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eRj)IlLl~C2 Hu. 180
aN OItDn~..lI/C.::. Tv PROvIDE FuH GB,iBRi.i.,,],D 3l-'2CI.L ;"lLJ,~J.iJll-'_L iL~G'l'.I01~~
IN THh Ul1'Y 01" SlC,;u-~RlJ, T.:!.nlU'TuhY Jr',L,',:jK.i: f'UR '~'.-jG RiGISTli. ,'lIJl~ OF
'EH~ VOTgn~ FOR [JUC,I ,~L~CTIONS, ~ir~.J O'lH~l( ;LTT.c;Ru f'l{JP:!..RLY :~;:;;L~'l'lJN
BB 11' ORD.,L:dll BY the Oo:n:lIon Council of the City of Seward, Terr-
itory of Al2ska.
ciECTI0N 1. ~h~t there sh~ll be R generdl ~nnu~ I ~ity election in the
City of oewerd, 'lerritory of Alesk2', on the first 'l'uesd.y in 4:Pru -pf.,
(3ach ye:lr for the purpose of electing such officers of tr,a Ci ty.-or
beward 2S are now, or which fLY r,eref~rter be by the ldWS of the '1'erritory
of aleskq, ana the Urdinances of tha said City of bewsri, designated
and ffiede elective; 'llso for the purpose of electing] !.1ClJuber of the
school board of the bew ra, ~l8Sk~, bchool Jistrici.
'Ihe Go,nmon Uouncil m"y order I::. Gpeci I election to be held at
any ti~e for good cause shown, or the happening of lny eXigency by
virtue of ,,-lny 18w of the Eerl'itory of "lC}ska or the Urdiilsnces of' snid
City of ::>ewi-Jrd. All such sped 1 election,tJ helu she"ll conform in ell
respects with the provisions c:onkined it} this Jrdin.once.
OFFIUJ:iRS -O'.iW 'l'ii.~,U~u lir" UFB'IC.c;
s~c/nUN 2. lit each Cinnu?l election there ;,hall be elected by the
qualified electors of the s_ ici City of 0ew,rd, e.11 officers required
under the laws 66 the ferritory of A18sk2 governing wunicip~lities.
All officers so elected sh'll hold their respective offices for
the term prescribed by lcw, nd until th~ir successors are elected 'nd
lJuelified, unless otherwise rewoved l' 1'0 tel office 2S is preGcribed by
:~U,;,...i.L~FIJ ..fllul~S JF ,~L_JI.;tl'vH~.
sivnOi\j 3. 'ihe Qualification of 'n elector sh'll be es follO\.s: Those
persons Nho are ditizens of the Jnited 6tctes over the n~e of Twenty-
one, ~ho are fionafide residents of the Territory of Alaska, Rnu who
have been such reGi:ients 'continously 'lurinl~ the entire ye:-r i!1mdeiately
preceeding the election snd who h>:;ve been suen residents contihllotrily for
thirty days next preceeding the election wi.lin the corpor~te liillits of
the City of 6eward, Flho 3re 8 ble to re' d the lJonsti tutioD of the United
States of America in t~e ~nglish l~n~uoge, ~nd to ~ri~e the ~nglish
Laagu'ge, and who register GS herein required.
rrovided, hO\Iever, thiotrt;1;;P'3 in tne Cf'se of an elector voting for
a member of the SewarD ochool l!o3rd, the r:u'~l1fications shell be only
thpt he or she shell be " citizan of the united oates, ~nd ' bomJfide
resident of tne said bchool ~istrict.
J:!. V Brit d; wz,":'1U.\ tv It,j,u L.)'i'I!;h
SSCTI0N 4. 'ihe Municipal lJlerk stwll be e;c-officio l-(egistr:jtion ,,-,fficer.
All persons, before voting t nny general or speci.;l election in
the I]i ty of 1;ie~fclrd, must register as hereim'fter prov iued in this section,
provided, noweveI', in c lse of voting forne,Gbers of the Gehool Board,
all voters hewing the reouisite "uclific:"tions sh:Jll be ',110w8'1 to c,st
their ballot without IGving previously registered.
.<1.11 persons ,1eEiring to vote for officers other th'lD [) member of
the School Boarc, must register prior to 10 p.rn. of tne ..:I'Jturdey pre-
ceeding the election.
---'~-,-_..._-~, ...--- .
