HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948 City Council Minutes '") ,I r I!C t. ~,.,~~ \. ;; REGULA! SESSION JANUARY 5, 1946. IMeetins pesp.ned, no quorum present. I Th.s. i. Howell Cllty C1 uk REGULAR SBSSION JANUARY 19, 1946 i Mayor Keatins called the resular session of the Common Council, [of the Citr of Seward to order at 6:06PM with Councilman Dahl, ! ,Kennedy, Ntvick, and Painter present, Sellers came in late, stantonl labsent. ! , Minutes of the last resular and special session were read and I Japproved. i , Mr. Geo. Lesko requested a permit to erect two quonset huts I ion nailroad property in Block 19. They will be used for business. I i It was moved by Novick and seconded by P~nter to sive permiss~on It. Mr. Lesko to erect two quonset huts in Block 19. All voted 1 [favorably. Mr. D. Myers. asked permission to erect a quonset hut on the 'I-aok of his lot for Sarase and work shop. It was moved by ~oviok andseoonded by Kennedy to srant permiss~on it. Mr. Wyers to erect quonset hut on his property for sarase and i Iwork shop. All voted favDDably. I I Mr.H. Amidon requested permission t. start a Cab. Co. in the' ICity of ~eward. The present Ordinance limits the number of cabs C.I jfour companies, he requested that the Ordinance be caanted. After ! Ilconsiderabl' diilcu8Bion as to the risht of the Ci-i.Y to lillit. the ,number oe Cab COllpanies the Wfyor asked Councilmen Novick, Kennedy land Painter to meet with the cab .peratore and brins back a report at the 'next Councl1 meetins. _ Mr. F. H.ward asked when the City was gains to make the final settle.ent on the Seward Veterans Houslns Project. Mayor KeatinS ' asked hi. if the project was don.. Mr. Howa'rd said that the .Pbject~ was d.apleteciracOlrUnlit.~~hUreontraot. The Aiayor ..~d that actio n would be taken by the City to make a final settl..ent on the projec . Mayer Keatinl made a report as to the finances of the City, i ,if the City collecta most of its taxes there will be a shortase of . about $15,000.00 at the end of the fiscal year. The MJyor sussested a poll tax, car tax, amusement tax, propert~ tax for payins the school bUdCet, or a llquor tax might h.lp rat.o the $15,000.00. The Mayor called a special meetins for T.esday January 20 to discuss finances. The Seward Electric System Bi lIs were presented amountins te $11039.71. They were approved by the Utility Board. The foll..ins City bills were read: Clark $400.00, Turnbull $350.00, Tubandt $350.00 Pierce $13.30, Kielcheski $450.00, Van GUilder $350.00, Howell .360.00, Bricson , 16.34, istes $360.00, Sellers $76.00, Christensen $36.00, Protzman 126.00, Lorang $42.00, Beaver $12.00, Davis $24.00, Dekken $76.00,: irdmann $69.00, Gym Bond $1,360.00, Petty cash f266.49, Seward Pl~b. $1000.43, ColI. of Int. Rev. $304.95, Dept. of ax. $956.00" ' Seward Hard. $42.32, Eaulsteiner $62.70, Ham. Gar. $6.37, patts Ge~ $66.90, S.W.S. $292.91, Wart $1.60, Stew. & Muir 166.66, Graphic Art Press $19.96, Nerth. Coam. Ce. $96.30, Oabo. 33.63, Sew. Aiach $112.06, Trea. of U.S. $11.76, irdaan $170.00, Sew. Dru& $16.26, Kenai ilec. iquipt. $77.64, Bert Culver.on $11.60, Sew. Polaris '130.65, Frea. C. Howard $116.60, S.I.S. $1166.36, Ala.ka Print. , 23.00, S.L&P. $75.22, R.D.Muller, $6.00, Andy's Oil 1666.431 Werner. $26.65, K.nai Co.Op $27.16, Kenai Sheet ~etal Works 16.00 Anchorale Times $133.70, Sew. Metal Works $4,40, Sew T,_d. 15.30,1 Std. Oil $62.97, Chamberlain $20.00, Raaaussen $26.00, T~.c8tcn ' i$20.00, Painter $20.00, L~an& $20.00, iads Bres. 64.51. , It was moved by ~Gvieka and seconded by Sellers to pay all S.I.S. and City Bills. All veted favorably. Mayor Keatinc said that the City as. Attorney E. Arnell was loing to Seattle.a..x.a The Mayor appointed Buel Nesbitt as the new City &tterney. , It waSM moved by Kennedy and seconded by Painter to approve th. appointaent er Buel Nesbitt as the City Attorn.y. ..I196t~lted n., I Dahl, Kennedy, Painter and Sellers voted yes. The -eyer sUI~ested that the City sue Mrs. Ora Hubbard for cos~s of the law suit they breusht alainst the City. -! I --, :~J~ ,. ~ ' ;.... It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Peinter to sue Mrs. ra. Hubbard for costs of the law suit bre\l&ht by her asainst the ity. Novick voted no, Dehl, Kennedy,Peinter and Sellers voted yea. There was a discussion on the Hauling of Oarbase and it was ussested that new bids be called for. Due to the failure of the . arbale Collectors to fulf.ill their contract the Ordinance will ot be enforced until the new bids can be received. It was moyed by Sellers and seconded by Novick to call fer ~idS for SarbaSe uaulins t. be opened -arch 1, 19~8. All voted yea. A letter was read from H. S. Horton askinl the tOouncil to nferce the Oldinance 81aibst dGIS runnins loose on the Streets of . eward. The matter was turned over to the police committee. A bid was read x.. from J. C.meron on the Oity cement mixer or $275.00. A letter was also read from the Sow. Vol. Fire Dept. skinl for the mixer. It was moved by Novick to lease the Mixer to the S.V.F.D. for lQOO per year for City use only. Motion lost for want of second. It was moved by Sellers and aeconded by Painter to lease the ixer to the S.V.F.D. for '1.00 per year without any restrictions. 11 vGted favorably. I The Mayor asked if any action should be taken about the closinl ~.ur of the American Lesion as special permission had been sranted .nly until the First of the Year. It was desided to check with Ithe police depart._at before takins actten. Meetins adjounned at 10:35PM. I Approved Attest ~~ ty CUr . I . REGULAR SESSION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF SE,{ARD. FEBRUARY 2, 1948. : The regular session of the Common Council of the City of F'seward was called to order by ~ayor ~eating at 8:20PM with Councilmen ahl, Kennedy, Painter, Sellers and StAnton present. Minutes Df the last regular session were read and approved. I L Mayor Keating asked about the committee on the Cab urdi~ance. ~ouncilman Kennedy reported that they had met but no definite lagreement had been reached. Councilman Painter lurcii said that they thought four cabcompanitls were enough but that the license of one of the existing companies might be revoked. The Mayor said he would go to Anchorage WAdnesday and while there consult the ity Attorney and the Judge as to t he legality of the present Qrdinance. He stated that the present cab Companies were gining, good service. , ' The following Gity bills were read; , ~lark '400.00, Turnbull $350,00. ,.Tubandt $350.00, Pierce $51.85, Kielcheski $450.00, Van Guilder $350.00, Protzman $270.00, Howell $350.00, Ericson $8.33, Estes $350.00, Davis $109.50, atelnikoff $18.75, Donald $39.00, Dept of Taxation $189.50, ~etty cash $216,53, Alaska RR $136.06. i It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by DAhl to pay the City ~ills. Sellers no vote, the rest voted yes. : A letter was read from Mr & Mrs R. Painter thanking the Council 'Ifot the flowers sent to their daughter. . A letter was read from the City Engineer saying that he Iwould resign to SAve the City money if it was the wish of the iCouncil. After a short discussidtn it was tabled until a lEJter date. ! A bid was read from A. R.Brooks for lot 33 Block 31 in the !original Townsite for $75.00. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded :by Sellers to accept the bid. All voted favorably. There was a discussion as to changing the Ordinance regulating the license for Coin-Operated Machines so that there would be ~ yearly fee of $60.00 instead of the monthly fee of $5.00. There was a discussion as to writing an ordinance calling ror a liquor tax. A letter was read from Mr. CArlson, Supt of the school I ~), 'i Cl ~ s '-"~ ~ '1 -.-.--,..- ; , saying that the School Board had voted in favor of building an addition on the South Side of the school building to make jroom for more students. The Council wae in favor of remOdeling ithe present building end waiting to build a new addition until prises came down. i .May~r Keating read an Orjinancw for the collection of Poll Ta~, L< 'l'ffiersG!eet-aflddist:iu,eion as to settlj;~guppt;hbe Seward Veterans -r ,Housing Project and Mayor Keating suggested that he would take , it up with officials in Anchorage and asked Mr. Howard to meet him in Anchorage and discuss it with their attornejs and the Housing Officials. Meeting adjourned at lO:OOPM --,. Approved -c?~Jl Mayor 'Atte.t ~~ Ci ty a e k. REGULAR SESSION FEBRUARY 16, 1948 The regular sesssion of the Common Council of the City of Sew~rd was called to order by ~8yor KeAting at 8:20 PM with Councilmen . Dahl, Kennedy, Painter, Sellers and Stanton present. Novick abse~t. The minutes of the last regular session were read and approved. A letter was read from Mr. Earl F. Graves, Territorlal Veteri1 nartan, saying that the Seward Dairy had the best rating of any da iry in Alaska. Seward Electric S~stem bills wero read RR.~~,~mx..l Combs #208.00, Butler $208.00, Lindbur! $448.00, Duffy $432.00, De Loughery $432.00, Kelly $390.00, Jorden $442.00, Williamson '$500.00, Hetty Lindburg $175.00, City 0 f Seward $1500.00,Petty Cash $107.97, Ham. Gar. $52.22, Kenai Elec. $8.20, Sew. Metal Wrks $9.00, Paulsteiner $12.65, S.L.& P. $7.50, Eads $6.28, Sew. Hard. , $24.48, Saw. Mach. $5.99, Sew. Cabinet $6.40, Osbo's Elect. $27.05; West. Elec. $14.63, Alaska Elect. Sup,ply $27.69, Hoyt Motor $12.37, Gen. Elec. Sup. $87,39, Star. Mach. $18.00, S.W.S. $5.05, Std Oil, ; $2441.99, Woodrard Gov. Co. $68.07. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Kennedy to pay the S.E.S. bills. All prAsent voted r8vorably. A City bill for Tubandt for $205~15 was read. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Painter to Pay this bill. 'Allpresent voted favorably. The following S.V.H.P. bills were read; Seward Polaris $46.00~ D.D.Rucker $16.50, Sew. Plumb Shop $178.09,; Sew. ~rug $1.45, SAW tiard $2.91, Doyle $10.50, Mrs. A. Wilcox $120;00, i C. p. Keating $50.00. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Sta~ton i to pay the S.V.H.P. bills, all present voted favorably. ' I Ordinance 179 was read amending O"rdinance 171 Sections 1, 16 and 11, regarafng Tp.xi:Caba. Thera was a discussion on timousine Service, bonds for cab Co. and the question of franchise. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Painter to suspend i the rules. All present voted favorably. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Stanton to pass Ordin,nce 179 and adopt it as read, declaring it read three times. Allpresent voted favorably. The Veterans Housing Authority said that Mr. Howard has to sign a ee1eese before the City could ask. for a final settlement. The Election O!dinance Nol 180 was read. . It was moved by Sel ers and seconded by Stanton to suspend the rua+s. All present voted favorably. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Kennedy to pass Urdinance I No. 180 as read and adopt it, declaring it read thre~ times. All present ~oted fevorably. An invitAtion to bid on land at the Fort Raymond Araa was read. Mee Lttest r 1 -, i 1< 10:15PM Approved QiO ~ f".~/t" T- REGULAR SESSION MARCH 1. 1948 I regular session of the Common Coun~il of the City of Seward, as called to order by lId.ayor Keating at 8:15PM with Councilmen ahl, Kennedy, Novich, Sellers and Stanton present. Painter absent. he minutes of the last regular session could not be read as the ote book was in Court a! anchorage, inutes of the special session of Feb. 24 was read. The Mayor asked bout who had called the meeting and Stanton said he had not called t. The City Clerk said he had no written notice about calling the eeting. The Mayor said the meeting had not been called according !to the Ordinance governing same. It was moved by Dahl and seconded ~y Sellers to strike the minutes of the Feb. 24 meeting from the ~inute book. Novick voted no. Dahl. Kennedy. Sellers, and Stanton ~oted yes. inutes of Feb. 26 and lIllarch 1 special session were read and approved. he Mayor said the City had a receipt for the money paid to the ... ~.A.A. for the arine Ways. ~ telegram was read stating that the City of Seward did not have a ~eed to the Marine Ways. ovick asked the Clerk to read a letter f rom Mr. .Liavis to Mr, Howard. . elling about a suggested agreement between Mr. Howard and the City ibout the Marine Ways. Mr. Howard said he had talked over an greement with Mr. Borwnell as to letting the City have the Small oat Harbor and the Power Building in return for withdarwing their id for the lId.arine Ways. ~r. Howard and Mr. Brownell had a discussion as to agreements discuEs- ~d by them in regards to the Marine ~ays. ~he question was brought up about the honesty of Mr. Piege and Mr. ~eilly the represeBtetives of the Seward Fish and Cold Storage Co. ~he bids for the hauling of garbage were read: I~ Vet's Transfer For 80% of money collected I Russell rainter for 85% of money collected. I G. E. Martin for $1100.00 lIt was moved by Sellers and seconded by Novick to table the bids ~nd accept no more. All present voted favorably. ~ellers said he had been asked who was responsible for approving ~ork and repairs at the S.V.H.P. After some discussion it was ~esided to have a meeting with S.V.H.P. Committee and the Council on next Wednesday. IGirdina asked about getting a cab and limousine license. He presented letters from other cities on for hire service. He also presented figures from the x-ray examinations showing over 2000 people regiBstered for pictures. a bid was read from D.D.Rucker for lots 19 through 24 Block 3 B~y View Addition. According to past action of the Council only three 1Mt lots were to be sold to anyone person. He said he preferred lots 22, 23 and 24. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Sellers to sell him lots 2~, 23. and 24 in Block 3 BRy View A~dition. All present voted yes. . request was received from the Army aSking for the use of the "'erine ,Ways to repe ir some army Boa ts. :The following judges and clerks were appointed for the Municipal land Teritorial Election in April. Judges; B.E.Chamberlin, A.F. ,R~smussen. Sigrid Stearns, Clerks; Miriam Painter end Alice Lorang. !A letter was read from Mrs. Whi~ple asking the City Council if ,they would be interested in join~in the BLUE CROSS-NON-PROFIT IHOSPITAL PLAN. Meeting adjourned at lO:20.