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MOBDAY. NOVEMBER. 19th. 1934.
Re!ular meeting 06 the Coa~on Council, City of Seward, held this
date i. the Counoil Chambere; Meeti.! oalled t~ order at 8 p.m. by
Malor Brownell. with the followin~ Counoilmen present: Gilliland,
Ma.they, Meler. Osbo swetma.n;
Mi.utes of last meetin!. read, corrected and approved.
Light oommittee instruoted to inveeti!ate the feasibility of chan
!i.~ the an~le of street light fixtures on certain ptles on 2nd.
ave and Adams street, so as to prevent defleotion of lite by poole
Malor reports some oomplaint as to dumpin~ faoilities on the
garbage dump, Health oommittee instruoted to i.vesti~ate & report.
Metion by Counoilman Swetmann. seoonded by Manthel; Carried;
Clerk inetructed to write En!ineer Office War Dept. reo faultl
instalation of de-waterin! facilities of Lowell Creek Fluae .
Representatives of Seward School Students petitioned Counoil
for aid i. financing Gyanasiua for winter monthe, Motion by Osbo,
se..ndeo by Gilliland that the sum of $120.00 as asked be allowed
Callin! the Roll on the motion; All Councilme. present voted Aye.
Councilman swetmann. in behalf of Committee appointed to int
erview Mr. Graff with re!ard to reduotion of Li!ht & Power rates
and possible purohase of his Plant; Reports: Mr. Graff interviewed
states in substance, " New Diesel unit installed will furnish
100% additional service to that now being rendered, Will not con
eider making any reduction of present rates for light or other
electric ener!y at this time. Mi~ht oonsider special rate in the
event of Native Hospital oonstructed in City dependin! on the aam
ount of energy used. Places price of $175.000.00 plus oost of
Diesel in8talatlon now in progress for his plant.
Mayor presented letter from Govenors office enclosing belated
copy of specifications from en~ineers of Federal Emer~enol adminis
tration relative to Light & Power Plant for City; Motion by Manthe
seconded by Gilliland that the Mayor with aid of Light Committee
be instructed to wire Seoretary Iokes requesting extension of time
for presentation to Hew Oongress. Motion unanimously carried.
It was the uaanimous desision of the Council that the Merohant
Di!ht Watchman was to assume no Police Duties, Chief of Polioe so
street Committee was instruoted to see about neoessary repairs
t. aproach and bulkhead of 4th. Ave. Bridge, reporting recomendati
Olerk instructed to comunicate with J.S.Badger regarding dang
erous conditio. of building on lot 29 block 10 with view to having
same repaired or removed.
Motion by Councilman swetmann, seco.ded by Manthey. street oom
ittee all~wed a sum of not to exoede 10.00 for removal and filling
sidewalk on R.R.Ave. between 5th. & 6th streets, Calling the Roll,
All Councilmen present Voted in the Affirmative.
There being no further business to oome befor~ this .eetin~.
w!!-;, thereafter; upon proper motiO,n adjourned. .
'-t-r) , (~ '/>do-~f I2fKJd~a.1Mr
Regular aeeting of the Common Counoil. City 0' Seward, held
this date in the Council Chambers; Meetin! oalled to order a 8 p.m.
bY,Mayor Brownell. with folluwing Councilme~ present; Gilliland,
Meyer, Osbo & stanton; Minutes of1ast meeting read and approved.
Letter from Counoilman Swetmann, tendering resi~nation read;
ordered Tabled.
Letter from J.S.Badger, re.Warehouse building on lot 29 block 1
presented,Bo further action talcen;
Claims totaling 804.45 presented as follows: Banl of Seward 25. 0
Keilcheski 170.00. Balderstom 100.00. Haverstock 50.00. Harwood
25.00. Seward water Sp17 132.50. Ogle's 11.45. Seward L.~ P. li2.75.
Dov. Pay Roll. 70.76. Oabo's 15.00. Sew.rd Machine Shop 9.76. C.M.
BrosiuB 15.00. Seward Drug 3.40. BroWD & Hawkins 9.20. Signal Corps
4. i5. Motion by stanton, secondeli by Gilliland that olaias be paid,
Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted in the Affirmative.
Motion by Oebo, seconded by Meyer that the sum of $iOOO.OO be
withrrawn from the General Fund and plaoed in Savings A/c 1171 for
paymemt on Interest & Retireaent of SchoOl Bond; Callint thebRoll,
All Counoilmen present Voted Aye.
MONDAY, DECEMBER, 3rd. 1934. Cont.
As a result of report by Councilman Meyer reo repairs to Hospital
baseaenti A motion was made by Councilman stanton, seoonded by Gil
taat an additional sum of 50.00, makiD& a total of 150.0Q be allow
the Seward General Hoapital to help defray oost of repairs as stat
Calli.! the Roll. All Counoilaan present Voted in the Affirmative.
Motion by stanton, seoonded by Osbo that Health Committee be
authorized to expend a sum of not to exoede 50.00 for putting Garb
Duap in shape for better dumping facilitiesi Calling the Rolli All
Counoilmen present Toted Aye.
Upon report of Coinoilaan Gillilandi A motion was aade by stant
secondea by Osbo, that the street Committee be authorized to expen
sum of not.to excede 15.00 for repairs to bulkheads of 4th. Ave,Br
Calling the Rolli All Counoilman present Voted in the Affirmative.
Motion bl Counoilman Osbo, seconded by stanton that the street
Cemmittee be authorized to expend a sum of not to exoede 25.00 for
plaoin! Guard Rails on Chamberlain Hilli Calling the Rolli All
Couacilmaa preseat Voted Aye.
Threre being no further businesB to oome before this meeting, i
~' thire~f~r.upon prepe: motion Adjourned.
~r~y r~~ ~*iii~mb
MONDAY, DECEMBER, 10th. 1934.
n, l
Speoial meeting held this date in the Counoil Chambers, aee
oalled to order py Mayor Brownell at S.P.M. with all Councilmen p
Meeting for purpose of disoussin! and answerin! wire reoeiv
from R.T.Gridley, state En!ineer Inspeotor, P.W.A. for Alaska. J
Alaska. Askin! what applioations City of Seward mi!ht make for Pu
Work Projeots in the event that P.W.A. funds were made available
an interest rate of 3% with no !rant allowanoei
DiscuSSion resulted in the followin! proJeots bein! named u der ~
proper motion, duly eeoouded and oarried i . I
No.1, Ilotion by Manthey, seoonded Gilliland, $100,000.00 f r
Hyd.o-Electrio R~.jeo~ (Lost Lake) No.2. Motion by M~nthey, seo nded
Gilliland, $35.00~.00 for llunioipal Buildin!, ( Offices. Fire Hall,
Council Chambere and Gymnaslum). No. 3.Motion by swetmann, seooad d
by Manthey, $2.000.00 for oompletion of 1st. ATenue Sewer. No.4.
$5.000.QO for Floating Dook to accomidate Small Boats. ".Motion y
Osbo, seoonded by Manthey, No.5. Motion, by Swetmann, seoonded by Osbo
$1.000.00 for Stoakar for Sohool House. No.i. Motion by Manthey.
seconded by Gilliland $5.000.00 for Salt water Fire system. (Pum in!)
The above projeots totalin! $148.000.00.
Meet n! a~Journed. .
(0 ~
MONDAY. JANUARY, 7th. 1935.
Regular meeting of the Common Counail, City of Seward, held thi
date in the Counoil Chambers, medt1ng oalled to order by Mayor D.C
Brownell at .8 P.M. with the followiJag Counoilmen present: Gil.l. Uan . lj
Manthey, Meyer, Osbo, stanton and Swetmann; _ ' ':Ijp :",
Minutes of last regular and speoial meetings read and appr9 " 'I~j
Claims totaling $1652.14, presente as follows i .t.nk of Sew.~ " l;)O" l
Keilcheski 170.00. Balderston 100.00. Haverstook 50.00. Harwo~ 2 00
Seward Water Sply. 127.50. Seward L.& P.13S.25. Oabo 13.35. Ogle 9 56.
Gateway Pub. Co. 14.78. Seward Maohine Shop 20.25. Alaska Transfer 5.00
Eureka Fire Hose 266.60, Signal coeps 28.95. Cash 79.40. Deoember
Pay Roll 499.25. Ernestine Jessen 3.00. Seward Trading 6.75. C.M.
Brosius 65.10. Ed Wagner 25.00.
Motion by Counoilman Swetmann, seoonded by Manthey that Claims
as presented by paidi Calling the Roll All Coqnoilmen Voted Aye.
Clerk authorized to reoeipt for. oQPy of Compiled Laws of Ala8k
1933 Session. sent from Juneau by Auditor.
Following Resolution re- Date of Delinquent Tax Sale, %K& pres
ented and readi
MOBDAY, JANUARY, 7th. 1935, Cont.
THAT by vertue of and persuant of a duly entered Order of Sale
dated the lOth. day of December, 1934, made and entered by the
District court of the Territory of Alaska, Third Division, in the
matter of the applioation of the City of Seward, Alaska a Municipal
Corporation for an order of sale of certain Munioipal Delinquent
Taxes for the years 1931, 1932, 1933,togeather with Penalty. Intere t
and cost. the Clerk of the City of seward is hereby directed to sel
the property described in the Order of sale and the Delinquent Tax
Roll, or as much thereof as on the date of the sale herein after
prescribed shall be found unpaid as to tax, penalty, interest and
cost upon each specific tract, in the manner provided by law.
2. That the Clerk of the city of Seward, shall cause to be made
due and sufficient notice of said sale, by posting No8ice thereof
in four conspicuous places, as prescribed by law.
3. That the sale of the Real pr~perty listed on the Delinquent
Tax Rolls of the City of Seward, Alaska, for the years 1931- 1932-
1933, to satisfy and discharge the lien of the unpaid taxes for
the several and specifio tracts described togeather with penalty,
interest and cost, be had at public auction at the office of the
M.unicipal Clerk. Seward, ,Alaska, upon the 15th. day of February,
1935, between the hours of 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. and if said Tax Sale
is not ooncluded on said day, the same shall continue from day to d y
over sundays and Holidays until the property subject to Tax Sale,
and in said notice is disposed of.
4. That each tract upon the delinquent tax roll of the City of
Seward, Alaska, for the years 1931- 1932- 1933, be sold seperatly
and be offered for the amount of tax, penalty, interest and cost
due thereon, and if sufficient is not bid to discharge the amount
thereon, said specific tract shall be bid in by the Clerk of the
City of seward, Alaaka, for and in behalf of Bald Municipality frr
the amount of tax, penalty, interest and coat, making proper xatXB
notation on said Delinquent Tax Roll.
passwd under suspension of rules this 7th. day of January, 1935.
.- ---?
" A 0 R C L E R K
Motion by councilman Manthey, seconded by Oabo. that the Rules
be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution; Calling ~he Roll
on the motion, All Councilmen present Vote{ in the Affirmative.
On the Question, Shall the Resolution be adopted? All Councilme
present voted Aye; Whereupon the Mayor declaired the Resolution
Adopted, and Signed same.in open Session.
Following Resolution presented;
THAT the Mayor and Clerk of said City of Seward, be and hereby are
authorized to sign for and in behalf of said City am Application
for a loan from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public
Works in the sum of Forty-Eight Thousand Dollars (48.000.00) at an
interest rate of 3% for the construction and equipment of the
following Municipal projects to-wit;
1. 135.000.00 for oonstructing Municipal Building~
2. 2.000.00 for Installation of Sewerv
3. 5.000.00 for ereotion of Dook for small boat6~
4. 1.000.00 for installation of Automatic Stokers in Sohool
House and Hospital.
5. $ 5.000.00 for installation of salt Water Pumping System for
Fire Protection.
~ss~d und,e,r suspension of Rule,S this 7th. day of Januar) 1935.
V\).!U f!;;;h-?-;~j:~ d~u{/d.t;tw
M.AY R -- "'- ., LERK
Motion by Councilman stanton, seconded by M.eyer that the Rules
be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution; Calling the Roll
all Councilmen present voteo in the Affirmative.
On the Question. Shall the Resolution be adopted? All Council-
men Voted AYE. '
Whereupon the Mayor declaired the Resolution Adopted and Signed
same in open session.
MONDAY, January,. 7th. 1\;135, Cont.
There being further business to oome before this Meeting; A Motjon
was made by Counoilman Oebo, seoonded by Meyer that same be held olen
to meet at 7 o'olook P.M. Tuesday, .January, 15th. 1935; Calling thE
Roll on the Motion; All Counoilmen Voted in the Affirmative.
TUESDAY, January, 15th. 1935.
AdJourned Regular meeting of the Common Counoil. City of Seward,
held this date in the Counoil Chambers; Meeting called to order by
Mayor Brownell at 7 P.M. with the following Councilmen present.
Gilliland, Manthey, Meyer, Oabo Stanton and Swetmann.Abeent None.
The following Ordinance No.12l introduced by Mayor Brownell,reae
in full by Clerk and oonsidered by Council;
Section 1. That the loan and grant agreement between the City of
Seward, Alaska, and the United states of Amerioa under and subjeo1 to
the terms by whioh the United states will by lvan and grant not
exoecing in he aggregate the sua of .118,000.00 to ald said City
of Seward, Alaska, in finanoing the oonstruotion of an Eleotrio
Light and Power plant a oopy of which Loan and Grant Agreement is
filed among the public reoords of the City of seward, Alaeka, in t e
offioe of the Mauneipal Clerk and whioh Loan and Grant Agreement
is hereby made a part shereo!, be and the same is hereby in all
respeots approved.
Section 2. That the Mayor of the said City be and hereby is
authorized and direoted to exeoute suoh Lasn and Grant Agreement
in triplioate on behalf of the City, and the Clerk of said City b
and hereby is authorized and direoted to impress or affix the
offioial seal of said City on eaoh of said three oopies of said
Loan and Grant Agreement and to attaoh suoh seal.
Seotion 3. That said Clerk is hereby authorized and direoted
to forthwith forward three oopies of said Loan and Grant Agreemen
as executed on behalf of said City to the Federal Emergenoy Admin
istration of Public Works, Washington. D.C.
Section 4. That the Mayor and Clerk be and they hereby are
empowered on behalf of said City to ..x request and consent to,
modifications of or ohanges in said Loah and Grant Agreement with
referenoe to the designation, date, denomination, medium of payme~t
places of payment. and registration or conversion privil.ges of
the bonds to be issued taereunder in order to comply with the re-
quirements of law and of the prooeedings taken for the issuance o~
said bonde, and the execute in the same manner as said Loan and
Grant Agreement anf further instruments that may be found desirab e
in conneotion with suoh modifioations or ohanges.
Seotion 5. That said Clerk be and hereby 1s authorized and di~
reoted to forthwith send to said Federal Emergenoy Administration
of Publio Works two oertified oopies of this Ordinanoe and two
oertified oopies of the prooeedings of the meeting in oonnection
with the adoption of this taBaix%xaa Ordinance, and suoh other
doouments of proof in oonnevtion with the approval and eXEoution
of said Loan and Grant Agreement as may be requested by said Federal
Emergenoy Administration of Publio Works.
It was moved by Counoilman swetmann, and seoonded by Counoilm~n
Keyer that all rules of the meeting whioh might prevent, unless j
suspended, the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance at tb~s .
meeting, be and the same are hereby suspended for .the purpose of
permitting the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance at
this meeting.
The question being upon the adoption of --.Y1!'JlDll said moticn
and the suspension of suoh rules, the roll was called with the
following results; AYES 6. NAYS O.
The Mayor deolaired said motion oarried and such rules suspelded,
Counoilman Manthey then moved that said Ordinance be now placed
upon its final passage. Councilman Gilliland seoonded the motior.
. ,,' .:.'< ",~., - :<. ," ',\,;.. ...;..\. .""'
MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 4th. 1935. Cont.
property at the corner of 4th. Avenue and Railroad Avenue; as a
result of this complaint; . A motion was made by Councilman Swet-
mann seconded by Gilliland that the Chief of Poltce be instructed
to n~tify Mr.Lechner to clean the snow from the sidewalks in quest
ion by the hour of Noon Tuesday, Feby. 5th.1935, failing which the
snow would be remove~ by the City at Mr.Lechners expense.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
MARCH, 4th. 1935.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held
this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8 pm.
by Aoting Mayor Meyer, with the following Councilmen present;
Gilliland, Manthey, Meyer, Osbo and S.atmann;
Minites of the last meeting read and approved;
Motion by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Gilliland, that Councilma
Sewtmann's resignation as a member of the Common Council be accepte
effective when his successor is elected at Municipal election to be
held April, 2nd. 1935. Calling the Roll on the motion; All Council-
men present voted in the affirmative.
Following Resolution presented;
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Co~non Council, City of Seward, Alaska,
That Ordinance no. 113. being an ordinance to amend Ordinance No.84
by the addition of Section 5-a thereto 'roviding for the Licensing
of Motor Vehicles opperated upon the streets of the City of Seward
and imposeing a licesse fee of $6.00per annum on same; Be and here-
by is Repealed.
Be it further resolved that the City Clerk be, and hereby is
authorized to refund any and all license fees oollected for the
Fiscal Year oommenceing January 1st. 1~35 for the opperation of
Motor Vehioles as presoribed in Ordinance No. 113.
-~ Passed under suspension of rules this 4th. day of March 1936.
eve) U~~4C
Mayor \ Clerk.
Motion was made by Councilman Swetmann, seconded by Manthey,
that the rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution;
Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present Voted Aye.
On the question "Shall the Resolution be adopted? All Council-
men present voted in the affirmative.
Claims totaling $1676.75 presentef as follows: Bank of Seward
26.00. Keilcheski 170.00. Balderston 100.00. gaverstock 50.00.
Seward Water Sply. 132.50. Seward L.1Ie P. 153.60. J.L.Graef 1.76.
Jeanne Ir~nside 15.75. Feby. Pay Roll 38.75. Postmaster 58.12.
Osbo's 6.00. MoMullen 1.00. Ogle's 4.18. B.1Ie H. 20.10. Brownell
300.00. Seward General Hospital 600.00;
Motion be Councilman Manthey, Seconded by Gilliland that Claim
as presented be allowed and Vouchers drawn in payment of Same,
Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present Voted Aye.
Two telegrams fro Mayor Brownell advising progress being made
by him in Washington D.C. relative to Light plant and other Munici
pal projects, read. Council expressed gratifioation and appreciat-
ion ax of Mayor Brownell's efforts.
