HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938 City Council Minutes 20~) I 6. BAKE OVEN RATES: 3 cents per KWH for first IOO KW.Hrs. 2 oents per KWH for all aver 100 KW.Hrs. per month. MINIMUM charge to be $10.00 per month. A SPECIAL ADDITIONAL CHARGE TO ALL MINIMUM MONTHLY RATES: An additional charge of $2.00 per-Aaa KW demand will be made where switching or wiring facilities are provided making it possible to switch consumers load over to another s~stem at will; But the Minimum monthly standby charge to be iIO.OO 7. 8. STREET LIGHTING: Flat charge for continuous connection to be lamp Wattage times the hours use monthly at 3 cents per KNH. 9. MUNICIPAL RATE: Bxcept for street lighting; The Town and its departments and agencies must pay in cash monthly, at the same electrical rate schedules offered to the public for the same class of service. I ~(b) That the five-day limitation with the to% penalty provided ~ in section 5, be changed to re~uire all bills to be paid by '~ the lOth. of the month and a 5~ penalty for non-payment . ~ thereof. \~~ SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a complete and amenda ~ tory Ordinance shall be re-drafted, which Ordinance shall con- ~ ......:I;ai.ll t he provisions and sections of Ordinance No. 125 and ~ ~ainance No. 128 as amended by the terms of this Resolutio and such amendatory Ordinance shall be presented to the Counci for action thereon before January 4th. I938. ~CTIONlL BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pending the adoption of such re-written and re-drafted Ordinance covering the matters as heremn set forth, it is expressly ordered that the rates above set forth in this Resolution shall be and are in full force and effect as of the date of the approval of this Resolution, to-wit: December 28th. 1937. Adopted under suspension of the Rules this 28th. day of December, I937. Approved December 28th. I937. Mayor. Attest: ?: ~ Clerk. I It was moved by Councilman Manthey seconded by Gillilan that all rules of the Council which might prevent, unless susp ded, the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoptionbe, and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at this meeting, and its taking effect upon such adoption. The question being put upon the adoption of said motion to suspend the Rules, th~ Roll was called with the following results: Those voting AYE: Councilmen Davis, Gilliland, Manthey ',- and Osbo. Negative None. Counoilmen Blase and Jones being absent. The Mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and such Rules so suspended. Counoilman Davis seconded by Councilman Manthey moved tha said Resolution as read and for the purposes as stated in the Resolution, be finally passed and adoptec" as read. The questio being put upon the final passage and adoption of said Resol- ution, th. Roll was called with the fOllowing results: Those voting AYE: Councilmen Davis, Gilliland, Manthey and Osbo. Negative None. ("206 - - -------, Councilmen Blase and Jones being absent. The Mayor thereupon deolared said Resolution finally passed and adopted, and the Mayor thereupon .signed said Resolution in the presenoe of the Council, in approval thereof. At this time Mr. COyPe. City electrioan ~ stated to the' C unoil that he had 70 connections to. the City plant. and could have had m re but owtng to the very bad waather was unable to make much progBes8 Mr. Coyne was instructed to proceed the best way he oould in order to get as many hook ups as possible by the first of the year. There being upon proper mot ton l no further business to oome before this meeting. made, seconded and carried it ~id adjourn. /1"" . t: ~Cie k. Mayor. JANUARY-3RD. I 9 3 8. Regular meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Sewar Alaska, convened in regular session in the Council chambers of the Town Hall on this the 3rd. day of January, 1938. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 o'clook PM. The Clerk oalled the Roll; Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones & Manthe. Absent: Councilman Osbo. Minutes of the previous meeting read aad approved. The Clerk presented and read proposed Ordinanoe No. 135 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 135 AN ORDINANCE TO PRESCRIBE,ESTABLISH AND REGULATE THE RATES, FEES OR CHARGES TO BE MADE .AND COLLECTED BY THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, FOR THE SERVICES, FACILITIES AND COMMODITI 'S OF ITS MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM FURNISHED TO THE INHABIT S OF SAID TOWli OF SEW~, ALASKA, AND TO THE SAID MUNICIPALIT OR TO ANY OF ITS DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS OR AGENCIES, AND REPE. ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, PRESCJIBING PENALTIES FAILURE TO COMELY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE, AN FOR OTHER PURPOSES. I .1 Claims presented by the clerk for eI982.97 and approved by the finance Committ~e, with the exception of Osbo Eleotrical Suppl .1 ---------------~-----~-------------------- At this time Councilman Osbo ebtered the Counoil Chambers. The Clerk having read the O~dinanoe through a motion was m was made by Counoilman Blase seconded by Gilliland. that all Rules of the Council whioh might prevent, unless suspended, the consideratio final passage and adoption of said Ordinance #135 at said meeting its taking effect upon suoh adtption. be and the same are l:\ereby suspended for the purpose of permitting ..the considerati on, final passage and adoption of said Ordinance #135 at this meeting and it taking effect upon suoh adoption. The question being put upon the adoption of said motion, the Roll was oalled with the following results: AYES; 6; Those voting Aye: Counoilmen Blase,Davis, Gillll Jones, Manthey & Osb . I~EY' S: NONE. Mayor Browneli deolared said motion oarried and said Rules so suspended. . CounCilman Manthey seoonded by Osbo moved that said Ordina No. 135 be finally passed and adopted as introduoed and read. The question being put upon the final passage a~d adoption of said Ordinance 1135, the Roll was called with the following results: AYES---6: Those voting AYE: Councilmen BLASE, DAVIS, GILLI JONES, MANTHEY AND OSBO. NEY'S----NONE. The Mayor thereupon declared said Ordinance JI35 finally passed and adopted, and thereupon signed the same in app~oval ther D, 2071 I JANUARY- RD. I 9 3 8 CONTINUED. Bank of Seward $25.00 P. Miohelson $25.00 L.E.Williams $50.00 L.V.Ray $50.00 F. Keiloheski $220.00 N.Hodak $150.00 E.D.Webb $150.00 Seward Electrio System $800.00 Seward Gateway $12.00 Seward Water Supply $.127.50 Leon Urbach $2.85 P.C.McMullen .85/ Seward Drug Co. '4.75 Ogle Garage $3.22 C.M.Brosius $6.75 Balderston's $25.00 Seward Light & Power $105.45 City & dndy Exp. $23.25 Cash-Pay Roll $III.OO B & H. Corp. $3.31 Sew. Moh. Shop 1.5 A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seoonded by Gilliland that the above claims be paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting AYE. The olaim of Osbo Electrical Supply for $90.35 presented; a motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by JOnes that the claim be paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen voting AYE excepti Councilman Osbo. Claims for $637.88 against the Seward-Electric System present and approved; A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilliland that the above claims be paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting AYE. In reading the minutes of the last meeting a correction was made in the Resolation passed Dec. 28th. I937, this being the Rate Resolution of the Seward-Electrio System; Councilman Osbo desired the word substantially inserted in Section I. which was agreeable to the rest of the Council; Arso in section 3 the word substantial be inserted and read as follows; ",Vhich Ordinance shall contain substantially all the provisions and sections of Ordinance I25 and Ordinance #I28";~his was also agreeable to all Councilmen present. Bids were opened for an oil centrifuge for the Seward-Electri System as follows: De Laval Pacific Co. for $928.50 F.OB. Seward. and, R.M.Wade & Co. for $700.00 F.O.B. Seward. The bid of R. M. Wade & Co. being low the following Resolutio was presented. I RESOLUTION NO. 1-38 WHEREAS, the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, in regular meeting assembled of January 3rd. I938, a quorum being present, there opened and tabulated bids for furnishing an oil centrifuge for the Sew~rd-Electric S~stem, Project #6279. WHEREAS, the bid of ~.M.Wade & Co. of Seattle, Wash. was foun to be low, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the firm of R.M.Wade & Co be and is hereby awarded the contract for furnishing the oil cen- trifuge for the Sewars-Electric System, upon a Basic Bid of $700.0 plus cost for extra parts for $16.45, all F.O.B. Seward, Alaska, less a 2% discount ten days, making a total contract price of $716.45 and, I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this award is based strictly upo the terms and conditions relating to Alaska non-Federal Projects a issued by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works and full compliance therewith is reQuir of said suocessful bidder, ,. M. Wade & Co. - Adopted under suspension of the Rules at regular meeting held this 3rd. day of January, I938. Approved this 3rd. day of January, A.D. I 9 3 8. {;~ Clerk Mayor. It was moved by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Gilliland, that all Rules of the Council which might prevent, unless suspende , the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution at said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption, be and t e same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the (208 JANUARY-3RD. 1938 CONTINUED. NEYS--None. consideration, final passage and adoption of said Resolution meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption. ~he question being put .upon the adoption of said motion, t e Roll was called with the following results: AYE'S: 6, Those voting AYE: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilli . Jones, Manthey and Osbo. NEY--None. The Mayor thereupon said motion passed and said Rules susp Councilman Osbo seconded by Davis, moved that said Resolut be finally passed and adopted as read. The question being put upon final passage and adoption of said Resolution the Roll was called with the following results: AYES--6; Those voting AYE: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gillil Jones, Manthey and Osb . The Mayor thereupon said Resolution passed and adopted, an the Mayor signed said Resolution in approval thereof. Mr. Coyne, city electrician, stated to the Council that a standard voltmeter was needed at the city light plant and that he c~uld get one for from $35.00 to $50.00, Mr. Coyne was instructes 0 gtt one from the allowance he had. and oper- -' ,At ut01tilDIt.a-s 'ma.d:er 1i)rrCOtn:lirJlcil Jwft::l1ol~~~dnlI.~~~Eii 'T dlh a:f1J(twoo. 00: 1tEha~at 6% Int. to the Municipal Light Plant fo ating funds; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted AYE. At this time I\~ayor :Brownell called a recess. 'MAYOR. Gf' ~CLE January-Ilth. I 9 3 8. Recessee meeting of the Common Council recenvened in re - ular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall this the II h. d~ of January, 1938. Meeting was called to order at 8 o'clvck P~M. by Mayor BroWllell. The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those abse were as follows: . Present: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, ~ones, Manthey and Osbo. Absent: None. The Mayor stated to t~e Council that the meeting reoonv ned to discuss ways and means for the betterment of the Municipa 1 Li ht plant. First: It was decided that Mr. Coyne should instruct th operators at the plant to keep the doors locked at night. Second: Mr. Coyne to turn in to the City Clerk a comple e inventory of all tools and etc. at the plaat belong to the City Pant. Third: Mr. Coyne to notify City Clerk when he needs men unless it is at night or an emergency, and time worked by men employed to be turned into the cle~k at once, when job is fi nishe . Mr. Coyne to use requisitions on labor and buying tool and supplies for the city plant. The advertising Comm1tt~e was instructed to put an add in the Gateway for the City Light Plant; Add to contain two phone numbers, one the City Clerks office for day calls, and Mr. Coyne' residence for night calls; Also get some cards printed to put in merchants windows. (WE USE CITY LIGHT). The Clerk was instructed to write Ketchikan and Peters erg and find out how they finance ranges, k8aters and etc. 209 Januar 11th. 1938 Continued. It was agreed by the Council that any equipment such as Bake Ovens, Ranges over 5000 Watts size, Motors, 5 H.P or over the City would buy and sell at cost, to the consumer, providing, cash is put up by said consumer in advance to pay for suoh equipment. I Mr. Osbo was instructed to order 125 volt lights for the city plant and streets. Mayor Brownell stated that he would purchase and pay for a 10 H.P. motor to be used as a demonstrator, providing that when a sale was made for suoh a motor, the city would sell his motor and reimburse him for the same; The offer was laid on the table for the present with the idea that the city would be able to finance this a little later. The Matter of the Mayor and City Clerk signing checks of the Seward-Electric Project construction funds came up for discussion, and a Resolution was presented as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2-38 BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward Territory of Alaska, as follows: I That whereas there is some confusion with reference to drawing and paying out the funds from the Seward-Electric System Construction Account and, in order to make it more clear and definate, BE IT RESOlVED that Resolution approved August 9th. I937, be amended in the following respects: That in the future all vouchers drawn upon the Seward- Electric System, Constrmction account, be, and the same shall be a~proved , at a regular or special meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska. , Passed this 11th. day of January I Approved this 11th. day of January, 1938. 9 3 8. E~ Clerk Mayor. A Motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Jones that the above Resolution No. 2-38 be passed and adopted as read. Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution passed and signed the .. same in approval thereof. The Mayor at this time called a recess to reconvene at the call of the chair. MAYOR. t:' ~ CLERK. 1- January 17th. I 9 3 8. Reg~lar meeting of the Common Council of the Town of S..AHD. Alaska, convened in regular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall this I7th. d~ of January- I938. Meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Mayor Brownel The Clerk called the Roll: Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Gilliland, Jones & Manthey. Absent: Councilman Dsbo. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the Federal Power Commissi to the City regarding annual charges to Power plants owned by Municipalities; Communication ordered filed. The Clerk opened a wood bid for the Seward-Electric System in which Leo C.W.Sears offered to furnish wood for the plant 210 Janua 17th. I 9 3 8 Continu~d. 20 cords or over @ $6.50 per cord of two ricks to the cord. and less than 20 cords @ $7.00 per cord. delivered at plant: Clerk was ordered to file bid. . Leo C.W.Sears made a bid of 4 cords of wood. delivered to the ity Light Plant for the tool house ail.ax.. located at the City Light - ant, Bid was ordered tabled. A ohange order for the Seward Gym Project was read by the Cle __ Mr. Glynn being present, stated to the Council that the change had been made; A motion was made by Councilmen Manthey seconded by Gilliland that the ohange order be accepted and approved as read- Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. ' The Clerk presented a claim from the Seward Metal Works to the City for repair on Fire Hall of $30~65; A motion was made by Counci man Gilliland seconded by Manthey that the claim be paid;, Calling the 11; All Councilmen present voted AYE. At this time R. E. Baumgartner took the floor in behalf of his client Mrs, Nell Floyd asking the Counoil to reconsider their deci made Dee. 20th. 1937, denying their approval of a Dispensary Licen to Mrs. Floyd to be used in her restaurant; Mr. Baumgartner explai to the Council that he had a petition signed by citizens of the To of Seward in which they favored Mrs. Floyd having a dispensary Lic se; Mayor Brownell aSked Mr. Baumgartner if the ~etition was to the Ci Council; Mr Baumgartner stated that it was not. but that it was to District Court of the' 3rd. Division, but, that he would like for t Council to look at it and see the prominent people whom had signed The Mayor instructed the Clerk to read off the names to the Counci which was done and the petition returned to Mr. Baumgartner. Mayor Brownell ~sked Mr. Baumgartner whom was with him when h telephoned Judge Hellenthal regarding the Dispensary License, at ~, which time he failed to mention to the Judge that the Counoil had '~ ~ denied the approval to the granting of the Dispensary License; Mr. Baumgartner stated that Mr. Floyd and.U.S.Deputy Marshal M.P.S ore wi th him. Mayor Brownell aske(] the Council if they wished to reconsider and vote on the question again; A motion was made by Councilman Davis seconded by Manthey to vote yes or no to reconsider by Roll Yes to be to reconsider end .0 not ~o~onsider; ;EVrxIill..n.xlt.......rf'rl:l,"xlllliUx The Clerk called the Roll on the motio All Councilmen present voted AYE. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to call the Roll for the vote, which was done with the following result: BLASE....NO JONES....NO Osbo, Absent. DAVIS....NO 1~THEY..NO GILLILAND..NO Mayor Brownell thereupon told Mr. Baumgartn~r. whom was prese t, that the applioation to reconsider ~~~8ZKX their former decis on in the matter was rejeoted by the unanimous vote of.all Councilmen present. Mr. Coyne stated to the Council that he could make some more service connections in the north end by putting in some temporary poles or trypods unt~l spr~ng ,and using 4 Or 5 men for about three days. A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Gilliland hat Mr. Coyne go ahead at once and make the necessary connections as economioally as possible; Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Coun iImen present voted AYE. Mr. Coyne stated that he would need about six street light br ckets,; A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Jones that Mr. Coyne be allowed to spend $50.00 fo:r; the braokets; C1l:\'T~ Motion carr! d by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. It was brought to the attention of the Counoil that a street w4s needed in the alley blhind the struve Apts, also alley behing Liberty theatre and in the alley in Blook I; A Motion was made by . Councilman Gilliland seconded by Manthey that these lights be plac d as soon as the brackets came; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen vot d AYE. --', '. : '-~ '. ~.- 211 I A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Davis that 3rd. avenue between Adams and Washington streets be closed off to auto travel and reserved for the children to sleigh ride on. Cheif Keilcheski to put some kind of fence across the ends of 3rd. ave. to stop traffic; Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Councilmen voted AYE. The Clerk notified the Council thatbhe had,reaelved amother,btd on the oil centrifuge on Jan. 8th. 1938 this being a week after the opening of the bids. said bid was from Sharpels Specialty Co. of Seattle. Wash, The bid was returned unopened. The Council discussee the matter of a car for the City Light Plant and it was decided to take this up later. At this time Mayor Brownell called a recess to reconvene at the call of the chair. MAYOR ~ ~CLHRK. JANUARY-3Ist. I 9 3 8. I Recessed meeting of the regular meeting of I-17th. 1938, econvened in regular session in the Council Chambers of the To,vn Hall of Seward. Alaska this 3Ist. day of January 1938. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 o'clockP~ Councilmen present and absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Davis. Gilliland. Jones. Manthey. Osbo. Absent: Councilman Blase. ht 2 o'clock P.M. this date the Council in a body. all bein resent inspected the ~eward-Electric Plant and system. for the urpose of accepting the Plant as finished and releive the contract rs of their obligations; A motion was made by Councilman Manthey econded by Jones that this trip of inspection be put upon the inutes of this meeting; Mo"tion carried by th e unanimous vote of al ouncilmen present. At this time Mr. stewart. City engineer fOr the Uunicipal ight Project took the floor and stated to the Council that he had een on this job one year and that the obligations of the contrac- ors and himself had been fullfil led and the job was completed and tated that the Council should accept the job at once in order to et their final grant as soon as possible; He also stated that as er contract. the contractors were to furnisb 180 LIeters and that here were ~meters short which would be taken care of in the final ettlement, or replaced; Mr Stewart presented his bill of $1172.45 he same being final settlement for his services as City enfineer n the Ihmicipal Lip;ht F'rciject. Councilman Blase entered at this imEl. .~ li.e",olu'~ion was presented and read by the clerk as follows: I RESOLUTION-NO-3-38 ;VIIEREAS. on December 17th. 1937, permission was grante:, to th e Tow of Seward. Alaska, by Bennett & Taylor to use and occupy the power equipment under Docket Ho. 6279-P for th e rurIJose for which it was intend"d. and the said Bennett & Taylor, by conr,lUnication dated January 31st. 1938, request the final acceptance of the project as completed in accordance with the contract of July 2nd. 1937, by an between the TO,nJ OF ~ElvARD. ,',LASY.A and BENlJETT & TiJ.YlcH of 1.0s- Angeles, California, together with all chanRe orders to date; HOW THI<~REFORE BE IT Hl.;::lOLVED; that the vroposal as set forth in a communication of January 15th. 1928. from Bennett & Taylor, be and the same is hereby accerted,/subject to the a:cproval of the Regional Director of the i'ublic ~vorks '1.dministration, resulting in the following final contract costs: Resolution No. 3-38 attached hereto and llli1de a part of these minutes. ~ ( 212 I "-l A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded that Resolution No. 3-38 be adopted as presented and the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted by Gilliland read; Callin AYE. Mr. stewart stated to the Council that if possible he would 1 ke to get an advance on the balance due him on the project as he was going to the states; A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconde by Manthey, that Itt. stewart be advanced $300.00 and the balance 0 be paid upon the arrival of the Grant money; Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present Voted AYE. The Clerk was instructed to run an add in the paper notifying the ~ublic to present any and all bills against the Seward-Electr c System Construction, the Contractors or sub-contractors, Within thirty days at the office of the City Clerk. The Council wished to go on record as expressing their apprec ation of the work done by Mr. stewart and extending a vote of thanks fo his part in the completion of the Seward-Electric System; .~ motio was made by Councilman Jones secondec by Gilliland that the clerk give Mr. stewart a letter of thanks and appreciation, as his part of the job was completed on January 3Iit. 1938; Motion carried by th unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. The question of fire insurance came up, a letter was read fr m the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in which they desired the Plant insured for $72,000.00, having discussed this with the P~l Inspector Mr. Shepard it was decided that $45,000.00 would be ,/ plenty at this time; A motion was made bU Councilman Blase second d by Manthey that the clerk get a folicy for the amount of $45,000. 0 Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. .' :1.. Tbe Clerk read a letter from.the Seward Light & fower in whic they set forth a new schedule of rates; A Motion was made by Coun Jones seconder by Gilliland that this be turned over to the City Attorney for action if any; Motion carrie( by unanimous vote of a 1 Councilmen present. There being no further business to come before this meeting upon proper motion it did adjourn. ilman -, MAYOR t:~ CLE;:. Monday. Febuary-7th. 1938. Regular meeting of the Common Council convened in regul r session this 7th. day of Febuary, I938, in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of Seward, Alaska. Mayor Brownell called the meeting to order at 8 oclock ~. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Jones, Manthey and Osbo. Minutes of the last meetin~ read and approved. Councilman Davis entered the Council chambers at this time. The Clerk read a letter from the Clerk of Ketchikan re: the way the Municiple Light Plant there had of selling electrical equipment and appliances; Letter ordered filed. The clerk read the right of way permit from the standar Oil Co. to the Seward Electric System granting permit to cross the"r property with a sewer line; This was ordered to be submitted to th City Attorney for advice. The clerk presented a bid of $25.00 for lot 13 Block 8 from Mr. Shuster; A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded b Gilliland that the offer be accepted; Calling the Roll on the moti All Councilmen present voted AYE. The Clerk stated to the Councilman that the Government auditor Mr. Neill would open up a set of books for the City light and furnish the books for not to exceed ~I~O.OO Mr. Neill stated t ..",."i> 213 Feb. 7th. I938-Continued. l I the books must be opened according to government regulations, and that the books he proposed to open would be good for 15 years. A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Gilliland that he be permitted to open the books and the clerk to notif~' him at onee of the Council's action; Calling the Roll on the motio All Councilmen present voted ATi. City claims presented totaling $2554.88 and approved by the Finance committee, e:,cepting Osbo Electrical dupply for $195.94 tx~~ Claims as follows: Bank of Seward $25.00 L.V.Ray $50.00 L.E. Williams $50.00 Ii.Hodak $150.00 F.Keilcheski $220.00 1~.D. debb $150.00 Vol. Fire Dept. $77.50 Ernestine Jessen $7.50 Brown & Hawkins $3.10 Gateway Pub. Co. $39.75 1:'.C .McMullen $2.85 Seward \iater Supply $127.50, Seward Drug Co. ~1.35 Seward Trading Co. $2. ) Osbo Electrical Supply $195.94 Standard Oil Co. $I9.08 Seward Mch. ShOp $3.00 Seward Lgt. & Power $18.85 Sew. ~lect. System $193.85 Cash-~a~ Roll $97.00 Dick Myers $3.00 A.H.Bryant $5.25 Ogle~s Garage '4.75 Andy's Express $15.00 Sew. Elect. System $700.eo A Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Jones.. that the claims be paid as presented; Calling the Roll; ltll Counclmen present voted Aye. The Claim of Osbo Electrical Supply presented for t195.94 A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Davis that the claim be paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen voted Aye, except Dsbo whom did not vote. Seward-Electric System claims totaling $1524.88 presented and approved as follows: Andy's Express $15.00, Ogle's Garage $4.75 Osbo Electric Supply $22.85, Brown & Hawkins $23.75, Seward Leather ,jorks f;:,I. 25, Seward Drug $1.50, Sewardilater Supply $5.00, Gateway Pub. Co. $5.85, Seward Hardware $23.79, Cal M. Brosius $14.30, Standard Oil Co. $246.60, Sew. Light & Power ~~8.60, Seward Mch. Shop $7.00, M. A. Polk $150.00, L'Llo.Huff $150.0 Lee stewart $150.00,C. R. Co~ne $225.00, E.D.Nebb $50.00, C.R.Coyne $67.20, T.E.Abbot ~23.20, Mike Oliszenski $39.20 D.D.Davis $17.60, Al Peterson $3.20, C.R.Coyne ~12.50, D.S.Signal Corps $34.49,Ci~ of deward $68.40, A.L.Davlin ~8.40, J.Farrow $69.00, J .Ha viland $ 64.20, F'. S. Johns on $.58.50, Bob Hall $44. I 8 A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Gilliland that the above claims be paid: Calling the Roll on the motion: All Councilmen present voted "YE. I I I At this time Mr. Hollingsworth stated to the Council that the .American Legion would furnish and put up ~lIX safety zone signs at the Seward School if the Council would permit them to do so; A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Blase that the offer be accepted and extending a vote of thanks to the American Legion for making the offer; Ca11inr the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted AT~. Re; labor to be worked on the 3eward Gym l'roject, "' motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Osbo, that the clerk write the Contractors, and send a copy to Ur. Yaden h{l~. inspector advising them that in the future the contractor will be entitled to one foreman and one keyman to be employed from out of town, the balance of labor to be secured in Seward; Calling the Roll on the mot ion; ".11 Counci lL1en fresent voted "tYEe L' motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Blase that the City Attorney L.v.Ray be instructed to look into the matter of the ~laska Railroad contract with the Seward Light & ~ow as to laws of the Territory and the D.d. laws 80verning such a contract, also to see that all laws and Ordinances of the Town of Seward are lived up to as regards the operations of the Seward Light and Power; Calling the Roll on the motion; "'>.11 Counci Imen present voted AYE. "i-t this time Mayor Brownell called a recess to reconvene at the call of the Chair. M.1.YOR g: ~~ CLERK. ./"" 214 Regular meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, convened in regular session in the Council Chambers of th Town Hall this 21st. of Feb. I938. Mayor Brownell called the meeting to order at 8 o'clock P.M. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Davis, Jones and asbo. Absent: Councilmen Manthey and Gilliland. The Clerk being absent Councilman Jones acted as Clerk. A discussion regarding manuel training'room'at the school ca e up and the school committee was instructed 'to take the matter up with the Principal, Mr. Holt. . ----, The question of appointing another inspector for the Gym Pro came ~p, as Mr. Glynn was quitting; A motion was made by Council Davis,seconded by Osbo that Martin Lanning be appointed and a wir to Foss & Co. notifying them of the change; Calling the'Roll on t motion; All Councilmen present voted AYE. There being no further business to come before this meeting did adjourn subject to reconvene at the call of the Chair. ect n sent e t KAyaR. ~~ CL RK. Febuary-28th. I938. . . Continuation of the regular meetin~ convened in regular session in the Council Chambers of the Tbwn Hall of the Town of Sew rd, ! l,aska this the 28th. day bf Feb. P338. The meetlng was called to' order b;y Hayor BTownell at 8 0' clock r.u. Those present and those abs~nt. were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase,' Davis, Gilliland and Iilanthy. Absent: Counc ilmen Jones and a'sbo. Councilman Jones arrived five mlnute-s l~te. Insurance policies totaling $45,000.00 with premium of $225.00 presented for inspection, Policies are on the I.lunicipal Light Plant A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded b~ Davis that th premium be paid; Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Counci - men present. The Clerk was instructed to give the City Attorney L.V.Ray a written notice to appear at a special meeting to be held Mch. 3rd. and tell him the Council wants to know what he has done on the Seward Light & Power case, and to bring any papers of any actions h has taken in the matter since being instructed to do so. A motion was made by IXK Councilman Blase seconded by Manthey that the clerk notify MoPherson & Pongratz, Contractors on the Scho 1 Gym Project, that if they did not within ten days comply with the t rms of their contract that the City would be forced to resort to measur s to take over the contract; date of notice to be given set as Mac. 4 h. Calling the Roll on the moti on; All Counci Imen present voter'\ il.YE. This being the time for advertising of the Mi annual Municipal election to be held April 5th. I938, A motion was made by Councilma Ii~nthey seconded by Gilliland that the clerk proceed to advertise t e' election as required; Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. This being the time to appoint elect~~n officers, for the Munic election to be held April 5th. 1938, a motion was made by Councilma Blase seconded by Manthey that the following officers be appointed Judges: Curtis Morford, Jim Clinton and nl Chamberlain Clerks; Mrs. Aaron Ericson and Urs. B.d. irosser btJ.dln carried by the unanimous vote of all Counci lmen present. The Dock Committee was instructed to investigate the conditio of the hand railing 0:1 t he steps f.oing beneatr. the dock on the '!lest side. 215 Febuar -28th. I938-Continued. A discussion was had on the violation of the liquor laws of Alaska in the Town of 8eward; A motion was Dade by Councilman Jones sec~ned by Gilliland that the clerk notify all Licensees in the Town of Seward that if they did not comply with the laws or were found guilty of breaking the laws such as selling liquors to intoxicated persons or to minors under the '-"ge of t1Nenty one ;,;'ears the Council would take immediate stelJS to have their license revo- ked; Motion carried by the UY.lanimous vote of all Councilmen present I A mot ion was made by Counci lman lJavis seconded by I,i<.mthcy that the City Attorney draw Uv an Ordinance for the Town of ~eward, covering the Liquor laws of the Territory of ;ilas1:a; Calling the Roll on the motion; iill CouncilI.Jen present vote6 "y};. Mr. Co;:;ne City electrician stated there was some I,ldse. on the do ck for the City Light llant and he needed funds to get it off, A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gilliland that a warrant be drawn on the City Light llallt to make the lJayment; Calling the ;::toll on the motion; .'ill Councilmen voted ,lYE. l..rt. Co~ne wa~ notified t;la.~ lleW C-Ju:lCil not "ulJu:1d u~' old 801,:,cil 113. orTW&r~Cf~8;H1.Committee reported having confered with Hr. Holt Re: the School Gymnasium, and it was afreed that the improvements requested by Mr. Eolt would cost too much at this time. Counci Iman Davis asked for a leave of absence LeS he was !!oine. to the states Cll the next boat; ii motion was made b;y Counci lI.Jan Blase seconded by Jones that the leave of absence be ?TC,nted; Calling the Roll on the 210tion; ..,11 CouYlcilmen present voter ",Y:2. There being no further business to come before this I.Jettin~ ulJon proper motion r::w.de seconded aY.ld carried it did udjourn. I I.L Y OR G ~ CL:~:~I:. Monda~-1\Iarch-7th. 1938 n 11 IT "n If ~I "I" n rr n ,H" " I, Regular meeting of the Common Counci 1 of t he Town of Seward, ">-laska, held this 7th. day of I.larch, IS38, i:-1 the Council Char.1bers f the Town Hall. Uayor Brownell c,-,-lled the :acetin." to order at. 8 o'cloct 1. ::. Those present 1.c;,cl those absent were as follows: Present: Cour:cilrren, Blase, ~:;illiland, Jones, ;:anthey t~ Csbo. -",bsent: Councilr:wn iJavis, on lecive. The minutes of the jJrevious rneetinf' read ,-,nc ap;Jroved. The clerL read a letter from the RecoY.lstruct ion Finance COrl)' in which they stated that .~4800.00 more insur~nce should be taLeY.l out on the !.:uY.licil;al light llant; Tl,e clerI: was instructec" to write ,hem the opinion of :'ir. ;)hepard, 1",..,. :3tate Inspector und :11', 1Joill overnrrent aucHtor. they stated .that the ,LmOUY.lt now carried, iY.l heir opinion was enough. I.lotion to t'i1e Lbove decision \'IUS ;J".de by ounci lr;1OO I.lcm they secondec by Gilliland and c<.lrriod b~' the uY.l[,ni- ous vote of all CouncilmeY.l present. The clerl: read a letter from Lt. Col. F. cT. ./ilde ref'.O.rding he ri ght of way fo l' the ~>>'lfY.t'{'lfI{IlK Lowell Creek tun:1el; City 'ttorY.ley L. V. Ray l:resented a Resolution to sturt cOY.lder:mution suit to grdn right of way, but, in as much as the Councilmen cou2.d see their way clear to obligate the City to ~n indeterminate sum of money the Resolution was laid on the table. ii L10tion vms :nu.de b~' Council~nan Blase secondec, b:,' :,:a;-;they, that he Jilii.pl)r write Lt. Col. .lilde the si tuati 0:-1 here and also tell hir:: of the delay in getting ab stracts on the l'rOIJerty in question for right of way; Metlon carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. The clerk presentee an offer of ~;25.00 from Dr. Roberts for ot 26 and fraction 27 in Block 38, ..~ moti on was made by CouncilrJan ,loothey seconded oy 0,illiland am carrieC b;y the unanimous vote of 11 Councilmen present, that the offer be rejected. tIr; Ytiden, l\Li. InspectsI' stated to the Cou'1cil that there was about ,,,:110'0.00 of t he Grant money that would be left o,'er fro);'} the ,/-- ( 216 - -------, 1.~arch-7th. 1938, Conti nuell Ii present contract and if the City would sell another Bond for ~IOOO 00 together with the grant for this bond they would have enou~h money to put in some equipment and other things at the Gym. Ee mentioned th t the roof needed felt insulation to avoid water drinri1" ,'\',:m the c iling caused by frost; Mr. Christiansen, being present, and:'d:i+ charge of the wo rk for the contractors eta ted to the counci:i. t hat if t hey would furnish the felt that he would put it on at no extra cost, providi r the1 would let him use spruce in the place of fir lumber for the sheathing on the roof, all of this was arreeable to the Council. A Resolution was presented and is attached hereto and marked page 216~ to put it up to the people at the coming Municipal election whether or not, to issue another $IOOO.OO bond on the tchool Gym: A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Blase tna 'tne .t(eJtlO.LU~ .LOU pas8 as presented; Calling the Roll: iill C ounci lrnen present voted AYE. The Clerk was instructed to notify McPherson & Pongratz cant actors on the Gyril job, that in the future they must turn over to the City all invoices ar-d paid bills O~ copies of the same to show that the same had been paid. A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland secondec by Osbo t the clerk notify l\lartin Lanning, City inspector on the Gym job, to start of the job at once a~d to be on half time until a full crew men are working; ~,lotion carried by the unanimous vote of all Counc present. A Resolution was presented by the clerk, authorizing the I.lay r and City clerk to execute a good and sufficient Deed to Gentry dhu tar for lot I3 Block 8 Town of Seward, ..laska, which he f!urchased for .'25.00 A moti on was made by Councilrna:1 Osbo seconded by ;,lanthey t hat the Resolution be passec and adopter as read; ;.lotion curried by the un ni- mous vote of all Counc ilillen present. The Clerk presented G.;J inqu iry from t he Standard Oil Co. wan to know if the city would rewind their motors at the plant for 3 p circuit, it was agreed by the CouncilrJen IJresent that this would b done, at no co st to the Stapdard Oil yo. I , ORDINANCE llO. 136 AU ORDIllAlICE APPOIHTIlW A SCHOOL TAX COL,LECTOR FOR THE TOliN OF SEdA:rtlJ, ALAS;~, FOR THE YEAR 1938. Bh IT 0RDAIliED BY THE COLlMOH COUllOIL OF T:::E TO./II OF di;,iAcID, .d..A;j;~.: SECTION I. That persuant to und in ~ccordance with the requir ments of Chapter. 29 of the sessioYJ Laws of Alaska, for the ~Jear In9,entitled ....nact to impose a Tax Ufon male persons in the Territory of l~lasLa for school purposes, providing means fO,r its collecti on and declCl.ri nl'; emergency" as amended by an Cl.ct of May-2nd. 1921 of said act contained. E. D. iiebb, a resident Of the Town of deward, ,,1as1;:a, and a c. tizen of the United states of n.merica.; Is hereby appointed. and is uecla ed to be the School Tax collector for the Town of Seward, .,laska, for t e year I938 and upon 4ualification of said person by furnishing good an sufficient bond in accordance ~ith the Law, all conditions, provi and reQuirements of said act shall be carried out und enforced us law regulated and required in collection of said school Tax. SECTION 2. An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and Ordinance shall take effect after its passage and approval. PASSED under suspension of the Rules, this 7th. BPPROVED this 7th. day I.iarch, 1938. Mayo r. j, motion was made by Caunci lmun Ba.ase'.. seconded b;y :Manthey,:. that t he Rules be suspended for the ad option of Ordinance lio. 136 Calling the Roll; All Councilmen llresent voted leye. On the question "shall Ordinance 1::0. 136 be adopter Cl.nd passe .-ill Counci lmen present voted in the affir :1ati ve. .Ihereupon signed Ordinance 110. 131) in alJproval thereof. 217 ~arch-7th. 1938 Continued. I City claims lresented ~nounting to~II90.69, and approved by the <inance Committee as follows; Bank of Seward $25 .00, P.I.iichelson (25 .00, L. V. Ray ;';50.00, L.E. iiilliams ~; 50 .00, F ..Kielcheski ~220. 00 I.Hodak $150.00, E.D.~ebb 0150.00 Osbo Elect. Su~ply C30.I8 Se1'l::.rd LifJ1t & lower $I3.05, Sew:lrd I,ietal I/orks :';'5.05 Standard il Co. $19.08, D.J.Signal Corps $2.05, Goward Ewc1.C3.'78, 3ewB.RD n'ater Supply CI27.50, LC.iilcI,!ullen 02.95,~atewa~' lube Co. f,,7.80, urt is. R. I,:orford :;';22. 00, sewa~d ,Elect. :3lstem ::;;190.45, :::'evmrd l'lectnc :3ystem ~18. 80 and C""dd-HIY Roll -;;.78.00. A motion was made 1::;;.' Coucilman 8i1111a'1d seconded by ;:anthey that the bills be IJaid as presented and approved; Callinr: the Roll; 11 Councilmen present voted ~YE. ;jeward- Elect. ~yst em, C lai:JS for~iI433. 48 pre sente d and arprov d ythe Finance Committee as fo11~ws; 1.~.~uff $150.00, Loo .stewart ,;150.00, Iil.A.Polk ~;150.00, E.D..lebb $50.00, 0cward ;,lch. Jbpp ~I:::.05 Seward Hdw. f11. 80, Osbo Elect. dupply C54.09 Seward dater Jupply (5.00, Gateway Iub. Co. t1I.75, Ogle Garage $9.84, Jeward Lifht & rower $3.75, Andy's Express $13.50, 8tandatd Oil Co. t287.87, ity & Andy Express $1.00, F.8.Johnson $67.20, ri.L.Davlin t40.80 .S.8ignal Corps e4.52, dorthington ?wnlJ and ;.:chy. Co. 08.34, ( 'laska Elect. Light & Iower Co. $35.40, Cash-I'ay Roll $150. 67. cb11lt>2 , A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Blase that the claims be paid as presented and approved; Calling the Roll; All CQuncilmen present voted .,YE. The Clerk notified the Council that some more Vouchers were needed for the City Light l'lant; 11. motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by 1lanthey that the vouchers be printed and not to exceed $I5.00; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present Voted aYE. The Clerk presented bill from K.N.Neill for $87.50 for work on opening City Light books; A motion was made by Councilman lanthey seconded by Gilliland that the bill be paid; Calling the Ro 1; All Councilmen present voted AYE. I The Clerk asked the Council for permission to get some one to help in the office for a few days; A motion was made by Coun- cilman Osbo seconded by Manthey that he get Mrs. Johnson or some one else and the pay to be .75i per hr. Uation carried by the . unanimous vote of all Counci Imen present. A report was made on the condition of the railing on stair- way at the Government Dock, stating it was not safe and Councilman Manthey was instructed to see Mr. Sweek and advise him of this fact The street Committte stated they needec a little money for the streets; A motion was made by Comncilman Osbo seconded by Manthey that they be allowed $IOO.JO; Calling the ,Roll ;,:"11 Councilmen present voted AYE. ./ At this time Mayor Brownell called a recess to reconvene at the call of the chair. MAYOR. ?~ CLEm:. I / ( 218 -, Recessed meeting of the Common Council, of I"arch 7th. 1938, reconv in regular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of the of ::l\3ward, Alaska, at 8 o'clock 1.1:. this 14th. day of Liarch, 1938 liIeeting was called to order at 8 0' clock P.lil. by ;,layor '1'h9se present and those abs~nt ~ere as follow~: . Present: Councilmen Blase,...illJ.land, Jones, 1.1a.'1they and Absent: Councilman Davis, being on leave. The Clerk ]Jresented an affer from Dr. Roberts of $35 .00 for Lote- 26 and 27 in block 38 Town of Seward; .-1- moti un was made b;y- Councilr,lan Osbo seconde9- by Gilliland that the offer be acce.ute~; Calling the Roll 9n the motion; ,,>-11 Councilmen present voted l~YJ:,. Llr. Russel, a salesma.n for a check v.Tl.ter 60. presented to he Council a check writer with the object of selling the City on? for its use, offering $15.00 for the old on~ on the.purchase of a new o?e. Any action in this matter was left over U?tJ.~ next regular meetJ.ng The Clerk presente6 Resolution No. 4-3~, ~s follows: -"1 -,,, , \0'"' BY "FLY ,.,. cm~D SHALL THE TO.ill OF S~. lL-,!) , ll.J.-lhll.A, lJ, ..1'''"-'u. ORDIlJAllCE OF ITS COr.ll,lOlJ CGUlJC1L, ~IVE ITS .1.:J:3UI1.,lr?E'j'0 _::TT:~ ./ R D;':'p"Rm"'T,'~'TT O:F' T1-~V UlJIT:D ST.t~:.r~S TII,u.T S:2~Id.:-\lJ \'111..1 1-:::'~;lID.w, IF ~ ...<10 ..L..,ll..Jl~ ~ ....... .. _ C' ~.. ....,,. ."r " '1'1 :"""'T .... 77(',(1 ',\'D POSSIBLTj' E.A:3BI::El:TS .d.I:n ~'~IS-ET~~-UF- iiAY, BY U...~j)Dl\J.J...d, \_;"';, ;.':'~Vv .u - 1l.TG:-\ O"'"R' OTHER.nSE FOR T~:E COWJTRUCr;:r OIl iilTD ;::....IliT~1;1l-1;CI~ OF ,~, I, . '"ROL FLC"- -/J:m~-y' 'I" BEAR CREEK I,WUlJTAIlJ TUlE:EL DESIGImD TO COIT1..,UlJ , L~~,0 LOdELL CREEK. - , II' F""VOR OF IROl:OSITIOn .!UlmER Ol:E ( ....GAIl!>3T PROPO;;)InOH nm.;:SER Ol:E ( 3 38 ',S fJ..1ed J..n "esolutJ.'on book at the Said Resolution Ho. - , . .\ City Clertls office. A motion was ,nade b;y Gounci lman l;~anthey, seconded b;y' Cou _ ci1man Jones, that all rules of the CUuncil which might prevent un ess suspende{, the consideration, final passage and adoption of said neso1ution at said meeting and its tuking effect u}!on such adoptio , be and the samo are hr reby suspendeCi :t:or the j}urpose of permitting the consideration, final passage and ad~ption of said Resolution at th meeting and its taking effect upon such ~doption. The question bei upon the adoptio'!1 of said motion, the J.011 was called with the fol results: AYES: 5 Those voting AYE: Councilman Blase, Gilliland, . :,Ianthey and Osbo. Counci Iman Davis being absent on leave. HEY:::;: Hone. :'he :Cayor thereupon declared said mot ion l.E'E'See and said suspended. Councilman Blase seconded by Gilliland moved that said Res be finally ~assed and adopted as read. The question being put upon final passage and adoption; the Roll was called with the following result: AYES: 5, Those voting ""YE: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Jo.es :.:anthe;y and Osbo. The lIayor thereupon declared said Resolution pas sed and and the Ha;yor sig'1ed the sain Resolution in approval thereof. ORDIlJAlICE HO. 137 .,. - The clerk present ec' and read Ordinance 110. 137, l)rovidi n[; r and authorizing the issuance of an additional ?ublic 3chool Gymnas.um (~eneral Obligation Cupon Bond in the sum of CiIOOO.OO to be voted uron at tr-e I,lunicipal :inection A1:ril 5th. 1938, Yes or Ilo. :E'ROIOSITIOIl 110. 2l~m. SHAlL TEE PROPER OPFIC.ER;j OF l'HE '.l'OdLI OF SJ.::,iil.RD, ALll.SL.l., I;;)" r~ ,.J:!D HEGOTIA'l':~ Ol,E GElJ.LR"L OBLIG;/PIOlT CUPOlJ 'SOIJD 'Il: TIn.: JUl.; 0:[.' 01,00 .00 TO BEAR DATE APRIL IO, I938, :L,TURE i"PRIL la, 1952, ClITJ:I IlT','';';1BST~' :;R.sU:i.OLJ 219 ~arch-14th. 1938 Continued. at the rate of six 1,ercentuI:1 per annum, with right reserved b;y Town of Seward to retire said bond at par and ac crued inte rest at [my time after December 10, 1940, as the finances of said Town '~1L'~' permit; for the purpose of securing additional funds necessary to complete th e Sewar d rubH c Scho 01 Gymnasium. An emergency is hereby-declared to exist and this Ordinance shall take effect i:~ ,ediately upon its passage and approval. I A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Uanthey, that all Rules of the Council which might prevent the consideration and final passage of this Orqinance at this meeting, be, und theXl same are hereby suspended; '.i'he question being put upon t'lS adopti01 0:: said Crdinm:we ::0. 137, 'C';18'_~J:lw uS called with the following results: AT1i:S: 5, Those voting .~Y8: Councilrren Blase, Gilliland, Jones, :,isn they and Osbo. BEYS: Hone. CouncilI:1an Davis being absent on leave. Councilman Jones seconded by Osbo moved that said Ordinance be finally passed and adopted as read, The question bein~ put upon the final passage and adoption; Thet Roll was called with the following results: Ayes: 5, Those voting .i.Y';;: Councilmell "Cnase, Gilliland, Jones, l,ianthey and Csbo. 'I The :.iayor thereupon declareu said Ordinance 1:0. 137 passeu und adopted and the I.layor signed the same in alJPr~ thereof. 1.LIYOR. _~ CLEIlK The question of an electric clocl: for the fire hull came up, une a mati on was made by Counc ilman I.i~.l:1they seconded by Jones, that the Cit;y Electrician Er. Coyne be authorized to buy a reliabl clock for the fire Hall. Calling the Roll 0'-1 the motion: .dll Council:Jen present vot ed .i.YE. There being no further business to COme before this meeting upon l)roper mation being :!lade, seconded, and carried it did adjour . LiiYl;R. t: ~~CI,~RK 1i..tillCH- 21 s t. I 938. Regular meeting of the Common Council, convened in regular ess ion in ti-;e Counci 1 Chambers of the Town Hall of .;;cward, ..lasl:.a. his 21st. day of fuarch-1938, xS l.iayor Brownell callec the mee ting to order at 8 0 I clock Hu. ,'i' Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Gilliland, Jones, ;,ianthey and Osbo. Absent Councilmen Blase and Davis. kinutes of the last meetings read and approved. I an ecitorial in the ,,-laska iveekly Re: the City Li"ht dant :vas discussed and it was aGreed that the ;,:a;yor and City .ttorney -;et together and make an answer to it and send t:1C answer to the Seattle, P.I. for lublication and pay for same if llCCGSSary. The question of ai_pointing Judr;es anc1 Clerks for the lrimary lecti on to be held "'-rril-26th. 193:3 came up lll& d a moti on wac ,lade by Councilman ;.:anthey seconded by Gilliland and carried b;y th e nanimous vote of all 80uncilmen present that the following be IJpointed Judges and Clerks for the -,-rimary: Clerks; ;,Irs. =. ,1.Prosser und l.;rs. cTo;,nson Judges; Liorford, Chamberlain ",nd ;:rs. ::ulvursen. / 220 March-21st. 1938, Continued. The question of loaning th e Ci t;y Light llant ~1800.00 to tak care of the Interest due 0:1 the bonds .ipril 1st. said loan to be returned as s?on as the money arrives from ,iashington, D.C. to taki care of this J.nterest as per Cl.greement with the U.':;. Government tl e following Resolution was introduced and read. ' Resolution lio. 5-38. A RESOLUTIOn AUT~ORIL;HlG .l-iW DIRECTIlJG A LL.u~ FROE Trill GEliERAL FUlIDS OF TEE TO ,ill OF dE ,I"~RD, .A1ASLA, TO TEE ;3Bd.o.m) ELECTRIC SYSTEI'l, FOR TIrE IURPOSB OF PAYING PilE II~T~REi::iP 011 )1 ~90,OOO,OO 1301lDb lJlTli: APRIL-HIT 1938. odD LUAU TO BE $r80C .00 AIm TO DRA\i IHTJ:i:REST AT e percent. from date. - It 13 AGRE~ MID UN~ERST0OD.THAT THIJ LOAN IS TO BE REFUlIDiID BY TEE U.:3. GO V'2RHlilEHT ilS IER AGREUlEI~T l;~L dIm EliTERED IHTO ~nTH THE TO~il~ OF :JE,{1i.?J) ALAJI:A. . , It was movec, by Councilman I.Ian they, secouded by Jones that all Rules of the Council wnich might prevent unless sU8pende tbe consideration, final IJassage and adoption of ~aid ~esolution a1 said meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption be, and the same are hereby suspended ~,~~ for the purrose of permitting he consideration, final passage and adoption of sa~d Resolution at th s meeting, and its taking effect upon such adoption. The question be ng put upon the adoption of said motion to suspend the TIules, the liol was called: .0.11 Councilmen l)resent voting ,S'l,. The Mayor thereupon declared said moti on carriod and such Rules so suspended. Councilman Jones seconded by Councilman Gilliland moved tim said Resolution authorizing the loan out of the general funds to t e ;.:,eward Electric S;ystem, for the purposes as stated in tho nesoluti n be finally passed and adopted as read. The question being put upon the final passage and adoption of said lIesolution, The Roll was caf-led: All Councilmen present voting hT~. The 1:ayor thereupon declared said Resolution finally passe ~ and adopted and thereupon signed the same in alJproval thereof. Mayor ~~Clerk:. The question of putting an add for the ~eward-LleBtric System in the Seward High School pape:e at a cost of 1;5.50 for half page add carne up and a moti on was made by Counci Iman !,:an they se COrl- ded by Jones thut the add be put in the paper: Motion carried by tle unanimous vote of all Councilmen [resent. . , The question of a J:lanning Committee or Board for ."las1:a for local projects and public interest in same was referred to ~ayor Brownell to take ur with the Chamber of Commerce. . There being no further business to cooe before this meetivp, upon proper motion being made seconded and carried it did adjourn. G~lerk. ". :.:ayor - ~ 221 ;';oilda ' ril-4th. IS38. I The COffi';10n Couilcil vf tl~e ':'OVlrJ of ;Jewl1rd, _.la:::}u., cOilveiled 1"1 regular session in tr:o C;OU;1C il Cbamber:;>- of t he Town ::al1 of .~m'!cl:':3, 0;1 the 4th. du;; of ".1;ril-I'J38, at 8 o'/clock : .i,:. Tbe meeti:;c: 1':'-'8 calle,; to orde r b~" ::a;;.'or I'rownell. ! The clerk called t he Roll; Those pre sent and t hos e ab sent wore u s fol10ws: lresent: Cou:1cil,le:l, Dlase, 'J-111iland, ,"ones, T,:UT1" hey , 8s110. ..cCbsent: Counciliaan Davis, bei;1:' 0;1 leave. Linutes of 1;be 1,revious il18etiili~ read a;1C a1'proved. The clerk reu: a letter fro:} the Re]Jubliccm Centrul Com:aittee of ;'laska, requesting that at least two rOlublicans serve on ti:e board for the 1'1' i:lla 1';;' election ,~rril-26th. IS38, as rel~uired b~' la1['- and the clerk V[,lS instructed to attend to this. The clerk read a letter fro:n the Fl:;". of l'ublic ,iorks i;1 which they suggested that certain items in the amended atplication fur additional flmds be excluded and to forward another ap~lication for a sum of approximately C6000.00 of which there arc Bonds that are allready printed of the 3eward Electric Jys~em that could be so Id. The Clerk was instructed to get the necessary iilforr,w.t ion for which t hey ask /;l.nd forward sume to them at the Portland office. The clerk pre2ented an offer by ,J.C.Erwin of ~25.00 fo r :_otZ 310(;1: 7. ,L uoti m', was made by Cou~-,cilman Gillila:::td seco:::tded by Osbo that the offer be accepted; Calling the Roll on the motioni All Council'Jlen present voted ....y-,:;: The Clerk presented an offer from E. l.oirer of ;~;IO.OO for Lot 3 Block 2 Laubner ,Addition. .70 moti on was made by Counci 1m an Osbo seconded by Jones that the offer be accepted; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted "~y~. I It was stated that I.Ir. Iilgram would have some ['ravel uvailuble and the Cit;,' could h",vo same for streets if the;;' woulc1"1:aul it U\7U~! ,~ motion was made b:,T Cou11cilmun Blase seconde( by :.:a::the;y tb,,;.t the Street Com'11ittee be u.llJwed e::ough funds to co t1-;is ':Jorl'; 'Callin? the rtoll; ":"11 Cou:',ciloe:G jJresent votedSI:.:. 01ah1S rrescl~ted a.c:a~nst t!1eCit;y: of :'::eward and a1:r-rovcd 1;;.' the rL-:ar.ce CO[jlmittee for :iI365.46, as follows: Ban}, of ~evrard ~25.00 l.ete :.:ichelcon~;2[ .OD, l.i. ,codal. ~;I~O.OJ L. I:.:. .Iilliamc ,,:50.00 1. V.rtay c';lliB.OO 1'. Leilcheski ~;220.00 :L:;. 1;. .Jebb ~I[{) .')0 ""tandard Oil Co. ~~I9.08 Csbo :L:;le(;t. .~UIJP ly$~..~6 ';;eward Hardware ~I.2I,I. u,lc Jearage 01.42, 08w~rd 11ccchine ,~hop 5.35 :ieward +ight Cc l:ower :ifII.75, Joviard Drug Co. ~!I.25 ",0',1:.1'0 .later :';Ul-'lJ1;y ~127.50, Jeateway PubllGLir-'f Co. 21.35, 0t:JU1'u-"-.aectr ic u;ystem 'it I 5 9. 25, Cash-lay 7>:011 460. ED ...ie,iurd ;.ochool Gym 1:1'0 ject (LOan) $27 5.00 "'.lld;y ':':;xrrc s s ~I 1. 25 ". moti Oil ',vaC made b;y Cou~1clitlmall ;':a::~they, soconded by~illiland tLat the ",bove bills 1)0 l,l..id; Callin~: the 7>:011; "dJ. Cou:lCill!lCl. fJresellt voted .dYE.:e:Jrn:EpX:i:mgx:llEim. The Claim of 0sbo Electric 'JuPlJly presel1ted for ;,;48.86 and u jiJotio::: was L1ade 1:,- '::;oulicilwan Jones secondeC: by r,;anthe,y tr,ut the clailJl be paid; Calling the rtoll; <.11 Counc il,~J6 n L 1'0 sout vo ted .,YE excepting ~sbo whow did Hot vote. I Claims of the JevJard .Llectric ;;i,ystcrn l.resented and alJJ.;roved by the Finalice Committee for$I:?64.I6 as follows: I,I. Polk ,(150.00 L.A.Huff ~~I50.00, Lee stewart 0150.00 C.R.Coyne ~225.00, B.D..Jebb ~50.00, F.;;). Johnson ~23. 70, Jtandard Oil 00. f,(230.7I ,F.;:). Johnson ,.)46.80, A..L.Davlin ~26.40, Seward 'Eardware C9.50, "eli/Urn l.lachine ~hOp :tl:9.Z0, 3ewag-d,.,Lir.bt ~, lc~we~"$7.75.l. .3eward ,late!; Juppl;Y'A,C5:,OO lratewu,y l'ub. Co. 11:2.:;.75, Ogle s.J~raP:'e .,,11.99, ,.ndy ~xpross ;(4.;::;5 U.,;j.tlignal Corps '!i'5.90... deward lJrug Co. 4.15, Drown & Hawkins Co. ;";;2.80, Jesse Lee EOIlJe .",47.53, Chas. R. Hadley Co. ~48.48 . 3angamo Electric Co. ~73.82, ,Jm. struve 018.60, Cash, l,Ieter Refund $5.00 and Cash- l;iscl. exp.;;:7.IO. A motion was made by C~ounci Iman Jones seconded by:::illiland that the bills be J}aid; Calline: the rtoll; ,.11 Councilmen i,resent voted AY'~. <~ claim was IJresented of the Osbo Electric .3upply for ~:6. 6:3 and a moti on was made by Counci Imm r,;anthey seconded b;YT Blase that the cla~m be paid; Calling the roll; all councilmen present ---, 222 voted Aye, excepting Osbo, whom did not vote. A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Blase th t a written notice be given C.R.Coyn, Mgr, of the City Light Plant that his services would terminate with the outgoing Council and ; y future arrangements would have to be made withe the new Council t king office April-11th. I938; Calling the Roll on the motion: All Coun ilmen present voted AYE. The Clerk was instructed to write the notice. A motion was made by Councilman Osbo seconded by Manthey that the Night Patrolman, Nick Hodak be discontinued April lOth. 1938 and the clerk to notify him by mail of the fact; Calling the Roll on the moti on: all Counc ilmen present vot ed ",.YE. The Clerk notified the Council that there was due on the Gym Project as per contract $3075.00 and that the grant from the Gov meat would not be here for another thirty days, A motion was made Councilman Gilliland seconded by Manthey that the money be loaned the project from the city General funds and to be repaid as soon the grant money arrives; Calling ~he Roll on the motion: All Coun present voted AYE. --, The question of leasing a plot of ground from the ",laska Rail at the foot of First Avenue on the water front for ~I2.00 a year came up for discussion and a motion was made by Councilman Hanthe secondeCi by Osbo that the ground be leased and authorizing the' ;,Ia and Cit;l Clerk to sign said lease with the ",las1:a Railroad; Calli the Rollo'; the motion: all Councilr;18n present voted .I.Yl::. Resolution for the Delinquent Tax Roll for the year 1936 pres nted. "., RESOLUTION ,&- 3,1 BE IT RESOL VEll BY TEL COL~,IOll COUiJCIL OF rrIill "L"iSKA, rn ro-, :'1 ',17\ ..l..UllJ..o V..L! c~~, .d..HiJ t --; I. That by virtue of and pursuant of a duly e:lt ered order of dated I;ay-I3th. 1937, lliade and entered by the iJistrict Court for "he Territor;y- of "~las~~a, Third ;)i',1ision, in the matter of the alJplica ion of the City of :Jeward, _.luska, a ;,lunicil!al Cor,r:oration, fur an or er of sale of certain delin~uent taxes for the year 1936, together vdth pena ty, interest und costs, the Clerk of the City of i3e'TJard, is hereby di ected to sell the property described in said order of sale and the deli quent Roll ur so much thereof as on the date of sale heinafter prescrib-d 8118.11 be found unpaid as to taY.:es, penalty interest and costs, up n each specific tract, in the 'manner provi~ed'bylaw. 2. That the Clerk of the City of Jeward, _iili.aska, shall cause made due and sufficient not ice tif sueh 8ale, by publicat ion there once a week for four consecutive weeks in the 3eward Gateway, an paper of general circulation, published in said City of :";evJa.rd, ..1 which news paper is hcrebyr designate;; for such purposo by this COl11fJ.on Counci 1. . , o be '" -'-, WB ska, 3. That the sale of Real property listed upon the delinquent ax roll of the City of ..iovvard, ...laslru., for the ;year 1936, to satisfy [,nd discharge the lein of the unpaid tax upon thc ceveral und speci-,-'c tracts described, together with the ~enalty, interest, und costs, be had at public auction at the office of the I.Lunicipal Clerk, at :~u;J8.rd, - ""laska, on the' 20th. day of May':' 1938 between the hours of ten 0' cl c;~ in the 'forenoon and !hree 0'c16ck in the afternoon 'and if said t x sale is not ooncluded on said date tha'sarne shall continue f:-oLi d y to day thereafter, ovet Sunday and TIolidays until the property subject to tax sale, and in 8aid noticE'l, .is disposed of. .' 