HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1917-077 QRDTlJAJICE .wo..:1.1.- Aa Q8J)IBAJk:E pant1Dc to 1ihe a'J.'AJIDARB OIL COMPAJ1Y~ a CalU'oJta.1a C..poratlon~ pe_18.10n aD4 autbort" to l00ate~ .....t, _1ata1n aad operat. warlhou.. DI' .1"eboua.., .t....e t&Ak8 ..u o1ber neo...~ baUd1Jsa8 aM a'ppari..._..~ t..th8l' wl1ih all 11.....ory pipe U... all. eonduU. on tbat ce1"taln \ra.t o~ laGd 111 the '1'01111 ~ Seward. 'l'eI'1"lt01"'7 or Alaa.. oeaG1"ibe4 a. 1'011..: 88a-_ at 0 p0111t, 1Ib.1oh be81"a Sou.\b eoO 23- East 40 tt .t1"0Il ~at 10n 11 plus 89.6 011 the oe.ter l1De 01' the AI_lean (OOYOl"Ulel1t) Ball11&J, ruaniDg tbellOe "r\b 290 3'(~ Eaa' 011 a l1ne pa1"8l1el1ag adAl "ateI' liDe. be1wen stotf.oa 11 J;)lWl ..6 &ad 16 pl.. ~4.7. .0 n. 1l0l'e .'1... to ~e Weat bOlll1llarJ 01 the "val Re.o"e~ Exeoutlve Orclw ".31.49; rUD41Da tbeaoe .-... &10111 DU ...t.l1 iJoanclal'J 1:;2 n. Ilore 01" Ie.. to a polm, thenee CD nt ladas 111. a Souther11 .1Hctloa. al8118 .atd W..iel'lJ l:loWlllat'J Oil. ...... hav1Qc a 1'&4 lUll or m. 7 1't. a dl.ta__ 01' 395 1't. 11101'. or l!l. to a pol.n', 1Ih_ ol_ .ald _''''1, l....~:b aa lI7' ...., 357 ft. mor. 01" 1... t. tb. Southw . ".~" J~4&r o~ hid "val Be....".; th.aoe 111 a "'terl ' 'tloa 18a tt. 1I1ore 01' 1... to tile po1l1t 01' beg1lln1ng; ,~1r:ta l...t&4 111 tb. !nu ar a._rd, '1'.1'l'1t.., o,t AIaaka, a. ahO'lRl 111 that -p or Se__~ Alae., .~1le4 by the Depu1actIR 01' the .1I1ti61'1Q1', Alaaka Eas1l1e-1Da C_1a.l_~ dated 1917; 0)..0 .lbat ,pOrUOIl 01' tl:le Baval a...rn deaOl'1bed .e ~ollo_: 'l'be S1HItiherlJ 500 1"t. 01' 1b.e Jilaval a..... Ex...t 1.e Oircolel' 10. S149, Rlfl'e pq>tloularlJ de.cr1bed .. belna bounded oa the Bomh bJ the SOuthel'lJ 1 iAe er ".lnctOll Suee' pJ'OClUOed. aDd - the ....(., .. .....1, ba tllllllI'J er .aU ...al ....... UId _ tbe an-'h bJ . n4W IlM p1"'OdYced Sou$b~~" tna a po_ ora. tlw _..t bapwJ D1" .sW "val ."",,,e&OO ''; , .4.setilliitt ....-.J'l1 .tl'tIiI., . .. ,SO'*h,wenO....1" ..reG " 1J1Ila 1ft 1'Jlo:Q -0.-....-................ ftftLU.., ~ AI..., " ~.\~. ' tor the .,.... -..4S8trDMflOtl ot _bool.. .. 1'. prod_t., Ull all otb.er k1ada 0'1' Ml'chaad1a. ~UOe4 by tihe .aid 00Il1*'1. Be,/.u Or4alnf14 by ~. ~~ ~~\AM.~l 01' 'he '~i'.~\ lU-~ . SEXn'IOlf 1. 1fb.at the staadard 011 CClapanJ. a c.litom1a C_pGa- tl.., O1"pnIzec1 'tlt. a1Irt1Da u~ the 1... 01" 'he Sbt. 01' Calttol'llla, aM 110-..d t. do biaa1au. 111 tbe 'f8rrU.., 01' Ala.., be aG4 it 18 h8MbJ gran'eel pewa1lP.1oIl aad .u.~orUJ '0 10"'0, eNet. _1Main aDd operate a _rehou.. 81" warehouaea. .t.... tan. aad aU otb.1' zaao..