HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932 City Council Minutes / 490 "~O~JI)'~.Y, :rl~.T)r..:t.n:t, ~tlr. 1J7'-: Rcgl1~:'cr 'Je8ti':1p" cf t~le CO[i\,110n Council, City of Sewlird, held ,t11is dute in tho ~ou:lCil Cr>c.1Jbf'Y'(3; !:!ectirw (;,-,~~led to order ::1t 13 'P.: . }'7 ~,!Lyor Brownell with tl-te foll ,win!" r~',lU!1r~ilr1C'1 j;rcsonc; ,,~<.~lthy, "~JaT, ~eville unO nt~'1tJn; , :.Unutes of the l:lst regular l;lcetil1g reL1Q t:.nd o.l'JIJroved. Claims totuling l7,~7.~3 presented as folloWs; B~nL of tiewo.d U~,.Y) Y.eilcheSlci ~;2). )). Balderston, 150. )'). F:.l.verstock 7f,.)1'). t:rarwood. 51.)). Sewar'd Water SpIy 127.5). R.\'I.Johnston,i35.,)J. T<'.Chul:nan 3.1)1. SewE3ra lite i'~ P.CO. 31J.7fi. C.M.BrosiUE: 11.~O. Brown & ~uV/kinf' Corp. 4.13. Sewf.t'rt'l '~etal ':Jks. 2J.l(). 1olasb: Transfe:r 16.0 1301,'s ~'j,r'tge 1.')). P.:J.Og1e 1.10. Gateway Pub Co. 201.05.Y..Seymor 36.')'). Motion by 0Junullnan Menthy, seconfied by Deville th~t claim us presented be allowed a.nd ':varrants c1ruwl1 i ':1' paym'ent of same; Cu11inp:'the Roll. all COUnCilf!1en present voted In the Iaffirm[.Ltive. , ~Jl1'1cil'wtn :,~eyer reports 'lioflpi tal Cess T'ool completed; also thut the remodelefi :S~E:tB!Il heatinp; systera r:.t SchOOl 'ttouse giving good Eotlr'action. The '!Jilttcr' of Ivwerlnp: tidl gate to drain lagoon H.!l:ain ell-Ine Ui' for clir:cussion; letter fro!'! .'lcti!lf! !~ana.p'er Holmes reud, giving City permission to prouc0(' \'1ith t.r'res 'vorl:; Id'ter lenl1p:ht1;;, clisuu88 on it was (. ,1(, ' that 1twas lrJfr"ctic'll to do anything 'J.t this time c..nc1 the M~yor instructed ','I...te1" ~O~1,li ttee to so adviSe Ur. l~olben ;:,-'" P'e Sewl.i.rd ,,Iiater SU!JP'I~"Co. ' Council~~n r~nthy re~orte~ the had~y driftea condition of snow on some of ti,e strr'rts; .1fter discussion~ 1J Hotion WUf:: made b C0uncilm~n Stunton; Seconiie, by neville, t,h:::.l, the street r:or~l!!littee be a.uthorized to hire the Alaska Transfer ~rudew to relieve this condition; CullinlZ the Rol on't1w :.1otiun; _111 ~0111wil'lfrYJ frH;ent Votec1 in the Hfir:nutive. , ';'rlcre beinf no furtr.er op:sirless to (~')J'1e re:!'ore this :!lecting '1 t ,~:u.s, ther€a.ft~r, uI'o,l Ijrol!er f;lOt ion .[.Ld .jolArnec1. ~. ~J:."'Q '- i i '" .. t:l ~fldeU~ . 'e 1 ;~ R 1: ~ 1l0~lD.~"t, JAlJtL,l\Y, 18th. 1'J3::: Regul"H mcctinp: of the CornlOn Coundl, r~it;;'vf Sewurci, held t (late in tho 'Cauncil Chanters; ;:ceti~lg e::a:ped to, L1rder by ;,layor D. . Brownell at .8 P.:J.. wi tll,the follo-winf- Cou'1cil:nen lircsent; COupel', Ueyer~ nevi11e ~nc1 RubertB; - .' lllnptes of~he ladt regulnrnceti~g rend ~nd approved. Cluirn of O.!'.':1derson If'.7f, for h:bor l!rcEcnt~d; Hotion 1'y Conncilnl' n eaopeT, secJondec1 by lleville tj'mt claim he -J?a~d; Calliup; the Roll ~ll Councilmen preRcnt vote~ Aye. Matter of prepairing u Hospital FinuQuiul report for publicut'on discuseed; R.asulti.np: in Il '!lotion by Councilrnnn Roberts; ~3econded Cooper taht n sllrnme:r:uy of hospital report!:: us su'hrni tten. bv the T1ospitf'1 Su!-,erintennf:nt be :llld!3 and fll~ced on file in tl-te Clerke fiice Cullinp- thE ~oll, nIl Councilrnen presemt "oted 1':1 the 1.l:J'firn.-"tiroe; Counei 1 '[eyer volu'1teerer' to male sach report. After further d 1r::uusslon of wl'ter main si tm;,ti on crossl np' the i:>>:l.p;m I,u.gooY]; '-l r:1otion WIlS rl~(le 11;" Council~nfm Co )per, seco!1don h:, :~,~"ille th':it this "latter be tab) en; !!otion un.'lnirnol1s1:/ curr; e0. T'u!re beine' DO further nnsinc;sc to cono 08f'01:0 thi::> rnec,tlnf!, ~td/U' upon ~roper ''"tion H'to,,"",'. J ;. v , TI t1/Jtf1if?(;~ --"'I , I .. 491 " ul:]J..:'Y, Jl;LGTJ..lIY, lut. 10:':2. w .'T" T ""1:_:" 'r I Regul'Jr Jneet ing of the CO:~':lon CJwwi 1 C~ i t'l of ~)e"'!t.rd, held this aute in the COUDell Chwrlb0.rs; l!e(ti~lp:'U'Jll'C" tJ or(ler "t 13 ,>'i. by ;,~,",,;:,'or Br'Jwnell, Vii tl-j the fol,"- 11\1inr CouncilJ.lun ljresent; Il<J.~,th;;, ;:le;,yer, l1eyille,l'" ~t,tntOl1o LIi nutes of last meet i nr read "'-Yld al,proved. O:RDIl1..llICE rlo. ll6 ..,resented u.ncl read; URDIlJJ.lICS 110 .116 .\.iJ ORDIHAll~Z n::LBI1W TO 1'nj'; :~}:G~L3'-='~:.l'IO~J OF VOTE,]::) Iii l'TL:: CITY OF SZli~RD, ...:;",~S}~. llotion b;/ ~ounci1l:1')n ],!anthy. ::;el.:onded by stUl1ton that thl!:s reading of ordinance No. 116 be cODsider0d its second und third ref C readlnp.E and that the rules ne SnS1Jended for itD IJ9.ss3ge; Calline- the roll on the l;~otion; ,'ell Cl)u~'l(;ilr.Tml ,r,;sent 'Toted ,i.ye. On the quertion "Sht:ll Ordinance no. 116 11(182,"7 ~'.11 Councilmen fr8sent voted in the o.ffirf'!utive; ',fhereupon the H'lyor Sip.ned Ordinance UQ.116 in open session. Cl",ims tot111ing ~1:28:;.83 ;resented u,f' foll 'WB; B;,;.nt of ~iew:.-.rd 25.00. reilchoski 220.0~. 3alderston l51.~O. Haverstock 75.10. Earwood 51.00. :Jewurc' 'h..ter Supply 127.!j!). B(1) ]T>mthy 25.1') ,I.Stiner G.")'). ~U;f Hanthy 12.75. ~.If1)nfllson 2S.5~. H.l'o.eben ~.') c.r,~cauley 26.r,f;. ,i.lor-ruef 56.71. Ijt:ltewey Pub. co. 12.1'10 Sew::.rd llachine Shop 24.81. E.h ~.Corr. 16.11. Y.Sey~ore 30.10. rush 80.13 iV.r.'/hittlese;'l 11.')'). ,T.C.Robortson 11.')'1. ,1fl~mi(l '''c\1)lson 1').")1 Bessie :!.H::.ll()~ 1').11). Sylvi:1 Se:rton :;'-).)").11a81::). Tra'1sfer 1f3.'j() SewClni :rif-"Yrt ,~~ i'owey Co. 2'J7.U;. C.I.I.BrosiuB iL8ri. 1::otion B;'" Cou'1cill'1D.n !.!::nth;l, f'eCOn00 ),;,,' IJe11il'(' th,d; C1Dl::1G us fresentcd be ~llawccl 11m3 wurru.nts be arawn in ~':l;T~!'nt of SU'1fl; C....llinF" the 'Roll; t,Jl ~o1J'1ci1men rrp,sflrrt. voted in the '~f'fir,~nt v S1J':!nerflr;r ,'f TT0spit"d re..~')rts cs eO'1rilei1 and r;resentei1 n~; Council:l" Meyer ord e red fll 8(1 "','1(1 r, OU'1(; i 1r'1~p', !.I"yer COLl}:; 1 i '~ent f) a on re 1'0 rt . C:ise of Lonis I,ine1::', indi9'ent, ::2t ;n:[:, nt Ct cc.;re of the Sew'~rt Generr'11To8fit':1, al<~cussecJ; JJec:ide, th'lt.l furtn.p.l' .-'~:tH\l shonl(l r. :u:.ide to tn,' GOVGYJ..JT "f ,.1:"81"-::. tJ h~ye t,h~ e fClt' ont ai\;li 1,tec1 to tho T'i c,neer 1!0~flf~. ~... ~:10tion VJ<~,f3 '1.'l6c l);i CI..'n:tcilrj]'tn~,'1~).Tlth~~, seeonded b:/ ;.;i L..nt on t \, f' t C Junt; i 1 "Ie 11 ;,i e;;,'ur, ,'0.: ehu- i rr:nn 0 f t \'.0 T~ ,) S l' i tn,l C ;Y.1"!i t~; , r,e instr;:,~~(,," to '.-{rit8 the (~(J"en,\r urpinrr Buch u;:tion. Above" uti ,n 71',13 un'nilJously c:,'.:.rried. :.mc] Counc;ilm in Ee;:lCY s'u instructed. The :,:r,-,yor reminded 1,1'18 Council th:.l1, they sh'J1ild (:wot :.:s ;.. C::...nvnsf,;cf: Eo~rd [',t 3 P.U. 'l'uesduy, Febru:lTY 2 nd. l'.JZ:: to CfJ,nv:,s::: ballots cast it the S~eciul Blection hold Monday, Febru~ry 1st. There being no l'urtr.er bl.loiness tl' eOlw before 1,1:i8 mertinil, i was, thereafter, upon prorer ':lotio 'djo~rne0. . I Tuesday, February, 2nd. 19~~ Common ~ouncil, ~it;,r of Seward, L1et O),t 3 l).H. this dcte us a Cunv!.lssin? Bourd. to c;nnvt1SS bullots cast at .'), Srecinl Election held on !:onday, F'ebrllLiry,lst 1';)32 with reference to the leasinf' of the Seward General HOSl)i tal to the \iOJi1an's Home Uission<lry Society of the l.:ethodi8t 1~piscil'Gl Churc:h. Councilme:1 present were 0 !'looper, Hunthy, l1e;:/er !:; Ronerts; I,IDyor uFPointed Cour.cilmen Coorer und Roberts ~'-8 '-' Cunv'1E'sinp Conmittee. . Cvrnr[,ssinf7 COffi'fJlttee report HS fOll')ws; Total bullots cust l6S. For Rvtific'1tL:l!1 of Ordin:.mcc lTO.ll.... ballots cast 16~ ~'.g8.inst Rutific'ttion" "ll "5 Me,yor dcdaired that lli, hlllot's .:J"st bcinp: e !1'l,jori ty of 165 b'," 1 ots cnst; Election carried FOR Rl."'IFIC:.TIOll OF ORDIIIMICg HO 115, frovidin~ for the lensing af the Hospitol to the Woman's TIome ~is~ionery 8ociety. Copy of list of Voters and cortifi02te ad election ordered filed with the Poll Clerk ThiE; !:JeetinQ' thereafter ad .;ourned. 14R: i5 .,,".YO?' d~dbM'~ '..C1I::-iK 492 "OIm.i~Y, 11'r:'R~'P\R"', lrit\'. 1\1~'~- 1!0 (..110rlJ!1l ....,.- . ,''I" T :V'i Iliiii.:'i,iii---:<iillffl _" "'--ilW.:JW---.:;p-- =. !'i.oW"""": --<i> ''- .. T')lm:~Y, It..!V~P, 7th. 1932 Regular rneetin!'r of the ~OI~':10"1 ~ouncil, ,City of Sew~Td, held this (\at(; in the COlnoil Chambers; Meetinf cu.l1eo to order :.1; t3 ~'. T- o:' !.>'J::OY jir'owY1P1", witL tr-p fol', )1'Ti'1<7 ~ol1n(Jilmen present: Manth:v, :\~eyer, r,p"il.~e, 100erts .~: st",:-lton; THnntes of tl~e last :nef'tinfrs WId ano arproved. leaee from thr, ..;.l:Js}:a TIu.ilroad for :I::nine '\r~l~T S1te adjacent Break-wa tar, ~fBft!l.W;-, >>o1.iJ~Q-J),,- by Councilman !!r.;'1th~, seconc1cr'lJ" II vi1] c tbt leaee be la:~~47/n'nounci1fJe:1 rre89nt Voted Aye,!'fr;!'>>r",,' :;,2~' alaims totaling ~1315.l)il rrepo'1terl '18 follows: J3nnlr of gnward 25.'YJ [eilcnesLi Z2').Cn. 'Balderston If'').')!). traverstock 7!'.'Y). Tl'arwoo 11')..')) Seward ~ater Sply. 127.5'). ~Bt~wny, 7.~~. O~le 59.20. R.W.3ohns on 5.)'). Seward I!uchine Shop. -75/. A14ska R.R. 1.~J. 7.F.D. 37.50. Sewn d Lite & P. cn. 288.2). B.& n.Corp, 23.75. ~.Seymore 45.00 d. ;;;tiner 21.75. a.Andereon 6.01. \"/.i'l."lu.rd 18.')). :,I.Lunnirw. 24. ') "' "all 15 ')'" 'P ".,,"'''''' r.,,) "'" I" nll11)' -"0J" 1'" 'I (1 'lnnthy ,," <'5 ' ...;,J.~~':..II e.'j. ;..l,.~:~li:,t.: .......~)'). '7.,-_ ,.)' ~ '''...,1. J._,.::.... t:..t:... ~ ", ','~j :", F. ,".l.Graef. 25.00. Ruff & Bacon 1'J.00. <T.DeRock 3.75. Trans HCj.',son !"i.2f>. Move,: 11:1 ~'.Jwlcil!!w.n R.;;ner.ts" seconde by Haville, tholt Ul"}':l; 'he ",ll;;wed (;nd wa.rr.unts dr",wn in fC'Y"lerlt :f SU!!18; ~u.llin:! t}'f"' '102.1,' ..1=. ~ou'1cilh1cr'1 present voted. Fi:rf, Chie: instructed to ma.l~e' test of (;.11 ;1'i:te' Hydr';,nts in conjunction with t~e Wc..ter Co. Ppon ~rJl-er r:lot1'3"1'"':c\,e l\~y Councilman Rober.ts, seconded by,l:1nnthy C1eri Instructed to unler 1:2 Bl",cJ: l:::.t llasks fur Fire Deft. !;ot io un~nimously c~rrie~.' ' "'otio:'l by C0nneilm~"n stanton, 8eoondel1 by Roberts, th'~t ,".R... through C,)tl';Cil"I:;':1 ::8\'i11e, be requested to mL-ko necess1.ry re1',0ir hlne-8s ;yn F1J:..t4; C'--.ll ing the Roll; All Coun(:ilIJen presr;nt \')+:(:(1 ~y~ ;':otion W:lf,l:.:.dc n'1 ~cw1cilll'"n ::;tanton , seoonc1eG 1," :::.:.ntln th~t rnrL-irs be 'D~~P t: the Outlet 8f Se~er between 3rd' and 4th, ~venueG C~,llil1il' the Roll on thIs motion; All Counuilmen present vote,~ ;iYl:.:. City ~ttor~ey reported receipt 0f le~Be of Sewur~ General Hospit:ll tJ '.'{Or.1H!1'S !~or:le l.1iBsioYl(~r;T Societ;T, duly flip-ned und execlte(l ::.no upon his rcco'nc;nd:.-:tion, llutioYlw8.s r:l:,oe n;' ~ou:iCilrnan '.:uy!th;v, scc0'1c1ed 0:' stanton th",t s~licl Le~lsch0 clul;1 TIecorc1ec1; ~uLinrt the Roll 0:1 1,1-,e ~.1otiol,1; ,\11 ~ounci:'_r'1evl :'res,:"t Vot.e' in the, .f'firr:FLti' e. Clark wus instructed to crist the T'nuni'1!J\JL' 1<:..lJ ot ai' the COll, cil cppointinp: t.he i'illllowi:1p: personf' to uct Uj nfficerE' 001, the I!nnici!wl Election to nr' heU in the ~it:: on'.p'il, "ith. 1\3:7::_ t,) "iit- Inspector, ',I.P.!(hittlpsey. ,"unfrAS, ~.