~.M ~~~J Approvedi ..,~ _~tz.. . --7/1 Mayor Attest r--/Ii--ld~A City Clerk. I I l>Q r-, ", Yl" '. ,. ,'., r{ P SPECIAL SESSION MARCH 3, 1948 ~ special session of the Common Council of the City of Seward was called to order by -ayor Keating at 8:15PM with Councilmen Dahl, , ovick, Sellers and Stanton present, Kennedy and Painter absent. . I , I i , i ~r. Giardiba withdrew his application for taxi and limousine licens~ !but asked for a priority right to receive a license if more were . assued in the future. ~he meeting was called to discuss the Taxis vrdinance, the Seward Veterans Housing Project. and new tax measures. ~here was a discussion on the S.V.H.P. Mr. Howard said that there !were ~ome heating ..t stoves in the area and he thought 20 could be fixed up, 20 others were sen~/.J.J1...J'r..Q!A1~~J;~h~~~.n... The water i !pipes in the area are only 18" ~ ~#9~ should be insul~telll. !It was suggested that one member of the Council should be respon8ib~e for ex~nditure of money for repairs. I 'Tt1:e S.V.H.B. Committee was asked to conferr with Councilman Stanton I as to hiring a new manager. A bill from the Seward plumbing & Heating for $249.86 and Managers ISa lary for $120.00 was read. It was moved by Sellers and seconded 'by j,~ovick to pay these bills. All present voted favorably. iThere was a discussion as to which garbage hauling bid 80 accept. IThe Mayor asked Sellers, Dahl and Kennedy to make a report at the ~ext meeting. , ,The -ayor read a suggested poll tax ordinance. There.. was a ~iscussion as at to a Car Tax, Gas. Tax and a Peddlers Tax. ~eeting adjourned at 9:25 PM ~ Approved ~ ~j? ~~ -- Attest~~ i ty is rk . ! , REGULAR SESSION MARCH 15, 1948 iThe regular session of the Common Council of the City of Seward ,was called to arder by Mayor Keating at 8:10PM with Councilmen 'Dahl, Kennedy, Novick, Sellers and Stanton present, painter absent. Yinutes of Feb. 16, March I, and March 3 were read and approved as corrected. Mr. Leo Douglas asked about having the streets graded. The Street ' Committee said that Mr. Kielcheski was getting the grader ready to break the ice on the edges of the streets and would start grading Isoon. jAPPlications for manager of the S.V.H.P. for the following were ,presented; Mr. McKinster, Fails, Slayden, Turnbull, Bevan. fIt was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Stanton that the S.V.H.P. ICommi ttee appoint a manager for one month. All present voted yes. i tMr. Abraaamsen asked about the dolaestorage lockers at the Marine Iways, would the new company continue this service. Mr. Howard had I given notice to r.emove all meat by April 1. Mr. Keating said he Ibelieved the new company expected to have lockers but they would not *ake over until after April 10. : ~r. Reamey asked the Council to make a decission on the Garbage I IContract soon. Councilman Sellers said he thought the business men Ishould be contacted to see about what they pave been paying for Igarbege haul ing in the past. The Mayor asked Sellers to check with the businessmen and report to the Council later. i ~ bid was read from B~rt Reamey for lots 19,20, and 23: of Bl~ck 13 BAY View Add. for Sixty Dollars. It was moved by Stanton and Iseconded by Sellers to accept the bid. allvoted '1es. ~ bid was read from John R. Lowe for lots 1 & 2 Block 18 for $210.00. iIt was moved by Kennedy and seconded by t~ovick to accept. Allvoted yes. .,)""01: ~~~ ~.) ,f I The following City bills were read: Clark $400.00. Turnbull '350.00. Tubandt $205.151 Pierce $156.90. Kielcheski $450.00, Van Guilder $350.00, Howell t350.00, Ericson $8.33, Estes $350.001 Lorang $15.75, sun.dberg $6.00, Sellers $65.00, Donald $4.50, Davis 12.00, Dept of Tax. $83.50, ACS $20.60, Bank 'of Seward(interest) 40.00, Petty cash $73.85. These bills were approved by the Finance Committee. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by D~hl; to pay the City bills. Sellers No vote, the rest voted yes. The following S.E.S. bill were read: Duffy $432.00, De Loughery $288.00. Kelly $398.44, Jordan $427.13, . IH. Lindburg $175.00, Williamson $600.00, O. Lindburg $432.00, Petty CAsh $24.91, Gen. Elec. $80.00. Sew. Met. Wrks $21.78, Kenai Elee $17.32, S L&P $7.50, SWS $5.05, Sew. Hard. $68.00, Eads Bros. $19.04, Alaska Print $35.00, Erdmann $96.00, Std Oil $1040.10. These bills were approved by the Utility Board. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Novick to pay the S.E.S. bills. All ~.. present voted favorably. IKrl Howard asked that the interest on his personal tax be waved a~ the City 6wed him money for work done before the deli nquent date of tax~s. . It was moved by Novick and seconded by Sellers to wave interest on the personal taxes of Mr. Howard. All present voted yes. M A letter was read from Mr. Giepdina withdrawing his request for a TRxi and timiso~e License and requesting that he be given a prior right-to a license if more were issued in the future. A letter was read from the School Board requesting a payment of $5000.00 on the School Budget. Frank S. Woods and Arden C. Strutz asked for ,a building permit ,to construct quonset or buCler huts on the back on their pr0perty. !It was moved by Novick and seconded by Kennedy to geant these building permits. All voted favorably. A letter was read from the Vi.A.A. to Mr. Hnward telling him that his lease on the Seward Marine WRys and Facilities would terminate April 10, 1948. A letter was read from the W.A.A. to Mr. Howard statihg that the City had requested use. of certain buildings before the terminat.ion of the lease. The W.A.A. said they had no objection to an arrangement between Mr. Howard and the City of Seward, for such a transaction. A letter was read from the d.A.A. to the Mayor of Seward telling of two letters they had sent to Mr. Howard and saying that they would send a representative to Seward on April Jo, 1948 make invent~ry and turn over the property to the City. There waB a discussion as to settling up the S.V.HP. and Mayor Keating said he would send a telegram to The House and Home Fisnance A~ency asking about the finam settlement of the contract. The Mayor read a resolution for paying the lnterest in advance to the Bond Holders i. of the Seward ~arine WAYS Bonds. Efter a discussion as to whether to pay this interest in advance or when due. it was moved by Dahl and seconded by Kennedy to pas the resolution as read. Dehl and Kennedy voted yes, Novick. Sellers and Stanton voted no. It was moved by Novick and~conded by Sellers to have the City Books audited by an accountant before the council goes out of office. the City Clerk to contact Mr. Jones and Mr. HAad for prices. subject to confirmation of the Council. All present voted yes. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Kennedy to Pay the SAward Netal Works $805.65 out of the S.V.P.Rental fund for work done on heating units. All present voted yes. Meeting adjourned Approved ~~ 9- ~ MayO~ Attest l J/~ -C ty Clerk. I I 'R-'- - . I'. ~ ~ " ",). , :\..w . ' SPECIAL SESSION March ~~, 1~4e ,A special session of the Common Council of the City of Seward was called to order by Mayor Keating at 8:20PM with Councilmen Dahl, Kennedy, Pa inter and Stanton present, Sellers came 'in late, Novick was absent. The "'ayor 'read the following resolution: RESOLUTION 1 jJHERJUS: Ordinance '181 and #182 of the City of Seward, Alaska, provided for leasing parts of waht is known as the Marine Ways, under certain terms and conditions, and 2 WHERb:AS: That certain sum of Six Thousand Dollars, ($6,000.00L paid by the Lessee to the City, being the first payment, by the Leesee, was for advance rent, retirement of Bond~, and promotional expenses, all in connection with the ' Marine Wl'1ys property oimly, and, 3 WHEREAS: Sa idi 'sum upon release to the City is to be placed in a spec]al fund, as provided by ordinance, to be known as USeward arine Ways Municipal Fund 1948u. SAid fund particularly earmarked for the purposes enumerated abov~ and untouchable by the Cou{)cil for any other purpose,. alid '4 WHEREAS: Twenty-Four-Hundred Dollars ($2400.00), of the above sUm was placed in such "Seward narine Wl'1ys Municipal Fund 1~48u for the sole and exclusive purpose of retiring interest: coupons tjf the Bonds 88 they were due, and,... , 5 WHEREAS: The intent and purpose of creating the "Seward Marine W~ys Municipal Fund 1948u and placing therein a fulr years BC1nd interest in advance, was to thus insure the payment of I interest to the Bondholders, and, i :6 WHEREAS: Said interest money &0 held would thus lie idle and use~e8s in the said "S",ward arine ViAys Municipal Fund 1948u-- I $1,200.00 for six months time, and the other 'k,200.00 10r one year--benefitting no one and always subject to loss lor Court action, and, i 7 \'iHEREAS: Said interest mdnies so placed in the uS""ward '''arine Wa~s Municipal Fund 1948" can not be withdrawn or used for a~y other purpose than the payment of interest to the Bondh91ders, and so is of no value to the City, being in reality the I property of said Bondholders, and, · 18 WHEREAS: The intent and purpose of thus safeguarding the Bondho14ers would be surer of acco'lpl1shment if the s aid 'interest w~re paid to them in advance instead of left idle in the "Se~ard Marine lays Fund 1948" for six months and a year, and, I 9 WHEREAS: The purpose and spirit of the said Ordinance #181 and #182 in reppect to such interest payments, would be better carr ed out and the City relieved of responsibility if said interes was paid to the Bondholders in advance, and, i 10 WHEREAS: Another Two Thousand Dollars, ($2,000.00), of the uSawa~d Marmne W~ys Municipal Fund 1948" is properly to be held for th4 retirement of two bonds at the end of each year, and, ! II WHEREAS: The unearmarked balance of One Thousand Six "undred DOl~ars, ($l,600.00), in the liS ward Marine W<1Ys Municipal Fund 948" being part of the origrnal Six Thousand Dollars, ($6,00 .00), first payment by the Lessee, was for the payment of act~al expenses insurred in promoting, defending, and completing the acquisition of the Marine Ways by the City, and to be u~ed . immediately for that purpose and no other. ' Now, -therefore, be it ordained by the Common Council of the City oflSeward, lnaska, ~ 1st: That the City Clerk be and herewith is empowered and instructe to , redeem two interest coupons per year of each Marine Ways Raven e Bond iith cash withdrBwn from #S ward ~arine WAYS Municipal F& d 1948" I when said coupons are presented tor payment anytime arter May ,1948. ~nd: The City Clerk is hereby empowered and instructed to withdraw.f~om the "Seward Marine Ways Mynicipal Fund 1948" a sum not exceedi~g One Thousand Six Hundred Dollars, (#1,600.00), and to use the same.in payment of itemized bills 6f "'arine WAYS purchase promotion ex~enses incurred prior to May i, 1948, including interest on bowwoweQ money, printin~ of Bonds, legal, travel, subsistence, etc. ,'<' '" >f,.~. Passed by the City Council at its Special Meeting on ~arch 22, By th, M.YO~~ 1948. Attested: ~~~ City Cle ....,-. "". .~...-... \:t "lit ,~~, r.;, :; I ~ -~;t- was moved by Pa inter and seconded by Stanton to adopt the resolution as read. Councilmen D~hl,Kennedy, reinter and Stanton voted yes. Two letters were read from the Chamber of Commerce recommending thait the Council approve Projects one and two for improving the airport and small boat harbor, funds to be asked for from the Territorial GS'lsoline Tax. . It was moved by Painter and seconded by Kennedy to approve the ,recommendations of the Ohamber of Commerce and have a letter ,written to Mr. Metcalf, Highway Engineer, request~ng funds for thiese . illlprovements. Councilmen Dahl, Kennedy, Painter, Sellers and Stant,on voted yes. ' j A bid was read from Mr. He~,CPA for auditing the City Books fer $400.00 and the Clerk said MI'l Jones would audit them for the samd price as last year which was $450.00. lIt was moved by Sellers and seconded by Painter to accept the bid o'f 1MI', Head for auditning the City's Books. All present voted yes. Mr. Fails, the manager of the S.V.H.P. asked about having pipes thawed out in the area. lilt was moved by Sellers and seconded by Kennedy to authorize the manager to have the pipes thawed out and RiSK also to have oil Ilput in drums in all unused apartments. All present voted favorably. ,The clerk was requested to write a letter to F.P.H.A. aSking for ladditional money for insulating the huts in the housing ares. Mr. Carlson, supt of the Seward tichool, asked what the Council had done to provide extra room for classes next September. There was a discussion as to using the basement for a Home Economics Room, building a new wing, or using the gymnasium for class rooms. 'Mr. C~rlson wes asked to get the recommendation of the School Board land also to get a bid for any change they suggeste . I Meeting ad~ourned at 9:10PM I Approved , Att..t\~~A i ty erk. REGULAR SESSION APRIL 5, 1948 I I A regular session of the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska was called to order by Mayor Keating at 8:10PM with Councilmen !Dahl, Kannedy, Novick PAinter, Sellers and Stanton present. The minutes of the last regular and one speciel session were ~ead and approved. , Councilman Novick questionere the right of the Mayor to call a special session and pass a resolution after it had been voted ~gainst in a regular session. ! The following city bills were read; iClark $400.00, Turnbull $350.00, Pisrce $350.00, Kielcheski $450.00, ,Van Guilder $350.00, Lorang $49.00, Howell $350.00, Ericson $8.33, !Estes $350.00,Deot. of Tax. $594.50, Sch. Bond into $444.70, Butcher i(Pio Visintainer) $350.00, Petty Cash $12.65 and Keating 477.05. iIt was moved by Stanton and seconded by Novick to pay City Bills ,except Mr. Butcher. Sellers no vote the rest voted yes. lIt was moved by Novick and seconded by Dahl to pay the check to .Mr. Butcher(Visintainer). Dahl, Kennedy, and Novick voted yes, PAinter, Sellers and StAnton voted no. Due to a tie vote the Mayor ,exercised his right and voted yes. The motion passed. Two S.V.H.P. bills were read; Seward PIQmbing & Heating '209.98 and ,Petty C~sh $.35. It was moved by Sellers andseconded by Novick to pay these billa. All voted yes. Dr. Sellers requested that the Street uept. be allowed to spend money to open up a the sewer near the Kenai Co*OPt end also that the W",ter Co. be asked to change the water pipes running theough the men hole. It was moved by i Painter and seconded by Stanton to authorize !Kielcheski to open up the sewer and ask. the SWS to change their pipes throught the man hole. All voted yes. The Seward Electric bystem bills were reed as approved by the co") r"') 4 .1 # ..~~ pti11ty Board. Total #12, 796.29.It was moved by Sellers -and seeondJd~-- PyNovick to pay the S.E.S. bills. all voted yes. I I The following City bills were read for approval: I Webb & Webb $165.00, Sew. Plumb. & Heat $11.20, S.L.&P. $120. 18, Ata. ~laska Print$.50, Kenai Co-Op $18.90. Mart ~5.20, Sew. B~k. $3.10. i ~8ds $137.34, Werners $93.98, Kenai Sheet metal works t16.00, I R.D.Mu1ler $11.50, Sew. Cab. Shol $4.50, Hem Gar. $10.10, Sew. Drug! ~17.25, Std. Oil$15.2.51, Doyles 29.30, Paunsteiner $7.60, Sew. Hrdi.. ~74.05, Sew. Mach $178.95, Osbo 129.37, Pat~s Gar $54.18, SWS . ~439.36, Alaska Trans. $7.58, North Comma $162.88, S.E.S. $1859,70'J indy's Oil $1215,82, Kenai Elect. $1.10, SeW. Trad. $7.16, Dr. SeIfers 71.00, Hee1th Nurse Office $711.00, School Budget $14,080.00, . VFD $180.00, City ~ttornay $300.00, Workmens Compo Insurance $700.~5, Ind O.E.Harvey $10.00. - . t wa. moved by Sellers and seconded by PAinter to authorize the : ity Bills. All voted yes. ; bill was read f rom the Alaska R.R. for Masonite loaned to the VHP for $1493.76. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by ~ainter ~o pay this bill. All voted yes. A r,guest wes made by R.E.Baumgartner to approve the change of the Retail Lisqor Licanse #6950 from John Matich & Joe Doshen to VAnce Hitt. Itwes moved by Sellers and seconded by Novick to approve the ~Mk above change. All voted yes. . Mr. Feils the manager of the SVHP asked if he could purchase e new toilet for the housing for hut #3..It will abst about $20.00 ~nd he will install it. It wes moved by ~ennedy and seconded by ~el1ers'to authorize the purchase of a new toilet as requested. all voted yes. ~ letter was .ead from Mr. Gou1dsberry-requesting return of his ~ine money paid by him when arrested July 6, 1946. ~ letter wes read from Unalaska reauesting the Council to do what they cen to restore the mail boab service westward. ~r. Estes asked for a permit to erect a Outler Hut on Lot 23 Block ~4 for a business site. It was moved by Novick and seconded by ~ennedy to grant him permission. All voted XMtKj yes. ~r. Estes said he had not finished the City Map but would have it ~oon, possibly by the first of May. It WAS moved by Sellers and s eoonde:d by Novick to pay Mr. Estes for rerch a~ter completion of the City Map. All voted yes. ~e.ting edJourned at 9:.0P"APprove. ~~. ~.,p k-,.l / Mayor / Attest. . ~;2f ity Clerk. I i I SPECIAL SESSION APRIL 7, 1948 I The Mayor .called a special session of the Common Council to order lat 8:25PM with Councilmen Dahl, Kennedy, Sellers and Stanton prese~t ; Novick- and PAinter were absent. jThe Meeting was called to canvas the vote of the Municipal Electio~ ,of April 6, 1948. . : The report of t he judges is as follows: l---l Mayor D.C.Brownell 193 ,I T. L. Erdmann 75 E. LANIER 241 B. STANTON 1 Councilman TwocYears P. w. Bo~an 200 Geo. Lesko 223 L. A. Miller 278 R. D. Muller 177 R. PAINTER 311 R.Seferovich 299 Cou4~ilman One Year O. V. Dahl 192 P. E. Harding 82 i"1< ,:"",,, ow, '...! :. " ","' '. ,!,~d'.._3 I H. S. Head 80 W. H. Novick 157 Utility Board Three Years J. Rosness 482 H. E. Hoy 1 J. Wugan 1 Bob Stanton 1 Utility Board Five Years H. E. Leirer 481 Russell Wagner 1 Robt. Trotter 1 Mark Wplker 1 SCHOOL BOARD THREE YEARS Beryl Wagner 491 Gus Johnson 1 Barton Stanton 1 C. Orlender 1 Mrs. H. Milroy 1 B.B.Suddath 1 W.H.Novick 1 It wes moved by Stanton and seconded by Kennedy to declare the following officers duly elected by the voters of the City of Seward: MAYOR I EUGENE LANIER COUNCILMEN TiiO YEARS L. A. MILLER RUSSELL PAINTER RAYMOND SEFEROVICH COUNCILMAN ONE YEAR OSCAR V. DAHL UTILITY BOARD THREE YEARS JOHN ROSNESS U~ILITY BOARD FIVE YEARS HERMAN E. LEIRER SCHOOL BOARD THREE YEARS BERYL WAGNER I All present voted favorably. Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM Approved Attest ~~/~MT7L1 City Clerk. ~~ . ayor '2Z tjI-'ECIAL SESSION APRIL 12, 1948 A special session of the Common Council of the City of Sewerd was ,called to order by Mayor Keating at 8:10PM with Dahl, Kennedy, INovick, Painter, Sellers and Stanton present. ! The minutes of the last regular and special session were read and Rpproved. The Mayor said that the Marine Ways had been inventoried and turned over to the City. A wire was read stating that the Seward Fish & Cold Storage Co. had taken out $40,000.00 on the Marine Ways. The Mayor said that there were no law suits against the City ~~..lt ;)t"- ~.. ~ "~ ,J ---~ ----_._~----- ~--~----- at this time. The suit started by the R.F.C. has never been filed. If the suit is filed Delegate Bartlett will introduce a bill in Comgress authorizing the issuing of general obligation bonds, to ipay off this debt. The following bills were read: City $250.00 travel expense for the Mayor. Marine iiay Fund. $150.00 travel for mayor 245.65 printing bonds 600.00 Buel Nesbit - attorney fees 600.00 D.C.Brownell travel expense $1595.65 Total It was moved by Dahl and seconded by Painter to approve the i$1595.65 from the ~arine FXRax Way Fund. Dahl, Kennedy, Painter voted yes, Novick, Sellers, Stanton voted no. There being a tie the Mayor voted yes and the motion passed. : . It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Dahl to approve the 11$250.00 City Bill. Dahl, Kennedy, Painter, Novick, and Stanton voted yes, Sellers voted no. i Councilman Novick 82ked thqt the donatimn he had made for i Isending prisoners back to Anchorage be turned over to the Red cross~ the Mayor consented. . i The Mayor said that Mr. Shuster had asked for the City.Building ia t the Ai rport. : : Councilman Novick asked about the City Audit Jnd the Clerk saib Ithat the audit had been made by Head & Beaver, CPAs from Anchorage lAnd the report would be ready by April 19,1948. Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM Sinedie. A special session of the Common Council was called to order by! :Mayor Lanier at 8:50PM with Dahl, Kennedy, Miller, Painter, Spferoviich and Sellers present. Mayor Lanier said that he hoped ghat all the Council would co-operate to help make the next year a success. Any complaints tunred in should be signed and given to the Council. The following committees were apointed: AIRPORT AND P~RKS POLICE AND FIRE TAX ASSESSi.1ENTS STREETS SEWEItS PUBLIC ~OHOOL & PUBLIC HEALTH & AND FINANCE & VET. HOUSING GYM- USO HOSPITAL L. A. MILLER R. SEFEROVICH F.KENNEDY & ALL R. PAINTER O. V. DAHL R. O. SELLERS COURCIL! IN THE ABSENCE OF THE MAYOR, R. O. SELL~RS ~ILL BE ACTING MAYOR. Ordinance No. 170, setting the salaries of City Employees was read by the Mayor. He Kat. stated that a new ordinance would be written. The Mayor asked about having a 1% sales tax for the City ,after July 1 when the territorial .ax is discontinued. The Mayor j8 sked Dahl and Kennedy to go wi th him to the bank to discuss a :loan to the Citty. , It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Painter to let Mr. G. Shuster have the use of the City ~uilding at the aireport. All vote~ ifavorably. : . There was a discussion 8S to making some changes in the Garbag~ iOrdinance. Council Sellers said there should be some information ! I~iven to the paper so people would wnow the advan~ages of having ! r rBuch an Ordinance. He also asked about having the water pipe ehange~ 1-- . that runs throught the sewer man hole near his house. Painter was !asked to see that the pipe was changed. i Mr. F~ils, manager of the SVHP a !:ked about his reappointment , las he had only been ~ired for one month. Council Pa inter recommendled [that he be appointed as manager, his salary to be designated at a : ilater date. I Mr. Burchard and Kirkp~trick asked that the American Legion !Club be allowed to stay open after lAM. After some discussion :Councilman Seferovich WAS asked to make arnport at the next meetin. Mr. Freeman asked permission to put a qunoset hut on the back 30 feet of Lot. 4 Block 15. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Sellers to grant 0Z this permission. All ~ted yes. It WAS moved by Pa inter seconded by Kennedy t adj ourn meeting. Arljourned. at 11:15Pm APPfWVbD Attest X~.r~.-/f) City Clerk I ~ REGULAR SESSION APRIL 19, 1948 The regular session of the Common Council of the City of Seward as called to order by Mayor Lanier at 8:05PM with Councilmen ahl, Kennedy, Miller, Painter, Seferovick and Sellers present. The minutes of the special session of April 12 were read and tpproved. The Police Committee reported on the Americam Legion ~xs~xx losing at L AM. According to the ordinance no liquor is to be 'sold after LAM, the only way to leRva them stay open would be to hange the ordinance. he P lice Dept needs a file for their records, they also need some lUmb~ng done in the cells. Stop signs are being put up around town. dog pond is needed so the stray dogs can be picked up. he Fire Dept needs some fire hose, some for the school and some ~or the hospital. ~he Finance committee reported that Mr. Roth had been contacted iabout a loan of $14,000.00 for the school budEe.t and $5,000.00 Ifor City eJlpenses. Mr. Roth will write to Mr. Swetmann.about it. iStreet & Sewers Committee reported that Mr. H. Davis would pay for Ithe pipe and labor if the City would dig the hole around the Sewer, manhole near Sellers house, inorder to change the ~t, water pipe !that at present runs throught the manhole. ~he Mayor and Councilman Pa inter reported that they had contacted Ithe businessmen on Main Street and collected $440.00 cash and had additional promises for a totat of $805.00 for oiling Main Street. There is a possibility of getting the asphalt that is unfit for shipment,to be used for paveinB Mein St.reet. The City Clerk was ~SkCd to write 8 letter to the P.rmy asking for this asphalt;; r. Mcnon. aId S8 id that he had rece ived a 1 etter f rom the Fed,eral ousing and Home Agency about the SVHP and he believed a letter ,~ent to Washington DC would help in getting a man to come up'from Cplifornia to make a final settlement. The M,yor asked him to write a letter to Washington DC. " Mr. C~rlson, supt of the school said that there is an immediate need for more room for students. A~ter some discussion the City Clerk was a sked to write to Mr. MAniey and 8SkB him to send the final plans and specifications for the proposed addition to the school building. ' A letter was read from Juneau stating that the Territory had collected i$26,5l7.54, from Seward for Veterans SpIes Tax. A letter was read ifrom Sitka telling about their sales tax. fA letter was read f rom the Kenai Service Company asking for permission ,to beach a boat in the Small Boat darbor. 'I t was moved by K Sellers and seconded by Seferovich to grant per- ~ission to the Kenai Service co. to beach theJ boats. All voted yes. 'After a discussion about letting Clubs stay open after lAM, it was Imoved by Painter and seconded by Miller to amend Ordinance 1~4 Ito make the closing houes of Clubs 4AM instead of lAM,to reBtrict Clubs on Fourth Ave. No Clubs on Fourth Ave. after July 1, 1948. ~ll voted favorably. ' iA letter was read f rom the V of FW. asking for the use of the usa I Ifor their convention and asking for a police and fire representetive to be present at the fireworks display. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Kennedy to grant the VFW the use of the USO for their convention for 125.00 per day and grant them permission fo have a fireworks display. All voted yes. The Mayor said he was designating May 3-10 as ~iBRH Clean-Up Week Ifor Seward. ,The Mayor read Ordinance 170 setting salarJies and changed the IAssessors salary by leaving it open for bids, he also added the ,attorneys salary at $100.00 oer month. , The follwwing City officers were appointed: Fred Kielcheski Fire chief "" Street Chief L. Clark Police Chief Aron Ericson Treasurer Dr. Sellers Health Officer i R. E Baumgartner City Attorney for 30 days. lIt was moved bi .ennedy and seconded by Miller to apurove the :appointments of the Mayor. All voted f8Vorablye,tC4';Pf-.f.e/krs, J-e)/.,t" JV.g iThe City Clerk was asked to contact the two attorneys in the City (V<lf4. and Mr. B Nesbitt of Anchorage to see if they would bid for the 'office of Ci ty Attorney. I I ~-, "Q'" ,:) ," ". ~ ."~ " r The City Sudit was discussed with Mr. Beaver and he suggested that~ a budget should be set up. It was moved by Sellars and seconded b Dahl to .~.,t accept the audit as made by Head & Beaver. All vote favorably. There was a discussion on the Garbage Ordinance and Painter and Sellers were asked to see if the Ordinance could be improved. Councilman Painter said he did not intend to bid on the contract. It was moved by Pa inter and seconded by Sellers to adjounn i the meeting. Meeting adjounned at 11:30PM Approved ~q A~ ' , ~- -1/ ~ ~~ Ci~" 4 , ... Appest SPECIAL SESSION APRIL 26, 1948 A special session of the Common Council of the City of Seward wa~ i 'called to order by Mayor Lanier at 8:15PM with all Councilmen prese~t. ,The meeting was called to discuss finance. . iA letter was read from Mr. Swetmann asking that the City make aut a budget before he would consider making a loan. The following suggested budget was read: Expense IRcome Police $15,700.00 Taxes Real Fire 4,250.00" Personal &treet 12,250.00 Licenses City Clerk 5,400.00 Commision earned I U.S.O. 2,200.00 Police Fines 9treet Lighting 5,500.00 1% SAles Tax Health Office 948.00 Total Health Officer 300.00 Attorney 1,200.00 Treasurer 100.00 Audit 400.00 Assessor 1,000.00 Interest 3,000.00 Insurance 3,000.00 Bond Interest Sch 787.50 " " Gym 360.00 School Bond 2,500.00 Gym. Bond 1,000.00 School Bidget 20,000.00 Misc. 3.000.00 Total $82,895.50 $45,OOO.pO 13,600.pO l8,000.pO 700.pO 3,OOO.pO 20.000mo $100,3oo.po I I I -1 The sales tax ordinance was discussed. It was moved by Seferovich and seconded by Painter to have a 1% SAles TAX, raise the ppopenty tax from 12 to 15 mills and set the personal tax at 20 mills. All voted favorably. It was moved by Miller and seconded by Sellers to set asside the 1% sales tax for school budget only. All vcted favorably. The Clerk was asked to make out bids for the sale of the City Hall and also for the fixing up of the U.S.O. for a City Hall. Meeting adjounned at 9:50 P~ approved ~~, 2~ M yor ,--v , ... / Attest J;;~~if-- , City Clerk. f) -." --. ---. cL~ ~. >(i-, ~ , ----1--- REGULAR SESSION "lAY 3, 1918 - \The regular session of the Common Council of the City of Seward was called to order by Mayor Lanier at 8:05 Pm with Councilmen Dahl~ IKennedy, Miller, PBinter and Seferovich present, Sellers came in late. The minutes of the last regular and special ses$ion were read and approved. Applications for th~ office of the, City Clerk were read from I ~he following; , ' Mrs. Wqlker, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. McMahon, Maxwell, Ground, and Bogard. After some discussion the Mayor appointed Mrs. Anderson as City Clerk. It was moved by Seferovich and seconded by Painter to approve the apointment of Mrs. Anderson. Dahl, Seferovick, and Peinter voted yes, Kennedy, Miller and Sellers voted no. The Mayor voted no, the motion lost. The Mnyor appointed Mr. BogArd. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Miller to approve the appointment of Mr. Bogard as City Clerk and ~gistrate. Dahl, Kennedy, .,filler and Sellers voted yes, Painter and Seferovick voted no. Motion passed. The Question of Mr. Howards contnact for the SVHP was brought up by Mr. Baumgartner and after some discussion the Mayor asked Painter, Dahl, and Miller to meet with Mr. Howard, Estes and Bl'lumgartner to see if a settlement cou~d be ag~reed upon. Bids for City Assessor were readfrdm Mrs. Ling, Mr. Parrot, and Mr. Gorman. After a discussion. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Miller to appoint Mrs. Ling as assessor with a salary of $1000.00. E&KI, Miller, Painter and Seferovich voted yes, Kennedy voted no, Sellers no vote, Dahl vote~ no. The Mayor voted yes. Motion passed. Bids were reAd from Mr. Baumgartner and Mr. Nesbitt for Ci ty Attorl1ey. The Mayor appointes Mr. B6Y~irtner as City Attonney with Mr. Nesbit I to be retained wi thout fe~' any possible court aD[D[, ease ;;"" f',;, It,w8s moved by Kennedy an~ seconded by Seferovich to ta:b6e the appoitment of a City Attorney until the next meeting. Sellers no vote the rest voted yes. lA flier with a pontoon plane requested permission for a place to itie up his plane in the Small Boat HArbor. lIt was moved by Paminter and seconded by Sellers to grant this permission. All voted favorably. A .R~~RX report was read from the Police DePoct. giving the number of arrests and fines collected. The question of the age limit for Taxi driver was brought up. ,Ordinance 84 CAlls for an age limit of 21 years, Ordinance 171 'does not give an age limit. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Kennedy to add a section to Ordinance 171 oc to allow a person to drive a cab who is BKiJ ijxJRaRBxBixoc~K under 21 years but at least 18 years old upon approval of the Council. All voted yes. The Fire Chief was asked to check the fire extinguishers at the Marine WAYS. The Fire Chief asked to permission of the Counc>>tl to buy a set of track for the City Cat. lIt was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Seferovich to grant per- 'mission for the purchase of the set of track.s All voted yes. Mr. Fails asked for perKmission to buy a table for the Housing Project. , I 'A It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Liahl to grant this permissiom. 11 voted yes. The City Clerk WAS asked to call for bids for the contruction of ,an addition to the public school and a seperate bid for the iremodelin~ of the USO for the City Clerk Office and Council chsmb~s. 'Mr. Dahl was asked to aN chech on bids for the contrcution of 9- 'H~me Economics Room in the basement of the public school. It was moved by rainter and seconded by Seferovich to CAll for bids by June 7 for the construction of an addition to the School House, the notice to be put in the papers. All voted yes. Pat. Friede asked for permission to build a garage on Lnts 3 and 4 !B~ock 20 Federal addition and Lot 27, Block 5 ~ubner A~dition. It OClf(B! was moved by rf1inter and seconded by MillAr to grAnt Mr. Friede this permission. All voted yes. ~~f)n - ,.,. . ~ r ______ :Mr. Harry M8nn asked ab~ut his bibd on Lot 1 Bloch 10 Federal Addi tib~ IWhich he had made some time 8gr.11 He also asked about the City cuttihg ,C Street through from third to fourth. i !Mrs.Ling asked about the deed to Lot 21,22,23 in Block 26. The Cle~k Isaid he would chech with Mr. Kielhcheski. I ',The followin!7, City Bills were read~ 1 !C1ark $400.00, Turnbull $350.00, Pierce $350.00, Kielcheski $450.00~ ;V~n Guilder $350.00, Hcwell $350.00, Ericson $8.33, Young $270.00, i iTaylor $78.00, Petty cash $44.75, Keating $77.05, Chamberlin $10.00~ 'Rasmussen $lO/OO,Lorang $10.00, Painter $10.00, Stearns $10.00, , and Dept of tax. $559.50. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by PA inter to approve the City: IBills. all voted yes. ~ report was read from the Seward Water System giving their '!yearly report. (Meeting adjourned at 11 :20 -\ . " \~ j I I' I '~~". {,' -",'" \; l Special Meeting May 10 1948. -- - - --- - ------~ - ~ayor called me~ting to order 8:10 P. M. Discussion on the proposed sales tax was opened by reading of , letters from the two water front Unions, both of them favored tax. 'IMaYOr stated 50% of business men favored the sales tax provided that customers absorbed same. Clothing stores objected as more people mBY order from outside. Items as stoves, refrigerators, cars or 'anything 18rge might be ordered outside, on account of sales tax. Painter moved to adopt a two percent sales tax. The money raised to be used to pay school expenses and loan from the Bank of Seward Seconded by Miller. Councilmen voting Yes-DAhl, Kennedy, Miller, Painter,Seferovich and Sellers. Motion was made by Seferovich that the budget be set At 70,000.00 Seconded by Kennedy and all councilmen voted-Yes. f- ~ P~inter made motion that $21,000.00 be borrowed from The BAnk J. of Seward at 8%. Seconded by Kennedy. All councilmen voted-Yes. jMention was made that a post dated check be given the Bank. ! The Mayor stated that the interest on two Marine Ways bonds ~'n the amount of $780.00 had been paid.Mr. Brownell explained at ~ some length Why the city should retire two of the Marine Ways Bond$. He said the City wouls save $120.00. The Mayor stated that a , ~ I resolution of Mardh 22. 1948. authoeized this action. Mr. Brownell, ! Keating and Pege all stated there W?S property at the Marine Ways ~c.\i that belonged there th?t Mr. Howard was removing. ~~: Seferovich made the motion that anyone be caused to show I ownership before removing any more property from the Marine Ways. I Seconded by Painter.~All Councilmen voted-Yes. I Kennedy moved that two Marine Ways bonds of $1000.00 each be ,! retired. Provided that the bond holders do not demAnd a premium And that interest on the bonds from Mayl 1948 to Jan. 31 1949 be ....\ i forfeited. All Councilmen voted-Yes. ~ Seferovich moved that $35,000.10 insurance be placed on the ~; SRn Juan Cold Storage Plant and wharf. ThAt $5,000.00 be placed on all the remAining buildings of the Marine Ways Unit. Seconded by Painter. All councilmen voted-Yes. Dr. Sellers explained that 263 individual people hAd garbage to be heuled. After discussion Seferovich moved that the City take over the hauling of all garbage and the maintenance of the garbage dump. Seconded by Sellers. Councilmen voting Yes-Kennedy, Miller, Seferovich and Sellers. Those voting no-Dahl And Painter. ~ Motion carried. A letter from the District Engineer was read regarding the salvaging of asphalt left in storage yards here in Seward by the Army. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter offering A nominal Bum for this asphalt. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Buell Nesbitt ! asking for the files on the Seward Veteran's Housing Project. Also to forward two checks of $1450.00 and $1000.00 to Architect Menley for making plans and specifications for the School addition and remodelling the U. S. O. K A letter from Gentry Schuster was read regarding plane transportation of City Officials that had been on City Business. Miller moved to adjourn and all voted-Yes. 11:20 P. M. Approved ~ ~~~ ~...:- tf Mayor . AtteBts..~ ~~ CitY"11erk. \! - Qi~C.) ,,II. ' llJ <;I" ': Regul~r Meeting May 17, 1948. - --r--'-~--'-'- Mayor called the meeting to order at 8:25 P. M. Miller abi' ent Dahl, Sellers. Kennedy, Painter and Seferovich present. Minutes of May 3 and 10 read and approved. , Mr. Fails of 8. V. H. P. read stAtement that he had person~lly paid $12.92 for oil for the project, and asked to be reimbursed. . He asked for 1 door, ~window and 1 toilet bowl. Kennedy moved that I these items be allowed-seconded by Dahl. Unanimous favorable vote. I Patsy Woods presen.ted a petition with 119 names of children 10 or over ~king to be allowed to roller skate in the ul S. o. i Brought out in discussion that supervision ann insurance must be had if this was allowed. Petition referred to the Fire Department. Mr. Howard stated that he would furnish and hAng a door :on Unit #18 the hut referred to by Mr. Fails. , Ordinance read amending Ordinance 134. nance 184 read amending Ordinance 171. :Both were pas e unan rnously. Report of Utility Board listing current expenses was read and approved. Resignation of R. E. Baumgartner was read and the Mayor ,~H read application of Carl J. Hutton for the position of City ,Attorney. Seferovich made motion to accept Mr. Hutton-Painter !seconded the motion. Yes--Dshl, Painter, Seferovich and Sellers. No--Kennedy, Motion carried. Letter from the PiNl Department was read about fire hazard: due to oil storage in alley between third and fourth avenues and W9shington and Jefferson Streets. City Attorney was to be Instructe!d to make a copy of the Ordinance covering this and give to the Fire' Chief to have people bury their oil tanks by Aug. I, 1948. 'Painter moved this be done-Seconded by Sellers. All voted favorabli. : Petition read to stop paint shop being put up on ~.E. 'corner of Block l3-Townsite on west side of 2nd Ave. Clerk ins- tructed to write letter to Mr. Loren Peterson requesting him to :appear before the 60uncil and explain the use of this building. :J)AA/ Dr. Sellers spoke of the unsanitary condition near the ~Southard residence. The Ordinance covering this was to be revised and action taken next meeting. Following bills were read: Trick and Murray $85.00 Seward Bakery $3.l0-N. C. Co. $154.60--Alaska Printing Co. $60.00 :H. J. Butcher $200.00 Total $417.70. Kennedy moved these bills be :paid-Seconded by Sellers-all voted favorablj. , A letter from W. C. Erwin Mgr. Standard Oil Co was read , ,requesting a copy of the Sales Tax Ordinance as soon as it was readr. ,Mr. Hutton is to be requested to write the Sales tax Ordinance and i Ithe contract with Catherine Ling as City Assessor. ' , The Mayor discussed the ownership of property at the Mari~e Ways. The City property is marked RED, The 4rmy property BLUE. ' Mr. Howard asked permission to take his own propeety without ! iproving ownership. Don Douglas spoke saying army left property there as junk. Gerritt Hoaglund said Army left no lumber at the ! Marine Ways. Mr. Riley spoke saying he had inventoried 'I junk" to see what could be used on operating the Marine Ways. He felt this should be left at the Marine Ways ~o operate the plant with. Mr. Howard stated he furnished cold st~age facilities to the Army in ret&lrn for "junk" left there and some in junk pile where Army had hauled it. He took some of the latter back to Ways with permission. Mr. Keating spoke saying he had not inferred Mr. Howard was removing anything but his own property. The Mayor asked , Seferovich, Dahl~ Kennedy to go with him. ~ccompanied by Mr. Howard Mr. Riley and Mr. Pege and inventory the property at the Marine WAys. All persons to meet at the Marine Ways tat 7 P. M. May 18, 1948.Painter asked authority to have Earl Cass remove gravel from the rear of his property. The Mayor guaranteed backing. ~ ',Mayor stat, ed Mr. Harry Mann had bid on Lot I-Block 10-Fed. ~dd. 7~$~.OO May 19, 1947. All bids tabled. On Nov. 18, 1947 said lot 'was sold to Mrs Fern Burke for $60.00. Clerk instructed to 8sk City Att'ys opiniop on City$ liability. Painter moved to adjourn SeferoVich seconded-Favorable vote Unanimous. 1~:30 P. M. Approved ~~ 1 ' ;(~. ' YOI'. --I I I for Apri 11 l -I I Att..t ....:1~ Cl . ~r- ~>-~ ,t q ~. .., ~: !t.... . J ,t '. . Regular meeting June 7, 1948. I Mayor called meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. Seferovich absent ------ De~l, Kennedy,M1l1er, Painter Hnd Sellers present. The minutes ibf May 17 were read and approved. Letter from Glen Wilder of Anchorage dated 6-8-48 was read ! regarding the S.V.H.P. The city's contract states the contractor \ is to furnish the stoves for the Project. The contractors copy does not require him to do so. There are differences in copies of the contract and Mr. Wilder suggested that the city adopt a given contract as the one to live up to. Painter moved that the contract held by the city be re-affirmed ~s the on~o be ectod upon. Seconded by Kennedy. Those voting yis:Dahl, Kennedy, Miller and Painter. No-Sellers. Motion adopted. Mr. Wilder suggested Russell Painter, City Engineer and Mr. Howard inspect the porject to determine if it is completed to satisfaction of the City's contract. and The May payroll of $2801.88 was readAadopted unanimously. Bill from Schustea;es read and payment was demanded for transpor- tation of C. P. Keating for $77.00 and Buell Nesbitt for $28.75 Keating is to be notified-that if the $77.00 is not paid in 10 days he will be held for mis-appropriation of City funds. ' At this point the Mayor announced that a special meeting would be held June 9, 1948 at 8:00P.m. to try to settle matters relating to the S.V.H.P. The Clerk was instructed to phone notice t~ the Council members sometime Wed. Bid was opened from Jim Cameron on School addition his bid being for $94,340.00 according to Architect Wm. Hanleys plans. Seward Cabinet Works bid on Home Economics room $6,990.08 Pat Bogan bid $1,021.05.on the plumbing work to complete the Home Economics room. Mr. Carl Carlson asked that this work be completed by Sept. 1, 1948. The Mayor made the statement that the Sales tax would put the City in a more solvent condition thereby enabling it to float bonds at 2%. The above bids were then tabled till the next regular meeting. The monthly Police report was then read and accepted. Highway Patrolman Geo. Puckett was given permission to operate from the City Police Headquarters. The Mayor read a bid from Harry Mann made May 19,1947 for Lot 1 Block 10 Fed. Add. This lot was later sold to Fern Burke. Kennedy moved Mr. Mann be allowed his choice of Lots2-3-40r five in the S8me block, whichever the City had a clear title to. ;Sellers seconded motion. Painter cast the only dissenting vote. !Motion carried. The price of the lot to be $52.50. , Contract with Katharine Ling as Bssessor waB read and accepted. , !Miller moved to accept the contract, Kennedy seconded it and all !Councilmen voted fgvorably. The contract was signed and witnessed. i Loren Peterson stated he was putting up a home on the N.E. Cor. of Block 13-0riginal Townsite and was not opening a business. There is no zoning in the City so nothing could be done. ~e stated that he might paint 8 car ocassionally. I I , Ordinance 190 Instituting a Sales TAX was read for the ifirst time. : Painter moved to adjourn, Sellers seconded, all voted favorably. ~djourned l2:00P.M. I Mayor City Of Seward. , ~~' City Clerk. / ,e l- /-1 "., <.... ~ / I....J.'-{ (. ,,? _ {.* -Z-l..". (. / '~{~ ,~ r. Fil .. t f.'''-''Y" Special Meeting June 9, 1948. ---~------~-~--~--- The Mayor called the meeting to order at 8:25 P.M. All present %t Sellers who ceme in at 8:45. This meeting is to attempt to iron out the difficulties being met in regard to the S.V.H. Project. The Mayor stated the Counci 1 does not want the taxpayers to be forced to pay for t e stoves used on the Project. It is understood ,that k the City would ~e re- imbursed for freight, warfagID3nd handling of stoves but it is not clertain about the stoves themselves.J. A. McDonald was called upon to tell I~hat he knew of the Project. He thought the contracts were drawn up in Seattle but Mr. Howard sa id that the Alaska Bookkeeping Service of Seward typedj them up. --I Mr. Howard said he understood the government representatives to sa~ I they would furnish everything except the utilities when they sold I the idea of a Project to the City. The Mayor read Glen Wilder's i letter of 6-8-48. The Mayor read from the City's contract that the i total cost of the Project was to be $120.000.00. Aletter was read i stating the Government still owed the Project $14,000.00 as of today. Mr. Howard stated there are three contracts between himself and thei City ana they are all different. The Clerk was requested to call 'Wm. Estes, City Engineer and he came immediately to the meeting. A letter dated 8-22-46 was read from Mr. Howard to Tex Brinkworth stating there were no heaters available locally for the Project and that Brinkworth would have to get them elsewhere. ~ Mr. J. A. MeDonald requested that he be allowed to writ~nd q~. someone here with authority from the F.H.P.A.to settle the V Differences. Mr. Hutton was instructed to give Mr. McDonald a copy of Glen Wilder's memorandum of 6-8-48. At 10:10 the Mayor started to read Ord. 190 establishing the ,Sales Tax-for the second time-and finished the reading at 10:27 . Councilman Kennedy moved that the Clerk be authorized to purchase 8 filing cabinet. a minute book and filing cards for the Clerk's 06fice. Also 8 filing cabinet and desk for the Police 'Department. Seferovich seconded motion. Favorable unanimous vote was cast. . , , . Mr. Carlson presented the school budget and after some diBcuss~- on Painter moved the budget be accepted. Miller seconded and , 8 unanimous favorable vote was cast. Councilman Painter moved to adjourn, Seferovich seconded everyone voted favorably. Adjourned 10:50 P.M. "I I I I Meyor. '3;t. (' (, !"'