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...._O:RDINA-1'JCE No. 41 (followed oy ..l.l1l~ndlll~nt)
A.~ O"R:lNA.l>{CE Conoerni"lg Conneotions with '3ewl"lrs, Ces82001a
and Grease Traps, ~d other Matters Prope~ly Pertaining thereto.
3-r.: IT ORDAIlP!:'j b:" the Gammon Council of the Town of '5ew9.rd,
PLU:{8ING_.E.h~~ TO B"S_E'U1l;1)
S-';;CTION 1. 3efore the construction, reoonstruction, alter-
ation or repair (exoept as hereinafter provided) of any portion of
the plumbing or drain8{;e s~rstem of ~T building, suitable plans of
the work proposed to be done shall be filed at the office of the
Health Offioer, by the arohitect or by tUI'} owner or agent of the
propert~r, or b~T tIll'} contracting plumber.
PLA.."{ S, H01,V _ DRA!'l
SEC. 2 All plumbing plans and sections shall show clearl~
the location of all soil, waste and vent pipes, fixtures and traps.
S~C. 3 Plans will not be required in cases of removal of
stoppages, repairs of leaks a"ld repairs of, or replaoin~ broken
fixtures, tanks, kitohe"l boilers or fauoets.
SBC. 4. ~hen a number of buildi"lge are situated on adjoining
lots on one street and the plu~bing is the same in each and to be
done under the same contract, one plan will be sufficient for all
the buildings. In such Case a ~eneral plan shall be filed showing
all the houses and the looa.tion of the main drai"1 for each house.
SEC. 5. ~ve~J plan shall be aocompanied ~y a clearly written
description thereof, ~nd an aostraot of the speoifications.
S~C. 6. Plans and specifications shall be approved or rejected
within two working d~s from the date of filing. In case of rejeo*
tion the one filing the plans shall be notified in writing of the
reasons for suoh rejeotion.
s~c. 7. If the work is :>'lot begun lmder the approved plans
within six months from the dato of approval, new plans shall be again
presented for approval.
S~C. 8. No change of the apyroved plans shall oe permitted,
unless suoh change shall oe authorized by the owner or agent, sub-
mi tted to the 1ieal th Offioer, /i.nti approved 8."ld plaoed On file /i.S in
the case of ori~in/i.l work.
S"SC. 9. The ~e/i.lth Officer shall oe notified when any work is
ready for inspection; all work shall be left uncovered and convenient
for ex~~inatio"l. No notioe shall be sent for any inspeotion until
the work is entirely ready!
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ORD. No. 41
Pase 2
S~C. 10. The Hea.lth Officer sha.ll examine the work within two
working days after receiving notice tha.t it is ready for inspection.
SEC. Il.Plumbin3 work shall be tested. l:ly the wahl' or five
~ound air-test in the presence of the Health Officer. Suoh test
B~ll include all sewer, soil, waste a.nd vent pipes, the lead l:lranohes
an~ ferrule Joints wi thin the 1JU ildin~. 1'leather conditions or
constructlo'1 permitting, the choice of test ma~T 1')8 made 'b~' the
plumber; but otherwise the test shall 'be decided 'by the 5ealth Officer.
SBC. 12. ~hen the work is cornoleted a final inspeotion eh~ll
be made 'by the :fiealth Officer. No plumbing work shall 'be used until
this inspeotion shall have been made and a. oertifioa.te in duolioate
that the work has 1')een approved has l:leen issued oy the Health Officer,
one to the master pllLm'ber doing the work ~~d one to Qe filed with
the Munioipal Clerk.
,1PJI;:RrrROUN D S'S\f.!i:RS
SBC. 13. The sewer pipes in yards shall 1')e of oast iron or
the best quality of vitrified olay ~ipe, with jOLnta made water
'~~ht, by OklL~ hemp, OT 'burlap gaskets and 800d oement mortar; olay
pipe shall not be laid nearer than two feet to any exterior wall of
a oUildins. or less than two feet below the surfa.oe of the ground,
nor will they be allowed in 'bad or made ground. In all suoh 08ses
sewers beneathe the ground shall be of oast iron pi~e.
s~C. 14. All sewers, soil or waste pipes within the ouilding
Shall be supported by substanti~l piers, or properly seoured to
walls, or suspended to floor timbers by strong iron hangers. When
sewers are neoessarily laid 1')elow the floor rna.~-holes Shall be ~uilt
to give aooess to all olean-outs.
