HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939 City Council Minutes
Thursday, December 29, 1938 (continued)
It has been stated this ::;roposed chanpe would cost loss t ban
alf t he amount estL;lated for the main-line change from Port ate Bay -
ould tenc' to serve a productive portion of Eenai Peninsual--and
ould assuredly eliLlinate many of the dfficulties now compulined 0
n the operation of train service to Seward.
Regional Planning:
Recommendations to the llational Resources
Committee. by Alaska Resources Committee.
The attention of Con~ress is respectfully directed to the
overnment publication "Regional P1b.anning", Part VII pases 24 and
5,TIith reference to transportation and communication needs in
la.ska; quoting therefrom:
"All vlans for the inauguration of new lines for basic forms
f transportation, such as freight carriers by water or land, should
o delayed pending the formulation of general plans for the develop~
ent of Alaska and pending a beginning in the execution of such
'lans. This is not intended to forestall present necessary re-
uiremcnts. Those areas for TIhich adequate information on natural
esources is lacking should :'lot be tapped by speculative builc1ing
f railrvads or high class high'.'lays until such inforL1ation is
vailable. It may easily turn out that there is nothing of suffi-
ient present economic value to tap."
"Minor roads and trails are another matter. These: a.re of the
twost value in assisting the openinp.: of the countl;';,'. Their cost
s relatively low and they may be considered only an auxiliary
o any fundamental transportation and communicatio:'l systei:l. Once
need has been established for a low-cost minor road or trail,
onstruction cannot be begun too soon or pushed too fast. Consid-
rable expenditures are then warra~ted. ~;o doubt many such needs
ould be established today, and wherever they can be established as
easonably permanent, construction should be begun.
1I1.;hat shOUld be avoided is the construction of roads, more or
ess haphazardly, on the gamble that they will open up country not
emonstrated to be worth openini': up, or to mining cafaps not proven
o have more than a temporary existence. Planned road construction
s pal'ticularly important in the 'levelopment of Alaska in order to
educe to a minimum the scattering of the population over a wide
rea, a condition that results in an e7cessively hifh cost for
dequ~te gcvernment."
C 0 IJ C LU S I 0 11
We fully recognize, and have always acquiesced in, the prin-
iple that the right of the individual is Gubordinate'to the rights
f the many, and it is possible that the life, liberty, health
nd happiness of the community of Seward should be turned into a
ragedy of faore benefit might result to other sections of Alaska;
ut not, however, on the possible whi'a of one official and not until
he dongress of the United States sees fit to amend the original
ailroad act by changing the Pacific Ocean terminal of the Railroad.
fter a full and complete inveEtL:ation of the physical and eco-
omical facts involved while considering the original, and present
urpose of the Alaska Railway.
Respectfully submitted,
embers of
ormnon Council:
lv1 a y 0 r
above Memorial was signed by
the Councilmen.
/ 286
Thursday, Deoember 29, 1938 (oontinued)
Mayor read a letter he proposes to send to Anchorage Chamber
of Commerce regarding the Portage Bay situation. It was agreeable
to all Councilmen present that he send it.
Clerk read a letter from The Seward School Board, in which
they stated that no Public dances will be held in the Seward Gym
ith their consent or authorization.
The Clerk was instrudted to write the Northern Commercial Co.
regarding the tires shipped on the Auto Patrol. Also service meter
for testing oiiL or length of time of motor. ()/~r"f,;, '1
There being no further business to corne before this meeting,
upon proper motion being made and seconded, it did adjourn.
Monday, January 3, 1939
The Common Council of the Town of Seward met in regular sessio
in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall on January 3, 1939 at
eight o'clock P.ll. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell.
Those present and those absent were as follows:
Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Hollingsworth, Jones,
and Kennedy.
Absent: Councilman Manthey.
Minutes of previous meeting Vlere re'ld and approved.
Clerk presented and read the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the Town of Seward,
Sec. 1. -- That D. C. BRO'l'llJELL, Mayor of the Town of Seward,
Alaska, a municipal corporation, be and is hereby authorized and
specifically empowered and directed, for and in the name of the
Town of Seward, Alaska, and for its U2e and behalf, to make, sign,
execute and acknowledge Treasury Department of The lTnited States of
America, ~Stook Form 2244-c~, the same being a form of application
to obtain the issuance of a duplicate check without the e:,:ecution
of a bond of indemnity, and to do all and everythinR and every
matter required and necessary to obtain a duplicate of check ,No.
23,513 dated June 29, 1938, believed to have been drawn on the
Treasurer of The United states by G. F. Allen, Chief Disbursing
Officer, s;ymbol Ho. 95-988 for the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred
Seventy Two Dollars and Seventy# cents ($2,272.70), and issued to
the order of Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska.
Be It FURTHER RESOLT~, That a copy of this Resolution duly
Certified by the aunicipal Clerk of the TOYffi of Seward, Terri tory
of Alaska, be at once forwarded to Mr. J. S. Kemp, Assistant Dis-
bursing Officer, Federal Emergency Administration of Public ~;orks,
Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C.
Adopted under suspension of the rules this 3rd day of January,
~~YOR of Seward, AlaSka.
Monday, January 3, 1939 (continued)
The motion ~as made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by
Kennedy that this resolution be passe(t and adopted. I.Iotion
carried by unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
It was ~rou8ht to the attention of the Council that the sewer
line at the Van Gilder Hotel, which ~aS recently repaired, but
seemingly the repair job was unsatisflJctory. Mr. Balderston, of S """
the Van Gilder Hotel, notified the committee that if they would )(
open up the sewer line again and if the trouble vw-e fonnd should
be in his line fror,} the Hotel, he wonld ray -:;he coet of Dume. The
motion w~s made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by hen~]~W
that thiD ".ork be done as per agreeL1ent. Calling roll on the
motion, all Councilmen p;resent votil1g AYE.
Some discussion vas had as to continuing the City Li8ht add
in the Seward Gatevlay, also the subscription to the paper. Motion
was made by Councilman Jones and seco~ded by Gilliland that they
be discontinued. Motion carried by unanL10us vote of all Council-
r'len Dresent.
City claim,fs for $1468.80 presented and ar'rroved by the
Finance Ci.mmittee as follows:
Hawkins & Ray, $25.00; Pete l,lichelson,~$25.00; Martin Lannin~,
i150.00; L. V. Ray, $50.00; 1. E. Vlilliams :;?50.00; Fred J:ielcheski,
~220.00; E. D. ~ebb, $150.00; Bessie llalloy,$10.20; Frances Shea,
$21.50; Ogle Garage, $1.50; Senard !:lch. Shop, $8.30; SewardV;ater
Supply, ~~130.00; Seward Gate\7BY, $16.95; Alaska Transfer, $12.50;
Sew. Elect. System, $211.30; H. IT. Leon~rd, $3.50; Stand. Oil Co.,
162.10; Cash, $40.73; Aron Ericson, $8;33; V. S. oignal Corps.,
13.44; Dsbo Elect. Supply $37.60; Vb. Struve, $8.15; Bert Smith,
190.40; Vialter Bryan ~29.60, Zack Silance $4.00, Dyton Gilliland,
.,8.80; Hilton Hawk, ~8.80; Sew. Hardware, t.70; Cal. H. Brosius,
8.60; Sew. Drug Co. $l.50; Ogle Garage, $35.65; Sew. ~etal Works,
n.55; Sew. Light & Power, $13.05.
!.~otion Vlf:!.S made by Councilma'1 Gilliland and seconded by
blase that the ahove claiJs he paid. Calling the roll on the
motion all Council~en preeent voting AT~.
Claims of the Seward Electric System were $1413.07 prel2ented
as follows:
Lee Stewart, $150; Myron Polk, $150.0,); 1.. .~. Huff, $150.00;
E. D. Webb, ~50.00; Sew. Water SUPPl~ $5.qO; Gateway Pub. Co.,
$19.75; Sang~mo Elect. Co. $173.79; en. Elect. Co., $3.70; Cash,
$36.20; Sew. Hardware, $9.75; Standard Oil Co., $443.43; Sew. Lifh
& Powe;-,$5.75; DGbo Blect. Sup~ly, .1~2;70; Arne Sundby, $7.60;
Bert Lee, $10.40; Um. Struve, v~5.00.
Motion was made by Councilman Blase and seconded by ~ones tha
the above bills be ~id. All Counciluen present votinfc AYE.
The Clerk vms instructed to fold out the bill of E. E. Leonar
for $3.50from the rent check to Hawkins 8: Ray as this ViaS meterial
purchased for the building.
There being no further business to come before this ~eeting,
on proper motion being made, seconded and carried, it did adjourn.
C e2Jtot~
January IC'h. I9g9.
The CO!:llllon Council of the Town of Seward, .,laska, met in
reGular session in the .council Chambers of the Town Hall on
,January 16th. 1939, at 8 0' clock P.M. LIceting was calleo to order
oy Eayor Brownell.
Those lore sent and those absent vrere as follows:
. Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, EollingsVlorth, Jones
.l.bsent: Councilman I.Ianthey.
Minutes of tho ~reviouc meetings read and approved.
The Clerk presentec( the al'plication for approval of
Joe Derry for a Restaurant beer and wine license. A motion was mud
by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Jones und carried by the unani
mous vote of all Councilmen present that tbe license be approved.
The clerk presented for al'proval two warrants, one for C200 00
to LJorthern Commercial Co. as Febuar;;? pa;yuent on :illto Patrol and o~e
for :;;'10.00 to the Volunteer Fire Dept. A motion was r;w,B.e by Councip--
m"m Blase seconded b;y' Gilliland that the warrants be I,aid: Calling
the Roll on the r;lOtion, all Councilmen lresent voted :iY'-e.i.
The Clerk read the ~'early report of tbe City Eealtb Officer
'and in it he made some recomendations to the Council relative to
J 'outside toilets and cess pools. A motion was made by Councilman
Jones seconded by Gilliland that the clerk notify the list of name
furnished by the Healt~ Officer to ~ut in Cess' pools tb~ first-thi.G
in the slJring also to notif;y BrovlIT E, IIavlkins to clean ul~' their cab n
in Block I now occupiec' by Franlc Loomis. . I.Iotion carrier 'h;;r the un nir:lous
vote of all Councilmen pres~nt.'
The clerk was instructed to see l~ v. Ra;r about the o.ssirmm nt
made by I.lcPherson & Pongratz to the' Bunk of' Anchorage of their to;~
on the Sev:~,rd' Gym job.
'['he Clerk was instructed to write the Ci t;;7 :J.ttorney 1. V.Ray
that the Bear mountain tunnel cuse must come up ut the next term o~
court in Seward to be held in Febuary IV39, also, that there is to be
no postpone':Jent of the case, nor, no cash compromise with the heir",
of Derick Lane, d0ceased.
BE IT RnSOL VE..;, By the eommon Council of the Town of Sew[,r.-
That E. D. Viebb 1Iunicipal Clerk of the TOVln of Seward,' Ala 3ka,
a llunicipai Corporation, be and is herb;y' authori~ed and directed t:l
write the Hon. Simon Hellenthal,'Judge of Tbird Division of the
Territory of Alaska, that he bring uf for hearing and settle the ~ase
at this term of court to be held at Seward in Febuary 1939, the
'PiB~ed~and adopted this I6th. day of
Januar~' 1'339.
1, motion VJas made by Councilman Jones secondeci by Blase
that the Resolution be passed and adopted as read at this meeting;
Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
The question of the removal of the boat ,llJV11 frOI:J within
the 'breakwater cume up, and, a I,lotion vras ;:lu.de by Councilman rnu.se
seconded by Kennedy that the Chief of ~olice be directed.to serve
otice on H.B.Balderston and Eels Hagen, as owners of saId boat,
to remove the same from within the breakwater within 30 days or by
the 17th. da;',' of Febuary 1939. :.;otion carried by the Unanil:lOUS votfe
of all Councilmen present.
January-16th. I~39 Go~tinued.
a l,~otion was ma.de b~? Cou::.cil:J1an Jones seconded b~' Blase thd.t
the Clerk write the ~ar De~t. a.s to the rights and jurisdicti0il
of the City over the breakwater at Sertard; Hotion carried by the
ununimous vote of all Councilmen fresent.
~ motion was made by CouncilDan Eollingsworth seconded by
I~ennedy that the Clerk wire Governor ']'roy at Juneau that the
Ci t;y Council endorse,. a national Guard for the Territory of
Alaska, and, recome~ded a unit be formed at Seward; ~otion
carried by the unaniDous vote of all Councilmen present.
There being no further business to come before this meeting
upon pro~er motion being made, seconded and carried, it did
ad j ourn.
;,Iuni cilJal Clerk
FEBUlh~Y 3rd. I939
.a. special meeting of the COlIlwon Council of the Town of
Sevw rd, Alaska, waS called to meet in the Town Eall at 3 0' clock
Pfu. this 3rd. day of Febuary 1939.
l,layor Brownell called the meeting to order at :3 0' clock PIli.
Counci lrnen pre sent and ab sont vlere as folluws:
Present: Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Eollingm,orth
Jones and Manthey.
Ab sent: Counci lmutl I:ermedy.
:2r~sent at this meetin!) '\7as a delegation of the 'l'ovm's
business Lion consisting of Ur. Leon Urbach~ C~:c.Orlander,
AL Davis, H. 0. Eawabe , Ray James, E1Vlpn Srretmann und l.irs. l.icliullen.
1,iayor Brownell informed the Council that this s};J8ciul
meeting was calle,.. for the purpose of discussing '2ear Mountain
Tunnel right of viay with Attorney Donahue of Cordova.
Ur. Donahue tool: the floor and stated to the Council that
in his Ol)iniol1 1.1r. Lane had valued his .prol.erty too hi1;11, but tlw.t
he thought that he could secnre a right of wa~ till"Ouell the Eo:cth
Lite laning claillls from all those interosted Ll sm18, for tho su.m
of $2000.00 ~roviding the Tax aSSeSSf:lOnt Vlould bo drOPIJed to it s
original assessment of t:500.00. Due to the ti[;18 it ","/Onl(1 taLe to
present a cuse to the court for a richt of Viay easuent \';hieh vTould
make it too late to receive the allotted money for the work, A
Iilotion was made b;y CouncilI:lan Blase seconded by Jones that the
swu of t2000. 00 be paid for the right of way if the U. i:3. Goverl1L1ent
desired the smne ~nd, if other rights of way could bc secured
which \'Tould insure the Tunnel's coml:'letion. ,it this time Ea;yor
Brownell called upon S011:.e of the lrusincss men J:'resent to c2:1,ress
their opinion; Ur. Leon Urbach, C .L.Orlander, Al Davis anc!.
Elwyn Swetmaml stated to the Council that in their opinion it was
O.K. and a very reasonable lJrice to j}aj' for the riGht of way.
Ineorpo!lEted in the above motion the Council agreed t'O lower
the assessed valuation of the North Lite Claims , within the ~ower
of tl1i.~ Council to do so. Calling the Roll ul-on the fl1otion: ;~ll
Councilmen present voting AT~.
There being no further business to C0!i10
upo~ proper motion it did adjourn.
l:la~" or
bofore this !i1eeting,
t:' ~ Clorl
r.Ionday, Febuary 6th. I039.
'.rhe COLlIllon Council of the Town of Seward, "',Laska meet in 1'0 gU a1'
session in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall on this the 6th. "di ;;"
of Febuary, 1939 at 8 o'clock PM. .
Mayor :Brownell called the meeting to order at 8 o'clock P.U.
Those present and those absent were as follo'.'!s:
Present Councilmen Blase, Gilliland, Hollingsworth, Jones,
Kennedy and l.Ianthey.
Absent: Hone.
j,Iinutes of the last meeting read and allproved.
Comr,;nnications ',':ere j}resented and read b;r tho clork uC follovl
From the Stahdard Oil Co. for a renewal of their oil contract
with the Sevlard-Electric c;,iTstel;1 for one year; etitor some discussio'
a Motion was Llade by Councilman Gillilund, seconded by Jones that
the contract be laid 1<1)on the table for the present. ;,lotion carrie
by the unaniwous vote of all Councilmen . lire sent.
A ?oLl!.lunication ,':as 1)reSe,1tei.~ from Cit;;r ,';ttorne;'l L. V.Ray,
request1.n[', payment of t500.00 on account of the Se'.vard Light !;; I'ow r Co
case '.7hich he represente':; for the City. after come discussion, a ;:1 tion
pas made by Councilman Hanthey seconded by Gilliland that a warran
be drawn for this amount u.nd l)aid to Mr. Ray. Upon Roll call the
following Councilrnen voted AYE, Councilmen Gilliland, ~ollingswort ,
Jones, r:ennedy and I:1anthe;y'.
Councilman Blase voting HO.
ThereulJon the I\Iayor ordered the vlarrant drawn and .i!aid to Ur. Ray.
, Cit;y bills for ~;1395.96 presented and al;proved by the Finance
COD~ittee as follows:
Hawkins & Ray e9.00, Pete IUchelson $2::;.:Y" Th 'f. Ray :!\:"':J.JO
J"h. Williams 050.00, Martin Lanning $150.00, Fred .+:ielches1:i ~. 220 00
Aron Ericson $8.33, Frfincis Shea t17.75 E.D.Webb $150.00
Osbo-Electri.c sUPily $25.45, Tom Jones ~5.50 "1m. Struve ~4.40,
U.S.Signal Corps w18.61, Seward '1'rading Co. t.50i' McJ\lullen Grocerl1
C1.90, Ogle Gara~e~ t6.IO. Seward Light & Power v11.75, Seward-
Electric System '11'217.20, Seward Vlater Supply $130.00. Alaska Transrer
C25.00, M.~.S.Brunelle ~1.55. Siems-Spokane Co. ~25.00, Standard
Dil,Co. ~38.16, ,Ber~ s:~~th ~?O~.OO~ Sewb.rd,l!.I}arc1ware $I5.05!,
R. l.ern $6.00. -/indy s Lxpress .,.,8.00. Cash vu9.73, L. V.Ray ~t'500.00
A r.10tion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by I.lanthey
that the above bills fJe faid. Upon :5:011 call ell Councilmen l)resent
voting AT~.
City Light Plant bills for ~1273.33 presented us follows:
Lee Stewart $i65.00, Eyron Polk $165.00, L.i~.Huff $105.00
E.D.1,';ebb f.50.00, Standard Oil Co. :~~II~58. Seward Hardware $4. 9I.
Worthington Ptlli1j} &; I.lch;y-. Co. $108.20, Sew..iater SuplJly C5.00
Seward Light &; Power $5.75. Ogle Garage $4.80, "lm. struve C~.40
Tom Jones ~10.OO. Dsbo-Electrical Supply ~108.29, Cas? $17.40
A !.Iotion was made by Councilman I..:anthey 'seconded by Jones th~ t
the above bills be Daid. CiIl.lling the Roll on the above motion all
Councilmen lcresent voting AYE.
lilayor Brownell read a v,'ire from Col. Hilds Re: :DeedS for the
Bear i.:t, Tunnel right of way, it was decided that this matter be
taken up at once ,and settled.
l([a;\-'or Brownell read a letter from th'e Health Council of June~ u
in which they ask the City of Seward to donate C700.00 ~er year
toward lJl::\~'inf, the sall::\ry of the r:ublic Health liurse stat~oned at
Seward- After some discussion a motion was made by Councllman
Lianthey seconded by IIollingsr:orth that this be laid on the table;
I,lotion carrieL~ by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen }Jresent.
,.. ,
~ ~~
Febuary 6th. 1939, Continued.
Some disOUGEioL w~s had on ~lacing a 2; tax on ~a801ine
\':ithir.:. the city of Seward and u uotioll was Qude b:1 Cou:1cilQan
JOYles secu:1ced b;;' !"1anthey that tLe Cit:' ..ttorne~' be instructed
to drav' up an Ordirli.mce :for the Cit;;' of 3e':rard llucinS a 2>: To.::
on Gasoline. ;,:otiOll curried by the U,l[".I';ir.loUS vote of u.1l Council-
uen l~re sent.
Lla;)'or Brovmel1 brouzht to the attentioCl of the COll:1Cil tI:i;Lt
the lesislature ut Juneau should be :1otifiedof t!1C LCLlc:riu.l sent
to Co1lGress b~' the Cit~' uf :~(l\'iu.rd, Si.s;:il1[; tbc:,: tv r.:c::lurilizc
the U.3.Concress tbo.t before I-U;;' cho.n;::o 1)8 ;:,;:;'0(, iCl t!",-, tCY::1L1U1
of the ."~lLo.E'):a ltu.ilroud, tl::'dt the 1.:1".:..... Congress :JL:.Lc u.:: i::.T"C8ti~~'~.~ti-
of the 8",id nailroad. A Lotio:1 rr~,s ;;;u.dr: b~' COl,:lci1rlo.n :.:u.l.trcy
secondo'i b,.' Gilliland that u "lire 'be sel1t to thr: lc'isl"ture u.t
Jlc:wi;n: to SUPIort the Cit;,r's L:emorial. :.lotion curriEd r;,' tlle
u-"'~.:::ciL'ous vvte of 1.411 CUU11oil::1e:1 I.resent.
TIc: tl:e present li~uor lavis, ti ;:ot io:: "l8.P ns.'o~, by C ouncilI1:",n
J31u,se seco:1det1 b;;' :.:unthey tr,ut a \'lirc no sent to tho Legislature
:;Q'.': in seseion u.t Juneau to clarif;\' the sectio:1 in tho lLl\'; TO:
the rovocu.tion of J.icense. :.:otiol1 carried b;;' the unar.iI:10118 voto
of all Cu1Al1cilmen present.
There l)einb no further business 'to CO;,18 befure t'1is meetinG
U]J0:11~rol,er motion boine r.:uce seconded ",no carried it did adjourn.
t' ~ Clerk.
February , 20, 1935
The COlllI.aon CU1.~~lcil of t~e TO',r,T:~ of S{T',~~::"c_, ~~l,:...~:,-o. Llct :i.~i. rcF"u-
lur :::es2i01'1 in the Cuuncil Chamber of tro T()Y~[, :Tull 01'1. this tho'
20th ~a~ of Februu.ry, 1939 at eiR~t o'clock r.u.
l,;a~'or }'r~'l":;cll ciHled the ;1ectinO' to order ...t 8 0' o1-'c]: j).:,:.
Thoee ~reEent ~na thoee u~8e~t --'pre as fol10"'s:
ITosent.. Councilmen Blase, Gilll'l'~'1a, F,,"]'n"'''\'1o'''1-\' T ,.,,,,,
~. ~._v.......J...)..J~. .},l, t. v ....,\-; >..),
Ab sent: Coulloi l!mm l\:a~';t):ey.
r:i'^utes of tlte lL.:tleetiniT read anC1 D/rro~'8d.