- " '/ l __l ,', ,/ " c. , / 'r , I 11)(>;"':" " ~ t ,~ } Special Meeting June 14, 1948. I The Mayor c~lled the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. For the purpose of requesting that a closed area be set up to prevent 811 shooting. his is due to the fact that E Roberta Smith was shot and killed at he top of Marathon Mountain no June 8, 1948 at 1:30 P.M. 11 Councilmen were present but Painter. Miller moved to begin at Lowell Point, but not including Lowell Point, to close a strip two miles wide from High water mark around Resurrection Bay to the Fourth of July creek but not includine the flats of Fourth of July creek. This is meant to prohibit the discharge of fire arms in this described area. Seconded by Dahl. A unanimous favorable vote was cast. The Clerk was instructed to send letters to the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Land Office. Bids hed been asked for the printing of City Drivers liscense. Mr. Hunt bid 11.00 and Mr. Elms bid $8.50. Mr. Elms therefore got the work. R. D. Muller bid $975.00 on the plumbing in the Home Economics room in the school building. : Jim Cameron bid $6,717.40 on finish work in the Home Economics iroom. all bidders included statements as to what tpey would do If or the amounts specmfied. ! The Mayor instructed the Clerk to call in the Plans end Speci- Ifications for the School Building and u.s.a. I It was brought up about the Army turning land back to the city Ithat they had leased at one time. There were several men present [that held options on some of this land and they were wanting their ldeeds. Sellers moved that all people holding options and could I'ShOW proof should be given deeds to land thpt the City hAS title to. Seconded by Seferovich and all voted favorably. Motion Carried. ,: Seferovich moved to adjourn seconded by Kennedy And everyone voted favorably. Adjourned at 9:15 P.M. ] Mayor. I Attest. rqq~ I I I I I ; I , :.z. c.,C ~ " - {. ( t ,t. ( ,-f I. 0;");- ,,~ .;'1 n f"~ :::~="=:' l1egl1]~ meeting .TlIne Pl)_ lQ4R. __~_ -.l-""----The meeti~g w;~--called to order at 8:20P'-- M. By the May"or. All the Councilmen were present but Seferovich who came in a rtw Iminutes late. The minutes of June 7, 9, and the 14 were read and approved. The City pay roll for June was read and Councilman Miller moved to pay i~. Clmn. Dahl seconded motion. Yes-Miller and Ds&l No-Kennedy, Painter, Seferovich and S811ers. Motion lost. . A letter from Miss Ruth Murrell was read regsrdin~ the hospita~ Clerk was instructed to turn the letter over to the Hospital I Board and get their r~commendation. The Board is composed of: . Merle Trevethan, Gus Johnson, E1wyn Swetmann) W.C.ERwin and Carl Orlander. Clmn. Kennedy moved that this be done 2nd by Seferovich. All voted favorably-motion carried. A telegram from C. Earl Albrecht was read about the Health 'Nurse. The Clerk was directed to give the "telegram to the Health ,Council. (Mrs. Joe Doyle) , , 11 letter from the Army real estate director John R. Sterling Iwas read declaring the oil tanks and pipe above the lagoon to Ibe surplus property. Painter suggested that K that the City buy the pipe line. , Mayor Lanier told of looking at 3 dump trucks nesr tha Army dock. It was suggested that when War Assets Administration lofficials ceme to Sewapd that the City but these trucks. Seward Electric System pay roll of $5619.71 was read. !Clmn. Painter moved it be paid and Clmn. Sellers seconded it. iAll voted favorably-motion carried. 'I' Clmn.Dehl brought up about Leo Mergales paying taxes on Northern Light Lode ~laims 1-2-3 It was suggested that he come 'before the Board of Equalization. Clron. Painter brought up that Fire Chief Kielcheski woulo not lapprove any fireworks in the City limits. Ordin. 155 was turned lover to the Police Comm. for P~lice enforcement. Mayor Lanier brought out that the bids read on June 14, 1948. !were too late so were unlawful. j Clmn. Painter moved all three K bids of June 7-48be rejected iseconded by Seferovich. All voted favorably-motion carried. iClmn. Miller moved new bids be asked for incorporating all work in one bid on Home Ec. Room. Seconded by Painter. All voted favo- ;rably-motion carried. ~he Mayor appointed Councilmen Seferovich, Painter and Miller to g~ith Supt. Carlson and At least one member of the School Board and look over the Home Economics room in the school building land bring in specifications to the Clerk. The Clerk was instru8ted [to post call for bids on the Home Economics room in three plAces land Advertise in the Seward Polaris for three consecutive Wednesdaye All previous bids were rejected AB too high. ' , Clmn. Painter moved that $524.00 be sent to Territorial :Department of Taxation for liscense money collected by the Clerk. The Mgyor read the Sales Tax Ord.190 for the third time. Kennedy moved this Ordinance be accepted seconded by Seferovich. Yes- Dahl) Kennedy) Miller, Painter and Seferovich. No-Sellers. Motion carried. Mr. Hunt offered to print, up to 500 copies of tOrd.190 for cost of setting type approximately $25.00 'Clmn. Seferovich discussed 8 plan for 8 vacation for all City 'employees. Clmn. Miller moved that all city employees be granted ie vacation of ,two weeks-seconded by Painter. All voted favorably so motion carried. Miller moved1(o AdJourn-Seferovich seconaed end ell voted favorably. Ad~ourned 11:40 P.M. d' ~ .:J~ . Attest-City lerk. Mayor. ~~~ --u d c-z,<..C 1:~ . 7 7C~f~ ~-,.. , , _.~ ;,.~, ' SPRCTAT. l.1~;1i:TTNG .Tllly 3) )Q4R. SpeciRl meeting called to order by Mayor Lanier At 6:20 P.M. The purpose WAS to decide whether the bars in town were to be allowed to keep open &n the Fourth. Miller and Kennedy absent. after some discussion Clron. Seferovich moved that the bar keepers ! have a meeting and whatever the majority of them wanted was alright ! with the Council. Sellers seconded the motion and all voted . favorably. Motion carried. Painter moved to adjourn, Dahl seconded ell in favor. Adjourned at 6:30 P.M. I i I -Z"Jt.-c~ Mayor. ,'C~' " ,.;\ ;!,:~,,~',(.'i . t . ,t..<.F~) ...j'....v: . / V I REGULAR MEETING July 12, 1948. The mayor called the meeting to order at 8.00 P.i/!. Clmn. Pointer absent. Minutes of June 21 and July 3) 1948 were reAd and approved. Robert Bnumgartner said the liquor dealers of SewArd met and organized the "Seward Reta 11 Liquor DeAlers AssociAtionll. They want to keep open till 2:00 A.M. on regular nights anft 3:00 A.M. on Saturday nights and holidays. Clmn. Miller steted that he understood the bars were collecting a 5~ sales tR~instead of 2%. The Mayor , appointed Clmn. Painter and Seferovich ~ investigate the 5% tAX . the bars are collecting. Clmn. Sellers motioned that this request be tqbled till next meeting, seconded by Kennedy. Those voting yes: Dahl) Kennedy, Miller, Seferovich and Sellers. Motion carried. P. J. Fails asked that t~e oads to the Vets Housing area be . '$ (1.,')<4; h graded. He stated 397.10^was 0 be allowed as maintenance Bnd t at only $20.00 a month sad been used sO far. Clmn. Painter And Seferovich were appointed by the Mayor to work with Mr. Fails and bring in a report on the Housing Area needs. Clmn. Kennedy moved that a new truck of 2!Tons capacity and dump type be bought by the City. Seconrted by Seferovich And every one 'voted favorably-Motion carried. The Clerk WAS given instructions to draw up specifications as to cost And avaibability and to see that the three car dealers in town had a copy apiece. Wm. Estes presented 8 mAp of the City that he had made.After the Council had examined it thoroughly Clmn. Miller moved that it be Accepted Rnd paid for. Seconded by Sellees And everyone voted favorably-motion carried. ~ Correspondence was read from""Mayor of UnalaskA, 8 Bonding Co. and Mr. Den R?lston of the Game Commission. Geo.Turnbull presented chqn~e8 to ordinances controlling traffic. IKennedY moved and Miller seconded that this be considered the first readin~ for theseJry~~~raffic rules. f~ ! IUUXHl:OUfI Mr.,~OWArd asked that Mr.^Harding be allowed to state how he unerstood the stove deal a~e Housing Project to be. ~lrp.._H.~rding stated that he understood that if the government did not 8t1)~,~ furnish then the contractor was to be allowed to furnish . hem~ in turn the government would reimburse the contractor :for same. The Mayor requested that Wm. Estes be placed on the City :pay roll for t~~days to gertogether the reimbursible items of 'the Housing Project. Clmn. Sellers moved that this be done,seconded ;by Kennedy all voted favorably-motion carried. I The Mayor opened bids on the Home Economics room at the school. Bi~s~~~,~bmitted by JAmes Cameron And Gerrit Hooglund. Clmn. Sef~ lFOVIch~eronts bid of $6,756.96 be accepted. Sec~nded by Miller and all' councilmen voted favorably- motion carried. MRyor Lanier explained what was necessary for Seward to have a 250 Watt radio station. To get this the frame buildings by the ,lagoon must be moved. Seferovich moved to adjourn, seconded by Dahl all ~ted YES-motion carried. Adjourned at 11:40 P. M. ...J ~~ . C!J~7f?Z/L<I,' City ditrk-At~1st. Mayor. ejt-I~( y;, z:~~~ I ''> t ~~ ..)), ' Regular Meeting July 19, 1948. . . Mayor Lanier callen the meeting to order At 8:20 P.M. Clmn.DAJoi.l ----~ and Miller were absent. The minutes of July 12, 1948 were read and T bpproved. The bid of the Seward Machine Shop submitted on a dump ! truck for the city was opened,rea~discussed and then tabled till ~he next meeting. , Hal Gilfillan stated the case for the Liquor Dealers Assn as to why they wanted to keep open longer. He felt the bars were able to get more outside money when the boats were in and they-could remain I open l~nger. This request was tabled till the next meeting as only I ~our councilmen were present. I Mr. P.J. Fails requested that a committee inspect the Vets I Housing Pro.iect and see what could be done to make the units more IflE aiveable. Clmn. Painter moved that Mr. Fails be, instructed to go ~head with the maintenance work on the Housing Project according I to the book plan and make B monthly report. Seconded by Seferovich ! ~ll voted favorably-motion curried. ! ! Clmn. Painter moved that a special closed meeting be called I tor Monday July 26 for the speaific purpose of examinimg the personJI ~ax roll made up bymetherine Ling. Seconded by Seferovich-all vote4 !favorably-motion carried. t . i j The Payroll of the Seward Elec~ric System for June of $8,724.8* ~as read and approved. Geo. LeskoYs bid of $50.00 each for lots 5-5-7 Block 19 Seward Townsite was rejected 8S too low. The lots on; ~ach side are assessed at $450.00 so the Council thought the lots I bid ~pon should be worth 20% of $450.00 or $90.00 each.The Clerk I was instructed to write A letter to this effect. This Rction was mOI'ed by Ken, nedy and seconded by Seferovich. All voted yes-motion carrie . I A letter from Culbertson & Olson ,Bonding Co was read.Clmn. f8inter moved th~t the City accept the qffer of the Co. to extend t eir time of scceptance 50 ,dAYS. Kennedy seconded and all voted yes- i ~otion carried. The City Attorney was instructed to write the ' Bonding Co. a latter. Mayor Lanier read the traffic Ord. changes for the second ~ime. The garbage hauling was discussed to some extent 8S to how ~o give a satisfactory service and keep the alleys cleaned up. :, Clmn. '.Sellers moved that Forrest Kennedy be given permission I ~o move his Quonset hut on to his lot by the Seward Electric I System. Seconded by Seferovich. Yes-Painter, Se~erovich and Sellers ~o.KennedY. Motion carried. Clmn. Painter moved to adjourn seconded by Seferovich ell !Voted yes..Motion carried. Adjourned 11:00 P.M. . ~ ~--- i Cle~est.(j - ""I Mayor. ' ~_.J 'AAC ~. ;;{~. SPhC~~TING JULY26, 1948. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 8:35 P.M. All members pre~ent. Th.ls meeting called for the single purpose of considering the Per~ sonal Tax Returns made up by Katherine Ling. A number of returns were looked over and after due consideration the values were raised. This number was only a amall percentage of those submitted., Clmn. Painter moved that the Clerk be instructed to hire a typist i to type up and send out the Personal Tax notices. Seconded by Clmn. Seferovich everyone voted favorably. Motion carried. I Clmn. Kennedy moved to adjourn seconded by Clmn. Miller and ;all voted favorably. Motion carried. Adjourned at 11:45 P.M. J~,~... City Olerk-A~st. ' ~ .......... Mayor. ~~.~ "'") i ., i, ....,4..... . ~i ~~ ;. Hegll] "'r MA",t:j ng ;'lllg ~J 194P. I The Mayor called the meet.ing to order at 8:15 P.M. All Clmn. present but Sellers who came in at 8:25.Minutes of July 19 and 26 ere read and approved. The City Pay roll of $3,218.03 was read for July. Clmn. Miller moved that it be accepted and paid Clmn. Painter seconded the motion, all voted yes-motion carried. Mrs. Leo Douglas spoke for the Liquor Dealers :1ssn. about.the Itime the boats came in and asked to remain open longer. Clmn. Serer. lovich stated that the Police thought the present arrangement as to closing time was alright. Howeyer later closing time might be tried out and see if it caused more Policing. After some discussion Clmn. Seferovich moved that the request to remain open longer be tabled till a later date, motion seconded by Clmn. Miller, all voted favorabl ,motion. carried. . The Clerk then read a petition signed by 55 people agtlindt :Officer Geo. Turnbull as arrestin~ people un-necessarily. He also had a statement from Seward Woman s Glub saying they represented 40 5eward families and that they did not approve the dismissal of any man now on the Police Force. Mr. Turnbull then read a det~iled report of the arrests he had made, saying all persons he had arrested had IPlead guilty not one demanding a trial. Clmn. Painter moved that . the petition be rejected, seconded by Clmn. Seferovich and all vote~ Ilfavorably-motion ctlrried.Several in the audience spoke stating their views all badked Mr. Turnbull.Clmn. Miller moved the Police IForce and Patrolman Puckett be given a vote of confidence, seconded Iby Clmn. Sellers, all voted yes-Motion carried. ! 