S~C. 15. There shall be a olean-out in every "Y" in the 'oil
pipe a.t the foot a.t each vertioa.l line of same, and the kitohen
sink wa.ste pipe. All olean-Juts shall be olosed 'by bra.ss aorew
oovers, and shall be kept aooessible.
83C. 16. Rain water leaders sha.ll never ~e used as soil, waste,
or ve~t ~ipes; not shall a.ny soil, waste or vent pipes be used as
a leader. ~here the leader is within the building it shall be of
oast iron ~i2e a.s provided in Section 17. 1Vhan outside the building,
if of sheet metal with slip joints, ~~d if oonneoted with the
sewer, it shall be trapped; the trap 'being a.rranged to ;?revent
freezing. In every oase where a leader opens near 8. wi~dow or
light shaft it shall be properly trapped at its base. The joints:
between inside iron leaders and t}~ roof sha.ll be made tight by
means of oaulking ferrules, and lead or oo)per pipes, 2roperly oon-
190t&d to rain water inlets on the roof.
S~C. 17. ~ll oast iron ~i~as shall 08 so~d and free
'om defeots, thoro1lghly ooated inside and. out with ooal tar,
I 111haltum or 9itoh.
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ORD. No. 41
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SEC. 18. When fifteen or more fixtures disoharge i~to a
line of soil 'pipe, said soil pi.!,Je shall not l)e leas than 8ix
inohes in diameter; in ",,11 other oases the 80110ipe receiving
the disoharge of water closets shall not be less. than four inohes
in diamete-r.
SEC. 19. The size of waste 'pipes shall l)e as follows:
Those reoeiving the discharge froQ eight fixtures sh""l1 be three
inohes in diameter: those reoeiving the disoh~rge from three to
seven fixtures Shall 08 two inohes in diameter: and thoBe re-
ceiving the discharge of les8 than three fixtures shall be not
less than one and one-half inches in diameter, and no wrousht
iron pipe shall be used for a waste pipe.
SEC. 20. Joints in cast iron pipes shall be made with an
oakum gasket and pure lead, well oaulked, and no paint, varnish
or putty will be allowed until the Jobt has 1>e"m tested; joi!lts
in wroughta,ron pipes shall be sorew Joints; joints in lead oioes
shall be in oases wiped; joints between lead and iron Qioes . ~
Shall be ma!e oy cast or drawn brass sor~w nipples, or.with orass
09"lking ferrules of the full size of th'3 iron pipes.
S:;C. 21. Eaoh and every trap shall oe ventilated b~T an
air'pipe. In oases where the size of the jrap is two inohes
or less, the vent pipe shall start not more than four inohes
QWay from the w~ter line ~f the trap, exoept P traps which may
be ten inohes. In Oases of larger sized traps the vent pipe
shall start from the vent horn, and if no horn, from the lead
bend. Bach vartiole line of vent pipes over eight feet in
length shall oe galvanized or cast iron, or oonneoted to trap
at an angle of 45 degrees. The branoh T of vent pipes shall be set
aoove the fixtures so that the vent cannot aot as a waate p19-8. .-.- -.
All vent pipes shall be provided with trap sorew, which shall be
aooessible. ~o rubber oouplings or solder unions shall be used
to oonneot vent pipes. The highest water oloset when looated
within eighteen inohes of the main 80il pipe need not be separat.~.
ventilated, when a ventilated f1xtllre em.pties into the lEHld bend.
