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Division I - City Council Organization and Procedure
Division II - organization of Adrrlinistrative Functions
Division III - Administrative Policy and Procedure
Division IV - Fiscal Procedures
Division V - Civil Defense and Disaster
Division VI Miscellaneous Procedures .
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Division I - City Council Organization and Procedure
Section 1.100 Organization of the Council
~ , ,[ ,,\ I ~,,~I,.-) -- Section 1.101 Council Meetings
Section 1.102 Quorum
Section 1.103 Rules of Council
Section 1.104 Agenda
Section 1.105 Preparation of Minutes
Section 1.106 Reading of Minutes
Section 1.107 Rules of Debate
Section 1.108 Addressing the Council
Section 1.109 Manner of Addressing the Council - Time Limit
Section 1.110 Decorum
Section 1.111 Enforcement of Decorum
Section 1.112 Council Not to Interfere in Administrative
Section 1.113 City Manager Authorized to Process Council
Section 1.114 Method of Action
Section 1.115 Preparation of Ordinances
Section 1.116 Prior Approval by Administrative Staff
Section 1.117 Introducing for Passage and Approval
Section 1.118 Title
Section 1.119 Ordaining Clause
Section 1.120 Vote by Voice: Vote by Roll Call
Section 1.121 Effective Date
Section 1.122 Publication
Division II - Organization of Administrative Func,~ions
Section 2.100
Section 2.101
Section 2.102
Section 2.l03
Section 2.104
Section 2.105
Section 2.106
Section 2.107
Section 2.108
Section 2.109
Section 2.110
Section 2.111
Section 2.112
Section 2.113
Section 2. 114
Administrative Officers and Employees:
Appointments: Terms and Compensations
City Manager
City Clerk-Treasurer
City Comptroller
City Attorney
Department of Administration
Division of Central Services
Division of Purchases and Stores
Division of Building and Equipment Maintenance
Division of Personnel
Division of Police
Fire Division
Animal Shelter Division
Division of Public Works and Engineering
Division of Building Inspection
Division II - Organization of Administrative Functions
( Continued)
Section 2.115 Division of Water
Section 2.116 Division of Light and Power
Section 2.117 Division of Recreation
Section 2.118 City Planning Division
Section 2.ll9 Workmen's Compensation Employees Benefits
Section 2.120 Employees' Group Insurance Benefits
Division III - Administrative Policy and Procedure
Section 3.100 Administrative Officers of the City
Section 3.101 Approval of City Manager's Appointments
Section 3.102 Duties of Officers
Section 3.l03 General Responsibilities
Section 3.104 Rules and Regulations
Section 3.105 Relationships
Section 3.106 Delegation of Duties
Section 3.107 Preservation of Records
Section 3.108 Departmental Records and Reports
Section 3.109 Holidays
Section 3.110 Public Liability Insurance
Division IV - Fiscal Procedures
Section 4.100 Fiscal Year
Section 4.101 Budget Statement of City Manager
Section 4.102 Budget Adoption Procedure
Section 4.103 Contingent Account
Section 4.104 System of Accounts
Section 4.105 Unencumbered Balances Shall be Reflected
Section 4.106 City Expenditures
Section 4.107 Bid Procedures
Section 4.108 Examination of Claims
Section 4.109 Certifying Purchase Orders and Contracts
Section 4.110 Payment of Claims
Section 4.111 Creation of Debts
Section 4.112 Monies
Section 4.113 Revenues and Securities
Section 4.114 Deposit of Securities
Section 4.115 Cancellation of Accounts Receivable and
Refunds of Erroneous Payments
Section 4.116 Payrolls
Section 4.117 Inspection
Section 4.118 Sale of Property
Division V - Civil Defense and Disaster
Section 5.100 Purposes
Section 5.101 Definitions
Section 5.102 Director of Civil Defense and Disaster -
Powers and Duties
Section 5.103 Powers in the Event of Disaster or State
of Extreme Emergency
Section 5.104 Civil Defense and Disaster Organization
Section 5.105 Division, Services and Staff of Civil
Defense and Disaster Organization
Section 5.106 Continuity of Government
Section 5.107 Violations
Sec~ion ~_100 Penalties
Division VI - Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 6.100 Records to be Public
Section 6.101 Reading of Legislation
Section 6.102 Executive Session
Section 6.103 Council Study Session
Section 6.104 Oath of Office
Section 6.105 Eligibility for Elective City Office
Section 6.106 Councilmen's Remarks
Section 6.107 Board of Adjustments
Section 6.108 Canvassing Board
The Council shall meet and organize on the first Monday fol-
lowing each regular City election. (HomeRule Charter Sec. 3.3)
The Council shall elect two (2) of its members as Borough
Assemblymen, and three (3) of its members as Alternate Borough
Assemblymen, on the first Monday following each regular City
within thirty (30) days of its first regular meeting, Coun-
cil shall elect one (1) of its members to act as Vice-Mayor in
the absence of the Mayor.
Within thirty (30) days of its first regular meeting, the
Mayor shall make all appointments as required of him.
A. Reqular Meetinqs - The regular meetings of the Council
shall be held at the Council Chambers in the City Hall on the
first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 P.M.: provided,
however, that when the day fixed falls upon a day designated by
law as a legal or National holiday, such meeting shall be held
on the next succeeding day not a holiday.
B. Special Meetinqs - Special meetings of the Council
shall be called by the City Clerk upon the written request of
the Mayor, or the City Manager, or any two (2) members of the
Council. Special meetings shall be held at the regular meeting
place of the Council.
At least six (6) hours written notice shall be given, des-
ignating the time and purpose of the special meeting. Such
notice shall be served personally on each member of the Council,
or left at his usual place of business or residence, by the City
Clerk or by someone designated by him. A copy of such notice
shall also be delivered to the place of business of each news-
paper printed and published in the City, but this requirement
shall not be jurisdictional to the holding of such meetings.
(Home Rule Charter Sec. 3.5 Paragraph C)
No business shall be transacted at any special meeting of
the Council except if stated in the notice of the meeting. (Home
Rule Charter Sec. 3.5 paragraph F)
C. Emerqency Meetinqs - In an emergency, any special
meeting shall be a legal meeting if all members are present or
if there be a quorum present, and all absent members have waived
the required notice in writing. Waive%smay be before or after
the time of meeting. (Home Rule Charter Sec. 3.5 paragraph D)
D. Public Meetinqs - All regular and special meetings of
the Council shall be public meetings and the public shall have
reasonable opportunity to be heard. (Home Rule Charter Sec. 3.5
paragraph G)
Section 1.102 QUORUM
Four members of the Council shall be a quorum for the tran-
saction of business. In the absence of a quorum any number less
than a quorum may adjourn a meeting to a later date. (Home Rule
Charter section 3.5 paragraph I)
Section 1.103 RULES OF COUNCIL
A. The Mayor - The Mayor shall possess all powers and shall
exercise all duties required of him by law or the City Council.
He shall be presiding officer of the Council. He shall be a
member of the Council with all powers and duties of that office.
(Home Rule Charter Sec. 3.4)
B. Vice-Mayor - In the absence of the Mayor, the Vice-Mayor
shall possess all the powers of the Mayor. He shall possess all
duties provided for or required of him by law or the City Council.
C. Chairman - The Mayor (or in the absence of him, the Vice-
Mayor) shall take the chair at the hour appointed for the meeting
of the Council, or at the hour to which the Council shall have
adjourned or recessed at a preceding sessionr shall immediately
call the members to order, and shall direct the Clerk to call the
roll. He shall then call the preceding journal to be read and
disposed of, unless otherwise ordered by the Council. In the
absence of the Mayor and the Vice-Mayor, and if a quorum shall be
present, the Council shall choose one of its members Acting Mayor
for that session, or until the appearance of the Mayor or Vice-
D. Ad;ournment - The Council may adjourn any of its regular
or adjourned sessions to a time not beyond the next regular
meetingr and the City Clerk shall publish the time and date to
which adjourned, in the best manner.
E. Siqnatures - The Mayor ~hall sign all ordinances and
resolutions adopted and approved by the Council at the meetings
in which he is in attendance, and if he is absent, the Vice-
Mayor may sign such documents as have been adopted and approved
by the Council. In the absence of the Mayor and Vice-Mayor, the
temporary chairman may sign such documents that have been adopted
and approved at the meeting at which he presided.
F. Votinq Sequence - The voting sequence of the Council
shall be alternated for each meeting by the City Clerk.