Councilman Manthey drew attention to disregard of Trafic Ordin
naoe regulating prooedure during responce of Fire Equipment to Fire
Alarms; Attention was called to this matter by notioe in Gateway.
Councilman Osbo advised that street light had been placed in
the Ally between 5th. and 6th, Avenues.
There being no further business to come before this meeting.
it was thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
Aoting Mayor.
- ---"._'--._-'"~---- -. --- ~
TUESDAY,. JANUARY, 15th. 1935. Cont.
The question being put upon the plaoing os said Ordinanoe upon
its final passage, the roll ...as oalled with te following results
The Mayor deolaired the motion ,oarried.
Counoilman stanton thereupon moved that said Ordinanoe be final
passed and adopted as introduced and read. Councilman Osbo seoonde
the motion.
The question being put upon the final passage and adoption of
said Ordinance, the roll was called with following results Ayes &.
The Mayor thereupon declaired said motion carried and
finally passed and adopted.
c=t~e Mayor thereupon signe~ said Ordinance
F\),C';;~ .
in approval thereof.
It was moved by Councilm~n Swetmann, and seconded by Counoilman
Stanton that the meeting adjourn; Motion Carried.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 4th. 1935.
Regualr meeting of the ComJl10n Council, City of Se.ard, held th s
date in the Counoil Chambers, wi~h the following Councilmen presen ,
Gilliland, Manthey. Meyer and Swetmann. ,
In the absenoe of Mayor Brownell, Counoilman Meyer, was by un-
anemoue vote, appointed as Aoting Mayor and called this me<:ting to
_order at 8 P.M.
Minutes of last meetings read and approved; Claims totaling
$939.87 presented as follows; Bank of Seward. 25.00. Keiloheski 17 .00
Balderston 100.00. Haverstook 50.00. Seward Water Sply 132.50.
January Pay Roll 217.25. Seward Light & Power 161.46. Signal Corps
44.70. Brown & Hawkins 27.10. Ogles Garage 4.17 Osbo's 6.10.
Motion by Manthey, seoonded by Gilliland that olaims as presen d
be paid; Calling the Roll all Councilman presan, voted Aye.
Claim Sewrad Drug Co. 1.60 presented. by proper motion made an
carried olaim o~dered paid.
Bill presented by J.B.Badger for rent $105.00 for use of space in
warehouse covering a period of three years. As no authorization fo any
suoh expenditure was ever given or rental agreement entered into
by the City, Clerk was instruoted to return ~ill to Mr. Badger and
advise him of Counoil's aotion in the matter.
~ It having been deemed ,advisable by the do~aon Council, that th
City of Seward be r~presented in Washington D.C. on February 18th.
1935, at which date Bill will be presented to Congress for bonding
the City for the oonstruotion of Electric Light & Power Plant, and
Kayo~ Brownell having offered his servises as such representative;
AMotion was made by Councilman Gilliland, Seconded by Counoilman
Manthey, that a sum of not to excede $300.00 be allowed Mayor
Brownell to pay his fare from Seward to Washington D.C. and return
to seward, Alaska; Calling the Ro~l on the motion; All Councilmen
present voted in the affirmatiVe. Motion carried.
A letter from the state Engineers offiie of the Federal Emerge oy
Administration of Public Works, Juneau, Alaska, presented; Adviein
that the Cities application of a loan at 3% for the following
Munioipal ~rojeots to-wit $35.000.00 for construction of Municipal
Building. ,2.000.00 for completion of Sew.aer.. $5.000.00 for the
construction of Dook for small crafts. $1.000.00 for Stoker for
Public School. $5.000.00 for oonstruction of salt Water Fire
proteotion system. totaling $48.000.00 be changed to a request for
a loan on a basis of ~ with a Grant of 30% . It was moved by
Councilman Swetmann, seconded by Meyer that any action in this mat er
.. be held over for two weeks, Motion unanimously carrieo.
Mr.C.M.Brosius. in person, presented a complaint againstChae.
Lechner for the uncleaned condition of sidewalks fronting his
, '., i. ~_"",~
MONDAY, APRIL, 1st. 1935
Regular meeting of the Common Council held this date in the
Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Meyer at
8 P.M. with ~he following Councilmen present; Gilliland, Manthey,
Meyer, Osbo and stanton.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Claims totaling 867.44 presented as follows: Bank of Seward 25.00
Keilcheski 205.00 Balderston 100.00. Haverstock 50.00. March Pay
Roll 85.50. Morford Agent 60.00. Cash 28.65. Seward Water Sply 132.
Ogles 1.64. Gateway 22.50. Brown & Hawkins 15.95. Seward L & P 134.
Osb~'s Electric Supply 6.00.
Motion by Councilman Manthey. seconded by Gilliland that claims
as presented be paid; Calling the Roll, All Councilmen present vote
in the affirmative.
Motion by Councilman Manthey, secondeo by Gilliland that light
Committee be authorized to purchase half case (30) ax 6.6 Street
light Globes; Calling the Roll all Councilmen voted Aye.
Mayor appointed Councilman Osbo and the clerk to see Attorney
Ray for information requested by Mayor Brownell in regard to bondin
Hydroelectric plant.
Clerk instructed to write War Dept. calling attention to the
necessity of repairing and cleaning out gravel from Lowell Creek
Flume caused by December floods.
Mayor reminded Council to meet as a canvasing Board at 2 P.M.
Wednesday, April 3rd.1935 to canvas ballots cast at Municipal Elect 0
There being no further business to come before this meeting, it
was, thereafter, upon proper motion Adjourned.
Z Afld$LtA4h;
Acting MAY 0 R ., C L E R K
Council met at 2 p.m. this date as a Canvasing Board; at which
meeting the following Resolution was presented;
WHEREAS; In aooordance with the laws of the Territory of Alaska
and Ordinance 44 of the City of Seward, Alaska. and notice given a
Municipal election was held in the town hall in said City on the 2n
day of April, 1935, and,
WHEREAS; In accordance with the certificates filed with the
Municipal Clerk of said City by the election Officers of said elect 0
the following named persons received the exact number of votes plac d
after their respective names for offices hereinafter named to-wit;
FOB MAYOR D.C.Brownell 210 FOR COUNCILMAN 2 year term;
Walter Holben 1 Chas Cameron 141. Gus Manthey 178
A.H.L.Meyer 4 J.Blase 70. A.H.L.Meyer 7. J.Stanton 8
P.C.MoMullen 1 Mrs. Joe Sheldon 2. John Helm 5.
A.H.Haverstock 1 Dr.Roberts 17. P.C.McMullen 4. P.Ogle
H.Hoben 1. John Rosness 2. Frank Shultz 2. John
salit 1. Harold Painter 1. Carl Orlan-
der 5. J.S.Hofman 2. L.E.Williams 1.
For COUNCILMAN One year term; John Helm 8. Jack Rosness 2. P.N.
Anderson 2. Dr. Roberts 31. C.E.Orlander 8. Henry Frost 2. Elwyn
Swetmann 4. Mr.Busey 1. John SaHt 4. .J.S.Hofman 3. A.H.L.Meyer 1
J.Bla8e 5. John Rosness 1. A.Novak 1.
For MEMBER OF SCHOOL BOARD; A.H.Bryant 171. Curtis R.Morford 2.
Mr.Kunz 2. Fred C. Miller 1. Mrs. Malloy 4. MrsSheldon 3. Sol Urie 1
WHEREAS. The returnes of said eleotion were canvassed by the
Common Council of said City at 2 o'clook P.M. April !rd 1935.
SEWARD, ALASY~. that in aocordance with the results of said electio
as above determined, the following named persons having received th
highest number of votes for the respective offices to-wit;
FOR COUNCILMAN 1 Year term A.R.Roberts
AND TKAT THEY BE. and hereby are declaired elected to said respecti e
Passed under suspension of rules this 3rd. day of April, i935.
Motion by Councilman stanton, seoonded by Osbo, thet the rules
su~pended for the adoption of the Resolution; Calling the
ounoilmen present voted in #he Affirmative:
On the question " Shall the Resolution be adopted" All Counoilm
present Voted Aye.
The Canvassing Board having performed its duties. It
Aoting M: A Y 0 R
WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 10th.1935.
Adjourned meeting of the Common Counoil, City of Seward, held
this date in the Counoil Chambers:, Meeting oalled to order by Aoti
Mayor Meyer, at 8 P.M.: with the following Counoilmen present:
Gilliland, Manthey, Meyer and Oebo.
Claims totaling 2135.99 presented as follows: Treasurer Seward
Sohool Board 2000.00 Keiloheski 50.00. Balderston 33.33. Haverstoa
16.66. Morford 6.00 Peel 6.00. Laughlin 6.00. Melloy 6.00. Prosser
6.00. Sexton 6.00.
Motion by Counoilman Manthey, seconded bp Gilliland that olaim
as presented be paid; Calling the Roll on the Motion, All Counol1m n
present voted in the affirmative.
Resignation of E.P.Harwood as member ~f Sohool Board presented
aooepted by unanimous vote.
Resignation of A.R.Roberts as member eleoted for one year term
as Counoilman, presented: Resigantlon aocepted by unanimous vote.
Aoting Mayor, Meyer expresser his appretiation,for the absent
Mayor,to the outgoing members of the Council for the efforts in
behalf of the Cities Administration: Weloomed the incomeing Counoi
and partioularly stressed the splendid efforts being made by the
Hon. Mayor Brownell, now in Washington, D.C. at great personal
saorifioes he is making in laying before the Federal" Administratio
the various needs of the oomunity.
There being no further business to oome before this meeting, i
was thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned Sine-Die.
Aoting M A Y 0 R
Immediately fOllowing the adjournement of the out-going Counoi
Aoting Mayor Manthey, oalled the new Counoil to order;
Oaths of Offioe were administered to the inoomeing Counoilmen.
By unanimous vote of the Counoil, Counoilman Manthey was appointed
to aot as Mayor pro-tem in the absenoe of Mayor Brownell.
There being no furtherbusinees to oome up at this meeting, it
was thereafter upon proper motion adjourned.
Aoting MAY 0 R
Monday, April, 15th. 1935.
Regulae meeting of the Common Counotl, City of Seward. held t
date in the Counoil Chambers; Counoilman Manthey appointed Preside
pro-tem of the Counoil acting ~s Mayor: ~eetin~ oalled to order b
Mayor Manthey at 8 P.M. with the following Counoilmen present;
Blase, Gilliland Cameron Manthey and Osbo.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Wire from Mayor Brownell aaking for authortiy to sign neoessary Pa
to Federal Power Commission for Permit, read, resulting the follow
Resolution being presented:
BE IT RESOLVED, By the Common Counoil of the Town (or city) of
Seward, Alaska. in regular meeting assembled:
1. That D.C.Brownell (Don Carlos Brownell) Mayor of the Town (city
of Seward, Alaska, be and he is hereby designated and appointed as
Agent, for and in behalf of said Munioipality, and in its oorporst
name, to make, exeoute, sign. aoknowledge, deliver and file with
the FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION of the United states, for the purpose
of oonstruoting. operating and maintaining dams. water conduits,
.resevoirs,power houses, transmission lines or other projeot works,
Monday, April. 15th. 1935. Cont.
neoessary or oonvenient for the developement, transmission or util-
izationof power, aoross or upon any part of ghhe publio domain of
the United states,situate within the Territory of Alaska, and oonve
nient in looationfor utilization in oonneotion with a proposed Hydr
electrio project for said Town of Seward, all for municipal purpose
an application for permit, in acoordanoe with the rules and regula-
tions of said Federal Power Commission and existing law relative
2. That full power and authority is hereby confered and granted to
the said D.C.Brownell to do and to perform for and on behalf of sai
Town of seward, and in its oorporate name, any and every act and
thing necessary and requisite in the premises, with full ratificati n
3. That a duly oertified oopy of the Resolution duly certified by
the municipal clerk of the Town of Seward, and under its corporate
seal, be forthwith forwardet to the Federal Power Commission at
Washington, D.C.
Adopted under suspension of rules, and ~PPROVED, this 15th.
day of April. A.D. 1~35.
Acting Mayor.
(President~ ~ of Common Counoil)
Motion by Councilman Blase, seconded by Gilliland that the r
be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution; Calling the Roll,
All Councilmen present voted AYE.
On the question"Shall the Resolution be adopted?" All Council
men present voted in the AFFIRMATIVE.
Whereupon the Acting Mayor approved the Resolution and signed
same in open session.
Clerk instructer tdl wire Mayor Brownell at Washington D.C.
advising of authority given him as per above Resolution.
Letter from Attorney Cuddy reo Hoben oase ardered tabled.
Councilman Osbo reports Multiple Lights in out ~aying districts
cut out on this date.
By unanimous vote of the Council ORDINAl{CE 122 appointing
Bessie M.Malloy as SchOOl Tax Collector for the year 1~35, was
passed and approved under suspension of rules.
Liquor Laws for 1~35, presentee; ordered tabled till return
of Mayor Brownell.
Advisability of appointing a Coun cilman fo r the one year
term discussed; resulting in a Motion by Councilman Osbo, seconded
by Blase that J.B.Hofman pe appointed to fill the vacancy; Calling
the Roll All Councilman present voted in ~he Affirmative.
Motion by Councilman Blase, seconded by Gilliland, that the
fire committee be authorized to expend a sum of not to excede $40.0
for the burning of Grass within the City Limits; Calling the Roll,
All Councilmen Voted Aye.
Aoting Mayor appointed temporary Finanoe Committee oonsisting
of Counoilman Blase as Chairman and Councilman Osbo as Member.
There being no further business to come before this meeting.
it was. thereafter upon proper motion adjourned.
Aoting MAY 0 R
MONDAY? 1~Y, 6th. 1935.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward. held
this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by act
ing Mayor Manthey at 8.30 P.M. with the following Councilmen pres
ent; Blase. Cameron. Gilliland Manthey and Osbo.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Claims totaling 2785.30 presented as follows: Bank of Seward 25.00
Keilcheski l20.00 Balderston 66.67. Haverstock 33.3.. S.Water Sply
132.5.0. Seward L.& P. 111.15. Alaska R.R. 12.00. Signal Corps 20.0
M.SE~ft 10.00. Gateway Pub Co. 15.00. Ogles 1.54. McMullen 2.00.
Sewatd Drug 1.05. Osbo's 35.25. April Pay Roll 80.75. B & H.19.00
D.C.Brownell 100.00. Seward School Board 2000.00.
Motion by Councilman Cameron, seconded bp Gilliland that Claim
as presented be paid; Calling the Roll All CounQllmen Voten Aye
MONDAY, MAY, 6th. L935. Cont.
By Unanimous vote of the Counoil, following applioations for
Licenses were passed on favorably, Josie Sandvik, Restaurant
Emma Lu Sweet Retail Lioense. Nick HOdak Beverage dispensary
John Matioh. Beverage dispensary license. J.W.Blase Beverage
sery license. Charles Cameron Restaurant license.
Motion by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Blase that John Helm be
appointed to the office of Councilman for term ending April, 10th.
1936. Calling the roll on the motion; All Councilmen Voted Aye.
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CO~JON COUNCIL, of the Town (or city) of
Seward, Alaska. in regular meeting assembled;
1. That D.C.Brownell (Don Carlos Brownell) May of the Town (oi y)
of Seward. Alaska, be and he is hereby designated and appointed as
A@ent, for and on behalf of said municipality, and in its oorporat
name, to make, exeoute, sign; aoknowledge, deliver and file with t e
necessary Administration of the United states, any and all documen s
necessary in oonneotion with NEW PUBLIC WORKS A~MINISTRATION CONT 'OT
as imbodied in Bill passed by U.S.Senate, and pertaining to Eleotr 0
Light & Power Plant for .aX. the Town (oit~) of Seward, Alaska.
2. That full power and authority is hereby oonferred and grant
to the said D.C.Brownell to do and to perform for and on behalf 0
said Town of Seward, and in its oorporate name, any and every act
..x~ and thing necessary and requisite in the premises, with full
ratification thereof;
3. That two duly certified copies of this Resolution. duly
certified by the Municipal Clerk of the Town of Seward,and under i s
oorporate Seal, be forthwith forwarded to the said D.C.Brownell at
Washington. D.C.
ADOPTED under suspension of rules, and APPROVED this 6th. day
of May, A.D.l935.
Aoting Mayor.
(President pro ~ of Common Council.)
Motion by Councilman Cameron. seconded by Gilliland that the
rules be suspended for the Adoption of the Resolution; Calling the
Roll, all Councilman present voted in the Affirmative.
On the Question "Shall teh Resolution be Adoptes?" All Counci
Voted AYE; Whereupon the Acting Mayor Signed the Resolution and
declaired same Adopted and Approved in Open Session.
Applioations for Municipal Offioes presented as follows:
F.Keiloheski, Chief of Polioe and Fire Chief. A.D.Balderston, Ole
Assessor and Magistrate. Dr. A.D.Haverstool Health Officer. G.W.
Fryer City Attorney. H.S.Balderston Treasurer; By Unanimous vote
Counoil instruoted Acting Mayor to oast ballot for Present encumb
to above named offices. with exception of City Attorney which was
ordered tabled. Aoting Mayor oast such ballot and declaired F.
Keiloheski. A.D.Balderston, A.D.Haverstock and K.S.Balderston dul
appointed to their respective offioes.
Salary Ordinanoe Number 123 was presented.
An Ordinanoe fixing the rate of oompensation to be paid by the
City of Seward, Alaska. to offioers appointed by the 'Common Counc
of said City for the term ending April. 10th. 1936, or until thei
suooessors are appointed and qualified and repealing all Ordinano s
in conflict herewith and declairing an emergenoy;
SECTION 1.That the compensation to be paid the municipal officers
of the City of Seward, Ala'ka, for the term ending April. lOth193
or until the successors of said offices are appointed and qualifi
is hereby fixed and established by the terms hereinafter oontaine
in this Ordinance, which compensation shall be neither increased
diminished during the continuance of suoh Officers in office. nor
shall such officers be entitled tr receive in any form or shape a
other additional compensation from the City.
SECTION 2. The Office of Munioipal Clerk , Assessor and Magistrat
shall be combined, and the holder thereof shall receive a monthly
salary at the rate of $150.00 per month.
Section 3. The City Attorney shall reoeive a monthly salary kf at
, the rate of $25.00 per month.
MONDAY, MAY, 6th. 1935. Cont.
SECTION $. The Municipal Health Officer shall receive a monthly
salary at the rate of $50.00 per month.