;.lhiI.;II'nL CL.-\hK '10 1',~()~ijfU ,t.L:;,:j13T'u_Tlvj\) b00l\.
ol:!..CTI.Jl~ 5. It 5hsll be the duty of thG .~unicip::i". Glerk, brrnediately
upon the p~ss~8e, approval And tHking effect of this Urdinence, to
cJrocura.na prepE/re for \;11e registrotion of the voters of the s,~i/.l City
of beward, "n ori~in~l registr'tion book, ~nj on or before the first
dond',y of Februnry of BBch yeir here8fter to procure nnd pre'J2re "' like
boo~ for registrstion. .
Im2i, ;'t,~GL:>,rfc/rI0n '1'1) BE(Hi~, .~'l'C.
ciEG'T10N 6. The s'id ,i1unicipal "lerlc <'nd ex-officio HBt',istr1tion Officer
sholl duly retlster ul1 0ualified persons ~pplying therefor. the
registrstion book provided for in this Jrdinance, ShHll be open bt Jll
tines durin~ the ye!r for tne registrr.tion of voters. ~rovide~, however,
that the s,'id registr8tion book shall hot 013 opened on UUnd!lYs or rtolidays
for the purpose of registrstion. un u1turd~y n8xt preceeaing any ele~tion,
the ssid registration book sh:,ll be .~loGed, "nd no n'ines again rep:istereri
thereon u:1til the (hy next follo:;ing the then election.
"u.'-l'IO .:' ..D ",'''> .0'<';> 'TI"'." ;,"1',....
..~ ..;,: ..1[' ,~_...,;.I\J.l..l....I.,\,._\.,... ......J.l J ~..vo
tir.~~..U;; 7.. ,~2id.re;ris~r:.tionnbo:);{ sb~1~8t.all ti.ues be kept in the
ofr 1ce ot tne S 1d j"un1c1p,cl "leI'1\:. 1:Qf~edl.'<tely "fter the taKing effect
of this Urdinance, An~ tnere.,fter on the first ~ondBY of ~ebruBry of eJch
yetJr, it snall be the duty 0:' the ,.lunicipll Glerk snd ex-officio he~is-
tration Officer to CBuse to be pUblishe1 in the offici.l newspHper oP
the City of ~eward, or if there be no offi~iJl ne~spdper designated by
the GomInon Council, post or c :UGe to be posted in c:t lei:;.st three conspicuot;
plae.es within the --itj of "'ewe,nd, ,:, noti..\e '.Ihich sh",11 s'tGte the ti;-'le
and place of registrction for tne ~'nnu,l election to be neL1 on the first
~uesd~y in ~pril snd the durltion thereof; the qU3lificution of electors:
tie ti'Je and plsce of election C'S .Iell :'.S the ~Jurpose for \!hich su~h
election sh,ll be held, vhicn G id notice sn~ll bA subst8nti~lly in the
following form:
I'Notice is hereby given trlC,t "t tne ilOur of ten 0' clock Cl.D. on
the _dey of , 19_. the r::gistra tion books of the Ui ty of
bevlard will De opent the office o~' the .,.unicipfll Clerk for the p'lrpose
of registering all ;uslified electors, t,ienty -one yeurs of dge or over,
who sre citizens of the United :.:,tates of u:neric8 lnd ,:ho ure bOllufiae
resi1ents of t:^le territory of ..las~8, cnu "Iho h: ve been such residents
continuou8ly durinf', the entire yeFr i:1f:v,:dbtely precee(iing the election
Bnd ~ho h~' e been such residents continously for thirty days ndxt precBsdir
the election within the corpor~te limits 6P the City of Se~ard, who are
able to re!:ld the .Jonsti tutio!1 of elle United be] tu':es of.neric' in tne
JlInglish 1,3!lguage "nei to \irite the -'nglish 1 ngu ge.;ll electors must
before voting, register "heir nlJleS "'nri ~u'lific,tions with t.le
Registr~tion Uffi0er.
"The negistration book ~ill be opened every d:y, except ~undHYs
and Eolidays, beginning . 194?, durina the following hours:
~ ..
'7il the PridAv next ~receelinf the ~irst Tuesd]y in ~pril, from
10 a.ml to 3 p:m. - .
On Friday.nd 32 turddY next preceeclilw the first 'l'uesday, in
april, fro'n lO B.rn. to 3 p'.m. ~,nd f/ro:i 7 p..,l. to 10 p.:l.
rih.tsflid registr'1i:;ion b'OOK will be clos'"G fo" such election
ten 0' cloc~: p.:n. bf;turd~~y, , 19_.
That said electbnwill be held on the first TU8sday in April
Dated, Seward, "'laska, 19. · , '. Gl k
:Jlun1c1p::l er
for the purpose
In c~se of speci~l election, the ~un&~ipal "lerk shsll give like
_ notice, therein sp~cifJing that reFistrution ~ill close two d~ys next
preceeding such speci81 election.
