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C j DIN A N C S NO. 82
An Ordinance ~ixing and ~stabllshing the rtate of Com-
pensation to be Paid by the Town of ~eward, Alaska to various
Officers elected by the ~ouncil thereof for the year beginning
April 7th, 1924 and declaring an Emergency.
Be It Ordained bv the Common Uouncil o~ the Town of
Seward, Ala!"ka:
S3CTICN 1. That for th~ yeqr beginnins Anri1 7th, 1924
the compensation to be Dai~ to th0 officers of the Municipality
elected by the Coun~il shall be a~ st~te0 nereinafter, ~hich com-
pensation shall be nei~her increased nor 1iminished during said
term, nor shall said officers b" entitllld to recf1ive. in any form
or shape any other or ad1itional comDPnsation from snli to~n.
SECTION 2. The 1runicipal l\l9.gistrate shall receive an
annual salary at the rate of one hundred <<$100.00) dollars to be
paid in monthly instalments.
SEC'i'ION :3. The MuniciDal Health \;fficer sh'3.11 reci."vc a
monthly salary at the rate of ~lfty 1$50.00) dollars.
annual salary at
4. The Mu~cipal Assessor shall receive an
the rate ot not exceeding four hundred (~400.00)
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SECTIOlI 1). The .af of the J.j'ire Depart:nent shall receive
a monthly salary at the, .' e 0: tvlO hundred (;;20~0) dollars and in .
oonneotion with the duti. of Chidf of the "ire bepar",,,,,t suoh offi-
cer shaIl act as a ~pecial Police Officer of the Town of .eward with
the ~uthor1ty, duties ani right3 of such office.
SECTION 6. ~ach of the salaries herein provided for shall
be paid out of the General l:t'und of the Tcmn of Seward ani shall be
paid monthly.
The Common Council !'thall, at it!'! ::irst '!leatin€, in eaCh '!lonth
a~urove ani order paid thp. salaries ofaull of the above named o~ficers
fo r the p rece~1ins '!lon th an4 th8prop er warr"ln t shall bf' drawn on the
Treasurer for th" fEY::lent 0:' each 0 '~fiC:lr as h8rCl inbeforc provided.
SECTIC~ 7. An E'r.er~enc:T i:, herAb~r declared to e~ist and
this Ordinance sha11 take effect i~rne1i8tf'ly UDon its passage and
'. " approval.
Passed and App!ove1 by the Co~~on Uouncil of tbp. Town of
~ < Seward. Alskka, this~day of A'Qril, 1~)24.
Approved by the Mayor thiS~ay of
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