4. That each tract, 'Ul)~m said delinquent tax roll of the Cit:y of i.ieward, "i.laska, for the year 1936, be sold seperatei:y, and tlffered f~r the alllountof the tax, 'lJenalty, interest tlnd costs due thereun, and, ~f. sufficient is not bid to discharge the'~nount due thereon, such peclflc tract shall be bid in be the Clerk of tte City of ;:;eward, .~lask', for and on behalf of t he said :.lunJb.cil'ali ty for the amount of the ta:-::, penalty, interest and costs, making proper notation upon said delinquent tax roll. .. 2231 I I A ril-4th. 1938 Continued. lassed under sus~onsion of the TIules ttis 4th. day of .d,. ril-I938. .~p.f'roved : lilayor C ~CleI'k. I It was moved by Councilman ;,lanthe;y seconded by Gilliland that the ~ules be suspended for tho adoption of the Jcsolutior:;. Culling tte Roll on the wotion; ...11 Councilmel1 I,resent voted .S"i.. On the question shall tho Jesolution l~SS WId bo adopted: 1ill Councillllen present voted in the affiroati ve. The Clerk IJresented t he Delinquent ta:: Roll for the ,;:!ear 1937, und tho followiu[ resolution wa2 introduced. -nT.' "OLUn'l --n 117 "'" .,:u~u J.. l.'1.t - .,,/D H",..... .... +.',. ~ "" 1 1 'o'e t, ,.. t:'e ,I .ul\LuJ.Cl, 'n.e "w"es 0,. l\t:a 1 L' l' ;Y L. ," Alaska, to:r t he ~,ear 1937 became delill~ucnt at 5 the 15th. da~ of ;:ovei:Jber 193&, and ~i ty vf .;8\1,,1 u, o'cluck 2.1.1. all .iEl:;RK..~;::" the ;..uni cipal cl er1: of the C it;; 0 f JO'7ard, has presented to the COWTQOn COUllOil a roll in dUllicate of all Real 't 'd'" . t' t ,..., . d ,. c 1:'yo1)er y asscsseu 8..'1 on W[,lcn [,e ax ,;as no" I~c{)n l)Ul a::c I": o -. "- d ., ~ 11' '. d J' "{, "ll.' ""'''1 .T'" G.8.LlllqU8TII.I u::: sale 1..\0 .1..8 lI1 ue .LOrLl, l-nJ,j J..I..1..LJ...\_d'v...L...J, BL Il' R:L.;;.uL T.L:}j :"y =::::..: :::O:,.I.lll1 COE.Cll GE' ",lLi.; :::Ii'Y l}' J:=,I.'l.lllJ, ~ ,'" , _i..L...::..~:_ .._1 I I. Tbat tb e ::unici U'.1 clerl. caLlS8 s3ic~ t1elLu:;n(;Et tu:: l\oll to ,,8 l)utlis!-::ec1 tOfether v/ith '-' notice t':3t said Yvll :".18 1;0"';1 cO:'J;.Jleted C1l1d is olen for public iDSlcction ut tbe officc 0:' t:c ;:unicilJUl clerk arid thut vn tLe 1st. day vf JUlle-I;JZ8, or C1S svo" t':erc.d'tcr as council iiia;y be l,eard ~aid dclLcquec;t taT roll r/ll1. be 'prcfc:.Lte:! to the lJlstrict Court for the 'l'hird lJivi8ion, '::'E::1'Yitor;'7 vf .,L,,;:;;:a, for judgcinen t and ord er of sale. 2. ':');ut said delic:.c;uent ta:: roll a~.d ,;otice aforesL:.id l,e 11utlis];c once a Vlcek for foul' successive weel:s in the ,,,c':arel",o.tev.r::w, a newSI;ai!er of i.;er.eral circulationliublished in the :::it~: of ,,,c,lu.rd, vvl,ich said L,ulor is her01;y dcsif!nated 1)::/ t:,0 COi:L1o:; ';ou~lcil as the 0fficial newsI'alor fur this 1,urI;ose. J:'asseu and adopted under SUSlC:1Sio-:; uf tLc Jules, tl: is 4tl'. da;y' of d}.ril, 193iJ. .d.f,proved t bis 4th. day ",-p'il-1928. Llayor ~~" b~ c .. L;J.erl'~ I It 'NUS laOve" by ::ou,.ciL18.n Gilliland secondell by :.:ur, tLG;Y thut the Rules 1e stispended for the adoptioYl of tLe ::-:esolution. Calling the Roll: all Councilmen lcrcsent voted :,sB; 'l'he :;a~;()r thereul'ol1 declared said rules Sv susIJended. On the question shall t:-:o Jesolutio;1 lass CiY1tl to adopted; .1.11 Councilr,Jeu precent voted in the affirliJati ve. 'rhe i:ayor there- upon declared said Jesoluti on aS2ed a;:d adolJtcd Ci:1d sL'ucd the same in ul:proval thereof. Tile Qticctio~1. of ~nrcbc..si:::g ~ 10 I".I'. motor at cost frtnn :,~<lcY01~ Brownoll, to to usel~ as ;,C1 au;zillu.r;)' scrvice notal' 0,-,,,10 Ul' u;,C a r.lotion was :.m:1o 'b',' 'COt;:'"cil'ikil1 "sou scco,.decl ley ;,:,;.,',thcv thut the (jotor be IJurcl-;used and t he 1.;D.~;or t 0 be 1 aid ::10.3.00: ':;alline' t}JO ::011 on ",;;l:c Jnotiun: ..11 CouncilL,cn lrcscnt votod .l.~. TJ'.ere beini' no further businocs to couc ul:: th e :-a~'or reoinded the council to Dleot .'-1;1'il-6th. to canvas the votes of the ::uni- cilJal :;:;lection to be held dpril-5th. l'JZS U;:lU th 0;1 (:ic recoss this ",oeting. i24 .April-qth-I038. Recessed [lieeting o::t' the CO;,1;;1on Council of ~.Lllril-4th.:':0:::J r Ecunvened asa canvassing Board to canvass the ballots cast at th :,un:,cipal Election held lipril 5th. 1938. !.layor Brownell calleo the meeting to order ut 8 o'clock L".I.: .After examination of the ballots cast at the election of ;',fr::l 5th. 1938, .the following Resolution was presented: RE;;JuLUTIOUH'J'- 31' .ffiEREaS; In accordance with the Laws of the Terr~tory of ,HaLka, and Ordi nance ~44 of the Cit;,' of ::ieward, _"las}:<..I., und noti c given, 9. I.:t.nicipal Blecti on was held in the Town Eall in said City on the 5th. day of April-t938. ,..... 1-', 'ilhereas; In accordance with the correcte( certificates file 'JVi tb thoa Municipal Clerk of said city by the election officers of said election, the following named persons received the exact numb of votes placed after their respective names for offices hereinaft named to-wit: :irOR :MAYOR:- D.C.Brownell F.B.Loomis Leo Douglas H. V.Hoben Carl Orlander Sam Bell 221 2 II I 4 5 FOR ~lBER OF SCHOOL BOARD A.H.Bryant Aron Ericson Tom Osbo I3I 126 I PROPOSITION NO. I FOR: AGAInST: PROPOSITION NO. 2 193 28 FOR: AGAINST: I02 37 FOR COUlICILI,iliN Chas Gilliland T.H. Jones Forest Kennedy Tony Parich Marie Hadley dal t er Johnson Frank Cooper E. Swetmann T. Osbo 1l..H.L.I.leyer Joe stant on Tom,lJeville 215 226 223 I I 7 8 2 3 I I I IffiEREAS; The returns of sai<< election were canvassed by the Common Council of said City at 8 0' clock P.M. ",-pril-Irth. I938."~~ lWvl THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CO:.Il.IOlI COUiTCI L OJ!' Tl:E CITY OF SEIIARD, ALASKA, that in accordance with ~he results of sai election as above determined, the following named persons, having received the highest number of votes for the res./;Jecti ve offices, FOR 1iAYOR: D.C.BRmWELL FOR COUNCIL11EH: CliAS. GI11ILAlJD, T.Il. JOilES and FOREST LI~mm}) . FOR SCHOOL BOARD: A. H. BRYAHT. All}) THEY BE, and are hereby declared elected to said respect ve offices and are hereby declareC: electe(,. PASSED unanimously by the Common Council of t he City of 3evvar and approved this 6th. day of il.prml- I938. approved: April-6th. 1938 ;,layor. ".LIaska - r ~ Clerk. There being no further uusiness to come before thic Lieeting upon proper motion made, seconded and carried it diel adjourn. 1,IAYOR c~ rjL:;JHI~. n,,- '/ " ') (.._ '- (I' ~Lril 11th. 1938. '-' COli1i.l0n Cjou:~.cil of ~llo To~vn of f~o'N~t1,,,Alab~:a.! CO:1V~-,('~ jn a ~o\l.rIled ",e8<3ion L" tl,o COUDci 1 Chal,j'ber", of t:., e~'ow'~ ,::l.ll of ,~,; P.,,' , ~llis lIth. day of ~-.rlril-IS03. The Lleetir:g 'vvas called to order at 3 o'olock l'..i,i. 1.}:;: ~..a. 1-;3-' I31'ovmell. I Tho Clerk calle, the ~~oll: T~:ose l-,rose:1t a:-:d tLoa8 at 5e , , were as follows: 1'1'e sent: C ouac iLl en, :21ase, 'J 111i lan d, c; oYlO s, ;':a'{; t}-:o;J' D. ',8 J o. ;.bseut: Cou:-:cilwal1lJavis, on leave. l.:iuutes of the lJrevious i.lOetinijs read and alJl.roved ni th;il j exce~tion uf an explanation as to the purchase of the 10 H.P. Hlotor frow ;,layor Lrowne11, said motor lla vin,~ boen lJurchased 1 ;.:u.}or :8rovmell fol' an awdllary or a delllOnstEating motor, und Lt was agreed by tte Council that it would bo taLen uff l.is hand3 ~; 80de future date at :),8 6xact cost to the ::ayor. 'ihe aIJplicati on of TTarr~/ ~:aVlabe for a :JispC:1Sar~7 a::d ret'!, Ll liquor license a1'pliod through his atturney :::..:.c;.Daurnf:art:lO r, ;; 1S read to tte Council b;y the clerk an': tr:e ;,:a;yor statee; that ~-,O regular business woulc~ be tul~en ul' a.t tbis meeting due to tho .Cil Councilr.1en takinG office at this [.18cti::[; and the clerL ,':as i:13tnlC- ted to :fie bring tll1.E \l} at the next rcr~ul,-;.r Lle(lti~1t.~. I City bills l)rece:;.teel for ~434.Z1 a:1d [i,Pl)roveJ b;,' tl;:c ~i~-~c"~C8 ClLili:U tteo ac fol::'uvlS: D.C.Dr0VI7lell ~:I03.00, :3<:ll.ik of Je\rlL1.rd CG.32 t .i .l,~ic:--ic18(Jr-l ~~J. 33, .,' 1 " d k ,lI'ro 00 'C1 ,-, 1 1 " ,-.,.,,,, "''' ' 'r ~ ""l"~ 1'-6 ' ., .'11' 1.10: ':_0 a " "r'U. t J..: e..:._1C CJ.1CS1:'l '11) I u. t...I U, .L.". .....a;-i. ':1' b. v , ,.j.....~...,; 1 l8.); AI666 'T ' . I ."~,, '"'~ r< ".t',,"') "U~.t>-'~d )t'N "'0 'i1! . t tJeunrrc rOnS.l\..i.8 tj'tJ.~tJ, ......UJ. 1..; _..e J...l.,..I..l..V.L. ir'(.~), :~ ~, (;''''- 'b 1- ,A'r? hO 't~ C:'.' 1J 1" ("'\r) ,I-i.ry r;A ~~.. ~~. '-.. C.r"> .l.J......,...Jua1l1 er In 'n,Ieu , ,L..rQe ":1.noo._8. vuru....ll ,I /.......U, L.IS. --.J.'I._~u......,,-cr ll,,., "0 0 -T ""1 '.'7 ~^ ," '" t ,I,,., "k. 1 r< '" P ., d )'1') 00 :1ft.U, .~,.l...l\lCV ane 'l,~ ..:'U, -'1..u.ur;,:-an ')l)'::'e /0 Gi..rlc. v.';'~..;...l.0r....:ur VC. ::;.:0. .Iebb ~;;50 .00/ ". relotion WU8 i;jude b~' Councilrnun Gil::'i1und sacona.cd b;y' Eunthey ttat t::e bills 'he; l,aid f u:n thE' ,'clcr,-,l ft::.ndc;: C311i;-:[' t1'e ~\oll: "~ll Council,;ea lrcsent voted .Sl.:. ~eward-:::lectric ,~.yste;n bills lresented for ~::7(.50 und ull.rcvcd by t!--:o Fi:-~ance Cu;nmittee as follows: T" . '" "'8 I I' . "" . u" C I'. I 50 "''' " -, (' ()".ne J. 75 00 (..<'-'u....I...... U..~......l \ 'IT. ........,....u. '-.J.':'\.v ~ 'If . . .c.l,. .~lotion \7b.~ ,J.o.de b~~ Cvuncil.;:a:l 1';~J~lthc~' seconded bJ'" JOl1.CE that the 'bi:;_ls be :.airl from t e fU:1ds uf the Cit~. licht; Callinf t:w Joll: ,.11 r~ou:;cih18n }resent voted ".yo. ..t the suggostiO:1 uf ;.:ayor Brownoll tu extend a vote of tt crJ;: tot he o~ltgoing Counci Iman (;8bo, a :,:otion ,'1as i;Jude by Counci hat Jones seconded by 0illi1and that the Council ~o on record UG extendihg a vote of thanks to 'l'horwold Osbo for his hell ,.:1d cooper/:l.tion to unc with the Council during l1is ,ust two yeb.rr: service as Counci lr:Ja:n; ;:otion carriej b;7 nna::imous '.'ote of all t11 e Councihien l)resent. 1,;1'. Osbo ,11~de a little talL to the ;.:a~'or u;;d r;ouncil, tL.:n.k- ing them for their cooperation auring the luct four ;:o"l's of !-1< se rvice as C ounci Imau. I There being no lql[l2X~pecr:ymlll1rt<llI)[ sine-di e. further business to corne before this .1Cstinf: it was thereafter, u.pon IJroper JIjotion ad:iouJ'ne ;.lti. YOR ~ ~ "-"1' . '~ll..J...i':': ... Immediate 1;.,- folIo wi ng th e ad journment of the outgo ing c:oullci kayor Brownell called the uew Council to order. Oaths of office '-Nere administered to the inco ming Cound 1. Cit~. ;.ttorney, L.V.Ray, gave a short talk to the Council, telling them of ~ossibilities of getting ri~ht of wuy for Beur rnom:tain mE:J:Dd;:~mx tunnel ",lso stated th.cthe had wired tu ~()~ct',lc re[':i.irding the llate for lJrinting another sc'1001 bo~d a~c: fOU~lC, l.hu' 'I",\;e IJlatc huc1 been cL:strlllyed bv.t t hat t},e~' were Gendi Hi" t':;o lIu:.Cs the~T had \':hich mi;'hi; be used. / ;'\"'6 ( . ".:., I 4uril I.~h. I~3Q CQn~in~ea_ :,::'. jears made abid to the Cuuncil of :"2) 00 ,LOor lot" 19 a~d "0 . -. k 27 d .n, Tr' ...... l>.,.I U G !-,':,~ luC ax: an ~ffe: of vIO.OO l'cr lot o~ 6 :TIont hs option, for .L,.t" ;:) to 16 ~nclus~ve ~n block 2'7, statcing that ho wanted tu bui d ~:, ';i8se lots_ und wanted to start in h1>Jediutel;y on lots 19 8Zid 20 lj, 1;lock 27, ,,:a;yor :Brovmell stated to ;,:r. -iears that there wuuld b Ll' :':;gular business taLen u~; ",t this ::1eeting, but assurod hi:n that ~;: :~)~ld start.in,to build on 10ts.Ig and 80 with the understandin u, a, v ho COUl:1c~l would lJass by ]jlOt~ on at t he next :regular meeting tl,e 1l,proval of the offor for s~id lots 19 and 20 and tho balance f tho 1, tl: to bo rented to him b;7 }Jaying C6.00 'down and Cl.00 per month tr ir: Y,lOr:ey to alJply on tho l;urcbaseprico of said lots if taLon. ' :1.;1". Lirklin, of the ::orthern Commercial Co. "ude a tell to t c Cc ~Lo) ~l OK tt eir Catipillar street grading machine, st u.ti:y th c PIl(;<) as ",,4242.00 a:-:d that t:'e cit:;- could ret th is on torlnc vf 1/3 ~OWL . und ba~ance over per~ ad of ono or two ;y'ou.rs 0 l't i onal, tr: cord r i np: ui sLch equlpLJont viae ta1:::.Lcd for the l~resent. Ul~ OYl. There being '-'0 furtl':er business tv CO;;1C before t1;ie ]leeting proper motion being made, secor:ded and carried it did adjourn :'.:A,Y0R !:~ ClJ:;m~ APRIL-12th. 1938. Speoial meeting of the Common Couneil of the Town of $eward. Alaska. con.ened in 8ession in the Council Chambers of the Town Hal this'Ilth. day of April-I938. Mayor Brownell called the meeting to order at 8 o'clock P.M. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Gilliland, Jones, Kennedy and Manthey. Absent: Counoilmen Bla$e and Davis. The Mayor stated to the Council that the meeting was called ~ r the purpose of making a settlement with Mr. Coyne and taking up the bid of the Gov8r11lll.ent for light servi.e at the breakwater. The Clerk presented the bid fora for light service at the Break water, after some discussion On the matter a Motion was made by Counoilman Jone. seconded by Kennedy that the bid be put in at $50.00 per month and authorizing the Mayor to exeoute the bid: J Motion carried by unanimous vote of' all Counoilll8n present. Mr. Coyne made the statement to the Mayor that he would disregard "e 60 days notice for his servioes at the City Light Pl and in as muoh as it seems that t he City owe. Mr. Coyne far Mate ri used in the oity line. it was agreed that Mr. Coyne would aooept $500.00 on aocount at materials used and on band. also to apply on tools. equipme~ and etc. on hand at the plant and elsewhere in th eity, this not to bind the City in any way to' take any speoified amount of tools or material he may hav..and after proper invento of what is left. the city to purohase what they may need and this to be paid for upon receiving'the grant froll the governme.t. A lIeti on was made by CounoUllI&n Manthey seconded by. Jones that the c1 ty purchase this material and neoessary equipment and later to .ell to the City Light Plant; Calling the Roll on the moti on; A11 Councilmen present voted AYE. Mr. Coyne offered to finish winding the motors of the Sewar Meat llarket for a flat price of $48.00 and a motion was made by Councilman Jone. seconded by Manthey that he be given the job pro- vidiug he will do same at once; Calling the Roll on the motion: Al CounCilmen present votedAYE. There being no further business to come before this meeting upon proper motion made. seconded and carried it did adjourn. MAYOR r:::~ CLE . - "l?1""f "",...t Koad." .April 1819 1988. I ..tg C'JJmOJ1 Co.aell of tile !-0Inl at Sewart, j,lluka oonT..ed in reg1Ui~7tl'""ta. Comoll C..b....8 of 1;_ Towa Hall of Seward .a the 18ta tal' of A.p1i.l, 1988 at 8 o'olook P.K. the aeeUug was ...lled to ord. r b7 lIa70r BrQVJ1ell. !ae Clerk ealled the Roll. !lao.. present and tbose absent were as foll_a: Pr..ent: Counoll.en Bla.e, Gilliland, JOBe.. Xenneol' SA Jlanthe7 Abs.nt: 'Couna11Ilan Davia, being on ]eaTe. ti...tes of previ OUB .e.ting read and approved. CODlJQJlioation waa read from Seward LieJl t SA Power wanting to kllow wao laal autllorit7 to lou the Cit7 ..e7 .eRred at six per ....t interest. Kotion was made by Co..na1li1an' Kadel', aeoollied bl' C01Ul.Cll1um Xenneq tbat thia ]etter be pub 11.ed in the paper. lIotten Carried unaniaouslJ. lIoUon .ade b7 Coancl1man Jone.. .eeoJlded by Concilm8il Gll11la3ld that bota the letter and the anaw. be published in the paper. )(ot10n .arried unani.ousl;y. ,. Clerk pre.cted an appl1eatioll from WIl. Flo7d for a D1spe . sary L1.en8e. Ka70r .tat.d that it lIOuld be taken up later in the me et1 ng. Bid of Frank Willl.. offering to pa1JLt tb. lira llall for .80. was real ano ordered fil.d. 'I Appl1oatioD from Bar17 Xanbe far Liqaor ad ]Uapena&r7 LU. waa read. lIa70r stated that it would b. tuen .p later. ' Application of ,. S. JohD8o.'<<r the position of C1t7 El..tri cia. was read. To be taken 1:lp later., Ligkt contraot was presented frCllll W..tlngk01llSe. over to the Light Co_ittee for CODS ideration. Application of K. B. Kallay to install a oold storage plant in aabin on baok of his lot was presented. lIotion made by Couneil I118n Jones, seconded by 80UOO l1Dlan Ilanthe7 that same be granted. Ilotion Clarr1ed. I fhe fOllowing R..olut 10u was introduced am read: Be.olution Bo. 9.38 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OJ' AHD APPROVING FORK AND TEXT OF ADDITIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL GYJ4lU.SIlDl BOND OF THE TOWN aF SEWARD. .lLA.SKA. IN THE SUII DF DNE THOUSAND DOLaRS. WHEREAS. Ord1na..e ... 137 o~ the Town of Seward, Alaska ApPl'o....a Jlarob. 14, 1938, ent1tled . !tAB CiWINAlCE OF THE T<lYN C1f SBWA.RD, .lLA.SIU.. PROVIDING FOR ABD AUTHORIZIBG THE ISSUANCE O'F All ADDITIOIJA.L PUBLIC SCHOOL GlJU.NSlUll GENERAL OBLIGATIOll BOND IN THE SUld aF aNE THDUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE PURPOSE on SECURING FURTHER AND J.DDITIOBAL FOBDS RiQUIBED FOR THE COllPLETION or S.A.ID GIKIASItJIl PRaJECT. AND DlREC!l!IBG THE RA.!IFICATIDB DR BE.. JECTIDB OF THIS DRDUANCE BE SUBllITTED A!l THE ANlitIAL lIUlUCIPAL ELECTIOB DF THE TDWB DF SEWARD, AUSll, TO' BE HELD em APBIL 5. liN, TO' THE QUALIFIED ELECTDRS 0'11' SUD 1'0'0 WHDSE )W{ES APE UPDIl ITS ASSESSMENT RDLL FDR IlUliICIPJ.L TALt.TlaB FOR THE YEAH 1937. AND FaR aTHER PURPOSES It was du17 ratif1ed '07.ore tha. sixt7-five per cent_ of the quali- fied ale.tors of 8aid Toft at 8ald Annaal Kunicipal illeot1on be1d on April 6, 1931, at whieh ele.Uo. the ratifioation or rejcetiOJl of said Ord1l1&Jloe Bo. 137 was duly _bmitted. I.w, therefore. BE IT RESOlVED by the COlUlon COllllol1 of t~ TQVll of Seward. A.1.aska: Seetloll 1. That the proper officers af the Town of Bewazod,.AlasAr:- be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to make, exeout. and deliver all addit10nal General abligation '-bl1o Sohool Guana- SilOl Boad of the denolliIl&tt on of ane Thoa.sand Dollars, to be. ~ I C)')C' "-J~O da1e as of Apr11 10, 1918, to ..tare April 10, 1911, to 'ea~ 1Bt- 8rest at 1he rate at .ix per .at_ per aBll_, .UIl the r1gllt 1'8- sernd b1 _be '.B of aewad 10 retire .aid bod at. pa:r aDd aceru i.terest the. ..}:Sid at "1 t1me after D.....r IO, 19.0, all ill aooorda.e with ~he a:pr.s8 .atlll.or1zatUB theretor giTen 'b1 ,,_ provisions of Gri.11'lU1.. ... 11' of 'he T.n of Seward, Ala.a, en- titled.s set 1brth above in ~h1s Besolatia, _d as direute<< b7 the qualified .leotors of said fo'! n of Seward, Ala 8A. ill their aocepta.. by Mre than s1D1-five per .ct. thereof .:r the pro- visio.s of sai d O~d inanee as refleoted. in the adopti on ill ratifi- GaUoa th.reof of the following submitted propositioJl, to-wit: PBOPOSITION BUl4BER TIO. Shall tbe prop.r effioers of the .!own of S.ward. AJa.ska, issu. aD! .egotiate one General ObligatioB C..pOB B." in the BUm at One Thousand >>.11a:r8, to bear iate .1pril 10, 1918, ..ture April 10, 1962, with IBterest thereon at the ~ate of 8ix per ect.. per ami." , wi th right reser.... by Town at S.ward 'to ~t1re aaid 'bo'" at par:rand aOO11lea iat- erest at any time after December 10, .19.0, as the f),D&Il.es of said Toa aa7 pelllit; for the pta'pose of securing addi- tUul fands neoessary to ooaplete the Seward Pulio Sobool GJIID&8iu. S.o. I. !ta:t suoh adUt io..l General ObI i gat 10n Bond of 8a14 Tom of Seward, .1la8lra, as to tae Heari t7 for the }l6JMnt thereof shall be em 18 subord1_te to the peaount 11e. of upaid end out.t8Zlding fo raer is..e by the auioipal1ty. of Se..ard of SoJaool Building Bonds dated Ootober I, 1928, desipted as .S....rd Sohoel SeTeu-. See. 3. That if ao.eptable to tile purchaser thereot lI&id addi- tional 'bond i. the deaolUBatiGB of One Thousand :DolJa~s, 'bearing interest PL7able annaa1l7 at the rate of six per eenio per annam. a&.7 'be ill form Identioal and similar to t.he prese.t outat8Zld1ng Publio S"bool Guna.1u 4eneral Obligation ...ds, suoh 1.stra.meni 1JI&1 be t;JPe4, w1thoat eo.pOlls 'being attaohed therete; the plate from whioh such former bonds were am are pI'inted having 'been d..tro7ed. 4dopted lUlCler 8uspe_ion of the rules this 18th day of .1pril, 1938, in regul~ meeting assembled. Kulf~ .APPROVED: .1pr U 18, 19S8 !l!wn of Seward. A.laeka. )1&701'. It .... aOTed 'by Oounol1aan B1&.., .econded by Coa.nol1ll&Jl Xe=ed,. that the rules be sus..a4ed for the adoptiOn of th.18 . .s.ollltl n. Calling the Boll on the aot iOIl: All council.en pre..nt Toted AYE Moved by Manthey Seconded by Gilliland Resolutiou be adopted. ~ Ordin8Zloe 10. 138 was read as follows: Motion carri d TOWN or SB~.~. ~6K.. OrdlJl..e 10. iI:!!.... .u OBDIN.ABOE aELATING TO THE .10QUISI!HOB or .BY THE T01fB OFSEW.uw A-IASKA ADD THE :PROVll>IBG OF ALL LABDB, JlASEllEBT8 ADD BIGR!lS-OI'- GY BECESSJ.RY FOR THE COBSTllUC!IIOB OJ' :1 TmTDLfHItOUGR BW llOUB- T.1I]I TO DIVlIlRr THE FLOOD UTERS OF L01dLL CllDIC, AUSKJ., WITHOU! COSfTO THE lJlfITED B!J.!lllS, BY COBDP1U't'IOli PROOEEDIBGS OR a!.BEBWI AND JlOR a.r:aER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAllED by t be 50_on C Gunel1 of t he To wn of Seward. .A.:1A8lal: - --, --- , --- , 22~ April 18, 1938 - Continued " Se.tion 1. !be. t the TQIr n err Seward, Alaska, shall at once take Rch aot! on, by condemnati on proceedings and otherwi se, as are or may be necessary to aequire and to furmsb. without eost to the United Stat.. all lands, easements, rights-o:f-way and privileges, necessary :for the construetion of a tunnel througb. Bear llountain to divert the flood waters of Lo.ell Ores, AJaBka, in full oom- plianc. with the oonditions relative to the construction of suoh' project as set farth and oontained in ROllse D_uaeat Jlo. 1", Sev~ty-fiftk Congress, 1st Session. Sec. 2. !fh8't the said Town of Seward does hereby agree to hold and saTe the Un1 ted states :free from d8lll&ges due tot he OC1n- struction wl)rk in suoh project. Sec. 3. That the said Town at Seward, after completion of said tunnel projeat, ull and will l18111tain and operate the eame. Sec. .. !hat this ordinance shall becou of full foroe and effeot llpon the d ate of its passage and appro\tal. Passed under suspension of the nles this 18th day of April. I ~>ri,' ~J I' G~ lIun! oipal' le rk. APPROVED: April li, 1938. I Tom of Seward, !erri tory of Alaska. It was moved by Counoi111811 .1...., seooDded by Counoilllan Kantbey that the nlles be suspended for the adoption of this Ordinanoe. )lotion earried unan1mousl1. It was moved by 001l.11011l1&n Gilliland, seconded by Couna11man Blase that this Ord1ll811oe 113i be adopted. . Calling the roll on the motion: All councilmen present voted AYE. ll~or I The Clerk read a letter from the Reconstruction FineDoe Oorpo.rati of Washington stating that it would be neoessary to add an additio al .2,200 insuranoe to comply with the requiremmt. of the 8~ '00- insuranoe olause. Tbe y also insi sted on Us. & 0001lp8D.C;r Insuranoe. on Light Plant. llotion made by Cowulllman .lone., ..conded by Oou_1J.JI&Jl Gillaland that the additional .2,200 be taken on Light Plant and that U.. and Ocoupancy Insurance be investigated. Calling the roll on the motion: All OGuncilll8n present voted AD. A proposal 1'I8S _de b;y L. V. Ra;r to rent the .st one-half of the _in floar of the Harriman Bliilding to the city for a Olerk'. offloe and Llght Plat Office. ..tlon made by C01lDCilman BJa.e seconded by Councilaan G1l11laDd that L. V. Rl\f' s prop08al be aceepted. ()it_OIl' ..u~1RJlMl1aQ1l.17.' .:' :'>'~.. ':". ,: ", . ,. ...,'l';.., Cl_k was ins'trl1crted to notif;r lIr. &Ly of acceptance and the BaDk Qf Seward of removal feom present office. The deoimon conoerning the au&lting of the City books was left 1ll1tll the next meeting. . The Jlayor appOinted C01ll.Jl1 ttee. for the follOWing 7ear as follows: COUNCIL COMUI!fTEES -- 19S8 1. 2. ".essment & Colle.tion o~ Taxes Chairman: Bl..e .lone. Public School, Grounds and G;ra. Chairaan: .lone. Gilliland .,", 230 April 18, 1938 - Continued. 3. Fire Protection' Poli.. Ohairun: ... the7 G1l11laDf 4. Light & Water Cba'i~: .a~l~~ Xenn.d7 5. hblh :a.alth & Uo.pltal CMtrman: JOIl88 Bla.. i. Fin_.e & Cla 1m. Chab'lllUl: J.... . >>avb 7. 8tl'e.tB, S...rB & WUrf Cllairaan: Gilliland Xemaeq i. Pr1 11 t1Jl8 CbairlUl3l : Bla.. .. ])av1. 9. Chi 0 Ufai r. C1I&1__: ....th.7 ])aT1. 10. Law & 01'41.... Cha1r_: :Davi. Bla.. 11. G1Loi.r Stre.. & 11004 Control Cbaimaa: X.nn.a7 JlaIltIL.7 Ma;yor read wire. .. a.: B.ar Kountain TunDl1 Right of _;y. 8.kool bu4set in the Rm of 126,131.00 wa. pre..nted. Cit;y's part '8ti..~.d ",022.10. Laid over .nti1n.xt meeting. . .... publio works pro ~.ete, to be eu.bJi1tted as requ8llted to authori- t i.. on ba.i s of t [e five-;y.ar prograa, follCllring three w.re ap- pr ov.a : . '1. 8al.t water _;yatem far :f1ghting fi~.. 2. Sehool grounds fixed up as plaJgroun4 for school ohildren 3. lloating doak for small boats - looation to be .'dded later. Th... thre.pro~..ts to b. s.nt in to iro~..t Coaaitt.. at J1U18au. ' ., . . !be proposition of the pnreDas. of Gp lights and labor 91 in.tal- lation .all8 lip and 1't was moveel by CounClll..n lIaD.the7, s.oon4eel by Couc11lll&n X.nneel7 the same be pnrchas.el from 1..al d.alers. Calling the ROll on the motU.: ...11 oOUDIi1Ja8Jl presat voted AYE. The Clerk was in.truoted to wr1 te :Dea :Davi. to ..nd 1.a resignation as eOllnc11aaJl. - I I I ,a. b1d of Mr. S.ar. in the swa of 120.00 for lots 19 & 20 1Jl BI08k .7 am the offer ~ hia to rent lots 9 to 16, inelu.iv., i. Blook 27 pa7ing 1'.00 down and .11.00 per ...th p.r lot to appl7' on the p1l1'obas. pri.. of 110.00 per lot if the lot. are taken at the end at six months, were presented. Kotion DS made 137 Coun- \J , . '..' .. 2"';-).4 .. .. :1 '~1 A ril 18!:. 1938 _Continued. I o1lan llanthey, .econded b;V COllllOil-.u Jone8 that his offer and bid b. aooepted. Upen 'alling the Roll all councilmen present voted .lYE. The stre.t ColllJlittee asked for funds to burn graBS and motion was made b;V COllmilaan Jene., 'toonded b7 Couno il.. Gll111aD4 that 1.0.00 be allowed. Calling the Roll on the IIOtion: All counoil_n present voted AYE. Kotien was _de b7 Councilaan Blase and Seaonded b1 CounelllDan Jones that the Council go into Exeoutive Session at this time UnaDimou817 oarried. X.alth Officerls report for the 7ear read and appro....d b11ihe Council. I !he Counoil requested that the Health Officer togethe r wi th the C1107 .lttorne7 draw IIp a Health Ordinau.e with teeth in it. Kotion was -.de b.J Councilman Jones, seconded b1 Coumilman Manthe that the 0181% notify the School Board that the ConDOll did not approve of last yearl s ph1Si cal eX8lllinati on of the 8e11001 children and Sohool Beard lDuet take this _ tter 11p with Coam U befo re next .xam1ratlon. Upon Roll .all all councilmen present voted AYE. At this time 1m. Flo;Vdls applioation for Dispensary License came u and it was moved b7 Oouncilman Jones. seconded by Councillll&n Bl&se that a secret ballot be taken. .otion oarried and the result of the secret ballot was that the app11 cati on was umnblous17 den18 d. Applioation of Harry Kawabe for liquor and dispensary lioens. waB also voted .pon by seoret ballot and unanimous17 granted. Blll of Fritz .lousen for labor was presented and it was mov~- by' Councilman Jones. seconded by Councillll8.1l lIanthey that bill be paid. Upon Roll call all councilmen pre..nt voted AYE. )lotion was _de by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Counoilman Manthe7 that the Clerk advertise in the Gateway for all cit7 offices. Kotion oarried. It. was mo ved b7 Councilman Jlt.ht~-l.d. seconded by Counailman Ken- n8'd;y that IIr. Osbo be paid 125.00 per month as a retainer fee 'or sales and service for the Cit;V plant.. y.. Applioation of F. S. JohnsoJl for Clty Ele otr iei an was taken up at this ti_ and motion was made by Councilman a....:r-j', seconded b7 Couneilman Gilll1aD4 that applioation be rejected. Motion carried u.nan1aousl y. Clerk was instructed to notify llr. Carr, Ogle and Lechner to remov oars and machinery now stored on oity streets at their places of bus ines s. I There being no further business to oome before the Coumil, upon proper motion being II&de, seCOnded and carried meeting did adjourn :May 0 r ~~Clerk r2(~ ,,) . ~,.y- lton4a7 - .f.pr11 25. 1938 Speoial.eeUng of the COJDa')n Oouo1l eonvened in the Counail Cham bel's of the 1'.-. Hall of Seward AprSl 25, 1938 lleet1ng was aalled to order at i ool:ook P. ll. by kyor Brownel Prese.t: C.unan.... l...a8, Gl1l11811d, Jom s,I:etlMd7 &I lIanthey Absent: Counoilaan Davis, being on leave, &: Couo 1.lJIan :BlAH, Keeting was oalled to discuss plans for the School Gym. Sohool Board budget for 193& was esti_ted at t19,34a.80 City part - 19,082.20 Kotion was 118.de by COll_illum llaathe7, .eoonded by CounJ i1mazl X:enneq that aay _ount left over :trGID ODe budget oannot b. transferred to another account without con.ent of the eft_i1. Upon Roll Call all me.bers present voted AYE. After diBcassion ccthoerning fireworks on tile Fourth of July. i1; waB baided that there ehould be a limitod time for sale of from Jul7 1st to July 6tll and that the area for shoot1ng skyrooket and Ro_n aandle. EIlould be re.t1'1ated to beach Or out 0 f town. Clerk was dire.t84 to notify each dealer suoh deoision, as to ti_ of $&le. Light Plant req.eets plpe to conMot high pressure air hose and a gun to olean engines. )(otion was _de by OOUiia1lJia>>. Jones. seconded by Coanailaan Manthey that an &IaOunt up to .60.00 be spent for Jla.ldlhp.nhase,. by COllllittee without approval of 00uJio11. Upon Roll Call all m..bers present voted AlE. CRAliGE ORDERS FOR GDI SUBMITTED AS FOLLOWS: Rei.goree stud Ll bars extra @ 2.26 ea - 130.00 extra Windon - PlaaBS. called fo,," 2 x 6'e Maohinist put in 5 - 2x6 extra w1ndows on )1.1. oomer. Extra oost - ~tra Blockin in .eiling 30ists - 3 sets blocking - Parapet Wall - 2x8 extra Firing a beu " Cut in two extra doors - stage &: dressing room 12.50 .a Freight on oelotex 171.62 oJ 1187.60 deduot flJOm Pongratz & sheets over used on walls of small rOOIQ on I-side extra 20.0 Painting floor - Floor will 00 st $30.00 Labor & Paint 30.0 Plublng Bh~~r roo. - .xtra material &I labor 115.0 2 valves on boiler 11ne to G1II' . 115.0 ..- 9R.rfYll,p l"ered .01'. 