'1he registration bOOle provided for herein shull be o~ened avary .
d<;;y in the YB:r, except ~uJ1d~JYs, L1:)lic',-iYs, thG a.y upon ,'lh1Ch the elect10n
is held, ond the two 0 :ye next preceeding Bny general or special election.
-'>.RRAI\GJ.cbl,'T OF 00LU.INi;) IN H3GI:S'L'FL,'fIOli BOOK
SECTION 8. The originJl registrAtion book shull be so arranged 8S to
admit tne alphab8tic~ clossific~tion of the nemes of the voters regist-
ered; sh~ll be ruled In par81lel colu~ns with appropriate headings
substantIally ~s follows:
snd another ':nd Sil:1ilar column i:JlIlediately foll.;wing heu:ied I.lJSliri'lFIC,"'l'lUN
to be used for the signatur~ of.,"'; voter in cc:se of chllenge ,;hen offering
to vote,--a colum headed R~ial..1\l\.b and one column for the checliing of the
voter at the tiLls of voting.
S~CTION g. If the voter about to register is of foreign birth, he
shall at the time of registering produce satisfactory evidence to the
registration officer that he is i3 natur\lized citizen of the 0nited
~LSCTOHci PL..iJl!. OF Rli;:,I.JA:,Ji
SJ:i:C'TION 10' Under the l1eucling ot' ll.Place of Residence II sha 11 be noted
the number of the lot or block, or number "md street where applicomt
resides, or such definite description 8S is sufficiBnt to locste the
SEJTIUN 11. The voter so registered under the provIsIons of this ord-
inunce shall sign his or her n::\ille in the original registration book
under the colu n "SignBture of Voter" at the time of reg:'sterin€,. in
cqse the voter shall be unable to write his or her name, or in case of
physicol int'irmity, the voter be unable to write his or her n':line, he or
she shall on the left hani margin of said coluTnn maKe his or her mark
in the presence of some person who personhlly knows sHid voter, 3n~ is
known to the registration officer, and who is c'iplble of writing his
own nume as ; witnessto the said sign<.'ture by murk, directly opposite
or neAr the same. It may be done in this form:
John X Doe
~itness to signature
J 3!:leS hoe
'1'0 liiGI.:i1'Eh VOTiR iilUS'l ,j,}'fEi.R IN PB1\6uN
S~CTION 12. No person shall be registered unless appBsrmmg in person
before the registration officer during office hours or such hour as
designated in notice given by the ciunicipal Ulerk and e,,-o1'I'icio Regis-
tration officer.
SECTION 13. No person shall be entitled.to vote 8tny el?ction in ~he
Oity of Sew2rd, ~sBve for member of the ~chool board) who IS not reRlst-
ered according to the provisions of tnis ordinance. uuch registration
shell not be conclusive evidence of the right of the registered person
to vote, but such person msy be challenged Bnd reluired to estublished
their right ~t the polls in ~ manner as is required.
SEC'l/IuN 14. The registration officer is hereby empowered to B.dlUinister
all necessary o~ths'in examinations of sn Bpplic3nt for registration.
or any witness or witnesses called in behalf of such applicant in order
to ascertain the right of such applicant to be registered under the
provisions of this ordingnee.
R~GISTrL'I'llh~ UFFICjj;R 'rv c:1i:rlT iFt THE RJGI6'I'J!;R BU0t~
S~CTI0N 15. It shall be the duty of the registrdtion officer i2mediately
upon the close of the register book, p:'eceeding p,ny generc:,l or special
election, to certify to the correctness of the original register, ~nd
shall, before the opening of the polls at such general or speci~l election
deliver the register book to the Inspector or one of the jud'es of '
election, 8nd take receipt tnerefor.
SECTlU!~ 16. That twenty u'11s before ::my snnual, ~nd (ten)dli.ys before
sny specisl election, the M.unicipsl Gler!c shall pUblfsh for one week
in the offici'3.1 p"per of the City of Jew'.}r:, or post or c use to be
posted .in three conspicuous pl8ce~ Iii thin the "i ty of Sew)rd notice
thereof, which f'nid notice 'ClOY be substAiltially in the following form:
"Notice is hereby given that on the _d:y of
will be nel~ in the City hall in the Uity of Seward, \of
as msy be designated OJ th8 Go~~on Uouncil), an election
of (state pUrpORs) .
