HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937 City Council Minutes 11~ MONDAY, DECEMBER, 21st. 1936 CONTINUED. I a Motion being made by Counoilman Manthey seoonded by Blase that the City Clerk notify him that his delinquent taxes must be paid up in fukl and at once. Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. At this time Counoilman Manthey asked for two months leave of absence to make a visit to the states, A motion was made by Counoilman Blase secondedby Gilliland and carried by the unana- mous vote of all Cnunoilmen present granting Councilman Manthey the two months leave &S desired. I A letter was read from Govenor Troy relative to the applioation to build a Gymnasium in Seward and his approval of same as aocompanying the application to Washington. D.C. A letter was read from Mr. Foss regarding the plans he made to accompany the applioation for th~ ,Gymnasium and a Motion was made byICoundilman'Gi11ila~d 'seconded/by 'Jones end carried by the unanamous vote of all Councilm.. present,extending a vote of thanks to Mr. Fose for his donation of the plans and help in the applioation. and the Clerk instructed to notify him; At the same time Mayor Brownell stated that he would write Govenor Troy thanking him for his help and approval of the Gumnasium. The City Clerk was instructed to write the Territorial freasurer to determine whom is supposed to sell auto licenses in the Town of Seward, Alabka. An application of Mr. Shellhorn in behalf of the Seward L~ght and Power to erect a large Xmas tree at the intersection of Adame and 4th. avenue resulted in a Motion being made by Counailma Manthey seconded by Blaee and carried by the unanamous vote of all Counoilmen present. granting the apllication of Mr. Shellhorn to erect the Xmas tree as desired and to have the use of the City traok to bring in the tree if he so desired. There being no further bu.iness to came before this meeting upon proper motion it was adjourned. :ID if // /7 i/ " -/?~~~JC--f MAYOR' \ CC~ MONDAY. JANUARY. 4TH. 1937 I A regular meeting of the City Council of Seward, Alaska, nvened in regular session in the Council Chambers, in the City Hall Seward, Alaska, on the 4th, day of January, 1937 at 8 o'clock P.M. e meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent re as follows; Present; Councilmen. Blase. Cameron, Gilliland. nee and Osbo. Absent one; Counoilman Manthey, on leave of absence. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Claims totaling $g89.18 presented as follows; Bank of Seward, $ 5.00 Pete Michelson ~25.00 Nick Hodak $25.00 L.V.Ray {25.00 A.D.Haveretock, $50. 00 Fred Keilcheski $220.00 E.D. Webb ~150. 00 o le's Garage $1.61 Seward Trading Co. .65t Gateway Publishing Co. t 6.75 Brown & Hawkins $5/10 Seward ii'ater Supply $127.50 Ca.sh, City P Y Roll $I25.12 Seward Light & Power Co. ~I65.20 Osbo Electrio S pply $7.25 A motion was ma.de by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by C meron and carried by the unamameus vote of all Councilmen present t at the above claims be paid out of the general fund. Claims totaling $26.75 against the Seward Hydro-Electric oject presented as follows; U.S.Signal Corps. $26.75 A motion was de by Councilman Gilliland seoonded by Jones and oarried b) the anamous vote of all Councilmen present, that the above claim be id out of the funds of the Seward Hydro-Electric Project funds. Committee reported on the garage built by A.C.Downey, state- g the garage was in the street at 1st. ave. and Adams St. A Motion axi'li~O .~ 116 MONDAY, JAtnJARY, tTH. I937, CONTINUED. i n IAS made by Counoilman Osbo seoonded by Jones. ,that he be notified to move the garage off the street, calling the Roll, all Counoilmen presant voting Aye. The application of Hoben & Davis to build on Lot" 40 Block 4 was disoussed at length resulting in a motion being made by Counci~man Gilliland and seconded by Osbo, that the application be granted, Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. Thereupon the Mayor instruoted the Clerk to file with the building permit the add as run in the Seward Gateway applying for same. I, The United states Government requested that an abstract be made of Lots 12 & 13 Bloak 15 which they are purchasing from the City, and that the City pay for the abstract; A motion was ~ade by Counoilman Blase seconded b~ Gilliland, that the City have the abstract made the cost not to exceed ;;;>25.00 Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. The Seward School Board were not present at this meeting as requested by the City Council. R.W.Johnson appeared at this meeting to discuss with the Ccunoil the matter of delinquent taxes due the City of Seward on his property, and was instructed by the Council that he would have to pay them in full as they could not accept taxes on the installment; Mr. Johnsen stated that he could not pay in full and that he would not borrow the money to pay same, and that the prop,erty could go back to the orill inal owners Hoben & Davis. I At this time Mayor Brownell read a number of telegrams beheen Gov. Troy of Juneau, Clark Forman of Washingt~n, D.C. and himself relative to the proposed Deisel Power Plant for the City of Seward, Alaska. also one from E.M.Stewart of Portland Qre. making applica1ion for the position of engineer in construction of said deisel power plant naming his fee as 7 %. A motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by CounciJman Osbo and carried by the unanamous vote of all Councilmen present 1hat; 1st. Mayor Brownell wire Gov. Troy to draw up a oontract ~nd send to Seward, Alaska, to be acted upon by the City Council and ligned if approved. 2nd. To find out from Gov. Troy if 7% as asked, covers tte full cost of the engineering of the job on the proposed Seward Dejsel Power Plant. 3rd. Mayor Brownell to wire Mr. t.M.Stewart appointing h:m Engipeer of the Seward Deisel Power Plant construction, and inst~lcting him to get all data on same while in the states; Providing the 7% fee ,asked by himself OOvers the full cost of engeneeri~g the Deisel Pewer Plant job for the City of Seward, Alaska. Cheif"Fred KeHcheski reported that he needed more coal for the City Hall; A Motion was made by Counoilman Osbo Seconded by Gilliland, to instruct the Clerk to order 5 tons of Healy lump co!l from parties of the last bid price; Calling the Roll; All Counoilr en ,present voting Aye. There being no further buisness to come. before this mee'ing, upon proper motion it was adjourned. - I S1t(bC~ E~ c' l1i1 18th 1937 I A re~ular meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska convened in regular session in the Council Chambers, in the City Hall of Seward, Alaska. on the 18th. day of January, 1937, at 8 o'clock P.M., The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent were as follows; Present; Councilman, Blase, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo. Absent; Councilman, Cameron and Manthey, Councilman Manthey being on leave of absence. l~inutes of the last meeting read and approved. A communication from A.C.Downey was read by the clerk,relative to a garagE he built at 1st. and Adams streets.and the Council's request that he remove same from the City streets, Mr. Downey asked for a little time for removal as the foundation was frozen in at the present tine; A motion was made by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Jones and carried b' the unanamous vote of all Councilmen present that Mr. Downey be notified to have the garage removed by July 1st. 1937. I A communication was read from .Im. Englehardt relative to a building on Lot 36 Block 8 the property of Harry Kawabe, stating the building was a nuisanoe and a fire hazard and praying the City Counoil to remedy this in some way; U~on disoussion a Motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland seco~ded by Blase and oarried by the unanamous vote of all Counoilmen present, that the Clerk notify Mr. Kawabe of this letter and requesting him,to appear at the next meetin~ of the Counoil, Febuary, 1st. 1937. A verbal application of Rex Vaughn for a beer license was referren to tte City Counoil by the Clerk; Upon disoussion the Cler was instruoted to notify Mr. Vaughn to submit a written applioation to the City Counoil,and it would be considered at their next meetin . An offer of $60.00 for lot 31 Block 2 by Ed Olsen, was reporte on by the Finance Committee. A motion was made by Councilman,Blase seconded by Jones and carried by the unanamous vote of all Council- men present, that Ed Olson be permitted to purchase said lot. At the same time the offer of Josie Sanvick to take up lot 30 Block 2 for taxes, was granted. I The Clerk was instructed to oonfer with the City Atty. about Tax sales on delinquent property. aleo registration of voters if any at this time. Claims totaling i40.00 presented as follows; C. R. Morford $25.00 Cash A.l~ovack !I5.00, A. motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland seoonded by Jones that the claims be paid from the gen- eral funds, Calling the Roll, all Councilmen present voting Aye. At this time Mr. Rogers explained to the Counoil the increase in the 3chool budgetand a ;,lotion was made by Councilman Osbo, secon ded by Blase, and oarried by the unana:nous vote of all Counoilmen resent, granting the balance due on the 1~36 & 1~37 bud~et. the ..ount being $1185.40 and to draw same from the general funds. At this time the Clerk notified the Council of the request of the City Treasurer for $5000.00 from the general funds to be placec in the School Bonds account I 1171, This request was tabled and the Clerk instructed to get the balanoe now in this aooount from the treasurer. The City Clerk presented to the Counoil the Delinouent Tax Roll for the year 1935, as acted upon by the District C~urt on the 14th. day of Deoember, 1936, granting the City the right to sell said Delinquent property for the Delinouent Taxes due on same, A esolution was passed setting the date of sale of these properties s follows: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUnCIL, CITY OF SEI{ARD, ALASKA, That by vertue of and pursuant of a duly entered order of sale ~ 118 CO!JTINUED- MONDAY, I8th. 1937. dated the 14th. day of December, I93~, made and entered by the Dis rict Court, of the Territory of Alaska, Third Division, in the Matter 0 4he application of the C~ty of Seward, Alaska, a.Municipal Corporation. lor an oredr of sale of certain Municipal Delinquent Taxes for the yea 1935, together with penalty, interest and costs, the Clerk of the City 0 Seward Alaska, is hereby. directed to sell the r-roperty described in the 0 der of sale and the delinquent tax roll, or so much thereof ss on the dat of sale hereinafter prescribed, shall be found unpaid as to tax, penalty, nterest and cost upon each specific tract. in the manner provided by Law. 2- That the Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska, shall cause made due and sufficient .notice of said sale, by posting notices th in four conspicuous places, as prescribed by Law. 3- That the sale of Real Property listed upon the Delinquent of the City of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1935, to satisfy and d the lein of unpaid tax upon the several and specific tracts descri together with penalty, interest and cost, be had at Public Auction ~ffice of the Municipal Clerk, Seward, Alaska, upon the fi'st day March, I937; between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and o'clock in 'the afternoon, and if said tax sale is not concluded, 0 day the same shall continue from day to day thereafter, over Sunda Holiday's until the property subject to tax sale, and in said noti disposed of. 4- That each tract, upon said Delinquent Tax Roll of the City Sew~rd, Alaska. for the year 1935, be soJd seperately and offered amount of tax, penalty. interest and cost thereon, and if sufficie not bid to discharge the'amount thereon. said specific traGt shall in by the Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska, for and in behalf o. Municipality for the amount of the Tax, penalty, interest and coat, making proper notation o~ aaid delinquent Tax Roll. Passed under suspension of '. . b~ CLERK 1 Motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Gilliland, that the rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution as presented; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting in the. affirmative. The Mayor declaired the rules suspended and asked if the Council was ready for the question; Upon the question being put; A the Councilmen present voted Aye. The Mayor thereupon daclaiBed th Resolution adoptee and signed same in approval. Cheif Keilcheski was requested to look up the Morford house n bloak 8 and see if it had a tenant. and report at the next meeting. Also to investigate Bobie stanton, driving car about City streets. There being no further bu*iness to come before this meeting, upon proper motion it was adjourned. ~~ CLERK )vJg -, I \",". , ,~ 11 }J~ MONDAY. FEbrARY, 1st. 1937. HO ,^UORUM:- After waiting some time, meeting, to be held open to t~e call 'Dr e -/Jk~ MAYOR Mayor Brownell posponed the of the ch9.ir. e~ CLERK 1 FRIDAY. FEBUARY 5th. 1937. I. Posponed regular meeting of Febuary 1st. 1937 reconvened in in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of Seward, Alaska. this the 5th. day of Febuc..ry, 1:137 at d o'clock P.Ili./;fu;:/;.1,/:'4:/<iJ;!'.::'~1/,/b't The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent were as follows; Present; Counculman Blase. Cameron, Gilliland. Jones and Osbo; Abse~t; one Councilman Manthey. on leave. lliinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Claims totaling $2265.57 presented as follows; Bank of Sewar $25.00 Nick Hodak $25.00 L.V.Ray $25.00 Dr. Haverstock $50.00 F.Keilcheski $220.00 E.D.Webb $150.00 Treasurer School Board. $II85.40 P. MIchelson $25.00 Seward Water supply $127.50 Alaska Transfer $48.75 McPherson & Pongratz $25.00 Cash-Pay Roll $138.23 Brown & Hawkins $1.20 P.C.McMullen $1.50 Seward Trading Co. $3.00 Ogle Garage $2.00 Seward Light & Pow~r $I68.64 A.H.Bryant $10.00 Osbo Electric Supply $2I.75 A.Novak ~7.50 U.S.Signal Corps $5.10 Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Blase and carried by the unanamous vote of all Councilmen present. that the above claims be paid from the general funds. Claims against Seward Hydro-~lectric Project total $16.3) to U.S.Signal Corps presented; Motion made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Jones and carried by the unanamous vote of all Coun- cilmen preeent. that the above claim be paid fromthe funds of the Seward Hydro-Electric Project. An application for a beer license of Rex Vaughn presented; ~otion was made by Council~an Gilliland, seconded by Blase,and carried by the unanamOus vote of all Councilmen present,recomendin that he be granted a license; Clerk to attach letter to his appli- cstion of motion passed by the Council. A letter was read from the Territorial Treasurer to the Council,relative to the change made in the sale of auto License plates for this year. as it was too late to take any action at thi time. the Mayor ordered the letter filed. Several app lications for positions with the pro~osed City Light Plant presented. Mayor Brownell ordered these filed away for future reference. Notice of Registration of Voters presented; Motion made by Co'uncilman Osbo seconded by Ca:neron that notice be published in ~he Seward Gateway once a week for fou~ weeks; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. , ' The Seward -Volinter Fire Dept. askel' for deed to lot sold the for ~I.OO Lot 27 Block 30. Motion was ~ade by Councilman Jones X seconded by ~illiland that they be given a deed for the above lot; Calling the .Roll; All Council~en present voting Aye. The request of the Treasurer,of the Seward School Board for $5000.00 to deposit in the savings account #1171, school bond retiring fund was turner over to the finance committee. The matter of Personal and Real Taxes came up for discussion ;,lotion was made b;y' Cou:1cilman Blase seconded by Jones, instructinp.: the Clerk to put notice in paper that unless paid at once drastic measures will be taken on all Delinquent Real and Personal taxes now past due; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. The offer of D.C.Brownell of $25.00 for old warehouse on lot 13 Block 7 Laubner Addition WRS rejected on the grounds that this dd I /--- ( 120 I ! FEBUARY,5th.I~37, CO~TINUED. Iht1d been reserved by the City for warehouse purposes. The ap~lication of L.A.Huff to purchase t of Lots 22-23-2I Block I8 for ~25.)O was turnee over to the finance committee for further consideration. n A Motion was made by Councilmen ~l~se. seconded by Gillilan that the Clerk notify the J.L.Graef Est.kte move their possessions out of the City's warehouse on Lot 13 Block 7-Laubner Addition within ten days or else pay rent at the rate of ~25.00 per month. payable in advance, Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present votin Aye. - I I i A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Blaee. the Fire Cheif Keilcheski call upon Mr., Y..awabe and accompany him to hi property situated in block 8 and instruct him as to what must be done to property to, comply with the City's Ordinances, Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. The Clerk was instructed to take- up the matter of rental of he R. W. Johnson delinquent property. The Tax Committee was instructef by Mayor Brownell to the matter of collecting taxes in two installments. At this time a letter and contract agreement from Mr. E.M.St to the City of Seward, was read, and discussed at length. the Mayo stating that the contract could not be signed until approved by th City attorney L.V.Ray; At this time Mayor Brownell went on record, notifying Mr. stewart that any payments due as specified and set f in the contract as submitted at this meeting could not be pe.id out city funds; Mr. Steward verbaly stated to the Councilmen present t he would wait for his percentage of payments due as per contract presented, until the Government money for the Electric Plant was l available to the City of Seward, Alaska; At this time Mayor Browne informed Mr. stewart that in order to come within the alloted amou of money available for the Light project that he must endeavor to keep the costs down as much as possible to the installation of a eervicable plant for the City and conform to the P.W.A. requiremen s as what the City desired was a Light Plant installed as economical as possible, but substantial enough to give the service required 0 it.. No further businee at this time Mayor Brownell adjourner th meeting to reconvene Monday, Febuary. 8th. 1937. N-t~1 W.AYOR 6:~ CLERK / .. FEBUARY, 8th. I~37. NO ~DORt~~, Mayor Brownell posponed meeting its regular meeting, Febuary, I5th. 1937. 'iiJ,~,/l~ Li!A.YOR to reconvene at g~ CIJERK . ~ --,; I ~ .... 121 Monday, Febuary, lEth. 1937. The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in re~ular sessi n in the Council chambers of the Town Hall of Sew~rd, on the 15th. day of Febuary I~37, at B o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to 0 der by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk called the roll. Those present and those absent w re as fall ows: I Present: Councilman John ~. Blase, Charles Cameron, Chas. P Gilliland, Thomas H. Jones and Thorwald Osbo. Absent; Councilman Gustavas R. Manthey. Councilman Manthey was absent from the Territory of Alaska with leave granted by this Council on the 21st. December, 1~36, for such absence. Mr. Manthe having been compelled to go to ~eattle, ~ashin~ton, for special medical attention. The followin~ Resolution, entitled ffA Resolution amending and modifying Section 8 of that certain Resolution adopted by the Common Council of the Town of SewRrd, Alaska, May 4, 1936 entitled "~Resolution.authorizing the issuance of eI2IOOJ.OO of Bonds, under the authority of Public act No. 63, 74th. Congress, approved May 20, 1935,<<was introduced by Mayor Brownell, read in full by th Clerk, and consiaered by the Council. RESOLUTIOll A RESOLUTI0lJ Al>mNDING Arm HODIFYING SECTION 8 OF THAT CERTAIN RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIl OF THE 'l'O-NN OF SENARD, ALASKA, MAY 4, 1936, ENTITLED "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THl<~ 1SSVANCE OF ~I2IOOJ.OO OF BONDS, UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC ACT NO. 63, 74th. CO~GRESS, APPROVED MAY 20, 1\135" I WHEREAS, by the terms and provisions of section e of a cer- tain Resolution adopted by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska. on the 4th. day of May I~36, entitled:"A R1S01UTIO AUTHORIZING THE ISSUAi~CE OF $12100'J. of Bonds, under Authority of Public 'at lio. 63, 74th. Congress. Approved May ~), I~35"provision was made for the sale of Electric system Bonds in the amount of $121000. in order to furnish funds for the construction of a Mun- icipal light plant; und, IffiBRE~S, the flans and specifications for such proposed pl~nt have been, since May 4, I~36, changed and altered, and the proposed project has been redesigned and reduced in scope in order to reduce the cost of such plant; and, lrnER~AS, it is now estimated that it will be unnecessary to sell such Blectric Gystem Bonds in an amount exceeding $90000. to finance the construction of such plant: I Now, Therefore. BE IT RESOlVED that the Town of Sew~rd sell to the United States of America or a.ny other ~urchaser or purchase s Electrict System Bonds in the amount of only y90000r of the hereto fore authorized issue of ~I2IOOO. of said Bonds, nayable $4000. in I~4I to 1\145, t5000. in I~46 to 1947,$6.000. in 1948 to 1957, all n the manner and in accordance with the terms and provisions set for h and contained in that certain Amendatory Agreement mOdifying the existing Loan and Grant ~gree~ent heretofore entered in to between the Government of the United states and the Town of Seward, in res pect to said Project; and, that section 8 of said Resolution of May 4, I~36, be considered as amended, modified or rescinded to th extent of any inconsistency; said Resolution of May 4, I~36 shall n alll other respects, not in conflict herewith, be und remain in fu 1 force and effect. BE IT FUHTHER RESOLV~L that such ~lec:tric System Bonds be sold, whether to the United States of America or to ~ny other pur- chaser or purchasers, only in an a~ount neces~aty to provide funds reouired to complete such Electric li~ht Plant; that all hlectric System Bonds in excess of such amount be cancelled and destroyed b ~ ( 122 I I L I ! MONDAY, FEBDARY, 15TH. 1937, CONTINUED. cremation upon completion of such plant and that no other Or additional bonds be issued in lieu thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Seward, be and he hereby is authorized and directed to forward to the Federal Emergency Administrat~on of Public Norks, two certified cories of this Resolution and two certified copies of the extracts from tte minutes of this meeting coverin~ the adoption of this Resolution. It was moved by Councilman Jones, ano,seconded by Council~~n Cameron, that aE rules of the Council which might prevent, unless suspended, the consicJ.eration, .final passage and adoption of said Res- olution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption, be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the consideration, ~inal passag~ and adoption of said Resolution at this meeting and its takin~ effect upon such adoption~ The question being put upon the adoption of said motion, the roll was called with the following results: Ayes: '5 ~ those votinp: aye: Councilman Blase, Cameron. Gill iland, Jones and Osbo. Absent: Councilman Gqstavas R. Manthey. The Mayor declared said motion carried, and such rules sUEpended~ Councilman Blase, seconded by Councilman Gilliland, moved that eaid Resolution'amending and modifyin~ sect~nn ~ of the Resolution adopted May 4, 1936, be finally pas~ed and adopted as introduced and read. The question being put upon the final passage ,and adoption of said Resclution the roll was called with the following re~ults: Ayes: 5; those voting aye: Councilmen Blase, Ca~eron. Gilliland, Jone~ and Osbo. ,. ,. ltx Absent: CouncUman GustavB.S R. ,Manthey. The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution finally paSSEd and adopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed said Resolution in applo- val thereof. The following Resolution was presented by J~ayor Brownell and read in fu~l by the Clerk. .K ?"S.OLUTIOl~ ." \ Y'jA .u:. "I\, v,'t- t(}i 11" vVHEREA3: 'i'he Town Council of Seward, _'l.laska" having deten ined to cqnstruct and operate a Municipal Leisel Eleotric Plant and Dis1rib- ution System, and needing an engineer for the project, has, after <are- ful consideration, made its seleotion. ~OW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: by the Common Council of tie Town of Seward, Alaska. .. .' That E. M. Stewart, of: Juneau be retain,ed as e,ngineer for 1 he project, and that the Mayor and Town Clerk be, and are,hereby empovered to execute that certain contract dated Febuary 15, 1937, (being thl oontract examined and approved by the Council at its meeting of Fe'uary 1st. I~37), between the Town of Seward and the said Z.M.Stewart. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the duties of Mr. E.M.Stewa't under the con,tract shall be to design. and superintend the construction of an Electric Plant ~nd Distribution System having the following elements and their eouipment: Prelimanari lIst attached hereto and marked page 122 A Proposed method of calling for bids: (I) Power Plant and Distribution System installed ready for operation. l , ., ~ - /2- 2.. .A , /22-,11 --.RBSOLt1fIOJl-- ItH:lUAS: fhe fown Oounoil of Seward, Alaska, uyiq de.ermined to ooutruot and operate a llunlo1pal Dle.el Bleotrlo Plant and Di.tribution 8,.te., and needing an Engine.r tor the ProJeot, baa, a:fter oaretul o0A814eratlon, ma4' ite a'leotion. low, t here:tore be It re801...,.: B)' tb. Oomon Oouneil of tbe fown ot aewar<<, Alaska. fhat .I.M. St...rt ot Jun.au be retalDed .a Bllglne.r for the proJeot, and that tbe .a101' am t~. Olerk be, aDd ar., ber.b, e1llpo..red to eseout. that 08rtal. Contraot dated .r~7 / s-:- ~f' 37 , (b.ins the Oontraot esa.ined 8.I1d appro.ed 0, the OormoU at it. .e.tins of ,.braar.v lat. 1937), between ~e fown of S.ward and the 88i4 X.M. stewart. Be it turther a.aoly.d: That tbe dutles of lir. E.X. 8tewart u4er the Couhaat shall be to dedp, and 8uperinten' the aoutraot!on of an .leotrlo plant and D18tribu'tion 818te. ha...1J1a the tollo.ina elemen'h and their equip.ent: - -,. ._i II PaELIJlI1UBY LIST OJ' BQUIPJqft J.W.A. DOODf 1&2'19 SBWAID DIBUL BL'IOTRIC POWD PI.Alt SEWARDf ALASKA. *.*.***~**.**.*********~**.~~**.**.*.... (A) GElEBATUG BQUIPMBliT: (l) Dle.el him e.: 5 - 160 III aea." Dut)' StatloD81'7 '7P' wlth 8uitable tlph.e1 :tor .a81.. t,P' or alternate tlp12eel rotor vpe 4ir.ot oou.ote4 generaton Appros. a.p.x. 500 - 400 .1th D~E.K.A. ataD4ar4 bore aDl stroke - Jor operation at 81& l.~.l el,.... atlon . Equlpt with aultable .o...er.or :tar parallel op.,at10. - Template :tor foUDIatloa _01t8 - D.l. i~.r.v espeated.. t 2) A. C. Alternators: 3 - 126 XVA XqiD.e or .ellht'd rotor ">>e A.C,. le.erator8 of late.t etaa4arf praotloe o~ A.I. E.E. - Sp..' _it able tt abo.... e1l81ae. . D1reot- ooan8otet - 8tan4al'4 .00 'JOlt8 - 60 0101e - 3 - Pha.e - rr 100 - ~1l 1" - p.r..8 . 8000. B1.. - Pole pieo.. 4....1' _\lU - Operate in parallel ..... eaob otber oal,J . Doable halld wbeel type 't,.,.oetat - Pie14 4ieol1ar,e r.e18tor. -1. '>-, I, , ca) >>.0. Exoitera: a - D.C. G..ratttrs - 81se 8uitable to exoite aboye Alteraator. - Dir.ot GOaneot.a with alter- Date on V-b.lt eODllBOh4 - bUDS ba.ad. on 1115 Volta - 40"0. IU.. - 8p..4 to oorre.pond to aboye eq1I1p111l1nt or not to aso,.4 1'180 1l.P.II. tot' belt oon. oted. CB) lUIGI.D A.OOBSSOllIES: PlTo.eter equlpment; exhaust ..ff.lers; heat reooyet'7; intake air m.ff.lere; air tilter,; .tart1ns air eqalp..~, COo.prueOll'. reulyer. an4 au111al7 .... ait); 011 e_t- ritaae (labrieatins 011 an4 fUel 011); fuel 011 4a7 .tor- ase tanka; fI.,l 011 beasfer pup; alarm 878tem (tu.1 011 aDl1 water); all plplna (fI..1 011. exhau8t. lubrloat1q 011. air atarUns. eto.: spar. parts 118t; salt or fresh water ooollng 878t... head approx. 50 feet. oire.1atina pup; water 8tora., tank and piping: two - 10000 aal. fl.el 8t01'8S' tanka welel'd 1n f1e14. (0) DISTRIBt1'rION EQ.UIPWilII!1': SwUohboar4 (Panel for eaoh I.neratot'~ an4 one for pOW,Jlioo ho.... lilht.. eto); Yelta.e r.p.lator; ..nerator a..ter; bu. yoltmeter; po1;-pha.. wattmeter; generator f1eU. _- meter; lenerator field yolt.eter; all ourrent ana pot- ential 'fI'8n8forll8r. tor ili8.tr1Ulents; yolt_ttr lw1toh; ammeter awitoh; drilling tor haDdwb.el t7pe r~eo.tat for alternotor and exciter rheo.tate; 8yDohronisl118 awiteh; e7Dohroeoope; oil oirouit br.ak.r; g.nerator fleld knlt. ..itch i mounting for :fi.14 U..harl' r.sistor; tuee.; termlnal blooks aDd small wir1DS. OUTSIDI WIRING and oonneoting oable.. oondulta. eto.; pole 11 DeB ; a - 11re )(ain all4 lI..d.1' q.t..; tran... far..r.. pot h.ad 41800nneot.; in_lator.; X-an.; pina; galY. and lea4 ooyered bolt.. .to. f>>) COOLIIfG WATER SYST.Dl Sour.. at aappl,. approx. 4Q lal. per mihute tor .aoh eD81ne; water p.-,e; oooliQg tower or radiator; heat ex- ohanser; .leyated IItora,. tank, pipe. am Yaly.a; oyer- flow at all timee. ' eB) I'UXL OIL STOllAGE SYST.: Betimat.d 7ear17 ooBaaaptlon 80.000 8&1. ay.ras.; storage ne.d two - 10,000 ,a1. tael 011 storale tanka; fuel oil pumps. piping anA heatlng 0011.. e,) UILOADUG AJiD RAULIIG nut BQUUDBl: What heaVJ ral1roa4 timbere. 3aok.. bOlste. and traokl for houee mO't'inl or rollers av811ab1. 100a117 - Diet- aDO' to .1te - FOB W). rke with fl'.i,_ allow.a to Sewa1'4 - 0.1.'. S.ward - Prel&ht 804 wharfa'.. (Q) POIER PLAIT BUILPIBG: Luoation. .1.. and aoooa04atloD.. .xoayatioD. footlnsl. conorete walle. oOGor.t. floor. et..l framinl briok or conorete wort, .etal laeh. wincl.a. roof _4 un1oa41nl In- olaUns water prooflnl '001'1. f0u.a4atione f~ .,ta.. aM aull1ar1ee, exoept touBda1i10D8 f~ 00011231 q.t.. and for :tael 878t_ .qalpt w1tho1tt the power plaDt. au111ar7 foadat1ol1. to lnolade boltl. -2- ...- frenche. 80d covera, maffler plta, 11ghta flztarea, aDd .1riq to awUchboaJ'4, wall brae.. tor switohboard, plat.. rOllera, pedestala, etc. for aatner., pl_b1ng an. toilet tacilltie., Inol&di118 plpl81 IDd fltt1q8 tOr ea... Reating 8",t.a, wit'h all piping and fitti.. tor the sama but not InoludlU@ the eshau8t-gas boiler If speoltied . el.ewhere. Jlolets an4 R11""., p.art. au raillng, for ,enerator \1.111ta au azq other equlpt to be proteoted tr em unqll.all tied p era <I1S. t * * · * * . . . . . * * * * . * . PBOP08ltD DSOD or OALLIBG POR B11)8: (1) Power Plant and Dlstr1b\1tlon S78te. In'*alled rea", tor op8ration. (8) Power Pl8Zlt Bq:a.lp.ent aDd all appurtenames ael.. Ivered at tilt aUe Inola41n, tbe unio.. of a auper- Vielnl and trractiD8 'qinear; tou.ationa. blliUq am all labor to be I11l1pplie4 b1 ot hen. (8) Power Plaut B1l114iq, fv\Uulat1ons,811d all labor es- olu81ve ot supervlsion ot ereotion :ot power plat eqUipment to inatall aU the eq1l1pa8.t oalled ter udal' (a). (4) Distributing S7.tem lnolu41us line traaatormera 00lD.. plete11 ereoha aDd oonneoted to power plant rea41 tor operation. US) All _terlal far the d18tribllttq q.t. u:oluahe ot line tran.tomers bp.t inolU81 ve of 81lpporta tor tbe latter, aelivere4 on the an, .a 4treoted by the cgl.er. (6) Li. transtormera dellvere4 011 the alte. (.,) Labor aDS Supervlsion ot ereotlon an4 oonneeUIII up material tor (8)aIl4(1) reaa, tor operation. ADVERTISEttlDTS SBALL GIVE BIDDERS JOT LESS flWl lUQllf WOKS TID :rOR CCIIPILIBG TREI! BI>>S. IT IS tJIl)DS!OOJ) 1'1U.! flIED IS A VAIL- ABLE APPROXIMATELY .100,000. !'OR THE DOVE COBSTRUftIOJI J'IJlABOE.D BY A LOA.l AI'D GRAlf UlDER THE PUBLIC .oKS AJIlIJISftAflOI. E. It;. 8~:z.m - UGU.u.K. lIIJ1:B.I.U: Tbe oost limit ot 1100.000.00 1.8 eet tor tbe :t1n18h.4 ~ Pr03eot b7 tbe P.I.A., 1t 18 ab8olutel! n.~e~.ar.r to ao d..1ID th~,a. , . 'f"ba.rofl/lsaiu/d-l{. ~ ' Plant anA J)1Btrlba.t1 on S1.t-1 a 8 to malte 1 t p0881b1e tor Coatraotora -- to bid ltUIa t.hat w111 not 8I.re.at8 aore than .100,000.00 1.88 the ~ e11& meerill' tee; !heretore it 1. t'll1'th.r ae.olvec!: !hd :K1l1i De.r I.Jl. St....t be plt.4 111 the 4ea18n ant -3. _c - -^' speoif10ation. of the a'bOY. Plaut _114111I au eqa.lpllea1l, b7 the .tr1ote.t ...0117, eo thatooet. will be .. low ae poe.! b18 oon81.taat w111h 1004 eDl111eer1111 praotloe. That wbere 1t 18 de. ire' to ohoo.. bei.e.n 41fferent ar&4e. or '71>88, \)..e4 on 008te, tMre ..11 'b. .eeip. aZlll .peol- f10at10118 preparei for both eo a. to woeln eeJarate bU. on eaoh. Mr. atewart 1. further In.'huo''' to a... all po..ible apeea 111 prepar1ng fin1.hed plane an4 .,e01f10a\10118 to the en4 that B14. .81 beoalle4 for aa .011 a. po..lbl.. fhat be oar.ta.l17 follow all P.lf.A. Bul.. an4 Replat1ou, a4 -7 .peoifio 41re.t10118 for thie Pro~eot by the P.I.A. Eq1n..r1111 :DIn.ion. pa...d by the 'fown 00\U1011 a.M.r .upeulon of ia.l.., thie /~at 4a1 of 1'ebr_.,., 198'. ~.- \ , ~,e~ Ii. Ma70r. __ Attest: {: ~a1ork. -4- " ");,~ l~v MONDJ..Y, FEBUARY I 15th, IV;?7, COHTIl:H:rED. " .; (2) Power Plant Equipment and all appurtenances delivered at the site including the services of a supervising and erecting en~ineer; foundations, building and labor to be supplied by others. (3) Power Plant Building. foundations. and all labor eAclu- sive of su~ervision of erection of rower Plant equip~ent t' 'to'~n8t~11 all the equipment called for under (2). ~4) Distributing System including line transformers comple- tely erected and connected to Power Plant ready for operation. (5) All mhtcrial for the distributing sYEtem exclusive of line transformers but inclusive of supports for the latter, delivered on the site as directed by the engin- eer. I (6) line transformers delivered on the site. (7) Labor and supervision of erection and connetting up material for (5) and (6) ready for operation. " A1;VERTISl;L[E1ITS SHALL GIVE; BIDDERS NO'l' I.1S:'- THAil EIGHT WE...i~S TIME FOR COMPILING: THLIR BIDS. IT IS Ul{lJERST00D 'l'HAT THERE IS AVAILABLE APPROXIMATELY $100,000. FOR THE ABOVE CO~STRUCTIO~ FINANCED BY A lOAH AIm GRAIiT tTlIDER THE l'UBr.IC NORtS ADIHNISTRATIOll. ""l ii' Signed: j.:' <1jt; E.M.STENART Engineer. I WHZREAS. the coat li~it of $I00,OOO. is set for the finished Pr6ject by the P.#.A., it is n~solutely necessary to so desi~n the plant and distribution system to the best of his ~bility so as to make it possible for contrnctors to bid su~s that will not aggregp.te more than $100,;00. less the 7~ engineering fee; T~~RBFORE IT IS FVRTHER RESOIT~D. th~t engineer E.M.Jt~Nar be guided i~ the design and specifications of the above plant build ing and equip~ent, by the strictest econo~y, so that cost will be as low as poss;ble consistant with good engineering practice. . Passed by the Town Council 15th. dRY of Febuary, I~37 of Hules, That where it is desirec to choose between different grade or types, based on costs; there shall be designs and specifications prepared for both so as to receive seperate bids on each. :0 Mr. stewart is further instructed to use all possible spee in preparing finished plans and specifications to the end that bids ma~ be called for as soon as possible. That he carefully follow P.il.A. Bules and RegulHtions, and any specific directions for this Project issued by the P.d.A. engineering division. I Attest: Q; it~ i.[~~~i~i'P~{ ..,.,~ It was moved by Councilman Blase, and seconded by Council- man Gilliland, that all rules of the Council which ~ight prevent, u~less suspended, the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution a~ satd ~eeting and its taking effect upon such adoption, be and the same are hereby suspended forthe purpose of permitting t~e consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at this meeting and its taking effect uoon such adoption. The question being put upon the adootion of said mopion, t e roll was callea with the fol~owing results: "- '" 4: Ayes: 5; Those votin~ Aye: Councilmen Blase, C~meron, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo. 124 MONDAY, FEBUARY, I5TH. rJZ7. CONTIN1~D. Absent: Councilman Gustavas R. MRnthey. The Mayor declared said motion carried, and such rules suspended. Councilman J<mea. seconded by Councilma.n Osbo, moved that said Resolution be finally passed and adopted as introduced and read. The question being put upon the final passage and d. dopti on of said Resol- ution the roll was called with the fo~lowing results: :l I ' ) Ayes: 5; Those voting aye: Councilmen Blase, Cameron, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo. Absent: Councilman Gustuvas R. Manthey. The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution finally passed and adopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed said Resolution in appro- val thereof. TnJllxUUXlIlBJ:xbxXxxita;p:pJUllllrluxUv!lfa;7YJYJC 'lliYlII... bD.~JI&JlX%lld UIl There was presented to the meeting a proposeo form of ao:en- datory Agreement modifying in several particulare the terms asK of the Loan and Grant Agreement of July 2. I~36 now in force between the Gov- ernment and the Town of Seward. There was also presented to the Council a letter addressed to the Mayor Brownell, signed H. M. Gillman, Jr" Assistant Executive Officer for the Administrat~~~ indicating ~h~ actiori to be taken, if so desired, by the Council. A general discu6<ion of t~e ma.tter was hed, in which various expressions of opinion were made by individual members of the Council. and there was then introduced by Mayor Brownell, and read in full, the following Ordinanoe No. 130: Il Ordi oance Na. /.30, il ORD TNANCE APPROVI NG AN AMENDATORY LOAN AND GRANT AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE LOAN AND GRAnT AGGREEM.ENT DATED JULY 2, 1936 NOW IN FORGE BETWEEN THE UNI TED STATES OF AMERICA Arm THE TOWN OF SEWARD',' ALASKA AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SUCH AMENDATORY LOAn AND GRANT AGREEMENT ~ AND DECLAR! UG AN ENiERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED By the Cammon Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska: Seotion 1. That the Amendatory Loan and Grant Agree- ment whioh does modify in several particulars, as speoifically set forth in such Amendatory Loan and Grant Agreement, the terms, provisions and conditions of that certain Loan and Grant Agreement of July 2, 1936 now in force between the United States of Amer ica and the Town of Seward, Alaska. a copy af which Amendatory loan and Grant Agreement is filed amOIl! the publ ic records of th e Town 0 f Seward, Alaska in the office of its Town Clerk, and by reference thereto made a part of this Ordinance to the same extent as if the same were set forth at length in words and fi gures herein, be and the same is hereby in all respects approved, ratified ana confirmed. Seotion 2. That the Mayor of the Town of Seward, .t\laska be and he is hereby authorized ani directed to execute such Amendatory Loan and Grant Agreement in three counterparts os behalf of said Town, ani the Town Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to i npress or affix the official seal '1 l ; " 1'.. ...,~ .. ". ~d MObDAY F~BUARY 15TH. 1937. COJ~IilUE~ I. of said Town to each of said three counterparts of said Amen- dat ory Loan .and Grant Agreement, and to duly attest such seal. Section 3. That the sai d Mayor be a.nd he is hereby authorized and directed to forthwith forward said executed three counterparts of said Ama.ndatory Loan and Grant Agreement to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public ~orks, Wash- ington, D.C. Se.ction 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk of said Town of Seward, Alaska be am they are hereby aut horized, empowered am directed to do am perform any am every am all acts and things to make and execute on behalf of said Town of Seward and under its corporate seal, any and all instruments, docu- ments am other commitments that may be required, necessary, or found desirable in connection with the modification and changes established b~ said. Amendatory Loan am Grant Agree- ment; provided, however, that'the authority he retof,? re grant- ed to said Mayor and Town Cle rk with reppect to the said LOan and Grant Agreement dated July 2, 1936, shall otherwise be and rema.in in full force and effect. . Seot ion 5. ~hat the sai d M.ayor be and he is hereby a uthar hed am d ireoted to forthwi th send said Federal Bmer- genoy Administration of Public Works two certified copies of said Ordinance am two certified copies of the proceedings of the Common Council in connection with the adoption of this Or- dinance and such further documents or proofs in connection with the approval or execution of said Loan and Grant Agreement 88 may be requested by said Federal Emergency Administration of Publ ie Works. I Section 6. That an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and approval. It was moved by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Councilman Gilliland, that all rules of the Council which may prevent, unless suspended, the consideration, final passage and adopt- ion of said Ordinance at this meeting ~nd its taking effec~ upon such adoption, be a.ndthe same are he reb:; syspended for the purpose of permitti~ the eonsideration. final passage and adopti on of saLd Ordinance at this meet ing and its takl~g effect upon such adopti on. The question being upon the adoption of said motion and the suspension of said.. rules. the roll was called with the following results: Ayes: 5; those voting Aye: Councilmen Blase, Cameron, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo. Nays: l'ione. I Absent: Councilman Gustavas R. Manthey. The Mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and such rules so suspenoed. Councilman Blase. seconded by Councilman Cameron, moved that said Ordinance be now placed upon its final passage. The question beint put upon the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance, the roll was called with the following resultsl Ayes: 5; those voting Aye; Councilmen Blase Cameron. Gilliland, Junes and' Osbo. ' Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Gustavas R. Manthey. ~ fi26 I MONDAY FEBUARY 15TH. 1937. CONTINUE~ The Mayor thereupon declared said Ordinanoe finally passed and adopted, 8m the Mayor thereupon sip;ned aaid Or- dinance in approval thereof. The question being put upon the emergency section contained in said Ordinance, the roll was called with the following result: Ayes: 5; those voting Aye: Councilmen Blase, Cameron, Gl1lilane, Jones and Osbo. Na;ya: None. Absent: Councilman Gustavas R. Manthey. JllOr-.uu1llRJIJlUac.