HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940 City Council Minutes
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January 4, 1940
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
ostponed regular session in the Council Chambers on the 4th day of
an. 1940.
T,he meeting waE called to order at- eight o'clock P.M. by Mayor
Councilmen present as follows: Benson, Doshen, Kennedy and
ei rer.
Absent: Gilliland and Jones.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Clerk presented a Bid of $25.00 for ~ Lot 23 in Blk 12,
y M. J. S. Rasmussen and the Motion was ::Jade by Con-ncilaan Kennedy
nd seconded by Councilman Doshen that the Bid be accepted.
ailing the roll on the, motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
Ole Sandbeck present a bill of $19.78 for installing electrica
ervice to his home for -_7hich he asked the Council to pay half and
he Motion was made by Councilaan Doshen and seconded by Councilman
eirer that half the bill be paid. AS per motion passed on such
rrang_ements. Motion carried by unanimJus vote of all Councilmen
At this time Dr. Bannister appeared before the Council and
ade the plea asking the City to donate $lQO.OO to the salary of
Aiss Smith, the health nurse stationed at Seward and the notion
as made by Councilman Benson and seconded by Councilman Doshen
hat the C1 ty pay this a;:lOunt toward her salary. Motion carried
y unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
After some discussion by the City Council of notifying the
'eward Light & ~ower of the exploration of their so called fran-
hises (which is not recognized by the court) but which in all
justice the CouncEs feels that they should be notified that they
hall remove all poles and lines from the City Streets wi thin
hirty duys of October 14th, 1940. The Motion was made by Council-
an Kennedy and seconded by Leirer that a letter be sent to the
eward Light & Power notifying the::! of the above action taken 1JY
he Council. Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Council-
en present.
As th~ee is a little over $200.00 per month payment due on the
uto patrol and the Cities finances being low ~ l.:otion was by
ouncilman Kennedy and seconded by Councilman Leirer that the
inance COllllUi ttee make arrangements to take over the balance due
n the Auto patrol wtich will probu~ly be a saving to the City on
. nterest. I.1otion carried by unanLJous vote of all Councilmen pre.lili
Clerk notified t he City Cou:lCil that the City Light Plant was
ow in finanoial good standing and owed the City a thousand dollars
orrowed which the City needed at present and a motion was made by
ouncilman Keanedy and seconded by Councilman Doshen that this
mount be drawn from the City Light Funds ahd derosited to the
eneral fund of the City. Motion carried by Unanimous vote of
11 Counci~men present.
Due to the low finances of the City Treasurer a discussion
had by the Council in which they rtied to cut expenses in some
ay having had no business for the City Attorney lately and seem-
ngly none in the near future a motion was made by Councilman
oshen and seconded by Councilman Kennedy that the office of City
ttorney be discontinued for the balance of the fiscal year .
lotion carried by nna.nLnous vote of all COI ncilmen present.
City bills presented and approved by the Finance Committee
mounting to $1437.93 as follows:
_.>..- III
I J4tJ
January 4th. 1940 continued
ay, .; e e ~ c e son, .;.. ams .'
L.V. Ray, 50.00; Fred Kielcheski, $220.00; E.D. Webb ~150.00"
Aron Ericson, $16.65; Marjorie Webb, $35.00- Northern'Coml. Co;
$217.34; Sew. Elec. System, $202.60; Sew. T~ading, $1.00; Chase'
Nat. Bank $5.56; T. H. Jones, $10.00; D. C. Brownell, $50.30;
Gateway, $7.50; Sew. Drug Co~, $2.95; Sew. Light & Power, $11.75;
Standard Oil co., $22.26; Ogle Garage $5.20; Sew. Mch. Shop,
$43i~0; M. B. Lanning, $80.80; Cash, $60.45; Wm. Struve, $28.50;
Osbo Elec., $9.12; Sew. Hardware, $7.15; Sew. Water Supply $130.00
and the motion was made by Councilman Doshen and seconded by
Councilman Leirer that the bills be paid. Calling the roll on the
motion all councilmen present voted AYE.
Clerk presented the bills of the City Light plant amounting to
$1296.06 as follows: L.A. Ruff, ~65.00; Myron Polk, $165.00;
Lee stewart, $165.00; E.D. Webb, ~O.OO; Standard Oil Co., $441.16;
Andy Express, $5.10; Sew. Light & Power, $5.75; Osbo Elec. $203.20;
Westin6house, $5.751 Sangamo Elect. Co., $32.88; Federal Reserve
Bank, ~1.37; Cash, ~47.35; Sewl Water Supply, $5.00; Gateway,
$3.50; and the motion was made by Councilman Doshen and seconded
by Councilman Leirer that the bills be paid. Calling the roll on
the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
Mayor Brownell brought up the subject of reimbursing Del.
Diamond the sum of $25.00 for wires which he had paid for and sent
to the City of Seward the same being City Business and a motion was
made by Councilman Leirer and seconded by CQuncilman Doshen that
this amount be allowed to partly reemburse aim. Calling the roll
on the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
Mayor Brownelll read a letter to the Council formCol. Ohlson
Manager of The Alaska Railroad, in reply to a letter written him
by the mayor at the request of the City Council asking for a bid
on the Light Contract at Seward from the Alaska Railroad also
asking details of the proposed removal of the terminal of the
Alaska Railroad to Portage Bay and a motion was made by Councilman
Benson and seoonded by Councilman Leirer that a copy of the letter
be sent to Del. Diamond and other proper departments at Wash, D.C.
Motion oarried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
A Motion was made by Councilman Benson and seconded by Doshen
that the Clerk wrtie a letter to Mr. Hesse of the Bureau of Publio
Roads of Juneau, Alaska asking hila if it would be agreeable to
hold the eleotion on the Jesse Lee Home Road together with the City
Eleotion to be held April the 9th. 1940. Motion carried by the
unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
Some disoussion was had as to the approval of the license of \
Tony Parish inasmuoh as it was approved to take effect Jan. 1st.
1940 and Mr. Parish up to this date had not taken out his license
I as approved a motion was made by Councilman Doshen and seconded.by
Councilman Leirer that a letter be written to Judge Hellenthal
notifying him that should Mr. Parish apply for a Cocktail Bar .
License that he would first need another approval from the Council. I
Motion uhrried by unanimous vote of all Uouncilmen present and, /
\ Mayor Brownell was directed to write to Judge Hellenthal.
There being no further business to become before this meeting
and upon proper motion being made, seoonded and carried it did
Regular t!eeting
Jan. 15th. 1940
'-) '" ~-f
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
egular session in the Council Chambers on the 15th day of Jan.1940
The meeting was called to order at eight P. M. by Mayor
Councilmen present were as follows: Benson, Doshen, Gilliland
Absent: Jones and Ken::edy.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The question of a letter to the Seward Light & Power relative
o thei~ removal of their pole lines from the City Streets by Oct.
4, 1~40, Mayor Brownell reported that he had not written the
etter yet but would do so in a few days.
Clerk presented a bill from John Hosness of ~22.60 for instal-
:Lng an electric stov'e at hi s home and he asked for 50% refund for
he installation and a motion was made by Councilman Gilliland and
econded by Benson that he be refunded half the bill also that he
urnish dates of the installation and a receipt to show where he
ad paid for it. Calling the roll on the motion all Councilmen
resent voted AYE.
The Clerk brought up the question of charging t on drivers
icense from Jan. 1st to July 1st, and the motion was made by
ouncilman Doshen and seconded by Councilman Benson that the City
harge t. Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Coullcilmen
re sent.
The Mayor presented a letter from Lawrence a. Huff in which
e requests an extended leave of absence from his light plant
osition effective Mai7ch 1st. 1940. He would also a,preciate a
etter of recommendation and the motion was made by Councilman
illiland and seconded by Counci~man Boshen that he be granted the
eave of absence and Mayor Brownell to write him a letter of
ecommendation. Motion carried by unanimous vote of all Council-
en present.
It carne to the attention of the Council that Mr. Gfl VI. Shuster
ad built his boat~ouse at the breakwater without a bu11iing permit
r per;Jission to do so iy tLe Council and a moti ,)n was made by COUR
ilman Benson and seconded by Councilman Leirer that he be notified
ot to make a jJermanent structure inasmuch as he maybe requested
o IlJoye the building in the spring, also l:Joved that the Chief of
olice stake out the City's lease fror:! the Railroad and leave a
learance for a roadr:ayat the beach to take cure of the traffic
here. Motion clrried by the unanir:!ous vote of all Council men
A Resolution waS presented to re-introduce to the COllf,reeS
of the United States of America at its next session a. Memorial
subste-nce of ":hich is an investigution of the "ilaska Railroad and
its operativn also the 1 rOl oseCi re::loval of the terrainal fror::1
Seward, Alaska to Portage Bay. A moti;)n was made by Council
Gilliland and seconded by Benson that the resolution be passed
and presented and Mayor Brownell to send a tIemorial to Congress.
Upon roll cull all Councilr::1en presont voting AYE. Counciihmen
absent Jones and I:ennedy.
a 1l10ti011 was made by CounciL:lal1 G:illiland and seconde( by ,
Ldlirer that Hayor Brownell serve notice upon the profJer 801/" t
agencies at YIashington, D. C. that should the ter:Ji'Hll of the
i~laska Railroad be ::hJved to Portage Bay i:1 all probility it would,
cause the City of Se/ard to default on Bonds and i~terest of the
Seward Electric Plant. Uotio 1 curried by unani~ous vote of all
Councilmen IJresent.
Ther being
and upon proper
ad j Gurn.
no further busimess to come be:t'ore ttis meeting
motion being :..~ade seconded and curried it did
Regular Meeting
Feb. 5th. 1%0
The Common Council of the ~own of Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session in the Council Chambers on the 5th, day of Feb.
The meeting was called to order at eight 0' clock p.ril. by Mayor
Browne 11.
Cou~cilDen present as follows: Benson, Gilliland, Jones,
Ke~nedy and Leirer.
Ab sent: Do shen.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Clerk read a letter from Mr. Hesse, of the Road Comrnission,
at Juneau, regarding the uesse Lee Home Road, and the election to
be held for same Lind the letter ViaS ordered filed for future
Mr. G. Johnson appeared before the Council regurding the
collection of a bill against Pongratz and McPherson, sub-contrac_
tors on the job of the Sewurd Electric Systemand waS told that
the City had nothing to do with this contract as it was a contract
from the original contractors and a motLm vms [Jade by Councilman
Jones and seconded by Councilman Leirer that a committee be
appointed to call u}Jon LIr. Johnsen and explai;} to him the situation
and the following committee were a;'[)ointed: Councilman Jones and
Leirer. Motion carried by the u'1aniJons vote of all Counciwmen \
T. P. Lorang presented a bill for $20.00 for the install-
1.m electric stove in his hume for which he has a refund
The Council instructed the Clerk to present his receipted
the account a;}d they would make the refund. \
Applications were preSe;}ted ::'or the posi tLm of engineer at
(the City Light Plant by the follovl,ng: Wm. Anrig, Mr. Clayton,
1 and David R. McMillan. Upon motion by Councilman Jones and seconde~
\J by Kennedy the City Clerk was instructed to notify aU. three
~ arlllicants the condi ti,ns upon '"hich they would take the job.
~ 1st. Salary to be ~150.00 per month for the first year with a
V ninety day probation from their start on the job after the
Council's decision as to the man also the Gran selected shall go
to the plant and work at least 15 days with the engineers in
charge without pay in order to get experience. _
2nd. The two engineers in charge are to receive a split of $15.00
per month for three :nonths in. order to recompence them for thei ~
extra tLle spent instructing the new engineer. Motion carried
by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
ation on
of 50%.
bill for
The City pay roll presented a.d al~proved by the fi:mnce. comm.
and amounting to $1274.68 as follows: L. V. Ray, ~25, P. Michelson
$25; L.E. Williams, $50; Fred Kielcheski, $220; E.D. \/ebb, $150;
;,lar j orie Viebb, $31.50; Northern Comm. eg., $218. (,7; Sew. Water
Supply, $130; Osbo Elec. Supply, $9.20; Vim. Struve, $10; S~w.
Light & Power, $ 11.75; Standard Oil Co., $21.20; Ogle's, ~3.85;
Sew. lilch. Shop, $7; Sylvia's, $2.70; Alaska Shop, $1; Gateway
Pub.Co., $22.40; Sew. Elec. System, ~ 204.45; U. l;)L Signal Corp.
$7.23; Sew. Trading Co.. $2, Cash, $65.73i1,1. B. Lanning, $56;
A ;ilotion 1;vas made by Councilman Gilliland and sec'-!nded"by Kennedy
that the above bills be paid. Upun roll c~ll all Councilmen
present'. 'Toted AYE.
The City Light Plant pay roll present and approve I by the
finance comm. amounting to $2231.25 as follows: L.A. Huff $165;
M. Polk $165' L. stewart $165; E.D. Webb $50; Stanriard 011 Co.
$429.09; Tor/Osbo $136.40; VIm. Struve $20.70; Sew. V/at~r Sup.ply
f~.5: Gate\'iuy Pub. Co. $3.50; Sew. Light & Power $5.75; E.. ~. Vlebb
21.50; Chas. R. Hadley Co. $17.92; Cash $46.39; City ~f Seward
500. City of Sewurd $500; A motion waS made by Cohnc~lman Jones
and ;econded by Benson that the above bills be paid. Upon roll
call all Councilmen present voted AYE.
,-. . j
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Cont i;,ued
Feb. 5th, 1'J1.0
A discussicn cur.18 ul' ~\bout the refund on Liquor stamps an(
a ~:lotion was '-lade by CuUllcilLlun Jones and seco~,ded by Councilmu:l
Leirerthat a letter be 1Nri tten to all the cities in .ila ~ka regin'd-
ing this refund and askinG ther.1 to cooperate with the City of
Sev!1J.rd ,to try :md reinstate the refund of the ~erritory. lIotiu:1
carried by the unani::-hJUt; vote of all CouncilL18n present.
Thic meeting VI:,S recessed to reconveneon Feb. oth, 1\)40.
Feb. 8th, 1940
Rece"seu meetinr,oi" :?eb. 5th, reconvened in reguJ,ar session
at 7 o'clock P.ll. Feb. 8th, 1940.
lIa~'or Brownell culled the l:Jeeti::lg to order at 7 0 I clock P.:,:.
All the Oouncilmen being present.
The Clerk vrcEsnted applic~tiuns for eng:necr at the City
ight Plant as follows: \I- 1. "nrig, ,I.. F. Clayton, and David R.
lcUillan. Before bringinG th~E to u vote Mayor brownell in the
previous meetin: and wishing his o~inlon to stand at this meeting
rotested against havin[j LL ;"l1:Ln ,vi thou~ technicul tnowledge to
take a shift in the City li~ht rlant and the follo~in8 vote wac
cast by the City Cuuncil for and against.
For; Duve ;,cUillan Five vote s
For; A. F. Clayton One vote
Votliis having been tuLe:'l b;y' the Cou::cil the ,,:a:;or decla:tuu
avid R. McUillan to ~e electcC.,
There beL.g ;10 further business to co;ae before this Lillletillg
uIJon proper [aotion being made and seconded it did adjourn.
,1u.;j or
ci7; ~
S;,ocib.l I.leeting
Fel. HU, 1940
The 001;);,1,)n Council of the TO'.7:'. of :':e';J1ard, ,1.1a ska, convened
in Special Sesseion i1: tl:e CouDcil Ch'J.r-nberE or. this the llt4th,
ilu~' of Feb.
The ,Jectir:g ','as .cL,~lod to order at 7:00 o'cloci. b:,' tla:'or
CounciLlO;J present uS fo::'lo','!s: Be:1son, Dochen, Gilli :r:md.
~ennedy, Leirer.
.4.ibEeilt. Junes.
TUs Cj,oci'.l lileotL,[ '"lac .c ,lled t" decide ",ran n ligLt and
po',';er Y':.te tv 1 c bid to t"c :,luc,~<.1 H. H. :l~ld for o.~her lJhr}Joses.
Letters were read fro,;! u:~;;'or Brormell to he ",h,sLu :1. n.. ulso
U'lSl',eres to 2(~r;.le fru!:! dr. Cunr;inghuL1, ActiiJ[: General r:anagor of
the .claska R. R. relative to light u;'ld l,o\';er service fre;,; the
Seviard Ele.ctric s;)"ste[;] to the Alasi~a H. R. LLt ::3e"urd.
After sowe discussi,)ll b;:l '~:'le L:ouncil t1-::e fcL.ovline ::lotion
ViaS made b;;' CounciL:l:,.n Bonso:1 und se.c-Judod b;/ C0ua.cilIJi:Lc1 I:e;I;Jed~7
that t !le follvi'.'irw bid bo ouote(l tb the Alas::a R. H. LLrht und
1.ower tit one u',.d ~ quarter "ce:lt::: "or 1:.'2 ',:it1: 11 t,;enty-flvo
/ eJ~}
d0~.lcr 11lJ.nJ.-1um per :no,lth. PerL1i ttil1ic: tl:e .lla"La R. R. the use of
ti.e ;;el"w,rd Electric Syste:,] power liDe poles UfO;} which to run t;;eir
teler hone line to a Round},ouse a.t Se\'iRrd t'.is bei:l[': subject to the
Alaf:-1 a !t. !'(. installation a,.d mainttince and all thh: with tt
Cv::r.:E ction with the telephone line to be the Alasl:a R. R.' s. .' The
,Jti, n carried by the unani,p()uf:' vote of all Councilmea pres t.
d discussion ~us had relctive to tho reuoval of the rails
:fro-:, theLowell Creek Flume and a res()luti~n vIas presented and
pa::osEd thut the Cit;i notify the c:;ontractors and the Liov't agencies
in ctarge on the Bear Mt. Tunnel that in takin[ the rails from
the flume ir: Lowell Creek 'what tl,e;,- G:.ould <:,0 art at the 10':'ier e:'-ld
of tte flume [end ":orl: (1) this to eli .linate any damar':e thut uight
oc.;ur in (;use of hinh 'Jater before the tunnel is coupleted. ..