G. Votinq - No member of the Council may vote on any ques-
tion upon which he has a substantial, direct or indirect, finan-
cial interest. Otherwise, each member of the Council shall vote
on each question before the Council for determination unless
excused therefrom by the affirmative vote of all remaining members
able to vote on the question. If a question is raised under this
section at any Council meeting, such question shall be determined
before the main question shall be voted on, but the Council mem-
ber affected may not vote upon such determination. (Home Rule
Charter Sec. 3.5 paragraph L)
H. Ma;ority - The vote of at least four members shall be
required for official action by the Council, unless a larger
majority is required by law. (Home Rule Charter Sec. 3.5
paragraph M)
Section 1.104 AGENDA
(1) The order of business shall be as follows:
A. Call to order
B. Opening Ceremony
C. Roll Call
D. Minutes
E. citizen discussion/Public Hearings
F. Bid proposals
G. Communications
H. Ordinances and resolutions
I. Reports from the City Manager
J. Council Discussion
K. Adjournment
(2) The presiding officer may at any time permit a member
to introduce an ordinance, a resolution, or a motion out of the
regular order, subject to provisions of Sections 1.115, 1.ll6
and 1.117, provided two-thirds of the members consent.
(3) All reports, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, docu-
ments, or other matters to be submitted to the Council at the
regular meeting should be submitted to the City Clerk not later
than 12:00 Noon on the preceding Wednesday. The City Clerk shall
prepare the agenda for all such matters according to the order
of business, numbering each item consecutively. A complete copy
of such agenda shall be mailed or delivered to each Councilman
and each department head so as to reach the recipient not later
than 7100 P.M. on the Saturday preceding the Council meeting.
The agenda shall be available to the public in the office of the
City Clerk at 9:00 A.M. on the day of the council meeting and in
the Council Chambers during each meeting.
(4) No matters other than those on the agenda shall be
finally acted upon by the Council: provided, however, that matters
that seem to be emergencies or of an urgent need by the Mayor, or
any Councilman, or the City Manager, with an explanation of the
emergency or urgency stated in open Council meeting, may, with
the consent of the Council majority present, be considered and
acted upon by the Council.
A. Method of Keepinq Minutes - The minutes of the Council
shall be kept by the City Clerk and shall be neatly typewritten
in a book kept for that purpose with a record of each particular
type of business transaction set off in paragraphs, with proper
subheads, provided that the City Clerk shall be required to make
a record only of such business as was actually passed upon by
vote of the Council, and shall not be required to make a verbatim
transcript of the proceedings; provided further that a record
should be made of the names and addresses of the persons address-
ing the Council, the title and the subject matter to which the
remarks related, and whether they spoke in support of or in
opposition to the subject matter. Provided, however, that any
Councilman may request that his remarks on any subject be recor-
ded in the minutes verbatim.
Unless the reading of minutes of a Council meeting is
requested by the majority of the Council, such minutes may be
approved without reading if the Clerk has previously furnished
each Council member with a copy thereof.
section 1.107 RULES OF DEBATE
A. Robert's Rules of Order shall be used as an authority
on all questions of parliamentary law. These rules may be
amended or altered or new rules adopted by the vote of all mem-
bers elected to the Council at any meeting of the Council.
B. presidinq Officer Mav Debate and Vote - The presiding
officer may move, second and debate from the chair, subject only
to such limitations of debate as are by these rules imposed on
all Councilmen, and shall not be deprived of any of the rights
and privileges of a Councilman by reason of his acting as
presiding officer.
C. Gettinq the floor: Improper references to be avoided.
Every Councilman desiring to speak shall address the chair,
and upon recognition by the presiding officer shall confine him-
self to the question under debate, avoiding all improper lang-
uage and references to personalities.
D. Interruptions - A Councilman, once recognized, shall
not be interrupted in speaking unless it be to call him to order
or as herein otherwise provided. If a Councilman while speaking
is called to order, he shall cease speaking until the question
of order be determined, and if in order, he shall be permitted
to proceed.
A person desiring to address the Council shall first secure
the permission of the presiding officer to do so: provided,
however, that under the proper heading of business, unless the
presiding officer rules otherwise, any qualified and interested
person shall have the right to address the Council upon obtain-
ing recognition from the presiding officer.
A. Public Hearinqs - Interested persons or their author-
ized representatives may address the Council in regard to matters
then under consideration.
B. Oral Communications - Taxpayers or residents of the
City, or their authorized legal representatives, may address
the Council by oral communications on any matter concerning the
City's business, or any matter over which the Council has con-
trol: provided, however, that preference shall be given to those
persons who may in advance have given notice to the City Clerk
of their desire to speak, setting forth the nature of their
communication, in order that the s~e may have appeared on the
agenda of the Council.
A. Each person addressing the Council shall stand before
the Council, shall give his n~e and address in an audible tone
of voice for the records, and unless further time is granted
by the presiding officer shall limit his address to five
minutes. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a
body and not to any member thereof. No person other than a
Councilman and the person having the floor shall be permitted
to enter into any discussion without permission from the presid-
ing officer.
B. Spokesman for Group or Persons - When any group of
persons wishes to address the Council, on the s~e subject
matter, it shall be proper for the presiding officer to request
that a spokesman be chosen by the group to address the Council,
and, in that case, if additional members of the same group are to
be presented at that time, to limit the number of persons so
addressing the Council, so as to avoid repetition before the
Section 1.110 DECORUM
A. By Councilmen - When the Council is in session, the
Councilmen must preserve order and decorum and no Councilman
shall by conversation or otherwise delay or interrupt the pro-
ceedings or the peace of the Council, nor disturb any Councilman
while speaking, nor refuse to obey the orders of the Councilor
the person presiding.
B. By Other Persons - Any person making personal impertinent
or slanderous remarks, or who shall become boisterous while
addressing the Council, shall be forthwith, by the presiding
officer, barred from further audience at said meeting before the
Council, unless permission to continue be granted by a majority
vote of the Council.
The Chief of Police shall be ex-officio sergeant at arms of
the Council. He shall carry out all orders and instructions
given him by the presiding officer for the purpose of maintain-
ing order and decorum in the Council Chambers. Any person in
the audience who uses loud, boisterous or profane language at a
Council meeting, or language tending to bring the Councilor any
Councilman into contempt, or any person who persistently inter-
rupts the proceedings of the Councilor refuses to keep quiet
or take a seat when ordered to do so by the presiding officer,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than Three
Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in jail for a
period of not more than thirty (30) days or both such fine and
imprisonment. Upon instruction of the presiding officer, it
shall be the duty of any police officer present to eject any
person from the Council Chambers, or place him under arrest, or
None of the Council, nor any of its committees or members,
shall direct, request or attempt to influence either directly
or indirectly the appointment of any person to office or employ-
ment by the City Manager, nor in any manner interfere with the
City Manager to prevent him from exercising his own judgment in
the appointment of officers and employees in the administrative
service. The Council and its members shall deal with the admin-
istrative service solely through the City Manager, and neither
the Council nor any member thereof shall give orders to any of
the subordinates of the City Manager, either publicly or
privately. (Home Rule Charter, Sees. 3.6 and 3.7)
The City Manager is authorized to receive and open all
mail addressed to the City Council and to give it immediate
attention to the end that all administrative business referred
to in said communications and not necessarily requiring Council-
matic action may be disposed of between Council meetings7 pro-
vided that all action taken pursuant to such communications
shall be reported to the City Council thereafter. Any communi-
cations needing Council actiondaall be reported to the City
Council at the next regular meeting, together with the report
and recommendations of the City Manager. and copies of such
communcations shall be mailed to the Council.
Section 1.114 METHOD OF ACTION
Legislative action shall be taken by the Council only by
means of an ordinance or resolution.
All ordinances, except ordinances initiated by the elec-
tors of the City under the provisions of Home Rule Charter
Section 4.6, shall be prepared in writing and approved as to
form by the City Attorney. No ordinance shall be prepared for
presentation to the Council unless ordered by the majority vote
of the Councilor requested by the City Manager, or prepared
by the City Attorney on his own initiative.
All ordinances, except ordinances initiated by the elec-
tors of the City under the provisions of Home Rule Charter
Section 4.6, resolutions and contract documents, before presen-
tation to the Council, shall have been approved as to form by
the City Attorney or his authorized representative, or if
substantial matters in the administration are involved, shall
have been examined for the administration by the City Manager or
his authorized representative.
A. Ordinances and resolutions and other matters are sub-
jects requiring Council action. Action must be introduced and
sponsored by a member of the Council, except that the City
Manager may present ordinances and resolutions or other matters
or subjects to the Council for consideration.
B. No ordinance shall be passed at the same meeting at
which it is introduced unless an emergency is declared by an
affirmative vote of not less than four (4) members of the
Council. (Home Rule Charter Sec. 4.4) Any ordinance declared
by the Council as being necessary as an emergency measure for
preserving the public health, welfare and safety must contain
a statement of the reasons for the emergency and its urgency.
C. Proposed ordinances may be amended between time of
introduction and final passage, provided its general scope of
original intention is retained. The correction of typeograph-
ical or clerical errors shall not constitute an amendment
within the meaning of this section.
Section 1.118 TITLE
Each ordinance shall be preceded by a brief title which
shall indicate the subject or contents thereof.