"The polls for said election will be opened at eight 0' clock a.m.
on that day Dn'd Viill close at seven 0' cloek p.m. on -Che S"::J.8 :1 .y, und
all qualified electors of the City of ~eward who h..:ve registered, as in
this orciinance provi,ied, '.iill be entitled to vote "t s>1id 9lectionl
, 19_, there
such other place
for the purpose
..iunicip:31 "'lerk
5~GTION 17. It shall be the ciu-cy of the Common Council to appoint from
the qU'11ified electors of the City of tiewar,;" three judges of election,
one of who;n shall be designated Inspector, who shull constitute tne
~oard of ~lection, ,nd two clert~s .,'.hose r,uty i":; shall be to enter on
seperate poll lists the names of e,,,ch elector.recelvllilg a ballot, number-
ing each name 8S it is taken down.
The lnspecl,or, JUdges dno "lerks 3!'or,',s'c:id of electio., shall be-
fore entering upon the dischlr'e of their sepFlr3te juties severally t~jke
?nd subscribe the oath or effinlC,tion herein"/fter directed, which
shall be administered b Y Bny officer uu-chorized to ~d~inlster o~ths in
the 'l'erri tory of "'lc3Sk::. ,I"ld sllch o:1th or Affirm" tioD [[j ,y be in substant-
1&11y the following form:
t., , do solernnly swer (or affirm) that I will honestly
~nd faithfully perform the uuties of my trust; that ~ will perform the
Quties of (Judges or ClerKs of blection), according to IBW; th~t 1 will
assiduously endeavor to prevent fraud, aeceit or abuse in conducting the
election to the best of my ability, ;';0 liEi,P ME GO!).
~ubscribed 8n~ s~orn to before me tnis
1\:i _.
tUffid31 i:'i tIer
Any member of the ~oard of ~lect~on bh8l1 huve the powar to, und
S[.;oll &dminister bnd cel\tify o"ths required -Co be administered Quring
the progress of any election.
'lhe lj08rd of .:.lection sh-.ll h",ve 'che po,e,er' -Co fill '.tHY v:lcuncy
which may occur in the coara, or in the clerkship during the progress
of any election.
. OPF.:bING iiln) CLOoING OF' 'l'ci", PuLi,o
SE~TION 18. The polls at yny annual or special elections shJIl be
o~en'd at the hour of ei~ht 0' clock a.m. of the designated day, and
sn~11 be,kept open until seven 0' clock in the evening of the same day.
Immediately before the opening of the polls the ElectiOl, Board mast,
in the presence of any person or persons assembled at the polling place,
epen, exhibit, purge and seal the ballot boxes, and thereafter they luust
iHe1J!tW~~~~~~~';~a~~i~~:~~CSP~dPEltftince of the bYGtanders until
Immediately after opening the polls and before receiving any ballots,
the inspector or one of the Jud~~s shall proclaim in 3 loud voice from
the floor of the polling place that the polls of such election are opened
and thirty minutes before the closing of the polls, the Inspector or one
of the judges shall make public proclernetion that the polls will close
in half an hour, when the polls are finally closed the fact must be
proclaimed alouA at the polling place, and after such proclamation no
ballots must be received.
. ,
SECTION 19. The Board of Election shall keep and be responsible for the
poll lists, tally lists, Bnd register book, and shell return the sa~e
to t,le Municipal Clerk with the election returns. Judges of ~lection,
on the morning of the election and before the opening of the polls, the
register book which shall contain the name of all electors enrolled on
the books of the rtegistrstion Officer, duly certified by hi~ to be a
true copy thereof; the Municipal Clerk shall also furnish to the s,.id
Board of ~lection at such time, the necessary poll list, tally books,
and all other books and papers necess~ry to a complete record of the
votes cast and the resultsnt count thereof{'at such election, and upon the
delivery thereof to the said lnspector or other Judges, shall take receipt
SECTION 20. ~ll ballots prepsreJ under the provisions of this ordinance
shall con6orm to the following re~uireillents.
First. bhall be on white pbper of A good nUBlity ~nd of uniform
grade, end the n'''mes shell be printed -chercon in bleek ink.
Second. Every ballot sh~1l1 contain thensrue of every candidate
whose nomination for F ny office specified in the ballot h8s been filed
according to the provisions of this ordinance, and no other nemes.
Third. Under the uesignation of the office if more than one
candidate is to be voted for, there shall be indicated the number of
such candidate to such office to be '.'Clted for a t such election.
Fourth. 'I'he candidates neme shell be place.! in FJlphabetical_.9.nl.e.r
under the rh:lsi i:n~!;1Qn~QL..t.hfi,Qr!..1~!iL.foriihich norninetecr.- 1~t the end of
each list of candidates for esch office, there shsll be provided one
blank spece for 8S many cnndidetes as may be voted for to fill SUC~1
office, upon which blank spaces may be '.wi tten with pe:;c il the n,une of
candids-ces or persons whoso nemes are not printed thereon.
