HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945 City Council Minutes 174 JANUARY 15, 1945 CONTINURD fAvorAhle or unfavorable. Upon roll call the Councilmen voted as follows: Campen, AY~; Erdman, NO; Moody,AVR; Stanton, AYR, Stilwell AYR; ~atsjold, NO VOT~. Motion carried. Mr. Stilwell reported that the Tax Committee and the Mayor had worked with Mr. Erdman and Mr Hay on the Tax Ordinanne but that the ordinance WAS not ready for first readin~. The City Payroll in the amount of ~1,804.44 and obligations of the City previously OK'd by the Finance Committee were presented by the Clerk as follows: Collector of Internal Revenue, .~52.65; Territorial Treasurer, $398.50, and the following obli~ations were presented by the Clerk for nayment: ~lASkA RAilroad, ~6.41: Andy's Exoress, ~127.57; City Exoress, $2.06; ~. s. Darley, $158.96; K-R Garage, $17.88; McMullens, $9.28; Irwin L. Metcalf, ~196.50; G~le's GarARe, ~5~.95; Osbo's, ~24.7S: PAt's GBra~e, 13.75; Paulsteiners, ,83.00; Seward Druf!, $2.45; Seward Hardware, $6.70; Seward Li~ht and Power, $24.19; Seward,.ater Supply, $140.00; Seward Volunteer Fire Denartment, $52.50; Seward Library, $21.00; Mrs. Grace Snyder,~16.7J It was moved by Mr. Erdman and seconded by Mr. .lats,101d that the payment of Payroll and obligations OK'd by Finance Committee be con- firmed and that the bill as presented be oaid. Un on roll call all Councilmen Voted AYR. -----. Mayor Baker reported on the sewer situation of the Arcade and directed the Clerk to notify Mr. Hoben that os soon as Mr. LechBsr reported to the Street Committee and to the Council His claim would be given further and complete conmideration. The Seward Electric Sy~tem PRyroll in the amount of ~?,107.63 And bills AS follows were nresented by the Clerk: Collector of In- ternal Revenue, $310.40; Petty CAsh, 886.76; beward Uater SUDDly, 5.00; Sewar0 Light and Power, A7.50; Seward TradinR Company, $5.05; Stannard 011, J!;S86.73; City ExprAss, $3.09; Sew8rd Hardware, Jt18.7::'; Gen. Electric Supply Corp., ~ 92.12; Seward Machine Shop, ~10.64; K-R GarA~e, $1.20; John P8ulsteiner, ~18.10; OSbo's, $5.16; It was moved by Mr. Moody and seconded by iJr. ErdmAn that the salaries and and bills be paid. Unnn roll CAll all Councilmen voted AYR. --y- Mrs. 3aehm's request to purchase Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 14, Townsite now belonging to AmeriCAn Missionary Society was presented by the ClArk, who stated that these lots had not been assessed be- fore the year 1943 but were assessed for the years 1943 And 1944. It was the opinion of Mr. RAY, City Attorney,that, since these lots had been Assessed for these last two yeArs, these taxes would hAve to be paid. The purchAse of the new fire siren as reouested by the Fire Department was called to the attention of the Council by the Clerk. It WAS tabled'temporarily but later Mr. Campen moved and Mr. StAn- ton seconded that the 7} HP siren be purchased from the ". S. Darley Company at a cost of $358.00. Unon roll call all Councilmen voted AYE. Mrs. Ray James representin~ the Seward Undertaking Company sta- ted that llfr. Atkins would return to ::'eward, FridAV, January 19, 19L fi to take care of the undertaking work in Seward. Mrs. Jemes stated further thut it WAS practically impossible to get 8raves opened Anc closed and reouested thA fullest cooperation of the Jitv in this difficulty which coooeration was aGsured her by the Mayor and Coin- cU. Mr. Knight of the Seward Light and Power presented his views on the purchase and consolidation of the pronerty 'Nhich he reoresert- ed. Mr. Knight read a CODY of a letter to the Council written to Mr. Steins withdrawing his offer to sell to the City of Seward. Mr. Stanton reported that the bids for the purchase of the Se~- ard Electric System light Ford truck were opened by ;Jr. Moody, the Clerk And himself, the highest bid being $127.00. The truck Nas sold. Mr. 6tilwell had no report to make. HNUARY 15, 1945 CllNCLUDBTI 1~- I,) .~ ~ l" Mr. Campen hAd nothing to report. I Mr. brdman ThAnked Gr. aay for his efforts in securing A Chief f Police succeeding Chief Mortimer, resiRned. Mr. ~rd~an was of he oninion that the business men of Sewaro would be willinrr to D8Y he SAlary of A ni~ht WAtchman. Since this RugQestion did not meet with the BDcrovel of the Councll, ~r. ~rdman recommended thAt Henry forton be aDpointed 8S ni~ht watchman. GArb8ge disposal was reoobt d AS a continuous Droble~. It was recomG~ended by Mr. Rrdman that he wrecked cars and trucks be moved from the streets near the inte - ection of Third Avenue and dashington ~trAet. Mayor BAker directe r. CampAn to havA wrecks moved. In rflporting on the SeWArd ..ster bupply \lontroversy, Mr. RAY tated that the origional franchisfl, if one were ever granted, was ranted to the Seward ,.ater and Power Company and presented four of Handling. Mr. Moody presented a very efficient method of milk rationing y meRns of cards. Mayor baker stated thAt ~r. McCoy had been notified by letter hAt his services as Patrolman would terminate as of JAnuary 5, 194 nd reoorted his meetin~ with the Seward folice And the Military )olice forces on January 5, 1945. The appointment of ~r. henry gorton as Patrolman was again re ommended by Mr. Erdman and the Mayor directed Mr. ~rdmRn Bnd Mr. amoen to meet with Mr. Kielcheski and arrange to transfer Mr. Hor on from the Street to the bolice ~epartment. I The Clerk presented A re~uest from Hr. !\rt La~en to trAnsfer .is TRyi Mercantile License from his Dodge to another CRr in case e deemed adviEH01e and to oermit him to operAte his Dodge now be- inr ooerated as a taxi as a school hus Rnd to make scheduled runs ut the highway. It was moved by Mr. Moody and seconded by Mr. Sta - .on that the request bA granted. Upon roll CAll all Councilmen oted AfR. IIDon Motion of Mr. Stanton and second of Mr. CamDen to adj .urn 11 Councilmen voted !\}f~. 'The f'ession adjourned fit 12:30 I\i.\, ~!,proved Mayor " ttest Municipal Clerk- t{~GlJL;,R Sr;;Stil()0! FERR1)Hi'( f), 1945 The C;omrrion Council of the TO'!1!l of i~ewarcl, f..lEukf1 clnvened in Cie,-ul,''-' spssion FpnruRrv 5, 194f Rnd 1'188 C8118d to oreleI' by i,ip~"'r ,8',:1"'-' At 8:~" p. )"", with Councilmen present And abR8nt as follows: I Present: i,bsent: Councilmen ~rdman, StAnton, Stilwell and Councilmen CAmpen And Moody !Pt-s iold. The minutes of the last meeting were a~proved as read. The new tax ordinance WAS introduced by the Mayor Bnd the firs reading by title only was made. lhe application of Mr. McCoy for the position of Chief of Po- lice was read by the Clerk but no action was taken. The following salaries and claims against the 0ity were read by the Clerk. cialaries, ~1,413.06. Claims: Petty Cash, $4.00; First Nation- SAnk, FiSCAl Agent, ~2l~.47; Territorial TreAsurer, Sl,B~2.75; 1 '"7-" ~ ' i ,-.J Library $21.00' Fire Department, $67.50; Andy's Express, $88.57; Irwin L: Metcaif, !96.00; Northern Commercial Company, 955.65; Ofle's Garag, 190.15; Seward Electric System, $532.44; Seward HArd- wsre, $?3.15; Seward Light and Power. $30.91; Seward Machine Shop, $1 235.14' Standard Oil, $44.08; ~eward "ster Supply, $140.00; ~e;ner's Market,~1.15; City Express, $5.15. It was m?ved by ~r ~rc- man and seconded by Mr. dALSjold that the above salarles and obllga- tions be paid. Upon roll call all Councilmen present voted AYE. The following salaries and obligations against the Seward ~lec ~ric 8ystem were presented by.the Clerk. SalarieR,. $1.741.;;;8; Fips National Bank, Fiscal brent, $347.10; Petty CAsh, ~45;OO; General lectric CompAny, $235.89; General Electric Company, ~DO.08; Seward i~ht and Power, $7.50; Seward ~ater Supply, $5.00; General ~le~tri( ;o~pany, $120.56; ~estin~house~lectric Supply Company, ~236.7~; Sta - 'Ard Oil CompAny, ,~1,217.75: Eunt PUbliRhing ComD8ny, ;;6.00; ,'-iewarr! arnwAre, ;;J;3.l5; [',lectricsl ..orln, ,;10.00; ;-,ewArd Machine Shon, :~3.(O: )",]e'R GarsP'e, .~c:'\.Oll: John PaulRt.einpr, ,;~1.30. Tt was mover! bv i,lr. rrimsn ann Reconded by Mr. Stilwell that the SAlaries And obligatio s e. PAid. Upon roll call all Councilmen oreeent voted nyp. l Mr. Green presenten complete grAPh Dicture of what could be ey .ected from the two electric~l utilities unnef' nresent dual mAn8~e- "Fmt And Also under eonsol i Jfotion. After A pointed And enliantenin~ discussion on the subject of onR01 idAtion it WAS moved by iVir. "'rdm':H; ";nn l"econrlerl hy [ilr .iStR- "nld that the C0uncil mAke '1Policstion tn the .'1];'(; for A 102n of '225,ooo~OO for the purchAl"e of Seward Light an Power fAc\lities Anf onsolLJ8tion of the two pl:>nts. This fip'ure liAR bAsed on the hreAl<- ;Own::1S presented by l!Jr. GrRfen. 1]00[1 roll ('."'11 All Cn1Jncilmen voter Yl<:. The HosoitAl Snarr! represented by Uir. OrlAnder And Mr. Treveth2n resenter! the need of exterior NiDAirf of the hospitel. lh. UrlandEr AS of the oDin ion that the doctor in cbprao qhould nay A monthly e~t",l of $~OO.OO. It WAS moved by ~r.Stanton And seconr!erl by Mr. tilwel1,hRt the neceSSAry exterior renRirs to the building be mAde. Don roll CAll All C(l1lnC'i Jr"en oresent voten ,':IF. Mr. ~ricson renorted that bewsrr! Meat ~Arkpt had no mercantile icense. At the su~gestion of ~r. StAnton Mr. ~ricson agreed to '.pndle the CAse. Mr. ~rdmAn WAS rlirested bv ~Ayor Baker to meet ~ith the Hospltal oArrl to discuss the termR of the hospitAl lesRe. Mr. ,'8t8,Jolrl reporten thAt there har! been no nhiectionR to the r ilk rAtinninlZ nlRn. Renressnting the Fire Protection Committee, Mr. ~Atsjolrl reoort- f d thqt nothing could be done on the Salt "iRtAr ilIAin 1lntil the tunnAl . nh WAR C'.ompleted. Upon Droner !"'lntion riulv seconded the Cnunci] vot",c1 to Rd,iourn ~ t 11: 40 ? M . /loproued '-TJ,'8yor ---- r ! i ttest: R:<:GULA R SES~;InN F~RRUARY 19, 1945 '1 """",/~ . .T ~ :. t I ThR Common Council of the Town of SewArd, AlASkR Convened in RR~ulBr BRSRion on February 19, 1945 And WAR called to ordRr bv MAyor Baker 8t 8:22 PM. Upon roll call thp COllnci1!J1An pl'lRWerRd to the roll call as follows: PrAf'Ant: CouncilmAn Rrdman, Stilwell and .i8tsiold. AbRent: Councilmen Cpmpen, Moody and Stanton. Due to ;'I lRck of A nl'orem tha;joj lvlRyor d8lArAd the session re- cAssed until such time SR' R nuorem could bR presRnt. R~C1dL!\E S:t:,.::.T',jN, '~OI~'CT1\TJr~~i) p~mm "Rr' 21, El45 The COIQ'rlon 00uncil continued in rezulAr seu'ir)T1 on Fpbrusry 21, 1945 and Nas CAlled to ordsr by ..Ryor ~Aker st 8:10 P~. Unon roll call the Councilmen attended 8S follo~s: Present: Councilmen ':;Ampen, jl'dmann, ~tilwell And "ptGjold. hsent: Councilmen Moody And Stanton. The dinutes of the laRt session were APproved as reAd. Mr. hrdmsnn raised the nUdstion of havin~ all bills of ~~O.OO or more presented to the Council before the otlipation was incur- red. T~e other Council~en concurJ'ed Bnd the Clerk NBS directed to notify ~ll depRrtment heads. I letter from ciAward ,'ost t~0.5, "'he ,\meric9n :,o"inn, r~'l~o"t- ing an RR option to buy for ~l.OO 8Acr ~ots 21, 22, 23 an? 24, block 22, of the vrigioD8l townsite, ',leiS reAd by the "lerk. The trans3c.tion is to be consuIn'll8ted ..ben the '.rmy turns the property hack to the ~ity. It WAS moved by ~r. ~rd~an And seconded hy ~r. CAmpen that the option be ~r~nted. U~on roll CAll all Cnuncilmen present voted ~YK. The 01 erk re''3d to the Council A bid Cii :~;50.0D e3ch on LotR 29 And 30, 610ck 19, Townsite by ~.L. 1ilbert. 4fter discussion ~r. rlrdmann moved And ~r. riRtsjold seconded th~t the bid be held in abeY8nce for 3treet Committee report. Unon roll call 811 Coun- cilmen present votRd A{~. j, hid by !~. L. fhffensper~er of "10.00 each on Lots 5, 6, 7, and S,;lock 3, Laubner'.ddition "!BE rejected upon motion of ;"11"'. Erdman, second by ~r. C~rnpen and the unanimous vote of all Council- men present. ~t letter from the l:ublic riealth and ,elf~Jre Councill"'s reAd by the ~lerk. this was A request thHt representatives of the City Council be apoointsd to meRt :Iith the liAalth iJnuncil. ,,,iAyor :~ker appointed J,;r. Erd"'13n r-,nd .'Jr. ,,~tsjold' Bnd directed the Clerk so to not ify the ,tSH 1 th -:. oun~ i 1. The fJ~;pointrnent of judges and clerks for the ;;unicipAl :~lecti n was introduced by the CIRrk. It WAS moved hy ~r. Jtil~ell and sec- onded [)y "Jr. l.\rdr!lan th~Jt the Cl erk be 'JutllOrizeci to make the Rppoi t- ments. lJpon roll CAll ~ll !"';8uncilmen Dresent voted y.-,~. ) PRy~ent of the insurance pre~iu~ on the ~VFJ ~8S introduced 1;y the C] erk. ,",fter discus~in,7 the 8Q'r'ernent with the deportment to pay one half of the If''st I'rerni!rD it/HS ."o'!ecl by ;,ir. ",,'tfi,iold 8wi seconded h:' kr. :..;tilvell thAt the :Jreniu'n be paid. :..'pon roll call the Councilmen pref'ent /Doted 8S follor;s: Jouncilmen0Rmpen, 0tilwell and .';tsjold {~. GnuncilmAn 2.rdrn8nn .';.; 'J::YU:. It "I8S then m,ved by ~r. .,atsjold Rnd seconded by ~r. tilwell that the mAtter he tRbled until the next Cnuncil ~PAtin~ when definite 9C~ tion would be tAken. Jnon roll call all Councilmen present voted :J. y !;~ . '~'he ",ecOml l'eadin,' of TRx Crdinance no .1Sle was mwie ~O:~[.i~:"~'I~-i ~8PJJ~~ In reportin~ on the City tuildin~ Issue WI'. Srdmann reported 17R F'ri'D1i1T^RY 19, IP4", CONCLUDED ths t, through Mr. u'\letmann, the LAnk of 08ward had refused the ""11'_1 h8se of the bonds; that the Dank of,'.las\c8, 'nchor8ge h8d off'irect to purchase the bonds at 5~: and that l~ter the Bank of ~eW8rd had offered to buy the bonds. It 'das moved by ,,11'. Jrdmann thclt the vnuncil go o~ record as authorizing the printing and selling of the $50,000.00 51 ~onds. The motion died for the lack of 8 second. At the sugBestion of ~r. Green it was moqedby Mr. 0til~ell and seconded by ~r. ~rdmBnn that ~ayor ~aker be aut~rni7ed to make applicBtion to the ~F'S for 3 loan for the purc~3se Bnd consolida- tion of the ~ewar(i Light and Yower. Unon roll call ell Councilmen present voted AYE. ---, I The health Rnd sanit'3tion of certain sectionE of ~:eward were called to the nttention of the ~ouncil by ~r. brdmann. ~Ayor JAkeI' advised the vouncil that the nospital uonrd had renuested the Council to take action on office rental by the attend in?; surgeon and an audit of the hospital books. It ,vas moved by.:r Stilvvell and seconded by ;"r. ~rdmann thAt the ;"PJ2rd :'ienerc;l "os- pit81 furnish the riospital ~~oard who in turn would will present to the Council an annual audit of the hospital books. ipon roll csll all Councilmen present voted ~YE. l.lr. ~rdillann 'Nas renuested by ;,layor aker to ask the desl th Of- ficer for a report. On the Arcade SBNer situation ~r. CAmpen stated that BccordinR to Mr. Lechner's report the contractor was responsible for the trou ble. It WAS moved by Mr. Stilwell and seconded that the Clerk writ. the construction company advising them that the City of Seward was holding the amount of the Arcade sewer job out of the Amount due the construction company from the City. 'Tp'_'l' T'cl.l cp11 "Ill r;0undl men present voted AYE. The Olerk WAS directed to see Mr. Rav About neK ord1npnce on Drivers License, Upnn ~otion of Mr. Rtilwell,.N~ second by Mr. ~rdmAn And the unAnimous vOt8 of All C01Jn~11"'e!l nresent the meRtinp' adjourn8d. [\PPR0VH'T) !J'\YOR /\.'1"T'42'T ImWfC I p,~ T r: JTi'~{ 1( R En'l]J.A R ~:; fi:CiS I 01\) MAHGH 5, 1945 The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in reeular session and WAS cRlled to order by Mayor J8ker at 10:00 PH with the councilmen ores8nt and Absent as follows: Present: Councilmen CAmoen, Erdmann, Stilwell and ~Atsjold AhsRnt: Councilmen Moody and Stanton Due to the late hour the minutes of the last meetinp' were dis rensed with by Mayor Baker. I The following SAlaries and obligations 8eBinst the City ~ere rreEented by the Clerk: '~laries, ~1,G67.71; Obligations: Petty CAsh, $12.10; First NationAl 5ank, Fiscal ~~ent, ;~40.85; Territor isl Treqeurer, ~~747.75; Libr::~ry, t~;~'l.OC; l'rQ,,'J~ .\~ d8\~11~irls (for Jus. B. f'C'rtiF1pr,Sp~ J'71('lf-<~),'Li41..f~;O~ 0riy't:: ':.Y~r~Gs, ~J5.'jr); Irv1in T..:. "d~('.,olf,:~?1.5C; OpIA'e' Gpr,:we, S115.;>;5; ~ewRrrj fi:le('Trle SYf'tem, .oJ-;r57.7f:.~ ,'-jpi"p"1rd l~c'l'r1i1\!qY"'Cl; .'~'f).n0; C;p\vl=1rri Lir-rt !:Hlr1. ,j)i"'lAr, 'f;:~r..p.,7; ~_~~ p "IN ~~ r (1 ~/ q r n j n p ~; 11 'I ~} ~;i q . ~~ 5; f-) f':: \.'J q r rl \',' R t: A l' <-1l"l:r 0 -1. ~r, '; 1 F/7 . n (\ : .~ 1 8 P V- p "'AI1-roArl. :;;;:;1",1'\1: Ppl.1C:+-f)IllPr'S, :'l;>;.FiE: :\. "', P81llYlQ'Rrtner, ,,:11~',F, 'f ?pcjf;.(' (;nqc,t- L.:t;~::lYr.YJ "nrks, ''l;~~r)f;~ llPfl1r flf rk~~T,v~'Y'rl1_ ',~7P'~.~.n(i~ c;~ r ."binrilp. ~~nn. (1~l>0'c, :1'1~..4n~'PY"~n(l,op 1.\Ql\.<pr.' ;Lt..nn. f.;'ir> h'rd- ~pn.b~k~rl the ~'~;Ollnt of ChiA~ HqrvP/'s pCj10rv. '0~ RrlV;~H 0~ thp C1p-r~ th~t thp sglpry hnrj heRn fi~urp~ from thp rjqtp nf thp Chipr1 1. ""'.. ". /' \.a- - ; ..: 0r>riv~11 in '-,~-!~fln r> Hprlm:-:;nq rI'"\,"')vpr~ ~t"),.j r. l~tc::inlr1 sp.~()nrlpd thAt t0P pplpri">p "nd nhliO'pt10[1A ':>p DPiri l;11t- tbpt (~h1"f' ,len'VA'T :-,P r;"i,j q f~1111 rn()nth'~ Q'11~T'~T for }1'Ahrl1~rv. Tlnnn rnl1 ('811 <:<11 (:nl.ln~;lmon :~PPFPnt vot~~ ~V~i: I ~":'~l qrip.s on(1 ')r}} i':'!":1;i-i0nF' '~'P'R l np.t thp ~~':llv0rri H~l a~tri r. c'Uf-~tpm ~arp ~rafPntprl hv tha Clar~ pA fnl100p: ~plpriap. ~17~n.fr: 0hli- p.ptioi1s: ~),()OT"'~ ~"\'nClr.1J("'.-\ ( (~nrr~n~1r)v: ~)ll~~n4; Firpt l~f-1tiorl~l H8nk; Pi~ ,- 01 /\(J'P1'1t:. r":~l;-...~--:--n; PP.tt-~:T CR~n, 1~t17.Lln: l--:it~r ~xnr~f_~. ~~f).lh. :..-':r..~fir. [~nRtt (-)t==1'Il'l 1'0r[..rc-'J :-,Fl.1R. ']0""' T';l_Cl~. ,-"HJnl',T r;nrn... ~:~ ~.js.f~~~~ ''Tor. :,lp ~)ll [l'il iT Ci1rn., ;:;;1~~'.. P,7: '-3PiNp.rd .>-)(~k.~ ,'~;] 7. ::~1: ('pwgrrl :}rl1P'; '''~'r::;. :.-~) ~ '~r- npr'p Gro(',~r;{, .o5J,~: :,p,',v8rd rF,rrlw8rp, ',f,.'Jn: .'ot"'ncjc;rrl Ilil, ,";')88,7n ~ e~~r::r(l ',~8tpr '~::'l)r~lV, ":;f).nn: ("A'~\'~1r(~ Lip'"ht 8n.rl rr)\'vAT", ~'7.f)n. C"~lln'~. :~;.-'e;.~~1. ,fohn P8111p.tairpr, <In.()n~ "'o'lpl", ,rq~C;ITQ, ,,'1.<='1'. It' "'er' '<10'18'1 ry ;'ir. ,,gt,p,101rl ",'1(' "p('orri"rj hV ;Jr. "l'(ir~Plln tb~lt -ChA s'1hq'i'?,~, :-1':'1 "blj,f"",t;io'1s ]-;p Deli'1. ,'non roll cpT] c,]l CnllnciJnpn nrAPp,nt v n t; e d i~ \' 1-1' 'Ph" T"rritol'i",l SPnpt,plp ,Tnjnt 1':Ar~nri81 1':0. fi l""l"-d:iv'~ to ('nn- l"P('ti0n of PT'tAl'lRl hiqhii''iY8 of t'lP' tprr'it;nT"T ,,,,itb ",pn",i i:pninpll~'" ~~nr~ P01!