HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949 City Council Minutes Q \,.). A .: .~' ~..+ Regular meeting JAn. 3, 1949. -L1:~~~~~~ ~:~~G~r~~;~t i~:- ~~~~~~~--- fP;,roved. .- . ~Pyor Lcnler rearl A letter from the Dep. of Labor of June8 1. : p. F. Lindberg then read 8 stAtement he was re1uested to si~~ b th~ Sew~rd El ectric System. Hr. Lindberg then gRve the Clerk a let er from the Dept of Labo~ Addressed to him to read. Glmn. Kenndy o~ect these letters be turned over to the Utility BOBPd for the r onsiderAtion. Se~anded by Glmn. Painter 81J{voted yes-motion cn'rie4. I Clmnl M~ller moved 8 lease be signed with the Seward AthIe ,ic . rts90ciRtion for the u.s.a. for January, February, MArch and ~pr 1 'ecanded by Clmn. Geferovich 811 voted yes-motion carried. The Clerk reRd A deed to land that WAS to be deeded to Wm. WAgner (or a radio station. Glmn. Sellers moved this deed be si ned. elmn. Miller Seconded motion 911 voted yes - motion c~rried. : Geo. Turnbull MGr. of the G.V.H.P; sRid he thought A coupl new inventory would have to be made. Some of the tenants were s ~ehind in their rent SOMething would hAve to be done. He is to romplete Authority to collect rent And water bills. . Glmn. Miller moverl thRt the penalty and interest Asaessmen S N. pn the sewer between 3rd And 4th Rvenues be waived rrovided the I property owners paid the originRl gssess~ents. K Seid property w- hers Are: D. C. Brownell, RAY J80es and Paul Hlms. B Clmn. Kenn dy ~econded motion all voted yes- motion carried. . Th~ Cler~ reed the PAY roll And when the money is AvailAbl ~~ is to be pRi~. Clmn. Kennedy moved to PRY when possible-seco ded my Clmn. Miller-nIl voted yes -motion carried. MAyor LQnier read A letter from Asst. Secy. of the Interio ~. E. Worne regarding the rOAd t6 Coopers Landing and that it w uldl have to be improved later on. Dr. Sellers read the HeAlth Ordinsnce that is to be enacte rhis is the second re8din~. Clmn. Peinter moved to Adjourn-seconded b~r Chm. DRhl- ~ll voted yes- ~otion carried. Adjourned 9t 11:30 P.M. --- to order at 8:05 P.i,:. /.11 I I of Dec. 20, 1948 were r98d endl te fAr' ave, ~ttest-City Clerk. d '., , -<:: J.;Jc-zr ,;',: L..... 1 i q '" _ L ,/', U~~ror . (( .;;. ~j /1 ~_' li,'v~"L':"//' {,:~ ,/ '-1' c~_~.., vi .-.., I 4;:,"':1, ~ .",\. Regular Meeting Jpn. 17, 1949. I Mayor Lanier called the meeting to order at 8:20 P.M. All were present but Clron. Seferovich. O. F. Lindberg was present again about his job at the Sewnrd Electric System Plant. The men at the PlAnt do not want "'1'. Lindberg to work there. Clron. Miller moved A special Council meeting be held ~ondqy Jan. 24 together with the Utility Board and their Superintend- ent to settle the Lindberjg matter. The Utility Board is to have, iall their findings in writing at said meeting. Clron. Painter seconded jmotion-all voted yes-motion carried. Clron. Kennedy moved Pat Bogan's and Earl Cass' bills be paid for work done at the Seward Veteran's Housing Project. Clmn. Sellers seconded motion-all voted yes-motion carried. This money is to be paid from rental funds. ! Clmn. Miller moved the Clerk ask the Sewara School Board to ireturn the loan of $3,000.00 made them from the General Fund. I(Warrant #2386 dated 10-26-48.) Clmn. Kennedy seconded motion-all voted yes-motion carried. . The Clerk was instructed to write to Roy Hennington of Seldovia land ask him to simply replace the material he drug into the Bay. : Clron. Sellers read the Health Ordinanye for the third time. :Clmn. Painter moved thi?,SOrdinance 192 be accepted. elmr. Sellers Iseconded motion-allvoteti ye~ motion carried. : Clron. Paint~r moved to adjourn-seconded by Cl~n. 8ellers- lall voted yes-motion carried. Adjourned 11:05 P.M. i -' I V( --h' IA 'de ;~~1t~~;~~:'~~ /1 'I 1n , ',.'., '" -I ,--',.'. !.,:A\.'j t.o' , '!": ,/'!r Maypl'. ~PECIAL ~E~TING JaN. 24, 1949. I Mpyor Lanier called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. All were ~resent but Clmn Painter. The Mpyor had the Clerk read the paragrRp~ from the minutes of Jan. 17 regarding Oliver F. Lindberg. A letter ~as then read from the Utility Board signed by Murl Trevethan, lfohn Hosness And HermAn Leirer, said letter dpted Jan, ~4, 1949. b. D. Bowen of I.L.W.V. 1-39 spoke of being in Junepu and talking . ~o Labor Comm. Benson regarding the Oliver Lindberg COGe. There was. puite A discussion of various Aspects of this case regArding how it ~ould Affect the City and how it would pffedt the Seward Electric ~ystem. at 8:55 p.m. Oli~er F. Lindberg mAde the statement that he hever had made the statement that he would sue the City of Seward . or over time. Clron. Kennedy moved the Seward Electric System pay . F. Lindberg for 43 days labor at $16.00 per day, less all with- olding taxes and that the City Attorne, be instructed to draw up n agreement according to law for the settlement of Lindberg's claim. 'Iron. Miller seconded motion-those voting yes-D8hl,kennedy,Miller- 1 hose voting no-Seferovich And Sellers-motion carried. i Glmn. Kennedy moved $6,000.00 be turned over to the School Foard from the Sales Tax School Fund. Clmn. Se~erovich seconded the Fotion, all voted yes-motion carried. . Clron. Kennedy moved the City Attorney go to Anchorage to p;et ~ settlement about A Judgement Pred Howard is supposed to have ~gBinst the City on pccoun~ of the City buying the Marine iays properties. Clmn. Seferovich seconded motion-All voted yes-motion Farried. Clmn. Seferovich moved to adjourn-seconded by 8ellers- rll voted yes-motion CArried. Adjourned 11:05 P.M. /7' I-.JY': ,A , i A'~ /3$,'/"1-" /,/J ,c, '>' _ c', ,.~_{". 7 , /L t J 1/'--/" l- ~ -'Z (, '- ..... :' I { ~ ~ttest- ty or k. Mayor. I i") i: ,') {":~ ~'")ii' \,; SP~CIAL M~ETING JAN.26,1949. Mayor Lanier called the meeting to order at 8:20 P.U. all resent but Clmn. Seferovich. This meeting was called for the p rp- se of selecting a plan under which the bonds would be issued uild the addition to the present school building. Culbertson 0 sen Co.' submitted three sehedules to issue the bonds by. ) After discussion Clmn. Dahl moved that Schedule #2 be ado ~ed, seconded by Clmn. Miller -all voted yes-motion carried. I Clmn. Painter moved the City Attorney write up the call f r bids for this addition to the school bUilding, seconded by Clm Sellers-all voted yes -motion cArried. Clmn. Painter then move thpt the bids' es CAlled for above be opened Feb. ~8, 1949. seconded by Clmn. Kennedy-all voted yes -motion carried. The Following is a Copy of Schedule #2. lt1a tud ty , 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Interest $4,218.75 3,771. 38 3,408.75 3,003.75 2,598.75 2,193.75 1,755.00 1,316.25 877.50 438.75 $126,000.00 S~ward, Alaska, School Non-Callable 3 3/8% Bonrts. Bonds Outstanding At End of Year. 1$113,000 101,000 89,000 77,000 65,000 52,000 39,000 26,000 13,000 - -0- Principal $12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 13,000.00 IS,OOO.OO 13,000.00 13,000.00 13, 000 . 00 Total $16,218.75 15,771. 38 15,408.75 15,003.75 14,598.75 15,193.75 14,755.00 14,316.25 13,877.50 13,438.75 , onds. Total Interest Cost $23,582.63 Total Principal and interest Cost $148,582.63 Average Principal and Interest Cost $14,858.26 Average Life 5 1/2 Years. ,Clmn.Painter moved to ell ()}O-ted y~-motion car,ried. ..3 /l.:~ j~~~/! !Attes~jCity Cjfrk. adjourn-seconded by Clmn. Sellers- Adjourned 10:15 P.M. J /!/ ,/, ' . ( :~:'.C-'lt.--"-'t ( /. ,-r,(i./],'t.-A L I ' L' /' Mayor. HEGULAR ~EETING FEB.7, 1949. Mayor Lanier called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. All ,Councilmen were present. The minutes of Jan. 17-24-26 were read . land approved. Clmn. Sellers moved that the license of FAul Sved be allowed to be chRn~ed to Paul Svedeen And Elmer Hardesty as .partners, in the Nuggett Bar.- Sec. By Clmn. Pa inter-till voted y motion carried. Clmn. Painter moved -the -pay roll of $3481.58 be paid also $160.00 for use of Fred Kielsheskis cat when the m was Available. Seconded by Clmn. Seferovich-all voted yes-motio carried. A note from Mrs. Arne Sundby WAS read stating she had paid $30.30 personal t-xes for Clarence p. ~eating for the year of 1945-6-7. The Council felt she would have to look to JAr. Kea ling for this money. Mayor Lanier read a call for bids on the ad!- 'i tion to the school Vlri tten up by the City Attorney Hutton.Clm. . :Miller moved the date for opening these bids be set for Mch. 14,49 i instead of Feb. $ 28, 1949. Seconded by Clmn. Sefsrovich-all vo ed ryes-motion carried. Glmn. Kennedy moved this addition to the se ~oo~ ibe completed not later than Oct. 1, 1949. Sec. by Clom. Oahl-811 voted yes-motion carried. Glom. Kennedy moved the -bill of The AnchorA~e ~imes Pub. Co. be paid, $38.40 Sec. by Clmn. Seferov.ch ell voted yes -motion carried. A letter was read from Henry Horton regarding the handling of garbage by the City. Glmn. Sellers mo ed that City Attorney Hutton revise and combine the effective ordi an-i ces of the Gity into one book. kr. Hutton to receive ApproximAtely $200.00 for said services. Sec. by Clmn. Kennedy-nIl voted yes- 0- tion carried. , , I REGULAR MEETING l"Eb. 7 ''149 , - - ----... --.- - ---- --.. ... - -..-- --~----~_.__.__..- _._-~ -"-~--- .~----~.- - --~~._- ~ -.-- - ..- -...-.. Clmn. Seferevich meved p call for bids eft the constructien of - float in the Sm911 Boat Harber be pested. Sec. by Clmn. Miller. Loc- II contractors only to be ca",idared. Bids to be opGnad "aroh 14,19.9. ~ll Voted yes-motion carried. Clmn. Seferovich meved to adjourn- plmn. Dahl seconded motion-all voted yes-motien c3rrled~ !Adjo~rned 10:30 P.M. i ,_'1",~ '-tel /?'c' ??~. t< ... t.l ~ I' '-.:" ~ttest-C ty Gler . I , Ct"lpr.;nllAd. I /,.- (' l.- ~,' ,( <:: "'/ L.-H_c Mayer. '7 .-# ~- '2"1~..i;.// h~UULAk M~~TI~G P8B.21, 1949. I Mayor Lonier cplled the meeting to order At 8:15 P.M. All were present but Glmn. Kennedy. The minutes of Feb. 7, 194\1 were reBd f1nci FPproved. Mr. A. S. Kitto, Auditor of the Federal Uovernment, ' ~or th8 Seward Vets Housing 4~thority, ffipde a very fine report. ,ihen the bonding co. mal,e any losses due to P. J. Fails rmmagement good Rnd 2 c~eck comes from the government then the texes due the City CRn be pRide J.1ayor Lpnier appointed Glrnn. PAinter to act as lAayor whilB he, AS It" E. N. Lanier cab owner, discussed the cBb business. Geo. GirArdini was asking for 8 cab license and spoke ~t length About when G. P. Kepting was Mayor, Bnd population 11 imitations were placed on the number of cebs to be licensed. Glmn. Sellers moved Gab discussion be stopped till later, seconded, Iby Glmn. Miller pll voted yes-motion carried. i GIron. Painter moved the rules be suspended to re- instAte and " Ire-enAct Ord. 156. Seconded by Clmn. Sellers, all ~oted yes-motion "\ ,cArried. Glmn. Uiller moved to re-instpte And re-enact Ordinance No. 156 also thst it be chAnged to reAd:lITh8t the sum of $60.00 be . ) collected in advance annually on each and every coin-operated machihe in the Gity of Seward, AIRske." Gl:nn. Sellers seconded-pll voted " yes -motion carried. ~" Glmn. Miller moved that bids be c811~d for to sound proof the ' office in the Police Station And that this call for bids be posted (in three conspicious places and published in the local paper. !Seconded by Glmn. Ppinter-all voted yes-motion c8r~ied. i Clmn. Seferovich moved thAt the SRles TRx School Fund be used , . :to pay the teAchers bAIAries with if the money did hot come from Ithe Territory. Seconded by Clmn. Painter-pll voted yes-motion CArried. , Cla~. 6ellers moved that Geo. Turnbull be given ~ ~nit in the ' Vets Housing Area to live in as he was the Manager now. Seconded by Clmn. Seferovich-all voted yes-motion carried. Glmn. Seferovich moved that a notice of civil action be put in 'I 'with each d, elinquent personal tax notice as it was mai.led out. Seconded by Clron. Sell"~8-all voted yes-motion carried. Clmn. Painter moved to adjourn-seconded by Clron. Dahl-all voted yes motion carried, adjourned at 11:30 P.U. ,^3";~r~ MR~or, City of Seward. A"'" i; '. / ' (' /,'/ . /r :; ( '/. / . '/-' . . ,{ I (,..tt",l-",_ /__ I '~' -"}'/1 V~, ~ . ,~~, ~ ~ Special Meeting Feb. 28, 1949. Sf3wa rd ----- I Ipeci?l meeting of the CO;llmon Council of ~ilI. Alaska WflS cal~ed ~O he MRyor At 8.2~3p. M. Councilman Painter and Kennedy were \ bsent. i : - lvlessers Fiege flnc! Rielly of the Seward Fish and Cold stor$ge ~o. spoke re: bonding of thA merchandise stored in warehouses at th~ lfprine Ways. they stated t~t unless they were bonded banks VIOU d ' mot honor warehouse receipts issued by them to fishermen delive ing I fish to the warehouse. Mr. Peige had been to severel bonding ho ses ~n the States and haa been unAble to bond the warehouse ~s he d d ot own the property and merely leased it. He said they would h ve o be bonded to bring the fishing fleets to Seward. The Council referred him to the City Attorney for leg81ity of procedure Rnd ask~d to come to the next regular meeting with the results for counci $ctlon. I ! Letter was r~ad from Culbertson. Olsen & Co. to Mr. Cpr1 Ii I ~arlson Supt of Schools re: t~e school b~nd issue. The~ontract ,Ias i tepd and approved. The follwwlng resolutlon made by Seperovich. i 1 $econded by Miller. All in favor Refolution CArried. . I : ! . RESOLUTION 1 ! ~UTtiORIZItJG 'fEE t:XEC UTION OF," TH~. CO, HTRACT 'il'TH CUL13bRT:::>Ol~. QLSEl~~& ',.1 ~O. FOR G~NERAL UBLIGA'1'lON BONuS AS PHOV IJ1W FUR BY SPEUI1\L ELE TIO~ Q)F DEC. 20. 1948, City of SE\I.ARD'l ALASKA. ,\ BOND ISSUE TO BUILD tN A~DITION TO lHE EXISTI~G SCHOOL BU1L0ING ANL AMOUNTI~G TO ON~ I . ,4UNiJr<ED .hNu 'I"'vHi~TY F'IVE 'THuUS4-ND ($125.000.00) uOLLAr<ci. ; _hereas, the Common Council in special session assembled id teed and eX8mine the contract submitted by Culbertson, Olsen & o. 6r Chicago.' 111inois. Now therefore. BE IT RESOLVED by the common Council of the 9ity mf Seward. Alaske: ! That the contract with Culbertson. Olsen & Co. be accepted Bn~ .xecuted for General Obligation Bonds to Build an addition to the ' fresent sch~~l bUild, ing in the total sum of one hundred and twenty- i, ive thousand ($125,000.OO) dollars. dAted MArch 1st., 1919 to ature ~12,000.00 on March 1st. of each of the years 1950 to 195 , lJoth inclusive end $13, 000.00 on Mardh. 1st. of' each of the yea s ! ~955 to 1959 both inclusive. The bonds to bear interest at the r te ~f 3 3/~% per annum. payable, s,emi-annuallY on March 1st. Bnd Sep em~er fst. of each yeer, beginning September 1st. 1949. \ The bonds are to be of ~IOOO.OO denomination and shall be n bearer form. although registerable as to principal only. Princip 1 $nd interest are to be payable at the office of the City Treasur ,r of Sewqrd Alaska and at the bank of Culbertson. Olsen ~ co. sele tiqn. Passed this ~~ 28th. dAY FebruaDY. r 9. ' Approv d this 28th Fe~ruary 1949. '/ . /c. '- . (.~u'J ' , MRYo City of ~" ' I Coun'cilman. Seferovich resinged 8S Pol.ce Commissioner. *esignation accepted. Mayor Lanier appointed Clmn. Ro O. Sellers folice Commissioner to fill the vacancy. i i Glmn. Miller made the motion. Seconded by elmn. Sellers. t at I the i.ccounting Firm of Beaver & Head.ltlmchorage, Alaska. be hire a~ ~uditors for the City BO?ks for the ye: en~ing.MRrch 31. 1949. I I ~ll voted in favor of sald motion. Motlon Garrled. , , Bill of the Seward Electric System of JAn. 31st. 1949 in tIe! ~mount of $2 050.55 w,s read. Motion made by Glmn. Sellers and s c-' onded by Clm~. Sefepovich. that the Seward Electric System bill e paid when the funds Are available. All voted in favor. Motion CR ried. i Clron. Sellers mRde the motion and Clmn. Miller seconded. thAt the, deadline for persona holding options on City lots be se A~ +pril 1st. I.E. they either pickUp their options or surrender th,m to the City by that tine and pickup their~~ti5~ ~g tAg C i L,y ..by LLat tilllQ ",nrl pick UD th"'~~ deposi ts. order by -! t ~-:~ q I- Spp.~iql Mp.At:ing r)f Fp.h. ?8, 19A9-GontinuA(L I that persons having bid on City lots and having had their bids pcc~- pted pay tor the lots and pickup the deeds byApril 1st., 1949 or . the City will take possescion of said property andthe bidder will forfeit their deposit and claim to such property. All voted in favor Motion Carried. Clmn. uahl moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by ~)eferovich, 811 it in favor. The meeting adjourned at 10:07 P.M. ,'-[ ~ ~.>- _,.f " .-, A ~./-~ Ap~o:~'~'M:~yor ity"/Ofs;riPrd. S~bCIAL MEETING MARCH 1st. 1949. I Special meetinp; of the Common Council of Seward, Ualika 1~es called It0 order by the Mayor at 7:10 P.M. Clmn. Fainter WAS absent. It vias mover! by Clmn. Nliller end seconded by Clr1D. Seferovich Ito suspend the rules f0r the pRssing t1 or rejecting of an amendment .to Ord. 180. i; Clmn.~ller made the motion and Clmn. D8hl seconded that Sec. 5, and Se~.~ of Orcl.. 180 be amended to read 3S of, Mareh 2nd, instBad. :,pf the first Monday in February and that this amendment is to take i leffect frpm this day forward until ~pril 18th. 1949 All voted in /favor. Motion ~8rried. Seferovich mede the motion for Adjournment Iseconded by Miller. Meeting adjourned 7:24 P.M. K' t'- . ~'# ' .././-'1 ~/ . ( "/~'1/-~"-'< " . ;t-'~--~/,7 Mayor; City of Seward. ~, I , , i I I I Special meeting of the Co~~on Council was called to order by the IMAyoe At 8:1C P. M. with Clmn. Seferovich And Sellers absent. . The Mayor asked that two delegates be appointed to go to Juneau Ito represent the City of Seward in an effort to get 8 Memorial to fBlst. Congress passed by the Alaskan Legislature for the rehAbilitatig lof the beward-Portage Section of the Alaska Railroad. Discussion Ifollowed in which the following names were nominated for the jPosition of delegates: Ross B. Mann, RAY F. James, Hal Gilfillem ,Jack derner, Jim CAmeron, Gus Johnson, Jim MacDonald and Geo. LeHko~ I Clmn. Miller made the Motion seconded by Painter that [Ross B. M8nn and Ray F. James be appointed 8S delegates with Hal Gilfillen And JAck derner to serve as alternates in the event that ,either of the first two n8lt'fJd were unable to <:;0. All in favor- [motion carried. N\ The MAyor then instructed the Cker~ to prepare letters of intro- Iducti~tiJ!eeting 8dj~rned at 9 :~5 P.U. ;!if/'(,;' '/ ~ d1 ~ /t~ /- .' /;. /. If. . ,-" - . r /., I {. . .,( 1 . Mpyor~ City of ~ewa~d. SPECIAL MBETING lIbiRCH 5, 1949. fil." ,e\- '...., " .... -t' ~ .. ~ ,'" 1 Regul~r Meeting March 7, 1949. l The meeting WAS celled to ord~r by Mayor Lamier at 8:30 Present-Kennedy, Miller, Seferovich and Sellers. Absent Dahl Painter howeve'lr they both C8me in after 8 few minutes. The minutes of Feb. 21 and 28 of March 1st. and 5th. were and approved. . The FebruArJ Pay Roll of$4,049.04 was repd. Geo. Turnbull ihave 8 d8Ys deducted from his salary on account of being off d This is covered by insurance. Clmn. Sellers moved to meet this ,seconded by Clmn. Painter-all voted yes-motion carried. : Geo. Giardini sp~~e of wanting n CBb License. He felt the SeWard :PoPuletion was 2,000 or more. Meyor Lpnier read an article fro the ,Anchorage Times showing the City had authority to regulate~~t the : !cab businecs. Carcbl Gage of tho Heliable Cab spoke of being in the '. 