~.:<0r~orn eo Ceo. Sexton. Glerks !.':rs. Free'. ,Tohnston and C'i'I,I'>()I Heel. Thpre Of.jY:.f7 no further 1111SiY16SS to elms before 1,h1s '1eetinf7; W:;.f (jhere" ter, ul'Orl l,rn;<Clr r"ot n a~ ,~ol;rne . ,/ v' fl..tJjJfj~~1fF~ . , _ ~ . J J. .. _ l I I I --,. ~- LiOIJD:l.V, )1'.:mm, f"lst. 1 ')3~. RelZulo.r meet-inp: of the Cor'1"Jon Counci 1, Ci t;'T of Sc;l'mrc1, held this dutp. in the ~ouncn nh[l~1bers; He tiYlp: c~lle(l t'O orner '11:1 Ha~,ro Br~wnell at 11 p.m. with the fOllDwinf! .Councilmen presf'nt; Goopel', Ma~thy, Heyer, Neville, Roberts ~nd stanton; Mi~uteF Qf thr last mQct~nF re~d nn~ arproven. Co~uunication from Seward Volunteer ~i~e Dept. read; Protestinp t o.g':inst the p:ivinF! of orderE ,n;'1 mer1bers L)f the ~Quncil to me!obcrs of tne V.l".D. while en[w.ged extinf-uishlnp of firps; Cor.D.unic'-ction ordered filed. Comunication from Fire Chief, reud; ~a1ling attention to ha:tahOllrs condition of l1'urnl1,ce !lnd Chir.1"1ey in Sewnrd r.rill Buildin. Fire Corol ttee instrueten to confer with nel :qolben, ~rorri',-tor. Comunfu,cat:)ll from C.H.O[1jTeel, re';d, })eclinim!. ,?wlloint!:wnt "8 ~lerl: at Mnnicipul 'Election; Apointr.1ent to fill v~w1mcy left to oescreEsion of the !.~:;yor: l.:~~.or '.lI'pointec1 wrs,.Toh:1 Sclit. Cheok in the ".mnllYlt. nf ,)2,;;7,14 t.endere(1 oy .1.1.Gr::wf in 1'n21 I c,:.7rnent. of n'.1I-mce nne on his 1:J~'J rae.1 :md l,E:rf;onul t:l:xes. '~ction wus i]l..t1e b;l CGll'lcilfh',Y] ~oopeYA seco"'J1pr1 1':7 l~~mth;J th:.-:t t'1e af1'er of J.r..Gr[.ef in n1G urnount of ;.p2'J3.44, in OOl:1l'TUmi.se of C i 8';uted 1'.120 to_xes be aceef;teo, ~"l; reco,a,"nde, btJ the City Htvrne . C:u.1line: the Roll J, tl:c ',1,1)\'" !JJtion; )\.11 r;iJu~cilLlen ,:.'resent Voted in tne '.Lffirld:L1.,jve; _,_",,"!':'::-~ c. ,.-- , '" \ ,.,,", 4 9 3 """'4l pr_):-~_, ':."Y, ::.:~nrj~~, :-:lst. 1:}:3~ Co'nt. I "I':~3!Jl.PTIO;: :n,tLod:dng the l,ubliu'ition of l'riral-r:l ;';:eutiol1 notice in Sew'<ro _)Gily r;:,tcFJ~1;., l-rnLGnteri; 1.10tlo'1 by Council nan ~.ll..i.nthy, Eeconde" by Coul'er th'~t rules be SUsl,c'1de< for the ~:J,,~ tlu of ~~e Resolution; C~lli~~ the ~oll; ~ll ~ol~ncilnen rrcncnt Vcted :-~ye. )'1 trc r,;lestion "311':ll t~e :if tiOluti,)n be cIC:01Jtc(1?" ~ll COll~1 cjl'~leYI :rc~8e"':lt \TJt(~r-~ '~:}e. C'm)Lu.J:~i:!: It 1l7, 'he i YlP' i'.n l' ro j 'Li nee '11 '')0 i lilt i nE J en" i e I'&u 1 :::;G'l 1.:.0' 3chuol '1'~y ~ollectl'r for the Cit~,' of sew:lrd f(lT 1.1'A '1l7'lr IJ:'i~, WIJ,S presente.; r.~ot I,m was HWO e b;T ~ollncihl':'1 ;!f>;7p.r, seconrl p,' b7 Roberts th;;t the Pllles be suspewle<1 for the I'Q.sF?p"c of (lrilin"Ylur; Jo. 117 und +~2t t~e first readinp bp. uO'1sidered the sec0nd 8nd ~h thirrl rc"nin;:rs "nr1 thut tl,e ordint:nuc 1'0 .:.l~ced ui:on its l'~,S::-:jl.(;: ,;:.lJi'p the Roll; All r,ouncilrnen rTP[>C;1t 'r,'tc" ,..:'0. :'~~i t:"'f' :'.LJ:Dtl'~ "~;h:...:}l f'\~(1i.n~.L~1Cr; 1,'~).lI7 ?~tSp?'t ..1\11 ~onnci}'.lnr1 1,rp'8cc,"t ',,)-l-e" :.'!'..::., 'il1eTPu1Jon t~e !!')~"'w 3ip'ned 0:rclinc:1ce ;:0.117. !:Ioti CJn b;; CtJu:1cil!.l!"n !1t~:l1t;hy, G,e(~()1ir'\~(l 'Y7 ~!}neY"'J~ 1,1~.:..~t t:rosri t.; COCl'.,i 1.1.1"" 1>10 u.uthorize(~ to LrC,:"r1() vvi '!;l- tl:e '1.'(;('8[:',.;'',' crr '(: i "" ~:." 11;p. u)['J:-~t';l 'irowncls; ~t.:l.llnl': the 'N','; ,ll ~u1JY:r,~l;,f;n ;,,!,ps.,r:t voted in t"f' ,,="fir.l:Jtive. Cleric W'J.S instructer: to G~ist t1-,p 1i'L:rd,1lullse b..l1"t ,.\~ 1.1'(1 -:;:'\1~j[d.l for the uppoi ntwnt of the '"':)]] 'wi 11P' l)nrsons to i;.ct .~S '>f"'i ( , cprs at the I'ri!l!:.r;y' ~10eti0\1 to bo hp.ld in thp, ~it;I '.1Y, n\l(:l'3iL:7 ,,:'..l~Til, 2C.th. l~<::: to-wit. IYlf3,peet'JY', .1.T:.\~ittlese:v) ;rUd'::HF) r;.~ ~_:\_-\rfr:-'lTC. ~...nG .'T. ~~ ~)~obert SOY]. ~l erJ: s' iirf~. 'F're(~ .'To h:J.Et ~)n 'i:"Jd : Irs. .;,-"' ~l '-j ~'.~':i t. "he ~:-'roi tr:lent ,,)f t'.'lO l)crsur~s L;.~ '1cmberB 0~ t~lC ~"oGl'i t~~::. :~0U j "FiN! in o:ri:er; Secret 'Rtillot W&-f: frel'o.ired, tuken u.no uunvuGEcd; I Resu1tint' in tl-:P :,'~ointr,lent of _i..~.l.:le~'er 'ind C.:':.Orli.mc1er us \ Mehber~ of the EOE~itul 30ard of the ~eward ~onerDl EOBp~to1 to represent the ~it;;- J:f SC1N:=rd; Clerk W.::8 instrt;uted to notify Mrs. Goode, l'resident of tr,c du,:J:.1n's Bu.no ;Hs:'ionury ;Jociety, of such ufpointrnents. Clerk wus instructed, upon :J'ot i '.In ::]I'Oe, :g:a:rr:i.luil seuonde(: ~;rjc1 carrierl; T0JCVertise fdir 'oirl" :1"<'1' the '.uditin,' of' ~r:e rjit:' :,nd ~; ::':ch )01 Bv;;.rd BOuls f'J1' thA Cl.lrl-eYlt 'Tour. There bein~ no fnrther 11lJsirnel'~ to C!)'1e hefore thi~' :neeti~l;!, it W:~8, thprp~'fter, li!"OYl ::roper r:lOtion i.l.djourrwr1. . :J&jj , /'5 __k!P ~,: ,'. Y Ll ~ \ , r2~1d!~~ . . (j ..~ ~ R I ;10;;lJ~ Y, ;lP:~E, ~x t h. ln~ J.. .' ?eg1l1':cr 'il(H:ti'1F! of tl:e Comrnoy; ,;ouncil., ~it~l ('f ']8\"I.vrd, h01.d this duto in the CounoiJ ~h::i.''l11ers; :Tettinp" cu.llerl to orrlp,r l)y ;L.;/,\ Brow~e11 ot 8 pm. with the following Councilmen fre~ent; 8oJrer, !!::mth~7, !':oyer, l:evil]p" ?o11erts .~md stunton. :Unutes o~ the last meetin~ rue(l :.md [;.::l)roved. Cl:~im8 toteclinp ~l231.J8, pres(mted us follows; 'L:.nk of 00vmrd ~~!).' I) Keilcheski 2:;').')0. Balderston 15i.'JO. H<:.verf?tock 75.1)0. Ibrwoud fia.OO. Seward-dater S}ly. 127.5). P.H.Ogle 15.3fi. sawurd U:...chir;e shOp 8.15. Al'isLa R.R. 6').')'). 'iu.tew,"y pub. Co. fi0.25. ",l'\sku TY',~'YH; CY' lel.OO. ii.;:).lJurley Ca. 23.::;5. E.l'.P,'1rwooo 11.f3fi. R.!'!anthp 1.00. 'I.Nebb 7.0). G.Hu.nson ::'.)0. Guy .iu.nth;l :~.)0. ::.E.....'1uerson G.en J.DeRock 5.Gel. ,:r.Eubschmidt lfi.)!). C~~sh 8.:::'). Brown Pi: Hawkim, r;or~' 9,75. J.l.Gr::wf 26.')5. Seward! .,r.;.p. 31').37. 1I.Eillhnulu 12.')1. ;Jotion by CJll!lcil'n!lTI PL.nthy, seconded by CrhJicer th~t cLLius n preE'ented be raid; Clallinf t c Roll on tho c:lOtion, ,.11 COll11cilr18n fresent voted :ye. Cl1li::J of Seward Trudinp; r,o. 1. .V) presp.nte(i; I':otion 11~' C'Junci J ",.11 ::leyer, ceconded 11;' J!:::.y!thy that cl-:irn be !mid; Cclj jn;:r tr,o roll tho fOllo"!inp-' COllnci l:oen v'Jter 'l:le; Cooper, 1'1~nth:l, ;:L.yer, Heville ',,.-,e n'JDerts. 0'Jnnci1mnn stl:nton nut votin(t. "~ouneilJ1.W'l Ile:rer rejlorte(] worl: on -::08"1 tal lirovnde IJl'&cti (;~11 corajleted ~t u coct of 1~.10. A-:':Jointmf:nt of Ple~jber of School n II.errJ :)08~'0Yied till :f'utv:r"P ('leeting. ]el:",ir to outlet of ?71r1 \"c SOW'ter !,Ofl;'Onf:Q "'ccuunt of f'ror:t. Bona of ~e~nte P~ulEen, Sch0Jl ?U7 ~'llcctor, u~proved. 494 ':lond;:,y, _'.frii, 41,1':. 'l')2~). tjunt '. iT -....~._- lliJllj'!ililN --~-. I 'Wi. 1IlI~~ Bia for auditing City and School TIol.,rd 000La I1wlirder to ,Te~.ln:1 Ironside for the awn of ~5().O'). under :notion by 0-ouncilw1U l\'Iunthy seconded by Cooper nnd ununi~ous1y carried. City ,,_ttorney .;..dvise(~ th",1, '.. suit h;i(l bJ instif1::..ted ,'.,'L.im,t t 1(; hief 0' l.'a1ice ",no ."r; ~Jtro\)ifl'''l n~7 ri'crr;i EQben in tl;c swn of ~, ~,l'}JOO;;)JO '~'en 'l'hous'md Ip')ll"Y'i3 e..cl;. ..fter disc1Js::ion;_ 1;otion \\f',S :aL\tle 1JY Connoi1mu,1'l lhnthy, scuonded ,~; ;;:'1 unton th'~t t".e r,i t;i~ttor)lOY 1'8 instructed 1,0 c\\,~ nonce"" dF:fe'1 '0 and prosicuto EPMe to u uornuletion in the cuse of H~rrv V.Hoten Is. 1;'.l>ejJchel",:ld :.md }~eneth seyi!tore; Culling the Holl folJ:mirw "01,0 reE1JJteiJ; I>;;nncil"len COJ~Jef. ;!:mthy, Heyer, ~o1:H~rts IlYlc1 st<.:.nton votinl" YE- Couywilrncr] :levl11e votinp: ]I ~v. ,\'T;';S f; nAYS 1. !lotlon c:irrte'.l :J-nc ,jit;\' .:tt')n,cy ,:~,) instructed. i:l~J.~or remlnc1erl tbp ~)n~lt~i.~_ t(: r'\p(",i: .~ ;;'r1~,r~S8j'lrr ~')d:/ :It -4.1.7" ^!Pllnl"lu}::.y ...j,Jri.J. ",t.ho 1(J32 to Cunvass bQ11"tG c"ct :..t t"'e Ll;'licil~'l ilpctiJ~ ~eld ~~rilt Fth. 1972. '::'hero nei'1iY i"lrthe-ro busineso tD (~U'ne nof'are this '~p('tinr is ::8 thereuf1}~y ~~journed t~ Fl0et ~t t~n c~ll Jf the ~hair. T- 1-,,-7Y ~ C~JV.SSIUG B01..RD :~~"RI!.6th. 11J:'i:~ Council ::lOt 1hi[" dc-to :.it 40'cl1:.01: P.l,I. in t1-o (~ouncll r,h:..r:11)er C i 1,;'\7 Jf :::ew:..rd. ...1(",1."1.4. !,:oot ing c:1lleo to order b? Iluyor }Jrownoll Ni th the. f'0~1'minf" ~0unci1'~e" ~T()f'P:1t; Coul)cr, )T:<nth:-7, Lleyer Rorer s ",'1 ( St;;.nt::JD. mhe !T:..yor :"~'l ~'i '';~ ('0 ~ou"1cll!.1el'1 !Ianthy Ilnd lIeyer us a (;,."" -11 ttec tc r;~n',',:,;,s tlle :?,..ll,)tE'. '''hey rf!l"0rt the count of th~ ta.llies LiE f'}.tenoed b~,' t.l;p. J~l:ecti n JudE8 to to i1)uo~reat en~ correct sume uS per fc110mjn~ Resolution Re801nt i o~ :'re:.:e~ted 1 'IE;':;RT:~S, Tn accorrl~'1(3e with tho l:J.WD of 1';nc 'C'er1-itl1r;T 01' '.l~'~'}" c:.n-~ ':>\rdino.n~e F:J.44 Jf t11e r;it~l of Sevr3.l'd, ).lacJ-~, ~:Yl(l "1:)tjl~F; p"i'vP '-' ':unieip"l ";~"ctloVJ Vl~f: hel(1 ir, the 'T'own 'fTa.ll 1'1 8";0 ri";-' ,'] tr.f' ~th. Gu.y 0'" :i'ril, 197~" (lno, . . ',;lll.lE.'.S, i Yi '~cC:')l'r1 ';nce with 1 r,c c(',.trri c:.',t.es fi len vd th t1'1p 1,(uniclr~1 Clert ()f F:.cid Cit,~., ";1 the eleotion C'ffieere of S')i(1 61" tion tte foJ1uwin," Y]'u;)ec1 l;erso,,~l reueivp" ~ ~lr' e::::ot nn:~beC' ()~ votes pl-ac ed c:.fter theri rf!nfc(;tive nn'l1es f()l' nffl(:es hpY'pinafter st,',teo to-wit 71'C~ n:.YOR, D.C.Erownel1 126 T;10!~ COUlrCEJT:,:P ,T.~j."~".(li"er l?~', , . C.::.Orl:mr18r 12(,., c:.G.Cvupor 112, ,Ten"ie ,'L.Ulf'e~l 24.{ .T.;).l~:".rul,eY' 2('7. l'.(~ .nci.Iullen 14'J Tho:;. ::eville 14')' 1;l1V~rn Swetn'.lll'<'1 151 ---'. '- t(lJ:~ :':~:'~'R7:R 8 CT?' 0 ():- n().~R.T) 'I.C..1i:r\.viYl :';'-)f ' Hi 2 '~:.'. ,T. Fr i '" f) 7 v ~Yl0, '!1'1"''RH':'.~, tllP retnrnR ~f sc.ici (Jlectl:))1 ':Jern (;'mv"uue, bv the ('own')'1 r;"u~lCi:!. ofsu.id City '1.1 <1 l"cl_'cl ').H. _'_r'ri1 Gth. :~j32. ;;C"I T'R';':REF()~}': BE T']' RES<J~VJ~lJ BY r~Hl~ COI,IUOII COtTHCE, 0I';:Y qH' $:.;"{~RiJ, .:'::'.~.SY;~, '!'h:..:.t in 'Jcc'Jr0"'1C:c vlith the l'esn'ts 'If K:io electtoll 'lE: qn."f ~epermlned. the f011owi~~ n~~ed ~crRonB having reueiveh t~8 higheHt rumber 0' votes for the resfective offices to-wit; F..:J'l IJ~ YOR DOH C1.:-:1JJS BROIVilELL, , FOR COnTCrIln;;n, ~IJiYli S\'fETLL.lr;;j ~).(j,lloEFJ.Tjmunr1 S'BC't:'..3 I!EVEI~ FOR ~!;:rJmm '~F SCHOOl EO.iRD viII. C. r:R\lIll. ).NlJ THAT 'I''F-:?'Y BE, and hereby ".re dee1~:ired e1f':cted to f;(:ld res~ectlve offices. '. :'",8<38(1 unopr fJllS11fmsion of Tilles, thi:;; Gth. (1:J.? elf _^'f'ril, 193;:;. {lJUQ/2~dj/l,r/~ ff-f 1~ n J: l' -....- 1'.1 :. V ,Yn i.::otion r;l COlJ"lcilmo.n """nth;v, seconded ny ~(j\'r('r. t1c:,t the Rulns ~c [uspendet for thA udo~tion of t~~ nesol11tiun; ~ullinf thp R811 . 1-1 <;ouncilr'1en 11'e<;0nt 'foted :ST..::. On the c~1JeGtton; 31,s1l Pi,.. :<ef1'~l.1J+;:)YI"'O ':.rio:'t"ll'< ..::'1 r;~\P,cilr:J8 ~TF2cnt Voted Aye. , \ " 49~ :;....~~V~~~~=Il;r~ ?)f:....!,~} _~:..ITtIl. Dt~-:. j_::<~:2. (jU~lt. ... '1'1"',0 C:lnv',~~<lint" BJc:.rc1 h'1'-'inp Ijf'rfJrll(;rl its c1utiec, thic rc,ectin w::..s there",fter U~'JYJ 4'ro~cr, 'notion 'lCl,1Durroed. I rr V n 1. /7 A1:v? ~. ~ l::!-~~~f.?i;~!:.~'. - ~ I r; R 1:. l.~OlLIJ...Y. ~pril, 11th. 19::32. I AdJlburned ree:l!lur rneetinp.' of the COtt1r:\on Councdll, City of Sevnr held this dc.te in the Conncil Chambers; lIertinp.- called to orner by tic.yor Brownell u.t 8 p.m., with the follllwing CounclHrnen IJresent: Cooper. W.mthy, Heyer, Heville, Roberts and stanton. Minutes of the Canvussing Board reBd and srproved. Report of the trecsurer of the SchoOl Board togeuther with repott of expense of' ~y'nnusium for quarter endinf' !TG-rch 31st. 1932. presented; r.!oti on b~i COll'lci1'1nn L1o.nthy. sec:onded b:l Roberts th:,t ref'ort be [L(;ocpted and amount allorled on Gyunusiml l~xl)ense; Cc.l ~ in the roll; All Cou'wilmen llresf'nt vcterl .'.