HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1915-042 r ;-:-"-';~, - '~~~ . ___ '0.____ ""'_..,~ _.~ ';:J " it. "~ Ii ;' " . ~f' i ':11 , .t.;1 , .. o a D I I A . 0 I '... ~ ~~. t-::~:.a:!::J8:; ::~1;~ ::a;;!O. ( :aU! .O~ J:IOJ,U8m ) IIWLIIH J.lD JUUTAXI' tJlDERGROtS>> COIDUI;S ~, .' " I I'OIt oonnUG ILJ:CTIlIC C'ODDT, TO DlOT POLIS .DD 8'l'1lftQ "DE , . TUdO. J'OR ILJ:O'1'JtIO LIGaT, lQ:ArmG, COOIIJ'G, POUR AID 0'fBJ:ft , '.'. 1 " ' iPnPOR8 IX TIll SDDTS, AIJ.1iYS, .lVEBtJ~., BIGRlI'AYS UD 0'" PUBLIC ,"f" . '"In :tB OJ: Xl'OODOru.ftD Ton OF snARD, ALASUi '1'0 OARRT 01 'l'BI: AIDIS8 or DI8'l'IUIV'l'UG AID IJ:LLIIG ELECTRIO OUMDT J'OR IIdttnlIll-o , ~., I ,...... '! A'tUG, HU'ttrcl, OOOImG, P01t1.'ll UD 0'l'llD 1'ORP0BlSi '1'0 m .,. ~1'IS '1'OBI, OIfAJltD!ll T:HJ:RIJ'OR SUBnCl'l' '1'0 'l'lD: OOlrDITI01fS THDJ:IJ ~'fl~ .an to PrtOTt'DJ: TBI BTHOD BY lI'KIOH S.4.ID nzOfRIC LIBe, PLD'T, _;raIALe, ~PIIDT, "A'fDooaIGlIT8, LJ:ASD AID ADJUlC'!'S OJ' ,..,en "'"jj'j",j1ftlb'm,O.tJ!I() TO' OR II' AlTDT cO'...(,.l.t.t &.aanA"na_'...... ..1 ", ~=> ...,. D ACQUIRED BY '1'BJ: SAID Ton or SEWARD, UD )'OR ona:a ~*. ............. , , ' ~ .. J~ ~ bz,:t~ .~~ o.~~~., ,~ ~~~~~L~~., 'l'.l'd tcy of .l1uk&. t ! ., ~ "'.., , BlOTIO! I. '"" _ sn.um LtGJrl' .uD POUR a..bY, &, Hl'puaUn, 1 t. n.oo~a... " 01' ...etp.a, 18 11.1'._ ~~... ,. J!1&,., Fh.l...., a:\llol'lty ... tI'Do1t.1.. (but aM .SOlu.1,") t. 1"",.' , ..... "bltela a4 _~.taia .'ulJ'0u4...4u1t. fa ooaY.JUf .1....__ ..- hat, ~. looat., ol'e.", pl....,II&1a"aa.. aa4...., b tit.. a".""" &1.... f': A' ,t' : . . 1.,., .,......,AoJ!ftCllfg.., pv-a.lo )l1~.&J' -' O~)l. pa.!b1t.e i.,......, 1a iN oa14 '1'~ of S..8I'4, pol.. ..4 ..oa'.8I'1 .0......,.., ,. ....... . - t. ....t.. u4 au.u11 ...... tuoq'lL Roll .u.e"., a11.,..r.....II. . ,*~&1".., ""'110 lalp...,.. u4 oill.. pv.1tlle pl.... wln... .. sa- ...,.atd '1'_ of hwu4, t.:r t11. pIU"p88. of tll.:nlay t:r ~-~ (1) ------~,..._-~---"-- .-.. r I ! :1 !) 1 distributing and furnl.hlng to oou~.rs .l.otrlo ourr.nts for the produotion of light, power, ad for any and all purpo... and u..., as h.r.ln m.ntlOB.d, to w~loh .l.otrio current. oaa b. u..dt PROVIDED, tha.t no pol.. or wlr.s .~all be e.tablished ~. .- f~ SEOONt. THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH or SIXTH AVENUES 1. .&14 Town of Seward between tu lov.tll lb.. of JEFFERSON STREET aad t~e .ort~ lb.e of RAILW.T 4rJ#~ YUU:~,ftvz-;eh'~ ;fla.f~a.~ , AVENUE a. now dadpated~ &ad wh.r...,.2' convenient .1......1\ere, pole. .hall be oonfined to t1\e all.ys, aad ln all laataao.. th. pole., wir.s 01' oondult. Uall be ooaU..d to oae aide emly of th. alle., or Itr'l~ where looated aad maiataiRed. SEOTION 2. TAat for thl purpo... afor..ald the lald e~'lKD LIGHT AND POWER COKPAIY, 110. .uoc...or. 01' a..ign., .hall haT' tu right, prl.,.leg. ...4 :!reachi.. (but aot Ixolue!.,.), to plac. pol.., crol.