HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1951-215 r' OiwIlJ JTCE HO. ?-rr _,11 Oruin'_lilce of [:~e Ci~y of '38'Jrd, ~'e::'ril,Dr:- of ,.Llf'CJ, to provide for the ,:tc"uisition of ,11 of the nhysic',l1 Eissets of t.he .:;ievJdrdidter Company, s"irl C OlilGtWY bein~~ solely owneu by Je2ln Eo 'fhorne of Sew"rd, i1.LiSkl,:Hd in )aYI:lent of 'che Durch,seprice to sedd owner to 'Juthorize t:18 issulfice of 3. ~romissory note in l:;h6 principal3r,lOunt of ',;i,;ht:' ThClusmd 'Joll,\rs ('$80,000,00) oayable in monthly instdllments Vii t110\lt int,erest, and to altthorize the issuance of :.i reil iflort.g.",':e 'lS securi t,y for the n ,.;'nent, of s'lid inde::Jtedness, the payment of sfJid princinal to be secured only by the revenues of said utility, ~ll 3S authorized in a spec~ 1 election held Dursu nt to the orovisions of the "\ct of Oon~:ress ap 'Jroved hl<lrch G, lQ46, Chapter 52, 60 stat. )) (U.S.C.a. Title 48, Sections 44-f-44-i): r:::-:"Jt;;",S, the CO,.l.'1(;! 1 of t'::e City of :::;ew'Jrd, 1'ursu,,:\nt to an ordiwillce duly :",'nroved, sclbmHted ta the cl~lified voters of the City of Seward at a special election the following prooosition: .:.h:lll the Git'7 of :.ieklrd, ,1C'SC'1, .for '"]18 ~lllroose of -lC',Ulrln~ 011 of the physic"l assets of the Jev,' I'd 'lOiter COl:J.8'ny, S'\id cOllioany 'oei11(' solely owned by Jean j':. l'horne of Sew:,rd, ,,,laska~,isStles a '01'0' Y note in the principal amount of ' (J C e~'.'~ Dollsrs pnYHble in monthly l stallment erest, ~nJ for the pu~uent ~f suid note issue a real mortgu~e as security, the payment of said principal to be secured only by the revenues of said utility, nll as authorized by the .,ct of 1J0ngress ap9roved 1..8.rch 6, 1946, Chanter 52, Go stat. 33, and on the rtrr.;RE.~.3, the voters of setid city at c.l special election t4>- ! J --- ,by of 0e]1tember, 1951, [lurs-lwt to ,:;c:id Ordin"'Ec8s, 2~Y\roved by :;he 1'8' uired 'J.::,j0rity t11e::c :uisHion of t':le ,'."sets of the 3G''J:.rd ",tel' COEli)3.ny, :'..n<1 'Il~::,.lj~,u, Je.ln 3. ,'horne, CA sinGle -aOlil:1Il WIll sole omer of :ill of thp isc;ets of the .:.>e:"srd ;;:ter COI'l~<lny, h'lsl~re8d by elJl option 2[;reenent (lJ.ted t,he ,....j~ of .~Il,sust, 1:51, to sell to tllG City of 3ew'lrd ,11 of thenhysical nro}erties nf the 3evT~rd Jater COInl'13ny for ,1 tot31 purchase ~)rice nf ~~i~ttyrhollsWU Doll:.1rs (.80,000.00), which )'rice sh:\11 be 93.yable 3.t a rate of not less ~h[W :~I ~~~:} ~~t~~U~;0;~~) lnterest, and ~ per month ./i thOllt - 1 - r :-':~:.,"F;'\::J, :;lw COLlncil of Lhe City af 3e'I';ro. noVl deelts tlle ~ccejtQnce of the offer of Je~n E. l'horne Lo sell the lSSALs of the .3e'nro. uter ::omflan~r ):,0 be '1dv:"wt ;jeous .ill'i in Ll:e "lblie intorest, 'IDY!, Therefore 'E II' l':i.iJJiI':T;J b:' Lhe Com111on GOllflCil of the C:ity of 38"lurd, A1Qsk~, as follows: Jection 1. Fhe City of 3ew~rd, upon the conditions set forth in this Ordin,nee, hereby ~cce9ts the offer of Jean ~. rhnrne, sGle mmer, to sell t:J the City ',11 '.lnd the '"role of the assets of the ]e'.'~lrd 'lI"ter Com.:>any .lnl} f>'.:lid (;1l;y 11ereby :iccects to nurchclse frm!l sc,id o\vner, '..lpon the terns herein set forth, the fOllowiW:; reHl -1Dd ~erson..ll 9rogerty: .:'11 e:lSelllents, licenses, ri,r;h ts-of-'IJ:1Y, reservoirs, stor3ge tanks, dams, w:tter rightu, pipe lines, hydrants, sU;JplieS':tnd ma terials on h3.nd '1nd in transit, machinery, e~uiDment, ~e~i818s, service connections, accounts receivable, customer 3ccount records Qno. deposits, and all other assets not hArein specific'cl.lly enw'ler9.ted. Section 2. rhe City of Seward, acting throu~h its i0~ro- ori'clte officers, n1l'181y, the h:iyor !:lnd the Oi ty Gler:~, ure hereby Quthorized in ;i:"yr:lent of the oUl'ch',se :Jrice of elJ of the nS;3ets of the ,:,ew3.rd ;'-,te1' Comp3.ny to issue on behc\lf :Jf the City a 9romissory note in the amount of ~i1hty ~hous~nd nollers (~80,COO.OO), ~iliich slwll be ;)aid in the manner f ollowin;;: -'. ;:laid orof'lissory note shall be i)"lyuble in e--:utl monthly installments without intorest, Slid inst~, NOeM~S~ l.~, the 15 th d:iY of 0 I ti" ':' 1", l 'i 51 , ments to commence on with like inst9.l1ments there~fter to be paid on the 15th diY of e"lCIl 3nd every month until the whole of ~~id indebtedness shall be paid in full. ,,0 b. 3'iid note shall :Jrovide that the City of Seward shall helve the ri!;ht to c~ccelerate the rate of nayment 3t 'lilY time 'lt its ootion. c. Int.e1'est sh(:ll not be "iiy:"ble 'lCion :.wy b ilOince due, ,"ven tl101-1 " nortio'1 of tile bcllance stull be delin- '.llent, '.nll intereSt, sic d.l be 1110\1:.1ble ,t I;',e r"!~8 of " - "- - only six per cent (6~) per annum from the d~te a judgment may be rendered in accordance with the terms and provisions of a mortgage to be given as security for said note. Section 3. The li1ayor and the city Clerk, acting on behalf of the City of Seward, are hereby authorized on behalf of said City to execute and deliver to Jean E. rhorne a mortgage in the form and upon the conditions contained in the form recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which this Ordinance has been passed 3lld approved. Section 4. The security of said note and mortgage shall be limited to the revenues to accrue from the city-ovvned water wystem and the lien of such mortgage shall be second and inferior to any bond issue, whether revenue or general obligation, which the City may during the term of said note and mortgage issue in order to obtain fuft&8,for the rehabilitation, expansion, or other improve- ment of said system. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval, an emergency having been declared to exist, and the rules governing the passage and adoption of ordinances by the City by appropriate vote havine been suspended for the adoption of this Ordinance. PASSED ,um "l.PPROVED by the COLJIDOn Council of the City of Seward, ....la sku, and approved by the 1iayor and attested by the City d:! t lJ Aay of October, 1951. Clerk, all on this Eo- '7:(:~_:~. Mayor A'rI'ES'r: ,~~~~~ - 3 -