Fifth, '.i.'he be llots shall be neClded: lIQff~~A?'l...Bal1.ot II of tne
City of Seward, and at the top thereof above s perforated line, shall
be duplicate stubs bearing consecutive nU111bers; one of s'id stubs to
be retained by the XaKKI Election Judges upon preEenting the ballot to
the voter; and the other stub to be torn from the ballot by the..l!ilection
Judges and compared and retain8d upon the retultn of the v~ter from the
voting booth, and in preparing saLi bL;llot the l~u:nicipal vlerk shall
follow L1 forn substc"ntially as hereinafter provi,"ed, which sdid official
ba.llots the Municipal Clerk shall cause to be nUf'1bered consecutively
beginniag with number one (1).
Sixth. At the top of the bsllot shbll appe~r the following
instructions to the voters: !1148rk X in the square 8t the right of the
~he 6ame of the c8ndidBte for whom you desire to vote. If names of
c~ndidates for whom you desire to vote do not appear on the ballot,
insert with pencil in blank spaces."
Provided, however, thst all ballots prepared for the election of
members of the School Board shall be separste and distinct from the
regular Wunicipal Ballot, and of 3 different color, and all ballots
cast for cendidates ot su~h8chooi Board shall be kept in a separate
ballot box designated and marked "School Board." .
All ballots used at any annual, special or school election shall
be furnished to the Election Board by the W~icipal Clerk who shall
prepare and have them printed at the expense of the Oity. In prep~ring
the said ballots the Municipsl Clerkmust in ~ll respects confor~ to the
provisions of this ordinance. '.cha sz'id ""-unicip'll I..Ilerk shall furnish
to the Judges of Election at least one hundred (100) official ballots
for each fifty (50) voters regietered for such election, and also shall
furnish, upon tinted paper, sample ballots on which sh~jll be printed in
large type "Sample BRllot." The same number of s)mple ballots as offici31
ballots, shell be be printed. 'l'he said s,mple ballots, sav,' for color,
SaIl be exact reproduction of the official bsllot.
The ~aid sample ballots shall be posted or distributed in conspicuoul
places at any time on or before the d,te of election by the Mun~cipLl
Ulerk or by the Judges of Election.
N...~S OF C.il.NDIDaTJiG Oh B,,,LLO'rs
SBOTIO~ 21. ihat nB~es of all candidates for office, to entitle them to
apll:!ce upon. the official bsllot. .shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk
e t l~est seven d.1:JYs prior to t.he election. i:luch mullS or names shall be
accompanied by a petition signed by at le;Jst twenty qUGlifieci' voters of
the Oity, or the CRndidate or c,,~ndid8tes shHll have been nominated at
a public meeting of the electors of the City called for the purpose of
rll8king n&minCitions, and be certified by the chairnan and clerk, or secre-
tary of such meeting.
F01t1 OF lj,.LLO'I'
- - - - - .
- 1 -.
. .
Mark X in the square at the right of
the candidate for whom you desire to
vote. If names of candidCltes for whom:
you desire to vote do not appear on the
vallot. insert with pencil :
. .
. .
:Por Councilmen. (Vote for three)
:Smith. James
:BrQwnJ Charles
:1)08. ohn
Add t.hree more blan~, spaces for names
of candidates not on ballot
The Municipal 01erk shall pIece upon such ballots the names ofa~l
candidates which have been filed in his office ;,ithin the time specifled4
herein for any additional municipal offices that may here8ft~r be created
elective by the act of the legislature of the Territory of Alaska.
SE,C'l'J.JN ~3. There shell be two ballot boxes provided by the dlunicipal
Clerk. One o! which shall be marked "Municipa I,ll Iiln which sh3ll be de-
posited only Municipal ballots and the other ballot box marked "School
Board," in which shall be deposited only the ballots cast for members
of the School Board.
SECTI01'i 24. The City .t1pll is hereby designated "Is the polllng place,
and all elections for the City of Sew0rd shall be held at said hall,
unless the Council sh811 designate some other place for holding such
election; and it shall be the duty of the ~unicip31 Clerk to provide
therein a sufficient number of places, booths, or compartments which
shall be furnished with the necessc_ry suppl ies;nd eonveniences to
enable the elector to conveniently prepare his or her ballot for voting,
screened from observation.
SECTIOi'J 25. .tit such election it shall be the duty of the Inspector or
one of the JUdges of Election to deliver ballots to tne qualified electors.
