HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1915-035 ORDINANCE NO. 35. AN ORDINANCE TO' PREVENT THE INTRODUCTION A}.!D SPREADING OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES AND PROVIDING FOR A BOARD OF HEALTH, PRE- SCRIBING DUTIES OF HEALTH OFFICERS, AND OTHER MATERS PROPERLY RELATING THERF:TO, AND RESCRIBnm PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLAnON THEREOF. ***************** BF IT ORDAINED by the Common Counc 11 of the Town of c:oeward, ' Alaska: SECTION 1. There is hereby oreated the office of Health Officer and a Board of Health for the Town of Seward, Alaska. SECTION 2. The Health Offi.er shall be apointed by the Common Council of the Town of Seward and shall hold hie office subject to the pleasure of the Council, unless removed as pro- vided by law, but in no case shall the term be for ~ore than one year. SECTION 3. The Board of Health shall consist of the President of the Counoil, who shall be Chairman of said Board, "the health' Officer, the Town Ma~shal, the Chairman of the Committee on Health and Police Protection. The Municipal Clerk shall be ex-officio Clerk of said Board. SECTION 4. A person to be eligible to hold the office of Health Officer shall be over twenty-five years of age and shall have praotioed medicine for not less than three years and have a lioense from the me~1oa~ Qcard of the Territory of Alaska to practice medicine in said Territory. SECTION ,. It shall be the duty of both the said Health Officer and Town Marshal to enforce all ordinances pertaining to health and sanitary regulations of the Town of Seward, ~nd all health and sanitary re~ulations rromul~ated by the Board of Health. SECTION 6. The Board of Health shall have ;eneral supervision of the interests of the health and life of the citizens of the Town. It shall have power: 1. To make and enforoe such ~uarantine regulations as seem best for the preservation of the public health. .nd tor the ~re~ention ~nd spread of cont~ious and 1nfeotius diseases. 2. To establish quarantine and isolate an~ person affeoted with anyone of the diseases mentioned in Section 7 of this odinance, er ~n~ other 1nfeotiu8 or oont~ius diseases. 3. To remove, or oause to be removed, any dead, ~ecalin;. Q. pu~rid body, rubbish, garbage, or other substanoe tLAt __I endanger the health of persons. 4. To disinfect houses, rooms, property, plaoes, or local- ities, persons and other things, whenever in its judgment suoh aotion shall be deemed neeessary to p.oteot or preserve the publio health; and it may destroy or cause to be destroyed, bedding, oarpets, household goods, furnishings and other material when in its judgment suoh are an imminant danger to the publio health. 5. To make such rules as may be necessary to the thorough sanitation of every and all portion of the Town, and any menber of the Board is authorized and empowered and it is his duty to arrest and take into oustody any person or persons violating any rule of the Board or any provisions of this ordinanoe. SECTION 7. Foe the purpose of this ordinanoe persons or artioles that have been infeoted with or exposed to the oontagion or infection of plague. cholera. small pox, yellow fever, typhu8 fever, leprosy, ty~ho1d fever. aoarlet fever, measles, diphtheria, infaptile paral~8is, oerebrospinal menin&itia, erysipelas, ~hoop- ing oough, .~nders, ~nd ~umps shall be oonsidered as oapable of oonveyin& oontaeiou8 or infeotious diaease, .nd shall be 8ubjeot , ~\, l' ' . '""Ie l' ~i"'.,,~ 1f~lInl'", "~ . --' ---,---' '---~-----'""-' .., ; ,~,. " ,',,'. J' -",..,,',', \ -- , i 4'Mb::::l:~;n;~~e trAC;::;~n:':;: {~:.