-arm., .tr.toh w~e., oonn.ot, di.oonn.." r.pa1%, .xtend ad malntain all lin.., w11oe., pol.. aael conduit. i& the plao.. = aad la tat maDn.r &ad fora a. h.r.iabefor. .p.oifl.4 an4 not oth.rw114 and aleo are her.by granted b., the .aid Town of S.ward the right, au- ~- thOl'U" _4 luaul.. ('but aot 0.01..1...) .. pl4oe. lay Dd ma1nta.1Jl thrCN.gkout the .aid Town of S.ward, 11'11'1. 1. uadargrO\Uld oonduU. for the purpose of traa.mittiag eleotrlo curr.nt to b. us.d for pow.r aDd ~,( oth.r purpo..., wh.. it 1. de.m.d advilable by the .ai4 Sew&ld Light .A. and '011'11' Co~aay, lts .uooe.80r. or a'Slan., a. h.r.iaaft.r pro- T1d.d; subjeot, howev.r, to all the law. of the T.rrltor., of J1aaka applioabl. th.r.to and to the r...o.abl. polio. ordlaaao.. &ad r.~- lat1cml of laid Town of S.ward.. SEOTION 3. That all the sa1d pole. maintain.d here- . . , under ahall b. oonstruoted and .r.ot.d. in a workmaa-11k. m&nIl"~ '-'d wh.n el'eot.d OR 01' n.ar a .tr..t 11n., tke out.ldt of the pol.. .kall be plaoed .1x (6) laoh.. 1n.ide the ouzb liae of .uOA .tr....~ wh.. er.oted in aay of the alley- the pol.. .hall be ....ot.d. U4 I (2) _.tI'~ :~~l3 , ..:.r-.;. plaoed four (4) te.t f%oz taB dde line of .uoh alley. Wh.n tal .tr.et. are grad.d ~. 1'.-grad.d. ta. pol.. .hall b. r....t to oor- r..pond wlth suoh ~ada ~ r~ad., a~ the .xp.n.. of the creat... the SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER con ANY. 11;. .uoo.uou or a.es1p., 'l'Il. .r.otion of pol.., .tr.tohiai of wlr.., laying of uad.rsrouad 00&- clul111 and the mainiab.Ing of the .... .hall b. acler the rea.oaable dir.otion and oontrol of the Common Couno1l of the .aid Towa e1 8.wsz4. SECTION <t. '1'llat the .a1d wlr81 .hall b. Insulated ad oar.fully oonn.oted and fa.t.n.d 10 a. not to 00.. 1. oontaot w1th any obj.ot* and .hall be str.tch.d 10 a. not to int.rf.r. with the fr.e and unob.truct.d u.. of the .tre.t., all.y., av.nu... thortugb- far., and highway. of trav.l, sad .hall In all r..peot. oo~ly w1tA th. rul.. and regulation. a. pr..orlb.d by the NATIONAL BOARD or UN- DERWRITERS. Th. .a.ld SEWARD LIGHT UD P01fER COKPAlY, U. llleo..MU or al.lgn., by aoaeptlng the franohi.. A.r.by STaat.d, oovenaat aRd agre. to lad.mn1fy the said Town of Seward , sad .an harml.ss for aU. 1;\...&,.' r..ul t1ai by r....cm of n.gllimo. or oth.rw1a. to k..p ta. pol.. and 11'11'" or oth.r of It. or th.ll' prop.rt, in a .af. OID- dition. SEOTION S. That wh.n.ver 1t .h&11 be n.o...ary 1& the .r.ct1on of aald pol.a, ~ the replaoini or r...ttlng th.m, to talt. up &:I1Y portion of the aid.walk, or dig up the grolmd 1Jl or n.ar the 11d.. and oorn.r. of the la1d .tr..t., all.,., or .id.walk., the .ald SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, it. .uoo.e.or. or a881gn.. .hall b. ud81' the r....onab18 d1reot iOll and oontrol of the Common COWi'loll ot the laid Town of Seward. SECTION 8. That nen.v.r allY penon haD obtaln.4 p.r- mi..ion to ua. aay of the etr..t. or all.y. of tal To.. of aewart for the purpo.. of remov1ag any build1_i, the s..ld SEWARD LIGHT AID POWER COMPANY. ita .UOO.88or. or auip., upon forty-eight (48) ,~ur. notio. fro. .ald Town ot Sew&1'd, .hall ra1.. or r.aOT' -.ret , (3) r ! . -- ~~~:-w.