25.0 to' bb'it'cnr.OVrtl( ope - Oontractor will close 60.0 (It was Btated that the be &11I8 in the playroom were in bad I &ap. aDd aut b. repair.d. . the oontraotor agreed to put j" ) 1n t.n Ilew poeu and take out the 014 bo... for .160.00) I Kotion was _de by Cou_llaan Jon.., BeooMed b7 CouD,oillla u ....th.7 that this be done. Upon Roll Call all eounoilmc present ,.ted AYE. . ove door 1n b0l'S' room - Ileal up entrance ad -.le. two separate entrame.. Cost Deduotions 1260.00 for ohaging fir to spruee lumber and putting in water-proof plaster - For all cmmges - 13'16. Net !WO rooms above dres.ing 1'00118 not being finished. it wa8 suggested that they be f 1nished for teaohers' dressing rOOmS putting in flooring and finishing on two sides with shiplap. It was moved by Oounoilman Gilliland. .eoonded byCouna1lman Juee that the amount of 1100.00 be .ent to f 1nish up t he rooms. Upon Roll Call all members preset voted AYE. Windows & Window Guards: It was mo.,..d bl' Councilman Jle.nthel', seconded by Councilman Kennedy that the oontractor install aoorn wire mesh window guards ~ " '''., ,,'C';,h 23;3 April 25, 1938 - Continued. on all wiudow.,re.toring ari'gina1 bid prioe o~ '250.00 whioh had 1>>een cat oat. Upon calling the Rell, all me lIbers present voted .lD. LIGHTING BQUIPMEBT:- J ~er diseussion of footlights far stage and stage lights _ and spotlight and re..tat as~sugg8Sted by 111'. Holt, it was deoided to purcha8e footlights, ,".e llei118 about '4.1.,15 each (3) about '125.00. Extra cost '230.001jioo.oo contract_ total _'50 00 )lotion was made_ 1>7 Oounohan Jones, seconded by C'bunclJ.man Gilliland. that t15C.OO be Ell ant for the purchase and installation, of footlights. Upon calling =the Roll, all councilmen present voted AYE. t<dd J:"':: tJ1IH<.1';..rf{A'I(,!, ,n:g.: , I EQUIPMENT FOR GYM:- The folloJring list was submitted by )ho. Holt as oontaining . the ne.eS8ary ltems of gym equipllent: I'te. 11. - Curtains. 'IIr. )loJl.ullen has money left as a memorial of '260.00 whioh. he will give for stage curtains. Let this go far 81e.trio stove if lIr. J4c1lu11e'n approves an-d Cit7 allow '100.00 to buy ourtains for 8tage. - ja. -Baatet ball baok boards if not exceeding '75.00 . put in. llition was made by Oounollman Kauthey, s.oonded by Coun- ci,lman Gill1land that '75.00 be allo_d for basket Ball back boar s Calling the Roll, all members present voted AYE. 11.- Combination mat for wrestling. Cost net $165.00 plus % oontraot. _ I". - Juaping Board. Cost '32.00 plus oontraot-%.~~~~/ I 1-- #5. 3- if ". r., , 18 "719 $i 10 '1 11 It> 12 /113 I 1.. 15 16 17 18 I -'1 pr~ Volley Ball & standards. '36.00. J'Wl>' ~-:. Floor plates. '11.60. ,~ , 0('.-10--' - Vo~le;y Ball)(at 5.60 -", ., t ~ Badminton net & rackets about .32.00 $14.00 - N~:::: $90.00 . 120.00 20.00 20.00 13.00 v I';" 6.00 - g''' 55.00 F '1'" 10.00, - 34.00-- .H:;: 23. 00 -3'("~ _~,~,OO ~IJ"(V; 71'.- '.."'. ",'" - Striking :Bag - Vault ing Horse - Parallel Bars - Adjustable Iron Duab belle - 2 lledio1 ne balle - I" " - 3 " "racks - 1 soale - 1 measuring rod - Floor & Che 810 Pulley Wei ghts - Ifrist Mao hine - 20. Rubber Jump Mat Loekers )lotion was made by Oounc1lJ1an Kalltba7, seoonded b;y Councilman Gill nand that GJIIl Kqaipmct be a11o..d &s set forth in above list. Upon oalling the Roll, all councilmen present voted AYE. !here being no further business to come be:tore the Couneil, upon proper motion being made, seoonded and carried meeting ~. adjourned. byor {;~ Clerk 1234 , I I , , UOn4aT, KaT 2, 193i !Jae COlllllOn Council of the !own of Seward. J.lana 80D:,..ned i. regular sessio. in the Counail Ihambers of the Town Hall of Seward on tae 2nd day of Kay. 193i at eight o'clock P.K. The meetingwas called to order by Mayor Brownell. fa. Clerk oalled the Roll. Those pre.e.t and those absent .ere as follows: Present: Coan.ihen Blase, Gilliland. Jones. X.nned)r a.a KantlJjey J.1asent: Coanoillll8n Davis, being On leav.. Minutes of previbus meeting were read and approved. City Claus 1n the BUll of 11200.88 approved by the FinaDO. COlllmittee less Ogle'8 J.ooount for .2.00 .ere presented as follows. U.S.S1gnaJ. Corps, .4.i4: Bank of S.ward, .16.67. Pete )(iolle1- so., 116.'7: Biok Hodak, 15.00: Fred Kieloheski, $146.67: L.V.Ra~. 133.34: L.E.Williaas. 133.34: Beslie M. Kalloy, 19.00: E.D.Webb, I1QO.OO: Seward Water Supply, 1.127.60: Seward Gatew~, 1127.60: seward Electric 87Btaa, 1155.45. Paget Sound I.w., 1'.91; S.ward High School Paper, 16.50: The Alana Railro_t, 112.00;~ J..e8 117.60; John Bela, 16.00: Bert Saith, .64.00; Calk, '33.15; wa. Struve. 15.00; Standard 011, 19.54. Seward Light & Power, .ll.'~; a.ward Hardware, 114.13: P.C.Jlellulle., $1.60: Og1l-'8 Garage, 17.i5; Oebo's Eleo. Supply, .~.64: Seward Maoa. Shop, 12.00; C.K.Broslu8, 1139.26. llqtion was II&de by CouncUaan Gilliland saoonded by Counoilma' Manthey that the.e bills be pa.id. Oalling the ..11 all councl1- .en present voted J.D. Claim~ against the Seward Ele.tric S~te. we~e presented a8 follows: ,oO~.-'" Jqron Polk, $150.00; L. A. Hl1ff, .150.00; Lee Stewart, .150.0~; E.D.Webb, leo.oo; Seward Water Supply, 15.00; Gatew~ Pub. Co., 125.15; Bills Eleotric Shbp, tll.95;.Puget Sound ..ws Co.,19.55; Westinghouse il... Co., .7.79; City of Seward, .24.96; Seattle first Bational'BaDk, '.25.00; Bennett & Ttifr, 111,056.95; R.M. wader & Co. ,.716.45; L.V.Bay, Izoo.oo; Oebo's Elea. Co., 16&.66; Standard Oil Co" 1331.65; U.8.Signal OOrpl. 1'.5S: .m. Struve, 133.00; OSle's Garage, .3.10; Seward Light & P.wer, .i.35; Apdy's ixpress, '1.00; Seward Bardware, .31.72; Seward Mach. Shop, '3.l5~ Cash, 116.20. Motion was made by Councilman Manthey. seconded by Ooa.no11- .an Blase that these bills be paid. Upon Boll Call all council- men present vote~ J.n. )lotion was mde by Couno 11man __they, seconded by Oouncilman Gilliland that C'ity pay Coyne the balanoe due hi. fro. Benmtt & Taylor apon authority to do so by wire from Bennett 8c Taylor, prO'Ylded the Oi t.7 Attatt'nty approves this arrangement. Upon Roll Call all councilmen present voted AYE. Kotion was II&de by Councilman .Manthey, seconded by Counoil- man Jones to ohange orders A to L, inolusive, for Sohool Gya as d1......ci in 'April 25th Council Ke.ting. llotion carried unanimously. Kotion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councillllan Gilliland to ohange U,.. 1 to 15, inolusin, in the proposal submitted at the April 25th meeting to the following proposal: Item.l. Gymnasium Equipment - Kodart Brand or equal. 1.1 Bo. 220 Combination Mat 15 ft. square - 15 oz.duok 2. - 1 Bo. .3 Jwaping Board 3.- l.pr. Combination Volley Ball and Tenn1s Stan~ards complete wi th . B.. as J'loor Plate. for wood :floors. 2 Bo. 28.4. gUT wire. with turnbuckle. and one Bo. ea. Reel. 4.- 1 Bo. 21:Ja2 Vallay Ball ..t 5.- 1 Ie. 117 Striki.g Bag 6.- 1 Bo. i Vaulting Horse 7.- 1 BO. 1 Parallel Bar ~ I 235 Kond~, Ka7 2, 1938 - Continued. I &. - 1 Do. 1'2 Ad justable Iron Dubea.18f; 9.- 2 No. 160 *ioin. Balle 10.- 1 No. 161 .edioine Balls 11.- 3 No. 213 Medicine Ball racks 12.- 1 No. 213 Scale with one Bo. 2'5 Measuring Rod 13.-:;1 Bo. 5'1 Floor and Chest Pulley Weight 14.- 20 ft. Bo. 116 Rubber Jump .at Ite. 2. Basket Ball Backboards - One swing t;ype for stage and one stationary for baloony - as per attached sketch. Item 3. Lighting Equipment - G.E. or equal 1. - 18 Bo. 1'502-.1 Hinged unit. with guard, 18 Bo. 575 x-ray Refleotors; 2 Do. 14750-.1 hinged units with glass; 2 Bo. 576 x-ray Refleotors. 2. - 3 NO. &12 Century oonceal.d footllghts(3 5-ft.sectio s) 3. - 4 Do. 2&20 Surface type exits with guards 4. _ , overhead fixtures for dressing r~ms, vestibule,etc. (Allow t25.00) J'or this i tam you are to allow t200.00 as per your contract ),..~ the differenoe between the teal &Ilount and the two hundred dollars - \ will be an addition to your eentraet. Ite.4. fraalng norta side of entrance to GJa, complete with window, stucoo inside and out. 10 work or arrangements of any I18ture are to be un4ertaken by the cGntraotor in oonnection with this request until he is advised that the proposal has been aooepted. Upon roll oall all councilmen present voted AYE. the following Resolution was introduoed and read by the Clerk: RESOLUTIOB - I (). 3 ~ IHEREAS: by Resolution adopted Kay 2, 193&, the Common Council of the To.. of Seward, Alaska, inoreased the oost of its Sohool G1UID&sla on PIA Decket Aaa. 10EO-DB. BOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; t.hat the proposal as set forth in oommunieations from McPherson & Pongratz, dated Ma7 2, 19Zi, Proposal Bo. 1, and Proposal Bo. 2, be and is hereby aocepted subjeot to the approval of the Regional Direotor of the Public Wo s A4aini.tration which will result in the following Scheduled projec eosts: I osts Item Prom fo - ....' .z ( 1) Preliminary 75.00 '15.00 0.00 , 2) Lands, Rights of Wa7 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 3) Construct! Oil. 21,350.00 2,056.00 15,406.00 ( 4) bgineering 1,2&1.00 123.30 1,404.30 (5) Legal 0.00 &5.86 &5.&i I ( 6) Interest during Const. 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 7) Kiscellaneous 21.00 141.50 162.60 TOTALS 22,727.00 2,1&7.30 25,057.66 BO ADDITIONAL CONTRACT TIME WILL BE REQUIRE>> DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE This ohange oonsists ~f substitutiDg spruce lumber for fir, plastering for tiling in shower rooms, extra steel in foundation footings, steam valves to out off gym from school, lowering steam ~ ( 236 , ------.- _.~ I(ouday, "1' 2nd, 19S8 -. IOlltin'\led - line for reap, extra lubeI' for bracing, bloekiD& am s~udd1ng extra window in hall, extra pipe in shower rooms, 8elohx for ;oOf two extra doors from dressing rooms to stage, painting-i_e lines on floor, eo.pl~lag storage 1'00_, furring in steam 110es fur- nishing wind.. gua:rds, f~nishing and installing gymmul..' equip- t ment, fnrnishing and install1q backboards for beak.tball furnish ing overhead lights, exit lights, footlight~, and light fixtures for rOGas, entrance, eto., fraaing in entrance of building to pro~ tect from north wind. IT IS UNDERSTOOD, !hat the Public lorks Administration in ap- proxing aD7 change order ass~~s DO obligation to finanQe the cost of aD7 approved change except to the extent to which the same m87 be paid out of fands express ly oontraoted for 'by it, anl1 speoifi- eally I18keS no representation ooncerning Sll;J' additional funds nec- essitated by any approved ohange order. Adopted this 2nd day of llq, 1938. J4u1:r.~ of the town of Seward, "laska ApproTed this 2nd d.y of 1l87, l~i lIayor lIotion was made by CouncilQlSn lIanthey. seo and ed by Counon.an Jones that this Resolution be adopted. Upon Roll Call all oounoil men present voted AYE. , After discussion conoerning projects for the betterment of the city it was moved by Councilman :Blase, seconded by Councilman Manthey that a sewer for the property on the north side of Lowell Creek be adied to the list. .otion carried unanimously and a oommittee composed of Kayor BrowDell, Councilman Jones together wi th Kr. Yaden was appointed to investigate the matter. Ketion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Councilman JOlles that the Kayor be given authority to work with Mr. Yaden ironing out all difficultie. in change orders for Gya equipment and to sign all papers pertaining to same. Upon Roll Call all oounoilmen present voted AYE. . The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Ragen ooncerning the boat Anvil and find out what he intends to do. The Street Colll1l1ttee askeel for.l00.00 for street work ani it was moved by Counoilraan llsmthq, seoonded by Councilman Kennedy that this SUDl be allowed. Upon Boll Call all oounoilmen present vot_d AD.' . 'It was moved bi Counoilman lIamhey, seoonded by Councilman Ken~edy'that the bid of $20.00 by'Leo Bogare for Lots 39 & 40 in :elook 33 be aocepted. Upon Boll Call all oouncilmen present vot~d AYE. ' Applications for Clt7 jobs were read by the Clerk aDd i;~ ~~ mot:\,on made by Councilman Manthey, seoonded by Councilman Kennedy that al1 offioials be reappointea; Kotion carried unanimously. There being no applioation for offioe of Treasurer, it was deoided that 'bHt the 11nanoe Committee and Mayor should investi- gate the matter and line up someone at $100.00 per year and report at the next meeting. l \" I 237 Koul.,., 'KaT bI, 1"' - COJlt111U4. I Dieoussion oonoerning the purohase of City light bulbs was followed b.y a motion made by Counoilman Gilliland, seoonded by Councilman Jones that this business be turned over to Mr. Osbo who said that he oould furnish bnlbs as oheaply as Seattle firms. Motion oarried unanimously. The question oame up as to how long the City lights should be on and it was agreed to leave them on until June 1st. It was moved by Councilman Manthe~.rS!SR~Aed by Councilman Kennedy that a Mayor's luna of t26.007be oreated from whioh the Y Mayor is authorized to spend any part for City business or emergeno . Upon Roll Call all councilmen present voted AYE. llotion was made by Counoilman Gilliland, seconded by Councilma Jones that the balanoe in the Seward Hydro-electric S~tem account in the Seattle bank be withdrawn and deposited in the Seward Electr 0 S1Btem aocount in the Bank of Seward. Upon Roll Call all oouncilmen present voted AYE. No fUrther business appearing, upon proper motion being made. seconded and oarried, meeting was adjourned. Kayor ~~ lerle Ma:v 9th. 19Za I Special Meeting of the COlJlJlOn Council of the Town of Seward convened in the Counbil Chambers of the Town Hall of Seward on y 9th 1938. Meeting was called to order at 8 o'olock ~.J(. by ayor Brownell. Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Jones, Kennedy, & Manthey. Absent: Councilman Davis, being on leave. Special Meeting was oalled for the purpose of loaning from the City General Funl 11000.00 to the Schoo~ Gymnasium Construction AccOQnt to meet contraotor's estimate due Kay 1st, and alao to take up matters of improvement _ the City to submit to Alaska Planning Council. The follOWing Resolution was presented and read by the Clerk: I RESOLUTION No. 11-3&. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING A LOAN FROM THE GENERAL FUNDS OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD. ALASKA, TO THE SEWARD SCHOOL GlJ4NASIUM CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING Tllli BALANCE OF THE CONTRACTOR'i ESTIMATE DUE MAY FIRST, 1938; SAID LOAN TO BE $1000.00 AND TO DRAW INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT FROM DATE. IT IS AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS LOAN IS TO BE REFUNDED BY THE U.S.GOVERNMENT AS PER AG"ijF.1lURNT MADE AND ENTERED INTO WITH THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA. It was moved by Oouncilman MaIIthey, seconded by Councilman Gilliland that this resolution be adopted. Upon Roll Call all counoilmen present voted AYE. The Mayor thereupon deolared said Resolution finally passed and adopted and signed the same in approval thereof. )layor ~ ~ Clerk. ~-- -- ---- 238 Konday. .., 9th. 193& _ C~ntinued. The Clerk read .hle(~.towti8ten by ~or Brownell to the Alaska P1anB1ng C.unon at Juneau, Uaska wh141l lided the tollowi jig preje.ts: . 1st. A salt water high pressure t~re fighting sy.te~-Co..nt puap hou.e--2 gasoline engine. abont 100 H.P. eaoh--1800 ft. 81n--5 hydrants of 3 outlets e.ch--200 ft. suotiOD p1pe and strainers. Eat~... oost t20,OOO.00 2nd. Strut Jlaintaining Appar.tuI, .1000.00 3rd. BlI.bl1c Playgrounds, ,16000.00 4th. ~loat1ng >>..k, 15000.00 '. 6th. Ball Park, 12000.00 6th. S.l-.iDg Lake and beaoh, 11000.00 7th. City Hall. 150,000.00 Fire Dept., Librar.r. Polioe. City Clerk, etc. 8th. Renewal of Se.erl between 3,d & 4th and 4th & 6th Aves. and new Sewer .oroBI glacier stream. .10.000.00 tl~O.I*$'nE1ente1'.anieipal Light Plant .ervice line, 1.000.00 loth. aity Cemetery for roads and clearing, 12000.00. After diBousalon conoermlng the Av1ation F101d it,was decided t3 write Tony Diamond for help on this project. The queltion of Auto P.trol waa taken lI.p and after a talk by the rep~'B_tat1ve of the Jlorthern a._er.ial C.. OODoilman Blaso ..do a !ROtio. to purGha.e an .....to Patrol. C.uD8i1m~ Ilantho;r said he _uld .eoond the motion provided the riJlB1l.o OoDUa1tteo would .p~ove the purohaso. The FiuMe a...1tteo would not approvo the purohase at this time arid .IIr. ~laae withdt... his Blotion and the matter was left open ..tt.ll..;::i.a"ft" d....., . Jlo further business appearing. upon mot1~n duly made and carried Koeting _I adjourned. IlAYOR ~~ 'OLERK Kay 16th. 1938 The ,Common Counoil of the Town of Seward. Alaska oonvened in regular session in the Counoil Chambers of the Town Hall of Seward on the 16th day of May. 1938 at eight o'olook P.ll. The meeting was dalled to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk oalled the Roll. Those present and those absent were as follows: pr~sent; Counoilmen Gilliland. Jones, Kennedy, Manthe,Y. Absent: Oounoilmen Blase and Davis. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Communioation presented by Wm. Floyd from ~~erioan Legion was read and the Mayor said it would be taken up later. The offer of Matt Seferovioh of 040.00 for Lots 7 & e in Block 12 of the Federal Addition was read and a motion was made [' by Councilman Manthe;r. seoonded by Counoilman Jones that this offe~ be accepted. Upon Roll Call all oouncilmen present voted AYE. I The following resolution was presented by the Clerk: I \J ......<.ll 23~ Mond~, M~ 16th, 1938 - Continued RESOLUTION - / J..- 3S' A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AIm MUNICIPAL CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA. I t BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Ala. ska, that D. C. Brownell, as Mayor and E. D. Webb, as Munici- pal Clerk, be and they hereby are authorised and ,directed to effSecute 8Jj~ del-i~er to S. H. Sears, Henry Leirer and W. C. Erwin a ~~cf.%.M Mio/1tcient deed for the following real prop:lrty in the City of SewardJ Alaska, to-wit:- Lots 19 & 20 in Block 27; Lot 3 in Block 2, Bayview Addition; and Lot 3 in Block 7. 1-(/1:> 7.,-r/3qlzF.a'I,,"'/,,(a'a'r. Said deeds to be executed for and in consideration of money bid and.paid and aceeptance voted upon by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, and said bids accepted in payment for the above lots. Passed this 16th day of May, 1938. c:~ Municipal le k: Approved this 16th day of ~~, 1938. Mayor, . I Motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Gilliland that Resolution be adopted as presented and read. Upon Roll Call all councilmen present voted AYE. The Clerk stated that the Fire Insurance Policy on the School Building expires June 6 of this year, and a motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Manthey that the Clerk reinsure the school building for $15,000. Upon Roll Call all councilmen present voted AYE. The Clerk notified the Council that he wished to borrow $500.00 from the General Funds to take care of current accounts of Light Plant until collections come in. Time 30 days or less. Motion made by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Councilman Manthe that Clerk be allowed $500.00. Upon Roll Call all councilmen pres nt voted AYE. I The Clerk stated that Mr. Stewart had a balance due on Light Plant Contract of $~12.95. It was moved by Councilman Manthey, Seconded by Councilman Kennedy that Mr. Stewart be paid. Upon Roll Call all councilmen present voted AYE. itn. Floyd's letter from the American Legion was taken up at this time and after discussion it was decided that the M~or should answer letter and send a copy to Judge Hellenthal. Motion for this action was made by Councilman :GU1U~J;lq,seconded by Councilman Memmhey. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by 60uncilman Jones that Stewart and Oabo take an inventory of the material belonging to Mr. Coyne at the Light Plant and see how much is left Motion carried unanimously. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Seward Li'ht & Power asking what they would charge to take down the street light Wire and lnsnlators on their poles. Mr. Stewart talked on new projects and the new regulations on making application for same. ./ ( 240 Monday. May 16th. 1938 - Continued. The Clerk was instructed to draw up a contract with Mr. Stewa t to complete the extras on the City Light Plant. Contraot to be as the one formerly drawn allowing Mr. Stewart seven per oent for his services. Motion was made by Councilman Jones, sem nded by Councilman Manthey that Mr. Stewart prooeed with plans and speoifications for additional work a t City Plant. Upon Roll Call all counoilmen present voted AYE. No further business appearing, upon proper motion duly made and carried meeting adjourned. llayor. ;; May 23rd. 1938 Special Meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of Seward on May 23rd, 1938. Meeting was oalled to order at 8 o'olock P.M. by Mayor Brownell. Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Jones, Kennedy, & Manthey. Absent: Councilman Davis, being on leave. Special Meeting was oalled for the purpose of accepting the School Gymnasium, also regarding Bear Creek Tunnel Right of Way and Appointing City Treasurer. Mayor Brownell read wires to Anthony J. Diamond regarding Tunnel Right of Way and answer from Col. Lt. Wilde regarding Tunnel Right of Way. Mr..Hay.advises sending wire to Leo Margules Mr. Ray makes a talk o~ Tunnel Project and says to offer $5,OOO.00.oonditionally and his belief is that the City can get the money back from the United States Government. A motion was made by Councilman Manthey to wire Derick Lane an offer of 13,000.00 for Right of Wa, through North Lite claims for Bear Creek Tunnel. Counoilman Blase second the motion, but after some discussion Councilman Manthey withdrew his motion and Councilman Blase withdrew also. .." Motion was made by Councilman Manthey'an~~~cond by Council- man Blase to offer Leo ~argules the assessedKvaluation of the North Lite Claims for Right of Way through it. MayorBrownell was instruoted to wire Leo Margules the offer and to also wire Col. Lt. Wilde about the offer. Motion carried. Motio~ was made by Councilman Kennedy and second by Council- man Jones that Aron Ericson be appointed for City Treasurer, at a salary of $100.00 per year. Motion carried by an unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. City Clerk was instruoted to notify both parties, and fix proper Surety Bond for the new . Treasurer of the Town of Seward. No further business appearing before this meeting,and upon proper motion being made, seconded, and carried, it was adjourned. Mayor f ~ Clerk. 241 1938 I The Common Council of the Town of Seward, A~Ska convened in regular session in the Council Chambers of the T~n Hall of Seward on the 6th day of June, 1938 at eight o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk oalled the roll. Those present and those absent were as follows: Pre sent: Counc ilmen Blase, Gilliland, Kennedy, Manthey. Absent: Councilman Davis being absent on leave and Councilma Jones. Minutes of previous meeting were read and app roved. Offer of Lt. Garcia of $12.50 each for lots 21-22-23-24-25-26 in Block 30 was presented. on oondition ff he does not buil~ lots to be returned to th e Ci ty at same price. Motion made by Councilman Kennedy, seconded by Councilman Manthey that offer be accepted. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted AYE. Councilman Jones entered at this tine. Resignation of Councilman Davis was presented at this time. Motion was made by Councilman Blase, 'seconded by Councilman 'Jones that resignation be accepted. Upon Roll Call. all council- men presented voted AYE.. ' . Letter was read from Col. Nilde concerning Bear Creek Tunnel. 'Motion was made by Councilman Manthey, . seconded by Councilman Blase that Clerk notifY City Attorney to get a release from all people who might have claim for damages on Bear Creek ~unnel proje Upon Roll Call, all counoilmen present voted AYE. Letter1as read from Seward Light and Power offering to take down City light Wb'F!8 from their'poles ~nd $bll;tp'wire for $25.00. Ilpt1on:: ma.de"by,Cai!lnclil.manUl1a:se , '('secotJded':bt Coiiucilman Manthey that offer be accepted. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted AYE. Communications were read from the following persons: C. C. Hockley, Regional Director; F. S. Gordon; Geo. L. Townsen . Captain, Signal Corps; and the American Legion. Letter from the American Legion requested that the Council disregard their previous letter of April 22, 1938 which recommended that W. M. Floyd be granted a beverage license. Letter from Signal Corps stated that they'tmd to use current furnished by the Seward Light and Power because it was furnished at a lower rate than that furnished by the City. Letter was filed as Exhibit #5. . ' Application ~f J. Derr,y for transfer of restaurant license of Josie Sandvik to himself was presented. Motion was mde by . Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Blase that transfer of license be approved provided letter. fram Josie consenting to trans- fer is attached. Upon roll call, all councilmen pres~nt voted-AYE. Bid of Al Moser offering $25.00 each for lots 3~ and 3~ in Block 12 was presented. Motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Blase that offer be accepted. Upon Roll Cal all councilmen present voted AYE. I I RESOLUTION - I 3- 3 S" A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND MUNICIPAL CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED/FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Counoil of the City of Seward, Al~ka, that D. C. Brownell, as Mayor and E. D. Webb, as Municipal Clerk, be and they hereby are authorized and direoted to exeoute and deliver to/Lieut. Garcia and Al Moser a good and sufficient deed for the following real property in the City of Seward. Alaska, to-wit: , Lots 21-22-23-24-25-26 in Block 30; and Lots 31 and 3~ in Block 1&. Said deeds to be executed for and in consideration of m9ney bid and paid and acceptance voted upon by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, and said bids accepted in ~^yment for the above lots. Passed this 6th day of June, 1938. Approved this 6th day of June, 1938. Mayor ~~ Municipal Clerk ./ 242 1938 - Continued. Motion was made by Counoilman Manthey, seoonded by Counoilman Gilliland that Resolution be adopted as presented and read. Upon Roll Call, ~ll oounoilmen present voted AYE. Clerk was instruoted to draw np Resolution reserving all lots in Block 29 for City Park. Mr. Coyne's' stateme nt was pre sented a. t this time. Moti on wa made by Counoilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Manthey that statement b~ laid on table until next meeting. Upon Roll Call, al counoilmen presented voted AYE. Motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Manthey that Mr. Coyne's offer of tools for $81.43 be rejected at this prioe.Upon roll call all oouncilmen present voted AYE. City Claims in the sun of $1512.36 approved by the Finance Committee were presented as follows: ' L. V.Ra7, rent, $25.00; L. V. Ray, Atty. 50.00; L.E.Williams 150.00; Pete Michelson, $25.00; Bred K.ieloheski, $220.00; E.D.Webb 150.00; R. Kerns, $6.00; C. R. Morford, $65.00; Seward Drug Co., 1.10; Seward Water Supply, $127.50; A~eka Shop, $1.60; Seward Light & Power, $11.75; Ogle's Garage, $5.90' C. M. Brosius, $1.75; Seward Hardware, $19.98; Alal aka Transfer, .9.60; Gateway Pub. Co. 132.65; E.K.Stewart, $15.00; E.D.Webb, $228.00; U.S.Signal Corps, 31.22; Seward Electri.o System, $172.07; Osbo Electric Supply, 34.95; Bert Smith $103.50; Bud Johnston, $54.75; ,Cash, 157.75; 3~~ndar! Qll Co., .~.5t; Bessie M. Malloy, $12.75; Marjorie Webb, '10.00. . llotion was made by Counoilman lla nt hey , seoonded by Counoilman Gilliland that these bills be paid. Upon Roll Call, all'counoil- men present voted AYE. Claims against the Seward Electric System in the sum of $1282.53 were p resented as follows: K. A. Polk, $150~00; L. A. Huff, $150.00; Lee Stewart, $150.00; E. D. Webb, $50.00; Standard Oil Company, $307.29; Alaska IhOp, $.60' Seward Water Supply, $5.00; Seward Hardware 00.,$20.38; ogle's Garage, $21:00; Seward Light and Power, $5.75; Gatew~,Pub. Company, $11.75; C. R. Morford, $5.50; City & Andy's Express, $1.50; Cbas. R. Radley Compa:':-ny, $10.33; Ala~l:!ka Electrio Light & Power Com~ny, $13.50; General Electric Supply Corp.,$16.29; E. D. Webb, $11.00; 1m. Struve, $37.00; Oabo's Electric Supply, 1108.22; Sangamo Electtio Co., $173.52; Cash, $34.00; E.D.Webb In " $120.00. - I Motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Councilman Kennedy that these bills be paid. Upon Roll Call all oouncilmen present voted AYE. Applioation of School Board for loan fo $100.00 for 30 days was presented. Motion was made by 6ounoilman Gilliland, seoonded by Councilman Manthey that loan be granted. Upon roll call, all oounoilmen present voted AYE. Motion was made by Oouncilman Gilliland, seconded by Oouncilman Manthey that Mr. C~yne be paid $48.00 as Ifl r oontract for winding Mr. Manthey's motor. Upon roll call, all councilmen voted AYE. Motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Councilman Manthey that $10.00 be allowed to out trap door into attic of Gymnasium to facilitate the installing of lighting fixtures and wiring. Upon Roll Call all councilmen present voted AY.i. The Railroad offered to the C1t1 a traotor to use on oity streets at a rental of $5.00 per month if the City would fix it u . Mot ion was mad9 by Counc llman Manthey, seoonded by OouncilmanJone that thie ~ff.r be accepted. Upon roll call, all councilmen pres ent voted AYE. l , 243 Motion was made by CQ~cilman Manthey, seconded by Counc ilman Kennedy that the Mayor write a letter of appreciation for the services of Dr. :Barham to the Ho api tal and to the Town. Motion carried unanimously. 'I The proposition of financing eleotric stove8 in homes on the 0 , << paym: nt plan oame up and Motion was made by Councilman Jones, \J~t'" seoonded by Oouncilman 15.ao.they that the City Clerk oolleot the c.'~ money for any business house that wishes to handle the stoves, but that the City would not be responsible in any way far default of payments. Upon Roll Call, all co uncilmen presen t voted AYE. I Bo further bus iness appearing before this meeting, upon proper motion duly made, seconded and carried, meeting was adjourned. ~~J1~ Mayor June 8. 