HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1957-276 !~ , ORDINANCE NO. 276 AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE REl"~OVAL OF ENCROA.CB1J!.r<"";l~S Ai.\lD ENCUMBRANCES IN THIRD AVENUE, Sl!."'WARD, ALASKA. WHEREAS, accordinG to the official plat of the To',rn of Seward and the official plat of the Federal AddHion to the Tmm of Seward, the City of Se'dard has title to property platted as Third Avenue. 1V:KEREAS, a ~as pump island and appurtenances located within the ri~ht of way of Third Avenue, adjacent to a lot owned by Mrs. Louella Skinner and more particularly described as Lot 7, Block 8 of the aforesaid Federal .Addition to the Town of Seward are within the area whic]', has been platted as Third Avenue and to which the City of Seward has title and, W"8E~, part of a residential structure owned by one JOSEPH GUTHRIE extends out into the aforesaid public ri~ht of way of Third Avenue from property more varticularly described as the West 70 feet of Let 21 and the Soutl,west 5 X 70 feet of Let 22, .')11 in Block Jii of the '1'0.!U of Se',ojard and, \AfHEPEAS, there appear to be other encllmbrances and encroac"me:1te of a minor nature on said Third Avenue and, 't{f{EREAS, the City of SeW/:LYD. is desirous of ,mterin:h, into an a;:reement with the Unitec1 States Gcvernrrent actin/,; throu",h and by the bureau of Public Roads, Department of Commerce which said a~reement will provide that the said Bureau of Public ~oads shall pave Third Avenue for its entire len~th t~rou~h the Citj of Seward, and 1:1HET"-lli:AS, said aji.reement will reC}uire as a condition precedent to s11ch pavin" that all obstructions and encroachments lyi.nt:; wi thin and aloni;> the puulic riGht of way for said Third Avenue shall be removed. BE IT ORDAI~BD By the Cit.f Council of the CHy of Seward, Alaska: That the owners of the aforementioned encumbrances and encroachments be directeri to remove same within ten days, that the Cit;, 1'18.na...er shall ~ive immediate notice to such owners by re~istered letter to their last known address directin5; such removal within ten days of deliver: of such notice at their last known address. That if such encumbrances and encroachments are not removed within ten days after such notice, the City !v.anat;er is directed to provide for the removal of such encumbrances and enc~oachments. An emergency is bereb., declared to exist and the rules governinji: the passa;;;e of ordinances are hereby suspended and this ord in!".nc", sl,all take effect as of the date of its passa~e. P'lssed and apyroved this u day of ~hJ./1957' I I' II I A'ITEST: ~~~# Mayor ~~#~ Erm$ Walker, City Clerk