~... the said wire. whioh may obstruot th. removal of .uoh buildi." i. such mann.r a. will allow ir.. and unobstruoted passage of the .am" and OB.-half (i) of the actual COlt of suoh railing or r.moyal of wins ehall be paid. by the ow:..r of suoh bulldiq at the U.. u... 19nated. by the .aid SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, its .uoo....or. or assign.. SECTION 7. Ib.e eaid SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER con ANY, its suooessore or aSllgn. , &gr"', ggz1ag the i'l'm of thl. fraa- ohle., to establish and mAintain a wire or oabl. upoa lte pol.. foz the tru_m1..ioa of f11'e alarma and. pollo. oall., a. the Town of S.ward may upon reaeenable notio. dir.ot, at aotual oost to the lald Town of S.ward of Inetallat10a Ad 1II&1nten&aoe. SEOTION 8. Tha:t all the righte, prinleg.. ud fru.- chill. hudn oon.ferr.d upon and. gl'a.tlted to the .ald SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COl4PANY, 11:a .uoo...or. 0% uil1p., U&ll oont1llua 1IL f'oI'M.,for -f'I the perIod of tw.nty-fin (25) y.are from aad after the dab of the pa.ssage and a.pproval,of thh Ordinanoe. That the .aid SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COllPANY, ita IUO...... or. or asalgn., shall wlthln fifteen (15) daye from the dat. of the passage and. approval of thil Ord1naaoe, file '1'1 th ill. lluD.lo1pal Clerk, written acceptanoe of the t.rm. and oondit1ons llsr.of, aad fal1uxI so to do shall be deemed a forfeiture of &ay rigkt. &ad privel'i'. hel"- 1:11 granted. RATES. SEOTIOI 9. That o. BAd. after the ;tflII-d&y o~~, of .l.otrlo ourre.t h.re- 1916, the rat.e to be o~&rg.d to oon.um.r. under, for any purpoee her.in m.ation.d, ehall bl ae followe: ...... ,~,'/.( j..'1'HE SEWAnD LIGRT D~ POlr'lm. C01lPANY~tt~uoOlSSOI"---Ar &8- ~.~il {jtl~/Jdt~~~ c ..-v...-v1J~ ~ 11.:;.7'"1;;:'7 :7'?Q7; ,Ud,- !..fa1f a-~~4?~- ~ ~ ~ ?7I/c. ~r d~{ ~ ~t!/~A'.J7t'-<A:H'f./U? u ~ dpe, ehall,,, UpOJl r.qu.st of &&y oo.eumri' Aavb.g thr.e or more out- let., l.etall a. .et.r i. the pl'.mle.e of the pereoll asking ..oh 1'1- qUilt ther8:f'or, PROVIDED, that the pereon who ehall u.k. ll'u.oIl I'equ..t (4) 5ud .~l AaYe pa14 ~ ....., ~.r.la.'~.r provl~4 for ~ '1a.iall.~iD7V ,( 1.nd tor the purpoelt of asoertaining wMthe:t" the ,permanent ~JI2'fiJ~'i1l'1ftfig 10.4, at i t8 average peak. shdl have reaohed al .oun.t 0:( Q~e ~a.red(,,~) 1k1-~:\t...., ~M'vToWln of" ,~.b ~eby a~9rf1tl~~o r;id~ifln~rr. "qui11 tt'llt 'tnrip~t"of',~tliFtne~uo;p08. _0.. n;amini!ia.....~ Sl;t<1..tU llIA.le~"..o~~~,ri1\P~~,,~.,'~ llt ~""PU" 'pNltt <litf'f,,,....,11f~,~u --mmrr, Rff! "lio~'C,~,AJrr...-.rti p60... ore, orll4e1l:l8 ~ ~~.'tJ..Il.WMA..tqF.e,~l~.All!I.U.,~:8\b'~r r~lt8Yi~,ffi1t~o~mtrlg to~tf tenor "'of'l"hirpsragrapll. b al'\d tOt"!!lt . t ..Q.1i'tP.~....~ il~~J~~(,'t;\~ liMAP~.t 8tflNl'W m'''I'rt' ~~"'8 w'ii6'n oill'ren1f'.