11- petition circulated by Bobbie Slayden askLg that P. J. Fails 'Ibe removed as Mgr. of Vets Housing Project was read. Mr. Fails then read a letter he had written to Mr. Slayden. His hand book of rules' l,an:kregUlations states that he is to give a tenant 5 days grace to ipa~:,is rent and not necessarily any more time. Different oc~ants i,sPoke expressing their oPiniO"ns about this one instance. The .!.ayor lasked l.hat a committee of S tenants be appointed to help wi h the Housing affairs. Clron. Painter moved that the tenants of the Housing area be allowed to use the U.S.O. to have ameeting to elect S men las a Committee to help operate the Project. Clmn. Kennedy seconded .the motion all voted favorably-motion carried. i Bids to ~urnish dump trucks were read from Hamilton's Garage IPatls Garage and the Seward Machine Shop. Clmn. Kennedy moved that .the Council buy the Ford 2T,truck $1J3120.00 and if this was not iavailable the Dodge It T ~ $3377.09~ught 8S second choice.Clmn. [Painter seconded the motion all voted yes -Motion carried. Clmn. Sellers moved to buy 50 maps of the city. Clmn. Seferovieh iseconded the motion and added that it include 2 Van Dyke negatives ,All voted yes-motion carried. I Woo. Estes explained what Eng. Metcalf and Atty. GeQ. Rivers jwanted done at the Small Boat Harbor. Floats were to be gotten from hnchorage and piling to be driven in the Harbor. . The Council decided to have a special meeting Monday Aug. 9,1948. A letter from Mrs. Cecil Horton was read re~uesting that the !alley by her property L 10-11-12 B 23 Town. be opened so she could 'get to her property. The Council instructed the Clerk to write iMr. Earl Cass a letter re~uesting him to remove the gravel pushed linto the alley from his property. It was stipulated that he was to !start this work 15 days from the time of notification. Clmn. Kennedy moved that the important parts of the Ord. about Icaring for dogs be published in the paper. Notice was to be given that it was to be enforced at once. Clmn. Seferovich seconded motion all voted yes-motion carried. Request for a liquor license by A. D. IMcDonald read. Tabled till next meeting.D. C. Brownell spoke of the Ipossibilities of theSSmall Boat Harbor and presented a picture of !boats down there. He stated that a Barge belonging to the A.R.R. had !been tied up to the dock there for about 8 months. Also one belonging ito Fred Howard was there and fish boats could not get to the dock ito load groceries. Clmn. Miller moved to adjourn Glmn. Dahl seconded imotion-all voted yes-motion carried. adjourned 11:45 ~. M. .J: ! At;:tf! City I=- (,- ... t '-' e J i.., 7~ l .; , ~./ / Mayor. I I !) '/ . /- C, 'piA.f..) 0.71.'." "'-~ .:, , SPECIAL ME~TIN~G.9, 1'48. -~--'-_._--'"'-- , The Mayor called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M. All were present but Clm. Seferovich who was a very few minutes late. , The Mayor stated that the Chamber of Commerce sent Ross Mann and himself to Palmer to meet with Mr. Harvey Bryant R.e.a. Engineer IMr. Bryant stated EVERY ONE MUST be in accord or they would not com~ ito Seward at all. Appraisers would be appointed and both plants : Ivalued and bought. If Kenai Lake could be dammed and power produced: there would be all Seward and the Kenai Penln~ula needed anfi some !for other places.It was brought out that the R.E.A. would not buy I ~ ithe telephone system, from the S.L.&P. Co. Engineer Rivers is expected !in Seward WednesdHY or Thursday and it was thought an appraisal I lof the two plants could be made at that time. The Clerk was instru-/ Icted to send a letter to the S.L. & P. Co. requesting permission , f~hat an engineer be allowed to appraise their plant also does i iMr. Welch have the authority to sell the plant or does he have to !consult the former owners.(This letter was mailed the next day and ;a copy is in the City files) Clmn. Kennedy made a motion that this !letter be sent, seconded by Clron. Seferovich a..~RK~~X*~ and all 'Clmn. voted favorably-motion carried. , i Clmn. Sellers moved that the following tax adjustment be made:1 ~hat the lot assessed the highest be held at that figure and the i 'lower taxed lot be raised to that of the higher lot. All other ; iconditions as to valuation being equal. An entire new lot assessment ' , !was worked out and basic values on M...... 4th avenue, set with ~ sliding scale going east and west. Basic values were set also lusing Jefferson St as a dividing line due to the fact that there lwas no sewer system north of it. ! Clmn. Seferovich made a motion that a fire plug be put in at !Second and B streets also that the Council authorized that the Irent be paid on same. Clmn. Painter seconded the motion. all voted favorably-motion carried. I After discussion it was decided that the Board of Equalization ~as to meet From 7:00 P.M. till 9:00 P.M. on Aug. 23-24-25-26-27 __, in the Council Chambers. The Clerk was instructed to have a notice , 'of these meeting~ printed for three editions before the ~3 rd in th+ iSeward Polaris also to post notices at the City Hall, Post Office I land the City Dock. Clmn. Painter moved that this action be taken ' 'Clmn. Sellers seconded and all voted favorably-motion carried. Clmn. Painter moved to adjourn seconded by Clmn. Sellers ~ll voted yes-adjourned at 11:10 P. M. ~'~ , At~City Clerk. Approved- Mayor. ,.("',' . r.. .' '-', 7' <--H~ </ ,.LI1~Hd"1 -, . Regular meetin! Aug. 16, 1948. '~r;" ~,~ ' 'I I t The Mayor called the meeting to order at 8:10 P. M. ~ll presen'. he Minutes of meetings of Aug. 2nd and 9th were read, and epproved. i" Mr. Joseph M. Morgan of the Buregu of ReclAmation spoke of wha~ hat Bureau had done in the States. They had been over the Territor~ rom Ft. Yukon to Nome, from the Kenai Peninsula to S. E. ~laska. e had been looking at Crescent, Grant and Lost Lakes to determine ! heir possibilities. The Clerk was instructed to sAnd a letter to: laska Investigation Office, burectu of Reclamation, Juneau, Alaska., he rates the Bureau of Reclamation charged would be based oft 3% Int. n all money invested with original capital investment to be retired n 50 years, Rate might be l~ or under delivered to the City at the ~ 'ity limits. Mr. Morgan stated electricity would be sold first to a unicipality or rural co-operative then if there was surplus elect-! icity it could be sold to private utilities. He also stated his ~ureau had been dir.cttdto make investigations is ,laska and to re~ort ~o Congress. asking for specific appropriations for given hydro projects. After answering questions by the audience he retired from ~he meeting. . Mr. P. J. Fails spoke regarding Vets Housing Committee the ollowing were elected at a meeting held by the tenants:Mrs John O'~ay ike Dotson, Edmond Endresen, albbie Slayden and F. E. stark. . 1mB. Kennedy~teefD~ the Committee be accepted, seconded by Clmn. ainter. Clmn~&Cast ~e only no vote-motion carried. This committee: s to ~ron out problems of the firea so less time of the Council ispaed ~n set!lng problem s of the tenants. I A letter from Lloyd A. Morley Dist.SanatariBn of Anchorage was read regarding the rat problem of the City dump. Methods of ~oiSOning were explained. Mr. Harvey asked to have a lot near the C~,ty ~p to put a Quonset hut on and then be appointed City Dog Catcher. e would also put out poison for the rats on the dump. How to handle the dump was discussed at some length. Clron. Kennedy moved that . ~r. Harvey be allowed to put his building on a lot in B 8 Laub. Add. or the time of one year and that he be appointed ve~ OateRe~~~~ e put on Fred Kielcheski' s pay roll. Seconded by Clron. Painter..' '" Imn. Miller cast the only no vote so motion carried. I Pat Friede spoke about furnishing a new truck to the City. . ~t was brought out that the City would not be able to pay for a . ruck in 30 days anyhow. Mrs. Lechner was to be requested to write he Council a letter stating when she could make delivery on a Ford ~ruck. Clron. Kennedy moved that the City put out bids for a dump ~ruck to be used to haul garbage with. Price to be bid on per worki~g hour of time actually used by the City. Owner to keep truck in repa~r ~he City to furnish gas and oil. Notices to be printed in the Polar~s ~nd put up in three places in the City. Motion seconded by Clmn. Se~- rrovich All voted yes-motion carried. L A letter from Earl M~ Cass was read regarding dirt back of his ~ot. Clmn. Kennedy moved he be allowed 60 days t&me from date to ~ove said ditto Seconded by Clmn. Miller all voted yes-motion carried. ~ letter from R. E. Baumgartner was read renuesting his bill for I remiun on Insurance policies be paid.Clmn. Sellers moved that the ! hanges in lot valuations agreed upon at the meeting of Aug. 9, 194~. ~e printed in the Polaris. Seconded by Clmn. Kennedy all voted yes- motion carried. Copy of same is attached hereto. Clmn. Referovich ~oved that Mrs. Lings correction of Henrietta's figures be put on the pew tax roll. Clmn. Kennedy seconded motion-Clmn. Sellers cast the pnly no vote so motion carried. City ~ttorney Hutton presented change orders for the Vets Hous~ froject. This showed that the City was due $10,600.00 This subject ~as discussed for an hour and a half and it is hoped a start can be made to wind up the affairs in the near future. ! The Mayor read a letter stating the Hospital must have a new ~oof which would cost about $1500.00. Clmn. Seferovich moved bids be ~ent out for roofing the Hospital with aluminum sheeting and flashing the labor of putting roofing on to be included in bid. Seconded by Clmn. Miller all voted favorably-mOtion carried. Clmn. Miller said I ' ilights wer,~ out on the ends of the 2 breakwatlers at the small boat harbor thete should be working so fishing boats could gGt in at night. blmn. Sellers moved to adjourn seconded by Glmn. Dahl all favored ~he motion ad'journed at 12:30 fie M. '3 A tte~ ty I I 07f) l') ~I ..:;.0..,. Special meeting Aug. 30, 1948. 1 ----~ The Mayor called the meeting to ~ order at 8:00 P.M. Present-Mayor Lanier, Clmn. Dahl, Kennedy, Miller, Painter IAbsent- Seferovich ~ Dr. Sellers came in at 9:15 i The Mayor read the agreement for the Council to sign with the Territorial Road Commission to obtain'18,OOO.00 to improve the Small Boat Ha~bor. Clmn. Miller moved that the Mayor and the Clerk tbe authorized to sign this agreement so funds could be had to 'do this improvement work. Seconded by Clmn. Kennedy all voted favorably-motion carried. Clmn. Painter moved that W.J. Wagner be given a deed for land ito erec' a radio on. With the understanding that this deed be I'in force as long as the land was being used for a radio station. Seconded by Miller all voted favorably-motion carried. , The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Ross mann to get Ihis two buildings off of the land deeded to W.J. Wagner for the iradio station. He was to do this in ten days. ! Clmn. Painter moved that T.O.Harvey be appointed City Pound [Master, seconded by Clmn. Kennedy voting yes Dahl, Kennedy Painter iNo-Miller Motion carried. See Ord. 127 passed July 20, 1936. I Clmn. Painter moved for the clerk to write a letter to the ]Army Engineers requesting the Small 'Boat Harbor be dredged and lakwaters repaired also a fence placed at both ends of the tunn "in Lowell Canyon to keep people from getting hurt. beconded by Clmn. Miller all voted favorably motion carried. I lviayor Lanier requested Dr. Sellers be appointed acting Mayor IWhile he goes outside for 30 days. If Dr. Sellers can not act ,then Clmn. Painter is to act. Clmn. Miller moved Jack Roth's request for reduction in taxes not be allowed, seconded by Sellers all voted yes motion carried. Clmn. Sellers moved H. A. Stearns be allowed to pay $1.00 each on L 1 and 2 B18 Town. and all-his other property at regular valuations. Seconded by Painter all voted yes motion carried. , Clmn Kennedy mOYed that Mrs. Grace Burke,Andy and Sis Rasmussen land ~. Swanson be allowed their taxes at ~l.OO a year. Seconded 'by Sellers all voted yes-motion carried. I Clma. Painter moved that freight bills of $31.53 on Cat treads land grader tires be paid. Seconded by Clmn. Miller all voted yes 'motion carried. I Clmn. Miller moved that Gus Manthey be employed by the city Ito be on duty at the City Fire Station while Fred Kielcheski was fon vacation. Mr. Manthey was to do this to pay the taxes on his iresidence porperty. Seconded by Clmn. Sellers all voted yes Motion !carried. : Clmn. Painter moved the money due City for use of City Cat l~orking for James Cameron be used to install windows and doors in the new fire hall. Seconded by Kennedy all voted yes motion I (Carried. Clmn. Miller moved to adjourn-seconded by Painter all voted yes-motion carried. Adjourned 10:15 P I 13 . IAtt~ty I I bre-! ell [ , I l I l ", L-' _. . . '.. , 'WJ' . ~ ? ~ . . ~.. ,~ .. ,.... ~ Special Meeting Sept. 17, 1948. I 1- M~eting called to order at 8:-10 P.~. by acting Mayor seller~.- ..---- Those present were Dahl, Kennedy, Miller, Painter and Seferovich. Miller moved the City maps be sold for $10.00 each ~econded by ~eferovich all voted favoBably motion carried. I The payroll for August was read Clmn. Kennedy moved that it be !P8id with the exception of the bill for Russell Painter. Seconded by Seferovich-All voted favorably-motion carried. 'Total was $5,455.95 Clmn. Uiller moved that the City lel~l he lots between the M.E; Church and the Spic and Spen Cleaner~~ he first grade children would have a place to play. This is due 0 the fact so many f'rst graders are registered that half of them are going to school in the Chureh basement. oeconded by Glmn. Dahl ..11 voted favorably motion carried. Dr. Sellers Acting Mayor read the delinquent tax roll Which tota~ed Real Property $6186.37 Personal Property $1375.42 Int. $104c.36 Grand total $8,604.15 Clmn. Seferovich moved the above delinquent tax roll be accepted and turned over to the City E Attorney for collection. Clmn Miller seconded motion-all voted yes-motion carri~d. Glmn. Kennedy moved That Paul Svedeen's personal taxes be adjusted from $6,000.00 to $~,500.00 as Mr. Ivdeen thought the essessor wanted to know the sale price of his establishment. Seconded by Glmn. Dahl all voted yes-motion carried. Clmn. Kennedy moved that \I. H. Estes be appointed Inspector and buperintendent of the job of putting in the f~oat at the Small Boat Harbor and to find all the necessary materials and place orders for same. His pay to be 81000.00 payable at the completion of the project. Seconded by Clmn. Miller all voted yes motion carried. ~uite a discussion was had about Jack Roth's taxes but they were not changed. It was agreed house meqsurement standards in town shoUld be changed for another year. I Roy R. Briggs ~~a R~~ v. M~Q.