::10tio:l VlO-S ;.lade by eounc1:unan Beneon and seconded b;y Councilraan
Leirer that tLis resulutivn lie udopted and passed as prese:ltec1.
CullLq roll upon the ;notion all ,counillilmen pre ::oe:'-lt votec .3::'.
r:lere being no further busino ss tobome be::ore t:: is moetir.:g
uron p:roper mvti.on being :lade, seconde.. and carried it did
Regular Moeting
'eb. 19, 1940
'Pile Co;:mon Council of the Town of Se';/ard, .,laska convened in
reguL:lJ~ session in the Council Chambers on tile 19th, du,i' of Feb.
'Phe raeeting was oalled to ordel' at eight 0' clock P.M. by I.lCLyor
Councilmen prese:1t were as follvws: Benson, Doshen, Gillilanc
Ke:med? and Leirer.
Al)sent: Jones.
Minutes of the Last me~ting were read and corrections ~ade.
Josie Sandvick a"plied for a transfer for her liqu()r license
to Pete Lucy at the MOdel Cafe and the Clerk wus requested to see
if Jo~ie Sandvick had a license and action would be taken at the
next me~ti~g of the City Council.
Notice having leen serv'd on the City of Seward by the Gov't
Engineers in charge 0:: the Bear lilt. Tunnel that t he pipe line of
the Ser.urd J,ight & Power Co. should 'he moved VIi thin a short tLne
as they are about rea6j to procede with the duo'and a motion was
"1,,de b;y Councilman Kennedy and seconded by Counci.mun Leirer that
Council.man Doshen and City Clerk \lebb consult Mr. Graff of the
Seward Light & Power as to the approx. change a~d the cost of same.
Upon roll call ull Councilmen present voted AYE.
It was reported to the Council that row boats were being kept
upon the City Float in the Break\ntor and the weight of the boats
half submerged the float and the r:Jotion was ':Jade by Counciluan
Doshen and seconded by Councirnan Gilliland that the City Clerk
insert an add in the paper notifying the public not to put row
boats on the float. IfLotion carried by the unanimous vote of all
C0uncilmen present.
A letter was received tiy the Gity Council from the School
Board i::-l whibh they stated that as often as L1any as five or six
dogs can be counted around the building and on Wed. J!~eb. 14th, 194C
Andrew Grosvo1d a seventh grade pupil was seriously bitten by a
dag bel~nging to Geo. Kibsgaard with out any provocation o~ the
boys part. At this ti ,Ie it was also brough~. to the atten~J.~n of
the Council that the dog belonging to Fred LJ.ller was a VJ.CJ.ous
dog and the motion was made by Councilman Gilli1and and seconded
'J\ I
! I
Feb. 19th, 1~48
by ~ouncilman Benson that a letter be written to Ur. Uiller and
Ir. Kibsgaard notifying ther.1 to get their dogs off the street J:~
send them to the country at once or else the City will destroy
them as by ordinance . rovided. l.fotion carried by the unanimous
"ote of all Councilmen i,resent..
A r:lOtLJ:'l was L1ade by ~ouncilman G-illiland and seconded by
ouncilman Doshen that a notice be ]Jut in the paper stating that
dogs are prohibited by ~. he City Ordinance to run at large Ujl0n the
streets of the Gi ty a:1d that the owners will be fined if their dog
is pickeu up O~l the street. I.lotion carried by the unaniJOus vote
of all uouncilmen pres,nt.
A resolution was proposed to be presented at the next .;1eeting
hat a man employed in the City Light Plant coming on shift in an
intoxicated condition shall be reported to the Light Committee by
he operator in charge and the operator in charge shall remain on
duty until the Co@nittee takes action or until relieved by SODe
ctio::1 taken by the \.ior:uittee.
~. ~. Benson presented a bid of ;75.00 for Lots 5-6 in Block
15, and a motion ViaS !Jade by Councilman Kennedy and senconded by r-
'ounciLnun Gilliland that the bid be accepted. Calli.ng the roll
ulJon the motLn all Councilrnen present voted .AYE.
This ~e tine Q~~Q recessed to reconvened Feb. 26th, 1940.
City Clerk
:I<'eb. 26, 1940
Recessed !.1eeting of Regular lleeting of 2/19/40.
Recessed meeting of Feb. 19th, reconvened in regular session
at 8 0' clock P.M. Feb. 26th, 1940.
Mayor Brownell Called the ueetL1(j to order at 8 0 r clock P.I,i.
Councilmen present were as follows: Benson, Doshen, Gilliland
J~!S, Kennedy, Leirer,
Absent, ~.J;/.1".t"
llinutes of the last rneeting VJere re',d and approved.
The Clerk presented u bid frow T. P. Lorang of $25.00 for
ot 7, Blk. 14, and a wotion was made by CounciLmn Kennedy and
seconded by Councilman Leirer that the bid be accepted with the
roviso that the lot be deeded back to the City so that the City
llay declare a roadr:a;:,' to ~J::e alley between 2nd and 3rd avenue
public thorough fare. Upun roll c~ll all Councilmen present
oting AY:S.
A bid VIas presented :~rolJ Hobinson Cnuso Kite of $25.00 for
ot 29, in Blk. 12, und uS u [Jan b~' t!:e nickname of Blacksmith
ho i:: now occupying the propert;;r the clerk \'Jus instructed to
otify him that a bid had been mu.de to the City for the property
;~d that he VJould have to vacate sarne.
The i.;ler~_ ])resented a bid fro~:J F.;... S~ilwell, of $25.00 for
ot 28, Blk. 7, and a motion ,,';a8 made b~r 00uncilnmn Kennedy and
econded b~' CouncihlU.n Bensqn t!.at the bid be accepted. Calling
he roll on the motiun all (.;OU:1C: lmen present votin,' ,\Yl:':.
The Clerk presented a till fru)J ~. ~. LorJn8 for ~20.aO in
lUeh he ackeCl fOIl a [0% refund Lr the installation of un electrie
ange in hiE home and a :notL::'l 11:-.8 rmde b~7 C -,unci::'rllan (}illiland
md seconded ty COlll1ei::Jan Bensun that the refund be ttllovled.
I ,::;-:",)
( v~JL
C:e.lling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen present votiong
, Mayor, Brownell appointed a committee of Councilman Kenned;y
aLQ City ulerk Hebb to call upon Ur. Holmes of the Bear IJt. Tunnel
Const. and try and determine why the hirch cost of chci'1finr; the piJle
liDe of the Sewflrd Lif,ht & Power also explain to him the fi~1ances
of the City.
The request was {,mde by Josie Sandvick for the change of her
Resturant Liquor 1ice~se to Pete Lucy whom is ta.king over the cusi-
ness and the motion W,lS d1ade b;,' ~uU:'1cil;n:J.n I}illiland [nd seconded
by Cou,.cilman Leirer that the transfer be approved. Uotion carried
b;y the unanimous vote of all Councilf:Jen rresent.
A Resolution was presente(' for the operutLm of the City Light
Plant as follows:
HEso1unon 2-40
Whereas: The To',-;n of Seward is operating an electric light and
power plant known as the "Seward Electric System"; and,
V/bereas: The cont inutl.l und careful olieration of said jJlant
depends on the three attendants known as the "Operators";
Whereas: Protection of the f:Juchinery, :md cJ:ltiuui t:i~ of 800d
service, demands exeuplary conduct of Operators,
and their adl1earence to est.blisheLl rl~les; HoVl therefore:
Be It Resolved By The Town Council Of Se'ilCird
that the following Rules and Regula~tions be in
force at the plunt, and a copy to be posted
in the plant an d spread ulion the lJinutes.
Operators s1-;all recui:::I.LZe orlly the authurit;'l of the
Council act ion, the ilayor, and the Electric COlUmi ttee, in
any matter relating to the plant.
An OlJerator who comes to take hiE shift who is under
the influence of liquor, even to a slifht extent, will he
dis:nmssed. And if so diymiEsed he shall no.t be reinstate~
during the next six months.
OlJerators shall not dri":'lk intoxicating liquor \'lhile on
shift, 1101' rerm2-t anO:1e else to do Cv i''1 the h,ilci:1fiS,
or o~ the ~ruunds of the plant.
An OlJerutor on dut~7 sh0.11 take :lOte of the man reliev-
ing him, a,ld~f he believes the ua:, u.bo~t to take the s'hi at
fro,,] him:s u'lder the ini'luence of liquor, (even to a
slight extent), he shall remain on dut;}' and immediately
CO:-1IIlUl1icate with tho l1a;}'ur or Blectric COl:Jfni ttee CiYld a-ai
instructi0n~, staying on Cuty until he is told he can
leave. Failure to so act will subject the Operator to
dismissal at the option of the Council.
The entrauce of visitors to the ~lant shall be dis-
couraged. Do one except Officials shall be alloweC to
remail1 in the rlant to visit or talk. While u visitor
iiS in the plant the Operator shall keep theu ~nder
No one except Authorities and the Chief of Police,
shall be allowed to use the to~ls or work-room except
the have vlritten ljer;ilission from 80:1 Authority.
No tool or af'pararus belonging to tl:e plant or stored
there shull be louned or removed from the plant except by
Vlri tten permissi n of en Authori t;y, except those ta}~en b;,'
the Chief uf police !.ersonalJy. Anything leaving the
plant must be noted in the ~lunt log book, giving naue of
person and tailor rnuterial.
An inventory of tools [end mov,lble apparatus shall be
taken once a lllo:Jth, and :J.~lY f:hortages reported to .tbe
City Clerk. .. ., .
Incase of sermous el:Jergenc;:" reqturlng qUlCL actlon,
the Of era tor shall use his om1 judgelJ1Gut in over;}" witter,
but if the JJatter is :10t ordLlary, the O)Jerator shall
uom:.nmicate '_'lith the Chief of l'01iuo, or an ,>.ut'lority as
soon as possible.
,...., ~~'r)
~, ) ~
~?.;3,t.. U
10. "" record of all incidents otter t'-an ordinary ro1..L ,lO
shull be recorded in the ~lant Log Book. ~ll orders ~lr
fuel, oil, tools, nwterial, elo., sh'cll alsv be recol'cud.
The entries of each shift shull be cirned by tte Oper~~ur
of that shi ft.
assed and adopted t;:is 26th, duy of Febrv.ary, 1940.
Cit;jT Clerk
.. woti0n ':11;.8 Llud~ by C0un0il:nan Gilliland a~,d secor.ded b;y
eirer that Resolution 7f2-40 bo a1'1>1'oveo and passe~ as read. U])Un
call all Councilmen present vvtirlg "\.YS.
The Cit;y Clerk ,"'as :;.n8truoted to .l!ut an 1;.dd in the :5ei!i.ud
ate\"lay anuuncinG the date of the cOliling rJunici];al Election.
Resolution 1-40 \"JU.r:: J,recented uS follovis:
RE SOlU1'I Oll 1-40
JHEREAS: The Ci t:;, of ::3mnird has had its I.iuniciVCil Electric Plant
in operation furnishing light and Vower to its citizens
for the past tvv years; and,
EERE~\.S: The receillts from the Iiunicipal Pl[,nt have ,Jeen only
e;;ough to 1: a;,' operating eXj;enses und half the i:lterect
0;:'1 the Bonds; and,
,/:':3RE,^,-S: The rect ,A the interest, togetber vlith Bond retirement
payments (due rlext ;,'ear) should and coulCi be earneCi [);)I
the City Plant if it had all the business of the City;
The past t',IO yeurs busine ss of the City Plan hc.s sho-:1n
definitely tl:at the City })hmt can not f,et enouGh
business to Leap goint: 1,"lhen it has tu c illT;ete I'll th a
private plant that can keep ru~ inf on the income ~t
receives f~oc the telephJne system; and,
The situation therefore demands drastic action this vear
if the City Plant is to keep serving the citizens of<
SeTIard \"Iho won it;. and therefore,
~ IT :~E3CI.VBD: By the 'i'd,',';] Council, that the ;,latter be laid
before tl:e voters ut the cO:Ji~1S I.:unici!.u.l Eloctiun
by ~uving two ~ropositions ~laced on tho b~llots
that will enable the 'Voters to dc-cide the [;latter
for theuselves. The propositions on the bu.110t to
be tiE follows:
31,a11 your City C'Juilcil grant to an;\TOne a Pranchise to l:se the
streets or alleys in furnishing elect ire li~ht or J ower in
Seward that 1,"lill be in CO[;]1)etitiv;1 vlit): your Cit:i ovmed ::1nd
ojJerCl.ted jJlunt?
C' 't. "2
J: ro l~o S -1. lOll if :
311all :;our Cit:/ Council 0.110\'1 the further Llse 07: the "treets
or alleys in furni shin!' light sand" o"ler 1:;-: tho cJupeting
pri 'lutely ow,eCl Seri.:cd Light a';c1 l'O'7er Plant after t"ei r
present fr'Ll1chise e::pires :-lo:xt October?
pussed and ado~ted ttis 2Cth, duy Jf February, 1~40.
/..-.-., ,
r . 004
il.. Llotion was made by Councilma.n Gillialnd and seconded by
Councilman Kennedy that this resolution bg: alJproved and ~assed as
presented. Calling the roll upon t he ,notion 13.1: Cou~lCilL1en present
voticg AYE.
Resolution #3-40 presented as follows:
llliSOLUTIOH 3-40
'\;'lliREAS: It appears to the CO;[Jhlon Council of the City of Seward
that Mayor Brormell s!:ould go to Washington, D. C" to
interc:,ed VIi th the Congressional Cor:1L1ittee in bebJ.lf of
the City of Seward to tr:l and stop any proceec1ure present~d
by Col. Ohlson, Ilgr. of t:1e Alas1~a Railroad, for" he
removul of the Railroud '?ermianal to PortaGe BeY.
lW,j T~IEREF;::3E Bi: IT RESOLV~D, By The COr:lmon Council Of 'llhe City Of
, Sewa.rd, AJa. slea, that the 11eri 1:ayor to bo elected ;q!ril,
2nd, 1940, does not take his outh of office for t;;irt;j'
days after the election~ tUs t,) jJ1I7ovide the prese:-.t
VIayor Brormell udequate tile to cOrJplete tis 1)U8, ness
at Wuchi~I(Ttont J). C., f0r the City of So\"n.J.rd.
rttssed and adopted this 26th, day, of February, 1940.
?: ~J-$LJ
City Clerk
A ;:lOtion Wa.S ,;jade by Cou'wilmm GilliLmd and sec Jl1ded ty
Cou:1cilllun Benson that Resolution #3-40 be al~proved and passed u.s
read. Resolutioi passed b;:,' the ununimous vote of all C ouncilr:w;1
.. ,;lotion ':...S made c7 Council:Jan Benson and secJnde\l c;:" Cvuncil
:ili,n Gilliland that Mayor Brownell be allowed '1')0.00 from the
general funds of the Ci t~ of Sew',;.rd for his trip to \lashL'f;to~1,
D. C., for 'lis fight to LJrohibit t1-,e change of the l'erlJini11 of tee
:.laska Rliilroad form Sevlard tv Portage Bay, also a:lOther tlOO.OO
if necessary. Calling tho rlllll Uj)Ol1 the motivn all Coun'bilmen
present voted "SEe
There being no further bnsinese to co:ne beforet'-ie meeti~,g
the motion beius !Jade seconded and carried it did adjourn.
City Clerk
:s.ec~ll.J.r :.:eet :L:.l.[j
'!'~ - " 4 :~J'j1"""
.I..J.urc!..l ,.L -'--'
;,"'\ H" ~"
,- -" ....
./) ~)f!)
The COlamon Council of the Town of Se'.'!'urd, convened in regular
sessiun in the CUUY1CiJ. Chambers on this the 4th, day of i.larch, 19/0.
11a~ror Brownell beir~g ab::'cYit on a. tril' to \'Iushingtun, D. C" ;"t.
he intercs~ of the City Councilman L<i" lila.nd was al)l;ointet' to o.c1,
s LIa;, or durir.g Llu~'ur Bro\'mell's abseMle.
Councilmen present unO. a.bsent were a::: fo~luws:
Present: Benson, Gilliland, Jones, I:enned~' and lei.rer.
Abcent: Councilr:w.n Doshen.
The Clerk read au offer of $25.00 fru~ R. C. Kite for Lot 29
Bluck 12 a::;d a motiun i"JaS Clade b~' Councilman Jones and seconded
y Kennedy that the offer be accepted. Calling the roll upon the
,lotion all Councilmen present voteCi AY'~.
The Clerk presented an offer of 025.00 fr01:1 11rrc. Luella l:c
,[ullen James for lot 8 in BlocL 9 after sume discussici'1 t"'.0
olincil decided thi s '''as to luv! a bid for the lot a~;d the clerL
",'as instructed to insert em u.dd ill the p'J.per ,"otif:,'i'l[j the pu'hlic
hat ceuled bids vlolld 1:e received u1, the of=ice of the Cit~' 8:"erk
ill 4 o'cluck P. U. :.:l.1rch 18th, am; tr.o lut suld to '0:;e hiiC":~est
Ci t;,.' ?a~/ roll pre~entel' and aH:ru':ed b~" the E'inance Committee
c:.:ounting to Ol138.8f, as fo110\'ls: 1. V. Ray, "125; Pete !.Iiche::'son,
'21:;. L 1: 1,"; 1"; ""'s ,ll.t::O' J~ 1"oe"ches1'; ''''2''0' 'ro~""r;cC'on ~lr: Ch).