~;e. Claims totulin~ ~286.74 presenteG as follows; Whittlesey 1'.1 Morford l).~O. Seyton IJ. '1. Hc.~e1 ~ohnston 10.1n. Beth HuJit 11.1 E:eilcheski 73.33. B::lderston 5n.1'"1. nu"erstoc'r.: 2B.I}i). Eerwoon J(.G ,Tennne Ironside !'il. D. Shea. '3.1'"1. Seyr~ore 3.00. lh,rd 4.fi0. C. Tecklenberl" 2.01. ;~0tion by Counci1r~[m !lanthy, Seconded b~' 'neyer thut 01llb1e 'be allowed una \"u.Tr~nts drawn in "'eVr-lp.nt of sr"ne ~ullinF t~c ~~oll; All ~ouncilmen fTescnt vute ~YP: . Cl::.lr~l ,.or Se"n:rd Tra.dimr Co. 3.lfi. "resrntp,,;; !'Totion n;! e'l, .or man LluDthy. Seconne,; l,y I"!eyer thu,t cl~'.irl1Je rc.id; r:.,.:linp: the ~o2.l fol10wi:1f" CaunciLnen voter; "~J7e. I:",,~lth;r, lTe:;er, tIcYille, r>J~'J or Eoberts; CC'1)ncilrn~'n S'V~:1ton not "otiD[". C''.lim of Dr. p':uver8toc}, '1p-'linst tr..e Cit',' f;)r certcdn r',1t. it:..l e~ui,;::"[jcrlt cYJ:.L'incd tv CDn~1Ci1. ;,:,,;,'cr BrovmelJ r,l'.'.de Il few u.Ll'ropri:~te rernc:r}:s, then] inp- tr.e oUtP-Oill~ r'lWnOOl'S :)f t1'lb' CCiU:1ci1 for their i211~';,r)T't dtlY'l-'w hi:., ~CC:- mi niEtr~.t iOCl. ':'her8 being no further 111;8inosr: to como nefor" thil' '.1Pf:'1.i.l!'J, it w:.-('> thereufter u:');} :-,roper Illotio~ 'ldJourncrJ ~,Ii;~':- .JL~. 1.1 :1: '{0 p-- (1 J2{f@ot'buh;;; (~JI:?2 Ir:J:nedictely folLJwing the u.djournuent of the L'ut-p:oing ~': ',,;i :.1':.yor ProV'rneJ,l C'tJ led the !Jew Council to order; Cullin?' the '~J2..~ in followinp C0uncilr1en were p1::'esent; :.::;;Ylth~l, 1.1eyer, 'lc!.ln1len, rre'1i-,~: stcnton r>'1U S'7et>n~lTI1; City ""ttorney IldL1inistered the OL.t1: Jf 0:ff G t:' the ~,lL;.yor ,~nd lien Ileiln1:Jers of the Cou:1cil. T~e T',1""yor [':retotp.rl ',l'e Counci 1 ~'l1a exrres; cd ~ 1-,f' !c';,e ~':._t 1."8 would coofero.te with hiLl in 'n':lki'1P: t11i8 " sucne<;i'::-l~ ",' ,:',lst:,,;, iJ 'Ph8 ;.~~;'~Qr :l!'!lOintAc1 0. Finnnce Cor.t-'1ittcc 't~!it''-~ r:O! "V.ci ~ri'_.l'l :,i'[t:Jt_ mann 'l.ct'i n[! ~s C h::;. i rm~~n 5.'10 ~ OU'1C i lf1[,m Heyer ~: S ','C "11' P r. 'J't -!; " i 'J st- ructions to prert.:.-ir !' fludp:et to 1)0 l'resenteCl '-:.t t~r ~-,,::rt 1"f'''1,''',r r:Jeeting; TI,e '1:~Jr'()r fl180 :J.d"ised that he would t'l}:e the a"Dei t"!()nt of the other Comnittees under consideration nnd report l~~~r. l"here 'leinp no further 1:,nsinc8!' to WJ':\P' r.n:D:,r t.'^.is !1eC'tini-', it ::wP, th'",:reufter, uIJon l'roper motion "'iUourner1. 1'1r ~ V f,,\ n-' tlio/~4,(4u '" _ J ' -] lilOllD4Y. APRIL, 18th. 1932. Re{(1l1nr meetinF! of the Com'lon Council, City of se'.'/urd, hele: this date in the Council Chambers; Ifectinp-' 0::11.e(1 to order flV !l:lvO 'Brownell Dt G l'.l!. with tho f0110winp-' COI1'1ciJ,len prescn;l; lI:1~t"h~r', Meyer. !,!c!-~u11en, ;1evi11e, st~"nton U:10 Swct'lo.nn. Minutes of the lust rnectinR read und u::,prbvf':d. Resirnotion of Vm. ~~bott, Hemner of Sewn:rr1 School Board presented :':o'1ed bv COllncilman Heyer, seconded b:l l,lcH1111en that :lr. ~bbott'~] resignation ~e accepted; C~llinf the Roll; All Councilmen rrpppnt vote in the affirmntive. Cc,'l",ll:Jic"tion Tram V."'..Je'ct, reali, pndoreinf' J')f)oint!.1cnt of F'.l:eilcrcesld. to combined of~i~e of ;;'ir8 Chief ,l'c chi~f r)f 1:'01108; COdLil,nlcutijn orneTer' filed. i 496 'C"'T,'V 'l''''IT lrl+1-, l,}"'''' ",.,~t . J ~,..... , . ....l..... .' ....., ..... \... 11 I '. _~ ~ ,'I.'" . \, II 1 J. L- -0 nil'- ,.- l' .:......-_..11""" V""'f --; ._ .::" i ~IIF -':..."'f 'i"ii'"'-' "'f" ~-'-Ui!i'V'l -.... -::,," r" Eill frCjll ,T.l.:;ruef )"eferye' to rlpr} for later re~'0rt. Delinqllent '1'<..,: ResolutioYl f,or l\J31 ,presented; Referre' to CornrJitte on :.;;t0Sl:;i:l(.nt '-lnd collection of Tu.YEJs. Blld(3'8t for 1932 - 1937, prespntec; b:l TlinL.nce C0r:1L1i ttee; Reduc - ions of llunici~~l Officers salaries, ~s JresenteJ in ~uid budget c:mo u[ for dlscuBsion; Resulting us fnl1,ws: :.Iotio!1 by r~ounciln:Jn Hcl.lu11en, sEJuon(lei" b:rUc-hthy, tn~t tho combined. office of Cler, As~es~'or ,",; H:"'f:lstruto be ,r....ye.d U- sE.i.lary 0 $l~O. JO per month; CalliYlV the rtoll.. ell CQuncilmen Voted Aye. 1\10t ion by Counc:illllL.n Ho.:nthy, ser.:onc1ed 0:7 lleville thnt City At be F:id '-l salt..ry of t25. 10 per I:lOnth; C:.illing the :-Jll ;"11 Sound Voted :~;)Te. l1otion by ~oun(;iLI~n ;,h;l,lul1en, seconded by l'l<;.nth;y that Bes.1th Officer receive a :ll()nthl~r su.lu.r:r of ~50.ClO. C.:.llirW the Roll all C01l"lcll!l1eYl voted Aye. !LJti'Jn bel ~ol;ncil([jan Swotr.1D!171, 8econdo(~ b~' ;11e;;er th:~t City Tr surer be ~tl.id ~1.)0 lcr unnur:li Ci;.l.llinp the ;1011; '.11 00nnci J .wn Vote; ';.ye. :.Jtion by Councilmrn ~eyor. ccconded by 3wet~ann th~t the com bi~e~ office of Chi~f nf ~o1ice & ~ire Chief reneiv~ R B~l~rv of $l5().'J -fer ':limth. Ct:.11 1 ll~ t~e Roll, ~\l::' r;()lH],~lJ :'16'1 ""tf)[! .~::~. ~~l~ry Ordinance No. lIB rrespnted "nd read; ORDHI'.!JCE !fO. U8 Ai: C':rTY!:Il!~ll~~: F'IXIlJfi. ,.,m~ ?).r1~ OJ.! C01,:p:mS'.'i1IOIT ':'0 :R:~ 1.).'':. T:J BY '"'FB CI'l'. 2:~ S~;,'I:.nl) .~.::.;.SY::. 'T1r'1 "'","'T('::;R~ AP:PoTHTED BY ".ry~ co:::r~O)1 COTTF~I1) 0"' ~:., 11 o !'1'Y "'OR TP'8 "rER1,! Hi)~DTHr; ,'.~~T" 1 'It h. 193Z, OR TTiI,}, II.I T-rrr{r~ SUCCES S RS ~~:~ l.I'P0"!: :~73D AnD. C~tTl.lIPIgD AND ~E?:1/.J IP~~.IT. OTI})!."T1 r~1Jr,~~s !I.T ~(~l!FI. I T ~~l~?~~:;,~'T~E :~~'D !)T-'"r;r.~'. TlT:rr;. \H ~:~~Rr;~~:rCY. '?E IT O-qlJ.', I TT,?T) BV ':'~1E r; o~nTnrr C O'll ~lt~ I!. ~ T (~~., n? ~BHI \RD .:~:.:_ ': ~3r ~\ ; Section 1. ~'hat the eom~f)nso.tion to be lvLicl the ~:l1nicil'al Oil' of the City of Sewar~, ~lcsak. for the lerm e~~in~ \[ri1 11th. 193 or until1 tho SlWCeSf'Ors of s11ch o\f~rceG nre "'",01nto(\ ~nd r'U'llifi if:; Lore'by fixecl and estc.blished by thA terms hereinafter cont~dned in th!:E 0rdin:J1'lCe, which compensation sh[~l:!. 1H1 neither increv.sed 0 oi']]lnI81:"(' durinp' the contiYl1;'c1'H:e 0-! 8twh officflrs in offirJO, nor 8b~JJ such of:'iecrE 'he entit1e(' to re,~f)ive in [my form or sh".;e "1']; "tl1flY' :::ddition+'tl CDr:1~en8'ltio:1 from t.he eit:,'. Jeetion 2. '1'ho" office )f the 'llluici:-:;; Clerk, nlmicil;ul Asse '-'10 1:unicinvl l:;;.,:istrute sh".ll be combinell "nd the holder thereof E},..:" receive ';' 'Honthly sn]'lr:)' at the rate ,of ~1'l'J.IO ~'er !lonth. Section 3. The City _ttornep shn}] rocoive a monthly 82iury u the rate of ~25.11 reI' month. Section 4. r~hc f':unicif<:l Health Ilffiuer 8h'111 receive n month s:ll:J-r;i _.1. the r~te of :'51.J0 ~:er r'lo,:th. sect i -."1 fl. '1:'1--'8 l.luntcil':11 IJ!u.p.:ietrcte sh:;1l receive :m 0.nnuu.l s~ln.rv Qf ~'l. )r~' !'er :.;n"1urn. Seotion G. The offic8[,' 'If Chief of Police unu Fire Chief' shull 'he cO:llbin and the hJ1de~ thereof sh~ll receive r monthly s~lury of el50.Jl p r mont Section ,7. Bueh af tho S~l~ries hcrein rrovide~ for shpJl be rBirt out of the CiencrFl Fund of the City of Seward o.nd Sh'l11 be r:aid rilO thl:7. The "2'n'lon ~JuYtcin. shall '1t its first fJle~tinp' 'in e".ch rlOnt1') ~~nrove and oraer ruid the s[ll~ries of all the Dbov~ na~ed officer for the rrec:edi~p-' rnonth '111d rrof'er wt:rr::.nts sb,',l be drawn on 'the 'l'r",:surer for the r :ly:nent of the 8'"':1e. - Ser.t1on 8, ili OrdinflDccs or ~"rts of Crdinunccs in conflict' herewi th ~T8 hereby repet,lerl. . ,Section ~. ~'l l~'1ior9'(mc:r is h~re"y t'le~h,irec1 t 'J e:xi'st ~mil thi Ora i n','DCC Sh:lll t.o,}:c effect irlmorl i~.tely tn)on i ts r'"SS'~f"e 1md 3.':',~ro~ al. r::ssed b:;, 1',"'.8 ~Crl"'lOn ~.Jnncil, City ,)f Sr:'v:1riJ, )U~lPbl, this 18 h. day of ~friJ. 197~. A~fToved this 18th. t2/rJX1n /d bt ,.-C. __ , ~G3~rr il q., 0 f '" r l' 1 1 () ,,,, ). /;? "",' ...L.,t- t . iL ...J J t:/'4t Continlle~ Vol. 4. n~gR l. ~~<. .-'" 1 I I .. ,t I~'" ~ "'t ,~~..t, ,":.1. -r ! ~ -; 0'" n ., '-'~?'" .... .......... ~r '\1 .r:- ,. Ii' .- 1 ';',. " ~'Td inene-c 1:J. .~ 1~3 1::_1"":' j Y1FT 'LtJn:V"l r()_(~ r~..... t'''r- ~i rf~. " 1 'li:~: l,-;~ i "1'~ ':. '; c] 2 DJT C CU":J e i 1 r'r~-t1 S'..In1., T:1-7 Yl-:. seu one (~I 1'</ :.1"~ i1t h~T,. t l;;.... 1, rl1l.- ':; ! - ~-(.yt~dea for -tl~f' :':j,S8:...rr~ ,~~ ('rJi1~.;:.~(~r: ::'~. lJ.EJ; ''"":'1-~-::>'',-- ~l-f' "'.;'t~ (" ..;uncilcner 'rvtr:,' \~/~"1. . :,,"'rrl j Y;' ""lee: IT(), l2.n \~... .~ 1"'f=;'Hl j,..1Y' 1,'~,~ r,n:.;,"1r:0 t.~ r"(~ 1t~" ~"..'+, ~ t 11~.... (' 011"Yl n"' , rl"~n S'\7et r~: '~"'1, r~p (;r) nn A 6 11:;- : '"p.:7cr t h'.t t hie' ;'''4; ...."1 i -"] ~ nrni.TI~nce 1;(; elnsi(1t.1:i.~8(1 it::) SACI)n(l ?"; +J!:iTrJ T(;__(li~Ff' .::..:nc1 1-l~....""c, 'lV"lCI'. V~1 , -, ~ 1--:(.. ~i '~'pn \' ,),'\1"', t~. \:; ,"~ SC'-~';'f"P.. (', !.l i YlD' t r.p .., .,1 i . '.1 - _. _, '. '.... A....... ......~ t.v"" J ',J---",_.___. . r. C\JrlC i Imen vote. .;"0. ~'L t.he ~uesti0~ ~,h:..:l! {;rdi:1':ltUC ;',.;. 110 2~:J:":'.' ..J.~ r:"J~ll;,~il.,l~:i ',':Jted .~ye. ,/hereu.);'o'1 the :2~y()r ;:>i;j1'ton ')rdi'1~,n{;l'l :~.. ~::/~. Clert instruc:ted to ,-(~Yo'T~ll:'t' :';)1' l.i.l,~,~;.(;;.ti);;f' f.'J' ~c.1.; :,>""" TCY 2. .ruriod of Si:x U'.CYfi , Ectti"i.~ f~rtL (;(lr.ii'('Y'~'-"'~:':'1 ~ resrective ~fticere. L...!.;I'JY i11strueted t),e Rf;v~r;,.;.l C8'! littf:f;S tc '::1." .", ~ ;::< ~ l'resented in the budr,et '-13 ~.'re.tl:..jred 0;' tht::: "'i'1"r1(:" ":' ,:It-.'C. Jecooeno-.;.ti0T1 b;' Cal1ncil::l:"i.TJU.c}.;u:l::Lem yolcti"r' t~ ,.yn('t "'". ~resented I;; writi:1g; f:::::lC referrer: to strf'ct 0:).:1 ,ij~t"n. Sc::l" ,,)1' w:.oi"es tel nn i"_id 'Jl' 0.it;r :::,,,,1:>)1' d' ,,'Cl,,:f'0.j; ~,:.:" ~~.,. in ~~ 'ncticr! 'h~\,,, r:cnncil_~-.r'1 ~ , ')(,c;UTI(l0'd l,~. :;c...ti""!~(' ~il'..... ~.. ~(:J.1r \i)f Fift;,,' Ce:lts ..'er hour b" estuo ished :"'''1d ~;~.ic1 ':,'>" :'_.1" 1,1""1 1: tho 0,ity; ~al:inf7 t1l(> roll; ::11 ~C'unUn'1('n 'r~t,;d .~;;'r;. The H""yJr 'br<J\tP:'ht u: for rliscnesiQn triG TrGlict.1;'j ,,'" :::.2.:11">" cf School IT'e~lchern, <>,nd wiu!:en to 1<e l;l:'c.:ed ()ti r('r~:;c1 ,.~: ,f-1p-vw:~;,' recomenc1i~g such ~rocedure; ::.. rn~ti('Tl ~.,~---c :'.1 tc1(~ 11"" Cop:cilu!ln P{~lI~l;'-;~_{"'IYI. ~'G(;.-, :rt-erl 1"~ '~'tP'':'.~-; th"t tne ~3chno' !3o~rcl 01' ~'sh'C to r;r,':cti 08 ()~C::"lOr:l;;' I:, tlw ~(" ""i ;" r~tio~ of tll.e ~jchQQls. (.~L.lliYlR' the ~Jll; .,:.l~ r;:):1~1,.::.l!~f':\/; '[..1 ;"1.1 ~^'..~'r... Prf>pide'1t Er'Ni~, ''lei ~l"'rl: StT''.i''r')'1 07' t.h", SC'V:.l'" ':,:110' ,~ ': '"T( bejnf?' 'pr~Bcnt; ~idd""'eGep0 tl'tl ~oUYicilt p){4r~~~";C' ...~~(,ti~ '.....(-;)H~.r.. ,J'I eoo.~err_:te wit1: the COll~1('1::: C,_:V" r:x~;luivH~rl tf~f~ >)(~l'."Jl :, (1 ),'''0 ;-,,' i f~.~ tendered. . r:ctioYl 'b~' C0nVJciJ.':I:;~-J S1\vet~.1~n;1~ i.)r-{~n":(;~~( r--~ ~>"-,,;,,,,~ th:_t 1.'''';' SchOJl Budi=~ct f~S ;:rp[~rr!'-lte[i ""1 t.......o \~,i~i:\.h'l ~'-''-4~..(1 ,... ~ ~ ~c, -,.' -," ~'.~, ". :..!!-roved 'JYlO ordered fi2-ed, e~lli""lP' 4}l;c ~:J::~I; ~~..2. ;i..!d),~i'1'-'1r"1,'r'1,n,1 in the ::fi'ir"1:'tive. Th~:; rublic ~~t'~lth CO:JJittee nu.s YCCJrle')'.ne:,'t'_' ~~,~, ~~ ,'" med ic~l e', ~~i r]~_ti,Jn of Suhool Cr.l.i} rlT'e~. ~o!~V!e:':"~J:..";.n !,~__y!t.~"/ ~"!':::l:,oE'ef1 the lle~v1.j ~.~r1_n" _'! j:-c ~ ::>t ....de,.b" 1he 'I"ntl'~o ':f tr"e-s ~1'''rR'~l' ""1.,, .' ~, .tJ. IU ... } .. "t- ~ .". .. L ~.... .' '.' '-' -J \"I _ , '..... '....... -1._ '~ eo to confe)' \'.Jit~.: t~-_( ~3;..;hQ_\-' ~:J.J,r() i;1 thic 'l.......ttf__':-.