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Section 1. That the Common Council of the Town of Seward,
Alaska, does hereby authorize and empower the issuance of bonds,
pledged against the revenue of its hydro-electric system, to the
extent of $90,000.00, in addition to the sum of $89,JOO.OO hereto-
fore aJ.thorized issued.
Section 2. This Resolution shall be in full force- and
effect from and after the date of its adoption and approval by the
;\layer .
Adopted under suspension of Rules, by the unanimous vote
of all members of the Common Council this 26th day of December,A.D.
CV . f6jfl!!:~:~C--(/ C L f~K---- -
j" A Y 0 R ~ n
It was moved by Councilman Jbnthey and seconded by Councilman
Jsbo, that all rules of the Council which might prevent, u.nless
sJ.spanlad, the Jon3ijaratiY~, flnal passage ani adoption of the
resolution at sain meeting and lls taking effect upon such adoption,
be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting
the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at
this meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption.
The question being put upon the adoption of said 1I0tion, the
rJll 'NEtS called wi th the follow1nG res1llts:
Ayes, 6; Nays, 0; thosevoting Aye: Councilmen Blase, :-Ielm,
0allerOn, Gilliland, ~anthey and Jsbo.
The Mayor declared said motion carried, and such Rules so
suspended accordingly.
Councilman Helm, seconded by Councilman Blase, moved that sai
resolution authorizing the issuance of ninety thousand dollars of
bonds, as a second series, and in addition to a heretofore author-
ized issue of $89,JJO of bonds under the authority of Public Act
No. 63 of the 74th Congress Appro ved,;ay 20th 1935, be finally
pasqed and adopted as introduced and read. The question being put
upo~ the final passage and adoption of said Resolution, the roll
was called with the following results:
Ayes, 6; Nays,O; those voting Aye: Councilmen Blase,~elm,
Cameron, Gilliland, ~anthey and Osbo.
The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution finally passed
and adopted; the Mayor thereupon signed said Resolution in approv
al thereof.
It was then moved by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by
Councilman Cameron, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried, and
it WGS so ordered.
r,-T;-ER-K --
I, A.D. Balderston, Clerk of the Town of Seward, Territory
of Alaska, do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed Extrac
from t'le :.linutes of the Special Meeting of the Common Council of
the Town of SeTaI'd, held on the 26th day of December 1935, at 7
o'clock p.m. on said day, has been compared by me with the Origina
and is a True and Correct transcript thereof and of the whole of
such Original ~inutes so far as the same relates to the matters
therein referred to.
In Nitness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affix:ed
the official seal of the Town of Seward, this 26th day of December
A.D. 1935.
C L E R-r-------
To: John W. Blase, Charles Cameron, Charles P. Gilli-
land, Thorwald Osbo, Gustavas R. Manthey, and John Helm, Members
of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska:
You, and each of you are hereby notified that I have
called a Special Meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Sew-
ard, Alaska, to be held in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall 0
Seward, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on Thursday, the 26th day of December
1935, for the purpose of considering:
~irst: A Resolution, which by its provisions and terms
shall approve, adopt ~nd accept the completed plans and specifica-
tions of the Hubbell and Waller Engineering Corporatlon, for the
proposed municipal hydro-electric sy~tem for Seward, Alaska.
Second: A Resolution, which by its provisions and terms
shall a{?prove the expenditure of sums of money, in excess of the ,
sum of il18,000.OO already approved, f~r th~ proposed municipal I
hydro-electric system of Seward, Alaska, and not to exceed, howeve~,
the sum of Two Hundred Twenty Thousand Doll~rs ($220,000.00).
Third: A Resolution, which by its provisions and t~rms
shall provide for and autnorize the issuance of a Second Series of
."~leotric System Bonds" 0 f the Town of Seward, Alaska, - (which
conds shall be Junior and subordinate in all respects to the bonds
aggregating the sum of $89,800.00 heretofore authorized issued by
Resolution approved August 27th 1935, ratified by Resolution appro -
ed October 21st 1935, of the Common Council of said Seward) - to b
dated Maroh 1st, 1936, to bear interest at the r ate of four per
centum per annum, payable September 1st 1936, and semi-annually
thereafter, on S9ptember 1st and March 1st of each year, at the
3ank of Seward, Seward, Alaska; such Seoond Series bonds to be infts
aggregate sum of Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00), numbered
Jne to Ninety, both numbers inclusive, and shall mature in numeri-
cal order, and mature at such time or times notexceeding forty(40)
years from ~arch 1st 1936, as the Common Council of Seward, Alaska
shall thereafter provide by further Resolution in such respeot,all,
however, in accordance with t he provisions of .Public Act No. 63,
74th Congress, approved May 20th 1935.
At such meeting a mo~ion will be made to suspend all rule
and regulations which might prevent, unless suspended, the consid-
eration and full passage and adoption of such said resolutions at
said meeting, and its takin3 effect upon such adoption.
Dated at Seward, Alaska, this 24th dal70f December,1935.
~ ~~~.
This Is ,to Certify, that I personally delivered to each of
the members of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Territory
of Alaska, on the 24th day of December 1935, at said Seward, Alask ,
a full, true and correct copy .of the foregoing and annexed Notioe
of Special Meeting, addressed to each and every member of said Com-
~on Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, and calling for a Spec-
ial Meeting to be held in the Council Chambers at the Tqwn Hall of
Seward, Alaska, at 7 o'clock, p.m. on the 26th day of December,A.D.
1935, for the purpose ,of considering the several matters in said
.lotice of Speoial Meeting mentioned and referred .to.
;/1 UlU.J.:l. Y. J .\in.! ;dY G t h . 1 'J 2 6
Regular ~eltinf of the Jom~un Jou~oil, JiLy
date in the ';Lluncil Cr.,-,mbers . ~leetinF' c~al1e( to
Brownell fit 8 r.M. with the fol1owinf C0uncil~un
Gilliland, Helm and ~9nthey.
~inutes of last meetinR read and ar~rJved.
Clei~s totaling ~6B7~.47 frEsented at followB;'Bcnl of ~ w?rd 25.1
Keilcheski 221.1'. Balderston If 0.11 Eaverstock BJ.)O Fryer 2F.10
B~nk of ~ewra 190.11. ~]askG 3.R. 2~.)Q. ~eward ~etal dkE. 21.25.
J.:U..:;,da:ns-':,;, 25.:::2. ~ew~Hd V.r'.l.<el;t. 151.):"). ;:,uvinge ../t; ifl17:L.'f Y),1)
~ewsrd ~cter b~ly, 12~.15. Dsbo's 3G.5). Gateway IS.JJ. J.l.Cruef.~5
Brown & Hawkins ~7.~). Lec. fay Eol] .62.75. S~wrrd l.~ i. 168.75.
T0~ ~uvidS0n 25.)1.
i,lotion by COll ,(~iLIu~n ;"anthey. sec.:'J;n6ed by 'TiU lland tr~t cLti ,8
us ~rEsented be ~aid out Jf the General Fund'; Calling the Roll on
the' :not i on; AU Counu i bIen prd:ent' Voted .i.ye.
Claims against the Seward Hydro-electric Power frojcet totali g
5f,'?;)0 cresented as follows; Seward lJrug Co. %2 l.50. ~i!mal Corle
U.b.~rw; di~x 8.31. Brown ~ Hawkins 2.5J. Hubbell ~ wQll~r Ln~i~eE ing
Carl'. 50J.Y). Bowma~: Rouse 1~5. YO. jilotion by Cou,cllrrHl"l ..[unthey,
sec~nded b;y Cou::cil'n[!TI EeLn that cl1.lim's 'es lresentec be raid out 0
P.J.~..advqnce grant for that purpose; Callibg the 2011 on thE
~otiJn; All Counuilmen [resent Votod ~ye.
IEoti)Y} by CJun0i11Qn Helm, seconded by ,,::l;n-:,hey that tho City
vf ~ewuro, held
oreer by Llayor
rreseT1t., Blase,
t 'co
Ji.J~~lJ~~Y, JllJ.:.r;.~~Y, c.th. 1';)76. ']O~lt.
contribute ~25.11 eauh ~onth towurd the salary of ~erc f~tro
~an, To~ Davidson as long BS suuh serviue was in foroe' Calling
the R~ll on the ~otion ~ll CJuncil~en present voted AY~, '
;dter disc\:ssion of the eatarilar 'l'ractor de'il; :.layor W'\S
authorized to corespond with the ....orthern Co~merc:isl 00. with a vi IV
to ~aking the best settlement of tte matter.
Mayor advised that he was wiring Gr. NaIler in Scuttle to
have all ?ower Project maps and 3pecificotions forwarded so as to
be in Jashin~ton D.C. by February Ist.of this year.
Municipal Clerk was granted two months leave of absence and
upon lotion 'nude by 00uncil:nan l,'lanthey, seconded by Helm and U:1an-
imously carried, Bessie U.~alloy was arpoi~ted to act as Clerk du-
ring thE abse:1ce of the MuniciDal ]lerk~
. Clerk was instructed to ~erve writen notice on Cameron's Caf
that Council considered the ~lectriu5l Phonograph being orerated b,
the said Cafe during all hours of the r.ight as a recided nuis~~ce
and suggesting that operation of this machine be discontinued bet-
Wlcn the hours of Eleven P.~. and 7 A.~.
There being no further business to come before this meFtinR,
if-_:~m.s tho/eafter, upon proper r:iotion adjourned.
, '+J.1' ~ 4~L-V-~
~ A Y u R C L ~ n L
I,iOi,I.AY. JAB UARY 20, 19~6
Regular meeting of the Common Cou~cil, City of Seward held on
above date i~ the Jouncil Chambers. Meeting called to order by
liiayor Brownell at 8:')0 P.M. with the folll.win~ Councilmen present:.
Blase, Cameron. Gilliland and Rel~ Csbo and Manthey being absent.
IHnutes of previous meeting readaild approved.
Communi cati on was reac1 fro,r! Delegate Iii110nd stating that his
views coincided wi~h those of the Council in being against the bil
to amend tonnage tax iT-posed OR public docks' and warehouses in
Alaska, but that he waS introducing a bill giving the Territorial
Legislature fower.to alter, amend or repeal the Acts of Congress
irnposinr tayes or licenses on business or trade in Al~ska.
~ayor Brownell read u letter written by himself to the
,l,lorthern Co:nnerGiE<l Company stating reasons for the inability of
the City of Seward to complete puruhase of ~aterpillar tractor &t
this tille and asking them to leave the matter in abe;yance until
April 1st if possible.
tir. Fryer's rep0rt concerning city lows on nuisanues being
incomplete, after discu.ssion of the questio'1 by the l,;ou:lc11 and
assurance the-t there would be no further cause for comlclaint, it
W::1.S dee ided t !'.il:!.t the matter te dropped.
Councilman Blase suggested that a letter be written the
Al aska Rai lro ad ask ing ths.t the ~i ty of tiewul'd be gi ven fi rst
chance to ;Jurchase old flanking and bull rail on Government deck
in Sewbrd if the same are for sale when the dock is rebuilt and
providing the price is satisfactory. Ckrk was instructed to writ
the letter.
Clerk was i,"ltructerj to put notice in the Gutew,,-y stating tha
Terr1to.'1'ial Aute, licenses are now due.
There leing no further business to come before this ::1eeti"1",
it WfrS, u:.'on proper motiun adjourneo.
-.) 1/ .
'G ~I
_!~_;:~4:-r-~~Q y
11ayor. ,- "
Clerk tB.77;,
Regular meeti ng of the Common Counc il, Cit~1 of Seward he Id on
the above date in the Council Chambers. Meeting called to order
at eight P.M. by M.ayor Brownell with the folluwing councilmen
fresent: Blase, Cameron. Gilliland. Manthey, Osbu. Councilman
Helm being absent.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. ~
Communication read from the ~laska Railroad advising engineer . I
in charge of dock repairs that he co ulO sell old planking and bul, !
rail to the City of Seward for $10.00 per M board feet.
Communication read from Sald ovia Chamber o:f Commerce and Homer
Civic League asking for letter of endorsement from City Council
far franai"iHniinsula Road froject and also asking assistance in
circulating petition for this project in Seward. After discussio
in favor of the project. it was moved by Councilman Cameron and
seconded by Councilman Gilliland that the Mayor be authorized to
draw up and sign a set of resolutions expressing the views of the
Council in regard to this matter. Illotion,;UBi.ttimoul!ly"carried.
Letter was read from the Seldovia Chamber of Commerce asking
that the C04ncil use their influence toward securing lower freigh
rates for livestock and farm machinery brought in by immigrants
to Homer. Council is in favor of this idea but not in favor of
rates to one section of Alaskq only. Motion was made by council-
man Manthey seconded by Councilman Blase that Mayor Brownell be
authorized to draw up and sign a set of resolutions asking for
rates to benefit immiprants to all the main agricultural sections,
of Alaska. Motion unanimously carried.
. Claims agai nst the Ci t~ amounting tQ $946.21 were presented as
,fallows: Bank of Seward, '25.0Q; Kie1cheski, $220.00; Balderston,
$150.00; Haverstock, $50.00; Fryer, '25.00; Tom Davidson, $25.08;
American Blue Print Co.,$~.57; Brown & Haw~ine, $l2.00; ~eward
Light & Power, $171.15; Seward ~l'ater "'upp:[ly, $l32.50; olle's Il
Garage, $2.94; Gateway Pub. Co" $.75,i Came,z:on's Cafe,"4.50; ,
Seward Trading Co.,$4.B5; Osbo, '~.~y; C. ~. Brosius, 2.15;
City Payroll, $92.50; Signal Corps, U.S. 'a., $1.60.
~,:ovec1 b;y Councilman 1Is:, they an(i seconded by CJu"1cilman Gilli-
land that said claims be paid. Calling the roll, all council-
men present voted "Aye".
Bill for damages to Light & Power Company car left for further
investip-ation ana motion W'lS maoe 0:' Councilman Osba seconded
by Councilman Manthey that Fire Chief be instructed to get
ite'\izec1 statfIllcnts of the (lfferent costs and fini! out who autho -
iz~d them. Motion car/ied. II
,Applicati on was read for the transfAr of the 1 ~quor . blH! iness
of John Colberg: to Leo Douglas. It was moved by '--ounc llman ElL se
seconoed r~' Cou;"lcilman Osto that the tranefer of license be a!J-
rroved. Carried unanimously.
. Mayor Brownell read a letter and an option from the ~orthern
CO'1rnerciul COJ.lf'iny statin!'! that upon tr:e in:nediate. of' ~9CiO.'J') ___..jayrJe:".t
re::t for caterpillar- tractor suid Coru;.: ':in;;' woule F! i ve t fie <-:1 ty
an ortion to purchase on or b{;fore april IE at $4804.86 eaid
tractor and that the $90').0') w:mld 8r~'ly on the purchase r;rice.
ad ion )accepteo b~' Cou"'cil. una nic:lOUbly.
" ClaimE against Seward Hydro-Electriu rower Project tot~ling
$1)J2.64 were presented as follows: ~ortherG Co~nerciQl Co.,
';;;90'0.)'); Ernestine Jessen, $9.75; ~kska i;)hop. $6.85; ~ig~5.l c~rlPs 'I
U.S.A., 026.04. ~Qved by Councilman Manthey seconded 'y ~oun~l - I !
man Blase t hat the claims be p'lid / UpO"1 roll call, all co ulle;ll- i, J
:nen' tl resent ','oted "l>-ye".
I,layor Brownell read a telegtarn from lilr. .,aller asking that
information be cent to ,Iashington as to the valuation of Seward
Light & Power Company property and amount of' gross receipt s for
the cast number of yeur~ ncsl11llwn b;y book~ in Clerk's uffice.
Th~ matter of the dosing hour for lic:uor houses was i1iscusseo
3,," EO'1le le ngth and it was moved by Counc.: ilman Osbe ser~ended b~'
Cou"ldlrnu!) Gilliland tr:at the :n'Oltter be laid on the table untIl
next meeting. Motion <-:arriec1.
Mr. Fr"er' reuorted on the franc:hi se of the 11,Qht snci l'ower do.,
st>:1ttng that tfle option of purctlaSe became effectual October 2S!,
The following are the two Resolut ions abo've autho rized and
drm'1ll1 up and'. s ifnec1 b;y ;,:ayor Brol'l''1ell:
,mER'SAS :
First: Thera are 3- thousu.nc1 squa.re miles of :aaEni f'icent
agricul turul and graz ing ll;md on the 1::ena1 l'eninsuh. now
unsettled and unused; and
~econd : It iE: OVI be Hef that the lac1: _'f trunk highwa~'
is the only hindrance to the develop~ent of the rich lund
mentioned above; and
Third: There are now a number of isolateo r:ads already
constructed whi.;h carmot serve their rrorer purfose until
'oineC: together into a con'ti nUOUG hifhwa~' lead i:1€,: from
Sewarrl to EJ"ler, Al'lska; ~lTId
Fourth: ~tere are literally hundre~E of [eople waitinp only
the construction "f this hig',;:!lY to settle 'l!1d improve the
land; and
Fifth: The Kenai Peninsula far'TIlv,f" c'cu:1tr'J' is 11::>'" so well
known and advertised that the Government need not syend
aoditionnl money for colonization projects aiter the hi~h-
wa~.' is completec!, as th e populat ion will CI ouble ea.c:h year
until all the lqnd is settled;
NOH, TEEREFORE, BE IT R~SOlV~~, by the Town Co~ncil
of 3evrarG, lilaska. tl-J0.t tl':e .i:'etiti':)V1S '10'!: l:oi"18" circul~ltu3
pra;yinp' for the roTIstrndion Gf thif' trvnk hif'hway, ure
worthy a'1C vCTJ' ilportant; fln(; thnt Delegate Di'lionc be urged
to use every effort, b~' Congrei2sion'll Bill or vthcTwise,
to )-,::,vc the Go,:'crnment build the hifhl'l'ay at the ear1ipst
rJsd~1( t1 ne.
by u:1,:wi::Jous vote at the reE'vl'3.r l:lteti ng of Feb. 2,
~ /) y( "'
!(lJ-,-_.LL_~ /f.kr-~
1111, or---------\-
~cting -Tor,," Clerk---------
A RESO! t'T I 01:
First: Tnf~ ti:'1e is ripe for u gener'l1 ac1vance i'1 the pop-
ulation prowt"'- of thp main ['art of A.laska; <'-DO
Second: It is the belief of the Town Council of Seward,
Alaska, trat l1ifh frei,aht '3:'](; "8s~'eY1fer rat,-s to this -cionee:r
cou'1try aCT to d iscollrage an6 hinder 'its rarid settle'TI":";t qnc
HO,V, TBF'HEFORE, :BE IT RES 01 YED, Th,'t the steam-
ship lines be urged to make 8 still lower :a~igrant rate
to Central 11~d Nest ern Al "l.sl:a, on [dp'sf'n,Q'CYE' hovs ehold
goods, far'll machinery >:1'1Q live-stock; the-rat~ to be one
woy only, and 5ust to ro'1e. fide settlers who bring either
household goods or livestock with them, and -
A copy of this Resolution sh~}1 be sent to Governor
Troy, Del ega.te Dimond. the Interstate Commerce Co:nmiss ion
and the Ala.ska Steamship Company.
PaE'sed by unaninous vote at the re,Q'ular moeting held on
Feb. 3rd, 1~36.
lAny 0 r
Acting T'JUTI Clerl; .
There beinp. no furthnr business to come before the meeting,
it wa.s up)n proper motion oulv '!lade and carried, adjourned. ..
/1, CZ ~f)?r
l':!.l~' c r
Clerk 8, 7?;,
.. .. ... .. .. .., .. ..
IIOJ:MT. JP1tV4IlY 17, lia6
1l.,alaJ' ...ilD8 of the Co_on CouncU. Citl cg .ewv4 hel.
on above date in the Couno11 ChaJabere. aeetlns oalled to order.
at 8:00 P. II. by ""01'11'_111 with the followl118 oounoilllen
present: Bla.., cu.e ron , G11111and, !lela, I.bo. Oounollmall
IlaAthel being abunt.
Minut.. of preTiou. lhet1ng :read anet .pproTed.
Tele,r... regarding hlaro-eleotrio pro3eot re.d b, __,ar
Br~.ll. It... lIoved- b1 Qounol1mea "1m and ..oonded by
Couuollman a..non that *'01' BI'''''M11 1 . tel.-,ram of JI.brua17 1
to Hubbell' ..11.1' reading a. followa: ~.bbell , ~ler lagi-
neerlD8 Oorp. 41.:ta Bullc11ng, Seat'le. ..ahinston.a.n4 wha'll-
eTer :r'T1Ied pl~. Qrldle~ r800..-a41 but witb 1t I laalat 70U
~a pos.1bl. alt.rnate tbe reT1.e4 fl..... ., per mr
w1re of le.hr4.7 explaining tbe lowerlq .. due to IJIaller aaa.. Wi.':'
next b.,t material anet oon.truot1on atop I sa oo~unlcating l
with ".lnston to tbat eff.ct. D. C. lrownell "or",
b. eudol'lled b1 the Council. lloUoa oa1'l'1e4 t1naalDlouell. -
Jlaloral.o r.aet a letter wr1tten b1 h1...1f to Ill'. MCPonoug
Chief Sngineer lWl....h1ngton D. c. explaining rea.one for our
1I"__:~ oplQloll .. expr....4 in tel.gram of J'ebruary 11th
IIct 10nd above.
Kayor Bro.aell .tated there i. .1000.00 avatlable immediatel
for bu~141ng of ....1' by reli.f work, the City to furnish truck,
tools and material and the Government to do the .urveying and p8J
for the foreman and labor.
Upon motion made by Counoilman Oebo. 8eoonde4 by iounoilman
Blaee extension of .e.er frQD Bur.et. Bome up the alle, to MoXa,'e
hou.e ... author.l.ed in aooordance with the above oond1tionl.
Upon roll call. all comcUmen present voted It.AJe'-'.
It ... move4 by Councilman Ilelm, 8800n4e4 by C01mcllman
08bo that the Major oonfer with the 8tr,et Comm1t't... in re8ard to
the appointment ~f a foreIll&n. .0Uon oarried. ,
It ... moved by Counoilman O.bo, .eoonded bi Couqcilman
Cameron that the bl11 of Burt Carr in the eum of ,37.40 for repair
ing aeward Li8ht . Po..r Co. car be paid. Upon Boll Call, all
councilmen pre.ent voted -"e-.
Ilr. '17er read 'ri1nanoe 1106 relating to the regulation
of radio interferenoe. It was the opinion of tbe Counol1 that
th1s ordinanoe doe. not .ufflo1entll cover all phases of r&4io
interferenoe and CounolllHn Blue ana G1l11l$1d were appointed to
confer with the BaUo Club in order that the Co~noll may levi..
a plan for a ~Ore effeotual ordinance on radio interference.
!he matter of the olOalng houre for liquor houses was taken
up and it w.. moved by Councilman Oebo, seconded by Counoilman
Cameron that aegulation #1 of the aesolution passed by the Citl
Counail on ~Qtob.r 7th be suapended until .prl1 10 in so far al it
affecte re.tauram't. oA.l" thus making it legal for restaurants
to serve beer and wlne with bona 11de meal. at all hours, said
li,.ore to be consumed on the premisee. Motion carried.
