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0RDTNA~rF N~. 4r.
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AY OITT',TpT('F, arr,en,al'~' "ec:tin'.e Fenir (4) F'i'Tf' (Gi hnd flix(G)
'f' ". --1i ..... "' "'T 1" ~.." .L co -- (~'7'\ ,... J..' n" ""../n ,....f!I C' .."....rd ....." 1,,-
o...,..r...... l1c:l1.ce 'till. ,ie.1. l len...~r ,~even ",.:, .' Cl l,nE: 1 (),IW U_,- ~)e,\a. ) }i.J,....-. l'UJ
':;1;1ct Bb.LI nr:iin,\"ce ii', an al'.enctr'~ent "'0 r:el'tain Section rJ!: ~LliD[,.ncc
~urnber fourteen, ~hich provides the ffi~nner of aaDeB8in~, leveyin~ ~nd
collectinc the tfJxee for said to;\r'.. Alsc nr-ovhlinF f())' &. Cc8SeSti.ent
~ . -
fOT tbe yea:c ]~1(1,~ d resittin~ of -:~,c tc~"I,::l 07 17'c~l~ali.?:a~i(;r: ;C~'" tr-:at
yec..r a.nd for ot:.:d.i ?\;.j'l c,~e~.J.
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AT. M',v ft, .
fECTIOH (l~,-
Tn,-:..t. ;-',ect~1.or.. F01A.1~ (jf r'l,~,~i,i.ria-.:ct' ~/\ent~' ("even cf tte To\;n
oC 2,e\.~.o.rd, Alo..;j:;-'(;lj;1::i.c:-~ lJ) an alLenJ.ment tQ Section ~Tint. c:: ;-'l'~l:"n.ance
FC1.4Tte6n of scl.i3. 7(;,.E, 'be D.2"ld is Y,el t:()Y 8Jf..~~n\.led t.o reed as fcllc8;-
PaI'&grhpL rlnej Tte..ce i:: 'hel'eb~i clt""'I.-:-"t~i: f"Oj t,:-)(; -4~c.?,:~'"'. :.f f'.(;;~:;LI'(l, lllc)-3}.C;
8 Poarl of F'ql:ali7.8t1on, 'dicse j1',+.:,e8 8;1dl be: To ;0 ove2' ",:,[.t; [.SSSt:lHtt<
'(:"'C!'LtJ :rel}, Cif-t ~'J ti ':"' h~:1~'1e~~:"Ol' nD..:J l\~.,:~.c tl e (:itlSeSSrr,Lent, in eaot yehr: ond
,~ ,...,,..., J -4.' 6 - I"V: . ... ,....! -, ~ '. "0 e' l' r -~ .. 'r - ... U Be' " e .-1
n~at'.e Slie..J CuanS~8 .lr' '~\ t'. ~....ose :.,w.eJ~"'J ~:(,.jbl"L..:.. \.1 .1 'N .1.: l~U \'''..It-: ct."" .~Jt"'i u
val~ation on tte variOLa rrcrertiee adde6d~~, see to it that all rro-
erty is aSBessel, ~~~~.t is eul1ject trl ~?w~xtic'!~: ~it~in t}.c town of
" .1 1 .., ' ., ... t " ...... + t i .... t ~ '. .
~)eRc-:'L.u, exc 'lhAe c<",j J. :-l'{_I:'t>::C l.y r':.(;.1 00.\-)~t:c L. vO "f.x.a on) so 'Jf~,-:t J '.,lie h~-
Gf:.~u::;ej valt;'fttior: of' .3.1.J T'l'Ol"'t::l'ty .Ji~1.~.L t.1,"~ C01':-Cl'.:i"te lili1ite o_r :':;e':.8..1'J;
'1"8'L-~. '''~'i'~'' ]'" e1"~;~C'" tl)'..... v'tiC'f" "", ;"c' ,.....,~+,,...', -,.-,' ""-if'r'1'"
~. ~ .,d".) HJ... v..J ..:;) ~ J! I;,I~. 'v '" 'loc:t_"\.C".". ~) '..J.-Jo.J " ......~'-"-.... ,..,=....'./.J.._ ~-.~..,... ~..... ..;. -oJ. ~'.
en the l:3f:i.rfil~ clhE\d I..)f rr("'pE;l't~T.