~(~. . . \',.L ...L....u.L.J 'l(V t .e .I....L ..,.. ....&-, Of( ~,~.l.. ...l.-..J..L. U ,~U.U,-,
,;urjorie'./ebb, $35; 1:. D. ',Iebl, ,:?l5:J; Dorth C011t.1l Co., ;~220;
Oabo Elect. SUP1,ly, ~15.15; Sow. Vlater SUPl)ly, :;;130.00; 3e17;. light
& Po~er, 011.75; Gateway r~,. Co.,~3.GO; Sew. Hard~are, 15/;
Se17l. Elect. System, $10:.::,5; Cash, {;2Z.74; Stu.ndurd Oil Co., :;,;16.%
"- uotiun was uade by Cou',ciLl1an I:eymedy uncl senconded b~r Leirer
hat the bills be paid as presented. Calling roll upon the uotion
'11 CounciLJe.n present voting AYE.
Clerk pre cent the lJu~' roll of the Ci t~' li;~ht 1'1u.n1, u.:luunting
to $1296. G3 as fo11017:o: 1. . A. Ruff, $165; Myrun Polk, ~?165; Leo
"'te"'''r1, ('lGt::. v D '~'ebb "'50' ' 110"ak 1)150' "e1"' L;,~1..t;'" I'o"'or
~ V~ (..l. t ';-( i.),..l.J. . . ,i I ,'r.' ,fi. I V ,'W. ,J .'~. ..L L.\ Il ...... ~.
G.75; O[;le Garuge, ~;2.60; Cal :.;. J1rosius, ~2.15; r.lcllullen Store,
1.70; Seattle Lst. llat. Bank, 02.50; Os' 0 Elect. Sup,ly, 0193.44;
3(171. Gatevm;!, ~3.50; Sew. \later .Sup ly, :~5.00; ::leVl. Hard"I'are, 75/,
Cash, $37.50; Standu.rd Oil Co" t~495.34. A raotion V!tiS made b;,.'
Councilman JoncG a~d secullde0 by Leirer ttbt the bills be paid as
resented. Calling the roll u~on tho mot~on all Councilmen present
oting AY'~.
'1'he quo::tion of 1.l0ving the 3erlard Light 6= Power Pipe Line came
up unO. the Illotio:.; vms made 1;:,; Counui :.lan .Tonos a;td seco:lc1ed t;:;
Councilman Benson tha t 1ir. Graff be notified to procoou to "Jove hi
l;ipe line and to keep the cost dOVlIl us sr:lall 1..;.S pussi blo. Calling
the roll upon the liiotion all couneilIllon l,resent votit:r:: AYE.
'1'hi e being the ti':;e to u1- Oi:lt tr,e electivn officers for the
.:unicil'bl Blection to 1e held 1'i.pril 2nd, Vle f011uvlir.t:: \'lure ul'],0ln1,
ed: Judges--E. S. Chumberlian, Andy Rusmussen, and Al Peel. For
Clerk, Ure. El Wl Prosser ~1nd Harlan Myers. Should extrCi Offiecerf::
be needed t;~e fOll"wing were all; uinted: r.:r8. '''. tlcDonald, Jucl:
Prosser, Wid John Littley.
TheIf'bdr.g ",0 ~ur1,her businor:s to C,,:.lle lffefore ttis r:leeting
upon proper l:Jotion be:..ng made seconded and curried it did adjourn.
Acting Huyor
C:t~' ~~
/- -~ .,~
.' ,i
( ..).JO
ReS,r,hir l.ieeting
March 18, 1~40
The Common Council of the To',"n of Se'.'fCud, Alaska convened
in regular session in the Council Clwmbers on this the 18th day of
.lc:.rcL, 1940.
Aoting 11a.yor C. P. Gilliland called the Meetir.g to order
at eight o'clock P.ll.
Councilmen present '-'lere as follows: Benson, Gilliland,
Jones, Kennedy and Leirer.
Absent: Counoi~nan Doshen.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
'1'he Clerk presente" two pay rolls for moving the ::)eward
p:,ight & Power pipe line in Lowell Creek aLlolmtiig to $391.00. This
~rork the Council agreed to to.ke cure of in order to Fet the :Bear
fwit. Tunnel through and the moti0n V!u.S made by Councilman Benson
~nd seconded b~7 Cuuncilman Kennedy that the Bills be paid as pre-
sentaG. Calli",lg the roll upon the lflotiun all Courlcilmen present
!voted AYE.
The Clerk read a letter froLl Dr. L. B. \iillLulls in wl:.ich
he stated ~uote >>1n the interests of the City of Seward and economy
of its present finances I l:lI1revrith tender ;ny sulury as City Health
\Officer during the period of stringency," the Clerk VIas requested
~o file the letter.
J~ letter W/;l.S read by the Clerk from Fred C. Lliller, 1iarit
w. Turner, and ElwynV ~vetmann, cullinf the City's attention to
the neocessity for grading and dra1nage in the imme~iate vicinity
of the g/;l.rage buildinB and residents on Lots 21, 22 on Bluck B.
:"fter come di8cus:::iJtl b;i the C0uncil it viaS decide( tlw.t it.'.'8-S
Jartially tr-:eir faults ~,hat the draiiw.ge v;uS i:l the (; undi tLm as it
is today and that the street committee would remedy the condition
8.E soon as possitle.
The Clerk opened t~e Bids as adverti~ed for Lot 8, Block
9, and the hifhest bid "'as Q35.00 by Luel:u UCI;lullen J""nes and a
,lotion was Llade b~1 C.Juncilman Jone and secoLdo( b~' Cotcncilr.1an
v.:ennedy that the bid be accepteli. Calling tho roll upon the motion
aiLl C -!lucil1.1en pre se:1t voted ATi..
The Clerk prescnteu u Bid from Dave McMillan for $45.00
for the ~ast 2/3rds of Lots 21, 22 and 23 in Block 18 an~ u motion
was Inade b;,' Councilman Jones and 'seco'nded b~' C:ounciJ:raan Benson
that the bid be accepted. CallLlg 'ehe roll UpO~l the motiun all
Cou~,ciljaOYl J,resent voted AYE.
Inasmuch as the Ci t~T Lif(ht l'lant had a surplus und ov!od
the City of Seward ~oney udvanced to them and the City of Se~ard
pei1'l' in need of SO;;\O L10ney to pG.y the i:-.terest on tho school Bonds
a motion waf: Illude b~' Councillln.m Jones ",:Id G8cu:lded b~7 C:uuncilmLi.n
Benson teat a warrt:.nt be draw'" for 0500.00 to reimburse the Ui ty
for [;iOne~ ,-,-dvO-nced to t,le Light l'lant. Ca:Clir.g the roll u.oon the
notion ,dl l;ouncilJ;len pre sent vote,l :>.yE.
Clerk presentee the fol~owil1g Resoluti0n::
ltE:3,'LUTI811 4-(0
.. :TI:;SOLIDTI i 'Ii At'TT10C'(I:~HG 'I'El: '.,.i.YOR ,.i:::'; :.lUlfICILl.L
CL:~3I~ nl~ ;:'!-Il: Clf"~:r (IF 32Yi ..RDt ;J...i':"SI:A, Tv 'E1:..l~cT,-TrrE
1\. :DZE1J POR CERT~\IlJ P:tCl.'1~~TY B:8L~~l;GTI:G- r1\) T:~.s Tcr~lJ
UP s.cca..iRD. .L~L...l.3I~ji..
,.,;;~ If' :'~"'(.,"'('L'rv"" T)V (prr~' 0(\:" ~r'! ' (1, 'IT [("1- ;p. THV~ TOYllJ CP 3~'.l..iHD ..::o.L.SL'j~
~... .J.. .:..~~..._' .......-.1 D_ ..... _~.J'J\..J_,~__'-J'" JU J_ j '-' ..... t
that the I.!avor a,d the J;iunicijJul Clerl: ure heret;-; authorized emd
directed t ~. e::ecute a,-,d deliver to Loullu. liicMullon JUIDe s, F. '.:.
stilv:e 11, Y:. 3-. Bonson, R. C. l:i to u:ld il.. E. L ~.:e~'er c... good ~,:ld
sufficient Docf for the fo:lowing described Heul Pro~ert~ in the
To~n of Se~ard, Alaska to-~it: lot B i~ Block 9. lot 28 i~ BloO~7,
);,) ,
L:c.r()h 18, lJ<'iO
CO~-~~ inted
Lots 5 1.1nd 6 in Blvc~~ 15, LJt 29 i::1 13l"ck 12, cud Lots 17,113, L
;;;,nd 20 in ~nock 9 to tr.e origi.,cl Town site of ;:)ewi~rd, ..luf'ku.
31.1id Deeds to be o~&cuted for unO. inconeideration of
~\8EO. X) u:,6 acc8jJtel: [;7 the Ulk,nir:,ous vote 0:: tho Co:nuon CUI<:1(;i:
~f tl'Jo Torm of ~:;8'.::1.1rd,' :'..h.ska ir1 PU::IJOnt alor t'1G ubovo lots.
russed this 18th day of March, 1940.
~~ct i:lg l....u;,ror
... Llo~~id
',','LS ,-1,,,do c~, "uu >:i:,::[,n JOl1es secondecl b:'
th~t the resolution be udo~tof us roud; it
ununi;-~1uu::~ .,....?0tC of u.l: C0uncilLle~1 l)rCE.er~t.
':.' 0.. ~3
Councilman Leirer
so adopted b~ the
The DiG of T. r. Lorang fo:: 10t 7 i;: Blo '1: 14 \",':icl' \'I,Ll>
uCGevted r;y the Council and the Ci t;,' }:avLlg roceived "a;":Jont for
"''''e "Q' t're I'urJ'Jo"e of 'urn'I"'Sl"-':' thl'" lot C" l.i~ '0'''''''1'' V'j," "'ur
lo.-'u..hJ. <.....I.~..\. . ... ..... 1-'........\.N J..J.l':J ...., u..... ..~ ............J.....r; ........10- ~
a roud TIc.Y which not only bene::ited hiwself und nei~hbors b~t the
Cit; in cu~e uf Fire. ~fter SUrnO discussion by tho u~u.cil a
:i,oti"n waS [.lado 1);/ Cuul1ci1;,;an Jones Wid seconded b;,' Counci1"Jun
Bencon tho.t tLe 1,JUuey be returnee to 1-:1'. LOTi-xib r,' i H: the u:lder-
standi;:g that at the next regulur :.16oti:l. of tr,G C.j(;.ncil the;1 woul<l
set aside Vis lot as a IJublic thurough-fare due t~. the fuct thut
it wus ver:1 nece;:sur;,' :10t 0:,1;;' :or t~'!e Cit.;' B'ire :Lept. b1it for the
lenefi t of dru;;b.ge, trc.:.~:for Cu. s, and pri vute oi tigeCls lucc..ted in
BluGk 14. ~otiuh c~rrieC ty unani~ous vote of ~ll Cou~cilmen
.A.t thi E .Iv i ulC ~. UuC di scucsi J::" \Va3 :-:C1.d u. c tv t I:e l~'(-";; ..jC nt u f
':ires b~i the Oi t;,' u:: ._o',','ard to and fruJ.J I.layor 3r01';,1011 vl!,ile un ~,is
trij) to \iashingt"n, D. C., und C)u:,cil,ji;j.n JO:1es objected to the
yaYLlont of the vli1'es u;;d d.ske to te put on record ob.jecting to
su;,Jo unci '''' motion ',';as :jude t; C0u:1cili:lb.u J0:;8 s urld secondeD b;;
Cou::wi1l;w.nI:enneCi;'l t~lut t1:e Cit;,' puy for n~ vrires l~nle,:s uddress-
ed to the Git;; Clerk. Motion curried by the unanimous voto uf
ul.l CouccilL1C::" pl"cccnt.
"~t tr.is tLw Cuuncilmun Jones usJ.ed to be excused from
ULY furt!:er Counoil ::Juty u;;; ;le ',';3 guinf to :3outtlo to onter the
P:osjJi tal.
Bel"~" "'co 'l'l'"O tJ 0'v8"r+' "e ""'1' 'r- 'VC'l.t 0'" +'-~ i,.t"
. 1 t, v _' I... 1..' J .:. . u.L 10- ...... v 1....1...1. :....1 .J.. 1..1 Ll L: J 1 ti
130CJLc a:..Cl tr.e :3C;1'10ul Board 3u_1Ls L;:. ;~l()tiO:-l rl~S L1;--idc l~~~ Cut;.~(;ilman
u Cn" [""1 "",' "e .~"" Q' 0 C"l b" (' Oll'" C' i ""1' Lo' 1'e l' .. I"'" + h c> 01"", I' ':e 1'" -," '"
___ ... ............J. .............u ,.. ",V.I.... cl...J~" .l.-................... ~ v..,....lJ Vi";\". Lid J...... .L........ L<-......
L.:, add i:"l tLo !JU; or d.dvertici;,g !for ;:"n uudit to tLo lo':'cst l)iddor
a:.c1 tL0 Bids tu 10 Ul'Oll .'l)1'il 1.)th. C'.illini: tr,0 rc~l u1 u:; tho
.::otio:: i),li Cuuncilmen l)re::;ont voteu ;..T:.:..
":'l..t tLi[: tir.-,e u. disc',(=_~~'i_.n C'.i..~.~C UlJ a~ t;> tLe nece[:sitj~ vi
~ roc.cl tr.1'li f1'0.., 4t:: Avenuo and ul-' 10vlell Creok j;Ja2t Dr. ,:aguer's
Trorno. T'.is ::oael bei:18 ver:' :'.00038'-,1';' for Fire lJrotocti~n it ':'U3
igreod 1;,' t::e U uncil Vet tho Git:' LJlor) b1'i ,:[: in to the 110}:t
Cuuncil ;iJoeting tree Luts no. necessary for the raad1;a:' and at "uLms
time a resolution would bo passel s~ttillg aside a roadvray thru the
Ci t;! ovmeC luts uls0 tLyu Lot 7 in B:Cucl: 14.
The Ci t:' C:Cer:, \7US i;:etr1.<.cted tJ ud7e1'tiso bids to the
~i~heGt lidcler for sUl'~liec f0r tLe Uit~ Li(ht P1~nt bids to te
o!,ener 71i t!;in 21 :,0,-:r8 a:ld ",:',;;' llid uc:::el'tecl is ,-mdcr:c.tuod t!mt - he
l"u.;;ll:lent 1:.TvulC 1"8 iJ}UC; G \'Ji thi:-.. t hirt~; (~b..~-S cach.
'::'he CIE:r', ":",,: i'.(:tructed to ';lrite the l~ort}:er:1 Coume1'cL,l
Co. ""t ...ncharb.go, Alucka inquirinr; i:: t ;:0:" hau 0:1 ':",flU U blude ft.,r
':'0 tc~ ut" ')atro' c'-' t1' - 'r' "',. 1" t - . "'
(....l. ..... v.......~....u..t.- .,.l.. a~..;.Cl .1tj 1) l.ce v.... Sa...ilC Ll. so lY"lS rttcG~:ciL cr:em
to :"utif;: the Cit; ]3;,' \';iro ut onco UpuTl roc('i!Jt of t \:0 lotter uf
'iiq l....~_ r;y'.
/. -, ."
( 3~j?3
L1:rcL 13, 1%0
(~o itinueu
j)l1ere beiY'lg ;:10 further business to CU,:JG before t!,is ;.aeeti:1
'I._ ',]Jon prpper motiJn being Gw.de sedonded and carried it did adjou n.
'cting I.iayor
Regular Keeting
_ _A.E,r!.l_l... !9,i.o_ _ _
The ~ommon Council of the Town of ieward. Alaska oonvened
in regular session in the Counoil Chamber on this 1st day of April
I j
The meeting was oalled to order at 8 o'olook P. K. by
oting Kayor Gilliland.
Councilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Oounoilman Benson. Doshen. Gilliland. Kennedy.
Absent: Oounoilman Jones.
Kinutes of the last meeting'were read and approved.
The motion 'was made by Oouncilman Benson and seoonded by
Oounoilman Doshen that an advertisemen. be put in the Anchorage
aper for an lioensed auditor to audit the Oity of Seward Books
comprising of Olerk's Office. Oity Light Plant and School Board.
otion carried by the unanimous vote of all Counoilmen present.
The Olerk read a letter from the ~eward Light and ~ower
revising their rates to the Federal Government only as follows:
irst 500 KWR lU per KWH; Ben 1.000 DR ,ili per DR; Over 1.500
R ~ per IIR. This rate to take effeot May 1st. 1940. we are
naugurating a revised supplementry schedule to be designated as
Schedule el. applying to the Federal Government only. This letter
as ordered filed.
I :
A letter from the Terrilorial Treasurer requesting that
he Oi ty of Seward appoint a School Tax Colleotor was presented to
he Oouncil. The only applioant for the position being Marie
tten whioh was verble and Kouncilman Benson objeoted to a verble
pplioatiRn and requested that a written application be presented.
t this time the Olerk stated to the Counoil that this was of vital
importanoe to the City and the delay in appointing a Sohool Tax
olleotor would make the Taxes delinquent as of April 30. 1940.
The Olerk presentee a olaim from John Paulsteiner asking"
for a refund of 50% fror# the City for the installation of his
eleotrio sto~e. The said installation having oost $20.60 and a
otion was ~de by Counoilman Kennedy and aeoonded by Counoilman
eirer that he be refunded 50% for the installation of his stove.
alling the roll upon the motion all Counoilmen present voted AYE.
The Clerk presented an applioation for an add in the
Seward Sohool ~olly for the City Light Plant which would oost
pprox. $4.00 for two issu.s and a motion was made by Councilman
enson and seoonded by Councilman Leirer that the add be put in the
aper. Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilman present
oted AYE.
The Clerk present a bid from 901 Koser of '6.00 each for
five lots in the Laubner Addition and it was decided by the Council
that the bid was to low and he be notified to plaoe a new bid on
~e lot.
