HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1916-051 r 41"'f '"" , 'l :~ 'ORDINANCE NO. 51. n~ An ordinanoe providing for the improving of Seoond Avenue in i 'the Town of Seward, Alaska. between Washington Street and Railroad Avenue and providing for the payment of the same. BE IT ORDAINED. by the Common Council of the Town of Seward. Alaska. ( 1 ) That Second Avebue. in the town of Seward. Alaska. be improved from the North line of Railroad Avenue, North to the South line of Washington Street by removing all stumps therefrom and level- -- ing 1 t up 80 that loaded vehicles oan pasa thereover oonveniantly. (2) All oost and expense inoured in making said improvement shall be asoertained and two thirds thereof shall be apportioned and assessed to the property abuting upon said improvement and -- ~axed thereto and colleoted as other taxes on Real.state and said assessment shall be a lien upon the abuting realestate. ( 3 ) Said im~rovements shall be made under oontract. to be awarded by the Common Counoil. and the Municipal Clerk is instruoted to -~-'. I "publish a oal1 for bids for said improvements. as prov1ded oy ora in- anoe . sa1a 01d8 liO oe pJ.aoed 1n a seaJ.edett tluv Jld.olJe allu U6J.l Vtl.l:\:#Cl ,,0 the Munioipal Clerk on or before the hour of Eight o'clook P. M. :tJune 26th 1916,; The 60uncil reserves the right to rejeot any or all bids. ( 4 ) That said improvement shall be paid for as provided in the contract entered into between the contraotor and the Council. Passed and approved this 19th. day of June 19~6., C. A. }'yars~_ Mayor -~.;;: Attest: O. H. Poehlmann. Municipal Clerk. , i; , " " t ~ ~ ORDIlJANCE No. <I (7 An ordinance providini:; for the improv~ing of: Second Acenue in the Town of Seward.Alaska.between Washington Streetand ?ailroad Avenue and providing for the,pay~ent of the same. BE IT ORDAIHED,by the Common Council of the TO'.m of Se'!Vard. Alaska. ( 1 ) That Second Avenue~in the town of seward~laska~e improved from the ~orth line of Railroad Avenue)North to the South line of Washington Street by removing all sturr~s therefrom and level- in/~t up so that loaded vehicXles can pass thereover conveni~t1Y. ( 2 ) All oost and expens incured in makin~ saii im~rovement shall be as~ertained and two thirds thereof shall be apportioned' and assessed to the property abuting upon said improvement and taxed ther'3to and collected as other taxes on Rel'tlestate and. said assessment shall be a l~ upon the abuting realestate . ( 3 )Said improvement shall be made under oontract,to be awarded ~JY the Corr,;unn Council.and the munici:pal olerk is instructed to publiSh a call for bids f('lr s,1Li irr.provement}as provide by ordin- a ance~aid bids to be plaoed in a sealed env'lope and delivered to the municipal c~:k on or before the hour of Eight o'olock P.M. June 26th 19l6;~e oouncil reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ( 4) That said improvement shall be paid for as provided in the contraot aniered into between the contractor and the Council. Passed and approved this 19th. day of june 1916. , ~.-L2. ~f-,"Z/' ~}llaYor. / Atte t ' Mu pal Clerk. Territory of Alaska, ~ Third J~dicial Division.) ss. Robert Guest being first duly 8~orn on,oath,deposes and says that he is the town marshal of the town of ~e:,vard Alaska, tha on the 28th day of June 1916 he posted true copya of ordinance No.~ which is the ordinance to Nhich this affidavit is attache,in three public places in the town of 8eward,Alaska,one of said copys he posted at the 601eman Hotel,one copy at The Pioneer Building and one at the Fire Hall. r1YA--L:J/I ~:tU'.I'A,-/' p Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 1st. day of July 1916. Jif ) " '" / ~~ j'. L { '- '" / / 'L -L ~ <- '- j Eo, r Public for t~ territory of Alaska. ;..'y, cqmmission expires Nov. 20th.1916.