'Cab business for 8 years, in 4nchorage. He felt a city ordinance passed legally gRve the City the right to regulate the number of cAbt 'licenses issued. Chief of Police Clark spoke saying he thought the present ordinance was very good and that another cab CQ. would llive' 'l. tlard .time making a go of it. Mr. Giardini asked Mr. Hutton's opinion and he stated all cities large and smell regulate the cab business 8S they were considered common carriers. Clmn. Bef rovlch moved that Geo. Giardini's application for a cab license not be allowed. Th€reby upholding Ord. 171. Seconded by Clmn. Miller. Those, vot"ng yes-Dahl, Kennedy, Miller, SefSrovich and Painter. No-Sellers. i{lotion Carried. , Clron. Miller's wife beinF' si~k he was excused at 10:15 P.i,! . Clron. Seferovich moved that Davms & Renfrew be paid $325.0 las attorney fees in case A 4786. Seconded by clmn. Sellers-811 iwere in favor-motion carried. . Clmn. Bellers moved the motion of Special Meeting of Feb.2 -49. ordering He~d & Beaver to audit the City books Ae withdrawn, An that B call for bids for this work be sent out by the City Cler . Seconded by Clmn. Painter-all were in fRvor-motion carriod. , Clron. Seferovich moved that police offiver Andy Anrterson's isalgry be increase0 $45.00 in lie~u of an apartment which is be ng !furnished the other two policemen. This is to be in effect for he Imonth of March only. Seconded by Clmn. Painter-all were in favo - 'Imotion c'3rried. C~mn. Sellers moved B. 0. Bowen ~e re-imbursed for taxes p id Ion lot 7 Block 26 Townsite. This lot belongs to Robert A.:St8Qt n. I'seconded by Clmn. Kennedy-all voted favorably-motion carried. , ~8rr8nt 2514 for $8.06 was forwArded. I Clmn. Kennedy moved that there shall be levied for each ye r !by the Common Council of the City of Seward sufficient funds to Imeet the School General Obligation Bonds and interest. This was voted on Dec. 20, 1948 for $125,000.00 being issued March 1, 19 !Culbertson & Olsen Co. of Chicago are the bonding co. that will [handle these bonds. Seconded by Clron. Sellers-ol1foted yes-in?ti n Icarried. Meeting adjourned 11:30 P.M. -.--.... i I , I L C/ -r ~;'i~!' '\ ' ~ , ' t Special Meeting MArch 14, 1949. ~~: Mayor LAnier cfllled the !'leeting to order At 8:38 P.M. - ------ 'he-- purpose of this meeting WRS to open bids upon the addition to .t~y{ ~le school house and the ~mRll BORt Harbor floRt. Those present: hun. Dp1;;. Kennedy, ~~efGrovich and '->ellArs. ~ Bid~j;n the addition to the school build,ing WAre: _ amAS Cameron $98, 397.20uo**Sullens & Hoss Inc. $105, Ob6.23 ~u* Rmes Construction Co. $93,897.56 This is on Joh. No 4722 and the plans 2nd specificRti.ons were drawn up by Architect ~m. A. Hnnley. Bids on the Float At the Small boat Harbor were: Rmes Cameron $11,611.80 i Glrnn. PRinter CRme in Rt 9:50 P.M. I Clmn. Kennedy moved that the bid of Sullens & Hoss for '105,056.2 3 on the School ^dditio n be rejected. This is on account f it being the highest And ,~ an excessive bid. Sec. by Imn. fainter. Those voting yes: Dahl, Kennedy, PRinter f Seferovich n0 Sellers. Motion carried. Clmn. Seferovich.tllOved thRt hlr. .im. A. Manley be Accepted as i rchitectural superviscij! of c~ruction of the new School Addition' t 2% of the contract bid price 4% of the contract price of rerno- ~ellinF, the heating iBS~,illRtiot~ cf th: existinrs sc~ool b1!-ilding. ee. by Clmn. Kennedy. loose votIng yes. DAhl, KAnnA(,y, PaInter, eferovich and Sellers-motion carried. . ~ Clron. Kennedy moved that Bid Banas on the new Addition to the chool be waived. The furnishing or omisRion of R bid bond shall ot jeopardise Any of the bids made. Sec. by Clmn. Painter. .'hose voting yes: Dahl, Kennedy, P~inter, SefArovich fHld Sellers. '. ! Meeting Adjourned At 10:35 P. M~ , C j) ./' j, {c~ (<. cd'~:- ( 7/ /: C t. ,,~ ' ( I, v" )~, '. /Approved Mayor Cfty of Seward. '-. ~ c..~ ,l j~*-'r A, ':-t'i '-.- Attest'-jity Ci8fk. ' I I rtL!.JU L,ut li\j~n'i Imi ,,1iutGri 21, 1949. -,I tJlayor Lanier called the Fleeting to or:ier at 5;15 P.LI. GIffin. present 0ahl, ~ennedy, ~iller Ani Seferovich. 0ellers carne in i at 6:25 P.~. and tainter at b:46 Y.~. The minutes of ~arch 7 and 14 were read and approved. '1.1r. 11. J. Anend of' the Utmlity bOArd said the Ge.mrd t.lectric ciystem was in bad need of being enlarged. 7he al~sk8 rtnilroHd nas some generAtors nere in Seward tnat it is thougnt could be le8sed. Mr. Anend thou~ht KOBS Uann would be a good representative to send to see Gol. John Johnson regarding these genergtors. ct. J. amend and ~url Trevethan of the Utility D08ra request of the Council tllat they attempt to secure a lease of three 187 K..I. genergting units fror.l the ,'>.K.Ii.. for the t>eward 1I1ectric Gystem. bids for soundproofing the folice station were opened. JRmes Cameron bid ~47100 and A. G. llleRae ex Frank Uibbons bid iP92b.44 Glmn. Ailler ooved tne bid of James Cameron for "p471.00 be accepted. but the work be postponed until the City has the mOIley to go ahead with. If costs chan"e adjustments Could be 11811e. It iE alGo unaerstood thf't the work could be abandoned at the discretion of the City if the conditions At the Civic Center change. Geconded by Clmn. Gellers all voted favorably-motion 1 carried. bids to nudit the City books were opened. u.~. Heaver bid j400.00 and Jones (lnd Anderson bili ;$1,600.00 Glmn. foel1ers r:1oved that 0.~. rleayers bid of ~400.00 be accepted covering tne periOd from ',IJril 1,1948 to llarch ~n, 194\j. Gec. by Gl!l1n. j,ennedy all voted favorably-motion carried. Glmn. .\iller moller! that h. G. olidberg be hired for one f!10ntil at .JIi375.00 to help l1enry Horton on the gc'rbage truck, commencing April 1,1949 to ..;ay 1, 1\j4~1. ~ec. by Clnn. Jahl all vote::i fgvorHbly motion ~arried. Jdayor L.anier read a letter from ;etty. Gen. 1\81ph ~avers stating a bill had passed the ~ Territorial Legislature postponing all municipiol elections to the first .~'uesdc",y in uctober. Hills totalling ~7,650.21 ~ere read Rnd Glen. Painter moved that they be paid when the money is available with Lndy's Oil Delivery ~nd bills for premiums on insurance policies being given first choice. Sec. by Clrun. beferovicli 811 vote d fgvorably-motion carried. ~(F'\i') ~ ,:'~ f __, .t\J:\LTUL1iI( ;ilJ;~'l 1.,(1 M.d:tCH 21 194'd-(,;UN1'.J. , --- ---_.~-~--- _._----~-----_.--- ~--~--'-~-----,._~--~---------_.- ----i~.____.____ ------__ ~~olIOWing is the list of bills read:Alaska rr~nsfer ~45.90 beward Water Supply 1752.25-Andy's Oil Uelivery~1,735.21 !;.Iaska Printing Co. ~ 8.00- burroughs f\ridini "bch. Co. 1ii9.70 'voyles Furniture Co. ;::i1..50-N. L. hrdmann $59.00-,i.H.Estes ;$50.00 ihads bros. t19.76-U.S. Forrest Service ~5.00-Ghas. U. Griffin o. '~36.32-Chas. d. Hartley Co. ;jp:c:5.93-Hamilton's liarage ,?486.85 O. M. beaver i400.DO-Kenai Elect. hqmt. ~16.99-R. J. Muller Co. !194.99-I. L. Metcalf ~38.70-MeGutcheon & Nesbitt j334.~O-John ~aulsteiner:for City of Seward $19.30 for Fire uept. i599.95- '-Pa t' s ua rp ge $83. 45-i'J orthe rn Gommerc i81 vo. ~Jl298,. 00 - Os bo 's El e [buppl~ I148.33-Pacific Coast Stamp ~orks 125.72-Seward Plumbing !Heating ~26.02-Sourdough hxpress ~9.37-Seward Electric System $ ioeward ~achine Shop $8l1.46-Seward Trading Co. U16.g3-Sew.~rg.G 1$50.70-bewprd Mer~l Works 19.31-oeward Livht &Power Co. ~13B.B2:: ~ew. Hdw. Co. i70.35-cieattle Office Supply $51.g0-Seward Seapor ,ltecord .Jli34.60-6tandard Oil Co.$54.S9-Gewhrd Florist ;:,hop ~p5.10 l/lebb& 'lebb :;:i268.00-\'ierner's J~arket $1l.40-0avis & i{enfrew :$3;;5.0 City ilttorney Carl J. Hutton stated he hiS spent 6 to 8 ho BS ;8 day on City blilsinesB. Th8t Ite h'ld not had time to care for hi Iperional customers and therefol'e he asked his SAlary be incre38 Jd , to $200.00 per month. li:ayor Lanier stated B new bud"et would be :,lAde up soon and this matter could be settled sfltisfactorially at tll't t!ime. iThis 2rran~ement was s0tisfBctory to ~r. Hutton. ' : Glmn. Kennedy moved J. H. \Ierner be refunded. ip24 .60 for mo ey IPaid twice on the ~.J. 10X70 ft. of Lot ~3 bl~dk3B of Orig. TOW1Sit~ tie~. b~ Glmn. ~iller all voted favorably-motion carried. ~ee Ci y : !aarrant ~520 And Tax rae. 3238 and 4358. i ;/;ayor Lanier had a copy of toe audit that Mf. 'c. 6. Kitto nade; !of the b. V. h. p. books and turned it over to the Clerk to be ile~. Meeting adjourned at 11:25 P. .,1. ~-) , 6;;~ 1-?~ 7, )!~2~/( ! .1.:1', / 0..' ~l.: ... ...~ ICppro1ed-Mayor City of bew, rd. . Jr'l-v;5r- /~ , ? ,J i i~ t t est - ()/i ty LJ 1 e . !-- , .. - _ SPECH.L :,1EETING MAHGH 28,1949. Mayor Lanier called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.m. All present but Glmn. Miller. Mayor Lanier read some letters from I ep. Keating one in regard tp Utility BOArds another about municipAlities getting money for public utilities. Clyde Smith 8sked for 8 permit to construct 8 building on Lot 26 Block 10 Original Townsite in which to raise chickens to a broiler stage. Clmn. Sellers moved he be granted this permit. Seconded by Clmn. Kennedy-all voted yes- motion carried. ; "J'~~~~~~M_J'_~~~~~_..~~'~""...'."._~~.~~K : Ray James st8ted that unless the contract for the school ! Addition was Awarded within 30 dAYS from the opening of the bids ! (Mch. 14, 1949)he would withdrAw his bid. After considerable discussion Glmn. Seferovich moved that the James Const. Co. be awarded the bid to construct the addition tQ the school at the price of $93,897.56 known as jon #4722. This is subject to he: si~ning of the contract. Seconded by Glmn. Kennedy-all voted ye _ . motion carried. A short closed Jiscussion was held from 9:06 P. . till 9:21 P.M. A letter from H. E. Baumgartner was read regnrding insuranc i . of City workers. His bill of $354.92 for this insurRnce was pre ented. ! Clmn. Kennedy moved that tl18 bank of Sewsrd be pAid $60.00 "nt~ . on Gymnasium Donds and Chase National Eank be paid $356.75 into ON' :::>chool Boncis. Seconded by Glmn. beferovich-all voted yes-motion c ,~, IT i fJ d . --'1 " -' -' <-' t . ., H , I . 5' ~ p '" 1 \ l..J !D.n. .t\.enne..l.Y !ll:)V8,).. \..11, ,'i. _.I. !\.~l:;:'~/. S J., .)) ><-t'r. .," 1 be accepted far Lots 4-5-6-7 cllck 13 0ri~inal fownsite. Second d by Glmn. Sellers-llU Voting yes- lJahl-Kennedy and ~e1l8rs." Voting no-Painter and ;:,eferovich-Motion carried. Glmn. Sellers moved that James Gameron'a bid of ~11,611.bO e 8ccepted for the construction of tile fleat in the bmall boat ria bot. :::;econded by Glmn beferovich all voted yes-motion carried. Iv....7Ie"eting adJ"OQrned at 10:40 P.i!!. <:;)/ t ~";!f J-~/f~~-c(. {~~p,"f ~ h~/(.~ i Attest"'~ity Cle:!_ iiPr~ved-i,iayor. ----, tripel & i 71. ~O I - I L V)t; :~ ~ > . ': . " Pf?fL ~ eJi1.11 ~~_ ~e ~t_i!1ELH:_I.~' 4, 1 9 49 I -.--~I -I~pyor -L;ni~r C81~rlilie m~eti~;-to order At 8:0fJ P. M. Clron. Present:Kenndey, Miller, beferovich and Sellers. Clmn. Absent: PAinter Rnd DAhl. The Minutes of March 21 8nd 28 were read and approved. The pAyroll fnr Mnrch of $3611.37 WBS read. Clmn. Sellers moved that thi!3 be paid >Jnel GIron. JHller l'BconelerJ the motion-Flll voted favorAbly-motion carried. , Clron. Jiller moved the City Clert notify the ithat in case of emerRency they could use the U. [pptients. Clmn. Kennedy seconded the motion-all imotion cBrried. , Clmn. 6ellers mored Mr. hirs Jack Fisher be refunded :$2:'\5.00 j!paid the City for Lots 17-18 BloCk 21-Townsite. Motion seconded by Clron. oeferovich all votAd favorably-motion c'Hried. ! A petition was read asking for B water mAin on 5th ave. between iJefferson ~nd ~8diDon streets signed by property owners with Iproperty Along said streets. A letter with said petition was mAiled ITa the AIBskq TrAnsfer Co. I A petition was repd requesting that the City buy and ~ install If' new Rnd up-to-dAte telephone system.(Clrnn.(PAinter carae in at 8:40) iClmn. ~el]eps moved that this petition be turned over to the City ~ttorney for ptudy and future p~tion. Seconded by Clrnn. Millar- ,all voted fevorablv- motion carried. A petition by C~rl ThomAS And Victor MAhan was reAd rA0uesting 'p license to sell bottled liquor g()ods. Location to be st.-the corner lof Third 8nct ,jAshin~ton Streets in whot is known 3S the f'Chop Suey jHouse" said buildin~ beinR on LOt 20 B~ock 11 Original Townsite and !belongs to Hacijel Crawford. Glmn Sellers moved this reauest be l~rAnted Seconded by Clmn. Miller-All voted favorAbly-motion carried. A dontract drawn up by City ~tty. Hutton to be signellby the City land the James Const. Co. for building the addition to the school was :reaa. Glmn ~eferovich floved to Accept 8 property bond of the James 'Construction Co. for 50% of the total of the contract to b~ signed. iThis is in lieu of fJ 507& surety bond. His motion included the author- !ization of the Mayor to sign And the Clerk to attest this contract, Ibetween the James Const. Co And the City-of Seward. Date of the Icontract is April 4, 1949. Motion was seconded by Clmn. Sellers !All voted favorably-motion carried. Several cteed&that the land covered had been partly pair! for were read And the persons are to be notified to finish payment or loose ownership. I Some options were presented And Mr. Hutton, 01 ty Atty. was to ,eXAmine them Also the deeds just mentioned to see just what was to be done with them in order thAt agreements could be comp~eted. ;Clmn. ~eferovish moved the fOllowing Tax Deeds be issued-Gec.Sellers ia].l voted favorRbly-motion carried. 12~ r: 'Fill (!Je 1fT: /)I fl). :~<f.~"."~ >1- IE...-(\\ CS..l_4,'y<. n . ArIse \1. Hayne\.-~ 8 ~18 Fed. 1 37.35' 2974 .EdnA SeAter SfrlO 010 Fea ~ 10.09 2987 J. E. Sands 32 ~27 Town. ~ 24.77 2988 ,T .&G. Bogard 10 12 Fed. q 75.00 2\166 "H.\'I.&C.B.Davis-17-l8 39 Town. t:t 38.15 2991 iM. B.Lanning Est. 3 12 Fed. 35.70 2975 I'T.L.ErumRnn Est.25-2 19 Town. ~1j~~ 27.30 29.93 i~" " ~ 2 20 FAd. 7.02 2994 i~.~.BAU~gArtn~r37-~8 5 Laubner 23.05 2995 i 39 7 Laubner 37.33 2990 III II" 36 7 II 11.:::2 2982 i R. 11" 35 7" 5 . 3.5 2981 :H. C.Lee 33-34 30 Town. 32.40 2970 R.E.BaumgartnerWi34 7 Laubner 1.77 2980 " " " W-t- 31 7" 5.63 2979 It " It Wi-30 7 II 7.72 2978 ,,~ II .v~- 29 7" 5.63 2977 ,,~ 11 \it- 27 7 11 7.72 ::;976 C.E.Gage 28 11 Town. 32.96 2955 .~ 11 II 29 11 Town. 37.58 2956 ,If "1 II. 10 13 Fed. 19.80 2Sl97 III bUSiness at hand being complete~ the meeting WAS regularly adjourned, at 11:l0 P.M. 0 / ;/\ C~ /7 < f . . Attest. t/~~~. ,. ~.4 L\P~p'-r:c-q~d.' 11 ./,?/A~ ' J,.' ""'I vI--, Cj (..<J-.,,,,---,- . V"H, -ayor of 8evH:.rd. Home in The ,ioods S. O. for their votea f8vorably- I :1 ~p./~.'. .."),1'"i- Regular Council meeting April ~19,,!~!.-___ _,_,___ -----_._-~._-~~~---- ~ ~-_._--.....,~ ---~-~--- . ---, The-meeting WAS cgyiedto order by);IAyor'LGn'ler ate-:15 P.M:--j----- 'G.lmn. ~resent: Dahl, Kennedy, Miller, PRinter And Seferovich. ' Glmn. Absent: Sellers , The minutes of April 4 were reAd And Approved. The petition f Marguerite Murphy W8S read asking for R bottle goods license to sell beer ~nd wine with meals at R restaurant to be oryened at tle l~orth Eest corner of tlle intersection of Fifth 8n(i "8~hinp:ton S s. Lot 21 Block 8 Orip,inal Townsite Bnd belongs to i,lr. & Mrs. E. L. ~enft. CImn. Miller moved to grant this licer:se, secon'led lly Clrn. feinter -all councilmen voted yes-motion carried. Clron. Sellers ~Ame in at 8:45 P.M. , Mayor Lpnier appointed H. A. Freem8n, 4. G. MeEse and Ray J mes l3lso Russell Painter to represent the City in getting Feder?l H usi~g representatives to come to Seward and help with our housing pro_lem$. Plmn. Kennedy moved the following Tax Sale Deeds be made out to people as listed below. Seconded by Clmn. Miller-pll voted Yes- fIlotion Cf4I'ried. I~AME of Buyer 1....-.------ ",,--,...- Lot No. ,Blovk No..Add~tion ,Amt. PaidrCert 11. A. VJerner bilbert Youngblood ~. F. Hichardson NormA b. Thurston f. F. Richardson P18 rance De ,wolfe 'II II II 21- 21- 5 40 22 9 22 14 15 3 9 27 19 13 40 40 40 9 'i'own. Town. Town. Fed. Town. Town. Tpwn. Bay View t 250.00 8.25 45.50 50.00 76.80 20.85 32.06 5.00 2953 2973 2962 2967 2969 2984 2986 2968 iJesse Lee Home '--- p-' . John B3rt~olomew spake regarding the sale of his place for ~exes to C.B~G8ge-Tax nec. 2997 coverin~ Lot 10 Block 13 Fed.A ~his deed had been issued by the City and hRd been recorded. A letter from Lon Gray was read regArding tho excessive num sr Qf dogs in town. This matter was discussed at some len~th and i ~8S decided to get the Police to enforce the present Ordinances "' paragr8ph WAS read thAt WAS pre~ared By Chief of Police Clark ~o supercede Sec. 4 of Ord.110 but no Bction was taken on it. 'The sal"'ries 8n1 bills for (,,'larch of the Seward Electric System :were reRd Rnd aI'proved for payment. fotal $12,892.25 Clmn. p8i imovpd they be Approved Seconded by Cl,m Sellers alL voted ye8- (motion cRrried. : Clmn. Painter moved the City .''-ttorney be instructed tq writ letter to the Seward ~ater Co to get the water system in good c ;dition 'l'Iithin 45 0PYS. Seconded by Clron. Seferovich 811 voted y !motion carried. i The Council instructed th? C~er~to sell'pity,..,Driyers I;Licen for the rest of the year for $2.50. (J .v~ .1-1".../6 '1r-'-'/ ,/J.-':V'---+-_ . 411 business 8t h8nd bein~ tAken CAre of the meeting adjour at 12:00 Midnieht. dit. -T l :I ~~ Att~ CJ . -?" (C /7 - . , f,c'. .{..''--<I:AA-''- l' ..,,;7.. -t/(A__JU! . A~~ro~d, Mayor City of Se'Ard. ,.' -r' I , L n, ';1":" -N::;~ '\ ~ ~ :i Soecial meeting Held April ~5, 1949. ----,.~__~-_--.u-- I ~ayor LAnier cglled tt18 n8etin~ to order &t 8:10 ? 11. Glmn. present: vahl, Kennedy, !)ainter, !lUlIeI' and ~)eferovich. ~ellers pbsent. the purpose of the meeting was to get stArted on the tax levies for 1949. 1I18yor Lanier appointed j(atheryn ". Ling I assessor for la49 at a fE.e of iPSDO.OO. '~ilis does not include a general c ,nV8SS as was m'Hie last year. CILtln. ?ainter :JOVc';(l this Appointment be approved seconded by Clmn. Miller-All voted yes- motion cHrried. 'ihe Glerk was requested to get the olnutes of lilurch 3, 194'1 And read tnem regardinp; -tile sale of lots to ]:<'r&]]K "oods. '.l'rle City titty. WJS indtruct~d to draw up B lease wlth WI'. ~oods. r~'he Clerk was instructed to write to..nchorage and get A copy of their bUtO assessment 0rdin9nce. ~ainter moved Anu Kennedy seconded that Autos, trucks, buses ~ln,l motor cycles be dropped from tile personHl property assessment roll-all voted yes-motion carried. ClEm. Kennedy mO'JAd and ",;Aferovich seconded tlwt the following insurance comp8nies"ebb '" .Iebb, ErdmAnn ,\gency and h.E.ilaumgHrtner divide eqUAlly amongst the three compAnies J15d4.%~ for the insura- nce of t'-,8 fallowing City owned buildin"s: ;jchool und GymnRsiura, Seward Gener",l dospital, City 11811, U.u.U., Old I"ire Hall, Gtreet vept. bldg., Street uept. Shop, Police nesidence anu i,eH FirA l1all.' This is to brinR the insurance cOVer?~B up to B fair ~qrket value. i~ll business ,it nand being t',ken CHre of the meeting reguhlrly adjourned 8t 10:05 P.M. ~tu~ , ttef't~ ---~--- -~~-~.~-~--~~_. '7,'4* / " . \ ._/1.;/' , '. /, ,// /:ci /,'" ",,' L! c....{ .(l..