~. The ~l~;r:Jr Y't-H:0L"le~uJoa th_t ~ ~en(;c 11(; eJ:"f:~L:t"~l' ~,:TJL,~' ~,l~f; ~1' ~ of the Seho ..;~ \;'.CUU.~'l(lS ,'j.~~ :.. ~':..;.f'r~t~/ :'1e:l8UJ:"C: f..) co . i : '~}'" ~.. The u'.rc:.nter:1t 'lf :Lo;'ll,e:r v:t' th,' ~)<.:hc~,j B,):.:.",c 1 ":'1, n~rninuti0"s were .....sLe( for; re,wlting in 1,1~e fr)~L~.,~.'J .~ .lncrcv{ Hovu.k, 4.J.RJ't-erts, =~.?,]e~~"",('n; lir. ~~eli;.:(:'. ~ f'~ I, ,,-~'" ~'C_;:. aecline{, "'lurJin~tiJn; 3,--11"t t'J.}~'~Y'i ,)~ "'v!lC r{;'rl~~"tiY;;J ~i..... -1'-'~.rv~ '-,,,-., resulted i'1 tt.R :.c l<r\.:'linJtlc I" 2_ t l'ei>l': <1: 21, ;-,"': ~ 1::::"'.' !~.. . ., 'oei11[' ac(~e.t tuble 1,'1 t1-,e Sc\-.:,~ }lJc;.rd; 'i'Le ~,:'~~TJr ,1,cel~,i r'.'c~ ".:jJ:' l'ovo.}c dul~' 8.iPointed tel thr. ,-,fficA of ". L:er.loer '.'= ~,1:r: "(;'/"1'" ,:c;;.~~.. BJ:;.rd for thA l1nex~ired ter:n of "!u. _~l:Jbctt, TIE1P'JH',;. 0i ty :iJumr 'lnci 6th. :..'o'P,. ~'idew.:.'.ll: nere ",ef('j':'ec1 ";. -'~ ~"l '.,:' l'resident ~';rv:in of t"e ~)ch!)'J'l ~cs.r(l ''.f); (.., :'C'f ::"", ,(h""i(~" J~~ "'.:-:.' fer SohIJ,)} :nr~'Res; ~~otion 0:' ~01~~iCi=-:J:~;1 ~:c~ 11~~ ~!!l'l. ~'IoI(~":'~i,:~~-."1' Splet[,1:~rp1 tr,_~t ..,:rj-F_V";e(' 'hf- ~~~l("U~d '1~1(l vl").Y'rcnt (T~;l'-li.:i' (,,;.. ,I C:'--'lp. ~wi.'1liri'1 -4'--p ~,,1.1. ~-,; f"1r-'JJ'(.i-1'11-1)'; 'r,.11.,......~ '''''::~ ~ ,,-, --. -, J.....-<-- _ L' ~ ~ v _ +. ~..... ~ '. I ... ' , ,~ ~ "" -.J [- " ...' r:'nc l::.;...;/or -r.":r~e0 i;"'_p fo::!.} )"r1Vj~'" st'::.--~(11::;r (;v..l~.l:~tC\r~~ .~f3s('~rr:1e!lt ~. CCI] Ject i :)n .::~-r ':1ll~"'("G l,:0!!pllcr~ r, ;', JC'.t '.YI' " ~ SchcJls !.leyer Pc :.~c..nthJ' Fire l'rotection, Gt,~,.!t~l ~. ":.Yl',l'~~,. T; ,... rSP\Mer~ p~. 'Vu.ter ~ ',7-=,.rv~sJ !~cl!ulJ.e'-: ~~ ~t[...ntv1'1. 7~:-l<:;:~lc;n --> "'"...',,1 ~~t~, Swet'~~nYl ,~~ ~-re~~er. ~JtY'eets, Stanton &- l.Tcl:u2.J.t'1:J. ;)r~_l~t1'lj.J~ :J';yj.l~~' ~. 1':c::ulle~. (~i'.i~: ~':..f:f':..;.~rf'" ~~:=.l1tr_:~ ,t~ HC"\'1ille. ~.'':'1'.' ~ ;J:-!:'(l'i~;''''-ir~.,,:, ~~wet'~!:..nYj t'~ lLe~"er. r:-l,......~ier ~1trpnr1 He"',~ilJ f'~ ~. ~'T')'ltl:.q'. They-e bei n!! '1_.' furt 'IAT' 111:sinCfJ~: t~') U'_'':1t--? 'he~:;:rr; t!ll ~~ r'!0n~_ i '''"I" it thE' reaf'ter, 111 JY1 -rnotil)Yl "',:.r1 :.')nr.....l~~c1. ... .1.), (, ... '> ;. I 'j lit. J. .. 1.:1 /; ~ ~ ..~ ~ '. .' .' :,~ ~ I "..~ .",:,~ . ' ,..... '." . ' , , , ;it . J ~ _ ,.t t.. ~ . " ..~.... - ::,., '... '~.; j,' , ,,~ .; ;.'. "l '~ ,~'" , * , t, ~ " ~ , "f; " .,~~, " '~!j: '.... ~.;, ~ ..r ':~ , 'I, '."'!? ...-------.-...-- ----~.._~- :,; ;, Y 0 R , t(~~~ 2 ~ ~ '",'~. J-" :.:Y , ',~ v . -oW.. '~~l (; . -i "r-" ~" . - TI.egl.:l:....r ~ne('ti!'lp-. of ~ ~ CO''1''l)'1 ,;ou-rruil J Ci.:l of SOl,j"J.T0, l-jnld t'is c::;t.f'. tr tl-e ~:v"(Ji2.. C"l:J.mnp.TE'; ,!eetln~ e~'ll,e(l to Or-clOT 1,;,; ';:.Y.:J'r nrJ'.''1Rll Lt n :~':'l.v,fi1.lj V',e fOllJ"71:1p, ~8U'lcll'ne)i ~T('8ent; lL.nth;r, ITe~7er, He- .,;u118)', Fevil'e, St:.:nt.2n ,~ SWA1.'1"!1n~ , , )'!inFtes )'f the Inst1P8tin,<7 rOQd c.:1Cl n~'l'rcnr6d. ~,,;,.~l:':lE t.)tuli"".D ~7C,tl.27 i:';resAnteo us fo1~:o'~!c; j3~nl. of S€,'"/[_.rd ,35./J') Li~lch~sti 146.f7. ~~1~eTst~n 110.Jn. q~verstJuk 50.10. E~rw0ad 23.~~ "j.-'.'!:;;rC! ti;.tcr c~~'~", 1~"7~! .U:.sl'" ~.~. 1:::.-)). Ole ;;....nd.beut 10.)0. TCil:1 ne'sley -.l") ,)., "' "e~'r'll'n} A '''0 Cl"'s "i>.r"'h'r 1) 'J') "8 ,.t+1 1".'"'." _ '-_ . _..;_ ..I. ........ 'JV".' ...... Il;i. v. .L'......~ 1',..l.A-..61.J . . _..._ ,:x ~l 'U..J e U.j I l'i.-'t Brant I),)'). (}us ~~io..rino G. 10. ~urs l...:.rson G.Y)' 'iu;; ;:Lc.nthy 2.'J .iLl. !,l~Jre Z.J'. Bobs G:.:..r!.:.['e 2.'JO. .I'.1.1.0g1e 1.47. St0ndnrd Oil C~l. '.05 :)cw~Yl3 1.:' p CO. l~}~.Y). 'iJte1!Jc~y '1'111,; ()0. 1].25. . ~~<_)ti~~~l 1:.'7 0'Jtrle'i~h1"'.11 1.1e~;er, Gc~'_n1de. 'hy 1:ovi11e tljJ-;.t u1".i~.12 \1;; J;-l'r:fented bG .Ju'id; C~llii") the ~ull; ..ell CiJUYH:i):;lCl1'l.':resent 'voted ,ye. Cl",blCi :'f Br0'vn s.- E...wkina 14.85 :.md sew~rcl Drug Co. 1.0J 'pres ute :l'JtiQn b.'! COten"i1 Cl~n ~h.:.nthy, Seconde by l,'leUullen t':at oh:iPlS 118 1;[ ill; c::..} 1 i nt> thf' ,~-:11 f'J'J 1'''11 niY Counci1rne'n .toted .~ye', J..Lnthv !.lc!.iu1len' - "., :;6"i11e end ~t::lnt)n. COUljeilE1en !.leyer and ~)wetm:J.nl1 n,)t voti:1i? ~L,i.'r~ :'f 0,f'V(~'TC1 ';'y""dinp: ()c S,35 l.rebented. !.'otion b:! COlinci"Lrir'71 .,v!et'l!"nn, zenolio ed n~7 l'....nthy th~:t. claim be i'odd ;~,,"llinR the PJll'~ he ",)11 ,winp' GOul1ciJ:len 'l~tec1 ..yo. ~!~nth~l !~('yeT. T;';!lu'lc'1, Hevill.e, ~,,)(1 SWC',TI<"'l11; :~)unci lr:1c:.'l c;tt;.nton ;'lot 'J'otinr:. ' Cl~im of J.1.~T~ef f2r a bulanuc on ~reviou8 bills of ?~.0~ j,jrespntecl. UfO'! :reeClneYHhtian of Fire Chief and Ci t::l ~J ~!'k Ijl....im airf.Jl)',"e0 lmr.er r:Ioti"~". 'by l;oUYiciluUT-, llcHulJen, secon(1cIl l,y st::mto ona UYJa111moue~il vatp. of ~aunel1. . The !~;;.yor '~d"i~'e() th"t he ',1'0 ,perBon';,ll;y p:11'l"nnteccl t}lO sma 0' ~2J.J~ for the p~tR:rtri")~~~t Jf'O~!iuRrs Gn~ orpw iJf the TT.~.~.n9n et '~"';ilp int"'r Cit77. f_lnd csLecl for 0. Tr1:!.uncl of'this '1,'~'l\mt. froIn thp Ci I ~l ~uYlc1'8; _iftpr sor!1A aisell~~~ion, ~J (f}otion 1.,"-~S :~lJrA b:7 ~our'JQil"r.ln ;3"Jet.'I:':nn, fPUJ'lC'P,' f;.r qt'.nton, thit H"yOY Rr.:Jw1'lpl1- 'he re!unc1ed in t~~,( pu:u or ~;:). ")J. (~~ lli n[' thp nJ~l Ter;nlte UG ro::l'.11~!g; \~ounctl(:1"~, , ::.y,thy '"'1" S~,::lnt'J~: 'fated .:'YF.. Counci1r:Ip.n Heyer, ).ftJUullen, . llevil1p ~:'icl Swet'J,..'.nr~ ~.rot i ~lp. F~Y. ~1Jt i (JJ1 :!: ost. .~ :.:ot~"", "'~," ~h61'1 ',n(le 11:; r.on1'1cil:n'J.n tle1lullel1. ,oecon(l'''' by '~8Y r tr:.....t t~~(: I~h._t~~e~.. ,,-'f r(~n""qrf?j'1P' t~r. :jt~..:rcr "rP! tli.!'l1ei1 (~'7P,r.t('l t'lO ,r':;iv c r:Jl1)H~.pe.; ~;.j,lllMr tl-J ~oll resIllter1 ~f; fnJLws; ~.:)Ilncilrrwn. >!'~nt 11;; t:e;__eT. ;'--:1.111'1 ey\. lieviJle c.r,0 stanton vati ~;P' J'.:7C. C0ur,ei' 'n::l1 SVletm<, 11 ~T'JtiYJp' t\J"~y. :~ c1 ic"tio'lS for T1tltJicl""1 Of:"ie,:r ,t.'roFe'1teil; Cler1: i~istr1l0t!';ll t" e' Et tr", 1';,,'rdil\(.l:F. l..:l',t ,)f th.e r,ou.'i1cil for ::. P.l'.'.rw,.>Jr1. :.J.S ~it;y' ;"tt!Jl'ne:i. for ]lr. J1.]).~~"vo'cot()ck aE ~:e~'lth Of:fi,;er '1;1(J E.;';. ~"_1[1(:T8t:)n :,ii: .-;H'l '':'rCJlsurer. 'i'his huv'Y1R' 'heel! dune; '1'1~(; l1;"'~lo:r c11;cl'lircr1 the ,'.1:'l".'0 Qf'fi.c/;T<l t'l1d;V aI'rDintet1 to tnI'.: <l:liG reSfeet'l"':; . .l,'.1 cip~;l uff'i uAG. COI;lbir.ed i~~lieutions of F.yeilehAski und H.J~~uend fOT,the louition >f "'ire r;hief f.H10 r.hief of P.)liuc preaElilten: 3:.:.1J.ot tl:Lp.n:mc1 rasu t .~'1 '~!R' ~ ~~p1C~PQ~1 ~ ~1'Ot-~ u T l~en(l 2 ~ntea' U0'/or dee1nir d 1 . _ ~ .... 'I ...... ~, _ _ '....., _..... ':1. c: '-" ' . t . _...,~.l.', "..., "-', _.- ". _. ' ::.'~l"1.l:l:eeLi rrep, f)')intec] tJ the (;:Jf'J1'ine(l office "1' PiYA ehief '-'td r~r' i (7 f IJf pr_'l i \~~" ,',r<Li;;utiQns of ~:lrs. p:,--~en ,;ohrn:;tul1.l.1nd \.D.;)f1C1t1tstc)11 for the "~:.1-1'1ea office of ;Tunicil;ul r.1erk,':!"'fiEtr~to '~nd ,',n:-eG!'or, l'reGe te, 'S....:l ats C".ft "."10 result nf: :!"o110ws. ,\.D.B"lrle:rston 1 Votes. 1>lrs ""I.'.fton 2 votee; ';'hc !1I,.cyo:r oeclfi..ir!"il \.n."",1(\prl?t(1~1 c1\J.~T "~'nointc, -l-, 1~J' ~,.)'~lrljl;er~ (1.1-"'1(;(" (If !I!"u'.~dcir.):.l} ~lcrl~, J~!'.g'if:';trF"te !1rJ(1 /\'SEeREor 'j::L(;r}c ",'If in::::t-tl1eten to notify tl1c ::bove a:rointt'!d offiep.rs to tt: "\(1e:" the- nel1~_'I -reE,1q''''1ctic....ns. ' Cou~ei1~".n '!~!uJlen reported thut tl-je M~tter of redbution on 11 r)-o+. ~,l1il 'm"er rlltes hud be"n t'-,1:en V" wi th "ew~.rd li~ht f., J)ower ~o. "but th:;.t (\~firl' t!" :.Hlti('n won10 h"'vt'! to be ileJ::C'ler1 unti11 the return u...'I.'r. ':\0,1,1 r:r~:ff. UJ?on Do motion by ~otJYtel1man.Sw~t-:nnY1, crconc'!eil ,",y ":';'l1thy: I il2'ht ~om'~i ttee vms anthor;, zp-il, n.nofY.r' sp~ci:t'.ic reoomc11I11:lt1bn "f 11-.0 '~onYleil 1.l' "'.sk fOT rpdnctiL,Y) i,!. "lip'ht 7 ;iower r'.ttes; ~,""llin, 1 h,. r'" 1; ',11 C0nYlc! 1 ~e'1 rrl"cC'l1t. v't/'!" \ye. . "CtiC111 by Councj1'1<:YI S1'!r;tJ:1l'n''i, fleconde 1':71 IIe:ler tl1"t street ecn:;11ittee bt'! r.vthorized to ~~lre 8110h :len U8 the;! oeem necessary fer 8treet 1'Vork ann to ey"end '1. S11m of 1'1"'1; t.(, p.ycee;1 ~0'J'J.0,) within tl-" next two weeks for t"',ls pt1r~:c2P; ';i.l1iYJf' tl--l' ?oll; ',1' Councilmen i1 .:;:1. en ~iYC. . . '~h!s r:J,-.ti:1P ~,}-;rr('~ftr;T uno~ r~rOr)eT uotlc)n '.la.~C'l1Tn~ci. 0.' '. I , I . iJ o ~ 1.1 ' v , v .n ~~k;; .. , ,. ,":.i ":....;~!~ i-~~~'~-'~'~::7'~', 3 P"i.r:-:,::..y, ~~:"..Y. ':t"'. l~t7~ I Sfr-:cio:~' r',~r:tinp- ,:,f t1;n ~"'r':lnr; ;U~]n(! 1, ~i t;"" ...tf' SplVLTrl. hpJ.(l 1 tis (l () t ( 1 YJ. t ""d~ ~ J u~"'; c -i l' j ~; '~ r:1 'h 8 T::3:.; . 1 : p. r 1- ~; r'" I ~,' ,_ -. ... f"'; (1 t ....; :...;'~.. r r or ly,: - '~ Slot ".~') p.Ie. \fifitr~ t!,,~~'f...::l~LJ"...,lYjf: f""nn~c:Jt:1r-:"'1 :~rn~{;ni-,~ ~~_~-L1-.'-.~. ~r(i;:"n,'" 1.lel,luJleT1, :"e'.'i:jf~, ~)t~'1tC\-:1 n11(1 S'"tet~'1:1117"'1" :.~il.yvr .'l.ayj8f~ 0 11petinp' C:llle(~ t'J niFJ... JGe ,'}~ cert' i~l "l.._..t~J-'j..t; thi",t it '~J'[; ~ot. ~~o'~if'n"')!,~ tn l'or-~:'l:'\;A til!. l~e7t r(,r'1~:~r '~p'r.-;tinp'; "rtt~r O.f" 1"0,,1 '~'1'1" 1)I"j1'1'" c'~'1"trv('+ed 1)" 1 ",,1,. r1"., Y)L'~"'" [l~'i ~1 ...J....... ,--, ",...I........J J: ~ ~ ",. I . ' . \ 1 _, V " ...1 _,O.~. ,~~. . -. _ _ ....... . ,..L - '_ to :R.R.J.'~,"t'e. a.nd ~hiri'i ;;,,)t!t~t~..l<J e~~-=-~Cl.':':["('\::; _.~~,,~,T()r ()(1'~'~~~"'1~ 1"'-,' t ",(oyl;',:,l l'rotcst h~il ne~TI (1:~af, to hlr.J b:7 l~jI:.;. r;ri.ffith~; :~<Jti w:. "T.:.:31,,(lf~ 1': rJ~ln'H.~~ ').:n(....~ lIe:.:n 2-1eY'~, RCC'JD(\eU 'h:l st~ '1t,.}i,,"; ~~i:_Lt r,'I':....t~Ar }( r~,-.'<;.(,l. ~'-llir;(l. the 'Eo11; ..:11 COllnl'llrn:: 'Tntctl j'-l tr_A ""''!'i''':l' th'r" str'!'/;t, ~0'w'1i tt~e ~r'l:'n~~'ere(~ t." },1~17~~ 1~jeCes~""!':.'"( ~r:l< i rf' ri~(1!: t., tJJls :;..ntl f!CiuirlGent for f'treet WJrJ.XN ~"1(1 li~'1]': :_;,~,ti "1 ",(1.' 1,': r;,JU'l.n: l_!~L:rl :.~c1.1:{1~()~1 du:~' se'-~'.')YH1~ ~ u':H1 ~"'.;-:[e("; ~?ir"_~ Chi(.;! i:1st~'J!~tf~ to ,L- t(rch~' se nec~ ss~r~r ~\J,.f:~~~<l i'10 fT.J!:l ~t <J~;.l 13 8u,lP-Ts. Sric':p'estiu:l ;nude b'7 C(Jl1n(~jlr'l~n Stu.nt.J~l 1-M.".:.t .~ "Du:.l~' ~:-eTe" Sit~~'l be ~,lu;;ed un Citv r.--,-rk,pl" JJU::Jl:, tl: reF'1l1u.te UU!.Jl inrr of !n:r"_,"" C;"." l"lotl"Jn "'r"'" m;"do '0" f"'\H1Cl'1,.,q'1 ::C'''\['''p.n c-eU()>'lc1':O '!-,;";'...."ti;" I ,. ....10:. : l~ c-; .. j'-'.... ' '_' "'. ..'_ ....... _.,... , tV ,....... ..." c .. ~....; thct Fir~ CO;!1:JittH' l,e :"'lltLori:;ed tJ 10;': ...:l6 <;; 81' '.1 of :U1, t.1 (n":I',~t' ~5J,)J fJr burninf' of gr",St; l'iitl1in ~it/:_iiti2 '.ne i"l:ltrpcti;'P' T'i" Chief to hire idle "lolunteer 'F'irp"lf~'1 fr.:;~ thp ",-,-i.el1t.1.n " ;',1';,' , ,.,.., rj~.!.linr t"1C r.JJJ. ;JVl thp ~'~"'C,yp L1otiO"':1; _~12_ C.JuY]ei}':Ji.-:~ :t:Ye~"r'v:..1 'Tote': .'.~'e. Com:'llttee C\n '/herve~ rf!...1l~st"l(l to nrI:p 1'1 y"."yrt 0'1 rf';~ir~: neoes,,~:'.ry t'J ":1'loo,tinl': i)')(Jl', ','his r]AptiniT t1tere::.ft.er, {<non ~'rol'er '1\.,'t~O'1 " y 0 If---- ~.Ld.: jl'rnf~ci. ~I!~- Uondi.l;!, 1,<' v --......... . 16th. b32 I Reg~12r medtt~~ 0f the ~;!~ jO~ CJtl~uil, ~~~.~; )f _'e~v~r~; }!t~1:1 ~l d._~~tft iYJ. tl-p' (~JllY"eil ~r........!"'11):::1'"~; T~ectl.L<r (~:.:..i~lPd t'J Jru.(~~~11~' :~~'-J-[ :..