~ asked for a license to operate la club or bar in the old Legion Club Stand. Request tabled till th~ : next regula"'meeting. . Glmn. Miller moved Oct. 20 be set as a delinquent date for all taxes Seconded by Kennedy all voted favorably motion carried. I Painter moved to adjourn Seconded by Seferovich all voted favorably : motion earri.d. ,',djourn.d"t ll<O~~~~~ i3~ . oQ::-MaYOr. lHte~City I I ,:jo;' .. ")...,. A _ " ,r,;;: .. fr, ""1' ::: =--==~___ R8gular Meeting Sept. 20, 1948_______====== ---i-The meeting was called to order at 8: 10 P. M. by Acting-Mayor I ~ellers. Present were Councilmen Da~l, Kennedy, Miller, Painter andl eferovich. Peter Hoffman taxes of $31.69 was brought up and Clmn. Seferovich moved that no change be made as the house could be : ieasily rented, Sec. Painter all voted yes-motion carried. i Letter f~om James Cameron was read but no action was taken. this , I ~as regarding his taxes. The Clert was instructed to give Sales Tax forms to business ~en and put notices of their avaliability in both papers. . I Olman Miller rooved the school bond and Interest due Oct. 1, 1948\ ibe ~~ paid-seconded Seferovich-all voted yes-Motion carried. : Letter from Jack Jordan, Mgr. Seward Electric System was read ~egarding a bill against Nils Hagen for $7,5.00. Clmn. Painter oved it was a just bill and should be paid. Seconded by Glmn. Kennedy Yes-Kennedy, Miller. Painter and Geferovich. No-Dahl Motion carried. \ , , I i A letter from Kenneth Sheldon was read regarding en option he I bad paid $50.00 on for lot 15 block 21 asking for the return of hisr ~oney. Clmn. Seferovien moved the money be refunded Sec. Glmn. ~ainter-Yes-all-motion carried. , Let~er from Supt. of Schools Carl Carlson was read regarding the increase in expenses due to large f.rst grade enrollment. Inerease ,in the City s.hare of expenses would be $1073.00 Clron. Seferovich moved this added expense be assumed by the City Sec. by Glmn. iKennedy. ieU voted yes-motion carried. I Letter from A. D. McDonald was read regarding a linuor dispens- ary license. Clmn. Miller rooved this letter be filed and kept for luture action. Sec. by Clron. Kenned~ All voted yes-motion carried. Clmn. Kennedy moved that Delinquent Tax notices be printed and Ithe bid of iB Seward Polaris at $31.50 be accepted. All voted ~es- ~otion carried. Glmn. Painter seconded motion. , The request of Roy R. Briggs for a liquor license was discussed. Plmn. Kennedy moved he be granted a license Sec. Dahl. Yes-Dahl and ~ennedy No-Miller, Painter, Seferovich motion lost. l I Clmn. Mi}ler movedhthatbMrh',andd It4rsh. Ll.G.Krabmers diUtep struckKat 1 ' 'ithe bid of ~2.50 per our e lre 0 au gar ag,e w p' ec. enne.y All voted yes-motion carried. ; , Clmn. Kennedy moved the building assessed at $452.00 be struck i ~rom the tax roll of G. E. Martin as it had not been moved into . ~he City Limits till in July.Sec. by Clmn. Miller 811 voted yes- ~otion carried. . Glmn. Painter moved to adjourn Sec. Miller all voted yes-motion carried. XdI Adjourned 10:20 P. M. ,-.:t ~ ~ IA tte~i ty f:1k/ ~~~ ) ,,) ,...., -., -<. ", .1: ~ Reguler Meeting Oct. 4, 1948. I Dr. Sellers, Actin~ Mayor cplled the ~eeting to order At A:05P.~. 'hose present were Councilmen Dphl, Kennedy, lAllIer, PpinteT' Hel ~3n(1 'eferovich. The minutes of Sept. 20 were read and approved. Clmn. Miller moved that $169.00 be accepted as Personal Tax on 'he Ma~t Variety ~tore for IJ46 from Vergil ~entmire. The interest of $ '~2~R $42.99 be waived. Clmn. Kennedy seconded the motion-all v~d avorably-motion carried. r Mr. P. J. Fails read and submitted a report of the Seward ~eterans Housing Project. ~ letter from Mrs. Hachel Crawford was read about her taxes. . he thought s~~ should pay $175.00 ~he Council thought she should ay the amoun~ssessed. Councilman Kennedy moved Thos. Howell be allowed $,50.00 for elping the City Clerk with the tax roll. Vet's Housing work and arious things in the Clerks office. However no allowance was to be ade for vacation pay that Mr. Howell did not take while working. 'lmn. PAinter seconded motion those voting yes: Jahl, Kennedy, reinter and ~e~erovich Voting no: Miller Motion carried . A letter from The BanK of Seward was read about the assignmen~ ~f Fred C. Howard. No amount due Mr. Howard has been approved ~nd so noti~y the rlank. i Glmn. Seferovich moved Seward Hardware Co. offer to handle thE! ~ardware for the Small Boat Harbor at 10% be accepted. Chm. Miller. ~econded the ~otion all voted yes motion carried. i Fred Kielcheski spoke at length on the pumps for the salt ~ater main. He said they were both out of order and new pumps should !be bought. , Carol E. Gage new owner of the Reliable Cab spoke of running ~ bus to the T. 1:l. San and Jesse Lee !lome. He wanted more space in. ~ront of the Cab stand to park his bus only-not taxicabs- so he could ~ark parallell to~he curb. Clron. Seferovich moved Mr. Gage be allowed space beginning 10 ft. south o! the Fire Hydrant that is just north of the t>ewA rd LAundry to a poin:("'even wi th the Laundry Building. [his would be in front of Lots ~nd 2 Block 10 of the Townsite. lihis space is to be used for the bus only and it must be parked ~arallell to the curb. Clmn. Painter seconded the motion all voted ~avor8bly-motion carried. i Mr. Frank Woods asked if the city dump w~s to be cleaned up pIma. Painter said the City would break down the edge of the dump ~nd then cover it up, with gravel. ~ Clmn. ~eferovich moved a bounty of 10~ be paid on rats. ^ fund f ;10.00 WBS to be used. Seconded by Clmn. Painter-all voted es -motion carried. . The City Payholl for September was read totalling $3883.90 plmn. Kennedy moved that it be paid. cieconded by Cl~n. Seferovich ~ll voted yes-motion carried. The City Council sitting as a board of review finds that the ~ssessment of Leo and Bobby ])ougla:i-~s excessive and the correct ~~81ue for assessment purposes be auced from $7,000.00 to $3,000.00 n Personal Property. 0n from ~35,OOO.OO to $23,000.00 he Council is acting in a co ce with the last four lines of ~ec.4 bf Ordinance No. 162./( ~8'7,fJ'j/" . 1 wOITed billo--total-H.-np, ItIl,-43:J.3l:: be-paidmat-- f;econded bj , hI-those voting yes ~hl, Kennedy, iA~~nd ~eferovich. Clmn. Pain ote on account of ~~i bill to lbe allowed. Motion carried. --- I Clmn. Kennedy moved to jell ':oted yea lliot-ion eorri- I , ""'-=-o.-=-~-=-__ -~~ I I -------- --- ------- ,- ~-t~t G+ty {'lerk. lIli ller IIUIK ,^,eting iAoyor.- 11 ~ if ~r--: l>JI""'l.,.1 i,~' ~) ~ \) Oct. 4,1948 Cont. I ~The following bills were presented by the Clerk for paynent; I"".seward Electric System $3257.20 i.iebb& Webb 189.00,; Andy's Oil Delivery 1960.32 Seward Mach. Shop 6G9.00 ~Seward Hardwarwe 319.57 R. D. Muller 297.49' '~B. E. Baumgartner 1105.60 Pat Bogan 80.700/1 ~Seward Light & Power 377.49 Seward Metal Works 6.25 ;::voyles Furniture Store 29.30 Werner's Market 330.33" ~eward liater Co. 1347.85 Kenai Coop Trdg. Co. 18.90(0/ , "''I'he Mart V ari ety 10.75 Nora Lee Erdmann 135.00 y : "-'Northern Comm. Co. 529.66 Gerritt Hoogland 4.50 ~Seward Trading Co. 18.99 Stewart & Muir 222.77v ~Seward 0rug Co. 33.55 Gentry Shuster 28.751 ~ohn Paulsteiner 11.85 Aron Erickson 11.00/ ~sbo Electrie Supply 369.60 City Express 5 5G ~Eads Bros. Service Stn. 24.28 Kenai Electric Co. 1:1~1 John ColemAn(Polaris) 3l.50J Total 11387.82 Councilman Miller moved that these bills be paid-seconded by Clmn. Dahl Those voting yes-Dahl, Kennedy, Miller and Seferovich. Painter-no vote as he had a bill to be paid. Motion Carried. Clmn. Kennedy moved to Adjourn seconded by Clmn. Miller All voted yes motion carried. ~djourned at 11:30 P. M. ! Attest-City Clerk. : 3'(f :~~***~~**~**~~~**~** ~PhGIAL , Meeting called to order by l)~.Sellers, acting mayor at 8:25 P.M. 'Councilmen present: Miller, Painter, &eferovich and Dahl. The ,Minutes of Oct. 4 were read and approved. H. E. Baumfartner spoke of lAnd that was sold to .Haymond Lee for taxes and he resold to Loren Petel'son. Land was assessed to ~nna K. Thompson. This matter was turned over to Mr. Hutton and iMr. Baumgartner for settlement. , ii. J. .iagnerpresente'd his cas~s to ownership osifand for a :radio station. it appears he is setting on City property but the imap he was iAing was not correct. Mr. Wagner dffered to pay for the !surveying to accurately locate the lAnd for his rgdio station. ~He also offered to broadcast information to the Police about 'emergencies when he got the station working. Clmn. Seferovich moved a road be surveyed and put in opening G Street between ~nd and 4th Avenues. Clmn. Painter seconded imotion all voted yes-motion carried. I Clmn. Miller moved James Cameron be paid $6, 673.46 for his contt- jact of putti ng in the Home Economics room in the basement of I Ithe Public School. This money to come from the Sales Tax School Fund. Clmn. ,)ahl seconded motion all voted yes-motion carried. I tl letter from D. C. Brownell about sewer assessnent read. ' rie is refusing to pay said assessment. Letter dqted 10-17-48. This matter referred t" Mr. Hutton for advice. Clmn. Seferovich moved that $3,000.00 be paid6from the Uen. ~Fund to the school bORrd so the teAchers salaries could be paid 'for October. .,lso thiS money is to be repaid from the Sales Tax '::'chool Fund, when there is enough to do so. Clmn Miller seconded motion all voted yes-motion carried. I Supt. Carl Carlson stated the cess pool at the school had ,begun to sink-as much as 12 to 18 inches. Officer Turnbull requested curfew be sounded for children of . 15 yeors and under. Curfew to be blown at 9 :00 P.M. ~o;/. ___) nights and 10: OOP. M. Friday and Saturday nights. df ~ ftvc..J4f,i I Glmn. Painter moved that money from the Gen. Fund be use~ ita pay Health and ~elfare Council for 11 years pledge to the : 'Territory this will pay up to July 1. 1949. This amounted to $1.350.00'and the check was to be made to Seward Public Health land delfare Council. Also the rent for the Public Health Nurse's Office was to be paid, 13 months at ~79.00 per month or $1027.00 This was for rent from Sept. 8, 1947 to Oct. 8, 1948. :i;:.);~,.~~,,:,-t ,; ~ "erD 13 j;. 7? Meeting of. eept. c5, 1948 Cont. I Clron. ~eferovich seconded motion 911 voted yes-motion carried This check totalling $2377.00 was turned over to Katheryn Ling , . ~. ' t t Secretary of the SRward health CouncIl. Attorney Carl J. Hutton read a letter from the Federal Housing --uthority and it qppeare things will be cleared up soon.A letter from Maurice Jee reed-and held for reference. The following bills were read by the Clerk: Pat's Garage $318.61 rlm. Estes $27.20 Hamilton's Garage 84.86 City Express 888.00 H. W. Hunt for 85.50 j~ ILi~'/.,/7 printing Glmn. Sererovich moved to paj these bills. seconded by Clmn. Miller voting yes: Miller, Seferovich, Dahl. Painter no vote as one of these was his bill(City Express). Motion carried. Seward Electric System bills were read for the month of Sept. Bonds & Int. $6760.85--Salaries $3010.00--Misc. bills $4890.74 Total $14. 661. 59 Painter Moved to Pay these bills, seconded by Miller all voted yes-Motion cqrried. Mr. Gus Manthey was hired to work at the Fire station while FFed Kielcheski was on vac8tion/ For this work he wns to be allowed the taxes on his residence property for the years 1946, 1947 and 1948. this amounted to t146.49 and no withholdinil; tax was to be t~ken out. Warrant No. c395 was issued to cover. Clron. Miller moved that anotner notice of delinquent taxes be sent our. Clmn. Dahl seconded Motion-all voted yes:Motion carried. CI~n. Miller moved to ~~IB adjourn ~econded by Seferovich. ell ~ voted yes-motion carried. ~djourned 11:40 P.M. 1.$.Clc;:q,~ ~ I I :Y7~ ,,!) ~ \" ." Regular Meeting Nov. 1, 1948. ----------r--- I ~8yor Eugene N. Lanier calle1 the meeting to order et 8:10 P.k.! iClmn. present, Dahl, Kennec1y, Miller pni Painter. Both Clmn. ' ~ellers And Saferovich CRme in R few minutes lete. The minutes of Oct. 25 were reAd Rnd Rpnroved. The Gler~ rrRd the PRY roll for Oct. Dr. Sellers noved to PAY ISRme. Clron. Kenneoy seconded thoRe voting yes-Clmn. DRhl, Kennedy ~iller, Seferovich pnd Cellers. elmn. Printer no vote AS he hAd p ~ill to be pAid. TotAl PRY roll$3510.04 . The Clerk WAS instructed to write e lettrr to the 50ei8l ~ecurity Boarrl Rnll see if the City employees could be be included i* iit. The Clerk was also instructed to write R letter to Roy Henningt~n ~f Seldovin for CRble Bnd bucket he pulled into the Bay when drnggi*g ~ Jay bOAt into the weber west of the City Jock. SRid equipment I ~ein~ City Property. I P. J. FAils S.V.H.P. mAnAger haA left town And his money is !short. This WAS discussed and differeflt things he rl'1d 'ione wes ~rought out. ERrl Cass spoke of flUBS he has rendy to put in Bnd i fApyor Lnnier is to flO with him '1!l" oecide wh8t to do about inst81Ii~p; Ithem. i MAyor L8mier brouRht up the fBCt that the Sewqr~ Ge~erAI Hosp- ital is needin? A roof badly as five of the rooms are leakine ~8dly. It npnRArs there is no IGBSe in existence at pre~ent. Dr. 6ellers moved thAt nIl bids thAt hAve been recBived UD to :d<>tebbB rBjecten, sPCOnd8G hy Clrnn. J.1iIler-All voted :'83- motion ~prr~on furnishinB q ERrbp~e truck. , Dr. Sellers moved the City cp11 for bids on A 2 and a 2~ Ton ~ump truck. Glmn. Kennedy seconded motion-all voted yes-motIon !cprried. The City is going to buy only one truck And reserves the jright to reject nny and All hids. The Clerk is to post bids in three ~18ces in town And to edvertise t~is in the locpl paper. All bids :,to be in not later thRn 3:00 P.ih. Nov. 15, 1948. . Clmn. Kennedy moved thAt Tom Babcock's lo~uor license be ~ransferred to Inez Belderston. Slmn Seferovich seconded motion ~ll voted yes-motion carried. / , The Clerk was ta inptructed to tAke thB Sales Tax return of jthe SeWArd MAchine Shop to i:r. HutttJn Ci tel Htorney for study snd anstructions AS to the hAndlinE of SAme. I The CHi En~in8er Wm. Estes was instruct8d to send p new ~ity mqp to tha BureAU of the Census to aid in the tqking of the 11950 census. Dr. Sellers moved that the City buy back R part of Lot 33 plock 10 of the Original T.ownsite-pRrcel .10feet by 40fget or a ~iddle section. This was to be bought for$14.34 from Mrs. NorR ILee E.rdmann/ Motion seconded by Clron. illiller all voted yes-motion icarried. I Clmn. Kennedy moved to f'd~ourn seconded by Glmn. ;'U-ller ~ll voted yes motion carried. Adjourned 11:40 P.M. .,. 13t~t "t ~l 1r~ .' "it es -1-'1 y CfJ,k~ "f ' , . MAyor. (v 7 D -'-''-1 v;; 'v -7 j ;( ~--VL/~'1 ) i ,-, --, \ ~. . ~ .~ '. ~ " Regular Meeting Nov. 15, 1948. ri Mayor Lanier Called the meetin~ to order at 8:15 P. M. --------- Clmn. Present-Dahl. Kennedy, Miller, Painter and Sellers. ~bsent- ~eferovich . The Minutes of Nov. 1 were read and approved. I A closed meeting was called for the purpose of hearing ~uditor Jer~ [Foley's report on P. J. Fails' books of the S.V. H. P. ,Clmn. Miller moved the Auditor's report be accepted Clmn. Kennedy :seconded the motion. All vobed yes-motion carried. ~ix reports were received one copy of which was turned over to Carl J. Hutton. Clmn. Miller moved Arnold Apted who lived in Unit 29 of the V.H. be refunded $30.00 seconded by Kennedy all voted yes-motion carried. Clmn. Painter is to examine work done at S.V.H.P. and report on bills presented at this meeting. Said bills to be paid if he fines the work done as claimed. Dr. Sellers moved the Seward Volunteer Fire Department bill of $1412.50 be paid Clron. Miller seconded motion all voted yes-motion carried. Kennedy and Painter were firemen so could not vote. Clmn. Miller moved the City buy the 2Ton G. M. C. truck subroitted by the Hamilton Garage. This is a dump truck priced at $3633.00 . f.o.b. Seattle. Painter seconded motion all voted yes-motion carrie~. Fire Chief Fred Kielcheski to give Hamilton's the specifications for the bed. Mayor Lanier r~ad the Hospital lease in full and nothing was found where the City was obligated to repair the building. Unless the Hospital Board meets and finds Otherwise. Write the Hospital a letter. ~upt. of Schools Carl Car~son stated the school would need more class room space next year. One class is being held outside the building now. It was likely one more High School teatiher would have to be hired next year. A Special meeting was called for next Monday night Sept. ~2 and' the Gchool Board is requested to be there. Clron. Kennedy moved a radio be put in the Police Gar-limit of $100.00, installed,to be placed on cost of same. Clmn. Miller seconded motion-all voted yes -notion carried. A letter from D. C. Brownell WRS read asking secrecy in regard to reports of Sales Tax.KM~M~Mij. A letter from Asst. Secy. of the Interior' ,i. C. Warne was read in regard to improving the airport. ~ Committee is to be appointed ,to determine just what is needed. i[ A report of the Health Council was read. Glmn. Miller moved to adjourn seconded by IAIl voted yes.