Seotion 5. The Municipal Treasurer shall receive an annual salary
of $1.00 per year.
SECTION 6. The office of Chief of Polioe and Fire Chief shall be
combined and the holder thereof shall receive a monthly salary at
the rate of '200.00 per month.
Section 7. Each of the salaries herein provided shall be paid out
of the General Fund of the City of Seward, and shall be paid Month y
The Common Council shall at its first meeting in eaoh month
approve and order paid the salaries of all the above named Officer
for the preoeding month and proper warrants shall be drawn on the
Treasurer for the paymant of same.
SECTION 8. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict here-
with are hereby repealed. .
SECTION 9. An emergency is hereby declaired to exist, and this
Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and
Passec by the Common Couneil. City of Seward, Alaska,
this 6th. day of May, 1935.
a ./}(J<? 0 L dd.r7';;;:
APPROVED this 6th. day of May, 1935.
Motion by Councilman Blase. seconded by Cameron that the first
reading of Ordinance Bo. 123, be oonsidered its second and third
readings and that Ordinance be placed upon its Passage; Calling th
Roll All Councilmen Voted Aye.
On the question "Shall Ordinance lio. 123 Pass?" All Councilmen
present voted in the Affirmative; Whereupon the Acting Mayor Signe
and Approved Ordinance lio. 123. in open Session.
Motion was made by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Cameron that t e
Chief of Police be instructed to investigate complaint made by
Councilman Gilliland relative to undue noise emenating from the
Cameron Cafe after the hour of 1 o'clock A.M. Motion unanimously
carrier, Chief of Police so instructed.
Mayor appomted Counoilmen Gilliland and Blase to meet and con
fer with Volunteer Fire Dept. regarding the purchase of Fire Pump.
Motion by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Blase that the scale of
wages paid to all classes of Labor performed for the City be raise
from 501 per hour to 751 per hour. Calling the Roll on the Motion
All Councilmen Voted in the Affirmative. So Ordered.
Under Motion by Counoilman Gilliland. secondec by Cameron. the
Light Committee was by Unanimous Vote, authorizea to expend a sum
of not to excede $10.00 for oonnecting Street Light on corner of
Third Avenue and Adams Street.
Threr being no further business to uome before this meeting,
it was thereafter, upon proper motion Adjourned.
/;l/cJ7:? d/;. d.{fol~
""1tL E R K.
Acting MAY 0 R
MONDAY, MAY, 20th. 1935.
Regular meeting of the Co~~on Council. City of Seward, held this
date in the Council Chambers; Oath 01 Office administered to John
Helm as Councilman;
Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Manthey at 8 P.M. with
the following Councilmen present: Blase. Cameron, Gilliland, Helm.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
ORDINANCE no. 124.
1. That, the maximum nuhber of Beverage Jllispensary Licenses issued
witpin the Corporate limite of the City of Seward, Alaska, be, and
hereby is limited to FOUR only, during anyone license period.
2. That the .vm~v maximum number of Retail Liquor Licenses issued
within the Corporate limits of the City of Seward. Alaaska, be. and
MONDAY, MAY, 20th. 1935. Cont.
hereby is limited to FIVE only,during any one license period.
3. That an emergency is hereby declaired to exist, and that th s
Ordinance shall take effect immediately ppon its passage and Approv 1.
Passed under suspension of rules this 20th. day of May, .1935.
Aoting Mayor, President
pro ~ of the Council.
Motion by Councilman Cameron, seconded by Blase that the be
suspended 1ax and that the first reading of Ordinance No. 124
sidered its seoond and third readings and that said Ordinanoe oed
upon its passage; Calling the R011; All Counoilmen voted Aye.
On the question "Shall Ordinanoe No.124 pase?~ All Qounoilmen
present voted in the affirmative; Whereup.on t~e Aoting Mayor Signe
and Approved Ordinanoe NO. 124 in open session.
Under motion by Counoilman Gilliland, seoonded by Helm, and U
mously oarried; the following applications for Licenses w~re favora
passed upon; John W.Blase, Beverage Dispensary; John Colberg. Bev
Dispensary. Brown & Hawkins, Retail Liquor. Brown & Hawkins, Whole
sale Beer & wine. Elwyn Swetmann. Retail Liquor.
As a result of the cities ooordination and inspeotion of the
Seward Air Port with Murray Hall, Inspector of Air Ports for the De
of Commerse. Mayor Manthey reported a favorable reoomendation by
Mr. Hall to his Department for the enlargement of the present Sewa
Air Field at an approximated oost of $30.000.00.
Fire oommittee instructed to bring in full report at next
as to Cities quota of amount needed for purchase of Fire Pump.
Aoting Mayor appointed Councilmen Gilliland and Helm as a
ary street Co~nittee. ,
At the suggestion of qouncilmen Helm and Blase, a Motion was
made b~ counoilman, Blase seconded by Helm that the street Committe be
authorized to expe~d a sum of not to exo~de $150.00 for following
street repairs; Fifth Ave, between Adams and Washington; Sidewalk
Sixth, Ave. betwiien Adams and washington. Sidewalk from Church st.
North to 4th. Ave Bridge. Calling the Roll on the Motion; All cou
ntilmen present voted in the Affirmative.
Upon reoomendation by Mayor Manthey; A motion was made by Cou
oilman Cameron, seoondeo by Gilliland that Peter Mivhleson be appoi
nted as oaretaker of the City Garbage Dump at a monthly salary of
$25.00. Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Counoilmen Voted Aye.
Upon a Motion by Counoilman Gilliland, seoonded by Blase a s
of not to excede $20.00 was allowed Chief Keiloheski for Paint for
City Dump truok and cost of fixing street Drag, Motion unanimously
Counoilman Helm was requested to report at next meeting on th
probable oost of remounting the Curfew Bel~.
There benin no further business to oome before this meeting,
it ,was thereafter upon proper motion adjourned.
Aoting. MAY 0 R
MONDAY, JUNE 3rd. 1935
Regular meeting of the Common Counoil. City of Seward. held
this date in the Council Chambers, Meeting called to ordre at e P.t.
by Aoting Mayor Manthey, with the following Counoilman present: --I
Blase, Cameron, Gilliland, Helm Osbo and Manthey; Minutes of last
meeting read and approved.
Claims totaling ~903.98 presented as follQws: Bank of Seward
25.00. Keilcheeki 220.00. Balderston 150.00. Haverstock 50.00
Seward Water Sply 132.50. Seward Drug 6.00. Gateway Pub. Co. 7.97
Signal Corps 46.35. E.Jessen 3.00. May Pay Roll 177.50. Osbo's 5.0
Seward L.& P. 52.15. Ogles 7.81. Brosius 4.40. Alaska Shop 1.35.
Brown & Hawkins 11.35. A.H.Bryant 3,60.
Motion by Counoilman Gilliland, seconded b~ Helm that claims as
presented be paid; Calling the Roll All Councilmen voted Aye. .
By unanimous vote of the Counoil following applications appro ed
for Liquor Lioensee; Seward Trading Co. General Wholesale. Seward
Trading Co Retail. Chas Cameron, Restaurant.
,... ~
MONA!Y, JUNE, 3rd. Cont.
As a result of letter from Chas. Tecklenberg. aSking t at r
nahce #124 pertaining to granting Liquor licenses be reconsidered;
A motion was made by Councilman Helm. seconded by Osbo that the
Ordinance in question be reconsidered; Calling the Roll resulted a
follows: Councilmen Cameron, Gilliland. Manthey, Helm and Osbo
Voted Aye; Councilman Blase voted Nay; Aoting Mayor declaired the
motion carried; Whereupon Councilman Gilliland made motion seconded
by Helm that Ordinance #124 be laid on the table till next. regular
meeting June 17th. and that a notice be published three times in t
Seward Gateway to the efect that applioations for license for Bev-
rage Dispensary and Retail Liquor would be given consideration if
filed by the hour of 3 o'olock P.M. of June 17th. 1935. Calling th
Roll on the motion; All Counoilmen present voted in the Affirmativ
Letter from the Seward Chamber of Com,:lerse relative to Gymnasi
ordered by unanimous vote, to be acknowledged and placed on file.
Upon the report and recomendation of the Fire Committee, a
motion was made by Counoilman Osbo, seconded by Cameron that the
Fire Committee be authorized to purchase a Fire Pump, costing in
the neighborhood of $385.00. of which amount the Seward Volunteer
Fire Dept was pledging $150.00 the balanoe to be paid out of the
general fund; Calling the Roll, All Councilmen present Voted Aye.
Councilman Helm made report of instalation of Cerfew Bell,
recomended tripod as most eoonomioal mounting; Matter ordered tabl
Councilman Helm reported Street work progressing favorably and
nearing oompletion as authorized. Recomended sidewalk improvement
on 3rd. Ave, north of Adams st. Resulting in a motion by Councilma
Osbo, seconded by Blase that a sum of not to excede $50.00 be auth
orized expended for this purpose; Calling the Roll on the motion
All Councilmen present voted in the Affirmative.
Upon the recomendation of the aotive members of the Seward
Sohool Board, a Motion was made by Councilman Blase, secohded by
Cameron that Carl E.Orlander be appointed as a member of the said
Board to fill vacansy oaused by resignation of E.P.Harwood.Motion
being unanimously carried; A.Mayor deolaired Carl E.Orlander duly
appointed as a Member of the Seward Sohool Board.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, i
was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned.
Acting MAY 0 R
MONDAY, JUNE 17th. 1935.
Regular meeting of tbe Common Council, City of Seward held thi
date in the Council Chambers; Ueeting called to order by Acting
Myor Manthey at 8 P.M. with the following Councilmen present:
Blase, Gilliland, Helm, Osbo and Manthey;
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Budget of Seward SchOOl Board for the term 1935-36 presented call-
for expenditure of Cities share of expense at e4000.00 to 4250.00
Motion by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Gilliland that the
Budget as presented be accepted; Calling the roll all Councilmen
present voteu in the affirmative.
Motion was made bp Councilman Gilliland. seconded by Osbo that
Liquor Ordinance No. 124 be tabled till next regular meeting; Call
ng the Roll all Councilmen present voteC Aye.
Cou lcilman Cameron entered the Council Chambers.
Councmlman Helm recomended that further funde be authorized expen-
ded for necessary repairs to streets and sidewalks; At the request
of Acting Mayor Manthey aut ion in this matter was deferred pending
the return of Mayor Brown~ll.
Threr being no further business to come before this meeting. i
was thereafter. upon proper motion adjourned.
Acting MAY 0 R
MONDAY, July, 1st. 1935.
Regular meeting of the Co~non Council. City of Seward, held
this date intae Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by May~r
Brownell at 8 P.M. with the following Councilmen present; Blase,
Gilliland, Helm, Manthey and Osbo;
MONDAY, JULY, 1st. 1935. Cont.
Minutes of last meeting read and aproved
Comunioations from Gabe Santo and G.Nyschayama re Restaurant lioens s
ordered tabled.
Claims totaling 1145.04 presentee as follows; Bank of Seward 3 0.00
Keiloheski 220.00 Balderst~n 150.00. Haverstock 50.00. Seward Water
Sply 127.50. June Pay Roll l58.25. Bryant 8.10. Liberty Hall 10.00.
Standard Oil 3.44. E.Jeseen 3.00. Seward L.& P. 32.25. Brosius 4.05
Ogles 10.75. Gateway Pub Co. 6.30. Seward Drug 12.00. Signal Corps 1.40
Cooper's 3.00. P.Miohaelson 25.00. Motion by Councilman Manthey,
eecondeu by Gilliland that claims as presented be paid; Calling the
Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye.
Mayor Brownell thanked CJuncilman Manthey for the efficient wa
in which he had performed the duties of Aoting Mayor during his abs noe
and advised that he would appoint permanent Co~~ittees at an early
me-eting. .
Upon reoomendation of the aoting street Comnittee; A motion wa
made byCounoilman Helm, seoonded by Blase that a sum of not to exo de
$150.00 be allowed for necessary repairs to Streta, 8idewalke and a
general olean up of same; Calling the Roll on the motion, All Couno Imen
present voted in the affirmative.
Councilman Helm brought to the attention of the Counoil the
unsightly oondition of the City Cemetary, resulting in a motion by
Counoilman Osbo, seoonded by Helm that a sum of not to exoede $100. 0
be expended to olean up and remedy this condition; Calling the Roll
on the motion, All Councilmen present Voted Aye.
Counoilman Cameron entered the Counoil Chambers.
Mayor Brownell gave a very interesting and conaioe report of his
Stewardship while in Washington, D.C. in behalf of the Municipal
Eleotrio generating plant and other projeots of vital interest to the
City and adjoining locality; This report and the efforts of Mayor rownell
were very muchappreoiated by the Counoil and Citizens of the City,
who were in attendanoe at this meeting, A motion was made by Council~an
Manthey, seoonded by Blase and unanimously carrie0, that a vove 0
thanks be extended to the Mayor for his splendid work in putting t
the Electric Generating Plant Bill, and other valuable work done i I
conneotLn with projects of vital importanoe to the comunity; said "
vote of thanks to be.spread upon the minutes of this meeting.
By a untnimous vote of the Counoil this meeting was orderde h
open to meet at 4 P.M. tuesday July 2nd. 1935, to oonsider Resolut
investing Mayor Brownell with certain powers in connection with th
management of the construotion of the Hydro Eleotric Light & Power
Plant as authorized by certain Bill pertaining to same.
This meeting thereafter adjourned to meet as above stated.
Tuesday, July, 2nd. 1935.
Adjomrned regular meeting was palled to order by Mayor Browne 1
at 4. P.M. with All Councilmen pres~nt; Following Resolution prese ted;
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council Town of Seward, Alaska.
THAT Don Carlos Brownell, Mayor of Seward, Alaska, be and he is he eby
expressly authorized, direoted and empoweredto do and to perform e ery
and any aot and thing that may be required and necessary to i$nedi tely
and at onoe, without any delay, to seoure from the United States, hrough a
any department or agency thereof, funds for the oonstruotion of an
hydro-electrio generating plant, system and distribution lines as
munioipal electric system, all in accordance with the provisions 0 that
certain act of Congress, approved May,20th. 1935, entitled "An ~ct
concernin~ the- incorporated town of Seward, Territory of Alaska",a d.
to that end express authority and power is hereby given to said Ma or
as and for agent of said munioipality. with respect to said electr 0 ' ~
system, to enter into contracts, execute instruments, incurr indeb .1
edness in the name of said munioipality,cwith the consent of the
Common Council, to expend money therefor, and , generaly to do eve y
act and thing necessary in the premises, to subscribe to and compl
with all rules and regulations prescribed or continued by the Pres dent
of the United States of America pursuant to the ~mergency Relief
Appropriation Aot of 1935, and all other Congressional Acts applic ~
to the project.
Adopted under suspension of rules this 2nd day of July, A.D. 1
by the unanimous vote of the entire membership of said Common Coun
APprOVe~lY, 2nd A.D.1935.
TUESDAY, JULY, 2nd. 1935. Cont.
Motion was made by Counoilman Manthey, seoonded by Gilliland, that
the rules be suspended for the adoption of the ResOlution; Calling
the Roll; All Councilmen voted in the affirmative.
On the question,"Shall the Resolution be adopted"? Motion waS
made by Counoilman Manthey, seconded by Gilliland, That the Resol-
ution be adopted: Calling the Roll; All Councilmen Voted Aye.
Whereupon the Mayor declaired the Resolution adopted, and signed
same in open session.
A motion was made by CouncilsBn Blase, seconded by Cameron,
that Mayor Brownell be allowed a Salary of $150.00 per month for .\:
the full supervision of the construction details of the Hydro-
Electric Plant and System, said $150.00 per month to be paid out
of P.W.~.Funds alloted for that purpose: Calling the Roll on the
Motion, A.ll Councilmen voted in the affirmative.
The Mayor appointed Councilman Helm as chairman and Council-
man Gilliland as member of special Cemetery Co~nittee.
The Mayor called a special meeting to convene at 8 pm. on
Monday July, 8th. 1935.
his~meeYing thereafter, ~pon proper motion adjourned.
,& '/J-
MONDAY, JULY, 8th. 1935.
Special meeting of the Common Council. City of Seward, held
this date in the Council Chambers: Meeting called to order by Mayor
rownell at 8 P.M. with the following Counoilmen present: Blase.
Gil iland. Helm. Manthey and Osbo.
Mayor advise that meeting ~as for the purpose of discussing
activites in oonnection with Power project; Stated that 5 men were
being employed in preliminary work on Traotor Trail. Traotor and
its acoessories was being ordered at an aproximate cost of ~5600.00
In connec~ion with reimbursement to the Mayor for a portion 0
his expenses while in Washington it was the opinion of the Counoil
taht a salary of $250.00 per month for a period of seven month be
allowed Mayor Brownell out of the P~A.funds for the supervision of
all aotivities in oonneotion with the construotion of the Power
project and that at the elapse of the seven months the Mayors sala
ry would be reduced to the stipulated sum of $150.00 per month as
per minutes of meeting held on July, 2nd. 1935.
tu~ T i,S ;;;.~g, =;~on proper motion adjourned.
M A. Y 0 R -- \ C L h R K
MONDAY. JULY. 15th.1935.
Regular meeting of the Co~on Council, City of Sewara, held
this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting oalled to order by Mayor
Brownell at 8 P.M. with the following Councilmen present: Blase,
Gilliland, Helm. Manthey and Osbo: Counoilman Cameron Absent.
Minutes of last meetings read and approved.
Letter from Sohool Supt. reo Eleotrio light oharges referred to
Oounoelman Osbo for investigation and report.
Letter from H.S.Balderston, Treasurer, requesting a division
of the funds to be deposited ~~ prooeeds of Power projeot bonds
sug~esting that a portion of said;funds be plaoed upon deposit in
the ~ational Bank of Co~~erse, Seattle, instead of tthe entire
funds being deposited in the First National Bank of Se.ttle;
Matter was left in the hands of the Mapor for disposition.
Following Resolution was presented and read;
A Resolution Designating and Appointing the First National
Bank of Se.atle, Nashington, a member of the Federal Reserve Syste
and of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, ~epository for t
Prooeeds Reoeived by the Town of Seward, Alaska, from the sale of
its Obligations or Bonds Issued persuant to the Provisions of the
Act of Congress of the United States designated "Public--ilo.63--
74th. Congress", and for other purposes.
MOBDAY, JULY, 15th., 1935. Cont.
