HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1953-235 r' , CEDI~E NO. 23~ AN mDIlWICE FIXING 'l'HE RATE OF CDMPEliSATI~ TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF S&lARD, ALASA, TOcnxCERS APPOIBTED BY THE MAYOR OF SAID CIT'l FIE '!'BE TERM ENDIlI:; wrrH HIS TERM OF OFFICE AID REPEALING ALL ORDIIIAICfE II CX>IFLlar HERJ:lrlITH AID Dm.ARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ClmllINED BY THE CIT'l CClJICIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, JU..ASU, Section 1. That the caapen811tion to be paid the MlInicipal officers of the Ci ty of Seward, Ala.ka, for the tem endinq with tbe tem of the Mayor is hereby fixed and e.tabl18bed by the teI1ll8 hereinafter contained in th18 Ordinance, which oOlllpeD.sation shall be neither increased nor diminished during the oontinuanoe in offioe of said officer.. Section 2. Th. Manioipal Clerk and Magistrate .hall recehe a monthly salary of 1550.00 per month. Section 3. Th. MlInicipal A.....or and City Engineer shall aceiT8 a monthly salary of 1550.00 per IIOnth. Section 4. The Fire Chief llIhall recehe a monthly salary of 8550.00 per month. Section S. The ~perintendent of the street Department llIhall recehe a monthly salary of 1550.00 per month, uBi.tant to receive a salary of 1500.00 per month. Section 6. Th. Chief of Polioe shall reoeiTe a monthlyalary of 1550.00, patrola.n to reoeiTe a .alary of #500.00 per month. Seotion 7. The Munioipal Mechanio .hall reoeiTe a salary of 1550.00 per month. Section 8. The MlInioipal Trealll1rer llIhall reoeiTe a .alary of ~hOO.OO per year. Section 9. The Municipal Health Offioer llIhall receive a .alary of $25.00 per month. Section 10. The MlInicipal Phy.ioian shan receive a salary of $25.00 per month. Section 11. The Harbormuter shan receive a salary of 8100.00 per month. Seotion 12. The Janitor for the City Hall .hall receive a salary of $100.00 per month. Section 13. The Munioipal Attorney shall receive a .alary of $200.00 per IIOnth. Section 14. Hourly employ... to receive a salary at the rate of $3.00 per hours. Seotion 15. Each of the salaries herein provided for shall he paid of the General Funds of the City of Seward, with the exception of the He(llth Officer whioh 18 to be paid from the Sales Tax Fund. Section 16. All ordinance. and parts of ordinances in confliot herewith are hereby repealed. Section 17. An emergency 18 hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its panage and apprOTal. .... Passed by the COIlIIIon Council of the City of Seward, Ala.ka th~ 2~y of IOT-.ber, 1953. ~/ _ . Approv _~ ,( . /J -' --- yor Attest ~~~,4---C'~~ City Clerk