SEC. 22. The size of vent pipes, exoept for water olosets
and slop sinks, shall not be less than that of the trap whioh it
serves. A pipe not exoeeding twenty-five feet in length, whioh
ventil~tes the traps of water ol~sets or slop sinks shall be two
inohes in diarnlSter; if it ventilates more than 1'0111' olosets or
Slop sinks it shall be inoreased to three inahes; if the length .
oftha vent pipe exoeeds twenty-five feet, the al)ove diameter shall
be inoreased one inoh, and not more than four traps sh~11 be
vented into one two-inoh pipe. Vent pipes from not more than
eight traps may be com~ined by branohing together, and then
oarried into four-inoh soil pipe at least two feet aoove the
highest fixture.
SEC. 2:3. .All sewer, soil and waste pipes sha.ll oe as ,
direot a8 possi~le; ohanges in direotion of horiaontal pipes shalli
b.~ade with It. Y or h~lf Y branoh, or one-eighth bends; offsets
sh~11 be made with 45 degree bends or similar fittings; no one- ,
quarter bend shall be used unless unavoidaole and shall be es~- {'.
lally eet in the plans and speoifioations.
'~5-.: 1
ORD. Uo. 41
?a.ge 4
S~C. 24. ~ll main sewers, sailor waste pipes shall be
carried undiminished in size to a. height of at le~st eighteen
inohe. above the main roof, except in oases of tenement houses,
or roofs used for drying purposes, in ~ll such oases they sh'3.ll
extend seven feet above and 'be sui t'lbly br'loed. Pip9s on exten-,
sian roofs, when within fifteen feet of any window, sha.ll "be
oarried up UL~di~inished in size above the nearest window. There
shall be no oaps, oowles, ventilators or return "bendS put on the
ends of the pipes above the roof.
FH't'UR~S, H01V TRAP?E1)
SEC. 25. The waste pipe of each and every sink, b~sin,
b9.th, w~ter closet, urina.l, and elJ.oh set of trays or othe r fixtures
Shall be separately and effeotively tr9.pped 'except as provided in
Seotion 35) The tr9.p shall be as nelJ.r IJ.S practiolJ.ble to the
fixture it serves; no fixture sh'lll be set unless supplied with
suffioient water to properly flush it.
't'RA? Mj~ W~STE ~t~~ F~0M FI~'t'UR~S
SEC. 26. Tr9.p ~nd branch waste aiues shall be of the
following sizes -- For basin and pantrY sinks, 1 1/4 inohes;
(Slop sinks at 189.st size of outlet). Kitohen sinks, 1 1/2 or 2
inohes; bath tubs, 1 1/2 or two inohes; urinals, 1 1/2 or 2 inohes;
laundry tubs, 1 172 or 2 inches; w~ter olosets, 4 inohes.
Q,UALI't'y A.~":)_tVBIGtiT ()~.?Ipv.
S~C. 27. All le9.d pipes, benda and tr9.pa shall be drawn,
IJ.nd not less th9.n the following weights pe~ line9.1 foot; 1 1/4 inohes
__ 2 1/2 pounds; 1 1/2 inohas -- :; pounds; 2 bohes -- 4 pounds; :;
inohes -~ 4 pounds; 4 i:"lohes -- 5 pounds.
SEC. 28. ~here safes are pl9.oed under fixtures, the safe
wastes if any, shall run to some pl9.oe in open sight inside of
the build ing.
SEC. 29. No W9.ste pipe from 9. refrigerlJ.tor or other receptaole
where food is ,ept sh9.11 be oonneoted direot to a sewer, soil or
waste pipe; refrigerator wastes shall be of IJ. diameter of no~ less
than one and one-half inohes, and so 9.rranged as to "be properly
WAT~R CLOS'J.:":'S P:qOB:t:'3ITE'1
SEC. 30. Privy sinks, plJ.n olose*s and 9.11 wlJ.ter olosets
having any mechanism in oonnection with the 'bowl ~lrnishing a mdohan-
ioal s89.1 are prohibited.