. The Clerk presented a bid for T. W. Hatten of '60.00 for
Lot 21 in Block 16 and it was stated by the Counoil thatthis bid
could not be aocepted as this lot was reserved for t he use of the
'-', ;', j
t~4,~j ,zi
)luting Cont.
~prll 1, 1940
At this tilI8 the Clerkk notified the Council to meet at
8 O'Clook P. M. April 3, 1940 to oanvass the votes of the Municipal
election of April the 2nd 1940.
The Clerk presented a resolution which incorporated a
oourt order for the exclusion from the City Limits of certain
Roadways to the Jesse Lee Home and a motion was made by Councilman
Kennedy and seoonded Oouncilman Benson that a special eleotinn be
held to determine if the citizens of Sewurd would be agreeable
to relinquish this roadway so that the Bureau of Agric. can
maintain the raad. The resolution carried by the vote of all
Oounoilmen present.
At this time acting Mayor Gilliland appointed Councilman
Kennedy to aot on the finance coIl!Ill.
The City /clerk presented the City Pay roll fur the
month of March 1940, amounting to $1464.31 and approved by the
finance comm. as follows: L. V. Ray, 125. Pete Michelson, $25.
L. E. Williams, $50. Fred Kielcheski, 220. E. D. Webb, $150.
Marjorie Webb, .35. Northern Comml Co., $221.33; Bert Smith,
,39.20; Sew. ~lectric Srstem, .191.60; Cash, $45.80; Stand Oil Co,
'17.49' C. R. Morford, 160. Osbo Eleot Supply, $4.90; Sew. Moh
Shop, 65. Sew. Drug Co. $8.25; Cal. M. Brosius, $2.65; Gateway
Pub. Co. $33.90; Sew. Water Sup~ly, $130. Alaska Transfer,
1153.94; Sew. Light and pawer, , 11.75; and a Motion was made by
Oauncilman Doshen and seoonded by Councilman Leirer that the bills
be paid. Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen present
voted AYE.
The City Clerk presented the pay roll for the City Light
Plant aned approved by the Finance Committee for $1164.74 as
follows: Dave Mc Millan, .160.00; Myron Polk, $166.00; Lee
Stewart, $165.00; E. D. Webb, $50. Stand Oil Co. $344. Osbo Elect.
Supply, $211. Gateway Pub. Co., .31~0; Cash, $60.49; Sew. Light
& Power, $ 5.75. And.a motion was made by Councilman Doshen and
seoonded by Councilman Leirer that the bills be paid. Calling
the roll upon the motion all Counoilman present voted AYE.
The resolution presented and passed by the Council as
follows not to swear in the new Kayor eleoted for a period of
thirty days or until notified by the present Mayor D. C. Bronell
of his completitn of the City's business at Washington D. C.
Upon investigation by the City clerk f_Dm Attorney L. V. Ray,
was advised that the new Mayor eleot could take his oath of offioe
on April loth, 1940 and that there was nothing to prevent him
from doing so other than his obligation as a Tax payer and
desiring to further benefit the City by leaving Mayor Brownell
in power until his business is oompleted in Washington, D. C. for
the City of ,;)ew,rd. Upon legal advioe it is understood that
there is nothing to prevent the Kayor elected from taking his offio
on April lClth~.194t0cand that the resolution passed at the meeting
of April 1, 1940 was irrlsular and without legal advioe on same
and the smae resolution according to law in null and void.
The proposition of taxing Music Machines for which the
public pays for the EPtertainment oame before the Counoil and the
following Ordinance was proposed
ORDL~AlmE NO. 144
Seotion 1. Upon all automatic ooin music boxes or nickelo-
deons operated for profit in any public place of business
within the Town of Seward, Alaska, there is hereby imposed
an annual license in the sum of $25.00 per year upon each
( 3GO
. April 1, 1940
Meeting Conti.
and every" of said music contrivanoe so operated for profit.
Seotion 2. Suoh annual sum of 125.00 shall be paid in
equal semi-annual payments in the amount of 112.50 eaoh and
shall be due and payable on t he first day of April, 1940 and
on the first day of Ootober, 1940 and eaoh and every year
Section 3. Upon the failure of any owner or operator of any
suoh musioal oontrivanoe, so operated for a profit as in this
OrdiJ8nce defined, to pay suoh annual sum of .25.00 ar of the
semi-annual installment thereof, the right to oontinue to
erate such musicaloontrivance shall cease, and the Town of
Seward shall take into its possession and oontrol and hold
such nusical instrument as security for the payment of the
umpaid license imposed thereon.
as sed under suspension of the Bules this 1st day of April,
. D., 1940.
Aoting Mayor ~own o. seward
~ .
ilu~lerk .
A motion was made by Counoilman Leirer and seconded by
Councilman Kennedy that the Rules be suspena4d for the adoption
of Ordinance 144. Calling the roll upon the motion all Council-
en present voting AYE.
tt e st :
On the.question "Shall Ordinance 144 be passed and:
dopted?" All Councilmen voting in the aff1rmati ve: Whereupon
he Aoing Mayor deolare4 said.Ordinanoe l~ passed and.adopted
d signed said Or4inanoe in approval thereof.
~here being no further business to oome before thies
eeting it did reoess to meet April 3rd to oanvass the votes of
the Municipal Eleotion to be held April 2nd 1940.
Aoting Kayor
_ !P.!il !,_12.4Q _
Reoessed meeting of the Common Council of April 1, 1940
reconvened as a oonvassing board to oanvaS8 the ballots oast at
the Munioipal Eleotion held April 2nd, 1940, Aoting Kayor Gilliland
called the meeting to order at 8 o'olook P. M. After examination
of the ballots cast at the election of April 2md, 1940, the
following .resolution was presented.
;f ?..s (/ ~ t - /;.' /' ~I H~.;:;)" .,... .:Tt7 n it ~.
Resolution 6-40
WHEREAS: In acoordance with the Laws of the Territ6ty of
Alaska, and Ordinance 144 of the Uity of Seward, Alaska, and notice
given a Munioipal Eleotion was held in the Town Hall in said City 0
the 2nd day of April, 1940.
WHEREAS: In aocordance with the oorrected certificates
filed with the Municipal Clerk of said City by the election offioer
of said election, the following named persons reoeived the exact
number of votes placed after their respective names for offices
April 3, 1940
,,- (~" "'\~
hereinafter named to-wit:
For MAYOR:- John Blase
Gus R. Manthey
Raymond Benson,
Oscar Dahl 296
T. W. Hatten 128
G. L. Hollingsworth 197
Walter Johnson 110
H. H. Leonard 247
C. W. Muir 1
G. C. Garrity 2
Jack Rosness 1
Ella Amend
Harriet Ingram
WHEREAS: The returns of said election were canvassed
by the Common Council of said City at . o'oleok P.M. April 8Bd
CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that in accordanoe with the results of
said election as above determined, the following named persons,
having received the highest number of votes for the respective
FOR MAYOR: John Blase.
FOR COUNCILMEN: Oscar Dahl, G. L. Hollingsworth, and
H. H. Leonard.
AND THEY BE, and are hereby deolared elected to said
lirespecti ve offices. and are hereby declared eleoted.
PASSED unanimously by the Common Council of the Gity of
Seward. and approved this 3rd day of April, 1940.
Approved: April 3rd. 1940
Acting Mayor
c ~ Clerk
There being no further business to come before this
meeting upon proper motion made, seconded and carried it did adJou .
Acting Mayor Municipal Clerk -',
April lOth, 1940
Reoessed meeting of the Common Counoil April 3rd, 1940,
econvened this lOth day of April, 1940.
Acting Mayor Gillilamd oalled' the meeting to order at 8
'clock P.M.
Counoilmen present as follows: Benson, Doshen, Kenneday,
Absent: Counoilman Jone s.
Minutes of previous meeting .ead and approved.
Clerk read a letter from the RlC Corporation in Which the
desired to have fo~arded to them at Washington the City's Publio
iability Policy on the employees of1he City Light Plant. There
~,ing no ins: ranee oarried by the City Light ~lant this matter was
#Sid on t he table until the next meeting.
The 1(uestion came up as to whether the new kyor elect
should take his oath of offioe April lOth df delay same until Mr.
/ .-<~ ("~)
Brownell had finished the City's business at Washington, D. C. or
not latter than Ilay 1st. A motion was made by Councilman Benson
and second by Counoilman Dosben that the new Mayor elect not to
take his oath of office on this date. Kotionn oarried by the
unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
The question of appointing a School fax Collector came up
and two applicants. Mrs. Jaok Shea and Mrs. Karie Hatten were
presented by the Clerk. It was decided to vote on this. Upon the
vote Mrs. Shea reoeived two votes and Mrs. Hatten reoeived two
votes. The~being a tie vot~ Acting Mayor Gilliland was asked to
cast his vote whioh he did in favor of Mrs. Hatten and Mre. Batten
was duly eleoted School tax collector of the year 1940.
The following Ordinance was introduoed:
i 1
SECfIO~I. That persnant to and in aooordanoe with the
requrements of Chapter 29 of the Sessions Laws of .Alaska for the
year 1919. entitled ".,In Act to impose a tax upon male persons in
the Territory of Alaska 'or school purposes providing means for
its colleotion and declaring an emergenf.1" as amended by act of
~y 2nd. 1921 of said act contained. .
IlARIE A. HATTEN a resilent of the Town of Seward, Alaska and
a citi.en of the United states of Americai Is hereby appointed and
declared to be.the School Tax collector for the Town of Seward.
Alaska, for the year 1940, and upon qualifioation of said person
by furnishing good and eufficient bond in accordance with t he Law,
all conditions provisions and requirements of said act shall be
Barried out and enforced as by law regulated and required in
oolleotion of said School Tax.
SECT~ON 2. An emergency is Hereby declared to exist, and this
ordinance shall take effeot after its passage and approval.
Passed under suspension of rules. this 10th. day of .April.1940
Approved this lOth. 4ay of April. 1940
~(/,,~q KAYOR
A motion was made by Councilman Benson and seconded by
Councilman Doshen that Ordin~nce #145 be passed and adopted at
this meeting and take effect at once. Motion oarried by the
unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
At this time ltI.r. Erwin made a talk to... the Council regard-
ing the Jesse Lee Road and it was decided to leave this matter go
~tll another date.' .
The Clerk presented City. bills ~ounting $590.14 and
approved ,~ ~h. finance oomm. as follows: L. V. Ray. $a.33i P.
Michelson, ,a.33i L. E. Williams. .16.65; F. XieloheBki, '73.33i
E. D. Webb, .60. A. Erioson. .11.15; Marjorie Webb. .11.65i E. E.
Chamberlin, .7.60i Jack Prosser. '7.50; A. R86mussen, .7.50i John
~ttley, '7.50i MrS. E. W. Prosser. '7.50; T. W. Hatten. .3.75i
gle Garag.~ '70.70i Hellen Smith, tlOOQOO; Oash,t19a.14. A motion
as made by Councilman Benson and, seoonded by Councilman Kennedy
that the bill. be paid as presented. Calling the roll upon the
aotion all Councilmen presnented voted AYE.
April lOth, 1940
Cont inued
This being the time to appotnt the election officers for
the primary eleotion to be held April 30th. 1940 the following
names were presented: Mrs. Jack Shea, :Mrs. E. W. Prosser, for
Clerks; A. Rasmussen. John Littley, and :Mrs. Ratten as Judges;
in oase of need two extras werenamed as follows: :Mrs. Wm. :Muir,
and Mrs. Garriety.
~ motion was made by Councilman Benson and seoonded by
Councilman Leirer to give a vote of thanks to the out going Count1
:Motion carried by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present.
There being no further business to come before this meet-
ing and upon proper motion being made seoonded and oarried this
Counoil Ad30urned sine die.
~oting Kayor
:Munioipal Clerk
April 10th, 1940
Immediately following the ad30urnment of the out going
Council Acting :Mayor Blase called the new Council to order.
:Mayor Blase on behal f of :Mayor Brownell extended thanks
to the out going Councilmen .
Oath of office was administered to the incoming council
consisting of Osoar Dahl, Geo. Hollingsworth, and H. H. Leonard.
:Mayor Blase deoided that he would not take his Oath of
office at this time in order to assiet :Mr. Brownell with his work
in Washington. D. D.
There being no further business to come before this
meeting and upon proper motion being made. seconded and carried
it did adjourn.
:Mayor .fell,:!
April 15th, 1940
The Common Council of the Town of Seward. Alaska. convened
in regular session in the Council Chamber on this the 15th, day
of April, 1940.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Mayor
Councilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Benson, Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer, and Leonard.
Absent: Doshen.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A communication was received from the Clerk of the Court
stating that Sam Hornak did not have a business license. It appears
that Sam Hornak is buying and selling fish without a lioense. A
motion was made by Councilman Hollingswo7th and seoonded by
Counoilman Leonard that the Clerk of the Court be notified of the
business Homak Is conducting and determine if he is subjeot to the
license. Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen present
voted AYE.
, ;364
A.pril 15th, 1940
The Clerk presen~ed a bill of $60.00 from the Bank of Sawarc
the same bting interest-on a $1000.00 Gymnasium BOnd. And a moti~
was made by Counoilman Hollingswor~h and seoonded by Benson'that
the interest be paid. Calling the roll on the motion all Counoil_
men present voted AYE.
At this time Mrs. Ray James made a talk to the Counoil
regarding the handling of the sale of Cemetery lots. Mayor Blase
sai4 this would be taken up latter.
The question of the Jesse Lee Rightaway oame up and Mayor
Blase instruoted the street Committe. together with Mr. Ingram
to look the road over before making any ,decision in the matter.
At the next regular meeting it was proposed that the matter
of re.ates on the installation be brought up.
The Clerk was instruoted to notify the resturants that ihere
is to be no sale of beer or wine after 1 o'olook and that no beer
or wine shall be sold without a bonifide meal as persoribed by the
Territorial Li~or Board Regulations.
At this time the question of Bonding the City Clerk oame up
as he handles all the City Funds upon investigating the reoords
the last Bond held by the City Clerk was in 1928 for $1000.00 and
the last Bond held by the City Treasurer was in 1930 for $10000.00,
There being no further business to come before this meeting
and upon proper motion being made, seoonded and oarried it did
: I
~:) ,,;U
Special Heeting
April 24. 1940
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska oonvened
in special session in the Counoil Ghamber on this the 24th, day of
April, 1940.
The meeting was oalled to order at 8 o'olock P.M. by
Mayor Blase.
Counoilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Benson, Dahl, Doshen, Hollingsworth. Lei.er.
and Letnard.
Absent: None.
This special meeting was called for the purpose of
deciding upon the exclusion of the Jesse Lee Road for the City
Limits so that the Bureau of Publio Roads might maintain the road.
After some di.uussion on the matter a motion was made by Counoil-
man Hollingsworth and seconded by Benson that one thousand feet
east from the east line of Henry Leirer's fence starting at mile
one plus , Seward Kenai Highway running north of the City limits
and holding a special election to exclude this section and a 66ft.
roadway within the City limits to the Jesse Lee Home. Calling the
roll upon the motion all Councilmen present voting AYE.
The question came up of installing a new fence around the
garbage dump as a retaining wall for the ga~~age and a motion was
made by Counoilman Benson and seconded by Councilman Leirer that
.aid retaining wa~l be put in the post to be six inohes on the
smaller end and the wire used not to be chicken wire and the
expense not to exceed $45.00. Calling the roll upon this motion
all Councilmen present voting AYE.
~he Clerk was instructed to publish in the paper a notice
instructing the public when dumpin g garbage on the vity Dump to
dump over the end of the dump and not on the raadway upon t he dump.
There being no further business to come before this
special meeting and upon motion being made, seconded and carried
it did adjourn.
Special Meeting
April 29. 1940
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened
in special session in the Councll Chamber on this the 29th, day of
April, 1940.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clook P.M. by
ayor Blase.
Cvunoilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Benson, Dahl, Boshen, Hollingsworth,
Absent: Hone.
This special meeting was called for the purpose of
d-isoussing the change of tiae to Day Light Saving Tine and other
urposes. After some disoussion as to the change of tLle a motion
as made by Councilman Doshen and seconded by Leirer that the
9Uncil Ballot on the change and vallots were cast as follows:
or change three --No change three. Mayor Blase cast. his ballot
for the change of t'ime to Day Light Saving. And the time was so
declared ohanged.
~)r" /'.
I ~, /;- ~-.
I'" VV
Inasmuch as the City does not possess the latest law oode
s past at Juneau the mo;;ion was made by Counoilman Hollingsworth
nd seoonded by Oounoilman Leirer that the Clerk order these at ono
alling the roll upon the motion all Counoilmen present voting AYE.
Under the new Day Light Saving Plan the City Clerk was
nstructed to write a letter to Dispensaries, Liquor Retail Stores '
nd resturants that they may open at Six A.M. and olose at 2 R.M.
The Clerk was instruotedto write R. W. Johnson instruot.
him that he is arrears for rent on his property .
There being no further business to come before this meet.
and upJn motion being made, senonded and oarried it did adjourn
Regular Meeting
)lay 6th. 1940
The Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska oonvened
in regular session in the Oounoil Ohambers on this the 6th, day of
ay, 1940.
The meeting waS oalled,to order at 8 o'olook P. M. by
Mayor Blase.
Counoilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Benson, Dalh, Hollingsworth, Leirer and
j) iP.J /, , h - / d '*1/;'. ~.. 'Ie. ,
Absent: lIounoilman DTIiAin.Nd-'1#
Minutes of the last meetings, regular and qpeoial, were
read and approved.
The Clerk read a letter from the Reoonstruotion Finanoe
Corp. in whioh they stated they had not received the publio
liabilty polioies on the City Light Plant as requested Ma.oh 28th,
1940, and requesting the same to be sent at onoe for their approval
The Clerk was instruoted to look up the rate for workmen's and
public liability for the City Light Plant at the same. time get
public liability rates for the City of Seward.
