HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1932-118 ORDINANCE NO 118. AN ORDINANCE FIXING TH}~ RATE OF COIlPEHSATION TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF SEWARD ALASY.A. TO OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE CmC10N COUNCIL OF SAID CITY FOR THE TEB1{ ENDING APRIL, loth. 1933, OR UITILL THEIR SUCCESSORS ARE APPOINTED AND QUALIFIED AND REPEALIHG ALL ORDIHANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND DECLAIRING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CmnON COIDICIL CITY OF SEWARD ALASY..A ; Section 1. 'hat the oompensation to be paid the Munioipal Officers of the City of Seward, Alaska, for the term ending April, lOth. 1933, or untill the su.cessors of suoh offioes are appointed and qualified, is hereby fixed and established by the terms herein, etter oontained in this Ordinanoe, whieh eompensation shall neither be inoreased or diminished during the eontinuanee in office of said officers, nor shall said officers be entitled to reeeive in any form or shape any other additional compensation from the City. Section 2. The offices of Munioipal Clerk, Munioipal Magistrate and Municipal AsseSBor shall be eombined, and the holder thereof shall reeeive a monthly salary e~ the rate of $100.00 per month. S.otion 3. The Munioipal Attorney shnll reoeive a monthly salary at the rate of $26.00 "per month. Seotion 4. The Munioipal H.elthO~fi..r shall reoeive a monthly salary at the rate of $60..00 per mon"th. Seetion 6. The Munieipal Treasurer shall reo.ive an annual salery of .. tl.oo per annum. Se.tion 6. The Offioes of Chief of Polioe and Fire Chief shall be .oombined, and the holder thereof shall reoeive a monthly sa!ary at the rate of $150.00 per month. Seotion 7. Kaoh of the salaries herein provided for slall be paid out ot the general fund of the City ot Seward, and shall be paid monthly. The Common Couno.l shall at its first meeting in eaoh month approve an~ order paid the salaries of all the above named offioers for the pre..eding month and proper warrants shall be drawn on the Treasurer for the payment of the same. Seotion 8. All Ordinanoes and parts of Ordinanoes in oonfliet herewith are hereby repealed. Se.tion 9. An emergenoy is hereby deolaired to exist and this Ordinanoe shall take effeot immediately upon its passage and approva~ Passed by the Cownon Coun.il, City of Seward.qAlaska, this 18th. day of April, 1932. Municipal Cla.k. APPROVED this 18th. day of April, 1932 MAY 0 R.