The ordaining clause of all ordinances adopted by the
Council shall be: "The City of Seward ordains". The ordaining
clause of all ordinances adopted by the people shall be: "The
People of 'fhe City of Seward ordain".
Any vote of the Council may be by voice vote upon demand of
any member either prior or subsequent to any vote. Such vote
shall be by roll call. Each member shall answer by the word
"Yes" or "No".
Section 1.121 EFFECTIVE DATE
A. The effective date of each ordinance or code provision
or resolution shall be stated therein.
B. All ordinances or code provisions passed by the Council
shall become effective ten (10) days after enactment, except that
(1) All code provi~which provide for or establish a tax shall
become effective not less than thirty (30) days after enactment
(Home Rule Charter Sec. 4.3).
(2) All code provisions which provide for or establish a salary
for an elective office shall be effective on the Monday following
the next general municipal election or such later date as the
official elected to said office qualifies for office.
(3) An ordinance or code provision may become effective immedi-
ately upon enactment providing an emergency described therein and
declared to require the enactment of said legislation to allevi-
ate the emergency is declared to exist. This exception shall not
be employed for the sole reason that the rules for introduction,
reading, etc. of legislation are waived to permit passage on the
first reading due to the existence of an emergency.
C. All resolutions passed by the Council become effective
immediately except:
(1) Those involving real property transactions which shall be-
come effective in not less than thirty (30) days (Home Rule
Charter Sec. 12.3 paragraph (b) and
(2) Those establishing rules and regulations affecting the public,
which shall become effective in not less than ten (10) days, or
as otherwise provided by law.
Section 1.122 PUBLICATION
Each ordinance or code provision and each resolution involv-
ing financial matters, elections, and real property transactions
or establishing rules and regulations affecting the public, or
as required by the Council in the passage of the specific resolu-
tion, shall be posted on the bulletin board at City Hall in
Seward, Alaska, within a reasonable time after enactment and for
the number of days between enactment and effective date, and a
notice of the place of posting and a brief statement of the pur-
pose of the ordinance or code provision shall be published in one
or more of the newspapers of the City within a reasonable time.
A. The City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney shall be
appointed by the Council. They shall hold office for indefinite
terms at the pleasure of the Council.
B. All other administrative officers except members of City
boards shall be appointed by the City Manager and serve at his
C. Members of City boards shall serve for the terms pro-
vided by law. (Home Rule Charter, Chap. 5, Sec. 5.3)
Section 2.101 CITY MANAGER
A. The City Manager shall be the chief administrative offi-
cer of the Council and shall perform the duties of his office
under authority of and shall be accountable to the Council. (Home
Rule Charter, Chap. 5, Sec. 5.4)
B. He shall supervise and coordinate the work of the admin-
istrative officers and departments of the City, except the City
Attorney, and he shall act as coordinator between this officer
and the other administrative officers (Home Rule Charter, Chap.
5 , Sec. 5 . 4) .
c. Duties:
(1) He shall have the duties as set forth in the Charter.
(2) He shall have subject to his approval the expendi-
tures, policies and procedures for the departments coming under
his control.
(3) He shall sign for the City approved contracts, leases,
and agreements authorized by the City Council.
(4) He may recommend the Council's sale and lease of
materials, property, equipment and real estate of the City.
(5) He may negotiate such contracts and leases as the
council may authorize.
(6) He shall recommend to the Council a schedule of fees
and rates of all types of services performed by the departments
under his control. In addition, he shall establish such fees and
rates as Council may direct.
(7) He shall recommend changes to the Council and the basic
organization and plans for departments under his control: and
enforce changes approved by the Council.
(8) He shall perform such duties as may be required by the
Charter or as the Council may require of him. (Ordinance No. 340,
passed February IS, 1965)
A. Duties:
(1) He shall keep a record of the proceedings of the City
council and such other bodies as Council may require.
(2) He shall keep all ordinances, resolutions, contracts and
agreements of the City, and authenticate such records as shall be
(3) He shall publish ordinances and other legal notices as
(4) He shall keep and maintain a record of all elections of
the City and shall be responsible for the conduct of elections.
(5) He shall keep informed of all matters pending before
the Council and other bodies as Council may require.
(6) He shall have the power to administer oaths or affirma-
tions in all matters relating to the municipality.
(7) He shall have the custody of the seal of The City of
(8) He shall have the power to appoint deputies, if needed,
provided that the appointment of all deputies shall be approved by
at least four (4) members of the Council.
(9) He shall perform such other duties as may be required
by the Charter, the City Manager, or as the Council may require
of him, or as is required by law.
(lO) He shall receive and safely keep all monies and secur-
ities belonging to'the City and shall deposit all of the public
monies in any bank in the State of Alaska authorized by law to
receive such deposit of public monies, such deposits to be made
in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of
Alaska and tile OLdinancQs and resolutions of the city.
(11) He shall pay public monies only upon warrants drawn by
the City Comptroller or claims which have been approved by the
Councilor are in accordance with the ordinances of the City.
(12) He shall render to the City Comptroller and City
Manager after every deposit recorded a monthly report as to the
status of all monies, securities and accounts receivable and
collections thereof for which he is responsible.
(13) He shall collect and receive all monies due the city,
except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, in accordance with
the State law or ordinances of the City, and rules and regulations
governing the status and completion of the credit and collection
of accounts.
(14) He shall recommend to the City Manager rules and regu-
lations governing the establishment of credit and the collection
of accounts receivable, and the deposit and security of all
monies in all departments of the City, and he shall administer
such rules and regulations as may be adopted.
(15) He shall conduct tax sales and shall act as redemption
officer for the City.
(16) He shall receive and approve all applications for
utilities, services, and/or the establishment or discontinuance
of services, in accordance with the rules and regulations estab-
lished for that purpose.
(17) He shall be responsible for the proper reading of all
meters used in connection with the sale or rental of utility
(IB) He shall keep and maintain appropriate files and
records for the accomplishment of his function. (Ordinance No.
340, passed February 15, 1965)
(19) All contracts, except as otherwise provided herein,
shall be authorized by the Council and shall be signed on behalf
of the City by the City Manager and the City Clerk-Treasurer,
after having been a~proved as to form by the City Attorney.
(Home Rule Charter, Chap. 12, Sec. 12.1 (b)
(20) He shall have power to administer all oaths required
by law. (Home Rule Charter, Sec. 5.5, paragraph (c)
A. Duties:
(1) He shall formulate and recommend to the City Manager
policies and procedures on accounting, auditing, budgeting, pre-
paration and payment of payrolls and tax matters when directed
by the City Manager, billing, and drawing of warrants and payment
of properly approved claims against the City, and other financial
(2) He shall administer such policies and procedures, des-
cribed in the preceding section, when approved by the City Mana~
ger, and conduct such activities for the City.
(3) He shall prescribe, subject to the approval of the City
Manager, the form in which the budget is presented for adoption.
(4) He shall prepare and maintain the cost accounting books
of the City and records reflecting the unencumbered balances, and
such other records as may be appropriate for the fulfillment of
his function.
(5) He shall prepare all financial statements and reports
for the City, and in particular (a) shall render annual and
quarterly reports to the Council, reflecting revenues and expen-
ditures of the several departments: (b) shall render a current
monthly statement to the City Manager reflecting unencumbered
balances for all accounts administered by the City Manager or
departments coming under his control.
(6) He shall review the proposed annual budget for all
offices and departments of the City and consolidate them into a
proposed annual City budget, for presentation to the Council by
the City Manager.
(7) He shall establish procedures for the operation of the
City's insurance program, shall have custody of all insurance
policies, and shall keep the Council advised as to the status and
expiration date of all insurance policies.
(8) He shall be responsible for the maintenance of an
inventory of all property, equipment and supplies owned by the
(9) He shall prescribe procedures for the accounting and
billing in all departments of the City.
(10) He shall perform such other duties as may be required
by the City Manager. (Ordinance No. 340, passed Feb. 15, 1965)
Section 2.104 CITY ATTORNEY
A. Duties:
(1) He shall advise the Council and the City Manager, and
boards, commissions and all officers and departments of the City,
on all matters of law.
(2) He shall draft and assist in drafting of all ordinances,
resolutions, agreements and contracts to be made or entered into
by the City, and approve the forms of such instruments.
(3) He shall prosecute violators of the City ordinances
and shall represent the City in all actions at law.
(4) He shall perform such other duties as may be required
by the Charter, the City Manager, or as the Council may require
of him. (Ordinance No. 340, passed Feb. 15, 1965)
This department shall be under the direction of the City
Manager and shall be composed of the following divisions, which
shall have the functions hereinafter set forth, and such others
as may be delegated.
This division shall be under the supervision of the City
Clerk, or such person as he may designate, who shall be account-
able to the City Manager.
A. This division shall provide telephone, mail and messen-
ger service for all City departments.