The Clerk presented a bid from Fred Wood for $10.00 for
Lot 11, Block 17, Pederal Addition this WaS referred to the
inance Corom. for action.
The Clerk presented the pipe Line pay roll amounting to
.120.00 and waS instruoted to hold this on the table for the presen .
I ,
Dr. Bannister appeared before the Council and made a plea
for a donation Of $300.00 to $400.00 per year to defray the
expenses of the Health NurSe. It WaS deoided to take this up later
in the meeting.
City Bills amounting to $1482.92 and approved by the
Finanoe Corom. as follows: L. V. Ray, $16.67; Pete Miohelson,
$16.67; L. E. Williams, $33.35; F. Kieloheski, $146.67; E. D. Webb,
tl00.00i Marjorie Webb, $23.00; North. Comml. C. 0., $222.66; Bert
Smith, .120.80; Andy Rasmussen, $66.20. Harlin Myers, $11.20;
Julius Hanson $6.40,. Martin Lanning, ,78.40; Woodrow Snyder,
$12.80. Niok Hodak, 9.60; Cash. $30.90; North. Coroml. Co. $10.84;
~8bo Eieot. Supply, 12.E9; Sew. Hardware, .~; ~~le Garage,
$6.35; Sew. Light & Power, $11.75; C. M. Brosius. ~7.60; B & H.
$9.66; Sew. Drug Co., $1.50; Sew. Meh. Shop, $17.60; Alaska
Transfer, $41.30;
:../ \_) a
Regular Meeting
May 6th, 1940
Gateway Pub. Co" $33.80; Sew. Water Supply, $130.00i Sew. Elect.
Syst., $187.60. Sew. Trading Co" $2.30; L. V. Ray, ~52.25;
Alaska R. R., 612.00; Stand. Oil Co., $9.01. and a motion was
made by Counoilman Doshen and seoonded by Counoilman Benson that
the Bills be paid. Calling the roll upon the motion all Counoilmen
present voted AYE. {~m
The City Light Plant Bills presented and approved
amounting to $1318.49 were as follows: Dave MoMillan, $150.00;
Myron Polk, $172.50; Lee Stewart, $172.50; E. D. Webb, $50.00;
Standard Oil Co. $371.95; Osbo Elect. Supply, 1226.71; Gateway
Pub. Co. $3.50; Sew. Ylater Supply, $10.00; Sew. Light & Power,
$5.75; Sew. Hareware, $46.50. McMullen Groc. $1.35; Worth'ngton
Pump & Moh. Co. $6.55; Cash, $101.18. and the motion was made by
Councilman Hollingsworth and seoonded by Councilman Leirer that
the bills be paid. Calling the roll upon t~e motion all qounoil-
men present voted AYE. !3f n S Ph Yo l.-l d I'{.o ,//:J-1 {J.{ 60- /3/ II
The question oame up of going baok on the Standard Plan
and a motion was made by Counoilman Doshen and seoonded by Council-
man Leonard and passed by the unanimous vote of all Councilmen
presenttthat due to the Railroad Time and Boat time oonflioting
with the Day Li~ht Saving Time of the City the City to go baok to
Standard time Tuesday nite 12 o'olock Midnite, May 7, 1940, and
the Clerk was instruoted to put a notice in the paper to this
At this time appointment of City Officers came up and
Mayor Blase appointed Fred Kielcheski.^ Chief of Polioe;and Chief
of the Fire Department; and a motion was made by Counoilman
Hollingsworth and seoonded by Counoilman Doshen that the appoint-
ment be oonfirmed. Calling the roll upon the mot2on all Counoil-
men present voted AYE.
Mayor Blase appointed E. D. Webb as City Clerk and a
motion was made by Counoilman Doshen and seconded by Hollingsworth
that the appointment be oonfirmed. Calling the roll upon the
motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
The Clerk was instruoted to cut out the water in the
City Clerk's Offioe also the extra Clerk He~p and stating that
should he wish extra help he would pay for it from his own salary.
At this time some discussion oame up as to the salary
of the Health Officer and the Health llurse and the motion waS
made by Councilman Benson and seconded by Council..n Leirer that
the City Health Officers salary be cut to $25.00 per month and
the extra $25.00 per month which he received be turned over to
the Health Nurse. Calling the roll upon the motion all Council-
men present voting AYE..
As there were two applicants for City Health Officer
Dr. Williams and Dr. Bannister it 'was deoided to cast a vote for
same. Upon oasting the vote the follOWing results were obtained:
Dr. Williams 5 and Dr. Bannister 1. Dr. Williams getting the
high vote was declared Health Offi6er for the following year 1940-
The Mayor appOinted Aron Ericson City Treasurer and a
motion was made by Councilman Benson and seconded by Councilman
Leirer that the appointment be confirmed. Calling the roll upon
the motion all Coucilmen present voted AYE.
Mayor Blase appointed Pete Michelson care taker of the
City Dump and a motion was made by Councilman Benson and seoonded
by/Counoilman Hollingsworth that the appointment be oonfirmed.
lling the roll upon the moti0n all Councilman present voted AYE.
The question of Bonding the City Clerk came up and the
Clerk was instruoted to turn over ~a8 tb the Finanoe Comm. the
rate on a 5 and 10 thousand dollar bond.
Regular Meeting
May 6th, 1940
It was proposed to get Mr. Ray to draw up a Resolution
ppointing D. C. Brownell to aot as agent for the City of Seward
t Washington, D. C. until suohtime that he completes the business
or whioh he wae went to .ashi~on, D. C., for the oitizens of
Seward. The motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth and
seoonded by Counoilman D08hen and carriedby\the unanimous vote of
all Counoilmen present that the above resolution be drawn passed
nd a oopy be sent to Mr. Brownell at Washington.
. Mayor Blase presented a oontract from the Standard Oil
o. in1whioh they agree to furnish oil to the ,City right Plant
t 8~ ~er gallon until September 30, 1940. A motion was made
y CO~oilman Doshen and seoonded by Counoilman Bensonthat the
ayor" and oity Clerk sign the contraot for the City and return
same to Standard Oil Co. Calling the roll upon the motion all
ounoilmen present voting AYE.
. .
The ~ity being in an immediate need of $1000.00 a motion
as made by Counoilman Hollingsworth and seoonded by Counoilman
enson that this amount be borrowed at 6% interest to run to
Sept. 15th, 1940. Calling the roll on the motion all Counoilman
resent voting AYE.
.?p41, ".!!
The question oame up of donating $300~to defray the
xpenses of the Publio Health Nurse and a motion was made by
ounoilman Benson and seoonded by Leonard that tiis amount be
rawn from the general funds about Dot. 1, 1940 and turned over to
he Public Health Nurse. Calling the roll on the motion all
ounoilmen present voting J.D..
It was deoided at this time to cut off the Street Lights
At this time Chief of Polioe Xieloheski stated to the
ouncil that he needed 120 100ft 125V rough Service heavy duty
ights and a motion was made by Councilman Benson and seoonded by
ouncilman Hollingsworth that this be put out at bid. Calling
the roll upon the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE. There
eing no further business to oome before this meeting and upon 7~0-
otion being made seoonded and aarried it did adjournl er
Special Meeting
May 14th, 1940
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska oonvene
in special session in the Council Chambers on this. the 14th, day 0
May, 1940.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. by
Mayor Blase.
Councilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Benson, Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer and
Absent: CODslIJilman Doshen.
This Special Meeting was called for the purpose of
di.cussing the Sohool Budget for 1940 - 1941. Present at this
meeting was Supt. Mr. Holt and representing the School Board
was Mrs. Ella Amend. The Budget was presented for the years
1940-1941 amounting to .7079.20. After some disoussion by the
Oounoil due to the Finanoial oondition of the Oity and its lack
of revenues to take care of such High Sohool Badgets the School
Board was informed that the Oity's portion of the Sohool Budget
could not exoeed $5000.00 and that the Sohool Bo.ad would have
to apportion %S their Budget to oonform with this.
There being no further business to come before this
meeting and upon p.oper motion being made ~econded and carried
it did adjourn.
Regular Meeting
May 20. 1940
The Uommon Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska,
onvened in Regular session in the Council Chambers on this the
Day of May.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. by
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with
he exception Councilman Benson voting No, on the approval of the
sbo Electrical Supply Bill.
Counoilman present and absent were as follows:
Present: Benson, Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer and
Absent: Councilman Doshen.
At this time bids were opened for furnishing 120 rough
service light bulbs for the street lights, and the bids were as
ollows: Brown & Hawkins Corp. 40\t' per @ulb; Sew. Light & Power,
5\t' per bulb; Sew. Hardwa.e, 42\t' per bulb; Osbo Electrio Supply,
3 1/3\t' per bulb. The Osbo ~lectric Supply bei~g the lowest the
id was awarded them.
The clerk read an offer from Maritt Shellhorn of $10.00
Lot 29 in Block 25, this was turned over tb the Finance Comm.
The Clerk presented rates for workmen's Compensation
d Public Liability Insurance for employees of the Seward' Elect.
System and the motion was made by Oounoilman Hollingswotth and
sepbnded by Oouncilman Leirer that the rates be accepted also the
,~rms to pay quarterly plus two andt % interest. Calling the roll
'pon the motion all 00unoilmen present voting AYE.
The Olerk presented rates for Bonding the City Clerk
Regular Meeting
May 20th, 1940
in the amounts of five and ten thousand dollars and the motion Was
ade by Counoilman Benson and seoonded by Counoilman Leonard that
a Bond for $5000.00 be seoured. Calling the rollupon the motion al
Councilmen present voting AYE. .
A Bid for Light and Power Service from the Bureau of
Public Roads was presented and a motion was made by Counoilman
Benson and Seconded by Counoilman Dahl that they be quoted the
regular rates for such service. Calling the roll upon the motion
11 Councilmen present voting AlE.
The Clerk was instruoted to insert a strong notice in the
aper that on and after Thursday May 23rd, 1940, drastio aBotion
ill be taken against dog owners who permit their dogs tb run at
large upon the streets of the City of Seward. The law and Ordinano
Omm. was instructed to look up the Aog ordinanoes and bring in
roposals at the next ragular meeting of the Counoil.
Some disoussion was had as to rebating on the installatio
'" of electric ranges and a motion was I_ade by Counoilman Holl1ngswor h
and seconded by Leonard that no more rebates wou~d be given.
alling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen pres8Bt voting AYE.
There being no further business to come beofre this meet-
ing and upon proper motion being made seoonded and aarried it did
Clef ~
Regular Meeting
June 3, 1940
The Common Counoil of the Town of ~eward, Alaska oonvened
in regular session in the Counoil Chambers on this the 3rd. day of
June, 1940.
The meeting was oalled to order at 8 o'olook P. M. by
ayor Blase.
Counoilmen present
.ite sent:
and Leonard.
and absent were as follows:
Counoilmen Benson, Dahl, Hollingswo7th. Leirer,
Counoilman Doshen.
'he minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The Clerk presented an application from Topy Parish
applying to the Council for their approval of a retail Liquor
License for a Liquor Store' at .is place. It was deoided to take
this up latter in the meeting.
Oscar Fredric~ applied to the Council seeking to have
the City oonnect up a sewer line to his lots in'Block 17 near the
Catholic Churoh. It was deoided to take this up later in the
The Clerk read a letter from the Territorial Dept. of
Health in whioh they stated that inasmuoh as the City had appro~i-
ated .~OO.OO towards the salary of the Health Nurse they requested
that ,this mobey be paid at the rate of .50.00 per month. Begin-
ning July and ending in Deoember 1940. A Ilontion was made by
Councilman Benson and seoonded By Connoilman Leirer that the
Dept. of Health be notified that acoording the Council's agreement
the Full sum of $300.00 will be paid to the Nurse on Ootober 21,
1910. Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen present
voted AYE.
',~-'.' .."'.... ~~
The Clerk presented a bid from Bob Merrill of $25.00 for
ot 4 in Block 1, and the Mayor instructed the Finance Committee
o investigate this and bring in a report at the next meeting.
At this time the Cooncil
ewer line for Oscar Fred~ioks.
he Committee to investigate the
resent at the next meeting.
took up the proposition of a
Mayor Blase turned this over to
cos~t of said sewer line and
Dr. Williams City Health Officer being present as this
eeting stated to the Council that there were some Ordinances that
hould be inforced as follows: The Plumbing Ordinance, The Ordinanc
elating to Out Houses or Privies, also the Ordinance relating to
icious Doga running at large as several Chrildren and people have
een bitten by them.
At~ this time Councilman Benson wished to be excused and
he Mayor granted his request.
The Clerk presented the City Payroll for the month of May
mounting $1482.12 and approved by the Finance Comm. as follows:
.V. Ray, $25.00; Pete Michelson, $25.00; L. E. Williams, $25.00;
. Kielcheski, $220.00; E. D. Webb, $150.00; Northern Comm1 Co.,
224.00; T. W. Hatten, $50.00; Sew. Hardware, $5.18; Ogle Garag.
19.55; Alaska Transfer, $2.00; Standard Oil Co., $8.48; Sew. Drug
o. $2.15; Sew. Light I Power, $11.76; Brown & Hawkins, $15,85;
eWe Water Supply, $127.50; Sew. Mch. Shop, $2.00; Gatewpy Pub. Co.
1.20; Sew. E~ect. System, $110.26; Chase Nat. Bank, $5.00; Anch-
rage Times, $4.50; Sectery of Alaska, $10.00; Bert smith, $144.80;
ndy Rasmussen, $28.00; };1. B. Lan'1ing, $115120; Lloyd Sankirk,
6.60; Volunteer Fire Dept. $35.00; Cash, tl09.11. And a motion wa
ade by Councilman Leirer and seoonded by ~ouncilman Dahl that the
ills be paid as presented. Calling the roll upon the motion all
ouncilmen oresnet voted AYE-
The Ol~ presented the Light Plant Payroll for the monthe
f May amounting to $1447.58 an and the same was approv~for pay-
ent as follows: Dave McMillan, .160.00~ Myron Polk, $150.00;
ee Stewart, $150.00; E. D. Webb, $50.00; Marjorie iiebb... $12.00;
tandard Oil Co. $352.70; Osbo Elect. Supply, $219.07; .. w.
atten, $98.85; Sew. Light & Power, $5.75; Sew. Hardware, $1.89;
. H. Leonard, $21.15; Gatewa)' Pub. Co. $14.75; Sew. Water SJlp]\ly
5.00; Ideal Commutator Dresser Co. $25.43; Westinghouse Eledt. Co.
60.17; Cash _ Petty, $85.82; And a motion was made by Councilman
ollingsworth and seconded by Counoilman Leirer that the bills be
aid. Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilman present
oted AYE.
The question came up of paying Tom Osbo a flat salary of
135.00 per month for his service& rendered to the City Light Plant.
his amount being agreeable to Mr. Osbo and the City Council a
otion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth and seconded by Council-
eonard that in the fu~ure he be paid. $135.00 per month for his
ork for the City Light Plant. Calling the roll upon the motion
all Councilmen present Voted Aye.
The question came up regarding the Clerks help in the
ffice Mayor Blase stated that in as much as the full Council were
ot present it would be brought up at the next meeting.
The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Holmes in charge of
he Tunnel Job that any damage caused by blasting at the City Rook
uarry must be paid for by him, also that the damage already made
o the home of Ed ~acobsen must be repaired at once in as good shap
s before the damage was done.
The Clerk presented a bid from the Terriotrial Indiaa
chool for lighting servioe at their sohool near the Jesse Lee
ome and it was decided to make this bid at the regular rate.
The application of Tony Parich for a retail Liquor License
up for further discussion and it waS decided to lay on the
( r........~.)
i)', ~
table for ~urther concideration.
. The Finanoe Committee reported favorabl. and recommended
the sale of Lots as bid by Fred Wools and Marritt Shellhorn. A
motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth and seoonded by Counoil.
man Dahl that the Lots be Bold for the bid price. Calling the roll
ujJon the motion all Counoilmen present voted AD. .
There being no further business to come before this meeting
... upon proper motion .eing made, seconded and oarried it did
Municipa erk.
Regular Meeting
_ _ JUB;eJl,_194.o. _ _
The Common Counoil of the Town of ~eward, Alaska conven
ed in regular session in the Council Chamber on this the 17th, day
of June,'1940. . .
Mayor ~lase called the meeting to order at eight 01cl04~
P. M.
, ,
Cbanc~lmen present and absent. were as follows:
Present: Councilman Benson, Doshen, Dahl, Hollingswort "', l
Leirer, and Leonard.
Absent: Hone.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
~he wlerk presented' a bid of $26.00' from Mrs, Boaoh,
for a lot in the Federal Addition this was turned over to the
Finance,Comm. for investigation.
A Revised Ordinance was presented and read and after
some diacussion by the Counoil some paragraphs were stricken out
and the Mayor turned the Ordinanoe over to the Commttt.. to revise~
and bring in to the next meeting.
The Finanoe Camm. reported on the bid of Bob Merrill
for Lot 4 in Block 1, favorably and a motion was made by Counoil-
man Hollingsworth and seconded by Countilman Leirer that the lot
be sold for the price bid. Calling the roll upon the motion all
Counoilmen present vote(i AYE.
The question came up of putting in the sewer in the
alley vetween 5th and 6th aveneue to connect up as far as the
Catholic Churoh and a motion was made by Councilman Benson and
seconded by ~ouncilman Hollingsworth that an add be inserted in
the paper calling for bids first f>>~ sewer pipe, seoond for
excavation and alsot a bid for a complete job which would include
excavation and the sewer pipe, time to be speoified for comple-
tion of work. Calling roll upon the motion all Counoilmen present
woted AYE.
The Mayor instruoted the sewer and street dept. oomm.
to investigate the outlet of the sewer, near the Gov1t Dook.