The Clorh reue u letter froi~ _~ttorne:,' ::tCl.~' re0'o.rdinp the 2,
t~x. The letter w~s ordered~iled.
The cler::': rC'ld a co,aplaint filed OJ' Llrr'. :so. li:1dSEJ~1 for
rcctless car dri,'ing--cLir license mL':1ber 1125.
The Cler]: read a letter ::ro:; the Sc!:ool J30i.1rc' :ls]"in;r for
."'7, ,DC- <)" the b~' ",0CR 'e "1 t'lP'r l"r''':3 1 "\~Cl "'1 t ..+-t
,?U , ,......l.,._-'. I.... V , _"~' u,.J..,l.l',,,, (1) ,.~ {l}\:_~ ~''L'' -....~'.. -' nl1c.P'8. ..;-;1...... er
'SOUle 'iEcussic'1 the ,aotion'f\l:.';r~ouncilil1a~1 c'ones u.nd seconclec1 b"
Gilliland th~t they be gi~c~.$l,B)J.OO at this time. Ulon ruil
cull, 1..1.11 Councilc8'1 rresent voted AY:S.
T'l" Cle~lr '.."''''''''-'''+ei1 "'" '.O'....-.e ""nt "'o'r rl' .l.t 0".' .,,~,- "'or the
J 1..:, ..L 4."- .i.:' 4.. ~"_ ,,;. . .;J '. ........ ~ '_I... ~ v . _. [;: j hC- ' - -'- - \ (...lot/' J...
Bear l101:.ntu.i;: t:m'1el as sub;.ii tted by the Se"iSl.rd Li"ht a;ld J'o' 'er.
"md the follov!ine: reEolution \7nE l':r.C sent ec1 : "
p V Q.
_' ..w .....
" T
V ~
IT '11 I 0 :r
Be It TIeEol~A~, B~ the
,.... ,....1-,..
.i.l..J..-'~\."':'; c.;<..
CO:'.1.iOn Com1cil
tr,e T01-''': of
Sc':'~_rd ,
ThClt D C T<ru''''le'l 1'0"0'" "n'" l' -. "",j,'- H, . '. 1 C" ""
. . ~.' ,: _..I.... , ........~I .J. ct.. II .,o.....l. J). . ~-' I.), J..i.l~,;}lCl.t-'LJ". .lC' "'''t
of t~0 S~ r\-,~~:. 0= Se' ".:rd, )..lusJ-u., u. I:u~ici~ al Cur;. or;_~tion, l}p -'.i;H~
the;;' ~,re hereby c.ut"or::.,~ed :..nd E,ecificb.l1~7 em', OFnrr:C' ~,':C tirect"Q
TO}' "-1'" "l'-' tre -..,,, .',p. ,.<> the> rnV~\'" 0'" "c"'''rd '1 0'" t'" '0.1. "1""1
.... . ..,. \l . L.. ,. '_'.N..'''' ,",.N J ~.' .J.. .'.. .L I...l "...... ,L:&. _ .....L(.).., \. ,.c...kJ..8, h. ~~:.,
8yecnte u..:.icJ ::::'C]:l1ov'lec1;.-e thC.t cert:~i'1 .~-:.0":rec.,le~1t fer 0s.se.JCnt. of
rip'ht o.D 1"(1"' -fOX" 'Pe"-" ~'o.."tn"l-'" t"'1"e' 1.." "'1(1 1'" '''P.''..",'. tr,", ,>.',".'''rd
'- ,.......L) .~" _. ...1. l'... J -" '.1 ~ .. . ,.J..., I ' t.l '-""', ~ '_' t' : ,<::.; .... -" -
Li[;,.t Liiod I'o',':er unO. the Tovm of :5cni;;l,rc1, .,la.sl:u..
/ 29:!
February 20, 19~9, Continued
sSe.q' \"'.7 Ado;;:te d t his 20th day of February 1\)39.
1.Ia~T 0 r
A motion was made by Councilman Bla8e seconded by Hollings-
worth that this resolution be Nissed and adonted as presentec~.
Upon roll call all Councilmen IJresent i'otingL AYE.
The followinr, is a copy of the uGreenent:between the Seward
Light and PO','.'er and the Town of Seward, Alaska:
THIS .:'GREEI.lEl!T, made a:C1d entered into this 21st day of Feb-
ruary, 1939, by and bet17een the Town of Seward, a-dUly organized
and existing municipal corloration l0cat~d in the Territory of
Alaska, hereinafter called the Town, and the SE;lARD LIGHT ~;m
P01;ER, an unincorporated business owned by John E. Graff
Elizabeth G. Knight and Elizabeth H. Graff, of which Joh~ H.
Graff is the manager, which conducts an electric :ower and lirht
business in and adjacent to the Town of Seward, hereinafter
called the Power Company,
That WHEFEAS, said Town of Seward has been subjected to
periodic disturbances, property losses and eXlense caused by
flood waters coming down and along Lowell Creek, which runs
through the Town of Seward and emrties in Resurrection Bay; and.
WHEREAS, the United states of America has authorized the
construction of a tunnel throui'<h Bear Hountain o.djf1Cent to the
Tov'n of Seward, to carry the waters of 10':;ell Creek f,round the
said Town in order to l,rei'ent the periodic disturbances, [rOllerty
h.sses and expense causec1 by the fluod vl8.ters of the said Creel:;
and, '
nJTEREAS. the said project to be built by the United States
of Araerica involves the construction of a da~J at a certain IJoint
on said LO','rell Creek and involves the f!rant of a right of may
coverinr the site of the said dam and said tUl1:':,el; and,
NOVi THEREFORE, in consideration of the preL1ises, and in con-
siderution of the promises contuined herein b" the rarties
hereto, one to the other, and in consideration of a release to
be E'i ven by the Povrer Company to such portion of the rip,-ht of
way - now Occul;ied by the l:ipe line of the Pm'rer CJmpany as may
be required b;:;r the United Stat.es of America, as conflicts with
the right of way of the Po~er Company, it is agreed by and
between the parties hereto as folloVls.
(1) That the Town will consult with the engineers in charge
of the said flood control project on L,,11'1ell Creek, and deter-
mine from them whether Or not the right of way for said pipe
line must be rer:1oved entriely from the proposed rir-ht of way
to be granted to the United States of America, or I'Jhether said
pipe line right of way can be removed from its present location
and transferred to another location which covers a part of the
said rip:ht of way to the United States of America.
~ll~J (2) he Town Clg~S '~nd bi TIS it se to a ~he
{ ~ro\'ler Com any r!nle!,>s and ~e of a lfX nse n c ang1.n€, the
~i p:ht of w f ~Po"rer Compa. '. e i r of ~ ,manners h ere-
; .t., inbefore re red, the Town 5 , ee1.ng to do t necessary
i~~~ ,constructio, a changing of Bald igh \of 7ra,- inc udi;1g what-
i ;' ")ever is nee/essar in the form of ne'"J llife line ...t i s own cost
February 20, 1939 Continued
and expense under the direction of the nanabin~ agent of the
Power Company, and in such a man~1er D.."'1d form as ,"ill 'be satisfnctor
to the Panel' Company cnd to the oTI"ineers in charpe of the saie
flood control project.
(3) In addition the Town agrees to reimburse the PO','ler
Company for any additional expense it may incur, or cause to be
incurred in operatinr- its Diesel plant for the prupose of
supplying its cuetomers ','Jith lip;'ht ant! pOc7er duxine; the l,eriod
when it will be deprived of the use of its pilie line Vlhen the
contemplated chanfes of location and construction are bein~ made
by the To~~ as aforesaid.
(4) In the event the said pipe line should be constructed
or reloc~ted as set out in Parapraph 1 of this agreement and
later such condition or circumstances should erise that the
United States of A..'1leric:J. or the officrs or agency charged vrith
the construction, ccntrol and maintenance of the said ~am an~
tun' ,elan Lowell Creek. require the further 'changinf" or re-
location of the said pipe line, then the Town a~rees that all
the provisions herein contained as to any e:;:pense involved in
relocating the pire line, iY1cll1din8 all expense thereof s"8oll
be borne by the sairt Town.
(5) In consideration of all arree~entc 2nd covenants of
The T01"n tiS herein1:,efore set forth, the Pouler Company does now
grant either to the Town or the United .States of America
or any aGency or Department thereof, in such form us ;:10.;>, be
required by the~, a release of such portion of its rifht of
way a11i1 easement for its pipe line which nO';'1 conflicts ,'lith
the right of "m~T required b;r the United Stutes for the flood
control project on said Lowell Creek.
(6) The purpose and intent of this aGreement is to in-
der.mify the PO',rer Company against all rossi ble cost, loss and
expense "'hich ma~r be incurred in any manner as a result of its
chancing the right of way for its said pipe line in order to
co r.1pl:.' with the demand s of the engineers charged wi th the con-
struction of said dam and tunnel in said flood control rro-
Ject whetrer said on st, loss f).;Jd ex!\ense be s!,scific"ly referred
to herein or not.
(7) The Tcw):l3.gree s to ;l.:l.le t I1.l s Rr::r'}'Jl1ent IJfiR.lly r3.t-
if ,'_ 'J 1 1;' L t I::: Town C ,)unc i, Il t " r::' 311101,1' :jjf'eti. ng thereof, before
requiring the Power Company to execute the same, and such rat-
ification shall authorize the e}:ecution hereof by the said
Town of Seward acting through its duly elected Mayor and Tovnn
Cler~ and authorize in regular manner the affixing of the Town
Seal thereto. In like manner, said ratification will authorize
the said Mayor and Town Clerk to duly acknowledge this con-
tract before a Notary Public on behalf of the said Town.
IlJ rlITlJESS \'IHEREOF, this agreement has been e:::ecuted in
duplicate the (lay and year herein first above v;ri tten.
Town Clerk
(Town Seal)
llanasing Co-owner
( 294
February 20, 1939 Continued
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the da;y of . 1~38,
before me, the undersigned, a Notary~ublic in and for the Ter-
ritory of Alaska, duly co~~issioned and ffi~orn, personally ap-
peared D. C. Brownell and E. D. Vlebb, to me l:nown to be the Mayor
and Town Clerk respectively of the Town of Seward, a municipal
corporation legally existing in the Territory of AlasLa, and
they acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the same
as the free ani1 voluntary act and deed of said Town of Ser':a.rd,
for the uses and purposeE therein mentioned, and they further
acknowledged to me that they were duly authorized to do so by
the T~;n Council of said Town of Seward, and thRt the seal
affixed is the true seal of the said Town of Se\'lard.
III \'iITHESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand l:ind affixed
my official seal the day and year in this cerfificate first
above written.
Notary Public for Alaska.
My com~ission expires
It being the time to appoint election officers for the
Muncipal election to be held April 4, 1939, the following were
appointed: Judges E. E. Chamberlain. Thor Hatten,.Mrs. Aron
Bessie Halloy, Mrs. E. W. Prosser.
Bob Guest, Mrs. Ludvig Larsson.
Clerk pressnted a check payable to the Northern Commercial
Company for $216.00 being February payment with ibterest on
the Auto Patrol purchase. The motion was made by Councilman'
Blase and seconded by Gilliland that the voucher be paid. Upon
roll call all Councilmen present voting AYE.
A motion was made Councilman Hollingsworth and seconded by
Jones that an abstract be made of the mining claims involved
in the Bear Mountain tunnle project. Upon roll call all
Councilmen present voting AYE.
It was reported to the Council that the sewer
the Graef building was lealting into the basement.
committee Gilliland and Kennedy were instructed to
this at once.
line behind
The street
inve st igate
The Chief of Police was instructed by the Council to
notif" Charles Lechner to remove the snow on the sidewalk in
front of his Machine Shop on Washinton street at once.
Clerk was instructed to get a bill from the Chief of Police
for the cleaning of the sidewalks in front of vacant lots on
Fourth Avenue.
Clerk waS instructed to write C. R. Coyne at Kodiaf. Alasl~
notifying hiD of six of the city's meters being found at
Carr's Garage.
There being no further business to come before this meeting
upon proper motion it did adjourn.
C erk ""
~ebu~ry 2~th. IJ3U.
~.fJGcial j:,,:eeti11g.
,j.~ Ofeciu.l rneetiL.~ of the Co,~~rno!l COlJJlcil of tb::> TO'.)l', of ,:)['r' .re,
i.luSl::a, '7.'/12 c....lled to rJeet ut 7.3,0 }'.l.l. 01 clock in the Council
Ch""fubers wf tile TO\'in Eall.
J.:ectin,:; ViaE callet; to orGer ut 7.20 I.I,i. 1~ ::u;,;vr ::I'U'iilWll.
COUllCih,en lJre 8ent unCi ab sent vlere as follows:
Present: C0U1J.cil~:lun El~so, Gilliland, :~o11i:1.Z8r!vrth
Jones and l:e:,r~cQ;Y.
;"b;:;ent: COllncilmun I,l:..nthe./.
Ua;yor Brennell ctateC to the Cuuncil th",t thi,c .:leetin[; ':JaC
called for the j,urroce of c1eterr.1ininc: the c1isLositio\J o-f tLe
lost cLeol. of last <;une 1058, .for the ~rul1t Idone;)' duGc on the
Jen,Lrd C;~j;] job. TIle :,:i:l.;yur stated. tlw,t the :jlt~. had advo.ncco tw
the Gyr.1 cOLstructiol1 u.ccount lust June IJZ3 the Sill!1 of ~;l,OOO.OJ
to defruy Li;i.y's laZO, la.bor 1'ill8 of tho cO:1tractor, said LOlley
being due from the D.S.Government, but not received in tirtle to
j,J~~T the contractor. Tl,e question us j,;ut to the Council r:as,
"Should the cit;y reimburse it's General funds frul1; this cL(;c1:~'
wldch fLw,ll;y arrived on todayl s boat, or turn it ull intu tIle
G~lm cOllBtructioll U.CCOilllt.
_-; J.lOtio:; 1':0-2 uaac by CoullcC:fillman :Blb-se seconded 1;,' I:onnedy
that the check for ~2272. 20 be dOj,J08i teu to the ::Jevmrd GYltl
constl'uction account. CallinG the Roll on tLe "lOtion all CouncilCJu
,bJresent vvtillL .AYE.
.mother motion w~s wade by Councilman ~ollin[swortb seconded
by Jones, toflat ~t the time the check VIas deposi tee iTl tbe bank
b-llother check, drawn ui'on the GYlli construction account. be
deposited to the credit of the Ci t;;; of Seward to rehibu1'88 the
Cit;:' for the ~;I.OOO.OO adva.nced to this ~ccount. Calling the Hall
0;'1 the motion all Councill:ien j,Jre sent votel: .~Yb.
The Clerk was ,i!1strilctea, to, wri te l)ongl'atz at .:"nchorage of
the receipt of this iiloney and the disposition of 8a1;1e, Lend asking
hiG! for j,;ower of attorney to pay the 1ills as U.I:d. by hir.1sclf.
There being no further business to come before this moeting
upon proper motion being made, seconded and carried it did adjourn
C'~ Cler-
Uonduy, ~arch 6. 1939
The COl11fnOn Cot~ucil uf t!.-:e Torr:l vi JcrHJ.l"'d, ...~1::.:..8Ld. LLct 1:1 rC,l~n-
sec.siUl1 1:1 tho COL'r:cil Cha;,i'ber vf tho 11'0\,;~, Hall 0,-, this tLeC~
day of ~arch, 1939 at eight olcluck P.U.
Luyor Brownell 0,,111od the JiJcetic;.,"; to order cit 3
Those vresent u:".d thoSG ~b8ent were as follo'::s:
~, ;"
.L ..lu..
l'resent: COuI1Cilr,JGll Blu.ee. Gillilund, ~:ollillL:S1;.'Ortb. <'tones,
Ab sent: COUlIC il1.Ja11 Ke:me dy.
I,;'L:uteG of the last Jaeetil1,: :::-Gu.d _,;'1d aj,!lJ:ruvod.
The Clerk 1 recent an a, ~licLLtio:". from And;:' LOl'al: for a
v:ho1esale liquor lic.:cnse. The IiotioE ras Dude 'by CouYlCilrllan
HollingsV'i:Jrth a::d seco::ded b~r Jones to 'he CiprruVCQ 1:' tile
C>.Ju:1cil for ~!:c lil..luor l~cellze. I.lotiu:": c<..;.rricc: b:;- U1}Cl.:"".i;,~,)uSC i/ote
uf u..l1 'J1"..1l':-:iCl.l:::10". reeci'J.t.
The' Clerk I'Gad u letter fro". ;.tturq,y IJolluLlle re!"ardil1i~ tLe
130(..1,1" l.:o1j:~i-tain T1XYi:1el rigl"it uf ~,~.'a:s.;-.
( 296
Earch 6 1939
The,otton VIas uade by COUl1ci1f:lell Blase. and seconded bv
i111l~n6~ha1\the luayor \7ire Attorlle~- Donahue to "ire the heirs of
the l.une Estate so a2 to pet the tunl1e1 right-of-v:a;;' . arcrs as
soon as j,;ossib1e. I,lotiol1 carrieD b~' unanL,ous vote of all Counci1-
[.len l:roser..t. .
The Clerk ~resenteG the City Pay roll of $2,631.96 and
approved by the Finance Coulinittee as fol1o~s:
Hawkins c.l.l1d Ray, $25.00; pete l.liche1son, $25.00; IiI. LanuLlt', elBO.a
L. V. Ray, $50.00; L. E. Vlilliams, XPo.OO; F. 1:1e1ches1=1, ~220.00;
E. D. liebb, $150.JO... Frances Shea, 'i~25.50i Sev:. Elect. System, $214 60;
se.w. ';;ater Su~ply, 'l;>130.00; Gateway, tl.15i SOl!. Lich. ShOll, e1.6.80;
Ogle Garaf'e, ~7.50; Sev:. Light and Power, .;,>13.05; C. H. Brosius,~4. 0;
Sev:. Eu.rdv;",re.a. $l.93; McMullen Groc.~ $1;~0; U. S. Si.gna.l Corps,::?13 09;
Alaska Shop, 'l?2. ")0; 1.1rs. T. Hatten, ...23.40; ~:elen Ru!~hos, $5. iO;
Se,:'srd DrUG Co., ~8.50; Osl:o Elect. Sp-ppl;;r, :1:l12.94; Standard Oil Co ,
X34.02; :Bert SlflJth, $105.60; Cash, :~l06.75; Chase liat. Bant. Int.,
~l,225.00; Aron Ericson, $8.23. .
H.otion made by Concilman Gilliland and seconded by l\:anthey
that the abo'V'e bills be I,aid_, CallinB t~1e roll OYl tho uoti()~ all
Cuuncilr:len ,'oteO AYE.
Claims of the City Light were $l,056.79 presented as follov's:
L. A. Euff, e165.00; I.l. 1'olk, $165.00;. Lee" Stewart ~)165.00;
E. D. nebb, $50.00; standard Oil Co. .;;>323.10; 'Sey'. ',:ater Sup~ly,
~5. JO; Sew. Light a.nd Po'per, $5.75; Ogle liurac:e :~5. 60; Bert Lee,
-,,4.00; Um. struve, X20.00; Osbo E1oct. SUlj;"lYI'$120.14; '.!estinghouse
Elect. Supply Co" ~?18.20; Cash-l1eter Refund 1i216, 1225, $10.00.
The motion was Glade by Councilman r,lanthey and secol1decl by
Blase that the above bills to IJaid. Calling the roll on the
I,lotion u.1l Councilmen ':oted AYE. ' ,
The City 1Uomen' S Club asked. permission to use City Lights for
a bake sale to be held in the M:I'S Baker'J. The rnotio:1 \Vu.s made
by Co\incilman Hollingsworth and, conded by Blase that they be
allowed to use the light free of harge. I.lotion carried by
unaniJous vot e of all Councilmen present.
There being no further busines~ to come before this meeting,
upon proper motion being made, seco::lded and carrieG, it did a.djour .
I-"~ .1-, P'l'Wf
i;",rch ~th. I 'J:3 'J
3I>BCI ..'l:L !\tE~TI :JG
:. s.p8cial Hleotins of the C01lll:lOY1 Cou~1cil 0:: t;.,o ':'0\!l1 of
Se\~{ul"(1 ~>1.1u.sl:at \'}as ca:'lcJ to w.oet u"t 7.30 0'c1001: I.I.:. i1.1 ti";J)
, .,. -.,,.. . nt' I.r'~J
Cuui1cil CLa.ubers of t!'i8 TO':,:-:!~l La...L..L .I.,...arcn .; n. 'J~,'.
::a~701~ ~?rovqn811
cu,ilou t1i8 ::ccti.":1.~" to ordol'" .J.~':'
7 .^ r
. ..- <,'
" l' ~
.L . Jd..
COlmcillJ1G~ ~Tescnt and_abco~t.~e~e ~s f~11~v8l _ .
l'yeSeLt: Cou.acil;,lcl1, Bluse, r:Lllllu.wl, ,0neB" O.LlLL s','ort! ,
::f: d.tlOClc/ 8. ~.~;o_ ~ ~U.::l t I-:>':; ~/.
~.1.b serrL, Eo IJ.t .
:,:a:'OT l~ro\'JnGll statec1 to tl':c Council tbut tL'i:~ j.J~cti:1C -::CtL
..,...::'),", ...C' l' tl~8 1."'" 0"'8 of ~""':"""'''''''''''>'l'Vl'!-~-' "':.'';)~T0 "',,-1 LlCc..~12 0= sett:c~i:l,..'
ca..L~tj( -i..O d- .i..-u..1.l-"' "'-'... u~;\.'\::::l." ..I.i...I-..I.0 \/u..../..... ~"-I....'--'. - -
tbc U.C8oulltS L~Gt:vinEt .tho SeVHlro. 8';:iUlllasium.
The clerk road. a \'.'ire frol!l]~r. EoffLlan of the 'i)..i.~.. L.t
l'ul'tlulld, Cree in which be sta.ted tbat tl:oy wert; boldine (.i. checL
l'Ol' the finul ~ro.!lt Oll tr,o C:~'1l1 job o.nd tl:u.t it '.lould bo l'eleasec t
tu tLe City of SO"cHc', ul-on l-:Tuof that cOlltnictor ucld all cla.ilas
on G~'r~l have 1JeGY1 .full~i satisfied ::1~c1 that \.Jilldo~.~i ~'~.Lar(~8 LtLVO 1)Gcn
insto.:Lled ,-,:.(1 IWcclted by tho G~untee.