+:p'r"'~1:-1tp(1 :-11'10',-1'0 G(~rnsf' '["rnqaRin i;rm \~JRP rp::1n hv ti"iP (-]lprk. Nn 8('tin[1 W8R t8~pn. Thp 00un('11 WAS qrlvipad ]-~ tllA Clprk thRt ~~~ h0nrl to thp ~p~ 1IIAp. riu" >'1nri thpt thpT'p "1"8 p1jffi,(,lpnt funds to DP". It W"A "''--'VPrl hv."-'-' ;"rrlrnpn'1 ?'nd c;p('nnrlp,-] h,' j,'r. ptsiolrl th,~t- t-eoc' "orrl ],,, rptir- prl. \ln0f! rnll ('811 '"',11 (;o11l1('il",pf1 nrpsAnt l/otAc1 ':V.; 'rre ~-l0GPnCp of p. vu~?rrl Qt thp. ft.:::ln:~~nrl Ci 1 nl ~nt; ~jS rnnn!"'tpr] tn +:np (;1 prk' b', i"ir. "nmpr, Chi ef [J" (}uc>rr1c "''''f' ('plleri to t"n pttpn- t10\'1 nf thp Conn('11. v,r. (;"11'1Den ','n,prnnlo',rp,p 0f :,t"'nr18rr1 \)il f;t8tpr1 thAt thp Aitu>'1tio'1 hpd heen t,8~pn ('pre nr, I The Cl"l'~ ('qllp0 t);p <1tte'1tio[1 of the Cnllr~il tn the f'C!ct tJ--,'lt tnp t,,018 in the clpl'v'A nrf1('p uPPc1 [J'i thp s~os hplelwpd to t'rp" '<11i,[',pll P8il1ter "nrJ thpt php 'f'>1" 1"111in[7 tn sail t:liP t',\-11p rnr ':'~''''f-.(~n. It '.,'J8P rnnvpr1 b~1 .,:r. F:rnrn0nn 8nd s~c()n-l(~(~ 1'v ,:;r. C~~f:1npn t~8l~ tllA tA hlp (p nllrch'1 ppd. Unon rnl.l ('q 11 All c;nnn(' i 1 Trpn 1)T'Pf;enr ",-,tP ", ~ ,~ 1. l--d rl of the 'innt Pnhl i shinP' '~'--'mn"'~v for Y)l'hl 1CH t, io'1 nr 'r"v ()rrlinpllr,p Un. lr;~c in thp g",ount of 'il(\F'.()() f'nr nnp ~l]))ljrqti_0f1. H- '118R "'oVAcl bv r-,ir. [)ti 1\'.'pll Pf1rl RP(,0nrlpd hy Mr. !':rrlmqnn thqt; p-'i,j urrlin8n('p ~n. 162 bp nnblished in onp ispue of the ~PWRT'rl Pn18ric. TTrnn roll c811 All Cnnnr:ilmen Drese'1t voterl [,v:;. Tnp )'jrl nf n. L. 'lUl\ert on Lnts ~'>J Rnd :<1C1, ,~lor)'- 1'.--1, ,':.P\"PT'rl ~'nvmsitp pt ,',)S().C1C1 p',(',h Which hprl ],ppn t9r'lerJ pt thp nrpvinljP mppt-_ inp' for invP,F,ti2stinn 'N8P rp-int;ror]l1(',er! hv tho (:lpr". Tt; Wqp '1nvpd h" !"!r. r,,,mnen Af11 c;p('')nrlpc1 tv ,,:1". ;-:.tihu'iJl thAt thco tirl hp ,(',('pntprl. IT n n n r 01 1 C q 1 1 " 1 1 C.--, 11 n ell 11' p n n r p f' R n t v n t p 1 'v ,,' Thp nrpmium of the A('c1rlAnt polirv COV9T'jn~ QRmnarf' nf t-ha SVR;) nnf;t C:UA w'hich h::<rl hP.~D t:"ll-:-lpr1 ~t. thp. nrO'i,TiOllf-" FPPS;')D i,~/~l~. rp- in+:r1rll1cpn hv the C1el'lr. Tt W8A mnvpr] h.'1 lir.';til'Jel1 8nrJ R8('Onrlpr1 hv "'l'. C>'1P1\)an th-lt t',e rrp"1111m bR ]lAjr!. l111nn 1",,11 'l~'ll ;11:' Cnl1n('il- men nreR8nt ~rotA~ V~ I Tha ""lp nf thp ,,}rj pto'{or At thp s(',hnnl l;uilrli'1rr 'IRf intrn- rlllr>.Prl 1-1'1 "'r. "t1l wpll. Tt we< 8 rnn'1arl nv :.'r, ."iti 1 ':;,,11 "rr! RP('nndpr! y." r"r. r;;>ronon th"t toP pto>.er bp l'1r1vp,rtiserl f0r s81p ],'TPA",lad hirl~ ti1pt hirlp 'dnl]lrJ be ooen8d At ',)'1p 0'cln(',k pIA 1";9r('h ~:n, 1 !'1-F-, 8n1 thRt thp 81 erk f1rJvArti"'e stokpr (or pql.'L I'Don r011 r-jlJ ~ll (;')'~n- ('tImAn Dr"sp'1t votprl AVF. J.,:Rynr c'.p]rpr Askpd if it h'H1 beAn thA ))01 i ""f of t'eP ei tv to :n p ;, '3 ri 0 n q tin rAt 0 A 1] c h n r 0' q n 1 7" tic) [1 c; >'1 f' t h p ~,e r! ,] r () '0 S , , I~' p 11 p.4 _ vlsf~ri ill tbp np'o.~!tivA thp. i/qvor ~t:3tF)rJ th8t the F::H'('le Y")nl1r.v "Inulrj hp follo.r,"',d. :-\p~"rtp or pt'1ndinp' ('o"1"1itteeR '..[pre rJisl1pnpprl '"ith 1;:, \IA:Tor 'i8Kar. Thp "i8'1nr riirecter1 i'r. "gt,p.iolrl ('n'1tpct SnmmArA ,;onptruc- tjr)D CnrnDHD'1 And mc-d-<p C-lr:'Rnp'enpnt" to hpvp tnp S'-11t \.qt.-)r !'il1f1 ('nm- lllptpn. lRO The Clerk WAS directed to advertise far tidR fnr the nnRitin~ r,f City 7AX 4Rsessnr, bidp to be oDe1nen !\pril 15, 1945 hnt'sinee thAt rlAte is nn SunnAY the nAte Ret for the o~enin~ ~PR Anrl1 1R 1.945. 1'8Y. (irrlinpn~e Nn. 162 WAf' re8el whieh ''\TAS the third re,:;rjinr,r. It WRf' mnven by I'ir. RrrlrnAn 8nrj peeonrlerl hy Mr. .iAtRiOl.d thAt flll F rul ef' he RusDenrlen for the D':;SRP,,,e of the ordinRnce. Upon roll cRl pll Unllncilmen oresent voten pY~. l Tt weB mnverl by Ur. Stilwell And aeco~derl TRX OrdinRnce Nn. 162 be DAssen And Annroved. lowp: l'ffirmRtive, Councilmen CAm['en, ';:rBr18nn, 55J1d. 4. ~hsent Councilmen ;:'nndv and f',t,:;nton. It WAR moved by Mr. Stilwell And seconded by Mr. CAmnen thAt the meetin~ Ad5ourn. llll Cn1Jncilmen present votRd ,'V"' n!'l roll CAll hv Mr. CAmDen thAt The vote WAS ':;f' fnl- Stilwp,11 8nd IAtS- 4PPR()V'Rf) '''Avor A 1"r "~~~ 'T' Municipal Clerk n >NHIT ^ R S H'e, c, r (H,I U~.qr;H 1:,), 1945 a rA"UlAr meetin~ of the Commnn Cnuneil of the Tnwn nf SeWArd. i.l,:;skA: nn "Ar('h lSl, 1945, WAS (',,;]len to nrder <it P:l() PM bv hl"nrnr' }j"K'er, WfLI nresided ot the rT]"'etin~. Bv reAson nf the F1bSAnCA nf H1miciD"1 U1er\\:. H,:;rrv T.. S",ith. bpCP1Jse of illness, T.. II. "':;IT P('.- tpd AS' ell f"rk Dr0 tATTl.' Prpspnt were Cn1Jne'i l'Tj"'n ','/A ts iol d, ;rT()nd~', H'rd hp1"n, r.':;rrJDPn, i'ltilw'11l. Ahspnt Cn1l''1ci.lfTlAn f3tAf1't:on. ----: tv!i'11JteR nf the nrpvinlls r"~lJ1pr TTlPetinp' nf the l;n1Jnei 1 l1pl d on ~pr~h 5. 1945 were re,:;rl And Annr0ved. ! II mntion (If CouncilrrA'1 '.:At81('1" WAR MAne to ,:;eceDt thp birl nf tnp ~iunt p1Jr11 shi nO' CnrT]!lAny to D~bl iRh TRY Orrli.nAnep 1\10. 162 in DAm ,!,hlet fOY'TTJ, 5()O copieR At. ~~f)2.()O: I"pcnnded hv Cn1Jnei l[")pn I~Amp"n. 1T~nn tltp ('All of tree roll, the f'(lllowin~ CmmeilfTlen votf7d in the ,:;ffirrf],:;tiVA: ',iptRlo1'1,1'll()Od~', :"rrlm'1n; r:ArrJDPn, Stilwell--5. '\bppnt, (C,t"ntn)'1. ,Vnerp1]Dnn: the ;",,:;vnr dpc1ArA-1 thp rrJoti.on (',<ir1'ied. On l'1otion nf Cnun(',ilmAn Stilwp,ll. spennrlprl h" Cnl1!'1ci1'TJpn Mn0rl:' tn "'erve qt the ';1Jnil'.inpl el.ection, A.pril 7, lSl4!'i, the fo11n"ii.n~ w"rA nnminRt,,:] c-p nffieiqlR (If p1J(',h plp(',tinn: ';1 Arks: Hrs. qoy Thurston, MrE. F',on ,~teRrnR ,TudopS: ].(. 1<:. GhAMberl in, i,ll'S. 1'. fO. I,nrAn", I'''rf'. ,Tn\1,:;nn8 Hnrtpn. []T'on cRll nf thp roll, those voting- in the '1ffirmptivp l'\TAre: (;nunci - mAn .,,:;tsjolrl, Ivlnnrlv, H'T'r1;~qn, CPmppn, f3tilwpll--5. Abspnt, c::tAntnn. '",nere1Jnnn. the ,,1Avnr declpred thp Dersons n,:minAtAn "pre Rpl ee',ted ':;1' nffi('i~l.s to p~rvR pt the Hunieinpl H:1ecti0n, Aoril :~ 1945. "01'1)P dipcussion of P p'enpY'Al nRtllre ens1Jpd, Y'PRultina in the 'iirpct:on tn thp Cit:r Cler\{ tn hRve offici31 ,:;nd sPMDlp bsllnts nrir:ted for tle r:1llni(',inpl election. ,- 1l1l0n flJrthpr ~pnerAl di'3CllSsi0n the SenAte's Jnint MemoriA] No. R ~elRtive to ~onneetion of RrteriAl hi~hwAvR of the territory with KenRi PeninsulR And cnntemnlpted brid"e across TurnA~8in ~rm WAR hrieflv di'3cUSfPd, And without bein" in the form of A motion the i;ll'1icinpl Cler" WAS directed to A-1dress A lAttAI' to the PT'esidp t of the AIRsk8 ~~pnAte 80el c;;,eAker of thl'! H01JRP, ~'pTJr"\vin~ Sllen "'l<>T:'nr'8lJ There WAf': then T)resentpd to the r;"lJnci 1 ,:; '3t,:;tement of Gpor~e V.Green for en~ineerin~ And Rurlitin~ seT'viees in th hRlqncp nf the Pllm (If <:;;1 ()Fi0. CQunCllmAn F<~rdrnqn '11nved th,:;t the hill he qll.')1r.ed And "Rid in thp Rmount of tYJe bplRnce riue. This '11otion "1<iS RPcondpcl by C(')t11"cil!T1An Cqm1'en. ,1 ~enRrql dip('.11ssion ens11erl in v"hiC'i! i:01l!"('.ilmen 1Rl I !,Ironri", r;"T11T"lpn, 1<:rrl'118n, "'nrl 'i'"Vor ;'PK"r o8rtici<J8ted. \!non the r,ug- ["e~tiGn nf CnUI1r>ilm"n';nnrlv Hr. GrAAn <JooAArA1 bofor," tl1A Cnunr.;l "inrl '~"rlA SAVA!'"l Rtat"mAnts wi th reSllPct to the ,;ork Derformed bIT hirl pnrl S1J["p'psterj thAt nt'1Pl' n"CPSS'JrV wnrk shn1J}rl '8" 8r.C'omn1 ic,f-]'prl 'l\'xt with rAfpr~ncp to A r.nmoilRtinn of orrlinsnceB 8nrl A cnmpil~tion AI1 vprifieAtion nf tSY rpcnrc1s. tip nffArpd to AW1it bnoks nf the nit to the Ann of the fiSCAl ve8r, Anril 10, 1945, Ann nrARPnt such fi - 8nei~1 rAeorrls with the first ch8rp'e. Councilmqn RrrlM8n moved to Amend his orip'ionpl mntinn hy ArJrl;ng thAt p"yment of sAirl r.lRim nf GAOrge V. Green he mAne when the records ~ere cnmpiled hy hin Rnd fnr wl-:id, cOT'loensRtinn WAS sOlHrht bv Dl"C'lnF in the Bit:r filAs. T'1i c, Amenrlment ',,'PS Clccenterl tv ';n1]n~,ih~8n C"1T'lnen ",no ~pr.nnderl the nrir-ioL81 'n.otinn Wr"T''''JDOn rn11 wpc, ('"llerl 11Don the "nended mntion ~lnd thos" voting in the AffirmAtive WAre CnlJ:1cil,mAn, ','c,ts.iold, ~"rno F:rrlmAn, C"m;')pn c1nrl, ~;tilwpll--Pi. id'88nt, CC'1l1ncilmRn ~;t"nton. 11'00,"'0 P8KPr rl8~]RrAd thA bill of George V. UreAn RPoroved ~nd nrrl8r8d n8'd Sllbj8Ct to conditions stclted in sqirl r:1ntion. ~berA W?s nRYt prBsRntRd to the ~Aetinv 8 stAtA1T\pnt of the Au Pu~lishinQ CnmDPny with r8sopct to cArtA in Dublishin~ of city note, And nthAr printinv A8 in RAid stetenBnt set forth to the amount of '-''')8.25 c:JVerina the nAriod from .Tulv 1,1944 to dRtA. CnUnCil"TlAn i.io,dv moved thA bill be Allowpd "Ind "!R!']'8nt issued in onvr;lent thAI' - of in thp sum of ;;;58.2:'). 'This motion '.;AS ClcJended r)'1 CouncilmAn )'1 who suggested th9t the bill be rqirl with thA nrnviso that hereAfte mO!1thly statemAnts hP submitted b-T th" tlunt ?11hli.Rhir1r> Cn. othecwLA S1JCl: 8tatements \'/01]11 nnt bR ""id. This Rmendment WPR Hr.;r~PT"ltpd rw (;rl\Jnci Im8n J"Ats-jold '.-;ho seconded the origion",l motion qnd the moti n wns cArried. Unon roll c811 thp following voted in the cffirmAtive: r:nUDC'ilmen "otR,101d, ;;1nodV, Cp'TJpen,_'til',vell - 4. :'Agative, :J;1"d_ :n8n-l ~rsent, ~)t8nton. >/;O:Tor '::0ker dec18red the bill of th'J i unt Fllbl iSllinR' CO!DP8n;1 >111 Yied And ordered pP id. I Unon c1 Q'enpr~il Burr,'eEtion of tlle Coun~illi]en oresAnt thA If1lni- i".i. pI :-;lerk: XC;" c!irec+:ed to nctlfy the r.'mt hlblis!1inf! GC'1:rrnfHl~' to meke m2k3 ~tAtements of Accounts for city printi:1F monthly. Gnuncilmnn ~tilwell ~resented and moved the adoption of the fnllo~inv resolution, stBtin~ 8S the re8son for the introduction of such resolution that t~e ori~iongl ordinqnce with resDBct to dri- ver's licen2es 8t :Pi ner An:1Um coul'i not te f<Jund. ,-,ul"v~sted resoi lution WAS as follows:'~ it resolved by the Cn~'on ~nuncil fo the Town of ';Fward, n}ciS'P that or; or "fter Ju1:' 1,1')45, city licenc"e for Drivqtely o\'lne<i c?rs for privCJtely o,med CAr" 1',[1911 be the sliIm nf Sl Del' "nnum. .pt~jold seconded the motion for adoption of 1'8- E',olution.,:;nuncil'D<cr L,p,-lm~n di~c'JPRei this ~,t E'Orle 1 'D,/th ';,< c;r cn 1 c~l csll ttr' ~"r)~lc)'.vinC" voterl "in +h3 Afflr~A+;ive: '-:~l T""ilr1'"Jon .0t-~_ .;;-110, ."'-,'" (:'--T~",(',,",\ ;t-jl,v"::!11--4. ,~n.,..,tivP, ~,rrj(:lAn--l~ '\hsRnt ":C'1'mcllmB:1 :c,tnnton. ,2'-'\'01' "'Aker' dec18recJ t'1':? resolution to 1:::P ,"-- 'Iooted Jlll,! I, 1\145. TJ N F ~ ~\': T ~ ; ~ ;~ ') - \l :~, X: j '-- C I !Indpr' heRdinr-,r unfinishsd businesf'. .;nunr.ilm<cn ;';r.-jr"fin tl'ou<zht l];' in this cnrm8ction the bonds for the riluniciD81 builrliD'~, ,."n"~r RA~pr.stBt~d thst ADllicnti?n fo~ pr~orities ~ith resnp~~ to to:su9 hU1lrl1np: 8n~l th"!t consult'lt1on 'il1th ,.;I'. ,ll'lnlA'! r8pultp.'\ 1n the 1n-' ~ormAtion thqt the externsl structure could be comp1et9d, t~at the 110usin[" of ::111 officpp in one buil,linf could be OC(~()r;1C'l lSDed ':ut th::1t it ~qS extremely 10ubtful thAt ~QtAri~l could bA 3bt"1inAd to ~inish the interior Jf the buildinp. [herp Vqs AD Alt~rnutivp nll'ln s1Jh~ittprl tv ~r. ~pnlev ~hich would cover the mqtter. Cnuncilmnn "JelCH]'! exoresppc1 hi;" oDinion that it 'Nou1rrl b8 imDossH'.19 to fCP,curp cl~ltpri'11r. 'lnd from his reC"lnt trip to the "otclh.,' lrncne'l thC]tlri- teriAls Ar8 i'ilcos~ih1e to pet ev~n Nith rriorities. ,lc':',')r o"1"'er, under the hAad of unfinished t:usinGb0, rfJpocted tL8t ;') l'illn""1~()lis fir:n is er,~'Ar to invef't in ~c'e"''''r'i "inJ thc,t the C:" ',','P rrJ I" tel' ::,1]:'1)l:r C oul d t:~ 1:;OU[';[l t for the sum of :': 1 nn , ()i)O with C_1 cArtain down pAyment, the rAst to be h"1nrllprl by revenue retirAment. It "1"1" "tRterl thi',t it \'.','~lj be p fino thj~li<: for C.,p',.JHrd to t,,!z(~ ove thA '''''''V8rrl .I"1ter ::~']nDIv the comirw seRson, D0BSibly finRnr:pd by i:he :llnDAPDolis firm, the nFl~IRo'elrent to I:JA vested in the city council, 1R'''',) , .. , .. '~ t",r"ns to be worker:! cut by the f'Airl firf!l 'H;::i <31ty offi~j':l1s. C;nrrH- p"lJnrlen<3e on the Rubject j s to be tllrnerl over to the CO'Jnei 1. In t-he S<Jf!l8 eonnection the cl~)im of the SewnY'd .!'lter Sl1nply WC;S (''llled to the Rttention of the Coun~il. COl1ncilman ':-;rrJrrp'1 brought up the subject of the sRlt ~J8ter fORi 'lnri, CO\Jncilmpn '.,Rts,iold st8terl that tbe c3wnmers Construction 0,,'11- n8nv h8r1 rliSCUE'p.erl the mAtter "lith hi"l, snd the rn8in woulrl be out i conrlition for woe. Councilman i~rrlman thAn broui"ht up 8S unfinished "'llsinep,s the cqRe (")f trG b,,18Jlce rille the contr0.ctor on the sewerE'. ;nllne i Im8n CAt1]ren <3"1] led pttention of tlw Council to the cIa i:n of R. V. Hoben with respect to rlAm'lge done his buildinv, by contrActor "nrl Rtated thpt the qmount of this clqim should be deducted from '1mount DAin contr8ctor. Th" City Clerk WRS directerl to inform oar- tieR cOllcerned. ~ > Cnunci]m"'n ""ltsjolrJ cRlled to the Rttention of the Cn1Hwil no- lice le~islAt~0n in the Al~G~A lepiplQture At orBpent, rA8trictin~ ~he ADPointmpnt nf noli~B rffi~er8 to thnse h8vin~ lived @ certHin ~eriod of time in t~e territory. Councilman Moody movod R telegrAm be pent to the Governnr ob1ectinp stron~ly to the nropOBerl nolice hill, thic to be foll-'"1wed up by 8 letter of eX1Jlan8ti:::m. The motiol. .'IBS r;ecrmd'Hl by Coun(~il'Tl8n dPtsjold. Thp roll W8R CAlled Rnd thO'o;e Toting in the Affirm8tive Vlere Councilmen "AtRjnl1, Moodv, '\rr1"1An, C't Uwpll, gnd CpmnAn--5. ribsent, Councilrr.on "tAnton. Cnuncilmsn Srdmqn hrou~ht up the subject of snoVl And ice on sidAwalks ne8r the old ~orthern ~orner. The sirlH~Alk itself i~ in ir]qd shpne 8n") A mRnAen to npr1APtrinns. Co;mci1rnAn (',:oody stated t;h:-l ~he cost of cleRring these RlrlewAlks hAd bpen charQed tn the owner, Leo Mp~gule~. MAvor HAkor RtAted thAt the sidewAlk north of the ,-,A\Jndry hod been R 'TIensce <1'1'" to ice gnd Gnr"! ~')nditions nut th8t it hAd beAn cleRreo when thp '>;mer .vRS told cnst of (',1 eAring '10\11 (1 he ch8rreo to owner. The subject of fire eeCADSS on the VAn Gilder hotel WAS brought rn bv C01J.nei1rnRn r~rrjman. r;lAyor ':3AKer SRi rj that due to difficul tv i 1 ohtAining both mAterials Rnd labor the fire eRCRDes hAd Dot baen constructeJ but that ChsrleR LRchner WAS now Rt work on the same BnrlAnd nrOgre2S coulrj be rep0rted ~lre8dv. PRvor Bp\<:er i.)1nnired of Counci1:n.Rn ~)til'vell "IS to cpmetery RiR'ns. NEi r'3USIN';:Sf: Councilman ~0ody stpted thAt there Are three outfits now h"nrl1 in'! g:arba~e Ann thRt the ,:>;enersl sitUAtion WRC unsatLfsctorv, thHt p'erb8l2'e was sCRttered Alonl! the streets but thAt eOlc); outfit RAid i~ ~RS the f8ul t of the other. If conditions die) not improve it '.i8S sUP:lZesterl thAt the city tph",ver the rA'nov81 of f!ArbR[!f' or thAt onl> nutfit be p'iv8n R eontrRct to disDOSA nf RAme. GenerRl riiseusnion "ollowed without pction. ' Rl,:pnwr (IF C(]i!'nTTE"~:-O Councilman 'vloody reoorter1 th::lt the fire 'lVqll to be Dlaced be- tVle"n Dufresnes D8Kerv And. ,:Aeehter Rros. meAt iIlar),et had not been instAlled. Investil2'A~ion of the rninutAR of the council Rho~ed thAt on June 11. 194~ ~]fresne 8P'reer:! to instRll a fire ~All within GO riAYS. It \~fiS disclosArl that Lufresne hpd sold the bakery to R mAn nRmed ~;tAns]and. that the the new owner ',,-.AS not Rt present ill fllARK: InA Cnuneil AlZreerl thRt the Municipal Clerk eh01110 ,;rite t'lll the new owner to install B fire wRll or the orooerty would be condemned. RR A fire h8zArrj, >lnd removed. ~ Councilman ',i8tsjold brouo;ht up the Question of insurance for firemen. He stated that premium for the said insurance hArt been oRid but that in his opinion COVerHge was insdenuate. 1fter 1enerH dIscussion ::i'3yor 08K:er 2opointed Council'TlAniptR,iold to cJct 'Nlth th, Fjremen's nrgani7Rtion to look further into insurance coverage, Bnd r8Dort At next COllncil mAeting. "-- ~, (~-:-, '. i"( ,". MAyor BAker informed the Council of ~ertAin Action taken 8~ the reouest of the IV~ll itprv Rllthori ties 'vith rBfBrRDcf? to the? 1- stricted 0istrict. bv reAson of the f'1ct that sitUAtions renllirini7 8c~tion mi" It develoo before election it was thou.~ht best to recess this meet Lng untilJ:'hllrsdclv, I,lprch 2Sl, 1945. 'jo tr1is the 60uncil DPTG8d. I At 10:45 P. ~. MAvor BAker declared the meBtin~ rRCAPRed. i:\.?; :? ~-)\r rlr f) E'lvor ;\rrTr-.;srr -------711ni"0fpaf -Cferk ~';>f:1(~T'I J~ ~~~ ;3EC:;;:)1 ,:,,~ '~-'~:!:L~; 1S14P, 'r"hA CnrrPlnY[ Gnl1t1rai 1 nf' i-bp. j'(]Fnl nf' rpP'ul AY' PAsstOr: ;;:, :~:'ri 1, 1Z;4fi 'H1r1 ':J8 s >,,,,Irpr "'T 8:10 "', i- 'Mitn thp fnllOI-"ln" 1'.1, n () d:'; b t i 1 1i'i P 11 ~i n {~ '~1 t R ~ n 1 r, ~ '; n S Q qt. ~-:"Pl,J:-;:rd, ,-'lp~k~ ~(1nvEJnp.d Y) eR11prl to nY'r1"r nv """''Tnp Cr'\llllf" i 1 fi1AlI :-n'pp,p"']+- ~ (1~mnl)n.. ~rrlmq~ r~rri rt~ntnn. I' i i r 1 I T r:;, S r' f' or, r~ CJ 1 P F t rn,o A 1- j n P' 1;,} ,0 r' P. Cl n n r n" p rl ~ s (> n (1 r Po ~ i~ p rl .. I i'i!Y"~ Ppt:pl'snn 'IJI-1E~ 1nt.r'O l~l~r~ onci \;'j'-lf~ psk~ri 1~,T thp ';~'TnY' if ilA t",il::::,npr1 t.o hrlnR UD Clf!'v' 'nusiqpc::c:- fnr tne (;\I1]r.(".il~ [.,,11"~ ~()tp-rp,r,n (~0i_rl h c 1t 8 r) b p q r rl r 1) r;, n r F; t nth c p {' f p c~. t t-1-j q t t~ 11 P ~ T 0 (' lr (-., n 1 r~ P r '':; '"^'. f' t ,'~ (:) .., 1 n +- Pl11:1 i Rhi ~,~ rnrnn':1(1V r~~r1 Y'FH-'l]Af',t-,Pr! t)lp j()l1r;r' i 1 to :1 ;::f'1l~ dped t'l Tj('~ts ~5r;, ~t..,7 r~p'l ~1,;:" :,l(l,~l{ 1.P~ (:)0 '~Y"r] "T'n'".}l'lFitp t.n thp t-~11nt i~"1111-i~n1.nr~ (~nTfJnRn'.: ~ Inro0Y"~)nr'!ltp.rl Y'!-it~lor ~-}'\~'Y' tn f-1" ~ Hl1nt ~ ,t ~~"h,p- r'A(11JOSt nf ;<::-"l:ror -81ro1" ....hp f'011 n';,,ri ~\:r 1 o{-tpT' ('I<;.j~ rr.Jc;.! 1.,,, thp {~1 or..1r. ,.... 11f'; 1 ,- ,. 1 ',J 4 Fi j'n tl,p Hnnnrpb1.p :!:'lvnr ~-lr;'l ,;011n~il r: it-" nf' ~P\iJ8rd. ,~18 ~~l-rp r)~ ~ T' ~~; T' ~': . In ':~(:(>nrrl-:'nl~~ l",'1t~ !\ mr+:jon (\8SG8rl l.lr10ni:nri1]r<lv ~t t'lP 'J8Rt 'lj r~~tl\r' ~ l'1~~t-i..n T hpT'pr'\! Y'Anl1PSt tn~t tLp rlPp.(l t-n 1 rj+-C: ~I,n _ :"-7 - anri ~.l.,S; ;-,lril~tr lP,; '1'n~-'rc:itA;jf -:'p~V!lrrl, bA filRrip t-n t-nf--' i.Jl1nt ~ll~]1:~'r- jn~~ (~nrr!:lHr)v. :; Cn:r~hlr;::-tion~ ()rr'~nl?p,ri llnr1pr t-hA 1::-,'~'~~, nf thl--! i'P'i'P;-, t-nro~; ~'\f i\1'?~~,:,. ilunt :"u()l ~ s"h i nc .T" q" ~ ~ 'v'~"k i n F: ~ ';n'-J~l~lll~l, T71(".; ';PCT'RtHp'T-TrA~ C::111'Ar 'T~p f'nlll')\!',..i nO' P81 :;:.11"; PS '-'YJ'i rl Q'tr1p ~;lQ -i Y"f"t t;1!p Ci t'.f ." OT'P nr~~- C::t":lllt'PrJ hv thp (~lAr~~ 1~1 ~Gi~r,.84_ C1Qirns~ typttv CPS1-1 ;;f)_~n~ ;~()-l~r- trr ('If lrt~rn81 ;, 2VAr;u~. l'c~J'\. 