1, 1940.
The Clerk was instructed to put an add in the paper
the publio that Auto and Dog Licenses will be due July
At this ti.le the appUcation of Tony Pa~ich for the
approval of the Council ,for a Retail Liquor License' came up
Regular Meeting Cont.
nd it was decided to cast a ballot for the approval.. Ballots cast
ere as follows: 5-No, not to approve: and 1 for approval. The
lerk was instructed to notify Mr. Parich of the decission of the
It was again brought to the attention of the Council
f the extra kelp requi*ed in the City Clerk's Offioe due to the
ncte.se business of the City Light Plant. This matter was turned
ver to the .ll'inance Corom. for investigation and to report back at
he next meeting.
The question of patting in an automatic Fire Alarm in the
ire Hall came up for disoussion and a motion was made by Councilma
enson seconded by Hollingsworth that the Fire Alarm be installed.
alling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
he Clerk was instructed to notify the telephone Co. to hold an
pen line to the .I!'ire Hall after turning in the alarm so that the
'ire men may deterraine the lacation If the fire.
At this time the ~ayor stated to the Council that one of
ur oldest oitizens had passed away namely Wayne Blue, and he
equested that all Councilmen that could attent his funeral which
s to be held Wednesday June 19, 1940, at 2 P.M. o'olock.
There being no further business to come before this meet-
ng, p.pon proper :aotion being made seconded and carried it did
Regular Meeting
July 1, 1940
The Common Cuunoil of the Town of Sew~rd Alaska convened
in regular session in the Council Chamber on this the 1st. day of
Jul', 1940.
The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock P.M.
by Mayor Blase.
Councilman present and absent were as follows:
Present: CouncilmanBenson, Dahl, ~ol~ingsworth, and
Absent: Doshen and Leonard.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
City billss presented amounting to $1,031.20 and approved
by the Fianance Comm. as follows: L.V. Ray, $25.00: Pete Michelson
$25.00: L.E. Williams, $25.00i Fred Kielcheski, $220.00: E.D. Webb
$150.00: Northern Co~l. Co.,~225.33: Sew. Eleot. System, $31.40;
Martin Lanning, $75.80; Floyd Vankirk, $25.60: 'Cash, $18.45;
Gateway Pub. Co., $7.50; Sew. Water Supply, $127.50: Sew. Hardware
$24.55; Sew. Light & Power, $11.75; Sew. Moh. Shop, $12.70, .
Aron Ericson, $22.22. And a motion was made by Councilman .
Hollingsworth and secunded by Councilman Benson that the bills be
paid as presented. Calling the roll on the motion all 'Councilmen
presented voted AYE.
, The City Clerk presneted the Light Plant Payroll for
the month of June amounting to $1036.83 as follows: C~ty of
Seward, $300.00: Dave MaMilla.n, $150.00: Myron Polk, '165.00:
Lee Stewart, $165.00; E~ D. Webb, $50.00; T. Osbo, $135.00;
~~.KYWYeT\xa~x Sew. Light Power, $5.75: A. Novak, $4.10; McMullen
Grooery: $1.70; Gateway Pub. Co., $3.50; Sew. Water Supply, $5.00;
,- -.. /'
Regular ~eting Cont'd.
------ --------
Sew. Hardware, ,$4.86; Osbo ~lect. Supply, $7.29; Thomas S. WoOd;
.24.63; ~riok & Murray, $15.00. And a motion was made by Councilm
Benson and seconded by Councilman.Leiter that the bills be paid as
pres&Bted. Calling the roll on the motion all Councilman presBBt
voted AYE.
The bit of $25.00 by Mrs. Roach for Lot 3 in Blook 17
Federal Addition having been approved by the Fi~noe Comm. a
motion was made by Counoilman Hollingsworth and seconded by Counoil
man Benson that the lot be sold. Calling the roll ,upon the motion
all Coun8ilmen present voted AYE.
on the cit streets
The problem of dust came up e ore t e Council for discus
sion and a new product called calcium oloride was reoommended to
the Council to relieve this situation and a motion was made by
Councilman Benson and seoonded by Leirer that the City purchase
a drum of this to tryout between RB Ave. and Washington St.
Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen present voted AlE.
At this t ilae the Mayor notified the Council that there
would be a speoial meeting Monday July the 8th, 1940.
T~~~ing no further business to come before this
meeting and",Upo~~otion being made, seconded and carried it did
I f
July 8th. 1940
The Common Counoil of the Town of Seward convened in special
session this 8th. d~ of July 1940. .
Mayor Blase called the meeting to order at 8 o'olook P.M.
with all Counoilmen being present.
City bills were presented and approved by the Finance
Committee as follows: Brown & Hawkins, $14.65-Standard Oil Co.
$8.48- Seward Metal Works $8.00 Ogle Garage $20.82. A motion'was
made by Counoilman Doshen seoonded by Benson that the bills be pai
as presented, Calling the roll on the motion all Counoilmen presen
voting AYE. '
City Light bills presente. and a~proved as fQll0wa~11i or h
H. H. Leonard $58.20, A motion was malle by CounOl.J.m~n Hu ngsw
seoonded by Leirer that the bill be paid, oalling the roll.on the
motion all Counoil votimg AYE with the exoeption of Counoilman
The Clerk read the letter of resignation from Myron Polk to
take effeot August 1st. 1940, and a motion was made by Counoilma
Hollingsworth'seoonded by Doshen.that the resignation be accepte
Calling the roll on the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
After some discussion as to a man to work at the Light Pla
when Mr. 'Polk left, A motion was made 'by Counoilman Hollingswort "l
seoonded by D6shen that they get Jerry Flemming at'a salary of
$150.00 if he will accept, Calling the Roll On the motion all
Councilmen present voting AYE. '. ,
It was deoided that Lee stewart be appOinted Chief enginee
August 1st. and the other operators notified to this effeot.
A motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth seconded by
Leirer that Dave'MoMillan salary be raised to $165.00 per month
starting August 1st. Calling the Roll; All Councilmen voted AYE.
~ disoussion was had regarding the defaulted interest paym
on the City Light Plant Bonds of Apr. 1st. 1940, and a motion wa
made by Counoilman Benson seconded by Leirer that the 'Mayor take
matter up with the BFC also take up the proposition of financing
the purchase of the private utility, Motion carried by all coun
_ 1:\.-,~"... "'-.....
", f '""\
--:J t u
JULY 8th. 1940. Continued.
The question came up of permitting the City Clerk a part time
helper in the office due to the increased business with the
City Light Plant books and it was decided to vote on the
question as follows: For helper cast vote YES against helper
ca st vote NO. Votes cast were all follows: YES 2 and NO 4
The NO'S had the vote and no help was allowed.
There being no further business to come before this meeting
upon proper motion being made, seconded and carried it did
c~ Clerk
Regular Meeting
July 18. 1940
The ~ommon Council of the Tnn of Sew~,rd, Alaska, convened
in regular session in the Council Chambers on this the 15th. day
of July, 1940.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'olock P. M. by
ayor Blase.
Councilmen Present and Absent were as follows:
Present: Councilman Benson, Doshen, Dahl, Hollingsworth,
Leirer and Leonard.
Absent: l~one.
Minutes of the last Meeting were read and Approved.
The Bid of Rudy Buuck for excavating and laying the sewer
line in Block 17 and his bid was $2.25 per foot complete. At this
time 8 o'clock P.M. Councilman Leonard presented a Bid of $238.00
for furnishing sewer pipe and laying same. The clerk notifiei him
thet biB Bid was out of order, as the Bids were advertised to be in
the City Olerk's Office by 4 P.M. of this date. The motion was
a.de by Councilman Doshen and seconded by Councilman Benson that
the Bid of Rudy Buuck being the lowest Bid presented that the Bid
be aocepted. Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen
resent Voted AYE.
The Olerk brought to the Attention of the Council that Gus
ant hey desired a blanket drivers license for his Seward Meat Kkt.
o cover at least three drivers and paying only $5.00 for the
license. This proposition was turned down by the Council stating
hat each individual should have a drivers license.
At this time Gerry Fleming appeared in person before the
ouncil and stated that it would be agreeable to him to accept the
job as engineer at the City Light Plant as offered.
The question came up of reimbursing Gerhard Johnson $75.00
for the use of a power saw in the cunstruction of the City light
lant for which he was n8ver paid by the contractors and which he
greed to turn this amount in to the City of Seward on back Taxes.
he motiJn was made by Councilman ~eonard and seconded by Councilma
eirer that this amount be allowed him. Calling the roll upon the
otion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
The engineer at the City Light Plant presented a list of
ools needed at the Light Plant and the clerk was instructed to
ut this out at Bid.
The Clerk waS instructed to write the City of Ketchikan
copy of the ordinance regarding the registration of Aliens
/ ..
( 3"1' (j
Regular Meeting Cont'd
n Alaska and also a copy of the blank that the Alien's fill in
n your City.
The Bank of Seward has offered to tradw: Lots 39 and 40 in
lock 6 for Lots 17 and 18 in Blooldt4. ~8r due discussion this
as considered a goo~ bargain and the motion was made by Counoilman
eirer and seoonded by Counoilman Leonard that the trade by aouepte .
alling the roll upon the motion all Counoilmen present Voted AYE.
The motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth and,seconde
y Councilman Benson that ~ots 39 and 40 in Block 6 in the Block in
hich the City Light Plant is situated be eleaned of brush and so
orth. Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen presaat
oted AYE.
I !
There being no further business to COme before this meeting
nd upon proper moti on being made, seconded and carried it did
Regular Meeting
August 5, 1940
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened
in regular session in the Council Ohambers on this the 5th, day of
August 1940.
The meeting was called to order at eight o'clook P.M.
by Uayor ,Blase.
Councilmen present and absent were us follows:
Present: Councilman Benson, Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer,
and Leonard.
, Absent: Councilman Doshan.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The Clerk opened bids for tools for the City Light Plant
there being on~y one bid of $75.00 from the Seward Hardware a
otion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth and seoonded by Leonard
that the bid be accepted. Calling the roll upon the motion all
Councilmen present voted Aye.
Lee Stewart of the City Light Plant nttified the Council
hat they needed reamers for the Light Plant and a motion was made
y CoUncilman Hollingsworth and seconded by Leirer that the City
lerk write to Worthington Pump and Machinery Co. and orier said
reamers. Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen present
oted AYE.
The Clerk presented a bid from Joe Lanier of $10.00 each
for Lots 14, 15, and 16 in Block 6 Cliff Addition and a motion was
ade by Councilman Hollingsworth and seoonded by Benson that the
id be aC0epted. Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen
resent Voted AYE.
The ~lerk read a letter form 001 Ohlson, Manager of the
Alaska R.R. in which he stated that in his opinion City Drivers
Lioense could not be collected from Govn't Employees while on
Govn't duty in the City and a motion was made by Councilman
ollingsworth and seconded by Benson that the money be refunded.
Oallmng the ro~l upon the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
f-?!t r.....:~ rr-':r
, / ,
Regular Meeting Con't.
The City Health Office being present at this meeting
presaated a letter to the Council opposing that in asmuch in the
past years Seward has contributed many thousan& of Dollars to
Charities entirely outside of the City's interest and he purposed
that an ordinance be submitted to prohibit solicttation of funds
for chartiable purposes within the City of Seward in person by
poster advertising. n~spaper or pamphlet advertising or by mail.
That any person or~Qrganization guilty of so soliciting funds
shall be arrested, the total amount of funds so abtained conficated
for a&dition to a fund to be known as the Community rund vf the
City of Seware and that the person or organization be assested
a fine which shsll revert to The City General Fund.
That the above ordinance except from its provisions the
annual Poppy sale condducted by the American Legion, sale of ticket
or solicitation of fundsfor the functions of the Children of the
Seward Schoolds, solicitation of funds for the Volunteer Fire
epartment of the City of Seward.
That national orgainzations such as the American Red
ross and the National Tuberculosis Association be allocated a shar
of funds collected for the Community Funds, not to exceed 107~ each,
since both thes organizatiuns have an extremely high overhead which
diverts the larger part of oharitable funds to salaries of official
nd uniforms for workers, and that such expenditures are out of
line with the intent of perople who donate for charitable purposes.
That a means be found for electing or appointing a
committee for adminstration of a fund to be }:nown as the CornLlunt iy
und of the City of Seward, and that such a committee shall be
ccountable to the Mayor and the CowJon Council of the Ctty of
Seward for funds recieved as donations to the Community Fund, and t
hat the committee shall be emp0wered to invest such funds in
overnment and Oity bonds, and in first mortages, it being my
elief tbat with competent management auch a fund could easily
e made to operate as an insurance capital for the care of lacal
haritable efforts. Committee
The Mayor turned this over to the ~ for consideration.
In asmuch as the City of ~eward needed an attorney a
otion was made by CounciL;an Hollingsworth and seconded by
eonard that L. v. Ray be appointed City Attorney at a salary of
50.00 per r:lOnth. Calli"lg the roll upon the motion all Councilmen
resent voted AYE. '
At this time Mr. Ray stated to the Council of the money
ue hL:! O~l the Tunnel Project als0 explained to the Council the
ttrposal of the purchase of the private utility Light Plant and
he benefits to be derived therefro~.
The following resolution was presented and passed at this
RESOLUTIOIl 1:JO. 42-1940
A Resolution huthorizing the Town of Seward, Alaska to file an
pplication with the Reconstruction Finunee Corporation for a loan
o aid in financing the e:,:tension of it s Municipal Electric System
nd designating John Ii. Blase, Mayor, and E. D. "'ebb, Municipal
lerk to furnish such inforuation as Reconstruction Finance
'orporation may request.
Section 1. That John W. Blase, Mayor and E. D. Webb, Municipal
lerk, be and are authorized to e2,ecute and file an application on
ehalf of the Town of sevlard, Alaska, with the Reconstruction Finane
orporation for a loan to aid in financing the extension of tis
unicipal Electric System.
Section 2. That Hohn Vi. Blase, Mayor, and -Cole .JJ. ,;e\1\>,
unicipal Cler~, be and are hereb; authorized and directed to
uch information as the Recvnstrl;,ction Finance Corporation my
easLlnably request in connection with the ap)lication which is herei
Regular Meeting Con't.
August 5. 1940
~uthorized to be !iled.
>asses under suspension of the rules this*5 day of August A.D.,1940.
Municipal Cler~
The rules were Buspen6ed for the passage of the above
esolution and a motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth and
3econded by Leonard that the rules be suspended. Calling the roll
pon the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE. q
Upon the question for the adpption of the above resolutior
~ motion was made by Councilman Benson and secondeo by Leirer that
he above Eesolution be adopted as presented. Calling the roll
~pon the motion all Councilmen present voted AYE.
At this time the City Clerk notified the COU~lCll that the
qualization Board would meet August 13th, and continue in session
o 4 o'clook p. M. August 17th, 1940.
A motion was made by Counoman Hollingsworth and seconded
y Leonard that the clerk get out papers for the proposal of the
urchase of the private utility and City warrants drawn to pay for
amewhich shall be held for an aocounting with the RFC said money
o be refunded tu the City. Upon roll oall all Councilmen present
oted AYE.
Ci ty Bills of $924.75 al,proved by the Finance Committee
~s follows: Pete Michelson 25.00, L. V. Ray 25.00, L. E. Williams
5.00, F. Kielcheski 220.00. E. D. ~Iebb 150.00, l~orthern Coruml. Co.
7.63, Sew. Eleotric System 30.50, Sew Light! Power 8.75, Sew Light
~ Power 27.50 Osbo Elect. Supply 46.50, C. M. Brosius 14.75, Sew
ater SU~rly 127.50, Gateway Pub. Co. 10.68, Stand ~il Co. 12.96,
~ew Hdw. Co. 3.48, Sew. Drug Co. 1.30, Ggle Garage 15,30. A. Erioson
.00. M. Lan:ling 57.60, Jim De Rock 49.60, Sterling- Gilliland 13.60,
ash 26.10 and a motion was made by Counmilman Benson and seconded
y Leirer that the bills be paid. Calling the roll upon the motion
~ll Councilmen present voted AYE.
City Light Bills presented amounting to $1028.75 were
~pproved as follows: Myron Polk 165.00, Dave McMillan 150.00
~ee Stewart 165.00. E. D. Webb 50.00, Standard Oil Co. 160.88, T.
Dsbo 149.56. Sew. Water Supply 5.00, Gateway Pub Co. 3.50, Sew.
~ardware le.70, Clerk of Court 10.00, Westinghouse Elect. SU}Jply
6.03, Sew. Light & Power 5.75, U. 3. Signal Corps. ~.58, H. H.
eonard 3.00, Trick & Murray 21.00, Cash 43.75 and a motion awas
ade by Councilman Benson and seconded by Leirer that the bills be
aid as presented. Calling the roll upun the motion all Councilmen
resent voted AYE.
The question of increasing Lee Stewart's salary $7.50
eraonth for th.,ee months came up for descussiun and a motion was
ade by Councilman Hollingsworth and seconded by Benson that he
e allowed this incwese. Calling the roll upon the motion all
ouncilmeu presente voted AYE.
At this time the City Clerk presented a bill form Council-
an Leonard and Dahl for labor performed in changing the pipe line
or the Seward Light 7 Power. Councilman Leonard's time being 3~
ours and Councilman Dahl's time being 29 hours a motion was made
Councilman Beuosn and seconded by Leirer.that they be paid
1.00 per hours for this labor. Calli:lg the roll upon the motion
11 Councilmen present voted AYE.
The Clerk was instructeu to write H. S. Kawabe to dump
he garbage cans at his residence behind the overland hotel
Regular Meeting C0nt'd
.august 5, 1940
as it had been noticed that they were a fire menace.
At this tL!Je the clerk notified the Council to a;Jloint
election officers for the general election to be held Sept. loth,
1940 and the following officers were a.!;'pointed: Clerks; Mrs.
