HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943 City Council Minutes
Regular l~eetlng
Jan. 4, 1943.
The Common Council of the Town of Sewarn, Alaska convened i
regular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll call show d
all present except Mayor Osbo. Mr. Joe Doshen acting as Mayor pro em.
The readlng of the minutew of the last regular session were
approved without question.
A letter was read from the Seward School Board asking for
the sum of $2500.00 as our share of tpe School Budget. Motion made
by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Cooper that this amount be grRnt d
Motion carried on roll call.
The City payroll iin the amount of $1221.83 was brought up
for approval. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Benson
that the payroll be paid as read. Motion carried.
The City has now quite a bit of equipment for fire fighting
and the question was brought up about marking our hose for indent-
ification so that it would not get mixed up with the Army OD Eng-
ineers. Mr. Doshen promised to take care of this matter.
Seward Electric System monthly payroll in the Amount of
$1576.68 read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Leire ann ~econded
by Mr. Cooper that the payroll be paid as read. Motion carried.
City of Seward monthly bills in the amount of $328.37 read
for approval. Motion made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Leirer
that bills be paid. Motion earried.
Seward Electric System monthly bills in the amount of $1499 78
read for approval. Motion made by Mr'. Cooper and seconded by Mr.
Moser that bills be paid. Motion carried.
The question of having the Seward Electric System take a in
ventory of the Plant came up for discussion. It was decided to lea e
this matter to the Light Committee.
Quite a discussion followed about having the Seward Electri
System books audited. No auditor available at present. The Council
asked the Clerk if he could bring the books up to date. The Clerk
promised to have answer at Jan. 6th. meeting.
Ther being no furtper business, the meeting adjurned until
Wednesday Jan. 6, 1943.
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Municipal Clerk
. ",J
Adjurned Meeting
January 11, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alas\ta. eonvened
in regular session of a last adjurned meeting of January. 4~ht ,1,94~
in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll Call showed al pr~l?ent, .
except Mr. Leirer.
Mrs. Betsy Knight of the Seward Light and Poweri~~s present
Mrs. Knight was present to make the City an offer "for the,Sew-ar-d
Electric System if they would show a report showing the financial
statement. She also said that she would have to deal wi~~~he
R P C if the people of Seward voted to sell~ The present ~E!s!~for
the Seward Light and Power would not remAin the same as ~lj~i~a1uel
is going up every day.
Mr. L. V. Ray was also present and said he was: wai:l1ing ,repl
from Mr. Tony Dimond about the status of the Seward Light ~ Power.
n out and out grant was out of the question at this time. A sugg-
estion was made that Hr. Ray wire Tony Dimond regardingt the Status
of the Seward L& P.
A motion was made by Mr. Joe Doshen and seconded by Mr.
Paul steiner that we accept Mr. Ed. Manthey as Pire and Police Chief
~otion carried on roll call. Mr. Manthey was then duly sworn in.
Therer being no further business, the meeting was adjurned.
Municipal Clerk
J41's. Knight was present and deolared *hat she 41d not make
offer to puroha~e Seward Electrio 8.fsJtem. This error in aboTe
minutes OX'd b7 Oouno1l.
Regular Meeting
Januar7 18, 1948
the OOllmon C01Ule1l of the TOWl'l of Snard,' ~laBk8. convened"
n regular 8eS8ion in the Counoil Chamber8 at 8:00 P.M. Roll call
ho.ed all present exoept Kr. Leirer aDd Joe Doshen.
.' () .
The minutes of the last regular meeting with the followin,
orreotion: ~s. Knight w,s present and deolared that she did not
e offer to purohase Seward !Ueotrio S7stem" . Otherwise the min-
t" were Ok'd.
A letter was read from the Aoting Governor ( B . L. B.rtlet )
onoernil1l the Pre 8i dent '8 Ball. This matter was turned 'Over to a
omm1ttee comp08ed of Mr. Benson and Joe Doshen.
An applioation for a liquor lioense for R. M. Brown was rea
or approval. 1I0tion was made b7 1Ir. K08er aDd seconded b7 lIr. Ooop r
hat tho application be approved. Kotion oarried on Roll Call. ",
01t7 of Seward month17 b1118 in the amount of .''1.69 was re d.
otion made b7ar. Pau18te1ner and seoondod b7 lIr. Oooper that bill
e paid. aotion oarried on roll oall.
ar. ROB8 IitaDn maie applioation to lease 014 fire chemical
ruok for u.e at hi8 oount17 home. )lotion made "7 ar. Ben80D and
e.onded b7 ar. Cooper tpat the fire ohemioal be lea8e4 to ar. KaDn
or .100.00 per 7ear pa,.ble in advance and have him give bond for
he return of equipment. )(otion carried.
Disoussion followed on fire hoee. !he Oit7 .eems to be .ell
~plied with fire fighting equipment.
The Fire Department made a request to raise the membership
od the Volenteer Fire Department from 20 to 30 members. They 81so
requested a certain sum every time the Booster Tank was turned on.
A motion was made by Mr. Moser and seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner
to approve the increase in membership and to also pay firemen $l~O
each whenever Booster Tenk is tmrned on. Motion carried on roll ca 1.
The Clerk was instructed to notify the Fire Chief.
Mrs. Knight would also like list of members for telephone
operators convenience.
Mr. Ray was also present and said that he hoped to have
something new on the Highway between Seward and Anchorage at the
next meeting.
Motion made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Cooper that
we 8d~urn. Motion carried.
Municipal Glerk
Regular meeting
Feb. 1, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska comvened
in regular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll call
all present except Mr. Joe Doshen.
Them minutes of the last meeting w~re read for approval.
They were approved as read.
Telegram read from Joseph Kehoe, who was in Juneau that
memorial for extension of highway will be introduced.
A bid for lot 27 block 4 of the City for the sum of $25.00
was read from Martin Lanning. Motion made by Mr. Benson and se-
conded by Mr. l,eirer that the bid be accepted. Motion carried.
City of, Seward bills in the ampunt of $1241.48 were read
for approval. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiber and seconded by Mr.
Leirer that bills be paid. Motion carried.
Seward Electric Sjstem payroll in the amount of '$1397/52
read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and secpnded by Mr.
Benson that bills be paid. Motion carried.
Mb" T. W. Hawkins made comulaint of Bus in front of his
store was a nuisanc~. Clerk told to' notify, the City Police. A gen-
eral discussion followed mn the conditions of the streets.
. A proposal was brought ~p about donating a cer~ain sum
to the Polaris and Radio Station WOVY for past favors. A motion
made by'Mr. Benson and seconded by' Mr. Leirer that the sum of
$50.00 be donated to the Chaplains fund to be divided equally
between the Polaris and Station WGVY. The Clerk also to write a
letter of appreciation to the poth place. Motion carried.
The committee reported on Presidents Ball. Thej propose
that the Ameri~an Legion or the Ypung Womens Clab take care of
this.. After discussion, proposed that the Democratic, party try
to sponser same.
Their being no further business. th'e roeeting arijurned.
I '
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Municipal Clerk
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, t
Regular Meeting
Febuary 15, 1943
The C:Jmmon Council of thB Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session in the Oouncil Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll call
showed all present except l.;r. 110ser.
The application of Leo D0uglas came up for discusston about
approval for Oocktail Bar. Moti0n made by Mr. Doshen and seconded
by Mr. Benson that the application be approved. Motion carried.
City of Seward monthly bills in the amount of $357.98 were
read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Benson and secobded by Mr.
Paulsteiner that bills be approved. Motion carried.
The bill of tpe Seward Water Supply for water service was re-
ferred to the Fire Protection Committee.
Seward Electric System hills in the amount of $750.57 were rea
for approval. Motion ~ade by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Leirer
that bills be approved. Motion carried.
A bill was read from Mr. E. D. Webb for ir.surence on the Sewar
Electric System for $198. 06. Motion made by Mr. Doshen and seconde
by Mr. Bens0n that the above btll he paid. Motion ca~ripd.
A proposal was made that an audit be made of tpe Seward Electr c
System by t~r. Hair. His bill would amount to $25.00 a day and expen es
His o6fer was made in the form of a motion h~r 11r. Doshen and F>econd d
by Mr. Paulsteiner that his offer be accepted. Motion carried.
City Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Hair.
~ considerable discussion followed on the water system and rem
idies for same. A cooperative system between the Arm~, U S Engineer
and the Alaska Railroad and the City seemed the best plan.
No further business appearing, the meeting-was adjubned.
MunicipAl Clerk
* * . * * * ~ * * * *
Ree;ular Meeting
March 1, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward. Alaska convened in
re~ular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 o'clock P. M.
Roll call showed all members present excf'ut Mr:"Pau1steiner who
came in later.
A letter from the Committee for ~~e Presinents's Ball was
read which reuortad a net halanc of $318.00. A motion was made
by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Cooper that the Committee he
given a letter of appreciAtion from the M"'iyor FInd Conncll.
M t. . d U
o Ion carr] e . ",ayor instructed thRt the Clerk wri te 8 letter
to each member of the ~oromittee and to Mr. Baker and the School
Board, congratulating them and thanking them for their part in
maRinE the ball a success.
The ~~estion having ariRP- .C to whether the City and the
Seward Elec~ric System are liable for Social Securi~y A motion
was made by Mr. Benson, secol!ded by Mr. Doshen that the Cit~r
Attorney report on the ~uestlon at the next meeting. Motion
carried. .
Repular Meeting March I, ]943
A letter from Helen Brosius WAS read protesting against
the opening of a liquor store and cocktail b~r in the Hofman House
across the street from the Brosius ApBrtments. After discussion'
the Mayor appointed the Law and Ordinance Committee Mr. Moser and
Mr. Cooper to report on the matter
, .
The report of the Fire Chief on the Hydrants not being specific,
the Mayor appointed Mr. Doshen to check on the number of hydrants
in actual use.
Payroll checks were"held up until the matter of Social Security is
'The mayor reported stora~e of emergencp rations in the school
house with the exception of-hams and bacons which are stored in
the shed ba~k o~ Council Rooms.
Clerk was instructed to write letters to Tony Parich, Chas. Teck-
l~hburg an~ John Matich requesting them to put a fence around the
burned ~rea at the foot of Fourth Ave. - ,
No further business appearing meeting was adjourned.
Municipal Clerk
Regular Meet1ng
March 5, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
in regul~r session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PN. Roll call
showed all preseat except John Paul steiner and Frank Cooper. This
meetiqg is a continuation of the last regular meeting.
The minutes of the last regular meeting approved as read.
This meeting also called to have decision made on whether the
City and Light Plant had to pay social security. It was the dec-
ision of Mr. Ray that we did not have to pay.
Tony' Parich's application to open a liquor establishment in
the Hofman House.came up for discussion. The Committee had no re-
port to make. Motion made by Mr. Doshen and seconded by Mr. Leirer
that application be accepted. Motion carried.
Considerable discussion followed on the payment of the S.ward
.ate~ Supply bill for January. Mr. Ray advised that unless we had
proof that fire hrydrants were out of order, we were liable for tht
bill. Mr. Joe Do.nen Baid that he discovered that 23 hydrants were
in use. Motion made by Mr. Leirer and seconded by Mr. Benson that
January water bill be paid and hold out for Febuary bill. Roll
call showed all vot*d AlE.
Seward Electric System bills in the amount of $1452.27 were
read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Benson and s~conded by Mr.
Leirer that bills be paid. Roll call showed all voted AYE.
A letter was read from the Auditor, Mr. Hair, that the keep-
ing of the books of the Seward Electric System be delegated to one
person at a salary of not less than $150.00 per month. Motion made
by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Leirer that Mrs. Malloy be so
delegated and paid $150.00 per month. Motion carried unanimously.
City of Seward bills in the amount of $1337.43 were read for
approval. Motion made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Leirer
that bills be paid. Motion carried, all voting AYE.
A letter was read from the Good News Bay Mining Co., at Plat
inum to Mr. lee Stewart of the Seward Electric System offering hi~
I r
. ~,
a job a8 deisel operator at a salary of $11.17 a day net. What can-
aideration in salary wa~ld induce Mr. Stewart to, stay. Discussion
fpllowed that we cauld not raise Mr. Stewart's salary unless we
raised the others also,. After considerable discussian, a motion
was made by Mr. Doshen and seconded by Mr. Bensan that Mr. Bron-
sen be paid $XIK $375.00 per month, Mr. Lee Stewart be paid $325.00
Mr. Pitcher be paid $300.00 and Mr. Clay tan be paid $300.00. The
pay to be paid fram March first. RaIl call shawed all voted AYE.
The Clerk called the Council's attention to the fact that
electian was soon due. That we had to elect A Mayor. thre Cauncil-
men far twO, years, one Councilman for one year, one member of the
Schaal board for three years and one member of the Schaol board
for one year.
,The Clerk was instructed to contact several persans for the
Election Soard and also past notice of Registration and Election.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjurned
upan praper motion by Mr. Doshen and Mr. Maser.
Municipal Clerk.
Regular Meeting
March 15, 1943
The Cammon Cauncil af the Town of Seward convened in regular
sessian in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Rall call shawed all
resent except Mr. Al Maser.
The minutes af the last regular meeting were read and approve
ithout abjectian.
A letter was read fram the Health Council at Juneau request-
ing help far the co~ng year in the amount of $300.00. This was
Another letter was read from Mr. Durkee af the Federal Warks
gency abaut the bew pumper truck due soon. His letter also, request
ed that the City take out ebough fire insurance to cover the cost
nd also' have the policy payable to the Federal Works Agency. Mot-
ion made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Coaper that such ins-
ranee be abtained. Motion carried.
Anather matian made by Mr. Bensan and seconded by Mr. Leirer
hat the necessary insurance be obtained for the City Fire Truck
nd Dump Truck. Motion carried.
Mayor Osbo spake of the necessity of having the reserve food
upplies in the School Basement blocked off for safety measure.
he Army agreed to, help in the carpenter work. Mayar Osbo spoke of
he'need af two by fours and other lumber in this matter. Matian \IlK
ade by Mr. Cooper and secanded by Mr. Benson that the lumber need-
d be purchased for this project. Motion ssrried.
Mrs. Knight of the Seward Light and Power was present and
of the need of having the gravel removed from around the
ight plant, the Army agreeing to, remaving the same. Mrs. Knight
as given whole hearty approval by all present. -'
Seward Electric System manthly bills in the amaunt af
2230.35 were read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Benson and se-
conded by Mr. Caoper that bills be'paid as read. Motion carri~d.
City af Seward, Alaska monthly bills in the amount of $4931.
were read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded
Mr. Benson that bille be paid. Motion carried.'
Mr. Hair. the auditar for the Seward Electric System was pre-
sent and s~oke of the need of cutting out of the accounts the
mount of '253.00 that was charged an the boaks aga1nst Mr. Bronson;
r s\)
The agreement was that if Mr. Brosnson KIK staid a year that this
amount would be absorbed. Motion made by Mr. Benson and seconded
by Mr. Cooper that the amount of $253.00 be charged against labor.