1 n. TArrl tnr181 ,rp0 QllT'PT'. :~F)l n.. !l(I. T,il-'r'r--Irv. ;~:~:l..n~)~ :"'1p.s~0 T'r~nRf'pT" 8nd :':'A~'-'.rHY"'(l ,qtpr -'11nnl", ,4;4PP.n~. ,-,rorhTt~ r1,Vrll'QP,~~. ~;!nq~pp,~ lrvlin T. "ot,rplf'. ;?.~(). ('(1'10',:-:: IJ8rHP',t.), '~,:f',..'oo: Sp'IIn1"rl '1p~tri(' '-;:'st'-'rr:, -,1;'~1.P(): Se"I"'p'l Hc>rrl'fJCJY'P, -":'.f'f,. ~~P'.Vr:-ir>(' [l:rnt ~tlrl Pr'wpr, -j4:-Z;.f.n~ ~O\"l<;lrrl ;J!'l1;J'. ~~:A~;Z.~: nF;~Tlrl i!~rohino (.hnn, I:~f; ~ 7fl ~ Gcnpr81 ~,1 oroTri (> -~llnnl V C'lr!""n'I~;jt-inn. c'l 4n.Ltn. f1111'lt- P11h_ liC''r-~;no' i;,\lrrn0f1v. "71..tI(): ;=("'::1!,(' rjf ~,r111~;::-:tinnJ ,~'~.?7C~~pn. I"'T'~ ',.'1nO(lV r:nV~(1 ~nrl i"'r. i',qtRinlrl p~c()nrlp,rl t}-lC!t: t~c: sOJ.....,ri8~ ~il1r1 nhl'iQ'~--:lt;icl;]p rA "pi'1. lTnnn roll ('''<11 011 Cnlln('ilr""n n1"ARent VCltArl r,v.' 'TnA t'oll"",!i"", f'''!lcorie", 8nrJ "h1i,H,tir;ns <q,qjnst tn" ';":;'I"1Y'(l -'-lB~- trip. LHst8nJ 1:"Pl'P' nrpspntprl h'r t:~'lP l';1pr:z~ L~l~rip.~ -"~l ,8; ().;)p)- (~nl_ 1 p (I, ~(lr' nf ~ n tF=)rnq 1 r:,A,V~Y)11 p) ~"-::q ~. :z.n; ~--'p.ttv CQ pn; :~:7 f). qn ~ :::P':J~ rrl ~_ (>n;np. -'.nn!l, ~r:1:).p,n; L::'t:~ndprd IJil; l;17E3.04: -p'':;Rrd J,ip'ht qnd ~""'l~rp '~'7,h(l: (',erprc,l "lp~tri.(' '-;1J":11" l;"rn"r~t-;.of', ':fi:---.f,r,~ ii1Jnt i-'1Jhli<"'linO' t;nmn8nv. :"4Q.tJn~ ~c)1r,lOf'ln i<:'It-Or ~;.1)l)nlv; '-1i:-)4(i(;; XTH~r-kif~Ml'tl1( vr.. -'+-:i1'''011 rc..,vprj Rn,l ,,_iY'. ,,'C',:,n'T f"B~"nri"rJ thc;t- TilP "'~l"riA" A]'1rl 0})li,,-'1- t.innf" r,p "Rirl. 11nnn 1"011 ~R11 ",11 C"'ln(',ilrcpn f)r,~pont vOT,ed i','l-. lR4 '-DA~i81 rA:,I'\rtf WAr8 I'\mittAn nv 1',1'1:'1'\1' 1;8\{Ar. 7nA rAnl'\rt of thA f;P\7~lrr1 Elpctr'i(', C)1'ptpfTj "I'll" r8nd lfir. 'iilliRrnPr>r And eccentpr1 hv thA 001'1'(',41 with 1'l0'C!'TIpnrlpt-i('n on tho h"n(11.;nfl' of t118 ,,18nt bv t,h". .:il1i<H'1Ron. Mr. ,lil11qmpon rAnllPRt nArmispion to 1:'111"- ~hHRA t-hrAe nllrifiArF' for thA Anfl'inps. It WRR mnVHd by i,lr. lfnorly ark p,pconr1pr1 hv Mr. r;qmpAn thgt th8 n1Jrifiprp hp nllr~hRsAn. ihJnl"\ roll cpll 81.1 Cnllrcilrrpn )Jrespnt voted v'n~'. -I I '["ne 'flAttpr of thfl clAPr! to T.ots ;,\R, ';',7 '1nn ?,f'" blo(',k 10" ,;pw8rrl 'f'o',Jrlpi tA '''<>8 hrnllpnt 1J)J h', 1,,:qvoT' l~qkpr Wf10 SUP'c'RRt8n tIn tit b8 nAl b over, ;'Vh8l'AllDnn jt 1':'11'1 "nnvpr1 1,v rOr. Cqr'r:)pn qnr1 sA(',nnclpd b'! Hr. l'nnd, thAt the rpn11Ppt "'f thp Hl1nt Pllhli"nil"p' (~0r~nanv, TncnrnorC1tAn; 88 ",AnA in pnnvp lRttpr hp hplrl in ~,llPV8r('.p. Unnn rnll ('.81l All ,;nlln- ('ilmpn prAPent votpd ^y~. Unni' nrn1'er ''1ntinn "nr] sAc:>nd Ann llrRniTfl011S vntA ,,+' ell Snllf'ci men Drpsprt +-hp fTlPi?tiY1f" Rn iOl1rnpn. /l.ftAr <'1(J iO\lT'l'1m8nt. ',;Aynr R<1k-pr noti fipr] tnA r:;l)lJn~i I men nT'pspnt thqt thA r:;n1Hl~ i 1 "'lnllld convpnp RF, 8 C8r:JV88sinQ' bnprn nf thp plpction 4 AT1rU, JC:)4f> 8t fnuT' n'('ln('.k pi,T I~ ppn(\1J~:n i.'l:onror f.lTTH:;~;rrl lvTunieip<<l ClArk C;Pf;:CT >~ L :~h'CC InN ~PfiTT, 4, 1945 ~hA OOfTlmnn Coun~ll of thH Town of Sp~Arrl, ~181'1kp convAned in Rnpciql Spssion on 4 A1'ril, 1945 Anrl WAS C81ler] to orner hy MHynr RpkAr At 4:';',fi P. ,'.I. with CnllncilmAn in attenc18nCA 8S follo"Is: Pre- sAnt, CouncilmAn (;P'1] ['en , Hondv, StilwA11 pn'l iAts,iold. Anspnt. H'rd- '1]pnn Bnn St8nton. Vqyor R8kAr AxplAinAd thAt thA nurnnS8 of thp PAssinn W8R to CAnV3F,S the vote of the r':llni~in81 P.le~tion hAlr] :>: [,nril, 194fi. '1'1'1P C8rtific8tA nf t1'1A fi:1.i?ction JUr1P'8S \VRS reAd by the ClArk After'v1'1i.(','1 it WAS mnVAd bv Mr. Mnodv Ann sAconden hv Mr. Camnen thst thp count of ttp Rlection ~n8rd be 8CCADterj Ann th8 fnllorina r8snlution hp ArlO~t8rj. Unnn roll CAll 811 Cnunci.lmAn nres8nt voter] [y~. -, ;;:':;(j LU T 1 (JiJ ;Il~:nMi, In Bccord2nce vrith the lavIs of the c.AITitory of .lcrsk88nct the ordinAnces of the City of Se~Brd, . lAske, Bnrt the 'forms Bnd no- tices :)f election duly piver "nC1 ic,' ", t,1:e1 " ,.Jln;('iD81 ~'le,:ticn I:?,P h8ld in the 'InTMn I1p1l in the s8ir1 ('itv ,'n the thircJ '1'1? rf ~r)ri 1.:-145; <-nd ',"~,IPFts, 1['1 "ccorr1an(>p v'ith tllP Ju1.y DY'p:'",rer1 F'nrl ('nrrp~t ,~ertif'i,cHI!-;P,f filAd with HArrv [" C'T~itn, ;\11'1;(>inAl Clerk, by the; Ciff'i('Pf'S nf' PClir1 ~lActiDn, the f011owin~ nAmed nArSnnS re(>pivArl the AX8('.t numbAr or votAQ nlRcpr1 pft8r their rPRnectjv~ npmpp fnr nffiCRs Pp hprRinpftA~ ~ct fnT'tn, tn ~it: P(1r :)~iT()l" : , ' \";{. ,T 1t Hi. 1 1!1 !.. q k p r FrAr; '. : t;'we11 Ll'hor-l~!i::.l r' I;_JP n0 r;pnrp'p B. '1nnrlv ~ n9 69 ~, 1 Pnr "nurci lrolRn: T1.vn YPAr r.i~F!rrn !i " -...:.,;::, 11rr!lTq rtnp r E5 (; :; >; pptin" 1 8? TO:-TI I, . .', Y' rl 'TIF\ r n l;~ [) I~'\.-~~rl o~ L.~nnY'pr 1 [)'.1 ?~1 t,p ('k- .T Qri" edA R;:; d r' ':'.hp 1 1 pnhArQ'pr (11 '. '1' .T. It T) pn 1I r;. P1' ,I, PI' 87 H T "tcortnn 1 Rn~ ~~~hnnl h0~rrl i.'~~bpr: 7hr~~ \rppp TQr~ : :I<O;rvl ,)'Jo, (1'npr ~',,\ q P f?~' (' ~ t ell ~ h HC!l pn .r,cr\MAT' ~)nq 74 1 1x~ rlDr1 ~~ .... {~-1~;' L....... Tl'Q ~otur~8 ~~f ~~~ri tl'p 'J("r'n~n ""'nr> i 1 nf' ,:;4 1 q f", tic' n '. p r r; (~1.1 1 ~T ~ n'~ (-, r \..) \-. C: ~""l 'iJ t h p .,' 'l i'~. h n f' j~- Cl , I,.-~ r r 1 ~ 1 P .c' ~ <::; (l:n ~c:l'nVQ~- , 'i(' 1 1 II ~rl hv J /tf~ , ill' I"] fJ !!~ r-< I,: H ~ r [( ,-~' i- rr . ':' '-.,,,' ,1TT,'l i _ \T ',-'-_ ;('1: ': '( "-I. ,', ,1' :,1 '~ T 1'" ; ~l ' j _ i 1 I": ,~\ 1 q I '-<\I!;. c-}I ?!' :;'>1'-:;t, in <::"1~r..()rd~nC,R I!,rith "t.rv::.) ,iJi~}if~f-'. n po ~ ~ "1 (~ t ; 'i'i"~ n, q p p p t for t h b v t rl e r P. p i1l t ~ (); ~~ -, 1 ' . .o\Jvinrl' n~r;JPP r\PT'ROYlC:'" rnvinF''' l'~c~piiTp.rl +:~Ir. ribJ'hA~t np tn"lir rpf'l1or>tivp ~ffir>P" ""PI" dRc1pT'pr] wlpr>,tO'l, nf t-~~.n v"r"':l_C' nf (.1 Rr:tie,n, thR f()l- Ylljrnnp r nf \,i0tA ~ \.j.,Tl:T' f:,j' ~--.. ti:r"":"'i :yf cne VAo;;.r ,I -<"1:":- j.-.l r. ;";()l1.n~; 1 rnAn f'nr ~ "I",PT'1T1 nf t."I'n vq~Y'~ 'Tcrn T ~'r,llnRnn ,,~ . ..] v p 8 t i nrr n~lqT'l pc: T.r,::,~,hnpr ;)f'>, h n .ll 1 ')r-,~ r'<: .~~~Ar.for Q tpr~ elf thrF~ VP0rS r;() r"l 1 8C'\,\PT' PRf''-Rr1 1JnRl"irn0u~l" hv 1~~k~ n~ ~hiQ 4tr r]~~ of t1r)O ('r""'IT'7l'-lnh ,;(",uDci 1 nPil 1,<4:,. c:f tL~ . "".il" nf ;-:;R i A 1"' d ) "IICjlT () r n-'(i H ,-_., -------T..,~lD""{cin.=11 (:1~rk- It ,i'~" ~)('.v",r1 r\l r,:p. "-t,,,inlii "nn ",pr>()n,ll,r1 hV :,P. "'()()elV ~h'lt' t'n ~) 1] Po r~ p n d p (~ f n r t h ~ ~,ri () ~ tin n n f' i-.~ 1 P i \ P c: n 1 t7 r 1 (") n . ; i !! I' n r n 11 ;nlly!(.t-i,TTjPn votPr1 q~ .pnllnl"H.~: \f'f;T"rn~tiV8: ,~~PlnAn ;./n()r~\T. ,pt.Sl"lr~ -/1-. d\'f'Ant, ;'rr1mpnn, :,tonr,nn I lJ1~~, :,P ~1" rll" t i 1 '.'" P 11 , IJt! Hlnt:l.C"in bV r. .:.l+-i,ll,,'p-i-I '-='nA ,c:~(>on{) r'v 1..lr. 1~t;~~'-lo11 t~p ':;0'1!1- jl"'IPY! V0tprl :.If.:' fnl~r"~'F: fnr the Q,-1nntinYl i'[ th~~ ',pc,,,ll.!tinn.. .'ff'ir"0- tivp, Cp'1'r,pn, ,,,,,"v, 'oti1wRl'l, ",tf',i~l'J.- 4 -. \j-,sRnt, o'T''l'nClnn. ,t q n t (C n . "I" l' '" IlT' (1 nth p ,; g "n r ',p r>, 1 10, P A rl t h P r\ p " () 11l t i () n Cl d () n ~ R rl . linn"! tlrnnop T"''1~.i,:''1r: ~~d p'"::l;",,..-.;l'"":...i P(lrl h~r Unqni.m,'.lllS VrTP nf ,_011 , ; ("',': r: ,.., i 1 rfl CI n r, [' A ~ P n i- t r, p j'- p (> i :~ 1 ~.) A P P 1 ':J n ~1 ,1 Li (~U r n P. ri . ;_ .I)J , :' \I ~ ~ ') -,- -----.----- Hq~,;;;-;'--- rT'rr' :.1' -':::, ,--; - II II rL T(~ -i "\1; ," - -c; 1. ~~ 'to k-- -c-. ~ I~ 11 r, ~,J {2 r; C I ' 'l.i :-:,iT 10,1';14;:' I j}lc::. r:"iMr.nnn (;Q-yu10r s~'~f,i.'.)n j ~ P :nn ~,' 1"li th ,. () n Ii;T, C-.; t i, 1,,' R 1 1 , G '111 rT r: -; 1 ("\ f' t h P I -; ,;Ii n n f' ....) p J,,':4 r ~) ,', 1 '~ <:....:, ].7. '.::'. e. () n "If A n A rl i n 1. J ~ r i 1 ~ 1 ~) ..1 ;--=i ;:~ T1 d ;/; p 8 e;=j l. 1 p: () ton r c1 A r ~i \T I'.~ '=1 un 1" ~ ~ :r t;np r'llln'/Iti.n;r \-In!1l"lf",ilnv-.Jn nrp~~1r,t '~;8l!1~lPn, 4;t'riTfn=~rn:; ,ptF,i()ld. ,hspl"t:, ;,',tClntnn. r' ,vi i lllJ tee" ()f t: h p 1" A cr 1 -; } '_':' r ~":;l r (~ c:::; 1 P :'" 4 ~ 1 c p P f: j n n ~ VI H r P, p n n r n V f? rl ;:t S .p;,::'d. t:f't,AY' l'pvlp\!'ilnR' tr-lf;:) !---;()'rni:::;:H~nt t~t-~~'P8n t-r\p 1..J1 i~'r C011'nr>i 1 ~~d :,~r ~ 11J('It, i"'I~.rnr l-,A~pr r,rr::~~fltpd t~lJ(';' rArJllPs-r; n-f l'.. l-'Atp.r-Rnn th'-=1T tti(~ rl~ ~ ,(] I.r";-!=: :z,o: ~l.,rr qnrl :],;0,: ..)lnc'O{ IF; :-)P~v8Y'0 ';r'i\!Y"1F='itp. b.Q lc:.'i::'ller-; t-o}l~ Ii, llnt. ,Il]rinp. thp rilS!"lj~sion (;nqn~j1rnpn :t-~inl;l FInd I.nc;f"r A)(nr~~,~p' h~ir)pol "\rpc: ~ p ho i n(J' ::::lp'~ i Y-l~ tic: CllA i nrr 0.n~T d ppr; Q r T\rp::::~Ylt. jJ-q',;i:" o k p -r (1'. n n c 1 J r r po ~ . 1.' n H10 tin n tj" j,S r. !,:j (\ n (1 V :-1 n rl s p ~ n n ri (l V ..,..... , '<;'i ~ ~ i 01 rl hPT ic::.Pl]Clnr>,::J nf r1pwn tn ~q~r~ lnt" ';r; 'l1jc>~.+iGn ro nplt-1 .;n :l1:-:QH';lf\~~.' 11 C()l1f\r>j 1 ~Ipn nrPF.pnt votPr] in thR ~f'fi T"o'1tivR. '~in~Cl t"hp!,~ w~~ n() furtl'iPf' ~llsi.np~f' tn C'rJ:C!P -hpfop~ trJp. '~;nllr"\r-i 1 1 Rl:.'~ i { ~ i' 1<'18'" f1nv,,"I 1->v ill". ;-;tl1we11 Ann f-'A(',nnrlorl hv iir. ",,,t-,,i ,1 r1 thnt +ho lCi44-l94Pi Cnlln~il A0,inllrn sino 'li". 11;:'0n rnll (',pll ,,,-11 '-;n'11'1('i1)'npn "1"A"'ont voten in tnA 8ffinmAtiVA. f; p~)~r)\/ [{'r): H8vnr J~ rr'r"J1R~~r:r ~ 1I11!1iC'in<11 ClArk ~ Ii' Ii- 11 r L R !2, ~., ~~ l... T (') l\f ( 1\1 H: r; (j T.I \1 (~ I ~ '\ "PRF lO,1945 The Common Gnuncil of thA fown nf Se~Rrrl. ^l8P~<1, cnnvAnArl in :~o[J'lll"'r 8A,",810n anr1 1"8P ('8118'1 tn nrrlor ,'v ,:~ynr !-;p"or At 8:4Fi ,1M nn 10 ~:'ril, 1945, wit-h thA folln,"inI1 ",nlln(',ilmAn nrp,~Ant: l:'1nrT\An, H:rr1m'1nn, ;;Innrlv, dAtpinld. Tho nA'V rnuneilrnen, r'-AAtin!! 8nn LprhnAr W9re sworn in bv thA ClArk. !,fpynr kf,],cor vvplco',A'] tho new rnllncilrnell "nn Axnl"'1n8'1 thA ',inr\(- inP'R nf the (')nlln('il. ThA ;'Mvor thAn Axo1"ARsor1 hiF' coin('erest,,'ipj, l,1'1'1t thp new r>nunc-il wnll1n "'1:vf1?'" hA 1"AAd" to tpkA Ar1vAntAl"": nf Anv pvi"'tin~ fA('ilitiAP in 8nr1 ne"'1" SowArrl. Dllrina " r1i Sr>,11",coion on the Dolicv nf the C)P,I;'I'O Pol.'-lri p 'is rA- [J'81"r1s nrtjr>le'" nrintArl in thA ~n18r~s hAvin~ to no with city Acti- vitippp Hr. r:llnt prb~rA-1 the Cnnr~il C!:Ami':lflrF'.ifAvnr ;jp\(pr PVorpsf-;prj ris oleARure 8t !:fnriw' ,:1". Hnnt ;-:,rAPAnt Rnd stAtee) th"t itd8h hi" Fnd thp Conn(',il's r1",piT'8 to hAV'" full ~()nnprotinn of lir. ,Iunt in rrosflntinp" citv R~tiviti.AP tn thA Dubli~ thrn11D'h tr,A j'nl8ri.p. '11". I.F1tnnpn ob,iActeri to h<l1rinp' mi nuter,' (If t[1A rnun~i 1 mPAtinuf-' nu),l iP'lH1 "p1""",ti'11 wi th \',[rliroh ooie(',tion thA ::;nl1o~i 1 (',cncuc]'erl. It \'1'1'" f1111y ovolalnAr1, hO~Av~r, thRt the nrinutfls WA~A noen to t!:A oubli~. Mr. ~oodv snoke of the flood WAter in the nnrth DArt nf tnwn. 'fn", l"1pttAr 1M"'''' rpfpr1"prl to Mr. CA'1l;,pn. Tnp nuestinn of aonointment of ~ity emnloYAPR w"'''' rAiped hv Iv,r. ;\r"'''Ann. '",""vnr :',A"or stAter) t-h"t Iriou1 (1 hA t-::lkpl1 r>,8rA nf <it t!:A nAxt 1'8<:111181" "'8ss1nn. Or motion nf ;,lir. ":rrlnl"'nn ann F'econd of ;':1". i'i'nonv And unAnimous vote of' All councilmfm, thA nHAtinp' '30i()urnA0 8t 9:1Pi pI, ~ " p,'Rr'1TH,n Hqyor :' 'T'T:f",T '"11nic1081 Clerk ~(S' ,~p T J fl ~1 c~: c ~', T \.i N \\J;:UL 16, 1845 The (')om'1lon Snunci1 of the Tn~n of ~e~~1"d, ~losk8 convened in \{A2'u1Ar Cipp,i')n Find WAP, C81181 to order by ;v:'lyor l',p!.I:er clt c :05 ],],( 0n 16 [.:oril, 1945 with All Cn11lwilmfln Dresent. --.,' TnA minllteE of the last ffieAtinp' were RDDroved PI" 1"e~d. l, 1 ett8r t'rom 'l'pl'ri torial !"~''')ortmfmt of ,'111,1 i~ tip,:,} th conCArn- in? h",pl th 8xDenrli tLlres Tor thA 'JrAviouf; I"'U3rter d8S J'eAr1 by ttle Clerk. Nn p~tion was ne~eR~ary. A letter from the Tprritory C0Y'struction Cnmceny of JUDABU cor ~prning b81BncA "ue of ill ,fi12.56 in conneetion 'ilith Docket YPiO-127 ~ftAr ~evie~in~ end diseu~ping the epSA Mr. C",mnen movp~ qnrt Ur. ~~ndy se('onrlp~ ~hRt 'l'prritory r;nrptruction Unmn,:,ny be notified that ':IA '1re unF11;le to rF"T the bill n01,J tut it ruBV bp exp8cterl in M1Jr'\lst or 1'1nssib1y .Inl1T." Ih-,nn roll c811 811 0nuncilruen voted in the '~ffir .netive. -"PlITT, 16, 1945 lQr'"'"! r'" l LJn thA introduction of 8oo1ic'lti,-,ns :01' city p0sitions iv'ro. li"'rj "lAnn rrovAri qrd'''1''. C""~nen f3Aconded thFlt the ClArk be oireC',bJri to Clrlverti,'3" For biri in the '')o''nrrl ;-'nl"ris. IJn;~n r:J11 cAll '111 ~:"1Jnci - ~pn votei in the "ffir~ative. I [,''1:'01' I~,pkpr. in p.ff3if"nin" committeAf3, )'en'1ested thc:t the ('n'D- ",; ttpc>c ",nrk ',,'i +-h thAiI' rO'"'DAC'tive dADQntr0ent he'1.'1f3" Thp r',o"or streR~pd ppnpC'iRlly the c~mmittpPf3 01' tRY aSfAP~mBntR pni 1~~ nnd nrel inqnc"c;. ~r. ~i"lchAski, on reporting cGn~truction of Hteel fire esc~- Des, st~tBd thAt only ono DIBce, thnA~Rrd HntAl, had cnmnliAri wit the ordinAncp. It W8S recommended by Mn. KipIchecki thst B'1ch ~lR('p of hUf3inpcs ~hnuld havA at IPRst one Annrnvpri fire pytinf"uioh- PI' for eAch one thousgnd feet of floor sopce. It ~qF Further re- ported hy Mr. Kielcheski that some of the Lusine~~ hnusec had built rA~Ks into the "'11evs to f"lCr ~'r pvtent th8t it W'18 verIT difficult "'et the f1rRder thr0u,'h An0 th"t snme nf the ~8r 0 'DArS weule! not ~lpqr thei'" ~arp from the husinecn section of Fourth Avenue for grl~- 4 nl7.. C0'1,1iti'Jns bellind certsin rl':;c~ef'. "f hUf'i!1f1SS, D"rtir.ul'1rlv the ',har~r'Jck C:~""RrV snd the '-,p\'I"r,.1 LFllwdrv, Viere r]escrJ.hRrl >-'y h,n. ;;:rrl- 11"'8:1'1 qp hA7Qrrious Rnd unsAl1itarv. 1';81'01' r8kpr dire(',ted thAt the , " nrocer cnmmittePR Rnr! the ~ire "Inri colicR ~hiefs meet lith him At two 0'(',10cl< ;pdnpf30AV Afternoon, 18 Lrril, 1?45 for 'In insT1ection tour of the the t~o business Allevs. I ,"Al t 'AteI' i';"ln. It "v<iP renorteri th8t ~;0mmers r:onptructi0n C]nmpsny WQS n0t snxicup to UndentAKP c0moletion of the the ~Rin but thAt one of their men who is A srpci"list on mAnhole And FeWer con- f3truction ~ould he 4n ~"war~ for A few months And prnhAblv cnuld f"l',prvisp U"lR 'Nor\<. ;,c8:'or ,jAkeI' re:lUPFited i~r. ~",rr1mAnn to C!)ntA~t the ~rmy for niling pnd nile driver to he URed in ~nm~lption !)f the f;', "r i n tR 1, P . , '~r . t-c,l::n h;:::>G (l"mrnn rennrted th8t tllr, over-fl:)\'! in tl-jp n0roth ',srt 0f 'leen (,:lPc~}'pnrl ',vould be t8c<-en c'~r" of. ' The F1ttention nf' the Cnuncil ',"[8f celled tn thA 11iRcnnc1uct 0~ the chil1ren nf ~e~8rd, some n~ ~hom are Dre-s~hnnl q~e. T~stBncp eiter1 wqroe: T1S0, f'1Jlverts, r8i.1ro'Hl Y8rdR <lnd ,')PWanrl ",lAchine ,-,hnp. ':A'Tor hqkpr renue~;ted j,:r. L'Jchnpr to ";'vnrk Nith :;']Ot. intL in An er! l1cptionAl c3mnro,jrm. In connection with the ~unicinAl builriinp thp Clerk revieri th telonhnn1c 4nstruc+;ionR by Mr. ',]AnlAv.'ftAr rliscllsRion 111". l~rc1mA n mover! Bnd Gn.~oatin~ RPc0nded thBt the two qlternAtive plBns of Mr ~~nlpv be Rcceuteo "lD1 that bids for construction on that hB~is be Fc1vertiserl. U"on roll call 81~~~~er! in the <JfrIr..-,'"tiv It '''iRE' 'nnCAd by .:ir. '\rlli:m8nn that j,:r. le""T be rErecter! to dr~w nn AbstrA(',t for issuance of bonds. TlT'nn roll call all i'ouncilmpn voted in the affirmAtive. Mr. Lechner moven Rnd iir. '\nrlrrl"lnn 8e('0'ldpr] thAt J,!Ayor ;3",\;pr reDrasent the City in the necPR~Bry ArrAn~ements for the pr~~RrRti n snn c",1p of bondf':. llonn roll cq'll 811 C0uncil"len voted in the qffirmative. On the sub,iect of rp"'lue,,t for feceLil ~r8nt (,:1". ;inod" rnoved And ~r. CAmDen seconded thAt the city renuest B federAl ~~Bnt of ~~S,OOO.OO for the comnletion of the' CIt~ JAIl dnd Pire atHtion. [Joan roll c'll "11 GnuncIll.;en votec in the Affir:GAtive. ;'1A;Tor "_"'ker renorted th8t he ]180 "heen notified' hy' of ~p~ that anplicetion on purch"'se Qnrt consnlirlAtion of r.i~ht Andlnwer W8S 8cceotsble ~nd hsd bSen for'srJed to j"jr. i-1rown "tnp. ~;Ptqq r .[''''hinrton The Clpr;<:,'IccS dirflcted to .vrite,n~horage And f'Airbanks 3nd try to work opt 8 olAn for getting 8n~ ARSe?SOr nn~ to write the insl1rAncA com::anie;; for sugp:estions on securing [l c8pAble Assessor 1,OR . 0", .", p:; T T 1 6. 1 U 4 b, C (~ i\i (; T . Ii i) H~ n On ~otion of Mr. CAm~Rn Rnd second by Mr. KpAting and unanimou~ affirmptive vote of all Councilmen the meeting: ar1,i0urned 8t 9:50(1 PH. APpnr)V~~T); ---- Mayor "Tri~ST: ""-- M1micioal LJl. prk 1 Kk" ti-TTT ./~::-~ '- T.C_:" T (.T" Uf,V 7. 1945 '['iv' r(p"ul;~I' Sef,,;ion of thr> (;"n,rr,nn Cnun(',i 1 nT thp 'l'n'N\"1 nT ;-,pw- prrl) r,l~~lr::;:\ T,'!~l~ r81.1p[~ to nrrlpr hv 1,inv0r l"pk,qp ~~t 3:nt) }J. ;.,\ r:QV 7 1s:J4f1 \<,iTn thA (',nunc.iLnpn in 8ttenrlpncp "1" Tn11n1""': uY'oppntj Cnll\"1cilmAn (;"',"nRn, ;',rrlrn"1!l, "PAtincr "!lei [.o('hne>r. ,4hspnt, Cnllf\(),i1mpn f,,'i0nrlv <:.Inn ~tq+-~.inlrl.. (~l1urrllrr)~~r 1\,'lnr)(i~T f-'f'- Y'i Ve> 8 ." T q: 4rl P. ,[ Ap "'J\"1',(>,i1>"l c1.lilriinp: :;nrrvnittpp iii"v"r ,~Akpr ADoninteo ,;nU'1(',il- mpn T,o('hnAr, C,,,,o,,pn 8nd Errimn'1n. Thi ~ ('n~mitteR is to }!;,VA ('ngr'"A nf detHils ('onnAcTerl with the bui1rlin~. i~:p'rnl' l)q1rPT' r~n()T"'+:prl thA+ i)l1". :;-rp;n nirl not rpnl.)rt the :-;01,!1J~rd !'illl'1i('inal :Jllil,jin" A~ Pf'PADti91. MY'. TodlnAr AdviPAn thA Cnlln~il th8t hI" nnrl (',ont8(',tA(1 iir. ;intn nn ,'"-iP'''IAl'ri dli 1 rlrf'!n rnip('rpqnts "n<! ThAt wi th full coonpr',tion of j,;Ir. Rot\< <,nri the "1"piRtfOn(',p of (;1-,1pf nArvpv l1Ad in"llQ'urRh,rl '''') pr1U('ntion- A1 nropr8~ 8~8inst mip('nnrluct. ,,11". (;<H~DAl1 rprclptpr] th"t t\'IO c.itqwj'lrd Ui1 fpn(',A np"r thA lip-ht Dlp'1t LArl hpAn nCJver] in "beut eiQ'ht fApt ,r;hffich 118r1 n,Arlp q vrAHt i~- V"",Y"()'\JP1:l.c.nr. Tr:f="> in':lrnVOr'lAYlt nD Fif't:l-o /iVOtl1l.o f'rorp dqrl;son StrAAt ....)()llth ',,'01<;.;8 rpnl~rtp~ hV ~4r. C;ornnpn. "<1". LO('jlnpr ('8l1prl tho Rttfmtion nf the> vnu...,('il to the ["Ari011"'- nP~s nf Q~A11 hnATpI ...,OT bAI~Q' Dormittpr] to rlock "'DVWnpl'A 'n tnp nArnnr. l"i1'"nr ':"1kpY' ',r::vi.sprl th8t l~p "'nei "Jr. 8"""'11An would cont'1ct thp C('\n~l"1pndinQ' :;ffi.cpr' 1n SlD fjf'fort to rATli.C!(hrin~: thr::- c:itURtinn. [',.Itq~T()r> ,:_-:"pk-~r rA~(1 q 1 pttpT' -frnrrt lOC:ITA :inr cooter~tion in >"8tI1Arin;>: i?t"1 on KpnAi 1)"'vp1 nn'nAnt ,";nc'rc1 rfiCJuef't- i"pninRulF1 , i;ihr ",,,lnrip,,, "w1 nblip'Rtinn'" '!"ArR :,rARPntArl hv the v1or~ PI" F011o,vs:''''A18rips, <1,011.98: r'etty C8sn. ";':<7.61: Firpt- "8tinn81 S:'lll1.<, Pis("'l ;\a"'nt. ::D:~l.1.c;Oi 'Tprritoria1 TrAPsurpr. . :').10.50: Libre'rv ~,;::>l.