~:~i 1(~;~a:;::~ oi/;:~::~c:,:,', :_~;:,:"~ z:=:::-:~-;4~'.1'1''''c-0'f=-t& fi..... to otten a.re wilfully nei;leotedand /. " : . I"bere other 1(er.on. are Hable to becolle infeoted on aocount of \ , ( t~h1S, ne&l~ience .....1 also be CO,nsldered .s capable of conyey-, flll.f; oontl61uus Qr 11lteot1ou8 ..,lna.ae. i' ~.CTIOW a. Ihene.er any physician Qr nurse i8 oalled to treat 'l any person .ufferi~ with any of the di.easea mentioned 1n Seotlon 7 Qf this ordinance, he or sha .hall isolate the oa.e aDd 111- , ~e,41ately notify the Board of Health. ti~", , 8EOTIOll 9. Whenner any penon knows or has reason to be : ' -, ~hat any menber of h1. or her fam11y or hou.ehold (boar4er, ro er. br ylstor). h.. any dise..e. or disea..s ment10ned in Section 7 o. this ordt~.~e. h. Or .he ahall Immediately sive notee the~eof to the Board of Health. 8uoh notioe .hall be &iven verbally 'P one of the lIIelllbere of said board., -',.~ SECTIOll 10. The Board vf Health upon reoeipt Qt ~e ~eport of the existenoe of any of the diua.es mentioned in Seotion 7 9f this ordinance. .hall illllllediately enye.tigate the ca.e and 1f fuoh disease exist., .hall isclate the patient and, if nece.sa;y. _hall quarantine the house. rocm., or premi.e. and take any oih~r ~recaution. needed to prevent the spread of the disease. i ~ , :1 i II! II II I' II II Ii L 11 ; i , SICTIOll 11. Whenever a house. apartment, room, or premisee, ~re plaoed under quarantine, a plaoard shall be posted in ~ oon- .p10UOU8 place. giving the name of the d1.~a.e and a180 00~ta1n- lng the following quarantine order: :.'111 per80ns are .triotly forb1dden to enter or leave these premise. or to r~move this notio. .Uhout permission or orden trom the Board of Health." , , SECTION 12. Upon the death, reo overy , or removal of th'l'~r.on ~10k with any infectious or oontag10us disease, the room i.t~h10h ~a1d per.on was oonfined and s~oh room aa, in the opinion 0 the Board of Health. have been oontaminated. .hall be o.eansed and disinfeoted under the supervision of the Health Off10er, the placard removed, and the quarantine releas.d, The leolation, di.infeotion. and other preventative measuree shall be perfor~ as nearly as praotioable aooordin; to methods endorsed and Bf.,O",.oed by the United States Publio Health Service as desor.1bed in io Health Bulletin No. 42. entitled "Diaenfectanta, their use ~pplloation in the preYention of oommunicable diseaaes.. . SEOTION 13. Every physioi~n in the Town of .eward who .~~l p~.oribed 'or, or attend any person having any of the diee.... mfntioned in Seotion 7, shall immediately after fir8t diiG"'rlng te existence of suoh d.i.ea.... make a report thereon in w.tUng. , the Board of Health cr Health Offioer, which report .hall give t,e name, age, na.tivity, residenoe. date of attack, 00101'. and t~e ..x of the person having suoh diaease. toeether w1th the, o~raoter of the ltisease.1 . . U " t: ' ',' ,8" lOTION 14. No Ohi, Id 0, I' person infeoted with any of the cU.- , ..'. in 8ection 7, or any person residing in the same houae in . .;.' __ "oh &n1 person may be looated who is infeoted w1 th any of J, > t~ &tor..a1d diua.e", unle.s perlli tted by the Healah Officer, +,....11 be permitted. "to astend any publio, private. parooh~al, ~:}, 8un4&y or other _ghool. ohuroh. factory. or aDJe.ther place .:;' \ a...bly in the ~gwn of S.ward; and health offioers and per. .' 1n oharge cf suoh lIohools, eto., lJ:e hereby requ1red to , '.: &1$.1 and all ohildren and persona from .uoh places; suoh " I hall oontinue until ..... OOllplete recovery of the per.on I "1f Ulltll the Health Offiosr deoid$. that the daager of i ',1ihal'8 110 longer ex1ets .~c'" ! 8IO!tOl 15. That no per.on shall within the Town of Sewa ithout a permit from the Board ot Health. carry, remove" or e orperm1t to be oarried or removed.. any person .iok w ntag1ou. O1"infeot1oua dise..e, or reaove or cauee tc.. any _hoper.on from any other bulldiDi. or to or f . ,J ion 0& ttd 0 ,DS iAJi:L , J, ,~- EIIL:.~__+__ 1 i '1 \, Ii II i \ I l\ !i ~~~ " ! it 1 ! '1 ,l .i , " II , i! '1 ~ \ ,I " " i , :' i1 :j " , ,I ':i, ,; i' , II t' -~r -IT . ")-i ~ .:".