Motion carried.
The Clerk was instructed to call the Anchorage Times
sure that the Ballots would be printed in time.
As there was no further business appearing, the proper moti n
was made to adJurn.
Municipal Clerk
Special Meeting
March 19, 1943
This meeting .was called to order for the purpose of approvi g
power line along Fifth Avenue for the U. S. Engineers.
As a quo ram was present and all voted AYE upon proper motio
his was approved.
Col. Ohlson and J. T. Cunningham of the Alaska Railroad wer
resent to disCijss the fire protection situation. The City's share
f the project would be about $8000.00. After discussion on th.s
tter, the Mayor spoke of certain changes that would make the City s
hare about $SOOO.OO. All the Coulcilmen agrred on the changes and
eartily approve of the project. It was also agraed that The Alaska
ailroad would be given the use of the Pumper Truck.
The Alaska Railroad was to be given notice that the, would
e absolved from all blaim in case of accident. Further that the
roper insurance be secured.
Col. Johnson was to be notified of this meeting
There being no further business, the meeting was adJurned.
14unicipal Clerk
Regular Meeting
April 5, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened
in regular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll call
showed all present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
An offer was read for Lot 27 Block 5, Laubner Addition
for $50.00. 14otionmade by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Benson
that the offer be accepted. Motion carried.
Another bid was read for Lot 35 Block 15 City for $100.00
by Mr. Chester Casey. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded
by Mr. Leirer that this be tabled. Motion carried.
The American Red Cross asked for a donation. Motion made
by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Doshen to give them $100.00
Motion carried unanimously. '
A letter was read from the Health Department at Juneau.
Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Doshen that this be
tabled. Motion carried on roll call.
The next matter to come before this august body was the
written resignation of Councilman Joe Doshen. next ~age please
WHERBAS in accordance with the laws of the Territory of Alaskal
the ordinances of the City of Seward, Alaska, and the forms
nd notices of election duly given and issued, that a Municipal I
Election was held in the Town Hall in the said City on the 6th.
ay of April 1948; and
WHEREAS: In accordance with the duly prepared and correct
ertificates filed with Harold Painter, Municipal Clerk by the
f.fflcers of said election. the following named persons received
he exact number of votes placed after their respective names for
ffices as hereinafter set forth, to wit:
Por Mayor: Thorwald Osbo d IS
I ~~~ f!
For Councilmen: 2 year term
Thos. L. Erdmann
Gus Manthey
B. L. Stanton
George B. Moody
Charles M. Evans
Pred W. Stilwell
For Councilman: 1 year term
Frank Cooper If. r
Henry r.eirer, Sr. /.3C(
For Member School Board 3 year term
Inna Shea ~ I -1 2--
~~~~ter 17 !'
For Member School Bo rd 1 year term
r~,' L. C. Wright /.2.1 .
Kathe~er /'10
Lt. I
EREAS: The returns of said election were duly and properly can-
.ssed by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, on April 7, 19.
P SEWARD, ALASKA, that in accordance-with the wishes of the VOTERS
f said town, as set forth by the results of said election, the I
ollowing named persons, having received the highest number of i
otes tor their respective offices: I
Thorwa1d Osbo I
Councilmen 2 year term: Thos. L. Erdmann, B. L. Stanton and I
Pred W. Stilwell
Councilman 1 year term; Frank Cooper
School Board 3 year term; Ray G. Banister
School Board 1 year term: Katherine Rager
gat they are hereby elected to the offices of the Town of Seward,
laaka for which they declared their candidacy.
. Bsed unanimously by the COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD,
LASKA, on this 7th. day of April 1943.
n due Motion, the meeting was adjurned at .:30 PM
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Motion made by Mr. Leirer and seconded by Mr. Cooper that his res-
ignation be accetped. Roll call showed all voted AYE.
A letter was read from Mr. Ray C. Hair stating he would
audit the City Books for $250.00 more or less. Motion made by Mr.
Benson and seconded by Mr. Cooper that we call for an audit of the
City Books by bids, reserving the right to reject any or all bide.
Roll call showed all voted AYE.
City monthly salaries IlK in the amount of $1448.76 were
read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by
Mr. Benson that these salaries be paid. Motion carried.
Seward Electric System monthly payroll of $1758.85 came up
for approval. Motion made by Mr. Leirer and seconded by Mr. Moser
that bills be paid. Motion carried.
Mr. Mayor Osbo asked Mr. Ray if the raise in pay voted
the employees of the Light Plant conflicted with the freezing of
salaries. Mr. Ray referred him to Mr. Rupert Emerson, Regional
Director of the OPA Board, Seattle.
Bills in the amount of $4850.14 against the Seward Electri
System came up for approval. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and aeconded
by Mr. Benson that bills be paid. Motion varried on roll call.
City bills in the amount of $344.39 were read. Upon mot-
ion of Mr. Moser and second of Mr. Cooper, roll call showed all
voted AYE.
The balance of Mr. Hairs bill for audit of $396.50 was rea.
The proper motion was made by Mr. Moser and Mr. Leirer that this
bill be paid. Roll call showed all voted AYE.
The Chamber of Commerce asked that the City of Seward take
out a membership card. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by
Mr. Leirer that we give the Chamber of Commerce the amount of $25.0
Motion carried on roll call.
Mr. Ray read a resume of his work as City Attorney for the
past year. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Moser
that Mr. Ray be given a vote of thanks. Motion carried.
The attention of the Councilmen was directed to the fact
that would hold a Special Meeting on April 7, 1943 at t 4:00 PM to
canvass the votes.
Mr. Osbo wished to thank Mr. Ericson for the work he did
in helping on the foof supplies.
Mr. Benson wished to thank the Council for their membershi
Proper motion made to adjurn.
Municipal Clerk
Special Meeting
April 7, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convene
in special session this date at 4:00 PM by special call to convass
the ballots and votes cast at the Municipal Election for the Town
of Seward on April 6, 1943.
Present were Councilmen Moser, Paulsteiner, Doshen and
After examination of the ballots cast and the comparison
of the votes counted and a complete recheck of all the challenge
votes, and a thorough inspection of the records and data and cert-
ificates presented to the Municipal Clerk by the Election Board at
the close of the day preceding, the following resolution was
presented: TO WIT
~ .
Special Meeting
April 10, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Saward, Alaska convened
in Special session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. The Roll
Call showed all present.
There being no communications, The City of Seward bills
in the amount of $527.51 were read for approval. Proper motion was
made by Mr. Doshen and Mr. Leirer that bills be paid. Roll call
showed all present voted AYE.
Mr. Osbo took this oppurtunity to thank the old Council
members for their loyalty and cooperation. They were also given
a hearty vote of thanks.
~ ~.~~old Councilmen then retired.
~ The new Councilmen, Mr. Thos L. Erdmann, Mr. B. L. Stanto
and Mr. Pred W. Stilwell were then sworn in by Mr. L. V. Ray. The
oaths of office were then filed with the City Clerk. Roll call
showed all present.
The first matter to come before the new Council was the
claim of the Seward School Board for their last quota of the City'
share of the School Budget.amounting to $3476.20. This ~tter
tabled until next meeting.
The bids for auditing the City's books were to be posted
to be opened at 4:00 PM April 19, 1943.
Mayor Osbo appointed a special committee of the School
Board composed of Mr. Prank Cooper, chairman with Mr. Stilwell.
Another special Pire Committee was composed of Mr. Moser and Mr.
Erdmann. The special committee for, the Health & Police was comp8se
of Mr. Paulsteiner and Mr. Stantoh.
Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Stanton
the employment of the present employees be .xtended until such
as their successors were appointed. Roll call showed all voted
Discussion follewed on what pay to pay the newly appointe
officers for the following year. Some of the Councilmen hoped to
get back Mr. Van Kirk and Mr. Kielckeski as Police and Pire Chiefs.
The audit of the Seward Electric System was turned over t
the Council for their information. Mr. Ray asked that report be tu ned
over to a Committee for report. Discussion followed on the City Li t
Discussion followed about Hospital affairs. Mr. Ray spoke
about the advisibility of having a new lease drawn up. He also re-
viewed tha old lease for the information of the New Council.
Motion made by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Cooper
that we adjurn. Motion carried.
Municipal Clerk.
. i
Regular Meeti..g
April 19, 194:>
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll call
showed all present except Al Moser.
The minutes of the last regular meeting was read for approval
no objection being entered, the minutes were oked.
Mayor Osbo wanted some information about the resignations of
Orville Pitcher and Lee Stewart, why their resignations were not on
file with City Clerk and other matters. Mr. Bronson was. present and
informed those present that Mr. Lee Stewart's resignation was in
March 6th to take effect March 27th. Orville Pitcher's resignation
was on hand March 30th. to take effect one month later.
... '
Mr. Orville Pitcher was present with complaint to wit:- He
was first hired to work at the Light Plant by Mr. Benson at the
pate of $176.00 per month. He worked the last three days in xhe
month for which he did not get paid for and also that his salary
was cut to $166.00 per month without cause. Mayor Osbo appointed a
committee with Mr. Erdmann as chairman assisted by Mr. Stanton.
For the information of those present, Mr. Howell was hired ~
for one month at $226.00 and the next three months at $250.00,
then if satisfactory, the pay would be $300.00 per month.
A letter was read from Captain Wark of the USED asking for
permission to erect power poles in certain sections of the !own
for their use that would also releive our installations. Mr. Stil-
well moved and Mr. Cooper seconded that this permission be granted.
Roll, call show.ed all voted AYE.
A letter was read from Col. Ohlson terminating lease..
The following
Evelyn Ratchford
Chester Casey
Eugene Thomas
Al Gould
bids for lots were read:-
Lots 21 & 22, Block 10 Laubner
Lot 35 Block 15 City
Lots 21-25 Inc II 24 City
Lot 10 II 7 Federal
Ji;ot 27 "25 City
It was moved by Mr. Paul steiner and seconded by Mr. Erdmann
that all the above bids be tabled. Roll call showed all voted AYE.
The Seward School Board requested the rest of the School Bud.-
get in the amount of $3476.20. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and second
ed by Mr. Erdmann that the above amount be paid the School Board.
Roll call showed all voted AYE
The matter of obligating ourselves to the Health Council at
Juneau for the coming year came up for discussion. A Motion was
made by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Stanton that we obligate
ourselves to the amount of $300.00, providing that the nurse is
furnished. Motion carried on roll call.
One bid for auditing the City's books were received. Mr. Ray
C. Hair's bid amounting to $260.00 was read. Motion made by Mr.
Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Stanton that this bid be accepted.
Motion carried on roll call.
Mr. Ed Manthey, Fire and Police Chief was present and was
asked whet he would accept for Fire Chief job with Police Powers
and his answer was that he would be willing to work for his pre-
sent salary ($275.00).
Mr. Pi etcher desired to leave and was given assurance that
the Committee would give him a report on the three days that he
haq coding.
A lengthy discussion followed ~n salaries. Some believed that
the Police and Fire Chiefs jobs should be separate. Also ~hat more
help needed on the streets. Motion made by >>r. Cooper and secon-
ed by Mr. Paulsteiner that we hire separate men for Police and
Fire Chiefs XX and the Fire Chief to have Police authority. Mot-
ion carried on roll call.
A motion was made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Erdmann
that the different jobs be let out on bids no salary named, bidder
to name his own salary desired per month. Mr. Stilwell drew up the
following form of bid:-
NO BIDS RECEIVED AFTER L2 noon May 3rd., 1943.
Harold Painter, City Clerk.
Motion carried on roll call.
A committee was composed of Mr. Erdmann, Stilwell, Stanton,
and Cooper to try and overhaul the ordinances. This meeting was
to be called at 8:00 PM April 22, 1943.
Motion made by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Stanton that
the following ordinance be drawn up and approved by Mr. Ray:TOWIT;
An Ordinance requiring a municipal license from every person
maintaining for for use 08 who permits the use of coinoperated
amusement or musical devices within the Towb of Seward, Alaska,
and prescribing penalties for the operation of such devices with-
out first obtaining and paying for a license so to do.
Section 1, Eveery person who maintains for use or permits the
use of, on any place or premises occupied by him a coin- operated
amusement or musical device, shall first obtain from the Municipal
Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska, a license for the operation
of such device.
Section 2, That the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars per'month for
eac8 coin-operated amusement device shall be payable in advance
on the first day of each and every month of each year, which said
sum of $10.00 shall be payable in advance and the first monthly
instalment of said license fee shall be paid at the time of the
issuance of the license by said Municipal Clerk.
Section 3. That coin-operated amusement and musical devices
(1) Any amusement or music machine operated by
means of the insertion of a coin, token, or
similar object, and
(2) so-caled "slot" machines which operate by
means of the insertion of a coin, token or
similar object and which, by application of
the element of chance, may deliver or entitle
the person playing or opereting the machine
to receive cas8, premium. merchandise, or .
Section 4. That the failure. of every person who so maintains
for use, or permits the use of, on any place or premises occupied 1:jY
him, coin-operated amusement or musical devices without first ob-
taininga license so ,to do as required by the provisions of this
ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-demeanor and subject to
a fine ~n the sum of not more than $100.00 or imprisonment of not
more than 90 days.
Section 5. That the police autho~ities of the Town of Seward
are hereby empowered and authorized to take into possession and
hold until ~iXYYX~~KJ until payment of prescribed
license fee, any device operated in violation of the terms of this
, ,
Section 6. That the license hereby required by the terms of
this ordinance shall and does apply to each coin-operated amusement
or musical device maintained for use or permitted to be used on an~
place or premises within the Town of Seward, Alaska.
Section 7. All ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
PASSED under the s~spension of the rules this 3rd day of May
A.D., 1943
Town of Seward, Alaska.
Motion made by Mr. Cooper and ,seconded by Mr. Erdmann that we
adjurn. Notion carried.
Municipal Clerk.
Regular Meeting
May 3, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alask~ convened in
regular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll Call ShOWEd
all present.
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read for approval.
There being rib objection, the minutes were approved.
The committee reported on Mr. Orville Pitcher. Their reccomen- 'l
dation was that Mr. Orville Pitcher be paid three days pay at the
rate of $175.00 per month and also he be paid the dirference for
three months between #165.00 and $175.00 or thirty dollars. Total
sum being $47.49. It was regularly moved by Mr. Cooper and second-
ed by Mr. Stilwell that the report of committee be accepted. Roll
call showed all AYE.
Motion made by Mr. ~~J~ and seconded by Mr. Erdmann that
the history of the above mentioned case be recorded in the minutes.
Roll call all voted YES.
The history of the case is as follows:-
Mr. Orville Pitcher was hired to go to work for the Seward Electric
System at the rate of $175.00 per month by Mr. W. R. Benson, the
then present Mayor. Mr. Pitcher worked the 29th, 30th and the 31st
of May for which Mr. Benson refused to pay him. Mr. Benson also re-
duced his pay from $175.00 to $165.00 for three months for no apparent reason.