It ... proposed by the Council that the matter of the olosin
hour of liquor house. be put before the people for vote at the
coming election; a180 the question as to whether dogs .hall be al-
lowed to run the 8treets.
ihere being no further bU8iness to aome before the meeting.
it was upon proper motion adjourned.
Fe) I ~'. I/~&-~~ U
11&701' /' \
IIbiIJt @r7/J,
. * * * * * '"
~. MARaK t. liZ6
ae.t1ng was oalle4 for the purpose of talking over with
Mr. B. B. Gridley. PW. Bnglneer Inspector, the revision of our
Bydro-Aleotric ProJeot plan..
ae.t1ng ...shell at 10:00 A. .. in the Clerk's Office with
the IlafOr and all ooune llmen present. exoept Councilman lielm.
Mr. Gridley stated that 8ince "'or Brownell .as in -..hing-
ton 80me of the per.onnel of the Po..r Pl'oject Divhlon ha. been
ohanaed, aDd while tkel all agree that our projeot ie a neceseity
the amount reasonable for our population i8 pet to b. determined. '
'1hel aek that we reduce tbe .oope of the proJeot and it is
now proPQ8ed to move the po.er-house up the hill 1700 feet thus
outting the coat of pIpe line. Mr. Gridley brought propos~d
revised plane from Kubbell . "ller for the ooneideration of the
Counonl. Be also 8tate4 that all Alaekan projeots would have
the 48 hour week.
There being no fUrther bU8ines8, meeting adjourned.
']\(1 <I ~
' '", . ;) -4'iI .:; (tA-v( ) .
.. 61'
Clerk 1'3, 7/7,
* * * * * *
llOD.t.T" JUBaFr t, 1986.
........", " ,.:'J c:
Resa.lar meeUng of the Common Counoil, City or _""1'4 heJA, on
the above aah with the following Councilmen pr..eni: ilale, A
Cameron, B~lm, Mantbey, Olbo. Councilman Gillilan! beinf ab..nt.
"eting wal oall.4 to order by the ..,or at eigbt 0 cloct P.K
~nu'e. of the regular .,eting of r.bruar.r l,th and of
'peoi~1 meeting of "roh let were read and approyed,
~he following bille, tot.ling .84..6410 were pre.'Dte' for pay-
ment as follo.e: lank of Seward, lee.oo; 'rea ~lelcb'lkl, 1120.00
.. D. Baverat.ik, leo.oo; .. D. Baldereton. 1150.00; G. W. Pryer,
125.00; 7__U'IGn, le.oo; Brows It "uinB, 116.68; 8'''l'd Dl'ug
Company, 11.00; ~he Borthero, 1,.50; Ga'e.." 11.00; Ern.etine
JesBen, 11,00; &ewar' "'er'apply. 1188.80; Seward Ligbt . Power,
1162.60; O.bo'e Ble.triosl 8u~ply, tzr.46; City PaJro11, ".60.
Motion w&. made by Counoilman Manthe)", Beoonded by Councilman
Helm that these billa be paid. Upon Boll Call, all oounailmen
pre.ent voted "Aie".
B)dro-Bleotrio Pro~eot billl totaling 16..60 were preaented
for pa1Jl1ent aa follow.: L. A. Ruff. liO.OO; Baman BoUie, lao.oo;
Broeltlna Jes.en, 11.&0; 'eward ~rug Company, 1..80; O.bo'a Eleo-
trioal lupply, 1.60.
Kotion... .aae by Counoilman Belm aeoondedby Qounoilman
-.ntbey that the,e billa be pa14. Upon roll call, all oouncl1men
pre.ent voted ~A1e". '
A letter frOm the Seor,tar, of the Bational Biv.r. and Bar-
bore Congr... .a. read in whioh he ..ted that the usae. of aDJ
pr03ect. affecting our oitl be .ent to them,a, pro~eot. approve a
by tbalrConare.. wl11 .. urse4 for inoluaion in the Government'.
public wo~k's progr... It .aa sugge.tad that our L,..ll Creet
and Rldro-laeotric pro3eote be sent 1. as ooming under tbia head.
!he Mayor atated that the petition for the ....~ ha4 beeD
.igned by more than a ma3orit, of the value represented and that
the 'ignerB agree to pay their respective share.. It... moved
by Counoilman >>1aae and seconded by OounoilJaan "nthe, that the
bill from Oal. Brosius for lumber be prooured before the next
meeting, eaoh one's ahare apportioned and Mr. Pr.rer appointed to
colleot from all who will pay now. Kotlon oarried.
Uuter iew Businasl. a petition from seven liquor dealer. in
the city was read .tating that they considered the aotion of the
Counoil at the la.t meeting anfair aad asking for sU8pen.lon of
the closing ardinanoe. It wa. deoided not to take an, aotion at
this time ae the pre.ent Counail haa only two more meeting. and
it waa moved b, Counoilman cameron, seoonded by Counoilman MantheJ
that the petition be laid on the table.
It was moved by Qounoilman Belm. .eaonded by gouncl1man Oebo
that the matter of olosing hours be plaoed before the people for
vote at the aoming election. ,Upon Roll Call, Councilmen Helm,
Oebo and Blase voted -A7e" and Counoilmen Camero n and Manthe,
voted ~Bo". Kotion was dealared carried.
It waa moved by ~ounailman Oabo, .eoonOed .by Oouno11man
Cameron that tbe que.tion aa to whether dogs ahould be allowed
to run looee should also be plaoed on the ballot for vote at the
coming eleotion. Kotlon carried.
. letter from Attorney Qeneral ~ruitt was read in w~loh he
aske for aritioisms of old laws and ~eaommend,tione for new ones.
The matter was turned over to the La.' and Ordinaao._ Committee
to be reported on at the next meeting.
Letters ant telegrams regarding Ky4ro-~ledtrlQ project were
raacl bl the ~1Or. Revise' plans let\ byllr. Gridley were Us-
cus.ed and i~\~. aeeided that, looking to the future of aeward.
the power house ahould be kept down on the high..; if P98sible.
the Mayor was auth~ri&ed to write a letter to be rea' at a oontin
uation of this meet ing on Maroh Zrd stating the decislon of the
Counoil. . " 1
It was moved by Oounoilman Manthey, seoonded by wounci man
Bl&88 that the rules be suspended and a resolution drawn up and
signed by the byor "A.uthorizing the Acceptanae of AIIlen4ment 1>>0.1,.
of Lisen.e 18sued to ~own of Seward for ~roJect Bo. lZ16 Grantlns
~teD8ion of Ti~. to 'l...- Kotion oarried unanimously.
, J
, "", t,
JlOIlDAY, MABCH 2. 1936
It was mOTed by ~ouncilman Relm, .econded by Oouncilman
Manthey that the resolution be adopted. Upon roll call all coun-
cilmen present voted ~A1e~.
It was maTed by Gounailman Manthey, seconded by Councilman
Bl..e that the Clerk write a letter to the Territorial Auditor
asking for a liet of the people of Se-.rd ~ying Federal Licensee
from which the City reoeives a certain per oent, together with
the amount paid by each person. so that the City may know exaotly
what may be expected from this Bource. Motion oarried.
A reoese was declared until March 3d at seven o'clock P.M.
TUESDAY, M4BCH 3. 1936.
Continuation of regular meeting of March 2nd held on the abov
date in Qounoil Chambers. Meeting called to order at seven P. K.
by Mayor Brownell witithe following oouncilmen present: Blase.
Cameron, Gilliland. Helm, Manthey. Oebo.
~he ~yor etated that the decision of the Counoil in regard
to revised plane of Rydro-~lectrlc project is to be sent direot
to Washington and not held for Mr. Gridley.
The Mayor read the letter to ~. Olark loreman authoria.,
March 2nd. in whioh he stated th$t any decision made by the Admin
1etration in Washinston in regard to Hydro-Electric projeot would
aooeptable to the Council and to himself, butaeking if poseible.
~or reasons stated in the letter, the power house be placed at th
foot of the oanyon on the highway ae originally planned. The
letter ae read wae unanimously approved by the Counoil.
The following bills were presented for payment: City Bill
of Jeter Kichaelson for work on >>ump. '25.00; Hydro-51eotric
project bill of oable office for February,'2~60. Moved by Coun-
cilman Gilliland. seconded by Counoilman Manthey that these bills
be paid. Upon roll oall. all oouncilmen voted "Aye".
It was moved by Counoilman Manthey. seoonded by Counoilman O.b
that Mr. Erio80n~8 bid of '19.00 for papering Fire Hall with $17. 0
more if new oloth neoessary BlgIS8all be aooepted and that not
more than .40.00 be spent on the job. Upon roll call, all coun-
oilmen presented voted -Aye".
~or Brownell leaving at this ti~e. Counoilman Manthel, pres-
ident pro tem took the chair and the follo.ing olerks and judges
were appointed for the city eleotion on .pril 7th.
Judge.: Mr. Jaughlin, Mr. Eric.on, Mr.. Malloy
Clerks: Sylvia Sexton and Mrs. Prosser.
~o further busines8 appearing, meeting adJourned.
cw ~ ~/fzc-?C~ lj/
Yay 0 r ;::.. \
Cllf rk /8-u
. .dJ.
. . * * * * * . .
II JURCR 16.. "1936
Regular meeting of the CommQn Council. 01tl of Seward held on
the above date in the Oouncll dhambers. Keeting oalled to ofter
at 8 o'olock P. Jl. by Kqor Brownell with the following oounoil-
men present: Blaee. Cameron. Qll11land. aelm, Manthev. Olbo.
IUnutes of previous meeting read and appro'Yed.
.~etit1on waa pr..ented to 'he Connoil for the tranafer of thE
li,uor lioen.e of liok H04ak to Rar17 lIiller. It was moved by
COnnellen 01l1Uand. ..00n484 by Counoilman Cameron that the
petition be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Th1a be iqg t he time for t he appointment of judgee for the Pri-
mar, Klection to be held on April 28th. it was moved by Oouncilman
knthey, seoond ed by Couno llman Blaee that the same ,tudgee and
olerks who served at the Munioipal Election should aalo serve at
the 'rimary Eleotion on April 28th. ' lIotion oarried. )lise Sexton
having deolined to serve as olerk, Mr. D1ton Gilliland was appoint-
ed and It waa atated that he should be regietered al a De.oerat.
"at the 'rlmary Eleot ion.
Councilman J&anthey. Chairman of t he Law 80 Irdinanoe QOlllDlittee.
reported on the letter of Att.orney General Truitt. read at the
previous meeting. Mr. Manthey stated that he ha4 oonferred with
Attorne;ys Ba, and Baumsar1aJer and that. they uww of no lawl that
should be repealed ~t this time nor could they think of an, new
lawa whioh the;y felt should be .aao".~ In regard to a ganerel
liquor law for Ala In they filtatad that a law whioh .lb", be
benefioial to o1:).a 01t7 mlsht be ..trimenta.l to anotber and that
it i8 far better for eaoh .tt;y to regulate its own liquor businesl
as to olosing hours.
The bill of Cal. Bro8iuI for lumber used on the sewer proj..t
was presented in the sum of 12&6.46 and it was moved by Counoil-
man O,bo, ,eoonde4 b;y Councilman Mantbey that the taxp~erB af.
feoted be aeeessea 1".60 per lot, lIr. rr;yer to oollect the monel
before the next meeting.
There being no further busin.se to oome before this meeting.
it was upon proper motion adjourned.
"A~O - ~
~ * * * * * * *
WED.NEi:>DA.Y, APRIL Ist.l\t36
Speoial meeting of tee Common Council, City of Seward, held th s
date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order b;y Mayor Brovnell
at 7 p.m. with the following Councilman present: Blase, Gilliland,
Helm & Osbo.
Meeting called for purpoee of considering wires received from
Engineer Waller Dated March 30th. 1936 re.. Power project oontracts
and payment of additional monies for expenses incurred.
All members of the Council present recomended and authorized t e Ma-
Mayor wire Gov. Troy asking for details as to letting of one Gener~l
Contract as intimated in Engineer Waller's wire, and also to wire
Waller for itemized aocount of expense and ask him to forward a
oopy of Exhibit "K" as referredto by him in wire mentioned.
Th~.meeting thereaf~er ad~our d.
~ \ ~ . Lf!j/t/(,r--. -::-./ /
MAYo'~ -
MONDAY, APRIL, 6th. 1936.
Regular meeting of the Gom:no~ Council. City of Seward, held tt is
date in the Council Chambers, Meeting called to order by MayorBro~nell
at 8 P.M. with the f~llowing Councilmen present: Blase. Gilliland,
Helm, Manthey and Osbo.
Minutes of last meetings read and approved.
Letter from I.O.a.F, read offering $5Q.O~ for E.l!3 rd of Lots 21-
22 and 23 in Block 17 Original Townsite owned by City, Motion by
Councilman Helm, seconded by Gilliland that offer of I.O.O.F be accepted;
and lots mentioned be sold to them; Calling the Roll, All CouncilmEn
~ present voted A
MONDAY, APRIL, 6th. 1~36. Cont.
Letter from Nils Hagen reo Cabin on hill above Mile 6. read; Motion
by Councilman Blaee, seconded by Manthey. and unanimously carried
Letter placed upon the Table.
Claims totaling $1171.22 presented as follows; Bank of Seward
25.00. Keilcheski 220.00. Balderston 150.00. Haverstock 50.00.
Fryer 25.00. Seward Water Sply. 132.50. A.Ericeon 19.25. Seward L&
Power 149.70. Ogles 3.04. Brosius 241.05. Brown & Hawkins 28.00.
Cash 60.13. Debo's 7.45. Gateway Pub. Co. 20.10 Pay Roll 40.00.
otion by Councilamn Manthey, seconded by Gilliland that claims be
alloweo and paid out of General Fund; Calling the Roll on the Motio
11 Councilmen present voted in the Affirmative.
Following olaims against the Hydro.electrio project presented
as follows. Larry Huff 60.00. Signal Corps. 41.95; Motion by Coun-
oilman Manthey, seconded by Gilliland that claims be paid out of
yiro-Electric funds, Calling Roll all Councilmen Voted dye.
ORDINAnCE No. 125. Appointing Bessie M.Malloy as Sohool Tax
ollector for ensuing year. presented and pased and approved under
otion by Councilman Gilliland. seconded by Helm and unanimously
RESOLUTION, setting the date of May, 18th. 1936, as the date
of sale for Delinquent Taxes on Real Property for the Year 1934,
y vertue of An Order of Sale issued by the District Court dated
ecamber, 13th. 1935, presented; Motion by Councilman Helm, seoo-
ded by Manthey that the rules be suspended for the consideration
of the Resolution, Calling Roll, all Counoilmen present voted Aye.
On th~ question "Shall the Resolution be adopted?2 Motion was
ade by Councilman Osbo. seconded by Manthey Pass and be Adopted,
Calling the Roll on the Motion, All councilmen present Voted Aye.
Mayor thereupon declaired Resolution Passes Adopted and signed
same in open session.
Mayor advised that he had wired Gov. Troy re- Hydro-electric
contracts and was awaiting his reply.
Upon authority of Letter from Secretary of Board of Liquor
ontrool : A motion was made by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Manthe
hat the Application of Mel Holben for a Resteraunt dispensary
ioense be Approved; Calling the Roll, All Councilmen present voted
in the Affirmative.
Motion by Councilman Helm. seoonded by Manthey that City &
chool Board Books be Audited. Motion Unanimously carried and Clerk
nder proper Motion made secondei and carried, Instructed to call
or Bids for above Audits.
Motion by Councilman Bl~se, seconded by Osbo that the sum of 2
o be guaranteed for the continuance of Night Watohman servise for
he month of April, 1936; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present
otec in the Affirmative.
Upon the recomendation of Councilman Helm; A Motion was made b
ouncilman Osbo. seconded by Blase that the Street Committee be
uthorized to expend a sum of not to excede 50.00 for the i~~ediate
illing of holes in the streets with gravel; Calling the Roll; All
ouncilmen present Voted in the Affirmative.
Mayor advised that Mr. Ingram had decided to expend the additi
nal funds allowed for relief work, upon the construction of exten-
ion of Sewer in alley between 4th. & 5th ~orth to a point serving
ot 7. in Blook 16.
\ Mayor was granted permission to use City Truck for hauling
ock, provided no expense to City.
Mayor called attention of the Council, to meet at 2.p.M. on
acnesday April, 8th. to serve as a canvassing Board for ballots
ast at the Municipal Eleution to be held Tuesday April, 7th. 1936.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, i
ther-3afte2~" upon proper motion _~djOurned,
,1/ -- I - ---'{
~. - , /
-M A Y"O R - -~z ~__-C/k>
.EDNESDAY, APRIL, 8th. 1936.
Counoil met this date at 2 P.M. as a canvasing Board, to
canvas Ballots cast at Municipla Election Held April, 7th. 1936.
Counoilmen present Blase Gilliland Helm & Osbo.
Letter presented and read fio m Aron Ericson. Inspeotor of
calling attention to mutilate~ ballots;
Wednesday, April. 8th. 1936 Cont.
Canvasing Board found Twenty Mutilated Ballots that had been ta lied
and recorded in Election results. ~aid twenty mutilated ball~ts we e
thrown out and Election Returns were corrected accordingly, this
correction however did not materialy effect the election of Mayor.
Counoil~en, Member School Board, Dog Proposition, or Liquor Contro
Propositions One, Two, & Three.
The following Resolution was then presented;
WHEREAS; In accordance with the laws of the Territory of Alaska
and Ordinance 44 of the City of Seward, Alaska. and notice given,
a Municipal ElectiQn was held in the town hall in said City on the
7th. day of April, 1936.
WHEREAS; In accordance with the coreated certificates filed wi
the Municipal Clerk of said City by the election officers of said
Election. the following named persons received the exact number of
placed after their respective names for Offices herein-after named
to-wit. and the following Propositions received the exaot number 0
votes for or against such Propositions to-wit;
FOR MAYOR- D.C.Brownell 18Z FOR CQUNCILMAN- C.P.Gillilamd
H.V.Hoben 7 T.H.Jones 177. Thomas Neville
E.Swetman E.Swetmann 1 Thor Osbo 139. J.B.Stanton 1.
Dr. Williams 2 John Matich 1. A.H.L.Meyer 1.
T.W.Hawkiss 1 P.C.McMullen 1.
Ray 3
Harry Paben 1
Bob Merril 3
FOR MEMBER SCHOOL BOARD- C.E.Orlander 184. E.L.Sweek 1. Mrs F.John ton 1.
R.C.Ingram 1. Mrs. P.C.McMullen 1.
Mary Hart 1.
DOG QUESTION For, 166. Against 58. ,
Liquor Question, PROPOSITION l~o.l- FOR 66. AGAIl'lST 108.
. PROPOSITI 01. No. 2 FOR 13.
WHEREAS, The returns of said election were oanvased by the Co on
Council of said City at 2 o'clock P.M. April 8th. 1936.
ALASKA, that in accordance with the results of ~aid Election as
above determined, the following named persons and the fOllowing
named Questions and Propositions, ha~ing received the highest numb r
of Votes for the respective offices a.. questions and propositions
to-wit ;
AND THEY BE, ~nd hereby are dealairer eleoted to said respec ive
Offices and said Regulations For and Against are hereby declaired
Passed under suspension of rules this 8th. dt-:;:)f April. :,936.
Motion by Councilman Helm, seoonded by Osbo that the rules be sus nded
ror the Passage of the Resolution. Calling the Roll All Councilme
present Voter, Aye.
On the question Shall ~he Resolution Pass? Under motion by
Councilman Blase. seconded by Gilliland, All Councilmen present
Voted in the Affirmative.
The Canvasing Board having
FRIDAY, APRIL, 10th. 1936
Adjourned meeting of the Common Cohuncil. City of Seward held
this date in the Counciloha.bers. OWing to absence of Mayor Browne
11. Councilman Manthey acted as Mayor pro-tem. Meetin~ was called
to order at 7 p.m. with the following Councilmen present. Gillilan
Helm Manthey & Osbo.
Minutes of Canvasing Board Meeting read and approved.
Fol1mwing Claims presented; Ericson. 6.00. Malloy 6.00. Laughlin
6.00. Mrs Prosser 6.00. D.Gi11iland 6.00. Keilcheski 66.67.
Balderstom 50.00. Haverstock 16.67. Fryer 8.33; Motion by Council
Helm, Secondec by Gilliland that Claims be paid; Calling the Roll,
All Councilman present Voted in the Affirmative.
Bids were opened gor the Audit of the City & Schoul Books,
Three Ballots were taken Resulting as follows; Mrs Hager 3. R.A.
Hall 1. Acting Mayor declaired Mrs Rager elected, Whereupon a
Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, Secondeu by Helm that Mrs
Rager be awarded the Bid of $50.00 for Auditing the City & School
Board books for the Fiscal Year 1935- 1936. Calling the Boll, All
Councilmen present voted Aye.
There being no further business to come before this
Acting Mayor Manthey thanked the out-going Councilmen for
LOY~y ~ ~ort and this ~eehin~ thereafter adjourned
'-tJ~~ ?/ .J~~~. C-Zf
Immediately following the adJournement of the Out-going Coun-
Cil; Acting Mayor Manthey called the ~ew Council to Order. same
consisting of Councilmen Gilliland, Jones, Manthe y and osbo.
Oaths of office were administered to the New Councilmen.
Clerk was instructed to notify Leon Urbach that he could dump the
dirt excavated from his basement atrthe approsches of the 3rd. Ave
There being no further business to come before this meeting;
It was, thereafter, upon proper motion Adjourned.
me.et i ng
MONDAY, April, 20th. 1936
Regular meeting of te Co~~on Council,City of Seward. held thi
date in the Council Chambers; Meetin~ called to order by Mayor
Brownell at 8.P.M. with the foll)wing Councilmen present; Blase,
Cameron. Gilliland, Jones 14anthey & Osbo.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved-
Claim of Hubbell & Waller engineering expense $.424.83, presented;
Motion by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Gilliland that claim be
paid out of Hydro-electric funds; Calling the Roll, All Councilmen
voted in the Affirmative.
Audit of City BOuks presented; Motion by Councilman Blase
Seconded by Manthey and unanimously carried Audit Accepted & Apprv .
Letter f~om S.V.F.D read requesting the re-appointment of F.
Keilcheski as Fire and Police Chief.
Mnyor requested attorney Fryer to bring in report on the esta
liehing of a ~uisance Zone for the running at large of Dogs.
Clerk instructed tv put notice in paper notifying dog owners
that dogs would not be permitted to run at large on the streets of
Seward from and after May 1st. 1936.
Clerk instructed to publish notice in paper asking for applio
ations for Municipal Offices.
Motion by Councilman Blase, seconded by Manthey. that Liquor
Ordinance regulating closing hours for the dispensing and sale of
Beer Wine and Distilled Liquors be indefinately suspended and
notice to this effect be publisheG in paper. Motion unanimously
Mayor recomended revision of Tax Assessment of valuations and
asked Tax Committee to bring in recomendations.
