o.~5'lW ~._ held
thi'~"" it!, IlhW' Q,()~1 0&.1'.'; Ilfttl.g da14ecli ftb' CJIla'z' ,at 8_
br 'OO1fttollWl1m'-Q...ltm~~, ~dtln@'_. PlIeeiwnt;De-tllln.. wjth -.n.i'lJfola
owln.e; CouuC'l1-.ti ~.Mwt;. '~.~. }N~. BOW:htJ 8IIlli swe~,._.'
lfln1it. fifl 'iWMt;;raeet1inlg.:1:l.... and ap~'fe"; . l. 3.,;'
Claim, tota11ng 1526.78 presented as follow.; Badr ~aeWW6. ~OO
x.ncli!.lr'l~~.t20jfJ(). '.;D,.!:dWnWII 150..00.' , A....~_oa1f).OO.
L.'''. R6)f' a8'j<b~. "'\W8>>i:t1-tt:Hl($.OO. J.C..ltoW..da,-.oo1' Ch.itV' .
MO.~1 9>.()O,LjlH'!ilaW 'llactIHn4'Shop l'25,20..':fi\s_t'lf~ ap1P.UtAQ
8e_1'\I. "1h'~ p,.'o'o. 830.-60.. Oi-,.1& ~ kpM.';"t!O.;~'Il"',&, 0
Pa\tlwtbtW..t e,,4<}i' Grctth.. 4.;if,().. 'Gebot. .1\)".LJil\BJ'o.1.4~'.50"; .',
Sew~"~.1IIf ~a.:l" -3.0();'l.; ~WWa7' Pu'b.iOO;';' :Ml.lJ6. -081.'. ...(10'.1
P.C~t.f\dhtlelf...50~ '!1"Oa;'_1~]"" .00. (~I&:wJ owp.. ]I~:a:> "la.~...
Rai'1roft '.:1:18.:M.. )10..-4 'bf ~l'lman oft.:Nliin~)..~.., .47 Ro"'~ ~
tbe~ ola1th ft pi"eil~4 .lje 811-.0 a~ ~""'Wilwa '. .,.,.....t. f
same;,1: ~UJ;!$ '''~l'1e: rWl1~ 04' ~ mOil~ ~;P ~~lllM. 'pNaewl,.,oWd Aye.
. l'Z~ l'H...ted1 i'Nm '~'6v"." ....1.. ~'"..o~e p1l1 e
of lob . , ItJ.4.6n,9c,& .in Do~lG'l1S .:r.ao1ler ~.lclcUtt~;: ....to*.... y
a0l1W~11 'lFOfllilln,' se~od ~"'.1~,tm8Dt1'.tiM 'Mt<l'rfoe ,<< ~.90'
be aw..ct :fft''tt1N1Nur:Mt.''11l ~;th.~'he .:HI.ll'al~.
CGunof'DNln'lfr'........,tWdlftf.fi'h.JAHHati..V..'; .", ,1,11"'" '....'
. '\ vq.....i4ii '4g~. GolllllJfe~i 08 'W '.a.... ew..... I~..... :HI... i
re~n'.d "'lie J...a:tt'r~Nil **jil'1al .~'!'\h..I.f1t1W'-*1rdnl...1at on
of ..... a'N';.t_.~+ ~ M 1w ia dli6tJ4tt ,,'t>>y 1!kI1.tlle1llWh Ifo~. ....0
onded: ."'~d'fM'".~~ BUIf"4'ft'!'(){\.0lJ h',fll0Wt3 ..'tJ't......L1b
reo'o81f1~it\t, of her HW'i... ~..~....r--t ~lfl:{ng.cltlW..N1l._~n.
m(j'U""; .~l'fO"OmfNtl''Pr_..1ft: M~"..'A'1.."'l'IaJUI'O.'~ ..""