B. This division shall provide an information service at
City Hall.
C. This division shall provide mimeographing and other
dupliC"ating ra~ilities for all City departments.
D. This division shall provide centralized office machine
operation for all City departments, when such centrali~ed opera-
tion is considered advisable.
E. This division shall provide office supplies, etc., for
all City departments.
F. This division shall provide such other services as may
be required of it by the City Manager.
This division shall be under the supervision of the City
Manager or such person as he may designate, who shall be account-
able to the City Manager. His duties shall be as follows:
A. He shall make all purchases required by the various
departments, divisions, offices, sections and units of the City
government, in conformity with the central procedures established
for that purpose.
B. He shall operate and maintain the warehouse and storage
facilities of the City and such control records as are necessary
for the proper inventorying of stocks and supplies.
C. He shall prepare and obtain and maintain standard spec-
ifications for materials and supplies and equipment Whenever
D. He shall keep in form and maintain records as to the
sources of supply for all classes of purchases, bids, price quo-
tations and other related items. In addition, he shall cooperate
with the City Comptroller, keeping inventory records of all equip-
ment and major items of supply owned by the City, and in making
periodic inventories.
E. He shall advise and assist the City Manager in the form-
ulation of policies and procedures in connection with the pur-
chasing activities of the City.
F. He may be authorized to sign for the City Manager pur-
chase orders which do not exceed $150.00 in value, in conformance
with control procedures ~stablished for that purpose.
G. He shall perform such other duties as may be required of
him by the City Manager.
This division shall be under the supervision of the City
Manager or such person" as he may designate, who shall be account-
able to the City Manager. His duties shall be as follows:
A. He shall operate the City garage and machine shop, keep-
ing a record of the work performed by these sections and other
departments of the City.
B. He shall maintain and operate the physical plant of the
City regarding the assignment of space, the maintenance of build-
ings, and the recommendation of such rules and regulations as are
proper for the efficient use of the City facilities.
C. He shall keep the operating records of all motorized
equipment used or operated by the city.
D. He shall coordinate the needs of the several departments,
except the Fire Department, for motorized equipment and the over-
all needs of the City for motorized equipment, and make general
recommendations to the City Manager in connection with the pur-
chase or rental of motorized equipment.
E. He shall recommend to the City Manager rules and regula-
tions governing the use and care of mechanical equipment used by
the various departments of the City, except motorized equipment
used and operated by the Fire Department.
F. He shall actively supervise a preventative maintenance
program for all mechanical equipment owned or operated by the
r- -
G. He shall be responsible for and direct the maintenance
of all public buildings and mechanical equipment owned or opera-
ted by the City, and shall establish a maintenance program,
including janitorial services, for the upkeep of all public
buildings owned or operated by the City, and shall report
regularly to the City Manager the condition of such buildings.
H. He shall perform such other duties as may be required
of him by the City Manager.
This division shall be under the supervision of the Person-
nel Officer, who shall be accountable to the City Manager. His
duties shall be as followsr
A. He shall be responsible for the management and adminis-
tration of the Personnel Programs, in accordance with the rules
and regulations established by the merit system.
B. He shall follow such personnel procedures and practices
as may be approved by the City Manager.
C. He shall administer control procedures for the recruit-
ment, employment and promotion of the personnel of the City.
D. He shall prepare and maintain such job and position
classifications and specifications as may be required.
E. He shall keep and maintain complete personnel records.
F. He shall coordinate such an employee safety program as
may be directed by the City Manager.
G. He shall coordinate and administer such employee-in-
service training programs as may be directed by the City Manager.
H. He sh:::.L ;;,'~"fc'-m such other duties as may be required
of him by tl:. (: -i Iv!anager.
This division shall be under the direction of the Chief of
Police, who shall be accountable to the City Manager. His duties
shall be as follows:
A. He shall formulate and recommend to the City Manager
policies and procedures pertaining to the enforcement of rules
and regulations for the government and operation of the Police
Department, and shall administer such policies and procedures
when approved by the City Manager, and shall conduct such activi-
ties for the City.
B. He shall be responsible for the preservation of public
peace and order in the prevention and detection of crime, and
apprehension of offenders, the protection of persons and of prop-
erty, and the enforcement of the law.
C. He shall hf.:l "::"0sponsihle for "the operation of the juven-
ile law enforcel!l~nt p:.-rsr:1!ll of t:h~ City.
D. He shall 0;"(J:,: ") tf~ th~ '7~ '::'[ ~''''.l 1.
E. He shall \Y,e,~'<lt.." ~:l',,~ 1 "'1ui.p:r.",nt as necessary for the
fulfillment of hin ,(1:',:UC t ,,0::'.
F. He shall CCfll\Tf"> a1:;, t:r:afn.r:: :::ogulations
G. He shell ncv;_';~ U"_(: (~i ty M.anage~ of matters concerning
traffic control.
H. He shall sell :;nnually, unclaimp.d property at public
auction, or as specifi~(!, by J a,I:.
I. He shall depoGit with the City Treasury within three
days such funds as may be collected in the course of the opera-
tion of his department, and at no time retain more than $25.00
in his possession.
J. He shall perform such other duties as may be required
of him by the City Manager. (ordinance No. 340, passed Feb. 15,
~ -~-
Section 2.lll FIRE DIVISION
This division shall be under the direction of the Fire
Chief, who shallbe accountable to the City Manager. His duties
shall be as follows:
A. He shall formulate and recommend to the City Manager
policies and procedures pertaining to the enforcement of rules
and regulations for the government and operation of the Fire
B. He shall administer such policies and procedures when
approved by the City Manager, and shall conduct such activities
for the City, set forth in the preceding section.
C. He shall be responsible for the prevention of fires,
the protection of life and property against fires, and the re-
moval of fire hazards.
D. He shall be responsible for rendering of emergency
services for which his department is equipped.
E. He shall recommend to the City Manager policies and
procedures pertaining to the prevention and control of fires.
F. He shall be responsible for the construction, mainten-
ance and repair of all fire alarm facilities.
G. He shall be responsible for inspecting business and
other premises for fire hazards, and for the enforcement of the
fire prevention code. In addition, he shall conduct educational
fire prevention programs.
H. It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to notify the
Borough Assessor and Building Inspector of all property damage
caused by' fire.
I. He shall operate and be in charge of such equipment as
is necessary for the fulfillment of his function.
H. He shall perform such other duties as may be required
of him by the city Manager. (Ordinance No. 340, passed Feb. 15,
This 'fi..-.:i.8!OO shall be under the direction of the Chief of
Police, who shall be aocountable to the City Manager. His
duties shall be as follows:
A. He shall formulate and recommend to the City Manager
policies and procedures relating to the care and control of
animals and shall administer such policies and procedures when
approved by the City Manager, and shall conduct such activities
for the city.
B. He shall enforce all ordinances, and State laws, relat-
ing to the care of, control, impounding and registration of all
C. He shall conduct the sale of animals as directed by
D. He shall deposit with the City Treasurer within three
days such funds as may be collected in the operation of his
E. He shall recommend to the City Manager a schedule of
fees or rates to be charged for th~ car@ and ma;ntenan~e of
privately owned animals.
(F) He shall be responsible for the destruction of animals
in accordance with the ordinances of the City.
(G) He shall perform such other duties as may be required
by the city Manager.
'this d!.1sion shall be under the direction of the City
Engineer, and the Public Works General Foreman, who shall be
accountable to the City Manager. His duties shall be as follows:
A. He shall formulate and recommend to the City Manager
policies and procedures for planning, design, construction, main-
tenance and repair and improvement of all public works and
places owned or operated by the City.
B. Except as otherwise provided in this code, he shall
administer such policies and procedures When approved by the
City Manager and shall conduct such activities for the City.
C. He shall provide such technical services to other de-
partments as the City Manager may direct.
D. He shall coordinate the engineering and planning acti-
vities of the utilities owned and operated by the City, on
matters of mutual concern, between the several utilities and
the Department of Public Works and Engineering.
E. He shall proceed as directed by law on all matters
requiring his official action.
F. He shall inspect all construction work done by and for
the City and require compliance with all contracts made in
connection therewith.
., ._____~._._._.__.__~_.__c ,~,___,.___.~.
G. He shall have subject to his approval all progress pay-
ments for construction work done by the City, and file notice of
completion thereof with the City Manager and the City Comptroller.
H. He shall act as superintendent of streets in all matters
required by that position.
I. He shall prepare or cause to be prepared all official
maps of the City, and shall keep and maintain such records as
are necessary for the fulfillment of his function, and shall
record thereon any changes on the official copy, which shall be
maintained and filed by the City Clerk.
J. He shall act in an advisory capacity for the Planning
Commission on all matters of engineering nature affecting the
K. He shall be responsible for ~nd maintain all markings
for traffic control placed upon the streets or curbs.