E,'l : Prosser, Mrs. T. W. Hatten Judges; Al Chamberlin, Andy
Rasmussen and Mrs. Heater Shea.
At this time the Chief of Police stated he needed a new
bla.de with nuts for same, head gasket for engine and windshiid glas
for the auto patrol and a motion was made by Councilman Benson
and seconded by Leirer that the clerk order these ~arts from the
llotthern Commercial Co. Calling the roll upon the motion all
Councilmen present voted AYE.
There being no further
ing and upon pr0per motion being
ad j ourn.
business to come before this meet-
made seoorn ed and aarried it did
Municipal Clerk.
Regular Meet ing
August 19, 1940
The regular meeting of the oommon Council of the Town of
Seward, Alaska was oalled to order at eight o'clock P. M. by Mayor
Blase in the Council Chambers.
Counoilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Benson, Doshen, Dahl, Hollingsrlorth, Leirer,
and Leonard.
Ab sent: Ilone
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Dr. Williams, City Health Officer appeared before .the
With the Health report and the report was turned baok to
new i~formation on same.
It Vias proposed by phe Council that ~Iels Hagen pay $50.00
year taxes on the oannery.
~he bid of J. H. Cotner of 025.00 for Lot 16 in Blook 34
not aooepted. The Clerk was instructed to notify hLil to pick
another lot.
M.artin Lanning made a bid of $lJ.OO eaoh for Lut s 38 and
9 in Block 15. This was turned over to the Committee for inves-
The street Con~itteed inspeoted sewer and manhole on new
ewer line to Fredicks house and it was reoommended by the Counoil
hat the proceed to put in the manhole.
The Chief of Police was instructed to look out for cars
Ugh t.
Mayor Blase appointed a oommi ttee' of Benson and Doshen
o have the City Books audited and a cost not to exoeed One thousand
The following Resolution was passed setting the rate of
the year 1940 and 1941.
( 380
Regular Meeting Cont'd
August 19, 1940
11Q 43- -40
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of "..he Town of 3ewa:Xd,
Alaska, that the assessment Roll of Real and Personal Property in
The Town of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1940, as delivered to the
Town Council be the Assessor, and as. Equalized by the Common Council
sitting as a Board of Equalization, be accepted.
BE IT FURTHER RE.uLIED, that the Levy for the Year 1940,
is hereby placed at 20 Mills.
BE IT FURTEER RESiJIJiED. that the Taxes for the Town of
Sew.rd, Alaska, cn the Real and Personal Property as assessed for
the Xear 1940, are now due and payable at the office of the Twon
i l
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the time for the Taxes for
the year 1940 of the Real and Personal Property of said Town of
Seward, Alaska, as asxessed, shall beoome delinquent for non-
payment, at 5 o'clock P. M. of the 15th, day of September, 1940,
and that the Clerk give due notice as requieed by provisions of
section 20 of Ordinance No. 14, as amended by section 7 of Ordin-
ance 27 of the Ordinance of the Town of Seward, Alaska
Passed and approve this 18th, day of August, 1940
A motion was made by Councilman Benson and seconded by
Councilman Leonard that the foregoing resolution be passed as
presented., Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen
present voted AYE. .
The street Committee asked for $150.00 for street work
and the motion was made by Councilman Be~son and ~econded by Doshe~
that this sum be given them. Calling the roll upon the motion all
Councilmen present voted AYE.
There being no further business to come before t: is meet-
and and upon proper motion being made seconded and carried it did
. I
-,.. ,/
.;-~(~ ~
".. .....,!..........
Regular Lleeting
Sept. 3rd. 1940
The Common Cot:ncil of the Twon of Seward, Alaska convened
n regular session in the Council Chambers on this the 3rd, day of
epte!nber, 1940.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock E. ~. by
1 ayor Blase.
CouIicilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: benson, Doshen, Hollingsworth, and .Leirer.
Absent: Dahl and Leonard.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A bid of ,$25.')0 b;y J. lie Cotner for Lot 15 i;1 Blocl~ 35 ,
nd a motion nas made b;,' Councilman Doshen and seconded by &ierer
hat the bid be accepted. Calling the roll upon the rnotivn all
ouncil~en present voted AT~.
A bid of Lee Ray for a lot in block 13 was turned over to
finance committee.
A questLm of matresses for the jail came up and a motion
as made b;.' Councilman Leirer and senonde," by Benson that matresses
e purchased also prosioners in jail he put on the chain gang.
ailing the roll Ui' on the Llotion all COl,ncilmen present voted AYE.
Dr. \allillffis made a talk on Red Crosl::' Jj'inances and it was
greed that a letter be vlritten to Mr. Erwin asking for the am't
f fu~ds collected here in Seward and how much of them were sent
ver seas. At the same time it waS purposed that an ordlnanoe be;\-t.
rawn up curtailing the solicting of funds in Seward. t)J' ! ,"
There being no further bu$iness to comL before this
;'cd upon proper motion being made seconded and carried it did
~ ayll7ll7
Municipal ler~,
:Il'f!II'1l!Trl Meeting
Sept. 4th, 1~40
The Common Council of the Twon of Seward, Alaska convened
n continued session of regular meeting Sept. 3, in the Cou ,cil
hami"ers on this the 9th, day of September, 1940.
'l'he meeti ng VIUS called to order by Mayor Blase at hight
'r clock P. M.
Council.len present and absent were as follows.
Present: Councilman, Benson, Doshen. Dahl, Holling~lor~h,
and Leonard.
Absent: lIone.
City bills presented arno: nting to ~1513.05 and apl,roved
y the .l1inance Cornraittee as follows: L. V.Ray, $75. L. E. \iilliams,
25. F. Keilcheski,$220. Pete Michelson, $25. M. .b. aanling,0134.40,
im DeRock '65.60, Andy Rasmussen $28.80, Clyde Turner, $33.60
ulius Hanson $28.00, Aron Ericson,~16.65, Osbo Elect. $64.24 E.
. VJpbb$150. Sew. Mch. Shop .~1.25, Sew. 'dater Su) ly, $130. Ogles
~ge ~6. 26 Sew. Hard,mre $6.75 Standard Oil $8~48
(.-., /".'~
," "-e;.'t
.-<;. ,...., )
1':.1 t,~} ~
4laLla Service Garage $5.40 Alaska R.R. .1.58 Gerhard Johnson
il07.50 Sew. Light & Power $51.50 Sew. Light & Power $10.25 Cash
~125.89 Sew. Elect System $191.90. And a motion was made by
Councilman Hollingsworth and seconded by Councilman Doshen that
the bills be paid as presented. Calling the roll upon the .Jotion
all Cou~cilmen present voted AYE.
City Light Bills amounting to $1521.87 were presnted
and aoproved as follows: Jerry Fleming $150. Dave McMillan $165.
Lee Stewart $172.50 J;;. D.:lebb t50. T. Osbo 191.02 Standard Oil
.$371.31 Sew. Water SUljj:ly $5. Gareway $3.50 Sew. Light & PO\'ler
$5.75 Sew. Trading Co. $1.00 Sew. Hardware $96.75 U. s. Sigaal
$3.92 Sangamo ~lec. $39.28 Worthington Pmnp & Mach $168.30 Westing-
house,Elec. $~o.21 Dr. R. G. Banister $5.50 Dorothy Calhoun $18.75
Cash ;p54.08 and a motion was Dade by Councilman Leirer and seconde<l
'by COllncLman Doshen that the bills be paid. Calling the roll
upon the motion all Councilmen presnet voted AYE.
At this tiLle ~. C. Brownell took the floor and
explained the Situation for the purchase of the Seward Light,&
'Power Company for the Oi ty of Sevnird. And explained to the l,;ounciJ
that they should give the Seward Light &; Power Company written
noticEI of the exporation of their so called Franohises.
A Resolution waS pDrposed that a notioe be served on
the Seward Light &; Power to vacate the City street of Seward, by
Octob€,r 19th. 1940. and a motion wat' made by Counci Iman Hollings-
worth and seconded by Leirer that suoh resolution be drawn up and
adopted. Calling the roll upon the motion all Councilmen present
voted AYE.
A motio i was made by COUl1c: lman Hollingsworth and
seconded by Leonard that a resolution be drawn ul; to be presented
to the Committee at WaBhin~ton protesting the change of the R.R.
Terminal to Portage Bay. Ca.lling the roll upon the motion all
Councilmen j;resent voted AyE.
After investagiun be the Finance Comm. of the $25.00
offered by Mike Malloy for a lot in Block 17. A motion was made
by Councilman Hollingsworth and senonded by Leonard that the offer
be aooepted. Calling the roll uI;on the motion all Councilmen
present voted AYE.
There being no furthe:r business to come before this
meeting and upon porper motion being made secon:1 ed and carried it
did adjourn.
Clerk '
Regular Meeting
Sept. 16th,1940.
The Common Council of the Town of Seward,Alaska, convened in
regular session in the Council Chambers on this the 16th day of
September, 1940.
The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock r.M. by Mayor
Councilmen present and absent were as follows:
Present: Benson, Doshen, Leirer and Leonard.
Absent: Dahl and Hollingsworth.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
At this time it was stuted to the Council that the City Clerk
had served papers on the Seward Light & Power, Mayor Blase,being
a witness to the serving, and the service was to notify him to
vacate the streets of the City of Seward,Alaska, with his Power
Company and Telephone Company, by October 19th,1940.
Wire read from Anthony J.Dimond to Mayor of Seward, regarding
Privqte Utility, as follows:
"Name of owner of Priv~te Utility in Seward is given in
Congressional Act as Seward Light and Power Company a corporation
is this correct stop after consulting Mr.Ray please wire me true
name of owner of Private Utility Plant including both Light and
Telephone Reply Free via Army Radio."
Wire answered as follows; by 1:ayor Blase: " Honorable A. J.
Dimond, House Office Building,Washington D.C. July Fourteenth
Nineteen Twenty Four Seward Light and Power Company A Corporation
Sold and Assigned Its Franchise And All Its Property To ~amuel N.
Graff Subsequently Corporation Dissolved Think Your Office Handle
Matter stop Present Owner The Estate Of Samuel M Gra.ff Deceased
Of Which John H Graff Is Administrator Estate Not Yet Closed But
Decree Of Heirship Establishes Three Heirs Elizabeth H Graff
Elizabeth G Knight And John H Graff But The Estate And The Heirs
Are Doing Business Under Designation of ~uote Seward Light &
Power End ~uote Ray Suggests As No Decree Of Distribution Made in
Probate Court Estate Is Real Owner Of Property Except That Real
Estate As You Know Vested In Heirs Upon Death 38.Uluel 1.1 Graff.."
Official Business Answer. Blase Mayor
A motion was ma<le ],y CouC1ctlman Benson, seconded '1:>;,' Leonard.
tllCct tr.e War Depo.rtLlent be writton a. l"ttcr 0bjectLlg to the ;;;;50,
a day ilanal t~T ~lOV[ iFlll,02CC:; L~:~on t:.o contr8.ctol'S, the i1' clelo.y ~,ei::1G
(,~uc to t;.ll .let of God, c.r.d a Reaoluticn to 1'0 C:,:!lc::n u1J ::-n the
Bee'.r I:uOl-nt,c.i',. Tm,mcl P:..ojcct. 'Motivn e:.l:('LeC 1);;. all COL;Jl.;'lmen
pre sent.
The Fire Committee approved that new batteries be purchased
for the fire truck. The question of purchasing a new truck came
up, and it was proposed that the Firemen's Committee and the Fin-
ance Committee, and the Chief of Police, get bids or prices on
a new truck for the City, and to report at the next regular
meeting. '
There being no further business to come before this meeting,
and unon proper motion being made, seconded and carried, it did
Municipal Clerk
/' "W",",'~
r v (,., 'i:
Speoial Meeting September 23, 1940
The Common Council of the Town of Seward oonvened in Speoial
Session on this 23d day of September, 1940_ in the Council Chambers
The meeting was oalled to order at eight o'clock P.'Y. by
Mayor Blase. .
The following councilmen were presamt:
Counoilmen Bensoy,Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer and Leonard.
Absent: Councilman Doshan. .
This Special Keating was called for the purpose of discussing
the payment of Sohool Bonds and the interest on same. .
Uo~ion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Councilman
Leonard that the bonds and interest due October 1, 1940 be paid.
Upon roll call all c?uncilmen present voted AYE.
The sewer in the alley between Fifth and Sixth Avenues being
completed, motion was made by Counoilman Benson, seconded by Coun-
cilman Leirer that a warrant be drawn to pay $443.25 due the
contraotor after work is OKra by Committee.
Upon roll call all councilmen present voted AYE.
The Clerk was instructed to order bills fer City Light Plant.
Clerk also instructed to put notice in Gateway that curfew la~
would be enforoed and to write to the school prinoipal to notify
ohildren to be off the streets at 9:00 P. K.
No further business appearing meeting adjOurn~.
>>.ay 0 r
Regular Meeting
Ootober 7, 1940
The Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska oonvened
in J:egula.r seesion in the Counoil Chambers on this 7th day of
Qctober, 1940.
Meeting was oalled to order at eight o'clook P. M. by Mayor
Blase. '
Present: Councilmen Benson, Dahl, Hollingsworth, Lairer and
Absent: Councilman Doshan.
City bil~in the amount of $1,429.88 approved by the ~inano~
Committee were presented as follows:
L. V. Ray, $25.00; L. V. Ray, Atty. '150.00; Pete Michelson,
$25.00; L. E. Williams, $25.00; Fred Kieloheski, $220.00; "E.D.Webb
$150.00; OSbo, $61.97; Seward Hardware, $20.30; Seware Eleotric
System, $195.55; Seward Mach. Shop, $15.00; AlaSka Service Garage,
$6.50; Seward Light & Power, $12.75; Ogle's Garage, $4.26; Seward
Water Supply, $127.50; Seward Gateway, $2.10; Alaska Transfer,$3.1 ;
Seward TradiD8 Co., $1.75; Standard Oil Company, $12.72; Seward
Ketal Works, ,10.00; Julius Hanson, $46.40; M. B. Lanning, $169.60
C. M. Brosius, $9.90; Cash, $219.95; Northern Comml. Co., $15.47.
Motion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Councilman
Leirer that warrants be drawn and these bills be paid, Upon roll
call, all oouncilmen present voted AYE.
Bills for the Seward Electrio System in the amount of $1216.1 3
Regular Meeting continued
Ootober 7, 1940
were presented and approved as follows:
Jerry Flemming, $150.00; Dave MoMillan, $166.00; Lee stewart,
$172.50; E. D. Webb, $50.00; Standard Oil Company, $429.37;
T. Osbo, $213.44; Seward Lt. & P., $5.75; Seward Hardware, $7.30;
Seward Water Supply, $5.00; Seward Gateway, $3.50; MCMullen Grocer
$1.20; Sharples Corp. ,$1.05; Westinghouse, $5.07; Andy's Express,'
14.05; Cal. M. Brosius, $2.80.
Motion was made by Counoilman Benson, seoonded by Counoilman
Hollingsworth that warrants be drawn and these bills be paid,
UpOD roll oall, all oounoilmen present voted AYE.
Bid of Joe. Lanier for Lots 1 & 2, Blook 6, Cliff Addition
at .10.00 eaoh was presented.
Motion was made by Counoilman Hollingsworth, seconded by
Councilman Leirer that bid be acoepted. Upon roll oall, all
councilmen present voted AYE.
The question of night patrolman ooming before the Council,
motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth, seoonded by Counoilma
Leirer that Arthur Frisbie be appointed until further notice at
a salary of $150.00 per month.
Upon roll oall, all councilmen present voted AYE.
The Street committee was instructed to look for lots to be
used as a skating rink for children.
Bo further business appearing, motion to adjourn was made,
seconded and carried.
- - - - - - - - - -
Regular Meeting
Ootober 21, 1940
The Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska met in
regular session at the Counoil Chambers on this date.
Meeting was oalled to order at eight O'olook P. M. by Mayor
Present: Counoilmen Benson, Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer and
Absent: Councilman Doshen.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Bid of William E. & Rhoda Thomas in the sum of $75.00 for
lots 1, 2, and 3 in Blook 24 was presented. Clerk was instructed
to answer letter offering Lots 1 and 2 for $100.00. Lot 3 belongi
to the Bank of Seward.
Bid of Josie Sanvik in sum of 125.00 for Lot 13, Blk4, I.aub-
nerAddition was presented. Motion was made by Counoilman L.~nar4,
seoonded by Counoilman Leirer that the bid be accepted.
Upon roll oall, all councilmen present voted AYE.
Motion was made by Councilman
Councilman Leirer ~hat a warrant be
of City books amounting to $550.00.
men present voted AYE.
Hollingsworth, seconded by
drawn to pay balance on audit
Upon roll oall, all council-
Applications of Mr. Blase for renewal of Cocktail Bar license
and for Liquor Store retail license were presented. Motion was
made by Councilman Hollingsworth, seconded by Councilman Leonard
that these Licenses be granted. Upon roll call, all councilmen
present voted AYE.
Regular Meeting continued
October 21, 1945
Ho further business appearing, upon proper motion being
made, seconded and,carried Council adjourn~d.
Regular :Meeting
November 4, 1940
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska conveped in
regular session in the Council Chambers on this fourth day of
Hovember, 1940.
Meeting was called to order at eight o'clock, P. :M. by Mayor
Pre sent:
Councilmen Benson, Doshen, Dahl, Hollingsworth,
Leirer and Leonard.
Minutes ~f last meeting were read and appr~ved.
Bid of Gerhard Johnsen for Lot 36 in Block 16 at $26.00 was
presented. :Motion Was made by. Councilman Leirer, seconded by
Councilman Benson that the bid be accepted. Upon roll call, all
Counoilmen present voted AYE.