~...~JUlaIX~~JOaUt~ ~~~;K~"'IV)l"_~"J<~~ .~-__~W'.X . Cfd- ~Yo1~ b~ Town Clerk. CLERKS CERTIFICATE I, E. D. IlEBB, Cle rk of the Town of Seward, Alaska, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the annexed and foregoing extract from the minutes of the reguJ.ar meeting of the Cornmon Council of the Town of Seward. held' on the 15th. day of February. 1937 has been compared by me with the ori~inal and is a true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original so far as the SallEl relates tv the ma.tters therein referred to. I I I IN WITNF.SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ~he official seal of said Town of Seward this 15 day of Febrpary, 1~37. (SEAL) t,.~ Town le rk. City Attorney, L.V.Ray begged to be excused at this time as his wife was sick, so granted; 8.55 o'clock. Claim presented, total $3,000.00 to Treasurer of School t( be deposit in savings a.ccount 11171 to take care of interest anc principal on school bonds; Motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Gilliland, to pay the abo~e claim from tte general funds; Call the roll; all Councilmen present- voting aye. Read an ap!llication from EM.Stewart applying for the job (f enRineer on the proposed School Gymnasium Project; motion was mfde by COllncilman GilB-land, seconded by Councilman Jones, that the application be f~led; Calling the roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. ' 1 I t Finance Committee reported on the application of L.A.Huff to purchase 3 half lots in block 18 and setting a price of .;;075. [ 0 Motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Councilruan Osbo that the lots be sold to the highest bidder, the Clerk was inst: ucted : to run an add in the local news paper asking for sealed bids on lots ~ of 2I-22-2Z in Block 18 said bids to be opened at the nlxt regular meeting of the City Couhcil March, 1st. IY37~, Calling he roll; All Councilmen present voting ~ye. FINANCE CO~WITT~E, reported on the offer of D.C.BrJwnell for old warehouse of Greef i.n the Laubner Addition; Motion was ma.de by Councilman "1lJAS,6.J:C:1C: seconded by Councilma.n ~, that ./.;..4....,. 12,~ MONDAY FEBUARY 15TH. 1937 C0NTINU~D I 11 Counoilmen present visit the warehouse before the next regular eeting so as to familiarize themselves of the site and condition of the building; Calling the roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye COMMITTEE reported on the question of taxes b~ing paid in installments, .after discussion was decided to leave as is. Fire Cheif reported on sawdust soaked with oil which is iled behind Carr's Garage; Fire Committee and Fire Cheif Keilchesk instructed to look into this matter and if a fire hazard to take ction to have same removed. There being no further buisness to come before this meetin~ motion of Councilman Gilli1Rnd seconded by Councilman Blase meeting adjourn; Calling the roll all Councilmen present voted ~~ CLERK g.(l~~ MONDAY, 1~RCH, 1ST. 1~37 The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in reg- I ular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of Seward, on the 1st. day of March, 1937, at 8 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll. Those rresent ant those absent ere as follows: Present: Councilman J.W.Blase, ~. C". "nn, Chas. P. Gilliland, Thos. H. Jones and Thorwald Oebo. Jbsent: Councilman G.B.Manthey on lesye. y('a,..,er-o",-,_ Minutes of tbe last meeting read and approve:..\. I An application for engineer at the Municipal Light Plant from Frank Burke was read, lhe same was ordered filed with other applications on hand. A letter from Mr. Brosius to the Council re: City lots was read by the Clerk and ordered filed. Bids on City Lots ~ of 21-22-23 Block 18 as advertised wer opened. there being only one, by L.A.liuff of $26.50 a Motion was m~de by Councilman aabo seconded by Jones that the bid be accepted, calling the Roll; il.ll Councilmen present voting A]!e. Claims presented totaling .~IO.83 approved by the Finance Committee us follows; Bank of Seware $25.00 Pete Michelson, ~25.00 Nick Fodak $25.00 I.V.Ray ~25.00 A.D.Haverstock $50.00 keilcheski $220.00 Webb $I50.00 Seward Water Supply ~I27.50 3rown & Hawkins Corp. $2.30 Gateway Publishing Co. 16.75 Cash Pay Roll $83.03 Seward Drug Co. $3,30 Seward Light & fower Co. 157.95 A Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Jones, that the above claims be raid fro~ the general funds, calling tbe Roll, All Coun- cilmen present voting Aye. Claims totaling $36.1)0 of Municifal Light Plant presented und approved by the finance Comllittee !lofter a slight alteration and a Motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilliland that the claims be paid from the P.II/.A. funds on hand, Call1ng the Roll; All Councilmen present votinl? Aye. The Delinquent Tay Roll~for the year 1936 was presented by the Clerk, A motion was made by CounCilman Dsbo seconded by (128 I I 937 CONTINUED. ~ires were read to and from Delegate Diamond re: SchoOl gymnasium and the same were ordered filet. At this time there was a discussion of the R.W.Johnson pro erty ~ now belonging to the Town of Seward for delinquent Taxes and Court order ' of sale of same; A motion wasF~~de_}y Councilman Blase ~co~ded b Gilliland that R.W.Johnson be a1~~ed$I5.00 per mont~~~~Yable i advance each month, and if he should become more than one month i arreas that the property must be vaoated, Calling the Roll: All Counoilmen present voting Aye. Thereupon the Clerk was instruoted to write a letter to Mr. Johnson informing him of these facts, and the Cheif of Police was instructea to deliver the same to Mr. Johnson in person. d Blase. that the Delinquent Roll as presented be acoepted and appro ed and the Finance Committee to investigate the cost of publishing t same in the Seward Gateway. and if not too high to have same published, Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voting Aye. Cheif Keiloheski was instructed to investigate the dright rop- erty in blook 10 for sanitary equipment and report on same next meeting. Committee reported on the saw dust hazard in Town, and th was instruoted to make service notices stating that the saw dust be removed by Apr. I5th. I~37 and the Cheif of the Fire Dept. was ed to serve these notices wherever saw dust was found in the Town Seward. A Motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gillilan carried by the un~nimous vote of all Councilmen presnet that the instruotions regarding saw dust be carried out as above stated. Street Committee was instructed to look up the cost and etc. of opening up Madison street ~est of Seoona Ave. and report at next eet- Cheif Keilcheski was instructed to get a man to go over the plank side walks and 'remove reported nails sticking out of walk and put same in repair." . As Councilman' Blase will not be preSe"1t at the next meetin as his term expires'in April this year. A Motion was made by Coun Osbo seconded by Jobes and carried by the unanimous vote of all C cilmen present, extending a vote of thanks for his work and help City affairs. There being no further businesE to oome before this meeti upon proper Motin it was adjourned. "\ J The annual Municipal election for the first Tuesday in Rpr 1 was announced and a Motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded Gilliland that the following Officers be appointed to serve at said election; Judges: Mr. Morford, Mr. Laughlin and Mrs Halverson Clerks: Mrs. Prosser and "Martin "Lannlng. Calling the Roll on the above motion all Counoilmen present v.oted At this time Councilman Jvhn W. Blase applied for a leav absence, stating that he had to go to the states for medical trea A Motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland seconded by Osbo and un imously carried by all the Councilmen present. granting Cotincilma Blase the desired leave. A motion was made Councilman Blase second~c by Jones tha City warehouse in the Laubner addition formally the property of t late J. L. Graef be sold to the highest bidder;Calling the Rollo Motion all Councilmen present voted Aye. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to run an add in the Seward Gateway for two issues ask bids, said bids to be opened at the next regular meeting of the C on March, 15th. 1937. - , I , I ** E ~JI.d-f CLERi~ - . / 1) a /J~QP MAYOR See page 129 for Delinquent Tax Resolution. C'., 12~~ MOilDAY I~\~CH 1ST. CO~~I~UED. 11ESOIUT10:, WHEREAS, the taxes on Real Pro~erty in the City of ~eward, llaska, for the ye~r 1~3G became delinquent ut 5 o'clock P.M. on he 15th. day of Hovember, I~36, and I WHEREAS, the Munici~~l Clerk of the City of Seward, has resented to the Common Council a roll in duolicate of all Real Droperty assessed and on which the tax has n6t beEn paid and is el inquent and sflid roll is in due form, NOvV THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI.VED :SY THE COl-CMOlI COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SENARD, 1.1ASI:A, 1. That the Municipal Clerk cause said delinquent tax roll to be published together with a notice that said roll has been completed and is open for public imspection at the office of the I~unicif'al Clerk and that on t~e l')th day of iinril, I~37 or as soon there9.fter as counci 1 ma:l be heard said delinquent roll will be presented to the ~istrict Court for the Third Division, Territmry of Alaska, for judgment ~nd order of sa.1e. 2. That said Delinquent Roll and notice aforesaid be [ublishe once a week for four successive weeks in the Seward Gateway, a neWGoaner of general circulation published in the City of Seward, which said paper is hereby designated ~s the official newsp~per for this purpose. I Passed and adorted under suspension of the rules, this l.st. day of March, I~37 (;: Approved this 1st. day March, IV37 C;I;erk, of~rd , Aua. kJ,{? ~Z-J-~' ~or I It was moved by Councilman Blase secondec by Jones, that all rules of the Council which might prevent, unless suspended, the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at said meeting and its taking' effect upon such adoption. be and the same are hereby suspended for t~e purpose of permitting the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at this meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption. The question bein~ put upon the adoption of said motion, the roll was called with the following resvlts: Ayes: 4; Tl10se voting Aye: Councilmen Blase, Gi11iland, Jones and Osbo. Absent: Councilmen I.lanthey and Cameron. The Mayor declared said motion carried, and such rules suspendeit. Councilman Osbo seconded by Blese, moved that said Resolut"on be finally pass~d and 8dorted as introduced and read. The ~uestion being put upon the final passage and adoption of said Resolution the roll was calle d with the following results: Ayes: 4; Those voting aye: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo. Absent: CCllncilmen Cameron and Manthey The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution finally pBEse and adopted, ':l.nr: tr.'3 Mayor thereupon 8i.med said Resolution in approval thereof. (/130 I UONDAY, l~RCH. 15th. 1937. - The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in regular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of Seward bn the 15th. day of March, 1937. at 8 o'clock P.M. The meeting wea called to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll. Those IJresent and those ab sent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Cameron, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Oebo. Absent; Councilman Blase, being on leave of absence. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. A COMI,iPN1CAT10N from Harry West st'l.ted that the cess po I to the property on lot 27 block 12 was leaking into his b8sement s,d praying the CJuncil to take action to remedy ihiS, as soon as pass ble. A motion was ~~de by Councilman M~nthey, seconded by Gilliland tha the Health officer be notified to make an investigation at once and th Health Committee to act on abatement of nesiance, The ~bove Motion was carried by the unanimo~s vote of all Councilmen present. ;, Claim presneted from C. R. Morford for rental for year ending April, 1st. 1937 for drive way to Fire Hall for $60.0~ A Mo was made by Councilman Munthey seconded by Jones that the cl~im be Cglling the Roll; All Councilmen rresent voting ~ye. Clai~ presented for eS6.08 Maryland Casualty Co. balance on Beward Hydro-electric Pro~ect Policy; A Motion was ~ade by Coun Gilliland seconded by Manthey that the claim be paid providing Mr. Gridley 'Jf the Poil.A. arproveo the payment, the same to be sent t at Juneau for his approval; Calling the Roll on the motion: 411 Co 'men present votin~ Aye. ' ion paid, due i 1ma n Rosa him ncil- Claim presented by Clerk that Mr. Hatton claimed Ta~ ex on the 2') _l.cres owned by him in the Horth end of Seward, as he hud this property to the Jesse lee Rome and therefore was exe~rt from Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Hatton that there was no record any tr$.hsfer on the City books and in leiu of this fact he j s held nsible for the Tayes mption deeded axes, of respo- -\ J Mr. L. V. Ray presented to the Council B list of City 1 ta, na mely Lots 5 and 6 Block II - 37, 29 and 40 Block 13 - 24, 25 an 26 Block 14 und 23 Block 30 for which he proposed to give the City of Seward a deed to in exchange for a deed to Lots 5 and 6 in Block I Cl ty property;' A motion was !Dude by Connci lman Jones secondec by Gilliland that the exchange be made with Mr. Ray; Calling the Roll on the motion all Council'nen present voting Aye. Mr. Ray presented a claim for $500.00 dUe him from the City of Seward, for legal services up to July, 1st. I935 statin~ that he would use this to pay up his Taxes if the claim were allowed; A mo ion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Cameron that the above claim be paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. " RESOLtJTION 'NHZREAS, it is apparent that the advertisement of the delinq- uent tax roll appearing in the issue of the newspaper under date of saturday. March, 6, 1937 was possibly defective, and in order to avoid any possible error, it is HEREBY RESOLVED by the Common Council 01 the Town of Seward. Alaska, that the delinouent Tax R~ll of Real Property in the City of Seward, Ala.ska, for the year 1936 be advertised in accord- ance with sect ion 2442 of the Compiled Laws of iilaska, IJ23. BE IT FURTHER R~SOLVED that this Council does hereby defig- . nate E. D. viebb, Munic ipal Clerk of said Town as the officer who, under the direction of the Common Council, shall cause to have publishef said Delinquent Tax Roll in the Sewqrd Gateway, a newspaper of general circu- lation publisheo at Seward, Alaska (tri-weekly), which ~aid newap€per is hereby designated by the Co~mon Council of the Town of 3eward for such publication purpose, once a week for four successive weeks, and tint such published notice"shall also give noticeths.t, on '1. certain da1e not i31~ I MO~D4Y, 1~CH, 15th. 1~37, ~O:JTINU~D. ess t an 30 da~'s after the coml,let ion upon yublicat ion, to-wit: Y I that at Anchorage, .i.laska, on r~a:; 3, 1;;.37 at a session of Court the and there to be held or as soon thereafter dS Counsel may be heard, he said delin~uent Ta.y Roll of Real Property in the City of ~~ew~rd 'laska, for the year 1936 will be presented to the District Court 0 he Third Division, Territory of Alask~, for hearing,jud~ment and order of sale tbereon. ADOI'TEli nnder sus}'ensi on of the rul€tl this 15 tb. 1~37, at a regular meeting of said Common Council. day of APPROVED: Muni~~ /7). f2'/7~C 1l.ayor. A ~otion was made by Council~an Manthey seconded by illibnd. that the rnles be suspended for the adoption of the esolution as presented; The motion carried by the unanimous vote f all Councilmen Present. The Mayor deelnired the Rules suspended and asked if the ouneil was ready for the question; Thor the question being put; '11 the Councilmen !Jrescnt present votimr Aye. The Mayor thereul'on eclarer the Resolution .rldorted.and if 'l.ny corrections to be 'U'loe o do eo. RESOIT}1'I01~ ---- ViHERB~S, the City/or Town ,'f Seward, Alaska, if' entitled o a Tax Deed for the follo~ing described Lots for velinnuent T~xes ue for the years, 1'oJZ1, I~Z2 and 1;)22. I List of lots attached hereto:- no. THEl~EFuRE, B'~ T"'l T-:i.'SO'_"/~~l) BY T'1" CO""'O., cou,.CT, OF '~"-",, C1"'Y (r.', .-_ __.... .___ Hi.:" ~A..hl'~ l\!.l..L l.n~ .l_/V":'~ 0111J Ol!l s:'.'..~m), U.AS~~..:.., I, That L. C. 'I1rownell and E. lJ. ,veto, j'llaY0r and Mlmic- pal Clerk res!Jetltfully, be and the;)l are, authorized and directed o execute and deliver tel the City! or Town of Seward, Alaska, a ~x Deed for the foregoing lots for failure of the owners of said ots to redeem the S'l.me withi~ the two ye~rs from the date of the ale of said lots to the City! or Town f')r Taxes on the 15 tho day f Febuary, I~35. Passed under a suspension of the Rules this 15th. day of Murch, 1937. G~ n,~unici pal Clerk Approved thi~' 15th. d<:iy of I;Tarch, bZ7. I 'Q k! ~/J ~c-o-~f2P lli I ..layor. A Mot ion was made by Caunci lm'l.n l/[[mthey seconded by i1lil~nd. t~at the rules be suspended for the adoption of the esolution as presentef: The Motion c~rried by the unanimous vote of ~ll Councilme~ present. The Uayor declared the Rules suspended and asked if the ouneil was ready for the Question; Ufon the question bein~ rut; 11 the Councilmen present votin~ Aye. The lvlEtyor thereunon c9clared he Resolution adopted. . .. RESOJ.U? I\)l~ MONDAY, WutRCP."" I 5TH. 1937. CONTIllTJKiJ. A RESOLUTION Al'THORIZINr. THE MAYOR AND MU.NICIl)AL CLERK TO EXECDTE A DEED FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY IN 1HE CITY OF SEWARD, FOR THE STTRP3HDER OF CERTAIlJ CERTIFICATES OF SALE COVERIlh; T.uES,l'Ei.~ALTY, Aim I;:JTERE~T AGAH~ST SAI~ PR02ERTY P~REINAFTER DESCRIB~D. BE IT RESOL TEiI, by the Common Caunei 1 of the Town of Seward, Alaska, that D. C. Brownell as i/layor and 1. D. ilebb as Municipal Clerk, be, ar.d thEY hereby are authorized and directed t execute ~nd deliver to A. E. Olson, J. R. Cr~mont, L. A. Euff, Josie Sandv'ck and D. C. Brownell a good and sufficient deed for Lot 28 block 2 _ East i of lots 21, 22, and 23 block IS,lot 26 block 23 lot 31 bl~c 2 lots 21, 22, 23, and 24 block 15 of the City' of Seward. Alaska, vsa'd deeds to be executed for and in consideration of the surrender of Certificates of sale covering Taxes, Penalty and Interest against the above said property. A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilli that the above Resolution be adopted as presented; Calling the Rol All Councilmen present voting Aye. - , Passed this 15th. day of March, 1937. day March, 1937. c:~ - MUNIeI PAl. CRY: , , . T~E STREET COMMITTEE REPORTED that they were not ~X.% quite ready with their report on the opening of Madison Street. ,l I BIDS Oll THE OLDHAREHOlTSE IN BI.QCK 7 LAUBNER ADDITION were opened at this time, The highest bid was made by Pete Micheis n the amount bid $128.00 A motion wa~ made by COtlUcilman Osbo secon er by Jones that the bid be accepted. Bnd that ~he paym~nt must be ma e within 5 days or.th~ property w0uld go to the next highest bidder; Calling the Rcll; All Counyilmen present voting Aye. BID OF JOHN ANDERSOl~ of $25.00 for lot 16 block 12 and $35.00 for lot 24 bJock 12 A motion was m~de by Councilman Jones seconded by Manthey that the bid of $25.00 for lot 16 block 12 be accepted. and the bid on lot 24 block 12 be further investigfited Calling the Roll; LIl Councilmen present voting Aye. BID of ~3fi.'Ja by Ed Lindsay for Lots I'J, 1,1, and 12 Block II Federal Addt. was rejected and he was offered lots in Block 36 or 37 in place of the above lots bid on. A motion was me. e by Gouncilman J0~es seconded by Cameron th~t he be permitted to purchase lots in blocks 36 or 37 in lieu of the ones bid on; Call the Roll on the Motion; All Councilman ]Cresent voting Aye. Bid of Fred Miller of $70.00 for lots 12, 13. and 14 block 7 Laubner Addt. A motion was made by Councilman Jones secon ed by Manthey and carried by the unanimous vote of all .councilmen pr s- ent that this bid be tabled. Bid of A. H. Bryant of $50.00 for lots 26 and 27 block 17 ~ Motion by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Osbo that the above offer be accepted; Calling the Rolli All Councilmen present Votin Aye. Bid of L. L. Lavis of $50.00 for lots 36 & 37 block 7 A Motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Jones that the b be accepted, Motion carried by unanimous vote of all Councilmen p ,l~ J;~ d e sent. Bid of walter Corliss of $50.00 for lots 32 & 34 block A Mntion was made by CouLcilman Gilliland seconded by Manthey the bid be accepted, the motion carried by the nnani'J1ous voet of all Councilmen ~resent. 7 the he 13~ MONDAY, MARCE, 15TH. 1937, CCw'rINTTLJ' I i~ of Forrest Kennedy ~~ $25.00 for lot 10 block 9 and Bid of on Davie of $50.00 for lots 8 & 9 block ~ A ~otion was made by ouncilman Manthe~ seconded by Jones that the bids be tabled and hat these lots be advertised in the Seward Gateway and to be sold o the highest bidder; Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Council- en rresent VJting Aye. :Bid of T. E. Jones of $15 .00 for lot 4 block 25, A ;.lotion !is made by Councilm'iTI Osbo seconded by :.lanthey that the offer be ccepted; Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen .resent; ~ouncilman Jones not voting; Thereupon CouncilMan J0~es ave the Clerk $15.00 in paymer.t of the above lot. Bid of E. D. Nebb of $50.00 for lots I ~ 2 bl8Ck 24, A {at ion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Gilliland thst he offer be accepted; Callin~ the roll on the Motion; All Council- .en present voting Aye. The Clerk was instructed to notify the bidders on the bove Lots that payment must be made within five dqys or their ccerted bid would be forfeitd. At this time Chief l:eilcheski took Ill' the matter of rel"8ir o the City's gravel truck and was instructed by the Council to se tis own judgement in the matter and have if, done with as much cono:ny BB [OS sible t.o /<ood work'Tlanship. I IDfion T'roper !i!otion this meeting recesl?ed to reconvene at he call of the Chair. CfJ .~1~~~ ~G;.~~ _uniclf~l Clerk. :Ma.rch, 29th. I931. Recessed ~eoting of ~arch. 15th. reconvened in the COUYlcil Ch').:<1bers of the ijity '1:::.lJ of Sewl1.rd, Alaska on thie, the 29th. day of ~arch, 1937 ~t a o'clock P.M. The meoting was called tJ order by ~uyor brownell. - ?he Clerk caliee the ~ollt 2hose present and those absent were as follows: Present: Counci Imen, Gilliland, Jones, :,:anthey ano Osbo. Absent: ~wo. Councilmen, Blase and Comeron. ~inutes of the lust meeting read and approved. A letter was read fro~ the Territorial Trel1.surer to the Ci ty of Sewa.rd, requestiniZ the C,:Plt"',ci 1 to ap),Joint ~l Poll Tc.x collector for the year 1937, an Ord inance W'iS introduced and reao by the Clert as f011cws; I O~DnJANCE no. .1.:21 AU ORllIlU'.NCE AP?OIliTIl,G A SCEOOl 'HX COU;:~CTiJ? FO] 'l'BE TO/VI' OF SEiV!>.RD. EAS1:A, FOR ,'f1.t. YE"'~ 1937. BE IT ORI;AIin'~D BY 'l'Ht; cmU,10;'l COUNCIL OF T1-\L TtJ,'hi OF SEii:3D. ",L~SYA S~CTION I. That persuant to and in accordance wi~h the req- uire~e~ts of Chapter 29 of the Sessions Laws of Alaska for the year i~I9, entitled "~~ 1ct t~ imp8Be 8 tRX u~on ~ale persons in the Territory :)1' '.]as}:9. for school f,urposes ::,Toviding f:leA-nS for its collection and declaring ~n e~er~ency" as &meneefi by aat of ~~y. 2~d. I~21 of said act contained. .c.. I,. v.ebb, a resident of the Town ,If Sewhrd, ...laska, a.nd (134 I Murch, E~th. ~~37, Continued. a citizen of the Pnited Stntes of america; Is hereby appointed and is eclared to be 'tr:e Scho 01 'fax collector for the 'l'own of Seward, Al'isa, or the yeAr IV37, and upon Clualifi cat ion of said person by furnishi g food and sufficient bond in accordance with the Law, ~ll condition rovisions ~na reauireoents of said act ahall be curried out and enf r- ec as by law regulated and reauired in collection Jf eaid School Ta . Pt'.SSED under suspension of rules, tr.is 29th, day of M6.rch, Section 2. !l.n e1Jergency is l1erer'!l declared to exist, o.o1d this rdinnnce Sh811 take effect after its passage and n,rroval. & Approvee this 29th. da~ of March, 1937. ~. A motion was made by Councilman Oabo seconded by Jones, that rules be suspended for the adoption of Ordin~nce No. I3I, Callin Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. On the ~ue5tion "Shall Ordinance No. 131 be adopted and d, 11 CounciJmen present vJting in the affirmative. Whwreupon the igne6 Ordinance 131 in open session. RESOlUTIOH -----.- A RESOLU'.:'IOH AlT'fEORIZUG THE i,1AYOR A.lu ;.mi,I'CHAI cr ERl~ T') EXECUTEi:I. D:DI:D 1!'OR CERT1UN PROPEI.;:TY BE10ivGIIvG TO TH';;; CITY OF SEiIARD, A],A31:A. 1 i BE IT RESOLVED, by 'the Common C'ounci 1 of the C1 ty of Sewar aska, that D. C. Brownell, as Mayor and E.D.Hebb, as lliunicipal Cle , and they hereby are authorized and directeG to execute and del1v to, A. B. Bryant, Walter torliss, T.B.Jonea, John Anderson, ehas echner and 1. V. Ray, a good and sufficient Deed for the followin~ eaI Property in the City 'of" Seward, Alasy:13., to-v/it:- lots 26 &' 27 i Jock 17, lots 22 & 34 i~ bloc): 7, lot4 in bIncle 26, lot 16 in blocy ate I & 2 in block 8 and :.' t~, 5 & 6 ill tl,)ck 14. , Said Deeds to be executed for and in consideration of Burr er of Certificates of Sale, Money's raid and other considerqtions a echrded in the minut~s of the meeting of the Common Council of the 5th. day of MFirch, 1937 for the purchase of the above lots. ... , Passed this 29th. day of March, 1937 Muni!~k - pprov~dc2h~~th. da;y March, J'j37. ~ Mayor. - I The above Resolution was re~d by the Clerk and a Motion h8 ~ade by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilliland that the Resolution FiS renD be ad of tea, Calling t'1f Roll: All C01JDcil.nen !lreEent vc)tin_ A.Jre. At ttis ti~D a peDer nrerared by City \ttorney L.V.Ru~ WHS reed, said paper bein~ called M~ ~Act" and referred to the IJj per ton dockage collected from the ~eward dock by tne Government which ~hould be-turned over to the ~ity of Seward, said paper statin~ fo the Dast monies collected the .City would rer"1it the ~overnment to Rppl the amount a,winst rr,one;T'E spent by the Government on the Lowell C eek flume; A motion was ~~~e by CQu:ncil~a~ Manthey seconded by Gillila.d that the Janer as drawn u~ be sent to Dclepate Diamond to act on, 1d the Clerk was instructeCl to dr8w up a Resolution authorizing this proceedure, calling tr:e Roll; AIICouncilnen present voting Aye. ~ 135~ ~Drc~, f~th. 1027 Continued, ~n insurance c'Cliuy fJr :!3I'YJJO.YJ for three ;ye<;rs with 't pre:liu!:l of ~I52.00 for the three yeurs written on the ~ew&rd jchoul in favor of the City of Seward was presented and tbe11'lt1.,er was turrlec1 over to the S<:hool Cor1]'nittee to investiw'l.te. I ~ letter was read froen Lester Tr'''pt Arehi tects 0f June'11J in which they offer t_ draw un the plans for the ~r0roEed school g;Vr:\n!"si\1:1l at Se"lf,.rd for ef, fe-;. '1(1 chRrgc to be .:J9.de aq.qinst the City unleEs project ~oeB ttrough, ~?JDr Brownell Jrdered the Jette Ulblc0 tu be t'iken Ill' et a l<-ter o;oeting. _~n offer !":lade bv B. Rouse of ~34"). ')'} for 1 nts ?IJ, ;-fi, '1no 36 in bloct 24 was rB~Bcted as not being enough for the lots. The offer by Lvton ~i]liIBnd of tF'}.)'} for lots 6 & 7 ~r block 24 1"'38 _;resenteo, !, motio"! W"lS ':1',ile bJ.' Cou~,ciJ'"'1"n (~s1--o and secor.oed b~- J~~nthey thDt the offer bo accopte8; Culllng the Rol': ~ll ~ouncilrnen presont voting Aye. The offer of Forest ~enncay of J5J.1J for lots 35 & ZC in block 7 WR.S Bresneted, A r:lOtion was 'f'''.f10 bv Cnl.1Clcil'n'~n ,:rones 'ind seconded by Gillil~nd. that t~o offer on ac~opted; CaIlin? the RO]l All Councilmen present v~ting ~ye. The offer of Fred ~oilcheski of CZ1.00 for lot 7Y in blk.IJ qna Fr,rry J~Hwabe $Z50. ')0 for lots Zd, Z~'. und 4J in block I'J W9.8 tqoled snd the C]ert instructed to advertise t~eEe lots to be s~ld t,.) tr.e highest 'hiader. seid bids tn be J.(,0'10(; "t the neyt Conn0il meetin~ April. 5th. I9~7. I The ')-:feT of Furry 1.<,wabe of ~76. 'IJ for lot 3 1'1 blue}: ~ was lresenteo, A ':1otion was made by Councilman Manthey ~ocnnded by Gil] i lund that the offer be ~'cl;ei--ten; Calling the Hall; All Coun- cilmen l'resent voting ,.ye. The nffer of L.I..uRvis of ';35. ')0 es.ch for lots 5 & 6 in bU. II. was presented; A ~otion WBE' m~de by Councilman Osbo seconded by Jones thqt the offer be ac<:e~ted; Calling the Roll; ~ll C~un- ciInEn freeent votin~ ~ye. The offer of leon Urbach of e55.')) fur lot 10 in block ~ was presented, d motion was ~a6e hy CouncilmRn Jones seconded by Osba thnt the offer be ~ccepted. C8l1in~ the 3011; All Council~en Dresent votinR Aye. ' . Bids were opB'1ed on lots advertised, Leon Urbact ti~dinR t6f'.J'J I1Dd P.C.Hc'fullm bidding :;I,\I')').Y\ for lot 9 block 9, A '~JtiiJn was ''Jade b:.' Counci Iman Osbo second.ed b:i i.Tanthe~. tll':t the biG of Mcnnll en he -qccertedbut should he not tare 'i t for <J.n:v Tenson , it then go to the nO'yt highest bid, the S'lrne be~rr" :,lr Frb"'.chs bi'd .of siyty Fiye dol"ars, Cs-llinll the :10J 1; All CounciLnen preeent voting Aye. '1'he bie of 1::;1- Senft, of ~40. 1') for lots :"j, 31, 32 and 22' in bliJ<:~ 26 was presented, A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by ;;;unthey that the bid be accepted, C'lllinp- the nolI; ~:l Councilmen present ~oting Aye. I The Offer of .s.D.wiebb of ~75.00 for lots 24, :25 and 26 in block 14 was presented. ArlOtion was :nade by CO\Jnci11an i,lanthey seconded by Osbo that the offer be accepted; Calling!the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. I The raise of pay for Juages of elections was discussed and it was decided that the Cit~ would have to pay the ~7.50 as prescribed by Law. Fritz Beilson offered to rent the cabin on Lot 21 in block 16 for $5.0) per month, the cabin to be used as a paint shop, A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by ',Hlliland that he be permitted to rent the said cabin, Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voting Aye. (136 March 29th. I~37 Continaed. The matter of purchasing revenue stamps to use on Deeds oame up, A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Gilliland, authorizi g the Clerk tc purchase said stamps, Calling the Roll; ~]l Councilme present voting Aye. The bid of Ed Lindsey of ;~35.0() for lots 25, 26 and 27 in block 37 was presented, A motion was made by Councilman Jones seo- onded by Gilliland that the offer be accepted, Calling the Roll: Al Councilmen present voting Aye. The Stlleet Committee reported that they needed $150.00 for street work, A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Manthey that the anount be allowed, Calling the Roll; All Councilme present voting Aye. Mr. stewart presented blue prints o~ the Municipal Light and his estimate of the cost to build the same, this being $96000. At this time he stated to the Council that he would like to have a little money on account and WBE told of the small amount left in the light plant account and they would have to await the arrival 0 Mr. Gridley to authori ze the wi thdra.wal of these funds. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mrs. Rager's Eon to buy a driver license at once. There being no further business to come before this meet- ing, upon proper motion duly made, seconded and carried it adjourne . W'~it~ 'f:'~ MUlHC"IPA c,,' . ..-:;MONDAY , APRIL, 5TH. I937. The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, conven d in regular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of Sew rd on this 5th. day of April, I937. The meeting was called to order b Mayor Brownell. ' The Clerk called the Roll those present and those absen were as follows: . Present: Councilmen Cameron, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Absent: Councilman Blase, on leave. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Claims totaling $I003.42 as follows: Bank of Seward,$2 .00 Nick Hodak, $25.00 P. Michelson, $25.00 L.V.Ray, $25.00 A.D.Haverstock $50.00 F.Keilcheski, $220.00 E.D.Webb, $150.00 Brown & HaWkins, $2.80 Osbo's Electric Supply, $2.85 Ogle's Gara e $3.85 Seward Water Supply, $I27. 50 P. C. McMullen, $1. 00 Gat eway P b- lishing Co., I15.02 Seward Light & Power Co.,$I5I.IO n.S.Signal Corps, $6.85 Cash for City pay Roll, $72.45 The above claims we e approved by the Finance Co~nittee. A mojion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded Cameron that the above claims be paid,Calling the Roll: All cilmen present voting Aye. ' Claim against Seward Power Project of the Sumof $5.8 cash paid from the City till, presented and approved by the Fins ce Committee. A motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Gilliland that the above claim be paid, Calling the Roll: All Co - ncilmen present voting Aye. As advertised, bide were ppened for lots 38-39-40 in block IO, there being only one bid of Harry Rawabe of $346.00 fo the three lots, A motion was made by Councilman ~anthey, seconde by Councilman Jones, that the bid be accepted; Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voting Aye. The Clerk presented the bond for the Poll tax colle tor 13~ Monday, Apr. 5th. 1937, Continued. I signed, acknowledged and in oTdeT, A motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Jones that the bond be accepted; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. At this time Mr. Stewart informed the Council that he was ready to submit the plans and specifications of the Hunicipal POWit' Plant and urging them to advertise at once as prices were advanc- ing on everything, and that Mr. Gridley had gone over the plans and approved them; Thereupon Mr. stewart read the Bid Form through for the approval and acceptance of the Council, providing Mr. Gridley approved the same: At this time Mr. Gridley took the floor and stated to the Council that he approved the plans and specific~ ations and bid form as presented and advised advertising for bids at once, and stating that 60 days time be given to bidders and the bids to be opened June, 7th. 1937 at Seward, Alaska. A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Councilman ones that a Resolution be drawn up acceptin~ the estimate .~ and lans as presented by Mr. stewart, City Engineer. for the City light lant, and to start advertising for bids on same at once. and allow- ng 60 days time for bids, s~id bids to be opened June 7th. I~37, at eward, Alaska.; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen resent voting Aye. At this time Mr. Gridley made a talk on"Low Cost Housing", xplaining the advantages of it to the working class of people and dvising that it be looked into at once here in Seward and determine f Seward were in need of such a plan, he advised appointing a Com- ittee to make a survey of the City. A bid of $45.00 by Richard Malars for Lots 21-22-23-24 in lock 28 presented; A motion was made by Councilman Jones sec~nded y Gilliland that the bid be accepted; Calling the Roll; All Coun- ilmen present voting Aye. A bid of $12.50 by L.A.Huff for an 181_8" fraction on lots 1-22-23 in block 18 was presented; A motion was made by Councilman illiland seconded by Jones that the bid be accepted; Calling the OIl; All Councilmen present voting Aye. A bid of $10.00 by P. Michelson for lots 12-13-14 in blook Laubner Addition was tabled as there had been a higher offer, the lerk was instructed to interview Mr. Mill.r and determine if his ffer remained in force. "le ~s- a1~ /3PA' I A bid of $10.00 by E.L.Senft for lots 36-37 in block 26 was ejected. A bid of $300.00 by Mrs. Allan McDonald for lot 21 block I6 as ordered tabled. I A bid of $75.00 by M.P.Smith for lots 28-29-30 in block I7 as presented; A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by anthey that the bid be accepted; Callin the Roll; All Councilmen resent voting Aye. A Resolution having been acted upon at the last meetin of the Ommon Council and the Clerk instructed to draw up the Resolution he following Resolution was drawn up; RESOLUTION A Resolution, to have Delegate Diamond to introduce a bill to Congress for a hearing on an appeal of the Town of Seward, Aaa., appealing to Congress to confer the Distriot Court of the Third Division the Jurisdiction to hear an appeal and issue Court order to collect claim of the Town of Seward. Alaska, a Municipal Corporatio against the Alaska Railroad, an Agency of the United States of America, for tonage at the rate of ten cents per ton on Commercial, in-bound and out-bound freight handled or stored on and over Seward dock, Seward, Alaska, covering the period of time from January Ist. 1917 to December, 31st. 1936. (l~j~ ! Monday Apri~, 5th. 19~7, Continued. WHEREAS, it appears the Town of Seward, Alaska, hae a claim against the Alaska Railroad. an agency of the United States Governme for a ten cent tonage tax on all freight in-bound and out-bound ove the Seward dock, excepting such freight as is consigned, billed or shipped to the United states and to any and a~l agencies thereof, including in this exception, also, freight handled or stored over a Seward dock for any Alaska Territorial Government agency. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLvED; by the Common Counoil of th Town o,! Seward, Alaska, that Mayor Brownell, be and he i8 hereby au orized to present the ab~ve appeal and claim to Delegate Diamond at 'ashington. D.C. to act upon. Passed unanimously by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska ~nd apnroved this 29th. !lay of March, I9~7. Attest: <E~ MUNICIPAL . ~ro~, Maroh, 29th. 1937. , )d"~/l-1Y -! j) y r Dr. A. D. Haverstock being unable to leave his sick bed and desiring to vote, Mayor Brownell stated and was authorized by the Common Counoil. to wire Judge Helenthal to determine if it were leg 1 to take the books to the sick bed for voting. The Clerk called for the yearly audit of the City and So 001 books; A motion was made by Counoilman Cameron and seconded by Gil iland instructing the olerk to advertise for bids to be opened April I9t . said bids to be advertised in the Gateway and the Anohorage paper, Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voting Aye. At this time Mr. stewart stated that he would like to h a little money on account to defray the expenses of advertising for bids on the power plant, if then2were any money available in the Power Plant acoount and the same oould be used for this purpose; Mr. Gridley, of the P.w.A. being present the matter was taken up wi him, he stated that it would be proper to draw the funds from this account and verbaly O.Ked. the advanoe to Mr. Stewart; Thereupon a motion was made by Councilman Gilliland. seoonded by Cameron that t250.00 be drawn from the Eleotric Project acoount ami to Mr. Stew Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting ~e. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Pegues of the FHA and get what information he oan on the building of new homes in Se under this plan, and stating that were quite a number of people in Seward whom wished to take advantage of this building plan if avai There being no further business at this time the Mayor, oalled a recess, and the Council to reoonvene at 7 o'olook P.M. Ap 7th. to canvass the votes cast at the Municipal El.otion held Apr. c:~ MuNICIP . J /'3~A. 1 Mr. E. K. Stewart was present at the meeting and exhibited plans and specifications for the municipal Diesel electric plant, all under the provisions of Docket No. 6279 of the .Ifederal Emergency Administration of Public Works, together 1;iith the bid form, which plans and specifications and bid form were verbally approved by Mr. Ro.. Gridley, State Engineer for Alaska of the PWA, who was also present at the meeting. Mr. Gridley also advised the council to at once ad- vertise for bids, publication to run for 60 days and bids to be opened on June 7th. Whereupon, Councilman Osbo presented l and moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, First: That this council does hereby approve, adopt and accept the plans and specifications for proposed Diesel electric municipal project as presented by Mr. E. M. Stewart, duly appointed engineer for the Town of Seward, AlaSka, ~ such project,under the provisions of Docket No. 6279 of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works; Second: BE IT FUR'l'HER RESOLVED, That the bid form as presented by Mr. stewart and approved by Mr. Gridley, acting State Engineer for Alaska of the PWA, be and the same is here- by approved, and #2. - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that advertisements for bids for the construction of said proposed project, all in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, be ad- vertised at once, such advertisements to run for a period of 60 days, bids to be opened June 7, 1937, all in accordance with instructions relative thereto from the PWA and from Mr. Gridley, acting ~tate Engineer as aforesaid. Councilman T. H. Jones seconded the motion of Councilman Osbo for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution. It was thereuJon moved by Councilman Cameron and seconded by Councilman Gilliland that all rules of the council which may prevent, unless suspended, the consideration, final ~,~ and Jl4option of said Resolution at this meeting, and its tak- ing effect upon such adoption, be and the same are hereby sus- pended for the purpose of permitting the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at this meeting and' its taking effect upon such adoption. The question being upon the adoption of said motion and the suspension of said rules, the fole was called with the following result: ayes, 5; those voting aye: Councilmen Camer- on, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Nayes, none; absent on leave, Councilman Blase. The Mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and such rules so suspended. Councilman Manthey,seconded by Councilman Gilliland, moved that said Resolution be now adopted. The questing be- ing put upon the final passage and adoption of said Resolution, the role was called with the following result t #3. Ayes: ;; those voting aye, Councilmen Cameron, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Nayes, Ilone; absent on leave, Councilman Blase. The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution finally passed and adopted and the Mayor signed the same in approval thereof. l ----------------------------------- ",... ...;, ~ " RES 0 L UTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, First: That this council does hereby approve, adopt end accept the plans and specifications for proposed Biesel electric municipal project as presented by Mr. E.M. Stewart, duly appointed engineer for the Town of Seward, Alaska, for such project, under the provisions of Docket No. 6279 of the Federal Emergency AOOlinistration of Public Works; Second, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the bid form as presented by Mr. Stewart and approved by Mr. Gridley, acting State Engineer for Alaska of the PWA, be and the same is here- by approved, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that advertisements for bids for the construction of said proposed project, all in accordance with the plans and specifications tkerefor, be ad- vertised at once, such advertisements to run for a period of ~ 60 days, bids to be opened June 7, 1937, all in accordance with instructions relative thereto from the PWA and from Mr. Gridley, acting State Er.gineer as ~nesaid. ADOPTED Under Suspension of the E~ Clel'k Rules this 5th day of April, 1937 APPROVED: April 5th, 1937 Hlg/?~ MAYOR 13~ 7th. 1S37. I Recessed meeting of April, 5th. reconvened as a Canvass- ng board to canvas the Ballots cast at the Municipal election April, 6th. I937. Mayor Brownell called the meeting to ort.r. The Clerk Called the Roll; Those present and those absen f~11oW8: Present: Councilmen. Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Absent: Councilmen. Cameron and Blase. . After examination of the ballots cast at the election of 5th. the following Resolution was presented: RESOLUTION WHEREAS; In accordance with the Laws of the Territory of laska, and Ordinance 44 of the City of Seward, Alaska, and notice iven, a Municipal Election was held in the Town Hall in said City on the 6th. day of April, 1937. WHEREAS; In accordance with the corrected certificates filed with the Municipal Clerk of said City by the Election Officer of said Election, the following named persons received the exact umber of votes placeo after their respective names for offices hereinafter named to-wit: OR MAYOR:- D.C.Brownell 253 '.R.Shellhorn 8S .m. Struve I FOR COUl'iCILMAN John W. Blase Chae. C. Cooper Donald Davis Leo M. Douglas Gus Manthey Thomas Neville Sr. P.C.McMullen 233 63 23'1 99 262 95 I OR MEMBER OF SCHOOL BOARD arriet Ingram 250 arry S. Balderston 2 rs. P.e.McMullen 2 Pearl Smith I urtie R. Morford I WHEREAS; The returns of said eleotion were canvassed by the Common Council of said City at 7 o'clock P.M. April, 7th. 1937. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that in acoordance with the results of said elect ion as above determined, t he following na:led persons, hav ing received the highest number of votes for the respective offices FOR MAYOR:- D. C. Brownell FOR COUNCILMEN:- J.W.Blase, Donald Davis. Gus Manthey FOR SCHOOL BOARD: - Harriet Ingram ~"1T- 11"rm AND THEY BE, and are hereby declared elected to said respective Offices, and are hereby declared elected. PASSED unanimously by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska. and approved this 7th. day of April, I937. Attest: ?~ Municipal Cl rk. ~oved' April, 7th. I9~7. (J (1 (jf7AnJ-f~ ayor I There being no further to cOme before this meeting, upon proper motion dUly made. seoonded and carried by the unanimous vote of all Counoilmen present. it did adjourn. .-; C A/L/ifi Muni ~ip;'i C l-e'i-k 040 , lOth. I~37. Adjourned IOth. day of April. the City of Seward, Brownell; The 'Clerk were as folllwa: Present: Councilmen, Gilliwand, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Absent: Councilmen, Cameron and Blase. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Claims totaling $25I.23 presented and approved by the Finance Committee as follows: Bank of seward,$8.33 P. Michelson te. L.V.Ray $8.33 A.D.Haverstock $16.66 F. Keilcheski $73.33 E.D.Webb . Cash, City pay Roll $45.00 C.R.Morford $7.50 Jroma W. Prosser $7.50 Anna Halvorsen $7.50 M.B.Lanning $7.50 W.D.Laughlin $7.50 A.H.Bryant $3.75 A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by M that the above claims be paid; Calling the Roll: All Councilmen pre oting Aye. . , meeting I'o137 in Alaska; calle lil of th6 Common Council reconvened the Council Chambers at the Town Hall 0 Meeting was called to order by Mayor the Roll; Those present and those abeen ~ The Street Committee reported the had about $100.00 to to the new Council, this being money appropiated for stre t Lighting Committee reported on street lights and it was leave the street lights on until May 1st. I9~7. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRE MAYOR AND MUNICIPAL CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Counoil of the City of Sew I,l Alaska, that D. C. Brownell, as Mayor and E.D.Webb, as M1nicipal Cl and they hereby are authorized and direoted to execute and deliver Forrest Kennedy, Harry S.Rawabe, L.L.Davis, Leon Urbach, P.C.McMull E.L.Senft. E.D.Webb, Richard Meyers, L.A.Huff and M.P.Smith, a good and sufficient deed for the following Real property in the City of Seward, Alaska, to-wit:- Lote 35-36 Block 7. Lots 38-39-49 Blook 10 Lots 3 block 9. Lots 5-6 blool II. Lot 10 block ~. Lot 9 blook 9 Lots 30-31-32-33 block 26. Lote 24-25-26 block 14. Lote 2I-22-23-24 Block 28. Fraction I8'-8" lots 21-22-23 block 18 Lots 28-29-30 Blk. I7. Said deeds to be exeouted for and in oonsideration of money bid and paid and acceptance voted upon by the Common Council f the City of Seward, Alaska, and reoorded in th~ minutes of March, 2 tho and April, 6th. I937 for the purchase of the above lots. Passed this lOth. day of April, 1937. ~~ Munic pa k ~oved t~ 19th. day Of. April, 1937. .:.:!3J, e '/5~'7 Mayor. The above Resolution was read by the Clerk and a Motion w s made by Counoilman Manthey, seoonded by Gilliland and carried by th unanimous vote of all Counoilmen present, that the Resolution as re be adopted. The Clerk read the Financial ~tatement of the City of Sew_rd for .the year 1936-I937 ending April, lOth. and a Motion was made by Counoilman Manthey. seconded by Gilliland and carried by th unanimous vote of all the Councilmen present, accepting the stateme and instructing to have the same printed in the Seward Gateway. A motion was made by CounoiTman Jones seconded by Osbo carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present, extend a of thanks to the outgoing Counoilman ehas Cameron for his Loyalty d Support. and to the City Clerk for his handleing of the City office, and this meet g thereafter adjourned SI~E DIE. ~\e. ~ '" ~ 141~ April, IOth. 1937. Immediately following the adjournment of the out-going ounoil; Mayor Brownell oalled the New Counoil to order, same onsisting of the eleoted, Mayor Brownell, Counoilmen, Blaee, avie and Manthey. Mr. Blase being absent on leave. Oaths of office were administered to the new Council. Mayor Brownell notified the Council there would be a special meeting Monday evening at 8 o'olock. The Clerk was instructed to write Supt. Edmonds of the laska Road Commission inquiring if he had any catipillars on and that he would consider selling to the City, aleo see Mr. Ingram regarding graders. I to come before this meet- G~ Munioipal erk SPECIAL MEETING, APRIL. 12th. HZ7. I Speoial meeting ae called by Mayor Brownell, convened in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of the Town of Seward, Aaa. this 12th. day of April. 1937, at 8 o'olock P.M. The meeting was callBd to order by Mayor Brownell; The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen, Don Davis, Chas Gilliland, T.H.Jones Gus Manthey and T. Osbo. Absent: Counoilman J.W.Blase. on leave. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. A oommunioation from R.V.Andrews was read by the Clerk. relative to the renewal of his liquor license, co~~unication ordere filed, and the Clerk instructed to notify Mr. Andrews of the new regulations governing lioense applications. A olaim from the Alaska Railroad for $12.00 for rent to the City of Seward of a tract of land as per contraot I.Zarr363 dated 3/27/28 for .12.00 per year, presented; A motion was made by Coun- oilman Manthey seconded by Jones that the claim be paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. A Resolution passed a~ last meeting approving the plans, specifications and bid forms as presented by Mr. Stewart, City Engineer, was read and approved by all Counoilmen present. An offer of $50.)0 for lots 1 & 2 block 24 by B.Rouse pres- ented. A motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland, seconded by Manthey and oarried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present to accept the offer for the lots. An offer of $30.00 for lots 25-26-27 blook 34 by George Marvls was ordered tabled until the arrival of Col. Ohlson from Seattle. A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Manthey that the offer be tabled; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. An offer of $20.00 for lots 36 & 37 block 26 by E. L. Senft presented; A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Q&11tl,nthat the offer be accepted; Calling the Roll; All Counoil- men present voting Aye. I The Street Com ,ittee asked for more money for street repair, A motion was Made by Counoilman Osbo seconded by Manthey that the Bum of $250.00 be allowed for the repair of the streets and side- walks, calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. The Street Committee was instructed to look over the side- walk situation and bring in a report at next meeting. (142 5 eoial Meetin A ril I2th. I937 Continued. The appointing of a Committee to investigate the Low Cost Housing Plans of the F.H.A. here in Seward to determine if Seward needs and should take advantage of such a plan. Mayor Brownell appointed Councilmen Davis, Gilliland. Jones and ,Osbo at the same ting that all work on it and bring in any information possible for next meeting April,19th. I937. The question caJlle up as to the hazard of the iron doors loc in the sidewalks of 4th. Avenue, was disouased, and A motion was m by Counoilman Jones seoonded by Davis that it be taken up with the City Attorney as to what aotion if any could be taken to remedy th danger now existing, Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voti The question came up regarding the plans of the Gymnasium as submitted by Troast & Associates of Juneau , A motion was made Councilman Gilliland seconded by Osbo that the Mayor wire Troast & Assooiates to do nothing further on plans as the Council had deoid d to have plans drawn here, Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. At this time the question of appointing a Doctor to take place of Doctor Haverstock in oharge of the Seward Hospital came Mayor Brownell stating that he had been called to the bedside of D . Haverstock just before hie departure for the States, regarding an appointment to take his place, Dr. Haverstock stating that it was is wishes that Dr. 'Graham be appointed and it was also in harmony wit the wisbes of the Hospital staff; Mrs. Geisjbeck also talked to Mayor Brownell and urged him and the Council to take action at one to appoint a Doctor in charge of the Hospital. A motion was made Counoilman Manthey seoonded by Counoilman Davis and carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen preeent. that Dr. Graham be appoi to take Dr. Haverstocks place as head Doctor in charge of the Sewa Hospital until such time as other provisions may be made; A letter to l be written by the Mayor and signed by all the Counoilmen, stating ,hat this was Dr. Haverstock's wishes. and reminding the Hospital to ex end '[ all courtieiee possible to Dr. Williams in his practice. !l Aye. Wm. Estes spoke to the Council,stating that he was doing survey work in block 26 and that if the Council wished he would su out Madison St. from 3rd. Ave. establishing corners an4 furnish th with a sketch drawing of the survey 1az at a cost of between $80. and 100.00 A motion was 'made by Councilman Manthey sec_,nded by GUllI nd to permit Mr. Estes to make the survey and the cost not to exceed IOO.OO Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present Voting Aye. The Clerk was 'instructed to advertise for applications fo City officers, Combined offices of Clerk, Assessor and Magistrate $i50.00 per month. and Cheif of Police and Cheif of Fire Departme combined at a salary of $200.00 per month, said applications to be and opened at the next Council meeting April, 19th. 1936. 1vv,,) The appointment of a City Attorney for the coming1came up a motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Manthey that City Attorney's ~alary be raised to $50.00 per month and that L.V. be appointed City Attorney; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen prese voted Aye. The appointimg of a City Health Officer for the coming y ar came up, A motion was made by Counoilman Osbo seconded by Jones th t Dr. Graham be appointed to take Dr. Haverstocke place during his a senoe or until further action of the Council, salary to remain the same 50.00 per month; Calling the Roll; All Co~ncilmen present voting Aye. business to come before this meet and carried it did adjourn. '6:: MUNICip~ I , I I ~I . ~.., ;";' ",. ~," .",.,':' "....,. 143~ April, I9th. I937. I The Common Council of the Town of Seward. Alaska, convened in reg- ular session in the Counoil Chambers of the Town Hall of Seward, at 8 o'olook P.M. on this the I9th. day of April, I937. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as fol10ws: Present: Councilmen. Davis, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Absent one; Counoi1man Blase, on leave. Minutes of the laat meeting read and approved. A communioation from the -City attorney L.V.Ray relative to the iron doors in the side walke on Broadway was read by the Clerk, A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilliland and carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present, that the Clerk write the property owners, explaining the doors have beoome worn and sagged and are a menance to life and limb, and with their permission, at the expense of the City, the doors will be removed and the opening oovered in a way to make it safe. It appears that the appOintment of Dr. Graham to the office of City Health Officer was in error and in violation of section 4 of Ordinance k86 insomuch as he was not an eleotor of the Town at the time of the appointment; A motion was made by Councilman Davis seconded by Manthey and carried by the unanimoua vote of all the Counoilmen present that the motion of appointment be and is hereby reoinded. I The question of appointing a City Health Officer to take Dr. Haverstock's place during his absence came up, resulted in a motion made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Jones that Dr. Williams e app~inted City Health Offioer during Dr. Haverstock's absence or until further action of the Counoil; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Counoilmen present voted Aye. Claims totaling '37.00 presented and approved by the Finance Committee. as follows; Bamk of Seward $25.00 The Alaska Railroad, $I2.00, A motion was made by Counoilman Manthey and sec- onded by Councilman Gilliland that the claims be paid as presentd, Calling the Roll: All Counoilmen present voted Aye. The Committee on Low Cost Housing reports not muoh spirit in favor of Low Cost Housing. Mr. Stewart read the government requirements and it was isoussed by a Committee from the Chamber of Commeroe oomposed of esera. Erwin, Roberts and Nagner. A mo~ion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Manthey that the 60mmittee do more investigation on the plan to determine if it is feusable for Seward and report baok at the next meeting, alling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voted Aye. . An offer of $25.00 by John Anderson for lot 17 block 12 as presaeted; A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seconded y Jones that the offer be aooepted, Calling the Roll; All Coun- ilmen present voting Aye. A communication from Mrs. Crawford presented. stating that he City promised to trade her two lots oloser in, in the City for wo lots namely lots 5 and 20 in block 4 Bay View Addition, the om~unication ordered tabled and the Clerk instructed to see Mr. atton about these lote. I At this time applications for City Offices were opened; he Clerk read the application of Fred Kei1cheski for Chief of olice and Fire Dept. and 8 recomendation from the Volantary Fire ept. recomending Mr. Keilcheski, there being no other applicants he Clerk was instruoted to cast the unan~mous vote of all the ounoilmen present, appointing Fred Keilcheski Chief of Police and ire Dept. for the year I937-38 Motion by Osbo seoond by Jones and arried. The Application of E.D.flebb for the combined offices of lerk, assessor and magistrate was read, there being no other (-144 I I Monday April', I9th. I937. oontinued. applicants to this office the clerk waB instruoted to cast the unanimous vote of all the Councilmen present, appointing E.D.Webb to the combined offices of clerk, assessor and magistrate for the year 1937-38. The motion was made by Councilman Oebo seoonded by Gilliland and carriea by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen pre The Clerk was instructed to put add in the paper desi~natin May let, cleanup week, and for ~itizens to pile trash in a conven ent l place ahd the city truok would piok it up. no aehes or garbage to be considered in this arrangement. Mr. stewart informed the Council that 8 set of plans, epec and bid forms had been sent to Seattle for bidders on the Eleotri plant on the last boat~ At this time Mr. Stewart stated to the Council that he wou have a little time on his hands and offered to make up a plat of City showing fire plugs, houses ,how constructed, whether stuoco frame and etc. and stated the cost would not exceed $IOO.OO A motion was made by Councilman Jones seoonded by Davie tha Mr. Stewart proseed with the work and the cost not to exceed $100.00 Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. There being no further business to come before this meeting upon proper motion made, seconded and carried it did adjourn. ~e&-~~ ~~ The Common Cou~cil of the Town of Seward, Alaska, conve in regular session in the Council 6hambers of the Town Hall of Sew this 3rd. day of May. 1937, at 8 o'clock P.M. The meeting was call to order by Mayor, Brownell. The Clerk called the ROll; Those present and those abse were as follows: Prese,nt:- Councilmen, Davis, Gilliland. Jones, and I.1ant Absent:- Councilnen, Blase and Osbo, whom entered the C un- cil Chambers while the Clerk was reading minutes of the last meeti .~. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Comlunications:- A wire from the Board of Liquor contro , A letter from Alaska Ro~d Commission, A letter from Rev. Roy C. Ma A letter from John E. Pegues of the FHA, applications from J.H.Hur C.M.O'Neel .xi for jobs with the Municipal Light Plant, ap)licatio ordered filed. A letter fro~ Josie Sandvik asking the Council's ap val of her application for renewai of her liquor license for her resturant, A Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Manthey, that the Council approve the rene~al as requested; Callin Roll; All Council~en present voting Aye. A letter from R. V. Andrews. asking the Council's appro of renewal of his Liquor License for the Alaska Bar; A motion was by Counc ilman Ma.nthey seconded by Gilliland that the upproval be g the Clerk to write the Judge the conditions under which the applic wae made; Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Councilmen present v The school budget for the ~ear I~37-I~38 was presentea b Mr. Holt. total a~ount of budget being $22,664.00 of which the Cit' of @ Seward proportion is t5,7I2.80; A ~otion was made by Councilman Jo es seconded by Councilman Blase, that the budget be approved as prese ted; Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voting Aye. The Clerk read a letter frOm Mr. Hatton, Supt. of the Je Lee Home, asking the City to install a hose caat and IJOO feet of at the Jesse Lee Home for fire protection, A motion was made by Co cilman Jones seconded by Councilman Blase. that the Clerk write a to Mr, Holt of the Jesse Lee Home statIng that the Jesse Lee Home out of the ~ity limits and city money could not be spent outside 0 city limite; C aIling the roll; all councilmen present voting aye. :l MOnDAY. MAY. 3rd. I937. , ", . ~~':'. .'A" ; 14~ Monday, May, 3rd. I937, Continued. I Claims totalin~ $1048.61 approved by the Finance Com- mittee as follows:- Bank of Seward-tI6.67 Pete Michelson.$I6.67 L.V.Ray. $41.67 L.E.~illiams $33.34 Fred Y.eilcheski. $146.67 E.D.Nebb, $100.00 Fred Keilcheski.V.F. pay roll. $52.50 Seward Drug Co. $2.90 Seward Water Supply $127.50 Alaska Transfer $75.00 Seward Light & Power Co. $142.60 Ogle's Garage $55.09 Ernestine Jessen $4.50 Cash-city pay roll.$170.00 Gateway Publish- ing Co. $4~.75 U.S.Signal Corps $5.75 Osbo Electrio Sup. $8.00 A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Counoilman Davis, that the above claims be paid from the general fund; Call- ing the Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. ClaiJs totaling 74.46 of the Seward Hydro-electric Projec approved by the Council subject to the approval of Mr. Gridley, as follows;- Empire Printi~~ Co. $I3.80 Gatewa~ Publishing Co. $20.70 Daily Journal of Commerce, $ZO.45 Cash,~4.56 U.S.Signal Corps $4.95 A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Councilman Davis that the above claims be paid from the Li~ht Pro ject funds, subject to the approval of Mr. Gridley. Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. ORDINANCE No. 132, was presented and given it'e first reading, two changes being made at the time of reading, 1st. to include Proprietor. in the Ordinanoe. 2nd. Striking out the clause permitting the issuanoe of a full clearance card notnecessary to be renewed, It was moved by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilli- land that this reading of Ordinance No. 132 be conSidered its firs reading and that same b. tabled until next meeting; Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voting Aye. RESOLUTIOll presented and read as follows;- I A RESOLUTIO~ AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AkiD MUNICIPAL ~ERK TO EXECUTE A DEED FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE G CITY OF SEWARD, ALASY~, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, that D.C.Brownell, as Mayor and E.~.Webb as Muni- oipal Clerk, and they hereby are authorized and direoted to exec- ute and deliver to John Anderson, F.E.leslie, E.L.Senft, L.A.Huff and Dyton Gilliland, a good and sufficient deed for the following Real Property in the City of Seward, Alaska, to-wit:-Lot 17 in Block 12. Lot 26 in Blook 10, Lots 30-31-32-33-36 and 37 Block 26 and IS foot 8 inoh fraction in lots 21-22-23 in block 18 and Lots 6 and 7 in Blook 24. Said deeds to be executed for and in consideration of mone bid and paid, and acceptance voted upon by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska. and said bids accepted in payment for the above lots. Passed this 3rd. day of May, 1937. ~~ Munioipal Clerk. I APpr~ th1. 3rd. d.y of lI.y. 1937. . ~'(?~r-~ Lt-{' a or. \ A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Manthey that the above Resolution be adopted as read, Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. The St.eet Committee was instruoted to have a concrete oenter block put in the intersection at 4th. and Adams Streets. The Standard Oil Co. made an offer of $25.0J each for Lots 37, 38 and fractional Lots If 2, 3, and 4 in Block 6 for the purpose of construoting storage oil tanks upon, ~ayor Brownell recomended to the Council the advisability of not selling this property at this time as Col. Ohlson of the Alaska Railroad had expressed his opinion that the Railroad would in all probality want to use the East half of the City blocke along the railroad to put in mOre tracks and Sidings and was promi6ed that he might (~146 ..:.::-_. ; I ~ ' Monday, May. ~rd. 1937, Continued. have them f0r his proposed tracks, Mayor Brownell also stated that it was against the City interest to have large gasoline storage tanks located in the City proper: ~ motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Counoilman Manthey to hold the meet-ing open until 3 o'olock P.M. Tuesd~y, so as to give all the C~uncilmen time to look over the property in question: Calling the Roll; All Counc11me present votin~ Aye. . Wm. Estes p.esented a bill for survey work Iprthe City of $113.00 this work consisted of establishing streets, intersections and putting in p.rmanent concrete markers at street intersections also furnishing the city with a plot of the work done; A motion was made by Counoilman Osbo seconded by Jones that the bill be paid as presented; Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voting Aye. Mr. stewart presented hi 8 bill against the Seward Munioipal Light Plant of $3350.00 and the bill was ordered tabled for the present as there WBre no funds available to take care of this at th s time. -, .' r-~~ The question arose, shall the fire hazard Ordinance be ed. and people whose property is a hazard given a-30 day notice; The Fl e Committee was instruoted to go with Cheif Keiloheski to look over some questionable properties and determine if they are a fire hazar. The question of opening up a 20 foot road through- 7th. avenu came up and the street Committee was instructed to look into this a d report baok at the meeting tomorrow. An offer of $15.00 by Dr. Wagner for Lot 13 in block 26 was presented, A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seoonded by anthey to accept the offer, providing that Dr. Wagner agrees to leave the road through this property open to the publiC use for at least a year from the date of his deed to the property, Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voting,Aye. An offer of $2J.~0 by Rev. Chaput for lots 9 and 10 in block 17 presented. A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Blae that the offer be accepted,; Calling the Roll: All Counoilmen preee t oting Aye. An offer of W.D.Laughlin of $15.00 for lote 32,33.and 34 in block 4 Laubner addition was presented: A motion was made by Counci man Gilliland seconded by Manthey that the offer be rejected; Calling t e Roll; All Councilmen present Voting Aye. An offer of $30.00 by George Marvis for lots 25-26 and 27 in lock 34 was presented; A motionwas made by Councilman Dabo seconds y 8illiland that the offer beacceptd. Calling the Roll: All Coun- colmen present voting Aye. Mrs. Crawford offer to trade two lots in the Bay View Additi n for lota in the City proper as promised her, prefented and it was requested that she pick out two-lots in blook 37 or 39. The question of a concrete side walk in front of the Seward hospital was referred to the street Committee; Also the Street Com- ittee was instruoted to go ahead and repair sidewalks about the Ci y. A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Gilliland that the Fire Cheif be allowed $50.0~ for grass burnin~, Calling th oll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. was called to reconvene at 3 o'clock C~ .. Mayor Municipal Clerk. ~~o,"<1 , 14i~ (477 iliay, Ith. I~37. Continued. here being no further business to come before this me*ting upon roper motion made am secondeu and c!irried it did ud journ. ~ I!'/?r~) MAYOR. ~~ ~LERK I L10HDAY. !gy , I7TE. D37. The Co~mon Council of the Town of Sewurd, ~lu~kB, conuenec in refular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of 'eward. this 17th. dIJ.Y of :.tay, l'.J37 at 8 o'clock P.M. The ,neeting called to oroer by ~hyor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll: Those r-resent and those absent ere as follOWS: PreEent: CounciL:len Blase, Davis. !}illiland, ,,;anthey and sbo. Absent: Councilman Jones. h&ving sent word that he would e t6.rdy. ~inutes of the l&st neeting read and approved. '" coauuunication was rec:eived fro~ Ge.npe lJishiyama asking he City Council to approve the renewal of his Resturant liquor liccns'e; .l. ,:Jot iO:1 WIJ.E made by Councilman :.~anthey. seconded by Coun- cilman Dsbo that the Council approve the application; Calling the 011; All Councilmen present voting Aye. I ,l. com:lUnication iron .'ohn Illattich a::-: in~ the Council's approval of the renewal of his liquor licenfes for the"Palace" " motion was ~ade by Cou'jcilman Blase seconded by Gilliland that the Cou:.cil approve the apDlicstion; Calling the Roll: All Council- ,en present voting Aye. ORDE\A1JCE llO. 124 was presented and read by the Clerk a.s follows: ORLDUIWE LW. I24A Ali ormIl~ANCE OF THE TOill: OF SE\{j"RD. ALASLi., REPEil.LDG ORDIIJA,,;GE IW. 123 OF S;'ID TO\VII ENTITLED "AU O?Drr~;.llCE OF TR1 TONH OF Sr.'dARD, i.LASY..A, PROVI1JEm FO;:; Vil.CATIlJG THE lWRTH 12,') FEET OF THE PUBLIC 'ALLEY II~ BLOCI: 6 OU THE EAST OF LOTS 37 -3d and 39 and 40 IR SAID BLOCK SIX, AIm 'tiES'," OF FRACT10lJAI lOTS I, 2. 3, and 4 IliClU5I-VE III SAID BIOCI:, OF TEE TOWNSITE OF SE.i...RiI, ALASL<i.; <>liD IF SUCR ACTIillJ BE DULY R;~TIFIED, AUTHORI~I~G A SALE OF SUCH VACATE~ 'REA OF S':'ID ALLEY III BLOCl: SIX OF SAID 'I'0i'ilJSIT:E. T0 THE ST,.Hl),iR1 on co. OF CAlIFORNIA, A DEI,Ai/ARE CORPORA-TIOll; ..iIL Ci~LLBG ;. SPECIAL ELECTIOJ FOR THE eURPOSE OF 5UBMITTlilG TO TH~ ~UAlIFlbD VOTERS OF SAID TO\ili TEE '-:UESTIOlJ OF THE RA'l'IFICATIOli OF THIS ORDIllAIJ CE; AIIL FOR uTHER PUF.20S.J.:jS." I BE IT ORDAIHED by the Cummon Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska: Section I: That Ordinance lIo. 133 of the Town of Seward, Alaska, passed unanimously under suspension of the Rules by the Common Council of said Town of Seward and approved the 4th. day of May, In7, by D. C. Brownell as Mayor of said Town, be l:l.nd the s'.me is hereby in all respects repealed. Section 2: That this repealing Ordinance shall take effect i~e- diately upon its passa~e and approval. ,. Passen unanimously under suspension of the Rules by the Common Council of Seward, Alaska, and a.pproved this 17th. day of May, I ~ 3 7. V~ 0 ~P.~ Attest: 6:~ .CL.ea- ". , (14' 1~141 I I I TUESDAY. MAY, 4i tho I937. Recessed meeting of May, 3rd. reconvened in the Counoil Cham. bers of the Rity Hall at 3 o'olock P.M. this the 4th. day of May, 1937. Meeting called to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk Called the Roll: Those present and those absent wele as follows; Present: Councilmen, Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Absent: None, ! Mayor Brownell reminded the Council of the offer of the Standard Oil Co. to purchase lots in block 6 to be used as storag to store gasoline and other oils; This was discussedand a motion was made by Councilman J.W.Blase and seconded by Councilman Gus Manthey that the offer be accepted; Calling the Roll the motion carried by the following vote: Yeas, 6; Nays, O. Those voting Yea were: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Ordinance No. I33 was introduced and read by the Clerk. ORDINADCE NO. 133 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, PROVIDING FOR VACATING THE NORTH 120 FEET OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY IN BLOCK 6 ON THE EAST OF LOTS 37,38,39 and 40 IN SAID BLOCK SIX, AND WEST F FRACTIONAl LJTS 1,2,3. and 4 INCLUSIVE IU SAID BLOCK, OF T!lE TOWNSITE OF SEWARD, ALASKA; AND IF SUCH ACTIOli BE DULY RATt- FlED, AUTHORIZING A SALE OF SUCH VACATED AREA OF SAID ALLE~ IN BL BLOCK SIX OF SAID TOWNSITE TO THE STANDARD OIL CO. OF CALI~ORNIA. A DELAIVARE CORPORATION; AND CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE PU PURPOSE OF STIBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID TOWN THE QUESTION OF THE ~\TIFICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, AUD FOR OT~ER PURPOSES. l ---.------------- The above proposed Ordinance was read for the first time. Counoilman Manthey moved, seconded bS Councilman Jones the suspension of the Rules for the imaediate consideration of propose~ Ordinance Uo. 133. Motion carried by the following vote: Yeas, 6; Nays, O. Those voting Yea were: Counoilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Councilman Manthe~' aeoonded by CounCilman Jones, moved the second reading by Title only of proposed Ordinance No. 13Z. Uotion cairied by the following vote: ~ , Yeas, 6; Nays, O. Those voting Yea were Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Said Ordinance No. 133 was read the second ti~e by Title o~ly. Counoilman Osbo moved, seconded by Councilman Da.vis that proposed Ordinance No. 133 be passed to the third reading. Motion carried by the following vote: Yeas. 6; Nays, 0; Those voting Yea were Council- men Blase, Davie, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Said Ordinance No. I32 was read the third time by title onLY and the Clerk oalled the Roll upon the final passage of said Ordinance and it passed the Council by the following vote: Yeas 6 Nays, 0; Those voting Yea were Councilmen Blase, Davie, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. The Mayor thereupon declared said Ordinance llo.I32 passed ~nd adopt~ndt1ig~d the :~e~n open session of the~oui3~~n",,~is date. --vo'~\~ Mayor. ~tJI)erk. A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Counci~- man Blase to give the Standard Oil Co. the right of way to cross toe railway with their proposed oil pipe line, Calling the Roll; All Council~en present voting Aye. ~ A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Councilmen Davis that the proposition of Low Cost Housin~ for Seward be droPled and the Clerk to write Mr. Gridley to this effect; Calling the Roll' ALL COU~CILMEil ?R~B~ilT VOTIilG 4Y~. -. 149~ lIhmday, 1,1ay, 17th. I~37. Continued. I It was moved by CouncilIlla:t Manthey secunded by COu:1cilman illiland, that all Rules of the Council which ~ight prevent, nless suspended, the consideration. final paseage and adoption of aid Ordinance No. 124 at said meeting and its taking effect upon uch adoption, be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose f permitting the consideration, final passage and adoption od said rdinance at this meeting and its takin~ effect upon such adoption. he question being put upon the adoption of said motion; Calling he Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. The Mayor declared aid motion carried, and such Rules suspended. CouDcilman Osbo, seconded by Cou:'lcilman Manthey, moved hat said Ordinance No. I34 repealing Ordinance 133, be finally assed and adopted as introduced end read. The question being put pon the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 124 ; he Roll was called; All Councilmen present voting Aye. he ~ayor thereupon declared said Ordinance finally passed and dopted, and the Mayor ei?ned said Ordinance in approval thereof. A letter fro~ the Standard Oil Co. regarding the above Ordinances was read. in which, they withdrew their offer to pur- chase lots from the City and stating that they would p~y any exp- ense the City had been put tJO in connection with their proposal to purchase city lots in block six. A motion was made by Council- man Osbo, seconded by Manthey that all action taken by the City regarding the purchase by the Standard Oil Co. of lots in block six, be cancelled and null and void; Calling the Roll on the moti- on; All Councilmen present voting Aye. A Resolutio~ was read by the Clerk as follows: RESOLUTI Oli I A RESOIUTIO~ AVTHO~IZING ~EL 1l~YOR ~JD MUNICIPAL CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALAS:~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, that D. C. Brownell. as MaYJr and E. D. Webb. as Municipal Clerk, and they hereby are authorized and directed to execute and deliver to R. M. Wagner, J. R. Crimont and George Marvis, a good and sufficient deed for the following Real Property in the City of Seward, Alaska, to-wit: Lot 13 in block 26, Lots 9 and IO in block I7 and Lots 25-26 and 27 in block 34. Said Deeds to be executed for and in consideration of money bid, and paid. and an acceptance voted upon by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, and said bids accepted in payment for the above lots. Approve Passed this 17th. day of May, I 9 3 7. Attest: ~ ~ 7. Municipal Clerk. is I7th. day of May, I 9 3 /2'a!efZp Mayor. \ I A m0tion was made by Councilman Blase. seGonded by Council- man Manthey that the above Resolution be adopteo upon its passage; Calling the Roll on the Motion: All Councilmen present voting Aye. The Mayor thereupon declared the said Resolution passed and adopted and the Mayor signed said Resvlution in approval thereof. Ordinance No. 132 came up for it's second reading; A motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland. seconded by Davie that the said Ordinance be read by Title only. Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voting Aye. Thereupon the Clerk read Ordin- ance No. 132 by Title only. At this time Councilman Jones entered the Council Chambers and excused himself for being late. (150 I I Monday, May, I7th. I~37, Continued. The Clerk presented an offer from A. C. Downey of $60.00 for lot 28 in bloct 2~, A Motion was made by Counoilman Gilli~and. seoonded b~ C._.6. that the offer be aocepted; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Counoilmen present voting Aye. Claims presented and approved by the Finance Committee, total. $2I.95 as follows; Brown & Hawkins $1.70 A.Rovak $7.60 Jeanne Ironside $12.75; A Motion was made by Counoilman Manthey, secened by Davis that tpe olaims be paid; Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voting Aye. Claim presented for $50.00 from L. V. Ray for stenographio work for the City for Deoember, 1936, January, Febuary. Maroh and April. 