L. He shall be responsible for the function of traffic
engineering for the City.
M. He shall operate such equipment as is necessary for the
fulfillment of his function.
N. He shall recommend to the city Manager a schedule of
fees and rates to be charged for services performed by his
This division shall be under the supervision of the City
Manager, or such person as he may designate, who shall be
accountable to the City Manager. His duties shall be as follows:
~. ~p ~h211 enforce all laws of the State of Alaska, and
all ordinances of the City of Seward, regulating buildings,
housing, fire zones, plumbing, heating and electrical appliances
and insulations.
B. He shall issue permits in conformity with the codes and
laws applicable to building inspection.
C. He shall provide the office of the Borough Assessor
with copies of all building permits, demolition permits and such
other records of changes which would affect the assessed valua-
tion of the buildings and improvements.
D. He shall perform such other duties as may be required of
him by the City Manager.
This division shall be under the direction of a utility
General Foreman, who shall be accountable to the City Manager.
His duties shall be as follows:
A. He shall formulate and recommend to the City Manager
pOlicies and procedures pertaining to the management, operation,
design, development, construction, repair, maintenance and
improvement and the extension of water utilities owned or oper-
ated by the City. He shall administer such policies and proce-
dures when approved by the City Manager and shall conduct such
activities for the City.
B. He shall advise and assist the City Manager in formulat-
ing proposals and recommendations to the City Council, and rate
schedules to be used in the sale of utility services coming
within his province.
C. He shall operate such equipment as necessary for the
fulfillment of his function.
D. He shall keep and maintain such maps and records as are
necessary for the fulfillment of his function, and shall record
thereon any changes on the official copy, which shall be main-
tained and filed by the City Clerk.
E. He shall cooperate and coordinate his efforts with the
Fire Department in the installation, repair and maintenance of a
water system adequate for the needs of the Fire Department.
F. He shall be responsible for the rendering of necessary
services in answer to customer's inquiries arising out of ~e
operation of the utilities under his control.
G. He shall perform such other duties as may be required of
him by the City Manager.
This division sh~11 be under the direction of a Light De-
partment General Forema.n, who shall be accountable to the City
Manager. His duties shall be as follows:
A. He shall formulate and recommend to the City Manager
policies and procedures pertaining to the management, operation,
design, construction, repair, development, maintenance, improve-
ment and extension of the electric and power utilities owned and
operated by the City.
B. He shall keep and maintain such maps and records as are
necessary for the fulfillment of his function, and shall record
thereon any changes on the official copy, which shall be main-
tained and filed by the City Clerk.
C. He shall install and maintain as directed electrical
traffic control devices Of the City.
D. He shall maintain and operate as directed the street
lighting system of the City.
E. He shall advise and assist the City Manager in formulat-
ing proposals and recommendations to the City Council, and rate
schedules to be used in the sale of utilities coming under his
and within his province.
F. He shall be responsible for rendering of necessary ser-
vices in answer to customers' inquiries arising out of the
operation of the utilities under his control.
G. He shall perform such other duties as may be required of
him by the City Manag~r.
This division ~h~ll bp. under the supervision of the City
Manager, or such perRon ~s he may designate, who shall be
accountable to the City Manager. His duties shall be as follows:
A. He shall formulate and recommend to the City Manager
policies and procedures in connection with the management,
operation and control of municipal playgrounds, swimming pools,
community centers, camps, theatres, gymnasiums, museums and
athletic fields and activities connected therewith. He shall
administer said policies and procedures when approved by the
City Manager, and shall conduct such activities for the City.
B. He shall recommend to the City Manager, as directed, a
schedule of fees and rates to be charged for the services of his
C. He shall perform such other duties as may be required
of him by the City Manager.
This division shall be under the direction of the City
Manager, or such person as he may designate, who shall be accoun-
table to the City Manager. His duties shall be as follows:
A. He shall make studies and reports as may be required by
the City Manager.
B. He shall recommend proposals and procedures to the City
Manager pertaining to the land use and development, and use and
development of public properties, and special zoning matters,
and shall cooperate with the Building Offidal and the Fire Chief
in coordinating fire zones and land use zones.
C. He shall advise the public on matters relating to
planning procedures as outlined by law, and receive and transmit
to the proper authorities requests of the public which shall be
within the province of the City Planning Division.
D. He shall cooperate and coordinate the work of his
division with technical assistance to the Planning Commission.
E. He shall maintain such maps and records as shall be
necessary for the fulfillment of his function: and shall record
any changes on the official copy of any such maps, which shall
be maintained and filed by the City Clerk.
F. He shall act as zoning administrator in all matters
required of that division.
G. He shall perform such other duties as may be required
by the City Manager.
The City shall carry a special insurance program to compen-
sate claims for injuries, sickness, disability or death of its
officers or employees arising out of and during the course of
their employment.
A. Procedure for Filinq Claims:
(l) Notice by Employee: To be a valid claim against the
City of Seward, written signed notice of injury or death sus-
tained during work hours while employed by the City shall be
given to the City Clerk or City Manager by the injured employee,
or in the case of death by a person in behalf of the employee,
within twenty-four (24) hours of the occurrence, on forms provi-
ded by the City. In the event an employee is physically unable
to give written notice within twenty-four (24) hours of the
occurrence, his immediate supervisor or such other City employee
as may have been witness to the occurrence shall give an interim
written notice to be either countersigned by the injured employee
when he is able to do so or to be replaced by the signed written
notice of the injured employee within twenty-four (24) hours of
thA time he is physically able to give such notice, but in no
instance later than twenty-eight (28) days after the occurrence.
If the injured employee is physically unable to sign the interim
or replacement notice within twenty-eight (28) days of the occur-
rence, a person in behalf of the injured employee shall give
such notice. If two or more City employees are present at
serious injury or apparent death of a City employee, one shall
immediately verbally notify the City Manager of the occurrence
and the one most capable of doing so shall take charge of secur-
ing medical care and, if qualified, administer first aid. The
notice of injury forms required and provided by the City shall
contain all of the information required by the Alaska Workmen~s
compensation Act. The employee or person in his behalf shall
supply all of the required information.
(2) Notice by City: The City Clerk or City Manager shall
give written notice containing all of the information required
by the Alaska workmen's compensation Act, of such injury or
death, to the Alaska workmen's Compensation Board for the City
and for the employee (to fulfill the responsibility of the em-
ployee under AS Sec. 23,30.100), and in duplicate to the City's
insurance agent as soon as possible but not later than thirty
(30) days following the occurrence.
(3) Medical Information: To be a valid claim against the
City of Seward, if there is medical expense, the injured person,
or a person in his behalf if he is physically unable to do so,
or\in case of death, a person in his behalf claiming to be en-
titled to compensation for the death or a person in his behalf
shall (a) cause a written signed report in quadruplicate, on
forms provided by the City, to be made to the City Clerk or City
Manager by the attending licensed physician, and containing all
of the information required by the form as provided therein. The
first and final report from the attending physician may be com-
bined, if treatment is concluded, and the report submitted
within thirty (30) days: otherwise interim reports at thirty (30)
day intervals or at such intervals as required by the City or by
the Alaska Workmen's Compensation Board shall be sUbmitted to the
City: (b) deliver to the City properly identified billings in
triplicate for all medical expense related to such injury or
(4) The City Clerk or City Manager shall promptly transmit
the report of the physician and medical bills to the Board and
in duplicate to the City's insurance agent.
B. Hospitalization, Medical, Loss of Income and Disabilitv
Benefits as Provided bv Workmen's Comp~n~ation Law
The City shall provide hospitalization and medical benefits
as required by law.
C. Requirement of Claims
Claims shall be filed with the City Clerk, subject to the
time as prescribed by law and filing of said claims shall be
notice to employer as provided, relating to Workmen's Compensa-
tion. A report of injury shall be immediately signed by the
employee's immediate supervisor, including names of witnesses
whenever possible.
A. Permanent employees working not less than six (6) hours
per day or thirty (30) hours per week, and their dependents, are
insured by the City under contract with a private insurance com-
pany for loss of life, disability, loss of income, and expenses
for hospitalization and medical treatment, all up to certain
limits and under certain conditions, as a result of death or
accident occurring during other than their working hours and as
a result of illness other than illness caused or due to working
B. To be a valid claim against this insurance contract,
the employee shall file with the City Clerk, in writing and in
triplicate, on forms provided by the City, a claim containing
all of the supporting reports, data and bills required by said
C. Potential claims must be reported immediately. Instruc-
tions as to frequency of written claims will be given at this
D. Insurance commences on the first of the month following
three (3) full months employment on a permanent basis.
