HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1915-031 r~ 252 t1,~:.... .....~~ ~_ ,~I . .---------~ -- ~~ ~--~ ~-T , d ~'-'_" r~ ~/~~ - , -7":/ cr7"" ~~~- ~5:1 n...._ - .---.- ~ .-. --- ORDINANCE NO. 31 AN ORDINANCE REGuLATING THE CO NS'l' (,-'cU CTION, Ei~UIP_ Ivl._NT, ALTERATION, RBP!iIR OR REMOVAL OF BUILDINCrS OR i3 S: RuCTURES IN THE TO\JN OF SE\iARD, ALASKA, AND PROVIDING A PSHALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF . BE IT OHDAINED BY THE COMEON COUNCIL OF THE TO"[l'J OF SE-cJARD, ALASKA; Section 1. The followlng provisions shall con- sti tute tLe Bunding Code of the Town of Sewa':od anr'l shall 1::3 fc11')1:ec. w11;hout deviation of favor. J.t 8'1'111 apnly ~i~h equal force to all bulldings both public pnd urivate. ;:18ction 2. Nothing herein shall be COilStcl18d as ~ f'q'll:-.:cnG tha":; buildings heretofore cons+;j:uct3Q anl f'('lW:"Y'-Ad must ho reconstructed, rearrRngD("., e,1.tel'ed or '_ t1cH'VJ::..se "C:clip')ed unless it bo by ordinance specifically 80 '[J't'ovided, Section 3. No person sh~ll hereafter b0 per- mi +; ted to construct, equin, al tor, repa ir nr remove any bu~:.jing 1;':. thout first h8ving obtained froLl tile lVIunicipal Olark a oermit theref6r.- Section 4. All permits herin provided for sh~ll to issued by t:lln lVIunlcipal Clerk. Apnlica1;io:l therofor Ehal1 be .:cn ..:ci ting and shall speCify th; rame of th() ['trJnt wh"ro lOCAted, the number of thG :L01 a1.'l block, th3 size and Joscription of the building to be constructed, or if to be repaired, the character of tho rOvalrs; the contemplated cost thereof; the space in front of the lot or lots noeded for storing materials and Drooosed time fa:' com')le(;in~ the work; the material to bo used; the name of tne owner or owners. The applic~tion must be signed by the owner or owners of the premises, or author- ized e.gont. Secti0n 5. Upon the issuance of each nermit granted hereunder, the apDlicant shall pay to the Clerk a 1'0; of fifty Jents for the first one thousand dollars and ton co~ts for eRch additional five hundred dollars of con- tomolate0_ lmDr ovcments. Tho fo;.;s collected heY'(wndor shall by the Clark bo-~turnod over eaoh mrnth to the Municipal Tre:'Csurer. r- 255 ". w..... II, ORDINANCE NO. 31 CONT. Section 6. The nermit issued hereunder shell be vplid only for the number of df'Ys designpted therein, and in no case for H uoriod of longer than one yeHr. The Clerk is puthorized Rnd empowered to extend the time for which P Dormit is issued unon apnlicetion being mrde for such extension before its exniretion, Rnd good cause shown therefor by tho Rnnlic8nt. Section 7. '-~llerever in this Code Roferencu is mndo to City Sngineer, should he be absent or unAble to HCt, in such cpse the Fire :Jnrdcn shnll flCt in his stend in nll mptters nertrining heroto. Section 8. genornl sunervision his duty to enforce The City .nginoer shall exercise over I'll buildings. It shnll be tho provisions of the Building Code. Section 9. It shrll be unlAWful for f'ny person to interfere, nrev6nt or suck to nrovent the inspection of rny building nt Any time by the City ~nfineer; ~ro- vided, -n01pTeVer, thnt before entering occuDied nriv1'.te dwellings or ppprtments for the DUrryOSe of mAking en inspection, the consent of the occuonnt thereof shAll first be securod or twenty-four nours1 written notice of jis intention so to enter end insnect sh1'.ll be served UDon such occuurnt by the City ~nGineer. Section 10. The City ~nsineer shpll hrve puthority rnd Dower to direct the immedinte susnension of I'll or Fny Dortion of ti1e ..:ork on any building in process of erection, remov~l, rlterRtion, repair or demolition, by f'ttrchini: F' notice to t11l't effect on such premises, I,then- ever it be found by him thr.t such work is being Dcrformed wit,;out r> nermit iSSU8d in dU3 form or thrt such eus- Dension is necessary to the DrODer insDcction of work nruviously nerformed, or thrt such erection, removrl, plterrtion, rcnnir or demolition is being conducted in ~n unsnfe mAnner, or with ffiPterirls or methods not in comolinnce with the orovisions of this Code or Dormit issued therefor. Nothinh shrll herein be construed to reQuire thRt nn,order to susnend work shrll be given fiS n condition nrocedont to nrosecution for the violntion of f'ny nrovision of this Code. ~ 257 III. ORDIlTANCE NO. 31 Cont. Section 11. The City Engineer is' authorized one e'~lpowered to direct and required thLt.ony buildiQ€ or c)ortLm tl1ereof 1',6 v8cnted, re~o'led or de'ilolishecl, by ~osting a notice to t~2t affect cons~i~uously thereon, )1 b:1 llotilJinf ~r. v;ritin[ the owner, le2~'su, or pers,'-l _l, cl1'-1'l;,e, v,hene'l",l -'_"".; tc :found b: hi"l -ch',t tIle lollowir:g G:'Editions or an:1 of t he '1 e:-ist: (0) Thot such tuildin~ has been erected, ~ltered or renlired subseoUen~ to the p ssoge of this Ordinance in lJ '1\:1[,[6 r contI'cry to the lJrovisions herco1 or the per- :;1i t issued hcreui1der. (b) ThGt the cOQstruction, ,rr8~pement or equip- ment 01 such buil(}ing' or portion therec)f is cor1trory to the pro'lisi'.msof ,this Cod6 for the 'purpose for which 8uch- buildin[' is '.wed 0 l' occu1)ied. (c) Thf.t 8U'-;]' ; uildi:l1;' is unsafe to hu'~',n life or to property fro., ,r:i c_,use wh"te'lP,r 'Or in i1L:linent dc.nrer O"p. so beCOintDt:3. (d) Thc.t 2,J2:, l)clilc1in" if.; ~()i ';)TovideO to,the extent CJDC' in thE' '!I' nnGr 1',C('lnrec' b',o orcJinaDcd vJ.~ t:l ;lroper and sufficient rne',ns 01 seres;s :Ln C[,,3(i of fire, or of fire protectivE Dud fire Ev~inguishin~ Gppar~tus or of light anCl 'lentil tion. Section 12. The City Enpineer s~'ll insnect o~ c~use to be inspected Dvery l~ild~np or other ~tructure )T nythinp ,:::ttDC:18C to:! OT cormectGd tl1cre'!"ith, which he hlS r6~S0n to believe is unsofe or d?~fGrOUS, snd if he fine.s :U uns,lfe or d. DI1CrOUS 1-.:,(0 sh'll f()rt',v,i th, in \,1'i tin,"', notL y thG OV"Dcr ,',!~entJT per::on in ch'iTee '),C the:; nuildinr v) make SeC'HI:' or rl1nove 8U.O': Uli,:;;,fe ,-)tt:,ch,Lntor structurr, :'Hid "h. 11 ,"1tly i conspicuous ~l~c( upon the eyt~rior of S i, buildinr cr structure, ,J notice. of its d"ni":"rom~ c,JI.ccHti'Jn. 1'113 ],srson so nJU,fied sk,lll Dro'1ptl~ w- ,~e <,ecu:tc:. or r..:l:)'lC s8id blilc'tlnp, struct'.H':, ,t~:,~,c\-;:nC!lt or 'cODn,~ctioE. S, "tlo'[ l' I~O +j" ,'ltlic .~, ,,,t,, C'.- rHJU' res Lv li J -.J. 1. v,., 1..'.. "-' . J..