1937 inolueive, and exolusive of work done for City Eleotri Projeot; A Motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland, seoonded by Manthey that the claim be paid; Calling the Roll on the motion; Al~ Copnoilmen present voting Aye. Mr. Anderson of Wright & Stook bidders on the Seward Break water job made a short tall: to the Counoil and desiring to know what if anything, the City was going to oharge for rock to be used from their quarry, a small discussion arose as to the advisability of selling or giving the rook to the suocessful bidder, resulting that for the better interest of the City the oontractor getting the job was to have rook free from the City quarry, and said contractor to take oare of any and all damage to property in the vicinity of the quarry while.getting out the rook,also, said oontriotor to clean up any debres in the quarry pit back to the face. A Motion was made by Counoilman Manthey seoonded by Oabo that the Clerk write a letter to the bidders on the breakwater job informing them of the action taken in this matter by the Counoil; Calling the Roll on the motion: All Counoilmen present voted Aye. At this time Chas. Murphy made an appeal to the Counoil to determine if something could not be done about radio interferen e in Seward, the matter was discussed with Mr. Murphy and I.layor Brownell stating that there was nothing the City oould do at the present time and advising Mr. llurphy to take the matter up with the Seward Radio Club and if there appeared to be any possible solution the Council were ready and willing to oooperate. The Street Committee reported they needed about 20aO feet more lumber for repair work, also. the flo or in the 4t h. Avenue br dge was in bad condition. A Motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seoonded by Davis authorizing the street Committee to purohase 2000 feet of lumber also to attend to the repair. on 4th. ave. brid 'e. Calling the Roll on the motion; All CounciL:Jen preEent voted Aye. Chief Keilcheski notified the Council that the City truck needed two new tires-and tubes. A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Jones, that the Clerk ask for bids on the tire and the lowest bidder to receive the order for the tires. Calling ~he Roll on the motion: All Councilmen present voted Aye. Chief Yeilcheski notified the Council that he needed one ton of coal for the ~ire Hall to run through the summer. A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Manthey that he purchase the ton of coal; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted Aye. The Street Comillittee stated they needed $~OO.)O to take care of the extra work and supplies for repair. A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Manthey that the a:nount of $30a.00 be allowed. Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Councilmen present voting Aye. l l I . " ! A report on the cement ,sidewalk in front of the Hospi- tal stated that Gerhard Johnson would contract to do the job for $260.10 A motion was made b~ Councilman Blase seconded by ilianthey that Gerhard Johnson be awarded the contra.ct. Calling the roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted Aye. ~ ",'.~. 1'). ,~,,~ 151~ Monday, ~ay; 17th. I~37, Continued. The question of the bad shape of the City Ball Park came up for discussion. A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Manthey that the Stnet Committee be allowed $roo.oo to put the Park in shape. Calling the Roll on the motion; All CJuncilmen present voting Aye. I Cuuncilman Blase was to interview the Ch~illber of Commerce relative to a night patrolman in Seward and report back at the next meeting. There being no further ing upon proper motion made and O~/fi~~~~ MAYO . business to come before this meet- seconded and carried it did adj- ~~ rnEPJ~ . IiIOlmAY.J"~ 7th. I 9 L!:.. The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, convened in regular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of Seward this 7th. day of June, 1937 at 8 o'clock P.M. The meeting was call- ed to order _ by :Mayor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent were as follows; Present: Councilmen, Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Manthey. Absent one, Councilman Gsbo. I Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. A communication was read from Councilman Thorwald Osbo, stating that he was making a business trip to the states, and ask- ing the Council for a 40 day leave of absence; A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Councilman Gilliland to grant the 40 day leave of absence of Councilman Osbo as requested; Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. At this time l.iayor Brownell stated it was the time set to open the bids on the ~unicipal light Plant; The Clerk was instruc- ted to open the bids, City Engineer, Mr. Stewart to read the bids and lvlr. Ross Gridley of the Pill.. to tabulate the bids as read: The first bid opened was from R.J.~ommers Construction Co. of Juneau, Alaska, the bid being ou the whole Project, a bid bond was enclose for the amount of $.6500.00 and the bid was ~I29. 917.50, this bid was tabulated by Mr. stewart and Mr. Gridley. The second bid orened was from Bennett & Taylor of 108 Ange- lus Calif. a bid bond inclosed for $5000.00 and the bid for the Thole Project was ~92, 637.00, this bid was tabulated by rir. Stewar and Mr. Gridley. I The third bid opened was from HorthGmgton PUJIlp & Mchy. Co. of seattle, their bid being on item 2 only, a bid bond was enclose for ~2500.00 and the amouut of the bid was $41738.00 the bid was tabulated by Mr. stewart and kr. Gridley. The fourth bid opened was from The Atlas Eng. Co. Seattle, their bid being on Item 2 only I a bid bond was enclused for ~2250. 0 and the amount of the bid was ~44605.00 the bid was tabulated by Mr. stewart and Mr. Gridley. The fifth pid openee' was from Fairbanks I.Lorse & Co. Seattle. their bid being on item 2 only, a bid bond waS inclosed for ~2500.00 and the amount of the bid was ~43654.00. the bid was . tabulated by Mr. Stewart and"Mr. Gridley. (152 I Monday, June, 7th. 1937. Continued. Mr. stewart called the attention of the Council of only two bids 0 the whole project, the lowest bid of Bennett & Taylor of Los Angel s being $2637.00 more than the allotted amount for the Project, at this time Mr. Gridley suggested to the Council that they request increase in grant of the Public Works Administration, and the fol- lowing Resolution was introduced and adopted by' thB Counoil. RESOLUTION iaffiREAS, the oity oouncil in regular session assembled the e opened and tabulated the bids for the Seward diesel electric proje t Docket No. 6279, and WHEREAS, the bid of Bennett & Taylor, of Los Angelus,'was found to be low, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the firm of Bennett & Taylor be awarded the contraot upon a Basio Bid of $92,637.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Publio Works Administratio be requested for an inorease in grant~adequately finanoe the proje t. s of tal BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That, in oase suoh increased grant not approved, the oontract be awarded on the. basis of the Basio Bi $92,637.00 less alternate No. I in the amount of $1960.00, for a t oontraot prioe of $90,677.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this award is on the basis of oontraotor'furnishing'Worthington Pump & Mohy. Co. engines and G. . eleotrical equipment, in full accordance with the plans and speci- fioations. he Adopted this 7th. day of June, A.D. 1937. day " .. A motion was made by Councilman Davis, Seconded b~ Coun- cilman Jones that the Rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution as presented, suoh adoption was approved by the follow ing vote: Those voting Aye", Councilman: Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Manthey; C6unoilman'Osbo on Leave of absence. Those voting "Naye" none. The Mayor declared the Rules suspended and asked if the Council was ready for th$ quetion: Upon the question be~ng put: All the Counoilmen present voting Aye. ~he Mayor thereupon decl- ared the Resolution adopted and signed the same i~ approval there of. ~ I \J Claims totaling $1512.50 presented and approved by the Finanoe Committee; Mayor Brownell appointing Counoilman,Davis to serve on the Finance Committee,in'Counoilman Osbo'a place during his absence; Claims as follows; Bank of Seward, $25.00 Pete Mioh- ,elson, $25~00 L.E.Williams, $50.00 L.V.Ray. $50.00 Fred Keilohesk $220.00 E.D.Webb $150.00 Bert Smith, tI05.00 Tom Davison $102.75 Martin Lanning $72.00 Cash, t74.55 C.M.Brosiue $29.10 Seward Drug Co. .95~ Seward Water Supply tI27.50 Alaska Transfer $2I7.25 ' Seward Mch. Shop $1.30 Ogle Garage $I3.25 Anohorage Times $3.90 . Seward Trading Co. 12.50 Osbo Eleotric Supply $1.00 Craftsmen Pre s $4.25 Ernestine Jessen $3.60 U.s.Signal Corps $4.90 Seward Light Power Co. $5I.65U.S.Distriot Court .30~ Roscoe Townsend $22.75 Pete Miohelson $40.00 Brtlwn & Hawkins $14.00 R.M.Stewart $100.0) A rnoti on was made ly Cotmci Iman Manthey seconded by Gilliland that the above olaims be paid from the Gen. funds; ing the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye. . .... ~r "I"' ..... r-,)~ l~v Monday, June. 7th. I937, continued. I A letter from J.H.Graff of the Seward Light & Power Co. was read by the clerk, said letter stating that Mr. Graff wanted to exper- iment on hot water heating with a flat rate for current, the Mayor directed the Committee to take this up with Mr. Ray ~he City Attorney. The application of leo Douglas for two Liquor Licenses was called to the attention of the Council, the two being made in one application, the clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Douglas to make out and present new applications, the said applications to be seperate. The Clerk was instructed to confer with Mr. stewart re: getting blue prints or phot0stats made of the new City Map. The application of Chas C. Cooper for a Retail Territorial liquor License was called to the attention of the Council by the Municipal Clerk. Upon motion by Councilman Gilliland that said application be in all respects approved by the Common Council, seconded by Councilman Jones, such approval was given by the following vote: Those voting Aye, Councilmen: Blase, Davis. Gilli- land Jones and Manthey. Councilman Osbo absent on leave. Those vcting "Naye". none. The application of the Seward Trading Co. for a Retail Territorial Liquor License was called to the attention of the Council by ths Municipal CIeri. Upon motion by Councilman Blase that said application be in all respects approved by the Common Council, seconded by Councilman Jones, such approval was given by the following vote: Those voting "Aye". Councilman Blase. Davis. Gilliland. Jones and Manthey; Councilman Osbo being absent on leave. Those voting "1Taye". none. I~ The application of A.H.L.Meyers for a Wholesale Territorial Liquor License was called to the attention of the Council by the Municipal Clerk. Upon motion by Councilman Manthey that said ap~lication be in all respects approved by the Common Council, seconded by Councilman Davis, such approval was given by the following vote: Those voting "Aye", Councilman Blase, Davis. Gilliland, Jones and Manthey; Councilman Osbo absent on leave. Those voting "Naye". none. The application of Chas Cameron for a Restaurant Territoria Liquor License was called to the attention of the Council by the Municipal clerk. Upom motion by Councilman Blase that said appli- cation be in all respects approved by the Common Council, seconded by Councilman 1.1anthey, such approval was given by the following vote: Those voting "Aye", Councilmen Blase. Davis. Gilliland. Jones and Manthey; Councilman Osbo absent on leave. Those voting "Hayetl, none. I The application of John N. Blase for a Dispensary Territ- orial Liquor License was called to the attention of the Council by The Municipal Clerk. Upon Motion by Councilman Manthey that said application be in all respects approved by the Com..ion Council. ~econded by Councilman Gilliland, such approval was given by the following vote: Those voting "Aye", Councilmen Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Manthey, Councilman Blase not voting, and Councilman Osbo being,absent on leave. Those voting "Nayen. none. The application of Harry Miller for a Dispensary Territoria Liquor License was called to the attention of the Council by the Municipal Clerk. Upon motion by Councilman Manthey, that said application be in all respectes approved by the Com;non Council, seconded by Councilman Jones. such approval was given by the fol- LJwing vote: Those voting "Aye", Councilmen Blase. Davis, Gillil- and, Jones and Manthey; Councilman Csbo, absent on leave. Those voting "Haye" , none. ORDIl\AI'\CE NO. 132 came up for its third readlng and wa.s read by Title only and a motion was made by Councilman Blase sec- onded by Manthey that it be placed on its passage. Calling the Rol All Councilmen voting in the affirmative. (154 I Monday, June, ,7th. 1937, continued. On the question shall the Ordinance present vot~g in tha affirmative. said Ordinance No. I32 duly adopted thereof. No. 132 Pass; All Councilmen The Mayor thereupon declared and signed same in approval A motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Davis instructing the Clerk to have Ordinance No. 132, printed in the Seward Gateway once a week for a period of two weeks, Callinf the Roll: All Councilmen present voting Aye. - I A discussion arose as to the advisability of issueing a De to E.L.Senft for Lot~ 36 in bluck 26 as the Council did not know there was a cesspool on the said lot at the time of the agreed sal and there was some doubt as to whether the Cou~cil should issue a deed under the existing circumstances; A motio~ was made by Coun- cilman Jones seconded by llianthey that the Clerk write mr. 3enft an offer to reimburse him for the labor he has been to on the lot and request the he take another lot in it's stead; Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voting Aye. RESOLUTIon A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZHW THE 1IAYOR AND MUlUCIPAI. CI,ERK TO EXECUTE A DEEDFOR CERTAIN PROPERTY BELmJGIilG TO TEE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA. ~ved this 7th. ~72I. 9 ~ 7. Mayor. BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Tow~ of Sewar Alaska, that D. C. Brownell, as Mayor and E. D. ~ebb, as Municipal Clerk, and they hereby are au.thorized and directed to execute and eli ver to A. C. Downey a good and sufficient deed for the fpllowing Real Property in the Town of Seward, Alaska, to-wit: l,ot 28 in bLock 25 Said Deed to be executed for and in consideration of ~ bi of $50.00 for the above lot, said bid was accepted by the unanimou vote of al~ Councilmen present. Passed this 7th. day of June, It' ! Attestr b.~ ~unicipal Clerk. day A motion was made by Councilman Nanthey, seconded by Gilliland that the Rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution as presented, such adoption wa$ aproved by the vote of all Councilmen present. The l.layor declared the Rules suspended aud alilked if the Council was ready for the question: Upon the question being put: All Councilmen present voted Aye. The ~ayor thereupon declared the Resolution adopted and signed the same in approval thereof. The application of E. D. Webb to purchase lots, 34, 35, a d 36 in block 24 for the lump sum of $60.00 was called to the attent on of the Council by the M.unicipal. Clerk; a I,lotion was made by Counci - man Blase seconded by I,Ianthey that the bid be accepted; ,:::alling th Roll on the Motion~ All Councilmen present voting ".aye". A motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Iflanthe that the Clerk notify Fritz Neilson to vacate the small cabin on t e corner of Adams and Broadway as the Street Co~nittee were going to move i'~ off the lot; CaDing the Roll: All Councilmen present vote! "Aye". A motion was made bv Councilman I.Ianthey and seconded by Davis that the Clerk ~ notify Joe Badger of the condemnation of h s property as a fire hazard on lot 19 block I3 and to remedy same at once also notify Chas Tecl:lenberg to clean up his lots on Broadwa 1~ts'34 and 35 block 9 ~1d a house in block 2 that is considered a fire hazard; Calling the Roll: All CounciLien present voter) Aye. .".-' , ~,~ --~ '-~ ,- > 1~~ 7th. 1927 Conti;::ued. I The American legion rer~i'3ted a donation of the Citv Council for street decorations, for the 4th. of July, stating that the old decorations were worri out, also that the;)' would take charge of the decorating of the streets and etc. for the 4th. of <Tuly. A Motion was made b;v Councilman Blase and seconded b:,; l;la~they, that the City donate $25.00 to the American Legion for street decorations and other purposes for the 4th. of July; Calling the Roll on ,the Motion: All Councilmen present voted Aye. ~.layor :Brownell stated to the Council the needs at the small lake in the Federal ~ddition for the benefit of the Children of the town, A motion was made by Councilman Blase and seconded by Jones, that the ~treet Committee be allJwed eroo.oo to help defray the expenses of getting the lake in shape for the children; Calling the Roll on the motion: All Councilmen present voted Aye. At this time Mayor Brownell callee a recess of tho mocting to reconvene at the call of the chair. ~\~:!~ ~41L{f~ Municipal lerk. I Thursday, June, lOth. 1937. Recessed meeting of June, 7th. 1937, reconvened this 10th. day of June, I937, at I o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Town of Seward, Alaska. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as follGWSi Present: Councilmen, Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Manthey. Absent One iCouncilman Osbo, on leave of absence. t:r. C'::tiClc;y of the PWa read a wire fro,'i the Fower Division of the Public ,'forks "idministration L; ,i'ashin~:ton. D. C. in which the Town of Seward was requesteu to provide ~2700.00 a6uitionel funds in connection with their Diesel electric rroject. Docket ~o. 6279, or to reduce the scope of their distribution system in such a manner as to brin~ t~e tot~l project cost within the pres- ent funds available; afetr some discussion the following Resolu- tion was presented: RESOLUTrOI~ I WHEREAS, tte Power Division of tl1e rublic Jorks 1.dminis- tre.tiom in 'Jashington, D.C., has requested the Town of :Jeward to provide Twenty-sellen hundreu (,~2700.00) Dollars additional in co-unection with their :Viesel electric ,project, Docket I:o. 6279, or to retiuce the scope of their distribution system in such a Juenner as to bring the tot~l project cost within the present funds available, l;ow, Therefore, BE IT RESOlVElJ That the Common Council of the Town of Seward hereby ;;1 rect t hat the d istri bnti on s,ystem be reduced in such an amount 8,S to meet the requirements of 'the Power Division of the Public ~orks Administration. ADOI'TEiJ this lOth. day of June, 1937. g:~ APPRO\~D this 10th. day of Jun~ ~G1 ' *~ Iv YORe ~unicipal Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska. (/ 156 I Thurs~ay, June. lOth. 1937. continued. - 1twa.s moved by Councilman Manthey seconded by Councilman Gilliland, tha.t all Rules of the. Council which might prevent. unless suspended, the considera.tion final passage arid adoption of said Resolution at said meetin~ . and its taking effect upon such adoption. be, and the same are hereby suspended for th€ purpose of permitting the consideration final passage and Gdop- tion of said Resolution at this meeting and its taking effect upc~ such adoption. The question being upon the adoption of sa.id motion, the Roll was called with the folluwing vote: Those voting Aye, Councilmen Blase. Davis.Gilliland. Jones and Manthey; Councilman Osbo being absent on leave. Those voting "Naye". none. , - I The Mayor declared the Rules suspended and asked if the Council was ready for the question: Upon the question being put All Councilmen present voted Aye. The r.::ayoJl thereupon declared the Resolution adopted and signed the same in approval thereof. A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Cou- cilman Davis that Mr. Stewart the City Engineer be instructed to notify the successful bidder, Eennett & Taylor. of the accept. ance pf their bid. also to notify them to start work by June. 201h. I937, Calling the Roll on the above motion resulteo in the fol- L-wing vote: Those voting "Aye", Councilmen Blase. davis. Gillil. and. Jones and Manthey; Councilman Osbo being absent on leave. Those voting "Naye", None. A motion was made by Councilman M~~they secOnded by Council. man Jones that the City Clerk be instructed to r~turn the Bid Bonds to the unsuccessful bidders on the Seward Electric Project I Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voting "Aye". The application of Leo Douglas for a Dispensary Territoria: Liquor License was called to the attention of the Counoil by the Municipal Clerk. Upon motion.by Councilman Blase. that said applica~ion be in all respects approved by t~e Common Council. seconded by Councilman Gilliland, such approval was given by the following vote; Those voting "Aye", Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Manthey, Councilman Osbo being absent on leave. Those voting "Naye", None. I I I The application of Leo Douglas for a Retail Territorial Liquor License for the Seward Liquor Store was referred back to Douglas for the reason that the license is at present in the nam of Emma Lu Douglas, Mr. Douglas waS instructed to apply for the approval of the Counci 1 for a transfe r of tb e Retail liquor lice under the name of Emma Lu Douglas, his wife to his name Leo Doug and at the same time to make application for the Retail Liquor License in his name. r. se as The Clerk was instructed to notify.A. Bolam and eequcst an immediate answer. that he-could have the two lots next to his property in block 26 by refunding to Mr. Senft the amount he is out on the lots, namely $41.00 The Chtef K(ilches~i was instructec to look up the dumping of ashes, refuse and etc, also the removing of dirt from lots adjacent to the Urbach residence and notify parties doing the same. Upon proper motion being made, seconded and carried this meeting did adjourn. C:W.C?/5~ ~~ Mayor. Municipal Clerk ~ 157 MOND-AY 21 st. I 9 3 7. The Com~on Counci 1 of the TOW:1 of Seward, "~laska, conven d in regular session in the Town Hall of the Town of Seward, this 21st. day of June, 1927 at 8 o'clJck f.M. The meeting was callec t order by Kayor Brownell. I The Clerk called the Roll: T oee present and those absen 1. were as follows: Pro sent : Counci Imen Blase, Davis, Jones and ;':anthey. Absent: COLCr.cilmen Silliland, 0800 being on leave. llIinutes of the last regulur meeting and recesse, meeting read ~d approved. Claims total ~109.25 presented a:-ld approved t;y' the fin- ance committee as follows; TI. S. Tittle Co. 025.00 Cash $35.00 fl.E.Estes ~29. 25 S.li1. Johnson ~IO.OO American legi on 025.00 Eat ion was made b;)7 Cour.cilman lilanthey, seconded by Jor.es t hi:1t the claims be paid as presented; Calling the Roll: All COU:"cilr.len present votin~ Aye. The application of J.B.Jtanton for a vlholesale Territo- rial Liquor License wac called to the attention of the Coiucil by the l.:unicipal Clerk. L!10n I'lotion by Councilman I':anthey that said application be in all respects approved by the Common Counci" secu,,,ded by Councilman Davis such approval Wtl'C given by the follu wing vote: rihose voting "Aye" Councilmen Blase, Davis, Zones and l,:anthe:r. Cou;Jcilmen 1tilliland and Osbo being absent. Lir. stewart, City =~;i~ser callc5 t~e attGntior~ of t~1C COrumon Council thet the:" shot;.ld apl',o1;:-.t thE; City C.ler1 '.is T'c;;ist<T ;(' of labor and lLlemlloyed ',':ho r;ished to ....ork 0:1 the :,iv.,,,icirsl li;:::tt Project; .. motion ,-:8.:::: c;;8.dc by Counci l;il8.u :.:anthey seconded b;y Cou:L1cillnan :Javis anQ carried b;7 the unrmimoLCs vote of all thE; CouncilflJer: I~resent appoiriting tl1e City Clerk MJ.bor Ilcgis-::'orer. I The Bid of ~30 .00 by Chars Jan2;l.ke fo r .Lots 28, 29, 20 an 21 in Bl_ck 4 Lautner i~ddition was called to the atte-;;tion of "'c,hc Couricil by the ;,;unici oal Clerk. ;';otion was made bv CouncilIJlan l.,;anthe;r :seconded 'by Blase and carried by the unanimous vote of a1 Councilmen pre::::e::lt that the bid be '.lCCefted. :;'he Ci toY Clerk infurnied the COWjliO:-' COLC',:cil ttatc )lcrc Vluuld ~avc tu ;;8 C(kle ~,a:y vOLCchers printed; ",,'lot io;:, ;""s malic t;; C ounci lrna:~ :~:a.1l t!~ E:Ji se cO~ld ed b:J- Jane s tta t the ~,r i:1t i:.'lg ~ ornl11i t tee have 50D vouchers pri~ted; Calling the 3011: all Counci~ueu fTOS- ent V ot ing ";..ye. II Resolution presented by the Clerk and read as follows; R:;uOlUT10i, A RESOlUT10L~ AljTE(lRU.Il~G ';:'HE ;,:AYOR dhj.) 1,;m:IClud. Cl.Em~ Tv EXECL.T~ .::.. LEE~ FOR C~R~2~lIl: ER0PZnTY E~1 .l~,~I!~G TG ~T.:;: CITY uF S::':.w'J1.RlJ, ...'iU::H~. I BE IT RESOlv'ElJ by the C rnmon Cou;:-,cil uf the Town of ;:Jeward, Alagka, 'rhat l).C.Brownel~, >;is l,;a;y'or and =:. li. ,iebb as ;';ur.icipal C~erk, and they hereby are authorized ana directed to execute ar"d deliver to Bowman Rouse and E.lJ.ivebb a good and suffi ~ cient Deed for the Following Real kroperty in the Town of Seward, Alaska to-wit: Lots 1-2-34-35-36 in Elock 24. Said Deed to be exect;.ted for and in consideration of ~IIO.OO bid and accepted ~axxtXR by the unanimous vote of the Cummon Council for the above lots. paseed thie 21st. day cf,lune, 1937 Approved this 21st. day of J~ 1937. 1),~~ .':.ttest: l,;u::licipal Clerk (158 , 1,"0li.D';'Y,. June, ' 21 st. , 1927 Cont inued. Upon Motion b;y C"uncilman :Blase seconded b;y- Councilman ;,;anth:y that the Resolution be~adopted as read, it was so adopted by the unanimous voto of all the Councilmen present. The question of appointing a ~ew Dog catcher came up ~nd was discussed by the members of the Cou:-:cil resulting in a motion by Councilman Manthey seconded by Davis instructing the City Clerk to advertise in the Seward Gateway for one week for applications for dog catcher; Calling the Roll': All CounciL-e,en present voted ":~ye. l! The Following Resolution was presented and read 1::y the Clerk:. I j 1.. RESOLUTIon A RESOLUT~ON AUTHORIZING THE APPROPIaTION OF $500.00 FR011 THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF SEIIARD TO DEFRAY THE EXPEli:lE OF THE CITY OFFICERS AT A REARING IN LITIGATION OF THE PROPOSED l.mNICIPAL LIGHT PLANT AT VALDEZ, ALASKA. WHEREAS, A private Public utility has brought action against the Mayor, Common Council and other officers of the Town and the inhabitants of said Town of Seward, Alaska, and papers having been served on the officers of said Town to stop work on a Municipal Light Plant; and WHEREAS, Congress has approved such a Municipal Light Plant Project and Ojficers of the United states Government approved such a Project; and .ntEREAS, The said Town of Seward". has repeatedly, by a vot e of large majority of its Citizens has demanded the construction an~ operation of a Municipal Light & Power Plant in said Town for the benefit of the Towm apd inhabitants thereof; NO'll THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUlWIL OF THE TOWN OF SEflARD. ALAS}~t on behalf of the ToWn, its inhabitants, th9 Common Council and other Officers of said Town, hereby authorize and instruct Mayor Brownell to get such Counsel as may be necessarv . to represent the Town, Commo~ Council and other Officers of said '"own, against such suit a.s brought, and the sum of($560.00) Five Hundred Dollars is hereby appropiated to cover at this time, the costs of travel, ludging and other expense in connection with such litigation, and vouchers made to cover all expenses incurred. Adopted and passed under suspension of the Rules this 2Ist. day of June, I 9 3 7. 'l Approved this 21st. day ~"'::e';!t~ Mayor. A Motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Coun- cilman Jones that the above Resolution be adopted; Calling the Rol~ on the motion; All Councilmen present voted "Aye." Thereupon the Mayor declared said Resolution adopted. ~~ Municipa CIa At this time Mayor Brownell called a recess to reconvene .at the call of the chair. .4 r-9~ l '-'II. lu.. ~onda~, July, 12th. 1~27. }vsponeC: regular mec tin@: a e om"-lon aunCl 0 own of Seward, Alaska, convened in session L" the Council f the TOWYl Ball at 8 o'clock P.ll. this 12th. de.y of July, he weeting was calleC: to ord er by Lisyor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present '",no those atsent follcws: Present: Councilmen 31ase, Davis, I}illiland, Jones, ,:a,"they and 06bo. Absent: l.one v e Ohambe rs 1937. I MiLutes of the last recessed meeting read m1d ap~roved. Claims totaling C1401 .39 a~proved by the Finance COllliJlitte "nd read as follows; Bamk of Seward w25 .00 P. l.lichelson $25 .00 L.E..{illi~ltiS, C50.00 L V.Ray ~50.00 F.Ke~lcheski j220.00,:c:;..D..leb,b (150.00 .uaSKa Tra:usfer $87.72 Gatewa;y .Lub. Co. ..,22.70 ;:;eward No-tel' Supply C ~127.50 a.H.Bryant C6.50 Tric:L &, Murray $45.31 C.l.I.Brosius !16.25 Seward ~ch. Shop 027.05 1.C.~c~ullen el.I5 Ogle Sare.ge 075.2 Osbo Elect. Supply $Lm Sew1:iTd light: rower Co. ;;;43.20 Cash City Pay Roll C,383.00 Brown &, HaWkins ~10.05 'Jerhard Johnson ~24.00 4 motion was made by ~ouncilmau Silliland, seconded by Manthey that the claims be paid as presented; Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voting dye. Claims totaling ~27.35 Je"ard Light ~roject, ~pproved by the Finance Comnittee and read as follows, Sylvia's 07.50 U.i:i.i:Jignal Corps ~17.25 Cash ~2.60 A. motion was made 'by Councihall Jones secondeQ b;y Cilliland that tLe claims be raid from the l'Tojec funds; Calling the Roll: All CouYiCilmen present voting j,ye. I j~ communication was read from Chief of lolicc he ilGfJcski to the Common Council in which he rtutoG to the Council that Eoben &; Davis Wi;;re violating Ordinance 29 of the C:it;)' of ;)ewal'd, .da~ka. in so much as they 'iiel'e building out and over the sidewalk Oil the south :: ide of ,lashington street; 1i mot ion was made by Courlcilma;:1 Osbo seconded by illantiJey that the comnunication be; t::-cble Calling the Roll: ~ll COincilmen present voted ~ye. ...>-1 cornrnunicatio~ frOIll Cr..u,s 8a..lieron ',llas re-ac1 1)~7 tIle 81erk, i'n ~hich 118 state6 ttat he desired to sell beer ': ~lnG i~ :~is Caf0 after the; regular olosL}6 }-;our of I .~.L. .-i lJlotio:: \laS lllCLU0 t::,' Cou;:cilman us'ba "eooHded t;:i Zones that the letter 'be It,i,~ "pOL the tab~e and instructing the Clerk to wire the :o2rd vf Liquor Cor~rol to ascertain their ls.test rulin~, or:. ;,h6 closil1~; :~ours; Callir)i~ the Roll: ..,.11 COUlJollmen rrece;::.t votL:It, ",;)'2. JtrCG't Co~uittee refo~ted 0~ ctrccts a~d sttitCJ they nG~do~ u.&itional fUllds, d ,l;utioll ',','clS :Lude b;V Co":1cll,,.-iYl l,:ar,the;y, secor.Cied u Davis, ttat t:leJ" be ullJwec ~15G.0J additio!l:::l fmJG.s to fini<ih l~~j, Calling the Roll: -,>-11 COlJ,:,cil1ll211 pre;';ent votiuE .~.ie. i'ark COlllmi ttee rel'orted pl'ogres~ on the l:ar'r~ 'lflCl 3wimin(; lake UuJ stated the needeCi ~n additional :100.00, ~ illotion was DBd oy C()Ullci blaH OBOO seconded by :Plase that "che;>, 1;e alLw\;Q the additional Iunds as requeste~; Calling the Roll: ~ll CounciDocn pl"'e 8€~j t, I/O ~ iLJ.t- n.;Y" G. :1 GO;w:li V\'tje\iu<: irJstructed to look UIJ ~he cond i tiorl of the sewer Gowing from the Je~see lee ~ome. 81erk was ii~E.tructeu to se.u~1 'till tu l.eo ::JoU,:::las ;or the li~~t ~lobe iL fTo~t of tlle Seward liquor 3"Lol'e. ~18rk ~a8illstruc.teJ to ~yite ~?~T.~ot6n uf t1:8 condition of :'ourth .,venue unCi request ttat he smooth the c:J:I18, at the ScclIJ8 tirne to tlotify }ji'fl to rut ,j"lCln l:.oles iil tbe stl..cets ~ il.1cllGS 1Jo10\-; stl-cet surfuce. The Clerk rre::eclte': an o:f~'er of::'%O.OO :"l"Om .i..D.HlL,,;;'d.in fo~ lots 21 c: 3[ =~ock 4 lautner add it lOti, ~ ~DotiOtl ~a~ made by C ou~c ilulan O~ t 0 ~ e (; 0:10 83 "L~y ~ i lli lend ~ i'~Jl t t ~_-le 0 Ifer 'tJ t:: H0ce l;-'L> tel; GallinG tile :1011: ._~l~ SOL_l;cil:flCLI. ~;T(;~"e Jt votin0: ~.1.~~. lot I CoDO't roll; Tl.~fj Clerk pre~-,crltol' G.L'l o~fGr fl"OLl ,V'l1i.~:"~"i:r5..,-" of ::~'~= .,JiJ fO:i" ,- . ~ ""',..".... 'I "" ... .... . . ... . ~..LOC}~_.. (..i:GL;.er~_..~--tUU.1Gi.Oll, .:l- L110010:-i Ji_!~ ~llac1,-: l:.~,~ ~oudcilIlLL:'l :-~tCO'laell 0-- "l.L.L1.1e.--'u ,Ll~q..L -l_'~,_ o.Pr~~.. '\.-.- . ..~,_...J, ...... ~ 1" .....__ L .~' oJ d \.IdQ.v ULid ..L..o.C:.L ~~l" U.vvt:fui:.Jl1; ',-,:.:. ..Lin~ t}~ a-L-L eUtulCllmCl1 present voted .Jd~e. (160 I,..:o:l0a~, Zul;Y, 18th. 1927, C orrt lunG d . The Clerk preS8tJteu the offer of :,';;;O.IJO 'ty .ete (:,:le for lJts 11-12-13 block 12 _'1. [!Jotion ':itt::: IlltiU(, b;y' ~ouncilIntill ,'Tones :::;60- onell b;y EceI'. they thc,t the offer ;;c 1'6 jocted, ~l~ciuG 1:i li!l1i t of t'.'JO let:::: to une wan GOlith of the glacier st:cealll, ",-,.0 the ~lerk to ic1St ruct ~r. Ggle to place uuother bidi CBlli~; the Roll: ~ll :oulicil- j,.e:1 lJresellt votihg .dYE. Eills ~resented for the cntert~iniliont of the ~overumeDt ~oat Chicago, presented totaling CI05~35 loss come telephone calls v/11ich ;,;ayor Erownell will prescdt later, ,\, "lOtio:1 was ,llade c;Y' C;oun cilJlian Bluse seconded l:~1 ~:<ir:they ttat tho 1::ills be lJ1.tid, there bel p; some left in the Ball Park fund this could be used ir: l)a;:':iTIe:Jt, c:alling the Roll: ,~ll CounciLien present voti:lg AYE. _ I j Clerk was instructed to notify Cb~s Teckle~bGr8 that the house on lot ~O block 2 h~d been conderned, also, that the old flooring left on lots 31 and 25 block 9 was considered a bad fire and must be cleaneJ uut. , , r.:a.yor Brownell read a 'wire frOll. Clark Foreman, Read of the Power Division, .lashi~gton, D.C. i::~ which he instructed tbe 0,ity t proceed ':li th the construction of tteir Io','/er Iroject at once, and stating that the Bonds for same would be sold at once ~nd the mone made available for the project. There bei:lg no further business at this time upon proper ,notion being made, seconded <i'd carried, this'meating did adjourn. l\~ayor I~corporated in the above minutes of July 12th. 1~37, It was brought to the attention of the Common Council that George Laughli:l owned a mowing machine in good shape and would sell the same to the City for C10.00 A motion was made by Counc ilman Bl<ise seconded by l\lanthey that the machine be purchased for the.<icOve price; Calling the Roll: ~ll Counciln~n present VoteJ AYE . l MO~DaY. JUlY. 19~H. I~Z7 The'Common Cou:lcil of 'e(.<) '1owu of Se'iv'al^d, alaska, COllV~'.-eU ~n regular session L~ the Council chambel's of the Town Hal of Ser1ard, alabLa, at 8 0 I olJck P.I.,. this 19th. day of July, 1937, The m~eting was calle6 to order 1y.~ayor Brownell. The Clerk calle,:; the Roll: 'Those precent and those absent we re as foll ows; Present: CounCilmen Davis, ::: illi land , Jones, Usnthey and 08bo. Absent: Councilman Ilase. l,iinutes of the lust meeting were l'ead and appl'oved. The Clerk pr6sent,e,- 1:1L~ offer froil! For:c'est Lellnedy of ~15.0 for lot ';,7 in block 7, -'l. motion v,as made b~7 Councihia:i Gillil~(nd, secondeu by Coul1ciluian I,Iaxltbe;y that the offer t8 rejected, the moti cal'l'ied t;y the unanJIlJOUS vote of all CounCilmen p-'esent. ~ I The Clerk l'eR.d E:. ,vll'e [rom tii0 Terri'.;or1a1 TrOUburer relat,' ve to the closing hours for liquor stores and disrensalies, the s~ic1 wOre stated tbere was il0 :Soard of Liqu()r control, tic-,tl an;y 1'8('ulatiollG EF! t) bJ '';rH;d, bod~) WIlEe 110W null and void; "~ wot ion W9.S ",ado by Counci Im9- j,IaI!they ceconCled by r;illiland that '"he 'i:ire be tatl.sd Ulitil 'ells ue}-,t regular meeting, '"he l!lotio;~. c1:1:t1'iec b~7 the unanialous vote of all ~h Councilmen present. The ouectioll uf fire e~(;a)Jez for ho..lccls ca~Jle ui."' 8.ud tr€ Clel':k was ic!structedto c:raw l'-f au Crdinunce coveriIJE ::JIl,e and 1 :ce- 3Gl1t at the uext meeting. , 161~ .l',lona.:.l~'. , t-iul~- t 19t~1. I~;;:::7 t C'.).;.ti~-~,.,.~~L1. I ld.r. JtGvV~l..t, ,'j.it:i 6Ll;;il.J.8or of t~:c :,:l(,licl~uJ.. _,'ower -,.':i."oJcc'-(j tate J to ..tli~~G C 0 l~_:"lC il that l:c :-,: c d(.~ 0 'J.18 rnUlJ.0Y .Ju 0 t Ci.~~e c':..:.rs 0 f ~~.i c cU1'ren0 c:L~.L.enEcs X!Dt .A 1Ilotiot: Vias 11t~~Cle b:l CUU::C.111.-1:..:,:1 :~:c.::Jt::.c:r' 8ec- ..' -, 'h" r<. --0 . l' ,- ~ ~ st.. t ... r< . J.., '0'." "'r -00 0 - t' ..' ". . UilUt:;;Q vj...lVUuCl Ultill uOue :J.a ur..:.c 'vlv~.L- (;;i.u. \~ U . U (I LIllO l~LU.tU.- oi~jCl.l lov/er :;:roject :::0 Jc{,at :.:r. ::teVla;:t Gould J:caw part of tr,a 1;lone;y ~e ~uw tas coming frolll the iower lr0:ect, thJ suid lo~n to be rat- llrne to the city from the lower Iro:ect f~~ds ~hich arc to te uvai ble July, 27th. I~Z7. Calling the Roll on the ubova Qvtion; ~ll ou;",ci1msn IJrezent voting .J.Y2. ~he Clerk pl"C[:eTltC.1 ~ ctatc;ile~t 0f t!1e 1;;37 Tax :2011 al'ld he :.:ayor requested that tho Souncil :.Jeet .iedne<:da;y eVCr.1L'lg o:'ul;'l, 21st. at tb.o To\vn P.:a:il :,) e;o oyer the Eo1l ",nee make ,;,':';j o.djust,.1cnts ound r.eCCE:2ar~-. Shief Eeilcheski [resented a list of equipment needed by ~e Fire Dept., co'-,sisting of uuse, e ~loke iTJuzi..o, fo~~' ~ozzle Lind cia; .b.. H10tioYi ~vas iilt!.de t:,~ Cou~cilman ~.=anthey sccu:ldc3 10;;. S'-lllili.Uld ,,;:at the }cire Dept. be alloweo ~525.00 0 purchase 2::".:)' of Ii" and 00' uf 2" hose and other equipIHent; Calli:::;; t':c Roll: .1.11 CUUi:cil- lIen prese:,t voting .;"YE. Co@uittee reportee on the Jesse leo =OQO seNoT, stating ~he :Iel;l.lth officer had ::;eon over tho sewer a:1d' found tho sewer .1:. with tte exceptio:: at the mouth, where he suggested that the el:-'th be investigo.ted,; Chief Y.:eilchcski was instructed to fi:: the lood gute at the 1 ,g0on so as tu let in about 1 foot of wo.ter. ;~t this ti;;w ;,;a;','o1' Brow,lell called ti recess to reconvene Gull of the chair. I M.:\.YOR. ~~ r dednesday, July, 21st. I~37. of COlfllllon C;01,11Ci1 ~pecie.l meeting-/oalIeC this 21st. du;; of <;ul~, I9~7 8.t tL€ Town Hall of Ceward, ~l&ska, at 8 o'clock P.~. ;cr the furpose of goii.1g over' the ~a.x ROll. Couucill'le:, rc.()orti:'l,c;: fTCS8:-,t were. Dav ib, Jones and lisbo. There :::0t beinG 8. quorum t:1C ,,;ecti::les ad;ouTl,GO,. MAyOR, t":~ Clerk I l". ~ (162 I i I I I I i (I MONDAT? AUGUST, 2ND. 1937. The Common Coumoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska, convened in regular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 8 o'c ock P.M. this 2nd. dtiy of August I937. The meeting was calle4 by acting Mayor, Gus Manthey, Mayor Brownell being ill. The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent ere as fo llciws ; Present, Councilmen Blase, Davis,Gilliland, Jones, and Osbo. sen -, Absent: Mayor Brownell being ill Councilman Manthey to act as Mayor. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. ---<" A proposed Resolution was read by the Clerk as follows; i1HEREAS; by Resolution adopted June, lOth. 1937 the Common Counci of the Town of Seward, Alaska, reduced the scope of it's proposed di tribution s~stem on P.W.A. Docket No. 6279 to COme within the funds available; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the prpposal as set for h in a communication from Bennett & Taylor, dated July, 13th. I937, be nd is hereby accepted subject to the approval of the state Director of he :)ublic ;lorlcs .i.dministration which will result in an approximate saving of $ I, 7I 6 . 53 \ '-..\. This change consist of substituting triple braid weatherp for RO stranded secondary conductors, sizes to conform to revised pI elimination of ten poles, spacing not tt exceed one hundred fift rearrangement of transformers at contract unit pr ices, e liminat i line sectionalizi ng switches, substituting ,westinghouse svvi tchbo ro hi accordance with specifications, with elimination of luw volto.f'c lanel. The addition ofdoudward Type ii.a. Governors, with motor s:;nchro izing devic,)s for each engine-generator unit will be ma.de instead of ori;::inal laud controlled Pickering governors. n IS U::D:r:R3T00D, that the lublic ;;orks AdmillistrCitiou, L appro- ving tiny change order ascumes no obligation to finance the cost .f any approveD change. except to the extynt to which the c;8.,Je J1J1;.~/ be po.' d out of funds expressly cor;tructcd fuT by it, 8.::1d SfccificaHy maLes ;:;0 eIiTose;l- tation coucernin~ ail;" additional funds ncce::::::itated c:: ~:;1~; apl,ro ail change order. Adoptee: this 2nd. day of ~ugust, 1927. Approveu this 2nd. day of August, 1937. Municipal Acting I'layor. It was moveC\ by Councilman Jones seconded b;j' r;illilund, tr.at Rules of the Council which wi~ht prevent unless suspended, the c eration, final passage and adoption uf said Resolution at :::aid !Jl its takL::.g effect upon such adoption, be and the saHle aTe hereby for the purpose of permitting the conzideration, final passage a tion uf said Resolution at this meeting u.ud its takinIf ef:ect up ado}Jtion. The questior. being rut uporl the adoption of said motion, the called with the fOllowing results: AYES: 5; Those voting AY.b:: Councilmen J31af;le, Davis, I)illila{j Jones and Osbo. -l.cting I.layor l,ianthey C:ecl'3.red saiu motion carried, and zuch 3UspoTlded. Coui1cil,~jan D'3.vis secondeu b;y r;ouncillllan ::31as8, moveo tba.t s , - - d Resolution be firlally F3a",e,' ~,11C: adopted as introo.uceu ana l-eU . question being put u~on tee final pasca0e and '3.c1ovtion of 8310 ~ the Roll was callee with the following Tes~ltc~ AYE5: 5; Those votirlt .i!.YE: ljounciL,en I:lase, :J:lvis, r:il:i.ilan {.,TOr.itb 8t!d Csbo. ThE ~ctin~ 1iayor ther" (JpOil declare~ said TIGsolutio~ flTIall~ aud adoIJted, aIlo signee. the ,-,-"i<1 :;c501ution L.i aFl,YOv9"1 thoyeoJ:. all nsid- eting and .L suspended (1 adop- n such Roll was-, ules ., 1d The soluti on , .. ~s~eJ ~ 163 L:~onday, .d.Ui:U~t, 2nd. Ilj:7, GonL.inued.. S;h8 folluvviuc ~CoOlll t ion war;, i~l~_Y'ouu~(ju u,:,u 1. tiu,lJ 1- ~_ ~, t,l-1~ Ch'l'k. rtt:Jbolution I Rl:;~l;L7E:l), ~E...i.