1938 Sp~cial Meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alae skat convened in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of Seward on June 8, 1938. Meeting was called to order at 8 0 'clock P.M. by.Mayor Brownell. Present: Councilmen Gilliland, Jones, Kennedy, Manthey. Absent : Councilman Blase. Special Meeting was called for the purpo sa of cominf': to a settle- ment with Riohards & Coyne as per invoice rendered a2.o.f"Jenwiry":n, 1938 for $1081.52. - I It'was found that the following material has been used since Inventory was taken on January 31. I 12 - Wire Holders 6 - Secondary racks 5 - 5!8x20" Spacer Bolts 5 - 5!.8x18" " " 7 - 5!.8x14" Thru Bolts 11 - 5!.16x3 Bolt Cl~s 4" 1 - 3!.8x3" " 6" 5 - 1!4xllx28" Cross Arm Braces 128 - House Service Knobs 411-44 2 - 1230.000-1-5 Fuse Cutouts 80 - Cover Sleeves 20 - i8 Sleeves 10 - J~ " 1 - 4" " 2 - 3 Ampere Fuses 1 - 8 Amp ere Fuse 1-6" " 65 - Service Knobs 4t1- 1" Service Flexible Con4uit 30 - Service Knobs 30 - " " 146 2- " " # 500'- 16 Stranded Wire 360'- 6 Rubber Covered Wire 10H- 6 W Proof Wire 205 - 8" " " 66 - 10" " " 13 - Poles 30' @ 25~ per ft. @82.:tOC @54.12C @ .307 ea. QJ .191" @ .286" @ . 286 " @22.150 @ 5.65 ea. ~ .0357 ea. ( 1305 ') TOTAL $ 9.85 7.52 2.71 1.54 1.34 3.15 .29 1.11 22.53 11.30 2.86 1.25 .98 .23 .62 .31 .31 6.74 .59 6.23 5.31 .28 22.10 4.03 22.34 46.12 158.2' 97.50 J43'1.41 ~~ . " ( ~L}Lf I - I I I Wednesday June 8, 1938 Continued It was moved by Counoilman Manthey, seconded by Councilman Kennedy that this material be paid for as listed, together with the following list which was chosen from the materipl stillnon hand at Light Plant. Upon Roll Call, all counoilmen present voted AlE. MATERIAL PURCHASED AFTER INVENTORY TAKEN 6/8/38 . 4.54 20.70 5.16 9.85 3.04 5.41 2.48 .64 1.63 7.15 2.00 2.67 2.72 .28 .29 1.98 1.86 8.68 4.00 3.39 1.90 .77 1.66 4.39 2.62 7.20 3.42 I i 6 - 617~ Cross Arms 43 - Galv. Steel Pins #884 38 - Ill. Pin Type Insulators 12 - Prim. Wire Holders 24 - Pole Steps 10 - Galv. Spacers 13 - 5/8:x:14 Thru Bolts 4 _ 51.8:x:10 n n 50 - 31.8:x:4i Carriage Bolts 25 - 5/.16 Bolt Clamps 7 - 3/8:x:3 Bolt Clamp s 20 - Pole Shims 4n:x:8~ 50 - Galv. Lag Screws 4 - t:x:6 Eye Bolts 8 - I nuts 5 - Cross Arm Clevises 1728 5 - Ground Rod Clamps 5 - Ground Ro d Copper 296'- Wood Moulding 6 - #230,000-1-5 Fuse Cutouts 100 - 2" Square Washers 6 _ 4" n ~ 2 - 5/8~:x:6' Anchor Rods 230'- 5/.16" Galv. Stranded Ca'ble 200'- 1/4" It " " 2 pre Rubber Gloves 2 - pro Leather Gloves TOTAL 110.33 The following amounts were deducted from total: . . 6 -,Keters ~ t18.50 $52.73 Mr. Coyne B~ok~,~cet. 19.26 .71.99 No further business appearing, upon proper motion duly made, seconted and carried, meeting was adjourned. 6:~ )layor ulerk 1 ~ 245' Monday, June, 20, 1938 I The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in regular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall of Seward on the 20th day of June. 1938 at eight o'clock P.M. The meeting as called to order by Mayor Brownell. The Clerk called the roll. Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Kennedy. Jones. Absent: Councilman Manthey. The clerk read a letter from the secretary of the Allied Trade . I. O. requesting that unskilled labor pay eighty cents ($.80) per hour. Motion was made by'Councilman Blase and second by Councilman Jones to establish this rate in the Town of Seward. effective July 1st. Motion unanimous by a vote of all Councilmen present. Letters were presented and read by the Clerk. from the City Attorney. regarding the illegal rates. A motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Gilliland that a copy of the letter be sent to each one of the local Government Depti. and one sent to each department at Washington. D. C. Motion was carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. The Clerk presented a bill of an overdraft at the First National Bank of Seattle, Wash. on voucher No. 209 issued to the Seward Electric System as of 12/20/37, for $3.000. Exchange charge being $7.50. Motion was made by Councilman Jones and second by Councilman Blase that this be paid. By call of roll all Councilmen voted AYE. . I Clerk presented a bond for the City.' but upon motion made by Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Kennedy to lay it upon the table indefinitely. the Clerk was also instructed to get books for the City Treasurer. Upon roll call all Councilmen voted AYE. The Clerk read a wire from Hoffman to Mayor Brownell stating that the administrator had approved an amendment of the loan on docket 6279-P in the amount of $6.000 making a total allotment $126,000.00 (" The Mayor was instructed by the Council to inform Mr. Stuart that he might procede with plans for Seward Projects. Upon a continugency fee. providing, plans were accepted by the Government, if not accepted and projects not built the Mayor to offer Mr. Stuart a flat rate for his work. Y'-- The, Street Cornmi ttee asked for an appropi tation of $400.00" for street work. A motion was made by CounciJman Blase and sacoi)< by Councilman Kennedy that they be allowed this sum. On roll call all Councilmen voted AYE. ,I Fourth of July celebration discussed by the Council and then a moti~n was made by Councilman Blase and,secondloycCouncilman Jones to donate the'sum of $25.00 to the Fourth of July Committee. Motion carried by unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. No furtb er business, upon motion duly made and carried the Meeting adjourned. ~~ HAYOR CLERK (--246 Kond~, June 27, 1938 Speoial meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, oonvened in the Council Chambers of the Tarn Hall of Seward on June 27, 1938. Meeting was calle d to order at eight o'clook P.K. by Mayor Brownell. Present: Counoilmen Blase, Gilliland, Jones, Kennedy and Manthey l Absent: Speoial Meeting was oalled for the following purposes: To Aooept the Sohool Gymnasium, to deoide on light bid for the Federal Building, to diseuse Easement Papers sub- 'mitted by the Seward Light & Power Co., and to deoide on additional equipment for the Eleotrio Plant and hire an Engineer. It was moved by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Councilman Gilliland that the City bid the Commeroial Rate for lights in the Fetleral Building. ' Upon roll call, all councilmen present voted AYE. Ray James was assured that his bid of $75.00 for lots 18-19-2:> in Blook 38 would be aooepted at the next regu1.&r meeting , . It was moved -by Councilman Blase, seoonded by Councilman Manthe,y that ads. be placed in the Gateway reminding the people that dog lioenses and drivers' lic~ses become due July 1st. Upon roll oall all oouncilmen present voted AYE. It was moved by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Council- man Blase that the Clerk write to Osoar Olson about check-up on oar lioenses in Seward. - The following Resolution was presented: RESOLUTION-NO-l6-38 WHEREAS, the Town_Couna1.1 of Seward, Alaska, having deter- mined to complete the Munioipal Diesel Electrio Plant and needing an Engineer for the projeot, has, after careful consideration, made its seleotion. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Oounoil of th ,Town of Seward, Alaska, That. E. M. Stewart of leward be retained as Engineer for the projeot and that the Mayor and the Town Clerk be, and t~y are hereby empowered to execute that certain contract dated 1" - -':7 (being the contraot examined and approved by the Couno 11 at its meet ing of June 21. 1938) between the Town of Seward and the said E. ll. Stewart. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the duties of Mr. E. M. Stewart under the contraot. shall be to desigro.and superintend the construction of additions to the Eleotric Plant, having the follOllflng elements and their ,quipment: PRELIMlBARY LIST OF EQUIPMENT P.W.A. DOCKET 16279 'l!lll.lBD DIESEL ELKCTRIC J:'LAbT SEWARD. ALASY.:A. ," * * * * ** * * * * l Item 13 Fuel Tanks (2 of 10,000 gals. ea.) estimated at . . . . . . . . t3000.00 Heating System estimated at . .. 700.00 Interior Finish . . . . . . . .. 840.00 Contingencies . . . . . . . . .. 600.00 Engine Spare Parts . . . . . . . . 560.00 Total Additional Construction '6600.00 Engineering fee (7 per cent) .. 392.00 Additional Project Cos t ~5992.00 >'~~~~\!-.. " I~m t .'t!E;s~ I , \ \ 24~i Monday, June 27, 1938 - Continued. The following improvements were agreed upon by the Council: Tool Bins Unit Heaters Heater for Centrifuge 4" Floor - Red (Cement in Plant) Painting O.K. Black & Aluminum (Black to be bottom windows - balance aluminum) 3,4" Celotex on ceiling - sized on upper side. 2 x4", 1/4" fir Plywood sheeting, celotes on ceiling and walls. Tar paper backing Battleship linoleum on office floor - green or regular color. Make storm door on north entrance to plant. Fix up leak in roof. Air intake pipe to be extended up 20' near roof. storm window over office windows. $500.00 contingencies to be spent for tools. Adopted under suspension of the rules this 27th day of June, 1938 Approved this 27th day of June, 1938 (4 ) ( 2) ( 1) I Use Office Use f' Kayor. C~ Clerk It was moved by Councilman Mal they, seconded by Councilman Jones that the Resolution be adopted as presented and read. Upon roll call, all oouncilmen voted AYE. The Light Committee was instructed to confer with Mr. Osbo at once regarding the transformer in the alley back of Cameron's Cafe and also to have him inspect all fuses in that alley. The following Resolution was presented and read: I RESOLUTION-NO-15-38 WHEREAS. on June 27, 1938, permission was granted to the Town of Seward, Alaska, by McPherson & Pongratz to we and occupy the Seward School Gymnasium under Docket No. Aaa-1020 D.S. for the purposes for which it was intended, and the said McPherson & Pongratz request the final acoeptanoe of the Projeot as oompleted in accordanoe with contract dated November 1, 1937, by and betwee the TOWN OF SEiV.ARD, A.LA.SKA and MoPHERSON & PONGRATZ of Anchorage, Alaska, together with all change orders to date; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the contract between the TOWIJ OF SEWARD, ALASKA and McPHERSON & PONGRATZ be, and the' same is hereby accepted as complete, subject to Two hundred fifty ($260.00) Dollars being held back for '~indow guards. This sum is to be held from the contractors' payment until this item has been oompleted. The acceptance of the Seward School Gymnasium is all subjeot to the approval of the Regional Direotor of the Public Works Administration, resulting in the follow.lng final contract oosts, to-wit~ Twenty-three thousand four hundred five ($23,406.00) Dollars. I · Adopted under suspension of the rules this 27th day of June, 1938 Approved this 27th day of June, 1938. Mayor 6:' ~ Clerk It was moved by Councilman ~they, seconded by Councilman Jones that the Resolution be adopted as read. Upon Roll call, all oouncilmen prese~t voted AYE. / ( 24~ Mond June 27, 1938 -,Continued. It was moved by Counoilman Jones, seconded by Counoilman Manthey that an ad. be inserted in the Gateway stating that the City would not be respnnsible for any claims against McPherson & Pongratz on Gym project after thirty days. The Seward Light & Power Co. Easement was presented and mot1o was made bJ-' Councilman Manthey, seoonded by Counoilman Jones that the high points of the Easement and cost to t he City be published and that Mayor Brownell should write a letter answering Mr. Graff stating that the City could not comply with his demands. Upon Roll Call, all councilmen present voted AYE. It was moved by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Councilman Kennedy that a letter of thanks be written Mr. Yaden. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Ma1they, seconded by Councilman Jones that the Clerk insure the G,mnasium for $6500.00, or, that premium should not exceed $100.00. No further busL ness appearing, upon proper motion bei ng made seconded and carried meeting was adjourned to Ju1V 6 for the next regular meeting. Mayor 6:~ Clerk .:July 6. I938. " The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, convened in regular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall this 6th. day of July 1938. . Mayor Brownell called the meeting to order at 8 o'clock P.M. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Jones, Kennedy and Manthey. Absent: Councilman Gilliland. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Communications: The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Goode of th Methodist Missionary Society in which she enclosed a check for th rental of the Seward Gen. Hospital from Feb. 2, 1932 to Feb.2, 19 at the rate of $5.00 per year as per agreement in contract with t City of Seward, 1..luu co)., "'. "..ill.. . ..~1Iri;... ."dl" 1 A..il . 'tilt lII'lM1Jl'''''no oil xiL ........*~ A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Ken that the clerk look this up and if correct reply to Mrs. Goode: Motion carried by unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. The clerk read a let.er from John G. Shepard, senmor engineer for the Administrator-PWA in which he gives the City of Seward authority to pay the bills against the Seward Gym. from the reta percentage due the contractor before making final payment to the contractors, McPherson & Pongratz. Re: rent of the City clerk office; A motion was made by Counc'lman Manthey seconded by Kennedy and carried by the unanimous vote of 11 Councilmen present that the rent check be held in abayance and th t the clerk get a receipt for the rent from Ray and Hawkins, jointl . The clerk presented a lease from the AlaSka Railroad to the C'ty of Seward for the rental of a tractor at $5.00 per. month; A motion as made by' Councilman Jones seconded by Manthey and carried ?y the u animous vote of all Councilmen present that the lease be accepted. I A mati on was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Kennedy tha the ), offer of Ray James of $25.00 each for lots I8, I9, and 20 Bk. 38 be accepted; Calling the Roll on the motion all Councilmen presen voted AYE. I I The Clerk presented the offer of Edward Johnson of $25.00 for Lot 30 Bk. 12; A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded b Jones that the offer be accepted; Calling the Roll: All Councilme present voted AYE. 249 I City claims presented for $1267.03 and approved by the Finance Committee as follows: Ray & Hawkins Rent Acct. $25.00, F. Michelson $25.00, L.E.Williams $50.00, L.V.Ray $50.00 F. Kielcheski $220.00, E.D.Nebb $150.00. Sew. Elect. System $37.30 Trick & Murray $5.80. Alaska R.R. .5.00 A.H.Bryant ~5.25 Victor Adding Machine Co. $125.00 U.S.Sie;naJ. Corps ,;.4.15 Standard Oil Co. $9.54. Seward Hardware ~10.35. Sew. Water $130.00 Alaska Transfer ~2.00 Seward Drug Co. $1.45. Alaska R.R. $5.00 Seward Machine Shop $14.IO. Ogle Garage $23.47, Sew. Light & Power '38.05. Bert Smith ~IIO.OO. Andy Rasmussen t45.00 Bud Johnston $16.50. M.B.Malloy :jii18.00. Martin Lannin:> ~35. 25 Cash, $92.65 l/~rs. M.B.Malloy $n.25. Alaska R.R. $1.92 A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Blase that the above claims be paid; Calling the R~ll on the motion All Councilmen present voted AYE. City Light bills presented and approved for $1085.96 with the exception of the Osbo bill; A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Kennedy that Mr. Osb~ itemize his bills and in the future use the work sheets as provided by the City clerk, calling the Roll on the motion all Councilmen voted AYE. A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Kennedy that the City Light bills be paid; Calling the Roll on the motion All Councilmen present voten AYE. Bills as follows: Lee stewart $I50.00. M.A. Polk $150.00 L.A.Huff $150.00. E.n.Webb $50.00. Tom Osbo $179.37, W.struve $27.50. standard Oil Co. $245.70, Ogle Garage $2.00. A.Novak $1.00 Seward Hardware e4.00 Gateway Fub. Co. $II.75. Seward Water $5.00 Seward Light & Fower $5.75, F.C.McMullen $1.35, Trick & Murray $13.50 sangamo Electric Co. $69.04 Cash $20.00 I Mrs. Smith Territorial Health Nurse made a talk to the Council tellin10f her work and stated that she would like to have the City furnisn her an office, The Mayor and Council stated that they would assist in any way they could in appreciation of her services to the community; Amotion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Manthey that she be given desk space in the office of the City Clerk; Motion unanimously carried by all Councilmen present. At this time Mr. Chas King, Civil.Engineer had a talk with the Council re: drawing up preliminary plans for the City's applicatio for new Projects for the City; He agreed to draw up the plans for $30.00 and the Council agreed that if the plans were accepted or approved that they would pay him a little more for his work. At this time the question came up of replacing the vacant Council seat and Councilman Blase suggested AL MOSER and lmyor Brownell suggested GEO. HOLLINGSWORTH, at this time it was agreed to lay the matter on the table and interview the two and see if they would accept the vacancy and if so it would be voted on.at the next regular meeting. The Jesse Lee Home notified the City that they were getting new fire apparatus and would like another Hydrant installed with the City's help; A motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by Councilman Manthey that the Fire Protection Committee take the matter up with Mr. Hoben and if agreeable the City to pay $5.00 per month rental for the hydrant; Calling the Roll; ~ll Councilmen present voted AYE. There having been some complaints on the sew~ line from the Jesse Lee Home; A motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Jones that the Sewers Committee make an investigation of this matter; 1:otion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilme present. The Cheif of Police was instructed to proceed to clear the sewer crossing Adams street. There being no further business to come before this meeting upon proper motion being made seconded and carried it did adjourn. I MAYOR. G ~ CLERK. 250 Mondav Julv 18 1938 ~he Co~non Council of the ~own of Seward Alaska, convened in regular session in the Council, Chambers of'the ~own Hall this l8th day o! ~uly, ~938. Mayor ;Brownell called the meeting to order at 8 0 I clock P H ~hose pr~sent apd those absent were as f'ollows: ., . Presen;t: Councilmen' Bla.se. Gilliland' Jones Kennedy and Mant hey. . ' ,. '" , , Absent: None. ~inu;te~ of the p~ev~ous. meeting read and' approved. Communic~tions r~ad as follows: The Clerk read a letter from the District pourt which stated the City would have to pay a licepse fee of tep dollars ($10.00) a year for the Municlpa~ Plant. Motion was made by. ,Coupc~ lman Gl11'Uand and s'econd' by' Councilman Jones that the lincesse be paid'. Upon roll call all Councilmen voted AYE. Motion carried. Commun!mation was received trom the Hosjital Board stating they had appointed Dr. Bannister Hospital Surgeon. Motion wus made by C~uncilman Manthey and seconded by Counoilman Gilliland that the appointment be approved and the Clerk notify the Hospital Board of the same. Mo~ion was carried by unanimouB vote of all Counoilmen present. The ~uestion came up about the city paying for an under- ground conduit for the new addition on the Alaska Shop. MOtion was made b~: COuncilman Blase and seconded by Councilman Manthey that the City do this and that an Ordinance be drawn up that in the fut~re all new building in the bussiness section b, required to run underground conduits, furniahed by tb.ecit,Y. , Calling the roll all Counoilmen present vote~ AYE. . , Chief KielBheskireported .to the Council ,that some of . the street light polea were in bad con~it~on and needed fixing. Councilman Blase made ~ motion amd was ,second by Councilman Jones that the Chief precede to fix the light poles. Motion was . carried ~ unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. New P. W. A. Projects were discussed and it was decided to make application for two'f!2~2neW Sew/lQ:' lines between 3rd & 4th and 4th & 5th. Councilman Jones agreed to draw up the plans.. Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Hagen, notifying him to remove the boat Anvil from the Breakwater on or before Sept. 1st. Question of a new Councilman came up and it was decided that a vote would be taken at the next regular meeting on Al Moser and Geo. Rollingsworth.for Counoilman. Glerk to notigy all Councilmen to be present at this meeting. Question oame up about cars running around town with !.Iuf- flers in bad oondition and a motion was made by Councilman Jones and seoonded by Councilman Gilliland that the Clerk insert a~ add in the paper giving 30 days notioe that all cars will be subject to arrest and fine whose mufflers, lights, and brakes are not in good oondition by this time. Upon Roll oall all Councilmen present voted AYE. No further business appearing, upon proper motion being made seconded and carried meeting was adjourned. l I Mayor g:~ Clerk l 2;~} 1 A ust Ist.I93i. I The Common Council of the Towa of Seward. Alaska, oonvened in regular session in the Council Ohambers of the Town Hall this 1st. day of August, 1938. r~or Brownell oalled the metting to order at i o'clook P.M. Those present and those absent were as follow.: Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Jones, Xennedy, and anthey. Absent: Bone. Minute. of the previOUS metting were read and approved. Oity Olaims presented for the amount of $1370.29 and approved by the finanoe oommittee, as follows: Ray &: Hawkins . 25.00 P. Miohelson 25.00 L. V. Ray 50.00 L. ~. Williams 50.00 F. Xieloheski 220.00 E. D. Webb 150.00 Bert Smith 126.40 Walter Bryan 40.80 H. A. MoPherson 64.80 C. Dunevant 18.40 Loranoe Gilliland 12.80 Martin Lanning 49.60 Jerry .leming 48.00 Andy Rasmussen 32.00 E. D. Webb, Agent. Gym. Ins. 98.80 Seward Eleotrio System 36.60 Brown &: Hawkins 1.50 puget Sound Bew. 7.62 Alaska Transfer 26.53 Seward Water Supply 130.00 Seward Light &: Power 11.75 Osbo's Eleotrio Supply -17.01 Gateway Publishing 00. 13.60 Oash 37.20 Ogle. Garage 21.41 Cal. K. Brosius 35.66 Seward Maohine Shop 1.65 B. S. Signal Corps. 9.57 Standard 011 00. 6.70 Kotion was made by Councilman Manthey and seoonded by Counoilman Gilliland that the above olaims be paid. Calling Roll on the motion all Councilaen voted AYE. Olaims for Seward Eleotrio System presented as Follows: L. A. Huff, $160.00; Myron polk. '160.00; Lee Sewart. *150.00; E. D. Webb, $50.00; Clerk of Court. $10.00' ~ateway Publishing 00. 111.76; Seward Water Supply, i6.00; Worthington Pump &: )lacl11nery Co. .1~83; Seward Light &: Power, $5.75; Osbo's Electrio Supply. $114.23; .m. Struve, $47.50; Cash--~eter refunds, $2Q.00; Standard 011 Co. $2il.84. Total, $999.00. Motion was made by Counoilman Jones and seoonded by Counoilman Manthey that the above claims be paid. Upon roll oall all Oounoilmen present voted Aye. City Clerk notified the Council that they were to meet as a Board of Equalization on August. 9, 1938. The City Clerk presented a bid of 125.00 from Mrs. Ingram for Lot' Bloek 7, Federal Addition. Motion was made by Council- man Gilliland and second by Counoilman Jones that the offer be acoepted; motion oarried by the ananimou. vote of all Counoilmen present. He~~ Horton asked the Council for the lumber from the old board .alk to the San Juan. stating he would olean up all the old board~ and stringers. Motion was made by Counoilman l4anthey aDd seoonded by Counoilman Kennedy that he be given permission to tear up the walk. The Kotion was oarried by the unanimous vote al all oouncilmen present. Clerk notified the Counoil that he would have to have some new City Touchers printed and ... aotion was made by Counoilman Manthey and seoond by Councilman Gilliland that the Clerk get the neoessary vouchers printed. Upon roll call Counoilmen voted AD. Mr. Graff, of the Seward Light &: Power 00. appeared before I I ~ ( 252 August lst..193i Oontinued the Council and aSked tor permissi~ to build a wall around hls plant. to protect i. trom the high water ot Lowell Oreek. Aite~ so~e.ii.ous.lon by the Counoil a aotlon was made'Counoilman Hanthey and s800nd8<< by Counoilman Jones that he be grante4 par- re.eaaUle permit to build a wall. thil permit being lub~ect to the approval ot the City'Attorney. Motion oarried by the unanimou vote ot all Counoilmen present. . Tk, atreet Committee alk" tor tioo.ao tor' street work and a motion was made py Councllman Blase and se.onded by Counoilman Manthey that they be allowed this BWIl. Upon roll call all Counoil men voted AD. ' , Attention' was brought 1;0 the Council that th. Sewa:t1d Water Supply were op,n1ng hydrants about town for testing and in doing so the water w~s digging large holes In the streetl. A motlon was made by Counoi:}.man Jlanthey and leoond by Oouncilman XeuneelY 'bhat tae Clerk notify the .eward later Supply that in the futu. they must use a pie~e of hose on the hydrantB whioh will furnished to thea by the Oi~y. also notify them to till in the hole that the water had madeat the hydrant located at Brown and Hawkins Ware- house at Rai1w.y Avenue and ith street. Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen. ' Ohief Jeietoheski notified the Council that the traotor which is rented ~. the Railroad would have to have new rubber tir.. in a few days. stating that he oould bU7 a new set for thil tracto for $60.00and a motion was made by.OounQilma~ Manthey and seoonded by Council8an Blase that he get the new tires at a cost not to exceed .50.00. On Roll oall all Coun.iImen Toted An. A question ca.e up of appointing a new Oouncilman in the place of Counoilman Davil. Two names were presented and the !layor . requested a seoret bollot be taken on .11 )loser and Geo. Hollings- worth. Votes were oast as follo.l: .11 Moser ~~ and Geo. Hollingswortll. l:M.~ The lIayor thereupon deol&l'ed ,,",0. Hollings- worth eleoted as Counoilman to finish oui the term of Councilman DaTis. Upon proper motion being made. seoonded. and oarried this meeting did adjoun. - JlqOI' - , '-;'~~:,{,",' The Common Counoil of the City of Seward, Alaska, met as an Equalization Board at 2 o'clock P.K. this date in the City Clerks Offi.e in the City of Seward, the following protest were received. Krs. Raohel Crawfor4, Seward Light & ,ower, Ed Linds.y, Mrs. A1 .cDonald, San Juan Fishing & Paoking Co., and L. E. Williams. There being no quorum the protests were filed. I Wednesday, August 10, 1938 The.Co~on Counoil of the City of Sew~rd, Alaska, met as Equalization Board at 2 o'clQok P.K. this date in the City Clerke Office in the City of Seward, Alaska. Bo protest were filed. Thursday, August 11, 1938 The Common Connoil of the City of Seward, Alaska, met as an Equalization Board at 2 o'clook P.K. this date in the City Clerka Offioe in the City of Seward, Alaska. Bo protest were 1iled. Friday, August 12. 1938 The Oommon Council of the City of Seward, Alaska. met as an Equalization Board at 2 o'clock P. Y. this date in the City Clerks Offioe in the City of Seward, Alaska. No protest were filed. I Saturday. August 13, 1938 The Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, met as Equalization Board at 2 o'clook P. K. this date in the 01ty Clerks Offioe in the City of a.ward. Alaska. Bo protest were filed. There being no quorum present this meeting did reoess to reoonvene at 8 o'olock P.K. KOnday, August 15, 1938. in the Town Hall of the City of Seward, Alaska. kyor 6:~ Municipal Clerk I Konday, August 15, 193i Recessed meeting" _he Common Counoil reconvened at i 0' clock P.K. this 15th. day of August, 1938, in the Town Hall of the Oity of Seward, Alaska, Kayor Brownell called the meeting to orde at i o'olook P.K. Councilmen present and Counoilmen absent were a follows: Present: Co.noi~n Blase, Hollingsworth, Jones, Kennedy, aDd Manthey. Absent: CounoiJ.maD Gilliland en leave. The Olerk read a protest from Yrs. Rachel Crawford in whio there was a misunderstanding on her part and the Clerk was instruc - ed to write her an explanation. The Clerk read a protest from the Seward Light & Power and after some discussion by the Council and Mr. Graff, Manager of the S.ward Light & Power, a motion was made by Counoilman Manthey and seoonded by Councilman Xennedy that the assessment remain on the real and personal property the same as assessed for the year 1937. Kotion carried by unanimous vote of all Councilaen present. Clerk read a protest from Ed Lindsey re~ueBting that the assessment on his personal property be lowered '500.00. A motion was made by OounlUlman Jones and second by Councilman Blase that the' assessment aemain as i8. Kotion carried by unanimous vote of /all Oounoilmen present. . ,/ ( 254 I Ilondu. August 15. 193& Continued. I Mrs. Al I(o>>onald being present stated to the Counoil that she thought her prop.rty was asses8ed too high, in Lot8 21 and 22 1n Blook 18, aooording to the propertie8 a401ning her on both 8idel also she asked a reduotion on the Alaska House. A motion was made by Councilman Blase and se.onded by Counoilman Manthey that a re- duotion of $25.00 be made on LOt8 21 and 22 in Block 13, and the assessment on the Alaska House to remain as is. Kotion carried by unanimous vote of all Counoilmen present. The Olerk presented a t,legraphio protest from the San Juan ~i8hing &.Packing.Oo., in which they asked for a .iD)O.OO reductio' in the aseessment of their plant. here. Aft,er sou disouuion by t e Council a motion wa~cmade by Gounoilman Blase ~n4 Seconded by Coan oilman lIanthey that the assessment remain as is. Motion carried by unanimous vote of all Counoilmen present. Tat Olerk read a protest from L. E. Williams asking fer reduotion on Lots,29, 30, 31, 82, 33. in.Blook &, together with the house thereon. After some-disoussion by the Qouncil it was stated .that it.ould be impossible to lower the asses.ment on the above lots without lowering the assessment on the lot. in the whole block. as for the house thereon they did not consider the assessment too high. The motion was made,by Counoilman Blase and seoond by Counoilman Manthey that the assessment remain as is. Kotion oarried by ananimous vote of all Council.en present. There being no further' business to ooma Jtltfore this Board or Equalization upon proper motion made , seconded and carried it did adjourn. I;' JlAYOR g:~ Mu.mICIPAL OLERI: Konday, August 15, 1938 The Common COWlcil of the Town of Seward, Alaska. convened in regular session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall this 15th. day of August, 1938. Klfor Brownell being absent acting Kayo~Manthey oalled the meeting to order at i o'clock P.M. Those pre sent and'those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Hollingsworth, Jones, Kennedy, and Ilanthey. Absent: Oounoilman Gilliland on leave. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Olerk read a letter from Riohard8 & Ooyne. in whioh they made a olaim of a .1.25 each fOr settina a 160 meter8. A motion was made by Oouncilaan Blase and seoonded br Oounoilman Jone. that this l~er be turned over to the Oity Attorn6y.to be &n8wered with the help of the lIayor and City Olerk. Jlot1o~ carried by unanimous'vote of *11 Oouncilmen Present. Tbe Clerk read a letter from H. B. F08S Oompany in whioh they stated tot they would like to baTe a balanoedue the. on~ th~ Sehool Gym Job. The Clerk was instruoted to write the. ex- pl8Ding the cause of the delay. The Clerk presented the follow- ing re801ution. RESOLUT I 011 lli ~'7--3i . BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Oounoil of the Town of Sewarc1. Alaska,. that the assessment Roll of Real and Personal Property in the Town of Seward, Alaska, for the year 193&, as delivered to the Town COUDcil by the ABsessor, aDd aB Equalized by the Common Coun- oil. aitting as. a Board of Equalization, be aocepted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that th~ Levy for the Year 1938, 1E hereby place at 20 Mills. ~ i ;;--;-- ''/' "'\ ') ~uu BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the !!laxes for the Town of Seward, Alaska, on the Real and Personal Property, as assessed for the year 1939, are now due and payable at the office of the Town Clerk. I 6~ MAYOR CLERK, I It was moved by Counoilman Blase and seoonded by Counoil- man Jones that the Rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution. Calling the roll all Councilmen pre~ent voted Aye. The Mayor thereupon deolared said rules so suspenA.A. On the question shall the Resolution pass and be adopted, all oounoilmen present voted in the affirmative. The Mayor there- upon deolared said Resolution passed and adopted and signed the same in approval thereof. Clerk presented the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 18--38 A resolution authorizing the Mayor and Munioipal Clerk to file an applioation to the United States of Amerioa through the Federal Emergenoy Administration of Publio Works for a loan and 'grant to aid in finanoing the oonstruotion of a Salt Water Fire Proteotion System and designation Chas. D. King to furnish suoh informationas the Goverment may request. BE .IT RESOLVED BY THE: COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD: I Seotion 1. That D. C. Brownell, Mayor and E. D. Webb, Munioipal Clerk, be and they are authorized to exeoute and file an" applioation on belalf of the Town of Seward, a Munioipal Corpora- tion, to the United States of Amerioa for a loan and grant to aid in financing the construotion of a permanent Salt Water Fire Pro- tection System. Seotion 2. That Chas. D. King, be and he is hereby author ized and direoted to furnish such informationas the United States of Amerioa through the Federal Emergenoy Administration of Public Works may reasonable request in oonneotion witn the applioation whioh is herein authorized to be filed. Passed under suspension of the Rules this 16th. day of August, 1932. / , h~~" ,- 6' 1')", ~ ~t' n. ... A .. ,,, , n '7" Approved: August 15, 1938 MAYOR Attest2 C'~' MUNICIPAL CLEBK It was moved by,Counoilman Blase.and seconded.by Councilman Hollingsworth that the Rules be suspeBied for the adoption of the Resolution. Calling the roll all Gounoilmen present voted AYE. The Kayor thereupon declared said rules so suspended. On the q1iest"1oh, shall the aesolution pass and be adopted; all Counoilmen present voted in the affirmative. The.Mayor.there~ upon declared said Resolution passed and adopted and signed the same in approval thereof. Clerk notified the Counoil that it was time to eleot the offioers for the Eleotion to be held September 13, 1938 and the forrlwing offioers were appointed, Krs. E. W. Prosser, E. E. Chaaberlain, Mrs. .ADna Halverson, Irll's. Ludvig Larsson, Stan Austerman,~R.v. A. H. Clements to serve in oase one of the above does not show up. It was brought to the attention of the Counoil that a light oonduit was exposed and dangerous on 4th Ave. North at the ourve near the road ,turning to the City dump. Ihe light oommittee was to look this up and have same repaired. The street eommittee was instruoted to have ohurch street brushed out and grated also to put some gravel on the street at Tom Jonesls house. Clerk presented a bill from Thor Hatten for $10.00 for traoing seven maps of the City showing proposed Salt Water Fire Proteotion System and the principal building of the City and a motion was by Counoilman Manthey and seoonded by Counoilman Kennedy that the bill be paid. Kotion oarried by unanimous .ote of all Counoilmen present. Clerk notified the Counoil that the oil oontraot would expire September 30, 1938 and the Clerk WtiS instruoted to notified the different oil Companies for a bid for the following year Ootober 1, 1938 to September 30, 1939. At this time Mayor Brownell en.ered the Counoil Ohambers. Counoilman Joaes wanted to know if Chief Keiloheskle would draw pay for the month of his leave of absence. Mayor desired to know if his leave had been presented and was told it had not. At this time his leave was presented for his annual 30 day vaca- tion and a motion was made by Counoilman Jones and seoonded by Counoilman Manthey that he be granted his thtrty day vacation with pay. Kotion carried by UIlanimous vote of all Counoilmen, present. Counoilman Kennedy desired to know if some of the other City employees were not due a vacat10n, mentioning the City Clerk to whioh Counoilman Jones replied that he had a vaoation the year around, however, it hadb.en oustomary for the Clerk to take two weeks at his own expensel Attention was brought to the Counoil that the Seward Water Supply had been running their truoks on the sidewalas thereby digging deep trenohes in the middle of the walk in front of the Wayne Blue property. The Clerk was instruoted to write them a letter requesting them to repair this damage also the hole near the hydrant at Brown & Ba.kins Warehouse in Blook 7 within Z days ,from the date of the notioe, stating that if it were not done within this,time the City wouli hav~ the work done and oharge the same to their account. I~ T,','" '$)~ -, 1..Ju = The question of making a road in the oemet.ry with the help of the Jesse Lee Home at a oost not to exoeed $25.00 oame up and the Mayor requested the street oommittee to look this up and if it were possible to have the work done. Mayor Brownell instruoted a new Counoilman, Geo. Hollings- worth that he would take the plaoe of Counoilman Dav18 on the Counoil oo..ittees. I Thezebeing no further business to oome before this meeting upon proper motion being made, seoonded, and oarried it did adjourn MAYOR g:~ MUNICI AL CLERK I Konday, Sept. 6, 1938 The Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, .A.lI.i.8ka con'Yened in regular session in the council ch~b.rs of the Town Rall this 6th day of Sept..bar, 1938. Keeting wa~ oalled to order at eight o'olook P.U. by Mayor Brownell. ' Those present and those absent were as follOlrs: ,Pres,ent: Counoilmen Blase, Hollingsworth, JODes,Kennedy and ll8n the1. Absent: Counoilman Gilliland on leave. Minute. of previous meeting were read and approved. , Clerk read letter signed by Harr1 West, Robt. Prater requesting that a light be ~Aa..aled in alley in front of their houses. llotlon was made by Councilman Jones, seoonded by Coun- cilman Manthey that request be granted and. suoh light installed. Upon Roll Call all oounoilmen present voted AYE. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Coyne rendering a olaim against the City f~r the sum of "25.59. lio acti on taken at this time. City Claims in the sum of $1828.15 approved by the FInance Committee were presented as follows: Pete Michelson, $25.00; Hawkins & Ray, rent, $25.00; L. V. Ray, Atty. $60.00; L. E. Williams, t50.00; Fred Kieloheski, $220.00; E. D. Webb, $150.00; Alaska Railroad, $10.00; Alaska Transfer, tlO.OO; Tom Jones, '13.00; OBbo Eleot. Supply, t63.'3; Ogle's Garage, $15.8'; Seward Metal Works, $2.751 Seward Maeh.Shp, .1.80; Seward Dru~ Co., 14.10; Gateway Pbu. CO.,928.20; Seward Electric System, '108.05; J. W. Blase. 125.60; Ohas. D. King, $30. Seward Water Supply, $130.00; Seward Lt & P" $11.75; MaKullen's Grocery, $1.75; Alaska Shop, $2.00; U.S.Signal Corps, $20.51; Cal. M. Brosius, $21.30; Westinghouse Elee. Sup.Qo., $128.01' Bert Smith, $1'8.00; H.A.MoPherson, $'6.60; Martin Danning, .196.6 ; Walter Bryant, $38.00; Cash - Payroll, $22.40; Cash - Payroll $80.93; Sew. Hardware, $8.16; Tom Jones, $33.50i 1m. Struve, 610.0 OBbo Elec. Sup., $88.98; Ericson's Paint Shop, 98.00. Motion was made by Councilma.n Manthey, see onded by Coundl- man Kennedy that these bills be pill. id, Upon roll call, all coun- oilmen present voted AYE. Claims against the Seward Electric System in the sum of $1023.35 were presented 8'11 follows: Lee Stewart, $160.00; M. A. Polk, $150.00' L. A. Huff, '$160.00; E. D. Webb, .60.00; Seward Maoh. Shop, 66.75; Seward Hardware, $8.41; U.S. Signal Corps, $1.68; Andy liovak, $3.00' 1m. struve, $46.26; O~le's Garage, $4.00; Standard 011 CO.,6294.6 puget Sound News Co. '2.70; Seward Water Sup., $6.00; Gateway Pub. Co" $11.76; Seward Lt. & P., .5.75; Triok & MnrrEW, $21.00; Cash, $4.08; Osbo Eleo. Sup. $106.11;Erioson Paint Shp., $2.30. I /---- . l)l"""p 1&o?i;,)0 J4onday, Sept, 6, 1938 - Oontinued. Motion was made by Oounoilman Jones, seoonded by Oounoilman Manthe7 that the'se bills be ];8id. Upon Roll Oall, all councilmen present voted AYE. Cl.r~ presented the fOlloring Resolution: RESOLUTIOI HO. 19--38 Be it resobed by the Oommon Counoil of the Tcwn of Seward of the Third Judicial Division, T.r~itory of Alaska, that a ' Speoial Eleotion be, and hereby is, oall ed to be held in the Town of ~eward on Tuesday, September 27th, 1938, between the hours of 8 0 olook A... and 7 o'olook P.M., the polling plaoe to be the Tor n Hall of said T01nl for the purpose of submi tUng to the voter of said Town of Seward, the proposition of whether the said T~n shall apply to the Federal Emargeno) Administration of Publio Works for a loan to be used for construoting and installing a Munioipal Sa! t later Fire Fighting System; That the ballot used in said election shall oontain the :foll-ow:l.ng tltatement and propo- sition to be submitted to the voters: Shall the Town of Seward, Ala ska, apply to the Federa Bmersenoy A4m,1nia1irat1on of Publ1.o Works for a loan of ap- prd.J:1n1atel7 Thirty-five Thousand (.35.000;0$) Dollars, to be used for oonstructing and installing a Munioipal Salt later J'ire J'1ahting System, of whioh amount forty-five (45) per 'cent or approz1mately 'Sixteen !rbousand (t16.000.00) Dollars shall be given to the said Town by said Adminis- tration as a grant; the said Tarn to seoure the balanoe of approx1mately Nineteen !rboUBand (.19,000.00) :Dollars by General Ob11gation Bonds. ...-, i . i I \ :for . . - ---- .1:___1 Against The following persons are hereby desi<<nated and appointl- ed as offioers of said eleotion to oonduct the same: Inspector: JudgeB: Cle rkB: ' That the Jf.W11oipal Olerk be 'and hereby is authorized and directed to publish notioe of said Speoial Election in the Seward Gateway, 'a newspaper of gener9J. circulation, published in said ToWn of Seward, on Sept~ber'6th, 1938 and Sep tsmber lOth, 1938.' ". ' Adopted and'];8ssed under suspension-of rules this 6th day of septembe~, 1938. Approved, September 6th, 1938. - I I I Kayor ~~ Municipal Clerk 259 Monday, Sept. 6, 1938 . Continued. It was lDO'18d py Counoilman Manthey and seconded by Council. man HOllingsworth that the Rules be susp ended for the adoption of the Resolution. Calling the Roll, all oounoilmen present voteo AYE. The Kayor thereupon deolared said rules so suspended. I On the question, Shall the Resolution pass all Councilmen present voted in the affirmative. upon declared said Resolution passed and adopted same in approval thereof. Clerk presented the following Resolution: RESOLUTION ~ 20--38 Be it resolved by t he Common Council of the Town of Seward, of the Third Judioial Division. Territory of AJaSBa, that a Speoial Eleotion be, and hereby is, called to be held in the Town of Seward, Tuesday. September 27th, 1938 between the hours of 8 o'olock A.14. and 7 o'olook l'.M., the polling plaoe to be the TCJJn Hall of said Town for the purpose of snbmitting to the voters of said Town of Seward, the proposition of whether the said Town slSll apply to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for a loan to be used for construoting a floating dook for small ~oats in the Seward shelter harbor, the cost not to exceed Five Thousand (.5,000.00) Dollars, and Ten Thousand (110,000.00) Dollars for the renewal of the sewer systaD between Third and Fourth and Fourth and Fi:fth Avenues. That the ballot used in said el.ection shall contain the follCJliing statement and proposition to be submitted: and be adopted <? The llqor there- and signed the I Shall the Town o~,"~.ward, Alaska apply to the Federal Emer- genoy administration of'Publlo .o~ for a loan of approximately Fifteen Thousand (115,OOQ.OO~ Dollars to be used for constructing a small !OSit Dook in the Seward Shelter Harbor and renewing the sewers between Th11'8 and-~Qap:th and Fourth and Fifth Avenues. of which amount 4.5 per cent or apprhiill.i11iely $6,750.00 shall be given to the said Town by sai4-A.4Jll.l.nistration as a Grant; the said Town to secure the balance of approximately 18,250.00 by General Obliga- tion Bonds. r-r FOR L..-__1 r AGAINST .!.---.!. The following named persons are ~ebvl~.signa~8d and ap- pOinted as officers of said election to conduot the same: Inspeotor : Judges,: Ole rks : I That the Municipal Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and direoted to publish notice of said Special Election in the Seward Gateway, a newspaper of general ciroulation, published in said Town of .award on September 6th, 1938 and September lOth,1938 Adopted and pa Baed under suspension of rules this 6th day day of September, 1938. Approved, September 6th, 1938. Kay or 6:~ Municipal Clerk It was moved by Councilman Blase and seconded by Councilman Manthey that the rules be suspended for the adoption of th1 s Resolution. Upon roll oall. all councilmen present voted AYE. The Mayor thereupon declared said rules so suspended. / / 260 1938 -'Continued On the question shall the Resolution pass and be adopted; all ooullOilmen present voted in the affirmative. The ~1or there- upon declared said Resolution pused and adopted and signed the sam in approval thereof. S./i--H H S~1" ~ Tom Jones presented a map of the proposed Salt Water ~l~b System to ,the Counoil And a motion was IIBde b;y Counoilman Kant hey , seconded by Councilman Hollingsworth that Ten Dollars be given for this work.. Upon Roll Call all eouna1lmen present voted I AYE. Robert Prater proposed to trade a lot in the Town of I Seward for another lot in Block 12 and the Counoil after due consid'" eration said .Ill. Mr. Manthey was excused at this time, 8:66 o'olook. _ Clerk stated that he would soon need large and sJIll.ll stamped envelopes and motion was made CottQoilman Jones, seconded b Counc ilman Xennedy that a supply of envelopes be pur cha.aed. Upon Roll Call, all councilmen present voted AYE. Kotion was made by Counoilman Jones that the same office be appointed to serve at Special Eleotion on September 27th as ser at the general election September 15th. Motion seconded b;y Council man Hollingsworth and oarried unanimously. The question of accident insuranoe for school children came up and the Cl erk was instruoted to write and get prices, sue motion being made by Councilman Jones seconded by Councilman Kennedy and oarried unanimousl;y. j. f\:i/li~'J'1t this time Mr. Holt talked to .the ,Council stating that ~~ ~eeded a Manual !raining room at school, also stating that ;:,../ lhElw School Board had a surplus of some .700.00 which might be used \' for the constructi-on of this Kanual Training room. After due oon- . ~' sideration motion 1lB8 made by Councilman Blase and seoonded by , Councilman Jones tha1; 1Ir.. Holt proceed to have room conBtnotecl as outlined and p~ for it out of these funds. Upon roll call, all oouncilmen present voted AYE. Mr. Osbo informed the Council that he wanted some material fIr the plant, such as wire, hangers, eto~ and motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Counoilman Jones that the Clerk ord r same. Upon roll call, all oouncilmen present voted AYE. After some disoussion by the Council of fire hazard at Bameron's Cafe,Counoilman Blase offered to take the matter up with lItrs. Cameron and it was agreeable to all councilmen present. The Clerk notified the Council that he needed .1000.00 for interest money. Councilman Blase offered to advance .1000.00 at ~ interest and motion was IIBde by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Hollingsworth that the Mayor and the Clerk draw a war- rant for this amount payable to John W. Blase. Upon roll call, all councilmen voted AT.B excepting Councilman Blase. Motion was made by Councilman Blase, seoonded by Counoilma Jones that Mr. Ray be given notice to attend Speoi~l Meeting to be held on September 12, 1938. Motion carried. It was brought to the attention of the Council that beer is being sold in the restaurant at the rear of the Kooae and Kotion was made b;y Counoilman Jones, seconded by Counoilman Kennedy that this sale shonld be stopped QJlless a restaurant lioense be taken out. Motion oarried unanimously and Mayor volun- teered to see llr. Itawabe and make known to him the law8 governing the sale of beer and wine in restauran.ts. .10 further business appearing, upon proper motion being made, seoond~d and oarried, meeting was adjOUrne~ ~ Clerk - I Mayor 261 I A regular meeting of the Common ~ouncil of the Town of Sewar Alaska was held on the 19th day of September, 1938. The meeting was oalled to order by the M~or, D. C. Brownell, and on roll-oall the following answered present: John W. Blase, Geo. L. Hollings- worth, Thomas H. Jones, Forrest Kennedy and Gustavas R. Manthey. The following were absent: Cbas. P. Gilliland, he having been give G.n.:o&agust 16, 1938, a leave of absenoe to go outside the Territory of Alaska as representing the Seward Rifle Clnb Team at Camp Perry, Ohio. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved with the oorreotion that the Clerk notify Mr. Kawabe by letter that he dis- oontinue the sale of beer and wine in restaurant. I Clerk read a letter from M. B. Malloy requesting the install tion of a light on alley baok of his propert;;.'. Motion was ma.de by Councilman ~they, seconded by Counc llman Hollingsworth that this light be installed also other lights decided upon as follows: In Alley back of MaMullen's store. . Near Mrs. Slater's residenoe Back of Carr's garage Between 4th & 2nd on Washington Upon roll call, ail counciJ,.men present voted AYE. Clerk notified the Counoil that interest on Seward Electrio system bonds was due October 1st in the sum of $1800.00, and that there were not sufficient funds on hand to take care of it on the due date. Councilman Blase offered to advance whatever balance might be needed. Motion was ma.de by Councilman Manthey, seoonded by Councilman Kennedy that a warrant be issued in favor of Mr. Blase due in 60 days at ~ for the amount needed. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted AYE. The Clerk presented Ordinanoe 1137 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 137 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF AIW RATIFYING THE EXECUTION OF A SECOND AMENDATORY LOAJi AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE LOAN AND GRANT AGREEMENT DATED JULY 2, 193 AS AMEliIDED BY AN AMENPATORY LOAN AND GRANT AGREEMENT DATE MARCH 4, 1937, NOW IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, Al~D DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. - - - - - - - - - - I BE IT ORDAINED By the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Ala aka: Seotion 1. WHEREAS, there has been executed four copies of a second Amendatory Agreement between the United States of Amer ica and the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska, amending the Loan and Grant Agreement dated July 2, 1936 as amended by the Amendator Agreement dated March 4, 1937, with respect to providing additiona funds for Municipal Diesel Electric PhL nt Additions for the Town of Seward, Alaska, and that such second Amendatory Agreement above referred to adds, modifies and extends in seTeral particulars the terms, provisions and conditions of that certain Loan and Grant Agreement of July 2, 1936, as 8lllended by the Amendatory Agreement dated March 4, 1937 now in force between the United states o~ America and the Town of Sewa..rd, Alaska, a copy of which Amendatory Loan and Grant Agreement i. filed among the public reoords of the Town of Seward, Alaska, in the office of its Town Clerk, and by reference thereto made a part of this Ordinance to the same extent as if the same were eet forth at length in words and figures herei , be and the same is hereby in all re~ects approved, ratified and confirmed. Section 2. That the Mayor of the Tovn of Seward, Alaska be an~ he ,is hereby authorized and directed to execute suoh Amendator Loan< and \Gr~t Agreement in four oounterparts on behalf o~ said / ( 262 i To \'Ill , and the T.own Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and direct- ed to impress or affix the official seal of said Town to eaoh of said four ~unterparts of said .Amendatory Loan and Grant Agreement and to duly attest suoh seal-, and all aots of such officers in re-' ~eot thereto are hereby expressly ratified, authorize~ and oonfirm d. Section 3. That .the said ~or be and he is hereby author- ized and directed to forthwith forward aaid exeouted four counter- parts of said Amendatory Loan and Grant Agreement to the Federal Emergenoy Administration of Publio Works, Washington, D. C. Seotion 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk of said Tarn of Seward, .Ilaska be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and di- reoted to do and perform any and every and all aots and things to ake and execute on behalf of said Town of Seward and under its cor orate seal, any and all instruments, do ouments and other oommit- ents that may be required, necessary or found desirable in conneo- ion with the modification and changes estabUshed by said Am6nda- ory Loan and Grant Agreement; provided, however, that the anthorit eretofore granted to said Mayor and Town Olerk with respect to he said Loan and Grant Agreement dated July 2, 1936, as amended by he Amendat CJry Agreement dated Maroh 4, 1937, sbs.ll otherwi se be d remain in full foroe and effeot. ,l Section 5. That the said Mayor be and he is hereby author- zed and directed to forthwith send said Federal Emergenoy Adminis- ration of Publio Works four oertified copies of this Ordinanoe; nd four oertified oopies of the prooeedings of the Common Council n conneotion with tne adoption of this Ordinance; and, snch furt he ocuments or proofs in conneotion with the approval or execution f said Loan and Grant Agreement as may be requested by said Federa ergency AdminiStration of Public-Works. Seotion 6. That an emergency is hereby deolared to exist nd this Ordinance shall take effect upon the passage and approval. Passed suspension of the Rules at Oommon Oouncil of Seward, Alaska, this a Regular meeting of the 19th daY~~1938. Municipal Olerk Approved September 19th, 1938. Mayor, Town of Seward, Al aska. - - - - - - - - - - It was moved by Councilman Blase, seconded by Counoilman they that all rules of the Council which may prevent, unless sus ended, the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Ordi- nanoe at this meeting and its taking ,effect upon such aloption, be and the S8me are hereby suspended for the purpose of' permitting the consideration, final passage and adoption of said Ordinance at this meeting and its taking effect upon such adoption. The question being upon the adoption of said motion and ,the suspenB10n of said rules, the roll was called with the following reaults: Ayes: 6; those voting Aye: Counci~men Blase, Hollingsworth, Jones, Kennedy and Manthey. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Ohas. P. Gilliland. The Mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and such e rules so suspended. r 263 Monday, September 19, 1938 - Continued I Councilman Hollingsworth, seconded by Councilman Kennedy, moved that said Ordinance be now placed upon its final passage. The question being put upon the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance, the Roll was called with the following result: . Aye~: 5; Those voting Aye: Councilmen Blase, Hollingsworth, Jones, Kennedy and Manthey. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Chas. P. Gilliland. The Mayor thereupon declared said Ordinanc~ fipslly passed and. adopted, and the Mayor thereupon signed said Ordinance in ap- proval thereof. The question being put upon the emergency section contained in said Ordinance, the roll was called with the following reBLlt: Ayes: 5; those voting AYE: Councilmen Blase, Hollingsworth, Jones, Kennedy and Manthey. Nays: none. Absent: Counc llman Chas. P. Gilliland. Vias The Oil Contraot with the Standard Oil/extended to March 31, 1939. Motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seoonded by Coun- cilman Hollingsworth that the Mayor exeoute the contract. Upon roll oall, all oouncilmen present voted AYE. At the same time Clerk presented a lubricating oil contract from the Standard 011 Co. thich was made out to expire September 14, 1939. Clerk was instructed to notify Standard Oil Co. to have this contract expire at the same time as the oil contract, namely, March 31, 1939, motion being made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Councilman Blase. Carried unanimously. The Gouncil was notified that there was a large rock back of the hospital which was a danger to the building. Acting Chief Martin Lanning was instructed to remove same. Miss Geijsbeek requested city to put a new hood on chimney at Hospital - cost about $7.00 which she would pay for. Motion was made by Councilman Blase secondded by Councilman Manthey that request be granted. Upon roll call, all councilmen present voted Aye. I Motion was made by Councilman >>antbf seconded by Councilman Eanne6y that Clerk have bids on Additions to City Light Plant advertised at once in the different papers. Upon roll call, all councilmen present voted AYE. Discussion was had by the Council relative to installing and repairing chimneys within the business district of the Town, and a motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Councilma Kennedy that in the future all plumbers and tinsmiths shall first get a permit from the City Clerk before installing any chimneys and said permit to first be O.K.'d by Fire WWrden; also the Clerk to notify all parties conoerned by mail of the new regulations. Motion carried. No further bpsinesB appearing,upon proper motion being made, seconded and oarried, meeting was adjourned. I llAYOR c~ MUlHC PAL RK 264 Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1938 Speoial Meeting of the Common Council was called to meet at 4 o'olook P.M. in the Town Hall September 28, 1938 to canvas the votes oast at the Special Eleopion held on September 27, 1938. Election was held for the purpose of determining whether or not to bond the City of Seward, AAask& for the amount of $50.000.00 on the following propositions: Proposition #1 - Salt Water Fire Fighting System for the amount of .36.000.00; Proposition #2 - Small :Boati;Dook for the amount of $5.000.00; Proposition #3 - Renewal of lewers Between Third and Fourth and Fourth and Fifth Avenues for the amount of tlO,OOO.OO. As there was not a quorum at this meeting to canvas votes cast at the Special Ilection, the Canvasing Board recessed to reconvene at the next regular meeting of the Common Counoil to be held Ootober 3rd, 1938. i f I ' _ J Mayor 6:~ Clerk. Monday, October 3, 1938 Recessed meeting of the Common Counoil of Septsmber 28tb 19~ reconvened as a canvasing board to convas the ballots cast at the Special Eleotion held on September 27, 1938. Mayor Brownell called the meeting to order at 8 o'olook P.~. After examination of the ballots cast at the Specla~ Election of September 27th, 1938, the :telsil~'WI;~He:'a8nf&lhi.oW8:r' '; ."": There being 117 votes cast of which the Canvasing Board threw out ~wo votes, leaving 115 votes, and all three propositions were defeated. Mayor Brownell adjourned the canvasing board and called the regular meeting to order with members present and absent as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase. Gilliland, Hollingsworth, Kennedy, Manthey and Jones. Ab sent: None lllnutes of previous meetings were read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the First Nation& Bank of Seattle in which they expressed their appreciation of business relations with the City, ~nd offering their services to the City in any routine banking wh'ich the City may dea:i.re to have with them. Clerk read a communication from Mr. Kawabe re: restau- rant and beer parlor and the motion was made by Councilman Manthey seconded by Councilman Gilliland that this letter be laid on the table. Upon roll call all councilmen voted AYE. Clerk read a letter from Derrick Lane to L. V. Ray (~1il protest to the assessed valuation of his mining claims on the 01 <hill. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Holt in regal! to the G~ and setting down the rules and regulations as prescribed by the School Board. The Coun~11 not approving of the regulations as laid down by the School Boare. a motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Counoilman Manthey that the Clerk notify the SchOOl Board to appear at the next Council Meeting.to discuss this matter. Clerk presented oog~.ac~from Standard Oil Compan~ for oil for City Light Plant, H8ntrac~beginning October 1, i~~ ~.. 