~~-'. -;-::~any 'lYehicle in any part of the Town. Nor shall any person, by any exposure of any individual siok or affeoted by any cont~ious or infectious disease mentioned in Section 7, or of the body~suoh person, or by any negligent aot oonnected therewith, or in respeot of the oare or oustody thereof, or by a needless exposure of himsel~ oause or oontribute to or promote the ,pread of disease from such person or dead body. SECTION 16. The Board of Health shall be empowered, whenever in its opinion it shall appear proper and conduotive to publio health, to oause all people arriving at the Town, by any vessal, train, or other means, from foreign ports; to be vaooinated, who are unable to prove that they have been vaccinated within the last five years; and for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this section, no boat or vessel from any port or plaoe shall be allowed to land until first receiving a permit from the Health Officer: Provided, however, this section shall apply only in case the Board of Health determines the necessity of oausing such vacoination or inspeotion to be made; and the Health Offioer shall, whenever in his opinion it becomes neoes- sary to prevent the spreading of small pox, order any person or persons to be vaocinated, and any person refusing or neglecting for three days to comply with such order, having it in their ; power to oomply, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Per..~ unable to pay the expense shall be vaooinated at the expense of the Town. And after the purpoae of oarrying into effect the prb- visions of this ordinanoe, the Hea~th Offioer shall be authorized to eneer any house or fiuilding of any kind within the Town limits, or to go upon any vessel, steamship, steamboatt, oar, or any craft landing or entering or attemtiQg to land or enter at said Town and inspeot the same. SECTION 17. The Board of Health may, whenever it deems it necessary, require all atudents in the public schools, who have not been suocessfully vaooinated within five years, to be vaocinated. SECTION 18. No parent or guardian or other person having the oustody and oontrol of any ohild who has not been sucoessfully vaooinated within five years shall allow such child to attend at ; any of the publio schools after being notified by the Health Officer tic have such ohild vaccinated, And for the purpose of oarrying i"""" out ~he purpose of this ordinanoe, the Board of Health may at any time require all the students in the publio sohool to present i oertificates or satisfaotory proof of having been vaooinated within five years, and when so required, no student shall be allowed in the public sohools until such proof or certificate shall have been presented. SECTION 19. That it shall be the duty of each and every practing physioian in the Town of Seward to make full report, in writing, to the Board of Health, the death of any of his patients who shall have died in said Town af any disease, immediately there- after, and suoh report shall be made upon the official certifioate of the Board of Health. SECTION 20. That no interment or remova.l from the Town of the dead body of any human being or disposition thereof in any tomb, , vault or cemetery shall be made without a permit therefor grante4 by the Board of Health, or its proper offioer, nor otherwise than' in accordanoe therewith; and no sexton or blthe>>':persoii' slial1 a.it81~IFd in, oountenance or allow any such interment, or aid or assist abdut preparing any grave or plaoe of deposit for any such body for wh.oh , such permit has not been given authorizing the same. And it shall ~ be the duty of every person who shall reoeive any such permit, to f~ preserve and return the same to the Board of Health with a memor.~,'n.- \ dum of his aota done thereunder. ".j' ; . , , 'I~ If , ' SECTION 21. That every undertaker, or other person, befor~ fr.,moving any oorpse for burial, shall obtain from the Board ot 1 Health a permit to do so, before obtaining which he shall J r --">.1 SECTION 28. All privie., water-oloeet., toileta, bath-tub., and slnks not oonneoted with a sewer shall be placed over or oonneoted with a qesspool and sha~l be maintained in a sanitary .