HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1936-129 r ,. ~ , t , I J. ~ ,,",, ~.JRJ' ~1 " ::.f J~ ,I 0IWHU,..UCiJ; imJilLH 129 ilJi OlillUJiJiCE OF TH.E TO\Vh OF Si.dARD. Al.ASKA. PROVIDlliG FOR THE COliSi'Rt1CTUlG AID ~~UIPl?UG or A PUBLIC. SCHOOl. GYWiASltDrl. BlJIIJJlliG Ili 'I'm:; TOd OF ti:r;WAlU>. ~tSXA,ItROVILaG !i'OR THA ISSUANCE Olt' GEB.h:llA1 BOllJS Ili All StDil BOT :UCltiDUG Td.ELVK 'l'HOUSJUW DOLLARS ($12000.00) FOR 'lHll; Co.uS'l'- RUO'l'IIG AND ~QUIPlaG OF A PUBLIC. SCHOOL QI~~ASIUM BUILDI~G II THE 'I'O~.u OF SE~ARD.AID CALLIIG A S?ECIAL ELAC'l'IO.N AT MaICH THE ~UESTIOD OF WHETHER soon IOBllS SHALL BE ISSUE1 b1iAL1 BE ~tml.lITTE1; 1'0 Tall; QUALIFI.il:D ELEO'l'JRS. OJ SAID TOiN OF SEWARD, Mi08E IAh!ES Arl'EAR Oii Tall: AS~S~'l' ROL1 FOI TIm T.ta.R 19S6, OJ" SAID TO\ijIV.POR J.:.U1HCH'AL TA.UTIOB. BE IT ORDAIli1<ID BT THE COli.MOii caUBelt OJ!' :fH..h. TOW,N OF Sll.~AIID. TERiU'l'ORY OF ALA5KA: S.otion I. That the inoorporated Town of ~eward, Alaska, does he,.- b7 authorial and 01r.ot the oonstruotion and equipm..~ of a Publio-Sohool ' G,....laa buildiDi in aaid Town at a oo~t not to exceed ~sum-Qf Twelve Thoaaand Dollars CfI2000.0)). To the Town of Seward. S.ot10n 2. That the estimated coat of oonetructlon of 8ald rublio ;:,oohool GJRlnaSlull Building, inoluding oomplete equipment there.for, t8 deeJ.artJd. to b. the sam of twelve thousand dollars (eI2000.00).t~ the Town of Seward S.otion 3. That in order to par for the oonstruct 10n and equiI,'- m.nt 01 the l~bllo-Sohool Gymnasium building, provided for in ~.otiou I of th1s Ordinanoe, The Town of ~eward, Al~ska, shall iS8ue and negotiate 1t8".neral bonda ill denominations not exoeeding one thousand dollar. ftlOOO.OO) eaoh. tor a ewn not to e~o..d twelve thousand dollars(tIEOOO.OO) Whioh bouds ahall bear interest at a rate not to exceed seven per oeLt (1) p.r &anum, payable annually. and ~hich bonds shall not be 801d for lea. than par value with aoorued inter.at; and eaid bonds shall be pa1able 8Dd the prino1.!'al upon same shall beoome due in twenty (20) 1tarS tro,jj the 4ate thereof. provided. however. tho Town of boward does hereby ree.rve the r1ght to pay Qft suoh bonda in their numerical order as tte Town's funds ..,. Justify, from and after the expllration of one (I) year from the date """'" ther.ot; payment to be made as of the lnterest i)ay'nent date, provided, further. that eaoh and every bond shall bave the written signature of the l.l.al0r and Clerk of aaid Town of ~)eward, ...1a81.:&, and alBo bear the seal of sa1d fown; Said bonds shall have interest oupons attaohed and suoh int.rest cupone shall also bear tbe signature of l"he ,hayor and Clerk vi said Town; ninoipol and 1utElrfl.t upon said bonda shaH be payable in lawful money of the United ;;;tate. of &tilerioa, at the offioe of the 'I'own Traaaurer, or suoh plaoe a8 101 be designated by the COlllinGn Counoil of the Town of Seward, the plaoe of pa,rnent to be mentioned ill the bonos. ~eotion 4. That no part of the funas arising from the sale of ealq bond. shall be used for any [;tlrpose other than U~ specified 1n this ordl- narlO'; and .aid bOllds ahall be sold only in aucl;.amounte as the Common Counail rnsy d1reot and theproooeds thereof et.a)..;. bQ,dlebursed for the purpo.e herelnbefore stated, and under the order ~u~~ireotlon of said Oomaon Counoil from time to time aa tho sarno m~l ~e~4required for .