, ;~n... <t.ft'.fMYdecl '.1i~~8'Nt t~,.1jll& PHP....~ 'l1~....~,
Ordinanoe ooverin~ new franohise and extent ion GI~f+i~.b.~14
JUl the table .fllll .f~'~im.~;lIo '~1:MeJl'" 1o:t.... ....on.
, 'CcilMGntUeHO:flna1f -.t.....d .u.t .. wftl4 :1rIlad.4i.....:JI~"aN I.tHiD
meaftr."Wwa~. Ift81m:'a'\f..n:~ __ ~.. lti1I'f1ihe J.d.-.cal :tIo_
'. ~...... Wf.lIo"'~ 'SHtfuft f M (.f. (J~H.i0. .......l.~lt.."
C ..rl..;:....-. 111lMlt'P. d J41~i'" r ,r8>a1llt WiIfJ.iiH ..-.i b ~ .qotra J.O l1man
H~l.c~ '. ~'tltC",'UN awfet1of'PdUra "~tIlIIId.lIt.~
insW'u..... WY.ftl:H.P.. tMfH...~~t"'.8"iO:ffJStWHer.... a Jio~k
be }11ad4lll!' 1ft 'thfllSftIlH '::"i1'1' 9aww*l "t4 ,..t-ktIWfk4t.Q\'lIlI ~ '0&111
the Roll oD't1I~llft:i!oii ; An'-cd'ftonm.lI1h'..eD~'V~.JI!A1";;'" ~'"
There being no further bUBine8~ to come before this meeting
it was thereafter upon proper motion Adjournect.
_, ___ Qpli h.lL-i'rom above Minutes " Quarterly Repon_9L ~oh9>>J....a..QJi!,r
preeemted. Ordered Piled".
effeoti ve
g Oot. 10
<' ,,'..
'~I\lvi ~fy~tR~ -- i
MONDAY. OCTOBER. 2d'tli. 1~30. .
, '
ReSu.lt%' meet,ing Of "the Common counc'll.,'ctty ,.of ie~:r~ :;heJ,d i
t"hiSda'te i'tl the CounO'll Cnam,ber.s; 14eeting oal'1.d ;to Order 4t. '8'J? .
by l4.aJ'or P.C.MoMullen;. 'w1'tih the ,:tollowlug 'Coun'oUni.n ,Iirennt':' Coo er
Hofman, ttopklns. Orla.nder B1fetrl1~n,n. c.',
. LUnu.te's of last r~8ular mee'tlng read DJ1d approved. '
POllo.ing off_ra 'for the purohase ~t' lut. t~omFhe City presented
T.P.Lorang offers $26.00 for lot 38 in Block 14. E.C.TaylJr offe B
$26.00 f,or lot 33 in b)"ook 6 ;Laubner a.d~ ti9n. l'~ul Sved~e.n .offer
$~5.0a .aohfor lots 3 & 4 l:nb1ook 13 I..allobner,ll.~d~tiop..
Move by CounciLnan~.etmann. seoon4eu by ~pfman that ~~e PI' oe
o~ $25.00 be ~oo~pt.d fal' eaoh and 'ever~, on~ q! th~ abqve deserib d
lots .and the .C~.t'k be iJlatruo,te(l tc haye ';fl'lni:.ll Jarr.J.nty :;)MS p
,pl"epa1red and sheil'upon pa;ymen1; pf the ''p;r.a,01'ib.~ R~ppue ~rice
to'-~it $25.00 for each lot. Calling gilJ Roll on the Dlqt.lon..' All
Councilmen present Voted in'the Affirmat1ve. So Or'dered'. . .
Motion by Councilman Hofman, seconded by Hopkins that the Fi e
.'t. Committee be authorized and instruoted to have placed Ash Cans at
the Seward General Hospital for the handling of Ashee.eall1ng
Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present Voted Aye.
Superintendents Hospital report for September 1~30, presente,
ordered filed.
There being no further business, this
,1-').~ "
U ,~-
-:to/ AYO K
meeting thereafter Adj
{i' C /:; pJ du..<7,.{;;'
4",,"" /""'7
... f
~iV ~ ~
MONDAY. NOV"';MBI~:-t. 3rd. H30.