BE IT RESOLVED, By the Comnon Council of the Town of Seward,
Alaska, in regular meeting assembled,
Seo. 1: That the FIRST BATIO~AL BAliK of Seattle, Nashington, a
member of the Federal Reserve System and of the Federal Deposit Ins
urance Corporation, is hereby designated, as the depositary bank for
the deposit of all proceeds received by the Town of Seward, Alaska,
from the sale of its Bonds issued persuant to and under the authori
vontained in the provisions of that certain aot of Congress designa
as'Publio--Bo.63--74th Congress',entitled"An Aot oonoerning the ino
orporated Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska",Approved May 20.1935:
BALDERSTON, Clerk, the duly eleoted. qualified and aoting Mayor and
Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska, are hereby designated as ~he
offioers of said Town of Seward, Alaska, who shall sign all cheoks
and vouohers drawn against said deposit, and the signatures of suoh
authorized offioers shall be by said bank aooepted as authority for
honoring all oheoks, drafts, or other demands in writing against
said deposit.
AHOPTED unanimously
Alaska, under suspension
of July, 1935.
by the Common Counoil of the Town of Sewar
of the rules, and ~ROVED this 15th. day
Approved- ~ ~
MAYOR,Town of Seward, Alaska.
It was moved by Counoilman Manthey and seoonded by Counoilman
Gilliland that all rules of the oounoil whioh might prevent, unless
suspended. the final passage and adoption of said Reeolution at thi
meeting, be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of
permitting the final passage and adoption ax of said Resolution at his
The motion being upon the adoption af said motion and the susp
ension of suoh rules, the roll was oalled with the folloeing result;
AYES 15 l~AYS 0
The Mayor deolaired said motion oarried and suoh rules suspend d.
Coinoilman Blase then moved that said Resolution be now placed upo
its final passage; Counoilman Manthey seoondec the motion; The motion
being put upon the plaoing of said Resolution upon its final passa e
t,e Roll was oalled with the following results AYE 5 Bays 0
The Mayor deolairea the motion oarried.
Councilman Gilliland thereupon moved that the said resolution be
finaly passed and adopted as introduoed and read. Counoilman Osbo
seoondeo the the motion.
~he question being put upon the final passage and adoption of
said Resolution, the Roll was oalled with the following results;
The Mayor thereupon declaired said motion carried and the
Resolution finally passed and adopted.
The Mayor thereupon signed said Resolution in approval thereo .
The following Resolution was introduoed and read.
A Resolution Authorizing and Direoting the Exeoution, Sale an
Delivery of Begotiable Coupon Bonds of the Town of Seward, Alaska.
under the provisions of an Aot of Congress of the United States,
designated as 'Public --Bo.63 --74th Congress'.
---- -------
MONDAY, JULY, 15th1935. Cont.
private oonsumers or users within or without the territorial bound
aries of said town; (0) to issue its bonds to finanoe in whole or
in part the oost of ~he oonstruotion of said system; (d)to pres-
ofibe and oolleot rates, fees, or oharges for the servioes, faoi-
lities, and oomodities furnished by said system; (e) to pledge to
the punotual payment of said bonds and interest thereon all or any
part of the gross or net revenues of said system(inoluding improve
mebts, betterments, or extensions thereto thereafter oonstruoted 0
aquired); (f) to enter into oontraot with the United States of
Amerioa or any federal agenoy oreated or continued by or pursuant
to the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935: and (g) to sub-
scribe to and comply with all rules and regulations presoribed or
continued by the President of the Un~ted states of America pursuan
to the bmergency Relief Appropriation Aot of 1935; and,
WHBREAS the construction of said system may be authorized b~x
under said Aot of Congress and bonds may be authorized to be issue
under said Act by Resolution or Resohtions of the Common Council
of said Town; and,
WHEREAS it is provided in Section 6 of said Aot of Congress a
follows. to-wit: "Sec.6. This Act shall become effeotive thirty
days after its passage: Provided However, That none of the powers
het~in granted to the Town of Seward, Alaska, shall be exeroised b
said town in the event that the Seward Light and Power Company,
a c~rporation, shall within one week after a copy of this ~ct is
served on said Seward Light and Power Company, offer in writing to
sell and convey to the said Town of Seward all right. title and
interest in and to its electric generating plant or plants, eleot-
ric distributing system, pipe lines and water rights now owned by
it and used and employed in supplying electric energy to the inhab
itants of said town, said offer of sale to be for the sum of
$75.000, and to guarantee that delivery of said title. free from
encumbrance and debt of any kind, shail be made to said town upon
payment of said sum, anytime within six months from date of said
written offer to sell: ProvideQ.~",xK% further .Taht said offer
and agreement to convey title must be deITVered by said Seward
Light and Power Company. to the town clerk of said town of Seward.
~laska, within the time specified above. Servise or copy of this
Aot on tee Seward Light and Power Company shall be made by del-
ivery thereof to its president, S.M.Graff, or any othre officer
of the corporation: (omitting last clause)"
WHEREAS it duly appears from the records and files of the
Clerk of the Town of Seward, Al,aska, that due and timely and prop
er service of a oopy of said Act of Congress has been made hereto-
fore by delivery thereof to S.M.Graff, otherwise known as Samu..
M.Graff,as president of the Sewrad Light And Power Company. a
corporation, and to said S.U.Graff. an individual, as owner of and
dming business as Seward Light and Power Compaly, and as Grantee
and Assignee of Seward Light and Power Company, a corporation; and
it further appearing from said records and files of said clerk of
said Town. no offer in wrighting to sell said electric generating
plant or plants was received within one week from and after the da
of service of said copy of said Act, from S.M.Graff, or Samuel M.
Graff. president of Seward Light and Power Company; corporation.
nor from said corporation, nor from S.M.Graff as owner of and do-
ing business as Seward Light and Power Company to said Town Cllerk
of said Seward, Alaska; and
iVHEREAS in the opinion of the oommon council, said municipiU
electric system and improvements incident to and connected there-
with are of immediate necessity and essentialy desireable;
5ec.1. That in accordance with the Act of Congress herein-
before mentioned and for the purpose of raising funds for the cost
of undertaking the construction of a municipal elictric system.
togeather with all parts thereof and appurtainances theteto necess
ary to or convenient for the generation. production, transmission
and distribution of electric energy. and employing engineering
supervision and paying overhead expenses, including inspection,
fiscal and legal expenses. and interest which it is estimated will
accrue during the construotion period of said proposed system, and
for six months thereafter. on money borrowed, or whioh it is esti-
mated will be borrowed persuant to said Act of Congress, the Mayor
( 60
MONDAY, JULY, 15th. lS35. Cont.
and the Municipal Clerk of said Town be, and they hereby are author
zed and directed to execute, sell and deliver negotiable coupon bon s
of said Town of Seward, Alaska, in a principal sum of not to exceed
$89.000.00, to be dated September 1, 1935, and bear interest at the
rate of 4 per centum per annum, payable semi-annualy on April, and
September 1 of each year, said bonds to be in denominations of
$1.000.00 each, numberec 1 to 89, both inclusive. and mature serial y
in the various years in the order of their numbers as follows.:
14,000.on August l,in each JIarof the years lS38-1942. inclusi~e.
5.000.on August l.in each of the years 1943-1947, inclusive,
6.000.on August l.in each of the years 1948-1952. inclusive and
$7.000.on August l.in each of the years 1953-1954. .
Sec.2. Said bonds shall be payable soley from the revenues of
said electric system and any subsiquent additions or extensions
thrreto, remaining after provision for the payment of the resonable
cost of operation and maintainance of said plant and system, and th
cost od such repairs thereto as shall be necessary to keep the same
at all time in good repair and working order.
Sec. 3. Said bonds shall be in usual form, and contain such te t,
as shall be furnished, required and approved by any department. Age cy
or authorized official of the Federal Government, and when received
shall be adopted by suplimental Resolution by this Common Council.
Sec. 4. That the FIRST NATIO~AL BA~K of Seattle, Washington,
a member bank of the Federal Reserve System, is hereby designated a
deposttary for the proceeds of the sale of all bonds and grant proc eds.
Sec. 5. That said bonds shall bear the signatures of the Mayor
and Clerk of the Town of Seward. and shall have impressed thereon
the Official Seal of said Town. and each of said interest coupons
shall be authenticated with the facsimile signature of said officer
who hereby adopt the same and such facsimile signatures shall be
binding upon said Town; in case any of the officers whose signature
or countersignatures appear o~ the bonds shall cease to be such off"cers
before delivery of such bonds, such signatures and countersignature
shall nevertheless be valid and suffioient for all purposes the sa
if they had remained in office until such delivery.
Sec.6. That the said issue of bonds shall be sold by said Tow
through its Common Council at a price of not less than the principal
amount thereof plus acorued interest, and the Mayor and Clerk, afte
the execution of said bonds, are hereby authorized and directed to
deliver the same to the purchaser thereof as fixed by Resolution 0
said Common Council, upon the payment of the purchase price of said bonds.
Sec. 7. That no part of the funds arising from the sale of said
bonds or from any grant made by the ,ederal Emergency Administration
of Public Norks shall be used for anY purpose other than the under-
taking of said municipal electric system, as hereintobefore descri ed.
and as provider in said Act of Congress, Approved May 20, 1935, an
for such purpose no greated amount shall be expended than is set
forth in the said Act of Congress and in this Resolution, and the
proceeds of the sale of said bonds and the amount received as a
direct grant shall be disbursed for the purpose herein indicated a
to the extent as herein limiter only under the order and direction
of the Common Council.
PASSED unanimously
under suspension of the
by the Common Council, Town of Seward, Ala
rules and approved this 15th. day of July,
APPROVED Ju~, ~ 1935.
'::it / ~ / /f
It was moved by Councilman Manthey, and seconded by Councilma
Gilliland that all rules of the Council which might prevent, unles
suspended the final passage and adoption of said Resolution at thi
meeting, be and the same are hereby suspender for the purpose of
permitting the final passage and adoption of said Resolution at
this meeting.
The question being upon the adoption of said motion and the
suspension of s~ch rules, the roll was called with the following r
The Mayor declaired said motion carried and such rules suspended.
Councilman Blase then moved that said Resolution be now place
upon its final passage. Councilman ;'lanthey seconded the motion.
fhe question being put upon the placing of said Resolution
upon its final passage, the roll was called with the following res
MO~DAY, JULY, 15th. Cont.
AYES, 5. liAYS? O.
The Mayor declairea the motion carried.
Counoilman Gilliland thereupon moved that said Resolution be final y
Passed and adopted as introduced and read. Councilman Helm seconde
the motion.
The question being put upon the final passage and adoption
of said Resolution, the roll was called with the following result:
AYES 5. l'lAYS O.
The Mayor thereupon declaired said motion carfied and the
Resolution finally passed and adopted.
The Mayor thereupon signed said Resolution in approval thereo .
Councilman Helm reported that a sum of $72.01 out of the sum
of 150.00 authorized had been expended on the cemetary and recomen
ded that the balance be spent on sohool grounds; motion made by
Councilman Blase seconde, by Osbo that Helm8's recomendeat10 be
approved; Calling the roll all Councilman present voted Aye.
Motion was made by Councilman Helm, seconde by Helm that an
Ordinance be prppaired regulating the opening and closing hours
for Liquor stores, beverage dispensaries and restaurants kKxx~
serving intoxicating beverages, sald hours to be Opening at 6 am.
and closing at 1 am. Calling the roll on the motion; All Council
mmen present Vote in the Affirmative.
Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Osbo,
that the application of George liishljama for Leseaurant License to
serve Beer and Wines be approved; Calling the Roll on the motion
following Councilman voted Aye; Blase, Gilliland, Manthey, Osbo.
Councilman Helm voting liay. Mayor declaired Motion carried.
By unanimous vote of the Cuncil motion having been duly made
and seconded , application of flalter Holben for Beverage Dispensar
License was approved.
Mayor appointed Councilman Helm and Blase as a committee to
look into the matter of applying to the P.W.A. for Loan an@ Grant
under the 1935. rulings.
Mayor advised that about ~200.00 in labor and about $50.00 f~r
tools had been contracted in reference to pliminary work on the
Electric Power project, under authority from PwA.
The poisoning of dogs was discussed, every citizen was urged
to coordinate with the authorities in apriaending the guilty party
Under motion by Councilman Osbo. seconded by Helm, this meetin
thereafter adjourned. ,
MONDAY, AUGUST, 5th. 1935.
Regular metting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held
this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8 p.m
by Mayor Brownell; with the following Councilmen present; .Blase,
Cameron. Helm, Manthey & Osbo; Minutes of last meeting read &Approv
Claims totaling $1364.11 presented as follows: Bank of Seward
25.00. Keilcheski 220.00. Balderston 150.00. Haverstock 50.00.
Seward Water Sply 132.50. W.S.Darley 379.52.Alaska R.R. 20.75.
S.L.& P 29.65. July Pay Roll. 299.75. S.Metal Nks 3.50.0sbo 2/25
Gat.way Pub Co. 6.45. McMullen 2.25. Brosius 11.20. B.& H. Corp12.6
S.Machine shop 1.25. B.Carr 7.50. Ogle's 9.94. Motion made by Coun-
cilman ~anthey, seconded by Cameron that claims as presented be
paid: Calling the Roll All Councilmen present. voted AYE.
WHEREAS, the taxes on real property in the City of Seward,
Alaska,for the year 1934,became delinquent on ~ovember 15th. 1934,
at the hour of 5 o'olock P.M. and, Whereas the Municipal Clerk of
the City of Seward presented to the Council the delinquent Tax Roll
of all the real property assessed and on which the tax has not been
paid and is therefore delinquent, and said roll is in due form;
1.Taht the Municipal Clerk cause said delinquent tax roll to b
published or posted, as required by law. togeather with notice that
said delinquent tax roll has been completed and is open for Public
inspection at the office of the municipal ol~rk, and that upon the
15th. day of September, 1935, or as soon thereafter as council may
MONDAY, AUGUST, 5th. 1935. Cont.
be heard, said delinquent tax roll will be presented to the Distrio
Court for tthe Third Division, Territory of Alaska, for judgement
and order of sale.
2. That said delinquent tax roll and notice aforesaid be publi hed
once a week for four consequitive weeks in the Seward Gateway, a ne s-
paper of general circulation, published in the City of Seward, Alas
whioh newspaper is hereby designated as the offioila publication fo
this purpose, or by Posting in four oonspiouousplaces in the City
of Seward, as prescribed by Law.
Pass und~ su~ension of rules this 5th, day of August, 1935.
. (!.-e '/71 ') ZI~BUM:t;W
Motion by Cvunoilman Helm, secondeD by Manthey, that Delinquen~
Tax Roll be Posted as prescribed by Law; Motion Unanimously Carried
Motion by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Osbo that the Rules b,
suspended for the adoption of the above Resolution; Calling the Rol
All Councilman voted in the Affirmative; On the question "Shall the
Resolution be Adopted?" All Councilman present Voted AYE.
Counoilman Helm reported that monies authorized for improvement
of School grounds had been spent; He drew attention to needed repai s
and painting of the School House, matter was referrea to sohool Co
ittee of Counotlmen Osbo and Gilliland.
Counoilman Helm's report on the P.W.A.Loan & Grant for Civic
Improvements, was to the efeot that in his opinion it was not adtis ble
to go into this matter at this time.
Letters were read from the Seward Sohool Board and Members of
Chamber of Comeroe relative to the oonstruotion of an Auditorium
adjoining the Sohool House as a reoreation oenter for Children. The
matter was ordered tabled till next meeting.
Fire Committee reported that the Fire PumB purohased had been
~installed on the Dump Truok and was giving perfeot satisfaotion.
I A Committee oomposed of Emma Lu Sweet, Walter Holben and John
Matioh were present at this m~eting and brought up the question of
opening and closing hours for Liquor Stores, Beverage Dtspenserjss
and Resteraunts; After a disoussion of the matter it was suggested
by Counoilman Blase that the dealers effected should meet and prese
\ their recomendation to the Counoil at its next meeting.
A Motion was made bl Counoilman Helm, seoonded by Manthey that
a sum of not to excede 120.00 be allowed the light oommittee for t
transfer of light post from corner of 5th and ,Adams to center of
block on 5th ave between Washington and Adams; Calling the Roll on
the Motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE.
A Motion was made by Councilman .Osbo, seconded by Helm that a
sum of not to excede $1000.00 be authorized advanced from the Gene
fund at this time to defray emergenoy expenoes incurred on the
Light & Power Projeot, said advance to be repaid as soon as P.W.A.
funds were ava'llable; Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Counoilme
present voted in the Affirmative.
A Motion was made by Counoilman Blase, seoondeu by Helm that t
Health Committee request a letter from the Health Officer oondemni
the P.T.Shaw oabin and reoomending distraotion of same; Motion was
unanimously oarried.
Councilman Osbo reported that he had investigated the matter 0
minnimum rate charged by S.L & P. for School House as requested by
co~~issioner Karnee. the trouble seems to be that the Sohool Board
made no pruvisions to have lights ohanged at the end of the School
year which left the minimum rate at 18.00 per 600 << Cut in instead
of 3.00 per 500 Watt out in and an additional of 1.50 for eaoh add
itional cut in of 500. watts. Matter has been brought to the atten ion
of the School Board and will be remedied.
There being further business to come before this meeting, it
adjourned to meet at the call of the Caair.
TUESDAY, AUGUST, 13th.1935
Adjourned regular meeting vf the Common Council, City of Sewar
held this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by
Mayor Brownell at 8 PiM. with the following Counoilmen present;
Blase, Cameron, Gilliland, Helm, & Osba.
Minutes of fore part vf this meeting read. corrected and appro ed.
TUESDAY, AUGUST, 13th. l~35. Cont.
Mayor introduced MR.H.H.Waller. Engineer for the Seward Hydro-
electric Power Project. who gave an outline of necessary survey
work to be done in connection with the Project.
It being necessary for the City of Seward to advance funds for
carrieng on pleminiary work of survey am motion was made by Council
man Blase, seconded by Osbo, that the Finance Committee be authori-
zed to negotiate for a loan of $3000.00 for a periad of 90 days to
be used for this and other purposes in connection with the Seward
Hydro-electric Project; Said loan to be repaid to the City of Sewar
as soon as PiW.A. funds are available; Calling the Roll on the
Motion; All Councilmen Present Voted in the Affirmative.
-Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Blase,
that Li<<ht Committee be authorized to purchase, through Osbo's Elec
trical Supply Twelve Large Street Light GIJbes; Calling the Roll;
All Councilmen voted in the affirmative.
Upon the report of Councilman Helm on necessary repairs to the
School House Building; A Motion was made by C ouncilamn Blase, seco
ded by Gilliland that a sum of not to excede $lOO.OO be authorized
expended under the direction of Councilman Helm for tris purpose;
Calling the Roll on the above motion, All Councilmen present
Voted in the Affirmative.
Clerk instructed to write J.S.Hofman, ordering speeding up of
the tearing down of his buildings in Block 9.
Clerk instructed to write Attorney Cuddy re, representing
Chief of Police Keilcheski in the suit pending by H.V.Hoben.
Fire Chief was instructed to examine chimney in Seward Grill
building. reported as a fire hazard. Also the Brick Oven in the
Sew~rd Bakery. Clerk instructed to write Mrs.lechner, as Agent. for
the Seward Bakery Building regarding the Brick Oven as a fire hazar
Matter of the advisability of puting on a Night Watchman was
discussed. left open till next meeting.
~ire Chief was instructed to take measures for the cleaning up
of debris which might be considered as fire hazard.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
it was thereafter, upon proper motion adjourneo.
~i, a I/~/l~ -y~
MAY O~- ---------- \
TUESLAY. AUGUST,13th.1935.
Council met as an Equilization Board at 2 P.M. with Councilman
Osbo acting as Chairman. ~O PROTESTS.
~ednasday, Au@ust l4th. 1935.
Council Met as an Eouilization Board with Councilman Helm
acting as Chairman at the hour of 2 P.M. NO PROTESTS.
Thursday. August, 15th. 1935.
Counoil met as an Equilization Board at 2 P.M. with Councilman
Gilliland acting as Chairman; NO PROTESTS,
Friday. August, 16th. 1935.
Council met as an Equilizatton Board at 2 P.M. with Councilman
Blase acting as Chairman; liD PROT~STS.
Saturday, AuguBtm 17th. 1935
Council met as an Equilization Board at 2 P.M. with Councilman
Cameron acting as Chairman; NO PROTESTS;
ThiE Board having performen its duties it thereafter adjourned
8Q P',M. /? C -, j'
4~'~?~~~2! '
(2 (C!fljlL~ddRf4~
- \j .co A-
AUGUST, 27th. 1935.
~he Common Council of the Town of Seward oonvened in special
'session in the oouncil ohamber at the Town Hall of Seward on
the 27th of August, 193i at 8:30 o'clock P. K. The meeting was
oalled to order by Mayor D. C. Brownell.
The clerk called the roll. Those present and those absent
were a.s follows:
Present: Blase, Cameron, Gilliland, Helm & Osbo.
Absent: Manthey.
~he ~o11owing resolution entitled, "A Resolution Authorizin~
the Issuance of $89,000.00 of Bonds, Under the Authority o~ Public
Act No. 63, 74th Congress, Approved M'Y 20, 193i" was introduced
by Mayor Browmell, read in full by the Clerk, and considered by th
Council :
WHEREAS, by Public Act No. 63, 74th Congress, approved
May 20, 1935, the Town of Seward was authorized to issue bonds f~
the construction of a municipal electric~ays".~Mprovided that the
Seward Light and Power Company, within. one week after a copy of
said act is served on said Company, shall not offer in writing to
sell and convey to the Town of Seward all right, title and interes
in and to its electric-generating plant or plants, electric-dis-
tributing system, pipe-lines, and water rights now owned by it and
used and em9loyed in supplyin~ electric energy to the inhabitants
o~ said town, for the sum of ~7i,OOO, and to guarantee that deliv-
ery of said title, free from incumbrances and debt of any kind,
shall be made to said Town upon payment of said SDm, any time
within six months from date of sai~ written of~er to sell; and
WHEREAS, said act provides that service of a ~py of said
act on the Seward Light and Power Company shall be made by deliver
. thereof to its President, S. M. Graf~, or any other officer of the
Corporation; and
WHEREAS, the municipal clerk has presented proof of service
of copy of said act on said S. M. Graff, the owner of the electric
generating plant, system, pipe-lines, and water rights used and
employed in supplying eleotric energy to the inhabitants of said
town, on the 22d day of June, 193i; and
WHEREAS, the Twon Clerk has stated that no such offer and
agreement has been made or delivered to him by said Seward Light
and Power Company, by S. M. Graff, or by any owner or party of
interest in the electric-generating plant or plants, electrio-
distributing system, pipe-lines, and water rights used and employe
in supplying eleotric energy to the inhabitants of said lown;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the
Town of Seward:
Section 1. The ~own of Seward shall construct a municipal
electric system, together with all parts thereof and appurtenanoes
thereto necessary or convenient for the generation, production,
transmission, and distribution of electric energy, and aoquire by
gift, purchase or the exercise of the power of eminent domain,
lands, easements, or rights in land or water rights in conneotion
therewi tho
Section 2. Tne cost of constructing said system, parts and
appurtenances, shall not exceed the sum or $118,000, unless fUrthe
approved by the Common ~ouncil, and all plans and specifioations
shall be approved by the Common Council. The cost of construction
of said system shall include all costs and ,stimated costs ot the
issuance of said bonds; all engine.ring, inspection, fiscal and
legal expenses; and interest which it is estimated will accrue
during the construction period and for six months thereafter on
money borrowed or which it is estimated will be borrowed pursuant
to said .Act.
Section 3. For the purpose of financing in part the cost
of the construction of said system, the Town of Seward shall issue
and sell 489,000.00 of bonds of said Town, as provided in said Act.
Section 4. The bonds shall be is~ued as bearer, coupon bond
designated fTEleotric Systea Bonds" of the Town of Seward, Alaska;
shall be dated Sept_ber 1, 193i, .and shall bear interest at the
rate of 4 per centum per annum, payable March 1, 1936, and semi-
annually thereafter on Sepyember 1 and March 1 of each year, at th
First National Bank, Seattle Washington. Such bonds shall be
numbered from 1 to 8'9 inclusive, ,and shall mature September 1 in
numerical order on the dates ano.in the manner following:
1938 and 1939 ~2,OOO
1940 and 1946, inclusive,4,OOO
1947 and 1948, i ,000
1949 and 19iO, 6.000
19i1 and 19ii, inclusive, 7,000
Seotion 5. The bonds shall be in denomination of $1,000,
eaoh. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor; shall be sealed
with the oorporate seal of the Town, attested by the municipal
clerk; and the coupons thereto annexed shall be signed by the
facsimile signatures of sa1d MaYla' and Clerk.
~aid bonds, bearing the signatures of officers in office on
the date of the signing thereof, shall be valid and binding obli-
gations, notwithstanding that before the delivery thereof and pay-
ment therefor any and all the persons whose signatures appear
thereon shall have ceased to be the officers of the Town. .
Section 6. The said bonds shall be in substantially the
folloif:!,lJg fora:
The Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska, a municipal corpo-
ration duly organized and existing under the laws of the United
States and of the Territory of Alaska, hereby acknowledges itself
indebted, and for value received promises to pay to the bearer,
on the first day uf September, 19___, the sum of
with interest thereon at the rate of four per centum (4~) per
annum, payavle on March 1 and September 1 in each year until ma-
turity, upon surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally
become due.
Both principal and interest on this bond are payable at the
First National Bank, City of Seattle, Washington.
This bond is one of an authorized issue ot $89,000 of bonds
of like date, denomination and tenor, except as to maturity, n~-
bered consecutively from 1 to 89 inclusive, and is issued by the
Town of Seward, Alaska, under the authority of, and in fall cam-
pliance with, the constitution and statutes of the United states
and the laws of the Territory of Alaska, the resolutions of the
Town of Seward, and particularly with that ce~tain Act of Con~ress
of the United States designated npublic No. 63, 74th Congress,R
approvea Kay 20, 193i, and Is issued for the purpose of construct-
ing a municipal electric system.
The principal and interest on this bond and on all other
bonds of the issue of which this is one are equally and ratably
secured by, and constitute a first and direct charge solely upon,
and are payavle solely from the entire revenues of said system,
together with any improvements, betterments or extensions thereto,
after deductions only for the reasonavle operating and maintenanoe
expenses thereof. The Town o~ Seward covenants that it will pre-
scribe and collect such rates and oharges for the servioes, facil-
ities, and commodities afforded by the system as will produoe
revenue at least suffioient to pay,when due. all bonds and interes
on the outstanding bonds of said issue, including reserves therefo ,
and to provide for all expenses of operation and maintenance of
said system, including reserves therefor.
This bond and all other bonds of the issue of which this is
one shall be negotiable for all purposes.
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, act,
and things required to exist, to have happened, and to have been
performed preaedent to and in the issuance of this bond exist,
have happened, and have been performed as required by law.
IN WITNESS VnrEREOF, the Town of Seward, Alaska has caused
this bond to be signed by its Mayor, sealed with its corporate
seal, attested by the Town Clerk, and the coupons hereto annexed
to be authentioated by the facsimile signatures of said Mayor and
Clerk and this bond to be dated as of the first day of Septemver.
TEI~TO~ ~~LASK.4 B-f
(SEAL) By ~.11 ~vv-~
Town Cle rk
( 66
(FORM OF C_,~ _..)
On the day of ,19 ,the Town of Seward, Alaska
will pay to"""tlie bearer, bu t solely oU"f; 0 f the revenues pledged fa r
the payment thereof, as provided in the bond to whioh this coupon
is attached. the sum of TWEN~ DOLLARS, at the First National Bank,
Seattle, Washington, being six months' interest then due on its
Electric System Bond dated as of September I, 193i, and numbered
TO~ OF ~AftPr ALASKA ,) r /)
By , V.7(f4~,-z;(J'0/
ayor I
Town Clerk
Section 7. As long as any of said bonds are outstanding the
Town will observe and perform the following terms and conditions,
all of which shall inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by,
any holder of a~y of the bGnde, and will constitute a firm and
binding obligation of the Town, to~wtt:
(a) The T~,n will presoribe and collect rates and chargee
for the services, facilities and commodities afforded by the
Municipal Electric System, which shall be .tIleast sufficient at
all times -
(I) to provide for all expenses of operation and
maintenance of said system;
'2) to pay the principal of and interest on said bondl
as the same shall become due; and
(3)to provide the reserves hereinafter provided for.
(b) All such revenues shall be paid into a special or trust
fund account (hereinafter oalled the "Revenue Fund Account"),
which shall be set aside and used in the following manner and for
the following purposes:
From said Reserve Fund Account, SUbject only to deductions
for the reasonable operating and maintenance expenses of the sys-
tem for the following month, there shall be placed each month in
a special fund to be known as the "Town of Seward Eleotric System
Bond Fund Account" (hereinafter called the "Bond Fund ") a sum
equal to one-sixth of the interest maturing or fallin~ due on the .
then-next succeeding interest payment date on all said bonds then "
outstanding. and one-twelfth of the principal of said bonds next ~
maturing, together with an additional amount equal to twenty
per centum (20%l of the foregoing requirements as a reserve for
the payment of said bonds and interest; provided; that said addi-
tional amount need not be so deposited during any period of time
in which the amount in said Bond Fund shall be at least equal to
'the interest and principal maturing or falling due during the
then-next sucoeeding twenty-four months; provided, further, that
no sums need be so deposited during any period of time in which
the amount of said Bond Fund is sufficient to pay the principal
of all said bonds then outstanding and the interest thereon as
the same shall become due. Any deficiencies in said sums or
accounts so deposited arising from lack of revenues or otherwise
shall be ~de good as soon as revenues are available tor the pur-
pmse and before making other payments from said Revenue Fund
Account, except for the reasonable operatin~ and maintenance
expenses of the system. /
The Municipality shall not be~~to pay said bonds or
the interest thereon except from the revenues of the System,
deposited in said Bond Fund as herein provided.
'0) The Town will, at all times,efficiently maintain and
carryon the operation and business of the System and will ke,p
such System and every part thereof in good condition, repair and
working order. The Town will maintain for the benefit of the
holder or holders of all outstanding bonds insurance on the
'System of a kind and in an amount which usually would be cu'ried
by private companies engaged in a similar type of business.
Nothing in this resolution shall be construed as requirin~ the
Town to expend any funds which are derived from sources other
than the operation of the ~yst.m, but nothing herein shall be
eonst~ued as preventing the Town from doin~ so.
."'....tftA,.;-,if_ ."...,.,'
(d) The' Town will, at all times, keep proper books of records antl
accounts (separate entirely from all other records and accounts
of the fown] in which full and correct entries shall be made of
all dealings or transactions in relation to the progerties, busi-
ness and affairs of said System.
The Town shall furnish to the original purchaser of the bonels
so long as such purchaser holds any of the bonds, and to any
holder or holders of the bonds, at the written request of such
holder or holders, not more than forty-five days after the close
of each six months' fiscal period, complete operating and income
statements of the System in reasonable detail covering such six
months' period, and not more than ninety days after the close of
each fiscal year, complete financial statements of the System and
the TOKn in reasonable detail covering such fiscal year, certified
by the Town's auditor. Any holder of any of said bonds shall have
the right, at all reasonable times, to inspect the System and
records, accounts, and data of the Town relating thereto.
ee) None of the services, facilities, or commodities afford.
by said System shall be furnished without a reasonable charge bein
made therefor; and if the Town or any of its departments, boards
or agencies shall elect to avail themselves of such services,
facilities, or commodities, there shall be transferred monthly
from the general funds of the Town to the Reveaue Fwld Account a
sum of money equal to a fair and reasonable payment for furnishing
such Town or any of its departments or agencies with the services,
facilities, and commodities of said System; and the revenues so
derived shall be deemed to be revenues derived from the operation
of the System and shall be used and acoounted for in the same
manner as other revenues derived from said System.
(~) The bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of this
resolution shall have a first and preferential lien on the revenue
of said System after deducting the'reasonable operating and mainne
nance eKpenses thereof as herein provided.
(g) If the principal or interest on any of said bonds is not
paid when due, and remains unpaid for a period of thirty days, the
Town agrees that any court having Jurisdiction in any proper actio,
upon petition of the holder of any of said bonds or interest coupo s
in default, may appoint a receiver to administer the ~ystem in be-
half of the Town, with power to prescribe and collect rates and
charges sufficient to produce the amount required by sub-section
t, (a) hereof, and to apply the revenues of the System in the manner
provided in sub-section (b) hereof; provided, that nothing in
this section shall be construed to prohibit the Town from peti-
tioning the Court for the removal of such receiver upon the pay-
ment of all principal and interest due.
(h)The Municipality will not, at any time, issue any addition' 1
bonds payable from the revenues of the System, unless such bonds
are Junior and subordinate in all respects to the bonds herein
authorized; provided, however, the Town will not, in any event,
mortgage or otherwise encumber the eleotrio system or revenues or
any part thereof, or sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any
substantial portion thereof, except as herein authorized.
Seotion 8. Whenever the munioipal electric system, some times
oalled the "System", is referred to in this resolution, it is
understood that such system includes ~ll future improvements,
betterments and extensions thereto.
Seotion 9. The bonds herein authorized to be issued shall
be sold at par and acorued interest to the United States of
America or any agency or instnumentality thereof, and delivery of
said ponds to said purchaser, against receipt of' the purchase
price by the Treasurer of the Town of Seward, is hereby authorized.
Section 10.' The provisions of this resolution are hereby
declared to be distinct and separable. If any~tion, paragraph,
sentence, or clause herein shall be found by a court of competent
Jurisdiction to be invalid, the decision of such court shall not
affect the validity of any other section, paragraph, sentence or
Section 11. This resolution shall be in full force and effee
from and after the date of its passage and approval by the Mayor.
, .'
It was moved by Oouncilman gelm and seconded by Councilman
Osbo, that all rules of the Council which might prevent, unless
suspended, the ronsideration, final passage, and adoption of said
resolution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adop-
tion be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose ~ per-
mitting the consideration, final passage and adoption of said
resolution at this meeting and its taking ef~ect upon such adop-
The question being put upon the adoption of said motion, the
roll was oalled with the following results:
Ayes: FIVE
Nays: NONE.
The Mayor declared said motion carried, and such rules so
Councilman Blase, seconded by Councilman Gilliland, moved
that said resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds be fin~lly
passed and adopted as introduced and read. The question being pu'
upon the final passage and adoption of suid resolution, the roll
was called with the following results:
Ayes: FIVE
Nays: NONE.
The Mayor thereupon declared said reS)lution finally passed
and adopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed said resolution 1n
approval thereof.
It was moved by Councilman Cameron and seconded by Council-
man Helm ~hat the meeting adjourn. Motion oarried, and it was so
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held
this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by Mayo
Brownell at 8 P.M. with the following Councilmen present: Blase,
Gilliland, Helm, Manthey & Osbo.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Appointment of fire patrollman discussed; Appointment held over ti 1
next meeting.
Finanoe Commit~ee report the Bani of Seward could not make a
loan of $3000.00 to the City. Committee asked to make a written
report on this matter.
Councilman Osbo reporte d that light post ohange authorized o~
5th Ave. had been made.
Light Committee was instructed to have the Multiple Lights on
streets turned on Sept. 15th.
Motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Helm, that
a sum of not to excede $25.00 be authorized expended by the Light
Committee for repairs to Multiple Lights; Call ing the Roll: All
Councilman present Voted Aye.
Motion wac made by Councilman Manthey, Seconded by Osbo. that
the sum of $100.00 be allowed the Street Committe for Street Repai~.
Calling the Roll; All Councilman present Voted Aye.
Motion ,.~f3 msde by Counci1rnan Helm; Seconded by Manthey. that
Clerk be instructed to have an Ordinance draw up reguleting the
dispensing of intoxicating beverages in Beer Parlors, Liquor Store ,
Reetaraunts and all other places so licensed; designating the hours
for the discontinuance of such despe~ing as between the hours of
1 0' olock A.M. and 6 0' clock A.M. of/same day; Ca lling the Roll 0 I~
the above motion: All Counilmen present Voted in the Affirmative.
By the unanimous vote of all CouncJlman present under motion
by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Blase; c,w~,Fryer was appointed to
act as City Attorney, to be effective September, 15th. 1~35. at a
monthly salary of $25.00.