~ 13~~~ ,Attest~ty Cle~. ! I ... I ... Painterl\adjourned 12.10 P.M. Mayor. ~~.~. ~~.. I '~ ) '~'; ,/a ~ ~~..",! Special Meeting Nov.22, 1948. --r--- Mayor Lanier called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. ----1- ---- ~ll the Councilmen were present. The purpose of this meetin~ is to I Isee what could be done about getting more class room space for the I Ischool. The basement of the Methodist Church is being J used at ipresent for one-half of the first grade. Supt. of Schools Carl !Carlson spoke explaining present conditions. One possibility was to iextend the present building northward. Also a new building could be erected on the.School Reserve by the swirmning pool. Another ipossibility is to get a new hospital and use the present hospital Ifor school purposes. In that case a considerable amount of money !would have to be expended in re-habilitating the hospital so it i~ould be used as a school and it would still be an old building. ~i two story building is the cheapest eo construct and to heat. ! Mrs. Beryl ~agner thought a new building for the grade school ~ould be the the ideal set up. Supt Carlson thought a building co- Ivering the anticipated needs for the next five years should be put lup. The School Board WRS present and their opinion was that IArchitect William A.Manley's plan should be..~arried out. ! The Mayor read a letter from CulbertK&' Olson extending the itime for floating a bond issue another 60 days. Mr. Hutton, City ~ttorney was requested to write them asking for still more time Ifor preparation to issue bonds. .As Mr. Carlson had met ft&t.. ~r. Culbertson he was re~uested to write to the Oompany asking if ,the~ would handle the Cify General Obligation Bonds up to an amountl lof $125,090.00. .: : Dr. bellers had to leave to take care of a pat1ent. : rJ ! Clmn. Painter moved 3 special election be called for Dec. Go--r?~J( !to vote on issuing up to $125,000.00 General Obligation bonds for , b School addition. Clmn. Kennedy seconded motion those voting yes- , I'Dahl, Kennedy, Miller, Painter and Seferovich. Motion carried. Notice of election is to be published in the paper and posted in 'three public places-City riall, Post Office and City Jock. The ~udges and Clerks are to be appointed at the next Council meeting. ! Clmn. Painter moved that $5,700.00 be turned over to the School Board to pay te achers salaries, from the Sales Tax School Fund-seconded by Seferovich-those voting yes-Dahl, Kennedy, Miller i Painter and Seferovich-motion carried. Mr~ Wagner requested an itemized statement of what the city has spent this school year for the school from the Gen Fund and the ISales 'Tax fund. I The U. S. O. was discussed and it was ~ade plain the City [could not open and run it at the City's expense. The various org3- Inizations would have to combine an? operate i~ themse~ves. : , The wat~r system and it's var10US leaks 1n the d1fferent pArts 'of town were discussed for some time. It was hoped A plan could ; 'be worked out whereby the water Co. would look of tel' the system ' :and stop the leaks ggicker. Mayor Lanier and Clmn. Painter were ito see Hedley Davis and see if this could not be drrenged for. Clmn. Kennedy moved to adjourn-seconded by Clmn. Miller-All Ivoted yes -motion CArried. Adjourned 10:20 P. M. '~ Att::@;ity Mayor. e.r 1. ;t iIf. .. .c.~, -I f4~ ~ ~ ------------ ~_/, (, _lr4'1 , I/~. -fjd/ f*(~ f r:-.: 1$/. ~. ~~ M ltl~ f ~? VI J-- r ,~ r-' In the Mat ter of the < Appl~oHtio~ (')f}i;;;,,,~t~) ~,' I 'h.IT.I !md IJJ~~r,.) .,.. ~".IJ.ll for H Beverage Diopf)na~rY Li'iuor Lioens8 OUT~)rDl!: of the C')rpornte Ur,i te of S;~dARJ"t' J~lasbl, but J wit -in t~ cti i3tnnoe of ) tfOO miles of !l pJ,rti 011 ) ()f the Oi t,y of ,:eVlord. . ) ) 'W~4f4 7J~ t---r,49 · . +- ( tk./-~..~ 'br~ d Jv', ~-S. __' KE f;'P W -ri- II t11 Jt! t1re~ '___ - 'l'llI..;. 1::, '",'" :.,;&:n}'Y,~:Lat the C:>lzunon Gounoil of the Ci ty of SKI.rul.I>, A.laska, b,y Vlay of Supplement to tha .:~pplioat1on of Howard J. :lli1ith ftn',~ ;:orL : . ':,mi th fOl" t1 n~verJ\r6 )itlpensRry I.i :luor Li :ense, for th,itir pInos of business knOWLr flB the It .."~G:;N,:m~;u.l!, situa.te a.pprox. two :dlas fro:!: the City :)f 3m,~,.rd,\lr18k<I, DC~ ~1'''-::'~,1~')B''f' ". "!:t'j"'jV? thL> l' ":.t,-:,,u' n"e 'b" t'~1~ .. .;..u.\- ,j .<\.... . J ~~_ ...;J .J,\:;jO ,-\~ ,1,.<1' J 1._ Ji13trict Court of auch Bev6::-age .Ji;3.pensRry LLtuor Licenae fn' tte ys'r 191.9 t::> sdd .p,plicants, in 80 far nB the smnE! :nHrt~.lins t::> !'Jld affeots the oi tizenJ .)1' the United "tates of ..meric'J, ov~~r tlw "'€:ti of ..;1 .yenr~l, residL:w withii. n rl1diuB of two miles of aHi(l .,f~gon ,ihaG.l di&pensGry, fl.n(LJ\J?j~ residirlg withiJl the_o9r~Or!!~JL,Ji!4.its of ..iJ;e~ ~iJ.y,_~ ~Je\Hlrd, ~,:-l.tlS!W ;~h8.t the Gomon Counoil hereby certifios thnt it hUt! no objectioll tv tho proximity of ~p,i.d ,.1..(.U: ,IL.:L 8st!1blL:sh~lent tv the \;i ty at! L.evmrd, an.d authorizes the l,,-pplicantH tv offo:- thhi Gurtifio!.te HS tin e iui valent of the oensus ;jr;!~teneIlt pertninixli'; b thr,t jlorti()Lt of the City fA-l:ing wi th- in the snid 1~1,'plic<Ult3' pertiuont u'eli. Dated A-t :;ew1'lrd ,~la6hl this 22nd November 19M3. GI:'l ~. r 't" 'Ti'l .. , ',rr.. '- .~4',", i... "".~ Bjr _ " hhyor d,ttest: Sunicipal Elerk~ :~~ >~ ~~ Reeular meeting Dee. 6, 1948. ~i'- Mayor LRnier called the meeting to orrter pt 8:15 P.M. All were present but Clmn. Painter. The minutes of Sept Ib add 22 were read Bnd approved. Cl mn. Painter came in At 8:25 Mr. Clarence De ~olfe JRnitor of the school stated he was required to burn the examination papers on the school ground. Only an open oil drum is available so on a windy dqy it becomes R ~istinct fire haZArd. Fire C~ief Kielcheski stated 8 hranch of t~e >> City should not burn rubbish in open bareells when the firemen 8re attempting to stop such practice. R. E. Bpumgartner spoke of the Old Methodist Church building I thAt is being sold, to the Lutheran Church. He is trying to clear the title to this property Lot 33 Block 15 Original Townsite. I Dr. Sellers movfld thRt this paper, presented by i;1r. BRurr.gertner, be signed showing the City did sell L.33 B. 15 Townsite to the Methodist Church. Clmn. Miller seconded motion-all voted-yes- motion CArried. Dr. Sellers moved the Council sign the Certificate of Approvnl presented hy R. E. BAumgartner regarding the petition of The ii--,gon 'iihef'l Night Club.J_ copy of this ;:>etition is sttached hereto. f.:econded by Clmn. Miller-KX];( 811 voted yes-motion carried. A bpeciRl ~eeting is called for MondAY Dec. 13_to meet with the Linuor DeAlers. The purpoRe is for the said 0ealcrs to show CRuse RS to why their licenses should not be increAsed. Notice of this meeting wes handed to each And every Liquor Dealer by the City police. Clmn. Kennedy moved the two Clubs, the ilks And the Legion, elld rll retAil LiqU9.J' Stores licenses be Approved. Glmn. Sellers seconded motion-nllvoted yes-motion CArried. The monthly SAlary payroll of ~3545.13 for Nov. was read. Clmn. Painter moved it be paid, seconded by Glmn. Sellers-allvoted yes-motion carried. Henry Frost's dheck of $6.00 was presented for hAuling garbage for 6 months. Glmn. Seferovich moved to pccept it Glmn. Hi1l8r seconded motion All voted yes-motion carried. ~ letter from the ~laskR Broadcasting Co., ~. J. "Agner owner was read saying he was in inter-stAte business and WRS not subject i to paying the City Sales Tax. A letter from the Seward MAchine Shop was reAd stn-':ing they eould furnish any kind of truck the City might desire. A letter from the Seward Hospital Board WAS read stating it is p City oG'igBtion to put R roof on the Hospital Suilding. The Clerk was instructed to write W~.C,.Erwin requestinG the Hosrital Board to Rppear At the regular meeting of ~ec. 20, 1948. I ::lmn. Kennpdy moved to adjourn Glmn. miller seconded motion All voted yes-motion carried. adjourned 11:05 P.M. I -' L 'l/l-C'-:k 1j./f~/~1. lattest~City ~jrk. I i J'A8yor. I I /;,,;., . ~ L.c .?~ 1 vZ<'<-'1~M'--<-r / -..-------- . . - ...~,..-.~ I _)\'!'It; ..)'\ . "-' ..,......, / Spe~'R1 MeRting ne~. 13, 1q4~. -t"-~---- ! Mayor LAnier cRlled the ~eBting to order Rt 8:20 P.M. I ~oll was c~lled those present:Ke~nedy~ Miller, P8inter, Seferov 'and Sellers. Absent-DRhl. R. E. Bpumgartner spoke for the Liq1lor Def-llerG ASSD. iHe sta ted that due to the slump in business for the la st 3 mor 14 months conditions were such .that the bar keepers could not pa Ian edditional license fee of ~500.00 I C. C. Starkey stwj stated his bAr had been going in the r IClmn. Painter stated the law WAS such thf-lt if the population of 19 town was 1500 or rnore the license was to he $1,000.00 r ~oss Mann stated the bArs were having trouble to make end Imeet. HAl Gilfillan stgted 62 people and their dependents got _ -Itheir livelihood fr~m operAting bArs here in Seward. There was Rn annual-pay-roll of ~127,000.00 One third of the gross income of the bars went to taxes federf-ll-territoriAl And city._ Sam Homack iSRid when 8 man is down don't step on him. The strike of 108 days Ihas been x very hard on the liquor dealers. Wrn. Novick stAted he thought the barR should have hpd earlier notice of an increase !in license fees. noss MRnn and R. E. Baumgartner stAted the Iburden of proof that a town hAd 1500 or more populAtion rested iupon the Gi ty of SewArd. I Clron. PAinter moved that at 7:00 P.M. Dec 14, 1948 A spec imeeting of the City Council ~e held to Approve or die-Approve !the beverage dispenser's licenses. Seconded by Glmn. ~ellers~ 11.11 ;voted yes-motion cRrried. Clmn. Paint8r fTloved to adjourn I'Clmn. Kennedy seconded motion-qll voted favorablY-fTlotion carried. AdJj;Jurned a~ 9: 30 P. My fC ,;,; ~/_ ,'1 _ I ...J/..~ f~/(./t "If, C.--t..- '-/ !." ~< '/ __AC~ ~. ~( ( iAttes"'-fitY c;rerk' (, 1!.8~Tor. ! SPEOIaL MEETING uECEooBErl 14, 1948. ~-r---------- I i -, 1 , I I ~8yor Lanier cplled the meeting to orner 8t 7:10 P.M. ~oll was celled and 811 Oouncilmen were present. The minutes of IDec. 13, were read. R. E. Baumgartner thought some were prejuduc d 18nd hostile to the BAr Keepers. He stated he had sent 8 letter t Ithe Council dAted Nov. 1, 1948 asking the licenses be approved. ~e spoke at some length on the merits of why the bars should not Ibe charfed the extra $500.00 Bob thou~ht the 13w of economics ishould put A bar out of husiness not the City Council. i Mayor LAnier And Ross. Mann SAid the Federal Govt. would gr Imoney to towns of less than 1500 population for sewers, WAter 'I 'systems and airports. The 1940 census figures would he accepted till 1950 if net for still a longer periOd. At lesst any project Ithat were started would be co~plete<<. , Dr. Gellers moved the Council approve the licenses of the ibeverRge dispensers. Glmn. Painter seconded the motion. All vote ifavorably-motion c8rried. , Glrnn. Kennedy moved to adjourn, motionrseconded by Clmn. iMi~er-Rll ~oted favorably-motion carried. ~djourned 9;O~ P.M. , 'J 'h71 I (( /7--/ iAtt~1 C;~y - c~e~~'~ .T G ~i-~;o'r: /1 /-,C,_~,-d /, .. ,,! ", .,,"',;,'" Regular MeAtin~ DAP. 20, 1948. I Mryor Lr>nier c~lle~ the meetinr to orrier at 8:15 ?~. _.~~u____ elmn. pr~sen~: Dr>~l, Kennedy, 'Eiller ?!1'1 '3ellRY'rs-f1,s8nt: PRintf~T'- Bnd Sefrrovich. The ~inutes of De~. 6-1~-14 ~ere reRct Rnd approved Er. W. C. l~rwin of the Hospit:'11 Board seid t:1e leAse st::,tncl certRin things the Hospitel WAS to do. If it is not specificRlly stotp.d t:lat the HOEpit'Jl do A given thing then by inference it is the duty of the City to do thRt thing. Dr. Sellers stqted the Hosri tRl is not operat80 8 s '3 general hosp! 1'ql but RS q lilethod'cst Church Hospit~l. Fgvors are shown the hospital doctor that are not accordArj Rn outside r1octor. '\ CenerAl discussion 'lias hR 1 Qhout the EospitHl fr0m thA becinning and the conclitions it hHS beert unner. CI~n. Kennedy moved p new roof be put on the H~s]itAl 8S soon os q WRY CAn be found to rBise the money for sRm~. So~ethin~ i defin8'te to be clone '.'Ii t~in 90 d'1Ys; Glmn. ililler seconclp,d fTJotion- pll voted yes-motion ca~ried. Mayor Lpnier ~ppointed elmn. Paint~r I "nd Miller PS 8 co~mittee to cet ~:o;(lethinE 'ione. lAurl Trpvetr.'1~ spoke of getting the U.5.0. opened for civic purposes. He spirl it was to be tried far 4 ~anths anrt see how it worJ.:ed out. Mqyor Lpnier said the City wouli continllp to :'P~' " sum enual to t:1fl light And fuel bill for the month of uec. Murl SAid SA8son tickets ;ould he sold for $10.00 and thought oAny people would buy them to help the move get started. He thought insurance should h~ written so if 8 child of 8 poor fsmily broke An Arm the chili could hAve hosDit81iz8tion. i.lurl thought 9 smoker cou1(; he put 'on when thel'A 1"188 no' boat pt dock and ;~500.00 he ffiRde. Glmn. Mill8P moved the Ct~r.fttorney draw un B lease with the Seward Athletic Associeti0n to be signed Jpn. 3, 1949. Clmn. Sellers seconded the mntion-allvoterl yes-motion carried. Mr. Clarence ue Jolfe Asked that en incenerstor he put up so : the waste peper could he burned at the school. 1 Olrnn. Miller mof~'i the UAyor be f1uthorized to sign 8 rider thHtj I: is to be 8 part 0f the leBse on the MarineNays Allowin~ the SewArd tish Bnd Cold titorage Co. to furnish the Seward Electrie System I electricity in An emergencp. Seconded by ~lmn. Sellers-pll voted !yes-motion carried. (SAme is si~ned an~ attached) ~ Glmn. Sellers moved Geo. Turnbull be 3Dp0inted ternp~rary Manager lof the Seward VeterRns Housing Project, At R s81A~y of $120.00 !A month. Glmn. Hiller secondo1 motion-r>ll voted yes-rnotion corried. : CI~n. Kennedv moved Mrs. Rachel Crawford's check 175.00 be laccented for Mr."and Mrs. Crawford's 1948 tRxes in full. 6econded , . Iby SellerS-All votei yes-motion carried. I Clmn. ~iller moved to Adjourn-seconded by Sellers-all vot~d yea i motion c[1rrip.d. Adjourned at 12:00 P.M. J'<;:f ~ ttte8~Gity <~erk. I I M?~'or. /{; v. c.. '- ~/... l ~ - . , I // '/ /' ?". ,( 1 I ~ ~.(.J~ 0/5/// . School Bond: 20 December 1948 For: 115 Against: 24