ParCli':!..ci.1~'h I'.'\~o: - The pe:raonh.l c: ~'L jU. 1)(;ul'>.l 8hhll be tl\€ t:~~.:;;;..'-
".,'r.-2';,' ('f +1- - r;Cl J' (-r ""r.l-""f"ll-' (It" C"r":.~ tr"'Y cf 0.;;,'"'' 1.......,. t,l:..,,-:J{:.-..
___ "'_ "l,e ',,;,-/..:. '.v A_.J...., l.l; _ ....c.i...." .V\I.. " .)Vl.C:'" '" _J .......
P2..r(1.:.;-orb,rr1 r:'~l.cee:- The dittjn~. 0i t,~ E; :..<n.:t\.l of Fc~~l:1.7.E tion
o ~ ~ ~
fa:!.' thd yea.:c 19]f'; 81"~1::1.1.1 >ie (1~! >ereb"ft~<~. y'!..~()vjdf:',.J: l't~-:..t be~il:Lin6
~ith the yeM~ 1~17 8,n~ i~ each [~nJ e1rery S\jccdc~i!:~ ~(ear there~ft~r
tLe board of Fquv..11zation s:Jall meet on th: second clJ-t'tday in Au.:;uC}t
cf e["4,cG year, LnlcsE. :}-.c rorrtv:~on CC1..J.ncil cf:.[:..l1., hy rezoly..tic.r.., fix a1lii:-t:er
later late, at t}-Ie ]:ollr of two o'clocl<. P. l:. and continue in <JesfJior.
1m t 11 t'np nmJr of :01,1' (), c loel< r. M. of Sil id de. vend shall hold Co.
session of the board on each anJ every succeedi~s day, ~et~ecn the
houn:! c-f' t.,~o f~nd four o'clocJ. T'. P. until and includin::; t)-,e Satunl&.y
next fol:;o";din:::; 2~:'J;1 i,) ,:::':3e tl-,e 'oO[1.Y1 Cb.nnot cClr.rlete its ':Ior}; Gr1 tr.e
1&..-;1; d.av narced. it t"<:,,v con-t;1nue in session or' aJ. 'Gl.rn ~:;..or~ tirr.e to
ti~e un~il it~ 0or~ ~~ completeJ, rl'ovided, how;ver, that eail hoard
trust a.:l~l.m:n not late:' tJl<i.n t1:::- Sf.turJ",~v fcllo::in;? uu.less the +:ill,e
be extended by i.=:o. _':'~~().~l~tion of the C;cl't.l"rion C(')lJT:.C i 1'." .
Pf-.r&.rrcsL iOld':- That &11 [erecT's ob:eotir:c; "'0 the ,:'8se,Hl(',c1 val-
uation of an~ r~o~ertv. r~' ~0 ~~p ~L8f\P8anient G~ ~~~ 8~~e 8h~~11 reJ~ce
.... ~ ..' ;}
"u'ch ohecti(in" 'O'~ ~";""""''''fi'' to' "r'l'tir,~ -n'~ f"" +"~ '" - "'t' t1,..~
IV J.'u .R" V:-.\.l t:;i-,-~ \J.J..U y~. 'i'o ." .._~ t:"'~"'4. 1..1..-.,;, ""...Jt d.....h.1.,; n.L 1. ~..".;:
CULl, C~ 01 bE;fOl'f:' t11,:; h(mr of Fm"r o';clocll ?':. of the fifth d.u.y of
ttp sittin:::- c"' 'H"'" "0"1'" "'ndall,er'son'" fs"l";-- +" fJ'J.'e ......,'..i'.
