HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1917-080 ~ i ! - ~ - I ,. ..,: .... ........." ., ,.~----~---~.__. '-"'~..._~.._.,..".__..........- 4,. '~~ -...:! ORDIlTAJJCE ::m. 80 :-) AH O.dDIITAITCE Hequiring .7.e'3,l ::'ro}l'C ,-ty Ovm8rs L1 th,., Town of Seward, Al g,sk9.. , to l~ee:I:) nle,"l.x" 1.'11 lr88 ::?::9~D_",.~.C.'3J;L;;___"lCCU",1u:J.tioil of iae 0 r snO'7, sidewa.lks' JO.lt i",,;u0 '.13 i.., I . , ~ . , . )~J)_LL.l ~,~ ~)O.;.1 C.__Jill' C'-:-~._'~'~~L1V3 Pre~iS8S; Upon fa.ilure thereof to c~use such re~ova.l a.t the cost ~nd ex:y,n::J8 of cui' _\)1,1 ,,'.cOy;rtj C .'.l,}{" ;)1 t'n J:OP21 of Sw".'lrd; au] for other ,0ur~)03es. BE IT O...illALED iJ;r the Cor:UTIOU C;ouncil of t'le Tm'lu of '::ieward., Alas.<..a: SEC~ION 1. From 'l.21Q 0::1 0.U:;' 3.fter t:18 ,,) 133JS3L1J.J.jJproVl.l of this Ordinance, all Oliller;-; 01' rt-;:il .:.Jroperty i':'l t;.18 irO-vvl1 of ~e'N;q,rd, Alaska, sha.ll, at his or their own e ':)8nS6 .1."1 : cost , :1.83,0 claar fro'n. excess ae.aUIllUlatiou of ice or SnO\7 side',nLm contiguous to'1n': :lbutting u;)on L---r " t ! his or their res:),"ctivo )ro:1i3es. SECTION2. Upon till; f'l.ilur~ of' 'In', 0 'ner 03 ro',l )ropertv to re'?love or aause to be r8'''ove'~ excess -lcau"1ul'1,tion :>., i'~e or snow on, over and. upon an'T side';".'.ll: or sLle'nlks consi::;uOll"l tc 1.:11 '1bu.tting upon his or their resjJectiv0 pr,,'Qi8e~', th3 -:;omMt7n Council of the To,m of Seward, A:'1ska, Shall C:luse ell;"" ei:ce~:s 'C.: =,tElu.l';.tio~" ~ ~ , - i .-,-, c.r :?,].10T,~ to ~e removed trOll any ~~d ~ll s~c~ sidew~lks, and shall assess the cost ::lnCt e=,cne~1r:-~ cf' ~un:': re'~ov."11 'l::qi~}8t SU~Yi. '--ro'-v:tS8s, whjcb u1"'1ount so assesped sh~ll be ~1ar2,~oui1t lien ag'clinst said In.eT.i8es. SliOTION 3. At the fir'Jt re'Y:.:hr ":C0eUn'::- of the Co"",,,,on Councn ai:' the Town of 3eward, Alas.i.a, held in the month of l;:o.y ~1:' 8'.1ch year, the l1unicipal (;lerk sh:iJ.l re)ort, in wri tin:; to such r.:ouncil, the 3.mou~t of money paiu out by the To~n r -f- v... u6 ,:;:ir::1 , for t:l8 rp",ov~l cr ice or Snow from the preC':lises 0::" real property o';:ners, under the provision,l of Seotion 2 of this Ordinance, coverinJ the seasonal winter period just preoeding and in said report in writing shall set forth in detail ,; the amount paid, number cf 1.0t;;,DCi block, or other legal description required, narne or owner, na'1e oi' reC'idellt agent if ~ny, 9.n1 date of -1- , I I ~' lI>' r service rendered; whereupon the Common ~ouncil shall consider such reuort of exnenditure so ~aQe by sai" To~n for the benefit of such real property o\'mers and to S;l~}; ,'rer::if'es1rlrj sh111, by resolution, declare su(~h e.,Jenai tures o~' )ublic funels, to be 8,ssessed in the arlounts tot'}leCL c's"inst thr: r8f'l,eetive ,re",:ises, '}.s aforesaid, and sh2.11 in said resolution fix a ti-" -,- ";' wl:ieh the sa>::0 shall be paite, ':UC"J D,t:,'llicb ti',;,~ the, ar-:sess:ents sh':111 oeeo"],'"; delinquent, which ti",e shall not be less th~n sixty d'ys subse~uent to such resolution; and any ',~8se('s",ent 'iVhic ,h sh<:11 not be )'::\1d before delinquency shall draw interest at the rate of twelve )er cent ;ler annum, and after de- 11n<:uency ah'lll be "'ubject to '.i mn'llty in 9. SU'n ec"u'l.l to ten ner centum of 3.ny such '"l.ssess'nent, which ;Jen."l ty shall also dr'l\7 interest at the rate of twelve ner ce~tu'n ~er annum. , SECs:'rClJ 4. Within ten 2'lYS aft"'r t':n".9C'01lLUon fi"ing the ti>::e o~ delinquenc;l sh':tll b9 ?cdopted b~l tne Council, tlle "':'unicipal Clert: shall mail '.vi tll postage l'Tepaida notice tc tIp a-"Ler o,t" each parcel of property assessed, w~ich notice sh~ll deRignBte tir ~roperty, the amount of t~e asseS8~ent, tt~ ti~p of 1~linquency anj the ~mount of pen'l,lty, i'" ~c(T. SECTICN 5. ~ithin five d~ys afte: t ~l'~ notices above required' ----- ~ to be mailed have be'3n duly c!.e;:-JoRited .'n the ~ost Cffice, the l\:unicipal Clerk shall :file his af:!:'id,wi t settinG forth su,:h rr.:l ili'lg, ';Vhich affi- davit sh~ll be conclu8ive ~~ to the :facts the~ein set ~ut. SECTIon 6. The assess~ent2 hsrein lYOVided for shall be a first prior an:, ljSra"ccunt lien u,lon tlJ' yro ~)"'rt:,r assessed 'lnd, when delin- quent, aha!l be enfo~ced in tbe sume manner as 110~ or hereafter may be provided for the collection <Jm: enforce"^.ent of gener3.l taxe:? Passed unaer suspension o~. L~0 rules this ~~ da;? of I.;.arch A. D. 1924. ~- ~ ~~\. 