Quite a bit of discussion followed whether Mr. Orville
itcher's Job is frozen. According to literature on hand his Job
s frozen March 22, 1943.
Another latter from Captain Wark of the U. S. Engineers as
ng for further permission to use parts of out City for Power in-
tallation. Motion made by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Moser
hat Captain's request be granted. Motion carried on roll call.
A letter was read from Mr. E. D. Webb asking for approval
o operate a Club in the Union Hall. Motion made by Mr. Erdmann and
econded by Mr. Moser that the request be tabled until next meeting
otion carried on roll call.
A letter from the District Clerk was read which enclosed a
ist of Merchants License and also a check for $51.24.
A letter from Acting Governor Bartlett to. Mayor Osbo asktn
or disposition of 50% of the President's Ball money. Mr. Osbo re-
lied asking the amount be made out to the American Legion Auxillar
hlld Welfare.
Another letter was read from Mr. Ryden of the U. S. Navy
sking the City to give them permission to use LotI, Block 2 of tee
Addition. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr.
that the USN be given this permission. Motion carried.
Wire read from McGinty giving information about sewers.
Bids were received from Peter Funkhouser for lots 21 & 22,
lock 19 of the City for $100.00. The City Clerk was instructed to
otify Peter Funkhouser that part of these lots belong to some one
Ise and until he gets that part of the lots, we vould not enter
is bid.
Seward Electric System bills amounting to $1467.38 were re d
approval. Mr. Erdmann made a motion and Mr. Cooper seconded the
above bills Qe paid as read. Motion carried on roll call.
Seward Electric System monthly bills amounting to $2137.18
ere read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Stanton and seconded by
r. Erdmann that these bills be paid. Motion carried on roll call.
Motion made by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Stanton
hat the City retain the services of Dave Andrews until May 15, 194 .
otion carried by roll call. .>
City 06 Seward, Alaska monthly payroll from April lOth. to
pril 30th. amounting to $918.62 was read for approval. Motion carr
ed on roll call.
Mr. Erdmann made a motion that Mr. BroBson be given auth-
rity to write the Man Power Board about wages ETC., this seconded
y Mr. Cooper. Motion carried.
Mr. Erdmann made a motion to which Mr. Cooper seconded tha
r. Bert Smith of the Streets be given permission to buy lumber for
ewers and parts for the grader. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 158 was read onece for approval..
Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner
rules be suspended. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 158 read the second time for approval. Mot-
on made by Mr. ~tilwell and seconded by Mr. Erdmann that the ord-
nance be adopted as read. Roll call showed all voted YES.
Motion made by^Mr. Stanton and seconded by Mr. Moser that
W~ek be made from May 10jh. to May 22nd. and all publicity
it, also notify the polaris. Motion carried.
Mr. Erdmann made a motion to which Mr. Cooper seconded tha
ayor and Common Council were in favor of cooperating with the
Alaska Railroad and U. S. Army and sharing half the cost of the
material. Motion carried.
Bids were
John Weston
Aron Ericson
L. V. Ray
Edwih Manthey
Harold Painter
opened for the following jobs:-
City Health Officer
City Treasurer
City Attorney
Fire Chief
City Clerk
$1.00 per .year
no price na~ed
IIOO~OO per Me,
275.00 per anlum
300.00 per mo
Moved' by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Stanton that each
bid be taken separately. Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Stilwell that app-
lication of Aron Ericson be accepted and that he be given same
salary as last year ($100.00 8 year). Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Moser that bid of
Mr. L. V. Ray be accepted. Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Cooper that bid
06 Dr. Weston of $1.00 per year be accepted. Motion carried
At this time the City Clerk was requested to retire. Mr.
Stanton acting as same.
Motion made that application of Harold Painter at $300.00
per month be accepted. Motion carried on roll call
The City Clerk then requested to his post.
Moved by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Moser that the app-
lication of Edwin Manthey be rejected account not signed and im-
properly presented, $275.00 per annum.
, It was agreed by all present that the positions of Police
a~d Fire Chiefs be readvertised and to be given all publicity poss
~<ble. ' ,
I . It was regularly moved and seconded by Mr. Erdmann and
Cooper that fire Insurance be secured on City Fire Truck, City
dUmp Truck and two Trailer Pump Trucks at actual value. Motion
carried on roll call.
It was regularly moved and seconded by Mr. Stilwell and
Stanton that we adjurn. Motion carried.'
Municipal Clerk
Regular Meeting
May 17, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in reg-
ular session at 8:00 PM. Roll call showed all present.
-~ ',I
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and apprcved.
A letter was read from the Health Council at Juneau for thE
inform~tion of those peesent.
Captain Wark of the U8 Engineers requested the further use
of the rock quarry with specific mention of precautions taken for
the safety or the public. Motion made by.Mr. Paulsteiner and secon-
ed by Mr. Cooper that this request be granted. Motion carried,
The Standard Oil Co. presented a assessment list jhat they
to have the City Council accept for the coming year. The
was made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Moser that the
, .1
assessment list be accepted. Motion carried.
Representatives of the U. S. Army were present and spoke of
the need of increasing the spped limit past the School House after
school hours. They were perfectly willing to observe the present
rate of ten miles per hour. But due to the increased traffic, they
wished to increase it after school hours. They also aSBured us tha
there would not be any reckless driving. The motion was made by
Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Erdmann that the Army be given
permission to increase their speed after school hours. Motion
Clean up week again came up for discussion. The Street Comm-
ittee reported that lumber was available from the Army if necessar
and also we could hire soldiers at the regular rate of pay for
the necessary labot in cleaning up. Captain Evans was present at
lengbh on the necessity of cleaning up the City and wished to
assure the city that the Army stood willing to give,all the help
they could. Also they would give the publicity thru the Polaris
and Station WCVY and also around the town. Motion made by Mr. Stil
well and seconded by Mr. Cooper that the street Committee be given
$300.00 to expend on the cleah up and streets. Motion carried.
Another motion made by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Cooper tha
Clean Up Week be extended to May 31st. Motion carried.
Mr. Baker, Superintendent of Schhols was presented the Schoo
Budget for the coming year, this amounted to $8749.80 as the City'
share. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Stilwell
bhat the School Budget be accepted as presented. Motion carried.
Mr. Baker also spoke at some length about the fine cooperati n
that the Army had given the School in regards to the Gym. Also of
the monetary consideration.
Mr. Sauter was also present and said the country hereabouts
needed a Game Warden.and wished to have *a a petition'circulated.
The Council could not see where they were interested and tabled
the matter.
Mr. Merritt Shellhorn, who owns quite a few musical machines
and pin ball machines, was presented and protested vigorously agai st
the provision of Ordinance #158. After discussion our City Attorne
assured that we could try the Ordinance out for three months and
after that time, we could dicide whether to continue or modify it.
Committee on Finance and claims were to look after this matter.
The application of Mr. B. A. Gillam and Pearl Gillam for re-
tail liquor store was presented. Mr. Cooper mad~the motion and se-
conded by Mr. Stanton that this application be accepted. Motion
Letters from Auditor Hair to Mayor Osbo about the Seward
Electric System were read and discussed.
The Mayor at this time composed a special committee for the
Seward Electric System of Mr. Erdmann and Mr. Stilwell.
The report of Auditor Hair for the City Books was read and
passed around for the inspection of those present without comment.
The monthly bills of the Seward Electric System amounting to
$385.92 was read for approval. The proper motion and second were m de
by Mr. Erdmann and Mr. Moser that these bill be paid. Motion carri d.
The monthly bills of the City of Seward amounting to $3028.6
was read. Mr. Paul steiner made the motion and Mr. Erdmann seconded
that the above bill be paid. Motion carried.
Mr. Aron Ericson, the City Treasurer, was present and spoke
at some lenght about the fact that most merchants in the City
should rais their merchants license, particular the Alaska Shop,
McMUllen's, Seward Drug Co. and Waechter Bros.
The Mayor At this time requested that the bids be opened for
Mr. R. S. VanKirk presented his bid for Police Chief at $350.0 .
Motion made by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Cooper that this
application be accepted._ Motion eerried.
Mr. Walter Holben presented his bid as Fire Chief forr$350.00
per month. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Erdmann
that this application be accepted with the provision that that he
be given pOlice authority and also to line up the street work.
Motion carried.
Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Stanton that
Harold Painter be appointed City Magistrate. Motion carried.
Proper motion made by Mr. Stilwell and Mr. Erdmann to adjurn.
Motion carried.
Municipal Clerk
Continued Meeting of Aplil 7t .
~ril :,8, 1943
.:::Jtt ,." t; .
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll call show
all present except Mr. Moser and Mr. Stilwell.
The Seward Electric System owed the 'Town of Seward interest up
to Jan. 1, 1943 the sum of $2161.14. Moved by Mr. Erdmann andse-
conded by Mr. Cooper that the Seward Electric System pay this
amount to the Town. Motion carried on roll call.
Moved by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Stanton that Mr.
Frank Cooper be appointed Mayor Pro-tem. Motion carried on roll call.
Discussion followed about the laxity in building and building
Ordinance. The Clerk was instructed to try and find Building Ord-
"Moved by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Paulsteiher that Wm.
Baker be appointed City Assessor and that the assessment was not t
exceed $500.00. Motion carried on rollcall.
J. Henry Cotner entered a bid of $30.00 for Lot 4, block 5,
Laubner addition. Moved by Mr. Stanton and seconded by Mr. "Erdmann
that this offer be accepted. Motion carried on roll call.
Moved by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Stanton that all taxi
cars be made to take out a license for each car for $50.00 per yea
or any portion of the year. Motion carried on roll call.
Mayor Osbo appointed a special committee composed of Mr. Sbant
Mr. Erdmann and Mr. Paulsteiner to see about a new Fire Hall.
Moved by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner that any
who wishes to drive a taxi, his City License will be $25.00 per
year or for any portion. Motion carried on roll call. .
Moved by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Cooper that the City
Clerk could use his own discretion in selling Drivers License up
to July 1, 1943. Motion earried on roll call.
Moved by Mr. Stanton and seconded by Mr. Erdmann that the City
Treasurer be given the authority to get information on Merchants
License. Motion carried on roll call.
Regularly moved and seconded by Mr. Cooper and Mr. Stanton tha
we adjurn. Motion carried. Municipal Clerk
Regular Meeting
June 7, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in regular
session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll call showed all
resenb except Mr. Moser.
The minutes of the last regular session were read and approved.
A long discussion followed after reading letter from Gould &
ould Ins. Co. about our Fire Equipment ETC. and fire protection.
Several suggestions were made. One was to wire Col. ~K Ohlson and
Bee what he had done towards completing the pumping station near th
ock. Another, the Fire Committee to see the Army about the USO
building' The other to have the Fire Committee to make haste in get -
ing the Fire Equipment housed before winter overtook us. fkRXM.,BX
aX.B%XaKXiixRxixatRBtiaRx.RmxKKtRxx~Xa%BBXiaK Moved by Mr. Erdmann
nd seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner that Fire Protection committee to
ct in haste to have our F&re Equipment housed before winter sets i .
Iso to see about water protection. Motion carried.
Discussion followed on selling bonds to local people if the
ity was bonded to take care of the proposed New Fire Hall. Could
et hold of Col. Chamberlain and General Wbitaker to help.
Seward Electric System monthly bills and payroll amounting to
$2211.37 were read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Erdmann and se-
onded by Mr. Cooper that these bills be paid. Roll call all voted YE
Moved by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Stilwell that the Int
erest amounting to $2080.00 due the FWA be paid from the Seward El-
ectric System. Roll call revealed that all voted YES.
that this
of Seward montply payroll in the sum of $1315.62 read for
Motion made by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. ~qoper
payroll be paid. Motion carried on roll call. "
Mr. Sttlwell moved and Mr. Cooper seconded that the City Clerk
be instructed to secure the necessary supplies for City Assessor.
otion carried.
Mr. Paulsteiner made a motion to which Mr. Stanton seconded
that bids for lots this side of Glacier Stream be set at $100.00
ininum. Three voted for and Erdmann and Stilwell voted NO. Motion
Mr. Stanton made s motion to which Mr. Paulsteiner seconded
that all lots between "A" Street and Jefferson be held to ~ininum
of $75.00 per lot. Roll call showed Mr. Stanton, Mr. StilweJl and
r. Paul steiner voted YES. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Erdmann voted NO.
otion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Stan-
ton that all lots north of "A" Street be set at a mininum of $25.00
011 call showed all voted YES. Motion carried.
A bid of Eugene Thomas for Lot 10, block 7, Federal Addition
or $25.00 which had been tabled. Moved by Mr. Erdmann and seconded
y Mr. Cooper that the offer be accepted. Motion carried on roll ca 1.
Moved by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Erdmann that City
lerk notify bidders on lots that the City lots had been revalued
nd that their bids were too low. Motion carried.
Mr. ,I. C. Erwin of the OPA board was present and gave a clear
ccount of the Taxi problem to the Council. It is evident that some
hing must be done to clear the picture. Suggest that new ordinance
e drawn to cover same.
Mr. Erwin as a member of the CBamber of Commerce spoke about t e
eed of a Comfort Station. The Army is willing to help and
f Commerce willing to help to the extent of 4 or $560.00
A complaint was raised about an open toilet with no sewer conn~
ection whatever near Frank Cooper's house. Later found that this
property situated in Lot 30, Block 27 owned by Mr. DeBoe. Mr. Stil~
well moved and Mr. Stanton seconded that the City Health Officer
be notified to investigate and also to notify property owner that
he discontinue the practice and to put in ,proper toilet. Motion
carried on roll call.
Mr. Bronson was present and asked permission to buy a kit for
rehontng valve seats and valve bases. This kit would cost about
$133.00. Mr. Erdmann made a motion to which Mr. Cooper seconded
that Mr. Bronson be given permission to purchase this kit.
motion carried.
It was regularly moved and seconded by Mr. Cooper and ,Mr. Stan -
on that weadjurn. Motion carried.
Municipal Clerk.
Special Meeting
June 11, 1943
The COmmon Council of the Town 06 Seward, Alaske. convened in
Special Session at 8:00 PM. The Roll call was called and all were
present except Councilman Stilwel~.
Mr. DuFresne was present and was informed by the ~ouncil that
/ he must install a fire wall between his building and Waechter Bros.
He pleaded for more time as help was hard to eet but promised to
have wall in, in 60 days. The City offered'him the old City Dump
truck at a nominal cost.
This meeting was called for the special purpose of meeting Mr.
Manley of Anchorage who was called from Anchorage at the request of
Special Committee of three. Mr. Manley is'an Arcgitect and could
give us plenty of information on buildings. Discussion followed on
possible plans for Fire Hall. Many suggestions were offered. Most
feasible being a combined Fire Hall, City Hall, Jail, rest room,
room for fire equipment and possibly Library and OPA'offices.