-is lerieratelf' iri~owned o~~~~_d ',$EWARl> .tIl11iT"~~~~WBR CO:iJ:PANY, its 8110CelSOrs or n. 1'&"'. 'iO 'be oUa'pcl for llp~1q ourrn" ful'nllll.4 iUwgllL ..tn. a.1r."41 la..anall, or tAo.. Whlola .ay hel'eat... b. ta.tall,.. by "... w" SEWARD LIGHT AliD PO'I'ER COl4PU'Y? 1't. fiG...... .. 01' ..dp., .hall .01 esot"', F 0 Ii B 11 8 tIE SSP U n P 0 S I. ~ /I.-"'uL , For the f1l'.t ~ ,. ;t:jt't~~ ~Y~~"'a.~) ~U~~;&~A~>>~~~ej~.v~ ~~~ "ft.' ~ ~~ I., .11 is. ....... ~11'~ j.I~ kU.....tt k6_~""",,~.t-....( . ~...-<-i 1/'8'1'/ ft.vt ~~~ ~- .,~? A:.eA ".,.....~ . ...:. , (;.~I) K:rl. --.1JI ~ ffl. a1Ja1Bm ..tn O&US' to g8 f1t't7 o.ntt (50;) po r ~ I' ".". ,: . .......Ii."... ' 'I"" ",...,. .';'_i ,; . ',I'! ,. ~' ' .., '...'..... .,. ,.1 :; I. '1, r '~" " . , ".. f, , ,:I ^ <f ---- ------~- :397 , """""1 "t' .;:'\11l!;"'__ ; ... " , .-p.r. oapaoity of m.ter pel' moath. IO_1t I I I D I 11 a .I. ._J(.~_~ for ~. !lr." f1fty (&0) kUo...tt AOUl" U. H.... (10') P'Z' t110waU 1I.0Ii1Z', au. .ip' 08... (~) pal' kllowaU lI.ou tu ~1 U .s.... of f1"y(50) k11..."" llou.. n. 111.1.. .~.. t. be fifty 0"'" (50') pal' "'1" ""01 ty .f ..tel' p.r ..n.. r L A r RAT % 8. !Il. flat rat.. to be .1\u.... t. lipt1aS pup..... ... _ .. fOJ'ty (.0) wa't 1..." .hall be for ,,,'.', 'Y"~~h~~ BU8IIJ:~,~.._Sa~ ~~~I 1:";~' .... ~o ....... ~~ ~ ~) ~....- ~ ~~ ' ..11' .... I, f ~; ) "," "'I '~:."...~.i., f . ~. t,i . . " .~f '---il , I i;,:"'..:...\,:,. (5) . ti \ ' , , j I 1/ ;1 .1 r ".'00 .).J.J 32- Not 1.18 than 5 l1ghtl, .0 Watt, $1._ Each, liot l.as than 10 light..., 40 Watt, l.~. It, Not 1'88 thu. 35 l1gAh, 40 Watt, I ,I t? .11 .'1:6:- Not l..ethan 100 light s, 40 WaU, .~ 11. ?-fhv. It/Ml ,(~----/v;l:-~ /yGA5~rY~~ Th. mblbnun oharg. .to be on.. dollar ( ~l. 00 ) . R E SID E N 0 E. 0Il.. l1gki, 40 Wait, $1.k Eaoh, /.,3' Z- Not 1... thu a ligAte, 40 Watt, $11! Zaah, 1,20 Not lees tllaa 5 l1SAh, 40 WaU, / ~~::",- ... i .9,5' Not leu tAu 10 l1ph, 40 WaU, .- .. other Wait 1&I\P' 1a propoJ:t!oR.. Th. lI11al._ oAarg. to b. oa. doll~ ($1.00). For raa1datlal u.. a oAug. of on. dollal' ($1.00) p.r JIlOJl.th ahall b. mad. for .aoh op'D.lag fus.d. for el.otrioal appll..o.. or motor. OOJlaumlJl.g 1... than ..v.n (7) amp.r..; PROVIDED, that .0 r..1d.no. .hall b. .ntitl.d. to the aboy, rat. unl... the light b111 for .uclil. r..Id.Jlo. amountl to a:t 1.a.1: two dollar. ($2.00) pU' montA. 5 K ALL X 0 TOR S. The rat. for .upplylag .leotric ourr.nt for bu.1a... 01' m&Jlufaotur1ng purpos.. to .mall motor. of on. hor..-p,w.r, or 1..., .hall b. at the rat. of e.vanty-t.o dollar. ($72.00) p.r Y'aI' per hOl'.a-pow.l', unl..s ~ppll.d through a m.t.:!:. La:rg.:!: motor. .hall b. .uppl1.d w1th ourrent at the rat. ot f1fty dollar. ($50.00) p.r hor..- ~ow.r por YUal', proY1d1~ houra ot u.. dc.1gn~t.d by the laid SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, 1h 'UCO'BSor. or aulp. a:c. u'ltd, aa4 .111811 do not mat.rially 1ntarf.r. with th. l1ghting load 0&pao1ty. No 0&&1',. tor 1nl Ual oonn.otion. .hall b. made to ooatur4lr. for ooan.ot1Di .urfa08 w1r.. with .., bu11d1ag u8lag aurr'Jl~. (8) r ~H' " '" ......... ; ..tere shall b. furu1.h,d the con.