()O c;o'~"1rri ,gTpr Sl1nnly. 'T140.00: ',ndv'p r,xnrpPR, )qfi.5~'\: Ir'"lin [, ;'ot.- (',"11f, ')41.50; 0'118"8 (}qr",g:e, "10.00; :,p\!v8rcJ i'.lo('tric)Hstpm, ,;~q;o.70 "p \c'I" rrl [,i P' ht an r1 )On'vp 1" ,r: :~7 . (,9; C;WIVA I'd ;'i,,, chine -; non ,n fi .50; Hl1 n t. Pl1h1isninp: CnmnHDv, ~~n7.50; :,;(' i/i1J 1 1 An'p. :10.00: ',pbb" pnb,::fi7.5C :Jnrthp,rn Cnmmprci.al CompAny, tl)e:44.4c: ",<>1t ,"'tpr "hin [,,,nor, <':'7-.tl4 iJ,r. j',rdmAnn maven pnd ,1r. CAmnOn 6eenndArl th'"lt the sfil8riOE' "nd ob- 1 igstin[js 11A 1>Hir1. Unon roll cAJl 811 Cnunci1r1An TJrAspnt voted ",Y~. ,',ftF-r briA+' c'is('us~ion nf eitv Fund" it',,!"''' "'0veri ,nd pp('nnrlprj hy MY'. ~P"1tinp' th"t thA F'n"ncp C~mmittee to borrow suffici8nt fundp to cover currAnt AYDen8PF. ,~"'ll '-111 (,.:nl]Y1(',i lrnAn nrAsAnt votArl~Y~. n:T lvir. C~TT1'~~ n bA 8uthnri7Frl Thnn roll ,,"p. \.{rdh rAT'l[','spntinp- thA i,('nnnl fio"1rrl pvnrpPPArl The 8nlH'pciA- tifln of nimself, thp 'P.n"rd ~1nri thA ",('banI P'AnAre11v for thA 8ction of, the Onunc i 1 on thp instal18tion of thp school furnace. :';A tnAn OrF"PAntprl t.hR :~,ch()nl Bllrlp'et for the VPflJr 194:'1-1940 i.n thA ;,mnunt of '";44,:<:9.00 t"Anty JAr CAnt of Jl:ich,or 0;11,82:".68, is TO bA bornA ny thp Oi tv. It 1."'''P "'''vP''' n'r Mr. fi'rdmAnn "1n'1 ~pc.ondpn by mI'. Lp(',hl er t-hat the huc1,'et be Rnproverl. linon roll e'311. 811 Cnunei1rnAn 'irpcoen voted i,.-<.;rH" "I ~U l' - F,V 7 1 ~-14.'J ~ r:('i\lrrTi\.P':;''f) T,Attp,r~ froT'! :':lr. Th("'\ron ~nd ~'r'. 1',.:1,,(~.t~ty WPI'f) rp,~d r.!1{ thp, C1 ark ut no A~tion J~~ rp~PS~0~V. I :'19+:tsr froml~r~. '';Allnv CJs!rin" if hAr "lRcP 'litiJ the ,C:,'.'':' ',1"" till onAn ii''1:'' rp9--] by thp, C,lork. It""" reCi);mnfmder] by i'Jr. CAmnen hMt :;iT'f'. "~81lov be notifipd .,f tjle ch8nP'A. 1t ',J'.,f; if!0VSi1 'oy ],Iir. ~oAtinf:" an" 1";;,:onrlp(1 rv I r, 1'"nrl" th'3t thp chgwte in thp ,,:./,) nprsnn 11 riP 'TI'1rlP nprclc,nlOnt "'Drl thAt I',rs. 1,''''110,/ bp notified b:T 'Hire And :' letter. U'>,,1' roll c,-,11 tr.p ,;.nun~il!7len voted ':0:'" follol'If'; 0"'mn"'D, potinD', Lpchnpr "Inri Mn"'j,, .AV',', ,;'r"mAnn N(i. "'ntion c,-"rried.. A letter from ,~. CArter, TerritoriAl ripolth ~nmmj8sinnpr rp- 11APting ,3600.00 for nurRing <,ervicp N':S rece-i bV the ,;1 prk. ;;D0n ,ntion bv Mr. ~rrlmHnn ann S0cnn~ hv ~r. CAmDen Rt~ 0nUDcjlmen 1're- pnt votert in tho AffirmAtive. j, lljrl nf :~:G,"'.!ln e3ch hv,.[,'r". Cj1"'ricj H. '~tp"rnR frr L"t":"6 ce'Dn 7. f\lrWK 18, S,,,,.rArrl TCFIDRite. ,V8R rA3rJ 'h" the Clprk. 1}nnn motion l' i',Ir. Cp,,,,,pn f~nrl second bV 1/1". l.prohnor All ';'''In('i Imo)'\ nreplOnt voter n the AffirmAtive. r;"1111roi1.mAf1 Kpptinr 8n<1 ,qt-p'nld were directerJ hv i,"'1"O,", >.,,',.<or t .,hoco< <)"1 thA H9~en "nr! j;;'1rQll11es Dl"onprtiec: h") As('r>rtsln 'ilwther or at they wars within the c1ty limits. " letter frem Mr. Jr>fferpon cnDcprnin" \Ie"thp.r I'sports fo1'" fly n~ ~R~ ~iven to ~r. Koot-inr for his inveptiQAtion Anrj l"Pcort. Annli~ptions for city nosition:" 'pre re~~ hy the C1er~ AP fol- _ows: I 'i'},p Q-,~licfltinn for r;j t-" ripp1 th CTfice by 'Jr. ntion :-'1 t.rr! 'll"rJmqn Anrl ppconrl bV \oJr. t\o>lting 811 Ant voterl in the Affirm8tivs th?t the H~plicRtion ,~qn lRter. T.Tnnn Onuncilmen nr8- be A~cpoter1. Tno q;>olication for (jitv lrpc,c:nrer ~:'r ;'1". c'~ri..r'.Ron. Tlnnn motin f ~r. ~rrl~8n Rnd seconJ of ~r. )nody th~t the RoplicRtion be AcceB - rj 811. [JOl1Drilnen nresent voterJ. in ti1e Affirmative. Thp Annlic8tion nf Mr. Grppn for TRYPPP~Sor ~Rf' tAhlerl for urther discussion. "L'nP RT",~,lic2tion of ,'ir. r\1p1cheRki fnr Fl_re chief "wd ~'trpet en if'Rioner. U~on ~nti0n of Mr. ~rrimRnn 8nrl second of ~r. ~nody that ,he s:J!jlicr'tion te 8~ceptej 21.1 c.;nlJn~llmon [Jrflf'ent voter! '- ,"Ii. Thp pnnl~cntian of ~r. i'rv~y 58 Chief of ~nlice. Upon motion iiiI'. ';;rJir'18nn:'lnrl sc>roOiyi "f :/r. Le,1,hnflr tlvt the bid he accepted!'el ,nuncilmen orePFmt voted in the riffir!JPtive. 1t '"nR tl"',D "l['1'J80 b:r ',If"'. '~IJ!nodv Rnct seconded Ly j':.r. ~:rrln!'=\nn thCl.t lj~r. E<::1rVAvt~ ~~-ll8ry be pippd. to ~4~O.OO per month Bnd thJt it te msrte retroactive to FAb- u3ry 1, 1~45. llnnn roll cHIl "111 [";nun~jlmen r.rfl>,pnt voted c'V'i'. Tljp ",oolicy: 1 ['In of HArry L. '-']"'lith for LJllnicipQl ClArk ,"n,i !,:Aai tl'<-;tA. Upnn motion of ;"r. irri11f1nn ::'\Drt ~p,cond lJy :,r. r,"rhner th~,t he annlicstion be pccprted ell CouncilmAn oreRsnt voted \y~. I ThA nc,yrol1 ~lnd obI i.J;!8tions of the 'i"~2 I,pre pre~'pnter1 hy the ;lprK 3P follows: c,"l'1riAs. \l.f:'-:-'>.G3. Ohli?8tinnR, G,,'ho's, ':7.(;6: ~ t:, 1 n 1 r r rl \, '1 ~ 1 ~ .~~ F f) 9 . 7 :3: Cj 0 "\' A r ri .~ 8 r rl . : ~ r e ~ ,'~; ~ . 50: ~~; 1.. .. n b b , ~. 7 ~ . G C1 ~ ip,"JeJY"] "'1-t-er supnly, .~~.r}J; :;P,V!8rrI Li f7ht :Ind Pn:';0r.,,:7 . fie): > lArd i'l',-,'Jin2't ,'SI.I0; GenerAL -;lpetric,:i:Z:c'.02~ (~itv ">,':;re8R. ::~'.Cl6; ~TPn. }roAO, ~;lf)r,.oo; potty 8p~h,:"1.88; Rippt l\~1tionp-l i,"n:.c Flsr.pl ~"t. :1?~fj.UD; :-J0n:f1Arp. :~rq::~c:truction, ,~~'4,a.20; ~,)Cl'lAt~ 'Jo~0f9,'~.CU; tJ~on noti::ln b:' i"r. Er0mann '.,(\,1 PAcone; bV i"p. L"~hner th~lt the ".RlAries n~ ocli.wtinos be oai,l iell '>"1D~ilmen cH','Jspr,t voted in thE pff~rrnR ive. I':o"or ;~,oCrer cJ'Lr8ctAr< ;.:r. '~rrlr,3'ln to chpc;, "ith thA '-l"~nit(~l c,n insur'?nce. 1::10 [t'V 7, l'J45 It ~p~ PBDorted that MrR. Coulter's QAB~B ~Bre runnin~ 100SB "nct ",r. Hno:i'{ ''love') D[1(' 'vir. Cf1!'l'Jen sBconrlJHl thCJt the ~).-ipf' of ~n_ lice notify ~rs. ~oulter th~t if she :iidn't ~WAD her gpe~A in R rA~ they '!:oulrl be killen. Ihnn roll cr>]l Rll c.;"'1l!(',ilmAn nrAsent voterl in the RffirmRtive. T~e Olerk ~PP iirecterl +-0 nntifv the :lr>~~8 ~Qilroan th~t the :l81t "!'-Iter M<'in W8S b9inF COffiDlet1d "nd th8t thA r;ity of Seward ~"'ml"; e^Dect the (l;o,sks 3"'ilro,:d to D'1Y one lJ;.;lf of thA CORt of in- "tRlh,tion on th,; bA<,('n <"nrl '1(',rcp"C thCJ r':i1ro'1:1 nrrvwrtv. ---, Th~ ~1ttpnt:i()r~ (If thp ths Cr'l;n~,ll1il:7~~ inv1tp~~ h:,' !"i[Y". -?r'0q~nD tc the URe by Ur.He,rton of 1iis Ci"l' on o"itrol dutv. It "v'is the ()piri0t '-'nr] recornm.,nd'1ti(ln of i'llr. 8:rd'~'1n thcit, since i!,r. dorton usen hi" c'1r r>t n(l ('ost to t~e city, the city sbnuld hpve the ~ar licAnsAri. \)n"'n 'Joti,on of' 1,11'. C8mrpn elnd spcon,; 1'1 [i!r. Lp,c.nnc,r thGt the ('itv lic8nfi"1 i,lr. horton's ('~,,., All (>111nc11'1An nreRPnt voted in tlv~ c,ffirff- coti VF,. lho'l "y\tj"n "f icr. :';,'0,-)" "'1.:1 PAconel 10" L:r. [((';:>tin" F'nrl u'1.'1ni- Mnl',C ">ffirl'TJ<"tive 'lote ('f "111 ~('un~i lrnpn ':lrpPP"1t thQ Me'"ltina rp~Pf'- E'"rj until :;~on, ,,;RV S'J, 194Fi ;\t whirn timn trw 8'\tv HSf'A'-'ROr VC"R +:0 'he "C1:-JnintAr1. ']'r" ~ontinupn f'e"p1,on of' thA rpau18r ses~ion of ii''':' 7, lCJ4" "'CiS ('All,p" to '')''l''r <1t 7:10 PI,' 1''1IT C), 194Fi t",r ;';!c,:rnr :)<"lr8r 1"it1)1 '111 0')1)n(l' j lmAn Dr~::n::;pr:t. f'ter ') thornuah nni informptive discusRion (In thp <"PsPP~l'T]pnt ",(lr\r conrJ tr>" oT\nnintr1ent 0f '1n r...pf;PPPor, it;'1s moved :'lY ,Ir. l'Achn~r' on~ spconrierl by 11r. Srrlmann thAt the q~PP9~mprit ~0 ~~rlP 'TV vip4tq- tio!'1 os Trnrr-h RS ('onv..,niertlv no,,"ible. Ur-OD roll c811 '111 i-':nlln(',il "pn vot8n in the ;:>f'firm<"tivp, It w,o~ thF!Y1 moven nIT Hr. Ir>tsinld A[1rl "Ac.,nded 1>y Hr. ~r(1r~qnn thet Mr. Grpen be qpnninte" Citv 8RseFRor qt 8 p~lRrv of ~l ,500.00 ,oDd th~t the 26AeR~l'T]pnt be ffir...rje hv visit8tion. Unon roll CAll ~hp f'011,,':dry vct-~ ':'''F t8K8n: ("oll'lI..il~8n C<"r;l)ipn, i~rrlm~rD, "R8tina, L'l~r- nAr fjnrj 'Ic\t-~iolrl voteri it' thA '1ffirrnqtivp. :>')ut'(',1.1"1>,n i".,(V1:r vOt8r1 ~(). jfot:')n cArri8rj f'iVA to one. 1.'T'. 'rPPSD f~~cpntp(1 thA '1fF:,ointL'1pnt 8nr1 8Xf'\)'PSRP:rl hi.~ rlpsir'p TrY' full 13nnT\er8ti nn nf' t-l-j" ';0\11'1(',il r>nrl nl'oni 'Opd '11'1 n""PSSMP"t of' 1 n()~1 tn the hAFt nf' ~t" ohility. !hnn "'l,ti'>n hv Mr. rA'1tinr' nnd <,p,<'c:'nd hv Mr. '\rrl''l~nn the <'0'11'1 ~il~pn voted unAnimously to adjourn. ,II.. F' ['J q n I, ~~ n -.--- - .._" j,,1pvnr ~ 'C1 r~r:',r: ., !\:'J n i~i)~ 1 GIAr:": Ri-:-;0!Tr,"~< r....:: '('T(ll\l :'t'V '-1, 1945 l~ll The Cnmmon Cnunci1 o~ the T~wn of 5pwQrrl, ~lAska convened in rO[2'U18r session r.;<1Y :-::1,,1945 and ',,38 '-:,.81160 to .,rder by I.;enror ,""ker at 8:10 P:' with CnuncilmAn r:;"'(llpAn, !\p9tinrr, Lp('hner "'no 1,j0ndy Dre- spnt. C"uncilmen .~rr]mann c;nd /1ts.1013 f~rrivej " fql" minute.s l,tqr. I T~~ ~inutes of the lAst meeting ~ere r"orrected to sh~~ thAt th QrJ1ition81 ~BO.OO on Ghip,f nQrvey's SAlAry ~8S to gODly on his rent nr] dBS to cnntinue ~nly until such ti~e ss he could be furnished c suitable house. ~r. rtoth presented chArges necess9ry in chAnging the bAsement of the school bui1dinr into ClASS rooms. Thn fol10win~ hids on dif prnst jobs were presente,l by i;,T'. -<)th. Hp;:lPintinr: by :"T'. '""'icson, ;";169.J:); [-(pconstruction of -I~qsernent rooms by l..Y'. T."lughead, :;"'.6,-3.0 r~l--]"rgef~ in hF!8tinr! system by Spl'v'srd )~chin~ ,'tlCP, ;'Q'0fJ pnr] \\!A.ter lSE1ter >150.00. ",J .... v " \,J ;\f'tAr SD exh3ustive jiscu~'sion on ::j'. Lnu;chssrl t ~ biri ,'''lor 13~;;:er d irectecj the Cnmmi tte on sci':o jls to ,Cleet ',;i th ':r. ,lnth 'lnci th >('[1001 0')3r:l for :',lrt'1e:r discussion of the DrC'11er.::i. .'\! "'~' T+- \";"'--18 T:loved l-::v i'Jr. :,1(,C::!~l ~jnd ~econlloc~ by \..r. C8f71-;JAD thHt the Did for f'ep~.lintin" l,:r .Y'. :;,.,icson 8t i'1f09.00 c'fl'; the tLi for ins:Jwl 1Fltion of the V[Hter heAter by ::.o"w8rd i"~(',!1ine ,:1"ap ''It_A~(J.UC; 'he "C- cBoted. Unon roll cQ1l the ~nunci13en voted 92 follO~2; ~moen, 1_~;":-lmer..n, l:p<:ltin;- -::~; "IC',~tV- votpcj in t118 <;;:j~~fir-1'1tl':~,; Lpc110pr ~lr}r. ",,~,tc j old, t':'''', \I'--,~-r:;. ~\, J t 'r-:,\ .( ~ ~.., ~ ,.', ..) \~: I , . ~ptition si"ned by ;r,n ';"rl08 "c.J licA/,'r'oiDell ~or the con struction of concrete side';,,:>.lk on .'<i0,'-lS t.trset ,~d:Fcent to Lnt ,:1, Dlock 15 w~s re~d by the ~19r~\:. .1 t.lf~ 2UP,::8Rtlon of ,.Jr. ~r(~rnenn ~;:Jyor" . ~~ker direct{~d t11e --.;-+-'r,:€:t vl":l:,Jittee to inveC",ti~;te th0 fe'lEi- ',ility of' the ,,:;11;; unci tLp. -";':rrc~ittee on LF'.v '3nd ~;rdin:,nceC' to chccck tl~e cr.1in'JDce. L~~hor in th'3 <;).:n(~,unt of ;:~-(~S.O~ '-}9~~iYl:)t tl1~ ~"... :r::;:' :'\resented 1Jy the ~lerk. "Y'. ,>'"tinp' me1VW1X xNill: ,dO. ";"''1p8n seconded 'in;] Hll :~('un ci1F1An votEd f'ft'ir,,,,,,tively th-t tcle hdlor bill be :,"iL ,; r. i: '18 t i WI 0 n ,-, v i 8 t ion pI' P SAn t p rl an ex c s 11 en t mil D 0 l' the 1) r,,- :ent f8~i1ities 8rC future potentialities of the 11cn1 lRnlln' l. ~.'''~ 1'1 .l- :--- r . l~, > i j n t ': ' '"\ ,,"j, i t t ~ ~ ;] D ' , '- ion "1'<; ~ < ~ ...... ~ f? t ~ ~ r' U ",'l,---r <"!rC"Jr to ennt:9~t tho -: .-f' C'_,. 0c--'s:i~,t::-1ncp. ",r, Di"l-1n.'r' rF,:JCirtiBnp: on the "chool builjiLF rc:ef fit It? tl1:?t the contr2ctor'f' D'l.:2r'Jntee i" "'till .,()O', ,,-tV] that hI" fill rElD8ir "in ,', rs ss n t 1 w, 1< s. . fry>.. i..J'~,,-,l:.!en fnr the TJ+:iliti'~p, un-'rnittep reported t~.l.",t t.ht'2P 1 1 b u:1. 1 ,1 in)' f~' D.'~ -=) l' t h P 1":: 1 'J D t e f' S ~,p in P' r f: Z c: (1 0 fl d t h r~ t J' ~ n ~ r q 1 (>1p'--jnirll:~ of crr,::}unds 1',,":~; undpr '-'1[-1/. ;ir-'. ;~ir;1cb6E>:i :n'n"'liSf~d to 0::Jep thp O,Vi:1tOY"'S h~.J.pC1::r 1,\litll re- ~~rdE to the fipl~. I 'r"~.~Rn r8:)or~tE~j tl18 ;",,1 i(*~ ;)Qrl~,r~t_il~!1t '-;~"~ fun"".'jtic!,=-rl(~ S'loGt:J81y. H." c,l tu i l,~ i:1-" 0' j' r': f3 -, t h'1 t ; '; r 0 , ~ ,-- \7 r':'fl',; sl{:=~ti,:)n. S~0Ul d '-]T"-:::',,"" 11 .;I;C'trh:t ::In munici- ,,~T' . 1 '7; t (.:;) T' . P -, '"":E' Il n ~'t 0:1 t e d h p .. !) U 1 -1 r! ~~ ~ p r ~ D 0 r t- 'J n h ,-=' ?' " -j 1: 8 1 i n (~ u r ~ 1 :r ~ r.:: ...-"-)1' .i.,-~L..~pr rp;::Jl'tt"j,---: ..~~,-:t t:lf-' 1'~ ,r> ''-~l'-~ 1-;',jf-; '~ll(! h:'I:-:""!1.:1in.~.~ ;1 ; Yl Q' b.v i-l; 0 . !' r"'.:/ ~: ':' d be p n r ~ f 1J f:"':> "'1 . rLr~ '..;1 pr,z, nn thp j':~ r: ul.cji.:~ 'IrC;Cnl.'tv, r~.;:-l()L'ted t~F't 1 ~ '2" ''\ :.-:; i t ~ x ~ ? ':1 n t tl n I',: ,1 Y' t (' ~ :' n L i Q' ~l tin 1. n ~- ,; 1 r::. ~ !: 1... 'J 1- ,j j rJ0, tbe <Jf~~:.Jj' 1.~4(). '.ro",cy' 'i'i:.r~ to 't;:,\; ~l--S ',-,'~~' -:"1r':"PP-' puler' tL:,t for ',;"'l,t~iE concP~L'ionfi -]lRde in connecti.Jn in'l n t pin '-.:. 1 j n n e 1 the ,'1 b 0 v e men tic n ~~ C1 II r O:-J e r t ~I \,J (J. c~ t :,; b fJ 'p <:-'1'O'U- jnclu'l- <";1[1'1 'it'rl .l['. ;,,-jj' iith tl1'j c," I;' t~::lX AVo:nnt. 1 G)c.;,. '-~ F . ~~-~ I" i," ;1;/, 1945, r;,'i'lr;T ,T I,' I 1'liY'. i\']r)I")c]Y advised the C-'~lncil th'3.t Fc,irbAnkf-~ collA~ts ~-"' 1 i3PDS ,f ;' '1".lJO :Jer ye'1r nn ounch hOfH'd oP<>1""itionp "1nd S1JggfJf'tec'. th8t "n rd ;'r1'Dt thp .""-,1JA Y)r:4,~ti'3(. ,'n,:'or ,'eRkpr rAru"stt1d 'Vir. iM)n,'y to 8GcPT'tp,in methorJ 1Jsed hv [iqirb8nkr- in he'n,nin" thA cnllActi:l::ls. -Y.')"n ~:,l"'r.4r I"'Or~';":> Y'~~'c'1r>t '}c:"lrr.)f-:l""!.v on thA nj;:op,tin[J of thA H0r;nit~ ~n<:lr(~ "lith tnf lqdiep -r'PDrP:G:~ntinp' tl1e /p-s:-);~r1i.st ':';!--111T'C':1. 'rhr::! nl~{2<::..ti(n ',-If' 0f'fi~("1 r!0L:rr '.Lr~p r8i~Arl 1-iV :..rr. t''lorlv 1A.r'ln TTln~IO,-l Jrl~ "";:L": c::~~onrp'l 1"'1 1.1['.. Xr:;~lti.ng t~:.~t t1"J"J '~JlpC~\''-: \)ffjcp riq k8;;t ()i~JA P~rl1,! 10:,"In ;,J ll11til 5:nriP;. U!'(,n roll, ~c;ll th,o :;-'Tln13il,l1en vntpr1 ~R :-OolloVH?: C~r'lDPn.. K>-JAt~in~~ Lpchner ;'nrJ i./'0,}'iv~ QffiY\TllRtivp.~ :?rnTr;n!in~ \Cl v:,-'\iri~' ~ot:s~iold, Nl}. i:oti:1D c::JY'I"iAn.. ---, It 1.;lnp 0rrr.op(1 t-h:Jt ;~',0~"n!, ~_>~kpr (.:\sc:prt~ i,n ~jrll ,of ~1qr"e:ll r-:: nl::::ns 11,1 rpprlp of 0P~rol~P11. T~'o iJrjuncil 'Ii/P,'-~ qrjVif~Ar1 t~v ,/11'. ';('(),jV thRt i/Y'. T,)uc~o~~rl r1i,1 DI-t. i!'t"n'i to birl 0[1 ~he MllnicinpJ "llil(1i~rr e~nr' SUG'C'R3ted thAt the 1)11tl,- ine' on the GOr11er of Ftfth '1rri (,ripm", "1tf'ht bA Dllrc?hASe," f'rnrrj jilr. {p nd reconptruct.Ar'j into nr""Art. n"'erlp of' t}-,'" (;i+:'1. ~fb'r rl'iP(',llpp,lnn "JT'r) ",nd ('nn i.,,,:ror Cc,pv-er !1pc]pr<>rj the rrjP"tin;:r r<>~,Pf'P("~J. Tn.. rACAf'SAd sAssion of the Gnl"'1!Tlnn Gnllncil of the Tn;it1 of ~~A'!I- f'ri, i~lp"l{n "I"S 13811erj to order by l'iA','or BAtrer pt fl< :()() pH nn .Illn" , 1945 with Cnuncilmen CPTTlDAn, Kepting, Lechner 3WJ I!"ndv Drec:ent. :"Iuncilmenchtp 1 old :lIl"ld::lllHI :lit: ~~x~.!'., ~l1lMPBLtX!l:lOCN !~rd:nAnn, absent. n.. rp13Assed PPP~ion stood adjourned by motion of Mr. K<>Qtinf, sec- nd by lvlr. L"'i"hner And un3nirr.oup Affirm2tive \Tote of 811 C;ollncilmen resent. [, "mroved -..------ffq vor . J~est : )!lJDi13ipAl ,::;1 prk C{,,'''TllL''~ ST'c;rnN ,nTr-1"~ 4. 1945 Tnp T't'lP'ulsr session of the CO"lmon C."lt1ci 1 of thA To"'n of 0Awprc l]"sks WRS called to order by if:",'rnr 0ql{er At 8:52 .Illlle 4, 1945 ')lIith ;ounci1men in pttendsncA RR followR: nqmnAn, Keqting, Lpi"hner, Bnd ,l"ln0v DrARent. Cn1lDcil!'1An ,iqtS,101d clrrive-:l At 8:1!'i. l;nlJncil':JEln ;rrl!TlAnn Af1Sent. Tho minutes of thA lRst mAetinrr Nere qparoved ~F re~d. TrQ co;'reE'pondence 'Nith .__p1v~~rd Lirr-ht ')nd ports requested by RFC T'S reRc' j'y the ClArk. i C .;pr 130n13Arninl' rc- =~n ~ction nAc82Eory. Tnp resipngtion of ir. J. intendAL'c, efTActive riot ]Ater "':~,,,r0Y' Eql(er. illie~:nson Pf, Li0'ht l'lqnt,lllier- th'ccn c1'lne '~), 1\J4b, VJ''1S 8i"f:e'Jti'd by ~a~uest by CA^ for rAneNql of le3se on the IntermGdi~te Pield lie", re3d b:! the Cl. Ark who 'N'to c'rivised to notify c", the the propfJr- t;/ belo:113 to t':8 'I'Pl'ritorY:lf l'<s:'<:8. ---. " lc"tter from [Ill'. 01lrHy to Jr. -,"'y outliniw' necec:sRl':r procp- iurA in bDnd preperstion vJP.c read by the vl_~rlt. ~-ln q('tion neceSf)f:)l" .1 ,\, hi'j by 1,lr. Gli'T p, 1\!:,i0I'nS of ,;>5.00 each for Lots 15 3[1::] 15, ",lnck ~:5, 0p"''1rd T<;H"nsite ii3S re8d by the Clark. Oll ID0tion of ,;1". e~<luJpen,:"!NM s8130nd of j;;1". J,oody "Ind ~~ffir'118tive vote of 2)11 Cnuncil- nen !)resent the bidl8S GccApted. Tl~p re~uest of 1.~r. G. operAte Dun13hhoardR in ~<>~prd "c:tion until such time OR ;.:r. tion. 'TAf'Efield for +:he exclu2ivc: ri,'ht to "~f, 1''3,,:1 by the ,:;lprk '.:9r. def'}rrec1 for :,,0n,jy 130ulj secure <lc"iitiolJPl inforl~<l - 'I (..~Q ,,. it ;'; t~T: ": ~ 4 1:145 <;1' Y'fl0uest by hd'. l'~t-ricK J, !<'Y'iecle for per:l1isGion to oper<>tr p. ll'h'ive-your-:ce1fll "t-c'Jn,j ;"Y'. ,'""'ody I'loved "'nd ';,'If ;;ecowled by .;Y' K0:~tinp: th8t :>. ;cY'iAde OP civen franchise to Q;;pr"t8, but not "s " t8xi, until such ti'ne ':1f: the ,,0t.:nci1 could c.l1ecK tl:e 1e2!"1 phU::>3. U"-"jn roll 2,211 3.11 ~(luncil'(Jen H')t8r1 in t1lC' ~iffir:Q:~tiv~. ~'lP ::inutec; of ths :c,cooits1 ~:n'('d 'Jef?tirp heLl j;ny 17, 1:J4f',' \ierS rewl to tlle v('unci1 by _."10r:.'1;--er. I ~R18ries Rnd obli~~tion~ ~f ~~~ cit~! ~.rer'e pr~Eented by t~9 Clerk "[3 :0110"'2: ,,'l,ories,il ,805.53; Ghlii!otions: f,Hr:'lrj/, >1.00; ~Ii.rst u'-ltir:',n~:.11 Lo::-~k, ;?')sc8.1 rent, ,~':lc.~5; r~orritcr:L~}l'-.i~pec;surer, '.; F' J ~~ . 5 f-~l; 1 j.... t t Y 0 ~-< 2 h , >'15 ~ . 75 ; 1 p ~' k 9 ~ ~.-~ i 1 r 0 "-:1 rl , . 1 b:1 . ':) (, ; Y1 (1 Y I ~ 1 './- presf., ';~;;.72; CJ. ~;. r'r.:.:UE:8, !~:-~~.lr; Lup r1nd j1'rK6 .,..ntors, .'r...7'_,'; 11. ~-1. I~Onf)f'd, r:I....E=I; I~ytls ')<::lr ~e, ..;1.0()~ i~Ci"l")lGteinerl<.-~, ;;lfB.t:~,: ~ ~,\.';IHrj .>-1('d':/;-'['e, ~)lC.91; ",:,;~'i3rd Lip'ht r~nd .:. -,,:e1', '; 7.C']; ",p ;81"d ,"-<(>,1- ine ~.Jhnp" ,'~lD4.~)S; ...)--'.l:,,;2.r"j ~l Actric .,'Tcte'1, '71 <.;:-::;; :)D ,p)rd ..(.ter >..JllfIDly, '148.J<); ~-I-';nl.lf)rd "",'iI, ""'.1.4J; pl~'n ~bt', '117.t:)u; ,..{. Yl<J(i;.(S, ;~..O~J; L'<,:;c'e'r ~)'~hl, l~~.JD. '~'n Tlloticin ~):_T i.!'. '-,tf~j'Jld fui ;'?~onr:_; by l.r.. ~~'~,-,~tin:l' -t~-:'- t i~1-J.2 2';10ri~[J ~;nri o:)lir~' ti')nr be pc-:!iJ, "';'l1Jncil iJr(~)8ijt \!oted in tl1e :;ffir...l~_:tiv~~. 'j "1-,iri0s n.J. o~=li9'~!ti.)r:G c:i' the :(-:r-~j ;)l~p~.ent8(: 1~:.r thp -'~ c,r~ ':. c' f :) l. ~. ,-- . s : - ~ -~ [' i e 2 , , 1 , e j ~). 1 5 . \..,' ~ 1 i ':; ',' t; ion [; : r:: 'r-, r 11 e n 1~-" r ,:-~ ~ l , '''',':.(1,:; ,~..:: ';~~:l:}j Jt"up', ?4:,:'; '\.1::-'.:=(:;inerf~" ~l.i',IQ; -,I-o;;::1'd ,l'-'rd."ir's, /L.,-,~); ~I--<.~"l,'d ,f t-~v., _ilf,;'l~~, :.()i-'; '~r'd L:"''nt ~':ni 1),J~,)p.r~ '7.