It was further suggested that we try to get lot next to pre-
sent City Hall from the Dickerman Est. Think this coula be had for
$500.00. '
Mr. Manley spoke about specifications that he might have ready
about Monday.
City Clerk ~as asked to dee Forestry Department about the two
lots'that they own in Seward.
Councilman Erdmann made a motion to which Mr, Stanton seconded that
tpe City buy the lot next to present City Hall. Roll call showed
all voted YES.
Regularly moved and seconded that we adjurn. Motion carried.
Municipal Clerk.
Special Mepting
June 15, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
Special Session at 8:00 Pm. Roll call showed all present except Mt.
The minutes of the last Special Meeting were[,read for approval.
There being no objection, the minutes were approved.
Col. Johnson was present and spoke at length about the water
pipe and main that was proposed and gave clear specification and
plans of the entire picture. The Committee of three were appointed
to also work with Col. Johnson. Col. Johnson also promised to get
specifications on wood pipe.
Mr. Manley was present and presented specifications and plans
of proposed new City Hall. Many suggested changes and plans followe
Ladies of the Library were present and were well pleased with the
plans after suggesting several changes. Discussion followed about
the changes to be made.
It was further suggested that the ballots be madR tto read
$65000.00 for Municipal Building and salt water fire mains.
It was moved by Mr. Erdmannx and seconded by Mr. Stanton that
the plans of Mr. Manley be approved. Mr. Manley was also given auth ri
to send down to Seward about twelve photostatic copies of the
proposed building at his own cost.
It was moved by Mr. Cooper and seconed by Mr. Erdmann that the
City Attorney be given auth~rity to go ahead with Special Election
bonding the City of Seward to the amount of $65000.00 to cover the
cost of building a New City Hell and Salt water mains. Motion carri d
on roll call.
It wes regularly moved and seconded by Mr. Cooper and Mr.
that we adjurn. Motion carried.
Municipal Clerk.
Regular Meeting
June 21, 1943
The Common Council of the Town Of Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session with all Councilmen Present. Mr. Frank Cooper
sat in the Mayor's Chair as Mayor Pro-Tem.
The minutes of the Last Special Meeting read for information
of those present.
Col. Johnson was present with maps and specifications on the
salt water mains. Telegrams were read from Elwyn Swetmann to Glenn
Carrington & Co and their answer thereto on the cost of pipe. They
needed AA-3 priority for the pipe. Col Johnson stated that there
would be five hydrants situated at Ass Co Corner, one at Leo Dougla
corner, one near Tom Osbo's store, one at the bank and the last at
Church St. This a distance of 1310 feet with part of the pipe 8"
and part 6" pipe. Laterales would be installed at cross streets.
Also try and get hold of J. T. Cunningham and get some information
about what the A RR intends to do.
A letter was read Crom Capt. Wark of the U. S. Engineers aski g
for permission to use certain lots in the City for the purpose of
building a oil line and tanks for Fort Raymond. Motion made by
Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Stanton that permission be granted
the U S Engineers. Motion carried on roll call.
Mr. A. H. L. Meyer handed in his resignation on the Hospital
Board. Mr. Erdmann made a motion that his resignation be accpeted
Mr. Stilwell seconded. Motion acrried.
The clerk was instructed to see Mr. Kehoe and have him wire
Earl McGinty at Juneau about Seward Sewer project.
~// Another letter was read from Mayor Osbo to Gould & Gould Ins.
2b. Mr. Erdmann asked that his letter that he wrote to Gould &
,/Gould be spread on the minutes. Mr. Stilwell made a motion that
V this be done. Mr. Moser seconded. Motion carried
Mr. Stilwell made a motion to which Mr. Erdmann seconded that
thereply to Gould & Gould Ins. Co. be air mailed. Motion carried.
City monthly bills in the amount of $370.32 read for approval.
Mr. Erdmsnn mad a motion to which Mr. Moser seconded that these
bills be paid. Motion carried.
Mr. Stilwell mad a motion to which Mr. Erdmann seconded that'
the Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Wm. Baker that he had been
appointed tax assessor at a stipulated agreement of $500.00 and that
tax forms are now on hand please advise immediately when he could'
start work. Motion carried.
Discuss~on followed on Special Election and Salt Water Mains.
Mr. Ray gave good advice.
Proper motion made to adjurn until Wednesday at 8:00 PM.
Municipal Clerk
Continued Meeting
June 25, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
regular session at 8:00 Pm. Roll call showed all present except
Mr. StilwelL
Mayor Osbo'said the first thing to see about money for the
Salt Water Mains.
Councilman Erdmann made a motion to which Councilmen Cooper se
conded that the Mayor and City Clerk borrow $7500.00 for the con-
struction of a Salt Water Main. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Erdmann and seconded by Coun-
cilman Stanton that the committee on water be given permission to
purchase the necessary pipe and fittings for the salt water mains.
Motion carried.
Discussion followed on sumps and water mains with Col. Johnson
Proposed Ordinance No. 157 was then presented to the meeting
as follows:-
AN ORDINANCE amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 149 of the
Town of Seward, Alaska, enacted October 20th, 1941, and entitled "A
Ordinance for the regulation and use of streets, highway and alleys
within8 the coporate limits of the Town of Seward, Alaska, by pub-
lic carriers or motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire".
Section 1. That section 3 of Ordinance No. 149 of the Town of
Seward, Alaska, enacted October 20th, 1941, entitled, "An ORDINANCE
the same hereby is amended so as to read as follows; to-wit:
Section 3. There shell accompany each application for a lic-
ense to operate a taxi for the carriage of passengers for hire
within the corporate limits of the Town of Seward, the sum of
fifty ($50.00) Dollars, for each car or automobile so to be used,
to cover the period of one year or any fraction therof, and furthe ,
every driver of every and each licensestaxi, whether the owner of
said licensed taxi or otherwise1 shall also pay an annual license
fee in the sum of Twenty-five (~25.00) Dollars for such annual per
iod; or for any fraction of such annual period: and further, the
licenses hereby imposed shall become due and effective and payable
July 1st, 1943, and no taxi shall be operated upon which said lic-
ense fee shall have not been paid, nor shall any such licensed
taxi be operated or driven other than by a duly licensed driver as
prescribed by the provisions of this section. All provisions of
former Section 3 of Ordinance No. 149 in conflict herewith, to the
extent of such conflict are hereby repealed.
PASSED unanimously under suspension of the rules by the Comm-
on Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, and approved this 23rd.
day of June, 1943.
City Clerk
The above proposed Ordinance was read the first time.
Councilman Erdmann made a motion to which Councilman Cooper
seconded the suspension of the rules for the immediate considera-
tion of proposed Ordinance No. 157. Motion carried.
Councilman Paul steiner moved and Councilman Stanton seconded
that the Ordinance No. 157 be read the second time. Motion carried
Mr. Mose~ madea motion to which Mr. Erdmann seconded that
proposed Ordinance No. 157 be passed for third reading. Motion car
Said Ordinance No. 157 was then read for the third time and
upon roll call found all voted YES. The Mayor then announced his
approval of Ordinance No. 157 and signed the same in open session.
A motion was made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Mos
er that account of Mr. Baker not being able to do the assessment
that a new assessor be appointed. Motion carried.
A motion made by Mr. Paul steiner and seconded by Mr. Cooper
that Harry Southard be appointed Tax Assessor for the year at a
price not exceeding $500.00. Motion carried.
Discussion followed on Bonds and Ordinance to he made.
Evelyn Ratchford's bid for Lots 24, 82 and 17, Block 10,
Laubner addition for $153.90 was read for approval. Motion made by
Mr. Stanton and seconded by Mr. Paul steiner that this bid be accep
Motion carried.
Mr. Ollie Bryant's bid for Lot 18, Block 10, Laubner additio
$50.50 was read. Motion made by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by
Cooper that bid be accepted. Motion carried.
Mr. Henry Horton offered $70.00 for Lots 5 & 6, Block 10,
Federal Addition. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by
Mr. Cooper that bid be aecepted. Motion carried.
Mr. E. W. Barnhusst offered ~ ",.. for lots 39 and 40. Block 15
City. Motion made by Mr. Moser and seconded by Mr. Stanton that bid~
be accepted. Motion carried.
As there was no further business appearing the meeting was ad-
jurned until Monday June 28, 1943.
Regular Meeting
June 28. 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in regular
session at 8:00 PM. All present except Mr. Stilwell.
Mr. Ross Mann was present and offered objection to Ordirience
No. 157. After about one hours discussion, Mr. Mann left the Coun-
c 11 Chambers.
Much discussion followed on the proposed new building and meth-
od of bonding and the interest to be charged.
Mr. Erdmann made a motion to which Mr. Stanton seconded that
we proceed with the Ordinance and the $50000.00 Community Building.
Motion carried on roll call.
Proposed Ordinance No. 158 was then presented to the meeting
as fol1ows:-
~ ~
The above proposed OrdinancA was read the first time.
Mr. Erdmann made 8 motion and secondAd by Mr. Stanton the
the rules be suspended for the immediate consideration of proposed
Ordinance No. 158. Motion carried.
Mr. Cooper moved and Mr. Moser seconded that Ordinance
No. 158 be read for the second time. Motion carried.
Councilman Paulsteiner made a motion and Councilman Erd-
mann seconded that the Ordinance be passed for the third reading.
Said Ordinance No. 158 was read for the third time and the clerk
called the roll and found all voted YES.
The Mayor then announced his approval of Ordinance No. 15
and signed the same in open session.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the Council
instructed the clerk to cause to be published in the Anchorage
Daily Times the following notice and call for a Special Election
be held August 3rd, 1943, pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 158
Discussion followed on new hospital member to be appointed to
board. Finally was proposed that committee see Mr. Or1ander and
arrange for a meeting of the board.
Mr. Cooper moved and Mr. Moser seconded that >>IX ~XK!~XBKXKX
6KKKXXK~!XXKX S V F D be donated $25.00. Motion carried.
Mr. Barnhusst made a bid of $125.00 for lot 35, Block 15, Cit~.
Mr. Moser and Erdmann regularly moved and seconded that bid be accEpted.
Motion carried.
j- ~..
Mr. Sheward made a bid of LOO.OO for lots 5 & 6, Block 18.
regularly moved and seconded by Pau1steiner end Stanton that bid bE
accepted. Motion carried.
No further business appearing the meeting was adJurned.
'Regular Keeting
,July 6, 1943
The Oommon Counoil of the Town of Beward, Alaska convened in
regular session at 8:00'EI. All present except Mr. stilwell.
the minutes of the last regular meetings were read for approv
1. Bo obJeotion raised, the minutes were approved.
Mr. Osoar Dahl offered hydraulio pipe at the rate of .1.00 pe
foot. Motion made by Mr. Oooper and seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner tha
Oommittee be authorizec to purchase pipe. Motion carried.
The Committee composed of Mr. stanton, Paulsteiner and Erd-
nn were to work with col. Johnson on plans for survey for Water ine
Letter read from the Governor oonoerning the need of listing
r03eots that may need attention in the near future. Mr. Cooper
and Mr. Stilwell as a oommittee were to aot with the Mayor on thiS,
It was moveo by Mr. Erdmann and seoonded by 1Ir. Cooper that
he City Clerk be instruoted to notify Mr, Bronson that his total
sales around the town could not be over $60.00 for the month.
otion oarried. '
The Seward Eleotrio s,ystem bills in the amount of $2332.17
ere r.ad for approval. Regularly moved by Mr. Erdmann and seoonded
by 1Ir. Stanton that bilis ~e paid. Kotion Carried.
Town of Seward bills in the amount of $1676.93 read for app-
roval. Ltoved by lIr. stanton and seoonded by .r. Koser that bills be
paid. Kotion oarried.
Koved by, Ltr. Cooper and seoonded by lIr. Erdmann that the I
$7600.00 be ~ept in a ser.rate fund. Kotion oarried.
. ,
Bid was ~ntered for a parcel of land near Nils Hagen and was
rejeoted on aooount not clear title. '
bid was entered for lots 24 and 26, Blook 24, $76.00 eaoh.
lIlotion made b1' 14r. Erdmann ahd seoonded b1' Mr. Paulsteiner that bid
be aocepted. Motion oarried.
The Olerk' was instructed to a~ain write the Seward Drug about
bill due th~ City in the amount of '162.38 and also bill the Bank
of ,Seward for .82.50 for di~ging up sewer.
Motion made b1' llr. Paulsteiner and seconded b1' Mr. Moser
that Kurl Trecathan be appointed on th. Hospital Boar~. Motion
Mr. Er~mAnn and Mr. stanton were to work as a oommittee on
the hospital lease.
>>0 further business appearing, the meeting was adjurne.
City Clerk
Speoial .eeting
Ju11' 12, 19-i3
Present ..ere Mr. Paulsteiner, I'rank Cooper, lIr. Al Moser
and Mr. Erdmann.
Ibis meeting oalle~ to order for the purpose of giving Mr. L.
V. Ray the authority to draw u.p power of attorney in :favor of Jlr.
J. H. Johnson in Seattle. This in oonnection with the purchase
of pipe and fittings for the Salt water mai
Jlotion made by 1Ir. l'aulateiner ani aeoonied by Mr. Cooper th~t
Mr. Ray be authorized to Iraw up power of attorney in favor of lIr.
J. R. Johnson in Seattle. Motion oarried.
After whioh the meeting wasnadJurned.
City Clerk
Regular Meeting
Jul;y 19, 1943
The Common Counoil of the Town of' Seward, Alaska oonvened in
regular session at 8:00 PM. All members ..ere present except Mr. M089r.
The II1inutee of the last regular .ession and the speoial meetoLng
.ere read for approval. '
A petition was read from the property owners above the Van
Gilder hotel for an add1t10n to the present sewer up to the Spio
and Span Laundry. After'di8oussion, deoided to leave to oommittee
on sewers, warves.
, The disoussion then s.itohed to the water supplies and ho..
te naeq the sitnaaUon. A oommittee of lIr.' stllwell and Jlr. Erd-
mann ..ere to find' out what oou14 be done.
:Dlsoussion' followed about 1aok of monuent8 in the 8treets
and the liffiou1t;y of propert;y ewners finding their true propert,.
11nes. .
ll01l10n m&4e by Jlr. ErU..l:n'l an4 seoonded b;y'Ilr. Cooper that
City b1118 in the amount of .890.35 be pall. Motlon oarried. .
i / 1I.01l10n made by 1Ir. Erdmann an4 seoonded by Mr. Btanton that
. J the City Clerk send Ilrs. Coulter a noUce to vaoate that part of
I the, property now opupiea by her ohicken hou.e that is in the street
. The letter \0 ask for, reg18ter reoeipt. .otion oa7r1ed.
Mr. Er4mann spoke at great 1enghth on modern impl'ovements
for the City and help that might oome from the Army. Old grants
coull be opened up. Re a180 8uggested that letters oould be startec
on due oourBe to open the old grants. )lotion male by Mr. stanton
anA seoonded by Kr. Pauls'beiner that llr. Erdmann confer wl th Mr.