Clerk instructed to write Harry Kawabe to connect his propert
lot 16 blk. 9 with Sewer or see that premises were vacated.
Motion by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Jones that the Stre
Committee be authorized to expend a sum of not to excede ~250.00
for necessary Street and Bridge repeirs; Calling the Roll, all Cou
oilmen Voted in the Affirmative.
MONDAY, APRIL, 20th. 19Z6. Cont.
Health Committee asked to bring in report on extension of City
Garbage Dump.
Street Committee asked to interview property owners effeoted on
2nd. Avehue north of Adams st. regarding new sidewalk needed.
Mayor authorized to wire Northern Comnercial Co. regard rentinl
Traotor for use on streets.
Motion was' made by Counoilman Manthey, seconded by Gilliland,
that a sum of not to exeede $50.00 be authorized expended by the
Fire Committee for burning Grass wi thin City Limits; Calling the ','l'
Roll, all Counoilmen Voted Aye.
G.W.Fryer. Seoy. Chamber of Commerce presented petition signe
by numerous Citizens asking Council to take steps toward furnishi g
a Gymnasium for the Cities Children; Under maotio by Councilman
Osbo, seconded by Blase and unanimously carried; Matter was refer ed
to Civic Committee for i~~ediate action;
Clerk instructed to write Attorney General and Liquor Board f r
interperation of Law on Issueing Licenses to Resteraunt operators
who have not resided in the Territory for the One Year as prescri
bed for Dispensary Lioenses. This was ordered under motion by Cou -
cilman Blase, seconded by Jones and unanimously oarried.
Council designated 1st. Week in May (comenseing Monday the 4 h)
as Clean Up Week. Notice ordered put in paper to this effect.
Threre being no further business to oome ~efore this meeting
it was, thereafter, upon proper motion Adjourned.
I/v"b ;/'/ /2~q('rAZ:W
MAYOR . ~~ Ie
MONDAY, MAY, &8h. 1936.
The Co~~on Council of the Town of Seward convened in regular sesl ion
in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall of Seward. on the 4th. day
of May, 1936, at 8 o'cleck p.m. The meeting was called to order b
Mayor Brownell.
The Clerk oalled the roll; those present and those absent were
as follows;
Present; Counoilmen John W.Blase. Charles Cameron. Chas.P.Gilli and
Thomas H.Jones, Thorwald Osbo and Gustavos Manthey.
Absent; None.
The following Resolution entitled "A Resolution Authorizing the
Issuanoe of $121,000.00 of Bonds, un~er the authority of Public Ae
No. 63. 74th Congress, Approved May, ,20th.1935" was introduced by
Mayor Brownell, read in full by clerk, and considered by the Counell;
. "
, ,
'/I :l... a..
I ;.ot,;UABC:: 0)' '121.0UO OJ-' Ru)lDU. lJNDJJll't
l'H~; A\JrKO!U't'y '.,ijJ' t.J\llU.l0 !.,:rr 1I0. ~. 14TH aJNGR'~~,;)
A,)PRi)~ll~4AY 20, 1936.
'~ b e :r: e a 8 . by Publ1,.Q Act No. 63,. 74\p. ooogr.108, a1'l>ro.,.,4
1Aay 1dQ, 19~~. the To_a of .,611111'4 lIt..a QutohorUed to htue bo:ndIJ for the
conetNotion of fi .~lo1pal .1.otrJ,o' a)".tem. prol'lded thlltt.he :~e\1;'ard
..18M. ,~, 1'01l'er '';OI2l\:laR.1. ",Uh!,n 0lU1 wee.k af."ter . o~-:>1 ot' 8aid. ~ot 18
lJe:r:ved on a.,1<1 Compllny, .hall not otter in '/11 r It 1 J'lI$ to ..n and oonve)"
1'.0 tn~ 'l' o~:n of :)-",ljl,r4 811 r1gh t, ti 1;18 Gnd lnter..t In and ~ fh .lee-
t.rlQ-g~n&rb.t1ng \)1811\ or;:l1Ji-n\a,eleotrlo-tUat:t1but1na _'litem. pIpe-
11nea, _ad ~aterrlght8no~ owned b.1 1\ Bnd u.ed and emqloyed 1n Qupply-
In8 cloo trio anorgy tQ till;, Inbuh1 t;nnta of ,.a1d' To"a. tor the llWl\ of
~'7t> ,Quu. &.no t.o &wal'~"hl\l tbat del.ivery of 8ald U Ue. trl.1'2 fromlnoU)ll-
Dl'WlOeG ani3 uebt Qt. any klnd. fIIhall. bot FriEl-de t.o liIaid Town I.l!lon paymen.t
01' sait! ~n.Ull, any drAE. ~tt.h",n 6 MQntha fro III <iat" of lii$1,'i \':rltt.en ofter to
.~ll. llnd
if'b .. r . .. ,add Act proYl<1U tbQi 80rY1c. of a OOPY of
IJl11a Aot on t.ntt :3e-..urd.. J41~l'\.t t i)oV/er Oom~ft.Y .~.1.l b~ 1ti.lJ,~eby ad-i.cry
t;lleX'lilof t.o 1t8 ';e.wldent. v.,;:. ::;rutr. or QQyQtlll!r of'fie'er of the oal'-
?orot10n; and
" tl . 'to . . tl . tl16 munioipAl ol--~k !:W,Q.:)ffulienhd 1'lroot of
14U r.,i\) 6 ot' 0 up)' o~: Ilald 1\0 t qn .aid L .'.. Ofa!!. the own~ X' of UHl elt:c...
triO-ijl.',ne:-a.\lntj D1..,t, SYflt.:oa, P1Dl}_11nO~i arnt 1<t\, tc: l' rlr'htu u/;J&J Q~lt
'Hl'lploye<i 11l tiupplylng eJ.eat.t.loenergy tu ~IH,lnhebitt3lnh of !Sald T;:nm.
~n t.he 2200 aa~ Qf June, l13~; and
\l h . r. . a I;l .. th,o Town Cler-k b.1I at_toed and th.h Counell
do.. Ronbji' ftnci that no .\.tuh offer Mild '..t~rt!ttmcnt h448 Deen ll1Que ur dEtl..'
'fJ- ?
" ~t,
i....red to.ald. 't'olJin abllk b71.14 ;;..ar4 L1gh t. '&: Power U04lpan,.. by
;.,. M. Graft. or by an,}" .wner or PlArt.y of inter.at., ~.. t.he eleotric-
guneratios pl.' Ol"plant.Jeleot.dc..dlo'dbu.'lnl~ "at-em, l)l;)e-Unee.
and. Via \e r r1ght. "ed anl1 \,llIpl07041naUvplylng .~e.tdc enersy to t.he
1 nhll.bl bil to. of .dd 'i'~n.
140:;;, 'i',l:{',.i\J:.b'';Wl:. b6 1t r ,e .. 0 1. .,. 8 4 by t.he (fo_OQO~~Cll1
0%' the '1'011\"" of ~..."rd;
~.~tlon 1. Tbt Town of seward ,ball con,tru.ct a .~lclpal
elocit.cdo et.~...tog.ther with all 1*10,. illu'80f and "Ji')Ptlrt~msnoe.
theretu nec...axy. or ooq"en1en\ tor t.hi&;cen.,.Ucm. t,lrl)dU4t.h~it.~..
,.luhli. and dlat.r,lbU:t.l,;)ft of Itleo"r10 ....1'$1, .vad aeql11re "7 tt1tt, pur-
oba.e or t.t16,cf4Xero1...rtl'ie IlOWlJr,et,'.liJan,t domalll.. 1""". .....n\..
or rignt.e in ~&li4, ..r 'lui,W1" t1t}hU ldO.taneOt.1on th.e"wl1;h~
ue"UorF..:. l'b.e \Ooe~ of O"D.;~."'~i1~oal" .,at-fli. par\e, anel
app\it't.enano..J .n.a.u:Jtf,)l.;UlIie.4 'b~',,~ b; Jl,G6.QUO. I,Lttl~UI8 furthltl'
..r "
approl'ed by
.. .j)pr'Oved.
tn, ':OIQOft':J1~Uft.U.~~. ,.:~,~n. aQd el)CI91r.tOdhD:' ,.blU.J.
'i ~tle :o.~u"UO\li~Q~~~ ~beu~nit; oK oonetJ>uo\lon Qr 8.1.4 .y.~
, .. '",:, -. ','
'.m 'ball. .LlUJJ.\.ll1l1 .11-- f..~ ....4'.,t,J.o...01UJ,. at tl~(s .J,'.,~o., of _,aid,
. "' ;" "" .. ' ,; . " "'; '~' - , . :~ '" .
bond8~ a.lJ. ttftg1aeer1ftth ,lnap$to tI,ton , tt..oo.lanl;1 i..$u1 UP~Ul"'; and 1n\-
. , !" . ,
I3r.." _dQll Hb ..'i.'." '~1t,l,.OOi'\l. du.r:1nlt; the, \HHl.'ruOUoQP.~1o"
I . .
ana 1'IJ1" aix muntb. ,tller..rt..r o.mpney borrowed Or '~h1ob 1t ~. ..Umate4
_U1 be barro.eo pu...._., to .atel AOt..
ueut!OD ~. hr ~~./;I1~l."po.a Ot'tl~n.i...g ~Q:'p&rt the 00.' of
"he uouat..ruoUoft of ..14 Q.t..m,"n~ :r~w~ ,of ;.ie~lilrd.b$llaaue and .ell
JUU"OOO 01' 001\4. ot' ..ld.'h.~, .... -.u:tdde4 :In.~dd J\Qt~
litoc UOft 4. The:~..4. ~"11\ I>>e t.tJl1ed ... karel". ..~.n bouCle.
i: -'.
clUtCh"4 MK1aotrloJya'em Bonda" or thO '/'own of aeward. Ald1(a. .hall
be dat.4tCl Aprll 1. 1936. anduhuU bear inte.re.t .~ t.t.e l'O.te of . per
O~Ul\c\\Jll per &n1\UIll, pa1.ti1~ Oot.ebet 1. 19;.\6. and.ami-annually. t.htu:eane:r
on AprU 1 and uot.uber 1 of eaoh yoar. at the ...&AT'l'U-)~1fU:iT NATHHrAL
BAlK. of ...."'ttle.\\e..h1oGton, ar..1 ahail bc reghtered ae t.o l)r1nc:lpal
only a' the 01'1'106 01' 8a1d pay1ni.;as."-' whuU hereby dedpl\l. kd the
aeghtl'al' for liOUcL pU1j)oae, a. proYided in tiHt bond fom here1n~t'\er
pre.",:rj.tJe4. ;>1.\0:' bend. shQll. be nU!:1b~t.d 1'1',)1'1\ 1 to,:> Lll, lnc)lua1To. anel
*ha:U rfl(p;ture April 1 in nWller1".1 ordor on tllU dateD aM .in the "-ewer
fo 11 ow la.U
li"l .,. 1"41>. .lnl)lue1Yc. Itb.OUO 1n each '''1'.
. ,
1946,...:1961. '1noll".1"'.. 'P6.0001n eaoh y.ar.
. . '
~),..ttor) f). 'l'he"ndll 8J'aall be. In t ~ denolninaUon of :el.QOO
eaob. '-a.t;4DOrid'o, ehall" ~igAtd t,y tile -:for: .hall be ofJ~1.d. w 1W the.
. ,
oO;.PIl....~. ...1 of tlhe'i.'o...a.U..,eQi by .the raunlo1p",l ole~k; and tb8
o.u.ptm.t~.:re..., al"t""'ed.b,aU lJe a!gnllHt ~y the faca1ll'1lle 'ldoatl.l.ru of
.aJ,4,.,O.....ml{)1.u.Jt. "
u..l~ boneia, 3ar10.; tMa1gnatl.lr.. or ofU<Utr8 In offioe
. '
on th4t., ~,. Qt t.~e &1tl01ll3 \-herGot..luIU be ,vatU and binding ooli..,.,-
hR'to JlotwUb..\fr.n41ng t.h& t b~rorL'o~h. dfJl1"4tryt.nereot and. l)Q)ment.
. talent-or a~ ud.al\htl ptu'aoOI '/';'ho.. d~n. f.u.rea .pllOIU' thereon ilhall 0
, '.,
U'f'O o.....d tg,bil tneol..t'lcers ,of, ine ');1)1''',
...oot,lon 6.0 'tbe, aa1eS bonda ahaU.b_ln .u.b.'t,~nUlill.11 ;h,e tel.-
lowirtg f;)l'1Il:
I .NO.
,. ,
tnJ.l'l'tw . b'tl'A1~U. OJIP AMERIOA
'.I'XRfU'l'01tYuF' ..u.....C&A
To,"Jto'l $~ttn>>.
~~C1RX" ~YtlTr:tr :BOH.P
'J.2-d- .
TftA Dr u..~d. Territor)' or Ala.ka. a mun1C1ipal oqrp~raUon
dlolly Ol'aallUod ~ e:Ua till' wuter tob.e la... of \be Un1 t.ed ,~\at... and of
the 'rerrit.o1'y tJt ~1.._.. hereby aQlcnowled(f8& itaelt'lncliilbt..,. I!lI'Id tor
.allole reQ.. ..ct Pl'oa1... to ,t.y to t.p.e beare-r. 01' it 'hils bond b-e. regh-
t.erect, ~o. ~he"&1.'.J;'ed b..lcler.t'Hu~.Gt. on the that. Clay ()f Ap:rU. .19___
t.he ... of
(.IlUl TlWl!l. /l.NDDO!i[.,I\1\S
wi fob. in'.r.." .\beJ>eon, at \b. m~. or tololl' per oent.wir. '!'IeI'. ann,," (4%).
paya,ne o.,!l.*-,r11 1 and Oot.ob,r 1lnea.on y..r unUl,",tudty, upon au-
rend*" Of.' th,e lIUln...d O.OUpCIIII' a. ttulY .e..tu1.l:7.M\loille dlole.
, :,r,," .
. .
.UO\l:l,. p~l~illle.l. and in\Gr..t. on t.n1a'u)ftd. an puyabl..t the
:;iitA1':rLE-Jt lR;:rr .iliA'! l(ilt~X. dANK, (J1"y of S.. ~Ue.~..hl.~'on.
'l~1..'b~1Sdb on. ot f.n &,utnor.luc1 18.\18 ot'iUl.OGO ot bonll.
... i
. tltU.&4Il 4.t....d..~..'lon ,:nd ~onor. ex..p' a. t.o _turlty. ftWJlbe)'0e4
.' . " ". " , .
QOJl..'l..'l..~it.~.. ic:'~:11i1..1nallola11'lhand J.abuu."4 by the 'Xo-w'n of
',:, ';.'
;;...ril,X1Itt-..,URder 't:t&e au,t.JIQrJ.tr1 or., Q,.ndl~ 'fu1.1 oOUlllllaft08 ,,1ttl.,~h.
. .
.. .
0,.....'1 \i.tu~' "c1 .st..it.. of' \Ulir. ffn1tecf::.ta'.. ana 'hl>> 1,a\Vu ot~he tor...
, ':,) < " 'j, , ,;;':;,' ,. ,. .,' ' '.' - -'" .. ' . '. .
. 1'1 t.OJ'~. Qf.~.~.,.i.A~'~.:~"J.~t1onll 'of \Iut .'lo.. K~.JfjJl.l'd. uel ptArtl~w14r~y .
"',1. '.*-\.,q,':J---,lllM-.' ."'C~n61'." of ~~. lint ,ad' 8t._,.. 4.alM;na'" *Publ1o
,;,-,.. . . : ':". ;',' "
. 1I0'~if "7".k-t~."r a6~<'r'1.,4'.J:Aa7 laQ. 1$)3b.. ~cI.. r...l\lU'ma<S opt.1
b1. ,,. 0..... ;}ou.U iJ\the. 4th day of ~ lO~".an4 1. ~.8\led tor ..the
P~l'pq.otC'''~''\lfa~~,a. WUft101pal ~1eO tr"o, 0)-1l\._ ,tosether dtb aU
,.:rto t.11er.otud .pj~.lIuo..ih.ri,o. no....an O~,Q<'1".I'eJft t01:tae
, ", ... ;', . '~. ". '" -""",, ,-,' . " -, . ',.
. '-. " ; ,
&.n.I'.'10n.'P~~tt..,.\l'~.ld.~hn an4 4tablb.Ur.aef 'fllflot"rt....erQ.
, '
'4"iutprlnQ1~1: .arid 1n'.rht on thh".o. '~. oJau1 . o\nei' 'ct<md.
ot \iuI ..."',or wt1.~Qb. ,'~. ho~.. at. ..,ua1:1T aftdtat61nl'aeo1ilr'4 b7.
.l)Cio~n.u,,"., ,ap:r1()l;':.~ 1aram:tHint.: U.nu'POIl. .~.l" PIlY._U .1.,.1,.
Cro. '.'u~ Un r",e"".. 0' .a14 ."B.te.., toge t.ber ..Uh Q,y llt~,o"e~ta.
, ,
"t\."_n.~. or ..~"n.l"~ \nlts-.h. n.r-.ft..rQQfJatruct..d' o:raqqull'ft",
.0 ~ .<
tJ .2,~ ~ . -
".. .'
at'er 4e4uot1... on~ fo~ \8e r...o~.l. opora~lng and ..iat.nanc.
a.pen... tlto reo f' . Tb' town or ~'1JlU'd oo..naot, tbtlt.l t. .111 PI'..orlbe
and colleu ouch ra'.. u4 Obraea tot 'he ..nl.... '8ellUl'., aa4
00_041U.. atrONa" ., \he .7'~" ;... Will pl'oduoe "y..... at. leu'
.uttlo1eftt \0 PV., _heD clue, all bondsandlnt.er..t on tb.out.tand1~
bonda 01" ..1d. la..uo, 1nol..d1ne reaene. t.h.r.to~, anll \0 prvndo, for all
t..p.... 0' .p.r60Uoll ...IS -.1nt.onanoa of .bll1l .,.,.., inoluding r..U'Y..
Th1a ltGiId, tIIf&T b. 1'.lhw1'a4 .a to pdao!pal onl,.. In aoool'4anoo
wU.b.'he pr....1iloa. 0.01'..4 on 'he back heraot.
. 110 1'1O'l.ar )(.,...1' .hal1ila.... .~tI.e ....l.ht to 00.,.1 .tht leY, of
a 'U b, .ald Town to ,qttUl )tl'lnc1\'l81ot 01'1..\..,.... on thb lao""'.
fbhbO*l ...4 .11oth..1' .oncl. of Ute ,I..",. ot.blGA tM,a, to
.ne .ball .. nocoUa''bl.e t'"i' all p.urpoae'..
It 10 l\er.,y..~t1Ueo.ano. n01\e4'~t illl oond!tton., ......
aAd 'td.JJca raqu.iJ'ri 'o~~n'~ ,. haT.baTlP...., Mlc:l ''0 haTS be.*, .p-e~ffl_-
ed. pNUde.to .'0 an4 1n the ........ of. ~n.... ul,."baTt nl:Plut",.,
.and bl.n '..np.rtDl"aH .. r.qltlncl V ~."',,,~,1~,th.t...... of \oh,
"084 no d..' 01' otbel' lut'-Uoa or t'e.~J'1C!U"" pl'..or:lbed by law ,two. b....
eJeoaed.a: .
III wItlff!;St) \\:}lJ,(alOY. \he "l'owll of ~__1"Cl. Ala....:'.... ......... this
,. ,. , l '
bollet '0 be 81 p.~ by 1'. ..tor, .'.led w~ t~ ,Us . orp.,.,,,.: .~.~ .~.s\td
'07 the 1'o'lm iUer.. ami the couport. bento ...lUl.JC~cl h be ~~b..ntloat.4 by
t.b.f.._UltitA!<.~~....t.. or ,.&tel UaY~1' .and Ql.~k and "",'5;',1 bond to be
4a,\.4 as af tobe tl1'd' .sa::rot April. 19~'.
TOW. OFS1!:UftP ,
'tlUlRl'1'QRY OFA.L.\51tA
j). C.' Bll~DLL
( a:ltA. to )
A'ttRS't :
A. .fJ., .IlAL1J:JlR:;'1'OJil
,'lownOl..I"k. '
t YOU OJ' OOUPOJ.ll) ".
hO.OO "
0.,"...., of, , ~'......-..t~"Aet....
'. ~
ot "".-..rd, A.1.s,n, .-.t.ll pq t.o the' b.~.J'. butUlely o~, ot,toM '~"q-
,. . . ' . . .
\i.. plef:l$04 tot t.M .1Mn~ "~."ot, .. .r'OvJd..e4 in "h,c DOftd t..,wbiO" .
. .; , . . '.'" .'" "<
~.~,~.~P.Ullo" .~"Ob.4t th. .WIlO1', TJ,.z.n U04i.t..RS, .. tho um~TfJ:illt-]l'IR$'I'
, JUTlv'Al~ B41ilt. :;;..t. n., ;....h1n.ct'''~ t.l.~'n. .is un 'hat In\f).I'.~t 4~o.
1'0 $1.. "r1e ..~)',.. J$~" '~ otAPJI'll 1. . 19N. .n<lnUll1'bere4
t~.O""$Et'AtW.. lMWCA
- 1M'
J,),. ' 0 ~,' .RQt;lf-lLL
. 81qOl':.; , "
, ' ..... D. .~l'UWl'O.'
" j
", '1.... al_tJc
. .. .
. .. .'.
1_ '\no.a.Jf :ot' -.J . , ' "
\ " , .~
(l\"t$~_iO.gf.PR'tOOJ.PAL.Utt";') ,
. . . ,. ~ ,-
C '
"..;. '.
~h1.lloracl""'b.'..4.'.,,*~ ~',\. j't1,nct 1 p.l 0..1)' t, b7tb.J)JaiY~
, .' ", ", ",. ,
" ~.' ....t... tOt t..I'l.t.o Q-" 4~.~tl1t.ci thv-lIl;., Y~~nl'pr..Cft1.e U~ta III \~...
!, . ,
, ,
92- -J'
orei0.o! .U4ha..l.t~, aA~ a..11 ~n.r..tt.r be ">>an.ter_ole on17 07
written ~..lg,._nt of, tbe' rtght.er4Hl own... o,rbla ""..tn.,.. 4ul1, aoao.-
lodged, or t>royed" lJuoh roghUa.Uo.. a.nd t:ra....tn. \0 be Cn401'80d \hereon
~ :
ln t.he .pUT8 pl'OT14ed ,..1011 anti ont'.f)reti on the booh ot .uem ~egl.'rIU.
kept. for" t.b.' .purp.... b,ut 1" IIIa7 ~. eli,ohar,cull,ro.. l'e"1'.',.,"~on '>7
beln4!ii t,hirta.f.rr~ to ,eu-rer, iLtterwh10b it. ..h,ll t>e t.ranef.r.b1~ 0)' 4el..