~i)~ :':ll~~t 1:J1-'1'i21-11~lY' '..,)1 j,~'J:;.l,r, ,-';: .:;~. i;~'f1,1". ,-,il ..Ir'~-'j,. -~;,r, ',-:1;).74, \ :'::-' t ':"'~ ~-. t i I) r~ n 1 l-"' n't:, ~-l"" f' C 1 (J' 2 ~~ t , -3 . ',j 5; ~';' 1 f:; I 0 ~,~" ~ ~ '3 , Ii.- . r7 F: , ...J~.i~ty ~;::;ch, :'ll.~~G.. __T' [1intion t~l L'.Y'. .~~n"-;ltinp' ~1n~: ::8ccn'l b:r "LP. .cot0]oll :111 '~lun.cil'.1en "r:.O,jr:t "()te:~ ,.rf'21',;,ti.':'-)1''! t- 8~~T t:-:8 "1',~,,; ~ l~riAE ~~'l \Jtll~~ti~ns. I Y' l-,~-1r:lppn r8~~O!il-1::;Dd8i -r~ ':; c.Jn:::,tr1Jctiti!1 "J~' T;lE ci --19 .f~llk ,-'r, pe- titiOfl8d fo{' b~r thA '-!T'o,;nells, f~f 1~-~1 '2.~Ll8 t~:x n2~e2,S71ent 'tf' er:r"':,ted by ~.~r. ~<,>:)p,tir~'- :-)fj runr;in~ smooth'l) 'lith no he~ld,:,~1n8c qc: :'6~ on t[~~ ~'lrfP:ce. ~'ne c"li~ltion ora ?" r J rn r ,-.;::- 1" P pC' r' + ? ."~ ~ ~" ..-~!" r: :- r f' f f i I.!. (1' ~;j (' c' c' r r.1 i 11 ~~ t 1 ) H X r:; e e, t-' + i "} ~'-i :.: h'lY". L,;':"("i'I'(I;:..r T~"';;ioetH'~1 trr~~ '-..." ~ ;'r~ r:':C!t ~-,fi t'.~l +-;-,/--.~' r,~,'~r '~rnf"'rI/1. -'.'T~' r(~I'~ r In t-i'P f'~ ,-,~ t ~~l ,,- f' Y' ;-, ('1 t \"t ~-l (~ -\' -,-\- ~~lv!~~P, r:r"'~ tI(' (n +- 1_~ c i-r~:i (i!--J ,~,f' -\-""i~ ~'p'T1pnt . i: ~ 1 ' l I' ,e . ,"" r'~I'l--rp[' rq('.(- 'r--~:~:;';~' j c,-~ ['pr"l; I"~ f-.1--;,~t';P;'O '1::--~(1P;r t,~-l':;' "~-~ '1!.lr~,-,t-p;1 }.'" 0'1np -:,.-,1rL-lr tn '-.J ,l ("10 ,c. [' ;:, .1 Q.p >- it 's thr:::. ~ ilnti1 ,~(lnl.. ,:l'r',. ., f' c' t~, 1. '; .; i r 0' .... + ',~ n p 0 t i 'f' I';':' t- () T' r (, n t 1'1 ,-, fI T' c; ,--. ,""':J. ( t r~ 11 C 1:; ~ -~ n ,'" r~ A ..r> 1, t ';;' P .1" i- t-l . h -.--. I : ~ (, i (",,-" '1' -t-.:..... c t T''--''~ +- n ,-', f.(,1c.- ~I:~~ '('11~: '--' .., , -; \--t-}, " On1}'-' , ",~, ~ i i.. 1 .--::. .. t (',: " ,,~ r' 1 '1 i ,i n<:: 1 r, i ' ' '-IT'. I'. ' .! ,F' r"\ .. h r ~ ,'- t::-~ -i -, 2 'i 1 n ;,,e:, "r, nt- -;-- CI n~~' ~\ c, , (, (~l () r et-..)l' Y'P\T.~":J ~ rc- ,r. i-',' r' ~'I':" .- '\t1 e;";'l"i(";etF1 +-r .t- -,-Pi Pp Cl .~,-, "-I"] ;..{'C '-:::' !. "~ '-, li~ (">0;-p-'tr-lc~ti"'lr,. {:.',"':::. n (> ,,"1" ! i~ i- '"--"' >' l ,l--l -(',~,- F Y"r r I~' \1 n P< r t'"; 'I t: 1 r~ i n 7 i;, ~- t p ~ . ~ l r I . I' ~ ..{' w,. :, ! 1'':;' "~ t- ;.:~ t ','., ~,,;,;, 1,_ ,(,""~-,,<~1 0 +-r, (~>np,{ C-;I-jQ jl,{~: ',n ~'{""",r.1-1 'rt; Y :, l' . ,--. (1 t ~ .. F':: " -, f' I f -: ;"'+, ~,- --,\;-,:.:.. I l I'r- i ,-':-- ", ,-, .i"-, " " ~. " t- . r P. (i ,,(, ,'~ (', .,f-,.." ,. ,T ,,: ..:;' ~ T ,-' !~ ~1' +- C" f-' ,nrf:. ;..., !'~ )..-., } -q '~L r ' :- __'..l'" ""Ii _ Ii)' V-, ~ 1 J' l :- :'.i l' 'II' ,fi. t. ,\;.:.:. ( '),~ 1:_; r 'L --.; ,J;:::' 1''::;' i ,;, I' I " -- 7 -It '!\; -:::;. ,.; ~. ~, ., . , p (> r,r; .~ r~ ,...; 1-1-,'1- t h ,-.:. l' (':' .'1 'J r' t t w t. 1 ~,;. ,.. '.11 (' ,1 -1 , 1 .J :--, ,,~.. 1 r-. -~. ~:rJ t v '-, t- ~ t.j' ~. ~ ~,' ....1 ~ '1" ,r 1_~ 1-' (' 7- ,_ '...J , -+-: tl':' t- ~ I ~. '" l Po 1 (l, 11 p ;,;; 1';" i_ ;U 1'i t'!, '""':' PC'" ') c' t f ,-' J, "i(}ft ~,,-",l /r"~r:,_,,.a (~ '.1 ~ -J- j r'!, ~ 11. l~ ," 1"- - ' " 1-. ~ ~ ,~ -' '-11]1" e 41 t':i j th t.r) ~ '"l {' I , 1 .'1 ( 1 :, l t, y"! '-::- : 1 ) ~ ~~, . In hI . lllr.~~'--'+-i~~ 'jth r(~' ,;r~/nf' ~ T'"\ r 0 :.-( P Y' +: n n :;'1 if F j:: !' . t y' ,--, r__~ ~, f'l r' F L 1" '... 1. <..:; i I: 1 ,"J ,"; ;, - r.: l~l ('> ;~,Qc.:,k.:. ~:l 00tl f'v tr...C':. r j'il":'-' Y' {-',... '1- !-', A " , l..l "j ,r ::-:(',c":.l:iJrn lri (>.()n'r'I~J""+-i ~,y: 1-:----.'::1"'1--:)'. l tn. 1.Q4.i ~. !'- J I ii';, 'j /l 1:~4P, ',\, ,. , :~1n('p t~eT'p. 1\'8P ne) furt1"',pr 1-,u~i'r~;;- t':-JP. '1 1 t- i. f""'\ 11 n f' 1',11 r ~ j ~~, h n p r. r: c> (> n n r~ h V till 1"' " j..:' Q ~ t- j n ~-;. rirw~tivf, vnt;p nf All Cnllnr>ilr;'Ao ')rp~eot. ~RAtirg GIJ.l011rnArl 1 }'\,: ~hp l1n~-1n i'qnu:-, no '4 f'_ i~. n I rnVC>r1 ,r("'ll' , tte;ot -;. 1n; ri ,)~ -i --'G'-p-r'1,.r ~; .~ ~ (~ f /~ T, c'::, '- ~. T 1'\ I "I ,T T 1',', I "'1' 1 :J 4 'i 'j1h~ t;'1''f1nrn ~nlln(>il nf' i-f',A TnIL'r< r';f' (}al('.r'''::<l'n ,l'~~,rq (~.-lnv~np;-i in C",...c."4~1 f'f;)~pirJn fnT' ~ho r:1Jl'nop~ l:f' nnFininQ' 1--;iric: Tnr c--nnc:,tl'llct.lrjn of +-,hC :.t1nlci,:nl ;-:1~11r)in(1' DC) c--,-,-;v---lrtin;:!' n C"l;rcPfC'(lr tc L::r. 1jll.~ .lrn0.nn ;' C 0 i_ 0' n e j, <; n ("1 ". ~_1 P ~ -:-, 1 1. p. (..J to 1 r I~ CI e "1~' ~/ ) " "...... -.:, --. ~::- ~- r. ~. t r:: 1 <: :-1 ~ n. p 11 1;:;4f) "j.th (~,~'n~11T,!"1~n (;~'rnnCln. r\C':>nTln~"" L0(""hnOr'. l~'ln;~H '-'nfl ,~""'r~- ir,lr' 'H'F.c'r~nt. C""hr11j"t' ,!",i""Y11', ,'1 -"t.~ 'T}ln ~nl V hj ,j Y"Pcpivc;~ 1,""~':::~ th~<t (If' ~) ~..... '~~rp~<(I.l{ ;~(""I:Tn!<:~'1H of -,-=.,,-":,i-rlp :,rr1 ~r~l~ f01' ~!:;F,~,P0C!~()'-'t i+)-- <:.ilt~rnot:Pf::: '~Q f'n11'l'I~: .1t:':rnrt " !\ II rl .0 r11J e t :t s ) n (, n . '~: J f r n 'n b 0":) ~ i n ,~-~ i fi. ~:; 1 t ~ r n 0 t Pc il::~ If rJ 0 due t ~ 4: ; ~ n tj , G r) ~nr);'1 bMS.i(~ r,i,~. ~--:'in~Q trip i:"'i!~ {"-'Y' i~ RYr~p~<F :')f thH 'Y1Tl":nri'-'P1l non~ l~Pl]A i,t: \l~:'::)f~ 11nvpd hv i,lY', TJ~(""hnpr '->n,r~ c.::Q~rjn(lP(l (-IV l',;r. ,,~tf' inl,~ t "0 r~ t ' ) p p ~.: 0 n t. 'I 1 ;::" Y-I R r:- n -] ~ t; ~ r i fie ("1 t ion R n f r h Q m 11l!. i (-, 1 n ~1 1 b u i 1 '1 i D ~ b ~ ..., f-.:> f' H l' r n ,'4 1] n t i 1 :-: u C h t: i :rr p r~), ~ t h p ~ 1 J t, h n 'r i ~ p ri ,-I '-1 !l ,.. 4_ C' ~:--1 J P . I i 1. 1 e") 11 (.:J r ropt (,f' rJJi!ptruc.tioo. Unn'1 rn1] ('0"1 'XCi]l Gr,l]n,~i ]"IPn 'r(~c'J'rt V,Jt8,j 'ffiT""".t iVR1'1. T', ,> '''' 1 PI' k "',fR F rl i Y' F r t" rl Tn f i 1 p t. h '" hi,j. tu>r~ i;prn;1An 1ntrd1dt~~p;1 t'h~; ~-::~nnintmqnt (If ~ C'll(l(>?~PC:(jY' T,Q 1,';T"\~ Illl';,...rn0nn. rpsjrrn;':'>0)orrl rA(-()1,::qpn'-~Arl the:- O!'\II).lntrn~Ylt of !'JI)""\" r~ "I (q q C::'01_ 'Jnhl-.:.-:.n. j'.'ip.:'nr bq1x'Qr >;:l:'(>.P'ItPr1 thA 1'"'P(J.)r:1m,CInri~tinn r-'rri ~'nnniDt"~rl :11,.... 'u,-..r (~i~..~I'r--jr1n '-11nf"J.-r411+-pn(1p,nt nf' c)~~", "lqnt to Sll(l,:-'nC"~~ I.r~ J-illi.f~~r,C'nn, Y"Q- ',il~n~r'n ~i.\.7'norl5 ,olcY"'r tn rp f'~.vo,4 nv thp (~"'l",r.il.~ i+ ;,t~~p 'nnvpl1 nv ~-.:;J'~ ;(0<'_1 ln9' '--Jnr' p0.r>,nnr1pr! nv l,:r.. r:;<:-1Y1'"lTJPn that tho r.''''Dnint'TlAnt of 1'!1r. r]}r"I'~"n L "oofiJ'merl. U:,nr roll c.,>11 All '-''''11':r.i1ro..o IH'pc,e'nt VC1te,-j Pf'f'iT"1nt-ivp '1. Un t-no n110~+-i;'n ('If' l:'-C".\lpr~T (~f 1.;r. (;:~hh-.::.n it "I"'J(~ r1nvp,rl 1:)',{ l:;r.. *~ '(~.t'!1!r:iri':~~~(~r'h """C1'-;V f4nrj ppr"nrJ",1 1'1'1 ;,)T' 0 1 '>r"'npT' thqt thR pplc,r'1 L" cet "t ',34",n.,'1(1 .....,......vl:nu:n. UYlr!l1 r>(~11 ~,cill thf-':. v'1!1pf',41_Y("lPD ']~:tP,r1 :':-F-" fnlln'!,('~: (;'::!r~'\.pn, Lc~!'-'npr, j}nnriv On(~ ';~:it~,ln1.cJ~ l\f'f'ir".T~tjvp.. ,~l'd'r>9r)n ::-,n,\ l(~.-.~t-in~. 11':::>0' o t i V A . C (":\ -r T' i (;) rl f '111 r ~~ f -r.; r YT'I (l t ~, "\ r a ~ n rl 1- 1,1':1 r '=! IT R r i V ~~ . ~~n ""nt-inn of i,:ir>. -fi.rY1<"":1t-ivp "lTntp nf' ~'1l1 :rj()(iV. ~~:~ c Af1'nrrl b-;T r.!YO. .,tc-inld ~1n(1 thA ":-'T_ G0'1Y1f1ilr'flpn th0 Tv::.ntlD0' To"'~IC o:)rii(Jll~'nn0. 'n-r-]T'nVPr1 ':0"Gr '. tt"pt :.1 l' n i (' i!'>" 1 l; 1 ., r" ~~, ::: (~T 1 T t. ~~ <.. ,'~ ro r' T' . i\\ ,TP:-!~ l~" 194F 1 1''1'" Cn"1'"lno GJ1Jncil of the Tn"'[\ of i""'''rd, l'"c'lr<1 rOO'1"noprj i~ 1:;>""111,,1' SAP"';n!' 00 J11nA lR. 1945 80r] v,,",, r>'111prj to orne!, by :,'p'Tor Bol,r.QT' pt 8:n~ ?:' l.'\!ith GnUflcil:-iJ.f:lD CClm"Y'\~n~ Errlll')Cln[1: E"Q...~tinrr ,nri Lp(>,':-I- i""'T' Pr""Ant <'lon rii0nrl'1 >>n,-l ,,"T~i0ld pbSAOt. ,/i,,,rnr lC:"lrPrl <'lnnounc"rJ th8t, due to Derp00Rl '118ttA!'8, it:oulcl bA OP~p"~8r'1 fnj' hi'Tl Tn bu p~~"nt f0r a ~h0T't Dnrin~ nf timA pnrl ap~Arl Wr. Kp8t-in~ to tBkA thA er,p ir. ~)i OCP tLi? 1 efT ooly thrPA 3ctiop: Gnllnci.lmp,o o['p'spot th"l coC'C'inn T'Ar-PF'.Spd uutil )'\,1.,..... :'/",()rl~l'Q Qr>riv~1 At 8:'''''() p"f. T~p mioutes of the 18ft re~u18r nod the 18~t il,.'c.rp 0nnro"An FIe" ~nrrpct:p.d to p~nV1T Mr. t1;rr1Tf1-.:1nn q~ "rpciRl RPppion J\lnp n. 1945. sopcial sppsionp nrpP"rt pt thp '10h i .f'!':l .i..l:!:;GJL.:"\h ( ",u~ ~"~h", ~./lS/45 ;... l Q t- tAr fro ~Tl :{ ~ u.. CT. l~: , J 'I'~" n f'rl K r) i lY h t r. n '! ~ P Y' n i n Q' rr h i r' "1 ~-, iT 0 1'"" U p tlrirl~"p: "F08 rp~;l nv the Cl t:)rk ~ It: '/~f-' 'lloverl nv I\,lr. L~('hn;.lf' ~-=lDrl c-,~~_ nrlArl hv (,fr>. :!""'I"V th,-,t th~ Cl",...\c 0r1vi"A q,,'T. f:n;aht th<;t the brit1p' "C being constrlAro,rl cnrl CQ\c himhon ho, av-r~~. ~~ roovo, tho huilri- i11(;I in n11o,!"ti0n i"to tnI'll"], l)'C'n rnll ('.'ill ell C~"ncil'r,en Drp!"Ant otpri ~ffir~0tivP1v. I i~ 1c,+-tRr from ;'il". H. \f. Fn\:;o,n cnnc"rnini! PPPo,,'''ffipnt of' ";""""l"rl "ter aUD"ly propprt:' ''1''P ""e".1 O'l t'r'J'> 81 Ark. \J,>nn ",ontioD bv J.p. ,'r,niv nn,j f'Acorl'i ,-'V :'11". C;"''11DFll1 tk:t ;.;11". :in1;en'" lRtter te turnerl QV r o tho, ;\""a"pQr 8:'id 'IQV (;"rn~littee pll Cnllncilrno,r "rR""'nt votRd ",ffi - 11'" t i v 0, 1. 'I . Nn c!'tion n~Co,pSAry on letter from ci"'1Arrl ~iCJ'ht snd ~C':pr ('nn- Arning pureh"po, of 018nt. Un i"TJ1s"n or r,ir. rpc,pnt rn,~'~ion by ,.':r. ,,,nndy 8wi sAcond ty :":r. L"'''',hnp.r th"t j.:1". .Iil- b" noid Q full months pclcrv cnrl thAt the chee~B for sAlur ,illiwilson 8nd ":1". -~l""rn be ,jrAdn Awl pRid '-'11 1,-;'-"J!1c1.1m'"n voted in the 3ffirmgtive. AS i"r."r"sefiplr"'" T'A'1Uest for eycIusive ri"ht to on(~r,-,te \'lllDCh .onrds w~e not ected u~on. lJn SellGal hou,,'O rep3irs c'r. Lehner l,ppnrtf':d P.~~0Ft~nt An pstl- ,'-1te of ;;;';0,.00 on repAirs of the ,81ls gndt<;n.oo 0'1 rPDF'irs nf the ront steps. ;1" '"oved An.] ,18['; seconded bV JAr. 1;n0~Y thDt ::r. iin1:ne. f': given the two contracts At sbove prices. U~nn roll cell 011 J~' ilmAn present voted Affirm3tively I ,jr. C<,,~,'.)qn hsd no report.on si'le mIks. ',~hp ';;'-'''' ne8rinll': completion.Mqnv comolAints of nnils in streets hArl beAn received. .,'~'r."- "end ril'lAY1S of eli"1inatinl2' tnis nuiwlnce sre uncler 'oj":y. by mesns of 8 Dort,~ble electrO-i111H'net. lilr. ",,",r1y 110'18:1 an<.l ,:1". ;8mD~n seC- onded th:'lt :':1". !,iAlcheszi Cinr1 l:r. en1;eAn 1'0 "heqj .Iith the cons~ruc tion of the Di!'.};:pr Ann thAt t:~e ;!elder be rented fro,;l ,..ll'. :'~,,, t/~ the rent"l of c,'. .0":; oer d']y to be 'H'pliAU on thA Durch8RP Drice if the i'.roject is succ:Asrful. lJ"'C'n ::"n]l c,,:]] c'll Cnnncil'l'irl pref.Ant voted RffiriG?tivelv. 1,1Y'~ r>"lr~m'3nn "no ~,~T'. .'lnil,'~;..r h<:l,rj no rp~I]Y"-+--s to rJ<;l:.\:(-1. ,~r,'7()r .ij~;~~nr rQtur~8c1 ~lt 9::;('1 '1nd tn:"\~'~ t1-]p cr-:8ir. ._".... Er>rJ:n,-:nn rpc:J~-:r'lpn'lA:l ~ler'i; un ',','D8/;:. ~'r!p r-1-,rVF;V -:;f the :::;Actioc :y: Ip!1d mc,lnt8in \~";:1~ oresQc.t8d l--v t:--1P ~lorx. ~lOvpd 0,n.:J ':l'. C<":npAn seconded th",t t:1P lot,m'ut th~t the purch',ser ~)'i-y for PH' be recorrlwi !Iith tile .City .::;lr.rk. '11"('\'1 '-"Ant voteri. ',f rir''')''' ti vely. b 8 t' , l {~ n li~'~ PEt \T Cl n u e ? ;:-1:1 ~ \1 p . -Pt(='r r1iscnf;~-'lon l,lY~. LO(lhnr,r lot~ n~ ~:old ~1t ",?c;,.O() ner ~Ur~IC'! ~-:.lnd t:H~.,t tLe SIJrV2? r,~l] c'il1 '411~(,\linciLlen pre dr'. Lonhner'p ...,,-,tion thc1t t>.P SerVlGAS r:f tlH~ ni;~~11t D8.trolrc;<:ln be ,1ispenEPd ~;'ji th ,tie:] for the 1~\~1;: of '_1 ~pcon,j. I LY'.. c,r~::l::;nn rr-:lCOTTDHn'ie:1 thHt tn8 c~rs be ~:nF,Decteci for lir-ht f:n.J brP,?]{ efficiecy. Lr'!p"";l ~r:{ \'~';'S J.irGctA'l to SAcurA the neCAf~'8r iDsJA~tion stic~Ars. In r-unrlection rri th the fiervir3C3 of thA ni~ht p<:"~trol~}An r")~r()r :,.:'/c'r renu6sted 'U",R folloiiinr' vat", 1)R t"i'"en: C['n--,se in f~;\ior (',f 81- evsti;:-li: t~:t.9 nrcF'ent nipht T}8tr:JlrJ~~n to ~}:.1Af if '~lr:.d ,,',,'rten '~hiAf "'"VT'_ 'lav le_c..vef:. C,--'qjlicil'-llAY: j~r.1upn, ;:-r-1,;l:--;nn, ~(pr'ting RDcJ Lfln,hnAr "j, t_~'~'lnc.il~m-r dr',n:::~r."f.-:"'--'. f::~l\1ncil i-~(a~ ,:.-1 S,l:)l.J ,--<: [~one to \1,("l"lorr'C'e ~.:"J~nt inforT.llti:Jn. t3Y "'u:TF~rs. :-: l1t "i':::'~::; Uf::' :-\v(~~lltjnt ~) !li':~'li tte p re o';rt9 (1 +::-:1'~ t '. r.. '~l' p r~ n :'<, ~ 1-1 ':- t s 0' A t n n ~,f r--: e l~) in t [') p , -1 ~T c.l:' '-j ~ ~'j - cr]o'~':pr~tinn is hei~~ recAi'fed ~'ro~ thA i.,~ Y"'. r~ 0 ,-~ tin g !' (! r ~~ ~1 A _ ::1 Y 196 JUNE 18, 1945 CONCLUDED :.18"01' :"0'{ep pnnouncerl to thp '~nunci1 t:-l1t (jp, f:',:: hAen furniE:1p'( '){xf:X~CH~ f1:;or n1e'n of U:p, ;> . ,'ll',lJinr t:l'-1t hel uld turn over to the f::1Ji <1- nC' ::;0DI:nittee "Cnr! re0u.,,,ted thwr, to investin:"Cte 8" C' proPDActi'/e .:llnicip8l 11ildinf!. ' ri'\n("~r'ninp' I.-;Vt.::~' I :~n'i' tl"U, RC:'....,') ',1 t:,.,.;l Jjr:-r l:"2":r-'>:/i.:o.flt l>.,\,'II/"' l.l'.j,'c -"1"'Yl;-'uj!(?~'l ~1,: 1 rl~~ 1,','-'-)ul""; ..!!r"'vttr~ t~-,.... t,/'l'(-nl:ll .-;,...,.--tr'~ t.,;,,", t;ir:~ nr.~.,t '1>~;--~7,ir~.:~ ", f t. -n f' .; <': ; (> ! 1 ~. n "(> rl '"1 f::: C~ 1 I ~ F- i '.-) ;~i .. rjf'-:O~rp l\:Y~ ':".1,'-,0,1";;'1 f-~n:r'Fc.:,~,~;:-:-rJ t ~:t +:'h(~ ~-,1(.:lr,iJ .T'.!:+-'~'" ,;..._ \,llrlnv f"')P t:l"18YJ.i;-iDP' hi~~l fer hip ~ nfc:>r~,~t-i nn c()n(>PY'Dl r\;:- t"};,o l-J"y,'J t ',,7 ::.. C' 1. -:. ;- 1 ,;'1 I'.po t. h,;~ ,-' ,~, \. C, (', i. 1 ';1 ~ i- "I (i h ~ n(>n_ 'T>HCl ',.;1 pp1;; Y'P!l():rtpd t~'1:'-1t \~:--nt-oo i.,:rprs hC:lrJ ~~r:~~t,pd t.>)<:::".t ti!p Ir>~i J rn lnnp'c,'f' l1~~d triP r>itv rlllfC;j ',nit i(~:-Q '-jilT r'psnr)nC'i~!l,Q" 1i' 1'Ilqc., rr~ovr.~d [b'l ;-,~- r:o:.+-~(10" :-:-n,-j -:;r-(')Y\rJ~\: t"),-/ ,:t'oo rd'~!::-onr t:r,8t t11P .'~lar1r :r-:t..:. t1-jQ r';r"lnH"'!'_~n:~in~ UTi--'i.~pr p4:lni)..~~~tir:C'"' th..~t t1,.-,lo rlUTf.lD LH (i1]T, j.n 0r-'rriittQl1 ~......_ ('or'line tCl ort.;li(jn~l qO'r~'~''l,-..;.nt'e Pn"n r'011 (1<::\11 Qll i;r-"!l?nf?ilri)pn npp_ ~-n+ vn~_rl ~~~ir~~tiVAlv. U~--1nn tn(lt~un of i.ir.. r\A~"lt.~n~, spron'-l tv 1'.jP~ ':"'-1rl'/ ~hr: urJ::~tlj~1nl]C: ,-~ (' -r i, r: 11'--1 -I. ~ V ~ V (j t (:l. ., P ;--' Ii. ~..I '\ 11 n r""1 1 ; 1 Po Il n -..... ,'. c... p. n t i-, h p n p ~ i- "1. n P' ',~ (1 i n 1 ) P n p rl Cl t- 1 1 : ,'i "i ,,, ~ J) ~i! ";'" j } ----..--lX;-;-~r-----. , i i~-l,!' --~ --'--;-;~;~-r~~1~Gl:;-r 1,----- REGULAR SESSION JULY 2, 1945 The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska convened in regular session on 2 July 1945 and was called to order by Mayor Baker at 8:08 PM with all Councilmen present except Mr. Watsjold who came in a few minutes later. l The minutes of the last meeting were approved as corrected to show that the welder was to be rented from R. F. Hendricks rather than Forrest Kennedy. Mr Harding made verbal request for permit to build a kitchen onto Mom's Diner on Lot 5, Block 10, Seward Townsite. The request was referred to the Fire Chief for recommendations. Request for Taxi Operator's license was deferred. The memorandum from Col. Simmons to Capt. Myers was read by the Clerk and was deferred. Letter from PHA rejecting offer to supply electrical energy was read by the Clerk. No action necessary. Letter from Mr. Cobban, SES Superintendent was read by the Clerk. Mr. Campen moved and Mr. Watsjold seconded that Mr. Cobban be authorized to purchase analyser equipment. Upon roll call all Councilmen voted affirmatively. The fOllowing request of the Bills' Club of Seward, Alaska, for beverage dispensar license was read by the Clerk. BILLS' CLUB OF SE.iARD SE.iARD, ALASKA -( .\ HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL, SEWARD, ALASKA Gentlemen: application for Herewith attached is/dispensary license in the name of Harry E. Southard. This application is not for H. E. Southard as an individual but for the Bills' Club of Seward which is a club for members of the Elks Lodge. Hopiag th8t yeu 'Nill Bet faveraely 9A thiEi oPfllie~tie1"l, 1"- f ~ ,. ,: _ ~,' I JULY 2, 1945 CONTINUED Hoping that you will act favorably on this application, I re- main, I Yours very truly, (SIG) J.V.LIDICK, JR. Secretary-Treasurer It was moved by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Campen that the issuance of the license be recommended. Upon roll tiall all Councilmen voted affirmatively. The bid of Mr. A. L. Raffensperger of $25.00 each on Lots 5, 6, 7, & 8 in Block 3, Laubner Addition was read by the Clerk. Upon motion of Mr. Erdmann, second by Mr. Lechner and unanimous affirmative the bid was tabled. A letter concerning the leasing of water frontage in Seward was read by the Clerk but no action was necessary. Correspondence from A & P Packers concerning cold storage pIa was read by the Clerk who was directed to notify A & P that they would be kept informed as to developments. The following bids were presented verbally by Mr. Moody: $75.00 each on Lots 17&18, Block 30, Townsite by Eva Sandos. $75.00 each on Lots 19&20, Block 30, Townsite by Irma !laws. It wa moved by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Campen that the bids be accepted. Upon roll call all Councilmen voted affirmatively. The request for taxi operator's license by J. D. Prosser was e-introduced for discussion after which it was moved by Mr. Wats- old and seconded by Mr. Moody that the Clerk be directed to issue he license. Upon roll call the Councilmen voted as follows: Erd- ann, Keating, Moody and Hatsjold affirmative; Campen and Lechner o VOTE. Motion carried. I Mrs. Wagner, School Board member was introduced by Mayor Eaker. rs. ~agner discussed the reconversion of the school basement and ther possibilities of the building. After discussion it was moved y Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Lechner that the music room be artitioned in order to meet the present needs of additional class- oom space. Upon roll call all Councilmen voted affirmatively. Mayor Daker requested Councilmen Erdmann and Lechner to attend he next meeting of the School Board. It was moved by Mr. Campen and seconded by Mr. Keating that th inance Committee OK city salaries, territorial collections and in- orne tax deductions for payment. Upon roll call all Councilmen vot ffirmatively. by Mr. \Iatsjold and seconded by Mr. Lechner It was moved/that the salaries and claims against the SES as resented by the Clerk be paid. Upon roll call all Councilmen vote ffirmatively. I On health conditions Dr. 2anister, City Health Officer,reporte xcellent results on TB testing and a decided reduction in venereal isease during the past six months. The big problem now as reporte y Dr. Banister is getting the irresponsible parties to attend the linic. Mr. Keating was happy to report that there was very little to eport. Mr. Campen mentioned the SES report which was self-explanatory. Mr. Lechner stated that arrangements had been made for repairs f school building. Mr. Kielcheski reported the sidewalks of the following s needing repairs. 