--------------------- ---.....-.- .--..--
o R
tl ,,/)$2,-:c,-,''--'
CL E R 1:
MOND~Y. NOT~MBER. 17th. 1930.
Regular meeting of the Commqn Couno1l" City of Seward,. ,hel:d t
date ~n the Counoil Chambers: Meeting Called to ord.~ ~t a p~. by
Mlilyor P.C.MoMullen. w1tq t'h.e foll,()wingCouIlollmen P:r;eSeftt; q~.\'.
Hofman. Hopki.na. Qrlander and Swetmarm., ',:
, Mln1lteS Qf the ~a.at regul..r mHUD8 rea-q,. qorreot,d ,~d; ~PI!r
Qqarterly .re~ortot 'SohoQl BQarC\ preMQ't,ea; O;rder,.4 .fU.~. "~' ','
"A Oot.ober, ~port ,of HOlipl,tal preMn~ed.. or<i4;r4po fil.ed.,
Counollma~ ~~etm.an pr,e~ent~d ~ata Dn the ,eGlarge~a~ o~:~a~ hea
f~cUiti.u ,:tor .aos~ltal; Reaultiqg 1.n a _'Uon,~b7 COq.oU~&n.Hof
seoonded ,y HDP~1.. that tQ~,a9~;it~,Q.~~ltt,e ~e,&~~, ~1~",,~
expend a, -au of nQt t.o exoeoe i000..00, ;fQr the,1lJltt.ll.Uoll,~:t tlb,18
proposed ay.~; O&lli~ the Roll on th. mot~o~; a1~ Oo~ao1~ pr
nt Vot" in the ,.:ttU1nI\t1~r ~s 6.. Sq OruHd., '. ' ;,
OOUDoOUll\an H(l;fm~n~epo.rtli01ty 4tt!o1!fM.li1 . op,inlOlil1, O~ iay'~' b
Clty o:L.o~t. Qf ..emqdel1ng ~_t\.lor~w8 ia JltS~~ia.l.,~ 'a~ req\le.. s
ti'at tight Co,:~lt;tee b~ al.ltheri:xed ~ eJQlend tb. .~4.;u~,,"4.~ ot
$125. QQfar' this 'pU~,pOi1.; lNYecllby Oouu8i:lraQ swetJD..... ,i"''''(lnded by
Hofman that 'abqve .u.tho.rhBt1~D be allo,,"; Qe.1.;:U'ng "",-he roll 0,_ 'Wl
mation all Co.ncilmen pros.ent Vote4 A;re. it.ye.a 5. aQ QrdArell., .
COuno1.lman ;G:'lander report. prG8N8a QIJ .,",,_tis_t.taJl. ia'o th
installation 0:1: more adql.l&te Lip:qt &' Power a.Yet.em' for tQ,e Qi t3..
lI....,or 1"eJlarts pragre.a on the ~a~JUJ't'ruot4.'an (1foul:ven 'Qnee
il1g at .faQ,t 'af ChwubeJ';l&in :a1lJl.e . . ~.
water .C<>lWJl,itte,e l11struoted to kecpolQse WIi<'.b fw 11'0....11
Hydrant.. ' ,
Th.re behg no. furthe.rbulilinells to. .ome,b.,f~. th1.lMe'\.~;
it .-ti ~r""" ,.;1qIlOq proper mot 1 an atiJo.uNlecl. .
4 ~/~.....",," '" ""
'. \' llt\-, t-ioA (~.
..;":"~. ;. ."t .4, t;c~ G ".~ ;:, ~ -.J.M ...>;! J'
'I' >-':) , ,
a.L b '-~4<%< '/Q;;::
MOlJJ)AY. lWV'a.1Bl~H. 24t.h. ],jI30;.