... ":;:,.... 1iOI......................~,........ .. U .......;....\....I.~~..v ..' ,.)...t:_
fritten objecticnd ~ith said board as above rrcvided shall be dee~eJ
to have consented to Buch a8Be6Bmen~, and tte action of the boar~ of
EnUdlizatioIl ,,"'j' ",..,11 ,~," ~('r"ii'el' '\--"1'",1 fl"'Y'- ""l~l'F'f+er r""'iY'" "U.~"
....":&. ........~ "-",I.;,..LJ. U\...' _ J C; ....a \.,l.o,. _ .....J~.. '..l \.... .c.., :.J' ...""".fa ~l:: '-' \oILL
otjectiCDj l)ut not~linc l-:el'(;~in contaipe,: 31~L..ll ~~;t.': COr:st:r1.:ej o.f; rl'event-
inr:r t}" 1Y"'T"1 ",-'.",' "..... '."'c'" c"-nO'eB ',' t} . .S.."-l....~ ".'. i" its
w ,,~I,-, .v'-""_\.... .I..i\.'Ui . ,,-.;'....: ....;;;, v~... .1J -..a..J.l,;;.J' .i.JJ ,..,e' a.~6t: or,t~ l.1i;J a..) ,~ '0,/
j1:..d~el!ler~t is 8Cllli tc.J)~_ e ,-~nJ ~ust.
Parci.Sl'ctr1".i: - 'l'T(jt let:J8 "t,'.:CtfJ t]-jr~f' jc.ye (jef(;rc tl,f:: convel,ine; of
tk i,oal'd of Equalizi:ition, the [r,unici;:-.c.l olerk shall OE1use ~o be
rublished. in a ne".'iS "-,-:trer T'ul)li"Le,~ 1; tl';f; t(Ji'.n 0: Se"e.rd, a notice
~tatin:; the tin,e f.T: j r1,we of tLc n,e6ting 0:: the beard. of Eq\,alizo-
t ion, that i ti~' Lt.l sit for fjve d.G.ys ;",e t;'i('; '= n t1: ,; ;~ O1...r. cf "';wo [.nd
Four c'cloch ~. t. of eac~ day an~ &.11 ;erscna ob~cctin& to the a~r~ui~
rr.ent of?.n;, ;:: rOT ~:dy 01' tte "'r:pn.~h;ed vul',~e tl.erecf or the inequality
of the arrl'uisewent, wust rej~ce such ol'~ectionB to GritlnI and file
th,c "".:r,e '.'.1"+:1-. tne boar',~ of eCj,ualiz",tion (Jr! (.'1' bafoi';:'; t:"c :teu:" of
f01Ar o'clock p. M. 0,'" t:Jvo fifth day of th\: 8itting 0"'- SCl.jj boal'J. and
in CCi.de U',ey ft'~111 dO to do it cdJ.l be cleerr;ej t>ht aLL ,,1..:.0[, cbjectivns
l,cve b,oe!': ':vCivec'1. h'I':: ''11 11 he forp.,rer 1)E.red fronl n',aking ob~ ection
ci7 j
t'\.,,~ \.\ "\
SECTIO!1Iz) That sEction five of or:linnIice t'"",nt;/ seven 1?-7) of thE., town
of 8eY;a~e, Alad~a. 'iihich i6 t, an.eniment to tlectiOTI sixtt:;cTI 0: ordinance
nUr4ber Foc:rteen of said. to's!'. of Se',ar'd, be an:l bereb;, is arnende,l to
read as follows:-
'Paragrarr. One:- T['.e clerk 0: the be<:-:;:,: of equ"..li:C2..tion must
record in his minute book all changes, ani or,h:J.'s r,:E~de l;~. t:l'~e beard
of eQualization, and durir.g its si t';ini; or ',,:ithin t\,"Q days thel'ec.fter,
enter. upon the asseSBment bod,s all changes, corr€cti<:>rn,), and ad".i tio!lll
to the assessments made by the boarJ and ahalJ make and afrix to the
aBncocm~~t rcll tl1C fcllo~ing affidavit:
"I Clerk of the Doard of Equalization of the
town of Seward-;' Alaska beinfS first duly sworn, I'n oath ShYS; That T have
~ert corTeet n:inuts 0: all tllc aots, r:roceedin::;s,resolutionn f.nd
<llrdero of the Boar'.: of Equalization of the to,'/n ()f Se',~:l'd ',laska,'tic!"l
~ae iuet ad~ournect, and tave entered on the aSAPAsment books all
~ ~ .
changes, corrections and addi tions to tf:e as,;e8em'2''1tlji l'18,ee bv the board,
.. h mQ~L "". t. , ' . t . . " "t
an", ave^cnanget:l, corree l(;na or ac"l 1011>) tc Scil;]' c.;:f~ei,;8rr;en
exce.rt' those ordered by said board.