~r at &Ot~&l oo.t plue fift.en per oant (15%), which ..ouat ehall b. paia at the time of in- stallation of meter. in.. ..rYlo. i. di.oontinu.d, d.posit to th. amouat of OOlt of m.tor to be return.d to the consumer; PROVIDED, the l'ilstu ill ;uturn.d in good order. BEOTION 10. Sp.cial rat.. for pow.r aad cooklai purpo... may be made b, the craate., 1t. suooessore or aSligns, for current used betw..n eight o'olook 1n the for.noon &ad !ouz,'oloo~ i. the afteraoon, or at suoh other houri al may be or .ee. expedi.nt to the ~ SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COUPANY, i18 .uooe..ors or a881pe, an4 a,-, j) . / ~ C--t/>~ ~c soh.dul. of euob epeoial rat.. ehall b. fil.d with ih. eOaw~A Oouaul1/ ~ if~~ of S.ward, !la.ka, at the U.. of the ~"P.'~/.4f: Ull of thL1'QWD. A~, ll..~. SlnION U. '!'he SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COMPk1Y, 118 suoo.eaorl or as.1gn., sb~ll hay, th. right to lower any of the rat.e sptolfi.d h.roin, or in the soh.dul, fil.d at the time of the aoo.pt- &no. her.of, at any tim., PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that thirty (30) da7e not 10. ia wrl t lag of 3UO!'!. "halt.~ b. ;rht1\ the Mayor a.nd Commo. EJoua- 011 of .aid Towa of S.wud. at any :ugular mutbg ot 18.1d Commoa Council prlor to suoh ohang. in the rat... SECTION 12. '1'ha~ the .a14 SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COp. PANY, it. suoo.e.ore or a.signe, .hall hay. tr.. aoo... at say r.a.. onabl. t1m. to any ~4 all pl'em18" furnleh.d b7 it wlth .l.otrlo curr.nt, for th. purpo.. of 1a8p.otia~ aD, of It. mala fue. 'look. where m.'hr. U" iastall.d, 01' all wlr.. u.4 ope:alq. where flat rate. pr.va11, r.ad. 01' 1...boll meter., a.ad ren.", or repalr "7 of 'a14 grante"e, It. BUooe.eor. or a..1iR' property oORn.ot.d wiib. 1t. or their .leotrloal syst.m. (7) ~ SECTION 13. 'l'ho.1; tho aa.id SE'-'AB.D 'LIGHT AND POWER COM- PANT, it. 8UOO.uors or b.lii~'1pjj, luu:wuy ~e.. to fu:r:niah to the said. '1'own ot S.ward, for It..micipa.1 l1ghting, ourr.nt a1; taft l'aha oharg.d tor 1ighti.S bU$in08B establishment. ~s e.t forth in thi, f~aAohi.. at the 1;lu of itlf pa.lfsa.{;e, approval and aoc."ptaao., .(;JMl..II-""-~1t ..,^ ./ TRH; S"E'YAiE LI'';UT AlE) PO'V~R GO:':?AIIY, i ts Sll~CeaS()r8 or a8siBns hereoy agraes th~t in all Oases where light oills , . .. + + are pal'~ H" an u.9- vown office or to its ~llthorized colleotor on or 'before tne fiftb (5th) day of e~ch mO'1th, a diSCOll'1t of t 19'1 l)er oen t (l'Y~) will be /illowed. S'SC'rHFT 14. Th/it if tho Mid S~'7A:q0 LIGRT :~C; ?O',7:S::I. cO;.:.?Ain, its Sllocessors or I1ssigns, shall lJ11rpOsel~T an,1 in- tentionally refuse, neglet:lt or fail to fu:>:'nish light current to any building in the C01:'9'Hate li!llits 0 f thp. "'own of Sew- ard, or for :,.lunioipal