:.:U;ii"Or 3rOV1Ylcell stated tv tl}G ~ouncil that "!.-itG~'" ~~.Iould ~ltj"VC tu
'\.. ~,' o~e-' "'0 . ," o"'.c t"" "'Ill hl']l" "L"o'1I"O""lC';""'l1"'.1.""o'
JOl....rOVi l.JI1C iLl ..1;y \J lJ:::I.~v ..L...l.. L.l.t;: ,".i v . "-', ........1.',. J U..I- ..l........l...U.. -" --.....
~.c. ... '" 1'1 "'" f" c'''\ ;,,-~ ,~. ,,4 "",~,..~"'t "'O"'U'
o~.ic~reG. vU UU.Vu..l1CC v 18 LuL1Ci} 01. '...I ltr.;.l.c.:l i::) u.u VI! l...luv.Lt......-1-"..; , ...... I..C. LJ.l ..1
-;:'L.;.S Llti.C1c by Cotl:1cilr::Cin I.Ic.Lltbey G8con.dec b~~ ~O~'lCS th.:...t tr: e E..OllC:Y
1'0 "'.I\-"~'O"le"'" n....,..:l +\...,-. ~'I' "'l"ll.c: r'!~l"l','l'l" C:O :i.C to ,"e~lo;,'~:_'":I the: Cj'.1ccl~
.) > \..'v.....J.. ~ U ~I.J.U ....l..:.CI ~~ '.' ~l l.i '-' .1.....""" "^')o..,......1-' ......... ......."-'
;ow beld in rurtland;.~otlon carriGd by ttc ununi~ous vote bf u.ll
Ccr;_:"lcillllcn .L,.r8~ent.
T!1C Clerk 1~,.J.8 i YJ.structe'-~ to :1otif~~ ron::~rat~ bot o:.J.ce to COiJC
to 3evvo..I'a ::::'u th<J.t tte '~~.-...l bills GOl!.l(~ ljG sottlc(l.
Qur-:ri ~ja.
t:~~i 2 .,lC<'ti:l'-"
1 ~~ c. i a ~..J j vl;;T~1.
~Le~:8 1~cin5 no fnTther >bucino~:: to
+ . ,.... ~ ....., ~ ~
pro~ler mU~10n uelng i.J~Qe, S8uunacn
Cv,;c '"":cfvrc
, IIa ~"vT
---.---.-..- (..
s;'\~r 1 (' r1
b. .> ..L'~ ...-.
-_... , ----~_.-
Karoh 20th. 1939.
Regular Keeting.
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, met in
regular senion in the Counoil Chambers of the Town Hall on this
the 20th. day of Karoh 1939.
Mayor Brownel~ call. d the meeting to order at 8 o'olook PM
Those present and those absent were as follows:
Present: Counoilmen Blas., Gilliland. lIo.e., Kennedy and
Absent: Counoilman Hollingsworth.
Minutes of the last meetings read and approved.
The Clerk read a letter to the Counoil from the Seward
Womans Club asking the City Counoil to oonsider the subjeot of
donating to the salary of the Territorial Health Nurse now station
ed in Seward, the letter was orlered filed.
The Clerk notified the Council that Mr. H.S.Balderston
refused to pay the labor of .88.40 for work on the sewer line to
the Van Gilder Hotel, whioh was found to run into a cess pool and
not into the City sewer line. A motion w,s made by Councilman
Gilliland seconded by Manthey that the Chief of Polioe notify
Mr. Balderston that if he did not pay this bill as agreed npon
by himself and the Committe., that he be notified to close and
6aJ .'V V
Maroh ,20th. 1939. oontinued.
fill in the oess pool at once. as the oess pool was in violation
to the Ordananoe governing such; Motion carried by the unanimous v te
of all Oounoilmen present.
The clerk read the applioation of J. Paulsteiner for a permit
to erect a smoke house in the rear of his property in Block I aDd
was decided that it would be a fire hazard and a nusiance to the
people living in the neighborhood and a Motion was made by Counci
Jones seconded by Kennedy that the permit be denied at this time;
Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
The Clerk presented the Delinquent Tax Roll' of Real Property
of the Town of Seward. Alaska. which beoame delinquent on November
16th. 1938 and the following Resolution was presented:
WHBRBAS. the Taxes on Real Property in the City of Seward. .11 Bka~
for the year 1938. became delinquent on November 15th. I938 at the hour
of 6 o'clook P.K. and .
WHEREAS. the Jlunioipal Olnk of the City of Seward. Alaska,
presented to the Oouncil the Delinquent Tax Roll of all the Real
Property assessed and on whioh the Tax has not been paid and is th re-
fore delinquent. and said Roll is in due form: BOW THEREFORE BE IT
I. That the Munioipal Clerk oausesaid delinquent tax roll t
be published or posted. as required by Law, together with a notice
that said Tax Roll has been oompleted and is open for Public inspe _
tion at the offioe of the Munioipal Clerk. and that upon the 1st.
of June 1939, or as soon thereafter as oounsel may be heard, said
delinquent Tax Roll will be presented to the District Court. for t
Third Division, Territory of Alaska. for Judgement and order of sa
2, That said delinquent Tax Roll and notioe aforesaid be pnb ished
once a week for four oonseoutive weeks in the Seward Gateway a new paper
of general oirculation, published in the City of Seward. Alaska. w ioh
newspaper is hereby designated as the offioial publication for thi purpose
or by posting in four oonspiouous plaoes in the oity of Seward. Al ske.,
as prescribed by Law.
Passed this 20th. day of March 1939.
A motion was made by C.ounoilman Jone. seoonded by Manthey th t
the foregoing Resolution be passed and adopted as rea.; Calling th
Roll upon the motion. All Counoilmen present voted AYE.
The Clerk was instruoted to put an Add, in the Seward Gatew
. notifying the Publio that the delinquent tax Roll of 1938. w111 be
posted Maroh 27th. 1939.
The Street Commlttee notified the Council that a Jack was eded
for the Auto Patrol. stating that one oould be purchased for seve or
eight dollars. A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seoonded y
Manthey tha~ the jaok be purohased; Calling the Roll upon the motion;
All Councilmen present voted AYE.
The Clerk was instruoted to notify Pete Miohelson to pay.
per month ground rent on the spaoe oocupied by the old Braef ware
whioh he purohased fro~ the city.
~ ",' '. " .'. r,._ j -;
Maroh 20th. 1939, Continued.
The Clerk presented the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, on June 27th. 1938, permission was granted to the
Town of Seward, Alaska, by McPherson & Pongratz to use and
ocoupy the Seward School Gymnasium under dooket No. Aaa. 1020
D.8~ for the purpose for which it was intended, and the said
McPherson & Pongratz request the final acoeptanoe of the Project
as completed in accordance with contraot.dated November Ist. 1937,
by and between the Town of Seward, Alaska, and MoPherson &
Pongratz, of Anohorage, Alaska, together with all change orders
to date: ,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE]), That the oontraot between
the Town of Seward, Alaska, and MoPherson & Pong~atz be, and the
eame 1. hereby accepted as oomplete, subject to Two Hundred &
Fifty (t250.00) Dollars being held baok as payment for window
guards; This sum to be witheld from the contractors final payment
until the said window guards are installed and acce~ted.
Now. Therefore. Be it RESOLVED, that the oontract between
the Town of Seward, Alaska, and MoPherson & Pongratz. be and the
same is hereby aooepted as oompleted, as thw window guards have
been install.l. inspeoted and aooepted.
The aoceptance of the Seward School Gymnasium Project 1020 DS
is all subject to the appro~al of the Regional Director of the
Publio Works Administratiom, resulting in the tinal'contract
-costs, to-wit: Twenty Three Tho~sand. Four Hundred 'and Five
($23,405.00) Dollars. _ _' ,
Passed and adopted this 20th. day of Maroh. 1939.
c ~ Clerk
It was moved by Councilman Manthey seoonded by Blase that
the Resolution be passed and adopted a8 read; Calling the Roll
upon the Motion; All Counoilmen present voted AY.B.
There being no further business to oome before this meeting
upon proper motion it did adjourn.
c!;' ~ Clerk.
( ;'300
4""...41 ~. t9::59
!he Common Counoil of the Town of Seward Alaska met in
regular session in the Counoil Chambers of the To~ Hall o~ this
the third day of April 1939.
Mayor Brownell oalled the meeting to or~er at 8 o'olook P K.
!rhose present and those absent 'were as 1'olloW8:
Present: Counoilmen Blase, Gilliland, Hollingsworth,
Jones, and Xennedy.
Absent: Councilman Manthey.
the minutes of " the laat meeting were read and approved.
Clerk presented a bill from .l. H. Bryant for $3.00. The
motion was made by Oouncilman X-ennedy and seconded by HOll.1ngsworth
that this bill be disallQwed inasmuoh &S it waa Government work.
Motion carried by unanimous vote of all Oouncilmen prewent.
'he Clerk tresented a bill from the Osbo Electrical
Supply ofi283.50 for labor and material on the Gymnasium job.
!he motion was made by Councilman Blase and seoonded by X.nned'
that Osbo'. Electrical Supply be paid from the .Citt funds., Motion
carried by unanimous vote of all Counoilmen present.
The Clerk presented the City claims of $1,494.46 .and
approved by the Finanoe Committee as follOWS,
Hawkins & Ray, $25.00; Pete Michelson, $26.00; L. V. Ray, t50.00;
L. B. Williams, $50.00; Fred Xielcheski, 1220.00; M. Lanning. $150,00;
E. D. Webb, $160.00; Franoes,Shea, $26.00' U. S. Signal Corps ta.' 6;
Sew. Ligt. & Power, $14.35; Ogle Garage, 62.GO; Gateway Pub. .~o"
.4.75; Seward Water Supply, $130.00; Sew. Eleot. System, $194.49;
Sew. Drug. Co., $4.00; A. Novak; $24.00. Osbo's Eleot. Supply '43,09;
Curtis R. Morford, $60.00; North. Commc. Co., .191.90; Cash, 693.0( ;
Sew. Mch. Shop, $10.60; standard Oil Co" $16.96.
The motion was made Counoilman Gilliland and seconded by
Blase that the bills be paid from the general funds. Upon roll
call all Councilmen voting AYE.
The Olerk presented the City ~ight claims totaling
$1,052.45 as follows:
L. A. Huff, $165.00; Myron polk, $165.00; Lee stewart, $165.00;
E~ D. Webb, $60.00; Standard Oil Co, $282.96; Seward Water Supply,
$5.00; Sew. Lgt. & Power, $6.V5; M~ul1en Grocery, .1.50; Wm.
struve, $30.00; Osbo Eleot. Supply $123.05; U. S. Signal Corps.
$7.67; Cash, $5.00; Sew. Ketal Works, $14.05; Seward Mch. Shop,
The motion was made by Counoilman Kennedy and seoonded
by Jones that the bills be paid. Upon roll oall all Councilmen
voting AYE.
The street department figured they would need about
2,000 feet of planttsgffor sidewalks, and as they need some
planking in the power house to lay engine parts on at the present
time. The motion was made by Counoilman Blase and seoonded by
Jones that the planking be purchased at once. Calling the roll
all Counoilmen present voted AYE.
The Olerk notified the Oouncil that the City would
need to borrow '3.000.00 to tide them over for ninety days.
The neoessity of this loan being due to the faot that moneys
due the Oity .ave not been reoeived at this date. The motion
was made by Counoilaan Gilliland and seoonded by Kennedy that
this money be borrowed for a term of ninety days. Calling the
roll upon the motion all Counoilmen present voting AYE.
The C~ty Council was asked to donate $25.00 toward
purchasing a Radio trouble-finder which is being sub:acribeO(:;
y the citizens of the town. And the Counoil was so notified that
hen the machine was purchaseq, it would be given to the town.
he motion was made by Councilman Jone s and seconded by Gilliland
that the sum of '26.00 be donated for the p~ohase of the Radio
trouble-finder. Upon ro~l oall all Counoilmen present voting AYE.
The Council was notified that they needed tools for the
ity Light plant. The motion was made by Councilman ~.hes and
seconded by Blase that the Ka.or wire Sears and Roebuok about
urchasing tools on time from them. Motion carried by unanimous
vote of all Counoilmen present.
A motion was made by Councilman Jones alill seconded by
ennedy that the Mayor see Ray James and get him to reliu<luish
the rights in his oqntract pertaining to the l1st of tools set
forth in his oontract. Motion carrild by unanimous vote of all
Counoilmen present.
The following ordiaance was presented by the Clerk;
SECTION I. That persuant to and in accordance with the req-
uirements of Chapter 29 of the Sessions Laws of Alaska for the
year 1919, entitled WAn Act to impose a tax upon male persons in
the Territory of Alaska for school purposes providing means for
its collection and deolaring an emergenoy. as amended by act of
May, 2nd. 1921 of said aot oontained.
/(/lr;e. ".{., ;/4-/le~ a resident of the Town of Seward, Alaska and
a oitizen of the United states of America; Is hereby ~pointed and
deolared to be the Sohool Tax oolleotor for the Town of Seward,Alas
or the year 1939, and upon qualification of said person by furnishi
good and suffioient bond in accordance with the Law, all conditions
provisions and requirements of said act shall be oarried out and en
ced as by law regulated and required in collection of said School T
Section 2. ,An emergency is Hereby declared to exist, and this
ordinance shall take effeot after its passage and approval.
PASSED under suspension of rules, this 3j4h day of April. 1939
Approved this 3rd day of April, 1939.
Amotion was made by Councilman Kennedy and seconded by
Gilliland, that the rules be suspended for the adoption of Ordinan
No. 141. Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voting Aye.
On the question "Shall Ordinance No. 141 be adopted and passe
All Councilmen present voting in the affirmative. Whereupon the
Mahor signed Ordinance 141 in open session.
At this time the meeting recessed to reconvene at 8 o'clook
P.M. Apr. 6, 1939 to canvas votes of Munioipal election held
Apr. 4, 1939.
I .,U....
A.pril ~, 1939
Reoessed meeting of the Common Council of April 3, 1939
reconvened as a canvassing Board to canvass the ballots cast at the
Municipal Election held April 4, 1939.
Mayor Brownell called the meeting to order at 8 o'olock P M.
Councilmen present and absent were as fo:J,lows:
Present: Councilmen Gilliland, Jones, and Kennedy.
Absent: Counoilmen Blase, Hollingsworth, and Manthey.
A.fter examination of the ballots cast at the election of
April 4, 1939, the following Resolution was presented:
WHEREAS: In aocordance with the Laws of the Territory of
Alaska, and Ordinance 144 of the City of Sewatd, Alaska, and notice given,
a Municipal Election was held in the Town Hall in said City on the
4th day of April 1939.
WHEREAS: In accordanoe with the corrected oertifioates fled
with the Municipal Clerk of said city by the election offioers of
said election, the following named persons received the exaot numbe
of votes placed after their respective names for offioes hereinafte
named to-wit:
FmR MAYOR:- D. C. Brownell
Gus lIanthey
. Carl E. Orlander 216
Marie Osbo 7
Margaret Webb 7
John 11. Blase
11. R. Benson
Joe Doshen
A. A. Fairweather
Henry Leirer, Sr.
fhorwald Osbo
Sol J. Urie
Joe Stanton
WHEREAS: The returns of said election were canvassed by he
Common Council of said City at 8 o'olook P.M. April 5, 1939.
CITY OF SEWARD, 'ALASKA, that in acoordance with the results of said
eleotion as above determined, the following named persons, having
received the highest number of votes for the respeotive offices,
AND THEY BE, and are hereby deolared elected to said
offioes, and are hereby deolared elected.
PASSED unanimously by the Common Council of the City of
Alaska and approved this day of April 1939.
Approved: April , 1939
. ~.,~ ." ~ :'"?
- 1 ' -<
'\ 'I'>;
"J' -I 'J
April 10. 1939
Reoessed meeting of the Common Council April 5. 1939
reconvened this the loth day of April, 1939.
Kayor Brownell oalled the meeting to order at 8 o'olockP. .
Qounoilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Councilmen Gilliland. Hollingsworth. Jones.
~ennedy. and Manthey.
Absent: Councilman Blase.
Those voting Aye: Counoilmen Gilliland. Hollingsworth. Jones.
ennedy. and Manthey. Counoilman Blase absent.
he Kayor thereapon deolared said motion carried and such Rules so
The Kayor thereupon declared said Resolution finally
passed and adopted. and signed said Resolution in the presence of
the Counoil in approval thereof.
Counoilman Jones seoonded by Manthey moved that said
Resolution for the pruposes as stated therein be finally passed and
adopted as read. The question being put upon the final passage and
adoption of said Resolution at this meeting and its taking effeot
upon such adoption. the Roll was called with the following results:
Those voting Aye: Counoi~ment Gilliland. Hollingsworth.
Jones. Kennedy. and Manthey. Counoilman Blase absent.
The Mayor,thereuP9n declared said Resolutinn finally
passed and adopted, and signed said Resolution in the presence of
the Council in approval thereof.
Cit~ olaims amounting to $765.34 pre.ented and approved
by the Finance Committee a8 follows:
awkins . Raw. $8.33; Pete Michelson. $8.33; L. V. Ray. $16.66;
L. E. iiIliams. $16.66; F. K1eloheski. $73.33; M. La~ning. .50.00;
E. D. Webb. $50.00; Osbo Elect. Supply. $283.60; B. F. Kellog,
$33.60; A. Ericson $2.78; Frances Shea $13.00; Cash. t16l.66;
E. E. Chamberlin. .7.50; Mary Ericson.,J7.60; T. W. Hat~on, 17.50.
Emma Prosser. .7.50; Bessie M. Malloy. t7.50.
Motion was made by Councilman Manthey and seconded by
Kennedy that the above bills be paid. Calling the roll on the
all Councilmen present voting AYE.
At this time M~or Brownell thanked the outgoing
Councilmen for their services during their term of office.
Ther' being no further business to cOme before this
meeting. the motion was made by q~unoilman Jones and seconded by
Manthey that this Counoil adjOurnpine Die.
Resolution #6-39 was introduced and read by the Clerk.
The motion was made by Councilman Manthey and seconded by
Gilliland that all Rules of the Council which might prevent,
unless suspended. the oonsideration final passage and adoption
of said Resolution at 'said meeting and its taking effeot upon
suoh adoption,be. and the same are hereby suspended for the pur-
ose of permitting the consideration. final passage and adoption
of said Resolution at this meeting, and its taking effect upon
such adoption. The question being put upon the adoption of said
otion to suspend the rules; The Roll was oalled with the followin
April 10, 1939 (oont'd)
and see
Immediately following the adjournment of the outgoing
Council Mayor Brownell oalled the new Council to order. -
, Oaths of office were administered to the inooming COUnoil
oonsisting of Benson, Doshen, and Leirer.
At this time Kayor Brownell appointed the following
Committee to serve: Counoilmen'Benson~ and Conn6ilman
They were instruoted to 0:811 upon the ~ankof Seward
if they oould negotiate a loan of .3,000.
. The motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by
Gilliland,that the Clerk put an add in the paper for applications
for City Offices. to be opened April 17, 1939. Motion carried
by unanimous vote of all Counoilmen present.
It was deoided at this time to leave the night watch-
man on until the fifteenth of the month.
There being DO further business to oome before this
meeting, upon proper motion being made, seconded, and carried,
it did adjourn.
APRIL 17th. 1939
The Common Counoil of the City of Beward, Alaska, oon ened
in regular session in the Counoil Chambers of the City Hall this t e
17th. Day of April 1939.
Mayor Brownell oalled the meeting to order at 8 0'010
Counoilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present, Counoilmen Benson, Doshen, Gilliland, Jones,
Kennedy and Leirer.
Absent: None
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Mr. Holt, Superint.ndent of the Seward High School,
presented to the City Counoil the sohool budget for the year 1939
and 19~O, amounting to .7423.20 as the City's part, the whole bei
.30066.00, Mr. Holt explained to the Co~oil the inorease over la
year-budget was due te the inorease,in teaoherssalarie~, he also
stated'there-would be.a refund to the School BOard from Juneau.of
about .600.00 fer this year. - " ,
A motion was-made by Counoilman Jones,seo9nded by Dos
that the School budget be approved as presented with the understa
that when the refund oomes to the school board from Juneau that t
be turned over to the City. Mction carried by the unanimous vote
all Councilmen present.
Miss Smith, the Territorial Health nurse made a talk
Counoil in whioh she stated that she would like to have the City
donate about $700.00 per year toward the expenses of keeping the ealth
nurse at seward, after some discussion it was decided to hold thi over
until the next regular meeting for a decision on the matter.
At this time a Motion was made by Counoilman Doshen se
by Leirer that a letter be written to Dr. Counoil, at Juneau, exp essing
the City's appreoiation of the work done by the Public Nurse at Sward
and explain the budget shortage at present but that the City will do
all it oan to help out. Motion oarried by the unanimous vote of a 1
Counoilmen present.
At this time Dr. Williams, City Health Officer spoke to
council' of his work in the City and of sanitary conditions exist! ·
April 17, 1939, Continued.
At this time the Clerk read applications for City offices
as advertised in the Gateway and the following were presented:
For Chief of Polioe and Fire Chief, Frank Shank of Anchorage,
ant Fred Kielcheski of Seward, the application of Kielcheski
was aocompanied by an endorsement from the Seward Voluntary Fire
Dept. unanimously endorseing him for reappointment. A motion was
made by Counoilman Jones seconded by Gilliland and unanimously
carried by all Councilmen present that Fred Keilcheski be
Two applioations were reoeived for caretaker for the City
dump as follows: Victor Anderson and John Hughes. A motion was
made by Counoilman Gilliland seconded by Kennedy that the job
be offered to Pete Miohelson for reappointment should he desire
the same. Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen
pre sent.
Two applications were received for City Health Officer as
follows: Dr. RayG. Banister and Dr. L.E.Williams. A motion was
made by Councilman Doshen seoonded by Kennedy that Dr. Williams
be reappointed Health Officer. Motion carried by the unanimous
vote of all Councilmen present.
Two applications were received for City Treasurer as follows:
Aron Ericson and George L. Hollingsworth. A motion was made by
Councilman Gilliland seoonded by Jones that Aron Ericson be
reappointed City Treasurer. Motion carried by the unanimous vote
of all Counoilmen present.