8eward Trading, Shoe Shop, Seward meat Market, cMullen's, Seward Drug, Josie Sandvick, The Mart, Osbo's, Seward team Laundry, Old Northern Site, Bank of--Se~vard, and Tecklneberg ew Building. The Clerk was directed t~ ~eqq~5t the above named pr - erty owners to notify the city office as to tneir action mn the atter. 19'.~ .~ 4t . '- _~ Mr. Erdmann reported that Mr. Harvey had gone and that Mr. Mor timer had taken the place as Chief. The Police Committee was to ar range with Mr. Horton the time of his release and so notify him. Mr. Watsjold stated that the SWM was near completion. When Mr. Hunt came in the memorandum from Col. Simmons was re- read by the Clerk. When questioned by Mayor Baker what his reactio would be Mr. Huntrstated that if the surveyed material is placed on the city dump to be used by the people of oeward there will be no adverse criticism by the Seward Polaris. Mayor baker then made the following statement: "The statementsin the Seward Polaris concern- ing the disposal of government property by the Army did not represe t my feelings in the matter." After brief discussion it was moved by Mr. Keating and seconded by Mr. Lechner that the above statement re presents the attitude of the Council. Upon roll call all Council- men voted affirmatively. Ooncerning a suitable park area near the swimming pool it was moved by Mr. Campen and seconded by Mr. Keating that the west one half end as much of the east one half, not privately owned, as is needed of Lot 16: in the FedenaiL-Alidltlon to the Town of Seward be set aside ~s,a permanent park. Upon roll call all Councilmen voted in the affirmative. ---, I Mrs. Ross Mann, through Mayor Baker, presented an invitation to the Councilmen and their wives to attpnd an informal reception at the Mann counctry home on the evening of July Fourth. Concerning the Third Avenue bridge Mayor Baker stated that he, Mr. Campen and Mr. Lechner would take over the situation. Mayor Baker reminded Mr. Ray that the City of Seward was witou iBgKi legal council. Mr. Ray advised Mayor Baker that if the City would pay the April,May and June salaries he would resume the duties of City Attorney. By motion of Mr. Keating,~second by Mr. Moody and unanimous vote of all Councilmen the meeting adjourned at 11:40 PM. APPROVED Mayor ATTEST Municipal Clerk REGULAR SESSION JULY 16, 1945 'The Common '-'ouncil of the Town of Seward, alaska convened in egular session on July 16, 1945 and was called to order by Mayor aker at 8:15 p~ with all Councilmen present. Mr. Keating was appointed by the Mayor to keep minutes of the eeting in the absence of the City Clerk. _,,.lIt....\.~. The minutes of the preceedingrwere"'read and approved. repair Letter from R. E. Oaumgartner stated that the sidewalks/in fro t f the oeward oteam Laundry will receive early attention. Request by R. E. Baumgartner for beferage dispensary license or Tony Parich was approved by all Councilmen. An application by R. E. Baumg3rtner for the construction of co - rete sidewalk adjacent to the property of Vance Hitt and of James . Hawkins on \'iashington Street, was read to thej., C.punci 1. It was oved by Mr. Moody and seconded by Mr.;,atsjold1;r~quest for bids Be he construction of sidewalks as requested by Mr. Baumgartner and 'r. Brownell be pablished. Construction to be in accordance with oss Territorial Specifications. Motion passed unanimously. JULY 16, 1945, CONTI~U~D 1 ~~-~ It was moved by Mr. Campen and seconded by Mr. Lechner that oss Territorial Specifications for construction of concrete sidew alks be adopted as City opecifications. Carried unanimously. Bill From Mr. Manley required no action. I Bid received from L. V. Ray as City Attorney dating back to ~pril 10, 1945 at $100.00 ~er month was read. Mr. Campen moved and r. ~atsjold seconded that the application be accepted and that Mr. ay be requested to attende meeting whenever possible as his pres en e is extremely valuable. All Council voted affiramatively except Mr. ~rdamann who cast NO VOTE. It was moved by Mr. Watsjold and seconded by Mr. Campen that a id of $75.00 each for Lots 1 and 2, Block 23, Townsite by Frank L. Voods be accepted. Carried by unanimous vote of all Councilmen. Mr. Moody moved and Mr. ~atsjold seconded that all bills as pr - sented, with the exception of Mr. Manley's, be paid. Upon roll cal 'ouncilmen voted affirmatively. Committee Reports: Mr. Keating, for the Tax Committee recommended that "13" of Sec ion 3 of Tax Ordinance which sets the Third Monday in June for the ompletion of the assessment list be changed, for this year only, t uly 30, 1945 for completion of said list. This is necessitated by lateness of appointment of the Assessor and the added work assigned to him. The above recommendation was passed by proper motion, seco d nd unanimous affirmative vote of all Councilmen. I It was moved by Mr. Lechner and seconded by Mr. Oampen that 'ugust 6, 1945, the First Monday in August, be set as the first mee - ing of the Board of nqualization and that the date of delinquency e changed from September 15, 1945 to October 15, 1945. Passed u~- nanimously. Upon recommendation by Mr. Ke8tin~ that 8 man be hired by the City to operate city equip~ent on airpprt it was moved, seconded an passed unanimously that Mr. Keating be authorized to hire help and to use city equipment under the direetion of Street Commissioner, Kielcheski. A request was made by Tiny Trokouski that a letter be written to Mr. Peterson of the Postal Department requesting air mail serviv for Seward. Mr. Watsjold moved, Mr. Keating seconded and all Coun- cilmen voted affirmatively that this be done. Mayor Daker directed the Clerk to contact Mr. Ericson and re~ quest him to investigate garages and other business places not hav- ing licenses to operate. Mr. Campen moved, Mr. Mx. Erdamnn seconded and all Councilmen concurred that Mr. Cobban be authorized to go to Anchorage with May r Baker to investigate possibilities of purchasing diesel equipment for the light plant. I Mr. Erdmann reported that the night patrolman had been dismis- sed and that the new Chief was working alone. He stated further th t a plan was being considered for a night patrol sponsored by the bus _ ness houses. On employee insurance i,layer Baker appointed a committee of Councilmen Lechner, Keating and Erdmann to investigate and report to the next meeting. Mr. ~atsjold reported that the SWM is in operation and had bee tested under 90 punds pressure. It was reported that Pat Friede had offered the use of his tru k to haul sand and gravel to First Lake. Mayor Baker appointed Mr. Moody and Mr Campen to arrnage to have the work done and ,'ednesday night, 18th, was set 8S the first night to begin work. 2no JULY 16, 1945, CONCLUDED Mr. Moody was asked to consult with Mr. Rayon drawing up an prdinance covering the use of punch-boards. Mayor Baker volunteered to contact Major ,iilde concerning the ~urplus lumber, etc., in connection with Col. Simmons communication On motion by Mr. Keating, second of Mr. Erdmann and unanimous ffirmative vote the meeting adjourned. --r APPROVED Mayor 'TTEST Municipal Clerk REGULAR SESSION AUGUST 6, 1945 Regular session of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska was called to order by Mayor Baker at 8:05 PM August 6, 194E with Councilmen Campen, Erdmann, Keating, Lechner and Moody present and Councilman Vatsjold absent. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. Chief Mortimer stated that the work was too heavy for one man. Several prowlers had been reported to the department and one had been apprehended. Mr. Mortimer recommended that a night patrolman be hired. Mr. Erdmann expressed himself in favor of a night man and moved that night man be hired. Motion died for lack of a sec- ond. Fire Chief Kielcheski reported one fire with no damage and no ~xpense; that the streets were being maintained and that old storm sewers were being replaced and new ones installed. Upon recommends ~ion of Mr. Kielcheski it was moved by Mr. Moody and seconded by Mr Keating that the Street Committee be Authorized to purchase necessa y ~aterial for a new storm sewer across Washington Street at the old Northern corner. All Councilmen present voted affirmatively. Concerning Third Avenue Briq,eMr. Campen move and was seconded by Mr. Keating that the bridge be removed and replaced with a dirt ~ill. Upon roll call all Councilmen present voted affirmatively. Mr. Lechner was requested by Mayor Baker to advise the Council as to the proper method of taking care of the city dump. Mr. Cobban presented written report on the Seward Electric Bys tem which showed a cash ealance of $ Bids for the concrete sidewalks as per advertisement were re- ceived from R. V. Loughead and J. R. Holmes. Since the bid of R. V Loughead was the only bid received that met the specifications It was moved by Mr. Moody and seconded by Mr. Lechner that Mr. Loughea. be awarded the contract. Upon roll call all Councilmen present vot ed in the affirmative. -( It was recommended by Mr. Ray that an alphabetical list of all tax payers of Seward be kept by the City Clerk. Letter concerning libiality insur8nce premimum on the SES em- ployes was read by the Clerk and turned over to Mr. Erdmann for his study and recommendation. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Margules concerning the re- pairs of the sidewalMs adjacent to his property in Seward. 10) r), "~ __ .1. i :' '1/"-.1. "" I After re8ding a letter from the Territory Construction Ccmpany of Juneau concerning the balance due the company on the installatio of the SWM the Clerk was direeted by Mayor Baker to confer with Mr. Ray and reply to the letter. The Council was asked by the Clerk for a decision on the col- lection of the 1944-45 city drivers's license before issuing a lie- cense for 1945-46. The Clerk stated that while in conversRtion with one person concerning the license said person told the Clerk that he not only would not pay the delinquent license fee but also, if the matter came to an issue, would see that the Council refund licenses previously collected for the reason it was in conflict with the territorial law. When Mayar Baker asked the Clerk who the person was Mr. Moody stated that he was the man. When asked why he took such an attitude Mr. Moody stated that it was not the fee but the wording of the letter from the Clerk notifying him of his de- linquency. According to Mr. Moody the letter stated that until he he had paid his license fee for the year 1944-45 he would not be issued a license for 1945-46. This statement was refuted by the Clerk. After several of the Councilmen had expressed their views on the subject it was moved by Mr. Erdmann and seconded by Mr. Lec _ ner the the 1944-45 city drivers' licenses be collected. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Councilm~n Campen, Erdmann, Keat- ing and Lechner AFFIRMATIVE. Councilman Moody NO VOTE. Councilma Natsjold ABSENT. A letter from Supt. Roth concerning the school building for the ensuing year was turned over to Mr. Lechner, for his study and recommendation. The following obligations aagainst the City of Geward were pre- sented by the Clerk. SalAries, $1,951.03. Other obligations, $1,689.38. It was moved by Mr. Keating and seconded by Mr. Campen that the obligations be paid. Upon roll call the Councilmen voted as follows: Councilmen Campen, Erdmann, Keating, and Moody affirm- ative. Councilman Lechner NO VOTE. Councilman .iatsjold ABSENT. Mr. Ericson stated that checking on mercantile licenses was not under his jurisdiction. Mr. Erdmann was directed by Mayor Bak ker to have the Chief of Police make the check. Cbligations against the SES were presented by the Clerk as fol- lows: Salaries $1,839.10. Other obligations $1,818.22. It was moved by Mr. Keating and seconded by Mr. Lechner that the above sal- aries and obligations be paid. Upon roll call all Councilmen pre- sent voted affirmatively. Mayor Baker presented his expense account of $30.00 incurred on trip to Anchorage in connection with City utilities. Mr. Lech- ner moved, Mr. Keating seconded and all Councilmen present voted affirmatively that the account be allowed and thatthe Clerk be or- dered to draw a warrant in thae amount of $30.00. After a brief discussion of the issuance of taxi operator's licenses to women Mr. Campen moved and Mr. Keating seconded that taxi operator's licenses be issued to women. Upon roll call all Councilmen present voted in the affirmative. For the Tax Committee Mr. Keating requested an extension of time, to August 20, 1945, for the completion of the tax roll and to August 27, 1945 for the convening of the Equalization Board. The motion by Mr. Keating that this extension of time be grante<< was seconded by Mr. Campen. Upon roll call all Councilmen present voted affirmatively. . On the airport Mr. Keating presented an estimated cost of $400.00 for dozer work and recommended that the matter he held in abeyance until such time as the government agencies could take some action. Mr. Lechner reported that the water heater had been installed and that the exterior repairs had been made to the school .~~T'_ 2{\~) . ,t f~,.. AUGUST 6, 1945, CONCLUDED Mr. Erdmann reported complaints of the Moose Bar's dumping of bottles around the hour of midni~ht. The Council went on record as favoring the boarding up of the concrete machine gun emplacements near the railroad between the passanger station and the express office, as requested by Mr. A. R. Brooks and Mrs. Dean Bedford. Mr. Erdman reported also that he had made request for terri- torial funds in the amount of $150.00 to be used in investigating the disappearance of Mr. Bryan. Report of the Police De~artment was made by Mr. Erdmann. Mr. Cobban recommended that SES Employees Liability Insurance be held until such time as the construction work is begun. Letter from.Col,'9oleman concerning city public utilities was read by Mayor Baker. No action necessary. The Utilities Committee was designated by Mayor Baker as the committee on city switchboard. :---"1 . The Utilities Committee was given authority by the Council to pass on purchases of material and equipment for the light plant. The width of the sidewalks to be constructed was left to the discretion of the Street Committee. On motion by Mr. Keating and second by Mr. Erdmann the Coun- c 11 t\djourned. APPROVED aJ J., ;J:jC4jn~j (I Mayor " ATTEST 'Harry L. Smith Municipal Clerk Special Session August ~4, 1945 The special session was called by the following order: NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING of COMMON COUNCIL, SEWARD, ALASKA Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Sewar, Alaska will be held at the 6ffice of L. V. Ray, Attorney in Seward, at the hour of Nine o'clock P.M. Friday, August 24th, 1945, to take such action as the Council may determine relative to the purchase of additional equipment to be allided to the present Municipal Light Plant, as The Seward\Electric System, and, if such purchase be authorized by said Council, to take such further action as may be necessary or required to ~~~ authorize the execution and delivery of such notes, mobtgages or other instuments in writing to consummate such purchase of additiolal equipment. Wm. J. Baker, Mayor Attest: Municipal Clerk In compliance with the above order the meeting was called to order by Mayor Baker at Nine P. M. with all Councilmen present. Mayor Baker announced that in order to purchase the equipment it would be necessary for the Council to authorize such action and such notes and mortgages as are necessary. ~" ') {) ii:~ ~.r~:L~ I Mr. Campen stated that the agreement with Mr. Howard was: The enerator was to be installed and tested and if it made the test of 20 KVA the Seward Electric System would pay the contract price of 12,500.00. If the generator fail to meet the test of 320 KVA the eward Electric System would pay only $10,000.00. Mr. Howard con- urred. It was further agreed that the generating unit would be purcha ed ontingent upon purchase of switchboard constructed especially for his generating unit from the Army or RFC on or before October 10, 945. It was moved by Mr. Watsjold and seconded by Mr. Moody that Mr oward be paid the sum of $13,500.00 for the generating unit and th switchboard delivered to Seward, Alaska; that if the cost of the ge - erating unit and switchboard, appliances, loading and freight trans ortation to Seward should exceed such amount Mr. Howard wa~oassume ny such excess, but if the cost was less then the Seward Elecbric system would benefit thereby; that the test was to be made as soon s possible; and that if the generator meets the test the full pur- chase price would be paid but if it failed to meet the test then th rice of $10;000.00 plus handling and transportation costs would be paid. Upon roll call all Councilmen voted affirmatively. Mr. Erdmann moved and Mr. Keating seconded that the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign necessary papers for the urchase and installation of the generating unit. Upon roll call 11 Councilmen voted in the affirmative. It was moved by Mr. Campen and seconded by Mr. Keating that th Jwyor be authorized to purchase the switchboard for the generating nit from RFC together with anyother equipment necessary for instal lation and operation of the generating unit. Apprcbved zJl Zl~) Mayor -I/r"/ I _,.' tres t : ~ .~('_.- _ i- / ~,' I~-:;-____> : .