= ~E.&.i..TTIE ~I:1~-)i:' i;~i.TI(>:~":il. =..tL:.i~, :OI'lHc:l"lJ Jil'f/v ::ationa1 :Paul: of ::;eattle, wit;, pl'L10i.,!ai 2_.18..0c: of uusiness in the City of 8uattle, ~asbington, be and it hereby is afpointe f8..Jint 8.i:::ent to p8.J tile .fl'irl(;i~8..1 C-iJU iL~Lerezt or :iOvlL. of I~(j":'iard., ~~lt;C- tric :::'ystem I;onds, i2~ued 8.<:, of '''1,1'i11::;t. I:J3G, cillll uaturiuc G6rJ,8..Ll;y. 12'01' Lhe pUITose of L.duoing "aid bank to a~oel;t !;hh: a;l'oint- !nent, 'vile ~Ow1'l 0; ";6,,8.1.-0, .,1aS1,a, uel'tifies :"0, 8..",.L'"e;:; .Ii til 3.l1U (,il '.. ects the saiG bank a6 pa,j:iDG a~.G]jt, :.16 follows: I. Ti.lat tL 8 ':2 o'~',r:.. of ~~t.~','al" u, :':..LtJ c.t r i (; ~-:;~- st e:jil = onu S C 'J ,1818 t -:ii"t (,:vtl.t:-:ol~iL:;0l: i3;:::"(8 I.); .~~O,iJ00.00 reI reC6ilteJ Lj 3, :"'_;l'ieo of ':.,\0 Eond8 vI like Gate, JeLowine.tion ana terlo:r e:xceI)t as to lilaL\).:cit.j', " ,. -0,1 ,~, 0' 0 ' , ' ,. -" (,118 llal~ Vall.l..6 OJ.. .If' ,UiJU. 08.0[1, 1.1u.rnuereu Uo JU1.L,,-'lJVS: , ,. I..) J of I l.!UI;!E:GR.s (All incl.usiYe) 1-4 u-'-.J 11-14 r 6-1 ~ 21 - 24 2G-30 32-36 33 -42 44-4 9 [,0-55 f6-61 C2-67 :8-73 74-79 i,j,iCT1;T . , " r;1"'~"'!")"" ...,....,. ,- ,"-"'''f'~. _.....'1.... L'...~J.. .... -' ..;).:...1.. .Ll~) ..;}.,pril 1st. of t:::0.~l7 JiGar} I~~l I~142 T -,)1 "'7 .........":J;:'t.-. GO-~G 4,000.,jO 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,UOO.OO 4,000.00 5,000.00 G,OOG.OO 0,000.00 6,0')0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 6.000.00 6,000.00 G,Ooo.ao 6,000.00 1944 1045 104G IJ ~7 1:043 1049 1050 1:;::1 I~:J2 86-91 \:)2-'37 19G3 10f4 1055 B5G IS57 Dach tond is autheni~~tcj by the ge~~ine 2i~naturc uf ~.C.~~o~llell as l\.a;Y~Ort and ...1..D.Baldcrstoll, b.S ~o~vn Clerk, {..t~d 0;:1 t~lc ilHfreSS:LOll uf tl:e COl"'porate zeal vi the Tovm of .3c.:":strd, ~1.1(izkLtt b.lil~ 8.:iC~1 8UrO is, authe:,,~icateG b~; the facsLliile :::if~:ltl.tures vf .said ::ayor alld ;:O',vll Clerk. 2. Tbo '1'0';'-11 of ::;cwE~rc1 agrees :'0 de~usit ',ii -::;1: caid l,ayi~.,'.: G~cnt un or ~eforc ljUS b~siileC2 Qay lriar tu the due date uf uny prlncilJCl.l vr i~1t8:i:'cCt pa~"llli?nt t 28at~lc funds adequute tu UO~'CT ;1,11 1..-: (J~ t:::~ ~:t0:: Ll(:LtU~i~1.~ .lJr~~8il.'al C:1G interest. I 2. Said pb,j"ing ap::ent l~ aut;}ori~cd ~il(} directed -"vl1en fUl-JQS havG CeGE so del..ositetJ to IJay the bonds ::(lcl cU.:.10l1C O~ t;,lclr I'CSpCC tive duE: (:ates OJ:'' :;l-~sr~~~ftor (..8 1. T€'Dc"'::ted Ct~ld th8roULJOn to c'~-'(.:1col ttC1Il 'bi l:J:"ef0ra.tion 8:,}~: ~v 2cnc "th:::'lli b~;' :",~~18t0r.:J ,)~,~il t'J ~]-...s ~or!:J Clcr~;, :x:iud:ix of the Tow:1 of 3eward, J~J. cancelled CUi'OI}Z ,,,;.l};:l :::0:-,0 . ",,-,a U-",'\)::-' 2FC11 uk,illr.: '.lI-:.rJ rec'2i}t fro':} the Gaia TO~7;1 ';1c:t1_, :::hull be flAI1:;."- d";"3C~.~b~;cd =oruW all further res:s-1on.sitility ::0:::- -:tc -P,onds una cUj/ons ::;0 i,aid urid CSl'lcclled.- 4. ;,;,aid bctnl: as i-'~~-iCl; c.[:ont shall ::ot be l1.ab18 to the To'.'!Y vf :J€v7cird ,lor to au;''; ot;;cr l:cyson by reasoCl of its {a;,;mcl:lt of :In;:; fOTfjed or sfU:rious bonos O!" cULO~S }.-,urllortinG to be vf t hi~ icsue cine deerned b;7 it t the cv.id pc~"in8' u~:-e:1t, to be ~-~e~uin~. 5. Said :Bank, as ~,ayi;1g as-ent, she.ll rocci ye such compensation for its services as shall be agreed upon by l.:ayor and Town Clerk of the Town of Sewa:r d. ADOPTED by the Comillon Council of the Town of Se~ard in regu meeting assembled, under suspension of the Rules, this 2nd. day of August, 1937. ~ MUNICIP~ ~ ..~ 6-"4 1 , Monday, August, 2pd. 1937 Continued. It was moved by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Councilman Os that all Rules of the Council which might prevent unless suspended, consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at sai m, eting and its taking effect upon such adoption, be and the same a hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the consideration, f passage and adoption of said Resolution at this meeting and its tak effect upon such adoption. The question being put upon the adoption of said motion, the R was called with the following results: AYES 5; T~ose voting AYE: Councilmen Blase, Davis. Gilliland. Jones and Osbo. Aoting Mayor Manthey declared said motion carried, and suoh ru es suspended. 0 the e nal ng 11 -, Councilman Osbo seoonded by Councilman Davis. moved t_hat said lution be finally passed and adopted, as ~ntroduced and read. The qu tion being put upoc:c the final passage and adoption of said Resoluti the Roll was calleci with the following resuJ,ts: AYES 5; Those voting AYE: Councilmen Blase. Davis, Gilliland. Jones and Oebo. The acting Mayor Manthey thereupo~ 0e~lared said Resolution passed and adopted, and signee the sat~ Res9lution in approval ther Claims totaling $1275.48 presenteA an~ approved by the finano Committee as follows; Bank of Seward $~.Op Pete Miohelson $50.50 L.E.Williams $50.00 Fred Keilcheski $220.00, L.V.Ray $50.00 E.D.Web $150.00 King-Knight Co. $10.00 Amerioan Blue Prjnt ~0.t13.48 Seward Water $ 27.50 Seward Drug Co. 1.75 Gateway Pub. Cu. 1p.70: Alaska Transfer $ 23.I8 Bert Smith $129.00 Niok Hodak $5I.OO H.A.McPherson $71.00 C.Dunava 94.50 Cash-Pay Roll $59.50 Vol. Fire Dept. $4.0.00: Ogle Garage $II.91 Leon Urbaoh $8.00 U.S. Signal carps $2.6p Di~k Myers $IO.OO Seward Power Co. $28.80 W.E.Butts $3. 0 U.S.Signa~ Corps $23.4I A motion was made by Councilman GJlliland seoonded by Jones t at the above claims be paid from the general fund;: Calling the Roll on the motion All Councilmen present voting AYE. eso- s- n Claims totaling eI3.74 t1gtinst the fly.dro-Electric aoject presented and approved as follows: C.M.Brosius $1.70 U.S.Signal Corps ~IZ.04 a motion was made by Councilman Jones secondef by Gilliland the above clai;ns be p,dd from the Electric Eroject funds; Culling All Councilmen p~eseDt votin[ ~YE. The Clerk presented' an offer from Porres" l:en:.edy of ~25 .00 lot 37 Elock 7, a Motion was made by Councilman Jones seconde~ by Gillilo.nd th8.t the offer be accepted; Calling the Rull; .,11 Counci present vuti -::g .1.YE. Chief l:eilchoski state,. to the ';ouncil t'ut ;,;r. Ealderstor: ',; 1:1.1 to fwnp out tte boat ""llvil which is lyinf in the brec.~:n!&.tcr; .;. motio,. VJaS made b;':I Councilman Elc.se seconded b;y Davis tl:at :\:r. :2al crston be :'lotified there v;ould be " charge of Ten dolll;irs for the true:: I:J.l d p"JJilp, plus any other costs :incl1rrec '.'1hile pWJij,ing; Calling the Rolon the motion; -'loll C0uncil;nen f:re~cnt voting .'iYB. ~ete 0oultcr'c offer of ~~aO~ for IJt 34 El~ck 1 laubner ~d was re,;ectec. Ttc COlliplair:t vf :'ete Coulter (Jf .i.l-J.Ltiu'hlin buildi!lg -::hicL houscs all roune. !cis reside~Lce i;Lr.c. dec18.reo the udor fro.11 e"id chi ~.(:!. +.:! + (.". ..p Tr .., 'h 1-. ~- houses were 7cry o~~enSlve was .urTIBu over uU ~nle~ ~Cl~~,eS~l _ur in':csti r:Gi t i (,On. The :::;trcet CUlll,,:i ttee si;0tec' t hc;y ne.- cad some ,10Y:e~,- for 'irar}: uno. ;~1.1C0 fur \l,T0:r]: 0~ !,:adlcolJ. ctreet \vest of 3rd, ..;~"\7enue, ..:i 1.iutiu....-: ~,'t.ru.s ,~dc "by '" Cou:~ci1;,jar: Davis seconded 0:'" Osbo that the~treet CO"i,,,ittcc 1e rill hCC )\')Irl) 00 ~ a"; -".1"'1"'" ~'''''''''d (1n",!"l"l'-'- +\'-'Cl "'Pol").." ."1 (~o'~""""""l"'.L'C~A ,;"(:~C-~l \r<..1."j{ . (:;1,,0:..... ~ Ul.l_ i..'c ....\..L...1, J(...i..J...L 1: 'J.....'_ _' . ....;...J~ v lA..V !,....j - -- 'T,Totlr:r": ...-1.YiZ. -4-hr- v.... '-' .L~t this ~.iLl.Le ..ct'~:-~,:-. ~"~8::"0r ~,~~.~rit!lC~Y calle:- ca~~ of the c~air. ~ r~ce2E ~u rcc~~v, ~c ct c ()v' ;?n ~. r~ ...~ It)~ Au ust 9th. 1937. I Reoeseed meeting of the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska, reconvened in regular session in the Counoil Chanwers of the Town Hall at 8 o'olook P.M. this 9 tho day of August, 1937, In the absenoe of Mayor Brownell, Counoilman Manthey, acting ;,;ayor called the meeting to order. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as follows: Present; Counoilman, Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones, Osbo and Councilman ~~nthey, acting Mayor. Absent; Mayor Brownell, being ill. a proposed Resolution was read by the Clerk as follows: I RESOWTIOH A RESOLUTIOn AUTHORIZING TEE 1!J~YOR .iim 1,;UNICIi<,U CLERK TO SIGl: AI'! OIl COllTRACT WITH TEE ST...LJDARD OIL C(i. FOR OIL Al;D GREASE TO BE FURlnSHED THE 1mmCH'....L LIGHT .bLAin FOR .Ii. PERIOD OF OIlE YEAH,KLmIl~G SEPTEMBER 30th. 1938. It was moved by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Coulicilm9Jl Oabo, that all Rules of the Council which might prevent unless suspended, the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoptio be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at this meeting 6nd its taking effect upon such adoption. The question being put uVon :s:mdl the adoption of said motion, the Roll was called with the following results: AYE::>: 5; Those voting AYE: Councilmen, Blase, Davis, Jones, Gilliland and vsbo. Acting lliayor Manthey declareG ssid motion carried, &ld such Rules suspe:::ded. Councilman Jones seconde" by Councilman Davis, moved tlmt said Resolution be finally passed and Bcopted as introduced and read. The question being l-'ut upon t)-:;c final IJaSS8.go and adoption of said Resolution, the Roll was called wit~ th6 followin~ results. "."J:.;v: 5; Those voting .AYE: Councilmen 131aoe, Davis, C'llliL"n' JOrlN; aHa. usoo. .dcting I,,:aj"'cr :.:u::rthe~y the:reupOIl cecla:ted c-?..io RG20..LutioiJ. f~ :lal1:'I~ yassed ar.d adOl-,'ted, t1.nd sigiled t:J.C sc.lc. Rcsolut .io~ i~.i. ap..._l'uval t!~croof. .D. pI'0 ose,-' Rcsoli;.tioll V'la.2 road 1::; t :10 /jJ..crk tiS follu'v7);.;: I 1lliSOLUTI0ii .';,;EbDU::i S~CTIOH 3 0F .~ :?2.:3Ul.UTI0ii u::!' JULY 20, 1'336 ~" mH~ .", ,,- " C P"CTl ''f.' m'T~ m.... -F "~"I"'" ,,1.' ',p UJ.: 1.....:.. LiU1l1~lU..... lh.J";',.L \..,,~. ,..L";'~~ ..l..lJ,,'J...~ U 1 ..J.w~ ..:.n..u, ~.d."':;..L.....8., SO AS TO REAl; 4,;;) F011"dCi: I'hat t:16 ;,;8.,; or a:lu TOWIl C16rL uf the Town of ::Jow,n"!';, ".la;:ku, be, <3.1:"d t':lO;)' are h01:cby auti'.orL:t;!u ... vvitbdraw froil! fuude ueposited in the 30attle-li'i1'st ~;at. :;jank, in the City Jf 3eattle, ,i&shiLgtotJ., designated as 38w",rd i.;loct:cic "\ ;:Jystem Construction Fund, ty c11ocl("on such bank sisneL~ 'oy tl,e ;,:9.;;"01' ) a,"o. Town '21erk of tile ~o,';n of ::;dv.iard, ,.1'J.sta, attestell u~/ tl'18 "cal of said 1.:ul1icipali ty, in paY;llent ::ol",n,y '. ':.d all SGI1l3 of money as set forth in the Certificate of purposes dated the I~th. e da;)' of June, I9~7 in cOl1i1ection '.'li th Docket ,,;0. G279 of tba ",\I...~, as nece~sit::/ t}'lerefo:i." zb[~ll arise, Clnd for suoh ZlliJlS u'ud in such 8.!lJuunts as arc XlUp1X%KlX: or may 1.>c rec:ui:ced in connection wi til tl-w construction of saiG ~uuiciIal ii~lt 3,ystem. It ',';as moved b;,' Cou:-;ciLIDrl (.ISDO secondei DY Cou",cilme,n :;illiland t';at all Ruios of t':e '2oU~:Cil .;lldct l"L~ht 'prevent liDless susp8nded, the cU!1sidEJl'ation, final pasca"c arll1 c~doption of said Resolutioll at caiC\ laestL~e UlIC its ta~_iilS eff0ct upon ;::uch adoptiOl Do" aUI~ t ~:~ salJl~ ,-we ~;eT?l:Jy suspended f~ l' tl:8 l-Ul'l;OS?" of l~eri!li ~t illE' ~Lle COllS10cxatloD, flaa~ ~3S:~~C U~~ aGO;tJ_Oli of SUlu ~eso~utlo11 at tlJis rneet:irlg and itz ~ul...i.~ll-" effect u.t.-ol1 Such aJoption. ~l!e que[3tioil 16iil~"': .i~u_t uLo:-: t~.<2 ,';i.c1optiorl of sai~ l~lotiorlt 7be Roll ;vas (;,ul~ci" "if/it;: ~llC fOI1,vJinc:, 1~2sults: ~YE~: 5; ~ilOSt: 'VO"'c.iJ.-i~' b.y~: COUL1Cil.rflGYl :.lu..se, :U~vis~' ~illi- laud, Jones U]ic.1 (1soo. i~cti~l~' ;,,'~,'1yo:C' :,:::lutllt:1;Y' u\j0.Lal"eu 2o.i,,~ l:1otion ctiJ.:~l"ied, aI.Ld SUCLl I'u_1.8b susf-s(ldea.. ~ 166 August 9th. 1927, Continued. Couiwilman Gilliland secoGded by Councihwn US-bO, moved ""J,at said Re,~ulution be finally liiissed and adopted as introliucecl u d read. The question being put upon the final passage u;~ adoptio~ o~ said Re~olution, the Roll was cUlled with the followin~ results: AYE::>: 5; Those votinf~ .SE: Coullcll,nen :01a:::e. lJavil:1, }illiland, Jones and Osho. ..cLillg La;yor ~iiar.they thereu_1'on uec12red said Resolution finally l,assed ana adopted., a:1S sigli.ed tJIO said Resolution in appl''1- val thel'eof. l Claims against t~e ~eward Electric Jystom co~st~uctjo~ :Tund, totaling :;:'5743.41 presented by ti,e clerk and apJlroved u;-,; t;::l; !inallCC COlJulli ttee as f,Ol?-ows: butbell ,~, daller Ed;L:I8,-l'in~ ~orp.~;51J.Ol) l. V. Ray ~1700.00 E.lli.Jtewart ~2350.00 Town of 0;w~rd. ~lG43.41 A. motion ,vas made by Counci Iman Blase seconded by Counc iltlan Gilliland that the above clairas t6 }aid fl'om the ;:;e'::ard :Glectric ~ystem Construction Fund; calling the Boll on the motion: l'iJose voting iiYE: Councilmen Blase. :iJavis.. :}i:Llila;,d, JOiles ,-~',!{ {, "bo, ?her c uron b.cting ;,layor I.iailttey so orucred the cIail":_ to. biiJ paid. The aIJplication of .1. L. lauf'blin to build a chicken Loui3E:J 14 .x 36 on his lots ;::'- ar,d Z! block 4 laubner J\.o di ti on walil present ~d by the Clerk, ;,;1'. Laughlin bein@ pl'esent. a li:LSUQscioll folluwed causeti uy the objection of I,ll'. ,So ;,~l's. Jete Coulter to the tuildiHtl of said chicken house resulting in e. motion taLng made by Coul1cilrn;il1 Osbo seconded ty Councilman Jones tilaL J"l'. Lau8hlin be issued a permit to build suid chicken house: the motion carried by the unaUL- WallS vote of all Counci 1 I)I'esent. ,'>.-L t ~i ~ t iille ;,Ir. laut,I-ili n ,:ia Clc. [!.IJ o:if e:' of ~;1 0.00 for Lot 3 block 4 laubner .ddclition, act:Ln~ iviayor :,:anthey info1'meo ",.1'. ~.uu.iliLn this wou1l1 be acteu Ul-'on at tile ne:';t ret',ular mectii,t' of the~ou;jci L. There being no further business to come 'befo:ce tilis me8till~ upor. prO!,er l.1otion made, seconded 8.r..'l carried ti1ii:, mectiYlt' did ad;jJUTlI. ",-cting l,iaJior g:~ Clerk. Iric,Jrl-Orate Li -:;:c above lilL-,utes, -:L: ~.PIJlicL,tioll of ~ick Poulos for a beer and ~i~e licence fur ttc ~OUt6 Cor~o RestaursLt was discuseed and it wa~ the ul-inio~ Le could ~ot get a license a8 l!c waG Dot a citizen, tte Clerk wac instructed -'-. "Oo'le +\-~".. all-' '.c +"cr'" '"" '" "'o+l-'--- to '."~"e"rt ."d --ot r",,,. "'U ~ .r:.. VU..L.~. \~1.~' l,... 1.... v~:; v "..."1...... u .....J...1.J..l.c. 1:'..l-<.:JV-.L.~.....1. LL ........:,0 ~n~ rcaso~ ~tj te stouid not be grantee a licc~se. .( r;, .....;~ "0' " d " .... 'i'uesua 1~37. l'Le CO!1l1110n CouLcil of :Le Clt:,' of JC'\iaTd, .1lo.:La, wet 0,:0 au =-:CiU_B.liz8.tiorJ. lJoard c..""u 2 o~(,;lvcl~ P.1~. tLis date in )tJLt rO,,\~I}}? ~.~~l 0.; tL6 Ci t;,: of Jeward, tl, e followinr: pro'test we,:."\:;: :cecol vec1,' , <, .~. R. R01:erti::i, :Cauter 0-. ,la1'l'1c1" Joanna :So Jeifcyt, U.:..cal' :Ja[11C1Ll~ Leo :,:argules. There 1eine:' no Cjl:C01'Wll the prote8t 'Hero f1.LGu. 1'~'60:1esCi.aii, ....UGl.lst, lIt!.!... 1027. I :LLIS COUDllO::.. Council of tilr' 8it:), ~)f :LW~~J, .l.LLUzka, J~lGt ~l.;: :.ltl =qu~li~atlo~ 10ard at r Of cluck ~.~. tl~ls Jute iu tIlE ~OWiJ.. ::all uf tIle Cit~ of ~ewaTa, JilacLa. ~;o fyotest wc~c fIled. 71,ursda;y, .'iU~uSt, 12'd,. 1937. ~Lle COll1HiO";.. COlu:~cil of tte 0it~J' of ...;E,wQ.rd, _...la21..~, .~~et as au ~quali~ation Loard at 2 o'clcck ~.~. this date III the ~own fiall of the ~ity of 3ewarG, ~lasLa. DO ~rotcst were flIed. Friday, 4Ug~st, 13th. 1937. The Coml,lO~'1 Council. of the ':it;; 0:':: ':;owal^d, .dazUl., Inet as an Equalization 'board at 2 0' clock 1:'.;,;. this ds. te in the C;:OWI', tiall of t~"c Cit;, of 3ewurd, ,,,laska. 1':,e followiL[; [rotest ';rere filet; ';,'ith tLe Clerk, 3.01ext ",-. I:all, 8ust ;,;oe and j3c'rlk of .;ievlard, there 1Jeiag no qU01'Wjj t1"e p:;."otest Vlere filed by t1:c clerk :'01' f'clture action. 3aturda;y, AU~ust, 14th. 1937. I The Common COUllC il of tije (:i t;y of 3ewa:^d, ,,,las1ca, ll,et as ',n Bq;~ali"'htiun :Board at :2 o'clock l:'.L. this c:ate in the "::'own ;:&11 of the Citj' of .:ieward, .~las~~&., W'lX protest received fror" 'i. uBbo and Sewuru Light &: Eower Co. ':;lild J.II.FlicLel1lSer. IJrotest wlI1re fileu ty the clerk. There 1Jeing HO q1.;OrUffi l:re,Sel1t thic meeting did recess to reCO:1Vene at 8 0' clock f.l:". tili:::: (lata. " ~atlirda~, J1UgliSt. 14tll. -r"'r->!"'f .L~.j I . ]eces:::ed J"eetir;~, LJf tee C;ommo:-: COl;::.ci.L reconvened Lt G o'clock l' 1 .,), ~s '"4~'" .:1' ,-, 0'" u"u"'t ,0""" ~" "-1' - '~r'''''' "n.L" 1 0'" +. C ,-.. J", .~.L. 1I.... ~. vll., CJ.if ..l ""i. E--'. U t ..l...,/tJl~..L..LJ !Jill,; .....v.u~.1. ",-~c.. ..J.. u/l. uJ.u;/ uf ..JcvIurd, ~~.iaol;at COLI1Ci 1.-,:8r.. 1)reS8:ut a.~~d abzG~J.t v.w?CrC 0.3 fOllOi,Vb: l'resent: Cou;:lci1men :81nse, :;:;81'is, ~illilaY"d, J01'"C:::: and UbtJO. .iosent COllncillilan i,;,,,;::.:lH3Y a~d i,:ayor :SrLJW,lE1.LI. .:::ou;,cillllun \.;soo was BfLJointed to act as Ch[lirmun. ':'11e j,Jrutest of 7. usbo v,': the asse::::::::r'lcnt of hi;o, rroperty U:". Lot G ok. 9 was rresented, b. motion wa;:; made 1::;)-' Cou;'"cilmau Jone::; seconded b~ Elase that the 8scesceu valuation be cut to ~IOOO.OO Calli1::[ the ::':oll: .1\.11 Cvui'"cilmeu present Voted ."YE. The protest of the :Dank of .seward or:. tl:e assesseJ valuation of the :Boat Anvil was presented, a motion was made b~' ''::ouncilmaTI Jones seconded b;y Davis that the assessed valuation be cut to ~7EO.OO Calling the Roll: _,,-11 Cou::cilmen present voted AYB. I The protest of Robert Hall was presented ar;d the clerk was ordered to make no change in his assessment. The protest of A.R.RUterts on his Personal tax and real propert' si tuated on lot 15 block 38 was presented; A mot ion was made b;y Councilman Gilliland seconded by Blase that his Personal Tax assess ment be cut to $400.00 and the Real ?roperty assessment to remain as ~ssessed; Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voted AYE. The protest of Badger & Warrick on their Real froperty assess- ment 0, Lot 17 Bk. 15 was considered and a motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Gilliland to drop the asses2ed value 0 $500.00 lbn the building on this lot, stating the building '.'!as about to fall down and was of no value; Calling the Roll: All Councilmen pre~ent voted aYE. The vrotest of Joanna B. Seifert by J.S.Badger on the assessed valuation of Lot 19 Block 13 was considered and a I.:otion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Davis that in of the house was habitable the assessed value calling the roll; all councilmen voted aye. as lrluch as only half be cut to0625.00 ~ (168 I saturday AUgust, 14th. 1937, Continued. . The Protest of Gus Moe on his assessment ,for Lot II block 28 was considered and the clerk was instructed to make no change. The Protest of Oscar Dahl on ttie assessed valuation of Hotel was presented and a motion was n~de by Councilman Blase seco by Jones that the assessment on the Hotel be cut ~800.00, Calling Roll: All Councilmen present voted AYE. The :Erotest of I,eo lIIargules un TlJe Overland Hotel, lJorthern ail the horth Lite Mining Claim was presented; A ~otion was made by Counci Jones secondeJ by Davis that t~:e assessed valuation of the l\orth L mining claim be cut to C[OO.OO and the other property to stand as assessed; Callin~ the ~011: .>-11 Councilwe~1 present voted AYJ.:;. The l'rotest of the ::Iewnrd Light C-. Power Co. was presented and considered resulting in a motion by Councilman Elase seconded by Gilliland that the assessment te lowered ;20,000.00 or to the asse sed valuation of 1936. Calling the Roll: ...11 Councilmen 1Jresent voted _ YE. The ?l'otest of J. E. Flicke;:}ger wae ordered left as assessed There being Equalization upon adjourn. liO further business to COlae before this Board of proper mo~ion rrade seconded and carrieu it did C HAl PJvIAi~ . ~~ C LJ.:;RK . IvluHDAY. AUGUST I 6t h. 1927. The COllllY!on Couricil of t:-:8 Tov\l~:-: uf ~0~:/f.ird, ."1.1u2}Q:l t Cvl~';Ov'.:.~ed i1: 'eguL.r session i'1,the Cou:,,-,cil Cl;amcers i'<1 tile 'flU','ill ::a11 at 3 o'clo ,"'. ~\~. ti: ic I Cth. c1 (.;,~; of ..:i.uGt<. st I~;: 7. ~hc [~lC et i ng V/a.S ca lIe d t u orela I' -:! <:i.C ting l,:ayvl' Eanthey, ilia;y or BroMiell 1:;ein6 ill. The Clerk called the :Roll: Those l'resont L-i~~J thuS0 absent we t? s follows: l'resent: Councillllen Blase, :;':'avis, ':':illiland, ':;0 ,"es, und ,ianthe~" . i1osent: Councilman 08bo, and ;,ia:io:c Zro'.vuell. Liinutes of the lust lllCeti:::g read u.nd aplcruved. CorlllI1Ullications 1'88.0 froill ~,.l1:.:k of 3G~lIal"d ul:J.d ]JroV'I:'l L~. :Ia:~vhins prrovLlg t:,o l'ernoval of the irdlll doors in the sid~ walk i:l front 0 their places of business and rropcrt;y. otter com;',ouuice.t ions were f om 'ron :i:ricson, Pete Coulter Wld :Creu r:eilche8ki. The street Comnittee were instructed to oroceed with the wo k of removing the iron doors in t:,e side walk in s{Lch cases '"here the ad the consent of the owner. The complaint of Aron Ericson of a step in the side walk in front of the J.H.Flickenger residence was discus2ed and e. motion wa nade by Councilman Dll;l.se seconded by Davis that tho street Co;nmitte look into this matter Ilnfi remedy it. Calling the Roll: _,11 Councilm n resent voting AYE. The Clerk was instructed to have the City atLrYley draw up an Ordinance covering the inspection of chicken pens and houses, rabbit pens ducks and geese pens and etc. also to notify :':r. :Laugh in by mail not'to proceed with the building of his chicken house until further notifiec. The question of an allowance tu the t'€alt~l Cfficer t? t~l:e care of pro~erty destroyed on account of condemnatlon ~r s~nlt~ry re';t80ns and for;icdiciY~al supplies used 0:: indingents v:as chscusf'cd resulting ir, 6. motio:-: beL:; wb.ce bjl Councilmar.i Plase seconded by .4. <"U. lOJ l~ionC.a~" .a.Ui;Lst letr:. I;3~4, Corltii.cl~Cl~_. Cou,"cilu,a.Ll Zones that He ~=caltL CfficCl' ::E' cill )we: ":1:::0.00 u.C b. :kllG. to tul..e care of ~~;:=.:.~ .L_ett:y GX1~e:'l8CZ -2u:1::':(.ctcd \7~ th :lis f.p"~e ~a1.i" ~'-'_:>r- +,- 1--c .1r"u'V' +t--......., 1 :---1.., -4-!.....c ('11-+-"- (""'f"""""" '0 ..f"..(Jl"CE: U ...1.11.; , ...... U .1Lu....L'_'- ...1,) ""'...... ....., Qloil...... U~"',",.""1. ..... v...~ -' 1,)';/ __J..... _.1. ..... V-L.!- S ".''''' "'cd ""O~"':"'-" ""1-C "'"'01-'- '1. ('I11---C'.I-""";'~ ,,""'C',r:-,,---t- .....,,+,...:'1 ,.....~.:' U. .i..i.;.';(C.. . vo.l.J....L,...c ....."-_ _~ .1. .oi.l" ....\",.L-.l._ .i.....uJ(..:..l J:..l.v.....-......L...u .......1.'(,..,,1.1 ....1...... '~1' (~ fuilo~ln; TIesuli2tiu~ ,pr'~ C .._1o..J "Y" (". " ,.., ~. "'- ,'"'I ."'" 1-,L. ...., '- c; ~J.I.;... U ~ ~'l:' ~etid "h-, ,~ ~\.. ~~ :~C r;J.s~L. I Illi~(.lun Ul. b= I:L' lli:..:>ULv~:J). ty t:,e COI";iJ01:l Co;~~,cil of t ;,e Tow-.-, of ,~8W,-,ro., Ala~ha, tllat t~c U~GeSSID6ht ~ol~ uf Real a=d ~eTSOl~a~ -ror.crty il~L ~ijc ~OVv'il of 8CVifUid, ..:iJ.e..sLa, ::-'.'1" "t!:e -~C~l" I,j, 7, tic dcli"'.~6roCi t t~:-: 11\..I\i'j li':Jli.~.r...ci..L t:~ t' c ,d.,,:ccs:::'ur, ~::,~.d LC =1,~us.liueJ ::::/ t!-...c (~vL:l.;,U~'~ ~0L~cil sl~~ir~~ us ~ ~uu~d uf ~~~Qli~atiu=, tc ~ccc~,~cJ. ~c ~t f:-rt:-:.?:~ :L--CCOi1-eG., }~GT~ty pl~ced at 20 :,;ill~. t Let +hc 1. c "::~I' : ;.J:" +~ C" wi 1~ " ~-'ea~ T, "":'~ ...L....u I, i8 .coW I~ :?;_-rJ~"'=~~ =~U.L ~vr:u, t~" Ci.:: t~c ~a.:=8S fu~ ....:l:c rnOilV.n of 2evla.l"d, ,".ll.~ac.l..i:i, l.Jl.l t~-_c ~cal u;::o :.:~Grc:u .&1 1.:i....uI~cTtj7, as s.S2C~8ee =01'" tL( ~,~eUr IS27, arc :"iOri due o.:~.\~ ...~a:;ucle at tl:e '.Jfflcc: 0:: ~Lc f]1-Jd'll ~lcTL. :::::i; I ~ :::_"'~:T!:::: :;: ~l:l"',~:~ , ...~'- u ~ "t,'- c ~ i ;~lC :f ur -:.: 1-:.: ~ 0.YC l f 0:'" t..: c: 1:27 uf tt8 Rcc..l a~:cl .tel":: u~~...~l ~ l'u__ el-~~; u= c-u.id rnJ\,It,n~ '_If :..;.;:; a6;::e~cec1, sta..!..l 80COLIC dcll-.-,\:r;_6y.~~, fuY ::o~,"".i.-':')(_~~"';l-iC~t, ...J.I.L. of t"E; IStb. ~u.;y of :~o'V'':'_i'bcr, I~~,27, :.~~--:c~ tt3.t ~;'C 0::"0 ~-:ut.i.cc b..:: "i"S qui~tc ~ r~- ../l"c"':i::iu:::s u~ sect iu:.!. ::"1,) U= L:;.'\: i:1(_:_ cc ~~o. 11, U-,Z L'.l:~C~C:- 1"-' rccti()V 7 u= (;T-=~.i'.,-.J.l".:.r 2':' j= -A_' .' >-,vl:'ll"G, ,...l;_. at r; o'c..LocL ,,1" .J..v.... J" '1 YC t1:e _-;':~l u.f :=.IJ~'^:~~, ..:ilt:;,;...~~;. l. :;.~ L' L:'-; '..L'....i,. ., ..F; l'~"i.:.::c <J. l,_:-:; l~ ~- r c~,.cl-' c 1-~ Z..L 0;_-1 vi ~ ~ c ~.J. C5 ~;-::.:: =C~!.. \::::;..; ~.I.U_.'L3t,I.. _'.,. I Q.cti:::r:: ::a~-ol' "'Lf~ lit this til!1e Council,ua:.-" 0s10 entered ttG COUllCil :j;-jalacers. It ';"t:.:~L llj(J":;OC. l~:- :;V'L:. Gill.ila-_~ JO~...2G 2CC\):..\~c~~ "ud r:i.tlila.-lu, ':~~Js..t ~~11 :-:7,1(5 of :Lo jOl,,~-.eil ;";L:ic~ i;:-t-J_t ~ :"evc=.t udl~s~ S0,~..._':=Jc], ~~. cO:~.Li(~c ::L~:'i 01:". f:._a:l ~ acsG.~~c ':. rL0. c.COi.-tj OIL of cu.i~ ::E::SOlutlo~.. ut 2a':'~ IH~C t::'Lt.~ L~J.'l'_ liLts :,a.ti:-:'t effect ~~J.-'o:-- suerl aL~o1.~,tiorl I..iC aIle: tilt ~u.l,Je al~-S LS1Cl.:, .st;~SrC:~~C_E:0. fu::t tl~4C pl,rljosc of .~ c~...lit~,.l:-:'b the ~():'j,~iQ- tratioi_J., :fi~lul. l.!3.ssue,e a:;l~ 8.Co.f;tlo:: of 5,:11d :\8sc,1L.tiu:'-l ~~ t:"lic Iil8Ct.illt:. ~::a it::: .I.~S.~"-iL~:- effect UfOll sucl-l aL:ortiull. :'1.1;.; quE.stio:-" 'b:jy~::- ~l~~, u..loL tr._e aGo.i-,t:o,:.~ ....;f Ga,~,~. LlotioTl; :1011 ..I~ab l.;L..l.leo L-;~C all 80Ul'.j011r~lC:-l .i.'l'ese~J.'t vott:;cl ....y:.:... 'Jou.:oil;ilaJ.-L ~~liilL' -,Q ZeC011c1.ed 1;y GsLo, :iioved t~-,o..t ::8.1J i.18bolu tiO:-i 1,:,c; fi _Lall:'t ... a.o~'(;;c. a...j,cJ ~~vrteD ab intl"oc~lAC;6(~ LL.C 3."cu ~,-'hG (.;.nc::.I~.10::': "b01'"<~' l-,ut ~.i~Oll the =irJ.al .Las~a;c U,:~:. uC:01>t:iO~l 'Jf 2D.iJ ~,~~(J.lU.tiO'L., :ilt; :toll ~';u.::. (;aJ.le~", a~iU :3.1: "-:0ULc.iilil8n 1;r8cc;:t 70ceu _..1. -<..J. -'- ~ ..:1.'-' v....; .'._Cl., o:t ~ ::.l.. L ~~_ e;. ac1ol'te(~, ~ilU ;:;LC~ACi;;' or.. 1:)u8ceu ;".,"i~~_ .Ie" i:=::CCO:l. zit LlCC -A,_ -. lJJ-L...... G0c11~~cd sai~ ~0501utloll ~l~aL~~ ~ai(} Jt;solut ';"o'J. i.., 'l~~.. 'l"ov~~l I -1.~I)pl'O-\/eci -:"L iE 16.1c t. l~E..~ of ".L"-2:..,:;.ct, 1'-,.;';.,7. 4ctin~: 1,:D.;y OJ.'. {:1'~ ......UL iV1i',""".J.. -'.L.'_.L...~. ,.." ~ _!, L. fv 11 u-I,~ii I, ~bsolutio:: ~~E i~~~O~i,~~: ,-" ..'-' l"'u.:sL1 , c~ -'" L ~J..( ~:~ . :=:.u.:JUi:''':l.l.'~,: ~~ :2:86ult-TI Oi:. ...-i:~"'=~~O::I.:..I~:-: '~'7~= ~.~",:..Yl':=: .~,-,J.j j,.lt.Ti:IjI.:..l. Cl~:-:l._ 'l'u ::.:;:::.:C':~':'~ .i. :'.L:':":L --;--.v~ :J=::::_~I:~ J.=-:,...:l:==-.~r.:.,~ ?=-:.Lv~:'-::I~:C r~l..J mT"'!'-'" r',' , , ~ 'T;'> .L ~.J...i ~.... 'I.... L...:..: 0~,~ ....:..-.JJ, ~.... - ..1...___...:1. . 170 :.:o:...daJ', .o:~l..KBU.St, Ict}-:. 1-J27, COutiYlliCd. EE ,I:' RESOL "\t:,.1) , 1:v~ t hE: ~ OLl!l~On C uUlJ.ci 1 0 f t tIS ~ OVill 0 f ~0~~~I8.:" d., ~...}.s.sl~a, that :J.C.I:Tov;nell., as l,:e;y"'or 8.Ild ~..lJ.debb, as :.:ullicipal ~l(; t. ULJ.C theJ- l:eret:v al:e autl~or:ized a:t:u 3i:rcctoG. 'tu e:.:ecute a~J.a deliver to Jri:5~~ ?o=rest ~el~ed~ ~'"e ChuG Za~ick€, a good :~~d s~fficic~t ~eoC fur tl e follO'tiil':.G J.8Ll,1e.. }ropert~l i~ tL.e =ow.. of ~Gwara, ..-}.las1.s., to-":"lit:- lot 37 Block 7 a~d lots 28-8S-20 a~a ZI Llock 4 luu1~cr 4dditioh. ::aic1 :;)E:CUS to be e::ecuted for and in considcrc.tion of ,~,G5 .00 tid alld 8.cceptecJ b;j~ the unani:lJo~;z vote vf tbe ()omliloI:1 '';0<,;,:',ci1 i:l . a _ ~CDt for tLe atove lots. . ?asEod this 16tb. day uf rlUfust, IJ~7. "~l/P :i:ovem:: 6~ ACTING ;,:'A'70R. ;,:unicipal Clerk. The question being put upon the final [assage and ad~ptio~ 0 2a1d :Resolution at this meeting and its taking effect :Apon such adoption, A mot ion was :nade b;j' CoulJ.cilman Davis seconded by Zones that the Resolutio:~, be adopted; Calling tee :Roll: .,,11 CoU:~,CillIlIl:& present voted ~YE. Actinf ~ayor ~anttey declareC said :notion carried a~d said Rasolut ion adopted and signed t he said :}6s01ut iOll in ap,JrovD,l t her of. The offer of ~:IO.OO ty rete Coulter for lot 5 clock 4 Iaulme -/iddi tion oms rc jocted t;r the Cou;'lci 1 as not being c:~ougt for tl:e 1 t. The Clerk vIas instructed to notify ell CO;'ltracton: uSic::.- tru l- drivers that the drivers must have Driver licenses. The all "lication of ::Tree l~eilcl:eski for a three vjecks vacutio ~ . star~ir:g about Sept. 1st. was taken U;U,d, 11l0tiol1 was madE: by COUl1- cilman 8illila::1d seconded by :Blase that the vacation be grailted; Calling the Rolli ..~ll Cuunci 11.1en .Fresent voted ."Yb. The Council at this tL,e uf::roed that :Bert JJuith would i)e satisfactory t v take the place uf Fred l:eilchesld duri:-,,:: Us leave The Clerk was instructed tv ~~~C 8rdinance relative to co~eri~g g&rbage ~anitary co~dition. tr~ I""" ...... j _l lie) ca:lS and ,,,ttor::ey draw uJ:! a keepi~g them in a '.:'he ::"i1'e I::wi:raittee rerorteG o~ ~ire escapes, statin;:: t ,at t,:: Oye:dBl:d ]:'otel l:ceCed thew 41so the Scr;t1.rd Tradi:1? (~o. ileered a ladder off the rvof on the south side, oald the 'lay. Gilder T~otcl was in doubt as tu its sa=cty. ':'he CIerI. was instructer to l~otify l:.L.3enft to JJ!ove tis garage ot of the alley at hiz property. Cler1- to nutif;y' ;.:1". Stew<irt to ;lotif;); the oO:-ltractor on the ;,Jullicil_al Lie:ht Pl~~r.t to get Lis lubor from the list ut the wffice of the ~it~ Clerk. Tl1eI'C bei~c: no :further business tu CUlIlC before this ll1cetin:; uj!on proper motion being I;lade seconded a::1d carried it did adjourn. ACTII;C MAYOR c: . .~ ~ 171 August 26th. I927. I Special meeti'~f of the ConlLon Council of the Cit;y of Se'.vard, cilaslw held this Gute in the CourJcil Cl:am:::ers of the Town ~all. "eetin[: Vias callee, to order by acting I.:::iyor ;,:anthey at [3 0' clock P.I.~. wit", the following Councilmen present: Davis, Silliland, Zones, Milllt~ey ::;':1d Dsbo. Aoseilt Counciljj1an Blase a:1d 1.:a;yur Brownell. This meeting was called for the purpose of 80nsidcring an ~greewent of E. M. stewart to do the archetectural work on the Seward School G;ymnasium; The Clerk reaC: the proposed E'.gree,nc:1t as j}reseYlted bJ' I.lr. 3te'iiart 0,:16 it ViaS ordered laid on t '_e table fur f~rt~?r considerat~o~.. ~OtiOD waJe 1y_CouDcil~~n ~avis ~econdeJ b~ ~l...L..Ll.iu:-~d aJ..1G. ca.rl'1.8C Uj~ t::c "ru~e of 9...Ll ~OU:;...Cl.l..J~lG -:. l.-:;::.o.J(;~t. The Clerk r.ad a letter fru~ J. =. Johnson of ~nchorage in which he SouKht the job uf Te-assessing the property of the City; ,Ii illotion -."Ui.S made by COll:::1cillIl1:in Gebo, seconded ty :0:18S tl~at the letter be iileC for future referencc, Calling the ~oll on tho wotio ;..11 Councilmerl present -voted .iYb. '!.'Le Clcrk 'lias instructed write Er. Jot:-:son of the action of tile Council. The Clerk read tl:o apl"liciition of :lro. "JGll ::::'L:;yd for the Council' <3 alJfrOval of u ;Jeer and .iL18 lice::1se fOl' 1:el' Restaurant in Jei.mrd. .'i motion was iliU.}, b~- COUl1CillJJan Zones sccolldeJ t,y Gilliland t:~at t;:ltS application be a.pj,Jroved ii, all l'eopects; Callin::; tLe Ro::Ll or.i the Lautio~.l; -b..ll Cour:cilulC~ !:-,:re:=:out voted dolE. ,,~cting :.:aa:;o:i.... :.:a:..J.~~~6~ cu.lleJ a I'eC0~C to :rCQO:.l\,6U6 dt t;,}8 cull o~ t:~,: c:-..~il"'. ~C~I~~~; i,.:"-~YO:a. ~~ r; 1=::.\1: I dUgUSt, Z7tb. 10:7. 3eCeLc.e..:: lJ.leeti..1f' of 1iUe:'l{st, ZGth. l"'CC01.lVC:::Cu. .L:': sO::Zl.OI1 tit ~~.~) o'cl'~c:l.. iLl tI:e office of the Cit:: CltI'L O~l ttls C}[)te. S:hEJ !nectillg Vias ce.lled to orJcr ,!-;~- u.ctlllf) ll:a.yol~ :::G.tlt:J8C:/e ~'j}.ose ~~':tGSe~lt U -.'l0 tho se 0.1:: SC1~ t v:e::" C :"LS follOljis; 8 Ol.:::C il_"lc 11 .= 12~G, :;e.. v.i s, r; i lli lu:" U . ;olles aidJ. (61)0. l~;;St;:C1t: =.:a:yor ~ro'~i[..lell. ~Le ..leetin: '.iB.S Gw.llcd to t~l~e 80i.dO 3ctlo~~~ 01.;. D.~l)li(;~it:O.j.b filer ~or t1-'le a:'0Ijet6ctul"al '.~:oJ.~~~ u:: ~1~c ~cLluol ,~ u-.~~,':iSiUIn ~:-....o~c.ct l.dA. I'o. 1'J20-1.>. Two al::plicatio:~G Vl01"a :ceaJ 1::: ~:~e Clc::.:'~'", o:~c fTO~ll =....... 2,~~c.\,'J~~l.t, ~Utl u....,8 f,"o'JI ~-.rH.<'-' ;::'o~s 07 "l~~.eau ...~~~ j'lc'r" 1. t'" uJ" .L."e .;) ....-..."r'l ,,....',,.oI.s "'~'-re J,..j, . ~~ ......;. ..'1..1.. ~ ....... C,..I...CLJ. ,IJ~~_"-,, ,.... u..L l.J.ll ~ ..Lv~_'.~l_ .J,u ..l..... Clsc::.sso6. 'L~l tile 0oLL~cil ailU. r-esulted l.~l a JesoJ.u.tio~: ~6i"it~'- :.."c~op~c 1;11:; fO.Llo7:s: R;.;;:.OlUTI UJ.. \i~~J.~..1~t p.fope:c 8L,~:'~oj:ity :~a.s ~)eCi.L ~iven tu L~lG ~o\/~~ of 02'\~~1'o., ..:i.lu..cl>..a, .zor tilt is;':U&.;.~0S of to.-jUS ;0:.:' ~Le <';U~L.1Z.A~:L"u.c~ IvlJ.. oJ a i'u11i~ S cLioo1 ~'.J ,,,L.-,___c i uw, 1: .w~. ,l:'l'O J ~ ct ~Jo. .Li.L1..a. 1020 -JJ, UJ..i. '.--. '::..lt0 C i L.LH. a:. HI'CL.litect fvI' -:Le ~":i."J/\.jct, has, aftel~ ca:re.fvl COi.lsiut..::I'a~iuL., - Ii1 till e it's s e.L e uti 0 d. I ~:U.I, ~"'~.i?J:?u~ BE 1'."2 n::::':Cl"r~1J: :2y t:-:.e 'jolllillon CouuiJil of ..lube ~ov/J.l 0; ~(;\i:-;;'J.'Q, .:i".iaL~,....G, Tl1at ;.:. ::? ?oss of Ji.~_Y.lcaG~, .~lCiC:x_o., 'b8 l~etailled as Ul' 0:1i t~0t jJ':"v-" -I.,c. l.--"',"~r"! at '~l: .L'_r-.I. .....l~ ~~".\]"V" a -. 'n --11 "1.,......~1 ,-~ ~-._., -_,~ J, uL.' .1. v~t;: ,(...0. lu Li~o.u udL .;.._~~UJ.. ....u .0\<\I.i. v c..J.'~ !Je, ",LAl \::.1..Ld, L8:tt;1~~7 t.luvVl81'tCl :.0 ei,.8Cu.te t:'lat certui~': <.;O',"itract ,-..!..~tGu ~4U.lLSt ~ .... - ( , ~ 7 ,. "11 I d r-;- ro( ,. -., .1.. , 0 " l'a -- ,1- - -. ,- , '-- - ~ <:"'l -,..1 n _ ~.. J', f"t _ ,.. '-' l, . . JL. , ut.:;;J.u::.... vl~t-:.: v ~.LlJ ~u l..L'.d.ll11.ut.::!(i :;""11_l..l o.L'pl"'UV8a L':J v.~I:j ,-,OU..lJl U'~ i~~b lntl;~in~- of ~~~t~st!. f'.I7i_')1. I~Z7, 0ctweeu tllt3 ~OV~'d uf ...-~t:] /cJ.i't1, n..lUcK.C, u'Illl tl-:..e ca_,-(l 11. .1-. Foos :;Ol~li:a:U~Y. L~ I =: ltL~r:.~~~E~ R:83l.l....~~.u: ~jj~"L t~,ltj uu..tl t:;S of ==. =-.... ?\Jo~ ~o. iL'.l(,'-:t,jl' t~'"C ~o~~tl"' 'c"t; ~~JJa.ll 10 tv it..l"lJ.lG!_.. 01-'_ L:~t. :1.:ccLiJue0~ur21, :.eL:>~~.Lical fLdJ. I:.;IA.~.c:.:C'\7.:i..00i.~y '''-OLl l.11 CO...lLle~tioi.l ~,-;itll baiJ. Sc;vvalLt _....'U;~.Li0 :;(;~loul ~~'~"L.:.asium, ::',_.L4. .t'.L o."t;( ~ ~;o. ~~ 1u,-~O-.cJ: ScciC seni(;CJ",~o L,uluu,'e ~"J"'>( 1-) v -v ~~'Ui1~~t of comf~ete (172 i 4urust-E7th. 1937. continued. plans a:jd SlJecificatio;1s for the PYOJ6Ct; (2) bid fOl'filE viith im,t- ructions to bidders; (Z) fOl'IDS of contraot; (4) forms of adverticle~ i!lent; (5) paynient of cost of a,~vertisement; and (6) all insrection ,'{ol'k as requireu by a ,1<) l,el'suar,t \"0 t1',e i,,,"",,l'UGtio;lS dJll~ l'e::-ulatlo ,S of the Fcueral ""drninistra~,i,~,'; of lubEc .Iorks. ' , :SRIEF..-~PEC:::FIC_"TIG1;.:i S2.iX:'ib' S'CE:OuL 'Wl.:l;ASIU1., --, I ':'YFE OF BUIl:JIl;G: 'I'he 1uilclitJ.~ is to be a .frallJ.e stl"lJ(;~l1.Te -;.;i tll J:eir-ifol'ced cOllcrete lvu;luatioll and stLICCO cx~,ej:l<Jl'. ROliE' : :(llt.: ~ou:= over SJ"!ilnabit1i..! i.s to [2 SU._;llorted v..ith I-teams S lJ ita tly 'crbced u,,,c. ue oS if! ,';eo to ca::c::";, SCV 0 :-,ty ,-fi -" 8 DOUcH} '" k or ~;lYU rtO fv ot ",now load. 08.1Jle s;'.".L UC; coveree'; "'1 th fi'''e ;..1;,/ ~ uilt ,A.; l'ovf 0\/81' sollu wo uc. sllea.thing. E~~l;~:\[;O:R .~'~.d.LL~: -::"::xterior wallE, will be cOllst:n!C'.;ed uf solid c:i-,aatlling, ',mt0rC;.l'Oof tuilc11~it. ..I.uape:c anL~ stucco. I.I-~7E=tIuR ,i.i.l~~ l~~j:D C:I:IIII'iJ3: I.Ite riOl' wb.lis ',;ill j;~ve wooG WCiitlCCOt fOUl' fe"t hich a;jl~ s,-',no finisLed plaster fr-ou WCHIcOOt tv ccilL>' '-Lie; o:,e-L"c;~ LJbula-:'ed uoa:rd ceilillg. ~ll JUiLits of ~all 1o~~~ :~ill be coverLC ~;ith ~&t. 0TI 5t~i~s palels: to deBigL. n0~n: ___ l-U!J81', :710 or Aill 'ce O"ut:-L.L&.Lf i:~c~'. ~OilS.l~~Cln:;tGll r~.l th i:"jc'i.:lo.tmng toe,.l'a s01il1 ~jjC ..;,..I~ ~_1 J. i-1t, Hi:;. t01.._ll'O uS: n.dU nJafle, -1'""inisL .rie 01". 'tuill1ing l 'f L.:LiU:i "'l: 1'""" 'T""l...... ~~ J ',- A... ....LJ 0 : Cover all \'_li ~::.dors ii:i ~~'linJ.a:.,iuln v~'i t!" ,.,i:"e wic~Dow u_8.~"UE, de2i~iLeJ for' ~~ls ~u~po8e. ~~~,,:.::rI::~ : n,', '\-' 1'"" , ," ." _.J 1- ' J" . t . 1 _ U e I... tl~ u.l nE;~' lu L, V " C ;: e E. u C U \-,l"C il ULli'G ta furlli~l~e~ fro:n tl~e 8:~i[~ill~~ s~tool flant. Lf; ,'Lc~"s. r'~)["-G Ll;-l-....l~.Y will 1 Tor-, 1') T I ~ ,'" . .1.,.L..I1..1".u..-.... 'J. __._ 0l~f..J'..)t.,.,1'6 ~)ill 1--,8 l-'l.ovi(~,~lj i:-:. Dl"'essi~.'l.~: I'uoms a..ll; 1~;:;8.1- 01.' '.~'jJL...,- t-iurn. Fur'tlish la'vato=cieb Ci..JQ viater c1 S0'0E as i:'lc1i~uteD. f/InI.n';: .,;,,'l'vVlue ~ll 11C;C(,;:':: Ll'~.- ~;:i:....iiJg to :;e.tio':-.l.&l BleG"'uJ.'il; .,joCe. , , ,.k~.ll.:' l'l::tl"j."'C;S. I~.... t:'cll ....."J.~.lt) [Lece l"l..~i . L _ r~I.l.:~I:~} : l.'t~illt ~J.l 8}:-'ve::clDOl' triLl L,l~ .iL~tcl'i\.)l- 'liOOU~:.rO:t}~ ~7ith t~:ree 1..50C,: s of 1eau llG-iat. .,11 lc.&i tL"g ':,'ill 't'e (JOil8 :,; a fil'S~, \.;lb.'" ,,,cJ.lli."g,,r. ,,....'''"r''l..-,.. r, ,.J.. .I~ ,J._, . Lea L;:, -j-'/'j' e 'u'e;::;+, of' ','.1' S '...:1'"';,1': l~ ~-,-v, d _L.i.U:.;.,.~,:), iJL~t=J c':..-l'c:...i vte\.. is i1:.:.>.:.u.l-wc;' ~) u_ v '""" .' C\.I"" -- "'t.J to i:18.11 allo G.e~ign bale :'c-~_.ool ~;.,u..J.i~iLUl1, .....0 t':c.A,7, ::-"-6 total C0Ct f ;.::,;.id 0u..ildin;~; will l:c j~_t.l.jt t.J..b l.o\;-~' as .i. oE8ible cUl.-J.3ibt_~-~.L~: '~vitl~ ,-~'JOl l, ~.,,:,.,i".tleeI'i~-J.~<-'1':--,-0~iQe; :l:~ L \-tI-~01'e i ~ it:. (': ~.il'eu "Cv (.;:jU0~a 'tet-~'i2cn l iffe~t- . But fc'l'D.C.es'- 01"" t;'I~.!.)eSt 'Laseu. iJ..... co~~:.~, t::cre shall be C08i:~l1s :.:lU\.... s..eo- lfic~tions ~T81,urell :0~ botll b0 tiS tu 7eccivQ Lep,~=atc tiJG 0,1 ~a 11. 1.::c. :?UbS i: .ft.'.r-'~her i:JsLl'ncte,". ~u USe; uil -J,:,OSC i ;)1.8 =... 8GU. i :'1 .;.: C1,- - :"lilL ~. . ,..,' ~.. -la--~~' ,"'" ~~ ",-,:~,., -.<'+ ~o~.~ .J,o ~, ~ ,-~~.," -L' ,t t)~pr--, 'I ro. "..1 ...\ ,ur ~.i:~~l.~~-:tj\" p d0 c.~l.v.. "l.Jt:::v.,l.............l..,:c.J.lJ.j .......;:::., l.I --,..l... .....Li\.l u _ .\J ~vO 'L....-.~;- ::.... ':'-:..' .:::.~ :: c.i~... Z..u'f(.l. 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It 'v"laS uo-r e 0 t;/ 0 Oltl}Q :llJl~8.r.L 12 lb.b e, S c; c C~',-,'~ Gd -;'.J ('I () u::c 11~llS.ll =a',' is t ::-.at all T?u~e8 of tLe ~uu.n.01:L ~"vr~';'ct ;~11 --:h t fI'(' ~\'O~'lt, lL'110SS ,Sl.i.Sren...:e(i, ::.:c corlci.(~e:Cu.ti.j11, ~i~1i.;.,i .:,_a.i2'""'a.,~ 2: J:lU ~:oJ-.iti.J:~ u~ :::3.1cl :2c::::;ol~tlo:~ ut ca.LcJ ~~lcctiL2' ~~~d It.: ta~::l'-i.~' :,ff::ot ~)_~ u:~ C~{C~l :J.,~J~_- t .Lan, 1, e a.l..i.c. t~: ,~. E,::..Ilie a.re L:; rc b:J C U~... 6..11.: ,;:0 fur t~: c l~ u:-'/_-,uce 0 f l-,cr..li~t'i:'"'cc.: t:-:..~ co.:i8i08Tati.o~'l, fi:~-,81 las::'a~'2 u.:'~G L-:Doj/tiull 0f ~J,ld ]c.s01ution a"t; t::is lllcet.i::,:' :-.0 Its tD.}.iJ:J.;~' Cf:E,ct l~(.O~-J. :ucL udo(l- . ' - ~ tio::~. ~'i~c: qu.6stio"-'.1 ',~c l.r:.F~ ~.u~~ ~A.LO~,: t~}(; :....dop"tl Ol'i ~rf :::.;al~: L1~o~lo:;.".,., ttc ~oll ~uc cal1e~ ~lth ~te fol10wi~-~ ~cGJlts: .d.l:'~: [I; T~,,:o2e voti:.'l~~ .."7E; CoU:-:C:lf41C:._l, =lCiGe, -:Jc..Vi8, '~IJ_lilund, .Tl;:1C~ ,_.;:ul Csbu. Councilllia~ ~U~t:16Y acti~p -We .d-ctine; ;,:c;.j<or ;';'-i~the;'7 oeclare" said illotion,.carriedand such :::lulos Bus.t-iended. I Cou::cil,nan (;illiland ceco::de" 1:y ~ou::cildji:J.:: :o~cs, !!loved tt~t Baid Resolution be finall~ ,.8szed ~nd adopted as introduced and read,. The question being put upon the final passage and adoption of said Resolution; The Roll was called with the follow- ing results: AYES; 5; Those voting AYE; Councilmen, Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo. Councilman Manthey acting Mayor. Acting Mayor 1.:i:J.nthey thereupon declared said Resolution finally passed and adopted and signed the same in approval thereof. There being no further business to come before this meeting upon proper motion made, seconded and carried, did adjourn. ACTING MAYOR t:~ CLERK. At the above meeting and in the presence of Councilmen present, Mr. H. B. Foss for the firm Company, did state that ~ the three per cent Company upon the signing of the contract and as Contract, would not be collected by his Company was available for the project. the above of H. B. Foss (3%) due his outlined in the until the money I ~~ .. (174 I September, at h. 1937. , Postponed regular meeting of the Common Counoil of the To of Seward, Alaska, convened in session in the Counoil Chambers of the Town Hall at 8 o'olock this 8th. day of S~ptember. I937. The meeting was called to order by acting Mayor Manthey. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as follows: _ . Present: Counoilmen, Blase, Davis. Jones and Osbo. Absent: Councilman, Gilliland and Mayor Brownell. Minutes of last meeting not read at this time due to the --I Fi~emen wanting the Hall for their meeting. I Claims totaling $II2I.89 prQsented and approved by the Finance. C.omrni ttee as follows: Bank of Seward $::5 .00 Pete Miohelso $25.00 L. E. Will:iam~ $56,00 "L.," V" ~ay '$6().00 Fred Keil.chesk.i: $22 .00 E.D.Webb $160.00 Seward Light & Power Co. $00.65 Seward Drug Co. 6.85 Seward Water Supply $127.50 Gateway 'Pub. Co. $8.95 Seward Moh. Sh p. $9.90 Brown & Hawkins $2.90 C. M. Brosius $12~25 Jeanne Ironside 2.25 Bert Smith $138.00 Bob Carlson $123.00 Martin Lanning $21.75 Jaok Burke $12.00 Allen Guest $36.00 Cash $12.75 Ogle Garage $14. 9 Osbo Electric Supply $2.75 U.S. Signal Corps $10.30. A motion was made by Counoilman Jones seoonded by Counoil Davia that the above bills be paid as presented and approved; Cal the R~l~ on the motion,; All Councilmen present voted AYE. As the Voluntary Fire Dept. wanted to hold their meeting a motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Jones that this reoess and reoonvene at the oall of the chair; Calling the Roll: Counoilmen present votec AYE. Aoting Mayor Manthey thereupon oall a recess. ACTING MAYOR. September. 