lJ1lrposes, within any r'=l/isonar,le dis- ta.nce 0 fits lines, the owners or 000112>3.'1'1;6 of such 'mild- b.gs ann. the s~id T0wn of SewB.:r.d oe1n,' wi 11 inR: and read." to ~ '-' pay the rates herein presorioed, thAn i:'1 thnt event, this franchise shl111 become '11111 ~nd void I1ni! o~ no effeot. SECTli)H 15. Th:ost the slil,id. SEWA:;:r:J LF,!IT :iH::J ?OWe:R (:I)Iv!PA.,'rY, its suooessors or Iil.s13i.:,'113, shall a.t all ti"U6S lse dUI) dillisence to mAint>3.in !it the m8.in r11se 'boxes of 11._ nonsumers a desi8nated voltB.8e with not to exoeed three get' ~ . (Z~) variation above or below sRid. voltage SEOTION 16. n.e SEWARD LIGHT AND PORR OODAR. 5... .1:10- ~.80r8 or a.algae, agr.. to 1nor.ase 1ta or th.ir l1gatlag 0.,..11;J trom tim. to t1m. 1;0 ...t 'tn. f'utun requirement. of t~. popula.tlo. of .a.id '1'ow. ot S.ward, aad w1J.l at all 1;1... u.. due 41111re.o. to '~' 1I1&1..t&11'1 a tw..ty-four (24) no\U' suv1ce. (8) ~lO;) SECTION ~ No 110In.. or tax shall be 1~ol.d upon the gxa.nh. her.i., :1:-' woeeSiloX'a or a.adp.., .1' UpOJll l'u. or theu pDop- l K erty :1'01' the oooupatioll of the .a.id str..h, &'9'ellu., alle,., 1l1gh- way', or oth.r publio plao.s, other th.. al h,r.l. ep.olf1ad, aad t1:l.. ral\1la.:r: ,&X or lio.nea ........d for the Towll. 01' Territorial purpos... tl< " 't., f' SECTION 18. Nothing her.ln .hall b. deam.d to b. & w&lver by the saId Town of Seward, or the Oommon Oounoil thereof, ot ita right to ooll.ot and r.o.iTe frail. iih. SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER CO~ PANY, its euoc..sor. or &8.1gne, say tax or lic.ns. upOJll 1t. or th.1r property or .qu1pment that may be allow.d by law. SECTION 19, Th. Ia.ld Town of Sew&rd r...rV'1 the right, \ " ('\ and Ihall han tna ript &t "1 time after the _."ilia fifteenth .,t(j (Ut:h) y.ar from ~d attn the a.a.t. of the p..ua.ge &ad a.pprovaloot thla froaoh1al, (if aocept.d), to aoquir. by pU1'oh.... all the .x1.t- ins ~l$nt, ~at.r r1ght., all equlpaeJLi aad matlr1al at Iv.ry kind, laoh lW.d all of: the distributing 11n.., all the .ntu. plant, to- g.th~~ with all other prop.rty or properti.. ~b.1d1ary to the piaat aad held by own.r.hip or lea.., by the graat.., lis IUOO...or. 0% &saign., her. in, r.qui.ite tor the maau!aotur. sad ~i.trlbutio. of 8leotrio1ty. (a.) Evid'JLo, of the 1~tent10n to .x.ro1e. euoh r.s.rv.d right .hall b. give. 1n writing by the proper offioer of the laid Town of Seward to ta. grat.e, 1te ROOI88orl or a.se1ga., a.ot 1... than tar.. (3) month I in advano. of lUoh purpos.. (b) Within two (2) ~onth. f~oll. the date of ~oh aotio. of inJ~ent, e. boa.rd. of a.ppra.1Ier. to d.term111.e the value of .