Claims totaling $1232.15 presented as follows; Bank of Seward
25.00. Keilcheski 220.00. Balderston 100.00. Haverstock 50.00.
Seward Water Sply. 132.50. V.F.D. Roll 47.50.August Pay Roll 9~.25
Bert Carr 2.50. Cash. S.H! E Power Project 216.75. Brosius 41.70
Gateway Pub Co 4.50.0g1e's 15.82. Sewrad Trading Co. 3.25. Gerhard
johnsen 1~.50. Osbo's 17.38. Seward L.& P.59.80. Helm 57.50.
Signal Corps 69.20.
Motion by Councilman Manthey. seconded by Gilliland that Clai~s
TUESDAY, SEPRTMBER, 3rd. 1935. Cont
be paid' Calling the Roll; All Counctlmen present 0 ec ye.
Motion by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Blase that Mr. Helm
be instructed to remount the Cerfew Bell; Calling the Roll; All
Councilman present Voted in the Affirmative.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, it
was thereafter, upon pro~per mtion adjourned.
~\ (7 ,? . ) ) /,
VVr\c0 'I>(~ L/v./)}ja/4df~
MAY OR C -- ~ R K
MOIWAY, SEPTEii1B1Q.,l6th. 15135.
Regular meeting of the Common Council held this date in t<e
Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by .,cting Mayor 111antrley
at 8 P.M. with the following Councilmen present; Blase,Helm, Manthe
and Osbo.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. ~
Report of the Finance Committee reo loan from Bank of ~3000.00 raeC
ordered filed, under motion by Councilman Helm, secondeo by Blase
and unanimously carried,
Motion by Councilman Osbo, secondeu by Helm that applications
for position of Night Ilatchman be tabled; Calling the Roll; All
Councilmen present voted hye.
Motion by Councilman Blase sIconded by Helm that Resolution re
Liauor Regulations be laid over; Calling the Roll, aJI Councilmen
pr~sent voted Aye. *Insert-" Till next regular meeting"
Councilman asbo reported that the ~ultilpe Lighnt had been cut
in on this date and that contract for same would be drawn up.
A representation of Liquor detilers was prGscnt and remarks were
made by Mr. Sweet pertaining to the propassed Liquor regulations.
There being further business to come before this meetinf; It waF
upon proper motion adjourned to meet at 8 P.~. detdnaesay, Septembe
18th 1\)35.
Acting i,;ayor.
WEDNESLAY, SEPTill~BER, 18th.l~35
Adjourned regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward
held this date in the Council Chambers; Meeting callee to order by
Mayor Brownell at 7 P.M. with the following Cou~cilmen present;
Blase, Cameron, Gilliland, Helm MantBey and Osbo.
Minutes of the previous part of this meeting read; following
correction urdered: "Motion by Councilman Blase, seconded by Helm
that Resolution reo Liquor regulations be laid over till r.ext
regular meeting; Calling the Roll, all Councilmen present Voted Aye.
Motion was made by I::ouncil:nan ;.lanthey, Seconded by Osbo that
the motion appointing G.N.Fryer as City Attorney be reconsidered;
Calling the Roll on the motion; All councilmen present Voted Aye.
A Motion was then made by Councilman Helm, seconded by Camero
that the words City Attorney be striken f1rom the above motion and
that said Motion be amended to read" G.W.Fryer be hired as consul-
ting Attorney for the Council at a salary of $25.00 per month;
Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Councilmen present Voted
in thE affirmative.
Motion by Councilmnn Manthey, seconded by Osbo, that
meeting agjourn; Calling the R911. all Councilmen present
'1# ;;<f/ht ,/
Voted Aye.
Regular meet ing of the Co.mnon ClilUndl. City of Se'",;ard held thi
date in the Council Chambers; Iileeting cal1eo to order at 8 P."l. by
Mayor Brownell, with the following COlll1cilmen present: Blase, Camer n
Gilliland, Helm Manthey and Osbo;
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Followin Resolution presented and read for the second time;
RESiJLUT I (jj;j
Bi:; IT Rb:SOLVJ:;jj bY the Gammon Council. l'own of Sew_,rd, Alaska,
That the following regulations be, and the same are hereby promul-
gated,effective the 15th. day of October, IJ35. with reference to
sale of intoxicating liouors within the corporate limits of the
MONDAY, OCTOB~R,7th. 1935. Cont.
Town of Seward, Alaska.
Re~ulation 1. No Person, or persons. company, or corporation hoJding
a license of any sort, nature or discription for the sale of beer r
wine, or for the sale of hard and distilled liquors, shall sell, v nd or
serve beer and wine, or hard and distilled liruors between the hOUl s
of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. of each day.
Re~ulation 2. ~o sale or gift shall be made of beer and wine,ol
hard and distilled liquors to any person who is drunk or intoxicatEd,
or who is noticeably under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
Regulation 3. Any licensee ,.owner, or manager, or employee of a' y
kind where beer, wine, or other intoxicating liauor is eold, vendee
or served or furnishec who shall violate any of the provisions of
these regulations shall be deemed guilty ofa misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof in the Municipal Magistrate's court, shall be
punished by a fine of nop more than One Hundred Dollars, or by im-
pri~onment in jail for not more than Thirty Days, or by both such
fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Magistrate.
A copy of this resolution shall be publishell in at least on.e
is~ue of the SEWARD GATb~AY, a newspaper published at Seward, Alasla.
prior to the date upon which these regulations become effective.
that is to say, prior to the 15th. day of October, 1935.
P-'l.SSh1 under suspension of rules R.nd j~10prl'bD, this 7th. day of
:::::::; ~5,C2 ,~~_~. C C.c
Motion was made by Councilman Helm, seconded by Osbo t ~'at
Regulation 2. be stricken from the above Resolution; The Mayor cal ed
for an oral vote on the Motion, which resulted in the MotiOn being LOST.
Motion was made bY Cou'1cilman :relm, seconded by Manthey that t e
rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution as presentee
Calling the Roll All Councilmen present voted in the affirmative.
The Mayor declaired the rules suspended and aske6 if the Counc 1
was ready for the ~uestion; Upon the ~uestion being put; All the
Councilme~ present Voted AY~. ThE-Mayor thereupon declaired the
Resolution Adopted and signed same in Approval.
Claims totaling $10J3.2l were presented a.s follows: Bank of oe,l'ard 25.00
Keilcheski 220.JO. Balderston lBO.OO. Haverstock 50.00. Seward rlat r
Sply. 132.51. Seward Drug 8.65. Osbo's Electrical Sply ~1.85. Gate'sy
Pub. Co. 16.50. otandard Oil Co. .75/. Brown 1 Hawkins 15.35. Star
Air Service 20.00. Ogle's Garage 7.46. Seward Machine Shop 14.15.
C.M.Brosius 13.J5. Sign~l Corp~.2b.7a. Sept. Pay Roll 181.00.
Seward Metal iiks. 12.'}').. .J,ohncHelm 16.25. ._
110tion by CJUnCill1an li~(;l.nthf;y, seconded by Gilli&'c-"nci that Cl'afrri
as presenter be paid; Calilngthe Roll. All CouncUrl\en ,pr,.esE-nt Vo,t u AYi..
Wire from ~istrict Eligineer, Jar Department asking for details
of Lowell Creek Flume as resulting fro~ floodtread. Details order d
furnished tel the liistrict' Engine:er. ' . '" -. , . ..
Motion by C0uncilman Blase, seconded by Osbo tha the necessary
repairs to the Third and Forth Ave. Bridges be left in the hands 0
the Street Committee, Motion unanimously carried.
Under a Motio:]. by C.,uncilrnl:i.n Manthey, seconded b;y Cameron the
Finance Committee was by Unanimous vote of the Council, authorized
to negotiate a loan for the City. from the Bank of Seward for a su,
of ~3)OJ.JO, provided funds are not available from ot~er sources,
for the emergency rep airs to bridges on 3rd. and 4. tt. Avenues,
A Motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Manthey, th t
Attorney W.~.Cuddy be engaged at his stipulated fee of ~35a.0) for
representing the City in the Keilcheski- Hoben suit pending; Calli g
the Roll on the above Motion All CJuncilman Voted i~ the Affirmati e.
light Committeo was authorized to place a Multiple light on 2n .
Ave. between the residences of Manthey and Shea.
Clerk instructed to call for bids for 10 tons Healy Lump Coal
delivered for use at the Fire Hall. Motion by Councilman Blase,
seconded by Gilliland and unanimously carried that bid be awarded 0
lowest bidder.
Under Motion by Councilman Cameron, eeconded by Helm and unani
mously endorsed by the entire Council, a Vote of Confidence in
Mayor Brownell's administration of the Seward Hydro-Blectric Proje t
was ordered spread upon the Minutes of this meeting.
MONDAY, OCTOBER, 7th. 1935. Cont.
This meeting was attended by Attorney L.V.Ray and Engineer H.E.
Waller, who in their respective capacities explainef certain phafes
and furnished data on the Seward Hydro-Electric Project, which was
greatly appreciated by tae :Ilembers of the City Council.
Upon motion by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Osbo, and unani-
mously carried; This meEting wa~ thereafter adjourned.
q ~ (2 fflv--J ..- F f'y a $l~I'Vd.i7/;;;;
- i,1 A 'R ~'-'t...--"I.-/'"~ \ "C L ~ R K
MOULAY, OCTOB~R, 21st. 1~35.
The Com Jon ~ouncil of the Town of Sew~rd convened in the Coun
cil Chambers in regular seffion, on tbe 21st. day of October, 19Z~
at d o'clock P.~. The ~ertin~ W~f called to order by Mayor ~.O.
The Clerk c~lled the roll; Those prefent ana those 8b~ent werE
as fc.luws: Present: 0Ju~cilmen John .i.Blase, Charles Cameron,
Charles P.Gilliland, John Helm, GustavoB Uanthey and Thorwald 0EtO.
Abee!lt: l~one.
The following Resolution entitled n A Resolution ratifyinp,
confirminl! ana 8~'rroving Resolutio'j of tae Common '0ouncil of the
Town of Seward authorizing the issuance of ~8~,0)J of Bonds, unoer
the avthority of Public Lct lW. 63, 74th. Congress, ''-rrroved loiay,
20, 1=35," W8S presented and read;
,V:IC:Ri.A0, The Cominon Council, Jf the 'l'own of ::iew...rd, 0'1 the
E7th, duy of August, 1~35. fuly ~dofted,~ Resolution authorizing
the issuance of ~d~,)JD of bonds, under the ~uthority of Public
.:'ct ~.0. 63, 74th.CanEresE, ,,-pprovod ~.hy ~;oth. 1~3E: end,
Hhere8B, on ~ation duly secon6ed, that the said REsolution
authorizinp-' the iSfu':!'1ce of bonds be finally 9dopte', bS introduced
and re'id, the roil Wo.l::' accord ingly culled 'tnd ull the '~ou~1Cilmen
present voted i~ favor of the adoftion of Ebid Resolution, where-
upon the ~uyor decl~ired suid Resolution final~y adoftel' and signed
said ReEolution in afproval thereof: und,
i/H1::R.wh::i, it appears that at 2aid meeting of the Comno:1 Council
Jf the frOWn of ;:,€wl'.lrd, held <m the 27th, (1ay Jf ,.ugust, 1.;35, for
the purrose of considering and adoptinp said Resolution, there was
abE'ent from 8'3,j 0 meetinf Cound l'YlfJ-Yi l.;anthey:
l~u.i l'ni.'.F.l.FJR.w, 13l. IT Hi.:3u:LVi...JJ by the CJm'llon Council of tte
."'own of Sewaro, that said .~~esolution authorizing the i8~ul'"nce of
~d~,)J) of Bonds uneer authority of Public ~ct Uo. 63, 74th. Cong-
ress. arnroved ~ay [J, 1~3~, be Rnd the sa~e hereby is Ratified,
Confirmed uno ApDroved.
l.uOPTL~ unoer suspension of rules, by the unanimous vote of
the entire ~embershif of said Common Council, this 21st, day of
October, B3~. . l\. .
Apprillveo, October, 21st .1~3fi, fv:- /(. L:r(Zo-v-~cCIttt;iYOR.
It wos moved by Councilman Manthey, ano seconded by Covncil~a.
Gilliland, that all rules of the Council which ~lfht rreve~t, unle.
suspended. the co~siderBtion" final passage snd ~dortlon of said
Resolution at sail:' meeting ano its taking effect upon snch adoptio
be nnd the SGme sre hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting
t~e consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution
at this meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption.
The ~nestion being put upon the A6option of said motion, the
Roll was called with tte followinF results; ~yes 6. Jays 0.
'l'hos€: vQtinf ..;]e: Council'Tlen BIRse, Cameron, ~i II lland, Helm,
lla~they and Osbo.
The ~ayor declaired said motion carried an6 such rules so
Councilman Helm, seconued by Councilnan OSbJ, muved that s~id
Resolution be finally passed and adopted as intruduced an6 read.
The question being put upon the final passage and adoptio~ of said
Hesolution, the roll was called with the follvwing results;
,,-yc<' 6. l.ays lJone. Thote voting ..ye, Bouncilman, EldEe, Cameron,
GElih:.nd, Helm, l!lanthey and Osbo.
The Mayor thereupon declaired said Resolution finally rasEen
and aDopted, and the ~ayor thereupon signed said Resolution in
blproval thereof.
~O~D~Y. OCTOB~R, 21st. 1~35, Cont.
The Mayor presented a wire from Delegate Dilond, to the effect t~b no
immediate funds were availRble for Lowell \::reek Flood relief.
Mayor was authorized to wire Govenor Troy requesting relief me sures
be taken at once for the unimployed situation tn ~eward and vicini y.
Finance Committee reported that a loan of ~3000.00 had been se ured
from the Bank of Seward for ninety days, to repair and "install the
bfidges damaged by Lowell Creek flood.
Conncilman Helm dnd l.lanthey reported progress on bridge work, l
Councilman Helm recomended that the 4th. Avenue Brid~e be moved up
stream a few feet.
Councilman Osbo reporter that a multiple light had been instRl ed
as directed, between the Shea and Manthey residences.
The matter of appointing a Night Watc~man was laid on the tabl
till neyt regular meeting.
Mayor Brownell re~orted the receipt of FhA, advance grant of
C17.000.80 in the form of a Treasury Check to defrRY preliminary
expense of Seward Hydro-electric Power Project, same to be deposit d
in the Bank of Seward for this purpose.
Upon motion by Councilman Helm, seconden by CJuncilm~n Osbo
~ 12t~ adjourn, Mot:on:; carried Rnd so ~~/#al'~
Mkj,Y~ 'Cli::RK
MONDAY, OCTOBER, 28th. 1~35.
Specialmee'ing of the Common Council. City of Seward, held t .is
date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by IAayor Bra mell
at 8 p.m.; with the following Councilmen present, Blase. Gilliland.
Helm, Manthey and Osbo;
Mayor advised meeting for purpose of meeting Capt. Kda~rd ~hi ehaed,
~istrict Advisor, Air Division of Dept of CODunerse, who addressedt e
meeting with regards to the contemplated enlarge~ent of the Seward ,)
Air Field, Capt ,whitehead eyplained the necessary procedures that
were required from the City, namely deed to needed land and survey
and plats of same; "\.fterdiscuseion the J.iayor appointed Councilam
Gilliland and Bl<1se as a cormnittee to bring in I) report at me, tinB- to be
held Tlleeday, October 2~th. 1935. Th~e meeting udjourned to meet
as directed. (Insert) ~ngineer Naller estimated uost of Surveying,
and mapping area required at ;1000.00;
TUESDAY, OCTOBER. 2~th. 1~35.
Above adjourned Special Meeting called to order by ffiayor Brown 11
t 8 Pill. with the following Councilman present; Blase, Gilliland, R 1m,
Janthey and Osbo.
Special Committee on Air Field reported; Henry Leirer intervie ed,
e will give deed to the Territory of nlsska for necessary g~ound n eded
ree of Cost, but subject to conditions as stipulated by him.
Mayor reported Harry Hoben interviewed: he will give deed to t e
rerritory of Alaska for Necessary ground for Air Jield, provided ho -
ever that The City Council ~as no jurisdiction over such ground dee ed.
Mayor reported that Seward Chamber of Co~~erce had been asked
for financial aid in making surveys demanded by Department of Comme ce
Chamber reports no funds availDble, suggestedthat City borrow funds
if necessary from bank for this purpose.
Letter from Engineer Waller read, estimating cost of all Surve
platting and estimates necessary for air field work at $700.00.
Motion by Councilman lianthey, seconded by Blase that a sum of ot
(to excede 97JO.00 be authorized expended out of the general fund fo
the necessary survey etc on Air Field; Calling the Roll on the moti n
all Councilman present Voted Aye. So ordered.
Motion by Councilman Helm, seconded by Manthey, that the Mayor
and special com~itte appointed be authorized to have necessary deed
prepaired and executed for ground needed for Seward Air Port. Calli g
the Roll all Counctlamen voted Aye.
Mr. J .B.Carslile, Linuor ~nforselnent Officer for the 3rd. Di vi ion
as present at this meetini< and addressed the Council, giving valua le
sU~Festion and a~vise on handling liouor situation in the City.
c T m ting t~ereafter aejournec.
W {l
llayor ,
. Clerk.
MONDi~Y, 1,Ov~],IB:":~\, 4111':.1935.
Regular meeting of tr.e :';Jrrrnon GOUrlcU, Ci tJ' of ;:,e\Vl;Lrc1, held thi
date in the Council Ch8mbers; Meeting called to order by iliayor
Brownell ~t 8 P.~.; ~ith the following Councilmen present; Gillilan,
Helm, I,lanthey and Osbo; Absent Councilman Blase & ,:.;arJeron.
Minute~ of the last meetings read and approved.
Letter ref-d .from Andrew Horton reqnesting repairs to ~treet leading
to hiE property; Referrd to Street Committee.
Mot ion b~' Councilman Eelm, seconded by ;,lanthey. that ,-" sum not
to ezcede kK$75.1J be authorized eXpended for repairs to streets;
Calling the 1.'\011, All:.;ouncilman present voted ,~ye.
I,lotion was made by CJuncilml-in llianthey seconded bJ' Osbo that the
offer of 'li5!).)) for l.)t 26 Block l1 uri(<:inal Townsite tendered by
F.~.Leslie be I-iccepted; Calling the Roll, ~ll C~uncilmen present
Voted Aye. Clerk instructed to furnish Mr. Leslie deea for abovc.
