HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1917-067 (' ORDInANCE NO.6? Ari ordinance to amend Ordinance no. 32 of the Town of Seward, Alaska whioh is an ordinance regulating the granting ofpedlers license in the town of Seward, Alaska fixing the amount of license therefore providing oertain penalities for violation thereof and for other purposes. " BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COnNOn OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA: Section (1) That Ordinanoe Thirty Two, of the town of Seward Alaska, which is an ordinanoe Regulating the granting of Pedlers License in the town of Seward, Ala ka, fi~ing the amount thereof, providing oertail penalties for violation, and other purposes is hereby amended to read as follows: Seotion (2) No person or persons shall s&ll any goods, wares or merohandise, drugs medisins, jew.ery O~!ler property of any kinl except farm and agrden produots offered for sale by the produoer thereof or his agent, by peddling, hawkine, public outcry or taking orders for same for future delivery, or in any temporary uninolosed stand or place of business ~ithin the oorporate limite of the town of Seward, Alaska without first obtaining a peddlers license therefor: Providimg no person shall be required to take out a license for takini orders or delivering goods from any established business h0118e in said town of Seward; providing further, This ordinanoe shall not apply to the vendors of fish, Bivalves, or wild game. Section (3) Every person oanvassing or taking orders for bClOke ,pict- uree, picture frames or enlarging PhotoErapha by going from house to house shall be deemed a pedJler or hawker within the meaning of this Ordi~anoe: Providedthat commercial travelers employed by wholesale salling merchandise ~:the hUsineea houses within the tonn of Seward, shall not be deei.ed peddlers or hawkers within the me~ning of this ordinanoe. Section (4) All applications for pedQler'a license under this ordin- anoe shall be ~ade to the municipal clerk of the town of Seward, Alaska, and such application shall be made in writing and shall state the number of days for whic such license is 4eaired and speoify the oharaoter of the bUsine8~ and kind of aJtticlesto be sold and the proposed manner of selling the same an4 shall be signed by the applicant. I Seotion (5) ':he amount of a peddlers l1nense shall be the sum of FifV .'),. .........;.....---...::-.;..._-~~--.~.....--'-~~,.._~ -'-'--------~._~ ~ P"'qq .. ~ \;-, .' , ($50.0o)"ollare per day for eaoh day for whioh said lioense is grant_. to b.pa1d to the municipal olerk and upon the receipt of which said Mun~cipal olerk shall issue to such app+ioant a license for the number of days for whioh the applicant has paid the lioense fees, which shall speOlfy the number of days for whioh the lioense is granted the date issued tpe amount paid the n8JllEl of the applicant and the date of the expiration the~.pf, and the municipal clerk shall turn over all moneys received by him from suoh lioense to the City Treasurer of the town of Seward, and said Munioipal Clerk shall file and keep with the reoords of his offioe all suoh application, Section (6) Any person or persons. who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon more conv1o~i.n thereof shall be punished by a fine of not .8S8 than two hundrl!' dollars, or be impr1sonment in the town jail not to exoeed sixty days, and shall pay the oosts of prosection. Seotion (7) Each day that any person shall sell or attempt to sell '= any goods or merchandise in violation of this ordinanoe shall oontinue a seperate and distinct offense. This ordinanoe shall be in force and effect from an<<after the datel of its paeaage. 1918. Passed by the Common Counoil this the ___1st_day of _April_ Approved this the _a_day of April 1918. - Frank J. Cotter ~ Ma.vor . .: Atteet: O. H. Poehlmann Municipal Clerk f) ~'t. ii, " t' ,~ , . ,~ ; ~' {"r~, , ' " , , " \ .. .!,. , \' ,\ I i