13th. 1937. Recessed meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Sew rd. Alaska, reoonvened in session in the Council Chambers of the T wn Hall at 8 o'.clock P.M. this date. . The Meeting was called to o8der by Mayor Brownell. Those present were as follows: Councilmen, Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones. Absent: Councilmen Manthey and Osbo. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Communications read by the Cler~ were as follows: Marine N of Seattle, Wash. and A. S. Huyok ~ Co.' ofChloago, Ill. ae: t purchase of the Seward Gymnasium bonds, the Clerk was 'instruct answer same and file for future referenoe. A letter from U. .J. Gendron, Aoting Direotor, Power Divisio the Administration, Washington, D.C. aoknowledging reoeipt of Court decision On the Seward Light Project. A letter from the Seward Light & Power Co. notifying the Cit Council of a ohange in rates to take effect Sept. 26th. I937. was ordered tabled. . A letter from R. E. Baumgartner asking the approval of the C for a transfer of the Dispensary License of R.V.Andrews to Ton Parich. At this time Councilman Osbo entered the Council Chamb 8&35 P.M. o'olock. The approval of the transfer was disoussed and a motion was by Counoilman Osbo. seoonded by Counoilman Blase, that any aot be held over until the next regular meeting Sept. 20th. 1937. motion was oarried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen pre t. Co. the d to , for he At this time Dr. Williams City Health Officer questioned th right to examining the school ohildren, whom dnties it was to this examination: Mayor Brownell at this time appOinted Counci man Davis to serve on the School Committee and instructed the Scho 1 .. I I I 175 September, 15th. 1937, Continued. Committee to investigate this matter also look up the Health Ordi- nance and report back at next meeting. The Clerk presented a claim against the Seward Eleotric-System for $16.79, A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Gilliland that the claim be paid from the Electrio System fUnds; Calling the Roll: All Coun9ilmen present voted AYE. The Clerk presented the claim of Hubbell & Waller Engineering Corp. against the Seward Hydro-Electric Project PWA. #6279 as rendered br them through their agent R.E.Baumgartner, total of the f~ claim was '539.62. After deducting $40.00 for a round trip boat Pi fare ~rom Uganik to Seward aal ~., B'~B If ,1aBB H.ll 51 Haet611 & R:;; .' which deduction was ~iJ agreed to by their Agent, ..,~..~ ~I ~h.. r.'arBiB~ ~ke ~18BB ~o c~ ~ha 8H;r .~ 8",.1 .. 'ulat! Ul&Nl.dU-Ld _k~ hb,Ulfl It it8480 this left the balance of the claim $4f9.62. A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Davis th~t a warrant be drawn on the Seward Electric System to the order of R.E.Baumgartner as Agent. to pay the above claim; Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voted AYE. The Clerk presented the offer of Pete Coulter of $I5.00 for lot 5 block 4 Laubner Addition, action On this was ordered held over until the next regular meeting Sept. 20th. I937. The question of the removal of the boat B.F.M. from the break water came up and the Acting Chief of Police, Smith was instructed to s'ee Mr. Hawkins on the ,Hatter and see if some arrangements could be made for it's removal or get his permission so that the City could do the same. The Clerk was instructed to ~ite Col. O. F. Ohlson to get a renewal of the lease on the plot of beach at the Breakwater. Councilman Osbo reported the street Light poles on 4th. Ave. in bad shape and he was instructed to investigate the cost of re- pair to same and report back at the next regular meeting. A Resolution was presented by the Clerk as follows: iESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND MUNICIPAL CLERK OF THE CITY OF SEWARD. ALASKA. TO EXECUTE A DEED FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY BEL')lmING TO THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON CDUl~CIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA. that D.C.BROWNELL. as Mayor and E.D.WEBB. as Municipal Clerk, and they hereby are authorized and directed to execute and deliver to W.D.Laughlin a good and sufficient Deed for thE, folluWing described Real Property in the Town of Seward. Alaska, to-wit: Lots 32 and 33 in block 4 Laubner Addition to the Town of Seward, Alaska. Said Deed to be executed for and in consideration of $20.00 bid and accepted by the unanimous vote of the Common Council of the Town of Seward. Alaska, i~ payment for the above lots. Passed this 13th. day of September, 1937. MAYOR t:~ MUNICIPAL CLERK. .. A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Gilliland that the Resolution be adopted as read; ~IIrx~ It was so adopted by the unanimous vote of all the Councilmen present. Counoilman Blase brought up the subject of selling Beer, Wine and Liquors after I o'clock A.M. stating that dispensaries and liquor stores should close at I o'clock A.M. and restaurants shoul not sell after I oclock, and in the case of restaurants on the sal of beer and wine they shall sell only with a meal as prescribed by law; At this time Councilman Gilliland brought up the subject of stopping the music in plaoes of business at 12 o'olock at night; ~ (176 I September, 13th. 1937, Continued. A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Councilman Blase that an Ordinance be drawn up to oover the above subjects and present at the next regular meeting Sept. 20th. The Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all the Counoilmen present. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Flickenger to move hie wood shed as soon as ~.MITEr. oonvenient. It was reported that the"Annex" Ed Fondhan Prop. was dumping garbage in Lowell Creek and that people living below the Annex werE using water from the creek. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Pondhar1 not tb 'dump a~ more 'garbage in the cree):, and at onoe to place suitable cans at ~b.<AhtUtX, to 'take-'ca". O'f tire garbage. .. ~., '" .... . ,.. . ~ ., The S1:rfle't''''eol'llllt't'tEle..-sta.te'dtttBt "they 'nee'cred'"lIlOTefunds to carryon; A motion was made by Councilman Blase seoonded by Osbe that they be allcwed $300.00 Calling the Roll: All Counoilmen present voting AYE. Mr. stewart, Projeot Engineer notified the Counoil that they would need more funds to finish up the Light Plant and put it 0 a sound operating basis and suggested they apply to the PWA. fo an additional loan and grant; Loan of $13000.00 secured by Reve ue Bonds, additional Grant $6,000.00 making a total of $19,000.00 in aletter to the Counoil Mr. stewart outlined the amounts and what the amounts were to be used for. The Council unamimously endorsed Mayor Brownell to make applioation for the additional funds. The Light Committee was instructed to get togethlrr Wednesda evening Sept. 15th. and to go into the matter 'of rates to be oharged by the City ,for Eleotric current. There being no further business to oome before the Council ~t this time, upon proper motion being made, seconded and oarried, it did adjourn. MAYOR ~~ MUN . ~ 177 I SPECIAL MEETING of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Aaa. held this date in the Counoil Chambers of the Town Hall. Meeting called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 o'olook P.M. those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen, Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo. Absent: Councilman Manthey, be ing ill. This meeting was called for the purpose of adjusting the rates to be charged by the Munioipal Light Plant when it starts operatio . A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Jones and carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present, that this b. an executive meeting; the Mayor thereupon declared this an executive meeting. Mayor Brownell invited Mr. stewart and Mr. Coyne to sit in wit the Counoil and assist in deriving at rates to be charged by the City Plant. The following Rates were agreed upon by the Common Council: Domestic Rate: IO~ per .03~ per KWH first 30 hours use per month of"XW Maximum demand. KWH all in exoess of 30 hours per month of KW Maximum demand. WATER HEATER water heaters must be equipped with thermostat. Consumers with 6,000. KW connected load entitled to one heater. Flat rate: For I KW Heater $4.50 per month. Larger water heaters meter optional, @ .062~ KWH. I COMMERCIAL RATE: IO~ per KWH .03~ per KWH first 60 hours use per month of KW Maximum demand. all in excess of 60 hours per month of KW Maximum demand I INSTALLING METER: No charge for installing meter. k y;'" . -s., r- :, - (],' ,....9 MOVING METER a charge of $1.50 DEPOSIT ON METER: $5.00 and if an eleotrio stove is used the depos will be an extra $5.00 COMMERCIAL DEPOSIT:When neoessary may be based on energy used per month. POWER RATE: 5~ per KWH first 100 hours use per month of KW maximum demand. 3~ per KWH next 200 hours use per month of KW (,Jo",) Maximum demand. 2~ per KWH all in excess of ~OO hours per month of Kw maximum demand. Minimum connected load any motor up to 5 H.P. $5.00 per month minimum per month up to 5 H.P. Over 5 H.P. at .50~ per H.P. MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE: Domestio; $1.50 per month. COMMERCIAL; $5.00 Except when snoh servioe is used for stand by, then the oharge will be $!.OO per KWDconneoted load in addition to the $5.00 STREET LIGHTS: Rate based on past monthly average throughout year which will be FLAT RATE of $100.00 per month. There being no further business to come before this meeting upon proper motion made, seconded and carried it did adjourn. MAYOR. c~ WIn C IF AL CLERK. ~ ( 178 September, 20th. 1937. Regular meeting of the Common Council o+-~the Town of Seward, Alaska, held on the above date in the Counoit Chambers of the Town Hall. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell; The Clerk called the Roll; the following Councilmen were present: Councilmen Blase, Davis" Gilliland, Jones, and Manthey. Absent: Counoilmaa Osbo. . City Attorney L. V.' Ray being present at this meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Communications. I: The Clerk read a letter from Richards & Coyne requesting the privilege of meeting their weekly payroll by check drawn on the Bank of Seward, also the privilege of wor~ing a forty eight hour week on the Munioipal light Plant construation; A Motion was made y Counoilman Osbo seoonded by Counoilman Gilliland that their reques be granted; The above request was granted bj the unanimous vote of all Counoilmen present. ' Counoilman Osbo entered the Council Chambers durlng the i'(lad ng of the above letter. , , The Clerk presented a bill from the Seattle First Nat. Bank or $1,800.00 interest due on Seward Eleotric System Bonds for ,Qct. 18 . 1937. There being on deposit in said bank $1,030.00 to take care o. inter~.s~ d~ing ~onstruo'tion. a Motion was made by Counoilman Gill - land seconded by Councilman Manthey that the" balanoe of $770.00 be drawn from the construotfon fund of the above project to take oare of the balance due on the interest. and the Clerk to wire the said bank that check was being forwarded; Calling the Roll on the above motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. Public School Committee reportea that Miss Geisjbeck sent Dr. Graham to examine the 'school children. A motion was made by Councl~~~,Qsb~ ~econded by Jones that before any action was taken that theCouncll' wait the action of the ScMol Board on the matter The motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present , , - I Report on the condition of the light poles on tth. Avenue. was held over to the next regular meeting. The Clerk presented an offer of $15.00,by .Pete Coulter for Lot 5 Blook 4 Laubner Addition to Seward. Alaska,,;,;A motion was made by Counc~~n ~~they seoonded by Blase that th6'above offer be accep~ed; Calli~g the Roll on the motion; All Councilldert present voted AYE. 1 , The q~e.tion of soliciting subscribers for the City Light Plan~ came up 'also the rates to be charged. A motion was made by Council~an Manthey,seco~ded by Blase that the rates as passed upon at the maa~ing of Sept. ,16th. 1937 be ~sed until approved by the Federal Power Commission and h~ve City Ebgineer. Mr. Stewart draw up a form of contract' or.app:j.icatiOn for the consumers to sign for application to the Municipal Plant for se,rvioe; The above mot1on carried by the utlan1mou' vote of all Councilmen present. ,l, A oommunication from the Seward Light & Power Co. informing t~e City Counoil that"th'ey were ch~nging their ;R&:tea to take effect on Septe1l1ber~ 2,6th. ,193'1. was 'discussed, City Attorney L. V. Ray informel the C.c?'Q.D.9,~1 1t~at the Seward Light & Power Co. were violating the City Rate Orainance and the Council 'should protest this action. A motion was made by Counoilman "Manthey seoonded by Gilliland that the City .A,t1;Qr~ey .d:raw: u,p ,B letter to the Sewrad Light & Power Co. in answer'tc('tae"a'bo'v'e letter and this to be the Council' a answer to the Seward Light & Power Co. The motion carried by the unanimous vote Jf all Counoilmen present. The Clerk read a proposed Ordinance Re: to the closing hour of 1 o'clock A.M. for the sale of Liquors.Beer and wine in Liquor stores. dispensaries and Restaurants also, a protest to the above Ordinanoe signed by the following: Seward Trading Co" Harry Miller. C. Cameron. Nick Poolos, Leo M. Douglas. Nell Floyd. John Matich and Broadway Distributers. A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Davis to lay I the proposed Ordinance on the table, oalling the Roll on the above motion resulted in the following vote: Counoilmen Davis. Jones and ~M . 1r;n .l.v Se t. 20th. 1937 Continued. Manthey voteing YES and Councilmen Blase, Gilliland and Osbo voted NO. this being a tie vote the Mayor was called upon to cast his vote which he did, voting N~, and stating the matter should be settled now. I " A motion was made by C uncilman Jones seconded by Davis that section I. be stricken from~the proposed Ordinance, Calling the Roll on the Motion resulted as follows: Councilmen Davis, Jones and Osbo voting YES. Councilmen Blase. Gilliland and Manthey voted NO. This being a tie Vote the Mayor was oalled upon to cast his vote which he did and it was NO. It was proposed that the Ordinance as proposed be rejected and a motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Gilliland that a new Ordinance be drawn up and the following incorporated in it; To prohibit the sale of Wine and beer in Restaurants unless served with a bonifide meal or sandwich also all music in restaurants and dispensaries to be closed off at 12 01 c'c('" midnight and the penalty for the violation of the Ordinance will be that the Council will ask the Court to Revoke the License of the offender; The above motion carried by the unanimOUS vote of all Councilmen Present. I - The application of T ny Parish to have the Dispensary license of R.V.Andrews transferedOto himself was discussed and a motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Davis that a secret ballot be cast, Calling the Roll: ~ll Councilmen present voted ~YE. Ballots were prepared and the Mayor appointed Councilmen Gilliland and Osbo as tellers; The following result of the vote cast were as follows: Councilmen voting YES for approval was three, Councilmen voting NO against approval was three; this result was a tie vote and the Mayor was called p.pon to cast his vote. Mayor Brownell stated that he had not given the matter any thought and asked to lay it on the table until the next meeting so that he might go into the matter more thoroughly. A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seoonded by Manthey to accept the Mayor's proposal and layover to the next meeting. The motion carried by the unani- moUs vote of all the Councilmen present. I At this time the Clerk stated to the Council that the Clerks office needed painting very badly and an estimate hade been made by Mr. Ericson to do the job for $30.00 Mayor Brownell appointed a Committee of Councilmen Manthey and Jones to see Mr. Balderston of the Bank of Seward and see what could be done about this. At the same time to have the Health Officer take up with Mr. Balderston the matter of installing a toilet in the basement of the Bank of Seward building. Mr. Osbo stated to the Council that the City was in need of 40 watt lamps for the Street lights, A motion was made by Councilma Jones seconded by Gilliland to authorize Mr. Osbo to order the required lamps. Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present voting AYE except Councilman Osbo whom did not vo... The question of a night Police Patrol came up for discussion, A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Jones that the Clerk advertise in the Gateway for aDplicants for the job at a salary of $150.00 per month, applications to be in by 4 o'clock PM. September 27th. to be acted upon by the Council at a special meeting called for that date. Calling the Roll on the motion: All Councilme n present Voted AYE. Councilman Manthey became ill and asked to be excused from the meeting, which request was granted by the Mayor. The Chief of Police was requested to call upon ~r. Hawkins, J. B. stanton and Mrs. Thoday and get a signed release on the b0at B.F.M lying in the breakwater, eaid boat being a wreck and in the way of other small craft the C~ty desiring to destroy same. The l~yor notified the Council that a warrant would have to be drawn Wednesday Sept. 22nd. to Bennett and Ta~lor from the Seward Electric System funds for the amount of $f.0~.~as due them at this time on their contract. r" ' ,:,~-:'- -~ ,>,''V (180i Se tember. 20th. ,1937, ,Continued. Mayor Brownell informed the Council there would be a Speoial meet ng September 27th. 1937 at 8 oeclook P.M. for the purpose of taking p the matter of Night Polioe Patrol, Tony Parioh Dispensary license transfer and matters RE: to the school gymnasium. There being no further business to COme before this meeting upon proper motion made, seconded and carried it did adjourn. MAYOR. l September. 23rd. 1937 SPECIAL meeting of the Common Counoil of the Town of Sewar Alaska, held on the above date in the Council Chambers of the To Hall at 8 o'clook P.M. M.eting was called to order by Mayor Bro The Clerk called the ROll and those present and those absen were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Davis. Gilliland, Jones and Osbo Absent: Councilman Manthey, being ill. The Mayor stated that this meeting was oalled for the purpo e of discussing the idea tf offering to purchase the Seward Light & Power Co. and the Telephone Co. After much discussion on the subject it was agreed that a tenative offer of $40,000.00 would be a fair price for the above properties considering the existing condition of the properties a present. A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Jones I authorizing the Mayor. City Attorney and City Clerk to get togeth r --r and figure out the details of the above offer to purchase. Callin ) the Roll on the above motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. There being no further business to come before this meetin upon proper motion made, seconded and carried it did adjourn. MAYOR. SEPTEMBER 24th." I937. SPECIAL MEETING held On the above date by the Common Coun il of the Town of Seward. Alaska. in the Council Chambers in the To Hall of Seward at 2 o'olock P.M. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. ' The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent were as follows; Present, Councilmen Blase. Davis. Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osb~. Absent: None. This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing wit Col. O. F. Oalson Gen. Mgr. Of the Alaska Railroad the leasing b the Alaska Railroad to the City of Seward a parcel of land on the beach between the wings of the breakwater. Col. Ohlson explained to the Council hie views on the ma ter and agreed to 'the lease. also at this time he told the Council wh t he would do to help the City in putting in a dock for small boats in the breakwater. There being no further business to come before this mee ing it did adjourn. " l I MAYOR. g:~ CLERK. , /1..:",<". 181 27th. 1~37. I Special meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, held on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 8 o'clock P.M. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo. Absent: Councilmen Blase and Manthey. This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the School Gymnasium, opening applications for night Police Patrolman for the Town of Seward and deciding on the application of Tony parich for a transfer of Dispensary license. The Clerk read a letter to the Council from Mayor Brownell in which he stated that he had talked with Tony Parich regarding the transfer of the dispensary lioense and was casting his, the deciding vote in favor of the transfer, Mr. Parich having assured Mayor Brownell that he would conduct an orderly business in every way. I The Clerk read a letter to the Council from Councilman Gus Manthey in which he stated that due to illness he would have to leave for the States for an operation and requesting the Council for about a ten weeks leave of absence; A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Councilman Gilliland that the leave of absence be granted; The leave of absence was so granted by the unanimous vote of all the Councilmen present. The question of the Seward School Gymnasium was taken up. At this time Councilman Blase entered the Council Chambers excusing himself for being late. After much discussion on the plane of the Gymnasium by the Council and Ptincipal Holt whom e~Bessed hie opinions a Motion was made by C uncilman Osbo, seconded by Councilman Jones that the following changes be made in bidding on the project as follows: To make an alternate bid on the building for five feet longer and five feet wider; To change entrance to the building from the North end to the East side of building, cut out stairway as proposed on plans, To use native Alaska lumber where possible and second grade of lumber on studding ~.x.. not to be used; Calling the Roll on the motion for changes all Councilmen present voted AYE. At this time the Clerk opened the applications for the job of Night Police Patrolman, there being seven all told, as follows: stan Austerman, Fred Woods, John Littley, Dyton Gilliland, Alex Mazoff, Nick Hodak and Wm. Englehardt~ A Motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Councilman Gilliland that the decision on the above applicants be held over until the next regular meet- ing; The motion carried by the unanimous vote of all the Council- men present. There being no further business to come before this meeting upon proper motion made, seconde and carried it did adjourn. I MAYOR. ~~ September 30th. 1937 Special meeting held on the above date by the Common Council of of th Town of Seward, Alaska, in the Council Chambers o~ the Town Hall. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 o'clock P.M. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as follows; present: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland and Jones. Absent; Councilmen Manthey and Osbo. This special meeting was called for the purpose of going over the plans and specifications of the Seward Gumnasium and making change if any. After much discussion of the plans the following changes were (182 September 30th. I937. continued. agreed upon by the Council; To leave the door in the north end as shown on the plans, but to build a vestibule about the entranoe with a door entering from the East side. 2 nd. To use native lumber where possible, if it will answer he same purpose as lumber shipped in from the states. At this time Counoilman Osboentered the Council chambers. 3rd. to eliminate stairway to balcony. reduce with of balcony to 6 or 7 feet and put the heaters in the corner on the balcony. 4th. To leave the stage as is on the plans presented. 5th. To strike out Paralell Bars from the list of equipment. A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Blase that he plans as presented, subject to the above changes, be accepted and the architeot to advertise in the Seward Gateway the new opening date for bids on the project; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. There being no further business to come before this meeting, proper motion made seoonded and carried it did adjourn. - t. .' Mayor. OCTOBER 4TH. NO QUORUM- MAYOR BROWNELL DISMISSED MEETING. aa~OBER- 11TH. 1937. Special meeting held on the above date by the Common Counc of the Town of Seward. Alaska, in the Council Chambers of the Town of Seward. Mayor Brownell served written notice of this meeting upo eaoh Councilman. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 0' clock P.M. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent as follows: Present: Councilmen. Blase, Davis, Gilliland. Jones and Os Absent: Councilman Manthey. on leave due to illness. This special me ting was called for the purpose of conside an offer of the United states of America to aid by way of a Grant i ancing the construction of an addition to the school building and a ting a Resolution approving and authorizing the acceptance of such Also to transact some business that was to come up at the last regu meeting but did not due to lack of a quorum present. After discussion of the offer of the United States of Amer to aid by way of Grant in financing the construction of an addition the sohool building, the following Resolution. entitled ."A RESOLUTI ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA. TO AID BY WAY OF GRANT IN FINANCInG THE CONSTRUCTIO OF AN ADDITIOn TO SCHOOL BUILDnG" was proposed by Mayor Brownell a read in full; The Resolution hereby attached marked Page I82t. It was moved by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by Counc"lman JONES, that all Rules of the Council which might prevent. unless s pen- ded. the consideration. final passage and adoption of said Resolution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption, be and the s e are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the consideratio . final passage and adoption of said Resolution at this meeting and i s taking effect upon suoh adoption. _ The question being put upon ~ adoption of said motion, the Roll was called with the following results: AYES--5; Those voting AYE: Councilmen Blase. Davis. Gillil Jones and Dsbo. Absent: Councilman Gustavas R.'Manthey, on sick leave. The Mayor declared such motion carried. and such Rules so suspended. 1 all ere ing fin- op- ffer; ar {' .It ~ - I , Councilman BLASE. seconded by Councilman DAVIS. moved that said Resolution accepting the offer of the Unitea states of America to the .' Ig~~ - RBSOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AOOEPTING mE OREll OF mE Ulf.[TBD STUES TO THE TOO OF SEIJAlU), AT.A ~1r A, TO JI D BY WAY OJ' GBJ.ft DT FINAlmNG THE OONfII!RUOnON OJ' .AN ADDITION TO SOHOOL BUILDING. ---------------- .. BE IT RlllSOLVlID by the OODlllon Oounoil of the Town of Seward. Alaela : '-' aeoUon 1. That the offer af the United states of Amerioa to t.. Tow:a of Seward. Ala alla. to 814 by ~ of g:r;au1i in f1mnoing the oonst1'l1c1i1on of an adc11tlon to soheol building. a copy of whioh offer rea411 a8 follows: J!'lfl illm AT. llWmGJ!mCY 1JIIIm:~R&.nOIl OJ' PUBLIO WORD I Wasb.1ngton, D. O. Dated: Oct"Iii- /9~? Doom-t" 110. aka 102O-D s Tona af Seward. Seward, Alaslla. 1. Subject to the T.ems and Oon41t1ons (P\U Form 110. 230) whioh are made a part hereo~. the United States of Am8l"ioa hereby offers to 81d in fimnelDg the oonstrlWt1on o~ an addition to sohool building (here1n oa1~d the "Pro jeot") by I1Bking a gran't to TCJW11 of Seward. Terr1to17 of Alula _ (harein-oulM the rrApplioant rr) , in the _ount of 45 pwoent of the cost of the Projeot upon oom- pletion. as detem.ined by the Federal Emll"gmoy Ailainlstrator of Public WOlU. but not to 8%oeea.. in any evet, the sum of .11,318. 2. By acoeptame 0 f this O:tfer the Applicau1; covemn1;s to be- gin work on the Projeot as early a8 possible but in no event later tban 10 .eeke from the date of this Offer ani to complete stICh Pro- ject with all practioable cUspatch. aId in _1' event within 9 months from the commeno.ent of const1'l10Uon. 3. This offer is conti t10ned upon the Applicant' s depositing in the Oonstruatlon Aooount desoribed 1n the Tems am Oonditions, prior to the p.,.nt of a1Jl.V pll"t of said grart, suoh other &DIlOunt as may be neoessary to oomplete the Pro jeot in add11t1on to the I -1_ #2 - fuDls to be furD18hea by the Un! ted States of Amerioa. an7thing in s81a 'ems and Conc'Jttions to the cont:r&r7 not1rithetan'c'JtDg. f UlII!I!ED S!AHS CI' AJlER! CA :reder81 Emergeno,y Ac1ain1strator ~ Public Wora By ,~: E.,UT. 0~(. J'or the Admin1 strator I be and the sane is hereby in &11 resplcts aco~ted. Seo1i1on &. !l!hat said Town of Seard agrees to abide by &11 the tems am oona11ilons relating to such graIS, a copy ofllhidl tenns aId 00011 tions were amexed to the Governuant' B offer an4 made a part thereof. Seotion 3. !l!hat the Clerk be aIlli he is hereby author! zed and directed forthwith to sma to the Federal Emergency Administration of Publio Works thre. certified copies of this Besolutlon a.n4 thl'le oertified copies of the prooe.dizlgl of this meeting in con- neotion with the adoption of this Resolution, am such ft1rther docl1D8nts or proofs in oOD.D8ct1on with the acoeptame of sai4 o::e.. fer as uay be requested by the Jledera1 Emergency Aaministrat10n of Publio Works. t' I Maijo/T ~~hf C LEIT'f(, .2- .~ '-',; ""',.' I C E R T I FIe ATE . . I, E. D. WEBB, Clm of the To... of Seward. !!err1 to 17 of Ald- kat DO HERBY CDnFY Tba" the auD8Dd aud foregoiXlg BeBolutton .0. , being A lle80lution Aooe,pting the Offer of the T1m ted 8".te. to the Town of Seward, Alasla. to Aid by way 0 f Grant in FiIl8.noing the Constrnet1on of an Addit:ton to Sohool Building. has been oOJl,pared by me wit h the or1gl.Dal aD4 18 a trua and carnot oopy thereof. IN WIT1i3SS WHIIlPOII'. I have hereunto set a;y band and affi:a4 the seal of sail Town of Seward this l.fTfldq of Ootober, 1937. I Ii D. WEBB. Town Olerk. ( , 183 OCTOBER-IIth. I937, CORTHlUED. .. Town of Seward, Alaska, to aid by way of Grant in financing the constr.ction of an addition to the shhool building, be finally passed and adopted as introduced and read. The question being put upon the final passage and adoption of said Resolution, the Roll was called with the following results: AYES--5: Those voting AYE: Councilmen BLASE, DAVIS, GILLILAND, JONES Mm OSBO. ABSENT: Councilman GUSTAVAS R. 1UU~THEY on sick leave. The Y~yor thereupon declared said Resolution finally passed and adopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed said Resolution in approval thereof. The Clerk read a letter from Lt. Col Wild re: conversion of the Lowell Creek waters in which he stated it was up to the city to secure easements and right of ways for the proposed tunnel: The clerk was instructed to send Col. Wild's letter to Mr. Ray at Valdez so that he might answer the same, also to notify Mr. Ray to see Derick Lance re: right of way through North Light mining claims for the propose d tunnel. I I 'l'he Council discussed the offer :nade to the Seward Light & Power Co. to purchase their property and thought the Public should be made aware of the offer by publication in the Gateway; .~ i.10t ion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Councilman Davis, that the offer be published in the Seward Gateway; Calling the Rol on the motion: All Councilmen present voted AYE. At this time the Council discussed ways and means of signing up subscribers to the Municipal Light ?lant and it was thought best to run an add in the Gateway for two publications requesting those who wanted City power to come to the Clerks office and sign up for this service, later the Council could canvas the Town in pairs two or three together and pick up any who had failed to sign up. A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Blase that the add be run in the Gateway two issues; ~~XXXfi All Councilmen present voting AYE. the clerk was instructed to write the add and have the same published. .. The questioCi of piling for the dock in the breakwater came up and it was proposed that th e committee find out from the fi shermen what they propose to do about the piling to help out in the buil- ding of the dock, and to report back at the next meeting. Claims for the month of September totaling $1986.68 presented and approved by the Finance Committee as follows: Bank of Seward, $25.00 Pete Michelson $25.00 L.E.~illiams $50.00 L.V.Ray $50.00 Fred Keilcheski $220.00 E.D.Webb tI50.00 C.M.Brosius $II.OO A.H.Bryant $5.25 Brown & Hawkins ~I4.95 W.S.Darley Co. $506.53 Eureka F~re Hose Co. $57.17 Seward Mch, Shop $2I.75 Seward Drug Co $3.60 Gateway Pub. Co. $2.40 Seward Water Supply $127.50 Ogle's Garage $9.73 Dick 1~ers $1.25 Osbo Electrical Supply $ 51.65 U.S.Signal Corps $5.20 8ert Smith $I70.65 Cash City Pay Roll$259.5 Seward Light & Power Co. ~I46.05 City & Andy Express $8.00 Bob Carlson $74.25 A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Council Jones that the above claims be paid; Calling the Roll: All Council men present voted AYE. There being no further buisness to come before this meeting it was moved by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Blase that the meet- ing adjourn; motion carried, and it was so ordered. , w I :MAYOR. [;~ CLERK ~ ( 184i October 18th. 1937. Regular meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward Alask held on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall. ' Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 o'clook P.M. The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent were as fOllows; Present: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Absent: Councilman Manthey, on siok leave. Mtautes of the previous meetings read and approved. COMMUNICATIONS ! , A letter from A. R. Roberts re: street in front of his residenoe 0 4th. Avenue; The street committee was instructed to make an and report back at next regular meeting. Read letter from Fred Martinedes re: city Light poles lying in al at his residence, in as much as the poles would be installed withi next two days nothing was done in the matter as it would take care itself. 'l., Read a letter of protest from A. D. Balderston Re: noise and etc. "AVALON" dispensary, this to be taken up later at this meeting. Read the proposed contract fro;;] the Alaska Railroad to the Town 0 Seward, Re: lease on a strip of land at the breakwater; The clerk instructed to write Col. Ohlson to determine if the City had right construct boat houses and etc. the signing of the contract was Ie until the next regular meeting. Read a letter from the Power Division at ~ashingtonl D.C. Re: the application of the City for an additional Grant of ~I9,OO~.OO for city Power Plant in which was stated the Grant could not be allowe . Read a letter from City engineer E. M. stewart to the Seward Ligh Power Co. Re; to the City removing its lines from their poles also a transformer at their plant to be removed; Mr. stewart stated th he had received no reply to the letter one way or the other. Read a letter from the Sew~rd Light & Power Co. the same being an to the offer made by the City to purchase their Power Plant and T Co. The said answer emphatically stated they did not care to nego with the City. The Clerk ~resented the claim of the Sommers Construction Co. for a refund If ~25.00 deposited on the plans and specifications of the Seward Hy4roelectric Projeot, they stating the plans had been dos by fire; ,The clerk was instructed to write tqem explaining that t plans must be returned as per agreement or no refun~. A motion w roade by Counoilman Gilliland seconded by Jones and unanimously ca by al Councilmen present to the above instructions. ~he clerk presented offers to purchase City lots from John Anders L. M. Johnson, Matt Seferovich and McClain; A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Jones to lay the offers on the table the next regular meeting; Calling the Roll: All Caunci Ime:1 prasan voted AYE. The following Resolution was presented and read in full. (exibit P ...,'-''c..,......,.">..... .'''''.' RESOLUTION. . WHEREAS' there has been a change in the oonstruction costs due 'to the aiteration of the approved plans and specifications on Docket No.6279-P necossitated by a chan~e in location of pipelines, enlargement of pumpi~ plant pit, and complying with m~nufacturerls working drawin~s in accordance with ~reed contract pr1ces asset forth in proposal of ori~inal contract documents; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the proposal as set forth in a oommunioation from Bennett & Taylor,dated October 1,1937, be and is hereby accepted subject to the approval of the State Director of the Public Works Administration which will result in the following appro~ imate scheduled costs: , Addition. Deductions. Item II - Concrete Foundations at agreed cont- ract prices $ 702.00 Item la - Concrete Walls at contraot and agreed prioes $ 152.80 Item 13 ... Outside PipinK. Relocation of outfall sewer and 4" galvanized pipelines $ 242.50 Item :{f4 ... Conduit & Wirin~. Additional elect- rical outlets and increase in size of power outlets to pump motors $ 47.50 TOTALS $ 1144.80 ....------- -----... I TOTAL ADDITION TO CONTRACT AMOUNT j 1144.80, OWNER'S SCHEDULED CONSTRUCTION COST. FROL! : THIS CHANGE: TO: Item 13 - Construction $ 90,920.00 +$ 1144,80 $ 92,064.80 NO ADDITIONAL CONTRACT TIME WILL BE REQUIRED. PESORIPTION OF OHANGE: J This change consists of increasing the dimensions of engine and water tank foundations to meet the manufacturer's requirements. The enlar~ement of pumping plant pit to oentralize all pumpin~ equipment within the power house and aocommodate larger pumps than ori~inally planned and reduce the suotion lift at the lowest tide. The relocation of outfall sewer and 4" galvanized water supply lines for better prot- ection from the elements neoessitated by the placi~ of timber trestle bri~e and enlargement of Itandard Oil Company yards. Various elect_ rical outlets for future use and for floodlighting the switchboard which is not equipped with braoket Ua;hts.' IT IS UNDERSTOOD, that the Public Works Administration, in approvi~ any chan~e order assumes no oblia;ation to finance the cost of any ap- proved change exoept to the extent to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no rep- resentation concerning any additional funds necessitated by any approv_ ~d change order. Adopted this 18th day of October,1937. G~ ~ a~r-~~e- t;? Municipal Olerk of the Town of 8eward,Alaska Approved this. 18th day of o~.r,193~.& ,U;:/ ~R . Mayor.' .-;: Q":'j~ J..el!'