HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1916-053 ~ ,.." I), ,f I ___,""" _ _ ~"~'-'~ , ORDI~ANCE NO. 53. ~,~. J:: AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of Fourth Avenue Third Avenue and Fifth Aven.. in the Town of Seward, Alaska, and providing for the payment of said improvements, and other purposea. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common counoil of the To~n of Seward, Al~ska; Seotion (1). That Third Avenue, Fourth Avenue anci Fifth Avenue, eaoh be improved by grading, grubi~~> Clearing and leveling so the~ le~d~d vehicles oan pass, conveniantly thereon, beginning at the North line of Jefferson Street and extending thence North, on eaoh .:s_...... Street, to the North line of the Frank J. . Ballaine ~own8ite. Seotion (2 ) That said work be done by contraot; That said work muet ,,'? let in three seperate oontracts eaoh contract to include ,.,11 the work on one Street. - - Section (3 ) The oost of the work on eaoh street, shall be kept aeperatly and asoertained and two thirds of the ooat thereof shall be'assessed prorata and taxed to the property abu~ng upon the improvement and collected as other taxes of the muniCipality is colleoted and shall be a lien upon the property until paid. Seotiom (4). That the contraotor or contraotor8 shall be paid as is provided by ordinance and the oontraot entered in betw- een the contraotor and the Town of Seward, and the work be completed within the time provided in the contract. Section (5). The oontraotor shall furnish a bond to be approvea-by t~e Counoil as provided by ordinance and the form of oontract raquired. Passed by the Common Council and approved this the 26 day of ..June A. D. 1916. _;c,;_ C. A. Myers. Mayor .tt'est: O. H. Poelllmann. Munici,aI Clerk. -/ t " f ~,' , ~ ~ Ordinanee-No. ~~ AN ORDINANCJE 'pr9\T~ding for the in,provement of Fourth Avenue, Third Avenue and Fifth Avenu in the to~m of SewarJ,Ala8ka,~nd providing for the payment of 8',id improvements, anJ. other purposes. BE IT OF-DAINED b~ the common council of the '!:own of Se'.'lard, Alaska; Seotion (1) That Third Avenue,Fourth Avenue and fifth Avenue ,each be improved by gradeing,grubing,clearing and leveling so that loaded vehiokles can pass,conveniantly thereove,beginning at the North line of Jefferson Street and extending thence North,on each atreet,to the North line of the Frank L.Ballaine Townsite'. Section (2) That said. Nork be done by contract;That said ~ork must be let in three seperate contraots eaoh contract to in~de all the worK on one street. Seotion (3) The fost of the work on each street shall bekeept seperately and ascertained c.nd tRO thirds of the cost thereof shall be assessed pro rata and taxed to the property abuting upon the improvement and oollected as other taxes of the municipality is collected and shall be a lien upon the property until paid. Seotion (4) That the contraotor or contractors shall be paid as is provided by ordinanoe and the ,contract entered int betw- een the contractor and the Town of Sewa~,and the work be oompleted within the time provided in the oontraot. Seotion (5) The oontractor shall furnish a bond to be approved by the of June A,D.19l6. Council as provided by ordinance and the form of oontraot required. Passed by the common oounoil and approved this the ~ day Ma-$:tl. ~~~ Att..~ . ~ pal olerk. " r t ~ " Affidavit of posting ordinance. Teritory of Alaska, ~ Third Juaicial Division.~ ss. Robert Gueat,being first d.uly sworn on oath deposes and says,That he is the duly elected and qualified and aoting marshal of the town of Seward Alaska;That on the 26th. day of June A.D.19l6,he posted three copys of the foregoing $~t$ ordinance,as is provided by ordinanee (Pioneer Pall) That one of said copys he posted at the#'ljtH!Mf~l* in Seward Alaska, That he posted one oopy at the Coleman House,a hotel in the town of Seward Alaska,and one copy at the Fire Hall in the town of Seward Alaska,that each of said plaoes is a public plaoe in the town of Seward Alaska. I?~~ ~~/<-n~ Subscribed and sworn to before me AUgl}st 1916. hLe-ev^- N'otary Public My oommission expires -,'" ".,