Bay anA Ool~ Ohamber1ain to 40 ..batever is neceasar.y to start the
ball rolling. Motion oarried.
1Ir. Er4marm also spoke about buying Seward Light and. Power
llre. KDight wouli be willing to accept a neutral appraiser's
not10e. .
. No farther bUBineS8 appearing, the me.ting ad3urnei.
r-- .
Attest :-
City Clerk
101 '1
. Regular Meeting
!.ugu!:'t 2, 1943
The C0~mnn Council of the Town of S~ward, Alasks convened in
regular session at 8:- PM. All members pre'se.nt eX0ept Mr. ~1.1 !v'n~pr.
Lt. Lomen of the Army wes present Bnd spoke at some len~th on
the sanitary conditions in town and remedies for e~me. Be ~l~o
spoke ?bout health code necessary.
Mr. Stilwell made a motion that Dr. Weston An~ Lt. Lomen ~ork
wit~ Mr. Ray to draft a health code. Motion ~8rried.
Motion made by Mr. Erdmann end seconded by Mr. Stantnn that
Mr. Ray proceed with the prnper methods necessary to get clear
title to street through Mrs. Coulters place that lies in the street.
Motion carried.
Motien mede by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Cooper that Street
Committee be Authorized to make 9 preliminary survey. Motion ~arri .d.
Motion m?de by Mr. Stanton and seconded by Mr. Stilwell that
Mr. Harold S. Horton be notified in writing to clear the street
property of his debris on sixth Ave. within fifteen days.
Motion carried.
The Committee reported that the Army had about completed their
water system. This would releive the water shortage. The Army
said that they would be prepared to assist the City in 8n emergenc
with their water system. Mayor Osbo spoke about getting such assis-
tance in writing from Captain Wark of the USED.
Motion made by Mr. Stanton ~nd seconded by Mr. Pa111steiner yha
all rules be suspended. Motion carried.
Motion made by Councilman Cooper and seconded by Councilman
Paulsteiner that the following resolution he adopted. Motion carrivd.
\ -/
RHEREAS, there has been filed with the Federal Works Agency
for and in behalf of the Town of Seward, Alaska, a municipal cor-
poration, (herein called the "Owner"); and application for Feder-
al assistance under the Defense Public Works program, and the
United States of America, acting by and through the Feeera1 Works
~dministrator, has transmitted to the Owner an offer of Federal
assistance in connection '~ith the public works referred to in said
application and described in said Offer; and
WHEREAS, said Offer has been duly read in open meeting and
has been fully considered in every respect in accordance ~ith the
pertinent rules of procedure and legal requirements; and
WHEREAS, said Off~r has been made a part of the ptb1ic
records of the Owner; and
~HREAS, it is deemed advisible and in the public interest the
eaid Offer be accepted:
NOW, THEREFOHE, be it Resolved by t'!<1e Common Council of thE!
Town of Seward, ~laska, that the said Offer of the United St~tRS 0
America, a true snd correct copy of which is hereto attached, be
and the same hereby is accepted without rpservation or qualificati. n
Adopted by the Common Council of the town of Seward, Alaska
on this 2nd. day of ~ugust, 1943, under su~peneion of the rules.
Approved on this 2nd. day of Augu~t, 1943, by Thorwald Osbo ,
mayor of the town of Seward, Alaska, a municipal corporation.
Title of Officer Required to Approve
Motion made by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Cooper that SewErd
Electric System of $45.00 for hospital hills be p8id. Motion carri d
Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded hy Mr~ Stilwell that
Seward Electroc System bills in the amounti of $2154.74 be paid.
Motion carried.
Town of Seward, Alaska monthly payroll amounting to $1490.30
read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded
by Mr. Cooper that these bills be paid. Motion carried.
Letter read from Mrs. Robert Stewart of the Missionary Society
to Mr. d. C. Erwin concerning the Hospital Lease. The Clerk 58S
instructed to notify Murl Trevethan that he was appointed on the
Hospital Board. Discussion followed on the Hospital Lease and the
advisibility of clearing this matter.
Proper motion was msde to adjurn. Motion carried.
August 5, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska conven~d
in special session this date at 4:00 PM by special call to con-
vass the ballots and votes cast at the MHHI~I~KXXE Special Elect-
-ion for the Town of Seward on August 3, 1943.
Present were Councilmen Erdmann, Stanton, Cooper, Paul steiner
and Moser.
After examination of the ballots cast and the comparison of
the votes cKounted and a complete recheck of all the challenge
votes, and a thorough inspection of the records snd data and
certificates presented to the Municipal Clerk by the ~ection
Board at the close of the day proceeding, the following resolu-
tio~ was presented: TO WIT
~~EREAS, in accordance with the laws of the Territory of Ala~k~
and the ordinance of the City of Seward, Alaska, and the forms
aAd notices of election duly given and issued, that a Special
Election was held in the ~own Hall in the said City on the 3rd.
day of August.1943 and;
WHEREAS, in accordance with the duly prepared and correct
certificates filed with Harold Painter, Municipal Clerk by the
officers of said election, that the result of said election showed
163 votes were and;
Whereas; eccord.1ng to the laws of the Territory of Alaska, it
requires 65% of the votes cast to pass said bond issue. To~t_$aid
election showed that ~ votes were voted FOR BONDS and 3~votes
were voted AGAINST BONDS. Therefore, the Election was carried.
! ;,~:
TOWN OF SENARD, ALASKA, that in accordance with the wishes of the
VOTERS of said town, as set forth by the results of said election,
the bond issue was carried.
Passed unanimously by the Co~mon Caouncil of the Town of Sewar(
Alaska on this 5th. day of August, 1943
On due motion, the meeting was adjurned at 4;30 PN.
City Cle k
~ ' (..~:
1') ."~
, ,...1
Rpgular MRet'
~ l11g
lOr- ~
. .. ;)
Regull'lI' Hepting
September 9, 1~4~
The Common Council of the Town 8f SewRrd, Alas~a convened in
regular session at R:25 P. M. with 811 memberF present excc~t Mr.
Moser and Mr. Stilwell.
Since the minutes of the 18st meetin~ h8d not heen written up
it W8S decided tn hnld the ~eetine open until sunh a time 8S they
nuld be worked u~.
Mrs. Knight of the Seward Lifht ~nd Power re1uested permission
to raise the telephone ratfJs. During the dt srussjon which followed
Mr. Paulsteiner stated that it his opinion that the City Council
,ad no authority OVPI' such m~tters. Mrs. Kni~ht then asked if Sept
ember 9 would be considered 9S the beginning of the thirty d8Y rp-
quired by certain re~ulationE requiring a thirty day notice for thp
advance in rRtes. It was su~gested bv Mr. Rev that the O.P.A. held
authority over the Oity Coun;{l. At ~he sugg~stion of Mayor Osho
the question was held over.
Mr. Keating as Kpd if anything was being done about getting
w8ter to Ilroperty on the north end of Second A.vel''1Ie. MT'. Rrdman
stated that he had ~0ne o~er the situation but was holding the ~att ,r
in aheyance until he AOU'~ a~Aer~D~n thp finAnciAl condition of the
nit:'. According to Mr. 5tentondllI~t!!ix '1". H"1rry Hoben s'3id thAt
there were insufficient users In thAt ~pct1on to WArrent the expen~ -
tures. T'r\e WAter users in thet district h8ve sufficient iron niDe
to tAke w8ter to their Ilroperty if trey CRn Abtain ~ermis~ion to-
tie on the mAin.
Develo~ment of Second Avenue wes discussed. Work on this pro-
ject is to continue. In this connection Mr. Kesting was Advised
not to do 8ny building until the work was comDleted.
~ .~
The question was r~ised by Mr. Henton if the business firms
nuld be permitted to instAll lights and Eigne. HI" was advised hy
the Mayor that the Army W8S favorAble towBrds s11~h " :nOVO And thAt
he would re~uest the different business houses to le8ve sufficient
1 ights on at night sn that there 'Noulr1 bA f3uffi dent 1 igfut for 0r9
to see his way.
Mr. Ray presentAd Ordinance No. 159 to thA Council. It Nas
DAssed. !1.ccordinl1: to a wire fro'1l Trick 'lnrl '~llrN'y the !",rinting of
the bonds will cost $2Rn.oo.
Letters wer9 read from Mr. McGintey and Mr. Manley cnnce1"ning
the erection of the City HAll.
WAyor OSb0 recommended the appointment of Harrv L. Smith AS
01+y Clerk And Megistrgte.
l~ction by Mr. Cooper, secened by Mr. St<3ntnn th8t f18.rry I. S"-,1 >r
he Appointed City Clerk. Mntion ~8rried.
Mntion by Mr. Cooper, secon~ed hy Mr. PAul steiner that Hqrry
L. Smith be ?0pointed City MA~\strate. M~tinn carried.
Meyor Osbo stAted thAt he wnulJ Ask Mr. HAre tn Attend thF
~eeting nf September In And submit a price on the Audit of the city
The 1uestinn of the purchase of the SeWArd Li~ht And Pnwer WAS
presented by Mr. Rrdm'ln After vlhich he reAr] 8 letter from Gov. (}T'1J8
nin~ i~ which the Governor sooKe favorablv of the Durchase. Mr.
Erd~An then 8sked for permis~ion to obtAi~ a self-iinuidatinl1: loan
8nd for !",Armission to write to the RFC ~skin~ for definite instruc-
tions for securing said locn. This loan is for the ourchase nf the
SeWArd Li~ht and Power.
Mntion by Mr. Conper, seconded by Mr. Stanton Mr. Erdman And
Mr. Ray be authori7ed to write to the RFC ra~arding the DurAhAse
of SeWArd Light and Power. Mntion carried. - -
It was the opinion of the M8yor thqt before connecticn~ with
sewer Are covered they should be ins~ected by the Fire chief.
Mr. Erdman Asked the question as to whether or not tre new
theater was sAtisfactory in reg~:l)"d to s9fety. It 1/I!QS repe rted
satisfActory. However during the discussion which followEd it
was pointed out by Mr. Adams thet AX wireing WAS a 8 fire hAzard.
After the discussion it WAS moved by Mr. Erdman and E ec::m01'r1
by Mr. Cooper that Mr. ~dqws b~ q~Dointed to in~rect the, ireing
in the the8ter. Motion cRrried.
The City Clerk was directed to write q letter to ~r. Adams
notifyin? him of this action.
The meeting wqs held ODen for the following evenin~, Sept-
ember 10, 1943.
Se~r~~bqr 10, 194~
Continu8tion of REGtTt,AR M~H:1'PW 'Jf Sl'pt. 9,1943
Those present .,'''ore: Mayor Os\>o end C:ouncilmer ~r<1ntrn, ~nnFler
Erdman, and P9u18teiner.
Petition to h9ve cert8in buildin~s on Lots 33 Bnd 34 Bloc~ l~
removed was presentp~ to the Coun~il.
Th~ City psyro11 was rr~8ented to th~ Council by th9 C]~rk.
Moyeri b~' Ivlr. COO?,PT' 8econded by Mr. Paul~teiner th3t ~8]~Hie~ for
I\ugust be paid. Motion carried. -f
The Seward Electric System payroll was pr8sentp.d to t[he Cnun-
cil by the Clerk. Moved by Mr. P8u]steiYl",r sec0nded hy by WI'.
Coorer that the August salaries be ~qid. Motion c8rrie0.
Bills for the salt ~Ater ill8ins were presenter] ro t~e
Council r-'T the CIRY'k. M!"1ved h" Mr. 1'i;rri",RYl seconded hy I!r.
Coor'lr th~t thf> hills '1)", pe>id: Motinn CArried.
Mayor Osba stated thRt: An Rud\t of the City of Se"prd
aori the Sew"'rd Ele~tric Svste~ hO!"1ks shoulri be ~Drl~. Mr.
Hgre wes asked tn "',8ke the 8udi t. ~eol"1in/i" t()Mr;-'fot!t~
fJlteteman~""the' Genep&-l~.er.~ad not been posted si~e thel
last audlt;Aprl1 10, 194:1r.
It wes move~ by Mr. Erdman seconded by Mr. St:8Dton that
th8 books be 1-Jroufl1t '1P t!"1 08tf> hy Mr. HerA. ~~otinn CArried.
Mr. Moody representing the Sewp~d ChBrn~er of C0rnmerc~
introduced the ~uestion as to wh~ther or not the Sewprd W9ter
Syer~m holds 8 fr9nchise. After 8 ~Rther Ipn~thy diRcuesion
Mr. Moody WBS referred to Mr. RAY, City ~ttorney. Accnrrting
to Mr. 15rd:rni"n Mr. Hoben hd stated th8t the Sew-.rd Water Sys-
tem franchise had expired in lQ40.
Meyor Osbo Rsked Mr. Bronson if he cou1.1 begin ~rectiQn
of Rtreet lights in residential districts. According to Mr.
Bronmon the business men of Seward will be glAd to help fi-
Moved by Mr. Cooper end seconded hy Mr. Stenton thAt the
meeting Adjourned. Matior ~"'rried.
City Clerk
Regular Meeting
September 20, 1943
The Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in
egular session at 8:20 P. M. with the following members present:
. Cooper, Acting Mayor. Councilmen Stanton, Stilwell, Erdman,
aulsteiner, and Moser.
Mr. Peel presented his 1942 tax and asked that it be compaired
ith that of 1943. On cheoking the reoords it was found that Mr.
eel's taxes for 1942 amounted to ~59.00 while for 1943 they were
120.25. This is an inorease of more than 100%.
Mrs. E. W. Knight, Manager of the Seward Light and Power appea
nd requested that the Council approve increase in telephone rates
ollows: Business, 2 party lines $1.00, 4party lines $1.00, 4 Trun
ines to Post tlO.OO each. Residence, main line $0.50, 2 party lin s
1.00, 4 party lines $1.00, 6 party lines $0.50, extension bell $0. 5
he stated she had the approval of OPA b~t that the OPA had stated
he must get the approval of the City Counoil. After some discussi n
n relation to rates and losses it was moved by. Mr. Moser and secon -
d by Mr. Stanton that the requested raises be approved. Motion
Mrs. Conally asked for permission to install .a loud speaker
n the lOOF Hall.
Motion by Mr. Stilwell seconded by Mr. Erdman that permission
e granted. Motion carried.
Mr. Clarence'mada a bid of $50.00 on the Model A Ford truck
hat belongs to t e ~eward Eleotrio System. This truck was to be
sed by Mr. Keating Ss in oonneotion with the Home Guard. Motion
y Mr. Erdman seconded by Mr. Stanton that the truok be sold to Mr.
eating for $50.00. Motion lost.
Mr. Keating asked if the Ball Park near the lagoon in the nort
nd of town could be flooded this winter for a skating rink.
otion by Mr. Stilwell seconded by Mr. Stanton that permission be
ranted. Motion carried.