1Yery, ~l.Lt '.-. t. a,y oe asaln. ft~h hred '.e b0:h~Ch n. t'egbt.ttlUon of
tbh 'boD4l a. tit ;;>r!rioh~.~ll not, rcl6i '1'801n1.1'I.0, Illtt(ot,1a.b1Ut.1,Ot'tb4l
lator..' ',Jo~P9im.. \.h~ob ah...ll.' "_1n- tlNlytJ\)4e to blare"',
i.J ....,~...~..~.._............,~
~ J. . "
i)Ao'tl~ ,,11' rl~lti'lat J~ all' Jt:D lun!;'li~t> OWIJUt )fAD 0.' .V'lHottU!!lJ) rU~CUOTRAR
,." t.. "'"
, <
! I
,IP ,L
l ..,,~ "
, ' .,1 .
,., .
~ .
. ,;.,
.,' ,,~,
r .q
_",on' ". ,A. .s.onc,'.. alJ,V ota141d Doni. a~.
, ,
, " .c
Q ~..'''''''''l;'l4 \l4i-t,."th..' C ~:il~"l~t 'U$'m>> and
. '1 ' ' .
0,-',1'.8 ~d~.. t,h,e
, , .
o~~c1111 <:1".'1.1:1 :dt
, ,
. . . . . , , . '
"biob __~Mlil :1.\A:re .. ~bO ,be..t~, 11ft. and btt .JdGJ\lJ,..D~.'ti7" _y 401d.# .
, ,
or an)' or toM""., an4, *111 cfil~.thlltlie. f1~,~d ;J;l1ac1.lng, obU:~,t101l O,t
\he to*At \Owl:t.;
la:~ 'The'thll .1l~ "P,._r.l"lit.,~.od c~U.., rit... ,and 0."..' fot
~b. ..Jrt~~..t t.",d.l1"l'.~dO.~.~,tn..a.ttur49d 8)' 1;b..;"....:101pal ::4J.(l0"
!lriO'~..t 'tfl&-'b.~ II Ub..u pari';' ttl.~ot ~d.ppvrt~.no~. t.ft~nto
.... g.....H.. ....4... u... ......t..t... "
neo..eArY ur CQnyenlen\ t~1'
and dlet.rlbvUQll' ote1(iuit.do energy. loal\lcUng lm'ro....ment., bet.tel'~n'..
or .;It t.6nalon.l"n.r_~O . tn_r.o.ft..r "on. '1'1.10 te4 or tl.cq,u1:red (al1. herein-
at 'Ell' Oa U..4 . \11_ · tJl.t;eM"), ~hl~h.h..ll be .., 1e4l8.' Bult'101.ntat... .1.1
\l.a. . .
'. (1) t.o 01'0"1461 tor ull expense. of 0;>e1"8\10n and
..In'.~~O. ~t .aid ~1ate.;
. .(1) "~!*Y 'he f>l'inolpul of and lnt..r..t. on .d4
lIuts:l4. aa tn. l&l&'~ .hall becOJlae 4ue;,ancl
. . ($.) ".,..~4.t.h. r..."..~1Jr.ll1.ttorpl'oY1c1e<l tor.
(0) Al,l ..uoh ...."",,..' .ball be ~ldlntQ a ep(tolo.l or trun
IlIAci aaoount (~.r.l..t\.1' _.\led 'the ."R."'Q&i.J'uRdA..Oc.u..t~). wh1ch
.ball .be ..t ..id.. and ..,.d ~n 'hl!l fo~l..wll\& JlaaI1n.1' and torCh., follo.. .
1~ 'ljIUrl>.... i,
YtP ,'.ldil~T'''U.. )'~Dd. Ao4oun\, 8..1,tJ... t . ..n.ll t,o ~.d.\lOlo-
hna f~Z' lb.. "~OMb~. oJ)tI!rtt~1ftfl an<t,..lnt.lttua.noe eXP.U8ol' tn. IlYIl\IiJ!l1l
tu' ~be
,~ ~o
t(lAl,~~ih~' l:llC)n'.. :lh." ."1.1, .~..,P1.ft04s:~ '.Ob*Q'fCb in ..".~rhl1,
~ ':', :, ~ ,." ' "; " .' ., '.,,'
_e. ~'iJ.'~... '.~...,,~.. Q'r S._..4,~~1"\tl. ~1.'.tnapod"U"4~"'.'
. ~
ou.n,.H~.-r'l.....r.\.l' 1I~).:l;""", t.A."BORd l<'1&a~~ h . . .WIt eq\taJ..'o6""!lO.~'h 0:1
'he. tn'~C.~.'rU'l'" or fdUng 4~ Ii".... ~etI........t .~ih.."lng lat.re.t.
, , "
Pla.Yl:IlGd t 4. '..~::: .il ,...14 bon48 tn.n. b~~''''.''.B ....ct...-t:l'.U \II Q rt.t\e .
"'. " \ " ~J .... .' '. ' .:, ,,' ,". ,'~:. -, . ' ". . - . . . ' '.,
\)1"11\01\1.1 III .4.blijO~. n.Jl~ma.\udft... C:'I*'*'l1Jr l'i.1th an. add-lUo,.,..l llIf14o.urn.t
, . -'. .. . "','-" ....".
eq._l, t.tJ<!*~"'.i).~ o.ntv.m(~)ot.\hJt
...rV'IIt'ot '\he .jsa~" Oct .~JQ oo.d,. ~.$
lnte".{j t. ;
P I' lOt '4' 1 cl e 4
~hat; if.i4.Ar;lli1~1IJ.uil1. ~UQ.t ...1'.lnOt.' 'be~Q.4.p'Q81t.e4 c:l.1Jtln~~ any -ped04,
~~' U,_ln"hl.or~. IiM. WUO~:' tn....14 BOfl4,FUtt4 aho..u b.a t. 18" t. -<&_1 too.
., .' ", .; ,
:14- l..'.......".,aQd princl,a.l ~'uZ'l.. :"1' t.1.~1nfr d~.' l1u:rlng t}iUI tJun-ne:U
....cr..ell... ;W...t,....to.l"ltIOn\b.; P'wt'.l4:~.:.t'~'..rt \b.a.tno aUJIl8 need ~,
.. d.pod~e4 .(hlria~ an, podOQ 01' 't.u. .1..1'" lih. rk~Wlt of 8al4hftd
. .,
9 ~ -f.
. ,.
Fund h alltUdent \0 1>.' the prloo11281 otal1 laid \)0114. t!len outa\aft4-
1... ...4 'beut.ero.t thue... all the.14. atuUl M80ae due. Anyd,t101en-
ale. in ...J.d ...... 1)1' aGoounta &10 depQ81 ted aJ!"loa fron, laok of re'fEllluee
or otnel"Yl'l.. .ball be IlIade good .e lIoon a. :tt...onue. llre aTau'a'b!e for
the purpose aD4 l:letore makl111 Ot.hfU! pa'yM&n'.~ftolll adel llevenue )fund
AOOOlUlt.. esccpt 1:Qr t.ne reuaonableopel'at1nK and radnt,el'lanoe expen... of
. \ibe 871J \iea.
'l'hetlun101paUty uhall not. 'e .ot>l1tCat.4' to "..,. 881.4 bonda
or t.blll 14",1'00 to tMr,oJit exoept.trom th4.1 1',""tn'*., ot thf,t:,y. r.em, deposit04
1n nUS Bqncl ;th.&ndaa herein ~rO'l1cled.
(e) nt TOJIa wUl. at. ...11 '~IIl'e.':UlohaU7 1IlS.~nta11'l".nt1
oarry on t.he operationan4 bUDine.. qft.heS.,.to. and w1l1 ,k.,~, liH.toh
",,..tem a 1',,1 eV4li'7 PP"t. tho1'eo1'1n good, a~mU'Uon. repair and \Yorkhl or4er.
'1'00.10"" 11'111 _ia_ill foJ' the bene1'1toC the holder or b.olders of dl
ovh tl!in~inl b..-. i,.UradqQ on \he {"7ah1ll ot _ lUQd and 1n nn IWlount -
wbl0hU8JA..lJ;1' ll;~ul<l ;boo(lll"rleci by pr1'Y'&\eoollJpt,\ll18. .n('("384 ln n dltUar
. .
'7pe ~f b...1.........1011.. V.i. r...~\lUo.Cthal~ ...~on.tru.ed aa rtt-
. .
qu.h'lnl the 'ft.a t.o. _~n4 ~7 twul..'whiahv.~o clerUed,f,tom lll,lu.rcu O,t.ber
. .
\hall tMIOpeftUonOf t.be: ,:)18'''. bu.''tnotUnfl: h~rdn ."'IIU b. oonet.rue4
... i.>rennUag tho To. ,froa db;l. ....
(ct)Tbe 'l'ow~ wUl. at.' aU U.... kU1) pl'Ol)4lrbooks ot reoOrd~'
and aco.o~t. (..'P.r.'. .rit.lt\l17' fro. fl,U o,~.!' 'HOO'-. a~ llQOOuntao1'
t.he. Tow..} lnwhlob t\l~J. a~ qorX'$ot en '1'1.. , sball b'~ ~4:ij' .otaU 4.al1n8_
ort.ranat"oUcm. ln relat.ton t.otb,e p.ro~rh... 0"'81..*'lIn<1' atrain of
.a.lo~'y. tOlll.
'fa. 1'0_0 ,hall t'l.1m1eh h tne original pt.lrabaa"l' ot t.l'b~
bon4., 80 10fIC .. 8UQn;)Uoha..r lioU...1' of' tl:1eboJaCl.,and b/ tiny
". .
11014.1'. or bolo.r, Q,1' thobo.... . t \he wi-I'\eo I'Oq...t or l'i\.lob ho ldel' or
holder.,. not more t.hllin" fort.7-fl". daJt8 ..nu' the' olou ot .soh .1s
_It\he' tiaolit.ll)erh4. OO"'?le~.opuat1ng -.nil bleo_ 8t.l'ltementa of the
",yete.1n r6tusona.ble detail 00....101118 e\.l.oh lUx monUl'. period. and not
!flore tban ninety day8at't.6rthecJ,oae ot eaoh tboal "ear, (lQl'lilJ)l.\e fin-'
llt:to1al at.$ih%llJJnte of' the ~".teTA 1IUlCl the Ton Ion re..onable detail .OT-
.rug auan :f,1aoal. Yo":r, Qert~f1ed by the Town'. &\&4110Z". ArIY.)a,olde:r .t
. '
aft,. of .dd1t~Q4$ "hall 1'$'16 'toile r~~ht,a.t,..ll r.lilae_ble tl.... \0 1.n-
."un tot.o ~1.'.m....nd 1'\foo:rd', .QoC)~ilt., ud .d.att. ot tbe;1own 1'01at,111'
., .,
(.r. .W.....eo:!, ~tUt .."10". t_llHt~I" .or COt'lln9dUha athI'Cl1l,4.
.by _J.4 ~:r.'\" "..,:l.1'Q.. f:i.I~1.n.'4 11'1 t.hO,l1t ~ r."'~~bl,. ot1a:rg-6.b.id' ,ad.
U.erefo1'; ~d 1..ft.b.tOIl~ ;)1" :u'lyoi: .u.<l) d.tl&rt,~..nt.t. ,board" or -.genc1e.
ahaUelooi' i~;"y..,u. ,tb.~.01."'''0ttluOh ut'Vlou. ~a4tltU", ot' co.....'"
, ,', . " " ,. .."' - ,,"
1t.u.. t.hlSr1S .~J. oe 'h'Mate;rr.~ ~on~il)'t, tro.t.be:g.n e~l f\lnd. Qr.~t .
Tow" httllt '{;t.~~. ~,. "o.ooWtta ..w. pi r$.~y.q~l tol!i. tdr and
~' . -. . ,;
r....Oft&bh~...~' tOr \ilo r\ltml~n.tn. ai.toh 'tl:lWl1or:anr.r '0.. h~1"~n~.
. .,;' I> .." , ;
or tle1'D"cJh.wU~ \l'1e,'.,.Y1o". r..d1.1the. ."d ~ omtl9'4~tle. . of ,li\Ia,liJ;;.,..::.
t_;c u'a th..te"A~o..;'d:~~b.d .IulU llt d~e.'t.:'D. rl!!ftJtuo. 4.1'1"'4" ,
t"QJlI tJl4 o~.~t.to~ o#; t.h~, ;;17';-'''' ,tUld>>~h b:ew.~41~ .ooount4d toJ' 111
. .
Ule .a... lIIiI&oner,., /i)tb.l're..iu....derl....Clfl'Cl.m.~l~ ~l'.t'ft..,
(I) TtU'.ben4a 1....d ;,ur__t t,o "be pro"~81on'L of' tbh r....
OlUUQD ._11 hav. to fir.t .nel i#'efltl'ilIad.l UeDon toM "..n~iHl of, ...14
. .
~1"'.. /\tn.1' d.ecl~'\.~3 tll* ~~a.a:;,'n"'b16 0,::>'1'11,\1"'$ aM _11'1~8n~c. '~P.A'.'
, '
~.r.ot ~. bereln p~~.~ded.
(I) It tl'\o pl'i~lPG.l 01' In.~"'I,.., moay ot, ..U bonds.. 18 ".~
. . ,-
paid ",ben a&lle. tinct n_lnaW&~1~J {'!oJr '.......&.QI1 of tflirt., QQ.1.. "b~t_ft )f
agreu \ha.t. aay, (lOld't. tla1'1ntS ju.-lecll0,.lollln "7 lu".peraUl0Jl. ,U1)o..
pat1 Uti. 0: t,h~ bt;14e,l' 0:' anyofltdd. b,,$4 0,1:" 1a'el'u t CQUpOn8 in d.:f'a.uU.
, . ~. ""
'.'. ,
,"',," "
-.. " '.
.,.. . " ~ "'1_
_. .,.._.~'.,T"'I"'"'~
'l b -/< .
-.,y appoint a noe1ve1" \0, .tUaln.18t.e:r thiS :>1a\em in behalf of tJ:1e 'fowlS.
..Uh ;lOW.X" topn.cl'l1J. and (tOll",_ :ra.t... 0.00 .bar.in 8u:ff'1c1ont. to 1'1'0-
(ill08 \40 liAuu:)~ntreq~1rlJd 'by ~ub-n~ot1on (~) hel"eot, and \0 a'P'Pl,y the
r.,.fun.... 01' t.M ,,\/;..t..,. 1". \be llUinn.r p:rovl$ad i"a"'D-..~t1lJn (0) h.u~"f;
t):t01'ld.e4, t.hilt Qo~ld~ln 'tilt. aaotion' eha11.uo ocntltrutdto pl'Ohtbt,t
'be ttrt$, from p.~"l ti onlns the <sour. tcrt.he re.o1'a101' .uoh .l;'e4$1"*,
. .
lll)On tn. l'V-.Pi8nt of' ,/Ul D1'lll(Upr41 and 'il'l~re.t.(h"..
(il) 'f,h. )1unlpl-palHy !kill no'~ at ~n'y tl_, luue atl1ad.dh-
1011.1 be.it.. ~:Y.")J.e l'roa th.1"ElU"'.....ot totte $Ylt..., u.aio.1l .uob' 'bODd.
ar. Jwnlor ~d. ~lolblU41na te luaU r..plt"'- tr.- f.babon4. 1\.erdn..uth,O~
1.ecljpl'ov.1",d, bCl,".....~. 'tbe 'f<>VIr:l \\'.11.1 -no\ 1n any 8ve" tmQrtgqe 01'
.th~rwl.a, ~'no_."~h. ' ell'Ul t.rlQ 1l11iAlIllUl or ,r9v~...e Q~ Cl-ny tl4:rt tb.Qreot,
or _-44. . "'''$.."or:Qr.I:l,t'd~H\ .u..P~.ot "01 4nibJ;t.liU1\1al porUg:n thereot. .
U.$pJ .. h.&:dn lftoulft)odae4.
. '. ...Uon.,,'. '1'.'. bpffli'. bentn w.ut.ho1"1a9d to be lauu"'abal.l M
110111 ut. .,.,......,c AQonel:r ~n'.:r..t. t.Q~e unl\ed. ~t...,.. ,of ...UiOrioa or anT
~.nllY o~ 1<,uJb:WllfJA\altt.7 '88nof,.n4 ,Q:eU".qot 8u1d bonc.tu. t,c alUd
. ,.' 'to ' , .
Pl.lZ'obalHt1', a.1f41il*!t. .._191; ott.i1.a)14tob1t~.~1"to' bft.b. 'fro-4UHU"Or. of' t.he
. .
~",.,.:~,>.r 'to..... cht>>' ...t'pa,kdaepoal'.1'7 .ot
bbe,ctlij .'~.."'84.
t.ho TO.8 ..oproTW
, .
TO\llIt: of
'~7 him.
>>'. ,-., '. "
$00\1.. t. The '....1.1.011. ot tt\l'll ......l..a.Uoa aft he:r,lt:r<le""
alal"act.to ,b.4UU", .. ..JNl.l'.o~', :'U."f,...l"19..i _ras1".t*., ....te".., .
ot' ola...eJit,rtltiaell,a11 b,t f....d by .. owr:\ ot 'o,o..,.,.at J\lr'hd10Uoft ,.
be lnyulc1., ~bir4.o1.l~A of ew.oh CI~#'. '-~ll :~ot ..,-rto_Ute ...al1cU. " .t
01)7 oUe:r':...UCUJ, parac-.,tl. ......,.....0. 'Qia....
. '
'S..-t1on 10.'tha'- J~J.10J'(11J)ano"_4Jit.Q1.l.l'bD. 1ft oantU.'
IM...nb al'e bereb, repeaJ.tHl. ;\.0 \rt4iU'-Il'\'. of _IlOlla oonfl~o' _ """"0- '
.' ..'
" "
. ,."
..1&r17 a r..01.\I\10n..\1 Ue4 "A. a"olution AU'borj.lIllng t.he la.wano. or
~a9 .000 or :8on4. . under \-he AutihorUy ~t Pultl1o'A.O\ .0. 63, 74th 00118I'....
a?pro..." >>a1 20. U&6if. .,htcrh naoht-ton wa. a4op1.e4011 All'U.i 27th,
19&~, 11 rep."led, ...141 ltan1 of .&let ,$at,OOO ot ~on<la ba.,.., been ",dn1.e4,
thl!! ?~or aDuOl_a 8e :rorthd t11 Q lreo"te.d to oau.. t.il. ,,~* 1;. 0' be du': .
;;.oO\1on 11. Tbb r."oluUon .hAll be 1n full toroe. and ..treet
fro. aM a!t.n the daM of 1\a, ,...agoand Q,PI)r~Y.l b;y the ~or.
1 to ..... 1llO1'''' '~,.OO\Ul011a.' i10JtllS. M.d..eeo..i4 by o <ruQCl!.l*n
;;~RWiI, t.1.'1at.aU r1l1..ot t))eOounou.. Wh.10h. rUt&htprennt.,. unU.. .......
pend-.4. th... QOIUI1d..J'~'10'ft. f1pal ~.....,. ,lAnd alSop\.1on of Mill r..olut.1on
at. __1" m~.UIl8 a~h.'t4kl0g, tart'eo. lip~n.uol1 ~opt.on b. ,anttJ\_.._
aNI MnG) .U,.n<<1- for the pW'pt>...or p.'.....1Itl)111 the oon0148r..Uo,..
~' '
final ()...~ ,all(1a<10'Pt.1on ,~ ..a1~ ~"1-.\f,~at. \l'lh .~.t1ng pdU,
\alttq .{hut .1i:>".'....h adopUQ.J,h
'the quO,?lOJ:i belng,.t ul'o,Q. ~.ii4tU)t1'Q: ot ..:1.' &W't1on. 'he
. roll wat oall.4 .1 VI. '-bet\> 11 Otit ". J:'...u.l'\a:
~..:' . ;t....",otJ;n(,\, aJt; aoune 11... nt,\S!..h:. (;A;1t~ilOB,
() U.LU.J\1(J) ..TpjJ!iltt .o~..n4 MJ\iJ'ttun.
lIayat; fJ;,
1'be Ma)O)f 4_1la:re.s .' Ia.Id .0\1011 oiU"'riltd..'~ aUohrti,lu.o
CounU~ B1ASl...eo_~~..:;~: ',U.~o.tl_. ;&l~,lI.A.lllh 11I0.... ~Q\
. . ~ .' ' , ' >',' ~. .
:. '"'. "', ! !; . ' .
..14 r..olut.10ll....~b.o.."'.tq. \bo ....lat\Q."'ot ~JlGl',~, !tau).'.,...... and
a4op\etl ....lR'r~~.. araclM,acs.. ''The <<1...11...1>81."&", p.t\'QPOft \l'Jattn.l
9Z ~m.
p..e..... and adoption 01' 8~1d resolutIOn, the roll was called1'11tb tl1e
i'ollo1'11ng results:
AYes; 6, those ToUn" ..1-: OO\m9'U,men BLASE, CA1$R01f,
Nays: O.
The _yo1' therel.\pon deolared said Resolution f1hally passed
and adopted, _ad' tb~ -.;yor th,reupondgoe4 said. Ruoltit1on in ap'Qfoval
," "f.. .
The follov.1ng ord'l_noe entitled "AN ORDINANOE ,TO PRESORIBE,
, , .,.' '. - '
, .-' ~
OR TO ANY OF ITS DEPARTllS~S, aOARDS OR AG~NOIES." ......s,introduoed bithe
Jra101', D. C. J3rown.ell, r..d 10 full by tb.e Clerk, and. coi1.al4ered by the
, >;
Doak.t.e. .1'79
j\( ~-
Orcln':x....e..<1- Q. /7-,
.UlOlU)J:lAJfc~'t01'R;I$OORIJ11~. 4tS'b.B.LUH Alil)) Rf&GULAT8
tJlB iVl>t1t~, $'&IU, Oft aK.ARG:JtitoBre .M'Al).'t UP CQI,J;r.Onu> Ill' Tn
T~B \Jl<' ,;1i.\iAHD.JU.A.W, ,QR l'J-D: ;Jl~RVlCRS. FAOJJ:.l1':tES AllDaO~!O.ITI,BS
OJ' ITS !lU.lalP^'tK~I~T;U;: SY(~l( ~1$HEJ) 'toraH Ill- .
HJ\1;}t'rAllfS o.r flAXD 'lO\tJi OF ;~BVu..Rn, A'4AS~. All) TO
T}iS 8Al1) W'lQJVAtiTY. (.m 1:J A.JY 0' ':t'fS
. .' ," "
. .
:a't IT. ORPA%Dll . THE. CQUMvl' OOtM:IL OF TlU~"toval OF s,'JI':WARD.
:J_t1~n 1.. That. 'be nt.., 1"... and 0_..' b....II.t..tt.el'. ..,tellth
aze ,..........ble .ra'... t... an4 aha~o_ t.o '" _Cleandool1eot.4t(l .!o~..
, . ". . , "
.orY10.., 'f,-l11 \1" .and- oo_od~t.te.ot t.M.1AuU.oi,..Ji~1'O...ltleot,l"10
\:i7et._ or adel 'to.. of a..ar4. and' .wah rat.... r...:~'h... ~.uoh .
fA will produce IIttYenVA a' ~...\ e1dflol4t.~, tal" )lqwhea 4\111I 'aU
b9n4e 'an4 ilne"*" 'M.OIl. t. .the ~n' .t _oli <auh..e"". 18 or
" , . .,', .' " , ' .
