HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1917-064 -'~ r, fi1H j'.dJ, I I ,~- ~ Vj.k" 1 Iy I ,j ~ I i L- I I ,- I ' (- ORDINANCE NO. 64. AN ORDINANCE to prohibit ~ogs from running at large within the oorporate limits of the Town of Seward, Alaska; to provide for the taking and impounding of dogs found at large; making it a misdemeanor to allow dogs to run at large, and making it a misdemeanor for any person to interfere with or hinder any person in capturing any ~og found at large within the corporate limite of said Town of Seward, Alaska. \1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA: ) .~ I That it shall be unlawful for any dog or dogs to be ~t large within the corporate limits of the Town of Seward, Alaska. Lt. That the Town Marshal of the Town of Seward, Alaska, and any other person designated by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, shall oapture every dog he or they may find ~t large within the oor- porate limite of the Town of Sew~rd, and plaoe it or them in the dog ound of the Town of Seward, whioh said dog pound shall be under the oontrol of the Town Marshal and shall keep it or them in said pound for six days, unless the owner thereof ahall redeem such dog or dogs within, the said time; that at the end of six days the Town Marshal shall sell suoh dog or dogs at the best prioe he oan obtain, at private sale, providing that he shall not sell any dog for less than the oharges for oapturing and keeping said dog or dogs shall amount to, an~ in oase he oannot eell suoh dog or dogs for the charges as above stated, he ehall kill it or them, as the oase may be. ITT That the charges for taking up any dog or dogs found at large in violation of this Ordinance shall be two dollars for capturing the same and one dollar per day for feedin,:; and oaring for eaoh dog, inoluding the day the dog is oaptured, if actually plaoed in the pound. IV. That the prooeeds derived from oapturing, feeding an~ caring for suoh dogs shall be paid to the Municip~l Treasurer and converted into the general fund of the MuniCipality. V. That any persona owning any dog or dogs or has any dog or dogs in his or her possession or under his or her care, shall wilfully permit such dog or dogs to be at large within the oorporate limits of the Town of Seward, Alaska, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonviction, be fined not lesa than five dollars or more than fifty dollars, and in case of failure to pay s~oh fine, he or she shall be oonfined in the Municipal Jail one day for every two dollars of suoh fine. VI. That any person who shall in any way wilfull~ hinder or prevent any officer or other person from oap- turing any dog or dogs, while at large within the oorpor- ate limits of the Town of Seward, Alaska, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonviotion thereof shall be fined not leas than five dollars and not more than twsnty- five dollars, and in oase of failur~ to pay said fine,. shall be oonfined in the Municira1 .raU on eday for e~oh two dollars of said fine. 1 VII. , That any person is hereby authorized to .) , ...,J r 520 ~"'~~~""""1'- ;O-'"k,,_' ~. ,~- \ .~~ I.. "I I 'r .'1 , I . to protect them again5t the rii:;;ht of the ci ty to cOJilpeT them to cease ob5tructing the streets and alleY5. Re5pectfully 5ubrni +.led. 1T- Ph~ t. ~ capture any dog or dogs that he or she may ~ find ay large within the oorporate limits of the Town of Seward, Alaska, and hold the same and notify the town marshal and it shall be his duty to take any suoh dog or dogs intoh~s possession and plaoe it or them in the pound;;'lt~ll' he had oaptured it or them VIII. That the town of Seward, Alaska, shall oon- struct a pound in whioh all dogs oaptured under this Ordinanoe shall be kept and said pound shall be under the oontol of the Town Marshal. PASSED by the Common Counoil of the Town .'! Seward, Alaska, this 1st Day of Ootober, A. D. 1917. Fra.nk J. Cotter .~ Mayor. _~-.:t::: " Attest: O. H. Poehlmann Munioipal Clerk:-- ~~-- ~, !'l>.... "-'f:: L _.II r 522 A "yvt (10 pr1l1?~ oJ' 1\ '~l ,\ '-, . ,;--, '\ \ ~, "" '') , '\ LTf -- ,- , Pi JLe.~e- \'1\.,GU-~'-- ,,~ e..c.-4- I , i OlIDINANCE NO. ~)-~-7- , I AN ORDINANCE to prohibit dogs from running at large within the corporate limits of the Town of Seward, Alaska; to provide for the taking and impounding of dogs found at large; makiu6 it a misdemeanor to allow dogs to run at large, and making it a misdemeanor for any person to interfere with or hinder any person in capturing any dog found at large within the corporate limits of said Town of Seward, Alaska. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE COMMOn COUNCIL OF 'I'HE TOWN OF ;;E'NARD, ALASKA; I. That it shall be unlawful for any dog or dogs to be at large within the corporate limits of the To\~ of Seward, Alaska. II. That the Town Marshal of the Town of Se~~rd, Alaska, and any other person designated by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, shall capture every dog he or they may find at large within the cor- porate limits of the To\m of Seward, and place it or them in the dog pound of the TOM1 of Seward, which said dog pound shall be under the control of the town marshal and shall keep it or them in said pound for six days, unless the owner thereof shall redeem such dog or dogs within said time; that at the end of six days the town marshall shall sell such dog or dogs at the best price he can obtain, at private sale, providing that he shall not sell f'.ny dog for less than the charges for capturing and keeping said dog or dogs chall amount to, and in case he cannot sell such dog or dogs for the charges as above stated, he shall xiII it or them, as the case may be. III. That the charges for taking up any dog or l iI ,,- ~ I II " I Ii .~~.~'-".::;~-~ - -- dogs found at large in violation of this Ordinance shall be two dollars for capturing the same and one dollar per day for feeding and caring for each dog, including the day the dog is ca9tured, if actually placed in the pound. IV. That the proceeds derived from capturing, feeding and caring for such dogs shall be paid to the If.unicipal Treasurer and converted into the general fund of the MuniJipality. v. That any personowning any dog or dogs or has any dog or dogs in his or her possession or under his or her care, shall wilfully permit such dog or dogs to be at large within the corporate limits of the Town of Seward, Alask~, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, be finp.d not less than five dollars or more than fifty dollars, and in esse of failure to pay such fine, he or s he shall be confined in the Munic ipal Jail one day for every two dollars of such fine. VI. That any person who shall in any way wilfully hinder or prevent any officer or other person from cap- turing any dog or dogs, while at large within the corpor- ate limits of the Town of Seward, Alaskfi, shall be guilty of a misde'TIeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five dollars and not more than twenty- five dollars, and in case of failure to pay said fine, shall be confined in the Municipal Jail one day for each two dollars of said fine. 2 r -- VII. That any person is hereby authorized to capture any dog or dogs that he or she may find at large within the corporate limits of the Town of Seward, Alaska, and hold the same and notify the town marshal and it shall be his duty to take any such dog or dogs into his possession and place it or them in the pound the same as if he had captured it or them. VIII. That the town of Seward, Alaska, shall con- struct a pound in which all dogs captured under this Ordinance shall be kept and said pound shall be under the control of the Town Marshal. PASSED by the Cornmon Council of the Town of Seward. Alaska, tnis ~ day of October, A. D. 1917. Mayor. Attest~ l@-~~ Municipal Clerk. 3 ,.1:_