~, .j '-"', I -.... _:....L , UL Ci t~: Enrinc-:::r, Vii t:1 the: 1)prov 1 of the ;/;3yor, n--:/ ~t once enter .ny buildinf decDcd uns~fs, the lbnd on which it stGl1ds~ or the Bbuttinf l~nQ or buildinfs, with suct: "ssist:,,:iCE:- ]S he ::n:,y tequire, and in' l'~e the 2:J:ne safe, .110 m~y erGot fences, brriers or such other d0vices for tLs protection of the ,ublic 8S may be necess ry, snd shelll chi rre to t'L OVIller or his 0ut:~orizGcJ ,DE: t such costs..,;o, _n~'i be incident to the work. 259 IV ORDINANCE NO. 31 CaNT. - i", . ' , Sect ion 14. Every di:iy that any per,so'n'shall continue to occupy premises after'the i's8uance' and post- ing bf a notice by the CHY Englneerd1rectingt~1"Jir 've.eation, snaIl be deemed a separate offense eoJlJIiitted by thebwn3!' orh-;,s agent. Sec 'aon 15. It s hall be 'unlawful' f or any pers on to remove, mutilate, destroy' or conceal any notice ' issued and posted br the City Engineer pursuant to the provisions of this,Code. Section 16. Ordinary repairs of buildings out- side designated Business Streets may be me,de without procurlng a pormit, providing nothing is donetb impair the st~ongth or structural,parts, or no changes are-made in stairs, m0ans of e~ress, or in the nrovisions for light, 'air and ventilation. ' .,' .' Sebt10h 17. It shall-Do unlawfuljexceot as' providad'in the, preceding'e~oeptlon'; for any p~rson t~ commenceer proceed to' erect, alt~l!;~raise'; addto, remove or demolish B.ny ::Juilding or part thereof 'witiiout obtain- ing and hav:..ng a 'oe rmit from tho .}1uili-elpl'l) Clerk therefor, orto fail or neg+ect to comply with ~he provisions of 'this' Gode and 'the"permi t issued hereunder. . . -',' " '. 'S~ction 18,.: ,',fith e'ITery's.'ppHcatiotl fora permit the:re sha-ll be fUnd R duoHcate with f:;u'bh' blue:""printed or otherwise printed CirRwings and printed.' or t;vpe'l-rr.itten s'peoif'i cat ions as w'11l fully and 'aefinite1y describe 'the extent nnd nature of the work for which a peTmlt is desired. An anplicationaccompanied by drRwings which aI'e in the! 'Judgment' df the 'Clerk, , inc<Jniple~B:~'indefinit e, un1i1telltgible bit' for ''V/ork. hot incomplianc:cwith the provisions of this' Code, shall be rejected. ',', ',: .~ .:. Section 19. In the writtima'pplicattcin ingsr.,nd Bpeci:fl'cfitions of tho Ci tyEn'gine'e:r.- c~se the ipformation ,conveyed by is bbmple,t,e,: t:pe,.f.:iJJlhg 'of draw- maybe walved In-the''Q.iscretion " . . '. ' . ~ '. .'" ~ . . .,'.. . S\ection~20.The 'City Engine't3r is e.Uthorlz'ed to rov:ok-e' f',.il-y P erm,it ls~ued n~ reunder if it b"e 'fo-\:fnd "that' ' the work pormftto4 is being nerformod in ,vio'lr.ti6n of the tertnsof such nermi,t or of the TownOrdiri,ahc'e~,., ' " .: . . ., , ' " 1\ I' i; !! ;1 I. ~ I I' 'I '! I i! \1 11 1\ \ !I , II I 'I i' I I " i I 'I , II \ , \ I I \ I, II I ___K_____ r 261 ! ------- --~:=:::--===-~------_._-~------------_... v ORDINANCE NO 31 CaNT. Section 21. It shc.l1 be unlpwful to cnl'nge the olrnsor suecific~tions ~ft~r hp~ing been filed with the Clerk And p oermit hps boen issuJd,or to nroceed with flny work of building, construction, rlterrtion or roor:>ir in [' mnnncr not in rccord2nce v]1 th thlJ drl'wings nnd sryecificl'tions ps fiied or the terms of the nermit rs issued, without first obtrining from,tho City Engineer uermission in writing to m~ke such chrnge pnd filing such chrn~es with tho Clurk. Section 22. Tho iss~pnco of p nermit shrll in no casabe construed or tpkG~ ~s pn RDurovrl, by the Clerk, of mrnifost orrors or of violrtions of this Code if dis- covered in such vIrna nnd Bpecificptions at flny subsequent time. Section 23. Any person hrving p direct interest in rny ruling ~r decision of the Cierk or City EnGineer ml';)' pUDerl therefrom. to the Common Council within ten days Rfter such ruling or decision. All rulings rnd de- cisions of the Commb~'Co~ncil sholl be finrl ~nd whatever 6~der entered by it ~h~ll be cnrried into effect by the Clerk and City Engineer. Soction 24. The Common Council shpll hDve power to determin~ whether nnd to whrt extent the provisions of this Code rre nnplicrble to soecific crses which ['1'- 1'0(11' to them not to hpvo' been contemplnted by it, nnd 1n s~ch cnsGs'shall construe the lflW to secure the ~eh~flciRl purDoses thereof,. pcc6r'dingto the true sPiritnnd intent of th0Coc,G. Section 25. Thel'C'S!lc'.llbe three building districts, nrmod rnd defined RS follows: First Builaing District, Second Building Diotrict rnd Third Building District, sP0cificrlly dcfinBd .fl,8 foll-aws: ...,,' , .~ "((1) i First Building' District: Beginnin[S fit (1' point rt high wpter IDrrk on the sbore of Resurrection Bny:due south of tho southct'st corner of nlley betwocn Second AV':cnue rind Third rhrenue, th6nce north. to the erst side of sC'id ,alley I'nd nl.one; thesrme due north on the er.st sido t!lorodr t-o tho, south s ide of Jefferson 'Street, thence ef'st nlong the,sQuth,side of Jefferson Streot to tho west side of srid Riley betwoen Fifth nnd Sixth Avenues, thence SQuth nlons west side of said nlley to (lnd ncross Rpilwny Avenue to high wfl,ter IlJflrk line of Resurrection B~y, thence west along the high wl'ter mark line of sl'i0. Bry to plf'ce of Beginning. -_._~~~-_. . 263 ";... 1" . --'r lr-t II i I I I II ",I .--.... '... 'ftcI" .... VI. ORDINANCE NO. 31. Cant. , (b) Second Buildin6 District: The Second Build~ng District 'shl'll.comprisenll other nren within the cstnb- lishod fire limits except thnt nnmed in District one. (0) Third Building District: The Third Bui~ding District shnl1 comprise' nIl other aren within the Town limits n~t enumor[l~ed in Districts One find Two. Section 26. All wooden buildings which mry be herenfter constructed within District One shnll be covered with metAl roofs, or other fire-proof mnterinl, (1,nd all frame buildin[~s which sh8.11 hereHfter be con- structed w,1 thin Sf) id District, the out Bide wnlls of wnich shp.ll stf\nd within six feet of [l'!)Y building al- rendy constructed, snall hrve such outside wl',lls covered on the outside with nsbestos nnd metal. Sectton 27. All frH.me buildin[';s heref',ftor con- structed, "lte-r;3d or repr>ired, within Districts One and Two ah[',ll be constructed in the follD''I'ing mpnner, thnt is to ~Py, I'll outside walls nnd main pRrtitions shall hnve placed P.t intervals of not less thnn five feet, measuring from the ground or floor, fire blocks con- structedby plAcing r> block securely bctweDn e,n,ch pr>lr of upright timburs of such 1ITall or mnin pl'l'tition, such ,blqc~s tqq9 9ut from the snme size timber 1'8 the up- rights and' 8b 'pll'cod th/",t the Sl."me will be securely sCRled by the covering of the wall or pnrtition. All walls where the sl'me join onto nbuilding; alrev,dy con- struoted shnll be built soliQ nnd covered with asbestos pnper and shenthed.with iron or other firo-proof mntorial, from the ground;uP. , Section 28. All inside walls, IDnin pnrtitions . :nnd coilings hereafter constructod, altered or repnired in Districts One and Two, shall be covered with hnrd plf'stor ,or with bOflrds nnd flsbestos pnpor or other firo- proof mnterio,l, securely 'olt:'ced thore,')n and f"stened in such manner As will socurely senl the SRmo from the floor to the roof of the building. Section 29. All fr~me buildings in District One shall conform at the following requirements: J 'i I, ,. - ..