<;...r1"--" /.; - ' I- clppi'6vttd, ll.ayor (;i ty of J " <::>ew8rd. I Regulor Council Meetinr, ii.ay 2, llM9. iA8~ror L":r.ier C'Jlled th8 [~eeting to orrier ot 8:10 P."i. Clron. Present: DAhl, Kennedy, Miller And Sellers CIon. AbcEmt: Pointer "nd Seferovichjhowever they b0t-h C8m8 in after just A few minutes. The minutes of ~pril IB pnd 25 were rped ">nd O;)!Jroved. Th" Utility Hoard were present "no ~r. H. J. Amend stated therA must be ROf'lAthin~ (ione ~o incree'!,;") the 0Ut)'ut of the f:;ewClrd Electric System. When winter comps their present customers will want more electricity <'nd the plant is ~roducing jllst Hbout '111 tAY CP:1 pt rr'1f:ent. ~ speciol m8'3ting is CAlled for vVednesday May 4, 1949 to discuss And consider this question. The City ~ttorney hAd copies of A contract thAt he hAd drewn up between the City Bnd Ffonk lioods i:r. rssp'3ct to Ints thAt Mr. doods TiRhed to buy. Some of them WAre to be Bold to him for tl.OO provided he put up A s<nv mill on snid lots. Er. I,yoods did not 1 ike the contents o~~he contract so decided to not tAkA the lots for A mill. rtowpv~r aid wont Lots 14 end 15 Block 10 LGubner Addition 8nd wes to pPy 175.00 p piece for them in Accordonce with pn Arree- ment made with? previous Council. the Glmn. Pointer moved and Clmn. Sellers seconded thqt U rules be Buepended in order that Ordinsnce 193 could be ppssed. dll voted 'fpvorAbly-m0tion ('arried. lljpyor L"'nier reRd Ord. 193 nnri Clmn. ,Sellers r10VAd p,nd Clmn PAinter seconded th8t this Ordinance be pAssed "'S read. All voteri f"1vorohly-the r~oti()n cRrried. Glrrm. i.iallers moved Al1c1 Glmn. ~:;eferovich seconded thRt;iJi{ the rules be s'lf~ended in order th3t B supplenent to Sec. 4 of P=l. 1-2-2 could be passed. all voted fAvorably-the motion cRrried.MRyor LRnier then "ef:ld this sUt)pler~ent. Clmn. K'3nnedy moved And Clmn. f:;ellers ,eeconded th8t tllis supplement to f3ec. 4 of Or(jl_ lh~:.be AcceptAd 'AS reAd. All voted fAvorBbly- the moticn carried. Clmn. Kennedy f!1ovad nnd Clr1n. jaIler second8d that the r1Jles be susnended in ore:. I' tl1et p suppl8'~ent omending ,)ee. 22 of 01'<1.162 cOllld be pPRsed. "11 votpd f'9vnrAbly the i'lotion crlITied. liipyor Lpnier re,id the Amendment "'nd GIffin. Sellers moved pnd camn. Seferovich seconded thqt this B~endment be acceptAd HS read. ~ll voted favorAbly ,the J11otion cprried. Glmn. Seferovich m(wed Hnd Glmn. !,;iller seconded tilnt i~. G. i Blidber~ be hired fnr another I10nth as gRrbage helrer. 11.11 voted 'fpvorphly the motion cprried. lhe Clprk wps instructed to have notices placed in the 10('81 pAper thet trash placed in nspt piles would be hauled HWny by the City. Also thAt All side WAlks must be VACAted of ~riv8te nropArty !within two weeks. ' I I -:,{., ." '"--. ,01<., '11 ~ ~,\; Meetin~ of May 2 1949 Cont. i CIron. rainter moved And C)Imn Seferovich seconcied that Fred C. '1110Ward receiv9 pRYC'lE'nt in full for contract Hot~.(V-50087)M.P.H.l hetween the City of Seward en~ Fred C. Howard, the contrRctor or ithe sum of $10,714.68 also C. J. Hutton is to be paid $200.00 i~tto,rney:s fAes. AllRY".o~Pe. f8vorghly the 'notion carried. . , ! Ihe vlerk reAd t1it:!i'pny rollf\Rs follows; LoenAf'd J. C18rk $ 00.00 ;Geo. Turnbull ~'350~00L1ndY I\nderson $350.00-Fred Kielcheski ~4. O.OQ ~ltqlph Van Guilder ~p329.00-John Jones $216.00-Kent Pettin~ill $ 38.QO 1- 'Troy Bogard $350.00-0arl J. Hutton $100.00-Aron Ericson ,8.33- !Kp.theryn E. Ling,$200.25-E. G. Blidberg $375.00 Totsl $3,666.5, I 'The following items were re8d also: Petty CRsh $53.51-Fed. .lit. ! Tax $298.80-Dep9rtmsnt of 'fAxRtion,,\pLic. Plates pn $301.15 ' .Jrivers Lic. $105.00, School TAX ~ Clnn. P'1inte!' moved 8 d Climn. Miller seconded that the PRY roll ~the items as listed be paid. I All Councilmen voted favorably the motion cerried. The Salary f I rlenry Horton for $400.00 is to be included in the PAY roll. Clmn. Miller had to leave at 11;05 as he had to go to work. Mayor Lanier rAa~ R letter fro~he Standard Oil Co. expressing 8 desire to have the Ci ty pa~r their:' bi ll-e-t'" or before the 10th of eoch month. Letter ~qted 4~23~49. Dff ~ letter from the School ~08rd was read asking for 32,545.6 from the 1>f-J/J.r/Jr/JJ. Sales Tax School Fun~, 8S the fin'll payr:le:Jt on ,1948-1949 School bud~ot. $1,000.00 of this money is to he retur Ad it~ the City's Gener~l fund AS this amount is Rn over-payment on 11947-1948 School bud~et. GImn. Kennedy moved Rnd Clmn. Sellers ~econded that this money be pRide All voted fnvorably the motio icarrled. : A. J. Culverson submitted a bid of j315.00 for lots 24-25-2 land 15.78 feet of lot 27 in clock 36 Originnl Townsite. This bi I'was referred to City Attorney Carl J. Hutton. A petition of the L&quor Dealers tssociation of Seward was ea~ laskin~ that no more linuor licenses be issued, this was tabled --r (for the present. I ! Troy bo~ard hAnded in his resiRnation ~G City Clerk taking leffect Msy 15, 1949. Clmn. Painter moved and Clmn. Seferovich ; iseconded that this resignation be accepted, nIl voted fRvorebly ithe motion carried. I Mgyor LRnier appointed ~rs. Martine Johansen RS City Clerk Itake effect May 15, 1949. Glmn. Sellers moved And Clmn. Fainter Iseconded that this Appointment be approved, Rl~ voted favorebly the motion cprri&d. , All business at hAnd being t8ken CRre of the neetin~ Asjour Ie t 11: 4f) P. 1-1. ! ~ , I,. [Attest. tJ )(t~ ?Z:;~L ~ !K: t .; Lt ~ t.' I ' q;-' .-; -j > . t/'-<'--<-~l i"-;.--r;-C 1;'- /--- tA.-7fL.c.y Approvyd, lAayor Seward, ,I1ask8. i'""4 I ' I 1;),\-' ..,~: -; ~ Special Meeting May 4, 1949. I ----lg: Mayor Lanier called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. Clmn. Present: Dahl, Kennedy, Painter and Uiller. Clmn. Absent: Sellers and Seferovich. . , Tho purpooo of thia m.ating ia to try and work out a plan for the expansion of the Seward Electric System. ~' Mr. ilwyn Swetmann said the inventory of p18n~quipment was low compared to replacement cost, which was an advantage to the plant. , I Clmn. Seferovich came in at 8:20 P.M. Mr Swetmann thought the facti . th.t the bonds of the Light Plant being a revenue bond was~ good thing for the plant and the community, rather than if they were general obligation bonds. He said the Bank of Seward would ! be able to buy $11,000.00 worth of the bond issue. Banks in Seattl~ San Francisco and New York would be contacted to try to sell bonds~ Mr. Swetmann made the point that the bonds need to be tax exempt if possible and municipal bonds _ can be issued tax .....&xempt. All buainess at hand being completed the meeting adjourned 10:00 P~M. ,p~alor ~~;';'d. Attest "'! / I //((L/'tZ; .i-(. ,tita .,;<1....." t eward, Alaska.May, 16, 1949 :~ egular meeting of Seward Cuty Council was called to order by !~ Mayor Lanier at 8:06 P.M. ',\','Yl Present were Councilmen : Miller, Seferovich, Dehl, Sellers, Kennedy.!~ . bsent: Councilman Painter. Martine Johansen wa. took the oath [of Minutes of last regular and special meeting were read and approved. I Ge e Kirkpatrick of the Seward water dept was present to explain . the reason for the low pressure of water. letter was read from the Seward Fire Dept. reporting damaged water hydrants. A suggestion was Made by Councilman Kennedy ,that the water d"t be deducted $5.00 for each hydrant not in Iworking oredr by the next meeting, and was instructed to notify the 'fire chief. !Motion was made by Councilmen Miller, seconded by Councilman Kennedy That Mayor Lanier be authorized to arrange a loan of Twelve Thousand ($12,000.00) dollars by giVing a post dated check for payiqg off · H.F.C.,the amount to be refunded to the city by Oct.lst 1949 by the Seward Electric System. Interest and principal to be paid to date on H.F.C. loan to the Seward Electric System. '%zmtiR8xiRxIBxBzxaRBxlxKJatwKtJ Motion carried. . Cl ,Willer,Seferovlch, Dahl,Kennedy in favor, Sellers against. Motion made by Councilman Seferovich and seconded by Councilman IKennedy, that the city hold special election for revenue bond issue; jin the amount of One Hundred four Thousand ($104,000.00) dollars. ' Fifty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars to be used for the purpose of ; ,obtaining new generator unit and expansion of disttibutuon system, . land Fifty four thousand ($54,000.001 dollars for retiring H.F.C. . bonds against Seward Electric System. . l'AllXX.t.BxlaXBXK.l~xa..xmBttBRX~j~x.axxt... Councilmen,Willer, : Seferovich,Dahl, Kennedy in favor, Clmn Selles against, Motilbn carriiell, IElection to be held June 17th 1949. Blerk was instructed to give inotice to the newspaper and post the required notices . [Katherine Ling wes sworn in as city assessor for the tax jear 1949. Certificate of sale #2952 to Pat ~ Bogan for Lot 7 Blk 8.0riginal townsite for $ 150.00 was accepted. IA bid from Dennis & Thompson for lots 17 &1~ Blk 22 for $200.00 , was read. Check for $50.00 accompanying bid. ,Motion made by Clmn Sellers seconded By Clmn. Kennedj that bid be ... :accepted. Mot~~carried by unanimous vote. I I .." ,,"I (' .."'\ ", t.. 'C, "- 1",:,. '- ., Motion made by Councilman Sellers seconded by Councilman Millel~~~f that Council accept quit claim deed for $315.00 to Albert J.c~.. lve son & Faye R. Culverson on lots 24-25-26 and fraction of lot 27 blk.36 Original town81te. Clmn Miller, Dahl, Sellers,Kennedy voted yes, Clmn Seferovich no. ,Motion carried. I Motion made By elmn Kennedy seconded by Seferovich to strike ~f~ that part of quit claim deed specifying lots to be used for t e erection of a church, sold to the Lutheran Ladies .id dated De .17\ 1947. Lots 19 & 20 Blk 25 Orig. Townsite. By unanimous vote motion carried. . ; I: j 4 . . Motion made bj elmn.Kennedy and seconded by Clmn.Sellers that amount of $140.00 submitted to city by A.Goulsbury for false a end many other claims be rejected by council. By unanimous vote Motion carried. the rest i Motion made by Councilman Seferovich and seconded by Kennedy that council accept school board budget for for f 26,559.00, the c1tys portion. By unanimous vote motion carried. councnmat 1949- 50 I I ! Seferovich seconded by Councilman Mil~er to Wm.H.Estes for Engineering service I V.H.P. V-50078. carried. I '-* Motion made by Councilmen that the city pay $315.00 out of the rental account By unanimous vote Motion Motion made by Councilman Sellers seconded by Councilman Miller that the city ascept performance Bond of James Construetiob Co the sum of Forty-seven Thousand{$47,OOO.00) dollars dated May 1 signed by Ray F.James principal. Hedley Davis and Luella James surit~s. By unanimous vote Motion carried. Aletter from E.J.S.Young U.S.S.Salisbury Sound expressing app of the Officers and men of his Task Grpup for the courtesy and cooperation shown them during their four day visit to Seward, w n , 19149 ! Also a letter from Delegate Bartlett regarding the of Southern end of the Alaska Railroad. ,The following paid bills were approved. fac.Air Motive Corp. $ 61.95 James Cameron rats Garage 152.01 The Mart ~au~i'a'", -_.' ....2>h;:1.0. Kent Pettingill ~orth.Commercial Co. 298.00 ~ndYB Oil Del ~sbotsElec Supply 145.71 O.M.Beaver rac. Coast Stamp Wks 25.72 Webb & Webb peward Plumbing & Htg. 28.80 Erdman agency pourdough Express 9.37 Baumgartner Ins : Seward Trading 36.78 Alaska Printing $eward Drug Co. 32.95 Burroughs Add.Co eward Metal Worka 9.00poyles Hdwre eward Hardware Co. 70.35 ~.~.Estes eward Gen Hospital 10.00 Eeds Bros. eattle Office Supply 51.90 U.S.Forest Servic6 eward Seaport Record 434.05 Chas R Griffin tandard Oil Co of Galif 167.99 Hamiltons Garage $eward Florist 5.00 Kenai Electric fi.XJl.x.x~.xk.tx: l.L'Metca1f Davis & Renfrew 325.00 Me Cutcheon & Nes Christensen ~lr Service 5.21 Pau1steiners Total ------8,g~e.~4---- I I ec1lation s ~e8d. I I T l . 10.0 1.6 68.9 2039.5 400.0 569.2 568.59 1141.32 8.00 9.70 6.45 50.00 19.67 5.00 36.32 582.31 16..65 38.7 334.20 360.25 l-r I Bal this date, 724.80 Seward Electric System, Payroll and Bills Apr.l, 1949. Gen Electric Sup Corp. $ 499.35 Seward Machine Shop 5.70 !S.D. Webb 1,138.93 R.E.Duffy 403.04 53.60 5.36 462 00 John H. Kelly 412.17 45.30 4.53 "6 .00 L'..... ~ f ...:,', . ~ ~~---~- ---- --~-- ~ - ,. ---~-- --~---,--_._- --- ~-~-~- -~. LLoyd Thornton $ 391. 77 39 . 30 3~93 435.00 Carl Empey Jr. 426.74 56.60 5.66 489.00 ardon T. Black 325.87 28.30 2.83 357.00 Bess 18 M~l1oy 206.08 17.20 1.72 225.00 ack Jordon 534.66 59.40 5.94 600.00 ank of Seward 299.70 etty Cash 169.46 tandard 011 Co -2,934.78 I Uen Electric Sup Corp 283.56 Dodge Elec Co. 25.00 ohn Paul steiner 12.35 iaml1tona Oara.a 11.35 Seward Mach. Shop 16.08 eward Light & Power 10.38 eward Metal Works 2.80 urroughs Add. Mach.Co 7.19 il'l'orthington 593.50 raWard -atar Supply 5.10 award Hardware 5.80 8,721.36 299.70 29.i7 3,030.00 I I S81allie8 $3,030.00 I I Comp Ins. 1,138.93 ~- Bills 4,582.40 I 8,751. 33 I Terr. Tax. 29.97 8,721.36 Ba 1. 4/30/49 871.16 I Motion Made by Councilman Seferovich seconded by Councilman Miller to adjourn. Motion carried. Time 12:00 Midnite. ~ ., . Attest?!!~ City Clerk A,," :'....t-."-j. _.J.,~.~ I 0--.. '>~-'t.-...c.-~"'" pproved-4--------____________ Mayor I f ------:.--T--- I i t9 Seward Al"ska May 31, B49 A special meetin~ of the Gommon Council of Seward w~s calldd order at 8:00 P:M. by Mayor LBnier~ : "resent. wore-~ounCi.lman Kennedy, Miller ,:r1ahl and selleri'. Absent Coilncilmen Painter and Sefc:rovich. Mayor Lanier stated that ~ha purpose of th€ meeti~g was to come to a~greement on ~elephone and ?ower supply for the City of Seward. . Mayor Lunier read a letter from 'Im.M.r,1Bxey ot the J~ldska Telephone Sngineering Gor~. of htirbanks AlaSKb. e;~pressin his views WLt;l the possibility of installing an up to data telephone sy.stem in Seward. After some discussion, a motion was mude by Councilman IIil ar and seconded by Councilman Sellers t~ht anyone desrring a frinchise f~r b Telephon~ system for the city of Seward be, requested to produce a twenty-five mhousand (~2b,OOO.OO) I dollar peeformance bond. i By unanimous vote motion catriad.. \ ~he 'Ttillty board was inRtructeC1 to a~swer the l~tter sta~in~ the action orthe council. I I I I _~ letter addressed to the 1!ayor and Common 'ouncil of sewarf i from the Dtility Board wac read, advis{ng th.t a special m et!ing of that body had been held to discuss the proposed Bond lse e of One .i'-.mdred and T?Our thousand (?l04, 000.00) dollars, lind ' the followin~ action was taken. I i I 1'-1 Excerpt: Motion was d".tly made cnd seconded and carried that ]Oltr non able ~o~y be reqaestel that Kilder Peabody ~ GO,17 Wall qt, Pew Vork,W.Y. be reQues ed to prepare the issue for marketi g and attend to all le~a1 details in connectIon with the i8su . ! Memo: I l8ta to be sllbmHted to Ki~der,neabody for their consideradon in connection wi th. proposed Seward l1:lectric 'i.fstem Bond I,sl~e, I to be voted by the people of Seward Juae 17, 1)43.1 I I Amo\tllt of Iss\1e :$104,000.00 15 year 0, r1 ,. Purpose: :tctiring I{.F. G. Bond.s and p~r0hu.Bing l:ilidi tional powell' generatin~ facility. I I ?aJaole:~o,uOO.OO on Oct,L,L)oO then ~7,uOO.OU per arUl\1m onl ' Oct 1st of each year antil entire issue has been paid or\oct,~ I . l~u4. . I "{edeemable on dny interest bearing date at ~lOj.OO ~nru oct.~~~5. ! Callable at Par after Oct 1360. I I annually on April 1, and Oct leach yerrL ( ~{evenue ) I i , 30nis to be i~sued in bearer form. I Paying a~ents: Chase Nat'l ~ank,new York or Kidder Peabody ~\c~. ]',lotion wa" m(-de by :;oltllci1man Kennedy an~ secondea bi[ c~u~ciim~n Miller to accept the Utility -qoBl?ds Bctlon L.nd suomlt QBLtl. t.o Kidder,Peabody t Co. I Clm.Kenne1y. 'Uller and l)ahl voted yes, elm. Sellers, r~o. Motion Carried. 'l'ax exempt. Interest payable semi First Mort~a~e 90nds Motiun made by CoulcilmRn Seller me~ting ajjourn. e' r ,- . ( .z- -' / ' - ~ . , t . l~ . _-(.:"_.L_~!,:""-'L I,J.. .;_LJ.J--__+ - -- c/ ? Mayor " i~pnlWV:~;) ;\",""co;STm~ .~ '~t: -t }'" ';; c. f' ~(.t~..," -..,. I . ~,.. 1; I ~. ~ -~ it(. (; l 11,', ~" ~~ , l. i" t' *" " I .<: ~I I I ~, t: i l~ . ~ I .......;: , . 'j I~'i I" . Ifi I ~....'. wi' ";~~;' t. f' "~. $;: ~ ~., "';; >.,' ~' ,~.j -; Sew!': rd Alaska June 6, 1949 '~:#~ ~, ~~. ~". ;; Regular lJleeting of the ~ewElrd Common Council WAS celled to order at 8:20 on the above date by Mayor Lanier. Answering roll call were Councilmen Kennedy, Uil1er,Painter,Seferovich Dahl and Sellers. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 16 and the special meeting of May 31 were reed and approved. Mr. Lechner mede a report on 3 garbage truck which had been slightly damaged and would be available to the city for $6,765.68 which is $1,000.00 less than the original cost and could be put in first class condition. After some discussion B motion was made by Councilaan Sellers and seconded by Councilman Kennedy that Mr Lechner be instructed to . negotiate wtth Mr. Glenn Carrington \0 ascertain if pa~ments could be made over a period of 90 to 120 days if necessary with interest. The purchase price being $6,765.00. ' By unanimous vote motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Miller seconded by Glm. Sellers that a bid for hauling garbage be turn"d into the vept.of Justiee at ~65.00 per Guarter. By unanimous vote ~otion carried. Ur.Kielcheski reported on the deplorable condition of the City water pressure and the fire hydrants. Also asked thet the city authorize a survey of property in the Cliff Andition to enable him to make street improvements. Motion made By Councilman Kennedy seconded by Miller that Wm.Estes be hired to place 8 survey of five corner posts at an estimated cost of $50.00 and not to exceed $60.00. Vote being un~nimous motion carried. .......;. 'iF ~; ;<" 'f ,. " .....~.~I"!:i.. .'~ ' 'i ' ;It" Motion made by elm.Sellers seconded purchase of two hydraulic Jacks and By unanimous vote motion carried. by Kennedy to 800 ft.of fire authorize the j hose and connectionsl ; 1 I ~ J ~otion made by Councilman Kennedy secondedby Miller that a resolution be made to direct the Seward Light & Power to immediately remowe the~r transmission line lccated on Vista Ave in the Cliff Addition. Reason for the removel is to give the Street Dept. room for the re- location and reconstruction of Vista Ave. By unanimous vote Motion carried. t:i City Tress.Yr.Erlcson reported that Ur.l::lrunelle,Clerk of the U.S.Vist. iourt had told him of an ordinance passed by the ~nchorege Council which was proving quite successful in collecting City business license fees. A motion was Dade write Mr.Brunelle to be here by the ,. Clerk was instructed to 8ppoint an election board for the coming election June 17,1949. by Clm.Sellers seeonded by Painter that the clerk j for a copy of the ordlnance,on City Business Licenb0s1 next regular meeting. Unanimously carried. ; ! '" ,".' -~~ ';.t Motion made by Glm.Painter Sec.by elm Dahl that Bills end Peyroll be approved. Motion carried. A special meeting was set for ~on.evening June 13 for the purpose of setting up e budget. Clerk was instructed'to notify all Dept.heads tp be present. On motion duly made and seconded matting adjourned at 11:20 P.}4. 1:"1"' J.'..!,,'. ':'ll , A. ' :l'*; ,~r "-. . '\ ",. " Atte8t~~. City C rk. Approved-----------------------.. Mayor. .eo: -~- ----.---.--------- ------ .------.--.-- --..-.----.