Claims totaling ~2421.3~ a~ainst City for uctober, 1935, present 6
as follows; Bank of Seward 25.1i. Keilcheski 220.00. Balderston 150.0
Haverstock 50.)). Fryer 25.00. Alaska R.R. 440.42. St~ndard Oil 3.27
J.l.Graef 62.95. Seward dater Sply 132.50. City Pay Roll 220.25.
Alaska Transfer 27.75. Gateway Pub. Co 12.45. McMullen 1.35. Pile
Driver Pay Roll 229.50. Bridge deck Pay Roll 112.50. Cash Flood Pay
Roll 224.50. Seward Trading 4.l5. Brown & Hawkins 115.6). Brosius,
18.80. Seward Metal Wks. 6.00. Osbo's 13.45. Ogle's 22.68. Sew~rd
~achine Shop 24.25. 8.1.& P. 241.60.V.F.D Pay Roll. 37.50.
Motion by Council,an Manthey, seconded by Helm that Claims be
paid as presentd out of General Fund; Calling the Roll, all Council
me Preeent Voted in t~e affirmative.
Claims against the Sewerd Hydro-Electric Power Project totaling
~cl66l.64 were presented as follows; Publick Survey Office 1.50.
Hubble & ~sller, Cat Bids 123.16. Ogles Garage 240.49. C.M.Brosius
402.40. Katherine A.Balderston 5.00. Bank of Seward 7.10. Hert Curr
5.25. Ilm.Fatterson 2.'10. Gateway Pub. Co. V.80. A.H.Bryant .75/.
E.Jessen 2.50. Seward Dru~ Co. 31.60. Alaska Bransfer 104.55.
Seward B'lkery 10l50. Seward Meat Mkt. 43.~2. ~aechter Bros. 14.65.
P.C.McMullen 98.80. Seward Machine Shop 76.50. Seward Trading 57.10.
Brown & Hawkins 2l7.90. J.l.~raef 81.95. Coopers Cash & Carry 66.4
~.G.Br0wnell 259.35. Town of Seward advance 756.75. L.C.brownell,
~xpen8es 750.00. A.1.Balderston Sa12ry 150.00. Town of ~eward adv~ c
lb7.58. Town of Sewdrd aavance ~/c Bills 430.55. Hubblo ~ ftaller
A/c Contract 1)08.00. Hubble & W~11er A/c Exp. 668.32. Hubble & Ja
ar Ale Mier Pay Roll. 159.81 ( Above claimes to Oct l2th.19351.
~0r:hern Cm. Co. 2.78. Gateway Pub. Co. 11.50. Seward Lrug Co.3.4~
Brown & Hawkins Id.75. Ogles Garage 107.04. G.~.Brosius 15.05.
~ignal Corps 45.8). L.A.Huff Oct. sal~ry 172.00. i..L.Ba1derston,
Oct. Sal,'.lrY 58.00. .uiton GiLliland lia~es 30.0:). bank of Seward <1.3
Sewl-irc IJIeat Ukt. 1.5,). Bert ,j,ur 2.)0.'i'rick &; l;launll1~Y, 164.83.
Motion was made by CJuncilman Helm, seconrled by Councilman,
Manthey that above claims be &1'0roved '.nd S8-me be paid out of the
pa~. Advance grant Funds, now on deposit in the Eank of Seward;
C~lling the Roll on the motion, resulted in Ayes 4. Jays O.
Councilman votin~ Aye- Gilliland, Helm, ~anthey, Osbo.
~pplications for position of ~ight ~iatchm~n Layover till neyt
Regular Meeting.
This merting held open to meet at the call of the Mayor.
TEtTRf)I;AY, ~;OV:2.iJ.:C3.2, 7th. U~~f,.
Adjourned Regular meeting of t~e Cou1on Council, City of cipw~rd
reconvene" in the Council Cha'11bers; Meeting called to orcJer b;:: ,;layor
Brownell at b P.~. with tbe followin, CouTI0il'11an present. blase
" ('" I" . , dEl ' , "
vamcron..rl -el...an . :e 11, .JantheJ' 3.:1d Osbo.
I.layar adyised that H. V. Hoben wasready twd wi. ling to give the.
neceesary deed to the Terri tory of ~~la8ka fJr l'ind needed ~ for ,.ir
Port purposes, rrovided the City relinquished 13.nd decced by hi'11 1
to the City of b~wRrd on ~ugust,2nd. 1~2~. A Resolution nuthorizin
thE ;,layor 'md Clerk of the ';'own )f Sewird to execute such deed and
deliver to H.V.Eoben, was [resented and read.
:,Io!ion was 'UlldE by Cutncil.m.:'l ;,1anLhe;:i, sec;unded by Hel'Il, that
the Ru~e8 be suspended for the adoftion of said Resolution Callin
thc Holl on the motion ~ll Cpunailmen frescnt voted 4ye.' -
Un the (u€stion, "Shall the Resolution be adocted?" All Council-
men prescnt voted ~ye. The ~ayor declaired Resol;tion dul~ adooted
and c' d . J .
~lgne same In ~pnrovlll thereof.
THUnSDAY? ~;OEMBl:;r.? "'l'H.U$~.Cont.
Mayor advisee' that Henry Leirer had granted a deed to the 'rerr'tory
of Alaska for approximately eight ~cres for Aviation Field.
The MaYJr presented an agreement to be entered into between th
Town of Seward Hydro-Electric Project and the firm of Hubble & Jal er
~ngineers, stipulating a price of 135)0.)0 for ~ngineering work in
connection with the Seward Hy~ro-~lectric Project.
Motioij. was made by Councilman l,lanthe:'l, seconded by Blase, that
the Mayor be authorize p,o enter into such 8i1:reement with Eubtle & ,"aller
as he deemed satisfactory to both parties; Callin~ tr-e nol: on the
IJ1otion; j~ll Council'nan present Voted Aye. AY~S 6. lJAYS 0
Mayor advised that wire from ~ashington, ~.C.h&d been rceeived
authorizing the Bank of Seward to be user as the Depository for
Loan & Grant funds for Sewurd Hydro-~lectric Project.
Attorney Frier reported making further investigation in retard
to posti~g of Habitual Drunkard List. .
By the unani~ous vote of the Council, thF Hofman Buildin~s on
5th avenue condemned recently were ordered demolished by the City
as necessary action had not been taken by Mr. Hofman.
By the Unanimous vote of the Council, under .M;tion by C0uncilm,
Osbo, seconded by Blase . CounciLl1an ;,lanthey & ..Helm were ai thori ze
to construct the 4th. Ave. Bridgeup.stream from its old location
at a point that in their judgement was most benificial, provided
however that such IJ10ve would not conflict with the Seward "ater Su Dly
Under motion by Cou~cilman ~elm, secondeq by Cameron, thiE mee ing
~rea~.ter ad.journed:." (; {
~~l!rt(j ~'
t1 Lil3dJdd.~
Regular meeting of the Comnon 0ouncil, City of Seward, held th's
date in the Council ChamberE; ~eetiuf ~alled to order by Mayor Bro nell qt ~I
8 P.M. with the followin~ Councilmen preEent; BlaEe Gilliland Helm and M~nti .
Manthey; ~inutes of the last mectinge relid and arproved.
Letter from Seward L.& P. Co. re damape to cur, referre0 to
Chief of P01ice Keilchcski for inv€stiaBtion.
:,'[.Jti on b:/ Councilman ;.i~;tnthey, seconded by Helm that lots 36-38
block 5 of Laubner addition te sold tJ lngwald JacJbsen fvr a priu
of ~2).)0 each; Calling the roll, all Cou~cilmun present voted .Lye
]'ollowing cls-Lna prrsenter; C.1.1.BroEiuE 7\J8.44. H.H..valler,
bridge pay roll 206.00. fred Chalman 24).00. Motion by Councilman
Manthey, s~conded by Helm that claims as presented be paid; Callin
tht Roll on the motion ;.11 C,)uncilmen prt sent Voted .Lye.
Under motion by CJuncilman Blase, Eeconded by illanthey and una -
imJusly carrie6 a secret ballot was taken for the appointment of
lHg-htivatchman : ReLul ts: 1st Ballot Laughlin 1. Davidson 2. Lan'1i r 1.
2nd. BallJt Davidson 3. Lannier 1. mayor'declaired Tom uavidson
"it reouest of the bew~lrd &XHX(itXHE Rifle Club, under motion by
Councilman Blase, seconded by Gilliland and unanimously passed;
permission was granted to shoot crows in the vacinity of the City
Dumn under direction of the Chief of Police.
~. Motion was made b;v Councilman ;_lanthey, seconded by Bl!1se and
unanimously carried that the Seward Rifle ~lub be grante6 permissi n
to hold their Annual TurklY Shoot within City Limits as heretofore
;,lotion by CJuncilman :.lanthey, seconded by Gi lliland that the
Chief of 20lice be authorized to cut on a Jail Guard when occasion
warlanted; Calling the Roll. All ~ouncilamn present Vote d Aye.
Mayor reported agreement signed with Hubble & NaIler ~ngineer
for Jeward Hydro-Electric Project and the second payment of ~15)O. 00
made as authorized.
Upon recomendat ion of the Llayor, a moti on was made by COUYlciL an
Helm, seconded by Manthey, that the Hoben*Zeilcheski et-al. suit b
settled out of court for a SUIJ1 of ~30Q.00 as Attorney Fees. Cullin
the roll on the mot ion resulted ~s foll~ws; Ayer::, Bl'lse, Helm, ~ilan hey,
Nays Gilliland; Mayor de~laired motion carried and so ordered.
. Clerk instructed to put notice in the paper re~ard to violati ns
~uto Regu18tioDE, r~rticularly as to lights and Mufflers.
Upon proper motion made, seconded and cc.rried, thiE meeting
~zre\(Lte,;j~_Urned. /7(;/ I ,
~ ~ ~a/d/Atf~
-?7't6. OJf . 'e Ie ".1<
:''''LC;~~j)'i.Y, lJ~_/~. 2nd. 1 s<~5 7iIO.l.~:L,~';..Y,
Regular meeting of the CJm~on Council, City ~f 0€~urd, he16 thi-
d,atein the ~0uncil ::h"J;1bere; :.:eetirw (;'i1led to orc:er by .;['ct~70r 1,.':;.
BrJ'7'rJell "t u 1'.U. with t>.f; followir;f C.Jur'Gilncr, rresenL: Blase,
Eel~ri, ~.lanthey ~ Oebo.
Uinutes of last ~ectins read una ~rfrJved.
letter froon Ci t;y '.;ourwil, Let c.;hibl:: , re.'lo. Re, Her-ell of "i~rf&ge
'i":l< on ~)lc :Btorrl.ee tOr.,~-jage: Clert instruc.;ted to write Df lE:@''ite
~inonc nrJteEting such reDe~l and furniehinv City uf Letchi~Rn with
. - .
~ u0fY of t~e ~u~e.
Claims tot~ling ~2A1f.1E rresented as foll.WE; Bani of Se~ward
r,E,.I; LeilcheeU ';2').')'). Bulc3erston l;;,.};. :-113yerstock 5'.')'} l"nrer
25.1']. A:nericun Blue Frint So. 5.2:J. St'moCirc 0U.;0. 5.18. -..::.
Bryant 28.25. Bridve Pay Hall 6~2.7'. L.V.Ray 1')).');. J.J.Cud6y
10J.1J. .las}:a '.i.'Y'lr,sfer 2H.c5. :},'ltewa~ .75. ::>evmrd ;Jater :::",11,1 1~:7. 1
012"1e'8 lLdfi. ;.:,;.BroeiuE 6'~.E5. ,T.L.'}rapf 4.1fi. H.~I.,iC1Jhr 1?,Sl.CJ
O~;bo ?f.:.of~. I~ov. Pa:y 3.011 1J2.25. S.l.1: ~~1. 186.fB. SifI'1.8.1 tjJrr[' [.S).
LI0ti:mr';7 :';oU71cJlrn'in :,~a~they. ;~c'~o~C!eQ ty '--'elm that Billf fiE
[relEnted be r~io out of Lhe ;enernl Fu~d: aallin~ the Roll on the
i.lot: on; ",11~ 0 UYlc.;i 1 ruan rre eent Vot e c,;,' e.
::>Eward Eydro-~lectriu pyo:eut Bills toLalin~ ~7ffi.d7. pr(f~nted
LIotia:: l~i Councilrn'.;.n ',Ia'1they, fEconded r~' ':elm tl'1'1t 1:i1112 rc I'Jid
out of rry6ro-3]~utric Pro~eut funoE: ~~]linv the Roll on the ~oLion
all C~uncilmen ~res~nt Voted i, the ~ffirmative.
Id'-i;ior re~-'orted':n inten'iew with lir. ?aul Gordon, ,dministr'1tiv
ne['Tf_2E:ilt",tive fron ,100Ehingto"l, ~ .;. IJa'tarE of intercFt to thiE
u ,nu:,it, diECUBlec sUCht12 ,ir ::'ort. l-'ower l'r(,:ect etc. -,-,r. Ccordor;
eyrreEfcd Gosire t~ telp in eVEry way rOE~ibele in securing funds.
;,1,1tte1' of finun.;ial 'ctid fur tho u~jl:eq) :'1' -,-,re'i:nl-li1G RaIl 'it- "
11'1CC of recreation for the Sc.;tool Children discussed. jc.;hool Cornrn
ittoc i~etructed to confer with ~(N~rd ~chool E)~rd an the ~Htter.
Chief l~cilcr:ef]d re[orte6 tr,at tr,E:: Cit;y j..'wnp ','ruck ceinR c:riven
bJ~ 0n:l :,~~inthey (:'l~l~J.e:ed the 0.1,,;~ i). Cb.I'. re~"(lir~ tJ r,e .:1'1.0C tj~ the
(.;.d.Fr~'er, ::'ec;)'. ~humber.of ~O::Lerc( r:resented ~(Bug~eFtlcn
fro~ the Gh~mter th~t a survey of the Lowell ~reel Flume be m~6e,
n0 UGtio~ tuken in the matter.
I~ounuilm:j:l uEbo prerented thE: r:1titter of reimbursi~lR the \-,:F.l.,.
fJr the -,:lE,1.')) d.onated 0::" the'Il for l'Urch.\EE:: of t:',8 FirE.' l'lJ.:J!.
,,:atter l'-dd over till :1e7t rel2"ulur 'IleotinR.
,;oti:)n t~7 :)[1:1Ci1':113... "elm, EccorJded b;V "lu1'1thcy th'1t tr.e ti9ht
Co~mittec tA uuthori~ed to .order 2J 6.6 Ecriee Etreet la'Ilp12; Culli~_
Lrle rc)ll ,J~j the r:1t~ti. JYJ.; il' := )U~~Jci l:n."-i"'1 !-,ye'E'E'nt v\Jted ..ye.
rron ~roper motion 'Ilade. sec.;onded uno carried; :hiE ~peti~R
therc',fter a(i :uurYJ8C!.
~ /1 ./~A , I/'J/
--l;fL~~~~ ~
i;IOHliAY, lJECbi,1B~n, l6th.l935.
t< ~{I~$i;;
3eRular meeting of the Com'Ilon .:; ou~cil, ~ity uf 6ewBr6, held
this date in the Council :'::ha ,bers; l~leetin? called to order b;i J,:uyor
Erowmell at d ~.~. with the following ~ouncilme~ preEent: blase,
Gilliland, Helm & 0sbo. ~inutes of last meeting read ~ approved.
Councilman Osbo, having inte.rviewed i:>uft. D:udgers re- Lream-
hall as a n:ecrel:ition 111ac.;e for sehOul children, reco:nendec and
made the following motion, seconded by Helm, that the sum of 25.00
per wonth for a period of five months, comenueing ~ov. 1st lU35 be
allowed the ~chovl Board to help defray the expenses of said hall
for the specific use of pupils uf the ::>ewuro ~chool only; Calling
the ~oll un the motion; All :ouncilmen present ~oted Aye.
Following Bills against the Seward Hydro-~lectric Project,
pres~nted; E.Jessen 7.20. Bank of ~eward 7.95. ~otion by Councilma.
Gsbo, seconded by Gilliland that bills be paid; Callin~ the roll 0
the motion; All Council:1arJ present voted in the Affirmative.
Motion by Councilman vsbo, seconded by Blase that the sum of
$150.01 advanced by t~e S.V.F.Dept, for purchase of Fire Pump be
refunded to the :Vdllan1)epr "Fi_re' };iell:t;" Culli hg 'Ehe- J,\o~l.; All Council
men presrnt Voted Aye.
~ U {J (!fr"" "ot i on ?~' '{i & carri,' th i, meeti ng ad! ourned .
_ '~. i,_. (k-r-<,~
. LLA 0 R
~.:~ L .L ;i I~
The Common C~uncil of the Town of Seward, c~nvened in Special
Sessi~n in the Council Cha~b2rs ~t the T~wn Hall ~f Seward, on the
26th day of December 1935, at 7 o'clock p.~. The mseting was call d
t~ order b~ Uayor D.C. Brownell.
The Clerk called the Roll.
were as follows:
Those present and those absent
John W. Blase, Charles Cameron, Charles
P. Gilliland, John Helm, Thorwald Osbo
and Gustavas R. Manthey.
Absent: None.
The Clerk read the Call of the Meeting, together with the
~roof of service of the same, which was ordered spread upon the
minute s of the meeting, to follow immediately after the ~inutes of
this meeting.
The following Resolution entitled "Resolution Approving and
Adopting Plans and Specifications for Municipal Electric System"
was introduced by Mayor Brownell, read in full by the Clerk, and
considered by the Council:
Section 1. That the plans and specifications of t he mu-
nicipal electric system 10 r the Town of' Se~.'ard, Alaska, as prepare,
furnished and submitted to this Common Council, by the Hubbel &
Waller Engineering Corporation, the duly employed, authorized and
a.::>r:>roved jj;ngineers 01' the Town of Seward, Alaska, and identified a
"Report on Seward Hydro-Electric Project Pi;&\. Docket No. 6279, F'ed-
eral Power Commission No. 1316, by Hubbell & 'NaIler En3ineering
Sorporationi Hydro-Electric Engineers, Alaska BUilding, Seattle,
Washington,' and setting f~rth in detail the estirr:ated cost ~f s ai
electric system in the amount of $209,448.14, said estimate, etc.,
c~mpleted and filed in the office of the Municipal Clerk ~f the
Town of Seward, A19s're, on the 14th d::t" ')f .cecember 1935, - be,cwd
the same hereby are approved and adopted.
Section 2. This Resolution Shall be in full force and
effe ct from and after the d ate of its adoption and approval by the
ltayor .
