HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1954-245 r- ORDINANCE NO. 245 An Ordinance of the City of Sewar~ Alaska Regulating Public Solid htion, Soliciting In Residential Areas and Providing for a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Section 1. Publio Solicitation. a. No person, reliqious, charitable, fraternal or eleemosynary oorporation or organization of any kind, their aqents, rep- re.entative., or employees shall solicit funds or .ecure sub- scriptions for the payment thereof within the corporate limits of the City without first s.curing written permission to do so frOll1 the City Manaqer. b. The applicant for a permit shall be required to answer truthfully s\lch questions as MY be put to hilll and if it shall appear to the City Manager that the cause is a worthy one, and the proposed solicitation will not constitute a nuisance, permission may be granted. In case any person or organization de8Dl8 themselves agqreiYed by the provisions hereof they may appeal the dec1.sion of the City Manager to the City Council. c. Each person engaging in public solicitation as permitted herein .hall keep in his possession a copy of the permit issued by the City Manager and shall exhibit it to any citizen upon demand. Section 2. Soliciting in Residential Areas. a. No sol,lc! tor, peddler, hawker, itinerant IIl8rchant, transient vendor of aerahandise, or other person shall go in and upon private residences in the City for the purpose of soliciting orders for the sale of services, qoods, wares and merchandise, and t.x lor for the purpose of disposing of andlor peddling or hawking the sll1lle not having been r~ested or invited so to do by the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of said private residenoes. Section 3. Penalty for Violation. a. Any penon who violates any of the prodsions of this Ordinan04t' lJha11 be deemed guilty of a msdellleanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by illlpriaolUllent for not more than thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each act of violation and every day upon which any such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense. I"~ Jf \ . Section 4. Partial Invalidity. .... a. This Ordinance shall not be or beoOme inTillidated by reason of the invalidity of any particular section hereof, anq.it is hereby decl,red expressly to be the intent of th~ Common COuncil that the invalidity or adjudication as i_.)_i.~ invalid of any particular .eotion or provision of this Ordinance shall not affect the validity of any other section or pro..iaion hereof. Section 5. Repeal of Ordinance.. a. All Ordinance. inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of thb Ordinan04t are hereby repealed to the extent of $\lob ineon- sistenay or conflict. Section G. SUspension of the Rules. a. The rules qoverniIiq the introduction, posting, passage and approval of Ordinanoes are hereby suspended and an emergenoy is declared, and this Ordinance shal'l be effective tmmediatelY2u n its 1nt!QQu~ion and passage this 5th day of April, 19SY- , (~) , '. ~~~au~// Mayor ATrmf; -~?~J~ i ty erk