SEC. 31. ~ver,y water oloset within the building (exoeQt as
provided in Section 35) shall be supplied with water from a ,~ sep-
arate tank or oistern, whioh sh9.ll be so arranged ~s to deliver at
le.aat four g9.11ons at each flusl1ing 9.nd shall have a flush pip8 of
not Ie.. th~n one and one qU9.rter inohes in diameter. .Cistern ,
v~lv.s shall be so fitted and adjusted as to prevent waste ot water.
SEC. 32.
~arthern or iron water olos8ts havine traps above
. ~ ~ '~
ORD. NO. 41
PaBe 5
the - "floor using lead oonneot ions, shall have a cast 'brass rlMge. : _.-" .
not less than one-eighth of an inoh thick, sold~red to tha lead Md
bolted to trap of oloset, the joint being made perfeotly air-tight.
SEC. 33. ~nolosing of water oloeets with wooden casings
Shall not 'be permitted.
S:SC. 34. Water olosets, unless they 'be properly loolil vented,
Shall never be pllioed in an unventilated room or oomplirtment; an~
exterior window thRt oan be opened will 'be considered sufficient.
S!':C. 35. '','ater closets when looated in out-b1.tildin(1s,
stables, warehouses, or buildings whioh are not heated, shall in
all Oases 'be ~ltomatto flush t~nk olosets, and efficiently proteoted
from frost 'b~r plac ing the t1'ap and valve at least two feet below
the surfaoe of the ground. One trail will 'be suffioient for several
fixtures, inoluding not more than One water oloset under the a'bove
oondi tiona, when the trap is "lot over ten feet from the fixture.
This olass of closets must be olaced fifteA"l or more feet from
any dwelling or 'business house: and the vent pipe from suoh oloset
must be two inches or more i~ diam'.lter. The 'bowl of such olosets
Shall have a fore wash and 'an, oircular or flushing rim w~8h.
s~c. 36. ~aste water from fixtures in houses situated upon
unserved streets m~T be conveyed to oesspool; such cessQool shall
not 'be looated within twenty feet from any dwelllns or facto~r.
SEC. 37. '~o steam exhaust, blow-off or drip pipe shall
conneot direotly with the sewer, house drain, soil, waste or vent
pipe, or with any rain-water conduotor. steam shall 'be dis-
oharged into a 'blow-off or oondensellng tlJJ'lk, the W1J.st. or over-
flow of whioh sh8ll be oonnected with the hOllSS sewer olltside of
the oellar walls.
SP1l:CU.L ?".:R;aT~
S":G. 38. Whftre speoial fixtures 'ire required for which
there are n" provisions in these rules and regulations, or when
oondi tio.ns arise that demand the disoretion of the :ra,yor, upon
examination the Health Offioer may reoommend in writins to the
ComItlon Council such deviation from these rules and regulations
as in hie judgment the oonditione demlJJ'ld.
S~C. 39. In all OaSeS where a 'building is used as a
hotel,'tenement, 'boarding-house, or restaurant t~~ owner or
oocupant shall provide a properly constructed grease trFLp, through
which all slops of a greasy nature shall ~e drained and the Health
Officer shall have authority and he is hereby authorized and dir~ct-
ed to oompel any persons, firm or oorporation to provide ~~d use.
a grease trap as aforesaid, whenever i~ his judgment the 8~ ie,
s~c. 40. All plumbing in prooess of oonstruotion, or
~lteration or repair. shall be under the supervision of the Healith
Officer, who is hereby empowered to stop ~lrther work when he
$h.ll deoide that it is being done oontre.ry to thue rules and
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ORD. 41
Page 6
S~C. 41. In any case where the Health Offioer is in doubt
as to the work being done and oompleted as herein provided, he
mq, with the oonsent of the Mayol:', f'3m91o~T a mast.". plumoer to
make such inspection, and the costs of 8uoh inspeotion shall be
paid by the party makins the im2l:'OVements.
S~6. 42. The orovisions of this ordiBBnoe shall ~pply
only to suoh portion. of the Town Where prf'3mises arl9 situate along;
the line of any completed sewer.
SEC. 43. \ny person or persons who shall be found guilty
of vtolating any of these rules and regulations before mentioned
in this ordinanoe shall be fined in a sum not less than five
dollars (~5.00) nor more than fifty dollars (~50.00).