- ...,- I i .. --,~. IT :- If' ir , __I :~t)5 . .~...-.--~--' .' ~_.- - ....-.~ VII '. . ORDINJ,NC.! ,~O. . 11, cant. -' ,..',1 (a) Frame buildings may hs.vethe.:ifr f:r'ames ana,finish built of wood and the frame shall be of sufficient strength to safely carry its loads. The frames may be of sills, posts, girts, p18t~s .8n,d rafters, or. ordJnarY': b',elloon f'rClmi )g of' stupsand 'j-oists .;'Dou'ble pIEdlk construction 'nOj be used f'9r' the frame" ,of, 'tv"o..,s'tory b,u,ilding.sClnd single ])l.cuk c:omitruction ~18Ybe ussd for the frame of one-story buildings, wl:1\3n approvpd, b,~ th~ C:i:ty; Enf~,r:,~cer~ ' . '~.,,, "" ". ."""'7".~'~-'~"':"':'-'~~"'{~ ''',~ ..... ,-. '. - , (b), BeAril'1€"wr,il',s snd:parti Hons $11[.11 be' constructed of not.less than '2 x 4- incli'stu(s, Dnd if carrying tlNO floors nct roof, not les~ th~n 3:x 4,inchQr 2x 6 inch studs,. Studs shrill b6, '(lh,cedwi '\;\1 their, greatEr dimen- 3ions crosswise of th~ ridrtttion 'ond not more thsD 16 inches ,.:;n 'center's. Nonbcarinp perti ti,ons l;1['y pc co structcd of 2 x 3 inelistudding St2t f18trrid--spaced notnorc thEn 16 inch centers. Stud-beDrtn~D'rtitiQns sh611 rest on walls or fiTdcrs orbs plscsd d ir2c'tlyoVs:r other be~ riDf- Df.'rt- i tioDs; or the floor joists of th,c floor below sl1':1 11 be "'1' iiciGntly strcnrthcncd to support the concentr:'tC'd land. :t n tea lnd sills are uscd fpr pnrt1tions they ore not to) t,,:; '1C28 than 2 x 4 inChes. . . (c) Floor 'lie 1'00f jo~sts sholl he,vG [] beeriEg of Cit Ifi1J st 4 inchGs or i t:~ :qui v::IGnt, st. eElch end gnd shall no t bE 16s.", thon ? L1C~:;c1 'Lhic"k, uneL of. @u.ffiCicn.t SiZE to C~!~y ~d~~ E~ttly.J61st~ cn~ty~ng,p~rtitions sholl be ~oV,1)1(d 'l;J. oth<iTwi"z," EC:',~'iciE3ntl:, st.r,E;;r.,,gt~'cnd. Joists ile Vl'P LI ::: ",, ", fo 10 '.1' 0"~t (j,' ;:10re sholl' be c::-iQgsd. Rows Cll ~ri~'2:iYJ;I cL811bci nbtmol'(:tnonIOfcet ip: it. Rows' (:J:f' n:"j.ClS1J:,'.1;f1l,;::'L1M J. :'~ '3 inC,htla'imloss 10:,Q is, over 75 ~o~nds tq,:)squu:te :liootj:whsr1 the bridl'ing shull'bi:2 x ;; lnehes ,., ",.'. . ' " - . ., . .. ," J', . . (d). FJ;oor8;i1d' Taoif lOis)tssntl:l'l haven soUd fin- o sto~ of masonry over all becrinf-rwalli on6 pcrtitions; or they sh:.ll hove solid bridginv not less then 2 inches t~~,c,~ 9Y tpe. full. vvidtl?"?f thejo\i:ts. i nod, 'cut in ih.et\lie6n L.is "JOlS~S wlt.h tl,ght Jcnnts. Sh,e;o,:t meLl.., rnor,t~l'f, ; rnr,erd wool or ,other in:co!nbustible' m..6teri'6l",h<::1l be P~8G?d.Gro~nd"oll pipes.b~flucs ~h6i~t6c~~ ~~~s.throu~h pFJI:tl tlQDS, ,flqorsnnd c'~Hinp-s in $uch' amOn116rOS will cornplete.ly closE,:,;thG oDulinF, '--if: Gny;.! <- . " 267 ---.------- - ---------. VIII f I I I I 0RDINANCE NQ. 21 CO},TT. (e) No wooden girder, rafter, joist, plate,sill or other horizontnl or inclined member shall be cu:\:i or bored for pipes or other purposes on the under side. :::;ucb 118mbers may be cut on the upper side, and studs and p'Jsts TIllY be cut near the ends, provided they ere cut :Ln such a manner as not seriously to iTIpair their strenrth an~ provided they are SUfficiently reinforced. Section 30. Masonry Buildings in District One shall conform to the followinr recuirc~ents. They shall have all foundations, exterior walls, p~rty line walls, and the walls of exterior and psrty line courts, construct- 60 of masonry, or masonry, iron and steel. (a) The walls of interior courts and shafts shall bA continuous from sbave the roof to the bottom of the sP~~ts- 7.bc;y, shall be constructed of two thicknesses ai' 1.-3/4 iDol! matohed )lanlcs notnore elan 8 inches vilde, ~)il~,)n 'JErt,ic81Iy v;i th broken joints. Or, such '!JaIls C;!i,~1 2', '3on"'';:'Llcted of 2 x 4 inch E;tuds :Jlacec1 vertically ,:L'(\ s':':;,I:ec1 so~_ii:.y to each other flatv;ise. The outside shill 'J,,- CO'h-'-C',"i''I'::,th ;~r)eet met81 properly lopped or 10c~-Jcirte~ or with wetol loth or approved ~18ster ly,urJ ::,L-'c. 1.:.' in:?1l of cemen't plaster. l,~;i 'T'~lF' in;~eI'io:r fra,ne Dnd finish may be of wood, :mrl t,;l" tJ,.: :~loll be of sufficient strengUl to carry i i", lOFJ~: ~lfE'ly, Interior partition walls in dwellings illi.' ])'3 ,'l',i~_'-, of 4-inch brick 'V'iork if satisfactory to the City :~nf-.1,jL.::crc (c) PC2ri~~ walls snd partitions shall be con- st~ucted to conform wlthsub~division (b) of Section 29. (d) The floor and roof joists ShAll have 8 bearing of at le~8t 4 inches at each end, or its equivalent, and sh21l not be less than 2 inches thick and of sufficient size to carry the 16ad safely. Joists carryin~ psrtitions sh~ll ~e doubled or otherv;ise sufficiently strengthened. Joi.sts h~vinr 8 spen' of 8 feet or. ;nOTe :::hell be bridged. The cross-bridginp sh~11 be I x ) inches unless the live load is over 75 pQunds to the square foot, when the bridping sh311 be 2 y: 3 inches. ' . (e) Floor end roof joists Sh211 be constructed to conform with sub-division (d) of Section 29. jI " ,I Ii \\ If " , Ii Ii I " I II " \ !I i \ I ,- i\ , " I I I' I :1 I " I II I: II I ! I, 269 ---------.--.-------- 9 O~DILJ.l~;C:c ~\O~ .31 CONT. (f) Fo wooden girder, rafter, joist, plate, sill or other member shall be cut or bored save as allowed in sub-civision (e) of ~ection 29. , (g) All partitions and ceilin~s shall' be lathed and plastered vii t;l hard plClster, or !,laY be constructed as allowed in Section 28. S~ction 31. All sheet metal mentioned in this Geds chall be pressed,corru~ated or sta,oed, of not less t~8~ 30 gauge and aoplied directly a~ainst a ~ood surface 01 S;lG etil1~,. Svction ". All bric~ shall be of a quality that will stsnd all ordin~ry or usual ~andlin~, haulin~, dump- 'n,': ",'6 dc]j,vGr:' Oil 1;l'),e sc'}ffolc:' or war:;:, wit!1out suffE-r- i~'}~ r,lorc L~.~aL fivE.. )6r C6ilt br68.1:c,:~e. Suft b:ticks stmll not be useel in any part of 8 1mildinp ,,1:,8',,; C,X,O,Cll to 'i',\e v'ieather, 1101' in external or in- .