-----. Seward Alaska June 13, 1949 A special meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order at 8:13 on the above date with Acting Mayor Sellers in the chair. answering roll c~ll were Clm.Kennedy,Willer, Seferovich and Dehl. Absent Clm.Painter. Acting Weyor Sellers announced that the speeial meeting wes called for the purpose of discussing and outlining 8 budget for the coming year. He also informed the council that he had asked Wrs.Ling to prepare figures on the operating costs of the past year, which were submitted at this time. -, '" L':" .......,. \;,- After considerable discussion on ways of lowering cost of ga8 and oil end cost of heating and maintenance an e.t1mated budget was prepared. Chief of Police Clark atxsaax heeding the Police Dept end Mr.Kielcheski of the F1re end Streets Depertm&nt were aaked to prepare a budget for their respect1ve Depts. in en effort to lower the estimated budget, and report'a~ the next regular meeting June,20, Mr.Kielcheski was also asked to furnish figures an the estimated cost of fin1sh1ng the U.S.O.Bldg. to be submitted at the next regular meeting. Motion made and carried meeting adjourn. Atte8t~ (LL,AJ~,n~ Cler~'-~.rv. ? \ // ) ~'~ /; c:;;xt.:: ~ -.L J;;J -~- 7' #~'- ,-' Approved~.--~-------- ' Mayor ( ! ._~ J ~~ t;/V7/ Special Election: 17 June 1949 Bond issue: For the purpose of issuing revenue bonds for the addition of generating equipment and the rehabilitation of the Seward Electric Company. FOR: 115 AGAINST: 17 - () ~ " ~eward Alaska June 20, 1949 Hegular meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order at 8:08 on the avave date by Mayor Lanier. Present Clm. Kennedy, Miller, Painter, Dahl. elm. Sellers and Seferovich arrived late. I Minutes of the last regular and special meeting were read and apppoved. Mr. O.M.Beaver,auditor was present and explained the articles of the audit which he presented at this time. Marine ways lease was discussed and the suggestion was made that the leases be compared to ascertain if the wording had been changed to read net in place of gross. Motion made by Clm. Pai.ter, seconded by Sellers that the audit of the city books be accepted. By unanimous vote Motion carried. Motion made by Glm.Sellers seconded by Painter that the veterans housing project books be brought up to date by Mr.Beaver. All voting favorable Motion carried. Motion made by elm. Miller seconded by Dahl that the bill from Mr. Beaver for $85.00 for records on Yet.Housing Project be paid. All in favor, Motion carried} Herman Leirer asked for a trade with the city for 900 feet of land on 1st Ave.owing to the street being cut through his property. elm. Painter volunteered to make a trip to the property to ascertain what could be done. I Frank Woods Bsked for information on lots 5 to 15 inclusive Block 10 Laubner addition. He expressed a desire to purchase lots 11-12-13-14 end was asked to prepare a bid on these lots and submit to the council. Mr.Kielchesktir&ported that the lowest possible cost of a road magnate would be $50a~OO. ~: Mayor Lanier announced that the next order of business would be to prepare the budget. In allotting $1800.00 for the Hospital it was pointed out that the roof was badly in need of repair and that bids should be called for without delay. Mr.Woods presented his bid at this time for lots 11-12-13 and 14, Block 10, Laubner addition at , 75.00 each. Motion made by Clm. Sellers and seconded by Seferovich that bid be accepted and the option now held by Ur.Woods be dropped. All in fevor, Motion carried. Motion made by Glm.Painter seconded by Seferovich to suspend the rules due to an emergency,for the purpose of revoking the amondment to Ord. 162'Clm.Kennedy,Mtller,Painter,Seferov1ch and ~hl Voted yes. elm. Sellers retired from the meeting. Motion carr1ed. Motion made by Glm. Painter and seconded by ~eferovich to repeal the amending ordinance to Ordinance 162, thus reinstating Automobiles to the list of personal propert~ assessment roll, excepting Sec.7 drivers l1censes to remain at $1.00 per annum. Glm.Kennedy, Miller,Painter,Seferov1ch and Dahl in favor. Clm. Sellers still absent. Wotion carried. -,: t ,~. '.". &. " "t " ~ I . ,f ;l ift The hour being late , Me*tin8 adjourned until Jed. evening at 8:00 P.M. \( approved..... -'-':..-;;. i i~-';' - ~ ~ _:. ..'.:~'..<.. ~;:.:: -- ll<laypr ) Attest.&"~ ~~...-"'=.~.:'~/ 01 ty Gle~r.a---;"~ Wednesday, June 22, 1949 A~pecial meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order on the above date by Mayor Lanier for the purpose of continueing unfinished business including the budget. Present: Clm.Kennedy, Miller,Painter,Dahl and Sellers. Absent Clm. Seferovich. A communication from Mr H.h.Malcolm of the Kenai Bus line'was read asking for j3as stand on 4th Ave and Wash. st. A motion was made by Clm. Sellers and Seconded by Clm. Kennedy, to allow the Kenai Bus line 60 ft on North side on Wash.St for parking and lower 30 ft adjoining corner on main St for loadin&lpassengers. All in favor motion carried. & unlbading --' The following bills were read: Wm.Estes,$60.75, O.M.Beaver,Auditor ~635.00, Charles R. Hadley ~170.04. . Motion made by Clm Kennedy seconded by Painter,that $100.00 be de- ducted from the Auditors bill and the other bills approved as read. All in favor Motion carried. Bills of Seward Electric System Rep.Memorial Fund. 25.00 Paul Elms. 425.00 R.E.Duffy 426.74 John H.Kelly 421.30 LLoyd Thornton 391.77 Carl Empy 426.74 Gordon T. Black 311.51 Albert Smith 89.07 Bessie Malloy 206.08 Jack Jordan 534.66 Bank of beward 298.30 Petty Cash 166.24 amounting to $5,956.04 were approved: Standard Oil Co. $1522.55 Seward Trading Co. 17.18 Borroughs Adding Macb.~:25.93 Pat's Garage 9.90 Hamiltons Garage 18.00 Seward Machine Shop 49.79 Seward Water 5.00 Seward Light & Power 10.69 John Paulsteiner 29.55 Seward Hwdre 20.25 iiorthington Pump 500.00 Westinghouse 21.68 Graybar Electric 3.11 Total 5,956.04 Motion made by Clm. Painter seconded by Miller that Council accept ballot of election held on June 17th for revenue bonds of ~104,OOO.00. 132 votes cest. 115 for 17 against. All in f8v~r, motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Painter seconded by Miller to to negotiate with bonding Co. for the $104,000.00, Clm.Kennedy,Miller, Painter and Dahl voted ,yes. Motion carried. A letter from Manley and Mayer architects was read, suggesting corr- ections in the heating system of the school bldg. Motion made by Clm.Painter and sec. by Miller that in the heating system of the school be approved and to proceed 'with plans and that he be asked to give of the approximate cost. All in favor, Motion carried. Kennedy Mation made by Clm i.XKXBK and sec.by Painter that the Clerks and Judges of the election be paid. All in favor, Motion carried. authorize the Mayor revenue bonds. Sellers No. Manleys corrections that he be instructed the Council a figure Motion made by Clm Miller end Sec.by Sellers that the end of the fiscal year be changed from March 11 to June 30. All in fevor Motion carried. A special meeting was called for June 27 to arrange for special election ? to continue with sales tax and determine term of office for City Officials..--' and to further discuss the budget. Motion made to adjourn, so ordered. '-- Approved ,r: .'., .. ,'. _ ..":'_'. '-'i./:',;,~ ~ _ ~~.... ~~:"'_'_ .lJ _ _. _ _ _. Mayor Attest __lJf~_ QJ~-" City ~;;....--..--- ~'! be',nrd Alaska June 27, 1949 .. special meeting of the ::ieward Common Council was called to order at 8:30 P.M. on the above date, by Mayor Lanier. Present: Councilman, Kennedy, Miller, Dahll and Sellers. Absent: Councilman Painter and Seferovich. I Mayor Lanier stated the purpose of the meeting was balancing the budget, study territorial election of officers and preparing Ord- inance for such and the City Business tax. Motion made by Clm.Miller,ieconded by Sellers that Sales tax Ordinance be drawn up to comply with Territorial statutes and be presented at the general election in Oct. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Councilman Seilers Seconded by Kennedy, the police force be reduced to two policemen and a limited activity of police equipment next year, starting July 1,1949. Change of personall in police uept. will be choice of Police Chief subject to Mayors approval. All in favor motion carried. Motion mad~ by Councilman Sellers that Seward Water Dept be notified that all f,re plugs must be serviced and kept in working order according to Ordinance 36, and we believe those foung deficient,per month service charge will be deducted,and equivalent 8~ount per plug should be reasonable penalty for deficient service. ,Ie understand at present there are 8 plugs not in service. Seconded by Clm.Kennedy. By unanimous vote motion cqrrted. I Clerk was instructed to insert motion in letter to the Seward IVater Dept. Motion ~ade by Councilman Miller, Seconded by Kennedy that clerk be allowed bookkeeper and to carry out recommendations of auditor for a complete accounting system. The arrangements to made by the Clerk. All in fovor motion c3rricd. After considerable discussion the proposed budget was cut to $83,069.00 and left open for further consideration at next regular session. The stated business being concluded 8 motion was made to adjourn. "'pproved ,I"""" ~ - .' -,,:. ~_"..-:'. ;__"..... ..: _..., '1~ f......__<-.......~ {'.. ------.----.----------------- Mayor Attest })f~_4~~ _ ity Clerk. . r, ..,~-} Seward Alaska July 5, 1949 ~ The regular meeting of Seward Common Council was called to order at 8:30 P.M. on the above date by Mayor Laniar. Present wer. Oouncilmen Kennedy, Miller, Painter, Seferovich,Dahl and Sellers. Minutes of the last regular and two special meetings were reed and approved. "Motiob made by Councilman ~ellers,Seconded by Painter to suspend the rules for School Bonds in the amount of 1125,000.00. By unenimous vote motion carried. Motion made by Councilmen Sellers Seconded by Seferovich to adopt Ord. 194 as read. All in fevor motion carried. - A number of the citizens of Seward were present to propest against the reduction of Police force which resulted in the dismissal of Officer Turnbull. The reduction having been ,made to meet the proposed bUdget. After some discussion a motion was made by Councilman Miller seconded by Seferovich that Officer Turnbull be reinstated. Councilman Kennedy asked to be~ excused from voting. Councilmen Miller and Seferovich voted yes, Councilmen Painter, Dahl and Sellers, No. Motion lost. Motion made by Councilman Seferovich,Seconded by Kennedy that Council accept petition by the majority of the people of Seward. All in favor Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Sellers to suspend the rules to adopt Resolution on the purchase of School Bonds. All in favor Motion carried. Motion made by Councilman Painter Seconded by Sellers to adopt resolution. All 1n favor . Motion carried. Metion made by Councilman Seferovich Se~onded by Selle rs to accept resolution on Marine Waysr _ Whereas, the City of Seward and the riarAssets Admin'stration have B previous agreement, whereby the War Assets Administration for the sum of $ 40,000.00 was to sell and convey to the City of Seward the hereinafter described Marine \vays,and llhereaa the said sum of money has been paid to the said War Assets Administration in full, and the City of Seward is now entitled to the deed conveying the said property~to the City of Seward: Be it therefore resol_ed by the City Council of Seward, Alaska, that the Mayor of said City is hereby authorized to accept on behalf of the City of Seward, a Quit Claim Deed signed by the War Assets Adminis- tration and conveying to the City of Seward the following described real estate and personal property in the document described as follows: Marine \iavs All of V.a.Survey No.2830,Alaska of Marine Ways Tract, situate on Resurrection Bay~ within U.S.Survey No.1116, Federal Addition to Seward ~ownsite, between the Alaska Railroad and Resurrection Bay,containing 4.43 acres, more or less. It is further resolved that the City of Seward by end through its present City Council hereby authorize the purchase of said property which the City of Seward has heretofore contracted to purchase, and further ratifies any arrangements heretofore made and we agree to abide by the conditions of the transfer instrument, and accept the seme for all purposes of every name and nature as is contained in said document. All in favor Motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Miller See. by Dahl, Bills to U.S.Signal Corps.~32.47 and Miro-Flex Co *70.69 be ppproved. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Painter Sec.by oeferovich that lease between City and Sanatarium for electric water pump be accepted. All in favor motion carried. On suggestion of the clerk in order to keep within the proposed budget the salary of the clerk and asst. be $275.00 and 225.00 respectively, i.X.8~..jx from July 1st to Oct.l, 1949. So agreed. Motion by Clm.Miller Atte8t-7.Jf~ - Chrk ~proved ? '_ _ __or .. , / ~ . CAA' ,.'" '" t': .. ;,; *1 __...':_'': ~F".~ _ _ _ .I._.._.i.", .~~'. _ _... " -ayar {or:" :; Seward Alaska Kuly 18, 1949. Regular meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order at 8:00 P.W. on the above date by Mayor Lani~r. Answering roll call were elm. Kennedy , Painter, Seferovlch,and Dehl. elm. Sellers arrived late. elm.Miller being absent. I Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. A letter from the Seward Fire Uept was read,regarding fuel oil storage end fresh water supply, requesting the Council to take action to insure that all business houses ~rom Jeffersonn St. to water front between 3rd and 6th ~ves.inclusive bury their fuel oil tanks. Fire Chief Kielcheski spoke at length on the seriousness of the situation in cese of fire, and Clm ~ainter again called attention to the low pressure of water in the higher part of the town. After some discussion the Council decided to call a special meeting for Monday evening July 25, requesting the members of the fire Dept. and also Mr,Devis of the Seward liater Dept to be present for the purpose of remedying the water situation and to act on Ord. 195 re- qu~rJng the fuel oil tanks in certain alleys to he burried. Murl Trevethan sec. of the ttre dept. spoke of ways and means and nec- for changes 1n the U.S.v.Bldg.ane completion of the new fire hall. The totaJ cost would be about i5,000.OO and stated the fire dept. WlUH willing to advance the cost of concrete blocks for another story and work could begin 8S soon as the blocks were available. Motion made by elm Seferovich, seconded by Clm.Kennedy that city re- imburse fire dept. for blocks and material for eenatruction of second story of new fire hall. All in favor motion carried. I Petition signed by citizens for and against the reinstatement of Officer, Turnbull were presented. Motion made by Clm. Sellers seconded by Clm. Kennedy that petitions be set aside for consideration by council under Srd.86 Sec.9. All in favor motion carried. .. Motion made by elm. Seferovich that Geo Turnbull be reinstated as third policeman until Oct.l. There being no second motion was lost. Motion made by elm. Sellers seconded by elm. Kennedy that city charge 35.00 per unit per month for city owned hou... Tenant to do all repairs and pay utilities excepting telephone if ~tilized by police. All utilities for anyone else. By unanimous vote motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Kennedy seconded by Seferovich, pay roll be approved and paid also the following bills against the City. \ Ches Hadley Anch. Times Miro Flex Co. Trick & Murray 170.04 57.60 78.30 118.13 Pac.Air Motive Co Christensen bir Service Northern Comm. Co Bebt Culverson Total 23.75 13.78 210.75 29.03 701.38 I Motion made by Clm.Sellers seconded by Painter that bill against the Veterans housing be paid. Jones and ~nderson 325.51 Seward Hardware 21.33 Paulsteiners 165.20 All in favor motion carried. Kenai Lumber Co. Tota 1 17.60 529.64 Motion made by Clm Painter seconded tax returns not being completed and tax roll to the best of her ability the special meeting July 25, 1949. All in favor motion carried. Motion by elm. Sellers to adjourn. by Kennedy that because of the returned that assessor make up the according to last years roll fb~ Carried. ~;:~~:~~~.~"An.~ __ (Ji ~'6~_ App~ed /, . . ," 7 _,'. . ". .. '''If'''' _;1i. /.",,' ( - -..1--.~-~-"._--"._._------ 'J Mayor .C) Monday EVeni~g July 25, 1919. A spAcial meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to orde~at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Lanier. Answering roll call were Clm. Kennedy,Miller, Painter,and Dahl. Clm Sellers arrived late. Clm. Seferovich being absent. Mayor Lanier announced the meeting 8as called for the purpose of talking over the water situation and acting on Ord.195 governing fuel oil. For the benefit of those who were not present at the last meeting the letter from the fbre dept. was read. was Mr. Hedley Davis of the water dapt Js.; present aJt~ asked for hid views' on the water situation. He asked that his sister Mes Thorne be present she being helf owner in the water Co. O~ninance No.195 was read. Motion made by Clm.Painter that rules be suspended for the purpose of fassing Ord. 195. Seconded by Clm. Kennedy. 11 1n favor motion carried. Motion m8de by Clm. Painter and seconded by Clm. Kennedy that Ord.195 be adopted. All in favor motion carried. Mayor Lanier called attention to the fact that sales tax funds to date have not been sufficient to take care of chock post dated Aug.l, 1949. Motion made by Glm.Kennedy,seconded by Clm. Painter that the money be transferred from City treasury to the sBlos tax fund to meet post dated chock of $10,000.00. All in favor motion carried. A message came from Mrs. Thorne that she woulQ be unable to be'present so the water situation was again brought under discussion. Fire Chis! Kieleheski again called attention to the low pressure of water and poor condition of fire hydrants. Mr. Davis expressed a willingness to co-op~rate with the city in remedying the situation and asked that a committee to include Mr. Dick Myors be appointed to work with him. Mayor Lanier appoint~d Mr. Myers and Mr.Gus Johnson td represent the fire dept. and Clm.Kennedy for the city to work with Mr. Davis. Clerk was instructed to write 'l'JfM.1~ In-~ -<-~~, _".. 7:":__. Motion made by Glm.Painter to include in our order 'Of business the wages ~f heavy duty operator. Seconded by Glm. -Dahl. All 1n favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Sellers Seconded by Clm.Painter ' to raise salary of' heavy duty operator from $350.00 to $400.00 per month effective Au~.I,1949. All in favor motion carried, Motion made by Glm. Sellers We include in to-nights business consideration of heating unit of old school building and all necessary steps arising from the discussion. Seconded By Clm. Kennedy. All in favor motion carried. , -l Motion made by Clm.~ellers that specifications of all labor and materials required for the alterations to heating plant for Seward School Bldg for th~ City of Seward at Seward, Alaska by Manley & Mayer Architecto Anchorage , Job No.4925 dated June EO, 1949 added on to James Construction Co.original contract as change order, excluding storm sash for all windows inclUding basement windows not now so prOVided. Seconded by Clm.Painter. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Miller seconded by Clm.P~inter that hospital roof be incl~ded in to-nights business. Seconded by elm. Painter. All in favor motion cerried. Motion made by Clm.Miller Seconded by Clm~ Sellers that bids be called for, for new aluminum roof on old hospital Bldg. bids to be opened at the City Hall on the 8th day of Aug. Bids to be received at the city hall until 3:00 P.M. on that date. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm Painter Seconded by Clm.Miller that personal tax statements from A to K inclusive be approved. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Kennedy,econded by Clm.Dahl th~t real property tax statements from A to K inclusive be approved. All in favor Motion carried. Motion made by Clm\jainter to~djOUrn. ~::~~~-?2L~:~ ,-"," ., APPROVED , / ".~""I......-<I"I':>',...",.\,. ,.........,...'__.~,,,.J~? . *_._-~~------'1(ayor------_..__._-- I t Ifl',',. ~ ;1 81Cl ,;" OHlJINANOB NO. 196. iJIL.JHLNOB TO PRBVENT FIRE HAZARD BY REQUIRING T ,NKS TO BE DEPRESSED UNDhR THE SURFAO~ OF THE GHOUND IN OhRTAIN ALLBYS IN THE OITY OF SE,.ARD. ALASKA. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'TuE COMMON COUNCIL OF THlS OITY OF SEi;ARD. ALAtiKA: SEC: ,. HERBAFTER no person sholl be perm1tte~o hAve or keep or maintain fuel 011 t~nks in.t~lled or keep ex1'ting above the ground in the alleys between Th1rd end Fourth Avenue,Fourth And Fifth Ave and F1fth p.nd Sixth Avenue between RAilroRd Avenue fInd Jefferson st. Sec. 2. Every person or persons, firm or corporation are re0uired to plAce such fuel tanks in the Are. nt least (one) I foot beneath the Burf<\oe of the ground. Sec. 3. Any person or persona, firms or corporAtions who maintains or pos.esses en oil burn1ng stove or heater or f~lrnace shAll not plAce the gravity feed tank 1n excess of twenty. four 1nches and not leBs thAn twelve 1nches Above the stove carburator. Sec. 4. Existing fuel 011 tAnka wlth1n the corporate limits of the C1 ty of .;,;jeward ShAll be moved BO thflt the spAce of at least ten feet ex1st. between the tanks fInd the build1ngs, unless the minimum of ten feet of space is Alresdy there. Th1s opplies to 011 residences in the corporate lim1ts. Sec. 6. Any person or persons firms or corporAtions who f8il to comply w1th the prov1sions of this Act ahall be guilty of A misdemeanor and uponconv;ction shAll be fined not less thAn ~ 6.00 nor more than flOO.OO or imprisoned in the City jAl1 for not less than five dAYS nor more than th1rty dAya. Sec. 6. An emergency is hereby declared to exist And the rules governing the reAding And pAssage of ord1nAnces are hereby suspended. This Ord- inAnce shAll tRKe effect immed1ately upon its pRssage ~nd Approval. The publ1cution llereOr shAll be made by publishing a copy hereof in the Seward Seaport Record three tlmes within ten dRYS of the passsge hereor. PASS~D AN!) APPROVED BY THE GOUUON OOUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF SE; ARD, ,;LflSKA, THIS '/ ':; DilY OF JULY. 1949 tiPPRJVED f'". / dUG;~E ~N-~tA~IE~ .Y/ //. / - / 'j.0 . - ,.(-/ IlL, OR ATTEST JR'lf~aANi~;t~LEHK. :t\ 'c , Seward Alaske,Aug.l, 1949 I Regular meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order at 8:00 P.~. on the above date with Mayor Lanier in the chair. Answering roll call were, Clm. Kennedy,Miller, Painter.Seferovich and Dahl. Clm. Sellers arrived late. Minutes of the last regtlar and special meeting were read and approved. Motion was made by Clm.Kennedy, that Mayor Lanier be authorized to make a loan of i16,OOO.00 by post dated check to James Construction Co as third advancement on School addition. Seconded by Clm. Miller. Clm. Kennedy, Miller,Painter,Seferovich and Dahl all in favor, motion carried. I Motion made by Clm. Mtller, Change order furnished by Architects Manley & Meyer,Anchorege!Alaska, to James Construction Co. for School Building for the sum of t22,285,60 be approved. Seconded by Kennedy. All in favor Motion carried. Motion made by Glm.Sellers, Order to Northern Commercial Co,Anchorage for parts to put the cat in shape,be approved. Seconded by Seferovich. All in favor, Motion carried. Motion made by Clm. Bellers, Council approve Mr. Kielcheskis recomm- endation to survey and cut through Monroe St as he sees ft.eessary. Seconded by Painter. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Kennedy to authorize Mr. Turnbull to buy chairs and make improvements in the Fed. Housing not to exceed $100.00. Seconded by Clm.Seferovich. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm. Miller that pay roll for July be approved. Seconded by Glm Sellers. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by elm. Seferovich that Clm.Painter be given a leave of abeenee for 90 days. Seconded by Clm. Sellers. All in favor motion carried. I Motion made by Clm. Sellers that the matter of moving auanset huts be investigated and complied to by previous motions and ordtnances. Seconded by elm. Miller. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Sellers we draw up Ordinance for exchange of road right of way of 1st Ave.infront of lots 1 to 18 for a 40 ft right of way into Ft.Reymond area from Hobens waterway to Lagoon road approx- imately 1715 ft. Negotiations to be made with Herman Lierer with presentetion of exchange at the first public election. Plat N-63A-202 Army. Any exchange to be made to he recorded in Commissioners office. Existing utility permits concerning this ground will not become null and void. Seconded by Glm/ ~ennedy. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Glm. Sellers Seconded by Miller that City accept bid for lot 16 block 21 Original Townsite of Mr. Samuel Foss for $80.00. All in favor motion carried. from .~ Motion made by Glm.Sellers Council accept bids Zelmer E.Evins for lots 2 and 3 Block 10 Fed.Addition for total amount of $220.00. Seconded by Kennedy. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Miller Seconded by Sellers that tax deed for certificate 2983 for lot 29 block 12 original townsite be given Charles Parrott. All in favor motion carried. /'Motion made by Clm.Seferovich Seconded by Kennedy that i.xx personal tax statements from L to Z inc. be appreved. All in favor motion carried. Motion made byClm.cefArovich seconded by Sellers that real estate tax statements from L to Z inc. be approved. All in fdvor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Kennedy that levy on personal taxes BR ~B~.BR.i be set at 20 mills and on real taxes 12 mills and that he board of equal- izatiom meet Aug.15 to 20th from 2;OQP.M to 4:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. each day. Seconded by Seferovich. all in favor motion carried. There being no further business motion made to adjourn. Attest (\~ Approved 'j:' . ,. '.' V1AnA.t::-:",1 _ ,'/''''/'''''''; : ..;-").fi /./' - __ - - :I./ft~~7;l er -- --- u - u ':"-- ,- u u _..:u - ri1lly~t'- Seward, Alaska. August e, 1949 A special meeting of the Geward Common Council wes called to order at 8:.20 on the above dFlte with Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present wer~ Clm. Kennedy, Miller, Seferovich and Sellers. Mayor Lanier stated the purpose of the meeting . wa~ to act on Ord- inance to govern special election, Sales tax Ordinance, the election of officers, Open bids for Hospital roof,to act on the quenset hut problem, Bct on lot approved for Mr. Foss, and discussion and Ordinance for Utility Board. Opening of bids for the new aluminum roofing for old hospital building being in order, the bid of A.J.Culverson was opened. He being the only bidder for the sum of $2,045,76. Motion made by Glm Kennedy Seconded by Glm.Sellers that bid be awarded Mr.Culverson for ~2,045.76. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Glm. Sellers Seconded by Clm.Seferovich that the Mayor be granted permission to sign contract to Mr.Culverson. All in favor motion c8rried. Mr. & Mrs. Zelmar Evans who purchased lots 2 and 3 in Block 10 asked permission to mOVe a Quonset hut onto their property. The Mayor ad- vised them to get a signed statement by the residents of that area and if there was no objection by the residents, the Council authorized the Mayor to grant permission. Mot ion made by Clm. Kennedy Seconded by Glm. Mill er to strike lot 16 and give Mr.& Mrs. Foss lot 19 Block 21. all in favor motion carried. Motion made b~' aIm. Sell ers Seconded by Clm. Kennedy to accept bid of Edw.A. Herman for lots 11 & 12 Block 22 for $100.00 each. All in f8vor motion carried. Motion made by Clm/Miller Se~9nded by elm.Sellers to suspend the rules to adopt Ordinance 190-A the 2% sales tax and Drdinance l~ establishing term of office for Mayor and Councilmen, subject to ratificet~on by the vote of the people. All in favor motion carried . Motion made by Glm Kennedy Seconded by Clm.Seferovich, Ordinance 190-A 2% City sales tax and Ordinance 196 establishing term of office for Mayor and Councilmen be adopted subject to retificstion by the voters. all in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Sellers to call for special election Sept.8, 1949 for the purpose of ratification of Ordinence 190-A Gity sales tax, and Ordinance 196, establishing term of office for Mayor and Gounciemen. beconded by elm. Kennedy. All in faVOD motion carried, MotiDn made by Glm.Seferovich Seconded by Clm. Sellers to amend Ord.180 Sec. ,on registration to read as follows: The registration books provided for herein shall be open every day int the year, except Sundays holideys, the day upon which the election is held and the two days next preceeding any general or spGcial election, and notice to that effect shall be given by the Municipal Clerk on the First Monday of each and every year, which said notice shall be published in the official newspaper of the Town of Seward, once a week for four weeks or shell be posted in three conspicuous places within the Town of tieward. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Glm.Kennedy Seconded by Clm.Miller that we send for new set of compiled laws of Alaska. all in favor motion carried. Motion made to adjourn, carried. APPROVED A'l'TEST tili i 1 1\ 4AA)j.L,f/ J~A~, CITY CLERK. "'.; '. August 1.2, 1949 ~eward Alaska/ A special meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order at 8:15 P.M. on the above date with Mayor Lanier in the chair. Those present were elm. Kennedy, Miller, Seferovlch, and Sellers. Absent elm. Painter and Dahl. Mayor Lanier stated the purpose of the meeting was to discuss Telephone and Seward Light & Power and to hear Mr.Maxeys plans for Seward. I Asked by Mayor Lanier about his plans, Mr.Mexey informed the Council that his COQpanj had purchased the Seward Light & Power Co and planned to install an up to date dial telephone system also planned to build 8 new tte1ephone office at Fourth Ave & C.St. In answering questions put by Mur1e Trevethan end members of the Council, Some interesting information was brought out regarding up to date fire signals which Mr. Maxey stated >>X1eSIK also would be in- stalled. Work on the new system to be started at once. Mr. Urbach being present expressed his belief-that the city of Seward would co-operate with Mr. Maxey and his company to the fullest extent. Mayor Lanier thanked Mr. Maxey and also stated the Council would co- operate, in any way. City Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Turnbull, manager of the Veterans Housing Project asking him to reserve Hut 13 now occupied by Lt.Keidser for Lt.Burke on Lt.Keidsers departu88. Motion made by elm. Sellers Seconded by Clm.Kennedy that meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. I Approved rC~,- ., .-; -7" (,-- ...;, / "I}._,(-----"-;,-- .// /,L!..---;:".~'''';~'l Euge~ Lanier, Mayor Attest 7J!.iVtrVf/L2 !'::J~ City ,Clerk. I AU.gust 15. 1949 Soward Alaska Regular meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order at 9:10 o'clock on the above date with Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. Kennedy, Miller, Seferovich. Dahl and Sellers. Clm. Painter absent. . Minutes of previous regular meeting and two special meetings were read end approved. Mr. Plummer of Plummer & Arnell Anchorage.Alaska was present and spoke on the possibilities of hi~ firm representing the City of beward in legal matters end suggested that ordinances could be prepared and City get representation when needed, rather than on a retaining basis. Motion made by Clm. Kennedy secOnde~bY Clm. Dahl that Plummer and Arnell be called as City Attorney 0 ee basis by the Mayor only and when needed. All in favor mot on carried. Motion made by Clm.Sellers and Seconded by Clm.Kennedy to accept contract of Mr.Culverson for re-roofing old Hospital Bldg. All in favor motio]j carri ed. The ~125,OOO.00 in sch&ol bonds were received and signed by the Mayor. City Treasurer and City Clerk, and the senl of the City of Seward Attached. Motion made by Clm. Sellers and Seconded by Clm. Miller that bills against the City in the amount of $294.95 . and Veteran~ Housing Bills $507/03 Watsjold Grocery 8.64 uoyle' s HardY/are . 11.53 Aron Ericson 9.00 Sew.Hardware 28.30 Wm. H. Estes 40.00 Jno Paulsteiner 33.20 U.S.Commissioner 2.75 Seward Plm.&Heatin~434.0Q Standard Oil Co/ 209.56 507.03 Alaskan Plumbing& Heating, Anch. 25.00 294.91 All in favor motion carried. City Clerk was instructed to write a let'er to the School Board asking them to consider using the extra class room in the new addition to t,e School house .a for a Kindergarten. Motion made and carried to adjourn. -~ Approved r- J--/ c:-~/v~~~~ 71 .;{ "lo .... 4.' _ / , '.y...-....-,.. Attested maAt:~L~~ Cit. Jerk I I , ----' August 18, 1949. ~ew6rd A188ka I A special meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order at 9:00 P.M. on the above date, Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. K.nnedy, Miller. ~eferovich and uahl. Clm.Sellers, ~ainter absent. Maypr Lanier stated the purpose of the meeting was to prepare for new bond election, to accept contract for purchase of bonds from Grande & Co ~e~ttle, Wash. and to discuss the whole bond issue. Jllso to arrange for Fire Dept to work on U.S.O Bldg and to arrange tax schedule on s"eds,barns, warehouses and old residences entitled to tax adjustment. Mr. ~inn of Grande 1 Co being present informed the Council that a notion dees not take the place of an ordinance in calling a special election and suggested that an ondinance be adopted And another suecial election called for the purpose issuing bonds to the Seward Eiectric 8ystem. Minutes of a special meeting of the Utility Board was read as follows: Special meeting Seward Utility Board August 18, 1949. Osbo refrains from taking action a/c only 3 members present. Trevethan, Leirer and Osbo. Amend out of town on Portage run. Rosness could not be located. Osbo took A walk at 8:30 P.M.. Amend arrives At 8:35 and takes over !peeting. Leirer makes a motion we recommend to Council that we the Utility Board re~uest they hold gnather election for issuing bonds to the Amount of ~l04,000.OO - Revenue Bonds -, $54,000.00 for retiring the old R F C bonds. $50,000.00 for new generating equipment pod rehabilitation of the Distribution System. ::iaid bonds to sell for not over 5% interest, 15 ye::lr m'"tllrit~, '1nd 7 ye8r call Rnd to enter into a contract to that effect with Grande & Co, Inc.,Seattle riash. I Carried unanimou61y H.J A~~nd, Chair~an. ~~ticn oade by Glm.Miller to suspend the rules to adopt Ordinance No.197. Beconded by Seferovich. All in favor Motion Carried. Ordinance NO 197 AU O'{DI!l1UJC~ eF TH'E r:I~Y OF s~..Alm TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NEGOTIABLE INTER~:~~-BEARI~G REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY IN THE BUM OF ONE HUNDRED FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($104,000.00) TO PHOVIDE FUNDS FOR THE EXPANSION, E~:Tr:N8ION AND REHABILITATION OF MUNICIPALLY OV:NED ELECTFIC UTILITY AND f"OR THE FURTHlili PURPOSE OF HEFUNDING OUTSTAND- ING REV~NUE BONDS NO~ HELD BY THE RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORARION, PURSULNT TO THE ACT OF CONGRESS APPROVED MARCH.6 1946, CHAPTEH 52, 60 STAT. 33, SAID BUNDS TO BE SUPPORTim AND SECURED BY A PLi':DGE FHOM THE HEVENUE FRUM SAID UTILITY AS AUTHORIZED IN SAID ACT : I Bli: IT ORD1\IlJED by the COIi1::lon Council of the Ci tj Seward, Alaska, as follows: SECTION I. Pursuant to the Act of Congress approved March 6, ISJ46,ChApter 52,60 Stat.33, whereby municip81 corpor9tions in Alaska are permitted to reconstruct, improve, extend, better, repair and enuip public works which ere to be operRted upon a revenue-producing basis, a special electicn is hereby called to be hold in the City of Seward, A18ska,on th~ ~d8Y of Septe~ber, 1949, under the pro- visions of said act and pursuant to the laws of the Territory of Alaska and the Ordinance of the City of Geward. ,.1 SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 18,1949 CUNTINUED. Motion made by Clm.S~ferovich to adopt Ordinance 197, calling for special election. Seconded by ~lm. Miller. All in favor motion carried. I Motion made by Clm.lHller that City enter into an Aggreement on terms contained in letter written Aug.15, 1949 from Grande & Co,Inc Seattle Wash., signed by R.L.Sheppard as Amended by Ur.\im.Vlinn, to the Eeward Utility Board Seward, Alaska, and further move that the Mayor be instructed to sign agreement. Seconded by Clm.Kennedy. All in fevor Motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Seferovich to authorize Fire Dept to spend up to and including ~5,000.00 not exceeding that amount,on second story of new fire hall. Money to be allotted from general fund of 1949, and appropriation added to the 1049 bud~t. Seconded by Clm.Dahl. All in fevor Motion cnrried. iJotion made by Clm Miller that tax "ldjustments' bl'! made to old City residents 8S follows, M.J.S. ( Sis) Rasmussen, H.R.Rasmussen, h.J.Rasmussen, A.Swanson, Mother Burke and Mrs Peter Coulter, Taxes to be $1.00 e8ch. Secon~~0 by Cln.Kennedy. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Seferovich last years overpaid taxes. All in favor Motion Carried. that Sis Rasmussen be refunded $4.83 Seconded by Clro.Kennedy. I Motion made by Clm Kennedy to include in ths meetings business the matter of closing the City Books as of June 30, 1949. Seconded by Clm.Seferovich All in fAvor Motion Carried. as of Motion made by Clm.Miller that City Books be closedl\June 30, 1949 the end of the fiscal year. Seconded by CIM.Kennedy. All in f'pvor !.1otion (tarried. Motion mad~ hy Clm.Seferovich to Rdd scale on tax schedule on barns, WArehouses, sheds and freme structures on posts or without floor, .12~ per Cu.ft. with plank floor .15~ pr eu.Ft. Concrete floor .lst per Cu.ft. Berns,frame creosote posts or concrete foundation 8nd plank floor .18~per eu.ft. with concrete floor .20~ner Cu.ft. Seconded by Clm.Kennedy. All in favor Motion Carried. Motion maJe by elm Kennedy to survey alley between 5th and 6th Ave. beginning At RAilroAd Ave to C.St. HAlf the cost to be paid by the Seward Electric System. Seconded b~ elm. DAhl. All in fpvor Motion Carried. Motion mAde and c3rried to Adjourn. Approved 'A ~~ ~~. .~ Attest JJ11lA~ft:I.; .A-".