. October I8th. I937 Continued. I It was moved by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Councilman Osbo that all Rules of the Council which might p~event. unless suspended. the consideration. final passage and adoption of said Resolutionat said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption. be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the consid- eration. final passage and adoption of said Resolution at this meet ing and its taking effect upon such adoption. The question being put upon the adoption of said motion. the Roll was called with the following results: AYES--5; Those voting AYE: Councilmen. Blase. Davis. Gilliland. Jones and Osbo. Absent: Councilman Gustavas R. Manthey. on sick leave. Councilman Davis. seconded by Councilman Blase. moved that said Resolution defining the changes for the Municipal Light Plant. be ~inally passed and adopted as introduced and read. The question being put upon the final passage and adoption of said Resolution. the Roll was called with the following results: AYES--5; Those voting AYE: Councilmen. Blase. Davis. Gilliland. Jones and Osbo. Absent: Councilman Gustavas R. Manthey. on sick leave. The Mayor thereupon declared said R~eolut~rn fin~'ly passed and adopted. and the Mayor thereupon signed said Resolution in approval thereof. '1 The question of acquireing the property of Mr. Swanson adjoin- ing the Municipal Light Plant came up for discussion and the Mayor instructec the Finance Committee to try negotiations for this prop- erty and report back the results at the next regular meeting. The proposed Ordinance No. I34 *KI Re; Liquor regulations for the Town of Seward. was read by the clerk; A motion was made by Counoilman Osbo seconded by Councilman Davis. to lay on t he table until the return of !jr. Ray the City Attorney. and get his advice on t he matt ere The question of appointing a night patrolman came uP. the cle stated to the Council that Dyton Gilliland had withdrawn his appli cation; Mayor Brownell called for a secret ballot. statin that the applicant receiving four votes would be the winner.; Ballots were made and passed out to the Councilmen. the Mayor appointed Council man Osbo and the clerk as tellers, and the result of the election was as follows; Nick Hodak 4. Wm. Englehardt I. the Mayor thereupo declared Nick HOdak elected and his duties to begin on the 1st. of November I937. The Mayor informed Cheif Keilcheski to instruct Nick Hodak in the duties to be preformed by him and for the Police Committee to also give him instructions on various things to be info reed. I The Clerk was instructed to bring the Hospital lease to the next regular meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Blase. tha the Cfty Council extend a vote of thanks to Mrs. Geisjbeck for the efficient management of the Seward Gen. Hospital and that a wire b -!? sent her and notify her of the Council's action; Calling the Roll on the motion it carried by the unanimous vote of all the Council- me n pre sent. A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Blase that the Council approve the appointment of Dr. Graham as Surgeon of th Seward Gen. Hospital as appointed by the Hospital Board. and the clerk notify the Board in writing of the approval; Calling the Rol on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. The question of insurance being carried on the hospital came up and a motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Davis that this be investigated and if not insured to look up the best rates obtainable and get insurance up to ~8000.00 at once; Calling ~ the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. The Mayor instructed the Finance Committee to attend to this. ~ ( 186 I October-I8th. I937, Continued. The protest of the AVALON dispensary came up at this time for dis cussion; Mr. Davis being one of the owners stated that he did not know that the.re was too muoh noise going on, or that they were di - turbing anyone; A motion wasmade b~ Councilman Osbo seconded by Blase, that the Police Committee and Cheif of Police investigate his and all other protest of similar nature; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Jones that contractors on the breakwater be notified tb clean up the quarry as agreed upon, also to remove the large rocks lying along the st which were lost from the trucks in transit to the breakwater; Cal the Roll on the motion all Councilmen Present vote6 AYE. A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Blase, that Clerk write Col. Ohlson a letter asking him to have to boat ANVIL moved out of the breakwater as the same is a hazard ,to the breakw and to the small boats anchored therein; Metion carried by the un mous vote of all the Councilmen present. A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilliland a ladder be put at the Hospital so as to make easy access to the ney in t~mes of chimney fires; Calling the Roll on the motion; Al Councilmen present voted AYE. Chief Keilcheski stated that he needed some fuel for the Fir Hall and he was authorized to get enough to last until the stoves coul be checked over to determine how they would be heated in the future. Sir: E A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by that he street light pole at the Arcade be put up and a check up made of he one on the corner of the Liberty Theatre; ~Iyxr~l~~IXIZXY also to ch nge the street light pole in fron of Mr. Swetmann's resedence; Callin the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. There being no further business to come before this meeting pon proper motion made, seconded and carried it did adjourn. The question of Tecklenberg having paid taxes on property co came up and a motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Coun Gilliland and carried by the unanimous vote of all the Councilmen present that the clerk look this up and report back on it to Coun In the matter of the Tecklenberg property on 4th. Ave. where remains an old partially burned floor, the same having been conde as a fire hazard and Mr. Tecklenberg having been notified on two occasions by letter which it is evident he has ignored, A motion made by Counoilman Gilliland seconded by Jones that the matter be up with the City Attorney to determine if the City can have this removed and charge the expense thereof to the property, if such s be the case, to have it removed at once; Calling the Roll on the All Councilmen present voted AYE. The question of the rights of removing the wreck of the boat from the breakwater is to be referred to the City ~ttorney for hi ion on the matter. ~ MAYOR. . the ..-., it : eets ing damed i lma n il. ed as taken loor ould oti on; B.F'M. opin- the li -, I "";1 { )'-"'f '! i\~ l ..1_ _' {l October 23rd. I937. I SPECIAL meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, held on the above dtae in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall. Meeting was callec to order at I o'clock P.M. by Mayor Br owne 11. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as follows; Present; Councilmen Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo. Absent: Councilmen Blase and Manthey, Councilman Manthey being on sick leave. Mayor Brownell stated to the Council that this meeting was called for the purpose of opening the bids on the School Gymnasium Project, the opening having having been postponed from Oct. 22nd. to Oct. 23rd. by telegraphic permission from Gov. Troy. 1~. Yaden, P.W.A. representative and Mayor Bro~nell tabulated the bids as read by the Clerk; The first bid opened was from Peterman Construction Co. of Juneau, and the bid was for $25,337.00 which was tabulated with the alternates. The second bid opened was from McPherson & Pontgratz of Anchorage, the bid was for $23,000.00 which was tabulated with the al ternates. There being no more bids, after comparison of the two, a motio was made by Councilman Osbo, seconded by Councilman Jones, that the bid of McPherson & Pongratz be accepted, with certain alternates deducted; The Clerk called the Roll on the motion and the followin Councilmen voted AYE; Councilmen Davis, Gilliland, Jones and Osbo. Absent; Councilmen Blase and Manthey. The Mayor declared said motion carried. 'I The alternates to and not to accept were discussed; A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Councilman Gilliland, to accept alternates I, 2, 3 and 4; And alternates 5 and 6 not accep- ~ed. Alternate #3 to be changed to spruce instead of fir. Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. Councilmen Blase and Manthey absent. After changing the alternates this left the bid of McPherson Pongratz at $21,200,00 - A motion was made by C uncilman Gilliland seconded by Jones to authorize Mr. Yaden to w~re Gov. Troy of the opening of the bis and the results of the same. Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. There being no fUrther business to come before this special meeting upon proper moti_n being made seconded and carried, it did adjourn. ~ :,TAYOR. '. No~mER 1ST. I 9 3 7~ I Regular meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward Alaska held on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall. ' Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 o'clock P~. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as follows: Present, Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Absent: Councilman Davis. The Clerk read a letter from Warren G. Hall Cpl. U. S. Signal Corps in which they granted the City permission to transfer their Morse line to the City light poles for whatever distance the City desire disposal of said poles to be at the discretion of the City of ' and the transfer to be made without cost to the signal corps. ~ ( 188 N~~dBER 1ST. I 9 3 7, CONTINUED. A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seoonded by Manthey that the City make the transfer and run the line down Adams street at a cos not to exceed $50.00 The motion carried by the unanimous vote of all t e Councilmen present. The Clerk read a letter from H.B.Foss Co. in which they enclosed state~ ment for their archectural work on t~e Gymnasium amountigg to $I272.00 and stated that half of this was due $636.00 now as per agreement, lette and bill filed. RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska in special meeting assembled on October 23, 1937; a quorum being pre ent, there opened and tabulated the bids for the Public School Gymnasi Building project No. I020 and, WHE&;AS, the bid of M6Pherson & Pongratz of Anchorage, Al ska, was found to be low, Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the firm of McPherson & Pongratz be and it is hereby awarded the co.ntract for the constru t ion olf said Public School Gymnasium Building, upon tj1.t.lasic Bid of /$ <7,0", $23,000.00, deducting therefrom alternate NO~-" in the sum of $1 . 0 thereby making a total contract price'of $2I,~.OO and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this awar~is based strictly pon the terms and conditions relating to Alaskan non-Federal projects as issued by the Federal Emergency Administation of Public Works und r date of October 1937, and full compliance therewith is required of said successful bidder, Messrs. McPherson & Pongratz. ADOPfED undEr suspension of the Rules at regular meeting eld tX this 1st. day of November, I 9 3 7. APPROVED this 1st. day of November, A.D. I 9 3 7. MAYOR. It was moved by Councilman Manthey seconded by Councilman Gilliland that all Rules of the Council which might prevent, unle s suspended, the consideration, final pa~sage and adoption of said Resolution at said meeting and its tak1ng effect upon such ad~~ti be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permittin the consideration final passage and adoption of said Resolution this meeting and its taking effect upon such adiption. The question being put upon the adoption of said motion, t e Roll was called with the following results: Ayes--5: Those voting Aye: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Manthey and Osbo. \ Absent: Councilman Davis. ';";'t'.,i .'1 '.'i'J' ~ i ' '.. ~'. \,.. ..;.1. (I O! NOVEMBER 1ST. I937 CONTINUED. Councilman Osbo seconded by Councilman Blase, moved that said Resolution be finally passed and adopted as read .The question being put upon the final passage and adoption of said Resolution the Roll was called with the following results: AYES--5; Those voting AYE: Councilmen Blase. Gilliland,Jones, Uan they and Osbo. Absent: Councilman Davis. I The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution finally passed and adopted, and the 1myor signed said Resolution in approval thereof. I The Clerk was instructed to write Col. Ohlson for permission to set pole near the dock on R.R. property. Claims totaling t7I98.75 presented and approved by the fin- ance committe with the exception of Balderston's for ~75.00, Seward Hardware Co. $3.00 and C.M.Brosius $37.42, the following were approved: Treasurer of school board $57I2.80, Bank of Seward $25 .00 Pete Mich~lson $25.00 I.E. Viilliams $50.00 1. V.Ray i50.OO Fred Keilcheski ~220.00 E.D.Webb $I50.00 Craftsman Press ~72.00 Gateway Publishing Co. $36045 Seward v{ater Supply $127.50 Seward Drug Co. $2.25 Ogle Garage t16.58 Alaska Transfer $93.30 Seward Light & Power Co. $142.40 Bert Smith $70.50 Bud Johnson $5I.75 Dyton Gilllland $28.50 Bowman Rouse $28.50 r.iartin Lanning ~27.00 U.S. Signal Corps $II.40 Cash Pay Roll $80.55 Osbo Electrical $6I.85 A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilliland that the above claims be paid and the claim of C.l,i.Brosius be paid after deducting $11.10 which did not belong to the citw; Ualling the Roll on the above motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. Two claims presented as follows; Balderston's $75.00 and Seward Hardware Co. $3.00 A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Jones that the above bills be paid: Calling the Roll; All COuncilmen present voted AYE. At this time Hick Hodak new Eol1ceman was instructed by the Council as to his duties and told to confer with Cheif Kilcheski. The clerk presented an offer from LoM.Johnson of tI5000 for Lot 12 Bk. IO Federal Addition and was instructed to notify Mr. Johnson to consider the purchase of lot II Ek. IO Fed. Addt. instead. The clerk presented an offer from Uatt Seferovich of $30.00 for lets 7 and 8 Blk. I2 Federal Addition; A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Jones that the offer be rejected; Motion 33.l'ried by t\e una~1lrno:ls vote of all Councilmen present. The clerk presented an offer from Geo. A. Gore of t15.00 for lot 5 Blk. I7 Federal Addt. A motion was made by Councilman Gsbo seconded by Gilliland that the offer be accepted; Motion carried by the unanimous voete of all Councilmen ptesent. The clerk presented an .offer from Mr. IJcClai n of $25.00 for Lot 8 Blk. 13 Fede ral Ad dt; .i mot ion was mad e by C ounc ilman Manthey sedonded by Jones that the offer be accepted; Motion car- ried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. The Clerk rresented an offer from John Anderson of $35.00 for Lot 24 Blk.12; A motion was made by Councilman Manthey and seconded by Gilliland that the offer be rejected; Motion carried by th e unanimous vote of all Counci Imen [resent. I The question of an iron door in the side walk in front of Chas Tecklenberg property in BlOCk 3 being dangerous to life ana limb was discussed; A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Blase that the City Attorney be notified to take the necessary legal steps so that the door could be removed and the opening filled with cement; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. Ordinance 134 proposed for Liquor regulations was discu~sed and the clerk was instructed to have Ordinance draw~ up to be pres ented at next meeting. N"OVEMRER IST. 1937 t CONTIliUED. The clerk was instructed to see the City Attorney about issuing permits to store fuel oil about premises where the same is used as fuel. The street Gommittee stated they neeoed SOme more money for street work; A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Manthey that they be allowed $350.00 for street work- Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted AYE. t There being no further business to come before this meeting upon proper motion made, seconded and carried it did adjourn. MAYOR. NOVEMBER 'TIT. I 9 '3 7. Special meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Sewa d, Alaska, called and held on 'the above date in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brown 11 at 8 o'clook P.M. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as follows; Present Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland and Jones. Absent; Councilmen Manthey and Osbo. This special meeting was called for the purpose of discus ing the City light plant and School Gym. ' Mayor Brownell declared this an executive meeting. The question of oil storage tanks for the City Light plan was first taken up and discussed as to costs of same; A motion w made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilliland not to build oil age tanks at present ~x~~. due 'to lack of funas; Motion carried ,the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. s or- by ,Ji The install&tion of an oil centrifuge at the City Plant discussed, Bity engineer Stewart explaining to the Cou~cil the a tages of having an oil centrifuge and the money to be saved in i use, this matter was laid upon the table to be taken up later at meeting. Councilman Osbo entered the Council Chambers at this City engineer stewart stated to the Council that there wou no fUnds left from the Construction account and that some money needed to get some necessa7Y things for the city plant as well a extending the pole line; A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Gilliland that the City loan from its general funds the City Light Plant the sum of $5000.00 and could charge 3% int Motion carried by unanimous vote of all Councimmen present. The following are the items to be taken care of by the money loa Ad; Oil Centrifuge $900.00, Meters $500.00 Offer to buy Jesse Lee po e line from Seward Light & Power Co. $600.00 and if not successfu 1 in its purchase to put the pole line out at bid. Extension of ne to Railroad at dock and from Bureau Public Road warehouse to Rail- road. and a surplus for operation funds for the first month for he city plant. ~ The clerk was ordered to make out a list of books, statio and etc. for the new City Light Plant. The question of cementing the floor in the city plant was - discussed and a motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Davis that this be let go for the present as the city could not afford it at present; Motion carried by the unanimous vote of a Councilmen present. As it is necessary for the City of Seward to advance $500 to the School Gymnasium Construction Account in order to get th Grant, A motion was made by Councilman Davis seconded by Gillil that the money be advanced; Motion carried by unanimous vote of Councilmen present. ,~ , ". ~ I. ~" ..'. : \' """"",~ " T ,. '. ~<t. . ,': i""".'I. i ',~\ iI .i.:"" ",,7 .I. Upon proper motion made, seconded and carried this special meeting did adjourn. I,lAYOR. ~ ~{I.~ I lWV"BMBER- 15th. I 9 3 7. Regular meeting of the Common Council of the To~vn of Seward, Alaska, held on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 o'clock PM The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as follows: Present Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Manthey and Osbo. Absent: Councilmen Davis and Jones. Minutes of the last regular me eting read and approved. Councilman Davis entered the Council Chambers at this time. Two applications for jobs with the City light plant read by the Clerk, same were ordered filed by the I.layor. Councilman Jones entered the Council Chambers at this time. A communication was read by the Clerk from Mr. J.E.Graff ot the Seward Light & Power in answer to the Council's letter offerin to purchase the pole lime to the Jesse Lee Home; tIr. Graff stated that they did not care to enter into negotiations at this time. A letter together with catalogue of lockers for Gym was presented with prices; The Mayor turned this over to Public School Committee for investigation. I At this time the Clerk presented for approvul of renewal XKK of Liquor licenses the following names, A.H.L. Meyers (2) Tony Parich, Josie Sandvik, Leo Douglas (2) Geor~e Nishayama, Mrs Nell Floyd, Charles Cameron and John Matich (2) A Motion was made by Counci Iman I,lanthey seconded by Osb 0 that the Licenses as presented be approved for renewal, Calling th Roll; .~ll Councilmen present voting AYE. The Clerk presented the application of John H. Blase for a renewal of his Liquor Dispensary License approval. A moti on was madp by Councilman Manthey seconded by Jones that the application be approved; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye, with the exception of Councilman Blase whom did not vote. I ORDINANCE NO. 134 was presented and read by the Clerk as follows; All ORDInANCE TO REGULATE 'l'HE CLOSnJG 3:0URS FOR LI~UOR RETAIL STORES AIm BEER AllD WIlm DISPEBSARIES AIm REST"iUR~I.NT::J DISPEL, SING BEER AND WINE; TO REGULATE THE CLOSING HOURS ON MUSIC IN RESTAURAHTS AlJD BEER AND NE:!:: DISPElJ::)ARIES, AIID PROVIDIIIG PEI;ALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIOll OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDIllAlJCE, AIID FOR OTHEl PURPOSES. After reading the Ordinance through the word flagrant was ordered stricken from section 6 and another section added as foll- ows; "NO Licensee shall sell, give, exchange, or permit to be sold given or exchanged whiskey, or other hard liquors, by the drink or' glass, or from any flask, bottle or other receptacle upon vmich th seals thereon shall have been or are broken. 11 motion wac made b~' Councilman ~.lanthey seconded by Council- man Gilliland to adopt the Ordinance I34 as now ~resented; Calling the Roll; Those voting Aye were as follows: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Manthey and Osbo. Those voting Ney;were as folluws; Councilmen Davis & Jones. The li~ayor declared said mot ion carried. It was moveu by Councilman l~anthey seconded by Osbo, that all Rules of the Council which might prevent, unless suspended, the consideration, final p~ssage and adoption of said Ordinance #134 at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption, be and the same are hereby suspended for.the purrose of permitting the fi~)2 I I NOVEldBER-15TH. 1937, CONTINUED. consideration, final passage and adoption of said Ordinance #134 a this meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption. The question being put upon the adoption of said motion, the R 11 was called with the following results: Ayes--4; Those voting Aye: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland,Manthey and Osbo. NeY--2; Those voting Ney: Councilmen Davis and Jones. Mayor Brownell declared said motion carried. Councilman Osbo seconded by Councilman Gilliland moved Ordinance ~134 be finally passed and adopted as introduced and rea and as amended by the two changes above noted. The question being upon the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance #134, the Ro was called with the following results: AYES--4; Those voting AYE: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Manthe and Osbo. NEYS--2; Those voting HEY: Councilmen Davis and Jones. The Mayor thereupon declared said Ordinance #134 finall~ passe and adopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed said Ordinance #134 in approval thereof. A motion was made b~ Councilman Osbo seconded by Manthey t hat Ordinance itI34 go into effect and be in and after the 1st. day of December I937. Calling the motion with the following results: AYES--4; Those voting AYE: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Manthe and Osbo. NEYS--2, Those voting NEY: Councilmen Davis and Jones. The Mayor declared said motion carried. Councilman full force on roll on the The question of getting printing and necessary account books anf filing systems for the City Light Plant came up, and a motion was made by Councilman jones seconded by Davis that this be attended to at once, Calling the Roll on the mot~on; All Councilmen present voting AYE. Cheif Keilcheski was instructed to keep the small children the main street 4th. Ave. while they were plating. The matter of the wood shed of Mr. Flickenger being in the cit street was again brought to the attention of the Council; A motio was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Davis that he be given written notice by the Clerk to remove the wood shed within 30 days from the City street. Motion carried by the unanimous vote 0 all the Councilmen present. Mr. Glynn of McPherson & Pongratz gave a short talk on labor employment on the projects under construction in Seward and state to the Council that he woulde~loy local men for the jobs so far as local men could qualify. Fire Committee was instructed to look up storage of gasoline within the city limits. Health Committee was instructed to look up the safety of the cotton wood tree standing in the street intersection at the Hospi tal. At this time Mayor Brownell called a recesz to reconvene at t e . call of the chair. l MAYOR tC h//l~ CLERK. ~" cT-- J~ .. RESOLUTION . APPROVING FORM .AND TnT OF i12J.,000.00 OF PUBLIC SCHOOL GYMNA- . SItJM BONDS FOR THE Tbw!iI OJ!' SEWARD, ALASKA. , I i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,', WliEREAS, under authority of Ordinance No. 129 of said Town entitled: "Ordinance Number l29.--An Ordinance of the Town of Seward, Alaska, proTiding for the constructing and equipping of a Public School Gymnasium Building in the Town of Seward, Alaska, proTiding for the issuance of General Bonds in any sum not ex- ceeding TwelTe Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) for the constructing and equipping of a public-school gymnasi. um building in the Town of Seward, and calling a Spec ialElection at which the question of whether such bonds shall be issued shall be submitted to the qualified Electors, of said Town of Seward, mose names appear on the assessment roll for the year 1936, of said Town, for munici- pal taxation", which said Ordinance was on the 17th day of NOTem- ber, 1936, ratified by a majority of 65 per centum of the Totes cast at a special election held on such date and duly called for such purpose; and, also pursuant to the proTisions of that certain Act of Congress, Public No. 626, 74th Congress of the United states, entitled, "An Act to Authorize MUnicipal Corporations in the Territory of Alaska to Incur a Bonded Indebtedness and for Other Purposes," action was duly had, authorizing the incorporated Town of Seward, Alaska, to issue general obligation bonds in the amount and for the purpose stated, as in said Ordinance No. 129 proTided. Now, Therefore, BE IT BJ!SOLVED By the ColllltOn Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska: Section ~. That, for the purpose of financing in part the cost of the construction of a public school gymnasium for the Town of Seward, Alaska, the Town of Seward shall issue and sell .- - .~ eoo. -1- / I'il!o.., .", 112 to the Bank: of Seward, Seward, Alaska, a corporation, said BaBk having heretofore, in writing, contracted to and with said Town to purchase the same, $12,000.00 of bonds of said Town as hereto- fore provided by Ordinance duly ratified, in accordance with existing law, by 65 per centum of the majority of the voters en- titled to vote relative thereto, all as hereinbefore and specifi- cally desighated and described. Section 2. (a) That said bonds shall be issued as Bearer Coupon Bomds designated Public School Gymnasium Bonds for the Town of Seward, Alaska; shall be dated December 10, 1937;- shall bear interest at the rate of six (6%) per centum per annum, paya- ble December 10, 1938 and annually thereafter on December lOth of each year; and may be registered a8 to both principal and interest' at the office of said Bank: of Seward, Seward, Alaska, .dch is hereby designated the Registrar for slloh purpose as provided in the bond form hereinatter prescribed. (b) Such bonds shall be in the denOllination at One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, shall be signed by the Mayor, shall be sealed with the corporate seal at the Town and attested by the Municipal Clerk, and the coupons thereto annexed shall be signed by the faosilli.le signature of said lIayor and Clerk, and shall be numbered from one to twelve (12) inclusive and shall mature De- cember lOth in numerical order {",tal the dates and in the manner tollowing: December 10, 1941 to Deoember 10, 1952 inclusive. (c) Said bonds, bearing the signatures of officers in of- fice on the date of the signiq thereof, shall be valid and hind- iq obligations, notwithstanding that before the delivery thereat and payment therefor any and all the per80na whose signatures ap- pear thereon shall haw ceased to be the officers of the Town. -2- #3. (d) PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That the Town of Seward, Alaska, on and after December 10, 1941, does hereby reserTe the right to retire and to payoff such bonds in their numerical order as the Town's funds may justify, and at the option of the Town of Seward, at par for each $100.00 of the faoe value of such bond and all accrued interest thereon. (e) PROVIDED FURTHER, HOWEVER, That such Gymnasium School Boads, as to security for payment thereof, are subordinate to the paramount lien of unpaid and outstanding former issue by the municipality of Seward of school building bonds dated October 1, 1928, designated as WSeward School Sevens.. Section 3. The said Bonds shall be in substantially the following form: -.., I \ -- ~ lJ.ml'rJ:D STATES OJ!' AMIRI CA .~ Number 'lerri tory of Alaska !hird 1udicial Divisioa 'JOI! u:. ~ 'Public School Gymnasiu Bond KNOW .AlII. MEN BY T.lUSE PRESENTS: That the ~own of ieward . a Municipal Co:;-poration of the Terri tory of Alaska, here y ack!ow- led$t:es itself indebted and for Talue received promises to pay to the bearer, or if t'is bond be registeredl !o the registered holder hereof, on the lath day of December, .D. 1941, the sum of ONE mOUBAlID DOTJ.ARS with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum (6%) ~r an- num, payable at the Bani: ot Seward, Seward, Alaska, annually on -1 December 10th each ~ar util the ms.turity ot this bond, upon sur-, render of t_ annexed int.rest COUPOJ:l8 a8 they severally become , . li due i or if this bond be r~i8tered as to both principal and intel'!t est, to the registered holder hereof. BOTH PRINCIPAL AND Thl'&ua:iT on this bond are payable in any coin or currency which, on the re~ecUTe dates of payment, is legal ten.ier tor the pa~ent ot ~llblic' ud priTate debts, a't the Bank of Seward, in the Town ot Seward, Territory of Alaska. For the ~ctual paplent ot this bond and the interest hereon, and for the levy and colleotioD. ot unliait.a. ad TalOrem. taxes suf- ficient for that pI1l"pC'HMl, the tull taith, property and oredit of -3- #4 the said Town of Seward, Alaska, are hereby irrevocably pledged, "I, but are subordillllate, how8Ter, as to seourity, to the paramount lien of unnaid and outstanding former issue of school building bonds datea Ootober 1, 1928, designated as "Sward School SeTens". THIS BOND MAY BE RmIsrERED as to both principal and in- terest or as to prinoipal only, in aooordanoe with the provisions endorsed on the baok hereof. THIS BOND IS ONE OF A SERIES of twelve (12) bonds of like date, denom.ination and tenor, except as to maturiiy, numbered- consecutiTely, from one to twelve (12), both numbers inclushe, ~regating the principal amount of TWelve Thousand Dollars lf12,OOO.OO) and is issued by the Town of Seward Alaska, under authority ot and in co~liance with the Constitu~ion and Statutes of the United States and the Laws of the Territory of Alaska, the Ordinances and Resolutions of said Town of Seward, and particular- ly that certain Act of the Congress of the United States approved May 28", 1936, designated Public, No. 626, 74th Con~essJ entitled "AN AC:r To authorize munioiplU oorporations in the Terrlto:l ot Alaska to inour oonded ind~bte{iness, and for other purposes and by virtue of a sixty-five i65~) _per centum majority vote of ~he registered and legally qualified voters of sald Town 'Yoting at a S~ecial Eleotion duly called and held for such purpose, on the l'lth day of November, 1936, approving, ratifying and authorizing ( the issuance of suoh bonds, ana. is issued for the {>urpose of un- I dertaking the construction. and equiPment ofa Pubhc School Gym- nasium, at a cost to saiQ- Town of S~ard to not exceed the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) . THIS BOND, and all other bonds of the issue of whioh this is one, shall be negotiable for all purposes. IT IS HF.R~y CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all conditions aots and things required by the Constitution and Statutes of ~he Uni ted States of America and the Laws of the Terri tory of Alaska to exist, to have happened} and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of ~his bond, exist, have happened and haTe been performed, and that the issue of bonds of which this is one, together with all other indebtedness of the said Town ot Seward, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitu~ tion and Statutes of the United States or the Laws of the Terri- tory of Alaska. IF DEFAULT BE MADE in the payment of this bond or the in- terest thereon accruing to the terms thereof, and suit is insti- tuted to enforce the oollection thereof in any court of oompetent jurisdiction, the maker hereof ~rees and promises to pay such additional sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attor- '-r ne~s fees in suoh suit. ON AND AFTER December 10, 1941, and at any annual interest payment date thereafter, this bond is redeemable before maturity It the option ot the Town of Seward, Alaska, at par for each 100.00 ot the face value of such bond, and all accrued interest hereon. IN' WITNliSS WHEREOF the Town of Seward, Alaska has oaused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and attes!ed by its Clerk, and has caused its corporate seal to be here- -4- #5 -'" to affixed, and the coupons hereto attached to be aut hen- ~icated by the facsimile signature of its Mayor and at- tested by the facsimile signature of its Clerk, and this bond to be dated as of the day of , 193__ TOWN OF SEWARD, TERRITORY OF AIASKA ATTJ!ST: By. Mayor Town Clerk , : ~ (On reverse side of Bond): CONVERSION CERTIFICATE I ~y CERTIFY That at the written r~~~est of the holder of the within bond for its conversion into a REGI~r!H!V BOND, I have this'day cut off and destroyed all the coupons attached to said bon;', bei, , in number, numbered from o both n~bers inclusiTtl of the separate amount and value of sixiy and no/IOO Dollars (,~O.OO) eaoh, am9vnting in the t:regate to Dollars ~, and that interest at the rate and on the dates e~ressed on lie faoe of this bond, as well as the prin- cipal thereof is to be paid to the registered owner named in the reg~stration ~lank ~elowl his legal representative, successors or asslgns, at the offlce 01- the Balik of Seward, Seward, Alaska. .... . oj ~ :., ',~ , 1') f! l 1 I., '~i I;. .~.,j,i ',,J BANK OF SEWARD, SEWARD, ALASKA. Dated: By' ----------- REGISTRATION OF PRTITCIPAL ONLY THIS BOND MAY BE RmISI'EHJID AS TO PRINCIPAL ONLY, by the Bank of Seward Seward Alaska or any authorized officer thereof upon preseniation at the oftice of said Bank, and shall thereafter be transferable only by a written assignment of the registered owner or his attorney, duly acknowledged or proved, such registration and transfer to be endorsed hereon in the space provided below and entered on the books of said B~kept for ~t purpose, but it -5- /16 1 may be disoharged from registration by being transferred to bear- er, after whioh it shall be transferable by delivery but it may be again registered as before. The registration of this bond as to prine ipal shall not restrain the negot iabil~~r of the interest coupons which shall remain payable to bearer ess and until all suo~ ooupons shall be surrendered and destroIed as evidenced by the execution of the foregoing CONVERSION CERTIFICATE provided for that purpose. Date of Name of Re~istrv Re~istered Owner Name of Authorized Re~istrar ---------------.-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------~-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------.----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4. The provisions of this Resolution are hereby declared to be distinct and separable if any section, paragraph, sentence or clause herein shall be found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid and the decision of such court shall not affect the validity of any other section, paragraph, sentence or clause. SectioD 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and ef- fect from and after the date of its passage and approval by the Mayor. .-'f" I, ~ l ~f ADOPrED under suspena ion of the rules this 15th day of November, 1 9 3 7. i,.' itl E~ lunicipa er-- APPROvm November 15, 1937. ~~f?~ -6- i9~J llovember 18th. 1937. Reces sed regular meeting of llov. 15t h. 1037, re convenec. 1.n regular session this 18th. da;y of llovember 1937, i:1 ti-e Council Cha::1bers of the Town Hall. Meeting was called to ordt r at 8 0' clock P. 1.1. by Mayor Brownell. I The Clerl: called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland and Manthey. Absent: Councilmen Jones and Osbo. A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Gilliland that this be an e.xecutive meeting; ~[otion unanimously carried by all the Councilmen present. Chambers~' Resoluti 0]'1 Gymnasium '~ At this time Councilman Jones entered the Council A Resolution was presented and read by the Clerk; apprillving form anlf text of ~I2,OOO.OO of 1:ublic School Bonds for the Town of Sew.'.'rd, A16s1:a. lit this time Conncilman Osbo entered the Council Chambers. It was moved by Councilroo,n Gilliland seconded by Davis, that all Rules of the Council which might prevent, unless suspended, the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption, re and the sa:ae are hereby suspended for the furlJose of permittinf' the co nsideration, final 11assage and ado~,t ion of said Resoluj;i on at this ,neeting and its takin? effect upon such adoption. The question beiniS' rut uron tha adoption of said motio:1, the Roll was calleu with the fo~lowing results: I ~yes 6--Those voting AYE: Councilmen, Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones, I.IuYlthcy and Osbo. llEY!: Ilone I.layor Brownell declared said moti on carried. Counci 1m n I.lanthey seconded by Counci l.nan Jones moved that said Resolution be finally fassed and adopted as introduced and read. The question being put upon the fi nal }!assage and adoIJti on of said Resolution, the Roll was called with the following results: AYES 6-- Those voting nYE: Councilmen, Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones, I,Ianthe;y and Osbo llEYS: llone. The !.layor thereupon declared said Resolution finally ~assed and adopted. a.nd the I.layor th ereupon signed the said Resoluti on in approval thereof. - The following Resolution waf presented and read by the Clerk. RESOLUTIOH J-iUT:.r-:ORIZIlJG SUR?Eiml:R OF IICEiJSE A..D dI.rr:i:Dl.::::;l\T THER:DTO ISSUED TO TO\h; OF SKaARD. ALASI:A, FOR ~)ROJECT HUMBER 1316 ALASKA, BY THE FEDER,I.I rOWER C 01[:1 SSI Oil OF T~IE UlJITED STATES. ' I ------------------------------------------------------ BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Counc il of the Tov;n of Seward, Alaska. in regular rneetimg Jl1[Il{ assembled, a quorum being IJrCsent, That its ;.:ayor and l.:unicil~al Clerk be and they are hereby authorized, in the name of the :.:unicil~al Corpori~tion and. under its Corporate Seul, tu make afplication for the surrender of, and to surrender to the Federal :E'ower C0r:111ission of the United Jta tes of _~merica, the license and amendment thereto heretofore issued to th Town of Seward, for l'roject nwnber 1316 ";lasLa, heretofore issued to said I.IunicilJality; ald, in such connection, to make, ezecute and deliver any and all instruments necessar~7 and required in the lJremises, the sa.id Common Council of the Town of 0cward, ).laska, hereby ratifying all acts IJreformed by virtue of the authority herein granted. ADOPTED a tare p:ular me e t i ng 0 f the C om:r.on C ounci 1 he Id th is (194 i Hovember 18th. 1937, Continued. I I5th. day of November, 1937. APPROVED November 15, 1937. Mayor Town of Seward, Alaska. ~~ liiunicipal C erk. A motion was madE by Councilman Davis seconded by Councilman Osbo that said Resolution be passeS and adopted as read; The Roll was calleu with the following results: AYES: 6, Those voting AYE; Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. NEYS: None. The Mayor thereupon declared said R@soimtion passed and adopted, the Mayor thereupon signed said Resolution in approval thereof. l and ~ The question of a~pointing an inspector for the dchool Gymnasium Project came up, and the name of Mike Glynn was presented for the job; A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Gilliland tt~t Mr. Glynn be appointed temporally; Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. ~ The question came up of setting a special rate for ovens such as used by bakeries, after discussion of the subject a motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Jones that the rate for OVENS be set as follows: On th e fi rst 100 K,m at three cent s, an d all in excess of 10OK#H to be at the rate of two cents per Kim. The Clerk called the Roll on the motion with the fo~lowing results: AYES 6-- Those voting Aye: Councilmen, Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones, L7anthey and Osbo. Neys: Ilone. The Mayor t herenpon dec lared said mot ion carried. The question of head engineer and shift men for the :,lunicipaL light 11ant came up and was discu:sed and it was decided to wait and take thic matter up with the Worthington man upon his arrivEtl in Seward, At this time Mayor Brownell callec a recess to reconvene Monday evening Nov. 22nd. 1937. -, I ) Mayor. ' ~~ l.iunicip'al C e . NOVEMBER-221m. I 937. Recessed regular meeting of Nov. 15th. 1937, reconvened in regular session this 22nd. day of Nov. I937, in the Council Chambels of the Town Hall of Seward, Alaska. Meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.U. by M.ayor Brownell. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent wele as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey Absent: Councilman Osbo. The Clerk presented for approval of the Council the applicatjon for renewal of the Retail Liquor License of the Seward Trading Co. and the ivholesale License of J. B. stanton; 1\ -yt:i J1 was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Gilliland that both applications be approved aE presented; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voti ng AYE. " The Clerk presented the revised contract from t he Alaska Hai: road to the City of Seward for a strip of land at the breakwate!, in wrich, the section relating to assigninr- (\~~ subletting roA 1.',' 01litted; ; motion was made by Councilmb.n MantlZyseconded by ~onesv., -l..heit t~c cc I,l-'- tract be accepted as now drawn up; Calling the Roll on the mot~on; All Councilmen present voted AYE. There being $60.00 per year rental on the Railroad lease, pa~- able in advance; A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland secondel by r.