HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1946-164 r ORDIANACE NO. 164. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES NO.135, ENTITLEDD "AN ORDINANCE TO PRESCRIBE, ESTABLISH AND REGULATE THE RATES, FEES OR CHARGES TO BE MADE AND COLLECTED BY THE TOWN OF, SEWARD, ALASKA, FOR THE SERVICES, FACILITIES AND COMMODITIES O~ ITS MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM FURNISHED , TO TliE. 'INHABITANTS of SAlD TOWN OF SEWARD', ALASKA, AND TO THE SIlD MUNICIPALITY,' OR TO ANY OF ITS DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS OR AGENCIES AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH. PRESCRIBING PENALITIES FOR FAILURE TO CO~PLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDIIRNGE, AND FOR 'OTHER' PRt!POSES. ' " r BE IT ORDAINED By the Common Council of the T..n of Seward" Alask"a: . Section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance Ko. 135 of the Town of Seward, Alaska, Approved en the 3 day of Janu~ry 1938, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sect'ion' 4: The service rates and charges to be made and collected for services of the Municipal Electric System or P~ant, the Firm dGing business as "Seward Light & Power", a~d all and any other ~mH public service com- pany, corporation, firm or individual, and the classifi~ cations theraf, are as follows: Schedule "An Domestic: l2~ per KWH for first 40 KWH 7~ Per KWH for next 60 KWH ,~ per KWH for arl over 100 KWH MINIMUM charges to be $2.00 per month. DEFINITION:' One family Elwelllng used for a home onlYtSiagle phase setvico for lighting, cooking and single phase motors inciderttalto demestic appliances. Demand load not to exceed five (5) HP~ ~ule "B"C.mmercial: ' 10~'per KWH t.r first 100 KWH 8~ per KWH for next 300 KWH 6~ per KWH for next 500 KWH 5~ per KWH for all ever 900 KWH MINIMUM charges to be $4.00 per month. DEFINITION: Lighting, cooking, small appliances, motors not eKceed~ng five horsepower, in profes- sional, mercantile, industrial and other establish- ments not classified in Schedule "A" Domestic. [ Schedule "C" Power & Government 5~ per KWH for all power. MINIMUM charges to be $1.00 per HP~ DEFINITION: Minimum demand five hOBsepower; minimum non-inductive load, 10 KW. OFF.PEAK LOAD: Off peak i.. power lead or bakeries .he furnish mechanism necessary to regulate load from 8 o'cleck PM to 7 o'clock AM. 4~ per KWH for all power saed MINIMUM charges $10.00 r r-< ~. Domestic Hot Water Heaters (40 tals) Flat Rate $6.00 per month. Customer tQ furnish suitable ti~ switch SQ that HeAter does not 0perate between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and Noon, and ~:OO PM to 7:00 PM. Section 2. An emer~ency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordinanct\ shell be in full force and effect from and after its passage and a pprQtval, and the rates therein designated shall ~o int~ effect on the 1st day of July 1946. Section 3. That after the enactment and appreval of this amending 0rdinance, the same shall be pUblished in the local newspaper in three consecutive issues ;ri~r ta the la. 1st day $f July 1946, and true capies ther~f mailed te (a) the Sewar~ Electric System; (b) Seward Light and P~wer; and, (c) the Recenstruction Finance Cor- poration. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY by the Cammon Cauncil ef the Town of Seward, Alaska this 10 day 0f June'1946. kE~ Tewn Clerk, T0wn ~f Seward, Alaska. APPROVED this 10 day ef June 19~6 ~ ;L:2..? c ~ f'l'-'" "'. ; -n .~':;:. /--'" . f :~ >'':/t; .~ ~ :I ';', (',! . ~tf ff~, ayeI'. ~ . <H~'< O.Q.~/ _,'1'l~_. :9~~~IO~ ~, Li: ;;i: S . \~,.,.. .1....~~-1\.-- Meetin~ adjeurned 11:00 PM. {' Appro..d ~~ ;f~ Maylr Attest~ 't ~ City Olerk OHDINANCE To amend Schedule "D" of Ordinance No. 164 relating to Hot Water Heaters; and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Uu~;1:0N COUl~CIL OF TU!!: CITY GF SENARD, liLASKA: Sec 1. That the rates or chargesjfor the operation of all Hot Water Heaters in the City of Seward, nlaska, shall be a minimum of ~6.00 per month for all electricity under ~Ou Kilowatts; that electricy furnished on account of such hot water heaters ln ex- cess of 200 kilowatts per month, s~all be at the rate of 3~ per kowoho Sec 2. A deposit of $5.00 shall be made in connection with the installation or use of every such hot wa~er heater serviced by the Seward Electric System. Sec 3. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordin- ance shall take effect immediately after its passage and approval. PASSED under suspension of the Rules this 16th Oct 19)0. ~ '~1f ~(- b..~ ~ ) -" ~~ -L~ Mun cipa Clerk