HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1935-126 r I . I I i /) /1,' - [' I.rJ "'T - I -i. f ~IMAa" R. UI d _11'__ A1'Paon. A. IAd J.rD GlUI'! A.OMi.lt*lt ...-1.... sa WIJJf 0'1 .'AD. ALA'" AD 'fBB UJIttID atADS ,07 AD1UCA AID A1J'lKoallt. 1ft AMuftlB t . - .. If OJU)A%Jlm lIT 'till 0<>*0. oouatL 0' TIlE fon 0., SJn'AJU), A.LAs.D.: 8MU.. 1. 'fha, ,be r.o.. ..M Onat AcH'-\ b...... t.u 'f'" ot $nu4, AJ.aek& u4 1Ih. Unl t.e4 S. ,.. ot AMI'!.., aad.or ...4 .ub.. .' , . .1'" to \be __ ot wb.loa '1M uan.d 5"t... -.111 by 10.. aU CJ'&D' nO' ......1.. 1. 'a. "POP" 'M ._ .t 11",000 &14 8&14 Ton in ttAUol.1 .... ooa,v\lO'loa .t . bJd,1'O-e1.oulo plan, "I.'h." .Uh t ,. .,purieD- ...... '.......10. U... ..4 e1..\do"''''\dbuUOD .Y' Mil , . 001'7 ot .w.. :r.o.... 'rut. ....,....., 18 tUM .0.. \b' p"'bUo 1'8001'4. ot.o I 7_ .t...... 111 'be Gtt1.. ot tb. '1'owa 010,.k. _4 whiob Lou aCt Clnat Aan--' 10 IMI'._ "'0 . put It.oreot. b. aD4 'AI ..... 10 ll.nb7 1a .11 ..,.... .p_ny. \ t &MU.. I. 'fbat th. _or .t ...14 t.... H u4 '" 1. b.r.bJ aa.ui,aoct 11I4 el1no\.4 to a.oll\o .uoh lA. ..114 (lnn' i\&ft...a' 111 '1'1- ,118'" o. --'U-.t .. ,...... _4 tIl. T01rD Ol.ft H ..4 b. b honb,. ....$.... 41_'-" laPe" or aftix ,be .tfloul ...1 .t ..14 .,.. W _...ot n.t4 _H' o.pl', ot ......4 LMJI ud 01''''' J\pO~' aDd to aU.., '\lOb. .eal. ...u.. I. that th. ...14 Kayor bo aa4 h. 10 h.reb, a,,"oda. .-4 '1"o"el ,. tor_UIl f'.~ tIIIn. o.pl..ot ..lel o apt.. or ..lel .... anIl ....... ASn- t .. ....",,*, o. bobalf of ...14 T..... to 'bo F04- '1'aI. ........,. A_l.la tora \ion ot PvbU. Vorb. waah1llct.on. D.O. "".1oa .. Tha' ,he "01' ...... T01rD 010rk bo aDll ..7 uo UN. - 1 - r ill- B. a"'boa-f.'" aDCl _powen4 oa...u.u ."...16 'fcnm '0 "quI' and 00....' io aMln..,:Lo.. of OJ' _..... 1a ..14,Lo.. and G.....' AI"...., wUb a-ef. en... ,. 'h. 4....'..... 4......JI8m1..,t.... ,We,ot pqaent ... "I let_'h. 01" OODY..loD pnyll.... .t 'h. ltGa41 to l,). beued \b.a-......... 111 ON.a- \0 ooapl)' ..1 \h _ ",".\.. ~ .. ,. of 1&.. and .f ihe pa-o.le41nc. ~O. toa- tb. 1I1U81lo0 of .a14 boQCl... aD4 to ooouto 10 fobo .... ...Dla- d o.lel LOan and. Gran' ACreealllt any furtlloa- !A.tor"'....'. \b.a\ ., ... foUlld d.,1raole 10 conDeotion with such modificatIons or chanso.. ~.otion !. that the ~.id ~alor be and hQ 1. hereby author1ae4 an4 dll"eotQ~ \0 tor~hwl\h .end _aid J4daral Emurg~noy A~ml~l.tratlon ot '.,' ....110 ~gr~~ three certifIed ~u?ie& of aald ordinance and three 3ertltled ..pi.. of \na prooe.uln&1 ot ~G Co~n ~ounc1~ in conneotion with tbe "''''" . ".pilon ot to1. ordlnano& and s~cb further doo~eai. or proot. 1n OOA- IM.UOD w1 t.h t.qfl approyal or e.x..uuUQn d ..1loi :40-.0 and Grant .t.gnelQD' ,"- ,., .; .'., (, ,,,,. ' .. -.1 'be r.quellteo. 0'1' Aiel :ie4."'al J;,_1'ieno1 Mla1niatraUo~ of Public 1:0a-_ . ~, '.; hoo1.!gn 6. 1Aa' t.hia <)rd1nanu ai1aU tau err.,,, 1a:ae41a'eu-. PASU1!'J) BY 'rHX UJ'.AlfIJWUS VOTE:'> OF THE COJOlO>> GJUJiCI4. \bola 18* .., of 1'.81'. A. D. 19a6. , " ~Md;U.fh . i.. D. kI"DUSTO:l ''rOb'!U.tt oj the1n1t.tJ ',' S....I'4. "1&_.. APPIOVID. tbie 18\h 4&1 of lay, 1936. 1). C. BltOTiB1.I.. W&7Or. . t ~ pI ... a ...