~ro'''''!1ell :It (3 r.m. with tr:.e !olJ,...:'.;iY"p' '~J1;n(;1Jt.leYl IIi"~; Y,~ "~t;;,'~r, !.:clIl'llen, rlevl1~.le, stunton :ind :3weVD"n'l~ :.~in1Jtec ...)f trLI~ } '..st ref:'l;:~;,r Q,"i0 s_,~c5_J.2. -:Jr::pti':L~!E:' 1"("_;{I ~_ :J...,' ....r......,).~: ).loti<Jn by C0\J"lCi~TI".n ;Ic:Hl1I1en, se(.lono~~(" l~:r 'lpvilJe th~'1 t11f> "'i'-j"l1er, 0cm'Tli ttee 'he ~,lJtncri::e(1 t,; nerr,)tiut.e I, 10":-, ,)f' ~3) i'j, Y) ~YJ:l :;",1'11- of C:;,-,'r.n;Y0 f"JT '1. (~..eri:;o. :)~ ~',i:'~MuU.tho; ("d.l'lirU t~~e Tt:"ll. ...~+lJ f;017T1L':i- ~An fr~8~nt vMtf>~ in thn ~ffirM~tivft. 1'r/!,nf11Jr~r )f ':;<'w"-rr1 '-\cJh)v'; il'-,.:rr T~linnsted :.. 'c-,-" C1 ~1~3;'), "n I')Y' '~ l'eriou o~ '~1:r';"t. rl''''' du.:/s; t:uti ()"1 rl:;~ '~..)'~.~-~c~i.} ~<';"t l~n~,'f~r ~~'~C0lid(;cl by Swet~"1~-nn that lO'ln r)(~ ~ude Cc.:'lirj~ t'i#.;) 7\0'_:; ~...:.= r:()ll~-;(~'i l 'H~~ ~re8F~t v2te~ Aye; I.lotioYl Ll8.de 'by ~Ot.i11C't""1-:Y} f)wet.'l"?l:1, ~("cJ)nrlt-lc1 1~~i ~.:l:::l(: i(>.r, .J~..,~. t.he ~_i~ht t;O!(1:1i1.tep 'hp. c..l1tl"..'-~rii~ed t.~ 1:';,.:"(' lorvpj" r:}nbter l.j~'r"",tH ~:~; 4th. ,'~""e. re~:lOV(;f~; r~l)tioYl n1')O:-1!li~-I'i""lJ8'2..y er~ry"i~fl ~ ;~l~~if1'lB for l!_},'n;'~Y.' tOt~1J j TIP' ~l,9n. i \() ...>r(:~'r"nt erl ~i ~~ fo:-Ll ')1,'.'~~; !., Eriejrr JY': lli. \;. "';,~o. ~~E1~1P.~ f"J!l l:~. ~)n. :;~.....YI(lerf)Ci~ ln~ll'-). r~1':H'" "';':;#-1' :,';.' 1J.'1,). .j.De~'Je:r 12.0f). ~d. C':ni1n 1':'.')'). tT._).Fi~:-~}J':'" (..'-)J. " .,.') l~.::::;. f'.t~u'l_Ji~f'f:'-r l?.riC) tT.~';8t,f\R 16.iJ'l. ~~.~. ~JF~C;~ lJ. ),). ~'~:"rlt;- :-~",., l).J'), ':.Li!:lb2-e 12.10, ~,'j}'lrk (,.0), :'j.J"'.TI;"J.v D,'V). ;;.:_:.T'!1"f"ttn .i,") 0~':) stores P.l"')" T.!. r'~0)J"'e ~.,'}'), ~"otj:_'~~1 nv r~')nYl.Cllrt~~n '.:~~'rl1~"1-; ..l.(' p,cc"TIc1ec1 n;' TTe"iJ1e th~lt cl'.'i'~s nE' !':J.id; 0,~,llil1,J t118 T:! ,-,; I I ,., ~nne i ~ me:l .fr~B~'1t ~Tote,l ......~le... Fin:~nec ('tnI!L;ittee :~sl:ed t-.J l'Jorl ~"'l:it :~, o<J:!"'~.~' F~!s1,ef1l f',')Y ~}rc l:~,Y:'lent of I.:..bor. TTi';';~ r6yort of C:J\i""Ui~T1~ql Hcl.Lu11en, :,I()Liu)j"~., ",' (iE by IJOtlU,]", ''lun ~ts.nt'}!lJ ~eC,~!ld~l~ t~~ ~:e"'ul] er( t.l:.~,A.t oS. Slim of )i'Jt 1.(') R:--\"':e(1A 7,~.:--, bl'! :.l.~l_"r"i1 thelh:.:.rfe r'J'I'1:ttee 1-, "p eYl;cnile,; i'", n~_'.in': t, r" .~t int: j)O~l_; i~--,-I:ir;p' tJ-,p l.,l"; ,_l- ;;,')\,"j(::ilu(}:1 ",rnsr,nt voted '<Ie. !~1rJti'.)n '[1"/ Cuunei 2.~'!:1n '-:-"Ct"l~):1';.. 8('eon(lu1'1 1..",: (:t~,.]t"'-l t'~ ,1, t":r, r'} CJm::littee l)t: tilltrlori'.e' tJ eX"AYlc1':. sn':: 'Jf not ~o ~x(~eGe' :;;t,,'Y! f_'l' n':l'!:.irs t:) 01O.t1e1, 'J~ 'l'r_i ro ..v~. ~Hver: C"ll i YIP t t.-_t r'l': ':1:; v:"'- ul1men ~reE(nt Vote~ ~ye. Hot}'"" n;" ~'11YJal'l'1L"n C'Jt"ntnn' "'naG nu'eo' 1," l"("'\"'~n tJ"t P"c"l'!'l .... ..... . ..~.L~ .... ,~, .....,U(,;" _,.,,' -'-....~.-'-(.~..L.I.). ,j,,)_-...Jlo...... '- C()!:l',ittee l~e anthol'i;;e(" to ".u.v(-) HO::-fit~~l Chir:me;v- H:'~d rel;l:wed'lt :.J.l:. low ii eOEt ~E' ~'\Sf)-:.b'~; Gg.llinp: tlle ~oll; :~lJ COl}ncil~~en ,..oteo _.~",;t~~ !.~otiO!1 b~? CDlLTIeilr:h'n ~t~nton; SAC0!Hge, '\_' (~wr:t~-.:'.nn t,}:;.,t thf~ -- str~et CO:1'littpc be :.J.l2,Jwed :J.r. '1dditicll'.l ~1 ').") f")r :;~rPft worL; ~"-";"'1" t""~ --,,-''''' .,.. I' "1 ..I........L....L..... ( 14., ~,l,.\_:_.L', _.'~ ~ ,0U'1'1c L 1 !!len ~~-_('nt'cY.'lt, ~I-J1'f'(1 ~ ~..,. ',!- f' .II>~. 1 ' _ ~ ,'-1 ~_ . ~.:.. .1.:, 1. 1'."; ~J' ~ 1 V e . I 4 T;OImw, T:~v l7th. r;~mt. Clerk instructed tp write letter tp n~rb~~e P~ulers, urfin~ cCJ1;eration in Lee~int' eit;; llU':11 in order; Clerk i:'JStruct~c to write .\.li9o S.,reis.e, Vwner, of Lot 4Q :t1lk 3 c&lling ~ttcntion to delapidate4 condition of building thereon und uxging repair or rt~j.lI.!vul; There beine no fvrther business to 1;0[;10.before this meeting, .it was, there<.;.fter, uIon l)rcpe:r !!lotion lid jQurnen; . , . a.LY.t<?- ,~,.OZ;;~ C L E. R 1: - !;11.yon LJ " lIo.NDAY. JUNE 6th. 1932. B~8ular meeting of the Common Counell. City of ~eward. Held th e date in the Cou~eil Chambers: lIeeting Called tQ. order by MTaor Bro' nell at 8 p.m. with the following Couneilmen present: ~anthy, lIeyer~ M~~ullen Neville and Swetmann: . Minutes of the last regular mee'ting read and approved: - Claims totaling $857.73 present.d as follows: Bank of Seward 25.00 Xeileheeki 170.00. Balderston 100.00. Hav.reto.k '60.00. Harw~od2 .00 s.ward water Splu. 127.60. ..Moore 10.00.' W.M.Kanyak 8.00 A.Ohl. 1 .00 T.B.asley 12.00. J.Nelson 12.00. T.R'.Steinback 16.00'.' J.n.Ro.k 3.0 Cash 1O.~0. AlaSka R.R. 1.00. Seward LitE: &: pow.r. 81.45. Sewar'd II hn Shop. 8.00. Seward Trading Co. 12.35. P.M.Ogle 11.68. Gstwway Pub. Co. l2.00.' Frye- Bruhn. 8.00. Coopers 13.0Q. Alex Little 8.00. Sh.a 8.5. M.MQor. ,40.00. Basulu13 &: Sundby 22.50. Motion by Me.Mullen: Seconded by Neville that olaims as presen ed be paid; Calling the Roll All Coun.ilmen present voted Aye. Claim of Brown &: Hawkins Corp. 26.00 presente : Motion by M8n~ y, s.eond., by M~ull.n , .laim be paid: Following Couneilmen Voted Ale. Manthy, Neville lI.Mullen Swetmann; Oouneilman-Meyer not voting: Claim of P.C.MeMullen ~O.OOpresen~ed; Motion by Manthy seeond d by Neville that elaim be paid: Following CQun~ilmen vote~ Aye; Man hy, Meyer, Neville and SWetmann; coun.tlm~n MoMullen not votimg. Couneilman stanton entered the CouneilChambers; ,ollowing Resolution presented and read; .' RESOtUTI ON BE IT RESOLVED ,BY THE COMMON COUNCIL CITY OF SEWARD" ALASKA: 1. That this Coun.~l does now d~em it advisable to regula~e, and/o~ ehange and/Qr fix the reates to be eharged by the.Seward Light &: P we Co Samuel M.Graff, owner. a publle eerviee assoeiation or individual manufaeturing, selling and ~upplying el.etr~e ourrent and power for Mun1eipal, domestio'.~nd ~ommerdal use .in the C1 ty of Seward. 11. That a publie hearing b. had before the Common Couneil, City of Seward, for the purpose above stated, on,~he 18th day ot '. July, 1932, at the hour of ~ o'eloek in the evening of said day, in theCounei1 Room, in saidCi ty of Seward!' , 111. That noti.e~f said publie~hearing be given as requir.d by law. Adopted ~nder suspension of rule~, an approved" this 6th. day of June, 1932. ATTEST, /J./lI<2. ddlA~~ " ' , ~l Cler~ .M A Y 0 R ~ AdOption ot above R.solution eam. under'dis.uesion; Kayor Bro~ell plaeed himself upon reeord as being aposed to.any aetion being taken that would result in envolving the City in a Law Suit at this time: suggesting that an endevor be made'to arrive at an amieable'adJustment ot rates with lIr. Graff; Further diseussion of this matter r.sulted in a motion By' Coun.ilman Swe~mann, se.ond d by MeMullen that the rules be suspended for the adoption of the . resolution as presented; calling the Roll on the Motion; All Coun .ilmen present Voted in the affirmative. en the Question "Shall the Resolution be Approved?" All Couneilmen present Voted in the affirmative: Whereupon the Mayor Signed The Resolution ~nopen session; ., , ~ , The matter of removein~,eluster lights w~s again dis.useen; matter was left in the hande ot the ~ight Comm~ttee. Coun.ilman stanton reported' on the-.matter of redu.tion in Hydrant rates as assessed by the Seward Watter Supply'; Advtse d that Mr. Hoben requested a letter from the Couneil pertaining to this matter: Clerk instru.ted to write Mr. Hobea, inviting him to IJ n ... ' MONDAY, JUNE. 6th. 1932. Cont. 5 I attend the next regular meeting of the Commmn Council on June 20th when this matter eould be discussed. Upon report of Couneilman Meyer as to condition of Hospital .ese pool; A motion was made by Councilman McMullen, seconded by manthy that the Hospital eommittee be authorized to expend a sum of not to excede $12.50 for repairs to same; Calling the Roll; All Couneilmen present voted Aye. Couneilman Meyer reported that Premium was due on School House Fire insuraneefot $15.000.00 , said premium amounting to $285.00 , for a period of Three years; Motion by Couneilman MeMullen, seeonde, by Stanton that policy be renewed and prenium as stated pe approved Calling the Roll. All Councilmen present voted Aye. Upon recomendation of Councilman Stanton; street Committee was authorized , under motion by Councilman MeMullen Seconde by Stanto and unanimously passed; to expena a sum of not to excede 25.00 for installation of Culvert on Chamberlain Hill road. The Mayor suggested the expending of funds for xx. rcpairs to " 2nd. Ave. Matter was tabled, but Street ComHlittee was authorized; under motion by Couneilman Swetmann, se.onded by Neville, and unan imously passed; to expend a sum of not to exceed '50.00 for the tearing up and replacing with einders certain designated side. walks Motion was made by Councilman swetamnn, se.onded by McMullen that Law &; Ordinanee Cornmi ttce be requested to present a new Dog Ordinanee at next regular meeting; Calling the roll , the following Councilmen Voted Aye; Man~hy, .eMullen, Neville Stantorland 3wJtm~ lCOt!rl~ i'1rtl<,Yl ~HjerlVJt itnc l:t..i.~r. There being no further business to come before this meeting. it was. thereafter upon proper motion, adjourned. MAYOR MONDAY, JUNE 20th. 1932. I Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward held this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting ealled to order by Mayo at 8 p.m. with the following Councilmen present: Meyer, McMullen, Neville, Stanton and Swetmann; Minutes last meeting read; approved; Councilman Meyer reports Hospital Cese Pool repairs eoat 51.0 Following report of Councilman MoMullen, relative to complaint of Health Offieer as to unsanitary condition of Hospital Cess Pool; Hospital Committee was instrueted to make survey of this matter an bring in a reportand reeomendations at next meeting. Motion by Councilman Swetmann, seoonded by McMullen. that Lit Committee be authorized to have Cluster lights CUT OUT or arrange with the property owners affected t~ pay the cost of operation of same; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. Councilman McMullen reported that Mr. Sam Graff... had agree to meet with the Light Committee to discuss Light Rates. Mr. H.V.Hoben being present.at the invitation of the Council, the matter of reduetion in Hydrant Rates was discussed; Mr. Hoben stated that it was not possible at this time to make a reduetion i water rates and ealled the Council's attention to the annual repor of the Seward water Supply Co. showing a profit of only e% on the said Companys investment. This matter was Tabled. Water Committee was instrueted to interview Mr. Hatton. Supt. of the Jessee Lee Ho e relative to payment of Hydrant service at the Home whish was out side the City limits. Removal of water main erossing the Lagoon was diseussed with .r. Hoben; Resulting in a motion by Councilman MeMullen, secondec Swetmann; that Mayor be instrueted to interview Ge. Mgr. Bh1son with regard to lowering Tide Gate to drain Lagoon; Calling the rol all Couneilmen present Voted Aye; Mayor appointed Couneilman Stant n to aecompany him at this interview; Motion was made by Couneilman swetmann. seeonded by McMullen that Hot Water Tank. removed from Old Sehool be sold to Mr. Horner for a sum of $25.00; Calling the Roll. All Councilmen present Vote in the affirmative. ~otion by Councilman Neville, seoonded by Swetmann, that Chie of Police be allowed two days eaeh month as vaeation with pay; A substitute , agreeable to the Police Committee, be named and recei e a salary of $5.00 per day; Calling the Roll, All Couneilmen presen Voted Aye; This meeting thereafter adjourned. I (6 TUESDAY. JULY. 5th. 1932 Coun.ilmen present; Manthy. Meyer stanton & Swetmann. Posponed Regular Meeting of the Co~~on Council. City of Seward held this date in t~e Couneil Chamb~rs; Meting .alled to order at 8 P.M. by Councilman Meyer. aeting as Mayor. Pro Tem. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved; Communication from san-Juan Fishing & pa.king Co. read; Asking for reduction of Five or Six Thousand Dollars in the 'assessed valuatio of Personal Property; Motion by Couno11man swetmann, se.onded by Mantp; that matter be referred to Committee on Assessment and Taxa ion for a written report, to be presented at next meeting; Motion .arr ed Claims Totaling 956.97 presented as follows: Bank of Seward 310.00. Keil.heski 170.00 Balderston 100.00. Haversto.k 50.00. Har Harwood 25.00. 'Seward Water Sply. 127.50. Gateway Pub. Co. 12.00 Seward Light & Power 44.10. L.A.Huff 9.00. Bob's Garage 1.10. C.M.Brosius 1.50. Seward Maohine Shop, .80~. P.C.McMullen 36.60 P.M.Ogle 7.07. J.DeRo.k 5.00. T.R.Steinbaok 8.00/ F.Harkins 24.0 W.w.ward 8.00. L.e.Bates 7.50. T.Beasley 2.00. Motion by Couneilman Manthy. seoonded by Swetm~nn that Claims as presented be Paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present v voted in the affirmative. Chief of poli.e reported that Noti.e of Publi. Hearing re Ligh Rates had been served on Mr. sam Graff in person at the hour of ~ne thirty P.M. Saturday, July 2nd. 1~32. Coun.ilman M.Mullen entered the Couneil Chambers; Claim of Seward Drug Co. 6.50 presented; Motion by Councilman McMullen, seoonded by Manthy that .la1m be paid; Calling the roll following Coundlmen voted Aye. Manthy '!Id-Jdr. 'dtanton & JMdM:t!11en Coun.ilman Swetmann not voting; Claim of Seward Trading Co. 2.40 presented; Motion by Coun.il Swetmann . seconded by MoMullen that claim be paid; Calling the ro 1 following Coun.ilmen voted Aye; Manthy, Meyer. MQMullen I Swetman ; Coun.ilman Stanton not voting. Further dis.ussion pn condition of City Dump, resulted in a mot'on by Counoilman Swetmann. se.onded by McMullen. that the Chief of P li.a be inetru.ted to set two posts 100 feet apart X. with signs thereo designating pount for dumping garbage and ashes; Motion .arried. Counailman Meyer reported further .omplaint from Hospi~a~ auth orities regarding funetioning of Hospital Cess Pools; Sewer Commit asked for further time to go into this matter before rendering fi report and re.omendations; Coun.ilman Manthy reported that the Pole line in alley between 4th. & 5th. Avenues was being removed by the Signa Corps. There being no further business to .ome before this meeting, 0 it was, thereafter. upon proper motion, Adjourned. l II Mayor. Pro. TEm. MONDAY. JULY. 18th. 1~32 Regular meeting of the Common couneil. City of Seward, held thi date in the Couneil Chambers; Meeting oalled to order by MRyor D.C Brownell at 8 p.m. with all Counoilmen present. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. RESOLUTION. .reating an Eoualization Board to oonvene in the City H~ll at 2 P.M. Tuesday August 9th. 1~32. presented; Motion be Coun.ilman Manthy, seconde by Swetmann that rules be suspended fa the adoption of the Resolution; Calling the Roll; All Coun.ilmen Voted in the affirmative; On the question" Shall the Resolution e adopted"? All Councilman Voted Aye; Whereupon Mayor signed same; Following Resolution presented; RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUHCIL. CITY OF SEWARD. ALASKA: 1. That Whereas. The United states Fidelity and GURranty Company. without authorization. continued in fotee a surety bond issued by that Company bonding H.S.Balderston as Munioipal Treasurer of the City of Seward, which said bond expired on April, 15th. 1~3~; and, whereas this .ounail does not desire Xkia that said bond be oontin ed. :Now. therefore. BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward that said United States Fidelity & Guaranty Companybe. and said oompany hereby is, dis.harged from all liabilities under said surety bond from and after said date April, 15th. 1~32. Adopted under suspension of rules, and approved, this Idth. day of July, 1';13;;;. --. I , I , -.' . Monday, July, 18th. 1932, cont. I Under motion by C. McMullen, seeonded by Cm. Swetmann- Unany. Carri d Comunioation from San-Juan Fishing & P~oking Co. asking for a reduotion in assessed valuation of personal property referred to th Committee on Assessment and TRxA.tion, with full power to act. Motion by Councilman MoMullen. seoonded by Manthy. that the Sewe Committee be authorized to prepair specifications and call for bids for the oonstruction of 565 feet of Sewer in ally between 1st. and 2nd. Avenues from Seward General Hospital to a point of 8onneotion with present Sewer in same allY at washington st. Calling the Roll. All Councilmen Voted Aye. Clerk instruoted to write Alaska Road Commission asking for written authority to lowe bridges am crossing Lowell Creek Flume on 3rd. & 4th. Avenues. Motion by Councilman MoMullen. seconder by Swetmann ahd unanim ously oarried; Gus Manthy given permission to dump excivated mater ial from .ellar on third avenue bridge approaches. Public Hearing reo reduction of Li~ht and Power Rates as adver- tised, opened- Mr. sam Graff aeaompanieo by Ir. W.R.Shellhorn present; notes of hearing taken by Mrs MallOY; No eon.ise aotion taken , this meeting held open to meet at 8 P.M. Monday ~~.wt,July. 25th. 1932, for further di6~ussion of Li~h and Power Rate matter. MAYOR d~urA C E R K MONDAY. JULY. 25th. 1932 I Adjourned regular meeting held with the following Counomlmen present; Meyer, McMullen, Neville, and swetmann; Meeting oalled t order at 8 p.m. by Councilman Meyer aoting Mayor pro. tern. Councilman McMullen asked for further time to make final repor of Light Committee on Light & Power rates. survey being completed for 1st. Ave Sewer; Clerk instructer to prepair specifioations and advertise for bids for construction of same. There being no it was. thereafter, Mayor pro. tem. further business to oome before this meeting. upon proper motion a~journed; /l~~(~u4 . E R K MONDAY. AUGUST. 1st. 1932 I Regular meeting of the Com:non council. Oi ty of Seward. held this date in tlite Counail Cha.mbers; Meeting oalled to order by Mayo Brownell at 8 p/m. with all Councilmen present; Minutes of the last regular and adjourned regular meetings reu and a.pproved. Claims totaling 623.06 presented as follows; Bunk of Sewurd ~5.00 Keileheski 205.00. Balderston 100.00. Haverstock 50.00. Harwood ~5.00 Seward Water Sply, 127.50. Jj;.'Eckman 7.00.Alex little 4.00. Tom Beasley 6.00. M.Lanning 7.00. Gateway Pub. 80. 7.05. Seward Lite & P. 38.10. Robert manthy 7.50. C.hi.Brosius 2.00. P.M..Ogle. 6.91/ M.otion by Counoilrnan W..nthy. seoonded by MoMullen that alaims as presented be paid; Calling t~e roll; All Councilmen voted Aye. Claim of Gus Manthy 5.00 presentee; Motion by Counailman Me Mullen. se~onded by stanton that Claim be paid; Calling the roll, all Counoilmen voted aye with the exception of Couneil:nan Manthy. not voting. The Mayor advised that Col. Ohlson, at interview reo tide gate in Lagoon ; Stated that the Rl1ilroad Engineer would confer with Ma~orcand Corrnnittee upon his arrival in City. Councilman Manthy brought up the Question of purchase of addi- tional Fire Hose; Matter referred to Fire Co~nittee. Councilman MoMullen presenteu the following Ordinanae. adviSing that under terms of same a s~ving of aproximately $800.00 per annum would result in the City street Lighting. 8 Monday. August. 1st. 1932. cont. ORDINAl~CE NO. 119. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NilldBER ax 78. BEING "AN ORDINAl~ E TO ESTABLISH AND REGULATE THE RATES TO BE CHARGED TO THE TOWN OF S 'WARD, ALASKA. Aim T~ INHABITAHTS THEREOF, FOR ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. BY PERSONS, COPARTNERSHIPS, ASSOSIATIONS OR CORPORATIONS 0 SUPPLY, FURNISH? AND lOR SELL ELECTRICITY UD ELECTRIC CURRE.NT TO 'AID TOWN, AND lOR ITS INHABITANTS." BY ADDING SECTIO.N 6-A THERETO. PROVI ING FOR RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR STREET LIGHTING. BE IT ORDAINED BY rl'HE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD: Seetion 1. Taht Ordinance .No. 78 of the City vf Seward, being "An Ordinanee to Establish and Regulate the Rntes to be Charged to the Town of Seward. Alaska, and the Inhabitants Thereof. for Eleotriei y and Eleetrie Current by Persons, Copartnerships, Assosiations or Corporations who supply. Furnish and/or sell Eleetrieity and Elect Current to said Town and/or its'Inhabitants." be, and the same her is ammended by adding thereto and as a part thereof Seetion 5 _ A as Follows; SECTIO.N 5-A. STREET LIGHTING. For street Lighting the rate shal be as follows: When the conneeted load of all street lights is 200 watts or less, 12-1/2 cents per kilowat hour for the first 100 kil hours. 10 eents per kilowatt hour for allover 100 kilowatt hours ond not exceeding 200 kilowatt hours. and 8 eents per kilowatt hou for allover 200 kilowatt hours; When said connected load is over 2000 watts and not more than 5000 watts. 6 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 1000 kilowatt hours. and 5 cents per kilowatt hour for a ove 1000 kilowatt hours; and when said eonneeted load is over 5000 watte. 4-1/2 cents per kilowatt hour. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effeet and be in fotee on the 12th. day of Au'ust. 1932, and shall be published onCle in the Seward Daily Gateway. PasseG under suspension of rules. and approved, this 1st. day of August, 1932. ~~<1a'A Motion by Counoilman Swetmann, seconded by MoMullen that the r be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution; Callinp the Roll; All Coun.ilmen Voted in the Affirmative. Motion by Couneilman Swetmann, seaondev by MoMullen thatvthe Fi st reading of Ordinanoe lio. 119 be eonsidere,: its second and third readings and the ordinance be plaoed upon its passage; Calling I!t e Roll; All Councilmen Voted Aye. On the Question "Shall Ordinanee No. 119 Pass"? Al'l Counoilmen Voted Aye; Whereupon the Mnyor Approved and signed OrdinanCle No.1 in open session. Bids having been reeeived for the eonstruetion of proposed Sew in alley between 1st. and 2 nd Avenues in Bloak 12. Clerk instrue open and present same; Bid of M.B.Malloy; Two Dollars per linial foot as per speoifio Bid of Earling Andersen; One Dollar and seventy cents per foot as per speaifiaations; Motion by Couneilman swetmann. Seeondet by Meyer that bid be a Earl1ng Andersen as the lowest bidder, subjeet to Signing of Cont and furnishing ne8essary bond. Calling the Roll on the motion. a Counoilmen Voted in the affirmative; City Attorney instructed to draw up aont..et for eons'truotion of said Sewuer. Upon motion by Councilman Swetmann, seoonded by Manthy; ~~ and unanimously carried; City Clerk granted twobweeks leave of ab latter part of August. There being U further business to lIome before this meeting. i was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned,to meet at Gall of d!t(?