One application was received for City Clerk office as follows
E.D.Webb. A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by
Leirer that Webb be reappointed City Clerk. Motion carried by
unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
The question of punning a small add. in the Gateway for the
City Light Plant came up and a motion was made by Councilman
Gilliland seconded by Kennedy that an add. be run and the cost of
same not to exceed t3.50 per month. Calling the Roll upon the
motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
The question of deeding the Bear Mt. Tunnel right of way,
as acquired by the City, to the U.S.Government came up, and the
following Resolution was presented and read by the clerk.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Counoil of the City of Seward,
laska, that D. C. Brownell, as Mayor and E.D. Webb, as Mnhicipal
lerk, be and they hereby are authorized and directed to exeoute
nd deliver to the U. S. Government a good and sufficient deed for
he following described easement and Right-of-way for the Bear
ountain tunnel to-wit: first - a portion of Northern Light No.1
and Northern Light No.3. Lode Mining Olaims United States Mineral
Survey No. '81 speoifically bounded and described as follows, to-wi
"Commencing at Corner No. 3 U. S. Survey No. 726 s, thence
North 34 degress 28 minutes West 20.9 feet to the point
of beginning on the East end line of Northern Light Lode
Claim No.1, thence continu~ng North 34 degrees 28 minutes
West 1068.4 feet to the West side line of Northern Light
Lode Claim No.3, thence North 0 degrees 18 minutes West
267.1 feet along said West side line of Northern Light
Lode Claim No.3, thence South 34 degrees 28 minutes
April 17, 1939 (oontinued)
East 1068.4 feet, more or less, to the East end line of
Northern Light Lode Claim No.1, thenoe' South 0 degrees
18 minutes East 267.1 feet along said East end line of
Northern Light Lode Claim No.1, to the point of beginning
and oontaining 3.75 acres, more or less.-
and seoond - that oertain tract of land sitUfited within the
boundary of the ~rownell Homestead, United States Survey No. 703,
bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
-Beginning at the S.W. Corner of Northern Light Lode Claim
No.3, thenoe along the West side line North 0 degrees
18 minutes West 440 feet, more or less to the S. W. boundary
of Right of Way, Lowell Creek Flood Control, Thenoe North
34 degrees 28 minutes West 1126.4, feet, more or less to
Corner No.1 of said right of way, Thence South 55 degrees
32 minutes West 350 feet to corner No.2, Thenoe North
34 degrees 28 minutes West 600 feet to Corner No.3, thence
North 55 degrees 32 minutes East 500 feet to the Corner No.4,
thenoe South 34 deg*ees 88 minutes East 1505.6, more or less
to the said 'West Boundary'of Northern Light Lode Claim No.3,
Thence South 0 degrees, 18 minutes East 267.1 feet, more or
less, along said West Boundary Line of Northern Light Lode
Olaim No.3, to the point of beginning and containing 10.3
aores more or less."
Said deeds to be exeouted for and in consideration of the
U. S. Government oonstruoting a tunnel through Bear Mountain for the
purpose of oontrolling the flood waters'of Lowell Oreek in the
Oity of Seward, Alaska. .
Passed and approved this 17th day of April, 1939.
t: ~unt.OiPe.l Clerk
A motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by
Gilliland, that the rules be suspended for the adoption of
Resolution-7-39. .Oalling the Roll; All Counoilmen present voting
On the question "Shall Resolution-7-39 be adopted and passed"
All Counoilmen present voting in the affirmative. Whereupon the
Mayor signed Resolution-7-39 i~ open session.
The Clerk presented and read the following resolution:
A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Finanoe Committee to
negotiate a loan of t2~000.00 for the purohase of a Deed of
Easement and Right-of-way to the Bear Mountain Tunnel. '
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Counoil of the City of Seward,
Alaska that the Mayor and Finance Committee, be and they hereby
areautbcrized and direoted to negotiate a loan of 02,000.00 to
be repaid November 15, 1939, said loan to be used for the pnwpose
of paying for a Deed of Easement and Right-of-Way to the Bear
Mountain Tunnel at Seward, Alaska.
Passed and approved this 17th day of April. 1939.
g: ~ Munioipal Clert
A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by
Jones that the rules be suspended for the adoptiom of
Resolution-8-39. Calling the Roll; All Counoilmen present
voting Aye.
;:H ,
April 17, 1939 )Continuted)
On the question "Shall Resolution - 8 - 39 be ad~ted and
aased" All Counoilment present voting in the affirGative.
hereupon the Mayor signed Resoluti,on-8-39 in open session.
In discussing the damage to the engines at the City Light
lant and it appearing to be the fault of the installing engineer
sent from the Worthington faotory. a motion was made by Councilman
ones seoonded by Kennedy that a olaim be sent to the Worthington
ump and Machinery Co. for $1000.00 plus the cost of material and
he installing of same. Motion carried by the unanimous vote of
11 Counoilmen present.
The Sohool Board wanted a oheck for the balance of their
udget of $1582.20, a Motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded
y Kennedy that this amount be given them -.t ~~ 8fm GW&~'
k ~ r9IL~__1. Calling the Roll on the motion all Councilmenn
resent voted AYE.
A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Bemson
hat the Gym job arohitect. Foss & Co. be paid from the Grant
heck received. Calling the Roll on the motion all Counoilmen
resent voted AYE.
The Clerk notified the Counoil that an insurance polioy on
he Seward Gen. Hospital for $2000.00 expired April 27th. 1939,
Motion was made by Counoilman Jones seoonded by Kennedy that
he olerk renew this insurance. Calling the Roll on the motion all
ouncilmen present voted AYE.
An Ordinance governing the use of the City streets was
discussed and a motion was made by Counoilman Jones seconded by
Doshen that a letter be written to George Grigsby asking him
his oharges for an opinion. Motion oarried by the unanimous vote
of al~ Counoilmen present.
There being no further business to come before this meeting
upon proper motion being made, seoonded and carried it did
ad journ. '
MAY I. 1939
The Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, convened
in regular session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall this
1st. day May, 1939.
Mayor Brownell calle the meeting to order at 8 o'clock P.M.
Counoilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Councilmen Benson, Doshen, Gilliland, Jones,
Kennedy and Leirer.
Absent None:
Minutes of the last meeting read' and a change ordered in the
motion regarding the giving of the check to the School Board for
the balance of their yearly budget.
Mayor Brownell read a communication from Col. Wild which
requested the City to deed to the U.S.Government a narrow st~ip
of land lying west of First Ave. and known as Tract A, the reason
for this deed to complete the Right of Way for Bear Mt. tunnel.
The following Resolution was presented:
May 1, 1.939, Continued.
A motion was made by Councilman Jopes seconded by Gilliland.
that the Rules be suspended, for the adoption of Resolution #9-39
Calling the Roll on the motion, All Counoilmen present voting AYE
On the question "Shall Resolution 9-39, be passed and adopt d"
All Counoilmen present voting in the affirmative; Whereupon the
Mayor deolared said Resolution passed and adopted and signed said
Resolution in approval thereof.
. .
Mayor Brownell made an offer of $10.00 for the balance of
the small strip of tract "A" lying north of. the strip deed to the
U.S.Government and joining onto said strip. Mayor Brownell stated to
the Council that he wanted this small tract for the protection of the
City's interest during the Tunnel construction an~ that he would eed
this tract back to the' City after completion of the Tunnel.
The following Resolution was presented:
Resolution #10-39
A motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by
Gilliland that Resolution #10-39 be passed and adopted as present d;
Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
The clerk notified the Council that light bill payments wer
very slow in coming in and that the Plant could not meet it's
monthly bill. unless the oustomere paid up. A motion was made b
Councilman Jones seconded by Kennedy ~hat a penalty of $1.00 be
assessed to delinquent bills of $5.00 or more and if bills are
not paid by the lOth. of the month the customers will be subjec
to have their lights cut off, an edd to this effect to be put i
the Seward Gateway. Calling the Roll on the Motion, th& followi
vote was cast; Those voting Aye; Councilmen Doshen, Gilliland,
Jones and Kennedy. Against, Councilmen Benson and Leirer.
Mayor Brownell declared motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Gillilan
that the Mayor and Light Committee make out all bids for Light
and Power upon application for same; Motion carried by unanimo
vote of all Councilmen present.
The-Mayor and Light Committtee were asked to get in touch
with any prospective customers for Light and Power for the Bear
Mountain Tunnel Project.
The question of the use of machinery and motors of more t n
5 horse power within the City limits, and the control of same 0 me
up for disoussion, and a Motion. was made by Councilman Benson
seoonded by'Gilliland that the City Attorney be instructed to
draw up such an Ordinanoe. Motion carried by the unanimous vote
of all Councilmen present.
City claims for the amount of $1387.45 presented and appr
by the Finanoe Committee as follows:
Hawkins & Ray '16.67; Pete Michelson $16.67; Aron Ericso
$5.55; L. V. Eay, 633.34; L. E. Williams, $33.34; Fred Keilche
$146.67; E. D. Webb, $100, Franoes Shea, $17; Seward Eleotrio
System, t200.10; Chase Bat. Bank, $5.0~; Alaska R."R., $12.00;
Standard Oil Co, $12.72; Seward Water Supply, .l30~00i Gateway
Pub. Co. $19.20; Bert Smith, $109.60; Cash-Pay Roll, ~78.40;
Andy,Express, $7.50; Sew. Light & Power, $13.55. Sew. Drug Co.
$1.15; Osbo Eleot. Supply, $29.55; Wm. Struve, 116.20; Ogle
Garage, $2.59; Tom Jones, $12.00; Seward Hardware, $4.59;
Cal M. Brosius, '89.78; North. Comml. Co., $205.10; U. S. Sig
Corps, $50.88; D. C. Brownell, $17.50.
.-...,..-", . 'l
May 1. 1939 (Continued)
A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by
ennedy that the claims be paid. Aalling the roll on the motion
11 Councilmen present voting AYE.
City Light Claims for the amount of $1.182.71 presented and
pproved by the Finance Committee as follows:
L. A. Huff. $165.00; Myron Polk. $165.00i Lee Stewart. $165.00
. D. Webb, $50.00' Seattle First' Nat. Bank. 0:1>25.00;' Cash, $76.97;
ateway Pub. Co.. t3.50; Seward Water Supply. $5.00; Andy Express,
20.40; Sew. Light and P~wer, $5.75; Osbo Elect. Supply, $~00.9~;
m Struve ~20.10' Seward Mch. Shop. $21.35; Brown & Hawk~ns. v.50
gie Garag~ tl~.50; Seward Hardware, $18.50; Standard Oil Co., '328.29.
The motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by
enson that the claims be paid. Calling the roll on the motion
11 Councilmen present voting AYE.
The Mayor notified the Council to meet next Monday Night
1ay 8. 1939.
There being no further business to come before this meeting.
pon proper motion it did ~djourn.
City Clerk
May 8, 1939
The Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska. convened in
ecessed session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall this
th day of May, 1939.
Mayor Brownell called the meeting to order at 8 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Councilmen Benson, Doshen, Gilliland, Kennedy,
and Leirer.
Absent: Counoilman Jones.
Mr. Ingram appeared before the Council aBd asked that the
esse Lee Road be put out of the City Limits, because if that was
one the Bureau of Public Roads would keep that eection of roaa up.
Mayor promised him that he would take this up with the City
ttorney, and see what could be done.
Jerry Seigman presented an application for the transfer of
he liquor license of Mrs. Jerry Seigman to Mr. Joe Derry. After
ome discussion, the Council decided they had no authority in this
tter*L:" because the application was not authorized by Mrs. Jerry
Mayor read wires from Col. Wilde, also wire to Col. Olson
egarding right-of-way of the Bear Mountain Tunnel.
The Council discussed Mr. Ray's postion as City Attorney. and
motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by Benson
or the Cl~rk to write Mr. Ray a letter asking him if he was going
o continU8;8.S City Attorney. Motion carried by the unanimous vote.
fall Counoilmen present.
Some discussion was had as to whether it would be advisable to
rder a new shaft for #1 EVgine at the Light Plant, and it was
greed that it would be.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
pon proper motion it did adjourn.
, ;~::. ~~ ~"-'\
Mnn~~y. M~y Tnt~. rq~q
The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in regula s
seesion in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall this 15th. day 0
May, 1939.
Mayor Brown~ll called the meeting to order at 8 o'clock PM.
Councilmen present and absent were as follows:
P~esent, Councilmen Be.rlson, Doshen, Gilliland, Jones, Kenne y
And Le'irer.
Absent, None.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approve'd.
The clerk read a letter from the Reconstruction Finance Cor .
Re: to sale of electric energy to Government agencies.
The clerk read a wire from Col. Wild stating all deeds of
easments should be made to the Town of Seward in place of the
United States Government.
The following Resolution was presented and read by the cler.:
Whereas it is desireable, in pursuance and aid of the Flood
control ACT of June, I936, as amended by the ACT of Congress of
August 20, 1937, Title 33 U.S.C.A. Section 70Ic, and the ACT of C ngress
approved May 6, I936, to grant an easement to the United States 0
America and / or contractors and others preforming work for it, t
permit the occupancy and use of the herein after described proper
Now, therefore, BE IT RESOL VEiJ, that the Common Council of the To,
of Seward, in regular session duly convened does hereby authorize
the Mayor and Municipal clerk of th~ said Town of Seward to execu e
an easement granting to the United States of America and / or ;1
contractors preformi,ng work for it, the rights and permission to . -fi
enter upon and occupy all lands, roads and premises owned by or u dcr
the control of the Town of Seward for the purpose ~f constructi~g
within the Project boundry. THE FLOOD CONTROL ~ORKS authorized by the
ACT of Congress approved August 25th. I937, and said easement is 0
apply to and burden in particular the following des~tibed propert
, . Follow,s is a d,esoription of the boundries of
the NORTH LIGHT LODE CLAIMS and the D. C.. BROWNELL homestead.
Duly and formally passed this I5th. day of May 1939, by the
Common Council of the Town of Seward in regular session convened.
Mayor Town Clerk.
~ A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Benso
that the Rules be suspended for the adoption of this Resolution
as presented and read to the Common Council. Hotion carried by t e
unanimous vote of all Councilmen present..
! '
Upon the question, shall the Resolution as presented be pas
and adopted at this meeting the Roll was called with the fpllowi
re sul t &
Those. voting
AYE were Cpuncilmen Benson, Doshen, Gilliland,
Jones, Kennedy and Leirer.
Those voting No, None.
The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution passe~d and ad
and signed the same in open session in approval thereof.
~ The clerk read the application of ~ohn w. Blase for the app
of his dispensary Liquor License, and a motion was made by Counc
Gilliland seoonded by Doshen that the application be approved. C
the Roll upon tpe motion, All Councilmen present voted AYE.
The clerk read the application of John Matich for the approv
of his dispensary Liquor License, and a Motion was made by Counc
Gilliland seconded by Jones that the application be approved,
1m an
;.)....: ""t
May 15th. I939, Continued.
Calling the Roll on the Motion, All Counoilmen present voted AYE.
The olerk read the applioation of ' Leo M. Douglas for the
approval of hid Dispensary Liquor Lioense, and a motion was made
by Councilman Gilliland seoonded by Leirer that the application
be approved: Calling the Roll on the Motion: All Councilmen
present voted AYE.
Counoilman Leirer brought up the question of raising Auto
drivers License to $5.00 per year, stating that there were many
auto drivers whom did not pay any other taxes in the City but
used the streets as muoh if not more than people who paid city
taxes. A Motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Leirer
that Section 4 of Ordinance 84 be M,mNDED to read; The FEE for
Motor Operators License as above provided, shall be $5.00 per
year. And addition to this section 4 shall provide that no States
or Territorial drivers License shall be good for a longer period
than 30 days in Seward. Motion carried by the unan~mous vote of
all Counoilmen present.
There being no further business to come before this meeting
upon proper motion being made seconded and carried, it did adjourn
June 5, 1939
'The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in regul~r
session in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall this 5th day
of June, 1939.
1.layor Brownell called the meeting to order at 8 o'clock P.Ll.
Councilmen present and absent ~ere as follows:
Present: Councilraen Benson, Doshen, Jones, Kennedy and
Absent: Councilman Gilliland.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
The Clerk read a letter from the Seward kmght and PO\'ier Co.
in which they notified the Council of a rate change to
affect July 1, 1939~ as follows:
This is to inform you that effective June 30th. IV39 we
are oancelling and eli!:1inating Schedule B. of our suppleme~tary
rate apIJlyint:; to the Federal Government.
Also effective June 30th., 1939, we are amending ~chedule BQl
of our supplementary rate applying to the Federal Government as
51 per EXIH first 100 EaH per month per meter.
3rJ" "ne::t 200 " " " " "
2rJ " "excess 300 " " " " "
Minimum monthly charge $1.50 per month per meter.
Seoond letter dated June 1st, 1939 as follows:
This is to ihform you that effective July 1st. 1939 we
are cancelling the following sohedules a:r;>.plying to the Federal
Sohedule B-1 and amendment, Schedule B-2, B-3, and B-4.
::) 1')
i) ....
June 5, 1939 Continued
Effecti ve July 1st., 1939, we are inaugurat ing a completely ne\'i
supplementary rate applying to the Federal Government to be d~sig-
1ated as follows:
Sohed'Q.le C.
(Applying to all classes of 2ervice.)
Ji1 per .KWH.
Minimum monthly oharge will be based
on approximate demand as agreed upon.
The Clerk read a letter from the Seattle First National Bank
nquiring what to do with the balanoe of the bonds also if they
should remain as paying agent for the Seward Eleo8ric System. The
~etter was ordered laid on the tuble.
The Clerk read the application of Pete Lucy for a Restaurant
~iquor License. A Motion was made By Counci1man Jones seconded by
~enson that the application be approved; Motion carried by the
unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. McMullen asking permission t
bui1da concrete side walk in front of her residence on 2nd. Avenue.
A ldotion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Doshen that this
be left to the street COilll:1i ttee to investigate and decide. Hotion
ca~ried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
The Clerk read a letter from Gerald Roberts in which he seeks 0
reetsablish his drivers license, after some discussion, and a repor
to the Council that he had been seen driving down town since his
license was revoked a Motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded y
Leirer that this be left to the Municipal Judge for a decision.
~otion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
The question of the Van Gilder Hotel using a cess pool to drai
from their basement, contrary to the City Ordinance governing the
use of cess pools where a sewer is available was discussed and a
Jotion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Doshen that notice
be served on Mr. Balderston to fill in the cess pool and connect
up to the City Sewer line within 60 days from notification. Motion
carriei by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present. At this
tine the Clerk was requested to turn ov.er to the City Attorney a
bill of $88.40 against the Van Gilder Hotel for collection, this
being for work done on the Van Gilder Sewer and paid for by the
City upon assurance from the management of the Hotel that they woul
reimburse the City for said work.
The Clerk presented the follOwing re~olution:
Whereas: Construction on P.W.A. Docket 6279-2-P. has been held
uP pending release of Loan funds by the Government on a Bond
i~sue of $6,000.00 and the date of Oompletion of the Project
as set, June 1, 1939 has expired, and a further extension of
Project ti.le is necessary.
How Therefore: Be it Resolved by the Common Council of
the Town of Seward, Aluska, that the P.U.A. be requested to
issue a change order extending the Project completion date to
September 1st, 1939.
Pas.sed under Suspension of the Rules this 5th day of June
.- I
, I
l.iunicipal Cle r If,
May OJ"
A motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by Benson
June 5, 1939 Continued
that the Rules be suspended, for the adoption of Resolution-12-39.
Calling the Roll on the motion, All Councilmen present voting AYE.
On the question "Shall Resolution-12-39, be passed and adopted"
All Councilmen present voting in the affirmative; Whereupon the
Mayor declared s~id Resolution passed and ~dopted and signed said
Resolution in appro,,'al thereof.
City Claims presented of $1,635.06 approved by the Finance
Co~ittee were as foll~lS:
Hawkins & Ray, $25.00; Pete Michelson, $25.00; L. V. Ray, $50.00;
L. E. Williams, $50.00; Aron Ericson, $11.83j Fred Kielcheski,
$220.00; E. D. Webb $150.00; Frances Shea, ~20.00; Cash, $51.65;
E. D. Webb, Agent, 644.80; D. C. Brownell, $17.50; C. 1.1. Brosius,
$2.15; Osbo Elect. Supply, $41.60; Sew. Water Supply, $130.00;
Gateway Pub. Co., $5.85; Ogle Garage, $8.45; Sew. Lght. & Power,
$14.35; Alaska Shop, $16.00; Sew. Elect. System, $189.60; Seward
Hardware, $2.34' Sew. Mch. Shop, $6.10; Bert Smith, $144.80;
M. B. Lanning, ~93.80; McMullen Grocery, $28.40; Cash, (Payroll)
$38.80; Standard Oil Co., $8.48; Ray James... $12.00; northern
COlnmercial, $206.00; U. S. Signal Corps., ~20.56.
The motion was made by Councilman Doshen and seconded by
Leirer that the above bills be paid. Call ins the roll on the
motion all Conciluen present voting AYE.
Cit~l Light ClaLls for $1,375.68 pre:sented as follows:
L. A. Huff, $165.00; Myron Polk, $165.00; Lee stewart, $165.00;
E. D. tsebb, $50.00; Cash, ~28.51. D. C. Brownell, $5.23; City of
Seward, $24.29; Cal M. Brosius, 61.25; A. Ericson, $4.00; Stand-
ard Oil Co., $301.20j Seward Water Supply, $5.00~ Sew. Gateway,
$4.70; Ogle Garage, ~13.50; Sew. Elect. S~lsteI.1, ~(5.75; Osbo
Elect. Sup~ly, $135.04; U. S. Signal Corps., $19.06; puget Sound
News Co., ~1.56; Seward. Hardware, $3.33; L. A. Huff, $69.00;
ti. A. Polk, $88.00; Lee Stewart, $63.50; Vlorthington Pump & M. Co.,
$44.56; Tom Jones, $12.00.
The motion was made by Councilman Jones seconded by BeBBon
that the above bills be paid. Calling the roll on the motion all
Councilmen present voting AYE.
Mr. Davis asked the Council to put a dBBin down past the
Arcade across to VIashington Street. This was referred to the
Street Corr~ittee.
The Clerk was instructed to no~ify the Alasl:a Railway to
put a small tractor up for sale.
It was brought to the attention of the Council that Mr.
Hagen had net ro.cl:s across the beach at the breal::vrater. The
motion by CouncilQan Jones seconded by DoShen that he be notified
to remove racks at once or Police will do same. Motion carried
by unanimous vote of all CounlUlmen present.
The Fire Department Committe on Donation for the Fourth of
July asked the Council how ff!Uch they could contribute. The [llotion
woos HUg~ by Councilman Benson seconded by Kennedy that the
CitYfaonate $25.00. Also that the City of Seward donate two
Cit;r luts. Motion carried by unani ,ous vote of all Councilmen
pre sent.
