HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1966-356 r 'l'BB CIT!' 01' SEWARD OlU)INANCB NO. 356 AN ORDIIWICS ~lNG SEe'1'lON 10.303 AND SBC'l'IOH 10.202 (C) OF THE GElIERAL COD. fW ORDIBANCES OP '1'BB CIT!' OF SEWARD, ALASKA. AS PERTAINS TO '1'BB DAft _ WHICH ELECTRIC; WATER AND GARBAGE BILLS SHALL BEcam DELINQUBft AND 8UB8BC'1' TO PEL1.QUD1CY PENALT!'. AND DECLARING AN BMERGBRCY . '1'BB CIft OF SEWARD 6 ALASKA ORDAINS I That Sec:tion 10.303 and Section 10.202(c:) of the General Code of Ordinanee. ef The city of .eward be and the .ame are hereby amended as follows. section 10.303 ,illinq. ne1inquenc:y Date and Penal tv. Di.c:onnec:- 1.1811 fol.' .on-NY1Ilent. Rec:onnec:tion Charqe. All billill9s fol' the senic:es of the Seward Elec:tric: Divbion shall be 1'.....1'.. IIOftthly and. ahall be due 8D4 payable on or before the 19th d.y of the 80nth follewlng the IDOnth inlllbic:h .uc:h .enic:es were rendered. ra11ve to pay c:\IZ'reat: billings by the 19th day of the month foalowt... a. afol.'esa14. shall c:au.e the c:on.umer'. ac:c:ount to bec:ome 4ellnquea' anc1 ~rftJlOll a delinquent: penalty in the amount of 10% of the t:otal blll1ng shall be iaposed and c:ollec:ted and should the billing there.Iter remala unpaid. .ervic:e .hall be d1sc:onnec:ted and 41.. c:ontinued oa the fir.t day of the ~nth following and no rec:onnec:tioa of suc:h 8enlc:e .al1 be 11184e prior: to the prepayment to the Seward Electric: Pivi.ion of the rec:onnectloa fee hereinabove provided for ~ 8uc:h c:a.e8. section 10.202 Water COntrac:t8. Acrreement. and Rate8. Billing. Delinquency Date and Penal tv. Deposits. (c) Water service rat.. for the calendar IIOnth .ha11 be e.tab- L 1 shed by reacl.t:ion of the City Council. Water 8ervice. to areas out- side of the city limits 8hall pay a 8urcharge equal to ten percent (l~J of the amount: charged for vat_ service within the city limits. said charge sball.. be. in a<lditioa to the regular charge for water 8en ic:e and shall be included in eacla aontb' s billing. said charge. shall be paid at the s.. time and in the same mannu as electric: bil18, aeferenc:e i8 hereby made to Section 10.106 of .aid General COde regaralng garbage collection bills. All emergency is hereby declared to exist .. large nUJDbers of Seward residents are unemployed this winter and the tiaing of \lnemploy- ment COIIlpe!lsation checks from the State is such that it is impossible for the.. "n-.ployed persons to pay their utility bills prior to delin- quency date but they would be able to do so under the delinquency date established above. The rules governing the intr~ction. reading. pass- age and approval of ordinances are hereby suspended and thi8 ordinance shall be pas.ed and approved upon its first reading. I" Publication of this Ordinance pall be whde by posd.nq . eopy here- of for a period of ten (10) days on the City Hall Bulletin Board. and by publishing a notice of the place of posting and a brief statement of the purpo8e of this ordilUlnce in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. within a reasonable time. This Ordinance shall be effective on the date of passage and approval. PASS7 APPROVED by the City Seward this ;171 ~ay of December. 1966. council of The city of Attest. 1R0t:~<~ R. W. IUrkpatrick Mayor &~~ ci_ ~);:cl~- Beatrice E. Watts City~Clerk-Tr.a8urer