~(,r'l-AJ p~.6:~ [3 or bGo.T=:_n~" w811s. ('Gnd :12,1'6 "JI)T'flOc} 'briel"~ stone or concrete shall be L':',':~' tel ;'1~I,-:" (,,{t,.IiG'~ wells and all ir.terio!" '01::'1 Gxtc-irior :""L;:'~.J '.:.",L,:"v tt-'~c L-ctl,cr, 0:;' the '.roune, and "Cir1 bL,rncd 1 'j', ':~ 0'1l" couer. tc or '~l~l'Hl cotta for 011 '~xtcI'ior " ~; 1 _~ i~ X )'),~ (.(. tl) ~ ~ C, \_.". _'G.r~~:,r. SC,)'G~ (r, ):. T:')( Q llowablc conprossi ve stress in :-:: l' -i. ~' 0 eLF'" ::. '18:1 f or bric~c ma S onrv she J 1 not 6XC oe d th:,; ",'01i,.) ';,:il,,~ i ?rc3scd bric~ artd sewer brick with Portland 'eGmc~to~t2r ------------------------------ 250 Ibs. 2. ~;a1'G. common select brick WiC;l Portlnr:d ~ :;C',C:i',; 'mortClr . ------------------------- 200 " 3. He.r,} COlllinon SG1\.1ct brick vii th f00d limo and cemont mortar -------------------------- 175 " 4. Common bric~c,' all -rados, wi tl:c, Portland, C~~CDt mortar ------------------------- 175 " 5. Common brick, all ~r[)dGs, with -ood lime ond cement mort~r -------------------------- 125 " 1 "1 Ii I !l ----.- -..-. _..--_.~ ""~..~:!...._,-- --.- T I I _ ~--1 _ __ _~~~._~. i Ii --,"~-~- ,- ---._-_._,-.~- ~~~._---~~-_.__._----~- ~ -" 271 ------ -- .... .~..,..., ,,.--~- 10 i I I Ii 'I I! I' ,I il I, II :I " :1 6. Common brick, elll :'raoes, with pood lime mortar ----------------------------- 100 lbs4 Section 34. The ~ond of all brick wor~ shall be fro.mec: by laying one course of headers for every six courses of stretchers; provided, thi1t in case of pressed bric,~~ :'.10:\""'3 tv;o headers and i1 stretcher "lay be laid ",ltcrn:,:,tely Ll eVG:' , six'~;: course or Dnd equivalent number of f'll J 1 :-'t'c d'JT S nlQj be used in any other arran,;~ement o90ro-~~ ~7 t~c City En;ineer, and provided further, that prGs~cC b-ic~ fclcinc, when not counted as p~rt of t~e benr- i': .Cc. II may be bonded or anchored' in a manner ep)roved , / -'~:e City, En:ineer. Section 35. All bricl:: laid up in cement, or li3illG and C6 ',lGnt morL r, shall ':;6 thoroLi~;hly drnnched l,1;10ciately before biSin~ laid. Bric;( shall' be wet in dry ~cottcr if lcid in lime mortar. Both horizontal and vertical joints sha.11 ~8, com)h;tely fiLlcd with mortnr in ell )(inds .of bric;:::l,,' Bonr,y,; ..j '..' ro brick stall be laid in frcczin; ~c2thor. Section 36. Durine; t~c construction ,at Q build- in~ no bearing or curt~tn,wQll sh~ll b~ cQrrieG to a Greeter height. than ono ,s.cc.ffcil& 200Vl- aDY ot::cr connected "'211 of 'the some buildin;,' Eixcapt by the. cpprovc~l of tho.., City ZngincE;r. ~ll walls of buildin,.:,;s s:C.211 be sbcurely brQc,cd durine, -:~.'struction. ' . , Section not bE'? consid0red ing wc.igh1i ',un:j.Gss 37. Ashlar fucing of e masonry \\'r 11 shall Gspa.'t of wcllfor the purpose of carry- it h'\3 Q minimumbondfls'foilovlS: , ~ . ' ... . , , EVGry sGcond course must be c bond course, thiS.. );land qourse. to extend into the ~~ckin- Q dist~ncc GQu~l to tho lccst thick- noss of eshlar,. In ncV::j.:tio": to SU,Cl1 bOC:Cl, ,cech stano in all courses ~hqll t~,tiGato bocking by two substantial, gnlvcnizod anchors. I!o 2shl~r shall,.bo less t~n 4 inches thick"nor sh~ll thq hci,ht o~,crysionG exceed fiv~ times its thickriess. , . ,', ----,----------1' ,; ., i I] ! 'I !! I' I I Ii 11 II iii II Iii , I i: I I I il II i I , 'I Iii I' I , i ! II :1 i I , , I ' Iii I I I I : II I , 273 . ll. ,QF'::'!}1; Aii.C~_ ~~~L CarT. S~otion 38. Brlck walls for buildings not over iY"CG ,'~;CI ',C,1 r'l"):-, Fhp,ll not be less thnn t~:13 thtclmess given . 1 ~~.~,_ ...., 1 (j 0:. LL.'J 1_1F:j: 'r,,"J'1..e in Inches. Zd 2d 1st BnEement Stories 8 8 8 12 8 8 12 12 8 :3 2 1 Section 39. ~asonry building~ shrll compiy with I'll other provisions of tho Code relt'l,tinG to buildings in general. Section 40. No ryerson shall within District Two erect or construct or cruse to be erected or constructed, or suffer or meintrin pny building or structure ~Jith exterior v,alls or l'oof of pny material other than wood, brick, stone, ef1rth, or met!'l, and the space betHe:n boprds covering p',ny roof in spid District shall be covered with metal strirys or fire-'1roof 1:)r;1er or such other Llothod I'S may be prescribed by the City ~ngineer. Section 41. AI' buildinss or structures of what- ever kind erected, alte~ed, removed or renaired in Building District Three shell be under sole direction and orders of City ~n~;ine()r. Section 42. It shrll be unlpwful for any Deraon to erect, mRintpin; use or occuoy within the estrblished fire limits, or within twenty-five feet of pny build~nG not owned by the SRme owner or occu,ied by the snme tent'lnt out. side s/',id fire pnd \Tithin the city li::lits, flny tent or Cf'n- vps-covered wagon. Section 43. Foundrtions for buildings more than one etory hih shflll extend f't le st t7JO fleet belo"; the sur- ff'ce of tho Ir'l'ound U'1on ';llich they p'C built. ~-",....... ,. .,~. ~-~ I li .._,--; " I; " Ii I, Ii , II I, : i Ii II , ! i: I I _ i II i I _;'"'-'''''''''''''..,."....",.".~~c.~_~_ .___._ __. __ , 275 I I ,--.'~1 12 ORDIi!ANO:il; l'TO. 31 O{ "r Every building .ereeted without cellar o~ ~ia~omcnt shpll hf',vO pll sod' .i1nd s<;>il containing orgt'nic Detter benol'th the sprne remoVed before Jo1,sts nre l/".idFlnd ~h"'l+ 'h~ve, in the ext0rn-o.l ;{(I,lls belol,rtho first floor lovel not loss thEm four ventilators of suitable dimensions, end so olaced ~s to insure ~rosE cl,lr;:'en':s of "ir, .rnd n'o sill or floor joists shall bo less than 6 inche.s Et'~)OVe i~round. . ' Section 44.. No ''lll,ll, '1ier or foundntion of p,ny building sh~ll be cut, olocod, mutilated or undermined in pny WRY thl-,t \'Jill Jndpnge or seriously. "ep.ken the structuro.. . Section 45. ,Kny larson excf've,ting for the pur- pbse of laying the foundl'ltions of p,ny building, or for /",ny Oll1J!' 1:1U:,1)QSd whp,tovor, sholl 'protect Rnd sU:Y)ort A,ll e.d -- .-. jc,i.'nr:8, 1p,od, bU:'.-~.:-Linzs, streets, alloy~ and ci('C'vTDllcs from 6Fllagc,i:J:r urido~,ji.r,ning, cribbing or shoring, Ol1 such other n(.