HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1917-069 :,1:\ t :~~ ':1~; ,. .,il':; \""(-~ "':!f~ (}; 1!j1\ ;~~ ',#;rc' a monthlJ:,,~,,;,,;'h r I I ORDINANCE ~o. ~ AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE RATE OF CO".~ SAT.I.ON TO BE PAID BY THE Ton OF SEWARD TO VARIOUS ELECTIVE AND APPOINT!VE OFFICERS FOR TEE YEAR BEGINNING APRIL -11!4lSl9, AND DECLARING Jml' EMERGENCY. , BF IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, 1L1EKA: That for the year beginning April ~,l9l9, the oo.._.~ sation to be paid the Munioipal Offioers of the Town of Seward, Alaska, is hereby fixed ~d established by the terms and oondit- ions hereinafter oontained in this ordinanoe, whioh oomipensation<. shall be neither inoreased nor diminished during said term, nor shall said offioers be entitled to reoeive, in any form or shape, aD1 other or additional oom;pensation from said Town. Seo. 2. The Munioipal Clerk shall reoeive a monthly salary at the rate of Fifty Dollars per month~ Seo. 3. The Municipal ~agistrate shall reoeive a yearly salary at the rate of One hundred Dollars per year, payable in monthly installmen~s. Seo.4 The Munioipal ~ttorney shall reoeive a monthly salary a:e the rate of One hundred Dollars per month, for whioh said '''':. salary the Munioipal Attorney shall perform all of the legal work of the Town of Seward,during his said term, including the oodifying 'il""'" cf the Town Ordinanoes. ,. .Seo. 5., The, Munioipa:J, ...tJe~t:t:l.-Offioer shall reoe1ve .al&ry at":the rate of Fifty Dollars per month. ~. <<< -. ...' ./. .. l"if ....,~ W1~,'- Seo. 6. The Municipal Treasurer shall reoeive a monthly 8&~&ry at the rate of Fifty Dollars per month. Seo. 7. The Chief of polioe ahall reoeive a monthly salary at the rate of One hundred and fifty Dollars per month. . ",' " .... "'".. ,. . 'C<- ;:.q >i it'... \ r I I I I I i I ! i Page 'wo Sea. 8. The Chief of the Fire Depart~ent shall reoeive a monthly salary at the rate of Fifty Dollars per month . Seo. S. Eaoh of the salaries herein provided for shall be out of the general fund of the TownrDf Seward and shall be paid monthly. The Common Counoil shall at its first meeting in eaoh month approve and order paid the salaries of all of the above named offioers for the preoeding month and the proper warrant shall be drawn on the Treasurer for the payment of eaoh offioer. .... 10. An emergenoy is hereby deo1ared to exist and this Ordinanoe s~all take effeot immediately upon its passage and approval. Passed and approved by the Common Counoil -t:L this e~"day of April,lSlS. of the Town of Seward, Alaska, , j,ff~ST APPROVED by the Ma~.r~~ ~ittdaY of April,l9~. ~ 4i '4~<N";" Mayor of the Town of Seward ,Alaska. i ~ i. ~l':! , , , ~ .i":.f', "I "