A letter from Mr. Holben, Fire Chief, was read asking that the
chool tax be paid for the volunteer firemen inasmuch as they were
ot exempt from this tax by the new l~w. After 'some discussion it
as moved by Mr. Paulsteiner and secon'ed by Mr. Stilwell that the
iremen's pay be raised to '1.50 per month. Motion carried.
Motion by Mr. stanton seconded by Mr. Erdman that Mr. Hare
end the necessary wire to the Territorial Treasurer asking the
tatus of Mr. Painter's territorial accounts. Motion carried.
The following bills were presented to theCounoil
ount due Seward Eleotrio System for funds deposited
o City acoount 9/11/43
ene Ericson Typeing Tax Notioee
helma Osbo " "
orene Rutledge" "
urroughs Adding Maoh. Co. Servloeing Typewriter
ncome Tax witheld fromEleotric System employees
by the Clerk
Motion by Mr. Erdman seconded by )~. Moser that the above
ills be paid. Motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Erdman seoonded by Mr. Stanton that the
ity Clerk require the Chief of polioe to give each offender of the
aw an authorized receipt. Motion oarried.
It was moved by Mr. Erdman and seconded
ire Chief submit a monthly pay roll listing
nd that one cheCk made to Fire Department.
o be listed on Voucher. Motion carried.
by Mr. Moser
names of all
Names of all
that the
\ . \ -F
Motion by Mr. Erdman seoonded by Mr. Moser that Mr. Hare be
~uthoriaed to bring the City books up to date and turn them over ~
;to the City Clerk. Motion oarried.
It was moved by ,Mr. Paulsteiner seoonded by Mr. Erdman that
Mr. Ray be notifiea to order City Hall Bonds. Motion oarried.
A bid of $50.00 eaoh on Lots 3 and 4, Blook 18 Townsite was
submitted by J. H. Sheward. It was moved by Mr. Moser and seconde
by Mr. Erdman that the bid be aooepted. Motion oarried.
A letter of protest on the YKY" rise in taxes was reat from
Mr. Walter Holben in whioh he pointed out that his taxes h~d been
raised from $28.00 for 1942 to ~44.50 for 1943. The Counoil took
no aotion.
I i
A letter from Mril~. Senft ,protesting her rai,se in taxes was
read but no aotion was taken.,
Lease No. W.3710.eng-179 was returned by Harrison R. Kinoaid,
Real Estate Direotor" U. S. Engineers, Anohorage, Alaska together
with release papers. This matter was presented to the Council
but no aotion was taken.
UJl1ted 3tates Treasurer oheckes No. 72,626 and No.404,'202
both in payment of rentals were presented to the Council but no
action was taken.
It was moved by Mr. stanton and seconded by Mr. Erdman that
the meeting stand adjou~ned. Motion carried.
City Clerk
Regular Meeting
October 4, 1943
The Common Counoil of the City of Seward oonvened in regula
session at 8:20 P.M. wity the followtng membsrs: Mayor Osbo, and
Counoilmen stanton, stilwell, Paulsteiner, and Moser. Absent,
Counoilmen: Erdman and Cooper.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
~ieut. Saunders of the Post utilities wae asked by the Mayo
wBa.t assistance they oould render in street work for the oaning
winter. Lt. Saunders 'replied that the three streets used extensi
ly b~ the ArmW, i.e. Third, Fourth, and ~ifth Avenues had been an
would be patrolled by the Armw but that acoording to Col. Chamber
lain would have to be by special arrangements during off hours of
the 'enlIsted personnel and that the operators would expeot pay at
the 'rate of ~2.50 per hour. It was suggested by the Mayor that
'200.00 per month be allowed for extra labor in patrolling the
.treets. It was moved by Mr. Paul steiner and seconded by Mr.
S~ari~on ~hat '200.00 pr month be allowed to pay army personnel fo
patrolling streets and alleys. under the dIreetion of Chief HOlben.
Motion oarried.
Mrs. Connally requestecd permission to erect a 'sign at the
corner of ~ourth Avenue and Adams indicating church services in
the IOOF Hall. Motion by Mr. stilwell seconded by Mr. Stanton th
permission be granted. Motion oarried.
Mr. Harold Horton presented his tax sta~ement but the Counc
saw fit to take no aotion.
~. 1..9fB&fi
~ ';;
Capt. Loman of Fort Raymond raised the question of City Health
fficer and stated that his relations with Dr. Banister had always
leasant and saw no reason why such relations should not continue.
Mr. ~ay tendered the resignation of Dr. Weston. as ~ity Health
fficer with special thanks from Dr. Weston to the XkK Council for
heir very pleasant cooperation.
Mayor Osbo suggested that the appointment of the ~ity Health
fficer be held open until such a time as applications from Drs.
nister and Sellers and Capt. Loman could be submitted.
Capt. Loman spoke in terms of highest praise concerning the
nitary oonditions of Seward.
Mr. Johnson, Safety Engineer"tendered his services through
pt. Loman to cooperate with Chief Holben in making inspections
r fire prevention. The Oouncil acoepted Mr. Johnson's offer with
anks. .
Mayor Osbo introduoed the question of the Seward Electric
stem truck and requested the Council to grant Capt. Keating per-
ssion to use the truck in connection with the Home Guard. It was
ved by Mr. Stilwell and seoonded by Mr. stanton that Capt Keating
b granted permission to use the truok with the understanding that
C pt. Keating give the City a letter absolving the City of any and
1 responsibility of any accident whatsoever in connection with the
o eration 01 the truck. Motion carried.
A telegram was received and read from the Governor's Offioe
questing recommendation or rejeotion of the application of a dump
r Mr. Loughead. Motion by Mr. Stanton seconded by Mr. Paulsteine
at Mr. Loughead be granted the truck. Motion carried.
A letter was read from Mr. Raffensperger requesting that the
reet be moved off of his lots in order that he might build a drive
y into his property. It was pOinted out that this work was being
complished. .
It was moved by Moser and seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner that
fore a deed was issued to Mr. Nogare it would be necessary fDD him
pay taxes on the lots up to the time that the Army took them over
tion carried.
It was suggested by the Mayor that Mr. Chamberlain be permitte
purchase the old furnace on his bid of $75.00 as the oly bid re-
ived. Motion by Mr. Stilwell seconded by Mr. Moser that the bid
acoepted. Carried.
It was moved by Mr. Moser and seoonded by Mr. Paulsteiner that
following bill. authorized by the Finance 60mmittee be passed by
Motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Stilwell and seoonded by Mr. Moser that th
b 11 for $31.91 for repairing the pump on the City truck by the Res-
ent Egineer be lassed. Carried.
It was moved by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Paul steiner
at the ~ payment to the seward Electric System for funds col-
cted and deposited to the credit of the Town of Seward in the
ount of $1016.29 as authorize4riby the Finance Committee be passed.
Interest on School Bonds
Bills against the City of Seward in the amount of $661.58 were
eeented to the Council. It was moved by Mr. Paulsteiner and second
by Mr. Stilwell that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
The monthly payroll in the amount of $1463.29 was presentedto
Council. Motion by Mr. Moser seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner that
bills be paid. Carried.
A petition from the Seward Volunteer Fire D,partment was read
requesting that three additional fire hydrants be installed. They
are to be located as follows: One at the north end of Second Aven
one near the Labor Camp, and one near the standard Oil Plant. It
was moved by Mr. Stanton and seconded by Mr. Stilwell that these
fire hydrants be installed under'the dire4tion of the Fire Chief a
that the Seward Water Supply be notified to that effeot. Carried.
Bills for the Seward Eleotric System in the amount of $2511.0
were presented to the Counoil. It was moved by Mr. Stilwell and
seconded by Mr. Moser that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
The Monthly payroll of the Seward Eleotrio System was present
to the Counoil. Amount $1698.90. It was moved by Mr. Stilwell an
seoonded by Mr. Paul steiner that the Bills be 'aid. Motion carrie .
. ,
Ootober 11, 1943
Reoessed Session of October 4, 19.
The meeting of the Common Counoil of the City of Seward was,
oalled to order by Mayor Osbo at 8:30 P. M. Those present were:
Counoilmen stanton, Cooper, Paul steiner, and Moser. Those absent
were:Counoilmen:Erdman and Stilwell.
The resignation of Dr. Weston as City Health Officer was brou t
before the Counoil. It .as moved by Mr. Stanton seconded by Mr. P 1-
steiner that the resignation 'of Dr. Weston as'City Health Officer
acoepted. Motion oarried. The Clerk was directed by the Mayor to
writer a letter og thanks to Dr. Weston for his services.
The appointment of a City Health Offioer was presented by the
Mayor. It was moved by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Moser that
Dr. Ray G. Banister be appointed City Health Officer. RI~Y~~. The
salary to be $26.00 per month. Carried.
A letter was read from Mrs. Katherine Rager, Clerk, Seward
School Board requesting $2500.00 of the city's portion of the scho 1
budget fot the school year 1943-44. It was moved by Mr. Paulsteiner
and seconded by Mr. Stanton that this be paid. Motion carried.
A letter was read from Mr. Hoben of the Seward Water Supply
assuring the Counoil the heartiest oooperation in the installation
of the three fire hydrants oreviously requested.
Bids for the position of City Health Offioer were read from
Drs. Banister and sellers. That of Dr. Banister was accepted.
The follvwing olaims against the City were presented by the
Territorial collections
Inoome tax witheld from employees
George Richardson, Street Dept.
It was moved by Mr. Stanton seoonded by Mr.
the bills be Paid. Motion carried.
Paulsteiner that
A voucher in favor of U.S. Treasurer against the Seward Eleot
!ystem as a ~efund for Army labor was presented by the Clerk. It
was moved by Rr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Paulsjeiner that the
voucher be paId. Motion oarried.
The question of the Hospital Lease was introduced by the Mayo .
It was moved by Mr. Moser and seoonded by Mr. Cooper that the leas
be exeouted with oorrespondenoe concerning the lease attached. Car
The question of repairs to the oabin near the lower end of th
tunnel was introduoe by the Clerk. After some disoussion it was
moved by Mr. Cooper and seoonded by Mr. stanton that the oabin be
sold and the Xka Clerk advertieefoabin for sale by sealed bils, bi s
to be opened October 19 at 8:00 P. M. Motion carried.
The petition for the construction of a concrete sidewalk on
lfth Avenu~ was presented by the Mayor.. After some discussion
t was moved by Mr. Stanton and seconded by Mr. Cooper that the Cle
e ordered to secure the remaining signatures of property owners af
ected and that he advertise for bids for the construction of the
idewalk, bids to be opened at eight P. M. October 19, 1943 in the
ouncil Chamber. Bidders must conform to the following specificati
Sidewalk to be nine feet six inohes wide by six hundred feet
ong by four inches thick with a six inch gravel fill underneath. t e
urb to be six inches wide by ten inches deep. Concrete is to be a
ne to five mixture with Resurrection River sand and gravel as aggr -
ate. It is to be finished rough with wood trowel and blocked off
ive foot squares. The Council reserved the right to reject any or
11 bids.
A request to construct a ooncrete sidewalk in front o~ the
uilding was presented from Mr. Wright of the USO. It was moved by
. cooper and seoonded by Mr. Stanton that permission be granted
ith the understanding that the ~ usa is to submit a survey show
n ground grade and sidewalk grade and that the new walk must tie i
nd conform with the present walk. This is subjeot to the approval
f the City Council.
An offer by Axel Peterson to build the sidewalk on Fifth Ave-
was read by the C~erk. Sinoe bids had not been requested it wa
opinion of the Council that the offer at a cost of $4440.00 cou
be oonsidered.
Regu~ar Session
October 18, 1943
The Meeting of the Common Counoil of the vity of Seward, alask
was called to order by Mayor Osbo at 9:00P. K. Those present were:
Councilmen stilwell, Cooper', Erdman, and Pauleteiner. Absent were:
Councilmen stanton and Moser.
The minutes of t'he last meeting were approved as read.
By order of the ~Layor the Counoil went 'into KK Executive Meet-
The Auditor's Report was presented to the Council by Mr. Ray
C, Hair. In this report l1r. Hare pointed o'ut the deplorable con-
dition of the Delinquent Tax Rolls. It was movec by Mr. Erdman and
seconded by Mr. Cooper that Mr. Chamberlain be hired to establish
ownership of all property listed on the Delinquent Tax Re'oords.
Motion carried.
The Common Council recessed into Regular Session.
It was moved by Mr. Erdman and Seconded by Mr. Cooper that the
Auditor's report be accepted. Motion carried.
The following bills were presented to the Council and payment
was authorized:
Ray C. Hair, Auditor
seward Library, Rent for September & Oct.
Anchorage Sand and Gravel, DepOSit on Sewer
Chase National Bank, Fee for Paying bonds
It was movec by Mr. Erdman and seoonded by 1~. Cooper that the
City of Seward purchase a police car similar if not identical to t
one purchased by the Anohorage Police Department and that negotia-
tions be initiated through the OPA for the purchase. Motion oarrie .
A bid of $100.00 each on Lots 5 and 6 Blook 17 in Seward Town
si te was submitted by Mr. Foy E. Malloaoy. It was moved by Mr. Pau -
steiner and seconded by Mr. Erdman th~t the bid be accepted .
~otion carried.
OCTOBER 18. 1943
A bid of $10.00 for Lots 24 @nd 25 Blook 26 Seward Twwnsite
was submitted by Mr. Ira B. Miller. It was moved by Mr. Erdman anc
seconded by Mr. Cooper that the bid be acoepted provided that ther<<
is no legal reason why these lots whioh lie in the old Lowell Oreel
bed should not be sold.
A protest was made by Pete
his improvements. It was moved
well that the assessment stand.
Miohelson against the assessment OJ
by Mr. Erdman and seconded by Mr. ltilw
Motion carried.
A revised personal property tax statement of H. M. Murray was
presented to the Counoil for its consideration. It was moved by Ml .
Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Erdman that the revised statement be
aocepted. Motion Carried.
At the suggestion of the Clerk the Council directed that Carl
Ling and C. P. Gilliland submit notarized personal property tax
statements for consideration of the Counoil.
The Council reoessed to meet at 8:00 P. M. October 19. 1943
for the purpose of obening bids for the construction of the sewers.
Reoessed Session
The Common Council of the City of Seward. Alaska re-oonvened j n
Regular Session to open bid on the oonstruction of the Seweres. Tt e
bic of the Territory Construction Company of Sitka, Alaska was the
only bid reoeived.
Those ,resent were:
Paulsteiner. and Moser.
Mayor Osbo and Counoilmen Cooper. Erdman.
Absent. Couoilmen stanton and Stilwell.
A motion to suspend all rules was made by Mr. Paulsteiner and
seconded by Mr. Erdman. Motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Moser and seoonded by Mr. Paulsteiner tha1
the bid of the Territory Construction Company, Sitka. Alaska. the
only bid reoeived. subjeot to the approval of Mr. Earl D. MoGinty,
District Engineer. FilA. Motion carried. Those voting Aye wer~:
Councilmen Cooper. Erdman. Paulsteiner. and Moser. ~ Councilmel
Stanton and Stilwell were absent.