- ~,'10 1",8 ~t1ill Tjrevent 1"11 set ~ling, cracking or dampge '~Iha';aocvcr. Section 46. l,:pr.;o.nryfoundntion -'alld or Dic:~s shpll be orovided fo~ pll frpDebuildings two stories high in District One. All inf1sonryfoundntion walls or ryiCL1R ShAll be cpr~ied RbovD the surround~ng ground. ~asonry foundation ~alls for frPDc buildings two stories high shall be if of brick or stone, not less than a.inches thick pnd if of unreinforcod ' uonoreto, not less thDn 6 inches thick; orovidided, however, that an unreinforced c6ncrete ~pll rotpining or designadto retain, Doro thRn 5 feet of eprth shall be not less thpn 8 inches thick; if Dro~0rly butGressed BPY be 6 inohes thick. Frame buildings not requirod to have mrsonry foundp- tions shnll.' benrovidod "lith 'TODd foundation, walls ar,1. .ff'C,;:j.ngs' of' such d~slgn' and strongth PS the Oi ty ing' 'leer c.eeos necoss~ry. Section 47. No building within Uistrict Tw~ shp.ll be lined ~rith cloth or DPT)er, or path ~xce1')t the cloth or pBT)er be DlacJd on p solid nnrtition, or aiding or ceiling or UDon n brick or Dl~stered w~ll or ceiling. " ,~, ._......~4""'.~--- ! -I J; i . ------,--'-- --;] If I . I' I !1 II i 'I II ' ' I , jI I i iI ,I :1 i , ii III IiI j! ~ .1; I I I , I 277 13 OC{l)n:A?C~ ro. 31 COl'T. Section 43. In all buildin~s or other stnuctures Wil1cn mey hereafter be erected or co~structed in District Cne, flues or chimneys shall be constructed for conducting 800ko, Rnd the flues or chimneys shall be corist~ubted as ~ follows: Of hard brick or stone, and shall have walls not less than ~o~r inches thick, and shall be well rylastered inside. Provided",cement blocks not less the,n 4 inches thicll: laid in cement mortt~~ith'flush-st?uCk Joint~ shall be consi,q.er,ed ec.ulvplent to 4-inch brick or stone flues when used 10rt~e setvice to stOVGS, ranges arid fircnlaces. ?rovide~,further, th~t no such concrete blocks shell be used with a flue largertD~n 12 x 12 inches. b1l chimnoys in buildinss or othe~~t~~ctures that a~e not built uu frOD the ground aha1l bc sury,ortod by sood and substantial ')osts oX timbe,rs of not Ipss then 4 Inchos i,X) least o,i;]".,nsion;, fro'm' the fouho-i:>tion.: :;0 chijTli1cy shE'll I'est on c,:",(,l:,:cts, OXC00t said cniinney' is loss than 12 f00t in 10'~;,:":r", And. tho, SF'i,d brnck0ts, "Thon used, r.mst bc 1>/011 [tncL 'Sli0stE10til'llly built.~ . Cliimneys restj,hg on 1/11006, shell havo Lt lenst .thr0o cour~'J'8of solid: brick or concreto. oq':'Y:-<l.ent',~ p,t tho b()tt~r'-;. And no stovo0i)G or other motallic ,smoke conductor shrll entor any fluo or ohimnoy nt. ploint neeror than IS inches from nny coiling, floor or roof. And in nIl CflSCS WDer0 P stoveDi~o or othcr metallic smoku cbnductor, no~1'l or 'i10reeftcr i'~ UE0 or cXistenc0,,)f'SSes throuGh n 'x'rtiti0n of wooo.,')r other conbust,iblo l1f'tcrir.l" it sh;,ll b'J ~;'),rrc1,)c by I' b::tnd of brick, cemont or o['rt~enw[1ro no~ lUBS t~pn four 1nches thick, or by R double m0tnl tn.i:::1oJ -J "Titl} ~,'.i' C11f"'~lbor8 not less thr,m four inCDO,'3 ti1ick, JrotJctoL., wi thcJUt ')y r sbestos not 1088 thr1n '1/1,6 of (1f1 inch in thicki~~s, f'nd Dorforntod in suOh Qrnrier as ,to allow the free rynssrgaof'cold nir. Tho usa of rll st,'lVC ,j,),) S 1 o~~ other E1otn11ic smoke conductnrs, or tot'rE'. cot'cn f'llhJS, for tho l)ur'')os? of conductin(;,. sr,wk8. throug:1 f'.ny c0ilinc;, floor or roof;. in f'ny building or structuro ~ithin snid Dis~rict Ono, 'i~horGby ex~ressly ~rohiblted, nnd tho use of Flny stovc'Jincs or other metnllic s'.:nko contuctor8, or torr~ cnttn flues, for the nUr)OS8 of c'lndu-cting SIl101co 'thrnu:<;h any c0111:1(1., floor, or roof, in nny building or other structure within snid Jistrict Ona, contr~ry to the nrnvisions of this Soqtian is hereby dGclnr~d f. nuis[1,nco. 'I P! i L~_ . '..,~"--~ - .---~ --.- _._~ ~ . ----~-~----~~ --- ---.. 'J .., - "",---'~-- -- .''i[ .... _.-'-:,.._ :T.~~-_":::T~'.~. "':.,"!'.- ' ,'. , 14. OhDINANCE NO. 31. Cant. . ; Section 49. In District TlIe, e,ny.'bul1d1ng or structure built or erect~d hereafter, shall have br1ck chirn~8Ys or cement blocks in lieu thereof, for conducting the ~~oke through any ceiling or roof, nnd the use of , ,Br;/.s,to.~~I?~pe ar,'Rny other m'etI'l111c smoke conductor 1s 'b8\ c)l'>v, 'expressJ,y pr.ohibi ted for the prupqse 9f conducting ":hJ~'", t:~!i:'ough ,a.ny ceilln€; or ~-oof 1n any build1ng here- 2f~~~ ~~lt~r ~rected in said bistrict Two. Terra C;\);;,,~c! a:ay be us-ed +n some epses ~y consent of' Qity ~ngineer. Section 50. Nb person shall erect or meintAin wi th.~n District Three, any stovepipe not protected by a thillo1e of metal naving An pir space, of at Ie st four in2h~s, prdtected without by Rsbestbr or not ]e6s than 1/16 of a:J"inuh in thickness, !",nd having 8 metpl corE;. Fl.',: least o.lf',-,h1",l:' j nch 'l8rg~~' t11an the stovepipe w)'.iC"li ::'Hned t.u")\lgh tile Sf-IllE-:, .:!h"re the thimble pessds tn',':"",','::: the w(;~::'" p8ri::, tior.; f:.,)~.r or ceiling or roof, and ti'.:' 3F'id th:imble d.Rl1b<,,~ 't.he full width of the wAl L 1",.-;;1tion, floc1r, c8:Lling. (,r ~:"c\f through which it 98sses; <'~l.', ",;here t~le stovfc;'ipe :r>:~',l;" t:n:'ough any attic,:. garret D~ . ,'_,-~t, L1C ce:ne sJlal:, '-,,,,, 'J.r l;e~7,ed by a regu1"tion th~I'!L::''3 &,8 d~!'lc.r:;'bea :),:: G;,: -:. 'r;tio'l,..extending fr'om below t::l~~ (,OJ;. J.:"ng, t:01.'o',1,,; ~o,".::~ g~rret, attic or :;,r:ft, pt,() I' OO~Te t!:e buildir:~; ,,', ".") cut-:c1c; ~nd 8lll:i';.:,'eplpessfLJl be fir:r:.ly jOlr;tF,,', hvi};,::: ~,:1 good repair, ~ "'ov1dec1~ l,,:'w- eVt;:r', in Cf.o':-' (}f ,18(,JJ t:Hd ca1.Jins :In G~1(11.tet:-'~c'~ It~.~r'eeJ theCity Engl:13er mey IJ::.,',~cribe such O':]hGJ ,'-1.,1 d:lT""i--<;, ent meti1cd of' protecting sto"lleplpes from woodwork as he may deem suf~lcien~ and safe. Seotion 51. All woodwork subject to spaxtering grease sl~l1 be coyered with metel. ' Section 52. Every dry room and enclosure used for dry1ng byartificl,el heat shall be enciosed by .:fire- proof or lncomtiustible stud pprti M~<>ns, with Fl :floor and ceiling of iike construction, .and shall be provided with a. fire-proof door; or s~lall be lines tiU'ougnout with tin or asbestor ,pap~r on:e;oei€ht.l 0.1' El;n inch thick. Such dry room or ~n~lQ$~esna11 haVe w~re netting of not more tha-n one~incl:i"mesri, so' placed PS to provent any contat!t, between 1nq~,ma.p.l,~.,,'Qlater1als ~rrd the steam or heating . pipes, stove's bl' other heatell':e~ '. : .~ '. :' . ~, ,." . " , 'Se cti6~ ' 5';3. : ,All' rooms ln pub 11 c assembly halls shall be provf<;i~d w.1.th good And sufficient air /inQ. mMne ~f' , eL.ress. '." .:':'.. "'''' , l:) :i ~,'. : I . i f.~, : . )" " ~ . '~, . .n 27.9 r II J, -- ,lI n 1 [l \ I . ,-~--_. , I' I "I , \ II il!1 ,I I I i , ,I I \ , I' \ , II , I \ \ I Ii I " \1\ I \li II i I I 'I \ I I \ \\1 I II \ _m ..1 \ \ \ III '" I \1\ -.1..........;.-- ..-'--.