'eIi:P~:l'tl!lg ~,~ ~, l~: ami the other beginning Sept. );g,,1-938 and expiring Sept. l4~ 1939. Motion made by Councilman Jones, seoonded by Councilman Manthey that contracts be tabled. Upon roll call all councilmen voted AYE. i _J ~ 265 I City Claims were presented in the amount of $1,918.86, and approved by the Finanoe Committee,as follows: P. Miohelson, $25.00: L. V. Ray, $50.00: L. E. Williams, $50.00; Martin Lanning, $220.00: Fred Kieloheski, $33.66: .E. D. iYebb,$150.0 : Osbo Eleo. Supply, $27.49: Andy Novak, $8.00: Ogle's Garage, $14.14: Seward Maoh. Shop, $54.50: MCMullen Grooery, $.70: Seward Lt. & P., $11.75: Alalska Shop. $.50: Gateway, $7.50: Seward Water Sup.,$130.: Seward Drug Co.,$5.65: Alaska Transfer, $4.00: U.S.Signal Corps, $26.66: Seward Electrio System, $177.20: ~. D. Webb, '74.00: Bert Snith, $139.20: Standard Oil Company, $4.77; E. L. Senft,$lO.O Mrs. Malloy, $27.00: Cash, $68.54i Hawkins & Ray, $25.00: Aron Erio son, $33.33: Seward Metal Works, ~7.00: Seward Hardware, $1.20: W.S.Darley & Co., $512.07. . Motion was made by CouncilmanG!ill!.~seoonded by Counoilman Manthey that claims be allowed as read. Upon roll call, all coun- otmen present voted AYE. Claims against City Light Plant were presented in the amount of $1,072.50 approved by the Finance Committee as follows: Lee Stewart, $150.00: M. A. Polk, $150.00: L. A. Huff, $150.00: E. D. Webb, $50.00: Standard Oil Compapy, $292.23: Seward Water Sup $5.00: Seward Lt & P.,$5.75i Gateway, $11.75: Osbo Eleo. Sup,$85.35: Van. Struve, $55.00: Songamo Elec. Co.,$82.85: Thos. S. Wood, $2.50: Worthington Pump & Maoh. Corp.,$14.29: Cash, $17.88. I Motion was made by CounoilmanManthey, seconded by Counoilman Jones that these claims be allowed as read. Upon roll oall, all oounoilmen p resent voted AYE. Harry Hoben applied for pe.rmission to build a concrete side- walk aoross the alley baok of the Arcade building and motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland, seoonded by Councilman Blase that premis~ion be granted. Upon roll oall all councilmen present voted kYE. I~ was brought to the attention of the Counoil that a light was needed in the alley aoross from the Van Gilder, also om in Blook 26 near Tom Jones' house and motion was made by Counoilman Manthey, seconded by Counoilman Kennedy that these lights be in- stalled. Upon roll oall, all counoilmen present voted AYE. No further business appearing, upon proper motion being made, seconded and carried, Meeting was adjourned. MAYOR C-~ CLERK - - - - - - - - .1 / ( 266 Konday, Ootober 17, 1938 The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, convenecl in regular session in.the Council Chambers of the T~n Hall this 17th day of October, 1938. The meeting was called to order at 8,o'clook by Kayor Brownell. Those present and those absent were as follows: . . Present: Councilmen Blase, Gill1,ls.nd: Hollingsworth, Jones, Kennedy and Mant~ey. '. . . , Absent: Horte Minutes of previous meeting were re~d and approved.~ , This being the .tf~e to open the Bids for the Additj,ons to the Seward Eleotrio Plant and M.r; G. L. Wllo,es, PWA Engineer, being pre~ent, the folloWing bids were opened ~nd ~abuls.ted: Mfg. '. ' Bid from Hydzaulic Supply ~ompany for tanks Bid from Seward Maoh. Shop on tanks' only' . Bid from Ray 'James on entire contract Deducting alternates makes this brd only '$1660.00 2200.00 7399.41 t5,997.91 ,It was agreed to acoept Ray James I bid with the ,al te,rnatee deducted and the following Resolution was passed: !tESOLUTION 121-38 BE IT RESOLVED, 'By the Town of SeWard, .Alaska: That due and' proper adver'ti~ement 'of h1'ds for Plant Additions to 'the Diesel Eleotric Munioipal" Light Plarlt o'f Seward, Alaska was had; that bidl were as per advertisement opened and tabulated on the date so pro- vided, to-wit: October 17, 192a, at a Regular Me.ting of the Commol Council of said Seward, at whioh mee~ing a quorum was present, and by such tabulation, made by G. L. Wildes, Engineer PWA, it was de- termined and there was awarded to the lowest bidder the Items so advertised, as follows: Item A Fuel Storage System, complete B Concrete Floor, complete C Interior Painting D Eleotrical Work, installed E Ketal Bin Combinations F Miscellaneous Carpenter Work, itc. G Plumbing, etc. H >>isoellaneous Tools I Miscellaneous Spare Parts JSW OF ALL ITELlS A-I, inclusive $2,560.57 925.00 3'35.00 698.40 212.50 860.00 103.'15 644.19 1.060.00 t7,399.41 Alternates NO. DEJUCTIONS FOR ALTERATIONS OR OMISSIONS: 1 Omission 1-15KVA Transformer, air heater, and unit heater Omission of Item I - Miscellaneous Spare Parts 1060.00 1,401.50 $5,997.9l $341.50 2 WHEREAS, the bid of Ray James of Seward, A.ls.Slr.a, was faun to be low, Now, ~herefore, Be It Resolved, that Ray James,be and he 1s hereby awarded the contract for the Additions to the Diesel Eleotric Municipal Light Plant, upon the basic bid of .7,399.41, deducting therefDlm alternates 11 and 12, making a total oontraot price of $5,997.91. Adopted under suspension of the Rules this 17th day of October, 1938. g:~ \J Mayor Town Clerk I I I l 267 Monda Ootober 17th 1938 - Continued I Motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Coun- cilman Hollingsworth that the Resolution be adopted as read. Upon Roll Call, all councilmen present voted AYE. Mayor Brownell presented form for sheets for production reoords for the Seward Electric System an~ it was moved by Coun- cilman Gilliland, seconded by Counoilman M8l:Lthey that the neoessary number be printed. Upon Roll Call all councilmen present voted AYE It was moved by Counoilman Jones, seconded by Counoilman Hollingsworth that ohecks of two high bidders on Plant Additions be returned to them. Motion carried. I Clerk read letter from F. T. Suydam asking Council to approve transfer of Restaurant Liquor Lioense from Mrs. Nell Floyd to himself. It was moved by Councilma.n Blase, seCOllded by Councilman Jones that transfer be approved. Upon ~oll Call all councilmen present voted AlE. The question of a night watchman oame up al:d it was moved by Counoilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Gilliland that Clerk adverties in Gateway for applications to be in by November 1, salary to ~e $150.00 per month. Upon roll call, all councilmen present voted AYE. Mayor Brownell read letter he had written to School Board requesting their attendance at Council Meeting to deoide upon rules and regulations for use o~ Gym. Mayor appointed Sohool Committee Councilmen Gilliland and Jones to draw up some plans for Gym Management. It was moved by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Councilman Kennedy that the Mayor and Sohool Committee superintend Gym until report is brought in by School Committee. Upon roll caJl, all councilmen present voted AYE. The Street Con~ittee requested more funds for Street work and Motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Councilman Blase that $250.00 be allowed for same. Upon roll call, all counci men present voted AYE. As the pole line to the Lindsey home is in bad condition and as a street light is needed over there, motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Councilman Jones that this w01!k be dotl.e..~;. Upon roll call, all councilmen present voted .:.i..:i. Mayor stated that he intended making a trip to Anchorage and wou~d visit a Council Meeting whereupon a motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by bouncilman Jones that the Mayor extend greetings from Seward Council to Anchorage Council and that he propose that the two Councils work together for the betterment of both cities. The Mayor called a S~ cial Meeting for next Monday night, October 24 to discuss the Additions to the Seward Eleotrio System. There being no further business to come before th~s meeting upon proper motion being made, seconded and oarried, it did adjourn Ma yo r ~~ lerk I / ( 268 , -- --- -------, Monday, Ootober 24, 1938 Special Meeting of the Coumon Council was called to meet at 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the Town Hall on Ootober 24, 1938, for the purpose of discussing additions to the:Light Plant and determining their cost. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Ho~lingsworth,Jones, and Kennedy. Absent: Councilman Manthey. After discussion Items were agreed upon as follows: Item A. 1 Tank only complete with gravel slope to tank, oil on slope, as per specifications. Item D. Interior Painting. Eli~inate Pump Pit,walls - pipes and engine bases. Item~. Concrete Floor raised 2" allover - (Reinforced steel cut out) Use wire netting forreinforcement~ Item D. Omit Unit Heaters. Item E. Omit Metal Bins and substitute wood bins. Item F. .Reduce shiplap and plywood backing to 4' up, on walls of office, change metal door t9 wood and nO,battleship lino- leum on office floor. Item G. Omit all plumbing except air intake pipe. Item H. Add to tool list as submitted, t32.00. Add 1 Oil Heater same as in I.O.O.F. Hal~. Committee to agree on chimney to be used in Plant. Item I. Spare Parts. Omit all of them. l, ADD: Storm shed to be used as storage room on west side. Regulations for use of Gymnasium as revised by the School (Board were presented and motion was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Councilman Hollingsworth that same be accepted. Motion carried. Clerk to n9tify School Board. . Attention was called to the fact that a public toilet and wash stand ~e needed in Gymnasium and motion was made by Council- man Hollingsworth, seconded by Councilman Kennedy that Committee go ahead and g~t best prioes and do work. After a discussion concerning new licenses for liquor stores and dispensaries, a motion'was made by Councilman Blase, seconded by Councilman Jones thatAthe n~ber be ~mited to those in effect at the present time. (Ut i??'~p....... """'~..,..""." - No further business appearing, upon proper motion being made, seconded and carried, meeting was adjourned. Mayor 6:'~ Clerk. - ~ 26~ Monda Hovember 7 1938 I The COmmon Council of the City of Seward convened in regular session in the Council Chambers on NOvember 7th at 8:00 P.M. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Hollingsworth, Jones and Kenne dy. Absent: Councilman Manthey. Minutes of the previous meetings were read, changed and approv ed. I Peti tion from the people of the Cliff Addition requesting that city lights be extended from the present tenninal on Governmen street to hose station on northern boundary of said Addition was presented and turned Over to the Light Committee for investigation. A bill from A.M. Castle & Co. for wire window guards for the Gym in the sum of $239.20 was presented and Clerk was instructed to send bill back to Castle notifying them to send same to McPher- son & Pongratz. Peter Roffman made complaint that the house adjoining his prop erty is a fire hazard and the Chief was instructed to investigate same. :;[i,;.,rn"f,O' J"..,'. ' Council was notified that Deafy .~'~. __t/l was living on City property without paying any rent. Motion was made by Councilman Jones, seoonded by Councilman Kennedy that Clerk notify him to pay 5.00 per month rent beginning November 1st. Motion carried. It was reported by John Anderson that the Murphy house in BlOB 12 is a fire hazard and the Chief was instructed to investigate it. Clerk stated that he had received the Second Amendatory Agree- ent between the United states of ~erica and the City of Seward, ocket 16279. An offer of purchase for the T.P.Murphy property in Block 12 as made and it was moved by Councilman Jones, seconded by Council- an Gilliland that the property be advertised and bids received up o November 21st. Motion carried. City Claims in the sum of $4,290.85 plus the Firemen's Pay Rol f $42.50 were read as follows: Pete Michelson, $25.00; Hawkins & Ra1, $25.00; L. V. Ray, $50; . E. V(illiums, $50.00; Fred Kielcheski, iU3.00; E. D. Webb, $150; no. w. Blase, $2,828.00; Seward Hardware, $8.20; Alaska Shop, $2.~ 'cMullen Grocery, $3.50; Seward Light & Power, $11.75; Seward Water upply, $130.00; Seward Machine Shop, $1.30; Alaska Transfer, $4.00 pire Printing Company, $14.40; Daily Journal of Commerce,$44.50; ateway Pub. CO.,$63.60; Alaska Railroad, $5.00; And1's Express, 8.50; Ogle's Garage, $18.96; Seward Steam Laundry, ~1.50; Seward lectric System, $195.85; U.S. Signal Corps, $10.72; Jeanne Ironside, 5.50~ Standard Oil Company, $4.77; Osbo E1ec. Supply, $108.82; larence Larsen, $3.75; Mrs. Bessie Malloy, $35.25; Bert Smith, 128.00; Walter Bryant, $20.80; Nick Hfidak, $7.20; M.B.Lanning,$36. 0 ash,$175.78. Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland, seconded by Council- an Manthey that these claims be paid. Upon roll call, all counci1- en present voted AYE. Claims against the City Light Plant in t he sum of $1,358.94 ere read as follows: L.A.Huff, $150.00; Kuron Polk, $150.00; Lee Stewart, $150.00; . D. Webb, $50.00; Standard Oil Co., $409.90; Wm. struve, $77.50; sbo E1ec. Sup..$13l.82; Seward Hardware, $13.80; Cal Y. Brosius, 7.50; Seward Light & Power, $5.75; Seward Water SupplY,$5.00; ateway Pub. Co. ,$11.75; Graybar Elec. Co. ,$115.99; ~Vorthingto n ump &~~ach. Co., $32.18; Cash, $47.75. Motion was nade by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman illi18nd that these claims be paid. Upon roll call, all council- en present voted AYE. Mauor Brownell submitted proposal to Ray James for reduction to his bid on Additions to Light Plant. Ray James presented to the Council his reductions which made the total contract amount to $4,926.91. The following is the proposal presented by Mayor Brownell to Rtiy Jame s : I ~ , 270 Monday, November 7, 1938 - Continued REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL To: RAY JAMES Contractor Seward, Alaska Date Ootober 27, 1938 Docket 16279-2-P~1aSka Project Change Order No. 1 Will you please submit a lump sum proposal for the total de- duction to be made from your contract price based on the omission or addition of labor, material and other costs and charges, as the case may be, for the following changes: l 1. Omitting the construction of 1-10,000 gal. oil storage tank and appurtenances including a 50% reduction in size of earth storage 'reservoir and the readjusting of piping, valves, etc., incidental 'thereto originally in- cluded in Item No. A of the Bid Form, page 7 of the Specifications. 2, Cancelling Alternate No.1, page 9 of Specifications and omitting all equipment ani electrical work as ~' covered in Item D of the Bid Form with the exception of the furnishing f.o.b. building site l-15KVA distribu- tion transformer, specified in first paragraph of Item D, page 25 of Specifications, and 1-5kw Oil Immersion Heater specified in second paragraph under Item D, page 25 of Specifications. 3. Omitting all work and material included under Item E of the Bid Form, see pa;.ge 8 of the Specifications. 4. Omitting all work and material included under Item G with the exoeption of ftextending galvanized Air Intake Riser Pipe" - See pa;.ge' 8 of the Specifi'cations. 5. For furnishing f.o.b. site ~ - Mohaik Pressure Indica- tor oomp-lete, or equal, specifi'ed in last paragraph of Item I, page 28 of the Specifications and previously wi thdrawn from the oontract by the deduetion of Alte'r- nate i~o. 2, which included Item r:. See page 9 of Spec- ifications. ) All according to the original plans and specification~. No work or arrangements of any'nature are to be undertaken by the contractor in connection with this Request until he is ad- vised that the proposal has been accepted. , (Signed) TOllll OF SEWARD,ALASKA By D. a.Brownell o Mayor The following is the Proposal sub~itted by Ray James to the Council in response to the Request for Proposal: seward, Ale-:::ka. DatetOu'.a7~1938 To the Town of Seward DOCk,'. tlG~'~~~-A<ta Seward, Alaska Ura ~'life1; cnange Order 110.1", I hereb~, propo se to make t he changes enumerated in your R~quest for PDoposal dated October 27, 1938 on the basis of a de; auction of one thousand seventy-one ($1,071) Dollars for the cov- ering the omissions or additions of labor, material and other costs and charges, as the case may be, for the following changes, to-wi t : PROPOSAL -I I ~ 271 Monday, November 7, 1938 - continued 1. alai tt ing the construction of 1-10,000 gal. oil storage tank and appurtenances including a 50% reduction in size of earth storage reservoir and the readjusting of piping, valves, etc., incidental thereto, originally included in Item No. A of the Bid Form, page 7 of the Sp ecifi cations. 2. Cancelling Alternate No.1, page 9 of Specifications and omitting all equipment and electrical work as cov- ered in Item D of the Bid Form with the exception of the furnishing f.o.b. building site 1-15 Y.VA distribu- tion transformer, specified in first paragraph of Item D, page 25 of Specificatio"1s, and 1-5 kw Oil Im- mersion Reater specified in second paragralJh u"'lder Ite D, page 25 of Spcifications. I 3. Omitting all v,orI;: and material included under Item. R of th e Bid Fonn, see :rn be 8 of the Sfe cificat ions. Omitting all work and material included under Item G with the exc~tion of "extending galvanized Air Intake Riser Pipe" - See page 8 of the Specifications. 4'- , 5. For furnishing f.o.b. site 1 - Hahaik Pressure Indica- tor con~lete, or equal, specified in last paragra)h of Item I, page 28 of the Specifications and previously withdrawn from the contract by the (eduction of Alter- nate 412 which included Item 1. See 1:80:8 9 of Specifi- cations. All according to the original plans a.nd specifications I This change will require no additio':l of calendar days for COI.lpl eti on of the work. This Pruposal v!hen accepted, sha.ll become and be a r;urt of the contract subject to all the conditions therr:of, except as mod- ified ~y this Pro~osal. (SiD'nec, ) o Ray Jame s Contractor. The following Resolution was read b;y' the Clerk: RESOLUTIO~; NO. 22-38 Be It Resolved by the CO::1'11on Council of the Tovm of Sevrard That the Proposal of RAY JA1:IES for ;JW. king certai'l changes in his cO':ltract dated November 5th, 1938 for constructioiJ worI: and furnic ing certain equipment for the Seward Electric S~7St(lJl, PWi Docket #6279-2-P-Alasl:a, in tho amov1t of [< deduction of $1,071.')0 be accepted, the Profosal readinR as above:--Quoto I Passed under suspension Hovember, 1938. Jf th e rule s th i 87th da;:,' of Hayor t;~ Clerk I.cotion was [:lude b;r Councilman Eollingsv.o rth, seconded by Councilman Ken':ledy t:mt the Resolution be adorteil us read. UjJon rollca~l, all cOU:'1cilr.len present voted AYE. ~ ( 272 I l1':i(nday J TJovemheY'. 7 J ] 9:';8 _ nont innAO Iv Mrs. Flicl:inger having complained about the amouYlt charged for \'tiring her house, mot ion was made b;y Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Gilliland that the C~ty pay half the bill. Ujon rol] call, all councilmen present voted AYE. Chief of Police stated that he needed an oil stove for the jail and a new radiator for th~ gravel truck. Motion was made by Councilman Gillila.nd, seco~ded b:' Councilman Kennedy that thi s request be granted, Chief to purcha.se radiator hioself. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted AYE. The Chief of Police stated that Mr. Malloy would sell the drag line for $200.00. After some discussion the Moyer instructed the Chief to offer $150.00 cash for the machine. The Fire Chief asked permission of the Council to hold the annual Firemen's Ball in the new gymnasium on New Year's eve. It was moved b;y Councilman Blase, seconded by Councilman Gilliland that this permission be granted. Motion carried and Clerk was in- structed to wttte the SchOOl Board to that effect, under the terms of the rul'!s . The Clerk was instructed ~o ,advertise in the Gat~way a meeting of townspeople to be held next Monday night in Liberty theatre for the purpose of appointing a committee to take ojer the management of t he Gym for the C1 ty. time This beinyto open applications for the job of IJight Pa.trol- @8n, the following names were presented to the Council: Sterling P. Gilliland, Lawrence Gilliland, Alfred Rosness, Nick Hodak, Vic ~urphy, Luke Elwell,Otis M. Gibbs, M. B. Lanning, A.T. Sundby, John Blom. The result of balloting was as follows: 1st Vote: 2nd vote: Sundby - 1; Lanninrr, 3; s. Gilliland, 2; s. GillilancL 2. 11. Lanning, 2. The Mayor declared Martin Lanning elected,to begin duty Ngvember 15th. Clerk to notify him. No further business appearing, upon proper motion being duly made, seconded and csrried, meeting was adjourned. 1,Layor ~~ erk ~ 27;:> Monday, November 14, 1938 Special meet1.ng of the Common Council 0 f Seward, Alaska was hel on N9vember l~~h, 19~8 in the Council Chambers. Meeting was calle to order at 7:30 P.fu. by Mayor Brownell, and was called for the purpose or passing on an additional sale of e6tOOO of Bonds of the Seward Electric System for additions to be added to th~ Plant, PaA Project 16279. I Those present and thos absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, HollingG~orth, Jones, Kennedy and Manthey. Absent: none. The follarling Resolution was presented by the Cle rk: RESOLUTIon 23-38 .U,iEUDING AIm 110DIFYIHG SECTIOlJ 8 OF THAT CERTAIlJ RESOLUTIon ADOPTED BY THE CotmON COUNCIL OF THE TOlll! OF SEd~mD, ALASi:A, l~tY 4, 1936, EllTITLEL "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE I3SUAl~E OF $121,000 OF BOlJDS~' UliliER AUTH03.ITY OF PUBLIC ACT no. 63, 74th COllGRE;);:;, APPROVED MAY 20, 1935", Ai:) AI,:.:EI:D:D AIiD r,r0DIFIE~ BY TEE CI.RTJilr: RESOl.UTIOH ADOPTED BY THE COl.;:LrOH courICIL CF THE To,m OF SEdArw, "iLASKJi., UiID~R DATE OP FE13RU.illY 15, lJ37, AIiD 1:;lITITLED "a RESOLUTION .>l\ililiDETG ArID i.lODIFYIl;r; SECTlor: 8 OF THAT CERTAn: RESOLUTIOll AJJOPTED :3Y THE C01iMOll COUlJCIL OF TEE TO,ili OF ;;;EiiARD, .llASYul., l.lAY 4, 1936, EllTITLR:. 'A RESOLUT Iorr .tUTHORI;:;nm TEE I3SUiUJCE OF $121,000 OF BorrD~ mIDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC ACT 1l0. 63, 74thCOIJGRES8, Al'PRO'mI:l.IAY 20,1935"'. * * * * * I .m::sREAS, b;,' the ten:ls and provisions of that certo.in 3.oso:Lution adopted by the CO:'1J,lOn Cou:J.cil uf tte TO.':'J. of :;;eward, .Uasl::a, 0'1 tte 4th da;j7 of lLll, 1936, entitled "A Rewlution Authorizing the Ij;Jcuan of $121,000 of 13vnds, under Authority of Public Act Do. 63, 74th Congress, Approved r.:ay 20, 1935", as amcildeLi b;t' that certain Reso- lution entitled "A Res olution Amending and Ll.odifying Sedti on 8 of that certain Resolution Aaofted by the ao~non Council of the Tovm of Seward, Alaska, ~ay 4, 1936, entitled 'A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of 0121,000 of Bonds Under ~uthority of Public Act lio. 63, 74th Congress, Ak)rOved }.la;\-' 20, 1935''', l;rovisiol1 was made for the sale of Seward Electric SysteL:l Bonds in the amount of $90,000 of an authorized issue of e121,000 in order to furnish fund for the construction of a r:lUnici1?al light rltmt; and, \~REAS, the cost of completion of said Electric System exceeds the estimated cost of $120,000 by the sum of $6,000, and that the Tovm of Seward now finds it necessary to sell $96tOOO of Electric System Bonds to finance the construction of the project and, \1~REAci, The To~~ of Seward has now on deposit at the ~eattle First i:lational Bam:, at Seattle, the remaining ~31,OOO in bonds of the original a.uthorized issue of ~121,OOO, dated as of A1;ril 1,1936 I HOV/, Therefore, BE IT RLSOL VJl,~ that the Rero lution heretofore adopted by the COEilllon Council of the Town of Seward under date of ;ay 4, 1936, as amended by the Resolution adoIted as of February 15 1937, be amenued as follows, to~wit: That Section 8 be and the same hereby is w~ended to read as follows: "Section 8. That the TOVln of Seward, Alaska, sell to the Unite' states of America, Electric System Bonds in the amou:Jt of ~96tOOO o. the he::-ein a.uthorized issue 0 f $121tOOO of said bonds at .Jar and accrued interest, such bonds to be 'j~ab*e $4LOOO in 1941 to 1945 incl~sive; $5,000 in 1946 and 1947;4and ~6tOOu in 1948 to 1958, in- clus~ve"; / ( 274 I i I Monday, November 14. 19~a - Continued ! That the resolutions adopted May 4. 19~6 and February 15. 19~7 be considered as amended, modified or rescinded to the extent of ar." inconsistmcies herewith and said Resolutions 'of May 4. 19~6 and " February 15. 19~7 in all other respects not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That all such Electric System Bonds in excess of the Sum of t96,OOO be cancelled and destroyed by cre- mation upon 'completion of such plant. a~d that no other or addition~ al bonds be issued in lieu thereof; and; , BE IT ]fURTHER REi)OLVED. That the Town Clerk of the Town of Seward be and he is hereby authori~ed and directed to fonvard to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public ,Iorks two certified copies of this Resolution and two certified copies of the e:A.'tracts from the minutes of the meeting at which this Resolution was adopt_ ee. Adopted /1- NIT/' , 1938. Approved //~ / ~r;/, . 1938. ~. Tow~ ~ APPROVEu: / /- / ~t..:!t 1938. 'Mayor. - - - - - - - - - -'- - Motion was made by Councilman G1l1iland, seconded by Council- m~ Manthey that the rules be suspended for the adoption of this Resolution. Motion Oarried by the unanimous vote of all coun~il- men present, Motion was made by Co~ncilman Jones. seconded by Councilman Kennedy that the Resolution be adopted as read. Upon roll oall. all councilmen present voted AYE. This is to c~rtify. that I ~ rsonally delivered to each of the members of the Co~~on Council of the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska, on the 12th day of November. 1938, at said Seward. A~k~ a full. true and correct copy of the foregoing and annexed Notice of Special Keeting. addressed to eaoh and every member of said Common Council of the Town ~. Seward. Alaska, a.nd oalling for a Special Meeting to be held in the Council Chambers at the Town Hal: of Seward, Alaska, at 7:~O o'clock. P.M. on the 14th day of Novem- ber. 1938. for the purpose of considering the several matters in said Notice of Special Meeting ~entioned and referred to. ~ :MAYOR ~ity Attorney Ray asked for the sum of $67l~OO on account and motion was made by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Councilman Gilliland that $671.00 be paid him on account. , Upon roll call all councilm~n present voted AYE. No further business 'appearitlg, upon proper motion being duly made, seconded and carried, Meeting was adjourned. - '-'l,t.iyor rf'~ Clerk ~ 2;~3 Kond.,. lovember 2~. 1938 I The Commq,n Council ot the Town of Seward met in regular ....ion in the Counoil ChaaberB of the T_n Hall on the 21st day of lew_ber. 1938. . lIeeUng was oalled to order by Jla70r Brownell at eight PLll. . !ho.. present and tho.e absent were as follows: Pre sent: Counoilmen Blase. Gilliland. Holling S1lQ rth .Kennedy and Jlanthe7' Absent: Counoilman Jone.. JUnutes of previOUS meet 1ngs were read and approved. The following applioations for .10,000 in81iU'aDoe on the Sohool Building were presented: H. S. Balder.t on for a-year premi1Ull at .157.00 I.]). Webb for a-year premiWll at .141.00 It was moved by Counoilman Gilliland. seoonded by Councilman HOllingsworth that the applioation of Mr. 'ebb be aooepted. Upon roll oall. all oounoilmen preseIIl; voted AYE. Bid was put in by ill sand.trom for Lot. a and 6 in Blook 6 Yederal Addition at .20.00 eaoh and it was moved by Counoilman Gilliland. .eoonded by Counoilman Manthey that bid be acoepted. Upon roll oall. all oounoilmen present voted AYE. The Clerk r.ad a l.tter from the Yrank Burna Company of S.attle regarding acoid.nt insuranoe for ohildren while on sohool pr.mi.... 10 rates ..re given and Clerk was requested to writ. for rates. and further particulars. An Ordinanoe regulating the granting of b.verag. dispen.a17 and retail li~or lio.n... within the City of Seward wa. real by the Clerk and the M&7or ordered it laid on the table until ne meeting. The Hotman Hou.. fire hazard ha. b.en eliminat.d for the pr.s.nt a. the tenants have moved out of it. report.d by the Yire Chief. Chief Kieloheski report.d that Mr. Kurphy was h.ld for in- vestigation by the ".shal's offio. and that his house wa. vaoate . Cbi.f was instructed to put padlock on house. It was stat.d that Kr. Kalloy r.fUs.d theQfter of .160.00 by the Counoil for dragline. Some discussion followed and it was decided to lay it on the table for the present. Qlerk was instruoted to write Col. Wildes of the War Deptrt ment and try to get prioe on Gas Engin. & Double DrWll Hoist which they have here in S.ward, .tating that any time the Government wants to us. it here in S.ward they may get it free of oharge. It was moved by Counoilman Blase. S.conded by Counoilman Kennedy that Jlqor notify Kr. Ray that the Ea..ment Case at B.ar JIountain Tunn.l go through t his 'term of Court if held in Seward and not to ask f.r a compromise from court. Upon roll call. all councilmen pre..nt voted AYE. The Finano. Committee was in.truoted to confer with the Clerk inspeoting finano.s with a view of buying a grader for the stre.te. . It was moved by Counoilman Hollingsworth. seoonded by Coun- oilman Gilliland that the ~or write a letter to Attorney Truitt regardins the Seward GJmD&8ina and also make an answ.r in Gateway to 8ob.ool Board's publioation of a we.k ago. Kotion oarzi ed. Bo further business appearing meeting was adjourned to re- oonv.ne Konday. lovember 28th at eigbt O'clook. G~_ byor I I ~~ 276 llonda,., :November 28, 1938 Ad30urned me.tins of H'yember 21.t of the Common Council of Seward, .llaaka met in the douneU Cl1a1aber8 on libv.ber 28, 1938. Keeting wa. oalled to order by..,.or Brmmell at 8 o'olook P.a. , ' J.l:L oouncilmen "ere preaent. t . DtdlDaaoe~lB4, being an Ordinance ltm1ting liquor licen.ea in the Town of Seward, waa dhou..e4 and Ordinance 111. waa pre..n1 ad as follows: OBDINANCE Ill.. l An Ordinance repeaiing Ordinance fl~ whioh regulated the granting of beTerase dispensary and retail liquor licenses within the corporate 11m! t8 of the C1t7 of Seward,.Alaslr:a. . BE IT OBDAINED by the CO_OD Counoil of the City of Seward, Alaska: Seotion 1. That Ordinanoe 112~ be .nd the 8ame is hereby repealeel. Seotion 2. That an emersencl 1s hereb,. declared to exiat and this ordinanoe shall take effeot immediate17 upon 1ts passase and approTal. Pasled UDder 8u8penlion lIleet1ng of the CODlJlon Counoil 1iGyemb.r,:J,i38. Appr.....d BOTeBlber 28, 1938. of the rulee at an adJourned regular of Seward, Alaska th1B 28th day of .~~ Mayor, CUy of Seward, Alae,. ska j j It was moved by Counoilman Blase, seoonded by Oounoilman llanthey that the 1'111.. be susp.Dllecl for the adoption of this ordi- nanoe. Botion oarried unanimous~~_ It was moved by Oounoilman ~.