The following shall be considered as administrative offi-
cers of the City:
A. City Clerk
B. City Attorney
C. City Comptroller
D. City Treasurer
E. City Manager
Appointments to the following positions shall be made by
the City Manager, with approval of the Council:
A. Chief of Police
B. Fire Chief
C. Custodian and Humane Officer
D. City Comptroller
E. Public Works General Foreman
F. Utility General Foreman
G. Electric General Foreman
Each officer shall perform all duties of his office re-
quired by State law, the Charter, and ordinances of the City,
and such duties not in conflict therewith as may be required
either by the councilor the City Manager. whichever appoints
The head of each division shall be immediately responsible
to the City Manager for the effective administration of his re-
spective division and all activities assigned thereto. In the
case of vacancy in office, or during the absence of any division
head, the City Manager may designate an interim acting head,
with the approval of Council. All division heads shall keep in-
formed as to the latest practices in their particular fields and
shall inaugurate, with the approval of the Councilor the City
Manager, whichever is appropriate, such new practices as appear
to be for the benefit of the municipal service and the public.
The City Manager may prescribe and enforce such rules and
regulations as may be deemed necessary for the operation and
management of all office~/givisions coming under his control,
and may recommend to the Council for approval rules and regula-
tions for the management of all offices and divisions of the City.
The City Manager shall communicate to all parties under his
jurisdiction the enactment of such rules and regulations.
All division heads shall advise and assist all other division
heads on matters within their respective provinces, and shall
coordinate their activities and cooperate with each other on
matters of mutual concern.
Any d~vision head may delegate to members of the divisions
coming under his direction such duties and responsibil~ties ~g
he deems advisable, together with proportionate authority for
their fulfillment, but in no case may he delegate his overall
responsibility or any of his accountability.
Each division head shall be responsible for the preservation
of all records under his jurisdiction, and shall provide a sys-
tem for filing and indexing the same. No records, reports, cor-
respondence or other data relative to the business of any divi-
sion shall be destroyed or removed permanently, unless authorized
by the City Manager.
Reports of the activities of each division shall be made to
the City Manager when he so desires, and an annual written re-
port shall also be filed with the City Manager within thirty (30)
days after the end of the fiscal year. Such reports shall be in
proper form and in sufficient detail to furnish adequate informa-
tion for the proper control of divisional activities.
Section 3.109 HOLIDAYS
For the transaction of municipal business of the City, the
following days are declared to be holidays, on which municipal
business may be suspended: Every Sunday, New Year's Day,
Washington's Birthday, Seward Day, Memorial Day, Independence
Day, Labor Day, Alaska Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day,
Christmas Day, and every Saturday, and such other days which may
be proclaimed holidays by the Mayor.
In the event any of the aforementioned days, except if
Saturday or Sunday, fall on Saturday or Sunday respectively,
the following Monday shall be considered as a holiday.
A. The City shall not be liable in damages for injury to
person or property by reason of negligence of the City, unless,
within sixty days after such injury occurred, the person damaged,
or his representative, causes a written notice to be served upon
an officer of the City upon whom process may be served by law.
Such notice shall state that such person intends to hold the
City liable for such damages and shall set forth substantially
the time and place of the injury, the manner in which it
occurred, the nature of the act or defect complained of, the
extent of the injury so far as known, and the names and addresses
of witnesses known to the claimant.
B. No person shall bring an action against the City for
damages to person or property arising out of any of the reasons
or ctta~cesaforesaid, unless brought within the period pre-
scribed by law, nor unless he has first presented to the Clerk
a claim in writing and under oath, setting forth specifically
the nature and extent of the injury and the amount of damages
claimed. The Clerk shall refer the claim to the City Manager,
who must promptly thereafter present such claim to the Council
for action.
C. Failure to give notice of injury or present a claim
within the time and in the manner provided shall bar any action
Section 4.100 FISCAL YEAR
The fiscal year of the City shall begin on July 1 of each
year, unless otherwise provided by law. (Horne Rule Charter,
Chap. 6, Sec. 6.1)
During or prior to the third week in May, the City Manager
shall present to the Council a budget proposal for the next
fiscal year of the City. Such budget proposal shall set forth
the City Manager's recommendations concerning and an analysis of
anticipated income and expenditures of the City during the next
fiscal year. The proposed expenditures set forth in the budget
proposal shall not exceed the expected revenues of the City.
Unencumbered funds remaining at the end of the current fiscal
year may be reallocated for purposes set forth in the budget
proposal. (Horne Rule Charter, Chap. 6, Sec. 6.2)
The budget proposal of the City Manager shall be reviewed
by the Council and shall be available for public inspection in
the office of the City Clerk. Council shall direct that a public
hearing on the budget proposal shall be held not less than one
(1) week before its final adoption. Notice of the public hearing
shall be published in a newspaper by the City Clerk at least
one (1) week prior to the date of hearing. At a regular meeting
held not less than ten (10) days prior to the end of the fiscal
upon such claim.
D. This section shall not be deemed to waive any defense
of immunity which the city may have from claims for damages
arising out of negligence, but shall apply in all cases where
such defense is not available to the City.
E. Any employee of the City involved in any occurrence
resulting in injury to property or persons other than City
property or City employees, or any City employee witnessing such
an occurrence shall (1) immediately secure or provide emergency
care for injured persons or (2) immediately secure or provide
emergency warning devices to prevent further injury to property:
(3) immediately thereafter report such occurrence in writing to
the Chief of Police on forms provided by the City and including
any ,additional information he may require: and (4) in case of
serious injury, immediately verbal notice shall be given to the
City Manager: and (5) the complete report describing in detail
the above stated elements of a potential claim against the City
and including names and addresses of witnesses, shall be re-
ferred to the City Manager and the City Clerk.
F. No employee of the City may acknowledge liability in
damages for injury to persons or property.
G. Any occurrence involving injury to both a City employee
or City property and to persons other than City employees or
other than City property shall be reported and processed in
compliance with the procedures applicable to both Workmen's
Compensation (Section 2.119 herein) and Public Liability
Insurance (Section 3.110 herein), and the foregoing.
year, the Council shall, by resolution, adopt a budget for the
following fiscal year and make appropriation of the money needed
therefor. If the Council does not adopt a budget prior to the
third day preceding the commencement of the next fiscal year, it
shall be held to make an appropriation therefor, without any
further Council action. (Home Rule Charter, Chap. 6, Sec.6.3)
The budget may contain contingent accounts which shall read
as follows: HThe contingent account of the City shall be expen-
ded only on written authorization of the City Manager for items
for which no provision or insufficient provision has been made
by the appropriations contained in the budgetJ' Expenditures
from the contingent account shall be reported monthly in the
Comptroller's report to the Council.
Section 4.104 SYB"lBIl 01' ACCOUNTS
All City accounts shall be kept in the form prescribed by
the budget.
A. The necessary accounting records shall be maintained to
reflect the unencumbered balances of all appropriations. In
determining the unencumbered balances of appropriations, the
estimated amounts of committments for goods or services ordered
bat not paid for shall be taken into consideration, and the
Comptroller shall submit to the Council and the City Manager a
monthly report of all unencumbered balances.
B. Unencumbered appropriation balances may be transferred
to any department by the City Manager at any time. At the re-
quest of the City Manager, or on its own initiative, the Council
may transfer unencumbered balances from one office, department
or agency to another. (Home Rule Charter, Chap. 6, Sec. 6.4)
C. The City Manager shall submit periodically to the
Council information comparing estimated and actual revenues and
expenditures to the end of the preceding month. (Home Rule
Charter, Chap. 6, Sec. 6.4).
A. Every undertaking of the City of Seward involving the
expenditure of City money shall be in writing, in the form of a
purchase order, credit card, travel voucher, or of a contract,
as may be appropriate, and no officer or employee of the City
shall have authority to enter into any oral agreement involving
the expenditure of money. The City Manager and City Clerk
shall sign all contracts on behalf of the City, and the City
Manager and the Comptroller shall sign all purchase orders.
B. The City Manager is hereby authorized to bind the City
by purchase order without advertising or previous action by the
City Council for the payment for labor, services, materials or
other valuable considerations, to be furnished to the City, or
for the lease or purchase of real property in amounts not
exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in anyone item, with
the exception that in the Electric Light and Power Division this
amount shall not exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) in any
one item; provided, however, that all efforts have been made to
provide the City of Seward with the lowest and best prices ob-
tainable. This may be accomplished by requesting written quota-
tions or advertising for sealed bids. The City Manager may re-
ject any or all quotations and bids and may waive minor irregu-
larities in the quotations or bids. Whenever in the best
interests of the City, local vendors shall be used.
C. Purchase orders may be used in contracting for skilled
or unskilled labor or for labor and materials when the total
cost does not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00, where
the labor or materials desired are in fact a single purchase or
operation. Separate purchase orders shall not be issued for the
purpose of avoiding the limitations of this section.
D. Purchase orders shall be issued upon requisitions
signed by the head of the division. All requisitions shall be
filed with the purchasing agent and no purchase shall be made
until an order has been obtained from him.