..11 UaTe &itee4 pl....d, cu.....tor .thenrUe ~~"'d.. 'lnoJ.w:lJ.ft4l'e-
, " .. ',' "
, .
..rYe,_ tbeHtc.r; II..'"'' (tJ) to .,r.v14" ~Ol' aU ...p...... bl'operaUOll ...
_lr.tuo..,.ce'.r .~tcl'7.,*..~4nolu4tng~..mlia: t~....t.t>.. .
S..Uon a. Jm~.' u~n~. 10 "rTio. .t.~Q'ri'''~G ..li.all.b41
, '1- ' , . ~,
made w1tlUll.'~. oa",Oh'8 l~atH .tth. 'f'o...t$_a4.A~"'_, .... a.ncl.
".p' ~~'Ou,i'b"'",.
,,,' ' .. :' ~' .,,' ~" ",
Seo;1on I.; ~, X~S'f~~;~I)~ \(rtdlq;~s~,.~. abaUb.tllJ'nlokH'"
, '". ". , "',,, .: ", ",',,,', ' "" .
t.he conaur.ro 'o.v.Ch.. lNn~.lpa1.)f~'.. &t. .Q'~O"",. Wh~b "~tlnt;..ab.l~
" J*,l_b)'t,~.' liI~lI.~I', a\' ,.. t.1_ o( t.he,JA'__lla1.to*'.'.t't1'ae .".. .~.~...
b.t~t. lJarYll.. IIJI,t~rlli..wclt;mloh _t~'.&\ ..-il ftiialQ tbe pn:.par*7 .t
"." ','. ' :' ""'"'' ,':'~" ';~',: "" ,'''''" " ,'.. '<".. "," :", ,,/,-. " ".':,,: " , . .. ",:' ", ."', -" " , . "
\he ~~ntoi"~,.i.1."_>' tJ~cm>tke cU.o.o"t1Jt,U.....t\..l"'I'l.. ".aOb,l",.ult.<<
.' ." '. '-. ,;:' , . , : ,- ~. _, " , ' :'. ,. , , .' ," . , ~ 1 \. ." -'.. .,' ::' , ':>1:' ":," . '" ....' i:,
_\.:r -.>'be.'rn~GJ.4"~.~~'~.M"~ :~t. if'::.....'.r 1. lb..- 1'.-
,v,.4 lA KO"O~.", tb...pqah,'~.rt-bet.,.~ _il~.ft t"'J"n-' t. ~.
......1'...14~1l4J. ....".tp, f...".' paJr_ftt.'M~.~. .' A ~~.. '.t '~l'f~~ .~ri
. '
_., paid '1' >,'.tOGo.tuDer .. '..fti"Jirq; 1LlJ. 4ba.. eu l".\al~Uon. coa-
..C.,.,._. dl.o~~;fl.o\1.8 -.4 met.er.
, '. . ,,",:" . ' .". . ; , ,I
.. -.
. .. .,
" , '.
, ~ .'l
t)1.- ()-
5.\1on.. ~~~Ull Ut..'.t'fl$.
%. DO~m:.t.a(Jt.A::;'GlFlaA11()..
(A) }'ro!flO"lcu.l 1111'44 ~b.cl.ule.
1. A~~JO.t4.11l. '.; ftee148ft.e. .Uh 1'a~U.o,eleotr1o retr1(t'"''
,alii'e -.Ad flat; .bon.-or .1'Q~J'io ra..,."
2~ 1i&1!:tlll..lcI10p.lcilt..n .De__, Koena ,Dad..
~. ~.' . .....;. ,J..2f1' fbl'. $11'8' four rOOM J)er m, on~'h.;
~~- Pfr roomUoe.. "'I' 4 rooNpar mofttb,.
4. >lI\,J:p. ~~.,;
. .
. .,
, IS.! pa'r '. ~1r.t'bll ,el' room ~'I'tllon";
,_,,, '. II ..u~ 'II. it II ." ,
~ ...... ~K
Alta1...... tkl1 1)111 tho d"'" Obe.~.
. . "
(,ll) Bate: t..tr.~t.,u..., Ra\e.
~lMo\ri. 11&"1'. b.. \.~, ~,.; \laeoCJ. ~l'ol~'" ....
~nU1W.U,.e~".'J",to.l ~.k ..1,tOb,a,;p.r'~..
(!SW1~~ '.um.. OIJ ..1.o,~loJ" ., ,10 P.:.,~.....,v,'"
.rt ..~II.'t. ~\, . A.... ".... '1'..'8.r-.u.' -....\.1' ~
ft&o.. 800..&'''' .f'a ) '" ',.
Air'-'.", 1 Jm and: ~ ..,. .'
(Q) Hat.: 1ij.oqk!'fe'oJ'.
, 1.
, '
. .
. A~\l~.)l,.a ' .,.. ,,'. .,' " ",. '.' , ., .
, " })fII.eaUQctU,to'" .1. tho\ttl'a410 a44,.
, .~.otl'l." ;.t.tt~.~t.1'" _4 ftat.,,' ~"9. 'tU... ,~leo 1N0
, 1'11"','.. 10 ltml. ~..~._ ~ t. ,...' KWH'
_.\ ,.' .. 100. ....It,' .!I. ~q fI ,It'
._~ .. '10'''.' .. '<J'" If g
~fJ.' .. .00 !l.t · t!4I'" ·
nai...,.tb1.7, .bi ~I 'h.~ 00.
, ", ",;
',.' .." " ' . I
U;. QO~1.4I..Q:;.t;.:;'~lif;tCA1IQlf. .
1. "'MJa!t.~on: . . ' .... . . , '
'" ." . ~"l'e...,~_"""".. t.tieawr. pl'ilJ.:tnc
.~M-'''''".J.., .~.. Uta..., MaD ala4'
.,.~~.:t.."...;JID'... .....
.ft.',.~... .'
, ,
tIC.!lr.:.a()~, ..a...lr....~ o~ ~. "
. ,--- ...... ,
7~_ .,-..rco.'Jet ..0 1l000n ~. 1Ju.JI1l)n ..t it\\'.
. ........ct......... "" ,. .
3* >>'I"~.' 'iLl:1. 114:....... .~. ,ot 91>. hO..~.. "l'lfOa.b. ' ,
~r: D. -..t.. ,..... . . .. "
,A, .
E~_' .
, . ..'
92- ~-
Dehn1naU,n .JC\fHD1OO" ot f;'ll'ttt &.QQ 'QUe OOft-
,"o'.d lh4 p-l"'8 ..~. '!if next. 1,500 w~U. oOl'1ll9ot.d
load -plv.a &i~ of exce.. OTel' 2.000 watt. conneotocl
ll1nlauallOnthl7 bill .1.00 per month pel' meter
pl"'8, 10" per 100 ...\"-'ooaneotecl lOde
111. i'O\'.l!iR. .
1.!IU!.; Block. a,plth_on D...".
2. ;U..,.<l :;b..~.l
1<'11'.' .~ ltWHD per un'. \:JI p.OO 'pel' J01JHD
Jut '5 II ~ .... :.:...00 'It. ..
:~.,... 100 It It It ~:f;~1. &0" ..
3. :sn,ry c~~.;
(" .
F1l'8\ 1,000 KWkper rAtn.. '1 ~ pcIIt .JtW!L ",
, .~t ,t,O()01!! It It ~:~21t'''. .." .
_... 6'.OOQ" It . ", 1*- If ,,;'
. .lU.l_ '~Q.qlll1itbe . cltJ__ CI~"..
I I~. $IlQl' -.tllll<l\'l AlIn ""'~Cti\lO. <iI!Il. CL/"mlFJOAnor.
:J..j.l6'.: )'ut.. ~101pal17 con,rc>>11ecl .ev_ ,.ot l,t"..
':' ~ . . .t.,
~. '~V.iJ~ 0 .... .;..,.", '. ,
o ." . ..' -AAAUlf;l.AlI'aQ ...oaJ..o~'e4 .t'or ae1t1red
.~.\a11.'1~1I..1>'a ,lQJ".... ~Jt .... peJ: ._-. .,.
._.~ "ft\1~.. po<l~~ .1 t..\'l>>.1.-4_ . '$i,' ''PeI'PlI t
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It was moved by Oouncilman CA.!lERON. and seconded by Counoilman
~." ",
.rows. that all rules 'of' the Counpil which might prevent. unlese eu.pen-
ded, the consideration. final passage. and enaotment ot said Or~1nance
at Baid meeting and: 1tstakingef'feot upon auch passage and aPPJ;'oval be
and the aam.e are hereby auspended for the purpose of.permitting the 001'1-
sideration. final pa..lilage and enaotment of said ordinanoe at this meeting
and its taking effect upon suoh pa~8age and apprOTal.
The question :l<JE!ingput upOn the adoption of said motion. the
roll was oalled with the fOllowing re6ults:
AYee: "; thoee voUng aye: Oouno l1$en BLAST<:. OM.reRON.
G ILLI~D. .rons. OaBO, and ]!iAlffHEY.
Nays: O.
The ..yor declared said motion oarried, and such rules. so sus-
. .
Counon.man GIIJ.,II..Al'lD...cond~1i byCounoilman:BLASR. mo,..d the
second reading ~t said prop-p..dOrd1nanoe.
](otlGJf oarri8d by ,the following. v,ote: Ayes:, 6; Hays 0; those
voting aYe: ~ounollmen BLASn, 'OAlmRON..GII,I"ILA'I.D. .rons, OSBO,and "M4lf!'SY.
sald Ordinanoe. wac read the" aeopt1\1 ti1J&.
t . " , ,'" , ,,," ' .,. ,;
Co'ugc1J.zli11in~nY. U~qn(ied; by C0\10011_n OS:BO. moved that aaid
. . .
Ordinance be passed to tMtd ret,aid1ng.'
.MuT!ON QarJ;'1edbY:the fol.lowll1g V'oh: A.~.B: 6; N'ays;O; those
voting "y.: Oounoilmen Bl:AS:!i:. :O\AMfeRON'..,(Ut.,t..I!.Alm, .rO~S. oaBO -.pd llA!TTHEY.
, " . ',' '-',
SaId Ord1nance was, ,read tne. t111r<l time. and.tih~ 'Clerlcoal1ed the
rOl.l upon tb..final P""',.S. of sa~dq ordllUlornoe. and 1 t, passed the Council
by the loU...1ng -iote;,
Ay..: 6; Nays: O.
Those voting Aye: Councilmen BLASE, CA~RON. GILLIL~D.
Upon MOTION of Councilman JONmS. seoonded by Councilman
Cameron. th.e t1tleoJth.e proposed Ord.1nance waS agreed to standaa the
title ot the,Ordinancl! by.the.t'ollowing vote:
AYes: 6; Ne.Y8~ O.
T~oae voting AYe: Counoilmen BLASE. CAMER~N. GILL!LAND.
JQns, OSBO. .and JAA.!lTHEY.
The._yor thereupon annouJ1()ed hie approval o~ Ordinanoe
No. I :AS and. I>1gn~d'the 8,ame .in openuaS1on of the Counoil on thi.a
It wae Illoved by Co,tulollman GI1.LlLAllD. and seoonded by Counoil-
-n BLASE. that the mee'~~ng 'allJourn. ~OTION oar-r1ed.', and it was 80
, ,
.t;2 i#l411t<<r/:;-
, '. 'rbwnC'lij.:rlc:
MONDAY~ MAY. 4th. 1936. Cont.
Letter of appreoiation addressed to Seoretary of Interior. Harold
Iokes, read, signed by entire Council and ordered forwarded.
Under motion by Counoilman Manthey, secon4ed by Gilliland. clerk
instructed to notify Nils Hagen to remove ashes etc. from lot owne
by F.C.Wright, Motion unanimously carried.
Budget of School Board for year 1936-37. estimating City share
of E~pense at 5000.00 to 5350.00 presented: Motion by Councilman
Blase, seconded by Osbo and unanimously carried: Budget turned ove
to School Committee for recomendation.
Claims totlaing $1284.76 presented as follJws: Bankof Seward
81.00. Keilcheshi 153.3f. Balderston 100.00. Haverstock 3Z.33.
Fryer 16.67. Morford 60.00. Brown & Hawkins 7.50. Gateway 35.70.
Seward Water Spl'. 132.50. Rager 50.00. Novak 7.50. Alaska R.R. 12.0
Seward Lite & Power 109.20. Fire Roll 82.50. April Pay Roll 238.75
Brosius 145.25. Ogle 7.43. Hayes 12.00. Motion by Councilman Manth
seconded by Cameron that Claims be paid out of General Fund: Calli
the Roll: All Councilmen present voted in the Affirmative.
Claims against the P.W.A. Fund presented as follows: Signal Co
21.20. Alaska Shop 1.20. B.Malloy 4.00. Bryant 3.00. Huff 60.00
Estes 30.00. Motion by Council~an Manthey, seconded by Cameron,
that Claims be paid out of P.W.A. Funds: Calling the Roll: All
Councilmen present Voted in the Affirmative.
Motion by Councilman Blase, seconded by Osbo that the matter 0
Purohase and Sale of Firecrackers be referre(, to Police Coromi ttee
for necessary restrictions. Motion unanimousle carried.
Councilman Jones reported no definate conclusion had yet been
arrived at with referance to School Gymnasium: Further report
'would be made at an early date.
The matter of establishing surveyed Monuments within City limi s
was discussed: Resulting in a motion by Councilman Blase, seconded
by Jones tha a sum of not to excede 75.00 be all)wec for this pur-
pose: Calling the Roll: All Councilmen voted Aye.
On the question of the purchase of the Catipillar Tractor by t e
City: A Motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Blase,
that if the Finance Committee could not see the way clear for the
purchase of the Tractor by the 15th. of May, 1936, the Mayor be
authorized to wire the Northern Comercial Co. that purchase could
not be made by the City owing to lack of funds; Calling the Rollo
the Motion; All Councilmen present voted Aye.
Mteter of Tax Revision was held over to next meeting.
Matter of applications for City Offices was discussed: Resulting i
a Motion by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Manthey that applications
for offices be re-published three issues stating Office and Salar
as follows' Combined office of Fire Chief & Chief of Police at a
Salary of $200.00 per month. Combined office of Clerk, Assessor an
Magistrate at a Salary of $150.00 per month. Office of Health Offi e
at a Salary of 0_).00 per month. Calling the Roll on the Motion.
All Counoilmen present Voted Aye.
Following Resolution presented;
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward,
Alaska. that its Mayor and Municipal Clerk, be, and they are hereb
authorized in the name of the Municipal Corporation and under its
Corporate Seal to make, execute and deliver to the Federal Power
Commission that certain amendment designated as Amendment No.2 of
license issued to the Town of Seward, Alaska, for projeot No 1316,
granting an extension of time to FIle Exhibits. wherein Article 11
of License heretofore granted by the Federal Power Commission to t e
Town of Seward. Alaska. is amender by changing the date in the fir t
proviso from April,lst.l~36 to June lst.l~36.
Passed and Approveu at a Regular Meeting of the Council. held
this 4th'(~Ja~J~ M~: 1936. /; C P
Approved ~-~ ~~~
MAY 0 R Municipal Clerk.
Motion was made by Councilman Osbo. seconded by Manthey that
the Rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution; Calling
the Roll; All Councilmen present Voted in the Affirmative.
On the Question "Shall the Resolution be Adopted" Under motion
by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Jones. and unanimously carrie
Resolution was declairee, adopted by the Mayor who thereupon signed
same in open session.
( 94
MONDAY, I~Y, 4th. 1~36. Cont.
Motion was made by Counoilman Manthey. seoonded by Jone. that t e
Night Watohman be paid at the rate of '$100.00 per month for his 5 ays
servise during the month of April; Calling the Roll; All Counctlm n
present voted in the Affirmative.
Motion by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Jones that the Police
Committee be authorized to purchase a police badge for use of Spec al
Offioer appointed. Calling the Roll; All Councilmen voted Aye.
It was moved by Councilman. Gilliland, seconded by Blase that
t~~e:e 'A:~our:d; ~0~j2 Cerried ond eo ordered'l
MAY b~vv~ ~ 0 .,
MONDAY, MAY, 18th. 1936.
A re.gular meeting of the Common Council of the Town Of Seward,
Alaska. was held on the 18th. day of May, 1936. The meeting was ca led
to order by the Mayor, and on roll-call the following answered pre ent;
Blase, Cameron. Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo; Absen~ None.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Motion by Counoilman Gilliland, seoonded by Manthey, that the offe
from Wm. Bern of $25.00 eaoh for lots 13 & 14, blook 5 Laubner Add.
be acoepted, and deed be furnished Wm. Bern for same; Calling the. 011;
All Counoilmen present voted Aye. .
Applioation of Jos. S Stanton for General Wholesale Liquor Li
presented; Motion by Counoilman Blase, seoonded by Jones that Appl -
oation of Mr. Stanton be approved; qalling the Roll; All Counoilme
present Voted Aye.
List of Applioations for re-newal of Liquor Licenses as furni
by Board of Liquor Controol prsented; Motion by Counoilman Manthe
seconded by Osbo '0 that list as presented be approved; Calling the
All Councilmen presen~ Voted Aye.
Letter from Mr.& Mrs. E.A.Crawford with oheok enclosed as par
payment only for their share of Sewer ~nstallation on 3.rd Ave. Ir --I
Motion by Counoilman Gilliland. seconded by Blase that clerk be in I
truoted to return oheok and demand full payment or plaoe amount du -A
as speoial assessment against property effeoted. Calling the Roll
the Motion; All Couno~lmen present Voted Aye.
Clerk instructed to write Chamber of Comneroe with return of
applications furnished by Govenors Office for Loan & Grant to
construct Gymnasium, suggesting to the Chamber of Comnerce that th
furnish the Council with some specific working plan for Financing
the proposition.
Motion by Counoilman Gilliland, s~oonded by Manthey, that the
applioations for Municipal Offices be laid on the table. Calling t e
Roll; All Counoilmen present voted Aye. ,
Disoussion of location for Distributing System of Proposed Hy
dro-electrio project, resulted in a Motion By Counoilamn Manthey,
seconded by Gilliland that tyk Distribution System be plaoed in
Allys where said system ran North & South. Calling the Roll on th
Motion; All Councilmen Present Voted Aye.
Disoussion of the Looation for the Terminal of the Hi-Line of
the Hydro-eleotrio projeot, resulted in a Motion by Counoilman
Manthey, seoonded by Blase the the terminal be plaoed on Madison S .
& First Avenue, and that the East and West Cross Town Main be
plaoed on Madison Street; Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Ooun
oilmen present Voted Aye.
Motion by Counoilman Osbo, seoonded by Manthey that the Stree
Committee be allowed an additional sum of not to exoede $100.00 fo
further street & Bridge repairs; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen
present Voted Aye.
Counoilman Blase reported that all street monuments reoomende
had been installed and that plat of same would be furnished ehortl .
1etter from Tax Committee presented. Matter posponed to meeti g
called for Monday May,25th. 1936.
Oouncil oould see no objection to the I;O.O.F placing oonoret
sidewalk in front of their property on Adams st. as long as same
oonformed to present grades.
Following ORDINANCE No. 126 was presented;
MO~DAY, MAY, 18th. 1936 Cont.
It was moved by Counoilman Blase, seoonded by Counoilamn
Cameron, that all rules of the Counoil whioh may prevent, unless
suspended, the oonsideration. final passage and adop~ion of said
Ordinance at this meeting and of its taking effeob upon suoh adopt-
ion. be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of oonsid
ering final passage and adoption of said Ordinanoe at this meeting
and its taking effect upon suoh adoption. The Question being upon
the adoption of said motion and the suspension of said rules, the
Roll was oalled with the following results; Ayes: 6. Nays O.Those
voting Aye. Balse, Cameron. Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo.
The Mayor thereupon deolaired said Motion earried and suoh
rules suspended;
Counoilman Jones. seoonded by Counoilman Manthey. moved that
said Ordinanoe be now plaoed upon its final passage. The Question
being put upon the final passage and adoption of said Ordinanoe, th
Roll was oalled with the following results: Ayes 6. ~ays O. Those
voting Aye: Blase, Cameron, Gilliland. Jones. Manthey and Osbo.
The Mayor thereupon declaired said Ordinanoe finally Passeo
and Adopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed Said Ordinanoe in appro
al thereof.
It was moved by Councilman Gilliland, seoonded by Osbo that th
meet~g adjq~rn. ~otion Carried, and it was so ordered.
~;) I {f. /J;w.v-~' r;; ~
MAY 0 R ' C 1 ~ R K
MONDAY, MAY. 25th. 1936.
Special Meeting of the Common Counoil, City of Seward. held thi
date in the Council Chambers; Meeting oalled to order by the Mayor
at 8 P.M. with the Following Councilmen presebt: Blase, Cameron,
Gilliland, Jones and Osbo;
Meeting for purpose of adjusting Tax Assessments on Real and
Personal Properties.
After goi~g over the Tax Rolls certain adjustments were made
as noted on said Rolls ~nd such adjustments were ordered made on t
1936 Rolls.
This meeting thereafter, upon proper motion
C\j n (0. '/;;~<--.r~)
CNote- Included in above minu es of May 25th.)
EngineercWaller pre~ented map showing proposed location of Hi-
ine terminal and distribution system in City. same was approved by
he Council.
1etter from Nils Hagen reo Cabin above Mile 6 presented: order
d tabled.
Clerk instructed to write Mrs. Cora Dag~ett re- repairs to
ide walk in front of her property Corner Washington & 4th Ave.
C 1 E R K
MONDAY, JU1E, lst.1936.
Regular meeting of the Common Council,Clty of Seward, held thi
date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by the Mayor
at a p.m. with the following Counoilmen present: Blase, Cameron.
Gilliland, Jones Manthey and Osbo; Minutes of last meeting read
and approved.
Communication from Secy. Volunteer Fire Dept, presented. re;
cmnstruotion of walk to facilitate fire fighting under Government
~ock; Refferred to Fire Committee with suggestion to take the
matter up with Ge. Mgr. Ofu$son.
Motion by Councilman Blase, seconded by Cameron, that the applo
cation of A.H.L.Meyer for Wholesale Beer & wine 1icense be approved-
Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. .
Claims totaling $ll~J.42. presented as follows; Bank of Seward
25.10. Keiloheski 220.00. Balderston 150.10. H~verstock 50.00.Fryer
25.00. Seward Water Sply 127.50. May Pay Roll 47~.90. S.1.& P. 49.7
Seward Machine Shop 15.85. Seward Drug~.45. Ogle's Garage 6.83.
Alaska Transfer 21.35. Gateway Pub. Co. 25.79. Motion by Councilma
~anthey, seconded by Cameron that Claims be paid out of ~he General
Fund; Calling the Roll; All Council~en present Voted Aye.
Motion by Council:nan OSbo, seoonded by Cameron that the offioe
of Legal Adviser be abolished; Calling the Roll.All voted Aye.
MONDAY, JUNE, 1st. 1936. Cont.
Claims against ~he P.W.A. totaling 489.38, presentee as follow
Geo. M.Simpkins Co. 3.50. John Helm 28.00. L.A. Huff 60.00. Ogles
Garage 1.65. L.V.Ray 280.00. Gateway Pub. Co. 64.50. Bessie M.Mall
13.50. Signal Corps 38.23. Motion by Councilman Manthey,' seconded
Gill iland that claims be paid out Q,:f P. W.A. funds: Call ing the Ro1
All Councilmen Voted in the Affirmative. '
Councilman Gilliland reported that the Bridge on Chamberlain H 11
would be completed in ~ day or two.