-- --- ~S1 15. ORDI~ANCE NO. 31. CO~~. ,Section 54. Every exit :in a public amusement hall shall have over the same on the inside the word "Exit" painted"in legible letters not less than four inches in height and also a red light of not less than 16 candle power, ,on" a circuit ,independent from all other lights in the' blhl:ding. r'" . , Section ~5. All aisles and pass~geways in and leading to public assembly halls shall be kept :free from chair,s and all other furniture or o.bstructions whether by persons or things, during a II performances, ex- hibitions, lectures, concerts, balls or other public asseI"blages therein. Section 56. All seats in amusement halls shall be spaced. ,If th:ere is a balcony or gallery all seats ' in same must be securely fastened to the floor. In the i.ain auditoriwt. Jr the seats are not fastened to the floor they shall be.fnstened together in banks containing at least six seats~~ch. Section" S1.,.The tern. Public ,Assen.bly Hall shall include every PArish hall, lodge hall, dance hall, banquet hall, skating rink, a~usement hall or place of exhibition used for aS6e~blBgeB ot more than 200 pers"ns. , Section 58., Every ~oving Picture Theater shall be well and pro,perly ,'entHated and shall comply with the ~rovisions relating to r~blic Assembly H~lls and to the fallowing special requirements; 1 ., . ,Section 59. No mcving pictUr~ fuachln8 Shall 'be operated;'in any place' of l!sseir.b1LY that does. not open directly. upon a" street' or a 1-ley. ',' , ' ". , . '. , Se6tlon~9., The'le~tranc~s to ~ll moving picture theater~ must be at"le1;lst 5 .feet IIi wid1;;h and. open outwar(i. . . -"'" I ,. '. , " In ad6ition to~,;~he 'above,req-Ufred entranc~, there shall be prov ided for every mov ing"fHcture theater ' having within its encloseng walls 2,000 square.~e~t or less of nQOr.,a~e.~, O;lJle, ex:[t :at:re8-st4 feetw:i:4e;' 10c;8ted at or near::the oPP0~i;teend' '6f.'t:he'~I'o"m from th~ 'entrance.." end ledding direct to an alley or street; and one additional exit 4 feet wide for each additional 1,000 aquare feet or major fraction thereof of floor area. - 1 : , I ~~J""_J,.,._._~ \'" --~-~-- - _.~--_.._._,. rrT"/ ~.~~ ------'. - ---. - 283 16.~" , ..- . ."-""" ORDINANCE NO. .~l CONT. .... Seotion 61. No moving picture lL80hlne shall be operated in any theater, room or hal~ in which chairs or other furniture or other obstructions, whether by persons or things, are within the lines of the aisles. Section 62. All .seits in every ~oving picture theater must be securely fastened to the floor and be at least 32 inches, back to bpck, except as set forth in Section 56. Fro~ any seats there shall not be more than six intervening seats to an aisle. Section 63. Every machine installed or o~erated shall be enclosed within a booth. All booths shall be at least 7 feet high and have the following floor space according to the nUffiber of machines: 1 Picture Machine ---------------- 6 ft. x 8 ft. 1 Picture Machine and Stereoptican- 9 ft. x 8 ft. 2 Picture ~"ac~ines with or without 12 ft. x 8 ft. Stereo;Jtican. Each booth must have one door 2 feet wide by 6 feet high, opening outward, closed by a strong spring and kept closed while the machine inside is in operation. Section 64. The booth shall have a substantial wood frame and shall be 'enclosed on the sides, the top and bottom with 7/e inch matched sheatinr. The door must be of corresponding construction and m~st be sub- stantially hin~ed and made self-closing. ' The ceiling and inside of moving picture booth walls shall be protected by a close fitting covering of tin with locked joints, and floor must be covered with approved asbestor lumber or other approved noncombustible covering. The exterior.of walls and roof shall be of hard plesteD on metal lath applied close to the wood Sheathing. Section OS. There shall be not more than two openings in the booth for each moving picture machine, one for the operator and one for the machine. The opening for the operator's view shall not exceed 46 square inches and the opening for the machine shall not exoeed 64 square inches. -----,--,T--- Ii II !I II !i i - ~ i:l 1;1 Iii 1:1 ,:l 1,1 I,! 'I II II IIi u , /' 11 ~.. jl ii I Ii I " I " , Ii I lJ l I I I I I I 285 17 . 31 CO"'i<t1., ,~~."",Il. '. ,,"l.J'1 ",jl.). 1iG_ J.'lIt, .;'.: Section 66. There shall not be more than two shelves, 12 inches wide and 4 feet,Tong;.. in. any moir.1..ng"picture booth, one for rewindin',~anc1 ths"'.other for stol'a""e. .:'11 shelves must ~e of slate, dteel or other fire-proof cons~ruc- tion, or if constructed of woo~ hall ,8 at le~st 7/8 of an inch tilick and entirely" coverc:d wi th .tin,"- with look joints and 3h<:;11 be sY,;J;Jor(j:.ed ';,11 th brackets;o " .', ' ", . , , , . ' ~ ...t . 'rheree1s '[0;(' the' fiitis on the ItLcJ.a.l'le'-[:lll~t' be en- c':,'3ed in?teel:boxeS"i)i~h opehin3s just. l?r:pe ~~J<:;il for the flllil'tO pas.:> throu:c,h, "nth covers ',so al'rOl'lc;ed that these openin,f3 can be ,L18 tant1'y cloded :;Ho ',solder, sh~i1 'pe used in the con,(3,:tl~uc;tJ'On,of;;he-se Jpxes., ,,:,"~, ': I I'"' \', .~~ ,", :-:'" ' . ' ., shu tteio fl1u,st be, ~h ov ioo'd in fr'ont oftJle":::ondenser of the machL18, a:cran;ec. to' J8' readily closed 9Y the o)eraor. .-l. sepn:c:,te i~i3l;o:l:c's'eL.ci. \~~tnout ';J'oider, shall be provided for eaoh filftl when: the film is not in the aachine. .~ll film;;;! 1l1U8t :)(:; ;~Got in thee,e Cf"ues~ ' .... : . ~ f . . . . ;:'cction 67. If,the hOllse li,hcs are controlled froiTJ Vi i thin thc:1ovin", picture b,Qoth" an '<1 ddi tional €:i,lcrgency control l11USt I)E) providod HEiar the Cl,ntrance 2nd kept at all times in ~OOd condition. In tho Jooth one li;ht 'i'Jill ))0 allowed for o-ach m.achino and :'ne for tho r-O\Jindiuc;!onch, nIl S oparated by -ire baskots, 0ut no cut-outs fo: any purpose ~hdtovor will bo alloVJ;:Jd vJithOllt tho booth. In the OXlli:)lti:on room there shall be provi(~od () d:)iHrato 3ystom of house lihtin,:", and a:iopar 1:;0 Systoill for rod li "hts ,over ;oxi ts, both 00n- trolled b7 a;,wi tchuoard lOCQ tcd,a,tt;ho cntr'ance and vdthin Each of tb(;:'.,1iic~et'-tak6':t':.,':r~cr'6.:,sn:all i:Jc ono li ::;ht at ,-,[lcll ailt; 'in G 3ign'w:tth~J::9d..lottcr'Sc1t' loaot 5 inohes hi6h inal'ko~:\<';lilxit.n ,'; :', ,:)_~;' ,,:,; . ~ : '. ~ Section 68. Jr,vcry rhQost-at L\.:So'Cl, in any moving picture bpoth ffiust,-.tll,lm6unt'od'on 'Ei ,Jl:ate' insulator properly SU)1)Ort0cI"'On steel; isup)oi-ts' L)rOpCr~:LY t$ston d to the floor. ';.t '. " J.ll machinus ,;lUSt' ,Ie;" socul'cly t'E1~toned to thv floor to pl'ov"nt acoiden 211 overturning ,or [)\(j1fin~ of sal11J. i,.' '.';: ", ..