E. In the absence of the City Manager, a person designated
by him, in writing, is hereby authorized to sign for the City
Manager purchase orders for materials, supplies and equipment
which do not exceed One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) in
value, in conformance with control procedures to be established
by the City Manager for that purpose.
Section 4.107 BID PROCEDURES
A. When the cost of equipment, supplies and materials
and/or labor required by the City exceeds the sum of One Thous-
and Dollars ($1,000.00), the City Manager shall call for bids by
advertising at lease once in a newspaper of general circulation
in the City, not less than two (2) weeks prior to the date set
for receiving bids.
B. All bids must be accompanied by cash, a certificate of
deposit or certified check or draft, or a cashier's check or a
draft on some responsible bank in the United States, in favor of
and payable at sight to The City of Seward, for an amount equal
to five per cent (5%) of the bid. If the bidder to whom the
contract is awarded shall, for fifteen (15) days after such
award, fail or neglect to enter into a contract and file the re-
quired bond, the City Clerk shall draw the money due on said
certificate of deposit or check or draft, and pay the same or
any cash deposit into the treasury, and under no circumstances
shall it be returned to the defaulting bidder. In lieu of the
foregoing, any bid may be accompanied by a surety bond in the
said amount, furnished by a surety authorized to do a surety
business in the State of Alaska, guaranteeing that said bidder
will enter into a contract and file the required bond within said
C. All bids shall be placed in a sealed envelope and de-
livered to the City Clerk, and opened by the City Manager, or
a person designated b~him, in public, at the time and place
designated in the notice inviting bids. The contract shall be
let to the lowest and best bidder, by the City Council. The
City Council may reject any or all bids and may waive minor
irregularities in the bids.
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D. The City Treasurer shall return to the unsuccessful
bidders their certificates of deposit, drafts, checks or cash,
and shall retain the certificate of deposit, check, draft or
cash of the successful bidder until after the approval of the
bond or other security furnished by said bidder for the faith-
ful performance of his contract, and then shall return such
certificate of deposit, check, draft or cash to the said success-
ful bidder.
E. Restrictions and provisions of this section shall not
apply to contracts for individual services requiring special
knowledge and judgment or professional services, or for the
purchase of a patented article, or where an emergency makes the
delay incident to competitive bidding unreasonable, or to the
placement of insurance coverage.
The Comptroller shall examine all payrolls, bills, claims
and other demands of the City, and shall issue no warrant for
payment unless the claim is im proper form, correctly computed
and approved, is legally due and payable, and appropriation has
been made thereof which has not been exhausted, and unless there
is sufficient money in the City treasury to make payment.
The City comptroller shall attach to each contract a certi-
ficate signed by the City Comptroller, and there sha~~ b~ attacnpd
to and included in each purchase order a certificate of the City
Comptroller that the established amount of money to meet the
r-- ~n_
obligation of the City by such contract or purchase c~~~~ : .
been lawfully appropriated and in the proper form and in the
process of collection to the credit of the fund involved, free
from any prior encumbrance. In the case of a contract which
continues beyond the current fiscal year, and to involve expen-
ditures of money in future years, the Comptroller shall only
certify as to money estimated to be paid by the City thereunder
during the current fiscal year.
A. The City Comptroller shall pay claims for which appro-
priations have previously been made, when the claim was incurred
by purchase order as herein provided, or by agreement approved
by the City Council.
B. The City Comptroller shall require invoices to be sub-
mitted to him by the vendors, and that the head of the department
or division of the City concerned shall submit to him a copy of
the purchase order so certified to the effect that the goods or
services for which the purchase order and invoices are rendered
have been delivered in the manner, quantity and quality speci-
fied, prior to the issuance of the City's warrant and payment
thereofr whereupon the City's warrant shall be properly issued
in payment.
C. Claims for transportation expenses and allowances sub-
mitted in connection with traveling on official business shall
be allowed by the City Comptroller only when such expenses have
been approved in advance by the City Manager and are submitted
on proper forms provided by the City and certified by the
Neither the Council nor any officer or employee of the City
shall create, audit, allow or permit to accrue any debt or lia-
bility for any purpose in excess of available monies in the
treasury legally apportioned or appropriated for that purpose.
Section 4.112 MONIES
All money collected by agencies of the City shall be
deposited with the City Treasurer within three days after
All revenues and proceeds from securities owned by the City
shall be collected by the City Treasurer promptly when due and
reported immediately by him to the City Comptroller.
All securities shall be deposited in a safe deposit box in
a bank which is approved by the Council, to which access shall be
had only upon the signature of the City Manager and the City
Treasurer or his deputies.
A. The City Comptroller may, on approval of the City
Manager, cancel any account receivable except bill s which may
become a lien against property for taxes, but shall report such
cancellations to the City Council. Bills Which may become a
lien against property may be cancelled only upon writt"en formal
claim by the owner when supported by substantial evidence of its
propriety and approved by the City Council.
B. Any refunds of over-payments or erroneous payments may
be made by the City Comptroller, with the approval of the City
Manager; provided, however, that utility customers' deposits can
be refunded by the City Comptroller with the approval of the
City Treasurer.
Section 4.116 PAYROLLS
Payrolls shall be submitted to the City Manager for appro-
val, and upon approval the City Comptroller shall issue his
warrants in payment thereof when due. It shall not be necessary
for the City Comptroller to encumber in advance or to certify as
to the availability of funds appropriated for personal services,
except those obtained on a contractual basis; provided that upon
issuance of such warrants, the City Comptroller shall immediate-
ly cause the appropriate funds to be encumbered to the extent
of the warrants issued.
Section 4.117 INSPECTION
A. Prior to the making of partial or final payments on
contracts, the City Manager and the City Engineer shall certify
that the conditions of the contract for which payment is made
have been complied with. In the case of partial payments, such
payments shall be made on estimates of the amount and value of
work accomplished. The certificates or estimates shall include
on the amount and value of the work accomplished, the materials
used, since any preceding estimate. Such certificates or
estimates shall further indicate that if a greater proportion G~
the contract has been performed by the contracting party, than
that which is represented by the request for partial payment,
the request only shall be paid, in addition to any preceding
partial payments. Upon receiving said certificates, estimates
or invoices properly certified, the City Comptroller shall then
issue warrants in payment.
B. The responsibility for the inspection and acceptance of
all materials, supplies and equipment shall rest with the
division head concerned.
Section 4.118 SALE OF PROPERTY
Whenever the head of any department shall make a written
finding that any personal property of the City is no longer
needed for corporate or public purposes, the same may be offer-
ed for sale, when the written findings have been approved by the
City Manager. The sale shall be held in accordance with the
procedure followed in theawardiog of purchases, but to the
highest responsible bidder.
Section 5.100 PURPOSES
The declared purposes of this division are to provide for
the preparation and carrying out of plans for the Civil Defense
of persons and property within this City, in the event of a
disaster from natural or man-made causes or acts of war, and to
provide for the coordination of the Civil Defense and Disaster
functions of this City, with all other public agencies and
effective private persons, corporations and organizations. Any
expenditures made in connection with such Civil Defense and
Disaster activities, including mutual aid activities, shall be
deemed exclusively to be for the protection and benefit of the
inhabitants and property of the City of Seward.
Section 5.101 DEFINITIONS
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this
division, shall be construed as defined in this section:
A. Civil Defense - shall mean preparation for and carrying
out of all emergency functions other than functions for which
military forces are primarily responsible, to prevent, minimize
and repair injury and damage resulting from disaster. It shall
not include nor does any provision of this division apply to any
condition resulting from a labor controversy.
B. Disaster - shall mean actual or threatened enemy attack,
sabotage, air pollution, extraordinary fire, flood, storm,
epidemic, riot, earthquake or other similar public calamity.
C. State of Extreme Emerqency - shall mean the duly
proclaimed existence of conditions of extreme peril to the safs-
ty of persons and property within the city of Seward caused by
an enemy attack, or threatened attack, or other cause such as
air pollution, nuclear or chemical accident, fire, flood, storm,
epidemic, riot, earthquake, which conditions, by reason of their
magnitude, are or are likely to be beyond the control of the ser-
vices, personnel, equipment and facilities of the City, and re-
quire the combined forces of mutual aid to combat. A state of
extreme emergency exists immediately and without proclamation
thereof by the Governor whenever the State of Alaska is attacked
by an enemy of the United States or upon receipt of warning from
authorized Federal or State agency indicating that such an enemy
attack is probable or imminent. A state of extreme emergency
does not include, nor does any provision of this division apply
to a condition resulting from a labor controversy.
D. State of Disaster - shall mean the duly proclaimed
existence of conditions of extreme peril to the safety of per-
sons and property within the City caused by such condition as
air pollution, nuclear or chemical accident, fire, flood, storm,
epidemic, riot or earthquake, or other conditions, except as a
result of war-caused disaster, which such conditions by reason
of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of the
City, require the combined forces of mutual aid to combat.