- f-' A, Municipal Clerk REGULAR SESSION SEPTEMBER 3, 1945 The regular session of the Common Council of the Town of Sewar Alaska was called to order by Mayor Baker at 8:08 PM with the Coun- cilmen in attendance as follows: Campen, Erdmann, Keating, Lechner and ~atsjold present. Moody absent. The minutes of the regular session of August 6, 1945 and of th special session of August 24, 1945 were approved as read. The sidewalk petition of the property owners on the east side of Fifth Avenue between Washington and Adams streets was held in abeyance by motion of Mr. Erdmann and second of Mr. Campen and the unanimous vote of all Councilmen present until such time as the fin ancial situation is cleared. Dr. Banister advised the Council that he had received a call from the Anchorage CAA officials concerning the landing field in Seward and requested that a letter be written CAA requesting that a portable lighting system be installed at the air port. This in- stallation should include service,RN~ flood lights, beacon light. It was moved by Mr. Campen and seconded by Mr. Keating that the August salaries and July bills as presented by the Clerk be pai . Upon roll call all councilmen voted affirmatively. Concerning the taxes of Chas. Tecklenberg for the year 1939 Mr. Erdmann was directed to discuss the matter with Mr. Ray. ' 204 REGULAR SESSION SEPT~MBER 3, 1945 (CONCLUDED) It was moved by Mr. Keating and seconded by Mr. Erdmann that he Spic and Span Cleaners be billed, for $1,379.80, the difference etween the ordinary and the "times ten" meter and $112.00 for a ransformer. Upon roll call all Councilmen present voted affirmati ely. ' Mr. Lechner suggested that the garbage dump be closed and that dumping schedule be worked out with the garbage haulers. After urther discussion it was decided that Pete Michelson be contacted oncerning salary for dump supervision, and then contact garbage aulers. The Clerk was directed to request the garbage collectors o be present at the next council meeting. ' l' The school was reported by Mr. Lechner as ready for opening. Mr. Campen had no report to make. Mr. Erdmann reported that he had removed Mr. Harris as Acting hief of Police and was hiring Mr. Kerestine. Mayor Baker advised the council that Barney McCoy had been de- utised to work on cases of breaking into city establishments but hat the deputyship had been cancelled. Since there was no further business the meeting adjourned by otion by Mr. Keating, second by Mr. Campen and the unanimous af- irmative vote of all councilmen present. TT'ST~L-~ Municipa,l Clerk APPROVED dj, fJ-. t1~) {/ Mayor REGULAR SESSION SEPTEMBER 17, 1945 The Common Council of the Town of Seward, alaska convened in egular session September 17, 1945 and was called to order by Mayor aker at 8:05 PM with councilmen in attendance as follows: Campen rdmann, Keating, Lechner and Watsjold present. Moody absent. ' The minutes of the last session were approved as read. Mrs Evans and Mrs. Stilwell were present and were invited by ayor Baker to present their wishes. Mrs. Evans requested the mor- 1 support of the city in securing the USO building for the Seward loman's Club. In her remarks Mrs. Evans stated that it would re- uire approximately $400.00 per month end the Jomen's Club \1Ould ave to heve help. Mayor Baker assured the ladies thRt the C~uncil ould be repr~sented next Monday evening at the meeting of the lomen's Club. Mrs. Evans announced th~t with permission of the Council there ould be 8 com~ittee of two at each council meetin?" for getting 'nform~tion of the Glub. Mr. Brownell presente1 the threat of moving the rl. H. terminal 8cilities to .ihittier. He suggested that ':)"ire be sent to the ecretary of Interior concerning sending freifht and/or passengers hrough\lhi ttier. He also sugpested sending the same wire to the .. G. '0. against using the Dock and ~oldiers for unloading boats t Ii hit tie r . ~ letter from the bank of 0eward concernin~ the loan to the ity was read by the clerk nho stated that he had arranged for an ,ddition',l ~4,OOO.00 lo,'ln for sixty days./inother letter from the ank of beward, concerning the school bonds, was reud by the clerk vho advised the council that he h::ld issued W9rr3nt in the Dmount of ~3,223.50 concerning retirement of bonds, interest and exchange. he action in these two cases was passed by the council. 2_,- . n" " ;~f REGULf;H SESSION SEPTEMBER 17, 1945 (CO~TINUED). A letter from the Territorial Construction Company concerning the balance do that company on b.ri.~. as re3d by the clerk wus tabled. A special act permit granted by the Forest bervice to con- struct 8 power line ~long the south side of the road leading to the airport was accepted by the unBnamous vote of the council. I "i letter from Mrs. H. h. Southard in connection with the telephone service of the beward Light and Power was read by the clerk. Mr. Cobban and Mr. Campen were directed by Uayor Baker to contact Mr. Ray concerning new telephone installations. It was moved by Mr. Campen and seconded by Mr. Keating that Mrs. Southard's letter be refered to Mr. Ray as to: Item 1, justification of SLP t demand telephone deposit due to the fact that the telephone bill i paid in advance, and Item 2, if the 00uthards are delinquent in pa - ing deposit is SLP justified to use discriminatory practices? Upo roll Call all Councilmen present voted affirmatively. Mr. Hoy, Commander of Seward jJost 1r5, The limerican Legion re- quested by letter the cooperation of the City during the Legion co - vention to be held in Seward October 12, 13, 14 and 15, 1945. Thi cooperation was assured by Mayor baker who appointed the following committee for this occasion. Mr. Cobban, Chairman, Chief claxwell and Chief Ki~l~heski. It was moved by Mr. Campen and seconded by Mr. Lechner that the bid of $75.00 each on Lots 19 and 20 in Block 30, Tws. by Carl Muller be accepted. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted affirmatively. I The bid of the G-E Company on transformens and cable was ac- cepted by the Utilities Committee as authooized by the Council. Chief Ma~well made the following recommendations to the Coun- cil. Ten o'clock curfew, enforced; street signs and inspection fo drivers' license. Motion by Mr. Eardmann and second by Mr. Keatin that ten o'clock curfew be enforced was passed by unanimous vote 0 all councilmen present. Mr. Lechner recommende that directive signs for dumping be placed on the city dump. Mayor Baker directed Mr. Lechner to take charge of and to operate the city dump. On motion by Mr. Keating and second by Mr. "atsjold that a fi - ancial statement on S~M be submitted to Col. Ohlson all councilmen present voted in the affirmative. Mr. Campen moved, Mr. ~atsjold seconded and all councilmen voted affirmatively to pay 811 claims as presented to include two thirds of Mr. Green's assessment bill and the balance to be paid 0 completion of the assessment work. Mr. Campen presented corrugated iron building. to execute the plans. plans for the Light ~lant 2nd recommende The Utilities Co~nittee was authroized I On reporting for the Police Dept. Mr. Erdmann stated that the business firms would be willing to pay salary of third man on poli e force and recommended that member of forece be given one day off per week. The Council concurred. Mavor Baker was to meet with th Police Committee and Chief Maxwell toe discuss police situation. Mr. Casey reported gain on number of customers of SESe Mr. Erdmann moved, Mr. Lechner seconded and the Council con- curred unanimously that Mayor Baker be authorized to withdraw re- ~uest for loan of %225,000.00 to purchase SLP. Mr. Erdmann moved, Mr. Campen seconded and Council concurred unanimpusly that Mayor baker be authorized to make apolication for loan of $35,000.00 for financing new generatin unit. . r.)l\. t::. '-i I 'u September 17, 1945, Concluded Mr. Keating \'Jas directed by rAayor ]jaker to contact Mr. Brown- ell and drww up telegrams as recommended by Mr. Brownell. . Since there wa? no further business to come before the meeting It.adjourne~ by I?otIon of Mr. Keating, second of Mr. hatsjold and un- anImous vBfIrmatIve vote of all councilmen present. lIPPROVED 1;; 1i~~ !,1ayor I I I ATTEST 7// /3~ ~nicipal lerk REGULAR SESSION October 1, LH5 The regu18r session of the Common Council was called to order ~t 8 o'clock P. M. October 1, 1945 by Mayor baker with oouncilmen ~n attendance 3S follows: Campen, ~rdmann, Keating, Lechner and Jatsjold, present. Moody absent. lilinutes of the 18st meeting were approved as read. A letter from CAA concernin? landing field lights was read by the clerk. Mr. Keating was directed by ~3yor Baker to proceed ~ccording to suggestions mude in the letter. 6 letter from Mr. McCoy, and petition from citizens, concernin street lights were read by the clerk. Mr. Erdmann stated that the situation was being taken care of 3S fast 8S possible. The application of Mr. Jm. S. Cook for the position of night !watchman as refJd by the clerk vms referred to Mr. tlrdmClnn. The bid of .Im. G. B'erguson on lots 3 :'lnd 4, block 2;:; Townsi te, of ~75.00 each W1S read by the clerk. It was moved by Wr. Lechner seconded by Mr. ~8tsjold that.ti,e bid be accepted. Upon roll call all councilmen present boted Bffi~matively. 1he following salaries dnd cl~ims 8~ainst the City of beward were ~esented by the clerk: Salaries--~1,484.1~ Bills----- 544.25 It was moved by Mr. Erdmann, seconded by Mr. uatsjold th3t the s8laries Rnd claims be paid. Upon roll cill dll councilmen present voted affirmatively. ualaries and claims a~ainst the beward ~lectric ~ystem were presente~ by the clerk us follows: ~a18ries-i2,054.23 Claims--- 3,958.74 It was moved by kr. hrdmunn, seconded by Ur. ~atsjoli that the salaries and claims by paid. Upon roll c~ll all councilmen oresent voted affirm~tively. The invoice of R. E. Loughead, contractor for construction of sidewalks in the amount 0: '5,728.86 was reud by the clerk. It was moved by Mr. ;.18tsjold and seconded by Mr. C"lTnpen th'lt Illr. LougheHd be paid as money is 8v3ilRble. Upon roll call 811 councilmen present voted affirm8tively. Chief ~axwell reDortad th~t the curfew was working fairly well, but do to prowlers it is extremely dRngerous for children to be out after 10 o'clock at night. ~r. ~rdmann recommended that the 10 ofclock curfew be enforced. Chief ~8xwAll reported that he had been directed to look after the city dump. ]'.ir. Lechner stated it WcJS not re})dy f r his sUller- vision. liir. Keating reportinr: the U. 0. u. meeting, statel that that organization had gone on record as bein~ willing to help the City Council secure the original U. G. O. builling. This meeting ~~ October 1, 1945, Ooncluded recom!nended 0 Doard of .Jirectors ot' CO"1:nuni ty l"enter consistinp; of 5 persons. hir. .Iri?ht, "lrs. 'lorvf1ni1;er 3ncj .;rs. ,,:,v~jns Vlere nnmeJ on this bOArd And the council was re~uested to nBme the other two members. ~ayor Baker uppointed Councilmen Keating, Lechner ond ~rdmBnn to select the tno members for the ~o8rd of .Jirectors of Community Center. I Standing committee reports: Mr. Lechner on gsrbuge disposal stated that the signs were re3dy for the painter. ..hen dozer is available the dump will be put in condition. ,Jr. Lechner 31so stated that Mr. Cobban had installed equipment for the riigh ~chool LaborBtory. Mr. Campen, for tho street rtepJrtment reported thJt considerable work h~d been done for the Seward ~lectric Lystem; that the forms for the now ~ewnrd 2lectric System bui ldinr were in 9Wl the floor should be started by uctober 3; Bnd all streets hHd been covered by the grader. The clerk was directed by ~ayor Baker to notify beward .Iater Gupply that in the future every ooseible precnution ~ould be taken Oot to disturb the water cut-of pipes and to renuest his cooperdtion in the mutter. Ohief ~axwell was to be directed to notify property owners of the new ~ommerce buildin? to remove pipes that extend above the surfsce of the sidewalks. Ur. ]rdmann in reporting for the police department st'ite:! tl1at t ,e deprirtnent was functioninIT sAtisfac torily. I Mr. ,iAtsjold for the Fire DepArtl8ent rRported no serious firRs and prompt action on fire slsrmE. ~r. Loughe8d rRquested that the contract for thR beward Electric ~ystem building be drawn up. Mr. Erdmnnn reported that on Seward ~lectric bystem financina, $10,000.00 had"been borrowed and 4 warrants of ~2,500.00 each, do in December 1945, ~arch, June and beptember 1946 hdd been issued. ny motion of ~r. Keating, seconded by ~r. brdmunn ~nd affirmative vote by All councilmen present, the meeting was Hdjurned At 9:35 P. M. AP,P,R. OVED-21Jt~- ~ 0('1 ~/ Mayor ATTEST <~~- " Municipal 'Clerk SPECIAL SE5SION OCTOBER IF, 1945 rt speci8.1 meetinF~ of the Gommon Council of the Town of Seward .alaska WAS c811ed by Mayor d2ker to [;lest 8t 8 P. M. 0;1 October Hi, 1945 for the purpose of electing '.1 councilman to succeed coullcil- :'1:0n George B. .vloody, dropped because of non attendtlnce of :r.eetinc'S Ann for !HyinJ;' cl'.lifc.i', 8~8inst the Cit,! of Seward. The mestill" was c31lecl to order by jiiayor Jaker At 8:48 F. ,,(. witl1 councilrnen in Attend'3nce HE' follov,s: Present, v,':Cl)Jen, Keatin Lechner clnd "3tsjold. Absent. l'.rdliwnn. ~pyor ~Hker snnouncRd that nomin8tions ~ere CSf11Den nomincited jjr. R. ;... ..,egner. It was 'loved sA~onded by ~r. Lechner that nominations close. in order. illr. ty .lr. KeatinIT ~ , Upon roll ellll n[)Q ~)'f f""'\ '-, '\,,' Uctober 16, 1945, Concluded lall councilmen present voted affirmAtively. Secret ballot showed 'Ur. ~Agner elected bt unanamous vote of all councilmen present. Mr. Keating gave d report on the recommendations thdt were mAde to Governor Gruenini: by the Post liAr PIAnninr. bOdrd. The conference with ~r. Smith, Territorial High-way En~ineer, was reported by dr. KeAting 9S being hir>hly satisfActory. Uurinf!: his report ~r. Keating st8ted th9t prospects for ~ ~ood l~ndin~ field in Geward were very ~ood. In reportin~ claims a~ainst the City of Seward, the Glerk recommended that bewArd Light and Power be pair! interest ;;Jt the rate of 6 per cent per annum on t9xes paid by Seward Lightlnd Power on lots 14 and 15, block 32, Seward townsite for the yeArs 1942, 43, And 44. It was moved by ~r. natsjold unci seconded by ~r. Campen that the bills in the ~mount of ~1,673.77 be paid. ufter disucssion of the item of interest, vote was t8~en Bnd the motion l'st. Mr. Campen voted yes, ~r. Keating Bnd ~r. Lechner voted no. Mr. ~8tsjold, no vote. It was then moved by ~r. Lechner and seconded by j,1r. Keating trwt bills 813 presented by the clerk be allowed, with the exception of the iten of interest of $3.76. Upon roll call 811 councilmen p,'ef,ent voted affirmutively. ..fter general discussions on various topics the meetinp; adjourned at 10.45 1'. M., by motion of ~r. Keating, seconded Mr. Lechner Bnd unrwamous affirmative vote of all councilmen present. by APPROVED__Ml._~. lJP1t~-- ~() c~/ - U ayor ATTBST ~/~---~ Municipal Clerk HEGULAt{ SESSION NOVEMBER 5, 1945 The regular session of the Common Council of the Town of bew- ard, Alaska was called to order by Mayor Baker at 8:00 PM with the following Councilmen present: Campen, Erdmann, Keating, Lechner, end ii8tsjold. The minutes of the last regular session and the special ses- sion of uctober 16 were approved 8G read. Dr. ..agner lias s\{orn in as Gouncilman to finish the unexpired term of Mr. Moody. ~Ayor Baker reported on the status of RFC loan and directed the Clerk to read the letter of application as prepared by Mr. Cob ban. It was then moved by Mr. CAmpen and seconded by Mr. ,.atsjold application be approved. Upon roll call ell councilmen voted af- firmatively. The architects advance planning board ~as presented And eXF plained by Mayor Beker. A letter from Mr. Hoy, Commander of beward Post No. 5 and the reply hy JAr. Erdman concerning action taken by the Police 0epartme t in connection with Mr. Emil Keleta were ~ead by the Clerk. Meyor Baker reed a letter from Mr. Greist, Advisory ~ngineer for RFC concerning the purchase and financing of the additional generBting unit for SESe On the question of water ri~hts on the tunnel discharge Mr. ~rdmann wes directed by ~ayor Baker to contact Mr. Ray for informa- tion. REGULf\R SE::OSIot~ NOVEMEER 5, 1945 9fHJ ~ " It WAS reported by kr. Keating that the Hotel Association if ~bch~r8ge hRd complained to him concerning the cost of transfer of aggage from the ~12ska RAilroad dock to the railway station. Mr. 'eating WAS renuested by,Mayor BAker to meet with the cab drivers wl trAnsfer men of Seward and discuss prices charged. I Mr. Erdmann introduced the question of "U~ turns at the inter- sections of Fourth Avenue and "ashington end AdAms streets. Mayor Baker directed Councilmen CAmpen and .!Agner to meet with Mr. Ray end Chief Maxwell and report recommendations to next meeting. It was moved by iv!r. Erdmann Rnd seconded by Mr. "atsjold that no .IUII turns be allowed 8t the intersActions of Fourth Avenue and WBshin~ton Street And Fourth Avenue And Adams Street but that it should not be enforced until such notice was run in the paper And signs placed at these intersections. Upon roll c811 the following vote was recorded. Councilmen Campen, ~rdm8nn, Watsj01d 6ffirm8tiv Councilmen Keatin~, Lechner, Wagner negative. =i~c~ toyor Baker CRSt ~O VOTE the motion died in 8 dead-lock. Salaries and clRims 3~8inst the City of SeWArd were presented by the Clerk as follows: Salaries, $1939.05; Obligations. $2,299.26 It WRS moved hy Mr. ~rdmann And seconded by Mr. Keating th3t the salaries and obligations be allowed. Upon roll call All councilmen voted AffirmAtively. I Salaries and obligations against the SES were presented by the Clerk as follows: Salaries ~2,567.10; Obligations ~4,441.14. It was moved by Mr. ,istsjold And seconded by Mr. Campen thtJt the sal- aries 3nd obli~8tions be allowed. Upon roll call all councilmen voted 8ffirmatively. On the bid of Logan ~. Varnell of $75.00 es~h on Lots ~l Rnd 22, Block 36, Townsite Mr. ./atsjold moved, Mr. Lechner seconded and all councilmen voted affirmatively thAt the bid be accepted. Dr. Hyen, Territorial Commissioner of ~ducation spoke briefly in praise of the local school. 