Any elector desiring to vote shall give his or ner name to the Inspector
or other judge of election, who shall then, in dn Budible tone of voice,
announce the S2:rae, whereupon 5 ch" l1enge may be intel'posed, and if the
challenge be overruled, the Inspector or other judge of B_XX election
shall give the elector a ballot, at the Sd;;'lS time ccll1ing to the clerks
of election the number of such ballot, It ShE'll be the ~uty of such
clerks to transcribe the name of ~he elector in the poll books, Bnd
against such name the number of the bel10t delivered to the elector.
PRlSP,aRu.TluN OF &LL01'
bh~TION 26. When a voter shall ~y ac~ident or mistake spoil u ballot,
on the return of said spoiled ballot, the voter DRY receive ;nother in
lieu thereof from the lnspector or other JUdge of election, and if
necessary a third ballot, but no more then three will be bllowed under
any circumst8nces. The spoiled ballots must be preserved by the jQdges
of election 3nd plecea with the unused ballots.
Upon receipt of the b~llot the elector shEll forthwith, and ~ithout
leaving the polling plsc8, retire olone to on: of the places, booths or
oompartments provided to prepare the bqllot. Before leeving the booth
or compartment the elector shull fold the ballot in such manner ti1Ht the
number of the S:Hlle sha 11 tlppesr on the outside thereof, without display-
ing the marks on the face or inside, an~ shall keep it lolded until he
or she has voted, having folded the b~lllot, the elector shall deliver
it folded to the Inspector or other juage of election, who $hall in an
audible tone of' voice repe<Jt the n'cIDG of the elector and <the nuuber of
the ballot. The election clerks h3vin8 charge of t.,le poll bools, sh:,ll,
if they find the number m<lrke'!, opposite the electors n,;me on the poll
books to ta correspond with the number on the ballot honded to the
Inspector or other jUdgG of election, mark opposite the n,:rne of ouch
elector the word "votedl', ':nd one of the clerks shall call back, i~qn
audible tone, the name of the elector the number of ilis or her ballot. l'
tllThe Ins.pector or othel" judi!e shsll sepDrate the slip contuining the numbe J
· of the ballot, therefrom, Hnd shall then deposit the ballot in the ballot
box. 'J:he numbers so removed frO'Il the ballot sha 11 be immedii tely
No more thEn one person shell be permitted to occupy eny one booth
8 t one time, and no person she! 11 re;nuin in or occupy; booth or compert-
mant longer than rru,y be necesse-,ry to prepare a b:.jllot, clOd in no avent
longer than five dinutes. Provided, hO\V6ver. th~)t l,ny voter :.ho is
blind or physically disabled to prepare t;1e ballot, may demand that the
Judges of election assist in the prepartition thereof, and in that case,
. the election judges shall assist. Intoxication shall not constitute
physicsl disability.
SECTION 27. 1n the c'nvas of the votes,'ny ballots or parts of a ballot
from which it is impossible to determinA the electors choice shall be
void 2nd shell not be counted; provided, ~h8t when a ballot is sufficient]
plain to gather therefrom 8 part of the voters intention, it shall be
the Quty of the judges of election to count auch part.
SECTION 28. No officer of election shall do any electioneering on
election day. No person shall do any electioneering on election d~y
within the polling place or within the building, or wittlin one hundred
(100) feet thereof, nor obstruct the door, or entry thereto, or prevent
free ingress or egress from said building. .olny election officer, Marshal
or other peace officer, is hereby authorized and empowered, and it is
hereby made his duty to clear the passageway end prevent such obsteuction,
and to arrest sny person creating such obstruction, or in any W'dY violatit
this section.
bECTION 29. i!..ny person offering to vote msy be challenged as unqu8lified
p~ the Inspector or either of the judges or by 'my legal voter, and it
shall be the duty of the Inspector and elOch of the judges to challenge
any person offering to vote whom they sholl know or suspect not to be
duly qualified as an elector.
dhen any person offering to vote is challenged, it shall be the
duty of the Judges to declare to su,h parson the qualificRtions of an
elector, and the inspector 01' one of the judges shall binder him the
following oath: "You do solemnly swear (or 8ffirm) that you will truly
arid fully answer all question 8S shall be put 1:0 you touching. your pl~ce
of I'esidence 8nd qualifications as an elector." The .i.nhpector of ane
of thej;ldges shdll then proceed to question the person challenged in
relation to his or her name, pl~ce of residence, how long a resident
of the City of beward und Territory of Alaska, also tiS to citizenship,
whether a native or nsturalized citizen, Cind ;,,11 such other questions
as shall tend to test the voters uBlific~tions ~s ~o citizenship Rnd
the right to vote.