State of Disaster does not include nor does it apply to any
condition resulting from a labor controversy.
E. Civil Defense and Disaster Service Worker - shall
mean and include all city employees, all voluntp.erR ,..p_.~.,.,-...,
with the Civil Defense Disascer Organization, and any unregis-
tered person pressed into service during the state of disaster
or state of extreme emergency, by a person having authority to
command the aid of the citizens in the execution of their
F. Local Peril, Local Emerqency or Local Disaster - shall
mean the existence of conditions within the territorial limits of
the City, in the absence of a duly proclaimed state of emergen-
cy, or state of disaster, which conditions are the result of an
emergency created by a great public calamity, such as extraord-
inary nuclear or chemical accident, fire, flood, storm, epidemic,
earthquake or other disaster which is or is likely to be beyond
the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities
of the City, and requires the combined forces of other local
agencies to combat.
There is hereby created the office of Director of Civil
Defense and Disaster. The City Manager may be the Director of
Civil Defense and Disaster. The Director is empowered:
A. To request the City Council to proclaim the existence
or threatened existence of a local disaster or local emergency
and determination thereof, if the City Council is in session, or
to issue such proclamation if the City Council is not in session,
subject to confirmation by the City Council at the earliest
r~ .
practicable time.
B. To request the Governor to proclaim a state of disaster
or state of extreme emergency when, in the opinion of the Dire-
ctor, the resources of the region are inadequate to cope with
the disaster.
C. To control and direct the efforts of Civil Defense and
Disaster Organization of this City for the accomplishment of
the purposes of this division.
D. To direct coordination and cooperation between divi-
sions, services and staff of Civil Defense and Disaster Organi-
zations of this City. To resolve questions of authority and
responsibility that may arise between them.
E. To represent the civil Defense and Disaster Organiza-
tions of this City in all dealings with public or private
agencies pertaining to Civil Defense and Disaster.
In the event of the proclamation of disaster or local emer-
gency as herein provided, or the proclamation of a state of
disaster or a state of extreme emergency by the Governor or the
Director of the Alaska Disaster Office, the Director is hereby
A. To make and issue rules and regulations on matters
reasonably related to the protection of life and property as
affected by such disaster or emergencY1 provided, however, such
rules and regulations must be confirmed at the earliest prac-
ticable time by the City Council.
B. To obtain vital supplies and equipment and such other
properties found laddng and needed for the protection of the
life and property of the people, and bind the City for the fair
value thereof1 and if required, immediately to commandeer the
same for the public use.
C. To require emergency services of any City officer or
employee, and in the event of a proclamation of a state of dis-
aster or state of extreme emergency, by the Governor, in the
region in which the City is located, to command the aid of as
many citizens of this community as he thinks necessary in the
execution of his duties. Such persons shall be entitled to all
privi~eges, benefits, and immunities as are provided for regular
City employees.
D. To requisition necessary personnel, and material, of
any City department or agency.
E. In the event the City Manager is appointed Civil De-
fense Director, he is to execute all of his ordinary powers as
City Manager, and all of the special powers conferred upon him
by this division, or by resolution adopted pursuant thereto, and
all powers conferred upon him by any statute, or agreement,
approved by the City council, or by any other lawful authority,
and to exercise complete authority over the City and to exercise
all power vested in the City by the Constitution and the general
laws of the City Charter.
All officers and employees of the City of Seward, together
with those volunteer forces enrolled to aid them during a
disaster, and all groups, and organizations, and persons who mav
by agreement or operation of law, including persons pressed into
service by provision of sub-section C of Section 5.103, shall be
charged with duties incident to the protection of the life, and
property, of the City, during such disaster, and shall consti-
tute and be known as the Civil Defense and Disaster organization
of The City of seward, Alaska.
The function and duties of the City of Seward Civil Defense
and Disaster Organization shall be distributed among such divi-
sions, services and special staff, if the City Manager acting as
Director of civil Defense and Disaster organization, or the
Director, shall prescribe.
The City Council shall, concurrently with the adoption of
this division, adopt the Civil Defense and Disaster Organiza-
tion's Plan for the City of Seward, which:
A. sets forth a form of organization:
B. establishes and designates divisions and services:
C. Assigns functions, duties, powers and responsibilities
of the Civil Defense and Disaster services personnel.
D. designates services and the respective chiefs of
services: and
E. establishes operational procedures to be carried out
in the event of local disaster or emergency, or proclama-
tion of a state of disaster or state of extreme emergency,
as herein defined.
Insofar as possible the form of the organization, titles
and terminology shall conform to the recommendations of the
Alaska Disaster Office and disaster agencies of the Federal
To provide for the continuance of the legislative and
executive departments of the City in the case of a disaster,
~e City Council shall appoint seven (7) : standby Councilmen
who shall assume their positions in alphabetical order and who
shall have the qualifications, tenure and duties and powers
specified in Chapter 3 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of
Section 5.107 VIOLATIONS
It shall be unlawful for any person, during a disaster,
A. Willfully, to obstruct, hinder or delay any member of
the Civil Defense and Disaster Organization in the enforcement
of any lawful rule or regulationissued pursuant to this Ordi-
nance, or in the performance of any duty imposed upon him by
virtue of this Ordinance.
B. To do any acts forbidden by any lawful rules or
regulations issued pursuant to this Ordinance, and such act as
is of such nature as to be likely to give assistance to the
enemy or imperil the lives and property of the inhabitants of
the City, or to prevent, hinder or delay the defense or protec-
tion thereof.
Section 5.108 PENALTIES
Anyone guilty of a violation, as set forth in the preceding
Section S.lO?, under Division V - Civil Defense and Disaster,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than Three
Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in jail for a
period of not more than thirty (30) days, or both such fine
and imprisonment.
All public records of the City shall be available at all
times during office hours, and any person may inspect the same,
provided he shall specify the record desired, and such record
shall not be taken from the office. Such records or properties
duly certified by the City . Clerk shall be prima-facie evidence
of their contents.
Ordinances and resolutions may be introduced and passed
by reading the title only, and shall be read in full only when
requested by a majority of the Councilor unless otherwise
provided by law. When an ordinance or resolution has been
introduced, copies thereof shall be made available to the
public in the Council Chambers and by the office of the City
Council may, after its agenda is otherwise completed,
recess for the purpose of discussing in closed or executive
session any question permitted by law which is expressed in a
motion calling for the executive session. The public may be
excluded from the session, but final action shall not be
taken by the Council on any matter discussed in an executive
session until the matter is placed on the agenda.
Upon written request of the Mayor, or of the City Manager,
of of any two members of the City Council, Council may hold study
sessions for the purposes of planning, studying, discussing any
question permitted by law, for the best interests of the City.
The public may be excluded from the session, but final action
shall not be taken by the Council on any matters discussed in
the study session until the matter is placed on the agenda. Such
meetings shall be held in the regular meeting place of the City
Section 6.104 OATH OF OFFICE
The Mayor, and each Councilman of the City, all officers
appointed by the Council, all officers of the Police Department,
and all administrative offic~rs appointed by the City Manager,
shall take and file with the City Clerk a constitutional oath of
office before entering upon the duties thereof.
A. To be eligible to file a nominating petition for
election to a City office, a person shall be an elector of the
City and shall have been a resident of the City or of the terri-
tory annexed to the City, or shall have a combination of
residence in the City and in the annexed territory, for a period
of not less than one (l) year preceding the date of the filing
of such petition.
B. A person appointed to fill a vacancy in an elective
office must have such qualifications at the time of his
C. The Council shall be the judge of the election and
qualifications of its members. (Home Rule Charter, Chap. 2,
Sec.2.2, paragraphs a, b, c)
An individual Council member may request the City Clerk to
record his opinion verbatim into the minutes as a matter of
public record.
The City Council is designated to be the Board of Adjust-
ments for the City of Seward. The Mayor shall act as Chairman.
The City Council is designated to be the canvassing board
of all City elections.
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If any portion of this Ordinance is held to be invalid,
such invalidity shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance,
an.,. ~at:. ..., ilhis ordina:AC8 ia ~":_-.e IlJlrJ.Jt,Jlie. "
Any or all code provisions or ordinances in conflict here-
with are hereby repealed.
Publication of this Ordinance shall be made by posting a
copy hereof for a period of ten (10) days on the city Hall
Bulletin Board, and by publishing a notice of the place of
posting and a brief statement of the purpose of this Ordinance
in a newspaper of general circulation in the Cit~within a
reasonable time.
First reading: ,I,'': ~. 'i;~3G
Second reading: rE.:, '?
Seward this'Y ( d- day of
the Common Council of the City of
F ~L<-J . 1966.
ichard . Kirkpatrick
u~ ~~A' t' R _ V!Ccz~'
Beatrice E. Watts
City Clerk-Treasurer
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