- aal'1IM1UdlD88 aid apPlU"teunco.. '...r with pIpe 11.... .ad ooa- dul'. on and..... that oeJ'tall1 traoi 01" land 111 tbe 'lown or a._I'd. !'el'I'ltOl'J 0'1' A1a.ka, 4..or1bed .. '1'0110118: ' 8fJa1al11.... at a peat. wb10h b_1"8 South 600 23' FAt.t 40 1't. ~ Statl_ 11 pl.. 89.6 on the oomezo 1iDe 01' 'bo Alukan (fJOY01"IaII1eGt) Ball _~ I'QIlll1Dc thoaoo ..rib. ar 3" But on . 11De paraUe11D<< ..id c.nter l1ae betweel1 Stat San 11 pl_ 89.6 and 16 ,pl_ 24.7, 930 '1't. more 01' 1... to the W..t boUtldlU"J 01" 11. ..&1 au""., Exec1ttlvo Order aO.3K9J l'UIll11ag tbe.. SO.." a10118 ..14 ...t8l"11 bOUDdaI'J 132 n. aora OJ' Ie.. to a po~, theace OOIlU}\U'~ 111 0 aoather11 41reotilo11 &1_ .ald ....t.rl' boUDdarJ 011 a oUJ'Ye he.loa a hdlwt 01' 79a.' 1't. a 418taace ~ 395 n. more or 1... ,. a po1Dt; tbeDoe al... .a14 ...tel'lJ bDQIldaI'J Soutb 28 3V' ...11 35'1 1't. Illore 01' 1... to tbe a.utb.1I&tIter1'l OOl'D8l' or .a14 r ;tt:.:yt ~'fJ~, ,. ,.,4- ":!> . !!/ ~~: '".". -- "~"~, ~ I I l I I I ! j 1 I J -1- r' "'Val Reserve; thence in. W..terlJ cUreot1en 182 n. .ore or le.. to the point or beC1nn1afU all be1ag locat- ed in the Town or Seward, 'ferr1tory or Al.ska, ... lIbo_ iD tha' up or Se_rd, Al.ska, GO.piled bJ the Depal'tllen t or the Iaer101', Alaska EDg1rleer1aa CGIII11881011, dated 1117; also tilat portion or the "'Val Rettene deSOl'1bed ... rol- l...: 1beSo..herlJ 600 rt. or VI. "'Val Roe". Execu- t; 1" Ord~ .0. :5149, .... pa1'~low.arl, 4"01" 1be4 .s be 1nc bolDled 011 the Soatb b, the Southerl, 11u o~ "8b~on 8t1'O.' pr~uoe4, aad 011 the W..t by the ...tfl"l, bowadal"J ot 0.14 Jk,val R..erve, and Otl 'he BOI'th by . nellal l1l1e produced SOuth..sterl, f'reIl . po111t on the We.t boWJ4a1"1 ot s.ld "val Reserve 500 rt. d18t_t Bortherl, tl"OII 1ihe 8euth_t GorDer thereof', all 1,1Dg in rront ~ the Town or Se.rd, Terrltol"J or Alual' tor tbe .t.... and distributlon or petJoGleUll and its products aad .11 other k1ni:la ot merCanel1H produced by .a14 oompan,. SECTIOR 2. That the sald propOlled struotUl'a. and lIlpl"OY.ente ..11 be eraotad and uintalned "ith all pro.P8Z' ..reCWU"da and 11'1 oonteftlt1 to the praotic.. rollowed bJ s.14 oOllpany at 1'- ?1srlou.. at:atloac,aad nld 1Inprov..nta lIball be _intalned .ad coaduoted Wld.r the ord1naaooa ,no" .x18t lag. , SFcrIOIl~. 'fha' tb1a crdlnaace shall _ke .tteot .Dd be 11'1 tone SMe4J.atel, upon the expJ.Joation ot thin, da,. aner Us pa._ a.ge ancs pUb11oation or polIt 1nc .coord1. to lall. Sl~TIOlf 4. All ol'41aanoea 01' parh at ol'dlnallO" 111. ooatl1ct hera1l1th are here'" "pealed. Pas~a4 bJ t~. ~~~ ~~~ or~~,\~; ~;. ;. -.-'4 ^" " . 'b 4..[ ttnk Ii thla ~ --- da, or ~.~ )h~, vr ~:3:t ~a-l-/~ .ad I, "'- , caerk or the ~ do hereby o~11"1 tha,t the abOve 18 OOI'l'ftO' ooPJ ~d1nauoe pI..aed 'b, the ',,- .ad pubUshed aocOrcslnS to 1.... . 'rue ~ ,-'