Thoe Neville gave verbal notice that he expected to fence his
property lot 12 block 25 in the near future, this, would close the
thoroughfare now serving property to the West. Matter was referred to
Street Committee.
Councilma.n Blase btol.lght up the matter of. providing Float or
Wharf for the accomidation of Small Boats: This matter was referre
to the Wharf Committee\ with suggestion to place matter before the
Chamber 'of COmI:le'rce.
There being a liklyhood of further business
meeting it was adjourned t~ ~eet at the Call If
t,o come before
the Chair;
C L ~ R K
MONDAY, JUNE, 15th.1936.
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward. held th s
date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by Mayor at
p.m. with t;.e folL.Jwing Gouncilmen present: Cameron, Gilliland, Jo es
and Manthey: Minutes of la~t meeting read ana approved;
School Board requests an advance of $1000.00 to apply on the I 36
1937 budget; Motion by CcJuncilman Manthey, seconded by Jones that the
said sum .of$lOOO.OO be advanced: Calling the Roll, All councilme
including Councilm9:u Blase who entered the chambers: Voted Aye.
Motion by Councilman Blase. seconded by Camermn that the Mayo
be authorized to co~~unicate with the Forest Servise re Hi-Line cr
of the B.P.R.Highway which in his judgement would best speed up ma
As a result of. specificic instructions from the Federal Power
A Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Manthey tha
the Guaging of Water at Lost Lake be continued: Calling the Roll:
All Councilmen present voted Aye.
Upon the recomendation of Councilman Jones: A Motion was made
by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Ca:nmeron that a sum of not toe cede
$50.00 be allJwed the. Street Committee fur constructing a rsadway
round the Neville Property: Calling the Roll; All Councilmen prese t
voted in the affirmative.
Clerk instructed to post call for bids for Old Hook & Ladder
owned by the City, and to sell same for not less than $10.00.
On the matter of a Gymnasium for the Youth of the City, The M yor
was, by Unanimous Vote. Authorized to take the necessary steps for
maki~g application on 45-55 Grant Basis, as a result of guarantee
made by Elwyn Swetmann that the necessary 55% would be forthcomein .
Notice was order~d placed in paper, warning children from run ing
to Fires on Bjcycles.
Mayor Ordered that this meeting be held open to reconvene at he
call of the Chair.
, j
MONDAY, JULY, 6th. 1936.
! 1
Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held t .is
date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by Mayor at
8 p.m. with the follvwing Councilmen present; Blase, Cameron, Gil iIand,
Jones. Manthey and Osbo: Minutes of last meeting read and approved;
Co~~unication was presented, signed by Mr. & Mrs. C.P.Gillila d
requesting that some action be taken toenforse the discontinuance
of the playing of Electrical Fhonographs between the hours of 12
o'clJck Midnight and 6 o'clock A.M. Matter was referred to Law.&
Ordinance Committee. with suggestion that the Chief of Police be
instructed to notify ~erties concerned. .
CIa ims totaling 4ii1382.99 presented as foll ,;ws: Bank I5f Seward
305.00. Keilcheski 220.00. Balderston l50.00. Haverstock 50.00.
Trick & Murray 64.12. A.Novak l5.0J. Wm.Estes 82.50, Osbo's 4.10
, ~
t_ ~
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:;,wiJDAY. JULY, 6th. 1936. Cant.
Brown & Hawkins 9.14. J.L.Graef Est. 17.20. Orlander 3.75. June ~ay
Roll 156.25. June Fire Roll 122.50. Seward Lite & Power 22.65
Seward Water Sply, 127.50. Og~e's 6.53. Gateway Pub. Co. 18.00.
l.1cl.1ullem 1.00. Seward Tre.ding 1.00. C.M.Brosius 5,75.
Motion by Councilman ~anthey, seaonded by Gilliland that cl~in
as presented be paid out of General Fund; Calling the Roll, All
Councilmen present votec in the affir'Ilative.
Hydro-Electric claims totaling $1094.34. pre~ented as follows;
D.Gilliland 6.00. B.Rouse 6.00. Sylvia's 2,50. Seward Drug 5.15.
Signal Corps 10.50. Bessie M.Malloy 47.Z2. Bank of Seward a/c
Hubblle & Nailer Drafts 1::>16.87. Motion by Councilman :ilanthey,
seconded by Blase that claims be paid out of Hydro-Electric funds;
Calling the Roll on the 1.1Jtion; All Council'Ilen prel::ent Voted Aye.
Clark was instructed to have New Dog Ordinance drawn up and
presented to Ordinance Committee for approval.
Notice ordered published in Uewspaper calling attention to
Auto. Driver Licenses being Due, if not procured by July 15th.
SUbject to fine.
Matter of providing docking facilities for Small Boats came
up for discussion; Resulted in Mayor appointing Councilrnen Blase
and Manthey as a Special Corn~ittee to look into the matter.
Clerk instructed, under motion by Council~an Blase, seconded
by Osboand unanimously carried; To cast Unanimous ballot for the
Council Reappointing Fred Keilcheski to the combined offices of
0hie~ of Police & Fire Chief for the ensuing term.
Motion by Councilman Manthey. seconded by Gilliland xkKtxtkE
and unanimously carried; That the Clerk Cast the Unanimous Ballot
of the Council Reappointing Dr. A.D.Haverstock to the Office of
Health Officer for the ensueing term.
ApplicBtione of Katherine Rager, E.D.Webb and A.D.Balderston
for combined office of City Clerk, Assessor & Magistrate, presented
Ballot taken, resulting as follows : E.D.Webb 4. A.D.3alderston 2
Katherine Rager Jane. Mayor declaired E.D.Webb elected to be effect
ive August, 1st. 1936.
Motion by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Blase that the Street
Committee be authorized to expend a sum of not to excede $75.00
for Fencing and Improveing City Cemetary; Calling the Roll, All
Councilmen prefent voted Aye.
Clerk instructed to Write District Court at Valdez asking for
Status of Canary with respect to Assessing ~unicipal Taxes on same.
There being no further business to Co~e before this meeting,
t was, ~pon proper motion adjourned.
~ ~ (j ,/7(lAr~.r~-e(
c:f"' ~
MONDAY. JULY, 20th. 1936.
The Common C0uncil of the Towij of Seward, Alaska,convened in re-
ular session in the Council Chambers in the Town Halllof Seward,
\laska, on the 20th. day of July, 1936. at 8 o'clok P.M. The meetin
as called to order by Mayor D.C.Brownell.
Clerk callec the Roll; Those present and those absent were as
ollows; Present: Councilmen John W.Blase, Charles Cameron, Charles
.Gilli:iand, Thomas H.Jones, Thorwald Osbo and Gustavas R.Manthey.
Absent: None.
The follvwing RESOLUTIO~ was presented by the Mayor, read in ful
y the Clerk and considered by the Council/ RESOLUTION See Page 97~
It was moved by Councilman Cameron, seconded by Jones, that all
uIes of the Council which might present, unless suspended, the con
ioeration. final passage and adoption of said resolution at said
eeting, and its taking effect upon such adoption, be, and the same
re hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the consideratio
inal passa~e and adoption of said resolution at this meeting and
ts taking effect upon such adoption.
The question being upon the adoption of said Motion, the Roll wa
alled with the following results: Ayes 6.Nays O. The Mayor declair
aid Motion carried and such rules S0 suspended.
Councilman Gilliland, secohded by Blase, moved that said Resolut
ion authorizing the Seattle-First National Bank, of Sewattle Nash.
o act as closing agent with reference to the sale and delivery of
( 98
MONDAY, JULY 20th. 1936. Cont.
121.000 revenue bonds of the Town of Seward,
the depositeryfor the funds derived from such
Mayor and Town Clerk to make withirawals from
passed and adopteQ as introduced and read.
The quetion being put as to the final passage and adoption of
said Resolution, the Roll was called with the following resulte;
AYES. 6. NAYS, O. .
The Mayor thereupon declaired said Resolution finally passed an
Adopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed said Resolution in Approv~l
Rate ORDINANCE No. 128, was presented ~nd given its first readi
It was moved by Councilman Manthey, Seconded by Gilliland that this
raeding of Ordinance No. l28 be consideded its first reading and th
same be tabled till next Regular Meeting; Calling the Roll, All Cou
Present Voted in the Affirmative.
ORDIN~NCE No. 127.
An Ordinance to prevent Dogs from running at large within the
Corporate Limites of the City of Seward, Alaska, establishing a Lic
Fee for all dogs and making it a misdemenor for allowing dogs to ru
at largeand for .failing to pay license fee and repealing all Ordina
in conflict therewith and declairing an emergency;
The above Ordinance No. 127 was presented, read in full and cons
by the Council, resulting in a .motion by Councilman Manthey, second
by Councilman Blase, the the rules be suspended for the Adoption of
said RaB Ordinance and that same be placed upon its passage; Callin
the Roll, All Councilmen present Voted Aye.
On the question; Shall Ordinance No. 127 be adopted and Passed?
All Councilmen Voted in the Affirmative; Nhereupon The Mayor Signed
Ordinance No.127 in approval thereof, and ordered SBme published.
Following RESOLUTION presented; BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common
Council of the Town of Seward Alaska, that the Maoyr and Municipal
and they are hereby authorized in the name of the Municipal Corpora
and under ite Corporate Seal to make, execute and deliver to the Fe
Power Comm~ssion that certain amendment designated Amendment No. 3
of license issued to the Town of Seward, Alaska, for Project No.lZ16
granting an extension of time to file exhibits, wherein Article 111
of license heretofore granted by the Federal Power Commission to t
Town of Seward. Alaska,is amende( by changing the date in the first
proviso from June 1st. 1936, to September. 1st. 1936.'
Passed ahd Approved at a Regular meeting of the Common Council
'd the 20th. day of July, l~~{)
.12,a L-v-~ C
Mayor, TJwn of Seward. Municipal Clerk.
Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seconder by Jones tha
the rules be suspended for the adoption of the above Resolution;
Calling the Roll. All Councilmen present Voted Aye.
On the Question, Sha~l the Resolution be Adopted? All Councilm
present Voted in the Affirmative. The Mayor Signed Resolution in
Approval thereof.
On motion by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Manthey, Lot 33. in
Bluck 15 was ordereo sold to .the Methodist Episcopal Church for th
Sum of $10.00. Calling the roll on the Motion. All Councilmen Vote
The offer of $25.00 each for lots 38-3",9T,~~,>40 Bluck 7 tendered
R.E.Baumgartner was regected and a price of~~lOO.OO placed upon th
three lots mentioned. .
Councilman Blase of the D~ck Committee reported .progress.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, it wa
thereafter adjourned under Motion by Councilman Osbo. seconded by
Councilman Manthey, and unanimously c&rried.
,<2 -/3
MAY 0 R K.
lerk be.
Monday, August, 3rd. 1936.
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska,convened in
regular session in the Council Chambers in the Town Hall of
Se~ard, Alaska, on the 3rd. day of August, 1~36, at 8 o'clock P.l.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor D.C.Brownell.
Clerk called the roll; Those present and those absent were
~s follows; Present; Councilmen John U. Blase, Chas. P. .Gilland,
Thos. .H. Jol).es, Thorwala Osbo, Gustavas R. ;,lanthey,
Absent: (! a Tn &r-z'-;yc
MiButes of last meeting read and approved.
.Claims totaling e79~.28, presented as follows; Bank of Sewbd
$25.00 Keilcheski 220.00 A. D. Balderston 150.00 Haverstock 50.CO
Seward Light & Power 27.75 Gateway Publishing Co. 37.00
Seward Drug Co. 4.00 Seward .Iater Supply 127.50 Alaska Transfer
10.08 Pete Michelson 28.00 Bert Smith 36.00 Tom Davison 6.00
N. ,Myers 5.25 N. D. Laughlin 3.00 L. A. Huff 12.00 Claus Jacobson
12.00 Guy ;,lanthey 4.50 Qgle Garage 1.20 L. A. Huff 40.00
Claims fo Seward Hyd~oelectric Project totaling $374.6~
presented as follows; Bank of Seward ~170.20 Trick & Murray
183.93 Alaska Shop .80 Sylvia's 1.76 Signal Corrs, U. S. A. 18.00
Motion by Councilman Gilliland, seconed by Manthey that claims [)e
paid,;Calling the Roll; All Council~en present voted Ay~.
,iharf CommitteE refered to and they had no relJort t..: make at
this time.
street Co~mittee reported side walk from Seward Hotel to
Hoflaan corner in bad shape, was discussed and decided to let go
until next month, also culvert on Chamberlin :rill was d iscusseCl
Bnd decided this was not urgent at this time the matter would be
given attention next month.
The need of a red-light for Police duty to be stationed
some where on ~.in street opposite the Town Hall was discussed
end Mayor Brownell appointed Thorwald Osbo as a committee of one
to make an investigation as to lacation, probable cost, and etc.
and report same at the next meeting of the Council.
Uotion by Councilman Jones. seconed by Osbo to put into
effect the liquor closing law as per. wire frc~ the Liquor
Control Board of July 8th.1~26 and Chief of Police Lilcheski to
enforce same; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye.
Motion by Councilman Blase, seconed by Jones to appoint a
Committee to look up the matter of moving the City Clerk's Office
to the Town Hall next month; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen
present voted Aye.
Mayor Brownell appointed Councilmen Blase and Osbo to
investigate change of office.
Motion by Councilman Blase, seconed by Manthey to purchase
new electric light bulbs: Calling the Roll: All Counctlffien
p~FS€nt voted Aye.
Motion by Councilman ~anthey.seconed by Jones,to
authorile the purchase of a Gas Gun and Shells for same for the
use of the Cheif of Police; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen
present voted Aye.
ORDI1A1CE No. 127.
An Q rdinance to'pr;;ent dogs from run~ing at large within the
Corporate limits of the City of Seward, Alaska, establishing a
license fee for all dogs and making it a misdemenor for allowing
to run ~t large and for Jailing to pay license fee and repealing
all Ordlnances in conflict therewith and decl~ring an emergency'
The above Ordinance No. 127 was presented an~ read and ·
considered b~ the Council, resulting in a motion by Councilman
Manthey, seconed by Jone..,the rules be suspended for the adoptior
of same Ordinance and that same be placed upon its passage;
Calling the Roll, All Councilmen present voted Aye.
. On the question' Shall the Ordinance be adopte< and Paes d
I4iljl9~u'<<\!lH~~evQleCOIi~O\~~an::,~a1.~~d.H)secQ.ned by, ;,!anthey; Callin
the roll all Councilman pre6en~ voted Aye. The Mayor declaring
Ordinance No. 127 now in effect. . .
( lvO
ORDINANCE NO. 128 having been presented and given its first
reading at the regular meeting of this Council duly held on
July 20th. 1936, said Ordinance No. 128 came up for second
reading at this regular meeting.
Whereupon Councilman Osbo moved that Ordinance 110. 128
be read the second time, this motion was seconer. by Councilman
Jones, and the motion was carried by the foll0wing vote'
Those voting in the affirmative, CounoilmanBla~e' Jones
Gilliland, Manthey, and Osbo; in the negative none. ' ,
Absent Councilman Cameron.
Ordinance io. ,128 waE then read the second time at length.
Councilman Osbo moved, seconed by Councilman JoneE, that
Ordinance No.I28 be read the third ,time ,by title only to-wit;
Ordinanoe 128
And that same Ordinance be Flaced upon its final passage.
Those voting in the affirmative were, Council!nen Blase,
Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo,-Five; those voting in the
negative- None; Absent one, Cameron. ,
Ordinance 128 was read the third time by Title only, and
upon )he question" Shall Ordinance No.I28 Pass", the following
Councilmen voted in the &ffirmative,- Councilmen Blase, Gillila d,
Jones, Manthey, and Osbo- five; those voting in the negative-
none; absent one, Cameron. And the Mayor declared said ordinanc
duly enaated.
Mayur.Brownell did then in open session sign said Ordinanc
No. 128 in approval thereof.
Upon !notion therefor duly made, seconed and carrieo this
regular ~eeting did adjourn to meet at the hour of .ive o'clock
P.M. on Friday the 7th. day of August I936.
'/;),(l4~ C. ~
Held August 7th. 1936
(Continued frow August 3rd. 1936'
An adjourned regular meeting of the Common Councilof the
Town of Seward, Alaska, pursuant to adjournrnent thereof and
therefor, was duly held in said Seward, a.nd was called to order
at five o'clock P.M. of Friday August 7th. 1936, having been a
adjourned from the regular meeting of lugust 3rd. 1936.
- Mayor Brownell culled the meeting to order and presided
Present were:
Counc1:tmen 'l31as~, Cameron, Jones, ;,1anthey
and Oabo.
Absent: Councilman Gilliland.
Mr. Brownell presented to the meeting forms of Advertisem
for ~ids (Instructions to Biddecrs ) for use in connection wit
Seward Hydro-Electric Project, PWA ~ocket 6279 as apfroved by
Mr. Ross A. Gridley for thf. acting state Engineer P~A for the
Territory of Alaska.
Mayor Brownell stated to the meeting that advertisement
for Bids wac authorizeo to be publisher' by Mr. Gridley. and th
such Engineer had suggested the opening of the bids be set for
October 12th, 1936, and that Mr. Gridley also iesignateo and
suggested the three newspapers in which advertisements should
be inserted ae, Seward Gateway. DailJ Alaska Empire, Fublished
at Juneau, and Seattle ~aily Journal of Commerce, published in
Seattle, ~ashington.
Councilman Cameron moved that the form of advertisement f r
Bids, as approved bi!' :.1r. Gridley. be addopted and accepted by
the Council.
This motion
J.:anthey and
Councilman Cameron then moved that the bids be ofened on
October 12th. 1936. and that publication be had in the ~eward
Gateway, published in Seward, Alaska, Daily Alaska Empire. publis-
hee in Juneau, .J.laska, and the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce,
published in Seattle, Jashington. This motion was seconed by
Councilman Jones and carried by the affir:na.ti ve ....ote of all
Councilmen present, Blase, Jones, Manthey and Osbo voting Aye.
~la~rl s none. Absent Councilman Gillilahd.
was seconed
vote of all
Osbo voting
by Counc il:nan l.1anthey, and carried, by the
Councll:nen present, Blase, Cameron, Jones
Aye. 1ays, none. Absent C~u~cil:nan
Upon moti.on of Councilman Osbo, seconed by Councilman
Blase, and carried by the affirt:1S.tive vote of all Councilmen preslil
ent, ii ve affirmative votes, the following were duly appointed to
be officiate as Judges and Clerks of the Territorial General
Election to be held on September 8th. 1936.
C. R. Morford
~,. i.. Laughlin
Mrs. ~. B. ~alloy
1:rs. E. d. Prosser
A. Erickson
There being no further buisness to come before this
adjourned meeting it was on due motion therefor duly adjourned.
't1J~ e /XL -,-- - L? 0/;/
lUYOR (}1r~~
Held August 24th. 1936
( Continued from August 17th. 1936 )
An adjourned regp.lar meeting of the Common Council of the Town of
Seward, Alaska,pursuant to adjournment therenf and tteeeior, was
duly held in said Seward, and was called to order at 8 'o'clock
P.M. o.f Monday August 24th. 1936, having been so adjourned from
the regular meeting of August I7th.I936.
Mayor Brownell called the meeting to oreer and fe~sided
Presen't were;
Council~en, Blase, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo.
Absent, Council~en Cameron and Monthey.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Claims totaling $26.77 presented as follows, L.~.Huff $20.00
Cash $6.77. ~otion made by Councilman Gilliland seconed by Jones
that claims be paid out of the geneial fund; Calling the Roll;
All Councilmen present voting in the affirmative.
Claims for the Seward Hydro-Electric pro:ect totaling $67.95
presented as follows, R.E.Baumgartner $10.20 Ralph Shumway CI7.25
Allen Me. Donald $17.25 Bert Smith $17.25 L.A.Huff ~6.}O These
claims were approved and so ordered paid in tte above motion.
C011;aTTEE ~OH'r, Councilmen Osbo und Blase repOrted on the
changing of the City Clerks office to tte City Hall upstairs,
stating the cost would be about $50.00, !.layor Brownell wished to
go on record as dissaproving the moving of the city office to the
top floor of the City Hall, due to the fire nasard, this w~s disc~
ussed at length, The ~ayor then appointed the same com~ittee,
Osbo ans Blase to investigate the building onto of an office on
the south side of tte City Hall on tte ground floor, and said
committee to report at the next meeting.
l'OlICE SIGlJi.l, LIGHT; A motion was made b;y CouncUman Blase
seconed by Gilliland, that Mr. Oebo install a red signal light
at once, on 4th. avenue opposite the City Hall; The Roll being
called., all Councilmen present voting Aye.
Street Committee, had no report to make at this time.
'Meeting of the Equb.lization B,oa.rd, of, the City of Beward. l.laska
for the year 1936 called to order at 2 o'c~oc~ P.ill. August IIth.I9 6
and continued in session each da~". thereafter" na.mely 12th, 13th.14th.
and 15th. of ~ugust I~36, with the follcwing protest, nick Hodak,
Fred C. Miller and Iilrs. Jennie '.6~~~. ,
Motion made by Councilman Osbo, seconee b~ Jones to lower
the assessed value on ~ick Rodak property to ~~pO Calling the
~oll all Councilmen present voted Aye. .
Motion made by Councilman Jones,secvned by Gilliland, to
lower the assessed value on F.red C. Iv1iller property from $300').00
to $25')0.00 for this year; Calling the Roll all Councilmen ['resen
Motion made by Councilman Dsbo. Eeccnen by Jones to lower
the assessed value on Lot 24 BI~ck II Jennie Ea~on property $100.
calling the roll all Councilmen present voted Aye.
I '
Motion made by Councilman Blase, seconed by Gilliland, tha
the City Clerk write a letter to R.W.Johnson notifjing him of his
delinquent taxes, ana that his house and property will be sold
u~less these are raid u~ at once; Callicg the ROll, all Councilxe
present voting Aye.
Betty Sundby t~ be notified by the Clerx that she may r~Y
off the delinquent taxes on the W.H.Lryden City pro~erty at $100.
down and the balance January 1st. I~37, Provided ~r, Dryden will
give the City of Seward the right of way to cross his homestead
north of the City limits. with their rower pole line.
1.1otion made b;,,' Councilman Osbo, seconed by Blase, that the
offer of Claus Jacobson of $25,0) each for the lots 33 and 34 in
block 17 be accepted; Ca.lling the Roll, All Counailmen present
voted' Aye.
The Equ~lizaticn Board having ~reformeu its duties, it wa
thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned on this date.
Following Resolution Presented:
Be it resolved by the Common Council, City of Seward, Alaska, tha
the asSessment roll of real and pereomal property in the City of '
Seward, Alaska, for the year Iv36. as delivered to the City Counc 1
by the As~essor, and as equalized by the said Council be accepted
Be it further resolved, that the levy for the year 1~36
is hereby placed at 20 mills.