-d~ Ci ty "ark. I I ,;, Seward, Alaska, August 26, 1949 A speciel meeting of the Seward Common Council wes called to order At 12:15 P.M. on the above date with MaYDr Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm.Seferovich,Sellers,Dahl and Kennedy. Absent Clm.Miller end Painter. Mayor Lanier stated the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the *IIIJII $125,000.00 just received on the School Bond issu"and get permission to draw check ageinst the account for $20,000.00 to James Construction Co as fourth payment on new addition to School Bldg. And to decide on furniture for Police Quarters. ----\ Mayor Lanier informed the Council that the check for the bonds,includ- ing$609.38 interest had arrived and that he had personnally opened two accounts at the Bank of Seward. One account with 8 deposit of $1~5,OOO.00 titled, pity of Seward Construction School Addition 1949. Bnd one ACCOunt the deposit of the interest of $609.38 titled City of Seward, Sinking Fund 1949 Bond Issue Retirement. Mayor Lanier Also stated that the equipment for the new School Bldg would arrive on the S.S.Barronoff end that the James Construction Co was in need of more funds and asked he be paid another $20,000.00. Motion mAde by Clm.Sellers Seconded by elm.Seferovic~that Mayor be authorized tp sign check for $20,000.00 to James Construction Co as fourth payment on new School Addition. All in favor Motion Carried. , --' Heearding furniture for Police quarters, a bid was made by Doyle furniture Co for $ 485.00. . decision was mwde by Councib members to 8 sk Sl'lw8rd Hardware, 14art and Moody's also to submi tt bids for the same list of furniture. order to be given lowest bidder who could make immediate delivery. Motion made by Clm.Seferovich oeconded by Sellers to authorize printing of ballotts for the Special Election. All in favor Motion Carried. ,_J Councilman Seferovi~h asked for emergency leave of 90 days owing to ill health. Approved by Clm.Kennedy,Sellers and Dahl. Motion by elm Sellers Seconded by Seferovich meeting adjourn. Carried. Approved ~ yor I h .z:;/"_~, 'c~ , , Attest ~:l:!fiMAl h') i ty Cl k. 6J::..AHD,ALASKil-, f3~P'lW\1bn;H 6, 1949 The regular meeting of the Seward Common Council WAS called to order at 9;15 P.U. on the above date with Mayor Lanier in the chair.. Present were Councilmen Kennedy, Miller, Dahl and ;:JaIlers. Absent Councilmen Painter and Seferovich. Minutes of the last regular and two special meetings were read and approved. I A petition W8S read, signed by th~ ro~idents of the Veterans housing asking that a new manager be appointAd for the area. Correspondence was read 8S follows. From H.H.Malcolm asking for a reduction in anual fee for using curb for loading 9nd unloading pAssangers. From JOHN Paulsteiner asking for reduction in taxes. From the Seward Utility Board asking that Barton Stanton who had been un8nimously elected by the Board, be s~orn in tn fill the unexpired term :)f Murl Trevethan resigned. ;lir. St'nton bl'!ing present w~s duly Rworn in, tnok t~e oath, of office and became a member of the Seward Utility Boord. u letter signed by Eddie Barnes aRking for t~e position as manager of housing project was read, No acti0n taken. A request, Signed by A.R.Wilson Adm. 2state of ehas Tecklenburg deceaseq Barn Rompck Executor Est!te of Tony Parish deceased And John Matich asking perm~ssion of the City of Seward, for construction of 8 *ide- walk on the North and clest of the building occupied and owned by them 9S follows, On the North of Lot 1,Block 3,R distance of 114' from the ~est boundary of said lot 1,Block 3: 2nd on the ~Bst of sBid Lot 1 end the North one-half of Lot 2 in Block 3,a distance of 45' ; and Un the ~RSt Ride of lot 3 and the South One-Half of Lot ~, Block3, ~ distFlnce of 45' and, On the East of Lot 4,Block 3,a diE:t8ncc of 30' and 8sked that the City pay 1/3 of the expense. R~ference was made to Ord. No.25 and Gec 2 of n~d.No.8 and Cl~rk Nes instructed to answer the letter And quote sam~. I ~oti:)n =ade by Clm.~ellers Seconded by GIro. Miller th~t dc~d ~c granted to P.L.StrAdley for Lot 34,BI~ck 2e~^ All~in favor motion c~rried. CRM-r ~. Uotion ma1e by elm.Miller Seconded by Glm.Kennedy that deeds be granted to Alqeka Builders for Lot ~, Elock 9P ~:)~~~itr and Lots 1&2 Block 5, Federal Addition. hll in fAvor Motion carried. Motion made by Clm Sellers Rnd Seconded by Kennedy that August pay- roll be approved. ~ll in favor motion carried. Motion made bj Glm Sellers S0~:Ddmd by Cl~.Kennedy that notice of Genersl election be c211ed Oct. 4th 1949 for J.!qyor, '1Three Councilmen, 1 Utility BOArd member end One School Board member. &Ord.198 to discon- All in fBvor motion carried. -tinue roadway. Motion cede and carried to adjourn. Apprqy~d / ;. ,~, /' , '- Mayor I Attest m~~~ r i ty Clerk r) ~eward aln~kaJ Sept, 2~, 1949 A special meeting of the Soward Gommon Council was the above d8be with Mayor Lanier in the chair. to t8ke CAre of the regular business scheduled for as no quorum was present, et that time. Presf,at were Clm.{\ennedy, Miller, Dahl and Sellers. Absent elm.Painter and Seferovich. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. called to order on This meeting was called MondRY evening Sept.19 Mrs. Pat Williams was present And Asked the Council to consider lowering her mothers real taxes because of the large increase over last year. After some discussion a motion WAS made by Clmm.Kennedy,seconded by elm. Miller that Council Accept new assessment on real taxes. All in favor motion cerried. Moti~n was made by Glm.Sellers 5econded by Clm.Kennedy that Mrs. Williams personal taxes b~ accepted subject to Mrs. Linggs approval.. All in favor motion carried. Mayor Lanier called attention to bond issues one for $300,000.00 Culbert- son and Olsen, and $104,000.00 s.s.S~ which had not been accepted and should be cAncelled. a:4D ~ft'-4 ~a::I ~ .,b-=-f6 a4~':"I7 ~ -X-/"7-~ ~o- /'1"7 Motion was made by Clm. Cellers Seconded by Clm.Miller that all bond issues not arcepted previous to ~ept 8th 1049 be cancelled. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Miller Seconded by Llm.MtxiK~ Sellers to suspend the rules and act on Ord. 198. All in1favor motion carried, Motion made by Glm. Sellers seconrl~~ by Glm.Miller that Ord.198 be accepted subject to ratification ~y the texpayevs the general election Oct.4,194~ All in fabor motion carried. Motion ma e by llm.Kennedy,beconded by Clm.Miller that Ordinanc~~ 190-A Ordinance 196 and Ordinance 197 having been accep~ed by vote of the people, be signed by th€ Mayor by approval of the Council. All in favor notion CArried. ~lnance 190-' 2% sales tax a~yepted hy vote of the people becomes law Oct 1, 1949 was signed by the Mayor by approval of the Council this date Sept. 23, 1949. Ordinance 19S1 SRC A Establishing a two year term for future City Meyors accepted by vote of the people. Segt~on B. Three year term for Councilmen rejected by the voters. Signed by the Mayor by approval of the Council this date Sept,23, 1949. Ordinan~A ,~, $104,000.00 bond issue, revenue bonds Seward Electric System. ~ 64,000.00 for retiring R.F.C.Bonds and ~50,00.OO for purchase new diesel expanding units, accepted by vote of the people signed by tha Mayor by approval ?f the Council, this date Sept, 23, 1949. Ulcrk wes instructed to notify ~evard Machine ~hop, Hamiltons Garage and Pats garage that beginning Oct.l, 1949 the 2% tox wouln be collected on all gross sales of new cars and trades. ~ The report of the judges of election was read as folloWG, , Proposition 1, ,Sales 'l'ax 2%. 102 for 68 a8Ainst. ~roposition 2~'~ yr term for Mayor. 97 for 71 against. Proposition 2 Sec.2 3 year term for Glm. 69 for 85 against. Proposition 3 Sec.l ~54,000.00 bond issue to retire R.r.C Bonds 119 for 34 against. Proposition 3 Sec.~ ~50,OOO.00 bond issue for expansion of S.E.S. 120 for 35.against. ~oti0n nade hy Glm.Sellers seconded by Glm. Kennedy to accept the report of the election. All in favor mation carried. elm. Kennedy and elm. Sellers \'Yere ~pointpd to [Jet on wRter Committee. Motion was Made by Glm.Kennedy Seconded by Glm.DAhl that bill of $948.00 for health nurse and offices be paid from Sales Tax Funs, also $600.00 b~ paid to Dr.Sellers for his services as health Officer for 8 period of two yeArs ending March 31, 1949. This also to be oaid from Sales Tax fund. Glm.Kennedy,Miller and DAhl voted yes. elm. Sellers did not vote, M8yor Lanier CAst e vote in fnvor, Motion carried. Motion made by Glm.Miller beconded by Clm.~ellers that street dept be asked to remove bumper logs from Eide of small boat flOAt, ',nd give them to Kenei lumber Go.in return for lumber for fire Dept. ~ll in fAvor Mot ion Ce rri ad. I I I' A letter from Nils HAgen was read asking that A lease be granted him along the little dock in the SmAll Boat Harbor for the purpose of hAndlin~ seA fnod for locRl Rnd interior points. Clm. Kennedy and Clm. JJAhl were Appointed to look into th"l Jnatter. Dida for puncture proof tubes were opened. There bein~ only two bids. Hemiltons garage for $15.26 each end Seward Machine Shop for $24.00 each. The bid was awarded H~niltons garage, they being the lcwest bidder. Motion ~ade by Clm. Sellers ~econded by Clm. Kennedy thAt bids b~ called for new police CAr. 4 door sed8n with fluid drive and fully e~uipped ~ for police work. '"II in f~w")r motion cqrried. Motion made by Clm. Kennedy sp.C'onrled by elm. Miller health nurse,health officer, hospital roof, school and SAnitation (sewers) be removed from geDerBl bu1get and added to Sales TAX, School and health fund. And Mr. Jeckson to set u~ 8 new budget to be presented at the next regular meeting Oct.3. All in favor motion carried. A letter was read fror:l Ur.Hutton Rsking that he be paid A full months salary for the r:lonth of ~ugust. After some discussion the clerk was instructed to mAil 8 check for $56.B5 making one hAlf months SAlary "- including the ~4~.45 8C'knowleiged. Other bills presented were,$IIO.OO to Security Bank Note Co, for prin- ting of bonds, and HowRrd Cooper Co for supplies for the Fire Dept.in the amount of $109.17. ~otion made by Clm.Kennedy Seconded by elm Sellers that bills be pqid. All in fAvor motion cHrried. ~otion madA by elm. Mi11dr seconded by Clm. Kennedy thAt Rmounting to $1,489.63 for Veter8ns Housing be approved. Motion cArried. RSEessment roll jill in favor tAr. Jackson 8nnounced that t~e Veter~ns Housing Project would soon be mBde 8vBilable to the City if they so desired. Motion marce ~y Glm.Miller seconded by Clm.Kennedy thRt the City acquire the project ~hen poccible. All in favor motion cqrried,. j,lotion made by Clm.Kennedy seconrled hy Glm DAhl th"t nre chief be inetructed to follow recqmmend0tion~ ~f Under0rlters. ~11 1n f"v~r motion carried. Motion was made and cArried to adjourn. , , f.pprovod'_'- (( <" 'l. L1 ," " ''-''';'or. ... <Jj .,," ", r/ _\ttest 7J(t2Akd ~f-O-<1h.d C i n 1 e rk . ("} .-. " \ ,.,;.....' Seward Al~ska, Oct. 3, 1949 Regular meeting of the Sew?rd Common Council was cRlled to order at 8;15 P.M. on thA above date, with Mayor Lanier in the chair. ~ Present were Clm. KennAdy, Miller, ~hl,and ~ellers. Absent Clm.Painter "Ind cieferovich. ~inutes of the last special meeting were read and approved. Max Hamilton of HAmilton's garage and Ghas.Lechner of the Seward Machine Shop were present and 2sked the Council to change the specific~tions on bid for new police car in order to give all the deaLers a fair chance to bid. After some discussion a motion WAS made by Glm.Miller beconded by DRhl to recall bids on police car to give the new council a chance to decide what is needed. All in favor motion carried. ~r. Kielcheski reported on the work of removing the ~ogs in the small boat harbor and nsked that he be allowed extra help to handle the logs. Motion made by Clm.Miller Seconded by Dahl that Mr.Kielcheski be allowed two men for two dAYS to handle logs from small boat harbor And that hill be paid from the fire dept.budget. all in favor motion carried. Mr.Hagen again asked that the taxes on his frame building be lower0d Bnd reported considerable d8ma~e had been to the building through vandalism. Motion was made by Clm.Miller ~econded by Clm.Kennedy that $250.00 for damages be duducted from the net vplue of the building. All in favor motion carried. Chief of Police Mr.Clark was instructed to put up 8 sign on the small boat harbor relieving the Gity of any responsibility in case of an accident. Motion made by Glm.Sellers, ~cconded by Glm.Dahl that Mr.Mplcolm be grantect A refund of $50.00, the unused portion of the KenRi Bus Line fee for Bus stand. All in fevor motion carried. Glm.Sellors was instructed to make arrRngements for a sign to be erected <>t the entrance to tho garbage dump. 1. letter ~rom the Federal Housing Authority was read, asking for t~f~r~~t information on the Veterans Housing Project with the view of the Gity t9.king the project over. Mrc. Ling and Mr. Jackson were instructed to look up the information And 8nswer the letter. Motion made by GIL1.Sellers seconded b~r Glm.1Ailler the amounting to $1,9~2.69 be paid. All in favor motion buditor of AlAska ~ 37.50 bewArd irading Co. bew.Light & Power 30.04 DewRrd Machine Shop Hpmiltons Garage 27.00 Dodge EIsc.Go. Osbo's 48.35 Se"lard Seaport Record Pats G8r~ge 155.53 Seward Hardware ~ewBrd WAter Supj 115.00 O.M.Beqvar Standard Oil Co. 11.98 MxWxUaix~lMx Sew.Plumb.&Heating 3.50 Heward Cooper Seward Elee.System 526.00 following bills carried. $ 5.02 162.56 94.76 170.50 25.50 54.45 5i:i~5l~ 47fj.00 1,942.69 Motion mAde by Glm.Kennedy Seconded by Miller that peyroll with the .x exception of 350.00 for Peter Gutekunst be paid. All in favor Motion cArrdled. Ordinance NO.198 was read. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Gommon Qouncil to exchange road right of way for an existing road right of way owned by Hermen Leircr. A Motion WAS made by Glm.Sellers Seconded by Glm.Miller that Ord.198 be approved subject to ratification by vote of the people at the general election Cct.4 tho All in favor mation cRrried. A petition to place the Mayor and Councilmen on a monthly salary was ordered tabled. b request from Mr.Baurogartner wa~ ro~d asking the Council to give its i approval to the ~ranting by the District Court of liquor Licenses for the year 1959. This was also tabled to be taken up with the new Counc il . A report f~~m O.M.Be~ver C.P.A' was read, incident to closing the Ci ty Bol!lks as of June 30 1949. !tecoI:l."llendations were also mC\dc for setting up a purchase'order system and giving an outline of improve- mentts made in the accounting system. Motion was mace by ijlm.Sellers seconded by Clm.Kennedy that the report of O.M.Beaver be accepted. All in favor motion c8rried. The 1949 - 1950 budget submitted by Mr.JRckson as follows. GEnERAL FU;~D Jl<JCOUNTS ESTIMAT~D REV3NUES I Real property taxes ~ 43,000.00 Persor.81" I 27,000.00 P.I.L.J.T.(Vets Hous) 1,020.00 Del.Tax Penalties & Int.l,OOO.OO Mercantile ,Licenses 6,500.00 Li (1. Licens es- Terr. He f\".ll, 000.00 Game device licenses 2,000.00 City Yotor Ve.Oper.Lic. 750.00 Uiscellnneous Permits 750.00 Commissions ~Rrned 850.00 Police Magistrate 2,500.00 MiscellRneous Receipts ~,500.00 Garbage Collections 15,130.00 Total E3t.Revcnues 114,000.00 "iPPHOPRIAT IONS Dept.TaxRtion $ Police Dept Fire Dept. Street Dept Street Lighting City Clerks Uffice Garbage Dis. j)ept City Attorney Assessor City Tre8surer Auditing Elections Insurance Discounts Allow.Taxa Misc. Expense Total Appropriations Estimated Surplus Tot. Est.Revenues 2,000.00 11 , 500.00 9,660.00 14,1300.00 5,400.00 7,500.00 13,130.00 1,800.00 500.00 100.00 750.00 300.00 5,100.00 1,000.00 660.00 74,000.00 40.000.00 114,000.00 EDUUATION & ri&.LTH FUND. ESTI~ATES FISCAL YR.~NDlriG 6/30/50 ~STIMAT~D R~VENU~S J~PfROPRldTIONS I Sales Tax Surplus ~ 45,000.00 7,159.00 52,159.00 Health Nurse Health Officer Hospital School <- oewers Bond Hetirement Bond Interest :jjl 1,800.00 300.00 1,800.00 26,559.00 1,000.00 15,500.00 __5.200.00 52,159.00 Motion made by Clm.~c11ers Seconded by Clm.Kenned~r th8t budget set un by Mr. Jackson be ppproved. All in fAvor Motion carried. Motion made And carried to Adjourn. APPHOVED A TrrEST,;'~' >:< ,;, ; r I >-' "'- City Clerk~ I ./( (., / J U "'. Mayor , '\. , L / L- L( / / ( C, , / , / ~.~ ".I l,.-s .~.., Seward Alaska,Oct.lO, 1949 A special meetlng of the Seward Oommon Councll was called to order at 8:15 P.M. on the above date wl th Mayor Lanhlr ln the chalr. Present were Clm.Kennedy, Willer, Seferovlch, Dahl and Sellers. Clm.Painter absent. Mayor Lanier stated the purpose of the meeting was to canvass the vot-. of the general election held Oct.4th, and to clear up business and pay all bills contracted for by the outgolng Council. Motion made by Olm.Set'erovich Seconded by Willer that James Oonstruction Co.be pald $15,782.18 for Change Order #1 on the School Addition to Heating System as certifled by Wanley and Weyer Archltects. All ln favor Motlon carr led. Motion made by elm. Kennedy seconded by Seferov1ch to allow the School Board $1500.00 from the Sales Tax Fund for paying current bills. All .1n favor motion carried. Motion made by Olm.Sellers seconded by Miller, A.J.Oulverson be pald the contract price of $2,045.16 for reroofing the Hospital. All .1n favor Motion carrled. . Ordinance No. 19a belas approved lt was signed by the u.yor and clerk and Sealed. Motion by Ulm.Kennedy Seconded by Sellers that Offlcer Gutekunst be pald Sept.Salary of $ 244.76. Olm.Kennedy,Dehl and Sellers voted yes, Olm.Miller and Seferovlch,No. The majority in favor motion carrled. Motion by Sellers Seconded by Olm Miller that bill for $12.50 to the Alaska R.R. for work on small boat Harbor be approved. Kennedy voted No. Olm.Miller,Seferovlch,Dahl and Sellers yes. Motion carried. Oorrespondence from the Seward Ohamber of Oommerce proposing that the ~ Oouncil lnvite. the Oorps of Engineers,U.S..ilrmy to hold a pUblic meetlng ln Seward to discuss redredglng of the Seward Shelter Harbor. Also a letter from &elsell,Paul and Fetterman attys.for Standard Oil 00, asking for lnformation on sales tax regulations. Mayor Lanier announced that the water commlttee consisting of Cl. Kennedy and Olm.Sellers be dlssolved. Oanvass of the vote of the general electlon showed the followlng results. For Mayor two year term, D.C.Brownell 239 Bugene N.Lanier 267. Fro 00uncl1 two yr. term John Coleman 172 Joseph S.Ooyle 152 Patrick J Friede 112 MIldred Klrkpatrlck 254 Leon D.Lewle 177 Rlchard O.Myere 338 Donovan S.Wl1son 289. For Utl1lty Board 5 year term Frank E Brooks 145 Berton Stanton 334. Road Rlght of Way For 322 Age lnst 50 School Board three year term Joseph H. Shelton 500. Motion made by Clm.Sellers seconded by 01m.Ml1ler that the report of the judges of electlon be approved. ~~ All ln favor motion carried. Motion made by Clm.Kennedy Seconded by Clm Sellers meetlng adjourn. Motion carried. ~, "~ c . 1 'i (iILUr'1 Approved J (/,'ia;';r Attest -.1; l ,\ , '-'" .'. .'... ;..~ . ( . r -, (6it~'Cl~r,~'L,-,,,\;"' ~ I Seward .lsska Oct.lO,l949. At 8;30 the newly elected Officials were given the oath of office. Eugene N. Lanier re-eleeted Wayor for a two year term. Mildred Kirkpatrick, Richard O. Wyers and Donovan S. Wilson council- men for a term,of two years. Barton Stanton Utility Board member for a five year term. Special meeting was called to order at 8:40 Mayor Lanier in the chaIr. .nswe~lng roll call were, Clm. Willer,Kirkpatrlck,Seferovlch,Wyers and W~lson. Absent Clm.Painter. Mayor Lanier stated the purpose of the meettng was tor discussion of general problems and for the appoIntment of City officials. After the discussion bids for municipal offIces being in order, bids for the position of City Clerk' w~re read from Kathryn Ling and Slgridh 'Stearns. ' , Mayor Lanler appointed Sigrid Stearns who by unanimous vote of the council was elected to the office of City Clerk for two yeare at a salary of $350.00 per month. . Mayor Lanier stated the Assessor would be appointed at a later date. Wayor Lanier appointed Pred Kieleheski a8 f'r. cBief at a salary of $ 400.00 per'month. By unanimous vote of the Council was duly elected. ' Wayor Len'er appointed Ralph VanGuilder as Supt.of streets at a salary of $400.00 per month, and by unanimous vote of the Council W8S declared elected. I Mayor Lanier re-appointed Leonard Clark as ~XK. Shief of Police at a salary of $400.00 per month. By unanimous vote of the ceuncil h. was declared duly elected. The names of two patrolmen to be submitted by the chief at the next regular meeting for approval by the Council. Wr.Aron Ericson WQS re-appointed treasurer by Mayor La~ier and was elected by unanimous vote of the Council. salary at $100.00 pr year. Wayor Lanier appointed Mr.Beumgartner City atty. at a salary of $200.00 per month. Elected by unanimous vote of the Council. re Wayor L8nie~appointed Dr. Sellers a8 health officer at a 8alary of $25.00 per ,month~ He. was elected by lU._l.Ll_'V~9te of tha Council. i.... t'{'LL-,"-....,l. ". tt.t.