~ manner; and no person shall oonstruct or maintain any privy, wat~' ! olo.et, toilet, oeupool or 81nk w1 thin the tire l1mi ta o~ the ; : ~~Town of Seward without first proouring a permit from the ,BO&ld of ; ?l ~~\,..,~:a~:~1ne I~l!';;~m~:e:h;o~U:'~i~':~~lI~:~i~;...s~.:~. ;;i. ~'.' t:f~f.fl:'; ...,.~.....I .~.J'. _de and Nport thereon; and no permi t 'hall~.. e.nte6 . t11 t ~eport on suoh eJ:&IIl1nation i8 made to the B~>V HeaIt '. . l' ~ '..' 1~ BECTIOW 29. Any person, firm or oorporation who put. any -' !;:- '~. , il. !f I -,\;+ '~)f -~-~---j I 317. depolit in ~he otfice of the said Board of Health, the of'f1oi..~;; oertifioate of the Board of Health as presoribed in Seotion 19, i,~hiOh oertifioate shall be signed by the phYlician or surgeon ~~ .,ttendanoe at the time of death. ' >, SECTION a2. That no undertaker or other perl on shall u.e .Jv vehiole other than a hearse or other"otosed:vehiole for the ~.' purposes of oonveying to a oemeter y the body of any person dy~ from any oontagious or infectiou. disease mentioned in Section 1; nor shall the body of any suoh person be carried into ohuroh, hall or other publio plaoe. , SECTION a3. That no oaptain. agent or other person or per.ons having oharge of or attached to any boat or vessel, nor any person having oharge ot any oar, stage, hack or other vehicle, or publiC or private,conveyaRoe, shall oonvoy or allow to be oonveyed :thereon or therein. or by means aforesaid, nor shall any person oonTe, or allow to be oarried or oonveyed, in any manner,to or fro. the Town of Seward, the dead body of any human being, or any part thereof without a permit therefor from the Board of Health. Provided, that a. phyeioia.n's oe:U1f'ioate acoompanying the body showing that death was not the result of any oontagious or ' infeotious disease, shall be SUff,icient in bodies pae.ing throl', '. in transit. :. ,\ '. '"j SECTION a4. That under no oiroumetanoes shall a body ~.1il&i died from smallpox, soarlet fever, diphtheria, yellow tever~' f "typhus fever, pla.gaey.Llepl'osl<:.or,,4AcihellaLreria1nfullburied for a longer period th&n t.enty-four hours. SECTION a5. That there shall be'no public or ohuroh f~ner&l of any person who has died of smallpox, diphtheria, soarlet fever; yellow fever, typhus fever, plague, leprosy or oholera, but the funera.l ot suoh person shall be private; and it ,hall not be lawful to invite or permit at the funeral of any suoh per.on who has died of any dieease named in this seotion, ot of a~ contagious or pestilential disease, or at a.ny services oonnectedlt~ with, any person whose attendanoe is not neoessary, or to o~: thro~. ; whom the~ei is danger of contagion thereby; nor shall the body ot ) any person dying trom oontagiou8 diseaae be plaoed in any reeeiv"- ing va_It u~less suoh body is inolosed in a zino-lined or other i hermetioally sealed metallic case. SECTION 26. The Board of Health shall make neoessary provil~oDS i ' for the oare of the indigent population within the Town of Sewa.r4 'i~ and shall present the bill tor the expen8e inourred in that behalf to the Common Counoil and it shall order suoh bills allowed. ' SECTION 27. No privy, water-oloset, toilet or sink oonstructed outside of any building altuated on premises that do not abut upon & .treet or alley having a Bewer thereon, shall be plaoed or maintained nearer than live (5) feet of any .treet or al16y or fifteen (15) feet ot any dwelling hou.e or building or struoture .:1 ,t 'where any person live. or where people oongregate or a8s.mbl., or ~ any kind of business 1s conduoted, without first proQuring a I permit trom the Board ot Health so to do and then only in strict ~i complianoe with the provisions of the permit 80 granted. 