Be it further resolved, that the Taxes for the Town of
~eward, ~laska, on the real and personal property, as assessed fa
the year I936, are now due and payable at the office of the City
Be'it further res0lved, that the time for the taxes for t e
year I~36 ofnthe real and personal property of said City of Sewar ,
as assessed, shall become delinquent for non-pay~ent, at 50' clock
P.~. of the 15th. day Jf ~ovember 1936. and that the Clerk give d e
notice as required by ;rovisions of section 20 of Crdinance No. I
as amended by section 7 of ordinance 27 of the Ordinance of the C
of Seward, Alaska.
Passed under sllspension of rules this 24th. day .
J.f,proveoC1o I lJ;f}~~
lli.YOR .
'~.< '".",
of. [I;')
l>i.O lon ma e y ouncilman Blase, seconed by Gillil&nd, tCJ.t
the rules be suspended for the adoftion of the resolution;
Calling the Roll, All Council~en present voted in the affirmati7e;
On the ~uestionH ~hall the Resolution be adopte~ ~nd
af~rovednCalling the Roll, ~ll Councilmen present voted Aye; The
~ayor thereupon signed same in open session.
\( On the above :;;'uestion. I.lotion was :.:ade by Councili!l<.m vsbu,
seconed by Jones,that the nesolutio~ be ~do}ted.
i.lotion ;nade by Counclhlan Gilliland, seconed by vSbo, that
there be published in the ~eward Gateway for three 'ublications
~ ,
the folLwing; Taxes for the City uf Seward, Alaska.. ,:f real and
personal proferty, as assessed for the year I~3C, are now due and
payable ot the office of the City Clerk, and said Taxes shall
become delinquent for non-payment, at 5 o'clock P.~. of the IEth.
du;:,' of llovember I~26. Calling the Roll, All COll:1cll.nen present
voted in the affirmative.
Upon :':'otion by Couu:il:f,an Bl/;,Ee, seconed by Gilliland,
Motion carried and so ordered.
\\ Up~ rroper motion thi~ meeting adjourned.
K) . &f ,([ ur-~~~-?
:.1.';"Y u..
~onday, September. 7th. 1926.
The Com non Counci 1 of the Town of ::leV/arc, ,,1.1as~.:;;.. conve:1ed
in regular session in the Council chamber~ in the ~Jwn 2all of
SewarJ, Alaska, on the 7th. day of Septembcr,I~26 ut 8 o'clock r.~.
The meeting was called to order by ~ayor L.C.Brcwnell.
The Clerk called the Roll;Those ~resent and those absent werf
as follows; Present: Council~en John d. Bl&se, Chas. :. Gillilan~,
Thomas H. Jones, Gustavas R. l!ianthey. and Thorwold Osbo.
11.beent; One, Councilman Charles Cameron; IHnutes of tr.e last
meetin~_r.ad ~nl_&~pro~~d~., =
Cla.ims totaling $860.90 fresentea as follows; Ban': of 0G\,,'Sra
~25. 00. Fred KeilchesU ~~220. 0) E.:r.. ilebb ~If,O.:)O li.:r.. Haverstock
...50.00 Seward dater Supply,.i;'I27.5'J ,Seward light &; Fower t55.a5
Ogle's Garage ~~5.'J0 Seward Lrug Co. .75/ Seward Rebecca Lodge ,;;:75.' )
~eward ~ubli~~ing ~o. iI8.60 9Ebo ~l?ctrf~ Co. tZI.45 L.A.Huff
~40.00 rete Mlchelgon ~25.QJ Bert 0mlth ~~6.75
j"otion by Counuilrw.n :,:anthey, secaned by Gilliland tr.at
claims as ~resented be laid out of the general fund; Calling the
ROll,all Council~en }res€nt voting in the affmrmative.
Cl9.!:11s of tLe Sevnud H~'cJro-Electl'ic fr)ject,totaling ~;2ti8.2L
fresented as fol~ows; Seward ~ru~ Co. rI7.75 Sign~l Corp~ U.~.
'r 7 <!log TF U -11 ".,. Cr <1'-2" 5J ~,'v'- R~ber1.s <t!>'74 1':," Iner'c'n Bl'.e
~ rn~ 'i' . """', Lr0 .;..1(,....!- v. ~ t::;. .L.# a '\.v ~~...., .u.J 4.itL 1 Cl ......L1
Print Co. t2JO.I5 Cash ~4.27
hioti,on :naue by Coulluiln;~m Gilliland se':~or.e~ by Manthy, tr.at
cleti'lie aE [resenteci, be ]caid out of the C:.ewarcJ. H;,'or')- Electric
I'roject funde; r,:lll~y-.g tr:.f; roll, all !jouneiJ'iien l-retlient voted A;,'e.
Councilman t:!inthey, br:JHght it to the attention of the
Council. the urgent ~Erd of putti~g wire netting over the 1 lwe~l
Creek flume at the Zrd. & 4tt. ~ve. bri~gE~; U~on diECUESio~,it
waF decided tcut ~'25..:J:) would take e',re .Jf this, Ul-on :::otion b;y
Col1rJcil:r:9.11 Osb'), [eeonel' by <Tones, tr9-t tte GlaGier Stre<J:n Com:r.itt e
be allowed this EU:ll, ,emd to inetruct Cheif l'eilchesLi to attend to i
it at once, Callin tbe Roll, all CounciL:H:n i,resent v0tiu; hye.
The ffi3tter of bad flankin~ in the side walks about Town was
discussed ane resultea in a Motion by Council~an 31ase, seconed by
Manthey, that tte Street Com~ittee be allowed tI5).)) for re}airin
walks; Calling the Roll, all Councilmen lrEBent voted Aye.
The law & Ordinance Committee were instructed to get Signs
und ~ost in tte Lance Hall, readin~,~o ~lcholic bever~geE fermitte
upon thEEe ~re~jEes.
There being no further buisness to come before thiE meetin~
upon motion by Councilman Blase, seconed by Jones that the
meeting adjourn; Callin the roJl all. Courlcilr.1en }..resent voting
Regular meeting of the Common Council. City of Seward. Alaska
held on the above date in the Council Chambers. Meeting oalled to
order by Mayor D.C.Brcwnell at 8:00 P.M. with the following
Counoilmen prese~t, Blase, Gilliland. Jones and Oebo.
Absent; Cameron and MantheY4
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Claims totaling $96.00 readjBank of Seward $96.00 upon
motion by Counoilman BIas., seooned py Jones to pay the above
claim from the general fund, III Calling the Roll all Counoilmen
present voted Aye.
Claims against the Seward Hydro-Electric Projeot totaling
$279.32 presented as follows; Daily Journal of Commerce t37.IO
Daily Alaska Emp~re $16.60 Seward Gateway $29.92 Amerioan Blue
Print Co. tD5.70 Beilsie M,. Mal.loy $90.00 The Clerk was instruote..
to write .Mr. Gridley and get his O.K. on the above claims before
drawing th.m from the Seward Hydro-Electrio fund..
A communioation from the Distriot Court of the 4th.
Division', in the matter of Gordon'. Ino. a .Notice to credi,tors
and stookholders; The Clerk was instructed to write the Court and
present the City of Sewardsolaimfor taxes due.
An applio&tion was presented from Mr. Sherman of the
U.S. Forest Service to purchase two lots on 4th. avenue upon
which to ereot an o~fice building; Upon motion ~y C~~ncl1man BIas.
seooned by Jones, that the City .el1 th.se two lots for $50.00
each, calling the Roll all Councilmen ~r.aant voted Aye.
Fire escapes in Hot~l&, Ap&rtments and rooming h~u.ee,
the ~ir. Protection Committee, Councilman Gilliland and Manthey
. were instructed to look up the. ordinance on this. and report at th~
next meeting o,f the comon. .
A disoussion of the speed limit of auto's past the publip
school of Seward. resulted in a Motion by Counoilman Blase, Seoon~d
by Oabo that .signs be made and posted, gi vlng the epee d 11mi t as
not to exceed 20 miles per. hour, calling the Roll all Council~en
pn..nt voting Aye. TheStre.t Committee w.r. instructed to atten~
to tbis.
The Bi....eCommitte. report~d that the prioe of $500.00
for remodeling the City Clerk office in the Town Hall, as being
prohibitive, and to remain in the pre.ent quarters for the pr.sen~.
The sam. Committee were instruct.d to s.. Mr., Balderston regardin~
. the use of the vault in the present offioe, also to inquire into
the renting of an office in the Harriman Bank Building.
Side walks on 5th. Ave. between Adams and Washington sts
A petition was presented by Charles Cooper, signed by the propert7
owners in this blook, Upon mot-ion by Councilman Blase, seconed by
Jones, that the C.ity put in cinder sidewalks.; All Counoilmen
present voted Aye.
Discussion of an extra street 11ght .o,n the East side of 51;h.
Av... between Adams and washington Streets,resulting in a motion
by Councilman Jones seconed by Blase that the light be installed.
Calling the Roll all Councilmen present voted Ay., Thereupon the
Light Committee was instructed to have the light installed.
Discussion of a light on the cross T~wn trail to .the
Hospital and the Light Committee was instructed to have a light
placed on this trail.
The street Committee reported on the work don. and the
balance .of the funds left from las;it allowance, and the work to be
done, and upon motion by Councilman Osbo seconed by Blase that
an additional sum of $160.00 be allowed the streets C ommitt..
i" to ."
Calling the Roll all Councilmen present voted Aye.
A discussion of the Glacier Stream flume, and the wing dam
on the south side at the head of the flume, resulted in a motion
being made by Councilman Osbo. seconded by Gilliland that the
Committee be allowed $50.00 to attend to this; Calling the Roll
all Counoilmen present voting Aye.
Cheif Xeilohesky,notified the Council that he had been
supeoned to appear at the court at Valdez, and the Law and Ordin-
ance Committee were instruoted to oonfer with him, regarding an
offioer to take his plaoe during his absence.
The matter of ooal for the Town Hall for the coming winter
was disoussed and a motion was made by Counoilman Osbo seooned by
Jones that the Olerk get prioes on 5 and 10 ton lots delivered to
the Town Hall, Calling the roll all Counoilmen present voting Aye.
No further buisness ooming before this meeting, upon proper
mot~n the meeting was adjourn .
'tj,?]. , G~
A regular meeting of the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward,
Alaska, convened in regular sesEion in the Counoil Chambers in the
Town,Hall of Seward, Alaska, on the 5th. day of Ootober, I936, at
8 o'olook P.M., The meeting was called to order by Mayor
Clerk called the roll; Those present and those absent were a
follows; Present; Councilmen Chas. Cameron, Chas. P. Gilliland,
Thos.H. Jone., Gustavas R. Manthey, and Thorwald Osbo.
Absent; John W. Blaae.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Claims totaling $1078.40, presented as follows' Bank of
Seward $25.00 A.D.Haverstook $50.00 Fred Xeilcheski $220.00
E.D.Webb t150.00 Pete Michelson $25.00 L.A.Huff $40.00 Gateway
Publishing Co. $15.00 Seward Water Supply $127.50 Seward Maohine
Shop $7.20 Seward Drug Co. $1.70 Seward Light & Power $116.95
Ogle's Garase $5.90 Osbo's Electrical Supply $78.15 Brown & Hawkin
$8.70 Cash '205.05 Diok Myers $2.25,;Motion made by Counoilman
Manthey, seconed by Gilliland that the above claims be paid from
the general fund; Calling the Roll all Councilmen present voted Ay .
Claims of the Seward Hydro-Electric Project totaling $11.55
present as follows; Signal Corps U. S. Army $11.55,; Motio. made
by Councilman Manthey, seconed by Jones that the bill be paid from
the funds of the Seward Hydro-Electric Project fnnds; Calling the
Roll all Counoilmen present voted Aye.
streets Committee made a report on streets and sidewalks,
resulting in a Motion being made bi Cauncilman Osbo, seconed by
Manthey that an additional sum of '150.00 be allowed from the
general funds, for street repair; Calling the Roll all Counoilman
present voting Aye.
Light Committee reported on~ross Town lights to Hospital.
stating that it would cost $8.00 ~ ~ (21 poles, and the 11gh
Company would furni8h the balance of necessities; Motion was made
by Counoilman Gilliland. seconed by Manthey that the poles be
installed; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye.
Councilman Osbo's report on the change of the City Clerk
office,; Was instructed by the Moyor to hold report until the next
regular meeting.
The Fire protection Committee reported on fire escapes in
Hotels and Apartment houses; The Clerk read the Territorial Law8
governing this. and the Mayor instructed the Clerk to draw up a
fire Ordinance for the next regular meeting of the Counoil.
Glacier Stream Committee reported every thing in good shap~
at the present time.
The offer of tIO.OO by John Steifel for Lot 13 Block 4 in the
Laubner Addition was refused, and on Motion by Councilman Gillilan
seconed by Manthey~ that he be allowed to purohase the lot for
$25.00, Calling the ROll; All Councilmen present voting Aye.
( 106
An offer of $75.00 by Kartin Lanning for Lots 33 & 34 in block 13
waB pre.ented' Kotion was made by Counoilman Gilliland, .eooned by
lla..t.hu. that, he. bl ,,~llo~ed~. to purahase 'S8me; dal1in'the Roil; All
At this time a aelegation from the differeat org"'zat1Qns
and Citizens of Seward, presented a Petition, aad made talks
Pray tag the City Counoil to hold a special eleotioa, for the'purpo e
of BondiRS the City of Seward, Alaska, for the amount of 112000.00 l.
to build a School G~aslum annexed to the present Seward High Soh
Kayor Brownell, explained to the delegation the lengthe of
time it would take to hold the eleotion, getting bids and eto.
'hereuponMr. a,S.BalderstoD of the lank of Seward, stated to the
Council and to ,t,ije gathrer1ng in the Counoil Chambers, that he wou
advance the fun4s to start work at onoe, and await the returns of
Eleotion and issuanoe of the JOBds for the return of money's advan
Mr. Leon Urbaoh stated to the Counoil that he would furnis
the Judge. and Clerks, for the speoial Eleotion at no cost to the
Thereupon the Common Counoil stated that they would hold the Speoi
Eleotion as quickly as possible; A Kotion was made by Counoilman
Osbo seooned by Cameron, to have the City Clerk draw up an Ordina
for the Eleotion and the issuanoe of the Bonds and present same to
Counoil for aotioD. Calling the Roll; All Counailmen Present votin
WHEREA~, the taxes on ~eal Property in the City of Seward, Ala
for tije year 1935, beaame delinquent on Bovember 15th. rg35 at the
hour of 5 o'olook P.M. and, '
. WHEREAS" the M~nioipal Clerk of the City of Seward, Alask ,
preser. ted to. the Counoil the delinquent Tax Roll of all the Real
Property a8sessed and on which the Tax,has no~ been paid ana is th l
fore delinquent, and said Roll is in due form; BOW THEREFORE BE IT
I, That the Kuntcipal Clerk ~ause said delinquent tax ro
tob be PUblished or posted, a8 required by law, togethe~ with a no
that said tax roll has been co~pleted and i8 open fOt pUBlio i~8pe
at the office of the Munioipal Clerk, and that ~pon ~he 16th. day
November, 1936 or as soon thereafter. a8 ~ouncil may be heard, said
delinquent tax roll will be presented to the Distriot Court for th
Third Division, Territory of Alaska, for judgement, and order of. sa
2. That said delinquent tax roll and notioe aforesaid be
published onoe a week for four consecutive weeks in the Seward Gat
a newspaper of ge~eral oiroulation, published in the City of Sewar
Alaska, which newspaper is hereby designated as the offioial publi
for thi8 purpose, or by posting in four oonspicuous places in the
City of Seward, as prescribe~ by law.
Passed under suspension of the rules this 5th. day of Ooto
Approved, Cf[) .a ./i~V[J~ ~
On the Question; Shall the Resolution be addopted; Motio
by Councilman Jones, seooned by Cameron, oalling the Roll, all
CounCilmen present voting Aye.
4 oommunication from H.S.Horton to the City Counoil reg
the sale of lots II and 12 block 26 for taxes, was read to the C
by the Clerk, resulting in a motion being made by Councilman Man
seconed by Cameron that a committee be appointee to look into th
Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye; Thereupon M
Brownell appointed Councilmen Osbo and Jones to investigate.
Ap)lioations of Tom Davi80n and Bick Hodak ,er night wat
job presented, Ballot taken. resulting as follows, Niok Hodak 4
Tom Davison I. Mayor deolared Nick Hodak elepted to be effective
November, 1st. 1~36.
Kotion made by Counoilman Manthey seconed by Oebo that he
City pay the night watchman $25.00 per. month; Calling the Roll; All
Councilmen present voting Aye.
"'* r- r 1r~l:oae -f ~ ,
rding l
uno 11
A~cess was called to reconvene at t
~~eo~~e~~,sed regular meeting of the City Council of October 5th
I936Beld~thrs the 16th. day of Ootober 1936 in the Council Chambers
in the Town Hall in the Town of Seward, Alaska,at 8 o'clock P.M.
he meeting was called to order by Mayor D.C.Brownell.
Clerk called the Roll; Those pre.ent and those absent were
B follows; Present; J.W.Blaee. Chas. Cameron, Thos. H. Jones,
uetavas R. Manthey and Thorwald Osbo,
Absent, one, Chas. Gilliland.
Minutes of the laet meeting read and approved. with the
xoeption of changeing the cost of two light poles from ~16.00 to
wo poles for $8.00.
Ordinance 129 was presented and read to the Council by the
KE the heading of same as follows,
Having discussed the merits of this Ordinance. a moti~n was
ade by Councilman Cameron seconed by Councilman Manthey,~h~,
carried by the affirmative vote of all Councilmen present. Blase,'
ameron. Jones, Manthey and Osbo voting Aye. Nays, none. absent
ouncilman Gilliland.~to consider the passage of the Ordinance as>>
It was moved by Councilman Manthey,and seconed by Councilman
sbo. that all rules of the Council which might prevent, unless
uspended, the consideration, final passage, and adoption of
rdinance I29 at said meeting and its taking effect upon such
doption, be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of
ermitting the consideration, final passage and adoption of said
rdinance at this meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption.
The question being put upon the adoption of said i%ii.....
otion, the Roll was called with the following results;
Ayes 5 Nays none. absent Counoilman Gilliland; Those voting
e; Councilmen Blase. Cameron. Jones, Manthey and Osbo.
The Mayor declared said motion carried. and such rules so
Councilman Blase. seconed by Councilman Jones moved that
aid Ordinance I29 be finally passed and adopted as introduced and
ead. The question being put upon the final passage and adoption of
said Q~dinance, the roll was called with the following results;
Ayes 5 Nays none, Absent Councilman Gilliland; Those voting
ye; Councilmen Blase, Cameron, Jones, Manthey and Osbo.
The Mayor thereupon declared said Ordinance 129 finally'passe
nd adopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed said Ordinance in
pproval thereof. \\-'-Sb i, vI \ o'~
motion made by Co cilman Bla d by Council
an Man ey that or Brownell e appointe 0 apply t the P.W.A.
or a gra to finano the buildin of a Publi School G asium
uilding and uipping e; Calling e roll al ouncilme presen
oting Aye. Ma Brownell hereupon ac pted the r ponsibi ty.
This being the advanoed time set by Mr. Shepard. P.W.A.
epresentative. for the opening of the bits of the Seward Hydro-
lectric Project. the Moyor instructed the Clerk to open the bids,
here being only one bid received by the Clerk he prooeeded to open
ame; The bid was from R.J.Sommers Construotion Co. of Juneau A
nd the total amount bid being $278409.98 ' aa.
( 108
Thereupon a Motion was made by Counoilman Blase and seooned by
Councilman Manthey that the Council aoknowledge the receipt of th
bid of R.J.Sommers Construction Co. and defer any action on same
at this time, and to turn the bid over to Mr. Shepard the P.W.A.
representative for his oanvas and any action he might take 1n the
matter; Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voting Aye.
Thereupon the Clerk gave the bid to Mr. Shepard whom was
present at the opening.
Tbere being no further buisnese to come before this meetin
it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourne<<. .
(The following Resolution included in above minut~8.)
A RESOLUTION authoriaing the Town of Seward. Alaska; to f
an applioation to the United States of Amerioa through th. Federa
Emergency Administration of Public Works for a grant to aid in
finanoing the construotion and .quipping of a Publio Sohool Gymna
building and designating Mayor D.C.Brownell to furnish such infor
mation as the Government may request.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Comm?n Counoil of the Town of Sewa d,
SECTION I. That Maypr Brownell, be and be is authorized t
exeoute and file an application on behalf of the Town of Seward,
Alaska, to the United States of ~erica for a Grant to aid in fin
the construction and equipping of a Public School Gymnasium !uild
SECTION 2. That Mayor D.C.Brownell is hereby authorized a d
directed to furnish such information as the United States of Amer ca
through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works may
reasonably request in connection with the application which is he eby
authorized to be filed.
i I
I j
Passed unanimously by the Common Counoil, of the Town of
Seward, Alaska, under suspension of the rules and approved this
I6th. day of Ootober, I936.
Approved October, 16th. 1936.
. YOR .
A motion was made by Councilman Blase, seooned by Counc Iman
anthey, that the rules be suspended and the Resolution adopted, oa ling
the Roll all Counoilmen present voting Aye.
A regular meeting of the City Couno!l of the Town of )
Alaskt. oonvened in regular session in the Counoil Chambers. in th --
Town Hall of Seward, Alaska, on the 2nd. day of liovember. 1936 at
8 o'olock P.M., The meeting was oalled to order by ,Mayor Brownell.
The Clerk oalled the Roll; Those present and those absent ere
as follows; Fresent; Councilman, Blase. Gilliland, Jones, Manthey,
and Oabo.
Absent; one, Counci~~~nJQa~~ron.
Minutes of the last~~1Jlgread and approved.
Claims totalin~ $1197.16 presented as follows; Bank of Se
$25.00 Fred Keilcheski '220.00 E.D.Webb $150.00 A.D.Haverstook $50
Pete Michelson $25.00 Trick & Murray $21.2I Seward Water SuPp11 $1
Seward Light & Power $148.05 Alaska Transfer $88.76 John Helm $14.
Osbo Eleotrical Supply $30.90 Cash $240.75 L.A.Huff $40.00 Ogle Ga
$5. 00 tr .
Seward Trading Co. $3.95 Brown & Hawkins Corp. $7.05
Motion made by Counoilman Manthey, seooned by Jones that the
above olaims be paid from the general fund; Calling the Roll; All
Coumoilmen present voting Aye.
Claims of the Seward Hydro-Eleotrio ProjeotA totaling $86.45
presented as follows; Kroll Map Co. $46.69 Cash ~4.70
Signal Corp U.S.Army $35.05
Motion made by Counoilman Gilliland, eeooned by Manthey, that
the above olaims be paid from the Seward Hydro-Eleotrio Projeot
funds; Calling the Roll all Counoilmen present voting Aye.
The subjeot of Ordinanoe 129 being legal was disoussed, and
deoided to finish advertising and oarry out as drawn up.
