HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1917-060 I J: 4g2 -----.--"'----- - - 1 ORDINANCE IJo. ~ 0 ******************** AN ORDINAFCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF TPF OFfICERS OF TPF CITY OF SEWARD,ALASKA, FeR TPE FISCAL YEAR F~mnTG APRIL TFNTH nINETEEN HUNDF.F:D AND EIGHTEEN. ******************************************** BE IT ORDAEE[1 by the Cd. ty Council of the City of Seward,Alaska; TH~T: The offioers of the City of Seward,Alaska,shall receive,res[ect- i vely ,as ooml,ensation in full, for t}eir resj,::ecti v3 services, during the the fiscal yea-r ending April tenth'tI;ineteen Pund#ed and Fighteen and, until their res~ective successor or successors is or are duly eleoted, or arpointed and qualified, the salary for such services as is herein ~rovided,to Wit:- The Munioipal Clerk shall receive the SUlli of fifty ~50,OO Dollars per month. The Municipal ~"agistrate shall receive the surr: of twenty fivli '~25.00 Dollars per month. The City Attorney shall receive the sum of fifty ~50.00 Dollars per month. / ../' The Municipal Health nfficer ~~all receive the surr. of twenty five $25.00 Dollars per mGnth. / ../ .--- The Chief of Poliee sl:.o.11 iece.,J,..:y:.e.-t-tre'-;un of one hundred and fifty t150.00Dollars per month. . The City Engineer" shall recei~e t~~urr of vne hundred and fifty ~150.00 Dollars :r-er month or ~ the rate thereof for the tin;e err.ployed. j~ .;:, The Chief of the Yi~", :...partu.ent, :A/ho shall also act as ratroln;an.sho.ll ~.~ ' 1ttI~1ti-""~~cei ve .fot' the two offices oombined the a 1),4;, l"lf one hund.red and fifty (' ,~$150.00 Dollars fer month.. which shall iIJclu:1.e all services require<l of him by the City Council. , The City Treasurer shall receive fifty ~50.00 Dollars per month. Said salaries shall be paid out of the,sener~l fund of the City of Seward,and shall be paid rr.onthly. I',.' l ,,'\,' ,',.' ,\, ,'" '.. The City Council shall at its - first imeet1ng in each month,approve and order paid, the salaries of all said offioers for the preceding month.. and the Irorer !\iarrant shall be dra'.m on the tredsurer for tbd payment of each officer. Passed by the (0 ,';City- :jo1.':ncil a.nl a~J.roved. by the ~:Idyor. Approved thi~day of April 1917. ~~~_~~cf)_l;~~~ if1C1.yor. -,- . {[.-l (.-t-\ Clerk. '\, , r-J I I I ! ~ , \ ~.. ~, .," iii,.' 1I1~ , OhD mM,C:F: NO. 60 ************************* AN ORD1NANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF TTTE OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA 'I FOR THE FIRCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL TENT! NnmTEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN. .**...****.*********.******.*.**** BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska; THAT: The officers of the 6ity of Se~ard, Alaska, shall receive, respeot ively, as compensation in full, for their re~pective services, during the the fiscal year endinG April tenth Nineteen Hundred and Eighteen anLl, until their respective successor or SUocessors is or arp. duly electee is or appointed and ~ualifie(l, the a~.13,ry for such services a~heTP:!l"I provided, to-wit:- The Munioi~al Clerk shall reoeive the sum of fifty $50.00 dollars per rllonth Tne Municipal Magistrate shall receive the sum of twenty five $25.00 Dollars per month The City Attorney shall receive the sum of fifty 15C.oo Dollars per month. The Municin~l Health Officer shall reoeive the S~T. of twenty five $25.00 Dollars per month. The Chief of Police shall receive the sum of one hundred and fifty '150.00 Dollars per month. The City Engineer shall receive the sum of one hundred and fifty $150.00 Dollars per month ao at the rate thereof fer the time employed. The Chief of tbe Fire Der.artment, who shall ~19o act as patrolman, shall rece ive for the two offices combi.ned the sum of one hundred and. fifty $150.00 Dollars per month, which shall inolude all services re~uired of hiffi ~y the City Council. The City Treasurer shall received fifty ~50.oo I"()llars permonth. Said salaries shall be paid ODt of the general fund of the City of Seward, and. uhall be paid monthly. The City Couno:l.l shall at itil first meeting in eaoh menU" approve and order paid) the salaries of all said officers for the preoeding month. and the proper warrant shall be drawn on the treasurer for the pa}mant of each officer. Passed by the City Counoil and approved by the Mayor. Apr.roved this 23 day of Ar.ril 1917. Sam'l MoDonald. Mayor, Attest: O. H. Poehlmann. ------Municipal Clerk.