HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1928-101
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AlT UFCJIlTAl;CE of the Town of Sew~rd, Alaska, ~Jroviding for
the constructing and e'-iui;!ping of a public school
builc;ing in said town, )rovi~~in: for the issuance of
general bonds in the sum of ~50,000 to ~ay the cost
tl1ereof, i;nd calling a sclecial election for the flur-
Jose of submitting to the qualified electors of said
tOlilTn the question of the issuance of said bJnds,and
re)eaU ng all Ordi2.nces iE conflic t herewith.
0]," SE'hu\D, 'l'ERTUTORY OF II.] ASl\A, 1\3 1,'011,0';:3:
Gection 1. That the Town of Seward does hereby
authorize and direct the construction and equipment of a
~ublic school building in.said town at a cost not exceeding
$50,000, whic h araoun tis he re by fa und and dec Lned to be the
estimated cost of said school builC:ing, includinG: the equip-
ment thereof.
Sec. 2. That l'n order to pay for the construction
and equipment of said schaal building, said Town of Seward
shall issue cmd sell its c:;eoeral bonds in the princiyal sum
of ;$50,000, said bonds to be in denominations not exceeding
~1,000 each and bear interest at a rate not exceeding seven
Del' cent 'per annum, )2yable seni-s.nnually and maturing in
annual installments of }rinci)al of ,k2500.00 each, the
first installment to m,?ture five ye~\rs from date of bonds,
cwd the last installLen t to mature twenty-four years from
date of bonds, the Town of Se~ard reserving the right to pay
all such bonds in their nur,erical order upon any interest
payment date, at the rate of ~H,ooo of )rincipal each year
from and after the expiration of five years from date of issu~
Sec. 3. That a s~ecial election is hereby called
to be held in sai d 'I\9wn of Seward on llonday, the lOth day of
September, 1928, between the hours of eigtlt 0 'clock A. M.,
and seven o'clock P. M., the polling ~lace to be the Town
Hall of said town, for the )urpose of submi ttirJ::; to the
qU<llified electors of said town of .3eward, wnose nawes 8,jJ-
~ear on the last assessment roll of suiu town for lliunici-
)3.1 t:lXQ tion, tne ,:uef:tion of Gilt: issuance of" said c.:eneral
bonds; t12t said election sh211 oe 00nducted in accordance
wi~h the reSuirements of Lhe 18ws ~overDing elections in
s3i6 'L'o\'m 0 f Jew3.rd.
:3ec. 4. Tile ;Yillot c(sed at sidet electior; 8ho.ll
c()(jtein the following st!1ter,ient of tile )roposi tion to be
submi tted to the voters:
3h8.11 tne Town uf Jew':irJ, ;'L:s;':a, erec t and e,,!uip
'.1 )ublic school builCcin; in s;~id town 1 lid in [J3yrl16nt tllere-
of'Lsf,cle and sell :L ts;eneral uOJ](;CS In
su", not exceeding
,$50,000, beRrin,:; interest at a r:'.te not exceeding :3even
per cent per annum, )Elyable semi-:lnnuc<i ly no 1~8tLlring in
equ",l anDU'!l installnents of :it~~500.00 eced!, tJie fin;t in-
stnllrlent to LiaLlre f'ive Je:u's fro);) the date of' said bonds
-'nd the lrst installment t\entf-f,Jur yeu.rs from j:.::.te thereof,
all 3.S Lure full] set fort:l in OrcLinance :No. , 0 ,
of said
Town of ,::)eward.
I,'or bOllis
',,:;'.dnst bunds
Jec. 5. '~"l" t the followin; naHled ;)e1":o;ons are
hereby desi;nated and apJointed 'IE o;ficer~ 01 said election
to conduc t the s~.une.
Tn:3 ,ee tor: ~r,)~. tv L~it-<.
Juu es : ~.:r~~ - t:.~ -tr.,tt<-ut
;Ier',;s : ~r~ W'1t."i.c.tJ... ~t"..:.. ~'fc~
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bee. 6. Tllat tile munici)"l clerk be and he is
hereby authorized and directed to 2ublish notice of such
s)eci~l election in the Sewar~ }ateway, ~ news)~)er of
.;eneral circulation puolished and ~Jrirlted in said Town of
~eward, once n week for a period of five weeks i~nediately
precedin~ the date of said election.
3ec. 7. That all Ordinances in conflict here-
with are hereby repealed.
IJassed unanLnously under :tus)ension of the rules
by the CoriLlon Council and a,hJroved this 6tll day of Au,;ust,
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:.-unici)al Clerk.