&ld plaat (9) ~ -107 , and all the property oOIl.neot.d with the plaa~ ad the bud:ae.., .hall b. appointed, oioh board shall oondst ot thr.. (3) persons, 0.. of whom shall b. appointed by the eald Town of S.ward, a.ad one by the ~aate. hereln, Its auoo.ssors or a.sigas, ad the tkird ehall be ..leot.d by the two so named. I. oa.e th.y, wlthta thirty (30) day. after their appointm.nt, faU to agree upoa the third appra1aer &I her.l. provided, the Judg. of the Dlstrlot Oourt of the Third Judie- la1 Dlvls10. of the T.rritory of !laeka may appoint euOA appral.e% upon applloatlo. th.r.for by the .ald Towa of Seward. SUoh thlrd p.r- so. ehall b. a wholly dielat.r.,t.d p.rson, a D.oa-r.sident at the Tow. of Snard, &ad aa el.otrioal e.gla..r of .:r:pariaaoe u.d good r.put.. (0) Tke board ot appraleer. eo oonetitut.d shall t.t.rmin. .th. value of all the property ot tae cr....t.., 1 te luoo...or. ~...... s1~I, ud. for suoh purpo.. .hall have aoo... to all the boot. u.d reoords of .v.ry oharaoter of the grantee h.rela, It. suooe.eore or ..eigae, &ad wlthill three (3) montll. from the dab ot the appointl:ag of the third appral.er th.y .hall file th.ir wl'ltt.. r.port ot .uoa valuatlo. of all the prop.rti.. d..ignat.d her.ln with the .ald Tow. of S.ward, &ad with the sraate. her.l., lte euoo.esor. or as.iga.. BuolL report, _d. by a II&j01'1t., of the taree appraiser., .hall be 00101U811'. &ad bbdiDg upcm both the Towa of S.ward &ad. the grat.e h.r.la, Its 8uooessor. or as.lga., aad .hall not be app.alable for ..y oaul., other than fraud, to aD1 oourt or trlbuaal what.ver. (d) Th.r.after, &ad within not lee. thaa tw.lv. (la) montha from the date of ~oh notlo. of l:at..t to puroaae., t.e pur- ahas. price for all the prop.rty oov.r.d by laid r.port, .kall be paid to the grantee h.r.ln, 1,. ~co.leor. or aselgal, In oalk. (.) TA. expelle. of such appra1aemellt 8hall b. equallys(10) rr=- ~ ~"""";:,,.,-_,7"'""""~~ . T'~>~)' --.;;:.~~ bon.. 'b., tlle l&1el !en of Seward u.d the rraate. berein, Ua .\lOGe.... '.I'e 01' usiga.. (f) ~O. aad &tt.1' tk. I'.oelpt of euok notio. of 1a~~ to ;>>~OU", Dr t~ ar......, Ua ftooeaa01'a 01' ueiga., tJt.e plaat II1Il4 Jarepert, affe.t." tan.by ,11&11 ao' .... pUIlUteel to el.tnl.ate b all1 way, bui ahall be Ill&bts.l.... la a. cood Itate of eIfld...,; u 0'0;&1&'" pl'lor to ill. cla'. ~ ..ell &ot10.. RO!IOI 10. '1'11.. eollt.edu.le of prlc.. Rerein oonta.1.ect, MileI' lUa tu.e .o1tloall., meBUo.ed, IIlUt b. malatal..d, ...4 ua- "I' a. ooadPTaUoa Illall a olluS' thereof be m&d:t until wrlttb . ;ao'l.. be p..a the Oommo& Oounoil of tAe .ald Ton. of Seward aa "1'0.1414 kuela. SECTION 31. Should nltt8a oOllpla.1nt be aa4e to ... ! ~... U .., .....'Hl' of the OOll1ll. COWlOll of ~h. .&14 1'." of ~S:WU'4, aa.4t1\loh ooapla.1a' oAuC" the crut.. !:lueu, lh 1lU00.as.. u ... aip. wUll ahow1ac fI.yorUha to 87 pare., p.I"011', aseoola'Uoa ~ '. ........toa, bJ' de:vl&tiq boa tu pl'l... of ...lel "heG!. .. ...4- u1.. a. hu.lll ooat&1a.., 01' a.. fll.4 wUh the Coramoa Oouaou. at -t i1.. hel'.&I1:.1', 01' the faot that th. granta. h.reia, lta 1lU0oee.or. 01' au1en_, ah&ll 11&.. glnn uy r.bah froll the pr10.. u hUla ..... tloald, or A" granied any epoolal privel.ge., the Commoa Couaol1 &hall 1am.dlat.1Y oaul' an lav.eUgaUoa of llUeh oharp.