Tom Baboock of Nuka Bay applied to the Cou~cil for a price
on the tractor-trailer which is onned by the City Light I)laYlt.
The motion v:;,s made by Councilman Jones and seconded by Doshen
that the sale of this trailer be turned over to the lif,ht
commi ttee. Mot ion carried b.. the unanL:ous vote of all councilmen
pre sent.
. 314
June 5 1939 Continued
Some discussion was had of the ordinance regarding the
occupancy of the City streets. The motion was made by Councilmen
Jones and seconded by Kennedy to find out if this ordinance
can be made more drastic, and the penalty to read a fine of $100
per day, and oach day to be a separate violation. Motion carried
by unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
Mayor Brownell offered $60.00 for lots 28 and 29 in Block 15.
The motion was made by Councilmarl Benson and seconded by Kennedy
that the offer be accepted. All Councilmen present voting AYE.
Mayot Brownell notified 'the Council that taere would be a
specIal meeting ca~led on the 'sixth day of June at 8 o'clock.
There being no further business to come before this meeting;
upon proper motion it did ,adjourn.
C ~~I-' ~
June. 6th. 1939
, .
Special meeting of the Co~on Council was called to meet at
8 0' cl,ock P.M. in the Tow.n Hall on, June 6th. I939," for ,the purpoj3e
of discussing addition and deductionJ3 for, the work. at tpe City Li
Plant. .
Meeting was call.ed to order' at 8 0' clock, P.M. ~~. I.layor
Brownell. " .
Councilmen prej3~nt and absent were as follow~:
Presen~: Councilmen B~nsop, Doshen, Gilliland~ Jopes
Kepnedy and Leirer~
Absent: Ilone. ", .
After discussing changes to the contract with the contract r
and the Rj~ inspector the following Resolution was presented:
i i
liEEREAS, the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alas}:'
desires SOme changes in the con~truction of Docket 6279-2 PF and
the contractor and the Common Council of the Town, of Sewurd havin
agreed upon the changes as follows:
Addition of two doors
Deduct linoleum from office floor
Add Insulated pit behind switch board
Add Repair to roof of Plant
Add Barn door slide to carry engine hoist
Add Replacing stucco on north end of building
Contractor to use oil soaked sand under storage tank
3 inch cres~ted planking as specified in contract at
origional contract price.
in place of
no change in
NO'" THBRlGFORE BE IT RESOL TIED by the Common Coune,ll of the
To~n of Se~urd, Alaska, that the contractor make the changes to
his contract as outlined above.
Passed under the suspension of the Rules this 6th. day
June I939.
::' '! ;)"~
~~:I #.
- -
June 6th. 1939, Continued
A Motion vIas Illade b:'7 Councilman Jones seconded by Gillila.l1d
that the Rules be suspended, for the adol,tion of Resolution 1:::-33
at thie meeting and its takiur; effect upon its adoption; CalliLL
the Roll upon the j,:otion, All Council~nen present voted AYE.
On the question "Shull Resolution I3-39 be passed c.l.nd
adopted" All Council~en present voting in the affircative;
1.:Jereupon the lIayor declared said Resolution passed and adopted
~nd siGned said Resolution in approval thereof.
There being no further business to coce before this
Jaeeting upon proper motion being made, seconded and ~arl'ied it did
cf:'~ Clerk.
June 19th. I939
The Common Council of the Town of Senard, .il,>s~=a, cCJUvf;ned
in regular session in the'Obuncil.Cllambers this 19th. c1a;y of
June ISlZ9.
Mayor Iirownell called the meeting to order at 8 0 I clock
Councilmen present vlere as folluws: CouncillnaIl }jenson,
Doshen, Gilliland, Jones and I:ennedy.
..::"1:... .
Absent: CouncilLlan Leirer.
l.1inutes of the last meetings read and al~pruved.
The clerk read ~m application from F.ri'. Suydp.m askinG the
Council to al:Jfruve his alJplication for a retail liquor license.
.~ motion was made by CouncilL1an Jones seconded by Gilliland
that the a,LJrlication of Mr. S~Tdam be approved; I.;otion carrieQ by
tLe Ullul1imous vote of all CouncilJ:ien I,resent.
The clerk read a letter from Col. Ohlson of the Alaska
Railroad in which he stated that his ~resent con~ract did not
expire at the end of the fiscal ~'car and that it was not likely
that the Railroad would be calling fur bids. Clerk was ordered
to file said letter.
TLe clerk re8.(\ a letter from the .i.llied Trad,;s l!niol1~031
of Se~urd in which they stated that Ray James, contractor at the
Seward-Electric System job was not living up to his contract so
far as the hiring of labor for the job is concerned. At this time
lIre Frank Goyne, representing the l!nion took the floor und
explaineu to the Council the Un~onrs stand in the case; ~fter some
discussion U Dotion vms made by Coul1cilr~lan Doshen seconded py
Jones that the clerk be instructed to notif;y Ur. JalIlcs that he
must strickly conform to the regulations of his contract so far
as labor is concerned, und a corY of the letter be given to the
inspectors on the job. ~otion carried by the unanimous vote of
all Councilmen present.
A motion Vias made by Councilrilan r:ennedy seconded by
Gilliland instructing the clerk to open a recistration book for
uneJ;).1Jloyed and to l:Jut an add in the r;aper to this effect. I:otiun
carried b:,' the unanimous vote of all Councilr;;crl fresont.
The clorL VJUS instructed to put c.:.n add in the 1,a.Jer
forbidding children under the age of 16 years to use a rifle or
air gun within the City lLJits also forbiddinG them from c<:l.rr:rin;:;
any such guns within thw City limits.
The clerk notifieu the Council that the insurunce roiicy
on the Hospita.l for tIO,OOO.OO expires on ,Tune 23rd. after some
di.scusf'ion a Eotion \'I",S made by Council;:J.an Benson secondeu by
~illiland that the clerk get the insurance renewed, $2500.')8 on
the fixtures u,',d contents and t>7;.)O.OG on the building, Hoticn
( 316
June I9th. Continued
carried by ~ Roll oall, All Councilmen ~resent voting AYE.
The clerk was instructed to put an add in the paper for
a dog catcher, Applications to be opened July 3rd. 1939.
There b~ing n~ further business to corne before this meetin!
upon ~roper rnot1on be1ng made seconded and carried it did adjourn.
JUNE 26th. I939
Special meeting of the Common Council was called to meet
in the Town Hall of the Town of Seward, Alaska, this 26th. day of
June 1939, for the purpose of passing on papers concerning the
Bear Mountain Tunnel and other business.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Brownell at 8o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present or absent were as follows:
Present: Councilmen Benson, Doshen, Gilliland. Jones.
Kennedy and Leirer.
Absent: llone.
The following Resolution was presented and read by the cl rk.
RESOLUT10U / t/ - :3"
WHEREAS, The Town of Seward has made and entered into an
Agreement with the Seward Light & Power Company, on the 25th. day
of May, I939. which said Agreement granted to the TO'J'm of Seward
its pipe line, which at that time conflicted with the right-of-
way required by the United states for the flood control project
on Lowell Creek as set forth in said Agreement; and
WHEREAS, The Town of Seward, in said Agreement. under-
took to assume and save the said Seward Light & Power Company
against all possible cost, loss and expense incurred as a result
of changing or relocating the said pipe line in compliance with
the demands of the Engineers in charge of said flood control
N~f. THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the Common Council
of the Town of Seward in regular session duly convened, does
hereby authorize. ratify and approve, the action of the Town of.
Seward. by its duly constituted officials. D. C. Brownell, its
Mayor, and E. D. Webb, its Municipal Clerk. in tntering into
the said Agreement.
Duly and formally passed this 26th day of June, 1939,
by the Common Council of the Town of Seward~
Town Clerk.
A motion was mady by Councilman Gilliland and seconded
by Doshen that the Rules be suspended for the adoption of this
Resolution as presented and read to the Common Council. Motion
carried b" the u~anirnous vot.e of all Conncil:Jen present.
Upon the question, shal~ the R~solution as presen~ed
be passed and adopted at this meeting the Roll vas called w1th
the following result:
,Those voting AYe '.'fere Councilmen B.enson, D. cShen, GiU.i).u pd,
J~/fn-~I -I~L'tb'<V;'
-- ~ }'''-
~, )...
Special Meeting
June 26, 1939 (continued)
Those voting No, None.
The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution passed E..nd
adopted and signed the same in open session in approval thereof.
The following Resolution was introduced and re~d by
the Clerk:
RESOLUTIon - I -1- ~ 1
BE IT RESOLVED, By the Corr~on Council of the Town of
Seward in session duly convened:
That D. C. Brownell, llayor, and E. D. Vlebb, Tow': Clerk,
of the Town of Seward, Alasl~a, a Municipal corporation, 1Jc, and
they are hereby, authorized and directed for and in the naIne of
the Town of Seward, Alaska, to send a letter to Colonel IT. J.
Wild, District EnGineer of the United states Engineer Office ~t
754 Central Building, Seattle, ~~shington, inforning and assuring
hin that the Town of Seward assumes and holds itself responsible
for the payment of any costs and/or expense incurred in changing
or relocating the pipe line of the Seward Light & Power Company in
compliance with the demands of the Engineers in charge of the
Lowell Creek flood control project, as u.'1derstood and ugreed in
that'Agreement entered into between the Town of Seward and the
Seward ~ght & Power Company, on the 25th day of May, 1939.
Duly and formally passed this 26th day of June, 1030,
the Ooumon Council of the Town of Seward.
Approved :-
Town Olerk
A motion ~as made by Councilman Jones and seconded by
Benson th.,\t the Rules be suspended for tpe o.dortion of this
Resolution as presented and read to the Common Council. Motion
carried by the unanLJOu~ 1'ote of all Councilmen present.
Upon t1':e quef2tion, shall the Resolution llS l'rescntect b:,
passed and QC~ .Jpted :.it this meeting the Roll Vli1S called with the
following result:
Those i'oting AYE v'ere CounciLllen Benson, Doshen,
Gilliland, Jones, l:ennedJT and Leir r.
Those voting No, None.
The 1Iayor thereupon decb.red said Resolution rassed and
ado];ted and signed the ss.me in open session in al)pro'.'c.l therr~of.
Clerl~ :
The follo"!ing Resoluti0n 1".].S introduced and read by the
Re solut ion II - 39.
'ilHEREAS, ):t is d8sirable, in pursuance and aid of the
F100d ControVAct /_f .JuY'.e. 1926, as umended "hy the Act vf
Congress of AUf!Uf:''C 2~, 1927,.T,itle 23 tT. J' C. A. Section 701c, an
the Act of Congress approved r,la:' 6, 1936, to p'rant an easement
to the United States of America and/or contractors and oth~rs
performing work for it, ot per':1it the OCcupD.ncy and use of the
hereinafter rescribed property, nO\~', therefore, BE IT RI;so'nm,
tho.t the COLlmon Council of the TO'\'!n of Se1!'hrd, in rc>'uulr se~sion
dul~T convenec1 doe!': hereby ::.:.uthorized the I.la.~Tor and Ilunicipal
Cler]: of the Gaid T017'i of Se1"o.1'd t.o exccute an ecJ.SCl'.ient f':runt~n'!
to the United Sta.tes of "i:neric5. and/or contractors rerforminr:; ,-
"fork for it, the ri[':hts und rerGlission to enter upon s.nd oceGr,;~! ul
hmdG, rO~tds and pre,Jises ov:med b;',' or under the control of the
Town of Seward for the :;url;ose of constr1.cting within the rro-
~ect bou"ldary, the Flood Control 'iiorl:s Quthroized b;y the ""ct of
Conr:ress [j, ~)rovcd August 25th, 1927 , ",nd :':':.Iid e:LP8::Jent is to
a.pr;l;y to and burden in farticuL1.r the follO"firj<f r]e8cri bed IJro-
Special :Meeting
June 26. 1939 (continued)
"Northern Light Lode Clai~s. cO~ilencin~ at U. S. Land Monumen
no. 726. thence Horth 34 degrees 28 minutes nest 22 feet to
a point on the East lkne of Northern Light L~de Claim No. 1
the true point of beginning of this description. thence Nortl:
34 degrees. 28 minutes West 1068.4 feet, DOre or less, to a
point on the West line of Northern Light Lode Clai~ No.3.
thence Eorth 0 degrees 18 L1inutes tie st 267.1 feet alonr:
said West line of Northern Light Lode Claiu No.3, thence
South 34 degrees, 28 r.1inuted :SU?t lJ68.4 feet, L10re or les::,.
to a }Joint on the Eu.2t line of northern lL~ht Lode Clo.iu 1:0. 1,
thence South 0 degrees 19 ;;linutes East 267:1 feet alonr: s/;l.id
East line of Northern Light lode Claim Ho. 1 to the true l:oiI t
of beginning."
"D. C. Brownell Homestead Cla.i:n coumcncinp: at ,U.S.L.I,I. Ho. 721
.thence North 34 degrees, 28 Llinute,s 1090' feet, more or less
to a point on the.left line of Northern Light Lode Claim
No.3, the true point of beginning of this description, then( e
North 34 degrees, 28 minutes Uest 1125 feet, thence South
55 degrees, 32 oinutes West 350 feet, thence North 34 degreel
28 ]:1inutes Hest 600 feet, thence north 55 degrees 32 uinutes
East, 5JO feet, thence South 34 degrees, 28 minutes East,
1504.3 feet to a point on ~he ~est line of Northern Light
Lode Clai'1 Ho. 3, thence South 0 degrees, 18 minutes Btist
2&7.1 feet along said West line of Horthern Light Lude
Claim No.3, to the true point of beginning."
Duly and formally passed this 15th day of May, 1939, by the Common
Council of the Town of Seward in regular session convened.
/s/ D. C. Brownell
E. D. nebb
Town Clerk
A motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by Leirer
th~t the Rules be suspended for the adoption of this Resolution
as presented and read to the COInL10I1 COUI1cil. I.1otion carried by thE
unanimous vote of all Counciloen present.
Upon the question, shall the Resolution as presented be passe,
and adopted at this meeting the Roll was called with the following
Those voting AYE Dere Councilmen nenson, Doshen, Gilliland,
Jones, Kennedy and Leirer.
Those voting No, None.
The Mayor thereupon declared eaid Resolution lJ::1ssed and u.do] ted
and signed the same in open session in approval thernof.
The question of merchants selling fireTIorks for the Fourth of
UiI1)y came up, and a motion was made b~T Councilman Jones and
seoonded by Doshen that the Clerk notify the mer9hants they
would be permitted to sell fireworks from July 1st to midnight of
July 4th. llotion carried by unani'lous vote of all Councilmen
The follovJine; Resolution \"[1S presc~1ted. ana rectd b;y the ClerIc:
Resolution /, - :'1
WHE~~S, It appears to the Common Council of the Town of
sewqrd, Alaska, that the Territorial Auto License Plates should
be sold by the City Clerk as this will benefit the sale of Driver' ~
license by the City.
IJOV! THE~FORE, Be it resolvell b" .the Common Conncil of the
Town of Seward, in reguls.r se./2si.on duly convened, does hereby
petition the Territorial Treasurer to return the sale of Auto
License plates to the office of the City ClerIc of Seward, A1E.ska.
(', -,' , \
''.J .L ;U
Special l.Ieetins
June 26,1939 (continued)
Duly and formally passec this 26th oay of June, 1939 by ths
Co~non Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska.
A motion nas [Jude by Councilman Gilliland and 8econded by
eirer thut the Resolution be passed and adopted us read. qallin~
he Roll on the L1otion all Councilmen present voting AYE.
The Clerk presented a bid of $50.00 from W. R. Benson for
lots 19 and 20 in Blook 38. A motion waS made by Councilman
Jones and seoonded by Gilliland that the offer be accepted. Call in
the roll on the :]]otion all Councilmen votins AYE, excepting Council
nan Benson who did not vote.
The Council v'as not ified that Malloy rnade an offer to trade
his drag-line in on his delinquent taxes. The motion was made by
Councilman Kennedy and seconded by Doshen that the Finance Comm-
ittee take the matter up with him and report back at the next
regular meeting. The motion was carried by the unanimous vote of
a~l Councilmen present.
It c~me to the attention of the Council that Fred Miller
had placedma line stake on his homestead at the Northern limits
of the City so that the said stake was standing in the street and
auld be an obstruction to the City grader while workins in thqt
end of town. A motion waS made by Councilman BesBon and seconded
by Leirer that the Street Committee investigate and rerort b~lCk
at the next meeting. The motion 'Nas carried b~.' the unanimous vote
of all Councilmen present.
There being no further business to come
upon proper motion being made, seconded, and
hefore this meetinE,
carried it did
Ci t~7 Clerk
JULY 3rd. I939
The Cornman Council uf the Town of Sevlard, Al~~ska, conyened in
reguLJ.r session in the Council Chambers this 3rd day of July, 1039.
Muyor Brownell called the meoting to order at 8 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present v-ere us folloVls: Council:::1Cn Benson,
Doshen, Gilliland, Jones, l:ennedy, und Leirer.
Absent: llone
~inuteB of the l~st ~oeting read and ufprovod.
The Clerk re"_d a letter =rOlil the Standurd Oil Cv. in which'
they st/:J.ted thd.t the~T could not pluce oil on cO:1signment in the
11e\'1 ta~.k being built at the City Light Plunt. The Cler}: '.'.'as
ordered to file the letter.
The Clerk read a letter from L. V. Ray in behulf of the
Bureuu of Public Roads in \7hich they as1:od the Council to hold a
speicl;l.l election und set aside 500 feet of the Horth (:ne of the
City to the Territory of Alaska. The reason for this so that the
Bureau of Public Roads might' ake care of the road to the Je sse
Lse HOlUe fruUl the funds alloteC! them. After sorile :1i8c\;.8(::10:1 of
the matter the Llotion V,'~8 ..dde by C0uncilr:w.n Gilliland and seconded
by Leirer agreeing that the City will Give not I:lOre than 66 feet
providing the public co voted it, and also ~rovidi~~ that the
Bureau of Public Roads lJCl.;iT the election e::jJensos.
( 320
3, 1939 (contrd)
The Uotion carr~d bjT the unani'lous vote of all Councilmen present.
The motion was lllc;,de bj' Cou,lCilman Doshen and seconded by
B?nson that the Mayor wire Uril.Hessee of the stand taken by the
C7ty, also to get a letter from the Jessee Lee Home assurinG the
C~ty thut they would give this stri; of lund when needed to the
Territor~' of AlLi.ska. }!otion cil:rried b~' tho u~1u:1i:]Qus vote of all
Councilmen present.
II> The Clerk presented a claim of the Al8.s1:3. Steamship CompaHY
for 11121.20 due on freight of engine shaft to Buffalo. The motion
was made by Councilman Doshen and seconded by Leirer that this bill
be paid. Upon roll call all Council~e~ present voted AYE.
The following Resolution ':ras presented and rec.i'l b~' the Clerk:
Resolut~ I/o. 16-39 A
OF SE\URD, AL... 3K",.
that D. C. Bro\"!nell, as Myaor and E. D. ~ebb, as Muntmm~ai Clerk.
and the;y hereby are authorized <md directod to e.ecute und deliver
t~D. C. BD~nell and ~. R. Benson a good and sufficient Deed for
irhe following described Real Prol)erty in the Town of Seward.
Alaska, to-wit: Lots 28-29. Block 15 and Lots 19-2Q in Block 38
to the original townsite of Seward, AlaSka.
Said Deed to be executed for and in consideration of $100.00
bid and accepted b~' the unan1':1ous vote of the Common Council of
the Town of Seward, Alaska, in pa~rment for the a~ove lots.
Passed this 3rd day of July, 1939.
A wotion was made' by Councilman Jones seconded by Kennedy
th~t the Resolution be adopted us read; it ~as so ado~tod by
the unanimous vote 0:: all the ConnciLnen f:re2e:1t.
kr. Riley ar,~eared before the Council und stataD that l:e
would 111:e to ha~e emplo;yment in th'e Cit~' Li;;ht Pb.nt as a linel.w.n
and an all around electrician, also tendered a letter of recommen-
dat ion from a Po':'er Company in Idaho. Mr. Rile~7 stated that he
vfonld b'e willing tJ start at a salarJ7 of $175.00 per Y:1onth, and
1iay.or Brownell told Ur. Riley th>it his application vlould be considtJ ed.
It ''las brought to the atte'1tion of the CitjT Council that there
vms :lot and never harJ neen any system of kee~;ing track of the'
cemetary lots. ~fter some ~iscussion by the Council, a motion
v!as made by Councilr:1<:1n Jone s c"nd seconded b;y Gilliland that a
special committee be appointed to form a plan of handling the said
lots, Motion carried by the unani':lous vote of all CouncilLlen 1,rese t.
Liayor Brownell appOinted Councilmen Jones and Gillilancl as
the comrni ttee.
The Clerk presented claims form Pongratz & llic Pherson of a
balance due them on the gymna'siuln job of $536.90. Of this umount
claimed, $350.00 being for timbers in_~he school building basement.
According to the records this amount~ral:en cure of in one of the
changes of material in the original contract. Their claim of
$186.00 due on g~rmnasiurrl equiI'ment, the contract prL~e beinr, $900.0 ,
which vms disarproved b~ the F.1,'J.A., but the contr'lctor did pay
to the Seward Drug Co. ~714.00 leaving a baaance of $186.00 due him
as per contract, which he requested the City to be paid to. him.
The motion wac made by Councilman Jones and Feconded by Le1rer
~. . ,_.~ )
,I .~ tl)"-"
~)1~ 1
July 3, 1939 (cont'd)
thut this claira being juet and due the contractor, tho t the
be IJuid fro ,,1 the City funds as Boon [oS funds are aV:J.ilallle.
carried by the una.ni:nous vote of a:1 Councihlen rresent.
The Clerk presented Cit~l c1aius for the amount of $1,489.00
which ';lere approved by the Finance Cowmittee as follo\"Js:
Hawkins & Ray, $25.00; Pete 1.Iicl:elson, $25.00; L. V. Ra;r, $50.00;
L. E. Viilliams, ~50.00; Fred 1:ielches1:i, ~220.00; F. Shea, ~24.00;
E. D. \'lebb, $150.00; Northern Comm. Co. $208.84;. E. D. '-!ebb, Agent.
$224.00; A. R. Bryant, $44.70; Trick & liurray, ~21.45; Sew. Elect.
System, $24.95; Bert Smith, ~140.00; Nick Hodak, $12.00; Bill
Johnson, $21.60; M. B. Lanning, $28.80; C~sh, $39.03; Alaska Shop.
