HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1967-361 r CIft' OF SBWARD, ALASKA ORDINAItCB NO. 361 . . AB ORDDtANCB BSTABLISHDlG A Ct)KIr);W. PARBH'IAL USPOBS:tBILIft AIm DBPDlDG BOURS, PLAClS AlII) PBRALTIBS POR VIOLATIOIJ OP "1'B:tS ORDIllIAHCB. RBPBALIIlTG CITY ORDIIWTCB HO. 304. '1"BB CITY OP SBWARD, ALASIA ORIlIUNS, SEC'l'IOR I. AGB AND PLACES ~IRED: IJo perSOll under BIQIflJmB (18) years of age shall be in or upon the public streets, alleys, parks, public buildings, places of _uaement or entertainm.nt, vacant lots, or other unsupervbed place. between the hours of 10:00 o'clock p.a. and 5,00 o'clock a.a. of any day of th. week, unl... .~ person .hall be &C'O<lnq>anied by and in the charge of its parent or guardian, or upon aft ~9ency errand of legitimate buill... directed by hie or her parent, 9U&J:'dian, or other adult person havin9 the legal care and custody of the juVenile, or due to the "', cours. of reqular -.ployment or traVeling to or from .... SBC'n0ll 2, p~ OP BMBRGBIICY OR CONDITIO. ALLOWIlllG PBRSClBS. TO BB tIP08 ftA'l'BD S'!ltBBTS OR PLACES. Any person under the age of BIwtJ.15J5II (18) year. of aCJ8 who may be in any of the place. stated in SBCI:I01ll 1 Of this ORDDIA8:2:, or shall be found 10iterincJ in the CITY between the hours of 10,00 p.lD. and 5:00 a.m. shall be COIl8idered as in violation of this ORDIJIABCB Wll..s that peraon shall have OIl hie or her person a valid written and signed stat-.nt. Such stat-.nt mall be .igned by hi. or her ~ent or legally appoint- ed guardian. '!'his atat8l8llt ahall be presented to the ct ty pa~olman aakincJ such check and he ahall JDaediate1y check with the person who.. signature appears on the statement. saClImr 1. pARBJlfI OR GUAaDIAR RBSJ~IBJL~' Be parent, ~dian or other person havil'l9 legal custody of any child under the age of BIuIb"hN (18) years mall allow such child to go or to be in any of those places etate4 in SECTION 1 of this ORDI~. betwee. ~h. hours of 10:00 o'clock p.m. and 5:00 o'clock a.m. of any day, unless such child be accom- panied by his or her parent, guardian or other person having legal custody unless said child is on an emergency errand or legitimate business in which case said child shall have a written statement on his or her person, as specified in SECTION 2 above. SECTION 4: SCHOOL ACTIVITIBS OR OTHER BXBMP'1' FROM HOURS: In case of SCHOOL activities which may extend past the hours of 10:00 o'clock p.m. children under the age of EIGHTEEN (18) years shall be allowed in or upon any of the places stated in SECTION 1 of this ORDINANCE for a time not to exceed THIRTY (30) minutes after activities have ceased. SECTION 5: EVIDENCE OF VIOLATION: In the prosecution for the violation of any of the provisions of this ORDINANCE the presence of any perSOR under EIGHTEEN (18) years of age, UAattended as herein required, upon any of the places stated in 'this ORDINANCE. shall be deemed prima faoie evidenoe of the guilt of suoh parent, guardian or legally appointed oustodian having the oare and custody of suoh person and of the violations of the provisions of this ORDINANCE. SECTION 6: VIOIATIONa Any person found guilty of violation of any section or portion of this ORDINANCE shall be punished by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or thirty (30) days imprisonment, or by both such fine an4 imprisonment. SECTION 7: REPEALING CLAUSE: That ORDINANCE NO. 304 of The City of Seward which e~~~blishes eprfew and parental responsibilities is hereby repealed. SECTION 8: SEVERABILITY 1 In the event any portion, seotion, sWb-seotion, sent- ence, clause or phrase of this ORDINANCE is for any reason held to be invalid or unoonstitutional by the declsion of any oourt of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the r- validity of the remaininq portions of tilL. ORDINANCE. SECTION 9. PUBLICATJONa Publioation of this ORDINANCE shall be by postinq a copy hereof on the CITY HALL bulletin board and the U. S. Post Office bulletin board for a period of ten (10) day. fol1owinq its passaqe and approval. SECTION 10: EFFB<r'1'IVE DATE a - 'I'his ORDINANCe shall be effeotive on the date of passaqe and approval. First Readinq. September 5, 1967 Second Readinq: September 18, 1967 PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of 'I'he City of Seward, Alaska. this 4.~ day of tll!~()hAr , 1967. ,Lv. R. w. Itirkpatr Mayor Attest: tJk~~L W/c7~-- Beatrice E. Watts City Clerk-Treasurer