* 11&4 faz ill." .....o.e IUJ' bl'lag w1n..... betel" it to aao'l'1:a1n the trutll or tal,Ur th.r.o!. _4 ellou14 euoh .hu., b. ..tabl1_4 to th.e e&U.faot1oa of 'lilt major11:1 of i:h. membue of the 001lllllOa 0eu.a01l, ~ in tot ...at, it Ihall b. oaue. for, and the 00_01l Oouaell Ja8f, b. l:h dl101'-'108., .Uh..r r'Toke thb fr80h188 or laTok. auell other pe~&li1 ~t the g:ra;ata., lh wooelllora or ....lp., a.a 1t ma., c1ee. ~ue. a.ad. r1p1; in the pl'e.la.., aot exo..d1JLC a fla. 0(:",,0.. Hua- (~ ~ "\" . !:i-e ot kafJ \ r .;/ S'ward, ,.~----' ,~ >< ,,11 t ar.d dollar. ($100.00) f~ .aoh sad .very inataaoa of r.bat1ag, deTi- ailag or favoritism aa showa by a preponder&Ro. of t.stimony given b.fore suoh inv.stigation body. SECTION aa. Th. grantee her.in, 1t. .uoces.or. or assign. OOTU.u'i aM. acree thai if 1" d they ehould puroAa.. the pl..", .quipm.nt or fraaoh1.. ot &DJ per.os, OOBp&ar, al.oolatio. or oorpor- atioD operat1ag uadar a franoh1ee obtaine4 from the Commoa Ooua011 of the Town of Seward for the purpo.. of turni.hing light, heat and pow- er to the oonsumer. thereof within the oorporate 11m1ts of the .a1d Town of Seward, then, 1n that event, the prioe. oo.tai.ed ia the eoh.dule ..,..*.~ herein .hall be the pr.vailing rat.., PROVIDED, n.v.rth.l..., that should th, sohedul, of' rat.. or part. th,reof oon- tained in the franchi.e so purohae.d b. lower than thoee contain.d ia thil graat or fraaohhe, th.. the rate. oonta1D.ed 1. th, latR or last ..~t1oa.d tr.adli.. .h$ll b. 8U~tt~te4 tar tho.. p~ovlded for by the grant.e"it. 8Uooessora or aselga., and the .aid SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, its suco.saors or &8s1gnl shall b. gov.rn.d aooordingl' &ad ab1de ther.by, and any 1nor.a.. in the rate. a. pr..or1bed ehall work and operate a. a forfeiture of the right. aad p1'1vel.ge. her.it granted. BECTION aa. The .a1d SEWARD LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, tl suoc.ssor. or a.181gna, ehall r.cdye and oolleot only suoh ra.t.. 'PI' el.otrio ourr.at for the purpo.ee herein ment10ned ae are reason.le, fair and .quitabl. to all consumera and to laid grantee, 1ts suo.se- Ol'e or a..iga.. Thie Ordinanoe Ihall take effect and be in full foro. and from aad after the date of ihbpa..age a.nd approval. Pa..e4 and approved by the Common Counoll of the T~wn of Aluka, this ,y f i day of y ~ . 1915. C!. President of the offioio .Mayor of Snazd, Aluka.;., ,,' Attest ;if ;: i:?? e CiA Municipal Cl.rk and .x- i1l (12) The above na.med, SEWARD LIGHT J'>JDP01TfBR GOI,lPAIn "hy these presents hereb;y ,.ocept the provisions 0:' the above a."'ld foregoing ORuINM~CE in the m~nner ~nd form as passed and 11.9.9roved. ~ .. :_ _IJ ':'/ I 'r US S S - -- - - - ~v H :s R :': 0 F -_..._---- it has caused these presents to be signed by its President qnd thf-: sea.l of the corporation hereto affixed this 29" day of October A. :D. 1915 (S :': A L) SEWARJ LIIiB:';.' Al1D 20'.'lS2 r,C}M.PANY, Inc. _2~' sr.!~!~;~sidenr------ /3 ,