1" ~ eW- -2- ~/(-;- ~i~;~.,.-" .r be constructed and erected in a workman-like manner, ani when erected on or near a street linR, the outside of the pcles shall be placed eight (8) inches inside the curb-line of such street or avenue, and , when erected in any of the allep:s, the poles SiHl1l be erected and placed four (4) feet from the side line of such alley. uhen the streets or avenues are graded or regraded, tbe :Iole s shall be set or reset to correspond with such grade or regrade, at the expense of the grantee, S. M. GRAFF, his heirs or assigns. The erection of poles, stretching of ,<vires, laying of underground conduits and maintaining the same shall be under the reasonable direc- tion and control of t~e Common Coundil 0:1:' tLle S3io. Town of Seward. SECTION 4. That whenever it shall be necessary in the erecting of said poles, or the replacins or resetting them, to take up any portion of the sidewalk, or dig up the ground in or near the sides and .ornars of the said streets, avenues, alleys or sidewalks, the same ahall be done 111, compliance with the ordinances of the said. Town of . _--......t.. , ::;j1f,eward. " SECTIOlr 5 ~ '.,.,'r,'i That whenever any person has obtained permission to U8e any of said streets, avenues and alleys of said Town of 6eward for the purpose of removing any building, the said S. IJ. GRAFF, his heirs or assigns, upon forty-eight (48) hours notice from said Town of Seward, shall raise or remove any of said wires which may obstruct the removal of such building, in such manner as will allow free and unobstructed passage of the same, reasonable di[igence shall be exercised in the moving of such building or buildings under said wires, and one-half (l/2) of the actual cost of Sufh raisinG or removal of wires shall be paid by the owner of such building, at the time designated by said S S. M. GRAFF, his heirs or assigns. SECTION 8. That the privileges hereb' granted are upcn the exp"ress co ndi tions : -, (a) That the said S. M. GRAFF, his heirs or assigns, shall aa1ntain the present telephone system as now established and operated, and shall enlarge the same from time to time as the needs of the said !own may require. -2.. , ,.\-''','' .:.-'~ \::~~ ". .~ ',.;r,/ . ".: , " t.-:... ._. '.,;.i'-.i!-", ", ~'-"'--'--~"-_._-' ~~,,"\ r ,L;' , , .. ~ 4', ,...~. (b) That the temporary failure on t':e :cart of said S. L GRA,FF, his heirs or assigns, to perform any of the conditions herein specified, w~n such failure is caused by anavoidable accident, shall not be con- strued as a forfeiture of the nrivileges and rio~hts herein granted. - t~, SECTION 7. Rates to be charged are to be regulated and adjusted '\ by the Common Council of the Town of Seward during the life of this Ord1nanee or until otherwise regulated by law. THIS OiillINANCE shall be submitted to a vote of the electors of the Municipal1a.~Yj of Seward at i tS..,JJ,e!llt l!lun:cipal l!;lection, and when A.\q r"Ss) ~\!~~1I.:t.~'u.r- ll,u~I~' approved by l:l. l~ e~ty ~.. of the electors at such election this ^ " Ordinance shall be in full force and effect. " PASSED and Al'l'iiOVED by the COlU\WlT CCUlICIL of the TOI'!:':; U' SE~iA1ID, _ITOHY OF ALA;:>KA, ThiS':t~da.y of ~k.bl\MA.J\A A. D. 1924. \ <>t~, . _. .;t", .4tte~t : " -- ,.~ ' " i;;t:f:"','r'-'" ;- n. ,I'" - - ~ ..' " /' \")~;':'4~~'~ " ,~i~ /~ " .'" f-,;;}' ~.' . '..' ~, .1~';- . 1'1 I.' ! ~(' l , ~;~; I ~'!<}t J , ~"'- - . . ~i~ " " , 1," r: L ':: ,', ~::~ '. '~_._.- .t:. f'iii,''', .~,:~ . ~~':';":~-; ff:',;:~ .. ,. -~- -~--::-.~' "~%,';",',';. ~t . - "-,'" , . ~;i1;;"'~ ~' ' . " i