HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1941-149 r'" ORDINANOE No. 149 / AN ORDINANOE POR THE RlGULATION AND USE 0' STREBTS HIGHWAYS AND ALLBYS WITHIN THE OORPORATE LIMITS OP THi TOWN 0' SBWARD ALASU BY PUBLI C CARRIERS OR MOTOR VBHICLBS OARRYING PASSENGERS POR HIRB. / > / Section 1. It shall be unlawful tor any person, firm, or corporati n, / to operate a motor vehlele tor the oarriage ot paasengera tor hire upon tbe atreeta, highwaya, and alll,a within the oorporate limit8 of the Town of Seward, Alaska, without fir at having secured a lioen.e to do 80. seotion 2. Every person, fi~, or corporation within the purview ot this ordinance desiring to obtain a license to operate a motor vehlol_ tor hire for the carriage of passengers upon the streets, blghway., and alleys within thl corporate limita ot the Town ot 8e rd Ihall make application to the City Olerk. Said application ahall aet forth 8. the name and addresa of the applicant and it aaid applioant be 8 flrm or co-partnership, the application ahall oonta1n the name and Ityl. ot the co-partnership and the full ~me of .aoh of the memb.rs thereof, or it said applicant be a eorporatl0R. sald appllcation ahall state the place or inoorp- oration, the prinoiple place ot busineas of sald corporation, and 1:h. name. and addr..... ot ita president and secretarYi and b. the full name ot the person who w.LIl operate the 8aid vehicle and whether or not the 8ald person pos.e.se. a municipal and territori 1 op.~ators lio.n.e; o. the mak., model and seating capacity of the ~tor Tehiole to be uaed for the carria.. of pasaensersi d. the eonditioft of .ald motor vehlcle to be used and ot its safety acces - ori.s, equipment and attaon..kDai e. whether the applicant has publio liability insurance and common carrier insurance, or any other fora of inaurance, and It so the amount thereof and the inaurer ahall be stated; f. 8ach application shall be tiled by the owner of the motor vehlcle to be used for the carriage ot pass.nlera for hire and also by the operator ot aald vohiel., it he be a peraon other than the owner. Seotion 3. There shell accompany each application for a license to operate a taxi tor the carriage ot passengers for hire within tne oorperate limita ot the Town ot Seward, the sum of $16.00, and ..oh application for a license to operate 8 bus tor the carriage of pal.enger. for hlre within the corporate limits ot the Town of Seward, the sum ot $26.00, which it the application for a license b. accepted, ahall constltute the l1cense fees, or fee, from January 1, 1942 to January 1, ot each succeeding year. It sa1d applicatlon for a license i8 refused or rejected, sa1d sum shall b returned to the applicant, otherwise said 11cenae tee shell be paid lnto the Town treasury. \f y?/~ w ~~ 'vi -->-- -- Section 4. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk with the aid ot the Ohlet of Police ot the Town ot Seward, to inspect each app- 11cation referred to ln Section 2, hereot and determlne whether or not 881d appl1cBt is ot moral end financial responsibillty and whether or not the motor vehicle proposed to be operated for the carriage of paa.engers for hire and allot its accessories and equlpment, are in good operating condition and meet the necessary standard. ot .atety requlred by the laws of the Terrltory ot Alas , and deemed necesaary by the C~f of Po11ee and the TownCouncil. It .aid appllcatlon ia refused and rejected by the Oity Cler for any ot the grounda kereinabove enumerated , the City Olerk ahall aubscribe the reasons thereot upon said applicat10n and atf hie name thereto. 1. II Ii i! )1 , , \ --'--~----- ,-,- , ,II " ORD. 149, P.2. Anyone te.llng hlma.lt aaarl,v.d by the aotlon 01' the Oity Olerk, may ril. hla p.tition w1th the Towa Oounei1 ..ttIns torth hiB gri-YlDo.. Th' Oo~ol1 on,th. rt..lpt 01' .aid. petltion. shall t1x . t1a. anti ,.... tor the htarlna of the ....It.tor. the rull counoi1. At 8ald h.arina, ~th the p.titioner and the city clerk shall b. permitt.d to introduce t..tlaony und.roa" in .upport of thdr cont.ntions. Mt.r th. add i..U_n)' baa b..n introduce an4 'both 614.. qonclud'd, the tctwn ,Go\U1cll shAll ~a~. . vote upon tbe qu..tion ot au.ta1nin& or ov'rrultnl the aotlon of, the Oity 01.1"k. It tit. .ot~on 01' the 01ty Olerk b. overrul.d, the C1ty ! Ol.rk.hall tcrthwitb 188ue . l1cen.e. It the actlon of the 0Ity Clerk be &u8talnA4, the petItIa.r and applicant muat seek whate.er rem.dy h., or it ., have ill the Courts. S.otton 6. It ahall b. ~he dut~ of the Chiet of Pollo. to set ..1d, witl'dn the budn... dietriot of the town qf S.ward, parkIng stancl,. ror tbe ""It or "doabl.. 8.uoh parkins .tande .hall b, pl_1nly mark.d. .nc1 for the .~olU'1v., u.. of.' taxIoaba.The Chier or POlio. shall assign to .ach'taxloab a parkins pIao. whleh ahall be, o:Otupl.. by add oab 1I1.n nGt 1n1lQUQIl:, OX' when not picking up or dlaonaralns p.88~nger.. Tn. parklft& pleoe ...1anad tO,a partld- ular taUGab 6hall be oocupied to the excluaion ota-'ll other u.1cab'a, lUll... and untl1 sald tax1eab 41aoOllt1nu.ea ,bua1neBa. Speo.1a1. .'tanet. shall in Uk. lI8Jln.r" ~ un dei" Hj8,repletiona. be a..1gned. to bual.a wltn1n the Town or S..a.rd, Aleaka. 8.4UQft e. Ivery person, ~a or corpore.tJon vlo1atlnJ any of the prOY1tIona ot thb o1"d,llUlJlDe shall b. au-.J eet to a: penalty or not leu than '80.00, nor more thlm .100.00 andl or a 3a11 ..nt.. of' ~ot leu than ten, or 110I"1 than 90 d.,a Paaaed unanlaously under su.penllon of' the rule. by the Common Councl1 of the Town of' Seward., and epproved thia 20th day of October, 1;41. JtJ..~rf ~