If any person shf)ll refuse to t~ka the ai'oresaid oath, *hen so .
tendered, or to answer any,nd all pertinent questions 8S to qualifi-
catiohs, the vote t'i1ull be rejected; and if the judges are satisfied,
fI'om such answers as aforesaid, that such person is not a legal voter,
they shall reject the vote. if any per~on sh~ll take the oath as
tendered by the j;ldges ':.'nd no evidence is ot'fered to traverse the same,
by <the offh~er or party challenging, and sh811 otherwise comply <,lith the
requirements of luw regulCiting the balloting, such vota shc.ll be admitted
uOUi~TlNa VO'fEti
SJ:SCT.lO~~)O. As Boon 88 the polls are closed on the dlY of election
the judges snaIl open the b8110~ aOx ani com~ence counting the votea.
'.I.'he counting or the ballots sh:,; 11 in ~\11 cases be public. The
ballots shall be t:'iken out earefully one by one, by the .l.nspector
or one of the judges, uho sn"ll open them cn(l re'jd aloud. the name of
each person contained tnareon, ,.nd the office for "ihich every such
person is voted for.
SECTION 31. dach clerk shall write Qown each office to be filled snd
the Barne of each person voted for such office, and sha 11 keep 1:he number
of votes by tallies as they are read aloud by the Inspector or judges..
The counting of che votes, once Qegun, shall be continued without
adjourned until all 8re counted.
.. ~
~,;Lt Ei~ j3,...LLCY1\j ...)t1.Al..ll.J i;J:i :t.::.J ~C'l'bD.
oEC'l'ION 3;';. If two bsl10ts ere found fol,:ed tOGether they sh: 11 both
be ~ejected, :"nct if more persons are designyted on c'ny baLLot for ny
offlce thpn ~rB to be elected to such office, such p~rt of the ~8110t
snaIl not be counted for, ny of tnem, but no ballot shell be lost for
want of fora, or lilistc.kes, in initials of n"mes, if the boerd or judges
C8n determine to Their s2tisfsction the persun \Totee. for and tne office
b~CTION 33. It sh.jll becne duty of the Inspector, or one of the jUdges,
to string thd baliJtb at the ti~e of counting, ana after the ballots
have been cuuated and strung it sh2l1 be the duty of the Inspector or
one of the judges to place tnem in b sealed envelope ~nd write thereon
'Ballots of the City of Seward, Territory of Alaska of election held this
_dey of , 19_, II snd send the said envelope to the j,lunicipf11 Clerk,
who shall keep saiu envelope containgng s8id ballots unopened for the
period of six months, to be used only as evidence in case or cases of
contest when called for, at the end o( ~yhich time it shnll be the duty
of sni1 l'&unicipal Clerk to burn said ballots in the presence of tHO
Itunicip~/l ufficers AS witnesses thereto, and m3ke .oct keep!:l memorandum
in writing of these facts.
1.l.t1Kn~G OuT .2;L.cU'E l0l~ ;t~'l'Uhl~S
S~CTION 34. AS soon 8S 811 the votes Are reed off and counted 8 cert-
ificate shall be druwn up on euch of the papers containing the poll
list, snd tallies, or attBched thereto, stating the number of votes
eHch person voted for h81s received "'nd designating the office to fill
which he WolS voted for, which number shall be written in 'iiOrds at full
length and also in nu~bercls.
Each certificu te sh"} 11 be signed by the clerk, the j.ldges, ,ind
inspector; said certificate with ballots, poll lists end tally papers,
oath of Inspector or one of the judges, 8wl endorsed lIElection Returns",
and delivered to the Mymicipal Clerk.
u.c;LI V ~RY UI<' '.f'Ji.c. Rj'J:U.1i~S
She'nON : 5. 'J.'he s,id pacluge shull be delivered to the Municipal Glerk
by one of the judges or clerks of election in person. Telly papers,
poll lists or certific8tes returned from 8ny election shall not be set
aside, nor retected fro~ want of form nor on account of not being strictly
in accord~ll1ci,; with the directions of t ,is ordimmce, if the STue be
satisf:lctorily understood.
C.,.i~V..CI OF' 1'dJ VOT~b
S.sC'l'lO.~ 3b. vn the next dey after each election, at the hour of four
0' clock p.m. th.e Common Oouncil shall meet for the purpose of c:nvass-
ing the votes cast at such election, :;nd it 1511811, be the duty of the
;Junicip',l Clerk ~5nd two iJ1e:nbers of the Council to be :lppointed by the
Mayor 8t such meeting to t~en ~nd there canvas the votes so cast tit
such election, such canvas to be made fro a the tallies so certified by
the election judges 'lOd clerks. .d.fter the canvas is so made by the
said canvassers, the Common Council shall d~3re the resul~s of such
election snd spreyd the results upon the minutes of the procebdings.