~ ~r : 'i
.'.\ . J ~ ,
Speo lal me,eUrJ\g pJ~ the Common CliWnoU. City of Sewar,<l. " bail-d
this date in' ,the Council Ch~ber6l, r.~eti.~@; ~alled t~ ard~r a.1': ,/, IlM.
by Mayar P.e.McMullen,. with the fuJ,luwing CounoillHnr 'pre8f;~t; Coqp r
Hofman. Hopkins. OrJ,.ander Roberts anQ Swet.lll~n.. '
Me.ting oalled foX' purpose of .fU8o~f3i~g petitJon of H~ V.Hcbe
asking for perm~t to. canstruot ,storm ~h~ at ,ntar~e ,to. ~rc~d.
Buildin@ on 4th. Ave. same to be af a t~o~~~nat~e fQ~~ervice
during witer months. Ordinanoe 1'l0': 2\# was read; .p'~j.oh Jlro~~bitt3 t e
erectJ.on of such struotures; .It. lenghthy o.11::10\l,8Sion thereu,po.n ella,ue".
relatiYe to. the g1\antlD@ of tbe permit reque.ned. Llr,. H. V.H(>ben be ng
present; Three being a quel::1tio~~s to the 1.g~lit~ o~ tbe,~rt of
the Counoil o.~granting such permiti A motion wa~~de,Pi Ccunoil-
man Hofun. seconded bl~w.tma.nn that the matter be retorTed, to th C
C1 ty Attorney fo.r, 6l.A\e.18s1on:~j Calling the .TOU on the moticn.
resulted ail:toll~ws; -eoaDcilmen B~fm&D. Orlander an~ sntmatlfl voti
Aye. Counoilmen Coaper. Hopkins and ~bert~ Votipg Nav: result Aye
3 ~ays 3. thereupon the, Mayor oast the deoidlng vote of Aye, Matia
was carried and sa prdered. , . ,.' ,
upon a motion by paunol1maniotman. Seoon4.A by Hapkins; the
Fire ~itte. was authorized,' by U118nimouee vote ,to. purohase 4
pyreen lire' Ext ingui,shers for uee an the, Fire Truok.
Chief of POlloe instructed to prevent oh11drep from oo~.ti~ 0
4th and 2nd Avenues. C~erk inst.ruGt.d to haTe nctice publiab8'd in
paper eautlonlns motorl~t.' to ,~erei&e all du~ ~au~ion t.r the pre
vention ct aoe4.4ent to- ~hllclren ooaetll1@. '
Counoilman Sw,.t/llann reparts progreee' ill the; ,1Jl8tallat19n of
auxl11~rf water 'h..tlng .Y8tem ill HQapital.
Cauppll tbe~:tt.er.' upon proper' motion ~ jO\U'lled.1
I('J/ ...,i~.,...,"
,'" i_,.......-'~.~_
'1.1 A'Y 0 R
4' r)9
0' ~, .
JiElJHESDAY, NOVEl.IBBR, 26th. l~30.
Special meeting of the Common Council, C1t, of Seward held
date in the Council Chambers; J.leeting called to otder at 3 pm.
Mayor P.~.MoMullen, with all Councilmen present.
Meeting called for tIle purpose of considering an offer by the
Ci ty to the Bureau of Public Hoads of Lo,ts 33-34 & 35 in Block l7
Original Townsite f~r building purposes; After discussion, motion
was made by Councilman swetmann, seconded by Hofman that'a Speoial
Warranty Deed be tendered to the Bureau of Public Roads for the
above described property; Calling the Relll oh the motion all Coun
cilmen Voted in the affirmative, Ayes 6. so Ordered. This meeting
thereafter, upon proper motion adjourneQ.
rrnsert) Above property tender~d for the ereotion of Warehouse. i
by !
~~' 'q ~':".' r
a &Jd<<"4LI'~
C L E R Y.
MO~~AY, DEC~~BER. 1st. 1930.