1,1 ;.." '\ i ;1 ; i; ~ ; II , n 'i " :tt9 dead animal carcass, or part thereof, excrement, putrid, nauseous, noisome, decaying, deleterious, or offensive substance into, or in any other manner not herein named befouls, pollutes or impairs the quality of any spring, brook, creek, branch, well or pond of water which is or may be used for domestic purposes, and any persons, firm or corporation who shall place or deposit upon any lot, street, beach, premises or public highway, any garbage, offal, dead animals, or any other matter or thing which would be obnoxious or cause the spread of disease or in any way endanger the health of the community, and any person, firm or corporation who shall allow to be placed or deposited uponany premises owned by or under his, or its, control any garbage, offal, dead animals, or any other matter or thing which would be obnoxious or offensive to the public, or which would produce, agravate, or caused the spread of disease or in any way endanger the health of the community shall be oonsidered as creating or maintaining a nuisance; and any person, firm or corporation who shall neglect or refuse to abate such nuisance upon order of the Health Officer shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 30. That any animal affected with a contagious or pestilential disease, kept or remaining in any stable, shed, pen or place within the Town of Seward, is hereby declared a nuisance injurious to health; and any person keeping or maintaining such nuisanoe who shall fail, after due notice from the Health Officer, to abate the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 31. That unclean or filthy slaughter houses, rooms, buildings or places where sheep, cattle, hogs, or other animals are slaughtered, within the Towr of Seward, are hereby declared nuisances injurious to health; and any person creating, keeping or maintaining such nuisance who shall fail, after due notice from the Health Officer, to abate the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 32. All meat market., grocery stores, restaurants, bakeries and all other places where food stuff is kept, sold, dispensed or served to customers, shall be kept olean and in a , sanitary condition, and no impure, unwholesome or unsanitary meats, grooeries, or food stuff or food supplies of any kind, shall be sold, offered for sale, dispensed or served to any per.on for food; and it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to ex1mine all places where meats, groceries or provisions are kept, sold, dispensed or served to customers, and condemn and destroy all un- wholesome or impure meats or other provisions, groceries or oth~r articles of food, and it shall be the duty of all persons wheth$r proprietors or clerks of any meat market, grocery store, restaurant. store or other place where artioles of food are kept, stored, sold. or offered for sale, or dispensed for food, to give the Health Offioer free access. at all reasonable hours, to suoh plaoe and assist him in every way to make a thDroggh examination of the premises and all articles of food kept therein, to ascertain th~ condition of all articles of food therein; and no person having any communioable disease shall be employed as a olerk. oook or waiter, or be allowed to handle any article of food in any meat market, grooery store, restaurant, bakery or other place~where articles of food are kept, sold. .ffered for sale or dis~nsed for food or serv6d to customers for food. ' SECTION 33. No hog or hogs, pig or pig" horse or horsee, cow or cows or cattle, or ohickens, geese, ducks or other fowls, :8hall be kept within the fire limits of the Town e~-iewa~Q without procuring a permit from the Health Offioer eo to do and then only in strict compliance with the permit so granted; and no hog. co.. horse, sheep. ohioken, geese, ducks, turkey or other fowl. ahall be kept in said Town at any plaoe or under any conditions to the r" )annoyance of the inhabitants in the looali ty where kept, ot, when ("kept under unsanitary oondi tions. J, ",; ~ first ""'. '.S. ,....-=.....~~.'----'-'-_~~_..-C-~___._____..~_.__~~____._~~__ -, It.. ;~ 1 ~=~'~{~~:t~~~: d::~~:=-:~:~i~: .~~:~;:::~:~~~1a=~~A. . ',old~~1n.