The subject of a street light to be plaoed at the Brosius
Lumber Yard corner was disoussed and the Mayor instructed the
Light Committee to make an investigation and report at the next
street Co~nittee reported on streets and sidewalks, and a
Motion was made by Counoilman Osbo, seooned by Blase that an
additional sum of $150.00 be allowed for work on streets and
side walks, Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voting Aye.
A discussion as to the merits of working prisoners held in
the City jail and feeding same, Moyor Brownell instruoted the
Police Committee to make an inveBtigation and report back at the
next meeting.
A discussion of the City employing a City Attorney to take
oare of its legal buisness; Mayor Brownell instruoted the
Law & Ordinanoe Committee to investigate this and report back at
the next meeting of the Council.
The matter of a Tax Deed issued to F.G.Wright by the City
as not being in regular form, and his demand that the City issue
another one in its stead and to pay for the drawing up of same
and acknowledgement; A motion was made by Counoilman Manthey and
seconed by Blase, that the City stand the expense, not to exceed
$10.00 Calling the roll all Councilmen present voting Aye.
It was brought to the attention of the Council that the
City Street light pole at the oorner of the Seward Trading Co.
store was leaking electrio ourrent; A Motion was made by Counoilma
Gilliland, seconed by Manthey that the light Committee have this
fixed at onoe; Calling the Roll, all Counoilmen present voting Aye
The Seward Rifle Club asked the permi~sj0n nf the City
Counoil to hold a turkey shoot on November, 8th. I936. A motion
was made by Councilman Osbo seconed by Manthey that they be all owe
to hold the shoot; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting
A disoussion as to the Merchants Patrol wearing a star oame
up resulting in a motion by Councilman Blase seconded by Manthey
that the Cheif of Polioe Keiloheski purchase one for him, the cost
not to exceed $2.50 Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present
voting Aye.
A disoussion of Tax Sales by the City RaBXE%~XS resulted in
a Motion being made by Counoilman Blase seooned by Manthey, that
the Law & Ordinanoe oommittee investigate this and to draw up and
present to the Counoil an Ordinance governing same; Calling the
Roll; All Counoilmen present voting Aye; Whereupon the Mayor
instruoted the Committee to aot upon same.
An offer of $25.00 by Gerhard Johnson for lot 31 Blook 13
disoussion followed resulting in a Motion by Counoilman Jones
seconed by Blase that he be allowed to puro&ase the lot for $25.00
ilus the sewar assessment against same of $7.50 making a total of
'32,50 Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voting Aye.
( 110
Mrs. Allan MoDonald's offer to pay up back taxes on lot 21 ~ I
discussed and ordered tabled.
~. The offer of Chas. Christensen to pay up the back taxes on La
~~ and 40 in Block 3 was turned Over to the COmmittee toinvestiga
and pass on same.
The offer of Thos. Jones of $I6.00 for lot 6 Blook 26 waB tur
over to the Committee to investigate and paBa on same.
A recess was called to reoonvene at the oall of the Chair.
~,e,/J~ g
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, laska,
onvened in regular seBsion in the Council Chambers, in the City Ha 1 of
eward, Alaska, on the 16th. day of November, 1936 at 8 o'olock P.M
he meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell.
The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent wer as
ollOWB; Present; Councilman, Blase, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo.
Absent; Two, Councilmen, Cameron and Manthey.
Minutes of the last meeting re~d and approved.
The Light Committee reported having investigated
at the Brosius Lbr. Co. corner. resulting in a Motion
lase, seconed by Jones that a light be installed, the
o exoeed ten dOllars; Calling the Roll all Councilmen
the proposed
made by Coun
cost of whic
present voti
g Aye.
The Light Committe. reported the ourrent leakage in street Ii ht
ole at Seward Trading Co. corner had been repaired.
The Light Committee reported on the bad shape of the metal st eet
ight poles on maine street, Mayor Brownell instructed Councilman 0 bo
o investigate this and make an estimate of the cost of repairing e me
nd report at next meeting.
The Fire Protection Committee reported they were not ready to present
the Ordinance for Fire escapee, and were instruoted to report back at the
ext meeting.
The matter of engaging a City attorney was posponed until nex Meeting.
The Ordinanoe on Tax sales of City property was posponed unti next
A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seoone~ by Gilliland, th t
oben & Davis be permitted to purohase Lots 39&40 Blook 3 for $300. 0
Calling the Roll all Councilmen present voting Aye,
. motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland seoon.d by Blase th t
Thos. Jones be permitted to purchase Lot 5 Block 26 for $16.00, Cal ing the
Roll all Counoilmen preeent voting Aye.
The offer of John Blase of $100.00 for Lot 7 Block I3 Federal
was turned over to the Finanoe Committee.
The Offer of D.C.Brownell to take up for taxes due Lots. 21,2
and 25 Block 16 was turned over to the Finanoe COmmittee.
A motion was made by Councilman Osbo eeooned by Gilliland tha the City
spend not to exceed $25.00 to fix up the Tennis Court for the ohild en to
skate on; Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voting Aye.
Addi HODl
, 23 , 24
A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seooned by Blase, that t
notify C.R.Morford and Harry Kawabe to tear down baok houses if an
in oess poole, and put their property in a sanitary oondition at 0
Block 9; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye.
e Clerk
and fill
e, in
fo-, t[J
A reoess was called to reconvene at 2 P.M. November, 18, 1936
Wednesday, November, 18th. I936.
Canvasing Board.
Recessed meeting of Mondal, Nov. 16th. 1936 reconvened as
a canvasing board of the special election held Nov. I7th. 1936 for
the purpose of determining whether to or not to, bond the City of
Seward, Alaska,. for the amount of $12000.00 to build and equip a
Public school Gymnasium Building in the City of Seward, Alaska;
Councilmen present; Cameron, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo;
Absent; one, Councilman Blase.
Mayor Btownell appointed Councilmen Manthey and Gilliland to
recheck and tally the votes cast at this election, total votes as
turned in by the election officers was 96; For bonds 69, Against
Bonds 27.
Upon canvasing the ballots. seven voters were doubtfull
and upon Motion of Councilman Osbo, seooned by Qame~o~ that these x
votes be thrown out; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted
Aye; This leaving a Total cast 89.; For bonds 62 Against bonds 27
Election For Bonds carried.
Motion made by Councilman Osbo Seconed by Manthey that
Mayor Brownell write Govenor Troy advising him of the returns of
the election, and find out how much Grant money the City may expect
to get toward the building of the Gymnasium; Calling tge Roll; All
Councilmen presnet voteG Aye.
\0"" ~ 1')(,$5:
lio further1to come before this meeting it was deolared
rec~ UR;;~3..
MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 23rd. 1936.
Reoessed meeting of Wednesday, Nov. 18th. 1936, reconvened
this 23rd. day of November. 1936 at 8.20 o'clock P.M. in the City
Hall of Seward, Alaska. The meeting was called to order by acting
Mayor Manthey.
The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent
were as follows; Present; Councilmen, Blase, Gilliland, Jones and
Absent; Mayor Brownell being Sick, Councilmen Cameron and
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Letter read from the school board requesting the balance
of $3164.60 due on their 1936 and 1937 budget be advanced to them,
A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconed by Gilliland that the
amount be drawn from the general fund and turned over to the school
board; Calling the Roll; HI Councilmen present Voting Aye.
Mr. Sherman of the Forrestry service, made application in
behalf of the United states Government for a warranty deed to lots
12 and 13 in block I5 upon whioh the Government proposes to erect
a building for the use of the Forrestry servioe; The price to the
Government being .100,00 for the two lots; A motion was made by Cou
ncilman Jones seooned by Blase that a Narranty deed be given to the
Government for the above mentiomed lots; Calling the roll; All Coun
oilmen present voting Aye.
A letter was read from H. S. Horton inquiring the amount of
the delinquent taxes due on Lots II and 12 in block 26 in order to
redeem same; Motion made by Counoilman Jones seconed by Blase that
the letter be tabled; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present
voted Aye.
A letter read from the Maryland Casualty Co. and' was
ordered tabled.
Monday, Nov. 23rd. 1956, Continued.
The matter of envelopes arid stationary brought up, resulting in a
Motion by Counoilman Jones seconed by Gilliland that the Clerk hay
500- 3~ envelopes printed by the Past Office Department, and to 10 k
into the matter of stationary before ordering; Calling the Roll; A 1
Councilmen present voting Aye.
The matter of appointing a City Attorney resulted in'a Moti
by Councilman Gilliland seconed by Blase that Mr. L. V. Ray be app
at a salary of $25.00 per. month plue expense of any stenographio
work he may have done for the City, and to take office Deo. 1st .19 ,6.
Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye.
There being no further buisness to oome before this meetin
upon proper motion it waS adjourned.
Aoting Mayor, President
Pro tem of the Council
C erk.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 50th. 1956
Special meeting of the Common Council. City of Seward. held t
date in the Counoil Chambers; Meeting oalled to o~der'by Mayor Bro
at 8 o'olook P.M. with the following Councilmen present; Blaee, Ca
Gilliland, Manthey, and Osbo. Absent One. Jone..
Meeting oalled for the purpose of oonsidering wire reoeived
the Federal Power Comm18sion~6Be: Their proposal of oon'ideration
installation of a Deisel operated 'power 'plant for Seward, the oost
smae to be about One Hundred Thousand Dollars, Two letter were rea
at this time by Mayor Brownell regarding power project, and also i
answer to l~tter and wire sent the Power Commission by Mayor Brown
in October, 1936.
At this time Councilman Jones entered the Council Chambers
minutes late and apol~gized to the Mayor for his tardiness.
The Deisel Power Plant was discussed at length. resulting
Motion by Councilman Blase seQoned by Manthey and unamiously oarri
all Councilmen present, that .Mayon Brownell wire Washington and ta
the matter of the proposed Deisel Power Plant for Seward, Alaska.
An offer of i25.00 for lot 25 block 15 by Mr. Brownell hav
been oonsidered by the ,Finance Committee, a Motion was made by Cou
Manthey seooned by Gilliland and carried by the unam1mous vote of
CounCilmen present, to aCQept the offer of Mr. Browmell's for the
There being no further buisness to come before this meeti g
upon proper motion it was adjourned.
Monday, December. 7th. 1936.
A ~gular meeting of the City Council of Seward, Alaska ,l_.
convened in regular session in the Council Chambers. in the CityHa ,
Seward. Alaska, on the 7th. day of December, I936 at 8 o'olock P.M.
. eeting was oalled to order by acting Mayor Manthey.
The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those abse t
were as follows; Present; Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Jones, Manth y
nd Osbo. Absent Two; Mayor Brownell and Councilman Cameron.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Claims totaling $1143.12 presented as follows, Bank of eward
25.00 Pete Michelson $25.00 .Niok Hodak $25.00 Fred Keilcheeki $220 00
,..D.Haverstock $50.00 E.D. Webb $150.00 R.E.Baumgartner $10.00 E. Jes en $3.00
Seward Light & P<+,,!,er $I68.25 Osbo Electric Supply $2I. 95 L'.A.Huff $ 0.00
Seward Mch. Shop4f..60 Ogle Garage $4.80 Seward Water Supply $127.5
Alaska Transfer $20.00 Gateway Pub. Co. $88.37 B~own,& Hawkins $4. 0
C.M.Brosius $2.75 Cash p~7 Roll $143.00
Monday, December, 7th. 1936
.;J "".IQ
Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seoonedby Jones that
the above olaims be paid from the general fund; Calling the Roll
all Councilmen present voting Aye.
Claims of the Seward, Hydro-Electric Projeot totaling $30.05
presented as fOllows; U.S.Signal Corps $29.05 Pattersons Taxi $1.0
Motion was made by Councilman Jones. seconed by Gilliland tha
the claims be paid from the Seward, Hydro-Electric Project funds;
Calling the Roll all Councilmen present voting Aye.
Acting Mayor Manthey presented a sealed letter from Mayor
Brownell to the Council with notations written on the envelope to
the Council. which was read to the Council by the Clerk. said nota ~
ions stateing that the sealed envelop contained nothing that was
urgent to be acted upon at this meeting; A motion was made by
Councilman Gilliland secen.ed by Jones that the letter be tabled;
Calliqg the Roll all Councilmen present voting Aye. The letter was
thereupon delivered to Acting Mayor Manthey to be delivered to
Mayor Brownell, for safe keeping. '
A letter was read from the Seward School Board stating that
error had been made in the bud6et as first presented for the years
of 1936 and I937 amounting to ,I07I.80 and asking the Common Coune
to approve the additional sum as presented; A motion was made by
Councilman Osbo seconded by Gllliland that the letter be turned ov r
to the School Committee,;Calling the Roll all Councilmen present
voting Aye. The Clerk was the instructed to write the Clerk of the
School Board requesting him to be present at the next regular meet
December, 2Ist. and to bring a list of the Teachers together with
the salaries received by each.
A letter was read from the Maryland Casualty Co. to the
Seward Hydro-Electric Project, requesting the payment of $65.08
as due on a polioy; The Clerk was instructed to turn the letter ov r
to the City Attorney, LV.Ray, for legal advice.
R.~.Johnson being present in the Council Chambers, the
Finance Com"Jottee took up with him the matter of his delinquent
taxes on his home, Mr. Johnson asked for more t~me to arrange for
payments on this property, and the finance committee granted him
until next meeting Dec. 2Ist. 1936 at which time he agreed to
appear before the Council and make some arrangement on the delin-
quent taxes on his property.
The question of putting a fence around the City garbage dump
came up. and a motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Blas
that a sum not to exceed $40.00 be allowed for cutting of 20 posts
and erecting the fence; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present
voting Aye.
An offer of $25.00 for lot 4 Block 22 was made by
A.Baumberger to the Council; A motion was made by Councilman
Gilliland seconded by Jones that the city sell him the lot; Callin
the Roll all Councilmen present voting Aye.
An offer of $30.00 for lot 12 block 7 Federal Addition was
made by A. Henson; A motion was made by Council:nan JllIlilisJ.,tT.6
seconded by Gilliland. that th~ City sell him the lot; Calling the
Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye.
Cheif of Police Keilcheski asked permission to purchase a
horn"for the Fire truck; A motion was made by Counoilman Osbo
seconded by Jones that he purchase a horn the cost of same not to
exceed $10.00; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye
A discussion on the matter of appointing an Official dog
catcher for the City of Seward, Alaska. "M.~ was discuseed at len
resulting in a motion being made by Councilman Osbo seconded by
Gilliland that a notice be published in the paper for two weeks fo
applications to the job of dog catcher, the rate of pay to be $2.0
per. head for all dogs impounded in the City pound. from the stree s
of the City of Seward, Alaska; said applications to be filed on or
before D
Monday,'December, 7th. I936
Decemb~r,~th. 1936. at which meeting of the council, the
would choose a dog oatoher from the applications on file;
the Roll all Councilmen present Voting Aye.
The Fire Committee report on Fire escapes was not complete
so was posponei until the next regular meeting.
There being no further buliness to come before this meetin
upon proper motion it was adjourned.
- Acting Mayor, President
Pro tem of the Council
MO~DAY, DECEMBER, 2Ist. 1936
A regular mBeting of the City Council of Seward, Alaska,
oonvened in regular session in the Council Chambers, in the City
of Seward, Alaska, on the 21st. day of December, I~36 at 8 o'cloc
The meeting was called to order by Mayor D.C.Brownell.
The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent
as follOWS. Present; Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Jones.~Manthey
~ T Absent two, Councilmen Cameron and Osbo.
Minutes of the last meeting read and apptoved.
A letter was read from the Clerk of the Sewatd SchOol Board
relative to the inorease in the budget for 1936 & 1937, A motion as
made by Councilman Blase seconded by Gilliland and unamamously ca ried
by the vote of all Counoilmen present, that the letter be tabled. and
the City Clerk to notify the School Board to appear at the next r gular l'
meeting of the Cit~ Counoil. January. 4th. 1~37.
An application was read from the Alaska Transfer asking per iesion
to erect an arcade over the side walk on Washington Street, A mot on
was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Blase and carried by t e
unamamous vote of all Councilmen present, permitting the Alaeka T ansfer
to build said Arcade providing, it doee not conflict with any Cit
Ordinances of the City of Seward, Alaska, pretaining to s..e, the
Clerk to take the subject up with the City attorney L.V.Ray as to
legality and report back at the next regular meeting of the Counc
Applications for the job of dog catcher for the City of Sew
AlaSka were read, one from F. B. Loomis and one from Earl Mount;
Motion was made by Counctlman Blase. 'seconded by Gilliland and ca
by the unanamous vote of all the Councilmen present. appointing
F. B. Loomis the City dog catcher. '
The application of the Seward Volantary Fire Dept. to pure
a City Lot to give as a door prize at their annual dance was cons
resulting in a motion by Councilman Blase seconded by Jones and c
by the unanamous vote of all Councilmen present to sell them a 10
one ,do;Llar. said lot not to be a oorner lot.
The report of Curtis Morford and Harry Kawabe on the sanit
of their properties on 5th. avenue resulttd in a Motion being mad
Councilman Manthey seoonded by Jones that the City Clerk notify e
them to equip their premises with modern sanitation or to desist
renting or having any person or persons ocoupy said premises, Cal
the ,Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye.
A motion was made by Councilman Blase seoonded ~y Manthey
the street Committee investigate the location of the garage built
A.C.Downey on his property on first avenue, Calling the Roll; All
Councilmen present voting Aye.
An application of Josie Sandviok to pur.hase Lot 30 block
for t;40.00 was referred to the Finance Committee.
A discussion of the delinquent taxes'of R.W.Johnson result d in
ch of
. JLu
a Motion being made by Councilman Manthey seoonded by Blase that
the City Clerk notify him that his delinquent taxes must be paid
up in full and at once, Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present
voting Aye.
At this time Councilman Manthey asked for two months leave
of absence to make a visit to the states, A motion was made by
Councilman Blase secondedby Gilliland and carried by the unana-
mous vote of all CQuncilmen present granting Councilman Manthey
the two months leave as desired.
A letter was read from Govenor Troy relative to the
application to build a Gymnasium in Seward and his approval of
same as accompanying the application to Washington, D.C.
A letter was read from Mr. Foss regarding the plans he
made to accompany the application for the Gymnasium and a Motion
was made by'Coundilman'Gillila~d Iseconded'by'Jones and carried by
the unanamous vote of all Councilm.. present,extending a vote of
thanks to Mr. Foss for his donation of the plans and help in the
application. and the Clerk instructed to notify him; At the same
time Mayor Brownell stated that he would write Govenor Troy
thanking him for his help and approval of the Gumnasium.
The City Clerk was instructed to write the Territorial
~reasurer to determine whom is supposed to sell auto licenses
in the Town of Seward, Ala~ka.
An application of Mr. Shellhorn in behalf of the Seward
L~ght and Power to erect a large Xmas tree at the intersection of
Adams and 4th. avenue resulted in a Motion being made by Counailma
Manthey seconded by Blase and carried by the unanamous vote of all
Counoilmen present, granting the apllication of Mr. Shellhorn to
erect the Xmas tree as desired and to have the use of the City
track to bring in the tree if he so desired.
fhere being no further bu.iness to came before this
meeting upon proper motion it was adjourned.
CiJ~t ,/}~z-~
A regular meeting of the City Council of Seward, Alaska,
nvened in regular session in the Council Chambers, in the City Hall
Seward, Alaska, on the 4th, day of January, 1937 at 8 o'clock P.M.
e meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell.
The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent
re as follows; Present; Councilmen. Blase, Cameron, Gilliland,
nes and Osbo. Absent one; Counoilman Manthey. on leave of absence.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Claims totalin6 $~89.18 presented as follows; Bank of Seward,
$ 5.00 Pete Michelson '25.00 lUck Hodak $25.00 L.V.Ray ~25.00
A.D.Haverstock$50.00 Fred Keilcheski $220.00 E.D.lvebb i>160.00
Ole's Garage $1.61 Seward Trading Co. .65i Gateway Publishing Co.
$ 6.76 Brown & Hawkins $5/10 Seward IVater Supply $127.50 Cash, City
P Y Roll $125.12 Seward Light & Power Co. $165.20 Osbo Electric
S pply $7.25 A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by
C meron and carried by the unamameus vote of all Councilmen present
t at the above claims be paid out of the general fund.
Claims totaling $26.75 against the Seward Hydro-Electric
oject presented as follows; U.S.Signal Corps. $26.75 A motion was
de by Councilman Gilliland seoonded by Jones and carried by the
anamous vote of all Councilmen present, that the above claim be
id out of the funds of the Seward Hydro-Electric Project funds.
Committee reported on the garage built by A.C.Downey. state-
g the garage was in the street at 1st. ave. and Adams St. A Motion
( 116
NAS made by Counoilman Osbo seoonded by Jones"that he be notified to
move the garage off the street, Calling the Roll, all Counoilmen
presant voting Aye.
The application of Hoben & Davis to build on Lot' 40 Block 4
was discussed at length resulting in a motion being made by Counoi man
Gilliland and seconded by Osbo, that the applica~ion be granted,
Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. Thereupon the
Mayor instruoted the Clerk to file with the building permit the
add as run in the Seward Gateway a~plying for sarne.
The United states Government requesteo that an abstract e made
of Lots 12 & 13 Blook 15 which they are purchasing from the City. nd that
the City pay for the abstract; A motion was ~ade by Counoilman Bl se
seconded b~ Gilliland, that the City have the abstract made the cost not
to exceed ~25.00 Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting e.
The Seward School Board were not present at this meeting
requested by the City Council.
R.W.Johnson appeared at this meeting to discuss with the C unoil
the matter of delinquent taxes due the City of Seward on his property,
and was instructed by the Council that he would have to pay them in
full as they could not aocept taxes on the installment; Mr. Johns n
stated that he could not pay in full and that he would not borrow the
money to pay same. and that the property could go back to the ori inal
owners Hoben & Davis.
At this time Mayor Brownell read a number of telegrams bet
Gov. Troy of Juneau, Clark Forman of Nashingt~n, D.C. and himself
relative to the proposed Deisel Power Plant for the City of Sewar
Alaska. also one from E.M.Stewart of Portland Qre. making applica
for the position of engineer in construction of said deisel power
naming his fee as 7 %..
A motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Counci
Osbo and carried by the unanamous vote of.all Councilmen present
1st. Mayor Brownell wire Gov. Troy to draw up a contract
send to Seward, Alaska, to be acted upon by the City Council and
if approved.
2nd. To find out from Gov. Troy if 7% as asked, covers t
full cost of the engineering of the job on the proposed Seward De
Power Plant.
. ,
3rd. Mayor Brownell to wire Mr. E.M.Stewart appointing h
Engipeer of the Seward Deisel Power Plant oonstruction. and instr
him to get all data on same while in the states; Providing the 7%
. asked by himself oovers the full cost of engeneeripg the Deisel P
Plant job for the City of Seward, Alaska.
Cheif..Fred KeiJ.cheski reported that he needed !Dore coal for
the City Hall; A Motion was made by Counoilman Osbo seconded by
Gilliland, to instruct the Clerk to order 5 tons of Healy lump co 1
from parties of the last bid price; Calling the Roll; All Council en
. present voting Aye.
There being no further buisness to come. before this mee ing.
upon proper motion it was adjourned.