2.00; Gateway, $8.85; Sew. TIater Supply, $130.00; Ogle Garage,
11.70; Sew. Lgt. & Power, $11.75; Standurd Oil Co., $1.63.~;
. S. Signal Corps-;- $8.20; OGle's Garage, $5.50.
The ,.10tion \'leiS 1,}8,de by Councilman Jones B.."1d seconded b~l Doshen
that the above clai:as be lJaid. UlJon Roll call all Councilr.lcn
resent voted AYE.
City cleiims presented were $1,195.13 as follows:
~. A. ~uff, ~165. :0; ~yron Polk, $165.00; Lee St?war~, $165.00;
E. D. ~ebb, ;50.00; S~eindard Oil Co., $1~4.08; D1str1ct Court, $10. 0;
Cragin & Co., $26.62; Cash, $119.13; Seward Water Supply, $5.00;
Gateway Pub. Co., $3.50; '3e"rurd llch. Shop, $2.15 i Volunteer Fi,re
Dept., $25.:0; Tbm Jones,.$29.50; Andy Express, w2.50; Sew. Lfit. &
PovJer, $5.75; Erick Eclaoan, $4.00; Osto-Elect. Suppl~;, $40.89;
Osbo-Elect. Supply, ~182.01.
The Dation was m~de by Coucil~an Gilliland ~"1d seconded by
Benson t~at the above claims be puid. Callinr the roll on the
moti on all C0uncilC1en rre sent voted AYE.
The Cormuittee reported to the Council re[!ardin[', the line fence
on the liiller property in the North end of the City. The motion
!J3-S made by Councilr:lD.n Jones and seconded b~T Kennedy thG.t I.~iller
be notified to move his fence in line ','lith the cemetery fence.
Also that the Clerk v:rite to the U. S. ....eind Office inquirin? if the
City could ret for Cemexter~T purposes that IJorticn vf lund l~'inG
North of the pre sent Cerneter;)T. 'Motion carried by the unani::1ous
vote of all Cou;1cilrnen present.
The question car.1e up of permitting lilallo~' to te[;.rd~1f'1orne
houses in Block 17. The :aotion was :aade by Councilman Benson
and seconded by Leirer thut Malloy be pe~nitted to tear these
hOUSGS down, providing he ugrees to clea:a up all the J:1ess. !'.lotion
cu.rried b~T the u;1anLl'JUS vote of all Council,Jen I;resent.
There being no further business to co:ae before this meeting,
upon proper :.1otion being made, seconded, carried it did adjourn.
Sreoial lireetine
July 6, 1939
,The following Resolution w~s presen~ed end rean by the 'Clerk:
R~.olution 11-39 :
ViTIEREAS, it is desirable, in pursuance and aid of the Flood
Control of Lowell Creek of Seward, Al~ska to grant and easement to
the United States of America and/ or contractors and others
performing work for it, to permit the occupa.ncy and use of the
hereinafter described property, If ow , therefore, BE IT RESOLVED,
that the Common Council of the Town of 3oy'"rd, in re~Cll:cr '3")88i01'
dul:.r cOll\l'enC(: .dOCE hereb7,-:' ar_thori~(;(~ tbc !.iL~~Tor -llld l'i'~'vlicil c...~;_
Cl(.r1 'lf i-~~c. ;.'t"~~('l T '~"'-P'-i -.-f" ()':-.'.-r ,,...,- -j-, '! 'I:~~-'" '1 +F .-- t~ ...." ,(~~_J. ~.~.. ,', "i~
....... .1, '- :..1,_...'-; ~.),....._~ L, \.~..., ". _1,....\.. ,.\...- '_ ' .....J~ ......! """'.,;.,,' ",-,", ",.. L
: "'-' ~.., .',~:,El' ::;t..",r< '~." _..r,lerica. a.'1d/cr contractors, rerformin[
work for it, the rights and perrqission to ente:r: upon arid occul'y all
lands, roads and premises owned by or .unde~ the control of th~
Town of Seward, for the prupose ofconstrl~cting within the j'ro-
ject boundary, the Flood Control Works ~utqorized, by the Act of
Congress approved August 25th, 1937, and said easement is to
apply to and burden in particular the folloning described rro-
perty: There followed a description of the boundaries of the
North Light Lode Claims and the D. C. Brownell Homestead.
A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland seconded by Benson
that the Rules Qe suspended for the adoption of this Resolution
as presented and read to the Common Council. Motion carried by the
Unanil110US vote of all Councilmen present.
Upon the question, shall the Resolution as presented be passed
and adopted at this meeting the Roll ~as called with the fo~lowing
re sul t :
Those voting AYE
Those voting HO,
were Councilmen Benson, Doshen, Gilliland,
Jones, Kennedy, and Leirer.
The Mayor thereupon declared said Resolution passed and
adopted and signed the sar:1e in open session in approval thereof.
There being no further business to come before this meetinr
up'jn proper motion being made, seconded, and earried, it did
City Clerk
;... ~'~, -,:-:
--" /' --
t,:'''" ~(J
Regulu.r 1:ectillg
July 17, 1'039
The OOlll;;lon Cou:-::.cil of the Towr; of Se'.'mI'd, Alus1:u, c0L':,eTled Ll
rOE'ub.r sessi0:: in the Council C:l8.rnbers this 17th ca:T of J:;ll~', :....:",i
LU'70r :Srovmell cb.lled the rneetinp: to oI'der"t 8 o'clock 1'.:...
Coullcilme:l l:'resent '.-:ere follvViS: . ComlciLJen :Sonso:I, :Jushe:l,
GillilaLc1, JOLes, Ke,"neuy, und Leirer.
"~bsent: ~~one.
1,:i~t;;.tc2 of the l.'~,2.t rncotiY1"J rcu..c a:ld ul..r0'Vscl.
The Clerk read ~ letter fruQ Oscar G. Olson, Territorial
Treasurer, in \','hich ho ir.forwcG the Council tL1t he \7Gulc teeTl.
uvcr the ~uto license plate Gale to the Cit: Cle~:'E 0f~icD un
January 1, 1940. A uotion \','.18 l;;J.dc ,,~- CouncilLlan Gi1lilu.nd und
secoy"d(d by Doshen th""t the treasurer 'be :'lotified thkt this
arru.:'1sernent v:0uld be satisfc-:-ctvT;)'. Calli::>: the 1'011 OIl tr:6 :.iotiun
all C()ur~Lcill11e:-l pre sent vat .~Ylg ~\.YE. t
'i.. R. Bensun [.1ade a bid of $25.0U for Lot 18 ill Block 38.
A motion was made by COtmcilman Kennelly und s8condec. by GillilUlld
that the offer 11e accelJted. Calling tbe roll Ull the !,lotion ",11
COU11cilrae1~ i:Jrescr:t '''otin[ l;'YE.
The Clerk l!resented a lJetition from a IJajorit~' of the
,hules~le liquor dealers in town, hi \'ibic1:, they requ.e sted the
perr;iission from the Council to }Jer!liit their Ijlaces of business to
rei.lain open 25- hours a day. The Clerk infurmed the Council that
Ilr. John 'ii. ,Blase de"Sired to i:Jake a statement to tho Council
before an::' action io to.Le::: in this ra:.tter. A :.lotion i'las made by
Councilman Kennedy u.na seconded b;{ Doshen that tUs te helll over
until the next regu.lar ~eeting, and the Clerk to vut an u.dd in
the IJuJ)er inviting anyone to be l,resent who :jight have anything
to sUf,gest as rega;;ds the closing law for licluor l\cd.lers. L:otion
ca.rried by the unanir;IOUS ';ote of ull Co~ncilmen l)resent.
~elef;,___te8 fro;l} the :'oc8.1 n:'1io~ u.:..'I;c<J.rec.1 "beforo ",-1-:8 C0t.i1:,:;il
seeking to have the Council turn over to them t_e list of
unemlJluyed Lebor nOVi at the Cit~l Glerl:' s Office. .\.fter some
disc1J,ssiG:: 'b:- tl:e Council. it \'!8S decided tb.it the Clerk could
give the]'i a liot of Rallies oilCe a vlee}: of ;:~e:1 registerilF for 1',ork,
but the Clerk ,.'1!i to c,mtirme re[:istcrili.O': nr'~LllJl,_::'ed ~t the Cit;'
Clerk's Office.'A\At this tine Ua;:or :Brownell asked the Council
to be excused statin~ that ho ~us very sick, and could nut cuntinue
in we meeting.
Councihlan Jones tool: the chair ""nd :';;'CtOll ,28 Uat'or for the
bulu.l1ce of the meetinG.
Inspector l.Ic HUGh d.t this time stated to the Conncil th.t tho
oil storage tank 2.t the Cit~T L:i.i~ht l'L,nt which \'I""S c()nstrtlCtN~ 0;;"
JDJileS, the contrcJ.ctor on the job \'Ii),S 110i' c, vcr~T [','ood job 0.S fJ.1'
as lininG t'-l) the tani: .is concerr"ed. .~lBO stati:"l:, tlmt had it
beer; un 1;1 re gulur F.Y; ."-... ~ob he \70ula l~ot uccort it, lmt incJ.sr:1Ucb
as the job ':!as reo\"; corJ~:letea, and in his Oijinior~t rlould uHs'''or
the pur-poses for which it ':':0.8 lJui.lt, he thou ,l:t Ghe C011'1ci1
might acceit it, but warned them to ret u cuurautee frum thE
contractur before su.ch acceptance. A ilotion \7,"S ;,;uGe ~~T Council;:aan
Gilliland and seconded 0': Benson that clerk rO(luest of 1ir. James
a \'Iritten guarantee on the tank SiGned 0;;7 hims~lf, also his cub-
contractor, Mr. Charles Lechner. Lotion curried n~' the tl11unimous
vote of all Cuuncilr'len 'reS621t.
llir. 1icIIugh also stat8l) to the Council th[1t the ~,,,il1t jot, on
the interior of the Cit~- Licht Plc.nt did ]}ot sl,ecify i~t WC1S to
be brushed on or u spra;y ;Cun upcr1. The Council havinb' been
informed previously thu.t the uce of a .spray gun \":i thin the
engine room v:ould' be detremental to the machine ry. :A:.Jll0t ion was
Llade. by Councilr:lO.n Doshen a.nd seconded by r:ennedy that "'Ghe Clerk
inform 111'. James by letter that the ,uint job fJUst be Gone ':Ii th a
brush. lllotion curried b:~ the u:,anl::lcus vote of all Councilr;;an
1)re sen t.
(~.' In r,
,f) :./1:
July 17. 1939 (continued)
The Cler~ Vla.S instructed to bring Ordinance Ho. 84 to the
:Lle:-:t Gouncil meeting.
,The Clerk was instructed to notify Sam Bell by mail to put a
railihg around tha.t portion of the San Juan dock platform whioh
waS recently washed out.
There being no further business to co~e before this meeting,
u.Jon lJrolJer !J.otion being made, seconded, and carried it did adjourn.
I,I/;;I.YO r
Regular _$dlng
August 7,.1989
~he Oommon Counoil of the ~own of Seward. Alaska oonvened in
regular seBsion in the Council Chambers ..iWhlth day of August. 19 9.
~or >>rownell oalled the meetins to order at 8 o'olook P.M.
Counoilmen present were as follows: Oounoilmen Benson
Doshen. aillilan4. Jones, XennedY"and Leirer. '
Absent: Bone
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. .
!he Clerk read a letter from the General Land Offioe at
.A.Roho.r_ge. ,Alaska regarding the Ililler Romeatea., in whioh the
Land Offioe .etated that they have no reoord of this ent17.
!he Clerk read a letter from the Allied Tradea Union. in whic
they aooused the Oity Olerk of refusing to show them a list of the
unemployed as regis'ered in the Oity Olerk's Offioe. Details of
this letter are to be taken up at the ne~ meeting.
, !he petition of the liquor dealers was taken up at this time.
in which they were asking the Council to extend the time of the
ole.iug hour. Present ~8presenting the dealers in town:were:
lIr. >>la.., Leo Douglas. !Olly' Parioh, Walter Johnson. .Joe ])oshen
all of whom voioed their opinion upon the olosing hour. Councilman
Jones moved that a ballot be taken on this question at the end of
the meeting. It was so ordered by Mayor Brownell.
At this time, Ilr. Butler. Contraotor on the Bear Mountain
!unnel. 'ook the floor and stated to the Counoil his opinion of the
blocking of the road to the Ragen oanner,y. Mayor Brownell sta~ed
;0 Mr. Butler that in his opinion. the oity was not involved. as the
Army engineers a~ the time of making the survey here at Seward. had
been shown this roadway and in their op~nion it was on tideland and
was not to be considered nor did. they ask the City for an easement
to this roadway. .
I !
Due to the hazard of rooks and debris ooming down from the
tunnel work on the hill, a:bAotion was made by Oounoilman Xennedy
arid seoonded by Jone. that the lower, end of first avepUG ~d rail-
road avenue be olosed by traffio. Oa~ling the roll on the motion.
all Councilmen present voting AYE.
the Olerk presented a bid of $25.00 from Jaok Erwin for' lot
25 in block 8. of *hlch the City owned one half intere8t and the
Bank of Seward the other half. !he City of Seward owned one half
1n ~ 86. and the Bank of Seward the other half. the Clerk
ln~orme~ the Council that he had talked this over with the Bank,
and had made arrangements whereby the Bank would deed to t~e Oi1iY
heir one-half interest in ~~'ck 25. if the City would deed their
half of lot 26 to the Bank of Seward. A motion was made by
:;- '; ;>-'i;)"~.
'" ,~
'(1" .-.
- ......
August 7, 1939--Continued
Councilman Jones and seconded by Leirer that this trade be made
with the Bank of seward. Also to notify Mr. Erwin that he should
put in the bid for the lot and not his boy. The motion oarried by
the DDBnimOUB vote of all Counoilmen present.
The Committee reported on the w~ys and means of handling the
oemetery lots in the City Plot, stating that in their opinion
the Undertaking Co. should oome to the City Clerk's Office to
purchase the lots, andlotsto be charged to the Undertaking Co.
and to be oollected from them by theCity. 1~~ A motion was made
by Councilman Doshen and seconded by KennedY that this form of
handling the cemetery lots be followed, and the Clerk to so
notif,y the Undertaking Co. of this action. Motion carried by the
~animous vote of all Councilmen present.
City bills of 11,383.80 presented and approved by the Pinance
Committee as follows:
L. V. Ray, 125.00; Pete Miohelson, $25.00; L. E. Williams, $60.00;
L. Ray, Atty., 150.00; Pred Kielcheski, $220.00; .rances Shea, $30;
E. D. W.bb, 1150.00; Borthern Comm. Co., '210.17; Al Pongratz, $186
Sew. Light & Power, 113~06i_Se.. Water Supply, $130.00'; Ogle Garage
13.30; Sew. Jlachine Shop, ..,.30; Sew. Drug Co., 11.75; Gateway, $1. 0;
stand. Oil,Co., '8.48; U.S. Signal Corps, 17.55; Sew. Hardware Co.,
12.65; Sew. Elect. 8,ystem~ 130.55; Volunteer Pire' Dept. 137160;.
Bert Smith, 192i80; An" .ltaBDUSSen, 132.00; Jl. B. Lanning, ,25.60;
Cash-Pay Roll, 43.20. ..
A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by Jones'
that the above claims be paid. Kotion carried by the unanimous'
vote of all Councilmen present.
Claims of the City Light Plant amounting to 11,163.54 presente
as follows:
L. A. Huff, 1166.00; Jlyron polk, 1166.00; Lee Stewart, 1166.00;,
E. D. .ebb, 60.00; standard Oil Co., 1271.92; Osbo Elect. Supply,
1186.~6; Er!O Eokman, $16.60; Sew. Water Supply, 16.00; Gateway'
Pub. Co., ~.50; Sew. Light and Power, $6i76; Ogle Garage, $1.00;
K~ullen Grocery, $1.10; Cal K. Brosius, 36.70; Sew. Hdw. Co., .
.7.11; Triok and Murray, '22.10;'Xyron Pol~, 128.00; Cash, '54.80.
A motion w,s made by Councilman 30nes and seconded by Doshen
that the above bills be paid. Motion carried by the unanimous
voi- of all Councilmen present.
The Clerk was instruoted to notify Tom Osbo to bepresent at
the next meeting held August 1., 1939.
At this time"voting on the olosing hours for liquor dealers
oame up, and the lla~or instruoted the Council to vote as follows:
to remain as is vote no
to ohange.the present system vote yes
the votes were oast as follows:
voting no 4
voting yes 2
Thereupon,the Kayor deolared the existing regulations to remain
in foroe.
There being no further business to oome before this meeting
at this time, a recess was oalled to reconvene Monday evening,
August 14, 1939.
City erk '
. ,,-.,.. / t:-)
~~_J J.-.I. \...;
Counoll Keeting
Reoesse4 meeting of August ., of the Common Oounoil of the
town of Seward, ~aska reoonvened at 8 o'ol~ok P. M. this 14th day
of August, 1939.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Mayor
Counoilman present and absent were as follows:
Present: Counoilmen Benson, Doshen, Gilliland, Jones, Kennedy
and Leirer.
Absent: Bone
At this time Kartin Lanning notified the Counoil that they
oould seoure some timbers'at the breakwater to be used for a float.
The only expense to the City would be the hauling of the same 1IWay.
Mayor Brownell O*...d that this would be taken up later in the
The Clerk presented a l.tter from the Allied Teades Union
Ho. ~31, in which they'aoousid him of refusing to show a list of
: the unemployed as regiStered' in the City Clerk's' Offioe. Jli.s
hanoes Shea" b~ing present' at this meet~ng, and having been prese
flt t~e time Mr. J(oPhe~son oalled at: the City Olerk' 8 Offioe, was
~~lled upon by the KaYor to state to the Council as to the truth-
of the fl08usatlon. Her reply bei~g that'it AS not 'true. !her.up
the ~or asked the Conupil if there'was any action they'wished to
take at this time. There being no aotion taken,' the letter was
'22,632.80 Orig. Terr. Portion
21.136.80 Revised Terr. Portion
'1,496.00 Diff. fo be made up by o~ty
956.00 Diff. in salaries
500.00 'Dif!. in supplies
40.00 Diff. in health
1,496100 Diff. ,
40.00 Advanoe in cost of Type.riters f.) - ,
~a6.00 Adv~noe in City's Portion of 1939-40'Bu4get
. "
13,660.00 Bal.
-1.5S6.00' , ,
t2,oi4.70 Oash.
/tlf,",~" l3v,ef'~r 71>-1.,...
'- ~ s.s.'-p1 tI"e -I,~ _ I ~ '7. 'J-/
I' t ....v.f~ ~
, .2,000.00
60!. 79-::) Cash' Bon-llesident 2111 tion'
,~,39.,,21\., to be turned over to the CU
~!01be deduoted from the City s
'portion of the 1939-40 Budge.
Estimate NO.2 amounting to .786.26 on P.W.A. Projeot Bo. 62'1
presented for payment duly O. K.!d by inspeotors. A motion was
made by Counoilman Gilliland and seoond'd by Leirer that the
estimate be paid providing the oontraotor gives to the City of
Seward a guarantee in writingthat the oil tank built at the City
Light Plant will perform the duties for whioh it was built. Oalli g
the roll on the motion, all Oouncilmen present voted AYE.
The olaim of M. B. Lanning presented for .23.56 being his
~ aoting as City inspector of P.W-l. projeot No. 6279 and from
the reorods of estimate no. 2. A....on was made by Counoilman
Jones and seoonded by Gilliland that the olaim be paid. Calling
the roll on the motion, all Counoilmen present Toted AYE.
The olaim of E. M. stewart for 1135.76 presented, this being
his 4% due as engineer for P...~. pro~ect 10. 6279 to date on
estimate no. 1 and no.2. A motion was made by Counoiaman Benson
and seoonded by Kennedy that this olaim be paid from the- Seward
Eleotrio Construotion Acoount. Calling the roll on the motion.
all Councilmen present voted AYE.
'-)') I
August 14, 1939
The Oity having made a loan from the Seward Electrio ~8tem
onatruotion fund, the Olerk presented a City warrant for $1,000.00
o be paid on the loan. A motion was made by Counoilman Doshen
d seconded by Lei~er that the vouche~ be deposited to the credit
f the seward Electrio System Construction Aocount in the Seattle
iret National Bank. Calling the roll on the motion, all Councilme
resent voted AYE.
aome disoussion was had as to the City's refund from the
oise tax from the Territory of Alaska. The same having been
isoontinued by the Legislature 1937. A motion was made by
~unol1man Jones and seoonded by Doshen that the Cler~ communioate
ith the members of the Legislature protesting this action taken by
he Legislature. Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all
ounoilmen present. ,
At this. time, the matter of timbers for t~e float in the
reakwater was disoussed. A motion was made by Councilman Jones
d seoonded by Leirer that the street oommittee try and seoure the
raotor from the Jesse Lee Home to haul the timbers, providing they
auld not oharge more than for one-~lf day's work. Motion carried
y the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
oame up
The questioEjof building a garage for the City's Auto Patrol,
nd after some discussion of oost of same which was estimated at
bout $125.00, a motion was made by Councilman Kennedy and seconded
y Leirer that the garage be built. Calling the roll on tHe motion,
11 Oounoilmen present voted AYE.
The street oommittee reported on automobile traffio regulation
ithin the City limits stating that the avenues should have rights-
of-way and the cross streets should have stop signs. A motion was
de by Counoilman Gilliland and seoonded by Kennedy that they have
he proper signs made.and posted at the interseotions, and an add
e put in the paper notifying the publio of the aotion taken. Also
n ordinance to be drawn cov~ring suoh action. Motion oarried by
the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
W. C. Erwin made a bid of $25.00 for Lot 25 in Blook 8. A
otion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by Doshen that the
offer be aocepted. Calling the roll on the motion, all Councilman
resent voted AYE.
Mrs. M. Coulter made a bid of $10.00 for Lot 37 in Block 4
Laubner Ad4ition. ~he Council did not think that this was enough
for that lot, and the Clerk was instructed to notify her to place
a new bid., -
At this time some discussion was had with Mr. Osbo relatiye
to the manner in whioh he rendered his monthly statements to the
Oity Light Plant. Mr. Osbo made the offer to do the work that he
is now doing for a $125.00 per month flat salary plus his charges
for any material he uses on the jobs. fhe Kayor instructed the
Light committee to take this up and make a reoommendation at the
next Council Meeting.
At this time Mr. Osbo disoussed with the City Council regardin
some action to be taken on delinquent light bills, and suggested
that cards be printed which would state by order of the City Oounci
and Mayor and signed by the Clerk that unless delinquent bills are
paid by a cJrt~in date , your service will be discontinued, any thin
over thirt11~ehstitutlng alelinquenoy. . motion was made by
Counoilman Jones and seoonded by Leirer that the Clerk have these
cards printed and to use them as outlined above. Calling the roll
on the motion, all Councilman present voted AYE.