Bill of .75.00 from Gerhard Johnsen for building manhole in
Sewer between Fifth & Sixth Avenues was presented. Bill Was
turned over to the ~r Committee who were instructed to check
the depth of manhbU:.:.
Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Heill for prices on new
City books, also price on installing them, asking him to let us
know at once.
City bills in the sum of'$1628.52 were presented as follows:
L. V. Ray, $25.00; L. V. Ray, $50.00; Pete :Michelson, $85.00;
L. E. Williams, $26.00; Fred Kielcheski, $220.00; Arthur Frisbie,
1100.00; E. .D. Webb, $150.00; Wm . Neville, $129.60 ; Julius Hansen
24~00; Geo. Kibsgaard, $86.26; Fire RollA $42.50;,Aron Ericson,
16.66; T. Osbo, $63.70; Seward nardware, ,25.40; Seward Lt. & P.
10.25; Seward Water, .132.50; W~echter Bros., $2.55; Seward Tr~d
ing, $15.65,;' Ogle's Garage, $16.26; standard Oil Co., $53.47;
M~ullen's, $1.66; Cal Brosius, $12.30; Seward Electrio System,
$200.30; Cash, $160.15; Burroughs Mch., $25.00; Alaska Ry, $60.00
Chase BaU Bank, $5.34. ,
Motion was ~de by Coumilman Benson, seoonded by Counoilman
Leonard that warrants be drawn aRd these bills be paid. Upon rol
oall, all counoilmen present voted AYE.
Bills for the Seward~Electric Sys~em in the sum of $1372.36
were presented aw follows:
Jerry Flemming, $150.00; Dave MaMillan $165.00; Lee stewart,
$172.60; E. D. Webb, $50.00; T. Osbo, $176.35; Standard Oil Co.,
$432.78; Seward Lt. & P., $5.76; Seward Hardware, $4.40- Seward
Water Supply, $5.00; Gateway, $3.~0; Worthington Pump, 6167.9B;
Cash, $40.15. ,
Motion was made by Councilman Holli~sworth, seconded by
Councilman Leirer that warrants be drawn and these bills be paid.
Upon roll call, all oouncilmen present voted AYE.
Regular Meeting continued
November 4, 1940
:,. ) 4".--;;,,,*,;,
0!.') ,
Chief of Police asked that City furnish gas for his ear when hel
is using it on City business and a mot~on was made by Councilman
Leonard, seconded by Councilman Benson he be allowed gas.
Upon roll call, all oouncilmen present voted AYE.
Chief of Police presented a form for keeping records in the
Police Department and same was referred to the Police Committee.
It was suggested that more street lights be put in and Light
Committee was instructed to find out where needed and put them in.
No further business appearing, upon proper motion being made,
seconded and carried, Council meeting was adjourned.
City Clerk
Regular Meeting
November 18, 1940
The Common Oouncil of the Town oj' Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session in the Council Chambers on this 18th day of Nov-
ember, 1940.
Meeting was called to order at eight olclock P. M. by Mayor
Present: Councilmen Benson, Doshen, Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leire ,
and Leonard
Absent: None.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
School Board applied for $2500.00 of their budget and motion
was made by Councilman Leonard, seconded by Councilman Doshen that
that this sum be granted to them at this time. All councilmen
voted AYE.
The following applications were presented:
Tony Parich for Beverage Dispensary and for a Retail Liquor
Store. Motion W~8 made by CouncilmariKollingswwrth, seconded
by Councilman'Leon~ that that these applications be granted.
Upon Roll Call all councilmen present voted AYE.
H. ~. Kawabe for Beverage Dispensary and for a Retail Liquor
I store. Motion was made by Councilman Leonard, seconded by Council
man Leirer that these applications be granted. Upon Roll 6all,
All councilmen present voted AYE.
Leo M. Douglas for Beverage Dispensary and for a Retail Liquor
Store. Motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth, seconded by
Councilman Leonard that these applications be granted. Upon Roll
Call, all councilmen present voted AYE.
John Matich for Beverage Dispensary and for a Retail Liquor
Store. Motion was made by Councilman Leirer, seconded by Council-
man Leonard that these applications be granted. Upon Roll Call,
all councilmen present voted AYE.
Clerk read a letter from K. N. Neill regarding the installing
of a new bookkeeping system in the City Clerk1s office. Mr. Neill
recommended a cash register suitable for the two businesses that
are carried on in the office instead of a bookkeeping machine~
Regular Meeting continued
November 18, 1940
The Clerk was asked about the amount of delinquent taxes and .~
m~!iQ~~.~~t~d,,~P% Councilman Leirer, seconded by Councilman Holli~g-
worth that a letter be written to delinquent tax payers informing
them of the amQunt of their delinquency and trying to oollect same.
Upon roll oall, all councilmen present voted AYE.
Bid of Mrs. Ratchford for Lots 22, 23, and 24 in Block 34 at
t~0.33 each or .31.00, was presented and turned o~er to the Finance!
Oommittee to look up.
Bid of Robinson Oaruso Kite of $10.00 each for Lots 8-9-10 in
Block 19, gederal Addition was presented and turned over to Finance
Bid of Fred Woods of tlO.OO each for Lots 10 and 12 in Block 17,
Federal Addition was presented and turned over to Finance Oommittee
Chief of Police was instructed to remOve Dick Beissner's dog
fDom cabin of Alaska Transfer.
After investigation by Committee on depth of manhole in sewer
in alley between Fifth and Sixth. Avenues it was found to be 11
feet deep and Gerhard Johnsen's bill was ordered~to be sent back fo~
The Ohief of Police was instruoted to fix up the Jesse Lee road
and also City streets with grader.
Clerk was instruoted to mail out letters to merohants interested
asking for bids on two cartons of sixty each Rough Surface 100 W
Lights, 125 volts.
Motion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Councilman
Leonard that the R.F.O. be sent a check for $500.00 interest on
light bonds. Up on roll call, all councilmen present voted AYE.
No further business appearing,. upon proper motion being made,
seconded and carried, meeting was adjourned.
Regular Meeting
December 2, 1940
The Common Oouncil of the Town of Seward, Alaska oonvened in
regular session in the Counoil Chambers on this 2nd day of
December, 1940.
Meeting was called to order at eight o'clook P. M. by Mayor
Presents Councilmen Benson, Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer and
Absent: Councilman Doshen.
Minutes of last regular meeting were read and approved.
Applioation of A~X.L. Meyer for wholesale liquor lioense
was presented to the"'Council for approval. Motion was made by
Councilman Hollingsworth, seconded by Counoilman 1eonard that
same be approved. Upon roll oall all oouncilmen present voted
Bids for furnishing the City with rough surface 100 W lights
were presented and bid of Osbo Eleotrical Shop $33.60 being l~
motion was made by Councilman Benson, seoonded by Councilman
Leirer that this bid be accepted. Upon Toll oall all council-
men present voted AYE.
Regular Meeting
Deoember 2, 1940 (oontinued)
By the approval of the Council at a previous meeting, the Clerk
was ordered to issue a warrant for $300.00 to Miss Smith, Terri-
torial Health :Nurse. This warrant was approved by tba Gouncil.
L. V. Ray's bilJ for Attorney's Fees was tabled for another
Josie Sandvik applied for approval of Council for restaurant
liquor license, including a transfer for the month of December
from Pete Luau to herself and e~enewal for 1941. Motion was made
by Councilman Dahl, Seconded by Councilman Leonard that same be
approved. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted AYE.
City bills in the sum of $U85.58 were presented as follows:
Helen Smith, $300.00; Seward Water Supplr, $127.60; Standard Oil
Company, $21.68; Alaska Servioe Garage, '1.15; Ogle's Garage,$16.0
Eureka Fire Hose Div., $12.80; Seward Metal Works, $6.66; Seward
Machine Shop, $1.00; Seward Hardware, $11.60; Seward Light & Power
$10.26; Seward Bakerr, $4.70; Seward Drng Co" $2.30; M~u11en
Grocery, $3.96; Waechter Bors., $3.06; Seward Eleotric System,
$199.00; Gerhard Johnsen, $60.00, all approved by Finance Committe.
Motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth, seconded by Counbi1ma
Benson that warrants be drawn and these billa be pLid. Upon roll
call all oouncilmen present voted AYE.
Seward Electric System billa in the sum of $478.03 were presented
as follows-approved by Finance Committee:
Standard Oil Company, $432.40; Seward Hardware, $12.50; McMullen
Grocery, $1.06; Cash, $32.08.
Motion was made by Councilman Benson, seconded by Councilman
Leirer that warrants be drawn and these bills be paid. Upon roll
oall all counoilmen present voted AYE.
Clerk read a letter from Mr. Oabo suggesting that the multiple
light rate be raised to 5~ and a motion was made by Councilman
Leonard, seconded by Oouncilman Benson that the rate be raised
to that amount. tipon roll. oall all councilmen present voted AYE.
Clerk was instructed to write Frank O'Bary, City Electrician
of Anchorage asking him to recommend an all round line and diesel
man, offering $176.00 per month.
The revised bill of Gerhar~ Johnsen amounting to $60.00 was
presented and motion was made by Councilman Benson, Seconded by
Councilman Leonard that the same be paId. Upon roll call all
councilmen present voted AYE.
The Committee for the Community Christmas Tree having asked the
Council for a donation, motion was made by Councilman Benson,.
seconded by Councilman Leirer that the City donate $26.00 to their
fund. Upon roll oall all councilmen present voted AYE.
The Finance Committee who were instructed to investigate the
value of Lots 8-9-10- Block 19 Federal Addition for v'hich
Robinsol1 C. Kite had bid $10.00 each,reported that these lots
should be held for $200.00.
The Iilinance COL1lllittee also rel)OrteC on the bid GSIfi Mrs. Ratchford
for Lots 22-23-24 in Block 34 and stated that these lots should
be" held for $26.00 each.
Ray James offered the City a ~ile driver to work on the beach
at the outlet of sewer line at '16.00 per day, the City to furnish
labor. This offer to be investigated by Finance Committee.
Motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth, seconded by Coun-
cilman Benson that the City pu~ohase a tractor at $150.00 to be
approved by Chief of Police. Upon roll call all councilmen
voted AYE.
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Re6ular Meeting
Deoember 2, 1940
Clerk read Plumbing Ordinance #146 as presented.
first reading of the ordinance.
This was the
No further business appearing, upon proper motion being made,
seconded and carried meeting was adjourned.
Speoial Meeting
December 9, 1940
The Common Council of the Tow n of Seward,Ala~ka convened in
speoial S$ssion in the Council Chambers on the 9th' da~ of Deoember
1940. . . . '
Mayor Blase h~ving' aaked for leave o~absenoe and having ap-
pointed Counoilman Benson to aot as Mayor during his abseno~,the
meeting was oalled to order by Aoting Mayor Benson at eight o'cloo
P. ll.
Present: Counoilmen Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer and Leonard.
Absent: Counoilman Doshen.
Meeting was oalled for, the purpose of tlonferring with Majpr
Graham concerning a National Guard Unit for Seward.
The Kajor g~ve a' talk explaining the'workings of the Units
and the importance of the same to all Alaskans, prinoipally for
home peoteotion.
City bllJ.s;1n the sum of $892.95 approved by the Finance Com-
mittee were presented as follows:
L. V. Ray - rent, $25.00' L. V. Ray Atty, $50.00' Pete Michelson,
$25.00; L. E. Williams, '2e~ool Fred Kielcheaki,'220.00; Arthur
Frisbie, $150.00' E. D. Webb, ~150.00; Cal. M. Bro sius, $110.00;
Andy's Express, 4S.50; Wm. Neville, $50.40; Julius Hansen, $10.&0;
Al Chamberlin, $10.00; Osbo's, $5S.66.
Motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth, seconded by Coun-
cilman Leirer that warrants be drawn and these bills be paid.
Upon roll oall all oouncilmen present voted AYE.
Seward Eleotric System bills approved by the Finance Committee
and totaling $709.67 were presented as fo~lows:
Jerry Flemming, $150.00; Dave McMillan, $165.00; Lee stewart,
$172.50; E. D~ Webb, $60.00; Osbo Eleo. Supply, $157.92; Seward
Light & Power, $5.75; Seward Gateway, $3.50; Seward Water Supply,
$5.00. .
Motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth, seconded by Coun-
oilman Leirer that warrants be drawn and these bills be paid.
Upon roll oall all councilmen present voted AYE.
Motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth, seconded by Coun-
cilman Leirer that $360.00 be appropriated to build lookers and
other nece'asary alterations at school house. to accommodate Nation-
al Guazd Unit. Upon roll oall all councilmen present 'voted AYE.
Motion was made by Counoilman Leonard, seconded by Counoilman
Hollingsworth that basement of Kenai Building be rented for
storing of arrununi tion and equipment and for officers' quarters
as soon as Unit is formed. Up6n roll oall all councilmen present
voted AYE.
No further buisness appearing, upon proper motion being made,
seco~ded and carried, meeting was adjournec.
Ma. yor
Regular Meeting
Deoember 16, 1940
,~~~i 1.
:... '~]
The Common Council of the Town of Seward/met in regular session
in the Council Chambers on this date.
Meeting was oalled to order at eight o'clock P. M. by Acting
ayor Benson.
Present: Councilmen Doshen, Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer
and Leonard.
Ab sent: None
Minutes of the Regular meeting of December 2nd and of the
Speoial Meeting of December 9th were read and approved.
Dr. Williams presented oopy of letter he had written to Bank
of seward oalling attention to danger of using bottled gas, ker-
osene, etc. in stoves without stovepipe connection to the outside
of the building in which they are used. He also stated that under
authority of City Ordinance No. 85, Section 6, they are direoted
to immediately cause tobe installed the necessary stove pipe oonnce
Oouncil instructed Health Officer to put notice in Gateway
calling attention to above Ordinance and danger in the use of such
gas or petroleum burning appliances without stove pipe connections.
Olerk read a letter from Mr. Kehoe to the Counoil stating
that Mrs. Lillie James of the Alaska Shop was not paying proper
Territorial taxes on her business and had not done so for years.
Counoil instructed Mr. Benson to write a letter to Mrs.James.
Motion was made by Councilman Leonard, seconded by Oouncilman
Doshen that the City ask for bids from all local oar agencies
on a new truck with a dump bOdy,1-1/2 or 2-ton, with gears to
handle pump which is on present tnuck and trade-in value on old
truck. Upon'roll oall all councilmen present voted AYE.
Motion was made by Counoilman Hollingsworth, seoonded by
Councilman Doshen that the City Clerk be allowed $30.00 per month
for offioe help to be paid out of the Light funds. Motion carried.
Motion was Made by Counoilman Hollingsworth, seoonded by
Councilman Leirer that City Health Officer enforoe Section 6,
Ordinance 35 concerning stovepipe conneotions to flamo and kerosene
stoves. Upon roll call all counoilmen present voted AYE.
No further business appearing upon proper motion being made,
seconded and oarried, meeting was adjourned.
Special Meeting
Deoember 18, 1940
The Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
Speoial Session in the Council Chambers on this date.
~eeting was oalled to order at eight O'olook P. M. by ~cting
Mayor Benson.
Counoilmen Doshen, Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer
Councilman Leonard who came in the latter part of
Speoial ~eeting was called for~,the purpose of appointing three!
citizens to act as a Registration Board at Seward, January 22, 1941
No pay to be allowed for service .
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Speoia.l Meeting
December 18, 1940 (cOntinued)
The Clerk was instructed to write to the following list of
oitizens to try to get three that would serve on the Board:
Mel Horner, Wm. Erwin, Elwyn Swetmann, Al Davis, Bessie Malloy,
Hester Shea, Ella Amend, Josephene Sheldon.
Applioation of Seward Trading Co. for Council's approval of
renewal of retail liquor license was presented and motion was made
by Councilman Doshen, seoonded by Councilman Hollingsworth that
same be approved. Upon roll oall all oounoilmen present voted AYE
Applioation of ~rs. Chas. Cameron for Council's approval of
renewal of Restaurant Liquor Lioense was presented and motion was
made by Counoilman Doshen, seoonded by Counoilman Leirer that the
sam. be approved. Upon roll call all counoilmen pres&nt voted AYE
No further business appearing, upon proper motion being made,
seoonded and oarried, meeting was adjourned.
..~\ ,
Regular Meeting
January ~, 1941
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
egular session in the Council Chambers on the 6th}; day of January,
Meeting was called to order at eight o'clock P. M. by Acting
ayor Benson. .
Present: Councilmen Dahl, Hollingsworth, Leirer and Leonard.
Absent: Councilman Doshen
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
The Clerk presented an Oil Contract from the Standard Oil Compan
'L motion was made by Councilman Hollingsworth, seconded by Coun-
ilman Leirer that the contract be accepted. Motion carried.unani-
Clerk asked the Council if the City is to pay for glass broken
ut of window in Clerk~s office. No action taken.
Having received no reply from a letter to Anchorage asking for
ecommendation of an electrician, Acting Mayor was instructed to
ire for one.
Upon advice of the Cit y Attorney that Mr. Benson was not legally
cting Mayor unless appointed by the Council,motion was made by
ouncilman Leonard, Seconded by Councilman Leirer that he be appoin e
d Actin~ Mayor in the Mayor's absence. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk was instructed to wire for reamers for Light Plant.
It was brought to the attention of the Council that a light was
eeded on Second Avenue near the rock quarry and a motion was made
y Councilman Leirer, seconded by Councilman Leonard that this
ight be installed. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted AY
Due to the insufficient revenues of the City Light Plant, to tak
are of its interest and bonds a proposal was made that the second
racket of the rate on Commercial and Domestic be raised from three
Bi ts to five cents, and a motion was made by Councilman Leirer,
econded by Councilman Leonard that an ordinance be drawn to amend
hese two sections in the old ordinance. Upon roll call all
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