~anthey that a warrant be drawn and faid to the ""laska Radllroad; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted AYE. l . ~ ~i':j\Cj November-22nd. 1937 Co~tinued. . E. Li. Stewart, Ci t;; :;:;ngineer PNi... Docket f,'6279-P presented a bill for his services on the l;roject duo him at 70% completion 6~ of ~92,064.80....$5,E23.89 Less previous payment $3,600.00 now due ~I,923.89; A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Councilman llanthe~'that the. above bill be paid fro, the ::leward- Electric System Construction fund; Calling the Roll; .till Council.nen present voted AYE. -~I The letter of Elwyn Swetmann to the Council asking for a deed to lots 18, 19 and 20 Block 17, given to the Oity in error was tabled and the Finance OomIT~ttee asked to look into the matter. The Clerk was instructed to notify City Attorney L.V.Ray to be present at the next meeting so that the Oouncil could take ~) the matter of his fees in the Oity Li?ht case. hir. Glaven of the ',Iorthington Pum}j & Jilchy. Co. ViaS present and informed the Council that he could not give examinations to the applicants for jobs a.t the Cit;y Li,"ht I'hnt without first hav- ing obtained l,ermis2ion to do so from his coml-i~ny, whom he had wired concerning the c~me. I At this time it was decided to set the salary to be raid the cheif Engineer and t,"o shift men at the Oity's l:ower L'lant;", motio was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Oouncilman l.ianthey that the salar~' of Cheif engineer for the present be set at ~; 200.00 per month and the salery of the two shift men at $150.00 per monthe each; Calling the Roll on the motion; ~ll Oouncilmen present voted .AYE. A motion was made by Oouncilman Gilliland seconded by Blase to set the salary of the Cheif Electrician for the ~resent at $200.00 per month; Calling the Roll on the motion; .All Councilmen present voted AYE. d _~otion was made by Councilman Davis seconded by l,;a."lthey that the job of chief Electrician be offered to IfJr. Coyne; CallinG the Roll on the motion; .~ll Councilllen lJresent voted .IYE. li motion was made by Councilman ;,lanthey seconded by Councilma Blase that the cit~' clink be I,aid ~50.00 per month from the City Hght Plant funds for keeping the books of the Light dant; Calling the Roll on the motion; all Councilmen present voted ).YE. It was agreed to give to Mr. Hatton a check for ~990.00 with which he was to pay for the pole line running to the Jesse Lee TIorne now belonging to the Seward Light and rower Co. Mr. stewart the Ci ty Engineer offered to advance t he check to gi ve to lIlr. Hatton. It was proposed to leave t 1:is matter 0:1 the table until lass Geisjbeck could be consulted. '" ,.. '\~~; \ x- I The question of forming a I::unicipal OwnershijJ League came up for discussion and it was decided to go into this more thorouijhly at the next meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Gilliland that 2 cords of wood _$8.00 per cord be purchased for the Oity ~ight Plant; Calling the Roll; ~ll Council~en present voted AYE. There being :10 further business to come before this meeting upon proper motion made, seconded and carried it did ~~~ recess to reconvene at the call of the chair. l.lAYOR G ~~ C1~RL ~ I .< (. Iii< l~o - lIovemb.er-29th. 1\:)37. !i-' .' .~. Recessed regular meeting of llov. 15th. 1937, reconvened in regular session in the Council Chumbers of the Town Hall of Seward ~laska t}1is 29 tho dav of Hovember 1937 :I,ieeting was cCllled to ordeJ at 8 0' clock P.M. by" I;Iayor Brownell. ~. The Clerk called the Roll; were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Those present and those absent Gilliland, Jones, I,Ia~they and Osbo. { I Absent: Council~an Davis. r..i J .I,.~ ....; Tho Clerk read a wire from Dr. ;raham in which he stated he would not be coming buck to Seward cmd recomend ing Dr. Barham as competa~t to take hie pluce in the Seward General Hospital; The wi re was ordered fi led pending action of the EOSI,i tal board. The Clerk presented estimate No. 4 of Bennett & Taylor contractors of the Seward Electric System, for the amount of $39,674.84 the project being 92.6% completed; A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by 1illnthey that the estimate be paid from the Seward Electric System Construction ~unds as soon as the same ad been approved by City Endneer stew."Rt and I'iiA. Inspector Yaden; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen [resent voted AYE. The clerk read the answer to a letter written to Mr. Graff of the Seward Light & Power Co. in which the Ci t~ Light :t'lant offe ed to 11Urchase the J,esse Lee Home Power line for 10/0 les s than the co t of instal]'" ion; IvIr. Graff's re1l1y to the proposal was 110 ~ XYM1S'fY16'JS'J(j1nXNiJ[lnonoJX~ij1Q101t~Xm~1( At this time Councilman, Davis entered. the Council Chambers. A motion was made by Councilma ~ I.Ianthey seconded by Jones that the letter and answer to same be printed in t" r- r:r,teway providing Mr. Hatton would give his con,sent to it; Moti~n carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen pres nt. A wire was read from Mr. Shepard of the filA. advising the City Council that they could proceed to install the power line to the Jesse Lee Home and install a centerfuge oil filter under the contract with Bennett & Taylor, that their contract would cover unit prices for additional work, also advised to deposit to the Seward Electric System Const~uction Account ~3000.00 at once; << ~~rt~..",,,, \(ltlJ''''' "YlIt~lldlltb:i:~~H:id:uOadtm:x A general discussion ensued, during which discussion Uayor Brownel and all members of the Council p~rticipated; whereupon Councilman Manthey introduced the following resolution: -',\., ! ~~ RESOLUTIon A RESOLUTIOIl AUTHORIZIllG MID DIRECTING A LOAN FROI," THE GENERAL FunDS OF THE TOWII OF SEj1ARD, ALASKA, TO THE SE',Ul-RD ELECTRIC SYSTEM COllSTRUCTIOlJ AC'~OUI)T, FOR TE.'..- IUnIOSE OF IlICREASInG THE REvr~lJUE TO BE DERIVED FROM THE OPERATIon OF SAID I.1UNICIPAL PLANT, AND TO PERMIT THE TO'{/H OF SE'NARD TO AVAIL ITSELF FOR ITS BOl..RDS, D~PARTI,lliIlTS, ,SCHOOLS "~llD A(EllCIE' OF 'l'E~ ELECTRICAL ENERGY ~~NUFhCTURED BY SUCH I,IDNICI1AL PLANT. , It was moved by Councilman l;;anthey a,~d seconded by Councilma1 Gilliland that all Rules of the Counci 1 wh ich might 11revent, unles 3 suspended., the consi derat ion, fi nal passage and add opt ion of said Resolution at said meeting and its taking effect up on such adopt io ~ be, and the same are hereby susrended for the .:o:>nrpose of .fJerwitting th'" consideration, final passage and 9.dlbption of said Resolution at th s meeting, und its taking effect U11011 such adoption. The questi on be ng put upon the adoption of said motion to suspe~d the Rules, the Rol~ was called with the follvwing results: Those voting AYE: Comncilman BL'l.SE, D.'.VIS, GII,IJILAIJD. JOliES I.LtU;THEY an d 0 SBO . Those in the negative ...None. The Mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and such Rules so suspended. Councilman Jones, secohded by Councilman 1.1anthey moved that aid Resolution authorizing t~e loan out of the general funds for the Seward-Ele ctric System, for the IJurpose !is stated in the Resolut io , - be finally passed and adopted as read. The question bein~ put upon the - c. ~., .[\t--j J._ ';) , November 29~h. 1937, Continued. final l:'assage and adoption 0:JI:, said Resolut ion, the Roll VlB,S was called with the fol10winr resu:rts: I Those voting AYE: Councilmen ~LASE, DAVIS, 91IL1LAND, JONES :,I.ALJTHEY and O~BO. Those in the negative---Uone. The lfJ:ayor thereupon declared Said Resolution finally passed and adopted and the :.:ayor thereupon signed said _(esolution in th8 presence of the Council, in approval theroof. cam Mr. Ray I:unicilJul ;.ttorne:'l for the Town of Seward, :.laska, presented u claim to the Council qf ~3000.00 ' fo r his services in the Seward Lirht & Power Case, and stated that this ~Jount was to cover his services from begining to the finish of the case, ~r. ?a;y- stated that he would take ~1000.OO down and the balance as convenient to the finances of the Town's ge:1eral funds. .:. motion was made by Councilman Osbo .secondec by Councilman IiIanthey that the claim be allowed and a warrant drawn for :;';1000.00 as a lJaY- ment on the claim; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Counci lmen present voting AYE. The appointing of engineers to run the City Light =-'lant up al so city electrician, liLr. Coyne offered to take the electricia job at ~225.00 per month to sta1717 and with the underst8-nding that if the Town wanted to let him out of the job they should give him sixty days notice and he would do the same for them in case he should want to quit; After discussion of these matters by the Council it was decided to lay on the table until the next regular meeting. y The Committee re ortef that the cotton wood tree standing in the intersection near the Eospital had been removed. I There being no further business to come before this meeting upon proper motion made, seconded and carried it did adjourn. Ma~ror G~ DECL~,;B:C;R- GTH. I 9 3 7. Regular meeting uf the C011ln10n Cou11ci 1 of the ~own of ;:ievJal'u, ilaska, convened in regular session in the Council C"lo.Ill1crs of the Town Hall this 6th. d:l7 of ::JeceL,1:er 1C!37. :,;eetin,~ was c'illed to order at 8 0' clJck rl.!..' by L;a;yor 13rownell. . The Clerk callerl tJ,e ~oll; Those rreso~lt :.li,d th0se o.rr-ent ~ were as follows: Present: Council;;18n Blase, Davis, :,";illilund, JO'.le8, I:an they and Osbo. dbsent: none ~inutes of the last meeting read ~nd approved. I Read communication from the Alaska Railroad in .mich they were calling for bids for electric energy to be furnished thefr! inc their various departments at Seward, I.:ayor Brownell requested this to be taken up later. Read a communicl;ltion from :Bennet &, Taylur also ono from LIre Stewart re: Transmission line to t1:e ,Jesse Lee Home, Do,r'lctt (:; Taylor price to put in line and muke connections is ~Z998.4I A motion was wade by Councilc:un Blase seconded by ;,;anthey that Bennett &; Taylor be held to the origirlal contract, !J.nd to deny the.r application of refusal, they to build line to ,Tosce lee ::oJ>ie , transformers and seco:-::daries included, but to eliminate an;)' of the service connect ions. ;,:ot ion carried b;v. the unanimouc vote of all Counci 1.~;1en l'resent. Lni t l'rices to be usee a.s Ler contract le S2 an ;y' 157;, ad de d . C "1. t t 1. '''1h'''' 4 v a1ms 0 a 1ng ~ ~~~. 0 ~resentod and ap;roved by t1:e Fi~ance /" / 19~ DECEMBER-6TH. 1937, COI~TI.im1;;D. Comnuttee as follows: Bank of Seward ~;25.00 Fete !1ichelson ~25.00 1.L..iil1iams :t;50.00 1. V.Ray i50.OO Fred Keilches1d $220.00 E.D. Webb $150.00 nick Hodak'i?I50 .00 Osbo' sElectric e6.95 Brown & Hawkins ~51.90 Call.i. Brosius :::>4.10 Dicl: j,jyers $15.00 Seward metal Norks $9.75 Ogle aarage $17.05 ?C.Mcllullen $1.25 Gateway Pub. Co. $65.90 Seward ,iater 3uppl;y $137.50 Alaska 'l'ransfe ~~I.75 3ewalU Light & Power $155.65 Bank of Seward $27.01 U.S.Signal Corps $15:04 :Balderston's ~25.00 ~Tim lielson $51.75 11. l.IalL.lY $21.00 Cash~6I.30 J.il.Blase $96.00 .1 mot ion was made by Councilraan Gilliland seconded by Jones that the above claims be paid from the gen. funds. Calling the Rol All Councilmen present voted AYE. A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilliland to nullify a motion made on Novrmber 22nd. 1937, setting the salar to be paid the Cheif Electri cian and the engineers at the lilunicipa Light Plant; Calling t he Roll; All Counci Imen present voted .SE. The Clerk read the offer of L.M.Johnson to purchase lot 6 Block I4 Federal Addition for ~25.00, a motion was made by Council Osbo seconded by Ivj,anthey that the offer be accepted; Calling the Roll: All Councilmen present votec aYE. The Clerk read a letter from Elwyn 0wetmann in Which he stat that a deed had been given the City for the East 2/3 of lots 18 1~ and 20 in block 17 in error and asking the Council to deed this' interest back to him; The Clerk looked up. the record on this trans and found that Mr. Swetmann had given the City a deed for a number luts, in which the above interest had been included, this was an error so Mr. ~wetrruann states on the ~art of the former clerk in drawing up the Deed. a motion was made by Councilman Blase seconde by Gilliland that in as much as an error had been made inthe trans fer, that the City Clerk draw up a deed transfering this interest back to Mr. Swetmannn ; Calling the Roll un the motion; ;.11 Counci _ men present voted AYE. ~ motion was made by Cou~cilman Osbo seconded by Blase that C.R.Coyne be appointed at a salary of t225.00 fer month, Cheif Electrician and supervisor in charge of the new :;Iunici:val Light 1:1' nt ~ holding him responsible for the plants operation and to the City Council for such operation; Calling the Roll on t:"e I,lotion; "~ll Councilmen present voted. AYE. The Clerk presented the following applicants for the job of shift engineers at the municipal Light Plant; Frank Burk, L.n.Huff Lee stewart, M.A.Polk and J.H.Littley; A secret ballot was called and resulted in the fol] owing votes cast; L.A.Huff-6, Lee dtewart, and M.A.Polk 6, The 1Iayor thereupon declared the three above appli elected unanimously; A motion was made b;y Councilman I.lanthey se'Con bY Jones that L.A.Huff, Lee stewart and M.A. Polk be appointed engi for the Municipal Light aant 'and be paid $150.00 per month; Calli t he Roll on the motion; .~ll Councilmen present voted AYE. The :.Iayo thereupon instructed the Clerk to notify them of the alJpointment. The question of installing an oil burner in t he stove at the Eall calae up and a moti on was made by "ouncilman Jones seconded by GillLand that ["1 oil burner be installed and tte cost not to exec Calling the Roll on the moti on; .~ll Councilmen {resent voted .nE. or ants ed eers g ire , J - d $IOO.()P-- City Engineer Stewart notified the Cuuncil that a few things 10re needed at the City llant such as safety dev~ces. clock, rr~terial f r work bench and bins, A motion was made by C uncilman Gilliland sec nded by Kanthey that the above materials be allv~ed and the cost of Sffil1 not to exceer ~50.00, Calling the Roll; All Councilmen voted AYE. The question came Ulj re ; Hospital, allO\ving Dr. B.9.hXnam to pref operations for Dr. .iilliams, a motion was made by CotUJcilman Jonos seconded by "lanthey that the Clerk notify ~.:iss Geisjbeck that the Council had given this matter due consideration 8.ud thcir dccicion for her to let the Eospital Board act on this ~attcr; Callin~ the on the mot ion; ,..II Counci Imen- ~resent votec AY2. .:..t this time ~.:aJ-or Brol.''niell cal:Led d recess to Ma rm i I ., of chair. (!LE/PI1.~ 19~ Recesse,; regular meetinr~ of December 6th. 1'.327, reconvey-ed in regular session i:1 tr.e Council CiJamber of the ';'vml =:0.11 of Seward, Alaska, tlJis 13th. dE:.;Y of Decec1ber, IS37. L:eetin[j was called to order b;,' l.:ayor ~3row,"e11 at C o'el'jck E. I 'rhe :;lerk called the 3011; Those l~resent und thoso ab:::ent ',,",0 C as follows: 1:'resent: CouncilILen Blase, :Javis,'li1liland, Jones, :.:cL1ttey and Osbo. Absent: Hone. The Clerk read the al'plication of I:arry lliller for the ,approval of the Council, for a renewal of his Dispensary Li(~or License, a motion was made b:l Council;TBn Osbo secondel, bJ' (~illiland .that the application bo alc~'roved; I,lotion carried by the unanimous vote of all the Councilmen ~resent. .i communication WLlS read fro;n the state Lirector :E'.i"i in 1'0: the construction of the Jesse lee Home power line in which he upheld the Cit;y's right to compell the Contractor, :Bennett (: Ta:llor to build the line as IJer contract, no.il1ely the unit IJrices as slJoci- fied in the 0::'1. -inal contract: A motion was ,,,ade by Councilm,n Gilliland seconded by Jones to notify the contractors Bonnett: Taylor to l'roceed to buila. the above line as per contract, less service connections: The motion carried b;:," tho uYlbniE10us vote of all the Counci 1l10;:1 lJrcsent. I Mike Cl:"lID r0G.c, uletter to t1:e C:ouncil froll ~'.::;.:::'088 [: Co. offering to let hiu take over the baldncc of the contract for inspection work on the ~ewa1'd ~cho~l 1ym, it was a~rccablo to the Council for l.~r. Slynn tv ta}:e over the illSl~ectio:-l wor}, 0:': the G~:ll' as vreviuusly passed u;on, but it is understood and 3~recd that I:.J3.Foss t..: Co. of Juneau, ~1.1~~.sl::(j., iE in no rlH-;Y'" relcived of tho resy:msibili t:/ for the archec"::;ural worl: 0," s'lid }~-n, ul;til sa id '}ymnasiulil is finall:/ cor;lrletcd and aCccfted 'by the (::i ty uf :>':[[:1'd. ~r. Coyne notified tho Council that u tele~hone w~c needed a.t the Cit:'J' Iirht l'li.lnt, f motio~ was mude b~' Cou:1cil:1ar. ~,:E:ntho;'T seconded by Gillil~nd that a Main line desk phonc be installed and instructing the Clerk to attend to this matter; Calling: the Roll on the motion; ~ll Councilmen present voted ~Yb. 1'0wer Rates to be cha1';" b-r ".- City l:lant Vlere tul:en up, and tr.e following chLmge was made in the Rates a,~ree<', upon do)t. 15th. 1937, as foll~ws: Powl:r Rate: h I v).' 3-1 'f 2 ! r rer " " I:il'H first 200 hours " next 500 " " all in excess of mse l,er rrlOnth . ~ .............. .\ .. .... 1. u the above rate. '1'110 Clerk wat> instructed to take the corrected rates to the Cit:'J' ..ttorney and have him prepare eiD Crdinance tv aQ01.,t the saUJC at the ne::t re[:ular meeting Dec. 20th. 1937. I The Clerlc reaa a let tel' :fro" :.:c....herso:l Imd 1. ont(':ratz ..> \,,11, ict they asked per~isEion to ~ork labor on the Jchool Gym under u Dual Classification; .i. I,'otio:.: wac uj .de t:.' ';ot,nciLia::-l Jones seco;1ded bY Davis to reject the 8LIlicetion at l'rcsent; :.:otloYl rassed b:- tte unanimous vote of all ttc CouYlcil~e:l Ire sent. ~t ttls tiwe ~a~or Erownell called a tLe (~all of the Chair. recess to rCC(j~'7('1Y1C at nll.YUn. c~ .J~U.l.1.l... ~ ( 200 I December 15th 1937. Recessed regular meeting of the Common Counci 1 of the 70wn of Seward, Alaska, of December 13th. reconvened in regular session in the Ci tJ Clerks office of the Town of Seward, December 15th. 1937. l.iayor Brownell called the meeting to order at 7.30 o'clock L'.lo The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent were as foilows; Present, Councilmen Davis, Gilliland, Jones, I.ianthey and Os1::o. I "~bsent: Counci lman Blase. ' " ~ ~ \0 . . ~ ) , ,~ y hir. Derick Lane being present at this meeting, Eayor BrowneJl took up the matter of the rights of way through the Borth lite lUr- ing claims, for the proposed Lowell Creek tunnell; l.:r. Lane being one of the o\v.ners of said mining claims, stated to the Council that he would not give right of way through said claims to dump gravel into the bay at the proposed tunnel ~xit site, stating that in no time it would fill up the present bay there and ruin a possible site for a dock there in the future; However, Mr. Lane did state that if tie debris were carried away from the mouth of the tunnell, by flume cr other means, so as not to fill in the present bay and dock site, Ie would be glad to 'grant tunnel rir;hts through the mining claims. Mr. Lane stated that he was ~oing to Anchorage and would tale the matter up with Col. Ohlson and would let the Council tnow the results as quictly as possible. The Clerk presented a claim from.Mc~herson ~ ~ongratx of tI655.82 being 1st. estimate due on Seward SchOOl G~n Building; ~motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Gilliland thai the claim be paid as approved, from the funds of the >3cbool Gym- Construction account; Calling the Roll on the motion; 1ill Counellr en present voted AYE. Llr. Yaden Jd the PiIA. Inspector in charge on the Jchool Gyr Project stated to the Council that it inconvenienced himself and others to ha.ve to wait for a Council meeting to approve claims ani routine matters concerning the project, and, that in a.s much as the availab~ funds had once been passed on to be paid out on the project, suggested that the lliayor and Clerk be authorized to sign routine records and pay vouchers; The clerk was instructed to hav such Resolution dravro up to be presented at regular meeting of l.londay, December 20th. 1937. The Clerk read a letter fro::1 Mcl'herson &. l'ongratz asking permiSSion to work a 48 Hour week and pay by check on the School Gym Project; A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Manthey to grant the application; Calling the Roll: ~ll Councilmen present voting AYE. The application of i,lcPherson & Pongratz to use dl.lul classif cation of labor on the School Gym lroject CBQe up for the second time an a motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Davis that this e reconsiderad; Motion carried by the unanimous vot~ of all the Councilmen Present. After reconsidering the mat~er of Dual Classification of labor on the Gym Project a motion was made by Counc ilmen I,:anthey seconded by Davis that the i.ipplication be granted; i.lotion carriel, by unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. i:.AYOR. before this meeting UJon did adjourn. 6: ~LERK.. I I Ther being no further businees to come proper motion made, seconded and carried it ~ 201 DEC~l.J:,.J.;;R 20 TH. I 9 3 7. Regular llleeti::;:: of the 80lJl:no" COlElcil of the Town of i:>eward, AlosLa, convened in regular session ia tte Counci 1 ChaL1CCnJ of the Town Eall on tte 20th. da;}' of -'Jecember I~37. ~eeting wac called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 o'clock P. k. I The Clerk called the Roll: Those l',resent anc those absent were as follows: Present: Councilme1J Blase, Davis, Eanthe;y' and JO:cles. absent: Councilmen ~illiland and Osbo. Minutes of t he lust lf1eetinij read and approved. The Clerk read '.L letter frora lUwyn 3weblann acti:::'F: ,iecrctu.r of the :;)evl8.rd Hospital Board in which he stated that tl-.e :Juard had appointed Dr. ~. E. Barham as Hos~ital Jurgeon. At this time Councilman Osbo entered the Council GI!~'!i1bcrs. .... motio,. was ,-,lace by Councilman Elsse seconded ll~J 80uncilma ;,;anthey approving the aI_pointlmmt uf Dr. DarhallJ; Calling the Roll on tIle mot ion; ..11 Counci l;;Jen [resent voted .:'Yb. 1'I,e Cler], read a letter from C.';;;.Crlauder 'J're'lsurer r)f tho 0en:;.:rd School Board asking the Council fur 0. loan of ~2000.00 to weet tte :Uecember .,a',-roll of the Seward :3chool 'ind ctatiil"" it '[!uuld be l;aid U')Oll ro~el, t of the refu11u due them from the 'J'erri- tory; .Ii- mopior: vms made b;Y Councilman (isbo seco;:lded b~' lJo.vis that that the City advance tho loan; Callinl~ t:-,e :]011 0"1 the Lloti on;,~ll Council:nen 'present voted .iL. I C[,he Cler1= rear' o. letter from Eennett Oc 'L'a~'lur to tl1e Towrl of Seward, in which they r:::ranted !tbe Town of Jeward .::Jormi8sion to use Hnd accupy the lower eG.uirJ1nent as outlineu uEder Items 16-20 incl usi ve of the detailed estimate. 'r1'E" ,:nt to be used ::01' the IJurfoce for v:hich it is intended; Also. stated that any claims " which the Tovm may have against the contractor shall not be doomed to have been waived by such occul.anc;y. _"- Iilotjon was made by Cou"wiln,an Davis seconded by 1.Ianthey that the offer be accepted and a vote of thanks be eztended for the offer; ;,lotion carried by the unanimous vote of all Cuuncilmen ~resent. The Clerk read a letter from R. B. Dau:nf'c.,rbler who,:: wqs a~plying on behalf of Ers. ~ell Floyd, for the a~proval of the Counei 1 of her aIJplication of a P,everage Dispensary Iicense in her restaurant, after some discussion it was ordered laid on the table until later i:1 tl-_e ,neeting. The Clerk presented Ii bill frot! E.13.Foss Co. for ~636.00 this being 3~ of the contract a?T0 ement on the 3eward:;p:m ~ro ject for a.rchitectural and inspection work. rl- mot ion 'Nas ma.de by Counci lma.:1 i;anthe:v seconded by Bl3.se that tee claim be "aid frOM the Seward ~ym Pr~ject Construction :"unds; Callin,~ the Roll on the motion; rill Councilme:: [resent voteo AYE. Tl:;e Clerk I,resented a claim fro,! ':'rici: ,~. l.,unnYJf ,;;84.11 for rr~nting the School Gym lrojoct bonds and ono from L.V.Ray ~or yI. 75 IJaid eXIJress 0:: bond s; r1 moti on vms [:Jade by Coul1ci Iman Osbo seconded by I.:unt!:ey tJ,at the claims bo iedid from tho Jcbool G;ym Construction account; Calling the ~~oll 0,'1 tho motion; ~ll r;ouncilmeC'l present voted 1:.rE. I The CJ erk l,resentoc and reud tl"e following Resolution: RESCLlTTIOii .AUTECRI~IIJG ~ El,;,iI'O'.r~~II:~. ~PII= :.:"~Y0H OF T:-!=: ~81':; c::~ 3~;./.L1.=ri), ~l.l-Li")~_~i ~~I;D ITS I.lliIIICII<til OJ,EEl: rIlL' I.:.A.l:E, 3XSC1T'rE ~~~~u IJ3U~ Ii.J r~=~ C0RJ.~u- RA.Tl: l:.iu,~E .cil~lJ U.L~uER ~:-rE CCRI'OIkTE SE.il CF S.i),ID :.rLT~JICI -L-~.ilIl'Y -.ll 'rOUCn:EltS,,'iA::::Rl~.lJTS. CEECL:> O~ O'J'EER Il';3TRU:,:EIrT.:3 IIi ,lRITLG L::L.;C:GS_ SiL-qy OR EEc;.UIRE-LI TO F.-iCIIITA'I'E '1':-'E I.:WI,I1T ",..Yi,;.::;J:,'T OJ:' .i.l.I cU'?ROVbD aCCOmJTS OUT OF .1-Im FROt: THE FUIJD';; OF TE::C: Tu,il! OF 3:;.1'..":]",, A1LOC.iT_ EJJ ."lm DBPOS1TEJJ TC T'I2 Sl:'ECIal COL:i:>l'HUCT IOl; il.CCOl;l:T PuR l:'':.'}3LIC SCHGOL GYl,llla3IUi,; BUILDEIG, l'Rl.:JJ::CT 1:0. I020-Di;;l. ADOPTED under sus~ension of the rules this 20th. day of Dece,flber 1'.):':7. Approved Dec. 20th. I927 MAYOR. ~~ Clerk / ( 202 DECE.!I!.BER 20TH. 1937, CO.i;TUUEiJ. It was moved by Caunci lman I,ian they seconded by Davis that all Rul€ s of the Council which might prevent, unless suspended, the consideration final passage and adoption of said Resolution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adopti on be, and the same are hereby ,SUS})E nded for the purpose of permitting the consideration, final' passage ane adO>ltion of sadld Resolution at this meeting, and its taking effect u~)on such L adoption. The question being put up on the adopti on of 'said mati on to suspend the rules; The Roll was called with thc following results: Those voting AYE; Councilmen Blase, Davis, Jones, ;.;al1tbcy and Osbc. Those in the negative none. The J.iayor thereupon declared said motion carried and such ~::ules se suspended. Councilman Osbo seconded by Davis moved that said Resolution jor the lJUrposes as stated the-rein be finally passe d il.'1d advpter' as load. The question being put upon the final rassage ~nd adoption of saie Resolution at this meeting and its taking effect u~;on sueh adoptien, the Roll was called with the following results: Those voting AY'~; Councilmen Blase, Davis, Jones, :,:o.~1thcy C; 0810. Those in the negative NUllE. The I,layor thereupon declared said Resolution finu.lly pa~sed &'1 ( adopted, and signed said Resolution in the prese:1ce of the CounciJ in ap~roval thereof. V- The clerk introduced and read the following Resolution: RE~OlUTIOH : A RESOLUTIO:r AU'l'HORIZIIlG TEE I.L:"YOR ",l:D 1,IUllICIUL CLEm~ TO EXECUTE A DEED FOR CEHT"\.lll RE.i.l IR0lERTY BELCNGIUG TO THE TO,{l; OF SE :IARD , ALASKA. BE IT RESOLVE]) BY TEE COl:rIi10H COUlWIL OF THE TO;n~ OF JE.lARD, 41AS1:. , that D.C.Brownell as Itayor, and E.D. debb u,s Ivl1micipal Clerk, and' hey hereby are authorized and directed to execute und deliver to O. H McOlane, 1.1.1. Johnson and Elwyn 3wetmann ,a good and sufficient Dee( xoc for the following Real property belonging to, and in the Town of Seward, Alaska, as follows: East 2/3 of lots 18, 19 J'nd 20 in :BLck 17, Lot 6 Block 14 : n Federal Addition to Town of 3ew~lrd, and Lot 8 Block 13, Federal ,u dition to th ,- Town of 3ewarrf, Alaska. Said Deeds to be executed to O.H.LIcChne and 1.;,:. Johnson fo and in consideration of $50.00 bid and accepted uy the unanimous vote of the Cowman Council in payment for the above lots, and a :u cd to Elwyn 3wetmann for the Zast 2/3 of Lots 18, 10 and 20 Block 17 in.consideration of Deed issued in error b;}' Elwyn CwetlJJann to City of 5eward, Alaska, for said lots. Passed this 20th. day of Dece/aber 1937. Approved this 20th. day of December 1937. {:~ Clerk. I.iayor. ..:l moti 011 was made by Counci luan Osbo seconded by Blase, th'1t the above Resolution be passed and adopted as read, Calling the Roll on the motion; all Councilmen pre~ent voted AYE. The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution passed and signe the same in approval th8~eof ( "".".,,' 203 MOJiD Y- Deo. 20th. 1937 CONTINlJEl>. The question of, Mr. Coyne. City Eleotrioian. making small sundry purchases for the City plant came up and a motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Manthey that he be allowed to make small purohases necessary. up to the amount of $roo.oo without the approval of the Council; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted AYE. I The question of figureing out a new bid for electric service to the Alaska Railroad came up for discussion and a Motion was made by Counoilman Blase seconded by Manthey that the same committe be appointed as before. consisting of Mayor Brownell. T. Osbo. E. M. stewart and Mr. Coyne; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. Mayor Brownell stated that MoPherson & Pongratz had given the little office cabin at the City light plant to the City and it was agreed that it was to be moved to the rear of the Fire Hall. It was brought to the attention of the Council that a light was badly needed in the alley at the rear of the Crawford home so as to benefit the residents there whom had to cross lots to get to their homes. a motion was made by Counoilman Jones secon4ed by Manthey that a light be plaoed at this point; Calling the Roll; Al Counoilmen present voted AYE. The question of the Munioipal Light Plant running an add in the Gateway oame up and it was decided to let this go until later. The Mayor stated there should be some kind of a news item put in the Gateway re: the City light plant as it was now in oper- ation. stated he had some artioles that could be used in wr~ting suoh article; A motion was made by Counoilman Blase seoonded by Manthey that the Mayor write an artiole and have it printed in the Gateway; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted AYE. Mr. stewart stated to the Council that the City Light Plant had started operation De.c. I7th. 1937. and that lIlccording to contract Mr. Glavin was to remain I4 days with plant and as the boat to the states would be leaving about Jan. 1st. 38. Mr. Glavin would like a release by this time. providing every thing was satisfactory; A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Osbo that the release b,egranted. providing, the plant was op.ra- ting satisfactorly; Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voting AYE. Mr. Glaven stated to the Council that he would want a written release signed by the Mayor and Mr. stewart, Engineer, A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by asbo, that he be given such written release; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted AYE. The question came up regarding the Seward Light & Power Co. removing their meters where the City was installing their's; Mr. Graff being present stated that he would remove his as quickly as he could. He stated that he ,wanted to be notified by the custo- mer and that if the City wanted the meters removed faster than it was possible for him to do it. that the City furnish and pay men, under his direotion, and that faster work could be done. ' I I The question of the application for approval of a Liquor Dispensary license for Mrs. Floyd came up again; A motion was made by Councilman asbo seconded by Jones that a secret ballot be taken on this; Calling' the Roll; All Councilmen present voted AYE. Ballots were prepared and passed out; The vote to be YES for approval and NO for denial of application. Votes were cast and taken up by the Clerk; Mayor Brownell appointed Councilman Manthey and the clerk as tellers; Votes cast were as follows: YES-I . and JiO-4 Mayor Brownell declared the application denied~ and so noti- Mr. Bawngartner whom was present. At this time Mayor Brownell called a recess to reoonve~e at the call of the chair. MAYOR. ~~ CLERK. /' ( 204 Reoessed regular meeting of Deoember 20th. 1937, reoonvened i regular session in the City Clerk's offioe of the Town of Sewaxd, Alaska, at 7 o'olook P. M. Dec. 28th. 1937. Meeting was oalle4 to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk oall the Roll; Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Cou.oilmen Davis, Gilliland, Manthey and Osbo. Absent: Counoilmen Blase and Jones. Rates to be charged by the City Light Plant were disoussed an a Resolution was presented and read by the clerk as follows: RESOLUTION Amending Ordinanoe No. I25 as amended by Ordinanoe No. 128 0 Town of Seward, Alaska, with respeot to rates and charges to be m and oolleoted by Seward Municipal Electric System. ----------------------------------------------------------------- BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska, as follows: Section I. That whereas there is some oonfusion with referenoe to the rates and oharges for eleotrioal servioe to be oharged and collec ed by t the Munioipal Electric System and, in order to make more olear an definate '\ suoh rates and, whereas the Counoil a.t various regular and specia I { meetings has had the service and advioe of E.M.stewart, Projeot E ~~ and of Mr. Coyne, eleotrioal expert and Mr. Boyd Yaden, represent ~ 7the PWA, and there having been a full and oomplete discussion of ~ matter, BE IT RESOLVED that Ordinanoe No. 125 of the Town of Sewa It ~ Alaska, approved May 4, 1936 and the amendatory Ordinanoe with re peot thereto, Ordinanoe No. 128, approved August 3, I936 be amended in the following respeots: Seotion 2.iAl The servioe rates and oharges to be made and oollec for servioe of the Municipal Electric Plant are as follows: I. DOMESTIC RATE: 10 eents per. .KWH for fi.rst 30, .KW.Hr.e. 3 cents per. .KWH for allover 30 .KW.Hrs. per montp. MINIMUM oharge to be $1.50 per month. 2. COMMERCIAL RATE: 10 oents per .KWH for first 60 KW.Hrs. 3 oents per .KWH for allover 60 .KW.Hrs. per month. MINIMUM oharge to be $5.00 per month. 3. WATER HEATING RATE: Any co.surner using ,6000 Watts is entitle. to a one (I) .KW wat r heater at $4.50 per month. 4. METER DEPOSIT DOMESTIC: t5.00 for lights. PER MONTH. 5. POWER RATE: 5 oents per .KWH for first 200 .KW~Hrs. 3 oents per .KWH for next 500 Kw.Hrs. 2 oents per .KWH for allover 700 .KW.Hrs. per month. IF 1500 .KW.Hrs OR MORE IS USED PER MONTH THE FOLLOWING RATE WILL APPLY: 5 oents per .KWH for first IOO .KW.Hrs. 3 oents per KWH for'next 200.KW.Hrs. 2 oents per .KWH for allover 300 .KW.Hrs. per month. MINIMUM monthly oharge .50 oents per HorSe Power, but no Minimum ~onthly charge to be less than $2.00 per month. // 20~5 I 6. BAKE OVEN RATES: 3 cents per KWH for first IOO KW.Hrs. 2 cents per KVffi for all aver IOO KW.Hrs. per month. MINIMUM charge to be $10.00 per month. A SPECIAL ADDITIONAL CHARGE TO ALL MINIMUM MONTHLY RATES: An additional charge of $2.00 per-~ KW demand will be made where switching or wiring facilities are provided making it possible to switch consumers load over to another s~stem at will; But the Minimum monthly standby charge to be iIO.OO 7. 8. STREET LIGHTING: Flat charge for continuous connection to be lamp flattage times the hours use monthly at 3 cents' per KNH. 9. MUNICIPAL RATE: Bxcept for street lighting; The Town and its departments and agencies must pay in cash monthly, at the same electrical rate schedules offered to the public for the same class of service. I ~(b) That the five-day limitation with the to% penalty provided . ~ in section 5, be changed to re~uire all bills to be paid by ~ the lOth. of the month and a 5~ penalty for non-payment . ~ thereof. \iI~ SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a complete and amenda ~ tory Ordinance shall be re-drafted, which Ordinance shall oon- ~~ai"ll the provisions and sections of Ordinance No. 125 and ~ ~ainance No. 128 as amended by the terms of this Resolutio and such amendatory Ordinance shall be presented to the Counci for action thereon before January 4th. 1938. SECTI0~ lL BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pending the adoption of such re-written and re-drafted Ordinance covering the matters as herein set forth, it is expressly ordered that the rates above set forth in this Resolutio~ shall be and are in full force and effect as of the date of the approval of this Resolution, to-wit: DeCember 28th. 1937. Adopted under suspension of the Rules this 28th. day of December, I937. Approved December 28th. I937. Mayor. Attest: f:. ~ Clerk. I It was moved by Councilman Manthey seconded by Gillilan that all rules of the Council which might prevent, unless susp ded, the oonsideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoptionbe, and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at this meeting, and its taking effect upon such adoption. The question being put upon the adoption of said motion to suspend the Rules, th~ Roll was called with the following results: Those voting AYE: Councilmen Davis, Gilliland, Manthey and Osbo. ..~.- Negative None. Counoilmen Blase and Jones being absent. The Mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and such Rules so suspended. Councilman Davis seconded by Councilman Manthey moved tha said Resolution as read and for the purposes as stated in the Resolution, be finally passed and adoptee' as read. The quest io being put upon the final passage and adoption of said Resol- ution, thw Roll was called with the follOWing results: Those voting AYE: Councilmen Davis, Gilliland, Manthey and Osbo. Negative None. ~6 Deaemb.er 28th. 1937, Continued. Counoilmen Blase and Jones being absent. The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution finally passed and adopted, and the Maypr thereupon signed said Resolution in the presence of the Council, in approval thereof. At this time Mr. Coype, City eleotrioan ~ stated to the' C that he had 70 oonneotions to the city plant, and oould have had m but owing to the very bad weather was unable to make much progBes8 Mr. Coyne was instructed to proceed the best way he could in order get as many hook ups as possible by the first of the year. - I I i J There being no further business to come before this meeting, upon proper mot~on made, seconded and carried it did adjourn. ~"- ~ ~Cie k. Mayor. JANUARY-3RD. I 9 3 8. Regular meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Sewar Alaska, oonvened in regular session in the Council ohambers of the Town Hall on this the 3rd. day of January, 1938. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 o'clook PM. The Clerk called the Roll; Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Counoilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones & Manthe. Absent: Counoilman Osbo. Minutes of the previous meeting read a~ approved. The Clerk presented and read proposed Ordinance No. 135 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. I35 AN ORDINANCE TO PRESCRIBE,ESTABLISH AND REGULATE THE RATES, FEES OR CHARGES TO BE MADE .AND COLLECTD BY THE T OWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, FOR THE SERVICES, FACILITIES AND COMMODITI 'S OF ITS MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM FURNISHED TO THE INHABIT S OF SAID TOWN OF SEW~, ALASKA, AND TO THE SAID MUNICIPALI OR TO ANY OF ITS DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS OR AGENCIES, AND REPE ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FAILURE TO COM13LY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE, AN FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ---------------------~-------------------- D, At this time Counoilman Osbo ehtered the Counoil Chambers. The Clerk having read the O~dinance through a motion was m was made by Counoilman Blase seoonded by Gilliland, that all Rules of the Council which might prevent, unless suspended, the oonsideratio final passage and adoption of said Ordinanoe #135 at said meeting its taking effect upon suoh adtption, be and the same are ~ereby suspended for the purpose of permitting .the oonsideration, final passage and adoption of said Ordinance #135 at this meeting and it taking effeot upon such adoption. The question being put upon the adoption of said motion, the Roll was oalled with the following results: AYES; 6; Those voting Aye: Councilmen Blaae,Davis, Gillll Jones, Manthey & Osb . I~EY' S: NONE. Mayor Brownell declared said motion oarried and said Rules so suspended. . Councilma~ Manthey seconded by Osbo moved that said Ordina No. 135 be finally passed and adopted as introduced and read. The question being put upon the final passage a~d adoption of said Ordinance 1135, the Roll was called with the following results: AYES---6: Those voting AYE: Counoilmen BLASE, DAVIS, GILLI JONES, MANTHEY AIm OSBO. NEY'S----NONE. The Mayor thereupon declared said Ordinanoe 1135 finally passed and adopted, and thereupon signed the same in app~oval ther Claims presented by the clerk for $1982.97 and approved by the finance Committ~e, with the exception of Osbo Eleotrical Suppl