Adopted under suspension of the Rules, by the unanimous
vote of all members of the COill"10n Council this 26th day oi' Decembe
:Jj :U:
It was moved bv Counci1msn Helm, and seconded by Councilman
Gilliland, that all rules of the C~unci1 which might prevent, un-
less suspended, the consideration, final passage, and adoption of
the Resolution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such
adoption, be and the same are hereby suspended for ~he purpose of
permi tt ing the consideration, final passage and adoption ot said
Resolution at this meeting and its taking eft'ect upon such adoptio .
The question being put upon the adoption of said motion, the
roll was called with the following results:
Ayes, 6; Nays, 0; those voting Aye: Councilmen Manthey,Osbo,
Gilliland, Cameron,Be1m and Blase.
The Mayor declared said motion carried, and such Rules so
CounciLnan Jsbo, se c:lnded by Councilman "llo.nt:.ley, moved that
said Resolution 'a9proving and adopting the plans and specification
far a municipal electric system be finally passed and adopted as
introduced and read. The question being put upon the final passag
and adoption of said resolution, tthe roll was called with the fol-
lowing results:
Ayes, 6; Nays,O; those voting Aye: Councilmen Manthey"Osbo
Gilliland, Cameron, Helm and 31ase.
The l\iayor thsreupon declared said Res:llution finally passed
o.cLl alopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed selld Reso1uti on in
approval thereof.
The following Resolution entitled "Resolution Approving and
Auth~rizlng the Expenditure ~f ~equlsite and Necessary Sums of won
ey in ~xcess of the Sum of $118,000 Already Approved and not to
Exceed the sum of $220,000 for the Purpose of Cons truct j.t1S a,1d
Placing in Operation a ~~nlcipal Electric System, and for Other
Pur90sesll was introduced by Mayor D.C. Bi":)wnell, read in full by
the Clerk, and consia~red by t~'3 ~~u~cil:
Yi 11 e r t as, The ~:)~.G;:10{1 J')~l:~cl~ c::.ft'Jr .). :';111 9.:13.. ::;a.:,,-"3-
f':.-<l "::)ll.si"l:;rs.tlot: Jf the 'o1ep:)rt of 3.H.Waller, of the 6118ineering
corr.pany of Hubbell and 7ialler Engineering Corporation, tne duly em-
ployed, a-ltrJ.:Jriz6Q Lend &c!)lOO"veQ c,clc:;L133.CS r J.e ~:l: TY'ill Jf" J3vl9.rd,
.-l.las:~a, ano. 81 ths ylalls dllJ specifications .)f the proposed mUJ1l.ic1
pal electric system prepareQ, furnished ano. submitted by said ~ngi
neers, is convin::ed of the fact tiwt tile prsse:lt :nth:)rizatioD :)f
eXp'3"'lcJiture L1 7,~1." S.L:! J:f >11,3, )JJ is insufficient for the constru -
tion :)tld iiJ.stallation of SUC{l elsctric syste,,; and,
','; her e as, approximately ninety-seven per centum
(97%) of the inhabitants of the municipality of Seward, alas~a, by
vote duly had, have declared the;nselves in fav:)r :)f unci have de-
~anded the immeo.iata cJnstructi:)n and operation of a municipal ele -
tric system as a relief asainst the ~rivate1.f 0./,ls1 ;JrJj:-ct,,'ith
its service declared t:) be limited, inadequate, uDsatisfact:)ry,and
operated at an excessive cost t~ the consumer; 8.2d,
il her e a. s , tl'1e C:)mm~n C))'-lnci1 after a::a:~ef:Jl detail
ed investigati on by its ;nembers of t (le pre sent and irr.rnediate f"Utur
desand for electrical service, is satisfied t Qat adequate and suf-
fici0>lt C8'l6rllJe WOJ1d be ':erivGd 'hit':,.llich to,}3st and to pay all
obligations, whether Jf principal anc interest,or 01 manage:nent an
oper~tlon ')f a :rLJ.nicipa~ <;;lectric SY3t3;~1 J.+J 3. ~J3t in SXC,3SS ,)1" t h~-
sum of Sl18,000, which said sum has heretofore been authorized to
be expenc.e::1. f'or such eleC~loi(..:: 3ystecn, 3.:1d isf:mnd tJ be insuffi-
cient and inadequate to c:)ver cJnstruction costs, not to exceed th
sum of ~220,000; and,
W 1'1 ere as, the Common Council i s f,~ll.y cJl1"in8ed t h(;.l
the heretofore proposed amount of $118,000 will not be and is not
sufficient to cover thG c)nstruction costs required, -
Section l. That in excess :)f the sum of 3118,000, there
is her'eby all t hor ized a further and additional expend 1 t ure of money
not to exceed the sum ofi:wo Hundred Twenty Th:)uSBcld Dollars
($220,000), for the constr"Uction of a municipal electric system,
for the Town of Seward, Alaska, together wi th all parts thereof an'
a)purtet1:11::es thereto necessary ~r convenient f')r 1.,11d gellsration,
prodution, transmission and distribution and sale of electric
"nergy, ancl the acquiring by gift, purchase or the exercise of the
power of eminent dJmain, lands, easements, ~r rights in land, or
wa ter ri3hts in cJnnecti on therewith, all however, in accordance
'e'i th the terms and provisions and conditions of that certain Act
:)f Congress of the united States of america designated as Public
Act. No. 63 of the 74th Congress, a9proved ~ay 20th, 1935.
Section 2. That the lv;ayor and l\iunicipal Cler~ Jf the Town
Jf Seward, Alaska, be a~d they are hereby authorized, empowered
and directed to do and to perform for and on behalf of said Sewar ,
and in its name and un>.;r its corporate seal, requisite and neces-
sary to effectuate the declared objects and purposes of this Reso-
lution and of its ter;TIS and provisi::ms and to that e:ld said offi-
::ers shall make, sign and validly execute in due and proper form
'lny and all instn.tments in writLlg so fOJ.l1d t:) be reqi-lired awl
ne ce s sary.
Section 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and
effect from and after the date of its adoption and approval by the
:~~a.v or.
A.0JPTED under suspeilsion of the
J f all t~18 nembers of the CO:llmon Council
19~. / 7 ,;/
---bJ ,vP /~%-/fr~.'
iVl A. t""5--'R "
Rules, by unaniw:)us vote
this 25th day of December
C L"r;'R K
It WE< S moved by Councilman Cameron, and seconded by Coullci1:nan
31as8, that all rules :)f the Council which might prevent, unless
suspended, the c:)nsideration, final passage, and adopt ion of the
Resolution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoptio ,
be and the same are hereby sJspended for the purpose of permitting
the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution
( 78
at this meeting and its taking'effect upon such adoption.
The question being put upon the adoption of said :notion, the
roll was cal13d with the following results:
Ayes, 6; Nays, 0; those voting Aye: Councilmen Blase, Helm,
Cameron, Gilliland, Manthey and Osbo.
The ~ayor declared said motion carried, and such Rules so
Councilman J1l1iland, sec:onded by Councilman Helm moved that
said res:olution approving and authorizing the Expendit~re of requi
site and necessary sums of money in excess :of the sum of $118,000
already approved and not to exceed the sum of ~220,JOO, for the pu _
pose of c:mstructing and placing in operation a municipal electric
system, and for other purposes, be finally passed and adopted as
introduced and read. The question being put upon the final pas sag
and adoption of said resolution, the roll was called with the fol~
lowing results:
Ayes, 6; Nays, 0; those voting Aye: Councilmen Elase, Helm,
Cameron, Gilliland, Manthey and Osbo.
The ivlayor thereupon declared said Resoluti on finally passed
and adopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed said Resolution in
approval thereof.
The following resolution entitled "Resolution Authorizing the
Issuance of ~anety Thousand Dollars of Bonds, as a Second Series,
and in Addition to the Heretofore Authorized Issue of $89,000 of
3:onds Under the Authority of Public Act No. 63, 74th Congress,
':.pproved May 20th 193511 was then introJuced by .,layor D.C .3rownell
rend in full by the Clerk, and considered by the Council:
:/ her e as, The CO"3mOn Council of the Town of Seward
Alaska, did adopt and the Mayor of said Town did approve on August
27th 1935, a Resolution entitled "Resolution Authorizing the Issu-
ance of $89,000 of Bonds, Under the Authority of Public Act No. 63
74th Congress, Approved lflay 20th 1935" and subsequently by Resolu-
tion entitled" A Resolution Ratifying, Confirming and Approving
Resolution of the Common Council of the Town of Seward Authorizing
the Issuance of $89,000 of Bonds, Under the Authority of Public
Act No. 63, 74th Congre ss, Approved May 20th 1935" adopted by said
Common Council and approved by said Mayor on October 21st, 1935,
whereby and pursuant to the authority therein contained, said Com-
mon Council did issue its Electric System Bonds, numbered One to
Eighty-nine, both nu:nbers inclusive, of th" deno'JLnatiJi1 j!, ~l:)OO
each, dated September 1, 1935, wit;l interest coupons attached, in-
tere st payable at t he rate of four per centum per annum, payable
March lst 1936 and semi-annually thereafter on September 1st and
M:arch 1st of each year, at the First l-:ational Bank, Seottle, Nash-
ington, in the total sum of $89,000.00, with dates of maturity as
set forth in s aid bonds; and,
. W her e as, It is evident that such sum of $89,000.0
plus advance grant from the Jnited States of America in the sum of
$26,700, is inadequclte and insufficient as to the amount necessary
and essential for the construction costs of an alectric system of
a capacity sufficient to meet the present demands for electrical
energy and service of the Town of Seward and its inhabitants, and
of demands in adjacent serviceable territory; and,
W her e as, the Common Council of the Town of Seward
Alaska, has by Resolution duly adopted and approved by the Mayor
of said Town, on December 26th 1935, expressly approved and adopte
plans and specifications for the constructi on of a municipal elec-
tric system calling for the expenditure in the aggregate sum of
Two Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars (210,000.00), in order to c~nstru
install, and place in operation a ~ydro-electric plant, with trans
~ission line 2nd other and all appurten~nces and incidentals suf-
ficient to :neet the demands for electric energy in s aid Town of
Seward and adjacent serviceable territory; and,
W her e as, it is expressly provided by provision of
law, and as set forth in said Resolution of the Common Council, in
substance, that any further or additional charge, evidenced by
bonds, against the revenue of sald proposed electric system, shall
be junior and subordinate to bonds already and theretofore author-
ized issued, -
Section 1. That the Common Council of the Town of Seward,
Alaska, does hereby authorize and empower the issuance of bonds,
pledged against the revenue of its hydro-electric system, to the
extent of $90,000.00, in addition to the sum of $89,JOO.OO hereto-
f:)re a~t[1orized issued.
Section 2. This Resolution shall be in full force' and
effect from and after the date of its adoption and approval by the
;,layar .
Adopted un cier suspens ion of Rule s, by the unanimous vote
of all members of the Common Council this 26th day of December,A.D.
1935. .
Co ' f2 Lf~C~-!/-(/
iJ, A Y 0 R -- -~L !:;; R K-- -
It was moved by Councilman JLnthey and seconded by Councilman
vsbo, that all rules of the Council which might prevent, unless
Sc.t5 p=m:1ed, t~1'3 ~onsii3rati)n, final passage a"i a,ioption of the
resolution at sai~ meeting and ~s taking effect upon such adoption,
be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting
the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at
this meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption.
The question being put upon the adoption of ~aicl motion, the
roll -N:J:S called with the fo11owln[5 res'llts:
Ayes, 6; Nays, 0; thosevoting Aye: Councilmen 810.se, :-Ielm,
,::la11eron, Gilliland, l.1anthey andOsbo.
The Mayor declared said motion carried, and such Rules so
suspended accordingly.
Councilman Helm, seconded by Councilman Blase, moved that sai
resolution authorizing the issuance of ninety thousand dollars of
b::>nds, as a second series, and in addition to a heretofore author-
ized issue of $89,000 of bonds under the auth::>rity ::>f Public Act
No. 63 of' the 74th ConGress Appro ved ,,~ay 20th 1935, be finally
pas~ed and adopted as introduced and read. The question being put
upon the final passage and adoption of said Resolution, the roll
WaS called with the following results:
Ayes, 6; Nays,O; those voting Aye: Councilmen Blase,~elm,
Cameron, Gilliland, ~anthey and Osbo.
The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution finally passed
and adopted; the May::>r thereupon signed said Resolution in approv
al thereof.
It was then moved by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by
Councilman Cameron, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried, and
it WQS so ordered.
c;'-r;-E J{ -K ' - ..
I, A.D. Balderston, Clerk of the Town of Seward, Territory
of Alaska, d~ hereby certify that the f~regoing and annexed Extrac
from t~e ~inutes :)f the Special Meeting of the Common Council ~f
the Town of Seward, held on the 26th day of December 1935, at 7
o'clock p.m. on said day, has been c~mpared by me with the Origina
:~nd is a True and Correct transcript thereof and of the whole of
such Original I11inute s so far as the same relates t~ the matters
therein referred to.
In Nitness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affi~ed
the official seal ~f the T~wn of Seward, this 26th day of December
A.D. 1935.
C L E RIC--------
To: John W. Blase, Charles Cameron, Charles P. Gilli-
land, Thorwald Osbo, Gustavas R. Manthey, and John Helm, Members
of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska:
You, and each of y~u are hereby notified that I have
called a Special Meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Sew-
ard, Alaska, to be held in the Council Chambers ~f the Town Hall 0
Seward, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on Thursday, the 26th day of December
1935, for the purpose of considering:
~irst: A Resolution, which by its provisions and terms
shall approve, adopt and accept the completed plans and specifica-
tions of the Hubbell and Waller Engineering Corporation, for the
( 80
proposed municipal hydro-electric system for Seward, Alaska.
Second: A Resolution, which by its provisions and terms
shall approve the expenditure of sums of money, in excess of the
sum of 1118,000.00 already approved, for th~ proposed municipal I
hydro-electric system of Seward, Alaska, and not to exceed, howeve~,
the sum of Two Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($220,000.00).
Third: A Resolution, which by its provisions and terms
shall provide for and autnorize the issuance of a Second Series of
"Electric System Bonds" of the Town of Seward, Alaska, - (which
conds shall be junior and subordinate in all respects to the bonds
aggregating the sum of $89,000.00 heretofore authorized issued by
Resolution approved August 27th 1935, ratified by Resolution appro _
ed October 21st 1935, of the Common Council of said Seward) - to b
dated March 1st, 1936, to bear interest at the X' ate of four per
centum per annum, payable September 1st 1936, and semi-annually
thereafter, on September 1st and March 1st of each year, at the
3ank of Seward, Seward, Alaska; such Second Series bonds to be in tiE
aggregate sum of Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00), numbered
Jne to Ninety, both numbers inclusive, and shall mature in numeri-
cal order, and mature at such time or times notexceeding forty(40)
years from ~arch 1st 1936, as the Common Council of Seward, Alaska
shall thereafter provide by further Resolution in such respect,all,
however, in accordance with t he provisions of Public Act No. 63,
74th Congress, approved May 20th 1935.
At such meeting a mo~ion will be made to suspend all rule
and regulations which might prevent, unless suspended, the consid-
eration and full passage and adoption of such said resolutions at
said meeting, and it s takin3 effect upon such adoption.
Dated at Seward, Alaska, this 24th day. of December,1935.
~&~ .
This Is to Certify, that I personally delivered to each of
the members of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Territory
of Alaska, on the 24th day of December 1935, at said Seward, Alask ,
a full, true and correct copy .of the foregoing and annexed Notice
of Special Meeting, addressed to each and every member of said Com-
-mon Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, and calling for a Spec-
ial Meeting to be held in the Council Chambers at the Tqwn Hall of
Seward, Alaska, at 7 o'clock, p.m. on the 26th day of December,A.D.
1935, for the purpose ,of considering the several matters in said
:Jotice of Special Meeting mentioned and referred .to.
;/iOlw.ci.Y. JA1;U.tl~Y Gth. I 'J26
I;:el!ular le( tiYlf: -.>f the ,~:)r:l.:iu~l ;~ouv;(;il, :~it;,:
date in the ']uuncil CLc1.:nbers . lleetinp- ~~aller to
:5rownell o.t (3 P.i,i. with the followin€, Cuunciln!ii;
Gillil~nd. Helm and ~9nthey.
~inutes of last mestinR read and arrroved.
Clcims totolinl! ~6B7~.47 ~resented at follows; Ecnt Jf ~. w~rd 25.1
Keilu(;eski 22J.11. Balderston If).11 Faversto(;k f1.J) Fryer 25.10
B<in1: of ::'ewrd 1~}1.1J. ':>laek(; :~.3. Z.f,.'JO. ::'eward .,letal d},:::. 21.25.
J.1..ci.~~~s c). 35.E2. 8eW3rd V.F.Dept. 151.11. ~avinge d/~ IlI7i.'f )).1J
5ew~rd ~Gter bcly. 12~.15. Oebo'e 36.5). ;ateway IE.)]. J.l.Gr~af .~5
Brown 1 Hawki::-l~ c'l.'J!. 1EU. :Cay F~olJ .CZ.7E,. 0f,wr:rd 1.,; 1. 160.75.
T0~ ~uvidE0n 2E.)1.
:.:oti:>n by l:OU .ui l:;lU~.1 i.lanthey. see;.J;Jced by taU lland t "'it (jl'.d ,,8
UP .>r"eented be [,aid (Jnt Jf the General Fund'; 'CaJlinp- the Roll on
the".notion; All Counl.:il,nen p1', ~:ent' Voted .\..ye.
Claims against the Seward Hydro-electric Power proj(;et tot[~li g
5f7.30 {resented aE follows; Seward lJrug Co. ti 1.50. bil!nal C~rlE
'\}.;:>.drmy di2): 8.3). 13r0wn & Hawkins 2.5J. Htlbbell 2- vloller .r..ngl"le€ inA:
Core. 5en.}'). EJwman House 15.J1. I,lotion by Cou',ulltnan I.Ianthey.
sec;nded b~ Cou~cilnun Helm that claim~ ~s [resented be raid out 0
P.J.~..advqnce grant for that purpose; Callifug the 2011 on th(
~oti0D; All Councilmen [resent Voted aye.
~otiJn by CJun0jl~sn Helm, seconded by ~anthey thut the City
vi ::'eW&1'O, held
ord e r by LIayor
[re8e11t, BlsEe,
t _iE