~.( : J, ~ .. "1' ~ "., .... .' j " '... ~ .: ~I ' ,,' !. , ,. , , . . ~ ..' " ['I ~ ,... 287 I j '"'1 =r-'"-T- -, -r- " 'T' . 1 _ ._.~lL.>..o....-_~,..... ..,..... L _ ;:j -I" . U r ,. ! 1 uL, r---'fi :i " --'T i I 'I lit . " : 18. O~,DIt\i_:.NCE NO. 31 Con t. Section 69. Thore I shall be maintained, in good ardor in every moving picture theater two,lisuid chemical fire Gxtin.suisho:,s, which' ,:::hal1 bo considered nappI' oved" when bearin3 the labol of the Underwriters' Laboratorios, Inc. Ono of these shrill bo insi,o the movirt~ picture booth and one outisdo, both s directed by the City Ensinoer. .5ection 70. Tho terfJ.noving pictuJ,'e thoater in this Ordinance fJ,JEtnS a place of public aseobly where celLlloid or other cOmbustiblo films are omploY0d in the projection of pictures o~ Oth0r rcproscntation~ bofore ~n assombluge of people. Tho torm shall apply to tho p1aco of assombly and to all roo~"s, p3.SS8c;CS and other parts of tho bLlil6ing connected '(;0 OI Llsed in conn0ction with such place. Tho term .Jloving picture IiL chinG in this Ordina,nc-c shall apply to any fo~n of m.chGnism usin~ celluloid or o'ljhc:r: combu3tiblo f'iLJ1,':; for the projection, of- pictures as abovo. ' Section 71. No buildin,:; shall oe ..coI}st.ructod and no building not now usod for such purposes, ahall be roconstructed, altored or rapsired to te uscd.for any of' the followin:; purposes vvithintho city lifJits,without Dho conson t of tho Ci ty Council Gnd the liayor. a. Manufacture of explosives b. rtofinin~ of potroloum or Gny c. hondering of fats, lards and d. Lime kiln. o. Tannery '. f. Glue factory g. Stock yards . , h. Manufacture of fertilizers i. Smoltor of its products. like, produots. , , ' , , ,; " All such buildings shall bO:lknown c':s J?rcihibitud Buildings. ...;::"j, r:. '2 !.~ ~ - I :' --:--' 'I ! , j I I I L I I I ~S9 19. Or.ryIN1PCE ~o. 31 Cort. Sl'ction 77. B~f(Jrc. Cl:Y ordinrn~.e shEll1 b.e pessed authorizin~ the construction, rlter~tiori ind renp.lr of rnv prohibited buildin9', at least ten <'Ir-ITS' uC.tiCE shell be :iven bv the nerson or nersons or cornerations interested or ap~ ,.:'icption for the '"'f'ssG~e of such ordinrnce. bIT f' ''''ublicetion or posting to thet ,ef~~ct_ Swuh notice shell .secifv the lot of ground or 'remises unon which such building or other structure is to be 'erect;ed, eltered or renril'ed, and the nurroses for which the spme is intended to be used in s.ufficient ceteil to annraise the nronertv owners or holders in the vicinitv.of the rro~osed improvement of the eXect locftion pnd nc;tu're Of tne :2fme. Ti:i:. ('it.. E'j.:,inc<.;r shell cause notice of everv sUCh rnnlication to be con- sl)icuouslv nOEteq' u[-on the' pro}"lertlT. RCt,;ti~r. 73. Tn li_ited FE to loc,tion: 1 vl.lc'..iuL buildin-s shell be . - a. D,-,ir::'cs. b. DlJ", pC~~lds I c, Bl,' c ;,,,,,..1 t~ r.l:o...s. d 10 J '.lil",- ~l~c ~~ E: . e. Bric~, tUe ~nd terre cotte fEctories. f. "'vvd~.cr~dng fectories. g. L"".'"C1':: _IC. S. h. Pl..ni.ng nUll s . i, Bl:\,:,,\,cries. j. r~c~in; houses. k. A~~~ylpborc~ories. , ' All :....0:-, t ~ildln:::s sheil be\<':nown p s L~"'1i ted B nid ~i,~:;L, fl('l::tivn 74. }Tq J'c~,..i t shf'll be issued for [' n~T > LilUit:.>:: Bu~l;H~.; ..mtil rot len~t ten eF\7S' nvticc of the ~"noiCRtion thereforeri~s been ~ublished or nostedto . th~t effect ['s prescribed in Or~in~nce "A", '_rid until' notice of such application hrs been conspicuousllT nosted upon the ~ronertv for 8 like period of time. ' ..= , , T~e v"ners of any nro~e~tvwithin 500 feet of the proposed locftion of fnv.Ll"it.cd B 'iiuin;~ .;J.fY file f ~rotest with the Clt.. 'B:;rl-',.i.nc:...r Fnd the met.ter snell, be referred to the stJ.c:ct CU'I.""lttcetor determination in Pcco-tdFnce with the method of' procedure prescribed in this Cm:., r'-r the e~rroval or disa~Droval of the location of stables. -r-r-..------ , -, ~...................~,-._-~._-----~~--._..--'-~~ , --.,..---;--,.,.,.....----,. --~- - ----, 291 20 ORDIY: NeE !-TO. .)1 CO!".. Sr:uLicn 75. III (,(,::Ie no ;'f'rt of e. steble floor in less thet 18 inches above the ground thereunder or fd je(lent thereto, such floor mp" be constructed at wood not.1Gs5 th~n three Fnd one-hFlf(3~) .~~w~eE thick) com~(1fed r'.tt'VIJ thir::y[\esses of tonalled end p:rooved or sr! L,?,' "'lpnk r3rj"ien tip'.'1t with white leee, neste in all :':;-~.c-:' ~, ,~,,' (,f' I;Lc '~h:..(kD,3fS with F,ll join-ts (~dl.ked 'vi th ,0< ,eLl. [','>1 r,j t~,:~, 'A':.l.wv'):: i'l'ol'S in s'tc tJ1 es !OIlHt be: h~~:\:I~ ~':;l-'l ffi,-i'l'".'i!1G-:! 'sc ~'8 to bo 1,''1 tEr t'_~,ht; LlU~t hF've e ,~: <3,'1... -: r,~ ., ;~'\) \r ~~ ':"5. ,~'.l.;:J' 3 :~(l;:r .2x,r 8 n3~. on" 1 t \Ni tr....:..: [.1.' r:~t son~ ~r well s , f"GC j,f,t:::":,;:' L~~~I/e '~h("'fY'Oli.!~'.r~ c.e'_n;~s vent'il(~tjon 1;fnerth spm.e. ~c(:iiv,l "6, .! 11. . ..>11 fleer::; ;:;.~all drc.in into g:utts18, 3\,rL ~T~~_eC's o;n,l rll SllIJTJS for W~:;"Ll-'lg of vehicles e1;s',:;' 1:;0 c011r!s!::+:"j 'LC f Jrciil[',-,e slTstem oJ: CEst ir'on nipe lc[-I':'i11": to c: t:c-f-rr8(1 Get"h be sin) end from s!lch Grtch bF sin pro "'t:lj: CL';111ectioll .:::11c:"lbe J)1.~'de to E. "ublic sewer or cess':ool. O""...iL.,:,"- trcm ':'U.ttE'r'3 u:d 2l)~n:s tb dn ins shell, be .protected bv iron e:1'[in6:':1"- S2:: in iron fr<~m8S so rs to be re,"ovrble. Dc', :t.1"(; }1'P;-; she 11 not he less thrn fOlIr, (4.) L-.c:-~es in die.me- t~r; except that l~terel~ drFining ~lIt one ~tRll mFV be of 3-inch ,.,ine.' c. tC.t-i :,c.~,lnSlllust be constructed of tTlPsonrv or iron end be ft lccst two (2.) ft:(,t '1;, ~:-.:: internel dimension, fnd be nrovided wi-::;h vent r'ine not more then eight (8) inches from setl. A 3/i~-Lch hose bib) er:ui.;>.:'ed with hose shell be so rlrced thet the dr-rimp'e s1rstem mEV reEdi11r be, fllIshed, tnd it shfill be T6\luir'ed th: tell st!'ble floors be, thoroughlv clernsed rnd f11Ifhed ct lerst twice eRch week. SGcL..:-n 77. EVd.; "t~tle mU1"t be ,rovi,ded with one or more thrn one Vir ter-tight f nd tightl IT clof"ed rece"tFcle for mfn:lre, of f'uch dimensions' fS to pontrin fll fCClllJlulftions of mrnure, fnd no mrnure fhrll be [,llo'Ned to rccumul,te on the floors or oa. rdji"cent .grounds; provided, ho~ever, thrt on oremises in District T~rot. of one r ere or more in e:rtent) IDE nure me 11 be ste: ~_k6d with the [' n"'rovrl of the 11,-,,' it;', Of-." ~w(.r. R6l.:""Jt.:..cles for mrnure locrted v'ithin;:-ny buildinB: shrll be vented, through rn eir-tight Ehrft of rt le~ st fortv-cight (4C), ~;.c:",,~ cectionrO [ree Oerding to ~nd cbove the'level of the roof Fnd to'o ::,oint more thrn tv-entlr (eO) f.,(.t fro... :..ny rdjfcent ~ro~erty. . -----:---;r rr -.