Reguler meeting of the Co':ul1on Council, City of Seward, held
this date in the Council Chambers; Me!:tlng called to order at 8 pm~
by Mayor P.C .Ltcllullen, with all Counoilmen present.
Ltinutes of last reguler and interve1nin~ special meetings read,
and approved, with"insert" . .
Claims totaling ,~2274.82 presented !~S folluws; Bank of Seward '
25.00. I:ellcheski 220.0,0. Balderston 150.QO. Haverstook 75.QO. '
Ray 25.00. Little 25.,00. Alaska R.R. 64.20. Alaska Matanuska Coa~
Co. 160.50. Alaska Road Commission 809,.~7. Lanning 54.00'. Larson!
54.00. Loomis 9.00. UcAuley 3.00. Seward water Sply. 127.50. ,
Seward Lite & Power Co. 402.55. Alaska Transfer 8.00. Osbo 1.00 '
'IBrosius 24.15. McMullen 9.20. Ogle 6.:)!). Brown & Hawkins 2.25.
Moved by Councilman Hofman, seconded by nopkins that claims ,
as presented be llaid; Calling the Roll all COULcilmen Voted Aye. 6:
Claim of Seward Drug Co. 19.51 preslmted ; Moved by Councilman
Roberts. seconded by'Hopkins that Claim be paid; Calling the Roll
following Councilmen voted Aye; Cooper, Hofman, Hopkins Orlander
and Roberts; Councilman SViekmnn not vo'Ling. .;~ys 5.
A motion was made by Cuuncilclllln i;lwetrl1an~, Seconded by Hofman
t hat the sum of $1750.10 be wi thd rliwn fro!:! the genera.l fund and
placed in savings account # 1171 to a.pply on School Bond Interest;
Calling the Roll on the llotioh; All Councilmen present Voted
in the affir_Ilative. Ayes 6. So Ordered.
~here b8ing no fJlrther business to come before this meeting; ,
it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
t T'i ....' ,I! ~.7 "...
, 'C L E R I:
;ilOlWaY, D~CBlI'tBER, 15th. H30-- No Meeting;
MONDAY, JAllTTARY, 5th, 1~31
Regular meeting of the COffilon Counc:ll, City of Sewflrd, held
this date in the Council Chambers. Meeting ca.Ee(i to order at U pm
by Ma.yor P.C.McMullen. with all Councilmen present;
Minutes of last regular meeting read and a.pproved.
Claim. totaling 1501).';16.preaented as follvw8; Bank of Sew!:l.rd
25.00. Keilcheski 220.00. Balderston 150.')0. Haverstock 75.00.
Ra.y 25.10. Little 25.)0. Lanning 3.00. MCAuley 6.00. Anderson
4.12. Loomis 7.50. Seward Water Sply 127.50. J.L.Graef 4.00.
Alaska R.R. 72.00. City & Andy Express 32.10. McMullen 2.40
Ogle 3.~9. Ala.ska Tra.nsfer 8.10. Seward Maohine Shop 2~0.OO
Seward Lite & P. Co. 300.90. C.M.Brosius 2~.25. B.& H. 19.20.
Ga.teway Pub. Co. l2.00. A.H.Thaday 5.10. Seward Drug 54.00
Moved by Councilman Eofman, seconded by Couper that a.ll Cliams
excepting Sewa.rd Drug Co. be paid; Calling the Roll on ~he motiun;
a.ll Counoilmenpresent voted Aye. Ayes 6.
MONDAY, J..1IlUARY, 5th. H3l. Cont.
-,-_ __n__
Claim of Seward Drug Co. 54.00 presented; Motion. br Cou.oilma
Orlander, seoonded by Hofman that Claim' be paid~ Calling the Roll
following ,Councilmen voted Aye; Cooper, Rofman.'Hopkine,.Otlander
and Roberts; CounailmanS.etman not voting. 5 Ayes. .
Report of Seward School Board presented; Referred to Sohool
Co~nitte~. .
{ )ovember report of Seward General Hospital presented; tefen.