AU8Ust 14, 1939
At this time the Common Council of the City of Seward. Alaska
convened as the Bqualization Board. and the following protests
were read by the Clerk:
Olaf Hjelm. W. W. 'lynn, Pioneer's Igloo Bo. 9.
a.. Olaf Hjelm asked for a reduotion on Lo~ 1 to 10 inolusive
in Blook 31. A motion was made by COUnoilman Jones and seconded by
Leirer that the Clerk write Mr. Hjelm that the City Council could
not reduoe the assessed value on his lots. Motion oarried by the
unanimous vote of all Counci'lmen present..
Mr. W. W. J'lynn aBkid:~for a reduotion on his lots 26. 27. 28,
29 in Blook 17. A motion was made by Counoilman Benson and seoonde
by Gilliland that the Clerk write Mr. Flynn that the City Counoil
oould not make any reduction in the assessed valuation of his lots.
Motion oarried by the u~nimous vote of all Counoilmen present.
~he protest of the Pioneer Igloo No. 9 wa. discussed. and they
being a frate:mal order and about out of funds. it was thought that
some agreement might be r.~ohed in which the City might donate
part of the taxes now paid whioh would go to the upkeep of the
Pioneer Cemetery Plot.
A motion was made by Counoilman Jones and seoonded by l)oshen
that an applioation be made to the United States Land Offioe at
Anohorage. Alaska wlfere some of the lAnd lying north of the present
City Cemeter,y. Botion oarried by the unanimous vote of all Counoil
men pre sent.
BE IT RESOI:.VED, by the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward.
;,~Alaska. that the assessment :Roll of Real and Perse... Property in
the Town of Seward, Alaska. for the year 1939. as delivered to the
Town Council by the Assessor. and as Equalized by the common Coun-
cil 8ttting as a Board of Equalization, be aooepted.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Levy for the year 1939, is
hereby placed at 20 mills.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Taxes for tae Town of
seward, Alaska, on the Real and Personal Property, as assessed for
the year 1939, are now due ~nd payable at the office of the Town
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the time for the Taxes for the
year 1939 of the Real and Personal Property of said Town of Seward
Alaska, as assessed. shall become delinquent for non-payment, at
6 o'olock P. U. of the 15th day of Nobember. 1939, and that the
Clerk give due notice as required by provisions of section 20 of
Ordinance No. 14, as amended by section 7 of Ordinanoe 27 of the
Ordinance of the Town of 8e1rard. Alaska. .
Passed and adopted this ~.th day of August. 1939.
Approved: This 14th day of August, 1939.
I i
lIayor '
Clezok \
A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by
Kennedy that the resolution be passed and adopted as read, and
the Clerk to put an add in the Seward Gateway notifying the Publio
of the rate of the levy for the year 1939, the date of taxes due
and payable, the delinquent date, and the penalty and interest
charges if taxes beoome delinquent. Calling the roll on the motio ,
all Councilmen present voted AYE.
August 14, 1939
!he Clerk was instruoted to find out from the City Attorney
f the City ooul~ prooeed to OODDect the basement of the Van.
ilder Hotel sewer line with the present City sewer, and assess
he oharges against the property.
It was brought to the attention of the Counoil that a blaok-
mith shop belonging to Ed Jaoobsen was sitting in the street at
cond Avenue between D and C street, whioh made it inoonvenient
or oars passing up this street. A mollion was made by Counoilman
ones and seoonded by Leirer that the Clerk notify Mr;i Jaoobsen
y mail to move the said blaoksmith shop out of the street. Motion
arried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
pon proper motion being made, seoonded, carried it did adjourn.
Counoil Meeting
August 21, 1939
!he Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session in the Cou;lcil. Chambers this 21st day of Aug., 1939
there being no quorum, Mayor Brownell recessed the meeting to
reoonvene August 28, 1939.
City Clerk
this 28th day
Council Meeting
. .f"ugust 28, 1939
regular10f August 21, 1939 oonvened
of August, 1939.
in regular BBssio
Mayor Brownell being abse", the meeting was called to order
by Councilman Benson.
Councilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Councilmen Benson, Doshen. Gilliland, and Leirer.
Absent: Councilmen Jones, and Kennedy.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The clerk read a letter from the court reporter in which see
had transcribed the testimony in the case o~ ~en versus B~tler of
. whioh there were 38 pages of testimony." an~ tl1ie usual charge is a
dollar per page, and she would be pleased to furnish this to the
City at any time at the above cost. Letter tabled until the next
The Clerk presented the following Resolution:
Resolution 19-39
1,- That by vertue of and pursuant of a duly entered order of sale
dated the 9th day of August, 1939, made and entered by the District
Court, of the Territory of Alaska, Third DiviS'tan, in the Matter of
the application of the City of Seward, Alaska, a Municipal Corpora
August 28. 1939 Conti~ued
for an order of sale of oertain Munioipal Delinquent Taxes for the year
1938 together with penalty. interest and oosts. the Clerk of the City of
Seward, Alaska. is hereby directed to sell the property described in thE
order of sale and the delinquent tax roll. or so much the~f as on the
date of sale hereinafter presoribed. shall be found unpaid as to t€X,
penalty. interest and oost upon each specifio tract, in the manner
provided by law. .
2- That the Clerk of the City of Seward. Alaska. shall caase
to be made due and sufficient notice of said sale. by posting I
notices thereof in four oonspicuous.places. as prescribed by law. --
3- That the sale of Real Property listed upon the Delinquent '
Tax Roll of the City of Seward. Alaska. for the year 1938, to
satisfy and .disc~rge the lein of unpaid tax upon the several and
specific traots described. together with penalty. interest and cost,
be.,htiLileat Public Auction at the office of the Municipal Clerk,
Seward, Alaska. upon the day of , 1939, be-
tween the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. and four o'clock
in the afternoon. and if said tax sale is not concluded. on said
day the same shall continue ~:rom day to day thereafter, over Snn-
days and Holidays until the property subject to tax sale. and in
said notice, is disposed of.
1_ That each tract. upon said Delinquent Tax Roll of the City
of Seward. Alaska. for the year 1938. be sold seperately and
offered for the amount of tax. penalty. ihterest and cost thereon,
and if sufficient is not bid to discharge the amount thereon,
said specific tract shall be bid ~n by the Clerk of the City of
Seward. Alaska. for and in behalf of said Municipality f6rrthe
amount of the Tax, penalty. interest and cost, making pro~er
notation on said delinquent Tax Roll.
Passed and approved this 28th day oj A~gust, 1939.
Amotion was made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by
Leirer that Resolution 19-39 be approved and passed as read.
MOtion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
The follwwing resolution was presented and read by the Clerk:
Resolution 18. 1939
WHEREAS, the CO~Don Council of the Towp of Seward. Alaska de-
sires some changes in the construction of Docket 6279-2 PF and the
conptractor and the Common Counci~ of the Town of Seward having
agreed upon the changes as follows:
City of Seward.
I hereby submit the following proposal to furnis
all labor. material. and other costs and char~es in connection
with the changes in your request for a deduct10n of $32.00.
Item 1. For substituting a sand and oil mattress ~nstead of Creo-
Boted planks under oil tank. No credit or'increase in COB ·
Item 2. For placi ng additional concrete in engine ,room and
eliminating fioor hardener. No credit or increase in cos .
By eliminating linoleum floor in office deduct $~O.OO
Item 6. For installing two wood doors in place of steel ones
in office. add 15.00
Item 8. For eliminating valve seat reamers from tool list.
deduot 17.00
This change will require no adjustment of time.
August 28, 1939.Continued
This proposal when acoepted shall become and be a part
of the contract subject to all oonditions thereof, except as
modified by this proposal.
NOW THEREFORE HE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of
the Town of Seward, Alaska, that the contractor make the changes
to his contract as outlined above.
DUly and formally passed this 21st day of August, 1939,
by the Common Coun~il of the Town of SeVJard.
I.aty Clerk
A motion was made by Councilman Doshen and seconded by
Gilliland that Resolution 18-39 be approved and passed as read.
Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
Ordinance 1142 presented and read by the Clerk as follows:
Section 41. That Ordinance number 84 of the Town of Seward, being
"An Ordinanoe relating to the Use of Public Highways and regulation
of Vehicle Traffic in the Town of Seward, providing penalties for
the violation thereof and repealing all Ordinances and parts of
Drdinances in conflict therewith, and for other purposes, "Be,
and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereot und us part
thereof Sections 41-42-43 as follows:
WITHIN TF~ CITY OF SEWARD, AL~m~, every owWner or operator of a
motor vehicle which shall be operated or driven upon the public
streets of the City of Seward shall observe the follwvring regu-
lutions: the driver of a motor vehicle entering an avenue in the
City of Seward, Alaska ~rom any of the cross streets shall come to
a ~ stop at the inter-section of the avenue. The avenue shall
have the right-of-way over motor traffic entering the avenue from
the side streets.
Section 42. All Ordinances and parts of OrdinancesYin con-
flict herewith, be, and the same, are, hBreby repealed.
Section 43. This Ordinance shall take affect and be in
force from and after the 28 day of August, 1939.
Passed under suspension of the, rules and approved by the
Common Council of Seward, Alaska t hi s 28 day of August, 1939.
Munioipal erk
Approved this 28 day of August, 1939.
Mayor of the City of Seward.
A motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland and seconded by
Leirer that the Rules be suspend, for the adoption of Ordinance
#142 at this meeting and its taking effect upon its adoption:
Calling the Roll upon the motion, all Connnilmen present voted AYE.
( 332
August 28, 1939, Continue d
On the question "Shall Ordinance #142 be passed and adopted"
all Councilmen pr?sent voting in the affirmative; Whereupon the
Mayor declared sa~d Ordinance passed and .adopted and signed said
Ordinance in ap proval thereof.
The Clerk notified the Coun~il that the Insurance Policy
on the School house of $5,000 waS due September 8 1939. A
motion was made by Connoilman Gilliland and seconded by Leirer
that the clerk reillhsllre the sohool for the amount of this policy.
Calling the roll on the notion, all Councilmen present yoting AYE.
There~~~~~g no further business tp come before this meeting,
upon proper~~ng made, seconded, carried, it did adjourn.
Reg~ar Meeting
September 5, 1939
!lhe Cornmon Council of the !lown of Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session in the Council Ohambers this 5th day of September,
19S .
Kayor Brownell oalled the meeting to order at 8 o'clock P.M.
Counoilmen present were as follows: Councilmen Benson,
Doshen, ~~lliland and Kennedy.
Absent: Councilmen Jones and Leirer.
.inutes of last meeting were read and approve4.
Communi oati ons
!lhe Clerk read a letter from Elwyn SWetmann as follows:
Seward, Alaska, "August 15,1939
Seward Electric Company
Seward, Alaska
!lhis letter is addressed to you by the Trustee,of the Creditor~
Committee of Leo !lyler, doing business in the City of Seward,Alask..,
as Carr's Garage.
At this writing Mr. ~ler finds himself involved financially
to the extent that there appears to be no possibility of his ever
liquidating his current and past obligations to his creditors and
attaining solvency in his present venture. His books disolose ob-
ligations app~.zimatl*80.I,OOO., of which amount the writer is
authorized to represent .5,OOQ. The only possible means of satis-
fyipg Mr. Tyler's oreditors is to oontinue to operate the garage,
f~ the benefit of the creditors as, and when Mr. Tyler assigns
the business to their representative. .There are not enough unen-
cumbered assets reduoible to cash to pay the oreditors 10~ on the
dollar at this time.
Yo~ will find enclosed herewith an authorization to the writer
, to represent you as a oreditor of the above L?O Tyler, ~egotiate
for and manage the business now known as Carr s Garage ~n Seward,
Alaska. Will you Idnd.ly consiuer the above, and sign the encloeecJ
.,~.\ (.~-': ,',
September 6. 1939 - Continued
authorization, with ~he understanding~ of oourse. that this plan
of oonducting the business to proteot the oreditor. is the one ap-
parently most practical to salvage anything out of the business.
and its suocess. though not being assured. is much more probable
than the eventuality of payment by Mr. Tyler personally, ~ich last
is beyond a present possibility.
Yours very truly.
Elwyn SNetmann.
It was moved by Councilman Gilliland, seoonded by Counoilman
Doshen that this letter be laid on the table. Motion oarried.
Estimate No. 3 and final on;Jro.1ect PllA 6279-2-P. Asa. in the
amount of $1601.19 was presented and the following Resolution
was read:with the understanding that the Contractor ~~~l show
all outstanding bills paid.
WHEREAS on Sept~ber 5. 1939, RAY JAMES, the contraotor on
ProJeot 6279-2-p-P.Aaa., requests the final acoeptance of the
projeot as completed in aooordance with c~traot dated October 17.
NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED. That the oontract between the
Town of Seward, Alaska and Ray James be and the same is hereby ac-
oepted as completed.
The acoeptanoe of Project 6279-2-P-Y 1s all subject to the
approval of the Regional Direotor of the Publio Works Administra-
tion resulting in the final oontraot cost of $4.894.91.
Passed and adopted this 5th day of September. 1939.
. City lerk
A motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland. aeconded by Coun-
cilman Kennedy that Resolution No. 20-39 be approved and passed
as read. Upon Roll Call all oouncilmen present voted "AYE".
City olaims approved by the Finance Committee were presented
as follows:
Pete Miohelson, t25.00; L. V. Ray, Rent. $26.00; L. E. Williams,
150.00; L. v. Ray. $50.00; Fred Kielcheski. $220.00; E. D. Webb.
150.00; Northern Com'l Co., $212.00; Seward Electrio System.
141.40; Osbo Elec. Supply, $15.69; Wm. struve, $13.00; C.M.Brosiu .
1.60; Seward Water Supply.$130.00; Gateway. $8.55; Seward Mach.
Shop. $2.90; Seward Drug Co" $l.OOi Ogle's Garage.t13.58; Seward
Light & Power. $11.75; Bert Smith, .115.20; Andy Hasmussen.t25.60;
Joe Lanier~ .35.20; Trick & Murray. .1.15; Cash, $102.30; Seward
Hardware. ~97.76. Total, $1,448.68
Motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland, seconded by Coun*ilma
Kennedy that these bills be paId. Upon Roll Call. all oounoilmen
present voted A~.
Seward Electric System olaIms were presented as follows:
L. A. Huff. $165.00; Myron Polk, .165.00; Lee stewart. $166.00;
E. D. Webb. $50.00; Standard Oil Company. $260.80; Osbo Elee. Sup..
$165.55; Wm. Struve. $13.75;.Seward Light & Power. $5.75; Seward
Water Supply. t5.00; Gateway. $8.00; Ogle's Garage. $1.20; C. M.
Brosius, $13.35; Trick & Murreu, $15.42; Seward Metal Works,$17.6
5e tember 5 1939 - Continued.
Sangimo Electric Co., $41.10; L. A. Huff, $36.00' Oash .7.60;
Seward Hardware, .7.42; Total, .1,143.55. · ,
Motion was made by Oounoilman Kennedy seconded by Oouncilman
Gilliland that these claims be paid. Upon roll call all oounoil-
men present voted AYE. . '
It was brought to the attention of the Oounoil that the Railroa
had some timbers which could be used as floats for the Breakwater
if they were taken at onoe. Counoilman Kennedy stated that it '
would take two men less than a day to get these timbers into the
A' motion was made by Counoilman Doshen, seoonded by Oouncilman
Benson to get the timbers into the Breakwater as cheaply as possi~
ble. Upon roll oall, all oouncilmen voted AYE.
No further business appearing, meeting was adjourned.
Regular Meeting
September 18, 1939
The COfl1lll0n Oouncil of the TlJll n of Seward, Alaska convened
in regular session in the Council Chambers on this 18th day of
September, 193,9.
Mayor Brownell being absent, Oouncilman Benson, Acting
Mayor called the meeting to order at eight o'clook P. M.
Councilmen present as follows: Councilmen Benson,Doshen,
Gilliland, Jones, Kennecy and Leirer.
Absent: None.
Minutes of last meeting were reae and approved.
Bid of $10.00 from Mrs. Ooulter for Lot 37, Block 4, Laubne
Addition was presented and a motion was made by Councilman Gilli-
land, seoonded by Councilman Jones that the bid be accepted.
Uotion carried unanimously.
It was brought to the attention of the Council that Mr.
Baker and Mr. Lovitt, teachers in the Seward Public Schools, and
being paid by the,City are at pt'esent tald1?-g light from the Seward
Light & PowerCo~pany~ A Motion was ma~e by eouncilman Jones,
seconded by Councilma~ Doshen that the Cletk write them a letter
stating that inasmuch as the City is paying their salaries that
it is only fair that they take li~ht from the City plant.
Motion carried unanimously.
1 The Clerk notified the Council that the' interest on Seward
Electric System bonds' amounting ~o $1800.00 is due October 1st.
A motion was made by CouncilfJan Jones, seconded by Councilman
Kennedy that the Clerk postdate the voucher 60 days to secure
the amount which will take care of the interest.
Upon roll call, all councilmen present voted AYE.
The Clerk notified the Council that school bonds are due
October 1st, bond retirement, e2600.00 and interest $1225.00.
A mqtion was made by Councilman Kennedy, seconded by Councilman
Leirer that Clerk get d draft of $2500.00 for retirement of
Qonds and postdate a check of $1225.00 to pay interest on bqnds.
ijponroll call, all councilmen present voted AYE.
(:""~(->., -
, ~. ,~-(\ "~a
September 18, 1939 - Continueu
It vIas brought to the attention of the Council that the h1:1.1,111n
of food products in the stores by the public is in violation uf
the City health ordinance. A Qotion was made by Counci~u~n Doshen
seconded l::y Councilraan Gilliland that the Cle rk have one hundred
cards printed to be distributed to the stores,Kidstating that
the public are not to touch food products in the stores by the
order of the City Health Department. 11otion carried unanimously.
The Chief of Police notified the Council that City needs (2)
cartons 100 W _ l25 Volt rough surfaced lights. A Uotion was nade
by CouncilmuL Jones, seconded b~' Counciloan Leirer that the Clerk
call for bids on these lights. Motion carried unanlmou~ly.
The Fire Chief notified the Council thut City needs new hose
and motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Counciloan
Doshen that 300 feet of hose be purchaseu for City and 150 feet
for School. Motion carried Ulllinimously.
It was stated that the Light Plant needs gate valves and motion
was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Leirer that
COIllmit,tee purchase the valves. Motion carried.
No further business appearing, meeting adjourned.
* * ~ ~ ~ * ~ * + * *
Special Meeting
September 27, 1939
Special I.leeting of the Co::irnon Council was called to meet at
eight 0' clock, P. II. in the Town Hall on September 27th, 1939 for
the purpose of discussing roadway to Jesse Lee IIome.
t:a;ror Bro':inell being absent, meeting vias called to order at
8 0 I clock, P. 1,1. by CouncilL1,-,n Bensoll, Ac;tinr; Mayor.
CouncillJlen Present: Bensol1, Dosoen, Gilliland, Jones, Kennedy
a.nd Leirer.
Absent : lione.
Mr. Resse being lJresent at the rl1flleting, eXfiluned the Bureau's
pla.n for getting tho roudway to the Jesse Lee Home.
:;. fJotion was made b;y' Councilmal1 Jones, seconded 1:;1' Councih1un
Doshen that ~lan of Bureau be a.8ceDted.
U~Ol1 roll call all coul1cilmen i1YeSent voted AYE.
'1':16__'c; 1,cing no further business to come before the Council
at thi,' tL.-.,-., ,oetinG adjournec.
;~-", ~""J /'7,.
Regular Meeting
October 2, 19Z9
The Oo~on Oouncil of the Town of Seward Alaska convened
in regular session in the Oouncil Ohambers on th~ 2nd day of
October, 1939.
The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock P. v. by
Hayor Brownell.1 J;;j;
Councilmen present as follows: Benson, Doshen, Gilliland,
Jones, Kennedy and Leirer.
.Absent: None
Minutes of last regular meeting hell on September 18
were read and approved.
~. Bid of Peter Nekereroff for Lot 8 and building, Block 20
~ot $25.00 was read and motion was made by Councilman Jones, second.
ed by Councilman Kennedy that lot be advertised and sold to highes~
bidder by next Council meeting. Motion carried. .
Bids,were read for electric light bulbs as follows:
Brown & Hawk~ns, 34~ each; Seward Hardware, 40~ each; Osbo
$44.90 for two cartons. Brovm & Hawkins having the lowe~t h1c1,
motion was made by Counoilman Bensaq seconded by Coun~ilman Xenned
that their bid be accepted. Motion carried.
1~otion was made by Counoilman Jones, second'ed by Council-
man Benson that Pioneer Igloo 19 be allowed $20.00 to be spent on
the ir cemetery plot at Seward. I,Lot iOll carried.
City received a. :,wii'e' fro],] the First l!ational Bue-ill: of
Seattle in uhich they stated they did not care to make a loan
against City' a poat dated warrant. A motion was made by ComlCilmaJ~
Jones, seconded by Councilman Doshen that the Clerk wire financial
statement of City to First National Bank. Uotion carrieci.
City claims in the sum of $1,574.08, approved by the
Finance Committee were presented as follows:
L. V. Ray, $75;00' P. Michelson, $25.00; L. E. ~illiams, $50.00;
Fred Kielcheaki, ~220.00; Besaie Ualloy,$37.00; E. D. Webb, $150.,.
E. D. Vi\lb. $74.00; Ogle's Garage, $6.10; Seward Light & Power,ll.75;
Seward ~rug Co. $1.00; Seward Electric S~etem, $190.85; d.H.Bryant,
1~2.55;N.C! Co.,~213.33; Alaska Transfer,::?38.8l;Seward I'later Supply,
130.00; Seward Gateway, $18.0e; Bert Smith;$136.80;Cash P~roll.
143.10; Osbo's Electrical Sup.; $29.28; Seward Hardware, ~9.27;
Standard Oil Co. ,$4.24. ·
Motion ~as made by 60uncilman Jones,
man Gilliland that these claims be allowed.
members present voted AYE.
Seward Electric System claims in the sum m $1228.62
were presented as follows:
seconded by Council-
Upon roll call, all
1. A. Huff, $165.00; Myron Polk, 165.00; Lee stewart, 165.00;
E. D. Webb $50.00; Standard Oil Company, $320.12; Seward Light &
Power, $5.75; Gateway, $3.50; Seward Water Supply, $5.00; Wm.
struve, $13.15; Osbo Electrical Sup., $171.39; Seward Hardware, l
$14.71; Oash-Meter Refunds, $30.00; Seattle 1st Natl B~,$120.00.
Motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded Doshen
that these calims be paid. Upon roll call, all councilmen present
voted AYE.
It was brought to the attention of the Council that Mr.
Balderston had not paid bill agreed upon for examination of sewel
at hotel. Motion was made by Councilman Doshen, seconded by
Councilman Jones that the Clerk notify City Attorney to colleot
this bill also to see that the hotel conneots with sewer.
Mot ion carried.
::: ':,~ 7
':"~~Y ,
No further business appearing, upon proper motion being
made and carried, meeting was adjourned.
Regular lIeeting
Ootober 16, 1939
The Oamman Cauncil af the Tawn af Seward, Ala.ska oonvened
in regular session in the Caunoil Chambers an the 16th day of
Ootober, 1939.
Mayar Brawnell oalled the meeting to. arder at 8 O'olaok P.M.
. Oouncilmen present were as follows: Oounoilmen Benson,
Gilliland, Janes, L1erer.
Absent: Councilmen Doehen and Kennedy.
1I1nutes af the last regular meeting were read and appraved.
The Bureau af Indian Affa1rs submitted a b1d for their
sohool at Seward and a matian was made by Oouncilman Jones and
seconded by Cauncilman Lierer that this be turned over to. the
Light Comm1ttee to. decide and fix the rate. Mation oar.ried by
unanimously vote of all present.
Bids were presented for Lot 8, Block 20, as follows:
Peter Neaeferaff--$25.00; Fred Klelchesk1--$35.00; J. A.
Camerata--t58.00. J. A. Oamerata being the highest bidder
a motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by
Counoilman L1erer that th1s b1d be aocepted. Calling the
roll on this motion all oauncilmen present voted AYE.
The question af printing mare Lags far the City Light
Plant came up and t hi s was turned o.v-er to. the Light Committee
to get bids an same.
Ohief of Police, Fred Kielcheski, was instructed to. fix
up first Avenue, take out grass and etc. as presented to. the
Cauncil by himself.
KayorBrownell to. put an add in the paper warning the
public af the dangers of grass fires.
There being no further business to. come befare this
meeting, upan praper mati an being made, seconded, oarried, it
did adjourn.
City Clerk
( ',' \.'~"
-{ ~
Regular Meeting
November 6. 1929
The COmmon Council of the Town of Seward, AlaSka oonvened in
regular session in the Counoil Chambers on the 6th day of November,
The meeting was called to order at eight o'olook P. M. by
Mayor Brownell.
Counoilmen present as follows: Benson, Gilliland, Jones,
Kennedy and Leirer.
Absent: Councilman Doshen.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A oommunioation from the Alaska S/S Co. was read by the Clerk
in which they requested permission to put an eleotrio sigb over the
door way of their pffioe on main street and the motiop was made by
Counoilman Benson and seconded by Gilliland that they be permitted
to install the sign providing it would be ten feet above the side
walk and so arranged that it would not oause radio interferenoe.
Motion oarried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
Clerk read an application from Nick Hodak in which he applied
for the job of night watohman for this winter. After some dis-
cussion a motion was made by Counoilman Gilliland and seoonded by
Leirer not to appoint a regular watchman at this time and to get
a temporary watchman as needed. Motion carried by the vote of all
Councilmen present.
Cl8T~~~d a letter from the Sohool Board in whioh they applie
for $35,0~ or 60% of the year's appropriation to meet expenses
up to the first of January and the motion was made by Councilman
Kennedy and seconded by Gilliland thathe Clerk bring a voucher to
the next regula:t: oouncil meeting, November 20, to be signed and
given to the Sohool Board.Motion Carried
City pay roil amounting to $2,982.30 and approved by the
finanoe committeeas follows: L. V. Ray, $30.00; Pete Iichelson,
25.00; L. E. Williams, $50.00; L. V. Ray, $50.00; Fred Kieloheski,
220.00; E. D. Webb, $150.00; Bessie Malloy, $18.00; Marjorie Webb,
20.00; Seward Eleotric 8,ystem, $200.56; Seward Water Supply,
130.00; Gateway Publishing Co.. $7.15; Seward Light & Power,
11.75; Seward Drug Co., $1.25; Ogle Garage, $7';9.; Andy Express,
8.00; Alaska Railroad, $60.00; C. M. Brosius, t7.85: Seward
Trading Co" $1.25: Seward Metal Works, $7.30: Aron Erioson, $41.66
North Commercial Co., $214.66: Leonard Turner, $10.50: Standard
Oil Co., $16.96: Seward Hardware Co., $1.85: Seward Maohine Shop,
$22.35: Cash-PayRoll, $156.14; Osbo Electrio Supply, $12.15:
Seward Electrio S,ystem, $500.00; Seward Electrio System, $1,000.00.
A motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and seoonded by Leirer
that the bills be paid as presented. Calling the rollon the motion
all Councilmen present voted AYE.
A motion was made by Councilman Jones and seoonded by Leirer
that the Clerk put a Tax Notice in the paper. Motion oarried by
the unanimous vote of all Counoilmen present.
A motion waw made By Councilmen Gilliland and seoonded by
Kennedy that the City Attorney L. V. RAy be interviewed and get
his advice upon the question of notifying the Seward Light & Power
of the expirstion of their franohises on October 14, 1940. Calling
the roll on the mo_ion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
City Lilht bills ,amounting to $1,460.73 presented as follows:
L. A. Huff, 165.00; Y7ron Polk, 0165.00: Lee Stewart, $165.00;
E. D. Webb, 50.00: Standard Oil Co., $438.88: Seward Light & Power
$5.75: Gateway Pub. Co., $10.00; U. S. Signal Corps, $12.78; C. M.
Brosius, $.50: Andy Novak, $2.60: Seward Mao~ne Shop, $22.35:
Osbo Eleotrio Supply, $36.85: Myron polk, $11.00: Worthington
Pump & Maohinery Co" $8.08: Lee Stewart. $29.00i Sangamo Eleotr~o
Co., $65.76; Cash. $40.00: Seward Hardware Co.. ~32.04: Osbo
Electrio Supply, $219.14. Motion was made by Counciman Jones and
secondedb~ Leirer thatbthe bills be paid as presented. Motion
oarried by tne vote of~lcounoilmen present.
, J
:' ': ; ,~
The question of installing electric ranges came up and after
some discussion a motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded
y Kenson that the Light Committee see Osbo about installing
ranges and inform him that the City will pay half the cost of the
installation fDom the line to the stove and the Clerk to put an
add in the paper to this effect. Motion carried the unanimous vote
of all Councilmen present.
The contract for City street Lights with Brown & Hawkins
for delivery as per contract has not been fulfilled and 'a motion
as made by Councilman Jones and seconded by Kennedy that unless
hey arrive on the next boat the bid will go to the next highest
idder. Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all councilmen
re sent.
A motion was made by Councilmen Benson and seconded by Leirer
hat a vote of thanks be given to P.W.A. Officials whom assisted
n the projects at Seward. Motion carried by the unanimous vote of
11 Councilmen present.
The question of a map to present ~o the Court for the Jesse
ee road came up and it was understood that Estes of Moose Pass
as making one and a motion waS made by Councilman Benson and
econded by Kennedy that Estes b~paid not to exceed not $10.00
or making the map. Calling the rollon the motion all Councilmen
resent voted AYE.
It was reported to the Council that the resturants in town
ere selling wine and beer without meals as perscribed by law
nd a motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by Leirer
hat the Clerk notify in writing all resturants in the City of
award, that they are to sell no wine or beer or than with a
onified meal and that this law will be inforoed. Motion carried
y unanimous vote of all councilmen present.
There being no futher business to become before this meeting
pon proper motion being made, seoonded, and carried it did
Regular Meeting
November 20, 1939
The Common Council of The Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session in the Council Chambers on the 20th day of Nov.
Mayo. Brownell being absent, due to illness, Councilman
Benson p.esided and called the meeting to order at eight P. M.
Councilm~n present: Benson, Doshen, Gilliland, Jones,
Kennedy, Leirer.
Absent: None.
Minutes vf the last meeting read and approved.
The Clerk stated to the Council that he had a talk with City
Attorney L. V. Ray relative to notifying the Seward Light and
Power 00. of , the exp~ration of their contested franchises Oct.15,
1940 and Mr. Ray's advice was as follows: that it would not be
advisable to notify them due to no action having been taken in the
past years on the telephone company operating upon the streets of
the city without a franchise and he advices the council to wait
(/- I' ,
" ) t.
November 20th Continued
till the Seward Light and Power applies for a new franchise.
The Olerk Read the Application of John W. Blase for the Council's
approval of the renewal of his Cooktail Bar License and the motion
was made by Councilman Jones and seoonded by Doshen that his
application be approved. Calling the rall upon the motion all
Councilmen present voted AYE. .
Th~ clerk read the application of A. H. L. Meyer for the
Counoil s approval of a renewal of his Wholesale Malt Beaverage
and Wine Dealer License and the Motion was made by Councilman
Gilliland and seoonded by Jones the. the applioation be approved.
Calling the roll on the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
The olerk read the application of H. S. Kawabe for the
Council's approval of a renewal of his Retail Liquor Lioense
also their approval for a Oookaail Bar Lioense and the motion
was made by Counoilman Jones and seoondedby Gilliland that his
applications be approved. Calling the roll on the motion all
Counoilmen present voted AYE.
The olerk read the application of John Matioh for the
Oounoil's approval of a renewal of his Retail Liquor Lioense
also their approval for a Cocktail Bar License and the Hotion
was made by Counoilman Jones and seconded by Leirer that his
applioations be approved. Calling the roll on the motion all
Councilmen present voted AYE.
The olerk read the applioation of Leo. M. Douglas for the
Council's approval of a renewal of his Retail Liquor Lioense
also their approval for a Oooktail Bar Lioense and the motion
was made by Counoilman Jones and seoonded by Kennedy that his
applications be approved~ calling the roll on the motion all
Councilmen present voted AYE.
The olerk read the applioation of Tony Parish for the
Council's approval for a Cooktail Bar Lioense and the motion was
made by Counoilman Jones and seoonded by Kennedy that his appli-
oation be approved. Calling the roll on the motion all Counoil-
men present voted AYE.
(Note) In approving the application of Tony Parish it is to be
understood by Mr. Parish that he will not permit in his place of
business any musicians or entertainers whether paid or otherwise
to use his place of business.
Presented a Fuel Oil Contraot of the Standard Oil Co. for
Standard Dtesel Fuel at eight cents per gallon or less running
from January 1, 1940 to December 31'n&~4gnand a motion was made
by Councilman Jones and seoonded by XAIRI.~ that the oontract be
accepted. Motion oarried by unanimous vote of all Councilmen
The olerk presented the applioation of Thomas Pauley to
operate a hot dog stand at the skating lake at the North end of
the City and the motion was made by Counoilman Jones and seoonded
by Doshen that he be granted the oonsession. Motion carried by
the unanimous vote of all oouncilmen present.
The clerk read the olaim of Ger. Johnson for $75.00 against
Pongratz and McPherson the same being rental claim due him for
power saw and oonorete mi~er used at light plant. Mr. Jonson was
informed that the City was not responsible and oould do nothing
about this as they were sub-oontraotors and the bill should have
been turned in to Mr. Taylor who was the main contractor.
The sale of a snow plow hy the Bureau of Publio Roads was
discussed and a motion was made by Councilman Jones and seoonded
by'Leirer that the Fred Keitoheski bid this in for $10.00 ,and
the City Clerk to advanoe him the funds to deposit on bid. Motion
oarried by unanimous vote of all Councilmen pr~sent.
.-r ..'~
,.;-~L. ~
,./ .-"......L
November 20th Continued
Some discussion was had relative to the amending the tax
ordinanoe so that the delinquent date will be September 15, in
place of November 15, It was decided to bring this up at the next
There being no further business to become before this meeting
upon proper motion did adjourn.
Regular Meeting
December 4, 1939
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session in the Council Chambers on the 4th day of December,
The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock P.M. by
Mayor Brownell.
Councilmen present as follows: Benson, Gilliland, Jones,
Kennedy and Leirer.
Absent: Councilman Doshen.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The Clerk presented a con.ract from the Standard Oil co. in
which they made an offer for the price of oil for the ooming year
after some discussion it was dicided to reconsider the contract
and at the same time write the Shell Oil Company for a price from
The Clerk presented an audit of the City Light Plant books
and was instructed to make copies of same.
The Clerk read a letter on the Reconstruction Finance Corp.
the question that more insuranoe be placed upon the Light Plant
amounting to four thousand dollars and the Motion was made by
Councilman Gilliand and seconded by Councilman Leirer that the
Clerk get the necessary insuranoe. Calling the roll upon the
mo~ion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
J. ii. Blase made application to the COl.ncil to errect an
Xmas tree at the intersection of fourth and Washington street
and the motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by
Counoilman Kennedy that he be granted the right and the Council
to give him a vote of thanks. Motion oarried by the unanimous
vote of all Councilmen present.
Clerk read the Application of the Seward Trading Co. for the
Councils approval of a renewal of it's Liquor License. The motion
was made by Councilmen Benson and seoonded by Councilman Jones
that the Lioense be approved. Motion oarried by the unanimous
vote of all councilmen present.
Clerk vresented 'he ~pplication of Josie Sandvick for the
Cou&cils approval of a resturant beer and wine license and the
motion was made by councilman Gilliland and secended by Councilman
Benson that the license be approved. Motion carried by the unani-
ous vote of all Counciluen present.
Clerk presented a deed for a City Lot to Andy Novak which was
about ten years old and had not been signed by the Mayor and the
otion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilmen
airer that a deed ~ giuen to Andy Novak. Motion carried by the
unanimous vote of all Councilbm
en present.
Regular Meeting
Deoember 4, 1939
Clerk presented the City pay roll amounting to . 2385.63 and
approved by the finanoe committee as follows: L. V. Ray 25.00'
P. Miohelson, 25.00; L. E. Williams. 50.00; L. V. Ray. 50.00; ,
F. Kie1cheski, 220.00; E. D. Webb, 150.00; M. Webb. 35.00; ~orth
Comml. Co.. 216.00; Brown & Hawkins, 40.80; C. M' Brosius .75-
McKullen Gros.. .95; Seward Light & Power, 11.75; Oile Ga~age,'
5.10; Gateway Bub. Co., 1.35: Sew. W~ter Supply, 130.00; Sew.
Hardware, 6.25: Alaska Shop, .90; Osbo Elect. Supply, 33.05;
U. S. Signal Corps.. 7.19; Eureka Fire Hose, 285.00- sew. Elect.
System. 201.50; Stand Oil ~o.. 17.49: M. B. Lanning' 54.40-
A. Rasmussen 32.00; Cash, 66.15: Bank of Sew., 720.00. Th~ motion
was made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by Councilman
Kennedy that the Claims by paid. Motion carried by the unanimous
vote of all Councilmen present.
Clerk presented th~4~Oll of the City Light Plant amounting
to $1110.01 as follows: L. A. Huff, 165.00; Myron Polk, 165.00;
Lee Stewart. 165.00: E. D. Webb. 50.00; Stand Oil Co.. 351.58;
Sew. Hardware. 2.00: Sew. Light! Power. 5.75: Sew. Water Supply.
5.00; Gateway. 3.50; Osbo Eleot. Supply, 172.18; Cash, Meter
Refunds, 25.00. Motion was made by Councilman Jones and seoonded
by CounciLnan Kennedy that the bills by paid. Upon calling the
roll all councilmen present voted AYE.
Clerk stated to the Oouncil that he needed City Pay Vouchers
printed and the motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded
by Councilman Gilliland that the printing committee get prices on
printing and have them printed. Calling the r~ll on the motion
all councilmen present voted AYE.
Resolution was presented thanking the Coast Guard for their
work while stutioned ~t Seward and the motion was made by Council-
man Gilliland and seconded by Councilman Leirer that the Resolution
be passed as presented and a copy be sent to the proper departm.n~ l
at Washington D. C. Motion oarried by the unanimous vote of all
Councilmen present.
I ' " M ,/;1 , c/"'j ,-- a- ,t'';:", '/'/,~
A~oth~r "Bbi;ti~~';a6 'pr~8;nt'~d ~~~d a motion' w~s made by
ouncilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Benson that the "~~
esolution 'be sent to--:l7he DelB&M'atic C&&e4iS ~ ~h&a:d ~ A~rage ~ \ J
and notifying them that the City Counicl had indorsed same and was ~ (I-
ei~ sent them for their action at the Caccus in Anchorage. o.t~9 \'
otion carried by unanimous vote of all Councilmen ~resent. ,\ ~
{;uvnel /",,/ p~
A Motion was made bY1 Gilliland and seoonded by Leirer that
written application be made to Capt. Garcia of the Morris to
examine the breakwater so t~t he might reccommend to Washington,
D. C. any repairs or additions needed. Motion carried by the
unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
SEBTION 42. SECTION 42 is to amend SECTIon 4 of ORDINANCE 12
the same being the date for assessment for Real and Personal Taxes
for the City of Seward, Alaska. Amended to read as follows:
The assessor appointed by the Common Council must.
between the fifteenth day of May and the first day of June of
each year properly list in the assessment books furnishe~
him by th~ municipal clerk" all real property wi thin the City
of Seward subject to taxation, and assess such property in
the name of the person by whom it was owned at 12 o'clock
meridian on the fifteen day of May in the year in which the
assessment is made. If the owner thereof cannot be ascer-
tained then the property shall be aseessed to the pe:son
claiming the same or in whose possession or control ~t was at
_' i' .~~
':",6 ~:.;:~ f!J
Regular Meeting
December 4, 1939
12 o'olock meridian on the fifteenth day of May in the year in
which the assessment is made. If the assessor disoovers pro-
perty for which he can find no owner or claimant or which is
not in the possession of control of any person then he shall
assess such property to "Unknown Owner". Provided, that no
mistake in the name of the owner, claimant, or person in
possession or in control of property shall render the assess-
ment thereof invalid. The assessor shall list all real pro-
perty separately by lut and block and real property which is
not subdivided into lots and blocks shall be otherwise care-
fully described, giving number of acres or fraction thereof.
The assessor shall list all taxable personal property separate
and apart from real property. All assessments made by said
assessor shall be equal and uniform and based upon the actual
value of the property assessed.
120 as follows:
DATE OF DELINQUENCY. That on the fifteenth day of
September of each year, at the hour of five o'clock P. M.,
all unpaid taxes shall become delinquent and the municipal
clerk must collect thereon, for the use of the city, a five
per centum penalty for the non-payment of the taxes when due,
together with interest on such delinquent taxes at the rate
of twelve per centum per annum.
All ORDINANCES and parts of ORDINANCES in comflict herewith,
be, and the same, are, hereby repealed.
This ORDINANCE shall take effect and be enforced from and
after the 4th day of December 1939.
Passed and approved by the Common Council of Seward, Alaska
this 4th day of December 1939.
Munioipa erk
Approved this 4th day of December 1939.
ayor of the City of Seward
~Motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and seconded by
Councilman Benson that ORDINANCE 143 as read be passed and adopted
at this meeting. Calling the roll upon the motion all Coucilmen
present voted AYE.
A request for a street light near Glen Rogers home in Bk 27
was presented and a motion was made by Councilman BensoD and
seconded by Councilman Leirer that the light be installed and the
expense of same not to exceed $20.00. Motion carried by the
unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
A disoussion was had by the Council regarding the cess pool
at the Van Gilder Hotel and a motion was made by Councilman
Gilliland and seconded by Councilman Kennedy that the City Attorney
L. V. Ray be notified by mail to take aotion in this case. Motion
carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
There being no further business to come before this meeting
upon proper motion being made, seoonded and carried, it did
(/ 344
Regular Meeting
Deoember 18, 1939
The Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska oonvened in
regular session in the Council Chambers on the 18th day of Deo.1939
The meeting was called to order at eight o'olock P.M. by Mayor
Browne 11.
Councilmen present as follows: Benson Doshen. Gilliland,
Kennedy and Leirer.
Absent: Jones.
, ---...,
Minutes Of the last meeting were read and a change was request.
to be made in the Resolution passed at last meeting striking out th~
paragraph that said resolution was to be sent to Democratic Caacus
at Anchorage. Alaska.
The Clerk notified the Council that Mr. Sheldon now in charge
of the Bear Mountian Tunnel Project desired to contract for
electric current for a 25 h.p. motor and the Motion was made by
Councilman Doshen and seconded by Councilman Leirer that the Light
Committee take the matter up with Mr. Sheldon. Motion carried by
the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
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Clerk notifiee the Council that there would have to be six
more blue prints made of the proposed Jesse Lee Road and the motion
was made by Councilman Doshen and seconded by Councilman Gilliland
that the Blue prints be made at ,Sylvia's. Calling the roll upon
the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
Mr. Eewton requested of the City Council that they send the
grader out and remove some of the snow from the Jesse Lee Home
Road as it was getting almost impassable and the motion was made
by Councilman Doshen and seconded by Councilman Leirer thatthe
grader be taken out and used on the Jesse Lee HJme Road. Calling
the roll on the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
41 '
Some discussion was had as to the light rates now being paid
to the Seward Light Power by the Alaska Railroad and in asmuch as
the City was a competitive bider and was not allowed to bid on the
new years busineEs a motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and
seconded by Councilman Leirer that a letter be written to Col.
Ohlson requesting him to notify the City of the rates he now
recieves from the Seward Light & po.er Co. Motion carried by the
unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
A motion was made by Councilman Doshen and seconded by
Gillilsnd that a le:trter be written the Alaska Railroad requesting
a report on Portage BaJ, if findings of it possib1ities as a
Railroad Terminal the rates expected to be charged and determine
what is to be done with the property owners of Seward in case the
Terminal should be moved to Portage Bay. Motion qarried by the
unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
Clerk waS instructed to insert an notice in the paper
instructing auto drivers to stop at the intersections of Adams
and Washington streets On third and fourth avenue. U&~Q~-i~Qw~.l
Myor Brownell brought up the question of an Indian T.B.
Hospital here at Seward stating that the money might be appropri-
ated at any time and that the Dpet. of Washi~1gt~n. D. C., should
be notified that the City would help in anyway possible to get the
institution started and the motiJn was made by Councilman Kennedy
and seconded by Councilman Gilliland that the Mayor notify the
proper authorities at Washington, D. C., to this effect. Motion
carried by unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
There being no1 further business to ~,come before this,meet-
ing ~ upon proper motion being made seconded and carried it did
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