SECTION 3. That section six o~ ordinance ~~mber Twenty ~even,
of Seward, Alaska, whioh is an a.rr,endrr,ent to section Seventeen
ance Number Fourteen of 8r~icl town of Seward, be and helf;b~' is
read as follor,s:
Para;;rarh One: That at the first r.,seting of the ('omruon Council of
the town of Seward, Alasl<i:l., hlter the c1,.; !,;", ,,:' the board of equf~lization
has corrected. the aS6ei:lSment roll, t:~c r.ommon C'cuneil ri[F-Il, uiiless [OS-
::,;i:::l'oned by it to a later date, fix the rate of the t&..x levey l for that
year deeignatin;:r t11e m,lr!,bel' of milJs on tile dollar, of tri8 asseflsed
valuationoof 'he rroperty, real and relsonal, ~::lo1: shall be levied as
taxes for t~at year.
SECTION t. Paragrarh One: The assessment uron the rrore~ty of the
town of Seward, jUk3t ulade for the year IF16, not beins satisfactory, is
herebydisaproved and tile assessor is hereby orde!'ed tc proceed at once
to reassess all the property, subject to taxation, situate ~1thin the
corporate linti te Of the town of Se\',ard and have said as<lessment COfu-
pleted by the first Sat1.;rday in Serten,ber' lEIS teacly to y;rcBent to
the board of equal!7:ation and shall, not les8 tLan tLree days before
the fourth day of Noven;ber IS16 cause a native to be published of the
meeting of the board of equaliz&tion on said fourth day of November
IS16, which notice ahall conform to the requirements of such nOtice
as is above provided,
Paragraph Two:- That the board of Equali7ation shall meet on the
fourth day of 8e~tember 1916 at the hour of t~o o'eIcck p. M. and
continue in sess10n until tl',e hQur of four o'clock 1"'. )'. of sCild d.a~!,
and shall hold a session on each 61lcceeding di',y during the hour above
-b- named until and including Friday the eishth day of Rertember 1'16,
and if the war}; of the board is not, completed on la~t nar"ed date, sedd
board may continue in ses~dcn or adjourn fron: tin'le to time until its
work is completed, not to exceed four Ja~e, unless the time is extended
by the Common g2uncll, the dQ.tiea of the ::<oard durin6 said sittinE
shall be the same as is above herein provided. The ~oregoing para-
graphs, one and two of section four of this ordinanoe shall only apply
to the year 1916. '
of the town
of Ordin-
a.lI,enued ;;0
SECTION 5. That the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska, may at
any regular or speoial meeting of that body, BY RESOLUTION, extend the
time for that year, when the taxes shall become due and payable or
divide them into two payment@, the time when they shall beoome del1n-
quant, the time when a pen~y,shcll attach" to delinquant taxes and the
time when the taxroll, of delinquant taxes shall be presented to the
Distriot Court for adjustment and order of sale and such extention shall
not repeal the provosions of the tax ordinanoe or the aJiendmente thereto
or effect the provisions of suoh ordinanoes for suoceeding year8.
Whereas an emergancy exists therefor, this aot shall~ be in force
and effeot from &hd after its passage and approved,
C. .A. My~re.
'I At'test:
O. H. Poehlmann.
Mun1cl pal - Cle r k -:------
=rt= 4- 9
AN ORDI~ANCE,a~ending sections Four,(4) Five,(5) and Six,(G)
of Ordinance Number Twenty Seven (27) of the town of Seward,Alaska,
which said Ordinance is an amendrr,ent to certain Section of Ordinance
Number fourteen, which provides the ,(,m::rer of asssssing, leveying and
collectine the taxes for sa.i':l tOi,m. Also r1'oviding for a 1'e asseSll:ent
for the year 1916,a refsitting of the board of Equalization for that
year and for ether purposes.