0Upt. Roth presented stAtement of policy of the Hoard of ~du- cation in connection with use of the School Gymnasium by local civic orQanizations. Mr. Ericson made a report l3Et ouarter's mercantile licenses and recommended that tne Clerk write Judge Dimaa~ reouesting that the Clerk of the Court make 8 monthly report on mercantile licenses It was moved by Mr. keating and seconded by tir. Campen that the above mentioned letter be written. Upon roll call all councilmen voted in the affir~8tive. On the request of Mr. \iBtsjold for 200' of booster hose dr. Lechner moved and Mr. Campen seconded that the hose be purchased. Upon roll call all councilmen voted in the affirmative. ~r. Campen reported that the new generating unit had been in- stalled and that the transformers had been shipped. I The ChAmherlin fire WAS reported. Mr. Keating reported that the landing field lighting equip- ment had been shipped and that 8 letter from Mr. ~mith, Territorial Engineer, stated that the title to the landing field WAS being cleHred. Mayor Baker expredded appreciation in the excellent man- ner in which Mr. Keating had hRndled air port trRnsactions. The resignation of Mayor baker as Mayor ~RS read by the Clerk. After much effort oft the part of the C;ounc ilmen to dissuade li:ayor 6Rker from resigning he Ftated that since he ~ould be gone for an indefinite period of time it would be unfair for the person who acted temporarily in his absence and to the people of 0eward for him to remain in office. It was then moved by Dr. ,jagner nnd sec- onded by hr. Keating that the resignation be Accepted.with regrets. Upon roll call all councilmen voted Affirmatively. - 210 REGULAR SEoSION NOVEMBj~f{ 5, 1945, OOi~CLUDJ:.:D Mr. Baker then asked for nominations for his successor. The ame of Mr. Erdmann was presented for no~ination. It was moved by Jr. Lechner and seconded by Dr. ~agner that nominations be closed nd that Mr. Erdmann receive the unanimous vote to succeed Mr. Bake s Mayor. Upon roll call all the remaining five Councilmen voted ffirms t i ve ly. Mr. Erdmann then tendered his resignation as Councilman. It ~BS moved by Mr. Mr. Lechner and seconded by Mr. Keating that the esignation of Mr. Erdmann ~s Councilman be accepted. Upon roll all the remaining five Councilmen voted affirmatively. Mr. Erd- ann was then declared Mayor of ~eward to succeed Mr. Baker, re- igned. ----; Upon motion by Mr. Campen, second by Mr. ';jatsjold vote of all Councilmen present the meetinf, adjour unani- ilPPROVED 'TT"ST:~~ . MuniCipal Clerk- SPECIAL SESSION NOV~MBER 13, 1945 A special session of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, .laska was called to order by Mayor 3rdmann at 7:05 PM with the fol owinp; Councilmen Dresent. Campen, Keating, Lechner, "agner and latsjold. Mayor Erdmann announced that the purpose of the meeting was o elect successor to Mr. Erdmann who resigned from the Council on ovember 5, 1945 to Accept the Mayoralty and to read a letter from Jr. MetcAlf, Deputy US Marshal concerning the incarceration of city risoners in the Federal Jail. Mr. Keating placed before the Council the name of Mr. Lougheed s Councilman. Mr. '..atsjold moved and Mr. Campen seconded that the ominations be closed. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted ffirmatively. It was then moved by Mr. Campen and seconded by Mr. echner that Mr. Loughead be unanimously elected. Upon roll call 11 Councilmen present voted 3ffirmatively. The letter from Mr. Metcalf was read by Mayor Erdmann. Senator Brownell who had been inv1ted to attend the session xpressed his views on the intriduction of a bill in the Territoria egislature requesting territorial grant for $19,000.00 to supple- ent the bond issue voted by the city for the construction of a unicipal building in SeWArd. In his opinion there is little if ny chance of receiving the granfi. Mr. Campen moveri And Dr . ',apner seconded th'1 t the mRtter of jail quarters for the city be tabled until such time as Ur. Keating an meet with the usa Board on the usa Gym. Upon roll call all ouncilmen present voted affirmatively. Upon motion by Mr. Kesting, second by i.lr. Campen and the unan- imous affirmative ~pte by all councilmen present, the meetlng ad- journed at 7:35 PM. APPROV [<; ".T'IEST:~~_L~ - - .... 71vlunicipal "lerk R EGlJL[lf/ SESSION NOV~MS~h 19, 1945 ').~ -f ':..-",' { The Common vouncil met in re~u18r session November 19, 1945 end was called to ord~r by ~ayor Erdmann at 8:15 ~M with the Coun- ciimen in attendance AS follo~s: Present, Keating, Lechner, Lou~head Rnd ..atRjold. Absent, CRmpen and ,'Af1'ner who entered a fevi minutes leiter. The minutes of the regular session of November 5 Rnd of the special session of November 13 were spproved as read. I Mayor hrdmann introduced Mr. Meek of the General Land Office. Mr. Meek advised the council that Lots 11 Bnd 12, block 5, Federal Addition hRd been set aside for use of the Forest ~ervice and hRd, through error, later been sold by the City to private individuals and that he was here to get recommendations that would effect an amicable settlement. After the case was fully exolained and dis- cus~ed it was ~nV8~ h', vr. ~Af1'ner and seconded by ~r. ~e8ting that the City assume obligation of purchAsing ~bove mentioned lots and transfering title to present owners without cost to them. Upon roll call all Councilmen voted affirmatively. It was then agreed that assessed values be ~18ced on the lots as follows: Lot 11; 3100.00 end Lot 12, $150.00 and it was so move by Mr. Lechner Rnd seconded by Mr. Campen. Upon roll cRll all Councilmen voted affirmatively. ~r. Meek then explained that he would recommend settlement on the Rbove mentioned basis but that final settlement rested with th ~ecret8ry of the Interior. A letter from the Icmerican Legioniuxiliary rel1uestinp: a dona tion for the Christmas tree fund das read by the C;rerk. No R~tion taken. I The statement for the balance due on a liability insur~nce policy for the SES employees was again presented by the Clerk And was Rgain held for investigation. Mr. Campen intrmduced the refinancing of the oES post-dRted checks issued in payment for the Additional generating unit. MayB Erdmann 9greed to take care of it. As regards to electric water he3ters it was recommended thAt time clocks be installed nt the cost of the customer but that the meters would be installed by the 0~S. Mr. Campen recommended that electricians be licensed by the Gity but no action WAS taken. Mr. Lechner stated that the city dump had been olaced in good conditions with signs indicating where refuse was to be du~ped anrt violators of regulations, if and when CAught, be fined. Mr. Campen presented plans for heating achool Gym. The financial situation in connection with the BUdget was pre sonted by ~r. Lechner. I On motion by Mr. Keating, second by Mr. Campen Bnd unanimous affirmative of all Councilmen the session adjourned. !'PPRov^~4~/u~c IT'1'.,'3T --Z/~ /;/~ :.. -I. i... _liI?-- --;...-)---z, ~ ') i ~.l ',- - ~' .",~ -.; ,L, ~..jlf, ~ flEGUL4H SESSION DECEMBER 3, 1945 The regular session of the Common Council of the Town of Sew- ard, Alaska was called to order by ~ayor Erdmann at ~:ao PM with couDcilmen present and absent as follows: Present, Councilmen Cem - en, Lechner, Lou~head and ~agner. Absent, Councilmen Keatinp and .iatsjold. The minutes of the l~st session were approved as read. "-.....~'A bid by Mrs. Henrietta Aldous of $::5.00 on Lot 38, Block Ie, Townsite~~as read by the Clerk. Mr. Lechner moved, Mr. Loughead seconded and all councilmen present voted affirmatively that the bid be accepted. ---, The bid of $150.00 by Lon Gray on Lots 38 and 39, block 17, Townsite was read by the Clerk. Upon Motion by Mr. Campen, sBcond by Mr. Lechner and affirmative vote of all councilmen present the bid was accepted. ~ The following applications for renewal of liquor licenses as presented by Mr. Baumgartner were read by the Clerk: John Matich, Beverage 0ispensary and Lieuor Store; Tony Parich, Beverage Bis- pensary and Liquor Store on 4th Avenue and the same qq Qth Avenue; lim. H. Novick, Beverage JJispensary and Linuor Store;lifd3Verage Dis- pensary and Liquor Store on 4th Avenue and Liquor store on 3rd Av- Bnue;for Vance Hitt; American Lep:ion,Cluh Linuor License; [toss .1:3. Mann, Beverage uispensary and Lieuor Store; Seward Dills' Club, Beverage Dispensary; Tom Babcock, Liquor Store; Seward Trading, Liquor Store. It was moved by Dr. Wagner and seconded by Mr. Cam- pen that the applications as read be approved. Upon roll call 811 councilmen present voted affirmatively. bfter discussing the hours that Bills' club remain~ open it WAS moved by Mr. Lechner Rnd seconded by Mr. Loughead the Club be notified that it wou~d have to conforn to the ordinance on closing. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted affirmatively. In rep:?r:~ds to the American Legion Club Mr. (Jampen moved and M Lechner secJ!>nded that tIle Club would have to conform to regulation of Club Licenses and discontinue iSKMOCN~RX~ promiscuous issuance 0 Guest Cards and that a copy of the letter be sent to Legion Head- quarters. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted affirmative A letter fromthe Secretary to the Governor to ~Byor ~~dm8nn was read by the Clerk. ~o action necessary. A letter in praise of the Street Department by Mr. Erwin was read by the Clerk. No action necessary. Ur. banister presented the needs of a waiting room at the ^ir Port and was advised that at present the Gity han no funds for the project but was in sympathy with the project. The Army bill for rental of equipment used in the beach insta lation of the SWM was presented by the Clerk, who was directed to notify the Army byJ letter of the 8greement signed by Major Bestor. City Salaries in the amount of $1,802.06 and obligations in tee amount of $468.92 were presented by the Clerk. They were ordered paid by motion of Mr. Campen, second by Dr. ~agner and unanimous affirmative vote by all councilmen present. Salaries of the SES in the amount of $2,146.50 vlere ordered caid by motion of Mr. Lechner, second by Ur. Lou~head and unanimou affirmative vote of all councilmen present. For refin8Dcilw the newe:ener8ting unit it was moved by Llr. Ca - pen and seconded by Dr. .Iagner that a W8rrent be drawn 8gainst SES for $G,500.00 dated 12/1/46. hll councilmen present voted YES. 12/3/45 CONCLUD~0 9"~ '1-' .~ 1.. #- "Z .. After discussion of license for Hot-do~ Vendors ell councilmen resent voted unanimously on motion by ilr. Jagner end second by Mr. echner thet the t500.00 bond be waived and that the $100.00 licens e paid. On motion by Jr. nagner, second by Mr. Lougheed and unanimous vote of pll councilmen present the meetin~ adjourned at I ilPPROVf<:D ~/ TT E~;T #~~_t:::;:~~ jfAunic i pa 1 Cl erk SPECUL SESSION DEC~MBEH 10, 1945 The Common Council of the Town os Seward, k18ska convened in special session at 7:00 PM for the discussion of payment by the Al- aka Railroad for one half the cost of the beach instAlletion of th S~M. Mayor Erdmann and all members of the council were present. present a~reement Col. Ohlson, the only co-signer/of the Tri-Party/between the ~rmy, the City of SeWArd and the AlAska ~3ilro8d, reviewed the, 0- rigional nFreement. After genersl discussion it was A~reed that th \lask8 railroed would pey one half the cost of the beach installeti n ~hen 8 more completely itemized statement was rendered. I Those present for the Aleska n.ailroAd Viere: Col.Ohlson, Col. ohnson successor to Col. Ohlson, Ur. JelAney, Mr. ~cKinney and ~r. Kinsel. The meetinf' adjourned st 7 :45 PivI. ~ tiPPHOVfm~ ~ ~~)~- " T"""'T Y'T~' . ,_'_n ;.. l.~O ~ ----. MuniclparCTerk nl~GULAK SI~:cl;n()N JECEMBRR 17, 1945 The Gammon Council of the town of ciewsrd, alAskA convened in e~ulBr session December 17, 1945 Rnd WAS CAlled to order by Wayor Irdm8nn at 8:00 PM 0ith councilmen in Attendance 85 follows: Presen ollncilmen CaTJ1yJen, Keating, Lechner, L01Wh8Acl 8nel ..Rtsj()ld. AhsfJOt 'ouncilmAn "A>!ner. The minutes of the H8ruler Session of Jecemb8r 3 Rnd BbeciAl ession of December 10, 1945 were approved as reAd. I A letter from M. E. S. Brunelle, Clerk of th8 Court, concernin lercentile License reports w,s read by the Clerk. Oblir:ations"qTsinst the uity in the 8mount of ~~l,lG~~.OO were pr - ented by the Clerk. Mr. KeptinE moved, Mr. Louph88d ~econc!ed And 11 councilmen present voted RffirmAtively that the bill be psic!. h letter from Harry L. Smith inviting the att8ntion of the 'ouneil to the $10,000.00 dsm8ge suit by Pio Visentainer WAS read b he Clerk. The complAint Rg~inst ~etc81f And ~rnith by Mr. VisentAiner WAS xplnined by Mr. Hay. The pmmended complaint WAS reAd by the Clerk Chief Kielcheski was directed to h'we 3rovIn ::, li8wkins (jorporA- ion chBn~8 their oil storAge tank in such mAnner AS wOlll~ eliminAt h8 fire hQz2Ard. 214 Re9:ulpr Session 0ecember 17, 1945 Chief Kielcheski recommended that no one repAir or instAll An oil burner without reporting to the City Clerk. It was moved by Mr. Keating And seconded by Mr. Loughead thAt the Fire Committee, Mr. Kielcheski nnd others drAw up an ordinance covering inst"lllation ,jf oil stoves FInd furnaces. Upon roll call all Councilmen present voted affirmatively. Mr. Keating reported that the field lighting equipment was on the ground and that it would be installed as soon AS the ~ CA.!\. representative arrived from AnchorAge. l Mr. Keating moved, mr. Campen seconded and all councilmen pre- sent voted affirmatively that the gutters be turned over to the Police Committee. Mr. Louf!head hAd no report to make on the school And lv1r. \iats- jold made no report for the Police Committee. Mr. Meek, branch of Field Examination, Anchorage, €xplained that te was here for the purpose appraising of Fort Haymond and ~ other government properties in and around Seward. Mr. Campen reported that the new generating unit had been car y_ inf! the entire on Friday December 14 and Again Monday December 17 with only three power units cut in. The load was 240 KW. Mr. Cobban reported that one of the power units was running too warm due to lack of ventilation in the building. It wes moved b:' Mr. Keating and seconded by Mr...ats.101d that a ventilator be installed as recommended by Mr. Cobban. Upon roll call all doun- cilmen present voted affirmatively. Since the ne~ generAting unit had passed the ne~essary test Mr. Howard requested that he be pAid the belAnce of $2,500.00. Mr. Keating so moved, Mr. ~Rts.1old sAconded and all councilmen voted affirmatively that the payment be made. -I ~r. Keating expressed his appreciation rnr the work of Chief maxwell. Mr. ..ats.iold recommended and moved and was seconded by M . Lou~he8d that the salary of Chief Maxwell be raised to $400.00 per month effective January 1, 1946. Upon roll call all councilmen present voted affirmatively. After a discussion of the usa Gym Mr. Keatinf! moved and Mr. Campen seconded that Mayor Erdmann be authorized to make arplic8- tionto the Oommanding General, AlaSKa Department for Kight of Entr into the USO Gym. Upon roll cell all councilmen present voted af- firmatively. il.PlOROVEB ATTliST~ , y~,~ /Municipal Clerk-- SPECIAL Sl<:SSION DEC~MBErl 19, 1945 The Common Council of the Town of ~ew8rd, ~18ska convened in Special ~ession December 19, 1945 and was called to order by Mayor ErdmAnn at 7:05 PM with 811 Councilmen prosent. The meeting was called for the following reasons: 1. Informin Council on action taken on getting the ChristmAS tree. 2. Discus- sion of Night Patrolman's salary. 3. Uiscussion of action to be taken by the city on the Law-suit as filed against Harry Smith, City Clerk, and ~lliot Metcalf, United States 0eputy Warshal. 4. SPECIAL SB;U3ION 12/19/45 CONCLU02D 10)1 ;; ~ : 1e1'.1 I . Probability of ~etting the 180 acres with All hich the government has decAlred surplus. That f Seward known as the Infantry area. land And buildin~s AreA to the north Mayor Erdmann rp,ported that he authorized Fred Kielcheski to btain A Christmas tree and plAce it st the customary plqcFJ on 4th venue~ No action necessary. MAyor Eddmann advised the Counci1 that he had he2rd many CO!ll- laints over the fact that the night ~oliceman did not also receive ,n increase in salAry when the Council authorized a 425.00 increaee o the Chief. Mr. Keating explained to the Council that the reason or snap judgements or with improper study of a situation was bec~u e of the fact that there was no Police Committee at the present time. 'he other committees functioned by givin~ thought to their particul r roblems And then brought recommendations to the Gouncil for approv 1. e than demanded as a Councilman that before the next council meeti V Chairman of thp, Police Committep, be appointed by the Mayor. No ction taken on night mAn's salary. The legal suit filed Against the City Clerk, Harry ~mith, md he United ~tates Deputy Marshal, Mr. Metcalf was introduced by May or Drdmann, Mr. hay stated that in his opinion the case could be Ion by the city and that it might take a long while to do so. Hp, adA the suggestion that there might be the possibility of settling the case out of court at a lessr expense than fighting the case in. court. Mr. Baker stated that in his opinion we should not let a fe - low with the reputation of the man bringing suit be considAred AS anything but in the wrong. After much discussion 8 motion WAE' m3de by Mr. LouF!head and seconded by Mr.\iatsjold thf1t Mr. Hay be inst- structed to fight the case in court. All councilmen voted in the ffirmative. I M~yor Erdmann then introduced Mr. Meek, an Agent of the Govern ment sent to Seward to aDorRise the value of and sUF!~est a method of disposal of 8 certain 180 Bcres, known as the Infantry Area of Fort Raymond, with all land, buildings and improvements. After much discussion and advice by Mr. Ray that any such acquiring of property would have to go to a vote of the people, a motion was made by Mr. Keating and seconded by Wr. Lechner that: The Clerk write a letter to the Land Office asking how th Bity could rsceive this pro- perty, that we are vitally interested and would apprecinte 8 co~~it- ment from them. Motion voted in the affirmative by all Councilmen. ~cJtin2 adjourned, 9:15 PU. APPROVED .-/ / P '--', ~ A T'f EST /'Y'-zf--y--,------;/;;\, ~z;t,lf- " --'1~unicipal Clerk -- Mayor'--', - REGULAR SEt;SION JANUARY 7, 1946 I Regulsr uession of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska was called to order by ~8yor Erdmann at 8:10 PM with all Councilmen present. The minutes of the Regular oeE'sion of 0ecember 17, 1945 and the boecial bession of vecember 19, 1945 were Approved AS read. Mayor Erdmann reouested election of Mayor pro-tempore aad de- clared nominRtions in order. Mr. \wtsjold moved and WAS seconded by Mr. Campen that Mr. Keating be appointed 8S Chairman of the ses sion. Upon roll call all councilmen voted in the affirmative exce,t Mr. Keating who cast No VotA. Mr. Keating took the chair. Mayor Erdmann then addressed the Council concerning the accep - 8nce of R commission from Mr. Howard on for the sale to the ~5ES of the ne\igeneratinQ' unit, and explainAd the way in which the sale ria made and tendered his written resignation RS l/!ayour of :c,eward.