HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1928-104 r ... ~ .. ORDIBAliCE NO. I () ~ AD ORDIBAliCE FIXING THE RATE 01F COlIPENSATIOli TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF SEWARD. ALASKA. TO OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE CClCdOB COUICIL OF SAID CITY FOR THE TERM ElIDIBG APRIL lOth. 1930. OR TILL THEIR SUCCESSORS ARE APPOINTED AND C'UALIJ;IED. ABD REPEALIBG ALL ORDINABOES IN OOliFLICT HEREWITH. AND DEOLAIRlliG AN EMERGENOY. monthly salary at Seotion 4. monthly salary at Seotion 15. The Munioipal Magistrate shall reoeive a fH~ _00 the rate ot $ ~]f .-/,,5 per ponth. The Munioipal AsseSBor shall reoeive a q - 00 the rate of $ ~J I' The Munioipal A'torney shall reoeive u /l- oc the rate of $ fa} tJ --;;- per month. monthly salary at pn month. Seotion 6. The Munioipal Health 01tl0e1' shall reoeive ~ 00 a monthly salary at the rate of t l) t)~ pel' month. Seotion 7. The Munioipal Treasurer shall reoeive u C$ Yearly salary at the rate ot $ / - per annum. seotion 6. The Chief ot the F1re Department shall / at. reo81ve a monthly Bule.ry ut the rate ot $ ~4 ..._~ per month. -1- F-- seotion 9. The Chief of Polioe shull reoeive a / ~o monthl1' sala17 at the rate of $(/t'i? - per month. Seotion 10. &aoh ot the salaries herein provided for shall be paid out of the General Fund of the City of Seward and shall be paid monthl1'. The Common Counoil shall at its first meeting in eaoh month approve and order paid tp. salaries of allot the above named offioers for the preoe,ding month and proper warrants shall be drawn on the Treasurer tor the payment of the same. Seotion 11. All ordinanoes and parts of ordinanoes in oonfliot herewith are hereby repealed. seotion 12. An emergenoy i8 hereb1' deolaired to exist and this Ordinanoe shall take effeot immediately upoa its passage and approval. Passed by the Common Cpunoil of the City of Seward, Alaska, this /4 1! day of April, 1929. t-:t Lif3a-/duS/~ . MunIoipal Clerk. /' APPROW.u this / day of April, 1929. ( J '--- .; 1~'-'< ~ ///~(u~~~ lIayor. -2- ",,'il,Jl:iiil(jijjljiJii.li~'"