# pld iroa and metal, bottle., tin oan.~nd the oonten$'! of : o~~.t.# toilet. and urinala, ehall be dumped and depoli ted when . ',':We1ng--~o'Ved from the premi... within the town limitl; and t.Orr~~t j.f'nd. they are h.rebt authorized to enter~ntCt oontraot'witl1 thtt~ I owner or ownere, or person or persona, "...,ving the lawful oocp1P&- tion of said pr-.il.s outlide of the town limits, tor the leasing or proouring of siutable ground to be used as a dumping ground for I~h garbage, filth, etc., for a space of time not exceedi~ one year, with the le..e at tis option upon the same terml tor 1 luoh,lon;er ti.. not to exoeed one year, and from year to yeat, as may ~ agreed upon by the oontraoting parties. ~_----"'_T<" ~ .] Ii. " . SECTION 35. Tbat all garb&ge and waate matter mentioned:J4l" L'~~'I Section 34 of this ordinanoe, ex.ept contents of w. t.r-olol.f.~" privies and urinal., Ihall be deposited in water-tight reoep~lel, . . box.. or barrela, .eourely oovered and shall be frequently emptied . :1, :.0 as to always be in .. 0 leanl~ oond1 t ion.. : . Lr ,:: . ;f- SEC'tION 16. That 1t .hall be unlawful for any perlon or .~. 'Y#:l :1 penon. , with wag01l1s, oart or other vehiole to drive on ..ny . . !t1 .treetor alley of the. Town of Seward, during the montos of April, . May, Juae, July, August and September between fhe hours of 6 a.m and 6 p.m and 4ur1ng the montha of Ootober, november, lteoembe~:J' ". i January, February and Karoh between the hours of 10 a.m. and . ~ ! 3p.m. of any day during said specified months, tooolleot or ",' t have therein any slM, 8will or other refuse of th1e kind orftjl,ture. That thit ordinartce shall not apply to the soavenger carts, owned or operated by and under the direotion of the health or .treet : departments of the Town of Seward. II:. Ii SECTION 37. That it 8hall be the duty of the Health Offioer : upon reoeiving information or obtaining knowledge of the existe'" : ot any thing or things herein deolared to be nuisanoes, or any. , i thing or things wh~oh may hereafter be deolared to be nui8anoe' " · by the ordinance8 or resolutions enaoted or a.d.opted by the Common i".:.,lcCoU!1011, to notify the person or pereons oommitting, creating,' ! '. keeping or maintaining the sam~~ to remove, or oau.e to be remo. ved, , the lame within twenty-four ho~. ~r each other reasonable time as he may deem proper, after .Ubh notioe be duly given; and 1t~;, the .ame be not removed by suoh person or per80ns within the 1~) 1"1ae,pXesottbed in said notioe, it shall be the duty of the Town I.a..~. under the direction of the Health ~ioer to remove t · or oauee to be removed suoh nui.anoe or nuisances, and all oo.ts and expenses of suoh removal shall be paid by the pefsons com... mitting, oreating, keeping 6r maintaining suoh nuisanoes or, noel; and if said oosts and expenses thus aocur1ng shall not be p~~ r ' ~.tfhln ten days after such removal by .aid Health Offioer, thet ',~\..... .hall be oollected from the person or persona oommitt1ng, ""cneating, keeping or maintaining suoh nuisanoe by eui t at law~A~1' .;~~; . '?B;(.. ..'101 38 All births ooourring within the oorporate l1!1t-tl: 1j~ , of .."00 of Seward shall be # within one week thereafter, ~ port to the Board of Health. It shall be the duty ot the .&tte~hYSiCian, midwife, accouoheur or nurse, to turnish the ,~- ~ 'alth on an Offioial ~ettif1oate ot such Board of Suoh bittl it .hall be the duty !tf the Health Oficer to ord all oe t1!1oates and reporta or!. all births and deaths . t.~~o t,I'iJ.1 him i~, '" book for that pfrpose. .:l'l f ~. ~, 3.9. It Ihall be the duty of every rer80n authOll~~d ;: . to per!orm marriage. wi thin the Town, to make out a oert1f:1cah . all be turnhhed by him by the Board of P.,=alth# upon appl1ot.- :i ~<Gr. Said certi;t~i~..~e,...shall be filed with the. He.. . tnin thirty days ;..~I~id marriage 1s pertorm~ ,i ; ~ i'i i! ':! " " " dIt"j :':.':;:,:' i ' t~-j . r IH UTI II !, f'l- Ih !i if II