That Sectien four. of Ordinance 'f'!ienty Seven of the Tewn
of ~eward...<naska; i!!hich is an arr:endrr,ent to fection :Jine of Ordinance
Fourteen of said Town,be and is hereby amended to read as follows;-
paragrar;h One; There is hel'eby created,fo1' the to"in of ~e-v&.1'd.,Ala.ka,
a Board of 1I'qualiza,tion, 7Jhos duties shall be;To go over the assessment
roll,after the assessor has lliade the assessment ,in eo.ch year and
make such changes,in the assessn:ent,raiseing or lowering the assessed
valuation on the various pro~erties assessed, see to it that all frop-
erty is assessed, ths,t is subj ect to taxa.tion, wi thin the town of
seward,exclude a.ll prorerty not subject to taxation,so that the as-
sessed valuation of all J:.'1'o}erty ';;1 thin the corporh.te 11mi ts oi! Sewarcf.
Ala,skajwhich is 6ubj ect to taxation; "ill be equitable and uniforlli
the same class of propert)'
Paragraph Two;- The personel
of said board shall be, l 1
. ~ ~ ,
. <", .the me!L;cers of the con;;;:on council, of said
town of Seward Alaska.
Paragraph Three:- The sitting of the board of Equalization
for the year 1916 shall be as hereafter provided:That beginning
wi th the year 1917 and in each and every succeeding ye5,r thereafter,
the board of Equalization shall meet on the second tuesday in August,
of eaoh year,unless the common council shall,by resolution,fix a
later date ,at the hour of two 0' clock P. :<. a.nd continue in session
until the hour of four o'clock P~:!. of said day and shall 'hold a
Page 2
session of the board on each ~nd every succeeding day,between the
hours of two and four o'clock P.~~. until ani inoluding the saturday
next following and. in case the board cannot comr:lete its 'Nork on the
last day named it may continue in session or aijourn fro~ time to
time until its work is completed,providin~,however,that said board
must adjourn not later than the saturday following,unless the time
be extended by a. resolution of the common council.
Paragraph Four:-That all persons objecting to the assessed val-
uation of any property,or to the assessment of the same,shall reduoe
such objection,or objections to writing a.nd file the s::,me with the
board,on or before the hour of Four o'clock P.W. of the fifth day of
the si ttin[; of said board,and all persons fEviling to file tteir
written objections Nith said board as a~ove provided shall be deemed
to have consentedAsuch assessment ,and the action cf the board of
equalization and shall be forever bared from thereafter making such
objection;but nothing herein contained shall be construed '"s prevent-
ing the board from n:aking such changes in the assessment as in its
judgment is equi tatle ani just.
Paragrar,h Five:- Not less than three days before the conveninz of
the Board of Fqualization,the municipal clerk shall cause tc be
published in a ne,vs pal-'er fublished in the to"m of Sewb"rd,a notice,
stating the time and pl",ce of the meetinc; of the board of Equaliza-
tion, that it will 3i t for five days bet'veen the hours of T,'fo and
Four o'clock P.ll.of each day and all persons objecting to the a}praise
ment of any prOl,erty or the arrrcised value thereof or the ir~equali ty
of the appraisement ,must reduce such objections to writing and file
the same with tbe board of equalization en or before the hour of
four o'olook P.W. of the fifth day of the sitting of s~id board and
in case they fail so to do it will be deemed that all such objections
have been waved and will be forever bared from making objection
Seot ion ( .2. )
That section five of oriinance h,enty se'ren (27) of the town
Page 3.