~eilconded b7 Councilman )[enthe7 thai this Ord1nano. fl19 be adopted. Upon roll oall, all oounoilm.n voted AlB. Ordinano. f~.o was pr.sented by the Clerk aa follows: OlIDINAliCE liO. 140 U ORDIliANCE RBGUL.ATING THE GBADTIliG OF BEVERAGE DISPEBSARY ABD RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSES WImU THE CORPORUE LDlITS OF THE CITY OF SEWA.BD, .lLASU, AND DECLARING AN EUlRGElCY. BE IT OBllUBElI BY THE COJDrlO.N COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0-' SEWAED ALASKA : 1. !hat the maximum nuaber of Beyerage Pispensa1'7 LicenseE issued within the oorporate lilll1ta of tha C1ty of Seward, A.laska. be, and hereby is limit.d to five (I) on17. 2. !hat the maximum numb.r of Retail Liquor Lioenses issu.d within the oorporate limits of the City of Seward, A_aka be, and hereby is limited to four (4) only. 3. That an emergency is hereby deola.red to exist and that this Ordinance shall take .ffeot immediately upon its passage and approval. I , I ) day of Pas..d under suspension of rules and approTed this , 193_. ~ A.pproved: Kayo l' 6:~ .-;-)"",...... "-; . .....t t I After disoussion conoerning light for Chamberlain hill, it was decided to leave the matter until spring. Bo further busin.ss appearing, upon proper motion being duly made, seconded and carri.d, meeting was adjourned. byor t:~ * * * * * * * * * * * * . Kond." D.cember 5, 1938. !rh. Common Counoil of the ~own of S..&.d met in r.gular s.ssio in the Counoil Chaab.rs of the fown Ball on ....~5, 1988 at .igh o'olook P. M..Ke.ting was oall.d to order b7 Ka70r Brown.ll. !rhos. present and those abs.nt were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland. Hollingsworth and Jones. Alols.nt: Councilmen X.nnedy and llanthey Kinutes of previous meeting were read and approved Due to a misunderstanding Mr. R~ was not notifi.d regarding B.ar Creek !runnel trial on Novenber 21st. Clerk was instruoted to writ. Mr. Ray a letter regarding this matter. Clerk presented bid of John AnderlDn of Fifty Dollars on the Kurphy property. )lotion was made by Councilman Gilliland. seoonde by Oouncilman JODeS that the matter' be laid on the table and cu.r a*John what he intends to do with the hous.. Fire Committee to report at next me.ting. Claims against the Cit7 were presented as follows: HaWkins Be Ray, .26.00; Pete lIichelan. $75.00; l4artin Lanning. fi9.'0; L. V. Ray, $50.00; L. E. Williams, $50.00; Aron Erioson, 16.66; Pred Xieloheski, 220.00; E. D. W.bb. .150.00; Bert sm.ith, 60.00; Andy Raeaus.en, $19.20; .m. struve. 18.75; Clarenoe Larse .20; E. D. .ebb, 1148.00; Bessie Kalloy $37.60; U.S.Signal Cor 8.16; S.ward Light Be Power, $11.75; Andyls Expr.ss, .8.50;S.ward Hardware, 116.61; Ogle's Garage, 11.76; P.C.MCMullen, $7..0; S.ward lI.at )larket, $.80; S.ward Water Supp17, IlIO.OO;S.ward Drug Co., Il.i6; Gateway Pub. Co.,$3.4&; Osbo Ele.. Sup., $63.02; Seward Eleotric 87stem, $23>.61; AlaSka Railroad, $60.00;.Alaaka 8hop, $2.00; Cash, $200.36; St~dard 011 CompaD7, $9.5.; Northern Commeroia~ Company, 11700.00. Total Ola.w, p,'12.38. City Claims - '1702.38 Motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland, seoond.d by Councilman Jon.s that City Claims in the sum of 11702.38 be pail. Upon roll oall, all oounoilmem present voted AYE. Ilotion was made by Councilman :alan '. . "'. s.oonded b7 Counoilman Jon.s that oheck for $1700.00 be sent Northern Commer- cial oompany and llayorto order #10 Auto Patrol less lights and snow plow. Upen roll oall all oouncilmen present voted AYE. I / -.. ~;.. '( 1 ZJ6 1I0nd~. Deoember Uh. 1938 _ Continued. 6 Olaims against the Seward Bleotrio S78tem in the sum o~ ..1216.9" .ere presented .. ~ollo..: L. J.. Hu~~, 1150.00; )l71'On Polk, 1180.00' Lee Stewart 1160 . JEs ~6 .ebb, .SO.OO; St8ndard.Ol1 Co. ,1"07.02' 'Seward Light', Pow;; 3.76; U.S.Signal COlps. tU'S: Seward :Hardware, 11.67' O.K.Brosiull · ; S..ard Water IRpp1y, .5.00; ;ate.~ Pub Co li1 75- KI~Ullen Grooer.r, 11.'0; Ogle's Garage, .3.60'.Sew~rd Madt 'ShOp 12.86; ~. StruTe. tlS.71; Clarenoe Lar.en, IA.so; O.bo El;o. Sup. 40.16, Worthington P1lIDp &I Kohry Corp. ' 128.02' G-....b.r Ello Co 29.11; Ca.h, 129.12. " -- .. il Kotion was made by OouncilmanHollingBWorth seoonded by Counoilman Jone. that the.. olaims be paid. Up~n roll oall all CounoilMn present voted AYE.' , ' A motions was made by Councilman Hollingsworth. seoonded bl' Counoilman Bla.e that a Tote of tbank8 be tendered COUllC ilm&n Xennedy for hh work' on road at cemetery. Mot ion carn ed. It was deoided that the Kayar notif7 the School Boari that Fireman's Ball would be held in the SymD8s1ua January 1, 1939. Councilman Gllliland notified the Council that if about $30.0C worth of copper~~ip. were purohased for return line for oil oen- trifuge it would me.n quite a saving to the Plant. )(otion was made by Oounoilman Jones, seconded by Oouncilman Hollingsworth that this purohase be made. Upon roll oall, All oouncilmen present voted AYE. At this time the Councll went into exeoutive .es.ion and the Clerk presented applications'~'r liquor 11cens.. for their ap- proval as follow.: J. W. Bla.e .. Kotion was made by Counoilman Jones. lIleoonded bi Councilman Gilland that Mr. Blase'. application be approved. llotion oarried unan1J1Ouell'. Harry Dwabl - 2 1~9.Ji."1.wr;J'ot1on....s _de by Councilman Jonl. seconded by Counoilman Gilliland that 1Ir. Kayabe's application be approved and license. ::;:; granted for a period of six months. Motion oarried unan1mouslf. John llatioh - Kotion was made by Qounoilman Blase, seoonded by Councilman Jones that Mr. Katioh's applioation be approved. llotion carried unanimously. Leo Douglas - 2 lio..... - Kotion was made by Counoilman Hol- lingsworth, seoonded by jouncilman G111iland 1Ir. Douglas' applioa. tion be approved. Kotion carried unanimously. IIrs. Cameron - )lot1on was made by Oounoilman Gilliland, seoonded by Counoi1man Blase that llrs. Cameron's applioation be approved. llot10n oarried unanimously. . Tony Paric~ - Upon the presentation ef Kr. Parich's applioa- tion, the Clerk was instructed to notif1 aim to appear ata . Special Keetin~ of the Council to be held 12/12/38. . . . . . . , . 1 Ruth S1.gman - K6tion waa made by Counoilman Helling8worth ,seconde4 by Oouncilman B~ase that Ruth s~an's Application b. approTed and license granted for, six months only~ tben if O.K. lioens. will be granted for fujjther'time. / 1f,1-I.J-.11747'v - I'YJ'/Ls,,/e J-,i:~n$~ dr""Hrcd, Clerk'was In~tructed to notify Sew.rd Trading and Brown' Hawkins of their reported 111egal liquor sales. Fire Chief to fina out when Mrs. Cameron will olean Cafe chimney. J !l , J no ,further business appearing, upon seconded and carried meeting adjourned. IvL\YOR proper mation being made, _L~ "-.. ,. "'~. -.- . 27~ Monday, Decemb er 12,. 1938 I Special Meeting of the Common Council was called to meet o'clock P.M. in the Town Hall on December 12, 1938, for the of passing on liquor license applications and other matters Meeting was called to order by 1myor Brownell at 8:00 o'clock P,M. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Council men Blase, Gilliland, Hollingsworth, Jones, and Manthey. Absent: Councilman Kennedy. The clerk read a letter from the treasurer and the same was ordered filed. at 8~00 purpose Tony Parich aJJlication for liquor license came up at this time. Mr. Parich being present as requested by the council. After some discussion by Mr. Parich and the council as to the matter of the way he conducted his business, SOme of which he denied. The councilmen instructed him that in order for him to ge their approval for a dispensary license, that in the future he woul have to prohibit girls of minor age from ~1~ entering his place, also to run an orderly house in every way. All of which he agr.ed to do. I Motion was made by C~uncilman Jones seconded by council- man Gilliland that he be granted a six months conditional license subject to the council's approval of a renewal at the end of this period, providing his place of business had been conducted in an orderly manner. All councilmen present voting AYE with the ex- ception of councilmen Manthey, who voted no. His reason being that it should be granted for one year. At this time Mr. A. H. L. Meyers made reply in person to the letter sent him in regard to the report of his violating his wholesale license, Mr~. Meyers stated to the council that at no time had he vilated his wholesale license, and that his books were open to inspection to prove this fact. Thereupon Mayor Brownell thanked him for appearing before the council and explainin the matter. I The clerk read an application for an approval of a re- newal of a retail liquor license from the Seward Trading Co. The motion was made by counoilman Blase and seconded by Gilliland that the application be approved; after some discussion on the matter and in lieu of the fact that the Seward Trading Co. made no reply to the letter sent them regarding the violation of their license, the motions were withdrawn and the following motion was made by Councilman Blase seconded by councilman Gilliland that the appli- cation b, laid on the table until such time as they appear before the City Council in answer to the letter sent them regarding ,the violation of their liquor license. Mr. A. Bliss appeared before the Council and made appli- oation for a job as extra engineer at the City Light Plant stating his qualifications and references, which were considered by the Council, but due to the fact that there are applications on file from local engineers, he was told that he could not be oonsidered at this time. At this time Mr. Harry Kawabe appeared before 'the Council in regards to the violation of liquor sales in his dispensary: Mr. KawalJe stated to the Council that he knew of no violations going on in his place of business, and that he had no intentions of violating any laws, and that if he could find out definitely that the laws were being violated at his place of business, he would take steps to stop them at once. The Council stated to Mr. Kawabe that they knew that he personally would not tolerate any viola- tions of the liquor law at his place of business. (280 I I Monday, December 12,. 1938 (continued) Mr. Kawabe , on being asked by the Council his stand on their six months approval of his license, replied that he was. Mayor Brownell read a wire f~om the NORTHERN CO~lilliRCIAL COMPANY in which they acknowledged receipt of the City's order for the Auto Patrol, stating they were shipping complete as specified S. S. Baranof December 17. At this' time Mayor Brownell recommended to the Council that the order be cancelled on the Auto Patrol due to the fact of the widespread rumors of the railroad terminal being moved to Portage Bay, and if suoh were the case, the City's revenues would practically become nil. f !l Mayor Brownell read a letter to the Counoil which he had written, and which he was authorized to publish in the Seward Gate. way regarding the use of the Seward Gymnasium. There being no oomments on the letter, he was instruoted by the counoil to publisl it. Mayor Brownell stated to the Counoil that Mr. Urbach wished the use of the Town Hall on Thursday evening this week for the purpose of having a public meeting to discuss the Portage Bay Railroad situation. All oouncilmen present agreeing to the use of the hall. There being no further business to come before this meet- ing, upon proper motion being duly made, seconded and carried. the meeting was adjourned. t:~ Mayor Clerk l Monday, De.cember 19, 1938 The Common Council of the To,wn .of Seward met in regular sessio] in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall on December 19, 1938 at eight 0 I clock P.M. Meeting was called to orde.r by Mayor Brownell. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, HOllingsworth, Jones, Kennedy, and Manthey. Absent: None. Dln~tea of previous meeting were read and approved. The Clerk read a communication as follows: Dec. 16th, 1938 Anchorage, Alaska. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERl~: That Mr. E. D. Webb, of Seward, Alaska, is my duly authorized agent to take care of all business that may come up at Seward, Alaska, in regard to the Gymnasium Building there. He also has Power of Attorney to close up sucq building in the event he sees fit to do so untill such time, that the City of Seward, Alaska. fulfills their contract with McPherson and Pongratz. ~e McPherson and Pongratz give Mr. E. D. Webb, full authority to act to the best of his ability, in the interest of McPherson and Pongratz~ MoPHERSON & PONGRATZ. l signed by A. Pongratz The Clerk read a communication from the Clerk of the Court in which he stated: unable to issue liquor license for six months unllss terminate December 3~ stop.Please refer ~ection five para- graph eight chapte~ seventy eight sessions laws of Alaska nineteen thirty seven stop Advise quick your reaction and please advise these applicants to remit other six. month fees should you approve. Brunelle, Clerk. .", \:.) ..;~ . 281 December 19, 1938 (oontinued) The motion was made by Blase and seconded by Jones that all icenses be approved for one year. Motion carried by unanimous ote of all councilmen present. The motion was made by Councilman Manthey and seconded by lase , and carried by unanimous vote of all councilmen present, hat the Mayor and Clerk sign all papers HE: Auto Pat~ol upon re- eipt of same from the northern CODmlercial Company. The motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by ollingsworth that the Mayor wire Secretary Ickes and President oosevelt the City of Seward's protest to the moving of the overnment Railway Terminal from Seward to Portage Bay. The motion arried by unanhlOus vote of all councilmen present. I I The offer of John Anderson for the old Murphy property to pur- hase for $50.00, was considered. The motion was made by Council- an Manthey and seconded by Jones to accept the offer~~pbn conditio hat he either tear the house down now upon the property, or else ut it in a condition so that it will not be a fire hazard, upon 011 call, all Councilmen present voting AYE. The question of giving the engineers at the City Light Plant bonus of $50.00 as a Christmas present for their faithful work t the Plant, came up and after some discussion, the motion was ade Councilman Gilliland and seconded by Kennedy that a lieu of he bonus that their monthly sal!aries be increased to $165.00 per onth starting January 1, 1939. On roll call all Councilmen pre- ent voting AYE. Charlie Fairweather appeared before the Council in behalf of he Seward Trading Co. regarding rumors of their violations of thei etail liquor license. Mr. Fairweather stated to the Council that t no time to his knowledge had the license been violated. There- pon the Clerk presented the application for approval of a renewal f the Seward Trading Company1s retail liquor license. The motion as made by Councilman Gilliland and, seconded by Jones that the pplication for the Seward Trading Co. for the Council's approval f a renewal of their liquor license be approved. The same was pproved the the unaniJous vote of all councilmen present. No further business appearing, upon proper motion being made, econded and carried meeting adjourned. YOR g:~ CLERK I / ( 282 , Thursday, Deoember 29, 1938 Special Meeting of the COmmon Council Vlas called to meet at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Town Hall on December 29, 1938 for the purpose of passing on a Memorial to be sent to ITashington. D.C. regarding the proposed change of the Alaska Railroad terminal from Seward to Portage Bay. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell at 7:30 o'clock P.a. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Gilliland. HOllingsworth. Kennedy, Manthe Absent: Councilmen Blase, and Jones. Oounoilman Jones arrived fifteen minutes late. The following memorial was read by the clerk: --- MEMORIAL To the Congress of The United States of America; To the Honorable ~ President of the Senate; and To the Honorable ~ Speaker of the House of Representatives, From the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seward, Territory of Alaska, on behalf of its citizens, taxpayers, churches, schools and business interests. Seward, Alaska, is the Pacific Ocean terminal of the Govern- mental owned and operated railroad designated as The Alaska nail- road. This Railruad was constructed and is now operated pursuant to the provisions of Congressional enac~ment. Public lio. 69, 63d Oongress. approved March 12, 1914, entitled, "AN ACT To Authorize the President of the United States to Locate, Construct, and Operate Railroad8 in the Territory of Alaska, and For Other Pur- poses," and along such route a2 the President designated, the Alaska Railroad ViaS constructed and is now operated, "so as to pro- vide transportation of coal for the Army and navy, transportation of troops, arms, munitions of war, the mails, and for other Govern- mental and public uses, and for the transportation of passengers and property." The Then President of the United States designated Seward as the Pacific Ocean terminal for each railroad, and specifically indicated the route therefrcm. - , Specific statements of Otto F. Ohlson, General Manager at Seward and elsewhere, indicate that he is prol,osing to the Interior Dept. an abandonment of Seward as the terminal, together with 66 miles of this end of the Railway. That the abandonment is conse- quent on the proposed construction of a new main line leaeling to a new terminal to be located on Passa2e Canal (Portage Bay), a long and nal'rOVl arn of Prince Viilliar.:J Sound. All contrar:; to the ori- ginal Presidential direction under said act of Congress. "'- \",~ , 283 Thursday,December 29, 1938 (co~tinued) I Your Memorialists believe such proposal as declared is not ased on sound economic and engineerinr reasoni~g. And if carried ut would not be conducive to the orig:ino.l intent of Congress, "To evelop Ali:,ska." We believe further that the Railway deficits; lack of growth f the Railway belt; successful competition; diecontented settlers, tc. are wholly due to l:lanagerial Policies <1:1(1 acts, and would not e remedied by the major amputation prol1osed 0.12 a cm"e. Destruction of Seward We know the abandonment of Seward as coast terminal, and 66 ilee of the now operating railroad would render "Jithout value the ropert:r ovrned b:,' the municipality and of its citizenr; there locate nd v!ould have almost an equally disastrous effect to the to.,ms of 100 se Pass and Lawing. The recent abandonment of the American Smelting and Refining o. owned Copper River Ra.il:.'ay has alnlost ruined our neighbor coast own of Cordo\'a, and novI, if thG.t is folluwed by abandonoent here, he stability of municipalities and large sections of lilaska will b o qllestionable thnt it will reqllire decades to overcome. I Recommendation vie most respectflllly recommend a thorough investigation of the ntire Railway situation by a committee of the Congress of the nited States so that, through the report of such committee, the ongress may be fully advised, and, if possible, avert the tragic ate which seems to be in store for all those who have thrOllgh hrift and frugalit:/, established places of business and homes in his cOfmnunity and along this end of the Rail\"ay u:1der the SU""fOsed ecurity of Conf'ressional Act and Presidential direction. I In support of a request ::'01' an investLation by a Congressiona onwittee, we suggest: . The cost of l)rOpOSeo main-line chanc"e includes the (riving of tV!O tllnnels apl'roximating a tOl,al length of 18,000 feet th!lough mountain ridfes rising from 3,000 to 4,500 feet over the line 0 the proposed tunnel, with the almol:'t definite possibility of encountering pot-holes caused by gla.cial action "in VJet and loose f'round", undoubtedly requiring druinage tun'"tels, steel- concrete rc-enforcer:Jent at e:cessi ve wd ntenance cost s to keep in order. 2. I'l the year 1914, House Document 610, Part 2, 64th COI1/~ress, First Session -- on IJages 48 and 159 -- reference is made to such construction, at a cast then estLnted of abollt $3,000,000 00 (which we sllbmit the prezent revenllez of the Railroad coilld nev l' pay. 3. That the cost of steel, cost of labor, cost of rilinr since the year 1914 has at least dOllblcd. 4. That ~;he apse sEed va.lllation of cropert;:: for taxable purroses witp.in the city Seward, AlaEka, bases upon a 5ctfo value thereof~ is '~pl,200,OOO.OO, not including ':lodern hospital, 'Jodern school and gyrnnasiwll, nor any of the pro~ert::T OW:1cd b~, the .United States Lituated at Seward. 5. Outstanding revenue bonds of Seward, the :roceeos of v'hich have gone into the constructi on of a municipal light rl~mt, in the sum of $94,000.00, would be valueless. Outstanding general obliration bonds for public sohoc.l and gymnasium balance, in the ap~lroximate En::] of $fi3,OOO.OO, would be defaulted. 6. That "PassaRe Canal" (pcrtage Bay) is not navigable for long periocls at uncertain times during winter months, due to ice, fog and blizzards, as declared in sworn aff_davits of fisher- Den and trapl)ers frequenting that section. ~ I 284 ! Thursday, December 29, 1938 (oontinued) Present Revenues to Railroad from Seward The Standard Oil Company of California has an investment, be- lieved b~' this Counoil to be in the approxililD.te eum of ~600,OOO.00, in the way of dock and storage tanks and not including products on hand. From this Company, for haulage from Seward over the line of the Alaska ::tailroad, we are informed an annual revenue is obtained y the Railroad in the approxim,}te sum of $300,0')0.00, all ship- .ents originating at Seward. The rate per'allon of gasoline or Diesel 0~~, ~~g~~d to anchorage (114 miles) is 3-3/4t per ~allon; and the rate to Fairbanks (480 miles) is l3t per gallon. . oa e'\Tenue: e present revenue derived b, the AlaSka Railroad from coal aulage from Matanuska coal !iele s to Seward is practically "vel- et", in that otb.erwiee empty cars would be hauled from Eatanuska o Seward. V1ith main-line change proposed, such present revenue vould be non-existent. Seward could again obtain coal for domestic urJoses from British Columbia. Sewar Doc : Ve are advised a fairly large revenue is obtained by the 'laska Railroad from the operation of Seward Dock, no portion of Nhich has ever been paid to the town of Seward, Alaska, since the ear 1915, eve~1 for commercial freight, irrespective of Governmen- 0.1 freight, notwithstanding the fact there is enacted by Coneress law to the effect that the municipality shall receive ten cents ton for all freight handled over a public dock. assener Revenue: assenger aulage is based on D. 6/ milage rate, and if com- etently managed could, we believe, show a profit. Alternative Plans We respectfully suggest the com~ittee of Con6ress investigate reference to the Alaska Railroad, policies, operating sched- and e~pendi tures, upkeep, etc., before allowing the e:':pendi- of five to ten million dollars for any main-line caange, be- ause: The completion of the Alaska Railroad by eli~ination of hun- dred s of curves ranging from al:Jost a complete circle to hulf- circles, specifically north of Mile 114 on the Alaska Railroad is badly needed; . The eliminGl.tion of vJooden culverts and trestles and re},lacement with embanbnents Ehould come first; . The junking of 50iJ and 601/ eteel rails, some of which believed to be second-hand in the year 1903, and replaced with heavier steel will speed up oprating time; . The operation of freight trains for the 114 miles from Seward to Anchorage in less than the present nine to twelve hours average tine is easily and cheapl-Y accomr1ished; . Line changeE through Nenana River Canyon are needen; the pre- sent line is a source of cbnstant trouble and cost for upkeep,' and dangerously located; . Slight line changes bet-aeen Seward and Anchorage will eliminate some trestles and sno'.'; shedil.. It is believed the suggested work above wonld cost les8 than ne half the amount estimated for proposed Portase Bay main-line hanfes, and be effective so far as increasinf revenue is concerned Further Possible Alternative If it is duened necessary to eliminate what is now called the, Loop District" (mile 40 to 63) we suggest: That such Congressional committee personally investigate, and uthorize fact-finding by a commission of engineers, of a once roposed re-routing of the lJain line of the ~laska, Railrua~ fr?m ,Iile 29 1.:oose Pass station thence through 1,100se Pass to .::>unrlse nd at'Sunrise across Tur~again Arm from Snipers Point to Bird )Oi~t at about Uile 90 on the -present Railroad, thus avoiding the cenic stretch of the present line of the Railroad from Mile 29 o Mile 90 where the snow and water troubles are now encountered. 285 Thursday, December 29, 1938 (continued) It has been stated this :proposed chanp.e would cost less than alf t he amount estL:wted for the main-line challfe from Portate Bay _ ould tenc' to serve a productive portion of l:enai Peninsual--and ould assuredly eliuinate many of the Cifficulties now cOffipulined 0 n the operation of train service to Seward. Regional Planning: Recommendations to the I1ati onal Resources Committee. by Alaska Resources Committee. The attention of ConEress is respectfully directed to the overnment publication "Regional Pi!J.anning", Part VIr pages 24 and 5,TIith reference to transportation and communication needs in laska; quoting therefrom: "All ()lans for the inauguration of new line s for basic forms f transportation, such as freight carriers by water or land, should e delayed pending the formulation of general plans for the develop~ ent of Alaska and pending a beginning in the execution of such 'lans. This is not intended to forestall present necessary re- uiremcnts. Those areas for which adequate information on natural esources is lacking should not be tapped by speculative building f railrvads or high class high'.'Jays until such inforuution is vailable. It may easily turn out that there is nothing of suffi- ient present economic value to tap." "Minor roads and trails are another matter. These are of the tmost value in assisting the opening of the count~y. Their cost s relatively low and they may be considered only an auxiliary o any fundamental transportation and communication system. Once need has been established for a low-cost minor road or trail, onstruction cannot be begun too soon or pushed too fast. Consid- rable expenditures are then we.rrar;tted. ~;o doubt many such needs oul[1 be establisher' today, and wherever the,!, can be established as easonably permanent, construction should be begun. "i.hat sho\ild be avoided is the construction of roads, more or ess haphazardly, on the gamble that they will open up country not emonstrated to be worth opening up, or to mining ca'aps not proven o have more than a temporary existence. Planneu road construction s particularly important in the uevelopment of Alaska in order to educe to a minimum the scattering of the population over a wide rea, a condition that results in an eycessively high cost for dequ3te government." I I C 0 IT C LU S I 0 li We fully recognize, and have always acquiesced i~, the prin- iple that the right of the individual is subordinate to the rights f the many, ~nd it is possible that the life, liberty, health nd happiness of the community of Seward should be turned into a ragedy of more benefit might result to other sections of AlaskR; ut ~ot, however, on the possible vlhLa of one official and not until he Congress of the United States sees fit to amend the original ailroad act by changing the Pacific Ocean terminal of the Railroad. fter a full and complete investLation of the physical and eco- omical facts involved while considering the original, and present urpose of the Alaska Railway. I Respectfully submitted, TOVlN OF SE\,{ARD, ALf,SI::A embers of ommon Council: By: Mayor he above Memorial was signed by 11 the Councilmen. ttest: / ( 286 I --~-, Thursday, Deoember 29, 1938 (oontinued) of to Mayor read a letter he proposes to send to Anchorage Chamber Commerce regarding the Portage Bay situation. It was agreeable all Councilmen present that he send it. Clerk read a letter from The Seward School Board, in which they stated that no Public dances will be held in the Seward Gym ith their consent or authorization. ~ The Clerk was instrudted to write the Northern Commeroial Co. regarding the tires shipped on the Auto Patrol. Also servioe meter for testing oia or length of time of motor. ()!<rlif,;;,,., There being no further business to come before this meeting, upon proper motion being made and seconded, it did adjourn. ayor E~ Clerk Monday, January 3, 1939 The Co~aon Council of the Town of Seward met in rer-ular sessio in the Council Chrumbers of the Town Hall on January 3, 1939 at eight o'clock P.ll. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Hollingsworth, Jones, and Kennedy. Absent: Counoilman Manthey. "I I Minutes of previous meeting 'Here re'ld and approved. Clerk presented and read the following resolution: RES 0 L UTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska: Sec. 1. -- That D. C. BROWNELL, I,layor of the Town of Seward, Alaska, a municipal corporation, be and is hereby authorized and specifically empowered and directed, for and in the name of the Town of Seward, Alaska, and for its UEe and behalf, to make, sign, execute and acknowledge Treasury Department of The United States of America, WStook Form 2244-c", the same being a form of application to obtain the issuance of a duplicate check without the e~.:ecution of a bond of indemnity, and to do all and everythinR and every matter required and necessary to obtain a duplicate of check ,No. 23,513 dated June 29, 1938, believed to have been drawn on the Treasurer of The United States by G. F. Allen, Chief Disbursing Officer, symbol Ho. 95-988 for the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Two Dollars and Seventy# cents ($2,272.70), and issued to the order of Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska. Be It FURTHER RESOL~~, That a copy of this Resolution duly Certified b:'l the Uunicipal Clerk of the Tovm of Seward, Terri tory of Alaska, be at once forwarded to Mr. J. S. Kemp, Assistant Dis- bursing Officer, Federal Emergency Administration of Public ',;orks, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. Adopted under suspension of the rules this 3rd day of January, 1939. "1 j Approved: f: ~~YOR of Seward, Alaska.