&~.t/ -, t I I MAYOR to to .. -I i MAYOR THURSDAY, AUGUST, 4th. 1932. Adjourned RegUlar meeting of the Common Couneil, City of Seward h Id this date in the Couneil Chambers; meeting galled to order at 7.3 p.m. by MAyor Brownell, with the following Councilmen present; MHnthy. Meyer, McMullen and stanton. Resolution, Cont raet and Bond for eonstruction of 1st. Ave. Sewer presented: . "-"""'. ~',:' ,,' ."'-'" ,....,. ','-, ,~.., ," ' . 9 Thursday, August. 4th, lV32, cont. RESOLUTIO~ I BE IT RESOLVED by the ComJlon Council of the City of seward. in the Third Judicial Division, Territory of Alaska. that, Whereas, The Municipal Health Offioer. of the City of Sewnrd has condemned the present arrangements for sewage disposal at the Seward General Hospital by means of Cess Pools as ineffieient in adequate. and dangerous to the health and wellfare of the peaope 0 the City of Seward: and, Whereas the Cowaittee on Sewers of the City of Seward has re- ported to the Common Council that upon investigation it finds that the owners of 2/3 in value of the real estate to be benif~ted by a Sewer to be constructed to serve said Seward General Hospital will not petition the Common Couneil for suoh improvement as provided b the laws of the Territory of Alaska and ordinanoes of the City of Seward; and. whereas, an emergency exists in thas the eonstruetion of a sewer to provide a means of disposal of sewage from the said Sewar General Hospital is immediately necessary for the proteotion of th health and welfare of the people of the City of Seward; and. Whereas, the Common Couneil has heretofore. by notice publishe in the seward Daily Gnteway, advertised for sealed bids for the construction of such sewer a.cording to speoifications on file in the office of the municipal clerk; and. whereas, one,Erling Anders n is the Ivwest bidder thereof, and the said Earling Andersen having reauested that Bart Lee be made and considere(l a joint bidder with him in his said bid; Now therefore. be it resolved that a sewer be constru.te, and installed in the alley between First and Second Avenues between th center line of Washington Street and a point opposite the seward General Hospital. a distanee of aproximately five hundred thirty feet, and eonneet with the present sewer in said ally now termin- ating at said washington Street. in oomplian.e with and in confor- mity with said speoifications thereof; and that the prJposal of sa d Earling Andersen and B~rt Lee as contraetors to do such work at a price of One Dollar and seventy cents($1.70) per linial foot of se re be a..epted, subject, how.ver. to the execution of a proper oontra cttherefore. which contraet shall be accepted and approved by the Common council. and the furnishing by said contractors of a proper bo~d in the sum of $1000.00. which said bond shall be approved by LheCoromon C0uncil as to sureties. Adopted and passed under suspension of the rules this 4th. day of August, 1~32. APPROVED. August, 4th. 1932 I MAYOR ~~~ L E R K ... Motion by Coun.ilman Manthy, seconded by McMullen, that the rules be suspended and that this reading of the Resolution be con sidered tts se.ond and third readings and that the Resolution be plaeed upon its passage; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present Vote in the affirmative; On the Question" Shall the Resolution be Adopted, Passed and r Approved?! All Coun.ilmen present Voted Aye. Whereupon the Mayor Si~ned the above Resolution in open Session. Bond of Ellrling Andersen and Bart Lee, contractors presented, Motion by Coun.ilman Manthy, seconded by Stunton that bond be app roved and accepted; Cllllin~ the Roll. All Couneilmen present Vote Aye. Contract as prepaired by City Attorney, duly signed by contrac tors, for the oonstruetion of sewre presenteu; Motion by Council man Manthy, seconde( by McMullen that Contraat be accepte(i and Approved; calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. This meeting, thereafter, upon proper motion, adjourned. I MAYOR ~~d/A'{~ 'CLERK (10 ~ .". ~. ...' .. TUESDAY, AUGUST, 9th. 1932 Meeting of the Eoualization Board, City of Seward, for the equalization of Taxes for the yea~ 1932; Called to order at 2 p.m with Couneilman Meyer aeting aa Chairman- No Proteats- Wednesday. august, 10th. 1932 Meeting ealled to order at 2 p.m. Councilman MeMullen aeting a Chairman; NO Proteats- Thursday, August. Ilth. 1932. Meeting called to order at 2 p.m. Counailman stanton a.ting a ,-- Chairman; No Protests- Friday, August, l2th. 1932. Meeting ea~led to order at 2 p.m. Coun.ilman Manthy acting as Chairman; NO proteata- saturday, August, 13tll.1932. Meeting ealled to order at 2 p.m. Co\incilman .tleville acting a Chairman; No Protests- The Enualization Board having performed its duties: It was. thereafter. upon proper motion adjourned at 4 p.m. this date. sine die. MAYOR MONDAY. AUGUST. 15th. t1~/~~f~ j R K 1932 Re~ular meeting of the Cornmon Coun.il, City of seward, held this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8 p.m. by MFI,yor Brownell, with the following Coundlman present; Neville and stanton; Minutes of the last regular and Eoualization Board meetings re and approved;, Foll~wing Resolution Presented; RESOLUTION , Be it resolved by tlle Common Council. City of Seward. aluska.that the assessment roll of real and personal property in the City of Se ar Alaska, for the year 1932. as delivered to the City Couneil by the Assessor. and as eaualized by the said Couneil be aecepted; Be it further reseolved that this being the first regular mebti g of the Common Couneil sinee the eaualization of said assessment Ro 1 the levy for the year 1932 is hereby plaeed at 20 mill~. and. Be it further reSOlved , that the time when the taxes for the 1932 of the real and personal property of, said City of Seward as a shall be.ome delin~uent for non-payment, shall be 5 o'.lo.k P.M. of the 15th. day of November, 1932. and that the olerk give due notice as reauired by prOVisions of section 20 of Ordinanee.lio. 14 as ame ed by seotion 7 of Ordinance 27 of the Ordinan@es of the City of Sewar , Alaska. Passe under suspension of rules. this 15th. day of Au~ust. Approved. --., I ! I I MAYOR LEEK Motion by Councilman M~Mullen; seaondec by stanto~ that the be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution; Calling the Roll. All Coun.ilmen present voted in the affirmative; On the Question" Shall tae Resolution be adop..d and apprvved"? All Couneilmen present Voted Aye; The Mliyor thereupon Signed sume in open session; Motion by Couneilman stanton, se.onded by Neville that Earl1ng Anderson, Sewer CJntraetor be paid 40% of .ontraet prioe of $1.70 for the eompletlon of 100 feet of sewaer same amounting to $68.00 Calling the Roll on the ~otion all Couneilmen present voted AY'. Upon the re.omendation of Counoilman Stanton; A motion was made by Coun~ilman McMullen. se.onded by lileyer, that the" Fire Committee be authorized to pur.hase 50J feet of Fire Hose at the lowest priee obtainable; Calling the roll; All Coun.ilmen present voted Aye. street lights in out-laying distriots ordered turned on Aug. 16 h. There being no further business to eome before this meeting; it was. thereafter. upon proper motion adjourned. - MAYOR ':"~..'" 11 TUESAAY. SBPTE1ffiER. 6th. 1~32 I Regul~r meeting of the Common council, held this date in the CounQil Chambers; Meeting galled to order by Mayor Brownell a 8.pm with the following Couneilmen present; Meyer, Heville, stanton and swetmann; Claims totaling 66~.07 presented as follows; Bank of Sewurd 25.0). Reileheski 170.0). Balderston 100.00. Haverstock 50.00. Harwood 25.00. Sew~ru,iater sply, 127.5J. Brosius 3.~5. B.& H.0orn. 10.82. Seward Trading 6.65. Gateway Pub. Co. 15.00. O~le's 2.07 Osbo's 4.58. Seward Lite & P. 104.50. T?Beasley 10.50. Bates 6.00 Lanning 7.50. Motion by CounoilJllan stanton, selilonded by l/eville that Claim be paid; Calling the Roll; All Couneilmen present voted Aye. Claim of Seward Trading Co. 6.65 ; Motion by Councilman Meyer. seconde by Swetmann that elaim be paid; Calling the Roll All Councilmen exeepting Counoilman stanton voteo Aye. Coun.ilman stanton advised that Citizens affected by the low lowering of 3rd. Ave. Bridge renuested authority to procede with the lowering of the same , cost to be bourn by public subsertption an not by the City. Motion was made by Coun.ilman stunton, seoonde by Swetmann. that City Attorney be authorized to enter into ne.ess ary agreement with the understanding that work performed should be under the supervision of the street Com:ui ttee of the Common Counoil Motion unanimousely carried. Conne.tion of Hospital with 1st. Ave. Sewer disQusfed; MRtte referred to Hospital Committee. Mayor reouested authority to have Sidewalk on 6th. Ave. torn up on a.count o~ dangerous 80ndition; Advised that Steve Mel.hoir w would remove same for the lumber and at no euet to City. Motion by Councilman Swetmann. seeonde( by Heville and unanimously carried that authority be given. Motion by CounCilman Swetmann. seconded by r~eville that the street Committee be authorized to expend a sum of not to excede 5.0 for repairing orossing at 4th. Ave and R.R. Avenue. Calling the Rol All Counoilmen present Voted in the affirmative. Motion by Councilman StRnton seoonded by Neville that Ix Chie Reil.heski be granted leave of absence provided B&XiB~&atax7 substi tute satisfa.tory to Polioe Co~nittee is left in charge of Chief' duties; Motion unanimousely carried. Therebeing no further business to come before this meeting. i was, thereafter upon proper motion. adjourned. I MAYOR Monday, september, l~th. 1~32 I Regular meeting of the Common Council, held this d~te in the Dou ncil Chambers; Meeting called to order at t3 P.M. by Mayor Brownell. ith the following Councilman present: Manthy, Meyer. McMullen, eville and stanton; Minutes of the last regular me0ting read and approved; Claim of Barling Anderson $285.60. being 40% of due for eomplet ion of Sewer contract. presentee; Motion by Councilman MHnthy, seconded by McMullen that claim be paid; Calling the Roll;.All Councilman present voted in the affirmative. Mayor Brownell expressed a desire to purch~sc a part of the trae known as The Brownell Homestead. which part ocuupied by the old Bro nell Horne; Mayor was granted permission to make necessary repairs at his own expense to said house and asked to submit in writing to the Council at next meeting his proposeu purchase proposition. A Resolution was~presente for passage, in accordance with the Law covering the General Election to be held ~ovember 8th. lV32. and to appoint Judges and Clerks therefor. Resolution was read designating the City Hall as voting place and naming the follJwuig persons to aot as Judges und Clerks; JUDGES. J.C.Robertson, L.A.Peel und Aron Ericson. CLERKS Bessie M.Malloy and Jennie Paulsen. Motion by Counoilman Manthy, seoonded by Meyer th~t the rules be suspended for the adoprtio of the Resolution; Calling the Roll. Al Counetlmen present voted AYE. Roll was then called on the passage of the Resolution, and All Councilmen present voted in the Affirmative. Resolution Adopted. 