of Seward,Alaska,which is an amendment to section sixteen of ordinanoe
number Fourteen of said town of Sew&rd,oe and hereby is awended to
read as follows;-
Paragraph one;- The clerk of the board of equalization must
reoord in his minute book all changes, a.nd orders [!Jade by the board
of equalization,and dureing its sitting or within two days thereafter,
enter upon the assessment books all changes,correotions,and additions
to the assessment made by the 'oo8,rd and shall make and affix to the
assessment roll the followinG affidavit:-
Clerk of the Board of Equalization of the
town of Seward Alaska,being first duly sworn,on oath says , That I have
keeft correct minutes of all the aots,proceedings.resolutions and
ordars of the Board of Equalization of the to~n of Seward Alaska.whioh
has just adjourned,and have entered on the assessn;ent books all
changes.correotions and additions to the assessment,n,ade by the board.
and have made no changes,corrections or addit~ons to said assessment
except those ordered by said board.
Section ( :3 )
That section six of ordinance ~J1}m1:er T'Nenty Seven,of the t07m of
seward,Alask~NhiCh is an arrendment to section Seventeen of ordinance
Nun~ber Fourteen of sail to','ll1 of Se:''I''ard, be and hereby is an.ended to
read as follows:
Paragraph one;-That at the fir3t meeting of the Common Council of
the tOvffi of Seward,Alaska, after the clerk of the board of equalization
has corrected the assessment roll, the COllimc~ Council shall.unleas pos
poned by it to a later date.fix the rate of the tax levey,for that yea;,
designdtin~ the nun,ber of mills on the dollar.of the assessed valuation
of the 9ro~erty.real and ~ersonal, which shall be levied as taxes for
that year.
Section ( 4 )
Paragraph onej~ The assessment u~on the property of the to,vn
of sewardpu8t made for the year 19l6,Dot ~SiDg satisfactory,is herby
disaproved and the assessor is hereby orJ,ered to rroceed at once to r6
\ i!\"
r -,
Page 4.
assess all the property,subject to taxation,situate within the
corporate lin1i ts cf the town of Se\vard and have said assessn:ent com
pleted by the first saturday in Ser,ternber 1916 ready to present to
the board of equalization and shall,not less than three days before
the fourth day of Novenilier 1916 cause a notice to be bublished of the
meeting of tre beard of equalization on sedel fourth day of November
1916,which notice shall conform to the re~irerrents of such notice
as is above ~rovided,
Paragraph two:- That the board of Equalization shall meet on the
fourth day of September 1916 at the hour of two o'clocp P.~. and
continue in session until the hour of four o'clock P.:J. of said day,
and shall hold a session on each succeeding day dureing the hour above
named until and bcluding friday tbe eighth day of Sel~ten;ber 1916,
and if the work of the ';)o5.rd is not comr1eted on last n&,)r.sd. date, said
bo&.rd may oontinue in session or &.dj ourn fro:' tLr,e to tLl'e 1E:.til its
work is cotl'J),:lete ,not to exoeed f()ur d&ys, unless the tin:e is extended
by the CO:l:rLon council, the duties of the boar:i durinc s:::.id si tUng
shall be
s..... ,~",.:::I
a.s is a.bcve herein rrcvided. The fore~'~oing
graphs,one and two of section four of this ordinance shall only aply
to the year 1916.
Section f( 5)
That the corr.rron council of the tOrm of Se3ard,Alaska, may at
any regular or special meeting of that body,BY RE~OLUTION,8xtend the
time for that year,when the taxes shall becorre due clnQ pay~)le or
divide them into two payn;ents, the time when ti'ey shall becoJI,e 'lelin-
quant, the tin:e ,,,hen a pen8.1yu shall attach to delinqui:int taxes ,~nd the
tin;e vit.en the taxroll,of delinquant taxes shall be l:Jresented. to the
ilHstrict elour~for adjustment ancl or"er of sale <:..n:i such extention shall
not repeal the provisions of the tax orJi~ance or the arrendrrents thereto
or affect the provisions of such or~inancss for suceeeding ye&rs.
Whereas an emerE;ancy exists therefor,this act shall be in force
and effect from and after i ts r,a8SC~6e_~: ~~Q. ,>~ [IJ/?"
@' ~ ~. KaYOr.,~
Attest C/ -J' v.-\./~~ / .
!,funi c i paJ.-C5:eJ:.k:------'- -,--, (