I to Hospital Committ.e. '
City Attorney's opinion on Side"alk obstruotions re~d, ordere:
filed. . " . ' "
Motion by Counoi~man'Rofman~ seoonded by Cooper, that R.V.Hob n
be notified of City Att~rney's opinion on storm Door obstruotion
at Arcade Building on Fourth Avenue; and that m~tter bez referred
to Polioe Committee for aotion. Calling the Hollon the motion;
All Councilmen'present Voted Aye.
Upon the Mayors suggestion that the City Dump Truck be painte
a motion was made by Councilman Hofman, seconded by C00~er, that t e
Fire Committee be authorizefi to expend a sum of not to excede lO.~
for this purpose; Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Councilmen
Voted in the affirmative. So ordered.
The matter of Radio Interference came under disoussion; resul ing
in the Mayor ap~ointlng Councilmen Hopki8S and Rofman' as a oommitt e
to look into this matter and report.
Councilman l3wetmann, upon request. was granted u'1;wo months
leave of absence from Counci1manio duti&~ and Mayor appoInted Coun
oilman Hofman to act' on'Finance Committe~ dbrIng CounCilman Swetma
The matter of enlargihg the School Houae stage w~a' discUBS.d
Matter was referred to Sohool Commit.tee for op1nitm on Ildvia!l.bili t
and probabal" co'st of same. '"
Counoilman sw.tmann repbrt~d thht t.he work of r.pa1ring furna e
room of Hospital would start immediately.
Tharebeing nO furtper business to come b~~ore this meeting, i
was, thereatter, upon proper motion ad'Joutned.
, ;~. \
. . Q. I . .".f' ,~ .~
a ~a-edeMZi;.
, . E R ~
MONDAY, JAllrrA~, l~th. 1931. NO Meeting.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 2nd.' 1~31.
Regular Meetin~ of the Common Council, City of Seward" held t is
date in the Council Chambers; J,ieetin~ called to order at 8 P.B. b
Mayor P.<::.McMullen. with the fOll'Jwing Councilmen present: Cooper
Hofman, Orlande.r and Roberts.
Minutes of last regular meeting read und approved.
Delinquent Tax Roll 1930, and resolution pertaining thereto presen ed,
Ordered held, over till next regular meeting. ,
Co~nunioation from Matt Schloser offering ~50.0<) eaoh for pur
chase of lots 33 and 34 Block 17. present.d. Ordered Tabled.
Motion by Councilman Hofman, seconded by Cooper, that Matt SC
loser beasseesed 2.00 per month efective from Feby. 1st. 1~31, fo
two cabins oooupied by him on Iota 33. ahd 34. in Block 17: Cillin
the roll on the;motion, all Oounoilmen present voted Aye; Aye. 4.
Motion te Councilman Hotman, leconded by O~lander, that Tax D eds
be issued in favor of Luella l. MoVullen"for lote 16. 1'. Block 1 .
same-having been purehaeed at Tax 8ale January lOth. 1929by said
party. . . , ,
. Claims totaling-. 1064.21 pr..ented as follows; Bank of.Sewa d
25.00. KeI10heeki 220.QO. Baldereton 150.00. Uaverstook 75.00.
Little 25.10. Seward water Sply. 127.50. A.H.Thoday 115.00.
Seward Lite,& P. CO. 2~2.45. MoAulet 2.2~.&I P.Andereon 1.50.
::!'.Loomis l.lSo. G.Santos 2.00. B. & H. Corp. 4.00. HcMullen 2.75
Ogle 7.76. Gateway Pub Co. 2.60. Seward Trading Co. 2.00.
Alaska Transfer, 8.00. Motion by Council~an Hofman, seconded .y
Roberts, that olaims be allowed and warrants drawn in payment of s me.
Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. Ayes 4.
-t" Hospital report for December, 1930, presented, ordered filed.
Council:null Hofman of Radio inteferance Committee. reports progress
NO C:uorum,