------y-------',. II ! , I i I; I ~ ~ \, , ~ \ Ii I il I Ii I , II \ Ii I L \ <I , :\ ,I " . il ri\ ! I I \ Ii \1 II 'I i II il ,I I '. 'I Ii " ii II I II Ii ,I " , Ii II i! I; 29:~ ___,__._____.~~.=="'=e.__=~.-- _._--.--- -"_..... 21 O~DINA~CE NO. 31 Con~. Seotion 78. to any stable $h811 animal s to s t8nd Or HeE'l th Off icer. No portion of the ground adj~cent be used for the purpose of allowing run at large, unless 8,'roved by the Section 79. It shall be unlawful for any person,. firm or corporation hereafter to e stpblish and mpint1'in any building or premises ?os a public lRunory or w~sh- house without first obtaining the approval Of the Health Officer, specifying the name of tne permitee pnd the location of the premises to be used as e laundry or we sh-house; provided, however, the t the Helll th Offi cer in the grantinb or re~usel of' SUCil pp:r,>rovpl shall exerci sa a reasonable and sound discretion, taking into ~onsideration the chE'raeter of the applicrnt for such permit and the intended location Qf suen Ipun(ry or wash-house. Section 80. No bay 1/'indow snaIl be more than twelve (12) feet in widtn, or extend more then three (3) f'eet Deyond tIle street or alley line, or be less than twelve (12) feet pbove the stpblished grade, or ~nproach nearer than tl~ee (3) feet not shall begin at a point nearer the, lot line thpn three (3) feet unless it shElll 'diver~e from SUCh lot line at an angle of less than forty- five ~45) debrees. Section 81. All puildings now or hereafter erected in District One shell have roofs sloping and draining toward th~ alley. Section 82. All scaffolds and sideWalk bridges erected for the pro,tection of workmen or the public or for use in the erection, repair, alteration o~ demolition of buildings, shall be well and safely constructed FInd supported, 8,nd ofsuf'ficient width to secure the spfety of persons walking thereon, or passing under 9r by the same ,. p.nd to prevent the falling thereof or of' !'my lllP terial that may be used, pIeced or deposited thereon. Section 83. Every o~ner and occupp.nt o~ any lEnd, ouildine: or premises within the Town snaIl, at his own expense, properly dra.it'i I>nd cleen any and fill vaults, cesspools, d1tches, pipes or dra1ns in or on SUCD lpn~, building or premises used as R receptacle or conouctor of filth or refuse metter. Every person owning control11ne;, or occupying any SUCll lAnd, builGing or premises, shell be responsible for the ditches, pipes end dreins in end upon the sa.me ,"nd she,ll cons ta,ntly keep the same in a heal thy condi tion. -T :1 , y 1 " i n ,I , ,I " 'I 'I iI I', I I: " , , , Ii " I' , u 'II I " I' I hi , ,;\ " I; I" i1 I' !I III ~j: il 11 i'] .; II I: , I II ',I H' 'i I, I. 2H5 .ORDINANCE NO. 31 CONT. (Tho enforcement of this provision is incumbQnt' on the :-TcQ'.th Officer.) 2cction 84. No person shall install or maintain any electric wire8 Dr npperatus except as provided in the following sc, _:.~u: C'!l: f,:3Gtion 85. AU electric wires or apparatus noVi in3i~allec'. cc trot, may hcrcnftcl' be installed, must be so installed Gn0. n:oi!l":c:ined so as to conform to the current "Rules and Rc~uirc- lY1ents of the National Board of Fire Under-:-;ritc:cs," nud s:lc',J.l have the approval of the Conman Council, or such person, or persons, cs said Council may delegate or appoint or elect, to inspect 'or approve saio electric w.ire~ or a:)paratus. Sectio"n '86. n:FINITIOl. OF Pj3:;{SON AND P:E:RSOl(S ;'5 INTEa;UED IN THIS CODE: One or more natural persons of either sex, associations, co-partnerships, or corporations, whether acting by themselves or by a servant, agent or employeej the singular number shall be held and construed to include the plural, and the masculine pronoun to include the feminine. Section 87. Any person who shall violate or fail to com- ply with any of the provisions of t~as Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeallor, and, liDon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100) Dollars, or by im9risonnent in the town jail for a term not exceeding Ninety (90) Days, or by both such fine and i~prison- illcnt, and each day that any person shall continue to violate or fuil to comply with any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be considerec a separate offense. Section 38. In aCdition to the )enalties provided in the precedinG section for violations of this Ordinance; any build- ing or structuro,or part thereof erecte~, altor6d~ tapairady i'nmovcd, ,arranged, Gc:uipped, used or occupied in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be a nuisance and such nuisance may be abated in the manner provided by law. Section 89. All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance' are repealed. I Ii i!1 1 ij I , i: ,I Ii I I I, II I II 11 I, Ii II II I' I, ,I I II I I' Ii I ,I I Ii' I 'I I II III 'I ,I 'I I 'i I II II , II 11 I I I I I II I 01 II :1 , I Iii I " j! ~~97 ORDINi,NC:; NO. 31 CONT. This Or6inanco shall take effoct and be in full force from QnQ after the day of its passage. Passed and approved by the Common Council this ~ day of ~ 1915. C. A'- Myers President of the Council and Zx-officio Mayor of Seward, blaska. Attest: . _ _ .Ji_. T 2._ ~,~:'A.~_ __ _ ' ,_ _ .__ \::.:.:r:r':i. " '>.:k I -r i I ' i ~-r---I I I > I , Ii I > I I ! " i , I Ii \ " I ! \ \ Ii Iii I ! I' I \ ,:I { \ Ii I " , II . ,i I I! I ! 'I I Ii > , 1 I: I, i I I \1 1\1 I .1 I I I I Ii i I i III I , , Ii \ t " I I ,> I I, " " , \ :1 , :, :\ I" I I, I II I r II \ I t I , I I, I L I 298 '------'-'-1 --- -;i Ii I Ii il oj 11 " !1 " " I , " " " , I I i I I i i ! I i ! I I I I , I I i I I I I I I I I I I , i I " I' " , :t II Ii i' iI :; !t Ii " r; " ,I II I. j. !i , n , " !: i :: Ii II , " ;i " t' :, Ii I: ij :1 i' il , I " Ii .1 " " r: " , ~ II l; [I iI Ii " " Ii :. II II ,I " II , I I iH-"'--l-~if ' -l. , Ii ii' 1:1 'I Ii I Ii ;'1 'I " .'1 'I '1 "~I I I: ! 'I. 'II l~t6'l~ ~~ ?ucK , -, II 'I Ii I! I, ii 'I II I, 1j H " 'I Ii ii ,I I, I' ii " 'I II Ii 'I " , , ~ j , I , " Ii :1 I II " Ii !I I ;1 II " i ii II II II 11 I I, Ii I I, " :1 !I , i; iI I' 'I !, " !i II " I: Ii II :1 , Ii Ii " !i II !i Ii I' " ! I; : ~ I' II i I' i, i ~ ll! ~ i I Ii ,i Ii :1 ii i: 'I , !i i II i I' I I II i II i I , ! 11 I' , I I II , il I! I' ! Ii ,I i .' Ii " ii II I, II I, II II : i i' , , f'l 'I I' I': , I i! 1'1 li 'i! I,! Iii Iii