~. ~ur- po.... Seotion 5. This Ordinanoe shall be sub~itted to the quali~lad eleotors of the Town of :J.ewara, Alask.a. whose namea apptlar 12pon .the 1936 AB...amaat Roll of said Town tor MuniOiPel~~o., fotadoptlob or reJeo- 'tioD. at an eleotion to be held therein OL' 'It' tM- lr{l:t-h~ay of Bov..bar IvZ6. at the ~own Hall of said Town, whioh eleotion is hereby oall.d and authori~edand shall be oonduot.d~~e nearly as praot1oable in ' aooor4ance w1 th the requiromenh of lawt,n,%~speot to general or speoial elootione 1n said Seward. " . " , The ballots useu in said election 6I:i..11 be in the usua.l form of ol.otl~n ballots, in~ aooordanoe with the Ordinanoes of sald Town of 5eward, and eball oontain, aislde from the u~ual insor1j.;tion upon slloh ballots, the following worda; r C 2) Shall the Town of ~eward, Alaska, ereot and equip a ~ublio-~ohool Gymnasium building in the Town of :iewaro, Alaeka. and heu. its negatable general bonda for the payment thereof in a sum not to exceed twelve thousand dollars, or ten (10) peroent of the ae...sed valuation ot its Real property. :-:- FOR BaUDS , , ,- : : AGAIj~T BOlDS , , The voter shall p:rel,are hiB ballot by plaoil18 a or08e in the .quare preoe.oins the words ~ FOR BO~U~" if he deaire. to vote for the same, and 'by plaoing a orolls in the square preoeeain6 the worde "A.G.UIST BOID$" , if be deelree to votu ~gain.t 8a~e. Section 6. A8 prov16ed for by that oertain aot of the 74th. Oongre.., *'-.J.. Publio, So. 626 entitled.nAn Aot" To authorlze ~gnloi9al Corporations in the Territory of Alaska to incur bonded lndebtedne.c, and for other purposes. " The following n~~ed persona are ooslgnDtec and appointed as Offloere of the oaid eleotion and to conduot tbe usmo, to-wit: Inepeot<Jr: JOB~rha!l"la :,hll] 6 nn Judges: Msrlaret ~8bb and ,,.J,..A... rVA~ Olerke: ~~v1a ~~%ton end HAAAiA ~i. 'In'1C\J' The polle for sald election sball be open 9t the hour of 8 A.M. and oloeo at the bonr of 7 P.M. on salt1 174ay of liovembu, 1936 aoa the place of voting sball be at the ~lre Hall. or Town liall iu aaid Iowu. aeo. 7. Tbis Ordinanoe shall b. publieheo in the Seward Gateway a n.w~raper of general oiroulation. published and printed in 8a10 town of seward. ODoe eo week: for a period of four (4) weeke preoedl~ 8alli 17 day of iovember 19~G. Sec. 6. The Common Counoil of the Town of ~ew9.rd, .Alaska. ::hall meet at the hour of 2 o'olook P.A. on the 18 da,. of .November. I~~6 at the Town Hall of said Town, to oanvae the returns of said 81eot100, in acoord- anoe wl th tbe requirements of the Ordinanoes of sald town relati ve to general or 8pttolal eleotions in sa.id .:.iuntoipality. Sec. 9. Tbis Ordinance shall be valid upon oondition odlJ that a maJority of sixty-five (65) per centum of the votes oa~t at sald special eleotion ahall be in favor of the issuing of the bouds hereinbefore provided for. .PASSED b7 the Common Counoil thial6<tbdal of JiiA.YOR Ootober. 1936. ~ 6~ MUNtC E