It was moved by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Moser that the Mayor
and City Clerk be granted authority to ~uthorize Mr. Hicks, the
Contraotor Representative to or~er neoessary material for extendin€
the sewer. Motion carrie..
---f-;\. .
The City Clerk was directed to write a letter to Mr. Ed Fondatn
appointing him Foreman over all street work.
R,E sn L U T' ION
NO. 50-127 N.
Whereas, the bid received for the construction of SEWER
WACILITIES in the Town of Seward, Alaska, has been duly opened,
read and c~mpared, and it appears that the TERRITORY CONSTRUCTION Q~.
is the only bidder; end
Whereas, such bid is within the avail~ble funds allocated for
said construction, known as Federal Works Agency Project No.50-127 ~.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the contract for con-
struction of said SEWER FACILITIES in the Town of Seward, A~aska,
Federal Works Agency Project No. 50-127 N, be and the same 1S here-
by awarded to the TERRITORY CONSTRU9TION GO. for'the sum ofTHLiTEEN
THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY.'rHREEand 7,5/100 Dollars ($13,783.75).
I i
October 19, 1943
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Thorwald Gsbo, Mayor, andHerry
.L. Smith, City Clerk of the Town of Seward, Alaska, respectively b
and they are hereby authorized to execu~e such construction con-
tract and any other documents, agreements or instruments in connec-
tion therewith for and on behalf of said Tpwn of Se~ard, Alaska.
BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, That it is understood and agreed be-
tween the said Town of Seward, Alaska and TERRITORY CONSTRUCTION C
awardee, that this award is tentative and may be rescinded or can-
celled at any time prior to written notification that the award is
final, and such notification is authorized upon receipt by the
Town of Seward, Alaska of appropriate data from the District 8ngi-
neer, Federal Works Agency.
Passed and approved by the GOi~on vouncil of the Town of Sews d
Alaska, on this 19th day of October, 1943.
Thorwald Osbo, Mayor
ATTEST: /Z' ~ ~
~ ~~.
Harr~mith, City ~lerk
I, Harry L. Smith, City Slerk, hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true allnd correct copy of the original passed and approved by
the Common Council, isgned by the Mayor and City Clerk and sealed
with the corporate seal of the Town of Seward, on this 19th day of
October 1943.
Harry L. Smith, City Clerk
On proper motion and second meeting was adjourned.
Attest: ~
* * ~ * c ~ * * *
Regular Meeting
November 1, 1943
The regular session of the Common Council of the ~own of ~war
'las~a was called to order by Mayor Osbo at 8: 15 :L'. IIi. with all mem
ers pre sent.
1'he minutes of the last meeting were approvec as read 'lfi th the
following correction:
OF SE\,Ert ~'ACILITn;S, ~'EDERAL \/Oi{KS AGEIWY PRU.T.r:CT HO. 50-127 l~
. , ,
Mrs. Luella James addressed the meeting and explained that it
as necessary for her to leave Seward for an indefinite time she I
ould like for the City to assist her in making arrangements for
isposing of her u~dertaking establishment. After some discussion
he Mayor appointed the following committee to see what arrangement
could be made. Committee, Councilmen Stilwell and Stanton.
Mr. Brdman introduced the question of Mr. Van ~irk's possibili y
of being called into the servioe and suggested that Mr. Van Lirk be
grar-ted a three months leave of absence without pay and should he
fail to get into the service he be given his job back. Due to the
fact that a good man might not be interested in a temporary appoin
ment the Mayor did not favor this aotion. At the olose of the dis
oussion it was moved by Mr. Stilwell and seconded by Mr. Erdman th t
the City Clerk write a letter of reoommendation for Mr. Van Kirk.
Motion oarried.
It was the opinion of Mayor Osbo that either the Fire Chief 0
the Chief of Polioe should remain at the Fire Hall.
On the introduotion of the question of Night viatobman by Mr.
Erdman Mr. Paulsteiner moved and Mr. Cooper seoonded that the City
Clerk advertise for applioations for the position of Night Watch-
man and Janitor at the Fire Hall at asalary of $300.00 per month.
Applioations to be opened November 15. 1943. Motion oarried.
Mayor Osbo asked that the Committee on Fire 'roteotion appoint
one of the Firemen.. to serve Fire Warden on windy nights.
A note was read by the Clerk from Mrs. Balderston to the effe
that sinoe she paid taXes on only 5~bof her stock last year that w
all she expeoted to pay on this year. The clerk was instruoted by
the Council to notify Mrs. Balderston that she would be expected t
pay on the fUll amount of her stock for the year, 1943.
It was moved by Mr. Paul steiner and seconded by Mr. Erdman th
the foll~wing resolution be passed.
Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Seward.
Alaska, in regular session assembled that all taxes, both Real and
?erBonal. for 1943. shall be declared delinquent on Deoember 15.
1943. Motion oarried.
It was moveo by Mr. Erdman and seconded by Mr. Cooper that
letters of thanks be written to Col. Chamberlain and Maj. Warklfor
their sple6did oooperation during their periods of duty at this
station. Motion carried.
Mr. Paulsteiner raised the question and pOinted out undesirab"-
lity of establishing a prophylactic station on the property of Mr.
Ottosaa. A petition of property owners affected was suggested by
the Mayor as the proper approach to the Commanding Officer.
After addressin~ the Council Mr. Keating stated that the War
Fund drive ran over '1,800.00 on November 1. 1943. He then intro-
duced the KENAI PENINSULA PICTORIAL and asked the Council if the
City would like to sponsor the front page. It was moved by Mr.
Erdman and seconded by Mr. Stanton that the City sponsor the first
page of the Piotorial at a cost not to exceed $.100.00. Motion
A letter was read from Mrs. Ironside protesting her Personal
Property tax for 1943. She stated in the letter that on the same
propert1 she paid ~8.00taxe. in 1942 while for the current year
~t was ,20.00. It was moved by Mr. Erdman and seconded by Mr. Mos r
that the $20.00 tax stand. Motion oarried.
A protest from Mrs. Josie SaDitk ooncerning her ~ersonal Prop
ty tax was presented. It was moved by Mr. irdman and seoonded by
Moser that the assessment stand. Motion carried.
Bids for the City GMC Fire Truok were opened and since the bi
of 0161.00 was the only bid received it was moved by Mr. Erdman an
~ seoonded by Mr. Paulsteiner that the bid of $161.00 be accepted.
Motion carried.
. r
, 1
NOVNUBER 1. 1943
A bid of $100.00 was made
7 in the 20wnsite of Seward.
ecoded by Mr. Erdman that the
by George k~vrogeorge on Lot 37 Bloc
It waS moved by Mr.Paulsteiner and
bid be accepted. Motion carried.
A bid of $25.00 was made by Tom L. Ermatr on ~ot 27 Block 5 in
aubner Addition to the Origional Townsite of Seward. It was moved
y Mr. stanton and seconded by Mr. Moser that the bid be accepted
rovided that this lot belongs to the City. Councilmen stanton,
ooper. Paulsteiner. and Moser Voted. Aye. Councilman Stilwell vote
Io. Councilman Erdman was non-oommital.
After ohecking the records on this property the/finds that this
ot was sold to Martin L. and Edna G. Korbo May 4. 1943.
Salaries for the month of October in the amount of $2,413.80
tere presented to the Council for payment. It was moved by Mr.
ooper and seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner that the salaries be paid.
otion carried.
A bill for $31.50 for the Survey of the sidewalk on Fifth Aven e
as presented for payment. It was moved by Mr. Stanton and seoonded
y Mr. stilwell that the bill be paid. Motion oarried.
Salaries and bills of the Seward Electrio System in the amount
f $3.293.10 were presented to the Counoil for payment. It was
oved by Mr. Erdman and seconded by Mr. Cooper that the bills be
aid. Motion oarried.
On the proper motion and seoond the meeting was adjourned.
Speoial Meeting
November 5. 1943
A Special Session of the Common Council of the City of Seward.
laska waS called to order by the Mayor. Those present were:
ouncl1men stanton. Stilwell. and Erdman. Absnet. Councilmen:
ooper. Paulsteiner, and Moser.
Mr. Manley of Anohorage presented new plans for the Municipal
ullding. After a careful study of the plans the Counoil acoepted
It' was moved by Mr. Erdman and seoonded by Mr. Stanten that Mr
anly be authorized to assist the City Clerk in drawing up applioa-
ion for a Federal Grant for t he construction of the Municipal
uilding as per plans drawn and presented by Mr. Manley. Motion
On proper motion and second the meeting was adjourned.
At e st 7 '" '-...f./.
~y Clerk
Regular Meeting
N'ovember 15, 1943
Th'e Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in' regular
session at 8:00 P. M. Meeting called to order by Mayor Osbo.
Present: Councilmen Cooper, Erdmann, Paulsteiner, stanton
and Stilwell.
. Absent: Councilman Moser
Mrs. Sheldon of the Seward School Board addressed the meeting and
stated that another teacher was needed and recommended by Dr.Ryan
Mr. Roth stated that the cost,of this extra teacher would be
$2,062.50 and that ~r. Ryan would guarantee that the Territory
woufd furnish its 80% of the salary. City would pay the other
20% 9r $412.50. Motion was made by Councilman Cooper seconded
b~ Councilman Erdmann that the Council approve the hiring of
another teacher. Upon roll call all members voted AYE
Mr. Douglas Keating asked the intention of the Council regarding
the street passing his property. He stated that a previous
Council had assured the builder of his house that an 80' street
would never'be developed and with this assurance he built only 4'
from the street line. Now he has no parkin~ space.
Mr. Erdmann stated that the streets were 80T wide and that lines
would be established and must be left clear, but that the property
owners could develop a gravel walk if they so desired.
The ,letter from Mr. Clasby requesting that the U.S.O lots be deed-
ed to the U.S.A. for the sum of 1.00 was tabled for Mr. Ray's
Letter concerning insurance on fire equipemnt was read and the
Clerk was instructed to c~eck with insurance agencies.
Applications for the position of Night Watchman from Emil Fondahn
'and Ed Estes were read. Mo,tion was made by Mr. Erdmann, seconded
by Mr. Stanton th.at the application of, Ed Estes at a salary of
$300.00 per month be accepted, and that he work, under the suuer-
vision of the Fire Chief. Upon roll call, all councilmen voted
Motion was made by Mr. Erdmann, seconded by Mr. Cooper authoriztbg
purchase of parts for the Light Plant according to list submitted
by Mr. Bromson. . Upon roll call, all councilmen voted AYE.
Mr. Stilwell moved and Mr. Erdmann seconded that a letter be writt n
to Col. Archibald, Attention Utilities, requesting that the neces-
sary facilities be installed to switch onto the army plant in case
of an emergency.
Motion was made by Mr. Paulsteiner, seconded by Mr. Stilwell that
the City Clerk notify by letter the grader operator that his ser-
vices ~ discontinued and that the Clerk be authorized to settle
with him. Upon roll call all councilmen voted AYE
The Mayor requested the Council to buy Lot 35, Block 15, Seward
Townsite for $250.00 in order to clear the records. Motion was
made by Mr. Stilwell, seconded by Mr. Cooper that the city purchas
from Ragnhild Johnsen, Thorwald Osbo, Agent, deed to Lot 35, ~lock
15 for the sum of $250.00 in order to clear City records of tltle
to said lot and that the deed in question be ~xectited a~ of July 2
City Clerk was instructed to check up on Lots 5 and 6, Block 10
Federal Addition belonging to L. W. Bishop and Henry Horton.
The Cl~rk was directed to notify Mr. Loughead that Washington St.
be cleared of his material sheds and that Ogle's Garage also be
notified in writing to clear the street of unused cars. Letter to
be delivered by the Chief of Police.
Clerk instructed to check with Mrs. Lechner and with Mrs. Sauter
DECEMBER 6, 1943
December 6, 1943
The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in regular
ession at 8:30 P. M. Meeting called to order by Mayor Osbo.
Present: Councilmen, Stanton, Stilwell, Erdman, Paulsteiner
and Moser.
Absent: Councilman, Cooper.
Minutes of the previous meetings were approved as read.
A letter from Mrs. Minnie Coulter was read by the Clerk in whi h
he protested against the destruction of her property durin~ the de
elopment of Second Avenue. Mayor Osbo asked Mr. Erdman what the
onditions were when the work was completed. Mr. Erdman stated tha
o property on Mrs. Coulter's land was destroyed; that the City had
eplaced her building with a practically new one; and that Mrs.Coul er
ad been notified in ample time to make all necessary arrangements
or her chickens. The other members of the Council were of the opi -
ion that Mrs. Coulter had been dealt justly with by the City. Mayo
Osbo then advised Mrs. Coulter E~<<XXKli that the City had acted in
good faith and that any further action would have to be taken throu h
the coutts.
Mrs.Coulter told the Council that her husband had built the
ouses and that she was not able to move or to rebuild them; that
some of the strawberry plants on her land had been destroyed; and
that the street line was run before any measurements were made.
~hen questioned by the Mayor mrs. Coulter stated that she had one
undred feet of ground without running into the street.
The Council was advised by Mrs. Coulter that Mr. Fondahn told
er that they would move her cabins up onto the hill and that Mr.
Erdman promised her two houses to replace her old ones. Mr. Erdman
then told Mrs. Coulter that he had promised to try to get her a
ouse which they did.
Mayor Osbo then advised Mrs. Coulter that the Council would
take no further action until ordered to by the court.
A letter from Col. Archibald was read by the Clerk in which th
Colonel stated that to connect the Fort Raymond and the Seward Elec
tric System plants for interchange of power was impracticable.
Mr. Erdman presented a letter,which was read by the Clerk, fro
r. MacArtney Re: to the consolidation of the two light plants.
After a short discussion of the bonds for the proposed Municip 1
Building it was moved by Mr. Erdman and seconded by Mr. Stilwell th t
the Clerk ascertain the status of the bonds. Upon roll call all
councilmen voted Aye.
The purchase of a dragline and hoist for the Street Department
as presented by the Clerk. After a brief discussion it was moved
by Mr. Erdman and seconded by Mr. Stanton that this equipment be
purchased at a cost of $250.00. Upon roll call all councilmen vote
The Clerk was requested to check on mercantile licenses of the
Northern Cab. The records show that the Northern Cab has licenses
for two cars.
The question of the taxes for the current year of Mr. Peel was
introduced by the Clerk. After a short discussion it was moved by
Mr. Erdman and seconded by Mr. Moser that the assessment stand. The
Following Councilmane voted Aye: Stanton, Erdman, Paulsteiner, and
Moser. Councilman Stilwell was non-commital. Councilman Cooper
was absent.
The taxes for the current year on the Episcopal Rectory was
presented by the Clerk. After a short discussion it was moved by
Mr. Stanton seconded by Mr. Erdman that the taxes for 1943 on the
above mentioned property be cancelled. Upon roll call all Council.
men present voted Aye.