(. CI{ i'(.A. IN.;-/.-,-- !l) t"" ,~(..;~ )..,o(.'v--u't:v !,.,' c(.., -r;:{ ~?u:':' The position of City engineer was tabled until a later date. The Mayor appoints the following committees. Air Port and Small Boat Harbor. Clm. Seferovich and Clm.Willer. Police and Pire Dept. Commissioners Clm.WIlson POlice Uommlssioner Clm. Wyers Pire Commissioner. Tax Assessments and PInance. Clm.Kirkpatrick and Clm. Wyers. St.eete- Sewers and Housing Area. Clm. Painter and Clm.Seferovlch. Public School - Gymnasium and U.S.O. Clm.Kirkpatrick end Clm. Seferovich. Public Health and Hospital. The entire Council when needed. Motion was made and carried to adjourn. I Approved***.. Attest J&I(t.~lVVY ,~~t...w..,.... ~ t" r.~'V'1.._; - ,( -) ,/ Weyor 1 ?'~-w:.-t :) '7 '. Seward, Alaska October 17, 1949 ., Regular meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order at 8:15 P.M. on the above date with Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich, Myers and W11son. Minutes of t~e Special meeting, and the last regu18~ meeting were read and approved 8S corrected. At Mayor Lanier'. request concerning the whereabouts of the $60,000 due the City, B L ~rt1eH Delegate, "answered with two letters, stating that7~~twIQp,~pplolnA. up for the President's signature. The letters were given to Clm. Kirkpatrick for publication and for committees. Bills presented from Veteran's Housing were as follows: George Turnbll1, '41.60, repairing roof on Nos. 9,10,11,13 and 33. Seward Hardware,8crews, $1.60. Motion made by Painter, seconded by Millet that bills be paid. Allin favor, motion carried. ' Other bills presented were '4.00 to Seward Leather Works, for repairing seat cover on garbage truck; O. M. Beaver; '385.00 bringing records up to June 39, 1949, setting up accounts etc.;Doyle&s Purniturei '1.25, (bal.) '. H. Bstes, '66.50, City~s shere surveying alley from Cetho ic Church to "B" St. Ped. Addition between 6th and 8th ave; Plummer & Arnell, professional services August and September, 1949, '86.00. Motion made by Clm. Miller, seconded by Seferovich that these bills be paid. All ln favor, motion carried. Mr. Kielch.ski requested information regarding the deadline set on burying oil tanks, stating that there are still ~uite a number of oil tanks still exposed. CliGlPatn..1l a.hdttli@tpimel'PlDlthChhf notify each violator of Ordinance No. 195, 011 storage tanks, wlth a duplicate receipt of warning, deadline date set at November l5h. Seconded by Clm. Seferovlch. All in favor, motion carrled~ . Mr. Klelcheski stated th~t he bas some vacation coming and would like a relief. Motion made by Miller, seconded by Wilson, that a rellef bt hired for Mr. Ki.1cbeski for 6 day. at '14.00 a day. Amendment to s8id .motion by 91.. Miller, seconded by Clm. Wilson, tbat Mr. Kielcheski pick his own man to be approved by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Clm. fainter, seconded by Clm. Seferovich that a check be drawn to the Fire Department Building Fund, '6000 City appropriation, approved by City Counci1,X<<a& '600 3rd payment to Fire Department on Fire TrUCkt and retroactive pay at 130 per month for,all delinquent months. i 1 in favor, motion carried. " Motion made by Clm. Painter that the street department be authorized to hire an extra man at $350,a month, seconded by Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. " Applications of Pete Gutekunst and Andy Ander~n to the Police Department were read. Motion made by lilson, seconded by Clm. Painter that the Chief's selection of applicants be approved. Clm. Painter, Wilson, yes. Clm. Miller, Kirkpatrick, Seferovieh, Myers, no.' Motion failed. Motion by Clm. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Painter that another vote be taken on the applications of Gutekunst and Anderson for the Police Department. Clm. Miller, Seferovich, Myers, no, Clm. Painter, Kirk. patrick, Wilson, Mayor Lanier, yes. Motion carried. Clm. Wilson stated he would be leaving for the States in the morning to be absent thirty days. Yayor Lanier appointed Clm. Seferovich to the position of Police Commissioner during his absence. Mayor Lanier asked Riice Chief Clerk to check on street signs needed, the cost of said signs, and the cost of installing parking meters', for the next Council meeting. Application of Ralph GrQsvold for harbor master wes read. It was decided to wait until the next meeting to decide on a harbor master, and the rates to be charged. Clm. s,r..ovich spoke regarding the smell boat harbor and the grid and it was decided a letter from the Oity Council be sent to advising him to remove his boat from the grid. I I I Horton of the ~rbage department stated that he would like a place to put his truck to keep it out of the weather. He also remarked that 'a great number of people do not have the proper racks for their garbage cans. A bid for lots from the James Oonstruction Oompany was read. .' lotion bl Seferovich. seconded by Clm. by Painter. 'that the bid of James Oonstruction 00. ror Lots 10, 11 and 12. and the fractions of Lots 8, 9 and 1 and 2, Block 19, Federal Addition. subject to any existing rightway by the ~laska Railroad, for the sum of $420. be 'accepted. All in favor. motion carried. Motion made by Clm. Miller, seconded by elm. Painter. for an addition to the original contract of James Construction Co., for a 12 foot square cess pool for the new school addition. All in favor motion ca~a~ Seferovich moved, seconded by Clm. Painter that the completion date in the contract of James Oonstruction Co. r,er the new school addition be extended sixty days. Motion made by Clm. Painter. seconded by Clm. Miller that the rules be suspended for the purpose of adopting O~dinBnce 199, An ordinance Fixing the Rate of Oompensation to be paid by the City of Seward, Alaska. to officers Appointed by the Yayor of Baid City for the term Ending with his Term of Office and R~pealing all Drdinances in Conflict herewith and Declaring an Emergency. Motion' made by Clm. Miller, seconded by Olm. Painter that Ordinance No. 199 be adopted. All in favor, motion c8rried.U0t~~ r~ Motion made by Olm. Painter , seconded by Olm. Miller, that R. E. Baumgartner's list of Retail liquor establishments at the set fee, be approved, and all Beverage Dispensary licenses for a fee of 11000.00 each, be approved. All in favor, motion carried. A letter was read from the Seward Chamber of Commerce congratulating the new Yayor and Council members. A petition for the construction of an ,lleyway through Block 31, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues was read and referred to the stree.t commissioner. Motion was made and carried to adjourn at 12.20. AtteBt~'r:i' )-t;:d~~ Oi y Olerk. Approved ( <) I // " , /'/ ,,". _-{,..<'1.n~ ' '-' "- ;/ '^ ~ y~r --..,,- .. /. _l ,',1-<--< l' - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska October 24, 194J A S~cial meeting of the Seward Oommon Council was called to order on the above date, at 9:10 P.M. with Mayor Lanier in the C~ai~ Thisfor S~ meeting was called for the purpose of discussing a~arge~airportlwith' Tony Schwam, Director of Aeronautics for the Territpry. Present were Clm. Painter, Meyer, Miller Seferovich. Absent Clm. Kirkpatrick and Wllson. Motion made by Clm. Myers to instruct the Yayor to write a letter that we discontinue the existing road from the Wast side of the ex- isting airport to the Bland Homestead, this road to be re-routed to tle Ner th paralleling Resurrection River, South to the Bland Homestead. copies of this l.tter to be forwarded to the Highway Engineer, Juneau, Mr. Stoddard, B.P.R., Juneau, and Tony Schwam, Director ot Aeronautics Bx 2185, Anchorage. Seconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor. carried. ' Sea plane facilities were discussed and it wes decided that data be compiled regarding the number of sea planes that come into Seward, etc. and e letter be sent to Tony Schwam requesting that facilities for ~ea planes be put in here. A Letter was reed from I L W U · . . ., Local 1082 regarding tour painted IT,J I benches, to be used in the Union Hall, until such time when the City I shall wish them to be returned to their original place on the street. Motion made by Clm. Miller, seconded by Clm. Myeta, that Katheryn Ling was released from the payroll of the City as of October 15, 1949. All in favor, carried. Motion made by Clm. Seferovlch , seconded by Clm. Myers, <<haAting the addition of the two names, BarbareManos and Leo Manos to the heretofore approved Beverage Dispensary &ppllcation of Ross Mann and Sally Mann. All in favor, carried. Motion was made and carried to adjourn. Attest Let..d ~4t-3/' C ty Clerk. Approved ~.'.. ." , ,-. ~t~. A 7<-. ^' __ '.Jr . j." _ ........... ,~..:...' , . yor - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! SeWard, &laska October 31, 1949 - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - A special meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order at 8 P.M. on the above date, with Mayor Lanier in the Chair. This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the power problems of Seward with ATBC representative, Mr. Maxey, and the City ,Utility Board, and for the approval of the pay roll. Present were Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich and Myers. .Motion made by Clm Myers that Section 9, Ordinance No. 86, be adopted, , that the Council may at any time, by a vote of four of its members, go into executive session, during which time all persons shall be excluded except the Yayor and members of the Council, members of the Utility Board, Mr. Maxey, Mr. Glascoe, Mr. Arnell and Yr. Brownell to be present. Seconded by clm Painter, all in favor, Motion carried. Mr. Maxey suggested h ving an appraisor come in to appraise the inside and outside plant and he would be willing to sellout to the City at the appraisor's price. Mr. Brownell stated the S.L.& p. Co. Have used the City streets for 9 years without a franchise and have never had a franchise on the telephone system. Clm. Seferovich moved that the Utility Board appoint a committee to meet and negotiate with Yr. I8xey on a propoaal for the purcha~e of ATEC power and light and if they fail to come to an aggreement that an appraisor be appointed. Seconded by Clm Painter. All in favor. Motion carried. A letter was read from Mr. Glascoe, General Manage'r of ATEC regarding extending the telephone system in Seward. Clm Painter moved that the Utility Board be granted power to give ATEC pole line contacts for the telephone system. Seconded by elm Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. ClmPainter moved that the payroll be approved. Seconded by Clm Myers. All in favor. Motion carried. Motion was made and carried and meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.Y. f /- 'f Approved ('7=--~':.u" l' /' ~~-u-< .t Mayor. , "tt..*~ a-M~ it lark. ., -~~.._-_......~--_._...._"-------'''''''"'' r..... November 7, 1949 Seward, Alaska ~ regular meeting of the Seward Common Co~ncil was called to order at .8:10 P.M. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Killer, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich and Myers. Absent were Clm. Painter and Wilson. Mihutes of the last regular meeting and the two special meetings were read and approved. I Wotion made by Clm. S.terovich that O. M. Beaver be retained to maintail the General Fund AccoUnt, Monthly operating Report and Sales Tax at the stated price of t125 per month. Seconded by Clm. Willer. All in favor. Wotion Carried. A petition presented by Jack Werner, signed by several of the merchants in the City, was read, requesting that the people living outside the City limits of Seward not be charged 8ales Tax. Jack Werner was appointed to head a comrai ttee of three business men~:ror a mee.ing for discussion of Seles Tax on 'November 8th. Wr. Hunt read an interpreta- tion of the Sales TaX according to Territorial Law. A letter was read from the Utility Board regarding the purchase of ATEC power and light for $5,000, as recommended by the Utility ~oard. Mr. Glascoe, was present representing Mr. Maxey and stated that it would be necessary to present the offer to the Board of Directors of ATEC end:"l would probably require a couple of weeks to receive an answer. The City Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the letter to Mr. Glascoe. I Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that Chief Clark be authorized to make the order for 32 Stop signs and 6 street signs and posts for same, up to and not over $500. Seconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. Chief Clark informed the City Council that the poliee car~ is in dire need of repairs. Clm. Seferovich and myers were appointed to check with Fred Kieleheski regarding the repairs necessary to the police car and the cost thereof, and to learn if IIr. Kielcheski would have the time to do the necessary work required on the police car. Henry Horton, of the garbage department, reported the need of 8 larger truck or an extension on the bed of the old one. Chains for the garbage truck were to be ordered by Mr. Kielcheski. ReY James reported that the old school building was badly in need of repairs and gave facts and figures for installing new lights and a ventilating system. The City Clerk was instructed to write 8 letter to Dr. Ryan asking If the Cit~ of Seward would be reimbursed for the above installations from the '30,000 allotment for Seward. A letter was read from Rev. PaUl Irwin stating that he would like to appear before the Council on November 21st. The City Clerk was in- . structed to Advise ReV. Irwin that he would be welcome to appear at any time. A letter was read from Bernard Holmen, Ci~ Engineer, requesting that his name be placed on file t'ord'uture reference when the City should require the services of a Registered Civil Engineer. Three applications Were read for the position of harbor master, Mr. Slagle, Mr. Grosvold and Mr. Cl1pper.Clm. Seferovich moved that the application of Mike Clipper be accepted for harbormaster. Seconded by Clm. Miller. Allin favor, motion carried. I Bills read 8S foIl. . ~~~~ All bills that have been O.K.'d be paid in full. $250,.00; O.M. B BV are. ..Andy's 011 D 11 .. ~q--" motion carried. Aron Brl~n If er, .10.20' U S 8 Very 9408.71' AT Muller, $'99' 3.85; HBmllt~h';' OlDJDisaioner $6'2 . Be, #27.01; R B $10.59; P~ll~lA Nf;hthNern Com. co~~r;~gg 142.35; J;m;~ ghr1stensen Al;B~:mgrrtner, Supplp, t1~ OO.ea urse, '14 05' .35; Pat's G onst. Co., '25 :v ce,'28.S Heating $1420" Seward Machine S ' Seward S~aport Rrage, $189.94' S ;00, R.D. Seward Elec.sys::w. Xred1ng Co.,h~C8.':4.3a; Standar~cgrt, f199.40; ~e:~~dD,ug Co., n m, 9524.30; Seward t. eWe Hardware "251 I' 923.96; Sew PI ster V. "'e ta 1 If k CIo' 9 . 5' S1 . umb Ii No. -5008f CUUOh__h~ or 8, 943.30; Peit gnal Corps, .31' HA(V-50087)mph-l, 8S amended. SeConosQ U3 ~._. ~_~~sfr '30.88. · motion carried. . ,< , Clm. Willer moved that Resolution approving Waiver of Removal Provisiqns be approved. BE IT APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward whic has Jurisdiction over the area in which Project V-60087 of Seward, A~ska is located) that the waiver of the ~emoV81 requirements of Section 313 of the Lanham Act (Public Law 949, 76th Congress, as amended) with resp~ct to said project is hereby specifically approved in accordance with the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1950. TERRITORY OF ALASKA) ) SS CITY OF SEWARD ) I, Sisrid SteaIf" th@ duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Seward, laska, do hereby certify that the foregoing Reso- lution is 8 true, accurate and correct copy of said Resolution as passed bj the Common Cduncil of the City of Seward, A~ska, on November 7, 1949 as it appears in the records on file in my office. SEAL Sigrid Stearns Ci ty Clerk ~econded by Clm. Wyers. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Wyers moved that HermsnoLeirer be appointed an appraisor for the four lata to be purchased from the Government. Seconded by Clm. Willer All in favor. motion carried. Wotion made and seconded to adjourn at 12.30 A.W. Approved ~~_~/7~' :Z<u-u:7 < Attest ~ ' ' . I" \t::-<<-- .1~_ '- '""1 L' t' ~r t -l" /t- ,./ Ci ty JOlerk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - . - - - ADDENDA Seward, Alaska November 7,1949. Recommendetiofi by Utility Board: November 7, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska Gentl amen: After severel discussions between Wr. Waxey and the Seward Utility Board at which no agreement was reached, the Utility Board held a special Weeting November 6th to decide upon the price to be offered the ATEC and theyrecommenq the following: . Recommendation by Utility Board: 20 year rights to string telephone lines only, on City owned poles and $5,000.00 cash payment for total relinquishment of all power rights and revenues when the Seward Electric System has generating equipment to take over all electrical customers within the corporate limits of the City of Seward. . . That the ATEC shqll receive a te~phone franchise only upon full agreement to discontinue the distribution < of power anq light in the City of Seward. Yours very 'truly, SEWARD UTILITY BOARD 'By H. J. Amend Chairman . .-r- Attest '~'t\ ~hA~ r~'-J.J;) Ci ty erk Approved fl~~J4" 74.l~""~i We or Seward, Alaska November 21, 1949 Regular meeting of the Common called to order at 8:15 P.M. Painter, Yiller, Kirkpatrick, Council oftha City of Seward, was Mayor Lanier in the Chair, Clm. Seferovich and Myers present. I The oinutes of the previous meeting were rea~ and approved as corrected elm. Painter moved that the City Clerk by instructed to correspond with the Lend Office at Anchorage eoneer.ningBlock 19 and Block 11, excluding Lot 11 in Block 11, in the Pederal Addition of Seward, and ask for a complete abstract. Seconded by elm. Miller, Allin favor, motion carried. A petition was presented by members living out the Nash Road, for an extension of the present School Bus route to include the Nash Road, The City Clerk was instructed to write to Dr. Ryan requesting that the bus line be extended to include the Nash Road. Fred Kie1cheski, Fire Chief, made a report on oil barrels in the Business district of the City that are still not buried. The City Council instructed the City Clerk to notify Yr. Vpn GUilder of the Street Department to bury the oil tanks for the City Hall and to hire a plumber to install the pump. Said oil barrels to bo finished by the next regular meeting.' . George Giardina was present requesting information regarding 21 yem old vab drivers and thos under 21. The School Board was present, represented by Mrs. WAgner and Dr. Shel ton., Mr. CRrlcon, Superintend,ent, was also present. Dr. Shelton reported on the poor lighting condition present in the old school building as well a8 the need for ventilating system and repairs on doors, windows etc. I Clm. Miller moved that the City call for bids for re-lighting the old part of the School by specifications drawn up by the Superint~nd- ent of Seward Electric System, this bid to be published in the local paper three consecutive times and posted on the Postoffice bulletin board, the City Hall Bulletin board and the Federal Building bulletin hoard. All bids received may be accepted or rejected by the Common Council. Bids to be opened December 5, 1949. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to retire the first Sehool Bond No. 1 - 6 inclusive. by checkm as of January 1, 1950, in the sum of $8,109.40. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Myers moves that R~y James be appointed by the Common Council to ~ppeBr before the Alaska PubliC Works Committee. Seconded by Clm. Miller. .AIl in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter mOVed to establish a curfew and the Police Department be instructed as to the following regulations, said orders to the Police Department to be strictly, adhered to: No.1. there will be a curfew sounded at 10:00 P.M. every night of the week including holidays, during the winter months only, to include minors 18 years and under unless with their parents or legal guardian. No.2. The Police to take all violator to the local Police Station and notify the parents .1 the violators are being held there and for them to come to the Police Station and piCk them up. No.3. Patrol will be made after dark at least once an hour of the residential ereaof the City by the Police car. There will be 8 walking patrol at lease once an hour after dark in the main business district where bars are open; this walking patrol will cantin ue at least an hour after all bars are closed. All business house doors, both front and back, will be checked by a patrolman at least once a night. Police Car will not be outside the City Limits except on official duty or emergency only. There will be no unauthorized ,. person in the Police car at any time. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favo.r, motion carri ed. . . I Clm. Miller moved to discontinue R.R B . ~umgartner and Associates as City Attorney at of December 1, 1949. Seconded by Clm. Seferovich. G,-\ ! 1 ! All in favor, motion carried. The Oi ty Cl erk wastlnstf<1ieted to notify B~umgartner and Associates by letter. Clm. Miller moved that the regular monthly salaried employees be paid on the first of December. Seconded by Clm. Hyers. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Seferovich moved the the City' buy the small saf. as shown by Charles GrHf1n and eight cushions. Seconded by elm. Myers. -, Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 12:45 A.lA. Approved F:J' A;'.L 2 .;7;~-u'a-,; Ilay ~p, . \ ' , At'test.~. '::.,1;PP i:f;.;~/ ,..,~. Oi ty 01 k . ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - * . - - . - - - - - - - - - - ----* Seward, Alaska November 30, 1949 - ----- ....--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Special Meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 12:10 P.W. Wayor Lanier in the Cheir. Present were Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick and Myers. Q.AJ} &~Lc, ",.f.- C' "-"'. aIm. Kirkpatrick moved that the payrol for one man on hourly basis be pald. Seconded by Clm. Miller. Alt in favor, motion carried. Seferovich moves that tel City buy Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 22, for the '81m 01' $515.001 locI ude $2.60 draft charge sald $517.50 to be paid from General Pund. Seconded by Miller. All In favor, motion carried. Recess called at 12:25 for all members of the Common Council to see the Scoopmoblle in question. Meeting called to order at 12:45 and business resumed. - Clm. Painter moved that the City purchase scoopmoblle, with all attach- ments, from Munter and Phillips Company, for said price of $3750.00. Seconded by Seferovlch. . All in favor, motion carried. -. I Wotion made and seconded to adjourn at 12:50. Approved f~-r"''''-: /f,7:L~~~''1 Atte.t A "fiX:.;; ..~~ 01 ty Cl rk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - December 5, 1949. Seward, Alaska - - - - ~ - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - A regular meeting of the Seward Common Council was called to order at 8:25 P.M. Mayor LAnier in the Chair. Clm. Painter, Willer, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich and Myers, present. Clm. Wilson absent. Minutes of the 18 st regular meeting, addenda, and speciel meeting were read and approved. Clm. Myers moved the ..te.t'nd date of opening the bids' for re-1ighting of the old school building from December 5th to December 19th. Seconded by elm. Miller. All in favor. Wotion carried. The City Clerk was instructed to notify the Chief of Police to appe9r before the" City Council on December 19th. There was consid~rable discussion regarding the Small Boat Harbor and harbor master. Harbor ODmmitteemen Seferovich was requested to make a report at the next meeting. A letter was read from the District Engineer regarding removing the derelict hull QU8ckenbus, from the small boat harbor. Clm. Painter moved that Mr. Glen 'resaler be notified by letter to remove the Quackenbush in a reasonable length of time. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. elm. Painter, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich, Myers, in favor. Miller, no. I I I .... .~ Seward," Alaska December 5, 1949 coMot~,n carried. Capt. N.S.Haugen, Cmdr. 7 t~t~er was read from E. L. Bartlett, Delegate' regarding a Coast Guard Cutter to be stationed at Seward. Another letter to the Mayor of Seward, from Delegate Bartlett was read e~pressing regret at the failure of the subcommittee and the Delegate to arrive In Seward. A letter was read from Housing and Home Finance ~gency, Public H~us- ing Administration regarding the Relinquishment and Transfer of Project No. VN-50091. It was moved by Clm. Kirkpatrick, that the City of Sewarc accept, 8S of November 7, 1949, Relinquishment and Transfer, under the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1950, Including Waiver of ~~moval Reouirements, the project No. VN-50091, under Contract No. HA(VN-50091)mph-l. Seconded by Clm. Miller, motion carried., A letter was read from the Land Office in reply for information on Block 11, and Block 19, Federal Addition of the City of Sewerd. C~. Seferovich moves to approve the change of ownership and the granting of Beverage uispensary License to VAnce Hitt, formerly Novick's Bar, nJspensary License at $1,000 and Retail Liauor License at set price. Seconded by elm. Miller. All 1n favor, motion carried. A bid was read fromcIssdor& Atkin for Lots 21 and 22 in Block 8 for the sum of $80. Clm. Miller moved that City Clerk issue a deed for said lots, for the said sum of $80, if lots ere found to be clear. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Horton of the garbage department requested that notices be put out that all people in the City of Seward have lids on garbage cans. After discussing Lots 7 and 8, Block 15, belonging to the Methodist Church, it was decided by the Common vouneil that this pro~ert~ is not exempt from taxes and the City Clerk was instructed to notify them. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:10 P.M. r- APproved~~o,t: >' ' ,...-i ? -r 1;/ -/1~I;.:.>ffl Attest ~i ~-:Z-acl..~- City Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - Seward" Alaska December 7, 1949 A Special meeting of the ~om$onfCouncil was called to order at 12:10 P.M. Mevor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Miller Painter Kirkpatrick, Seferovich, Myers and "11son. " Motion was made ~nd eeconded to ratify the changesrecommended by the Utility Board, as follows: 6. T~. maximum Interest rate ...**.... shell not exceed 4-3/4%. g. Substituting "20 years" instead of "15 years", maturing serially and in numerical order. 10. The bonds may be called for redemption prior to maturity in "10 years" instead of "7 years". Changes to, be forwarded' to Grande & Uo. All In 'avot motion carried. Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 12:25 P.M. 'A- ~ \~- Attest ~~~ /\-i~',CLLC~_ City ark. A'~ APproved,ttay~~ ' r..(. .~ ;1: ,__c,' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,. , Seward, Alaska December 13, 1949 A,Special meet~ng of the Common Council was called to o~der at 8:26 P.M. for the purpose of determining p8y~ent to the contractor on voucher presented by Manley & Mayer and for dlscussion of Sales Tax accorping to a letter received from Mr. Arnell, and lett8r from the Fire Department regarding water for the fire department. Uevor Lanier in the Chair. Present~r. Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick Seferovich Wilson and Myers. " elm. Painter moved the J~mes Construction be issued check in the amount of $28,508.60 in lieu of Certificate # 3, addition to Seward School' BUildingcontract, also bill from Manley & Mayer for $2,250.00 for in- spection of the Seward school building, 2% of contract and eddition to contract, to be paid from the City of Seward Const~ction SchooL Addition, 1949 fund. Seconded by Se'erovich. All in favor, motion carried. The Ci ty Cle rk was instructed to write a Ie tter, to the garage,s informing them that it was necessary that they collect sales tAX on cars sold to residents of Seward if the contract is between residents regardless of accepting delive.ry outside the City limits, as per letter received' from Plummer & Arnell .ttorney's at ,Law. The City Clerk was also instruc'ted to write Plummer & Arnell for the correct procedure on amending Ordinance No. 190-A. Motton was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:00 'P.M . APPrOv.:I1, aY9 ~ . "<-1'" j/...I (j1 .t-f"'," ""_c.A. 'I' " Atte'st l:--.JctJ ~\.N~ , City erk. Se~ard; llaska- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -December f9; f949- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8~10 P.M. Mayor Lanier in the Ch~ir. Present were Clm. Painter, Milb r, Kirk- patrick, Wilson and Myers. Absent, Clm. Seferovich. Minutes of the previous meeting and special meeting were read and approved. and Croxton R. Trotter/appeared before the Council on behalf of the Bartenders Union, ranuesting that Beverage Dispensary Licenses be lowered from $1000 to $50Q. The Mayor and Councilmen regretted being unable to lower the rate of B.,verage DispenSAry License, that such a decision would have to be obtained from the Judge of the District Court, end. Seward'S census being over 1500the fee stated, by law is $1000. A letter was read from H. A. Stoddart of Bureau of Public Roads, regard- ing the road crossing the south end of the Airport. A letter was read from Delegate B9rtlett in which he enclosed a letter from Capt. Haugen, Captain U.S. Coast Guard regarding the basing of the Coast Guard" Cutter in Seward or Cordova. copy of a ' A/letter waB read sent to Mr. Glen Tressler from M.R. Gilpin, Jr, Chief, Operations Divimon, Corps of Engineers, suggesting that the sunken hull be removed from the S.,ward small boat harbor prior to April 1, 1950. A letter was read from M.P. Munter Co., informing the Mayor they would rent the Cat Grader at the regular AED rental. The Federal Housing A~ministration at JuneAU, wrote requesting a map pf Seward and each subdivision. A letter was read from the Seward Volunteer Fire Departmentstating that the water supply for the city of Seward is inadequate for fighting fires especially during the winter months as well as a major part of the year. The City Clerk was instructed to writo a letter to the Seward Water Supply asking if something can be done about this situation at once and requesting a meeting with them to discuss the situation. Clm. ~ilson, Police Commissioner, made a report on the condition of the present police car. Clm. Wilson moved to call for bids, Sedan " '. I Seward, Alaska Dec. 19,1949 delivery type vehicle, police equipped, specifications to be had from the Police Commissioner, bid to include acceptance of old police car on trade in for new car. City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Bids to be delivered to the ~fice of the City Clerk not later than 3 P.M., January 16, 1950. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Wilson moved that the Chief of Police and one patrolman continue living in present quarters, rent gratis, that any altering or repairs will be done by the officers living in the quarters. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All~in favor, motion carried. Letter was read from Federal Housing Administration, regarding the relinquishment of proJect V-50087, enclosing Quitclaim Deed, with a request that this deed be recorded and notification sent of this re- cording to the F~deral Housing A~ministrationJ Membersof the Council discussed hiring A.A. FQirweather to get the, tax rolls up to date at the rate of $1.50 per hour until the $500 allotted for tax assessor is used. Two letters ware read from E. L. Arnell, one regarding the present status of Blake 11 and 19 of the Federal Aodition. Block 11 belongs to the Federal Government and Block 19 1s set aside as part of the Alaska R~ilroad Reserve end the City has no authority to dispose of any of the lots in either of these two blocks. The other letter re- ferred to an amendment to the S~les Tax Ordinance. It was decided to w9it for the Arrival of E. Arnell before t3king any action on an amennment to this ordinance. I It was also decided by tho members of the Council to wmt until the arrival of E. Arnell before taking any action on the letter from Standard Oil Co., regarding the levying of SAles tax on purchases by U. P. Munter Co. Clm. Miller moved to accept the low bid of T. Osbo on re-lightlng the old school building for the sum of $4232.65. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter movftd that the bills be paid. Andy's, $213.71; ATEC,3l.27 R.E. ~umgartnerf $684.41; O.M. Beaver, $262.50; Erdmann's A~ency,$59.0 Griffin Co., $65.19; Hamilton's Garage, $255.23; The Mart, 1.45; R.D. Muller, $24.00; N.C. Co., $182.45; OSba's, $103.92; Pat's G~rage, $69.53; Regional Fiscal A~ent, $5.00; Seward Drug, $1.50; Seward E~ctric System, $546.30; Seward Plumbing & Heating, $10.50; Standard Oil Co., $44.78; Seward Weter Supply, #115.00; Seward Machine Shop, t8~~28; Seward K6Y Shop, $1.50; Seward Hardware, $64.05; Petty Cash~6.e Seconded by Clm. YjIer. All in favor, motion carried. elm. Miller moved to call for bids on Workmen's Compensation and other insurance due the first part of the year. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:55 P.M. I ~ ' " ~ At te s t~~....( Jtz;-t.'___. City er. /::- Approved,~ yor ,~ /'/. "./ -, ....' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska December 28, 1949 . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Special meeting of the Co~on Council was called to order at 8:10 P.~ for the purpose of discussing the future of the Veteran's Housing ProJe various phases of the Sales Tax, KKK the police car specifications and contract of Osbo's Electrical Supply for re-lighting the oid school building. Mayor Lanier in the Chai r.Present were Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Wilson and Myers. Clm. Seferovich absent. E. L. Arnell from Anchorage was present and he was consulted about the future of the VeDeran's h nousing Project which is to be turned over to .-.-. " '!:' ',' Seward, Al!'lske December 28, 1949. the City of Seward on January 1, 1950. the same manner, with a superintendent, separate fund. His opinion was to continue in and to keep the Housing in a , M.P. A letter from Standard Oil Company was read requesting that/Munter and Company be exempt from paying S~le8 TAX for the contract on the Cooper's Landing Bridge. The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to StHndnrd Oil exempting M.P. Munter and Company and referring them to Section 2, Paragraph F., Ordinance 190-A. Various sections of the SAles TaX Ordinance No. 190-A were discussed with Mr. Arnell and it was decided by the members of the Common Council to hold off on making any Amendments at the present time, and see how the Ordinance works out at the end of foup or five months, then get as many things together as possible and make any necessary amendments at one time. Mr. Gilfilen was present and stated he had phoned th~ Clerk of the District Court to cancel his Beverage Dispensary License, for the reason that he 1s putting up a new building and will re-apply at a later date for Beverage Dispensary License.Clm. Painter moved that the Beverage Dispensary Licen~e of H. Gilfilen be reconsidered when re-applied for. Seconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Nels Hagen was present and wanted a decision op the payment of taxes for his property Qn the hill. It was detided to ask Bill Estes just where the line of tha City Limits is in regards the Hagen property. Specifications for bids for naw Police patrol car were read as follows: Sedan Delivery Type AutomObile, Heavy Duty 50 amp Generator, two way red flasher - mounted on top, one spot light mounted on left side, siren, heavy basket scteen separating front and rear compartment, heavy duty battery, standard heater. Both 1949 and 1950 models will be considered. . , Agreement between Contractor and Owner on Spa cifications for re-l1ghting the old School Building ~as reed. elm. Painter moved that the Mayor be empowered to si6n the Contraqt for re-lighting the old School Building, for the sum of '4,232.65, with Osbo's Electrical Supply. Seconded by Glm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded tq adjourn at IO.Z5 P.M. ~/~ - /5:_. . ".' <--i' . ApprQveq. A;(j'" f 1:'. ./)"!n"Z,", Mayor , . Seward, Alaska January 3, 1950 -- - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:10 P.M. , Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpr-itrick, Seferovich and Myers. Absent Clm. liilson. Six persons, John Matich, VAnce Hitt, Ross Mann, Heinie Werner, Cora Jacobs and Sam Romack, representing liquor establishments, were present reauesting that limitations be put upon Beverage Dispensary Licenses. Clm. Painter moved that the City correspond with our Attorney in regardo limitations of B~verage Dispensary and Retail li~uor 1icens6B issued in the City of Seward, Seconded by Clm. S~ferovich. All in favor, motion carried. Tho City Clerk WAS instructed to send bills to por~~no with delinquent garbage bill~ requesting that they be paid in ten days of Municipal Court action would be taken. A letter was read from the SecretHry of' the Chamber of Commerce re- garding having A Coast Guard cutter stationed in Seward and ~ copy of a letter sent to Captain Haugen by the S~ward Chamber of Gonmerce. A letter was read from Don Paul Balmat regarding M a at~odist Coltege in Seward