This ordinanoe shall take etfeot and be in foroe from and
after the date of its passage and approval.
Passed and approved this 25th day of Ootober 1915.
C. A. J<trers
priilliiit o? the Common CouiiOIr and
~x-offioio Mayor of the Town of
Sewarti, Al'lska
W. T. Luoas
:i!un Wpal Clerk
ORDINANCE--!!p.!~dinlC OR~IN.:YiCE No. 41 enti Ued a.n ordinanoe
oonoerning oonneotions with sewers, ce8s~ol~and~~ease traps ~~
other~tter!_ir~~~ gertaining thereto.
'SECTION 1. 'l'hat ordinanoe Number Forty One of the Town of Seward
Alaska, entitled an ordinanoe oonoernine; oonneotion with sewere, :ceee-
pools and grease tr~ps. and other matters properly pel:'taining thereto,
be and hereby is amended, by strikine out and repealing all of Seotion
Fifteen, Seotion ~ighteen, Seotion Nineteen &nd Seotion Twenty One
thereof, and ena.oting and inserting in their plaoe the following;
That Seotion Nu~ber Fifteen of s~id Ordinanoe shall re~d and be
as follows:
"'l'here eha.ll 08 a olesnout at the foot of every vertioal lue
"of Soil Pipe: All horisontal branohes of ~o1l Pipe exo..~~ng
"15' from the main staok shall be provided with ole~o~ts:
"All oleanouts Shall be olosed with Brass Sorew Covers, and shall
"be .ept aooes8'ble,~
That Seotion Eighte8110f 8~id Ordinanoe shall read and be as
ORD. Amending Ordinance No. 41, Page 2
~a8te pipes reoeiving the discharge of more than fifteen water-
"closets or its equivalent shall !lot 1)e less than six inches in
"diameter. .,
That Section Nineteen of said Ordinance shall read and be as
~The size of w~ste pipes shall be as follows; those reoeiving
"the disoharge from eight fixtures shall 1)9 three inohes in
"diameter; those reoeiving the disoharge of from three to seven
"fixtures shall be two inohes in diameter; those reoeiving the
"dieoharge from less than three fixtures shall be not less than
"one and one-half inoh in diameter. exoept w&ste of lavatories
"and p~~try sinks, which shall be not less than one and one-fourth
"inoh in diameter; All wrought iron pipe usen in oonneotion with
"waste pipes shall be of the regulation standard weight, properly
"galvanized, all outs shall be properly reamed so as to form a
"continuous surfaoe free from any burs or other obstruotion; All
'"fittings used in oonneotion with suoh galvanized iron pipe saall
"be reoessed so as to form a oontinuous surfaoe to eliminate any
"stoppage. Any other fitting or fittings than the 2roper drain-
"age fittings shall be condemned in all drainage work."
That Seotion Twenty-one of said Ordinance shall read and be as
"Each and every trap 8h~11 be ventilated by an air pipe. In oas~
"where the trap is two inohes or less, the vent pipe shall be of
"the same size as the trap and shall not start more than eight
"inohes from the water line of the trap. All S traps shall be
"prohibited unless vent is straight from the vent horn of suoh
"tra~. All vents of the water alosets. slop sinks and similar
"fixtures, if not provided with vent horn. shall start not more
"than twenty-four inches from the water line of suoh fixtures.
"All vents shall be oarried above the water line of the fixtures
"before they are joined with the main vent. The hiBhest water-
"closet. when looated within twenty-four inohes of the main staok
"need not be vented separately when nO other fixture empties into
.:::~:"th. load bond or above it. =~
"A loop or oontinuous vent m~T be used where the battery of
"fixtures are oonnected in rows, where fixtures suoh t.s lavato-
"ries are conneoted baok to baok. the inorease of the pipe one
"she above the required size will be sufficient for ventilating
"the two fixtures with the one p1pe."
JJassed and approved by the Co~mon Council. July 17. 1916.
O. B. Paehlmann
Munioipal Clerk.