The following resolution previously signed by the Mayor and
all Councilmen was adopted.
WHEREAS, It has been determined the City of Seward would as-
sume all cost for Preliminary Work, Engineering, Legal and Admin-
istrative and Miscellaneous Costs, in order to apply all funds re-
ceived by grant from Federal Works Agency to Construction Costs,
WHEREAS, It has been determined that all such funds will be
required to meet said 60st of Construction;
1. Preliminary
2. Land and Right-of-way
3. Construction
4. Engineering
5. Legal and Administrative
6. Interest
7. Miscellaneous
IT RESOLVED, That the Federal Works Agency
change distribution of funds as set up by
1 for said Project, to confoem as follows:
From This ,Change To
150.00 - 150.00
xxx xxx
15,000.00 ~ 1,200.00
900.00 - 900.00
100.00 - 100.00
xxx xxx
50.00 - 50.00
be requested hereby to
Project Memorandum No.
Passed and approved by the Common Council, City of Seward,
Alaska, on this 29th day of November, 1943
City Clerk
Te following Financial Statement was made to the Council by
Bank Statement Balance
Less Out-standing Checks
Plus Cash on Hand, 12/6/43
~ 1
A letter from Mr. Clasby Re: usa Site was read by the Clerk.
, After a short discussion the Council passed the following Resolu-
t ion:
. .,
November 15 , 1943
concerning pplice car.
7' made
No further business app' aring, upon motion! by Mr. Stanton,
seconded by Mr. Stillwell, meeting was adjourned.
I The Clerk presented a list of checks which had been approved by
I i the Finance Com mi ttee as follows:
\1 Income Tax, $537.90; Seward Electric System, 5.96; Territorial
I Treasurer, $90.83; Forrest Kennedy, 16.62; Chamber of Commerce,
I $100.00. Motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Stilwell
that these checks be authorized. Upon roll call all councilmen
voted AYE.
The following bills, approved by the Finance Committee were pres~t d:
Hadley Company, $8.08; Seward Trading, 1.70; Staqdard Oil 00.,12.6
McMullen's, $1.8e~ Seward Water, $135.00; Ogle's Garage, 54.75;
Andy's Express, 55.68; John Paulsteiner, $293.55;Seward Light &
Power, 28.01.
Motion was made by Mr. Erdmann, seconded by Mr. Cooper that these
bills be paid. Upon roll call all councilmen voted AYE
City Clerk
Special Session
November 20, 1943.
Special session of the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska
.was called to order by Mayor Osbo at 7:45 P. M. Those present were
Oouncilmen. 8tanton,S1;11w.11:, Erdman. and Paulsteiner. Abse;nt was
Councilman Al Moser.
Mr. Erdman presented a letter from Major George C. Bestor stating
what assistance the City might expect from the Army in the install
lation of the Salt Water Main.
It was moved by Mr. Erdman and seconded by Mr. Cooper that the let-
ter from Major Bestor be made a part of these minutes. Motion car-
Fort Raymond, AlaSka
19 November 1943
Mr Tom Erdmann
City Hall, .seward, Alaska
Dear Sir:
i As a result of the disoussion held in my office this date, it
is agreed that the follvwing action will be taken subject to unfor-
seen changes in conditions:
Post to furnish four(4) men and a truck to distribute pipe.
Resident Engineer to furnish hoe and bulldozer, with operators
less it develops he has no funds to pay latter.
City to furnish a plumber, lead and babbit. .
Post to furnish six (6) unskilled men, when available,
Resident Engineer to set grade.
utilities Offioer to furnish tools as he has available.
as plumbers
Resident Engineer to furnish hoe without operator.
Resident Engineer to furnish bulldozer if available, without operator.
Assuring you again of our desire to cooperate as far as we CaD.
Yours very truly,
Major, C.A.C.
Executive offioer
It was moved by Mr. stanton and seoonded by Mr. Paulsteiner that
the City proceed with the installation of the Salt Water Main and
seoure as much assistanoe as possible from the Army. Motion Carried.
A request to use the City's old dump truok from John Bartholoma by
the Clerk.
It was moved by Mr. stilwell and seoonded by Mr. stanton that the
City Clerk be authorized to rent the old dump trlok to any respon~
sible party and that the City be absolve af any and all responsibi-
lity for any aooident whatsoever while the truok is being used undEr
rental agreement. Motion oarried.
The Clerk was instruoted to have eaoh of the three insuranoe agen-
oies write $6,000.00 insuranoe of the Fire equipment of the City 01
Seward, Alaska.
Sinoe there was no further business to come before the meeting it
adjourned on the motion of Mr. stanton seoonded by Mr. Paulsteiner.
City Clerk
-J .
For the Sale to the United States of
America of Lots 31, 32, and 33,
Block 16
BE IT ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of Seward,
duly assembled in quorum this 6th day of December, 1943, that
WHEREAS, the City of Seward held legal title to Lots 31, 3?
and 33, in Block 16 of the Seward Townsite according to the offi-
cial plat thereof, and
WHEREAS, said property has not by the City been devoted to
any public use, and
Whereas, the United States of America has instituted a condem
nation proceeding for the acquisition of said property, the same
being cause No. 8-2743 Civil in the District Court for the Third
Division, Territory of Alaska, and
WHEREAS, said property is to be and has been devoted/the buil
and maintenance of a U. S. O. structure, and
WHEREAS, the advantages to the City of Seward are far in exce s
of the value of said real estate; and that it is the desire of the
Council that the United States of America acquire said property fo
the nominal consideration of $1.00, now, Therefore,
WHEREAS, it is the judgment of this Council that it is advan-
tageous to the City of Seward that this property be acquired by th
United States of America and devoted to the above noted public use,
BE IT ENACTED that the City of Seward transfer to the United
States of America all of its right, title and interest in and to
Lots 31, 32 and 33 of Block 16 of the Seward Townsite according to
the officIal plat thereof, for the consideration of $1.00, and
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the City Attorney be and he is her -
by authorized to execute such stipulations and other documents as
are necessary to effectuate the intention of this Ordinance and
agree on behalf of the City of Seward that $1.00 is full compensat
for the lands above described taken by the United States of Americ
in th~ above mentioned condemnation proceeding.
DATED at Seward, Alaska, this 6th day of December, 1943
Municipal Clerk
I hereby certify that the above is a true, correct and full
copy of an Ordinance enacted by the City of Seward bearing the
number 159 and recorded in Volume 5 of the minutes of the City
Council for the City of Seward at page 121.
Municipal Clerk
The following bills were presented to the Council for action:
November salaries $2199.31, First National Bank, Fiscal Abent,
$69.90, Territorial Treasurer $1,341.75, Osbo's 41.08 Standard
Oil $2.95, S. L. & P. $22.13, Dr. Banister $8.00, A~dY'S Express
$63.24, Seward Hardware $3.25, Seward ~ater Supply $135.00,
Seward Metal Works $7.35, T. L. Erdman $25.00, Seward Library
$21.00, Post Recreation Fund $50.00.
It was moved by Mr. Erdman
the bills and salaries be paid.
sent voted Aye.
and seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner that
Upon roll call all Councilmen pre-
Payroll and bills for the Seward Electric System were presentej
to the Council as follows:
Gene Bronson, $330.20; Alfred Clayton, 279.12; Thomas Howell,
260.80; Carl Mueller, 250.40; James Andrews, 224.20; Bessie Malloy,
120.00; Marcus Felder, 44.51; Marcus Felder, Army Check, 169.84;
Cash; 30.00; Standard Oil Company, 763.42; Seward Hardware, 49.60;
Osbo s 41.25; McMullen's, ID.15; John Paulsteiner, 22.10; Seward
Water Supply, 5.00; First National Bank, Fiscal Agent,260..45;
Seward Light & Power, 7.50; Ogle's Garage, 15.60; H.S.Balderston,
Agent, $13.88. Total, $2,898.02.
Motion was made by Mr. Paulsteiner, seconded by Mr. Erdmann
that these bills be paid. Upon roll call all Councilmen present
voted AYE.
No further business appearing, motion was made by Mr. Stanton,
seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner that the meeting adjourn. Motion
City ClB rk
* * * * * * * * *
DECEMBER 20. 1943
The Common Counoil of the Town of Seward oonvened in regular
session at 8:10 P. M. Deoember 20. 1943 and was called to order
by lIayor Osbo.
Present were Councilmen: Stanton. Stilwell. Cooper. Erdman.
and paulsteiner.
Absent was Counoilman: Moser.
Minutes of the last session were approved as read.
IIr. Mann representing the Seward Volunteer Fire Department
introduced the lack of eo-ordination in the fire department and
stated that he had contacted Mr. Loughead who gave him a copy of
the ordinanoe on fire control of the City of Anchorage. Mr. Ray
suggested that the Fire Control Committee make a copy of the ordi-
nance and strike out those clauses not applicable to or that would
work a hardship on local businesses.
Mr. Mann asked for permission to participate in a benefit
bout in order to raise funds for building a tower for signal light
to denote the section of the city SkKX in which the fire was looat d.
This permission was granted.
DECEMBER 20. 1943. COll~IlrnED
.;...,1;< i
, It was moved by Mr. stanton and second'ed by )lr. Paulsteiner
that the Clerk write a letter to Col. Archibald requesting that he
would have the necessary ohanges made that will permit of free ao-
cess to the fire hydrant at the lower end of Adams street near the
Standard Oil Plant in order that the fire eng1ne can reach the
fire hydrant without dealy. upon roll call all Counoilmen present
voted AYe.
Mr. Myers promised that he would install fire hydrants as
a~ soon as possible.
As a committee to draw up a Fire Ordinance the Mayor appoint-
ed the following members: Councilmen stanton. Stilwell. and Cooper.
~hese,Co~oilmen are to work ,With Mr. ~ay.
Acoording to Mr. Ray's statement the Building Ordinanoe was
in the Clerk's office last summer. '
The agreement between theU:atT' <<lrB ,Se1ltai'ii.; thfhAlatka Hallroad
and the United States Army for the installation of the Salt Water
Main w~s outlined by Mr. ~ay. '
It,was moved by Mr. Stanton and seconded by Mr. Cooper that
the Clerk write a letter to Mr. Terrell requestins that he return
whatever fire equipment that was on the old fire truok whibh he
purohased from the City. Upon roll call all Counoilmen present
voted Aye.
The Clerk was direoted to write Col. Ohlson advising him that
the City is ready to l~y the sewer line aoross the railroad proper
~he following req~ests for licenses were presented to the
council for approval
John Matich and Jpe Doshen.
Ro ss Mann
Liquor store and Bev. Disp.
Heverage Dispensary
Wm. H. l~oviok
Liquor store and Bev. Disp.
Vance Hitt
Beverage Dispensary
Liquor Store
Liquor Store
Seward Trading Company
B. A. and Pearl Gillam
It was moved by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Paul steiner
that the above applications be approved. Upon roll call all Coun-
oilmen present voted Aye.
The application of ~ony ~arich for liquor store and beverage
dispensary Lioense was presented to the Council for approval.
It was moved by Mr. st,anton and seconded by Mr. Stilwell that the
lioense for beverage Aispensary be approved and that the Clerk
notify Mr. Parich that if and when he meets the legal requirement
for the liquor store license it will be approved. Upon roll oall
all Counoilmen present voted Aye.
Mr. Ray explained to the \jounoil that the reason for not 1/
having the bonds for the Municipal Building printed was that in V
case Federal aid was granted the bonds would be of no value.
It was moved by Mr. Stanton and secondec by Mr. Cooper that
the following repairs on the old dump truok be authorized.
liew battery and starter repaired. Approxir,late cost. 1P25.OO.
Upon roll call all Councilmen present voted Aye.
A request from Mrs. Malloy for straightening out diecreancie
in the Seward Electrio System'aArmy account was presented by the
~&!rk. It was moved by Mr. Erdman and seconded by ~r. Cooper tha
A s work be allowed. Upn roll call all Counoilmen present voted
It was moved by Mr. Stanton and seconded by Mr. Cooper that Mr
Ray write a le~ter to the Clerk of the Court requesting that Mr.
Brown.ll be requested to pay a license of $100.00 per year on his
theater and that Mr. John Bartholoma and Mr. Walter Holben eaoh be
requested to pay $60.00 license on their hauling. Upon roll Call
all Councilmen present voted Aye.
It was moved by Mr. stanton and aeoonded by Mr. stilwell that
the Fire Department be authorized to make the following installatio~s
and repairs: Signal Light Tower, street Signs, and Relay and Repait's
for Fire Siren. Upon roll oall all Counoilmen present voted Aye.
The following bills were presentea to the Council for consider-
ation by the 'Clerk: Alaska Railroad, freight on fire hydrants,
$37. 69, Glenn Carrington and Company, fire hydrants .666.40.
These bills to be paid out of the Salt, Water Main funds. On mo-
tion by Ur. stanton seconded by Mr. Cooper all Counoilmen ~_~_.
present voted Aye.
The following bills to be paid out of the City funds were pre-
sented to the Council b) the Clerk. Bank of seward, School Gymnasi-
um Bond $1,000.00; Interest.on School Gymnasium Bonds, $600.00;
Petty cash for Ootober and November, $86.15; Firemen's Payroll for
November, $43.50. On Motion by Mr. Stanton seoonded by Mr. Paul.
steiner,. all eouncilmen present voted Aye.
The following financial statement
account was presented by the Clerk:
Origional deposit
Oscar Dahl,
John Paulsteiner
Ogle'S Garage
John ~aulsteiner
AlaSka Railroad
Glenn Carrington and Company
Alaska Railroad
Glenn' Carrington and Company'
on the Ss.l t Water Main
Since there was no further business, on motion by Mr. Stanton
seconded by Mr. stilwell, the meeting adjourned.
City Clerk
Special Session
December 27, 1943
'Special Session of the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward,
Alaska was callen to order by Mayor usbo at l2~45 ~. M~
Present were: Counoilmen Stanton, Cooper, Erdman, and Paulste:ner.
Absent were: Counoilmen Stilwell and Moser.
Mayor usbo suggested that the sewer faoilities oonstruction b4
postponed until spring due to the Army'S failure to furnish equipm4 nt.
Mr. ~ushlng representing the Territory uonetruct1on uompany
stated that he would be willing to wait until such as the City could ,
secure the equipment but, since the delay entailed added cost, req ested
that hi,s company be reimbursed for the add1 t10nal expense.
1 t was mOved b;>' Mr. cooper seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner that 11th
the consent of the contractor the sewer construction be held until such
a time as equipment was available.
, Mr. Erdman stated that he would be Willing to reimburee the c<n-
traotors for the added cost of the delay. The other members of th~
Council, acquiesoed.
It was moved by Mr. Cooper seoonded
'thorizedto' install the Balt Water Main.
voted An
L ~: ;:::
by Mr. Paul steiner be au-
Al,l Counoilmen pr'esent