U~rtTIFI8;rs OF 6L~JTIJ~
~~~TI0~ 37. The person h~ving the highest number of ~otes given for
e8ch office to be filled sh~ll be declpred duly electeu, ond the
l.1unicip.l Gler\< sh"ll i:n.medi'ltely notify the perL on so elected, 8nd it
shall be t~'1e duty of snid lJunicip~ll Clerk to make out and deliver to uny
person so notified a certific~te of election, upon request therfore by
the person so elected.
SEUTION 38. If any officer so votau for shall not be elected b~ reason
of two or more peraons having equal bnd highest number of votes"for one
and the sane office, the ~unicip~l Clerk shall give notice to the several
persons so h8ving the highestnd equcl number of votes to attend at the
office of sa id Municipal Clerk at H time to be clppointed by the sa id
Municipal Olerk, who shall then and there procee(l before at least two
members of the Co:nmon Council and publicly to decide b/y lot which of the
persons so having an enual number of votes shell be declared duly .
elected, Bnd the said Municipal Ulerk shall mHke out Bnd deliver to the
person thus declared dUly elected B certificHte of election, 8S here-
i~fore prOvided.
SBCTIUI~ 39. In the event that any raember has fc;iled to attend the
meetings of the Common Council for a period of ninety continuous days
of his term, the Common Council may decl:Jre a vacancy therein and the
sUJJ1e shall be filled by the Go:nmon Uouncil, the person chosen to fill
such vacancy, holding until 8 successor is elected at the next annual
election and qualified; provided, that vdcancy may also be created by
the resignation of any member in writing duly accepted by the Council,
and provided further; that a vacancy sha1l also be declared if a member
die, or if a person elected a member of the Gommon Council fail or
refuse to qualify within thirty days after his election.
j:n event of a vacancy in Gny of the ra~nnAI'S above named, the
vacancy shall be filled by the Common Council.
SECTION 40. No person shall be eligible as Council~kln, or be quulified
to act 8s such who is not duly registered and qualified elector of the
Git, of SetaI'd, Alaska.
SECTION 41. Special elections may be held <1t 'Jny time to fill vacancies
in the beward, b.laska, School !:loard, h'n6n 9 vaceI1cy in the me!:Jbership
of said board occurs frOD ds,th, resignation, removal or other c'Juse,
provided that ten days notice of the time and pl8~e of holding said elec-
tion Rnd the officer or officers to be elected be given by the remaining
member or members of the School Board. Said speciel election for such
purpOJ'le, must other'iilse as far as the s :;UA "re applicable be held in
conformity with the provisions of this ordinance.
Q,U"LIFI(;,"'i'IONb uP .t12J:!IBdi',;'; OF 3JtiUuL BOA.RD
SECTION 42. ~very adult person, ~,le or fennle, who is a citizen of the
United itates, end who is a bonafiie resident of the Seward, ~laska,
QchQol ~istrict, is eligible ~s 8 member of the Seward, ~laska, School
Board, either director, treasurer or clerk thereof.
O~'rH Oi" OF ICE
SECTION 43. ~ll officers elected under this ordinance, before entering
upon the duties of their office, J;lUSt take and subscribe before a person
authorized 2nd qU81ifieci to adminster an oath in the 7erritory of Alaska,
substantially the following oath or affirmation. "I, , do
solemnly swear (or affirm) thet I will support the Constitution of the
Uni ted Sta tes, 8nd tha t I will support the laws of t;18 ':Cerri tory of
Alaska, and will, to the best of m:.r a 'Jili ty, faithfully gnd honestly
perform the duties of the office of ,during in.ycontinuunce there-
in, so HEL? MJ GOD.
4_"~"'_'" ...."r
S~CTION 44. There shall be allowed ond psiu by the City of Seward, to
the several judges and cler~6 of election provided for in this Ordinance,
the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) 8C1Ch whiliLholdinf'. the election.
SEOTION 4,5. A.ll ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent here-
with are hereby repealed.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and
after the date of its passage and approval.
Passed under suspensiQn of the rules dnd approved by the Common
Council of the Oi tp of Seward, the 16~h duy of Feb. 1948.
sf c. P. Keatinp,:
ATTBST sf Thos. E. Howell
City Olerk
-~ ._------~