12 MONDAY. SEPTE1ffiER, l~th. 1~32 Cont. Couneilman McMullen reported that 1St. Ave. Sewer was oomple conneoted to Hospital. Upon recomendatioh of street Comittee, Motion was made by Cou cilmanMeyer, Seaonde, by Manthy that an expenditure of not to ex $50.00 be authorized for necessary repairs to street and side wal Calling the Roll; All Councilman present voted AYE. Clerk instrueted to to write letter expressing appreciation and thanking Messrs. Hawkins, Urbaeh and assoeiates for the Lowering of Third Avenue Bridge. Threr being no further business to come before this meeting. it was. tjtreafter. upon proper motion adjourned. MAYOR MONDAY. OCTOBER. 3rd. 1932. Re~ular meeting of the Cownon Counoil, City o~ Seward, held t date in the Couneil Chambers; Meeting called to order by Mayor Bro at 8 p.m. with the following Councilme present: Meyer, McMullen, Neville and Swetmann; Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Motion by Counoilman swetmann. seoonded by McMUllen that the offer of $25.00 tendered by Peter Hoffman for' the purchase of Lot 14 in Block 6 Laubner addition, be accepted; Calling roll, All Counoilme present Voted Aye. Clerk instructed to issue Special warranty Deed to Peter Hoffman for above desoribed property upon payment of $25. Claims totaling ~764.75 presented as follows: Bank of Seward Keileheski 170.00 Balderston 100.00. Haverstook 50.00 Harwood 25.0 Seward water Sply 127.50. samuelson 29.50. Kibsgard 13.50. Oren ~. Beasley 6.50. Guy Manthy 14.50. Seward D.& P. 160.45. Brosius 8.60 B.& H. Corp. ll.25. Ogle 3.45. Lanning 10.00. Motion by Counoilm~n McMullen, seconded by Swetmann that Clai s be allowed and warrants drawn for payment of Same; Calling the Rol All Coun.ilman present Voted in the Aff~rmative. Clerk instructed to have notice inserted in Daily Gateway cal attention of Tax Payers to DelinQuenuy date of Real and Personal T Counoil Manthy entered the Council Chambers. Josie Sandvik proteste, in person, reo high valuation plaoed on he property in Bloak two. MRyor advised Mrs. SRndvik that Protest cou no be oonsidered at this time. but taat she could file a petition for a refund after she had paid taxes as assessed. Mayor adviseG that Sidewalk on sixth Ave. had been torn up. an same was found to be in impassable condition on aecount of Garbage Tin and othre refuse haveing been deposited under the old walk, pr sumeably by Chas. Le@hner; Motion was made by Councilman Swetmann seeonde by l~eville, t,at Chief of Police notify Mr. Leehner to re sueh debris. Motion unanimously carried. Mayor made report on work done at Airoplane field. Also advise that the Radio Grownds and Buildings hud been left in the ohurge 0 the City, pending 1.8se of same. Inventory had been taken and all Buildings seearely lo.ked. As a fesult of Qomplaint of Sewer Gas.x from 1st. Ave. Sewer; Committee was instruet to bring in report with reaomendation, at t e next meeting of the Common Counail. There being n~ furthet business to come before this meeting; was. thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned. MAYOR MONDAY. NOVEMBER 7th. 1~32. Regular rnee31img of the Common Council, City olli' Seward, held this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting oalled to order at B P.I . by Mayor Brownell with all Councilmen present: Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Letter from Leonard Hopkins reo condition of Cemetnry lots, reud. letter refferred to Civio Committee. for reoomendations. Letter from Engineers Office WRr Dept. addressed to the M~y r. read; Cnlling attention to the depleted oondition of funds appropr ated fOr maintainance of Lowell Creek Flume. Letter ref1erred to Glazier Streem Committee. l J l , ", ' 13 Monday, November. 7th. 1932- Cont. I Claims totaling 875.06 presented as follows; Bank of Sew~rd 25.00. Keiloheski 170.00. Baldereton 100.00. Haverstoek 50.00. Harwood 25.)0. seward wter Sply. 127.50. Gatewuy 28.50. Ogle's 8.6 Shea 80.35. Brownell 4.60. S.L.& P. lU2.55. Beasley 10.50. Melchoi 3.00. Lanning 13.50. Bohm 7.50. Gye lJIHnthy 7.00. a.Anderson 4.00 Brown & hawkins 18.55. C.M.Brosius 8.85. Motion by Councilman McMullen seconded by M1mthy that claims as presonted be paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted in tee affirmative. Councilman McMullen reported thut upon investigation into comp- laint that sewer gas was menaceing residents connected with the Is Ave. Sewer. he found that complaints were not justifiable and that any inconveniance from sewer gases was fault of private plumbing which should be eradicated by persons so inconvenienced and not at any cost to City. Mayor Brownell t00k exception to this attitude and reauested to be placed upon record as favoring the Cities responsibility in the matter. Councilman McMullen drew the Counoils attention to the nwnber of the Cities indigent cases being taken care of at the Seward General Hospital, and expressed the opinion that the Hospital woul have to have relief in the near future from the City of other sour e Civic Committee was asked to cooperate with the Chamber of Co~n eree in this matter with a view to raising funds to relieve the situation. T.H.Jones's subseription list as Merchant Patrool was presented Motion by Councilman McMullen, seeonde~ by Manthy that T.H.Jones be deputised to alolt in this uapacity for the City. Motion unhnimou ly earrte c . Councilman McMullen presented a verbal appeal from the Sohool Principal for a donation of 30.00 per month to help defray the ex pense of maintaining Dreamland Hall as a gymnasium for the School, and made a motion to that effectxax ie. City donate 30.00per mont for n period of four months, oomencing with llovember; motion secon e Ly Councilman Neville. Calling the Roll folluwing Counoilmen voted AYE ; Manthy. McMullen, Neville and Stanton; The Finanoe Committee Councilman Swetmann and Meyer, voiced their protest to such an expenditure on account of shortage of funds and voted NAY on the Motion, Ayes 4 Nays 2 Motion Carried. Clerk instruoted to call for bids for the furnishing of ten tons of Coal by the City for Fire Hnll purposes. Light Committee instruated to l)ok into matter of purchasing light globes for Multiple Li~hting system. Matter of Federal Liaense being paid by Coopers Cash & CRrry partioularly pertaining to the sale of Drug~ up for disoussion; Motion by Councilman MuMullen, seoondeo by Manthy that Chief 0 Poliae be instructed to take this matter up with the Deputy United states Marshall with a view to enfor~eing oollection of Feoeral lioense if such be due. Calling the Roll; Following Councilman voted Aye; Manthy, Meyer. McMullen, ileville and Stanton; Counoilma Swetmann not voting. Chief of Police instructed to notify Chas. Leohner, in writing to remove debris from Sidewalk Site fronting his premises on sixth Avenue, setting time limit till November l4th. 1~32. There being no furtjer business to come before this meeting; It was, thereafter. upon proper motion adjourned. I I MAY 0 R ~thL.I~ ,C L r.. R K MOlJDAY. DECEMBER. .fst. l~o2 Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held this date in the Couneil Chambers; M:eeting called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 P.U. with all Councilmen pre~ent. Minutes of lust meeting read and approved. Letter from Seward Chamber of Commerce, relative to relief for destitute persons read; Upon regular motion duly seconded and oarried Mayor appointed Councilman stanton to aot with the Chamber of Commerce and other orginatzations in the matter. Councilman McMullen rep0rted that bid for light globes was awarded to Osbo' Electrio Soly. they being the lowest bidder,37.50 14 , . -.' .- MONDAY, December, ~st 1';132- Cont. Relative to Stoak damaging Cemetary; Councllmah McMullen repo ted that he had interviewed Mr Hatton, who stated that any damage the Jessee-LeeStook would be repaired. Claims 'totaling 940.60 presented as follows; BRnk of Seward 2 Keileheski 202.50. Balderston 100.00. Haverstook 50.00. Harwood Seward Water Sply 127.50. Ogle 1.84. Brown & HRwkins 112.25. E M unt 1.20. Diekerman Estate 60.00. Seward Trading 2.59. Lnnning 8.00. Ove Anderson 2.00. S.Leech S.OO. T.Jones l6.00. a.Boehm 1.50. T.Beasley 4.50. S.L.& Power. 182.75. Osbo. 7.31. Brosius 2.75. Motion by Couneilman Manthy, seconded by McMullen that claims s presented be allowed and vouchers drawn in pa~ent of same; CRllin the Roll. All Councilmen preent voter: Aye. Claim of 530.40 Earling Anderson final payment of SewerK Cont presente ; Motion By Councilman McMullen, seconded by MR.ntpy that be paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voteJ Aye. Claim of l~O.OO Bank of Seward for Fire Insurance on School presented; Motion by Councilman McMuLen. seconded by Mfinthy, Clai be paid: Calling the Roll; All Councilmen'Voted in the affirmative. Motion by Councilman Meyer, seoonded by I.IAnthy that the sum 0 3500.00 be withdrawn from the general fund and placed in s~vings A 1171 to take care of interest on SchOOl Bonds; CKlling the Roll; A Couneilman present Voted Aye. Motion by Councilman McMullen, seaondeu by stanton that the s of 1500.00 be withdrawn from the General Fund and placed in Saving Ale 1171 for redemption of SchOOl Bonds; Calling th~ Roll; All Couneilmen present voted in the Affirmative. Claim of Dr. Haverstock 1l86.52 for Hospital equipment, prese Mot ion by Councilma;l Manthy, scuunde6 by Meyer that claim be allow and W1;l.rrant drawn in payment of same; Culling the Roll; 'All Counoi pr~sent voted in the affirmative. Letter from Engineer, liar Dept. relative to maint!l.inance of Lowell Creek flume , read. referred to Counoilma.n l~eville and Swat Councilman Swetma.nn recomendad that Sohool Committee take up the matter of enforeing Fire Drill at Sehool with SQhool Superinta dant. There being no further business to comebafore this ~eeting. .t was, thereafter. upon proper motion adjourned. th ---< MAYOR MONDAY. DECill,rnER, 19th. 1~32. Reguler meeting of the Comrnu~ CounQil. City of Sewnrd. held th s dute in the Council ChR.mbers; Meeting called to order at d p.m. by Coundihman Meyer, acting Mayor pro-tern. with folL,wing Counuilmen present; Meyer. McMullen. Neville and stanton; Munits of last mee ing read and approved. Claim U.S.Rubber Products 271.01 presented; Hotion by Cuuncilma MaMullen, seoonded by Neville, Claim be paid; Calling the Roll, 0.1 Couneilmen present voted in the affirmative. Wire to Delegate .iiakersham reo Lowell Creck Flume read; Clerk instructed to send aopy to Ge. Mgr. Ohlson, a.sking his cOuperation Councilman Swetrnan:1 entereCi Council Chambers; Complaint of unsanitary condition existing on Merril property in bloak 1 referred to Sewer Committee. Sehool Committee reports matter of Fire Drill at School taken u with Superintendent DeBolt; Drills will be held more frequently. At reouest of Fairbanks Sohool Board; by unanimouse vote, Clerk .1' instructed to send aopy of plans and spefications of the Seward So House to City Clerk at Fnirbanks. with reouest to return same in good order when they have served their purpose. Matter of School Treasurers Bond held in abayanae till the retu Sehool Seoretary Sullivan. The hour for turning off street lights left in hands of Light Committee. There being no further business this meeting thereafter, adjour MAY 0 R 1(~i(i(WF \